New Column: It Isn’t Radio

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Note that this was written before things went haywire in wrestling this week so I’m sorry for missing the bigger stories.

Daily News Update – June 16, 2022

The Happy Birthday Mama KB edition.

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Monday Night Raw – June 13, 2022

NXT – June 14, 2022

Dynamite – June 15, 2022


Long Time To Go: More On Stephanie McMahon’s WWE Hiatus.

Jeff Hardy Arrested, Facing Charges Of Driving Under The Influence And More.

Alexa Bliss Explains Needing Plastic Surgery After Series Of Injuries.

Twice As Nice: WWE Star Does Something Amazing For Charity.

It’s Not You, It’s Us: More On Paige’s Upcoming WWE Departure.

Him Again? WWE Announces Surprise Return For Next Week’s Monday Night Raw.

Put Them In: More Names Qualify For Money In The Bank Ladder Matches.

It Gets Worse: More On Jeff Hardy’s Arrest, Off Of AEW TV.

Back At It: Injured WWE Star Returns To The Ring (Contains Minor Spoiler).

And It’s Gone: WWE Quietly Drops Monday Night Raw Storyline.

Injury Update On NXT Star, Might Not Be That Bad.

There’s The Big One: Major Title Match Set For Special Show Next Month.

Speculation On Roman Reigns Losing WWE Universal Title And Where It Could Lead.

Farewell: AEW Star Not Likely Returning To The Company.

Former WWE Star Clarifies Comments, Not Retiring.

WATCH: Police Officers Draw Weapons On Jeff Hardy During Arrest.

Maybe Later: Upcoming WWE Tour Postponed (Again).

WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE May Have Released Sasha Banks.

Double History: Title Change And Betrayal Take Place On AEW Dynamite.

It Grows: Three New Matches Added To AEW Forbidden Door.

WRESTLING RUMORS: Roman Reigns’ TV Appearances Not Going As Expected.

Major Injury Update On Popular AEW Star, Already Set For Title Match.

New Law Inspired By Wrestler’s Suicide Officially Passed.

Vince McMahon Accused Of Affair With And Payment To WWE Employee, Investigation Underway.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Dynamite – June 15, 2022: That’s More Like It

Date: June 15, 2022
Location: Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

The road to Forbidden Door continues and as has been the case with AEW in recent weeks, things have gotten a little bit screwy. This time around it is Jeff Hardy getting arrested for driving under the influence, meaning that he will not be around for this week’s Tag Team Title match. Hopefully this doesn’t throw the show into chaos so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Chris Jericho vs. Ortiz

Hair vs. hair, the Jericho Appreciation Society and Eddie Kingston are here, and William Regal is on commentary. Ortiz charges in and knocks Jericho to the floor for some biting of the face. Jericho takes over outside and hammers away inside, only to have Ortiz get in some shots of his own. The suicide dive is broken up though and Jericho hits a suplex off the apron to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Ortiz clotheslining his way out of trouble and hitting a quick cutter. Jericho rolls him up and tries the Walls, which is reversed into a rollup for two. Ortiz misses a middle rope corkscrew….something, allowing Jericho to hit the Codebreaker for two more. The Walls go on so Ortiz makes the rope, meaning the fight is on outside. Cue Santana and Wheeler Yuta (JR: “WHERE THE **** HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN???”) to even things up a bit and Ortiz gets inside to knock Jericho silly for two. Ortiz is back up but Fuego del Sol of all people runs in to hit Ortiz in the face with a baseball bat to give Jericho the pin at 11:48.

Rating: C+. You knew the insanity was coming in the end and the Fuego stuff (which is totally not Sammy Guevara) was a surprise because of who did it but not a surprise overall. Jericho having someone to interfere on his behalf is right on point for him and you knew Jericho wasn’t going bald. The question was how we got here, and Ortiz shaving his head might make him stand out a bit more.

Post match Fuego unmasks as Sammy Guevara, because this really is Inner Circle 2.0. Ortiz cuts his own hair and shouts BLOOD AND GUTS.

We get a People’s Court style intro for Wardlow vs. the 20 security guards.

Wardlow vs. Security Guards

There are twenty guards and Wardlow has to beat all of them. The guards get on the apron and Wardlow knocks one apron off, which might count as eliminations. The dog pile doesn’t work and Wardlow powerbombs one guard onto the others. A bunch of powerbombs and chokes wreck more guards and Wardlow eliminates nine guards after about 2:15. More powerbombs leave more guards laying and another guard is pulled out of the air. A big group pin finishes for Wardlow at 4:08.

Rating: C. What do you say about this kind of a match? It was more of a training exercise for Wardlow, who ran through one guard after another like they weren’t even there. It made Wardlow look good and he wrecked everyone involved, so if this is the end of the story, or at least this part of it, we should be fine.

Post match Wardlow goes after Mark Sterling but Dan Lambert, with Scorpio Sky, pops up from a sky box. Lambert sends Matt Hughes and Tyron Woodley (former UFC Champions) into the ring, but Wardlow appeals to their midwestern roots. That’s enough for Hughes and Woodley to send Sterling to Wardlow for the big powerbomb. Posing ensues.

Dax Harwood vs. Will Ospreay

Feeling out process to start with Ospreay taking him into the corner and hitting a chop. Harwood takes him down into a headlock as the fans are split here. Ospreay is back up and kicks Harwood to the apron, with the leg getting caught in the ring skirt. A running dropkick against the steps rocks Harwood and we take a break.

Back with Harwood rolling some German suplexes to knock Ospreay silly. Harwood misses a top rope headbutt though and Ospreay is back with a springboard 450 for two. Ospreay goes up again but Harwood catches him, setting up a belly to back superplex, which is countered into a crossbody. Back up and Harwood counters a hurricanrana into a slingshot powerbomb but Ospreay flips out. A second attempt gives Harwood two, followed by Ospreay hitting a sitout powerbomb of his own. The Oscutter gives Ospreay two more, followed by the Hidden Blade for the pin at 13:45.

Rating: B+. Is there anything Harwood can’t do at this point? He has great tag matches and now gets to hang with a major international star like Ospreay in a heck of a singles match. Ospreay got to showcase himself a bit more this time and it was the kind of match you were expecting from him. A singles star beating a tag team champion is more than acceptable and this was a blast of a match.

