Monday Night Raw – September 10, 2007: The Reveal

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 10, 2007
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Attendance: 5,800
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s time for the big reveal as this week will see the reveal of Vince McMahon’s illegitimate son. This is the kind of story that feels like it should be a huge moment, with Mr. Kennedy feeling like the likely surprise, but that pesky steroids suspension seems to be throwing a wrench into the plans. That should open up a new door too, so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We’re starting fast because here is Vince McMahon, with Coach, to get things going. Vince recaps the story, saying that he has an illegitimate son and that he is a “WWO” (Vince: “Let me try that again.”) superstar. Vince blames the mother for causing all of these problems before informing the fans that Coach DOES NOT suck. The only thing that makes Vince feel better is that his son isn’t from Green Bay, like Mr. Kennedy, who is on the current WWE Magazine. Vince happens to have a copy, which he has Coach rip up.

Enough of that though, as Vince wants to know who his son is, which brings out Great Khali. Runjin Singh translates for Great Khali, who said that “things are looking up” must mean him and he would be proud to be called The Great McMahon. Cue JBL to interrupt to talk about how he and Vince both love money. JBL: “Put Big Gulp on a leash.” Even in this market, he can guarantee and things are looking up. Vince owns wrestling and JBL is a wrestling god. They even go to the same barber!

He would love to be John Bradshaw McMahon but here is Jeff Hardy to interrupt this time. Coach: “What are you doing out here?” Jeff: “I’m not really sure.” Jeff thinks “things are looking up” might mean him diving off the ladder, but he certainly hopes he isn’t the son. JBL yells about Hardy and Khali’s hair, but here is Mr. Johnson, the son’s mother’s lawyer.

Vince goes into a rant about how much he hates attorneys before being told his son will be revealed at some point tonight. For now, the only thing Johnson will reveal is that Vince’s son is NOT Jeff Hardy. Jeff: “PRAISE THE LORD YEAH!” That celebration earns Jeff a singles match with Great Khali later tonight.

We see some photos of the South African tour, including Paul London and Brian Kendrick winning the Tag Team Titles from Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, only to lose them back three days later.

Paul London vs. Lance Cade

Brian Kendrick and Trevor Murdoch are here too. Cade headlocks him down to start so London pops up with a hurricanrana. A belly to back suplex drops London right back down and we hit the neck crank. That doesn’t last long either as London is up with a springboard missile dropkick. Murdoch tries to offer a distraction….but it lets Kendrick come in for Sliced Bread. London adds the running shooting star press for the fast pin.

Rating: C. They kept this moving and it was a way to bridge the feud to Sunday. I like the title switches on the tour as it gave this feud a bit of life, as otherwise it was just London and Kendrick getting another title shot. You can only get so far when there is no chance of a title switch and now they gave the thing a bit more interest.

We recap Randy Orton attacking John Cena’s dad two weeks ago, sending Cena over the edge with an attack on William Regal last week. As a result, Cena is barred from the building this week.

Coach tells Vince McMahon that William Regal is doing better but has a lot of recovering to do. As a result, Coach has banned John Cena from the building tonight, which Vince doesn’t like. Coach has another idea though, as he brings in the man who the fans have voted as the second most likely star to be Vince’s son: Stevie Richards! Vince cracks up laughing and sends Stevie away before asking Coach who was #1 in the audience vote. That would be HHH, which doesn’t sit well with Vince.

We look back at HHH beating up Carlito and REALLY beating up Umaga.

Carlito is ready to destroy HHH on Sunday at Unforgiven. As for tonight, Carlito is full of surprises.

HHH vs. Shelton Benjamin

Carlito is at ringside. HHH wins an early slugout and sends him shoulder first into the post. It works so well that HHH does it again before throwing Shelton into Carlito. We take a break and come back with HHH fighting out of a chinlock but getting DDTed for two. The chinlock goes on again so HHH fights up again, only to get caught with the spinning clothesline from the top. HHH’s standing clothesline connects to put both of them down for a breather. Back up and HHH hits a spinebuster, setting up the Pedigree for the pin.

Rating: C. This was more like the old school Benjamin and that is a very good thing to see. It’s great to have him showing off his offense and he looked like his old self here. That being said, he was little more than cannon fodder for HHH, which isn’t a big surprise. Nice match here, as HHH continues to get back to normal.

Post match Carlito goes after HHH but gets cut off. Cue Coach to say Vince McMahon is sick of HHH being disrespectful. Therefore, Carlito vs. HHH at Unforgiven is now No DQ….for Carlito only.

A car arrives and since it isn’t John Cena’s, he can roll right in.

Here is Randy Orton, with security, for a chat. Orton knows John Cena is watching at home, maybe with his dad. If that is the case, he needs to turn the volume down because his dad’s head must be throbbing. This Sunday at Unforgiven, it is one year since Cena won the WWE Title. Orton is in Cena’s head though and he is going to use that opening to take Cena down. Cue Cena through the crowd to get his hands on Orton but security holds him back so Orton can escape.

In the back, Vince McMahon yells at Coach for not keeping Cena out. Cue security, who still can’t hold Cena back. Cena gets in Vince’s face and says, as a man, that he knows what is happening to Orton at Unforgiven. Orton is going to feel pain and vengeance in his bones for Cena’s father. That is something even Vince can understand, and with that, Cena leaves.

Mickie James vs. Jillian Hall

Candice Michelle is on commentary. Mickie flips out of an early snapmare attempt but gets whipped into the corner. That means a handspring elbow connects to give Jillian two as Candice talks about facing Beth Phoenix. Jillian pulls her down hard out of the corner and seems to rub Mickie’s face into her chest. Apparently it wakes Mickie up enough to kick Jillian in the head for the pin.

Post match Beth Phoenix runs in to take both of them out so Candice runs in for the failed save attempt.

Sandman vs. Santino Marella

Before the match, Santino mourns the loss of Luciano Pavarotti, but at least he passed away before he had to see Steve Austin in the Condemned. Santino doesn’t understand this lack of culture but Sandman’s entrance cuts him off. Once Sandman gets rid of the kendo stick, Santino starts pounding him down and goes after the leg. A splash hits raised knees though and Sandman knocks him outside. That means a big dive (there’s a surprise) from Sandman but Marella uses the kendo stick for the DQ.

Post match Santino tries to break the stick over his own knee but hurts himself. Sandman gets the cage to chase him off.

Post break Maria is talking to Ron Simmons about Santino being so different lately. She thinks they might need to split up but here is Santino to jump Simmons. Santino even does Simmons’ catchphrase, which should signal his doom.

