Royal Rumble Count-Up: 2013 Redo – 1988: How’s This For A Free TV Match?

Royal Rumble 1988
Date: January 24, 1988
Location: Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 18,000
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Jesse Ventura

Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat

We start with Kai vs. Yamazaki (the one in pink. Got it) and a knee to the back from Martin gives the Girls control. Yamazaki Matrixes out of a cover and rolls Kai up for two. Off to Tateno for a kind of suplex out of a piledriver position for one. Jesse asks Vince the names of the Bomb Angels and Vince has NO idea. He suggests calling them pink and red. Yamazaki tries a cross body but it literally bounces off the shall we say rotund Martin.

We recap Hogan vs. Andre at Wrestlemania by getting the opening minute or so which saw Hogan trying the slam and Andre getting a “controversial” two count. Andre wants a rematch and has been sold to DiBiase, who wants to buy the world title. Andre showed how evil he was by attacking Hogan on SNME and easily choking him down, setting up the rematch in about two weeks and a match which drew an INSANE 15 rating on LIVE national TV on NBC. Today Vince would lose his mind at a 5 on cable, so this was unthinkable back then.

Royal Rumble

Gang dumps Blair and Roberts in about ten seconds, which is the best thing that could happen in this match. The Junkyard Dog is #20, giving us a final group of Davis, Volkoff, Muraco, Bass, Hillbilly Jim, Dino Bravo, Ultimate Warrior, Gang, Duggan and Dog. Hillbilly and Gang hammer on each other as Duggan puts Volkoff out. Gang tosses Hillbilly as Bravo and Davis double team Duggan. This ends badly for Davis as Duggan dumps him to a BIG pop.

Jim gets double teamed for awhile and Bravo drops an elbow on him. The same clothesline sequence the heels tried earlier backfires and Bravo gets clotheslined out. Duggan pounds on Gang in a Mid-South reunion but a single shot from Gang takes him down. Gang beats on him next to the ropes, so Duggan low bridges him to win the first Royal Rumble.

We recap (see? It even happened back then) the contract signing from earlier tonight.

Islanders vs. Young Stallions

Jesse and Vince chat a bit about what we saw to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude

Original: C+

Redo: C

Jumping Bomb Angels vs. Glamour Girls

Original: B-

Redo: B

Royal Rumble

Original: C-

Redo: C+

Islanders vs. Young Stallions

Original: C-

Redo: D

Overall Rating

Original: C+

Redo: C+

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews

Daily News Update – December 22, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Dynamite – December 20, 2023


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On The List: WWE Reportedly Signs Another Former Champion To Brand New Multi-Year Contract.

Update On WWE/Warner Brothers Discovery Negotiations, Pros And Cons Of A Deal.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).


Dynamite – December 20, 2023: Three For Two

Date: December 20, 2023
Location: Paycom Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

Things are finally coming to a head in the Continental Classic as we will ind out the semifinalists in the Gold League. That alone should be a big deal, but we also have the Devil stuff going on. What we don’t have is a ton set up for Worlds End, which could use a good bit of building. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Continental Classic Gold League: Rush vs. Swerve Strickland

Swerve takes him down with a headscissors to start but Rush is back up with some chops. Rush avoids a dropkick and it’s a staredown for a breather. Swerve is sent outside for a big flip dive, followed by the stomping in the corner back inside. Back up and Swerve kicks away at the leg in the corner but that’s too much defense for Rush and they head outside. Rush whips him into the barricade over and over and we take a break.

We come back with stereo big boots leaving both of them down. Rush knocks him into the corner but the knee gives out on the charge, allowing Swerve to grab a Stretch Muffler. That’s broken up so Rush goes to the apron for a chop off. Swerve charges into a belly to belly to the floor, only to avoid a backsplash back inside. A 450 gives Swerve…one, and Rush is up to his feet before Swerve. Swerve’s brainbuster gets two and the Swerve Stomp finishes Rush at 14:53.

Rating: C+. There was only so much drama in this match, but Rush did manage to get in his ridiculous kickout because he must have one of those in every match to show his awesomeness. Swerve seems to be on the way back to a rematch with Jon Moxley in the semifinals, or at least that’s how things should be going. He had a nice match here though and beating Rush does feel a bit special.

Gold League Standings
Jon Moxley – 12 points (1 match remaining)
Swerve Strickland – 12 points (0 matches remaining)
Jay White – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Rush – 6 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (1 match remaining, eliminated)
Jay Lethal – 0 points (1 match remaining, eliminated)

We look back at Collision’s Blue League matches.

Chris Jericho talks about Kenny Omega having diverticulitis, meaning the Golden Jets’ Tag Team Title shot is off. Omega’s health is what matters most though and everyone is pulling for him.

Continental Classic Gold League: Jay Lethal vs. Mark Briscoe

They fight over a lockup to start until Lethal takes him down into an armbar. With that broken up, Briscoe chops away in the corner until Lethal wins a fight over a suplex. Briscoe is sent outside for the suicide dive from Lethal, who gets in the strut on the apron. Another dive is broken up and we take a break.

Back with the Lethal Combination putting Briscoe down but he breaks up Hail To The King. Lethal knocks him back and grabs a torture rack slam for two as frustration sets in. The Lethal Injection is blocked as we talk about ticket sales for Revolution. A fisherman’s buster gives Briscoe two but the Froggy Bow hits raised knees. Lethal’s Jay Driller gets two as Briscoe is back with a Burning Hammer of all things. The Jay Driller finishes Lethal at 13:55.

Rating: B-. This was a weird one as they had no actual stakes and were only fighting for the sake of pride. That is only going to get you so far but the talent here helped a bit. At the same time, Briscoe needed to win here more than Lethal as he still feels like someone who could be a star if given the slightest push. Lethal might be breaking away from his friends and that should help him a lot as well.

