Smackdown – July 23, 2021: This Was A Fine Wrestling Show

Date: July 23, 2021
Location: Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse, Cleveland, Ohio/Rolling Loud Festival, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

We’re into the second week of having fans back and this time the big story is John Cena returning to Smackdown to see Roman Reigns. You can see Summerslam from here but we still need to make it official. Other than that, Carmella is getting another shot at Bianca Belair for no particular reason. Let’s get to it.

Here is Money in the Bank if you need a recap.

We start fast this week with John Cena starting us off in a hurry. He talks about how hyped up the fans are here and knows that Roman Reigns is coming. There is some sports news coming out of Cleveland today, which is why he has changed his middle name to Guardians (as did Cleveland’s baseball team). He has to protect the little respect that WWE has left because Roman Reigns is terrible as Universal Champion. We’re back live and that means we are on the way to Summerslam, which is a place for the fans to show what they believe in. Whose team are you on?

That gives us a loud CENA chant, so he asks if you’re on Team Jorts or Team Cargo Pants? Team Hustle, Loyalty and Respect or on a team no one respects? Cena wants to know where Reigns is, because at Summerslam, Reigns can’t see him. Let’s get Reigns out here, but here is Paul Heyman (McAfee: “Legend.”) instead. Heyman says Reigns isn’t coming out here, but Cena will get an answer tonight. Then, Cena will know that the Tribal Chief is here. Heyman then does You Can’t See Me and sings (I guess?) the tune of Cena’s song in something you have to see to appreciate/believe. Both guys were amazing here.

Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn

Commentary makes a special point of going over the titles and accomplishments of these two, which is a good idea that could happen more often. Sami takes him down with an armbar and then rakes Balor’s eyes over the ropes. Balor gets sent outside and Sami hammers away, only to have Balor do the same back inside. This time it’s Sami being sent outside for the big running flip dive from Balor.

We take a break and come back with Sami grabbing a chinlock. Sami cuts off a comeback attempt with a DDT but Balor is right back up with a Sling Blade. The Blue Thunder Bomb gets two more on Balor, who pulls Sami right back down for a double stomp. The shotgun dropkick sets up the Coup de Grace to give Balor the pin at 8:51.

Rating: C. This was about getting Balor back in the ring to show that he can still win around here. Sami is the perfect choice for that as he can lose and lose while still bouncing right back. I’m not sure what Balor is going to be doing around here but going after Apollo Crews and dealing with Commander Azeez could be interesting.

Baron Corbin managed to lose money with his Corbin Fund Me because the guy who set up the website stole his identity. He has no credit now and had to ride the bus here. Corbin: “What’s happened to me?”

Here is Mr. Money In The Bank Big E. for a chat. After some YOU DESERVE IT chants, Big E. talks about how he did some crazy things on Sunday (Big E.: “I don’t have any business jumping off ladders!”) but here is Apollo Crews to interrupts. Crews mocks him for only having a contract but here are Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode to interrupt as well.

Ziggler says you better be talking about the two of them if you’re talking about the Intercontinental Title (which we weren’t) but here is Rick Boogs to interrupt. Before he can say anything, it’s Cesaro interrupting as well. The brawl is on and Crews gets a quick Swing. There were a lot of people here and they were talking about the same thing, but the briefcase was completely moved to the side.

We go down to the Rolling Loud Festival where Wale leads the fans in a WE WANT THE SMOKE chant and introduces the Street Profits.

Angelo Dawkins vs. Chad Gable

The set is really weird here as the ring is on the stage, with a really long ramp extending out from the ring. There are a TON of people here too, as in several thousands at minimum. Montez Ford and Otis are here too as commentary talks about the other acts performing at the festival.

Gable pulls Dawkins into the triangle choke over the ropes to damage the shoulder again and a top rope clothesline gets two. A suplex gives Gable two more and a German suplex is good for the same. Dawkins avoids a moonsault though and sends Gable outside, only to get caught with a Liger Kick back inside. Gable grabs a backslide for two but Dawkins hits the Anointment for the pin at 3:55.

Rating: C. They were smart to keep this short and sweet as you do not want the people to lose interest. The Profits were here for the big entrance and that worked out well enough, as the feud continues towards a pretty big tag match. Not exactly a great match, but that wasn’t the point of something like this.

Women’s Title: Carmella vs. Bianca Belair

Carmella is challenging for the second week in a row. Belair rolls her up for an early two but Carmella is back with a flying headscissors. The fans want something else as Belair fights up and snaps off a fall away slam. The handspring moonsault gets two as the fans are saying they want….something. A jawbreaker staggers Belair and an X Factor gets two more. Back up and Belair misses a big boot, which means nothing as she grabs the KOD to retain at 4:47.

Rating: C-. Just like the previous match, this was about getting in and out before anyone overstayed their welcome. Carmella was absolutely not a threat to the title here and while the second title match was a little much, it was over and done with in a hurry. Now just find someone new for Belair to face (maybe a debuting Toni Storm) and we should be in for some good stuff.

Back in Cleveland, Shotzi and Nox are having trouble with their tank. Kevin Owens suggests hitting it with a hammer, which is all he can think of doing. Owens runs into Baron Corbin, who apologizes for treating him badly last week. That is how Corbin has been for years now and he asks Owens for forgiveness. Corbin is even wearing the same shirt as last week (complete with stain) so Owens actually gives him $20. Owens leaves and NOW the tank works, hitting Corbin rather low. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode come in to steal the money so Owens chases them off with a chair.

Here is Edge for a chat. Those reactions do something for him and he is so happy to be back. If you saw Money in the Bank, you know he should be Universal Champion but Seth Rollins kept that from happening. Edge thought he had all of his bases covered with the Mysterios, but this was bigger than that. This goes back to when they met in 2014 and Rollins thought Edge would never be back. Well not only is he back, but he is in Rollins’ way. Edge talks about being in the Brood and in the Ministry of Darkness but here is Rollins to interrupt.

Rollins greets Grandpa Edge, who keeps talking about the man he used to be. Edge: “Shut up.” Edge invites him to the ring for a man to man talk but Rollins says Edge knows what can happen to him. As Edge sighs, Rollins comes to the ring and talks about how John Cena and Edge are jumping the line, but the more he thinks about it, the more thrilled he is. Rollins wants the people to give it up for Grandpa Edge because he loves how much Edge wants to talk about him.

If Edge keeps talking about him, the only thing people will say about Edge is how Rollins ended him. Rollins isn’t going to hesitate to pull the trigger the next time he has his boot on Edge’s neck. Edge says he lied about not putting his hands on Rollins so the beatdown is on, including the Impaler. Rollins bails from the threat of the spear, though he does leave his jacket in the ring. This was fine as a way to keep the build going for a match you know is coming.

Toni Storm vs. Zelina Vega

This is Storm’s full time debut. Vega is knocked outside to start but Vega sends her into the announcers’ table. Back in and a headbutt rocks Storm as commentary explains that she is stuck in the 80s. A sunset flip gives Vega two and she rips off Storm’s belt. That is too far as Storm grabs Storm One (starts off like Randy Orton’s backbreaker but flipped over into a cutter) for the pin at 2:34. Vega get in a lot here but Storm felt like a star, which is all that matters.

Jimmy Uso vs. Dominik Mysterio

Jey Uso and Rey Mysterio are here too. Jimmy decks him to start and a hard whip into the corner has Dominik in more trouble. An enziguri cuts off Dominik’s comeback and Jimmy does not seem impressed. Dominik gets in a quick drop toehold to load up the 619 but Jimmy bails to the floor. Rey deals with Jey and Dominik hits a dive as we take a break. Back with Jimmy kicking him down again as Rey gets knocked down. Dominik tries a springboard rollup but they get into completely different pages and seem rather lost. Jimmy finally stacks Dominik up with Jey giving an assist for the pin at 7:45.

Rating: D+. The ending really hurt things as it looked terrible and they couldn’t figure out what to do. Thankfully the seemed to improvise enough to get to the finish but it isn’t likely to help Dominik’s already limited reputation. I’m sure we’ll get a title rematch out of this somehow, if nothing else due to the lack of other challengers for the Usos.

Here is Roman Reigns to answer John Cena’s challenge. The fans don’t seem thrilled to see him but he demands to be acknowledged. Cena acknowledged him at Money in the Bank but Reigns did not expect to see it. Reigns was expecting a new Cena but it was the same music, the same run to the ring, the same catchphrases and the same everything, just like it was 2005. Reigns: “It’s like missionary position. The same thing every day!”

That’s not how we do it at the head of the table and that’s not what we’re doing at Summerslam. The answer is no (makes sense, as Bobby Lashley said the same thing to Goldberg this week), but here is Finn Balor of all people to interrupt. Reigns wants Balor to acknowledge him, but that’s not why Balor is here. If Reigns says no to Cena’s challenge, how about Balor instead? Fans: “ROMAN’S SCARED!” Reigns: “Challenge accepted.”

Overall Rating: C+. This was a fine wrestling show, which is some pretty high praise after Raw. There were some good parts and there were some weaker parts, but above all else, there was nothing stupid on here and that made so much of a difference. It wasn’t about doing things that made little sense or seemingly sending some kind of message, but rather about setting things up and getting them done. I liked this show, and while it had some issues, that is a nice feeling to have again.

Finn Balor b. Sami Zayn – Coup de Grace
Angelo Dawkins b. Chad Gable – Anointment
Bianca Belair b. Carmella – KOD
Toni Storm b. Zelina Vega – Storm One
Jimmy Uso b. Dominik Mysterio – Rollup with a push from Jey Uso




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Smackdown – July 2, 2021: The Waiting Game Gan Be Fun

Date: July 2, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We are two weeks away from the return of fans and that means things might be picking up around here. The big story coming out last week’s show saw the return of Edge as he attacked Roman Reigns. The Money in the Bank title match has since been set so it is time for some heavy talking. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roman Reigns having no one left to challenge him, leading to the return of Edge.

