Smackdown – January 27, 2023: That’s Downright Efficient

Date: January 27, 2023
Location: Sames Auto Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Michael Cole

It’s the go home show for the Royal Rumble and that means we have some final pushes to make to get us to the big event. In this case, we are probably going to have some more names added to the Royal Rumbles, but there is also a Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa match that will probably involve the Bloodline. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Trial Of Sami Zayn from Raw. Roman Reigns told Sami Zayn to not be seen until the Royal Rumble.

The Usos and Solo Sikoa arrive and Sami Zayn sneaks in to thank Jey for having his back. If Jey ever needs anything, let him know. Sami leaves.

Opening sequence. Smackdown has an opening sequence?

Rey Mysterio vs. Karrion Kross

Scarlett is here with Kross. Rey snaps off the hurricanrana to start but gets tossed over the top for his efforts. They switch places though and the sliding sunset flip sends Kross into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Rey fighting back and shrugging off Scarlett’s attempted distraction. Rey hits the 619 into the top rope splash for two and Kross is mad. He’s so mad that Rey is able to crucifix him for the pin at 7:17.

Rating: C. That was rather short for a match that felt like it was a while in the making. Odds are we’ll see a rematch, probably after Kross attacks Rey again. Giving Rey some momentum going into the Royal Rumble is fine, but it’s weird to see Kross take a fall like this after being built up as a pretty solid monster.

We look at Brock Lesnar returning to cost Bobby Lashley the US Title on Raw.

Damage Ctrl is in the Royal Rumble.

Here is US Champion Austin Theory for a chat. Theory says he’s winning the Royal Rumble but here is the New Day to interrupt. Kofi Kingston says there are three Austin’s he respects: Austin Creed, Stone Cold Steve and Austin, Texas, where he lives. New Day says one of them will win, because when one of them wins, they all win. Theory says he is the biggest star in WWE but here is Miz to interrupt.

Miz: “Theory, I have been competing in Royal Rumble matches since before you hit puberty.” Theory: “Doesn’t that just mean you’re old?” The fight is on but Bobby Lashley runs in to clean house. Lashley promises to take out Brock Lesnar but cue Lesnar through the crowd to F5 Lashley. Lesnar is in the Rumble too and panic ensues. Nice segment here, as it added some names to the Rumble and didn’t waste a ton of time.

Rhea Ripley is in the Royal Rumble.

Lacey Evans vs. Jazmin Allure

Evans beats her down in the corner to start but takes off the sole of her own boot. That’s taken away so Evans hits her in the stomach instead. The Women’s Right sets up the Cobra Clutch for the win at 2:14.

Post match Evans says the Cobra Clutch is unbreakable and she’ll use it to win the Royal Rumble. She demands people salute her before throwing Allure over the top. Evans seems to have finally gotten the gimmick down but the promo was pretty bad.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre both think the other will win the Royal Rumble. They chop each other until they remember they have to beat up Hit Row tonight.

Video on Cody Rhodes’ return from injury.

Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Drew McIntyre/Sheamus vs. Hit Row

Hold on though as here are the Viking Raiders to jump McIntyre and Sheamus from behind. After a break, Adam Pearce says we have some replacements.

Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Braun Strowman/Ricochet vs. Hit Row

B Fab is here with Hit Row. Ricochet hammers on Adonis to start and sends him outside but Top Dolla breaks up the dive. Dolla gets kicked to the floor but the distraction lets Adonis get in a cheap shot to take over. Dolla runs Ricochet over and B Fab gets in a right hand of her own for two. Ricochet fights up and ducks underneath a clothesline, allowing him to DIVE (that looked good) over to Strowman for the tag. Ricochet’s dive hits Dolla and the Monster Bomb finishes Adonis at 4:57.

Rating: C. Ricochet and Strowman are good choices for a big/little team as they work well together and are both popular. If nothing else, it is nice to see Ricochet having something to do and the team getting a title shot wouldn’t be a bad idea. Hit Row continues to fall down the ladder and that might be best for everyone, as they just haven’t worked since their return.

Kevin Owens says he is going to beat up Solo Sikoa tonight so he can beat Roman Reigns tomorrow. The Usos show up for the fight but things get broken up, with Adam Pearce throwing the Usos out.

Jey Uso makes a phone call and says he needs a favor.

Here is LA Knight, with a tiny lantern, to Bray Wyatt’s old Broken Out In Love theme. Knight talks about how he was involved in the biggest moment at Raw XXX and now Bray Wyatt 24 hours before the Pitch Black match at the Royal Rumble. He wants whatever version of Wyatt to come out tomorrow because he’ll beat any of them up. Cue Wyatt on the stage in his rocking chair to say the time for talking is over. Tomorrow night, Knight is meeting the man he has been looking for. Uncle Howdy pops up in the balcony and Knight seems a bit shaken.

Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Legado del Fantasma vs. Imperium

Zelina Vega is here too. Wilde and Kaiser trade wristlocks to start but Wilde seems to slip a bit on a springboard attempt. Kaiser drops him with a right hand and it’s off to Vinci vs. Del Toro. Imperium double teams Del Toro for a bit and alternate with the shots to the face. That’s broken up though and the hot tag brings in Wilde as everything breaks down.

We take a break and come back with Wilde still in trouble. The uppercuts don’t get him away but a tornado DDT does plant Kaiser. Del Toro comes back in to clean house and Legado hits stereo running flip dives to the floor. A top rope splash hits Vinci for two with Kaiser needing to make a save. Vinci and Wilde head up top with Vinci hitting a super gorilla press (cool spot), setting up the Imperium Bomb for the pin at 12:13.

Rating: C. The fact that the tag team division has come far enough to have a midcard match like this is an amazing sign, as there was no way that would have been the case just a few months ago. It might not have been a classic, but it is nice to have that kind of depth for a change. Imperium vs. Strowman/Ricochet is a fine #1 contenders match and we should be in for a nice final to a bit of a weird tournament.

And now, one of my favorite moments of the year: Rumble By The Numbers.

30 Men and Women in the Royal Rumble matches
1988 was the first Royal Rumble (at least televised)
1,250 competitors
32 winners
2.5% of the participants have won
19 have gone on to win a title at Wrestlemania
57:12 is the longevity record for women, held by Bianca Belair
62:12 is the longevity record for men, held by Rey Mysterio
1 second is the fastest elimination
4 times San Antonio has hosted the Royal Rumble
3 times the Alamodome has hosted the Royal Rumble
3 is the record for most Royal Rumble wins, held by Steve Austin

Xia Li is in the Royal Rumble.

Earlier today, Sonya Deville interrupted Charlotte’s interview.

Charlotte comes in to ask Adam Pearce to give Sonya Deville a title match to get rid of her. It’s on for next week.

Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa

Owens starts the fight fast and runs Sikoa over. The backsplash hits but Sikoa bails before the Cannonball can hit. Owens follows him outside and gets rammed into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Owens in trouble but hitting a clothesline and DDT for a breather. The bullfrog splash gets two and they trade superkicks to no avail.

The Stunner is countered into a Samoan drop to give Sikoa two but Owens superkicks him into the corner. Now the Cannonball can connect and there’s the Swanton, only to have Sami Zayn break up the cover. For some reason that isn’t a DQ so Sikoa misses a superkick and hits Sami by mistake (we’ll say it’s a no contest at about 8:30, when Sami pulled Sikoa out).

Rating: C+. This was the hard hitting brawl that you would expect from these two and the Sami interference ending made the most sense. Sami continues to cause issues, including going against what Roman Reigns told him to do, and that is going to come up big at the Royal Rumble. For now though, it’s a good way to give us a cliffhanger to end the show.

Owens clears off the announcers’ table but gets chaired in the face. A splash through the table takes too long though and Owens superkicks Sikoa out of the air. The pop up powerbomb onto the table leaves Sikoa laying and a chair shot knocks him over the barricade. Owens throws the chair at Zayn (doesn’t hit him) and shouts at the camera about Roman Reigns to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The point of this show was to inch closer to the Royal Rumble and not rock the boat too much. Not only did they do that, but they set up two matches to give us a reason to come back next week. That is the kind of efficient show that I love to see and they did it well here. It’s great to see WWE actually planning this stuff out and giving us a good show as a result. Doing that over and over makes Smackdown, or any show really, so much easier to watch and it’s great to see WWE making it work.

Rey Mysterio b. Scarlett – Crucifix
Lacey Evans b. Jazmin Allure – Cobra Clutch
Ricochet/Braun Strowman b. Hit Row – Monster Bomb to Adonis
Imperium b. Legado del Fantasma – Imperium Bomb to Wilde
Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa went to a no contest



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Impact Wrestling – January 26, 2023: The Most Consistent Wrestling Show Of The Week

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 26, 2023
Location: Center Stage, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

The fallout from Hard To Kill continues and we are also on the way to No Surrender. The latter means that we need a new #1 contender and we will have one by the end of the night due to a six way elimination match. Other than that, Bully Ray now seems to have to deal with Mickie James and possibly Frankie Kazarian so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

X-Division Title: Mike Jackson vs. Trey Miguel

Jackson, 73 years old, is challenging and gets wristlocked down to start. Some running shoulders and a hiptoss have Miguel down for a change but Miguel punches him in the face. A hammerlock slam puts Jackson down but he avoids the springboard moonsault. An atomic drop sends Jackson outside, where he is fine enough to post Miguel. Back in and Jackson stays on the arm but takes too long with Oldest School, allowing Miguel to pull him down. The Lightning Spiral finishes for Miguel at 5:58.