Gold League Standings
Jon Moxley – 12 points (1 match remaining)
Swerve Strickland – 12 points (0 matches remaining)
Jay White – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Rush – 6 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)
Mark Briscoe – 3 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)
Jay Lethal – 0 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)

Respect is shown post match.

MJF was inducted into the Jewish Sports Hall Of Fame.

Wardlow still wants to hurt MJF.

Here is Samoa Joe, who wants answers about the Devil. He finds it interesting that we’ve never seen MJF laid out and wants him out here right now for some answers. Cue MJF, who says he remembers Joe promising to protect him on the way to Worlds End. MJF doesn’t remember the Devil’s Henchmen touching Joe last week, so MJF wants to fight right now.

Cue a bunch of masked men but Joe and MJF clear them out rather quickly. The lights go out and we see the Devil on screen. Text saying “Where Can You Go? Who Can You Trust” appears, followed by a challenge for the ROH Tag Team Titles next week. MJF starts to talk Joe into it but Joe immediately accepts, promising violence.

The Best Friends aren’t sure what’s next, with Rocky Romero saying he wants gold. Orange Cassidy says he’ll see Romero on Rampage.

Riho vs. Saraya

For the Women’s Title shot against Toni Storm (on commentary) at Worlds End. Ruby Soho is watching in the back as Riho takes over but Saraya bails away from a running knee. Riho snaps off a headscissors on the floor but Saraya hides behind a security guard. That’s enough for Riho to be swung into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Saraya getting in some mocking but being pulled into a headlock. A northern lights suplex gives Riho two and a top rope double stomp into a running knee finishes Saraya at 9:40.

Rating: C. Riho, who has been teased to get the title match for weeks now, is getting the title match. She has a history of being gone for months and then coming back to get into the title picture and that is what we’re seeing again here. It’s nice to see her getting a win, but it doesn’t exactly feel like a top title match.

Post match Storm comes in for the staredown (with opera glasses) but Riho beats her down. Mariah May makes the save with a belt shot.

Tony Schiavone has a prepared statement from Christian Cage, including threats to Tony if he doesn’t do things properly. He’ll be back to address Adam Copeland on Collision and expects a hero’s welcome.

MJF finds a Devil’s henchman mask outside the Mogul Embassy’s locker room. A knock brings out Swerve Strickland, who MJF seems to know from their independent days. Swerve calls him the best chauffeur he ever had. Threats are made over MJF’s lack of respect, but MJF says show some respect to the champ. MJF accuses Swerve of being the Devil and violence is teased, with the rest of the Mogul Embassy comes in. Samoa Joe comes in as well to get MJF out of there.

Roderick Strong vs. Komander

The Kingdom is here with Strong. They fight over a lockup to start so Komander flips away, earning a running knee to the face. Back up and a headscissors into a dropkick has Strong down but he’s right back with a backbreaker. Komander knocks him to the floor though and we take a break.

We come back with Komander avoiding a charge into the corner and hitting a kick to the face. A springboard crossbody gives Komander two and he kicks Strong face first into the turnbuckle. Komander hits a phoenix splash for two so the Kingdom pulls Strong outside. That earns them all a big moonsault to the floor but Strong knees him out of the air back inside. End Of Heartache (to the chest instead of the back) finishes for Strong at 9:58.

Rating: B-. Pretty good stuff here with Strong picking up a win over someone who is around a good deal of the time. Komander might not be the biggest star in AEW but at least he has been active and a danger to some bigger stars. I’m not sure where Strong is going, but at least he got a win here.

Post match the Kingdom gives out MJF IS THE DEVIL signs and Strong doesn’t like the accusations that Samoa Joe had anything to do with it. That’s his best friend by proxy!

Jim Ross joins commentary for the main event.

Continental Classic Gold League: Jon Moxley vs. Jay White

White goes to the floor to start but has to escape the rear naked choke back inside. A piledriver gives Moxley an early two so White has to bail outside from another choke. Back in and Moxley punches him out to the floor again, where they fight up the ramp. This time White reverses a piledriver into a backdrop but Moxley hammers away back inside. White gets in a shot to the knee though and sends Moxley outside again as we take a break.

Back with White holding a Muta Lock but Moxley fights up. White gets knocked into the corner and stomped a bunch before a clothesline sends him outside. Moxley hits a suicide dive but White gets in a shot of his own, setting up a chop block to the bad knee. The count is beaten and Moxley grabs a Paradigm Shift for two.

A running knee gives Moxley two but White snaps off a sleeper suplex and swinging Rock Bottom for two of his own. The Kiwi Crusher gets two more but the Blade Runner is countered into a King Kong lariat. The Death Rider is countered into a Blade Runner out of nowhere though and Moxley is done at 15:09.

Rating: B. That would appear to make the semifinal a triple threat because you can never have enough of those. This felt something like a Rush match, as Moxley cut White off time after time, though it didn’t get to quite those extremes. White did get the win to keep Moxley from being perfect, so we should have some drama next week.

Gold League Standings
Jon Moxley – 12 points (0 matches remaining)
Swerve Strickland – 12 points (0 matches remaining)
Jay White – 12 points (0 matches remaining)
Rush – 6 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)
Mark Briscoe – 3 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)
Jay Lethal – 0 points (0 matches remaining, eliminated)

So yeah, it’s a triple threat.

Post match Swerve Strickland comes out to stare at Moxley, allowing White to take out Moxley’s knee to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Good enough show this week, though it only did so much for Worlds End. We’re at least a step closer to the end of the Continental Classic and we’ll be half done by this time next week. Other than that, the Devil stuff seems like it might be in for a big moment next week, though I’m getting more and more scared of who might be revealed as the Devil. Not a great show here, though it did move the biggest stories forward. It just needs something else besides those stories.

