Rampage – February 24, 2023: How Can You Get Mad?

Date: February 24, 2023
Location: Footprint Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Jim Ross, Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re still in the desert and Rampage is still searching for a more viable formula. I’m not sure why AEW seems to punt on this show so often but it does produce some enjoyable results. If you can get by without the star power after the first match, you should be in for a fun one and hopefully that is true this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Aussie Open vs. Young Bucks

Kenny Omega is here with the Bucks. The Aussies deck the Bucks to start and isolate Matt for a kick to the chest and backsplash. Matt manages to backflip away from both of them and brings in Nick to walk the ropes into a wristdrag/headscissors combination. The Bucks clear the ring but the bigger Davis comes back in to slam them both at the same time. Nick’s pop up dropkick sends Davis to the floor though and Matt grabs a running flipping neckbreaker to send Fletcher into Nick’s knee. Everyone heads to the floor with the Aussies ramming the Bucks together as we take a break.

Back with Davis chopping the heck out of Nick, who kicks his way out of trouble. It’s back to Matt to clean house, including an assisted Sliced Bread to Fletcher. Matt dives onto Davis on the floor and hits a top rope elbow for two on Fletcher. The assisted 450 gets two on Fletcher with Davis having to make the save. Fletcher grabs a brainbuster to drop Nick on the floor, leaving Davis to clothesline Matt inside.

A running elbow in the corner hits Matt and Fletcher kicks Nick in the face. Fletcher loads up a middle rope DDT but Nick twists around into a cutter to pull him out of the air. Everything breaks down and the Bucks fire off their superkicks until stereo clotheslines give us a double knockdown.

Nick and Fletcher clothesline each other until Davis pulls Nick to the floor. Matt does the same to Fletcher and the Bucks get to hit their flip dives. The Meltzer Driver is loaded up but the lights go out. Back up and Fletcher Tombstones Matt, setting up the Coriolis for two. The Bucks are back up with superkicks and the BTE Trigger finishes Fletcher at 16:20.

Rating: B. You could probably guess what you were getting here and it wound up going as well as expected. The Bucks haven’t been doing the regular tag stuff as much lately and it is nice to see them getting back to their roots. Other than that, Aussie Open are always good for a solid performance so this worked, even with the Bucks’ style being on full display.

Post match the lights go out and the House of Black appears. Then they go out again and the team disappears.

The Best Friends are ready for the Casino Tag Team battle Royal but Big Bill, Lee Moriarty and the Gunns come in to beat them down with a pipe.

Post break, Orange Cassidy and Danhausen find the fallen Best Friends. Cassidy doesn’t seem happy.

Toni Storm vs. Willow Nightingale

Saraya is here with Storm. Nightingale runs Storm over to start and hits some clotheslines to put her down again. Storm’s chop has no effect as Nightingale runs her over with a shot to the chest. Back up and Storm goes to the eyes to take over, setting up a hip attack to knock Nightingale off the apron. Nightingale gets sent into the barricade a few times and we take a break.

Back with Nightingale missing a Cannonball in the corner and getting caught with the running hip attack. A DDT out of the corner gives Storm two but Nightingale knocks her back into the corner. The Cannonball into a Death Valley Driver gets two but Nightingale has to deal with Saraya. The distraction lets Storm Zero finish for Storm at 6:56.

Rating: C. Nightingale has hit a bit of a wall in recent weeks and that is a shame to see after she had so much momentum. Storm didn’t squash here here but there was almost no way Nightingale was going to get a win over someone in this big of a story. I’m still not sure where the story is going, but a big title match at Revolution seems likely.

Post match Storm and Saraya bust out the spray paint but Ruby Soho, followed by Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker, make the save. Soho still wants the title.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are ready for the Tag Team Title match but Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh jump them for the beatdown.

Jade Cargill wants to know who is left and welcomes all comers.

Lance Archer vs. Bryce Saturn

This is Archer’s (with Jake Roberts) first match in AEW since November and he jumps Saturn in the aisle before the bell. The beating is swift and severe but Saturn blocks a chokeslam attempt. Archer crossbodies him down and hits a hard clothesline for the pin at 1:43. Good to have Archer back, but can we do something with him this time?

Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee (dressed like a deacon or something close to it) are ready for the Mogul Affiliates.

Mogul Affiliates aren’t scared, though Trench still seems to have vanished.

Action Andretti is ready to prove himself to Sammy Guevara with Daniel Garcia promising a beating from Garcia.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, including the Face of the Revolution ladder match AND a Casino battle royal on Dynamite!

Stokely Hathaway is ready to send Matt Hardy to destroy Hook on Dynamite. Oh and it can be No DQ.

Action Andretti vs. Sammy Guevara

Daniel Garcia is here with Guevara. They go straight to the floor to start with Guevara getting the better of things. Back in and Andretti counters a sunset flip into a falcon arrow for two, with even Jericho having to praise Andretti. Guevara gets dropped on the floor and Andretti hits a 450 from the apron as we take a break.

We come back with Andretti’s moonsault hitting raised kneed and Guevara planting him for two. Guevara’s shooting star takes too long though and Andretti hits a springboard kick to the face for another near fall. Some hard shots to the face rock Andretti again but he counters a crossbody into a flipping slam for two (ala Cameron Grimes). Andretti hits a springboard Swanton for two more and a heck of a shotgun dropkick sends Guevara into the corner. Garcia breaks up a springboard though and the GTH finishes for Guevara at 10:06.

Rating: B-. This was another Andretti match as he does the high fling well enough but he doesn’t exactly do much that makes him stand out over the rest of the crowd. It also doesn’t help that his big win over Chris Jericho was pretty much it for him winning anything, but I don’t think he was expected to be a breakout star. Guevara gets a win to keep himself warm, though I’m not sure what the Society is doing save for Jericho getting to face Ricky Starks again.

Overall Rating: B. Another fun show here with stuff happening and a few bigger names than usual to make this an entertaining hour. That’s where a lot of the positives come from with Rampage: you can only get so annoyed at what they’re doing as the show is over in a hurry. The opener was good enough and ate up about a third of the show counting the stuff before and after, so how bad can it be? Good stuff here, though I still wonder how many people are actually going to watch.

Young Bucks b. Aussie Open – BTE Trigger to Fletcher
Toni Storm b. Willow Nightingale – Storm Zero
Lance Archer b. Bryce Saturn – Clothesline
Sammy Guevara b. Action Andretti – GTH



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Smackdown – February 24, 2023: The Other Stuff

Date: February 24, 2023
Location: Ford Center, Evansville, Indiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s a crossover night as we have some guest stars from Monday Night Raw. Not only is Rhea Ripley here to confront Charlotte, but Dominik Mysterio is here to meet his dad Rey. In addition, Rey is going to be facing Karrion Kross again, because just beating Kross isn’t enough. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roman Reigns retaining the World Title over Sami Zayn at Elimination Chamber. Kevin Owens came out for the save but he and Zayn are still not on the same page.

Jimmy Uso arrives but hasn’t been able to get in touch with Jey. He has left Jey multiple messages, saying they can meet in the middle of the ring so Jey can get everything off his chest.

Madcap Moss/Ricochet/Braun Strowman vs. Imperium

Vinci and Moss start things off by running the ropes until Moss shoulders him down. Ricochet comes in with a slingshot hilo but a hard clothesline drops him. Kaiser comes in to send Ricochet hard into the ropes before drawing Strowman in. Some double teaming behind the referee’s back has Ricochet in more trouble, including Gunther dropping him hard onto the apron.

We take a break and come back with Ricochet fighting out of a chinlock but Gunther cuts off the comeback. Cue Drew McIntyre to watch from the aisle as Vinci gets to blast Ricochet with a clothesline. Ricochet ducks a clothesline though and it’s a hot tag to bring in Strowman for the house cleaning. Gunther chops and kicks Strowman down so it’s Moss coming in to try his luck. A Kaiser distraction cuts Moss off though and Gunther clothesline Moss down. The powerbomb gives Gunther the pin at 10:49.