Rating: C. The match wasn’t terrible by any means and factoring in Jackson’s age, it was downright impressive. Having someone who was nearly a wrestler’s normal retirement age over thirty years ago in there and looking acceptable is remarkable. There was no way he was winning the title here, but for a cool novelty, this was fun.

Post match Miguel goes to get the spray paint but finds Crazzy Steve instead. Steve has TREY written all over himself and pulls out his own spray paint to spray Trey’s logo on his chest. Miguel runs, partially because Black Taurus comes out as well.

Josh Alexander is ready to face anyone who wins tonight. Steve Maclin comes in to say that he’s coming for whoever comes out with the title.

Good Hands vs. Kushida/Kevin Knight

Skyler and Knight trade wrist control to start before it’s off to Kushida to stay on Skyler’s arm. A blind tag brings in Hotch though and a German suplex into a rollup gets two on Kushida. That just means Kushida gets to hit them in the face, allowing the tag off to Knight. Everything breaks down and Knight dropkicks Hotch off of Kushida’s shoulders, setting up the Hoverboard Lock to give Kushida the win at 4:00.

Rating: C. I’ve heard a good bit about Knight before but haven’t seen much of him in the ring. Putting him with Kushida is always a good idea though and having them beat up on Bully Ray’s goons worked. It was just a quick match to have Kushida and Knight get a win on TV and that was enough of a success.

Gisele Shaw and Jai Vidal meet Shaw’s mystery partner, leaving Vidal VERY happy.

Mickie James wants to know what was up with Jordynne Grace saving her last week. Grace says she was protecting her investment, meaning her rematch. Seems cool with James.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Death Dollz vs. Gisele Shaw/Tara

The Dollz are defending and have Rosemary in their corner to counter Jai Vidal. If nothing else, we get Tara’s BROKEN BROKEN entrance again. Tara and Taya start things off with a handshake but Shaw tags herself in before anything can happen. The fans are NOT pleased but Taya sending Shaw into the corner for some hip attacks work a bit better for them. Jessicka comes in and gets hammered down by Shaw.

The running uppercut puts Jessicka down again but she runs Shaw over, allowing the hot tag to Taya. Rosemary takes Vidal out, leaving Shaw to STILL not bring Tara in. Instead Tara comes in and gets yelled at by Shaw, who gets taken out by the Widow’s Peak. Jessicka comes in with the Sick Driver to retain at 6:12.

Rating: C+. This was all about the storytelling as Shaw is now fully embracing being the worst partner in the world. That is a story to tell as eventually she will find the right partner and could make for a good pairing. For now though, Tara was just there to get annoyed and then hit the Widow’s Peak. Another fine step forward in a bigger story.

Taylor Wilde consults tarot cards to find out she will be seeing Killer Kelly again.

Dave LaGreca is thankful for being part of Impact when Bully Ray comes in. He wants to know why he is the only former World Champion not in the #1 contenders match. Santino Marella says Ray lost at Hard To Kill and Ray, who does like Marella, threatens him if he doesn’t get it. LaGreca knows that only Tommy Dreamer can help this.

Tasha Steelz says she didn’t get pinned by Mickie James in a singles match. This isn’t working though, any of it. Steelz walks out on the interview, plus Savannah Evans.

Major Players vs. Bullet Club

Cardona and Bey trade shoulders to start before Bey armdrags him into an armbar. The Club cleans house with the rapid fire strikes but a Cardona distraction lets Myers deck Bey. Cardona drops a knee for two and Myers grabs a front facelock. Bey gets in a whip into the corner though and the double tag brings in Austin and Cardona. Everything breaks down and the Reboot hits Bey, setting up Myers’ top rope elbow for two. The assisted Art of Finesse is broken up so Austin kicks Cardona in the face, setting up a quick rollup for the pin at 6:55.

Rating: C+. There was some miscommunication in there between the Major Players and that could be a bad sign for the team’s future. I could see the team splitting down the line as the specter of WWE always looms over someone like Cardona. The Bullet Club has absolutely found its niche as the fast moving pair of smaller guys and they looked rather good in a win here.

Post match here is Joe Hendry to accept Matt Cardona’s challenge for a Digital Media Title match. Cardona is the original Internet Champion but lately, Cardona must feel a bit left out. That’s why Hendry has written him a son, with a focus on Cardona wanting to play with action figures instead of spending, ahem, quality time with his wife. Throw in the line “You’re the king of the indies and now you’re rich, but to me you’ll always be Edge’s b****” and Cardona is really not pleased. Hendry’s stuff continues to be awesome.

Post break Myers and Cardona come up to Moose and promise to get rid of Hendry. End of scene.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Sheldon Jean

Gresham headlocks him down to start before tripping Jean down and cranking on the leg. Back up and Jean kicks him in the face, earning a dropkick to the knee. Gresham cranks the knee again and hits a sliding forearm for the pin at 3:03.

Rating: C. Give Gresham a warm body to work with and let him hack it to pieces one limb at a time. That is a formula that is going to work as Gresham knows how to do that style as well as anyone going right now. He made it look easy here and putting something like that on TV for a few weeks is a good way to remind fans that this is a wrestling show.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Moose vs. Rhino vs. Rich Swann vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Sami Callihan vs. Chris Sabin

Elimination rules and the winner gets a World Title shot at No Surrender. The brawl starts fast and Rhino and Moore are left alone in the ring for an exchange of shoulders. Sabin comes in to shoulder Rhino down but he walks into a suplex from Callihan. It’s Sabin back up with a dive to the floor onto Moose and Swann snaps off a running hurricanrana to Edwards. Swann’s running flip dive off the apron takes down Moose and Edwards on the floor.

Back in and Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Swann, leaving Rhino to hit some running shoulders to Callihan in the corner. Moose spears Rhino though, allowing Callihan to get the elimination at 4:32. We take a break and come back with Moose cleaning house, including dropkicking Swann and Sabin on the top at the same time. Sabin takes Moose down with a tornado DDT and does the same to Edwards.

Callihan is back in to kick away at Swann and Sabin but Swann bulldogs Callihan/kicks Edwards for a double knockdown. Swann’s middle rope splash gets two on Callihan but Edwards powerbombs Swann onto Sabin for two more. The Boston Knee Party is loaded up but here is PCO to go after Edwards. The distraction lets Sabin roll Edwards up for the pin at 13:25. Moose comes back in to Rock Bottom Sabin for two and shrugs off the tornado DDT. The spear finishes Sabin at 15:31 and we’re down to three.

We take another break and come back with a three way slugout with Swann getting the better of things until Moose takes out his leg. Moose pounds on the leg but Swann grabs a quick rollup for the pin at 23:18. Cue the Design to tell Callihan to take out Swann so Callihan goes after the bad knee. Swann rolls him up to escape so Callihan powerbombs him into another leglock. With that broken up, Swann kicks him in the head a few times, setting up the middle rope 450 for the pin and the title shot at 26:27.

Rating: B-. Swann going forward to the title shot is a good way to go, as he is credible enough to give Alexander a threat but not likely to take the title. They have to find someone to keep the challenger spot warm for Steve Maclin, who seems likely to be the next champion. They kept the action moving here and making it elimination rules was the best thing they could have gone.

Post match Swann tries to talk sense into Callihan but gets beaten down for his efforts. Yuyu Uemura comes in for a failed save attempt so Josh Alexander and Frankie Kazarian run in for the real save to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. As has been the case for a good while now, Impact continues to shine and look like one of the best weekly wrestling shows around. It shows you just how far the company has come and it is great to see them turning into such a fun show. Normally I would say to keep it going, but they have been doing it for such a long time now that it’s not even about maintaining momentum anymore. Good show here and I want to see where this is going, as is usual these days.

Trey Miguel b. Mike Jackson – Lightning Spiral
Kushida/Kevin Knight b. Good Hands – Hoverboard Lock to Hotch
Death Dollz b. Gisele Shaw/Tara – Sick Driver to Shaw
Bullet Club b. Major Players – Rollup to Cardona
Jonathan Gresham b. Sheldon Jean – Sliding forearm
Rich Swann won a six way elimination match last eliminating Sami Callihan



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Daily News Update – January 27, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews.

Royal Rumble 2018 (2019 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2019 (2020 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2020 (2021 Edition)

Dynamite – January 25, 2023

Jay Briscoe: A Celebration Of Life

Royal Rumble 2021 (2020 Edition)


Back Later: AEW Announces Injury, Match Set For Dynamite Changed.

It’s A Hit: Backstage Reaction To Raw XXX.

What Could Have Been: How WWE Changed Royal Rumble Finish To Make A New Star.

Gone For Now: NXT Star Announces Torn ACL/Meniscus.

He’s In For Now: Former WWE Star Set For AEW Debut.

Another Happy Return? Controversial WWE Star Discussed For Possible Royal Rumble Return.

On The Mend: Update On Wrestling Legend’s Health Status, Leaving Hospital Soon.

Again: Vince McMahon Facing Another Lawsuit Over Alleged Sexual Harassment Payments.

The Doctor Is Needed: Update On Britt Baker’s Injury Status.

Already: Bray Wyatt Receives Surprise Designation On WWE SmackDown Roster.

Switch: WWE Changes Plans For Upcoming Women’s Title Matches.

Double Shot: Two More Possible WWE Returns For The Royal Rumble.

Mystery Solved: Missing WWE Star Explains Her Four Month Absence.

Extension Granted: Sami Zayn’s Original Plans With The Bloodline Were Very, Very Different.

WATCH: WWE Continues To Erase Bryan Danielson From Its History.