Swerve Strickland b. Rush – Swerve Stomp
Mark Briscoe b. Jay Lethal – Jay Driller
Riho b. Saraya – Running knee
Roderick Strong b. Komander – End Of Heartache
Jay White b. Jon Moxley – Blade Runner



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Daily News Update – December 20, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

NXT – December 20, 2023

And make sure you vote for a Royal Rumble redo right here.

Banged Up: WWE Superstar “Banged Up”, Pulled From Upcoming Shows.

Taken Down Two Pegs: Undertaker Tells Hilarious Story About CM Punk Biting Off More Than He Could Handle.

WATCH: Two SmackDown Stars Make Surprise Rescue On NXT.

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The Man Speaks: Becky Lynch Talks Her Future WWE Plans, Where She Wants To Retire.

It’s An Idea: Details On WWE’s Plans To Keep Top Stars, Details On Recent New Deals.

WATCH: NXT Match Stopped Due To Injury, NXT Champion Stretchered Out.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

NXT – December 19, 2023: Try Again Next Week

Date: December 19, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re closing in on New Year’s Evil and the two big title matches are already set. There are some other things that need to be followed up on as well though and we might find out a few of them this week. This is a taped show, which can take away some of the energy that is usually around. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Fallon Henley vs. Tiffany Stratton

They start fast with Henley knocking her outside to keep up the beating. Back in and Henley elbows her in the corner but gets knocked out to the floor in a big crash. Stratton gets to beat on her a bit as well but Henley rains down some right hands in the corner. A hurricanrana takes Stratton down again, only to have her come back with a spinebuster for two. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence….and Henley gets a sunset flip for the completely clean pin at 3:51.

Rating: C. I’ve been wanting Henley to get a better push for a long time now and she might just be getting that here. That’s by far the biggest win of her career and I could go for her getting to do some more in the future. It’s nice to see some fresh blood in the division and Henley is pretty much set for a long time around here anyway so the loss won’t hurt her.

Post match Stratton jumps her and drags Henley to the back. Stratton rubs a mop over her face and covers her with garbage in a rather mean moment.

Trick Williams congratulates Carmelo Hayes on his Smackdown win but they talk about who actually attacked Hayes last week. Hayes suggests they turn the New Year’s Evil match into a triple threat match but Williams doesn’t get the thinking. That doesn’t seem to be happening, though Hayes says it doesn’t matter who wins as long as they have the title. Williams: “It does matter.” Williams hopes it’s cool and Hayes seems to be ok, though some of the enthusiasm is lacking.

Here is Ilja Dragunov to talk about how he doesn’t know how he got in the middle of this Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes mess. He didn’t have that on his 2023 Bingo card, but he’ll start 2024 by defeating Williams, no matter how popular he is. Cue Ridge Holland to interrupt, saying he needs to prove himself again in NXT. Holland wants Dragunov to help him get there, perhaps by winning the NXT Title. He isn’t going to beg for a title shot so he wants to prove himself. He’ll face everyone to get to Dragunov, and then he’ll be worthy of a shot. Dragunov is tired of all this so he’ll face Holland tonight.

Lexis King knows he’s already the breakout star around here, but he’ll win the Breakout Tournament if he has to.

Trick Williams doesn’t like Ilja Dragunov giving away title shots but Dragunov says he’s the champ so get over it. Makes sense.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Dion Lennox vs. Lexis King

King wastes no time in taking him into the corner for a running clothesline. A knee to the ribs keeps Lennox in trouble but he fights back with some shots to the face. King heads outside where he grabs the contract and tries to grab the contract. That’s not going to work for Lennox, who takes King back inside, where the Coronation gives King the quick win at 2:57.

Post match Tre Bearhill chases King off.

Eddy Thorpe talks about his feud with Dijak and wants to settle it in NXT Underground.

Jacy Jayne/Thea Hail vs. Kiana James/Izzi Dame

Riley Osborne is leading the cheers in the Chase U student section as Jayne takes Dame into the corner. A rollup gives Dame two as Hail is very fired up on the apron. Dame clotheslines her way out of trouble and hands it off to James for some knees to the ribs. It’s back to Dame or another clothesline but Jayne gets in her own shot, meaning it’s the hot tag off to Hail. House is quickly cleaned, including a springboard bottom rope backsplash for two. Osborne approves as Hail Kimuras James…but Dame came in off a blind tag. A big boot finishes Hail at 3:51.

Rating: C. The idea of Hail having a crush on Osborne and her excitement messing with her attention is an interesting way to go and I’m curious to see where that goes. James and Dame aren’t the greatest team but at least they have been together for a few weeks now and could be built up with some kind of a business relationship. Not exactly a great match but at least they kept it moving.

Roxanne Perez is annoyed at Kiana James and Izzi Dame and gets in a fight with Arianna Grace over them.

Andre Chase is gambling with OTM and wins a lot of money, but offers to put up the money double or nothing over a tag match between Chase U and OTM next week. Scrypts says as a bonus, if OTM wins, they get a Tag Team Title match, which they can apparently authorize. The D’Angelo Family’s associate comes in and says everything is on. Hudson doesn’t look convinced and Chase doesn’t seem to have the best idea.

North American Title: Dragon Lee vs. ???

Lee is defending against a to be determined member of the No Quarter Catch Crew, but here is Gallus to interrupt, with Joe Coffey saying he wants in on this too. Works for Lee.

North American Title: Dragon Lee vs. Joe Coffey vs. Charlie Dempsey

Lee is defending and gets sent to the apron to start. Back in and Coffey throws Lee but misses a middle rope elbow. Dempsey gets headbutted own but Gallus’ distraction earns them an ejection. Coffey grabs a suplex on Lee and we take a break. Back with Lee grabbing a hurricanrana and knocking Dempsey into the corner. Dempsey fights up and drops Lee but has to slug it out with Coffey.