The Diva Search is coming back. Great. We get the first look at the finalists, including Eve Torres, Taryn Terrell and Lena Yada.

Unforgiven rundown.

Great Khali vs. Jeff Hardy

Non-title. Khali throws him into the corner to start for the elbow to the face. The Whisper in the Wind is knocked away and Khali hits a big boot. The Vice Grip finishes Hardy in a hurry. Your Intercontinental Champion everyone.

Post match here is Batista to spear Khali down without much effort.

Here are Vince McMahon and Coach for the big reveal, with the male roster surrounding the ring as well. HHH comes out last and Vince isn’t exactly pleased. Vince knows that one of these men is his son and wants to know who gets to be a McMahon. He wants to know who it is right now but here is Mr. Johnson on the Titantron. In accordance with his client’s wishes, he is going to eliminate some of the possible names.

First up, the son is not extreme, meaning ECW is out. Vince: “Thank God it’s not Balls Mahoney.” The son also has a fondness for gold, meaning he is a current or former champion. Next up is that the son’s skin is fair, which Vince (rather rapidly) points out means he is Caucasian. Vince has everyone left get in the ring, as he is told that the son’s hair is fair as well.

That leaves us with Sandman, JBL, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch and HHH, though the fans want Kennedy (not here). Vince shoots that down before giving us the next clue: “Individual.” That takes Vince some time to figure out but it means he isn’t a tag wrestler. The final clue: the son loves to play the game.

That seems to leave HHH, who isn’t happy either. Vince says this isn’t right, with Johnson agreeing. The son loves to play games, such as hide and seek or marbles….because it’s HORNSWOGGLE! HHH nearly falls over in laughter as Hornswoggle pops out, grabs Vince’s leg, and puts his hat on Vince’s head to end the show.

So there’s your big reveal. After several weeks, we get Hornswoggle as the big gag blowoff, which was disappointing back in the day and it’s disappointing now. This time it isn’t WWE’s fault as the Kennedy suspension blew up what could have been a career making story, but ultimately there is only so much that can be done when the key player is gone. Hornswoggle was a bit funny and there is some good comedy potential, but it feels like it could have been so much more.

Overall Rating: C-. This was ALL about the big angle at the end, with the wrestling being a complete afterthought. That made for a weird show, as Unforgiven took a backseat as well, leaving the pay per view without much of a final push and the big story with a pretty lame resolution. Again, it isn’t WWE’s fault this time, but it is still pretty disappointing.




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Daily News Update – February 14, 2022

Make sure to check out some recent reviews:

ECW On Sci Fi – September 4, 2007

205 Live – February 11, 2022

Smackdown – September 7, 2007

NXT UK – February 10, 2022

Ring Of Honor – February 9, 2022



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Update On WWE’s New Philosophy For Signing Wrestlers.

Surprise Title Change Takes Place Over The Weekend *SPOILER*.

WATCH: What WWE Has To Edit Out Of Next Week’s SmackDown *MINOR SPOILER*.

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WATCH: AEW’s Thunder Rosa Is Not Putting Up With Racist Fan Comments.

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As always, please check out all of the videos if you can, hit up the comments section and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Ring Of Honor – February 9, 2022: Dem Boys Are Great

Ring Of Honor
Date: February 9, 2022

It’s a special theme episode this week as we look at the first inductees into the Ring Of Honor Hall of Fame: the Briscoes. When you think about it, there isn’t anyone else it should have been if you are just looking at accomplishments. There are all kinds of classic matches here and hopefully they open the vault a bit. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

We open with a video on the Briscoes (seems appropriate), including a bunch of home videos. It moves on to some of their better moments and bigger feuds before welcoming them to the Hall of Fame.

From Night of Champions on March 22, 2003 in Philadelphia.

Tag Team Titles: AJ Styles/Amazing Red vs. Briscoes

Styles and Red (only the second champions in the titles’ history) are defending and the Briscoes (both teenagers here) are making their debut as a team. Jay and Red run the ropes to start before Mark comes in to try some suplexes. It’s too early for that so we’ll go with an exchange of rollups for a standoff instead. AJ comes in to ride Mark on the mat before snapping off a German suplex.

It’s back to Jay, who gets German suplexed as well, albeit with Red adding a superkick to make it worse. Back in and Mark hits a high collar suplex on Styles, setting up some running double chops/boots in the corner. We take a break and come back with AJ snapping off a backbreaker into a suplex for a breather. The tag brings in Red for a top rope elbow but Jay makes a blind tag for a missile dropkick.

Red is right back with Brain Damage (kind of a kneeling tombstone but Red falls backwards while driving Jay’s head into the mat, making it a bit unclear who got the worst of it). AJ comes back in with a brainbuster but Mark powerbombs his way out of a hurricanrana attempt. The middle rope moonsault DDT is countered with a dropkick but Mark’s springboard cutter is knocked out of the air.

Red cuts Jay off and comes in for a running kick to drop Mark. That lasts all of three seconds as Mark lays him out with a clothesline and brings Jay back in. Some of the rooms of the house are cleaned and we take another break. Back again with Mark suplexing Red for two and handing it back to Jay for a DDT. A front facelock keeps Red in trouble but he powers up and gets over to AJ….as Mark has the referee in a classic spot.

Red manages to kick Jay down and drop Mark on his head, allowing the hot tag off to AJ. The pace picks up so AJ can strike it out with Jay as everything breaks down. An assisted DDT plants Red for two but AJ is back in with a double DDT to both brothers. The Jay Driller and Styles Clash are both broken up, leaving Red to hit the super Code Red for two on Mark. Back up and AJ launches Red into the air for a super hurricanrana on Jay, sending him straight into the Styles Clash to retain the titles at 25:40.

Rating: A-. Yeah this was awesome and you could see that the Briscoes had all of the promise in the world. They still needed some extra ring time and seasoning but the base was there. These guys tore the house down and I wasn’t sure how it was going to end. I haven’t seen much of this time from Ring of Honor so it’s pretty cool to see how good some of this stuff can be.

We see a montage of all twelve Tag Team Title wins. That’s pretty awesome actually as it shows you just how many changes have taken place over the years. If nothing else, it’s weird seeing the Briscoes grow hair.

We look at Jay Briscoe’s two World Title wins.

From Global Wars 2018.

Briscoes vs. Cody/Hangman Page

Brandi Rhodes is here with Cody and Page. Mark and Hangman (who looks VERY young here) start things off with an exchange of shots to the face before they glare each other down. Jay and Cody come in for the staredown before Cody works on the wristlock. We take a break (apparently due to the power going out in the building) and come back with the Briscoes taking turns on Page in the corner.

