Smackdown – July 21, 2006: The Pre-Show Show

Date: July 21, 2006
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

It’s the go home show for the Great American Bash and that means it is time to put the finishing touches on everything. The show is looking pretty good on paper and if they do everything else well tonight, we could be in for a nice pay per view. That’s in theory of course, as you never know around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Teddy Long is in the ring to open things up and gets straight to the point: Mark Henry is injured and has undergone knee surgery. Therefore he is of course out the #1 contenders match at the Great American Bash, so we have a replacement. Before Long can make the announcement, here’s Mr. Kennedy to interrupt. Long won’t let him have the mic but Kennedy has his own and challenges Batista for the pay per view. Cue Batista to tell Teddy to book the match (Teddy nods) because he needs someone to take out his six months of anger on. Kennedy offers a handshake but pulls it again and leaves. Quick and easy here.

Brian Kendrick vs. Kid Kash

They run the ropes to start with neither being able to hit anything until Kendrick armdrags him into an armbar. Kash gets smart by going after the knee and a running clothesline gets two. It’s back to the leg with even more kicks, followed by something like a reverse figure four to send Kendrick bailing to the ropes.

A snapmare sends Kendrick’s legs into the ropes to stay on the legs but Kendrick is back up with right hands and a clothesline. Jamie Noble offers a distraction but gets knocked down by mistake, allowing Kendrick to grab a rollup for two. The referee goes to yell at Paul London, allowing Noble to come in to help set up the Dead Level for the pin.

Rating: C. The leg work was a wise way to go and it made sense to have the champ lose here, but at the same time there is only so much to be gotten out of the singles matches for the Tag Team Champions. I’m not exactly buying the idea of the Pit Bulls winning the titles on Sunday, but at least they’re trying something to set it up.

Chavo Guerrero is in Teddy Long’s office when King Booker and Queen Sharmell come in. They don’t like being disrespected by Rey Mysterio and demand satisfaction in the form of a match tonight. Chavo doesn’t think much of this and tells Teddy to ignore them, but he’ll take it under advisement. That’s too much for Chavo, who storms off.

Post break, Rey accepts the match with Booker for tonight. Chavo doesn’t like this.

Michelle McCool/Kristal vs. Jillian Hall/Ashley

Jillian slams Kristal down to start and hits a cartwheel elbow as JBL goes into a rant about Jillian not taking the easy path to wealth. Michelle comes in and beats on Ashley as a lot of screaming ensues. It’s back to Kristal for a rollup but Jillian makes the save, ripping Kristal’s top off in the process. Ashley rolls her up for the fast pin as the point was obvious again here.

Great American Bash press conference video.

Here are Great Khali and Daivari to say that Undertaker will be destroyed in the Punjabi Prison. It won’t be for the first time either, as we see a clip of Khali mauling Undertaker at Judgment Day.

After looking at a clip of Finlay stealing the US Title from him last week, Bobby Lashley says he is ready to fight tonight.

US Title: Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley is challenging and they go straight to the brawling. Finlay gets powered down early on and claims an early elbow injury. Naturally he’s goldbricking and forearms Lashley down for two, causing the referee to chastise him a bit. One heck of an uppercut sends Lashley into the corner and a very hard clothesline puts him down. Finlay hammers away in the corner and a jumping seated senton sets up the chinlock.

Lashley fights up and they head outside with Finlay being sent head first into the apron. That earns Lashley a knee first whip into the steps though and it’s time to crank on the leg back inside (JBL: “It’s the Achilles Heel of a gigantic monster.”). Finlay cannonballs down onto the knee, ala Ric Flair, which Cole calls unorthodox for some reason. Lashley fights up again but here’s William Regal for a distraction.

The distraction lets Finlay pull out the Leprechaun, with Finlay tossing him at Lashley for some actual unique offense. The leglock goes on again but Lashley fights up with the variety of suplexes. That’s enough for the referee to check on Finlay, allowing Regal to get in some cheap shots. Regal throws Finlay a chair, which is kicked into his face, setting up the spear. Not that it matters though as Regal comes in for the DQ.

Rating: C+. This was about taking a couple of heavy hitters and letting them beat the heck out of each other for about fifteen minutes. It’s a good preview for Sunday’s triple threat title match also involving Regal, and I’m glad they didn’t do a surprise title change to give Lashley another two day reign. Finlay can get a lot out of being the champion and retaining here was the smart move.

Post match the beatdown is on with the Leprechaun getting in a shillelagh shot to keep Lashley down.

Here’s Miz to recap the Diva Search so far, all two weeks of the thing. Tonight’s contest is a Diva Dance Off so they all dance for thirty seconds. Some of them are a bit more skilled than others (Maryse just kind of walks around) and Milena wins. This was exactly as you would have expected.

Matt Hardy, Funaki and Tatanka are in the back when Sylvan comes in to pitch a Quebec vacation.

Super Crazy vs. Psicosis

Gregory Helms is on commentary as he will be defending the title at the Bash against an opponent to be determined. Psicosis takes over with an armdrag to start and stomps away but Crazy sends him into the corner for some stomping of his own. A reverse Boston crab has Crazy in trouble and Psicosis makes it even worse by turning it into a Rocking Horse. We go to a more conventional camel clutch but Crazy slips out and dropkicks him to the floor. Crazy hits a middle rope moonsault but walks into a spinwheel kick for two back inside. Not that it matters as Crazy grabs a crucifix for the fast pin.

Rating: C. Much like the Lashley vs. Finlay match, this was all about taking two people who are good at a certain style and allowing them to do their thing for a bit. I’m not sure how big of a surprise that Crazy winning was, but at least they got a few minutes to do their thing. Crazy vs. Helms at the Bash feels like a pre-show match, but it’s nice to see the title defended every now and then.

Post match Crazy and Helms shout at each other a lot.

Vito went shopping. Again.

Great American Bash rundown.

Rey Mysterio vs. King Booker

Non-title with Sharmell handling Booker’s entrance. Joined in progress with Booker taking him to the mat with a knuckle lock but Rey fights up and kicks at the leg (popular move tonight). A flying headscissors looks to set up the 619 but Rey knocks him outside instead, setting up the running seated senton off the apron.

Back in and Booker chops away, followed by an elbow to the face for two. A pair of clotheslines into a superkick gives Booker two and the armbar goes on. That doesn’t last long so Booker grabs a slingshot suplex for two more. The chinlock doesn’t stay on long either, meaning this time it’s a World’s Strongest Slam for another near fall on Rey.

Back up and Rey grabs the sitout bulldog and thanks to the referee checking on Sharmell, Rey baseball slides Booker for a low blow. Sharmell offers a distraction though and it’s a Book End for two as Rey puts his foot on the floor. Cue Chavo to trip Booker though and it’s the 619 into Dropping The Dime to put Booker away.

Rating: C. Kind of a boring match but you can tell that these are both people who can have a fine match almost in their sleep. I’m not wild on having the pay per view main event two days before the show, but it’s not like it is the focal point in the first place. Mysterio’s days are numbered and it seems obvious, especially with Guerrero running around on the floor like he was here. Fine main event, but still a weird way to go.

Overall Rating: C-. This show suffered from the same kind of problem that so many other go home shows face: the show is built up as well as it’s going to be, leaving this show as little more than a two hour filler episode. There was nothing of note added here, other than replacing the injured Henry, so while it was a perfectly watchable show, it was also a perfectly skippable show.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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ECW On Sci Fi – July 18, 2006 (2020 Redo): Just Stop It Already

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: July 18, 2006
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Tazz, Joey Styles

It’s time for another guest star, mainly because Kurt Angle is on hiatus and Rob Van Dam is suspended, leaving no one to challenge Big Show. This time around it’s the Undertaker, who seems like someone who could thrive in the hardcore stuff. Then again you never can really tell with this stuff so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We open with Kelly’s Expose and it’s the same as always, with Mike Knox interrupting. They head to the ring, with Knox saying what is about to happen is due to her.

Mike Knox vs. Sandman

Fallout from Sandman attacking Knox last week. Sandman busts himself open with the beer can so Knox jumps him from behind to start and takes things outside for the brawl. A whip into the barricade sets up some elbow drops to keep Sandman down and they head back inside. Sandman hits a bulldog to send Knox outside and it’s time for the cane. Naturally he hits Kelly by mistake, allowing Knox to hit a low blow for the fast pin.

Knox leaves the unconscious Kelly at ringside. The replay shows that Knox pulled Kelly in the way of the cane shot.

