Monday Night Raw – July 24, 2006: They Were A Little Preoccupied

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 24, 2006
Location: Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio
Attendance: 12,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We’re on the way to Summerslam and that means it’s time to start cranking up the build towards the show. You can guess where a lot of the card is going but they still need to hammer home some of the details. That can be quite the tricky situation but hopefully they can figure it out. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Shawn Michaels (and only Shawn, as Stephanie McMahon went into labor earlier in the day so the McMahons and HHH are a little busy) to get things going. A few weeks ago, he and HHH said that Stephanie McMahon had gone into labor and that was a lie. After a quick chat with God, Shawn says that life imitates art because Stephanie is currently in a hospital in Connecticut giving birth. As good family, Vince and Shane are at her side but HHH is at the hospital as well. Now between you and me, Shawn thinks HHH knows who the father is.

Cue Jonathan Coachman, on the phone with Vince, to interrupt. Vince has decided that Shawn won’t be running amuck tonight because the Coach is in charge. Shawn takes the phone and has Cleveland give Shawn two words. Shawn: “No sir they didn’t say that. They said hi!”

Shawn gives Vince some Lamaze lessons and then hands the phone to Coach because Vince is rather annoyed. Coach hangs up and Shawn asks if Vince asked about him. It turns out that Vince has made a match tonight with Shawn vs…..Coach himself. Shawn pauses and then bursts out laughing needing Coach to hold him up. A pause sets up more laughter and Shawn falls to the mat in hysterics. They had to throw this together at the last minute so this was as good of a plan as they could think of.

We look back at Randy Orton attacking Hulk Hogan at Saturday Night’s Main Event.

Lilian Garcia is back so we look at Viscera attacking her two weeks ago.

Tag Team Titles: Spirit Squad vs. Highlanders

The Highlanders are challenging. Kenny sends Rory (not Robbie JR/Lawler) into the buckle and it goes rather badly. Everything breaks down in a hurry with the Highlanders getting in some right hands in the corner. Rory is sent outside and it’s Robbie in trouble until he neckbreakers his way to freedom. It’s off to Rory to clean house but a distraction lets the rest of the team break up the Scot Drop. Kenny Rolls the Dice to finish Rory and retain the titles.

Rating: D. Well that was necessary. They bring the Highlanders in, give them some nothing wins, and then have the Squad beat them in about three minutes. It might not be the end of the team, but were they that bad that you needed to have them lose so soon? Nothing match due to the time, but man that’s a fast defeat after bringing them in.

Mick Foley joins us from WWE Studios and can’t believe that Ric Flair called him “fat boy” last week. It hurt then and it hurt thirty years ago when Foley’s brother used it on him. Flair uses a fourth grade insult because he has nothing left and is nothing but a second rate circus sideshow. What has become of Flair? Now all he is doing is attacking innocent women, one of whom happens to be a friend of Foley’s. He’ll see Flair next Monday.

This week in wrestling history: Great American Bash 1989. Yep that works.

Here’s Ric Flair for a chat. Flair talks about the clip we just saw, which featured him beating up Foley’s mentor Terry Funk. Now all Flair wants is Foley in a match in any arena in this country. Cue Edge and Lita to say that Edge is the man now….and here’s Johnny Nitro to jump Flair from behind. The double teaming is on but John Cena runs in for the save.

Carlito hits on Trish Stratus and they’ll be hanging out after the match.

Coach is on the phone with Vince McMahon to try and get out of the match but Edge and Lita come in to rant about what just happened. Vince has a solution: Edge/Nitro vs. Cena/Flair tonight.

We get an official announcement that Stephanie has given birth to a girl named Aurora Rose.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito

For the #1 contendership to the Intercontinental Title, which Carlito beat Shelton for last week. Carlito grabs some early rollups for near falls to start and a quick dropkick gets two. Benjamin is sent to the apron but pulls Carlito over the top by the arm to take over. Back in and a DDT on the arm sets up an armbar to stay on the shoulder.

Carlito fights up and hits a hurricanrana to head up top, only to dive into a Fujiwara armbar. The rope gives Carlito the break and he counters a powerbomb into a sunset flip for two. The Backstabber connects for two as Shelton gets his foot on the rope. With nothing else working, Carlito takes the turnbuckle pad off so the referee goes to yell. Shelton uses the distraction to get in a low blow for the pin and the title shot.

Rating: C-. They had a little more time here though this would seem to be setting up a triple threat for the title at Summerslam. If that’s the case, I’ve heard of far worse ideas than putting these two with Nitro on a big stage for a title. It could work out well for all three and WWE could benefit from pushing younger stars for the Intercontinental Title.

We look at the Diva Dance Off from Smackdown.

Here’s Hulk Hogan (the greatest sports entertainment attraction of all time according to JR) and the ovation takes a rather good while, with the song starting over. Hulk talks about how crazy these Cleveland fans are but he knows that Randy Orton is crazy too. This wouldn’t even be the first time that he has dealt with the Orton family. Back in the 80s, Hogan dealt with Randy’s dad Bob.

When the blood was shed, there was respect on both sides. Now Hogan has to deal with Randy, who comes out to cut Hogan off. Randy is here to talk about Brooke Hogan and yes there was chemistry there. You could see it, even with Hulk’s fading eyesight. He and Brooke talked for at least five or ten minutes before Hulk showed up.

Brooke told him how handsome he was and how she loved the color of his eyes. The only bad thing is that Brooke is going to have to see her father’s legend killed. Hulk is ready to fight right now so Orton heads to ringside but takes his time. Hogan knocks him off the apron and into Jerry Lawler, who throws Orton inside for some right hands. Orton bails from the threat of the big boot. Nice little tease of the match here.

Mickie James vs. Candice Michelle

Non-title. Mickie kicks away for an early two and the chinlock goes on. Lawler makes his usual jokes as Mickie gets in the shoulders to the ribs. Candice is back with the figure four neck lock over the ropes, only to have Mickie roll through a high crossbody and grab trunks (or something close to them) for the fast pin.

Jerry Lawler threw out the first pitch at an Indians game.

Shawn Michaels vs. Jonathan Coachman

Shawn’s pyro is missing so he blames Coach. The bell rings so hang on a second as Shawn rolls outside to grab a skullcap. Coach nearly loses his pants and there’s the forearm into a nip up. The atomic drop sets up the top rope elbow….and here’s most of the Spirit Squad. Shawn dispatches them in a hurry so Sweet Chin Music drops the coach. Cue Umaga to jump Shawn for the DQ. This was an angle instead of a match but it worked fine.

Post match Umaga hits Shawn with the Samoan Spike to leave him laying as DX might have to sweat a bit for the first time in a few months.

John Cena thinks Maria is a little confused. Yes she’s beautiful, but sometimes he thinks she ate paint chips when she was a kid. Then sometimes he looks at her and thinks about things he only see in Penthouse Forum and….where was he going with this again? Anyway the show is being run by a phone tonight because Stephanie had a baby (Cena: “And HHH might have an inside track on knowing who the father is. He knows somebody or something.”). Then you have Edge, who is really rated PG-13 and Lita is rated NC-17 (Cena: “No Cold Sores In 17 Days!”).

Then there is Johnny Nitro, who is named after a natural gas and I’ll let you figure out the jokes yourself. Then you have the Legend Killer trying to put the moves on the legend’s daughter (Cena: “And I can’t blame him.”) but remember: Hogan Knows Best. Cena runs down the rest of the midcard and says that the big point is so clear even Maria can understand it: his partner is Ric Flair and they get to beat up Edge. Cena tells Maria to call him to wrap up a rather all over the place promo. Again though: the show was rewritten in a hurry so maybe he was told to just go fill time.

It’s time for the Diva Search elimination with Maryse being eliminated. I’m sure we’ll never see her again. This Friday: it’s musical chairs, with Miz nearly cracking up at the idea.

John Cena/Ric Flair vs. Edge/Johnny Nitro

Flair and Nitro lock up to start with Nitro getting smart by going to the eye. Everything breaks down in a hurry with the villains being cleared out as we take a break. Back with Cena getting beaten down with Edge getting in a little dance. Cena fights out and gets over to Flair for the tag as the pace picks up. The Figure Four goes on Nitro but Edge makes the save and hits the spear.

Nitro grabs a neckbreaker to send Flair outside but he’s back in with the chops. A clothesline takes Flair down though and he is knocked outside again to keep up the beating. Back in and Edge gets chopped out of the air, allowing the hot tag to Cena so house can be cleaned. Lita offers a distraction though so a chair to the back can give Nitro two. Cena is fine enough to grab the STFU to make Nitro tap.

Rating: C. Just a run of the mill main event tag here and that’s fine. I know the Intercontinental Champion had to tap out but it’s not like Nitro is anywhere near Cena’s level at this point. They’re still teasing Cena FINALLY getting his hands on Edge and I think you know where this whole thing is going. Not a great match or anything, but for a one off main event, it worked well.

Cena and Edge yell at each other a lot to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. They didn’t have much to offer here but it worked out well enough all things considered. Again though, how much can you really complain about when the show is thrown out of wack due to Stephanie having a baby? There is still time to set up Summerslam and it’s not like you can’t see the card from here anyway. Not a very good show, but it didn’t need to be this week.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

New Column: Sweet 2020 Goodness

There have been some good things this year, believe it or not.

NXT – December 23, 2020: Blame It On The Holidays

Date: December 23, 2020
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

It’s the Christmas show as we have A Very Gargano Christmas. That’s special enough, but this show is also not up against Dynamite due to an NBA game so it should be interesting to see what they have on their own. We do have a title match tonight as the Tag Team Titles are on the line in a street fight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tag Team Titles: Killian Dain/Drake Maverick vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch

Lorcan and Burch are defending in a street fight but Dain and Maverick jump them from behind. The champs are in some early trouble but Maverick gets taken down so Dain can be double teamed. We settle down to Dain in trouble in the corner (BECAUSE THIS STREET FIGHT HAS TAGS TOO) but managing to backdrop Burch onto a pair of chairs.

Maverick comes in without a tag to trip Lorcan down and Dain slams him onto Lorcan for a bonus. Dain hits a running boot in the corner to Lorcan and takes him to the floor, leaving Burch to hit a clothesline on Maverick. Burch escapes a suplex through a table on the floor and avoids a charge to send Dain through it instead.

We take a break and come back with Dain down on the floor, leaving Maverick to be whipped by a belt. Dain fights up and starts cleaning house, including a powerbomb into a running elbow. Maverick comes back in but gets knocked off the apron and onto (not through) a table. The breather lets Maverick get the belt to whip the champions until a low blow cuts him off. A cricket bat shot to the ribs and the elevated DDT retains the titles at 14:38.

Rating: C. I liked the violent parts but can we PLEASE stop with the tagging in street fights? It looks so stupid to have chairs and belts and tables but YOU HAVE TO TAG BECAUSE IT’S THE RULE! It wasn’t as bad as the mess on Raw but figure this stuff out. The ending wasn’t in doubt here and it could be a good while before Lorcan and Burch drop the titles given their lack of competition. Nice opener here, bad interpretation of the rules aside.

We go to House Gargano where Johnny updates the number of days until Christmas and plays the piano. Indi Hartwell and Austin Theory join them with Johnny runs the camcorder. Theory gets in trouble for saying no way Jose and is told to put his cookie down. Things are smoothed over with Theory getting some Gargano Protein Powder. Theory: “I CAN BE LIKE YOU???”

