Rampage – March 31, 2023: The Lost Show

Date: March 31, 2023
Location: Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, Chris Jericho

It’s time for the show that is stuck in the middle of the biggest weekend of the wrestling year. In this case, it’s going to be hard to find something that gets a lot of attention and there is a very real chance that AEW might punt here and wait for more eyes to be on them. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Sammy Guevara

Guevara has Tay Melo with him. Guevara gets on commentary’s nerves to start but Takeshita knocks him back a bit. Takeshita takes the leg out to put Guevara down and even strikes his pose as we see Darby Allin watching in the back. Guevara drops Takeshita over the top rope and hits a big top rope flip dive to take him down again.

Back in and Takeshita kicks him to the floor instead, setting up the big no hands flip dive. They both go up top with Guevara biting his way out of a German superplex. There’s a running stomp to bring Takeshita out of the Tree of Woe and we take a break. Back with Takeshita reversing a brainbuster into one of his own and grabbing a German suplex.

Guevara flips out of another one though and catches Takeshita in a standing Spanish Fly for two. Takeshita pulls him out of the air for a Blue Thunder Bomb for two and goes up top. That’s cut off by Guevara but Takeshita knocks him off the top. A hard clothesline connects but Melo grabs Takeshita’s ankle, allowing Guevara to hit the GTH for the pin at 9:41.

Rating: C+. This was about Guevara getting his win to match the rest of the Four Pillars, meaning that he might be on the way to Double Or Nothing for a World Title match as well. For now though, what matters is that Guevara keeps his momentum, but Takeshita taking another loss isn’t the best thing to see. Just let him beat someone important, please?

And now, QTV (JR: Really?”), with a discussion of who should be the next challenger for Powerhouse Hobbs. That doesn’t last long so QT Marshall talks about debuting the Dirt Sheet Driver, which he stole from Japan, so “the marks already love it”. Maybe he could hit it four times in a row and call it the Dirt Sheet Symphony. This is still rather bad.

Matt Hardy has drawn up Ethan Page’s contract for his match with Hook on Dynamite. Page doesn’t know what’s in it but signs (as Hook has already done). Hardy even winks at the camera as Page signs.

Best Friends vs. House Of Black

Trent hits a standing Meteora on Black to start and drives him into the corner. Chuck comes in but Trent gets knocked off the apron, leaving Chuck on his own against both monsters. King lariats Chuck down for two and sends Trent outside to keep up the beating. We take a break and come back with Trent getting the hot tag to clean house.

Trent hits the big running flip dive to drop King on the floor, followed by a missile dropkick to Black for two. The half and half Soul Food combination drops Black again but King is back in to…get low bridged to the floor actually. Everyone heads outside and King powerbombs Chuck through the table. Trent hits King with a chair and it’s a double DQ at 9:24.

Rating: C. The match was only so logical as I’m not sure why the House Of Black was needing this long to take out the Best Friends. The House Of Black has a bad tendency to not fight like monsters and they only did so much of it here. It’s not like the Best Friends should be squashed, but this was more even than it should have been.

Post match the beatdown stays on so Orange Cassidy comes out for the save….and gets laid out on the stage by Buddy Matthews.

Video on Keith Lee vs. Swerve Strickland. Note that the team split in November and they haven’t had a singles match yet.

Marina Shafir vs. Taya Valkyrie

Cue Jade Cargill and company to watch as Shafir goes with the grappling to start. Taya powers up and knocks Shafir away, setting up a quick Road To Valhalla for the pin at 2:37. More of the same from Taya.

Post match Mark Sterling sends the process server (Tootie) to the ring to sue Taya, who gives her Road To Valhalla as well.

Anna Jay is ticked off at Julia Hart for mocking her broken ribs. Jay: “I have a fat a** and a bad attitude.” She promises to choke Hart out. Jay is a lot of things, but a good talker isn’t one of them.

Juice Robinson is ready to beat up Action Andretti on his way to facing Ricky Starks.

Here’s what’s coming on future shows.

Action Andretti vs. Juice Robinson

Andretti starts fast by climbing the corner for a springboard armdrag. Robinson takes him into the corner and chops away while shouting about Ricky Starks. A headscissors drops Robinson though and we take a break. Back with Robinson hitting a gutbuster and driving a knee into the ribs. Robinson whips him into the corner as Excalibur talks about how Robinson has been using his power to keep control (point for telling the story). Andretti manages to send him outside for an Asai moonsault, setting up a springboard clothesline back inside. Robinson kicks him in the face though and hits the forward DDT for the pin at 9:02.

Rating: C+. We’ve pretty much reached the point now where Andretti is little more than a jobber to the stars, which is about all you could have expected from him. He wasn’t going to become the next bit thing off of one upset win so just being around is about all he could have expected. As for Robinson…he’s just kind of there as well and seems to be someone that Ricky Starks happens to be dealing with at the moment. Maybe that gets better, but for now he’s just ok.

Post match Ricky Starks runs in to chase Robinson off to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Pretty ho hum show here with some decent action. There’s only so much you’re going to be able to get with Guevara as the top singles star in action on the show, but at least they did seem to set up something with the Best Friends and Orange Cassidy vs. the House of Black. Other than that, a watchable yet not exactly must see show, which is pretty much Rampage to the letter.

Sammy Guevara b. Konosuke Takeshita – GTH
Best Friends vs. House Of Black went to a double DQ
Taya Valkyrie b. Marina Shafir – Road To Valhalla
Juice Robinson b. Action Andretti – Forward DDT



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Rampage – January 13, 2023: It’s A Gusher

Date: January 13, 2023
Location: Kia Forum, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We’re still in Los Angeles and you know that is going to mean a big show. I’m not sure what all it is going to entail but that is some of the fun of Rampage. This week’s Dynamite was a strong show so they have a lot to live up to this week. If nothing else, there is a street fight so that means violence. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

TNT Title: Juice Robinson vs. Darby Allin

Allin is defending. Feeling out process to start with Robinson grabbing a waistlock to send the champ to the ropes. A headlock slows Robinson down but he grabs a belly to back suplex to escape. The backsplash only hits knees though and Allin is back with another headlock. This time Robinson sends him up and over the top for a nasty crash to the floor, followed by some whips into various hard things. A drop onto the steps rocks Allin again and we take a break.

Back with Allin shrugging off the snap jabs and sending Robinson outside for the suicide dive. They get back in, where Robinson leg lariats him down for two, meaning frustration is setting in. Now the backsplash can connect for two and a fireman’s carry gutbuster gets the same. Allin hits a Code Red for a fast two but gets crotched on top for a middle rope clothesline. Robinson takes him up top but the superplex is countered into a super Scorpion Death Drop (that looked GREAT). The Coffin Drop retains the title at 11:45.

Rating: B-. More solid work here and it’s nice to have Allin face someone closer to his size for a change. He’s great as the giant killer but you have to mix it up every so often. The important thing is that the fans love him and are completely behind him, meaning everything he does receives quite the energetic response.

Post match Sting comes out to celebrate. Kind of a weird cameo there as he didn’t do anything.

Powerhouse Hobbs is ready to spread ashes over everyone.

Here is the Acclaimed to accept their stars on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. The team is VERY happy to be here (as Bowens lives in Los Angeles) and want the scissors held high. They want everyone to come after them to know that EVERYONE LOVES THE ACCLAIMED. They put the scissors down in the cement….and the Gunns interrupt, because this feud is still going.

The Gunns say the Acclaimed is only popular because they stole Billy Gunn. Billy agrees (with a huge wink at the Acclaimed) and thinks the Gunns should get to put their prints in the cement. The Gunns go to do so and get their pants removed, allowing certain parts of them to be shoved into the cement.

Mogul Affiliates introduces another rapper to talk about how great they are.

House Of Black vs. Ortiz/Eddie Kingston

Malakai Black/Brody King for the House here. Ortiz strikes away at King to start and can’t get very far. A front facelock works a bit better for Ortiz as he brings King over for the tag to Kingston. Black comes in and gets chopped hard enough that he needs a walk around the ring. They both miss spinning shots to the face and sit down for a staredown as we take a break.

Back with King hitting a Cannonball on Kingston but Kingston manages a knockdown of his own. Ortiz comes in sans tag for a jumping DDT on Black, leaving Kingston to grab a suplex for two. Kingston’s spinning backfist misses though and Black hits a jumping knee. King tries to come in but gets sent outside and here are Buddy Matthews and Julia Hart.

The former brings in a chair, which Kingston takes away and uses to threaten Julia (who hits some Melina level high notes in a scream). Kingston doesn’t swing but Ortiz yells at him anyway, with Kingston saying he thought it was Black. The distraction lets Black kick Kingston’s head off and shove Ortiz down, allowing him to pin Kingston at 9:46.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to see the House Of Black winning here, though I’m still not sure why this feud is supposed to be interesting. Kingston is better on his own but he’s no Santana when it comes to being Ortiz’s partner. The match got going by the end and worked, though the stuff with the chair could have gone a bit more smoothly.

Black seems to say Ortiz did well, though it’s not clear if Ortiz heard him.

Jade Cargill doesn’t like the idea of Red Velvet and fires her from the Baddies. Hadn’t she already left?

Actor Paul Walter Hauser is here to talk about how much he loves wrestling and always bypasses Connecticut to come to Jacksonville. You never know what is going to happen here and here is Danhausen. Since Hauser (a recent Golden Globe winner, with the trophy in hand) wants to talk about awards, Danhausen brings up being the #1 merchandise seller last year.

After thanking the fans, Danhausen asks if he can have the Golden Globe. Cue Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh to interrupt, but Hauser says this isn’t Memphis. Hauser says Jarrett looks like a woman who owns a Crunch Fitness and he never plays that guitar.

The other guys look like they are dressed for a home school prom, which is enough for the villains to beat Hauser down, leaving Singh to stand in front of Danhausen in the corner. The guitar shot drops Hauser but Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends run in for the save. Why the villains, who are even in numbers and have a SEVEN FOOT FOUR GIANT, runs isn’t clear. They do steal the Golden Globe though.

We recap Tay Melo/Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale/Ruby Soho. They’ve hurt each other so now it’s a street fight.

Mark Henry doesn’t even bother interviewing the women because it’s time to get violent.