Post match the rest of the United Empire comes in for the beatdown with the Best Friends and Cash Wheeler coming in for the save. That doesn’t go so well, but Orange Cassidy comes in for the real save, setting up the Will Ospreay showdown. Well of course that’s what we’re getting.

Video on Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, which has been built up for awhile in New Japan.

It’s time for a face to face showdown between Moxley and Tanahashi. Moxley says he has been chasing him for a long time, across Japan to America. They call Tanahashi the Ace, but that won’t be the case for long. Moxley is the best in the world and at Forbidden Door, Tanahashi will call him the Ace.

Cue Chris Jericho, flanked by Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti, to say Moxley is in his spot. Jericho talks about how he beat Tanahashi in the Tokyo Dome, but Tanahashi tells him to shut up. Cue the Jericho Appreciation Society, but El Desperado and Lance Archer jump Moxley and Tanahashi from behind.

Jericho announces Guevara and Conti as the newest members of the Jericho Appreciation Society. Desperado and Archer are here on loan from Suzuki-Gun so at Forbidden Door, it’s Minoru Suzuki/Guevara/Jericho vs. Wheeler Yuta/Shota Umino/Eddie Kingston. Cue Kingston, Ortiz (head shaved) and Yuta for the save. House is cleaned and the good guys stand tall.

Darby Allin wants Bobby Fish on Rampage.

Toni Storm isn’t impressed by Britt Baker and wants the Women’s Title.

All Atlantic Title Qualifying Match: Miro vs. Ethan Page

Page bails to the floor for a chat with Dan Lambert, who wants Page to focus. Back in and Page bails outside again, with the chase allowing Page to get in some shots. Page starts working on the arm but Miro isn’t having that and kicks Page down. Now it’s Miro slapping away at the arm, which sends Page outside and us to a break.

Back with Miro pounding away at the chest but getting sent into the steps to slow him down. A springboard cutter gives Page two but Miro is done with this getting beaten up. After knocking Lambert off the apron, it’s a superkick to Page and Game Over to send Miro to Forbidden Door at 9:31.

Rating: C+. Nicely done stuff here with Miro getting the win that he should have gotten but without beating the stuffing out of Page. The more I see of Page, the more I like him as there is definitely a lot of talent there, especially when he gets to be more serious. Miro winning here was the only way to go though and he did it in enough of a dominant fashion.

Dante Martin is ready for Jon Moxley on Rampage.

Britt Baker vs. Toni Storm

Rebel and Jamie Hayter are here too. Storm knocks her to the floor to start but Baker is back with a forearm of her own. A posting cuts Storm down and Hayter gets in a cheap shot but here is Thunder Rosa to chase Hayter off. We take a break and come back with Storm hitting a tornado DDT to send Baker outside, where another tornado DDT plants Baker on the floor.

The running hip attack crushes Baker in the corner and she seems a bit rocked. A forearm has Baker crumbled on the mat….but Baker is goldbricking and rolls Storm up for two. Lockjaw is loaded up but Storm German suplexes her down. Storm Zero finishes Baker at 7:31 to give Storm the big win.

Rating: C+. That was some pretty nice goldbricking from Baker and I liked seeing Storm FINALLY get a big win. I have no reason to believe this is going anywhere, but it is nice to see her get something. Baker losing still feels like a big deal and I’m happy with seeing her take a bit of a step back after dominating the division for so long.

Post match Thunder Rosa comes back for the staredown with Storm, making me wonder why Baker needed to win the Owen Hart tournament if this is where they’re going.

Stokely Hathaway announces that Jade Cargill is issuing an open challenge for Rampage. Willow Nightingale comes in to accept, though Hathaway isn’t sure who she is. I could go for more Nightingale.

Here is Hangman Page for a chat. Page challenged Kazuchika Okada for Forbidden Door, but then Okada lost the IWGP World Title over the weekend. He still wants the match though….but here is Adam Cole to interrupt. Cole says if anyone is challenging for the title at Forbidden Door it is him, so Cole brings out the new champion, Jay White.

This means White can come in from behind to Blade Runner Page and shout about how he has beaten Page twice before. That’s why Page isn’t getting a title shot at Forbidden Door….but it won’t be against Cole either. White has the title so he holds the power, meaning he can pick his challenge. Cole isn’t happy.

Tag Team Titles: Jurassic Express vs. Young Bucks

The Bucks are challenging in a ladder match. It’s a brawl to start with Nick loading up a ladder but getting taken back down with a springboard hurricanrana. Matt catches Jungle Boy on the ladder but Luchasaurus is back with a double choke. That’s broken up with some kicks to the head so the ladder is loaded up in the corner. Jungle Boy is back to clean house but gets caught in the rolling northern lights suplexes, including one into the ladder.

A running hurricanrana off the apron sends Matt through a table but Nick powerbombs Jungle Boy through another table. Nick isn’t done and hits a springboard Canadian Destroyer on Luchasaurus, followed by the 450 to put Luchasaurus through another table. With the regular Nick Jackson Does A Bunch Of Stuff sequence done, we take a break and come back with Luchasaurus hitting a moonsault off the apron to take both Bucks down. Everyone winds up on a pair of (uneven) ladders with Luchasaurus being the last man standing.

That doesn’t last long as Matt makes a save and hits a top rope elbow to drive him through a table. Jungle Boy catches Matt with a German suplex and goes up with Nick for another slugout. The Bucks take him off the ladder and Nick is busted (might have broken his nose), leaving Luchasaurus to go up. That means one heck of a crash through four tables (ala Bubba Ray Dudley/Matt Hardy at Wrestlemania X7. The BTE Trigger drops Jungle Boy and the Bucks get the titles back at 14:55.

Rating: B. What is there to say here? It’s a ladder match with a bunch of flips and dives and broken stuff, which is about all you can expect from this kind of a match. That isn’t a bad thing, but it also isn’t the kind of match that is going to blow the door off the place most of the time. The Bucks getting the titles back is a bit surprising, as they are the first ever two time champions, but they are still one of the top teams in the company. Jurassic Express had a good reign, though I don’t know if they ever came close to feeling like the top team around and that held them back.

