NXT – July 19, 2022: More Than WWE Can Say

Date: July 19, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

The focus is on the women again this week as we have a battle royal for the #1 contendership to the Women’s Title. Other than that, we are probably going to be getting a lot more attention on Cora Jade betraying Roxanne Perez last week. And maybe Bron Breakker can do something. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of last week, with Cora Jade turning on Roxanne Perez and costing her the Women’s Title.

Cameron Grimes vs. JD McDonagh

Grimes shoulders him down but McDonagh kicks at the knee. That doesn’t bother Grimes, who kicks him in the chest and hits a backdrop. A whip into the corner has McDonagh on the apron and a big boot puts him on the floor. Back in and Grimes hits a high crossbody to rock McDonagh again, but here is Joe Gacy on the platform for a distraction as we take a break.

Back with Gacy still looking down and McDonagh blocking a suplex from the apron. McDonagh goes back to the knee and kicks away at it in the corner, only to get caught in a swinging Side Effect. Another shot to the knee slows Grimes down so he enziguris his way out of trouble. McDonagh goes for the leg again so Grimes knees him in the face. Grimes is knocked to the apron but McDonagh headbutts him, with Grimes’ knee getting caught in the ropes. That’s enough to slow Grimes down so the Devlin Side can finish Grimes at 13:24.

Rating: B. This is the kind of match you knew you would get from these two, as McDonagh and Grimes are capable of doing very good things in the ring. I could go for about 183% less Gacy, but he’s the junk mail you get in your box every day anymore. Other than that, they had a really good opener here and McDonagh is instantly established on the show.

Nikkita Lyons is ready to win the battle royal tonight.

Tiffany Stratton is OFFENDED that she has to be in the battle royal tonight but she’ll win anyway.

Here is Cora Jade for her big explanation. After coming close to using the start of Hulk Hogan’s Bash At The Beach 1996 speech, Jade talks about how she has been the featured star of the women’s division since she got here. People have been talking about how great she is at such a young age. Then she found the perfect partner in her best friend, Roxanne Perez. Everything was great and they won the Tag Team Titles, but not THIRTY MINUTES LATER, Perez wanted to do something more by winning the Women’s Title.

That was so disrespectful so it was time to do something about it. That’s why Jade didn’t mind turning on her last week and hitting her with the title. Now Perez is gone with a broken heart but they are still the Women’s Tag Team Champions. The titles mean nothing to her in the new Generation of Jade, so she throws it in the trash at ringside. Logical, to the point, everything was fine here and that’ snice to see for a change.

Xyon Quinn likes what Jade did but now he has something to look forward to next week: a one on one match with Apollo Crews. Sure Crews can throw weight around in the gym, but he couldn’t do it on the main stage. Now the X Factor gets to take Crews out.

Indi Hartwell wants to win the Women’s Title.

Roderick Strong vs. Damon Kemp

They trade headlock takeovers to start with Strong getting the better of things early on. Back up and Kemp grabs a suplex before a gutwrench suplex makes it worse. Strong is back with some knees to the ribs to put Kemp down as commentary talks about Strong’s failings as the leader of Diamond Mine. Kemp gets in some more suplexes, but we cut to the D’Angelo Family on screen laying out the Creed Brothers. Kemp is distracted enough that Strong can hit a jumping knee for the pin at 5:56.

Rating: C. I’m oddly curious about how this Diamond Mine split is going to go, even if Strong is hardly the most interesting person. Kemp continues to seem like he could work well in some kind of a role and I could go for more of him. For now though, it is likely going to be about the team’s split rather than anyone standing out and that might not draw the most interest.

Pretty Deadly, in their cowboy gear, is ready to win the Tag Team Titles.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen ware ready to keep the Tag Team Titles and then Fallon Henley is winning the battle royal. She tells them to focus, because keeping the titles is harder than losing them.

Diamond Mine is banged up but Roderick Strong is ready to fight the D’Angelo Family.

NXT UK Tag Team Titles: Pretty Deadly vs. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen

Briggs and Jensen, with Fallon Henley, are defending. Jensen knocks Prince into the corner to start for some clotheslines and a backdrop as everything breaks down early. A cheap shot has Briggs in trouble but he knocks Prince outside….and right into Henley. The champs panic as Henley is down and we take a break.

Back with Prince taking Jensen down for a chinlock and keeping him from getting over for the tag to Brigs. That doesn’t last long as Jensen gets over to Briggs for the tag so house can be cleaned. Stereo crossbodies put Briggs and Wilson down, with Prince handing Wilson a title belt. Then Prince slides Briggs the other belt so the referee doesn’t see Henley grab Wilson’s title. The tug of war lets Briggs and Jensen hit a High/Low to retain the titles at 11:34.

Rating: C+. Briggs and Jensen have finally picked up a little something to move them forward and that is a good idea. They have the gimmick and abilities to make something interesting so giving them some titles was the right move. I’d like to see how far they can go, but the fact that NXT set up a team and then developed them is a great sign.

Joe Gacy says it is time for the Dyad to reveal themselves but there is no going back. And of course it’s the Grizzled Young Veterans, who he baptizes as Jagger Reid (James Drake) and Rip Fowler (Zack Gibson). They might be named the Schism.

Bron Breakker is looking for JD McDonagh.

Wes Lee is still on his quest to find himself and now it’s time to go after Grayson Waller and then Trick Williams.

Here is Bron Breakker for a chat. He can respect someone coming to him and asking for a title shot like Cameron Grimes, but then there is someone like JD McDonagh who jumps him from behind. Breakker knows who McDonagh is and here is McDonagh on the screen. McDonagh talks about how he knows Breakker is tough and will fight through anything, but McDonagh knows how to hurt people.

That bad shoulder Breakker has is comprised of eight major muscles, which McDonagh draws on a mannequin. Breakker is tired of the lesson and tells McDonagh to come down here and fight him. McDonagh says in due time and watch that shoulder. Breakker threatens to take the shoulder and beat McDonagh over the head with it for a line that could only work coming from a Steiner.

Von Wagner and Solo Sikoa got in a fight backstage at Smackdown, with Wagner beating him up outside the building.

The Diamond Mine is fired up and ready to take out the D’Angelo Family. The Family has two choices, both of which involves getting beaten up.

Axiom vs. Dante Chen

Axiom is a masked man who looks like a superhero, complete with special effects that make him look like he moves in a blur. They fight over wristlocks until Axiom takes him down by the arm. Chen sends him outside but Axiom comes back in with a tornado DDT. A jumping kick to the face finishes Chen at 2:56. Not the greatest debut but the superhero deal should work fine.

Lash Legend brags about her greatness.

Giovanni Vinci grants a fan a picture (with the fan not in it) but Chase U arrives and gets in the way of Vinci’s car. They go inside but don’t move their bus, leaving Vinci annoyed. This was funnier than it should have been.

We go to the barber shop where Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams aren’t impressed with Hayes’ potential challengers. Williams will be watching Wes Lee vs. Grayson Waller next week though.

Toxic Attraction isn’t impressed with the battle royal but Ivy Nile, Kiana James and Alba Fyre come in to say they’ll win.

There’s a new QR code, which links to a woman wearing boots and walking somewhere.

Cameron Grimes is leaving and an unseen interviewer (sounds like Jeremy Borash) won’t take no for an answer on asking questions. Grimes snaps and yells about how he wants to go home, but Joe Gacy pops up to say he gets it.

