Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XV (2015 Redo): Crashing and Burning

Wrestlemania XV
Date: March 28, 1999
Location: First Union Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 20,276
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

The pre-show will be replaced by Sunday Night Heat, the regular Sunday night show, for the next several years.

Sunday Night Heat: Ivory vs. Jacqueline

Sunday Night Heat: Battle Royal

Everyone goes after Rock and Grunge (a famous ECW tag team known as Public Enemy and therefore the crowd favorites) and put them out in about five seconds. A group of people get rid of Viscera (the giant formerly known as Mabel) but he pulls Gillberg out to make himself feel better. Animal, Skull and 8-Ball are put out and Hawk (with a full head of hair) goes out as well. Taylor is eliminated as Owen and Jarrett actually play some favorites for a change.

Boyz II Men sing America the Beautiful.

Hardcore Title: Al Snow vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Billy Gunn

Merchandise plug.

We recap Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn in a Brawl For All match. So back in 1998, the WWF lost its mind and decided to have a shoot toughman competition which was designed to be won by Dr. Death Steve Williams, a legitimate brawler and the Brock Lesnar of the 1980s. However, Bart Gunn shocked the world (or no one who knew his background as a toughman fighter but why pay attention to something like that) and won the thing.

Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn

Since this took about two minutes all together, the San Diego Chicken (sports mascot) shows up to annoy Pazienza, who knocks him out with one punch.

Mankind and “The Big Show” Paul Wight brawled on Heat earlier tonight.

Mankind promises to beat up Big Show again.

Paul Wight vs. Mankind

Once in the back, Vince wants Show arrested for assault in ANOTHER angle on this show.

Intercontinental Title: Road Dogg vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Goldust vs. Val Venis

Ryan yells at her brother until Venis goes outside for a brawl and a double countout. Ken comes back in and suplexes Dogg and Goldust to leave both guys laying. This gives me a chance to point out how stupid this is considering they have no issues, making this yet another bad decision. Back up and Ryan trips Goldust by mistake (allegedly, as Dogg was nowhere near Goldust), allowing Dogg to roll through a powerslam attempt for the pin to retain at 9:54.

Goldust rips into Ryan post match.

Big Show is arrested.

HHH vs. Kane

HHH lays Kane out with the chair and a Pedigree post match before officially reuniting with Chyna to a big pop.

European Title: X-Pac vs. Shane McMahon

Shane is defending and has Test in his corner. Patterson and Brisco fail at attacking X-Pac during the entrances so Shane has to run. He celebrates over a leapfrog, earning him a kick to the face. Test saves Shane from the Bronco Buster and crotches X-Pac against the post as the Mean Street Posse watch from the front row. Back in and Shane hammers away but misses a Corporate Elbow.

Post match the Outlaws make the save until Kane comes out to chase HHH off. The Outlaws shout to Lawler that HHH is done. He would be done with the midcard at least as he would win his first WWF World Title in August.

Undertaker vs. Big Boss Man

Hell in a Cell. To give you an idea of where Undertaker is right now, here are some of the spoken words during his theme song: “Accept the lord of darkness as your savior. Allow the purity of evil to guide you.” Boss Man pounds away in the corner to start but Undertaker does the same to take over. Various shots put Undertaker down but he keeps sitting up. A double leg trip (in the Cell mind you) puts Boss Man on the floor and Undertaker rams him into the Cell a few times.

Vince is guest referee, but Commissioner Shawn Michaels makes a surprise appearance with referee Mike Chioda. After complaining that he had to buy a ticket to get in, Shawn tells Vince that he has to pay attention to the rulebook. The rules clearly state that only one person can appoint a referee at Wrestlemania, and I think you can guess who that is. On top of that, the Corporation is barred from ringside and if Shawn sees any of them out here, he and Vince can have a fight of their own out back. This is another angle made and written off in less than two hours.

WWF World Title: The Rock vs. Steve Austin

No DQ, Rock is defending and Austin comes out in a shirt due to forgetting his vest at home. This is also the Wrestlemania debut of the WWF World Title belt that debuted the night after Wrestlemania XIV. They immediately brawl to the floor to start and go into the crowd for the main event style brawl. No one can get an advantage so they fight up the aisle with Rock backdropping him knee first onto an electric light, only to be sent into the big Wrestlemania logo, making it sway in a bit of a scary moment.

Highlight package takes us out.

Ratings Comparison

Hardcore Holly vs. Billy Gunn vs. Al Snow

Original: D+

2013 Redo: C-

2015 Redo: D

Original: F+

2013 Redo: C-

2015 Redo: C-

Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn

Original: F

2013 Redo: N/A

2015 Redo: N/A

Mankind vs. Big Show

Original: C-

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Ken Shamrock vs. Road Dogg vs. Goldust vs. Val Venis

Original: D

2013 Redo: C

2015 Redo: D+

Kane vs. HHH

Original: D+

2013 Redo: C-

2015 Redo: C

Tori vs. Sable

Original: F

2013 Redo: F

2015 Redo: F

X-Pac vs. Shane McMahon

Original: C+

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: C-

Undertaker vs. Big Boss Man

Original: H (For holy goodness why was this a Cell match?)

2013 Redo: F

2015 Redo: F

Steve Austin vs. The Rock

Original: B+

2013 Redo: B-

2015 Redo: B

Overall Rating

Original: D

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Individual ratings aside, it still sucks.


And the 2013 Redo:


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Terry Funk Mixtape: Dang He Was Good

Terry Funk Mixtape
Date: 2025
Commentators: Jim Ross, Gordon Solie, Lance Russell, Gorilla Monsoon, Lord Alfred Hayes, Verne Gagne, Jim Cornette, Bob Caudle, Terry Funk, Joey Styles, Steve Austin, Bobby Heenan

So this is something that the WWE Vault did last year with Randy Savage and now we’re seeing another version of the same thing with another incredibly talented star. Terry Funk is one of the most well rounded stars in wrestling history and it should be interesting to look back over his career. Let’s get to it.

We open with Terry Funk talking about having a dream where he was on the front porch of the Double Cross Ranch. He was sitting on a swing with his dad when a black limousine came up. A beautiful woman came and said she had run over an ugly animal with big teeth and ears and it smelled bad. Funk’s dad thought it was a jackass but the woman said it smelled like hairspray and cheap cologne. Terry knew that it wasn’t a jackass, but rather Ric Flair! The reality is Flair needs to give up the World Title or Terry will hurt him again.

We get a quick look at Terry dealing with a horse with some intestinal issues.

From Clash Of The Champions IX.

Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk

Flair’s NWA World Title isn’t on the line but he’s giving is up if he loses. Funk, with Gary Hart, is out for more pain after injuring Flair’s neck and possibly ending his career. Before the bell, Funk gives Flair a chance to give up in advance but the bell rings anyway. Flair wastes no time in chopping him out to the floor, with Solie thinking Funk is close to being irrational. How could you tell the difference?

Back in and Flair chops away even more and it’s time to head outside again. Funk gets back in and they trade chokes until Funk can stomp away on the apron. Flair’s chops don’t have much effect as he’s tossed outside, with JR being right there to remind us of the rules every few seconds. Funk hammers away in the aisle and hits him with the microphone before going back inside.

More left hands in the corner let Funk ask Flair if he wants to quit for the first time (“YOU PIG! YOU EGG SUCKING DOG! SAY IT! I SAID SAY IT!”) but Flair isn’t done yet. An atomic drop gets Flair out of trouble but Funk is back with a swinging neckbreaker. Ever the crazy man, Funk slaps him in the face so Flair grabs him by the throat and hits some chops to the floor. Flair chops the fire out of him and takes it back inside but Funk still won’t say it.

A Hart distraction lets Funk get in a cheap shot and there’s another swinging neckbreaker to put Flair down again. Funk asks if Flair wants to quit before he hurts him again but the threat of a piledriver isn’t enough to make him give up. The piledriver still isn’t enough so Funk piledrives him on the floor for a bonus. Flair still won’t quit but Funk takes too long setting up a table.

Flair uses the breather to send him head first into the bottom of the table a few times before going back inside to drop the knee. It’s time to start going after the leg before Flair hits/chops away, with Funk naturally doing the outstanding selling that only he could do. Funk tries to bail up the aisle so Flair chases him down and jumps on his back, setting up a shinbreaker.

A suplex brings Funk back inside but he goes to the eyes to block the Figure Four. Flair suplexes him over the top and onto the apron (that was a bigger deal back then), with the leg getting rammed into the apron again. NOW the Figure Four can go on and Funk says he’ll never give up. Then he quits to retain Flair’s title at 18:48.

Rating: A-. Yeah it’s still great as this felt like it was all about the hatred between two guys who wanted to destroy each other. Flair proved that he was the better man in the end and that Funk couldn’t back up his words, which fits both of them rather well. They beat the living fire out of each other and I love that they kept it more simple with the weapons, as a modern version would have been insane. Great match here though, as it was all about the two of them telling a story as only they could.

Post match Funk shakes Flair’s hand, much to Hart’s annoyance.

We see Funk dealing with the horse again. I think this is our official transition shot. Eh it kind of fits.

From Shotgun Saturday Night, January 18, 1997.

Terry Funk is brought in as a surprise for the crowd, but Steve Austin (on commentary) isn’t happy. Funk: “This is my state (Austin: “Wrong.”). This is my town (Austin: “Wrong.”). I’m in the heart of Texas (Austin: “Wrong.”).” Funk talks about how great he is, saying he’s tougher than a rattlesnake and wants to know what number he’s going to be in the Royal Rumble. He wants to be out there at the beginning because George Bush has designated him as the official Texas representative.

Funk wants to start the Rumble RIGHT NOW with Todd Pettingill but then demands better competition. He says there is no one in the WWF or in the WCW to come after him and wants to know where that “Yankee bas****” Vince McMahon is. Funk sees Austin and goes over the barricade to get to him, even offering to lay on the ground for him. Funk walks back to the ring but Austin follows him and gets inside too. They go face to face and Funk slaps him in the face, which is enough for the fight to be on. Funk is knocked out to the floor and the fans go NUTS.

This was totally unhinged Funk and they edited out some of the comments, including Funk calling Pettingill’s mother a who** and JR an “Okie a******”. Bruce Pritchard has claimed that this got the show thrown off some of its networks and it likely led to it being heavily toned down. Either way, it was absolutely awesome to see Funk losing his mind like this and you know Austin was having a great time with the whole thing.

From later in the show, Funk comes after Austin after a match and a huge brawl breaks out with about ten people getting in the ring while Funk and Austin brawl into the crowd. Funk is sent into a beer tub. More awesome stuff.

From Memphis, Tennessee, April 6, 1981.

Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk

Here’s another legendary one as it’s the Empty Arena match at the Mid-South Coliseum. Funk arrives before Lawler and asks broadcaster Lance Russell where Lawler is. Russell also tells Funk to watch his language, which is your weekly definition of a lost cause. Funk demands to know where Lawler is and starts to count him out, getting to ten (rather fast) before going on another rant about how he’s stuck standing around like a fool. He came all the way from Amarillo, Texas and thinks he could have a practice fight with Russell.

Lawler (yes with the crown and cape) finally arrives and Funk is STILL going on about how much he hates Lawler and can’t believe Lawler actually showed up. Funk assures him that there is no Jimmy Hart and no one in the stands to help him so Lawler slowly gets inside as Funk keeps talking, this time offering Lawler one more chance to leave. Funk: “Don’t worry. I don’t need to talk. I’m not the one running my mouth.”

They kind of lock up and fight against the ropes until Funk bails out to the floor. He gets back in and they brawl some more with Funk going outside again. This time Lawler throws him into some empty chairs, which Funk throws back for a miss. Then Funk is thrown over more chairs, because there are a lot of them to use here. Funk starts wandering through the chairs and tells Lawler to leave him alone before grabbing one of the section signs.

Lawler is smart enough to get back in the ring, only for Funk to hit him in the head anyway. Well that didn’t work. They go outside again and Funk hits a piledriver, demanding that Funk say he quits. Lawler is sent into the chairs this time before finding a spike. Rather than stab him, Funk sends him into the timekeeper’s table over and over, with Funk’s high pitched voice being almost creepy as he keeps screaming at Lawler.

They get back inside where Funk tries to stab Lawler’s eye with the spike. Lawler fights out and hits an elbow to the face, allowing him to kick the spike into Funk’s eye. Funk: “MY EYE! MY EYE! DOCTOR HELP ME!” Lawler leaves and we’ll say that’s it at about 5:20 (if you start the clock when they first make contact).

Rating: B. I have no idea what to call this as it’s a totally different kind of fight, which left Lawler as the better man because, as usual, Funk can’t back up what he says. That’s what makes him a great villain and makes Lawler feel like that much more of a hero. That being said, Funk was INCREDIBLE here, with that rant before the match being outstanding and making me wonder what in the world he was going to say next. He never stopped talking throughout the match and it made things that much better.

Post match Lawler leaves and Funk keeps going on about how he needs help but calls Lawler yellow. Funk: “YOU YELLOW PIG! PIG!”

From an ECW banquet, with Funk receiving a lifetime achievement award. It’s just Funk receiving his plaque but I’ve seen the whole thing (which goes on for around an hour) and it’s rather awesome, with all kinds of people paying tribute to Funk and making inside jokes.

