Dynamite – June 26, 2024: Wake Me When It’s Over

Date: June 26, 2024
Location: KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the last Dynamite before we get to Forbidden Door, meaning it’s time for the final push towards the show. There is a good chance that more matches will be added either tonight or on Rampage or Collision, which doesn’t leave much time to get things ready. Other than that, we have some Owen Hart Tournament matches to cover so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Here is MJF to get things going but Daniel Garcia (hometown boy) cuts him off. MJF is glad the fans love Garcia, but tread lightly. Garcia thanks him for the save last week but says this is his town and his business. He is here to do something new: say nice things about MJF! That works for MJF, so Garcia talks about MJF’s accomplishments, including beating Garcia in a World Title match.

That loss set him off on the run of a lifetime, so why settle for being a pillar when he can be the workhorse around here? For that, he thanks MJF, but does mention MJF being two faced. MJF hypes up Forbidden Door (getting the date wrong) but then thanks Garcia for actually thanking him for what he does behind the scenes. Garcia got his title shot because he earned it and because he reminds MJF of himself.

The thing to remember though is that MJF beat Garcia, but maybe he should get one more shot…say at All In. Garcia says that’s huge but here is Will Ospreay to interrupt. Ospreay says he appreciates Garcia, who has been earning a shot by earning win after win. Not only that, but he’s been doing it faster than Ospreay “lasts in the bedroom Bruv.”

After an apology to his lady friend at home, Ospreay says the title shot is on for next week…and we’ll make it a World Title match too since Ospreay is winning that at Forbidden Door. Works for Garcia, so Ospreay leaves and MJF isn’t happy. MJF tells him to focus on his big shot and leaves in a hurry. The fact that MJF’s match against Hechicero on Sunday was barely mentioned isn’t a great sign for that one, but it’s not like they have anything to talk about anyway.

Swerve Strickland doesn’t get why Ospreay isn’t making promises he won’t be able to keep, because that isn’t very World Champion-esque. Fans: “WE CAN’T HEAR YOU!”

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon

Bryan Danielson is on commentary and it’s Titan/Shingo Takagi/Hiromu Takahashi for Los Ingobernables. Castagnoli runs Takagi over with a shoulder to start and they slug it out, as you might have expected. A hiptoss puts Castagnoli down and he’s rather impressed. Takahashi comes in for a running hurricanrana to Yuta and it’s off to Titan for a running clothesline in the corner. There’s the big dive to the floor but Castagnoli comes back in and pulls Titan out of the air to take over.

We take a break and come back with Titan kicking Castagnoli’s leg out but it’s off to Moxley, who gets hit in the face. Everything breaks down and it’s a slugout between Moxley and Takagi. Moxley bites his face but gets put down with a clothesline, meaning it’s off to Yuta vs. Takahashi. A rather snappy German suplex sends Takahashi down but he’s back with a Death Valley Driver. Then Moxley hits Takahashi with a chair for the DQ at 10:48.

Rating: B-. It was fun while it lasted but the ending was kind of out of nowhere. Maybe they’re playing up the idea that Moxley is wild and violent before his IWGP World Title defense against Tetsuya Naito on Sunday but it only went so far. Other than that, this was the Club against another group of guest stars, which has kind of been done to death lately.

Post match the brawl is on until Tetsuya Naito comes in for the brawl. Takagi hammers on Yuta until Danielson makes the save.

Men’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Jay White vs. Rey Fenix

The rest of the Bang Bang Gang is here with White while Penta El Zero Miedo is here with Fenix. Everyone at ringside wants to grab a chair so the referee ejects them all before the bell. Fenix grabs a very fast rollup for two so White chops away at him to take over. Fenix is right back up with a springboard armdrag to send White outside, which of course means a big dive to take him down again. Back in and White grabs a quick flipping neckbreaker for two as we take a break.

We come back with White firing off more chops but Fenix kicks him down. A frog splash gets a rather delayed two but White spins him into a DDT for a knockdown. The brainbuster gives White two, only to have Fenix reverse the Blade Runner into a rollup for two of his own. Fenix tries the Fire Thunder Driver but White reverses into the Blade Runner for the pin at 9:18.

Rating: C+. This only had so much time and I was expecting a bit more from them. White getting a singles win is almost weird to see as he has spent so much time as part of a team. I’m not sure I can imagine him going very far in the whole thing but giving him a single win isn’t going to hurt anything.

Post match the Bang Bang Gang comes back and here is the Patriarchy to stare them down. Then the Patriarchy leaves.

The Young Bucks blame the Acclaimed for the cheating in last week’s match as the Bucks were pushed to it. With that out of the way, they brag about the Elite’s success and next week, they’ll get to pick their own Wild Card into the Men’s Owen Hart Tournament so the World Title can come to the team.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn for a chat. Caster refers to the Bucks as the “cucks” and showed how inept they are at running anything. They’re going to decide when to issue the challenge for the Tag Team Titles….but here is the Elite to interrupt. They get right to the point and issue the challenge for a six man tag at Forbidden Door. Gunn says he’s kind of a big deal and knows a president, so we get a video from Hiroshi Tanahashi, who says he is coming to Forbidden Door to fight the Elite. So did Gunn have that video ready just in case the Elite issued a challenge for a six man?

The Conglomeration is ready to win everything on Sunday, with Kyle O’Reilly calling Zack Sabre Jr. a scalawag. Mark Briscoe goes into a rant about various horrible things that Sabre Jr. is like, including Peppa Pig. Orange Cassidy thinks that went well, which has been the case every time they’ve let Briscoe go insane.

Mina Shirakawa/Toni Storm/Mariah May vs. Outcasts/Anna Jay

May is dragged to the entrance by Storm but stays on the stage to come to the ring with Shirakawa (following a rather snazzy dance routine). Jay and Shirakawa start things off with the former sliding down and dancing a bit. Back up and a springboard kick to the face rocks Jay so it’s off to May for some shaking. Cameron comes in for some elbows to the back but May isn’t sure who she should tag. Instead she stays in, allowing Saraya and Jay to pull Storm and Shirakawa to the floor.

We take a break and come back with May and Cameron grabbing stereo hair takedowns. Storm comes in and sends Saraya flying with a German suplex, setting up the hip attack. Shirakawa tags herself in and everything breaks down, with the Mina Driver (I think) finishing Cameron at 6:57.

Rating: C+. They are playing the heck out of the triangle deal here and it’s working well enough. I’m curious to see where they go on Sunday but odds are they have some kind of a way out of it. Other than that, I’m a bit relieved that Jay didn’t take the pin here, as she seemed to be added for little more than that.

Post match May has the other two toast the champagne. May then dances with Storm, leaving Shirakawa to grab the champagne bottle….which hits May by mistake. Storm is not pleased and seething ensues.

Video on Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer.

Mone is here and says it’s funny that Vaquer isn’t. Vaquer will be wrestling on Collision and Mone will be there too.

Here is the Learning Tree for a chat, with Bryan Keith’s arm in a sling. They aren’t happy with Keith’s arm being injured, but Samoa Joe and company has challenged them to a six man anyway. The Sensei of the Sickos (Chris Jericho that is) has an idea though, so here is their third man: Minoru Suzuki!

But hang on, as Suzuki says he wants to fight Jericho for the FTW Title rather than team with him. Jericho said that he hadn’t watched the video (and that Suzuki was a fellow Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall Of Famer). Cue Samoa Joe and company, with Joe saying this is awkward. Katsuyori Shibata sums up the situation with his computer saying “this guy sucks” and the fight is on, with the Learning Tree bailing.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Orange Cassidy is on commentary and Roderick Strong is watching from ringside. They go to the grappling to start (shocking I know) with O’Reilly flipping over him into a standoff. Sabre goes after the arm but O’Reilly is away just as quickly and we have a standoff. O’Reilly takes over on the mat by cranking on the leg but Sabre slips out and stomps him down as we take a break.

Back with O’Reilly striking away until Sabre pulls him into an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up as well so it’s time for O’Reilly to win a strike off. O’Reilly suplexes him into a cross armbreaker before switching into an ankle lock. That’s broken up so O’Reilly snaps off a German suplex for the knockdown. They exchange kicks to the head and then slap it out until Sabre pulls him into a Disarm-Her for the tap at 10:59.

Rating: B. This was exactly what you would have expected it was going to be from these two and it went rather well. It was two guys who are masters at technical wrestling getting to do their thing for a good while until one of them gave up. Solid match, though I’m still only so interested in seeing Sabre vs. Cassidy on Sunday.

Post match Cassidy goes to the ring to check on O’Reilly as Sabre’s partners, the Mighty Don’t Kneel, come in. Cue Tomohiro Ishii to even things out and the villains run off.

Swerve Strickland/Will Ospreay vs. Gates Of Agony

The Gates jump them at the bell and the beating is on in a hurry. We settle down to Ospreay jumping over Kaun and sending him flying with a monkey flip. A standing moonsault hits Kaun and Swerve gets two, only to have to block an accidental big boot from Ospreay. The distraction lets Liona run both of the over with a clothesline and we take a break.

Back with Swerve kicking his way up from the mat but Kaun pulls Ospreay off the apron to break up the tag. Kaun dropkicks Liona by mistake though and the tag brings Ospreay in to clean house. The standing shooting star press gets two on Kaun but he catches Ospreay on top for a super Jackhammer. Swerve is back with a Stomp from the apron to the floor to take Kaun down. Back in and Ospreay superkicks Swerve by mistake, leaving Kaun to hit a Pounce for two. Swerve is back up but his boot misses Ospreay (in theory) and hits Liona, setting up the Oscutter for two more. The Hidden Blade finishes Liona at 10:08.

Rating: C+. This was about adding more spice to the World Title match and it worked well enough, or at least as well as you can get with the Gates being involved. Strickland vs. Ospreay should be a heck of a match on Sunday, though I’m worried about how overshadowed it might be. Maybe this match boosts it up a bit, but they have some work to do.

Post match Ospreay picks up both titles and gets House Called for his efforts to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The show was fine enough but my goodness I do not care about Forbidden Door and I never can. The show always winds up being good but the build always comes off as “and then we have this person and this person and this person and this person” as guest stars.

