Daily News Update – April 21, 2022

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Cyber Sunday 2007

Dynamite – April 20, 2022

Possible Reason Bray Wyatt Has Not Come To AEW.


BREAKING: AEW Makes Major Announcement, Huge Show Coming Soon.


Former WWE Star Returns To Performance Center (With A Guest).


LISTEN: WWE Star Releases A New Song With A Specific Theme.


WWE Reportedly No Longer Testing For Marijuana.


How Vince McMahon Accidentally Kept A Legend Out Of The WWE Hall Of Fame.


Backstage News On What Led To Recent WWE Departure.


WATCH: Tag Team Drops Hints That They Are Leaving NXT.




As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Dynamite – April 20, 2022: The Kind Of Show You Need Sometimes

Date: April 20, 2022
Location: Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

Battle Of The Belts has come and gone and now we should be on the way to Double Or Nothing in May. That means it should be time to start getting ready for the bigger pushes as the card hasn’t been set up so far. CM Punk gets to face Dustin Rhodes tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dustin Rhodes vs. CM Punk

They shake hands to start and it’s a feeling out process to get things going. The fans are split as they go technical, with a headlock not getting either of them very far. Punk takes him to the mat and cranks on the leg a bit but Dustin is right back up with a wristlock. Some armdrags into an armbar slow Punk down but he sends Rhodes outside, where the knee is banged up. Back in and Punk stays on the leg with some elbows and kicks as we take a break.

We come back with Rhodes sending him outside and hitting some clotheslines. Nine right hands in the corner set up a double middle finger and the tenth punch, but Rhodes’ knee gives out as he comes back down. Punk misses the running knee in the corner though and Rhodes hits a Code Red for two. Back up and Punk goes to the knee again, setting up a Figure Four.

Some slaps get Rhodes out of trouble though and he turns the hold over to send Punk to the ropes for the break. Punk’s springboard clothesline is punched out of the air and the Cross Rhodes drops Punk again. A piledriver gives Rhodes two and they’re both down again. Back up and Rhodes hits some Flip, Flop and Fly but Punk kicks him in the head. The GTS is loaded up but Punk can’t lift him off the shoulders, instead going with a cradle for the pin at 17:24.

Rating: B. You could hear JR’s interest in a wrestling match here and that is a good thing. This didn’t have anything over the top or gimmicky and that is something that will always work. I don’t think there was any serious drama about Punk losing, but they told a story and had a perfectly enjoyable match as a result. Solid stuff here, which shouldn’t be a surprise. I don’t care about Dustin that much, but you have to respect what he is doing almost 34 years after debuting.

Post match Punk goes to leave as Hangman Page arrives, meaning a staredown ensues.

Wardlow arrived earlier today when Mark Sterling and some security met him at the door. Said security is going to escort him to the closet, the ring, and then back to the closet. Oh and he has to be handcuffed until his match start. Finally, MJF has left a message for him, calling him a pig. Wardlow: “Oink oink b****.”

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Brock Anderson/Dante Martin/Lee Moriarty

William Regal does some singing on commentary as Wheeler stomps away to start. We settle down to Martin getting up onto the top to avoid Danielson’s running knee in the corner. Some dropkicks stagger the Club and Anderson comes in with a clothesline to Moxley. A half and half suplex drops Anderson though and we take a break.

Back with Danielson and Moriarty exchanging chops until a quick suplex gives Moriarty two. The Border City Stretch has Danielson in trouble but he slips out and brings Martin back in to start the house cleaning. The Nose Dive takes a second too long due to a slip and Moxley pulls him into a choke. Moriarty kicks Moxley in the back for…well nothing actually, as Moxley says kick him again. The Club all strike away at the same time (cool visual) until the Paradigm Shift finishes Martin at 8:07.

Rating: C+. The Club dominated here and that is a fine way to go, as it isn’t like their opponents had much to lose. The visual of the Club beating on the other three at the same time was great and it showed you just how good they are at the same time. Other than that, this was your old school Saturday Night/Worldwide main event, with some bigger names beating up some people who are just a step above being squashed.

The Undisputed Elite talk about their recent losses and want to right the ship. Adam Cole likes the idea so next week it’s an open challenge ten man tag. Cole has to go take care of something though and leaves the other four there.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh. Joe is promising violence.

Tony Khan is here to announce the big announcement. He brings out the New Japan Pro Wrestling President but Adam Cole pops up on screen to announce that Forbidden Door, a New Japan/AEW supershow, will take place in Chicago on June 26. This Friday you’ll get a special preview with Cole vs. Tomohiro Ishii, but for now, Cole’s friend has something to say. Cue Jay White to say that the last time New Japan did something like this, he single handedly sold out Madison Square Garden. This is about the Undisputed Elite and Bullet Club because it’s still their era.

Jade Cargill and some of her Baddies (with popcorn) aren’t impressed by Marina Shafir, as Cargill is ready to be the Problem Solver to the Problem.

Butcher vs. Wardlow

Before the match, MJF and Shawn Spears (also eating popcorn, which he throws to the crowd) are in a sky box to insult the crowd and bring out Wardlow (still cuffed), sans music or pyro. The cuffs come off and they collide in the middle before trading shots to the face. Butcher bites his head and they head outside, where Wardlow won’t let him grab a chair. Instead Wardlow gets his back driven into the apron and they head back inside where Butcher hits his own powerbomb for one. That fires Wardlow up though and a four movement Powerbomb Symphony finishes Butcher at 4:14.

Rating: C+. That’s how it should have gone, as Wardlow hung in there and took everything a monster threw at him before winning in the end. It is another step towards Wardlow getting his hands on MJF as another hurdle is cleared, likely on the way to Double Or Nothing. Pretty good hoss fight here, but this was about having two bulls beat each other up and they did it like they should have.

Post match Wardlow is cuffed again and taken out.

Eddie Kingston wants to face Daniel Garcia with all of their friends out of the building. Everything he is going to do to Garcia is going to happen to Chris Jericho too, so be ready.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jungle Boy

They go technical to start and head to the mat with O’Reilly holding him down by the hands. Back up and a springboard wristdrag takes Jungle Boy down into the corner but he comes back with some strikes to the face. O’Reilly knees him in the face and rolls his butterfly suplexes into a swinging faceplant.

We take a break and come back with Jungle Boy kicking his way out of the corner. Some running forearms are cut off with a kick to the leg but Jungle Boy hits a springboard tornado DDT. A front chancery goes on but O’Reilly hits a suplex, only to get clotheslined down hard. O’Reilly’s charge into the corner is countered into an overhead belly to belly suplex and Jungle Boy unloads with right hands in the corner.

Some stomping in the Tree of Woe has O’Reilly down even more and there’s a sliding basement dropkick. They miss some kicks to the chest until Jungle Boy rolls him up for two. The kickout lets O’Reilly grab an ankle lock but Jungle Boy reverses into the Snare Trap, with O’Reilly having to crawl to the rope. O’Reilly is good enough to catch Jungle Boy on top and it’s a superplex into a brainbuster to plant Jungle Boy again. The top rope knee to the back gives O’Reilly the pin at 12:53.

Rating: B-. This went longer than I expected and the ending was a bit of a surprise. I would have bet on the Undisputed Elite continuing its slide but Jungle Boy got beat clean. It’s not a terrible thing to have a tag team wrestler lose to someone with a lot more singles success, but I’m curious to see where this goes. Good action here though, as they allowed talented wrestlers to take their time and do something.

Post match a somewhat disappointed Christian Cage comes out to walk Jungle Boy to the back.

MJF doesn’t want to hear about Butcher losing because he has another plan. He hands Jake Roberts an envelope full of money as he seems to have rented Lance Archer. Roberts goes into a weird rant about how Wardlow needs to lie like he did when he was a kid, but Archer just wants to beat up Wardlow.

Hook vs. Anthony Henry

The fans like Hook, who starts fast with the release northern lights suplex. A running clothesline to the back of the head sets up some crossface shots but here is Danhausen to curse Hook again. It matters not as Hook Redrums Henry for the tap at 1:19. Simple and to the point again.

Post match Danhausen gets in the ring because he has had it with Hook embarrassing him. If Hook doesn’t want to be cursed by Danhausen, Hook will FIGHT DANHAUSEN! A poke to the chest annoys Hook, who walks past Danhausen without hurting him.

Frankie Kazarian wants to challenge Sammy Guevara but Scorpio Sky comes in. Sky thanks Kazarian for helping him get this far and now he needs one more favor: let Sky face Guevara first. Kazarian says he has always had Sky’s back and he always will, so the deal seems to be made. Sky coming in to surprise Kazarian would have been more impactful if Excalibur hadn’t said we were going to the back to Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky.

Thunder Rosa wants the most experienced and best challengers she can find. Now it is time to go double or nothing.

Here are Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti for a chat. Sammy thanks the fans for their support but not the ones who turned their backs on them in the first. Are they mad because his girlfriend is hotter than theirs? Those fans’ only option is to, said together, BE MAD. Cue the Men of the Year, with Ethan Page going on a rant about how Dan Lambert isn’t allowing the two of them to come to the ring and beat him into a bloody pulp.

Lambert talks about how youth is wasted on the young like Guevara. Now give Sky the rematch he wants or Page and Sky will come to the ring and give Sammy the pounding Conti dreams about. Guevara agrees to the match if they can have the mixed tag match they want (opponents not specified). Sky vs. Guevara is on next week….and it’s a ladder match, because we have gone a few weeks since the last one.

The House of Black says people have flown too close to the sun so next week, the sun dies.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Danielle Kamela vs. Britt Baker

Baker comes out with some Pittsburgh Steelers to make JR happy and Kamela is better known as Vanessa Borne from NXT. Baker takes her to the mat to start and seems rather pleased as we take an early break. Back with Kamela waving the Terrible Towel, which doesn’t sit well with Baker. Kamela gets hammered down and it’s a Stomp into the Lockjaw, complete with a Pittsburgh Steelers glove, to give Baker the win at 6:13.