Tony D’Angelo accepts the Diamond Mine’s challenge for next week.

Battle Royal

Alba Fyre, Nikkita Lyons, Tiffany Stratton, Fallon Henley, Lash Legend, Indi Hartwell, Ivy Nile, Kiana James, Elektra Lopez, Cora Jade, Zoey Stark, Sloane Jacobs, Valentina Feroz, Yulisa Leon, Wendy Choo, Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, Tatum Paxley, Amari Miller, Arianna Grace

For the next shot at Mandy Rose and commentary confirms that Zoey Stark is behind the QR codes. Everyone glares at Jade, who walks outside and gets beaten up by Nile. Miller is out first and Grace is kicked out as well. Fyre and Legend eliminate each other and brawl to the back, because basketball related feuds run deep.

Stratton knocks Choo out but she lands on her pillow and gets back in. Stark tosses Leon and Feroz and James kick Henley out. Stratton hits Choo in the face with a cup to get rid of her as well and we take a break. Back with Carter and Chance putting Nile out but getting knocked out as well. Paxley dives onto the two of them to save Nile and eliminates herself in the process. Stratton dumps Hartwell and we’re down to Stratton, Lyons, James and Stark.

James drives Lyons into the corner but gets kicked in the face for the easy elimination. Stratton dumps Lyons, leaving her alone with Stark. A clothesline puts Stratton over the top but only one foot hits, allowing her to get back onto the apron. Stratton backdrops Starks to the apron but they both get back inside. Stark forearms Stratton out….but Jade comes back in through the crowd and….gets backdropped out as well to give Stark the win at 13:10.

Rating: B-. This was better than I would have expected and a lot of that is due to the division actually having some depth. There were twenty women involved in this with three more watching (and Roxanne Perez not included), most of which have some kind of defining characteristic. That’s a heck of a lot more than most women’s divisions can claim and that’s pretty impressive. As for the match, Stark winning is a fine way to go as she’s a fresh challenger for Rose, though I wouldn’t have had the brand new heel get tossed like a goon.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty nice show this week with the opener and main event both working well. NXT is turning back into a good show, though there are still some parts that need ironing out. What matters most is that they have developed people up and down the card rather than just in the main event, which is more than WWE can say. Now just get things a little tighter and you could have something here, though they have already come a rather long way and should be proud of their success.

JD McDonagh b. Cameron Grimes – Devlin Side
Roderick Strong b. Damon Kemp – Jumping knee
Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Pretty Deadly – High/Low to Wilson
Axiom b. Dante Chen – Running boot to the face
Zoey Stark won a battle royal last eliminating Cora Jade




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NXT – July 12, 2022: Tablesetting

Date: July 12, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the week after the Great American Bash and we still have a title on the line this week. This time around, we have the Women’s Title on the line as Roxanne Perez is going to be challenging Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Title in an attempt to become a double champ. In addition, we have the fallout from JD McDonagh attacking NXT Champion Bron Breakker last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Great American Bash.

Roxanne Perez has been attacked in the parking lot (THE PARKING LOT STRIKES AGAIN), with Cora Jade and medics checking on her.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews

They fight over a lockup to start and neither gets very far. Crews slips out of a slam but gets shouldered down. Some forearms from Crews rattle Vinci though and Crews is up with AJ Styles’ drop down into a dropkick. They head outside with Crews being dropped onto the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Crews making a comeback on Vinci, including a splash in the corner and some rolling German suplexes. Crews goes up but dives into a suplex, with Vinci pulling him out of the air (dang) for two. Hold on though as Vinci grabs a fan’s phone for a distraction, allowing Xyon Quinn to run out of the crowd and deck Crews. Vinci grabs the sitout Last Ride for the pin at 10:14.

Rating: C+. The screwy ending aside, this was a good win for Vinci as he needed to do something to set him apart from the rest of the field. Beating Crews means more than beating a lot of NXT stars and the ending sets up Crews vs. Quinn while Vinci can move on to something else. Nice match here and well put together.

Cora Jade isn’t impressed by Toxic Attraction jumping Roxanne Perez and is ready for some revenge. I’m sure.

Tiffany Stratton is getting her nails done and vents about FINALLY being done with Wendy Choo. Now she wants to know who leaves with the Women’s Title. The nail work isn’t great but she’ll spare them a bad review.

Here is Cameron Grimes for a chat after his loss to Bron Breakker last week. He didn’t get robbed and he even caved in Breakker’s chest but he didn’t win the title. Now he has lost the North American Title and the NXT Title shot but maybe that’s just life. Instead of going to the moon, he crashed into the sun….and here is JD McDonagh to interrupt. McDonagh says that after Grimes lost last week, he became old news. Now it’s all about McDonagh, who wants that meat head Bron Breakker. Grimes wants McDonagh to look at him when he talks, so McDonagh headbutts him. That’s enough for Grimes to chase him off.

The Creeds and Damon Kemp are going over footage from last week’s match and respect is shown. Kemp would love to run it back and the Creeds are in if he is. The Creeds leave but here is Roderick Strong to say that isn’t what you do. Kemp cost them the titles so next week, Strong is teaching him a lesson.

Grayson Waller blames Wes Lee for his loss last week and wants to teach him a lesson.

Roxanne Perez is still getting checked out.

Tatum Paxley vs. Kayden Carter

Katana Chance is here too. Paxley takes her down by the arm to start but Carter is back with a running dropkick to the floor. That brings out Ivy Nile to check out Paxley and send her back inside, where Carter ties up the legs. Paxley grabs the rope so Carter pulls her away….and right into a small package to give Paxley the fast pin at 3:25.

Rating: C. I could go for more of Paxley as she and Nile could be a little something if they’re put together. One of the bigger issues with the NXT women’s division is that they have a bunch of people but a lot of them don’t have much to make them stand out. If Paxley teaming with Nile is her thing, then it gives her a step up on a lot of the rest of the new class.

Joe Gacy is ready for the Dyad to reveal themselves next week.

Sanga is watching the intro from last week’s show where he splashed Duke Hudson in a pool. Hudson comes up and complains, setting up a match.

Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are in the bar celebrating their Tag Team Title win when Pretty Deadly, dressed as cowboys, come in. Pretty Deadly calls the place a dump and a fight is teased, but Henley sets up the match for next week.

Duke Hudson vs. Sanga

Hudson drives him into the corner to start but can’t whip him around. Instead Sanga runs him over with a shoulder out to the floor so Hudson grabs a neck snap across the top. Back in and Hudson rips at the chest hair before hitting a big boot (Wade: “Yes Duke!”). Sanga doesn’t seem to mind and hits a chokeslam (Wade: “No Duke!”) for the pin at 2:58.

Mr. Stone and company don’t think much of Solo Sikoa being from the streets because Von Wagner is a real athlete.

Solo Sikoa is ready to fight.

Toxic Attraction mocks Roxanne Perez for getting hurt, but they didn’t do it.

Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner

They fight on the floor to start before getting inside for the opening bell. Since they’re so angry, Wagner grabs a headlock before shouldering him down. Sikoa’s shoulder just annoys Wagner but a slam works a bit better, setting up a running headbutt for two. There’s a backsplash to send Wagner outside and we take a break.