Here is Edge to get things going. Edge talks about how Wrestlemania was supposed to be the big culmination to his story. Winning the Universal Title ten years to the day of vacating the World Title would have been a heck of a story, but then it didn’t happen. That rocked him so he took some time away. Edge has thought about the match since and even watched it back, which he never does. He could complain about a lot of things from that match, just like 2006 Edge would.

Now it’s 2021 and he has learned there are always going to be obstacles. He has spent his entire career breaking down obstacles or he wouldn’t be here right now. The difference is he knows he can beat Reigns, just like Reigns knows it too. Edge has proof, and we look at Edge having Reigns in the Crossface at Wrestlemania, with Reigns’ eyes bugging out. Now look at Edge’s eyes, because he is living in Reigns’ head. He saw it again last week when he surprised Reigns and he’ll do it again at Money in the Bank when he takes the Universal Title. Good but not great stuff here from Edge.

Paul Heyman is looking on nervously when Jimmy Uso comes in. Jimmy isn’t worried because he has Roman Reigns’ back. When Reigns gets here tonight, they’re going to take Edge out.

Big E./Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Baron Corbin/Apollo Crews

Rick Boogs plays Nakamura, now in black and white, to the ring and Commander Azeez is here with Crews. Before he comes out, we see a video of Corbin talking about how he has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in investments. Corbin comes to the ring needing a shave and looking like he does not care whatsoever. He’s even growing in some extra hair. Nakamura takes Crews into the corner to start and we get a double Good Vibrations, with Big E. having quite a bit of fun. Crews slips over to the corner where Corbin doesn’t seem to notice.

Corbin gets knocked off the apron though and that fires him up, earning Big E. a toss over the barricade. We take a break and come back with Corbin driving in elbows to Big E.’s head. Crews comes in with a dropkick to put Big E. down again and an enziguri puts him in the corner. Corbin comes back in for a powerslam as Nakamura and Crews knock each other down on the floor. The chinlock goes on but hold on as Boogs makes the announcement that Corbin’s car is being towed. We see said Mercedes being towed, allowing Big E. to hit the Big Ending for the pin at 8:58.

Rating: C-. The match was a big backdrop for the angle but I can go for Corbin in this role for a change. It’s something fresh for him and that’s a good idea. I know Corbin gets a lot of flack but he can do some good things as long as he isn’t pushed too hard. Giving him a story like this is something fresh and that is a good thing.

We look back at Bayley and Seth Rollins beating Bianca Belair and Cesaro last week.

Here’s Bayley for a chat. She is feeling a lot better since she pinned Bianca Belair last week as it is taking her back to her record setting reign as Smackdown Women’s Champion. They are getting ready to go back on the road in front of fans and Belair has never meant anything to her.

Cue Belair to say that Bayley has gotten in her head. That means it needs to end once and for all, so Belair is going to take everything from her. That’s why at Money in the Bank, she will put her title on the line against Bayley in an I Quit match. Bayley likes this idea because she has never quit anything. If Belair can make her quit, she might quit Smackdown, WWE or competing altogether. Since Belair can’t win, Bayley accepts, with Belair saying she is excited to hear Bayley say she quits. They have some drama there, but I’m not sure if we need to see another match between these two.

Jimmy Uso thinks Roman Reigns is waiting on him, so he’s going to set some time aside to call out Edge to end the show.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

Last Man Standing and Owens goes right after him in a hurry. The Cannonball connects for five and they head outside, with Sami being whipped into the barricade. Sami comes back with some shots to the face but gets sent over the barricade this time. Back to ringside and Owens hits a Swanton off the barricade for an eight. That means it’s time for Sami to be put onto the announcers’ table, only to pop up and slam Owens onto (not through) it for eight of his own.

We take a break and come back with Owens firing off shoulders in the corner. They go back to the floor with Sami being sent hard into the post and now it’s table time on the floor. Make that two tables as Owens stacks another on top. The superplex through them is broken up to prevent some rather extreme pain though and Sami suplexes him into the corner instead. That’s good for a six and Sami is pulling his hair out in frustration. Sami’s superplex is countered into the spinning superplex to put both of them down again.

They both make it up so Owens takes him into the corner to punch away. Sami gets taken up top but it’s a heck of a backdrop to put Owens through the tables instead. That’s only a nine and Sami is stunned all over again. We take another break and come back again with Sami throwing a table at Owens. They fight to the apron with Sami hitting a suplex to drop him hard. Owens beats the count so it’s a Helluva Kick to make Owens have to beat it again. Sami hits a second Helluva Kick but holds Owens up, saying that this is for everything Owens has done to him.

A third Helluva Kick connects but Owens rolls outside to break the count again. Sami’s diving DDT through the ropes is cut off with a superkick and Owens manages the Pop Up Powerbomb. Since Sami is getting up, it’s a Stunner to plant Sami again, but Owens isn’t done. Owens powerbombs him through the announcers’ table, a regular table and onto the apron to FINALLY put Sami away (and hopefully away for a bit) at 23:31.

Rating: B. The match took some time to get going but I’ve always liked the ending where someone just unloads with everything they have in a last ditch effort. There was no way Zayn was getting up at the end and it looked like he had been defeated rather than just surviving. That’s the way to do something like this and it worked well as a result. Now keep Zayn off TV a bit to let him sell the injuries and it’s even better.

Edge knows he’s walking into a trap tonight with Jimmy Uso but he doesn’t care because he’s tired of all this.

Rick Boogs offers Baron Corbin a spot on King Nakamura’s team because they could use a chicken ala king. Or maybe Corbin just needs a good night’s sleep in his king size bed. Corbin asks if Boogs thinks this is funny and says screw him before walking away.

Here’s Sonya Deville to name the next woman in the Money in the Bank ladder match: the returning Zelina Vega. She promises to win but here is Liv Morgan to interrupt. Liv says she should be here instead of Vega, who pops up after not wrestling all year and gets a Money in the Bank spot. Vega talks about her experience and promises to win, so Morgan slaps her in the face. The challenge is on and Deville makes the match.

Zelina Vega vs. Liv Morgan

Joined in progress with Vega holding Morgan in a Black Widow and adding a running knee for two. Morgan fights back with a rollup but gets reversed into another one, with Vega grabbing the trunks. The referee catches her so Morgan grabs her own rollup with trunks for the pin at 1:44.

Seth Rollins isn’t happy with Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce giving Edge a Universal Title shot. They point out that Edge is a Hall of Famer with some great credentials, but Rollins can have his own shot. That is if he wins the Money in the Bank ladder match, which he can enter if he beats Cesaro in a qualifying match next week. Rollins laughs a lot before leaving.

Video on Otis’ path of destruction.

Otis vs. Angelo Dawkins

Chad Gable is here with Otis and offers a quick distraction. Otis runs him over and sends Dawkins’ banged up shoulder into the buckle. A hammerlock slam plants the arm again and the middle rope splash into the Vader Bomb finishes Dawkins at 1:59. Exactly what it should have been.

Paul Heyman gives Jimmy Uso a pep talk on the way to the ring.

Here is Jimmy Uso to call Edge out. Cue Edge, who asks Jimmy if he gets what is going on. Jimmy is doing everything Roman Reigns wants, because he is Reigns’ b****. Yeah this is a trap, but it’s a trap for Jimmy. Edge goes to the ring and the fight is on, with Edge sending him shoulder first into the post twice in a row. Jimmy is back with a superkick and a ram into the steps, followed by a bunch of right hands. A big boot cuts Jimmy off and it’s a crossface (with a sleeper for a change) to make him tap. Edge grabs a piece of chair for the regular Crossface to mimic the Wrestlemania photo from earlier to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The important thing here is they did this without Reigns. It’s true that he is the best thing going about WWE today but he can’t do everything every week. This was a good show without Reigns involved, even if the main story revolved around him. Granted you can’t have a surprise return and a major gimmick match like that every week, but for a one off like this, it worked out well.

Big E./Shinsuke Nakamura b. Apollo Crews/Baron Corbin – Big Ending to Corbin
Kevin Owens b. Sami Zayn when Zayn could not answer the ten count
Liv Morgan b. Zelina Vega – Rollup with trunks
Otis b. Angelo Dawkins – Vader Bomb

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Smackdown – June 25, 2021: C For Depression

Date: June 25, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

We’re done with Hell In A Cell and that means it is time to get ready for Money in the Bank. A bunch of the ladder match spots have already been filled so it is time to start hammering out the rest of the field. Throw in Roman Reigns needing a new challenger and we could be in for a packed show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Hell In A Cell if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roman Reigns beating Rey Mysterio in the Cell last week.

Paul Heyman tells Roman Reigns that the Mysterios are acknowledging him from their hospital beds. Jimmy Uso comes in so Reigns asks where Jey is. Jimmy called him a hundred times and finally got through to him, but Jey isn’t coming back. Reigns isn’t happy, but Jimmy says he’s got Reigns’ back. He says he can do everything Jey can, but Reigns doesn’t look convinced. Jimmy needs to prove himself.

Here is Bianca Belair to say we are three weeks away from leaving the Thunderdome and coming home. Tonight she gets to beat up Bayley again, because she has worked so hard to be here. She looks at the title and knows the work has been worth it, because she didn’t let a Bayley, or a bully, get to her. Everyone at home who is dealing with their own bully can make it too, but here is Seth Rollins to interrupt. He is VERY happy with beating Zazzaro, and he did better than Belair did against Bayley.

Rollins holds his hand up for a celebrating with Belair now, since she is going to be on the mat after the match. Cue Bayley to say the fans deserve a champion who doesn’t brag, so the staredown is on. Rollins offers a distraction so Bayley can jump Belair but Cesaro comes out to send Rollins flying. Bayley yells at Cesaro but Belair comes in to clear her out too.

Bianca Belair/Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins/Bayley

Cesaro takes Rollins down to start and drives him into the corner to it’s off to Bayley vs. Belair. The beating is on again and it’s already back to Cesaro, who cuts Rollins down with an uppercut. Cesaro gets sent into the middle buckle with a Downward Spiral though and Rollins grabs the chinlock.

