NXT – October 10, 2023: They’re Here Too

Date: October 10, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

Normally this is where I would start up the intro but I’m not sure if there is room given all of the special guest stars on the show. This very well may be the most stacked NXT in history as John Cena, Asuka, Cody Rhodes and Paul Heyman are all confirmed, with a potential Undertaker visit as well. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Cody Rhodes to get things going. After soaking in some cheers, Rhodes talks about the Women’s Breakout Tournament. Since it has been so cool, we need to have a men’s tournament, meaning the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic will be returning at the conclusion of the men’s tournament! He’s not done though, as Shawn Michaels has made him the guest General Manager for the night!

Cue Ilja Dragunov to welcome Cody to the show and say how much he appreciates what Cody is bringing tonight. Now it’s Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio interrupting, with Dominik saying the people are here to see him. Dragunov wants to know why Dominik is here when no one likes him. Oh and Dragunov’s father used to work in a prison, so he knows how to turn Dominik into a puppy.

Dominik issues a challenge for the title tonight, but Cody thinks that means Dominik doesn’t want the North American Title on the line. Dragunov is ready to smash Dominik so Cody makes the title match. Oh and let’s have a special guest referee. It’s not Cody, but rather LA KNIGHT!

Asuka vs. Roxanne Perez

Shotzi comes out to join commentary as Perez gets in a quick takedown but has to duck a kick to the head. Perez grabs a headlock as Shotzi announces that she and Scarlett will be hosting night one of Halloween Havoc. Asuka fights out and the fans let Perez know that she f’d up. Perez knocks her to the floor but the dive is cut off with a forearm. A missile dropkick gives Asuka two and the Kawada Kicks rock Perez again.

An armbar goes on as Shotzi is almost giddy over getting to be back for Halloween. Perez grabs a Russian legsweep and Asuka is sent outside, where a suicide dive drops her again. A middle rope crossbody gets two on Asuka but she’s right back up with a kick to the ribs. The Asuka Lock goes on but Perez flips backwards to escape. Instead Asuka kicks her in the head for the pin at 6:05.

Rating: C+. This was an example of a veteran being better than an up and coming star but it was more one sided than it needed to be. Perez got in some offense but it felt like Asuka was toying with her before finishing things off at the end. Asuka is a bigger deal and still active in WWE, but it might not have been the best idea to have Perez look terrified of her.

Post match respect is shown but Kiana James runs in to jump Perez. Shotzi makes the save.

Gallus gets fired up.

Tyler Bate and Butch get fired up. Ridge Holland comes in to fire both of them up.

Tyler Bate/Brawling Brutes vs. Gallus

Pub Rules match, which appears to mean street fight. Gallus jumps them from being to start and the fight is on fast, with Booker saying it’s a fight instead of a match. Therefore, the weapons, including some pub items around ringside are rather logical. Butch stabs Joe’s finger with a dart and Holland trashcan lids Mark in the back. Holland isn’t done yet and blasts him with a fire extinguisher shot. Mark is put upside down in a trashcan so Bate can roll a bowling ball at his head.

Butch has hurt his leg on the floor and Joe headbutts him into the steps. Bate makes the save but gets dropped face first onto the apron. Gallus puts Butch through a table and we take a break. Back with Butch hitting the stomp onto Wolfgang’s arm, leaving everyone to stand up for the big slugout. Butch moonsaults down onto Mark as Joe and Wolfgang get caught in stereo airplane spins.

The good guys hit the stereo forearms to the chest, followed by stereo Bop And Bangs back inside. A German suplex gets two on Mark but Butch misses a slingshot dive. Instead Wolfgang hits a running flip dive in the general vicinity of Butch and Holland. Back in and Joe loads up a piledriver on Bate but instead turns it into a kind of standing Boston crab (that’s a new one).

Holland makes the save with a pool cue and the triple submissions have Gallus in trouble. All three are broken up and the fans are all approving. An enziguri/powerslam combination gets two on Butch so of course it’s table time. Holland backdrops Mark and Wolfgang outside but Joe is back in with a spinning high crossbody. All The Best For The Belles drops Butch but a mug to the face knocks Joe silly. A triple powerbomb through the table finishes Joe at 11:48.

Rating: B-. This was exactly as advertised and it worked well as a result. Sometimes you need to have two tams beat the fire out of each other and that’s what you got here. The standing Boston crab and triple powerbomb looked good and I had a lot of fun with this one. Good stuff here and I could go for more of Bate with the Brutes.

Video on Becky Lynch vs. Lyra Valkyria, focusing on their similar histories in Ireland and paths to WWE. We see clips of them training together and wrestling in the same rings for a rather nice bonus to their story. They’re set for the NXT Women’s Title match in two weeks on the first night of Halloween Havoc.

Tegan Nox interrupts Valkyria, who says Nox was so close to winning the title last night. Nox says that’s why Valkyria’s title match has to wait, which doesn’t sit well with Valkyria.

Here is John Cena for a fired up entrance as the fans are singing his theme song. Cena talks about how this place is often described as the future but look at what is going on around here. LA Knight is a referee, Cody Rhodes is in charge and we just turned the place into a pub (he’s still waiting on his pint). It is his honor to be allowed to share this space with these people tonight and he’s not unique in that case.

That’s why Cody Rhodes and LA Knight are here, but we pause or a THANK YOU CENA chant. He thanks the fans for creating an environment that the WWE stars want to visit. Yes they are Smackdown and Raw, but WE ARE NXT. Cena jumped at the chance to be here when Carmelo Hayes called because they both believe in hustle, loyalty and respect, but here is Bron Breakker to interrupt. The fans give him a BRON BREAKKER SUCKS chant and Cena (“I’ve heard this song before!

It’s so much cooler when the lyrics are changed!”) thinks this place has turned into a karaoke bar. Breakker says the people are here to see him, but Cena says everyone knows the business is in Breakker’s blood. Anyone can see that he is athletically gifted, but anyone can see that he lacks respect. Cena calls this a teachable moment because he’s excited for Breakker’s match tonight. The handshake is offered but Breakker drops Cena, only to miss the spear. The AA doesn’t work either as Breakker leaves.

Cody Rhodes runs into Tony D’Angelo and Stacks, who have a problem. They want their next challengers and suggest a tag team battle royal for the next title shot. Rhodes likes the idea and the title match can take place at Halloween Havoc. Everyone seems pleased.

Baron Corbin thinks Ilja Dragunov is ducking him and says everyone around him is all the same. LA Knight’s music cuts him off though and it’s time for a title match.

NXT Title: Ilja Dragunov vs. Dominik Mysterio

Only Dragunov is defending, Mysterio has Rhea Ripley in his corner and LA Knight is guest referee. Dragunov takes him down for a headlock to start but Dominik fights up and grabs one of his own. Ripley approves as Dominik slugs away, only to get chopped rather hard. That’s enough for Ripley to offer a distraction, meaning Dominik can get in a thumb to the eye to take over. We take a break and come back with Dragunov breaking up the Third Amigo.

The fans prefer the referee as Dragunov’s elbows give us a double knockdown. The 6 1 Line puts Dominik down and Dragunov grabs a waistlock to stay on the ribs. A suplex sends Dominik flying and Ripley is looking worried. Dominik manages his own chop in the corner and the fans think he has screwed up. Dragunov unloads on him in the corner but has to duck a quick 619 attempt.

A kick to the head rocks Dominik but he’s right back with the 619 (Vic: “This can’t be real.”) for two. Dragunov scores with a superplex, only to have Dominik roll out to the apron. That means a DDT can drop Dragunov onto said apron but he’s right back with the powerbomb. The H Bomb connects….and here is Finn Balor for a distraction. Knight gets rid of him so Ripley tries a belt shot to Dragunov. Trick Williams comes out to cut Ripley off, allowing Dragunov to hit Torpedo Moscow and retain at 11:58.

Rating: C+. This is a weird situation as there is very little reason to believe that Dominik can hang with Dragunov one on one. Therefore the interference was necessary, even if it made things that much more insane. That’s the right way to go here, as Dragunov needed another reason to believe that the title might be in danger. It’s good to see Dominik getting this far though and he was more than holding his own here. Knight was only around to do something in the end but the fans loved him, even if he took the focus away from the match more than once.

Post match Baron Corbin’s music hits but as he comes out, cue Dijak to kick Dragunov in the face. Dijak tells Corbin that he beat him to it.

John Cena and Carmelo Hayes share some respect in the back. Trick Williams comes in and Carmelo apologizes for not being there for him last week. Williams says it’s not the time for that because Cena is here. Cena: “You mean you can see me?” Williams and Hayes are going to get their titles back and Cena completes their catchphrase. With Hayes gone, Cena asks Williams if he’s ok, which he says he is. Williams does ask Cena when he knew it was his time. Cena: “Let’s talk.”

Earlier today, Paul Heyman tried to talk to Ava (who would be part of Roman Reigns’ family”.

Jade Cargill arrives and is greeted by Shawn Michaels.

