Rampage – March 17, 2023: The Early Night Hour

Date: March 17, 2023
Location: Canada Life Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Paul Wight, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re still in Canada for St. Patrick’s Day Slam, which will actually air very early on Saturday due to the NCAA basketball tournament. That means the audience is going to be down, which means the show might not be as stacked as usual. It would make sense, but that could make for an interesting show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

TNT Title: Rey Fenix vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs, with QTV (Aaron Solo/QT Marshall), is defending and Fenix flips around to start. Fenix knocks him to the floor for a dive, setting up an Asai moonsault to drop Hobbs again. Back in and Hobbs runs him over for a change and takes it right back to the floor for a whip into the barricade. Hobbs takes it back inside and is rather pleased with how crumpled Fenix seems to be. The nerve hold goes on, followed by a suplex for two on Fenix as we take a break.

Back with Fenix being pulled back inside and the nerve hold going on. Fenix fights up and bounces on the ropes before having his springboard armdrag pulled into a powerslam for two. Fenix is able to snap off a German suplex for two and the rope walk kick to the head drops Hobbs again.

Hobbs is fine enough to drive him HARD into the corner, setting up a nasty spinebuster for two. Fenix gets back up and kicks him down, setting up a frog splash for two. A roll is pulled out of the air into another spinebuster though and Town Business (a reverse FU, which I don’t think was what they called Town Business before) retains the title at 14:13.

Rating: B-. Good power vs. speed match here and it’s nice for Hobbs’ first title defense to be against someone with credibility. That being said, my goodness does it feel like a waste for Hobbs to be part of a group. Hobbs is a force but now it looks like he’s part of the Factory 2.0, with QT Marshall being the star of their vignette last week. I don’t get the thinking here, as Hobbs could be fine on his own, but AEW does love its stables.

Post match, Hobbs beats up Alex Abrahantes for a bonus.

Adam Cole is ready to come back on March 29.

Stu Grayson wants Jon Moxley next week.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Ava Lawless

This is Taya’s in-ring debut and she powers Lawless into the corner for a running clothesline. The running knees in the corner set up a spear and the Road To Valhalla (better known as Jaded around here) finishes Lawless at 1:17. Total dominance.

Post match Jade Cargill, Leila Grey and Mark Sterling come out to glare at Taya.

Matt Hardy (in a Ribera Steak House jacket) train Stokely Hathaway for Hook. Hathaway’s tickle counter to a slam and having a cookie might not be the best idea.

Bollywood Boyz vs. Jericho Appreciation Society

The Boyz give Parker a modified Hart Attack (top rope elbow instead of a running clothesline) to send him to the floor to start fast. Back in and it’s off to Menard to take Gurv down as we go to a break. We come back with Harv cleaning house, including a running spinwheel kick to Parker. The Society double teams him down though and grabs the double implant DDT for the pin at 6:47.

Rating: C. I still do not get the logic behind having almost half of a match take place during a break, especially one as low level as this one. The Boyz are always worth at least a glance just due to how much fun they seem to be having out there but the Society is only so interesting. They’re a good enough team, but the idea of them feuding with the Acclaimed feels like as much of a downgrade as you can get after losing the titles.

Post match the Society mocks the scissoring.

Don Callis greeted Konosuke Takeshita at the airport with flowers and a Japanese man banging a drum.

Video on Hijo del Vikingo vs. Kenny Omega next week on Dynamite.

We look at the triple threat Trios Titles match from Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming at various shows.

The Gunns are happy about being Tag Team Champions and run into Top Flight, who they think are the valets. They get in an argument about being the best brother team and Top Flight wants the titles. The title match is set for next week. The Gunns leave their bags though and Top Flight takes them. Thieves.

Daniel Garcia vs. Brody King

Chris Jericho is here with Garcia while King has Julia Hart. Garcia bails to the floor to start and the chase is on and lasts over a minute until Garcia dropkicks the knee. With that not working, King sends him into the corner, only to miss a splash. Garcia gets sent outside where he stops to hit on Hart, earning himself a heck of a chop. The running crossbody against the barricade crushes Garcia again but he avoids a charge and sends King into the steps.

We take a break and come back with King planting him with a swinging Boss Man Slam for two. A piledriver gets the same and there’s a Cannonball in the corner to give King two more. Garcia goes after the ankle and slaps on a sleeper, which is broken up through straight power. Another missed charge lets Garcia grab his own Walls, sending King to the rope. Jericho gets in a baseball bat shot so Garcia grabs a choke to win at 12:26.

Rating: C+. Well that’s one way to go. King has been presented as a monster for the last few weeks and the solution is just “hit him with a baseball bat”. The fans went nuts for Jericho (of course) but I’m not sure how wise it is to have Garcia pin the monster like this. If you need Jericho to do something like this, do it in a dark match and save King’s unstoppable aura.

Overall Rating: B-. As usual, Rampage is an enjoyable watch and nothing was bad but it feels like another show where they were just supplementing Dynamite. The good thing is that everything served at least something of a purpose, which puts it above most Rampages. Now just have Hobbs crush the rest of QT and feed them to his cat (I’m picturing one named Milo) and everything is a lot better.

Powerhouse Hobbs b. Rey Fenix – Town Business
Taya Valkyrie b. Ava Lawless – Road To Valhalla
Jericho Appreciation Society b. Bollywood Boyz – Double implant DDT to Harv
Daniel Garcia b. Brody King – Choke



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Daily News Update – March 18, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

NXT LVL Up – March 10, 2023

Impact Wrestling – March 16, 2023

Ring Of Honor TV – March 16, 2023

Smackdown – March 17, 2023


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As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Smackown – March 17, 2023: It’s About Time

Date: March 17, 2023
Location: T-Mobile Arena, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Michael Cole

We are just over two weeks away from Wrestlemania and that means things are serious around here. Tonight is going to be about finding a new #1 contender to the Intercontinental Title as Sheamus faces Drew McIntyre. Other than that, there is a good chance that we hear from Cody Rhodes again. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Cody Rhodes to get things going. Rhodes asks what we want to talk about and suggests Wrestlemania. He respects Roman Reigns and is looking forward to seeing him in this ring on Raw. He’s looking forward to seeing him at Wrestlemania as well, where he will be Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title. Rhodes doesn’t want to talk about someone though, because he would rather talk to someone. So Kevin Owens, come on out here.

Cue Owens, with Rhodes saying he respects him….but there is someone else we need here. Rhodes requests and receives Sami Zayn, leaving us with a rather tense staredown with Rhodes in the middle. Rhodes talks about how he told WWE good luck in their future endeavors and needed someone to watch his back. Owens introduced him to some people who helped him reach his goals and that is a favor he can never repay.

The fans want them to HUG IT OUT and Zayn talks about the horrible things he and Owens have done to each other. Somehow though, they’ve always found a way to get back on the same page and Zayn doesn’t get why this time is different. If there is something Owens needs to get off his chest, DO IT! If Owens needs to scream at him or hit him in the face, DO IT, so they can get back together again. Owens asks Rhodes if he got what he wanted so he can leave.

Cody: “What I want?” Rhodes says everyone wants the same thing, with Zayn talking about them taking down the Bloodline. Owens has heard all of that before but why would he fight for someone who doesn’t want to be his friend? Zayn is stunned and Owens thanks Rhodes before walking away. They’re taking their time with this and the moment when Owens finally saves Zayn is going to be great.

Post break, Owens is getting in his car when Zayn cuts him off. Zayn says they’re friends, they’ll always be friends, and they’re brothers. If Owens never wants to talk to him again, that’s fine, but Zayn loves him. Owens goes to leave, quickly looks back at Zayn, and drives away, clearly moved by that in some way.

Zelina Vega/Santos Escobar vs. Rhea Ripley/Dominik Mysterio

Escobar forearms Dominik down to start, with Dominik having to bail to the ropes. Ripley comes in but gets her boot to the ribs caught. Vega comes in for a top rope seated senton into a hurricanrana driver to send Ripley outside. A middle rope moonsault takes her down again and we take a break.

Back with Escobar hitting a loud dropkick on Dominik and adding a standing legdrop for two. Ripley gets in a cheap shot though and a double crossbody leaves both of them down. Vega comes back in as everything breaks down, with Rhea getting dropped by a kick. Ripley sends Vega outside and grabs a powerbomb to set up a Tower of Doom on the men. A Vega knee to the face rocks Ripley but she’s right back with Riptide to finish Vega at 7:07.

Rating: C+. Vega got a lot of shine here but there is no way she was going to be a major threat to a monster like Ripley. Escobar continues to be protected and I’m curious to see what he can do when he gets away from the Mysterios. It was a good use of all four though and there is some potential to be seen.

Post match Dominik gets the mic and says his Hall of Fame father was a deadbeat. Cue Rey Mysterio on the Titantron and we take a break. Back with Rey coming to the ring and Dominik saying his father is finally here for once. Dominik wanted Rey around all kinds of times but he is just a scared excuse for a father. He is about to call Rey a piece of s….but Rey cuts him off.