Back up and Cesaro hits some uppercuts, only to get snapmared into a kick between the shoulders. A backflip gets Cesaro out of a suplex attempt and it’s back to Belair for a pair of nipups with a dropkick in between. Belair’s standing moonsault gets two but they head outside with Belair getting posted. We take a break and come back with Bayley working on the arm and slamming Belair down for two. Belair powers back up and brings Cesaro in to clean house, including the Swing to Rollins.

The springboard spinning uppercut gives Cesaro two but a Bayley distraction lets Rollins hit Cesaro in the back of the head. Belair makes a save of her own, prompting Rollins to say Belair and Cesaro are what’s wrong with this place. It’s back to the women with Belair’s spinebuster getting two as the guys fight on the floor. The KOD is loaded up but Rollins comes in to break it up. Bayley hits a running knee to set up the Rose Plant for the pin at 12:03.

Rating: C+. SO I guess Hell In A Cell means nothing either as we seem to be on our way to EVEN MORE REMATCHES between these people. That would certainly make sense given how WWE seems to enjoy doing things these day, but that doesn’t make it any more interesting. The match was pretty good, but egads they need to move on to something new.

Jimmy Uso is waiting outside of Roman Reigns’ dressing room when Paul Heyman comes out. Uso wants to know what Reigns means by proving himself, so Paul explains that Jimmy needs to be Main Event Jimmy Uso to help Reigns. Heyman says Reigns understands winning, so Jimmy needs to win a match. Jimmy says he has this, so Heyman goes to get the match made, while offering a threat if Jimmy loses.

We get the official coronation of Shinsuke Nakamura as the new King of WWE. Rick Boogs handles the guitar playing and the introduction. Nakamura receives his crown and we head to the back, where Baron (yes Baron) Corbin can’t talk about this.

Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce are enjoying the guitar playing when Seth Rollins comes in. Rollins thinks he is ready to face Roman Reigns next, as tonight we will be having the State of the Universal Title. He has never been more ready, but Pearce and Deville aren’t ready to make that decision. Rollins: “The time is now.”

Video on Otis’ path of destruction.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Big E. vs. Apollo Crews

Non-title and Commander Azeez is here with Crews. Big E. drives him into the ropes to start and sends Crews outside in a heap. Back in and Big E. charges into a boot in the corner but comes right back with a clothesline. They head to the apron with Crews hitting a Death Valley Driver to send us to a break.

We come back with Big E. fighting out of a chinlock but getting dropkicked down for two. The chinlock goes on again but Big E. powers up, only to have his belly to belly broken up. Big E. gets back up again and this time the Warrior Splash connects. The Rock Bottom out of the corner is countered though and Crews rolls some German suplexes.

That doesn’t last long as Big E. grabs a Stretch Muffler, sending Crews over to the leg for the break. An enziguri rocks Big E. so Crews goes up and gets two off a frog splash. An arm trap German suplex gives Crews two more and Big E. is sent outside. Azeez whips him into the barricade and loads up the Nigerian Nail….but gets caught just in time, meaning it’s an ejection. Back in and the Big Ending finishes Crews at 12:57.

Rating: C. There’s your “champ gets pinned but it doesn’t matter because this is about Money in the Bank instead of the title” box checked off. These two fought for months and now they have done so again in the name of something other than the title that Crews holds. Commentary was trying to make it a big deal that Big E. had never been in Money in the Bank, but it felt like more of a bit of trivia than a selling point.

We look at the banged up Kevin Owens losing to Sami Zayn.

Sami Zayn is VERY happy about his win and talks about how there is order to the chaos of the universe. This might be the greatest moment of his life….until he is told he is facing Kevin Owens in a Money in the Bank qualifying match next week. Sami storms off, declaring this the worst week of his life.

Post break, Sami asks Adam Pearce what is going on here and thinks he should just be in Money in the Bank. That’s a negative, because he has to qualify. Sami asks one more time but it’s off the table, which he describes as playing a very dangerous game.

Here is Sonya Deville to announce the first entrant in the women’s Money in the Bank ladder match: Carmella. Cue Carmella to say she’s happy with this but wants to be introduced as the Most Beautiful Woman In WWE. That brings out Liv Morgan to says he should be in the ladder match instead but Carmella says the match is for the stars. The fight is on but Deville says they can just have a match.

Carmella vs. Liv Morgan

Joined in progress with Carmella in control on the floor as Sonya Deville watches at ringside. Back in and Carmella sends her into the corner for a slow superkick. Morgan is right back with Oblivion for two as Carmella gets a foot on the rope. Carmella grabs a middle rope hurricanrana but Morgan rolls through into a cradle for the pin at 3:15.

Rating: D+. So this wasn’t for the spot in the ladder match and Morgan wins the series 2-1 but Carmella is in the ladder match anyway, despite losing the last two matches. I’m sure Liv will be added to the match as well, which will make the entire three match series completely meaningless. This should not surprise you at all.

Jimmy Uso dedicates his match to Roman Reigns.

Jimmy Uso vs. Dolph Ziggler

Bobby Roode is here with Ziggler. Uso starts fast with an enziguri but gets punched into the corner. Ziggler’s big elbow sets up a chinlock but Jimmy fights up without much trouble. Ziggler is sent outside so Jimmy can dive onto Roode, only to get caught in a Zig Zag onto the steps (egads) as we take a break.

Back with Ziggler hitting another Zig Zag for two and the frustration sets in. They slug it out from their knees with Uso using the headbutts but getting punched into the ropes. The Zig Zag is countered into a powerbomb which is countered into a sunset flip for two. Uso is right back up with a superkick for the pin at 9:43.

Rating: C. This could go a few ways, but it’s kind of hard to bring myself to care about someone beating Ziggler. That is almost the free space on the WWE Bingo card and while it is a new one for Jimmy, it isn’t exactly exciting. What might be interesting is seeing where this goes for Jimmy and Reigns, and ultimately that is what matters the most.

Uso heads to the back where Roman Reigns seems pleased but doesn’t say anything. Reigns heads towards the ring and Jimmy goes to follow him but Paul Heyman cuts him off.

Next week: Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn in a Last Man Standing Money In The Bank qualifying match.

Here are Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman for the State Of The Universal Title Address. We see a video on Reigns beating Rey Mysterio in the Cell, plus Reigns beating up Dominik for a bonus. Heyman talks about all of the people that Reigns has beaten up, including the Fiend, Cesaro, Kevin Owens, Braun Strowman, Edge, Daniel Bryan and Rey Mysterio. Reigns has cleaned out the division, so now he needs to make an announcement.

Before he can speak, cue the returning Edge to jump Reigns and the fight is on, with Edge knocking Reigns outside. A clothesline off the apron lets Edge send Reigns face first into the announcers’ table over and over. Back in and Reigns hits a Superman Punch to cut Edge off. Reigns goes for a chair but walks into a spear.

Edge loads up the Conchairto but here is Jimmy Uso to cut him off. That earns Jimmy a spear through the barricade as Reigns and Heyman escape. Edge: “WHERE YOU AT ROMAN???” On the stage dude. Just turn to the right. Posing ends the show. This works well as Edge didn’t get his big singles match, so he’ll do fine for the Money in the Bank challenger. Like Heyman said, who else is there?

Overall Rating: C-. The ending helped a good bit, but this show was really pretty depressing. It’s clear that we’re going to be seeing a lot of rematches (including some tonight) and that isn’t the most inspiring way to get us to Money in the Bank. The action wasn’t bad, but the level of interest took a big hit this week as it became clear that what we have been watching for weeks to get us to the Cell is going to be the same thing that gets us to Money in the Bank. Edge being back does help, but that’s about all the good there was.



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Smackdown – June 18, 2021: Lower That Cell

Date: June 18, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

For the first time in over twenty years, we’re getting a Hell in a Cell match on free TV, as Universal Champion Roman Reigns is defending against Rey Mysterio. Why you ask? There doesn’t seem to be much of a reason other than “let’s do it on TV”. That is quite the change of pace and I’m not sure how bright of a move it is. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Rey Mysterio vs. Roman Reigns and the setup of their Cell match. That was back when it was taking place at the pay per view of the same name, before the change was made this week.

Here is Rey Mysterio for a chat with the Cell partially lowered. A rather emotional Rey talks about how Reigns attacked him as a father by taking out his son Dominik. Rey remembers seeing the pain in his son’s eyes and he will never forget that feeling. He can’t wait another day so tonight it is time for him to get his revenge inside the Cell. Rey wants Reigns out here right now and the Cell lowers to the floor. Cue Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns, with Roman saying this wasn’t his fault. What happened to Dominik was PG, so is Rey sure he wants this? Rey is sure, so Reigns says not we’ll do it his way.

Video on Commander Azeez.

Apollo Crews is ready for Azeez, his secret weapon, to show Kevin Owens and Big E. true pain.

Apollo Crews/Commander Azeez vs. Big E./Kevin Owens

In the back, Owens talks about how great of a tag wrestler Big E is. Big E.: “Kevin is very good.” Owens: “That’s it?” Big E. gives one of his fired up speeches about how Crews and Azeez are about to feel the power. Sami Zayn comes out for commentary as Big E. drops Crews for the Warrior Splash. Owens adds a backsplash for two, with Sami wondering how legal this is. It’s off to Azeez (in his uniform) to kick Big E. in the face and slam him on the floor.

We take a break and come back with Azeez hitting a suplex as Sami wants more punishment. There’s another suplex (Sami: “That’s good form.”) but Azeez misses the big elbow. Crews comes in and they head to the apron, with Big E. hitting a release gordbuster. It’s off to Owens for a Swanton for two and a Pop Up Powerbomb gets the same. Azeez makes the save and comes back in to run Big E. over on the floor. Owens gets posted and a quick Sami distraction sets up the Nigerian Nail to give Azeez the pin at 9:09.

Rating: C. This was all about Azeez and that worked out well. Azeez came off like a total monster and ran over both guys, just as he was supposed to. What mattered here was setting up someone new and making Apollo Crews look that much better by association. Sami being all gleeful about Azeez hurting Owens made it that much more fun.

Sami is rather pleased with the result.