Shannon Moore is coming.

During the break, Kelly was stretchered out.

Here’s Paul Heyman, flanked by the riot guards, for a chat. Heyman says his children all have to drink the Kool Aid from the same glass. Last week he explained suspending Rob Van Dam to protect himself but now he hears confusion. Cue Tommy Dreamer to interrupt, with Heyman looking a bit confused.

Dreamer says he has been with Heyman since the beginning and now he wants an explanation of what Heyman is doing. Everyone is confused so what is going on? Heyman kisses Dreamer on the mouth and here’s Test to run Dreamer over with the big boot. The TKO leaves Dreamer laying, as Joey thinks Test might be working for Heyman. Maybe. It’s possible.

Balls Mahoney says with his name, you have to be extreme. He may be a bit nuts, but he likes things that way.

Sabu vs. Stevie Richards

Non-extreme rules (because that worked so well last time) rematch from Saturday Night’s Main Event (because that worked so well last time). The fans want tables but get a headlock from Sabu, who is driven into the corner for the break. Stevie stomps him down and puts on an armbar but that’s broken up in a hurry. A running leg lariat drops Richards for two and a tornado DDT plants him again. The camel clutch makes Richards tap.

Rating: D. I know you have to have these people on the show to make it feel like ECW (or at least in name only) but these guys feel so tacked on. The previous segment felt important, but Sandman felt like a pest for Knox to beat up and this felt like WWE saying “There. Happy now?”. They aren’t even hiding it that much anymore and the sooner they cut the cord, the better.

CM Punk talks about his background in various martial arts, which make him so much more of a dangerous wrestler. It’s almost weird to see him with the longer hair.

The vampire introduces the tarot card reader as Ariel, who shows us the death card and her bloody neck.

Video on Big Show’s path of destruction.

ECW World Title: Big Show vs. Undertaker

Undertaker is challenging and this feels so wrong. Show drives him into the corner and unloads with elbows so Undertaker evens things up with kicks to the ribs. The slugout gets the fans into things a bit so Show headbutts him down to cut them off. They trade big boots for a double knockdown and Show sends him to the floor as we take a break. Back with Undertaker hitting a Stunner over the top rope but getting kneed down for two. Undertaker’s own headbutt just hurts him again and Show takes it to the floor for a second time.

Undertaker is sent head first into the steps but he’s back with elbows to the face. Another headbutt takes Undertaker down back inside but this time he pulls Show into a kneebar. That’s broken up as well and Show pounds him down, only to charge into a boot in the corner. Old School is broken up though and it’s a superplex to give Show two….as Undertaker sits up. Undertaker’s chokeslam is broken up and there’s another headbutt. The cobra clutch is countered as well and now Old School can connect. Cue Great Khali to go after Undertaker, with Big Show joining in for the double countout.

Rating: C-. It was your run of the mill Undertaker vs. Big Show match and that’s your first big problem. These two work out well enough against each other but at the same time, it’s something that has been done so many times that it doesn’t exactly draw much interest. Undertaker down in ECW feels like one of the times he would challenge for the Intercontinental Title, as it almost feels like he got lost on the way to his real match.

Post match Undertaker isn’t having any of this and starts wildly swinging a chair, only to get beaten down again. A double chokeslam through the announcers’ table ends the show.

Overall Rating: D. This show really felt like they didn’t have any idea what they were doing and just threw a bunch of stuff together to fill in their allotted time. ECW really doesn’t serve much of a purpose and it isn’t getting much better, meaning I’m not sure where this show is going to go. Wherever it is, it needs to be an upgrade from here though, because things are getting rough.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Tables Ladders And Chairs 2020 Preview

It’s time to wrap things up and that means we have one show left before the Road To WrestleMania can begin. As usual that means Tables, Ladders And Chairs but this time around they are going in a different direction. Instead of a tables match, ladder match and chairs match, we’re getting tables, ladders and chairs matches. Ok so it isn’t the biggest difference on paper, but at least they’re trying something. Let’s get to it.

SmackDown Women’s Title: Sasha Banks(c) vs. Carmella

We’ll get one of the weaker matches out of the way early on. Banks has only had the title for a few months now and already has the stigma of not being able to hold onto the thing all that long. It makes sense to let her have a pretty easy feud to start off her reign, but Carmella is not exactly the most thrilling challenger in the world. She’ll do fine here, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

Banks retains here, and there really shouldn’t be that much doubt. Carmella has come a long way since her debut, but she is firmly in the second tier (at best) in every era of the women’s division. She is still a former champion though and Banks beating her will mean a little something, though I can’t imagine this being more than a one off shot. MAYBE they have a third match at the Royal Rumble, but Banks isn’t dropping the title to her.

Raw Tag Team Titles: New Day(c) vs. Hurt Business

I feel like I’m in some kind of time loop with New Day, as they seem like they have been the stay the course choice for the Tag Team Titles for literally years now, always waiting to drop the belts to the next team. That doesn’t exactly make for a thrilling story, and given how many times we’ve seen these four fight in one combination or another, the limited interest has already been taken away.

I’m going to go with new champions here, in the hopes that the Hurt Business gets an even bigger push. The whole group is one of the best around today and I could go for them having even more gold. I know I’ve said this time and time again, but New Day doesn’t need the titles and they could be good for Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander, as both could use the boost. New champions here, even though I don’t quite believe it’s happening.

The Fiend vs. Randy Orton

This is now a Firefly Inferno match, because I guess WWE thinks that fireflies have actual fire or something. It sounds like an Inferno match, which feels really, really tacked on after Orton’s ATTEMPTED MURDER earlier this week. The story has been set up, but I’m still not sure why I should want to see these two fight. That being said, it’s not like the Fiend makes the most sense in the first place and having him outsmart the master strategist is intriguing

I’ll go with Orton to win here though, mainly because his basic boots and trunks don’t leave much to be set on fire (assuming that’s how you win of course). The Fiend winning makes more sense, but I can live with Orton if he doesn’t use Alexa Bliss to upset Fiend. It’s an interesting enough match, but I could go without the fire. Just do what makes sense instead of tacking something on at the last second and (pun intended), leaping straight into the fire.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler(c) vs. Asuka/???

So after about three months of Jax tormenting Lana and setting up the revenge at this show, Lana isn’t even on the card. Instead Asuka is getting the shot with a mystery partner, meaning the whole thing is going to come down to who she has. I’m not entirely convinced it won’t wind up being Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose getting the shot, which would at least make some more sense than whatever they’re doing here.

No matter who it is, I’ll take the champs to retain here as there is zero reason to have Asuka holding two titles again. It would be nice to not have something insane here and hopefully they don’t go too far. Just pick someone who makes sense (Brooke or Rose would make sense on their own) and have the champs beat them up after a bit of a sweat. Don’t go wacky here, because that’s the last thing this story needs.

Raw World Title: Drew McIntyre(c) vs. AJ Styles

This is the first of the two namesake matches and probably the easier one to guess. The idea here is mainly built around Omos and possibly Sheamus getting involved, but I’m not sure how much that is going to change anything about where it goes. Styles might not be the big monster they were hoping for in Braun Strowman, but he’s as good of a replacement as you are going to get.

Of course McIntyre retains here, as they aren’t going to put the title on McIntyre back in October and then take it off of him in December. There is no reason to think Styles will win here, though that’s not the worst idea in the world. Sometimes it’s ok to have the champ face off with a tough challenge and then win anyway, which is what seems to be the case here. The match should be fun, and Sheamus can challenge McIntyre next month just fine.

SmackDown World Title: Roman Reigns(c) vs. Kevin Owens

Oh man I want to see how this could go with a several months long story where Owens might have an actual chance to win the title. Owens has been doing some great stuff as the challenger who will not die no matter what, even if he is up against the monster of monsters in Reigns. The match isn’t exactly full of drama, but I want to see Owens get the title, which is the right feeling.

But yeah, Reigns isn’t losing here and he probably isn’t losing for a very long time. At the end of the day, Reigns is a total star and should not be in any serious danger. Owens is someone who could be a major threat to the title, but it’s not happening here and I don’t think there is any real drama. The story has been quite good though and I want to see Owens give it his all and fail. Owens has done very well in this story and hopefully that goes somewhere in the future, but Reigns is leaving with the title here.