Jay knocks Cody off the apron and kicks Page in the head for two as Colt Cabana (on commentary) makes chicken references. Page gets over to Cody for the tag and it’s time to clean house as Ian Riccaboni recaps what fans missed when the power was out (with Sabu references abounding for a good chuckle).

Back in and Jay pounds Cody down in the corner but Brandi grabs a chair…which seems to scare Mark off. Mark gets back inside and hits a Death Valley Driver but has to roll out of the Froggy Bow. The double tag brings in Jay to slug it out with Page and we take a break (TV, not power out). Back with Page blasting Mark with a clothesline for two but Jay’s neckbreaker gets the same on Page.

Redneck Boogie gets two more but Brandi gets on the apron, with Mark being whipped into her. Brandi grabs her shoulder and the distraction lets Mark kick Cody low. The Buckshot Lariat drops Mark though and a top rope moonsault to the floor takes out both Briscoes. Cross Rhodes gets two on Jay, who brawls to the floor with Cody. That leaves Mark to slip out of a super Rite of Passage (Deadeye) as Cody is whipped into the barricade. Back in and the Jay Driller sets up the Froggy Bow to give Mark the pin at 18:25.

Rating: B+. Another hard hitting and energetic match, which shouldn’t be a surprise. The Briscoes can hang with anyone and it makes sense to put some of the top AEW guys going today in here. That being said, it isn’t exactly an important match for the Briscoes and it would have been nice to see one of their title wins in full. I’ll take what I can get though and this was rather great stuff.

One more Briscoes video wraps us up.

Overall Rating: A. This was great and that is an awesome thing to see. What mattered here was making the Briscoes look good and that is what they did here. The team has been one of the only standards for all of Ring of Honor’s history and there was so, so much to pick from here. I could have absolutely gone for a three or more hour version of this because the Briscoes have more great matches than anyone else in Ring of Honor history. Check this out if you’re a fan of the team and then go see some more of them, because they’re an all time great team.



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NXT UK – February 10, 2022: He Finally Got One

Date: February 10, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

For once, we don’t have a title on the line and after last week, that might be a good thing. Last week’s Women’s Title match ended with a fluke injury to Blair Davenport and she is likely to be gone for a long time. This week’s show is about revenge though as Nathan Frazer gets his hands on Teoman. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Amale vs. Nina Samuels

Fallout for Samuels taking over Amale’s interview and mocking her. Amale slugs away with forearms to start but Samuels grabs a hiptoss. Back up and Amale grabs a butterfly suplex but they head to the apron where Samuels trips her down. A high kick into a slingshot splash gives Samuels two and she rakes Amale’s face into the mat.

The chinlock puts Amale in trouble for a bit until she fights up for the clothesline comeback. A backsplash crushes Samuels for two but she is right back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for her own near fall. That’s too much for Amale, who hits a running kick in the corner, setting up the Hope Breaker to finish Samuels at 4:18.

Rating: C. Amale gets a nice win to boost her a bit and that is the kind of thing that she can always use. It still seems like she is going to be one of the next big projects in the women’s division and a title match in a few months would not surprise me. Now just find something for her to do on the way there and things should be set.

A-Kid continues trying to teach Saxon Huxley etiquette, which doesn’t exactly work. Then A-Kid leaves and Huxley is completely sane and normal, only to go nuts again when A-Kid comes back.

Someone steals Noam Dar’s Heritage Cup and locks Dar and Sha Samuels in their locker room.

We look back at last week’s street fight, with Meiko Satomura defending her title due to Blair Davenport’s injury. There is no update on Davenport’s injury.

New #1 contenders Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter run into Moustache Mountain so trash talk can be exchanged. Their title match is in two weeks.

Gallus, now with the Heritage Cup, has taken over the Supernova Sessions set. Actually let’s make that Gallus Boys On Top, with Jordan Devlin as the first guest. Devlin isn’t happy with the changes and thinks they stole his sunglasses. I assure you that Wolfgang putting some sunglasses on is just a coincidence. We’re out of time…but here are Sha Samuels and Noam Dar to interrupt. Samuels makes a bunch of threats but Gallus stops for some pictures with the Heritage Cup. Arguing ensues and Joe Coffey tells Dar to enjoy the Cup while he can. Gallus dances to Dar’s funky music.

Jack Starz and Dave Mastiff try to talk about what happened last week. Starz wants one of Mastiff’s vests but Mastiff says he has to earn it. That’s cool with Starz.

Kenny Williams, in a thunderstorm, talks about how Sam Gradwell has been after him. Williams can weather any storm though.

Saxon Huxley vs. A-Kid

Huxley starts with the stalking and A-Kid has to dodge around in the corner. A-Kid is put on the apron where he gets in a shot to the face, followed by raising a boot in the corner. That doesn’t work for Huxley, who throws him down and then launches him with a slam. Huxley sends him chest first into the corner and gets two off a backbreaker.

Some running sits onto A-Kid’s back sets up a quickly escaped over the shoulder backbreaker. A-Kid picks up the pace with a dropkick and a running kick to the arm. Huxley is sent outside for a suicide dive but he plants A-Kid with another backbreaker back inside. Some forearms to the chest keep A-Kid in trouble until he hits….I think a Sliced Bread out of the corner. An enziguri sets up a springboard moonsault DDT (that was sweet) to finish Huxley at 7:04.

Rating: C+. A-Kid is one of those guys who can work well with anyone and that was on display here with the NXT UK version of Bruiser Brody/Berzerker. It’s nice to have someone as versatile as A-Kid around and he looked good against the monster. At the same time, Huxley does his thing very well, and I’m curious about the “he’s actually smart” deal from earlier.

Post match, respect is shown and the still slightly nuts Huxley runs off.

Gallus is happy with their show but Jordan Devlin jumps Wolfgang and steals his sunglasses back.

A-Kid is happy with his win but here is Die Familie. Charlie Dempsey nods at A-Kid but nothing gets physical.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Teoman vs. Nathan Frazer

The rest of Die Familie is here with Teoman. Frazer takes him down to start and hammers away before grabbing a headlock. Back up and some right hands stagger Teoman but he’s fine enough to counter a springboard into a neck snap across the top. Teoman grabs a chinlock and we get some rather blatant spot calling.

Some right hands to the ribs and then the back of the neck keep Frazer down but he punches his way back up. They fight to the floor and it’s Frazer hitting a moonsault off of the barricade to drop Teoman again. A few shots stagger Frazer though and it’s a double arm crank back inside.