We look at Finn Balor and Kyle O’Reilly watching their match at Takeover: 31 to set up their rematch at New Year’s Evil. They talk about how hard hitting everything was and how much of a struggle the whole thing was. We take a special look at the exchange of strikes which put both of them on the shelf after the match. Balor says he is still the champ but all anyone remembered was the broken jaw. Now they are doing it again and there isn’t going to be a trilogy this time around.

Malcolm Bivens talks about how great Tyler Rust was in his debut and this week, we’ll see that he is a diamond in the Rust.

Isaiah Scott vs. Jake Atlas

They stare each other down to start and then exchange some shoves. Atlas gets in a slap to the face but Scott takes him down into an armbar. Back up and Atlas pulls him down with a dragon screw legwhip and a triangle enziguri puts Scott on the floor. We take a break and come back with Atlas getting two off a Code Red but Scott sends him outside.

They head back in with Scott flipping out of the corner and grabbing a rolling cradle for two. A hard elbow to the face staggers Atlas (and seems to serve as Scott taking things a little too far) and Atlas staggers to the ropes. Scott picks him up and hits the JML Driver (Confidence Boost) at 10:32.

Rating: C-. I know they’re trying here and I can go for Scott as a heel but this is as nothing of a feud as is taking place anywhere in WWE at the moment. The feud is there but it feels like absolutely nothing and there is no reason to see anything that these two are doing. There are no stakes to be see, but Scott getting a change and hopefully a push should be an upgrade.

The Undisputed Era loves the idea of O’Reilly winning the NXT Title at New Year’s Evil but here’s Velveteen Dream to say Adam Cole is becoming a cheerleader while O’Reilly becomes the new leader. Cole punches him in the face, says there is no leader in the Undisputed Era, and sets up a match for later. The heavy sigh I let out when Dream showed up sums up everything about him right now.

Timothy Thatcher likes that Tommaso Ciampa has come after him. Ciampa tried to take his ear at Takeover but the lesson wasn’t complete. Last week, Thatcher came out for a fight but received no respect because security took him out of the arena. Ciampa is the kind of guy who talks a lot but doesn’t do anything about it. Tonight Thatcher is going to take some liberties with Leon Ruff so Ciampa can come do something about it.

Rhea Ripley vs. Dakota Kai

Ripley powers her into the corner to start and then throws Kai down with ease. Dawn bails out to the floor but manages to get in a show to the ribs to take over. Ripley gets posted and we take a break. Back with Kai pulling on the cross armbreaker but Ripley powers out again. A kick to the ribs and a belly to back faceplant gives Ripley two and an electric chair faceplant gets the same.

Kai can’t get a wheelbarrow rollup so Ripley slaps on the Prism Trap, only to have Raquel Gonzalez come out to offer a distraction. Kai makes the rope so Ripley pounds away in the corner while still looking up at Gonzalez. A superplex attempt is broken up though and the Kairopractor gives Kai two of her own. Ripley powers her down again though and Riptide finishes at 10:33.

Rating: C+. Rather fine match here and it’s nice to see Ripley get back on track after a loss. Ripley still has the potential to be one of the best things in all of NXT and setting her up for another showdown with Gonzalez should work out. I’m still not sure how much longer Ripley is in NXT, but she’s doing well enough for now.

Post match Gonzalez comes to the ring and the brawl is on, with referees not being able to hold them back. They’re separated a few times but then go right back at it for a pretty cool fight.

It’s back to House Gargano where Indi Hartwell has gotten the box from Johnny Gargano’s Playstation 5. Johnny has a better gift for her though: Hartwell is now officially INDI WRESTLING. Theory just shakes his head.

Toni Storm says she wants the NXT Women’s Title. Io Shirai is scared of her because Toni is the one woman she can’t beat. Like in the finals of the Mae Young Classic for instance.

Xia Li continues to beat up Boa, who continues to scream for more. The old man says enough and things seem to be taking a turn.

Bronson Reed vs. Ashante Adonis

Adonis tries some grappling to start and is run over in a hurry. Reed runs him over again and stomps on the ribs, setting up the Tsunami for the pin at 1:07. That’s how it should have gone.

Io Shirai says hit her music because she’s coming to the ring. After having some issues getting a chair into the ring, Shirai tells Storm to get out here. Cue Mercedes Martinez from behind to jump Shirai, including sending her into various things.

Back at House Gargano, Candice LeRae gets….a wheel from Shotzi Blackheart’s tank. Everyone hates wheels you see, but this one is special. They take their photo together, with Theory spitting out his powder at the wrong time.

Timothy Thatcher vs. Leon Ruff

We get the empty chair for Tommaso Ciampa at ringside. Thatcher takes him straight to the mat to pull on Ruff’s face but Ruff is back up with a jumping headlock. That earns him an uppercut into a front facelock suplex to send Ruff flying. The abdominal stretch on the mat goes on, with Thatcher covering Ruff’s face at the same time. A quick small package gives Ruff two and he hammers away on Thatcher to limited effect. Ruff hits a clothesline but gets uppercutted out of the air. There’s a butterfly suplex and Thatcher loads up the half crab, only to have Ruff reverse into a small package for the pin at 4:00.

Rating: C. This is the kind of thing that makes you realize how far NXT has come in recent years, as usually Thatcher wouldn’t lose until his next match with Ciampa at the earliest, but here he loses because he can’t stop thinking about Ciampa? It’s not the same as a distraction finish, but this would have gone the same with Thatcher winning and then attacking Ruff after the match. I like Thatcher and he could be something around here, so stop having him lose when there is another way out.

Post match Thatcher stays on Ruff but Tommaso Ciampa runs in to hit Willow’s Bell. Ciampa says he’ll see him in the Fight Pit. Cool. That’s a gimmick that needs to be used more than once.

Damian Priest doesn’t see Killer Kross as much of a killer because he’s still standing.

Dexter Lumis paints Rhea Ripley vs. Raquel Gonzalez in a Last Man Standing match for New Year’s Evil.

Tyler Rust vs. Ariya Daivari

Malcolm Bivens is here with Rust. Daivari gets taken down by the arm to start and the arm cranking continues as they get back up. Rust spins him around by the arm but the threat of a cross armbreaker sends Daivari to the ropes. Daivari manages a kick to the heck in the corner and a neckbreaker over the middle rope sets up a dropkick to put Rust on the floor. Back in and Daivari talks trash, allowing Rust to pull him into a triangle choke. That’s broken up so Rust ducks the hammerlock lariat and kicks Daivari in the head. The Rings of Saturn, with Rust using his let to pull the top arm down, finishes Daivari at 4:32.

Rating: C. Rust continues to look good in the ring and the cruiserweights continue to be there for the sake of filling up the roster and serving as losers to others. That’s a big reason why 205 Live means nothing but that has been a problem for years. Anyway, Rust might be something around here and that’s a good thing to see.

Leon Ruff is getting his rematch for the North American Title next week to continue Johnny Gargano’s curse.

Karrion Kross laughs off the idea of Damian Priest calling him out and mentioning Scarlett.

The NXT Year End Awards are next week. Vote now on

Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream

Roderick Strong is here with Cole. Dream gets taken to the mat with a headlock to start as Beth compares Barrett to the Grinch. Back up and Dream is driven into the corner, where he misses a slap to the face. A cheap shot out of the corner drops Cole but he isn’t having any of that and punches Dream down a few times. The jumping neckbreaker puts Dream down again and a pump kick puts him on the floor. Back in and they bang heads for a double knockdown.

Cue Pete Dunne to go after Strong with a ram into the steps and a kick to the head. The Bitter End onto the apron lets Dream hit a clothesline and we take a break. Back with Dream missing the Purple Rainmaker and the slugout it on again. Some shots to the face sets up the flipping fireman’s carry slam onto the knee into a German suplex for two. Dream is back with a hot shot and a neckbreaker for two but Cole superkicks him off the top.

Cole is knocked to the floor but manages to superkick a diving Dream out of the air. Back in and a superkick sets up a Figure Four, sending Dream to the ropes for the break. Cole almost superkicks the referee, allowing Dream to grab the wind up DDT. The Purple Rainmaker gives Dream two but Cole goes up, only to dive into a superkick. Cole does the same though and finishes with the Last Shot at 13:11.

Rating: C+. I don’t remember the last time I did not want to see someone as much as I don’t want to see Velveteen Dream right now. He is mostly lifeless out there and is just floating around with nothing to do, but because he has done some things before, he gets to stick around. Throw in the allegations against him and I really could go with him falling in a hole and never coming out because…..well we all deserve some happiness now and then.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe they weren’t feeling it because of the holiday season or because everything is focused on New Year’s Evil at this point but this was a pretty lackluster show with nothing standing out. It just came and went, which isn’t something you often say about NXT. That being said, the next two weeks are looking stacked and anyone can have an off night. Not a bad show, but just read a recap instead of watching.


Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch b. Killian Dain/Drake Maverick – Elevated DDT to Maverick

Rhea Ripley b. Dakota Kai – Riptide

Bronson Reed b. Ashante Adonis – Tsunami

Leon Ruff b. Timothy Thatcher – Small package

Tyler Rust b. Ariya Daivari – Rings of Saturn

Adam Cole b. Velveteen Dream – Last Shot



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Pick A Royal Rumble For Me To Redo

It’s that time of year again.  Starting on December 28 I’ll be redoing the Royal Rumbles in order, including a fresh edition of the 2020 show.  I’ll redo another one and you can vote in the comments on which you want.  All are eligible except for the following (mainly ones I’ve done recently or done too many times before):







Vote in the comments below.



Major League Wrestling Fusion – December 16, 2020: It’s Very MLWish

Fusion #114
Date: December 16, 2020
Location: Gilt Nightclub, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jared St. Laurent, Rich Bocchini

We’re back to the club and that means the Opera Cup is continuing. I’m not sure what we’re going to get here other than the second semifinal, but Alex Hammerstone is back after a few weeks off due to Contra. That seems to be your next big showdown and it needs more building, so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Richard Holliday and Alex Hammerstone arrive and aren’t happy with being interviewed as soon as they get to the show. Some masked goons jump them but don’t get very far. Hammerstone is about to ram one of them into the car but Holliday stops Hammerstone because the car is in Holliday’s name. Hammerstone elbows him in the face instead as I get a hearty laugh.

Opening sequence.

LA Park Jr. vs. Bu Ku Dao

Dao is TJP’s protege so TJP, along with LA Park, is here. Park points to the ropes to distract Dao (barely five feet tall) and kicks him to the rope, allowing Park Sr. to get in some cheap shots. A forearm doesn’t get Dao very far as Park hits what might have been a low blow. Dao is sent outside for the dive but Park charges into a boot back inside. A high crossbody gives Dao two, only to have Park hit an enziguri for the same. An Alabama Slam gives Park two, followed by a spinning Downward Spiral to give Dao the same. Park looks to load up a suplex but Dao reverses into a small package for the fast pin at 4:45.

Rating: C-. They didn’t have time to do anything of note but this was more of a get to know you match anyway. Both of them were making their singles debut and that’s going to make for an awkward situation no matter who is in there. Park looks to be more of a complete package but Dao’s size is enough to make him a unique star most of the time.

We look at Low Ki advancing to the finals of the Opera Cup.

Tom Lawlor and ACH are ready for each other. Lawlor knows ACH is a great athlete while ACH knows Lawlor is a better grappler and traditional wrestler.

Simon Gotch has attacked Koto Brazil and forced him to retire.

Jordan Oliver wants to face Gotch to get some revenge, because Gotch isn’t going to outlast him.

Mads Krugger vs. Ben Heavy/Daniel Starling

Krugger runs them over to start as we hear that Hammerstone is being held back from rushing the ring. A running powerslam sends Starling into Heavy and a full nelson slam gives Krugger the double pin at 58 seconds. Total destruction.

