Collision – January 25, 2025: Explain This To Me

Date: January 25, 2025
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

It’s Homecoming because we can’t go a week without some kin of special show. It is nice to be back in Daily’s Place though as we should be in for a fun show. We are less than a month away from Grand Slam and it should be time to start getting the rest of the card put together so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

The Patriarchy, Toni Storm, Mariah May and Samoa Joe are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

Jim Ross is back. That’s nice to see.

Samoa Joe vs. Nick Wayne

The rest of the Patriarchy is here so Katsuyori Shibata and Hook come out to even things up. You know, assuming Joe wouldn’t be able to smash the entire team on his own. Wayne strikes away to start but misses a shoulder, allowing Joe to hit a backsplash. The early MuscleBuster is broken up and Joe’s leg is wrapped around the ropes. Wayne hits a dive to the floor and it’s time to say on the leg. Joe isn’t having this though as he knocks Wayne back and hits the MuscleBuster for the pin at 5:24.

Rating: C. That’s what this should have been as Wayne was going to be little more than an annoyance to Joe at best. Joe shrugged off whatever Wayne threw at him and finished him in a hurry. There is no point in making this overly complicated and that is what they made work here. Joe is going to be on his way to something better so smashing the Patriarchy on the way there isn’t a bad idea.

We recap Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay brawling with the Don Callis Family on Dynamite, setting up the tag match at Grand Slam.

Kazuchika Okada vs. Komander

Non-title. Komander starts fast with a knockdown and reverses a suplex into a quickly broken choke. Okada isn’t having this and kicks him in the face before going outside. A DDT plants Komander hard and we take an early break. Back with Komander grabbing an X Factor out of a powerbomb and picking up the pace. Okada’s White Noise onto the knee sets up the top rope elbow but the Rainmaker is blocked. Komander grabs a hurricanrana to the floor and hits a moonsault, only to get Rainmakered for the pin at 8:59.

Rating: B-. Hey look: a Ring Of Honor champion loses AGAIN, but we’re still expected to pay to watch that the show. There was no reason for Komander to be Okada’s latest victim here as the champion vs. champion aspect wasn’t much of a bonus. But why let common sense get in the way of something Tony Khan thinks is cool?

Powerhouse Hobbs and Big Bill get in a fight in the parking lot. They hit each other with metal objects, including a gate that Hobbs rips off a fence. Security breaks it up.

The Costco Guys are back but get interrupted by the Undisputed Kingdom for a Boom off.

Undisputed Kingdom vs. Daniel Garcia/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

Oh hey Parker still works here. Garcia headlocks Cole over to start but they pop up for a staredown. Strong and Menard come in with the former working on a wristlock before grinding on a headlock. Garcia comes in and is quickly backdropped to the floor, where he gets in an argument with Shane Taylor Promotions. We take a break and come back with Garcia hammering on O’Reilly in the corner. O’Reilly fights out without much trouble and hands it back to Cole for a slugout with Garcia. Everything breaks down and Parker is faceplanted for two. A superkick cuts off Garcia and the high/low finishes Parker at 9:55.

Rating: C. This was little more than a handicap match as there was no reason to believe that Parker and Menard were going to be a real threat to the Kingdom. In theory one of these three could be coming after Garcia’s TNT Title, which would be fine, but it didn’t make for much of a six man tag. Parker and Menard are harmless enough but they’re about as bottom of the barrel as you can get around here.

Respect is shown post match.

Max Caster is happy with the response to the Acclaimed’s split and announces an Open Challenge series.

We get a bunch of computer code as I’m guessing Hologram is coming back.

Top Flight argues over Action Andretti and Lio Rush. Darius Martin wants to fight Rush one on one.

Tony Schiavone brings out Mariah May and Toni Storm for a face to face chat. Storm’s enthusiastic handshake offer is turned down and May says Storm makes her think and feel nothing. Storm is nothing and a joke and the fans laugh at her, just like May knew they would. May will get off by humiliating Storm in her hometown.

Storm says she is May’s biggest fan and wants to be just like her. She hugs May, who responds with a heck of a slap. May whips her with the belt and leaves, but Storm asks why May thinks she has forgotten. Storm takes off her clothes to reveal the Timeless gear and promises to shove May back into the womb. For some reason this is presented as a surprise, despite it being pretty obvious for most of the story.

There is a special interview with the Death Riders debuting next week. Jon Moxley’s vision is a thousand Moxleys. Oh dear.

Hounds Of Hell vs. Gates Of Agony

The Hounds are Buddy Matthews/Brody King with Julia Hart as the House Of Black seems to be completely done. Matthews shoulders Kaun to no effect to start and is shouldered into the corner. King and Toa collide before striking it out until King is taken into the wrong corner to take over. That doesn’t last long as King fights out and brings Matthews back in to clean house.

We take a break and come back with Open The Gates getting two on Matthews. The comeback doesn’t take long and it’s off to King to clean house, including a Death Valley Driver for two on Toa. A Samoan drop gets the same on King, who Kaun can’t powerbomb. Instead King hits a piledriver and a Cannonball/running dropkick combination in the corner finishes Kaun at 10:04.

Rating: B-. The Hounds are already a good team so this was little more than a way to show that Malakai Black is gone and they’ll be fine. The Gates aren’t a great team but they’re a couple of monsters and it looks good for the Hounds to beat them. This was a nice way to show us the new team and I’m interested in seeing what they can do. A hoss fight with the Hurt Syndicate could work just fine.

The Costco Guys bring Harley Cameron, who can’ t get their catchphrase right. The Vendetta comes in to mock Cameron and the Guys do their catchphrase. Again.

Penelope Ford and Thunder Rosa argue and a match seems to be made.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Serena Deeb vs. Yuka Sakazaki vs. Queen Aminata

For a future TBS Title shot. They go for early rollups to start to limited avail, leaving Purrazzo to chill on the ramp with Taya Valkyrie. Deeb ties up Aminata’s leg before neckbreakering her over the top rope. Sakazaki clears the ring and hits a big dive to take everyone out on the floor.

We take a break and come back with Purrazzo Fujiwara armbarring Aminata, who rolls her way out. Everyone but Deeb is down but Sakazaki is back with a high crossbody to take her down. Deeb and Aminata brawl up the ramp so Valkyrie comes in, only for Harley Cameron to come in for the save. Sakazaki rolls Purrazzo up for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: B-. So Sakazaki, who hasn’t gotten a singles win since September (the most recent of these four to win a singles match in AEW is Purrazzo, who won a squash more than a month ago), is suddenly in a four way for a title shot. Sure, why not. The match was the usual collection of four people with nothing going on suddenly getting into the title picture because it’s not like there are people here doing things who could be in these slots instead. But hey, at least Mone gets to wrestle one of her friends from Japan, because that’s what matters the most.

The Hounds are back and bark but Kazuchika Okada comes in to say they sound like b******. Buddy Murphy challenges him for the Continental Title but that’s a no. Murphy: “Then you’re the b****.” Okada: “I’m not a b****.” This has been “how much can we get out of a one word joke”.

Here is Big Bill to call out Powerhouse Hobbs. Cue Hobbs, who has to beat up security, allowing Bill to hit him with a backpack. Said backpack contains a brick, a knee brace, and handcuffs. Hobbs is cuffed and beaten, with his nose busted open. Bill beats him with a chair but Hobbs gets in a low blow, setting up the belly to belly off the stage through a table.

The Don Callis Family has dinner at the….Don Callis Mansion? Callis tells the team to be ready for Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay and teases a new member. This was so over the top that it was funny.

International Title: Konosuke Takeshita vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Shibata is challenging and Don Callis is on commentary. They go to the mat to start as Callis confirms that yes, he does think everyone else is stupid. Shibata slips out of a headscissors but can’t get in a kick to the head so they get back up. They head outside with Shibata being sent into the barricade but he cuts off a charge with a hard kick.

We take a break and come back with Shibata striking away, setting up a butterfly suplex for two. An exchange of suplexes sets up an STO to put Takeshita down and we get a double breather. Shibata grabs a choke but Takeshita reverses into a Tombstone into a wheelbarrow suplex.

Shibata pops back up for a running shot and they’re both down again. The abdominal stretch has Takeshita in trouble so Callis heads to the ring. Takeshita chokes him down but Callis grabs the foot to break up the PK. One heck of a Blue Thunder Bomb gives Takeshita one and they strike it out, only for Raging Fire to retain the title at 13:32.

Rating: B+. I got way into this one and it was a heck of a main event. They were beating each other up and while I didn’t think Shibata was going to win the title, he put in an awesome effort in defeat. This is one of those matches where there isn’t much else to say other than it was really good and is worth a look if you get the chance.

Overall Rating: B-. As tends to be the case with a lot of Collisions, there is a really good hour long show in here but instead it was stretched out to two hours and brought down a lot. The issues with random people being thrown into title contention are still going strong and that is likely to be the case forever around here. Other than that, the main event is very good and the Hounds looked great, so there were definitely some big positives on this show.

Samoa Joe b. Nick Wayne – MuscleBuster
Kazuchika Okada b. Komander – Rainmaker
Undisputed Kingdom b. Daniel Garcia/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard – High/Low to Parker
Hounds Of Hell b. Gates Of Agony – Cannonball/running dropkick in the corner combination to Kaun
Yuka Sakazaki b. Serena Deeb, Queen Aminata and Deonna Purrazzo – Rollup to Purrazzo
Konosuke Takeshita b. Katsuyori Shibata – Raging Fire



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Paul Bearer’s Hits From The Crypt (2025 Edition): WOW This Was Terrible

Paul Bearer’s Hits From The Crypt
Host: Paul Bearer
Commentators: Stan Lane, Gorilla Monsoon, Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, Johnny Polo

Sometimes you need some good old fashioned Coliseum Video and…well this is from around 1994 and that’s not going to be the top shelf stuff. In this case, we should at last have some good stuff in there. I’ve done this tape before but it’s been a good many years and who am I to question the WWE Vault? Let’s get to it.

Paul Bearer welcomes us from the crypt and talks about the THOUSANDS of matches he’s gone through to pick the following.

From Syracuse, New York, April 12, 1994.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Lex Luger

Feeling out process to start as commentary goes on a bit of a weird rant about Jerry Jarrett (Jeff’s father) having a big mouth and running back to the south. Luger grabs a headlock to start so Jarrett complains about a hair pull, which commentary does not like. Jarrett’s shoulders to the ribs in the corner just seem to annoy Luger so Jarrett goes with some arm cranking.

That just earns him a gorilla press and the fans approve, but then Luger just strolls around the ring, as tends to be his case. A clothesline out of the corner gives Jarrett a breather and commentary is on him about wasting time, ignoring Luger being far worse about it just a few seconds earlier. Some ax handles to the back keep Luger in trouble as commentary calls out Luger for his lack of fire. Dang you can hear the burial building and it’s only going to get worse. Lane: “Lex could be sick, he could be injured. He could be coming off a European tour and be tired!”

The sleeper goes on and Luger has to fight up after two arm drops. Luger powers up and gets a suplex before starting the generic comeback. A few clotheslines and an elbow into a powerslam (Monsoon: “Not all that well executed by Lex.”) sets up the Rebel Rack to finish Jarrett at 13:13.

Rating: D+. Luger might as well have been reaching out for the paycheck that was keeping him going at this point as there was NOTHING here that would make you want to see him again. It was the most generic offense (as always) and absolutely no fire at all, with commentary coming close to burying him. It’s no shock that he was more or less done as anything important, as this was a cross between dull and embarrassing to watch.

From Springfield, Massachusetts, February 2, 1994.

Intercontinental Title: Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels

Michaels with Diesel, is challenging and takes his time to start. They shove each other a bit before Ramon throws the toothpick into his face to really get things going. Michaels bails out to the floor for a chase before running the ropes back inside as we’re over two minutes in without any major contact. A leapfrog doesn’t quite work for Michaels though and Razor gets in a powerslam for two.

Michaels’ neckbreaker gives him two of his own but Razor punches his way out of a sunset flip, setting up the big clothesline to the floor. They go outside where Razor pulls the floor padding back but a Razor’s Edge on the floor is broken up, allowing Michaels to get in a hard posting. That slows things down a good bit and a slam on the exposed concrete has Razor’s back in trouble.

Back in and Shawn starts in on said back, including a top rope ax handle and a chinlock with a knee between the shoulders. That’s switched into a regular chinlock until Razor fights up, only to have his back give out on a backslide. The chinlock goes back on and Monsoon goes into an anatomy rant that has to be him showing off. Said chinlock lasts a rather long time until Razor fights up and hits a big running knee.

A backdrop sends Michaels flying but Razor’s back gives out to leave them both down again. Razor starts hammering but Diesel pulls him outside with Michaels joining in for the double countout at 11:28. Hold on though as Razor grabs the mic and says let’s see who the real champion is. Michaels eventually comes back in but Diesel’s distraction doesn’t work, allowing Razor to punch Michaels out of the air for two. The belly to back superplex is broken up and Michaels hits a nice superkick for two.