Rey asks if Dominik wants the truth because yeah, he has missed all kinds of things. No matter what though, Dominik was still his world. He sacrificed a lot of things so his family could have the best life they could imagine. No matter what Dominik did to get in trouble, the Mysterio name bailed him out. Rey gets emotional as he brings up going into the Hall of Fame….and he wants Dominik standing next to him on the stage. Fans: “YOU DESERVE IT!”

Rey says that maybe it’s too late for that, because his greatest regret is what Dominik has become. He doesn’t like some punk kid calling him out so he’d be glad to beat Dominik up at Wrestlemania. But he won’t because it would be a disgrace as a father. Rey will not fight him now, ever, or at Wrestlemania. Dominik calls Rey out as he walks away, calling him a scared, scared little man. Rey leaves, but looks very upset. Much like the opening segment, they’re teasing the big moment and kind of need to just make the match already.

There will be two four way tag team showcase matches at Wrestlemania and we are going to have qualifying matches starting now.

Wrestlemania Qualifying Match: Raquel Rodriguez/Liv Morgan vs. Emma/Tegan Nox

Liv throws Rodriguez into Nox in the corner to start but gets taken into the wrong corner. The double teaming is on but Liv gets over to Raquel for the house cleaning. The fall away slam and spinning Vader Bomb hit Emma, followed by a Codebreaker from Liv to Nox. Liv and Nox fight to the floor so it’s the Texana Bomb into Oblivion to finish Emma at 3:43.

Rating: C. So we’re having a four way tag match with possibly thrown together teams at Wrestlemania? And the battle royals were seen as worse ideas? Are they fighting for anything? Maybe a title shot? I would hope so, as otherwise this is going to be up there with the worthlessness of Dino Bravo vs. Texas Tornado matches of Wrestlemanias gone by.

We look back at Charlotte and Rhea Ripley yelling at each other last week.

Here is Charlotte (in a mostly there bright yellow body suit) to say that when she was growing up, it was Rhodes as a challenger and Flair as a champion. Charlotte has always gone into Wrestlemania as a challenger or the champion, but Rhea Ripley can never get there because she isn’t a Charlotte level star.

Cue Ripley (with Dominik) to say that she did choose Charlotte. Ripley walks through the locker room, everyone turns away in fear. She is dangerous and bloody good at what she does, which makes everyone feel her….except Charlotte. That ticks Ripley off and it makes her NEED the Women’s Title. Ripley promises to make Charlotte fear her and Dominik talks trash, allowing Ripley to drop Charlotte with a shot. Dominik and Ripley leave but Charlotte cuts them off and the fight is on, with security not being able to hold them back. They fight over the barricade and are FINALLY separated after a rather energized brawl.

Sami Zayn talks about how two people who he has considered his brother have left him. It’s time he thought about things.

Xavier Woods vs. LA Knight

This is the result of Knight mocking Woods for playing WWE2K23 earlier. Knight pounds away to start as Barrett says Knight has the shoes of a champion. Woods is right back with a middle rope missile dropkick but Knight runs him over. That’s fine with Woods, who grabs Backwoods for the pin at 2:22.

Great Muta is going into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

LA Knight runs into Rey Mysterio, signing autographs, in the back. If Rey won’t fight Dominik Mysterio, Knight certainly will. Rey hits him and speaks Spanish, with Knight wondering what he said.

We recap Gunther and Sheamus co-winning last week’s #1 contenders match, meaning tonight it’s one on one for the Wrestlemania Intercontinental Title shot.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

The winner gets Gunther, watching from ringside with Imperium, for the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania. They shove each other around to start as Wade Barrett gets Gunther a headset for a quick interview. Gunther is having none of this lack of preparedness in the interview and drops it as McIntyre hits a Michinoku Driver for two. Sheamus fires off some knees but gets sent into the corner. McIntyre charges into a raised boot but catches Sheamus on top. The huge superplex leaves them both down and we take a break.

Back with McIntyre hitting a neckbreaker and nipping up as Sheamus is in trouble. The Claymore is cut off by a hard knee though and they’re both down again. They both hit big boots for another double knockdown….and Gunther gets inside. Gunther asks which one it’s going to be but Imperium jumps both of them from behind for the double DQ at 11:44.

Rating: B-. I think you know where this is going and there is a good chance that was the case when the match was announced. Gunther and Imperium seem to be the latest group to not remember history, meaning the triple threat is likely coming. For now though, I can take these two powerhouses beating each other up for ten minutes to set up them beating up Gunther at Wrestlemania.

Post match the beatdown is on but Adam Pearce pops up on screen to announce the triple threat title match at Wrestlemania, because Gunther clearly didn’t mean it when he said he wanted one challenger.

Here is Jey Uso for a showdown with Sami Zayn. Cue Zayn to ask how Jey wants to do this. Jey says he didn’t like or trust Zayn since day one. Eventually, everyone started to like him though, including Roman Reigns himself, but Jey never bought it. Then the one time he finally let his guard down, Zayn betrayed him. Jey knew that Zayn was a fake Uce, but Sami accuses Jey of taking Reigns’ abuse. The reality is Jey is mad at himself and wanted to hit Reigns with the chair.

The brawl is on, with Jimmy Uso running in for the beatdown on Zayn. Cue Kevin Owens through and the Usos are quickly wrecked despite Zayn still being down. The Usos are gone and Zayn and Owens have the big reunion…..as Cody Rhodes is watching in the back. There’s your big moment, as the team to go after the Bloodline at Wrestlemania is officially united.

Overall Rating: B. Like many Wrestlemania season TV shows, this wasn’t about the wrestling at all, but rather everything that was going on around it. You had the long awaited Owens/Zayn reunion, Rey Mysterio finally starting to stand up to Dominik, and a pretty awesome Charlotte/Rhea Ripley brawl. That was the focus of the show, with Sheamus vs. McIntyre getting their Wrestlemania match as a result. The wrestling, which was ok to good, wasn’t the point here and that’s how the final shows before Wrestlemania should go.

Dominik Mysterio/Rhea Ripley b. Zelina Vega/Santos Escobar – Riptide to Vega
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Emma/Tegan Nox – Oblivion to Emma
Xavier Woods b. LA Knight – Backwoods
Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre went to a double disqualification when Imperium interfered



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Ring Of Honor TV – March 16, 2023: They’re Already At The Three Month Mark

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 16, 2023
Location: Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s the third week of this show and hopefully the improvements they made last week are taken further this week. Last week’s show was a bit shorter than the debut and also felt like it was more important, with fewer squashes. They need to start announcing some more stuff for Supercard of Honor so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Willie Mack

Non-title but a Proving Ground match, meaning if Mack wins or survives the ten minute time limit to a draw, he gets a future title shot. Castagnoli works on the arm to start until Mack armdrags him out to the floor. Mack teases a dive but Castagnoli walks away in time, leaving Mack to pose instead.

Back in and Mack snaps off a hurricanrana for two before hitting a running kick to the chest. A hard clothesline and butterfly suplex give Castagnoli two and we hit the chinlock. With that broken up, the Samoan drop into the standing moonsault gets two on Castagnoli and they forearm it out. Mack goes Sky High for two more but Castagnoli BLASTS HIM with a running uppercut for the pin at 7:12.

Rating: B-. Mack has the charisma and the impressive looking offense but Castagnoli is on another level in there. He shrugged off everything Mack threw at him and then finished it with one heck of an uppercut. It made Castagnoli feel like the bigger star while he beat someone who felt important as well. Good opener and dang that uppercut looked great.

Castagnoli shows respect while Mack is still down.

Mike Bennett vs. Dante Martin

The rest of the Kingdom and Darius Martin are here too. Dante spins out of a wristlock to start and shoulders Bennett into the ropes. They strike it out with Dante getting the better of things, setting up a dropkick to the floor. There’s the big dive to take Bennett out again but a Maria distraction lets Bennett hit a piledriver on the ramp. Dante beats the count and is fine enough for a springboard crossbody.

A package sitout powerbomb gets two on Bennett and they both need a breather. Back up and Bennett grabs a Death Valley Driver into a seated armbar, sending Dante over to the rope. Bennett takes him up top but gets hurricanranaed down, setting up a frog splash for two. The Kimura is reversed into a cradle to give Dante two and a spinning half nelson slam finishes Bennett at 10:02.

Rating: B. This was REALLY fun as they had me wondering who was going to win in the end. It was a back and forth match that had both of them looking good multiple times, as Martin continues to know how to do the comeback well. Cut out the piledriver on the ramp not knocking Dante out cold and this would have been even better. Heck of a match.

Post match Matt Taven comes in to beat on Dante, with Darius making the save.

Trustbusters vs. Metalik/Blake Christian

Mark Sterling is here with the Trustbusters. Christian and Daivari start things off with the former working on the arm and bringing Metalik in to do the same. The rope walk dropkick gets two on Daivari but a Slim J distraction lets Daivari take over. That doesn’t last long as Metalik gets over for the tag to Christian so house can be cleaned.