From ECW Crossing The Line Again, February 1, 1997.

Terry Funk vs. Tommy Rich

Rich bails into the crowd to start and naturally Funk follows him because this is ECW and they like to fight. Somehow Rich is busted open less than thirty seconds in and they go back inside, where Funk starts throwing the left hands. They go right back to the floor where Rich misses a running knee into the barricade. Funk chairs the knee down and they head inside, where Funk sits down in a chair and punches him again.

Rich slugs away for a change and knocks Funk outside, where of course he goes into a table. A posting lets Rich send him over the barricade before going back inside. Funk’s leg is tied up in the ropes for a bit before Rich hits some clotheslines, allowing Funk to stagger around a bit. Funk is busted open so Rich drops an elbow for one. The DDT gives Rich two and another DDT gives Rich another two.

Ever the nice guy, Rich DDTs the referee twice in a row, leaving Funk to roll outside. Rich hammers on the knee with a chair and then does it again inside (he likes repeating things). Funk slugs away and they trade headbutts to leave both of them down. Rich grabs the spinning toehold but Funk breaks it up, knees him low, and puts on the spinning toehold for the win at 10:46.

Rating: B-. I’m not a big ECW guy but this was a violent, bloody brawl which made me want to see Funk fight back and win. Putting Funk in there with another legend made sense and I had a good time watching Funk beat on him, even with Rich being rather basic in his offense. It was nice to see something a bit less famous than the usual stuff from Funk, which is the point of something like this.

Post match Funk kicks him low again, because he’s Terry Funk.

Funk is with Jimmy Hart and explains the concept of taking care of a horse. You have to wash him, keep him well fed, and then walk him down after a ride. Hart doesn’t seem to get it.

We get another interview with Funk talking about how he sold his ranch for a chance to but Madison Square Garden and turn it into a parking lot.

From New York City, New York, July 13, 1985.

Terry Funk vs. Lanny Poffo

For some reason commentary takes awhile to start on this one, as I had a thing written up about how it wasn’t there for some reason. Funk backs him up against the ropes to start but the threat of a right hand has Funk bailing to the ropes in a pratfall. Some chops work a bit better for Funk, so Poffo sends him into the corner for a big upside down crash. Back up and we get a test of strength before Poffo grabs a wristlock and puts a boot on Funk’s face.

With that broken up, Funk knocks him to the floor and calls him a pig, as only Funk can do. I’m sure others can say the word but no one is going to make it sound that way. Poffo gets back in and knocks him over the top again for another breather on the floor. Funk comes back in this time and slowly fires off the left hands in the corner. A headbutt sends Poffo into the corner but it’s too early for the spinning toehold.

Some more headbutts cut Poffo off but he kicks Funk out to the apron without much trouble. Funk suplexes him over the top and down to the floor, though Poffo half lands on his feet to avoid a bad case of extreme pain. A spinning suplex brings Poffo back inside for two and a neckbreaker gets the same. Poffo grabs a sunset flip for two and the bell rings by mistake, which is always weird to see.

They keep going with Funk being laid across the top rope so Poof lays on his back and kicks him in the ribs for a unique spot. The moonsault gives Poffo two (ignore the lack of impact) and Funk is back up with more left hands. A hurricanrana gives Poffo two more, which is insane for 1985 in the Garden. Funk is right back up with a sleeper and Poffo is actually out at 12:58.

Rating: B. Poffo is someone who was in a rather unlucky spot as he is rather talented but there was only so much that you can do when your brother is Randy Savage. He could do some great things in the ring and looked good against just about anyone, with Funk helping him that much more. As usual, Funk was giving another incredible performance and boosting Poffo up, which was impressive as Poffo was already doing his own thing.

Post match Funk brands Poffo and then wakes him up so he’ll feel even more pain. Very nice, very evil.

Funk was talking to his neighbor and asked about various wrestlers’ arms. They were all bigger than Funk’s, but he has a bigger heart. All those muscles make him hot and he’s so hot that he’s….juicy.

We get a promo from Funk just after winning the NWA World Title, putting us in December 1975. Funk finds out that he’s going to face Jack Brisco in a rematch in Tampa, Florida rather than in Amarillo, Texas. He isn’t pleased, but he’ll face Brisco in Tampa as an offensive champion rather than a defensive champion like Brisco was for so long. Gordon Solie brings up Brisco having Funk pinned during the match but he referee was down. Funk: “I don’t recall that at all.” It’s always bizarre to hear Funk talking like a normal human.

From WCW TV, May 20, 1989.

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Guerrero

You knew this would be on here. Funk yells at the ring announcer for doing the introduction too soon before he’s ready to go. They circle each other to start before Eddie ducks a left hand against the ropes. Eddie rolls away again and Funk is not pleased with the developments. A kick to the head sends Funk outside and the frustration continues. Back in and Eddie moonsaults over him, only to get caught in a giant swing of all things.

Funk chops away but gets caught with a hurricanrana. Eddie gets caught on Funk’s shoulder and is thrown over the top in a pretty big bump. Funk’s clothesline hits the post though and Eddie hits a heck of a dive from the top. Another dive over the top misses and Funk actually hits a dropkick through the ropes. A piledriver on the floor knocks Eddie loopy for the pin at 5:15.

Rating: B. In a bit of a change of pace, Eddie was the one going nuts here as he was trying to get noticed. Believe it or not, it worked well, with Eddie’s jumps and dives looking great and Funk knowing how to sell them. Funk seems to like making younger wrestlers look good and he more than did so here.

Post match Funk goes into the crowd because….sure.

Funk is in the snow with his horse and tells a story of a man going to a bar and asking for a beer. The man was rather rude and called the bartender a jackass, but then asked for a tequila margarita. The man called him a jackass again, then did the same with a bourbon and water. Finally someone else asked why the bartender put up with this. The bartender said “HEE HAW HEE HAW! He always talks to me like this!”

From Uniondale, New York, December 29, 1997.

Chainsaw Charlie/Cactus Jack/Steve Austin/Undertaker vs. Nation Of Domination

Dark match from after Raw and I believe this was on the Unreleased DVD from a few years back. Austin is in his jean shorts here, likely meaning he didn’t wrestle on the show but is getting in the ring anyway, which is a smart way to send the fans home happy. We stall for a good while after the bell until Jack headlocks Brown to start. Charlie comes in for a double clothesline before intentionally taking Brown over to the corner.

Rock reluctantly comes in and is dragged over for the tag to Austin, sending rock scampering out to the floor. Brown comes back in and gets poked in the eye, allowing Austin to take him into the corner. Again Rock refuses the tag, at least until brown gets in a shot to take over. Austin is right back up to win a slugout and Rock bails to the floor again, only to get decked by Jack.

Faarooq comes in and hammers Jack down but Mustafa misses a charge in the corner. Brown is back in to cut Jack off, only to miss an elbow. Jack manages to get in something of a low blow on Faarooq and the hot tag brings in Undertaker to clean house. Everything breaks down and Austin Stuns Rock for the pin at 8:23.

Rating: C+. Sweet goodness what a lineup here. What does it say about a match when D’Lo Brown and the future Godfather are by far the weakest names in the ring? It’s a total all star match and the action itself doesn’t matter. It was cool just seeing these legends get in there together and then Austin wins the thing to send the fans home happy. Good, easy match here and that’s all it needed to be.

We go to Thunder in 2000 where Funk and Chris Candido fight into a horse stall, where Funk hits a piledriver and the horse literally kicks Candido out. That could have gone FAR worse.

Funk talks about the infamous “throw me a chair” incident in ECW, continuing the trend of “that could have gone FAR worse”.

From Wrestlepalooza 1997 (what a great name).

ECW World Title: Terry Funk vs. Chris Candido

Funk is defending and Candido, in similar tights (like he had in WCW, which would NEVER copy ECW), goes to the mat for a technical off to start. A headlock and shoulder block go a bit better for Funk and he sends Candido outside for a breather. Back in and Candido fires off the chops against the ropes, meaning it’s Funk going outside for a breather this time.

They both go outside for a change but this time Candido wants to take it back inside. Naturally he then sends Funk outside again and they brawl into the crowd. Candido gets in a shot off the barricade as they come back to ringside, where Funk is piledriven onto an open chair. Another piledriver through a table doesn’t quite work as the table breaks on the way up.

Back in and three straight piledrivers get two on Funk, with the fans barely reacting. Three straight neckbreakers give Candido two more and another onto a bridge made of chairs finally wakes the fans up. Funk comes back with a neckbreaker of his own but Candido cuts him off with a hurricanrana. Candido slaps him in the face for not staying down and is promptly crucifixed for the pin to retain at 12:54.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t feeling this one as much but it told a story of Funk continuing until Candido made a mistake by getting too angry, allowing Funk to catch him. It got a bit ridiculous with the piledrivers, but logic never had the biggest place in ECW. Not a bad match, but it actually told a story which is always appreciated.

Funk and Jimmy Hart are around a fire at the Double Cross Ranch and Hart thinks there are werewolves.

We go to Florida, Funk shows us a big wooden guy, which is called a Dusty. You have a 150lb frame, with 50lbs of obesity, 50lbs of hot air and 50lbs of extra fat. Funk then whips out a chainsaw and cuts off the limbs, as Funk is not the most well man. When you cut everything away from the Dusty and breed the remains with a barmaid, you get a Dustin, which is a creature that can’t say NO. This was Funk being totally insane and as usual it was great.

We get some clips of Funk vs. Dusty Rhodes, with Dusty breaking Funk’s arm with an armbar for the win. Dory Funk Jr. has to run in for the save and the fans aren’t happy, because Dusty was the king in Florida. Naturally the Funks break Dusty’s arm and are probably about to be massacred.

Funk explains the idea of hardcore, which is being physical rather than using a bunch of weapons. Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker are hardcore.

From Puerto Rico, possibly from July 2, 1988.

Terry Funk vs. TNT

We’re in a baseball stadium here for a really unique look and TNT is better known as Savio Vega. Commentary mentions that this is part of a tournament of some kind, which could be anything really. Funk runs away and climbs the scaffold before the bell before diving underneath the ring, where the bell rings. The fight goes into the crowd and Funk gets the better of things before taking it back to the ring. Funk hammers away but gets kicked back, allowing TNT to post him. For some reason TNT covers him on the ground, which of course doesn’t count.

TNT rams him into the scaffolding and they go back inside, where Funk grabs a sleeper. That’s broken up and TNT kicks him into the corner for some kicks to the ribs. Funk gets tied in the ropes, which commentary says is “reminiscent of Ali vs. Foreman.” What kind of weird Ali vs. Foreman match did they see? Funk throws in a table and they fight over it, with the referee getting taken out for the double DQ at 5:50.

Rating: C. Barely a match here as it was instead more of a wild brawl. They beat each other up until the ending which seemed to be designed to avoid either of them taking a loss. The stadium did make things feel that much different and it was fun to see these guys doing something so unique. Not a great match, but it was entertaining while it lasted.

Post match the fight continues and they climb the scaffolding.

We get an outtake of Dean Ambrose looking very confused as Funk tells him what to do to a chicken with a chainsaw.

From the AWA, March 10, 1985.

Terry Funk/Steve Regal/Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig/High Fliers

Bockwinkel backs Gagne against the ropes to start and that goes nowhere. Gagne is right back with a hiptoss into a dropkick and Bockwinkel rolls outside for a breather. Funk comes in for some left hands before it’s off to Regal, who is quickly backdropped by Hennig. Brunzell comes in to clean house and it’s back to Funk to slug away.

They fight over a suplex until Brunzell takes him down as we suddenly have two minutes left. Bockwinkel comes in and avoids a dropkick, setting up the sleeper. Gagne finally reverses and grabs one of his own as everything breaks down. Bockwinkel and Gagne collide for a double down and it’s another big brawl as time expires at 6:40 (must be a TV time thing).

Rating: C. Not much to see here, but that was often the case for a lot of AWA stuff. There were talented wrestlers in there but they only had a little under seven minutes with six people. Funk didn’t really get to do much here and it felt more like a way to get something from the AWA on the set.

We go back to the ECW banquet where Funk gives a Terry Roosevelt quote, despite Roosevelt never taking a bump in his life. The quote is about someone doing something daring and knowing neither victory nor defeat. He talks about how wrestlers have compassion and has his family stand to give the ECW roster and fans a standing ovation. Well that was awesome.

Funk and Jimmy Hart are on the Double Cross Ranch and Funk loves to come here and imagine beating up people like Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana and the Junkyard Dog. For some reason Hart asks if they have buffalo out here and Funk says they don’t. Then everyone stops and the crew cracks up, with Hart saying he doesn’t know why he asked that.

From Shotgun Saturday Night, June 16, 1998.

Dustin Runnels/Terry Funk/Bradshaw vs. Jerry Lawler/Too Much

Too Much is the evil version of Too Cool. Runnels (Rhodes) and Taylor start things off with Runnels shouldering him down. Taylor gets thrown down for a faceplant before Bradshaw comes in for a big boot. Commentary ignores most of the match to talk about tomorrow’s Steve Austin vs. Kane match at King Of The Ring as Bradshaw gives Taylor a belly to back superplex.