Baron Corbin talks to Cody Rhodes in the back and requests a match with Ilja Dragunov or the title at Halloween Havoc. Instead, Cody makes it a triple threat with Corbin, Dijak and the winner of Carmelo Hayes vs. Bron Breakker. Baron isn’t happy, but Cody says booking isn’t easy.

Nathan Frazer and some others mock Dominik Mysterio for his loss. Rhea Ripley says Dominik is still champion so only his opinion matters.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Lola Vice vs. Dani Palmer

Elektra Lopez is here with Vice. They trade missed kicks to start and we get an early standoff. Vice takes her down into a headscissors and grinds away but Palmer fights up. Palmer tries a leapfrog but gets superkicked out of the air (that looked good). The running hip attack connects in the corner for two and the bodyscissors goes on. Palmer fights up and hits a middle rope spinning crossbody, only to miss a corkscrew moonsault (she landed on her feet). Vice pulls her into a triangle choke but Palmer flips over for two instead. Back up and Vice hits a kick to the head for the pin at 3:58.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t so much a back and forth match as much as a chance for both of them to get in a few of the things they’ve learned to do. That being said, both of them have talent to make them stand out. They’ll need some more seasoning though and that is going to take some time. Vice winning makes sense as she seems a bit further along, but Palmer looked fine out there as well.

We go to Chase U, where Thea Hail returns. Jacy Jayne told her to come back to class and she agreed, but only if Jacy came too. Jayne, in Chase U red and black, sits down as we hear about Halloween Havoc. The women start chattering and distract Chase (who even gets the location of this year’s Wrestlemania wrong). Then a student gets caught using his phone, sending Chase into a rant. Jayne gets yelled at as well, but she reveals that Chase and Duke Hudson are in next week’s tag team battle royal. Jayne says they’ll have so much fun.

Paul Heyman pops in as Bron Breakker is warming up. We get the hype speech, but Breakker says he doesn’t care who is in his way, because he’ll break them all. Breakker leaves and a pleased Heyman calls Roman Reigns.

We get the TV watching vignette, which reveals that he is the son of Brian Pillman. He talks about how many people talk about his dad, but he has no memories of him. His dad died when he was four and he doesn’t want to be a wrestler but there is no escaping this industry. Now he has to wreck havoc on this business, under the name of the man who really raised him. That man’s name was King, and so was his. Pillman Jr. looked so much like his dad here that it was hard to believe.

Various women come up to see Asuka until Tiffany Stratton interrupts, cutting off Fallon Henley in the process. Stratton tells Asuka to let her know if she needs anything and talks down to Henley again.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Bron Breakker

John Cena and Paul Heyman are here too. Heyman gives Breakker quite the hyped up entrance, as you kind of knew he would do. Carmelo ducks to start as the fans keep singing. Breakker is fine enough to powerslam him out of the air and it’s time for the hard shoulders in the corner. Back up and Carmelo scores with a springboard clothesline for a needed breather as we take a break.

We come back with Breakker cranking away on the ribs. Breakker misses a charge in the corner but grabs something like a top rope DDT onto the turnbuckle. A fireman’s carry gutbuster gives Breakker two more so he loads up Cena’s finishing sequence. Carmelo cuts off the Five Knuckle Shuffle with a superkick. A suplex cutter gives Carmelo two as Heyman is panicking.

Carmelo goes up but Breakker runs the corner and hits a….something like a facebuster for two more. The gorilla press powerslam gives Breakker another near fall so it’s time to go outside. Breakker grabs the steps but Cena takes them away, just as Solo Sikoa comes out to brawl with Cena. Back in and Nothing But Net finishes Breakker at 12:03.

Rating: B. These two have good chemistry together and that was on display here. It’s a power vs. speed match and that’s going to work almost every time. They beat each other up with everything else going on around them, though Hayes winning makes more sense. Breakker still feels like he’s treading water until he leaves for the main roster, but that has felt like the case for a long time now.

Post match Breakker spears Carmelo down and says there is only one bada** in all of WWE…..and here is Undertaker (Biker Edition) to interrupt. Breakker calls him an old timer (my goodness the Steiner is strong in that voice) and Undertaker says Breakker will have a future. It’s just not today. Breakker gets chokeslammed, and Undertaker says there is always someone bigger and badder. Undertaker hugs Carmelo to end the show. Of all the people to do that to, Breakker was the only option they had?

Overall Rating: B-. I’m really not sure what to think of this show as it was more about the guest stars than anything going on with the regular cast. They set things up for next week but this was about Cena, Heyman, and everyone else who popped up as guest stars. That made for one of the more unique shows NXT has ever had, though I’m not sure if that is a good thing. The show wasn’t about what was going on but rather who was here, which made for a not exactly great show. Good enough, but only the main event was on that higher level.

Asuka b. Roxanne Perez – Kick to the head
Tyler Bate/Brawling Brutes b. Gallus – Triple powerbomb through a table to Joe Coffey
Ilja Dragunov b. Dominik Mysterio – Torpedo Moscow
Lola Vice b. Dani Palmer – Kick to the head
Carmelo Hayes b. Bron Breakker – Nothing But Net


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Dynamite – October 10, 2023 (Title Tuesday): The Long One

Date: October 10, 2023
Location: Cable Dahmer Arena, Independence, Missouri
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s a big night as this show is going up against NXT for the first time in a good while. Therefore it’s a Title Tuesday with a bunch of championships on the line, plus a big time #1 contenders match with Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland for a TNT Title shot. Also, Adam Copeland makes his AEW in-ring debut. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Buy-In: Ring Of Honor World Title/New Japan Strong Openweight Title: Eddie Kingston vs. Minoru Suzuki

Kingston is defending both titles and they trade chops to start as I try to figure out what I’m buying into on a free show. Suzuki gets the better of things and knocks Kingston down before a forearm knocks him down again. Back up and Kingston chops away before dropping down to a seated position. Suzuki cranks on the hand but Kingston rapid fire chops him into the corner.

That’s broken up as Suzuki walks out of the corner, only to get exploder suplexed for two. The spinning backfist is blocked and Suzuki’s running kick to the chest gets two. Back up and, say it with me, they chop it out before Kingston lets him strike away for a knockdown. Suzuki grabs a chinlock but can’t hit the Gotch style piledriver. Instead Kingston is up with the spinning backfist for two, followed by a second for one. A third doesn’t even put Suzuki down so it’s an enziguri into the northern lights bomb to retain the titles at 10:38.

Rating: C. I get the concept, I get what they’re going for here, I get the style and all that and it is just not for me. This was two guys standing there trading strikes to the face for the better part of ten minutes with some screaming thrown in. I’m sure Kingston found it to be the greatest honor of his life of the week, but this as some big bonus match wasn’t quite working.

Christian Cage is in the production truck to start and proclaims his greatness. Tonight has some implications for his TNT Title and he doesn’t care who wins the #1 contenders match. He’s still not happy with Swerve Strickland for losing their match in London, but a little Birdie told him that Bryan Danielson still thinks he’s the best in the world. Cage is the face of TNT and Warner Brothers Discovery and as such, he has secured the first half hour of this show to be commercial free. Now open things up.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland

For a TNT Title shot and Prince Nana is here with Strickland. They fight over a test of strength to start with Strickland not being able to get anywhere. Strickland takes it to the mat (that might not be the best idea) but has to block a kneebar. A battle over a small package goes nowhere so the fans declare this awesome a little over three minutes in. They head to the apron for a chop off until Swerve backbreakers him down hard.

Back in and Strickland starts cranking on the arm to little avail but another backbreaker works just fine. A 450 hits raised knees though and Danielson scores with a top rope missile dropkick. Danielson kicks away a suicide dive is cut off. The Swerve Stomp misses as well and Danielson gets to strike away. Swerve goes up but gets pulled down into a belly to back superplex, only to land on Danielson’s bad arm.

Danielson is fine enough to get in the stomps before getting the double arm crank, sending Swerve’s legs to the rope. Swerve’s arms are fine enough to hit the House Call into the Swerve Stomp for a rather close two. A flipping slam out of the corner gives Swerve two so Nana gets on the apron. Swerve grabs Nana’s crown but cue Hangman Page to take it away. Danielson nails the running knee for the pin at 16:06.

Rating: B+. In other news, Bryan Danielson has an awesome match against another awesome opponent. This is just what he does these days and it’s a treat to watch every single time. He doesn’t need to win the title on Saturday but putting him out there every week in a John Cena Open Challenge deal (hopefully minus the Open Challenge part) would be a heck of a weekly feature.

Samoa Joe will be AEW World Champion and this Saturday will be the beginning of his ascension.

Chris Jericho vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs stars fast and hits the spinebuster for an early two. Hobbs hits a second one but doesn’t cover as Don Callis approves on the floor. The slow beating is on as Callis keeps shouting at Jericho. More spinebustering ensues as it’s all Hobbs so far. A missed charge in the corner lets Jericho hit a Codebreaker for two. Another spinebuster connects but Hobbs still won’t cover. The Walls go on out of nowhere but Hobbs turns him back over and grabs Jericho by the throat. A World’s Strongest Slam gives Hobbs another near fall, followed by another World’s Strongest Slam to finish Jericho at 7:20.