Rating: C+. I can go for a good six man almost every time and they planted some seeds for a possible McIntyre vs. Gunther Wrestlemania match. Gunther needs a big time opponent for the show and none of the three guys in this match are going to be that. Fun match here, with Gunther getting to look like a monster again.

Post match McIntyre stares down Gunther and takes off his jacket but the Viking Raiders jump him from behind. Sheamus comes in for the save with Strowman and Ricochet helping, leaving the good guys to pose. Did Imperium evaporate somewhere in there?

Rey Mysterio is ready to face Karrion Kross tonight but Santos Escobar interrupts. Escobar talks about respect and wants to display it to Rey. Mysterio says that’s mutual but Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley interrupt. Escobar doesn’t like Dominik’s tone and a match seems to be set up for later tonight.

Jimmy Uso thinks Jey Uso is shaken up after Montreal so Paul Heyman suggests Jimmy deal with Jey tonight. Solo Sikoa can stay in the back. Jimmy appears to agree.

Here is LA Knight for a chat. Knight says it’s that time of year, as everyone is talking about wanting their Wrestlemania Moment. The twist though is Knight is going to give Wrestlemania an LA Knight moment. Cue New Day to interrupt, with Kofi Kingston saying that’s not how Wrestlemania works. Kofi Kingston mentions Knight being around for about two and a half months so he isn’t getting everything handed to him. Knight calls them nerds, which Woods says has made them a lot of money. Kofi says he was working for eleven years to earn the Wrestlemania moment, so get a referee out here.

Kofi Kingston vs. LA Knight

Joined in progress with Knight shouldering him down, only to charge into raised boots in the corner. Kofi hits the middle rope splash to the back and a high crossbody gets two. The armbar goes on but Knight powers up and hits him in the face. The powerslam gives Knight two and he sends Kofi hard into the corner as we take a break.

Back with Kofi hitting a middle rope dropkick but Knight knocks him outside. They head back inside with Knight hitting the slingshot shoulder for two but Kofi fights up again. A sunset flip gets two on Knight and the Boom Drop connects for the same. Something like a Rock Bottom gives Knight two of his own but he makes the mistake of going after Xavier Woods. Kofi hits a dive on the floor but gets caught on top. Woods trombones a distraction though, allowing Trouble In Paradise to finish Knight at 12:40.

Rating: C. That’s a bit of a confusing result as Kofi didn’t need the win but Knight need a bit of a rebuild after losing to Bray Wyatt. Knight has everything he needs to be a star and he didn’t get squashed here, but he needs to actually win something eventually. It was a nice TV match, though I could have gone for a different result.

Here is Charlotte for a chat. She doesn’t like Rhea Ripley and brings up the last time they were in the ring together. Cue Dominik Mysterio to interrupt and say that Charlotte is in over her head. No woman has ever entered the Royal Rumble at #1 and won, but Ripley pulled it off. Ripley is a strong woman and when she makes sweet…..and Charlotte cuts him off. Charlotte: “I have a real Latino man at home who calls me mami with a much thicker….accent.”

Dominik says he knows what it’s like being compared to their fathers and being better than them. The fans don’t like that but Dominik says Charlotte will find out she isn’t good enough at Wrestlemania. Charlotte loves her dad, who turns 74 tomorrow, and could beat up Dominik if he was here. Charlotte is here though and gets in Dominik’s face, which draws out Ripley. The staredown is on but Dominik gets Ripley out before it gets physical. They’re building up the drama, but I have no reason to cheer for Charlotte or want to see her keep the title.

Natalya vs. Shayna Baszler

Natalya was cleared earlier today and Tegan Nox offered to have her back to help with Ronda Rousey (here as well). Natalya sends her into the corner to start but Baszler takes her down by the arm to take over. Baszler kicks her in the arm but misses the running knee. A Russian legsweep and basement kick to the face put Baszler down and a German suplex does it again. The discus lariat gives Natalya two but a Rousey distraction lets Baszler hit the knee to the face. An armbar makes Natalya tap at 2:52.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Nox makes the save. Rousey promises pain next week.

We see the Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch Joker/Batman trailer.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House, with everything going red. We cut to Bray Wyatt in what looks like a home studio, watching himself challenge the winner of Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar. Lashley didn’t seem scared after winning at Elimination Chamber, so we go to Fun House News, with Bray Wyatt and Ramblin Rabbi. Wyatt says it’s time for the weather, with a makeshift Uncle Howdy saying he is all of us.

Now it’s time toy Can You Keep A Secret (complete with Bryan in a bad wig). Bray: “Well, can you?” We look out the door of the Fun House where various scary images flash on screen, capped off by Bray in his new mask. Bray asks if we can keep a secret and that’s it. This was Bray’s latest rambling without actually saying anything.

Jimmy Uso is worried about confronting Jey, but Paul Heyman says that Roman Reigns will be here next week. If Jimmy handles Jey tonight, Reigns will personally handle Jey next week.

Rey Mysterio vs. Karrion Kross

Scarlett is here with Kross. Rey low bridges him to the floor and hits a 619 to the back of the head in about fifteen seconds. The big dive drops Kross again and we take an early break. Back with Kross in control but getting sent face first into the buckle. Rey hits a top rope seated senton but gets sent hard to the floor in a crash. Back in and Kross takes him to the corner, only to get caught with a super hurricanrana for two. The 619 is loaded up but Rey has to deal with Scarlett, allowing Dominik Mysterio to pop in and break up the 619. The distraction lets Kross hit the Krosshammer and grab the Krossjacket for the win at 8:38.

Rating: C. That evens up the series but this is all about setting up Rey to face Dominik, likely at Wrestlemania. I’m not sure where that leaves Kross though, as he doesn’t seem to have much going on. At least he got a win here though and looked good in doing so, which is a lot better than his first run on the main roster.

Post match Kross and Scarlett leave so Dominik gets in Rey’s face. Dominik tells him to do it but Rey walks off instead.

Here is Jimmy Uso to all out his brother Jey. Jimmy knows that Jey is hurting and when Jey hurts, Jimmy does too. He’ll always be there for his brother and now he needs his brother here. There are some cracks in the Bloodline and Jimmy needs his brother. Cue Sami Zayn through the crowd to stand behind Jimmy.

Zayn keeps hearing Jimmy talking about his brother and that’s what Jimmy used to be to him. Jimmy was the only one who saw value in him and he was the one who made Zayn an Honorary Uce. Then at the Royal Rumble, Jimmy took Zayn down without a second thought and that hurt a lot. Jimmy blames Zayn for making the choice and pulling the trigger when he hit Roman Reigns with the chair. What was Jimmy supposed to do? Zayn says family doesn’t make you test your loyalty every week or manipulate you like Reigns has done to himself and Jey.

Cue Jey in the crowd as Zayn says there is a way out for Jimmy. He doesn’t have to go down with the ship….and Jimmy hits Zayn as he looks up at Jey. Jimmy gets distracted by Jey as well though and Zayn hits the Helluva Kick. Jey has made his way to the barricade and Zayn bails as Solo Sikoa comes out. Zayn looks at Jey and then runs into the crowd to end the show. Jey never said or did anything save for staring. This was a “well Reigns is back next week so we’ll see you then”.

Overall Rating: C+. This was more of a “hold the fort” show as there was no Reigns to move the big story forward very far. At the same time, they moved some other stuff forward, with Rey vs. Dominik looking more and more likely, Charlotte vs. Rhea getting the top of the second hour spot and Drew McIntyre (at least) setting his eyes on Gunther. You have to build some things up other than just the main event scene and that’s what this show tried to do. It worked, though I’m not sure if anything jumped off the page this week.

Imperium b. Madcap Moss/Ricochet/Braun Strowman – Powerbomb to Moss
Kofi Kingston b. LA Knight – Trouble In Paradise
Shayna Baszler b. Natalya – Armbar
Karrion Kross b. Rey Mysterio – Krossjacket



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – February 24, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Wrestlemania I (2015 Edition)

ECW On Sci Fi – April 1, 2008

Smackdown – April 4, 2008

NXT LVL Up – February 17, 2023

Dynamite – February 22, 2023

Wrestlemania II (2015 Edition)

Monday Night Raw – September 13, 1993

Monday Night Raw – September 20, 1993

Monday Night Raw – September 27, 1993

Impact Wrestling – February 23, 2023

They Deserve It: WWE Hypes Several Records Broken At Elimination Chamber.