It certainly has an audience of some kind, though I can never bring myself to get interested in this. That was on full display this week as we have a bunch of people added to the show at the last minute. Forbidden Door will be good, but I don’t care for the build and never have. Some of the other stuff worked well, like the Women’s Title match and the World Title, but that’s only a portion of a rather long two-plus hour show.

Los Ingobernables de Japon b. Blackpool Combat Club via DQ when Moxley used a chair
Jay White b. Rey Fenix – Blade Runner
Mina Shirakawa/Toni Storm/Mariah May b. Outcasts/Anna Jay – Mina Driver to Cameron
Zack Sabre Jr. b. Kyle O’Reilly – Disarm-Her
Swerve Strickland/Will Ospreay b. Gates Of Agony – Hidden Blade to Liona



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Dynamite – June 19, 2024: The Wrestlers Can Wrestle

Date: June 19, 2024
Location: EagleBank Arena, Fairfax, Virginia
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are about a week and a half away from Forbidden Door and there is a good chance that we will see some more matches added this week. Other than that, we have a pay per view quality match with Rush facing MJF to open the show. That could open the door for both of them to do something else at the pay per view so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Rush

This is commercial free. Rush slugs away to start and drops down, only to have MJF strut over him. MJF loads up a chop, teases it for a long time, and then pokes him in the eye instead. The referee checks on Rush in the corner, which is enough of a distraction for Rush to headbutt him down. Back up and Rush hits him in the face and then unloads with forearms in the corner, allowing the Tranquilo pose. As you might expect, MJF charges at him and hammers away but Rush knocks him down again.

The Bull’s Horns misses though and MJF gets two off a small package. A lifting DDT (ala Saraya’s Rampaige) gives MJF two and a piledriver gets the same, allowing a quick breather. MJF’s charge is suplexed into the corner and a cross arm piledriver gives Rush two. They go outside for some hard rams into the barricade and MJF is in big trouble.

Rush throws a chair inside, and the distraction allows him to get in some whipping with an electric cable. A missed charge sends Rush into the barricade but he’s fine enough to suplex a charging MJF off the apron. Back in and the Bull’s Horns is cut off with a hard clothesline and MJF grabs a spinebuster. The Heatseeker into a brainbuster finishes for MJF at 14:19.

Rating: B. It was a hard hitting match though thankfully not as dominant as most of Rush’s matches. MJF had to get in his shots where he could and that worked out well, which is about all you can ask for in something like this. MJF should be on his way to something big at Forbidden Door, as he’s going to need something important after his comeback win here.

Post match, the Cage of Agony pops up to announce MJF vs. Hechicero at Forbidden Door. The match is apparently not official so MJF….has nothing to say.

Mark Briscoe and friends are ready for revenge and redemption….but Jack Perry walks by to annoy them. For tonight though, it’s an all-star tag match. Then Orange Cassidy gives Renee Paquette a bracelet.

Here are Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland for a face to face chat. Ospreay brags about his success and calls himself the best in the world, but Swerve says that’s him. They’ve taken different career paths but here they are, coming to Forbidden Door at the same time. Swerve asks if Don Callis is going to be helping Ospreay try (yes try) to win the World Title. Ospreay says he can do this by himself and lists off his wins. Ospreay: “Bruv, while you had a hit row, I had a hit list.”

What if that kill shot from Swerve is just a bit off? It doesn’t matter what Ospreay does to Swerve, because Swerve is going to wake up without that World Title. Swerve says Ospreay can thank him for his firs pay per view main event but what if Swerve breaks Ospreay’s leg? If Ospreay can’t wrestle, who is he? Swerve doesn’t think Ospreay is ready to sacrifice the love of his wife or his son, with the mention of the latter making Ospreay much more serious.

Prince Nana has to break it up, but Swerve asks what if he does make it personal. Send his regards to Ospreay’s wife and son, which has the two of them going face to face but it doesn’t get physical. This was a heck of a segment, with both of them bringing the intensity and Swerve selling the stakes of the match, both with and without the title.

Don Callis tells the Family that it’s all going to be fine.

Mark Briscoe/Kyle O’Reilly/Orange Cassidy/Dante Martin vs. Kyle Fletcher/Roderick Strong/Zack Sabre Jr./Konosuke Takeshita

It’s a brawl to start with Cassidy and Sabre being left in the ring. That’s broken up so Fletcher sends Briscoe outside for a suicide dive. O’Reilly grabs a kneebar on Strong in the ropes, with Sabre putting Cassidy in an octopus next to them. Briscoe nails the step up flip dive onto Fletcher, with Martin adding a springboard flip dive as we take a break.

Back with a tag match breaking out and Sabre flipping Cassidy into a sunset flip for two. Takeshita comes in and drops Cassidy but he gets over to O’Reilly rather easily. Strong drops O’Reilly, who gets back up and slugs his way to freedom. Martin comes in but gets caught with a heck of a powerbomb, with Briscoe making the save.

We take another break and come back with Briscoe coming back in to clean house. Takeshita gets put down and it’s the Froggy Bow into a frog splash into Cassidy’s falling top rope elbow for two with Sabre making the save. Red Neck Kung Fu takes Sabre down but we hit the parade of knockdowns. Martin hits a pair of dives and Briscoe adds the apron Blockbuster to Takeshita. Sabre’s European Clutch gets two on Cassidy but O’Reilly shoves him out of the way to take Strong’s running knee. The Orange Punch finishes Strong at 16:44.

Rating: B+. This is one of the places where AEW tends to shine as it was a bunch of insanity with everyone going nuts and getting in their stuff. The Cassidy vs. Sabre stuff helps build towards their Forbidden Door match while last week had already seemingly set up Briscoe vs. Fletcher. That should be enough but maybe we get another match or two out of here in some combination.

Post match Jack Perry comes in to deck Martin, leaving Cassidy and Sabre to stare each other down.

Mercedes Mone is ready for Stephanie Vaquer.

Don Callis comes in to see Rush.

Young Bucks vs. Acclaimed

Non-title, Billy Gunn isn’t here and Caster’s rap is cut off again, with Kazuchika Okada being shown turning off the microphone. It’s a brawl before the bell, with Matt being caught in a neckbreaker/backbreaker combination. Scissor Me Timbers hits Nick so it’s off to Matt, who walks into a hiptoss. The Bucks take over on Caster though and we take an early break.

Back with Bowens hitting the jumping Fameasser on Matt but his bad leg gives out again. A superkick gives Matt two and the Swanton in the ropes gets the same. Caster is knocked outside but Bowens blocks the EVP Trigger. Stereo superkicks get two with Caster making the save. The EVP Trigger connects but Caster breaks it up again. A powerbomb/Sliced Bread combination gets two on Bowens and the Bucks are stunned. Nick brings in the belt but hits Matt by mistake, setting up the Arrival into the Mic Drop for the pin at 10:17.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to see the Bucks giving a team a win, even if there is a grand total of zero chance the Acclaimed win the titles whenever they get their shot. Bowens kicking out of the powerbomb combination was good, but this felt more like the Acclaimed won when the Bucks screwed up rather than beating them. That doesn’t exactly make me want to see a rematch, but the Bucks are the stars so they’re going to be the focus no matter what anyway.

Samoa Joe and Hook talk about….calzones, before storming the Premiere Athletes’ locker room. They find a note with a challenge for a six man, with Katsuyori Shibata, holding the camera, being in as well.

Here is Mariah May to emcee the contract signing between Toni Storm and Mina Shirakawa. After extensive cheek kissing, May says she loves them both but Shirakawa tells her to shut up. Shirakawa says Storm was a big deal in Stardom but she is weak as champion. The fans want Shirakawa, so she’s taking the title and May at Forbidden Door. Shirakawa signs but Storm threatens to slap her chest off if she talks to May again.

Storm signs but Shirakawa says May must choose. Cue the Outcasts to say enough of this, with Anna Jay sneaking in from behind. The beatdown is on but Storm takes her shoe off to clean house. Storm’s hip attack misses though and she goes through the table. I’m not sure I get the backstory, but I get enough of the story of Storm vs. Shirakawa and that’s more than I get for most of the Forbidden Door card.

Video on Claudio Castagnoli vs. Pac.

Women’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose

Stokely Hathaway is here with Statlander, who slugs away to no avail to start. Rose is back up with a crossbody but Statlander sends her outside as we take a break. Back with Rose powering her into the corner and hitting a running clothesline, setting up the Cannonball. The Beast Bomb is countered and Statlander kicks her in the head for two. The 450 misses for Statlander but she crotches Rose up top. Wednesday Night Fever finishes for Statlander at 7:52.

Rating: C+. This was a good enough power match, assuming you could get much out of a match that runs about eight minutes and has a break in the middle. We very well could be heading for a Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale showdown, which has been set up for a few weeks now. It also shows how much it helps when you have a monster like Rose, as beating her makes Statlander look that much more important.

Post match Stokely calls out Willow Nightingale, who pops up on screen to say she’ll see Statlander in the second round.

We look at Private Party beating up the Learning Tree last week.

Private Party is ready for their upcoming match but the Learning Tree comes in, with Chris Jericho warning them to avoid the piledriver. “That doesn’t work for me brother!” More of the usual from Jericho.

Daniel Garcia vs. Rhett Titus

Titus starts fast but gets dropkicked into the corner. Some neckbreakers set up the Red Cross for the pin at 1:00.

Post match the Cage of Agony runs in to beat down Garcia and Matt Menard (who was on commentary). MJF makes the save but gets beaten down, so Will Ospreay makes the real save. The Ospreay vs. MJF staredown gets the fans’ attention.

Post break, Brian Cage and Will Ospreay yell at each other and a match is made for Collision.

Men’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Pac vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Bryan Danielson is on commentary. Pac starts fast and knocks him to the floor, only to charge into one heck of a Swiss Death as we take a break. Back with Pac slugging away and avoiding a charge to send Castagnoli into the post. Pac snaps off a hurricanrana to the floor and an Asai moonsault drops Castagnoli again. A springboard elbow hits Castagnoli again and it’s time to slug it out.