Rating: C. This was about getting Baker out there in front of the Pittsburgh crowd, who loved every single thing she did. They didn’t bother trying to make her anything resembling a villain as there wouldn’t have been a point. What we got was a squash (which didn’t need the break) and Baker looking like a killer on her way into a likely deep run in the tournament.

Post match Baker grabs the mic and runs down the rest of the women’s division, especially Toni Storm and Jade Cargill. As for the Baddies, sit down because she is the baddest b**** on the block and will be winning this tournament. Baker had the crowd in her hand and she knew it.

Video on Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb, which will be taking place in a street fight next week.

Excalibur shows amazing lung capacity by running down upcoming matches, including FTR exploding in an Owen Hart Foundation qualifying match.

Andrade El Idolo vs. Darby Allin

Coffin match and the AFO is here with Andrade. The numbers game doesn’t take long to stat as Allin gets stomped down but he manages some skateboard shots. Andrade hits him in the back with the skateboard though and they fight into the crowd. Marq Quen rips up a Sting sign….which is held by a disguised Sting, who helps beat up the rest of the AFO. Good thing they came into that part of the crowd and Quen went after him, or Allin would have been kind of screwed.

They go into the balcony where Sting gets chaired in the back, only to pop up and dive off the balcony onto a pile of people. We take a break and come back with Allin getting suplexed on the floor before being knocked into the open casket. That means we get to see the thumbtacks under the lid (because of course) with Allin sacrificing his own arm to avoid being closed in.

Andrade powers him up with a suplex onto the ramp and looks down at a metal grate. That means a toss suplex onto the grate and Andrade takes him back to the ring, where the referee tells them 90 seconds. Allin manages a flipping Stunner to send Andrade throat first onto the top, setting up a suicide elbow to drive them both into the coffin. The tacked lid is slammed onto Andrade but here is Jose to stop the lid from being closed. Jose gets backdropped onto the lid and another slam of said lid onto Andrade is enough to give Allin the win at 12:17.

Rating: B-. There was a lot going on here and some of it probably could have been cut out to let things flow a bit better. That being said, I’ll take Allin winning the feud, hopefully once and for all, as this has gone on long enough. Allin needed a win after not doing much in recent weeks, though I have no idea where he goes from here. Maybe the Owen Hart Tournament, but is that all that interesting for him?

Sting comes out to celebrate and the Hardys appear to do the DELETE pose on the stage to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Solid enough show here and they’re making me wonder where some of these things are going. Teasing Hangman vs. Punk instantly makes things more interesting, though I’m going to need a lot from Hangman to make me buy into the whole thing. Other than that, you had had some good action here, even if this felt more like the show that sets up the bigger shows. You need those every now and then though and it worked well this week.

CM Punk b. Dustin Rhodes – Rollup
Blackpool Combat Club b. Lee Moriarty/Dante Martin/Brock Anderson – Paradigm Shift to Martin
Wardlow b. Butcher – Powerbomb Symphony
Kyle O’Reilly b. Jungle Boy – Top rope knee to the back
Hook b. Anthony Henry – Redrum
Britt Baker b. Danielle Kamela – Lockjaw
Darby Allin b. Andrade El Idolo – Allin shut El Idolo in the coffin




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Cyber Sunday 2007: The Very Gimmick Show

Cyber Sunday 2007
Date: October 28, 2007
Location: Verizon Center, Washington DC
Attendance: 10,094
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Tazz, Joey Styles

This show can’t come fast enough, as the build hasn’t exactly been great. The good thing is there are enough interesting matches on the show and some of the stipulations could work out. The voting is enough of a hook to make the show, which includes Randy Orton defending the Raw World Title against someone and Batista vs. Undertaker with a referee to be determined, work. Let’s get to it.

The opening video has an election theme, as the wrestlers have been trying to gain the fans’ votes. Giving the fans a direct say is always a good idea.

Rey Mysterio vs. Finlay

Stretcher Match – 40%
No Disqualification Match – 36%
Shillelagh On A Pole Match – 24%

There is a stretcher at ringside and you have to put your opponent on it and move over a line. Finlay starts fast by getting Rey into the corner and sending him shoulder first into the post. A toss sends Rey under the ropes and onto the stretcher before Finlay drops him ribs first onto it again. It’s way too early to send Rey over the line though so he heads back inside for a change.

A headscissors takes Finlay down and a basement dropkick staggers him again, meaning it’s time to go outside again. Finlay fights off of the stretcher though and kicks Rey in the chest…before going up the pole that has the Shillelagh in case the other stipulation was picked. Rey powerbombs him out of the corner and grabs the Shillelagh himself but Finlay takes it away and starts going after Rey’s knee.

Finlay rams the stretcher into Rey, who manages a 619 on the apron to send Finlay onto the stretcher. A splash is almost enough to get him over the line but the stretcher gets caught on a TV cord. With that out of the way, a flapjack onto the stretcher is enough to give Rey the win.

Rating: C+. The stretcher was a bit of a weird way to go but it was a unique enough of a way to go. These two have had a nice feud over the last few weeks and Mysterio gets a win to keep him in the thing. Finlay continues to be a perfectly solid midcard villain and he should be able to keep things going for a pretty long while to come.

Matt Hardy vs. MVP is off the card because Matt busted his head WAY open on Smackdown. He looks like he was in a car crash as MVP comes in to offer condolences. Matt says that MVP gets to face someone the fans pick for the US Title, with the options being Mark Henry, Great Khali or Kane. MVP’s panicked face is great as he’s off to talk to Vickie Guerrero about this.

JBL begs fans to vote for him to referee the main event.

We see the Divas in their Halloween costumes, including

Maria (cat)
Victoria (sumo wrestler, with Kenny Dykstra as Mr. Fuji, setting up the Ron Simmons cameo)

More on this later I’m assuming.

ECW World Title: CM Punk vs. ???

The Miz – 39%
John Morrison – 33%
Big Daddy V – 28%

That’s about as expected, as ECW had been pushing Miz as the challenger and he’s a fresh match. Punk takes him down with a front facelock to start before taking him down into a headlock. Miz reverses into a headscissors and they get up to their feet for a slugout. There’s a slingshot suplex to give Punk two but Miz gets in a few shots of his own. Punk catches him on top, only to get pulled down for a crash.

The running corner clothesline gets two and Miz grabs a cravate. The fans tell Miz that he can’t wrestle and Punk comes back with a suplex for two. Miz is right back with a neck snap across the top and we hit the chinlock. With that not working, Miz goes up but Punk runs the corner for a super armdrag. The springboard clothesline gives Punk two and, after avoiding a running knee, he hits the GTS to retain the title.

Rating: C. I like Miz getting the shot but this was a TV match and nothing more. Miz isn’t ready to take the title but it is a nice way for him to get his feet wet on a higher stage. He has done well so far and getting a pay per view title match of his own shows you what he might be capable of doing. Punk needs some bigger challengers soon though, and this was another stop gap.

More costumes!

Mickie James (Native American)
Torrie Wilson (Washington football player)

We recap the Raw World Title situation. Randy Orton is the champion but needs a challenger. The options include Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy and Shawn Michaels and here are the results:

Shawn Michaels – 59%
Jeff Hardy – 31%
Mr. Kennedy – 10%

Therefore, we need a bonus match.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy

Non-title. Feeling out process to start with Kennedy driving him into the corner but Hardy walks the corner with a headlock takeover. That’s reversed into one from Kennedy but Hardy sends him outside and hits the big dive off the top. Back in and Hardy rains down right hands in the corner but Kennedy knocks him outside. A running boot to the head gets two on Hardy on the way back in and we hit the neck crank.

There’s a DDT for two on Hardy and we hit the chinlock. With that let go, Kennedy goes up top but gets super hurricanranaed back down. Jeff hits a heck of a clothesline into the Sling Blade for two. The Whisper in the Wind gets the same but the slingshot kick in the corner misses and Kennedy steals the pin.

Rating: C+. That was a rather weird ending as Kennedy pinned him clean off the miss and Hardy wasn’t even close to kickout out. If they were working a fake injury there, Hardy sold it very well as he looked a bit stunned when he hit the mat. The match felt like it could have been on any given Raw, though it worked out pretty well as a bonus match, odd ending aside.

Michael Cole votes for Kane to face MVP.

More Halloween costumes, with Michelle McCool as Eve from the Garden of Eden and Melina as a Las Vegas showgirl.

Mick Foley is in the back to talk about possibly being the guest referee tonight but JBL cuts him off. JBL goes on a rant about how Foley is just here to sell some book so we see a very pro-JBL/anti-Austin/Foley campaign style video. After the video, Foley says it’s interesting that he is between Fatheads (big wall decorations) of Batista and Undertaker when JBL is the biggest fathead around. Foley has been a referee before and he can do it again.

US Title: MVP vs. ???

Kane – 67%
Great Khali – 24%
Mark Henry – 9%

Kane is challenging and that is a pretty definitive pick. MVP bails to the floor to start and asks for an early time out. Back in and MVP slugs away but gets dropped with a single shot to the face. A big boot into the side slam gives Kane two but MVP goes after Kane’s bad ribs to take over.

Some stomping to the ribs set up the running boot in the corner for two and we hit the abdominal stretch on the mat. Kane fights up and goes after MVP’s ribs for a change, including standing on them in the corner. A backbreaker sets up a quickly released abdominal stretch on MVP before Kane bends the ribs around the post. That’s enough for MVP who takes the countout to retain.

Rating: C-. Speaking of TV matches, they didn’t even have a good one here, as Kane mauled him for the most part and then won via countout, likely setting up a rematch. This was also rather short, with the two of them not having time to get very far. MVP escapes to continue holding both titles though and that is the right way to go in the long term.