Post match Jungle Boy has to be helped up because of his knee….and Christian Cage turns on him with the Killswitch. The Conchairto leaves Jungle Boy laying to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. They covered a lot this week with all kinds of stuff being set up for Forbidden Door as well as having a pair of impressive matches this week. What matters is that they have started getting us ready for the pay per view, which they kind of need to do since it is in less than two weeks. Heck of a show here as it felt like a classic Dynamite, which has been lacking lately.

Chris Jericho b. Ortiz – Baseball bat to the face
Wardlow b. Security Guards – Group pin
Will Ospreay b. Dax Harwood – Hidden Blade
Miro b. Ethan Page – Game Over
Toni Storm b. Britt Baker – Storm Zero
Young Bucks b. Jurassic Express – Bucks pulled down the titles




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NXT – June 14, 2022: The Pre-Bash Not So Much A Bash

Date: June 14, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

We’re taped this week and rapidly on the way to the Great American Bash in three weeks. That means it is time to start getting the show ready and odds are some of those things are going to be done this week. One of the bigger matches this week will see the Creed Brothers defending the Tag Team Titles so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tag Team Titles: Edris Enofe/Malik Blade vs. Creed Brothers

The Creeds are defending. Brutus takes Blade into the corner to start and then shoulders him into it again, only to have Blade come back with a headlock on Julius. It’s off to Enofe for the 619 in the corner, followed by a weird slow motion sunset flip for two. Enofe ties up the arms and pulls on Julius’ neck but some power gets Julius out of trouble. Brutus gets slammed onto Enofe for two and we hit the front facelock.

A northern lights suplex is enough for the escape and it’s back to Blade to pick up the pace. Enofe comes right back in for a dropkick but gets backdropped to the floor. There’s a double backdrop to Blade though and we take a break. Back with Brutus getting kicked in the face, setting up Enofe’s top rope elbow for two. The tag brings Julius back in though and everything breaks down, allowing Blade to get suplexed into the basement lariat for the pin at 13:53.

Rating: B-. This is about as classic of a tag team story as you are going to get, with the power of the Creeds vs. the speed of Blade/Enofe. That’s a formula that is going to work almost every time and these guys had a perfectly watchable wrestling match with the teams looking good. Nice opener.

Respect is shown post match.

Indi Hartwell is sad about her love life but tells Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade to work hard. Cora calls her out for being an old grizzled veteran at 25, but what matters is that they’re ready for Toxic Attraction tonight.

Apollo Crews is sitting in a diner and writing about his WWE career in a journal. He has had great results in WWE, but he still hears the echoes of those three letters. Now he is going back to NXT….but we pause for him to fantasize about beating up a rude customer in a diner. Instead he goes over to said customer and asks if there is a problem, only to be told to get out of his face.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley

Wendy Choo is seen bouncing through Stratton’s entrance on a big ball. Stratton backs into the corner to start but Henley unloads on her with right hands. Henley gets caught in the ring skirt though and Stratton takes over on her, including a toss towards the ropes for a big crash down.

A slingshot Swanton gives Stratton two and we hit….a rather weird hold on Henley (picture the start of a Code Red, but Stratton bridges back to force a sitting Henley down to the mat). The comeback is on and Henley kicks her into the corner, only to get caught in a fall away slam. Cue Choo to throw confetti at Stratton, allowing Henley to grab a small package for the pin at 3:10.

Rating: C. Ah yes, the continuing saga of that girl on a ball with the confetti. Henley winning isn’t the biggest upset ever but I could go for Stratton not losing so often. Hopefully she doesn’t lose to Choo as well, no matter how much NXT seems to think that she is the funniest and least annoying person ever.

Cameron Grimes is depressed but Bron Breakker tells him it’ll be ok. Grimes leaves and here is Duke Hudson to needle Breakker. The match seems set for some point in the future.

Video on Lash Legend vs. Alba Fyre, featuring Legend giving her career bio, because LASH LEGEND IS A THING AND YOU WILL CARE ABOUT HER.

Wes Lee vs. Xyon Quinn

Lee tries an early rollup but Quinn picks him up for a drop onto the top rope. A running shoulder to the ribs into a backdrop has Lee down again as the dominance is on. Back up and Lee hits a backflip kick to the head, setting up the Spiral Tap for the pin at 2:48. Lee getting some wins is a good thing.

Joe Gacy is ready for the Dyad to win.

Video on Nathan Frazer, who is from Jersey (not New) and loved diving off of things on the beach. He was also really good soccer player and could have played in the EPL, but wound up following his dream of wrestling. To be continued.

Dyad vs. Javier Bernal/Dante Chen

Joe Cacy is here with the Dyad. We’ll say Dy takes Chen down to start before it’s off to Ad for a forearm to Chen. Dy, who is left handed, throws some shots to the head to put Chen down but Chen gets in a boot to the face. It’s back to Chen to start picking up the ace but a clothesline cuts him off. Everything breaks down and an elevated DDT (ala Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan) finishes Chen at 3:53.

Rating: C. The new team did well enough together but all that matters is the fact that we have to hear more and more from Gacy, who is one of the top heels on the show. Dyad was ok and I’m curious to see who is under the hoods, but listening to Gacy talking about acceptance and all that jazz every week isn’t quite appealing.

Post match Gacy says don’t judge these two for wanting to belong. Threats and evil smiling ensue.

Sanga is in the back with Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz when Xyon Quinn comes in. Words are exchanged, but Sanga standing up scares Quinn off.

Nikkita Lyons is coming back.

Here is Tony D’Angelo’s Family, complete with Legado del Fantasma. D’Angelo is pleased with Stacks and Two Dimes and gives them some cash. As for Legado, they need to understand the idea of the code of silence, which results in a rather forced handshake, much to the fans’ annoyance. D’Angelo has a family and the title of Don, but now he wants a title around his waist. Cue Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams to say they don’t buy this. The title match is made for next week.

Toxic Attraction is ready to destroy Roxanne Perez, Indi Hartwell and Cora Jade.

NXT Title: Bron Breakker vs. Duke Hudson

Breakker is defending but Hudson jumps him from behind before the bell. That’s fine with Breakker, who hits the running shoulders and a spear. The gorilla press powerslam retains the title at 43 seconds.