Pac’s German suplex just wakes Castagnoli up again so Pac kicks him down, only to miss the Black Arrow. Castagnoli’s uppercut gets two so he sends Pac swinging. The Riccola Bomb is loaded up but Pac reverses into the Brutalizer, which is reversed into the Sharpshooter. With that almost broken up, Castagnoli switches into a crossface, which is escaped as well. They trade rollups for two each until Pac manages to keep him down for the pin at 11:07. Danielson is impressed.

Rating: B. It’s nice to see Pac getting a win here and beating Castagnoli is quite the mountain to conquer. Pac is still an impressive star and it’s nice to have him around for a slightly extended period of time for a change. If nothing else, we could be seeing Danielson vs. Pac later in the tournament and that could be a rather good one.

Post match Castagnoli won’t shake hands, with Danielson trying to calm him down to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. As usual, you get a better AEW show when they are mainly focused on the in-ring action rather than anything else. The Young Bucks didn’t get to talk and Chris Jericho only had a quick backstage segment so things were a bit better than usual. At the same time, you had the Forbidden Door build, which was as rapid fire as usual, but there are enough good things on there to make it work. Rather strong show this week.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Rush – Brainbuster
Mark Briscoe/Kyle O’Reilly/Orange Cassidy/Dante Martin b. Kyle Fletcher/Roderick Strong/Zack Sabre Jr./Kazuchika Okada – Orange Punch to Strong
Acclaimed b. Young Bucks – Mic Drop to Matt
Kris Statlander b. Nyla Rose – Wednesday Night Fever
Daniel Garcia b. Rhett Titus – Red Cross
Pac b. Claudio Castagnoli – Rollup



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Rampage – May 24, 2024: They Can Do It

Date: May 24, 2024
Location: Mechanics Bank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We are two days away from Double Or Nothing and that means this show should be about hyping up the pay per view. That shouldn’t be hard to do as there are a lot of big matches already set for the show. We might even get some extra star power this week as the show is at least back on its normal day. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Pac vs. Rocky Romero

Chris Jericho, with Big Bill, is on commentary. Romero tries to take him down to start but has to avoid a big boot to the chest, allowing him to pull Pac into the ropes. Pac isn’t having that and knocks him to the floor for a dive as we take a break. Back with Romero hitting a running Sliced Bread for two, followed by a nasty tornado DDT to send Pac outside. The suicide dive gives Romero two but Pac sends him into the corner for a snap German suplex. The Brutalizer makes Romero tap at 7:12.

Rating: C+. The action was fast, but it’s another Romero lost. He’s a good hand, but why is he getting this much ring time if he isn’t going to win any important matches? I get the whole international connections thing, though you would think at some point there would be a better option to put out there.

Pac takes his time letting go but joins the Lucha Bros on the stag. He says the Bros will see the Gunns tomorrow and then they’re coming for the Trios Titles at Double Or Nothing.

Chris Jericho grabs the mic and says his triple threat match at Double Or Nothing is under FTW Rules and he can’t wait to face both Katsuyori Shibata and Hook. The insincerity is strong but Shibata comes in to go after Jericho, with Hook coming up to give Jericho the Redrum. Jericho and Hook brawl into the crowd.

Post break Hook promises to get the FTW Title back but Samoa Joe pops in. Hook tells him to worry about getting his own title back. Joe says he’s biding his time and he thought there was something special about Hook. He isn’t impressed with Hook or Katsuyori Shibata. Joe and Hook leave, with Shibata saying he’s going to see Carrot Top after he wins the title.

Samoa Joe vs. Dom Kubrick

Kubrick fires off a dropkick, which seems to annoy Joe. That earns Kubrick some shots into the corner and the MuscleBuster gives Joe the pin at 1:20. Ticked off Joe is always fun.

Deonna Purrazzo wants a wrestling match with Thunder Rosa at Double Or Nothing….on the Buy-In.

Rush vs. Isiah Kassidy

Rush jumps him at the bell and hits the Bull’s Horns but steps off at two. They head to the floor, with Kassidy being sent into the barricade a few times. Rush hammers away and throws a chair inside, which is enough of a distraction to let him whip Kassidy a few times with a camera cable.

Back in and the Bull’s Horns is loaded up but instead he slaps Kassidy in the face and poses as we take a break. We come back with Kassidy hitting a dive and adding a Swanton for two. They chop it out on the apron but Kassidy gets suplexed out to the floor. Back in and the Bull’s Horns finishes for Rush at 9:04.

Rating: C+. What a weird match, as Rush’s custom is to squash people, but instead he needed that much time to beat a career tag wrestler. I’m not sure what the point of Rush is at the moment, other than being rather intense, as he hasn’t done anything important since his return last month. This probably should have been a squash, but Kassidy’s comeback being cut off so fast was entertaining enough.

Brian Cage and the Gates Of Agony say the Mogul Embassy is done and brag about Cage beating Anthony Bowens last week. The team is now apparently called the Cage Of Agony in a name that probably took weeks to put together.

Double Or Nothing rundown.

Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander vs. Anna Jay/Alex Windsor

Stokely Hathaway is here with Nightingale and Statlander. Jay gets tossed out of the corner by Statlander to start so it’s off to Windsor, who gets caught with a basement crossbody. The Pounce knocks Windsor silly so it’s off to Jay, who manages a neckbreaker over the ropes to cut Statlander off. We take a break and come back with Statlander German suplexing Windsor, allowing the tag back to Nightingale. The spinebuster gets two on Jay but Windsor is back in with a Shining Wizard for the same. Nightingale has had it and runs Windsor over, setting up the Babe With The Powerbomb for the pin at 9:22.

Rating: B-. Nice match here, which is impressive as Nightingale and Statlander are a good bit higher up on the food chain than Jay and a debuting Windsor. Jay and Windsor worked well together and it was nice to see some fresh blood in there. Nightingale winning a pretty big match on the way to Double Or Nothing is nice so well done on going the right way.

Post match Mercedes Mone comes out to brawl with Nightingale and they’re pulled apart to end the show. Mone getting physical is nice to see after so many weeks of talking, but dang she has her work cut out for her.

Overall Rating: B-. The best thing I can say about this show is that it had more energy. Rampage has a bad tendency to just feel kind of there, and at least this one built up towards some Double Or Nothing matches. Mone alone felt like something special and I’m somewhat more excited for the pay per view. Just make it work on Sunday and everything will be fine. Nice show this week, and a more energetic effort than previous weeks.

Pac b. Rocky Romero – Brutalizer
Samoa Joe b. Dom Kubrick – MuscleBuster
Rush b. Isiah Kassidy – Bull’s Horns
Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander b. Anna Jay/Alex Windsor – Babe With The Powerbomb to Windsor




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Collision – May 18, 2024: Something To Keep In Mind

Date: May 18, 2024
Location: Moda Center, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

It’s another three hour block on Saturday night, starting with this one. The show is likely going to feature some buildup for Dynamite, though hopefully it also includes some effort to get ready for Double Or Nothing next Sunday. The show could use some extra buildup and it would be nice to see some of it here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor

Anthony Ogogo is here with Ospreay and the Undisputed Kingdom comes out to watch at ringside. Ospreay dropkicks him to the floor to start and takes Taylor down with a dive, followed by a springboard back inside. Taylor hits a hard shoulder to put Ospreay down so Matt Taven goes after Ospreay, meaning Taylor gets to yell a bit. Ospreay manages to post Taylor and send him into Taven. Ogogo uses the distraction to get in a cheap shot on Ospreay as we take a break.

Back with Ospreay hitting a handspring kick to the head to stagger Taylor, setting up a top rope shot to the back of said head. The Hidden Blade is blocked and Taylor’s running splash gets two. One heck of a clothesline gives Taylor the same and he blocks the Oscutter, setting up a Marcus Garvey Driver for two more. The package piledriver is blocked so Taylor goes up, only to get caught with the Cheeky Nandos Kick. The Storm Driver out of the corner gives Ospreay the pin at 9:53.

Rating: B-. Ospreay is put in trouble and fights back to win over the monster in the end. That’s a perfectly fine way to go and gives Ospreay a nice victory on the way to his title shot. The problem continues to be that the International Title feels way beneath Ospreay and the more he’s built up, the bigger that problem becomes. Unless they have some kind of genius way out, Ospreay almost has to win the title, and he’s being built up well if he’s going to become the new champion.

Post match the Undisputed Kingdom goes after Ospreay, who takes them out like he’s a big star and they’re a bunch of goons.

Team AEW is happy with Darby Allin joining the team with Eddie Kingston out injured. Tonight, they’re ready for Lance Archer and the Righteous.

Jon Moxley is ready to face Konosuke Takeshita at Double Or Nothing. The BCC fights for violence, with Claudio Castagnoli saying he hates talking because it should be about going out there to fight.

Chris Jericho and Big Bill aren’t happy with Hook for attacking them, but Jericho likes Hook showing that kind of fire. That’s why Jericho is here, because Hook needs someone to teach him.

Hook vs. Johnny TV

This is a qualifying match for a triple threat match for a future FTW Title shot and Taya Valkyrie is here with TV. Hook takes him down to start and goes for the arm but TV’s rollup gets two. A suplex and clothesline put TV down and Hook counters a high kick into another suplex. Taya’s distraction lets TV hit the Flying Chuck but Starship Pain misses, allowing Hook to grab Redrum for the tap at 3:27.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do much here but I like Hook getting to do something other than the hardcore matches. He’s only going to get so much out of those, so putting him in here with a veteran, even in a short match, is going to let him learn a bit more. Now just let him beat Jericho into the ground (again) and he might be able to move on to something a bit better.

Katsuyori Shibata vs. Rocky Romero

Another FTW qualifying match. They go technical to start with Shibata grabbing the arm before switching into a Figure Four. That’s broken up so Romero grabs an Octopus, which is reversed into another Figure Four. Romero is out again and grabs a tornado DDT as we take a break.

Back with Romero kicking at the arm, with Shibata telling him to keep it up. Shibata chops away but Romero ties him in the ropes for a middle rope dropkick. Sliced Bread doesn’t work for Romero, who comes up favoring his leg, meaning Shibata can grab a kneebar. Romero makes the rope so Shibata suplexes him for two more. With that broken up, Shibata goes back to the Figure Four for the win at 10:01.