Rating: C+. Well, that’s what it should have been. This was pretty much a squash in the vein of John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar and that’s a great way to go. What matters more here though is Hobbs is someone who could be a breakout star in short order. Not much in the way of a match here, but it boosted the heck out of Hobbs.

Post match, Hobbs hits another World’s Strongest Slam.

Roderick Strong has Adam Cole, on his scooter, mow his lawn. Strong even gives him a NECK STRONG shirt. Cole asks why there is no cell service or TV at Strong’s house, with Strong calling TV THE DEVIL. With Cole saying he’s off to get ankle surgery, Strong says he needs ONE MORE THING.

TNT Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Rey Fenix

Fenix is defending as Cassidy is taking the place of an injured Jon Moxley. Fenix strikes away to start and manages a rope walk kick, which doesn’t quite work out. A slam attempt hurts Fenix’s back so Cassidy knocks him outside for a whip over the barricade. Fenix is able to get in a kick of his own but Cassidy drops him on the apron. Cassidy cuts him off on the top and hits the middle rope DDT, followed by the satellite DDT for two. Fenix’s back gives out on the rolling cutter attempt so Cassidy grabs the Beach Break for two more. The Orange Punch into the Mouse Trap gives Cassidy the title back at 4:42.

Rating: C+. That’s quite the surprise, as it makes me wonder how long Moxley is going to be out of action. Fenix was never going to be the long term champion but losing here is a bit of a surprise. Cassidy got a big reaction though and that’s what matters in this situation, as a title themed show needed a title change.

Post match the Best Friends come out to celebrate with Cassidy, who looks rather serious.

We get a Toni Storm silent film….which gets the picture in picture treatment as we have our first commercial.

Wardlow vs. Matt Sydal

Four movement Powerbomb Symphony gives Wardlow the referee stoppage win at 58 seconds.

Wardlow leaves through the crowd again.

Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia argue over checking on the injured Chris Jericho.

Hangman Page vs. Jay White

The Gunns and Juice Robinson (on Big Wheels, one of which includes Cardblade) are in White’s corner. White bails to the floor to start so Page takes him out with a dive and yells at the rest of the Club. We take a break and come back with White scoring with a dragon screw legwhip. The leg is fine enough to snap off a Death Valley Driver though and they’re both down. White is sent outside so Page dives at him, only to bang up his knee again.

A powerbomb onto the apron cuts White off but he’s able to grab a sitout powerbomb for two back inside. White comes back with a shinbreaker onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Page hitting a super fall away slam but the knee is banged up again. White grabs the swinging Rock Bottom for two and we hit the chinlock.

That’s broken up and Page knocks him silly again but it’s too early for the Buckshot Lariat. Instead White grabs a Downward Spiral into a German suplex for two. The Deadeye connects but the Club offers a distraction. Cue Prince Nana with the crown but Page cuts him off, allowing White to grab a rollup (with tights) pin at 18:22.

Rating: B. This match got time and turned into a heck of a fight, though the ending keeps Page vs. Swerve Strickland going more than anything else. It was a back and forth match as it needed to be, with White getting the win that he needed on the way to the World Title match. Page continues to be on a bit of a hamster wheel, but things are trending down for him in recent weeks.

Post match Page chases Nana off but here is MJF to face White. MJF wants the Triple B back (Taz explains that’s the World Title belt, which covers a possible hole for non-regulars. That’s such a nice little cover that you don’t get nearly often enough.) but White says not so fast. MJF isn’t getting the Bang Bang Belt back, which MJF says is straight out of his own playbook. They aren’t that far apart but for the first time, MJF isn’t hating what he sees in the mirror.

White doesn’t care about the rest of the Club but MJF hates him. That belts means you’re the best in the world while White sees it as a joke. MJF knows White will get to that level one day but for now, do the right thing and give it back. White says he thought MJF said he had to earn it, which he can do at Full Gear. The challenge is thrown out for an eight man tag and if MJF wins, he might get the title back. Juice Robinson says he’ll be in the battle royal for the diamond ring next week and whips out a roll of coins with MJF’s name on it. MJF freaks out over the whole history of coins being thrown at him as a kid and threatens violence.

We get part two of Toni Storm’s movie, again in picture in picture. I get the joke, but not giving the best thing in AEW today the full screen is a bit odd.

Women’s Title: Saraya vs. Hikaru Shida

Saraya is defending and gets knocked into the corner to start. They take a break on the floor before coming back inside for a catfight. The fight heads outside again and Ruby Soho pops up as a production worker. Cue Toni Storm to beat her with a shoe and chase her into the crowd as we take a break.

Back with Shida hammering away in the corner and hitting a middle rope missile dropkick for two. Saraya manages to pull her off the top but Shida grabs a German suplex onto the apron. Shida’s Meteora off the apron connects for two back inside and frustration sets in. Saraya is back with a quick Nightcap for two so she grabs the kendo stick. That’s but a ruse so she can spray Shida with the spray paint, meaning another Nightcap can get two more. Shida scores with the Falcon Arrow for two before an exchange of rollups gives Shida the pin and the title back at 11:15.

Rating: C+. This got a little more time than the usual women’s matches and the title is right back where it was about two months ago. I’m not sure Shida was expected to be a long term champion and it’s nice to see Shida getting the belt back, though the title scene could use a bit more fresh blood. Maybe Shida drops it soon, but for now she continues to add to her records.

Chris Jericho has been taken to the hospital.

AEW is donating 50,000 AEW toys to Toys For Tots. That’s great.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Don Callis has a surprise, which involves doing Sammy Guevara’s sign deal during picture in picture.

MJF calls Adam Cole to come back and lists off all of his problems. Cole can’t hear him though and the call cuts out. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come in and offer to be his partner, but Gunn isn’t sure. Max Caster talks about how MJF is his friend and he’ll be there for him. As a bonus: Caster: “I love it when he plays hard to get.”

Here is Christian Cage, with Luchasaurus, to talk about how Adam Copeland tried to be people’s friend (sounds like a shot at Judgment Day), but Cage wants to be Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus’ father. Copeland wants to reform the team with Cage and end their careers together, but where was that a few years ago? He was the more talented one while Copeland was getting pushed to the moon.

Cage has a lot of fans around the world, like Copeland’s wife Beth. For now though, don’t worry, because after Luchasaurus wrecks Copeland, his daughters will have a father. Cage: “Put some clean sheets on the bed.” The girls’ new daddy is coming home but here is Copeland for the fight.

Luchasaurus vs. Adam Copeland

Nick Wayne pops up to grab Copeland’s leg and Luchasaurus hits a hard lariat before we get started. Copeland says ring the bell anyway so Luchasaurus tombstones him for two. Luchasaurus slowly beats him down and hits a hard slam but Copeland is back up with a right hand. A superkick cuts Copeland off again and we take a break.

Back with Copeland being sent outside but a chokeslam on the knee is broken up. Copeland kicks him in the knee and hits a DDT off the apron to put them both down. Back in and the Impaler gives Copeland a delayed two and they go up top. Copeland forearms him in the back and hits a top rope superplex to leave them both laying. The spear is loaded up but Wayne wedges a chair into the corner.

The spear hits said chair and Luchasaurus hits a chokeslam for two. They head to the apron where Luchasaurus loads up a chokeslam onto the steps but gets caught with the Edge-O-Matic. A spear off the apron drops Luchasaurus again so cue Cage and Wayne. The referee is distracted so Copeland takes the TNT Title from Cage, blasts Luchasaurs with it and throws it back to Cage.  Luchasaurus isn’t happy and the spear from Copeland for the pin at 15:20 makes it worse..

Rating: B-. This wasn’t exactly a great in-ring debut for Copeland, as he was beaten down for most of the match and it went long. The stuff with Cage screwing up and Copeland getting the big win worked, but this would have been better served by being about five minutes shorter. Cage vs. Copeland is going to be a huge pay per view match, but this part didn’t give me the greatest hope.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Blackpool Combat Club runs in for the save. The Gates of Agony and Swerve Strickland come in as well, followed by Hangman Page. Danielson makes Cage tap to the LeBell Lock as Copeland spears Wayne to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The show was pretty strong, with good to very good matches throughout. The ending got us a step closer to Copeland vs. Cage and Hobbs got the biggest win of his career over Jericho. On the other hand you have the title changes, which felt like they took us back in time a bit. It was certainly a show that felt big, but AEW has had quite a few of those as of late and they might be starting to run out of some steam. For now though, just keep putting Danielson out there to tear the house down every week or two and things should be fine.

Eddie Kingston b. Minoru Suzuki – Northern Lights Bomb
Bryan Danielson b. Swerve Strickland – Running knee
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Chris Jericho – World’s Strongest Slam
Orange Cassidy b. Rey Fenix – Mouse Trap
Wardlow b. Matt Sydal via referee stoppage
Jay White b. Hangman Page – Rollup with tights
Hikaru Shida b. Saraya – Rollup
Adam Copeland b. Luchasaurus – Spear



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – October 10, 2023

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Collision – October 7, 2023

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Ouch: AEW Star Reportedly Dealing With Injury Amid Title Loss.