Frazer fights up and manages a kick to the face, which is finally enough for a double knockdown. A running forearm and a Sling Blade drop Teoman and Frazer dives onto Die Familie for a bonus. Back in and a springboard moonsault is kicked out of the air to give Teoman two. Frazer grabs the rope for a Seth Rollins spin into an enziguri to drop Teoman and, after taking care of Die Familie, the Phoenix splash gives Frazer the pin at 13:11.

Rating: B-. It’s nice to see Frazer getting a win like this for a change as he hasn’t had the best win/loss record, at least in bigger matches. This time he got the chance to showcase himself, including beating the odds with the rest of the team. Other than that you have Teoman continuing to be just kind of there, though Charlie Dempsey still feels like someone who could be the breakout star from the team.

Overall Rating: B-. As usual, the show knows how to get through a bunch of stuff and cover a lot of stories at once. That is hard to do for most shows but NXT UK manages to make it work almost every time. Again, that might have something to do with the show being taped in advance, but I’ll take what I can get. Another good show here, which shouldn’t be a surprise.




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Smackdown – September 7, 2007 (2022 Redo): This Story Is Really Stupid

Date: September 7, 2007
Location: US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

We are almost up to Unforgiven and now we have a bit of an odd main event. This time around, Great Khali will be defending against Rey Mysterio, which kind of leaves Batista out in the cold. Other than that, we might be seeing some wrestlers written off of television for a month after the latest steroid scandal. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Rey Mysterio winning a mini tournament last week to become the new #1 contender.

Opening sequences.

It’s time for the VIP Lounge with MVP having the US Title and the Tag Team Title on a table. After talking about how great he is, we get straight to the guest with Matt Hardy. MVP brags about giving Matt all of his success and shows a clip of MVP getting the pin to win the Tag Team Titles last week. We see another clip of MVP in his locker room after winning the titles when Matt came in, decked MVP, and took his belt. Matt thinks he looked like Evander Holyfield out there but he still wants another US Title shot. MVP starts getting things cleared out but it’s not for a US Title shot. Instead, MVP has gotten Matt his own singles match.

Deuce vs. Matt Hardy

Domino, Cherry and MVP are here and Matt is in street clothes. Joined in progress with Deuce hitting a shoulder in the corner but Matt shoves him out of the corner. A clothesline gives Matt two and he strikes away, only to get caught in a hot shot. Deuce grabs the neck crank before a fist drop sets up a reverse chinlock. Make that a front facelock as there is a lot of locking going on.

Back up and Matt cuts off a superplex attempt, setting up the middle rope elbow to the back of the neck. There’s a double clothesline to put both of them down but Domino offers a distraction. MVP shoves him into the ring and with the referee distracted, trips Deuce down. The Twist of Fate finishes for Matt without much trouble.

Rating: C-. Just a quick match here but Matt/MVP is growing on me. I know MVP is still limited in what he can do in the ring but this is a nice little change instead of having them feud with over the US Title. I’m sure that’s coming down the line, but this is starting to work, at least for the time being.

Jamie Noble has an AKME Leprechaun Trap to catch Hornswoggle, complete with a trail of Lucky Charms. Shannon Moore doesn’t know what to think. You know, this company will mock WCW endlessly, but this was a dumb deal when Chavo Guerrero had an Acme Eddie Trap and it’s dumber now to see it done again.

Rey Mysterio is facing Chavo Guerrero in an I Quit match later tonight so we look at their first WWE match back in 2002. Of note, Tazz says “Six Nineteen.”

Chuck Palumbo vs. Kenny Dykstra

Victoria is here with Dykstra, so Palumbo has Michelle McCool on the back of his motorcycle. Who would have thought she would have a thing for bikers? JBL: “She could be hit with an ugly stick and still be hot.” Palumbo grabs a belly to back suplex to start but Dykstra goes after the arm. That doesn’t last long as Palumbo hits a clothesline and a shoulder as McCool beats up Victoria for going near the motorcycle. The Full Throttle finishes Dykstra in a hurry.

Vickie Guerrero and Kristal are excited for the wedding when Teddy Long comes in. Teddy has the new Jagged Edge CD and has gotten them to perform at the wedding. Kristal’s mom calls so she leaves, with Vickie suggesting that Long give Vince McMahon the CD. It’s called the Baby Making Project after all.

Chavo Guerrero cost Rey Mysterio the World Title at Great American Bash 2006.

Batista/Kane vs. Great Khali/Finlay

Runjin Singh is here with the villains. Batista and Finlay start things off and they actually go with some grappling to start. A headlock takeover puts Finlay down and an atomic drop makes it worse. Finlay is sent in the corner and Batista wants Khali but he gets a break instead. Back with Finlay being taken into the corner again so Kane can take drop him for two more. A suplex gives Kane two and now it’s Khali coming in for the battle of the giants. Singh offers a distraction though and Finlay low bridges Kane out to the floor.

Back in and Finlay stomps Kane down in the corner, setting up the chinlock. It’s back to Khali for the nerve hold, followed by some forearms to cut off a comeback attempt. The enziguri staggers Kane but Finlay pulls Batista down and drives him into the apron. Back in and Finlay sends Kane’s shoulder into the post but Batista breaks up the Shillelagh shot. The double clothesline knocks Khali outside and it’s a chokeslam to finish Finlay.

Rating: C-. This was working well enough when Finlay was in there but then you had the Khali parts to bring it right back down. You can only get so far with the claw holds and the nerve holds but it’s about all Khali has. That makes for some pretty rough stretches when he needs to fill in time on a fifteen minute match. The rest of the match worked out, but dang the (already limited) shine is already coming off of Khali.

Hornswoggle gets the cereal and leaves the Cruiserweight Title in the trap. Jamie Noble goes to get it and Hornswoggle traps him. This story is dumb.

Rey Mysterio beat Chavo Guerrero at No Mercy 2006 in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

Jesse and Festus are here and find….a talking box! It seems to be named Jamie Noble.

Cruiserweight Title: Jamie Noble vs. Hornswoggle

Noble is challenging and isn’t here to start. The referee starts the count and here is Noble….who gets counted out at the last second. The struggle continues.

Long recap of the McMahon Family drama on Raw.

Commentary talks about what happened with the McMahons but an Undertaker video hacks the feed. Then a druid appears in the ring so here is Mark Henry. Instead of going after the druid, Henry waits and the lights go out. Undertaker’s music plays and that’s it.

Unforgiven rundown.