Back in and Slim J takes Christian down before Daivari drives him into the corner. Christian handspring kicks his way out of trouble and it’s back to Metalik, who gets dropkicked out of the air. Everything breaks down and Christian dives onto Daivari, leaving Metalik to Michinoku Driver Slim J for the pin at 8:50.

Rating: C+. Well thank goodness we got the Trustbusters on for the third show in a row. The good thing is the match was better, though it’s still rather hard to care about anything Trustbusters related as the team is just so uninteresting. Metalik and Christian worked well together for a makeshift team, though I’m not sure how much of a future they’ll have.

Video on Mark Briscoe wanting the TV Title and Samoa Joe’s history of success against the Briscoes.

Mark Briscoe calls the TV Title his destiny but for now, he wants to take out everyone who works for Mark Sterling.

Jeeves Kay vs. Eddie Kingston

Believe it or not, Kay is part of the Trustbusters. Claudio Castagnoli has a seat in the crowd as Kingston grabs a headlock takeover. They head outside with Kingston sending Kay into the barricade, knocking a drink onto Castagnoli’s expensive shirt. The distraction lets Kay get in a shot of his own and a frog splash gets one. Kingston isn’t having that and suplexes him into the Stretch Plum for the tap at 2:36.

The Trustbusters (Are they kidding?) says there were some illegal tags so that loss didn’t count. Oh and Kay gave Kingston his best match in AEW. Daivari is fed up and wants Christian and Metalik in a six man tag.

Athena vs. Hyan

Another non-title Proving Ground match. Athena drops her to start and mocks the fans a bit, only to get kicked in the face for her rudeness. A swinging chokeslam cuts Hyan down again but she fights out of a chinlock. Athena catches her on top and spins into a powerbomb to the floor (ouch). Back in and the Crossface makes Hyan tap at 4:41.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do much here and a lot of that was spent on Athena playing to the fans. That powerbomb looked good though and Athena ran through an opponent who shouldn’t have caused her much trouble. This was little more than a showcase for Athena and in that regard, it went well.

Post match Athena sends her face first into the title belt.

Blake Christian and Metalik have AR Fox to help them deal with the Trustbusters.

Silas Young vs. Marcus Kross

This is Young’s first ROH appearance since Christmas 2021. Young grabs a headlock to start but gets pulled into a rollup for two. Back up and a hard whip sends Kross into the corner and we hit the double arm crank. Kross fights up and hits a high crossbody but gets sent into the corner again. The Pee Gee Waja Plunge (handstand into an Arabian moonsault) finishes Kross at 3:07.

Rating: C. Young is a good hand to have around as he is someone with the resume to make a difference around here. I don’t know if he’ll be a star in the new Ring Of Honor but he ties back to the past in a way that could be beneficial. The match was almost a squash and that was a good way to bring Young back.

Post match Young says no one measures up to him but here is Shane Taylor to interrupt. Taylor doesn’t like Young calling himself the most dominant TV Champion ever, so let’s see who is more dominant next week. Young is in.

Athena wants to know where Yuka Sakazaki is because she hurt Sakazaki, who is now staying in Japan to avoid her. Well come challenge for the title at Supercard of Honor.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Dalton Castle/The Boys vs. The Embassy

The Embassy, with Prince Nana, is defending. Castle and Kaun start things off with Castle wrestling him to the mat without much trouble. Brent comes in and gets taken into the wrong corner with straight power. Toa chokes away and runs over the now legal Brandon. The Boys are back up with stereo basement Downward Spirals, setting up Castle’s splash. That doesn’t last long as the Gates are right back up to take over on Brandon.

The chinlock goes on, before Toa backbreakers Brandon onto the top rope. Cage’s apron superplex gets two and Kaun’s spinebuster gets the same. Brandon gets over for the tag off to Castle, who is promptly kicked down by Cage. Everything breaks down and Nana breaks up the Bang A Rang. The Boys beat up Cage but get crushed by the Gates. A double clothesline (one to the front and one to the back) drops Brent, with Brandon being slammed on top of him for the double retaining pin at 10:26.

Rating: C+. Given that these are the only two teams who ever talk about going after the titles, it would have made some more sense to put this on Supercard of Honor. Then again it would make more sense to drop these titles altogether, but that isn’t likely to happen. It gives Cage something to do though and that at least keeps him from being on Dynamite.

Post match the Embassy beats up Castle and the Boys again until Blake Christian/Metalik/AR Fox make the save. They hold up the titles, because forming together, setting up another match, and then going after the titles in the span of 45 minutes is perfectly normal pacing.

Trish Adora vs. Madison Rayne

They lock up to start, with Madison climbing the ropes and spinning her way out to take Adora down. Adora blocks a crucifix bomb and uses the power to take over. The Lariat Tubman is blocked though and Rayne plants her with a DDT. Rayne is right back with a cutter for two and the crucifix bomb gets two more. Back up and the Lariat Tubman finishes Rayne at 5:19.

Rating: C. Again they didn’t have much time but pushing Adora as a star is far from a bad idea. She’s got the charisma and abilities in the ring to make a go of something so let her see what she can do. If the division is going to work this time, it needs to make some new stars. Adora is a very interesting place to start.

Top Flight isn’t done with the Kingdom so next week, Darius is ready to take out Matt Taven.

Outrunners vs. Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal

Truth Magnum jumps Sydal to start and Daniels gets planted. Daniels slips away though and brings in Sydal to kick away. A suplex gives Sydal two and everything breaks down. Turbo Floyd is sent outside and the Angel’s Wings into the Lightning Spiral finishes Magnum at 2:42. That worked.

Post match Aussie Open comes out and, after insulting Sydal and Daniels for being old, challenge them to a match. Daniels and Sydal seem in.

Video on Clark Connors challenging Wheeler Yuta for the Pure Title.

Pure Rules Title: Clark Connors vs. Wheeler Yuta

Yuta is defending and they run the ropes to start until Connors tells him to chop away. Yuta pulls him down into a choke and Connors has to use his first rope break. Back up and Connors grabs a brainbuster, only to get pulled into octopus stretch. That’s broken up as Connors falls into the ropes (there’s the second break) so Yuta punches him in the face (not seen). Yuta starts going after the arm by sending him into the corner but Connors comes back with a Pounce.

Another Pounce is blocked though and Yuta scores with his top rope forearm. Back up and Connors flips out of a belly to back and hits a hard spear. Yuta dropkicks him in the arm to break it up and ties the….leg up. Connors has to use his still legal punch for the break but Yuta punches him back (both are warned, meaning another punch results in a DQ). That’s fine with Connors, who grabs the ankle lock to make Yuta burn a rope break. Yuta ties up the arm with something like a Crossface before switching into the Seatbelt to retain at 9:57.

Rating: B-. Yuta cheating is working for the title and Connors was a nice safe title defense for him. Connors isn’t the biggest guy but dang that Pounce and spear looked good. With this out of the way though, Yuta is going to need a bigger name to come after the belt, or at least someone who doesn’t feel like they were drawn out of a hat.

Post match Yuta brags about his win and calls out Katsuyori Shibata for a title match to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. As usual, the show was good and the wrestling isn’t the problem. Even the run time isn’t the problem (still under two hours, which is about as long as a show like this can reasonably go), but rather how much stuff is crammed in here. On this show, you had one story involving a tag match, the losers of that match wanting a six man, the winners finding a partner, the match being made and the winners wanting the Six Man Tag Team Titles. That sounds like about a month of one story and it took place in less than an hour and twenty minutes of one show.

I’m aware that they have a pay per view in a few weeks, but starting the build almost from scratch with about five weeks to go is turning the build into a train wreck. Things are being rushed together as fast as they can and very little is sticking in any way. It will likely get better after Supercard, but this show still feels like they’re racing to cover as much as they can as fast as they can instead of putting on a well polished product.

Claudio Castagnoli b. Willie Mack – Running uppercut
Dante Martin b. Mike Bennett – Spinning half nelson slam
Blake Christian/Metalik b. Trustbusters – Michinoku Driver to Slim J
Eddie Kingston b. Jeeves Kay – Stretch Plum
Athena b. Hyan – Crossface
Silas Young b. Marcus Kross – Pee Gee Waja Plunge
The Embassy b. Dalton Castle/The Boys – Double pin
Trish Adora b. Madison Rayne – Lariat Tubman
Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels b. Outrunners – Lightning Spiral to Magnum
Wheeler Yuta b. Clark Connors – Seatbelt



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Impact Wrestling – March 16, 2023: The Balancing Act

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 16, 2023
Location: Sam’s town Live, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

Sacrifice is next week and the card, while is looking a bit stacked, is coming together. That means we are likely to get some more build towards Tommy Dreamer vs. Bully Ray this week, as that is likely headlining the show. Otherwise, the six man tag featuring Time Machine should see some more setup as well. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

In the desert, PCO screams for Eddie Edwards to come fight him.

