Impact Wrestling – January 30, 2025: They’re (Still) Here

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 30, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Mathews Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re back to taped this week after a pretty strong showing on last week’s live show. Hopefully they can continue the momentum on the way to whatever the next big show happens to be. Joe Hendry is still World Champion so now we get to hear from former champion Nic Nemeth. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Nic Nemeth to get things going. Nemeth talks about how important Genesis was for the company and now he has to start things over. Before he can get very far though, here is Ryan Nemeth to say that HIS BROTHER is not happy with what happened. Joe Hendry is a flash in the pan but Nic isn’t having that. It’s going to be the Nemeth Brothers’ year so here is First Class to interrupt. They’re here for the titles because it means money, and they are sick of the old people taking up all of the top spots. Arguing ensues so here is Santino Marella to make the tag match for tonight.

Arianna Grace is happy to see what is going on around here and runs into Tessa Blanchard. Tessa isn’t interested and doesn’t like Grace. She chases Gia Miller off too, which is a threat to everyone.

NXT’s Cora Jade ran into Xia Brookside in the back and they argued like wrestlers running into each other in the back.

Cora Jade vs. Hyan

Hyan flips out of a wristlock to start but is quickly clotheslined down. Back up and Jade chokes on the rope, setting up a running dropkick in those ropes. Hyan is sent hard into the corner and Jaded (double arm DDT) finishes for Jade at 2:57.

Post match Jade keeps up the beating but Xia Brookside runs in…and gets beaten down as well. Masha Slamovich makes the real save.

NXT’s Wes Lee/Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont are ready for Ace Austin and Fraxiom. Lee wants gold of any kind.

The Personal Concierge yells at Santino Marella about how By Elegance should be the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Next week there is a battle royal for a title shot, but it sounds like the singles version. Spitfire comes in to glare.

Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater

Myers, with the System, shoulders him down to start but Slater does it as well, meaning it’s time to dance. A bouncing kick to the face and elbow to the face give Slater two but he gets sent face first into the middle buckle. Myers sends him hard into the corner and then does it again, chest first this time, for two.

We hit the reverse chinlock but Slater is back up with a springboard crossbody. Slater kicks him in the head but walks into an implant DDT for two. The Roster Cut is countered into a small package for two and Slater sends him outside for a big dive. Alisha Edwards gives Myers a ring though and a shot to Slater’s face sets up the Roster Cut for the pin at 9:51.

Rating: C+. Slater losing to someone like Myers might not be the best idea but what mattered the most is that Slater got to have another nice match. He continues to look good almost every time he’s out there and it is nice to see him building up a bit of status. Now just get a few wins going and he might actually go somewhere.

Sami Callihan goes after Mance Warner and Steph de Lander.

Leon Slater still isn’t interested in working with Frankie Kazarian but the System interrupts. Maybe he could be the team’s secretary! The Hardys show up and a six man is set for next week.

Sami Callihan and Mance Warner brawl into the arena but Steph de Lander runs in for the distraction. Warner takes Callihan down and hits a running knee to leave him laying.

Steve Maclin isn’t having anything to do with Eric Young working with Josh Alexander.

Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali

Kid starts fast by running the corner for an armdrag but Ali is right back with some uppercuts in the corner. Back up and Kid gets dropkicked out of the air for two and we hit the seated abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and they trade rollups for two each and they go outside, where Ali hits a hanging DDT. The 450 gives Ali the pin at 5:41.

Rating: C+. Ali is still as smooth in the ring as you can see and that is great to see. It is interesting to see what Ali can do when he is given the chance and not doing as much of the over the top campaigning stuff. That can work well, but he has the in-ring work to back it up and that works very well.

Post break Ali is rather happy with his win but Mike Santana comes in to challenge him. Ali would love to do that….uh, some day.

Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory

Alexander throws Icarus into the corner to start and headlocks Williams to keep up the control. A missed charge sends Alexander to the floor though and a kick to the chest drops him again. The Armory hit some running kicks in the corner but Alexander suplexes his way out of trouble. The tag brings in Young and….he turns on Alexander. That means the Armory goes after Alexander as well and the match is thrown out at around 4:30.

Rating: C. So yeah this was little more than an angle and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m curious to see if this is pretty much it for Alexander, as he will probably have a match with Young and then ride off into the sunset. Other than that, it’s Young as a heel again and, uh, I guess that’s something we get to see for reasons of TNA not liking us.

Post match the big beatdown is on and Alexander is left laying.

Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin

Austin takes him down by the arm to start but Lee flips up and grabs an anklescissors. Back up and Lee flips over Austin before kicking him into the ropes. Lee hits a nice suicide dive, followed by a basement dropkick to the back for two. Another, and harder, kick gets two on Austin and it’s time to crank on the arm.

Austin fights up and hits a quick Russian legsweep, followed by some running clotheslines in the corner. A gutwrench powerbomb connects but here are Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont for a distraction. Austin dives…kind of in their general vicinity to take them down, only to get Cardiac Kicked (kick to the head) for the pin at 9:38.

Rating: B-. Take two good high fliers and let them do their thing for a bit, though that dive wasn’t exactly the best looking. Other than that though, it was nice to see Austin out there again as he can work well with anyone. Lee continues to need something a bit better to do, though maybe a change over to TNA is a smart move.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Rascalz make the save.

Joe Hendry is ready to entertain, so next week it’s a concert.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth vs. First Class

Francis shoves Ryan into the corner and demands/receives Nic. Navarro comes in and gets hiptossed into a dropkick, setting up double dropkick to Francis. We take a break and come back with Ryan in trouble (I for one am shocked). Something close to a 619 sets up a leg lariat for two on Ryan and it’s back to Francis for the chinlock. Ryan manages to get in a knockdown and the tag brings in Nic to clean house. Everything breaks down and Ryan dives onto Francis on the floor. The Fameasser and Danger Zone hit Navarro but Ryan tags himself in to steal the pin at 12:50.

Rating: C+. Ryan is starting to turn himself into something interesting with this goofiness and having him steal the win is a nice touch for him. That being said, I don’t want to see the two of them face each other, but for now, we are at least having something with Ryan as the annoying brother. Francis and company losing is always a plus as well so this could have been a lot worse.

Overall Rating: C+. The NXT stars being around is a nice way to go and I’m curious to see where all of that goes. At the same time, you had some good matches and enough things being moved forward, though I’m more than a bit hesitant about a renewed Eric Young heel run. The show wasn’t great, but it does give you a good idea of where some things are going in the next few weeks.

Cora Jade b. Hyan – Jaded
Brian Myers b. Leon Slater – Roster Cut
Mustafa Ali b. Laredo Kid – 450
Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory went to a no contest
Wes Lee b. Ace Austin – Cardiac Kick
Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth b. First Class – Danger Zone to Navarro



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Ring Of Honor – January 30, 2025: Good Grief This Stuff Is Bad

Ring Of Honor
Date: January 30, 2025
Location: Andrew J. Brady Music Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are now on the second hundred episodes of the show and that means we are likely going to see a lot of the same things over and over. That tends to be the case around here, but what matters the most is that Komander got to lose again on an AEW show, making ROH feel that unimportant. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

Sammy Guevara vs. Aaron Solo

Guevara flips out of a wristlock to start and dropkicks him out to the floor. That lets Guevara spin into his pose and there’s the big running flip dive to take him down again. Back in and Guevara’s springboard is broken up and a snap suplex gets two. Guevara is back up with a running crossbody and some knees to the head connect for two. They go to the ramp for a slugout and a Canadian Destroyer plants Guevara. Since it’s just a flipping piledriver on the ramp, Guevara is right back with the GTH for the win 58 seconds later at 6:42.

Rating: C. This was a fine enough match but at the same time it was also ice cold. You have half of the Tag Team Champions against a jobber to the stars for a few minutes and that is only going to get you so far. Then again, I’ll take this over more of the SONS OF TEXAS, who are still a thing due to reasons.

Queen Aminata vs. Allysin Kay

Aminata does her mock hip shaking to start and gets rolled up to start. Kay knocks her down and hammers away in the corner, setting up the cross arm choke. Aminata fights up and hits a running knee in the ropes. The big headbutt gives Aminata the pin at 4:45.

Rating: C. Another decent enough match here but Aminata continues to be the same person she has been for months now. There just isn’t much to her and while she is fine in the ring, she hasn’t moved up the card in a good while. Other than that, just another short match here, making it a perfectly normal ROH match.

We look at Kazuchika Okada beating Komander on Collision. Just in case you forgot about it.

Lee Johnson vs. Komander

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Johnson (with EJ Nduka) wins or lasts the ten minute time limit, he gets a future title shot. Johnson takes him down to start and seems rather cocky early on. Some headlock takeovers have Komander in more trouble and a running shoulder drops him again. Back up and Komander kicks him to the floor, where Nduka breaks up the attempted dive.