Christopher comes in for a shoulder in the corner but stops to dance, allowing Funk to come in for quite the reaction. Funk wants Lawler though and we get a reunion of a feud that would be way more over in Tennessee. Naturally Cornette is right there to give us a quick recap of Funk vs. Lawler as the latter hits a piledriver. Funk is right back up (we’re definitely not in Tennessee) with a backdrop to send Lawler outside for some rams into the announcers’ table.

Back in and Lawler looks mostly done so Christopher comes in and gets DDTed. Funk piledrives Lawler right back so it’s off to Runnels vs. Taylor, with Christopher getting in a trip from the floor. Too Much hits a Hart Attack as commentary thinks Mankind might be a bit violent inside the Cell tomorrow against the Undertaker. Christopher’s bulldog is broken up and Runnels rolls over for the tag to Bradshaw (with Funk literally falling over the top rope to try for the tag). The powerbomb hits Christopher for two and everything breaks down. The Texans hit stereo backdrops and the Clothesline From Bradshaw finishes Christopher at 8:53.

Rating: B-. For a match that was designed to be Texas vs. Tennessee, this wound up being a surprisingly good match. It was nice to see the Funk vs. Lawler stuff and they let Cornette go with his history lesson. Good match here and I never would have guessed that was coming given the lineup.

Funk talks about great promos coming from someone’s heart and soul rather than having them written by someone else.

We get a promo from Funk as NWA World Champion and talking about what it means for him to be the champion. He introduces the new president of the NWA, Eddie Graham. Funk thinks the two of them can work together to pick the best opponents, who can make sure that Funk remains the champion for a long time. Hold on though as Graham says Funk will have to take the opponents as they come. Funk is a bit taken aback but Graham says that’s how it is.

From 50 Years Of Funk, September 11, 1997.

Bret Hart vs. Terry Funk

Hart’s WWF Title isn’t on the line, there are no DQ’s and Dennis Stamp has been booked to be the guest referee. Before the match, Funk’s family and some ECW wrestlers get in the ring for a special presentation to Funk. Paul Heyman talks about how ECW got where it is today because of Funk.

Back in 1993, ECW was started with the help of the Funk Brothers and Terry helped make it what it is today. Heyman presents Terry with a special title, naming him ECW World Champion for life. Everyone else leaves and Hart gets the mic and, after being booed out of the building (remember that he’s a huge heel in the WWF at this point), says it’s an honor to work with the best wrestler in history.

Hart talks about getting to be in Amarillo when he was younger and he saw the best wrestling he’s ever seen in this town. He shakes Funk’s hand and praises his career and promises a Canadian a** whipping. They start slowly with Hart taking an early breather before getting caught in a headlock.

That goes on for a bit until Hart gets up, only to be fireman’s carried back into the headlock. Hart has to fight out of the spinning toehold and starts kicking at the knee. Some choking lets Hart knock him out to the apron before it’s time to go back to the leg. The leg is wrapped around the knee and Hart cranks on it on the mat as they clearly have a lot of time here. Hart knocks him outside again and chairs the knee before throwing it back inside for the Figure Four.

Naturally Funk swears at Hart a lot before making it to the ropes, which shouldn’t force a break in a No DQ match. Funk grabs the Hart Family at ringside and the hold is finally broken. Hart unloads with right hands but Funk isn’t about to lose a slugout, so he punches Hart back down. A neckbreaker and DDT give Funk two and a piledriver gets the same as we get the fifteen minute call.

Funk takes it to the floor and sends Hart hard into a chair. Hart fights back again and gets the Figure Four around the post before cranking on the leg back inside. Some chair shots to the knee have Funk in more trouble but he gets in a shot of his own. Funk chairs Hart in the knee (Hart’s selling is great) to send him outside onto a table, only for Funk to miss a Vader Bomb.

The Hart Brothers argue with Stamp (who has been a total non-factor thus far) as the ring announcer asks the fans standing in the front row to sit down. Hart drops a headbutt between the legs but Funk gets a small package with a kind of all over the place count from Stamp. The spinning toehold goes on but Hart escapes and hits a clothesline. Back up and they collide to give Funk a rather delayed two as things slow back down. Funk grabs a belly to back suplex but Hart gets the shoulder up and pins him at 25:23.

Rating: B-. This was really just more long than good, with both of them doing their thing but never getting that into the next level. For some reason it just kind of kept going without much of a reason to believe that Funk was going to win. That wasn’t really the point of the match, but it just never really clicked for some reason. Not a bad match at all, but definitely not great. The point here was to have Funk’s last match in Amarillo (this was not Funk’s last match in Amarillo), though it would have been nice to have it be a bit better.

Post match we get something of a discussion over whether or not Funk’s shoulders were down before respect is shown. Funk says he has no complaints about the match tonight or the Funk Family’s trip here. And that’s that.

Funk is back on his ranch and is looking for Eddie Gilbert, who is supposed to meet him out here. Gilbert needs to learn the rules of a Texas chain match but Funk can’t find him anywhere. Then he sees the back of the horse (named Clyde) and realizes he’s found Gilbert (with a graphic saying “Eddie Gilbert” to really make the joke that much better).

From NWA Power Hour, August 4, 1989.

Sting/Steve Williams vs. Terry Funk/Terry Gordy

Gary Hart is with the Terry’s. The bell rings a few times and it’s Sting starting with Funk. Sting wastes no time in knocking him outside, meaning it’s already time to hit the stall button. Back in and Sting knocks him to the floor again, where a fan gets up and slaps his stomach before bending over in front of the Terry’s. JR: “Someone needs to get that guy back on his medicine.”

Gordy comes in and tries to throw Sting outside for a double teaming but Sting is way too smart (work with me here) and gets back inside. The fans chant something a bit sweary at Funk so of course he jumps the barricade before going back to ringside. Sting hits a crossbody for two on Gordy but gets sent into the buckle to cut that off. Williams comes in for a three point shoulder on Gordy, which connects in a miracle of violence. Back up and Williams is thrown outside for a change, with Funk sending him over and then into the barricade.

A piledriver gets two on Williams as the fans are still all over Funk. One heck of a clothesline gives Gordy two and the Terry’s hammer away, with Funk wanting to work on the neck. Then he tries the spinning toehold but gets small packaged, followed by a double clothesline. Williams gets over to Sting for the tag and a piledriver plants Funk. Sting gets caught in the corner for a hard clothesline but everything breaks down. Hart is brought in and that’s enough for the villains to get disqualified at 11:23.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but wound up being a good tag match. As usual, Funk got to steal the show by driving the fans into a frenzy and then playing off of them. It worked well and you could see Sting’s star power coming out. It was kind of a weird set of pairings, but it wound up being fun.

Post match the big brawl is on and Funk hits Sting with a branding iron. Williams takes it away though and clears the ring without much trouble.

Back to the ranch and Funk is accidentally put in some stocks. He calls this his own ways of training, just like Hulk Hogan has. Hogan is everywhere but Funk is middle aged and crazy. He promises to ruin Hogan’s life one way or another because he wants the WWF Title.

Funk looks at a photo of himself and Mick Foley and talks about how great Foley really is.

From Monday Night Raw, May 4, 1998.

Mick Foley vs. Terry Funk

Anything goes, falls count anywhere and Steve Austin is on commentary. At the time, this was the first match that Foley had ever wrestled in the WWF under his own name. He has no music or gimmick here, as he’s in between Faces Of Foley at the moment. There’s no referee so here is Pat Patterson (Vince’s stooge, as this is part of Foley trying to get back in Vince’s good graces) to be the referee (Austin isn’t happy). Funk slugs away to start and knocks him outside, where Foley rakes the back.

Some NASTY chair shots to the head rock Foley to bust him open but he fights back. Austin’s headset breaks so he steals Lawler’s, which breaks as well, sending Austin into a great rant about how mad this stuff makes him. Then he punches Lawler to blow off some steam, which has JR begging off and pleading innocence. Austin: “Jiminy H. Cricket on a popsickle stick somebody help me out here.”

Funk chairs Foley and sends him into the steps as this is getting a lot more violent in a hurry. Foley cuts off a charge with a raised bo…, uh, shoe but Funk backdrops him onto the exposed concrete. Funk throws him through the barricade and they fight into the crowd (Austin: “This is quality entertainment!”). They fight to the concession stand and JR LOSES IT as the hot dog guy is knocked down.

Since it’s Funk, he climbs into a balcony and moonsaults back onto Foley and some referees to put everyone down. Back up and Foley piledrives him through a table and they crawl underneath the bleachers as we take a break. We come back with a clip of Foley beating Funk up during the break and Patterson possibly counting slow.

They go back into the arena, where Foley hits a piledriver onto the ramp for two. Funk is thrown onto the announcers’ table (Austin doesn’t like someone getting that close to his beer or his belt) for the chair elbow off the apron. Foley goes after Austin though and staring ensues but he takes Funk back inside instead. A double arm DDT and piledriver plant Funk and another piledriver onto the chair finishes Funk at 16:31.

Rating: B+. This was a brutal fight and showed what hardcore could be like in the WWF. It was interesting to see Foley by himself for a change as part of the bigger story and dang did they beat each other up. They were playing up the personal connection as well and that made things that much better. Awesome fight and one of the best violence based matches ever on Raw.

Post match Funk is upset that his best friend beat him up that badly.

We go to St. Louis during Dory Funk Jr.’s NWA World Title reign (putting this in the late 60s/early 70s) where Dory Funk Sr. takes us to an empty arena where his sons are training. Sr. says that he’s taught his kids 95% of what he knows but he always holds something back just in case he needs to do something. They trade some takedowns and everything goes fine, at least to start. This goes on for a long time with Dory Jr. getting the better of things. Terry gets a bit more serious and tries to slam his dad before calming down.

From NWA Pro, July 29, 1989.

Terry Funk vs. Scott Hall

From Amarillo so Funk is crazy over. Funk starts fast and knocks him outside, earning quite the cheers. Back in and Hall chops the heck out of him before a running clothesline sends Funk outside. Funk pulls the ring mats back and tries the piledriver, which is quickly cut off by the referee. They get back inside for a collision before Hall hits a running clothesline into a bulldog out of the corner. Another bulldog gets two on Funk but he blocks another attempt on the floor, sending Hall onto the exposed concrete. Back in and the piledriver finishes Hall at 4:17.

Rating: C. This wasn’t so much a great match as much as “here’s Funk against someone who would become a legend one day”. That’s the kind of rare match that makes sense for this compilation, as it felt more like someone went through the archives and found fun stuff. Hall’s hair and mustache alone are worth a look.

Funk praises Tommy Dreamer for trying so hard. Dreamer reminds Funk of Dory Funk Sr., who wanted to be the World Champion. Then Dory had a major heart attack and died on his way to the hospital. Now Terry wants to win the World Title from Raven for his dad’s memory. Can’t get much better than that.

From Barely Legal.

ECW World Title: Terry Funk vs. Raven

Funk is challenging after winning a three way dance just before. Raven hammers away as Tommy Dreamer, on commentary, talks about how Funk isn’t going out like this. The fans want Dreamer to come in and take Funk’s place (which I always thought would be a great way to end the show) but Raven beats on Funk even more. The doctor still can’t get in there to break it up as Raven suplexes a table onto Funk. Raven puts him on a table and hits a big running dive, which is enough for Raven to call out the Nest.

They beat on Funk a bit more and Raven grabs the mic, promising to end Funk at Dreamer’s feet. Dreamer tells him to bring it so here is Big Dick Dudley to jump Dreamer from behind. Raven DDTs the referee just because, but Dreamer fights up and chokeslams Dudley out of the Eagle’s Nest through three tables (ok so Dudley clearly jumped by it was a huge bump). Now Dreamer comes to the ring to DDT Raven for two, leaving Funk to get a small package for the pin and the title at 7:12.

Rating: C-. As tends to be the case with ECW, the match wasn’t so much the point, but rather the moment of Funk getting the big win to close out the show. It’s the definition of a feel good moment after a nothing match, as Funk barely had any offense for the whole thing. Funk winning the title at the same age his father died makes it even better.

Funk gets to celebrate in the crowd with Dreamer to end the show (with the feed going out ten seconds after they went off the air because the ECW Arena couldn’t handle that kind of power needs).

Some cowboys come up on Funk and Jimmy Hart at the ranch, accusing them of being cow thieves. Funk beats two of them up (Hart: “Beautiful!”) and the third rides away, with Funk calling him a SQUEALER!

From Slamboree 1994.

Terry Funk vs. Tully Blanchard

It’s the Legends match from the show. Funk goes out into the crowd and since this show is in Philadelphia, of course he’s crazy over. Blanchard gets tired of waiting and goes to the floor to start the brawl. They get back inside where Blanchard hits a middle rope knee but the referee has to get rid of some crutches. An atomic drop plants Blanchard and a neckbreaker does it again back inside. The fight goes back to the ramp, with a big chop sending Blanchard off to the floor.