Opening sequence.

Mike Bailey/Jonathan Gresham vs. Decay

Steve has to bail to the ropes to escape Gresham to start but a bite of the hand has Gresham in trouble. Bailey comes in and is sent outside just as fast, leaving Decay to double team Gresham down in the corner. Gresham gets sent into the corner but forearms/dropkicks his way to freedom. Bailey comes in to backflip a bit and kicks Steve down. There’s the running shooting star for two on Steve…who bites on Bailey’s boot.

The boot is fine enough for the bouncing kicks but Steve hits a clothesline for the double knockdown. Taurus comes in for his huge backbreaker into a pop up Samoan drop for two on Bailey. Everything breaks down and Gresham sends Steve outside, leaving Bailey to kick Taurus in the head for one. Steve and Gresham fight on the floor as Bailey hits the spinning kick, setting up the Ultimate Weapon for the pin on Taurus at 6:19.

Rating: C+. This was shorter than I was expecting but Bailey didn’t managed to no sell a bad knee so he is doing better than usual. Other than that, it was the partners who don’t quite like each other teaming together to beat a midcard team, which isn’t a horrible stretch. Bailey is a popular enough star to carry the opener, and the Ultimate Weapon does look painful so had a nice start here.

Post match Gresham and Bailey seem a bit testy with each other but respect is shown.

Josh Alexander, Frankie Kazarian and Rich Swann are ready for the Bullet Club tonight. They’ve been successful on their own and now it’s time to succeed together. They trust each other, but here is Steve Maclin to interrupt, with Swann not seeming pleased.

Gisele Shaw says she didn’t lost last week and blames Deonna Purrazzo. Revenge is coming at Sacrifice. Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice come in and suggest Swinger faces….interviewer Gia Miller? Instead, he’ll face Jai Vidal.

Steve Maclin vs. Heath

Heath starts fast with some running forearms but gets sent into the corner to cut him off. Maclin runs him over with a good shot to the face until a backdrop sends him to the floor. We take a break and come back with Maclin beating him up at ringside and choking on the rope. A backbreaker gives Maclin two and we hit the abdominal stretch. Heath fights out and slugs away, including the jumping knee and powerslam for two. Maclin cuts off a bulldog though and ties him in the Tree of Woe, setting up the spear. KIA finishes Heath at 12:04.

Rating: C+. I’m still kind of amazed at what Heath has been doing in Impact as he has turned into a rather reliable in-ring star without doing much of the comedy. Granted he never really got the chance to show what he could do so maybe this has been there all along. That being said, this was all about getting Maclin another win on his path to the World Title shot and that went well.

The Death Dollz are ready to retain the Knockout Tag Team Titles but Taya says Jessika might be too much of a liability. Taya and Rosemary can handle this themselves, which (after Jessika leaves), seems to be because they think Jessika could be swayed.

PCO has walked from the desert to Las Vegas, shouting or Eddie on the way.

Jonathan Gresham calls Mike Bailey his sidekick but Bailey says he isn’t forgetting Gresham beating him. They’ll run it back at Sacrifice.

Johnny Swinger vs. Jai Vidal

Zicky Dice, Savannah and Gisele Shaw are all here too. Swinger doesn’t think much of Vidal to start and his offer of a test of strength is answered with a dropkick. Vidal drops an elbow to send Swinger into the corner but a charge misses. Dice grabs Vidal’s leg and gets ejected, with the distraction letting Swinger choke on the rope. Evans breaks up the camel clutch and gets ejected, along with Shaw. Cue Deonna Purrazzo to jump Shaw, leaving Vidal to hit a running dropkick to finish Swinger at 3:22.

Rating: C. Total comedy match here and yeah it worked well, as does almost everything that Swinger does. Having him lose over and over is a funny idea, as he is still trying to find someone he can beat. Vidal was fine enough in the ring, but this was all about Swinger (and Purrazzo in the end) and he delivered.

Deaner talks about Callihan’s sixth step when Callihan storms in to yell about last week. Callihan’s sixth step is about taking punishment, which he’ll do. Deaner seems to have an idea. Here’s an idea: WRAP THIS STORY UP ALREADY!

PCO arrives at the arena, still screaming for Eddie Edwards.

Mickie James comes up to Tommy Dreamer, who has requested that they have a mixed tag against Bully Ray and Masha Slamovich next week. Jordynne Grace comes in to say this is a bad idea and promises that she’s still coming for the title.

Here is Eddie Edwards for a chat. He has been thinking a lot and is ready to let the past be in the past. Everything that has happened before is over and it is time for him to focus on himself and his future in Impact. We look at someone in a car saving Eddie from PCO last week and…here is PCO. Before he can make it to the ring though, Kenny King comes up from behind and hits him with a shovel, allowing Edwards to come up for the double team.

Commentary speculates that King was driving Edwards’ getaway car last week before PCO sits up on the ramp. The brawl is on and PCO gets crushed between the steps and post. That’s broken up and PCO (bleeding from the back of the head) cleans house, only to have King grab a Blockbuster. The chair is put over PCO’s head and Edwards crushes it with a kendo stick. This isn’t going to end well for them is it?

Santino Marella is in the back with….Vladimir Kozlov of all people. They’re happy to be back together and then Kozlov leaves. Dirty Dango comes in and can’t say Kozlov’s name. That’s enough for SAY HIS NAME AND HE APPEARS, so here is Joe Hendry, who wants Brian Myers. Santino makes the match so Dango can gush over what a Hendry fan he is. It’s such a big deal that Santino makes Hendry and Dango against Myers and Moose.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: The Coven vs. Death Dollz

The Dollz (Rosemary/Taya Valkyrie) are defending and Jessika is here with them. Taya crossbodies King down to start and hands it off to Rosemary for a suplex. Wilde comes in to slug away, earning a bite to the hear from Rosemary. Everything breaks down and the Coven is clotheslined to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Rosemary fighting out of a chinlock but getting pulled down by the hair. Wilde chokes in the corner but Rosemary manages a quick Upside Down. King is knocked away and the hot tag brings in Taya to clean house. The running hip attack and running knees in the corner hit King for two but Wilde hits a Fameasser over the ropes. Everything breaks down but King breaks up the Road To Valhalla. Instead Wilde hits a kick to the head and King’s pumphandle flipping faceplant connects for the pin and the titles at 11:32.

Rating: C+. Taya appearing on this week’s Dynamite didn’t exactly help with the result but well done on trying to make some new stars out of nowhere. Wilde has been trying to find her way back to prominent since her return and King has only been around for a few weeks. Nice match too, without Jessika playing into the finish as they seemed to telegraph.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Josh Alexander/Rich Swann/Frankie Kazarian vs. Bullet Club

Kazarian flips out of Bey’s wristlock to start but Bey kicks him into the corner. There’s a running chop and it’s Austin coming in. That’s fine with Kazarian, who sends Bey outside and grabs Austin’s arm. Swann comes in and is quickly dropped with a springboard dropkick, allowing Austin to grab a headlock (as is the customary followup to a springboard missile dropkick). That’s broken up as well and it’s off to Kenta vs. Alexander, which has the fans’ approval. They slowly slug it out until everything breaks down, with Bullet Club being sent to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Bey kicking Swann in the head and motioning that Swann is asleep. Austin and Bey use some precision kicks to put Swann down for two but Bey misses a legdrop. Kenta isn’t having any of this tagging stuff though and kicks Swann right back down. Swann manages a kick though and it’s Kazarian coming back in to really clean house.

Everything breaks down and Alexander comes in to strike on Bey. The hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb on Bey and Swann adds the middle rope 450. Austin makes the save and it’s time for the exchange of kicks to the head. Swann flips off the apron onto Swann but gets taken down by Bey.

The slingshot dive is loaded up but Kazarian pulls bey out of the air into a cutter onto the pile (that was great). Back in and Swann hits an ax kick to Bey and Kazarian adds the slingshot DDT to Austin. Kenta knees Swann down but gets dropped by Alexander. Cue Steve Maclin for a distraction though and Alexander gets kicked down. The Art of Finesse into the Fold finishes Swann at 17:57.

Rating: B. This was rolling by the end and the Maclin distraction was about all they could have done to get out of this without something rather screwy. You don’t want the new champs winning and Kenta probably isn’t getting pinned, so having Maclin there was the best way out. Rather good match too, with talented wrestlers getting time to do what they can.

Overall Rating: B-. Impact is somehow managing to build towards three shows (granted one of them is in name only for the most part) at once and thankfully they didn’t bother with that much about Tommy Dreamer vs. Bully Ray. That feud doesn’t need any more time and hopefully they can have their match and move on (yeah I know there’s no way that’s it). Other than that, you had some build towards Sacrifice, which is looking rather strong. Good show this week, as we should be in for a nice few weeks coming up.