With Coffey getting the better of things, he goes up top but gets uppercutted out of the air. That leaves Dempsey to suplex Coffey, who is suplexing Lee at the same time. Back up and Lee DDTs Dempsey but gets headbutted into the corner for two more. Dempsey is knocked outside so Lee can knee Coffey in the head for two. Lee is knocked to the floor this time so Coffey hits a dive…as a smiling Joe Gacy pops out from underneath the ring. Gacy pulls Coffey under the ring, leaving Dempsey to tabletop suplex Lee for two. Lee is able to come back with Operation Dragon to retain at 12:12.

Rating: C+. The action was good and they had an exciting enough match, but I’m not a fan of just throwing someone in there to make it into a triple threat. It felt like they were just adding something for the sake of adding it to make it different. Lee getting wins is a good thing, but have him beat one of the Catch Crew and then one of Gallus in separate matches rather than changing what they announced in the first place.

Post match Gacy runs off but the No Quarter Catch Crew jump Lee. Cue the LWO for the save.

Trick Williams rants to Carmelo Hayes about Ridge Holland because if he wins, it might make New Year’s Evil a triple threat. Hayes: “Someone should have thought of that!” They need a way to take the title from Dragunov.

Cora Jade announces her return to the women’s locker room and takes over Karmen Petrovic’s locker. With Jade gone, Petrovic comes in and isn’t pleased. Gigi Dolin tells her to go after Jade.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Luca Crusifino vs. Tavion Heights

Heights, the amateur wrestler, takes Luca down without much trouble and then suplexes him for a fast two. A neckbreaker gives Luca the same and another neckbreaker gets another two. Back up and Heights grabs a powerslam, followed by a spinning belly to belly for the pin at 3:27.

Rating: C. These two have been on NXT LVL Up for months now and it is clear that Heights is someone WWE wants to push in a big way down the line. He’s one heck of an athlete and has the amateur wrestling background which should take him a pretty long way. At the same time you have Luca, who has an interesting gimmick with the wrestling lawyer deal, but then he doesn’t really do anything with it and that stops having any kind o an impact.

Video on Lyra Valkyria vs. Blair Davenport, focusing on their paths here, with Valkyria fighting the right way and Davenport doing anything to get to the top. They meet in two weeks at New Year’s Evil.

Valkyria is ready when Nikkita Lyons comes in to say she’ll deal with Tatum Paxley for Valkyria, but she wants the Women’s Title too.

The Meta Four is happy this season because Noam Dar isn’t scared of Josh Briggs.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Tatum Paxley

Lyons takes her to the floor to start and fires off the chops until Paxley sends her hand into the steps. Back in and Paxley is right back on the arm, including a Fujiwara armbar. That’s broken up and Lyons kicks her in the head, setting up the running hip attack in the corner. Something like a German suplex puts Paxley down again and a kick to the chest makes it worse. Lyons hits the splits splash for the pin at 3:20.

Rating: C. Well that happened. Paxley did something interesting last week when she went after Lyra Valkyria but then got wrecked by Lyons here. Whatever she had last week is more or less squashed immediately, which isn’t the most thrilling development. Lyons is back and seems ready to move into the title picture, but I can’t get my head around how ridiculous her new gear looks. It’s like some genie outfit that didn’t get finished and it’s a big distraction.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger are ready for Gallus.

Fallon Henley is livid at Tiffany Stratton, who has never had to work a day in her life. Henley swears revenge and storms off. Josh Briggs is ready for his Heritage Cup Title match but asks to do it on his own. Jensen isn’t thrilled but agrees.

Tank Ledger/Hank Walker vs. Gallus

Hank works on Mark’s arm to start but it’s quickly off to Wolfgang so Walker comes in to work on the arm. Wolfgang gets sent into the corner for a splash but tags out and offers a fast distraction. Walker is knocked out to the floor and comes up holding his shoulder, meaning Wolfgang has a target. Back in and Mark gets kicked away, allowing Ledger to tag himself in, but the referee says no because he was WAY too far down the apron. Therefore no tag, meaning Mark can kick Walker in the face for the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C. That’s certainly points for a creative ending, as I wouldn’t have thought of that happening in WWE, even if it is by the standard rules of wrestling. I’m really not seeing it with Ledger and Walker, as their every man deal isn’t working. Gallus isn’t exactly great, but they’re the better option here and could be put back into the title hunt sooner than later.

Joe Gacy is watching Gallus from the Chase U student section.

Dijak is in for NXT Underground against Eddy Thorpe.

Tiffany Stratton calls Fallon Henley a servant in society and swears Henley will NEVER be her. Henley will always be trash, so they can fight at New Year’s Evil. When Stratton wins, Henley can become her servant.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Ridge Holland vs. Ilja Dragunov

Non-title. Dragunov’s running shoulders stagger Holland but his running shoulder puts Dragunov down. A hard clothesline drops Dragunov again but he’s back up with some hard chops in the corner. An Alabama Slam drops Dragunov, who shrugs it off and rolls some German suplexes.

We take a break and come back with Holland striking away to take over, including a clothesline to knock Dragunov out of the corner. A suplex is countered into a DDT and the H Bomb knocks Holland silly. Holland gets in another shot of his own and tries a suplex but settles for something like a DDT. Hold on though as Dragunov is badly shaken up and the referee calls in the medics, with the match being stopped at about 10:30.

Rating: B-. They were having a good match here and then they went with the rather scary ending. Having what is hopefully a storyline injury in a match is one thing, having a neck injury from the hands of Holland is quite another when he might have accidentally ended Big E.’s career in the same way. I’m really not a fan of this and while the crowd reacted very well, that doesn’t necessarily make it a good idea.

The arena goes silent as Dragunov is taken out on a stretcher, with the title being laid on him, and he is wheeled out to end the show. Of note: this has been reported to be a storyline injury rather than a legitimate injury.

Overall Rating: C. Ignoring everything at the end, this was a rather flat episode with nothing that stood out, save for the surprise of Henley beating Stratton in a heck of an upset. Other than that though, you had a few matches featuring rookies or lower level talent, which didn’t make for the most entertaining show. Granted it was a taped show, but that didn’t exactly make for a good week. We have another of these next week and that’s not exactly compelling after this less than stellar effort.

