Monday Night Raw – July 8, 2024: Run

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 8, 2024
Location: Canadian Tire Center, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re done with King Of The Ring and all roads lead to Summerslam, where the still World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest will defend against Gunther. Other than that, Drew McIntyre is suspended for going a bit coconuts on Adam Pearce following more CM Punk screwiness. Let’s get to it.

Here is Money In The Bank if you need a recap.

We open with a long Money In The Bank recap.

Here is CM Punk to get things going. Punk talks about how happy he is to be here before congratulating John Cena on his retirement. While Cena isn’t here tonight, Punk would love to lace them up with him one more time. As for someone else who isn’t here, we have Drew McIntyre, and we see a clip of him snapping on Adam Pearce after Money In The Bank. Punk says unfortunately ratings slipped because McIntyre was just on TV (McAfee: “Geez.”) before going into how McIntyre’s actions have consequences.

Punk is the consequences to those actions, which is why he has been doing these things to McIntyre for months. He wants to get his hands on McIntyre and he has already been fined $25,000 for what he did at Money In The Bank. That is money well spent but now he is begging Pearce to lift McIntyre’s suspension. Instead here is Seth Rollins to interrupt, with Punk sitting in on commentary because he knows the entrance is going to take awhile. Rollins finds it interesting that NOW Punk wants to sit on the sidelines rather than get inside.

Punk gets in, but tells Rollins to watch what he says. What Rollins doesn’t understand is why the “consequences for your actions” applies to everyone but Punk. What happened on Sunday was business to Punk, because McIntyre is walking around with that bracelet. Punk thinks Rollins would get that as a husband and a father, but Punk does actually apologize.

Punk: “But because it’s you, I can’t be that sorry.” Rollins says nothing is ever Punk’s fault, but he’s the dumbest smart dude that Rollins has ever met. Rollins threatens to snap Punk’s arm the second he’s cleared and Punk will never even be able to say McIntyre’s name. This felt like it was setting up Punk’s next feud after McIntyre and that works well.

Adam Pearce asks Dominik Mysterio if the Judgment Day is cool with Dominik teaming with Liv Morgan tonight. Of course they are, so here is Morgan to say it’s time to talk strategy.

Jey Uso vs. Chad Gable

They’re both taped up after Money In The Bank. They fight over a hiptoss to start until Jey sends him outside, where a suicide dive is cut off with a belly to belly. We take a break and come back with Gable putting Jey down and (barely) hitting a top rope headbutt for two. Jey is right back up to send him outside for a suicide dive but Gable gets the ankle lock….and we have Wyatts. Well the entrance at least, with the distraction letting Jey hit the spear for the pin at 7:16.

Rating: C+. This might as well have had a big countdown until the Wyatts got involved, as you have the guy with the new Fireflies against their main target. It’s good to give Jey another win and Gable is protected by the surprise. I’m not sure what the Wyatts’ deal is with Gable, but it could make for an interesting reveal whenever we get there.

Post match Jey immediately bails as Gable is left in the ring, which starts to fill up with smoke. Nikki Cross pops up so Gable runs, leaving her to deliver another box to commentary.

Sheamus (“That was weird.”) is in the back and is rather proud of being here for fifteen years. Bronson Reed comes in to say he is the future while Sheamus is stuck in the past. The challenge is issued but Reed is busy this week, so Sheamus can watch him beat up Pete Dunne.

The Wyatt package is another PLAY ME tape.

Bronson Reed vs. Pete Dunne

Dunne grabs an armbar to start before hitting a quick enziguri. Reed is sent outside and dropped with a moonsault as we take a break. Back with Dunne hitting another enziguri but getting caught with a heck of a clothesline. A powerbomb gives Reed two but Dunne is up with his third enziguri to cut off the Tsunami. Not that it matters as Reed shoves him down and hits the Tsunami for the pin at 7:14.

Rating: C. That was a lot of enziguris and they came in a not so great match. Reed didn’t quite squash him but there wasn’t much drama to this one. I still don’t get how Dunne is this meaningless most of the time but that has been his problem for years now. I’m not seeing that changing anytime soon, though I can go with seeing Reed getting a win for a change.

Post match Sheamus comes in for the brawl with Reed, but Dunne walks away from Sheamus (who did the same to Dunne and the Brawling Brutes).

Seth Rollins interrupts the Judgment Day, with Damian Priest saying he has this. Rollins says it’s better to be lucky than good and on Sunday, Priest was better. If he wants to keep it though, he needs to be better than that. Priest is willing to throw out the “no more title shots” for Rollins, just after Priest is done with Gunther.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. Zayn is happy to be here and happier to be here as still the Intercontinental Champion. Bron Breakker brought it on Saturday but he underestimated Zayn, who is still champion. After all these years, Zayn has earned some respect…and here is Breakker to interrupt.

Breakker stares at him and Zayn isn’t sure what he wants. Breakker says he’s here to look into the eyes of the only man in the locker room who can say he beat him. There is no reason Breakker should get a rematch…and then he spears Zayn down. Security can’t break it up so Breakker hammers away and hits the big running around the ring spear. Ilja Dragunov comes out to check on Zayn as Breakker finally leaves. If Breakker is going to get the title, I’m not sure how necessary it was to have him lose on Saturday.

Post break Zayn is busted up and Dragunov wants Breakker tonight. Deal.

We recap John Cena’s retirement announcement.

Judgment Day/Carlito vs. Braun Strowman/Awesome Truth

The villains jump Awesome Truth before Strowman can get to the ring so here he is to clean house. Awesome Truth grab stereo AA’s and we get going fast. Another AA hits Carlito to give R-Truth two, with Balor’s saving elbow missing as we take an early break. Back with McDonagh grabbing a chinlock on Miz, who pops back up. That means Balor comes in for a chinlock of his own before a double clothesline leaves both of them down.

For some reason McDonagh comes in and hits Strowman, which proves stupid as Miz dives over for a tag a few seconds later. House is quickly cleaned, with a chokeslam giving Strowman two. Strowman runs Balor and Carlito over with a double shoulder before chasing McDonagh out of the arena. R-Truth celebrates, allowing Balor to dropkick him down. After knocking Miz off the apron, Balor drops the Coup de Grace for the win at 8:14.

Rating: B-. Not a bad match here and it’s a good idea to give Judgment Day a win. The team has been having their issues in recent weeks and at some point it helps to boost them back up. At the same time, it’s not like beating R-Truth is going to hurt him. Miz might not be so thrilled with it though and that could be a problem going forward.

Adam Pearce is talking to CM Punk but says he isn’t sure about lifting the suspension on Drew McIntyre. Punk is part of the problem, but next week, Pearce is willing to see if he can talk to McIntyre, but Punk needs to stay home. Punk says he’ll work on getting cleared and agrees to let Pearce handle it.

Dominik Mysterio still isn’t interested in learning double team moves with Liv Morgan, because all he wants to do is beat up his dad. She thinks he’s tense but he backs up from her offers to loosen him up. Dominik trips onto a couch so she grabs his leg and starts stretching it. Judgment Day and Carlito (“That’s……cool?”) come in mock whatever is going on and, with Morgan gone, tell him to deal with this. Damian Priest is even figuring out why Rey Mysterio treats Dominik the way he does. Wacky shenanigans all around here.

We get the new Wyatt Sicks tape, which is Bo Dallas talking about how his Family is the discarded and forgotten. Dallas gave them a purpose and, as we see some of the other members, he talks about how they were begging for mercy as the buzzards circled. Grief is the price you pay for love, but now they must set the captives free. We see some rapid fire shots of the team and a smiling Dallas, who says sick is what they will be. They’re doing a nice job of making the team make sense here, which is more than you would have gotten with most of the original Wyatt Family.

Chad Gable finds Adam Pearce, who says it’s clear that the Wyatts are talking about him. Pearce says he has doubled security, but maybe Gable should figure out why the Wyatts are after him. Gable says he’ll deal with this and needs a vacation. With Gable gone, Pearce goes into his office and finds Bo Dallas. Oh dear.

Damage CTRL is sick of the lack of respect and say something changes, starting tonight.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Bron Breakker

Breakker suplexes him fast to start but Dragunov gets in one of his own. The Constantine Special misses though and Breakker runs him over. Breakker’s gorilla press powerslam gets two and we take an early break. Back with Breakker hitting a spinebuster and grabbing a bow and arrow stretch. Dragunov fights up and gets in a shot of his own, setting up a powerbomb out of the corner.

A top rope backsplash gives Dragunov two but Breakker is right back with a gorilla press gutbuster (geez) for two of his own. Breakker clotheslines him out to the floor but the spear is cut off. Dragunov (whose leg is cut open) loads up a charge but Breakker THROWS AN ANNOUNCERS’ CHAIR at him for the DQ at 10:27.

Rating: B. That ending worked so well, if nothing else because a chair shouldn’t be allowed to fly so hard. It looked like something devastating and that is exactly what someone like Breakker should be doing. Dragunov is someone who feels like he will fight until the end no matter what, though a chair hitting you in the face is a good way to cut him down.

Sami Zayn and agents/referees run in for the save but Breakker posts him. Dragunov tries a save of his own and is laid out as well.

Damian Priest says he’s a controversial champion, just like everyone else. He’s looking forward to a match with Gunther at Summerslam, because it is a challenge to his greatness. If Gunther wants to hear this face to face, come see him next week.

We look back at the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio stretching session.

We look back at the Final Testament attacking New Day last week.

Karrion Kross says Kofi Kingston will not be playing the accordion this week. The legends of the old guard are holding back the new blood in this division, so the new will clear out the old, including John Cena. Yes Xavier Woods beat Karrion Kross while Kofi Kingston couldn’t, so maybe Woods can be the next big thing, because the New Day is dead.

Damage CTRL vs. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter/Lyra Valkyria

Valkyria even dances with her partners before the bell. It’s a brawl to start with Sane missing a top rope dive at Carter. Kai and Chance come in, with the latter wristdragging her into the corner. Valkyria comes in for a legsweep into a basement legsweep for two before the villains are sent outside for a triple knockdown.

We take a break and come back with Chance fighting out of a chinlock and diving over to Valkyria. House is quickly cleaned and a sitout powerbomb gives Valkyria two on Sane. Carter breaks up a double suplex and Damage CTRL gets triple suplexed down. The Keg Stand hits Kai but Sane springboards in with a dropkick to knock Chance into the cover for the save. Carter gets posted and Sane hits a big dive to the floor, albeit with a nasty crash landing. Back in and Over The Moonsault finishes Carter at 8:36.

Rating: B-. This started to get going at the end but it felt like they got a bit lost at times. Much like Judgment Day earlier, Damage CTRL needed a win here and it should get them ready for whatever they have next. Then again it’s pretty clear that Sky is having to do all of this herself and she’s not going to be happy about it.

Post match Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark/Sonya Deville run in to beat down Damage CTRL. Stark says Iyo Sky cost her everything and kicks her in the face. Deville lays her out as well and the other villains stand tall.

Zelina Vega thinks Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio are a hot mess. Rey Mysterio is ready to teach his familia a lesson.

Zoey Stark/Shayna Baszler/Sonya Deville aren’t happy with Damage CTRL and call that a warning shot. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre come in to mock them. Chad Gable and the Diamond Mine are seen talking in the back.

Video on Gunther and his path of dominance throughout WWE on the road to Summerslam.

Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio vs. Zelina Vega/Rey Mysterio

Vega and Morgan start things off with Vega hitting her in the face for two. Dominik comes in to hammer on Rey, who is back up with right hands in the corner. It’s already back to Vega for a headscissors on Dominik but Morgan throws her into the corner. Back up and Vega knocks Morgan into the corner, with Rey throwing Dominik into her in a suggestive way. Morgan takes a bullet from the apron for Dominik though and we take a break.

Back with Dominik working on Rey, including a Michinoku Driver to cut off a comeback bid. Rey manages to send Dominik outside though and it’s Vega coming back in to beat up Morgan. A middle rope Meteora looks to set up Code Red but Morgan slips out and grabs Three Amigos (complete with Eddie dance). Rey comes back in to send Dominik flying and the big kick to the head sets up a Lionsault for two. Back up and Dominik tries his own Three Amigos but has to block a 619. Vega hits it instead but Morgan offers a distraction, allowing Dominik to drop Rey. The frog splash gives Dominik the pin on Rey at 12:38.

Rating: B-. This was all about the ending, as Morgan has helped Dominik get what he has been trying to achieve for years. That should make things very interesting going forward, as Dominik is going to have a major choice to make. At the same time, part of that choice is going to be worrying about Rhea Ripley trying to kill him, which almost has to happen sooner than later.

Post match Morgan jumps into Dominik’s arms and he seems interested…..but RHEA RIPLEY is back. Morgan bails into the crowd and looks terrified (because a shoulder injury was supposed to kill Ripley I guess). That leaves Ripley to glare at Dominik, who tries a hug but….the show cuts off before we see what happened. That’s either great timing or horrible timing and I’m not sure which.