Overall Thoughts

Even with only six matches announced so far, the more I think about this show, the more I like the different format. I know it’s a good bit different than usual, but I really don’t need to have five or six gimmick matches on a single card. You have the big gimmick match in the title so go with what should work well. It’s not like there are many matches on the show that need the gimmicks to help them (though there are a few, including the one that we’re not even getting), so let the big ones get the focus and go from there.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – December 18, 2020: It’s His Show Now

Date: December 18, 2020
Location: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the go home show for Tables, Ladders And Chairs and that means it is time to have a title match rather than waiting for Sunday. This time around it’s about the Tag Team Titles, with the Street Profits defending against Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler. Other than that, we’re likely to have more Roman Reigns greatness. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Kevin Owens going after Roman Reigns last week, but Reigns fought back and beat the fire out of him. Reigns also spoke directly to Owens’ children, telling them to get it through their dad’s head before Reigns finishes him.

Here’s a ticked off Owens to get things going. He demands Reigns get out here right now so they can do this but Reigns doesn’t come out. With that not working, Owens says he talked to his family and they won’t be watching TLC under any circumstance. He doesn’t want his family seeing what he does to Reigns on Sunday. Reigns still doesn’t come out so Owens says Reigns is just using his family as pawns and that is just pathetic. Reigns has to know that he’s a coward, but here’s Paul Heyman on the screen.

Heyman says he’s heard this before but now he’s here to confess his sins. Last week on Talking Smack, Heyman said Owens needs to marinate in the mindset of being mutilated. Owens is martyr who is willing to pay any sacrifice to be Universal Champion at any point. That means mutilation won’t stop him, so he has to be eradicated. Owens cuts him off, saying that won’t happen. As for tonight, he’s coming to find Reigns himself.

Post break, Owens is trying to storm Reigns’ dressing room but Reigns and Heyman are slowly coming to the ring. Reigns says that Owens needs to stay in his lane because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t want to hurt Owens, so Owens can have the same chance as Jey Uso: acknowledge him as the head of the table and everything is forgiven. Here’s Owens in the arena but Jey Uso jumps him from behind with Reigns getting in on the act. The beatdown is on with Owens being sent into the barricade, though he gets up as Reigns leaves.

Post break again, Reigns says Owens still doesn’t understand and orders Jey to take him out.

Tag Team Titles: Street Profits vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

Roode and Ziggler are challenging. During the entrance, we hear a prediction on the Slammy Award for Tag Team of the Year from the actor presenting the award. Dawkins and Ziggler start things off but the Profits hit a double dropkick to put the challengers on the floor. Ford goes up top but shoved down into the barricade for a crash as we take a break.

Back with Roode hitting a Russian legsweep for two on Ford. It’s back to Ziggler with a waistlock to stay on the banged up ribs and hands it off to Roode for a release gordbuster. Ziggler’s waistlock goes on again and a kick to the ribs makes it even worse. Ford finally kicks Ziggler away though and the hot tag brings in Dawkins to clean house. A faceplant plants Ziggler on his face and an exploder suplex sends Roode flying.

Dawkins gets two off a neckbreaker to Roode but Ziggler is back in, with Roode tossing him into the air for a Fameasser. That’s good for two on Dawkins, who is right back up with the Anointing on Ziggler, setting up the Cash Out but Roode elbow Ford in the back for the save. Roode rolls Ford up with tights for two, only to have Ford grab a rollup with trunks to retain at 12:13.

Rating: C+. The Profits are as made of a team as there is at the moment so having them go out there for about twelve minutes to put on a good performance against another fine team is a great way to go. The match worked out well, even if it seems designed to set up a rematch on Sunday. I wasn’t sure which way this one was going though, and that’s one of the best feelings you can have in a title match.

Post match Roode and Ziggler protest, likely setting up the PPV rematch. The referee threatens them with suspension and they back off.

Owens is limping through the back when Uso chairs him from behind. Uso leaves and Owens pulls himself up again.

Bianca Belair says Bayley is her measuring stick and always has Bianca’s name in her mouth. Tonight, Belair is going to s-h-i-n-e.

The Riott Squad speculated on who Billie Kay has to face them next. Maybe Beyonce? Sarah Jessica Parker? Or Wonder Woman!

Riott Squad vs. Billie Kay/???

Billie handles her own introduction (she is a seasoned ring announcer, according to her resume) and it’s…..Tamina. Morgan gets tossed into the corner for some early stomping as Graves talks about how awesome of a team we could be seeing. Riott gets in a kick to the face, only to get blasted with a clothesline. A Samoan drop gives Billie two with Morgan having to make a save. The Squad knocks Tamina off the apron and it’s a missile dropkick/Downward Spiral combination to finish Billie at 2:35. I could go for various partners until we get to the glorious reunion with Peyton Royce, which better be coming.

We look back at Carmella beating Sasha Banks via DQ last week and then breaking a champagne bottle over her back last week.

Here’s Carmella for a champagne toast to Sasha Banks. Carmella brags about how expensive the champagne is and says it’s time to drink some bubbly. Banks has every physical gift it takes to be a champion but nothing mentally. That aggression last week is why Carmella knows she already has Banks beat. That’s why Banks is going to have to control herself, but there is no way she can pull it off. After Sunday, Banks is going to fall into a turmoil, because she’s nothing if she isn’t the Boss or the best.

That’s really depressing when you think about it, so Carmella needs a pick me up. She takes a sip but says it tastes cheap and frantic, kind of like Sasha Banks. Cue Banks, so Carmella sends the sommellier to deal with her, and of course Banks comes through the stands instead. Banks throws the champagne in her face and the fight is on, including a failed Bank Statement. The sommellier tries to make the save but it’s another bottle over Banks’ back. Carmella sounded good and confident here, though I don’t buy her having a chance on Sunday.

Owens is in the trainer’s room but here’s Uso to put him through a table.

Otis vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Otis slams him down to start and drops a headbutt for an early two. Nakamura is back with a running knee to the face and some kicks but Otis shrugs them off. A running clothesline crushes Nakamura, but Gable says don’t do the Caterpillar. Instead he wants a suplex, but Nakamura small packages Otis for two. Now the suplex connects and the Vader Bomb connects for the pin at 2:28. Cole: “That was a little drawn out.”

Sami Zayn, in a rather hideous tuxedo, is ready for the Sami Awards. He goes off to get things ready, but Big E. pops up to mess with the cards.

We get a rather nice video of the year 2020 (represented by a green monster) interrupting a Drew McIntyre promo, earning a huge beatdown from several wrestlers. The year 2021 comes in to destroy it once and for all.

Chad Gable asks Otis why he didn’t use the Caterpillar when he had the chance. No worries, as they’re back to training tomorrow. For now, re-hydrate. I’m kind of curious about this, putting it even more miles above a year long short joke.

It’s time for the Sami Awards, with Sami saying that the Slammy Awards have gone downhill since the days when Jack Tunney was running things. After a look at the Year In Review, which of course mainly focuses on Sami, the Comeback of the Year goes to….Sami Zayn! Sami is shocked but we need to keep this going. Next up is Match of the Year, which goes to…..Sami Zayn winning the Intercontinental Title at Clash of Champions!

With that out of way, it’s time for the big one, with Superstar of the Year. That would be…..Big E., who comes out to accept. After asking Notre Dame to cover the spread tomorrow, Big E. decks Sami for daring to say this isn’t how things were supposed to go. Sami gets thrown down the ramp and Big E. breaks the trophy.

Bayley talks about being on the basketball and track teams in high school but you don’t hear her bragging about everything. Bianca Belair would rather brag than pick her brain, so tonight, Bayley is putting her on the map.

Bayley vs. Bianca Belair

Belair starts fast by leapfrogging Bayley, who goes out to the apron. A neck snap staggers Belair but she flips forward and lands on the middle rope. Belair moonsaults over Bayley and kicks her down, only to have Bayley send her arm first into the apron. Back with Bayley talking a lot of trash but Belair slugs away and there’s the delayed vertical suplex with the squats.

The handspring moonsault gives Belair two and a backbreaker is good for the same. A charge sends Belair hard into the corner but she hot shots Bayley into the corner. Belair gets two more off a spinebuster and a sunset flip is good for the same. A rollup gives Belair two more so she lifts Bayley up in a powerbomb, only to have Bayley rake the eyes. The Rose Plant finishes Belair at 10:04.

Rating: C+. You could see the athleticism in Belair (as she’s one of the most athletic people WWE has ever had) but she still doesn’t seem comfortable in the ring. That sequence of rollups and counters near the end felt like they were trying to remember how the choreography went instead of doing what made sense and that’s not a good look to have. The good thing is that was a minor part of the match, which was pretty nice otherwise.