Funk finds a piece of wood and piledrives Blanchard through it (ignore the camera showing that Blanchard’s head doesn’t come within a foot of the board and Funk broke it entirely) as Heenan compares the Funk brothers’ demeanors. The fans want blood as Funk hits a regular piledriver, only to miss the moonsault. Back up and Funk whips him into the referee so it’s time for a chair. Funk loads up another chair and tries a middle rope piledriver but it kind of falls apart. Blanchard shoves the referee as Funk has the branding iron so the whole thing is thrown out at 7:15.

Rating: C+. They were protecting both guys here rather well but it wound up being a good enough fight all things considering. Blanchard on his own is always kind of weird but at least it isn’t a match that feels like it has been done over and over. The piledriver with the board was lame, though understandable as it was more on the camera than anything else.

Post match Funk grabs Hat Guy’s hat and drops an elbow on it before taking a bite.

We wrap it up with Funk’s Hall Of Fame induction, with Funk thanking his family. His grandkids want to be wrestlers but they have to get an education first, because there is no room for dummies in WWE (….uh….). Funk thanks his friends, peers, ECW and the other wrestlers.

We get the Theodore Roosevelt quote from the ECW banquet before he says the bell rings no more. He feels 105 and he’s ready to go to Heaven where there’s an eternal battle royal and every seat is front row. Funk says this is the last time you’ll see himself and his brother and dances a bit. Naturally, he would wrestle for another eight years after this.

Overall Rating: B+. The idea here was a huge tribute to Funk and that worked like a charm. The biggest thing I can take away from this is just how incredible of a talent Funk really was, as he can make anything work well. He’s a human cartoon character with his bumps and the swearing makes it even better. Looking back at the outstanding mixture of matches of different genres was outstanding and you could see how interested he was in helping younger stars get over. This was all kinds of fun and I’m hoping we see a lot more of these mixtapes in the future, as they’re an outstanding way to showcase legends’ talents.



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Collision – March 22, 2025: Rampage Is Back

Date: March 22, 2025
Location: Liberty First Credit Union Arena, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

We’re doing something different this weekend as the two hour Collision is being split into two hour long shows. The idea is to capitalize on the NCAA Tournament airing before the show, which isn’t a terrible concept. The big match this week is Adam Cole challenging Daniel Garcia for the TNT Title so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

TNT Title: Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia

Garcia is defending and there is no interference allowed. They fight over wrist control to start before Garcia stops to dance. Cole is right back with a knockdown of his own and hits his pose. Garcia headlock takeovers him down before things get a lot more aggressive in the lockup. A running dropkick puts Cole down and they go outside, where Garcia is sent knees first into the steps. Back in and a DDT on the knee keeps Garcia in trouble and we take a break.

We come back with Garcia winning a strike off and grabbing a swinging neckbreaker. Two more swinging neckbreakers set up a hanging swinging neckbreaker but Cole is back with a neckbreaker onto the knee for two. Garcia knees him out to the floor for a crash and they come back in for the five minute call. Cole’s Panama Sunrise gets two but Garcia rolls outside before Cole can do it again.

Instead Garcia grabs a German suplex on the floor but the knee gives out back inside. Another Panama Sunrise sets up the Figure Four and Garcia is in trouble. That’s broken up and Garcia gets the Dragontamer, with Cole going over to the ropes. They forearm it out on the apron and Cole hits another Panama Sunrise but Garcia falls outside. Cole gets him back in and tries the Boom, only for the time to expire at 20:00.

Rating: B-. It was good stuff but the story still feels like Cole is just doing this to give him something to do. There isn’t much fire in the whole thing and Garcia isn’t bringing things up in any way. I’m sure this will lead to one more title match, maybe at Dynasty, and I’m only so interested in seeing that take place.

Here is Max Caster for another open challenge. After mocking Anthony Bowens and getting on Omaha for not being able to do his chant, we have an answer.

Max Caster vs. Hook

Redrum finishes Caster at 46 seconds.

Serena Deeb interrupts Queen Aminata and offers her a list of 1,000 holds. Aminata is good on her own, but Deeb isn’t convinced.

Julia Hart vs. Queen Aminata

They trade early rollups for two each before Aminata suplexes her into the corner. A Rock Bottom onto the apron plants Hart and we take a break. Back with Hart hitting a standing moonsault for two but getting caught in an Air Raid Crash for the same. Hart suplexes her out of the corner but misses the moonsault. Aminata headbutts her down for two, only to miss the dropkick in the ropes. Hart uses the distraction to grab a rollup for the pin at 7:14.

Rating: C+. The ending came out of nowhere and didn’t exactly feel like the blowoff to a trilogy. That might be because there was little reason for this to be a trilogy in the first place. Hart beat her, then Aminata won a rematch in an upset, then Hart just beat her again. I’m not sure what about that is supposed to be overly interesting, but it was just ok for the most part.

Harley Quinn has NO IDEA why anyone would think she and Harleygram are the same person.

Mark Briscoe/Rocky Romero/Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Don Callis Family

Don Callis is on commentary as Takeshita shoulders Briscoe down to start. Briscoe starts clearing off the apron though and hands it off to Hobbs for the big clotheslines. Romero hits a top rope double stomp on Takeshita but Cage pulls a suicide dive out of the air. We take a break and come back with Romero grabbing a springboard tornado DDT to plant Takeshita.

Briscoe comes back in to clean house, including a fisherman’s buster for two. Everything breaks down and Hobbs gets to clean house, including a spinebuster on Takeshita. Another one takes Cage down but Takeshita gives Hobbs the Blue Thunder Bomb. Romero kicks away at Archer but gets caught in the chokeslam/powerbomb combination. Takeshita adds Raging Fire for the pin on Romero at 11:26.

Rating: B-. Kind of a downer ending here, as the villains just win over the more popular team. At least it was Romero taking the fall, as Hobbs and Briscoe shouldn’t be being pinned again anytime soon. Takeshita needs something to do after losing the title and being in a random six man is as good as anything else at the moment.

Overall Rating: B-. For a half length episode of Collision, it made for a decent Rampage. I’m not sure how necessary it was to split the show up but it works well enough for once. The action was good enough as well with the title match likely setting up a rematch on pay per view. Other than that, there isn’t much to see here, but for an hour long show, it was perfectly watchable.

Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia went to a time limit draw
Hook b. Max Caster – Redrum
Julia Hart b. Queen Aminata – Rollup
Don Callis Family b. Mark Briscoe/Rocky Romero/Powerhouse Hobbs – Raging Fire to Romero



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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XIV (2024 Edition): One Of The Important Ones

Wrestlemania XIV
Date: March 29, 1998
Location: Fleetcenter, Boston, Massachusetts
Attendance: 19,028
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross
America the Beautiful: Chris Warren

This is the first of the annual redos and it’s a show that is incredibly historic but doesn’t get the most attention. As you might remember, the main event is Steve Austin getting his shot against Shawn Michaels for the WWF Title, along with Kane vs. Undertaker for the first time ever. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the history of Wrestlemania and how tradition has been taken hostage by a new generation. These people are here to be the top stars and fight for the same title held by Andre, Hogan and Bruno. This year is destined to become a part of the history and somewhere, the father of Wrestlemania will revel in it as well.

Tag Team Battle Royal

Faarooq/Kama Mustafa, Savio Vega/Miguel Perez Jr., Jose Estrada Jr./Jesus Castillo, Truth Commission, Bradshaw/Chainz, New Midnight Express, Mark Henry/D’Lo Brown, Quebecers, LOD 2000, Rock N Roll Express, Headbangers, Too Much, Disciples Of Apocalypse, Steve Blackman/Flash Funk, Godwinns

For a future Tag Team Title shot and LOD 2000, with Sunny, are surprise entrants. If one member is eliminated, the entire team is gone. It’s a huge brawl to start (as it has to be) as JR tries to keep track of everyone involved. Vega is out, with Perez having to be helped to the back. Jim Cornette and Sunny argue on the floor as Kurrgan comes out to help eliminate the Truth Commission.

Cue Barry Windham (not in the match) to toss Chainz out and sure we’ll count that. Brown is eliminated and the Quebecers follow as the ring is clearing out a good bit. The Rock N Roll Express are out and Estrada/Castillo follow. The Headbangers are tossed as well, with JR wondering why Mark Henry is still in there despite his partner being tossed. Henry gets the message and leaves as Animal gets rid of Too Much.

We’re down to the Midnights, the LOD, the Disciples and the Godwinns as they didn’t waste time here. Things slow down a bit with Hawk shoulders Henry but Phineas is back up to get rid of the Disciples. Hold on though as the Disciples come back in to throw the Godwinns out, leaving us with two. Then the Godwinns get back in again and hit the LOD with their buckets. Animal is sent outside through the ropes but comes back in to make the save. Hawk hits a clothesline to get rid of Holly for the win at 8:21.

Rating: C-. This was nothing but a way for the LOD to come in with their new look and Sunny then run through some people for a win. There was almost no drama to this one and the stuff with the Godwinns seemed to be setting up something for the LOD going forward. Having the LOD come out for the return pop worked but a thirty man battle royal which took awhile to get through didn’t help.

We look at various media events to promote the show, including the DX public workout which almost went very badly due to Shawn Michaels being in quite the bad place.

Light Heavyweight Title: Taka Michinoku vs. Aguila

Michinoku is defending and Aguila would go on to be better known as Essa Rios. Aguila snaps off a headscissors and a spinwheel kick to send Taka outside. That means a baseball slide into a top rope moonsault (which JR calls an Asai moonsault) to take Taka out again. Back in and Taka dropkicks him to the floor for a change, setting up the always great looking top rope dive to the floor.

Back in again and Aguila sends him outside again, only to have Taka go up top. That’s fine with Aguila, who runs the corner and hits a top rope armdrag. A springboard armdrag and a very spinning wristdrag have Taka on the floor again, setting up the big corkscrew dive. JR is trying to keep up with this while Lawler has more or less given up.

Taka misses a moonsault back inside and gets planted for two before being sat up top. Aguila gets knocked down but Taka’s splash hits knees, allowing Aguila to hit a middle rope hurricanrana. A missile dropkick gets Taka out of trouble though and the sit out powerbomb plants Aguila again. Taka misses a middle rope moonsault, only to dropkick him out of the air. The Michinoku Driver retains the title at 5:59.

Rating: B-. It was a total popcorn match as they were all over the place with the high spots and as a result, it was rather entertaining. That being said, this felt like someone saw the cruiserweights in WCW and decided to do their own lower level version. That’s more or less exactly what this was, which is one of the reasons the division didn’t stick. Fun match, but it could have been on any given edition on Raw.

Gennifer Flowers interviewed the Rock earlier today, and asked how he would handle the homeless situation if he was leader. Rock prefers ruler, but the reality is that if those people stay off his lawn and in their boxes, he’s happy. As for the judicial system, as long as you realize he’s the judge and jury, everything is fine. Just remember that he would be a hung jury. Finally, he’s fine with running the White House as long as the interns underneath him do their, ahem, jobs. This was basically a celebrity serving Rock up some batting practice.

European Title: HHH vs. Owen Hart

HHH, with Chyna, is defending in one of the last bits of fallout from Montreal. Hart has a bad ankle coming in and Chyna is handcuffed to Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter. Hart slugs away to start and snaps off a hurricanrana for two, only to get elbowed in the jaw for his efforts. With Hart out on the floor, Chyna tries a right hand but gets pulled back by Slaughter, meaning HHH’s cheap shot doesn’t work either.

It’s way too early for a Sharpshooter back inside and HHH grabs the facebuster to take over. The jumping knee gets two and Lawler is literally screaming at HHH to go after the ankle. A DDT gets two before it’s FINALLY time to go after the ankle. HHH goes old school (yes even back then) with the spinning toehold, followed by an elbow onto the leg. More cranking on the leg in the corner has Owen in trouble but he’s able to come back with a belly to belly.

A spinwheel kick gives Hart two and he hits the enziguri, only to hurt the bad ankle again. The hurricanrana is countered with a hard powerbomb to give HHH two more as things slow down a bit. HHH puts him up top but gets shoved away, setting up a high crossbody for two. Owen falls head first into a low blow ala Sting (always works), sending Lawler into hysterics over the referee not calling a DQ. The Sharpshooter goes on but HHH makes the ropes. With the referee distracted, Chyna throws powder in Slaughter’s eyes and hits Hart low. That and the Pedigree are enough to retain the title at 11:28.

Rating: C+. This was good enough, though it’s far from the HHH that he would later become. The ending didn’t exactly keep Owen looking strong and that was pretty much the point of the match. Slaughter was barely a factor here, but that is the summation of his time as Commissioner: a grand total of nothing and it was nice to see him go away.

Post match Chyna beats up Slaughter.

We recap Sable/Marc Mero vs. Luna Vachon/The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust. In short, Sable is a star, Mero doesn’t like it, Luna and Goldust tried to do something about it and Mero came to her defense. Or the more realistic version: Sable, Sable, Sable, Sable, Sable, Sable and Sable. Er wait, putting “and” in front of her might suggest that Sable isn’t important and we can’t have that.

Marc Mero/Sable vs. Luna Vachon/The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust

Goldust takes Mero into the corner to start but gets caught with a running headscissors. The women come in but Luna immediately tags back out, leaving Sable to superkick (ok not so super) Goldust. Mero comes back in and is quickly clotheslined down as Lawler wants to know why Luna won’t fight Sable.