Overall Rating: B. This was the show that was all about getting things ready for later, when the bigger stuff can happen. Between matches being set for later, Ripley being back and Drew McIntyre being set to return next week and the tease of his showdown with Punk, we could be in for a very fun ride towards Cleveland. I’m interested in seeing where a lot of this goes, and that is what the show should be trying to do on the way to one of the biggest events of the year.

Jey Uso b. Chad Gable – Spear
Bronson Reed b. Pete Dunne – Tsunami
Judgment Day/Carlito b. Braun Strowman/Awesome Truth – Coup de Grace to R-Truth
Ilja Dragunov b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Breakker threw a chair
Damage CTRL b. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter/Lyra Valkyria – Over The Moonsault to Carter
Dominik Mysterio/Liv Morgan b. Zelina Vega/Rey Mysterio –



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Monday Night Raw – June 24, 2024: Dang They’re Good Right Now

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 24, 2024
Location: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: The Miz, Michael Cole

We have less than two weeks to go before Money In The Bank but the big story here is that the Wyatt Sicks debuted last week and it’s not clear where that is going to go. Odds are we are going to hear something about it this week, along with Drew McIntyre attacking CM Punk on Smackdown. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Pat McAfee is not here this week, with Miz taking his place. Michael Cole says we aren’t going to read anything into that and we go into the Wyatt Sicks (with the name being official). Drew McIntyre walks by though and comes into the ring for a chat.

McIntyre talks about attacking Punk on Smackdown and we see exactly what happened. After everything Punk did, the people still chant his name. Punk attacked everything McIntyre has and cost him the World Title. McIntyre had promised his wife the title but Punk took it from him, so if you still chant his name, you are dead to him.

He hopes that Punk is at home in pain and eating through a straw because McIntyre put him there. McIntyre also has the bracelet he took from Punk, which was made by a fan and says AJ and Larry, the names of Punk’s wife and dog. Punk wears that with him on the road to take his family with him, but now McIntyre has them instead. McIntyre will be taking that bracelet to Toronto when he wins Money In The Bank. Now there’s a personal touch that makes sense and gives Punk another reason to want to fight McIntyre.

We look back at the Wyatt Sicks’ attack last week, including an attack on Chad Gable.

Gable arrives with security and doesn’t want cameras looking at him.

Post break, Gable’s locker room is guarded by security and various wrestlers are apparently surprised that he is even here.

Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser

In the back, Kaiser promises to show Breakker that he is no Kaiser. They slug it out to start until Breakker runs the ropes and plows through Kaiser as only he can. Kaiser gets powered into the corner and Breakker fires off some shoulders to the ribs, only to have Kaiser go to the eyes. Breakker is sent shoulder first into the post but he’s able to drive him into the apron. With Kaiser sat on the announcers’ table, Breakker dives off the apron for a clothesline in a ridiculous athletic display as we take a break.

Back with Breakker getting fired up and hammering away (the fans approve), setting up a jumping elbow. A super Frankensteiner has Miz losing his mind but Kaiser slips out of the gorilla press and knocks Breakker outside. The spear hits the steps though and Kaiser has an opening….which is closed as Sheamus comes in with a Brogue Kick to Kaiser for the DQ at 10:06.

Rating: B. That’s a case where the ending makes sense as Sheamus has issues with both of them, though he owed Kaiser one after previous weeks. This could lead to some interesting outcomes, with the Intercontinental Title hanging over the whole thing. Good match here too, with Kaiser continuing by far the best streak of his time in WWE.

Post match Sheamus loads up the announcers’ table but gets speared in half by Breakker.

Judgment Day is having some food and playing video games when Damian Priest comes in. Apparently this is all from Liv Morgan, which doesn’t work for Priest. Mysterio holds up something Morgan sent him on his phone (Carlito: “THAT’S COOL!”) but Priest says Mysterio needs to figure out how to explain to Rhea Ripley why Morgan has his number. Oh and they ALL need to worry about Braun Strowman.

Bron Breakker goes to Adam Pearce’s office and rants about being sick of everyone interrupting him. Sami Zayn pops in to say Breakker can challenge him for the title anytime, anyplace. Breakker issues the challenge for Money In The Bank and the match is on.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Lyra Valkyria vs. Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler gets knocked into the corner to start as Miz talks about what the briefcase can mean for your career. Sane grabs a headscissors to take both of them down and hits a big dive to the floor as we take a break. Back with Sane dropping Baszler but getting kicked down by Valkyria. A fisherman’s buster gives Valkyria two on Sane but Baszler is back in with her own suplex.

Sane adds a running Blockbuster, only to miss the Insane Elbow. They trade running shots to the head to everyone is down, with the fans deeming this awesome. The Kirifuda Clutch has Valkyria in trouble but Sane breaks it up with the Insane Elbow. Valkyria is right back up with the Nightwing to finish Sane at 8:26.

Rating: B-. This was almost all action and the only thing keeping it from being that much better was the break in the middle. Valkyria gets a win to make up for some of the loss at King And Queen Of The Ring, though I’m not sure I can imagine her winning the briefcase. The field is still fairly wide open and that should make for an interesting ladder match, which comes after a solid match here.

Drew McIntyre wants in Money In The Bank but Adam Pearce isn’t sure. McIntyre threatens various chaos if he isn’t in.

Next year’s Royal Rumble and a future Summerslam/Wrestlemania are coming to Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

Here is Liv Morgan (after a long tracking shot from the back) for a chat. She’s here to get Dominik Mysterio’s attention and hopes he likes those gifts she sent him, especially the text. Morgan invites Mysterio out here right now for one more gift but gets Zelina Vega instead. Vega doesn’t get Morgan’s obsessions but she’s here about the title. Vega has fought to get here and that’s because her why will always be bigger than Morgan’s libido. The title challenge is sent out and Morgan says they can do it next week.

Cue Mysterio, who says he doesn’t like the gifts, but Morgan knows he likes the texts. The fans chant SLOPPY SECONDS and Mysterio is booed out of the building, with the two women trying to calm them down so he can say anything. Mysterio wants anyone but Morgan to have the title so Morgan decks Vega. Rey Mysterio runs in to break it up but Dominik decks him, with Morgan looking so happy. Morgan follows Dominik out. This continues to be one of if not the best things on Raw at the moment.

Adam Pearce leaves Chad Gable’s locker room and says Gable is shaken up after last week but he’s medically cleared.

We look back at Seth Rollins’ return last week, with Damian Priest giving him a World Title shot at Money In The Bank. It also includes a look at Rollins’ rise through WWE and how hard he has fought to get here.

Liv Morgan hugs a not so thrilled Dominik Mysterio. With Dominik gone, R-Truth comes in and says he loves reluctant heroes. Morgan says she can get Dominik a match with Rey this week, but for this week, the Judgment Day can get a Tag Team Title shot. R-Truth agrees because he’s always loved Carmella.

Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable

During his entrance, Gable (with a bandage on his head) asks if we believe in miracles. The rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated because CHAD GABLE LIVES! He promises to win Money In The Bank and we’re ready to go. Gable chops at Reed to start and it goes as well as you would expect. That leaves Gable on the floor so the monsters can chop away at each other. Strowman is sent outside with Gable being tossed onto him, leaving Reed to hit a big dive onto both of them.

We take a break and come back with Gable avoiding Reed’s backsplash. Reed doesn’t seem to mind and sends Gable into Strowman’s raised boot in the corner. Strowman clears Reed out and hits the running shoulders at ringside, only for Gable to German suplex Reed for two back inside. Strowman breaks up the moonsault and slams Reed on the floor. Cue the Judgment Day to jump Strowman, leaving Gable to moonsault Reed for the win at 8:23.

Rating: B-. Gable winning after the loss last week is interesting, but they are still playing into the idea that he is more than a little shaken up. That should open up a lot of options and I’m curious to see where it goes. Gable escaping the two monsters is a fine enough idea, especially with Strowman being taken out by the Judgment Day.

Post match Gable is in the ring and we’ve got Wyatts. Nikki Cross crawls through the smoky ring and chases him off before presenting Michael Cole with a box and walking out. She was the only who appeared.

Post break the box is addressed to Pat McAfee and it’s a VHS (yes Cole explains what it is) which says PLAY ME. Cole sends it off to be played.

Chad Gable runs into the Alpha Academy and apologizes to them, but Otis says Gable hurt them, so they’re still done. Maxxine Dupri seems more sympathetic but a reunion isn’t likely. They leave, only for Gable to run into the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile, who ask if he needs help.

Katana Chance/Kayden Carter vs. Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre

Non-title. The champs are knocked to the floor to start and Carter throws Chance onto them as we take an early break. Back with Fyre having to make a rope for a break as Cole recaps his commentary partner issues. The Keg Stand gets two with Fyre having to make the save. The After Party is broken up and the Downward Spiral/Gory Bomb combination finishes Carter at 5:53. Not enough shown to rate but this was rather short.

Post match Damage CTRL comes in to take out the champs.

Finn Balor tells Damian Priest about the matches Liv Morgan has gotten them set up but Priest thinks it’s too good to be true.

Miz catches up to R-Truth and asks him about the Tag Team Title match (apparently it took him 20 minutes to get back find R-Truth). This is all about love, but Miz isn’t sure about this. R-Truth loves him…but only as a friend.

Here is Damian Priest for a chat. He saw that video on Seth Rollins earlier and thinks they have a lot in common. They are both the kind of wrestlers who could be in a group and stand out as a leader. For now though, as long as Priest is World Heavyweight Champion, Rollins will never see the mountaintop again.

Cue Rollins to interrupt and, after hyping up Indianapolis for the Royal Rumble, asks what Priest meant by that. Rollins talks about how Priest is part of a team, but Priest says he didn’t ask for any help to win the title. After waiting for the fans to stop yelling about him, Priest says he has the title and Rollins has nothing. Rollins: “For now.” Priest one upped him last week, but Rollins wants to one up him here.

Let’s add a little side bet: if Rollins can’t win the title, he can never get another shot at Priest. But if Rollins does win the title, Priest has to stand on his own two feet and leave Judgment Day. Priest says the Judgment Day needs him ore than he needs them (the fans know that was dumb) and he’s in. Cue Gunther to say he understands that there is a lot on the line here and wishes them both good luck. He’s excited for the match and may the best man win…but that man will be the lesser man at Summerslam.

We see the tape the Wyatts had for Pat McAfee. It features Uncle Howdy asking how we eel since the loss. Do you feel forgotten? Do you remember who you are? We cut to Bo Dallas, sans mask, saying he is no one. Howdy asks Dallas how it felt when his brother died, with Dallas saying it felt like the most important thing in his life was taken from him.

Howdy asks if this is exploiting Bray Wyatt’s legacy, with Dallas saying he wanted to be like his brother. Dallas worked his entire life to be next to him and they were going to rule together. They had finally made it and then everything was taken away from him. No one knows what it feels like and he will not let Wyatt be forgotten.

They wanted to forget about everyone but Dallas said they made everyone remember. Howdy: “Yes we did.” They stare at each other and the tape ends. That’s definitely a way to go and they are probably smart for leaning into the Wyatt stuff. Making it clear that Wyatt’s brother is behind everything should help, along with making it clear that they don’t have powers and such.

Karrion Kross vs. Kofi Kingston

None of the seconds stick around. Kingston starts fast and knocks him to the floor for the big flip dive. Back in and a suplex puts Kingston down for two as we take an early break. We come back with Kingston hitting a dropkick and getting two off a crossbody. Hold on though as the Final Testament pops up on the Titantron, showing the AOP beating up Xavier Woods. The distraction lets Kross hit the Final Prayer for the pin at 5:49. Not enough shown to rate but this feels like it has a long way to go.

We look at the debut of Jacob Fatu on Smackdown. Set for Money In The Bank: Cody Rhodes/Kevin Owens/Randy Orton vs. the Bloodline.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Awesome Truth vs. Judgment Day

Judgment Day is challenging. Truth starts fast by kicking McDonagh down and Balor gets double hiptossed as well. Cue Liv Morgan to watch as we take an early break. Back with R-Truth having to fight out of trouble, allowing a tag off to Miz to stomp away on McDonagh in the corner. Miz sends Balor face first into the apron as Dominik Mysterio and Carlito come out as well. A double DDT connects on the challengers and the Skull Crushing Finale hits McDonagh, with Carlito putting the boot on the ropes.

Cue Braun Strowman to chase off Mysterio and Carlito, leaving R-Truth to go into the John Cena finishing sequence. The STF is broken up so R-Truth is back with a Ten Knuckle Shuffle. Morgan gets on the apron to shout about how this is about love before snapping R-Truth’s throat across the top. The distraction lets Balor get in a cheap shot. The Coup de Grace gives Judgment Day the titles back at 11:32.