Farewell? 46 Year Old Former WWE Champion Removed From Active Roster.


They’re In: World Title Match Officially Set For WWE Crown Jewel.


They Didn’t Did It! Monday Night Raw Reaches Milestone For First Time In Show’s History.


A Long Run: WWE Employee Departs Company After 50+ Years.


And Out: Two WWE Superstars’ Contracts Set To Expire This Weekend.


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Monday Night Raw – October 9, 2023: Now On To Stuff That Matters

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 9, 2023
Location: Chi Health Center Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We’re done with Fastlane and that means things are moving on towards Crown Jewel and Survivor Series next month. That should make for some big matches being set up in the coming weeks, though it might take some time for those to come together. For now though, Seth Rollins is still the World Heavyweight Champion. Let’s get to it.

Here is Fastlane if you need a recap.

We open with a Fastlane recap.

Here is Seth Rollins to get things going by bragging about his victory in the Last Man Standing match over Shinsuke Nakamura. He didn’t know if he was going to get back up, but he did. He didn’t know if he was going to keep Nakamura down, but he did. Then he went to the back and the adrenaline wore off, which is when he realized his back was still broken.

Being the World Heavyweight Champion has been one of the best honors of his career…and then he pauses for a good bit. He wants us to know that he is JUST GETTING STARTED. He’ll fight anyone anytime anywhere but maybe he can go one week without having to fight for his life out here. Maybe we could sing and drink a bit, but here is Drew McIntyre to interrupt. Rollins: “You want a World Heavyweight Title shot don’t you?”

McIntyre nods so Rollins says he’s ready to go get his gear on but McIntyre says he’s willing to wait for Rollins to be 100%. Maybe at Crown Jewel? Rollins: “So you’re not out here to jump me?” McIntyre: “Nope.” Rollins: “And you want me at 100%?” McIntyre: “Bingo.” That works for Rollins, so they’re on at Crown Jewel.

McIntyre is fine with that and says if you see him out tonight, buy him a pint and a shot, and then he’s out. Cue Damian Priest from behind to jump Rollins, with McIntyre watching from the aisle. Priest waves out Dominik Mysterio with the briefcase but McIntyre cuts him off. The briefcase is tossed at the Titantron and Rollins is back up to clear the ring.

Kofi Kingston vs. Ivar

Viking Rules match, meaning there are viking shields around the apron. Ivar starts fast and knocks him to the floor, where Kofi hits a big dive (and almost lands on his head). The table is loaded up but Ivar knocks him onto the apron for quite the splash. Kofi kicks him away though and hits a splash onto Ivar’s back for two on the floor. We take a break and come back with Ivar missing a flag shot and being sent through one of the shields. The SOS gives Kofi two but it’s too early for the Boom Drop.

Instead Ivar grabs a Jeff Cobb Tour of the Islands for two, followed by a tiger driver for the same. Ivar kicks him in the face and goes up, only to be thrown down (by the beard) through a table at ringside. Cue Valhalla to dive onto Kofi so here is Xavier Woods to…be scared by Valhalla. Ivar crushes Woods against the barricade but Kofi kicks him in the face. Back in and Ivar counters Trouble In Paradise into a drive through the table, setting up the moonsault to finish Kingston at 11:05.

Rating: B-. Good brawl here with both of them beating the other up well enough. Ivar FINALLY wins a singles match as he’s in the middle of his singles run, which is pretty long overdue. Other than that, this wasn’t as good as their surprisingly awesome match from a few weeks ago, but the right person won.

Shinsuke Nakamura has no comment on the Last Man Standing match but here is Ricochet to jump him for the brawl.

Damian Priest yells at JD McDonagh and the rest of Judgment Day for not having his back out there. Rhea Ripley calms him down because she has gotten Priest and Finn Balor a rematch for the Tag Team Titles next week. And Priest still has the briefcase! Priest backs off, but McDonagh needs to deal with Drew McIntyre.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Nia Jax

Nia runs her over to start and slams Rodriguez’s head into the mat a few times. Rodriguez fights up and unloads in the corner but can’t manage a slam. Jax throws her outside and into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Rodriguez fighting out of a chinlock and knocking Jax down. A Samoan drop doesn’t work for Rodriguez either but it works just fine for Jax. The Annihilator takes too long though and Rodriguez hits a rather impressive powerbomb. Cue Rhea Ripley to throw Rodriguez outside for the DQ at 7:09 so she can go after Jax.

Rating: C+. The powerbomb looked great but this was a means to set up the ending of the match and that’s perfectly fine. We’re either setting up Ripley vs. Jax (probably the long term goal) or a triple threat match for the title. Either way, Ripley continues to feel like a star and having her slay the giant would work great for her. Rodriguez handled herself well enough here and that’s all you can ask in a situation like this one.

Post match Ripley kicks Jax down but gets jumped by Rodriguez. Shayna Baszler runs in to go after Jax but Ripley breaks that up and yells. Baszler drops Ripley with a German suplex and running knee as Jax bails. This is already more interesting than a lot of what we’ve seen around the women’s division in recent months.

Seth Rollins tells Drew McIntyre that they’re officially on for Crown Jewel, but what’s up with him cutting off the cash in? McIntyre says he hasn’t told a single lie because last week he said if it’s not his business, he doesn’t get along. He has a title shot at Crown Jewel and doesn’t want someone messing with it. Rollins says McIntyre isn’t taking the title from him and leaves.

Shayna Baszler says no one jumps her from behind in her ring and gets away with it.

Michael Cole brings out new Tag Team Champions Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes for a chat. Cole puts over their win but asks Rhodes what this means for his original goal of finishing the story. Will defending the Tag Team Titles deter him from winning the WWE Title, or is he scared of trying again after failing in his first attempt? Rhodes says Cole is right that he did bring Uso back to Raw and he’s happy with being a Tag Team Champion. Cole doesn’t let his question go but cue Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens (to different music) to interrupt.

Sami says everyone is talking about finishing the story. One story is the Usos holding the Tag Team Titles longer than anyone in history, but then he and Owens took the titles in the main event of Wrestlemania. The story now though is Cody and Uso winning the titles and Sami is happy for them.

Sami has mixed emotions though as he thinks they should be holding the titles. Owens is a little more to the point, saying he’s not happy that Rhodes and Uso are holding the titles. Owens wants them back so he wants to challenge them for tonight, but he doesn’t think Uso can handle losing to them twice. Cody says they’re on and Uso is in too.

Otis chops Chad Gable to ire him up for his #1 contenders match tonight. Bronson Reed (also in the match tonight) comes in to say Gable isn’t getting near the Intercontinental Title, because Reed is getting the shot tonight. Maybe Gable shouldn’t let his daughter watch tonight because it’s going to be another heartbreaking loss.

Ricochet vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable

For an Intercontinental Title shot next week. Ricochet comes out first but Shinsuke Nakamura jumps him from behind and bets him down, including a GTS. Maxxine Dupri is here with Gable. Reed starts fast and knocks Ricochet into the corner but Ricochet is fine enough to cut off a suplex attempt. They go outside with Ricochet kneeing Reed out of the air but Gable suplexes Ricochet and we take a break.

Back with Reed breaking up Gable’s sleeper and splashing both of them in the corner. A Samoan drop crushes both Ricochet and Gable but Ricochet manages a kick to Reed’s head. Ricochet’s missile dropkick sends Reed to the floor but Gable is right back up. A springboard spinning crossbody puts Gable down and a running shooting star press gets two.

Gable manages a German suplex to send Reed right back to the floor, where Ricochet hits a running flip dive. Back in and the ankle lock has Ricochet in trouble but he escapes rather quickly. Gable loads up a German superplex but Ricochet flips out, only to hurt his knee again. Gable’s Rolling Chaos Theory hits Ricochet but Reed crushes both of them. The Tsunami crushes Ricochet to give Reed the pin and the title shot at 11:02.

Rating: B-. They kept things moving here and it was an entertaining match throughout. Reed vs. Gunther is certainly a fresh match and has some serious hoss fight potential. If nothing else, it’s not to see Reed getting a move up the ladder, which has been teased for a long time now. Gable not getting pinned gives him an out for later as his obsession can continue. Finally there is Ricochet, who seems primed for a match with Shinsuke Nakamura down the line.

Becky Lynch has 11 stitches in her arm but she’ll be ready to fight tonight because that’s what a fighting champion does. Xia Li of all people comes up to say she wants a shot, with Lynch saying she’s not a hard person to find.

Drew McIntyre vs. JD McDonagh

Dominik Mysterio is here with McDonagh. McIntyre starts fast with one of the highest backdrops I’ve ever seen. Dominik offers a distraction though and McDonagh starts in on the leg. Back up and McIntyre avoids a charge, setting up the Future Shock. The Claymore finishes McDonagh at 3:59.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but what matters is getting McIntyre a win and giving McDonagh another failure. McIntyre is still in a weird place and I’m not sure where it is going to wind up. That makes things more interesting on the way to Crown Jewel and things could get all the more fun on the way there.

Post match Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley are not pleased.