Here are Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman and Jey Uso to wrap things up. Reigns has been racking his brain and can’t figure this out. If you had a chance to be in the main event with him, why would you pass it up? It’s a chance that your kids’ kids’ kids’ kids would be talking about….and here’s Kevin Owens to interrupt.

Owens takes out Jey but gets speared down as the destruction is on. Reigns unloads with chairs, puts him through a table, buries him with the pieces of the tables, and even adds some ladders once Jey throws them in. Reigns and company go to the back for an interview but Owens is back up and says he’s going to win the title or die trying to end the show.

Man they have a heck of a story here with Owens but it needs to be a long term one rather than something thrown together in a few weeks for a one/two pay per view feud with no chance for Owens to win. Owens is selling the heck out of everything and I want to see him win but this isn’t his time and it’s obvious. What we’re getting is good, but Sunday is the inevitable.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a weird show, but it’s clear that they know Reigns is the meal ticket right now and are treating him as such. The match with Owens should be a heck of a fight and it wouldn’t surprise me to see them do it again at the Rumble in an I Quit or Last Man Standing match or something else with more violence. Other than that, the rest of the show was just people doing a few things here and there, but there was nothing bad and we had a good show overall. It was the Reigns Show though, and that’s a nice thing to see.


Street Profits b. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode – Rollup to Roode with trunks

Riott Squad b. Tamina/Billie Kay – Missile dropkick/Downward Spiral combination to Kay

Otis b. Shinsuke Nakamura – Vader Bomb

Bayley b. Bianca Belair – Rose Plant

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

WCCW TV – March 29, 1986: That 80s Match

Date: March 29, 1986
Location: Dallas Sportatorium, Dallas, Texas
Commentator: Bill Mercer

I liked the previous show so let’s take another look at the Dallas boys. As usual it’s just another random show and that means there is no way of knowing what we have coming up. I can go with more of that in a promotion I’m not overly familiar with, so hopefully they live up to the expectations I have from an unrelated show about fourteen months ago. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Mercer runs down the card.

Steve Regal vs. Brickhouse Brown

Say it with me: not that Steve Regal. Brown is a lot smaller than you probably would expect and grabs a headlock to start. A sunset flip doesn’t even give Brown one and it’s time to fight over the wristlocks. Brown elbows the arm but gets caught in a top wristlock for his efforts. Back up and Brown isn’t having this being sent face first into a buckle, meaning it’s time to crank on Regal’s arm again.

The armbar goes to the mat and Brown drives some knees into the arm. Regal gets up and pokes him in the eye before stomping in the ribs. We have two minutes left in the ten minute time limit as Regal knees him in the ribs. Brown knocks him into the corner and then pulls him right back out for a crash. A dropkick into a legdrop gets two on Regal as the time limit expires at 10:00 (or 9:40, which is pretty good for the 80s).

Rating: D. This was the stereotypical match from this era with both guys working on the arm for about eight minutes and then remembering that they were supposed to try to win the match. That doesn’t make for an interesting match when you can tell what they are going for from the start, making it just a boring use of most of the time until you get to the finish. Neither was exactly exciting here either, making this a rather lame way to open the show.

Post match Brown wants to keep going but Regal bails. Smart man as that arm work can be treacherous.

From earlier this month.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Von Erichs vs. Fabulous Freebirds

The Freebirds are defending and we’re joined in progress with Kevin putting Gordy in a sleeper and then a bodyscissors to make it worse. It’s off to Lance (erg Lance), who gets caught in a camel clutch from Hayes. We hit the ten minute call as Hayes elbows him in the face and hands it back to Gordy for the Oriental Spike (that’s the name).

Kevin and Kerry come in for the save and it’s back to Hayes, who gets caught in a suplex. Kerry and Roberts get the double tags as everything breaks down again. A rollup should finish Roberts but Gordy comes in to make the save. Roberts is able to get the cover on Kerry to retain at 5:59 shown. I won’t rate a match with so much time missing, but it seemed like a hot match, as tends to be the case with these people. Except Lance.

Steve Simpson vs. Rick Rude

Rude’s WCWA (same company as WCCW) World Title isn’t on the line and he has Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer) in his corner. Rude’s tights don’t have any painting on them but they do have pockets for a unique look. Feeling out process to start with Rude throwing him around but getting caught in a monkey flip. Simpson grabs a headscissors to take Rude to the mat and doesn’t even let him go down there.

Rude headlocks his way to freedom as commentary tells us how to vote for Rude’s next challenger. A northern lights suplex drops Simpson for two and we hit the abdominal stretch. That’s broken up in a hurry and Simpson unloads in the corner but a monkey flip is blocked. A DDT (known as the Rude Awakening here) finishes Simpson at 6:18.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one as Rude was still getting the hang of things and was nowhere near the star that he would become. It’s impressive to see how fast he became such a star because you could see elements here, but he had a long way to go before he would hit that next level. Simpson looked great but didn’t showcase himself all that well. Granted that wasn’t the point of this one.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

We see Bruiser Brody interrupting a main event to challenge Terry Gordy to a fight. Gordy came out and the fight was on as the main event was completely forgotten.

Fantastics vs. John Tatum/The Grappler

The brawl is on before the bell with the Fantastics clearing the ring as we’re told this is under Texas Tornado rules. They do manage to get in the introductions, with Sunshine in the Fantastics corner and Missy Hyatt with the villains. The Fantastics pull them back in and then throw Tatum right back to the floor. Grappler doesn’t like them going after his mask and Fulton is sent into the corner. An atomic drop puts Rogers down but Fulton is back up to clean house. Missy grabs Rogers’ foot though and the catfight is on with Sunshine covering her with ketchup. The distraction lets Fulton roll Grappler up for the pin at 4:18.

Rating: C. As usual, the Fantastics know how to work up an audience but this was much more about Sunshine vs. Precious, who had some of the most entertaining catfights of their day. Taking some fries and ketchup to Missy’s face would drive her crazy and the fans reacted as a result. Sometimes you don’t need to make things more complicated than they need to be and that was the case here.

A quick preview of next week’s show wraps us up.

Overall Rating: C-. The opener brings this down a bit but the rest of the show was fun enough. As tends to be the case with World Class, it feels like you need to watch a good bit of the shows to really get the hang of things, but what we got here was still good enough. They don’t exactly fill in the backstories, but it’s like Memphis: you don’t need much of a reason to watch people fight in front of a crowd this hot.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

WCCW TV – January 5, 1985: On Free TV No Less!

Date: January 5, 1985
Location: Reunion Arena, Dallas, Texas
Commentator: Bill Mercer

I might as well knock out a few more of these fort he sake of mixing things up a bit. This is a special edition as we have the Star Wars special, featuring Ric Flair doing his Ric Flair 80s stuff. I’m not sure what to expect from this one but WCCW is hit or miss every single time. Let’s get to it.

Mercer runs down the card, including Kerry Von Erich getting his shot at Flair for the NWA World Title.

Terry Gordy/Buddy Roberts/Chic Donovan vs. Missing Link/Skandar Akbar/Mr. X

This is a Texas Tornado Loser Leaves Town elimination match (pinfall, submission or over the top for a twist) because they’re starting fast this week. No word on why Michael Hayes isn’t in on this but I’d bet on some weird stipulation earlier. It’s a brawl to start (as it should be) with Link being sent through the ropes, much to Mercer’s confusion. Link comes back in with a middle rope headbutt to Donovan as this is completely nuts so far.

Roberts works on Akbar’s knee in the middle and on the apron and Gordy slams Link. In the mess, Link headbutts Donovan down to give Akbar the elimination. A double clothesline gets rid of Mr. X but Roberts is thrown over the top, leaving Gordy alone against Akbar/Link. Gordy slugs away at both of them until the numbers game catches up with him in the corner. Link gets knocked into the ropes so Gordy whips out his spike for Akbar. That’s broken up as well but Link headbutts Akbar out by mistake, allowing Gordy to toss him for the win at 9:58.

Rating: C+. I liked this one a lot more than I would have bet on as they didn’t waste time, got in and out of there with Gordy (I’m trying to get my head around the Freebirds as faces in Dallas) wrecking the villains like the monster he was. Not a good match, but it was the kind of entertaining chaos that it needed to be. I’d still like to know why Hayes wasn’t in there though, as he would have thrived in this.

Kerry Von Erich is ready to fight his heart out for another taste of the World Title. If he loses, it’s all on him.