Mike Bailey/Jonathan Gresham b. Decay – Ultimate Weapon to Black Taurus
Steve Maclin b. Heath – KIA
Jai Vidal b. Johnny Swinger – Running dropkick
The Coven b. Death Dollz – Pumphandle flipping faceplant to Valkyrie
Bullet Club b. Josh Alexander/Rich Swann/Frankie Kazarian – Fold to Swann



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NXT LVL Up – March 10, 2023

Date: March 10, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

It’s another week of the build up show and that could make for an interesting week. Then again it could make for another show that leaves me scratching my head about why Dante Chen is so protected around here. You never can tell with LVL Up and that does at least offer a little hope. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Indi Hartwell vs. Jakara Jackson

Jackson takes her into the corner to start and smiles, only to get pulled into an armbar. Hartwell hits a Snake Eyes and goes right back to the armbar as Jackson can’t get much going. A missed charge in the corner puts Hartwell in trouble though and something like an Edge-O-Matic makes it worse. The chinlock with a knee in the back triggers Hartwell’s comeback and she throws Jackson off. Fans: “SHE’S IMPRESSIVE!” The spinebuster finishes Jackson at 5:17.

Rating: C. Jackson didn’t seem to have much here other than powering Hartwell around, but the charisma is more than enough to keep her around. What matters is giving her something that can get the fans’ attention and her attitude can do just that. Now find something to balance that out.

Quincy Elliott vs. Scrypts

Scrypts tries a waistlock to start, allowing Elliott to do the dance that the waistlock was designed to let him do. A right hand out of the corner seems to annoy Elliott more than anything else and a crossbody takes him down. Scrypts’ running flip legdrop to the back of the head sets up something close to a Tazmission. Back up and Elliott runs him over a few times before some whips into the corner keep Scrypts in trouble. Scrypts shoves him off the top though and finishes with the Molly Go Round at 5:05.

Rating: C-. Elliott is a case of you know what you’re getting: he’s the big guy who dances a lot and is more about having fun than winning anything. The running elbows and shots that use his mass look good but there is only so much someone of his size is going to be able to do. Scrypts on the other hand is still such a weird character and I’m not entirely sure what he’s supposed to be other than a guy in a mask who flips a lot.

Odyssey Jones vs. Von Wagner

Mr. Stone is here with Wagner. An exchange of running shoulders has them bouncing off the ropes until Jones gets the better of things. Jones misses a charge in the corner though and Wagner knocks him down. The jumping elbow sets up the neck crank but a fireman’s carry on someone Jones’ size isn’t a good idea. Jones elbows him in the face a few times but Wagner avoids a crossbody. Back up and Jones grabs the swinging Boss Man Slam for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: C. Gee I wonder if this is going to result in Stone yelling at Wagner and telling him to show more personality or something about himself before doing the same thing again the next week. Wagner is one of those guys who feels like a lost cause without a bunch of changes and I don’t see said changes coming. Jones moves well for a big man and has the charisma to back it up. I could see him being a bit of a something if given the chance, and NXT might be waiting to find that chance.

Overall Rating: C. Another ho and may I add hum edition of the show and that shouldn’t be a surprise. There just isn’t enough star power on this show to make it work, with Wagner being the biggest name on the card. The show can do better, but for now there was only so much that can be done with who is out there.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Daily News Update – March 16, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

Monday Night Raw – April 7, 2008

Smackdown – March 10, 2023

Rampage – March 10, 2023

Wrestlemania XVII (2019 Edition)

Wrestlemania XVIII (2015 Edition)

Wrestlemania XIX (2017 Edition)

Wrestlemania XX (2022 Edition)

Monday Night Raw – March 13, 2023

NXT – March 14, 2023

Wrestlemania XXI (2019 Edition)

Wrestlemania XXII (2022 Edition)

Dynamite – March 15, 2023



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As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Dynamite – March 15, 2023: That’s A Lot In One Show

Date: March 15, 2023
Location: Canada Life Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re in Canada this week and that means it is time for…well it doesn’t really mean much but the All-Atlantic Title is now the International Title with Orange Cassidy defending against Jeff Jarrett. Other than that we have MJF’s Re-bar Mitzvah, which should be quite the spectacle. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is MJF, complete with four women (one of who he kisses) and a chyron that says “Jewish AF” for the Re-Bar Mitzvah. He already had one of these back when he was a kid and it was awesome. Now though, he has beaten Bryan Danielson so it is time to do it again on the big stage because HE IS IRON MAN. MJF says hit the music so here are a bunch of people with a chair, meaning it’s time to dance in a circle (which I believe is a religious tradition)…but here is Jungle Boy to interrupt.

Then it’s Sammy Guevara coming out as well. We’re only missing Darby Allin and as soon as Sammy says “oh Max”, here is Darby to complete the Four Pillars. MJF yells at them for ruining this and asks what they want. All three together: “I want a title match!” (that was clever). Jungle Boy talks about facing MJF at Double Or Nothing 2020, after which Jungle Boy was on Dark and Elevation and Rampage, where MJF never has been. It’s time to change things for MJF and that starts by taking the World Title.

MJF says the company revolves around him, because he is an actual star. Guevara cuts him off and says MJF bought his way into this company. Guevara was only going to be the bump guy for Jericho but he got over on his own. He’s going to be World Champion one day because he is the best ever and you know it. MJF says we appreciate Guevara taking his time out of getting into backstage brawls but Allin cuts him off (a theme is developing here) as well.

Back in 2013, Allin was in film school and turned in a film that the teacher said had to be changed because the school wouldn’t accept it. Allin dropped out of school instead and went to wrestling school, where he said he wasn’t changing a thing. Then he was in Tony Khan’s office and said there would never be a bidding war or him. AEW lets him be himself and there won’t be a bidding war of 2024 like MJF, who wants out of here.

MJF isn’t having this and says Guevara is going to be proposing to a new girl in seven months. Guevara: “Didn’t your fiance leave you?” MJF says he’s the only one who doesn’t have a legend helping him out and that is why he is the only one of the Pillars who can hold this place up. He is off to have his cake so thank you, screw you, bye (for the extra Cornette heat). Then MJF goes into the cake. This was long (too long really), but having these four in the ring, likely setting up a huge four way, is a great thing.

Chris Jericho received an honor from the Winnipeg government, with his home street being honorarily named as “Chris Jericho Way”. That’s pretty cool.

Hangman Page/Dark Order vs. Blackpool Combat Club

It’s Evil Uno/Canada’s Stu Grayson for the Order. Castagnoli takes Uno down and it’s Yuta coming in to take him down again. Grayson comes in to clean some house, including landing on Castagnoli’s face. Everything breaks down and Grayson is taken outside, with a triple spike piledriver dropping him hard as we take a break (because two World Champions spiking a goof on his head on the floor is a spot that sends us to a commercial).

Back with Moxley hitting another piledriver for two on Grayson (with no one making the save). Grayson manages a knockdown of his own and it’s the hot tag to Page to clean house. Everything breaks down and Uno hits a Swanton on Yuta. The parade of shots to the face sets up Grayson Cactus Clotheslining Castagnoli to the floor, leaving us with Page vs. Moxley.

Yuta grabs the ring bell to clock Page though, leaving the Order down 3-2. A chop block cuts Uno down but Grayson sends Castagnoli outside for a big running flip dive. Uno’s double underhook DDT sets up Grayson’s 450 for two on Moxley. The Fatality gets two on Moxley with Castagnoli making the save. Yuta pulls Uno off the apron though and Moxley chokes Grayson out at 13:21.

Rating: D+. This was about as ridiculous as you can get, with the TRIPLE SPIKE PILEDRIVER not doing much of anything to Grayson. Couple that with the Dark Order, down 3-2, giving the entire BCC a run for their money and this was just bizarre. I know the Order has fans, but this went beyond being realistic and was more eye roll inducing than anything else. The action was fine enough, but I didn’t buy most of anything I was watching.

Post match the beating stays on, but John Silver and Alex Reynolds make the save, with the Club running despite having the numbers advantage.

Juice Robinson wants Ricky Starks.

Here’s a look back at the opening segment.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Nicole Matthews

Cargill, with Leila Grey, is defending. The pump kick sets up Jaded to retain at 42 seconds.

Post match Jade asks if that’s it and even threatens Canadian Renee Paquette. Cue Taya Valkyrie to make the save and beat up Grey with the Road To Valhalla (Jaded). At least she’s a more realistic challenger.

Ricky Starks wants Juice Robinson face to face.

We get the debut of QTV (a QT Marshall TMZ parody) where they mock Wardlow, implying that Powerhouse Hobbs robbed him. They even have Wardlow’s passport so he can’t be here! Hobbs seems ready to fight Wardlow again. Putting the focus on Marshall isn’t seeming to be a brilliant idea. Remember when Hobbs was doing the Book thing and walking around Oakland and explaining his backstory? That’s out and the TMZ parody is in.