We get a sitdown interview from earlier today with Wade Barrett talking to Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa. This reunion was seven years in the making and now they’re looking to the future. Gargano says he has been ready to return for a long time and saw what happened last week. He wasn’t about to let that happen but here is Imperium to jump them. A big beatdown ensues.

Video on Tegan Nox, looking at her history of terrible knee injuries.

Nox is ready for the biggest match of her career. Natalya pops in to wish her luck.

Ricochet is given a match with Shinsuke Nakamura next week, falls count anywhere. Of note, Drew McIntyre and Rhea Ripley appeared to be talking in the background.

NXT Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Tegan Nox

Lynch is defending. Nox takes her down to start but misses an early kick to the face. They trade some rollups with neither getting very far, though Lynch does seem to lose some extensions. Some armdrags have Nox down and they’re back up for a stalemate. Nox kicks her out of the corner and Lynch gets sent into some buckles.

They head outside with Lynch’s arm getting banged up again, allowing Nox to get two back inside. We take a break and come back with Lynch snapping off a suplex for two. Nox’s high crossbody gets the same but Lynch throws her down into a failed cross armbreaker attempt. Nox sends her into the corner for the reverse cannonball, followed b a kick to the head.

Lynch gets tied in the Tree of Woe for a regular Cannonball and another near fall. A cross armbreaker doesn’t work for Nox either and Lynch is up with a missile dropkick for two of her own. The Manhandle Slam and Disarm-Her are blocked and Nox gets a rollup for two. The Disarm-Her goes on this time though and Nox has to tap at 14:29.

Rating: B. They’re doing something interesting here with Lynch being the fighting champion who helps give a bunch of people their best match to date. That’s similar to the John Cena US Open Challenges from back in the date and it’s working well. Lynch is going to drop the title in a big deal but she gave Nox and Tiffany Stratton a nice platform on the way there. Good match here, with Nox getting in a lot.

Post match, respect is shown.

Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae are in Adam Pearce’s office when Rhea Ripley comes in to throw them out. She needs to make an example of Shayna Baszler next week so Pearce needs to make it happen.

Natalya, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance console Tegan Nox after their loss when Piper Niven and Chelsea Green come in to mock her. Green and Natalya go face to face, with Niven doing the threatening. Natalya vs. Niven is made for next week.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Drew McIntyre gets in Jey Uso’s face and Uso is ready to go. Sami Zayn plays peacemaker again. With McIntyre gone, Uso says he appreciates Zayn having his back but it’s go time tonight. Zayn doesn’t have to be told twice.

Video on Ludwig Kaiser of all people.

Tag Team Titles: Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso vs. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

Zayn/Owens are challenging. Sami and Cody start things off but we get an early four way staredown to take us to a quick break. Back with Sami getting frustrated as Uso comes in, meaning it’s off to Owens. Everything breaks down and the four way brawl is on outside. They break it up before the double DQ/countout but the fight goes outside again and we take another break.

Back again with Owens and Uso trading superkicks until they both make tags. Sami Blue Thunder Bombs Cody for two and they both need a breather. Cross Rhodes gives Cody two with Owens making the save. Owens and Uso come back in to trade superkicks again with Uso getting the better of things. The Superfly Splash misses though and Owens hits the Stunner, with Cody having to make the save this time. Owens drops Uso and goes up but the Swanton hits raised knees. The elevated Cody Cutter drops Owens and the champs retain at 21:09.

Rating: B. This got a lot of time, though a good chunk of that was taken away due to the commercials. What matters here though is having a heck of a showdown and Cody and Uso getting a big win to make it clear that they’re legitimate champions, at least for the time being. Good main event here, and we’re likely going to be in for another big match next week against Judgment Day.

We get another preview of next week’s show.

Sami shakes the champs’ hands and Owens shakes Cody’s hand. He gives Uso an aggressive handshake to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Pretty nice show overall here, with good wrestling up and down and stuff being set up for both next week as well as Crown Jewel. I’m curious to see where some of these things go and that is a good sign at the end of a show. It can be hard to come off of a not so important pay per view but at least they’re off to a strong start on the way to Crown Jewel and then Survivor Series. Nice work this week.

Ivar b. Kofi Kingston – Moonsault
Raquel Rodriguez b. Nia Jax via DQ when Rhea Ripley interfered
Bronson Reed b. Ricochet and Chad Gable – Tsunami to Ricochet
Drew McIntyre b. JD McDonagh – Claymore
Becky Lynch b. Tegan Nox – Disarm-Her
Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso b. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens – Cody 1D to Owens




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NXT LVL Up – October 6, 2023: I Don’t Know What This Means

Date: October 6, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

We’re back to the point where there isn’t much to say about this show. There is no reason to believe that much of anything of importance is going to take place around here. It’s all the more frustrating when you see WWE trying something around here and then just dropping it as fast as they can. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Kelani Jordan/Valentina Feroz vs. Izzi Dame/Tatum Paxley

Paxley and Feroz lock up to start and neither gets the better of things, meaning it’s an early double tag. Jordan gets knocked down against the ropes so it’s Dame coming in to stomp away. A double elbow sets up Paxley’s splash for two, followed by Paxley grabbing a bodyscissors. Jordan finally kicks her way to freedom though and it’s back to Feroz for some rapid fire armdrags. Everything breaks down and Paxley grabs a Psycho Driver for the pin on Feroz at 4:33.

Rating: C-. What are you supposed to get from a match like this? It’s four women paired off with nothing to set up the match and no reason for them to be fighting. At the same time, they only had about four and a half minutes to get anything going, which doesn’t work so well for people without much experience. Matches like these make me wonder what the point of this show is supposed to be, because this didn’t do much.

Dante Chen is ready to face Drew Gulak. Tonight it’s Singapore style, though Chen doesn’t know what that means.

Javier Bernal/Luca Crusifino vs. Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont

DuPont faceplants Luca to start so it’s off to Bernal, who gets slammed down. Bernal’s headlock doesn’t do much so it’s Igwe coming in to splash Luca in the corner. Luca manages a hiptoss neckbreaker for a breather and Bernal comes in for a headscissors. That doesn’t last long and DuPont hits a backdrop. It’s back to clean house, including a superkick to Bernal. Luca makes the save and gets tossed, allowing Luca to grab a rollup for the pin at 4:44.

Rating: C. You know, it is ok to let these young guys score a quick win over two “bigger” names who aren’t a regular team and are hardly top level stars in the first place. The match was mostly a squash for Igwe and DuPont but then they lost to a fluke rollup to protect Bernal and Luca? That’s quite the odd choice.

Drew Gulak vs. Dante Chen

Myles Borne, Damon Kemp and Charlie Dempsey are here with Gulak. Chen grabs a headlock to start and snaps off an armdrag into an armbar. Back up and Chen hits a backdrop for two before dropkicking him out to the floor. Gulak comes back in and stomps away on the ropes before grabbing a neck crank. That’s broken up and Chen chops him out to the floor, setting up a big dive. Gulak’s cronies offer a distraction though and Gulak picks Chen up and hits a kind of powerslam piledriver for the pin at 5:43.

Rating: C+. It was better than the other matches but that doesn’t really clear a high bar. Chen continues to be little more than a person who happens to be on the show over and over again without really doing anything important. Gulak is still someone who could be used in a slightly bigger way and he only got to show so much of his skills here.

Overall Rating: C. Oh this was LVL Up alright, as there was almost nothing going on and a bunch of the normal lineup having matches that didn’t change anything and won’t lead anywhere. In other words, there is no reason to watch this show again, and there is nothing to suggest that it is going to get better.

Izzi Dame/Tatum Paxley b. Kelani Jordan/Valentina Feroz – Psycho Driver to Feroz
Javier Bernal/Luca Crusifino b. Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont – Rollup to Igwe
Drew Gulak b. Dante Chen – Powerslam piledriver



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Collision – October 7, 2023: And That’s This Week’s Collision

Date: October 7, 2023
Location: Maverik Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Nigel McGuinness

It’s a special show as we’re on an hour earlier this week, which is due to the Major League Baseball playoffs, though I’m sure AEW is happy to get an hour unopposed by WWE Fastlane. The big match this week is FTR defending the Tag Team Titles against Ricky Starks and Big Bill so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

We get a narrated opening, talking about some of the bigger matches tonight.

Bryan Danielson, Kyle Fletcher, Big Bill, Ricky Starks, Eddie Kingston and FTR are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Titles: FTR vs. Ricky Starks/Big Bill

Starks and Bill are challenging and Wheeler gets knocked off the apron for a crash to start. With Wheeler holding his ribs, Starks and Bill start going after Harwood and his injured shoulder. Bill knocks Harwood to the floor and chokeslams Wheeler through the announcers’ table for the huge crash. Back in and Harwood avoids Bill’s running splash in the corner, then does it again for a bonus. A Sharpshooter attempt is banged up and Harwood’s arm is taken out again. Bill hits a chokeslam and, at Starks’ orders, two more, plus Starks’ spear gives us new champions at 4:33.

Rating: C. This was almost more of a storyline than a match as FTR barely got in any offense and were so banged up that they couldn’t do much. I’d be curious to know if they were genuinely injured, as they were more or less squashed. That being said, Starks and Bill getting the titles is a nice way to go, as they have been on a roll lately and giving them the titles makes them feel that much more important.