Tay Melo/Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale/Ruby Soho

Street fight so Nightingale jumps Melo and Jay from behind with a hockey stick. They set up a table next to the stage but the fight heads down to ringside instead. Nightingale and Melo fight on top and fall to the floor as commentary talks about everything else. Soho got busted open somewhere in there as Jay jumps off the apron to stomp a trashcan around Nightingale.

We take a break and come back with an assisted Gory Bomb sending Nightingale into trashcan for two. The barbed wire is busted out to choke Nightingale but Soho makes the save with a chain. Jay trashcan lids Soho (whose face is COVERED in blood) hard and piles up some chairs but Nightingale turns it into a Tower of Doom. Melo gets a chair shot to Nightingale to save Jay in the corner. Nightingale sends Melo outside though and it’s a Cannonball into a trashcan into Jay for two. Everyone goes to the floor and it’s No Future to Melo.

Another table is set up at ringside as Nightingale and Jay fight up the ramp. Nightingale grabs a Batista Bomb off the stage and through the table….which Jay COMPLETELY MISSES, sending her straight onto the floor as Nightingale crashes through the able instead. Back at ringside and Melo piledrives Soho through the table for two, giving us a well earned shocked face. It’s thumbtacks time because of course it is but Soho throws some of them into Melo’s face. Destination Unknown finishes Melo at 12:34.

Rating: B. This is the definition of a “your mileage may vary” match, as the four of them beat the fire out of each other. That Soho cut was absolutely sick though and one of the worst looking ones I’ve seen in a lot time. What mattered was it felt like they were wanting to hurt each other and end this, but EGADS learn how to place a table. That Jay landing shouldn’t have happened and could have been made a lot better than it was otherwise.

Soho and Nightingale show respect to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Well it was certainly an energetic and eclectic show, even if there was very little that felt like it mattered long term. If AEW isn’t going to turn this into a show that matters, having an energized supplement is about as good as it is going to be. I had a good time with it though and the main event was definitely different enough to stand out. Good show, though AEW might want to try to find a way to have something a little more important on here occasionally.

Darby Allin b. Juice Robinson – Coffin Drop
House Of Black b. Eddie Kingston/Ortiz – Black Mass to Kingston
Ruby Soho/Willow Nightingale b. Anna Jay/Tay Melo – Destination Unknown into thumbtacks to Melo



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Dynamite – December 28, 2022: One After Another

Date: December 28, 2022
Location: 1st Bank Center, Broomfield, Colorado
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s another stacked show this week with another Death Triangle vs. Elite match, plus the TNT Title is on the line as Samoa Joe defends against Wardlow. Other than that, we are going to hear from MJF, but Bryan Danielson might have something to say about him. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson vs. Ethan Page

Stokely Hathaway is here with Page…and hang on as here is MJF in a sky box to watch. The distraction lets Page jump Danielson, with MJF having his own mic to mock him for a bonus. Page hits a slam but Danielson is right back with a running clothesline. The chops rock Page and the kicks in the corner make it even worse. Page knocks him back down but Danielson manages to knock him off the top.

The top rope dropkick drops Page but Danielson has to knock Hathaway’s hat off. The distraction doesn’t work for Page, who gets dropkicked to the floor. Page gets in a cheap shot on the floor though and we take a break. Back with Danielson missing the running knee off the apron, thanks to Hathaway shoving Page out of the way.

A powerslam on the floor plants Danielson again and they head back inside, where Danielson grabs a tornado DDT. The LeBell Lock goes on but Page gets a boot on the rope for the save. They head up top again where Danielson fires off the hammer and anvil elbows, only to be reversed into a super powerslam for two. The Ego’s Edge is broken up though and it’s the running knee into the stomps to Page’s head. Danielson grabs a Regal Stretch for the tap at 16:21.

Rating: B. Danielson got in a good win here and made Page look maybe as good as he ever has. Page continues to be a perfectly fine hand in the ring and someone who can do good things under the right circumstances. Working with Danielson is about as good of a set of circumstances as you can find, so this was a very solid match between two talented guys.

Video on Wardlow vs. Samoa Joe.

Wardlow is ready for Joe, who runs in and blasts Wardlow in the knee with a pipe.

Hangman Page doesn’t think much of Renee Paquette asking about his concussion status but apologizes for being rude. He still isn’t cleared, but has to be held back from going to fight Jon Moxley right now. The doctor says he’s on the right track though and he could be back in the ring in about two weeks. Page seems to approve, albeit impatiently.

Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Top Flight

Top Flight clears the ring to start but their dives don’t work so well as both of them are sent into the barricade. Back in and we officially start with Castagnoli slamming Darius, allowing Moxley to come in and kick him in the ribs. Darius manages to get over to Dante for the tag and some of the house is cleaned. The Club is in trouble and we take an early break. Back with Dante having to avoid the Swing but Darius gets caught in it instead.

That leaves Dante to jump over the swinging Darius (that was awesome) until he can make the save. Castagnoli suplexes Top Flight at the same time but a superkick cuts him off. A springboard Downward Spiral plants Castagnoli with Moxley (holding his knee) having to make the save.

Everything breaks down and Darius reverses the uppercut into a backslide for two. The Neutralizer hits Darius….for two, with Castagnoli giving us a well deserved stunned kickout face. Castagnoli hammer and anvil elbows Darius as Moxley Paradigm Shifts Dante on the floor. Darius tries to fight up but gets BLASTED with an uppercut to give Castagnoli the pin at 13:21.

Rating: B+. This is a prime example of a team getting a lot out of a loss, as Top Flight just hung with two World Champions. The Club felt like they had to work for this one and that is a great way to go. I was way into this one and the idea of Top Flight pulling off the huge upset wasn’t out of the cards. Very good stuff here and it accomplished its goal as well as possible.

Moxley applauds Dante after the match and Castagnoli looks impressed with Darius.

Kip Sabian wants one more match with Orange Cassidy but Trent says he tossed Sabian so he should get the shot. That’s apparently official for Rampage.

Hook vs. Baylum Lynx

Non-title, suplexes, crossface shots, Redrum finishes for Hook at 55 seconds.

Post match the Firm comes out to stare down Hook but Jack Perry comes out to even things up a bit. Perry takes Lee Moriarty down as Hook stares Big Bill down. Hook can’t t-bone him but Perry comes in with a 2×4 shot to Big Bill’s back to send him running. Hook seems appreciative.

We look at Chris Jericho’s recent issues, including with Ricky Starks.

Jericho is ready for Starks on January 4 and brags about burning Action Andretti last week.

Swerve Strickland brags about Mogul Affiliates but still doesn’t name the tattooed guy. Wheeler Yuta comes in to talk about violence and gets a match with Swerve on Rampage.

Elite vs. Death Triangle

Match #6 in the best of seven series with Death Triangle up 3-2. This is Falls Count Anywhere so they start the brawl in the back, with the fight going from a hall into what looks to be catering. Pac moonsaults off a pile onto a bunch of people, followed by Nick diving off what looks to be some risers for a flip dive through Penta and a table with snacks.

They go into the arena for the first time with Fenix hitting a big corkscrew dive off the set to take the Bucks down. Omega comes in with a running knee to Fenix, leaving Pac and Matt to slug it out. Matt rolls his northern lights suplexes down the ramp and we take a break. Back with Omega in trouble in the ring and having a trashcan put over his head. A triple dropkick into the trashcan gets two but Matt is back in with a running knee to Pac in the corner.

Penta superkicks Matt and hits the Sling Blade. Matt hits a destroyer but Fenix hits a frog splash. Omega is back in with the snapdragon to Pac to leave everyone down. Penta double stomps Omega on the floor for two with the Bucks making a save. Back in and Penta takes out both Bucks, setting up the flip dive to Omega and Michael Nakazawa on the floor.

The running Meltzer Driver off the apron plants Penta on the floor with Pac making the save. Back in and the BTE Trigger gets two more on Penta with Pac making another save. Matt superkicks Nick by mistake, allowing Pac to grab the Brutalizer. At the same time, Kenny One Winged Angels Fenix off a platform through a table for the pin at 17:15.

Rating: B. The match was a lot of fun and pure energy, but it was one of those matches where you knew the result from the second the Elite went down 3-1. That being said, that was a heck of a creative finish and it fit into the match they were having. Now just get this feud over with already so they can move on to ANYTHING else.

The Acclaimed raps about Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal, complete with a Global Force reference, plus a reference to losing to Ric Flair in Flair’s Last Match. Look this up as it was hilarious.

Anna Jay/Tay Melo vs. Ruby Soho/Willow Nightingale

Nightingale can’t quite get to Melo to start so it’s off to Jay. That’s fine with Ruby, who hammers away at the face to try and even the broken nose score. Nightingale comes back in to waistlock Melo but gets taken down as we take a break. Back with Nightingale fighting out of trouble and handing it back to Ruby to hammer on Melo’s face again.

No Future gets two on Melo and Anna pump kicks Nightingale. With Nightingale and Anna on the floor, Melo and Soho headbutt each other down. The referee yells at Nightingale and Jay, leaving Melo to throw a chair at Ruby. Soho holds onto it so Melo can hit a kick to the chair, followed by the Tay KO (with the knee not really getting close to connecting) for the pin at 11:56.

Rating: C. This didn’t exactly work, as the whole thing was about Soho getting her revenge. Not only did her finisher only get two, but then she took the pin after a not so great ending. I’m not sure what the thinking was here, but hopefully it isn’t setting up Jay and Melo as the first Women’s Tag Team Champions.

The Gunn Club leaves rather than deal with FTR.

Here’s what is coming on various shows.

Ricky Starks is ready to beat Chris Jericho next week.

TNT Title: Samoa Joe vs. Wardlow

Joe is defending but hold on because there is no Wardlow. As Joe mocks the Denver Broncos, here is a limping Wardlow for the opening bell. Joe hammers away until a spinebuster cuts him off. The Rock Bottom out of the corner plants Wardlow but he’s right back with a hard clothesline. A shot to the knee cuts Wardlow off again though and we take a break.