International Title: Jeff Jarrett vs. Orange Cassidy

Cassidy is defending and swaps out for the new title, officially leveling it up. Jarrett (with Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt) armdrags him down to start and hits that strut as the fans aren’t pleased. Cassidy loads up the hands in pockets but gets taken down by the legs. Back up and Cassidy bangs up his leg, allowing Jarrett to mock the Lazy Kicks. That’s broken up and Cassidy makes the comeback but gets sent outside as we take a break.

We come back with Jarrett grabbing the Sharpshooter to stay on the bad knee. That’s broken up as well but the referee gets bumped so Jarrett grabs the guitar. Cue another referee to take it away, but Cassidy takes it away as well. Satnam Singh grabs the guitar, so Cassidy tapes the referee on the shoulder and grabs his knee. Singh is ejected, leaving Cassidy to grab the tornado DDT. The referee checks on Jarrett and Jay Lethal gets in the Golden Globe shot for a close two. Cue Trent Baretta to take out Lethal and the Orange Punch retains the title at 13:38.

Rating: C+. This is a good example of a match that didn’t try to be anything more than goofy wrestling fun and it succeeded. Jarrett knows exactly how to do the over the top silly style while still having a match and they made it work here. If Cassidy stays around this level, he can hold onto that title for a LONG time, as this kind of thing is perfect for him.

We get an Acclaimed music video about how much they love the fans and their general awesomeness.

Here are the Outcasts for a chat. They talk about how there wouldn’t be a division without them and insult the fans in various ways. We hear bout how many women they have beaten down until Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter run in. The villains beat them down but Riho, Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale run in for the save. This Outcasts stuff still feels rather lame.

The Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with the Acclaimed and tell us to wait until Rampage.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, with Rey Fenix answering Powerhouse Hobbs’ Open Challenge for the TBS Title.

Trios Titles: House of Black vs. Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Elite

The House is defending and King chops Guevara into the corner to start. Jericho (big pop, including from his father in the crowd) comes in but Omega tags himself in and the place comes to their feet. Everything breaks down quickly though and the champs clear the ring as we take a break.

Back with Jericho backbreakering Black and the Society gets to strike their triple pose. The House fights back and beats down the now legal Nick. An enziguri gets Nick out of trouble and everything breaks down for a bit, with Omega hurricanranaing Matthews into the corner. Jericho comes in to face Omega again and the fans approve, especially as they help clear the ring. The Bucks are back in with the superkicks but King runs them over as we take a break.

Back with Jericho missing the springboard crossbody but Guevara hits a Swanton. King loads up a dive to the floor but gets caught on top, allowing Omega and Jericho to double superplex him down. The Codebreaker gets two on Omega and we cut to the back where the Dark Order is still brawling with the Blackpool Combat Club. Omega cuts off the Lionsault with raised knees but the Meltzer Driver is broken up.

Guevara shooting star presses Matt with King having to make the save. Jericho gets left alone with the House with Dante’s Inferno connecting but Omega makes the save. Jericho gets in a Floyd shot to King and Guevara dives onto a bunch of people but King kicks out anyway. The Judas Effect is cut off by Black Mass and Garcia gets Dante’s Infernoed for the pin at 21:44.

Rating: B. This is a good example of a match where you knew what they were going to do coming into it and that isn’t a bad thing. You knew this was going to have Omega and Jericho as the biggest stars ever, all of the non-tagging insanity and (less guaranteed) the House beating someone not from Winnipeg to retain. With that all known coming in, it was exactly the kind of fast paced, action packed match that it needed to be and it was quite good.

Post match Jake Hager comes out to go after the House but gets beaten down as well. Cue the BCC and the Dark Order to brawl to ringside, with Hangman Page following. Page faces off with the Club but the Elite comes up behind him. The Club drops to the floor and Page is left alone with the Elite. Please…..tell me we don’t have more “remember when we were all friends?” speeches coming. Excalibur: “PAGE IS STUCK IN THE MIDDLE! WHAT A MOMENT!” The staredown ends the show, with Page not noticing the Elite behind him. I know they have their audience but I could really go with never seeing the Elite soap opera again.

Overall Rating: B-. There were some problems here but it felt like they had more of a direction. That’s a step in the right direction and one that I will take, as at least thy seem to be coming together with an idea. Some of these feuds will come together before Double Or Nothing, but there is some potential here for some intriguing feuds going forward. I liked the show well enough and the hot crowd helped a lot.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Dark Order/Hangman Page – Choke to Grayson
Jaded b. Nicole Matthews – Jaded
Orange Cassidy b. Jeff Jarrett – Orange Punch
House Of Black b. Jericho Appreciation Society and Elite – Dante’s Inferno to Garcia



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – March 14, 2023: Needs More Buffalo Sauce

Date: March 14, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are past Roadblock and there has been a big story on the way to Stand & Deliver. The main event of last week’s show saw Roxanne Perez defeat Meiko Satomura to retain the Women’s Title. Perez collapsed after the match though, resulting in the title possibly being vacated. Tonight we start the qualifying matches for the (say it with me) ladder match for the (possibly) vacant title at Stand & Deliver. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of Roadblock.

Here is Johnny Gargano to get things going. After asking the fans to watch his back so that Grayson Waller doesn’t jump him, Gargano talks about how Waller jumped him fifteen months ago. Waller attacked him during his farewell and then Gargano waited to see what Waller would do next. The last person to take him out was Tommaso Ciampa, who went on to become one of the greatest champions in NXT history. Gargano calls NXT his home….but hold on because Vic Joseph pops up with a phone, showing Waller at Gargano’s actual house. Gargano runs off to deal with this (as he should).

Earlier today, Wes Lee arrived and Axiom met him at his car, saying no one was interrupting his title shot tonight. Lee says the match is eight hours away but Axiom isn’t leaving his side. They’re off to eat.

Gargano left to deal with Waller.

Tag Team Titles: Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly

Gallus is defending with Mark forearming Prince into the corner. Another hard shot sends Wilson outside so it’s off to Wilson, who gets beaten up by Wolfgang. The champs knock both of them outside and we take a break. Back with Mark in trouble and Pretty Deadly taking turns beating him down. Wilson kicks him in the back a few times and we hit the neck crank.

A backdrop gets Mark out of trouble though and it’s back to Wolfgang to clean house. Everything breaks down and Wolfgang is taken outside, where he pulls both challengers out with him. With nothing else working, Pretty Deadly gets in a belt shot for two on Mark but Spilled Milk is broken up. Instead Mark hits a running elbow and a running knee/fireman’s carry flapjack retains the titles at 12:33.

Rating: C+. That was more abrupt than I was expecting as this match seemed to have the chance to be a bit bigger. They have teased it enough in recent weeks but instead this came off like they were wrapping it up as fast as they could. At least Gallus got the clean pin though, which should get rid of Pretty Deadly from the title picture for the time being.

Josh Briggs is covered in leaves as he and Fallon Henley break into Kiana James’ office (featuring a door handle camera). They find a contract for a qualifying match for the Women’s Title, with James having already signed. Henley didn’t know about this and isn’t pleased, but a planner showing things like “get Brooks to make Fallon team with me” etc don’t sit well. Then they find notes about someone names Sebastian, who also sent the flowers last week.

Roxanne Perez has…hasn’t officially been stripped of the Women’s Title but qualifying matches (like the one mentioned in the previous segment) for a Stand & Deliver ladder match for the title will begin tonight. So if she’s healthy she’s in and it’s a title defense? I guess?

Perez’s doctor says her tests are clear but they aren’t sure what is going on or when she will be back in the ring.

Women’s Title Qualifying Match: Sol Ruca vs. Zoey Stark

Ruca knocks her to the floor to start but gets caught with a superkick to slow her down. Back in and Stark kicks her down, setting up the cravate. Back up and Ruca sends her to the floor for a heck of a moonsault from the top. Ruca loads up a springboard but dives into the flipping knee to the face to send Stark to Stand & Deliver at 4:32.

Rating: C. The match didn’t have time to do much but they did send Stark on to the ladder match. That being said, as strong of a heel as Stark as been, there is something to be said about going with the one with more momentum at the moment, as Ruca has been riding that Sol Snatcher for a good while now. There wasn’t a bad result here, but Ruca might have been the better option.

Scrypts (because he’s still a thing) talks about how he is drawn to one person and holds up a mask (Axiom’s perhaps).

Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn vs. Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile vs. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter

The winners get a Women’s Tag Team Title match at Stand & Deliver. It’s a brawl to start with Dawn being knocked to the floor, leaving Carter and Chance to double team Paxley. A rollup gives Paxley two on Carter but Dawn is back in. Dawn comes in and helps beat up Paxley, with Carter being sent into Paxley in the corner.

It’s off to Nile for a double suplex on Fyre and house is cleaned. A few shots put Nile in trouble…but Paxley won’t tag her, instead getting in a shot to the face. Paxley goes to leave as Fyre and Dawn beat Carter down. That’s not enough as Paxley comes back to kick Nile in the ribs. A Backstabber/Swanton combination finishes Nile at 4:04.