That lets Johnson send him into the barricade, only to get knocked off the top. A high crossbody gives Komander two but Johnson is right back with a Death Valley Driver. Komander is back with a sunset bomb but his ribs are banged up with a minute left. A springboard splash gives Komander two with thirty seconds left. Johnson falls out to the floor and time runs out at 9:55 (close enough).

Rating: C+. Does Komander owe Tony Khan money or something? He loses to Okada on Collision and then goes to a draw here. I’m not sure how smart that really is, but it’s not like the TV Title has been treated as anything important before. Maybe just try to make it look good every so often?

Serpentico vs. Brandon Cutler

Serpentico shoulders him down to start and they trade some quick near falls for two each. A rather big armdrag staggers Serpentico, who sends him into the corner without much effort. Cutler misses a dive off the top and some chops, to the front and back, have him in trouble. Back up and a tornado DDT lets Cutler take his jacket off, setting up a top rope double stomp to the back of the head. Serpentico is back up with a running cutter into a frog splash for the pin at 6:25.

Rating: C. This is about as low level of a match as you can get and that didn’t make for the best match when we’re about forty minutes into the show and there hasn’t been much interesting. It’s just hard to get interested in this, even if it was a match built around a feud that started on Dark: Elevation years ago. That’s all we have here and I guess it works here?

From March 9, 2023 (and from a previous review).

TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Tony Deppen

Joe is defending and works on the wrist to start. For some reason Deppen strikes away, earning himself a beating in the corner. Deppen fights back though and hits a running corner dropkick. A knee gives Deppen two more but Joe Rock Bottoms him out of the corner. Joe blasts him with a clothesline though and the MuscleBuster retains the title at 5:26.

Rating: C+. Deppen was trying and they had the action going, but Joe isn’t about to lose to someone who has only made infrequent appearances in his first defense on this show. Joe doesn’t really need to get built up in Ring of Honor again but breaking a bit of a sweat against a former champion is a good thing. Now just get Joe a more serious challenger and we could be getting somewhere.

We look at Daniel Garcia and the Undisputed Kingdom chasing off Shane Taylor Promotions.

The Infantry is happy with the changes that have been coming around here and tell people that ROH now means Run Or Hide.

Blake Christian vs. Evil Uno

Christian gets shoved away to start so he has a lounge on the top rope. A quick trip on the floor doesn’t do much for Christian, who is shouldered down into a nip up. Christian bails outside again and this time Uno runs him down again. Back in and some corner clotheslines have Christian in trouble but he snaps Uno’s arm across the top rope.

A dive through the ropes from the ramp drops Uno again and Christian kicks him in the face. Uno fights up with some clotheslines and a DDT drops Christian again. A brainbuster plants Christian but he kicks Uno down and drops a frog splash for two. Uno’s piledriver gets the same, only for Christian to take him down and hit a 450. The running knee to the back of the head finishes Uno at 8:26.

Rating: C. So the deal is that Christian is really boring and doesn’t make you care about him? Then he has a match where he is rather boring and doesn’t make me care about him? I’m not sure if I’m getting the idea here but at last Christian is someone new. Now just do something important with him already.

Women’s TV Title: Leila Grey vs. Red Velvet

Velvet is defending and grinds away with a headlock to start. A running shoulder drops Velvet and Grey hits a running dropkick to put her down again. They head outside with Velvet sending her into the apron, only to miss a hip shaking chop. Back in and Velvet hammers away, setting up a boot choke in the corner.

The running knees set up a quickly broken seated full nelson so Velvet switches to a chinlock instead. Grey fights out again and hits a running knee in the corner, setting up a dragon sleeper. That’s broken up as well and Velvet hits an Iconoclasm for two. Back up and Velvet hits the flipping faceplant to retain at 8:25.

Rating: C. So this whole match was set up with Grey winning another match and then asking for this match. They then have a pretty nothing eight minute match before Velvet retains, getting her right back where we were a few weeks ago. Nothing to see here, as Grey’s momentum comes to a screeching halt.

Overall Rating: D+. This was on purpose right? I mean, they were trying to have as uninteresting of a match as they could yes? There was no reason to watch any of this and it was one boring star after another out there. Ring Of Honor has its reputation as being bottom of the barrel for a reason and this is a great example of what happened. Another totally skippable show, with the five minute Samoa Joe match being as confusing of a “classic” match as you could have.

Sammy Guevara b. Aaron Solo – GTH
Queen Aminata b. Allysin Kay – Headbutt
Komander vs. Lee Johnson went to a time limit draw
Serpentico b. Brandon Cutler – Frog splash
Blake Christian b. Evil Uno – Running knee to the back of the head
Red Velvet b. Leila Grey – Flipping faceplant



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Dynamite – January 29, 2025: That Forgettable

Date: January 29, 2025
Location: Propst Arena At Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We are closing in on Grand Slam and that means it is time to start hammering down the card. One of the biggest matches is already set as the once again Timeless Toni Storm will be challenging Mariah May for the Women’s Title. We also have a big tag match already set but there is a lot left to cover. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Will Ospreay vs. Brian Cage

Lance Archer is here with Cage and Don Callis is on commentary. Hold on though as Callis points us to the screen, showing Kenny Omega having been attacked backstage. Ospreay snaps off a middle rope hurricanrana to start fast and they head outside, where Cage gets posted. Ospreay tries a Blockbuster off the barricade but Cage pulls him out of the air, walks him around the ring, and then hits a suplex on the floor. Archer gets in a cheap shot and Cage adds a leg lariat for two back inside.

Back to back backbreakers give Cage two and we hit the bearhug. Ospreay fights out and hits a handspring elbow before sending Cage outside. The Sasuke Special connects, only for Cage to hit his apron superplex to bring him back inside. Ospreay kicks him in the face a few times but gets powerbombed for his efforts. A middle rope F5 (that looked good) gets two and Archer gets caught shoving the foot off the ropes. Ospreay sends them into each other and hits the Styles Clash for the pin at 12:46.

Rating: B-. Nice back and forth match here, with Ospreay not exactly feeling in jeopardy but rather having to find a way to get around all those muscles. That’s a fine way to go and lets Ospreay look good in the process. The big match is coming in a few weeks, but my goodness it will be nice to get away from this feud for good.

Post match Archer comes in for the save but Kenny Omega makes the save with a chair. The rest of the Don Callis Family comes in and beats the heroes down. Stereo piledrivers leave them laying. This went on for awhile, much like anything involving the Family.

Hangman Page can’t find Swerve Strickland but he runs into MJF. With Page gone, MJF says no one is ruining his mood tonight because Jeff Jarrett is going to lose to Claudio Castagnoli.

Powerhouse Hobbs isn’t cleared to travel this week but he’s coming for Big Bill.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jeff Jarrett

If Jarrett wins, he gets a World Title shot. Jarrett starts fast with an armdrag and hiptoss before hammering away in the corner. The threat of a Figure Four sends Castagnoli bailing and we take an early break. Back with Wheeler Yuta at ringside and Jarrett fighting out of a chinlock. Jarrett grabs a Russian legsweep and hammers away but can’t get the Figure Four.

An enziguri misses though and Castagnoli gives him the Swing, setting up the Sharpshooter. Jarrett reverses into one of his own so Yuta sends in a chair for a distraction. Somehow the referee doesn’t notice Jon Moxley running in with the Paradigm Shift, setting up the Neutralizer to give Castagnoli the pin at 10:08.

Rating: C+. So the monster heel needed help to beat the old, past his prime star? This felt like just another reason to have the Death Riders out there getting in another beatdown. It’s also another way to crush something the fans are getting behind, which falls in line with the “we don’t like fun around here” style.

Post match MJF comes out to deck Jarrett with the ring. He respects his elders and that’s why he isn’t going to say he told Jarrett so.

Ricochet is going to deal with AR Fox and then move on to Swerve Strickland.

Ricochet vs. AR Fox

They start fast with Fox hitting something like a Stunner, setting up a swinging suplex. The fight heads outside with Fox chopping away, only to get hiptossed onto the apron. We take a break and come back with Ricochet hitting a People’s Moonsault for two. Fox fights up and slugs away, setting up stereo crossbodies for a double down. Ricochet slips out of a package piledriver to start but Fox puts him down for a 450. A fireman’s carry is loaded up so Ricochet grabs the referee to escape. The Recoil into the Spirit Gun into Vertigo finishes Fox at 11:01.

Rating: B-. I have no idea what else you were expecting here as this was exactly what you would have thought it would be. They did their flips, Ricochet won, it was entertaining. This was all it needed to be as Ricochet gets a win, though he wasn’t exactly being a big time villain here after his major turn.