Back to the Halloween costumes, with Layla as a cop and Kelly Kelly as a gangsta (her term).

Randy Orton says be careful what you wish for. He sends us to a recap video of the bad things he has done to Shawn Michaels, including putting him on the shelf.

Raw World Title: Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels

Orton is defending and we get started after some fairly lengthy referee’s directions. Shawn starts fast with a knee to the ribs and some chops to send Orton to the floor. That means a slingshot flip dive to drop Orton again and they head back inside to slug it out. Orton takes him down and grabs a front facelock but gets sent shoulder first into the post to break that up.

That means it’s time to start going after Orton’s arm, including a short armscissors. With that broken up, Shawn goes to the headlock with the arm trapped but Orton fights up and drops him onto the barricade. Back in and Orton hits the dropkick, setting up the rear naked choke.

With that broken up, Michaels reverses a belly to back suplex into a crossbody for two. The backbreaker gives Orton two more though and Shawn is down again. The superplex is broken up with some right hands and Shawn…misses the top rope elbow. Since it’s Shawn, he chops his way out of trouble and hits the running forearm into the nip up. Now the top rope elbow can connect but Shawn’s superkick is cut off by a low blow for the DQ

Rating: B-. While a better match, this was rather similar to MVP vs. Kane, as it felt designed to set up something else down the line. Orton wasn’t about to lose the title so soon but they also didn’t want to have Shawn lost on his first pay per view match back. That left this as about the only choice and it came off well, as the two of them are talented enough to make anything work in any situation.

Post match Orton loads up the Punk but Shawn is back up with the superkick to leave Orton laying (after a great sell as he staggers a bit and then collapses).

Back to the costumes, with Brooke as a jungle girl and Jillian Hall as Brittney Spears.

We recap HHH vs. Umaga, with Umaga serving as HHH has been mocking Vince McMahon over being Hornswoggle’s father. Therefore it is time for some violence, with the fans getting to pick the stipulation. This time though, there are three viable options and it could go any way.

HHH vs. Umaga

Street Fight – 57%
Steel Cage – 26%
First Blood – 17%

I’m a bit surprised it’s that one sided. HHH goes straight for him in the aisle and they fight on the keyboard set. The Samoan drop is escaped so HHH spears him through part of the set. They fight into the crowd with HHH being knocked down the steps but being able to backdrop Umaga over the barricade.

Some right hands inside stagger Umaga and a trashcan shot to the head gives HHH two. Now the Samoan drop can connect and Umaga starts in on the ribs. It’s back to the floor with HHH being sent into the steps, setting up the bearhug back inside. With that not working, Umaga hits the running hip attack in the corner for two so the referee gets scared out to the floor.

Umaga grabs a chair but HHH uses it to hit him low. A DDT onto the chair gives HHH two but Umaga plants him with the swinging Rock Bottom. Umaga starts loading up a bunch of announcers’ tables but HHH knocks him over them to get the brawling going again. That means HHH is laid out on the table for a running splash from one table and through another. The top rope splash misses back inside though and HHH grabs the sledgehammer. After ducking the Samoan Spike, the sledgehammer to the head sets up the Pedigree to finish Umaga.

Rating: B. Match of the night here so far, as HHH got to slay the dragon, albeit after the dragon put up a heck of a fight. That is where Umaga plays a rather important role, as he is able to do this against almost anyone. The fact that he is in there against HHH makes it better, as he certainly knows how to do this kind of thing. Odds are they probably did this at a few dozen house shows so they had the practice down too. Good fight.

Halloween costume results! JR: “Let’s just cancel the whole thing.”

Mickie James – 21%
Kelly Kelly – 17%
Torrie Wilson – 15%
Melina – 12%
Maria – 12%
Layla – 7%
Jillian Hall – 5%
Victoria – 4%
Brooke – 4%
Michelle McCool – 3%

We recap Batista vs. Undertaker, which is one of the bigger and better feuds in recent years. They have gone back and forth over a good chunk of the year (without Batista actually being able to beat him) and now it is time for their latest round. That means it’s time for a special guest referee….but first we need to hear about 13 million people voting. We also need to hear from JBL, who knows everyone has voted for him. Cue Mick Foley for the results:

Steve Austin – 79%
Mick Foley – 11%
John Bradshaw Layfield – 10%

JBL and Foley get in a brawl but here’s Austin too. JBL beats Austin down in the corner but the Clothesline From JBL is cut off with the Stunner and does his posing so we can get it out of the fans’ systems.

Smackdown World Title: Batista vs. Undertaker

Undertaker is challenging and Steve Austin is guest referee. Batista misses the spear at the bell so he tries a headlock, which is broken up in a hurry. Another headlock is countered into a big boot to give Undertaker two and he sends Batista’s arm into the buckle. Batista fights back and hits a few shoulders to the ribs in the corner. That’s broken up and Undertaker grabs a triangle choke before taking him to the apron for the big boot to the side of the head.

The arm is wrapped around the top rope again but Undertaker misses a running big boot to put him down again. They head outside with Undertaker being sent into various hard objects, only to come back with his jumping clothesline. Old School is broken up and Undertaker misses another running boot in the corner, sending him crashing to the floor. Back in and Undertaker drops onto Undertaker’s back a few times for two and they’re already on the outside again.

The apron legdrop has Batista in more trouble and Snake Eyes makes it worse. The big boot is cut off with Batista’s big clothesline for two as this is all high impact so far. Undertaker drives him into the corner to break up the Batista Bomb though and the bad arm is sent into the post. Batista manages a spinebuster for a delayed two but Undertaker pulls him into the triangle choke.

In a smart move, Batista stacks him up for two and Undertaker has to let go. The chokeslam gives Undertaker two but the Tombstone is escaped, allowing Batista to hit a spear for two of his own. Batista hammers away but gets caught in the Last Ride for another close two. Another spinebuster gives Batista another two..,and Undertaker sits up, scaring the heck out of Batista. The Batista Bomb is only good for two and Batista is shocked all over again. One more Batista Bomb finally puts Undertaker away to retain the title.

Rating: B. This is another one of those pairings that is going to work no matter what. Batista finally gets to beat Undertaker and that is what he needed to do at some point, especially if they are going to fight again someday. They followed their standard formula here of letting both guys beat each other up for a long time and it still works. Austin was a complete non-factor here, which was rather nice for a change.

Overall Rating: B+. Despite a not great build with the campaigning stuff, this was a pretty sweet show with one good match after another. There might not be a classic on the card but having a string of pay per view quality stuff mixed in with some solid TV level matches made for a good three hours. They got this right, though it is something that could only work once a year or so.




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Daily News Update – April 20, 2022

Make sure you check out a recent review.

NXT – April 19, 2022



You Won’t Be Seeing Two NXT Wrestlers For Very Different Reasons.


Back Again: WWE Wants To Bring Back Two AEW Stars.


Another AEW Name Announces Departure From The Company.


WWE Changes Two More Names By Getting Rid Of A Tag Team’s Identity.


Steve Austin On Another WrestleMania Appearance, His Health After His Match.


That Looks Rough: Possible Injury For NXT Star.


Possible Explanation For Why A Monday Night Raw Team Split.


All Time Wrestling Great Reportedly Dealing With Health Issues.




As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

NXT – April 19, 2022: A Big Step Back

Date: April 19, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

Things are both picking up and being let down around here. While Pretty Deadly and some other imports are a nice upgrade, the NXT Title picture is leaning more into B movie territory as Joe Gacy becomes more of a Bond villain parody. Hopefully the things in the middle can make it better so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Pretty Deadly winning the Tag Team Titles and Joe Gacy telling Bron Brakker he needs to make a sacrifice.

Here is Pretty Deadly for a chat. They have dominated England and decided it was time to come to America and dominate here as well. And it wasn’t even that hard! Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans (with the graphic ignoring their first names, which has me worried). Drake says Pretty Deadly wouldn’t have won had they been here and it is time for the Veterans to win the titles. Cue Legado del Fantasma to brawl with the Veterans though and all four of them go to the back.

As the brawl is on, cue Bron Breakker through the crowd to tell Joe Gacy to get out here right now and see what he is willing to sacrifice. A recording of Gacy pops up on screen, saying he isn’t hard to find and all Breakker has to do is come fine him. Breakker goes off in search.

Over the weekend, Carmelo Hayes promised to get the North American Title back.

Santos Escobar laughed at Hayes, saying his place is in the back of the line.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes laugh off what Escobar says and a match is ready for this week.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Sarray

Stratton’s theme song is now about being Daddy’s Little Rich Girl. They go toe to toe to start with Sarray taking her down and into a Muta Lock, sending Stratton straight to the rope. Stratton avoids the running dropkick and hits a hip attack, setting up the chinlock. That’s broken up and Sarray hits a German suplex into a middle rope double stomp. The Sunray dropkick sends Stratton outside so Sarray sends her inside for another German suplex. That’s broken up with a clash of heads though and the corkscrew Vader Bomb finishes for Stratton at 4:20.

Rating: C. The more I see Stratton in the ring, the more I like her. She isn’t going to be the next star but she is seeming more and more confident out there. The gymnastics background helps a lot and she is rather athletic. Give her something with a bit more to it than the Daddy’s Little Rich Girl deal and she could go somewhere. Sarray….I’m not sure even NXT sees it anymore.

Bron Breakker is looking for Joe Gacy but hears his dad’s voice saying “BRONSON (Breakker’s real first name) UP HERE”! Breakker finds the cage his dad was trapped in but it’s just a recording of Gacy and Harland torturing Rick Steiner two weeks ago. The hunt continues.