NWA World Title: Kerry Von Erich vs. Ric Flair

Flair is defending and his headlock takeover is countered into a headscissors for an early standoff. The fight over a top wristlock goes to Kerry but Flair drives him into the corner without much trouble. Kerry hammerlocks him down and then does it again for a bonus. The push off hits the referee in the head but he’s back up to see Flair not being able to suplex Kerry. The headlock has Flair in trouble again and a flying headscissors takes him back to the mat. Flair reverses into a leglock but gets headscissored all over again.

A roll over to the ropes gets him out of trouble this time and Flair hammers away in the corner, this time being yelled at for attacking in the ropes. See what a good referee can do for a match? Flair drops the knee for two and he sends Kerry outside. Back in and Kerry, who seems to be bleeding from the chest, fights out of the corner with right hands. A sleeper has Flair in trouble for all of five seconds before Kerry grabs the backslide (how he won the title in the first place) for two.

A suplex gives Kerry the pin but Flair’s foot is under the rope. Flair hits a shoulder and throws his feet on the ropes but this time the referee catches it in advance. Some right hands set up the Claw on Flair, who counters with a knee to the ribs. The knee drop is countered with a grab of the leg and Kerry throws on the Figure Four. Flair makes the rope for the break as he’s busted open as well. The Claw goes on again but Flair tosses him over the top for the lame DQ at 18:17.

Rating: B. They were starting to cook near the end but then the DQ cut everything off. What we got worked well though as Kerry was a little more coherent this time. You never know what you might get out of him so this was about as good as you could have expected. Flair can do this kind of thing against anyone so you knew he would be fine, but Kerry’s wild card worked out well enough here.

Post break the NWA representative says that Flair abused the NWA ruling and therefore, there must be a rematch. After basically telling the fans to be quiet, he says it’s going to be Flair vs. Kerry again in Texas, and if Flair gets disqualified, he loses the title.

Jake Roberts/Gino Hernandez vs. Mike Von Erich/Billy Jack Haynes

Haynes and Von Erich have Sunshine with them. Mike continues to look rather pitiful as he just doesn’t look like a bit time wrestler. He slams Jake (in his red karate pants look) down to start but Jake is back up with a clothesline. It’s off to Gino but Haynes is right there to clothesline him down.

Haynes’ middle rope fist drop misses though and he seems to be banged up, meaning it’s back to Roberts to take over. That lasts all of thirty seconds before it’s back to Von Erich as they are flying through this match. Mike misses the dropkick so Jake loads up the DDT, drawing Gino in as everything breaks down. The Claw goes on and Jake is done at 3:35.

Rating: C-. Well that was short and fast, with Mike being more of a sad case than anything else. Unfortunately that would get a lot sadder as time went on, but that was the horrible par for the course for the entire family. The match didn’t have time to do anything but at least they got in and out without doing anything too badly.

Overall Rating: B-. When else are you going to get a full World Title match with Flair on free TV? These shows are in their own world but they still have a lot of energy and some entertaining wrestling. You have to be in a certain mood to watch WCCW and this was one of the better ones that I have seen from them over the years. Granted some of that might be Flair, but take what you can get.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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NXT UK – December 17, 2020: When Did That Happen?

Date: December 17, 2020
Location: BT Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

Things continue to stay interesting around here as we close out the year, but this time around it is going to be one more important match before we officially make it to the holidays. This time around it is all about the Tag Team Titles as Gallus defend the titles against the Hunt. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Isla Dawn vs. Kay Lee Ray

Non-title. Ray works on the arm to start so Dawn does exactly the same. Dawn gets in some double knees to the chest for two but Ray is back up to send her into the corner. Something like a basement Meteora gives Dawn two and the hard belly to back suplex is good for the same. Ray is right back with a tornado DDT and a Koji Clutch but Dawn is out in a hurry. That’s about it for Dawn though as Ray grabs the Gory Bomb for the pin at 4:18.

Rating: C-. Dawn is fine for a role like this and they need to give Ray a clean win here or there. It was smart to get the match in and out quickly as Ray shouldn’t be having trouble with Dawn. It’s not like there is much of a story here and Piper Niven or Jinny would seem to be the next challenger for the title anyway.

Post match Ray says you should get used to her being champion because forever is a long time.

Video on Ben Carter, who has officially signed with NXT UK. Good for him for getting a chance like this. Various wrestlers talk about how great he is and we see him in Seth Rollins’ wrestling school.

Ilja Dragunov is near tears in the ring because he came so close to winning the UK Title but came up just short. He’ll be back.

Levi Muir/Jack Starz vs. Saxon Huxley

The bigger Muir tries to power Huxley around to start before hit leapfrog is knocked out of the air. Starz tries a slingshot crossbody and after Muir offers a trip, it takes Huxley down. Back up and Huxley unloads on Stars with right hands before cranking on the neck a bit. A gorilla press sends Starz flying and there’s a running boot to the side of his head.

Huxley knocks Muir off the apron and then throws Starz back in for two. Starz gets in a shot to the face and brings in Muir, who is driven into the corner in a hurry. A double dropkick takes Huxley down though and a sunset flip, with some help from Muir, gives Starz the upset pin at 5:23.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what the point is in having Huxley lose but he isn’t the kind of guy you need to push, meaning the loss isn’t some horrible move. The action was fast paced too and it was a surprise ending so well done on the twist. Starz isn’t going to go anywhere but he’s the show’s designated jobber. Muir on the other hand looks great and could go somewhere if he is given the right push. Not bad at all here.

Post match Huxley beats both of them down but Dave Mastiff runs in for the save.

Earlier this week, Piper Niven showed Sid Scala a video of someone leaving Piper a message at the gym. Apparently it’s a contract for a match with Jinny, who Piper wants to face in three weeks. The match is made for January 7.

Dave Mastiff meets Rampage Brown. That wouldn’t be bad for Brow’s first real challenge.

Here’s A-Kid, who is very proud of what he has done and the pride it has brought Spain. He wants to be the best though and challenges Walter for the United Kingdom Title. Cue Walter to say hang on a second because he sees a lot of skill in A-Kid. But HOW DARE HE go this far? The one thing that will never change is that Walter is NXT UK Champion, which seems to mean no shot.

Earlier this week, Kenny Williams was upset when Amir Jordan comes in to say get back to it because they need to win the Tag Team Titles. Williams, with his bad knee, doesn’t seem convinced and suggests Jordan go on his own for the time being. However, Williams is willing to be in his corner. Something sounds afoot.

Trent Seven says he gave it his all in the Heritage Cup Tournament and had no idea how much he gave in until he lost. There are things that he needs to fix so he’s going away for now. This isn’t goodbye, but see you later, and Seven does not look happy.

Rampage Brown vs. Josh Morrell

Morrell’s headlock doesn’t work at all as Brown runs him over without much trouble. Brown throws him outside and then right back in, setting up the shoulders in the corner. A running shoulder hits the post though and Morrell hits a dropkick for one. Brown isn’t having that and hits the big clothesline, setting up up the Doctor Bomb for the pin at 3:13.

Rating: D+. Brown is one of those guys who continues to impress in the limited around of time that he gets in the ring every week. That’s exactly what he should be doing too, as he is looking more and more like a monster every time he’s in the ring. Just having him throw people around and then crush them in the end works, and he’ll get bigger competition in the future.

Sid Scala makes A-Kid vs. Walter for the UK Title at some point in the new year. Throwing Walter out there in a somewhat challenging title match is a good idea.

Next week: a special Christmas Eve show.

Tag Team Titles: The Hunt vs. Gallus

Gallus is defending and Eddie Dennis is here with the Hunt. Wolfgang gets double teamed in the corner to start with Primate stomping away. That’s broken up with straight power as Wolfgang fights out and drives him into the corner corner so Mark Coffey can come in. Wild Boar shrugs off the headlock though and brings in Primate for a double backdrop. We hit the chinlock on Coffey and a backsplash to the back gets two.

A right hand knocks Wolfgang off the apron but Boar’s charge only hits buckle. The diving tag brings Wolfgang in to clean house, including a top rope ax handle for two on Primate. Dennis pulls Boar out of a powerslam attempt and a shot to Wolfgang’s back puts him down. Cue Joe Coffey to take out Dennis, followed by Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews to go after Primate. That leaves Boar to take a powerslam/jumping enziguri combination for the pin at 7:59 to retain the titles.