Back up and the referee gets bumped, meaning there is no one to count after the Razor’s Edge. Diesel comes in with a belt shot but the referee is still down. After a delay so long that it had to be mistimed, the referee gets up for two as Marty Jannetty runs in for the save. Somehow that isn’t a DQ so Diesel misses a shot at Marty and hits Michaels by mistake, allowing Razor to get a rollup pin at 18:54.

Rating: B-. This was a weird one, as you would think that a nearly 20 minute Razor vs. Michaels match would be a layup, but they tried to pack a lot into the end while not doing much for long stretches earlier on. The chinlock went on WAY too long and they had to lay around for a good while at the end, likely due to Marty being late. If you cut about five minutes out of this, it’s far better, though I kept waiting on one of them to grab a ladder as those matches are so much more famous.

Bearer takes us to a dressing room which was used by people like WC Fields and Harry Houdini. Ok then.

From Syracuse, New York on April 12, 1994.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mabel

Luna Vachon and Oscar are here too as I wonder what I did so wrong to wind up here. Bigelow jumps him to start and nearly knocks the….whatever it is that he’s wearing. Mabel is back with an elbow, only to miss an elbow drop. An armdrag of all things takes Bigelow down and Mabel grabs an armbar as it’s already time for a breather. The armbar goes to the mat before Mabel manages a suplex, only to miss a splash.

Bigelow enziguris him to the floor where Oscar runs away from Luna (smart man). Commentary compares Mabel’s hair to Bigelow’s tattoos as Mabel slowly gets back inside. Bigelow grabs an armbar as Monsoon says that it’s hard to see where one ends and where the other starts. No Gorilla, it really isn’t.

An armdrag into another armbar has Mabel down as Lane is mocking Luna’s facial tattoos. Mabel fights up and gets in an armdrag, followed by a not so great dropkick. The spinwheel kick (it didn’t get much air) sets up a splash to Bigelow in the corner, only for him to break up a bulldog as this keeps going. A better than expected Cactus Clothesline leaves them on the floor and a rather fast ten count is a double countout at 8:32.

Rating: D. Oh like this was ever going to be good. Bigelow was trying here but there is only so much you can do with someone Mabel’s size. It was slow and very plodding with a lot of laying around in between the moves that didn’t go well. The WWF LOVES this kind of match though and I can see why live fans would have some fun with it, but dang it does not exactly hold up well.

Bearer says we’ve all been following the Headshrinkers vs. the Quebecers but he recaps it for us anyway.

From Burlington, Vermont on April 26, 1994 and actually from the May 2 Raw.

Tag Team Titles: Quebecers vs. Headshrinkers

The Quebecers, with Johnny Polo, are defending. Fatu and Pierre start things off as Vince thinks there are some Quebecers fans around here because we’re so close to Canada. They shove each other around to start with Fatu being rather excited. Fatu runs him over and it’s off to Jacques vs. Samu and a rake of the eyes lets the villain take over. Everything breaks down and the Quebecers are knocked outside, which is enough for them to walk out.

That’s enough for the referee to say get back in here or it’s a title change. The Quebecers do run back in, break the count, and then head outside again and we take a break. Back with Pierre getting knocked around as Savage seems to want a sandwich. Jacques gets in a knee from the apron to take over and the big clothesline turns Fatu inside out. A ram into the steps has Fatu in trouble and it’s a clothesline/legsweep combination for two. Jacques backdrops Pierre onto Fatu for two more and we’re clipped to Fatu managing a backdrop over the top.

Naturally that means it’s time to put the camera on the commentators, with the tag back to Samu bringing us back to the ring. That’s cut off in a hurry though as Samu’s head gets caught in the ropes to slow him down. A piledriver puts Samu down but the top rope Cannonball misses. Polo tries to get up but gets dropped by Afa and Captain Lou Albano. Jacques accidentally decks Pierre, who hits him right back. The double Stroke into the Superfly Splash gives Fatu the pin and the titles at 19:30.

Rating: C-. I was always a Headshrinkers fan but this didn’t work out very well. Other than Pierre getting some crazy height on the Cannonball, there wasn’t much to be seen here. It was just a kind of dull match, though seeing a title change on a tape like this is a cool bonus. Just have a better match next time.

From Poughkeepsie, New York on March 21, 1994, from the April 4 Raw.

Adam Bomb vs. Earthquake

Wrestlemania X rematch with Earthquake powering him out of the ring to start. Bomb misses a big swing and gets clotheslined back down for his efforts. Another knockdown works for Bomb and an elbow gets two. Earthquake does his best Andre impression by being tied up in the ropes but we pause for Howard Finkel to stare Harvey Wippleman down. Bomb misses another elbow but so does Earthquake. A top rope clothesline gives Bomb two but Earthquake hits a nice belly to belly. Another elbow (geez) and legdrop set up the Earthquake from Earthquake for the pin at 4:21.

Rating: D+. Well that was a lot of missed elbows. Seriously there were probably five of them missing in a match that wasn’t even five minutes long. It isn’t a good sign when the match is this long and somehow worse than their really short match at Wrestlemania. Also, Earthquake winning again in 1994 is bizarre to see.

Bearer has apparently been in a theater and recaps what we have been seeing. He could be completely cut out of this and nothing would be lost. And he’s not even in a crypt!

From Utica, New York on April 11, 1994 on the April 18, 1994 Raw.

Bret Hart vs. Kwang

Hart’s WWF Title isn’t on the line. Kwang hammers away to start and kicks Hart in the face before spraying the green mist into the air (not slime Vince). Hart fights up and takes over onto the arm, including some armdrags into an armbar. That’s broken up and Hart is sent outside as we take a break.

Back with Kwang hitting a running spinwheel kick in the corner and getting two off a snapmare (yes a snapmare). The nerve hold goes on as Owen Hart calls in, with Bret fighting up and hitting a quick crossbody. Owen calmly talks about how he’s going to beat Bret in a Wrestlemania rematch as Bret fights back and hits a few Moves Of Doom. The Sharpshooter finishes Kwang off at 10:18.

Rating: C. Well that was short and to the point. This was little more than a reason to have Owen call in and to get Bret on the tape. That makes for a weird moment though as this was about setting up an upcoming Raw match, which you wouldn’t be able to see if you were watching the tape later. It doesn’t help that it was a nothing match with Kwang not being much of a challenge in any way.

From Rochester, New York on April 13, 1994.

Quebecers/Jeff Jarrett vs. Men On A Mission/Doink The Clown

Monsoon forgets that Ray Rougeau has retired and it’s Doink dropping a right hand on Jacques to start. Jarrett gets in a cheap shot from the apron and comes in to stomp away as commentary points out that the Quebecers’ titles aren’t on the line. You couldn’t put this match before the title change on the same tape? Mo comes in to trade shoulders with Pierre, who easily takes over with a big running shoulder (that looked good), only to charge into a spinebuster.

Doink comes in but gets stomped down as the alternating beating begins. A big toss sends Doink throat first onto the top rope and Pierre gets backdropped onto him for two. Jarrett’s dropkick in the corner sets up more choking and Doink is about to lose his hair. Monsoon: “HEY DOINK! GET OUT!” A sunset flip gives Doink one and he is immediately stomped right back down.

Doink finally gets a boot up to knock Pierre away and the tag…well it should bring in Mable as the referee didn’t see it despite looking right at them. Monsoon is calling for Mabel to come in and drag Doink to the right corner as Jacques gets two off a piledriver. Doink gets up and brings in Mabel to clean house without much effort. A clothesline sets up the double splash to pin Jacques 11:33.

Rating: D+. This tape is getting to the point of horrible with one dull match after another. Here we had Doink getting beaten up for a good while, with Monsoon getting annoyed at the whole thing (and forgetting who was Mo and who was Oscar). Mabel was the big wrecking ball at the end but it was a really dull path to get there.

Paul Bearer talks about going to the theater with Undertaker on cold nights.

From Springfield, Massachusetts on February 2, 1994.

Lex Luger/Randy Savage vs. Yokozuna/Crush

Savage is banged up but Monsoon insists that he was going to wrestle after putting his “John Henry” on the contract. Luger and Yokozuna start things off with Yokozuna punching him down. Some running clotheslines rock Yokozuna but he drops Luger with a single clothesline. Savage comes in to work on the arm and the good guys change without a tag when Crush tries to cheat.

Yokozuna pulls Luger over to the corner for the tag to Crush, who takes over rather quickly. It’s already back to Savage, who gets distracted by Mr. Fuji and beaten down into the corner as things slow back down. Crush grabs a bodyscissors as this couldn’t be more of a “yeah we’re doing the match, don’t expect anything else” match if it tried, because they aren’t exactly doing so.

Yokozuna comes in for the nerve hold (with his back to the camera because this wasn’t a TV match. The big charge misses in the corner and Savage…well eventually goes towards the right corner but takes so long that Crush cuts him off. Crush goes up top but misses a….I think we’ll say knee, allowing the tag off to Luger. That’s cut off almost immediately but Savage gets in a salt bucket shot to Crush for the pin at 12:21. Yeah what a hero.

Rating: D. Oh sweet goodness this was lame as CRUSH was probably working the hardest here. No one cared in the slightest out there and the match just came and went. I know it’s the last match of the night and the fans are ready to go home, but sweet goodness, a bit of effort should not be too much to ask. Horrible stuff.

Bearer sets up the main event, thank goodness.

From Springfield, Massachusetts on November 30, 1993.

Undertaker vs. Crush

Crush doesn’t even get an entrance here to show you how important this is. Commentary makes impotence jokes as we get a staredown to start. Crush hammers away but gets caught with a running DDT as the pace is already slowing. An elbow drop misses and it’s a clothesline to put Undertaker on the floor, only for him to grab the Stunner over the top.

Old School connects before Undertaker misses the jumping clothesline (that looked weird). Crush superkicks him outside as Johnny Polo wants to know the difference between a thrust kick and a crescent kick. Some chair shots put Undertaker down and the slow strikes ensue. A ram into the corner wakes Undertaker up for some reason but Crush cuts him off with a backbreaker.

The posing lets Undertaker sit up, with Polo freaking out because it takes so long for Undertaker to sit up that you can pin him. Crush does some military presses (geez) and drops a leg but Undertaker sits up again. For some reason Crush tries a Tombstone, which is reversed into the real thing to give Undertaker the win at 7:02.

Rating: C-. First and foremost: Johnny Polo came as close to saving this as he was HILARIOUS, with the running gag about covering Undertaker before the situp being great stuff and seemingly accurate. Other than that, they didn’t do much here but Crush’s military presses were impressive and Undertaker can do some good things with just about anyone. Somehow this was a better match than almost anything on the tape, which shows you just how bad things are going here. It wasn’t a great or even good match, but at least it was a nicer (on a sliding scale) way to end things.

Bearer wraps it up.

Overall Rating: D-. When Kwang is in the second best match out of two hours, there is not much wroth seeing on this stupid tape. This was one of the worst releases I’ve ever seen from Coliseum Video as there was no reason for it to be this bad. You could see how bad things were for the WWF around this time and egads this was a perfect showcase of why. Bad wrestling, few stars to get behind and just….what was supposed to be good here? Absolutely awful stuff.



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Smackdown – January 24, 2025: The Show To Get Ready For The Shows

Date: January 24, 2025
Location: Moody Center, Austin, Texas
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

We’re coming up on both Saturday Night’s Main Event and the Royal Rumble and that means it is time to hammer home the final pieces of the card. That is going to make for an interesting situation, along with various other issues around here. One of the biggest is the future of Solo Sikoa, who was at a loss for words last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Joe Tessitore welcomes us to the show and brings in Cody Rhodes for a chat. Tessitore brings up Rhodes having to hand over his title tomorrow night to get ready for the ladder match at the Royal Rumble. Rhodes is ready for the whole thing and knows Shawn Michaels is ready to be a perfect moderator. He’s fine with handing the title over to Michaels but it’s time to get ready for Wrestlemania season.

Tessitore brings up Rhodes’ issues with Owens, who Rhodes praises for his skill. The violence makes the ladder match all the more appropriate because it’s all about climbing the ladder and reaching this championship. As for what Rhodes would like to say to Owens before the match, maybe it’s true that Rhodes smiles a lot, but it doesn’t mean that he can’t take it to another level. He is the son of a plumber and the student of Randy Orton so he is ready to punch Owens in the face and knock him onto the island of self righteousness. Good luck at the Rumble. Simple, to the point promo from Rhodes here.