Rating: B-. Perfectly acceptable, if not good, wrestling here with Shibata picking apart a limb and then working it over until Romero gave up. That helps to make up for the lack of drama, as Romero winning wouldn’t have made much sense. Romero might not be the most interesting star, but he’s a rather strong hand in the ring, which is a very valuable thing to have.

Bryan Keith vs. Beefcake Boulder

This is the final FTW qualifying match, making me wonder how the participants were chosen. Boulder has Bronson and Jacked Jameson with him, the latter of whom talks about how much trash he has seen in this city. Keith gets knocked into the corner to start but slips out of a slam and kicks away at the leg. Jameson offers a distraction but Keith uses it to send Bronson into Boulder’s hairy chest. Diamond Dust finishes Bronson at 1:43. Well that was fast.

Pac doesn’t care about what Bullet Club Gold has been saying to them. He wants them to make him feel something and care. The interviewer can leave him alone too.

We look back at Mercedes Mone and Willow Nightingale signing a contract on Dynamite.

Bullet Club Gold appears for a match but they have attacked Pac and carried him out to the stage. Much like in the previous match: well that was fast.

Christian Cage tells Nick Wayne that he has a warmup match tonight before he faces Swerve Strickland on Dynamite. Wayne thanks Cage for turning him into a man.

Orange Cassidy vs. Isiah Kassidy

We’ll go with first names to make things a bit more simple. Orange flips around to start and they go to the mat, with Orange grabbing a quickly broken surfboard. Isiah avoids the Orange Punch so Orange hits a suicide dive as Don Callis is watching in the back. There’s the running dropkick against the barricade…and here is Trent Beretta in the crowd. The distraction lets Isiah get in a whip to the barricade, setting up a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

We take a break and come back with Orange countering a piledriver attempt on the steps. They get back in where Stundog Millionaire and the spinning DDT plant Isiah. Both of them head to the apron where Orange kicks him out to the floor. Another Beretta distraction lets Isiah get in a cheap shot, allowing him to use the referee for the Silly String. Orange pops up and hits the Beach Break for the pin at 12:12.

Rating: C+. They’re piling up the nice matches without much in the way of drama over the winner. Orange vs. Beretta is continuing, likely in some big showdown at Double Or Nothing, which should be where Orange gets his big win to win the feud for good. Another pretty good match here, as it helps move towards something important down the line.

Post break Beretta says he’s better than Cassidy, who had to cheat to beat him. The challenge is on for Double Or Nothing, with Cassidy pulling him over the barricade.

Serena Deeb vs. Anna Jay

Deeb starts fast and elbows away, setting up a swinging neckbreaker for two. Jay gets tied up in a Paradise Lock for the running dropkick. Back up and Jay snaps off a northern lights suplex, only to get neckbreakered over the middle rope. We take a break and come back with Jay fighting out of an abdominal stretch and grabbing a Downward Spiral for two. Deeb ties her in the ropes for a dragon screw legwhip, followed by a hammerlock lariat for two of her own. The Queenslayer goes on out of nowhere and Deeb has to flip out. A faceplant into the Serenity Lock makes Jay tap at 8:34.

Rating: C. Much like the Shibata match earlier, Deeb picked Jay apart and made her give up in the end. That’s a perfectly fine way to go, but my goodness it would be nice to have Jay either be some up and coming star or cannon fodder for the biggest stories. This is what she’s been doing for a long time now and she’s not getting anywhere new as a result.

Post match Luther comes out and steals Deeb’s flag. Mariah May comes out to hold the flag up so Toni Storm can come to the stage and disrobe behind it. The flag is wrapped around Storm and the villains leave.

Video on Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage.

Nick Wayne vs. Jack Cartwheel

Wayne jumps him to start and stomps away but Cartwheel fights back up. Cartwheel sends him outside, where Wayne pulls a Samoa Joe by sidestepping the big dive. Back in and Wayne’s World connects….for no cover. Instead it’s a Swerve Strickland House Call for the pin on Cartwheel at 2:19.

FTR/Bryan Danielson vs. Righteous/Lance Archer

Harwood and Vincent fight over a lockup to start, with the latter whipping him hard into the corner. That’s broken up and Harwood snaps off a suplex before a double slam gives Wheeler two. It’s off to Dutch so Wheeler snaps off some jabs, allowing Harwood to come back in for a Russian legsweep. The fans want Danielson as everything breaks down and we take a break.

Back with Harwood fighting out of a chinlock but Vincent drops him again. Harwood sends Archer into the corner and avoids Dutch’s elbow drop, allowing the tag back to Danielson to start cleaning house. Dutch gets low bridged to the floor and the suicide dive connects. Everything breaks down and Archer has to save Dutch from the LeBell Lock. Autumn Sunshine gets two, with Wheeler having to make the save. Vincent gets PowerPlexed but Danielson has to break up the Blackout. That leaves Vincent to walk into the Shatter Machine for the pin at 12:52.

Rating: B. This was the best match on the show and that shouldn’t be a big surprise given the talent involved. Danielson can make anything work and FTR is still probably the best team in the company. The villains did their job well enough before ultimately falling to the better team. Commentary kept talking about how Archer and the Righteous were doing this at the Elite’s bidding so at least it ties into the bigger story.

Post match the villains beat Danielson and FTR down, including a bunch of chair shots to Harwood’s ribs. Wheeler gets Blacked Out onto a chair but Daniel Garcia comes out with a chair of his own for the save.

Overall Rating: B. Collision is such a weird show. The wrestling ranges from fine to good, but two hours of little more than setting up things for Dynamite and supplements to the midcard feuds makes for a long, long sit. Throw in Rampage after and it’s even more tedious. That makes it all the more frustrating as this is by no means a bad show and I enjoy it more than Dynamite most of the time. You just have to remember that very rarely is anything big going to happen and it’s much more about setting things up for Dynamite, where everything happens. That makes for a rather good, yet at times tedious, two hours.

Will Ospreay b. Shane Taylor – Storm Driver
Hook b. Johnny TV – Redrum
Katsuyori Shibata b. Rocky Romero – Figure Four
Bryan Keith b. Beefcake Boulder – Diamond Dust
Orange Cassidy b. Isiah Kassidy – Beach Break
Nick Wayne b. Jack Cartwheel – House Call
Bryan Danielson/FTR b. Righteous/Lance Archer – Shatter Machine to Vincent



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Ring Of Honor – May 16, 2024: Wins And Losses Matter

Ring Of Honor
Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Canada Life Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re up in Canada this week and that means we could be in for something…well as interesting as it gets around here. With more than two months from Death Before Dishonor, it could be a long time before we get to anything important with this show. Maybe we could get some decent action out of it though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s what’s coming on this show.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Mentallo

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Mentallo wins or lasts the ten minute time limit, he gets a future title shot. Fletcher jumps him to start and fires off the chops in the corner. Some stomps set up a delayed suplex but Mentallo is back with a running dropkick to the knee. Fletcher is sent outside for a moonsault, setting up a top rope Fameasser for two back inside. The palm strike in the corner is cut off with a boot to the face and Fletcher hits a brainbuster for two. They trade kicks to the face until Fletcher grabs the piledriver for the pin at 5:56.

Rating: C+. So Fletcher loses over and over on Dynamite to bigger names, then needs to work to beat someone who means nothing around here. I’m not sure why he couldn’t have a dominant win here, but he could use a few of them after a not so great stretch of results. There’s nothing wrong with moving Fletcher up the ladder, but maybe not have your champion take so many losses?

Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal vs. Dark Order

Oh yeah Lethal and company are a thing. Lethal and Uno slug it out to start and neither can get very far. Therefore we’ll go to Singh vs. Silver, the latter of whom barely comes up to his chest. Silver puts his hand up for a test of strength, with said hand only reaching Singh’s shoulder. Singh drops him with a single shot and hands it off to Lethal for a running crotch attack against the ropes into a Fargo strut. Uno knocks Lethal off the top and Silver tries to choke Singh, who chokeslams Uno anyway. Lethal actually has to make the save, setting up the Lethal Injection to finish Uno at 4:46.

Rating: C. As weird as it is to see Singh in ROH (or in a match at this point), it was nice to have something resembling star power around here. Lethal isn’t a top name in AEW, but he’s someone who has nothing else going on so putting him out there for about five minutes in ROH is a good idea. While it wasn’t a particularly good match, I’ll take a match between some midcard names over another squash.

Jacked Jameson and the Iron Savages are tired of being stepping stones and are ready to become road blocks. Shouldn’t they want to be something other than something that stands still?

Anna Jay vs. Tara Zep

Zep powers her into the corner to start but Jay is back with a suplex for a quick two. Jay chokes away on the ropes and hits a Gory Bomb, only to pull Zep up. The Queenslayer finishes Zep at 2:09.

Skye Blue vs. Rachael Ellering

Blue grabs a headlock to start but gets powered away without much trouble. Ellering hits a hard shoulder into a gutwrench suplex but the running backsplash hits raised knees. A handspring elbow is cut off by an Ellering clothesline and a running elbow puts Blue down again. Ellering’s scoop brainbuster gets two and now the backsplash can connect. They trade rollups for two each and Ellering hits a pop up powerbomb for two more. Blue is back up with a quick Code Blue for the pin at 6:32.

Rating: C+. The action was fine but this was the match that became infamous last week due to the horrible person (he’s not a fan) at ringside. Whatever he said was edited out here as he wasn’t noticeable at all, though there were a few odd camera cuts in places. I’d be curious to see how much of the match was trimmed, but the less he has to be heard, the better.

Angelico and Serpentico say they’ve been in a nightmare for months and can’t wake up. They’ve had to deal with Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Maria Kanellis and it’s about to get uglier. Does it have to? It can’t just be over instead?

Action Andretti/Darius Martin vs. Levi Knight/Jon Cruz

Knight is rather retro and gets kicked in the ribs by Darius to start. Cruz comes in and takes his jacket off but trips on the ropes, with Andretti not being overly impressed. Knight comes back in and gets elbowed out to the floor in a hurry. With commentary making as many Knight/Night music puns as they can manage, Knight gets in a quick shot to take over on Darius.

A backbreaker gives Knight two and Cruz hammers away as well, with Andretti having to make a save. Cruz grabs the chinlock with a knee in the back but Darius hits a Pele Kick out of the corner. That’s enough for Andretti to come back in as everything breaks down. Andretti hits a slingshot dive to the floor and a double superkick drops Knight. Cruz is sent to the floor and a double swinging slam finishes Knight at 7:44.