Pretty Deadly runs into Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta backstage and the women would like a match. Things get rather suggestive, but it turns out that the match is for Dexter Lumis/Duke Hudson, which has Pretty Deadly running off. This is up there with the worst things on NXT at the moment.

Grayson Waller blames Sanga for not winning the North American Title because Sanga screwed up the perfect plan. Andre Chase/Bodie Hayward come in to say this is teachable moment and brings up Ben Franklin, which has Waller asking who Franklin ever beat. Cue Sanga to chase Waller to the ring for their scheduled match.

Sanga vs. Grayson Waller

Waller’s shot to the back earns him a toss across the ring and there’s another to bring him back out of the corner. Sanga does it over and over until Waller just grabs the rope to save himself. That doesn’t work for Sanga, who drops an elbow on the back for two. Waller bails to the floor and has to escape a chokeslam. He goes up the aisle but runs back in for the running Stunner and the pin at 3:25.

Rating: C-. Good. NXT (and WWE as a whole) has WAY too many intimidating looking monsters and doesn’t need another one being built up with almost no chance of going anywhere. Waller is much closer to being a star and giving him a win over another lumbering monster is a good idea. Not a great match, but the result was a sigh of relief.

Video on Cora Jade meeting Natalya last week and getting beaten up. Now Jade wants to take Natalya out.

Roxanne Perez (Rok-C) talks about growing up as a gamer and being told that her character would be the closest thing she would come to making it in WWE. Now she is making her debut next week to make everything real.

Perez is ready for next week but Toxic Attraction comes in to say the butterflies you feel around them are real. Just don’t set your bar too high because you’ll never make it. Perez doesn’t seem impressed so Toxic Attraction thinks we should make the debut tonight instead. Perez says she can figure something out.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

The Veterans do seem to have lost their first names as Legado hits a flip dive to take them out before the bell. Back in and Gibson fights out of the Legado corner, allowing Drake to hit an enziguri. Wilde fights out of the corner and brings del Toro in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Gibson gets caught with the tornado DDT, setting up the big boot/Russian legsweep combination to finish Drake at 3:56.

Rating: C+. This was fun while it lasted, much like calling the team the Grizzled Young Veterans as the name change curse strikes again. Other than that we had a fast paced match between two teams who can work that style well enough. Neither has any real chance of getting near the titles soon, but that’s NXT/WWE for you.

Wes Lee is feeling lost since everything happened but Xyon Quinn comes in to say he needs to teach Lee a lesson. Lee knows he belongs in the ring and maybe that can bring some peace to the chaos. Thank goodness this isn’t a Jaxson Ryker situation where Lee is getting punished because someone else did something stupid.

Santos Escobar vs Carmelo Hayes

Trick Williams is here too. They start fast with Hayes sending him into the corner but Escobar comes back with a missile dropkick. The distraction lets Hayes hit a quick clothesline and the confidence starts going. Hayes slips a bit but is fine enough to kick Escobar in the face. A neckbreaker connects and we take a break with Escobar in trouble.

Back with Hayes working on the leg and grabbing a half crab, despite his own back being banged up. Escobar fights up and takes him down for two more as Hayes’ back is in trouble. That means a delayed vertical suplex drops Hayes onto his back to leave both of them laying again.

Hayes can’t hit something out of the corner so Escobar unloads with right hands. That earns him a face first drop onto the top turnbuckle and Escobar runs him over a few times. Escobar hits a big dive to the floor but here are Tony D’Angelo’s goons to take out Escobar’s knee. The top rope ax kick gives Hayes the pin at 13:41.

Rating: B-. They were starting to roll until the ending when the over the top stuff brought it back down. Escobar might be a bit too old for WWE’s tastes but he can still get out there and work well with anyone. Hayes continues to be one of the smoothest stars in NXT and I could go for seeing more of him near the top of the card soon. Would Hayes vs. Breakker wound Summerslam weekend be that insane?

Post match Hayes challenges Cameron Grimes for the title at Spring Break In in two weeks. Grimes comes out to say it’s on but here is Solo Sikoa to jump Hayes and Williams from behind. Sikoa says he has next and walks off, with Grimes not saying no.

Bron Breakker gets out of an elevator and continues looking for Joe Gacy, seemingly finding the evil headquarters. Gacy pops up in a mirror but when he turns around, there is no Gacy anywhere. Breakker breaks the mirror and screams WHERE ARE YOU, because somehow they have dragged BRON BREAKKER into this dumb horror movie storytelling garbage that they just love to do.

Diamond Mine is happy that Ivy Nile is over in NXT UK because she can dominate. Roderick Strong talks about how the team has struggled in the last few months. Strong is ready to start making examples out of people and if they don’t agree, they’re enemies of Diamond Mine.

Natalya vs. Tatum Paxley

Natalya shoves her down to start and then grabs a headlock takeover. Paxley comes back with the wristlock but Natalya reverses into one of her own and flips her over into an armbar. Back up and Paxley sends her outside, where Natalya grabs a suplex to take over. Paxley fights back inside and grabs a suplex of her own but Natalya runs her over again. The Sharpshooter finishes Paxley at 4:55.

Rating: C. This was just a step above a squash to establish Natalya as being a thing in NXT. You know what you’re getting with her and she is going to be one of the better stars as long as she is here. Then you have Paxley, who has barely been wrestling for a few months now and was fine enough. This could have been a lot worse for her so there is definitely potential there.

Tony D’Angelo had nothing to do with Santos Escobar being attacked earlier but does find Legado del Fantasma’s car.

Nathan Frazer is coming.

Duke Hudson doesn’t want to dress like Dexter Lumis but does try talking strategy with him. The problem is Lumis doesn’t flinch no matter what Hudson says, though Indi Hartwell says it’s written all over his face. Just try and speak his language. This results in Hudson mugging in Lumis’ face but Hartwell says Hudson isn’t saying anything. Persia Pirotta is confused too.

Xyon Quinn vs. Wes Lee

Quinn gets knocked to the floor to start but drops Lee onto the apron for an early two. An elbow to the face puts Lee down but he manages a small package for two. A superkick rocks Quinn and Lee strikes him down but a slip lets Quinn get in a shot of his own. The running fist finishes Lee at 3:30.

Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one and it seems that Lee is going to be little more than a jobber for the time being (and probably the rest of his time around here). I’m higher on Quinn more than most people but he does seem fairly limited in the ring so far. The good thing for him is that his look is going to carry him for a long time and maybe he can improve along the way.

Natalya is sick of people coming to the main roster to go after her so she came here instead. Nikkita Lyons pops up to put Natalya on notice and is coming for her after she gets rid of Lash Legend. Natalya threatens her with the Sharpshooter but Lyons says she’s flexible.

We look at Ikemen Jiro being tossed into the crowd by Von Wagner. Jiro is out for about a month due to injuries and Wagner has been fined/suspended.

Roxanne Perez vs. Jacy Jayne

The rest of Toxic Attraction is here too. Perez grabs a rollup for two and Jane does the same to even things up. They trade more cradles for two each before Perez snaps off some armdrags. Jayne sends her into the corner and hits a superkick but Wendy Choo pops up on screen. She has, ahem, remodeled the Toxic Attraction lounge, allowing Perez to hit the Code Red for the pin at 2:14. Vic Joseph: “ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED FOR ROXANNE PEREZ!” Nice debut for Perez and they got her in and out fast.

Legado del Fantasma finds a boot on their car and a dead fish on the hood.

Joe Gacy is watching Bron Breakker and says it’s time to end this. How in the world did he get access to that much surveillance equipment?

Tag Team Titles: Pretty Deadly vs. Dexter Lumis/Duke Hudson

Pretty Deadly is defending and take over on Lumis to start. An atomic drop has Prince in trouble so it’s Hudson coming in as the fans keep chanting for Lumis. That doesn’t last long as Pretty Deadly goes to the floor to put their arms around Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell, earning themselves a double beating. Hudson and Lumis hit a double suplex and the champs are in trouble as we take a break.

Back with Lumis still in control but Wilson pulls Prince out of the way of a corner charge. The chinlock goes on but Lumis fights up and brings Hudson back in to clean house. Prince grabs a quick two and they collide to put himself and Hudson down. Lumis gets knocked off the apron but Hudson grabs a powerslam for two. Back up and a Wilson distraction lets Prince hit a running boot for the pin at 11:45.

Rating: C+. I don’t think there was ton of drama on the ending and thank goodness for that. Pretty Deadly might not be the greatest team in the world and they certainly aren’t reinventing the wheel, but I’ll take them over wacky tag partners who happen to work well together. The Creed Brothers seem destined to take the titles from Pretty Deadly, so maybe that is where we are headed soon enough.

Joe Gacy pops up on the platform and says he’s right here because he isn’t a hard man to find. Cue Bron Breakker to go up to Gacy, who has the Hall of Fame ring. Breakker can have the ring back in exchange for a title match in two weeks. Deal, so Gacy puts the ring in Breakker’s pocket. Then Gacy shoves Breakker off the platform, because Breakker not only stood there when Gacy had the ring in front of him, but then stood there as Gacy shoved him down. Then a bunch of guys in hoods show up to surround Breakker to end the show.

This story had been getting more and more annoying all night long and now it goes over the edge. Breakker, who looks like a can’t miss prospect, has spent the whole night looking like a moron because he can’t find Gacy, literally stands there and gives Gacy everything he wants before being shoved off a platform with no resistance. Then Gacy suddenly has minions, because of course he does. It feels like a bad B movie plot and I’m terrified if this is the best they can do with Breakker so soon.

Overall Rating: C-. I wanted to like this show. There were good parts to it throughout and some nice action, but it’s a case where the everything else ruined what good they had. This show was full of dumb angles and characters (a dead fish on the car, Wendy Choo, the Breakker/Gacy stuff) doing dumb things and it killed what positives the show had built up. It came off like someone saying “this isn’t good enough so let’s add some spice” without thinking about how bad that spice would make things. This was a big step back after some better weeks and I’m really disappointed.