Fallon Henley b. Tiffany Stratton – Sunset flip
Lexis King b. Dion Lennox – Coronation
Kiana James/Izzi Dame b. Jacy Jayne/Thea Hail – Big boot to Hail
Dragon Lee b. Joe Coffey and Charlie Dempsey – Operation Dragon to Dempsey
Tavion Heights b. Luca Crusifino – Spinning belly to belly
Nikkita Lyons b. Tatum Paxley – Splits splash
Gallus b. Tank Ledger/Hank Walker – Jumping kick to Walker
Ilja Dragunov vs. Ridge Holland went to a no content when Dragunov was injured



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Daily News Update – December 19, 2023

Make sure you check out a recent review:

Monday Night Raw – December 18, 2023

And make sure to vote on a Royal Rumble Redo for next year right here.


Big Silver Lining: How Infamous WWE Botch Saved A Wrestler’s Life.

Stick Around: Major Update On Dominik Mysterio’s WWE Future.

WATCH: Seth Rollins Pays Emotional Tribute To Brodie Lee And Bray Wyatt At WWE Live Event.

WATCH: New Champions Crowned On Monday Night Raw.

Keep Going: Good News On Rey Mysterio’s WWE Future.

It’s Not Clear: WWE Selling Incredibly Unique Jey Uso Merchandise (This Is A Weird One).

Take Your Pick: Details On Mercedes Mone’s Status And Interest From Various Promotions.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Monday Night Raw – December 18, 2023: Woop Wooping Ensues

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 18, 2023
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We have about five weeks to go before the Royal Rumble and the show’s namesake match is starting to come together. That would be due to CM Punk and Cody Rhodes both declaring for the match, which serves as quite the great start. Other than that, it is time to add some things to the card, which might start tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Judgment Day to get things going. The team is ready to defend the Tag Team Titles against the Creed Brothers, who are in for the biggest night of their lives. For the team, it’s just another night at the office. Rhea Ripley threatens violence against Ivy Nile but here is R-Truth to cut off Dominik Mysterio. He didn’t know the team was opening the show off, even though he’s the newest member of the team.

Truth was hurt by the team both physically and emotionally, with JD McDonagh threatening more pain. Truth is ready to fight, like say in a Miracle On 34th Street Fight! McDonagh points out that the match was already announced, so Truth says we need to get started because 34th Street is a long way off. We’ll even make it a Loser Leaves Judgment Day match! Priest approves so let’s go.

R-Truth vs. JD McDonagh

Street fight so McDonagh grabs the candy cane kendo stick. That’s cut off so they fight to the floor, where Truth hits him with a Christmas tree. They head inside and we take an early break. Back with Truth fighting out of a chinlock and grabbing a table. That takes too long so McDonagh gets in a cheap shot, only to be sprayed with a fire extinguisher. The table is set up inside and Truth kicks him down to set up a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Truth puts him on the table and goes up, only to get caught by McDonagh. That’s broken up as well as Truth…kind of hugs him into something like a spinebuster through the table for the pin at 9:52.

Rating: C. This was the goofy match that you would have expected and there is nothing wrong with that. I could even have gone for more of the shenanigans with a bunch of silly weapons and Christmas decorations. It’s a Christmas tradition but it’s nice to have something important come out of the ending. Good opener here, even if it was the most basic of a street fight.

Dominik Mysterio knows that was bad, with a great “oh dang” face.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Woop wooping ensues.

Here is Nia Jax for a chat but Becky Lynch interrupts before she can say anything. Jax bails to the floor but Lynch thought she had something to say. Jax says she has more important things to do, though Lynch thinks the fans don’t care. The challenge is laid out, but Jax says no because she would break Lynch, who is the company’s money maker. Lynch calls out Jax being scared because she is always famous for being on someone’s back.

Jax is only famous for hurting Lynch and if they fight, she’s famous for being the one who lost to the best ever. The referee comes out but nah we’ll do this later, with Jax saying Lynch isn’t getting it now. We’ll do it in Jax’s hometown in two weeks at Day One. Lynch’s daughter is going to ask why her mom is uglier than usual so Lynch charges at her to start the quickly broken up fight.

Earlier tonight, Kofi Claus appeared to give fans presents.

Kofi Claus is in the back and asks DIY what they want. That would be the Tag Team Titles, but they’ll settle for a Jey Uso shirt instead. Miz comes in and they’re cool after last week, while Miz is ready to get the Intercontinental Title back.

Intercontinental Title: Miz vs. Gunther

Gunther is defending and this is Miz’s last shot at him. Miz gets powered down to start but comes up looking rather serious. Gunther gets a bit too cocky and gets pulled into a leglock, with Miz mocking the Imperium pose and cranking back. The rope is grabbed so Gunther heads outside, where he hits a hard chop and apron powerbomb as we take a break.

Back with Gunther hitting a big boot, sending Miz out to the apron. Miz’s comeback is cut off by a hard chop, meaning Gunther can call him a nobody. For some reason Miz tries to chop with Gunther and finds that to be a very bad idea in a hurry. The running corner clothesline works a bit better but Gunther pulls him out of the air. Miz gets dropped onto the top rope and Gunther chokes with a boot to send him outside again. This time the big chop hits post and we take another break.

Back again with Miz working on the hand and arm before grabbing a DDT. A tornado DDT gives Miz two and it’s time to stomp away at the hand. Gunther’s legs are fine enough to hit the shotgun dropkick and it’s the powerbomb into the Boston crab. The bad hand gives out though and Miz is able to make the rope for the save.

