Tagged: 2014

Survivor Series Count-Up – 2000: HHH Go Boom 0

Survivor Series Count-Up – 2000: HHH Go Boom

Survivor Series 2000 Date: November 19, 2000 Location: Ice Palace, Tampa, Florida Attendance: 18,602 Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler After Austin was run over last year, it was revealed that Rikishi had been driving....

Thunder – June 17, 1999: The Texas Civil War 0

Thunder – June 17, 1999: The Texas Civil War

Thunder Date: June 17, 1999 Location: Onecenter, Syracuse, New York Commentators: Larry Zbyezko, Mike Tenay Oh goodie it’s a taped show from before the pay per view. Thankfully they’ve done a better job of...