Post match Swerve Strickland runs in with a chain but Ricochet busts out the scissors and uses Fox as a hostage/human shield to escape.

Jon Moxley won’t show the World Title because he is the World Title. He is forged in combat and wants 1000 of himself.

Chris Jericho says Roll Toad but isn’t happy with Big Bill for not being up Powerhouse Hobbs.

Jay White vs. Wheeler Yuta

Schiavone: “Well, here come the Death Riders again.” Yuta tries to jump him before the bell but has to bail from the threat of a Blade Runner. They trade headlocks to start until White crotches him on top in the corner and chops away on the floor. Yuta starts going after the knee to take over and a fisherman’s suplex gets two back inside. Excalibur sends us to a break but we stick around for another minute or so with Yuta staying on the leg.

We finally do take the break and come back with White breaking up a superplex and hitting one of his own. They trade rollups for two each until Yuta takes him down for the elbows to the face. Yuta tries the running knee but gets reversed into the Blade Runner for the pin at 13:34.

Rating: C+. This was good enough with White likely on the way to the title shot at Grand Slam. That is the kind of thing that is going to build up a title match like that and it should go well until Moxley gets to retain again. White is someone who feels like he can be raised up quickly and this was a good step forward for him.

Post match the Death Riders run in for the beatdown but Rated FTR makes the save. Harwood doesn’t like what happened to Ricky Morton and wants the Death Riders in a Mid-South street fight. The match is going to be in Huntsville but I guess Continental street fight doesn’t have the same ring.

We recap Toni Storm revealing that she is still Timeless in a bit of a confusing result.

Here is Mariah May to insist that Toni Storm is not real. May brings up beating Storm, who can’t win anything lately. May doesn’t need to cosplay because she is the best of the world.

The Gunns are coming back.

Here’s what’s coming on Collision.

We look at the Hurt Syndicate winning the Tag Team Titles.

Video on Konosuke Takeshita.

We look back at various things from earlier tonight.

The Vendetta yell about Harley Cameron and are ready for revenge on Collision.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Mone is defending and gets wristlocked to start. Back up and Mone runs her over, meaning we get a bit of a dance. Sakazaki’s basement clothesline is cut off and they fight outside with Mone taking over. A Meteora off the apron connects to put Sakazaki down and we take a break.

Back with Sakazaki hitting a brainbuster for two but Mone grabs Three Amigos for the knockdown. A superplex hits for Sakazaki and she grabs a spinning faceplant for two. The Statement Maker is broken up so Sakazaki kicks her in the head and gets two off a rollup. Mone hits a powerbomb into the Mone Maker to retain at 13:33.

Rating: B-. As usual, Sakazaki is fine enough to good in the ring because she is talented. The problem is she’s just dropped into the title picture after not being around for months. She has never been established as a big deal around here so it’s hard to care about seeing her getting a title shot and then losing. The match was good enough, even if there was still no reason to believe Mone was losing.

Overall Rating: C+. And here we have the latest night of heel dominance, which is par for the course around here. It’s just what we see and that gets tiring in a hurry. Other than White winning and getting to stand tall (with help), it was mostly the villains getting in everything they did and having little comeuppance (even Ospreay got beaten down after being Cage). It was another skippable show and that is happening fairly often in AEW these days.

Will Ospreay b. Brian Cage – Styles Clash
Claudio Castagnoli b. Jeff Jarrett – Neutralizer
Ricochet b. AR Fox – Vertigo
Jay White b. Wheeler Yuta – Blade Runner
Mercedes Mone b. Yuka Sakazaki – Mone Maker



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Ring Of Honor – January 23, 2025: Congratulations?

Ring Of Honor
Date: January 23, 2025
Location: Andrew J. Brady Music Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s the 100th episode and that means we should be getting something special around here. The key word there is “should”, as this show certainly doesn’t follow the norm for a wrestling series. We do at least have a TV Title match, as QT Marshall and Komander are this show’s version of a big showdown. Let’s get to it.

Mark Briscoe congratulates ROH on 100 episodes.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

TV Title: QT Marshall vs. Komander

Komander is defending and is quickly powered down to start. Marshall sends him to the corner and then the apron, only to get caught with a quick hurricanrana. They go outside where Marshall chops the post by mistake but is fine enough to hit an elbow back inside. A Lionsault gives Marshall two but Komander knocks him outside.

That means a big dive to take Marshall down again, setting up a high crossbody for two back inside. Marshall gets his boots up to block another moonsault, only to get caught with a Code Red for two. A 450 to the apron misses but Marshall goes after Alex Abrahantes. That’s enough for Komander to grab a springboard Code Red, allowing Cielito Lindo to retain the title at 9:41.

Rating: C+. And that’s the big match on the show, which had a pretty hard cap on it coming in. Komander isn’t so much presented as a big deal as much as he is presented as someone who is around a lot. Beating Marshall doesn’t mean much because Marshall doesn’t mean much, and Komander is regularly just a warm body to get beaten up in E. Having him win here is fine, but the AEW losses need to stop if this title is supposed to mean anything.

Post match Lee Johnson comes out for a staredown with Komander, who is more than game.

Leila Grey vs. Marti Belle

Grey starts fast with a rollup for two and then runs Belle over for a crash. A flipping neckbreaker drops Belle but she catches Grey on top. Belle hits a running shot in the corner and gets in some posing, followed by a running shot to the face. The chinlock is countered with a jawbreaker and Grey makes the comeback. A neckbreaker into a dragon sleeper makes Belle tap at 4:30.

Rating: C. Grey continues to improve and there is a chance that she could be something if she is given the chance and some more time. That’s the kind of thing that we need around here but it might take some time to get there. For now though, I’ll take a nice win over someone with a bit of name value as Grey gets some ring time.

Outrunners vs. Rosario Grillo/Jon Cruz

Magnum works on Cruz’s arm to start and the non Outrunners need a breather on the floor. They use said breather to STOMP ON THE OUTRUNNERS’ SUNGLASSES, meaning it’s time for a Hennig necksnap on Cruz. The Mega Powers Elbow sets up Total Recall to finish Grillo at 3:38.

Rating: C. Pretty much a squash for the Outrunners here and that’s fine, as the fans are going to go nuts for them no matter what they are doing. They are the definition of a fun act and that is what AEW/ROH could use in a big way. Let them come out there and let them pop the crowd a bit.

Athena is proud of 100 episodes and she’ll be back soon.

The Beast Mortos vs. Lord Crewe

Mortos uses the ropes to flip out of a wristlock to start before going after the leg. La majistral gets two on Crewe and they fight up to a standoff. Crewe kicks him down but Mortos is back with a pop up Samoan drop. A running forearm gives Crewe two but Mortos hits the spinning piledriver for the pin at 4:04.

Rating: C. I’m not sure why Mortos gives up so much in his matches as he is the definition of someone who can run through all kinds of people but he’s going move for move with someone like Crewe. That’s a nice way to make Crewe look good, but you might want to use someone other than Mortos to do that.

From International Challenge.

Tag Team Titles: Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal vs. Cima/Shingo

Daniels and Sydal are defending. Shingo and Daniels start things off with Shingo pulling him down by the leg to take over. The bigger Shingo runs him over with a shoulder but Daniels, with a lot of momentum, does the same to take Shingo down. Sydal comes in for a spinwheel kick and it’s off to Cima, with the fans approving.

Cima runs Sydal over and it’s back to Daniels, who gets elbowed in the face for his efforts. Sydal comes back in and snapmares Cima down to crank on the neck before Daniels gets two off a slam. A belly to back suplex/springboard elbow to the face combination gets two on Cima but Shingo comes in to choke Sydal down. Shingo starts working on the leg before sending him into the barricade, setting up Cima’s seated full nelson.

More leg cranking ensues before Sydal is caught in a swinging sleeper toss. A cutter/wheelbarrow faceplant combination gets two but Sydal manages a DDT and dropkick. The tag brings Daniels in to clean house and everything breaks down, with Sydal hitting a moonsault out to the floor. Back in and Sydal gets powerbombed into the corner before it’s back to Daniels, who gets caught in an Indian Deathlock.

Cima ties Daniels’ legs up for a brainbuster and a near fall, with Sydal diving in for a tornado DDT. Shingo nails Sydal with a lariat to leave everyone down as the fans approve. Cima superkicks Shingo by mistake and it’s a release Rock Bottom into the BME into the shooting star press to give Sydal the pin on Shingo at 23:52.

Rating: B. Good stuff here, with the champions feeling like they were fighting from underneath and capitalizing on Cima’s mistake with the superkick. Daniels and Sydal looked good as a team even when they felt like they escaped with a win here. It’s a nice match, though I’m not sure how much of a Daniels show case this really was.