Pretty Deadly comes up to DIY but they don’t have time for Pretty Deadly’s match. DIY tells them to handle the Motor City Machine Guns tonight and do whatever it takes. With DIY gone, Pretty Deadly runs into Legado del Fantasma for a fairly tense staredown.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Pretty Deadly

Sabin armdrags Prince to start and it’s off to Shelley for stereo kicks to the head. Wilson comes in and gets caught with a double flapjack but Prince’s distraction lets Sabin get knocked outside. A posting has Sabin down as we take a break. Back with Sabin fighting back and managing to dive over for the needed tag to Shelley. Everything breaks down and Sabin hits a nice dive. Back in and a gutbuster puts Shelley down and an assisted middle rope bulldog gets two on Sabin. Spilled Mile is broken up though and Skull & Bones finishes Wilson at 9:54.

Rating: B-. Pretty Deadly is mainly known for their goofiness but they can hang in there with a good team. In this case they were in there with a great team and that made for a nice enough match. The Guns are on their way to a showdown for the titles and giving them some momentum like this is a good idea.

The Miz is officially on Smackdown but didn’t seem to know about it. He isn’t happy because he’s on the same show with the Wyatts, so Nick Aldis advises making some new friends.

Video on Braun Strowman vs. Jacob Fatu.

Kevin Owens invades commentary and wants to know where his interview is. Joe Tessitore is so annoying that he makes Owens miss Michael Cole! Owens gets on the announcers’ table and gets in an argument with Matthew McConnaghey before being interrupted by Jimmy Uso. Owens isn’t pleased but Uso says Owens talks too much and hits him in the face. Owens bails in a hurry, with Uso issuing a challenge for tonight.

Carmelo Hayes is mad at Nick Aldis because he was supposed to face Jimmy Uso. Aldis moves the match to next week but lets Hayes have a match with the newest Smackdown acquisition. That’s fine with Hayes, but he wants to meet the opponent before they go to the ring.

Chelsea Green/Piper Niven vs. B-Fab/Michin

Michin strikes away at Niven to start before pulling Green in. The Unprettier is broken up but Michin misses a charge into the corner. Michin fights back rather quickly and brings in B-Fab to clean house. Niven runs B-Fab over but a blind tag brings in Michin for Eat Defeat to pin Green at 3:25.

Rating: C. This was purely there for the sake of Michin getting to pin Green, likely setting up another title match between them. I like that better than having the two of them just put into another match after Green has beaten her twice, but this next one needs to be the last match. Green is rather good at what she does, though she needs a fresh opponent.

Carmelo Hayes meets his opponent tonight: Damian Priest. Hayes is aghast and the match is on for tonight.

Charlotte is back in the Royal Rumble. Well that was pretty obvious.

Here is Tiffany Stratton for a chat. She isn’t worried about the winner of the Royal Rumble because she’ll beat anyone…and here is Rhea Ripley to interrupt. Ripley is ready to face anyone because she’s going to beat Nia Jax. Cue Jax and Candice LeRae, with Jax officially entering the Royal Rumble.

Yes she’s going to win the title from Ripley tomorrow, but she’s winning the Rumble too. Cue Naomi and Bianca Belair to interrupt and they’re both in the Rumble. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez interrupt as well and Morgan is in as well. She kind of suggests that Rodriguez will be in but Ripley headbutts Morgan before we get an official announcement.

Bianca Belair/Naomi/Rhea Ripley vs. Nia Jax/Liv Morgan/Candice LeRae

Ripley and Jax start things off…and we’ll make that LeRae before anything happens. Everything breaks down and Naomi is tossed into a moonsault onto Jax for a nice spot. A standing moonsault/legdrop combination gets two on Morgan and Belair hammers away in the corner. Jax comes in off a blind tag though and runs Belair over but it’s way too early for the Annihilator.

We take a break and come back with Naomi in trouble as LeRae drags her back into the corner. Naomi tries to get away but Morgan is smart enough to break up the tag attempt, as you occasionally see. The diving tag brings in Ripley anyway and it’s time to pick the pace way up. Everything breaks down and Jax blocks the Riptide attempt. LeRae Codebreakers Ripley to the floor but gets caught with the KOD, only for Morgan to roll Belair up for the pin at 12:14.

Rating: C+. Perfectly fine match here with the villains stealing the win after a fairly wild finish. You don’t get that kind of thing often enough around here and it made for a fun match. Morgan stealing the pin is par for the course for her, even if it means nothing in the context of getting ready for the Royal Rumble.

Chelsea Green is upset at the loss and it’s made worse when Michin comes in, announcing that she has one more title shot next week. Niven says they need a bigger security detail. That sounds ominous.

Johnny Gargano vs. Apollo Crews

Tommaso Ciampa is here with Gargano. Crews muscles him up for a suplex to start and snaps off a dropkick to send Gargano outside. A moonsault to the floor drops Gargano, who is back up with a superkick to rock Crews for the first time. Crews is right back up with the gorilla press drop into the standing moonsault for two, only for Gargano to get in a pretty close to low blow. A missed charge sends Crews outside so Ciampa can get in a running knee but cue the Motor City Machine Guns. That’s enough of a distraction for Crews to grab a rollup pin at 4:14.

Rating: C. That was a nice little surprise result and I’ll take Crews actually getting a win for a change. Gargano and Ciampa were starting to do their cheating again but they lost because their numbers advantage went away. Good enough match here, though it was more about setting up the Tag Team Title match.

Jacob Fatu is ready for Braun Strowman because he’s King Kong and Godzilla, plus all gas and no brakes. Then Tama Tonga makes a weird sound.

Tama Tonga vs. LA Knight

Jacob Fatu is here with Tonga. Before the match, Knight promises various levels of beatings to both of them. Knight slugs away to start and grabs a powerslam before taking the fight outside. A clothesline puts Tonga over the barricade but he walks said barricade for a clothesline. Back in and a slingshot shoulder gives Knight two and they’re already on the floor again. Knight gets sent into the steps and we take a break.

Back with Tonga grabbing a dragon screw legwhip but Knight neckbreakers his way to a breather. That’s cut off as well so Knight has to fight out of a nerve hold, setting up a jumping neckbreaker. Tonga hits the jumping neckbreaker for two but Knight knocks him off the top. The jumping top rope elbow connects and the BFT finishes Tonga at 12:06.

Rating: B-. Knight needed a win like this one as he’s been kind of floundering since losing the US Title. Getting a clean win over someone who is in a big time stable is a good sign and I could go for Knight moving closer to the main event scene. I’m not sure if that is what he’s going to do, but Knight as the second or third biggest good guy on Smackdown has potential.

Post match Fatu jumps Knight and drives him onto the announcers’ table. Cue Braun Strowman and Tonga has to hold Fatu back. That doesn’t work so well so Tonga tries a distraction, only to have Fatu miss a charge. Strowman clears the ring and stands tall.

Miz tries to get on A-Town Down Under’s good side…but finds out that they have been sent to Raw.

Shinsuke Nakamura warns anyone against coming after the US Title and then enters the Royal Rumble.

Damian Priest vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes tries to strike away to start but gets caught with an Old School crossbody for two. They head outside with Hayes kicking away at the leg and we take an early break. Back with Hayes knocking him outside again and a high crossbody gets two. Hayes grabs an armbar before chopping away, which just wakes Priest up.

The Broken Arrow sets up the lifting Downward Spiral for two and Hayes is ready to walk. That’s broken up but Hayes is back with the First 48 for two. Barrett: “That First 48 usually beats most opponents.” No Wade, it doesn’t. Priest has had it with this and hits a rebound clothesline into South Of Heaven for the win at 10:48.

Rating: C+. This was a nice back and forth match as Hayes is becoming the guy whose job is to make everyone else look good. He’s solid enough in that role, but I could go for him doing more. That being said, this was all about Priest, who comes in and gets an impressive enough win through straight power and dominance, which worked well.

The Motor City Machine Guns are getting a 2/3 falls match against DIY for the Tag Team Titles at the Royal Rumble and DIY isn’t happy.

Cody Rhodes welcomes Damian Priest to Smackdown and Priest says he’ll see Rhodes soon.

Saturday Night’s Main Event rundown.

Miz says Andrade needs someone to guide him. Andrade likes that idea and goes off to find someone.

Jimmy Uso is ready to beat Carmelo Hayes next week.

Jimmy Uso vs. Kevin Owens

Hold on though as Hayes jumps Uso during the entrance but Uso is fine enough. Owens wears a Naomi shirt because he knows how to do some awesome yet simple things. The bell rings and Owens drops to the floor to yell at Tessitore, so Uso has to bring him back inside. That means Owens grabs a headlock into a backsplash to take over early before driving some shoulders in the corner. Uso fights out of said corner but it’s too early for the Umaga Attack.

Some rams into the apron have Owens in trouble but he’s right back with a knockdown off the apron. A frog splash off the apron hits Uso and we take a break. Back with Owens working on the arm but taking to long going up top, allowing Uso to…well get his arm snapped across the top. The Swanton hits raised knees though and now the running Umaga Attack connects.

The Samoan drop gets two and a superkick gets the same as they’re slowing down. Uso drops him again and goes up, only to miss the Superfly Splash. Another superkick gives Uso another two though and the spear connects. Uso goes up again but gets his arm snapped across the top, setting up the pop up powerbomb to give Owens the pin at 13:45.

Rating: B-. Nice main event here with Owens beating enough of a name opponent, though I’m not overly interested in seeing Uso vs. Hayes next week when they both lost here. That’s not the most logical move and it’s not like Hayes’ attack meant much. Owens needed the win on the way to the Rumble title match, though it was a bit of a weird way to get there.

Post match the package piledriver is loaded up but Cody Rhodes runs in for the save. Owens is beaten down as the fight continues to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The shows are getting better about stretching the three hours but the show still feel long. Maybe it’s being so used to two hours of Smackdown for so long but these shows still don’t feel quite right. Other than that, they had a show that was designed to set up the next two big shows, which makes things a bit tricky. With the Rumble in about a week, very little feels important because everything changes there. For now though, nice enough show which set some things up, but I’m looking forward to these shows dropping back to two hours.

Motor City Machine Guns b. Pretty Deadly – Skull & Bones to Wilson
B-Fab/Michin b. Chelsea Green/Piper Niven – Eat Defeat to Green
Liv Morgan/Nia Jax/Candice LeRae b. Rhea Ripley/Naomi/Bianca Belair – Rollup to Belair
Apollo Crews b. Johnny Gargano – Rollup
LA Knight b. Tama Tonga – BFT
Damian Priest b. Carmelo Hayes – South Of Heaven
Kevin Owens b. Jimmy Uso – Pop up powerbomb



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NXT LVL Up – December 6, 2024: That Counts

Date: December 6, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

We have four episodes of the show left and that isn’t exactly the saddest thing in the world. The show is so hit and miss that it’s hard to get excited about the thing and that isn’t likely to change. I’m not sure what to expect here, mainly because there is little way to guess what is coming on this show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results in case you missed it.

Opening sequence.

Dion Lennox vs. Jasper Troy

The rather large Troy shoves him around to start but gets taken down with a headlock takeover. Back up and Troy gets in a drop onto the turnbuckle, setting up something like a Boss Man Slam. There’s a backbreaker for two as Troy starts in on the back, including an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up so Lennox has to escape a chokeslam, meaning a spinebuster puts Troy down. Troy misses a charge into the post though and it’s a Jackhammer (or close enough) to give Lennox the pin at 5:21.

Rating: C. They’re trying something with Lennox here and I’m still not sure I get it. He has a nice look, but taking his glasses off as his version of taking down the straps isn’t exactly great. It doesn’t help that he’s stuck in the middle of the Ashante Thee Adonis/Karmen Petrovic deal, as that is hardly working. Troy is a big guy with a good look of his own, but he didn’t get to do much here.

Layla Diggs is ready to finish things with Lainey Reid.

Lainey Reid is ready to finish things with Layla Diggs.

Layla Diggs vs. Lainey Reid

Reid pulls her down into a headlock to start but Diggs is back up to flip over the top rope. An armbar has Reid in trouble for a change and a standing moonsault gives Diggs two. Back up and Reid starts in on the leg, including a cannonball down onto the leg. A dropkick to the knee keeps Diggs in trouble and we hit the half crab.

That’s broken up and Diggs is back with a quick butterfly suplex. Somehow Diggs manages a spinning kick in the corner before slamming Reid off the top for two. Reid is back with a spinebuster (they LOVE those in NXT) but another half crab is broken up. Reid’s rollup with ropes is caught so she goes back to the knee. A Shining Wizard gives Reid the pin at 7:21.

Rating: C+. This worked well enough for a LVL Up match as they had something with the leg, which even tied into the finish. It helps that there was a backstory to this one, as it added something despite not being much. That has been missing for pretty much the entirety of LVL Up’s existence so it’s very nice to see for a change.