Rating: B-. This was the fun match with all of the moving parts and everything going nuts until we had a big moment with the title change. Awesome Truth got their big moment at Wrestlemania but I don’t think there was any reason to believe they would be long term champions. This was good enough for what it needed to be, as it tied a bunch of stories together and got the titles onto bigger names.

Morgan poss with the new champs, who aren’t sure what to think of her but will take their titles.

Overall Rating: B. This show started hot and kept going, with a bunch of stuff either taking place or being set up to take place later on. There are a lot of things going on where I either don’t know where they’re going or want to see where they’re going and that is a great feeling. WWE is clicking right now and they’re doing it on both Raw and Smackdown. Rather solid show this week, and hopefully fans saw it with Game 7 of the Stanley Cup on.

Ludwig Kaiser b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Sheamus interfered
Lyra Valkyria b. Kairi Sane and Shayna Baszler – Nightwing to Sane
Chad Gable b. Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman – Moonsault to Reed
Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre b. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter – Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination to Carter
Karrion Kross b. Kofi Kingston – Final Prayer
Judgment Day b. Awesome Truth – Coup de Grace to R-Truth



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Monday Night Raw – June 17, 2024: He’s Here (And So Are They)

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 17, 2024
Location: American Bank Center Arena, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

We’re done with Clash At The Castle and have about three weeks before Money In The Bank. Therefore, it’s time to start qualifying matches, which should be pretty straightforward. Other than that, Drew McIntyre is even more ready to kill CM Punk so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Long recap of Clash At The Castle.

Here is Seth Rollins for a big surprise return to get things going. Rollins welcomes us back to Monday Night Rollins and introduces himself back to the crowd, who seems to remember him. With that out of the way, he’ll cut to the chase: he wants the World Heavyweight Championship back and with Money In The Bank just a few weeks away….and cue Damian Priest to interrupt.

Priest offers a sincere welcome back (Rollins isn’t sure about that) but this isn’t Rollins’ show anymore. Rollins compares their careers, including starting in groups and cashing in to win their first World Title at Wrestlemania. The catch though is that Rollins grew a set and learned to stand on his own. Priest talks about how he wants to prove that he’s the better man so Rollins can have a title shot at Money In The Bank. The fans approve and yes Rollins is in. Rollins being back is a big boost and it’s not like he’s out of line as the next challenger. This works, and it’s a nice way to set up a title match without much time to spare.

Earlier today the Alpha Academy came in to see Adam Pearce, with Chad Gable wanting another title shot against Sami Zayn. That isn’t happening, but Gable is willing to earn it. Works for Pearce.

Chad Gable vs. Braun Strowman

The Alpha Academy is here with Gable, who tries a German suplex to start. That goes as well as expected, with Strowman shouting about how he doesn’t like bullies. Gable’s armbar over the ropes doesn’t work very well as he gets knocked to the floor as we take a break. Back with Gable running away from Strowman and throwing Akira Tozawa at him. That doesn’t work at all, as he gets caught in the powerslam to finish for Strowman at 6:32.

Rating: C. It’s a bit weird to see Gable getting wrecked like that but that’s the point of a monster like Strowman. He can go in there for a one off match and destroy someone because that’s what a monster does. I’m not sure what is next for Gable, but he is going to need some kind of a fresh story, which may or may not be a feud with Otis.

Post match Gable orders the Academy into the ring and starts yelling at Tozawa, but Maxxine gets in his way. Gable takes her crutch away (geez) so Otis helps her to the floor, leaving Gable to slap Tozawa. That’s too far for Otis, who shoves Gable into the corner. Otis helps everyone else leave. If they hadn’t split on Saturday, that’s more or less it.

We look back at the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio shenanigans from last week.

Judgment Day isn’t sure what is going on with Braun Strowman but Damian Priest wants to know what is up with Finn Balor stealing Morgan’s hotel room key last week. Balor says he took it to protect Dominik, so Priest asks about Money In The Bank. The plan is indeed for Balor to cash it in….on Cody Rhodes that is. In other news, Dominik can’t find his purple cow vest. I’m assuming we’ll see how Morgan looks in purple soon enough.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Zelina Vega vs. Kiana James vs. Iyo Sky

They all trade rollups to start until James is sent outside early on. Sky moonsaults onto her but gets Meteoraed by Vega and we take a break. Back with Vega and Sky slugging it out until Sky manages a butterfly backbreaker. James is back up but gets sent into the corner, leaving Sky to hit a springboard missile dropkick on Vega. The 619 hits Sky but James breaks up the Code Red. Cue Liv Morgan and yes, she’s wearing Dominik’s purple vest. The distraction distracts Vega so she can be knocked to the floor, leaving Sky to hit Over The Moonsault for the pin on James at 8:33.

Rating: B-. Sky winning is the right move here as she’s the bigger name, though I could have seen Vega winning for the sake of an underdog spot. James was there to take the pin and little more, as I’m assuming that’s the only reason she was called up from NXT. It’s not like she has made any impact so far and her future isn’t exactly looking bright thus far.

We look back at Bron Breakker wrecking Ilja Dragunov and destroying Ricochet last week.

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat. After a break, Zayn talks about how he is happy to still be the Intercontinental Champion. He beat Chad Gable again, after a big fight that started after Zayn beat him in a wrestling match. Zayn feels bad for the Alpha Academy but it is time to leave. The Academy will leave Gable when they are ready but for now, Zayn has to worry about defending the Intercontinental Title against anyone.

Cue Bron Breakker to interrupt, with Breakker saying Zayn knows why he is here. Breakker is coming for the title, which Zayn holds up, but cue Sheamus to interrupt. Sheamus has been chasing that title for years now, so maybe he should be in line for a title shot. Breakker isn’t having this and threatens Sheamus, who isn’t worried about being on a list. Zayn thinks they need to sort this out so he’s going to go get the match made. Either of those two would make a good challenge for Zayn, though I’m not sure they should be having Breakker lose to either of them.

Dragon Lee wants revenge on Carlito for costing him a Wrestlemania match.

We look at Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

The new champs are happy but Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark come in to issue the challenge. Sure.

Dragon Lee vs. Carlito

The LWO and Judgment Day are here too. Lee kicks him to the floor to start and tries a dive, which is pulled out of the air. Carlito gets in a ram into the barricade but Lee snaps off a hurricanrana from the apron as we take a break. Back with Lee hitting a running knee but walking into a neckbreaker for two. Carlito takes him to the corner but gets caught with the top rope double stomp. Lee’s sitout powerbomb gets two…and here is Liv Morgan for a distraction. Zelina Vega goes after her and the big brawl is on, with JD McDonagh getting in a cheap shot on Lee. Carlito hits the Backstabber for the pin at 8:02.

Rating: C+. There were some nice spots in there and Lee can look good with just about anyone, but this feud feels like it has been going on for the better part of ever without much progress. I do like the idea of giving Carlito some wins here and there though, as he needs to be elevated a bit before a bigger loss down the line. Good enough match, but not an interesting story.

We look at CM Punk getting a referee shirt so he could cost Drew McIntyre the World Title at Clash At The Castle.

Chad Gable yells at the Alpha Academy, who leave him on their own. Gable promises to win Money In The Bank.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. He says CM Punk a few times….and then quits. Adam Pearce pops up to say McIntyre can’t do this but McIntyre keeps walking as we take a break.

During the break, McIntyre told HHH that he quit too and then left. This has me interested, though seeing McIntyre use it as a way to sneak attack Punk in Chicago on Smackdown would make a lot of sense.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Damage CTRL

Carter and Chance take Kai down to start and an apron splash takes her down to the floor. Back in and Sane drops Carter for the Insane Elbow as Lyra Valkyria is here to support Carter and Chance. The distraction lets Carter get in a DDT and the After Party finishes for Chance at 2:29. Rather quick and to the point there, though it wasn’t exactly a smooth match.

Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest is set for MITB.

Iyo Sky tells the rest of Damage CTRL to fix things or she’ll fix it herself.

Sheamus vs. Bron Breakker

Sami Zayn is at ringside. Breakker powers him into the corner to start before they crash to the floor, with Breakker getting the better of things. Back in and Sheamus hits the Irish Curse into the Regal Roll before throwing Breakker outside. There’s the clothesline from the apron but Breakker sends him over the announcers’ table. A hard clothesline off the apron rocks Sheamus and we take a break.

Back with Breakker hitting a fireman’s carry gutbuster for two but Sheamus tells him to bring it. Sheamus’ swinging Rock Bottom gets two and he goes up, with Breakker getting a running start and….slipping on the ropes (looked like a running Frankensteiner). A quick White Noise gives Sheamus two and he cuts off the spear with a knee for the same. There are the ten forearms to the chest and the Brogue Kick is loaded up, only to have Ludwig Kaiser jump Sheamus for the DQ at 12:12.

Rating: B. This was what you would have expected and I like the ending, as it gives them a way out without Breakker taking a pin or setting him up for a loss against Zayn. Sheamus getting one more shot at the title works if that is the way they want to go as the match will be good, though Breakker as the unstoppable force running around is a good fit for him as well.

Post match Sheamus fights back on Kaiser but gets speared by Breakker. Kaiser is back up to go after Sheamus but Breakker runs around the ring (with an AWESOME overhead camera shot to show exactly what is going to happen) to spear Kaiser down. I wonder if a certain Austrian monster will be mad about that.

Dominik Mysterio finds Liv Morgan and wants his vest back. That’s cool with her, as long as she takes it off of her himself. She starts the unzipping and he helps, only for Damian Priest to come in and tell Dominik to get out. Priest says Dominik wants nothing to do with her but that’s not how Morgan sees it. These mind games are interesting and again, the reaction for Rhea Ripley returning to crush Morgan will be great.

Karrion Kross wanted to hurt Xavier Woods but instead he offers a challenge to either member of the New Day for next week, no seconds allowed.

New Day is interested, with Kofi Kingston accepting the match. Ignore him cutting Xavier Woods off twice in there.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Finn Balor vs. Jey Uso vs. Rey Mysterio

Balor bails to the floor to start so the other two show respect before Jey grabs a headlock. Jey takes over but Balor pulls him to the floor for some rams into the apron. We take a break and come back with Jey and Balor slugging it out. Rey breaks it up with a top rope seated senton to Balor and a crucifix for two on Jey. Back up and Balor drops Rey but gets kicked in the head by Jey, who gets dropped with a Pele as we take a break.

We come back with Balor shoving Jey to the floor but getting 619ed in the ribs. The regular version of the 619 hits Balor, followed by a top rope hurricanrana to both Balor and Jey. Rey goes up but cue Judgment Day for a distraction, with Braun Strowman coming out to chase him off. Balor takes Rey down and hits the Coup de Grace but gets caught with the Superfly Splash to give Jey the pin at 16:44.

Rating: B-. This got time but as usual, having two breaks in the middle didn’t do it any favors. The thing that interests me the most here is Rey though, as I don’t think we quite appreciate how good he is. He’s pushing 50 and is still having quality matches with knees that are held together with duct tape and prayer. You can cut his career in half and still have a Hall Of Fame worthy resume. I know he’s good, but I don’t think enough people realize how much of an all time star he really is.

Post match Jey goes to celebrate in the crowd….and the lights go out, Fiend style. We get the door with light behind it ala Bray Wyatt’s return in 2022, which busts open, showing a woman (Nikki Cross) crawling towards a lantern. We see a large man in an evil rabbit mask (Erick Rowan) with a bunch of people knocked out next to him as he holds a mallet labeled HELP. Everyone in the Gorilla Position has been attacked as some men stand over them. Chad Gable is down and bloody (looking like he got shot in the head), with Uncle Howdy appearing.

All of the people come into the arena and the five of them pose together. Howdy says “WE’RE HERE” and blows out the lantern to end the show. It was certainly intense and they took over the end of the show, but it’s still firmly too early to know how they’re doing. Anyone can start off with a bang and then fizzle out (Retribution) but if they’re treated as a monster faction who has an impact, this could be something.

Overall Rating: B. Well it wasn’t boring. This show had all kinds of big moments, with Rollins returning, McIntyre quitting, Breakker and Sheamus having a hard hitting match and the big angle at the end. They’re setting things up for Money In The Bank and while the ending debut might wind up crashing hard, they’re certainly off to an intriguing star. I had a good time with this show and I’m wanting to see where it goes, so well done indeed.