A quick Skull Crushing Finale gives Miz two of his own and the fans want one more. Gunther isn’t having that though and kicks him down, only to get caught on top. A middle rope Skull Crushing Finale connects but Gunther rolls out to the floor in a smart/soul crushing escape. Back in and Gunther hits a powerbomb into the hard clothesline into another powerbomb to retain at 21:12.

Rating: B+. We’re firmly at a point where it’s hard to imagine Gunther losing, but at the same time, people are getting closer and closer to taking the title. The good thing is that the matches are still awesome and that means it is going to be a heck of a moment when someone finally slays the beast. Gunther is primed for a main event run and the title has grown so much during his reign. At the same time, Miz is a great choice to put in this spot, as he is a successful enough to be a threat but isn’t going to be hurt by the loss. Awesome match.

Video on the Creed Brothers.

Post break Imperium applauds Gunther on his win but he’s tired of the two of them skating by. He’s going to take a few weeks off and he expects them to step up while he’s gone. With Gunther gone, Kofi Claus comes in with presents for both of them: coal! And it’s not even Michael!

Shinsuke Nakamura is sitting in front of a Christmas tree and reads us a special story: the American Nightmare Before Christmas. He doesn’t seem too fond of Cody Rhodes, calling him (in rhyme): a bastard, a cancer, a prancer a nitwit, vomit, stupid and the son of an inbred father. Merry Christmas to Cody, because Nakamura is his last fight. Then Cody jumps him and they fight into the arena. Cody beats him to ringside and takes out security but they break up a Cross Rhodes through the announcers’ table. Good fight, better rhyming.

Akira Tozawa tells Adam Pearce that he wants an unspecified match. With Tozawa down, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven aren’t happy that they have to defend their titles tonight. They leave, so Bronson Reed comes in to talk about an Intercontinental Title shot.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Chelsea Green/Piper Niven

Green and Niven are defending. Carter headscissors Green on the mat to start so it’s off to Chance for a slingshot hilo. Niven comes in to run her over but a dropkick to the knee gives Chance a chance. The After Party is broken up by Green though and Niven runs both of them over as we take a break.

Back with Niven splashing Green by mistake, allowing Carter to hit a springboard spinning legdrop for two. Green’s Rough Ryder gets two and frustration is setting in. Niven crushes Carter but she’s back up with a heck of a superkick. The Keg Stand splash gets two with Green making the save this time. I’m Prettier is countered into a Codebreaker and the After Party gives us new champions at 9:37.

Rating: C+. It’s not the worst idea to change the titles as Chance and Carter are at least a regular team for a change. The titles have been a bit of a mess throughout their history and a lot of that is due to having teams thrown together. Odds are the title reign doesn’t last long, but at least it’s something fresh.

The Alpha Academy is warming up when Akira Tozawa comes in to say he’s facing Ivar. Chad Gable isn’t sure about this but we’re on anyway.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are happy with their win so here is Kofi Claus to celebrate with them. Various other women think they should be the challengers as I still want to know what kind of cards Shayna Baszler has every week.

Akira Tozawa vs. Ivar

Maxxine Dupri and Valhalla are here too. Tozawa slugs away to start but his middle rope hurricanrana is pulled out of the air. A spike DDT plants Ivar, who crushes Tozawa to cut him off again. Ivar misses the top rope splash though and Tozawa does the Hulk Hogan shirt rip. The women get into it on the floor and Tozawa’s top rope backsplash gets two. Ivar kicks him in the head but the moonsault is broken up. Instead it’s a middle rope World’s Strongest Slam to finish Tozawa at 4:06.

Rating: C. This was better than I was expecting and I’ll take that most of the time. Tozawa can still go in the ring and when he isn’t making it clear that he is the designated comedy guy of the Alpha Academy, he can still be quite sold. Ivar winning is the right way to go, but at least he had to break a sweat for once.

Long video on CM Punk/Seth Rollins’ showdown last week.

Here is Iowa’s own Seth Rollins for a chat. Things have been heating up around here for him lately and now he is motivated to be the best World Champion in this industry. He’s ready to defend the title against Drew McIntyre in two weeks at Day One…so here is McIntyre to interrupt.

McIntyre says he isn’t here to fight because he likes what Rollins said to Punk last week. He got to go home a few weeks ago and it had him questioning if this was all worth it. Rollins, as well as his wife, know what it’s like to have to sacrifice all kinds of things to chase their dreams. McIntyre needs the title to know that the sacrifices, such as not being there when his mom passed away, were all worth it.

Rollins says no one knows how to feel about McIntyre because his words and actions haven’t lined up. He likes McIntyre wanting to do everything to be champion…except take responsibility. Rollins doesn’t hate McIntyre, because he pities him. The fight is on and it’s an Alabama Slam to put Rollins onto the steps. Rollins is holding his elbow as McIntyre leaves. There’s your story for the title match and that should be a good one.

Cody Rhodes gives the Creed Brothers a pep talk and they’re downright giddy.

Kofi Claus is here to give out more presents but Imperium jump him for a beatdown. Barrett: “IT’S NOT SANTA! IT’S KOFI KINGSTON!” Jey Uso runs in for the save and it seems to be a match.

Jey Uso vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Actually not a tag match for once. Joined in progress with Uso working on a headlock until Kaiser takes him down and hammers away. A reverse chinlock keeps Uso down and Giovanni Vinci’s cheap shot gets two. Kaiser knocks him outside and hits a running elbow as we take a break. Back with Uso enziguring his way out of trouble and firing off the dancing right hands. The running Umaga Attack gets two but a Samoan drop is broken up. Kaiser’s wind up DDT is broken up so Vinci gets in a cheap shot, only to have Kofi Kingston cut him off. A spear into the Superfly Splash finishes for Uso at 10:28.

Rating: C. A good chunk of that was cut off by the break but it was a fine middle of the road match with Uso getting a win. The bigger deal here is likely going to be Gunther wanting to deal with Imperium when he gets back and that is going to be a problem. Uso needs something to do though and it might be a bit before that gets to take place if he’s likely to be just another entry in the Royal Rumble.