Back with Wardlow getting back in despite the doctor not exactly approving. Joe goes after the knee again but Wardlow fights up and knocks him down. The Swanton gets two on Joe, followed by a Whisper in the Wind for the same. Wardlow’s wind up clothesline gets two more but Joe gets in a kick to the ribs. Joe hammers away in the corner until a powerbomb plants him down. Wardlow loads up the Powerbomb Symphony but the knee gives out. The Koquina Clutch goes on and Wardlow is out at 11:51.

Rating: B. It was a good fight, with Wardlow trying to get through the pain but coming up short. If you ignore Wardlow losing again and him being able to do Jeff Hardy’s signature stuff on one leg, this felt like a big time brawl. The knee injury lets Wardlow have an out and probably sets up a rematch, but he better win something bigger soon, as this has been a rough few months.

Post match Wardlow eventually gets up but Joe knocks him down again. With Wardlow out, Joe finds some scissors in a toolbox, headbutts the referee, and cuts off Wardlow’s hair. Then Darby Allin comes out with a skateboard shot to Joe’s back to clear the ring and end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. There were some questionable booking moves here, but dang you are not going to find a much better collection of matches in a two hour TV show. This was one show stealer after another and the two hours flew by. Great show here to wrap up the year, as things have seemed a bit more focused in the last few weeks.

Bryan Danielson b. Ethan Page – Regal Stretch
Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli b. Top Flight – Uppercut to Darius
Hook b. Baylum Lynx – Redrum
Elite b. Death Triangle – One Winged Angel through a table to Fenix
Anna Jay/Tay Melo b. Ruby Soho/Willow Nightingale – Koquina Clutch
Samoa Joe b. Wardlow – Koquina Clutch



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Dynamite – November 30, 2022: They Got Me

Date: November 30, 2022
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’ll wrap up the month here as MJF should be here for the first time as World Champion. That alone should be a heck of a moment, but we also need to get more of the build towards Final Battle out of the way. There isn’t much set for the show but that should change this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Jon Moxley to get things going. He talks about working to get here and what a wild ride it has been. There are three constants in life: death, taxes and Jon Moxley. No one can out work him, out fight him, out wrestle him or anything else. There is not one man who has the guts to come out here and tell him any different….and here is the returning Hangman Page. Moxley asks if Page wants to do this after what happened, if he can remember it. Page comes up swinging and the fight is on, with referees and security needing multiple attempts to break it up. Nice return here as it felt like a bit deal.

Bryan Danielson vs. Dax Harwood

They go technical to start as the fans are way into this from the opening bell. It’s too early for either to get very far with a leglock so Danielson bails to the floor to start. Back in and Danielson tries the moonsault over into the running clothesline but Harwood is ready for him instead. Danielson sends him over the top to set up the suicide dive to send Harwood into the crowd. They slug it out from different sides of the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Harwood rolling some German suplexes before teasing a right hand to set up the piledriver for two. Harwood’s headbutt misses though and Danielson grabs la majistral for two. They head outside again and Danielson’s apron knee to the face knocks Harwood silly. Back in and Danielson can’t hit a superplex so he tries a belly to back version instead.

That’s fine with Harwood, who turns it into a high crossbody for two, leaving both of them down again. The slugout is on again until Harwood pulls him into a half crab. Without that broken up they hit the pinfall reversal sequence until Danielson gets the LeBell Lock for the tap at 14:42.

Rating: B. This is in the “well what were you expecting” category as they had two talented wrestlers have a good wrestling match. That is going to work every time and Harwood looked game in there against one of the best ever. It went very well and Danielson gets a win to continue looking great after the recent win over Sammy Guevara.

Ricky Starks is ready to win the World Title.

Hangman Page and Jon Moxley are still fighting in the parking lot.

We get a sitdown interview between the Jericho Appreciation Society (minus Chris Jericho) and the Blackpool Combat Club. The Society mocks Wheeler Yuta but Castagnoli is asked about the Final Battle main event. Jake Hager things Castagnoli would be a great sports entertainer and throws him a hat. That doesn’t go well for Castagnoli who snaps and yell about how he’s sick of this. Castagnoli leaves, so the Society issues the challenge for a tag match. Yuta accepts on Castagnoli’s behalf but he’ll take a Pure Title shot at Final Battle too.

TNT Title: AR Fox vs. Samoa Joe

Joe is defending and hammers Fox down in the corner to start. Fox comes back up with some shots to the face, only to have his legs swept out so Joe can drop a backsplash. We take a break and come back with Fox breaking up the Musclebuster. A diving tornado DDT rocks Joe and Fox kicks him in the face. Fox hits a 450 for two but Joe walks away from a Swanton attempt. The Musclebuster retains the title at 6:39.

Rating: C+. This was another match that didn’t have time to go very far, mainly because of the break in the middle. The match didn’t even last seven minutes and had three minutes of that spent on a commercial break. It’s nice to see Fox getting to showcase himself, but Joe was going to roll over his first challenger and that is more or less what happened here.

Post match Joe declares himself the king of television but Wardlow pops up on screen to say enjoy it while it lasts, because this is Wardlow’s World. Joe looks a bit concerned.

We go back to Oakland, California where Powerhouse Hobbs walks past some gambling and goes inside some kind of store. That was short.

Taz breaks down how Hook beat Lee Moriarty. I love this kind of stuff and Taz is perfect for the role.

Here is William Regal, with something under a sheet, to introduce MJF for his first comments as World Champion. MJF talks about how Regal sent him an email not too long ago, saying that MJF had become weak after he had been beaten down by the Firm. Regal thought MJF could become the best villain of all time, but Regal wanted to see MJF grab the brass ring. They met behind closed doors multiple times after that and MJF admits that Regal is a genius. Regal wanted MJF to use the brass knuckles at Full Gear so they would leave an emotional scar on Jon Moxley.

As for the Firm…..eh. He would have done the same thing, but chasing them down takes effort and that is for poor people like these fans. Speaking of things beneath him, we have this title, which makes him sick (and not just because he is in Indiana). The people who have held it before aren’t o his level, which is why the title is garbage. MJF throws it down and Regal unveils the new belt, which has the Burberry strap design.

No one deserves the title except for him, including the people these fans cheer for. MJF means people like Eddie Kingston, Ricky Starks or Bryan Danielson. Sure Danielson can wrestle his way out of a paper bag but that doesn’t mean he deserves to be a World Champion. MJF praises his boys up north, Jolly Old Saint Nick and Trips. So what happens on January 1, 2024? Maybe Hollywood wins instead of either promotion.

Anyway, the fans are going to get sick of him as champion but they’ll keep tuning in to see who can take the title off of him. During his title reign, the championship will be defended very rarely because he is a special attraction. Nine times out of ten, you’ll have to buy a pay per view to see him wrestle because his title reign is going to make Hulk Hogan, JBL and Jeff Jarrett’s seem short.

As for William Regal…..MJF knocks him silly from behind with the brass knuckles. Schiavone: “STEVE REGAL….WILLIAM!” MJF says Regal thought he had a lot to learn, but Regal is the one who made a deal with the devil. As Regal said a few years ago, when you’re a world class talent, send him your stuff. Danielson and medics run out to check on Regal, who is put in a neck brace and taken out on a stretcher. That one actually got me so very well done on not taking the expected path. The rest of the promo was a bit rambling but that ending surprise was exceptional.

Ricky Starks vs. Ari Daivari

Before the match, Ethan Page and Stokely Hathaway come out, only to have Matt Hardy interrupt. Hathaway tells Hardy to get to the back as Starks tells Hardy to help him win the Dynamite Diamond Ring battle royal next week. Then Page is cashing in the match he gets on MJF after Starks’ title shot at Winter Is Coming. Daivari jumps Starks but gets speared and Roshamboed for the pin at 22 seconds.

Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker and Rebel tell Tony Schiavone that they will be having their own sitdown interview next week on Dynamite, just like Saraya this week on Rampage.

Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale

Tay Melo is here with Jay. Nightingale takes her down for an early two and hits a backsplash in the corner. After some dancing, Nightingale hits another backsplash, only to miss a clothesline. Jay hits a running spin kick in the corner and we take a break. Back with Nightingale making the comeback, including a spinebuster for two. Jay grabs a quick Gory Bomb for two but Nightingale blocks what looked to be a Rock Bottom. A rollup gives Jay two instead but Nightingale plants her with a doctor bomb for the pin at 7:32.

Rating: C. Another short match that was cut off by unnecessary break. Nightingale getting a pin over a fairly established star like Jay is a good sign for her future as she has been needing the wins that help set her apart. Nightingale has a lot of the tools she needs to be a star but the wins are going to do more good for her than anything else.

Post match Ruby Soho makes her return and goes after Anna and Tay.

We look back at the return of the House of Black.

QT Marshall wants an All Atlantic Title shot and Orange Cassidy gives him whatever he wants with no discussion. We’ll even make it a lumberjack match. Marshall is almost annoyed at how easy that was.

Here are Jade Cargill and the Baddies for a celebration of her retaining the TBS Title. Jade talks about getting rid of the trash last week (when Kiera Hogan was fired) but wonders why the Baddies were spending time with Hogan this week. Either get in line or leave, because they eat off of her. Jade brags about how awesome she is and how she makes careers. Speaking of careers, Bow Wow is a joke…and Bow Wow pops up on screen. He’s done with his tour so he’ll be around soon. That title she has does something to him, which seems to have Jade a bit shaken. I’m no music guy, but is this supposed to be a big deal?

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows.

The Acclaimed are drilled by Billy Gunn about why they don’t have a match this week. Therefore they will give a Tag Team Title shot to the best team in AEW on Rampage. Gunn wants to know how that is possible when they’re already the best. Ok then we’ll make it the second best team. Scissoring ensues.

Death Triangle vs. Elite

Match #3 in the best of seven series, with Death Triangle up 2-0. The Elite jumps them in the aisle and the big brawl is on, only to have Pac superkick Omega out of the air as we take a break before the opening bell. Back with the fight still on the floor and the opening bell ringing. Penta cleans house and the referee gets taken out, leaving Penta to whip out the hammer.

Fenix won’t let that happen and Omega V Triggers him down, only to have the Elite come back with superkicks. The snapdragon drops Fenix but Death Triangle hit superkicks of their own. Death Triangle go up top for moonsaults to the Bucks and a double stomp to Omega. The Fear Factor gets two on Omega but Nick saves him from the Black Arrow. Matt suplexes the Bros down, leaving Pac to get up for the staredown with Omega. One heck of a super Falcon Arrow gives Pac two and we take a break.