He’ll Be Back: Here’s Why Kenny Omega Has Been Missing From AEW TV.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

Jay Briscoe: A Celebration Of Life: He Deserved It

Jay Briscoe: A Celebration Of Life
Date: January 26, 2023
Location: Save Mart Center, Fresno, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Carpice Coleman

As you might have guessed, this is a special show honoring the life of Jay Briscoe, who passed away last week. The show was filmed after last week’s AEW taping and features special matches, plus presumably tributes and maybe classic matches from Briscoe’s career. That should be more than enough so let’s get to it.

We get the tribute video from this week’s Dynamite. Still works.

Ring Of Honor Pure Rules Title: Hagane Shinno vs. Wheeler Yuta

Yuta is defending under Pure Rules (of course) and Shinno is from Big Japan. They go with the grappling to start with Yuta working on a head/wristlock. Shinno shrugs that off and strikes away but gets caught with an Angle Slam for two. Yuta starts in on the leg and the cranking sends Shinno to the ropes for the first break. That’s fine with Yuta, who grabs a Gory Stretch to work on…well quite a bit really.

Something like the Octopus sends Shinno to the ropes for the second time but he’s able to knock Yuta to the floor. Back up and Yuta hits a springboard moonsault, followed by a German suplex back inside. Shinno is back with an enziguri into a Michinoku Driver for two. Yuta kicks him in the head and hits a top rope splash, setting up a crossface armbar to retain at 9:28.

Rating: C+. Shinno was more or less a designated victim here as Yuta took him apart and was only in trouble for a short stretch. The Pure Rules Title is a unique enough title that almost anyone can challenge for it, but Yuta wrestles a style that fits it so well that it takes someone special to beat him for it. Good opener here and it didn’t go too long.

Samoa Joe, fighting back tears, talks about how rare it is to meet authentic people who love unconditionally. That is what Jay Briscoe was and the people who knew the Briscoes knew them as brothers. He watched them grow up and he still loves his brother.

Adam Cole talks about meeting the Briscoes in 2010 when he started with Ring Of Honor. That was the company he wanted to work for and then he got to share a locker room with the Briscoes. Jay believed in him and taught him a lot, but he also vouched for him and helped get Cole’s World Title reign extended. Jay never complained or talked trash about anyone because he wanted to boost people up. Cole would be at the Briscoes’ house every year on the opening day of football season and he knows Jay is telling everyone to man up.

We recap Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole in the main event of Final Battle 2014 for Jay’s Ring Of Honor World Title. This is the culmination of their feud in a Fight Without Honor.

From Final Battle 2014.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Adam Cole vs. Jay Briscoe

Jay is defending in a Fight Without Honor (anything goes) and Cole has reserved two seats for Jay’s parents (after attacking Papa Briscoe). They slug it out to start and Jay grabs the Jay Driller for two less than a minute in. The fight heads to the floor with Briscoe hammering away and putting Cole on a table. A double stomp from the apron puts Cole through that table and it’s staple gun time.

Cole comes back with the Papa Briscoe chair to Jay’s head and then staples the labels to the same head. Back in and Cole sits in the chair and rips at Jay’s face, only to have Jay slip out and kick him in the face. The chair is wedged in the corner so Cole can go face first into it and it’s time for another table. The table is put up in the corner but Cole grabs the brainbuster onto the knee to take over. Cole sets up the two chairs, only to have Jay Falcon Arrow him onto those chairs.

Back up and Cole kendo sticks him in the face for two. The Figure Four around the post is broken up with a pull into the post and Cole is busted open bad. Cue the athletic commission (great) but Jay breaks that up and beats on Cole some more. Jay pulls out another table and sets it up on the floor before going up top. That takes too long as well, allowing Cole to superkick him down and through the table in a big crash.

A belt shot gives Cole two more and the Florida Key (arm cross German suplex) gets the same. The Panama Sunrise takes too long though and it’s a Death Valley Driver through the table in the corner. It’s thumbtacks time (of course), with Cole putting some in Briscoe’s mouth for a superkick and another near fall. Jay is back with one heck of a backdrop onto the tacks, setting up the Jay Driller for two. Another Jay Driller onto the belt retains the title at 21:24.

Rating: B. This was the kind of brawl that felt like one of the biggest fights of the year. You could feel the hatred between the two of them and it came off like the big culmination of a feud. Jay getting his big win over Cole makes him look like the undisputed star of the company and he got his revenge as well, though I was kind of expecting Papa Briscoe to make a cameo.

Here is Adam Cole in the arena for a chat. Cole talks about his rivalry with Jay and everything that he learned from the Briscoes. Over the years, he learned all kinds of things from the two of them and has all kinds of memories from knowing them. Jay’s entire heart and soul was his family and everyone is here for that family. If Jay was here, he would slap Cole in the head and say MAN UP because they have a show to put on. Cole: “Jay, I love you, I miss you and you made the world a better place.”

Matt Hardy calls what happened a tragedy as 38 is way too young (amen). A lot of people misunderstand the Briscoes because they see the character but don’t know the man behind the scenes. Once he came through the curtain, he would turn that off and be a bashful soul. Matt was going through the texts they had sent each other over the years and they always talked about being fathers. It is devastating to Matt that Jay won’t get to see his kinds grow up. Matt thinks of the Briscoes when he thinks of Ring Of Honor and he is sad that they can’t text each other anymore.

Marina Shafir vs. Mighty Mayra

Mayra doesn’t get an entrance but does get judo thrown down to start. A chop in the corner has Mayra in more trouble and Shafir kicks her in the chest. An armbar makes Mayra tap at 2:11.

Christopher Daniels talks about how many times he came and went from Ring Of Honor and the Briscoes were the constants in the company. The Briscoes knew they were never leaving and Jay deserves to be at the top of the list of great Ring Of Honor stars. They wrestled a lot over the years and Daniels would come out bruised, but he was always in there with someone who had passion for what he did. Everything about Jay was real and the only thing he did better than wrestle was be a father. Daniels is glad he could consider himself a friend and thanks the Briscoe family for sharing Jay with them.

From Survival Of The Fittest 2016.

Jay Briscoe vs. Christopher Daniels

Frankie Kazarian is here with Daniels. They go with the grappling to start as Jay reverses a headlock into a headscissors on the mat. Back up and Jay drives him into the corner but Daniels’ second headlock goes a bit better. Briscoe breaks that up as well and slams him down before snapping off a hurricanrana for two.

A Kazarian distraction lets Daniels backdrop him to the floor though, setting up the Arabian moonsault. Daniels pulls him against the post and adds a slingshot elbow for two back inside. The waistlock goes on to keep Briscoe down and a knee to the ribs makes it worse. Another Arabian moonsault gives Daniels two and he walks over Briscoe’s chest to mess with the mind a bit.

Briscoe fights out of another waistlock with some elbows to the head and a superkick gets two. A middle rope crossbody misses though and Briscoe bangs up the ribs again. Daniels is right back on the ribs but Jay shrugs it off and hits the Jay Driller out of nowhere for the pin at 14:58.

Rating: B-. Pretty good stuff here but the ending kind of came out of nowhere. Daniels working over the ribs worked well enough and Briscoe looked good fighting out of it. They were just kind of done all of a sudden though and it didn’t help the rest of the match. Briscoe getting a nice win is a good thing though and it made sense to have him go over.

Respect is shown after the match.

Eddie Kingston doesn’t have any inspirational words to say because this doesn’t seem real. He is going to miss the good times with Jay and this isn’t fair. Jay is going to be missed by a lot of people because he was a good family man. Kingston thought he had more to say and the only thing he can think of is that he misses Jay. Kingston: “Tell Brodie I said hello.”

Eddie Kingston vs. QT Marshall

Marshall offers the handshake and misses the cheap shot, allowing Kingston to chop away. A backdrop sends Marshall rolling to the floor and Kingston chops him against the barricade, with two fans holding Marshall’s arms. Back in and Marshall manages a cheap shot to take over, allowing him to send Kingston’s throat into the bottom rope. Marshall keeps striking away and Kingston tells him to keep bringing it before hitting the machine gun chops in the corner. The Spinning Backfist To The Future sets up the Stretch Plum to finish Marshall at 5:11.

Rating: C. This wasn’t quite a squash but Marshall isn’t going to beat someone of Kingston’s caliber. Kingston’s tribute to Jay felt emotional and it would have been weird to have him not be on this show. Marshall is a good hand to have around as he is enough of a jerk to make you want to see him get beaten up, which is what we got here. Perfectly fine match.

Post match Eddie holds up a Jay sign.

Austin Gunn talks about getting to Ring Of Honor in 2018 and seeing Jay get injured. The paramedics wouldn’t help Jay because they were off the clock so Austin gets a care package to clean him up. Jay said no because he had a flight in two hours but Austin butterfly stitched a huge cut on his back. That was the first time he met Jay and they talked about family for two hours.

Ryan Nemeth talks about wanting to be in a tag team with his brother. Then he met the Briscoes, who welcomed him to the locker room. He wasn’t close to the team but he knew they were what he wanted to be.

Stokely Hathaway talks about how great the Briscoes are and how it is our job to make sure his legacy lives on.

Madison Rayne vs. Athena

Ring Of Honor Women’s Title Eliminator match and Skye Blue is here with Rayne. Rayne hammers away to start and snaps off a headscissors. Athena is sent outside but what looks to be a diving DDT is countered into something like a gordbuster on the floor. Back in and we hit the surfboard on Rayne, followed by a backbreaker to keep her in trouble.

We hit the cross arm choke into a Backstabber but Rayne manages to send her outside. The whip into the barricade rocks Athena again and a high crossbody hits Athena for two back inside. Athena is fine enough to hit a belly to back suplex onto the apron but Rayne’s crucifix bomb gets two more. Rayne gets sent into the buckle but still manages to cutter a diving Athena out of the air. Back up and Athena grabs a Big Ending onto the knees, setting up a Crossface to make Rayne tap at 8:27.