Rating: C+. The Hunt were interesting challengers for the titles here as you don’t get to see many teams who can match Gallus for size and power. Gallus are fine once they’re in the ring, but they’re far from the most memorable team in the world. Half the time I forget that they’re the champions, which isn’t a good sign but when you have the titles as long as they have, it is bound to happen at some point.

Post match Pretty Deadly comes out to challenge for the titles. That was coming sooner or later. Cue Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith to send them into the ring for the beatdown from Gallus to end the show. When did this show build a tag division?

Overall Rating: C+. This was a very busy show and they set up a few things for next month. I’m more impressed by the tag division though, which now has several teams running around at the moment and you can imagine a lot of them going after the titles. I’m liking where things are going around here and that’s more than I can say about some other WWE shows at the moment. No it doesn’t mean much and this show is on an island of its own but for what it is, NXT UK is a rather nice hour of wrestling a week, with this show being another good example.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – December 16, 2020: Now And The Future

Date: December 16, 2020
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph

We’re on the way to New Year’s Evil and that could go a variety of ways. Tonight we find out the new #1 contender to the NXT Title though as Pete Dunne faces Kyle O’Reilly. That could be a heck of a fight and that’s what NXT is shooting for with the showdown. Other than that, the whole show could be all over the place. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Kushida/Leon Ruff vs. The Way

That would be Johnny Gargano/Austin Theory with Candice LeRae/Indi Hartwell. Kushida takes Theory to the mat and the frustration is on in a hurry. Ruff comes in so Theory runs him over with a clothesline and hands it off to Gargano to glare at Kushida. The delay lets Ruff take Gargano down and kick him in the head for two, only to have Gargano hit a gordbuster.

Theory comes back in so Kushida makes the save, with stereo dropkick sending Theory and Gargano to the floor. Ruff loads up a big flip dive but slips and falls flat on his back on the floor for a scary landing. Thankfully he seems to be ok as Theory sends Ruff face first into the apron. Back in and Ruff scores with a DDT for two but Gargano hits his slingshot spear. We take a break and come back with Ruff fighting out of a chinlock and enziguring Gargano, allowing the hot tag off to Kushida.

House is cleaned with Kushida kicking Gargano in the arm but getting kicked in the head for his efforts. Ruff comes back in with a missile dropkick to Gargano and stereo running kicks in the corner give Ruff two. Theory is back in with the spinning torture rack powerbomb for two on Ruff and a double superkick is good for the same. Ruff hits his own superkick to send Gargano into the corner but Theory is back in with This Is The Way (where he picks Ruff up and flips him into a Downward Spiral) for the pin at 13:35.

Rating: B-. They did things the right way here with Gargano and Theory working well together and finishing Ruff in the end. Kushida continues to look strong and it wouldn’t shock me to see him get the first shot at Gargano. That has been a logical place for him to go for the last several months so it would be nice to see them actually do something about it.

Dexter Lumis is watching from the balcony with an easel. Uh yeah.

Video on Toni Storm vs. Rhea Ripley, with Toni saying that all that matters is her time. She is ending this rivalry on her terms tonight.

Video on Legado del Fantasma.

Shotzi Blackheart is proud of her WarGames team and doesn’t think much of Candice LeRae carrying a trophy that her husband got from a Little League banquet. She broke Candice’s arm in the cage and tonight she’s breaking Candice’s best friend Indi Hartwell.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Tyler Rust

Ciampa leaves a chair and shirt for Timothy Thatcher at ringside. Rust works on the wrist to start but gets taken down into a front facelock. Cue Thatcher to watch so Ciampa hits a running shot to the face to drop Rust again. Ciampa heads outside to yell at Thatcher and Rust runs Thatcher over by mistake. That’s enough to get Thatcher ejected but Rust uses the distraction to get in a shot on Ciampa as we take a break.

Back with Ciampa hitting a Samoan drop to get a breather and elbowing Rust in the face. Rust scores with an ax kick for two but can’t get a cross armbreaker as Ciampa stacks him up. The hold goes on with the second attempt but Ciampa is out again and blasts Rust in the face. The arm is too banged up for the Fairy Tale Ending so Rust grabs a cravate and flips Ciampa forward for two. Rust slaps on a Rings of Saturn with his legs, meaning Ciampa has to use his own leg for the break. Ciampa unloads with chops in the ropes, followed by a running knee to the face. Willow’s Bell is good for the pin at 12:24.

Rating: C+. Rust got to showcase himself here and that’s the reason you put him in a spot like this. Ciampa is in the middle of his big feud with Thatcher and beating up Thatcher’s glorified lackey is as good of an idea as you can have. If nothing else, Rust got a chance to showcase himself and that worked well. Nice stuff here, as both did what they were supposed to do.

Post match Ciampa picks up the Thatcher shirt but here’s Thatcher to glare at him. The two are held back but Ciampa throws the shirt in Thatcher’s face to make it worse.

Video on the Grizzled Young Veterans, who are back after eight months away. There are a lot of new teams around here and they are still the best around.

Video on Karrion Kross.

During the break, Malcolm Bivens came out to tell Rust that he is a star. Rust bumped fists with him and they left together.

Dexter Lumis has drawn the New Year’s Evil logo.

Pete Dunne vs. Kyle O’Reilly

The winner gets the title shot against Finn Balor at New Year’s Evil. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are here to start but here’s the Undisputed Era and the returning Breezango to take care of them, meaning it’s one on one. Dunne and O’Reilly go straight to the slugging to start with Dunne not being able to get anywhere off the hammerlock. Instead Dunne takes him down and pulls on the leg but O’Reilly is out of that in a hurry.

O’Reilly sits on his stomach to strike away but the dragon screw legwhip is countered without much trouble. Back up and they run the ropes with Dunne hitting a clothesline to send O’Reilly to the floor. The moonsault off the apron misses O’Reilly but he misses a knee of his own. Dunne scores with a pump kick but O’Reilly slips out of an X Plex onto the apron. The slugout on the floor almost gives us a double countout with both of them diving back in at nine.

Back in and they slug it out with O’Reilly kicking him in the leg. Another kick puts Dunne on the floor again and we take a break. We come back with Dunne’s Bitter End being countered into a guillotine choke. That’s broken up and Dunne is back with the X Plex, allowing him to glare with his bloody mouth. Dunne starts in on the arm with the big stomp having O’Reilly in trouble. The cobra clutch with a leg trap has O’Reilly in pain to go with the trouble.

Back up and O’Reilly starts striking away, including the running elbow in the corner. Dunne tries to run the ropes in the corner but O’Reilly kicks him back down. O’Reilly goes up top with him but Dunne flips out of a German superplex attempt and kicks O’Reilly in the head. The dropkick in the corner connects and we take another break. Back with the two of them on the apron and pulling the other into the buckle over and over. That means a double knockdown until O’Reilly charges into a knee.

Dunne powerbombs him for two and cranks on the arm again. That’s reversed into an ankle lock on Dunne which is reversed into the Kimura on O’Reilly’s bad arm. O’Reilly tries a choke to escape but settles for a brainbuster to put Dunne down again. A jumping knee sets up a belly to back fisherman’s suplex for two more on Dunne. O’Reilly gets pulled into a triangle but slips out in a hurry to hammer away with forearms.

There’s a kick to Dunne’s head, followed by one to O’Reilly’s head. A second to O’Reilly lets Dunne snap the fingers and they head to the apron. The Bitter End onto the apron is countered into a suplex to the floor and Dunne is in big trouble. O’Reilly drapes him over the bottom rope and a top rope knee to the back of the neck sends O’Reilly to the title match at 22:48.

Rating: A-. Well that was awesome and I don’t think that’s any surprise. Two talented people getting the time and having the chance to beat the heck out of each other. What else could you possibly need? What might be a bit surprising is having Dunne loses, as he seemed to be the perfect choice to get the title shot. That being said, O’Reilly vs. Balor was amazing the first time so letting them go at it again in a huge rematch works for me.

Rhea Ripley knows how to deal with Raquel Gonzalez because Gonzalez backed away last week. As for tonight, she’s ending Toni Storm once and for all.

We go back to Xia Li/Boa (hey I didn’t miss it this week) where the old man is ordering a very sweaty Li to attack Boa over and over. She hammers away as the bloody Boa begs them to stop. The old man says do it again as Li is in tears. Li unloads on Boa and they both go a bit stoic.