Rating: C+. This was a fun match with the kind of regular team beating a makeshift team. Knight got your attention by looking a bit odd and sometimes that’s enough to get you through something like this. Any combination of Andretti/Top Flight works, though they need to win something of value at some point.

Kingdom vs. London Lightning/Jason Geiger

Another non-title Proving Ground match and the spotlights during the Kingdom’s entrance show off a lot of fans cosplaying as empty seats. Lightning and Bennett start things off with Lightning moving around rather quickly. Taven comes in and can’t catch Geiger, who grabs a quick spinebuster with Bennett having to make the save.

Taven chokes in the corner and says that’s how your mom stretches, which is kind of a weird insult. It’s back to Bennett for the Death Valley Driver and Just The Tip gives Taven two. Lightning gets over to Geiger as everything breaks down, with Lightning being sent outside. Rockstar Supernova puts Geiger down for the count at 5:05.

Rating: C. If only the Undisputed Kingdom hadn’t been treated as such losers, the Kingdom could be a rather useful team. They work well together and have a history of success, but for some reason they’re stuck with worthless titles and get beaten by any serious competition. Lightning continues to do well when he’s out there so it’s no surprise that he’s one of the resident Canadian jobbers.

Athena vs. Nicole Matthews

Non-title Proving Ground match and Matthews is something of a mainstay of independent wrestling. The fans certainly seem to know Matthews and that is already helping a bit. They go to the mat to start with Matthews working on a hammerlock. Athena reverses into a gator roll but gets sent outside as she can’t do much with Matthews early on. With nothing else working, Athena trips her down and scores with a big right hand as commentary talks about Matthews’ career history.

A running forearm in the corner rocks Matthews again and Athena even throws in a bit of a dance. Matthews escapes a neck crank and gets a few near falls, followed by some clotheslines. A northern lights suplex gives Matthews two but Athena hits her in the face. Matthews gets baseball slided to the floor and the O Face gives Athena the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C+. The name value of Matthews helped a good bit here, as the fans seemed to remember her and wanted to see her have a chance. While I get not having her go over Athena or even make the time limit, it was nice to see something of a tease. Athena seems likely to be facing Queen Aminata next so giving her a nice win helps, with Matthews being able to give her just enough of a challenge.

Post match Athena puts her in the crossface but Queen Aminata makes the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Ring Of Honor is in such a weird spot, as this is the kind of show that makes for a perfectly watchable show week to week. The problem is that the champions and the bigger names are treated as such losers on AEW shows that it’s hard to get behind them here. I’d want to see more of these people in action, but seeing them lose all the time on AEW TV brings them right back down. Notice that Athena, who never loses anywhere and is almost never on AEW TV, is the biggest star on this show. That’s not a coincidence, but that isn’t stopping AEW from running most of the ROH names into the ground.

Kyle Fletcher b. Mentallo – Piledriver
Jay Lethal/Satnam Singh b. Dark Order – Lethal Injection to Uno
Anna Jay b. Tara Zep – Queenslayer
Skye Blue b. Rachael Ellering – Code Blue
Action Andretti/Darius Martin b. Levi Knight/Jon Cruz – Double swinging slam to Knight
Kingdom b. London Lightning/Jason Geiger – Rockstar Supernova to Geiger
Athena b. Nicole Matthews – O Face



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Ring Of Honor – April 25, 2024: They’re Doing It Again

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 25, 2024
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Things have been getting longer around here again and that has not often been the best thing for Ring Of Honor. It often results in matches that are just there to make the show longer and I’m still not sure how that makes for better weekly events. Odds are we’ll get more on Queen Aminata coming after the Women’s Title this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Isiah Kassidy vs. Komander

Kassidy takes him down to start and fires off some dancing as commentary talks about Shaquille O’Neal. Komander grabs an armbar into a rollup but gets dropped throat first onto the top. Stomping in the corner keeps Komander in trouble until he comes out with a kick to the face. Kassidy cutters him across the top to send Komander outside but he comes back in with a running hurricanrana.

An Asai moonsault takes out Kassidy on the floor and a springboard Swanton connects for two. A poisonrana plants Kassidy again but he’s right back with a Spanish Fly for two of his own. Back up and Komander grabs a waistlock, only to have Kassidy kick him low. A reverse Twist of Fate finishes for Kassidy at 7:42.

Rating: C+. This was in fact a high flying match between a perennial jobber and one half of a tag team. They both have athletic abilities and I certainly wasn’t bored with what I was seeing. At the same time though, it’s a little hard to get invested in seeing something between people that AEW has made feel so unimportant. That’s a big problem with ROH and I don’t see it being cured anytime soon.

We look at Bullet Club Gold unifying the two sets of Six Man Tag Team titles.

The Club brags about their win but they don’t have room for all of the gold.

Dark Order vs. Top Flight/Action Andretti

Silver and Darius start things off with Darius slipping out of a wristlock and grabbing a cravate. Andretti comes in to work on the arm before everything breaks down, meaning a triple superkick to send the Order outside. Back in and the Order takes over on Dante, who flips over to hand it right back to Andretti.

Everything breaks down again and an assisted tornado DDT puts Reynolds down. Andretti’s running shooting star gets two with the Order having to make the save. The Order isolates Darius and strike away at him until Dante makes a save of his own. Darius and Andretti grab a double spinebuster to finish Reynolds at 6:58.

Rating: C+. This was the match designed to warm up Andretti and Top Flight before their shot at Bullet Club Gold this weekend. Andretti and Top Flight work well enough together but it feels like they are up and down all the time around here. Giving them a win is nice, but it doesn’t feel like anything more than getting them ready for their latest loss against better competition. It makes sense, but it’s not the most engaging stuff.

Anna Jay vs. Allysin Kay

Kay powers her into the corner to start but Jay knocks her into the corner to cut that off. A spinning kick is countered into a suplex, only to have Jay stomp her down in the corner without much trouble. Kay grabs a hotshot into a chokebomb for two but Jay is right back with a middle rope Blockbuster for the same. The Queenslayer finishes for Jay at 3:44.

Rating: C. Believe it or not, Jay goes from losing on Dynamite to winning on Ring Of Honor. That’s the story of her career, as she is so all over the place with her wins and losses that it is not wonder she can never get any kind of traction. Yes she’s on a winning streak around here, but it only means so much when she loses any big match she has.

We recap Queen Aminata seemingly coming after Athena for the Women’s Title.

Athena has an emergency Minions meeting and offers a beating to Aminata and Red Velvet.

Johnny TV vs. Will Austin

Taya Valkyrie is here with Johnny, who takes Austin down without much effort. A springboard hurricanrana into a dropkick works well for Austin, with Ian saying “Make your name Austin!” I’m thinking that might not be the best idea as it’s already taken. Taya offers a distraction so Johnny can get in a shot from behind and work on the arm. A spinning knee to the face sets up the Flying Chuck into Starship Pain for the pin at 3:16 (….hey).

Rating: C. As usual, there’s only so much you can get out of what was just a step ahead of a squash. TV is back after his loss at Supercard Of Honor and now he can find something else to do. I’m not sure what that is, but it’s better than having him sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Mogul Embassy vs. 1 Called Manders/Beef/Calvin Tankman

No Prince Nana with the Embassy as they’re getting it right. Beef gets taken into the corner to start the beating in a hurry, with Toa hammering away. Kaun backbreakers him onto the turnbuckle and Cage hits the apron superplex for two. Beef finally gets in a shot of his own and hands it off to Tankman, who gets to clean some house. The numbers catch up with him though and it’s a triplebomb to give Cage the pin at 4:06.

Rating: C+. This was more than I was expecting with Tankman getting to show what he could do if given the chance. The guy can be a wrecking ball when he is in there and that worked for a little while. At the same time, not having Nana out there with the Embassy is a good sign, as the face turn continues.

Video on the Premiere Athletes, focusing on Ariya Daivari.

Mark Sterling is impressed with how many people it took to stand up to the Premiere Athletes.

Leila Grey vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Sakazaki takes her over with a headlock to start before hitting a spinning kick to the chest. A running dropkick misses though and Grey drops a backsplash for two. Grey gets two off a bulldog and there’s a Hennig necksnap to drop Sakazaki again. They go up top, where Grey grabs a sunset bomb for two more before it’s time to trade forearms. We go to a random replay of the sunset bomb, which has me wondering if they needed to edit something out. Sakazaki grabs a spinning hammerlock slam and hits the Magical Girl Splash for the pin at 4:44.

Rating: C-. This was a weird one with that replay/seemingly an edit feeling really out of nowhere. I’m not sure what was going on here but the ending felt like they were told to go home in a hurry. Grey has done well enough in some limited roles and was working here, but the chemistry was pretty far off with this one.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter are upset at their recent losses. Maria Kanellis comes in to say she is disappointed too but says it’ll work in the end. This team’s existence continues to confuse me.

Kingdom vs. Outrunners

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if the Outrunners win or last the ten minute time limit, they get a future title shot. Floyd works on Bennett’s arm to start but it’s quickly off to Taven for a cheap shot to take over. Back up and Magnum fights back and manages to clear the ring but Bennett drops him again. Taven chokes away and Bennett gets two off a suplex.

The chinlock keeps Magnum down but he atomic drops his way to freedom and hands it back to Floyd to pick up the pace. A spinning suplex drops Taven and Magnum hits a top rope forearm. Boot Camp is loaded up but Bennett reverses into a rollup with tights for the pin at 7:18.

Rating: C+. The extra time helped this one, along with the fact that we saw the champs go to a time limit in a Proving Ground match a few weeks back. It adds just enough drama to make this work better than that is great to see. It wasn’t a great match, but the Outrunners are always fun and the champs get a win, meaning they are at least here for a change.

Queen Aminata and Red Velvet are ready for Billie Starkz and Athena.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Laynie Luck

Taya goes with the power to start and chokes away on the ropes but Luck strikes away. That earns her the running knees in the corner, followed a double underhook drop for two. The STF makes Luck tap at 3:26.