Braun Strowman b. Chad Gable – Running powerslam
Iyo Sky b. Kiana James and Zelina Vega – Over The Moonsault to James
Carlito b. Dragon Lee – Backstabber
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter b. Damage CTRL – After Party to Kai
Sheamus b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Ludwig Kaiser interfered
Jey Uso b. Finn Balor and Rey Mysterio – Superfly Splash to Balor



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Clash At The Castle 2024: This, And More

Clash At The Castle 2024
Date: June 15, 2024
Location: OVO Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

It’s time to go international again as we have another of the five match card specials. The big focus this time is on the home country star Drew McIntyre, who is getting his rematch with Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship. Other than that, Sami Zayn defends the Intercontinental Title against Chad Gable (again) and Cody Rhodes defends the WWE Championship against AJ Styles (again) in an I Quit match (not again). Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at Scotland, with Drew McIntyre talking about how a fight is coming here. McIntyre says they’re known for their tempers so you can bring the crazy and they’ll bring the fight.

Smackdown World Title: AJ Styles vs. Cody Rhodes

Rhodes is defending (ignore his graphic saying “TALENT NAME” and the chyron saying “Women’s Tag Team Champion”) in an I Quit match. Rhodes starts fast with a running shoulder into a snap powerslam. The Disaster Kick is countered though and Styles chops away in the corner. Back up and the Flip Flop and Fly sets up a dropkick to send Styles outside, meaning it’s table time.

Instead of loading it up, Rhodes sends Styles knees first into the steps and then the barricade as the fight heads into the crowd. They fight into the back and the production area, where Styles gets in some choking. Rhodes shrugs that off and they go back into the arena. We’ll make that back into the ring, with Rhodes grabbing a Figure Four. Styles makes the rope and Rhodes lets go for some reason (the referee didn’t make him, as he wasn’t supposed to) and they’re both a bit slow to get up.

A suplex over the top leaves them both crashing to the floor, where Styles throws him onto the announcers’ table. The brainbuster onto the table rocks Rhodes again but he’s not giving up. Rhodes is busted open and Styles stops to yell at Rhodes’ mother, who is rather fired up. Back in and Styles hits the fireman’s carry backbreaker but it’s still too early for Rhodes to give up.

They head outside with Styles loading up the Styles Clash on the steps, only to be backdropped down. Back in and the Disaster Kick connects for Rhodes as the fans keep singing for him. Styles counters the Cross Rhodes into a DDT and it’s time for a chair. Said chair is sent into the throat, followed by some kendo stick shots. No Rhodes still won’t quit so it’s time for a belt whipping. Styles grabs a Bank Statement but Rhodes still won’t quit.

That makes Styles tie him up with handcuffs, but instead he goes to yell at Mama Rhodes. That earns him some slaps to the face so Styles threatens her with a chair (GEEZ MAN!). Back in and Styles chairs him down before wrapping a chain around his own arm. The Phenomenal Forearm is loaded up but Rhodes pelts a chair at his head, sending Styles through the table.

Rhodes finds the key to unlock the cuffs, which he uses to bust Styles open. The Cody Cutter and three Cross Rhodes (the third onto a chair) have Styles in more trouble but Rhodes won’t let the referee ask him. Rhodes cuffs him to the ropes instead and unloads with a chair, but Styles isn’t quitting either. The steps are brought in and the threat of that kind of pain makes Styles quit at 27:39.

Rating: B. It was good, but they had a huge mountain to climb after their first match. This wasn’t a match with a ton of drama about the results so it was more about the violence, which only got so good. They probably would have been better off with a street fight or Last Man Standing, but it was a good way to give Rhodes another strong title defense before he starts getting ready for whatever is next at Summerslam or so.

Post match Rhodes looks down at his mom and then hits Styles with the steps anyway. Rhodes goes to leave but runs into Solo Sikoa. The rest of the Bloodline comes in to beat Rhodes down. Cue Randy Orton and Kevin Owens for the save, with Orton glancing at the title.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are home and ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre vs. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark vs. Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill

Belair and Cargill are defending and you can only tag your own partner. Belair hammers on Baszler to start but has to flip over an invading Dawn. A suplex puts Baszler down and the handspring moonsault gives Belair two. Fyre (the fans approve), Stark and Cargill come in, with Cargill having to power out of a double top wristlock. A fall away slam/Samoan drop combination puts Fyre and Stark down as the fans are rather impressed.

Belair comes back in to to slam Dawn and the champs hit stereo delayed suplexes. The four challengers have a huddle on the floor and then go after Belair. A double suplex on the floor drops Cargill and a running boot to the face drops Belair back inside. Stark puts Dawn down and hits a slingshot corkscrew elbow. Baszler comes in to take over on Dawn, with Stark’s springboard dropkick getting two. It’s back to Fyre to pick up the pace, including a top rope flip dive onto Baszler and Stark.

Back in and Fyre’s missile dropkick gets two on Baszler and the Tower Of Doom sends a bunch of people down. Dawn seems to have hurt her elbow on the landing as Cargill is back in…by slipping on a springboard and crashing badly. House is quickly cleaned but Baszler grabs the Kirifuda Clutch….with Cargill looking like she’s tapping. Belair makes a save with a 450, with her knees landing on Baszler’s back for a nasty visual. The assisted German suplex hits Baszler but Dawn is back in with a German suplex to Cargill. Dawn steals the pin and the titles at 12:15.

Rating: C. This was a bit of a mess at times (Cargill falling and then tapping and Belair’s 450 were rather terrible) but they managed to turn what should have been a nothing match into something worthwhile. I was thinking this was going to be just another match for the champs and I was rather wrong about the result. Not a terrible match, but the rough parts brought it way down.

Post match Fyre and Dawn get bouquets of flowers in a nice moment.

We recap Sami Zayn defending the Intercontinental Title against Chad Gable. Zayn is tired of Gable being horrible to both himself and the Alpha Academy so it’s time for the big final showdown.

Intercontinental Title: Chad Gable vs. Sami Zayn

Gable, with the Academy, is challenging and the fans sing about Zayn to start. Gable’s headlock keeps things slow to start so Zayn sends him outside for a meeting with the Academy. Back in and Zayn is sent shoulder first into the buckle, with Gable starting in on the arm. Gable cranks on said arm but Zayn fights up with one arm for a breather. Zayn manages to clothesline him out to the floor and there’s the springboard moonsault to take Gable out again.

Back in and Gable gets in a shot of his own but charges into a Michinoku river for two. Gable is right back with a powerbomb into a top rope headbutt for two and they’re both down again. The rolling German suplexes have Zayn in trouble but he reverses into some suplexes of his own. A half and half suplex gives Zayn two but Gable pulls him into a crossface. Zayn reverses into his own crossface, which is reversed into an ankle lock. That’s reversed into a rollup so gable goes outside to grab the title.

Gable hands it to Maxxine Dupri, who can’t bring herself to hit Zayn. Gable yells at her, with Zayn’s attempted Helluva Kick nearly hitting Dupri. The distraction lets Gable grab rolling Chaos Theory for two so he goes to yell at Dupri, with Otis getting in between then. Zayn’s big dive hits Otis, allowing Gable to go up and moonsault onto both of them.

Back in and Gable misses the moonsault, allowing Zayn to suplex him into the corner. The Helluva Kick doesn’t work as Gable rolls outside, where he ankle locks Zayn over the barricade. Zayn escapes to send Gable into Dupri, which does not sit well with Otis. Gable skedaddles back inside but instead of going after Zayn, Otis picks up Dupri to carry her to the back. The Helluva Kick retains the title at 21:59.

Rating: B+. This was a great mixture of action and storytelling, with Otis and Dupri not wanting to turn on Gable but eventually being pushed too far. At the same time, you had Gable and Zayn beating the heck out of each other, with Zayn being able to hold his own against Gable’s incredible athleticism. Good stuff here and the best mach of the show by far.

Post match Gable looks crushed.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are thrilled with their win and had all of Scotland behind them.

We recap Bayley defending the Smackdown Women’s Title against Piper Niven. Bayley is fighting against anyone and Niven is a home country monster, meaning the ans are going to be rather interesting here.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Piper Niven

Bayley is defending and Chelsea Green is here with Niven. A hard shoulder puts Bayley down to start and Niven stays on her outside. Back in and Niven misses the running seated crossbody, allowing Bayley to stomp on the annoying Green’s fingers. Green yells enough that she gets ejected so Bayley grabs a rollup for a quick two.

Niven is fine enough to send her back outside and there’s a flip dive off the apron. Back in and Niven nails a headbutt before suplexing Bayley onto her tailbone for two. Bayley fights up and sends her to the floor for a suicide dive, only to be driven hard into the apron. They go back inside with Niven being draped over the middle rope, setting up a top rope elbow. A top rope Swanton to Niven’s back just wakes her up, as she slams Bayley out of the corner.

Niven’s running backsplash gets two but Bayley grabs the Bayley TO Belly. Cue a masked woman (who looks like and is dressed like Green) for a distraction so Niven can get out at two. Bayley goes after Green but the Rose Plant is countered into the Piper Driver (with a scary landing) for two. The Vader Bomb hits raised knees so they head outside, with Niven grabbing a swinging Boss Man Slam. Back in and Niven misses a backsplash, allowing Bayley to hit a crucifix river to retain at 13:28.

Rating: C+. Chelsea Green carried this thing on her back, with the run-in being hilarious. The match itself was a bit plodding and the fans didn’t seem as interested as I was expecting, but it did pick up at the end. Bayley seems destined for the showdown with Nia Jax at Summerslam, which is where the winning streak likely comes to an end. For now, not a great match, but it did get better as they went.

We recap Drew McIntyre challenging Damian Priest for the Raw World Title. McIntyre won the title at Wrestlemania but Priest cashed in Money In The Bank to win the title about five minutes later. Now McIntyre is at home and getting his title shot.

Raw World Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest

Judgment Day is barred from ringside, McIntyre is challenging and is played to the ring by a pipe and drum band. As you might expect, McIntyre gets the huge hero’s welcome and the fans get so loud that we get a decibel meter on the screen. McIntyre starts fast and knocks him to the floor, with the big flip dive connecting. Priest gets in a few shots of his own and poses a bit, allowing him to hammer away back inside.

A lifting Downward Spiral plants McIntyre and there’s the running elbow in the corner. The Broken Arrow gives Priest two but McIntyre is back with a Michinoku Driver for the same. Back up and Priest knocks him to the floor, meaning it’s time for the step up dive….but Priest slips and gets tied in the ropes for a landing that could have been much worse. With Priest’s ankle tied in the ropes, McIntyre stomps away, much to the fans’ delight. Back up and Priest manages a kick but walks into the Future Shock for two.

Priest is back up with a few more shots and catches McIntyre on top, with the Razor’s Edge giving Priest two of his own. Back up and McIntyre hits a Glasgow Kiss but Priest is back with the spinning kick to the head. Another one misses though and McIntyre grabs a neckbreaker. McIntyre nips up and they go outside, where the Claymore sends Priest through the barricade.

Back in and the Claymore is countered into South Of Heaven for two and they’re both needing a breather. Priest takes him up top or a super hurricanrana but walks into a Claymore for a rather near fall. Back up and the referee has to dive to the floor to avoid a shot from Priest. Said referee is then knocked into the barricade, leaving Priest to counter a Claymore into a powerbomb. Back up and another Claymore gets a VERY delayed two…..because it’s CM Punk in a referee shirt (the camera was behind him so it was a great reveal). Punk kicks McIntyre low and the South Of Heaven retains the title at 20:14.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but they got me with the Punk run-in as that camera work was great. At the same time, it gives priest a good win to boost his status a bit, though the bigger story is Punk vs. McIntyre. Those two are going to have a huge match at some point and the heat is going to be off the charts. The match itself was a heck of a hoss fight and I’m curious to see where things go from here, so well done on a main event.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a rather awesome show with the closest thing to bad being a completely watchable women’s triple threat tag match. Other than that, you had a bunch of people working hard and having good matches, including the pretty great Gable vs. Zayn match. In addition to that though, they built up stuff for the future, which helps bridge the gap to Money In The Bank and beyond. As has been the case, the best thing I can say about these shows is it feels like they have a plan, but then they actually execute that plan. Pretty sweet show here, as WWE’s roll continues.

Cody Rhodes b. AJ Styles when Styles quit
Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn b. Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill and Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark – Assisted German suplex to Baszler
Sami Zayn b. Chad Gable – Helluva Kick
Bayley b. Piper Niven – Crucifix driver
Damian Priest b. Drew McIntyre – South Of Heaven



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Clash At The Castle 2024 Preview

It’s time for another overseas shows as these things are becoming a regular deal around here. In this case it’s back to Scotland for the second ever Clash At The Castle (castle not included). WWE has gone above and beyond with the amount of Scottish wrestlers on the show and that should make for a rather stacked event. The main events certainly look strong so let’s get to it.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn(c) vs. Chad Gable

This is a feud that has been going on for a good while now and that means it is reaching something of a critical point. After so many months of Gable chasing Zayn and the title, he pretty much has to win the thing one way or another. His previous attempts haven’t felt like the right time more often than not, but that might not be the case after everything else that has happened.