Post match here is Cameron Grimes to say she would like to finish his chat with Breakker. Grimes says Breakker has that title because of his last name, but no one knows who Grimes’ daddy was. That’s completely fine, but that’s the problem: Breakker’s dad was sitting in the front row watching him win a title while Grimes’ dad had to look down at him. Grimes is tired of the catchphrases so let’s launch the rocket and go to the moon at the Great American Bash. Breakker shakes his hand and we’re on.

Ivy Nile gives Tatum Paxley a bit of a pep talk. Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp come in and ask what is up with that, because Strong wants no excuses. The Creeds come in and Strong isn’t happy with them shaking hands after the title defense. Strong was right, but he gets to return to the ring next week. That doesn’t sit well with Strong, but he seems ready to go.

Sofia Cromwell doesn’t want Brooks Jensen ringside next week when Von Wagner gets his revenge.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Guru Raaj

Vinci’s entrance includes a bunch of pictures being take of Vinci (photographers not included) with Vini, Vidi, Vinci on the screen. Vinci takes him down with a headlock takeover before hitting a hard running shoulder. Raaj fights up with a dropkick and that just annoys Vinci. A springboard spinning crossbody drops Raaj and a hard clothesline does it again. Vinci picks him up for a sitout Last Ride and the pin at 2:49. Not a bad debut and the finish was devastating, so nice job for a start.

Grayson Waller interrupts Solo Sikoa, who is so annoyed that he wants a match next week. Cool with Waller.

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe aren’t happy with their loss but they’ll get another shot. Cameron Grimes pops in to say they shouldn’t be this complacent. What if they never get another win like that? They’re trying to leave before the show is over because they’re not hungry. Grimes doesn’t want Enofe to waste his talent, because Grimes doesn’t waste his own.

Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams vs. Stacks/Two Dimes

The rest of the Family is here too. Hayes knocks Dimes down to start and Williams gets in a dropkick of his own. Two Dimes comes in to take over on Hayes and the beating is on, including a hard clothesline. A knee to the ribs keeps Hayes in trouble but something close to the Demolition Decapitator misses. Williams comes in to clean house so Legado tries to interfere, only to take Two Dimes out by mistake. That’s enough for Hayes to go up top for the ax kick and the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C. The problems are already (Or is it still?) showing between the mega team and that’s about what they were shooting for the whole time. Odds are this isn’t going to last long and that is about the only way this could have gone. On top of that, it’s quite the relief to see a champion not lose, as that is far too common of a WWE trope.

Legado gives a great “oh well” look after the match.

Post break D’Angelo yells at Legado, saying to get better, starting next week.

Cora Jade/Indi Hartwell/Roxanne Perez vs. Toxic Attraction

Mandy starts with Jade but quickly hands it off to Jane to pieface her. Jade takes over without much trouble so it’s off to Rose vs. Hartwell, with the latter grabbing a wristlock. A side slam drops Rose and we need a Toxic Attraction huddle on the floor. Back in and Toxic Attraction is knocked outside as we take a break.

We come back with Perez ankle scissoring Jayne down and grabbing a rollup for two. A discus forearm cuts Perez down for two and it’s time for the strike off. Perez rolls her way to freedom and it’s off to Hartwell to take Rose into the corner. Jade gets to clean house for a bit until Jayne takes her down for a kick to the back.

The double clothesline puts Jade and Rose down though, meaning Jade needs to crawl over to Hartwell. The referee doesn’t see the tag though and it’s Dolin taking over on Jade. That doesn’t last either though as the hot tag brings in Hartwell to clean house. Everything breaks down and Jade hits a top rope backsplash on Dolin, allowing Perez to get the pin at 13:45.

Rating: C+. The ending got better and the result helps set up both title matched down the line. That’s a good thing for the future as you can picture one if not both titles changing hands, which is a good thing. The match itself was energetic and they even got in the referee missing the tag spot. Good enough main event here, though the interest might not be that high.

Overall Rating: C. This was a show that didn’t exactly have a lot of greatness on the show, but it set up some things for the future, likely at Great American Bash. It’s kind of a fast turn around from In Your House but at least this is going to be a TV show instead of another big special. This was a right in the middle show with some ok matches, though nothing that is worth taking the time to watch.

Creed Brothers b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Basement lariat to Blade
Fallon Henley b. Tiffany Stratton – Small package
Wes Lee b. Xyon Quinn – Spiral Tap
Dyad b. Javier Bernal/Dante Chen – Assisted elevated DDT to Chen
Bron Breakker b. Duke Hudson – Spear
Giovanni Vinci b. Guru Raaj – Sitout elevated powerbomb
Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams b. Stacks/Two Dimes – Top rope ax kick to Two Dimes
Cora Jade/Indi Hartwell/Roxanne Perez b. Toxic Attraction – Top rope backsplash to Dolin




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – June 13, 2022: Everyone Has A First Time

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 13, 2022
Location: Intrust Bank Arena, Wichita, Kansas
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Jimmy Smith

It’s the first Raw without Cody Rhodes in a bit and that doesn’t exactly leave us with a ton of options. The biggest problem would seem to be the lack of a main event star around here, but maybe we can find someone in the Money in the Bank qualifying matches. Let’s get to it.

Here is last week’s show if you need a recap.

We open with MizTV with special guest Paul Heyman. Miz talks about the Money in the Bank ladder match and puts over how important the briefcase can be, including his two wins. Heyman says that the percentages don’t matter because whoever wins is going to lose to Roman Reigns.

We hear about Reigns vs. Riddle on Friday, so here is Riddle to discuss various testicles. Riddle is ready to win the title on Friday but Heyman doesn’t think Riddle is even going to win tonight. As for Friday though, he can win, or he can never have another title shot ever. Heyman brings out the Usos but here are the Street Profits to uneven the odds.

Jimmy Uso vs. Montez Ford

Feeling out process to start with Jimmy knocking him down and getting a bit cocky. Back up and Ford takes him down with an armbar but Jimmy sends him to the apron and snaps off a suplex to put Ford in even more trouble. We take a break and come back with Jimmy staying on the ribs with a waistlock.

Ford flips out and starts kicking away, including a step up enziguri for two. The spinebuster gets two more on Jimmy but he’s right back with a pop up Samoan drop for the same. Ford is back up with a super hurricanrana to catch Jimmy on top but the frog splash hits knees, allowing Jimmy to get the pin at 12:51.