Leila Grey wants the Women’s TV Title.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Lady Frost

Deonna Purrazzo is here with Valkyrie, who powers Frost down to start and hammers away on the mat. Back up and Frost kicks her out to the floor and we pause for a breather. Back in and Valkyrie knocks her down again but gets dropkicked in the back for her efforts. Valkyrie gets in another knockdown and we hit the chinlock to slow things down again. That’s broken up and Frost hits a flipping Cannonball in the corner for two. A Blue Thunder Bomb sets up Shania Pain to finish Frost at 6:00.

Rating: C. This was a back and forth match but it was only so interesting. Frost is someone who is there to make someone else look good and she did it well enough here, but there was only so much that was going to work here. Valkyrie feels like someone who has been around for awhile and not done much, with this match not really doing much to elevate her.

Jacked Jameson pitches a new group to Cole Karter, Griff Garrison and Preston Vance but they aren’t overly interested. Thinking about it is promise.

Gates Of Agony vs. Jay Lucas/Terry Yaki

Lucas strikes away at Kaun to absolutely no effect. A heck of a clothesline into a German suplex drops Lucas and it’s off to Yaki, who is beaten down down as well. That means it’s back to Lucas, who gets planted with a double spinebuster for the pin at 2:15.

Chris Jericho talks about the greatness of Ring Of Honor and lists off some historic names, albeit ARMBAR style with various Jericho names coming up over and over.

Shane Taylor vs. Katsuyori Shibata

The rest of Shane Taylor Promotions are here too. The larger Taylor powers him up against the ropes but Shibata strikes his way out of trouble. Taylor strikes him out to the floor and Shibata gets sent into the barricade for a crash. Some heavy forearms set up the chinlock but Shibata is right back up. A clothesline gives Taylor two but he misses a charge into the corner and gets chopped a lot. They strike it out until the Marcus Garvey Driver gives Taylor two. Welcome To The Land is blocked though and Shibata grabs the sleeper. The PK finishes Taylor at 7:18.

Rating: C. Not a bad match but I’m not sure why I’m supposed to stay interested in Taylor and his Promotions when they lose so often. We’ve been seeing hype videos for Taylor and company for weeks now and here their leader just loses clean. I get the idea of having Shibata look good because he’s a bigger star, but there was little reason for him to go over Taylor completely clean here. Just pick someone else for Shibata to beat.

Post match the Promotions jumps Shibata and beats him down. Daniel Garcia and the Undisputed Kingdom make the save. The Kingdom showing up is a nice touch for the anniversary show.

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita pop up to challenge Katsuyori Shibata for Collision. I have no idea why this needed to be on Ring Of Honor.

Overall Rating: C. So that’s the big milestone show and I’m not sure what was supposed to be special about this. They did throw in a few cameos with the congratulations and the Undisputed Kingdom at the end was nice, but the wrestling itself was absolutely nothing special. It was a run of the mill show and while nothing was bad, it was another show you didn’t need to see. It also doesn’t help that the classic match, which was good, was longer than the three longest new matches combined. It’s just extending the show and easily could have been trimmed down to about five minutes. Not much to see here, as usual.

Komander b. QT Marshall – Cielito Lindo
Leila Grey b. Marti Belle – Dragon sleeper
Outrunners b. Rosario Grillo/Jon Cruz – Total Recall to Grillo
The Beast Mortos b. Lord Crewe – Spinning piledriver
Taya Valkyrie b. Lady Frost – Shania Pain
Gates Of Agony b. Jay Lucas/Terry Yaki – Double spinebuster to Lucas
Katsuyori Shibata b. Shane Taylor – PK



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NXT LVL Up – December 13, 2024: Circling The Drain

Date: December 13, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

The very slow road to the end of this show continues as we have three episodes left. Last week saw what passes for a long story being paid off around here, though that isn’t likely to happen again as we don’t really have anymore of them to go. Maybe the action will make up for it though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wendy Choo vs. Dani Palmer

Choo takes her down by the leg to start but Palmer handstands out in a hurry. Palmer flips around again and hits a basement crossbody for two, only to get sent hard into the corner. A neck twist has Palmer in more trouble and a basement dropkick gets two. Choo hits some running shots in the corner and we hit the neck crank. Palmer is put in the Tree of Woe for some stomping but she slips out and makes the clothesline comeback. Choo catches her in the corner though and a cobra clutch finishes Palmer at 5:07.

Rating: C. Choo continues to be someone I cannot bring myself to care about, though thankfully she seems to just be weird now rather than the whole sleep themed woman. Palmer is athletic, but that is only going to get you so far with the talent around here. Not much of a match, with the bigger star winning.

Oro Mensah is ready for Niko Vance, who is a bit crazy for wanting to listen to Shawn Spears.

Dani Palmer is tired of losing and is ready to change something.

Oro Mensah vs. Niko Vance

Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears is here with Vance, who starts fast with some rapid fires shoulders in the corner. Mensah fights back but misses a charge to crash out to the floor. Back in and Vance gets some near falls before he switches to choking in the corner. A powerbomb gives Vance two and we hit the reverse chinlock. That’s broken up and Mensah flips away, setting up a kick to the back to rock Vance for a change. A neck snap over the top staggers Mensah and a top rope headbutt finishes him off at 6:43.

Rating: C. Vance is someone who is getting more of a shot lately and that was the case here. Beating Mensah isn’t a huge deal but it’s as big of a thing as Vance has done so far. For now, I could go for seeing more of Vance, who has done well enough in his rather limited appearances.

Overall Rating: C-. Not much to see this week as they were going short and didn’t exactly offer a ton of star power. That makes for a pretty dull show, which granted makes sense with so little time left in the series. Choo was her usual uninteresting self and Vance only got to do so much. Skippable show this week as we start to circle the drain.

Wendy Choo b. Dani Palmer – Cobra clutch
Niko Vance b. Oro Mensah – Top rope headbutt



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Impact Wrestling – January 23, 2025: Those Guys Are Good

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 23, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Point, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’ve got a pretty big show here as we are not only fresh off of Genesis but this show aired live for the first time in a good many years. The big story coming out of Genesis is Joe Hendry winning the World Title from Nic Nemeth in a moment that probably should have happened a few months back. Now it’s time to get ready for…whatever the next show is going to be. Let’s get to it.

Here is Genesis if you need a recap.

We open with a long Genesis recap.

Santino Marella is outside and promises history.

Opening sequence.

Here is Joe Hendry to get things going. He thanks the fans for always believing in him and now it is time for him to start a new era. That’s why he wants to be a fighting champion and is willing to defend the title against anyone from anywhere. Therefore the title is going to be on the line tonight with Hendry defending against….Matt Cardona. Ok nice start.

We look at Mike Santana making Josh Alexander quit at Genesis.

Eric Young isn’t sure what is going on with Alexander.

Later, Young is talking to Steve Maclin and thinks Alexander needs to be saved. Maclin isn’t convinced but Alexander comes in to say thank you for believing him. Young shakes Alexander’s hand but Maclin isn’t interested.

Nic Nemeth, with Ryan Nemeth, will talk about his loss later.

Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance/Rosemary vs. Spitfire/Masha Slamovich

Threat punches Ash into the corner to start and then out to the floor for a breather. Rosemary comes in to choke Threat and Ash adds a clothesline for two. Threat’s double knees gets her out of trouble and it’s off to Slamovich to clean house. Rosemary’s reverse DDT cuts her off though, only for Luna to snap off a German suplex. Cue NXT’s Cora Jade with an X’d out photo of Slamovich (her trademark), allowing Ash to get a rollup for the pin on Luna at 6:36.

Rating: C. This felt like a big way to set up the ending and little more than that. It worked out well enough and it was nice for Ash to get a win, though odds are it sets up a rematch for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Also, I get the idea of Jade coming in for the crossover, but I’m not exactly buying the idea of her as a threat to Slamovich.

Here is the Northern Armory for a chat. Josh Alexander reminds us that he quit TNA and thanks TNA for giving him the chance to explain this. After being the iron man for years, he broke at Genesis and now he wants to think of the good times as he is ready to leave. He was inspired watching the first TNA show in 2002 and now he’s ready to go. Sinner And Saint aren’t happy though and jump Alexander, with Eric Young making the save. Young offers a tag match for next week.

The System vs. Hardys

Non-title and the rest of the System is here with Moose/JDC. The System jumps them to start but the Hardys are back up with Poetry In Motion for a breather. Moose is back up with a beating to Matt though and JDC gets to take over. Matt breaks that up though and hands it off to Jeff to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and the Twist Of Fate leaves JDC on the floor. That means Jeff can knock Moose down and hit the Swanton for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: C+. It was fast paced and the ending was a bit of a surprise as JDC feels like he is there for the loss and nothing more. I’m a bit surprised that the System lost that quickly but the Hardys got a nice win after another win on Sunday. That makes for a bit of an issue as the Hardys continue to be one of the most important stars in TNA and the company is going to need something fresh in the title picture. For now though, this was a way to get the Hardys on the live show and that’s fine enough.