Rating: C. There was a lot going on here at once and it was probably better for them to speed through things. Fyre and Dawn make a lot more sense as challengers than the other teams so they went in the right direction. Then you have Nile and Paxley splitting, which is probably for the best as the team never felt quite right together. Nile moving back into the singles run is a good thing too, as she could be a big deal in the division down the line.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks offer Bron Breakker some protection during tonight’s contract signing. Breakker makes Sopranos references before declining and leaving. D’Angelo thinks it’s time to win some gold. Tag team gold. That might explain Pretty Deadly’s loss.

Here is Ilja Dragunov to talk about what JD McDonagh has done to him and his family in recent weeks. Cue McDonagh to say the two of them have caused each other a lot of pain both here and in the UK. Either they are destined to do this for a long time together or something has to change. Dragunov is ready to fight next week but the brawl is on now instead. They brawl off to the back.

Pretty Deadly can’t believe they lost but know they’ll have a spot at Stand & Deliver. Since no match could contain their star power so they should BE the show….as hosts!

Wes Lee is on the way to the ring for his match when he runs into a brawling McDonagh and Dragunov. McDonagh shoves him but Lee is sent to the ring anyway.

Thea Hail and Tyler Bate are doing their exercises when Andre Chase asks them for a minute. This means the two of them leave so Chase can talk to Duke Hudson. Chase talks about how wins and losses aren’t what matter around here, as Hudson has gone from skating by to giving him a purpose. Hudson thinks about this as Chase leaves, but Ava (who had been watching while wearing a Schism mask) comes up and puts her mask over the Chase U sign. Hudson isn’t sure about this. That’s an interesting way to go for Chase U, but egads the Schism problem just won’t go away.

Grayson Waller is impressed by Johnny Gargano’s house and goes to make sure the door isn’t unlocked.

A bunch of people fight to get to the ring to answer Wes Lee’s Open Challenge. Axiom manages to get in the ring…but Scrypts jumps him from behind, so I guess it doesn’t count. Then JD McDonagh and Ilja Dragunov brawl into the ring, leaving Lee to hit a flip dive onto the huge pile. No match.

Dragon Lee is excited to be here and likes what he saw with the open challenge.

We recap Dabba Kato returning at Vengeance Day and laying out Apollo Crews.

Jacy Jayne, with her arm in a sling, still knows she’s better than Gigi Dolin. The loss is written of as gossip, because Dolin had to cheat to win by injuring Jayne’s shoulder. Violence is promised in the future.

Apollo Crews vs. Dabba Kato

Crews dives off the top to take Kato out before the bell and the brawl starts on the floor. They get inside for the opening bell and go right back to the floor with Kato being sent into the steps. Back in and Kato knocks him down hard we we take a break. We come back with Crews still in trouble as Kato works on his back.

Crews slugs away to no avail as Kato drops a leg on the back of his head as Booker goes on about champagne wishes and caviar dreams. Some kicks to the head and an Angle Slam get Crews out of trouble though and a frog splash gets two on Kato. They go outside with Kato chokebombing him onto the steps for a rather close nine count. Crews dives back….into a sitout chokebomb to give Kato the pin at 8:47.

Rating: D+. I’m certainly glad they got this out of the way, as Kato gets his revenge for…whatever caused the issue between these two. It’s another example of a former pairing that didn’t really warrant a follow up getting one anyway, which is a running problem around here. Kato isn’t exactly improving but I’m sure he’ll wind up as a bodyguard for someone, which very well may be his ceiling anyway.

NXT Anonymous films Shawn Michaels asking Wes Lee to cool it with the open challenges but Lee says he has to prove himself. Lee wants to fight TEN PEOPLE at Stand & Deliver but Shawn gives him a Fatal Five Way instead.

Kiana James can’t get in touch with Fallon Henley but Brooks Jensen offers to go out there with her instead.

Women’s Title Qualifying Match: Gigi Dolin vs. Kiana James

No Brooks Jensen. James rolls her up for two to start as the fans are behind Dolin. A running kick to the chest gives Dolin an early two but James knocks her down. The chinlock with a knee in the back doesn’t last long as Dolin makes the ropes. The comeback is on, with an STO into the abdominal stretch bomb finishing James at 2:32. That was strangely abrupt.

Post match Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn run in to beat up James, with Brooks Jensen running out for the save.

Johnny Gargano gets back to his house and finds Grayson Waller outside, with the brawl starting in the yard. Gargano gets the better of it and tells Candice LeRae (who comes to the door) to call the cops (Gargano left NXT about an hour and a half ago. Why aren’t they already there?). Waller sends him head first into a wall and hits him with what looks like a rake before dropping Gargano face first into the dirt. Waller leaves and Candice, with daughter, checks on Gargano.

Stand & Deliver rundown, with Pretty Deadly officially hosting.

Brooks Jensen consoles Kiana James, who wants to know why she was jumped on her own. Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs show up, still in costume. Jensen: “You saw the bear movie without me!” Briggs: “I did. It was really good! I’ll watch it with you….” and James cuts them off. Henley had no idea about Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn qualifying for Stand & Deliver. Henley isn’t sure what to say.

It’s time for the contract signing between Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes (with Trick Williams). Booker on Bron: “He don’t want no buffalo sauce!” Vic: “What are you talking about???” There is no emcee for a change but they decide they don’t need one. Cue Pretty Deadly to run things and insist they aren’t here for violence. Hayes says the change is coming at Stand & Deliver. He did it with the North American Title and he’ll do it again with the NXT Title. At Stand & Deliver, Bron is coming in second place.

Breakker wants the good Hayes who beat everyone else, with Pretty Deadly saying that Breakker is an angry kitty. Hayes: “I thought you said you weren’t going to talk.” Hayes wants the unstoppable Breakker, because it’ll make the win that much sweeter. Breakker wants to see that Hayes being “Him” is more than just a saying on a shirt. Hayes talks about how this is such a huge match and they’re both ready for the pressure. He will deliver at Stand & Deliver and wants to make sure Breakker does the same.

Hayes signs and Breakker does the same so everything is official. They go to leave but Pretty Deadly says that’s not enough drama. The shirts come off and Pretty Deadly are put through the tables. The staredown ends the show. This made the match feel big, as Hayes is a heck of a promo when he is given the chance.

Overall Rating: C. All of the qualifying matches and other things going on didn’t exactly help Stand & Deliver (the Women’s Title situation alone is enough of a mess), but the main event got a nice boost. They made the match feel that much bigger and I could certainly go for that after taking their time getting to the announcement. Stand & Deliver has mostly come together, but the show still needs a nice lift up outside of the top matches.

Gallus b. Pretty Deadly – Running knee/fireman’s carry flapjack combination to Prince
Zoey Stark b. Sol Ruca – Flipping knee to the face
Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn b. Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile and Katana Chance/Kayden Carter – Swanton to Nile
Dabba Kato b. Apollo Crews – Sitout chokebomb
Gigi Dolin b. Kiana James – Abdominal stretch bomb



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Monday Night Raw – March 13, 2023: The Non Boat Rocking Time

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 13, 2023
Location: Amica Mutual Pavilion, Providence, Rhode Island
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We have six major TV shows left before Wrestlemania and there is still some work to do. Most of the matches and stories are already set but there are a least a few things that need to be finalized. There is a good chance that some of those will be covered, or at least addressed, tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Edge to get things going. He loves that kind of reaction from the crowd but wants to get straight to the point. Edge calls out Finn Balor so here is the full Judgment Day. Edge says that Balor’s request for a Wrestlemania match is on, which Balor appreciates. With that out of the way, Edge recaps the feud and says he doesn’t have time to deal with all of these people anymore. That’s why at Wrestlemania, he wants Hell in a Cell.

Balor says Hell couldn’t handle his demons so they’re on for Wrestlemania. Judgment Day storms the ring and the big beatdown is on until Dexter Lumis, Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae run in for the save. They had to make the match and at it feels special so nice job. I’ll take it over “it’s October so here’s the Cell”.

Johnny Gargano/Dexter Lumis vs. Judgment Day

It’s Dominik Mysterio/Damien Priest for the team here and Edge/Balor have both left. Joined in progress with Gargano kicking Dominik in the head and Priest coming in. Lumis comes in as well but gets taken into the corner for some shots to the face. A front facelock of all thins gets Lumis out of trouble so it’s back to Gargano, who gets dropped face first onto the top turnbuckle. Gargano sends Dominik outside for a dive though and we take a break.

Back with Priest hitting the Broken Arrow for two on Gargano and slapping on the chinlock. Dominik comes in but misses the 619, allowing Gargano to nail the slingshot spear. It’s back to Lumis to clean house, with a spinebuster and legdrop getting two on Priest. Dominik rolls Lumis up with feet on the ropes but Candice LeRae makes the save. Rhea Ripley takes out LeRae and Gargano dives onto Priest. Back in and Lumis tries to Silence Dominik, only to get caught with South of Heaven for the pin at 13:59.

Rating: C+. It was a fast paced match to open the show as the fans are going to respond to everyone involved. They started to turn it up at the end and it was a good opener as a result. Lumis getting pinned is fine as Gargano has the big match coming up at NXT Stand & Deliver so they even got the ending right.