Rating: C. Pretty much a squash for Taya, though Luck got in a few shots of her own. That isn’t the biggest surprise as Luck is something of an indy mainstay around this area and is a step above some of the jobbers you’ll see. Taya is still someone who could be used in a bigger spot but she seems pretty stuck in the midcard gatekeeper heel spot at the moment.

The Infantry wants more but the Outrunners interrupt and brag about their own success. The challenge is on for next week, with the Outrunners repeating what the Infantry says.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. GPA/Ren Jones/Jon Cruz

Vincent punches GPA down to start as Ian talks to students. Dutch comes in for some clotheslines before running Jones over for a bonus. It’s off to Archer, who gets annoyed at Jones’ dropkick. A full nelson slam plants Jones, who kicks Vincent away and hands it off to Cruz. It’s back to Jones all of ten seconds later but the villains are tired of this and wreck everyone. The Blackout sends GPA onto Jones to give Dutch the double pin at 3:43.

Rating: C. Archer and the Righteous are doing well with these squashes but it’s hard to believe that they’re going to get a title shot. I base this on the idea that we have seen them do something similar to this for a good while now and they have never been near the titles. That’s how Ring Of Honor works with a lot of this stuff and it can be rather frustrating.

Abadon vs. Nova

Nova takes things into the corner to start for a running shoulder to the ribs but Abadon is right back with some clotheslines. The Meteora in the corner sets up a running knee and Black Dahlia finishes Nova at 1:35.

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie (the latter of whom got a shower and changed in record time) are happy about their reality series when Aaron Solo interrupts. Taya isn’t impressed and Johnny mocks his win/loss record so Solo promises to win next week. Now we’re getting an Aaron Solo story?

Blake Christian vs. AR Fox vs. Beast Mortos

Mortos runs them both over to start but gets sent to the corner as commentary talks about the things Christian has been doing with Missy Hyatt in GCW. Mortos is back inside and takes out Christian before powerslamming Fox for two. A shinbreaker puts Fox down again and we hit a leglock. Christian comes in off the top for the save and Sling Blades Mortos, who is back with a Samoan drop for two.

The pace picks up and Christian takes Mortos down for a quick splash. Fox is back in to double team Mortos to limited avail but they manage to knock Mortos down into the corner. With the other two up top, Mortos pulls them back down for a big crash but Fox kicks him out to the apron. Christian’s spear puts Mortos on the floor and a springboard 450 into a Swanton connects back inside. Christian goes after Fox but Mortos is back up with a spinning piledriver to finish Fox at 6:52.

Rating: B-. Best match of the show as it was more competitive but it’s not like this was anything great. There were no stakes to this and Mortos already beat Christian at Supercard Of Honor. That didn’t leave much in the way of drama here, though it was nice to see a match that had a bit more time and all three were putting in some energy.

Overall Rating: C. That was Ring Of Honor all right, with a bunch of people doing a bunch of stuff and very little of it standing out. The last few weeks have gotten away from the focused version and have been back to being little more than getting as much content out there as possible. As usual, that’s great for the wrestlers who get more work, but it doesn’t make for an entertaining show. It’s almost impossible to have this much content while also having the wins and losses matter for the sake of title shots, especially when those shots are few and far between. Ring Of Honor is proving that and it’s not working well.

Isiah Kassidy b. Komander – Reverse Twist of Fate
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Dark Order – Double spinebuster to Reynolds
Anna Jay b. Allysin Kay – Queenslayer
Johnny TV b. Will Austin – Starship Pain
Mogul Embassy b. 1 Called Manders/Beef/Calvin Tankman – Triplebomb to Tankman
Yuka Sakazaki b. Leila Grey – Magical Girl Splash
Kingdom b. Outrunners – Rollup with tights to Floyd
Taya Valkyrie b. Laynie Luck – STF
Lance Archer/Righteous b. GPA/Ren Jones/Jon Cruz – Double pin
Abadon b. Nova – Black Dahlia
Beast Mortos b. Blake Christian and AR Fox – Spinning piledriver to Fox



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Dynamite – April 24, 2024: I Don’t Know What I Just Watched

Date: April 24, 2024
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz

We are done with Dynasty and the show was quite the event. First and foremost, Swerve Strickland is the new World Champion, defeating Samoa Joe for a heck of a special moment. Other than that, Bryan Danielson and Will Ospreay had a match that was the definition of ok. We’re about a month away from Double Or Nothing so it’s time to get ready for the show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynasty if you need a recap.

The Elite arrives and allow Jack Perry to come in, because he’s with them.

Here is Orange Cassidy for a chat but Trent Beretta jumps him from behind and beats him down in the ring. Trent tells Chuck Taylor to come out here for his decision. Cue Chuck, with Trent talking about how he should have beaten up Cassidy a long time ago. Trent says give the people what they want and loads up the hug but Chuck says he’s always known Trent was a piece of s*** and hits him with the microphone. Chuck can’t get cleared for a match but he wants to fight Trent in the parking lot.

Jon Moxley says he is the IWGP Champion but he isn’t underestimating the monster that he is facing tonight. Powerhouse Hobbs has an instinct and it is only going to take one mistake for Moxley’s world to come crashing down. The Don Callis Family put a hit out on his friend so he knows how far they’re willing to go. He wants the biggest and the baddest and tonight he is reminding the world just how bad he is.

Swerve Strickland vs. Kyle Fletcher

Non-title and Don Callis is on commentary. Swerve grabs a hammerlock to start but Fletcher slips out and they both try kicks to the ribs. Fletcher gets pulled out of the corner and knocked down, allowing Swerve to dance a bit. Back up and Fletcher kicks him out to the floor but Swerve gets in a kick from the apron as we take a break. We come back with Fletcher hitting a Michinoku Driver to put them both down. Swerve knocks him to the apron for the stomp but comes up favoring his ankle.

That’s fine with Fletcher, who grabs a logical ankle lock, complete with a grapevine. Swerve makes the ropes and Fletcher kicks away, only to get caught with a rolling Downward Spiral. A brainbuster gives Swerve two and they fight over a Tombstone attempt, with Fletcher hitting a jumping version for two. Callis tells him to get a table but Fletcher goes with a running boot in the corner instead. Swerve knocks him into the Tree of Woe and hits the Swerve Stomp for two. The House Call finishes Fletcher at 14:41.

Rating: C+. This was a weird choice for Swerve’s first match as champion, as Fletcher got in a lot of offense and even kicked out of the Stomp. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have Swerve go out and win a five or so minute match instead of this but I guess we have to keep the Don Callis Family strong in losses. At the same time, was there no one but the ROH TV Champion who could take this fall?

Thunder Rosa is happy with her effort at Dynasty and isn’t going to make excuses. Deonna Purrazzo comes in and they get in a shoving match.

We look at Bryan Danielson vs. Will Ospreay.

Mina Shirakawa vs. Anna Jay

Mariah May is here with Shirakawa, who kicks Jay down rather quickly to start. A kick to the face gives Shirakawa two and she dances a bit. Jay gets in a neck snap across the top rope for two and we take a break. Back with Shirakawa kicking her down, only to gt caught in a Gory Bomb for two. The shock delay lets Shirakawa hit a missile dropkick for two but Jay is right back with the Queenslayer. May offers a distraction though and Shirakawa grabs a rollup for the pin at 8:55.

Rating: C. This was a way to get Shirakawa a bit more familiar to the TV audience before what is likely to be some kind of a match at Forbidden Door. She and May have a history in Stardom, which is probably something we’ll hear about in the coming weeks. For now though, pretty run of the mill match as Shirakawa beat her up pretty handily.

Post match May comes in to pose with them but Jay jumps them both. The Queenslayer goes on but Toni Storm makes the save. Cue Serena Deeb to pose with the title and say…something that sounds like a challenge to Storm.

Here are Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander to sing (or rhyme) Willow Nightingale’s praises to start her championship celebration. Nightingale comes out and says it wasn’t working with Hathaway to start (Hathaway says she was like a fungus) but here is Mercedes Mone to interrupt. Nightingale doesn’t like Mone interrupting her but Mone says she’ll be the TBS Champion at Double Or Nothing. They argue over who attacked Mone before moving on to Nightingale injuring Mone’s ankle. They aren’t sure if it was intentional or not but Nightingale wants Mone at 100% at Double Or Nothing. Mone slaps Nightingale and leaves.

Jack Perry leaves Tony Khan’s locker room but won’t say if he’s reinstated. Kazuchika Okada and the Young Bucks won’t say either. Matt Jackson says things are uncertain but Khan has agreed to meet with Perry live tonight in the ring.

Double Or Nothing Gauntlet Match

For the International Title shot at Double Or Nothing and commentary doesn’t know how many people are involved. Jay White is in at #1 and Dante Martin is in at #2, but apparently there will be more added and it is the first fall wins. Martin kicks him down for two to start and they head outside, where White fires off the chops. White knocks him down again and it’s Penta El Zero Miedo in at #3.

A high crossbody takes White down and Penta hits a Sling Blade each. We take a break and come back with Kyle O’Reilly coming in at #4 and striking away. White gets his ankle locked and Will Osprey is in at #5 to a heck of a reaction. Ospreay wins a strike off with O’Reilly and then stares White down for a New Japan flashback. White gets knocked down and it’s Lance Archer in at #6.

Archer gets to clean house until O’Reilly grabs a guillotine choke. That’s broken up and Archer sends everyone else to the floor as we take a break. Back with Komander coming in at #7 and hurricanranaing Archer off the apron through some tables (because of course tables). Komander hits a rather spinning DDT for two on Ospreay with White making the save. A Ligerbomb gives Ospreay two on White and the Hidden Blade is loaded up. Jay Lethal is in at #8 and gets to clean house until Osprey does the same.

Ospreay and O’Reilly strike it out as commentary says there could be up to 21 entrants. Ospreay’s running elbow gets two so he loads up the Tiger Driver 91 but can’t bring himself to do it. Komander comes in with the Cielito Lindo to O’Reilly…but Ospreay hits the Hidden Blade for the pin and the title shot at 18:37.

Rating: B-. This was a bit of a weird concept and it took me some time to get with it but it wound up being fun. They did a nice job of mixing in the big names with the normal names you would expect here as it made the music playing that much more of a surprise. Ospreay getting the title shot more or less guarantees he’s winning the belt and that should be about it for the Undisputed Kingdom.