Back with Pac snap German suplexing Omega, who blasts him with a clothesline. Fenix comes back in and has to escape the Meltzer Driver. A 450 gets two on Fenix instead with Penta making the save. Everything breaks down and Matt gets planted, leaving Penta to dive onto Omega and Nick as Penta gets two. Pac’s brainbuster gets two on Matt so it’s time to go up again. Pac loads up the Black Arrow but lands on Matt’s knees (to the banged up face) to give Matt the pin at 12:15.

Rating: B. It was another wildly insane match that was a lot of fun and that won’t stand out from their previous two matches. That was always going to be the case for the entire series and it is already happening here. The matches are total crash courses and wrestling junk food, but they are certainly fun and total action from the start to the finish. This was no exception and I’ll take the Elite winning one of the earlier matches rather than winning four in a row.

Post match Omega says there wasn’t going to be a sweep with the Cleaner around.

Overall Rating: B+. The show was book ended by a pair of good matches and the MJF surprise was right in the middle. There still isn’t much announced for Final Battle but Ring Of Honor shows have a tendency to be thrown together at the last minute anyway. This show worked because of a few very good parts, but some of the stuff in the middle was just kind of there.

Bryan Danielson b. Dax Harwood – LeBell Lock
Samoa Joe b. AR Fox – Musclebuster
Ricky Starks b. Ari Daivari – Roshambo
Willow Nightingale b. Anna Jay – Doctor bomb
Elite b. Death Triangle – Knees to Pac’s face



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Dynamite – November 23, 2022: Thanks For Giving Us Jericho

Date: November 23, 2022
Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Taz, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

It’s the first show after Full Gear and thanks to William Regal, MJF is the new World Champion. That is enough of a story to carry things for the time being, but we have more important things to get to right now: like building up a Ring Of Honor pay per view in the next few weeks. Let’s get to it.

Here is Full Gear if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

William Regal is in the ring to open things up and he lets us know the MJF isn’t here because he’s on the set of a major motion picture. MJF will explain things then, including the contents of an emails Regal sent him a few weeks ago. Cue Jon Moxley to rather slowly interrupt, meaning Regal can sneer a lot. Bryan Danielson runs in to keep them apart though and says that they have all done bad things.

Moxley slaps him in the face so Danielson begs him not to do this. Danielson talks about his dad having the same struggles that Moxley has had, saying that only Regal could help him through it. More begging doesn’t keep Moxley back, so he gets in Regal’s face and tells him to run far away and never come back. Regal turns and walks away as the fans sing him the Goodbye Song. That was intense, as it should have been.

Keith Lee is asked about Swerve Strickland slapping him in the face when Swerve comes in. Lee says choose your words wisely so Swerve covers the camera and says let’s talk. That works for Lee.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Jake Hager

Hager, with the Jericho Appreciation Society, is challenging. Cassidy has the Best Friends to even things up but Hager won’t let him put his hands in his pockets. That doesn’t last long and the lazy kicks into the dropkick have Hager in trouble. Hager runs him over but Cassidy knocks his hat off and sends Hager to the floor. Cassidy teases putting the hat off and uses it like a cape in a bullfight for Hager’s goons. The suicide dive is pulled out of the air though and Hager sends him into the post and apron.

We take a break and come back with Hager pulling Cassidy out of the air but getting caught in the Stundog Millionaire. The spinning DDT gives Cassidy two but Hager runs him over again. Hager gets his hat back and grabs the ankle lock, with Cassidy kicking the hat off. Cassidy rolls out and staggers Hager with the Orange Punch, setting up a cradle to retain at 8:36.

Rating: C+. AEW has found the sweet spot for Cassidy, as this was a title match that focused on a hat. You know what kind of goofy stuff you’re getting with Cassidy but the fans love him and that’s all it needs to be. Hager hasn’t had any value in months (if not longer) so Cassidy beating him is a win for him that doesn’t hurt Hager, making this a fine opening match.

Post match the Factory comes out to surround the Best Friends….but the lights go out. Julia Hart is on the stage and raises her hand, with the House Of Black appearing to beat down the Best Friends. The Factory gets beaten down as well, leaving a staff member to get Dante’s Inferno on the stage. Black tells members of the House to rise. Well at least they’re back for good. Now don’t screw them up again.

Full Gear Contenders Tournament Finals: Ricky Starks vs. Ethan Page

Page has Stokely Hathaway with him and Starks is heavily taped up. Page grabs a wristlock to start and Starks is already cringing in pain. Starks tries to fight back but gets knocked into the corner for the heavy stomping as Page is enjoying this. There’s a knee to the ribs but Starks manages a spear, only to fall out to the floor. Page drives him into the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Starks slipping out of a fireman’s carry and knocking Page to the floor. Hathaway pulling Page out of the way of a dive, leaving Starks to crash hard. That’s enough for Hathaway to get ejected so Page goes up. The super powerslam is broken up though and Starks sends him crashing down but can’t follow up. A swinging neckbreaker drops Page again and there’s a tornado DDT to give Starks two. The powerslam gives Page two of his own but the Ego’s Edge is escaped. Starks hits a spear and then a third is enough to finish Page at 12:58.

Rating: C+. This was impressive as there was no reason to believe that Page was going to be MJF’s first challenger but Starks was so beaten up that it was hard to imagine him winning. Starks vs. MJF will be a fine big time TV match and even though Starks has absolutely no chance of winning, it will be nice to see AEW trying someone fresh in the title picture, even as a one off match.

We look at Samoa Joe winning the TNT Title at Full Gear. Wardlow is not pleased and wants his title back.

Ever wanted to see Jade Cargill and the Baddies interrupt a Bow Wow concert and get escorted out? Here you go.

Jade Cargill and the Baddies are done with Bow Wow Wow and Jade is glad they have the belt back. The celebration is next week, and according to Mark Sterling, they have no comment on the Bow Wow situation. Oh and Kiera Hogan is fired from the team. Moving on.

Death Triangle vs. Elite

Non-title and the Elite are down 0-1 in the Best of 7 series. The Elite gets quite the entrance and the fans don’t seem to like them very much. At the same time, Pac has a face mask on due to a broken nose. Omega yells at Fenix to start and gets two off an early Sky High. The ring is cleared but Fenix is back in with a cutter to break up the Terminator dive. Fenix hits the big corkscrew dive to take out almost everyone else and the fans are rather pleased.

Back in and Pac grabs a waistlock on Omega, who elbows him in the face for a breather. Matt moonsaults off the top onto the Lucha Bros and Omega drops Pac as we take a break. Back with Pac biting Omega, which is enough to frustrate him into the hot tag to Penta. Everything breaks down and the V Trigger hits Pac, setting up the snapdragon.

The Bucks take Pac’s mask off to reveal the bad nose, setting up the triple superkick for two with the Bros making a save. The V Trigger connects but the One Winged Angel is escaped, leaving Omega to hit a GTS for two. Back in and Matt hits Pac low before pulling out a hammer. That doesn’t work for Penta, who breaks it up and pulls out his own hammer to knock Matt out for the pin at 14:49.

Rating: B. It’s not quite as good as their pay per view match but Penta pulling out another hammer was a great way to keep the Elite down. Granted there is almost no chance that this doesn’t go to a seventh match so the comeback is coming, but for now the champs are in firm control. I’m sure the Elite won’t be sweating it though as they wouldn’t sweat on their way to the sun, but the match was the kind of all action fight you would expect.

Thunder Rosa has officially forfeited the Women’s Title, making Jamie Hayter the official champ. Only about….however many days since the Interim Champion deal started late. Hayter and Britt Baker come out for a chat, with Baker saying they were never considering the interim moniker anyway. Hayter is THE champ and always was.

Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter vs. Anna Jay/Tay Melo vs. Willow Nightingale/Skye Blue

Hayter starts fast by suplexing Melo and Jay at the same time, followed by a suplex into a slam for two on Melo. Baker comes in and gets caught in a suplex, allowing the tag off to Nightingale. House is cleaned and Blue is dropped onto Melo for two. Melo manages to drop Nightingale for two of her own though and we take a break. Back with everything breaking down and the parade of secondary finishers kicking off. Blue gets knocked down and Baker hits the Stomp to finish Blue at 7:03.

Rating: C. Kind of a weird way to start Hayter’s title reign but I would assume that she isn’t going to be pleased with Baker talking for her before the match and then getting the win (as she’ll probably do a few times). Baker vs. Hayter is the logical way to go and probably what is coming, but Hayter getting more of a showcase for her first night as champion would have been nice.

Post match we’re told that because Thunder Rosa vacated the title, Toni Storm’s reign is official and she was never the Interim Champion. THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE INTERIM TITLE NONSENSE IN THE FIRST PLACE????

Top Flight and FTR are in the back and after mutual respect is shown, the Ring of Honor Tag Team Title match is set for Rampage.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn for a rap/chat. They’re happy to be here and Billy is scissor eligible again, but Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett pop up on screen (after being mentioned in the rap) and I think we have new challengers. Billy says to get the old Jarrett off the screen so scissoring can ensue.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Tomohiro Ishii vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho is defending and we hear about their history 25 years ago in Japan. They slap it out and then forearm it out with Ishii getting the better of things, followed by….another chop off. We take a break and come back with Jericho’s chest busted open and the chopping continuing. Ishii knocks him into the corner and powerbombs him back out for two.

The lariat doesn’t work for Lariat as Jericho kicks him to the apron, only to have the triangle dropkick broken up. Jericho knocks him to the floor for a double crash and they forearm it out again. Back in and they trade German suplexes, with Ishii popping up multiple times, only to fall down after the second.

The Lionsault gives Jericho one but Ishii is back with the sliding lariat for two. Ishii can’t hit the brainbuster but he can hit a Codebreaker of his own. The hard lariat gives Ishii two but the brainbuster is countered into the Walls. We’ll make the that Liontamer so Ishii flips Jericho off….and then taps at 15:38.