While there is always the chance that Otis will grow a spine here and cost Gable the match again, I think they have to give Gable the title and do it here. At the end o the day, he needs to win something, even if it isn’t for a long time. Gable has more than proven himself in recent months so let him have the title and get his big moment. If WWE needs to get the title back on Zayn they can do it whenever, but Gable really needs to win it here, and we’ll say he does.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill(c) vs. Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark vs. Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn

Here we have one of the more interesting matches, as Belair and Cargill look unstoppable, Baszler and Stark need to win something, and Fyre/Dawn are the hometown stars. In something I would not have seen coming, WWE has managed to make this feel like an important match and that is quite the bonus all things considered. That doesn’t mean a surprise is coming though.

For the life of me I cannot imagine the monster superhero team losing the titles so soon, despite the match being set up as an easy way to change the titles. While I could go for seeing Fyre and Dawn actually be treated seriously, it doesn’t seem to likely be coming here. The champs retain, even if it might not be the best idea, because it isn’t their time just yet.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley(c) vs. Piper Niven

We have another Scottish challenger here as Niven gets to try to crush Bayley. I’ve been digging Niven more lately as she is starting to get the idea of how to be a monster, which could take her a very long way. What matters here is giving the fans a big hope spot of a title change, though unfortunately for the two of them, that could be a lot more easily said than done.

Much like the Women’s Tag Team Titles, I just can’t picture WWE pulling the trigger on a new champion here. Niven feels like the monster the champion slays and that’s all I can go with here. It wouldn’t completely stun me to see Niven win the title, but I don’t think that’s where they’ll go. Bayley is already a huge star and I don’t think she gets knocked down a peg just over two months after her title win at Wrestlemania.

Smackdown World Title: Cody Rhodes(c) vs. AJ Styles

This is an I Quit match, but the question here is can they find a way around a rather obvious result. It is hard to fathom that Rhodes will lose here, no matter how much the match has been hyped up. That isn’t a bad thing though, as occasionally the match isn’t so much about the drama but rather how you get there. It seems we are seeing that again and that should make things interesting.

It worked last month and it should work again here, so we’ll go with Rhodes retaining in what is probably the most obvious result on the entire card. These guys are going to beat the living daylights out of each other and have a heck of a violent match. No matter what happens here though, there is no reason for Rhodes to lose, though he’ll do it after one heck of a way.

Raw World Title: Damian Priest(c) vs. Drew McIntyre

I’m really not sure which way they’re going here, but this is all about CM Punk. Outside of Punk interfering, I cannot imagine him McIntyre losing here, as it has happened too many times lately and putting it in front of these fans would make it even worse. Punk hasn’t been seen in recent weeks and now we get to see what happens when these two go at it on their own. In theory.

I’ll go with the happy ending (for now) and say McIntyre wins. Priest has already gotten a lot out of being the champion, but there are certain things that are set up too perfectly to not go there. McIntyre getting his moment in front of his family to end the show is one of them and that seems to be where we are going. At least we should be, though the heat on Punk would be hard to fathom if he managed to cut McIntyre off again. This feels like McIntyre’s day though so I’ll say a new champion.

Overall Thoughts

This show is following the short and to the point format, with only five matches on the card. WWE has been running tighter shows like this in recent months and they have worked well. Nothing on the show looks bad and we should be in for a good one. Those fans being there to make it all the better and it should work out well. Just give McIntyre his moment (ok his latest moment) already.


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Smackdown – June 14, 2024: Part 1

Date: June 14, 2024
Location: OVO Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland
Commentators: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

We’re in Scotland for the first time and we are less than a day away from Clash At The Castle. As usual, the show is mostly set but there is always the chance that something else could be added. The big story on the blue side is AJ Styles vs. Cody Rhodes in an I Quit match and odds are we’ll be hearing more about it this week. And of course the Bloodline, so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Naomi vs. Chelsea Green

Bayley is here with Naomi and Piper Niven is here with Green. Before the match, Green brags about how the two of them will be Women’s Champion tomorrow but the fans would rather ask if Bayley will be their girl. Naomi loads up a running shot to the face but stops for a slap instead, which granted is the same thing but a bit less impactful. A running dropkick in the corner works a bit better but Green gets in a shot of her own and we take a break.

Back with Naomi fighting out of a chinlock but getting her knee dropkicked out for her efforts. Naomi fights up again and hits a springboard spinning kick to the head, followed by a high crossbody for two. Back up and Green pulls her off the top, setting up a missile dropkick for two of her own. Green tries a rollup with feet on the ropes so Bayley shoves them off, which isn’t cool with Niven. Not that it matters as Naomi uses the distraction to grab a rollup for the pin at 9:26.

Rating: C+. You don’t get to see Green with this kind of offense very often and it was cool for a change. She’s better in the ring than she is given credit for but when you can play a character that well, it can often be overlooked. Naomi gets a win to boost her up a bit and we could be in for something else from her after Clash is over.

We look at Apollo Crews being attacked last week.

Baron Corbin is in Nick Aldis’ office and is thankful for a chance, but Legado del Fantasma comes in. Corbin leaves and Aldis isn’t happy with Legado for attacking Crews last week. The team is being fined, but Santos Escobar will just beat up Crews tonight anyway.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are ready for their two challengers at Clash.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect (following the latest QR codes), with Austin Theory right next to him of course. Theory wants to know where the plants are but apparently Scotland is too depressing for them. We get right to the guests this week, with DIY joining the show. They waste no time in clearing out a bunch of the set (including the one chair for the two guests) and DIY accuses Theory of being Waller’s secretary.

Waller insists that they’re friends and he would take a bullet for him, but we see a clip of Waller pulling Theory in the way of a dive. DIY wants a title shot, but that’s not going to happen right now. Instead Gargano talks to Theory, saying he’s know Theory for a long time and he can’t stand what he’s seeing. Gargano blames Waller and the fight is on, with DIY clearing the ring.

We look at the Bloodline wrecking the Street Profits and Kevin Owens last week.

The Profits tell Owens that they have his back tonight.

Bayley and Naomi run into Blair Davenport in the back but nothing comes of it. Bayley thanks Naomi for being there when Chelsea Green comes in. The distraction lets Piper Niven come in to wreck both of them.

Santos Escobar vs. Apollo Crews

The rest of Legado del Fantasma is here with Escobar. Crews starts fast with a belly to belly but gets sent to the apron, where Legado offers a distraction. Escobar dropkicks him to the floor but here is Baron Corbin to chase off Legado (minus Elektra Lopez). Crews grabs a gorilla press into a standing moonsault for two as we take a break.

Back with Escobar hitting a slingshot hilo for two of his own and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for the same. Crews makes a comeback with a clothesline into a nip up, only to get kneed out of the air. A quick Death Valley Driver gives Crews two but cue Legado for a distraction. Corbin goes to deal with them, allowing Lopez to offer a distraction. Escobar gets the rollup pin at 9:01.

Rating: C+. Every time I see Crews out there, it astounds me more and more that he isn’t a bigger star. His lack of charisma isn’t helping him, but my goodness that kind of look and athleticism should have some kind of a role. For now though, Escobar gets a win to keep himself around, though Legado needs something else to do. Like feuding with….Corbin?

Long recap of Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. A few weeks ago, he thought AJ Styles was actually going to retire. No one wants to be THAT guy, as in the one who sticks around too long and is trying to have one more match. Unfortunately, that is exactly what Styles is starting to look like. We pause for some singing fans before Rhodes won’t say the words I Quit. Cue Styles, with the OC, to say Rhodes gets worked up pretty easily.

Rhodes says Styles can get a lot closer, while leaving Horace and Jasper (there’s a reference I didn’t expect tonight) behind. The fans sing about Rhodes again and we get a graphic showing the sound level in one of those cool little things you would never get in the old days. Styles talks about how hard it was to get to WWE, while Rhodes quit when things got hard around here. Just like he quit New Japan and Ring Of Honor! Then he started a company (the fans gasp) and quit that too!

Rhodes talks about making some big decisions in his career, including walking away from a bunch of companies (there’s one he won’t say). He gambled on himself and this title shows you that he won. Styles quit when he pretended to be Mark Henry for a night to get a title shot. Rhodes will make him quit, with Styles saying it was so easy to make Rhodes say it. Styles: “I can’t quit being phenomenal.” He’s ready to do whatever it takes to beat Rhodes. This was an intense exchange and it’s the kind of match where the result being fairly clear shouldn’t hurt things.

The Bloodline jumps the Street Profits but are cleared out before Kevin Owens can get there.

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Nia Jax vs. Michin

Tiffany Stratton is on commentary. Michin strikes away before the bell and does it again after the bell, with Eat Defeat sending Jax outside. Stratton offers a distraction but gets beaten up, allowing Jax to run Michin over. The Annihilator finishes for Jax at 1:23. Anything involving more Stratton, even Jax, is a good thing.

Kevin Owens says the Street Profits won’t be able to be there tonight.

Logan Paul was at the Classic Tetris World Championships and lost to a bunch of 14 year olds.

Paul returns home…and finds LA Knight chilling in his pool. Paul tells him to get out, with Knight getting up, picking up his clothes, and saying he’ll see Paul next week in Chicago. As expected, Paul wonders how Knight got through the security.

Carmelo Hayes isn’t sure what he just watched but knows that Knight’s line was lame. He’s ready to be Mr. Money In The Bank and he’ll qualify next week.

Nick Aldis bars the Tonga’s from ringside for the main event. Paul Heyman tells Solo Sikoa that if he loses, he loses his leadership. Sikoa says that if he loses, he’s coming after Heyman. Panicking ensues.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn get quite the reception and promise to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Clash At The Castle rundown.

Solo Sikoa vs. Kevin Owens

Paul Heyman is here with Sikoa. It’s a big brawl to start with Owens knocking him to the floor and taking out the Prime stand. Owens hits a running clothesline and the frog splash off the apron as we take a break. Back with Sikoa bailing to the floor to avoid the Cannonball. Sikoa takes over with a shot to the face and the running hip attack in the corner.

Owens grabs a quick DDT though and some rapid fire stomping has Sikoa in trouble. Sikoa catches him on top but makes the mistake of trying a superplex, allowing Owens to fight out and hit a tornado DDT. An exchange of superkicks goes to Owens, who hits a Cannonball into a Swanton for two. They fight to the apron, where Sikoa hits a backdrop and we take a break.

Back again with Owens knocking Sikoa off the top and hitting the frog splash for two. Some Spinning Solos give Sikoa two each but Owens grabs a quick Stunner. Heyman puts the foot on the rope for the save and Owens is immediately out there to attempt to kill him. That’s broken up with a Samoan Spike, followed by another to finish Owens at 16:40.

Rating: B. You know what you’re going to get in a match like this and it worked out rather well. Owens is at his best when he is fighting from underneath and has to get in his shots where he can. We got exactly that here, with Heyman out there fearing for his life, which he does as well as anyone. Good stuff here, with Sikoa getting a nice win to show he can still do it.

Post match the Tongas run in for the beatdown but Randy Orton returns for the save. A bunch of RKO’s end the show. Yeah that works.

Overall Rating: B-. WWE has figured out how they want to do things and how to put whatever people and stories they have going on into the formula. There was very little here that felt new or different but it was still a rather solid two hours. Clash is the big show of course, but this was a good way to get things primed up without wasting two hours.

Naomi b. Chelsea Green – Rollup
Santos Escobar b. Apollo Crews – Rollup
Nia Jax b. Michin – Annihilator
Solo Sikoa b. Kevin Owens – Samoan Spike



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Monday Night Raw – June 10, 2024: Get Us To Scotland

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 10, 2024
Location: Huntington Center, Toledo, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

It’s the last Raw before Clash At The Castle and that means it is time to start finalizing the card. That should make for a packed show, with one of the most interesting matches being Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov. Throw in Drew McIntyre coming for the World Title and we should be in for a fun one. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Drew McIntyre to get things going. McIntyre says he is five days away from winning the World Title and has no time for the CM Punk chants. At the same time, he knows that wherever he goes, the Judgment Day follows, so here is Judgment Day to interrupt. Damian Priest says McIntyre just made this personal because he doesn’t need Judgment Day to be champion.

Priest talks about how he’s coming to McIntyre’s turf on his own, but McIntyre doesn’t buy any of this. Therefore, Priest has an idea: McIntyre can face Finn Balor tonight and if McIntyre wins, the Judgment Day is barred from ringside on Saturday. McIntyre is in. Rather simple concept, but McIntyre getting his big title shot one on one is a good thing.

We recap Dominik Mysterio’s issues with Liv Morgan.

Dominik finds Morgan in the Judgment Day clubhouse. He’s not happy with this but she offers him her hotel room, saying a gorgeous man like him shouldn’t be calling his woman Mami. Instead, he deserves someone who calls him daddy. She’ll be waiting in her room.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Iyo Sky

The rest of Damage CTRL is here too. Valkyria charges at her in the corner but gets knocked down rather quickly. Back up and Valkyria strikes away, setting up the old rocking horse hold. Sky escapes and sends her to the floor for an Asai moonsault and we take an early break.