Miz arrived earlier today and after confirming that he hadn’t seen Otis (as asked by Chad Gable), he laughed of the idea of having a co-host for Wrestlemania. We cut over to Damage CTRL beating up Trish Stratus and leaving her laying.

Here are MVP and Omos to call out Brock Lesnar, who doesn’t leave them waiting long. Lesnar, with the top of his head coming up to Omos’ neck, stares up at Omos, who puts his fist out towards Lesnar’s face. The fist is turned into an open hand and they shake before the fight is on. Lesnar can’t suplex him and Omos shoves him out tot he floor as referees and security run down. Really basic stuff here and I still don’t care to see the match.

We recap the reunion of the Usos, with Cody Rhodes joining Sami Zayn to fight them on Smackdown.

Cody Rhodes vs. LA Knight

Cody knocks him down to start and grabs a headlock before sending Knight outside. The dive is cut off with a shot to the face but Cody sends him into the steps. Back in and Knight superplexes him down as we take a break. We come back with Knight getting two off a DDT but getting caught with the Disaster Kick for two more. The Cody Cutter into Cross Rhodes finishes Knight at 9:38.

Rating: C. The nearly perfect Cody push continues as they aren’t doing anything too out there. Rhodes is winning match after match and building himself up for the Wrestlemania main event. This was as it should have been, with Rhodes hanging in there until the end and winning with his big stuff. Nice job and another good piece of the bigger story.

Post match Rhodes grabs the mic and says he has been told to stay out of Bloodline business. Well he doesn’t work for the Bloodline, so he’ll do whatever he wants. Cody talks about wearing a suit because he wants to be someone and the Bloodline needs to acknowledge him. He grew up thinking he was a prince in this business but has no crown or even a Master Sword. On April 2, when the sun goes down on Hollywood, it is going down on Reigns’ run as well. Those who have followed him until the end (nice) will see him crowned the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.

We recap Seth Rollins vs. Logan Paul being made last week.

Seth Rollins talks about Logan Paul knocking him down last week but not being able to keep him down. Miz comes in to call Rollins jealous of Paul, who will be hosting Impaulsive next week. Baron Corbin comes up to ask about being the guest host of Wrestlemania but gets laughed off. Instead, Corbin offers Rollins boxing lessons for Wrestlemania but has to settle with facing Rollins tonight.

Bronson Reed vs. Elias

Rick Boogs is here with Elias and taking notes. Reed runs him over to start and hits a rolling splash, setting up a nerve hold. With that not working, Reed hits a clothesline and drops the Tsunami for the pin at 2:06. Total destruction.

Chad Gable is still looking for Otis (he has fliers) but nearly gets knocked down by Lita and Becky Lynch, who go to check on Trish Stratus.

Kevin Owens needs help but he doesn’t want to fight alongside Sami Zayn. He also appreciates Cody Rhodes’ help but wants to do everything alone tonight. Rhodes needs to be focused on Roman Reigns, so tonight he wants to face Solo Sikoa on his own.

We recap John Cena ripping Austin Theory apart last week.

Earlier today, Theory ran into the Street Profits, who laughed at him for last week. Theory thinks they’ll be fired soon before bragging about how big of a Wrestlemania match he has. He asks about which of the Profits has a backbone and Angelo Dawkins seems ready to fight. Instead, Theory laughs about the two of them having nothing to do at Wrestlemania and walks away.

Austin Theory vs. Angelo Dawkins

Non-title. Dawkins wrestles him down to start and hits a good dropkick for two. Back up and Theory fires off the shoulders in the corner before grabbing the chinlock. Dawkins is sent outside and we take a break. We come back with Dawkins hitting a suplex, followed by the jumping back elbow. Theory scores with a dropkick though and A Town Down finishes Dawkins at 9:33.

Rating: C. It wasn’t much, but Theory absolutely needed this win to boost him back up after last week’s massacre by Cena. Theory is only now getting back to where he feels like a legitimate star and the Cena stuff from last week tore a lot of that down. Hopefully they can do something with him in the coming weeks, or Wrestlemania could be ugly.

An annoyed Paul Heyman is ready to get rid of Kevin Owens tonight and at Wrestlemania Cody Rhodes is next. Cody went too far by mocking Roman Reigns so next week, he can do it in person when Reigns is on Raw. Next week, Cody can decide if he is a problem or a challenge.

Rey Mysterio Hall of Fame video.

Here is Rey Mysterio for a chat. Rey is so glad to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame after all these years. He is looking forward to being with the fans…and here is Dominik Mysterio to interrupt. Dominik complains about how his dad neglected him over the years, like with going to Wrestlemania instead of taking him out for getting good grades. And when Rey got him a BMW instead of a Mercedes, it wasn’t even an M series!

Dominik calls him an excuse for a man and a father. Don’t worry though, as Dominik will let Rey have his Hall of Fame induction, but he wants a match with Rey at Wrestlemania. Rey says no because he still loves his son and walks away. Dominik yells at him about walking away before saying the only thing Rey taught him was what not to be. They’re taking their time setting this up, but you can see Rey getting closer and closer to saying yes every week. The match itself is going to be tricky, but this was another layer on an already deep build.

Trish Stratus, Lita and Becky Lynch are sick of Damage CTRL and the only thing they managed to do was anger Stratus.

This week’s Wrestlemania trailer: Rhea Ripley is Eleven from Stranger Things. She uses her mind powers to crush a can, turns over a table…and that’s it. This was the weakest one they’ve ever done.

Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin

Miz is on commentary. Corbin jumps Rollins before the bell but of course Rollins wants to go anyway. Rollins fights up and kicks Corbin to the floor, setting up the suicide dive onto the announcers’ table. There’s the knee to the face and Corbin is knocked into Miz for a bonus. Rollins cuts off an interfering Miz by kicking him into the ring. Miz is used as a launch pad to Stomp Corbin for the pin at 2:19. Quick and to the point here, as it should be with Corbin.

Mustafa Ali, now in a hat and sunglasses, hasn’t seen Otis either. Chad Gable finds Otis posing with the Maximum Male Models. Gable gets in on the photos and breaks the camera. Otis blows off training for more photos. Otis doing comedy is the best thing for him, but I could see this joke getting old fast.

Bianca Belair vs. Chelsea Green

Non-title and Carmella is here with Green. Belair scares her into the corner to start and backflips over her out of the corner. There’s the standing moonsault for two on Green but a Carmella distraction lets Green sweep the legs. We take a break and come back with Green getting kicked off the ropes, only to walk into a side slam. Belair kicks Carmella off the apron but gets hit in the face to give Green two. I’m Prettier is blocked though and the KOD gives Belair the pin at 8:06.

Rating: C. The build to Belair vs. Asuka has been weird as Belair has run over the pretty weak opponents she has been facing on her way to Wrestlemania. At the same time, Asuka hasn’t done much other than run in on people after they have been beaten up by Belair. That doesn’t give me much of a reason to want to see Belair vs. Asuka, but it should wind up being good.

Post match Green and Carmella beat Belair down until Asuka makes the save. Asuka picks up the title and doesn’t immediately hand it back. Instead she dances a lot and drops it, with Belair not being happy.

Solo Sikoa vs. Kevin Owens

Street fight.  The brawl starts outside with Owens getting the better of things. Owens fights up but the Cannonball doesn’t quite Sikoa loads up a chair on the floor and we take a break. Back with Owens throwing in a bunch of chairs and setting them up. That takes too long too though and the splash only hits a raised foot.

Owens gets slammed onto the chairs for two and Sikoa is stunned. Owens fights up and they go outside, where the Cannonball crushes Sikoa against the barricade. They fight into the back and…the Usos jump Owens as soon as they walk through the entrance. The beatdown takes Owens back to the ring, where the Samoan Spike gives Sikoa the pin at 11:35.

Rating: C+. This was the “shoe is on the other foot” moment for Owens, as he needs his own help dealing with the Bloodline. I don’t know if this is enough to get him to saying yes to Sami Zayn but something is going to have to break him. Again they’re taking their time to get there, but the reaction for the reunion is going to be worth it.

Owens can’t breathe to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. We are absolutely in the time of “don’t do anything stupid” with Wrestlemania just a few weeks away. There was a big match added to the show this week and some steps taken to two other important ones, but other than that it was more fine tuning the Wrestlemania card than anything else. That can make for some less than interesting TV, but they are putting in the work to get us to the important stuff in Los Angeles.

Judgment Day b. Dexter Lumis/Johnny Gargano – South of Heaven to Lumis
Cody Rhodes b. LA Knight – Cross Rhodes
Bronson Reed b. Elias – Tsunami
Austin Theory b. Angelo Dawkins – A Town Down
Seth Rollins b. Baron Corbin – Stomp
Bianca Belair b. Chelsea Green – KOD
Solo Sikoa b. Kevin Owens – Samoan Spike



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