No Vacancy? Update On Former WWE Stars Returning To The Company.


He Did It: Jon Moxley Is First To Reach Major AEW Milestone.


It Grows: Two Big Matches Added To AEW Revolution.


He’s Back: AEW Star Returning To Action After 8+ Month Hiatus.


He’s Done: Wrestling Legend Goes A Step Further To Prove His Retirement.


RUMOR KILLER On Vince McMahon Returning To WWE Creative.


Maybe? Pat McAfee Explains Uncertainty About WWE Future Following Company Sale.


WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE Bringing Back Classic Event This Year.


One Step: Huge Update On Jeff Hardy’s DUI Charges, Case Closed.


Keep It Quick: How WWE Helped Cody Rhodes With Sami Zayn Fans On Monday Night Raw.


On The Injured List: AEW Star Out 5-6 Weeks With Foot Injury, Possibly Longer.


Still There: Update On Missing NXT Star’s WWE Status.


D’Oh! Local WWE Advertisement Seems To Spoil Major Angle.


On The Bad List: WWE Star Reveals She Is “Beat Up”, Possibly Out Of Action.


On The Road: 53 Year Old Wrestling Legend Details Efforts To Return To The Ring.


Put It On The Card: Another Long Awaited Grudge Match Likely For WrestleMania 39.


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Impact Wrestling – February 23, 2023: Dang They’re Good

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 23, 2023
Location: Osceola Heritage Park, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the go home show for No Surrender and the card is set up. There is one thing though that we need to cover, which involves who gets to talk first in a live edition of Busted Open Radio. Therefore, we have a Beat The Clock Challenge between Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Jonathan Gresham/Mike Bailey

Non-title and Gresham takes Shelley down by the leg to start. Bailey comes in and kicks away at said leg, with Gresham and Bailey taking turns on it. Shelley manages to knock Bailey outside though and it’s the Guns taking over for a change. Back in and the limping Shelley strikes away at Bailey, who comes right back with the bouncing kicks to Sabin.

Gresham and Sabin slug it out until Gresham does one of those stupid looking deals where he sends the Guns together and kicks Sabin, making him dragon screw legwhip Shelley. The Guns are back up with a Death Valley Driver/neckbreaker combination, followed by a Magic Killer for two on Gresham. Gresham suplexes Sabin and brings Bailey back in for the kicks, plus an Indian Deathlock to Shelley.

With that broken up, Shelley escapes Skull And Bones, leaving Gresham to Figure Four Shelley. That’s broken up as well and the Guns are sent outside for the double dive. Back in and Gresham gets the Figure Four again, with Bailey hitting the moonsault knees to Sabin. Bailey gets knocked down though and Sabin powerbombs him onto Gresham for the save. Gresham hits Bailey by mistake and the Guns strike away (gee Shelley’s knee healed up fast), setting up the Dirt Bomb for the pin on Gresham at 12:56.

Rating: B. This was the fast paced and all action match, though Bailey’s horrendous selling issues were spreading around here. The Guns did their thing and won as they should have, with Gresham and Bailey continuing to have their issues. It was the kind of fast paced match that you should open a show with, but my goodness sell the leg already.

Video on Rich Swann vs. Josh Alexander, with Swann wanting to get back to the top of the mountain. Alexander isn’t so sure, but does want Swann to get a title shot.

We look at Gisele Shaw and Jai Vidal getting chilied by Deonna Purrazzo on Before The Impact.

Deonna Purrazzo mocks Gisele Shaw for being bad luck and promises to break her arm at No Surrender. B****.

Beat The Clock Challenge: Tommy Dreamer vs. Jason Hotch

John Skyler is here with Hotch and promises that Dreamer is going down to one good hand. Dreamer misses a charge into the corner to start and a neckbreaker gives Hotch two. Hotch goes up top but gets caught in a super Death Valley Driver for the pin at 1:15. Well that was quick.

Joe Hendry had a meet and greet earlier today and the fans are behind him against Moose at No Surrender.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Allysin Kay

Jessika, Rosemary and Marti Belle are here too. They fight into the corner to start with Valkyrie getting the better of things and grabbing something like a reverse Koji Clutch on the mat. With that broken up, Valkyrie hits a spear for two as Kay can’t get much going so far. Kay gets kicked down in the corner to set up the running knees for two.

We take a break and come back with Kay whipping Valkyrie into the corner for a change, only to miss a charge. Valkyrie hits her hip attack, earning herself one heck of a right hand. A not so great blue Thunder Bomb gives Valkyrie two and we hit something like an STF. The rope gets Kay out of trouble and she reverses a sunset flip into a sunset driver for two. Belle offers a distraction so Kay can nail a kick to the head. With Rosemary dealing with Belle, the AK47 finishes Valkyrie at 10:34.

Rating: C. It’s good to give Kay, who is already a former Knockouts Champion, a reheating as she hasn’t been around in a long time. You need to have her built back up to make the Hex a reasonable threat to the Death Dollz and they made that work here. Valkyrie was working here and dominated most of the match too, making Kay look better in the process.

Santino Marella emcees a contract signing between Josh Alexander and Rich Swann. Alexander says Swann doesn’t have it in him, sending Swann into a speech about how he was hurt before but came back through all of his injuries. He’ll win the title tomorrow, but here is Steve Maclin to say he’s getting it anyway. Referees break up the ensuing fight.

Deaner/Callihan vs. Yuya Uemura/Frankie Kazarian

The rest of the Design is here too. Deaner has Callihan start with Kazarian and tells him to do the right thing. Callihan decks Kazarian to start so now Deaner is willing to fight for himself. Kazarian strikes his way out of trouble and brings Uemura in for an armbar. Callihan comes back in and Deaner gets in a cheap shot from the apron to take over. With the chinlock broken up, Kon pulls Kazarian off the apron to prevent the tag but Deaner misses a Swan Dive.

That’s enough for the tag to Kazarian as the pace picks way up. The springboard spinning legdrop hits Deaner but Callihan is back in with a suplex. Kazarian rolls between them and brings Uemura back in as everything breaks down. With Deaner down in the corner, Callihan tags himself back in and sends Uemura outside. A spinebuster drops Kazarian but Deaner tells Callihan to stop the Cactus Driver. The distraction lets Kazarian grab the chickenwing for the win at 9:43.

Rating: C+. Fast paced match here but egads the Callihan/Design stuff is falling flat. It feels like something we have seen so many times and there is no reason to care about whatever they do. Callihan still feels like something of a star, but the Design is as much of a dollar store version of the evil cult as you can get. Just get on with Callihan turning on them and move on already.

Video on Mickie James defending against Masha Slamovich at No Surrender, with Jordynne Grace looming over the whole thing.

Callihan wants to know how that was Deaner’s step #5, with Deaner saying it was about loyalty. Callihan is still in this, and tomorrow night, he can prove himself at No Surrender. Just remember: the Design chooses him, not the other way around.

Beat The Clock Challenge: Bully Ray vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

The clock is set at 1:15 and Ray hasn’t even bothered to put his knee pads on properly. The Good Hands immediately come in for a distraction so Ray can hit Gujjar with a chain for the pin at 30 seconds to win the challenge. I’ll take something short from Ray and Dreamer as this sets up the two of them talking at No Surrender.

Post break Tommy Dreamer gives Gujjar a pep talk.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

X-Division Title: Trey Miguel vs. Crazzy Steve

Steve, with Black Taurus, is challenging in Monster’s Ball and they’ve both been held without food, water or light for twenty four hours. There are weapons at ringside because we need to ramp up the violence. Steve chops away to start and takes him to the floor for the hard right hands.

