Tagged: 2020

Dark – March 3, 2020: We Needed Part Two 0

Dark – March 3, 2020: We Needed Part Two

Dark Date: March 3, 2020 Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois Commentators: Excalibur, Taz So there was an episode of Dark on Friday but where would we be without getting to see the other match...

Dark – February 28, 2020: It Serves Its Purpose 2

Dark – February 28, 2020: It Serves Its Purpose

Dark Date: February 28, 2020 Location: Silverstein Eye Centers Arena, Kansas City, Missouri| Commentators: Excalibur, Taz Hosts: Tony Schiavone, Dasha Gonzalez This is a bit of a special edition as the show was uploaded...