Back with Valkyria hitting a missile dropkick into a fisherman’s suplex for two. Valkyria gets two more off the same rollup she used to beat Sky last month but Sky sends her throat first into the ropes. A quick Nightwing connects but Kai breaks it up. Sky hits the running knees in the corner, only to have Valkyria block Over The Moonsault. Another Nightwing is loaded up but Sky grabs the hair and rolls her up for the pin at 10:28.

Rating: C+. Valkyria is rapidly becoming an established name on the show and she held her own against a bigger star here. The interference keeps Valkyria looking strong and Sky gets to return to prominence after losing a few weeks ago. Nice match here, with both of them making the future look pretty bright.

Post match the beatdown is on but Kayden Carter and Katana Chance run in for the save.

Dominik Mysterio isn’t sure what to do about Liv Morgan and explains it to Carlito and the Judgment Day. Carlito deems the room key as cool.

Sami Zayn runs into Miz, who is worried because he can’t find R-Truth. With Miz gone, Sami goes to talk to Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa, reminding them that they don’t have to take this. Otis comes in and Sami says he’ll see him in the ring. Otis says he had it all at one point but then lost it all (even mentioning Mandy Rose and Tucker). Without Chad Gable, he’s nothing. Sami isn’t going with that because Otis has the talent, if only he could see it. The pop when Otis turns is going to be massive.

Damian Priest wants to know what is going on with Dominik Mysterio and the hotel room key, but someone has stolen it.

Ludwig Kaiser brags about his success, including beating Sheamus last week. Now he wants to be Mr. Money In The Bank.

LWO/Braun Strowman vs. Judgment Day/Carlito

Carlito is left alone as his partners bail to the floor, leaving Strowman to power him into the corner. Rey comes in to take over on McDonagh’s arm, with Lee adding a slingshot dropkick in the corner. The villains get back up and knock the LWO out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Rey still in trouble and Carlito hitting a less than aggressive clothesline to keep him down. A cheap shot brings Strowman in as everything breaks down for a bit.

Rey manages a twisting faceplant on McDonagh though and the big tag brings in Lee to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Dominik gets in a cheap shot but here is Liv Morgan (so much for the hotel) for a distraction. Dominik is knocked to the floor with Liv landing on him, only to have Zelina Vega go after Liv. Strowman isn’t having this and wrecks people on the floor, setting up the running powerslam to Carlito. Lee gets on Strowman’s shoulders for a splash and the pin at 13:55.

Rating: C+. There is something fun about Strowman wrecking people as he’s kind of perfect as the monster that you have to run from until he finally gets his hands on you. The LWO, and Lee in particular, getting a win is a good thing as the team feels like it could be around for a good while. Carlito taking another fall is a fine way to go, as Damian Priest yelling at him has been rather entertaining.

Video on Ilja Dragunov, who is ready for the new monsters on Raw, including Bron Breakker.

Ricochet comes in to give Dragunov a pep talk, but he’s ready to slay the dragon. Then he and Ricochet can run it back.

Iyo Sky is rather upset and shouts a lot about how things need to be better. Cole: “Well that happened.”

Here is Sami Zayn for a chat before his match. Zayn talks about how we are five days away from Clash At The Castle and he isn’t sure what is going on with Chad Gable. What matters is he will end all of this on Saturday because it’s time to go back to work. Cue Gable, with the Alpha Academy, to interrupt. Gable says the Academy is fine despite Zayn’s interference, and they’ll be even happier after he wins the title on Saturday. Zayn: “Are you out of your d*** mind?” The team isn’t looking happy but Gable says they’re a family no matter what. Gable is unleashing the good version of Otis on Zayn right now.

Sami Zayn vs. Otis

Non-title. Otis wastes no time in running Zayn over and hits a big splash. Chad Gable yells at Otis though, allowing Zayn to hit the Helluva Kick for the pin at 1:36.

Post match Gable has Otis wreck Zayn. Otis teases fighting back against Gable but can’t do it. The teases continue.

Miz finds R-Truth, who says they have a Tag Team Title match tonight…..against the APA! A fortune teller told him! Miz isn’t buying this, but Scarlett comes out of the office to say the AOP is looking forward to seeing them tonight. Uh-ohing ensues.

Video on Jey Uso.

Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark vs. Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are here to watch. Before the match, Dawn and Fyre promise to win the titles and show that they should have been in this spot a long time ago. Dawn starts fast by dropkicking Baszler’s bad knee to put her on the floor. A Backstabber/Swanton combination gets two on Stark with Baszler making the save. Baszler comes in to stomp on Fyre’s arm before grabbing the Kirifuda Clutch for the tap at 2:39. Well so much for Dawn and Fyre looking like threats.

Video on Bron Breakker.

Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov

Breakker punches him down to start but Dragunov scores with an enziguri. That just earns him a beating on the mat with some very Scott Steiner sounding trash talk. Dragunov knocks him into the corner for a boot to the face but Breakker hits a rather hard running shot as we take a break.

Back with Breakker holding him on the mat for some forearms to the head. Breakker hits a running knee but Dragunov is back with the Constantine Special. Dragunov rolls some German suplexes, which has McAfee impressed. The Death Valley Driver into thee corner rocks Breakker again and Coast To Coast gives Dragunov…nothing actually. Instead he goes up top for a backsplash and a near fall but Breakker runs him over again.

The spear is cut off with a jumping knee though and an H Bomb rocks Breakker again. They head outside with Breakker reversing a suplex to drop him ribs first onto the edge of the announcers’ table. Breakker posts him hard and they head back inside, where another spear sends Dragunov back to the floor. Another spear on the floor gets nine so Breakker hits a third spear for the pin at 16:00.

Rating: B. There are matches where you know you’re going to get a heck of a fight because of the people involved and that was the case here. These guys beat the fire out of each other until Breakker was just too much. It was a hard hitting, violent match and exactly what I wanted to see from them as Breakker continues to look like a major force.

Post match Breakker loads up another spear but Ricochet runs in for the save.

Judgment Day regroups before the main event.

Sheamus comes in to give Drew McIntyre a pep talk. Drew wants Sheamus there to celebrate after he wins the title. Money In The Bank is discussed too, though they seem to be on the same page.

Tag Team Titles: Awesome Truth vs. AOP

Awesome Truth is defending. Before the match, the Final Testament says it’s time to win the titles and promise that they will never turn their backs on Xavier Woods like Kofi Kingston did last week. Miz gets kicked down by Rezar to start and we take a break about thirty seconds in. Back with R-Truth coming in to fight back as New Day comes out to brawl with the Final Testament. R-Truth tries a belt shot to no effect, only to have Miz grab a rollup to retain at 5:35. Not enough shown to rate but it was about advancing New Day vs. Final Testament rather than the match.

Bron Breakker attacks Ilja Dragunov in the back but Ricochet makes the save. Breakker beats up Ricochet and throws him against a car. They go up the steps to the production truck and Breakker powerslams him through a windshield for a very nasty landing. That might be how they write Ricochet off because it was a heck of a crash.

Post break, Ricochet is taken away in an ambulance, with Samantha Irvin joining him.

Clash At The Castle rundown.

Finn Balor vs. Drew McIntyre

Pat McAfee fills in as ring announcer and if McIntyre wins, Judgment Day is barred from ringside on Saturday. McIntyre wastes no time in knocking him to the floor and chopping away against the barricade. Balor goes after McIntyre’s banged up arm and then stomps on the apron but McIntyre snaps off a belly to belly over the announcers’ table.

We take a break and come back with Balor tying up the arm while cranking on the neck. McIntyre fights up but gets armbarred again to cut that off. McIntyre powerbombs his way to freedom but the Claymore is cut off with a Sling Blade. The Coup de Grace is broken up and McIntyre hits a superplex. Cue Damian Priest for a distraction so Judgment Day can come in. That’s broken up but Balor hits a Sling Blade. Another Coup de Grace misses though and McIntyre hits the Claymore for the pin at 13:58.

Rating: B-. This was another match where there was pretty much knew it was going to be at last decent and that’s what we got here. The ending is the right call as they are setting up McIntyre to get his big win and I can go for that not involving Judgment Day shenanigans for once. At the same time, it furthers what feels like an eventual Priest split from the team, as he is coming off more and more like he doesn’t need them, which is a good thing.

McIntyre and Priest stare each other down to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show had a nice mixture of action and story advancement, with a hard push towards Saturday. I’m much more into Priest vs. McIntyre than I was before, with the Intercontinental Title match feeling like a toss up. Other than the Women’s Tag Team Title match taking a hit with that rather short match, I was digging most of the things here. That includes Breakker being a monster, which feels like the role he was born to play. Good show here, and now they can hopefully top it in Scotland.

Iyo Sky b. Lyra Valkyria – Crucifix
LWO/Braun Strowman b. Judgment Day/Carlito – Splash to Carlito
Sami Zayn b. Otis – Helluva Kick
Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark b. Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre – Kirifuda Clutch to Fyre
Bron Breakker b. Ilja Dragunov – Spear
Awesome Truth b. AOP – Rollup to Akam
Drew McIntyre b. Finn Balor – Claymore



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Smackdown – June 7, 2024: The Show To Set Up The Show But The Show Isn’t An Interesting Show

Date: June 7, 2024
Location: KFC Yum Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett

We have just over a week to go before Clash At The Castle and after last week, it seems that we are going to be seeing AJ Styles vs. Cody Rhodes II for the Smackdown World Title. Other than that, LA Knight and Logan Paul have been circling each other and there is a good chance that we will see that match set up this week as well. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We look back at AJ Styles faking retirement last week and attacking Cody Rhodes to end the show.

An annoyed Rhodes is waiting for Styles.

Here is the Bloodline to get things going. The still nervous looking Paul Heyman says that until Roman Reigns comes back, Solo Sikoa is at the head of the table. The fans want Reigns, which has me wondering how long they can hold off on the return. Sikoa has decided to make a double proclamation tonight, starting with Tama Tonga being named the Right Hand Man. Second, Tonga Loa is officially a member of the team. Heyman tries to wrap it up but Sikoa asks what’s going on.

Heyman should be thanking them for the save against Kevin Owens last week, with Heyman doing just that. In addition, Heyman was here earlier today and heard that Owens is wanting a piece of the Bloodline. Cue Owens (Heyman bails) and the brawl is on but the numbers game has Owens in trouble. The Street Profits run in for the save though, allowing Owens to grab a chair and clear the ring. This feels like it’s going to keep building until Reigns comes back for the big moment and they need to make Sikoa feel that much more evil on the way there.

Post break, Sikoa tells Heyman to make this a six man or it’s Heyman vs. Tama Tonga. Heyman: “I like the six man idea a lot better.”

Jade Cargill/Bianca Belair vs. Indi Hartwell/Candice LeRae

Non-title. The bell rings and here are Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre and Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark to watch. Belair takes LeRae down to start and hits a quick moonsault for two. Hartwell comes in for a cheap shot though and the posing takes us to a break. Back with Belair getting over for the tag to Cargill so house can be quickly cleaned. The assisted German suplex finishes Hartwell at 6:32. Not enough shown to rate but Cargill and Belair wrecked them after the break.

Post match the other four come in to beat down the champs, only to fight amongst themselves. Cargill and Belair take them out and stand tall.

Nick Aldis tells Cody Rhodes to not get in a fight with AJ Styles on the loading dock but Cody says he’s taking care of this himself.

Apollo Crews is ready….to get jumped by Angel and Berto. Nick Aldis calls for medics but as Crews is taken away, LA Knight comes in to ask where Logan Paul is. Carmelo Hayes pops in to say he’s getting to Knight so Aldis makes the match for later tonight. Aldis implied that this was taking the place of Crews’ match so points for some continuity.

Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller

Tommaso Ciampa and Austin Theory are here too. Gargano knocks him into the corner to start and chops away but a spinning backbreaker puts Gargano down. The rolling Stunner is countered into a belly to back suplex though and they head outside. Gargano’s Sliced Bread leaves both of them down and we take an early break.

Back with Gargano hitting some clotheslines into an enziguri, setting up the slingshot spear for two. An electric chair belly to back suplex drops Gargano for two more but something like a Destroyer out of the corner plants Waller hard. Waller bails outside and pulls Theory into a dive before posting Gargano. Back in and a running flipping Unprettier (picture Cena’s Throwback but landing on the other person instead of grabbing their head) finishes Gargano at 8:16.

Rating: C+. Assuming DIY is going to get the title shot, I’m not sure how logical it was to have Gargano lose here. Then again, at least it’s something different than winning singles matches to set up a tag match. For now though, the match was perfectly fine, with Waller pulling Theory in the way of the dive being completely in line with his way of thinking.

