Tagged: AJ Styles

Royal Rumble 2016: This Rumble Game Thing 79

Royal Rumble 2016: This Rumble Game Thing

Royal Rumble 2016 Date: January 24, 2016 Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton It’s time to start the Road to Wrestlemania and it’s never started on this...

Royal Rumble 2016 Preview 5

Royal Rumble 2016 Preview

This is one of the most difficult shows of the year to predict and it’s not just because of the battle royal. Aside from the big main event, it’s hard to guess a lot...

Wrestle Kingdom X: Gimme Back My Bullets 2

Wrestle Kingdom X: Gimme Back My Bullets

Wrestle Kingdom X Date: January 4, 2016 Location: Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan Attendance: 25,204 Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Matt Striker, Yoshitatsu This is one of those shows that I have to do almost every year...