Post match the number 23 appears on screen again and we go to a break.

Here is Sami Callihan who wants to know what this 23 is right now. Cue Steph de Lander, who is the new Digital Media Champion, having gotten the title in the divorce (ok points for a clever way around that). With her husband out the door, it’s time to meet her boyfriend: Mance Warner, who is 23. Warner hits Callihan in the face with the title and kisses de Lander. Warner feels like he is long, long overdue to be in a bigger promotion.

Arianna Grace is on commentary and rather pleased to be here.

NXT Tag Team Titles; Fraxiom vs. Rascalz

Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer/Axiom) is defending. Miguel works on Axiom’s arm to start and it’s quickly of to Frazer for a Dream Sequence from the challengers. Frazer is back up with a DDT to give Axiom two and he grabs the chinlock. A double basement superkick gets two on Miguel and a Sling Blade gets two.

Axiom’s superkick into a brainbuster gets two more but Miguel kicks Frazer to the floor. The Rascalz rapid fire kick Axiom and double superkick a moonsaulting Frazer out of the air for two. Cue Wes Lee for a distraction though and it’s Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont to take out the Rascalz. The super Spanish Fly into the phoenix splash pins Miguel to retain the titles at 9:15.

Rating: B-. So this is the big crossover match and that’s not a bad way to go. Fraxiom has been doing some great things as of late and this is getting another chance for them to showcase just how good they are. At the same time, the Rascalz issues continue and we could be in for something interesting. More Fraxiom is certainly a good thing though and it made for a nice match here.

Here is Mike Santana for a chat. His father taught him to be a man of his word and that is what he has done since he came back to TNA. On Sunday, he made Josh Alexander quit and now he wants to be the World Champion. Cue the returning Mustafa Ali of all people and he has officially signed with the company. Therefore, it is time to launch a new campaign to become the next World Heavyweight Champion. And Santana is just ok with this.

Here is Tessa Blanchard for a chat. She talks about her family being from San Antonio and her grandfather brought the first national wrestling show to television. Her father and grandfather knew there was something special in her and now it is time to step up. She is back and answers to no one. And that’s that. As usual, Blanchard feels like an absolute star every time.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Matt Cardona

Hendry is defending and Frankie Kazarian is on commentary. Cardona gets knocked to the floor to start before coming back in to choke away. A jumping knee takes Cardona down though and a suplex does the same. They head outside with Hendry hitting an AA but a second is broken up with a rake to the eyes. We take a break and come back with Cardona dropping him again.

Some neckbreakers set up a front facelock to keep Hendry in trouble which is broken up rather quickly. Hendry gets taken own by a straitjacket choke and the Reboot connects in the corner. The referee gets bumped though, meaning the pop up powerbomb doesn’t get a count. A low blow drops Hendry and Cardona grabs the title but cue John Layfield to drop Cardona. Layfield leaves, only for Cardona to get up with a belt shot for two. Another belt shot is loaded up but Hendry reverses into the Standing Ovation to retain at 16:08.

Rating: B-. Not a bad debut for Hendry as champion and beating someone as prominent as Cardona is a good move. That being said, it would be nice to have anything involving Layfield actually being explained. He’s been at this for months now but for some reason we’re still doing the same stuff over and over. Other than that, it was a good match, though Hendry could have looked a bit stronger.

Overall Rating: B. While not a classic show or anything, it was a show that felt big and had some nice moments. That’s what they needed to do here as the company is actually on a nice roll. Hendry becoming the top star is a good thing and it feels like we could be in for quite the run from him if TNA handles it properly. Cardona showing up as a surprise and Ali being back made for some big moments and I want to see where this is going from here. Nice job here, as TNA delivered well enough when it needed to.

Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance/Rosemary b. Spitfire/Masha Slamovich – Rollup to Luna
Hardys b. The System – Swanton to Moose
Fraxiom b. Rascalz – Phoenix splash to Miguel
Joe Hendry b. Matt Cardona – Standing Ovation



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NXT – January 28, 2025: It Worked, But It Didn’t

Date: January 28, 2025
Location: Center Stage, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T., Corey Graves

We are closing in on Vengeance Day and that means it is time to start putting the card together. For some reason the big draw this week is NXT Champion Oba Femi appearing on the Grayson Waller Effect, which was presented as a bigger deal than the NXT Title match last week. Hopefully they have something good planned so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Giulia/Bayley vs. Roxanne Perez/Cora Jade

The villains try to jump them to start but are quickly knocked to the floor. We settle down to Giulia and Perez trading rollups for two each until Perez is dragged over to the corner. Jade comes in to yell at Bayley, who drops her with a clothesline for two. Perez sends Bayley and Giulia to the floor for some dives and we take an early break.

Back with everyone down before Bayley Stuns Jade over the middle rope. A cheap shot cuts Bayley off the top though and double teaming ensues as the referee holds Giulia back. Perez mocks Bayley’s old wave before charging into a belly to back suplex to give Bayley a breather. The Bayley To Belly allows the tag off to Giulia, who sends Perez flying with a suplex. Jade accidentally runs Perez over with a forearm for two as everything breaks down again. Giulia drops Jade and Bayley hits the top rope elbow for the pin at 12:59.

Rating: B-. Nice opener here as Bayley feels like the biggest star around here, just due to her legendary status. It helps that NXT can get bigger names from the main roster here and if Bayley can do something for NXT, it’s all the better. The match itself was good action, though Jade taking the fall felt like a matter of time more than anything else.

Eddy Thorpe insists he isn’t done and will make his mark in NXT.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect and hometown boy Austin Theory is rather popular until Grayson Waller cuts them off. Waller brings out Oba Femi as the guest and praises him, only for Theory to say he doesn’t see their potential. Femi brings up that he is the only one of them to be NXT Champion but Theory talks about how Femi is going to get to the main roster and then wind up on the indies selling t-shirts. Femi asks where their titles are and offers them a title shot at Vengeance Day. Waller tries to accept but here is Ava to say she makes the matches. Cue Trick Williams, who is planted with the Fall From Grace.

Izzi Dame says there is nothing going on with her and the D’Angelo Family. She helped D’Angelo keep the NXT Title because neither of them like Shawn Spears. Cue Ridge Holland to yell at her but Stacks cuts that off.

Trick Williams vs. Wes Lee

Williams is still banged up and Lee has Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont with him. Lee wastes no time in knocking Williams, with his bad ribs, into the corner. More shots to the back keep Williams in trouble but he pulls Lee’s high crossbody out of the air. The back gives out but Williams knocks him hard to the floor. A Meteora from the apron sends Williams into the announcers’ table though and we take a break.

Back with Williams kicking his way out of a half crab and dropping Lee with a shot to the face. The Trick Shot is loaded up but Igwe pulls Lee to the floor in time. Back in and Lee is launched over the top onto the other two and Williams unloads in the corner. The referee is finally thrown down and Williams is DQ’ed at 10:10.

Rating: C+. This was more about making Williams look intense and that worked out well. There is a very, very good chance that we are coming up on Williams vs. Oba Femi at Stand & Deliver and Williams is going to have to get warmed up on his way there. Beating up Lee is a good way to get started there and this was a nice way to make Williams feel serious.

Post match Williams grabs a chair and the ring is cleared out in a hurry.

Ava yells at Oba Femi for overstepping his bounds before making Femi vs. Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller in a triple threat at Vengeance Day.

Post break Ava yells at Trick Williams and makes him/Femi vs. A-Town Down Under next week.

Women’s North American Title: Shotzi vs. Fallon Henley

Henley, with Fatal Influence, is defending so Shotzi has Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley to even things out. Shotzi grabs a hurricanrana to start and a wheelbarrow faceplant gets an early two. Henley bails to the floor so Shotzi hits a big dive and the other four brawl to the back. Shotzi’s kick only hits the post though and Henley takes the leg out as we take a break.

Back with Shotzi hitting an inverted cannonball but Henley grabs a hair faceplant. A stretch muffler is broken up and Shotzi’s Sliced Bread gets two. Shotzi crushes her with a top rope backsplash for two but another Sliced Bread is broken up. Something like a reverse explodes drops Shotzi and the Hoedown (Fameasser) retains the title at 10:15.

Rating: C. Not much to this one, other than Henley’s finisher is called the Hoedown, just in case you wanted her to be treated as a serious star. I have no idea how that was the best name they had, but for now Henley gets to hang onto the title. That being said, I can’t imagine Henley holding the title past Vengeance Day when Stephanie Vaquer likely gets a title shot.

Post match Stephanie Vaquer comes out for the staredown and the title match is official for Vengeance Day.