Rating: C. This show certainly loves its arm submission finishes. Rayne continues to be a good enough hand in the ring and she was able to make Athena look dominant enough by the end. The match was just competitive enough to stay interesting but it was hard to believe that Rayne was going to beat the champ in a spot like this.

Post match Athena drops Blue with a belt shot.

BJ Whitmer talks about his history with the Briscoes and sounds like he is fighting back tears. He thanks Jay for being a friend and a brother.

Zane Decker, a former Ring Of Honor producer, talks about how Jay always listened to him and never brushed him off. Jay understood how much Decker was putting in and treated him nicely. Decker can’t wait to be with him again in Heaven.

Brandon Cutler vs. Juice Robinson

Robinson armdrags him down a few times but Cutler snaps off some slams to take over. A running clothesline sends Robinson outside but Robinson steals the cold spray to blind Cutler. Caprice: “That’s cold.” We hit the chinlock for a bit before Cutler fights up and slugs away, setting up a ripcord lariat for two. An airplane spin leaves them both dizzy until Cutler right hands him down for two more. Robinson fights up but gets cold sprayed down for another near fall. Robinson finally sends him into the corner and hits the running Cannonball. A forward DDT finishes Cutler at 7:34.

Rating: C. This felt like it should have been on something like Dark as Cutler’s comeback came off as little more than comedy. Robinson has been around AEW for a bit now and has yet to take off in any real way. Beating Cutler isn’t likely to change that, but at least he got to do something positive for a change.

Prince Nana talks about Jay being a realist and all of the years they have spent together.

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Sandra Moone

Sakazaki takes her down without much trouble to start but Moone hits a running elbow to the back of the head. Some forearms to the face give Moone two more but Sakazaki grabs a twisting brainbuster. A spinning hammerlock faceplant sets up the Magical Girl Splash for the pin on Moone at 2:59.

From Final Battle 2006.

Briscoes vs. Kings Of Wrestling

This is the Kings Of Wrestling’s (Chris Hero/Claudio Castagnoli, with Larry Sweeney) final ROH appearance. It’s a huge brawl to start and the Briscoes take over on the floor. Back inside and a springboard crossbody hits Hero for two and Mark moonsaults onto Castagnoli on the floor. Castagnoli comes in and gets northern lights suplexed for two before Jay’s snap suplex gets the same.

The fans are split as Hero comes back in and rolling into a moonsault for two on Jay. A double big boot drops Jay for two and a delayed suplex gets the same. Castagnoli stomps away in the corner and then Hero comes in to crank on the arms. Jay manages a double DDT though and it’s back to Mark to clean house.

A Rock Bottom suplex gets two on Hero but a springboard splash only hits raised knees. Mark hits a gordbuster for two on Castagnoli and Hero kicks him in the face for two. The Kings use a PowerPlex for two but Jay catches Castagnoli on top with a super hurricanrana. The frog splash gives Mark two and the yet to be named Redneck Boogie gets the same.

Everything breaks down and Castagnoli spins both Briscoes (with their legs around his neck) because he can do something like that. An exchange of strikes leaves Hero as the only one standing but Jay is up with the Jay Driller, leaving everyone down. With Castagnoli sent outside thanks to a botched Sweeney interference, a shooting star press/guillotine legdrop combination finishes Hero at 17:15.

Rating: B. This is another case where the talent involved is going to guarantee that it worked, though you could tell that the Briscoes were still trying to find themselves as a team. The talent was there and they were starting to put it together, but they weren’t to the point where they felt like THE team just yet. Beating the Kings was good as they felt like huge deals, which is a nice way for them to go out.

Claudio Castagnoli doesn’t know what to say and the locker room found out on their way to the show. You always say “see you next time” but that wasn’t the case here. Castagnoli hadn’t seen Jay in over ten years until recently but he was the same Jay he had seen the last time. He remembers Final Battle 2010 and will miss Jay’s voice and laugh.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Christopher Daniels

Castagnoli is defending and grabs a headlock to start. Daniels fights up but gets pulled into an armbar to slow him right back down. Back up again and Castagnoli knocks him to the floor before sitting on the ropes to let Daniels back in. Daniels uses another way and drops Castagnoli throat first across the top and we hit the chinlock.

Back up and Castagnoli hits a clothesline, only to get pulled into the Koji Clutch. With that broken up, Daniels chokes on the rope before slapping on a guillotine choke to keep Castagnoli in trouble. Castagnoli reverses into a suplex for a breather and fires off the uppercuts to take over.

Daniels manages to pull him out of the air for a spinning Downward Spiral and a Best Moonsault Ever press gets two. The Angel’s Wings is countered though and there’s the pop up uppercut for two on Daniels. The Swing sets up the Jay Driller (after loading up the Neutralizer but changing his mind) to retain the title at 13:35.

Rating: B-. Unless Mark Briscoe was available, there wasn’t much of a better way to close the show. Jay was a two time champion and having that title defended in the main event worked well. They had a good match too, even if it was much more about honoring someone than teasing a title change. This worked well and you could feel the emotion from both of them.

A handshake and REACH FOR THE SKY BOY wraps up the show.

Overall Rating: A-. I never know how to rate these things but this was a heck of a nice show with a balance of classic matches, new material and people talking about Jay. It felt like a lot of the people were still numb (as they probably should have been) but they put on an entertaining show in his honor anyway. The wrestling isn’t the point here, though opening up the vault is always a fun idea. Excellent show here and Jay deserved it.

Wheeler Yuta b. Hagane Shinno – Crossface armbar
Marina Shafir b. Mighty Mayra – Armbar
Eddie Kingston b. QT Marshall – Stretch Plum
Athena b. Madison Rayne – Crossface
Juice Robinson b. Brandon Cutler – Forward DDT
Yuka Sakazaki b. Sandra Moonse – Magical Girl Splash
Claudio Castagnoli b. Christopher Daniels – Angel’s Wings



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Dynamite – January 25, 2023: Reach For The Tribute

Date: January 25, 2023
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

This is going to be an emotional one as the main event will feature the Jay Briscoe Tribute match between Mark Briscoe and Jay Lethal. If that’s not enough, we’re still on the way to Revolution and that means Bryan Danielson gets to wrestle again. This time he has to find a way around Brian Cage, which is quite the different opponent than he has had in recent weeks. Other than that, the Gunns and the Acclaimed are going to have family therapy, which could go in a few different ways. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, looking almost across from the big screen (Much appreciated on the early birthday present Jacob.).

Opening sequence.

Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara vs. Action Andretti/Ricky Starks

We are joined in the middle of Jericho’s entrance (including Daniel Garcia), which came after Justin Roberts asked if we should start early. Andretti and Guevara start things off and exchange some flips without being able to make a ton of contact. Andretti’s standing moonsault misses and they stare at each other for a bit. Guevara offers a handshake and then superkicks him in the face to take over.

A headscissors sends Guevara outside though and it’s time for a breather, leaving Andretti to do Guevara’s pose. Back in and a dropkick sends Andretti outside for a change but they change places, with Andretti diving onto Garcia (who Guevara pulled in the way). Guevara is right back in for his own dive to take over again but Andretti sticks the landing on a super hurricanrana back inside. It’s off to Starks vs. Jericho with Starks countering a dropkick into a catapult.

Starks tries his rope walk but Guevara springboards in to cutter Starks down (it would be a bit more heelish to just shake the ropes but that doesn’t work as well on a highlight reel). The villains take turns slamming Starks (Jericho: “Sammy, watch this!”) before hitting their required double pose. That takes a bit too long though and Guevara dives over for the hot tag to Andretti to clean house with a pair of backbreaker/neckbreaker combinations.

Back to back dives have Jericho and Guevara in trouble and Starks adds a tornado DDT to take Guevara down. Starks counters the Codebreaker into a sitout powerbomb for two on Jericho and it’s back to Andretti. Everything breaks down and Andretti hits Guevara with a poisonrana into a torture rack neckbreaker for two more. Starks Roshambos Jericho on the floor as Guevara goes up, only to have his cutter caught in a torture rack (dang). Garcia is right up with a bat shot though and the GTH finishes Andretti at 12:46.

Rating: B-. Here is where things get tricky with something like having Andretti beat Jericho: at some point he has to lose, and now Guevara has beaten someone who only had one or two wins. This cuts off a lot of Andretti’s momentum and doesn’t do much for Guevara, but it had to happen at some point. At least Jericho didn’t get the pin to get his heat back, but odds are he’ll find another way to do that. The match itself was entertaining with Andretti doing all of his dives and Starks adding his charisma, but Andretti had to lose at some point so it might as well be here.

Here’s what’s coming tonight.

We get a rather touching Jay Briscoe tribute video. They aired this twice in the arena and it’s still incredible on a third viewing.

TNT Title: Darby Allin vs. Buddy Matthews

Allin, with his bad leg, is defending and has Sting in his corner to counter Julia Hart. They stare at each other to start until Julia’s distraction lets Matthews send him outside for a ram into the barricade. Allin fights up and tries a suicide dive, which is pulled out of the air for some drops onto the barricade. A running powerbomb into the barricade is countered into a hurricanrana to send Allin in instead.

Back in and the flipping Stunner drops Matthews, setting up the Coffin Drop from the top to the floor. Then the lights go out and we have the rest of the House Of Black to stare down Sting. Cue Ortiz from behind with a kendo stick and everyone else brawls to the floor. Matthews hits a sitout powerbomb for two more and we take a break.