Rating: B-. I have no idea what to call this, but anything involving someone’s chest being busted open is worth some credit for the visuals alone. It’s still an ice cold match though and having Jericho just beat someone like Ishii clean feels like little more than saying “yes, Jericho is in fact great” again. Good enough match, even if Ishii could have been almost anyone and gotten the same result.

Post match Jericho goes after Ian Riccaboni on commentary but Claudio Castagnoli comes out for the save to end the show. So that’s probably Ring Of Honor.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show in that it was more or less AEW punting to next week and not doing much of anything important. That is exactly what they should have done due to the holiday causing the audience to go away, but it only made for so good of a show. The Jericho stuff main eventing is another example of Ring Of Honor being presented as something incredibly important around here over and over, no matter how uninteresting it might feel. Why the six man couldn’t have had that spot is beyond me as it would have felt a lot more like a main event. Not a bad show, but they were clearly waiting for next week.

Orange Cassidy b. Jake Hager – Rollup
Ricky Starks b. Ethan Page – Spear
Death Triangle b. Elite – Hammer to Matt’s head
Jamie Hayter/Britt Baker b. Willow Nightingale/Skye Blue and Anna Jay/Tay Melo – Stomp to Blue
Chris Jericho b. Tomohiro Ishii – Liontamer


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Dynamite – November 16, 2022: They Used To Be Better At This

Date: November 16, 2022
Location: Total Mortgage Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni

It’s the go home show for Full Gear and that means the card could still use some work. If nothing else, we need to have some more matches in the Contenders tournament as the finals are still set for Saturday. Other than that, odds are we’ll be hearing from MJF and Jon Moxley. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara

It’s a brawl to start with the Club elbowing away at Guevara and Jericho, followed by a surfboard to Guevara. Back up and Guevara hits a dropkick to take over, allowing Jericho to come in for the chops in the corner. Danielson fights out and scores with the running dropkicks to Guevara but tries once too often. Jericho gets in a cheap shot from the floor and we take a break.

Back with Danielson getting double suplexed but managing to get over for the hot tag to Castagnoli. House is cleaned and a running clothesline gets two on Jericho. Danielson breaks up the Walls to Castagnoli with a top rope missile dropkick, allowing Castagnoli to make the tag this time.

Everything breaks down again and Danielson reverses the GTH into the LeBell Lock. Jericho comes back in and stereo crossbodies put he and Danielson down. Back up and Jericho goes for the bat, only to have Castagnoli grab him for the Swing. The Sharpshooter makes Jericho tap at 17:30.

Rating: B-. This one got the time that it needed for people this talented, but at the same time it doesn’t give me much hope for Castagnoli’s chances on Saturday. I’m not sure who leaves as champion, but the more I think about it, the more likely Jericho seems. Either way, they had a good one here, with everyone working hard to make it go well.

Video on Jon Moxley vs. MJF.

Video on Darby Allin being pulled out of the grave in a body bag and put in the back of a car. Sting is driving and they’re coming to Full Gear.

Jeff Jarrett and company are ready to end Sting and Darby Allin.

We get the new Acclaimed music video, complete with Paul Wight reprising his role as Captain Insano from the Waterboy. The gist of the song: they don’t like Swerve In Our Glory and no one else does either.

Swerve Strickland vs. Anthony Bowens

Everyone else is ejected so we can start the brawl on the floor, with Swerve being send face first into the steps. They head inside for the opening bell and then fight back to the floor, with Swerve knocking him over the barricade as we take an early break. Back with Bowens sending him into the corner for a kick to the head. A suplex drops Swerve for two more but he’s right back with a snap to the arm. The Swerve Stomp gets two in a bit of a surprise kickout but the JML Driver puts Bowens away at 9:33.

Rating: C. Strickland winning here makes sense as it isn’t like Bowens has any real history as a singles star. I also like the lack of shenanigans at ringside, as it is something that has been done to death in AEW. There’s a little too much going on in a match like this and they went with the simpler version here. Saturday should be a fun match and they did a fine enough job to set things up.

Video on Nyla Rose vs. Jade Cargill, complete with the talking heads.

Here is Samoa Joe for a chat. He was tired of Wardlow overstepping his bounds but here is Powerhouse Hobbs to interrupt. Hobbs says Joe is late to the party because Hobbs is the one who has been beating up Wardlow for the last few weeks. The fight is almost on but here is Wardlow to take Joe down. The big fight is on now with security and wrestlers having to come in to break it up.

Britt Baker talks about how Saraya has stared her down time after time. No, Baker has never wrestled in Madison Square Garden but she wrestled in Daily’s Place for years to keep this place going. The fans say her catchphrases with her and she is happy to walk the roads that Saraya helped pave. She isn’t going to have Saraya talk down to everyone though because she is stuck in the past. This is Baker’s house. And this was a 100% face promo, as they’re looking really close to a double turn.

Trios Titles: Death Triangle vs. Top Flight/AR Fox

Death Triangle is defending and Dante knocks Penta to the floor to start as commentary talks about Fox’s career (as they should, as he might not be known to the audience). Fox comes in and ducks Pac’s clothesline, setting up a jumping enziguri to knock him into the corner. Top Flight launches Pac into a cutter from Fox but stereo dives are cut off by kicks to the face from the champs. The Bros kick all three challengers down and we take a break.

Back with the challengers fighting back and sending Death Triangle outside, setting up a big springboard inverted dive from Fox. Back in and a 450 gives Fox two with Pac having to make a save. The Bros are back up for a spike Fear Factor and the double flip dive onto Top Flight. The Black Arrow finishes Fox at 11:31.

Rating: C+. They went with the insanity here, which tends to be the case with these matches. Fox and Top Flight could be a decent team, but it isn’t like there is anything involving any teams other than Death Triangle and the Elite. Just get us to the title rematch on Saturday, which should be all set up by the end of the night.

Post match Pac asks the fans if they think Death Triangle is stupid. They know some people are coming back, and that trio (who he never names) can come see them at Full Gear. Those three know who they are and we get the Death Triangle vs. Elite graphic for Saturday. Pac is pleased.

Ricky Starks was taken out by Lance Archer last week but now they’ll do it for real on Rampage. This time though: let’s just start backstage so Starks can hurt him all the way to the ring.

Full Gear Contenders Tournament Semifinals: Bandido vs. Ethan Page

Page has Stokely Hathaway with him. Bandido spins around to start and shows him the finger guns. It’s never a good sign when a wrestler is threatening to shoot on you fifteen seconds in. Page knocks him down and takes over as we go to an early break. Back with Page missing a charge into the corner and getting sent face first into the middle buckle.

Bandido kicks him down but the 21 Plex is blocked, allowing Page to hit a springboard cutter for two. Back up and Bandido hits the one armed gorilla press (that’s insane) setting up a frog splash for two. The super fall away slam is broken up and the Ego’s Edge finishes Bandido at 9:05.

Rating: C+. This Page push continues to elude me. He is by no means bad but it would seem that there are several other stars on the roster who would be ready for a push. They are at least trying with someone new though and that is a good thing, even if it means Bandido losing another match.

Video on Luchasaurus vs. Jungle Boy in a cage.

Saraya is tired of talking about Britt Baker and wants to just do this.

Video on Eddie Kingston/Ortiz vs. Jun Akiyama/Konosuke Takeshita on Rampage.

Anna Jay vs. Toni Storm

Non-title. They go to the mat to start for a bit before Storm gets caught in the corner. A Backstabber brings her back out and we take a break. Back with Storm fighting out of trouble and hitting the running hip attack to knock her off the apron. Jay is back with her not so great looking roll into a kick but the Queenslayer is broken up. Storm hits another running hip attack in the corner, setting up the Texas Cloverleaf for the tap at 6:49.

Rating: C. Storm gets a win before Saturday, as I try to get my head around this being a match for Jay to possibly become #1 contender to the Interim title. This whole thing has fallen so far down that they need to reset a lot of pieces to make it work. Not that they will, but Storm losing the title might be the way to go, just for the sake of getting away from this mess.

Post match Jamie Hayter comes out for the staredown with Toni Storm.

Full Gear rundown.

Here is Jon Moxley with William Regal for the big push towards the World Title match. Moxley talks about how he is the champ and talks trash but backs it up. He loves to fight because he is sick in the head but it has gotten him this far today. Last week he asked who MJF is and has found out some things about him. It turns out MJF is a good singer who took a vacation after dealing with Brian Pillman Jr. before coming back as the devil and winning a poker chip in the worst ending to a ladder match he’s ever seen.

Moxley is ready to beat him but here is the Firm to beat Moxley and Jericho down. Cue MJF for the save and he grabs a mic. MJF makes it clear: he did this so Moxley has no excuses on Saturday and gets in Regal’s face as a bonus. After a quick Pipebomb quote, MJF talks about how he needs to win the title because he needs it more than air.

MJF says that yeah he’s the devil, and the greatest trick he ever pulled is convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. Moxley cuts off the catchphrase though and says he never saw the big deal with MJF. At Full Gear, he’ll find out if MJF has it, but if not, on Sunday (Moxley: “Is the show Saturday or Sunday? Saturday.”), the training wheels come off. Not a great promo, but there is no reason for these two to be mad at each other, so Moxley has little more to say besides “yeah I’m going to beat him” over and over.

Overall Rating: C+. For a regular show this was pretty good but it did very little to make me want to see Full Gear. There wasn’t anything overly noteworthy and the stuff that was added to the show did very little for me. AEW is in a pretty solid funk right now and Full Gear isn’t looking like the show that will get them out of it. This week was another instance of the wrestling bailing out weak almost everything else, but that is only going to last so long. Not a great show, especially by Dynamite standards.

Claudio Castagnoli/Bryan Danielson b. Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara – Sharpshooter to Jericho
Swerve Strickland b. Anthony Bowens – JML Driver
Death Triangle b. Top Flight/AR Fox – Black Arrow to Fox
Ethan Page b. Bandido – Ego’s Edge
Toni Storm b. Anna Jay – Texas Cloverleaf




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Rampage – October 14, 2022: They’re Still Doing It

Date: October 14, 2022
Location: Coca-Cola Coliseum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re still north of the border and that should make for a rather energized show. AEW has never gone international (at least on land) before and the crowds are often enough to carry the night. Hopefully they like Ring Of Honor stuff though, because that’s the main event this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Butcher and the Blade

Bunny is here with Butcher and the Blade. It’s a brawl to start with the fight starting at the bell. They’re quickly on the floor with Blade being sent over a table and then chopped up against the barricade. We settle down to Moxley chopping Blade into the corner before it’s off to Castagnoli as we see Hangman Page watching in the back. A poke to the eye gets Blade out of trouble, meaning Butcher can come in to fight over a suplex with Castagnoli. Butcher gets muscled over and the running uppercuts make it even worse.