Post match the Undisputed Kingdom comes out for a staredown.

Here is Chris Jericho for his big celebration as FTW Champion. The letters now mean FOR THE WORLD because he won it for the people (Taz sounds like he is about to be sick). He talks about Terry Funk wanting him to do this and also wanting to mold Hook into something better. Hook FORCED him to hit him with two Judas Effects and a baseball bat but cue Big Bill to interrupt. Bill says he needs to be part of the Learning Tree and he’ll prove his worth to Jericho, who says he’ll be watching. Jericho gets a heel stable. It’s remarkable.

Don Callis wants to know why Will Ospreay didn’t hit the tiger driver but Ospreay was worried about hurting someone. Callis says Fletcher would have lost anyway (Fletcher isn’t pleased) and says the Family is winning a title tonight.

IWGP World Title: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending and Don Callis is on commentary. Moxley kicks at the legs to start and grabs a German suplex, only to have Hobbs pop back up. A t-bone suplex puts Moxley on the floor, where Moxley sends him into the barricade. They fight into the crowd and brawl for a good while until we take a break in the middle of Schiavone talking. We come back (again in mid-sentence) with Moxley fighting out of a bearhug and hammering away in the corner (as Hobbs seems to be favoring his knee). The Paradigm Shift gets two and Moxley grabs the rear naked choke…and Hobbs is out at 10:50.

Rating: D+. This was really, really rough and probably the worst Moxley match I’ve seen in a long time. Almost half of it was spent brawling on the floor and then Moxley fought back and just won with a choke in a really flat finish. Granted it didn’t help that a grand total of no one believed Hobbs was going to win and that made it a countdown until the finish.

Post match Konosuke Takeshita comes out to signal he wants the next title shot. Moxley seems in as medics check on Hobbs.

Katsuyori Shibata is ready to take the FTW Title from Chris Jericho next week under FTW Rules.

Tony Schiavone brings in Jack Perry, so the fans sing OH CRY ME A RIVER. He talks about the great times he’s had in this place but there is business to be done. Perry requests and received Tony Khan, who he asks for a reinstatement. They shake hands and Perry decks Khan, bringing out the Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada and that means a Tony Khan Driver to Tony Khan. The Bucks thank the fans and everyone leaves (under orders of Aubrey Edwards, the real power around here). Some wrestlers come out to check on Khan with Shad Khan himself making an appearance to end the show.

I have no idea what to make of that but I don’t think it went as they planned. The fans seemed happy that Khan got beaten up and I have no idea where this is supposed to go. Presumably Tony gets some wrestlers to fight for him, but at the end of the day, this was all for Tony, the Bucks and Perry. I’m not sure how much of a bigger audience this is going to have, but it’s happening because they want it to and that’s a very risky hill to go out on.

Overall Rating: C. The show has been over for about ten minutes now and I have no idea what I just watched. This was ALL OVER the place, with the new AEW World Champion being, at best, the fourth biggest story on the show. It felt like they were trying to start the builds for Double Or Nothing and Forbidden Door at the same time while also doing the big angle at the end.

The wrestling was mostly overshadowed by some out there moves and I’m almost scared to know what happens if they don’t have the good in-ring action to lean on. I can’t say it was a terrible show and it CERTAINLY wasn’t boring, but egads this was insanity and I don’t think that is the best thing.

Swerve Strickland b. Kyle Fletcher – House Call
Mina Shirakawa b. Anna Jay – Cradle
Will Ospreay won the Double Or Nothing Gauntlet Match – Hidden Blade to Komander
Jon Moxley b. Powerhouse Hobbs – Rear naked choke



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Ring Of Honor – April 11, 2024: They’re Back

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 11, 2024
Location: Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, South Carolina
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are officially done with Supercard Of Honor and the big story is a new World Champion as Mark Briscoe dethroned Eddie Kingston. That should make for something interesting going forward, but none of that matters if the new champ is barely ever around here. Hopefully the show keeps up its shorter run times as they have helped a lot. Let’s get to it.

Here is Supercard Of Honor if you need a recap.

Supercard Of Honor recap.

Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe toast themselves following their win. And they like each other! They’re ready for the House Of Black at Dynasty.

Isiah Kassidy vs. Action Andretti

Marq Quen is here too. Kassidy hammers away to start but gets taken down with a running headscissors. They head outside where Kassidy pounds him down again and nails a whip into the barricade. Kassidy gets to mock him a bit, followed by an elbow to the face back inside. Andretti fights up and hits a backbreaker into a neckbreaker to send Kassidy outside.

The big dive connects and Andretti puts him down for two back inside. Kassidy cutters him to the floor, setting up a Swan Dive for a near fall of his own. The Twist of Fate is countered and Andretti hits a Disaster Kick for a rather close two. Quen offers a distraction so Andretti dives into a cutter for an even nearer near fall. They go up top where Andretti backflips out of a super Side Effect (cool) and hits a dropkick into the corner. The split legged moonsault puts Kassidy away at 9:57.

Rating: B. We’ll file this under “who saw THAT coming” as a tag guy and a lower level star like Andretti had a heck of a match. Those were some great near falls and I actually wasn’t sure who was going to win until the end. I can go for more stuff like this around here as it was far better than I would have guessed.

The Kingdom, with Wardlow, are happy with their win at Supercard of Honor.

The Infantry say you can’t stop them and they’re still coming.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Kaz Jordan/Julian Ward

Moriarty pulls Ward into a quickly broken abdominal stretch before knocking Jordan off the apron. Taylor comes in to throw Jordan into the corner for a heck of a clothesline. Something close to a chokeslam puts Jordan down again and it’s a headbutt to make it worse. The Marcus Garvey Driver finishes for Taylor at 3:37.

Rating: C. Nothing but a squash here as the Promotions continue to dominate. In theory that should get them a title shot, but that isn’t likely to happen as long as the Kingdom has the titles. It would be nice to see them go somewhere other than doing nothing matches on AEW, but there are some weird moves between the two rosters.

We look at Billie Starkz faking a neck injury to win the Women’s TV Title.

Starkz shows the title to her mom, who is not happy with how Starkz won the match. Athena is a bad influence and Starkz is stunned. She goes over to Athena to celebrate instead.

Nyla Rose vs. Kat Von Heez

Rose powers her into the corner to start and a Hennig neck snap makes it worse for Heez. A backsplash and frog splash finish for Rose at 1:04.

We look at Kyle Fletcher retaining the TV Title over Lee Johnson.

Johnson is happy with his performance because he got here, meaning he didn’t lose.

Fletcher is glad to be back after his visa issues.

Cole Karter vs. Christopher Daniels

Karter takes him down to start and Daniels even shakes his hand. Daniels is back up with a slam of his own but Karter hits a running clothesline for two. A dropkick gives Karter two and the chinlock goes on. With that broken up, Karter pops up and hits another dropkick, allowing him to strike a pose in the corner. Back up and Daniels hits an STO but the Angel’s Wings is broken up. Daniels avoids a top rope cannonball though and grabs Angel’s Wings for the pin at 5:24.

Rating: C. So Karter and Griff Garrison beat the Spanish Announce Project at Supercard but then Karter loses to CHRISTOPHER DANIELS the following week? Do you have any idea how low you have sunk to lose to Daniels at this point in his career? The match was fine, but it’s almost confusing to see what they did here.

We look at Dalton Castle winning the Fight Without Honor at Supercard, thanks to an assist from Paul Walter Hauser.

Hauser reveals that he was offered a chance to hang out with Johnny TV but Johnny offering a bunch of Boys made it feel weird.

Righteous vs. Bryce Donovan/Chico Adams

Vincent runs Adams over with a forearm to start and Dutch comes in with the legdrop. Donovan gets the tag and cleans a few of the rooms, only to get caught in Autumn Sunshine for the pin at 2:48. Nothing much to this one.

We look at Athena retaining the Women’s Title (again) over Hikaru Shida at Supercard.

Anna Jay vs. LMK

Feeling out process to start with Jay taking her into the corner for some chops. A few more strikes set up a Blockbuster, followed by a Gory Bomb to finish LMK off at 2:27.

Mina Shirakawa praises Mariah May for her win at Supercard and kisses her. Champagne is toasted.

Josh Woods is ready to hurt people as part of the Premiere Athletes.

Zak Knight vs. Alvin Alvarez

Knight spears him down for two to start and rains down some right hands in the corner. The good sized Alvin gets in a shot of his own but Knight suplexes him down. The running forearm sets up a Falcon Arrow….for two. Alvin fights up and the crowd is behind him, only for a clothesline to finish for Knight at 2:29.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Rhett Titus

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning that if Titus survives the ten minute time limit or wins, he gets a future TV Title shot. Fletcher won’t shake hands and instead slams Titus down to start. Titus is sent to the apron but comes back with a slingshot shoulder. Fletcher knocks him down again and works on the arm, only to get reversed into a slingshot suplex. The big dropkick has Fletcher in trouble and a backbreaker makes it worse. Titus’ belly to belly sets up a half crab but Fletcher slips out. A snap German suplex into a half and half suplex into the piledriver finish Titus at 5:05.

Rating: C+. Titus is one of those guys from the older days of Ring Of Honor and he can still have a nice match here or there. It’s the kind of win that gives Fletcher a boost as he has to rebuild things up a bit after his visa hiatus. It’s a nice way to go for a main event and having one Proving Ground match work before made it feel that much more possible here.

Overall Rating: B-. This is a few weeks now with a far better length show and that has helped things tremendously. They fit eight matches into a little over 65 minutes here while also doing a bunch of promos. Outside of the opener and maybe the main event, the wrestling wasn’t anything noteworthy, but they featured some people and didn’t overstay their welcome. This Ring Of Honor works and if they keep that up, we could be in for a nice run.