We take a break less than a minute in (as that has now swept through wrestling) and come back with Steve being sent face first into some chairs on the floor. A big chair shot only hits post though and Steve sends him into the chairs instead. Back in and Miguel hits a fast running dropkick to take over again, meaning it’s time for a chain. More weapons are thrown in but Steve staple guns Miguel low for a breather. Steve Cannonballs into Miguel, in a trashcan, in the corner as we take another break.

Back again with Miguel grabbing a swinging neckbreaker for a breather of his own. A fork (yes a fork) to Steve’s face is blocked but Steve is busted open anyway. It’s time for the bag of tacks (of course) but Steve blocks the Lightning Spiral. The Black Hole Slam onto the tacks gets two on Miguel, with Steve pulling him up at two. That takes too long though and Miguel kicks away, setting up a stomp to the back to send Steve into the tacks.

It’s table time (because of course) but instead a double clothesline puts them both into the tacks again. With nothing else working, Miguel pulls out a metal spike, only for Steve to pull out Janice (a 2×4 with nails sticking out). With Miguel terrified, Steve Death Valley Drivers him through the table in the corner for two.

Steve gets caught on top though and a chair to the head puts him in more trouble. A quick Canadian Destroyer onto the tacks rocks Miguel again though and a delayed cover gets two. Janice to the forehead busts Miguel open even more but he gets in a low blow. A Roll of the Dice through a barbed wire table (with Miguel hitting back first) knocks Steve silly and retains the title at 22:31.

Rating: B. Your taste in hardcore/violent wrestling is going to determine everything here. There wasn’t much of anything new here but they did beat each other up and it felt like the big finish to the feud. Miguel gets to prove he can go in a different direction and looks stronger as champion as a result. The ending left a good bit to be desired, but they had a very violent match on the way there.

Overall Rating: B. The middle left a good bit to be desired, but with a pair of solid matches, Dreamer vs. Ray being kept under two minutes combined and a nice push towards No Surrender, this was another very nice use of two hours. I don’t even know why I’m surprised anymore, but Impact is rapidly approaching being the best weekly wrestling show. They have put in the work and made their show that much better, so well done on all sides with another quality show this week.

Motor City Machine Guns b. Jonathan Gresham/Mike Bailey – Dirt Bomb to Gresham
Tommy Dreamer b. Jason Hotch – Super Death Valley Driver
Allysin Kay b. Taya Valkyrie – AK47
Frankie Kazarian/Yuya Uemura b. Callihan/Deaner – Chickenwing to Callihan
Bully Ray b. Bhupinder Gujjar – Right hand with a chain
Trey Miguel b. Crazy Steve – Roll of the Dice through a barbed wire table




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Monday Night Raw – September 27, 1993: The Battle Royal’s The Thing

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 27, 1993
Location: New Haven Coliseum, New Haven, Connecticut
Attendance: 5,500
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan, Randy Savage

Things are going to be going in a different direction this week as the Steiner Brothers, who have been the focus of the last two weeks, have been suspended. That means we are going to need something fresh, and that could mean just about anything around here. Hopefully they pick one of the better options of what they have available so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Jack Tunney (he has to be about done) joins us to announce that Shawn Michaels has been suspended for no selling title defenses (or allegedly drugs, though Shawn still denies that to this day). Therefore, Shawn has been stripped of the Intercontinental Title (a first for the title, with Ultimate Warrior relinquishing it in 1990 rather than having it taken from him) and a battle royal will be held next week. The last two men in that match will meet the following week to crown a new champion. Better than just giving it to the winner of the battle royal.

Opening sequence.

Tatanka vs. Rick Martel

In case you didn’t get enough at Wrestlemania VIII. Feeling out process to start as Vince talks about next week’s battle royal. Martel takes him down and jumps some jacks and they fight over arm control. Tatanka gets driven into the corner to break up a hammerlock as we hear about Heenan getting over his cold. That earns Martel a hard crash to the floor and we hit the stall button. Savage: “STALL-ING!”

The chase finally brings Martel back inside where he stomps away before avoiding a middle rope spinning crossbody. Tatanka gets kicked to the floor and we take a break. Back with Martel putting on the abdominal stretch as Vince describes this as a seesaw match, back and force.

A belly to back gives Martel two more but a slingshot splash hits raised knees. Martel is fine enough to grab a reverse chinlock but Tatanka makes the comeback and hits a high crossbody. The warpath is on and Tatanka slams him down, setting up a top rope chop to the head. Martel sends a charging Tatanka over the top to the floor only to be pulled outside as well. The brawl sends them to the double countout at 10:44.

Rating: C. Completely watchable match, but there is only so much to get out of Tatanka vs. Martel in 1993. Tatanka is still undefeated so they didn’t want to give Martel the win, though at the end of the day, Martel needed to be reestablished after being gone for a bit. Not bad, but the ending didn’t do it any favors.

Joe Fowler tells us the names in the battle royal:

Randy Savage
Adam Bomb
Giant Gonzalez
Mr. Perfect
Owen Hart
Rick Martel
Jimmy Snuka
Bob Backlund
Razor Ramon
1-2-3 Kid
Bam Bam Bigelow
Marty Jannetty
Bastion Booger

Ludvig Borga vs. Phil Apollo

Borga rushes him in the corner to start and hits a side slam as Heenan talks about reading the newspaper in the bathroom. A spinebuster plants Apollo and Borga tosses him outside. Back in and a delayed vertical suplex plants Apollo again. The torture rack finishes Apollo at 3:17.

Rating: C-. Total squash, but I’ve always liked Borga to a certain extent. You need to have him beat people up to make him seem more important, though the showdown with Lex Luger has to come at some point. Yes Borga is little more than than another foreign monster, but it still works well enough.

Jimmy Snuka vs. Paul Van Dale

Snuka jumps him to start but gets elbowed in the back of the head. Heenan calls Crush to ask why Randy Savage is in the battle royal but Crush isn’t. A headbutt drops Van Dale and Snuka hits him in the throat for a bonus. Savage tells Crush to say what he has to say as Crush talks about how he is in great shape. A shot to the ribs drops Van Dale again as Heenan wonders if he can get the charges on the call reversed. Snuka’s leapfrog into the chop connects as I feel like I’m in a weird time warp. The slingshot suplex into the Superfly Splash finishes Van Dale at 4:34.

Rating: C-. The Splash still looked good and the fans reacted to it, but Snuka in 1993 feels like it belongs at some independent show rather than on Raw. He didn’t look great and the squash wasn’t exactly interesting, but I guess they were going for some nostalgia. It didn’t exactly work, but they were trying.

We look back at PJ Walker upsetting IRS thanks to Razor Ramon’s distraction.

IRS is in his office and still livid over the loss. He’ll get some revenge on Ramon in the battle royal. The closeup of IRS’ face is more than a little weird to see. Even weirder: Vince calls him Mr. Rotundo.

Tag Team Titles: Quebecers vs. Barry Horowitz/Reno Riggins

The Quebecers, with Johnny Polo, are defending. Hold on though as Riggins is sick so Horowitz has a replacement: the 1-2-3 Kid! The Kid kicks away at Jacques to start and everything breaks down fast. The champs are dropkicked outside for a meeting with Polo as the fans approve. Back in and a running elbow hits the Kid in the face to take over as Vince talks about the battle royal again.

Jacques slams Pierre onto the Kid and Pierre drops Jacques onto the Kid as the champs take over. There’s a double hot shot to keep the Kid in trouble but he kicks his way to freedom. With Jacques out on the floor and water to the face not working, Polo calls for a stretcher. Jacques is wheeled out but Pierre gets to keep defending on his own! I don’t know if that’s how the rules work but we take a break and come back with Pierre dropping a middle rope legdrop for two on Horowitz.

The middle rope headbutt makes it worse but for some reason, Pierre slam Horowitz into the corner for the tag to the Kid. A bunch of strikes put Pierre down but he low bridges Kid out to the floor. Polo sends the mostly out of it Kid back inside for the pin to retain the titles at 13:23.