We look at the Don Callis’ Family’s (very long) beatdown on Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho on Dynamite.

FTR has to be helped to the back.

Bryan Danielson vs. Kyle Fletcher

They fight over a lockup to start with Fletcher shoving him down in a surprise power display. Back up and Fletcher loses a test of strength, allowing Danielson to knock him down without much effort. Danielson scores with some kicks and grabs the surfboard but Fletcher gets out. Fletcher fights up and knocks him to the floor, setting up the big dive as we take a break.

Back with Danielson hitting a running clothesline and the YES Kicks connect for two. Danielson snaps off a super hurricanrana and hits some running kicks in the corner. Fletcher shrugs one of them off and hits one of his own, followed by a brainbuster for two. A missed kick in the corner leaves Fletcher down so Danielson goes with an ankle lock.

They trade German suplexes to leave both of them down but Fletcher is back up with a Michinoku Driver. A nasty dragon sleeper has Danielson getting over to the ropes so Fletcher takes him up top. The reverse superplex connects but Danielson rolls through into a European Clutch for the pin at 15:55.

Rating: B. Danielson is more or less a guaranteed good match at this point and all he has to do is pick someone to face. Fletcher is a good enough star to work with anyone and he’s out there on his own while Mark Davis’ bad wrist heals up. That’s not a bad idea, and now we get to see what he can do on his own, which worked well enough the first time he did it this year.

Big Bill and Ricky Starks brag about their title win because they look, talk, walk and act like stars. Starks dubs them the new faces of Collision.

Angelico/Gravity/Metalik vs. Bullet Club Gold

Serpentico and Jay White are here too. Austin and Gravity start things off for a slow motion exchange. Finally a right hand drops Gravity but he’s right back up with a wristlock. Robinson and Metalik come in for a shove off. Metalik kicks him in the ribs and hits the reverse Sling Blade for two but it’s off to Colten for a quick dropkick.

We take a break and come back with Gravity still in trouble as Robinson yells at the referee. The Gunns take turns beating on Gravity until he grabs a small package for two. The diving tag brings in Angelico to clean house, including tying up Austin’s legs and Colten’s arm. Since that leaves him defenseless though, Robinson breaks it up with the left hand. Everything breaks down and Metalik hits a springboard double crossbody. Robinson breaks it up though and hits the forward DDT for the pin at 9:33.

Rating: C. This was an extended match for the Club but it wasn’t all that interesting. It felt like a match that they should have won in a few minutes but instead it kept going until Robinson wrapped it up. The Club getting to fight their own matches as White gets closer to his World Title shot is a good thing.

Post match Jay White gets in the ring and, after being joined by Card Blade, holds up the AEW World Title. White says he told us we needed an elite World Champion and here he is. Where is MJF for that matter? White brings up Hangman Page wanting a shot at him on Dynamite, but since Page hasn’t done anything, it’s going to be non-title. Guns up.

Nick Wayne talks about how he saw Darby Allin when he was growing up and then Allin left. He waited for Allin to come back but he never did, so now Wayne knew how to get back at him.

We look at the Adam Copeland/Christian Cage issue from Dynamite.

Trios Titles: Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson vs. Billy Gunn/Acclaimed

Gunn and the Acclaimed are defending. Jameson and Billy have a pose off until Jameson cheap shots him to take over in the corner. Bronson comes in to drop down onto Gunn’s back but a right hand gets him out of trouble. It’s off to Bowens for the scissoring double elbow but Bowens gets taken down. A backsplash connects for Bronson and we take a break.

Back with Bowens getting cut off before the tag, allowing Boulder to plant him down. Boulder mocks Gunn’s pose for some reason, only to miss the Vader Bomb. Caster gets the tag and cleans house, including an AA to Boulder. A high crossbody gives Caster two on Jameson but a double spinebuster cuts Caster off just as fast. Gunn makes the save and it’s Scissor Me Timbers to Bronson. The Arrival into the Mic Drop finishes Jameson at 9:33.

Rating: C. Much like the previous match, it felt like a match where the champs should have been able to win a lot faster than they did. In other words, it came off like a way to fill in some of the time on the show, which doesn’t make for the most interesting match. At the same time, the champs just keep running through opponents until someone new rises up to be a serious threat. That could take awhile though, and now we’re getting matches like this, one after another.

Toni Storm is still timeless.

Video on Shane Taylor vs. Keith Lee, with the latter saying Taylor is trying to make a name off of him.

Toni Storm vs. Kiera Hogan

Hold on though as Storm gives her a script, which Hogan rips up. Storm: “HOW DARE!” And a clothesline drops Hogan so the beating can be on fast. Hogan is back with a running hip attack and a kick to the head for two. Storm manages to send her into the corner but misses a hip attack, allowing Hogan to get in a double spank. Back in and the second hip attack works for Storm, allowing her to send us to a break.

We come back with Hogan kicking Storm into the corner but walking into a Sky High for two. Hogan comes back with a step up Fameasser for two but Storm…..bites the back of Hogan’s trunks. Storm is ready for her closeup, meaning another hip attack. Storm Zero finishes Hogan at 8:32.

Rating: C. There was a bit of a weird obsession with the hip attacks (and associated biting) here but what mattered here was having Storm out there doing anything. She is as entertaining as anything in AEW right now and is absolutely smashing everything she is doing. It’s a great example of making something new and my goodness is it working.

Ruby Soho is mad about losing her #1 contenders match and she has been banned from ringside for the Women’s Title match on Dynamite. It’s cool though because Saraya doesn’t need her.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Komander vs. Eddie Kingston

Kingston is defending. Feeling out process to start with Komander snapping off an armdrag. Back up and we get a standoff before Kingston gets taken down again. This time Kingston bails out to the floor, only to get caught in something like an Octopus hold back inside. Back up and Kingston snaps off an exploder suplex as we take a break.

We come back with Kingston chopping the heck out of him but Komander tells him to bring it. Komander knocks him outside and hits the big flip dive off the apron to drop him again. A 450 gives Komander two but Kingston catches him on top with a heck of a chop. Komander reverses a superplex into a crossbody for two, followed by a tornado DDT for the same. That’s enough for Kingston, who snaps off a spinning backfist for the pin at 10:01.

Rating: C+. This was an interesting dynamic with Komander trying to keep the pace up and Kingston trying to go with the power and strikes. It made for a good match, even if it was set up less than twenty four hours ago with no personal issue. On top of that, it still doesn’t have anything to do with the regular Ring Of Honor series, but that is the norm around here most of the time.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

Here is Adam Copeland for a chat. First of all, he thanks JR for giving him his first contract in wrestling, which allowed him to pay off his college debts. As for Copeland himself, things didn’t go as planned with Christian Cage. We need to back up a bit though, as there was a time when he was told that if he got dropped on his head again, he could die.

Cage wasn’t allowed to wrestle for six years either, but then Copeland doesn’t know what happened. Over time, Cage changed a bit as he stopped answering so many calls, which isn’t surprising as Cage is kind of a d***. Cage is going through his Bond villain with the turtleneck and the monster, so he guesses Nick Wayne is the little Persian cat that Cage rubs. Copeland would like Cage to be out here for some answers but cue Cage on the video screen.

Cage says Copeland doesn’t call the shots, so the answers will come on Dynamite. If Copeland makes it that is, because here are Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne to interrupt. Copeland takes Wayne down without much trouble but walks into a chokeslam from Luchasaurus. The Conchairto is loaded up but Darby Allin makes the save with a chair. Wayne begs off but Luchasaurus comes back up, allowing Wayne to drop Allin. The villains Conchairto Allin’s arm to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This really wasn’t a bad show with mostly good matches and Copeland having the rather hilarious Persian cat line. The title change aside though, this felt like a show where most of the message was “come back for Dynamite”. That has been the case with almost all of AEW’s shows and it makes for some long Saturdays. We had some good wrestling and a big enough deal at the end, but as has been the case for most of its history, Collision feels like it would be better served as only an hour a week.

Ricky Starks/Big Bill b. FTR – Spear to Harwood
Bryan Danielson b. Kyle Fletcher – European Clutch
Bullet Club Gold b. Angelico/Gravity/Metalik – Forward DDT to Metalik,
Toni Storm b. Kiera Hogan – Storm Zero
Eddie Kingston b. Komander – Spinning backfist


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Daily News Update – October 8, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Ring Of Honor – October 5, 2023

Smackdown – October 6, 2023

Rampage – October 6, 2023

Farewell: Another Big Name Leaves WWE Amid UFC Merger.


Look In His Eyes? CM Punk Reportedly In Talks To Return To WWE.


Even More? Legendary Name May Make Appearance Next Week On NXT.


Welcome Home: Several Big Names Set For Next Week’s SmackDown Season Premiere.


Come On Up: NXT Star Reportedly Earns Promotion To The Main Roster Following Recent Title Match.


Here And There: Interesting Details On AEW And WWE Talents Switching Companies, WWE’s Plans.


Get Well Soon: Health Updates On Two Injured AEW Stars.