Post break a barely able to breathe Kevin Owens comes in to see Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville, demanding a match with Sami Zayn. Pearce makes it for Sunday.

King Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

It’s the Battle For The Crown and the rubber match after they have traded a pair of wins apiece. Rick Boogs handles the guitar intro and McAfee loses his mind all over again. Nakamura strikes away to start and hits the sliding German suplex. Boogs is rather pleased as we take a break.

Back with Corbin grabbing a chinlock, followed by Deep Six for two. A German suplex gives Corbin two more but Nakamura is back up with the knees to the head. Corbin nails a running clothesline and shouts about it being his crown. That takes a bit too long though, allowing Nakamura to strike away. The middle rope knee connects and another knee breaks up a chokeslam attempt. Kinshasa gives Nakamura the pin and the crown at 9:07.

Rating: C+. It was a better match than they have been having as of late, though that might not be the highest bar to clear. What matters is that we’re done with this feud, which has gone on quite a bit too long. It wouldn’t surprise me if this somehow set up the return of the King of the Ring, which is something that will always work, at least for a few weeks.

Post match Boogs crowns Nakamura as Corbin is crying.

Here is Bianca Belair for a chat. Belair calls out Bayley but no one comes out, leaving her to talk about how hard she has worked to get here. She has overcome all of the odds and is ready to get the last laugh against Bayley. They’re fighting on Sunday, but Belair wants it to be inside the Cell. Belair is going to throw her all over the Cell and Bayley won’t be laughing when Belair retains the title.

Cue Bayley for the brawl but Belair tosses her outside in a hurry. Bayley pulls the hair though and sends Belair into various things, setting up the Rose Plant inside. Bayley holds up the title and the screens turn into the same image again. I’m really not sure if these two need to be in the Cell, but that has been the case with at least one match almost every year since the show debuted.

We recap the Usos’ history with Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio, including Roman Reigns costing them a Tag Team Title match. This has caused some issues between the Usos and Reigns, sending Reigns into a rather emotional rant to Jimmy last week.

Jimmy Uso comes in to see Reigns, who asks about Jey. Jimmy hasn’t seen him this week, but he knows that Reigns is his family. Tonight, Jimmy will have his back but Reigns says he needs Jey. Don’t worry about the match, because finding Jey is more important.

Otis vs. Angelo Dawkins

Or not as Chad Gable and Otis jump Dawkins before the bell and send his bad shoulder into the steps. Dawkins gets laid out with the discus lariat/German suplex so the Alpha Academy can stand tall. No match.

We look at Seth Rollins attacking Cesaro, who returned last week to attack him.

We get a sitdown interview with Cesaro, who thinks Rollins didn’t go far enough. Rollins comes in and Cesaro is ready to fight. That’s not why Rollins is here, so he takes Kayla Braxton’s place as the interviewer. Rollins doesn’t think Cesaro deserves even a single ounce of respect and on Sunday, he will put Cesaro in his place. Cesaro respects Rollins for coming here to face him man to man and he’ll see him on Sunday. Rollins gets shoved out of his chair and is shaking with anger. Not enough to do anything about it, but he is shaking.

Hell in a Cell rundown, with Belair vs. Bayley confirmed for the Cell, plus Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins officially announced.

Universal Title: Roman Reigns vs. Rey Mysterio

Reigns is defending inside the Cell. Rey grabs a chair to start and knocks Reigns down, setting up a fire extinguisher blast to the face. A toolbox off the head knocks Reigns silly again and we take a break. Back with Rey wrapping a chair around Reigns’ throat and sending it into the Cell wall. That isn’t enough as Rey sends the chair into the post as well, leaving Reigns reeling even more.

Rey sets up a table and avoids a spear to send Reigns through it, but a hurricanrana is countered into a swing into the Cell. Reigns tosses him face first into the Cell and we take another break. Back with Reigns firing off knees in the corner and nailing the Superman Punch (Heyman: “HE’S GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOU!!!”).

The spear is cut off with a dropkick though and a 619 connects in the corner. Some chair shots to the back and arm have Reigns down again and the frog splash onto the chair onto Reigns connects….but Rey can’t cover. Rey adds another splash just onto Reigns for two but a top rope hurricanrana is countered into a toss powerbomb over the top and into the Cell (well that was awesome). Back in and Reigns grabs a choke to make Rey tap at 16:02.

Rating: B. It was hard hitting and violent with the frog splash being a nice near fall and that toss powerbomb looking awesome. Reigns wasn’t going to lose here but it was a little more dramatic than I was expecting. It’s not like Mysterio is going to be hurt in something like this either, though I’m still not sure if it needed to be inside the Cell. Heck of a TV main event though, and it would have been fine on pay per view as well.

Post match Jimmy Uso comes out to acknowledge Reigns. That’s not enough for Reigns, who chokes Mysterio out again. Reigns: “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!”

Overall Rating: B. Pretty solid show here, even if it was a one match night. They almost doubled the Cell card in two hours, which is quite annoying but it is nice to do it on TV rather than over the weekend. The Cell match is the big story here of course and that worked very well, so it is kind of hard to complain about getting this much on a regular TV show.

Apollo Crews/Commander Azeez b. Big E./Kevin Owens – Nigerian Nail to Owens
Shinsuke Nakamura b. King Corbin – Kinshasa
Roman Reigns b. Rey Mysterio – Inverted guillotine



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Smackdown – June 11, 2021: Him Yes, The Rest, No

Date: June 11, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

We are on the way to Hell in a Cell and odds are we have the main event set on the blue side. It looks like we are going to be seeing Rey Mysterio get the Universal Title shot against Roman Reigns, assuming they don’t go nuts and give it to Dominik. Normally I would say there is no way, but have you been watching WWE lately? Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Usos failing to win the Tag Team Titles and Roman Reigns destroying the Mysterios to let off some steam.

Reigns is in the back with Jey Uso, saying the Usos owe him an apology. Reigns knows Jey is with him, but we have to see about Jimmy.

Here’s Jimmy Uso for a chat. Jimmy recaps last week and wants to know why Reigns cost them their second title shot. Maybe Reigns is jealous, because the Usos could be the champs and have some gold of their own. Jey isn’t Reigns’ brother and Jimmy is his brother’s keeper. Tonight, he’s doing something about it.

In the back, Reigns isn’t happy. Reigns to Jey: “He’s not my brother. He doesn’t look just like me. He’s not my twin. Ain’t no one going to confuse me for him.” Jey goes to take care of things.

Post break, Jimmy talks to Jey and asks if he thinks they could have won last week. Jey reluctantly says he thinks they could have been the champs, sending Jimmy into a rant about how this can’t keep happening. They’re twins and Reigns is the one disgracing the family. Jey says his loyalty is with Reigns because Jimmy was out for a year. Now Jey is stuck in the middle with no way out.

Kevin Owens/Big E. vs. Apollo Crews/Sami Zayn

Commander Azeez is here with the villains. Owens and Crews start but Owens would rather throw Zayn into the barricade. A backsplash crushes Crews but he knocks Owens down into the corner. The beating doesn’t last long and it’s off to Big E. to clean house. The Warrior Splash hits knees but Crews charges into the Rock Bottom out of the corner for two. Everything breaks down and Big E. is dropped on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Crews cutting off the tag attempt and bringing Sami back in but a high crossbody misses. That’s enough for the hot tag to Owens so house really can be cleaned. A Cannonball sets up the Swanton for two but Sami jumps over Owens to get over for the hot tag. Crews comes in but walks into the Pop Up Powerbomb from Owens.

Sami dives in with a kick to the face for the save before getting brought back in. Everything breaks down and the Blue Thunder Bomb gets two on Owens. Big E. Cactus Clotheslines Crews to the floor (and lands on him for a scary shot), leaving Owens to Stun Zayn for the pin at 12:50.

Rating: C. Totally fine way to combine a few stories at once while keeping Crews safe. They could go in a few directions for the next title match as Crews is becoming an interesting champion. I’m curious to see where this goes and that is not something I’ve been able to say about the title for a good while now.

Post match Crews says hang on a second and blames Zayn for the loss. How about we do this again next week but with Commander Azeez instead of Zayn? That sounds cool with Owens and Big E., but Zayn gets up to complain. The conspiracy is strong, so Zayn get Nigerian Nailed down.

Chad Gable comes up to the Street Profits in the back and blames himself for Otis taking them out last week. Instead, Gable can face one of them at once, with Angelo Dawkins saying he has this. Actually hang on as Montez Ford says he’s got this instead, with Gable being cool with the move. Otis and Dawkins will both stay out of ringside.

Jey Uso comes in to see Roman Reigns, who isn’t happy with Jimmy Uso not being here. Jimmy has said if Reigns wants to see him, come to the Usos’ locker room. Reigns starts chuckling and asks if he means Reigns’ cousins’ locker room. He’ll go see Jimmy…and things get a bit more serious. Reigns walks off saying “my locker room” and chuckling some more. See? He’s happy!

Carmella vs. Liv Morgan

Rematch from last week where Liv lost after getting a pre-match promo and new catchphrase. Liv, in caution tape gear, jumps Carmella to start and stomps her down in the corner. A missed charge only hits the ropes though and Carmella takes her outside to send her into the barricade.

Hold on though as Carmella yells at the commentators to talk about how beautiful she is. After the cameraman falls down while filming the exchange, Carmella takes her back inside for an elbow to the face. That means some more posing until Liv gets in a few shots. A missed charge lets Carmella slap her in the face a few times, but a superkick is blocked. Liv is back with Oblivion for the pin at 2:59.

Post match Carmella insists on being announced as still the most beautiful woman in WWE.

It’s time for Ding Dong Hello, with Bayley welcoming her fellow Grand Slam winner, Seth Rollins. After coming through the door, Rollins has a seat and talks about how much he likes the new set (which isn’t very new). He is rather proud of how much Bayley has been doing as of late, especially when you have Bianca Belair treating her with such a lack of respect.