Back with Sikoa fighting out of a chinlock but getting booted in the face. Sikoa hits a belly to back suplex to start the real comeback and starts striking away. There’s the Samoan drop and a running Umaga attack in the corner, sending Wagner outside. Sikoa goes with him and they fight up the aisle for the double countout at 10:34.

Rating: C. The fighting stuff was ok, but there was a bit too much wrestling in there for what they seemed to be trying to do. Sikoa not losing to Wagner is encouraging, though I would like to believe that this isn’t the best Sikoa can do right now. Fighting Wagner is quite the downgrade and it seems like we’ll be seeing it again soon. How great.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams go to the penthouse with some ladies. The hot tub is visited.

Lash Legend dribbles a basketball and shouts about Indi Hartwell. The ball rolls away and is stopped by a red baseball bat.

Chase U has gone to London but Andre Chase isn’t happy with being named as the seventh best school. Chase threatens to beat Glenn up for writing this and throws him out.

Lash Legend vs. Indi Hartwell

Legend jumps her to start and they head outside with Hartwell being driven into the apron. Back in and Hartwell gets draped over the top rope before being bent over Legend’s back for some cranking. Cue Alba Fyre on the platform, with Legend’s basketball, for a distraction, allowing Hartwell to try a springboard….I have no idea as Hartwell comes crashing down to the mat in a horrible slip. Legend rolls her up but gets reversed into another rollup for the pin (or close enough) to give Hartwell the pin at 3:32.

Rating: D-. That ending alone is a downgrade, but Fyre stealing a basketball is pretty lame even for modern wrestling stories. What’s worse is that Fyre, who could have been a star on the main roster a year ago, is now tasked with bringing Legend along. The botch wasn’t on Legend, but it’s not like this was going anywhere before Hartwell fell down. Hartwell continues to be directionless at the moment and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Post match Fyre chases Legend off with the bat.

A bunch of women talk about Roxanne Perez, including her lack of a boyfriend.

Tony D’Angelo wants to know where Legado del Fantasma’s loyalties lie. You mean he can’t tell yet?

Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner are still fighting outside.

The QR code is back, this time taking you to a Wordle style puzzle. The word is either _ _ _ OC or O _ _ _ C. Havoc?

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade

Legado del Fantasma (minus Santos Escobar) is here too. Enofe and Stacks start things off with Blade coming in for some quick double teaming. Stacks gets over to D’Angelo for a suplex on Enofe and the villains take over. That doesn’t last long either though as the hot tag brings in Blade for a spinebuster on Stacks as D’Angelo sends Enofe into the steps. Blade gets dropped face first onto the top turnbuckle and it’s a swinging fisherman’s suplex to give D’Angelo the pin at 5:20.

Rating: C-. This D’Angelo/Legado stuff has completely stalled and it doesn’t help when they are trying to have D’Angelo as a serious guy. He’s the definition of a gimmick guy and that doesn’t shine at all when he is in the ring. There is something there with him, but they need to move on to something else with him in a hurry.

Nikkita Lyons doesn’t know who attacked Roxanne Perez, though people are accusing her. If she can, she’s ready to take the title shot though.

Axiom likes comic books and wears a mask. He’ll debut next week.

NXT Title: Mandy Rose vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez is challenging, or at least she is in theory as she isn’t here. Toxic Attraction laughs it off but here is Cora Jade to say we’re having a title match. Mandy says not so fast and gives Perez a ten count, but here is Perez, with ribs taped, to answer. Jade tries to talk her out of it but says go do it. Perez comes in swinging and gets a ROXIE TWO BELTS chant. Rose isn’t having that and goes to the injured ribs to take over, with Perez being knocked outside.

We take a break and come back with Rose working on a bodyscissors but Perez fighs up and hits a running uppercut in the corner. Pop Rox is blocked as Rose gets to the floor, where Perez hits a dive. Pop Rox connects on the floor and Perez gets her back inside….but Cora jade hits Perez with the Women’s Tag Team Title. That’s enough for Rose to hit the running knee and retain at 9:18.

Rating: C. They telegraphed that ending pretty hard but that isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes it is easier to just go with the story that makes sense, even if the pieces are laid out in front of you. Jade and Perez splitting up is an interesting way to go since they are still the Tag Team Champions, but I can certainly go with the idea of getting rid of those belts if that happens to be a side effect. As for the match, it was what you would expect with an injured star coming after Mandy Rose, who continues to be completely adequate in the ring.

Post match Jade yells at Perez a lot and tries to hit her with the skateboard….but it breaks beforehand, leaving Jade to use the pieces to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show wasn’t the best but it was setting things up for the future, which is a good thing to see. The problem is they didn’t have a very good show to get there and that made for a pretty dull night. The good thing is that it came off a rather strong show last week so things going down a bit was understandable. Now just get back to closer to last week next time and we should be ok.

Giovanni Vinci b. Apollo Crews – Lifting sitout powerbomb
Tatum Paxley b. Kayden Carter – Small package
Sanga b. Duke Hudson – Chokeslam
Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner went to a double countout
Indi Hartwell b. Lash Legend – Rollup
Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Spinning fisherman’s suplex to Blade
Mandy Rose b. Roxanne Perez – Running knee




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – June 21, 2022: The Taped Blues

Date: June 21, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

it’s another title week this time around as we have Carmelo Hayes defending the North American Title against Tony D’Angelo in the main event. Other than that we continue the build towards the Great American Bash, where Bron Breakker will defend against Cameron Grimes. Other than that, we get more Lash Legend and Joe Gacy because we’re that lucky. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Solo Sikoa vs. Grayson Waller

Before the match, Sikoa talks about how he’s tired of Sikoa whining and is ready to uncensor himself. That’s enough for Sikoa to charge at him and the fight is on fast. They head inside with Sikoa hammering away and hitting a belly to back suplex. Back up and Sikoa head fakes him to set up a clothesline as Waller can’t get anything going here. Waller gets smart by kicking at the leg and dropping Sikoa for a change. Sikoa gets sent outside but comes back with an elbow to the face as we take a break.

Back with Waller hammering away and grabbing a cravate. The trash talk takes a bit too much time though and Sikoa knocks him to the floor. The turnbuckle pad is taken off somewhere in there, meaning Sikoa misses a charge into the exposed buckle. That means the rolling Stunner can finish for Waller at 12:14.

Rating: C+. The Waller push gets a bit of a recharge as he beats Sikoa, who was on a pretty nice roll coming into this week. I’m not sure where all of this is leading for the North American Title, but odds are it will involve having a bunch of people in a match at once. At least it might not involve a ladder this time around.

Tony D’Angelo is ready for a big night and promises to take things over tonight. Santos Escobar shakes his hand and calls him the Don, though D’Angelo makes threats if he doesn’t win the North American Title tonight.

JD McDonough is coming. He says never bet against an ace, he looks like Jordan Devlin and he sounds like Jordan Devlin, but this is JD McDonough.

Katana Chance/Kayden Carter vs. Yulisa Leon/Valentina Feroz

Carter dropkicks the dancing Leon down to start and the rapid fire double teaming begins. Leon is sent into the corner for a running dropkick to give Chance two. Chance sweeps the leg for two but it’s quickly off to Feroz to take over. That doesn’t last long as Carter is right back in to double team Feroz down. A superkick into the neckbreaker/450 splash combination (with the 450 being more knees to the chest) gives Chance the pin at 5:14.