Bunny finally rolls inside to cut off the uppercut to Blade, meaning Butcher can get in a cheap shot. We take a break and come back with Castagnoli fighting out of a chinlock but Moxley has been knocked to the floor, meaning there is no one to tag. The second attempt at the tag works just fine though and Moxley comes in to clean house.

A back rake on the top sets up a piledriver for two on Blade and frustration seems to be setting in. Butcher breaks up a series of stomps to the head (JR: “Crossbody from a big tattooed hairy man.”) but Castagnoli breaks up a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination. The big showdown is on with Moxley and Castagnoli dropping them with stereo clotheslines. Blade gets Death Ridered and the Riccola Bomb finishes Butcher at 8:38.

Rating: B-. Butcher and Blade are a rather decent power team and it felt like Moxley and Castagnoli had to break a sweat to win here. This was a match where the ending wasn’t exactly in doubt but it was a hard hitting fight to get there. I could go for more of Castagnoli on his own but teaming with Moxley works too.

Post match Moxley says it doesn’t matter who they face, because it’s time to take out Hangman Page next week.

Swerve Strickland laughs about beating Billy Gunn but what’s even better is Acclaimed losing the scissoring stuff. Keith Lee doesn’t like Swerve’s attitude, or his cheating to beat Gunn on Dynamite. Maybe Swerve is swerving into the wrong lane. Swerve needs to think about that.

The Dark Order is disappointed with their loss but Jose the Assistant interrupts. 10 gets recruited again but he’s tired of this. Next week on Rampage, 10 will face Rush and when 10 wins, LEAVE HIM ALONE. That gets rid of Jose and here is the returning Stu Grayson to join in on the team huddle. Jubilation occurs.

Here is the Jericho Appreciation Society for a chat. Matt Menard: “DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT MAKES DADDY MAGIC’S NIPPLES HARD?” Tony: “NO!” The team is rather pleased with Daniel Garcia making his loyalties known and Anna Jay gives him an official welcome. Garcia thanks Chris Jericho for helping him see the way and even though Bryan Danielson is his hero, he will never be a pro wrestler.

Jericho taught him how to win by hitting him in the head with a title belt, and that is how he learned sports entertainers win every time. Garcia is a sports entertainer and Jericho promises to beat every former Ring Of Honor World Champion. Cue Dalton Castle to say that as a former World Champion, he is sick to see that title around Jericho’s waist.

Castle broke his back for that title and now he’ll break Jericho’s to give the fans what they deserve. You can feel the Peacock Power in this building and his heart beating keeps the lights on. So give him a title shot next week on Dynamite! Jericho says it’s on and promises to pluck Castle’s feathers. All Honor The Ocho. Castle was a nice surprise and keeps the Jericho vs. Honor run going for another week.

Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida are ready to fight for Storm’s Interim Women’s Title on Dynamite.

Nyla Rose vs. Anna Jay

The rest of the Vicious Vixens are here with Rose, who has the TBS Title but isn’t the champion. Rose takes her down to start before grabbing some rather easy looking slams. A legdrop gets two on Jay but she avoids the Cannonball in the corner. We take a break and come back with Nyla missing a top rope knee to the back of the head and getting her throat snapped across the top. Anna grabs a chinlock but Rose fights up and hits the Beast Bomb for the pin at 6:28.

Rating: C. Pretty to the point match here as Rose beat her up, didn’t exactly stay in trouble for any significant amount of time, and then won clean with the Beast Bomb. Rose seems to have shifted face, or at least close to it, and with the sense of humor she has, that has some serious potential. Just don’t have her lose clean to Jade Cargill and preserve the bit of momentum she has here.

Post match Vickie Guerrero holds up a 1-0 sign. Cue Jade Cargill with the Baddies, with Jade clearing out security without much effort. The distraction lets the Vixens run off with the title.

Ariya Daivari is sick of Hook turning down the $50,000 offer for the FTW World Title. Next week, he’ll take it himself.

Isaiah Kassidy vs. Ethan Page

Matt Hardy and Marq Quen are here with Kassidy, who gets suplexed to start. A kick to the face lets Page do the Jeff Hardy dance but Kassidy is back with a tornado DDT. Page bails to the floor so there’s the running spinning dive. Stokely Hathaway offers a distraction though, meaning Kassidy misses the Swanton. A Twist of Fate and the Ego’s Edge gives Page the pin at 2:15.

The Best Friends want the Trios Titles.

FTR and Shawn Spears are ready for the Embassy, whose feelings are mutual.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

FTR/Shawn Spears vs. Embassy

Prince Nana is here with the Embassy and it’s almost weird to see Spears doing the 10 thing again. Spears and Kaun grapple away to start with Spears grabbing something like an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Spears is taken to the floor, where the Gates put him down as we take a break.

Back with Cage hitting the apron superplex for two on Spears but the F5 is countered into a DDT. Kaun breaks up a tag attempt but of course the diving tag goes through a few seconds later. It’s Harwood coming in to clean house and the fans are behind FTR again. There’s the spinebuster to Kaun but Cage is back up to drop FTR. A top rope elbow gets two on Harwood and there’s the F5 to Spears. FTR is back up though and stereo Sharpshooters go on, with Spears grabbing one on Nana for a bonus. Loa breaks that up but gets cleared out. The hart Attack hits Kaun and the C4 finishes for Spears at 10:31.

Rating: B-. The Embassy continue to be little more than warm bodies for other people to beat up but they’re Ring Of Honor so they have a place on this show. Other than that, FTR was FTR and Spears got to do his stuff as Tye Dillinger rather than himself. While Spears doesn’t feel like a top star, he is better this way than as the chair swinging villain so it was a nice comeback.

Post match the Kingdom (Maria Kanellis and Mike Bennett/Matt Taven) debut to interrupt and ask how FTR can be the Top Guys without ever facing them. That’s enough of a distraction for the Embassy to jump FTR and Spears, with the Kingdom joining in. Samoa Joe and Wardlow make the save to end the show. I like the Kingdom, but AEW bringing in more people right now is almost hard to fathom.

Overall Rating: B-. As has been the case for a good while now with AEW, the wrestling and in-ring work bail out some pretty weak stories. This was another show with a heavy focus on Ring Of Honor and it’s still hard to find a way to care. There are only a handful of interesting stories and Chris Jericho and company trying to make Ring Of Honor into a sports entertainment company isn’t exactly great stuff. The wrestling here was good, as it almost always is, but they need to find something to draw in some interesting on the story side. Otherwise, they’ll be more like Ring Of Honor than they probably planned.

Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli b. Butcher and the Blade – Riccola Bomb to Butcher
Nyla Rose b. Anna Jay – Beat Bomb
Ethan Page b. Isaiah Kassidy – Ego’s Edge
FTR/Shawn Spears b. Embassy – C4 to Kaun



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Rampage – October 7, 2022: Just Add Star Power

Date: October 7, 2022
Location: Entertainment And Sports Arena, Washington DC

It’s the first half of a live double shot with a special Rampage. That should make the show a bit more interesting, which is a boost that is rather necessary around here. We have a Trios Titles match tonight, as the previously announced mask vs. career match has been canceled due to reasons of Andrade El Idolo. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Rush/Private Party

Regal calls Excalibur a caramel cheesecake that he would let melt in his mouth. Regal to Jericho: “I’d rather rip off my own eyelids and dip my head in hot soapy water than sit next to you.” That’s quite the range of emotions. The Firm is watching at ringside as Castagnoli takes Kassidy down with almost no effort to start. Yuta comes in as Jericho and Regal argue over how filthy and horrible Blackpool, England is.

Kassidy gets sent down again so it’s off to Rush, who spits at Moxley and shakes his hair, which is enough to bring Moxley in. Rush’s German suplex is easily blocked as Moxley sends him into the corner and we take a break. Back with Rush coming in to stay on Moxley but Kassidy isn’t a fan. Moxley fights up and brings in Castagnoli to clean house, including a Swing to Quen and an airplane spin to Kassidy at the same time because he can do that.

Back up and Private Party kicks Moxley outside, only to get taken down by Yuta. A top rope splash gets two on Kassidy with Rush making the save. Moxley sends Rush outside and hits a suicide dive, leaving Kassidy to rake Yuta’s eyes. Silly String is broken up by Castagnoli and the pop up uppercut drops Kassidy. That leaves Yuta to grab an arm hold (the Bicep Slice) to make Quen tap at 10:11.

Rating: C+. They didn’t bother with much of the tagging stuff here and that is a good way to go. The people involved here tend to go better with all of the insanity and brawling, though Yuta was there for more of the traditional style. It’s a fun opening match and it had star power, so good job here, even if Private Party has faded so far since the start of AEW.

Video on Death Triangle vs. Dark Order, with 10 talking about how much Brodie Lee meant to him.

Varsity Blonds vs. Tony Nese/Josh Woods

Nese gets taken into the Blonds corner to start and Garrison comes in to crank on the wrist. A blind tag brings in Woods though and it’s an Angle Slam/neckbreaker combination to finish Garrison at 1:56. Arn Anderson is shown watching in disgust in the back.

Post match Mark Sterling says he has trademarked the term VARSITY in wrestling, so Nese and Woods are now known as the Varsity Athletes. If the Blonds use the term, he’ll sue. For a more personal issue though, his groin has been on fire since National Scissoring Day….and here is the Acclaimed to interrupt. Rapping and three way scissoring ensues.

Eddie Kingston talks about losing control two weeks ago against Sammy Guevara and then gets annoyed that he is out of time after thirty seconds. Kingston: “MJF gets fifteen minutes and I get thirty seconds?”