Overall Rating: C+. You can only get so much out of these twenty minute versions and that was the case again here. The main event was good enough but when that’s half of the show, you’re only getting so far. Then again the show is ending in less than a month so it isn’t like what they do matters very much anyway. Nice enough though, especially with what passes for a long term feud being paid off.

Dion Lennox b. Jasper Troy – Jackhammer
Lainey Reid b. Layla Diggs – Shining Wizard



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Dynamite – January 22, 2025: Part Of It Worked

Date: January 22, 2025
Location: Knoxville Civic Auditorium, Knoxville, Tennessee
Commentators: Taz, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We are closing in on Grand Slam and that means it is time to start getting ready for the show. There is a good chance that we are going to see something set up this week, as we are starting up some big things. Revolution is coming up as well and that means there are a lot of things going on. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Here is Will Ospreay to get things going, with Kenny Omega coming out to join him. Sidenote: like him or not, Omega gets the superstar entrance to end them all around here and there is no way around it. The fans love him and he comes off like the king of the world. Ospreay talks about how Omega came back in a weird time because the Death Riders are holding the World Title hostage and Ospreay wants to do something about it but can’t get away from the Don Callis Family.

Omega talks about them fighting at Forbidden Door, where Ospreay tried to drop him on his head. That makes Ospreay no better than Callis, and no matter what he does, Omega is still better. Ospreay can take the #2 spot, but Omega has the #1 spot locked up. Cue Callis but Omega immediately goes after him, with Konosuke Takeshita jumping Omega. Kyle Fletcher comes in for the beatdown and Ospreay, eventually, comes in for the save.

The big brawl is on with Callis sending in the Murder Machines and the big fight heads into the concourse. Ospreay and Omega fight back and put Lance Archer through a well placed merchandise table. The brawl heads back into the arena, with Omega and Ospreay hitting some gorgeous dives off various structures to take the villains down. Omega and Ospreay climb the light structure and Omega says next time it’s Callis’ turn. Omega issues the challenge for Grand Slam to Takeshita and Fletcher.

The catchphrase is loaded up and, after Omega’s music starts and stops, he gets it in. Then Omega wants to get down because he is scared of heights (fair enough as I can relate). This was a heck of an opening segment, mainly because Omega and Ospreay were acting like superheroes, which is where they shine. The only drawback was they were doing it against Don Callis, as the energy just goes sailing out the window whenever he’s around.

Video on Pac.

The Death Riders talk about how Cope is in a world he doesn’t understand. He’s willing to finish the job on Cope’s neck because they don’t have time for relics of the past.

Tag Team Titles: Hurt Syndicate vs. Private Party

The Syndicate, with MVP on commentary, is challenging. Lashley takes over on Quen to start before handing it off to Benjamin. A neckbreaker/Swanton combination gives Kassidy a quick two but Lashley grabs Quen from the apron. The Syndicate is sent to the floor, where they catch stereo dives and hit belly to belly suplexes.

We take a break and come back with Kassidy having been put through the announcers’ table and Quen being thrown around by Benjamin. Kassidy is back up and Quen fights up, allowing the tag off to Kassidy to pick up the pace. A pop up dropkick hits Benjamin and a 450 gets two, with Lashley making the save. Lashley spears Kassidy in half for the pin and the titles at 9:10.

Rating: B-. This was how the match should have gone, as Private Party has not felt important since winning the titles. The problem came down to they have done nothing in AEW other than beat the Young Bucks twice. Since winning the titles, they have mainly sat back while teams qualified to face them or watched Action Andretti/Lio Rush vs. Top Flight. What else was supposed to happen here? The Syndicate has looked like monsters since showing up and them winning the titles is the right move.

Video on Mariah May vs. Toni Storm at Grand Slam.

Harley Cameron gives Toni Storm a pep talk. In Australian. Renee Paquette: “I didn’t get a word of that.”

Karen Jarrett tries to calm Jeff Jarrett down but he’s got this.

Here is Jeff Jarrett for a chat. Jarrett talks about being on after Jerry Lawler one night and not doing quite as well, including on the microphone. After the match, Lawler asked what Jarrett was thinking. Never get in the gutter with your opponent, like he did with MJF last week. They’ll deal with that one day, but for now, he wants Jon Moxley out here.

Moxley’s music plays but Claudio Castagnoli comes in to jump Jarrett instead. Castagnoli says no one gets to Moxley without getting through him first, so stay out of their business. With Castagnoli in the crowd, Jarrett challenges him for next week, with a title shot coming if he wins. I guess Jarrett might get the title hot in Australia, which is certainly a choice they could make.

Video on Megan Bayne.

Swerve Strickland vs. AR Fox

They fight over a suplex to start until Swerve sends him outside for a moonsault. Back in and Swerve drops him gain without much trouble and we take a break. We come back with Fox working on the arm and hitting a step up moonsault to the floor. Swerve fights back but cue Ricochet for a distraction. Prince Nana whips out a pipe to chase him off, leaving Fox to hit a quick Lo Mein Pain for two, only to miss the 450. Swerve is back with the rolling Downward Spiral into the House call. Fox has to scoot WAY over so the Swerve Stomp can finish at 9:15.

Rating: B-. This was a perfectly fine match between two guys who know how to work well with each other. It also didn’t go quite as long as I was expecting and that is nice to see for a change. Strickland didn’t give up a ton of offense and it made things better. Nana whipping out a pipe from nowhere was amusing enough as a bonus.

Post match Ricochet pops up to show that he has Prince Nana held a scissors point. They’ll meet next week. I’m still not sure about Ricochet as this crazy violent guy, but that’s where we’re going. Or at least what is being teased.

We look at Powerhouse Hobbs getting a win in a twelve man tag on Collision.

The Learning Tree is happy to be here in Knoxville, in the Rocky Mountains. Big Bill seems ok with the loss but Chris Jericho isn’t happy. What is Bill going to do about it? Bill gets serious and challenges Hobbs for Collision. They really aren’t going to stretch this Learning Tree stuff out until Eddie Kingston is back right?

Here is MJF, who orders a jobber to get out of his ring. MJF wants an apology from Jeff Jarrett because it is hilarious that Jarrett thinks he can win a World Title in 2025 without MJF’s help. Maybe he is as senile as he looks. The reality is that wrestling does not love Jarrett anymore and neither do these fans. A mediocre strength DOUBLE J chant slows things down a bit before MJF says Jarrett might go better off making by making a deal with the devil rather than defying him.

Hangman Page vs. ???

It’s the same guy who MJF sent to the floor before the match and it’s a Buckshot Lariat for the pin at 33 seconds.

Post match Page gives him the Angel’s Wings. Christopher Daniels comes out to say he regrets taking the match with Page, because his neck is so damaged that his doctors have advised him to never wrestle again. He hopes Page can be happy and then walks away, leaving Page looking a bit shaken. That sounds like the end of Daniels’ career and the start of Page coming back to reality.

Mercedes Mone is ready to continue her international expansion. She’s ready to fight in Australia so here is Harley Cameron to challenger her. In song. She’s going to make Mone feel her wrath because four belts is a bit much. Mone says no because Cameron hasn’t won a mach on AEW TV. Renee Paquette does compliment the song.

Jamie Hayter vs. Julia Hart

they go outside to start and Hart is sent into the barricade. Then Hart is sent into the barricade and steps as this is a rather violent match to start. A missile dropkick gives Hayter two but Hart pulls her off the middle rope to send Hayter face first into the buckle. We take a break and come back with Hayter knocking her off the top for a double knockdown.

Hayter snaps off some German suplexes and hits a spinebuster for two. The half crab sends Hart over to the ropes and she grabs an Octopus hold. Hayter powers out and hits a backbreaker but Hart crucifix bombs her for two more. Hart stops to glare at the crowd though and the Hatebreaker into Hayterade finishes for Hayter at 9:38.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what it is about Hayter but there isn’t much to get interested in about her since she has been back. She’s just not very interesting and it’s showing more every time she’s out there. Hart is fine enough but these matches haven’t made me want to see either of them again, which is likely why we’re probably getting a rubber match.

Post match Hayter says she’s up for a rubber match anytime.

Powerhouse Hobbs will be waiting for Big Bill in the parking lot at Collision.

Swerve Strickland is coming after Ricochet soon.

Brody King/Buddy Matthews/Julia Hart, now with a dog, suggest that they have no leader. Then King puts on a mask and talks about barking. Then he barks.

Cope vs. Pac

They go to the mat to start and trade hammerlocks with neither getting very far. Back up and Pac backs him against the ropes before kicking away at the ribs. Cope heads to the floor and drops him face first onto the steps, followed by a whip into the barricade. Pac kicks the knee out and sends him into the apron, with Cope instantly favoring his neck.

A big dive takes Cope out again and we take a break. Back with Cope fighting out of a chinlock and hitting a dropkick to leave both of them down. Cope gets up and hits the Impaler but goes to the corner instead of covering. The spear is cut off and Pac hits a superkick to the back of the head.

A pump kick tot he back of the head sets up a release German suplex and Cope is rocked. The Brutalizer goes on but Cope powers up and plants him for the escape. Cope hits a spear to the back and another to the front, setting up a TKO of all things for the pin on Pac at 17:33.

Rating: C+. I wasn’t getting into this as the match was decent enough but it wasn’t very exciting. That has been the case with Cope for a good while now as he seems to love the idea of these long matches. Not a great match and the fans were only so into it, mainly because it’s yet another Death Riders match, despite the seeming lack of any interest in the story.

We cut to the back where the Death Riders have kidnapped FTR (again) and beat up the Rock N Roll Express. Cue the Death Riders to go after Cope and the beatdown is on. Jay White runs in for the save but gets beaten down as well, leaving Moxley to choke Cope out to end the show.

Oh I laughed hard at this ending, as AEW is now probably up to septupling up on the Death Riders stuff. Moxley gets to come out and look all awesome not once but twice, leaving the good guys laying again. Such is life in AEW, as this story keeps going, likely until Darby Allin is done climbing Mount Everest or whatever his latest thing is. Lucky us indeed.

Overall Rating: C+. This one didn’t do much for me, as the opening segment and title switch were about the only things worth seeing. The rest of the show fell into the same trap that AEW has been dealing with for a long time: it is all so serious and, save for Harley Cameron, most of it just isn’t fun. Everything feels like it’s all about being serious and such and that can get rough fast. I’m not sure what AEW needs, but just giving us some kind of comic relief or something a bit more goofy might be very nice for a change. For now though, not a bad show, but it got tedious in a hurry in the last hour or so.

Hurt Syndicate b. Private Party – Spear to Kassidy
Swerve Strickland b. AR Fox – Swerve Stomp
Hangman Page b. ??? – Buckshot Lariat
Jamie Hayter b. Julia Hart – Hayterade
Cope b. Pac – TKO



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TNA Genesis 2025: Dang They’re Good

Genesis 2025
Date: January 19, 2025
Location: Curtis Culwell Center, Garland, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the first major pay per view of the year and the big story is that Joe Hendry is getting his second chance to become TNA World Champion. That’s enough of a story, but other than that, there is a good chance that NXT is going to be heavily involved around here, as the two promotions have announced a multi-year partnership. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Ashante Thee Adonis vs. Jake Something

This is the result of NXT’s Adonis’ opening challenge to officially kick off the new partnership. Adonis throws his jacket at Something to start and is promptly run over with some shoulders. A hard forearm takes Adonis down again and, after shrugging off some stomps, Something shoves him into the corner. Adonis gets in a forearm to the back and kicks away but Something is back with a heck of a running shoulder in the corner. Something knocks him out of the air and hits Into The Void for the win at 3:54.

Rating: C+. Nice choice for an opener here as Something got to look like a monster and the fans liked what they were seeing. Other than that, it was nice to see a TNA star dominating an NXT name, even someone as low on the list as Adonis. Not a great match, but it was fun and got the fans going without taking much time. In other words, it was exactly what it should have been.

Kickoff Show: Leon Slater vs. Frankie Kazarian

JDC is on commentary. Kazarian armdrags him down to start but Slater gets in a whip to the corner, meaning it’s time to dance. Back up and Slater is sat on top for a shove out to the floor, setting up the slingshot legdrop for two back inside. The running flipping neckbreaker gives Kazarian two and there’s a springboard spinning legdrop, though JDC isn’t happy with Slater playing to the crowd (ignore Slater not playing to the crowd).

Slater fights up and hits a running boot to the face, setting up a high crossbody for two. Something like a Blue Thunder Bomb gives Slater two but the slingshot Fameasser into the slingshot cutter drops Slater again. Fade To Black is blocked and Slater kicks him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive over the post. Back in and the Swanton 450 hits knees though, with Kazarian grabbing a rollup with tights for the pin at 9:04.

Rating: C+. Gah they were starting to get to a higher level right at the end when it all stopped. I’m not sure if Slater is going to go on to become anything big around here but the fans are reacting to him and his high flying stuff is looking rather nice. That’s more than enough to warrant giving him another look and TNA seems to know that, even this early in his time with the company. The fans were reacting to Slater here and I could have gone for another few minutes.