Rating: D+. This was a bit rough, with that ending being a hard landing for everyone. Chance and Carter continue to be one of the better women’s teams in the company, but hopefully the main roster doesn’t figure that out and think that they should be involved in the Tag Team Title picture. Leon and Feroz are fine as jobbers of the division but that’s about it so far.

Here is an upset looking Wes Lee for a chat. He thanks the fans for everything but he has gone from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Lee was a two time Tag Team Champion but then he had his world explode under his feet. All he has been doing is trying to prove himself from Xyon Quin all the way to Sanga, but here is Trick Williams to interrupt.

Williams says no one wants to hear this and suggests that Lee’s partner (not named) left because Lee was dragging him down. Lee accuses Williams of playing second fiddle to Carmelo Hayes and the challenge seems to be thrown out. Williams calls him Afro Thunder and says he’ll leave like Lee’s partners do. Somebody better call the doctor after that line (Ready 2 Rumble reference if that didn’t make sense.).

Tiffany Stratton rants about how annoying Wendy Choo is, especially with all of those onesies. Stratton swears revenge for Choo costing her a match though.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Diamond Mine

Joaquin Wilde/Cruz del Toro vs. Damon Kemp/Roderick Strong here. Strong takes del Toro down by the arm to start and cranks away. Kemp comes in for a shot of his own, followed by dragging del Toro into the corner so Strong can kick away. That doesn’t last long as it’s off to Wilde to clean house.

Kemp is right there to cut him off though and the chinlock goes on. That’s broken up as well and it’s del Toro coming in to take over on Strong. Everything breaks down and it’s del Toro hitting a slingshot dive to the floor. Two Dimes yells at Del Toro though, leaving Wilde to get caught with a jumping knee to the face to give Strong the pin at 4:54.

Rating: C. This stuff with Legado/the D’Angelo Family is wearing thin in a hurry and I don’t exactly see myself keeping up much interest on the whole thing. The teams don’t like each other and now they’re screwing each other over. It wasn’t a great story before it got to the point and now it is continuing. Kemp is still worth a look most of the time though and you can see the development week to week, which is a great thing.

Giovanni Vinci brags about his win last week but Ikemen Jiro comes in to brag about his own style. A match seems likely.

Apollo Crews fantasizes about beating someone up in a stairwell. Then he snaps back to reality and goes to do it for real.

Here is Toxic Attraction for a chat. Mandy Rose doesn’t think much of Roxanne Perez, who is going to learn what it means to fail. Cue Perez, with Cora Jade, who knows what it means to live your dreams, especially with Cora Jade by her side. Perez would rather win the Tag Team Titles with Jade, but here are Katana Chance/Kayden Carter to interrupt. The line starts behind them so the brawl is on.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are ready to win, including Hayes defending his North American Title against Tony D’Angelo.

Indi Hartwell is ready to move on but Kiana James interrupts to mock her. Hartwell says no one cares about James’ opinion and a match is set for next week.

Cameron Grimes vs. Edris Enofe

Grimes spins out of a wristlock to start but the pace picks up until Enofe dropkicks him down for two. Enofe gets sent outside though and Grimes hits a running kick in the apron. A high crossbody gives Grimes two and he tries some YES Kicks, which have Enofe begging for more. They trade shots to the face for a double knockdown until Enofe sends him into the ropes for a knee to the head. The big running flip dive drops Grimes again but the 450 misses back inside. Grimes hits a swinging Side Effect and the Cave In finishes for Grimes at 5:37.

Rating: C. Completely fine match with Grimes getting some build before he gets to the title match. Sometimes that’s all you need and it worked well here. Enofe is just good enough to make Grimes break a bit of a sweat and that is all he needs to do with something like this. Good enough match here with Grimes getting the boost that he needed.

Thea Hail arrives at Chase U and finds out that she’s rooming with Bodie Hayward. Hail unpacks (with wacky sound effects) and is VERY excited to be here. She’s off to get food, though Hayward takes a shot to the ribs to slow him down.

Nikkita Lyons is on her way back next week.

Brooks Jensen vs. Von Wagner

Jensen gets sent into the corner to start but Wagner goes after the hand (not the one that was hurt), including tying it up in the turnbuckle. The armbar is broken up and Jensen starts fighting back, only to get taken down by the arm. The fireman’s carry neckbreaker finishes Jensen at 4:46.

Rating: D+. Yes, more Wagner, as we continue the push of the generic power guy who has nothing going for him and does absolutely nothing of note in the ring. I don’t see much in Jensen either, but Wagner is reaching the point where I spend more time trying to figure out what WWE could possibly see in him. Not much more than a squash here, and even that was boring.

Bron Breakker comes in to see Cameron Grimes and says that’s the Grimes he wants to see at the Great American Bash. Grimes says if this version shows up, he’s winning the NXT Title.

Joe Gacy gives the Dyad a pep talk about winning the Tag Team Titles again. Can we just say they’re the Grizzled Young Veterans and move on?

Alba Fyre vs. Lash Legend

Legend kicks her down to start but has to fight out of a Gory Bomb attempt. A butterfly suplex drops Fyre and legend gets to keep up her awkward looking stomps. Fyre is back up with a Gory Bomb but misses her Swanton, allowing Legend to get in a baseball bat shot for the DQ at 3:27.

Rating: D. Lash Legend is not good and I’m running out of ways to say it. I know WWE wants the NIL people to succeed and that Legend has the size and sports background that they love but my goodness. Who looks at her and thinks she is ready for TV when she can bring down someone as talented as Fyre?

North American Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo

Hayes is defending and a bunch of people are here. Hayes flips around to start but everyone gets on the apron. The referee looks at them and….does nothing, as they drop to the floor so D’Angelo can punch Hayes. They head outside with Hayes being sent into the steps as we take a break.

Back with D’Angelo grabbing a seated abdominal stretch but Hayes fights up and hits a springboard spinning clothesline for two. D’Angelo grabs a suplex for two as Trick Williams is looking worried. A Codebreaker gives Hayes two but Stacks offers a distraction, allowing Escobar to slip…..Hayes some brass knuckles. D’Angelo yells at Escobar and it’s a right hand from Hayes for the knockout to retain at 10:35.

Rating: C+. I liked this a bit more just because it seems like we might be on the way to some big finale of this Escobar/D’Angelo stuff. Hayes can get out of this and move on to the other challengers, as thankfully this felt like a side quest. Good enough match too, with the ending being there to advance the storyline more than anything else.

D’Angelo is mad to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one of the most part, though most of the wrestling was adequate. The problem here was that NXT seemed to be focusing on the least interesting stuff, which isn’t the best way to spend two plus hours. The show felt long and there was nothing on here worth seeing, making this a rather long show. Granted there is a very good chance that has to do with it being another taped show, so maybe the live versions can pick it up a little. For now though, not a good week for NXT.

Grayson Waller b. Solo Sikoa – Rolling Stunner
Katana Chance/Kayden Carter b. Yulisa Leon/Valentina Feroz – Neckbreaker/450 combination to Leon
Diamond Mine b. Legado del Fantasma – Jumping knee to Wilde
Cameron Grimes b. Edris Enofe – Cave In
Von Wagner b. Brooks Jensen – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker
Alba Fyre b. Lash Legend via DQ when Legend used a baseball bat
Carmelo Hayes b. Tony D’Angelo – Right hand with brass knuckles



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NXT – June 7, 2022: Keep It Going

Date: June 7, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

We’re fresh off In Your House and the show came with a few changes. The North American and Tag Team Titles changed hands so there is some fresh blood in the gold scene around here. This week’s features the finals of the Women’s Breakout Tournament as Tiffany Stratton faces Roxanne Perez. Let’s get to it.