Tay Melo/Anna Jay vs. Madison Rayne/Skye Blue

Madison and Jay start things off with Rayne having to deal with an early Melo distraction. Blue comes in and manages a kick to Jay’s face, only to get tripped down and kicked by Melo. We take a break and come back with Rayne getting the tag to clean house as everything breaks down. Melo gets planted but Melo catches Rayne with a Gory Bomb. Blue superkicks Melo but the Queenslayer makes Blue tap at 7:48.

Rating: C. Melo and Jay are one of the most established teams around and them winning here wasn’t exactly a surprise. Rayne still doesn’t hurt anything by being around and it isn’t like she has taken up a major role. Blue feels like someone they could turn into something, though that name doesn’t exactly make me take her seriously.

The Dark Order wants to win the Trios Titles for Brodie Lee, but Pac and the Death Triangle says not so fast.

Here’s what’s coming on various show.

Swerve Strickland doesn’t care about getting cheers, but rather beating up Billy Gunn.

Trios Titles: Dark Order vs. Death Triangle

Death Triangle is defending. It’s a brawl to start with the referee having to get the belts out of the ring. Fenix can’t hurricanrana 10, who sends him over to the rest of the Order for a double faceplant. We settle down to Reynolds dropping a slingshot elbow on Fenix for two but it’s right off to Penta. That’s fine with Reynolds who drops him with a superkick to take over again. Silver comes in to slug it out with Penta and we take a break.

Back with Penta coming back in to take over, including a Backstabber to Reynolds for two. Pac comes in for a bridging German suplex and a near fall of his own, leaving Penta to pose over Reynolds. A spinebuster plants Reynolds again and Penta adds the top rope What’s Up stomp for two. Penta works on Reynolds’ arm as commentary talks about the Jim Crockett days. Pac suplexes Reynolds on the floor and we take a break.

Back with Reynolds dropping Pac and diving over for the tag off to 10. House is cleaned and 10 steals Shawn Spears’ 10 deal, only to get hammered down by known gimmick protector Pac. JR isn’t sure why the champs can triple team 10, who gets caught with a moonsault/flipping splash combination. Back up and 10 gets over to Silver for the tag and the slugout is on with Pac. A brainbuster gets two on Pac but a blind tag brings in Fenix. That doesn’t seem to matter to the Order, who loads up the Pendulum Bomb to drop Fenix for two just as fast.

Everything breaks down again and Penta Backstabbers Silver out of the corner. The Order is right back up to clean house with 10 hitting the discus lariat to give Reynolds a rather close two. Cue Jose the Assistant for a distraction and it’s Rush giving Pac the bell hammer. That’s enough to knock Reynolds silly (not clear if the Lucha Bros saw it) and Fenix takes out 10. Pac comes back in and grabs the Brutalizer for the pin at 21:05.

Rating: C+. There’s a lot to this one, with the first thing being a lack of any need for this to go over twenty minutes. This version of the Dark Order has no business lasting anywhere near that long against Death Triangle, Brodie Lee tribute or no Brodie Lee tribute. Then you have the Pac/Rush deal, which could go in a bunch of ways, most of which might be a bit weird. All in all, this is a match that went longer than it needed to and had a weird ending, but the action was enough to make up for a lot of that so it’s acceptable enough.

Overall Rating: B-. Maybe it was the live aspect or having some more star power around here, but this was a better Rampage than most. What mattered the most here was that the show felt more energized, which has been lacking some in recent weeks. Good show as the two six man tags made it work, with the bigger names helping a lot.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Rush/Private Party – Bicep Slice to Quen
Tony Nese/Josh Woods b. Varsity Blonds – Angle Slam/neckbreaker combination to Garrison
Tay Melo/Anna Jay b. Madison Rayne/Skye Blue – Queenslayer to Blue
Death Triangle b. Dark Order – Brutalizer to Reynolds



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Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.

Dynamite – October 5, 2022: In Search Of A Story

Date: October 5, 2022
Location: Entertainment And Sports Center, Washington DC
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the third anniversary of Dynamite and you know that means we are going to be seeing something special. In this case we have a big tag match main event as Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are facing Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia. As a bonus, the show is an extra fifteen minutes long tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

William Regal is on commentary and doesn’t think much of MJF, even if the fans seem to like him. Wheeler sends him into the corner to start and we hit the Fargo Strut for some old school flare. A dropkick just annoys MJF so he takes Yuta down and grabs a chinlock. Back up and MJF grabs a tilt-a-whirl faceplant as we take a break.

Back with Yuta whipping him hard into the corner and grabbing a small package for two. Yuta grabs some rolling German suplex for two but his hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb onto a knee. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence for several near falls each and then do it again for a bonus.

Back up and a double clothesline puts them down, which is good for a standing ovation. MJF takes him up top for a super Tombstone but gets countered into a super hurricanrana. Yuta goes up for a splash but MJF rolls away and flips him off. That’s fine with Yuta, who hits a heck of a dive into the splash for two anyway. Yuta tries the Seatbelt but gets pulled into the Salt Of The Earth for the tap at 15:00.

Rating: B. They got time, they had a good story and it worked well as a result. MJF might not be the flashiest star in the ring but he knows how to put together a solid match. There was no way that Yuta was going to win here but the fact that he was wrestling instead of talking was a smart way to go.

Post match Yuta offers MJF the handshake and MJF considers it, only to have Lee Moriarty jump Yuta from behind. Cue Stokely Hathaway with the Dynamite Diamond, which MJF reluctantly puts on. That’s enough for William Regal, who gets up from commentary and LOADS UP THE BRASS KNUCKLES. MJF and company leave, albeit with MJF glaring at Regal. The knuckles got quite the reaction.

Video on Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia.

The Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with Garcia and punishment is promised.

Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal

Feeling out process to start with Lethal sending Allin out to the floor. Allin is right back in for the springboard high angle armdrag into a standoff. Lethal gets smart by going after the knee but gets caught in a Scorpion Death Drop for a double knockdown. We take a break and come back with Lethal staying on the knee, including a super dragon screw legwhip.

Lethal slaps on the Figure Four as you might have expected, but Allin makes the rope, as you might have expected. The leg is fine enough for two off a Code Red so here are Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh. Lethal wants them to go back, setting off a pinfall reversal sequence until Allin grabs the Last Supper for the pin at 10:15.

Rating: B-. Another good one here as Lethal continues to be able to have a nice match with anyone. That is why he is put in these spots over and over, with Allin getting a win over a name who still matters. This was the kind of television match that is always going to work and that was the case again here.

Post match Lethal shakes Allin’s hand, much to Singh and Dutt’s annoyance.

Video on Brian Cage and the Embassy.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Brian Cage

Cage, with Prince Nana, is challenging. They fight into the corner to start with Cage hitting a running clothesline but not being able to drop him. A hurricanrana sends Wardlow into the ropes but he catches a 619. Wardlow plants him with a World’s Strongest Slam but the Powerbomb Symphony is countered as we take a break.

Back with Wardlow fighting out of the corner and hitting a Whisper in the Wind of all things. A series of suplexes rock Cage but he catches Wardlow on top with a kick to the head. The apron superplex gets two on Wardlow, who is fine enough to come back with a spinebuster. Not to be outdone, Cage hits an F5 but tries his own powerbomb. Wardlow headbutts him a few times and hits the four movement Powerbomb Symphony to retain the title at 10:03.

Rating: B-. Sometimes you need two big strong men hitting each other for a good while until one of them can’t stand up any longer. That is exactly what we got here and Wardlow felt like his old self for a change. I’m still not sure why we need the Wardlow/Samoa Joe thing when this is the kind of stuff that he can do on his own. As for Cage….well he had potential but it’s pretty clearly over for him no matter what.

Post match the Gates of Agony come in for the beatdown on Wardlow but Samoa Joe runs in for the save. Cage is back up but FTR comes in for the real save.

Britt Baker says Saraya isn’t cleared to wrestle so this is still her house.

Toni Storm/Athena/Willow Nightingale vs. Penelope Ford/Serena Deeb/Jamie Hayter

Saraya is here to cancel out Rebel and Britt Baker. Willow and Hayter start things off but it’s off to Athena vs. Ford instead. Athena hits a basement dropkick but Ford is back up with a handspring elbow back in the corner. Deeb comes in and gets dropped by a springboard spinning crossbody. It’s off to Storm to run Deeb down down and pound away with the forearms to the back. Deeb gets sent into the corner for some running charges, including Storm’s running hip attack. Deeb is right back up and takes out Storm’s leg as we take a break.

We come back with Storm fighting out of a chinlock and forearming away at Deeb. Everything breaks down and Deeb leglocks Storm as she suplexes Athena, with Hayter doing the same thing to Nightingale. Back up and Storm gets over for the tag off to Nightingale for a spinebuster on Hayter. Rebel loads up a crutch shot but Saraya makes the save. We hit the parade of secondary finishers until Ford gets a quick two on Nightingale. Ford’s handspring elbow is broken up and a doctor bomb gives Nightingale the pin on Ford at 9:29.

Rating: C+. There were two good parts here, as we had the women getting some more time, plus Nightingale actually getting a win. They didn’t get too insane here either and that made for another nice TV match. Nightingale could be on her way to something in the future if they give her a chance, and based on this maybe they are doing so.

Post match we get the big staredown, with Saraya getting in a fight with Baker. A low superkick from Saraya drops Rebel. So I guess she can wrestle again.

Rush and Jose the Assistant aren’t pleased with Private Party.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, because it’s National Scissoring Day. The champs talk about their success and say AEW now stands for ACCLAIMED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Bowens talks about how scissoring is something that makes you friends and partners. The fans want a real team rather than two people thrown together like Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland (dubbed Sneaky Swerve).

Billy talks about how this is a special day and he has a present from city hall: some GIANT GOLD SCISSORS! Billy: “No running with scissors please.” Bowens wants to see some scissoring before Caster talks about his dad winning a Super Bowl for the local NFL team. That Super Bowl ring is his prized possession and now he is proud of his son becoming a champion too. For now though, we are in a city that represents the divide in America. However, everyone loves the Acclaimed and scissoring goes beyond left and right and red and blow.