JD McDonagh is….still in Judgment Day, at least for now, as Damian Priest isn’t allowed to make that kind of a decision. Rhea Ripley is going to deal with Ivy Nile at Day One so the rest of the team better handle their business tonight.

Here’s what’s coming in two weeks.

Tag Team Titles: Creed Brothers vs. Judgment Day

Judgment Day (Damian Priest/Finn Balor, with Rhea Ripley) are defending and Ivy Nile is here with the Creeds. Julius wrestles Balor down to start but the Creeds clear the ring to start. We take a break and come back with Brutus fireman’s carrying Balor down as Ripley isn’t pleased with any of this.

Priest tags himself in though and Julius is low bridged to the floor. There’s a ram into the steps (Ripley approves) but Julius kicks his way out of trouble back inside. Brutus comes back in to clean house, including a torture rack slam for two on Balor. Priest comes in off a blind tag though and kicks Brutus outside, setting up a heck of a Pounce over the announcers’ table.

We take another break and come back again with Brutus pulling Priest out of the air and eventually suplexing him down. Julius and Balor come in with the former snapping off the suplexes into the nip ups. A running shooting star press hits Balor but Priest breaks up the Brutus Ball. Balor and Julius hit a clothesline each, leaving Ripley and Nile to get in a fight.

The Brutus Ball gets two as Priest makes a last second save. Julius hits a running up the corner flip dive outside onto Priest before taking Balor to the top, only to have Priest make a blind tag. Instead it’s a Brutus Ball to Priest, with Balor making the save off a Coup de Grace. South Of Heaven finishes Julius to retain the titles at 16:13.

Rating: B. I’m fine with the Creeds not winning here as they’re not ready for their big moment just yet. They clearly have the skills to go a long way but putting them over two stars at this level might be a stretch too far. Judgment Day gets a nice win as they go into the new year, though I’m not quite sure who is going to be next for the titles at this point. DIY maybe?

Overall Rating: B. This show was carried by two matches and that is not a bad way to go. The main event and Intercontinental Title match were both very good and there was enough good stuff to get through the rest of the night. What matters the most here is setting things up for Day 1, as next week is a week off (all but announced at this point). That should set the stage for the Royal Rumble later in January and the table has been well set to set the table.

R-Truth b. JD McDonagh – Middle rope slam through a table
Gunther b. The Miz – Powerbomb
Kayden Carter/Katana Chance b. Chelsea Green/Piper Niven – After Party to Green
Ivar b. Akira Tozawa – Super World’s Strongest Slam
Jey Uso b. Ludwig Kaiser – Superfly Splash
Judgment Day b. Creed Brothers – South Of Heaven to Julius



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Daily News Update – December 18, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Rampage – December 15, 2023

Impact Wrestling – December 14, 2023 (Hidden Gems)


And please vote for the Royal Rumble redo right here.

Three For One: Updates On Status Of Multiple Missing WWE Superstars.

Roman Reigns Reaches New Milestone (Yes Another One).

More Details On Charlotte’s Knee Injury, Even Worse Than Expected.

WATCH: What Happened During SmackDown Break With Roman Reigns And Randy Orton.

WRESTLING RUMORS: Update On Potential Return For Controversial Former WWE Star, WWE’s Interest.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Impact Wrestling – December 14, 2023 (Hidden Gems): Well, They’re Kind Of Right

Impact Wrestling
Date: December 14, 2023
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan, Santino Marella, Gia Miller
Hosts: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

Our weird period of shows continues here with a Hidden Gems show, meaning matches that have never aired on television before. That could make for some very good options, as these are likely dark matches from previous television tapings. I’ve heard worse ideas to fill in time before we can get back to normal so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

The hosts welcome us to the show.

From October 22 in Cicero, Illinois.

Samuray del Sol vs. Alan Angels

They trade rollups for two each to start until a double clothesline sets up a double nipup for a staredown. Sol sends him outside and hits a rather hard suicide dive as commentary talks about Angels’ obsession with low blows. Back up and Sol’s shoulder seems to be banged up so he uses the rope to pop it back in.

They get back inside where Angels stays on the arm like a good villain, including an armbar. Sol suplexes his way to freedom for two but Angels’ Halo Strike gets the same. A quick Salida Del Sol gets two on Angels, who has to put a foot on the rope. They head up top and Sol elbows his way to freedom, setting up a super Salida del Sol for the pin at 8:13.

Rating: B-. Good stuff here, which isn’t a surprise given how smooth Sol can be. He is someone who could add a lot to any roster and I’m not sure why he isn’t getting a better spot somewhere else. Angels is another good hand in the ring, which can finally be shown now that he is away from the horribleness that is the Design.

From June 24 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Masha Slamovich/Killer Kelly vs. Gisele Shaw/Savannah Evans

Jai Vidal is with Shaw and Evans and Kelly/Slamovich aren’t MK Ultra yet. Shaw and Slamovich slug it out to start until Slamovich takes her down. Kelly comes in to boot her in the face for two but Evans takes Kelly into the corner. The villains take over in said corner, with Shaw dropping some middle rope knees to the ribs. A DDT gets Kelly out of trouble though and it’s Slamovich coming in to clean house. Slamovich Death Valley Drivers Kelly into Shaw in the corner but has to slip out of Evans’ full nelson slam. Something like a double piledriver finishes Evans at 7:22.

Rating: C. This wasn’t exactly a gem but you can see why the team that would become MK Ultra got a bigger push. They know how to work well together and that was on display here. Shaw and Evans are another good team, and it would be nice to see them go after the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Why that isn’t the case is beyond me, but those titles have never been the most logically booked concept.

From June 10 in Columbus, Ohio.