Tiffany Stratton b. Sarray – Twisting Vader Bomb
Grayson Waller b. Sanga – Rolling Stunner
Legado del Fantasma b. Gibson/Drake – Russian legsweep/running big boot combination to Drake
Carmelo Hayes b. Santos Escobar – Top rope ax kick
Natalya b. Tatum Paxley – Sharpshooter
Xyon Quinn b. Wes Lee – Running punch
Roxanne Perez b. Jacy Jayne – Code Red
Pretty Deadly b. Duke Hudson/Dexter Lumis – Big boot to Hudson



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Daily News Update – April 19, 2022

Make sure you check out a recent review.

Monday Night Raw – April 18, 2022


Round Two: New Grudge Match Set For WWE WrestleMania Backlash.


BREAKING: Title Change Takes Place On Monday Night Raw.


So Long: Former Champion Departs WWE.


VIDEO: Tag Team Splits Up After Tough Loss On Monday Night Raw.


Yowza: Eye Popping Audience In India For WrestleMania 38.


Backstage Reason For WWE’s Recent Name Changes.


Alexa Bliss Reportedly Unhappy With WWE Creative, Complains To Vince McMahon.


WATCH: Ric Flair Gets Back In The Ring, Takes Bumps With Jay Lethal.




As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Monday Night Raw – April 18, 2022: They Didn’t Mess Up

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 18, 2022
Location: KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

We are most of the way to Wrestlemania Backlash and a lot of the card has been set. Last week’s Smackdown saw RKBro vs. the Usos officially announced for the pay per view and at the moment, that is the biggest match on the card. Maybe we can get some more things added this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at Cody Rhodes beating the Miz last week and then setting up his Wrestlemania Backlash rematch with Seth Rollins.

Here is Seth Rollins to get things going. Rollins gets straight to the point by calling out Cody Rhodes, who joins him in the ring. Rhodes thinks Buffalo is Rhodes Country and the fans seem to agree. Before Rollins can get anything in, the fans keep cutting him off. Rollins says he was going to talk about his respect for Rhodes and his family.

After all of those years of hard work to become the American Nightmare, Rollins made him a star in one night at Wrestlemania. Rhodes asks him to get to the point, so Rollins says he wasn’t properly prepared at Wrestlemania, hence his loss. Rollins will be ready at Wrestlemania Backlash and he is ready to win once and for all. Rhodes remembers Rollins being to the top of the mountain four times, but Rhodes was the winner at Wrestlemania.

It’s true that Rhodes has been gone for six years and he spent some time in management. One thing he learned is that sometimes you need a mediator, so how about the good people of Buffalo? A quick audience poll seems to favor Rhodes, but Rollins has an idea of his own: Rhodes vs. an opponent of Rollins’ choice tonight. Rhodes is in as it continues to still work for him.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Sasha Banks/Naomi vs. Liv Morgan/Rhea Ripley

Banks and Naomi are defending with Banks getting knocked down to start. Ripley wheelbarrows Liv into a splash for two but Banks is back up with a kick to drop Liv. Everything breaks down fast and they all go to the floor, with Banks getting hit with Riptide onto the barricade, leaving her looking very….surprised (Maybe?) as we take a break. Back with an assisted powerbomb setting up Riptide on Naomi but Banks makes the save. The Codebreaker into the Bubba Bomb into a rollup gives Banks the pin at Ripley at 7:26.

Rating: C. The match was pretty short and to the point but Ripley and Morgan lose, again, because the team that was put together all of a month ago needs to have some emotional split. It isn’t like the champs are some legendary pairing either, as this division continues to exist for the sole purpose of giving women a token story.

Post match Morgan and Ripley argue, with Ripley turning on her to end their time together after….about six weeks? Maybe?

We look back at Sonya Deville attacking Bianca Belair to set herself up as Belair’s first challenger.

Rhea Ripley is asked about an explanation but we don’t deserve one.

Here is Sonya Deville for a chat. She talks about how she is a competitor who wants to face the best in WWE. That is why she wanted to face Bianca Belair, because Deville doesn’t want to beat some each champion. Cue Belair to say but Deville threatens her with problems if she touches a WWE official. Belair is ready for the match right now but Deville says we’ll do it next week in Belair’s hometown next week. Deville keeps needling her and gets caught in the KOD, which means Deville has to threaten her with losing the title right now. Belair drops her and leaves.

Veer Mahaan vs. Jeff Brooks

Brooks gets driven into the corner to start and then thrown back out of it. The Million Dollar arm sets up the Cervical Clutch to make Brooks tap at 1:01.

Post match Mahaan does it two more times, despite referees and agents coming in.

In the back, Sonya Deville is ranting to Adam Pearce about Bianca Belair’s conduct and wants a huge fine. Belair comes in and pays her fine: $1.

Here is Kevin Owens for the KO Show and Chad Gable is in the ring to administer a lie detector test. Owens isn’t happy with Elias pretending to be his younger brother Ezekiel needs to get out here right now for the test. Cue Ezekiel, who says he is Elias’ younger brother, sending Gable into a rant about how Gable Steveson is overrated. Owens says focus, because he is getting $150 Canadian for this.

They get to the questions, with Ezekiel being truthful about his identity. Each one sends Owens further and further over the edge but Ezekiel has finally had enough. He has his first match tonight but Owens is tired of all this lying. Threats are made and Ezekiel basically tells him to bring it. Owens leaves so Gable jumps Ezekiel from behind.

Ezekiel vs. Chad Gable

Ezekiel charges at him to start but Gable grabs a dragon screw legwhip out of the corner. It’s time to go after the knee with a spinning toehold of all things before Gable goes up. The moonsault hits a raised boot though and Ezekiel (Ezekiel: “SPEAK WITH ZEKE!”) grabs a one legged Liontamer. Cue Otis to jump Ezekiel for the DQ at 3:28.

Rating: D+. Ezekiel isn’t exactly a top level worker, but I don’t think giving him a pinfall in his first match is the worst idea. If you don’t want Gable getting pinned, don’t put him in the match in the first place. This just left both guys looking weak, as Gable came off like Owens’ lackey and Ezekiel gets a lame DQ win in his debut. Why do it this way when you don’t have to?

Video on RKBro vs. the Usos for Wrestlemania Backlash.

RKBro vs. Street Profits

Non-title. Dawkins powers Orton into the corner to start and Orton isn’t sure what to do here. He settles for taking Dawkins into the RKBro corner and handing it off to Riddle for a headlock. Ford comes in with the dropkick to Riddle and goes up, only to have Riddle run the corner and hit a super Spanish Fly. We take a break and come back with Riddle striking away at Ford so the hot tag can bring in Dawkins to clean house. Everything breaks down and the double hanging DDT plants the Profits. The RKO is loaded up but the Usos’ music plays for a distraction, allowing a Doomsday Blockbuster to finish Riddle at 7:38.

Rating: C. First off, big points for not running ANOTHER singles match between two tag wrestlers. Those things haven’t been interested in forever and WWE has run them into the ground over and over again for the better part of ever. The distraction ending wasn’t exactly good, but at least they set up the Usos vs. RKBro, though they might have set up a short term program with the Profits for the titles too.

Post match the Profits say RKBro needs to be worried about them.

We recap AJ Styles vs. Damian Priest from last week, with Priest kneeling and the match ending.

Damian Priest and Edge, the latter sitting on a throne, says the fans need to know who they are. Edge says these seeds were planted when he was in the Brood and the Ministry of Darkness. They haven’t lived up to their potential, like last year when Priest was playing second fiddle to Bad Bunny. Then he didn’t even have a match at this year’s Wrestlemania!

Edge had to beg someone to face him at Wrestlemania and that was too far. He returned in a great moment but in two years, the fans are treating him like a part timer. The only person to stand in their way is AJ Styles so Edge officially challenges AJ for Wrestlemania Backlash. It will be AJ’s judgment day.

Post break, Styles accepts Edge’s challenge…and the lights start flickering. Edge and Priest appear and the beatdown is on, with Edge slamming a locker door on Styles’ arm over and over.

United States Title: Theory vs. Finn Balor

Theory (egads) is challenging and takes over early on by taking Balor down. We hit a rather early chinlock with Balor having to fight up and jawbreak his way to freedom. Theory takes him down again and hits a hanging neckbreaker out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Theory hitting a swinging side slam but Balor fights back. A suplex doesn’t work but Balor is able to counter a rolling something into a sitout powerbomb for two.

Balor stomps away and hits a Sling Blade into the shotgun dropkick. The Coup de Grace is broken up though and a springboard Spanish Fly (cool) out of the corner gives Theory two. A Town Down is broken up and Balor clotheslines him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive. Back in and the Coup de Grace misses again, which bangs up the already bad neck, allowing Theory to hit A Town Down for the pin and the title at 11:35. Lawler: “SELFIES FOR EVERYONE!”

Rating: C+. After everything they did with Balor in recent weeks, they didn’t have a choice here but to change the title. Theory has beaten him time after time and it makes sense to give him the title to make him into something. Above all else, Theory gets elevated, even if it means Balor’s up and down WWE career continues.

Post match the villains come out to celebrate with Theory. Cue Vince McMahon to raise his hand and congratulate him as well.

Seth Rollins has an idea on who Cody Rhodes’ opponent will be but won’t say who it is. Now excuse him as he has a phone call from the opponent.

It’s time for the double commitment ceremony (not wedding) between Dana Brooke/Reggie and Tamina/Akira Tozawa, as presided over by R-Truth. During the ceremony, the 24/7 Title is off limits, as per Truth’s orders. Here are the women, with Sasha Banks and Naomi helping carry the bridal train. After Brooke corrects Truth on her name (it isn’t Brookes), it is time for one of the couples to be unified and the other two to get hitched.