We see Bayley’s face taking over all of the screens last week as she laughed a lot and Seth finds it great. Bayley has a clip of her own, and we see Rollins attacking Cesaro three weeks ago. More cackling ensues but the doorbell rings. Rollins answers and it’s Cesar, who punches Rollins in the face. The brawl is on and Rollins’ suit is ripped apart. Cesaro throws him into the door to knock it over and Rollins is sent running. The guys leave so here is Bianca Belair to laugh at Bayley’s destroyed set.

We look at Roman Reigns attacking the Mysterios last week.

Rey Mysterio isn’t happy with the way Roman Reigns attacked Dominik last week. He doesn’t care show big Reigns is, because he is coming to fight for his son.

Chad Gable vs. Montez Ford

Gable wrestles him to the mat to start and works on an armbar. Back up and Ford grabs an armdrag into an armbar, followed by an armdrag into an armbar. That’s broken up and Ford’s leapfrog is countered into an ankle lock, only to have Ford lean back onto him for two. They go to the apron and crash down to the floor, sending us to a break.

Back with Gable hitting a belly to back suplex but they both try crossbodies for a double knockdown. We cut to the back where Otis jumps Angelo Dawkins and come back to the ring for Ford hitting a spinebuster. From The Heavens gets two but Otis runs in for the DQ at 9:25 (I wonder if Otis was supposed to break up the cover and was a bit late).

Rating: C. Not a bad match and it’s nice to see that Ford can hang in the ring on his own. The ending wasn’t the best but at least they seem to be setting up a pretty nice tag match. The good thing to see here is the fact that this is a simple yet perfectly effective tag team feud. They aren’t breaking any new ground, but I’ll take something done well over something new being a mess any day.

Post match the beatdown is on, with Angelo Dawkins’ attempted save failing badly.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. King Corbin

We don’t even get the Rick Boogs entrance! The bell rings and Boogs starts playing to distract Corbin, allowing Nakamura to strike away. The middle rope knee connects for two but Kinshasa is countered into Deep Six for two. Corbin strikes away and pulls Nakamura down by the head. A quick victory roll gives Nakamura the pin at 1:52 (it’s as sudden as it sounds).

Post match Boogs runs after the crown but gets decked. Nakamura takes it from Corbin though and throws Corbin over the announcers’ table. McAfee inches over to Boogs, who goes inside (McAfee, seemingly thinking his mic is off: “Oh, I thought we were going to do something there.”).

Roman Reigns says he and Jey Uso can go to “their” locker room.

King Corbin storms into Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville’s office and demands his crown match. Pearce says no but Sonya says they can have a rubber match next week in a Battle For The Crown. For those keeping track, that will be the fifth match in six weeks. So far, they haven’t combined to go fifteen minutes yet.

Roman Reigns and Jey Uso come in to see Jimmy Uso (with Jey standing in the middle for a perfect visual). Reigns holds up the Universal Title and asks what Jimmy is thinking. Jimmy goes on about how he doesn’t care about the title, saying that Reigns has been doing this since they were all kids. Jimmy knows that Reigns is going to the Hall of Fame one day, but he’s going in as a spoiled b****.

Reigns starts talking to Jey about what Jimmy is doing, but Jimmy says Reigns is doing the same thing. Jey says he’s tired of both of them and walks out. Jimmy is ready to fight but Reigns says they aren’t kids anymore. This is their family business and Jimmy needs to start using his head.

Reigns should be able to depend on Jimmy because it is all of them and continue to be the best every single week. That is all he has ever known: being the best. It’s time for Jimmy to make this right with him and his family. Jimmy leaves and Reigns looks serious. Reigns was VERY fired up here and sounded a bit like the Rock when he started talking fast.

Here is Rey Mysterio to call out Roman Reigns so here he comes (with Paul Heyman of course). Rey gets straight to the point by acknowledging Reigns as the rat that he is for putting his hands on Rey’s son. He wants to fight Reigns and he wants it inside the Cell. Reigns acknowledges him…and Rey whips out a surprise kendo stick to hammer him down. That’s broken up but here’s Dominik with a stick of his own to break up the spear. You don’t do that to Reigns, who POWERBOMBS Dominik over the top in a great visual (though you don’t see the landing). Rey dives onto Dominik to end the show on fire.

Overall Rating: C. As usual, this was the Roman Reigns Show, as anything he did was great and everything else was pretty hit or miss. The problem here is the rematches, as we had two matches we saw last week which went about the same (save for the winners). It really does kind of feel like they’re out of ideas to promote the pay per view and are just filling time, which isn’t the best look. The show still has some matches to make for the pay per view so next week should be covered, but this wasn’t a thrilling show.

Kevin Owens/Big E. b. Apollo Crews/Sami Zayn – Stunner to Zayn
Liv Morgan b. Carmella – Oblivion
Montez Ford b. Chad Gable via DQ when Otis interfered
Shinsuke Nakamura b. King Corbin – Victory roll



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Smackdown – June 4, 2021: Roman, Roman And Roman

Date: June 4, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida|
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

It’s time for a double title show as the Intercontinental and Tag Team Titles are on the line. First up Apollo Crews is defending against Kevin Owens with Commander Azeez barred from ringside. Next up, likely in the main event, the Usos get their shot against Dominik and Rey Mysterio in what could be a pretty awesome match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here are Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman to get things going. Reigns talks about being direct in how he is feeling, because he wasn’t happy last week. He has had the counsel of a wise man and a week to chew on it though and now he has changed his mind on the Usos getting a Tag Team Title shot tonight.

Reigns may be the centerpiece but he is also a giver. Let’s get the Usos out here right now (Heyman: “USOS’ MUSIC RIGHT NOW!”) because we need to talk about this. Jey is cool with Reigns and Jimmy says it’s time to become the seven time champs. Reigns says bring him the titles when it’s over and drops the mic. The Usos seem cool with that.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio

The Usos are challenging. Jimmy shoulders Dominik to start but it’s a dropkick into an armbar to put Jimmy down. Rey comes in and gets powerbombed onto Jimmy for two as Cole says the Usos have somehow never had a match against Rey Mysterio of any kind (I love little trivia like that). It’s off to Jey for a backbreaker, setting up an assisted hot shot for two. Jey gets in a cheap shot from the floor and drops Rey onto the apron to bang up his back.

Back in and Rey manages to send Jey over the ropes to the floor but a suicide dive is countered into a Samoan drop onto the announcers’ table (OW). We take a break and come back with Rey still in trouble, including Jey grabbing a reverse chinlock. Jey hands it off to Jimmy but Rey sends them into each other in the corner. The tag brings Dominik back in to dive onto both Usos at once. Back in and a neckbreaker drops Jey but Jimmy catches him with a kick to the ribs.

A run up the corner sets up a tornado DDT for two on Jimmy as everything breaks down. Rey hits a running seated senton to take Jey down on the floor but walks into a superkick from Jimmy. Back in and Jimmy hits Dominik with one as well but Dominik grabs a rollup to retain at 14:25, thought he replay shows that the shoulder was up at two (with commentary pointing it out several times).

Rating: C. The ending didn’t help things but the rest of this worked out well enough. What matters here is the finish though, as that is going to give Reigns a reason to yell at them. A pay per view rematch wouldn’t surprise me but I can’t imagine that this is done anytime soon. The Usos seem destined to get the titles eventually, and that is probably best for everyone.

Roman Reigns tells Paul Heyman to bring them to him.

Post break, Reigns yells at the Usos (Reigns: “YOU LOST TO A CHILD!”) for calling their shot and screwing it up. Reigns says they better get another shot at this and correct the mistake. He wants this fixed tonight, but before they go, they need to understand his position. They are six time Tag Team Champions and made it to Wrestlemania once. Then Jey closed the show on his own with his head held high for the whole world to see. Jimmy needs to understand, but the way it is going, it won’t matter anyway. Reigns was amazing here.

We get a sitdown interview with Seth Rollins, who is asked about attacking Cesaro over and over. Rollins says he doesn’t owe the WWE Universe anything, including his time or an answer to that leading question. When asked about Cesaro returning to Smackdown, Rollins takes the mic off and slowly throws it at Kayla Braxton.

Chad Gable talks to the Street Profits about how he has not been liking what is on their tapes lately. It is clear that profits are down, with Montez Ford losing about six inches off of his frog splash and Angelo Dawkins’ Sky High looking like a medium. Gable offers to coach them up, but that’s a hard no.

The Usos complain to Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville but Pearce says the result is final. Sonya says they’ll get back to them on this.

Liv Morgan vs. Carmella

Morgan says she thinks it’s cute that Carmella thinks she’s so beautiful. She would give Carmella a 7/10 but a boot to the face would make it a 10. After the Liv Morgan Makeover, everyone is going to want to watch her. Morgan gets sent outside to start but throws Carmella into the barricade to take over. Carmella goes face first into the apron and it’s a Backstabber into a toss into the corner back inside. Not that it matters as Carmella kicks her in the face and grabs the Code of Silence for the tap at 2:30. So Liv gets a singles match, a new look and a catchphrase and loses in less than three minutes. Shocking I know.

The Mysterios are leaving but Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville stop them. They have looked at the tape and the rematch is tonight. The Mysterios aren’t happy but they head back to the locker room.

Here is Bianca Belair for a chat. Bayley has been laughing at her lately but everyone is laughing at Bayley instead of with her. Belair talks about being bullied a lot over the years and even being called mannish. It hurt her a lot, but she just won trophy after trophy and proved everyone wrong. Now Bayley is disrespecting her, so let’s just do this at Hell in a Cell.

Bayley doesn’t come out, but we hear her laughing and she eventually pops up on the screen. She talks about how she is here via satellite and we see her sitting on a couch, surrounded by pictures of herself. The challenge is accepted, and she promises that she won’t be the only one laughing. The video screens in the arena all turn into pictures of Bayley laughing for a pretty creepy moment. Granted it was better a few months ago when Alexa Bliss did it on Raw.

Otis asks the Street Profits if they’re joining the Alpha Academy but they say he should get a refund. That’s a shot to Ford’s face and Dawkins gets driven into an anvil case.