Rating: C. This was a nice singles match from both though the ending was only so good. I’m not entirely sure I can buy a countered splash as enough for a pin but it does make the impact of the splash look that much better. Ford getting a single match sounds like a good idea, though I’m not sure he’s ready for the singles push that people have been wanting for a long time.

We recap Seth Rollins showing respect to Cody Rhodes last week and then attacking him with a sledgehammer anyway.

We get a sitdown interview with Seth Rollins, who is asked if he feels any remorse over what he did. Of course not, because Rollins sees Cody as a virus. Sometimes you have to take matters into his own hands, like Rollins has a sledgehammer in his own hands. As for tonight, he wants to qualify for Money in the Bank and suggests using that sledgehammer on AJ Styles. Cue Styles to forearm Rollins, saying that was for Cody.

We look back at Dana Brooke beating Becky Lynch last week.

24/7 Title: Becky Lynch vs. Dana Brooke

Brooke is defending but gets jumped before the bell. Becky beats her down and says this isn’t about the 24/7 Title because she is tired of the disrespect. She thinks she should just win that Money in the Bank briefcase but for now, she’ll go after Brooke again. Cue Asuka for the brawl and Becky is cleared out. No match.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Alexa Bliss/Liv Morgan vs. Nikki Ash/Doudrop

Nikki now has new black and gold gear. Bliss takes Ash to start but it’s quickly off to Doudrop, who isn’t having anything of a headscissors. A backsplash crushes Bliss for two and it’s back to Nikki to hammer away. Nikki’s running bulldog is countered and it’s off to Morgan to clean house. Morgan hits a middle rope dropkick for two on Doudrop, allowing the tag back to Bliss for the running Blockbuster. Ash makes a fast save and everything breaks down, with a side slam/reverse DDT combination getting two on Bliss. The fight goes to the floor but Bliss grabs a DDT to finish Ash at 4:21.

Rating: C-. Not terrible here, but the important part is getting two potential Money in the Bank winners to qualify at the same time. There were a lot of spots to fill and now they have two more covered in the span of one match. That is more than you get most of the time, even if there was little doubt given who was on the other side of the ring.

We recap the Judgment Day shakeup from last week with Finn Balor knocking Edge out and seeming to take over.

Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel

Owens knocks him into the corner and hits a Cannonball, setting up the Swanton for two at twenty seconds. Ezekiel is back and knocks Owens to the floor to take over, setting up a spinebuster for two back inside. That lets Ezekiel go up but Owens rolls away, which means Ezekiel goes outside with him.

An AA onto the steps knocks Owens silly and we take a break. Back with Owens holding a chinlock until his backsplash only hits Ezekiel’s raised knees. Ezekiel hits a running splash in the corner, followed by a jumping knee to put Owens on the floor again. Owens gets in a shot of his own but stops to yell at commentary, meaning Ezekiel wins by countout at 8:31.

Rating: C-. I wasn’t feeling this one as the structure was all over the place, with Owens starting so fast and then losing when he got too annoyed. The problem was that Ezekiel got in a bunch of offense in the middle and it wasn’t close to a squash. The action was ok, but the match wound up being a mess.

Post match Ezekiel says he wants Money in the Bank, but before that there is next week….and Elias will be back.

Video on John Cena visiting a non-verbal refugee in the Netherlands.

MVP vs. Cedric Alexander

Omos is here with MVP. Before the match, MVP says Alexander needs to learn that he is down here and Omos is up here, with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Cedric knocks him down to start and there’s the springboard Downward Spiral for an early two. An Omos distraction lets MVP hit a clothesline and Ballin gets two more. The Playmaker gives MVP the pin at 1:31.

AJ Styles is ready to beat Seth Rollins in a Money in the Bank qualifying match.

Rollins dedicates his match to Cody Rhodes.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles

Styles slugs away to start and grabs some early rollups for two each. Rollins gets in a shot of his own but AJ sends him outside, setting up the slingshot forearm to the floor to drop Rollins again. Styles gets sent over the announcers’ table though and we take a break. Back with Styles striking away, setting up the belly to back faceplant for two. The low superkick gives Rollins the same but the Stomp is countered into the Calf Crusher.

That’s broken up but AJ grabs it again, this time sending Rollins over to the ropes. Back up and Rollins hits a discus forearm, only to have his buckle bomb countered into a suplex into the corner. Rollins is fine enough to hit the Buckle Bomb but the frog splash only hits mat. The Styles Clash is loaded up but Rollins reverses into a sunset flip for the pin at 15:11.

Rating: B. We’ll call this another case of “what were you expecting”. These two could probably have a very good match in their sleep and that is what they did here, with Rollins winning to get back on track and Styles putting over someone else who is already a big star. That is kind of Styles’ thing as of late but at least Styles is done with Edge for the time being.

Riddle vs. Ciampa

Miz is on commentary. Riddle takes him down into a cross armbreaker to start, only to be sent into the corner for his efforts. Ciampa comes back with a shot of his own but has to escape Bro Derek. Another shot runs Riddle down but he wins a strike off and hits the Orton scoop powerslam. The hanging DDT gets the same but Ciampa grabs an ankle lock. The running knee to the face gives Ciampa two but Riddle hits his own knee. The RKO finishes Ciampa at 4:35.

Rating: C. What is Ciampa supposed to be in WWE? He is a big enough star that he is consistently on Raw and some people seem to think something of him, but he has been treated as a loser for weeks. What was the point in bringing him up if this is the best they have for him? Other than crushing another HHH guy of course.

Bianca Belair is sick of Rhea Ripley and promises to shut her up at Money In The Bank. Judgment Day pops up on screen to recap getting rid of Edge and seems rather happy with it. Ripley promises to take the Women’s Title from Belair.

Theory is ready to beat Bobby Lashley in a pose down tonight.

John Cena is back in two weeks.

Chad Gable vs. Mustafa Ali

Otis is here with Gable, who takes Ali down without much effort. Ali hurricanranas him into an armdrag but he misses a charge into the middle buckle for a nasty crash. The bow and arrow hold goes on but Ali slips out without much trouble. Gable misses the moonsault though, allowing Ali to hit a running clothesline. The tornado DDT connects but Otis offers a distraction, allowing Gable to hit Chaos Theory for the pin at 3:44.