Action Andretti b. Isiah Kassidy – Split legged moonsault
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Kaz Jordan/Julian Ward – Marcus Garvey Driver to Jordan
Nyla Rose b. Kat Von Heez – Frog splash
Christopher Daniels b. Cole Karter – Angel’s Wings
Righteous b. Bryce Donovan/Chico Adams – Autumn Sunshine to Adams
Anna Jay b. LMK – Gory Bomb
Zak Knight b. Alvin Alvarez – Clothesline
Kyle Fletcher b. Rhett Titus – Piledriver

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AEW Battle Of The Belts X: This Again

Battle Of The Belts X
Date: April 13, 2024
Location: Truist Arena, Highland Heights, Kentucky
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re back for another one of these things and that could go in a few directions. The card is focused on titles, but in this case there are no actual AEW titles on the line. Instead we have an unsanctioned title, an ROH title, and a title eliminator match. That’s quite the way to go so let’s get to it.

We open with fallout from the end of Collision, with the Don Callis Family laying out Bryan Danielson on the ramp.

Hook is asked about his title defense against Shane Taylor. Katsuyori Shibata, through the translator, says he has his back, but Hook respectfully has this.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Shane Taylor

Hook is defending under FTW Rules. The early strikes only get Hook so far but he low bridges Taylor out to the floor. The hard knees to the chest have Taylor in more trouble but Taylor drops him with a shot to the ribs back inside. Taylor starts in on the ribs, which he drapes across the top rope as we take a break.

Back with Taylor hitting a legdrop on the apron and pounding him down into the corner. Hook won’t quit so Taylor whips him into the corner again. The splash misses and Hook slugs away before grabbing the German suplex. Taylor is back with a release Rock Bottom out of the corner though and a middle rope splash gets two. Taylor can’t believe it but Hook grabs the Redrum, with even a drop to the mat not being enough to keep it broken. Hook keeps cranking and Taylor is out at 10:25.

Rating: C+. Classic big vs. little man match here with Hook hanging in there until the end and choking Taylor out. It was feeling like the Bayley vs. Nia Jax match from Takeover: London a good many years ago and that is not a bad thing. Hook gets to slay a monster and Taylor isn’t going to lose any status by putting Hook over here.

Rocky Romero is ready for Roderick String. Kyle O’Reilly comes in to wish him luck.

Roderick Strong vs. Rocky Romero

Non-title and the Undisputed Era is here with Strong. They fight over wrist control to start and then grapple to the mat with neither being able to get that far ahead. A running hurricanrana sends Strong into the corner and Romero starts in on the arm. Strong’s arm is fine enough to grab a backbreaker but Romero is back with a running basement dropkick. Romero sends him outside for a double stomp off the apron and we take a break.

Back with Romero fighting out of a chinlock and kicking him out to the floor. Romero hits some dives to take out Strong and company, followed by a standing Sliced Bread for two. Strong hits the Sick Kick for two of his own but Romero snaps off a hurricanrana into a tornado DDT. They go up top with a super Sliced Bread giving Romero two more. Romero goes up top but dives into a jumping knee to retain Strong’s title at 11:39.

Rating: C+. So Strong beats him clean with a jumping knee to the face. Why then was this match on a show about championships non-title? Anyway, it was another match where the people involved will all but guarantee that it’s at least decent but the idea of Romero winning a title in AEW isn’t the most plausible concept.

Post match Kyle O’Reilly comes in to check on Romero but the Undisputed Era comes in to lay O’Reilly out.

Serena Deeb would love to face Yuka Sakazaki and needs to climb the rankings so they can fight.

Ring Of Honor Women’s Title: Athena vs. Red Velvet

Athena, with her minion Billie Starkz (and with other minion Lexi Nair handling the ring introductions), is defending. They fight over a lockup to start until velvet snaps off some armdrags. Velvet knocks her outside for a moonsault off the apron but a belly to back suplex onto the apron drops Velvet right back down.

We take a break and come back with Velvet hitting some running knees against the ropes. Athena grabs a fireman’s carry, only to have Velvet snap off a hurricanrana to escape. Velvet flips her off the top and kicks Athena in the head, setting up a tornado DDT. Athena is back up and they crash out to the floor, where Athena sends her into the apron. Back in and Velvet grabs a rollup for two but Athena hits her in the face. The O Face (top rope Stunner) retains the title at 12:44.

Rating: C. The only good thing here was getting to see Athena having a chance on the main show (or at least in AEW) rather than being stuck in ROH forever. It worked well enough as Velvet is pretty low in the division, but she wasn’t the point here. Athena needs to be up in AEW already, but for some reason it just hasn’t happened yet.

Post match Athena and Starkz beat Velvet down but Queen Aminata comes in for the save. Aminata stares at Athena and kicks her to the floor to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. And this is the latest Battle Of The Belts, as it continues to feel like AEW is going “erg, we have to do this again?”. This show managed to not actually feature any AEW titles being defended, including a non-title match on a show about titles. The big story here was a likely match between Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong being set up, which doesn’t quite feel like it needed an hour long special. As usual, the shows aren’t terrible, but they feel so detached from everything that matters in AEW. I know it gets a small audience, but maybe that would change if they, I don’t know, tried?

Hook b. Shane Taylor – Redrum
Roderick Strong b. Rocky Romero – Jumping knee
Athena b. Red Velvet – O Face



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Rampage – April 12, 2024: A Point Would Be Nice

Date: April 12, 2024
Location: Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, West Virginia
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Chris Jericho

It’s another week around here and hopefully there will be less eight month old footage included. With a little over a week to go before Dynasty, there is only so much time left to build up the card, though thankfully most of the matches are made. Maybe we get something new this week so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy vs. Alex Reynolds

John Silver is here with Reynolds. Silver and Reynolds hug at the start to mess with Cassidy, who is going through a best friend breakup. Cassidy knocks him outside and sends him into the steps, with Silver getting taken out as well. Reynolds heads back inside for a distraction, allowing Silver to grab a brainbuster onto the floor. Cassidy goes back in but gets sent outside again, only to come back in with a sunset flip for two.

Reynolds knocks him down again though and we take a break. Back with Cassidy Hulking Up and dropkicking him into the corner for the stomping. There’s a dive onto Silver but the distraction lets Reynolds grab a Cactus piledriver for two. A super Stunner (Whippersnapper for you old fans) connects for Reynolds but he dives onto Silver by mistake. Back in and Cassidy decks him with the Orange Punch for the pin at 10:35.

Rating: C+. This was built around the idea of Cassidy coming back to the ring after the big betrayal and it was pretty much a run of the mill match. Cassidy basically being up against two people makes sense as he’s on his own without his friend so the match made sense. Reynolds doesn’t get much time on his own in the ring so it was nice to see for a change, especially that Stunner.

Post match Cassidy is asked about Trent Beretta turning on him but here is Beretta to interrupt. Chuck Taylor pops up to scare Beretta off but leaves instead of siding with Cassidy either.

Anna Jay wants this place to be more serious. Stardom’s AZM comes in to say she doesn’t think much of Toni Storm.

TBS Title: Julia Hart vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hart is defending and Brody King is banned from ringside. Hirsch stats fast by sending her to the floor but Hart is right there with a forearm to the face from the outside. Back in and Hart chokes on the ropes before sending her into the buckle. Hirsch pulls her out of the air and then sends her outside, with Hart coming up holding her arm. Back in and Hart hits a quick kick into a small package to retain at 3:14.

Rating: C. That definitely felt like an injury at the end and that’s not a good thing. Hart was sent outside and they went home almost immediately. I’m not sure what’s going to happen if she’s hurt long term, but that was a nasty way to wrap up the show. Hirsch didn’t get a chance to showcase herself, though it is hard to fathom the match was supposed to go that fast and end that way.

Don Callis doesn’t care if his Family beats Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli tomorrow. Instead, he just wants Danielson hurt before he faces Will Ospreay at Dynasty.

Angelo Parker vs. Zak Knight

Saraya and Harley Cameron are here with Knight and Parker jumps him in the aisle before the bell. Knight slugs away on the floor and Parker is busted open. They get inside anyway and the bell rings but Parker is quickly knocked into the corner. We take an early break and come back with Parker hitting a running Blockbuster, setting up an implant DDT.

The women offer a distraction and are quickly ejected, allowing Knight to hit a quick powerbomb for two. Knight shouts that he’ll take good care of Ruby and that’s enough to fire Parker up for the comeback. Not that it matters as a running forearm finishes for Knight at 7:44.

Rating: C. I was wondering how they would give Parker the win over a beast like Knight and that was the answer: they didn’t do it. One of the next steps is a Ruby Soho getting back together with Parker to focus him for a rematch but that doesn’t feel likely fro here. Or they all just move on and pretend this never happened.

Kyle O’Reilly wants to face Rocky Romero, who says they can do it after he wins the International Title. Romero leaves and Roderick Strong comes in to seem unhappy with O’Reilly wanting the title. O’Reilly says it would be cool to be champ, but Strong says he can’t be International Champ.

Video on the Blackpool Combat Club vs. the Don Callis Family.

Jay White vs. Matt Sydal

The Gunns are here with White and yes this is the main event. They fight over control in the corner until Sydal kicks away at the leg. A kick to the leg and a spinning kick to the face have White down again, followed by a headscissors to send him outside. The Meteora off the apron drops White but he’s back up to drop Sydal face first onto the apron.

We take a break and come back with White holding him in a chinlock. Sydal fights up and hits a jumping knee to the face, followed by a question mark kick for two. A rollup gets two more but White is back with the swinging Rock Bottom. The Bladerunner is countered into a poisonrana but White is right back with the Bladerunner for the pin at 11:25.

Rating: C+. Unlike the previous match, this was a good enough match but it feels so meaningless. White is in a six man team while Sydal is a jobber to the stars. That doesn’t make for much of a main event but at least they had a nice match. Just find a way to make it feel more important next time.

Overall Rating: C. While the wrestling itself is fine, Rampage has turned into a chore to watch. The wrestling is fine but here you had Orange Cassidy beating a member of a comedy stable, a TBS Title match that wouldn’t have felt important even if Hart’s shoulder had been ok, the first match in a long running story and an ok main event. Nothing on here felt overly important and that makes for a pretty long hour of wrestling. If you really like AEW and anything it does you’ll have a good time, but otherwise it’s the most skippable show going today (yes, even more than Ring Of Honor).

Orange Cassidy b. Alex Reynolds – Orange Punch
Julia Hart b. Leyla Hirsch – Small package
Zak Knight b. Angelo Parker – Running forearm
Jay White b. Matt Sydal – Bladerunner



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