Indi Hartwell vs. Shotzi Blackheart

The rest of the Way is here with Hartwell. Blackheart is more serious to start here and hits an early dropkick before starting in on the limbs. The running reverse Cannonball in the corner mostly misses Hartwell, who elbows Shotzi down for two. Blackheart jumps over her in the corner though and hammers away, meaning now the reverse Cannonball can connect. A running dropkick sends Hartwell to the floor but Candice gets on the apron for a distraction. Hartwell hits Shotzi with the trophy (and yes it breaks) for the DQ at 4:05.

Rating: D+. Not much to see here but the match was there for the sake of getting to the ending and likely the post match beatdown. Shotzi and some other people fighting the Way could go on for months and this worked just fine as a way to move things forward. The idea of Shotzi continuing the fight works well, even if it did mainly start with breaking a tank.

Post match the beatdown is on, including the Wicked Stepsister to Shotzi. Barrett is more worried about the trophy because he knows how to be a commentator.

Karrion Kross video.

Bronson Reed is back at New Year’s Evil.

Karrion Kross vs. Desmond Troy

Scarlett is here as well. Total destruction with the Doomsday Saito setting up the Krossjacket choke to finish Troy at 1:05. That worked.

Post match Kross confirms his match against Damian Priest at New Year’s Evil.

Isaiah Scott confirms that he gets frustrated when he loses to someone like Jake At…..and he cuts himself off. The rematch is next week and the result will be different.

Scott leaves and here’s Ever Rise to say last week was a handicap match so they have tried to have it stricken from the record. Therefore, the team is still on a winning streak. Martel: “You hear that Goldberg? WE’RE COMING FOR YOU!” And no they don’t want a rematch.

Lumis is still drawing and now he is going to be the host of New Year’s Evil. Oh sweet goodness.

Finn Balor says New Year’s Evil isn’t Balor vs. O’Reilly II. It’s Balor vs. O’Reilly The End.

We run down the New Year’s Evil card, which certainly does look big.

Toni Storm vs. Rhea Ripley

They fight over the lockup to start with Storm slapping on a headlock for little avail. Ripley shoulders her down and they trade crucifixes on the mat. Back up and Storm hits some chops but Ripley is back with some of her own. A double chop to the back knocks Storm down but she slips out of an electric chair. Ripley pulls her to the apron but gets sent into the post and kicked in the face as we take a break. Back with Ripley fighting out of a chinlock but missing an elbow. A superkick connects with Storm though and Ripley knees her in the face.

The Riptide is broken up with some elbows to the face and Storm headbutts her down. Back up and they slug it out until Ripley gets two off a dropkick. The Prism Trap goes on but Storm rolls her into the ropes for the break. A German suplex gives Storm two and Ripley dropping Storm face first onto the turnbuckle gets the same. Ripley drops the leg for another two but here’s Raquel Gonzalez. Ripley kicks Storm onto her but as the referee checks on Storm, Gonzalez sends Ripley shoulder first into the post. Storm Zero gives Storm the pin at 13:48.

Rating: B. This was a big match feel with both women working to make it feel like a fight. Ripley is already a major star and Storm kind of is, so getting the big win here makes her feel that much more important. Throw in the idea of Gonzalez fighting Ripley again and this was a heck of a packed match, as the women’s division is getting crazy deep in a hurry.

Ripley isn’t happy to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Yeah what else are you expecting from a show like this? They had an excellent match in the middle, a rather good main event and a pretty good opener, while also setting up the big New Year’s Evil card. This was a heck of a show though and one of the better things that NXT has done in a pretty long time, as they had good to great wrestling and set stuff up for the future. What more can you want?


The Way b. Kushida/Leon Ruff – This Is The Way to Ruff

Tommaso Ciampa b. Tyler Rust – Willow’s Bell

Kyle O’Reilly b. Pete Dunne – Top rope knee

Shotzi Blackheart b. Indi Hartwell via DQ when Hartwell used a trophy

Karrion Kross b. Desmond Troy – Krossjacket Choke

Toni Storm b. Rhea Ripley – Storm Zero



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dynamite – December 16, 2020: I Want More

Date: December 16, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, Excalibur

The run of big shows continue as we are now on the way to New Year’s Smash in two weeks. The big story continues to be World Champion Kenny Omega, who is going to be headlining the Impact Wrestling Hard To Kill pay per view in January. That could mean an invasion on this week’s show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hangman Page/Dark Order vs. Matt Hardy/Private Party

Page and Quen start things off with Quen grabbing a headlock. That doesn’t go very long so it’s Hardy coming in for a kick to the ribs in the corner. Private Party both comes in but the Dark Order comes in as well for a triple big boot. The ring is cleared so Silver jumps on Page’s back to celebrate. Kassidy comes in and gets slammed down so Page drops Silver down onto him for two.

Reynolds tags himself in and it’s a double flipping faceplant to put Kassidy down again. Page adds the running shooting star to give Silver two and he knocks Kassidy into the corner. That lets Silver strike a pose, and Page isn’t sure what to think. Kassidy gets in a shot of his own and it’s off to Quen to start picking up the pace. Stereo basement dropkicks get two on Silver and Hardy comes in for a sleeper. That’s countered into a brainbuster from Silver and it’s back to Page to clean house.

The Side Effect cuts Page off but it’s too early for the Twist of Fate. Page nails a hard clothesline and it’s off to Reynolds to start cleaning house again. A neckbreaker drops Quen and Kassidy is sent outside. Page hits a pop up sitout powerbomb and Reynolds gets two off a rollup. Hardy breaks up the cover and hits a hanging Twist of Fate to pull Silver off the apron for a thud. That leaves Reynolds to take Gin and Juice, with Hardy stealing the pin at 10:48.

Rating: C+. Pretty good action and it didn’t go all that long. I was surprised by the ending too, though I could go for Less Hardy being involved in….well almost anything with some kind of a character for that matter. Private Party winning is a nice surprise and Silver continues to look more and more like a star every time he is out there. I’m curious to see where he goes and the further he gets away from the evil Dark Order, the better he’ll be doing.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman is given a plaque from the New York Times for Best Performance of 2020. Chris Jericho mentions that he was involved as well and MJF actually gives him credit. MJF sees the greatest of all time and his best friend when he looks at Jericho, who can only say thank you.

We go to Cody and Brandi Rhodes’ house where they are trimming the tree. Their doorbell rings and there is a box waiting for them. Inside is a Christmas ornament saying…..that they’re expecting a baby. Pharaoh has a collar saying “Baby Security In Training.” That’s great.

Cody Rhodes vs. Angelico

Cody is introduced as The Future Father in a nice moment. Angelico snapmares him down to start and wipes his hair back. Cody is right back with one of his own before they fight over a wristlock. Angelico kicks him away though and we have a standoff. With nothing else working, Cody takes him down so Angelico kicks his feet for protection. Back up and they shoves each other away, setting up a crisscross. Cody drops down into a dropkick for one and we take a break.

Back with Cody knocking him down again and hitting a few clotheslines. The powerslam gets two but Angelico ties him up in some kind of wacky double arm hold using his legs. Cody bites the rope for the escape because sometimes it’s all you can do. The Disaster Kick misses though and Angelico tweaks his knee, allowing Angelico to grab his Navaro Death Roll. That’s broken up as well and Cody is right back up with the Cody Cutter for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C. Not too bad here and having Cody doing his thing while having to deal with Angelico’s technical/submission stuff worked….in the little amount of time that Angelico did it. That being said, the announcement before the match is going to make a lot of people smile and it’s a lot more important in the first place. Fine enough match, though I could have gone for more from Angelico.

Post match here’s Team Taz to say they don’t get why they didn’t receive their own congratulations for taking out Darby Allin. They’re about to come to the ring to put Cody on paternity leave, but here’s Sting to cut them off. Powerhouse Hobbs has to be held back as Sting stand around with the bat and Darby Allin looks on from the rafters. Sting winks at Cody and leaves so Team Taz goes to the ring and pummels Cody. Well in theory at least, but instead they stand there as we go to a break due to wrestling logic.

Miro has been fined $75,000 for attacking various production workers last week. He says it’s all about the numbers and that is money Orange Cassidy owes him. Next week he’s breaking the internet again when he faces Sonny Kiss and then next week it’s the wedding date announcement. When asked about the people being put in the hospital at Christmas, he says BAH HUMBUG because Christmas is his birthday.