Post match the Sentai Death Squad comes out to put Heavy and Starling in the body bags.

Here’s the Top 10:

10. Mads Krugger

9. Calvin Tankman

8. Richard Holliday

7. Laredo Kid

6. ACH

5. Myron Reed

4. LA Park

3. Tom Lawlor

2. Low Ki

1. Alexander Hammerstone

As the countdown ends, we hear that Hammerstone and Krugger are fighting in the back but we don’t have a camera on them.

Alicia Atout is being told to move because of the Hammerstone vs. Krugger fight to bring us the Kings Of Coliseum Control Center, including Hammerstone vs. Krugger for the National Openweight Title.

We go to the Aztec Ruins where Salina de la Renta doesn’t understand how anyone could see her as a traitor. She is very powerful and has stared evil in the face. Every temple and arena have burned to the ground but MIL MUERTES is coming.

The Von Erichs want ACH to bring the Opera Cup home to Texas.

Opera Cup Semifinals: Tom Lawlor vs. ACH

Team Filthy is here with Lawlor. ACH teases the striking to start before pulling him into the early grappling. A bodyscissors has ACH in trouble but he reverses into a waistlock. That is broken up as well so it’s a quick standoff until Lawlor takes him up against the ropes. ACH’s headlock on the mat is broken up in a hurry as Lawlor slaps on a headscissors, which is reversed back into the headlock.

Back up and Lawlor goes with the forearms to the face into the cravate with knees. Lawlor tries to go after the arm but settles for some elbows to the head instead. ACH gets two off a rollup and manages to get away for a rather needed breather. A backbreaker gives ACH two and he starts kicking away, which makes a bit of sense. Lawlor is right back with a suplex for two and it’s off to the armbar.

ACH gets caught in the ropes for some shots to the face but he’s right back up with some of his own. The slugout goes to Lawlor though as he tries a few rear naked choke attempts but some a few rapid fire kicks into a tiger driver gives ACH two two put them both down. It’s ACH up first for a frog splash but Lawlor gets the knees up and rolls ACH up for the pin at 12:29.

Rating: B-. I was starting to get into this one and then it just ended when it felt like they had another five to ten minutes left. Lawlor is a heck of a star for a promotion like MLW as he has the amateur/MMA stuff and it’s great to see him getting the chance to shine like this. The same is true of ACH, who has always been talented but then went a bit insane in WWE. This seems more his speed and it is working well enough in the early going.

Lawlor says he is one win away from being on the list of Opera Cup winners. The first round was rocky, the semifinals were super, and now he’s ready to go undefeated against Low Ki to become king of the mat.

Overall Rating: C+. I liked this was a good bit as it was focused on the main event, but they also did a nice job of building up Hammerstone vs. Krugger. There is something great about the small stuff like having Hammerstone and Krugger’s brawl (which you never saw save for a quick flash) mess with stuff in the back. You don’t have to have something going on when you can SAY it is going on, which WWE could stand to learn. Nice show here, and it felt more like an MLW show than anything since they have been back.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Impact Wrestling – December 22, 2020 (Best Of 2020 Part 1): A Good Choice

Impact Wrestling
Date: December 22, 2020
Hosts: Scott D’Amore, Josh Matthews

It’s time for a special show as we kick off the first of two weeks of Best Of 2020 editions. Impact hasn’t taken any breaks this year and it would be cool to see what kind of things they can throw out here. They have quite the few options to pick from and it should be cool to see what they choose. Let’s get to it.

As usual with clip shows, I’ll be posting the full versions of the matches, even if the clipped versions are shown.

Opening sequence.

Josh and Scott welcome us to the show and go straight to the hype for Hard To Kill. Scott has to go answer a phone call so Scott sends us to our first match, from Hard To Kill.

X-Division Title: Trey Miguel vs. Ace Austin

Austin is defending and Trey takes him down at the bell, meaning it’s an early chase around the ring. Back in and Trey hits a spear before kicking Austin outside again. A 619 on the apron hits Austin in the head and there’s a middle rope moonsault to get in another knockdown. Ace gets in a few shots of his own and busts out a Space Flying Tiger Drop to take over.

Trey finally comes back with some clotheslines and a kick to the head, setting up a reverse suplex into a dragon sleeper. That’s broken up and a bottom rope springboard Downward Spiral gets two on the champ. Ace gets up a knee in the corner though and Trey charges into a springboard spinning kick to the face. That doesn’t seem to bother Trey, who hits a 619 in the corner, only to get crotched on top. The Fold retains the title at 12:24.

Rating: C. Kind of an abrupt finish but Ace getting pushed like this is a very good thing. He’s one of my favorite guys in the entire promotion right now and I could go for more of his horrible mind games. This one might not even be done and that’s not the worst idea. Good enough match here, and some more fire from Trey could make it even better.

Rohit Raju yells at Chris Bey about costing him the X-Division Title shot last week, with Bey saying it was all part of his plan to become champion. Now Bey has to go answer a call of his own.

Ace Austin has been named X-Division Wrestler of the Year and says it wasn’t like there was any doubt. Maybe he should return to the X-Division since he’s the best of all time.

Brian Myers says his return is the most important moment of 2020 because he made the company relevant.

Josh and Scott plug the Slammiversary DVD and talk about all of the returns/debuts which changed wrestling. That really was their high point of the year.

Long recap of Slammiversary with various wrestlers talking about how important the night was.

Josh and Scott hype up the tag division, which has been on a big deal here for years and is on fire again.

From Turning Point.

The North is defending. Alexander and Anderson trade wrist control to start but it’s quickly off to Gallows to take Alexander into the corner for the chops. Anderson is already back in but misses a charge into the corner, allowing Page to come in. Gallows hammers away on him as well and a slam gets two. The armbar goes on to put Page in trouble but Alexander gets in a cheap shot from the floor.

Page takes over on Anderson and stomps away so the champs can take over. Back in and Page runs Anderson over and it’s time for the alternating stomps in the corner. An assisted spinning powerbomb gets two on Anderson and he gets choked on the ropes so the North can pose. The chinlock goes on (took them long enough) as commentary goes over how many teams there are around here. Granted one of them is Reno Scum so you have to cut yourself off somewhere.

Anderson fights up without much effort and brings in Gallows to clean house. The North rapid fires strikes to Gallows’ face and the double Neutralizer gets two. Anderson is back in for the belly to back neckbreaker for two but the Magic Killer is broken up. A running kick to the face gets two on Alexander and there’s the spinebuster to Page. The Gun Stun hits Alexander and it’s the Magic Killer to Page for the pin and the titles at 12:52.

Rating: C+. You had to give the Good Brothers the titles at some point as they are treated like the biggest stars on the roster most of the time so why have them not holding the titles? I can get not wanting to wait until Hard To Kill either and this is a good way to get you more interested in seeing these specials. The North winning the titles at Bound For Glory was a surprise but they lost them here less than a month later so it was hardly a bad thing. The titles wound up where they should be so this is the right call.

Josh and Scott talk about the great tag teams throughout the company’s history and how great things have been this year. Speaking of this year, the North are the Tag Team of the Year.

Ethan Page breaks the news to Josh Alexander on the phone and apologizes for everything but they are the best tag team for the second year in a row. We cut to Josh, who says this is great news and hangs up. He thinks maybe things can be fixed with them and calls back, but the Karate Man answers and Alexander hangs up.

Rich Swann is playing the guitar and talks about how he likes drinking egg nog.

We talk about the Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament and how important women’s wrestling has been. There is even going to be a surprise at Hard To Kill when the new champions are crowned. It has been a big year for women’s wrestling so let’s go to Emergence Night Two.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Purrazzo is defending in a thirty minute Iron Man match. They lock up to start and Purrazzo even goes to the mat without it being broken. Grace goes to the wristlock and powers Purrazzo down by the arm. Purrazzo reverses into one of her own and is taken down in a hurry. A headlock takeover works a bit better for the champ but it’s reverses into a headscissors. Purrazzo nips up and gives graceful bow before getting shouldered down. A faceplant sets up a half crab on the champ, sending her over to the rope as we take a break.

Back with no falls and Grace sending her hard into the corner. There’s no clock but Josh says we have a little over twenty minutes left. Some hard whips to the corner have Purrazzo in trouble but they head outside where she gets in a pump kick for a breather. The clock shows eighteen minutes left as Purrazzo finally starts in on the arm. The arm gets draped over the top rope and it’s off to a standing armbar. Grace gets her foot in the ropes for the break and we hit fifteen minutes to go. Purrazzo hits a short arm clothesline and we take a break.

Back with Purrazzo cranking on the arm even more, which is so interesting that we got to a full screen replay of Grace’s arm being stomped on the steps during the commercial. Purrazzo takes her down by the arm with nine minutes left and the cranking continues with eight minutes left. Grace comes back with some forearms and puts her on top for a running palm strike into a superplex. They pull themselves up so Grace can win the slugout, setting up back to back backsplashes or two.

The rear naked choke goes on and Purrazzo is out for the first fall with….a need for a clock but Josh says about 4:30 to go. Back up and Purrazzo gets a Downward Spiral into a Koji Clutch but Grace makes the rope again. We have two minutes left and they strike it out until Purrazzo has to elbow out of the Grace Driver.

Grace runs over the referee and now the Grace Driver connects for no count. That means a check on the ref so Purrazzo gets in a belt shot to tie it up at about a minute left. Purrazzo covers for two and grabs the armbar, which is broken up with a rollup. A bridging German suplex gives Purrazzo two and the Fujiwara armbar makes Grace tap with two seconds left.

Rating: B-. It was good enough but this felt like they were going off of a textbook of how to have an Iron Man match instead of doing anything interesting or unique. It isn’t bad by any means (the production value was, with the clock being up for about five seconds at a time and not even a scoreboard) but they were treating this like some kind of an epic and it was just a match that got more time than most.

Taya Valkyrie is impressed by Deonna Purrazzo but doesn’t know how impressive it is when Purrazzo hasn’t beaten her. Let’s say they fix that at Hard To Kill.

Josh and Scott agree that Purrazzo has had a great year. So great that she is now Knockout Of The Year.

Purrazzo talks about what a year it has been and lists off some of her accomplishments. The division has been awesome and no one has been at her level. 2021 will be the Age of the Virtuosa.

We talk about Sami Callihan a bit, including all of the chaos that he and Ken Shamrock have caused. This includes attacking Eddie Edwards, which includes Sami costing Eddie and Alisha a mixed tag at Final Resolution. Sami and Eddie face off on January 5.

Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz talk about how awesome Christmas is and are ready to keep it lit.

More awards will be announced on Twitter, but for now, BUY MICRO BRAWLERS!

We look at Moose’s quest to get the TNA World Title back from EC3, who stole it to control a narrative.

From Bound For Glory.

TNA World Title: Moose vs. EC3

Moose is defending (I think?) and they’re in a warehouse. There’s no EC3 to start but he pops up with his hood over his head for dramatic effect. We’re in cinematic mode as they slug it out with Moose hitting a Rock Bottom. EC3 is right back with an exploder suplex and some stomping in the corner but Moose kicks him low. Moose asks if he can see the picture and sends him into the corner as the music changes. More right hands have EC3 busted open and Moose grabs a chair from the floor.

Back in and EC3 sweeps the legs to hammer away as the music changes again. They head outside with EC3 talking about meaning and purpose before throwing him into the barricade. Back in and EC3 talks about how Moose has let people take things from him. The title means everything and Moose needs to become who he is supposed to be. EC3 loads up the One Percenter on the title (with a quick highlight reel of the move playing) but Moose shoves him off and hits No Jackhammer Needed.