Camryn Wright sings the National Anthem.

The opening video talks about how this is the beginning and looks at the biggest matches.

X-Division Title: Moose vs. Ace Austin

Moose, with JDC and Alisha Edwards, is defending and debuts a new title design. Austin immediately jumps him to start and hammers away in the corner but they’re quickly on the floor. Moose gets in a whip into the barricade and then does it again for a bonus. A missed charge sends Moose into the barricade for a change though and Austin adds a suplex on the floor.

JDC offers a distraction, allowing Austin to get chokeslammed off the top and onto the apron. Back in and Austin tries to fire off some chops but gets knocked down without much trouble. The spear misses for Moose and Austin Russian legsweeps him down. A springboard kick to the face and a double stomp gets two. The Fold is blocked and Moose’s middle rope chokebomb gives him two of his own.

They slug it out until Moose knocks him to the floor, where another chokebomb is countered into a hurricanrana. They go outside where Moose accidentally spears JDC, allowing Austin to hit the Fold. Cue Brian Myers for a distraction, with Moose hitting the spear for two. Austin kicks him in the head and tries the Art Of Finesse but gets speared out of the air. Another spear retains the title at 14:38.

Rating: B. I kept going back and forth about the winner here, as the appeal of having Austin win the title in honor of Chris Bey would have been an awesome moment. At the same time, Moose holding onto the title and dominating the division until someone steps up to dethrone him works very well too. I could go for seeing where that goes long term and if it means more matches like this, I’m all for it. This was a heck of a power vs. speed match and the fans, again, were all over what they were being given. Austin can go with anyone and I wouldn’t be complaining about seeing him doing something more important.

Post match the beatdown is teased but Eric Young and Steve Maclin (scheduled to face the System tonight) run in for the save. The brawl is on and we’re doing this one now.

Steve Maclin/Eric Young vs. The System

Maclin backbreakers Edwards to start and knees Myers down, only for Edwards to come back with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Myers takes over on Maclin and Edwards adds a clothesline for two as commentary talks about the history of tag wrestling in the company. Maclin facebusters and clotheslines his way out of trouble, allowing Young to come in and clean house. The top rope elbow gets two on Myers but a double suplex drops Young for two. Everything breaks down and Alisha’s distraction lets Myers get in a spear for two on Maclin. The System Overload is broken up though and it’s the KIA to pin Myers at 7:30.

Rating: C+. Another fast paced match here and the good thing is they didn’t take too long. That’s a trap that so many promotions fall into and it’s nice to see someone realize that a match like this doesn’t need to be fifteen minutes. Maclin and Young aren’t likely to be a long term team, but they’re fine for two bigger names who don’t have anything else to do at the moment.

We meet the French announce team and run down the rest of the card.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Spitfire vs. Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance

Spitfire is defending but the challengers get a New Age Outlaws style introduction by the Personal Concierge. By Elegance are in Dallas Cowboys cheerleader gear but stop to say GO EAGLES, meaning the fight is on in a hurry. Luna splashes Ash for two to start but a double suplex is broken up. Heather comes in and gets suplexed (with a squat) instead but the Concierge gets in a trip from the floor to take over.

Back in and Luna gets choked on the ropes, allowing Luna to flip around a bit. A running dropkick in the corner gets two on Luna and Ash grabs a chinlock. That’s broken up and it’s off to Threat to clean house. Everything breaks down and a Backstabber/double stomp combination gets two on Threat. Luna is back in with some German suplexes before Threat sends Heather outside with Pop Shove It. The Pressure Drop retains the titles at 9:31.

Rating: C. The match was fine but the titles still don’t feel like they really need to be a thing. By Elegance was a fine choice for challengers, but where do we go from here? The champions retained the titles clean, so other than a rematch, it’s time to find new challengers. That has been the problem for the titles since their inception and that is going to continue until there are a lot more teams to pick from, which isn’t seeming likely.

We look at Frankie Kazarian beating Leon Slater on the Kickoff Show.

Kazarian teases cashing in his Call Your Shot tonight.

We recap Tessa Blanchard vs. Jordynne Grace. Blanchard returned at Final Resolution and no one is happy about it, with Grace stepping up for the Knockouts division and the company.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace wastes no time in powering her into the corner to hammer away. They head outside with Grace hitting a big dive but Blanchard sends her into the steps. A hurricanrana is countered into a swing into the steps but Blanchard stomps on the hand. The fans are all over Blanchard here as she comes back in with a dragon sleeper. Blanchard sends her into the corner for a running Codebreaker but Grace catches her on top with a super fall away slam.

They take their time getting up before slugging it out, with Grace getting the better of things. A package powerbomb gives Grace two but Blanchard is back with a double underhook Canadian Destroyer for the same. Grace’s suplex is countered into a neckbreaker for two more and they head back outside.

Grace shrugs off a shot to the head and hits a Death Valley Driver from the steps to the floor for a nasty crash. Back in and they go up, with Blanchard grabbing a super crucifix driver for two more. Blanchard is back up with an octopus but Grace reverses into a reverse fisherman’s suplex.

A cutter drops Grace for two but she’s right back up with a spinning reverse Alabama Slam for two more. With nothing else working, Blanchard rips off most of a turnbuckle pad and Buzzsaw (hammerlock DDT) sends Grace into the pad for two. A bulldog into the buckle and Magnum (top rope Codebreaker) finish Grace at 20:17.

Rating: B+. Blanchard has a lot of baggage to her and that has ruined a lot of her career, but she is one of the most talented women of her generation. She’s a complete package and it makes sense for TNA to want her to be a major star. I’m not sure how well that is going to go given what she has done behind the scenes, but dang it can be fun to see her in the ring.

We recap Mike Santana vs. Josh Alexander. They hate each other, they’ve been fighting a lot, it’s time for an I Quit match.

Josh Alexander vs. Mike Santana

I Quit match and the Northern Armory is barred from ringside. Alexander goes for the wrestling to start and Santana realizes he’s in over his head, so he sends Alexander to the floor for a big flip dive. It takes to long to set up a table though and Alexander snaps off an overhead belly to belly suplex. Alexander starts going after the leg and rolls Three Amigos to really annoy the crowd.

The running crossbody to the back misses so Alexander has to settle for a World’s Strongest Slam onto the apron. Back in and Santana uses the good leg for a kick to the face, setting up a Cannonball. A Death Valley Driver hits Alexander and they’re both down. Spin The Block is countered into the ankle lock but Santana loses his boot to escape (and commentary points out the Eddie Guerrero connections), only to get backdropped over the top and through the table at ringside.

That’s still a no on quitting so Alexander grabs a chair and beats the heck out of the leg. Santana insists there is no quit in him so Alexander stomps away, even with Santana busted open. The C4 Spike just wakes Santana up and a springboard hurricanrana sets up a frog splash.

Spin The Block puts Alexander down but he won’t quit. Santana steals Alexander’s zip tie and ties the arms together, setting up another Spin The Block. A Cannonball against a table onto Alexander still isn’t enough so he pulls out the slap jack and hammers at the ribs. That’s still not enough so Santana loads up a Curb Stomp onto the steps, which makes Alexander quit at 23:08.

Rating: B. All of the Eddie tributes aside, this was a star making performance from Santana, as he survived everything Alexander threw at him and then overwhelmed one of the most successful stars TNA has ever had. If Santana isn’t World Champion by the end of the year, I don’t know what this company is doing, because he has stepped up in a huge way and the fans are reacting to everything that he does.

Post match Santana wants a handshake and Alexander gives him one….then he quits TNA.

We recap the Hardys defending the Tag Team Titles against the Rascalz. The Hardys are the champions and the Rascalz want the titles.

Tag Team Titles: Hardys vs. Rascalz

The Hardys are defending…and NXT Tag Team Champions Fraxiom come down to watch at ringside. Matt and Miguel start things off with a series of exchanges and escapes before it’s off to Jeff (pop) vs. Wentz. Jeff takes him down for some early near falls and it’s quickly off to Matt for two of his own. Wentz knees Jeff down though and some rapid fire strikes take over without much effort. A Dream Sequence gets two but Matt cuts off a dive and hits a Side Effect on the floor.

Back in and the Plot twist gets two on Miguel and everything breaks down, with a baseball slide sending Matt into Fraxiom. A dive takes Fraxiom out by mistake so here is security to get rid of them. Jeff uses the steps for Poetry In Motion but Miguel is back with an enziguri to Matt and everyone is down. The Twist Of Fate is broken up and it’s a Cheeky Nandos Kick into a 619 to Jeff. Another Twist is broken up but Matt grabs one on Miguel, setting up the Swanton to retain at 13:04.

Rating: C+. The match was mostly action packed and the Fraxiom tease was mainly about setting up something for the future, but it’s still a bit much to see the ancient Hardys beating another young, talented team. It wouldn’t shock me to see the Hardys getting the NXT Tag Team Titles soon and that’s a bit much to take.

Video on the Chris Bey Go Fund Me.

Rebellion is in Los Angeles on April 27.

We recap Rosemary challenging Masha Slamovich for the Knockouts Title. Rosemary hasn’t had the title in seven years so now it’s time for a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match.

Knockouts Title: Rosemary vs. Masha Slamovich

Rosemary is challenging in a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match, meaning a weapons filled, falls count anywhere street fight. Slamovich strikes away to start and grabs a trashcan lid to take over fast. A staple gun to various parts of Rosemary have her in trouble but she mists Slamovich to take over.

It’s too early for a DDT onto an open chair and Slamovich can see well enough for a running crossbody to put Rosemary through a table at ringside. Slamovich’s running flip dive off the apron only hits chair though and it’s time to bust out Janice (the 2×4 with nails sticking out), which is raked over Slamovich’s back. The beating takes Slamovich up the ramp as Rosemary pours the tags onto the stage.

A spear sends Slamovich into the tacks but instead of covering, it’s time for a barbed wire board. As usual, that takes too long and it’s a Snow Plow to send Rosemary into the wire. Slamovich goes up a well placed ladder but gets shoved down through a table at ringside. Back in and Rosemary sets up some chairs, only to get piledriven from the middle rope onto said chairs to retain the title at 14:02.

Rating: B. It was a violent match, but it was hard to imagine that Slamovich was in any serious danger here. She is going to need a special kind of challenger to take the title. Rosemary is a talented star, but Slamovich is a monster champion right now and I could go for seeing her hold the title for a good while.

Post match NXT’s Cora Jade comes out for a staredown with Slamovich.

The Busted Open Radio hosts talk about the main event but Ryan Nemeth comes out to say HIS BROTHER is not going to be happy with their picks. Santana Marella bans him from ringside.

We recap the World Title match. Nic Nemeth beat Joe Hendry to retain the title at Bound For Glory but Hendry earned a rematch and feels he has to win to validate all of the faith in him.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Nic Nemeth

Hendry is challenging. They fight over a lockup to start with the stronger Hendry shoving him down for an early advantage. They trade rollups for two each before fighting over wrist control. Nemeth hits a dropkick but Hendry is right back with a jumping knee. The delayed suplex is countered into a sleeper from Nemeth as Ryan Nemeth, ticket in hand, sits down at ringside.

Hendry fights out of an armbar and fires off some uppercuts, only to get caught with a neckbreaker. A crossface keeps Hendry in trouble until he fights up, where Nemeth hits another dropkick. Hendry is fine enough to grab a running cutter and wins a slugout, setting up the all away slam to send Nemeth flying. A short powerbomb gives Hendry two and an AA is good for the same as the momentum is building.

Nemeth knocks him off the top rope and hits a Fameasser for two, leaving them both down. For some reason Nemeth goes up but gets caught in a super fall away slam. Cue Kazarian with the trophy but John Layfield makes the save before taking out Ryan Nemeth and leaving. The Standing Ovation gives Hendry two and the superkick into the Danger Zone gives Nemeth the same. Back up and Hendry hits another fall away slam into another Standing Ovation for the pin and the title at 19:07.

Rating: B. They didn’t have another real option here, which makes the relief that they did the right thing all the funnier. What matters the most is that Hendry got the win (clean at that) and gets to be the top star, as long as it lasts. This is what TNA needed to do and it came after a hard fought, back and forth match where Hendry FINALLY won the big one. Good stuff here as they close it out on a feel good moment.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a heck of a show with nothing bad and some nice feel good moments. I was way into a lot of what I was seeing here and they even paid it off with a big moment at the end. They didn’t do anything screwy here and it was about four hours counting Kickoff Show. Really awesome show here and worth a look if you want a look at what TNA can do and in this case, does.