On The Mend: WWE Star Expected To Miss Six Months Following Surgery.


On The Mend: Positive Injury Update On Mercedes Mone.


And New Times Two! WWE And AEW Crown New Champions On The Same Night.


WATCH: Former WWE Intercontinental/United States Champion Makes Surprise Return At Fastlane.


WATCH: Jade Cargill Makes WWE Debut At Fastlane.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Fastlane 2023: It’s Worth The Drive

Fastlane 2023
Date: October 7, 2023
Location: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re at the second of the not so important sounding pay per views here and coming into the show, we have a five match card. That either means we’re getting some bonus matches announced or things are going to go long this time. The main event would seem to be John Cena and LA Knight facing the Bloodline so let’s get to it.

I was sitting in the upper deck for this show, with the Titantron on my right.

The opening video features Pat McAfee (ok that makes sense) and talks about how Indianapolis is all about speed and moving forward, though sometimes you run into oncoming traffic. As you probably expected, the previews for the matches are included.

We recap the Tag Team Title match. Cody Rhodes brought Jey Uso back to WWE (after about two weeks) and is the only person to believe in him. The Judgment Day recruited Cody but got turned down, meaning it was a lot of fighting and an ensuing title match.

Tag Team Titles: Judgment Day vs. Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso

Rhodes and Uso are challenging and my goodness does Uso get an amazing reaction with the fans waving their arms along with him. Priest and Uso start things off with Priest running him over off a shoulder block. Uso ducks a right hand in the corner and slugs away though and Cody comes in to start on Priest’s knee. Priest blasts Uso with a clothesline to cut that off and it’s Balor coming in for his own stomping.

A headbutt gets Uso out of trouble and allows the tag to Rhodes, with a delayed gordbuster putting Uso down. Priest gets in a kick to the head from the apron but Balor’s chinlock doesn’t last that long. It’s back to Priest for a double arm crank and Rhodes is lured in so Uso can be kept in trouble. For some reason, about twenty minutes into the show, we see a wide shot of the arena and Cole talks about the show, almost sounding like he’s pitching it to new viewers.

Uso finally fights his way out of the corner and it’s Rhodes coming back in to clean house. The Disaster Kick hits Balor and Rhodes gives Priest a dragon screw legwhip over the rope. Balor is right back with 1916 for two but it’s too early for the Coup de Grace. A delayed superplex plants Balor but Rhodes can’t follow up. Uso comes back in with a high crossbody for two on Priest, who comes right back with a lifting Downward Spiral for two.

The limping Priest loads up a Razor’s Edge but gets low bridged to the floor for a ram into the announcers’ table. Back in and the Superfly Splash gets two on Priest, followed by a Cody Cutter to Balor. Uso spears Priest but cue Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio. Uso superkicks Dominik but gets quite the smile and wave from Ripley.

Back in and the distracted Uso gets hurricanranaed into a Coup de Grace from Balor, with Cody diving in for the save (after sitting at ringside until it was his cue for a terrible visual). Ripley briefcases Uso in the face for two but cue JD McDonagh to swing the case at Cody….but he hits Priest in the knee by mistake. Cross Rhodes on the table drops Priest and it’s a Cody Cutter/Downward Spiral combination to Balor. Another Cross Rhodes gives Cody the pin and the titles at 20:44.

Rating: B+. This went nuts in the end and I had a great time with the whole thing by the final moments. I wouldn’t have bet on the win after Judgment Day and the Bloodline joined forces last week but this was quite the twist. Good job on the surprise and the place went nuts on the win, even as McDonagh is probably about to get destroyed for screwing up again.

Booker T., Wade Barrett and Xavier Woods order pizza from Pizza Hut. This explains why I saw a Pizza Hut car driving into the arena as I was walking in.

We recap Bobby Lashley/the Street Profits vs. the LWO. Lashley and the Profits are being extra aggressive and have taken out part of the team. Rey Mysterio has an idea so it’s mystery partner time.

LWO vs. Bobby Lashley/Street Profits

It’s just Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar (with Zelina Vega) to start for the LWO. Escobar kicks away at Ford’s leg to start and then does the same to his head. A crossbody has Ford in more trouble but he manages a right hand to cut Escobar off. Escobar is back up with a super hurricanrana to drop Ford but he takes Escobar into the corner.

Lashley comes in for a running shoulder to the ribs and the one armed vertical suplex allows Ford to come back in for two. The beating doesn’t last long as it’s back to Mysterio to pick the pace way up. Lashley knocks Mysterio outside though, meaning it’s time for quite the grin. Ford’s running splash gets two on Mysterio and Dawkins drives in some more shoulders in the corner.

Mysterio avoids a big charge from Lashley but Ford is right there to pull Escobar off the apron in a smart move. That earns Ford a Meteora from Vega but there is no one for Mysterio to tag. The villains head outside….and Carlito of all people returns to be the LWO’s third man. Carlito dropkicks Dawkins to the floor so Mysterio and Escobar can hit dives. The Backstabber finishes Ford at 10:04.

Rating: C+. Not a great or blow away match but this was all about the Carlito return. Yes a lot of people figured it out in advance but it was still a cool moment with a familiar face returning and getting to be put into a nice slot. It’s nice to have Carlito back and we could be in for a longer feud with these teams as the other LWO members are likely to be out for the time being.

Post match, commentary gets Pizza Hut, as delivered by Xavier Woods.

We look at Jade Cargill’s debut on the Kickoff Show.

We recap the Smackdown Women’s Title triple threat. Iyo Sky won the title at Summerslam, then defended it against Asuka a few weeks ago. Charlotte got involved and Asuka lost, so now it’s time for everyone to fight.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Charlotte vs. Iyo Sky

Sky is defending. Asuka starts fast by misting Charlotte for an early two, leaving us with Asuka vs. Sky. With Charlotte on the floor to get her eyes fixed, Asuka cranks on an armbar back inside. Sky grabs some rollups for a VERY near fall on Asuka, who is right back with a kick to the chest. Asuka comes back in and takes both of them down before unloading on Asuka in the corner.

Charlotte gets double teamed down, leaving Sky to missile dropkick Asuka into a heap. Asuka is fine enough to grab a German superplex for two but Charlotte comes in with a high crossbody to both of them. Back up and Charlotte takes over on both of them again, including a double flipping clothesline for two each. Asuka is back up and sends Charlotte outside, where she sends Sky out onto her for a crash.

Sky manages to drop Asuka with a moonsault, allowing Charlotte to moonsault off the top onto both of them. Back in and Charlotte goes up top with Sky, only to get caught in the Tower Of Doom. Charlotte is able to grab a Boston crab to Asuka but Sky makes the save with a running Meteora.

Things get complicated as Asuka gets a leglock on Charlotte but Sky adds a crossface, leaving them commentary confused about what happens if Charlotte taps. That’s let go so Charlotte is back up (of course) with a spear. Cue Bayley (against Sky’s wishes) as Charlotte gets the Figure Eight on Asuka. Bayley’s distraction means the referee doesn’t see Asuka tap, right before Sky’s Over The Moonsault crushes Charlotte to retain at 17:14.

Rating: B. This got better as it kept going, even with Charlotte being the focal point and getting the tap, meaning she is all but guaranteed to get another title shot down the road. It’s good to see Sky retaining though, as she has more than earned a big win like this one. I’m just worried that it’s going to be the Charlotte show down the road, though that’s all but guaranteed most of the time.

We look at Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso winning the Tag Team Titles earlier tonight.

LA Knight arrived in a Slim Jim racing car. For some reason in the arena, we saw the car pulling up (though we couldn’t see that it was Slim Jim) and then the video pulled off before we saw who was in it.

We recap John Cena/LA Knight vs. the Bloodline. Cena returned a few weeks ago and got on the Bloodline’s bad side, so Knight stepped up to help him.

Here is Pat McAfee (sporting an Indianapolis Colts title belt) for a surprise. He wasn’t about to miss this show in this city and thinks Indianapolis would be a great choice to host Wrestlemania. This city never lets the energy go down and now he’s going to do commentary. Before that though, he introduces John Cena.

John Cena/LA Knight vs. Bloodline

Paul Heyman is here with Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa. Cena and Jimmy start things off with Cena powering him down, meaning Heyman’s guidance is needed. Heyman’s guidance seems to be “grab a headlock” but Cena is back up to run him over. Cena wants and gets Sikoa, who drops Cena with a single shot to the face. Jimmy comes in to stomp away, allowing Sikoa to tie Cena in the Tree of Woe for the running headbutt.

A missed charge doesn’t go so well for Jimmy but the tag to Knight is cut off. The chinlock has Cena in more trouble and he just can’t quite get over for the tag again. Back in and Sikoa hits the running Umaga Attack in the corner but Cena fights up. That earns him a running spinwheel kick and it’s right back to Jimmy.

A quick AA gives Cena a breather but Sikoa breaks up the tag again. There’s a headbutt to Sikoa, giving us a LET’S GO SOLO chant from Jimmy (it doesn’t catch on). A Banzai Drop hits raised knees though and the diving tag brings in Knight to clean house. Knight neckbreaker Jimmy and stomps away in the corner, followed by a DDT to Sikoa.