Moose hits him with the title, asks if this is what EC3 wants, hits him with it again, hits him with it a third time, waits for the package on their feud to play, and hammers away even more. EC3 is done so Moose picks him up and asks if this is what he wants. EC3: “YES!” The people around the ring start the MOOSE chant and EC3 tells him to control his narrative. Moose says thank you and hits one more belt shot. That’s enough for Moose to leave and EC3’s followers carry him out at we’ll say 9:50.

Rating: C-. I’m sure there’s some kind of a deeper meaning here and that’s all well and good, but the Control Your Narrative thing seems to be the kind of thing that makes sense to EC3 and not much else. The action was fine but I really don’t need to see a cinematic match again, especially when it isn’t quite the most thrilling feud in the first place. It was fine, but hopefully this is it between them, assuming EC3 is even sticking around.

We look back at last week with Moose talking trash about Rich Swann, which drew out Willie Mack for a challenge to an I Quit match at Genesis. A brawl ensued, followed by Moose talking about indy wrestlers working as security to make a name off of him.

The Super X Cup is coming at Genesis on January 9. So we have a big show on January 5, Genesis on January 9 and Hard To Kill on January 16. They aren’t wasting time.

Johnny Swinger says…..I wish I could understand.

Larry D. is in jail when Acey Romero comes in to see him. Larry freaks out because he has been framed but Tommy Dreamer needs more evidence. Someone sprayed the fragrance that turned him into Lawrence D. when the lights went out. Acey thinks a blind man can hear better than anyone else so he has an idea.

Josh recaps the John E. Bravo insanity and throws us to a long recap of the proposal, wedding, attempted murder and investigation.

We get another paid advertisement from AEW with Tony Khan and Tony Schiavone, with Khan talking about his business interests in Nashville. Khan has heard that Impact Wrestling is hard ti kill and talks about how he could stop Kenny Omega from wrestling on their pay per view. That is not going to be the case though as Omega can wrestle there if he wants to. Heck if Impact Wrestling wants to send some wrestlers to AEW, go right ahead. We run down the Dynamite card and Khan says that $7 billion could buy a lot of ammunition to use on a company that is hard to kill.

Eddie Edwards talks about putting up their first Christmas tree at the beginning of November. That’s the fake one, but then at Thanksgiving, it is the real one because you’re not a real Christmas person if you don’t have a real tree.

We look at Eric Young returning, going nuts again, winning the World Title, losing it at Bound For Glory, bringing in Joe Doering as his monster, and then brainwashing Cody Deaner. Still Eric Young.

Willie Mack puts up his Charlie Brown Christmas tree every year and puts some trinkets around it for people and things he cares about.

We talk about the Don Callis/Kenny Omega situation, with Callis helping Omega win the AEW World Title. Omega has since shown up at Impact Wrestling and is ready to main event Hard To Kill. He might even have his eye on some Impact Wrestling titles.

Don Callis and Kenny Omega talk about their holiday memories. Callis’ favorite was when Omega was a kid and they didn’t have much money. While all of the other kids wanted trucks or some nonsense like that, Omega wanted to run the wrestling industry. Now Omega is getting to do just that and it’s like every day is Christmas. Callis thinks he would have had a whole stable if more kids were like Omega. You can’t imitate Omega though, even if everyone tries.

We wrap it up with the Wrestler of the Year which is…..Deonna Purrazzo. That’s kind of a surprise but it’s also something that fits at the same time.

Purrazzo talks about how great of a year it has been and how she knows that she is the best. Now she has the trophies to affirm it.

Josh and Scott talk how awesome Purrazzo is to wrap things up.

Overall Rating: C+. These are always hard to rate and it’s not like we saw much of these rather good matches or moments. Impact had a year that was all over the place, but that is rather understandable given how insane everything was. Hopefully things get better next year, but it’s not like the company is starting from complete rock bottom. This was a good reminder of what they can do, and they showcased themselves as well as can be expected over the course of the year.




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Ring Of Honor TV – December 16, 2020: When Scary People Unite

Ring of Honor
Date: December 16, 2020
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Caprice Coleman, Ian Riccaboni

It’s the go home show for Final Battle and that means it’s time to hammer everything in for good. The card has been a bit thrown together but that is to be expected given all of the circumstances with this year’s show. I’m curious to see how the final push goes, as Ring of Honor can be all over the place with these things. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay runs down the card and explains how the matches tie into Final Battle.

We look back at Matt Taven/Mike Bennett’s brawl with the Righteous last week.

Bennett is banged up but still manages to rant about Taven, and this isn’t over until the Kingdom says it is. Taven says the Original Kingdom is back and they’re coming for the Righteous.

The Bouncers talk about having a long legacy in wrestling because of their trainers (Harley Race and Killer Kowalski) and now it’s time to be serious. They’re not toasting losses anymore because it’s time to fight people and win matches. They want Mark Briscoe and PCO to hit them hard and get hit back harder, because they want the titles.

Mark Briscoe and PCO are ready to fight because they want the titles too. PCO even speaks, saying the Bouncers can rest in h***.

Bouncers vs. PCO/Mark Briscoe

Mark slugs it out with the Bruiser to start but gets knocked down by the big man. That’s fine with Mark, who bounces out of the corner with a shot to the face and hands it off to PCO. Milonas comes in and gets hit in the face a lot until he comes back with a huge running crossbody. A discus forearm sends Milonas to the floor for a suicide dive and Briscoe looks rather pleased. Briscoe adds the Blockbuster from the apron to drop Milonas again and we take a break.

Back with PCO missing the flip dive to the apron, allowing Milonas to hit a suplex on Briscoe. Bruiser comes in for the release Rock Bottom in the corner but the Vader Bomb misses. The hot tag brings in PCO to start cleaning house, including a front Russian legsweep for two. Briscoe uses a chair as a launchpad to flip dive onto Bruiser and MIlonas on the floor, followed by a kick to Bruiser’s head. The Froggy Bow misses but Briscoe suplexes Bruiser down anyway. PCO is back in with the PCOsault for the pin at 11:04.

Rating: C. I still like the Bouncers as they go out there and do their thing at a level you might not expect from them. This was a pretty fun power brawl and I had a better time with it than I would have expected. There is no reason for the Bouncers to work so well but for some reason they pull it off. Mark and PCO aren’t the greatest team ever, but for a thrown together combination, they’ll be fine.

Post break, Briscoe and PCO promise to win the titles.

Quick rundown of the Final Battle card, including a four way for a TV Title shot last that night, Brian Johnson vs. Danhausen for Danhausen’s contract, Fred Yehi/Wheeler Yuta vs. the Foundation in a Pure Rules tag match, plus everything already announced.

Flip Gordon talks about growing up in sports and then being competitive in the military. He started wrestling in 2015 and then signed with Ring of Honor two years later. Yes he’s a high flier but his background has always been in grappling so he’s ready to win the Pure Title. Josh Woods stood out in the Pure Title Tournament and he should be the perfect way to get back into the title hunt.

Josh Woods talks about how big it was to beat Jay Lethal last week but now he has to change his focus to Flip Gordon. Of course Gordon is talented and he’s ready to take advantage of the mistakes a high flier is going to make. Gordon may have an amateur background, but he can’t do the things Woods can do.

Josh Woods vs. Flip Gordon

Pure Rules. They go to the grappling to start and an ankle lock has Gordon bailing to the ropes less than forty seconds in. Back up and Gordon grabs a headlock but Woods reverses again as he keeps shrugging off anything Gordon does. Another Gordon headlock has a bit more success and a dropkick puts Gordon on the floor. There’s the dive and we take a break.

Back with Gordon cranking on both arms, followed by a running clothesline in the corner. A suplex gives Gordon two and we hit the neck crank. Woods pulls him down again and Gordon bails to the ropes for a second time. Back up and Woods scores with a running knee in the corner for two and a superplex puts both of them down. The slugout goes to Woods as he plants Gordon with a powerbomb, only to have Gordon pop back up with a kick to the head. A moonsault gives Gordon two and a gordbuster into a Stomp finishes Woods at 9:34.

Rating: C. The ending was a surprise as Woods seems perfect for this division but he loses to Gordon. It’s not some horrible decision but I didn’t quite see it coming, which could be a good thing. The Pure Rules stuff still works, though I’m not sure how long they have before the novelty wears off. Granted it’s hard to complain as the matches have been fine, so leaving the matches on the shows should be fine.

One more Final Battle rundown ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show had one job: make me want to see Final Battle and given how many matches they threw on at the last minute, it worked out as well as it could have. Final Battle is going to be one of the most unique shows the company has ever put together and it’s a shame that they didn’t have the chance to set it up as usual. We could be in for a good show though, and this was a nice preview.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – December 21, 2020: That’s WWE For You

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 21, 2020
Location: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Samoa Joe

So we’re coming off Tables, Ladders And Chairs where the Fiend was burned alive to end the show. That’s kind of intense, but it’s cool because he sent out a tweet about twenty minutes later just in case there was any emotional impact built up. Last week’s numbers were an all time disaster and there is a chance we’re in for a shakeup (it’s been long enough since they’ve, ahem, fixed the problems around here) tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here is Tables, Ladders And Chairs if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Charlotte, now billed as a thirteen time champion because of the Women’s Tag Team Title, to get things going. We look at Charlotte returning last night to help Asuka against Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler, with Charlotte saying that she’s always willing to help a friend when asked. Charlotte introduces Asuka, who comes out to rant in Japanese, before switching to English to say she’s a double champion.

Charlotte brings up the Raw Women’s Title, friend to friend of course, but here are Baszler and Jax to interrupt. Nia says Charlotte took six months to heal up her broken arm but that voice is still just as robotic. Charlotte mocks her for losing last night but Nia says the two of them have a naughty or nice list. They just hand out beatings, like the one they gave to Lana.

Cue Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke, who are scheduled to face Jax and Baszler later tonight. Mandy thinks something looks different about Dana. She can’t figure it out, but she knows Baszler looks like Rudolph with a nose job and Jax is a reindeer without antlers. Then they get it: they aren’t the champions anymore. Charlotte says get a referee out here and the champs will sit around and watch.

There is going to be a Legends Night on January 4, featuring Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle and more. So there’s your effort to make the show better: the exact same people who they always trot out for something like this. Great indeed.

Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke vs. Shayna Baszler/Nia Jax

Charlotte and Asuka are on commentary as Baszler takes Rose down to start. Rose tries some grappling of her own and Baszler has not time for any of that, kicking her away without much trouble. A kick to the head gets two on Baszler though and it’s off to Brooke for a double suplex. Jax comes in and gets taken down with a very spinning headscissors. An ax handle to the knee and a knee from Rose put Jax on the floor.

The double dives take out Jax and Baszler but Rose and Brooke stop for a staredown with Charlotte and Asuka. Jax sends Rose into the barricade though and we take a break. Back with Rose slugging away on Jax but getting taken down by Baszler. Jax and Baszler stomp away on the leg but Jax misses the legdrop.

Baszler gets knocked off the apron though, leaving Rose to clothesline Baszler and hammer away in the corner. It’s off to Brooke for the cartwheel splash and a step up enziguri drops Baszler. The Swanton gets two with Jax making the save so Brooke takes Jax down on the floor. Baszler kicks Rose down though and hits a spinning backbreaker on Brooke. The stomp onto the arm misses but Baszler Kirifuda Clutches Brooke for the tap at 12:56.