Rating: C+. This was a nice change of pace as there was actually a story to the match. The fact that the Quebecers had to get cut in half to give Horowitz and the Kid a chance is kind of telling about how the match was going to go, but the did try. For a one off though, it was working, or at least as well as it could with a relatively uninterested crowd.

Razor Ramon comes out to say he’s ready for the battle royal, with Heenan trying to stir up some issues between Ramon and Savage.

Overall Rating: C+. This show had one goal and one goal only: make you care about next week’s battle royal. That was the entire focus of the show and it actually worked well, as it was treated as the most important thing going on anywhere. I could go for seeing the match now, which is impressive as I’ve seen it before and it wasn’t very good in the first place. Nice show here, with some ok wrestling but a locked in focus on what really matters.



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Monday Night Raw – September 20, 1993: Gotcha

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 20, 1993
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Attendance: 1,200
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, Bobby Heenan

Last week saw the Quebecers win/steal the Tag Team Titles from the Steiner Brothers. You aren’t going to get the Steiners to go away that easily and now Scott gets a chance to beat Pierre to get another shot. Other than that, we don’t really have much going on as Survivor Series is two months away, so get ready for some squashes. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of the Quebecers winning the Tag Team Titles last week via DQ, as it was under Province Of Quebec (meaning complicated) Rules.

Opening sequence.

It’s a rough week for Bobby Heenan, who has a bad case of the sniffles after Doink threw water on him last week.

Pierre vs. Scott Steiner

Johnny Polo is the only second here. Scott starts fast and clotheslines Pierre down before sending him outside, with Polo already panicking. The piledriver, which would have been illegal last week, crushes Pierre again as Scott covers everything that would have lost them the titles (nice). We get a Muta Lock of all things, which feels so out of place in 1993….well America really.

Scott knocks him down again and Pierre needs a hug on the floor. Polo gets chased to the back and Scott steals his hockey stick as we take a break. Back with Scott holding Pierre at bay with said stick, but here is Jacques to uneven things up. Rick Steiner comes out to stare Jacques down, allowing Pierre to get in the cheap shot to take over for the first time. Polo gets in a cheap shot of his own and we hit the chinlock.

Like a true villain, Pierre doesn’t crank on it very hard but does put his feet on the ropes. Naturally Vince talks about Rush Limbaugh, because that’s what fans were wanting to hear. The Vader Bomb gets two on Scott and a middle rope legdrop is good for the same. A backslide gives Scott a breather and it’s a double knockdown for the extended breather. Back up and the Frankensteiner gives Scott the fast pin at 16:06.

Rating: C. This went on for a good while but I’ll take something like this over the endless parade of squash matches that you usually get around here. At the same time, you have to keep the Steiners strong and as was shown last week, the Quebecers can only win with the screwy rules. They did what they needed to do here, even if it dragged in the middle.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Laverne Magille

What a name for Bigelow’s victim. Bigelow misses a dropkick to start and gets dropkicked into the corner. That doesn’t last long as Bigelow suplex slams him down as Crush calls him. The recovery is going well but, again, Crush doesn’t want to talk to Randy Savage, hanging up on him for the second week in a row.

Bigelow hits some weird jumping kick and the chinlock goes on. The clubbing forearms set up the choking on the rope, with Magille being thrown over said rope to the floor. Back in and Magille avoids a charge but dives into a ram into the corner. Another suplex slam sets up the backsplash to give Bigelow the pin at 5:17.

Rating: C-. This was long and not exactly good, as Bigelow was looking sloppy at times and they felt like they were filling in time more than once. Then again that is exactly what they should have been doing, as there is only so much you can get out of a five minute squash. Bigelow was always good for some impressive looking stuff, but he didn’t get to do much here.

We look back at Doink The Clown throwing water on Bobby Heenan last week.

Heenan, claiming a 113 degree fever, is found to be at about 97 degrees.

Here is Bret Hart for a chat. Vince McMahon talks about the things that Bret has dealt with in this building, mainly involving Jerry Lawler. Bret tortured Lawler at Summerslam but the decision was overturned because he wouldn’t let go of the Sharpshooter. This gets a rather long recap, with Vince making it sound like an explanation to a jury.

Therefore, Lawler is the undisputed King of the WWF, but Bret (who finally gets to talk) isn’t so sure. It’s a great honor to be King of the Ring but Bret cares about his family honor more than anything else. Maybe Bret should have let the Sharpshooter go at Summerslam. Or not, as he should have held onto it longer. Lawler will have to step in the ring with him again one day and Bret will take away the head that wears the crown. Well that escalated quickly.

Mr. Perfect vs. Mike Bell

Perfect takes the arm to start and then slaps Bell in the face. The headlock works a bit better for Perfect and he runs Bell over with a shoulder. There’s the running dropkick and they head outside as this is one sided so far. Chops against the post and in the corner back inside ensue, setting up the necksnap to keep Bell in trouble. The knee lift and dropkick set up the PerfectPlex for the pin at 3:51.

Rating: C. Now that was more like it, as Perfect barely broke a sweat here and won with absolutely no trouble. Perfect could make things look so smooth out there and that was on full display here. This was a good year for Perfect, who got to show that he could still do it as well as he did before, but with a bit more of a veteran style to it. Nice stuff here, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

Ludvig Borga doesn’t like trash or Lex Luger, who STANDS UP for trash.

Bobby Heenan talks to a man who proposed to his girlfriend, but Heenan makes the woman hold his Kleenex. Then he steals her popcorn.

IRS vs. PJ Walker

Walker is better known as Justin Credible but IRS declares him a tax cheat. IRS takes him outside for an early whip into the steps as Razor Ramon comes out to watch. That’s enough of a distraction for Walker to grab a rollup for the big upset at 1:19.

The Quebecers know the Steiners have earned a title shot….but there are more deserving teams so the Quebecers will defend against them instead. The Steiners being suspended around this time is just a coincidence I assure you.

The preview (including JIMMY SNUKA of all people, complete with the famous cage splash footage) wraps us up.

Overall Rating: C. The opener got the time to make things a bit better and the upset in the end was a nice surprise. This was much more to the formula for the early days of Raw and it wasn’t a half bad show. There is good stuff around this time and if you can get through some of the boring, it can be pretty entertaining to watch week to week.



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Monday Night Raw – September 13, 1993: It’s In The Rule Book

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 13, 1993
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Attendance: 1,200
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan, Randy Savage

We’re just done with Summerslam and that means there isn’t much going on until Survivor Series in November. This week features a pretty big match as the Steiners are defending the Tag Team Titles against the Quebecers in a Quebec Province match, in what can only be a completely normal match. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Commentary welcomes us to the show.

Tag Team Titles: Quebecers vs. Steiner Brothers

Quebec Province rules, meaning the titles can change hands via countout/DQ, piledrivers are legal and throwing someone over the top is a DQ. Rick and Jacques start things off with the latter hitting some knees to the ribs in the corner. That earns him a shot to the face and Jacques bails to the floor.

Pierre comes in and gets powerslammed for two so it’s Scott coming in for the tiger driver and two. The armbar goes on for a bit before Scott hits a nice dropkick for two. Back up and Pierre knocks Scott into the corner before dropping a fist for two of his own. Scott makes the quick comeback and hands it off to Rick, who almost uses the illegal piledriver as we take a break.

We come back with Rick sending Jacques through the ropes (legal) and Scott grabbing a headlock on Pierre. The overhead belly to belly gives Scott two more and we hit the half crab. Rick comes back in for a half crab of his own, but for some reason half plus half doesn’t equal Boston. Jacques’ save attempt doesn’t work and the Steiners get to keep taking turns, though Scott does stop to point at Johnny Polo.

Rick’s middle rope….something hits not quite raised knees (that didn’t work) but Rick is fine enough to belly to back superplex Pierre for two. Jacques makes the save and it’s time for a Quebecers/Polo huddle as we take a break. Back with Scott getting double kicked down and Pierre being slammed onto him for two. We hit the chinlock for a bit, followed by a Vader Bomb to give Pierre two more. Jacques backdrops Pierre onto Scott for….what appears to be some miscommunication over who is legal so Scott comes back with something like a spinning DDT.