Everything breaks down and the LA Elbow hits Jimmy, setting up Cena’s high crossbody to Sikoa. Jimmy is right back up with a Superfly Splash to Cena and everyone is down. Knight is sent outside so Cena loads up the AA on Sikoa, only to be superkicked by Jimmy. That lets Jimmy go up, with Knight coming in to jump up for the superplex. The Five Knuckle Shuffle sets up the BFT to finish Jimmy at 17:22.

Rating: B. Nice match here, though it felt more like a big time Smackdown main event than something that needed to be on pay per view. Instead, this was more about giving Knight the big rub by having him team with Cena for a high profile win. Knight is going to have to deal with the Bloodline in the future and that could make for a big moment.

Post match, the winners show respect.

Damian Priest wants to cash in Money In The Bank tonight, but Rhea Ripley says he’s too banged up and won’t let him.

The Indiana Hoosiers football team is here, including Declan McMahon, Shane’s son/Vince’s grandson. I wonder how he got those tickets.

The Brawling Brutes like the new WWE toy truck.

We recap Seth Rollins defending the Raw World Title against Shinsuke Nakamura. Rollins beat him last month to retain but Nakamura won’t leave him alone. Therefore tonight, it’s Last Man Standing.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Rollins is defending in a Last Man Standing match. Cole brings up that Rollins has not been pinned in a singles match since January before remembering that pins mean nothing here. Nakamura bails to the floor to start and sends a chasing Rollins’ bad back into the barricade. The fans want tables but will have to settle for Rollins suplexing him on the floor and peeling back the ring mats.

Rollins can’t send Nakamura into the exposed concrete but he can hit him with the steps. It’s time to throw in a bunch of weapons, which gives Nakamura quite the extended break. Nakamura is able to come back with some hard knees, allowing him to grab some nunchucks. A few hard shots keep Rollins down and Nakamura covers him with a trashcan. Kendo stick shots have Rollins in more trouble and there’s a knee to put him down for nowhere near a ten.

Rollins fights out of the reverse exploder though and scores with the Sling Blade for a needed breather. Some stick shots have Nakamura in trouble for a change and there’s the suicide dive to the floor. Back in and a frog splash crushes Nakamura, with Rollins having to pull himself up. Nakamura gets up as well and knees Rollins down, meaning a table can be set up in the corner.

Rollins is able to send him into (not through) the table and the Stomp gives Rollins eight. The announcers’ table is loaded up and it’s time to bring out a ladder. Nakamura is laid on the table but gets up and rolls away before Rollins can jump off of said ladder. They fight into the crowd with Rollins knocking him over towards the entrance. Nakamura knocks him off the stands and onto a well placed pad though, leaving Rollins to have to beat the count.

Some chair shots knock Rollins back to ringside, where he can’t hit a Pedigree on the concrete. He can hit it back inside though, allowing another table to be set at ringside while Nakamura beats the count. Nakamura puts him on the table and hits a top rope double knee for eight. More chair shots have Rollins in trouble as Cole is begging him to stop. Rollins manages a posting and loads Nakamura onto the announcers’ table before climbing the ladder.

Nakamura gets up and climbs the other side, where the mist knocks Rollins off the ladder and through the table. That’s good for nine so they go back inside. Kinshasa through the table gets nine more, with Rollins having to roll to the floor to survive. Nakamura takes him into the crowd again and they go up onto a small platform. Rollins manages a Pedigree and Stomp onto said platform for nine of his own, followed by a Falcon Arrow through a table (good thing it was there) to retain at 28:24.

Rating: B. That was a hard hitting match and Rollins felt like a star when he won, but it was also kind of a paint by numbers Last Man Standing match. I’m not sure how many times I’ve seen someone do the roll to the floor spot to save themselves in this kind of match but it’s hardly anything more. This should finish their feud though and now Rollins can move on to something else while Nakamura does….I’m not sure at this point.

Rollins celebrates and a highlight package wraps us up.

Overall Rating: B. I liked the show, but it felt like a big time special edition of Raw than a pay per view. The Tag Team Titles changing hands was a surprise, but other than that, the main event was the only thing that felt like it really belonged on a major show. It wasn’t bad by any means and the worst match was completely fine. I just need something more than this, as five matches doesn’t even feel like a card that matters all that much. It’s worth a look if you want an easy show (that doesn’t even last three hours), but they weren’t hiding that this was just setting the table for the big stuff next month.

Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso b. Judgment Day – Cross Rhodes to Balor
LWO b. Bobby Lashley/Street Profits – Backstabber to Ford
Iyo Sky b. Charlotte and Asuka – Over The Moonsault to Charlotte
John Cena/LA Knight b. Bloodline – Blunt Force Trauma to Uso
Seth Rollins b. Shinsuke Nakamura when Nakamura could not answer the ten count



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In Indianapolis For Fastlane

As you might guess, the review won’t be up ASAP.  I’ll be coming back to the hotel and doing the show as fast as I can, wifi depending.  Collision will probably not be up until tomorrow.



Fastlane 2023 Preview

We’re wrapping up the dead period of the pay per view calendar before we get to Crown Jewel and Survivor Series next month. That means we could be in for something interesting here and the card does look better than last month’s Payback. At the same time though, as of the night before the show, there are only five matches announced so far. While we are probably going to get a bonus match, this is all we have to work with at the moment. Let’s get to it.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Iyo Sky(c) vs. Charlotte vs. Asuka

We’ll start with a match that has a bunch of options and that could make for an interesting showdown. While it does feel like we’ve had more than a few triple threat matches for the title in recent months, it’s nice to see Sky getting to hold the title for a little bit. At the end of the day, almost nothing matters until you beat Charlotte and that might be what we see happen here. Maybe.

As nervous as I always am about the idea of Charlotte getting the title back, I’ll go with Sky retaining here. Asuka was champion not too long ago and Charlotte has been champion far too many times already. Sky needs the win a lot more than the other two and it would help establish her as a bigger deal. Hopefully it doesn’t take Damage CTRL helping her, but what matters is Sky leaving with the gold, which she should.

Tag Team Titles: Judgment Day(c) vs. Cody Rhodes/Jey Uso

This was a match that got a big boost from Smackdown, as Rhodes and Uso made a big save to help fight against the seemingly united Judgment Day and Bloodline. That spiced things up a bit more, though Rhodes and Uso do make for interesting challengers. While they might not be a regular team, they are the perfect choice to come after the titles right now.

That being said, I can’t imagine the titles change hands here, as the Judgment Day have just started something a lot bigger. I’m not sure if the whole thing is going to be a success, but it would be a surprise to see them losing the title so fast. It wouldn’t surprise me to see some interference to keep the titles on the champs here, but it’s going to come at the end of a heck of a fight.

Latino World Order vs. Bobby Lashley/Street Profits

This is a match where we are going to be in for a surprise as Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar are going to need a new partner after Lashley and the Profits obliterated the rest of the LWO. There is a name rumored that I’ll leave out to avoid spoilers but it would be quite the sweet moment if the prediction is right. Other than that, we are going to be seeing a strong six man tag, as Lashley and the Profits are already clicking and the LWO works well together.

While it would make sense for the new member of the LWO to get the win, Lashley and the Profits feel like they could be a big deal in the near future. That would involve them winning here and we’ll go with that as the pick. Escobar would likely be the one to take the fall, as I can’t imagine the newcomer or Mysterio taking the fall, but I’m curious to see what that means for the team. For now though, Lashley and the Profits win.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins(c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

This is a rematch from Payback where Rollins won, but this time it’s Last Man Standing. In other words, this one is going to be about the violence, which is where something like this should go. Rollins can have that kind of match and Nakamura has shown the ability to go extreme if need be. We should be in for a heck of a fight here, and the title being on the line makes it even better.

I’ll play it safe and go with Rollins to retain here, as it is hard to fathom the idea of Rollins losing here, with Survivor Series right around the corner. Maybe they do a quick loss here to give Nakamura a bit win before Rollins wins it back, but I’ll stick with Rollins winning. And again, no Money In The Bank cash-in, because they pushed it a bit too hard this week on Smackdown.

John Cena/LA Knight vs. Bloodline

Odds are this is going to be the big main event as it has all of the star power. Knight is on a roll, Cena is Cena, and the Bloodline, even without Roman Reigns, feels important. The Judgment Day tying in with the Bloodline this week should make things more interesting and now we get to see what could be a big step on the way to one heck of a story later on this year.

While I could see the Bloodline winning here with the help of their new friends, Cena and Knight winning here is a better way to go. Knight can get a win over Uso and move even further into the main event. Reigns is going to be back next week on Smackdown and that should be enough to make things more interesting in the big picture. Or now though, Cena and Knight win to send the fans home happy.

Overall Thoughts

They more or less have to add in another match or two, as a five match pay per view is either going to have a few forty minute matches or be done in about two hours. We do have a good card as it stands though and that means we could be in for a pretty nice B (or even C) level show. WWE is doing well right now and it would be great to continue that momentum on the way into one of their busier seasons.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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