Back with Allin spiking him with a poisonrana and they go to the floor again. A crucifix bomb gives Allin two and they’re both down for a breather. Matthews hits a Buckle Bomb into a Stomp for a freakin two but Allin’s Code Red gets the same. Allin goes up but gets caught, only to reverse a superplex into a super Coffin Drop for two. With Matthews draped over the middle rope, the Coffin Drop to the back retains the title at 12:50.

Rating: C+. Shenanigans aside, this was another good effort from Allin, who has that underdog charisma that you want to see no matter what he is doing. Allin knows how to take the fans on a ride with him and you want to see him fight back and survive in the end. Good enough match as Allin racks up another defense before he gets to whomever his next big challenger might be.

Post match Tony Schiavone gets in the ring to talk to Allin but Samoa Joe interrupts on the screen. Joe talks about how Allin stole the TNT Title and in some kingdoms, that means cutting off hands. In Joe’s kingdom, it means a beating, which is what happens when Joe comes to get his title back. There’s your big challenger.

Video on Adam Cole’s recovery as he is in the ring training. I don’t think this aired in the arena.

Matt Hardy/Ethan Page vs. Jungle Boy/Hook

Stokely Hathaway and Isiah Kassidy are here with Hardy/Page. Before the match, Page insists on his own music being played, much to the fans’ annoyance. Jungle Boy works on Page’s arm to start but it’s quickly a four way standoff. Page shoves Hook and then bails, meaning he has to run from Hook on the floor. The t-bone suplex is broken up but Jungle Boy breaks up an Ego’s Edge. Page takes over on Jungle Boy back inside and we take a break.

Back with Jungle Boy diving through the legs and bringing in Hook for the suplexes. Everything breaks down and Jungle Boy gets two off a small package to Page. Matt comes in for the Side Effect but Page wants in before the Twist of Fate. Jungle Boy pulls him down into the Snare Trap for the tap at 7:01.

Rating: C. The Page/Hardy stuff still isn’t doing anything for me but the fans were way into Jungle Boy and Hook. As annoying as the “combine two names to make a team name” can be, the fans are digging them and Hook is moved into his first serious deal. You could only have him squash people on Rampage for so long and now he is handling this part well enough so far.

We go to family therapy with the Acclaimed/Billy Gunn and the Gunn Club. Billy, who called for this, asks when his sons became so entitled. The Gunns talk about how their dad was never there for them and they want the titles. Bowens thinks they are pieces of s*** and would have been fine enough with Billy. They just wouldn’t have been the Acclaimed because no one can be. Austin says that their issues as sons are Billy’s failures as a father. They want the titles, wrapping up a not very interesting segment.

Hangman Page says he and Jon Moxley are 1-1 and he wants to knock Moxley out next week in Dayton, Ohio and win their series. Wheeler Yuta comes in and isn’t happy with Page going after someone not medically cleared. They can fight on Rampage before Moxley is back next week. Deal, with Page threatening to knock him out next week too.

Brian Cage vs. Bryan Danielson

Prince Nana is here with Cage, who shoves Danielson around without much trouble. Danielson strikes away but gets taken into the corner for the hard chops. Cage gets rolled over and elbowed in the head but it’s too early for the LeBell Lock. Danielson sends him outside instead and hits a suicide dive, followed by a high crossbody. Back in and Cage gorilla presses him into the corner before hitting a suplex onto the apron.

We take a break and come back with Danielson headbutting him out of a bearhug but the moonsault out of the corner is pulled out of the air though and a shoulderbreaker works on Danielson’s arm. Cage sends him to the apron, setting up the apron superplex and apron German superplex (cool) for two.

They go up top where Danielson blocks a powerbomb and starts firing off kicks, setting up a superplex of his own. A triangle choke has Cage in more trouble but he rolls out, only to have Danielson grab an ankle lock. Danielson pulls him back for a German suplex (cool) before trying the running knee. That is countered into a powerbomb but Danielson rolls through and stacks him up for the pin at 12:01.

Rating: B-. Watching Danielson has become such a treat as you see him figuring out his weekly puzzle. Some of them are easy like Takeshita, but he managed to get a good match out of Cage here. That is quite an amazing talent to have and it is so much fun to watch him do this week in and week out while making it look effortless.

Post match Cage goes right after the arm and crushes it against the post with a chair. Cue MJF as Cage loads up the Pillmanizing on the arm. Konosuke Takeshita runs in for the save as Danielson gets to extend his world record of “most times selling an arm injury”.

Post break, Danielson is getting his arm checked out and has a pretty serious injury. He doesn’t care though because he is coming for MJF and the title. MJF has done a lot to Danielson and now Danielson is coming to take what matters most to MJF in the world.

Ruby Soho vs. Toni Storm

During the entrances, Storm mocks the homegrown AEW women while Soho says the only thing that matters is how hard you work. Soho knocks her to the floor to start but gets knocked down back inside. A tornado DDT is blocked and Soho strikes away so Storm pokes her in the eye. The running hip attack knocks Soho hard to the floor and Storm whips her into various things until we take a break.

Back with Soho hitting a German suplex, setting up No Future for two. Soho gets in a shot to the face and hang on as Storm’s face is messed up (allegedly). The goldbricking Storm snaps off a German suplex and hits the running hip attack in the corner. A tornado DDT gives Storm two but here is Britt Baker for a distraction. Soho grabs Destination Unknown for the pin at 8:43.

Rating: C. This was more about advancing the outsiders vs. insiders feud and as a result, it was nice to have it go short. It’s also nice to see Soho getting a win, as she is still trying to get and keep herself on the right track for once. Beating a former Women’s Champion always helps and maybe this is the start of her first better run around here.

MJF is sitting in what looks to be a closet, saying he isn’t “the first Jew to have to hide from a man with blue eyes.” He likes Konosuke Takeshita’s abilities but either stay out of his business or face the consequences. As for Bryan Danielson, he was talking about wanting this title, which is the thing that proves that he is the best. Danielson is a legend but he needs to chase the title. Danielson’s shoulder is hanging on by a thread so MJF has made a phone call. Next week: Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher.

Video on Thatcher. This has potential.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on Jamie Hayter vs. Emi Sakura, who face off on Rampage.

Jay Lethal vs. Mark Briscoe

This is the Jay Briscoe tribute match on what would have been his 39th birthday. Jay is crying on his way to the ring (alone) and Mark has both Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles. We get the Big Match Intros and a rather emotional handshake. They trade takedowns to start and that’s an early standoff. An exchange of chops goes to Mark so he clotheslines Jay down and hits a running boot to the face. Lethal is right back with the Lethal Combination but Mark hits grabs his brother’s hangman’s neckbreaker for two.

We take a break and come back with Mark Iconoclasming him down for two but Jay blocks a Jay Driller. Another Lethal Combination looks to set up a Figure Four but Mark rolls him up for two. The Lethal Injection connects, only to have Mark roll outside. A ram into the barricade lets Jay put him on the table but Mark is right back up.

Lethal is knocked to the floor for the running apron Blockbuster as the fans are rather pleased. Mark puts him on the table and hits a huge Froggy Bow to drive Jay right through it. That’s good for two back inside so Mark hits him with a hard running clothesline. Another clothesline sets up the Jay Driller to give Mark the pin at 12:24.

Rating: B. I thought about not rating this one and that still might have been the right move. This was about letting two people who meant a lot to Jay Briscoe go out there and have a good match in his honor. They did their jobs well, with Mark showing that he could more than hang at this level. It would be nice to have him around if he wants to be, but taking some time away would not be a surprise either.

Post match the locker room comes out, many of them in Jay Briscoe shirts, for the big tribute. Lethal and Mark both go up the ramp and have quite the tearful embrace.

Overall Rating: B-. It wasn’t the greatest show, but they made what they had work pretty well. That’s as much as you can ask for with a bit of a weak card, as we start to head towards Revolution. They’re doing a nice job of setting the show up as you can see a lot of the card, but there is still a lot of work to be done. That being said, this is going to be remembered for the main event and honoring Jay Briscoe, which is a lot more important than building to a show in a month and a half. This was an emotional night and that is what made it special, so good for them for making it work.

Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara b. Action Andretti/Ricky Starks – GTH to Andretti
Darby Allin b. Buddy Matthews – Coffin Drop
Jungle Boy/Hook b. Matt Hardy/Ethan Page – Snare Trap to Page
Bryan Danielson b. Brian Cage – Rollup
Ruby Soho b. Toni Storm – Destination Unknown
Mark Briscoe b. Jay Lethal – Jay Driller



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Remember to check out for all of your wrestling headline needs.


Daily News Update – January 25, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Royal Rumble 2017 (2018 Edition)

NXT LVL Up – January 20, 2023

Monday Night Raw – January 23, 2023

NXT – January 24, 2023

They Didn’t Smell? More On The Rock Possibly Not Wrestling At WrestleMania 39.

WATCH: 30 Greatest Monday Night Raw Moments Of All Time.

His Lordship: William Regal Opens Up About Returning To WWE.

They’re Next: WWE Discusses Bringing Back Two Former Champions.

He Almost Got There: How Ricochet Wanted To Pay A Gory Tribute To Steve Austin.

And The Award Goes To: AEW President Tony Khan Names His MVP Of 2022.

The Less The Merrier: Why WWE Changed Raw XXX Segment.

Acknowledge What? WWE Pitches Steve Austin vs. Roman Reigns.

Return: Brock Lesnar Returns, Interferes In Main Event On Monday Night Raw.

Maybe Later: Raw XXX Match Canceled When Segment Goes “Extremely” Long.

WATCH: Fight Breaks Out At WWE Performance Center.

He Would Know: WWE CEO Nick Khan On Vince McMahon’s Retirement And Return.