Here is In Your House if you need a recap.

We open with a match by match recap of In Your House.

Here is new North American Champion Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams, for a chat. Hayes is really happy to have the title back and gives Cameron Grimes credit for a tough fight on Saturday. He brags about his greatness, but here is Solo Sikoa to interrupt. Sikoa says he has next, but Hayes says that deal was with Grimes, not the new champ. Now it’s Grayson Waller to interrupt, saying it doesn’t matter who Sikoa’s family is because no one cares or likes him. The brawl is on, with Sikoa being taken down by some triple teaming.

Video on Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Von Wagner.

Legado del Fantasma is now Tony D’Angelo and company’s chauffeur/various lackeys. Happiness does not ensue.

Josh Briggs vs. Von Wagner

Fallon Henley, Brooks Jensen, Sophia Cromwell and Mr. Stone are all here too. Briggs slugs away fast to start but Wagner gets in a few shots in the corner. The arm cranking is broken up though and it’s Briggs kicking him in the chest. They fight to the floor, where Wagner gets in a shot to Jensen’s bad hand. Henley gets up for a distraction so Jensen throws Briggs the cast for a shot. That and Briggs’ lariat is enough to finish Wagner at 3:04.

Rating: C-. Standard big man match here with the interference making the difference. If this means slowing Wagner down a bit, I’m all for it though, as he has been the most generic of the monster villains that you can find. Briggs and Jensen aren’t exactly great, but they’re more interesting than Wagner could hope to be.

Solo Sikoa wants Carmelo Hayes and Grayson Waller tonight, whether he has a partner or not.

Thea Hail gets a scholarship to Chase U. Pretty Deadly comes in to mock them, so Bodie Hayward says we could have them get in on a picture to add some star power. Go get the Tag Team Titles…..which Pretty Deadly lost so never mind.

Nathan Frazer vs. Santos Escobar

This is on Tony D’Angelo’s orders so D’Angelo sits in on commentary. Escobar takes him to the mat to start and then does it again for a bonus. D’Angelo declares that boring so do something else. Frazer is back up with a running hurricanrana and Escobar is angry in the corner. Back up and Escobar sends him outside for the suicide dive, though D’Angelo doesn’t approve.

We take a break and come back with Frazer still in trouble as Escobar grabs a Boston crab. With that broken up, Frazer gets in a shot of his own and a standing shooting star press. The jumping superkick drops Frazer again but one of Escobar’s goons slides in a crowbar. That doesn’t work for Escobar, who throws it back, only to get kicked in the head. Frazer’s phoenix splash is good for the pin at 11:52.

Rating: C. You can feel the Seth Rollins influence on Frazer and I’m not sure I would consider that a compliment. The Escobar story isn’t exactly great either, but at least it is getting him some serious sympathy from the crowd. Escobar isn’t likely to go anywhere on the main roster, so a nice push around here is about all he can hope for at the moment.

Xyon Quinn doesn’t like Nathan Frazer or Wes Lee, who stole a win from him last week. That’s why he’s going to crush Lee next week in their rematch.

Here is still NXT Champion Bron Breakker for a chat. Breakker talks about how he overcame the challenges of Joe Gacy and did it for NXT, because this place is special. He knows everyone wants a shot, so come get a shot. Cue Apollo Crews, with the crowd being VERY happy to see him. Crews has dropped the accent and Nigerian royalty stuff and is just himself, and is here for as long as he wants to be. He praises Breakker and is very happy to be back here, because there are things he wants to do here. Crews says he’ll see Breakker down the road and they shake hands. I can go for more of this Crews.

Video on Roxanne Perez vs. Tiffany Stratton in the Women’s Breakout Tournament final.

Joe Gacy talks to his minions about how there are people who need guidance. That was the case with the two of them, who needed someone to show them the way. They are the dyad and they can continue to be an extension of him when they compete for the first time next week.

Women’s Breakout Tournament Finals: Tiffany Stratton vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez grabs a headlock to start but doesn’t go anywhere with it. Instead, Stratton takes her to the mat for some arm, and finger, cranking to keep control. Back up and Perez armdrags her way out of a slam attempt but gets dropped arm first on top as we take a break. Back with Stratton still on the arm, including moonsaulting onto it for two.

The handspring elbow in the corner drops Perez for two more but she’s back with a middle rope Thesz press for two. Stratton is sent outside for the suicide dive and a Russian legsweep gives Perez two. A sitout powerbomb gives Stratton two more but Perez is right back with Pop Rox for the pin out of nowhere at 12:21.

Rating: C+. Rather nice effort from both of them here in a case where either would have been a fine pick. Perez feels like an actual prodigy though and it is nice to see her getting the biggest win of her career so far. Stratton’s gimmick and athleticism will carry her a long way so she’s going to be fine. Good stuff here with Perez being the slightly better choice for the win.

Since Perez now gets a title shot of her choice, here is Toxic Attraction to interrupt. Mandy Rose says enjoy the moment, because it’s all downhill from here. If Perez cashes in on her, it will go very badly so the fight is on. Cue Indi Hartwell to even things up and Toxic Attraction is cleared out.

Bodhi Hayward has been attacked and says Pretty Deadly did it.

Tiffany Stratton interrupts Wendy Choo’s interview so Choo throws her drink in Stratton’s face.

Pretty Deadly vs. Andre Chase

Chase storms to the ring for the sake of revenge but gets sent into the corner to cut that off. The double teaming is on so here is the injured Bodhi Hayward, only to have Thea Hail cut him off. Hail gets on the apron to offer a tag, allowing Chase to make a comeback. That’s cut off quickly and it’s Spilled Milk to give Deadly the pin at 3:11.

Rating: C-. Hail’s deal aside, this was little more than a handicap match with Chase fighting hard but coming up short because of the numbers game. The good thing is that it might mean more Chase, and that is always a positive. He has taken this completely ridiculous gimmick to levels no one would have thought possible and is one of the highlights of the show. Give me more of him, maybe even in a more important role.

Tony D’Angelo and company try to intimidate Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams, who isn’t interested. Hayes wants some more respect on his name too.

Alba Fyre vs. Tatum Paxley

Fyre grabs the arm to start but gets flipped over so Paxley can put on an armbar of her own. Paxley rolls her up for some near falls and sits down on a sunset flip attempt for two more. Fyre knees her in the face for two of her own and the Gory Bomb plants Paxley. Fyre goes up top for a Swanton so Paxley rolls away before she can launch, but after a shrug, Fyre hits a Swanton anyway for the pin at 2:41.

Post match Lash Legend jumps Fyre, because YOU WILL CARE ABOUT LASH LEGEND.

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe come up to the Creed Brothers and issue the challenge. The Creeds are down but Roderick Strong comes in to yell about how that’s a mistake champions don’t make. That is the one thing they can get wrong.

Giovanni Vinci is here next week and we see his face, confirming that it is in fact the former Fabian Aichner.

Carmelo Hayes/Grayson Waller vs. Solo Sikoa

Trick Williams is here with Hayes and Waller, but hold on because Sikoa has a partner.