The villains take over on Mero, who manages a boot in the corner to put Goldust down. Luna gets the tag and so does Sable, which seems rather unnecessary due to the rules. Sable cleans house in the traditional catfighting style but does throw in some kicks in the corner. A clothesline puts Luna on the floor and it’s back to Goldust, who gets sent into the steps. Back in and the TKO is countered into a DDT to give Goldust two as things slow down again.

Mero knee lifts his way to freedom and a springboard moonsault press (which BARELY rotates enough) gives him two. This time it’s Goldust going up top but getting crotched right back down. A super hurricanrana sets up the TKO for two, with Luna making the save. Sable tags herself in and covers Goldust (as the rules are all over the place here) but has to avoid Luna’s top rope splash. Sable powerbombs Luna for two before avoiding a charge against the ropes. The TKO gives Sable the pin at 9:08.

Rating: C-. I know it’s been said to death, but simply put, Sable just wasn’t very good. She was there because of how she looked in gear and she knew how to sell a shirt, but those are the high points of her talent. The other three were trying, but this was all about Sable and everyone could tell from the second the match was announced.

Tennessee Lee (better known as Robert Fuller/Colonel Robert Parker) brings out Jeff Jarrett with Gennifer Flowers, the latter of whom is guest ring announcer for the next match.

Intercontinental Title: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock

The Rock, with the Nation of Domination, is defending. Shamrock has been wanting the title and Rock gave him one heck of a scary chair shot to the face. Rock also accidentally hit Nation leader Faarooq, which seems to bode badly for him. They start fast as JR says this is for the European Title. Shamrock kicks him in the chest to start and they go to the floor, with Rock staggering near the technical equipment.

Back in and Shamrock strikes him down again before bouncing Rock’s head against the mat. They go back outside with Rock managing a whip into the steps for a much needed breather. That sets up the not quite People’s Elbow for two but Shamrock sends him outside again. The chair is loaded up but the referee grabs it, earning him a shove from Shamrock. Rock grabs said chair for a shot to the head for a near fall as the referee is back up. Shamrock unloads on Rock and belly to belly suplexes him into the ankle lock for the tap/the title at 4:49.

Rating: C. They kept this one moving as it wasn’t even five minutes long, with Rock only getting in a few shots here and there. Shamrock ore or less mauled him, with that chair shot barely doing any damage. This almost felt like a TV match instead of some big pay per view (let alone Wrestlemania) title match, but it also made Shamrock look like a monster by running through the champ that fast.

Post match Shamrock stays on the Rock so here are the Nation and some referees. That doesn’t work at all as Shamrock beats everyone up, which is enough for the referee to reverse the decision, meaning Rock retains. Shamrock blows off some more steam by beating up Rock on the stretcher. This really doesn’t feel like a Wrestlemania title match, but it was a rather different time. Again though: Shamrock looked like a killer and that worked well.

We get the still awesome “we are real athletes” promo, with wrestlers talking about their backgrounds and the injuries they had to deal with over their careers.

We recap the New Age Outlaws defending the Tag Team Titles against Chainsaw Charlie/Cactus Jack. The Outlaws don’t like old guys and put the two of them in a dumpster for a ride off the stage. Now it’s time for the appropriate choice of a dumpster match.

Tag Team Titles: Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie vs. New Age Outlaws

The Outlaws are defending in a dumpster match (same rules as a casket match). It’s a brawl to start with Cactus trying to put Dogg in the dumpster early. That’s broken up and a metal sheet to the head slows Cactus down. Cactus’ flip dive off the apron only hits dumpster (you knew that was coming) and Gunn backdrops Charlie (or Funk as JR calls him) into the dumpster.

The Outlaws slam the dumpster lids onto Cactus and Charlie’s heads as JR thinks the old guys like this a bit. Cactus blocks the slamming of the lid though and it’s time to bring out some more weapons to crank up the violence. An elbow off the apron with a cookie sheet hits Gunn and of course it’s time for the ladder. Cactus and Gunn go up, only to be sent crashing into the dumpster for the big spot.

With Cactus getting out, Charlie gets powerbombed into the dumpster, leaving the Outlaws to take Cactus up to the entrance, which doesn’t feel overly logical. They go to the back so we look at some highlights, which would feel so bizarre these days. Cactus is sent into various catering things, including big Surge and Powerade displays. Gunn gets double armed DDT’ed onto a forklift and here is Charlie to pick both Outlaws up and drop them into a dumpster. Cactus closes the lid for the win and the titles at 10:17.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t exactly your traditional match but what mattered the most was Cactus and Charlie getting their revenge after taking a huge beating. The fans wanted to see them win the titles and that is what they got. Granted it was on the Titantron, but that is better than not getting the belts at all. It makes sense to not put the Outlaws in a more traditional match as that was never really their thing, so thankfully this was a case of playing to their strengths.

We recap Kane vs. Undertaker and…yeah this is a deep one. So Paul Bearer turned on Undertaker, who wanted revenge. Eventually Bearer revealed that Undertaker had a brother named Kane, who was believed to be killed in a fire as a child. In reality, Kane was still alive and had apparently been kept hidden by Bearer for years. Then Kane appeared and wanted revenge on Undertaker, attacking every wrestler he could until Undertaker agreed to fight.

Undertaker never would, so eventually Kane put Undertaker in a casket and burned him alive (after teasing joining Undertaker in a pretty cool moment). That violates one of the most important rules in wrestling, which says “don’t tick off a giant monster who may or may not have evil powers”. This included Undertaker appearing on top of the Titantron and lighting a casket on fire, revealing a burning Kane inside for one of the most amazing things I had ever seen at 10 years old. Now it’s time for their first fight and this is huge.

Here is Pete Rose as a special guest and he is all over the Boston Red Sox fans, instantly getting every single thing about being a heel in wrestling. Rose halfway introduces Kane, who makes his full entrance….and promptly annihilates Rose with a Tombstone. This makes Kane the most popular man in Boston for at least a good thirty seconds.

Undertaker vs. Kane

Kane has Paul Bearer with him but Undertaker comes out with the tunnel made of torch carrying druids for one of the all time awesome entrances. They go nose to nose for an awesome visual before Undertaker starts striking away (I believe the first time he has ever attacked Kane). That’s enough to knock Kane into the corner, where he launches Undertaker in instead. Kane strikes away and puts him in the Tree of Woe to continue said striking.

Undertaker is sent outside for a second before the beating continues back inside. For some reason Undertaker tries to jump onto Kane’s shoulders, earning him a quick crash back down. Kane hits him with the steps and even Bearer gets in some cheap shots from behind. Back in and Undertaker starts running the ropes rather hard (that always looks cool), only to charge into a chokeslam, with Kane pulling him up at two.

We hit the chinlock, which is where the match grinds to a halt. Kane is a monster who has basically become a horror movie villain, but he knows how to grab a chinlock and lay on the mat for a bit? There is something that completely misses there and it kills the match dead. That’s broken up and Kane drops an elbow before grabbing another chinlock. Undertaker finally powers his way out and sends Kane outside, where the Taker Dive is sent crashing through the announcers’ table in a great visual.

Back in and the top rope clothesline gives Kane two but Undertaker is back with a Tombstone…which is reversed into one from Kane for two. That wakes the fans way back up and Undertaker starts striking away as Kane is starting to stagger. A running clothesline puts Kane down and there’s the chokeslam into a Tombstone for two on Kane. Another Tombstone gets another two, with Kane kind of twitching his shoulder for the kickout. The top rope clothesline into a third Tombstone (with a regular cover instead of the hands over the chest) finish Kane off at 16:59, though Kane kicks at about 3.1.

Rating: B-. This is a match that started and ended well, but there is a long stretch in the middle and it really hurt things. That chinlock segment and a bunch of the basic wrestling they did felt like it was out of a completely different match, which dragged things way down. This really needed to have about five minutes cut out, because the opening staredown and brawl worked, along with the last portion. Instead, it’s a rather long match that didn’t work as well as it should have.

At the same time, Undertaker winning didn’t exactly feel right, as Kane had been built up as this monster who should have been a different kind of opponent. In this situation, it would have made sense for him to win and beat Undertaker to set up some big, and much more violent, rematch. What we got was ok, but it should have been that much better.

Post match Bearer comes in to stomp on Undertaker, who fights up and hits Bearer in the face. Kane is back up and wrecks Undertaker with the chair, setting up a Tombstone onto it to leave Undertaker laying. Kane and Bearer leave, with Undertaker getting up and kind of falling out to the floor.

We get a vignette featuring various legends, who talk about how they had their day but can never do this kind of thing today. Now, they cheer for these new people. This is an all timer from the company and shows how everything has changed. Awesome indeed.

We recap Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWF Title. Austin is on an all time roll and is ready to claim his destiny, but he has to deal with not only Shawn, but the rest of DX, including Mike Tyson, who has joined the team and is a special referee. To call this huge would be an understatement as even Eric Bischoff said “oooh, that’s pretty good.”

WWF Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin

Michaels, with HHH and Chyna, is defending and Mike Tyson is guest enforcer referee. We get the long tracking shots from the back, which are still some of the best things WWF ever did and make things feel that much bigger. The DX Band plays Shawn to the ring for something that should be cool but they don’t quite have that epic feeling.

Austin flips him off to start and gets punched in the face, which does not sit well. The chase is on outside, followed by Austin hitting him in the head on the way back in. Shawn’s attempt to escape results in his tights being pulled down before Austin backdrops him onto HHH. That doesn’t work for HHH, who whips Austin into the barricade. HHH and Chyna are ejected and things are a lot more even.

Never one to lose a chance to beat someone up, Austin sends HHH into the DX Band set, earning himself a cymbal to the head from Shawn. Back in and Austin hammers away before flipping Shawn over in the corner. An atomic drop of all things gets two and the Stun Gun gets the same. Austin knocks him off the apron and into the announcers’ table, followed by the chinlock back inside.

Shawn fights up but gets sent hard into the post. The fight heads back to the floor, where Austin is sent over the barricade and Shawn clocks him with the ring bell. Back in and Shawn slowly hammers away until Austin fights up with right hands. Shawn is sent over the top for the crash but he’s fine enough to wrap Austin’s knee around the post. They get back inside again with Shawn slowly starting in on the leg but Austin fights back up.

That’s enough for Tyson to offer a distraction though, with Shawn getting in a chop block. The Figure Four has Austin in more trouble be fore finally breaks it up. Austin fights up again and makes another comeback, with the referee getting bumped, leaving Shawn to hit a not so great forearm. There’s the nip up into into the top rope elbow and Shawn loads up the superkick. That doesn’t work as Austin ducks and grabs the Stunner, with Tyson coming in to count the pin for the title at 20:06.

Rating: B. This is one of those matches that has so many details that make things all the more interesting. While it is Austin’s big crowning moment and the start of a new era, there was only so much that could have been done because of Michaels’ injuries. It would have been interesting to see what they could have done at full strength, but the match did the one thing that it needed: Austin hitting the Stunner to win the WWF Title for the first time.

Post match the celebration is on, with JR getting in the all time line of “the Austin Era has begun.” Austin throws Tyson an Austin shirt but Shawn gets up and isn’t happy. He takes the shirt away and tries a right hand, with Tyson easily blocking it and dropping Shawn with a right hand of his own. Tyson and Austin celebrate, confetti falls and the highlight package wraps us up.

Overall Rating: B. This show is rather weird in a lot of ways, as it might not be the best show in the way of quality, but it was one of the most important shows the company has ever had. First of course there is Austin, whose win took the company into an entirely new era. It’s the definition of a Wrestlemania Moment and it is still played in highlight reels decades later for a reason.

At the same time you have the focus on a much more in your face style, with stuff like the dumpster match and Kane vs. Undertaker being a weird sci-fi soap opera. The last three matches (and the Intercontinental Title to a lesser extent) felt big and that is what they were supposed to do. The first half of the show is only so good, but once this show kicks in, it kicks in hard and the company was off to the races soon after.

Ratings Comparison

Tag Team Battle Royal

Original: D-
2013 Redo: D
2015 Redo: D+
2024 Redo: C-

Taka Michinoku vs. Aguila

Original: D+
2013 Redo: B
2015 Redo: B-
2024 Redo: B-

HHH vs. Owen Hart

Original: B-
2013 Redo: D+
2015 Redo: B
2024 Redo: C+

Marc Mero/Sable vs. The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust/Luna Vachon

Original: C
2013 Redo: C
2015 Redo: C
2024 Redo: C-

The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock

Original: C+
2013 Redo: C-
2015 Redo: D+
2024 Redo: C

New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie

Original: C+
2013 Redo: C
2015 Redo: B
2024 Redo: C+

Kane vs. Undertaker

Original: D+
2013 Redo: C-
2015 Redo: D+
2024 Redo: B-

Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels

Original: B+
2013 Redo: B+
2015 Redo: A-
2024 Redo: B

Overall Rating

Original: B+
2013 Redo: B
2015 Redo: B
2024 Redo: B

The match ratings are all over the place compared to the previous editions and the overall rating is the same. Yep that’s one of my reviews.