Deaner vs. PCO

Street fight and PCO starts fast with a Cactus Clothesline to the floor. The cookie sheet shots to the back have Deaner in more trouble and it’s time to grab a bunch of chairs. Said chairs are set up at ringside before Deaner is sent inside. Deaner manages a low blow and a toss outside sends PCO into the chairs.

Back in and Deaner plants PCO for two before hitting him in the back with a chair. PCO gets sent into the chair in the corner but pops back up for a clothesline as we take a break. We come back with PCO slugging away and hitting a DDT. A Backstabber out of the corner sets up a middle rope legdrop to crush Deaner again.

The Deanimator connects but PCO takes WAY too long setting up a table, allowing Deaner to flip him off the top through said table. PCO gets up again so cue the Design to beat him down, only to have OVE run in to even things up. That’s enough for PCO to hit the PCOsault for the pin at 12:34.

Rating: C+. Picture any run of the mill street fight and you know what you had here, save for the always painful looking Deanimator. PCO knows how to do this as well as anyone today and seeing Deaner get hurt is always a good thing. Not a great match or anything, but a fun showdown that the live fans seemed to like quite a bit.

Video on Josh Alexander vs. Will Ospreay. The rematch is in January.

Alexander is ready to even the score after his loss to Ospreay in a great match.

From August 8 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Channing Decker/Tommy Dreamer vs. Dirty Dango/Alpha Bravo

Decker wastes no time in throwing Deaner into the corner so it’s off to Dreamer vs. Dango. Dreamer takes over without much effort so Decker comes back in for a Sharpshooter. With that broken up, a wishbone keeps Decker in trouble, followed by an Indian Deathlock of all things from Dango.

Bravo misses a middle rope elbow though and the double tag brings in Dreamer to beat on Dango again. The Bionic Elbow into a cutter gives Dreamer two with Bravo making the save. Everything breaks down and Decker cleans house until Dreamer catapults Bravo head first into a low blow to drop Dango. The DDT gives Dreamer the pin on Bravo at at 7:34.

Rating: C. Very basic match here but Decker is a local star so it’s nice to see him getting this kind of exposure against someone who won’t be hurt by the loss. What matters here is giving the fans a bit of fun and that went well enough. You don’t have Dreamer out there for quality these days and they didn’t try to here, so this was good enough for what it was.

From June 23 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Knockouts Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taylor Wilde

Wilde is challenging and has KiLynn King in her corner. They fight over a lockup to start with Wilde taking her into the corner for a quick slap. A legsweep puts Purrazzo down before it’s time to fight over wrist control. Purrazzo snaps off some armdrags and takes out both Wilde and King on the floor.

Back in and a distracted Purrazzo gets caught with the Wilde Ride for two and it’s time to choke on the ropes. Purrazzo gets pulled into a crossface, which she reverses into a Fujiwara armbar, which is reversed into a rollup to give Wilde two. The Queen’s Gambit is broken up by a King distraction and Wilde drops Purrazzo for two more. Now the Queen’s Gambit can retain the title at 6:52.

Rating: C+. It’s no surprise that this worked well as they are both talented stars who can do well when given the chance. Granted they didn’t have a ton of time and Purrazzo is a much more accomplished single star, but at least they had a good match here. I could go for having Wilde around more and Purrazzo is still one of the most talented stars in the division. Nice match here and an actual hidden gem.

From September 23 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Josh Alexander vs. Yuya Uemura

This is Uemura’s farewell match. They go technical to start with Alexander getting the better of things and working on the arm. Uemura reverses into one of his own and we take a break. Back with Uemura slugging away and snapping off some armdrags into a powerslam for two. A nice dropkick gives Uemura two and he stays on the arm to keep Alexander in trouble.

Alexander fights out of a Kimura and grabs a suplex but the arm gives out on the C4 Spike attempt. Uemura grabs a belly to back suplex and we’re right back to the arm. The C4 Spike is countered with a backdrop and Uemura knocks him off the top for a nasty crash. Alexander is fine enough to hit a crossbody to the floor and they head back inside, where Uemura hits a clothesline to the floor again.

Back in and the cross armbreaker is countered into an ankle lock to put Uemura in trouble for a change. That’s broken up and an armbar goes on, with Alexander having to roll to the ropes. A nasty German suplex sends Alexander into the corner and a running dropkick knocks his headgear off. Alexander knocks the high crossbody out of the air for a near fall though and Alexander is livid at the kickout. The C4 Spike is blocked again so Alexander hits him in the face and grabs the C4 Spike for the pin at 15:21.

Rating: B. Uemura really did start to get good near the end of his run with Impact and it was nice to see him getting this kind of a farewell here. There is only so much you can do when he is on excursion from New Japan but he seemed to grow quite a bit from it. Alexander gets a nice win and Uemura looked rather strong in defeat, making this a heck of a main event.

Overall Rating: B-. This wasn’t exactly a great show but I can go with the idea of seeing some nice matches from wrestlers you regularly recognize around here. It’s a better use of time than just trotting out a bunch of great matches that we’ve seen over the course of the year. If nothing else, I can go with the idea of seeing something fresh for once, which isn’t the kind of thing you often get in a spot like this. Now just get to something a bit more important in the coming weeks and we might be getting somewhere, but I’ll take it for a one off special.

Samuray del Sol b. Alan Angels – Super Salida del Sol
Masha Slamovich/Killer Kelly b. Gisele Shaw/Savannah Evans – Double piledriver to Evans
PCO b. Deaner – PCOsault
Tommy Dreamer/Channing Decker b. Dirty Dango/Alpha Bravo – DDT to Bravo
Josh Alexander b. Yuya Uemura – C4 Spike


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Remember to check out for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Pick A Royal Rumble For Me To Redo

It’s that time again. The Royal Rumble is in about five weeks so it’s time for me to redo some of them. As usual I’ll be redoing the most recent, but I’d like you all to pick the other redo. You can pick any in history except for the ones listed below, which I’ve either done too recently or too often:





Vote in the comments, with the count-up starting on December 22.