KB's Wrestling Reviews


Best Of 2020: Angle Of The Year

This is one of the bigger ones as the angles are the things that carry the audience’s interest. There were some good ones throughout the year and it might be nice to look back...

WWE Network Moving To Peacock 4

WWE Network Moving To Peacock

https://wrestlingrumors.net/derekstoughton/breaking-news-wwe-network-moving-exclusively-nbcs-peacock/   For a billion dollars.  Basically the Network itself will be shut down and everything is going over to Peacock in March.  From what I can tell, you’ll be getting the same thing...


Best Of 2020: Worst Angle Of The Year

These are the ones you remember. There are so many angles and stories that take place over the course of the year that it is natural to have something stand out as worse than...