Carmelo Hayes/Grayson Waller vs. Solo Sikoa/Apollo Crews

I would have bet on it being Cameron Grimes so well done on the surprise. The fight is on before the bell with the villains being cleared out. Back in and it’s Sikoa vs. Waller to start with the latter being sent into the corner. Crews comes in for a delayed suplex (Barrett: “PUT HIM DOWN WILL YOU???”) and it’s time to work on the arm. Hayes comes in from behind though and catches Crews with a spinning faceplant to take over. Back up and everything breaks down, with Crews hitting a slingshot dive to the floor as we take a break.

We come back with Sikoa in trouble and Waller stomping away. The top rope elbow gives Waller two and the Crossface makes things even worse for Sikoa. A rope is grabbed for the break and Sikoa gets over to Crews for the hot tag. House is cleaned as everything breaks down, with Crews hitting the toss powerbomb to finish Waller at 13:42.

Rating: C+. This was a standard main event tag match formula and it worked out as well as can be expected. What mattered here was getting Crews back into the mix and he filled in just fine, which is always a good sign. It isn’t like Crews was doing anything on the main roster, so why bother leaving him up there to do nothing at all?

Overall Rating: C+. They kept some momentum going here after In Your House and that is more than I would have expected. It is nice to see NXT actually going somewhere and if they can keep it up, that makes it all the better. The action was the usual hit and miss, but what mattered here was a feeling that we are moving on to some new stuff. Crews was a rather nice surprise and again, if he isn’t doing anything else, why leave him on the main roster? Pretty good show here, and I’ll take what I can get from NXT.

Josh Briggs b. Von Wagner – Lariat
Nathan Frazer b. Santos Escobar – Phoenix splash
Roxanne Perez b. Tiffany Stratton – Pop Rox
Pretty Deadly b. Andre Chase – Spilled Milk
Alba Fyre b. Tatum Paxley – Swanton
Solo Sikoa/Apollo Crews b. Grayson Waller/Carmelo Hayes




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NXT – May 24, 2022: Out Of The House

Date: May 24, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

We are less than two weeks away from In Your House and the show has already started to come together. There are still a few matches to be set up for the card but at least we already have the main event set. Unfortunately that match is another Joe Gacy title shot against Bron Breakker. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tony D’Angelo and company want to get their hands on Legado del Fantasma again.

Stacks/Two Dimes vs. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe

Stacks elbows Enofe down to start but a dropkick gets him out of trouble. That’s not enough for a real comeback though as Stacks takes Enofe down again and grabs a seated abdominal stretch. We cut to Legado watching in the back, but now they’re heading to the ring. Enofe fights up and knocks Two Dimes over enough to make the tag to Blade, meaning house can be cleared. A high crossbody gives Blade two but the goons take him down in a hurry. Cue Legado as Stacks and Two Dimes hit stereo right hands for the pin at 6:08.

Rating: C. Pretty meh opener here and that’s not like NXT. Then again it might have something to do with D’Angelo’s boys not exactly being interesting as they are little more than muscle guys (who aren’t that muscular). Blade and Enofe losing again is annoying too, as they seem like a team who could work well as the new pretty boy team.

Post match Legado comes to the ring and the fight is on.

Wes Lee, with his ribs taped up, isn’t regretting challenging Sanga and he’ll prove himself tonight.

Sanga vs. Wes Lee

The much bigger Sanga headbutts him down and hits a splash to the back. The slow beating begins with Sanga staying on the ribs. Lee manages to kick him to the floor though and a slingshot stomp….doesn’t actually put Sanga down. Instead Lee tries a running dropkick into the steps, only to have Sanga chop him down again. Back in and Lee comes off the top but gets knocked away, allowing Sanga to hit a chokeslam for the pin at 3:09.

Rating: C. Quick match here as Lee loses again, though I guess it’s better than sitting in catering. Sanga is the latest monster, but in this case he wasn’t exactly a mean one. This was more about Sanga beating up Lee to get rid of him, which isn’t quite the same thing as mauling various people like a giant eats villagers.

Post match Xyon Quinn goes after Lee, but Sanga makes the save. Great. Another big/little man team, though Sanga is better than he was as Grayson Waller’s bodyguard.

Cora Jade gives Roxanne Perez a pep talk about her match with Lash Legend tonight. They also don’t like Elektra Lopez and Jade implies interference. Of all the segments NXT has had, this might have sounded the most fake.

Bron Breakker is told Joe Gacy is looking for him. He goes in the locker room and finds a picture of….I think Rick Steiner and his kids (including Breakker). Breakker says it is from twenty years ago.

Alba Fyre vs. Elektra Lopez

Cora Jade is here. Fyre takes her into the corner to start and hits a running clothesline for two. Back up and Fyre misses an elbow in the corner, allowing Fyre to hit a superkick. Lopez takes her down by the arm though and gets a breather. That’s not enough for Fyre though as she kicks Lopez in the face and hits a Swanton for the pin at 2:53.

Post match Jade laughs at Lopez so she knocks the popcorn out of Jade’s hand.

Damon Kemp tells the Creeds that their match is off because Roderick Strong her hurt his ankle. The Creeds aren’t cool with that but Kemp says he’s just following orders and relaying information.

Due to an injury to Nikkita Lyons, Fallon Henley is in the finals of the Breakout Tournament. Tiffany Stratton pops in and mocks Henley for getting the bye. That’s too far, and the new semifinals match is on.

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Roxanne Perez vs. Lash Legend

No entrance for Legend. Perez goes for a waistlock to start but Legend powers her up without much trouble. That means it’s time for Perez to be thrown around but she manages to take Legend down and hammer away. Some running elbows in the corner look to set up a Russian legsweep but Legend sweeps the leg to take her down. A powerbomb is countered into Pop Rox to give Perez the pin at 3:20.

Rating: C+. I’m very happy to have been wrong about this one as I would have bet on Legend vs. Lyons in the finals. This is a nice surprise, as Perez has all kinds of potential and can hang with a lot of people in the ring from here. Legend is a very long term project and while there are pieces there, she isn’t ready for that kind of success just yet.

Toxic Attraction doesn’t like Indi Hartwell but Katana Chance and Kayden Carter jump them, with Mandy Rose escaping.

Mandy Rose vs. Indi Hartwell

Non-title. Rose takes her down to start and gets an early two, meaning the trash talk can be on. That takes a bit too long though and Hartwell knocks her to the floor as we take a break. Back with Hartwell slugging away but her back gives out on a fireman’s carry attempt. Something like a spinebuster gives Hartwell two but here are Katrina Chance/Kayden Carder/Toxic Attraction for the fight. They get in the ring and the distraction lets Rose hit the running knee for the pin at 9:15.

Rating: C-. Hartwell has fallen a long way and it wouldn’t shock me to see her out of the company sooner rather than later. She wasn’t all that interesting as part of the Way but at least she had some charm with Dexter Lumis. Now she’s just another person on the roster and that isn’t a great place to be.

Post match Wendy Choo runs out to jump Rose with a bag full of various types of balls. BECAUSE IT’S FUNNY YOU SEE!

Bron Breakker is shown a clip of one of his high school football games. His dad was supposed to be there, but he was in Japan instead.

Pretty Deadly is ready for the Creeds.