Here is King Corbin to recap his issues with Shinsuke Nakamura. Well at least to introduce a video on them. Cue Rick Boogs to give a royal introduction to Shinsuke Nakamura, the King of Strong Style (complete with Corbin’s crown). McAfee gets up on the announcers’ table to dance to Boogs’ entrance in what continues to be one of the best parts of the show.

King Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Corbin hammers away in the corner but Nakamura kicks him into the corner. The running knee to the ribs gives Nakamura two, earning himself a two arm chokeslam for two. A cross armbreaker sends Corbin bailing to the rope and then the floor, where he drops Boogs with a clothesline. Back in and Corbin pulls Nakamura down by the hair and cradles him for the pin at 1:55.

Post match Corbin grabs the crown but Boogs slows him down, allowing Nakamura to kick Corbin in the head and steal it back.

Kevin Owens is on his way to the ring when Commander Azeez jumps him. The beatdown is on with Apollo Crews looking on approvingly.

Intercontinental Title: Apollo Crews vs. Kevin Owens

Crews is defending and Owens can barely make it to the ring. Crews gets smart by hitting a backbreaker to stay on the bad ribs and a suplex makes it worse. Owens’ chop doesn’t do much as Crews whips him hard into the corner. Somehow Owens manages to send him outside but running the ropes hurts the ribs again. Crews sends him outside and it’s an Angle Slam on the floor to send us to a break.

Back with Crews still in full control, including an overhead belly to belly suplex. Crews snaps off a German suplex but Owens hits one of his own. Owens manages to get up top but has to break up a superplex attempt. A headbutt puts Crews down and for some reason Owens decides to try the Swanton, which hits raised knees.

An enziguri into a German suplex gives Crews two but the frog splash only hits mat. Owens hits a superkick (dig that thigh slapping) and the Pop Up Powerbomb gets two. Crews heads to the apron so Owens goes up again, only to get pulled down into a Death Valley Driver onto the apron to retain the title at 11:58.

Rating: C+. This worked well and there is a door open for Owens to get a rematch later on if that is where they want to go. Crews has done rather well with the title and I’m curious to see where he goes from here. Good match with a better story, and that is not something you get to say very often in WWE.

Post match here’s Sami Zayn to hit the Helluva Kick on Owens, because these two can’ apart for very long.

The Street Profits think Chad Gable is the disrespectful one and it’s time to send Otis back to the dump where he belongs.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio

The Usos are challenging and Jimmy takes Dominik down for three straight near falls. It’s off to Jey, who hits a belly to back suplex into a neckbreaker to send Dominik outside. Jey’s dive takes Dominik out again and we take a break. Back with Jey hammering away on Dominik but getting rolled into the corner for his efforts. Rey, in a shirt for an odd look, comes in and hits the springboard spinning crossbody for two on Jimmy. A hurricanrana takes Jimmy down and there’s the sliding splash to crush him on the floor. Back in and the 619 connects and Dominik goes up….but Roman Reigns comes in for the DQ at 8:12.

Rating: C. The ending surprised me but it is cool to see Reigns getting to wreck people. There is a good chance that they do this a third time at the pay per view, which would be a good enough way to have the Usos take the titles. Either way, Reigns continues to be excellent and that is all you need around here for the most part.

Post match Reigns cleans house and yells at Jimmy for embarrassing the family twice. Reigns destroys both Mysterios with stair shots before throwing Rey over the barricade. Dominik gets choked out and Jimmy says that’s enough. Roman finally lets go as Jimmy says it doesn’t need to be like this. Jimmy walks off and calls Jey to come with him. Hold on though as Reigns gets in Jey’s face, leaving Jey confused. Reigns isn’t done with Dominik though as he hammers away and nails a big powerbomb to end the show. Rey vs. Reigns could work for the pay per view title match.

Overall Rating: C+. This was the Roman Reigns Show again as he more than carried everything else. His presence is more than enough to make things that much better and it was a good show mainly due to what he did. There were a few other good parts to it as well though and I liked more of it than I didn’t. Outside of stuff like Nakamura vs. Corbin and Carmella beating Morgan in such quick fashion, this was a pretty nice show as they continue the build towards the pay per view.


Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio b. Usos – Victory roll to Jimmy

Carmella b. Liv Morgan – Code of Silence

King Corbin b. Shinsuke Nakamura – Rollup

Apollo Crews b. Kevin Owens – Death Valley Driver onto the apron

Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio b. Usos via DQ when Roman Reigns interfered

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Main Event – May 27, 2021: What This Show Could Be

Main Event
Date: May 27, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Byron Saxton

It still isn’t quite the top show on the ladder but Main Event has become a lot more fun than it was…well almost ever actually. I’m not sure what to expect here, though this week’s Raw was pretty good so hopefully the highlights work. I’m almost curious to see what is next and that is a weird feeling. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.Opening sequence.

We actually open on commentary, who throw us to our first highlight. Ok then.

From Raw.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler vs. Tamina/Natalya

Tamina and Natalya are defending. Baszler and Tamina start, with Baszler shoving Natalya on the apron. That means it’s Natalya coming in instead, with Baszler grabbing the arm. They go into a pinfall reversal sequence with Baszler putting on a keylock to slow things back down. Baszler grabs a quickly broken Sharpshooter so she loads up the arm strong but freaking Reginald comes out, allowing Natalya to roll away. We take a break and come back with Baszler still working on Natalya’s arm but Natalya slips out.

The tag brings in Tamina for a low superkick to Nia, but a second attempt is countered into a sloppy rollup for two. The stomping is on in the corner but Tamina hits Baszler in the face. Everything breaks down and Tamina gets backdropped over the barricade. Natalya hits the discus lariat on Baszler but Reginald gets on the apron for a distraction, meaning Baszler’s small package only gets two. Reginald goes up the ramp but fire goes off to knock him down, allowing Natalya to small package Baszler for the retaining pin at 11:44.

Rating: C. So not only did they do the same “distraction leads to a missed rollup” that Miz and Morrison did a few weeks ago, but we also get another finish built around Reginald. He’s talented at acrobatics and all that jazz but WHY IS HE ON THIS SHOW??? He was brought in because Carmella needed a lackey and for some reason that gets him a job for life? Oh and Nia thinks someone half her size is cute, because that’s an idea they needed to resurrect after Enzo Amore was released.

Post match Shayna helps Reginald up and then grabs him, saying that she wants the “Cirque du Soleil Sommelier” next week, where she will make him wish he died in that explosion. Oh for goodness’ sake. That’s their big hook to end the show going into a holiday episode? Sure why not.

From Smackdown.

Here are Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Paul Heyman for a chat. Reigns considers himself humble and teaches his kids about it every chance he can. Since he is humble though, he needs Paul Heyman to brag about him instead. Heyman goes over Reigns’ time as Universal Champion, including sending Daniel Bryan into Bella retirement. He asks if he can do anything for Reigns, who wants his cousin out here. Heyman: “JIMMY USO! JIMMY USO! PLAY JIMMY USO’S MUSIC!”

Instead he gets Cesaro, who talks about the annoying yapping that he has been hearing. Cesaro says he can fight with one arm (because it’s just a flesh wound) and wants to fight Reigns at Hell in a Cell. Cue Seth Rollins to jump Cesaro from behind and send the arm into the steps. Rollins is sent to the back but comes back to beat on Cesaro again. Referees get him away again but this time Rollins jumps over the barricade and hits a Stomp. Cue the stretcher to get Cesaro out of here.

We recap Bobby Lashley issuing an open challenge and then losing to Kofi Kingston in a non-title match.

From Raw.

MVP opens things up and brings out WWE Champion Bobby Lashley, with some different women than last week. After a recap of Kofi Kingston pinning Lashley last week, MVP asks for a round of applause for the champ. At the same time, they are coming up on the return of fans, where you can see Lashley in person. That brings MVP to Drew McIntyre, who Lashley has beaten a few times now, meaning they are sick of him.

MVP likes the idea of Kingston rising up to face Lashley and he did, but that dark cloud got involved (cue Drew’s music) “AGAIN!”. McIntyre says everyone knew he was going to be there last week and now he wants his one on one rematch for the title. He gets in the ring and asks the ladies if Lashley has the testicular fortitude to face him one on one. The women back off and Lashley isn’t having this but here is New Day to interrupt.

Kingston reminds up (multiple times) that he pinned Lashley last week, with Lashley bringing up McIntyre’s interference. With that win, Kingston thinks he should get a rematch, which he never got after losing his title. Why is McIntyre getting rematch after rematch after rematch? McIntyre isn’t cool with that but here is Adam Pearce to make a #1 contenders match, with the winner getting Lashley at the pay per view.

From Raw.

Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

MVP and Lashley are with the ladies in the VIP Lounge on the stage while Xavier Woods is at ringside as the winner gets Lashley next month for the title. Kofi’s headlock doesn’t get him very far as McIntyre throws him down without much effort. The toss suplex is countered with a knee to the head though and Kofi snaps off a Russian legsweep. There’s the slingshot splash for two on McIntyre, with Lashley approving.

Kingston sends him outside and nails the slingshot shot to the head. Kofi gets caught in an electric chair though and the reverse Alabama Slam sends him into the apron as we take a break. Back with McIntyre in control and snapping off a belly to belly suplex. Another knockdown gives McIntyre two but Kofi gets in a shot to the face to set up a middle rope dropkick. A quick guillotine attempt is countered into a suplex to give Drew two and frustration is setting in.

Kingston’s jumping double stomp gets two and, after headbutting Drew off the top, Kingston hits a high crossbody….which McIntyre rolls through into a Michinoku Driver. McIntyre gets distracted by Lashley through and we take another break. Back again with MVP and Lashley at ringside and McIntyre hitting a belly to back superplex for two. A spinebuster into a sitout powerbomb gets the same but McIntyre goes shoulder first into the post. Kofi sends him outside and dives onto McIntyre, MVP and Lashley at the same time. Back in and the SOS gets two, which draws in MVP and Lashley for the double DQ at 21:14.

Rating: B. Can we just skip MVP and Lashley gloating and announce the triple threat? If that’s too cliched, let us have the rematch already because the idea of the villains thinking they have outsmarted everyone has been played out for years. The match was good though, as having a former champion in there gave even the slightest hint that something could go down, which is very nice to have.