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Impact Wrestling – March 20, 2025: Filler Week

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 20, 2025
Location: El Paso County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Sacrifice and on the way to Unbreakable, with the biggest story coming out of last week seeing Nic Nemeth turning evil and attacking Matt Hardy. That should be enough to get the Nemeths a Tag Team Title shot, but Joe Hendry is going to need a new #1 contender for his World Title as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is Sacrifice if you need a recap.

Long Sacrifice recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Masha Slamovich to say Cora Jade gave her a good fight but she retained the title at Sacrifice. Now she is here to prove that she is the best champion in all of wrestling so she issues a challenge…and here is Tessa Blanchard. Beating Jade doesn’t mean anything and now it’s time for Blanchard to get her title back. Cue NXT’s Jacy Jayne to attack Slamovich from behind. Santino Marella comes in and makes Jayne vs. Slamovich for next week, with Blanchard banned from ringside.

Post break, Marella yells at Arianna Grace for letting that happened. There is another surprise planned for later.

Northern Armory vs. Rascalz

Eric Young is here with the Armory and joins commentary. Wentz starts fast by crossbodying Icarus for two but Williams comes in for a cheap shot to take over. The Armory takes turns working on the arm but Wentz is back up with a springboard knee to the face. Everything breaks down and Icarus pulls Wentz to the floor. Back in and a superkick sets up Feed Them To The Lions for the pin on Williams at 4:51.

Rating: C. Short and to the point here with the Rascalz continuing their rise back up the ranks. At the same time, the Armory stuff doesn’t feel overly important. The team shouldn’t be winning everything, but it feels like they almost never win and that’s going to be a problem if they’re supposed to be anything more than the lowest of lackeys.

Post match Young comes in but Ace Austin runs in with a chair for the save.

Xia Brookside’s eyes are ok after being misted last week but she’s tired of fighting fairly and getting attacked. Rosemary pops up on screen and taunts her for being held back by her morals. She’ll have a surprise for Brookside tonight, with a tag match being teased. Please tell me that this isn’t going to turn into Brookside going evil because of the mist. Anything but that.

It’s time for the First Class Penthouse with First Class mocking the city, only to be interrupted by their guest, and hometown boy, Chavo Guerrero Jr. They threaten Chavo for being disrespectful and say if they wanted the second best Guerrero, they would have called Dominik. Chavo suggests that Dominik might not be an actual Guerrero but here is Frankie Kazarian to interrupt. Kazarian hasn’t forgiven Chavo for costing him the Tag Team Titles (in 2012) but here are the Aztec Warriors so a six man tag can be made next week. Yeah it’s Chavo but the fans went nuts for him so it makes enough sense.

Mike Santana vs. Mustafa Ali

The Cabinet is barred from ringside. Santana wastes no time in jumping Ali and sending him outside for a dive. Ali is sent over the timekeeper’s table and the beating continues on the floor. They go inside for the opening bell and Ali goes after Santana’s banged up arm. The rolling neckbreaker gives Ali two and we hit the armbar. Back up and Santana is fine enough to hit the rolling cutter but the threat of a frog splash sends Ali outside…and he takes the countout at 4:09.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t the big ending in the story but rather the next step as we get closer to a blowoff. That should make for a good moment as they are setting things up for the showdown, likely at Unbreakable. They’re making the fans want to see Santana give Ali what is coming to him and that should be a nice moment, assuming that is where they go.

Post break, Ali says he didn’t run from Santana but rather conquered him. This is done and Ali and the Cabinet drive off.

Here is Ryan Nemeth to explain his brother’s actions at Sacrifice. Ryan says HIS BIG BROTHER finally did the right thing at Sacrifice by sacrificing all of their love for the love of his own brother. Cue Nic, who says the Hardys aren’t coming. Nic takes credit for TNA’s momentum over the last year, but then the Hardys tried to come in and take the credit for themselves.

They are the greatest brothers in wrestling history but here is Leon Slater to say he isn’t going to listen to this bollocks (Nic: “I don’t know what that means.”). Slater says Nic can’t steal the show because Slater has already stolen it. Ryan issues the challenge for next week but Slater gets in now, only to be superkicked down. I’m assuming this is to set up a title match at Unbreakable and….that’s only going to be so interesting.

Rosemary/Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside/Lei Ying Lee

Rosemary sticks out her jaw to Brookside to start but hands it off to Evans before anything can happen. That’s fine with Brookside, who knocks her into the corner before getting to beat up Rosemary for a change. Broken Wings connect but it’s already back to Evans for a chokebomb on Lee. The Samoan drop gets two on Lee, who kicks Rosemary down and makes the tag without much trouble. Everything breaks down and Rosemary mists Evans by mistake. Lee is back in for something like a TKO into Thunderstruck to pin Evans at 6:02.

Rating: C. Rosemary continues to get in trouble with the mist, which hopefully doesn’t have any special powers attached. There wasn’t much to the match but somehow it’s the longest of the show thus far. Brookside is still someone who feels like she is just floating around without much to do, though she also hasn’t shown that she is ready for some big step up either.

The Personal Concierge, in a neck brace to make it even better, brings out a cake for the champions’ celebration. By Elegance comes out, seemingly rather pleased with their title win. Apparently the cake costs $5000 and Ash needs a chance to make her wish. Cue NXT’s Meta Four to say they want the titles but here is Spitfire to say they have a guaranteed rematch.

Cue NXT’s Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley to say they want the titles and the brawl is on. This brings out Santino Marella to make Paxley/Dolin vs. By Elegance next week, with the other teams banned from ringside. Meta Four beats up some security and Marella is scared of Lash Legend. Arianna Grace comes in to say Meta Four is indeed banned next week. That was quite the unnecessary cameo.

Mance Warner vs. Magno

Warner runs him over and finishes with the running knee at 1:01.

Steve Maclin insists that he wants no part of Eric Young’s Northern Armory.

System vs. Elijah/Joe Hendry

Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Hendry hammers Myers to start and grabs a powerslam. Elijah comes in to work on the arm and everything breaks down with the System quickly being cleared out. We take a break and come back with Eddie being knocked to the floor, where he sends Elijah hard into the steps.

Myers’ chinlock doesn’t last long but Alisha is right there to pull Elijah’s beard to keep him down. Elijah neckbreakers his way to freedom though and it’s back to Hendry to clean house. Everything breaks down and Elijah is knocked to the floor but Hendry cuts off the Backpack Stunner. Elijah cuts off Eddie and the Standing Ovation plants Myers for the pin at 11:08.

Rating: C. This was little more than a match to get the World Champion on the show and it worked well enough. Hendry doesn’t have a clear opponent at the moment and at least they didn’t waste time in having him face someone in a big match here. Elijah might be the next challenger and that’s only going to be so interesting, assuming they even go in that direction.

Overall Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this show for the most part, as it was rather light on the in-ring action and never felt like much happened. Maybe they needed a breather after Sacrifice, but there is only so much time to get ready for Unbreakable. You can see some of the card from here, but this show didn’t exactly have me interested after Sacrifice.

Rascalz b. Northern Armory – Feed Them To The Lions to Williams
Mike Santana b. Mustafa Ali via countout
Rosemary/Savannah Evans b. Xia Brookside/Lei Ying Lee – Thunderstruck to Evans
Mance Warner b. Magno – Running knee
Elijah/Joe Hendry b. The System – Standing Ovation to Myers



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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XIII (2015 Redo): Let The New Era Begin

Wrestlemania XIII
Date: March 23, 1997
Location: Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, Illinois
Attendance: 18,197
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Vince McMahon

Free For All: Billy Gunn vs. Flash Funk

The announcers ignore the match to talk about Austin vs. Hart and we hit the chinlock. That goes nowhere so Gunn misses a top rope legdrop, allowing Funk to hit a spinwheel kick for two. Funk gets the same off a top rope victory roll but his moonsault hits knees. Billy comes back with a tornado DDT for the pin at 7:05.

Godwinns vs. New Blackjacks vs. Doug Furnas/Phillip LaFon vs. Headbangers

In Your House XIV ad.

Brian Pillman and Sunny tell us to CALL THE HOTLINE!

Intercontinental Title: The Sultan vs. Rocky Maivia

Honky Tonk Man is out on commentary in his quest for a new protege. Rocky is defending (after beating Hunter Hearst Helmsley to win the title a little over a month ago in a big upset) and Sultan is just a Middle Eastern monster played by the future Rikishi and managed by Bob Backlund and the Iron Sheik. Rocky starts fast with some right hands and a dropkick to send Sultan out to the floor.

Post match Sultan, Sheik and Backlund destroy Rocky but his dad Rocky Johnson comes in for the save and house is cleaned.

Ken Shamrock, the former UFC Champion and the guest referee for the submission match, promises to not be intimidated.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Goldust

Tag Team Titles: Mankind/Vader vs. Owen Hart/British Bulldog

All villains here. Hart and Bulldog are defending and Mankind and Vader have Paul Bearer in their corner after Bearer turned on Undertaker at Summerslam 1996. The champs have been having issues for months and Owen recently said he was smarter than Bulldog, who is also European Champion, having beaten Owen in a tournament final to become the inaugural champion.

This is one of the greatest stories ever told in wrestling as the details (costing Bret the title, the Royal Rumble etc) are all secondary to the underlying theme: Bret being unable to hold on to the past and not accepting this new reality. Austin embodied the rebellious nature and it made for a perfect dynamic with the traditionalist Bret. As great as the stories were, the matches were even better and made the feud one of the best ever.

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart

Submission match with Ken Shamrock refereeing. Austin has a famous entrance as a wall of glass saying AUSTIN 3:16 breaks and he walks through the broken pieces. The fans are split here but it seems to be more pro-Bret coming in. They slug it out to start and are on the floor very quickly. Austin is sent face first into the post but he crotches Bret across the barricade and clotheslines him into the crowd.

Bret gets whipped into some hockey boards but he fights back and they head deeper into the fans. A backdrop gets Bret out of a piledriver as you can barely see anything at the moment. Back to ringside with Bret in control and the fans completely into something for the first time all night. Austin reverses a whip to send Bret into the steps but Hart grabs a swinging neckbreaker to get a breather back inside.

Rating: A+. Good grief this match is amazing. This is the match that turned Austin into the biggest star of all time and the moment where the WWF had the Monday Night Wars won. It would take time, but Austin was clearly going to be the hottest thing ever and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Nation of Domination vs. Legion of Doom/Ahmed Johnson

JC Ice and Wolfie D. take a double Doomsday Device after the match.

In Your House XIV ad.

Shawn Michaels comes out for commentary, taking his sweet time to soak in all the cheers.

WWF World Title: Sycho Sid vs. Undertaker

Undertaker poses to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

Headbangers vs. Godwinns vs. Doug Furnas/Phillip LaFaon vs. New Blackjacks

Original: D+

2013 Redo: C

2015 Redo: D

Rocky Maivia vs. The Sultan

Original: D

2013 Redo: D+

2015 Redo: D-

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Goldust

Original: D

2013 Redo: C-

2015 Redo: D+

Owen Hart/British Bulldog vs. Vader/Mankind

Original: D+

2013 Redo: B-

2015 Redo: C-

Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin

Original: A+

2013 Redo: A+

2015 Redo: A+

Legion of Doom/Ahmed Johnson vs. Nation of Domination

Original: B+

2013 Redo: B-

2015 Redo: B

Undertaker vs. Sycho Sid

Original: D

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D-

Overall Rating

Original: D

2013 Redo: D+

2015 Redo: D


And the 2013 Redo:


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Smackdown – March 21, 2025: Italian Reference

Date: March 21, 2025
Location: Unipol Arena, Bologna, Italy
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

The European excursion continues as we roll into Italy. We’re less than a month away from Wrestlemania and that means we should start to see some more of the show coming together again this week. CM Punk, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns are all here this week so there is a chance things will get nuts. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Randy Orton to get things going but before he can get a word out, Kevin Owns interrupts him. Owens apologizes for everything he did to Orton, saying only Cody Rhodes and Sami Zayn deserved what happened to them. Orton can understand the idea of letting anger make you do things you’ll regret so if Orton can forgive him, Owens can forgive him.

Last week, Owens saved Carmelo Hayes to prevent Orton from becoming his old self. They should be looking to the future, so why not winning the Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania? Orton says he should go beat Owens up right now and after thinking about it…yeah Owens deserves a kick in the head. It used to be “Fight Owens Fight” but now it’s “b**** Owens b****.”

Orton hears voices in his head, they counsel him, they understand, and they’re telling him to kick Owens’ head off at Wrestlemania. The match doesn’t seem to be officially set but this was as quick and to the point as you could get, with Owens realizing he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Damian Priest/Jimmy Uso vs. Drew McIntyre/Shinsuke Nakamura

Priest and McIntyre start brawling in the aisle before the bell with the other two joining in. They get inside with Uso hammering away at McIntyre, who suplexes him out of the corner to cut that off. The fans chant something that I can’t make out but it seems against McIntyre. Uso fights back but gets pulled to the floor for a kick from Nakamura.