Jake Something b. Ashante Thee Adonis – Into The Void
Frankie Kazarian b. Leon Slater – Rollup with tights
Moose b. Ace Austin – Spear
Steve Maclin/Eric Young b. The System – KIA to Myers
Spitfire b. Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance – Pressure Drop to Ash
Tessa Blanchard b. Jordynne Grace – Magnum
Mike Santana b. Josh Alexander when Alexander quit
Hardys b. Rascalz – Swanton to Miguel
Masha Slamovich b. Rosemary – Middle rope piledriver onto open chairs



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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AEW Collision – January 18, 2025: Hanging Up The Wings?

Date: January 18, 2025
Location: Andrew J. Brady Music Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re about a month away from grand Slam and in this case we have another special in the form of Maximum Carnage. The big deal this week is a Texas Deathmatch between Hangman Page and Christopher Daniels, which should be rather violent. Other than that, we’ll need to see what is next for a lot of people. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

The Outrunners, Powerhouse Hobbs, Rated FTR, Kazuchika Okada, Christopher Daniels and Hangman Page are ready to fight.

Christopher Daniels vs. Hangman Page

Texas Deathmatch, which in AEW terms means you can only win by knockout or submission. Page cuts off the early jawing and hammers away in the corner before clotheslining Daniels to the floor. There’s a dive to take him out again and Daniels is sent into the barricade as this is total dominance. A chair to the face drops Daniels again and we’ve already got some blood.

Barbed wire to the cut has Daniels in more trouble and Page rips at the jaw. The wire is wrapped around Page’s arm for a discus forearm as we take a break. Back with Daniels hitting a desperation clothesline but getting sent face first into a chair in the corner. Daniels is laid on a table for a stomp from the apron, with the table collapsing but not breaking for a unique look.

It’s time for a barbed wire table (because of course) but Page takes too long up top and gets super Rock Bottomed through the table. A Buckshot Lariat and Angel’s Wings on the apron are both blocked but Daniels is back with a Koji Clutch. That’s broken up as well so Daniels grabs Angel’s Wings for a breather. The BME connects, followed by another onto a table onto Page. That doesn’t really matter as Page is back up for a Tombstone onto the chair. Daniels is on his feet in less than thirty seconds so it’s a Deadeye onto a chair, followed by the Buckshot Lariat to the back of the head to end Daniels at 16:44.

Rating: B. Word on the street is that this is the end for Daniels and if that is the case, he went out with a hard hitting, violent match which made Page look great. Daniels has been a dependable hand in AEW for a long time now and it was nice to see him getting out there one more time. Heck of a match here, and Page should be on his way to bigger things soon.

Post match Page comes back and hits an Angel’s Wings.

Here is Toni Storm for a chat. She can’t believe that she is going to her hometown for a title shot in the building where she saw her first wrestling show. Mariah May is the best in the world and they need to meet face to face next week. Tony Schiavone isn’t convinced but goes along with it anyway.

We look at the Hurt Syndicate wrecking Mark Briscoe and Private Party on Dynamite.

The Hurt Syndicate wants the Tag Team Titles.

Undisputed Kingdom vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Shane Taylor is here with his own Promotions. Strong and Moriarty start things off so it’s quickly off to Dean, who gets kicked in the chest. Some cheating from the floor takes the good guys down though and the Infantry gets to pose on the apron as we take a break. Back with Cole missing the Panama Sunrise but scoring with the superkick. Strong comes in to clean house as everything breaks down. The High/Low finishes Bravo at 6:54.

Rating: C+. I have no idea why a six minute match needed a break in the middle, but at least they kept the match short. This wasn’t a match that was going to need a lot of time and it made the Kingdom look that much better. At the same time, this isn’t going to make hearing Taylor talk about how dominant the team is in ROH, but it’s not like that show matters anyway, even to the people running it.

Post match Taylor comes in and wrecks the Kingdom but Daniel Garcia comes in to take him down.

We look at Kenny Omega returning to the ring on Dynamite but getting beaten down by the Don Callis Family, with Will Ospreay not being able to make the save.

Ospreay isn’t happy and wants to meet Omega face to face next week on Dynamite.

Murder Machines vs. Top Flight

The Machines jump them to start and a backbreaker/running kick to the head combination hits Darius. A kick to the head gets Darius out of trouble though and it’s Dante coming in to pick up the pace. Archer misses a charge into the corner and everything breaks down, with the Machines easily taking them down. A powerbomb/chokeslam combination finishes Dante at 3:47.

Rating: C. This wasn’t quite a squash but what matters the most is that the Machines looked good. They could be the resident monster team around here without much trouble and to do that, they have to win matches like this one. At the same time, I could go for seeing Top Flight as something other than jobbers, as they are more than good enough to be in a better place than that.

Post match the Machines leave so here are Action Andretti and Lio Rush to jump Top Flight. Sweet goodness do the Martins owe AEW money or something?

The Learning Tree insists they will be on the same page as the Death Riders tonight. Chris Jericho talks about his history with Jon Moxley and if Moxley is as smart as Jericho thinks he is, they’ll be fine here.

The Undisputed Kingdom thanks Daniel Garcia and challenge he and Matt Menard to find a partner for a six man on Dynamite. Deal. For some reason, the audio here was terrible and I could barely hear what they were saying.

Here is Max Caster, with a bag, for a chat. He wants to clear the air with Anthony Bowens, who comes to the ring as well. Caster talks about how they’re a great team, but the issue is that Bowens will not admit that Caster is the best wrestler in the world. That sends Bowens off, as he talks about how he has protected Caster from people finding out his expectations. Bowens has worked to represent this company for a long time now and is AEW’s five tool player. Caster whips out a trademark dubbing him the best wrestler in the world, which is kind of awesome.

Cue Billy Gunn to ask what is going on with the two of them because they did some amazing things together. Caster calls Gunn selfish for making it about himself when it should have been about Caster all along. Gunn ruins every team, including his own kids. Bowens is told to pick a side and he picks Gunn, which has Caster walking off, going on a huge rant about how much the other two suck. Bowens scissors with Gunn as Caster storms off.

Swerve Strickland was in a celebrity golf tournament.

Strickland, with Prince Nana, is ready to end Ricochet in Atlanta on February 5. He can’t wait to choke Ricochet, which is a rather specific wish.

Continental Title: Kazuchika Okada vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Okada is defending and Schiavone explains their history together. A chop rocks Okada and he bails out to the floor, where another clothesline takes him down. We take a break and come back with Ishii getting two off a superplex, only to get dropped onto Okada’s knee. The top rope elbow connects but Ishii wrenches the extended middle finger. Ishii hits a clothesline but runs into the dropkick. The Rainmaker is blocked and Ishii knocks him down for two. Okada hits another dropkick and grabs the bell, which is quickly taken away. That means it’s a low blow into the Rainmaker to retain the title at 8:14.

Rating: B-. It was a hard hitting fight and I’m well aware of the history between the two of them. That being said, we just finished a month long tournament to get a shot at this title, with wrestlers having to win multiple matches and survive. On the other hand, Ishii has never actually won a singles match in AEW and lost multiple recent title shots both here and elsewhere. I could go for a better reason for a title match than “they teamed together in Japan and had a really good match there years ago”.

The Gates Of Agony want a match next week.

Dustin Rhodes vs. Adam Priest

Priest isn’t interested in respect to start and gets his arm cranked as a result. The snap powerslam doesn’t quite go smoothly and the referee breaks up Shattered Dreams. Rhodes isn’t bothered and hits Cross Rhodes into the Final Reckoning for the pin at 2;12.

We look at Cope suggesting the House Of Black go its separate ways.

Julia Hart vs. Harley Cameron

Cameron is wrestling in sunglasses in her smart way to avoid the mist. And then she takes them off at the bell. A takedown lets Cameron hammer away to start and an enziguri gets two. Hart is back up and chokes away on the ropes as we take a break. Back with Hart fighting out of a fireman’s carry and grabbing an Octopus. With that broken up, Hart hits some running shots in the corner for two but it’s too early for Hartless. Cameron gets in Eat Defeat but misses a charge into the corner. A clothesline to the back of the head sets up Hartless to make Cameron quit at 7:24.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t meant to be some masterpiece but Cameron has gotten far better at what she does every week. Hart is still getting back in the swing of things after so much time away due to injuries and that is going to take some time in the ring. For now though, nice stuff and I’m sure Cameron will be fine when she has some more offbeat shenanigans.

We look at the return of Samoa Joe on Dynamite. Next week, he gets Nick Wayne.

The Learning Tree has attacked Powerhouse Hobbs.

Rated FTR/Outrunners/Powerhouse Hobbs vs. The Learning Tree/Death Riders

Minus Hobbs. Jericho and Harwood start things off, which doesn’t seem like the best idea after last week. They slap it out with Harwood getting the better of things so it’s off to Keith to hammer away. Wheeler and Wheeler come in with Wheeler chopping away at Wheeler in the corner. Magnum comes in and gets chopped as well before it’s off to Floyd for a running knee. A brainbuster gets two on Yuta and everything breaks down with the villains being cleared out as we take a break.

Back with Bill choking away at Harwood but it’s off to Jericho, who whips Harwood into Moxley. It’s off to Moxley (the fans approve) for a piledriver before Yuta comes in (the fans don’t approve). A suplex sets up the chinlock before Yuta sends him shoulder first into the post. Bill misses a charge into the corner though and the tag brings in Cope to clean house. Jericho counters the spear with a Codebreaker so it’s Floyd coming in to pick up the pace.

Jericho and Keith get caught with the Mega Powers Elbow before we hit the parade of knockdowns. The Shatter Machine hits Bill and Cope gives Moxley the Impaler on the ramp. Cue Pac to jump Cope and the Death Riders put a bag over his head. Cash makes the save and a bunch of people brawl into the crowd. Cue the limping Hobbs to get the tag and clean house until we get the showdown with Bill. Total Recall hits Jericho and Hobbs spinebusters Keith for the win at 18:04.

Rating: B-. Well that was certainly was a mess, but not in a bad way. It says a lot when the match was supposed to start with twelve, maxed out at eleven, and then wound up as a six man. It felt like something out of ECW with the insanity and it would not surprise me if that was the plan. Hobbs gets a bit back after Dynamite, though he’s not exactly breaking through to the next level after this match.

Overall Rating: B-. This was the standard for Collision, in that it felt like an hour long show stretched out to twice that long. That’s not the best thing to see, but they did well enough with some nice action. As usual, this doesn’t feel like the most storyline heavy show and that’s ok, as it is establishing something of an identity of its own. Not a must see show as usual, but a fine way to spend a Saturday night.

Hangman Page b. Christopher Daniels – Buckshot Lariat to the back of the head
Undisputed Kingdom b. Shane Taylor Promotions – High/Low to Bravo
Murder Machines b. Top Flight – Powerbomb/chokeslam combination to Dante
Kazuchika Okada b. Tomohiro Ishii – Rainmaker
Dustin Rhodes b. Adam Priest – Final Reckoning
Julia Hart b. Harley Cameron – Hartless
Rated FTR/Outrunners/Powerhouse Hobbs b. Death Riders/Learning Tree – Spinebuster to Keith



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Daily News Update – January 22, 2025 (Ok Double Weekly In This Case)

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

NXT LVL Up – November 29, 2024

Royal Rumble 1990 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1991 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1992 (2023 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1993 (2013 Edition)

Impact Wrestling – January 2, 2025

Collision – January 4, 2025

Ring Of Honor – January 2, 2025

Royal Rumble 1994 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1995 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1996 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1997 (2017 Edition)

Smackdown – January 10, 2025

Monday Night Raw – January 13, 2025

NXT – January 14, 2025

Dynamite – January 15, 2025 (Maximum Carnage)

Impact Wrestling – January 9, 2025

Impact Wrestling – January 16, 2025

Collision – January 11, 2025

Ring Of Honor – January 9, 2025

Royal Rumble 1998 (2013 Edition)

Royal Rumble 1999 (2016 Edition)

Ring Of Honor – January 16, 2025

Smackdown – January 17, 2025

ECW House Show – June 24, 2006

Monday Night Raw – January 20, 2025

Royal Rumble 2000 (2022 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2001 (2024 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2002 (2025 Edition)

NXT – January 21, 2025

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WRESTLING RUMORS: WWE May Not Be Holding Rumored Upcoming Event. .

Big Update On Reported Backstage Issues With Britt Baker In AEW, Not As Bad As They Seemed? .

Update On Former WWE Superstar Making Surprise Return, Brought Back In A New Role. .

Big Update On Jade Cargill’s Status And Possible WWE Return. .

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NXT – January 21, 2025: When Titles Aren’t Enough

Date: January 21, 2025
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T., Corey Graves

We’re less than a month away from Vengeance Day and that means it is time to start getting ready for the show. So far we don’t have a card set for the show but we should be able to start adding some things this week. On top of that, we have three title matches so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Corey Graves is back. That’s good to see, as he’s far too talented to blow up his career.