Nick Aldis, with security, tells Cody Rhodes that AJ Styles is arriving. Post break the car arrives with Styles in the sunroof and the OC standing in Rhodes’ way. Rhodes goes into the arena and calls Styles out for a fight RIGHT NOW. Cue Styles to say he doesn’t care what Rhodes wants, but Styles wants a title shot at Clash At The Castle. Works for Rhodes, but he wants it to be I Quit. Nick Aldis comes out to make the match and Rhodes beats up security. With Rhodes held back, Styles gets in a cheap shot.

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill leave Aldis’ office and announce a triple threat Women’s Tag Team Title match at Clash At The Castle, with Shayna Baszler/Zoey Stark and Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre getting the shots. Makes sense and goes another step towards trying to make the champs feel like they’re in danger. They aren’t, but points for trying.

LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes

Knight isn’t impressed to start and takes Hayes outside for some rams into the announcers’ table. A backdrop onto the table makes it worse and we take a break. Back with Knight fighting out of a top wristlock but getting hit in the face for two. Knight avoids something from the top and hits a faceplant, only to charge into a superkick. A slam puts Hayes down again but the LA Elbow (minus the LA, making it just a jumping elbow) misses. The powerslam connects but the BFT is countered into a rollup with trunks for two. Knight reverses the rollup into a rollup of his own for the pin at 8:33.

Rating: C+. This is a match where there was not harmless result, as Knight needed a win to boost him towards the likely US Title shot, but my goodness Hayes needs to win something sooner than later. Other than a fluke rollup against Baron Corbin, he hasn’t won anything of note since earlier this year in NXT. He doesn’t have to be beating top names, but he can beat some lower level names just to build himself up a bit.

Post match Knight promises to bring Smackdown to Logan Paul.

Tiffany Stratton offers to unite with Nia Jax, who looks as annoyed as someone who has to watch a Nia Jax match. With Stratton gone, Michin comes in to throw water in Jax’s face and they have to be held apart.

Video on Bayley vs. Piper Niven.

Here is Bayley for a chat. She mentions the match with Niven but here are Chelsea Green and Niven to interrupt. Niven promises to make Bayley lose again and says that the two of them will be the new champ. Bayley respects Niven, which is why she was watching from the front row at the Mae Young Classic.

She’s lost in front of everyone she’s loved and knows how bad it feels, so she’ll do it again to Niven next week. Niven gets in the ring to talk about her journey from 2008. She worked around the world while Bayley walked into a perfect situation in the Performance Center. Now she has an annoying friend in Naomi and everything handed to her. Niven promises to win the title, with Green mimicking almost every word in a nice touch.

Logan Paul sends in a video and says he’s in Los Angeles for the World Tetris Championships because he wants a real challenger. Knight needs to go back to the midcard where he belongs.

Naomi doesn’t like what Chelsea Green and Piper Niven said out there. Nick Aldis makes Naomi vs. Green for next week.

Kevin Owens/Street Profits vs. Bloodline

Dawkins powers Tonga into the corner to start and hands it off to Ford. The shoulders to the ribs have Tama in trouble but he fights out rather quickly. Loa comes in for the forearms to the head and Sikoa sends Ford outside for the crash as we take a break. Back with the slow beating to Ford continuing, with Loa hitting a basement clothesline.

Ford finally manages to get in a shot of his own and the diving tag brings in Owens to face Sikoa. Owens drops him fast and hits the Swanton for two as everything breaks down. Ford hits a big running flip dive onto the pile at ringside, which just causes Sikoa to chair Ford for the DQ at 9:40.

Rating: C+. This was picking up near the end but then they pulled all of the energy out with the lame ending. It makes the Bloodline look more violent as they would rather swing chairs than compete, but it doesn’t exactly make for the most thrilling conclusion. At least Owens didn’t take another pin though.

Post match the big beatdown is on, with Owens being put through the announcers’ table to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show did a nice job of setting up the Smackdown side of Clash At The Castle, but the problem is that half isn’t very interesting. The show is going to be ALL about Drew McIntyre getting his title shot with Rhodes vs. Styles II not exactly feeling hot, even with the stipulation. Paul vs. Knight should be good as well, but it wasn’t officially announced here. Stuff did happen here and that’s good, but the stuff wasn’t that interesting, which is a problem. Odds are that changes after next week though, so this shouldn’t be a long term issue.

Jade Cargill/Bianca Belair b. Indi Hartwell/Candice LeRae – Assisted German suplex to Hartwell
Grayson Waller b. Johnny Gargano – Running flipping Unprettier
LA Knight b. Carmelo Hayes – Rollup
Kevin Owens/Street Profits b. Bloodline via DQ when Sikoa used a chair



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Monday Night Raw – May 27, 2024: The Anti-Tournament Show

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 27, 2024
Location: EnMarket Arena, Savannah, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re done with King And Queen Of The Ring and we have a new Raw King in Gunther. That means he is going to get a World Title shot at Summerslam, but first Damian Priest has to defend against Drew McIntyre next month at Clash In The Castle. Other than that, Liv Morgan is the new Raw Women’s Champion and has to defend the title against former champion Becky Lynch tonight in a cage. Let’s get to it.

Here is King And Queen Of The Ring if you need a recap.

Long King And Queen Of The Ring recap.

Here is Ludwig Kaiser to introduce King Gunther, who carries the crown to the ring. We pause for a WE WANT RANDY chant before Gunther brags about beating Randy Orton to earn his crown. With that out of the way, he is ready to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam. He elevated the Intercontinental Title and now he has done it again with the King Of The Ring.

Cue Judgment Day to interrupt, with Damian Priest saying Gunther didn’t win anything because Orton’s shoulder was up. Yes Priest cashed in after winning a ladder match because that’s how it works. Priest offers to teach him a lesson, so Gunther says Priest can teach him before Summerslam and call him King, or teach him after and call him World Heavyweight Champion.

Cue Drew McIntyre to interrupt and introduce himself to Gunther, who steps aside so McIntyre can face Priest. McIntyre says Judgment Day has been screwing up left and right since Rhea Ripley has been hurt. We hear about some British wrestling legends, but McIntyre is the only one to win the World Title.

McIntyre gives us a quick geography lesson because they don’t teach it in America, as he draws out where Scotland is located. WWE has called him a psycho and the terminator, but in Scotland they call him Drew, because everyone is like that. Priest brings up McIntyre’s wife for the sake of seeing if he can get under McIntyre’s skin but here is Braun Strowman for his scheduled match with JD McDonagh. This is an interesting way to go as you have two possible champions but the monster is waiting for either of them.

Braun Strowman vs. JD McDonagh

Joined in progress with Strowman powering him up and sending him into the corner. One heck of a toss sends McDonagh flying, setting up a running charge into the corner. Another charge is cut off though and Strowman goes shoulder first into the post. McDonagh gets in a shot to the knee on the floor and we take a break. Back with Strowman sending him outside and hitting the freight train. Finn Balor offers a distraction so here is Carlito for a cheap shot. That gets him nowhere, as Strowman grabs the powerslam for the pin at 9:32.

Rating: C. This didn’t need to be so long with Strowman flattening McDonagh without much trouble. Carlito not being able to help out in the end likely doesn’t bode well for him, which is part of his ongoing story. What matters here is Strowman getting a nice win in return and it went well enough.

Post match Strowman clears out the Judgment Day and Carlito without much trouble. McDonagh chairs him in the back and runs off.

Liv Morgan didn’t know Dominik Mysterio was going to interfere on Saturday but she’s ready to beat Becky Lynch in a cage. Watch her.

Damian Priest isn’t happy with Finn Balor and Carlito. Just find McDonagh before Strowman does.

We look at Bron Breakker being all violent last week.

Ricochet is banged up from last week and wants Breakker, but that can’t happen. Ilja Dragunov comes in and says thank you for the save last week and they can fight when Ricochet is better. Ricochet is cleared so he wants it tonight, with Adam Pearce making the match.

Ricochet vs. Ilja Dragunov

We get another QR code before the match and Dragunov chops away to start. Ricochet, with his bad ribs, is wrestled to the mat and a German suplex gives Dragunov two. Dragunov hits a running knee and bites the rope as we take a break. Back with Dragunov striking away but the Constantine Special is broken up.

Ricochet moonsaults him on the floor but a 450 misses back inside. Now the Constantine Special can connect to give Dragunov two and he plants Ricochet with a powerbomb. The top rope H Bomb is blocked and Ricochet hits the Recoil. A shooting star connects on Dragunov but Bron Breakker comes in to spear Ricochet for the DQ at 10:26.

Rating: B-. This was starting to heat up near the end but I like the DQ as you don’t want either of these two taking a fall. Dragunov already lost a big match in the tournament and Ricochet loses pretty often as well. Breakker getting involved makes him look like even more of a monster and that has potential as we move forward.

Post match Dragunov gets speared as well. Adam Pearce comes out to yell at him but Breakker isn’t having it.

Post break Pearce is still yelling at Breakker but walks off with Kiana James instead.

Earlier today, Awesome Truth was running an ice cream truck (because they’re like vanilla and….strawberry) when New Day came up to ask about some contest for a Tag Team Title shot. Karrion Kross comes up and Kofi mocks him for being all cryptic. Kross warms them about the AOP, so Woods tells him to bring Tokka and Razar.

Authors Of Pain vs. Creed Brothers

The Final Testament and Ivy Nile are here too. The Creeds go right after them to start, with Julius being knocked outside. Brutus slugs away but gets elbowed in the face for two. Rezar grabs a neck crank but misses a charge in the corner. Julius comes in for the suplexes into the nipups, but Scarlett sends Nile into the steps. The distraction breaks up the Brutus Ball and the suplex/sitout powerbomb combination (dubbed What A Rush) finishes Julius at 2:57.

We look at Carlito injuring Cruz del Toro last week.

Rey Mysterio talks about Carlito taking the wrong path out of jealousy over Dragon Lee. Tonight, Carlito isn’t going to face an old friend because he’s going to find out what happens when he faces the LWO.

Braun Strowman is limping around looking for JD McDonagh.

Memorial Day video.

Here is Sheamus for a chat. Sheamus hypes up King Of The Ring, which was banger after banger after banger, but sadly he was out in the first round. He blames Ludwig Kaiser but isn’t bitter. The only thing he isn’t happy about is Gunther’s coat rack bragging about what he did. Kaiser pops up on screen and says Sheamus is always talking, so Sheamus goes to get him. We follow Sheamus to the back where Kaiser jumps him, with the fight heading into the arena. Adam Pearce and the referees break it up.

Becky Lynch gives Lyra Valkyria a pep talk.

Kairi Sane vs. Lyra Valkyria

Dakota Kai is here with Sane and Valkyria has banged up ribs. Valkyria takes her down to start but the ribs flare up. A northern lights suplex hurts the ribs again and Sane catches her on top. Sane hits a hard sliding forearm to the ribs and a stomp to the ribs makes it even worse. The Insane Elbow is blocked with raised boots though and Valkyria gets a rollup for the pin at 3:42.

Rating: C. This was a nice win to get Valkyria back on track after her loss to Nia Jax. That’s exactly what she needed as she fought through the injury and won in the end by stealing a pin. Valkyria continues to feel like someone WWE wants to make into a big deal and it’s smart to give her a boost right back up the ladder.

Damian Priest isn’t pleased with Carlito for still being here, but Carlito steps out and Finds JD McDonagh. Priest isn’t happy with McDonagh for talking to Liv Morgan earlier but here is Dominik Mysterio. Priest isn’t happy with him either, though Mysterio says he’ll make it right tonight, including with Rhea Ripley.

Iyo Sky is not pleased with Kairi Sane’s loss and breaks a bunch of stuff before storming off screaming.

Rey Mysterio vs. Carlito

The LWO (minus Cruz del Toro, who is announced as well by mistake) is here with Rey. This is their first singles match in 20 years, with McAfee saying he was a junior in high school at the time. Cole: “I called that match.” McAfee: “…..D***.” Carlito starts fast with a whip into the corner and ties him in the Tree of Woe. A charge misses though and Carlito crotches himself against the post and we take a break.

Back with Carlito blasting him with a forearm for two, followed by a nasty faceplant. Carlito goes strong with an apron superplex for two more, meaning it’s time for frustration to set in. Mysterio fights up and hits a quick moonsault but gets planted for another near fall. A quick 619 attempt is blocked and Carlito dropkicks him out of the air. Carlito gets posted but here is Finn Balor, with Mysterio having to take him out as well. The Backstabber is blocked and the 619 sets up Dropping The Dime to give Mysterio the pin at 10:27.

Rating: C+. The match was perfectly fine with two guys who might not have been in the ring against each other in a good while but they can still work well together. This isn’t much in the way of revenge though, as Mysterio just beat him. If that’s all that is going to happen to him, why does he need the Judgment Day to protect him?