Rating: C-. Brooke and Rose are there for obvious reasons and while they were trying here, I didn’t buy them as any kind of a threat to the monsters and it would have been fairly ridiculous to have them win. That being said, they do seem to be trying to get better and if they keep improving, good for them and good for us in the future.

Post match Jax gets sent out over the top post match for the big crash.

We look back at the Hurt Business winning the Tag Team Titles last night.

The Hurt Business finds a production worker wearing a New Day shirt, which they rip off and replace with a Hurt Business shirt. Dude got a new shirt so I don’t see this as a huge problem.

Here’s the Hurt Business for the VIP Lounge. MVP brags about their success and says the VIP Lounge is for people better than you. Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander brag about their win last night and Bobby Lashley says no one can beat him for the US Title. MVP thinks it’s a special occasion so he has a professional photographer for a photo. R-Truth photo bombs them though and the merry band of idiots chases him off.

Cue Riddle and Jeff Hardy to interrupt, with Riddle saying the Hurt Business should be chilling instead of being worried. Maybe listen to the Joe Rogan podcast or watch a Dave Chapelle special and escape the existential nature of life. After all, we’re all carbon based lifeforms living on a rock hurdling into space. MVP: “Nobody knows what you’re talking about. Nobody cares about your hair brained concepts. Why are you here?” Hardy says there is more to life than status and they would rather die with pride than live a life of greed. Ok then.

Angel Garza vs. Drew Gulak

Before the match, Garza gives the backstage interviewer a rose and offers her a post match interview under the mistletoe. She seems…..intrigued? Unsure? Thinking she forgot to pick up bread this week? Garza TAKES OFF HIS PANTS and throws them at Gulak to start, meaning it’s time to hammer away early on. A backbreaker gets Gulak out of trouble but Garza chops him in the corner. Garza hits a running knee to the ribs for one but the Wing Clipper finishes Gulak at 2:13.

We look at Drew McIntyre successfully defending the WWE Title last night against AJ Styles and Miz, who cashed in Money in the Bank.

AJ Styles blames Miz for costing him the title. Now he’s going to be on MizTV to hear an explanation and it better be good.

It’s time for MizTV, because on a show where we have so many people sitting on the sidelines, we can have two talk shows in the first hour with wrestlers in action later tonight. Miz apologizes for losing last night and brings out AJ for another apology. AJ yells at Miz for costing him the title by failing at a cash in but Miz snaps, saying he successfully cashed in ten years ago. Now he can’t do it again, because he has been here for fifteen years and no one respects him. Maybe becoming champion again would make people respect him but now he won’t have the chance.

Miz apologizes to AJ because they were both robbed last night. He even has a peace offering: AJ Styles can co-star in the next Marine film! We see a poster, which features Miz and Omos front and center, with a tony AJ on the head. Omos grabs the mic and says Miz screwed up last night but Morrison defends him. AJ talks about how Omos was about to have a peanut butter and Morrison sandwich last night but AJ called him off. Hang on though as Miz thinks that because Morrison technically cashed in the briefcase, he should get the contract back.

Miz demands it back RIGHT NOW but here’s Drew McIntyre to say he had a little celebration after he won the match last night. There was a little celebration and he, Keith Lee and Sheamus had an idea for a sequel to last week’s Night Before TLC. Sheamus and Lee pop up to read their part of the poem, which is all about tonight’s six man street fight. Drew thinks we should just do it now, but AJ dropkicks Lee into Sheamus, meaning Drew has to separate them.

We recap Retribution trying to recruit Ricochet over the last few weeks.

Drew has to keep Sheamus and Lee apart in the back. Sheamus leaves and Drew tells Lee that the three of them can do some damage together. Lee eventually agrees.

T-Bar vs. Ricochet

Retribution is at ringside as Ricochet kicks away at T-Bar to start. The springboard spinning crossbody is pulled out of the air though and the standing backbreakers let T-Bar toss him around. T-Bar blasts him with a clothesline for two and we hit the chinlock. Back up and Ricochet low bridges him to the floor but has to deal with Shatter and Mace. That’s enough for T-Bar to get in a boot from behind, but Mustafa Ali stops T-Bar to yell at Ricochet. T-Bar saves Ali from Ricochet and Feast Your Eyes gives T-Bar the pin at 2:43.

Post match T-Bar tells Ricochet to join Retribution or be ended.

New Day says they’ll be back after last night’s loss.

Hurt Business vs. Riddle/Jeff Hardy

Bobby Lashley/MVP for the Hurt Business here with the rest of the team at ringside. Hardy jumps the Business to start and hands it off to Riddle in a hurry. Riddle doesn’t do so well as Lashley takes him into the corner, meaning MVP can come in for the choking. A neckbreaker gets two on Riddle but he gets in a shot of his own, allowing the tag off to Hardy.

The legdrop between the legs into a basement dropkick gets two on Lashley, who powers out on the kickout. Broetry in Motion hits Lashley and the assisted Floating Bro keeps MVP in trouble. We take a break and come back with Hardy being knocked off the top and onto the steps on the way to the floor. Lashley starts going after the arm and MVP adds an armbar with an elbow into the shoulder.

The Ballin Elbow gets two but MVP misses a charge in the corner, allowing Hardy to hit the Whisper in the Wind. The hot tag brings in Riddle to clean house, with Alexander’s distraction not slowing him down in the slightest. A fisherman’s suplex connects but Lashley makes a very fast save. Riddle takes out Alexander and Benjamin but Lashley avoids the Swanton. The Twist of Fate is countered into the Hurt Lock and the tap at 11:50.

Rating: C+. This was pretty straight formula stuff and it’s a good thing to see Lashley getting another win. I’m really wanting to see Riddle vs. Lashley for the US Title, likely at the Rumble at this point, but I’m not sure where that leaves Hardy and the rest of the team for now. The Hardy Bros isn’t exactly a brilliant idea, but for a short form team, it should work out well enough.

Here’s Elias for a song. He talks about how rough of a year it has been but he has discovered someone who understands the Universal Truth in Jaxson Ryker. Now get his opponent out here.

Jaxson Ryker vs. Gran Metalik

Ryker throws him around to start as Elias sits on the turnbuckle for a song. Metalik avoids a charge into the post and hurricanranas Elias, but Ryker runs him over. The sitout chokebomb finishes Metalik at 57 seconds.

We recap last night’s main event, including the post match burning of the Fiend.

Here’s Randy Orton for a chat. He has been called sick, twisted, deranged and demented and last night, he showed he was all of those things when he burned the Fiend alive. Orton is not a normal man and he enjoyed every single second of what he did. He kneels down to look at the exact spot where it happened and says he can smell it if he closes his eyes. Orton: “Burning flesh has a tendency to linger.” Last night he couldn’t sleep because the voices in his head were gone.

All that he could hear instead was the Fiend gasping for breath and the flames got hotter. Orton says the Fiend is no more and he is the evil son of a b**** who took him out. Speaking of out, the lights go out and Alexa Bliss, on a swing set is in the ring. Bliss says he built this for her and now it’s Alexa’s Playground. Orton is probably wondering where He is. Maybe He is at a tanning salon or at the beach or maybe he’s at his favorite restaurant, eating his favorite food (Bliss: “Barbecue!”).

But Orton is right: it was right here where you can still see and smell what happened to the Fiend. It’s almost like Fiend was absorbed into the mat and now he’s home in the earth. But if he ever leaves home, he’ll come back to Alexa’s Playground and it’ll be like nothing Orton has ever seen. The lights go out again and…..we look at commentary. As usual, WWE is horrible at building up tension as this could have taken six weeks but instead it took one day. Just let us believe that Fiend could be gone instead of all but saying “yeah he’ll be back” the next night.

We look back at Charlotte returning to win the Tag Team Titles last night.

Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce are ready to take care of Charlotte and Asuka tonight.

Lacey Evans/Peyton Royce vs. Asuka/Charlotte

Non-title. Royce is caught in the Asuka Lock fifteen seconds in with Evans having to make a save. Asuka kicks Lacey in the ribs as we see Baszler and Jax watching from the back. Royce gets in a cheap shot and we take a break. Back with Asuka in trouble but Lacey and Peyton get in an argument, allowing Asuka to suplex her way over for the tag to Charlotte. Chops abound and a big boot drops Royce. Charlotte gets pulled into a half crab though and Evans tries to play defense, only to have Asuka slip in for the save. Asuka kicks Lacey down and the Figure Eight finishes Royce at 8:03.

Rating: C. Just a quick win to keep Asuka and Charlotte hot after their title win last night. The team should be fine as a dream team for a little while, but I’m not sure who is supposed to take the titles other than Baszler and Jax. That can work for the time being though, as it’s not like the titles are regularly defended in the first place. On the other side, it’s nice to see that we are getting closer to the Iiconics reunion every single week.

We look at Titus O’Neil giving a long time Tampa worker a car after 27 years on the job. It was one of five cars that O’Neil and his foundation gave away.

We look back at Drew McIntyre having to break up the fight between Sheamus and Keith Lee.

Miz is on the phone trying to get his contract back but AJ walks up to hang up the phone. Miz isn’t happy.

Drew McIntyre/Sheamus/Keith Lee vs. Miz/John Morrison/AJ Styles

Holiday street fight, so Morrison and Sheamus start things off. Morrison elbows Sheamus in the head and takes him down by the leg in a bit of a surprise. Sheamus is taken into the corner for some triple teaming but Sheamus powers his way out without much trouble. It’s off to McIntyre, with Morrison taking him down by the leg. The Glasgow Kiss rocks Morrison though and Lee comes in for a double toss suplex to send Morrison flying.

A double shoulder drops Morrison as well and there’s a double hiptoss to AJ from Sheamus and Lee. Sheamus glares at Lee, who slaps him in the chest, causing Drew to have to separate them again and we take a break. Back with Miz and Morrison being shoved off the apron as things have calmed down a bit. Sheamus puts AJ in a chinlock but Styles gets up for the tag off to Morrison.

That’s fine with Sheamus, who knocks him down and goes up top, only to be shoved down through one of the tables at ringside. Back in and Miz takes over on Sheamus, even ripping at his face to make it worse. AJ comes in and cuts Sheamus off, only to get caught with White Noise. The hot tag brings in McIntyre to clean house with a bunch of suplexes. McIntyre nips up but tweaks his leg (which Morrison worked on earlier and AJ damaged last night) in the process.

It’s fine enough to hit a spinebuster for two as everything breaks down. Lee runs over Styles and Morrison takes the Irish Curse. AJ comes in with some candy cane kendo stick shots to McIntyre’s knee to take things outside. McIntyre throws him into a Christmas tree and then hits a powerbomb through a table of egg nog and cookies.

The Claymore is broken up but Sheamus tags himself in to load up the Brogue Kick. Lee tags himself in as well and shoves Morrison into Omos’ arms, allowing Omos to drop Morrison through a table (with the camera cutting to the ring and then back to the powerbomb). The Spirit Bomb finishes Miz at 18:25.

Rating: D+. What kind of a street fight was that? This was a regular six man (with tags) for fifteen minutes with a weapons shot and some tables being broken in the last three, making me wonder why they bothered with the theme at all here. It didn’t help that they’re redoing the arguing teams from the Survivor Series deal (with two of the same people) a month later, but you can’t expect WWE to be that creative. At least Sheamus vs. McIntyre should be fine for a Rumble title match.

Post match Sheamus hits Lee with the Brogue Kick, causing McIntyre to yell WHY to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This definitely wasn’t the reset show and really, it’s not the worst thing to do. The numbers aren’t going to be great in the first place, but it’s also four days until Christmas and they have over a month before the Royal Rumble. Why bother trying to do something big here when they aren’t going to have an audience in the first place? Granted it probably isn’t a good idea to take a week off after last week’s terrible number, but that’s WWE for you.