Rating: C+. I’m glad to see Ali back on TV but I don’t think there is any reason to believe that things are going to get better for him than this. WWE is not going to give Ali much of a chance to do anything after his disagreement with the company and while it is sad, it certainly isn’t that surprising. I mean, he’s losing to Gable on Raw. How much worse can it be?

We look back at Veer Mahaan taking out Dominik Mysterio.

Veer Mahaan vs. Rey Mysterio

Dominik is here too. Rey goes for the leg to start but gets taken down with a single shot. Veer sends him chest first to the floor for the crash, followed by the chest first whip into the corner back inside. A missed charge sends Veer into the post and out to the floor, where he beats up Dominik for fun. Back in and Veer spins him into a faceplant, setting up the Cervical Clutch to make Rey tap at 3:39.

Rating: C. If there is a point coming to this seemingly never ending feud, I’m not seeing it. Mahaan has wrecked both Mysterios multiple times now but for some reason we are seeing it again and again. How long are they supposed to do it before WWE gives up? So far it has been two plus months, so I guess about that long plus.

And now, a pose down between Bobby Lashley and Theory. They both get to do the same three poses, with Theory looking fine but being outmatched. Lashley wins, but Theory sprays baby oil in his eyes and dropkicks him. This could have been a segment at 9:14 on any given week and far from the closing of Raw.

Overall Rating: C-. This was right back to the norm for Raw: a bunch of stuff that we have covered before without anything that you really need to see. Couple that with a pretty dreadful last half hour and there was no reason to care about this show. Money in the Bank got a little build, but I still have no idea why I should want to see a bunch of qualifying matches for a ladder match for a title shot that might not have happened a year from now.

Jey Uso b. Montez Ford – Countered frog splash
Liv Morgan/Alexa Bliss b. Doudrop/Nikki Ash – DDT to Ash
Ezekiel b. Kevin Owens via countout
MVP b. Cedric Alexander – Playmaker
Seth Rollins b. AJ Styles – Sunset flip
Riddle b. Ciampa – RKO
Chad Gable b. Mustafa Ali – Rolling Chaos Theory
Veer Mahaan b. Rey Mysterio – Cervical Clutch




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Things Are Going To Be A Bit Slow For A Little While

Have to spend some time in the hospital, though the wife and I will be coming home with someone new later this week.  I have no idea when I’ll be able to get the weekly shows done but I’ll see what I can squeeze in.



Daily News Update – June 13, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

NXT LVL Up – June 10, 2022

NXT UK – June 9, 2022

Monday Night Raw – December 3, 2007


Former WWE Star Reveals Interesting Gimmick Planned For Him.

WATCH: WWE Star Possibly Injured During Match On This Week’s SmackDown.

Good For Him: WWE Star Auctioning Off Ring Worn Gear For A Special Cause.

There’s The News: Update On Cody Rhodes’ Injury Status (And It’s Not Good).

There’s Your Dream Team: Bret Hart Manages FTR Over The Weekend.

WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Considering Babyface Turn For Longtime Star.

Double Shot: Two World Titles Change Hands Over The Weekend.

There Is It: Main Event Set For AEW Forbidden Door.

There’s Another One: WWE Releases Another NXT Star.

Ouch: NXT Star Injured At Live Event, Match Stopped.

Family Business: Usos Tease A Bit Of A Surprising Career Move.

They Had An Idea: Toni Storm Reveals Original Plans For Her Time In WWE.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Monday Night Raw – December 3, 2007: Just Keep It Going

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 3, 2007
Location: North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston, South Carolina
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We are less than two weeks away from Armageddon and the Raw main event seems to be Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the Raw World Title. Other than that, we have HHH vs. Jeff Hardy and odds are that is going to get the majority of the attention this week. I’m not sure what that is going to entail but let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here is Chris Jericho to get things going. Jericho is back and wants a title match, which is why he cost Randy Orton a match against Ric Flair last week. Then after last week, Jericho felt a tingle in his pants because of this. We see a clip of Orton agreeing to the title match after Raw last week and Jericho is rather happy.

Cue Orton, who lists off all of his recent victims but Jericho says that just like beating Rock and Austin in one night, that means nothing right now. Violence is teased but here is William Regal to say the two of them can pick the other’s opponents tonight. Orton picks Umaga to face Jericho while Jericho makes Orton vs. Shawn Michaels.

Maria/Mickie James vs. Melina/Beth Phoenix

Maria takes Melina down for an early two but Melina is back up with some shots to the face. Beth comes in to power her into the corner but stops to bring in Mickie. They slugout is on until Beth pulls her off of the top for the crash. With Maria knocked down, it’s a fisherman’s buster to finish Mickie, making me wonder what the point was to this one.

Shawn Michaels says tonight, the WWE Title isn’t on the line, but Sweet Chin Music is all legal. Mr. Kennedy pops up on a monitor to tell Shawn to be ready for their match at Armageddon. He promises a blast from the past that could break Shawn’s heart.

Here is Mr. Kennedy for a chat. He wants to get to know Shawn a bit more so he has invited some of Shawn’s friends and rivals. We’ll start with someone Shawn won’t share the spotlight with: Marty Jannetty (that’s not Marty Jannetty), Razor Ramon (that’s not Razor Ramon, though he does get in a Hey Yo) and Diesel (that’s not Diesel). We need the man himself though, but that’s not Shawn Michaels. They get to describe Shawn, including words like egotistical, chump and traitor. Kennedy threatens the fake Shawn but gets cut off by the real thing. House is cleaned with Kennedy leaving for the staredown from the floor.

Next week: Raw’s 15th Anniversary.

Vince McMahon, with Coach, is on the phone in his office and announces that Hulk Hogan will be here next week. Other names include Trish Stratus, Mick Foley, Eric Bischoff (Vince: “ERIC BISCHOFF???) and Hulk Hogan but here is Hornswoggle to interrupt. Vince has him sit down because he has something special for next week: the official McMahon Family Portrait. As for tonight, Vince isn’t happy with Hornswoggle surviving his tough love attempts, but since Finlay isn’t here tonight, we’ll see how the Luck of the Irish does against Coach/Carlito. The bosses leave and Hornswoggle pulls out a phone.

We look back at HHH and Jeff Hardy working together last week before being told they will be facing off at Armageddon.