Kelani Jordan and Karmen Petrovic argue over Ashante Thee Adonis.

Ava makes Giulia vs. Bayley vs. Roxanne Perez for the Women’s Title at Vengeance Day. Perez approves, Cora Jade doesn’t.

Ethan Page vs. Cedric Alexander

Alexander starts fast and hammers away to choke Page in the corner. A dropkick puts Page down again but he goes after the bad fingers for a needed breather. The covering is taken off of the bad hand and Page sends it into the post as we take a break. Back with Alexander fighting back and grabbing a modified Koji Clutch. That’s broken up with a grab of the bad hand and Page breaks up a handspring. The Twist Of Fate finishes Alexander at 11:12.

Rating: C. I’m starting to get into this more angry and aggressive Page as it is starting to make him stand out a bit more. What matters the most here is that Page continues to look like a monster and that is likely going to lead to a showdown with Je’Von Evans at Vengeance Day. Page has gone from little more than a generic villain to something more interesting and that is nice to see.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Je’Von Evans runs in for the save.

Fatal Influence is ready for Stephanie Vaquer.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Josh Briggs gives Yoshiki Inamura his own vest so they can match.

Vengeance Day rundown.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Meta Four vs. Naomi/Bianca Belair

Naomi and Belair are defending. Jackson takes Naomi down to start but gets caught in a wristlock to slow things down. An exchange of rollups gets two each and it’s off to Belair for a Paisan Elbow. Legend comes in to face Belair and the fans definitely approve. A headscissors is countered into a swinging backbreaker to drop Belair and Legend’s running moonsault gets two as we take a break.

Back with Naomi being sent into the corner but we cut to Cora Jade yelling at Ava backstage. Naomi gets over to Belair for a needed tag and house is quickly cleaned. The handspring moonsault gives Belair two but everything breaks down. Belair is sent outside for a dive from Jackson and the wheelbarrow faceplant/cutter gets two on Naomi. Legend’s powerbomb is countered into an X Factor for a needed breather but Jackson gets a VERY near fall (with the fans booing it being called two and commentary calling it out). A quick KOD retains the titles at 12:58.

Rating: B. I’ve been rather critical of Legend but sweet goodness has she come a LONG way in the last year or so. She has gone from horrible to a heck of a powerhouse and she feels like a star. The ending felt like it could be moving somewhere later on, but for now, Belair and Naomi getting a hard fought win is nice to see.

We get a test pattern saying WWE TRANSMISSION but those words are deleted and VENGEANCE DAY comes up instead.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show, as they set up a bunch of stuff for Vengeance Day but I can’t quite get behind a lot of what we are going to be seeing. There are multiple triple threats and those matches are only so interesting. The show itself was decent and some people were showing good fire, though I’m less interested in Vengeance Day than I was coming into this week. That’s not a good sign, but there is still time to make it better.

Giulia/Bayley b. Roxanne Perez/Cora Jade – Top rope elbow to Jade
Wes Lee b. Trick Williams via DQ when Williams shoved the referee
Fallon Henley b. Shotzi – Hoedown
Ethan Page b. Cedric Alexander – Twist Of Fate
Bianca Belair/Naomi b. Meta Four – KOD to Jackson



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Daily News Update – January 28, 2025

Make sure you check out some recent reviews:

Collision – January 18, 2025

Genesis 2025

Dynamite – January 22, 2025

NXT LVL Up – December 6, 2024

Smackdown – January 24, 2025

Royal Rumble 2003 (2017 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2004 (2018 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2005 (2019 Edition)

Royal Rumble 2006 (2020 Edition)

Paul Bearer’s Hits From The Crypt (2025 Edition)

Collision – January 25, 2025

Saturday Night’s Main Event #38

Monday Night Raw – January 27, 2025

WRESTLING RUMOR: Traditional WrestleMania Weekend Event Not Expected To Take Place This year. .

WATCH: Title Change Takes Place On AEW Dynamite. .

Strange Update On Rumored Alexa Bliss WWE Return, Put On Indefinite Hold. .

Ric Flair Recently Filmed New Content For Upcoming WWE Series. .

Big Update On WWE Possibly Bringing Back Defunct Wrestling Promotion. .

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WATCH: WWE Officially Confirms Big Return For Royal Rumble Match. .

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WWE Considering A Battle Of The Generations At WrestleMania 41. .

Speculation Over WWE’s Interest In Purchasing TNA Wrestling, Company Reportedly Tried To Sell To Tony Khan. .

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WATCH: Rhea Ripley Teases Entering WWE Men’s Royal Rumble. .

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Here Is Why You Haven’t Seen John Cena Very Much This Year. .


As always, hit up the comments section to chat about what is going on and get on the Wrestling Rumors Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (featuring news stories written by ME).

Monday Night Raw – January 27, 2025: It’s Time To Rumble

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 27, 2025
Location: State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Seth Rollins

It’s the last Raw before the Royal Rumble and that means we are likely going to be getting some last minute names added to the namesake matches. Other than that, Logan Paul is making his Raw debut and that should make for something interesting. We’re also getting the fallout from Saturday Night’s Main Event so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Commentary welcomes us to the show.

Here is Seth Rollins to get things going. Rollins talks about how he’s going to win the Royal Rumble but he hasn’t had a good start to 2025. He remembers the debut of Monday Night Raw on Netflix and having the most humiliating loss of his career. Now though he is ready to win the Royal Rumble, but the question is what title he wants to go after. Maybe the Ring General Gunther, or maybe the American Nightmare Gunther.

Cue Gunther, who wants to know where Rollins has been. Gunther asks where Rollins has been because he’s been stuck fighting people like Jey Uso. He wants to know if Rollins still has it in him, even though he isn’t the greatest wrestler in WWE anymore. Gunther wants the old Rollins to come back and face him at Wrestlemania, just so Gunther can show him who the real World Heavyweight Champion really is.

Cue the debuting Logan Paul to interrupt and my goodness the heat on him is incredible. The booing is so loud that it’s hard to understand him as he talks about how these two are just average. Paul talks about how great he is and he’s officially in the Royal Rumble. It’s clear that he’s incredible at wrestling but now he gets to decide just who he faces for the title. Gunther likes the idea of facing Paul because he could slap the smirk off his face. Rollins says he’ll win and we’re done. Paul’s heat here was unreal and he came off like an absolute star in his first eight minutes or so on the show.

CM Punk isn’t worried about Paul because he’s going to win the Royal Rumble. He’d throw Cathy Kelly over the top if he had to but here is Sami Zayn to interrupt (with Kelly leaving). Zayn brings up Punk saying he wasn’t on his level last week but points out that he’s a Wrestlemania main eventer. Zayn walks off and runs into Karrion Kross, with Zayn not interested in anything he has to say. That’s fine with Kross, but what about what Zayn’s friends have been saying? Stop thinking with your heart and start thinking with your head. Cody Rhodes comes in and Zayn kind of blows him off.

Tag Team Titles: Judgment Day vs. War Raiders

The Raiders are defending and get jumped to start. The brawl is on with Erik fighting back, only to get caught with a jawbreaker into a neckbreaker. McDonagh hits a big moonsault out to the floor but bangs his head on the announcers’ table. Cole sounds scared about the landing and the fans applaud McDonagh as he gets up (that’s nice to see). Erik gets double teamed in the corner but gets out without much trouble, allowing the tag off to Ivar to pick up the pace.

A seated senton out of the corner hits Mysterio but Ivar misses a charge over the barricade. Erik powerbombs the villains into each other though, allowing Ivar to hit a flipping dive as we take a break. Back with Erik cleaning house, including a Boss Man Slam and a hard knee to Mysterio.

The springboard clothesline misses though and McDonagh headbutts Erik (McAfee: “Might as well have had a bicycle hit your face.”). Ivar goes up but gets suplexed down by McDonagh and cue Carlito to spit the apple. Mysterio hits a 619 so McDonagh can add the moonsault, setting up the frog splash for two. Erik is back up and the War Machine retains the titles at 11:35.

Rating: B. It took me a bit to get into this one but it wound up being a heck of a match with the power vs. the speed/cheating. The Raiders are doing fine as champions, but it’s hard to imagine that New Day isn’t going to be getting the titles at some pint in the future. McDonagh banging into the table was certainly a sight but thankfully he seemed to be fine.

Ludwig Kaiser comes up to Pete Dunne and they don’t trust Penta. New Day comes in and even Kaiser and Dunne don’t like them. Xavier Woods is ready to face Rey Mysterio tonight. Kingston: “Atlanta’s favorite son has come home!” Cathy Kelly: “Bron Breakker? Austin Theory? Cody Rhodes?” Woods: “NO!” Woods’ family is supposed to be here and they have front row seats…though he hasn’t heard from them.