Shayna Baszler/Nia Jax b. Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke – Kirifuda Clutch to Brooke

Angel Garza b. Drew Gulak – Wing Clipper

T-Bar b. Ricochet – Feast Your Eyes

Hurt Business b. Jeff Hardy/Riddle – Hurt Lock to Hardy

Jaxson Ryker b. Gran Metalik – Sitout chokebomb

Charlotte/Asuka b. Peyton Royce/Lacey Evans – Figure Eight to Royce

Keith Lee/Sheamus/Drew McIntyre b. John Morrison/The Miz/AJ Styles – Spirit Bomb to Miz



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Tables Ladders And Chairs 2020: ….Oh My….

Tables Ladders And Chairs 2020
Date: December 20, 2020
Location: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Tom Phillips, Samoa Joe, Byron Saxton

It’s time to wrap up the year and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. For the first time in a good many years, we don’t have matches based on all three of the letters in the show’s name, but rather two based on all three of them combined. That could be a good way to go and hopefully that is the case here. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Daniel Bryan/Chad Gable/Otis/Big E. vs. Sami Zayn/Shinsuke Nakamura/Cesaro/King Corbin

Well that’s kind of a huge for a tossed together match. Big E. plays an air version of Nakamura’s violin and Sami, with the two Sami Awards, has a shirt saying I’m The Intercontinental Champion. We also get some audio from Kayla Braxton’s Instagram of Sami giving quite the rant about wanting to fire people who caused it. Sami and Gable start so it’s off to Big E. in two seconds.

Corbin comes in as well and gets powered back into the corner. There’s the belly to belly and it’s off to Cesaro vs. Gable for a change. Gable starts taking him down without much effort and goes after the arm. Bryan comes in to keep the cranking going but gets driven up against the ropes. Nakamura adds a kick from the apron and comes in to work on the cravate. It’s back to Sami as Cole explains the joke about Sami’s backstage rant. Bryan fights up against Corbin as Big E. chases Sami around ringside.

The hot tag brings in Otis, who knocks Nakamura down to set up the Caterpillar. With Nakamura crushed, Gable comes in and gets kicked in the face. Nakamura hits a middle rope knee to the head, setting up a gutwrench jackknife from Cesaro. We hit the parade of secondary finishes, including a running knee from Bryan and Rolling Chaos Theory from Gable to Cesaro. Sami comes in but Gable rolls over to Big E., who counters the Helluva Kick into the Rock Bottom out of the corner. The Big Ending finishes Sami at 8:47.

Rating: C+. If nothing else, it was weird to see this kind of star power in a random match on the Kickoff Show. The ending was all that mattered, but it does kind of leave you wondering how this many people, many of whom are featured on Smackdown most weeks, are only being thrown onto this show with a few hours’ notice. What we got worked well though, as most of the people involved know how to put together a perfectly entertaining match.

The opening video looks at how this is the end of the year and could be the end of the people involved. The two main events get the big feature, probably because they’re named after the show, though the other matches get some focus of their own.

We recap AJ Styles vs. Drew McIntyre for the Raw World Title. There isn’t much of a story here, as Drew is champion and AJ won a mini tournament to get the shot. They have used the various weapons on each other and now it’s time to have the big weapons match.

Raw World Title: AJ Styles vs. Drew McIntyre

AJ, with Omos, is challenging in a TLC match. Styles goes for the knee at the bell but has to settle for chopping McIntyre in the corner instead. That earns AJ a toss out of the corner and Drew is looking especially fired up here. We get a little miscommunication as AJ is whipped into the corner and falls down, even as McIntyre follows for a running clothesline. Instead it’s kind of a running right hand, followed by a backdrop to put AJ down again.

AJ gets a boot up in the corner but Drew hits a loud chop to take him off the top and out to the floor again. Drew sends him into the barricade a few times and loads up the first ladder. That means it’s time for a chair with AJ cracking him over the back and wedging the chair in the corner. McIntyre sends him head first into said chair though and it’s time to climb. AJ is back up to pelt the chair at Drew though and they’re both down again. The Styles Clash onto the ladder is broken up though and it’s the Future Shock to plant AJ instead.

Drew tosses the ladder at AJ but only grazes him a bit, allowing AJ to take out the leg. The Calf Crusher, in the ladder, goes on to make McIntyre scream. With that broken up, AJ unloads on the knee with the chair. The Calf Crusher goes on again with the chair around McIntyre’s knee but he counters by sending him into the ladder for a double knockdown. It’s AJ up first to wrap the leg around the post. A table is cleared at ringside but Drew is up first to throw a chair at AJ for a breather.

The ladder is set up in the corner and a table is set up across from it, with AJ managing a drop toehold into said ladder. AJ kicks at the knee again but dives into a suplex into the ladder to put him in trouble again. Styles is fine enough to hit a Phenomenal Forearm but can’t follow up. It’s Styles up first to climb the ladder but McIntyre slams him off the ladder and through a ringside table.

McIntyre goes up….and here’s Miz to powerbomb McIntyre through the table. The briefcase is OFFICIALLY cashed in and we now have a triple threat. Miz goes up but Omos pulls him down and drops him through a table at ringside. John Morrison chairs Omos across the back, shattering the (metal) chair, which only annoys the giant. Omos slowly stalks him to the back and we’re down to the actual three involved.

McIntyre goes up but AJ is right there to catch him. Miz brings in his own ladder though and goes up as well. The Glasgow Kiss drops AJ and McIntyre shoves Miz down but AJ is back up with a springboard to the ladder. McIntyre gets knocked down so Miz takes his place, only to have McIntyre shove them both down. There’s the Claymore to Miz and McIntyre retains at 26:58.

Rating: B. This went as expected until the Miz cash-in, as they just had two big stars beating the fire out of each other. The problem is that’s the kind of match that we have seen time after time in TLC, so it hit a pretty firm ceiling. The good thing is that ceiling is pretty high up there and they had a hard hitting match. Not a memorable one or anything, but it worked well. Above all else though, Miz and John Morrison aren’t going to be running around with the briefcase so that annoyance is out of the way.

Paul Heyman is asked about Kevin Owens saying he will win the Universal Title or die trying. After mocking Kayla Braxton for going for aesthetics over competency, Heyman talks about how favorite non-WWE sport is actually NASCAR. Not that he cares about who wins of course, but he likes the car crashes. Tonight it is going to be a huge car crash, and Roman Reigns is retaining because that is a spoiler.

We recap Sasha Banks vs. Carmella for Banks’ Smackdown Women’s Title. Banks won the title from Bayley to end her year plus reign but was then attacked by Carmella. They already had their first match, with Carmella winning via DQ. Since then, Carmella has hit her with a pair of champagne bottles to the back, meaning Banks is coming in a bit weakened.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Carmella vs. Sasha Banks

Banks is defending and Carmella drops straight to the floor to start. That’s not going to work for Banks who chases her back inside for an armdrag. This time around Banks sends her off the apron and into the arms of the sommellier, Reginald. Carmella uses the distraction to drive Banks into the steps for two and we settle down a bit. They head out to the apron where the Bank Statement is broken up, allowing Carmella to send her face first onto said apron.

Back in and Banks kicks away a bit, setting up Three Amigos to put Carmella down for a change. The frog splash connects for two on Carmella but Banks spins around into an X Factor (with a hard landing). That gives Carmella some near falls of her own and it’s time to slap it out with some vinegar. Banks goes up top and gets caught in a superplex attempt, only to reverses into a super sunset flip for two. A backslide gives Banks two more but Carmella slaps on the Code of Silence.

That’s reversed into a rollup for two and Banks flips her into the Bank Statement. Reginald pulls Carmella out though and carries her away, only to get caught with a Meteora off the apron. Carmella nails a superkick for two back inside so she shouts her name a lot. That’s too much for Banks, who pulls her into the Bank Statement for the tap at 12:44.

Rating: C. They were trying here but there are only so many ways that you can get around the idea of Carmella being a serious threat to Banks. Carmella isn’t the joke that she used to be but the champagne deal wasn’t exactly a strong upgrade and Banks shouldn’t be losing anytime soon. And what about Banks’ back being hurt by the champagne bottles?

Billie Kay tries to talk Asuka into being her partner, complete with offering her resume. She points out that she speaks Japanese, which has Asuka rather pleased. Kay doesn’t quite get what Asuka says, but she has even made her own mask. Granted it looks like a paper plate on a popsicle stick, so Asuka is disturbed. It doesn’t matter though, as Asuka already has a partner and Kay ISN’T READY FOR ASUKA.

New Day says they’ve beaten the Hurt Business but this is BIG TIME New Day, so…..dang it they’re still not used to not having Big E. to do the entrance.

Raw Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Hurt Business

Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander are challenging for the Hurt Business with MVP in their corner. Kofi kicks Alexander down for two at the bell and Woods comes in for the same off a legdrop. A crossbody gives Kofi two more and it’s time for the legdrop into a sliding clothesline into a springboard splash for two more on Alexander. Shelton comes in and gets forearmed by Woods as Kofi fights Alexander on the floor.

A tornado DDT gives Woods two on Shelton, who sends Woods hard into the bottom turnbuckle. That gives Alexander two and MVP is rather pleased about the chinlock with a knee in Woods’ back. The armbar doesn’t last long on Woods as he fights up and brings in Kofi off the hot tag.

As Tom brings up Shelton vs. Kofi on ECW of all things, Kofi hits the Boom Drop into the SOS for two on Alexander. Trouble in Paradise misses though and Alexander hits a running knee into a brainbuster. The Neuralizer into Paydirt puts Woods on the floor and Shelton runs the corner to superplex Kofi. Alexander tags himself in (much to Shelton’s annoyance) and the Lumbar Check finishes Kofi for pin and the titles at 9:43.

Rating: C-. Kind of a disappointing match but the absolutely right ending. The Hurt Business is becoming one of the best factions in a long time now and I could go with them being at a higher level on the roster. New Day has held the titles ten times now so losing them again isn’t going to mean a thing. Not a bad match, but they got the result right and that’s what matters.

Bobby Lashley comes out to celebrate and the Hurt Business holds up their titles.

The Royal Rumble is coming on January 31.

We recap the Sami Awards with Big E. interfering, plus the leaked audio.

Sami Zayn rants to Kayla Braxton about the leaked audio, but she won’t say who gave it to her.

We recap the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Nia Jax beat up Lana for months, then Lana got Asuka to give her some pep talks, then Lana pinned Jax, then Lana was taken out and now it’s Asuka and a mystery partner getting a title shot against Jax and Shayna Baszler.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Asuka/??? vs. Shayna Baszler/Nia Jax

Jax and Baszler are defending against Asuka and…..Charlotte, who seems to have lost something during her time away (it’s in the upper region). It’s Asuka starting with Baszler, who can’t take out Asuka’s arm early on. Charlotte comes in to face Jax, who takes her into the corner early on. You don’t do that to Charlotte, who fights out and brings Asuka back in. Baszler goes after Asuka’s arm again, including sending it into the post.

Back in and the standing armbar goes on but Asuka fights her off, allowing the hot tag off to Charlotte. Chopping abounds and the big boot drops Jax to the floor. Charlotte mostly hits the moonsault to take her down again and it’s the missile dropkick from Asuka back inside. Baszler comes in for the Kirifuda Clutch but it’s broken up in a hurry. Instead a small package gets two on Baszler, followed by Jax having to break up the Figure Eight. With Jax being dispatched again, it’s the Natural Selection to finish Baszler for the pin and the titles at 9:14.