Post match Damian Priest comes in for the beatdown and Judgment Day stands tall.

Chad Gable asks Akira Tozawa why he wasn’t in Saudi Arabia, but he’s just disappointed. Braun Strowman pops in to look for JD McDonagh but has no luck. Otis shows up and Gable tells him to make up for his mistakes by beating Bronson Reed.

Otis vs. Bronson Reed

Chad Gable is here with Otis and accidentally distracts him to start, allowing Reed to hit a running splash in the corner. Reed hits a running elbow and Otis is knocked to the floor for some yelling from Gable. Back in and Reed hits a running dropkick but Otis slugs away and hits a running crossbody. Otis splashes him in the corner but Gable breaks up the Caterpillar attempt. Otis loads it up again so gable yells at him, allowing Reed to hit a superkick. The Tsunami hits Otis for the pin at 3:40.

Rating: C. This was a story advancing match as Gable is still causing Otis trouble and that is likely going to lead to a big blowup at some point in the future. I’m not sure when it is going to happen, but the fans are going to go nuts when the split happens. At the same time, Reed gets his own rebound win and it would be nice to see him keep moving forward.

Post match Gable calls the Alpha Academy into the ring and after a break it’s time for a meeting. Gable takes off his belt and tells Otis to grab the rope, but Maxxine Dupri cuts Gable off. Gable throws her out of the ring but here is Sami Zayn to interrupt. Zayn calls Gable a weak little man who can’t get the job done. That doesn’t work for Gable, who loads up the belt to Otis again, only to have Zayn take it away. Zayn tries to talk some sense into Otis but Gable takes Zayn out. The fans chant for Otis, who stays behind as the rest of the team leaves. Then Otis leaves on his own as the simmering continues.

Video on the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour.

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark want Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair to come to Raw and face them. Sonya Deville comes in and says they’re talking like they’re already champions but Baszler shouts her down. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn come in and a match seems to be made. Oh yeah. They work here too.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan

Morgan is defending inside a cage with pinfall, submission or escape to win. We’re joined in progress after a break with Morgan driving her into the cage. Morgan sends her face first into the cage a few times, followed by some hard shoulders to send her into it again. Lynch fights back and sends her head first into the cage, followed by a missile dropkick for two. A missed charge sends Lynch to the cage though and we take a break.

Back with Lynch getting two off a superplex but the Disarm-Her is broken up. Morgan’s Codebreaker gets two and they both go up top. Morgan gets knocked down but pulls her off cage, with a powerbomb getting two. Oblivion misses so Lynch grabs the Disarm-Her in the ropes. They go into the corner and crash back down…as Dominik Mysterio comes out.

He opens the door and begs Lynch to crawl out but here are Finn Balor and JD McDonagh to yell at him. Morgan hits an enziguri….but Braun Strowman comes out to go after Judgment Day. Dominik is sent flying into the door, which hits Lynch in the face, allowing Morgan to escape and retain at 13:22.

Rating: B-. This was pretty impressive from a storyline perspective as you had a few different things moving around at the same time. They managed to give Morgan another win over Lynch while also having the whole Judgment Day story advancing at the same time. The match itself was good enough, but this was a case where almost everything else is what mattered. Points for using the unrelated Strowman deal as a bonus too.

Morgan goes to leave but stops to look at Dominik in the aisle to end the show.  And then Morgan kisses him, with Mysterio not being sure how to react.  This did not air on all versions of the broadcast but is on WWE’s Youtube channel.

Overall Rating: B-. After weeks of focusing on the tournaments, everything changed this week as it was much more about advancing storylines on the way to Clash At The Castle. There are a lot of things coming in the next few weeks and this show did a good job of setting those up. The wrestling was ok enough but it wasn’t the focus here, and that’s ok after weeks of far above average in-ring content.

Braun Strowman b. JD McDonagh – Powerslam
Ricochet b. Ilja Dragunov via DQ when Bron Breakker interfered
Authors Of Pain b. Creed Brothers – What A Rush to Julius
Lyra Valkyria b. Kairi Sane – Rollup
Rey Mysterio b. Carlito – Dropping The Dime
Bronson Reed b. Otis – Tsunami
Liv Morgan b. Becky Lynch – Morgan escaped the cage



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Smackdown – February 16, 2024: It’s A Family Thing

Date: February 16, 2024
Location: Delta Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Corey Graves

It’s another big show as we have the return of the Rock and Roman Reigns. Even if we don’t know what they are going to do, you know it is going to be something important and that is the right way to go. Other than that, we have more Elimination Chamber qualifying matches so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Rock arrived earlier today.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Kevin Owens vs. Dominik Mysterio

Before the match, Dominik brags about how Judgment Day is going to dominate the Elimination Chamber and he is going to complete the sweep. Owens wastes no time in knocking him out to the floor, followed by an armdrag to put him n the floor again. Back in and Dominik gets in a few shots, only to be clotheslined down to cut him off again.

They head outside together this time, with Owens hitting a right hand and sending him into the steps. Cue R-Truth to look at Owens though and Dominik takes over, including the slingshot hilo for two as we take a break. Back with Owens fighting out of a chinlock and firing off right hands. Owens stomps him down and hits the running backsplash on the floor, followed by the Cannonball back inside.

The frog splash gives Owens two (that’s almost a surprising kickout) but Dominik grabs an X Factor of all things. They trade two Amigos each but Dominik misses his own frog splash. Owens is back with the Swanton for two (geez Dominik is getting to look strong here), only to get caught with a 619 for two more. The frustrated Dominik tells Truth to get him a chair, with the distraction allowing Owens to grab the pop up powerbomb for the pin at 14:11.

Rating: B-. It is astounding to see how much better Dominik has gotten in the last year or so and this was another example. This was a solid back and forth match with Dominik more than holding up his end. Throw in the fans loudly booing him before the match and it was quite the overall performance. Good stuff here and I was surprised by how well it went.

Drew McIntyre is here and says he has to win the Elimination Chamber to go on and win the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania. LA Knight comes in to say not so fast and is ready to add McIntyre’s name to that Wrestlemania tombstone on his shirt. Things have to be broken up in a hurry.

The Bloodline arrives.

Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne are ready to win the Tag Team Titles, but Bate thinks they need a team name. Dominik Mysterio comes in to say the Judgment Day will beat them at Elimination Chamber, so Bate says they can beat Dominik and R-Truth next week. I have no idea why they can make this stick but that’s how wrestling works.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Zelina Vega vs. Tiffany Stratton

Vega snaps off a hurricanrana to start before kicking Stratton out to the floor. An armdrag off the apron sets up a middle rope moonsault to Stratton. Cue Legado del Fantasma to ringside as we take a break. Back with Vega fighting out of a chinlock and the LWO coming out to even things up. Stratton cuts off a comeback attempt with an Alabama Slam but Vega cuts off the Prettiest Moonsault Ever. They head outside where Vega is rammed into the barricade, where Legado’s Elektra Lopez offers a distraction. That’s enough for Stratton to deck Vega and hit the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the pin at 8:19.

Rating: C+. I could have seen this one going either way and that made things a bit more interesting. Vega was firing off the offense here and Stratton kept up with her throughout, which is a good sign in one of her first main roster matches. Stratton seems like she could be quite the star around here and the fact that she transitioned from NXT to Smackdown rather smoothly (at least to start) is already giving me hope for her future.

The OC comes in to see AJ Styles, with Karl Anderson saying Styles has forgotten where he came from. The two of them have to be held apart.

Damage CTRL is coming for Bayley at Wrestlemania.

AOP vs. Javier Bernal/Beau Morris

The rest of the Final Testament is here too. Akam throws Bernal down to start and everything breaks down, with the Super Collider (stereo powerbombs, with the non-AOP being rammed together before being slammed down) setting up a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to finish Bernal at 1:02. Total destruction, as it should have been.

Logan Paul is ready to beat the Miz, win the Elimination Chamber and become a double champion at Wrestlemania.

We look at the Seth Rollins/Cody Rhodes segment from Raw.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: The Miz vs. Logan Paul

Non-title. Paul talks trash to start and is promptly knocked down for his efforts. Miz sends him to the apron, where Paul comes back in with a high crossbody. The standing moonsault doesn’t quite connect but Paul grabs a Regal Roll to put Miz down again. A splits splash gives Paul two but Miz fires off the chops. Paul knocks him right back down and hits a splash on the apron as we take a break.

Back with Miz slugging away and grabbing a Downward Spiral for two, followed by a Codebreaker out of the corner for the same. Miz tries the Figure Four but Paul grabs the ring skirt, leaving the referee distracted. That’s enough for Paul to poke Miz in the eye and hit his own Skull Crushing Finale for a rather near fall, meaning it’s time to get frustrated.

Miz’s Figure Four sends Paul over to the ropes and then out to the floor, where one of his goons hand him the brass knuckles. Miz breaks that up but Paul kicks the rope for a low blow on the way back in. The big right hand sets up something like an STO to give Paul the pin at 12:40.

Rating: B-. There is a history between these two and that made the match feel more important. Paul’s rise continues with another good match, though I could definitely go for less of his goons interfering. Ignoring that the people are interchangeable, it’s the same stuff so often and that gets rather dull. At least Paul won though, and the lineup inside the Chamber is strong enough that he can lose without taking a major hit.

Tiffany Stratton brags to Liv Morgan and Bianca Belair, the latter of whom isn’t impressed. Jade Cargill comes in to tell them all to shut up. Nick Aldis pops in and we pan over to see Bron Breakker next to a contract (not clear if it has been signed), just like Cargill’s (signing again not clear).

Paul Heyman is talking to Grayson Waller, who seems rather interested.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Naomi vs. Alba Fyre

Isla Dawn is here with Fyre, who takes Naomi down into the corner to start. Naomi slides up and slaps her in the face, setting up a splits splash for two. They go outside with Naomi hitting a bulldog onto the steps as we take a break. Back with Naomi sending her into the corner and hitting a high crossbody for two. Fyre is able to send her into the buckle though and a wheelbarrow faceplant gives Fyre two of her own. The Gory Bomb is countered though and an interfering Dawn is kicked down. A headscissors driver sets up a reverse Rings of Saturn finishes Fyre at 9:20.

Rating: C+. This was just a step above a squash for Naomi, who more or less rolled into the Chamber. It didn’t help that Fyre was a replacement after Shotzi’s injury, which is kind of a shame as she is more than talented enough to get a run of her own. If nothing else, let Fyre and Dawn win some tag matches, as they’re both just sitting around doing nothing at the moment.

Dakota Kai begs Bayley to protect her from Damage CTRL. Bayley isn’t sure because she doesn’t know who she can trust and says she can’t do this right now.

Nick Aldis announces that Bron Breakker has signed with Smackdown and brings him out to sign the contract live.

Here’s what’s coming on next week’s show.

Here is the Bloodline for the big chat. After Roman Reigns says his catchphrase, he calls the fans in Salt Lake City idiots who don’t get how big this is. It’s the biggest night ever in WWE because tonight, the Rock is officially part of the Bloodline. Cue the Rock and the Hollywood is strong with this one. Following a break, Rock says this is an all time indoor attendance record for Utah. That’s right: the record for the largest collection of trailer park trash he has ever seen.

Rock loads up the FINALLY…..the people’s lives have meaning and they’ll have a story to tell their 50 wives. These people have brought out a side of the Rock that you haven’t seen in years but it has always been in here. You had the biggest Wrestlemania main event ever and you flushed it away for CODY. What is Cody’s story? He lost last year and now he wants a rematch.

Apply that to sports. Should the 49ers get a rematch after losing the Super Bowl? Michael Jordan crushed the Utah Jazz and they moved on to get back to the top but the people here don’t get it because they are spoiled entitled crybaby b******. The Bloodline’s story is just beginning but the people here DO NOT get to sing along with the Rock as he hits the catchphrase to end the show.

This cemented the Rock’s heel turn (I’m assuming him picking the 49ers losing to the Chiefs and the Jazz losing to the Bulls, both of which were rematches of recent finals, wasn’t a coincidence) and having him officially join the Bloodline while explaining the heel turn makes good sense.

Overall Rating: B. Much like Raw, this was about setting up a bunch of Elimination Chamber participants with one big segment included. The wrestling was good enough but what mattered here was how important things felt. That has been the case for the last few weeks as made things that much better. It was another good show where the big stuff felt important but the rest of the stuff was far from bad. Things will get even bigger after Elimination Chamber but they’re making that show feel important as well, which is a hard trick to make work.

Kevin Owens b. Dominik Mysterio – Pop up powerbomb
Tiffany Stratton b. Zelina Vega – Prettiest Moonsault Ever
AOP b. Javier Bernal/Beau Morris – Powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Bernal
Logan Paul b. The Miz – STO
Naomi b. Alba Fyre – Reverse Rings of Saturn



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