Here is Chavo Guerrero with a chair, which he promises will make Rey Mysterio scream again tonight.

Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero

I Quit match. Chavo wins a slugout to start and knocks Rey into the corner so Rey takes a breather on the floor. It’s already time for the chair but Chavo keeps missing, allowing Rey to kick him in the head. A running hurricanrana sends Chavo over the announcers’ table but he’s fine enough to send Rey into the post. Chavo goes to drive the knee into the chair, only to get sent face first into it instead. Rey loads up the springboard splash but Chavo pelts the chair at him to cut that off fast. Neither will quit though and we take a break.

Back with Chavo holding something like a one legged Liontamer until Rey fights out. That earns him a toss underneath the ropes and out to the floor. Now the chair can connect with the knee and Rey starts screaming. The chair is wrapped around Rey’s neck and slammed into the post but somehow Rey is back with a kick to the head.

Back in and a top rope seated senton drives Chavo through the chair but he is fine enough to hit a Gory Bomb onto the chair. Chavo goes up and gets crotched (because he felt the need to point at the ceiling for a long time), earning him a spot in the Tree of Woe. Rey unloads with chair shots (and camera cuts) to make Chavo quit.

Rating: B. This wasn’t the most violent brawl but that’s not what they were going for here. Instead, this was the personal fight with Rey wanting revenge and refusing to quit again. It was the kind of match they needed to finish the feud for good too as it tied into everything they had done before.

Post match Great Khali comes in and beats Rey down, including the Vice Grip to make Rey bleed from the mouth. Cue Batista for the save, with a spear sending Khali outside.

In the back, Teddy Long yells at Khali and Runjin Singh. If that’s how they want to do it, we’ll make Unforgiven a triple threat match with Batista included.

Overall Rating: C. Unforgiven is not the best looking show on the Smackdown side but I don’t think they have time to add much else. Undertaker vs. Mark Henry will be one of the bigger deals but how exciting is that going to be? The other big match will be for the World Title and all that matters is getting the belt off of Khali. It has run its course and now things need to move on before he wrecks things even further. The main event helped bring up some other stuff here but it wasn’t one of the better efforts.



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205 Live – February 11, 2022: The Balancing Act

205 Live
Date: February 11, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness

We’re back to this show and last week actually gave me a bit of hope. There are a lot of NXT stars who have nothing going on at the moment so give some more of them some time instead of these lower level prospects. I know they need ring time, but if you are going for the entertaining, get some better stars out here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Trick Williams

Kushida and Carmelo Hayes are here too. Williams spins out of a wristlock to start but Jiro takes him down, meaning it’s time for some showboating. A cravate has Jiro in some more trouble and a dropkick to the back of the head makes it even worse. The crossarm choke goes on but Jiro slips through the legs and flips him over for the escape. Jiro runs him over and hits a double springboard moonsault for two but Williams drops him face first onto the top. A running neckbreaker finishes Jiro at 5:13.

Rating: C-. This was mostly a Williams squash and that is quite the surprise. Williams almost never gets in the ring and he beat a popular star here. The key word there is star, as Jiro might not be a big name, but he is a bigger deal than some of the people who are usually around here. I’ll take what I can get and somehow, Jiro is that kind of a positive right now.

Erica Yan vs. Lash Legend

The fans are split here as Yan can’t manage to take her down early. Legend powers her up and forearms Yan out to the floor instead, setting up a running splash in the corner back inside. An elbow gives Legend two (Nigel: “Really lashing out.”) and we hit the chinlock. Yan fights up and strikes away but dives into that over the back torture rack for the tap at 3:21.

Rating: D+. Another case where there wasn’t much to see here as legend is only going to be able to do a few things in the ring. That makes the short time a lot better, but Legend still has a long way to go. The problem is WWE seems to want to push her a lot sooner than that, so we could be seeing a good bit more of Legend in the time being.

Black History Month video on Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

Xyon Quin vs. Joe Gacy

Harland is here with Gacy, who talks about how the idea of 205 Live is exclusionary. More change is coming, because this show is open to everyone who wants to level up. I’m glad he pointed that out three months after the change was made. The bell rings and Gacy wants a hug but gets has to settle for grabbing a headlock instead.

Quin powers out and grabs a wristlock, earning himself a right hand to the face. A suplex gives Quin one but Gacy hits a belly to back version for the same. Gacy grabs a neck crank for a bit before having to escape a Samoan drop. Some forearms to the back put Quin down and a DDT is good for two. We hit the neck crank again with Quin fighting up again, only to get distracted by Harland. Gacy’s handspring clothesline finishes at 6:00.

Rating: C. There’s another win for Gacy, who continues to stick around over and over. I can go with one of the few more over the top personalities getting somewhere, though I also could have gone with Quin winning instead. He’s more interesting and stands out a bit more, but does losing on 205 Live really matter anyway?

Overall Rating: C-. This was the right formula, with more wrestlers who need some exposure and a few wrestlers who need experience. The show is only going to get so far with thirty minutes a week and about five of those being spent on videos, but at least they’re increasing the star power around here a bit. Not their best show, but they had a better idea here.



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ECW On Sci Fi – September 4, 2007: One More Time

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: September 4, 2007
Location: US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

It’s time for a big showdown as CM Punk is getting his latest title shot against John Morrison for the ECW World Title. This almost has to be the title change, because there is no reason for Punk to lose again. Throw in the fact that there really isn’t anyone else for Morrison to defend against and they almost have to pull the trigger here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at CM Punk becoming #1 contender last week.

Opening sequence.

Boogeyman vs. Matt Striker

Big Daddy V is here with Striker, who describes him as omnipotent. Boogeyman is foaming at the mouth to start so V gets on the apron for a quick distraction. Striker bails to the floor, comes back, and gets knocked right back to the floor. Back in and Boogeyman hits a corner splash before giving chase on the floor….where V clotheslines Boogeyman for the fast DQ.

Post match V crushes Boogeyman to leave him laying.

Armando Estrada tells CM Punk that this is his last chance for the ECW World Title. Estrada says good luck, but Punk says that’s for losers.

We see a clip of Balls Mahoney on Who Wants To Be A Superhero. Of course this is missing from the Peacock version.

Balls Mahoney vs. Miz

Extreme Expose is here with Miz but Kelly Kelly doesn’t seem thrilled with everything. Mahoney starts fast with the left hands in the corner but Miz takes him down, earning some applause from Extreme Expose (Kelly again isn’t impressed). Miz grabs the cravate but Mahoney is right back up with the snap jabs (Kelly approves). Not that it matters as Miz hits the Reality Check for the fast pin.