Brooke says her vows, though the fans are not exactly interested, giving this quite the WHAT treatment. Reggie gives a to the point speech, talking about how their love has made them stronger. Tamina: “Same.” Tozawa: “What he said.” Truth asks for objections…but Tamina objects and tries to switch grooms. Actually hold on again as Tamina wants to marry Dana…..who is cool with this. Truth: “Y’ALL GONNA GET ME FIRED! I DON’T EVEN KNOW IF THAT’S PG!”

They switch back to the original pairings and the fans still don’t like this. They exchange rings and Truth says they’re committed, so get the smooching on. Smooching ensues….and Reggie pins Brooke to win the 24/7 Title. Then Tamina wins the title. Then Tozawa wins the title. Then Brooke hits a high crossbody off the top and wins the title before jumping on Truth’s back and running off. This could have been far, far worse, even if it didn’t really accomplish anything.

We recap MVP turning on Bobby Lashley to join Omos and set up their Wrestlemania Backlash rematch.

Earlier today, MVP said he has moved on to bigger, meaner and stronger things with Omos. Before Wrestlemania Backlash, they want to let Omos display his strength. Say in an arm wrestling match next week.

Lashley talks about how he has to beat Omos to get to MVP. Is Omos stronger than him? We’ll find out next week because the arm wrestling is on.

Cody Rhodes vs. ???

Seth Rollins brings out Cody’s opponent and it’s….Kevin Owens. They start fast with Cody knocking him outside but the suicide dive is blocked with a right hand. Owens fall away slams him into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Cody hitting a dropkick but the snap powerslam doesn’t work. Owens hits a backsplash to the back for two and starts ripping at Rhodes’ face.

Cody fights back but the Cross Rhodes attempt is blocked and Owens hits a hard DDT for two. They fight outside with Cody knocking him over the announcers’ table, only to have Seth Rollins come back out. We take another break and come back with Owens breaking up a superplex attempt and nailing the frog splash for two.

A Swanton is good for the same and Owens hits the swinging superplex. They head to the apron with Cody reversing an apron powerbomb to send Owens outside. Rollins yells at Owens to get his fat a** back in….but Owens isn’t having this and takes the countout loss at 17:20.

Rating: B-. This felt like a main event and what matters is Rhodes continues his roll. I can get not wanting to have Owens take a pin here as he still has some momentum going, but Rhodes gets to beat his third World Champion in three matches. Good main event match here, and Rollins vs. Owens might be warming up for after the next pay per view.

Rollins shoves Rhodes off the top to end the show, with Rhodes holding his ankle. Notice what Lawler did at the end when he shouted “RHODES IS HURT!” That’s the old school “come back next week to see what happened” mentality that you almost never see in WWE these days. When is the last time a WWE show ended on a cliffhanger or something that made you wonder what happened after the show ended? Do more of that and make this feel more exciting.

Overall Rating: C+. There were some rocky points in here and some of it wasn’t the best, but it also didn’t have some terrible moment or some dagger to the whole show. It wasn’t some classic, but there was enough good action and movement forward, plus the wedding was funny in a bit of a car crash way. Not too bad of a week here and I’m good with that after some of the recent Raws.

Naomi/Sasha Banks b. Rhea Ripley/Liv Morgan – Jackknife rollup to Ripley
Veer Mahaan b. Jeff Brooks – Cervical Clutch
Ezekiel b. Chad Gable via DQ when Otis interfered
Street Profits b. RKBro – Doomsday Blockbuster to Riddle
Theory b. Finn Balor – A Town Down
Cody Rhodes b. Kevin Owens via countout




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – April 18, 2022

Make sure you check out a recent review.

Impact Wrestling – April 7, 2022

Zicky Dice’s Trouble In Paradise 2



Update: Bad News On Jonathan Gresham’s Health Status.


It’s Happening: Bret Hart Confirmed To Manage FTR.


WWE Star’s Name Used In Horrible Scam Costing Fans A Lot Of Money.


WATCH: Roman Reigns Breaks Character At WWE Show In Heartfelt Moment


WATCH: And Now, The Young Bucks vs. The Easter Bunny.


Him? WWE Presents Very Surprising Name As Face Of Monday Night Raw.




As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Zicky Dice’s Trouble In Paradise 2: It’s Either Fun Or Not Fun

Zicky Dice’s Trouble In Paradise 2
Date: April 1, 2022
Location: Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Jonny Loquasto, Zick Dicey, Matthew Rehwoldt

This is another of the Wrestlemania Weekend shows and in this case, it is another WrestleCon show. I didn’t actually take this one in as I went to Axxess instead and I’m not sure what this is going include. That can make for some very fun shows as well and hopefully that is the case again. Let’s get to it.

The opening video features Zicky Dice standing on a train track as the Outlandish Paradise Express train comes straight for him. Dice whips out some, uh, dice, and throws them at the train, which explodes.

We meet the commentary team, which includes Zick Dicey, a puppet, who isn’t mic’d well. They aren’t thrilled with waiting so long on ring announcer Chris Van Vliet taking his sweet time getting to the ring.

Van Vliet finally comes to the ring (about eight minutes into the broadcast) to fire up the crowd, including those watching on Twitch (where the original broadcast took place). The opening video plays on the screen and here is Zicky Dice himself. Dice if fired up to be here, partially because it’s a tax write off. He doesn’t have a match tonight so send him Lex Luger or Bret Hart. The open challenge to anyone upstairs at WrestleCon is on to anyone with a broken hip or any old guy.

Cue Matt Cardona, who is mad over Dice crashing the Major Figures Pod last night. Cardona asks who the f*** is paying him to be here, asking if it’s Dice, Twitch, Mike from WrestleCon or whoever else. Dice may be the King of the Internet but he’s the Internet Champion and should be out there. That’s cool with Dice, who references Chelsea Green and a banana before issuing the challenge for an Impact Wrestling Digital Media Title shot. Let’s do a Twitch sub goal and make it falls count anywhere. Game on.

Impact Wrestling Digital Media Title: Matt Cardona vs. Zicky Dice

Dice is challenging and it’s falls count anywhere. Cardona tries Radio Silence to start but gets powerbombed down for an early two. They go to the floor and trade slams until Cardona is whipped hard into the steps. Back in and Cardona spits some water in his face so Dice puts his hands into his own trunks, only to have Cardona shove them into his mouth.

Cardona goes to hammer away in the corner but gets bit in the leg and tossed to the floor. They fight into the crowd with Dice hitting a suplex on the concrete for two. Things move into the lobby (where Chelsea Green can be seen going up the escalator), where Cardona hits a Reboot against the steps to retain at 5:38.

Rating: C. This was a bit of a disappointment as they didn’t do much with the stipulation, but I can understand the idea of not being able to brawl around a rather fancy hotel. At the same time, they were trying to get Dice on the show and Cardona is a pretty big name compared to the rest of the card. Not exactly a great match, but it felt big enough for something like this.

Post match Cardona hits him with a sign, sending Dice riding up the escalator.

The puppet’s mic has been fixed.

Deonn Rusman vs. Jonah Turk

Turk is a rather large man (weighing in at “a metric ton of love”) and apparently someone Dice does not like on his Twitch stream. Rusman shoves Turk into the corner to start and a single shoulder puts Turk down again. Turk manages to run him over for a breather though and goes to the middle rope. That means a powerbomb out of the corner, setting up a spear to give Rusman the pin at 2:49. Turk getting in the ring seemed to be a joke for Dice’s Twitch stream so you can’t get too mad at a nothing match here.

Post match Rusman spears him again for fun.

Jah-C vs. Levi Shapiro vs. Keita Murray vs. Lord Crewe vs. Carlie Bravo vs. Darian Bengston

One fall to a finish because we need a (Sensational Sextuplet) Scramble match. Bengston (“the Shakespeare geek”) gets jumped from behind to start and tossed to the floor, which at least clears the ring for a bit. Keita stands in the corner and warms up while the other four brawl inside. That means a big double middle finger from Keita, earning him a four way boot to the face. We settle down to Shapiro powerslamming Jah-C but Bravo is up to clean house.

Crewe and Bravo slug it out with Crewe dropping him, only to get jumped by Bengston. We settle down to Crewe vs. Shapiro before they start to powerbombing Jah-C and Bravo. The other four get back in for stereo double belly to back suplexes and everyone is down. Jah-C DDTs Keita into the corner but Shapiro pulls him outside. That earns Shapiro a crotching on the top and it’s time for the string of flip dives. Shapiro cuts off the referee’s dive (Loquasto: “I don’t know what is going on here.”) but the second attempt connects to wipe out the pile on the floor.

Back in and Bengston hits a tiger driver 98 on Bravo but the referee gets pulled out. There’s the required Tower of Doom, allowing Bravo to come off the top with a splash for two. Crewe gets to clean house for a bit before we hit a short form version of the parade of secondary (I think?) finishers. Jah-C Finally hits a superkick to finish Bengston at 11:18.

Rating: C+. I have never been a fan of this kind of match as there are a bunch of people flying around and trying their best to get some spotlight while also having to sell for everyone else. That doesn’t make for the best match and that was the case again here. There were some cool spots, as always, but no one got to stand out in the slightest. That can get a bit old and it isn’t like anyone gets much out of something like this other than an appearance.

Everyone but Bengston leaves so here are the New Japan LA Dojo to beat Bengston down. Bengston is out of the Factory and the two schools aren’t getting along. Fair enough.

Lince Dorado vs. Black Taurus

Dorado’s new gimmick seems to be that he is a marijuana enthusiast, though he does stop to say hello to superfan Vladimir (of the unreleased documentary fame). Neither of them can get a hurricanrana to start so Dorado offers Taurus a puff. With that not working, Dorado dropkicks him to the floor but the running flip dive is pulled out of the air. A powerbomb sends Dorado into the barricade, with commentary saying “when you mess with the bull, sometimes you get the horns and sometimes you get powerbombed into the barricade”.