The hot tag is broken up though and Scott gets sent outside to keep up the beating. Scott finally fights his way out of trouble for a triple knockdown and the tag brings in Rick to clean house. Everything breaks down and it’s back to Scott, who gets in a fight with Jacques over the hockey stick. Scott finally loses his cool (no, really) and hits Jacques with the stick for the DQ and the titles at 17:35 (that’s a LONG match for the old days of Raw).

Rating: B. This was a match with all kinds of gimmicks and rules but it wound up being a regular tag match that worked out rather well. The Quebecers weren’t a great team but they were capable of working well with another good team. Therefore, the Steiners were more than capable of making something like this work, with the Quebecers winning the titles via the match’s rather insane rules. Good stuff, and very different from what you would get around this time.

Bobby is ECSTATIC over the title change, as you probably expected.

Mr. Perfect vs. Tony DeVito

Perfect knocks him outside to start and takes it to the back before bringing it right back to the ring. DeVito hits a dropkick but Perfect runs over him and hits a not so perfect dropkick of his own. A knee lift sets up the PerfectPlex to give Perfect the pin at 2:44. Not the best squash here and Perfect even gets in a few shots after the match, so maybe he was in a bad mood.

After Summerslam, Ludvig Borga mocked Lex Luger for choking and issued the challenge.

Razor Ramon vs. The Executioner

That Executioner looks rather Barry Horowitzish, even with the mask on. Executioner actually starts fast and knocks Razor outside in a heap. Back in and Razor wins a slugout before grabbing the abdominal stretch. The belly to back superplex finishes the Executioner at 2:32, as he wasn’t even worthy of the Razor’s Edge.

Actually he is, as Razor gives him the Edge post match. Well that’s excessive.

Vince McMahon brings out the Quebecers and Johnny Polo for their victory speech. To say Polo is excited is an understatement as Jacques compares the win to the Toronto Blue Jays and Montreal Canadiens. Vince thinks the Steiners deserve a rematch and the end result is a Steiner vs. a Quebecer next week, with Scott having to win to get a future title shot. The fans singing and conducting the Quebecers’ theme song should tell you where their support lies.

Bobby Heenan and Randy Savage were on the Jerry Lewis Telethon.

Doink The Clown vs. Rich Myers

Doink has two buckets, one of which contains confetti, meaning I think you know where this is going. Myers jumps him from behind to start and gets belly to belly suplexed for his efforts. A pumphandle slam plants Myers again and there’s a nasty German suplex to make it worse. Crush calls in to talk about his recovery but then hangs up on Randy Savage, who apparently isn’t on the best terms with him. The Whoopee Cushion finishes Myers at 2:04.

Post match, yeah the other bucket has water inside, and yeah it goes on Heenan. Anything that involves Heenan doing physical comedy is a positive moment.

Post break, Doink comes out and whips out another bucket, which is more confetti.

The preview for next week reveals that it’s Scott Steiner vs. Pierre to get the Steiners another title shot.

Overall Rating: C+. This was ALL about the Tag Team Title change, but the rest of the show was so worthless that it was really hard to care. It says a lot when three squashes could be so lame that they bring down a rather good tag match but the early days of Raw had that kind of power. It’s nice to see at least one solid match though as that’s more than you get around here most of the time. The title change is kind of famous for a reason, and it happens to come in a good match. Not a great show, but the important part worked.



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Dynamite – February 22, 2023: Figure It Out

Date: February 22, 2023
Location: Footprint Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We have two weeks to go to before Revolution and that means it is time to start finalizing the card. That is a little tricky when one of the matches is going to be a sixty minute Iron Man match, but AEW does know how to throw in a few surprises. Tony Khan has promised a big surprise for tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Wheeler Yuta

Only Cassidy is defending after Yuta wants revenge for Cassidy and the Best Friends forgetting about him. They go technical to start and get some near falls each until Yuta bails to the floor. Back in and Cassidy uses Yuta’s own Seatbelt rollup for two, meaning it’s time for another breather outside. Cue Claudio Castagnoli to slap Yuta in the face to wake him up.

That’s enough to make Yuta counter the Orange Punch and send Cassidy outside for some whips into the barricade. A posting ensues and Yuta strikes away back inside, despite Cassidy putting his hands in his pockets. Cassidy hits a dropkick ad sends him into the corner a few times. There’s an enziguri from Yuta, followed by a top rope forearm for two. We take a break and come back with Yuta hitting a brainbuster into an Angle Slam for another near fall.

Cassidy manages some rolling German suplexes for two but Yuta uses Cassidy’s Mousetrap for two more. They spit at each other and knock each other down before heading to the apron. Cassidy gets the better of things and hits the diving DDT to the floor. Back in and they trade the driving elbows to the face until the Orange Punch gives Cassidy two. The Orange Punch retains the title at 16:48.

Rating: B. This turned into a hard hitting fight and that is the kind of thing that you do not see from Cassidy very often. Yuta can wrestle the technical style very well and made his half of things work here. They had a better match than I was expecting and this worked very well for a long, back and forth opener.

Post match Cassidy loads up the hug but Castagnoli tells Yuta to get out, with Yuta listening and leaving with Castagnoli.

Evil Uno is ready for Jon Moxley and wants Hangman Page to stay out of there from bell to bell. The Dark Order has to stand up for itself.

Here is Ricky Starks for a chat. Over the last few months, he has been dealing with Chris Jericho, who doesn’t want a rematch with him. Therefore, he is moving away from Jericho and now he has an open contract for a match at Revolution. Cue Jericho, who says Starks is enjoying that one win he got but it is never going to happen again. Starks isn’t at his level so good luck with the open challenge.

Cue Peter Avalon to try to accept the challenge but Jericho beats him down. Jericho gets in the ring and says this is what happens when you issue an open challenge. Starks says if Jericho signs, he’ll just bring the Appreciation Society, because apparently he needs them to win. That’s too far for Jericho, who agrees to the terms…..but he doesn’t have a pen. Starks: “D***. I do!” And after the big dramatic click, Jericho adds a line about the Society staying in the back and signs for the match. That took some time but it was some nice mind games from Starks.

A bunch of tag teams are ready for the battle royal.

Lee Moriarty/Big Bill vs. Acclaimed

Stokely Hathaway and Billy Gunn are here too. Caster’s rap makes fun of Moriarty and Bill, including Bill’s mother. Caster doesn’t get far with an armbar as a Bill cheap shot lets Moriarty take over. Bowens comes in for the blind tag though and something like a neckbreaker onto Caster’s raised knees gets two.

We take a break and come back with the Gunns out to watch as Bowens gets the hot tag and cleans house on Moriarty. Bill comes back in to kick Gunn and Bowens down though, allowing the Gunns to stomp their dad down. The Acclaimed chases them off and Caster poses Bill. The Arrival into the Mic Drop finishes Moriarty at 7:08.

Rating: C. They kept this short and sweet here as the Acclaimed gets some momentum back on their way to the four way title match. I’m not sure I can imagine them getting the titles back so soon, but at least they are beating teams they should beat. The title change still feels like it came out of nowhere though, and that might not be the best move.

Christian Cage comes out for an interview but Jungle Boy jumps him from behind. Jungle Boy loads up a Conchairto but takes too long, allowing Cage to low blow his way out of trouble. Cage hits him in the head with the chair and then rams said head into the other chair a few times. Jungle Boy is busted open and referees break it up.

Video on Wardlow vs. Samoa Joe.

Saraya vs. Skye Blue

Toni Storm is here with Saraya. Blue starts fast but a Storm distraction lets Saraya pull her off the top. Saraya takes over on the arm and plants Blue down for two. As Tony and Taz discuss the difference between making friends and making money, Saraya can’t superplex her down, allowing Blue to hit a high crossbody. Blue nails a running kick to the face but Storm offers a distraction, allowing Saraya to hit a superkick. The Scorpio Crosslock makes Blue give up at 3:45.