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Fallon Henley vs. Tiffany Stratton

Stratton takes her down to start and hits a few elbows. A slingshot Swanton gives Stratton two and it’s time to start cranking on the leg, complete with Stratton bridging back and blowing a kiss. With that broken up, Henley headbutts her into the corner but Henley’s knee gives out. A slingshot dropkick in the corner connects and a slingshot corkscrew Vader Bomb finishes for Stratton at 4:56.

Rating: C. Stratton really does feel like a potential star and I can see pushing her forward here. Henley is fitting in perfectly well as the charming country girl and she’ll be fine if she can have even a passable match on her personality alone. This worked for a quick one off match and I could see both of them being something better in the future.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter want the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Wendy Choo comes in and wants the Women’s Title.

Video on Von Wagner.

Thea Hail is graduating from high school tomorrow and she’s glad to be living her dream in NXT. Next week, she decides between college and NXT.

Duke Hudson comes up to Bron Breakker and insists he didn’t do any of the things to him tonight. Hudson says he has nothing to lose, but Breakker grabs him by the throat. Hudson says someone was right about Breakker being predictable.

Von Wagner vs. Ikemen Jiro

Jiro charges in and strikes away before the opening bell. The match actually happens and Wagner knocks him out of the air to slow things down. Jiro uses the jacket punches and scores with an enziguri to the floor, setting up a middle rope DDT for two. That’s enough for Wagner, who hits his Death Valley Driver neckbreaker for the pin at 4:16.

Rating: D. Well at least Jiro grabbed his jacket despite being so angry and thirsty for revenge. The match was just a squash but I still don’t see it with either of these two. Wagner is a big guy who can do basic big guy stuff while Jiro can be funny at times (and certainly has charisma). That’s not quite enough to make me all that interested though.

Post match Wagner goes after Jiro again but Josh Briggs makes the save. Sophia Cromwell won’t let Wagner go after Briggs.

Tony D’Angelo and company want Legado del Fantasma at In Your House.

Von Wagner is ready to erupt but Sophia Cromwell says he’ll get his revenge when he has the chance.

Toxic Attraction is down for the title matches at In Your House.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are at the barbershop and are ready for In Your House. He needs his title back so here is Cameron Grimes to mock him. Hayes says Grimes is a title holder instead of a champion like him. There is someone from NXT UK (meaning Nathan Frazer) who people are saying is faster and better than Hayes (which has Hayes’ eyes shifting). That’s why Grimes is facing Frazer next week.

In Your House rundown.

We get a promo from an unseen woman talking about the high life and how status is only bad thing to those who can’t achieve it. She is from Italy and her name is Giovanni Vici.

Bron Breakker vs. Duke Hudson

Non-title and Joe Gacy, with the minions, is on the balcony. A quick Frankensteiner puts Hudson in early trouble but he chokes on the ropes to slow Breakker down. They go to the floor where Hudson hits a clothesline, followed by an overhead suplex back inside. Hudson even throws in some barking, which is enough for Breakker to take him down as we go to a break.

Back with Hudson sending him into the steps, setting up a failed Steiner Recliner attempt. Instead Breakker slips out but can’t get his own version. With Joe Gacy and the minions watching at ringside, Breakker fights up but the minions get on the apron. The minions try to get in as Hudson picks up a chair. Breakker takes that away and swings at Gacy but turns around and hits Hudson for the DQ at 10:59.

Rating: C. Gacy vs. Breakker is a fine example of a feud that makes all the sense in the world on paper but isn’t interesting. I have no desire to see Breakker beat Gacy up again and I have even less desire to see Gacy win the title. It’s a feud that should have been wrapped up weeks ago but here we go again, because much like WWE, NXT can’t help itself with these rematches.

Post match Gacy mocks Breakker for the DQ, because it’s in his nature.

Overall Rating: C-. I couldn’t get myself into this show and it wasn’t their best work. I do like the tournament final being Perez vs. Stratton as I would have bet on Legend and/or Lyons being in there, so at least they’re throwing in a surprise. As for the rest of the show, they are making In Your House look ok, though that Gacy vs. Breakker match is dragging it way down, much like NXT cranking up the Wendy Choo “comedy” again. Not their best this week, though it did have some nice moments.

Stacks/Two Dimes b. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe – Double punch to Blade
Sanga b. Wes Lee – Chokeslam
Alba Fyre b. Elektra Lopez – Swanton
Roxanne Perez b. Lash Legend – Pop Rox
Mandy Rose b. Indi Hartwell – Running knee
Tiffany Stratton b. Fallon Henley – Corkscrew Vader Bomb
Von Wagner b. Ikemen Jiro – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker
Duke Hudson b. Bron Breakker via DQ when Breakker used a chair




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NXT – May 10, 2022: The Haves And The Have Nots

Date: May 10, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

While things should have changed last week with NXT Champion Bron Breakker beating Joe Gacy at Spring Breakin, Gacy’s minions beat Breakker down and kidnapped him. Since wins and losses don’t matter around here, Gacy vs. Breakker continues while the women’s Breakout Tournament begins. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of last week’s title match, plus the post show beatdown and Gacy and Company taking Breakker into a field with a sack of his head. They seem to leave him there as Gacy is all nutty.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Toxic Attraction vs. Roxanne Perez/Wendy Choo

Toxic Attraction is defending against the criminals. Choo dives in off the top from behind to take the champs down and it’s Perez starting with Jayne. That’s fine with the champ as Perez gets sent into the corner, allowing Jayne to do some of the most blatant spot calling I can remember (she grabbed Perez’s head and talked to her).

Jayne makes the mistake of talking too much trash though and it’s Choo coming in to clean house. Choo sends them outside and holds the ropes open so Perez can hit a double dive as we take a break. Back with Jayne taking Choo down but the tag off to Perez doesn’t take that long. A Russian legsweep gets two on Dolin as everything breaks down. Mandy Rose gets in the ring so Choo goes after her, allowing Jayne to hit a superkick on Perez for the pin at 10:01.

Rating: C+. Choo’s gimmick is still horrible but she can wrestle a somewhat exciting match. That kind of makes me wonder what in the world the point is in trying to have her be this goofy thing that is impossible to take seriously. If she was having matches like this in regular gear, she would be downright useful, but it is a little hard to buy her as anything important based on how she is dressed in the ring (and what she does out of it).

Post match Toxic Attraction beats Choo down.

Grayson Waller and Tiffany Stratton went shopping.

The Creed Brothers aren’t happy with Roderick Strong interfering against the Viking Raiders last week. Strong says the win is what matters but next week the Creeds are going to face the Raiders again. That’s cool with Strong, who is bringing in someone who has been wanting to join the team for a long time now: Damon Kemp. The Creeds say that new members are supposed to be a group decision, so they’ll talk about this later.

Here is Joe Gacy, with minions, for a chat. Gacy says that Bron Breakker has to take the next step in his journey all alone. He started his own journey here months ago and allowed anyone to be a part of real change. Two men, the minions, separated themselves from the pack and have proven their worth to him and themselves. Now Breakker can be a part of this change and receive eternal joy. Otherwise, affliction and hardship await those who resist. And that’s it, because Gacy is just another cult leader that has been done time after time.

Sarray, a schoolgirl again, talks to Chase University and since Bodie Hayward speaks Japanese (Chase: “We got a foreign language department?”), he translates that Sarray wants to team with Chase in a mixed tag. Chase is in.