Taurus sends him into the barricade a few times and then hits Dorado square in the mask. Back in and Dorado can’t get a cross armbreaker so he settles for a German suplex and a springboard moonsault press for two each. Taurus is right back with a pop up Samoan drop for two of his own but Dorado grabs the Golden Rewind. A crucifix bomb drops Taurus and Dorado hits a pair of moonsaults to send him outside.

That’s fine with Dorado, who hits a big dive to the floor. Back in and a poisonrana plants Taurus for two more but Taurus hits a powerbomb backbreaker to cut Dorado off fast. They go to the same corner, where Dorado snaps off a super hurricanrana and lands on his feet, because of course he can do that. A shooting star press gives Dorado the pin at 12:04.

Rating: B-. I liked this one more than I was expecting to as the power vs. speed formula works again. The Lucha Lit gimmick for Dorado might not have the longest shelf life but it certainly gets your attention, at least in the short term. Taurus continues to feel like a huge monster and while it is a big weird to see him lose here, he should be fine going forward just by letting him beat people up.

Post match they share some of Dorado’s….stuff.

Mike Bailey vs. Effy

Submission match. Bailey sneaks up behind him to start and hits the big flip dive to the floor. They go into the stands where Effy chokes but gets pulled into a cross armbreaker. An STF, using a chair (that’s a new one), has Effy in trouble for a bit before they head inside for some chops to stagger Effy some more. Back up and Effy ducks a kick to the face and tries a rollup as he forgets the rules.

Instead Effy tries a leg choke in the corner before trying a kneebar…but he doesn’t know what he’s doing so Bailey laughs at him. They slap each other with Bailey getting the better of things so Effy goes with an atomic drop. A backdrop sets up something like a dragon sleeper but Bailey slips out and spins him into a rather nasty Deathlock. With that not working, Effy is sent outside for the big dive as per Bailey’s custom.

Speaking of customs, Bailey misses his moonsault knees onto the apron, allowing Effy to wrap the knee around the post. Back in and Effy bites Bailey’s chest but gets taken down for the moonsault knees. The Ultimate Weapon connects for Bailey so he grabs a rear naked choke, which is reversed into….Effy biting the toe (after removing the boot and licking the sole) and Bailey taps at 13:07.

Rating: D+. I don’t know if I don’t get Effy or if I was missing the joke here but this really didn’t work. It was built around the comedy, but the comedy wasn’t working here. I’ve heard good things about Effy and I’ve seen him do some fun stuff before, though I couldn’t get into this one. Then again it might be due to getting sick of Bailey after so many matches from him this weekend.

Commentary recaps the night so far.

Masha Slamovich vs. The Bear

This was billed as an actual bear but we get….Parrow, who brings out a guy in a bear costume. The Bear is billed as being from Jellystone Park, though the fact that his graphic says Scotty 2 Hotty would suggest otherwise. Granted a previous graphic read “The Bear (Max The Impaler)” kind of killed the mood. The Bear beats up the handlers so Masha throws marshmallows at him, only to have the Bear grab a bearhug (you knew that was coming).

Masha gets thrown around even more but the referee gets a marshmallow in his face. A German suplex gives Masha a breather but she gets thrown down for trying a choke. Therefore, she tries to use the referee to appear bigger, as you do to deal with a bear. More of the Bear costume comes off before Masha chokes again and the Bear is out at 6:38.

Rating: D+. It wasn’t as long as the previous match but this one felt like they had a single joke but didn’t realize that they had to do something with it. The Bear looked good to start but then it was the same stuff over and over until Masha won with the fifth or so choke. This needed more jokes in the ring rather than on commentary and I wasn’t getting into it very well.

Rich Swann vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

Well it’s certainly a unique main event. Swann dances through the crowd on the way to the ring, as he tends to do. After the Big Match Intros, Scotty takes his hat off and throws it to Swann, who puts it on and then throws it over to the referee so we can get going. They take their time touching fingers to start and finally lock up. We hear about their histories and resumes before Rehwoldt talks about Scotty giving him the Worm before he debuted in NXT.

Swann kicks him into the corner to turn things a bit more serious but Scotty hands in the ropes (ala Andrade) to avoid a trip to the floor. A suplex drops Swann and that means the Moonwalk. The armbar keeps Swann in trouble for a bit but he sends Scotty outside for a change. Scotty is sat in a chair so Swann can run around the ring for a kick to the face.

It works so well that he does it again before cranking on both arms back inside. Scotty fights up for the dancing right hand but Swann is right back with the running flip ax kick. That doesn’t do Swann much good though as Scotty hits the bulldog that sets up the Worm. That sets up the Worm to give Scotty a pretty big upset at 9:20.

Rating: C. This is the definition of a fun main event and that’s all it needed to be. Scotty looked good in the ring and certainly didn’t appear to have anything resembling ring rust, which is more than I would have expected. Not a great match or anything, but I can see why this was something people, including me, would want to see.

Respect is shown post match. Swann goes to leave but hang on, because it is time to dance. Rehwoldt: “The options are yes or h*** yes. Take your pick.” The referee gets to play Rikishi for the big moment.

We cut to Zicky Dice in the back where he wants the stream started over as he rapidly thanks the sponsors to wrap it up.

A highlight reel finally ends the show.

Overall Rating: C. This is a show where it was never going to be a classic but it wasn’t supposed to be. Instead, we got about two and a half hours of fun stuff with some pretty decent wrestling included. It isn’t a show I’ll ever need to see again, but if you wanted a nice start to the most packed day of the WrestleCon schedule, this was a good way to go. Not a great or even a very good show, but they figured out how to have some fun without many resources available and that is a nice trick to pull off.




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Impact Wrestling – April 7, 2022: We Can Do That Next Week

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 7, 2022
Location: Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas
Host: Josh Matthews

It’s a special week this time around as rather than building towards Rebellion with a regular show, we’re going to look at some of the Multiverse Of Matches card. The show was held over Wrestlemania Weekend but a lot of it had little to do with the upcoming pay per view. It should be fun for a one off though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Note that I’ll be posting the full versions of the matches rather than the possibly clipped versions from the broadcast.

The opening video gives us a Multiverse Of Matches highlight reel.

X-Division Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Chris Bey vs. Blake Christian vs. Vincent vs. Rich Swann vs. Trey Miguel

Miguel is defending in Ultimate X and Swann busts out a Scott Hall pose for a great moment. It’s a group attempt to crawl across the ropes to start but that is all broken up. The audio gets a lot louder as Miguel is left alone, only to be pulled down by Swann and Bey. That means a three way exchange of strikes to the face with bey getting the better of things.

Grace is back in with a MuscleBuster to Bey but Christian clears the ring out again. Miguel takes Christian down though and goes up, only to get pulled down by Vincent. That earns Vincent a cutter from Swann, who is pulled down by Bey rather quickly. Bey plants Swann with the Art of Finesse so Christian goes up, only to drop does onto Bey with a Canadian Destroyer. Instead of climbing though, Christian hits a big flip dive onto the pile. It’s Grace going across the cables and using her legs, only to get knocked down by Miguel. That’s enough for Miguel to grab the title and retain at 7:25.

Rating: B-. This was one of those things where I’ve seen a bunch of Ultimate X matches over the years and a lot of them run together. The climbing was the focus here again as it tends to be, though it was a lot of two people do their thing and then some others take their place. Fun match, but if you’ve seen a few of these, you’ve seen them all.

Trey Miguel is ready for his triple threat title defense at Rebellion. If you can’t see the fire in his eyes right now, you aren’t looking close enough.

We look at Chelsea Green turning on Mickie James, who got taken out by Matt Cardona. A mixed tag match was set.

Mickie James is ready to take Green out and Nick Aldis is glad to be back for one night only. He just wishes it was under nicer circumstances than him stretching Cardona.

Matt Cardona/Chelsea Green vs. Nick Aldis/Mickie James

Green turned on James and Cardona took her out, so James brought in Aldis for a battle of married teams. The girls get in a brawl to start but we settle down to Aldis pounding on Cardona on the mat and in the corner. Mickie comes in but gets taken down by Cardona’s clothesline to put her in trouble. It’s off to Green to choke in the corner and forearm away, setting up the chinlock to keep James down.

The Reboot misses for Cardona though and Mickie grabs a flapjack, allowing the hot tag off to Aldis. The clothesline comeback is on, setting up a Tombstone. There’s a top rope elbow but Green makes the save as everything breaks down. Cardona has to save Green from the King’s Lynn Cloverleaf but she gets sent outside anyway. Back in and stereo King’s Lynn Cloverleafs make Cardona and Green tap at the same time at 8:00.

Rating: C. I remember this being a bit longer in person but it still worked out well enough. There is a simple story here with the two married couples going at it over one of them being attacked a few weeks ago. Aldis continues to look like a star, though he might be a bit dull, and James has been a legend for years. Green has come a long way and Cardona…my goodness he has had a career renaissance in the last year or so and it has been a lot of fun to watch.

Eddie Edwards is here representing Pro Wrestling Noah because they didn’t turn their backs on him. He is in his old school green and is ready to prove himself to Tomohiro Ishii.

Eddie Edwards vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Feeling out process to start with Edwards backing him up against the ropes to no avail. An exchange of shoulders (eventually) goes to Ishii but he is sent outside for the suicide dive. Ishii gets sent into the barricade but he is fine enough to hit a powerslam to drive Edwards into the floor. A DDT onto the apron rocks Ishii for two and Eddie is starting to get cocky.