Back in and Nakamura hits a running knee, followed by another in the corner. McIntyre adds a suplex as the fans are chanting for Uso. The armbar has Uso in more trouble but he Samoan drops his way to freedom. A jumping enziguri puts Nakamura down and the needed tag brings in Priest to clean house. The Old School crossbody hits Nakamura and a clothesline gets two. Uso cuts off McIntyre and South Of Heaven finishes Nakamura at 7:43.

Rating: C+. Uso and Nakamura are kind of floating around at the moment but Priest vs. McIntyre is all but penciled in for Wrestlemania at this point. That’s the kind of match which could go a long way for Priest, though it feels like a bit of a letdown for McIntyre at the moment. The match itself was seemingly just a way to get them on the show and there are worse ideas.

Post match McIntyre jumps Priest, promising that the beatings will be on sight every time. Priest’s head is rammed into the mat and McIntyre adds a Claymore.

LA Knight says he has Braun Strowman’s back against Jacob Fatu. Strowman says that the match is now for a US Title shot and he sees the title as his ticket to Wrestlemania. Works for Knight.

We look at Tiffany Stratton and Charlotte’s wild brawl last week.

We get a split screen interview between Charlotte and Stratton, with Charlotte cutting off Stratton, saying the Queen goes first. Stratton is always trying to be like Charlotte because that’s what everyone has to do. Stratton thinks that because she’s a blonde and can do a backflip, she can be the next Charlotte. Back in the day, Charlotte was one of her biggest supporters, but Charlotte mocks the idea of ever being in Stratton’s corner. Stratton promises to win at Wrestlemania, which Charlotte finds funny. Stratton better win at Wrestlemania, or she’s the latest victim of Charlotte’s never ending dominance.

Jacob Fatu vs. Braun Strowman

For a future US Title shot. Strowman powers him into the corner to start and then knocks him to the floor. Back in and Strowman kicks him in the head but the charge around the ring only to miss a charge over the announcer’s table. Strowman’s head is sent into various things but a whip sends Fatu’s knees into the steps.

They get back inside, where Fatu hits a running clothesline and then tells Strowman to get up. Then why did you knock him down? Strowman fights out of a neck crank so Fatu Samoan drops him into a backsplash for two. Strowman is back up with a running clothesline in the corner and a spinebuster but Solo Sikoa runs in for the (rather unwise) DQ at 9:21.

Rating: B-. It was another hoss match between these two, but there is only so much to be gained from Strowman winning like this. After Fatu smashed him at Saturday Night’s Main Event, Strowman is either going to have to pin Fatu at some point (which isn’t a good idea) or he’s always going to be behind him in the feud. They are at least mixing it up with the title aspect, though seeing Fatu win the title seems like a rather strong outcome as well.

Post match Fatu is mad but helps with the beatdown anyway. LA Knight runs in for the save.

Post break, in the back, Fatu yells at Sikoa and Tama Tonga, with Sikoa saying it looked like Fatu needed help. Fatu tells him to watch it.

Piper Niven vs. Zelina Vega

Chelsea Green and Alba Fyre are here with Niven. Vega tries to run the ropes to start but has to slip off of Niven’s shoulders. Some choking works a bit better for Vega and she hammers away in the corner, only to get distracted to send us to a break. Back with Niven knocking her down to cut off a comeback and sending Vega hard into the corner.

A gorilla press is countered into a choke though, with Vega switching into something like an octopus hold. The Code Red is blocked so Vega grabs a tornado DDT for two instead. The 619 connects, only for Fyre to offer a distraction. Niven hits a crossbody for the win at 12:15.

Rating: C. This feels like the start of something for Vega, as she is going up against a lot of odds on her way to a title match. It might take some time to get her to that match and she might need some help on the way, but it does seem like they have set things up. Hopefully it winds up working, as Vega certainly needs the boost.

We get a long recap of John Cena’s big explanation and response from Cody Rhodes on Raw. It still feels so weird hearing those things coming from Cena’s mouth.

Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens is set for Wrestlemania.

Jade Cargill is ready to show Liv Morgan what she gets for trying her. After that, it’s time for revenge on Naomi.

We get the A/4 logo again.

Liv Morgan vs. Jade Cargill

Raquel Rodriguez is here with Morgan. Cargill kicks her down to start but goes after Rodriguez, only to cut off a sneaking Morgan for a ram into the barricade. Morgan tries to leave but is quickly dragged back as Cargill isn’t up for the whole retreating thing. Back in and a powerbomb gives Cargill two but another Rodriguez distraction lets Morgan get in a cheap shot to take over.

We take a break and come back with Cargill fighting out of a chinlock to drive Morgan into the corner. Morgan is fine enough to hit Three Amigos but Oblivion is countered into a German suplex. Cargill plants her with a spinebuster and something like an F5 does it again. Cue Naomi for a belt shot though (the Rodriguez distraction helped) and Oblivion finishes Cargill (her first pinfall loss in WWE) at 10:11.

Rating: B-. That’s an interesting way to go as you wouldn’t expect Cargill to lose a fall, especially in what wasn’t a heavily hyped up match. That being said, it does make Naomi look like that much bigger of a deal as she has cost Cargill something else. I’m not entirely interested in seeing them fight, but at least they’re doing something a bit different with Naomi.

Post match Naomi stays on Cargill, including a hanging Pedigree and a knock onto the announcers’ table.

We look back at Drew McIntyre attacking Damian Priest after their tag match earlier.

McIntyre says he has explained his issues with Priest and mocks Priest’s voice. He’ll see Priest in London next week…and then runs into Seth Rollins, who stares at him.

We look at the Street Profits winning the Tag Team Titles last week.

Here are the Profits, who say this is long overdue. They had been doubting themselves for a bit but these titles made everything worth it. They’re proud that they can count on their brothers but here is Legado del Fantasma to interrupt. Santos Escobar says they’re coming for the titles but here is Pretty Deadly to interrupt. They’re the #1 contenders and Legado needs to step aside, but Escobar says that is NOT happening. The Profits know Pretty Deadly have their shot but Legado wants to fight tonight so let’s do it.

We get the orange luchador vignette again, which is pretty clearly Rey Fenix.

Street Profits vs. Los Garza

Non-title. We’re joined in progress with Angel in trouble and Ford hitting a running knee to the face. Berto comes in to knock Ford down and a double basement superkick drops him again. Angel ties Ford in the Tree of Woe so stomping can ensue but a quick head fake and a dive brings Dawkins back in to pick up the pace. A low bridge drops Dawkins to the floor though and we take a break.

Back with Dawkins fighting out of a double arm crank but getting dropkicked down just as fast. Berto plants Dawkins again and the Gory Bomb/flipping cutter gets two, with Ford having to make the save. Dawkins finally gets in a shot of his own and it’s back to Ford to take over. Ford has to flip out of a super double gorilla press attempt and a superplex gets two on Garza. Dawkins hits his own flip dive and Ford’s frog splash is good for the pin at 14:32.

Rating: C+. This got more time than I was expecting and it wound up being a good enough, back and forth match. Los Garza aren’t likely to move up the ranks very far, but they’re good enough to make someone else look better in the ring. The division on Smackdown has gotten that much better, though I’m really hoping we don’t get some big ladder match at Wrestlemania.

HHH Hall Of Fame video.

Pretty Deadly runs into DIY, who offer to help them win the titles next week in exchange for a title shot. Pretty Deadly: “NO BOY!” The Motor City Machine Guns pop up to gloat.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Roman Reigns, with Paul Heyman, for a chat. CM Punk took him out at the Royal Rumble so Reigns took him out on Raw. Seth Rollins tried to kill him so Reigns tried to kill him. He’ll be out here if anyone has anything to say to him so here is Rollins in person. After a lot of the fans singing Rollins’ theme song, Rollins says Reigns should have let him finish Punk off because Punk is that dangerous.

The reality is Rollins and Reigns cannot coexist in the same place at the same time. They should write another chapter in their story but here is Punk to interrupt. Punk says neither of them have beaten him without the other’s help. Reigns was tossed out of the Royal Rumble where it was every man for himself. That was after Punk saved Reigns’ family at WarGames, and he’s still owed a favor of course.

Punk dives on Reigns and the fight starts fast, with Rollins getting involved as well. Referees break it up and Punk points to the Wrestlemania sign (Heyman: “NO!”), leaving Rollins to fight with Reigns. Rollins breaks away and points at the sign before going after Punk. Reigns drops both of them with the steps and points as well, with the brawl having to be broken up again to end the show. I’m not big on triple threats, but they’ve done a good job of making me want to see these three fight. There is a reason for them to want to get at each other and that makes for a much better story.

Overall Rating: B-. The crowd wasn’t as hot as it was last week but they were certainly there enough to keep up the interest. This show was more about getting things ready for Wrestlemania and they added one match, with another being all but confirmed. That’s a good way to go, along with some other things being pushed forward. Wrestlemania is starting to come together, and other shows like this should help it along even more.

Damian Priest/Jimmy Uso b. Drew McIntyre/Shinsuke Nakamura – South Of Heaven to Nakamura
Braun Strowman b. Jacob Fatu via DQ when Solo Sikoa interfered
Piper Niven b. Zelina Vega – Crossbody
Liv Morgan b. Jade Cargill – Oblivion
Street Profits b. Los Garza – Frog splash to Berto



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Ring Of Honor – March 20, 2025: I’m Not Sure What This Show Is Anymore

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 20, 2025
Location: Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Normally we would be on the way towards Supercard Of Honor but that doesn’t seem to be the case this year. At the moment, the big story seems to be Chris Jericho defying Gravity and annoying Bandido in the process, which doesn’t seem likely to play an important role on this show. The TV Title is on the line though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Hechicero/Volador Jr./Rugido vs. Mistico/Fuego/Neon

Hechicero takes Neon down by the leg to start and they go into the grappling. Neon’s leg gets tied up but he reverses into a Brock Lock of all things. Back up and Hechicero pulls him into a surfboard, with Neon standing up to escape. Neon spins him out with an armdrag and it’s off to Mistico vs. Volador. Rugido comes in for a cheap shot on Mistico as Ian gives us a history between Volador and Mistico, which is kept short and to the point, making it that much more valuable.

Neon comes back in and gets thrown into the air for a kick to the chest but it’s quickly back to Mistico. A wishbone has Mistico in trouble again but he elbows and hurricanranas his way out of trouble. Everything breaks down and Mistico and company hit stereo dives. Fuego comes in to dance at Rugido before taking him down with an armdrag. It’s off to Hechicero, who gets some more Fuego dancing before Neon springboard hurricanranas Rugido to the floor. Mistico comes in again and gets to clean more house before Fuego and Neon hit stereo dives. Back in and La Mistica finishes Rugido at 12:32.

Rating: B. As usual, it was the fun match that you have come to expect but at the same time, it’s the same match that doesn’t build anywhere and is little more than a showcase. If only there were, I don’t know, some titles that these six man teams could challenge for in the future. But nah, that would mean defending those belts and we haven’t done that in nearly eight months so why bother?

Viva Van vs. La Catalina

They fight over wrist control to start and trade legsweeps for some near falls. A fisherman’s suplex gives Catalina two but Van is back up with a spinwheel kick for two of her own. The Rocking Horse keeps Catalina in trouble but she’s back up with a Shining Wizard for two more. Van is back up with a victory roll for another near fall and a springboard crossbody drops Catalina again. Catalina’s running dropkick in the corner sets up a Pedigree for two so she pulls Van into an arm trap choke for the win at 6:18.

Rating: C+. More fun stuff here, with Catalina getting to stand out with some of her rather impressive offense. She’s already gotten her title shot against Athena so maybe she could move on to the Women’s TV Title or something else. On the other side, Van has come a long way in the last few months and it’s nice to see her develop so well.

We look at the Beast Mortos’ success in ROH. Ignore his lack of success in AEW.

La Faccion Ingobernable vs. Eli Theseus/Gabriel Aeros

Aeros and Dralistico chop it out to start and Dralistico stomps away to take over. More stomping in the corner has Aeros in more trouble before it’s off to Mortos to slug away at Theseus. Dralistico is back in with his springboard Codebreaker for the pin at 2:22.

Video on Komander before tonight’s title defense.

Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox

They fight over wrist control to start and go to an early standoff. Stereo nipups lead to both of them blocking armdrags for the standoff sequel. Fox sends him outside and hits an early dive, followed by a ram into the steps. A flip dive off the barricade knocks Knight down again but he’s back up with a dropkick through the ropes.

Back in and Knight’s twisting splash gets two and we hit the double armbar. Fox fights up and hits a running hanging DDT. A package piledriver is broken up though and Knight plants him down. An F5 gives Knight two but Fox is back with an Iconoclasm into a cutter. Fox’s Swanton gets two more and they go into a pinfall reversal sequence. Fox pulls him into a crossface until Knight turns over into the ropes as time expires at 10:00.

Rating: B-. It was fun while it lasted, though I’m not sure I can remember Knight doing anything of note in ROH coming into the match. As usual, Fox is good at getting in a bunch of his stuff and looking impressive in the process, but it isn’t going to mean as much if he never wins anything important. That being said, fun match and I could go for more of Knight around here.

Satnam Singh vs. Sid Ellington

Ellington looks like an evil clown, which gives you one of the weirder names compared to his look. Singh throws him around, chops him down, throws him onto the turnbuckle, and finishes with a chokeslam at 2:41. As dominant as you would expect.

