Tagged: 2015

Raw Ratings Still Suck 3

Raw Ratings Still Suck

http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/650007-wwes-ratings-decline-continues-this-weeks-raw-draws-near-record-low-viewership In this case, it’s really not hard to figure out why. 

Coca Cola Sponsoring the Slammy Awards and Tribute to the Troops 1

Coca Cola Sponsoring the Slammy Awards and Tribute to the Troops

http://411mania.com/wrestling/wwe-news-company-scores-major-sponsorship-signs-new-toy-deal/   That’s big.  Like that’s REALLY big.  Coca Cola is one of the biggest brands in the world and having them say WWE is worth sponsoring is a hugely positive sign for WWE...

Obtuse Wrestling Angles Podcast Appearance 0

Obtuse Wrestling Angles Podcast Appearance

http://obtuseangles.libsyn.com/the-obtuse-angles-podcast-special-guest-tommy-hall-pt-3 This is my third appearance on the show in which we discuss some TNA.  Note that this was recorded back in July so some of the jokes might be a bit dated.  Also...