Here’s Eddie Kingston to address his enemies. First up is Pac, who has been injured and left on the shelf. Where is he anyway? Then there is Lance Archer, who rushes the ring to start the fight. Butcher, Blade and Bunny come to the ring for the save but Archer fights them off. The Lucha Bros come in for the save and Pac is back to make it even worse. Death Triangle beats up all four of them with Fenix hitting the big corkscrew dive. Archer grabs Kingston by the throat but Pac kicks Kingston in the face, which Archer doesn’t like. No violence ensues as Kingston and company bail.

Dustin Rhodes says Seven was a bad idea years ago and it was a bad idea last week. Uno said Rhodes was the least important member of the Rhodes Family and that’s just not true. Last week it was Ten and next week it’s Uno going down.

Best Friends/Top Flight/Varsity Blonds vs. Inner Circle

Orange Cassidy sits in on commentary, even though his headset isn’t plugged in and his mic isn’t down. Jericho chops Pillman into the corner to start and poses in the corner while standing on Pillman’s throat. Back up and Pillman nearly slips out of the corner but manages to hit a springboard crossbody to rock Jericho. The triangle dropkick sends Jericho to the floor and a slingshot dive takes Jericho down again.

Back in and it’s off to Garrison for a slam but Jericho drives him into the corner for the tag to Guevara. Dante comes in for a leg lariat to Guevara and Darius comes in for a crucifix (despite what looked to be a bit of confusion). Guevara punches him down with a hard shot and it’s off to Trent vs. Santana for a showdown. Ortiz and Chuck come in as well and the big brawl is on with everyone getting involved. The Inner Circle is cleared out and it’s a six way hug.

Back in and Ortiz suplexes Trent a few times, allowing Santana to come in with a top rope double stomp to the arm. Trent gets sent outside and we take a break. Back with Jericho and Guevara running Trent over and stopping for the double pose (that still works). Sammy misses the shooting star press so Trent nails the running knee. A suplex to Ortiz allows the tag off to Darius to pick up the pace.

The standing Spanish Fly hits Ortiz and Dante hits the big running dive to take out Santana and Ortiz. Pillman adds the springboard shoulder to Ortiz and Hager is low bridged to the floor. Garrison forearms Ortiz but Jericho gets in a baseball bat shot from the floor. Hager is in and hits Wardlow’s F10, allowing MJF to get the pin at 14:09.

Rating: C+. What we got was good enough, but they really could have cut this down to about eight people so there weren’t so many people standing around without much to do. They booked the match well though and the good guys got to showcase themselves rather well before going down. Garrison taking the fall doesn’t hurt him as he got to show off a bit first. Good enough here, and they didn’t get too messy for their own good.

Post match Top Flight clears the ring and we get the big staredown.

Thunder Rosa blames Britt Baker for costing her the NWA Women’s Title and doesn’t like her saying Rosa doesn’t belong here. Rebel comes up for a distraction and it’s Britt Baker jumping Rosa from behind. Baker traps the arm and Rebel pours water on Rosa to mess up the paint. With Rosa out (From what?), Baker looks at the camera to make sure it still works after looking at Rosa’s face.

SCU vs. Acclaimed

Acclaimed raps their way to the ring, including saying that Daniels is an out of date format like a CD and Kazarian’s back must be hurting with the carrying. Kazarian and Daniels rhyme right back, saying the Acclaimed suck. Daniels chops away at Bowens to start but gets backdropped down for his efforts. Castor comes in and hammers away in the corner as commentary talks about Castor’s father’s NFL career. Daniels knocks Castor down for a slingshot lariat to give Kazarian two.

Kazarian grabs an armbar to keep Castor in trouble but he gets sent outside, allowing the beating to be on as we take a break. Back with Kazarian in trouble until he uses the ropes to take Castor down. Bowens gets kicked away and it’s Daniels coming in with some clotheslines to take over. The Blue Thunder Bomb gets two on Bowens and a high crossbody is good for the same. Daniels rolls Bowens up but gets kicked away, allowing Castor to hit him in the face with the boom box. Bowens hits a Rock Bottom slam for the surprise pin at 8:17.

Rating: C+. If there is one thing AEW is good at, it is using its younger talents to put people over. The match worked rather well for the Acclaimed, as the tag division continues to grow by leaps and bounds with all of the additions the make seemingly every month. SCU are a made team so this doesn’t hurt them whatsoever. Good match too.

Post match the Acclaimed rap a challenge to the Young Bucks for next week.

Top Flight challenge Chris Jericho and MJF for next week. They can either accept or run away like b******.

Ivelisse/Diamante vs. Big Swole/Serena Deeb

Swole and Diamante slug away to start and Swole suplexes her down over without much effort. Diamante jumps Deeb on the apron and takes Swole into the corner as we take a break. Back with Deep fighting both of them off at the same time, including an Indian Deathlock to Ivelisse while she suplexes Diamante.

A neckbreaker over the ropes puts Ivelisse down again and a Figure Four goes on. Diamante makes the save and it’s a double slam for two on Deeb. Swole is back in with a headbutt to Diamante and it’s a Clearwater Cloverleaf (with Swole not even stepping over) to make Diamante tap at 9:21.

Rating: C-. Deeb is so far ahead of Swole and Diamante it’s not even funny. Ivelisse can do some things well enough but there’s a polish to Deeb that just isn’t there with her. Diamante and Ivelisse do work well together though and it’s nice to have a team that means a little something. That being said, at least step over to make the Cloverleaf work.

Post match it’s Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero coming in to help beat down Deep and Swole. Red Velvet makes the save with a chair. Can we just not with Rose and Guerrero?

The Best Friends are going to be at the Holiday Bash (next week) when Miro announces the wedding date.

Video on the Jurassic Express. They’ve kind of disappeared in recent weeks.

FTR and Tully Blanchard storm the broadcast booth and complain about not getting any time while a grown up Tarzan and a wannabe dinosaur are featured. This is how Harwood feeds his family and these two men are his family. Top guys out, after a heck of a fired up promo from Harwood.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Kenny Omega vs. Joey Janela

Non-title and no DQ with Don Callis/Sonny Kiss as the seconds. During Omega’s entrance, Tony says he’s glad that Omega took Impact’s numbers from one to six. Not so much on the second week but it did work the first time. Janela throws a trashcan at Omega to start and Callis goes to commentary to take Tony’s headset. Tony tells him what to kiss as Janela whips Omega into the barricade.

Omega is right back with a Kitaro Crusher onto an open chair. There’s a baseball slide into a running flip dive to send Joey into another chair, allowing Callis to praise Kenny on his mic. Hang on as Omega gets the mic and blasts him with a cookie sheet, making sure to show off the extra sound. Back in and a moonsault with a trashcan crushes Janela for two.

Omega is annoyed at the kickout so he beats on Janela some more, setting up a springboard double stomp onto the trashcan. The One Winged Angle is countered with a reverse hurricanrana, allowing Kiss to whip out a table. The top rope legdrop sends Omega through the table but the moonsault misses back inside. Omega hits some V Triggers and the One Winged Angel finishes Janela at 7:01.

Rating: B-. This wasn’t about the action and that’s the way it should have gone here. There was no reason to believe that Janela was going to be a threat here and Omega dealt with him as such. The trash talk and Callis doing commentary were great heel touches and the kind of thing that fits them perfectly. It wasn’t a good match, but it was perfectly put together.

Post match Callis says all of the loose ends have been tied up and now there is no one left with a complaint. Cue Death Triangle with Pac saying that Fenix never got his shot against Omega in the tournament. Callis offers to teach him a lesson, because Pac has no authority. Wrestlers don’t tell the champ what to do, but Pac has talked to Tony Khan and Fenix is getting his title shot on December 30. Omega is livid to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The wrestling wasn’t exactly the point tonight as this was all about setting things up for the next few big shows. There are going to be three straight big weeks coming up and that could be some very good news for AEW. I’m not sure what to expect out of those shows, but dang they are making me want to see what they have coming. Another good show this week, and it has me wanting to see more, which is the more important result.


Private Party/Matt Hardy b. Hangman Page/Dark Order – Gin and Juice to Reynolds

Cody Rhodes b. Angelico – Cody Cutter

Inner Circle b. Top Flight/Varsity Blonds/Best Friends – F10 to Garrison

Acclaimed b. SCU – Rock Bottom slam to Daniels

Serena Deeb/Big Swole b. Ivelisse/Diamante – Clearwater Cloverleaf to Diamante

Kenny Omega b. Joey Janela – One Winged Angel



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

New Column: From Fire To Bronuts In Seven Minutes Or Less

Maybe this has something to do with those low ratings.