Post match the brawl is on, with McIntyre clearing the ring.

Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali

2/3 falls match (I might need a minute here). Ricochet takes him down and hammers away but Ali gets in a toss over to the apron. That’s fine with Ricochet, who sends him outside for a dive. Ali is sent into the barricade and they head back inside for an exchange of near falls. Back up and Ali gets sent to the floor, where he pulls Ricochet out with him. Ricochet gets tossed into the barricade for a countout at 2:52.

The second fall starts after a break with Ali getting some near falls and grabbing a neck crank. That’s broken up with a belly to back suplex and Ricochet starts hammering away. Ali is right back with a tornado DDT for two but Ricochet catches him on top with a German suplex. It’s time for Ricochet to go up but Ali shoves the referee into the rope for a DQ to even things up at 8:30.

We take another break and come back again with Ali hitting a running neckbreaker but Ricochet grabs a Side Effect. A superkick into a sitout powerbomb gives Ali two but Ricochet rolls away as he goes up top. They head outside again and this time Ricochet suplexes him off of the barricade. That’s good for a double dive back inside to beat the count and it’s time to slug it out.

They’re right back on the floor with Ricochet hitting a Michinoku Driver to rock Ali. Back in again and the 630 misses, allowing Ali to grab the Koji Clutch. That’s broken up as well and Ricochet knocks him down, only to have to bail out of the 450. A pinfall reversal sequence goes back and forth so Ali goes up….and dives into the Recoil to give Ricochet the pin at 16:18.

Rating: B-. I can’t believe it but this was the kind of thing that we might actually get on Main Event these days. It was so nice to have something built up over the last few weeks and then pay it off here, though it helps even more to have a heck of a match. This was as good as you would have expected with both guys working hard and putting in the effort, which hopefully gets them noticed. It shouldn’t have to, but you hope for what you can get.

From Smackdown.

We get another Aleister Black lesson, as he talks about the Beautiful Plan. This one seems to be about his tattoos, which he uses to hide his deepest and darkest sins. His father always said that there this world is full of cruel thoughts. The people will live proudly in their cesspool of sins because it is all they are. That has become their identity, to become lonesome and blind. They are sick and dying animals and it is time to separate the weak from the strong and cull the herd.

From Smackdown.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens vs. Big E. vs. Apollo Crews

Crews, with Commander Azeez, is defending and this is one fall to a finish. Owens charges at Sami to start and they fight out to the floor in a hurry. That leaves Crews to punch and forearm Big E. in various places but Big E. gets in his own elbow. Big E. comes back in but gets enziguried, allowing Sami to get back in and stomp on Owens. Sami is sent outside so Big E. can hammer away, setting up the apron splash onto Sami and Crews at the same time.

Owens hits the big flip dive onto Big E. though and we take a break. Back with Crews hitting a big standing dropkick to send Big E. outside. Crews moonsaults off the apron onto Big E. but Sami hits a dive off the barricade. That means some Sami gloating but here is Big E. to drop Owens again. Owens gets two off the Swanton back inside with Big E. having to make a save.

Back in and Big E. hits three German suplexes for two on Big E. Sami’s exploder suplex sends Owens into the corner and a Michinoku Driver gets two. Everything breaks down for a series of knockdowns, including Big E. spearing Crews through the ropes to the floor as we take a break.

Back again with Big E. suplexing everyone else until Sami kicks him in the face to break up the Warrior splash. Owens hits his fisherman’s brainbuster onto the knee but Crews catches him on top. Big E. suplexes Crews as he suplexes Sami, leaving Owens to hit the frog splash on Big E. for the near falls. Owens starts rolling the Cannonballs but walks into the Blue Thunder Bomb from Sami.

Some superkicks put everyone else down and Owens hits the Pop Up Powerbomb for two on Crews. Owens sends Sami into the timekeeper’s area but Sami is right back with a half and half suplex on the floor. Back in and the Big Ending hits Crews but Commander Azeez breaks up the pin. Big E. posts Azeez….and the lights go very bright. Cue Aleister Black for Black Mass on Big E., giving Crews the pin (seemingly by accident rather than Black intentionally helping him) to retain at 21:52.

Rating: B. They went with the all action formula here and that worked out rather well. The match certainly didn’t feel like it was nearly twenty two minutes and it was something that kept my attention. Crews retaining works and it also wraps up Big E. vs. Crews as Black can be the new villain. Good main event here, but more importantly it felt big, which is a lot more important.

Overall Rating: B. Somehow, this was actually a good show, which is not something I would have ever expected to say just a few weeks ago. It’s the difference between a filler show and something where WWE is actually using the time to try something. This isn’t going to mean anything in the big picture, but I cannot imagine why you would have television time and just waste every second of it. WWE isn’t likely to continue it, but at least they are doing something right here for one week.



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Smackdown – May 28, 2021: He’s The Head For A Reason

Date: May 28, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

It’s a tag team show this week as the Usos are reuniting to face the Street Profits, marking their first match as a team in about fifteen months. Other than that, the Mysterios are defending the Tag Team Titles against Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode because this feud must continue due to reasons. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Usos are ready for their first match back but here is Roman Reigns to interrupt. Reigns wants to know their endgame, with Jimmy saying the goal is to win. They want the Tag Team Titles next to Reigns’ Universal Title so they’ll have all the gold. Reigns is behind them and says good luck. Jimmy leaves and Jey looks worried, so Reigns asks if Jimmy is doing the talking for Jey now. Jey says he’s with Jimmy tonight but he’s with Reigns too. Reigns says he should go tell Jimmy, so Jey leaves too. You can feel the manipulation here.

Street Profits vs. Usos

Before the match, the Profits talk about how they had some fun with the Usos last week but now it’s time to get a little more serious. They were flattered by the challenge but they have been down since day one too. The Profits remember everything the Usos have been doing over the years, but these are some different Usos tonight. They haven’t been together in a long time and now Roman Reigns is living rent free in Jey’s head. Cue the Usos and we’re ready to go.

Well hold on actually as the Usos brag about their accomplishments and say a win here means they’re a step closer to getting the titles back. Angelo Dawkins doesn’t like the idea of being a stepping stone so they make a bunch of Mario references before we go to a break before the match.

Dawkins runs Jimmy over to start and it’s off to Ford, who wants to face Jey. That takes a little time to get going, so it’s a delay before Ford can armdrag him into an armbar. A double suplex lets Dawkins grab his own armbar but it’s off to Jimmy in a hurry. Jimmy hits a jumping forearm in the corner to take over and there’s a headbutt to keep Dawkins in trouble. Commentary can’t quite get Jey’s timeline with Reigns right (as the two of them have apparently been together for a year despite Reigns only being back about nine months) as Dawkins gets driven into the corner.

Jimmy comes back in and gets armdragged down, allowing the tag off to Ford. A double clothesline puts the Usos on the floor and Jey is sent into the timekeeper’s area. Jimmy goes over the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Ford ax handling Jimmy’s arm but Jey makes a blind tag and pulls Ford tot he floor. That means a toss into the barricade and the chinlock back inside as we see Roman Reigns watching in the back. A snap suplex gives Jimmy two and it’s back to Jey for a wishbone.

Ford manages a step up enziguri to send Jey outside so it’s Jimmy grabbing the legs. That’s fine with Ford, who nips up and hits a jumping enziguri to drop Jimmy as well. The diving tag….misses as Jey pulls Dawkins to the floor. Jimmy hits the Samoan drop and we take another break. Back again with Jey’s superplex being broken up and Ford hitting another enziguri. They clothesline each other though and that’s a double knockdown. Dawkins and Jimmy both come in with Dawkins sending him right back to the apron.

This time it’s Jimmy hitting an enziguri of his own but a right hand knocks him onto the top. Ford hits a heck of a running flip dive to drop Jey, leaving Jimmy to superkick Dawkins for two. The running Umaga attack is blocked and Dawkins’ double underhook swinging neckbreaker gets two, leaving him stunned. The spinebuster sets up the Cash Out but Jey pulls Jimmy out of the way. A low superkick finishes Ford at 21:46.

Rating: B+. This took some time to get going and they went a little enziguri happy but it was a heck of a match with the near falls and dives looking good in the end. The Usos are all but destined to get the titles back (or at least challenge for them) and I can certainly go for more of them. Either way, this was an awesome match from two great teams who got a lot of time. Check this out if you get the chance.

Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler blame their loss on Rey Mysterio going nuts to protect his son at Backlash. Tonight is going to be different because they are a couple of aces.

Natalya/Tamina vs. Riott Squad

Joined in progress with Morgan coming in to….mess up a wheelbarrow toss to send Riott into the corner. Riott sends Natalya face first into the buckle for two and the chinlock goes on, as we see Tamina down on the floor thanks to an attack before the bell. Natalya can’t get a double Sharpshooter but Tamina is back up to break up a cover. The hot tag brings in Tamina, who gets forearmed by Riott. That’s broken up with a shove to send Riott throat first into the bottom rope. Morgan hits a Codebreaker on Natalya on the floor as Riott gets shoved off the top to set up the Superfly Splash for the pin at 3:57.

Rating: D. This was a total mess with spots missing, Tamina being gone for a good chunk of the match and the Codebreaker on the floor just being a detail at the finish. I’m still so glad to see the Riott Squad being fed to Natalya and Tamina, the latest thrown together team, making me wonder what the point is in having regular teams in the first place outside of being cannon fodder.

The Usos come in to see Adan Pearce and get a Tag Team Title shot next week against the winners of tonight’s title match. Jimmy is pleased but Jey looks very unsure.

Bianca Belair vs. Carmella

Non-title. In the back, Carmella says she has this and mocks Kayla Braxton’s dress. She says Bianca won at Wrestlemania in a bit of a shady way but Carmella has won a lot of things over the years. Tonight, it’s time to end Belair’s happily ever after. Hold on again as here is Bayley to join commentary. We get going with Belair driving her into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs. There’s a flying headscissors to put Belair on the floor so Carmella follows, only to get shouldered down.