North American Title: Tony D’Angelo vs. Ridge Holland

D’Angelo, with his Family, is defending and after the Big Match Intros….we talk about Booker T.’s time as a TNA Legends Champion. Graves: “I believe in Joe Hendry.” Even after this partnership has been going on for months, this still feels weird. D’Angelo runs him over early to start but Shawn Spears comes out for a distraction as we take an early break.

Back with D’Angelo fighting out of an armbar and taking over, with a fisherman’s suplex getting two. The spinebuster is broken up so D’Angelo goes with a spear for a knockdown instead. Cue Nico Vance and Brooks Jensen to go after the Family, but Izzi Dame comes in to kick Holland in the head. The spinebuster retains the title at 7:26.

Rating: B-. That was a heck of a spinebuster at the end, but what was more impressive was they had a good match with so little time. You can only get so much out of a seven and a half minute match with a break in the middle. For now though, the important thing is D’Angelo continues to look like a big deal and it would not surprise me to see him being NXT Champion by the end of the year.

Wes Lee, with Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont, aren’t happy with Dion Lennox. Trick Williams comes in and Lee mocks him, earning an immediate right hand in a funny bit.

Here is Bayley for a chat. She’s here to talk about her issues with Roxanne Perez, who could be great but slapped her in the face. Perez thinks Bayley is like Natalya or CM Punk, but that might be a compliment? Last night, Perez interfered on Raw and that makes Bayley think Perez just isn’t ready. This women’s division has a lot going on and with a champion like Giulia at the top…and here is Giulia to say she certainly respects Bayley.

Giulia hopes to hold the title with as much honor as Bayley did. Bayley is appreciative as Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade interrupt to insult her. The fans boo them out of the building and suggest that Bayley wants the Women’s Title, because this era has exceeded the Four Horsewomen era. The brawl is on and the villains are quickly cleared out. Odds are this sets up a tag match, though I’m not sure I can imagine Perez or Jade as a serious threat to Giulia.

Jaida Parker and Kelani Jordan argue but Karmen Petrovic interrupts and gets in a fight with Parker over Ashante Thee Adonis.

Bayley and Giulia are still brawling with Jade and Perez.

Wes Lee vs. Dion Lennox

Lee is ticked off after being slapped by Trick Williams (Joseph: “Williams slapped Lee so hard he thought his name was Desmond.”) and jumps Lennox to start, knocking him to the floor. Back in and Lennox runs him over, setting up a spinebuster for two as they’re going fast so far. That doesn’t last long though as the Cardiac Kick gives Lee the pin at 2:24. They’re trying with Lee, but I just can’t picture him as a top star.

Post match Lee calls out Trick Williams for next week so here is Williams to chase him off and accept.

We recap Lexis King winning the Heritage Cup for good last week.

Stephanie Vaquer wants the Women’s North American Title and doesn’t care who has it.

Heritage Cup: Lexis King vs. Charlie Dempsey

King is defending and Round One begins with a technical off going nowhere. King snaps off a dropkick into an armbar to work on the arm. They trade rollups for two each and it’s a standoff, with King trying another rollup. That’s reversed into a choke and then a crossface chickenwing but the round ends before a tap.

We take a break with King having gotten a pin in the second round to go up 1-0. Round Three begins with King working on the arm until a quick shot lets Dempsey take over. Dempsey gets two off a rollup and cranks on the arm some more before a bridging butterfly suplex ties it up at 2:28 of the round and 9:31 overall.

Round Four begins with King pulling out some brass knuckles but throwing them down with a shake of his head. Dempsey goes after the arm but gets suplexed out for his efforts. King hits a high crossbody for two, only to get suplexed for the same. Another tease of the knuckles doesn’t go anywhere so King knocks him outside for a big flip dive. Back in and the referee almost gets crushed in the corner, allowing King to get in a low blow. The Coronation retains the Cup at 2:50 of the round and 12:56.

Rating: C+. They’re definitely telling a story with King and his efforts to be good but getting pulled back into the dark side. That being said, this story feels like it is going to continue, even though it isn’t the most thrilling. Both of them need to move on to something else, though that low blow is likely going to result in another match.

Naomi and Bianca Belair are ready for Meta Four next week.

Andre Chase tells Hank And Tank to break up now because all teams split. As Kelani Jordan walks in the background, Chase goes to another room and sees people watching a Chase U video. Kale Dixon says Chase was great but Chase says Chase U is dead and leaves. Dixon: “But it doesn’t have to be.” It could be a long road from here, but dang the idea of Chase restarting the school and winning the NXT Title could be an all time NXT moment.

Karmen Petrovic vs. Jaida Parker

Ashante Thee Adonis is here with Petrovic, who takes him down by the arm to start. Parker catches her in an electric chair drop out of the corner and then hits the Tear Drop in the corner. A quick rollup gives Petrovic two and a Sling Blade gets the same. Parker gordbusters her down and loads up the Hipnotique, only to have Kelani Jordan come in for the distraction. Petrovic grabs a rollup for the pin at 5:09.

Rating: C. I’m still not sure what the appeal of Petrovic and Adonis is supposed to be but the story is probably the least interesting thing in NXT at the moment. I can go for more of Petrovic as she has something about her, but Parker losing isn’t the best thing to see. Not much of a match either, and it’s part of a less than interesting story.

Sol Ruca and Zaria give Meta Four something of a pep talk before next week’s Women’s Tag Team Title match. As usual, this sounded so scripted that it was painful.

Brooks Jensen/Nico Vance vs. D’Angelo Family

It’s a big brawl to start and a Stacks is hiptossed over the top onto Jensen and Vance. We settle down to Jensen suplexing Crusifino for two. Everything breaks down and the Family fights up, only for Crusifino to be sent outside. Back in and a spinwheel kick into a lariat from Vance finishes Stacks at 4:25.

Rating: C+. They kept this moving and it was nice to see a new team getting a chance. That being said, it’s also quite the big step for them to beat the D’Angelo family so soundly. It wasn’t a great match, but it did a good job of saying that Jensen and Vance, with Shawn Spears controlling them, could be a threat.

Fraxiom is happy with their win last week and they’re ready to go to Impact to defend against the Rascalz. Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura interrupt to say they want a title shot. OTM runs in and the brawl is on.

Dion Lennox is annoyed and throws a bunch of stuff.

The D’Angelo Family isn’t happy with Tony D’Angelo not being out there but he blames Izzi Dame for not shutting up. D’Angelo says Stacks has been the underboss for two years. He can do something on his own. Fair point.

Ethan Page is happy with hurting people and likes the sounds of people screaming in pain, including Je’Von Evans.

Je’Von Evans wants to fight Ethan Page but Ava says no due to his injury. Cedric Alexander comes in and is ready to face Page next week. Evans and Alexander leave but here is A-Town Down Under, who are supposed to be here next week. They want to offer the NXT Champion a spot on the Grayson Waller Effect next week. Maybe with some extra security. As for tonight, they’ll be watching the main event.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Diamond Dallas Page is here.

NXT Title: Eddy Thorpe vs. Oba Femi

Femi is defending and powers him into the corner to start, only to miss a charge. Thorpe’s quick kick staggers Femi for two but he glares up at Thorpe for quite the look. One heck of a backdrop sends Thorpe flying but he gets in a dropkick off the apron. A-Town Down Under is watching from the balcony as we take a break.

Back with Femi powering him away again and hitting a heck of a spinebuster for two. A chokeslam is countered into a triangle choke and Thorpe even adds a hurricanrana for a near fall of his own. Thorpe stuns Femi with a Stunner and drops a top rope elbow for two more. Back up and Thorpe hammers away, including a slingshot German suplex for two. Femi powers up and hits a chokeslam for two of his own, only to miss a charge into the post. Thorpe tries to slug away but gets tossed with ease. The Fall From Grace retains the title at 10:18.

Rating: C+. I’m not sure I get this one, as it was mostly the monster Femi selling for Thorpe, who has cheated his way into everything he has. Femi won in the end, but he’s not the kind of champion who should be fighting from underneath for so long. It’s a good enough match, but I’m really not sure I get the thinking behind what they were doing. Also, you might want to not promote “the winner gets to be on the Grayson Waller Effect” over “the winner is the NXT Champion.”

Post match Trick Williams comes out for a Trick Shot to Thorpe before staring Femi down to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show had a big card with three title matches and Bayley as a guest star, but it didn’t feel like a great show. They kept hyping up next week’s show in Atlanta and how big everything on that show was going to be and that didn’t keep me interested in what they were doing this week. It’s far from a bad show, but for what was included, it should have been better.

Tony D’Angelo b. Ridge Holland – Spinebuster
Wes Lee b. Dion Lennox – Cardiac Kick
Lexis King b. Charlie Dempsey 2-0
Brooks Jensen/Nico Vance b. D’Angelo family – Lariat to Stacks
Oba Femi b. Eddy Thorpe – Fall From Grace



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Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2002 (2025 Edition): I Don’t Quite Get It

Royal Rumble 2002
Date: January 20, 2002
Location: Phillips Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Attendance: 12,915
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

This is a show that is rather fondly remembered by some but I don’t recall it being anything special. Maybe it holds up better over time, which has certainly been the case before. The big appeal is the return of HHH, who is back in the ring after about eight months away following the famous quadriceps injury. Let’s get to it.

We open with a look back at some classic Royal Rumble endings. This transitions into a look at HHH returning. In case you thought they were hiding the obvious winner, they aren’t trying in the slightest.

Tag Team Titles: Dudley Boyz vs. Spike Dudley/Tazz

The Dudleys, with Stacy Keibler, are challenging and they jump the champs to start. The reverse 3D drops Tazz on the floor, leaving Spike, in a neck brace, on his own. Another reverse 3D hits Spike inside and there’s another neckbreaker to put him down again. A suplex makes it even worse as Tazz is on the apron.

Spike slips out of another suplex and hits the Dudley Dog but D-Von cuts off a tag. One heck of a double flapjack (JR mentions the Midnight Express) sets up a middle Swan Dive from D-Von and the Dudleys clothesline each other by mistake. Tazz comes in o clean house with the suplexes but stops to Tazmission Stacy. Spike gets thrown over the top for a nasty crash to the floor, leaving Tazz to get the Tazmission on D-Von to retain at 5:07.

Rating: C. This is one of those instances where they were trying to do something different and I get the thinking, but Spike and Tazz as the best tag team around just didn’t work very well. They were certainly trying and there was a story here, but it this could have been on any given Raw and felt as unimportant. Points for trying, though it didn’t click.

We recap Edge defending the Intercontinental Title against William Regal, who has bee using the brass knuckles. Edge fought back with a chair to break his nose, so now it’s time to fight for good.

Edge has his chair and is ready to fight the Devil, who is going to get burned.

Intercontinental Title: Edge vs. William Regal

Edge is defending. We get the old weapons check on Regal…and the referee finds the brass knuckles. You don’t see that very often. I mean, it happens every time I watch this match but that’s probably just an odds thing. Edge starts fast and hammers away as Lawler thinks the referee planted the brass knuckles in Regal’s trunks. Regal comes back with a shot to the face to take over and adds some jumping knees to the face.

The cross arm choke has Edge in more trouble but he suplexes his way to…well not freedom as Regal holds on and hits a tiger bomb for two. They head to the apron where Edge grabs a DDT onto the apron for a rather delayed two, despite his legs being underneath the ropes. Back up and they collide for a double knockdown, followed by Edge grabbing a suplex for two more. Regal shows him how to do a much better suplex so Edge nails a hard clothesline.

A quick Regal Stretch has Edge in trouble, sending him over to the ropes. Naturally Edge grabs the same hold and of course Regal goes right back to the ropes for a break of his own. A top rope spinwheel kick (that always looks good) connects but Regal pulls out even more brass knuckles (How did the referee not notice those?). The spear takes out the referee by mistake and Regal knocks Edge cold for the title at 9:45.

Rating: C+. This was a bit better than the opener but it still felt like something that could have been on a regular television show. The stuff with the brass knuckles was a nice touch though, with Regal being the kind of person to have multiple weapons just in case. Edge would be on his way to some far bigger and better things going forward, not the least of which would be a nice shampoo commercial.

Post match Regal brags about being blessed with the Power Of The Punch. JR: “He’s a liar!”

Women’s Title: Jazz vs. Trish Stratus

Stratus, with a bad hand, is defending and Jacqueline is guest referee. Jazz starts fast and fires off a backdrop, setting up a splash (JR: “Right on the purple puppies!” Lawler: “Hey, that’s my line! Right on the purple puppies!”) for two. Another knockdown lets Jazz start in on the hand but it’s time to argue with Jacqueline. Some shoving ensues and Jacqueline counts a VERY slow two off a rollup. A quick Stratusfaction gives Stratus two but Jazz is back with a DDT for the same. Back up and Jazz charges into a boot in the corner, setting up a bulldog to give Stratus the retaining pin at 3:43.