That’s not a good idea against Ishii, who hits a suplex and unloads in the corner to take over. The Blue Thunder Bomb gets Eddie out of trouble for two and he kicks Ishii in the head in the corner. The Backpack Stunner is broken up so they trade snap German suplexes and clotheslines for a double knockdown.

Back up and Edwards starts striking away in the corner, earning a glare from Ishii and a YOU CENSORED UP chant from the crowd. Ishii hammers away but the sliding lariat is blocked and Edwards knees away. The Boston Knee Party is blocked and Ishii hits a running knee of his own. Edwards blocks the brainbuster and tries the Die Hard Driver but Ishii slips out. The big clothesline sets up the brainbuster to give Ishii the pin at 14:58.

Rating: B-. This felt like the match where they beat each other up until one of them just couldn’t get up again. That is a formula that will always work well enough, though it didn’t quite hit the highest point here. Ishii isn’t what he used to be but he is still good enough to get by on a combination of reputation and skill. If nothing else, it is nice to see a first time match that felt special, which is the point of this show.

Jonah/Josh Alexander vs. PCO/Moose

PCO jumps Alexander to start and knocks him into the corner. Alexander gets in a kick to the face though and it’s Jonah coming in, albeit after glaring at Alexander a bit (with commentary pointing out their previous issues). It’s off to Moose for the showdown with Jonah, but about ten shoulders won’t put Jonah down. One big shoulder does put Moose down, though Alexander tags himself back in to chase Moose around the ring.

PCO cuts Alexander off and it’s a double whip to send Alexander into the barricade. Back in and PCO drops his middle rope leg and Moose starts stomping on Alexander’s wrist. Alexander is able to grab a suplex on PCO but he’s back up to knock Jonah off the apron before the tag. The second attempt works just fine though and it’s Jonah coming in to clean house.

That doesn’t last long as the big backsplash misses and Alexander is already back in. Everything breaks down and PCO hits his big flip dive to the floor, setting up the Deanimator on Alexander. Back in and Jonah hits a superkick on PCO, leaving Alexander to blast Moose with a clothesline. We get the BOO/YAY slugout with Moose and Alexander until Moose bails from the threat of the C4 Spike. The Spike hits PCO instead for the pin at 12:48.

Rating: C+. Sometimes you need four big, strong guys to beat on each other for a little while. That is what we got here and it was entertaining while it lasted. That’s about all you can ask for here and they even built up Moose vs. Alexander at Rebellion. Throw in some fun interactions and this was about as good of a use of their time as they could have had.

We recap Jay White vs. Chris Sabin. They have met each other time after time and now it is Sabin’s chance to prove himself.

Chris Sabin vs. Jay White

White is a bit popular around here. A chop against the ropes wakes Sabin up to start and another hurts White’s own hand. Sabin grabs him by the arm and takes him down to the mat before grabbing an armdrag into a chop of his own. White is sent outside for the suicide dive and then gets dropped face first onto the apron. Back in and White catches him on top, setting up another chop out to the floor.

A pair of belly to back drops onto the apron have Sabin in more trouble and the half crab goes on back inside. With that broken up, White hits a backbreaker into a waistlock to stay on the back/ribs. Sabin fights up and hits a shot to the ribs of his own before another good one puts White down. Some elbows to the back of the head set up a missile dropkick to give Sabin two as his chest is a scary shade of purple.

White is back up with a snap DDT for two and a Saito suplex drops Sabin again. A swinging suplex gets two more and it’s White’s turn to be frustrated. The swinging Rock Bottom plants Sabin for another near fall and White is annoyed at the referee (the same one who allegedly messed up in the tag match last week).

Sabin counters the Blade Runner into a ram into the corner but White goes back to the damaged chest. That just fires Sabin up for some, ahem, machine gun style chops to put White down for a change. There’s the hard clothesline but the Cradle Shock is blocked. White tries the Blade Runner again, only to get rolled up to give Sabin the upset pin at 16:01.

Rating: B. I didn’t see that coming and I was actually surprised by the pinfall. White losing outside of anything but a big match is weird and Sabin winning a major singles match almost feels even weirder. It was a heck of a match though with both guys looking as smooth as they ever did. That’s the good thing about seeing people like these two getting in the ring and they made it work very well. Match of the night so far.

Post match Steve Maclin comes in to go after Sabin but White pulls him off. Maclin goes after Sabin again but gets hit low, leaving Sabin to celebrate.

Sabin talks about beating White in an upset because no one expected him to win. Now White will never forget it.

Good Brothers vs. Briscoes

This is a few hours after the Briscoes had their instant classic against FTR. We get the Big Match Intros and you really can feel the energy when the Briscoes are in the ring. They just make things feel big and the charisma is off the charts. Mark and Anderson go to the mat to start but everything breaks down in a hurry.

Back in and Karl rakes Jay’s eyes to take over and we settle down with Jay being sent into the corner. Gallows stomps away and Anderson goes back to the eyes like a villain (I think?) should. The chinlock goes on for a bit before Jay is taken into the corner for some right hands from Anderson. That doesn’t last long either and the hot tag brings in Mark to clean house.

The Iconoclasm gets two on Anderson and Redneck Boogie (commentary didn’t seem to know the name) connects for the same. Everything breaks down and the reverse 3D gets two on Jay. Mark breaks up the Magic Killer and everyone is down again. It’s Mark getting up first and heading to the top but Chris Bey pops up to distract the referee. Cue Jay White to shove Mark off the top, setting up the Magic Killer for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C+. They went fast here and a lot of that is probably due to the Briscoes being a bit gassed after their earlier match. What mattered here was giving the Bullet Club a win and it isn’t like the Briscoes lose much after a previous match and interference. They had a good match here though and the energy was high to end the night.

Deonna Purrazzo doesn’t care that Mercedes Martinez won the Interim Ring Of Honor Women’s Title earlier tonight (at a different show) and she doesn’t care who answers her Champ Champ Challenge tonight.

Here’s Deonna Purrazzo for the Champ Champ Challenger.

AAA Reina de Reinas Title: Faby Apache vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Purrazzo is defending and defeated Apache to win the title in the first place. I had been hoping for Mercedes Martinez or Taya Valkyrie but this was certainly a surprise. Feeling out process with Apache taking her down by the leg and some legsweeps give them two each. A slugout goes to Purrazzo but Apache takes her down into the corner to stomp away. Purrazzo is back with some arm cranking but can’t get the cross armbreaker. Apache grabs a suplex into a legdrop as the fans aren’t sure what to make of her.

La majistral gives Apache two as Rehwoldt continues to sing Purrazzo’s praises. Something like a reverse Figure Four has Purrazzo in trouble until she gets over to the rope. Purrazzo is back up with a standing moonsault for two but Apache grabs the Fairy Tale Ending for her own two. The Fujiwara armbar is broken up and they kick each other in the face for a double knockdown. Back up and Purrazzo hits a German suplex but can’t get the Queen’s Gambit. With that not working, Purrazzo pulls her into the armbar for the tap to retain at 8:56.

Rating: C. The problem here is that the fans didn’t know Apache and they didn’t react tot he match as a result. While Apache is someone who was a threat to the title, you need something to care about and that isn’t the case with someone popping into the promotion for the first time. The match wasn’t bad, but it had almost no heat and that dragged things down.

Post match Purrazzo grabs the mic and says it doesn’t matter who what Mercedes Martinez won earlier tonight because she is the Champ Champ….and here is Taya Valkyrie to interrupt. The fans welcome her back and Valkyrie says Purrazzo should be worried about that Reina de Reinas Title. Valkyrie will see her at Rebellion.

Purrazzo says Valkyrie can bring it.

Valkyrie is ready to win the Reina de Reinas Title and shut Purrazzo up.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Alex Shelley vs. Mike Bailey

Bailey was all over Wrestlemania Weekend and this is one of a handful of matches I saw from him. The fans aren’t sure who to cheer for here but both seem rather popular. They take about a minute to lock up with Shelley working on a wristlock. Bailey breaks that up fast and sends Shelley into the corner to give us a standoff. A whip into the ropes doesn’t get Shelley anywhere as bailey is back with his bouncing kicks to the arms into the enziguri.

Shelley is sent outside where he seems to injure and then fix his own shoulder. A jawbreaker works a bit better for Shelley and they head outside again with Shelley chopping away against the barricade. We pause for a Ric Flair strut and a top rope knee is driven into the chest back inside. Shelley hits a leg trap DDT for two and we hit the crossarm choke. Bailey fights up again and kicks him down, setting up the running corkscrew shooting star press for two.

Shelley pulls him down into the Motor City Stretch, sending Bailey over to the rope. They head to the apron (oh dear) where Bailey trips him down but misses his moonsault knees (freaking ow man). That lets Shelley hit a slingshot DDT, which mostly drives Bailey’s shoulder into the apron to knock him silly. A brainbuster on the floor drops Bailey again but he dives back in and sends Shelley outside.

That means a big springboard moonsault because selling isn’t a thing on this show. Back in and Shelley gets annoyed so the real fight is on. Bailey kicks him down and hits the Ultimate Weapon (standing moonsault double knees) for two. A quick Motor City Stretch attempt is countered into a rollup for two before Bailey bounces him off the rope for another rollup and the pin at 15:03.

Rating: B-. You knew you were going to get this kind of a match on the show and it worked well here, though Bailey taking those big moves and popping up to win a few moments later was more than I could reasonably take. That was a problem for him all weekend long and while it is the kind of thing that you have to expect, it still isn’t easy to see over and over.

Overall Rating: B. This was more or less the Multiverse Of Matches show (minus the Knockouts Tag Team Title match) with Josh’s intros and some short promos added. It’s a pretty entertaining show and a nice way to take a breather after Wrestlemania Weekend. Rebellion can have its final push next week and they did advance enough on this show too. All in all, not a must see show, but worth a look if you don’t have time for the full Multiverse show.




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