This week at the Performance Center, Ivy Nile had an exercise challenge, starting with pushups. More on this later as some participants drop out early.

Here are the eight Women’s Breakout Tournament participants and we’ve got brackets:

Nikkita Lyons
Arianna Grace

Fallon Henley
Sloane Jacobs

Roxanne Perez
Kiana James

Lash Legend
Tatum Paxley

Everyone gets introduced with a quick bio graphic.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Fallon Henley vs. Sloane Jacobs

Henley misses a charge in the corner to start, allowing Jacobs to try a dropkick that is left a big short, meaning Henley has to lean into it for the near fall to make sense. Cue Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs to cheer Henley on as Jacobs kicks her in the face for two. Back up and Henley manages a clothesline for a double knockdown, setting up a running knee to finish Jacobs at 4:16.

Rating: C-. They did the right thing by having Henley go forward, but the brackets would suggest that she is going to get wrecked by Nikkita Lyons in the second round. Henley has fit in rather nicely with the country boys and that is a good starting point for her. Jacobs isn’t even 20 years old yet so she has a long way to go, but at least the base seems to be there so far.

Respect is shown post match.

Legado del Fantasma doesn’t feel bad about kidnapping AJ Galante last week. Now it’s time to start the car again.

Cruz del Toro goes to start the car but Tony D’Angelo and company jump him and beat him down. Then they put him in another car trunk and drive off.

Alba Fyre vs. Amari Miller

Fyre grabs a rollup to start as we go split screen to see Ivy Nile putting her contestants through burpees to get rid of even more. Miller comes back with a Regal Cutter for two but Fyre superkicks her for the same. Fyre plants her again with the Firebomb (Gory Bomb) and hits a Swanton for the pin at 3:38.

Rating: C. Fyre looked good here, but that isn’t hard when you’re one of the best in the world. I know WWE felt the need to change everything about her but at least the red hair is about as much of a trademark as you can get. It wasn’t quite a squash as Miller has a bit of standing around here, though Fyre should be either in the title scene or on the main roster like yesterday.

Solo Sikoa won’t let Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes in the building.

Cora Jade is ready for Natalya and isn’t that little girl that Natalya remembers.

Here is Solo Sikoa for a chat. He likes what he did to Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes and wants the North American Title. Cue Cameron Grimes to say that once he beats Hayes, Sikoa is next. That’s cool with Sikoa, who walks away, but here are Hayes and Williams to beat Grimes down. Sikoa slowly leaves, then turns to look back and very eventually makes the save.

Legado del Fantasma calls Tony D’Angelo and company and threats are made. Santos Escobar throws in a “f*** you” to end the call and D’Angelo breaks things.

Nathan Frazer is excited to be here when Xyon Quinn comes in. Quinn says something Frazer doesn’t understand when Wes Lee comes up too. Frazer says he thought it was some American thing and leaves, which seems to set up Lee vs. Quinn.

Tiffany Stratton/Grayson Waller vs. Andre Chase/Sarray

Sarray transforms, but it also changes Bodhi Hayward into a schoolgirl and changes Chase’s sweater to blue. The guys start things off with Waller working on the wristlock. A shot to the face annoys Chase so it’s off to Stratton, who has to run away from Sarray. That lets Stratton get her into the ring for a forearm to the face, only to have Sarray take her down by the leg. The Muta Lock goes on, with Sarray having to grab the hair for the escape.

Chase and Sarray hit the spelling stomps and we take a break. Back with Waller beating on Chase until a suplex gets him out of trouble. Everything breaks down again and the Sunray dropkick hits Waller. That leaves Sarray to get planted though and Stratton hits the twisting Vader Bomb….for two as Hayward blasts the air horn. Stratton dives on him (Stratton: “THAT’S A TEACHABLE MOMENT!”) but gets rolled up by Sarray for the pin at 10:26.

Rating: C+. Chase U has rapidly become one of my favorite things in all of NXT and that is due to the efforts that Chase has put in. He has turned a totally dumb story into something I like to see every week and that is a rare thing to see. It is all in the performance for him and I could go for more of that and people like him. Waller and Stratton were fine here and Sarray winning….I just can’t imagine it’s going to stick this time. She has fallen too far and the still lame transformation stuff is making it worse.

Ivy Nile has people doing lunges.

Mr. Stone says if people step to Von Wagner, they are going to get hurt. Ikemen Jiro comes in and attacks him and they get separated.

Indi Hartwell is sad about Dexter Lumis (whose name we can’t say) being gone when Toxic Attraction comes in. Mandy Rose talks about how she can’t imagine what Indi is going through….because no one would ever leave her. Go find Wendy Choo and cry with her. Hartwell shakes her head a lot.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Nikkita Lyons vs. Arianna Grace

Grace hits her in the face to start and manages to take Lyons down early on. Something like an Anaconda Vice has Lyons in trouble but she’s back up with some superkicks. A release German suplex sends Grace flying and a spinning kick to the face drops her. The splits splash finishes for Lyons at 3:08.

Rating: C. They kept this one short with Grace getting in some offense before falling tot he bigger star. There is nothing wrong with pushing the heck out of Lyons as she has the physical gifts and intangibles to go a long way. Grace looked good in the short term, but you can only get so much out of her selling a lot in a three minute match.

Ivy Nile gets rid of more people with the battle ropes and pullups. Nile outlasts the one remaining person and doesn’t look happy.

Video on Cora Jade vs. Natalya, and yes that really is the main event.

The Viking Raiders are in on a rematch against the Creeds.

Natalya vs. Cora Jade

Feeling out process to start with Jade spinning out of a wristlock and taking Natalya down early. The threat of some kind of a hold has Jade slipping out, only to send Natalya to the floor. We take a break and come back with Jade escaping a surfboard, setting up a running knee in the ropes. A tornado DDT gets two on Natalya but she is fine enough to suplex Jade hard into the corner.

Jade’s knee is crushed in the ropes so Natalya wraps it around the post. That allows Jade to pull her face first into the post and Sliced Bread gets two. With nothing else working, Jade grabs the Sharpshooter but Natalya powers out as Jade’s knee can’t hold up. Natalya grabs the Sharpshooter and Jade passes out at 14:06.

Rating: B. They were managing to pull me in here, and while I get the idea of Jade hanging in there to fall in the end, I’m not sure that’s the best way to go. Is Natalya really important enough that Jade can’t beat her? I know WWE seems to think of her as a legend and yeah I think I just answered my own question.

Post match Jade wakes up and Natalya helps her to her feet for the big hug to end the show. Please, not another tag team.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event pulled this one over the line and while it took time, I’m glad it actually got there. NXT continues to push some rather uninteresting stars and characters though, from Choo to Gacy to D’Angelo and company to Sarray to Natalya and it doesn’t help me through the show. There are good and interesting people on here who could use the TV time, but the bad names are bringing things WAY down and it’s making parts of the show a chore rather than entertaining. Side note: has there ever been a full, regular show that has a woman in every match? That might be a first.

Toxic Attraction b. Roxanne Perez/Wendy Choo – Superkick to Perez
Fallon Henley b. Sloane Jacobs – Running knee
Alba Fyre b. Amari Miller – Swanton
Andre Chase/Sarray b. Tiffany Stratton/Grayson Waller – Rollup to Stratton
Nikkita Lyons b. Arianna Grace – Splits splash
Natalya b. Cora Jade via referee stoppage




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