Rey Mysterio vs. Xavier Woods

The LWO (including Zelina Vega, who is going to Smackdown this weekend) is here too, along with Kofi Kingston. They trade takedowns to start before Woods chops away in the corner. A running hurricanrana gives Mysterio a breather but Woods is right back with a middle rope stomp to the back of the neck.

We take a break and come back with Woods hitting a rather delayed vertical suplex for two more. Woods strikes away before dropping him face first onto the turnbuckle. A Code Red out of the corner gives Mysterio two but Woods sends him outside again. We pause for Woods to go see his family though….and they’re wearing NEW DAY SUCKS shirts. Woods and Kingston yell at them, allowing Mysterio to hit a 619 into the slingshot splash for the pin at 11:01.

Rating: B-. This is one of the better stories in WWE at the moment as New Day is going to start realizing that there are consequences for their actions. That opens up a variety of options and I’m really curious to see how it goes. For now though, it’s another nice match between two talented stars and I’m liking New Day losing given the situation.

Sami Zayn tells Seth Rollins that the Helluva Kick last week was a mistake and Rollins believes him. With the Royal Rumble coming up though, he can’t be so sure. They shake hands though and it seems to be ok.

We get a sneak preview of an interview with CM Punk, which will air during the Royal Rumble Kickoff. Punk is still elusive about the favor Paul Heyman owes him.

Here is Jey Uso, with a rapper name Cuevo, to say he needed that kind of a reception. He lost on Saturday because Gunther was that good. The reality is Uso can beat Gunther so now he has to win the Royal Rumble.

Lyra Valkyria enters the Royal Rumble. American Made comes in with Chad Gable suggesting that Ivy Nile will be the next Women’s Intercontinental Title. Valkyria says this is the closest either of them will get to being Intercontinental Champion but Nile seems to be in the Royal Rumble too. Then they see the Alpha Academy dancing for TikTok and Gable yells at them. Maxxine Dupri looks sad. This is a story that could be dropped without losing much of anything.

Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez vs. Naomi/Bianca Belair

Non-title. Morgan has to slip out of an early KOD attempt so she pulls Belair down by the hair. Belair nips up so Rodriguez comes in for a fight over a suplex. Naomi comes in and gets caught with a double Russian legsweep but gets sent into the corner for some running shots in the corner. It’s back to Morgan, who is taken down with a standing moonsault/legdrop combination for two. Everything breaks down and Naomi and Belair hit a high crossbody each.

We take a break and come back with Rodriguez front facelocking Naomi and swinging her around in quite the power display. A rather hard posting drops Naomi but she’s right back with a hanging Pedigree to the apron. Belair comes in for a suplex to Morgan, whose panicked face on the landing is quite the visual. Rodriguez is driven into Morgan in the corner so Belair can hammer away, only for Morgan to come back with a dropkick.

Rodriguez hits a chokebomb on Belair and powerbombs Morgan onto her for two. Naomi is back up with a slingshot X Factor for two of her own but Morgan is back up with the Codebreaker. The Oblivion is cut off though and Belair hits the KOD, only for Dominik Mysterio to offer a distraction. Naomi’s split legged moonsault connects with Rodriguez making the save and powerbombing her onto the apron. Morgan steals the pin at 12:32.

Rating: C+. This match felt long and I wasn’t getting interested in what they were doing. It wasn’t a bad match, but seeing the champions lose wasn’t exactly thrilling. In theory this sets up a title match down the line, though Naomi and Belair don’t exactly feel like a big time team in the first place.

Rhea Ripley is banged up after her match with Nia Jax but she reminded her why Mami is always on top. She doesn’t care who wins the Royal Rumble, so here is Bayley to tease a challenge. Ripley leaves so here is Iyo Sky to say she’ll see Bayley Saturday.

Since we’re in Atlanta, we look at Michael Cole beating Jerry Lawler at Wrestlemania XXVII in a match that should be erased from history. Pat McAfee rips Cole for his look in the match in a funny bit.

Penta says this is just the beginning so he’s in the Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble rundown.

Here is Paul Heyman for a chat. He is the one behind the GOAT and the one behind the cover star of WWA (yes A) 2K25. We get the big reveal of the game’s cover and Heyman talks about how Reigns has all kinds of responsibilities to be the game’s cover star. Heyman says he is the one behind the one in 29 vs. 1 and now it is time for Reigns to get his WWE Title back.

Reigns is the biggest star in the world and when we colonize Mars, he’ll be the biggest star on that planet too. There are two stars in the Royal Rumble: Roman Reigns and 29 Roman Reigns wannabes. Those people get down on their hands and knees every night, praying to be Roman Reigns. Cue Drew McIntyre to interrupt and Heyman knows this isn’t good.

McIntyre says they never get to talk but the fans want Reigns. The reality is that McIntyre is responsible for all of Heyman and Reigns’ success. McIntyre won the Royal Rumble and WWE Title in 2020 and then Heyman was able to come back to work with Reigns. Heyman thanks McIntyre, but says McIntyre is crowding him. McIntyre backs up but asks for a favor: have Heyman tell his boy that McIntyre is coming for him at the Royal Rumble. Heyman says he’ll tell Reigns that, but McIntyre meant CM Punk. As usual, Heyman’s praise of Reigns was great, though McIntyre felt like a threat and that’s a good thing.

Sami Zayn vs. Drew McIntyre

Dang they like running this match. McIntyre points out that he’s 10-0 against Zayn in singles matches so Zayn knocks him outside for an Arabian moonsault. Back in and Zayn wins a chop off before getting dropped with a shot to the face. Zayn fights up with a tornado DDT but McIntyre cuts him off on top. They go outside with McIntyre missing a Claymore and landing on the announcers’ table as we take a break.

Back with McIntyre hitting a spinebuster and sitout powerbomb for two each. Zayn is back up with a sunset bomb out of the corner for two of his own. The Blue Thunder Bomb is countered though and McIntyre sends him flying with a suplex. Now the Blue Thunder Bomb gets two but McIntyre catches him on top with the choke suplex. The Claymore misses and McIntyre is sent into the post, allowing Zayn to suplex him into the corner. The Helluva Kick misses though and McIntyre rolls him up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 14:24.

Rating: B-. It says a lot that they have an interesting story in the idea of Zayn chasing both a World Title and a win over McIntyre. That’s something similar to what he did in NXT and I could go for seeing it again. Good enough match here, even if the ending was a bit weak compared to what they have done before.

Post match McIntyre jumps him again but Cody Rhodes runs in for the save. Kevin Owens comes in to deck Rhodes and the brawl is on but Zayn’s Helluva Kick hits Rhodes by mistake.

We get a look at WWE2K25, featuring Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman.

Post break Cody Rhodes is looking up at the two WWE Titles hanging above the ring. He won the title at Wrestlemania and in the last seven months, he has found out that it’s a mindset that makes you a champion. Rhodes is ready for Owens but here is CM Punk to interrupt. Punk asks Rhodes if he’s ok because he knows what it’s like to be WWE Champion for a long time.

Around the 300 day mark, it started to wear on him and he started being someone else. Punk knows Rhodes wants to be Bruno Sammartino or John Cena and do everything but no one is Superman. Rhodes knows that Punk is his friend….right? Punk says of course he is but he sees the road Rhodes is going down. Being champion turns into a heavy is the head that wears the crown situation. Rhodes says we need to cut through all of this and get to the point.

Punk talks about how Rhodes is going to be in his hometown tonight but he won’t sleep because he has an early media call. Either way, he’ll be thinking about his match at the Royal Rumble and even if he wins, he’ll be criss crossing the country after that. It doesn’t matter what is next for Rhodes because there is always something else to do. He’ll see all of these people cheering his name and every kid wearing his merchandise, but there is always going to be in the best shape of their life and coming for him at Wrestlemania. The good news is that one day, someone is going to take the belt from him.

Rhodes: “Tell me the bad news.” Punk: “The bad news is that someone is going to be me.” Punk says that since he’s Rhodes’ one true friend, he’ll stab Rhodes in the front. Rhodes talks about meeting him at OVW and how everyone wanted to be Punk. There was a ten year period with Punk gone, even though the fans were still chanting for him.

Now though, things have changed again because now Punk is chasing Rhodes. He wants Punk to realize that he isn’t the best in the world anymore. A rather tense staredown ends the show. This was GREAT and you could feel the tension here, which is not something you can see with a lot of people. Rhodes and Punk feel like top stars and seeing them have this serious of a segment is a treat.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a show where the wrestling was good but that wasn’t the point. The majority of this show was about building up the Royal Rumble and, at least on the men’s side, my goodness did they hit that out of the park. There were all kinds of people talking about the match and they made it sound like the most important thing in the world. I want to see who is going to win the Royal Rumble because I’m not sure who is going to win it and what is next for everyone else. The rest of the show was good enough, but this was all about setting up the Royal Rumble and it worked very well.