Post match Miz declares Mahoney the loser of the match so Kelly checks on him. That earns her a stern lecture and she leaves with Miz and the girls.

John Morrison is sick of CM Punk because he is a loser. Punk picks his tattoos out of a coloring books and looks like a Blink 182 groupie who cried himself to sleep when he couldn’t sneak backstage.

Long video on the McMahon Family drama this week on Raw. Next week, Vince’s illegitimate son is revealed.

Kevin Thorn/Elijah Burke vs. Stevie Richards/Tommy Dreamer

Thorn pounds Richards into the corner to start but Richards kicks his way to freedom. It’s off to Dreamer, who gets slammed down to put him in trouble for a change. Burke comes in and, after a cheap shot from Thorn, hits an STO to put Dreamer down again. Thorn pulls Dreamer into a chinlock which doesn’t last very long as Dreamer sends him into a turnbuckle. The hot tag brings in Richards to take over on Burke as the pace picks up. Burke sends him shoulder first into the corner though, leaving Thorn and Dreamer to fight to the floor. The Elijah Express finishes for Burke.

Rating: C-. It was nice to have a flashback to the New Breed vs. ECW Originals feud here and right now, that might not be the worst way to go. At the end of the day, there isn’t much going on with the rest of the roster so this is about as good of an idea as they have with these people. Not a good match, but it was passable enough that it could have worked with a few more minutes.

Video on CM Punk vs. John Morrison.

ECW World Title: CM Punk vs. John Morrison

Punk is challenging in his final shot. They go technical to start with an exchange of front facelocks and rollups for two each. Punk gets a delayed one off a hip toss of all things but Morrison takes him down and stomps away as we hear a bit about the history of the ECW World Title.

A springboard dropkick gets two on Morrison and Punk starts kicking him in the chest. Morrison sends him throat first into the ropes though and Punk is sent to the apron. That means the powerbomb to the floor has to be blocked, leaving Punk to dive onto Morrison as we take a break.

Back with Morrison slamming Punk off the top for two and then blasting him with a kick to the face. We hit the chinlock for a few seconds before Morrison goes with a running knee to the face for two. Now it’s a reverse chinlock (with Punk looking like he is tapping, likely by accident) before Morrison goes up top. You don’t do that in a match this big, as Punk is right there with a superplex to bring him back down.

Punk’s leg lariat gets two and the running knee in the corner/bulldog gets the same. Back up and Morrison catches him with a Pele kick in the corner but has to elbow his way out of the GTS. A rollup with trunks and rope gets caught (thank goodness) so Punk rolls him up for two of his own. Morrison misses the springboard kick to the face though and it’s the GTS to give Punk the pin and the title.

Rating: B. They had built this up so hard that it had to be the title change and they did just that. Punk kept getting closer and closer to the win and FINALLY pulled it off, which is all you could ask for. They even had some hot near falls near the end, but this was either Punk wins the title or goes into another feud that they don’t have here at the moment. Good match and the only decision they could have made.

Punk celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Not a great show here but the main event is the only thing that matters. While that is kind of a microcosm of all of ECW at the moment, I’ll take what I can get with the title change though, as that is all that it needed to be here. ECW needs some fresh stars, but at least they have Punk to fight some of their current roster for a few weeks/months now. Good main event and the rest was passable enough, even if it isn’t that inspiring.




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Daily News Update – February 12, 2022

Ok three daysly in this case.

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Dynamite – February 9, 2022

Monday Night Raw – September 3, 2007

Impact Wrestling – February 3, 2022

205 Live – February 4, 2022

Impact Wrestling – February 10, 2022

Smackdown – February 11, 2022

Rampage – February 11, 2022

Maybe Next Time: WWE Turned Down Rob Van Dam’s Recent Offer To Return.

VIDEO: Former WWE Star Makes AEW Debut.

He’s Here Too: Another Former World Champion Makes AEW Debut.

What Pat McAfee Says Every Week That Gets Him In Trouble With WWE.

AEW Teases Major Pay Per View Main Event On Dynamite.

AEW Dropped A Hint Of A Major Future Free Agent Signing.

Here’s What WWE Had Planned For A Recent Kurt Angle Return.

WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Locker Room Unhappy Over Superstar’s Treatment.

Thank You: WWE Star Does Something Very Nice For Fans.

WWE Legend Signs New Contract With The Company.

What’s Next: Update On Goldberg’s Future WWE Status.

Former World Champion Implies He Will Be A Free Agent.

Catch You Later: NXT Star Announces She Is Leaving WWE.

Tony Khan Says Some Wrestlers Will Have To Leave AEW.

WRESTLING RUMORS KILLER: No, Tony Khan Is Not Running For Congress.

More Details On Controversial Match On AEW Dynamite.

Backstage Update On WWE Producer Being Away From Work.

Update On Big E. And Kofi Kingston Reuniting On SmackDown.

New Grudge Match Set For WWE Elimination Chamber.

Next Generation Up: Top Independent Star Signs With WWE.

WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Has Its Eye On Another AEW Star.

AHH! AEW’s Keith Lee Has Done Something Awesome After Debuting.

Why WWE Is Going Out Of Their Way For Major Upcoming Live Event.

On The Dotted Line: AEW Announces New Free Agent Signing.

As always, please check out all of the videos if you can, hit up the comments section and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Rampage – February 11, 2022: Dang They’re Good At This

Date: February 11, 2022
Location: Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Commentators: Excalibur, Ricky Starks, Chris Jericho, Taz

This show has its work cut out for it after this week’s pretty awesome Dynamite. They do have a pretty big card already set though as the Young Bucks are back in action against Roppongi Vice. That means we could be in for a Jay White appearance as well, plus maybe something more on Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson later. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Young Bucks vs. Roppongi Vice

Orange Cassidy is here with Vice and they’re already in the ring so we’re starting fast this week. Beretta sends Nick outside to start and so Matt comes in and get punched back and forth into the corners. The Bucks get kicked down though and heads up the ramp, with Roppongi Vice giving chase.

That means the Bucks can hit stereo superkicks and try to beat the countout. Vice makes it back in time and it’s Romero getting caught with a neckbreaker/backbreaker combination. With Vice on the floor, Matt helps Nick get up for a huge dive to take them out again. Cassidy goes underneath the ring but it’s Danhausen coming out as Vice cleans house. Danhausen leaves after a hand bump with Cassidy, leaving Romero to hit Nick with a running Sliced Bread.