Rating: C. The fact that Saraya is now needing help to beat Blue isn’t a good sign for her future, but things haven’t exactly been going well for her for a good while. This us vs. them story is only so good and Saraya continues to be a letdown since she has been back. It was cool to see her wrestle again, but the charm is wearing off quickly.

Post match the beatdown is on but Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker make the save. Cue Ruby Soho to signal that she wants the title shot. Hayter doesn’t seem opposed.

Here is Bryan Danielson for a chat. Danielson is ready to do everything he can to win the World Title but first he needs to talk about what MJF said last week. MJF hurt Danielson’s mentor William Regal…and here is MJF to interrupt. MJF says these people love Danielson but MJF is the guy who has been shoved away by everyone he has ever loved. Then he met a girl and fell in love with her, to the point where he got down on one knee and said he wanted to start a family with her.

Then she left him, meaning the only thing that that stops him from taking a fist full of pills and calling it a day is this title. Everyone loves Danielson though, and they’ll shout YES at the top of their lungs. Danielson has a family that he takes for granted but do you know why MJF hates him? Danielson has had concussions and seizures but he’s still wrestling. Every time Danielson gets in the ring, he is saying wrestling is more important than his family and his children.

Every time Danielson gets in the ring, he is spitting in MJF’s face because he disrespects everything MJF wants. Danielson is worse than his drug addicted mentor so he’ll get all of the spotlight he wants at Revolution when MJF beats him do badly. MJF talks into the camera to Danielson’s children and promises to hurt their daddy at Revolution, to the point where Danielson can’t play with them again.

For some reason Danielson doesn’t move, but MJF gets in the ring and promises early onset CT…..and Danielson jumps him. Security eventually breaks it up. This was a weird segment, as it didn’t so much make me want to see MJF lose the title, but rather make me want to buy him a hot sandwich and give him a hug.

Jamie Hayter thinks Ruby Soho and Saraya deserve a title shot, so let’s make it a triple threat at Revolution.

Tag Team Battle Royal

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal, Top Flight, Best Friends, Lucha Bros, La Faccion Ingobernable, Aussie Open, Ari Daivari/Tony Nese, Jericho Appreciation Society, Butcher and the Blade, Dark Order

The winners move on to Revolution for a Tag Team Title shot and both members must be thrown out for an elimination. It’s a brawl to start with some teams on the floor and others fighting inside. Nese and Penta fight to the apron but here is Mark Briscoe to go after Josh Woods, because that feud is still going. Penta Fear Factors Nese for the elimination and Daivari is tossed out shortly thereafter as we take a break.

Back with no eliminations during the break but Aussie Open is tossed at the same time. Dark Order gets rid of Blade and Darius Martin was tossed somewhere in there. Butcher eliminates Reynolds and Penta kicks Vance out. Vance helps Rush get rid of Penta but Penta kicks Rush out to get rid of La Faccion.

The Society finally gets in and goes after the Best Friends, only to have to deal with Danhausen. They toss him out so he fires off a curse, with the Society being tossed out at the same time. Jarrett and Lethal get rid of Taylor, leaving us with Jarrett, Lethal, butcher, Fenix, Trent and Dante Martin as we take another break.

Back again with a mini six man having broken out and Butcher knock Fenix through the ropes to the floor (not an elimination). Dante gets knocked out but Fenix dumps Butcher as well. Jarrett and Lethal toss Fenix and we’re down to the two of them plus Trent. The double teaming is on but Trent makes the comeback, only to have Satnam Singh make the double save.

Jarrett hits the Stroke and sends Trent….to the apron, where Orange Cassidy makes a save of his own. Sonjay Dutt’s interference doesn’t help as Trent manages to get rid of Lethal. Danhausen chases Dutt to the back but Singh saves Jarrett from another elimination. Another Strike lets Jarrett toss him out for the win at 18:31.

Rating: C+. The ending was a bit much and they had a bunch of stuff going on at once, but Jarrett and Lethal being added to a four way title match isn’t a bad idea. You’re going to need a team to keep things a bit more under control and that is where Jarrett and Lethal can shine. Fun match here, though it did run for a good while.

The House Of Black wants the Trios Titles.

Tony Khan joins us for a big announcement….which will be made by Adam Cole: AEW is getting a reality series called All Access, which debuts next month after Dynamite. On a more personal note: Cole is making his in-ring return the same night as the show’s debut. I get that it’s an announcement and a cool deal for AEW, but hyping this up as a “major announcement” was destined to fail. Put out a press release, mention it on Dynamite, and then talk about it rather than making a big deal that isn’t likely to go over very well. And yes, I understand that it’s likely a mandate from WBD. Just maybe present it a little smarter.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal and company are excited but here are the Gunns to interrupt. Mocking ensues, but nothing gets physical.

Jon Moxley vs. Evil Uno

Uno jumps him to start and the beating is on fast, with Moxley having to fight his way out of trouble. Moxley gets sent outside for the top rope flip dive and Uno hammers away some more. A whip into the steps cuts Uno off though and Moxley sends him head first into the steps for a bonus. Uno is busted open and Moxley hammers away back inside, only to get caught with a pair of piledrivers. Moxley shrugs them off and chokes Uno out at 6:18.

Rating: C. You mean the former World Champion and one of the biggest stars in AEW history bet a guy who has been treated as little more than a comedy goof since AEW began? I’m really not sure why this was given the main event slot, as just having Moxley out there isn’t likely to give them that much attention. It was a bloody brawl, but there was zero drama to it and Moxley didn’t exactly seem to be worried.

Post match Moxley won’t let go so the Dark Order, the Blackpool Combat Club and Hangman Page run in (Page promised not to be out there from bell to bell so he kept his word). Page loads up what looks to be barbed wire but Moxley bails from the threat of a Buckshot Lariat to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show as everything worked out well enough from a presentation standpoint and the wrestling was fine to good, but man alive AEW is ice cold going into Revolution. The MJF vs. Danielson feud is just weird, Page vs. Moxley has been done over and over, the women’s feud has a ton of moving parts and the Tag Team Title stuff is overcrowded. This wasn’t a bad show by any means, but AEW needs to figure out what they want to focus on and fast.

Orange Cassidy b. Wheeler Yuta – Orange Punch
Acclaimed b. Lee Moriarty/Big Bill – Mic Drop to Moriarty
Saraya b. Skye Blue – Scorpion Crosslock
Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal won a tag team battle royal last eliminating the Best Friends
Jon Moxley b. Evil Uno – Rear naked choke



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NXT LVL Up – February 17, 2023: The Worst Thing For An NXT Star

Date: February 17, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

Things have been picking up a bit around here in recent weeks as there has been a bit more in the way of star power. That is usually the best way to get the show going in the right direction, though as usual I have no reason to believe it is going to last. Maybe they can keep it up for another week though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dante Chen vs. Eddy Thorpe

The debuting Thorpe is better known as Karl Fredericks in New Japan. Chen’s headscissors doesn’t get him very far and we have an early standoff. A cradle gives Chen two and he takes Thorpe down into an armbar. Back up and Thorpe hits a quick spinning crossbody and grabs a seated abdominal stretch, followed by the standing version for a bonus. Chen fights out and hits a running kick to the face, only to get caught with a running boot to the face. An implant DDT gives Thorpe the pin at 4:29.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here but the important thing is that Thorpe won. Far too often, NXT will debut a new star on this show and then have them lose to the “star”. Chen is still the resident jobber around here and it makes all the sense in the world to have Thorpe, who might become something in NXT, beat him in his debut. At least they have something logical with this one so they got off on the right foot.

Valentina Feroz has something to prove against Ivy Nile tonight but she isn’t worried about Elektra Lopez.

Xyon Quinn vs. Oba Femi

Femi powers him into the corner to start but Quinn slips out and mocks away. That earns Quinn a heck of a shot to the face as the power is serving Femi well so far. Quinn manages to dropkick him into the corner and the comeback (I think?) is on. Forearms to the back set up the chinlock and then the nerve hold. Femit fights up but misses the charge into the post, setting up Quinn’s running forearm for the pin at 5:12.