Rating: C-. I’m not sure how much Jacqueline added here as she was little more than a familiar face who didn’t really do anything for the ending. Maybe it’s a way to give Stratus a chance, but it wasn’t exactly a good match and felt like it could have been on TV. In other words, it was the women’s division in 2002.

Ric Flair’s family is here for his street fight.

We recap Vince McMahon vs. Ric Flair. Back in November, Flair debuted as the new co-owner of the WWF, leading to a not so great business relationship. They hate each other so they’re having a street fight. Naturally Vince dressed up as Flair because that’s one of his favorite deals. Then he beat Flair up with a pipe a bunch of times. This is WAY longer of a recap than this match probably needs.

Ric Flair vs. Vince McMahon

Street fight. They circle each other to start and Vince shoves him down, meaning it’s time to pose. Flair goes for the grappling to take over but gets taken into the corner for some shots to various places. They go outside with McMahon bending a KEEP OFF sign over Flair’s head. Some trashcan shots have Flair busted open as this has been pretty much all Vince so far.

The beating continues with Vince grabbing a camera to take a picture of the bloody Flair but Flair’s daughter takes it away. Back inside and Vince starts in on the leg with some cranking before the required Figure Four. With that broken up, Vince grabs the lead pipe but Flair hits him low for the needed breather.

Flair knocks him outside and gets in a monitor shot to the head to bust Vince open. The beating takes Vince around the ring to Flair’s daughter, who takes pictures with the camera from earlier (nice touch). There’s another low blow and now Flair has the pipe. The big shot to the head sets up the Figure Four and Vince gives up at 14:58.

Rating: B. This was a match where they didn’t go anywhere away from the most basic route and that’s what it should have been. Vince attacked him to start and tried to humiliate him, only for Flair to fight back and do the exact same things to him. Flair then beat him with a wrestling hold because he’s the better man and the fans got behind him throughout. It’s a match that Flair can do in his sleep and it worked well here. Good stuff and by far the best part of the show so far.

Nick Patrick has no idea what he thought of the William Regal title win but Stephanie McMahon comes in. She dismisses Patrick and promises that HHH will destroy everyone. It’s a shame Steve Austin’s wife Debra won’t be there, but Austin pops up behind her for the WHAT treatment (when it was still new). With Stephanie gone, Austin does a lot of WHATing about winning the Royal Rumble.

We recap Chris Jericho defending the WWF Title against the Rock. They had been feuding before Jericho won the title and now they’re doing it again after he won. Rock has made it clear that he’s taking Jericho seriously because this isn’t a joke. Then he said “tick tock, tick tock” a bunch.

WWF Title: Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

Jericho is defending and talks trash to start, meaning the beating is on in a hurry. The Samoan drop gives Rock an early two so Jericho bails out to the floor. Back in and the flying forearm takes Rock down but he avoids a charge into the post. Jericho is fine enough to hit the spinwheel kick for two and of course he complains about the count. The arrogant cover gets two and the missile dropkick connects for the same.

We hit the chinlock for a good while before Jericho goes up, only to get caught by some right hands. A superplex brings Jericho back down and they both need a breather. Back up and Rock hammers away, with his belly to belly throw getting two. Jericho is right back with the bulldog into a pair of Lionsaults for two but dives into the Sharpshooter.

Cue Lance Storm for a distraction as Jericho is tapping, leaving Rock to have to fight off an invading Christian. Jericho’s Rock Bottom gets two as the other Canadians are ejected but a counterfeit People’s Elbow is broken up. They fight out to the floor and Rock hits a heck of a Rock Bottom through the announcers’ table for a huge crash. Back in and Jericho countering another Rock Bottom into the Walls, sending Rock over to the ropes.

The referee gets bumped and there’s a belt shot for two, with another referee running in for the count (If he saw the ref bump, how did he not see the belt shot ten seconds later?). Rock grabs a DDT but the new referee (Nick Patrick, who was screwy earlier in the Regal match) won’t count, earning himself a Rock Bottom. The spinebuster and Rock Bottom get…nothing as there’s no referee. Well Rock brought that on himself. Jericho hits him low and sends him into an exposed buckle for a rollup with feet on the ropes for the pin to retain at 18:49.

Rating: B+. Jericho was reaching a new level at this point and having long form pay per view matches with people on the Rock’s level was only going to help that. It had a lot of shenanigans at the end, but what matters is Jericho beat someone that important. Jericho was needing to make it last while it could though, as the major stars were on their way. Rock was in a weird place too, as he was so huge at this point that he needed something special and going after the title really didn’t feel that important. At least not here. Anyway, rather good match here as these two work together very well.

Don’t try this at home.

Shawn Michaels, in a very Texas shirt, is at WWF New York and loved the McMahon vs. Flair match. He’s got the Undertaker or Steve Austin in the Royal Rumble.

We recap the Royal Rumble, which is HHH’s to win by about a hundred miles, with Steve Austin, Undertaker and Kurt Angle as the other best options….but it’s going to be HHH. They really didn’t even bother trying to hide it, which sometimes can’t be avoided.

Royal Rumble

Two minute intervals with Rikishi in at #1 and the returning Goldust in at #2. The ring is mostly covered in gold confetti as Goldust hammers away, only to be knocked to the apron. This lets commentary explain the rules again, which is perfectly fine and a good way to get fans refreshed before things get crazy. Rikishi knocks him down into the corner and here is Big Boss Man in at #3 to get knocked into the corner as well. A running clothesline turns Rikishi inside out and the slow brawling ensues until Bradshaw is in at #4.

The Stinkface has Boss Man in trouble and that’s the first elimination. Bradshaw powerbombs Goldust and it’s Lance Storm in at #5. The lack of anything interesting continues as it’s just low level people hitting each other without much urgency. Al Snow is in at #6 to pick up the pace a bit (let that one sink in for a bit) and the Clothesline From Bradshaw knocks Storm silly (but not out).

Billy Gunn is in at #7 and is quickly booted in the face by Bradshaw. Snow and Storm fight to the apron with Storm being superkicked out, which is somehow the most exciting part of the match about ten minutes in. Goldust dumps Bradshaw and it’s the Undertaker in at #8 to likely clear out more than a few people. Undertaker cleans house and knocks out everyone else in the ring without much trouble, leaving him standing alone (the fans like it).

Matt Hardy is in at #9 and it goes about as well as you would expect, only for Lita (who Undertaker recently attacked) to dive in for a distraction. A low blow lets Matt get in a running neckbreaker but Undertaker slugs him away. Undertaker loads up a suplex but Jeff Hardy is in at #10 for the save and we get a Team Xtreme beatdown. With Lita on the floor, Undertaker fights back, only to get caught in the Twist Of Fate/Swanton. Poetry In Motion is a bad idea though as Jeff is thrown out, leaving Matt to take the Last Ride, setting up the easy elimination.

Undertaker is left alone and it’s Maven, from Tough Enough, in at #11 (unfortunately with his rather awesome song missing). Undertaker goes after Lita again though and the Hardys come in to jump him. The sore losers are thrown out again….and Maven eliminates Undertaker with a dropkick. This marks the all time high point of Maven’s career and is immediately followed by an absolute massacre, as Undertaker completely wrecks him, including a nasty chair shot to the head.

Maven is thrown back inside as Scotty 2 Hotty is in at #12 and is punched in the face on the way to the ring. The bloody Maven is thrown over the top for an elimination as the destruction continues. Undertaker knocks him through the crowd and into the concession area, where the bloody Maven (as Christian is in at #13) is sent through a popcorn machine. Christian lays over the top as Scotty finally gets in, which is a heck of a lot better than waiting around for someone else to enter.

Diamond Dallas Page is in at #14 and goes after Christian but gets superkicked to the floor (not out). That leaves Scotty to give Christian the Worm…and then get thrown out by Page. Chuck is in at #15 as we’re back to the lack of top level stars. Chuck and Page slug it out (and do better than you might expect) as the Godfather, now the owner of an escort service is back at #16.

This means bringing out twelve women for his entrance, including a lot of dancing (JR: “Well he did give me a coupon earlier today…” Lawler: “HE’S GOT COUPONS!”) as we just stop watching the match. Page is eliminated off camera as Godfather goes back for more dancing. Godfather finally gets in and is promptly beaten down as Albert (the Hip Hop Hippo) is in at #17.

The villains fight up and knock out Albert and then Godfather, as this is still managing to stay slow. Perry Saturn is in at #18 and it’s more of the same generic brawling. We’re desperately needing someone to come in and spice things up….and Steve Austin is in at #19. Yeah that works, with Austin clearing the ring with three straight eliminations.

That doesn’t leave him anything to do, so he throws Christian and Chuck back in for another Stunner and toss over the top each. That’s the kind of thing Austin would do and it made him feel like so much more of a star because he was doing something extra other than just sitting around waiting. Val Venis (also returning) is in at #20 and actually takes over for a bit, which isn’t likely to last long. Indeed it doesn’t as Austin fights up, only to be jumped by Test, who is in at #21.

Austin fights up and eliminates them like they’re Val Venis and Test against Steve Austin in the Royal Rumble. That leaves Austin alone…and HHH is in at #22 for the mega showdown. They stare each other down and eventually slug it out until Hurricane is in at #23, as a double clothesline gives us a double knockdown. Hurricane tries a double chokeslam, giving us a funny look between Austin and HHH before they throw him out.

Faarooq is in at #24 and gets in a few shots before being tossed out as well. HHH and Austin get to fight some more and it’s the returning (we have a theme) Mr. Perfect in at #25 to quite the reaction. Perfect wisely takes his time getting in before going after Austin and punching HHH down. Things slow again until Kurt Angle is in at #26, with the fans knowing they’re in for some bigger stuff now.

For some reason Austin saves HHH from Angle, earning himself an overhead belly to belly. Big Show is in at #27 but the double chokeslam is broken up. Show fights back and tries a gorilla press on Angle, with HHH making the save. JR tries to explain that HHH feels Show is a bigger threat than Angle and….eh I guess I can take that. Show cleans house and chokeslams HHH but it’s Kane in at #28.

We get the big power showdown and Kane dumps Show, only to walk into a Stunner, allowing Angle to throw Kane out as well. Rob Van Dam is in at #29 with a Five Star to Angle and kicks to various people. Rolling Thunder hits Austin but HHH is back with a Pedigree, leaving everyone down. Booker T. is in at #30, giving us a final grouping of Austin, HHH, Perfect, Van Dam, Angle and Booker, who tosses Van Dam with no trouble.

The Spinarooni ensues…and so does a Stunner to get rid of Booker in about thirty seconds. Angle Angle Slams HHH and then rolls the German suplexes, only for Austin to get in a low blow. Austin is sent out to the apron but fights back…and is tossed by Angle and Perfect in something of a surprise exit.

We’re down to three and the beating continues on the floor. That doesn’t work for Austin, who comes back in with chair shots for everyone before leaving himself. Perfect is up with the PerfectPlex and Hennig necksnap to Angle, only for HHH to throw Perfect out. HHH takes Angle down and hammers away before getting in some choking. A backdrop sends HHH to the apron but he’s right back in with a facebuster and clothesline for the win at 1:09:25.

Rating: C+. I couldn’t get into this one for the most part, as there were just so many parts of low level names doing the bare minimum. It had some good parts, like the Undertaker vs. the Hardys, Maven’s destruction, HHH vs. Austin and most of Austin’s shenanigans, but those were feeling really far apart at times. It’s certainly not the worst Rumble, but HHH was the clear winner throughout and that made for a long stretch until we got to the ending.

Overall Rating: B-. This is a show that needed one more good match as the first three were just passable at best. The Flair vs. McMahon and Jericho vs. Rock matches were both worth a look and the Rumble was ok enough, but there just wasn’t much that stood out. The Rumble needed another viable winner, and with Undertaker out early and Austin just past his prime, it wasn’t there. Not a bad show at all, but there are far better options.

Ratings Comparison

Spike Dudley/Tazz vs. Billy and Chuck

Original: C-
2013 Redo: D+
2025 Redo: C

William Regal vs. Edge

Original: C-
2013 Redo: D+
2025 Redo: C+

Trish Stratus vs. Jazz

Original: D+
2013 Redo: D
2025 Redo: C-

Ric Flair vs. Vince McMahon

Original: D+
2013 Redo: C+
2025 Redo: B

Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

Original: B+
2013 Redo: B
2025 Redo: B+

Royal Rumble

Original: C-
2013 Redo: C+
2025 Redo: C+

Overall Rating

Original: B-
2013 Redo: B-
2025 Redo: B-

So most of the matches were lower but the overall rating was the same every time. In case you need any more proof that I used to be really bad at my job, here you go. The first three matches aren’t very good but they’re not as bad as I had said before.



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