Dem Boy? Update On Mark Briscoe Possibly Appearing On AEW TV.

VIDEO: WWE Hall Of Famers Take Issue With Raw XXX.

WATCH: WWE Unveils John Cena As WWE2K23 Cover Star.

Crossover: Former WWE Star Trying His Hand(s) At Boxing.

The Other One: Steve Austin vs. Brock Lesnar Reportedly Pitched For WrestleMania 39.

Almost Over: AEW Star’s Contract Reportedly Expires Very Soon.

They Did It: WWE Announces All Time Record Set By This Week’s Monday Night Raw.

Ouch: NXT Star Hospitalized After Attack In Parking Lot.

Last Second Pull: Original Plans For Canceled Raw XXX Match.

Run It Back: WWE Sets Wheels In Motion To Reunite Successful Stable.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.

NXT – January 24, 2023: Well, It Worked

Date: January 24, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are just over a week away from Vengeance Day with Grayson Waller challenging Bron Breakker for the NXT Title. That is going to include a lot of build this week as we get ready for the title match, but there is some other stuff to do as well. The good thing is that a lot of the card is ready so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a video from Grayson Waller, showing him coming to the Performance Center and throwing a bottle of water at Bron Breakker to set off a big brawl.

Indi Hartwell vs. Tiffany Stratton

Hartwell knocks her off the apron to start fast before the bell rings. Back in and we officially start with Hartwell throwing Stratton around and getting two off a dropkick. Stratton gets sent outside but manages to snap the arm across the top. A slingshot splash gives Stratton one and we hit the armbar. That’s broken up and Hartwell hits a spinebuster for two before a boot to the face rocks Stratton again. Hold on though as Stratton claims a knee injury but it is indeed goldbricking. A Regal Roll into a triple jump moonsault finishes Hartwell at 6:01.

Rating: C. So much for Hartwell being built back up, as this was another loss to set her back. Stratton needed the win more though as she is freshly back from her hiatus. She has all kinds of potential and it is nice to see NXT doing something with her. It would be interesting to see where she can take things and a win here is a nice start.

Jacy Jayne doesn’t seem to think much of Gigi Dolin because Jayne has carried her since the beginning. Now it’s Jayne’s turn to win and it’s going to be like nothing you have ever seen before.

Drew Gulak and company are training with the Diamond Mine. Gulak doesn’t think much of Miles Borne so he shows him how it’s done against Julius Creed. Julius trips him down, which doesn’t set well with Gulak, who swears revenge.

Here is Chase U for a ceremony praising Thea Hail for winning her first match last week. Andre Chase talks about how Hail has been a success in the classroom but not so much in the ring. After almost dropping an f bomb (Fans: “THAT’S NOT PG!”), Chase presents Hail with her award. The fans think she deserves it….and here is JD McDonagh to interrupt. McDonagh doesn’t like this kind of nonsense but Chase says he isn’t having this. McDonagh finds it interesting that Chase didn’t mention Duke Hudson before we get to the point. Chase whips off his robe and has his ring gear on so let’s do this.

Chase U vs. JD McDonagh

We’re joined in progress with McDonagh sending him into the steps and grabbing the chinlock. That’s countered into a belly to back suplex as Chase U gets to do their cheerleading. The spelling stomps set up a Side Effect for one but McDonagh is back up with a clothesline. Chase hits a quick Canadian Destroyer for two with McDonagh getting a foot on the rope. Back up and the Devil Inside finishes Chase at 4:32.

Rating: C. I had forgotten McDonagh was a thing here for a bit and that is kind of telling about what has happened to him. I get that he’s a bigger star than Chase, but did they really need Chase to lose again? Chase U is consistently one of the most well received things around here but Chase never actually wins anything of note. Is it that much for him to be a midcard title contender for a bit?

Post match Duke Hudson storms off as Thea Hail checks on Chase.

Fallon Henley and Kiana James are ready to team together but have a bit of tension over strategy.

Kiana James/Fallon Henley vs. Ivy Nile/Tatum Paxley

James starts but Henley taps her on the head to start instead. Nile takes Henley down to start and it’s off to Paxley for a middle rope dropkick. James comes in to take over on Paxley in the corner and grab an abdominal stretch. With that broken up, Henley comes back in and gets shouldered down by Nile. James gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and then trips Nile down, allowing Henley to hit a Shining Wizard for the pin at 3:16.

Rating: C-. Hey look: wacky tag team partners who happen to win without getting along. I do like the question of what is going on wit Brooks Jensen and Henley FINALLY having something to do is nice, but there is only so much to be gotten from this trope. Just please don’t let them win the Women’s Tag Team Titles out of the whole thing. And why is Nile STILL not getting any kind of a shot of her own?

Post match the argument continues, with Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen playing peacekeeper.

New Day is in the back (and seemingly humming Randy Orton’s old theme) when Edris Enofe and Malik Blade come in to respectfully ask for a title shot. Before we can get to an answer, Schism comes in to say they want the shot. They’ll face off next week in the New Day Invitational and the winners are added to the Tag Team Title match at Vengeance Day.

Apollo Crews goes to the barber shop but Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams come in and aren’t happy. Crews talks about how Hayes is never going to get rid of him no matter what but Hayes says he is the younger, more athletic version of him. They both talk about being the next NXT Champion and a 2/3 falls match is set for Vengeance Day. Out of arena vignettes are always appreciated.

Hank Walker/Drew Gulak vs. Creed Brothers

Gulak can’t wrestle Julius down to start so it’s off to Walker. Julius takes him into the corner and hands it off to Brutus for a pair of fireman’s carry takeovers. It’s right back to Gulak, with Walker grabbing an airplane spin on Brutus to set up Gulak’s clothesline. We take a break and come back with Julius coming in to clean house. A t-bone suplex hits Walker and Brutus comes in for a standing moonsault.

Brutus picks Gulak up in a butterfly and holds him in place, allowing Julius to jump over Brutus’ back and drive Gulak down in a really unique double team. Everyone brawls until Walker cross armbreakers Julius but it’s back to Brutus. The double clothesline leaves Brutus and Walker down but here is Charlie Dempsey to distract Gulak. The distraction lets the Brutus Bomb finish Walker at 11:43.

Rating: C+. This was pretty good stuff with Gulak and the Creeds being the wrestling machines while Walker was there to spice things up a bit. At the same time you have the Dempsey factor, as he is the evil version of Gulak. There’s something interesting about the evil teacher vs. the good one, though Dempsey and Gulak don’t exactly have the charisma to carry much of a feud. For now though, I’ll settle for the Creeds continuing to improve.

Post match Julius apologizes to Ivy Nile for being a bit hotheaded, but that is how he has to be to be the best version of himself. Both Creeds thank Nile for sticking with them and inspiring them….and here is Indus Sher (with Jinder Mahal, because of course). The challenge is on for next week and Nile accepts for the Creeds.

Gigi Dolin doesn’t like Jacy Jayne and talks about the thorns that come with a rose.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks go to lunch for some Italian/mafia stereotypes. Stacks wants to make an impact as the new underboss and has apparently taken care of someone already. They have a toast to Stacks and D’Angelo seems pleased.

Wendy Choo vs. Elektra Lopez

Lopez shoves her down and here is Valentina Feroz (as invited by Lopez) to watch. Choo grabs some rollups for two each but gets caught with a swinging Rock Bottom to cut her off. The bodyscissors keeps Choo in trouble but she fights up, including a middle rope crossbody. Lopez isn’t having that though and punches her down for the pin at 3:39.

Rating: C. Lopez has always felt like someone who could break out into something more, though beating Choo isn’t going to get her very far down that path. At least she didn’t lose again though and seems to be showing Feroz the way. Not much of a match due to the time, but Lopez winning and Choo toning down the zaniness helped a lot.

Brooks Jensen is so happy with Fallon Henley and Kiana James that he has gotten them a shot at the Women’s Tag Team Titles at Vengeance Day. Henley is mad because she wanted it to be a one off deal and Jensen didn’t even ask. She has to think about this.

Elektra Lopez tells Valentina Feroz to cheat more but Feroz can’t do it. Lopez doesn’t care and says enjoy losing.

Stevie Turner comes in on a live stream instead of being in person. She has her in-ring debut next week.

Here is Grayson Waller to call out Bron Breakker and he has his own NXT Title. Cue Breakker with the real title and everyone shows up to keep them apart. Breakker fights away and spears the barricade, leaving a big hole in it for a good visual.

Gallus is at a pool hall and promises to do their thing at Vengeance Day when they win the Tag Team Titles.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alby Fyre vs. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter

Chance/Carter are defending and yes Fyre is on her own. Hold on though as here is Sol Ruca and Fyre seems to have a partner. Carter has to slip out of an early Gory Bomb attempt so Fyre beats her down without much trouble. Ruca comes in and jumps over Carter as everything breaks down. The champs get beaten up on the floor and we take a break.

Back with Chance hitting an enziguri so Carter can take over on Fyre. A top rope double stomp to the back gives Chance two and an assisted splash gets the same. Fyre gets in a shot of her own though and Ruca comes in with a pretty awesome looking springboard splash for two. Everything breaks down and Chance hurricanranas Fyre into the steps. Carter superkicks Ruca back inside though and the 450/neckbreaker combination, retains the titles at 7:57.

Rating: C+. That splash looked awesome as Ruca continues to be one of the most athletic stars in all of NXT. Other than that, I’m not sure I get the point of Fyre making such a big deal out of fighting on her own and then Ruca just showing up as her partner. Fyre seems all but destined to join forces with Isla Dawn and while I don’t like the idea, I do like it better than Fyre and Ruca. On the other hand you have the champs, who are on some record setting reign despite being pretty much utterly forgettable most of the time. Granted that might be due to how worthless their titles are most are often than not.