Rating: C. How in the world did we start with Lana being sent through tables over and over and wind up with Charlotte getting another title reign? It was nice to have Charlotte gone for a good while like this though as I think we needed a breather from her after all the title matches. I doubt they hold the titles for a long time, but you know Charlotte is coming for Asuka sooner or later.

Sami Zayn finds Big E. and R-Truth laughing at the leaked audio, meaning it’s time to claim a conspiracy. Truth knows a conspiracy: your lips don’t touch when you say separate. Sami calls Big E. a loser since he went solo, and that’s enough to bring out serious Big E. This isn’t going to end well for Sami is it?

We recap Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens in a TLC match because TLC is being headlined by a match involving fire. Reigns told Jey Uso to get respect from the losing team at Survivor Series, including beating Owens down. Owens didn’t like the fact that Reigns had Jey do all of this and wanted the title match as a result. Reigns has since destroyed Owens over and over but Owens refuses to stay down.

Smackdown World Title: Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns

Reigns, with Paul Heyman, is defending in a TLC match. Owens comes in through the crowd and jumps Reigns to start as the beating is on in a hurry. The Cannonball connects and Reigns is sent outside for the frog splash off the apron. Cue Jey Uso to try and help Reigns but Owens chairs him down and Pillmanizes his ankle. Reigns uses the distraction to kick Owens in the face and then drops the top of the announcers’ table onto Owens’ back.

The steps go off of Owens’ head a few times as Heyman is starting to understand that this is getting serious. Owens is thrown back inside for a chair to the back but he picks up his own, only to have Reigns drive his own chair into Owens’ to put him down again. The chairs are set up and, after blocking a powerbomb attempt, Reigns backdrops him through the open chairs for a huge crash. Somehow Owens manages to fight his way up and chairs Reigns off the ladder.

A suplex through a chair keeps Reigns in trouble and Owens goes up until a limping Jey makes the save. The distraction lets Reigns get in a Superman Punch and Owens is down again. Reigns sets up a table in the corner and looks like he knows what he has to do. Owens kicks Jey down though and hits a Stunner on Reigns. The ladder is set up but Owens goes outside to powerbomb Jey through the announcers’ table.

Now it’s time to climb but Reigns makes another save. A spinebuster puts Owens through a table and Reigns chokeslams him through another at ringside for a bonus. Reigns isn’t done yet as it’s a Samoan drop through a third table. That’s enough for the slow climb but Owens grabs his foot, much to Reigns’ annoyance. Reigns looks down and laughs at him, even saying that Owens is embarrassing his family.

A slap to Reigns’ face earns Owens a spear through the table in the corner but Reigns can’t follow up for some reason. Owens is already pulling himself up with a ladder on the floor and Reigns can’t believe it. He tells Reigns he’ll have to kill him but another spear only hits the barricade. Reigns makes the save and sends Owens into the ladder, only to take two superkicks.

The Pop Up Powerbomb is countered into the Superman Punch but Owens hits the Pop Up Powerbomb through the table. Owens goes up again but has to deal with Jey, who is taken down by headbutts and a Stunner. Reigns catches Owens with a low blow on the ladder though and now it’s the guillotine on top. That’s it for Owens as he crashes down, allowing Reigns to retain at 24:43.

Rating: B+. If they don’t do a Last Man Standing match at the Rumble, they’re goofier than I thought. This was one of the better performances I’ve seen in a good while from WWE as I bought into the idea of Owens overcoming the odds, even though there was no reason to believe he could pull it off.

They made this work very well though as Owens just kept coming until the numbers games, and Reigns himself, became too much to overcome. There is a rematch to be had here though and just like Jey, they turned what should have been a completely obvious ending into some great drama. Reigns is on another level right now and that was on full display again here. Owens did his part too though, turning this into a heck of a match.

Big E. is challenging Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Title on Smackdown.

We recap Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton, which goes back to their time together in the Wyatt Family. Orton outsmarted Bray, to the point where he burned down the Wyatt Compound and destroyed the remains of Sister Abigail. Now Bray is in a better place with the Firefly Fun House and the Fiend wants revenge on Orton for his recent and past sins. Orton is being outsmarted but may have found Bray’s weak spot with Alexa Bliss. That being said, setting Bray on fire didn’t work, as the Fiend popped up and took Orton out. Tonight it’s a Firefly Inferno match, which needs a bit of an explanation.

Randy Orton vs. The Fiend

Orton, in sweatpants and a hoodie, has to fire himself up on the way to the ring. After some rather long entrances, the bell rings, even though we have no explanation of how you win the match yet. There is no fire to speak of to start and Orton’s right hand just makes Fiend laugh. A kick to the ribs gets the same result and the threat of the RKO is shrugged away. Fiend knocks him down in the corner but Sister Abigail is blocked. Orton hits a dropkick but Fiend is back with the running crossbody.

Sister Abigail is countered into the backbreaker, only to have Wyatt score with Sister Abigail. Fiend throws his arms up to start up some fire behind the barricade. Commentary says we know you have to set your opponent on fire to win (first mention of the way to win and the match started four minutes ago) as they fight outside with Orton being knocked around ringside. Orton gets whipped with a strap….which Fiend then lights on fire.

The big swing misses so Fiend whips out a pick ax. That only hits barricade, as commentary can’t believe Fiend would go that far. So do they just think the LIGHT YOUR OPPONENT ON FIRE rules are here because they were pulled out of a hat? With Orton down, Fiend whips out a rocking chair and some gasoline, which he pours over the chair and then in a path towards it. Orton is sent hard into the steps and then gets set in the chair, so Fiend can pull out a lighter.

The trail is lit up and Orton dives out of the chair just in time (or just before the camera cuts can keep you from seeing everything in one shot). Orton finds an ax handle to knock the steps out of Fiend’s hands and then hits him in the face with them. A chain around the face isn’t enough to drag Fiend into the fire so they head back inside. Fiend plants him with a release Rock Bottom and it’s time to go outside, with Fiend lighting the ax handle on fire. Orton breaks that up as well but the RKO is countered into the Mandible Claw. They fight near the fire with Orton reversing him into the flames for the win at 12:05.

Rating: D+. The fire stuff was forced in the first place and then they didn’t even have fire (or established rules) when the match started. These things are always going to be a stretch of logic at best and that was the case here, as it turns into a horror movie instead of a match most of the time. Orton didn’t need to win but you know this is going on to the Rumble at least. Just stop doing these Inferno matches already though, because they tend to be horrible as soon as you actually try one.

Post match Fiend is still on fire as he charges….right into the RKO. Orton isn’t sure what to think of this as he kicks Fiend over, so he grabs the gas can and covers Fiend. Now it’s time for a match, which Orton throws on Fiend to burn him alive (and send the cameras into complete insanity). Orton poses and we go off the air. I really hope this isn’t the more serious path they’re taking for USA, because they might be in more trouble than I thought.

I know the idea is to have Fiend come back for a big fight at the Rumble, but do I have any reason to believe that this is going to be some big serious moment? Last week’s show featured Orton trying to burn Wyatt and seven minutes later, Riddle was having a doughnut. Maybe they go somewhere smart with it, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

Overall Rating: B-. The two TLC matches are enough to carry things, but this was rather typical of a big WWE show: when they let the people do their thing and tell a story, it works. When they try to get too smart, everything collapses under its own weight, which is what happened at the end. The rest of the show was good to very good, with the TLC matches both delivering and some of the other stuff hitting as well. Just cut it off after Reigns wins and you’re in for a much better night, as the big angle at the end was getting into “you might as well hold up the IT’S FAKE” sign.


Drew McIntyre b. AJ Styles and The Miz – McIntyre pulled down the title

Sasha Banks b. Carmella – Bank Statement

Hurt Business b. New Day – Lumbar Check to Kingston

Charlotte/Asuka b. Shayna Baszler/Nia Jax – Natural Selection to Baszler

Roman Reigns b. Kevin Owens – Reigns pulled down the title

Randy Orton b. The Fiend – Orton lit the Fiend on fire

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Great American Bash 2006 (2020 Redo): The Night Of The Evil Enzymes

Great American Bash 2006
Location: Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Attendance: 9,750
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

It’s time for a Smackdown pay per view and the card is actually pretty stacked. This time around the main event is Rey Mysterio defending the World Title against King Booker, but we also have a Punjabi Prison match between Undertaker and Great Khali, plus the big Batista pay per view return. Let’s get to it.

The opening video talks about how everyone has freedom because of America before switching into a look at the show’s biggest matches. Standard but safe theme.

Tag Team Titles: Brian Kendrick/Paul London vs. Pit Bulls

The Pit Bulls are challenging as JBL goes on a rant about having to sit next to the Spanish commentary team. Kash and London brawl to the mat to start and it’s an early standoff. The rather rough lockup goes on as commentary talks about the famous teams to wrestle at the Great American Bash over the years. Kendrick comes in off the top but gets caught n the corner, with Noble sending him face first into the buckle.

An armbar takes Noble down though and the champs take turns coming off the top and onto Noble’s arm. Noble manages to send London hard into the buckle but London and Kendrick are right back up with stereo suicide dives to the floor. Back in and a double shoulder gets two on Kendrick, meaning it’s time to rake his face. Noble misses a charge though and gets caught in the ropes, setting up the hot tag to London to clean house.

London gets sent over the ropes though and Skinning The Cat is broken up with a hard dropkick to the floor. Back in again and we hit the chinlock with London not even bothering to stay down very long this time. Kash comes in to choke on the ropes but has to dive at London’s legs to cut off the tag.

London kicks him into Noble for the knockdown though, allowing the hot tag to Kendrick. The pace picks up in a hurry as everything breaks down. Kendrick hits some running dropkicks and the big dive to the floor takes Noble out. Back in and Kash can’t hit the Dead Level, allowing Kendrick to try a top rope sunset flip. He can’t get Kash over, so London adds the Dropsault to knock Kash down, giving Kendrick the cradle pin to retain.

Rating: B. This was as good of a choice of an opener as they had with both teams looking pretty awesome and flying all over the ring, which is a great way to start the show. London and Kendrick can do that style all day and the Pit Bulls are able to hang in there just as well. Heck of an opener here, and hopefully something can hang with it tonight.

Great Khali wants to do something but Daivari wants to know why it has to be now. Daivari is promptly lifted up into the air, leaving his feet flailing away.

Here’s Teddy Long to say that Bobby Lashley can’t compete tonight because he has elevated liver enzymes. Cue Lashley to say to say he’s fine and wants to fight tonight. Teddy says he can’t do that because they have to take a long term view of Lashley’s health. When Lashley is healthy though, he can have a title shot.

Lashley walks to the back so here are William Regal and Finlay, who walk around him in a great visual, to talk to Long. Finlay asks Long to lay some skin on him and Regal has a rather wacky handshake. With the hip part out of the way, Finlay doesn’t buy the liver enzymes theory but wants Teddy to name him the winner by forfeit. Not so fast though because Long has another idea.

US Title: Finlay vs. William Regal

Finlay is defending and JBL goes into a great rant about how he and Ron Simmons drank forever but they never had bad livers. Hold on as wants to check underneath the ring for the Leprechaun. Finlay goes after him and gets hit in the face to start fast. They lock up and head to the floor without letting go before walking up the steps and back inside, again without letting go.

Back in and Regal takes him down by the leg but Finlay flips his way to freedom. A hard toss to the floor has Finlay in trouble but cue the Leprechaun to hit Regal in the leg with the Shillelagh. Regal backs into him and runs away screaming, allowing Finlay to start the exchange of uppercuts. Regal gets the better of things but goes after the Leprechaun again, allowing him to bite Regal’s fingers.