We load up the three way scissoring to unite America but Swerve Strickland cuts them off. Swerve wants the titles back and doesn’t like Billy Gunn, even pulling out a rock, which beats scissors. The challenge is on for Billy vs. Swerve next week….and here is Mark Sterling of all people. He wants in on the scissoring and gets beaten down in a bit of a bizarre cameo. Billy accepts Swerve’s challenge for next week and three way scissoring ensues. This was long, ridiculous, over the top, and an absolute blast.

Dark Order is ready to win the Trios Titles on Rampage.

Madison Rayne praises Skye Blue when Tay Melo and Anna Jay to come in and mock them. A sports entertainers vs. wrestlers challenge is on.

Hangman Page vs. Rush

Jose the Assistant is here with Rush. Page gets shoved around to start but Rush has to bail from the threat of a Buckshot Lariat. They head outside with Rush whipping away with a camera cord and sending Page into the barricade. We take a break and come back with Page hitting a slingshot dive onto Rush before they get back inside. Rush stands on Page’s shoulders in the corner but gets taken down for two. Page has had it with him and gets in a hard clothesline. The Buckshot Lariat finishes Rush at 9:05.

Rating: C+. Well Page wasn’t going to lose less than two weeks away from his World Title shot so Rush putting him over was the right way to go. They had a hard hitting match here until Page knocked him silly, which is how this should have gone. Page needs to get back to the serious and they started it well here, though I don’t know if they have time to do enough before Cincinnati.

Post match Private Party comes out but Jon Moxley comes through the crowd to say he has been waiting for this for three years. Moxley is ready for his match in his hometown at the arena he used to smoke and drink in. After he walks from his house to the arena, he is ready to beat Page and prove that he is the man around here. Moxley goes to leave but Page is ready to do this right now. Moxley calls him a sweet kid and says Page says stuff that gets him in trouble. He has thirteen days, so watch your d*** mouth.

Willow Nightingale wants to be TBS Champion so Jade Cargill and the Baddies come in. Nightingale can be #39, but she thinks she can be the 1 in 38-1.

Luchasaurus vs. Fuego del Sol

A chokeslam and something like a reverse AA finishes Fuego at 23 seconds.

Post match Jungle Boy comes in with a chair to knock Luchasaurus outside. He and Luchasaurus were best friends but Luchasaurus chose Christian instead. Now Jungle Boy is going to break him piece by piece. Luchasaurus can pick the time and the place so Christian picks next week in Toronto.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Pac is ready for Trent Beretta.

Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia vs. Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara

Jericho and Garcia start things off to start, with Jericho armdragging him down. Garcia gets him to the mat and has a seat on Jericho’s back but a cheap shot from Guevara lets the villains take over. It’s off to Danielson to clean house and send Jericho outside for the suicide dive as we take a break.

Back with Guevara hitting a super Spanish Fly for two on Danielson and then posing with Jericho. Stereo crossbodies put Jericho and Danielson down though and it’s a double tag to Garcia and Jericho. Guevara gets dropped hard so we get the staredown into the hockey fight right hands. Garcia gets the better of things and kicks Jericho in the chest, setting up the Dragontamer.

Guevara makes the save but the Lionsault hits Garcia’s raised knees. Guevara tries to come in off the top but dives into a Crossface. Danielson grabs one on Jericho at the same time before they switch to stereo hammer and anvil elbows. Guevara comes back in and cleans house but Garcia counters the GTH into a piledriver. Jericho breaks it up so Danielson knees him from the apron.

A clothesline drops Guevara and Jericho drops Danielson onto a table. With that not being enough to break it, Jericho suplexes him through the table. Guevara’s shooting star hits raised knees though and now the Dragontamer….is broken up with a Jericho belt shot. That’s enough for Guevara to steal the pin at 14:23.

Rating: B. It was a good match with a bit of a screwy finish so it was didn’t exactly come off well. This didn’t feel like the major main event of the AEW anniversary show, at least somewhat due to it mainly being about Ring Of Honor. Garcia vs. Jericho continues to be built up, though I’m still not sure how interesting that is really going to be.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a stacked show with a bunch of very good matches, though nothing broke through to that top level. What matters here that they are setting up a major title match in Cincinnati before we can move on to the Full Gear build. The problem is that it might not be that interesting, despite being put together well enough. Solid action and storytelling, but they need a big story around here and that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Wheeler Yuta – Salt Of The Earth
Jay Lethal b. Darby Allin – Last Supper
Wardlow b. Brian Cage – Powerbomb Symphony
Willow Nightingale/Athena/Toni Storm b. Jamie Hayter/Penelope Ford/Serena Deeb – Doctor bomb to Ford
Hangman Page b. Rush – Buckshot lariat
Luchasaurus b. Fuego del Sol – Reverse flipping fireman’s carry slam
Sammy Guevara/Chris Jericho b. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia – Belt shot to Garcia



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Rampage – September 9, 2022: I Guess Good Is Good Enough

Date: September 9, 2022
Location: KeyBank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

It’s the second night of the Tournament Of Champions and the best thing that can happen to this show is a hot match to make some of the last week go away. That is what they did on Dynamite but Rampage is a bit of a trickier subject. We do get Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara this week though and that should be enough. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tournament Of Champions First Round: Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara

Tay Melo is here with Guevara. Feeling out process to start as they trade headlocks until Allin backslides him for two. A Gory Stretch into a Fujiwara armbar keeps Guevara in trouble but he blocks a charge in the corner. Guevara superplexes him into Two Amigos but Allin reverses the third into a crash over the top…where Allin suplexes him on the floor for a bonus. Melo cuts off a dive before Allin tries anyway, only to get pulled out of the air with a cutter on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Guevara hitting a knee to the face as Jericho talks about the chemistry these two have in the ring. Guevara misses a shooting star press and gets caught with a Code Red for two. Melo offers another distraction though, allowing Guevara to kick Allin in the face. The always confident Guevara stops to kiss Melo, allowing Allin to hit the big flipping suicide dive.

Back in and Allin rips off Guevara’s wedding ring, which is enough to make Melo get on the apron. Guevara knocks Allin down and takes his ring back, setting up an enziguri in the corner. A double springboard cutter gives Guevara two but he misses his own Coffin Drop. Cue Anna Jay so Melo can throw in the skateboard. Guevara powerbombs him onto the wheels, setting up GTH to finish Allin at 11:05.

Rating: B-. It was another good match between the two of them though I don’t know if it was quite the classic that commentary was hyping it up as being. Guevara going forward is a fine way to go, even if it means Allin loses another big match. That being said, Guevara is the hotter star right now, as Allin hasn’t done much without Sting in a pretty long while. Solid opener, as AEW continues putting their biggest matches at the top of their shows.

We look at MJF’s return on Dynamite and showdown with Jon Moxley.

Here is Samoa Joe for a chat. Joe hasn’t been around very often and he owes the people a lot more violence. He is open for business so here is Mark Sterling with Josh Woods and Tony Nese. Sterling thinks that Woods should get a TV Title shot and Joe says sure. Hold on though as Sterling says the paperwork isn’t done so we’ll do it next week in a real city like Albany.

Miro is mad at not being in the tournament and calls himself flawless.

Madison Rayne vs. Serena Deeb

I had forgotten Rayne worked here. Feeling out process to start with Deeb not being able to hit the Deebtox as Rayne rolls her up for a close two. Back up and Deeb shoves her down and starts hammering away. Deeb gets annoyed at being rolled up so she goes after the knee and Serenity Locks Rayne for the tap at 3:58.

Rating: C. Not much beyond a squash here and I’m still not sure how much higher Rayne is going to go in AEW. She has experience and is certainly passable in the ring, but she feels like just another person on the show for the most part. I’m still not sure why Deeb isn’t a bigger star, she she rarely breaks out of that third tier of women. The skill is there, but for some reason nothing else is clicking for her.

Jade Cargill and the Baddies aren’t surprised by beating Athena and say she might as well be 50-0.

Powerhouse Hobbs is ready to hurt even more people.

William Regal talks about hiring Dax Harwood out of obscurity, but now Regal is in Claudio Castagnoli’s corner. Castagnoli is ready to face Harwood, who will win something on his own one day, but it won’t be tonight. Harwood says this is how he feeds his family so Top Guy out.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Dax Harwood vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Harwood is challenging and William Regal is here with the champ. Feeling out process to start with Harwood’s leapfrog being pulled out of the air but he grabs some rollups for two each. Back up and Castagnoli fires off some uppercuts to take over so Harwood suplexes both of them over the top and out to the floor. We take a break and come back with Castagnoli winning a slugout and putting on an abdominal stretch.

With that broken up, Castagnoli puts him on top but gets chopped backwards, setting up a Swan Dive from Harwood. JR goes into a funny rant about how you’re an idiot if you aren’t doing this for the money as Harwood backdrops his way out of a Neutralizer. Harwood grabs a piledriver for two and goes up top, only to get superplexed back down. We take another break and come back again with Harwood getting two off a backslide so Castagnoli kicks him in the face.

The slingshot sitout powerbomb gives Harwood two more but Castagnoli puts him right back on top. A belly to back superplex is countered into a crossbody for two more, plus a big crash. Another slugout goes to Castagnoli and it’s a giant swing into the Sharpshooter. With that almost broken up, Castagnoli tries a Crossface but gets reversed into a Sharpshooter of his own. That breaks down and Castagnoli drives in some hammer and anvil elbows, setting up the Sharpshooter to make Harwood tap at 20:24.

Rating: B. This wasn’t a match that had a ton of doubt to it but the action getting to the pretty obvious ending was quite good. Castagnoli is a monster and Harwood kept at him until he fell short at the end. I could go with Harwood not getting pinned so often, but then again I could also go with FTR doing something of note but that doesn’t seem likely anytime soon either.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As usual, outside of a single match, there was nothing on here that felt like it was making any kind of a difference. Rampage feels like a show where they grabbed a handful of people who weren’t on Dynamite and let them get ring time that week. That can be nice to see and gives us stuff like the main event, but when you have this many people and so little TV time, there are going to be problems and that is what you see with AEW a lot of the time. The main event was very good, but sometimes you need more than that to make something worth the time and effort.

Sammy Guevara b. Darby Allin – GTH
Serena Deeb b. Madison Rayne – Serenity Lock
Claudio Castagnoli b. Dax Harwood – Sharpshooter



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