William Regal comes in to see HHH and talks about the logic behind the match with Hardy. Speaking of that match, we’ll sweeten the pot a bit by making it for the WWE Title shot at the Royal Rumble. Since that title means so much to HHH, maybe he’ll use that anger on Hardy. HHH says he doesn’t hate Hardy, but he would Pedigree his mother, grandmother or father in law to be WWE Champion again.

Umaga vs. Chris Jericho

We actually join this in progress with Jericho in control on the floor and taking him back inside for some elbows to the head. Umaga sends him outside though and it’s a splash for two back inside. The nerve hold goes on for a bit, followed by a superkick to send Jericho into the corner. The running hip attack misses though and Jericho manages a knockdown of his own. Jericho’s running dropkick into the Lionsault gets two and the Codebreaker (now named) connects but Randy Orton runs in to jump Jericho for the DQ.

Rating: C+. These two can work well together but my goodness Umaga has fallen a long way. There is only so much you can do with a monster who keeps losing over and over. He didn’t even take a pin here, but rather than being something that mattered, he was just there to make Jericho look good. It happens to most monsters though, and that is the case again here.

Post match Orton lays Jericho out with the RKO.

Hornswoggle vs. Carlito/Jonathan Coachman

No DQ and hold on though as Hornswoggle has hired protection for this match. Cue the APA to wreck Carlito and Coach, setting up the Tadpole splash to finish Coach fast.

Post match Bradshaw says they’re open for hire and plugs Smackdown, with Simmons adding the catchphrase.

Snitsky wants the Intercontinental Title and to hurt Jeff Hardy in the process.

Intercontinental Title: Snitsky vs. Jeff Hardy

Hardy is defending. Snitsky knocks him down fast and drops an elbow before choking away in the corner. We hit a double underhook crank to keep Hardy down but he avoids the running legdrop. A quick Twist of Fate into the Swanton retains the title.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here but were you expecting anything else from Snitsky getting a title shot? That is the kind of thing you see happen when someone no shows a house show. Hardy getting a win is a good thing as his rise up the card continues, and you know that he is coming for the main event scene a lot sooner rather than later.

Post match Snitsky kicks him in the face but HHH comes in with the sledgehammer for the save. HHH teases hitting Hardy but helps him up instead.

Smackdown Rebound.

Armageddon rundown.

Jillian Hall comes in to sing for Vince McMahon, who isn’t impressed. William Regal comes in to tell him that Stephanie McMahon is on her way.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton

Non-title. The chase is on to start with Shawn catching him in inside and starting the stomping. The headlock slows Orton down but he’s back up with an elbow to the face. Back up and Michaels grabs an ankle lock of all things to put Orton in trouble. Orton rolls out to the floor for a breather and we take a break.

Back with Shawn clotheslining him out to the floor but missing a superkick, which hits the timekeeper by mistake (Shawn has a bad record with that). Back in and Orton stomps away and we hit the chinlock with a bodyscissors. Shawn fights up and hits a slam into the top rope elbow but has to dive onto an invading Kennedy. They fight into the crowd and Shawn is counted out (because a DQ isn’t an option for some reason).

Rating: C+. This is another match that is going to work almost no matter what because they have some good chemistry together. They weren’t going to have either of them take a fall here as they both have big matches coming up at Armageddon, so this was a matter of waiting on either Kennedy or Chris Jericho interfering. Granted it was a nice match on the way there, but it was waiting.

Post match Kennedy and Shawn brawl into the crowd as Chris Jericho runs in to jump Orton.

Stephanie McMahon comes in to see her dad and points out that he has invited a bunch of people who hate him for next week. She doesn’t want to see him get beaten up again so please don’t put yourself in that place. Vince: “I LOVE CONFRONTATION!” He also promises to name the greatest Raw star of all time.

Overall Rating: C+. They are making me more interested in the pay per view than just about anything else they have done on Raw in the last little while so something is going right. I’m not sure how long that is going to last but at least we are getting some nice television on the way there. Just find a way to keep it going and WWE could be going somewhere.




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NXT UK – June 9, 2022: Survive

Date: June 9, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

After last week’s title show, it’s time for another title show, which should make for a big week. This time around we have Meiko Satomura defending the NXT UK Women’s Title against Ivy Nile in a match that could go either way. Other than that, we could be getting some fallout from Moustache Mountain’s issues last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter winning the Tag Team Titles last week. As a result, former champions Moustache Mountain doesn’t seem happy with each other.

Opening sequence.

Mark Andrews vs. Kenny Williams

Andrews is representing Subculture, but does that team actually exist outside of Andrews anymore? Williams bails to the floor to start but Andrews follows him outside and starts chopping away. Back in and Williams rakes the eyes to break up the armbar so Andrews twists the knee around the ropes. They go to the apron where Williams snaps the arm down, followed by a snap suplex for two back inside.

A belly to back gets Andrews out of trouble but Williams is right back on the arm to cut that off. The crossface chickenwing doesn’t work on Andrews, who is right back with the Stundog Millionaire. They strike it out with shots to the other’s damaged limb until Andrews grabs a left armed Side Effect for two. Another Stundog Millionaire misses and Williams kicks him in the arm for two more. Andrews goes up but gets pulled down by the arm, allowing Williams to take out the leg for a change of pace. Cue the masked Tiger Turan for a distraction though, allowing Andrews to grab a small package for the pin at 9:48.

Rating: C+. This was a fun one as tends to be the case with Andrews’ matches. He knows how to have the high flying style match and Williams can hang with anyone. The Turan deal is interesting as well, as there aren’t many people who could be under that mask but Williams is certainly shaken up by whomever it is.

We look at Moustache Mountain winning the Tag Team Titles and Trent Seven’s growing obsession to hold onto them, even if it meant slipping towards the dark side. Next week: an address from Seven.

Mark Coffey gets a phone call from his brother Joe, who is still gone. Mark says if Joe needs anything, call him or the rest of the family as things seem to be ok.

Tate Mayfairs/Oli Blake vs. Symbiosis

Eddie Dennis is here with Symbiosis. Primate powers Mayfair into the corner to start but Mayfairs dives at him with a headlock. Blake comes in and gets knocked into the corner, allowing T-Bone to hit a suplex. A double stomp sets up a fall away slam to give T-Bone two but Blake manages to roll over. The hot tag brings in Mayfairs to clean house…until a clothesline takes his head off. Primate’s top rope headbutt finishes at 4:34.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here as Mayfairs is ok at best and the team got squashed. What matters is Symbiosis getting a win as they could use the recharge. They have something with the aggressive monsters deal and Dennis continues to be a solid manager. I’m just not sure the two parts combined are solid.