QT Marshall/Aaron Solo vs. Top Flight

Darius and Solo fight over a waistlock to start with Darius hitting a dropkick, seemingly impressing himself. Marshall comes in for a headlock but gets taken down by an anklescissors. It’s off to Dante, who is knocked outside for a crash to the floor. Back in and Darius gets suckered in for…well nothing actually so Dante hits a high crossbody.

The tag brings in Darius to clean house. A jumping clothesline gets two on Solo and a tornado DDT gets the same as everything breaks down. Darius gets caught with a belly to back suplex/neckbreaker combination for two and Dante is knocked to the floor. Dante is back in with a hurricanrana to take Marshall out. That leaves Darius to get something like the Rings Of Saturn to make Solo tap at 8:27.

Rating: B-. Another entertaining match here, with Top Flight continuing their undefeated streak. That should mean something about the idea of them getting into the title hunt but you should know better than that by now. I have no idea why they haven’t gotten the chance to do something already, but Ring Of Honor isn’t known for the logic in its booking.

Here are the Outrunners to hype up the University Of Omaha’s game against St. John’s in the NCAA Tournament. The Infantry comes out to praise St. John’s and mock Omaha’s mascot, earning themselves a beating with some trashcans from the Outrunners. St. John’s would go on to massacre Omaha.

TV Title: Dark Panther vs. Komander

Komander is defending. Panther takes him down by the leg to start but Komander is back up to avoid a charge in the corner. A takedown sets up a sunset flip for two on Panther and we get an early standoff. The very springboardy armdrag is blocked and Panther hits a basement dropkick for two. The armbar has Komander in trouble until he fights up, only to get dropped with a clothesline.

Panther misses a charge into the post but he’s back up to cut off a dive. Komander gets tied up in the ropes and a rather loud chop drops him again. An inverted Gory stretch is broken up so Panther faceplants him down for a big crash. The surfboard goes on to stay on Komander’s knees but he backdrops a charging Panther over the top. The springboard flip dive drops Panther again but a moonsault hits raised boots. Panther dropkicks him down again for two, only to get backdropped outside again. Komander’s rope walk flip dive hits Panther again and the Cielito Lindo retains the title at 11:38.

Rating: B-. More good, entertaining high flying here, but what mattered the most with this match was the fact that they actually set up the match over a few weeks. This wasn’t just “someone wins a match and gets a title shot”, as they gave it a bit more effort and attention. It didn’t make for a great match but it made for a much better story and that is very welcome around here.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As has been the case in recent weeks, the show is entertaining, though the fact that a good chunk of it is focused on guest stars from CMLL doesn’t help things. It makes the show feel like it isn’t so much about Ring Of Honor but rather everyone else that they can find to fill in the gaps. That makes me wonder why Ring Of Honor continues to be a thing, but I’ve wondered that for a very long time now.

Mistico/Fuego/Neon b. Hechicero/Volador Jr./Rugido – La Mistica to Rugido
La Catalina b. Viva Van – Arm trap choke
La Faccion Ingobernable b. Eli Theseus/Gabriel Aeros – Springboard Codebreaker to Theseus
Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox went to a time limit draw
Satnam Singh b. Sid Ellington – Chokeslam
Top Flight b. Aaron Solo/QT Marshall – Rings Of Saturn to Solo
Komander b. Dark Panther – Cielito Lindo



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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XII (2015 Redo): Cry Me A River

Wrestlemania XII
Date: March 31, 1996
Location: Arrowhead Pond, Anaheim, California
Attendance: 18,853
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Vince McMahon

Free For All: Tag Team Titles: Godwinns vs. Bodydonnas

Skip drops Zip into a legdrop onto Henry but a Rocket Launcher misses. The cold tag brings in Phineas to clean house and Skip is in trouble. Phineas loads up the Slop Drop (reverse DDT) but Sunny gets on the apron and pulls up her skirt to flash Phineas, allowing Skip to roll him up for the pin and the titles at 5:24.

The opening video is entirely focused on Bret vs. Shawn and their contrasting personalities with Bret being all about respect and Shawn being very in your face. They respect each other coming in and this is going to be a great test for both, even though looking back there was no question about which way this was going.

Jake Roberts/Ahmed Johnson/Yokozuna vs. British Bulldog/Owen Hart/Vader

Vader and Yokozuna slug it out to start with Yokozuna getting the better of it until Owen and Vader get him down in the corner. Vader pounds him down with rights and lefts but misses a splash, allowing the hot tag to Ahmed. We get some real house cleaning from the powerhouse but Vader gets in a shot from behind. Vince talks about a herd of buffalo until Owen dropkicks Johnson down, allowing Vader to come back in for some more big shots to the head.

Jake finally avoids a legdrop and falls into the tag off to Yokozuna who pounds Vader down in the corner again. Owen takes the DDT but Jake has to intercept an interfering Cornette. That looks to set up a DDT on Cornette but Vader makes the save and Vader Bombs Jake for the pin at 13:11.

Call the Hotline!

Roddy Piper vs. Goldust

This is a Hollywood Back Lot Brawl and Piper is waiting, baseball bat in hand. Goldust drives up in a gold Cadillac, which Piper attacks with a fire hose and then the more logical bat. Piper goes after Goldust with the bat and the camera is jumping all over the place. They break up a concessions table and Piper beats him all over the lot, including some HARD right hands that sounded like they were making some very real impact.

Savio Vega vs. Steve Austin

Rating: C. The match was entertaining while they actually focused on it but instead we had to sit through Piper calling in (likely from backstage) to advance this stupid idea that no one not named McMahon finds funny. These two feuded for several months and it was a very underrated pairing with both guys getting better as a result. Of course Austin would move on to a much bigger feud later in the year and never looked back, but this was really fun stuff like it lasted.

More Piper footage which is still from the OJ chase.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Ultimate Warrior

Merchandise ad.

In Your House VII ad.

Diesel vs. Undertaker

Ultimate Warrior is on America Online.

We look back at the history of Bret vs. Shawn with a focus on both of their (singles) history in the company. Shawn has been rising through the ranks and is looking to fulfill his boyhood dream. We also get a focus on their training style with Shawn learning under high flier Jose Lothario and Bret being taught submissions by his father Stu Hart. This worked very well and summed up the entire idea in about a minute and a half.

Bret says he just wants to wake up tomorrow morning with the title.

Gorilla Monsoon is introduced as the new President of the WWF.

WWF World Title: Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels

Feeling out process to start as Shawn grabs some quick takedowns to frustrate Bret just a bit. Bret holds on to a headlock to slow things down as Vince tries to say there are no Bret or Shawn fans but only WWF fans. Lawler is all over him for sounding stupid as this headlock continues. In this case though it makes sense as both guys would want to conserve energy.

With three minutes left, Shawn gets two off a top rope ax handle. The top rope elbow gets the same and Shawn plants him with a gutwrench powerbomb. He goes up with two minutes left and a moonsault press gets another near fall. A middle rope hurricanrana gets the same and Shawn is winded. With a minute left, Shawn goes up top but misses a dropkick and gets caught in the Sharpshooter. Bret cranks back on it but the time limit expires at 1:00:00.

Bret is all ticked off and leaves, not to be seen for over seven months. Vince gets in the great line of “the boyhood dream has come true for Shawn Michaels.” Shawn is stunned but finally celebrates like you knew he was going to do.

A highlight package takes us out.

Ratings Comparison

Camp Cornette vs. Yokozuna/Jake Roberts/Ahmed Johnson

Original: D+

2013 Redo: C

2015 Redo: C-

Steve Austin vs. Savio Vega

Original: B-

2013 Redo: C+

2015 Redo: C

Ultimate Warrior vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Original: N/A

2013 Redo: N/A

2015 Redo: N/A

Undertaker vs. Diesel

Original: B

2013 Redo: B-

2015 Redo: B

Roddy Piper vs. Goldust

Original: N/A

2013 Redo: N/A

2015 Redo: N/A

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart

Original: B

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: B

Overall Rating

Original: C-

2013 Redo: C+

2015 Redo: B-

I’m kind of stunned that the Iron Man has stayed consistent.


And the 2013 Redo:


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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XI (2015 Redo): It’s Not THAT Bad

Wrestlemania XI
Date: April 2, 1995
Location: Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut
Attendance: 16,305
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Vince McMahon

A special Olympian sings America the Beautiful. Nothing wrong with that.

Allied Powers vs. Blu Brothers

Zebekiah demands justice because the wrong Blu got pinned.

Nicholas Turturro is supposed to interview Pamela Anderson but we have audio difficulties.

Intercontinental Title: Jeff Jarrett vs. Razor Ramon

Back inside and Roadie cheats a bit with some choking, only to have Jeff miss a charge and land on him. All Razor so far. Back in again and Jarrett hits a swinging neckbreaker and some dropkicks to take over. We hit the chinlock for a bit before things speed up with both guys getting near falls. Jarrett hooks a sleeper that lasts even less time than the chinlock so Jeff punches him down and hooks another chinlock.

Rating: C. This match was mainly punches but Razor was so insanely over the he carried the crowd. Jarrett was pretty dull at this point but he would reach all new levels of dull later on in WCW. Razor would finally get the title back in a ladder match on a house show in May, but it would only last for two days. The match here was ok but nothing worth seeing. It was better than the first match though.

Post match Jarrett puts the Kid in the Figure Four.

Jarrett says that was perfectly good conduct for a champion.

Turturro is with Jenny McCarthy and nothing of note is said. Pamela Anderson is nowhere to be seen but Shawn pops in to say nothing is wrong. Team DiBiase is behind them planning for later. Sid says Diesel is going down tonight.

King Kong Bundy vs. Undertaker

This is part of the never ending Undertaker vs. Million Dollar Corporation feud. The Corporation stole the Urn at the Rumble and tonight is about revenge and getting the Urn back. Before Taker comes out, Todd Pettingil talks to some football player. The referee is a Major League umpire who is moonlighting because MLB is on strike. Undertaker stares at DiBiase before the bell and Ted drops the Urn.

Tag Titles: Owen Hart/??? vs. Smoking Gunns

Rating: C-. Another decent but lackluster match here which is the theme of this show. The Gunns losing was definitely the right call as Owen and Yoko made for dominant champions for several months. Other than that though, the match was boring stuff overall. Owen finally getting a title was a good moment though.

Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund

This is an I Quit match with Roddy Piper as guest referee. They had a previous I Quit match at Survivor Series which wound up being pretty awesome as an old school style match that ran about thirty five minutes. Thanks to Owen cheating, Backlund won the title and shocked the world, so tonight is about revenge for Hart. Piper is here for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Backlund says he saw the light and looks crazier than usual.

Pamela Anderson is nowhere to be found so changes have been made. Ok then.

WWF World Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel

Diesel is defending and Jenny McCarthy comes out with Shawn. Pam Anderson comes out with Diesel to tick Shawn off, even though I thought McCarthy looked better. Shawn tries to jump Diesel but gets backdropped to the floor so Anderson can come in and pose. We actually get going and Shawn is dropped by a right hand. Diesel beals him out of the corner and Shawn is in trouble early.

Diesel is thrown to the floor but Shawn skins the cat to stay alive. A BIG dive off the top takes Diesel down and a baseball slide keeps him down. Shawn tries another baseball slide but Diesel steps to the side, only to accidentally ram himself ribs first into the post. A Sid chant breaks out as Shawn hits a running splash off the apron. They get back in as Sid and Hebner get in an argument which goes nowhere.

Diesel celebrates with all the celebrities.

The Million Dollar Team is introduced for the main event: Bundy, Tatanka, Nikolai Volkoff, Kama, I.R.S. and DiBiase himself. We also get the NFL All-Pro Team: Ken Norton, Chris Speilman, Rickey Jackson, Carl Banks, Steve McMichael and Reggie White.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Taylor

Back in and Bigelow gets in some shots to take over including a headbutt. A falling headbutt misses so Taylor fires off a big forearm to take Bigelow down. Bam Bam pounds him right back down and puts on a Boston crab which almost immediately shifts into a half crab. It breaks down even further into Bigelow just pulling on one leg. Now he just leans on it instead of cranking on it.

Bigelow misses an enziguri but Taylor falls down anyway. The top rope headbutt gets another two and the crowd reacts a bit. Taylor gets his last gasp of energy though and pounds Bigelow in the corner before hitting a pair of big forearms. A third from the middle rope is enough for the shocking upset.

Taylor can barely stand up post match and the team has to help him back. DiBiase goes on a rant to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

Allied Powers vs. Blu Brothers

Original: D

2013 Redo: C-

2015 Redo: C-

Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett

Original: D+

2013 Redo: C

2015 Redo: C

Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy

Original: F+

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Owen Hart/Yokozuna vs. Smoking Gunns

Original: D+

2013 Redo: C-

2015 Redo: C-

Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart

Original: F+

2013 Redo: D+

2015 Redo: D+

Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels

Original: B

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: B

Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Original: D+

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: B

Overall Rating

Original: F+

2013 Redo: D+

2015 Redo: D+

Man this show just isn’t fun.


And the 2013 Redo:


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