Post match Fyre leaves and walks past Ruca, with Isla Dawn popping up to follow Fyre out. With that out of the way, Fallon Henley and Kiana James (Henley has thought about it and is in) pop up on the platform to say they’ll take the titles.

Wes Less comes up to see Dijak but won’t just hand over the North American Title. Lee feeds off of the fans and believes he can do anything, which Dijak has to respect. They’re on for Vengeance Day.

Cora Jade isn’t happy with Lyra Valkyria or the feature she has left in her locker.

Nikkita Lyons has been attacked in the parking lot.

Andre Chase isn’t happy with Duke Hudson, but Duke has gotten them into next week’s New Day Invitational for a possible Tag Team Title shot at Vengeance Day. Chase is happy.

And now, a summit between Jacy Jayne, Gigi Dolin and Roxanne Perez, the latter of whom gets an entrance. Jayne and Dolin argue over how much each of them carried the other as Perez can’t get in a word. Booker: “AWWW SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK!!!” Perez finally gets to talk, saying she’s enjoying watching the arguing. Dolin and Jayne get into it again before smiling at each other and double teaming Perez. The double chokeslam puts Perez through the table, leaving Toxic Attraction to hold up the title to end the show. I’m not sure I get Toxic Attraction’s logic here but we’re back to the original dynamic for the title match.

Overall Rating: C+. This show was kind of all over the place, but it did a lot of good for building up Vengeance Day, which is looking like a heck of a card. For once, the NXT Title match does feel slightly above the rest of the stories, but I’ll believe that is lasting when I see it. Other than that, there wasn’t much bad here, save for a few too many wacky tag partners. I want to see Vengeance Day a lot more than I did coming in though and that’s a major plus.

Tiffany Stratton b. Indi Hartwell – Triple Jump moonsault
JD McDonagh b. Andre Chase – Devil Inside
Kiana James/Fallon Henley b. Ivy Nile/Tatum Paxley – Shining Wizard to Nile
Creed Brothers b. Drew Gulak/Hank Walker – Brutus Bomb to Walker
Elektra Lopez b. Wendy Choo – Right hand
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter b. Sol Ruca/Alba Fyre – Neckbreaker/450 splash combination to Ruca



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Monday Night Raw – January 23, 2023 (Raw XXX): They Know This Stuff

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 23, 2023
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

It’s Raw XXX as the company celebrates thirty years on the air. As usual with the big Raw milestone episodes, we’ll be seeing a bunch of legends for special appearances. In addition, there are two title matches and a cage match so the card is stacked. If that isn’t enough, it’s the go home show for the Royal Rumble so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here are Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart to get things going. Hogan talks about Raw debuting in 1993, pauses because the mic doesn’t work, praises the Philadelphia Eagles and is all done.

We look at some of the cities the show has taken place in over the years before switching into the big highlight package. The hit a lot of the big names, including a bunch of AEW names, debuts, title changes, reveals and almost anything else you could want. WWE has absolutely not forgotten how to montage.

Here is the Bloodline with their long form entrance for the Trial Of Sami Zayn. After having Philadelphia acknowledge him, Reigns hands the mic to Paul Heyman so we pause for an ECW chant. Heyman: “ECW is dead and I wish the same for Sami Zayn.” Heyman accuses Zayn of being in a conspiracy with Kevin Owens since day one (that was only last January).

Zayn has been trying to lure the Bloodline into a false sense of security, just like the Philadelphia Eagles. Heyman brings up BROCK….Purdy, the quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, who will beat the Eagles next week. We see some clips of Sami not exactly helping in fights, capped off by Zayn BUMPING INTO REIGNS while going on a rant. Heyman says that should be enough for Zayn to be GUILTY AS CHARGED (nice).

Zayn gets his chance to talk and he wasn’t sure how he was going to feel when he came out here. He can’t believe that he is on trial here, but his defense is that he has no defense. Reigns is disgusted at the disrespect and tells Solo Sikoa to take care of him. The Samoan Spike is loaded up but Jey Uso cuts Sikoa off.

Jey has his own footage, showing a montage of Sami helping the Bloodline over the last few months, including taking out Kevin Owens in WarGames. Jey talks about how Sami saw the good in him the entire time and that’s what family does. Fans: “UCEY!” We get a fan poll of whether Sami should stay and the fans seem pretty unanimous.

Jimmy even agrees and Reigns gets to his feet. Reigns finds Zayn not guilty…..for now. In the meantime, Sami can finish out tonight by making the Bloodline proud. After that, Reigns doesn’t want to see or hear from Sami until the Royal Rumble, where Sami delivers his final test. There’s your drama for Owens vs. Reigns on Saturday as this story takes a pretty big step forward.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Judgment Day

The Usos are defending and have Sami Zayn in the corner to counter Finn Balor/Rhea Ripley. Jimmy and Dominik start things off but Jimmy has to kick Priest to the floor. Priest Pounces Jimmy over the announcers’ table and the champs are in trouble. Back in and Dominik chokes a bit, only to have Jimmy get over to Jey without much trouble. The running Umaga attack gets two on Dominik but Priest is back in with a superkick.

Priest hits the step up flip dive to take the Usos down again. Back in and the Usos fire off some superkicks to drop Priest and Dominik, but Balor offers a distraction. The referee catches Balor crotching Jey and gets ejected, leaving Priest to get superkicked down. Jimmy’s Superfly Splash gets…..two and everyone can breathe a bit. Jimmy takes Priest down on the floor and hold on as Jimmy has hurt his knee.

The referee throws up the X and Jimmy is taken out, with Adam Pearce saying if Jimmy is out, the match and titles are forfeited. Sami says not so fast, as Sami USO is ready to go, with Pearce saying let’s go. We get back to the match with Sami diving on Dominik and Priest on the floor. Dominik grabs a quick rollup with his feet on the ropes for two but Sami suplexes him into the corner. Ripley breaks up the Helluva Kick though and it’s South Of Heaven from Priest to give Dominik two.

The 619 is broken up by Jey’s superkick but Jey can’t bring himself to superkick Ripley. The distraction lets Dominik hit the 619 on Jey and the frog splash gets two as Sami makes a diving save of his own. Priest goes shoulder first into the post so Dominik dumps Sami, who is back in with a blind tag. The superkick into the 1D retains the titles at 14:06.

Rating: B+. I needed a breath after that one as those were some crazy hot near falls. They had me believing that Judgment Day could have taken the titles more than once and it was one close two count after another. This was one of the best Raw matches WWE in years and one of the better things WWE has done anywhere in a good while. Everything was laid out so well and the wrestlers executed it to near perfection.

In the back, Roman Reigns says he still doesn’t want to see Sami until the Royal Rumble.

JBL and Baron Corbin ask the Godfather to put him in the poker game. Godfather will have to ask the host. Said host happens to be Ron Simmons, who is happy with a payoff to get Corbin’s name on the list. They go into the APA’s office and it’s pretty much a full on casino with all kinds of wrestlers and wrestling personalities included.

Here is LA Knight who says he is all man and doesn’t want to wait for the Pitch Black match. He calls out any legend…..and the gong sounds. And then it’s the American Bad***, with song and motorcycle. Knight talks about how he’s going to have everyone chanting his name….and then the lights go out. Bray Wyatt, with lantern, pops up to back Knight into Undertaker, who grabs him by the throat. Bray gets inside and Undertaker tosses Knight over for Sister Abigail. Fans: “HOLY S***!” Undertaker goes to leave but stops to whisper something to Bray before riding off.

We go back to the poker game, where Madusa (with Women’s Title belt) seems to win but loses to Diamond Dallas Page.

Bayley vs. Becky Lynch

In a cage with pinfall, submission or escape. Hold on though as Becky has to beat up the rest of Damage Ctrl on the floor. All of Damage Ctrl gets inside to beat on Becky before the bell rings. Adam Pearce finally gets inside as Damage Ctrl sits on top of the cage. No match.

Here is D-Generation X, with Kurt Angle. Road Dogg does the catchphrase but asks why Angle is here. Kurt says he always wanted to be in the team and pulls off his own shirt to reveal a DX shirt. Hold on as Kurt will have to pass a test. HHH: “Are you ready?” Kurt: “Was that the test?” They load up the bigger catchphrase but Imperium of all people interrupts. Imperium doesn’t like these degenerates and a fight is teased. HHH: “I’m retired.” Shawn: “I’m too old.” Dogg: “Who am I kidding?”

We get a DX huddle and HHH volunteers Kurt to fight. Kurt: “No I won’t.” Dogg: “We’re in a pickle.” Cue Seth Rollins and then the Street Profits and we seem to have a six man. Dogg thinks we need to make it official and looks at HHH for an announcement. HHH: “Why does everybody look at me for something like this? This booking stuff isn’t easy!” We need someone body out there to make sense of this. Cue Teddy Long for the only possible payoff, but we also need a guest referee. Kurt just happens to have a referee shirt on too (red white and blue stripes of course) and we’re ready to go after some funny stuff.

Imperium vs. Seth Rollins/Street Profits

Kurt Angle is guest referee and Jerry Lawler is on commentary. Vinci’s headlock on Rollins doesn’t last long so it’s off to Ford, who gets clotheslined down. Kaiser comes in and strikes it out with Dawkins for a double knockdown. That means the tags to Gunther and Rollins with Gunther taking over and knocking Rollins out of the air.