War Raiders b. Judgment Day – War Machine to Mysterio
Rey Mysterio b. Xavier Woods – Slingshot splash
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Naomi/Bianca Belair – Powerbomb onto the apron to Naomi
Drew McIntyre b. Sami Zayn – Rollup with feet on the ropes



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Saturday Night’s Main Event #38: The Strong Start Continues

Saturday Night’s Main Event #38
Date: January 25, 2025
Location: Frost Bank Center, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re back with another of these just over a month after the big return in December. The card isn’t quite as big this time around, though there are multiple title matches and some interesting showdowns. It’s going to be a bit more tricky as the Royal Rumble is next week so there was only so much to offer here. Let’s get to it.

Joe Tessitore welcomes us to the show, including a bunch of people, such as Ted DiBiase, arriving.

Dig that opening sequence.

Tessitore and Jesse Ventura (in a Public Enemy hat) are on the podium and Jesse can’t believe that Texas can’t handle some Minnesota weather. Jesse is interested in the Intercontinental Title match and he’ll be on commentary for that one.

Raw Women’s Title: Nia Jax vs. Rhea Ripley

Ripley is defending and gets decked during the Big Match Intros so we start fast. A dropkick and tornado DDT put Jax on the floor and there’s a flip dive from the apron as we’re starting fast. Jax is right back with a pop up headbutt though and Ripley is rocked again. A super Samoan drop gives Jax two and we take an early break.

Back with Ripley striking away but not being able to grab a springboard hurricanrana. Instead it’s a Code Red for two on Jax, with the fans sounding impressed. Another Samoan drop cuts Ripley off again though and a middle rope legdrop gets two. The Annihilator is loaded up but Ripley is right there with a powerbomb out of the corner for the massive crash. Jax blocks the Prism Trap but gets sent outside, where Ripley hits a heck of a dive to take her out. Back in and Jax runs her over, setting up an Annihilator to the back, but somehow Ripley electric chairs her down. The Riptide retains the title at 10:38.

Rating: B. This was a different kind of Ripley, as she was having to fight from underneath and didn’t go with just the power game. Instead she was mixing in some more athletic stuff and it made for a nice change of pace. Jax was good as well, as she played quite the monster for Ripley to slay. Good stuff here, almost in a weird version of Sting/Vader.

Alundra Blayze and Mark Henry are here.

Intercontinental Title: Bron Breakker vs. Sheamus

Sheamus is challenging and Jesse Ventura is on commentary. Ventura thinks Breakker is physically impressive, but since he’s a Steiner, 2+2=5. Even Ventura has to laugh at the ensuing Steiner Math jokes. They fight over a lockup to start until Sheamus takes him into the corner as Jesse gives us a history of the “WWF” Intercontinental Title.

Breakker fights back with a suplex and runs the ropes to knocks Sheamus outside. Sheamus is fine enough to cut off a charge and send Breakker into the timekeeper’s area. The ten forearms are broken up and Breakker spears a diving Sheamus out of the air (that looked GREAT) and we take a break. Back with Sheamus wanting Breakker to fight before dropping him with a jumping knee for two.

Now the sixteen forearms can connect and the Celtic Cross gets two more. Breakker is right back with the gorilla press powerslam for two of his own as Ventura seems to be having a good time. Sheamus flips himself up to the top but Breakker runs the corner for the super Frankensteiner. The super spear is cut off with a Brogue Kick for two, with the foot on the rope, with Ventura going on a rant about how the referee shouldn’t have counted three (he didn’t seem to). Another Brogue Kick misses though and Breakker hits an ugly spear to retain at 11:29.

Rating: B-. I’m no sure if they’re ever going to do it, but my goodness they are setting up one heck of a moment if Sheamus ever wins the title. For now, it was another hoss fight, though it felt a bit off for some reason. They weren’t quite clicking, even with that outstanding spear on the floor. Ventura wasn’t quite as hot as he was last month, but he’s still more than good enough to warrant a spot like this.

Video on Shawn Michaels.

Ted DiBiase, Dory Funk Jr. and Jim Duggan are here.

Here is Shawn Michaels, who says he is sweating through his clothes, for the contract signing between Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens. Michaels promises to get the job done when Nick Aldis couldn’t and brings both of them out. They stare each other down rather than sitting, but Michaels isn’t having this. Michaels says he has to get the signatures and Rhodes signs without saying a word.

Owens (in a CODY SUCKS EGGS shirt) teases signing but doesn’t do it, instead talking about how Rhodes accused him of always taking the easy way out. That’s not what he did at Bash In Berlin, but Rhodes is the one who quit when things got tough. Rhodes: “ENOUGH!” He is done dealing with Owens trying to justify himself and wants to find out who he is facing at Wrestlemania.

Owens still won’t sign and goes on a rant about how he is taking everything he has deserved for the last ten years. Michaels says Owens sounds jealous, which leaves Owens incredulous. Owens thinks Michaels is jealous because he’s bringing more prestige to the title than Michaels ever did. The only one who is going to LOSE HIS SMILE is Rhodes and Owens signs.

Now Michaels needs them to hand over the titles and hang them above the ring (presumably they’ll be moved before the Rumble and not left hanging there until WWE is in San Antonio again). The titles are hung and Michaels wishes both of them good luck. Owens decks Rhodes so Michaels shoves him, leaving Owens to try the package piledriver. Rhodes breaks that up and Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music to leave Owens on the floor. That was an intense segment and Michaels was the perfect choice here, though having him drop Owens might not have been the best idea.

Video on Braun Strowman vs. Jacob Fatu.

Fatu rants about how violent he can be.

Jacob Fatu vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman shoves him around to start and hits a hard shoulder, followed by an elbow to the face. A missed charge sends Strowman outside though and Fatu scores with a suicide dive as we take a break. Back with Strowman hitting a sidewalk slam and a running big boot drops Fatu again.

A big beal sends Fatu outside and there’s the running shoulder to send him into the barricade. Another shot sends Fatu flying over the announcers’ table but a third is countered into a Samoan drop onto the table. Back in and six straight running Umaga Attacks have Strowman on another planet so the referee cuts Fatu off. Fatu shoves the referee to the floor and the match is thrown out at 8:30.

Rating: B-. As a match it wasn’t anything great as Strowman as moving rather slowly, but as an angle to get Fatu over as a monster, this was a smashing success. Fatu took Strowman’s big shots and shrugged them off before wrecking Strowman in the end. This is going to make Fatu look like that much more of a monster and my goodness it worked.

Post match Fatu beats on him even more, followed by taking out security. Strowman is bleeding from the mouth and Fatu hits a moonsault to make it even worse. Tama Tonga comes out to try to calm Fatu down but Fatu hits another moonsault. Fatu finally leaves, with the fans giving him quite the cheers. Then Fatu goes back in for another moonsault. This was outstanding.

The Brainbusters are here.

Joe Tessitore and Jesse Ventura recap the night, with Ventura praising Jacob Fatu.

Royal Rumble rundown.

IShowSpeed will be live streaming at the Royal Rumble. Ok then.

Raw World Title: Jey Uso vs. Gunther

Gunther is defending and since Uso spends too long giving his glasses away, gets kicked in the head to start. Uso tries to hammer away but gets sat on top for a big chop to the floor. We take a break and come back with Gunther hitting a heck of a clothesline as Uso can’t get anything going.

Uso actually gets the better of a chop off but Gunther runs him over again without much effort. The chinlock goes on but Uso powers out and hits a needed Samoan drop. Gunther is right back with the dropkick into the powerbomb for two and a kick to the head sends us to a break.

Back with Uso hitting a superkick and avoiding another dropkick in the corner. Gunther fights up and hammers away in the corner, only to get powerbombed back down for two. The spear gives Uso two more and another spear into the Superfly Splash gets another near fall as the fans are losing it over these near falls. Gunther has had it with this and hits the powerbomb to retain at 17:12.

Rating: B. This felt like a good house show main event, as it wasn’t so much about the drama of a potential title change but rather seeing Gunther have to work to survive. Uso is a perfectly good choice for this kind of title shot, as he is so over with the fans but still an underdog so the loss isn’t really going to hurt him. Good main event here, with Uso looking solid in defeat.

We get what might be a look of respect to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a heck of a show as Saturday Night’s Main Event is off to a great return with the first two episodes. What mattered here was that you had big time matches, putting this just a step below a pay per view level card. For what is essentially a bonus show, I had a good time, with Fatu’s insanity owning the night. Check this out if you get the chance, as it was quite good.

Rhea Ripley b. Nia Jax – Riptide
Bron Breakker b. Sheamus – Super spear
Braun Strowman b. Jacob Fatu when Fatu shoved the referee
Gunther b. Jey Uso – Powerbomb



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