We take a break and come back with the Bucks in control and everything breaking down. Nick gets caught with a Doomsday Device knee on the floor (don’t worry as he’s back on his feet thirteen seconds later) and a top rope double stomp to the back gets two. An exchange of suplexes and superkicks leave everyone down until Matt and Trent are back up. Strong Zero gets two on Matt but the Meltzer Driver gets the same on Romero. Back up and the BTE Trigger finishes for Matt at 13:18.

Rating: B. That was certainly a Bucks match. They did their flips, they did their dives, and they looked very choreographed doing it all. The Bucks are crazy athletic and talented, but this isn’t the place to go if you are looking for a match that feels like a fight. I’m not sure what to call it, but it feels much more like a rehearsed performance than anything else.

Post match Brandon Cutler tries the cold spray on Orange Cassidy and gets Orange Punched. The Bucks come in and drop Cassidy so Romero makes the save. Cue Jay White with the Bladerunner on Romero.

Bryan Danielson doesn’t care about CM Punk and Jon Moxley teaming together on Dynamite because he wants a long term relationship with Moxley. That thing with Punk? Just a one night stand! Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty come in, with Sydal saying he didn’t like Danielson suggesting that Moriarty needs a good coach. Danielson says Moriarty needs to learn violence, which has Moriarty challenging him for Dynamite. Game on.

Britt Baker vs. Robyn Renegade

Non-title. They trade chinlocks to start until Renegade is up with a wristlock. Baker pulls that down into an armbar and knocks her down again as we take a break. Back with Renegade hitting a 450 for two, which has Baker getting a bit more serious. Some low superkicks and a fisherman’s neckbreaker rock Renegade and the Stomp finishes her off at 7:28.

Rating: C. It wasn’t competitive and it didn’t need to be, as this was more about giving Baker a win to keep her warm. Baker hasn’t been in the ring as much lately and it is nice to see her getting back in there and doing her thing. The good thing is that she seems to be getting ready for the big showdown with Thunder Rosa and that is where we should be going.

Post match Baker puts her in the Lockjaw but here is Thunder Rosa for the save and the big beatdown. Jamie Hayter runs in for the save and Baker has to calm down Hayter and Mercedes Martinez.

Layla Hirsch talks about being in a Russian orphanage and doesn’t think Kris Statlander’s story matches up. Statlander says that’s the kind of attitude that made Layla’s parents give her up. Well that’s harsh. Violence is teased.

Hook vs. Blake Li

Hook throws him down to start and unloads in the corner with the heavy shots. There’s a gutwrench suplex but Li knocks him out of the corner. A springboard crossbody misses as Hook casually steps aside, setting up a t-bone suplex. Redrum is enough to make Li tap at 2:47. Hook’s star continues to rise and they continue to present him as perfectly as they could. Well maybe not having him near QT Marshall might help.

We get the face to face showdown between Billy Gunn and the Gunn Club and Christian Cage/the Jurassic Express. Billy talks about all of the statements they have made, with the Tag Team Titles coming to them next. Christian and the champs promise to destroy the Club for good.

Tag Team Titles: Jurassic Express vs. Gunn Club

The Club is challenging and Christian Cage/Billy Gunn are the seconds. Jungle Boy takes Austin down to start and they trade an exchange of wristlocks. It’s off to Luchasaurus to knock the Club outside and then beat them up inside. Snake Eyes hits Austin and there’s a big chop to put him down again. Colton gets in a cheap shot though and the Club takes over as we take a break.

Back with Colton ducking Jungle Boy’s lariat but getting superkicked instead. That’s enough for the hot tag off to Luchasaurus and everything breaks down. The double chokeslam is escaped so the Club heads outside, with Jungle Boy hitting a big running flip dive. Back in and the chokeslam plants Colton, setting up a standing moonsault for two.

Another Jungle Boy dive hits Luchasaurus though and the Quick Draw drops Jungle Boy on the floor. A belt shot to the head gives Austin a very close two but Luchasaurus pulls Colton outside. That means a chokeslam over the barricade as Christian spears Billy. Jungle Boy Killswitches Austin to retain at 12:34.

Rating: B-. The Express continues to get better as they rack up one win after another. They might not be as great as some of the top teams around here but at least they are doing the right things and building up a resume. The Club did their part here as well and that made for a solid enough main event.

Overall Rating: B+. This is what Rampage should be: a bunch of a matches that showcase some stars and get some time (some more than others) without overstaying its welcome. It might not always be the most important content, but when they get the formula right, it can be one of the more entertaining shows going. Rather good job this week.

Young Bucks b. Roppongi Vice – BTE Trigger to Romero
Britt Baker b. Robyn Renegade – Stomp
Hook b. Blake Li – Redrum
Jurassic Express b. Gunn Club – Killswitch to Austin




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Smackdown – February 11, 2022: They Picked It Up

Date: February 11, 2022
Location: Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
Commentators: Corey Graves, Michael Cole

We have less than ten days before Elimination Chamber and the only big thing on the Smackdown side is Goldberg vs. Roman Reigns. That might not sound too appealing, but that’s what the people paying for Elimination Chamber want to see. Other than that, we have the fallout from Ronda Rousey destroying Sonya Deville and choosing to face Charlotte at Wrestlemania. Let’s get to it.

Here is Smackdown if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Ronda Rousey picking Charlotte for Wrestlemania and also taking out Sonya Deville for a bonus.

Here is Sonya Deville, with her arm in a sling, to say she is tired of people disrespecting her. There will be consequences for the actions of people like Ronda Rousey and Naomi. Therefore, she has requested that Rousey be fined $100,000 and suspended indefinitely. Cue Adam Pearce to say Vince McMahon has responded to her request via email.

Said email says that Vince doesn’t like someone abusing their authority, so not only is the request denied, but if Sonya gets involved in Naomi vs. Charlotte, her job will be….IN SERIOUS JEOPARDY. Cue Naomi to say that Sonya can’t touch her, but Naomi can do this. A loud slap drops Sonya, who is not happy.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

We look back at Kofi Kingston/Big E. taking out Los Lotharios in a pretty good match last week.

Big E./Kofi Kingston vs. Los Lotharios

After a quick chat in the back about how great Los Lotharios are and the Los Lotharios Kiss Cam, we’re ready to go. Big E. cranks on a headlock to Angel before Kofi comes in with a splash for two. It’s off to Angel, who takes Kofi into the corner for some crossface shots to the jaw. Humberto adds some forearms to the back but Kingston sweeps his leg out. That’s enough to set up Big E.’s apron splash and there’s the big dive to take Los Lotharios out at the same time.