Rating: C. This was another meaningless win for Quinn, who has fallen so far down the ladder that almost nothing he does is going to matter. Femi continues to look like someone who could be a star if he is given the chance and a good bit more experience. That power is going to carry him a long way and we are still at the beginning of what could be a nice career.

Valentina Feroz vs. Ivy Nile

Tatum Paxley is here with Nile, who wrestles Feroz down without much trouble to start. Feroz escapes a few times and starts cranking on the leg before grabbing a rollup for two. A double arm crank has Nile in more trouble but she rolls through a crossbody. Nile fall away slams her for two before a wheelbarrow suplex gets the same.

The chinlock goes on for a bit until Feroz is up with the judo throws. Nile sends her into the corner for a running hip attack and a running powerslam gets two. Feroz manages a facebuster but cue Elektra Lopez for a distraction. That’s enough for Nile to grab the Diamond Chain Lock for the win at 6:35.

Rating: C. Feroz with her judo is enough to keep her busy for a bit and odds are she is coming up on at least a decent sized match against Lopez. On the other hand, you have Nile, who still feels like she should be ready to move up to the next level. For now, at least she isn’t losing and is being treated like a star around here.

Overall Rating: C. Another nothing show here, though the Thorpe debut was a nice thing to see. Quinn is rapidly becoming one of the normal faces in the crowd around here and that is one of the worst things that you can do to an NXT star. Nile feels like someone who is above everything around here yet she is on here more often than not. This was a bit of a downgrade, but they kept the matches moving and the debut was enough to carry it far enough.

Eddy Thorpe b. Dante Chen – Implant DDT
Xyon Quinn b. Oba Femi – Running forearm
Ivy Nile b. Valentina Feroz – Diamond Chain Lock



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Smackdown – April 4, 2008: Get A Move On

Date: April 4, 2008
Location: American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Jonathan Coachman, Michael Cole

It’s the first show after Wrestlemania and the big story is the Undertaker defeating Edge in the show’s main event to get the World Title back. You can all but guarantee that won’t be it between the two, as a match like that is primed for rematches. Other than that, we might be seeing some new stars around here, which tends to be the case after Wrestlemania. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is La Familia to get things going and none of them look happy. Edge has never been so upset as he felt he left everyone down. Most of all, he feels like he let Vickie Guerrero down but swears on their love that he will get the World Title back. Chavo Guerrero feels like he let La Familia down and says Kane cheated to beat him at Wrestlemania. Vickie, after a rather mild “excuse me”, says Edge and Chavo will get their next title matches at Backlash. As for tonight, their opponents can face each other, as it’s Kane vs. Undertaker.

Matt Hardy vs. MVP

Non-title as the battle rages on. MVP drives him into the corner to start and fires off the shoulders to the ribs. A neckbreaker gets Matt out of trouble and they fight to the floor as Cole recaps this rather long feud. Back in and Matt drops an elbow for two and a clothesline has MVP outside again.

That doesn’t last long this time either as MVP hangs Matt over the ropes for something like a Nightmare On Helm Street to take over. MVP sends him outside in another heap and Matt goes into the announcers’ table to make it worse. We hit the reverse chinlock back inside before MVP goes simple by stomping on Matt’s face.

Back up and Matt goes after the knee (feels like some poetic justice), including wrapping it around the rope in the corner. More cranking ensues on the mat, followed by the Side Effect. The Twist of Fate is broken up but MVP’s knee is too banged up to try the running boot in the corner. Now the Twist of Fate can finish MVP off.

Rating: B-. This was a slower paced match than the two usually have but they both have the skills to have a quality match like this one. MVP almost has to lose the title to Hardy sooner than later as that is entirely the point of picking this feud up after such a long hiatus. Granted it won’t mean as much due to MVP’s consistent losing, but at least they are tying up the loose end.

Festus vs. Zack Ryder

Jesse and Curt Hawkins are here too. Before the match, Hawkins and Ryder didn’t have many nice things to say about Festus. The bell rings so Festus beats both of them up on the floor without much trouble. Back in and Festus beats on him in the corner as commentary talks about Snoop Dogg at Wrestlemania. A bunch of headbutts keep Ryder down but he manages some forearms to the face. The fall away slam sends Ryder flying though and a running knee makes it even worse. Festus grabs the fireman’s carry flapjack for the pin.

Rating: C. This was little more than a squash but Festus can do the power stuff well enough to make it entertaining. If nothing else the flapjack looks like something that could wipe someone out, which is not something every finisher manages to accomplish. I’m a bit surprised that Ryder lost to someone who is little more than half of a comedy team, but maybe the reheating is upon us.

Long video on Ric Flair losing to force his retirement, plus his farewell.

Here is Shawn Michaels to address what he did to Ric Flair. Shawn talks about being face to face with Flair on Raw and feeling his eyes well up with tears. Cue Batista to interrupt though and he isn’t looking happy. Batista says that he isn’t over what happened to Flair yet, because he won’t get to see his friend wrestle again. Shawn says it killed him too but Batista doesn’t want to hear it.

Shawn talks about how Flair wanted his best and Batista would have done it too. Batista says not so fast and says that while Shawn had a job to do, Shawn doesn’t do jobs. If Shawn had laid down JUST ONCE, Flair would still be here. Because Shawn wouldn’t do the right thing, Batista will never ride with his best friend again. Does Shawn really see Flair as Old Yeller? Like some sick old dog? Batista walks away, still making it sound like Flair died.

Undertaker and Kane meet in the back but don’t say anything.

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Matt Bentley

Bentley is an OVW mainstay while the debuting Kozlov comes to the ring to no music for a bit of an eerie vibe. Kozlov flips him over to start before firing off some kicks. The boot choke in the corner sets up a headbutt to the chest and a torture rack drop finishes Bentley fast. Total squash and impressive enough while it lasted.

Miz/John Morrison vs. Jimmy Wang Yang/Shannon Moore

Non-title. Miz drives Yang into the corner to start but misses a clothesline. Moore comes in with a dropkick for one but it’s off to Morrison as there are a disturbing amount of empty seats opposite the hard camera. Morrison finishes fast with the flipping neckbreaker.

Post match Great Khali comes out to wreck everyone. Cue Big Show to say he is getting in Khali’s face instead, with Khali leaving again.

Here are Teddy Long and the owners of Beverly Hills Choppers to announce the winner of the Divas contest. Michelle McCool wins but here is Victoria to interrupt. Victoria says the contest was fixed and the brawl is on, but a mystery woman jumps Michelle from behind. Said mystery woman also knocks Cherry (here for the finals) down as well and leaves with Victoria. No name is given but you might know her better by her name in OVW: Nattie Neidhart.

Long Wrestlemania video.

Kane vs. Undertaker

Non-title. They shove each other around to start so Undertaker goes after the arm. Some arm cranking has Kane down until he powers out, only to have Undertaker take out the leg instead. With that not working, Undertaker switches back to the arm as Coach says they aren’t going as hard as usual due to not wanting to hurt each other.

Kane backs him into the corner for some shots to the face as the pace picks up fast. The slugout actually goes to Kane, who drops him with a big boot. The right hands in the corner just wake Undertaker up and the brawl heads to the floor. Back in and they fight over a chokeslam attempt until stereo big boots put them both down. They both sit up but here is La Familia to jump both of them for the double DQ.

Rating: C. This was little more than a way to have a big main event without having either champion lose. The match was barely a thing as they spent about half of it in slow motion, which did kind of make sense for the story they were telling. Thankfully they didn’t have either of them lose, so they were thinking here, even if the stakes were nonexistent.

Post match Undertaker and Kane fight back, including double chokeslams and Tombstones, to clear the ring and end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. They kept the pace going here and had a few debuts to go with the next steps in the big stories. Other than Batista’s weird way of talking about Ric Flair being gone, there wasn’t much that didn’t work here. While nothing was through the roof, it was a show that felt like it came in with momentum and then moved towards Backlash. Good, efficient show here and a great breath of air after the last few weeks.



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