Post match Symbiosis turns on Dennis and lays him out for good. I’m down with that.

Ilja Dragunov is here to watch Meiko Satomura retain her title.

Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith are very happy with their title win. Smith’s daughter was very pleased with the win.

Amale vs. Eliza Alexander

Xia Brookside is here with Alexander. Amale gets powered into the corner to start but she is right back with a running shoulder. A running clothesline has Alexander in so much trouble that Brookside offers a distraction, only to have Alexander miss an elbow. Back up and Alexander manages to kick her to the floor and it’s a chinlock back inside. That’s broken up and they slug it out until Amale hits a faceplant. Amale kicks Brookside off the apron but the distraction lets Alexander hit a running knee to the head for the pin at 6:53.

Rating: C. Amale has cooled off a good bit in the last few weeks and she is going to need something to help her bounce back up. What matters is that she still has the charisma and abilities to make something work and a big showdown with Brookside can help. At least this wasn’t a clean finish and Amale rising up to fight back would be nice to see.

Wolfgang talks to Damon Kemp, who has no idea what he said. They go drinking, which doesn’t go well for Kemp.

Lash Legend brags about how great she is and isn’t impressed by an interrupting Myla Grace.

NXT UK Women’s Title: Ivy Nile vs. Meiko Satomura

Nile is challenging and gets powered up against the ropes to start. A trip to the mat gives us a standoff but they’re right back on said mat for some grappling. Satomura grabs a gutwrench suplex but it’s already back to the grappling. Back up and Satomura’s running crossbody is pulled out of the air as the power gets Nile out of trouble.

The leg is tied up so Nile can crank on both arms but Satomura reverses into an armbar. An exchange of kicks goes to Nile for two and she hits some running forearms in the corner. Something like Diamond Dust gives Nile two and a running enziguri gets the same. Nile is back up with the dragon sleeper but Satomura flips backwards for the retaining pin at 10:27.

Rating: B-. The word here is survive, as Satomura didn’t so much beat Nile as much as she managed to stay alive. That’s a good sign for Nile’s future, as she seems like she could be ready for the next level sooner rather than later. Nile seems primed to be the future and having a legend like Satomura struggle to beat her is a great sign. On to bigger and better things for Nile, but at least she lost to someone who matters.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was an interesting show as they didn’t focus on the big stars while also giving NXT UK a big win against the NXT visitors. It isn’t an invasion angle, but it is NXT UK reminding people that they’re still here rather than being doormats. I could go for less of some of the NXT stars, but at least we got a good main event out of Nile. Now get us back to the big stuff and we could be in for some fun times around here.

Mark Andrews b. Kenny Williams – Small package
Symbiosis b. Tate Mayfairs/Oli Blake – Top rope headbutt to Mayfairs
Eliza Alexander b. Amale – Running knee
Meiko Satomura b. Ivy Nile – Rollup




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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NXT LVL Up – June 10, 2022: Not In This Form

Date: June 10, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for another one of these which will likely have nothing whatsoever to do with the previous show and feature a bunch of stand alone matches. That is the standard formula around here and I wouldn’t expect to see it change anytime soon. It doesn’t mean the show will be bad, but it also doesn’t give me high expectations. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Valentina Feroz vs. Arianna Grace

Yulisa Leon is here with Feroz. Grace takes her down by the arm to start but Feroz reverses into an arm crank of her own. A rollup doesn’t work so Grace powers her up for a drop onto the buckle. The chinlock goes on but Feroz fights up and gets two off a small package. Grace kicks her down and, after walking around so she can face the camera, gets two. Some throws put Grace down and she hits a spear but Grace is back up. That’s fine with Feroz, who grabs a backslide for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: D+. In short, Grace is not ready for this spot as she looks all over the place and like she is trying to remember every thing that she has to do. The match wasn’t good and felt sloppy, with Feroz doing what she could but not exactly being great in her own right. I’m sure Grace will get a chance because of her look and family connection, but she needs a lot of work.

Sloane Jacobs vs. Sierra St. Pierre

Feeling out process to start with Jacobs grinding away on a headlock and hitting a dropkick. Another headlock takeover takes St. Pierre over and a middle rope spinning crossbody gets two. St. Pierre fights up and hits some right hands, setting up a neck crank. Jacobs grabs a butterfly suplex for two and finishes with a Samoan drop faceplant at 4:58.

Rating: C-. Jacobs is another work in progress and while I can get what WWE sees in her, she needs a lot more ring time and a lot more work before she is ready to go. This wasn’t terrible but it is clear that Jacobs is still figuring a lot of this stuff out. She might get there and I have more confidence in her than Grace, though that isn’t saying much.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Dante Chen

Jiro works on the wrist to start but Chen flips out and grabs a headlock. With that broken up, they fight over a pinfall reversal sequence to get us to a standoff. Chen gets knocked down for a twist of the neck and a running crossbody gives Jiro two. Back up and Chen knees him in the ribs before another shot sends Jiro to the apron. The seated abdominal stretch stays on the ribs but Jiro fights up with the jacket punches. A slingshot springboard moonsault gets two on Chen, who grabs a gutbuster. Not that it matters as the Ikemen Slice finishes for Jiro at 6:59.

Rating: C. Given my tastes in wrestling, Jiro is someone I shouldn’t like, but he has some great charisma and is smooth in the ring, making it hard to dislike him. That is more than I can say for a lot of NXT wrestlers and I get why he is in a more featured role. You can tell that he has the experience and abilities, but the jacket/over the top nature is likely to keep him pretty firmly in the lower levels of the card.

Overall Rating: C-. The women’s matches were rough but Jiro was a level higher enough to make this passable. This show continues to be the “yeah sure put them on, whatever” card of the week and that isn’t likely to change. What matters is getting people in the ring, but with the house show circuit coming back around, I’m not sure how much of an impact this show is going to have. It’ll stay around because WWE is the ultimate creature of habit, but it doesn’t need to be, at least not in this form.


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