We come back from a break with Angel pounding on Big E. and TAKING OFF HIS (own) PANTS. Big E. gets up and brings in Kofi as everything breaks down. A top rope double stomp/powerbomb combination gets two on Humberto with Angel making the save. Angel hits a Backstabber and sends Big E. outside for a moonsault (with his leg smacking Big E. in the head). Another moonsault press gives Humberto two on Kofi but he’s back up with Trouble in Paradise. Kofi tries a tornado DDT out of the corner but Garza slips off and stacks Kofi up for the clean pin at 10:24.

Rating: B-. Remember last week when New Day beat Los Lotharios? Well this is the same thing but the opposite, because WWE loves doing this kind of thing. The good thing is that the match worked a little better than their usual efforts, as WWE has a bad tendency to run nothing matches back in a trilogy for some weird reason. Odds are this gets a third try, as the tag division continues to spin its wheels.

The Usos jump the Viking Raiders and leave them laying.

We look back at Goldberg returning and challenging Roman Reigns for Elimination Chamber.

We get a sitdown interview with Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman. Neither of them seem overly worried about Goldberg, with Reigns saying that if he was in WCW when Goldberg had his winning streak, WCW would still be in business. After a clip of Goldberg squashing Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2016, Reigns laughs them off as old news. Reigns doesn’t think much of the idea that he and Goldberg were supposed to fight two years ago at Wrestlemania. He wants to slap Goldberg in the face and get him out of here again. Preach it brother.

Recap of Aliyah vs. Natalya, with Aliyah beating her three times in a row.

Aliyah vs. Natalya

Pinfall or submission only. Natalya shoulders her down to start and they dive over each other a few times. A Michinoku Driver gives Natalya two but Aliyah is back with a Thesz press. Natalya shrugs that off and puts on the Sharpshooter, sending Aliyah to the ropes. That has no impact though as there are no disqualifications, meaning Aliyah has to tap at 2:40. So Aliyah beat her and beat her and beat her and then lost. Got it.

Post match Natalya stays on her but Xia Li runs in for the save.

We get a Rock narrated video on Rocky Johnson for Black History Month.

It’s time for InZayn, but first we see Johnny Knoxville wrecking a bunch of Sami Zayn merchandise earlier today. Sami says he’s on to bigger things like getting his Intercontinental Title back, which doesn’t go over so well with the crowd. The booing doesn’t work on a podcast so Zayn promises then vegan creole recipes for later. That brings out his guests, Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura, with Sami promising to take the title last week.

Nakamura asks if Sami saw the movie, meaning Jackass Defeated, which comes out next week. Sami doesn’t think much of Boogs, who can lift all the weights he wants. Boogs reaches for the microphone….and gets electrocuted, sending him down into the corner. Nakamura goes to check on him and gets jumped by Sami, who leaves them both laying. After that live electrocution, we’re ready to move on.

We look back at Drew McIntyre taking out Madcap Moss last week.

Madcap Moss, with a black eye, says he can’t be in Happy Corbin’s corner this week.

Happy Corbin vs. Cesaro

Corbin takes him into the corner to start and starts the pounding. Deep Six cuts off the Cesaro comeback but he sends Corbin into the corner as well. That means the slide under the ropes but they fight to the floor, with Cesaro hitting a running uppercut. Back in and Cesaro hits the springboard corkscrew uppercut for two but Corbin grabs the End of Days at 3:58.

Rating: C. This was a match where they didn’t have a chance to do much and Cesaro was there to make Corbin look good. You need to keep Corbin strong for the Wrestlemania match with Drew McIntyre, because that’s what we’ll be seeing for some reason. Corbin is better without Madcap Moss, but egads I could go for something other than Corbin for McIntyre.

We go to Madcap Moss getting his eye looked at when Drew McIntyre comes in. He knows Moss’ eye is ok, which is why their match at Elimination Chamber is now Falls Count Anywhere.

Charlotte is ready to retain the Women’s Title.

We get a sitdown interview with Goldberg and Michael Cole, who Goldberg says he loves like a brother. Goldberg promises that this is a comeback that will bring back the old him. It’s two years in the making, ten years in the making or fifteen years in the making. Reigns has promised to “Goldberg Goldberg”, but Goldberg promises to make Reigns acknowledge him.

Here’s the opening segment again.

Sheamus was the honorary starter at a NASCAR race.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Naomi

Naomi is challenging and Sonya Deville can’t get involved. Charlotte runs her over to start but Naomi is back up with a whip into the corner. An enziguri sends Charlotte outside and there’s a slingshot corkscrew dive to send us to a break. Back with Naomi in trouble but managing to catch her with a high crossbody for two. The Figure Four necklock is broken up so Charlotte chops away instead. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gives Charlotte two more and she bends Naomi’s back around the post.

Back in and Naomi manages some kicks to the head, setting up a Blockbuster for two more. They head outside with Charlotte sending her into the steps for a crash as we take another break. Back again with Naomi fighting out of a chinlock and hitting another springboard spinning kick to the face. A bulldog drives Charlotte face first into the middle turnbuckle but Charlotte plants her with a powerbomb for two of her own.

The double moonsault hits raised knees though and Naomi hits the Rear View for a very close two. Naomi loads up the split legged moonsault but hits raised knees as well to give Charlotte two more. A (not great) rollup gives Naomi another near fall and she plants Charlotte with a headscissors driver. Now the split legged moonsault connects for two, as the fans are WAY into these near falls. Some forearms have Charlotte in trouble and a kick to the head staggers her again. Another Rear View misses though and the Natural Selection retains the title at 19:50.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but they were rolling by the end, especially after the second break. They had some great near falls with Naomi getting so close to the title before falling short. One of the good things about Charlotte losing her title over and over is that there is a chance she could lose the title here and then get it back to set up the Wrestlemania title match all over again. Heck of a match here and worth a look.

Post match Sonya Deville is here to go after Naomi, with Charlotte coming back in to kick Naomi in the face. The beatdown is on until Ronda Rousey runs in for the save.

Overall Rating: B. They had some good stuff here, with the wrestling being solid for the most part, including a pretty awesome main event. The setback here was the focus on Goldberg vs. Roman Reigns, which isn’t exactly enthralling. At least they kept the Goldberg segment short, because talking really isn’t his thing. The main event really pulled this up, though the bad things kept the show from hitting that much higher level.

Los Lotharios b. Kofi Kingston/Big E. – Rollup to Kingston
Natalya b. Aliyah – Sharpshooter
Happy Corbin b. Cesaro – End of Days
Charlotte b. Naomi – Natural Selection




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