Finlay goes for the leg but gets taken down into a chinlock for his efforts. That’s broken up in a hurry so Finlay sits on his ribs, followed by a chinlock of his own. That doesn’t last long either so they run into each other for a double knockdown. It’s Regal up first with a dropkick of all things for two, followed by a knee drop for the same.

The fans call it boring, with Cole trying his darndest to say it’s because they want to see Lashley. Regal gets tied up in the ring skirt and comes up minus a boot, meaning it’s time for Finlay to stomp on his toes like a villain should. The referee is confused so Regal grabs the Shillelagh, only to have the Leprechaun slip in the boot. A shot to the head and a rollup (with feet on the ropes because of course) retains Finlay’s title.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t a classic but calling this boring is quite a bit too extreme. It was a different style and I can understand the fans not getting into it, but boring was too far. These two have probably had a match like this a hundred times (ok maybe minus the Leprechaun) and you could see how much fun they were having.

Post match the Leprechaun steals the title so Finlay has to kick him back underneath the ring.

Chavo Guerrero gives Rey Mysterio a pep talk and brings up Eddie Guerrero a few times. I think you know where this is going.

Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy

Non-title and Hardy is replacing Super Crazy, who was also enzymed (Crazy was never announced for the title match but they weren’t hiding it on Smackdown). Matt drives him into the corner and then armdrags him back out as the fans are behind Hardy here. There’s a headlock takeover to the mat but Helms is right back up, only to have Hardy strike the Hurricane pose. Helms gets sent outside and taken out for a dive, which is good for two back inside.

A quick neck snap across the top rope sets up a running neckbreaker for two on Hardy, followed by a regular neckbreaker for the same. The chinlock goes on but Hardy is back up, meaning Helms has to clothesline him right back down. Helms goes up to mock Matt’s yelling elbow, allowing Matt to punch him out of the air (I wonder what gave Matt the hint). Matt hits a Russian legsweep but takes too long loading up a superplex.

The delay lets Helms nail a super swinging neckbreaker for two, as Matt has to put his foot on the rope. Helms changes things up a bit with a double underhook on the mat with some knees to the face, but Matt fights up again with the Side Effect. There’s the running bulldog out of the corner for two but the Twist of Fate is countered into another hard takedown.

Helms’ running enziguri gets two so he takes Matt up top. The superplex is broken up though and Matt nails a moonsault press, followed by the top rope elbow to the head for his own two. With nothing else working, Matt hammers away in the corner but gets dropped face first onto the turnbuckle. Helms grabs the rollup with tights for the pin.

Rating: C+. This worked out well, which isn’t surprising given how well they know each other. Matt wasn’t the most logical replacement, but he’s a lot more interesting than Super Crazy or Psicosis. It would be nice to have had the title on the line, but it’s not like the thing has meant anything in….years really.

Khali is heading towards the ring and doesn’t want to hear from Daivari. Cue Undertaker to throw Daivari aside and go after Khali, only to have Big Show pop up to jump Undertaker. The beatdown is on until referees come in to get rid of the giants.

We recap Great Khali vs. Undertaker. Khali destroyed Undertaker at Judgment Day but now Undertaker is back to fight him in the huge rematch. We’ll throw it in the Punjabi Prison, which hasn’t actually been explained coming into the match. On the way here, Undertaker has had to deal with Big Show and Khali, who have beaten him up more than once.

Daivari, Big Show and Khali run into Teddy Long, who puts Show into the Punjabi Prison instead. Why? No reason given, meaning JBL’s rant about how unfair this is makes sense. And yes, Khali was enzymed as well.

Big Show vs. Undertaker

Non-title and inside the Punjabi Prison. The ring is surrounded by a bamboo cage, but then there is another around the ring to keep them locked up even more than usual. The inner cage has four doors which can be opened, but only for one minute each for the entire match. Once they are locked back, they cannot be opened again, though you can still climb over. There are spikes over the top of the outer wall to prevent anyone from escaping. However, you have to escape that one as well, with the first one escaping to the outside winning.

Show goes after him to start and pounds Undertaker down in the corner, meaning the TAKER chants start up in a hurry. Undertaker strikes away but gets knocked into the cage wall for his efforts. Show charges into a boot though and it’s time to start kicking away at the leg. That’s enough to let Undertaker climb but he gets cut off by the spikes. The delay lets Show catch him on top and drive him into the corner, followed by a hard running clothesline.

Back up and Undertaker sends him into the wall, setting up the running hip attack to knock Show into the cage again. Show grabs a chokeslam attempt, only to get DDTed down. Undertaker asks for the first door to be opened but Show beats him down until the clock runs out. With Undertaker down, Show pulls one of the straps off of the wall (because there are leather straps on the wall). Instead of using it though, Show pulls the turnbuckle pad off, allowing Undertaker to strike away.

The jumping clothesline drops Show and Old School connects, only to have Show knock him down again. The second door is opened, with Undertaker cutting Show off just like Show did to him. That’s enough for the clock to run out so Show hits Undertaker in the face to draw some blood. Show pounds away at the cut before going up, only to get caught with a low blow. The superplex brings Show back down and Undertaker is able to get through the third door.

That door closes so Show goes out of the fourth and catches Undertaker climbing the outer cage. For some reason JBL calls this Undertaker being done and seeing his legend end. I’d guess because he’s kind of into hyperbole. Show gets smart (oh dear) by throwing Undertaker back inside the inner cage before time expires. Undertaker is fine enough to climb the inner cage and step over to the outer one, making that whole RAZOR SHARP SPIKE deal seem pretty stupid.

Show pulls him back down, so Undertaker lays him out again and drops a leg. Now Show is busted open as well and appears to be near tears. Cue Daivari and Khali through the crowd as Undertaker climbs the inner structure and dives onto Show, sending them through the cage. Undertaker falls outside first and that’s enough for the win, meaning JBL suddenly remembers Undertaker is AWESOME.

Rating: D. They were held down by the last minute change here as this would have been better suited for Khali, but sweet goodness imagine how bad he would have been in this thing. The problem is that Undertaker and Big Show do not have the best matches under normal circumstances and this was a messy version of the cage match. I don’t dislike the idea, but they got too complicated for their own good here and it hurt things a lot. That and there is only so much you can do in a rather crazy match like this one.

Sharmell says Booker can become King of the World if he wins tonight. Booker’s accent gets stronger and stronger every week.

Kristal vs. Michelle McCool vs. Ashley vs. Jillian Hall

Bra and panties and the first woman to strip someone else wins. The double catfight is on to start with Jillian chasing Michelle around the ring. That leaves Kristal to take Ashley top off but Michelle comes in. Jillian jumps her but Kristal ties Jillian in the Tree of Woe. That lets Michelle rip the top off as JBL laughs at Cole for talking about the athletic ability. Ashley and Jillian rip the skirts off of Michelle and Kristal but Michelle has a second skirt on for protection. Jillian is back up and jiggles a lot before shoving Kristal’s face into her chest. With Jillian grabbing Kristal’s legs, Ashley rips Kristal’s top off for the win.

Rating: D. I think you get the idea here and they served their purpose well. There was almost nothing resembling wrestling in the whole thing and that is completely understandable. Watching this was a lot easier than watching them try to have a match, but it was pure eye candy and filler after the big match. Just more of the same from the Smackdown women.

Post match Ashley and Jillian de-pants each other. JBL: “WHERE’S THE HOT TUB??? SOMEBODY GET MISS TEXAS AND MY BLACK AMERICAN EXPRESS!”

Miz interviews Mr. Kennedy, who thinks it’s impressive that Batista is getting in the ring with him. Mark Henry didn’t get to beat Batista but Kennedy will. Miz loves the double “KENNEDY” line. It’s hard to fathom that Miz would blow away Kennedy’s accomplishments but that’s wrestling for you.

Batista vs. Mr. Kennedy

This was billed as a #1 contenders match on Smackdown but there is no mention of it here. Batista jumps him from behind so Kennedy pokes him in the eye to get away. That just makes Batista knock him to the floor, with Kennedy being busted open early off a ram into the steps. Some right hands don’t do much to Batista but his right hands send Kennedy (who is rather bloody) bailing.

The head fake doesn’t work though as Batista spears him down, only to have Kennedy get in another cheap shot. Some shots to the face and a clothesline put Batista down and there’s a running boot in the corner. Kennedy takes it outside for a ram into the steps and puts on an armbar back inside. Since it’s an armbar, Batista is right back up to send Kennedy shoulder first into the post. Batista chokes in the corner long enough for the DQ.

Rating: D+. They started well (that blood looked good) but then it turned into Kennedy having nothing to hang with Batista. This felt like the kind of match you put Batista in to make it clear that he was on the show and nothing more. The match didn’t make Batista look good and Kennedy was busted open and beaten down by the end, leaving this as just ok at best. That being said, it’s another case where they had no reason to be fighting so they did what they could here.

We recap King Booker vs. Rey Mysterio. Booker won the King of the Ring to gain the crown and went a bit nuts as a result. He has the King’s Court helping him though and won a battle royal to become #1 contender. Mysterio’s title reign is still a complete mess and it seems to be a matter of time before he finally drops the thing to anyone else. This gets the music video treatment.

Smackdown World Title: King Booker vs. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio is defending and Booker, with Sharmell, rides out on a throne. They take their sweet time with the entrances here and it feels like they’re filling in time. Cole calls Mysterio a great American and JBL is just done with him, going into a crazed rant about how horrible Mysterio is. Feeling out process to start with Booker kicking him down and unloading with chops in the corner. Rey is right back with a knockdown of his own and a running legdrop gets one.

Commentary is in an argument over socialism as Booker elbows him in the face and grabbing a hammerlock. A flying mare gets Rey out of trouble but Booker takes him back into the corner for some right hands. Booker misses a charge into the post though and the top rope seated senton to the floor puts him down. Back in and the springboard splash gets two on Booker, who is right back with a sidekick for a near fall of his own. Sharmell even gets in a rake to the eyes to keep Rey in trouble and Booker adds another kick to the face.

The armbar still doesn’t work though and Booker has to send him into the corner to cut off a comeback attempt. Booker goes evil with the Three Amigos but misses the ax kick. It’s too early for a 619 so Rey tries it again, only to be tripped by Sharmell. That’s enough for an ejection so Booker hits a clothesline for two. Booker goes to the middle rope to dive into the raised boots and they’re both down, with Booker holding his knee.

A pop up hurricanrana sets up the springboard spinning crossbody for two on Booker. Rey hits a DDT for the same but the referee gets bumped. The springboard seated senton sets up the 619 into the frog splash but there is no referee. Booker uses the chance to hit a blow blow and the Book End, allowing him to grab a chair. Rey dropkicks it into his face so here’s Chavo Guerrero with his own chair….to knock Mysterio silly. The referee is back in and Booker steals the title.

Rating: C+. It was a good midcard match but this didn’t feel like a World Title pay per view main event. That being said, there was zero reason to consider keeping the title on Mysterio at this point and Booker was the best choice to take the title. Granted I would hope that they could come up with something more interesting than Chavo Guerrero to get rid of him, but the ending was the right call.

A lot of ALL HAIL KING BOOKER’s and some tears take us out.

Overall Rating: C-. This show started off well and then collapsed in a hurry. As usual, it’s a brand exclusive B show so there is only so much that you can get out of the whole thing. Then when you factor in the amount of changes that had to be made due to the enzymes, the show was running with a big anchor. It could have been a lot worse, but thank goodness those early matches were as solid as they were or this could have been in serious trouble.



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