We take a break and come back with Rollins fighting out of a chinlock and backflipping out of a belly to back suplex. The hot tag brings in Ford and the Profits grab stereo ankle locks. That’s too far for Gunther, who comes in and breaks them up. Gunther stares Angle down and pokes him in the chest, with Rollins coming in for the save. The Profits hit the flip dives to the floor, leaving Rollins to get dropkicked and powerbombed to give Gunther two. Rollins is back in with an Angle Slam and the Profits hit a Doomsday Blockbuster on Kaiser. A Pedigree sends Gunther outside and it’s a frog splash into the Stomp to finish Vinci at 13:03.

Rating: C+. It was a good six man, with the most important part being Gunther not taking the fall. They had me worried that Rollins would pin him to set something up between them (which might be the case anyway even without the pin) as it wasn’t the time for Gunther to get beaten. The Profits and Rollins winning works well and they had a good match on the way there, though DX and Angle were the stars of the whole deal.

Back to the poker game where Ted DiBiase loses a fortune….but IRS wants JBL and Baron Corbin to pay their taxes and takes the money back. Well save for $100. Ron Simmons, catchphrase.

Bobby Lashley promises to get the US Title back when MVP interrupts. MVP again offers the reunion but Lashley isn’t in.

Here is Ric Flair for a chat. He hits the catchphrases and introduces Charlotte for the big family moment. Charlotte thanks the other women for making her such a decorated champion but this will always be her show. Cue Bianca Belair to interrupt, saying she goes here now and this is her show. Cue Sonya Deville to ask about her recognition for working so hard. Charlotte owes Deville but offers Belair the chance to deal with Deville. Deal.

Sonya Deville vs. Bianca Belair

Non-title. Belair flips over her to start but Deville gets in a shot to the face. Back up and Belair is sent into the corner, where she backflips over Deville and hits a backbreaker. A running boot knocks Deville outside but Belair gets sent into the barricade as we take a break. We come back with Deville dropping her again for two but Belair pops up and hits the KOD for the pin at 8:33 (it’s as sudden as it sounds).

Rating: D. That was a weird ending and it wouldn’t shock me if something was cut for time. In addition to that though, the match was quite the mess as it felt like a complete lack of chemistry. Deville feels in way over her head and it doesn’t help that she seems to be there as a filler challenger to Charlotte until we get to the important stuff. Not a good match whatsoever, but at least it didn’t take up too much time.

Post match Belair says that was just a preview for what she is going to do to Alexa Bliss. Cue Bliss on screen, talking into a mirror about how violent she can be with no one helping her.

Video on Cody Rhodes’ 2022 before he returns this weekend at the Royal Rumble.

John Cena is the cover star for WWE 2K23.

Here is Miz to ask where his special time on this show is. Cue Kevin Owens to Stun Miz and leave him laying, promising to take out Roman Reigns at the Rumble.

Royal Rumble rundown.

US Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Theory

Lashley is challenging and this is No DQ. Lashley goes with the power to start and clotheslines him out to the floor. The posting rocks Theory and we take an early break. Back with Theory slipping out of the delayed suplex and catching Lashley with the rolling dropkick for a stagger.

Lashley is fine enough to send him to the apron for a running forearm and the table is sent inside. The Hurt Lock is broken up but Lashley sends him face first into a chair in the corner. Lashley loads up the table, only to get sprayed with a fire extinguisher. A whip into the steps keeps Lashley in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Lashley hitting a superplex, leaving both of them down. The spear through the table in the corner is broken up and Theory kicks him low. Lashley is fine enough to put Theory through another table….and Brock Lesnar is here. The F5 plants Lashley and another one to Theory puts him on top of Lashley to retain at 14:23.

Rating: C+. You almost have to expect that Lesnar is going to show up somewhere in there on these shows and going after Lashley again isn’t a surprise. Given that Lashley mentioned a rematch with Lesnar was coming soon, they were kind of telegraphing the whole thing. That should be a heck of a fight, though this one was only pretty good, with Theory retaining in the right result.

Overall Rating: B. This was kind of an all over the place show, but the biggest problem was the first hour, as nothing was touching that Bloodline segment and the Tag Team Title match. Other than that, you had a few random cameos from the legends and a bunch of classic stills, but the majority of the show was just an amped up Raw. I liked more than enough of it for the show to be a success, but it wasn’t quite as much of a nostalgia trip as I was expecting.

Usos b. Judgment Day – 1D to Dominik
Seth Rollins/Street Profits b. Imperium – Frog splash to Vinci
Bianca Belair b. Sonya Deville – KOD
Austin Theory b. Bobby Lashley – F5



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NXT LVL Up – January 20, 2023: That’s Our LVL Up

Date: January 20, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Matt Camp

The big change this week is on commentary, as Sudu Shah is gone from the company, meaning we have a new team talking to us. That could be just about anyone, but what makes things worse is the fact that commentary changes are probably more interesting than whatever is going on with the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Jakara Jackson

Lyons misses the early kick to the head and it’s a fast standoff. A armbar has Jackson down and Lyons rolls over into a front facelock. Back up and Lyons misses a running boot in the corner, allowing Jackson to hammer away. We hit the Fujiwara armbar and Lyons can’t quite power out. Finally she gets up and hits a sidewalk slam for the break. The strikes have Jackson in trouble, with a superkick into the splits splash being enough to give Lyons the pin at 5:10.

Rating: C. Lyons is someone who has hit a wall hard and I’m not sure what she can do to get around it. Maybe this is just a one off appearance on LVL Up for her, but she should probably be a star if someone will let her try. There is obvious skill there but it doesn’t matter if she isn’t being given much of a chance.

Damon Kemp is ready for Tank Ledger, but doesn’t seem overly interested.

Damon Kemp vs. Tank Ledger

Kemp takes him to the mat for a headlock before walking over Ledger’s back for the strut. Leger is annoyed but gets knocked into the corner to keep him in trouble. A neckbreaker and belly to belly give Kemp two and we hit the seated abdominal stretch. Ledger fights out and hits a fall away slam but a splash lands on raised knees. A Rock Bottom backbreaker gives Kemp the pin at 4:31.

Rating: C. I still like Kemp as the dangerous evil wrestling ace but that wasn’t quite what we were getting here. This was something close to a squash as Ledger never felt like anything resembling a threat. There is some potential with Ledger, but for the time being that is still a long way off.

Joe Gacy vs. Odyssey Jones

The rest of Schism is here too. Jones shoves the much smaller Gacy into the corner to start before cranking on the arm. The rolling splashes crush Gacy but Ava Raine grabs the leg, allowing Gacy to take out Jones’ knee. Jones fights up but get the knee taken out again to put him back down. The next comeback works a bit better as a World’s Strongest Slam crushes Gacy. The crushes Gacy is fine enough to hit Jones in the knee again and the handspring clothesline is good for the pin at 5:59.

Rating: C. This is more of what the show needs, at least for a main event: a match between two (slightly) stronger names where you could see an upset happening. LVL Up tends to run a bunch of matches featuring a name against an up and comer and there is no drama. Gacy winning here was the more logical way to go, but there was enough doubt to make it interesting.

Overall Rating: C. Oh this was LVL Up alright: a totally middle of the road show with nothing standing out and nothing that you needed to see, but also nothing that was so bad you would regret watching it. As usual though, they can fall back on the act that they are a thirty minute show that never overstays its welcome, meaning it isn’t even worth getting mad about most of the time. Just a breezy show that doesn’t hurt anything and gives you a taste of the future.



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Daily News Update – January 22, 2023

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Royal Rumble 2011 (2020 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2012 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2013 (2014 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2014 (2015 Edition)

Impact Wrestling – January 19, 2023

Royal Rumble 2015 (2016 Edition)

Smackdown – January 20, 2023

Rampage – January 20, 2023

Royal Rumble 2016 (2017 Edition)

Monday Night Raw – March 17, 2008

ECW On Sci Fi – March 18, 2023

Smackdown – March 21, 2023

It Was A Great Ride: WWE Hall Of Famer Parts Ways With Company.

Vince McMahon Agrees To Multi-Million Dollar Settlement, Ends 30+ Year Rape Allegation Ordeal.

They’re In: WWE Signs Two More Former College Athletes.

Glow On? Details On Naomi’s Current WWE Status, Possible Future.

Maybe Later: AEW Star Removed From Roster Page, Seemingly Done With Wrestling For Now.

It’s About That Time: Wrestling Legend Says He Does Not Have Much Time Left In The Ring.

WATCH: Wrestling Legend Makes Surprise Appearance To Help Fellow Boss.

He’s Good: Police Perform Wellness Check On Kevin Nash After Allusions To Suicide.

WATCH: The Firefly Fun House Returns On SmackDown.

If You Smell? Update On The Rock’s WrestleMania 39 Status.

It’s Not The Same: Thunder Rosa Announces AEW Return, But Not To The Ring.

WATCH: Another Tag Team Splits On AEW Rampage.

Not So Rowdy? Update On Ronda Rousey’s WWE Status.

Another Way: WWE Plans Different Kind Of Royal Rumble Surprises.

WATCH: WWE Airs Awesome History Of Monday Night Raw Package.

The Idea: More On WWE’s Plan To Split Up Usos’ Tag Team Titles.

Switch It Up: Raw XXX Bloodline Acknowledgment Ceremony Canceled, Replaced With New Idea.

It’s Something: First Details Set For Royal Rumble Pitch Black Match.

Again: WWE Reportedly Makes More Office Cuts This Week.

WATCH: Montez Ford And Bianca Belair Represent WWE At NFL Playoff Game.

Something Positive: Excellent News On The Recovery Of Jay Briscoes’ Daughters.

WATCH: Karrion Kross’ Very Odd Video With Wrestling Legend.

As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page.