Bayley keeps talking about Belair’s hair as Carmella is pressed back inside. Carmella gets in a cheap shot to set up an X Factor onto the apron for two. Some elbows in the corner keep Belair in trouble and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up in a hurry with a backbreaker, followed by a handspring moonsault for two. Bayley rants about Belair’s hair again as a missed charge lets Carmella hit a superkick for two more. The Code of Silence can’t go on so “Belanca” according to Cole (Bayley: “BELANCA??? YOU STUPID IDIOT!”) hits the KOD for the pin at 5:41.

Rating: C-. Bayley was the absolute highlight here as she was firing off one great line after another as we seem to continue the build towards a hair vs. hair match. Belair is an athletic machine but she still needs a lot more polishing in the ring as there were a lot of sloppy sections in here. Carmella is a good choice for an opponent here as she has enough of a resume to matter, but this was all about Bayley.

Post match Belair poses with the title and Bayley laughs hysterically (Bayley: “LAUGH WITH ME!”)

The Mysterios promise to win tonight.

Here is a ticked off Seth Rollins to call out Cesaro for a fight right now. There is no Cesaro but Rollins isn’t going to let that ruin his birthday. We see a clip of Rollins attacking Cesaro last week to make his already banged up arm even worse, including when Cesaro was on a stretcher. Back in the arena, Rollins has exclusive audio from Cesaro’s hospital room (oh boy) and it’s…..I believe some kind of bodily function.

Rollins cracks up but then gets serious to talk about how unfortunate last week was. It was a scary situation and some of the blame has to be placed on the people at home. The fans are the people who made Cesaro believe he could disrespect Rollins, whose hands are clean. Rollins sings himself Happy Birthday to wrap this up.

Kevin Owens vs. Apollo Crews

Non-title and Commander Azeez is here with Crews. Owens sends him into the corner in a hurry and hits the Cannonball into a Swanton for a fast two. A superkick looks to set up the Pop Up Powerbomb but he has to settle for the Stunner instead. Azeez nails Owens for the DQ at 1:14. Were they running long and had to keep this short here?

Commentary makes it clear that Crews is still champion, mainly due to it being non-title. Owens can’t breathe after the Nigerian Nail so referees and agents come down to confirm that he in fact cannot breathe.

Jey Uso comes in to see Reigns, who isn’t happy about the title match. Reigns isn’t pleased as Jimmy is back and the Usos are relegated to the opening match. He doesn’t want Jey to go back to being “which one is he”. Jey seems to like this line of thinking.

Here is Rick Boogs to play play Shinsuke Nakamura to the ring again and McAfee is REALLY happy.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Chad Gable

Otis is here with Gable and jumps Nakamura to start, only to have Nakamura kick Gable down. Cue King Corbin to take his crown back as Nakamura can’t hit Kinshasa. Instead it’s a rollup for two and then Kinshasa can connect for the pin at 1:57.

Post match Corbin leaves with the crown but Boogs guitars him in the back and Nakamura gets the crown again.

Kevin Owens can barely talk but manages to tell Adam Pearce that he wants his title shot against Apollo Crews next week. The match is on, with Commander Azeez banned from ringside.

Rey Mysterio is praying before the match.

Post break and Rey has been attacked. You know the real money in wrestling seems to be in being a backstage security guard.

Tag Team Titles: Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

Ziggler and Roode are challenging and insist that they had nothing to do with Rey being attacked (which makes sense as they were in the ring when we came back from a break). That should mean a forfeit, but Dominik says he’s going to step up like his dad did at Backlash. Ziggler: “THIS IS CHILD ABUSE!” So Dominik goes it alone and is taken down in a hurry to start.

Roode takes him into the corner to hammer away and Ziggler kicks Dominik down as well. A neckbreaker gives Ziggler two but Dominik manages to dropkick him to the floor. The slingshot dive drops both challengers but Roode breaks up the 619. With Roode knocked down, the 619 misses and Ziggler hits a Fameasser for two. A powerbomb/neckbreaker combination gets two but here is Rey, with the distraction allowing Dominik to roll Roode up for the pin at 6:59.

Rating: C-. As exciting as it was to see Dominik win in a handicap match, I’m rather looking forward to the Usos taking the titles so we can move on from the father/son thing. It hasn’t been very interesting and seeing the champs against any combination of Roode/Ziggler has not exactly made me want to see more of them. Not a terrible match but move on from this stuff already.

Post match here are the Usos for the staredown. Roman Reigns is not happy in the back to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The opening match more than carried this whole thing but that and the Reigns stuff was all that really worked on this show. That story is absolutely carrying Smackdown at the moment and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Feuds over a crown and Dominik and Rey being father and son champions aren’t quite gathering my attention. Good show though, as the time continues to fly by.


Usos b. Street Profits – Superkick to Ford

Tamina/Natalya b. Riott Squad – Superfly Splash to Riott

Bianca Belair b. Carmella – KOD

Kevin Owens b. Apollo Crews via DQ when Commander Azeez interfered

Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio b. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode – Rollup to Roode



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Smackdown – May 21, 2021: Black In

Date: May 21, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We’re done with Wrestlemania Backlash and it is time to start getting ready for the Cell next month. I’m not sure what is next up for some of the people on this show, but the ending to Backlash would suggest more of Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins. Other than that, we have a four way for the Intercontinental Title this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Wrestlemania Backlash if you need a recap.

All of the champions, sans Roman Reigns, are on the stage and here is Sonya Deville in the ring. As you might have heard, WWE is going back on the road in front of the fans in July, starting with Smackdown on July 16. Deville introduces all of the champions on stage, with Apollo Crews promising to destroy everyone tonight to retain his title. With that out of the way, Sonya introduces Reigns, to his old music for some reason.

Instead she gets Paul Heyman, who says this isn’t a parade of champions, because it’s just a parade of title holders. Later tonight, at his leisure, Reigns will be here for the parade of champion, because there is no one on his level. Reigns is the reason that the people are going to buy tickets to those live events because he is the only real champion here.

Sonya tries to wrap it up but here is Bayley to interrupt. She wants to know why she isn’t being acknowledged and mentions everyone champion (Bayley: “Apollo and Azeez, what’s up?”) before getting to Bianca Belair. Bayley insults the hair so Belair comes down….and gets jumped by Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler. Tamina and Natalya run in and it’s six woman tag time.

Tamina/Natalya/Bianca Belair vs. Bayley/Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler

Joined in progress with Shayna knocking Tamina down and choking on the ropes as Cole explains the Brand to Brand Invitational again. Bayley comes in to take Tamina into the corner but gets dropped with a suplex. The tag brings in Natalya to kick away until Bayley takes her down by the hair. Shayna cranks on the arm and Jax comes back in to put on a chinlock.

That’s broken up with a jawbreaker though and the hot tag brings in Belair to really clean house. A spinebusters puts Bayley down so Belair can go up. The big dive to the floor takes everyone down (thankfully they were nice enough to stand there forever) but Belair grabs her knee as we take a break.

Back with Bayley working on Belair’s knee but missing an elbow drop. A rolling tag brings in Tamina to clean house and it’s Natalya coming in to do the same. The discus clothesline misses Bayley though and a blind tag brings Baszler back in. Everything breaks down and Bayley breaks up Belair’s handspring moonsault. Baszler grabs the Kirifuda Clutch to make Natalya tap at 10:20.

Rating: C. The action was good here, though it seems we’re getting ANOTHER Tamina/Natalya vs. Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler Tag Team Title match. You would think there would be more options than those two, but that’s not how this division works. Bayley getting another shot against Belair is a little bit better, though another rematch isn’t the most thrilling.

Big E. is ready to face the biggest names around and get back his title. It’s time to prove that he is the real Intercontinental Champion.

We get another Aleister Black lesson, as he talks about the Beautiful Plan. This one seems to be about his tattoos, which he uses to hide his deepest and darkest sins. His father always said that there this world is full of cruel thoughts. The people will live proudly in their cesspool of sins because it is all they are. That has become their identity, to become lonesome and blind. They are sick and dying animals and it is time to separate the weak from the strong and cull the herd.

Here is King Corbin for a match, but first we see Shinsuke Nakamura steal his crown last week. Nakamura has been carrying it around with him over the last week, which Corbin says is the most disrespectful thing he has ever seen. Nakamura is no king because a real king drives a Ferrari and has the dogs of war behind him. So now, Nakamura needs to get out here and take his beating from the real King of Smackdown. Instead, here is the debuting Rick Boogs (and yes he spells it) to play the REAL king to the ring. The guitar shredding is on and McAfee jumps out of his chair to jam with him, with Cole looking disturbed.

King Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Boogs is at ringside and we’re joined in progress with Nakamura kneeing away. A big kick is countered into a powerbomb for two as the frustration is already high. Choking on the ropes ensues as Boogs is trying to lead the cheers on the floor. Nakamura fights out of a chinlock but runs into a hard elbow for one.

The real comeback is on with the run of the strikes and an STO to give Nakamura two. Kinshasa misses though and Corbin hits a heck of a German suplex for two. Nakamura knees his way out of a chokeslam attempt though and Deep Six plants him for two more. Then Boogs starts playing Nakamura’s theme on the guitar for a distraction, allowing Nakamura to grab a small package for the pin at 5:18.

Rating: C-. This was pretty much Kofi Kingston vs. Bobby Lashley from Raw, with the power guy dominating until a musical instrument sets up the fluke pin. That being said, I can go for Boogs, as he is a fun guitar guy, as opposed to the rather dull Elias. I’m sure we’ll get some blowoff match soon, though at least now Nakamura has beaten Corbin to validate taking the crown.

Jimmy Uso comes in to see Sonya Deville and wants amatch with the Street Profits. Deville asks if Jey Uso is on board but Jimmy knows he’s good. The match is made for next week.

Kevin Owens talks about being the prizefighter a few years ago and tonight he is winning another prize. He will powerbomb Sami Zayn until he can’t remember what conspiracy means, he’ll hand Big E. a big L and he’ll Stun Apollo Crews as many times as it takes. Either way, he’s walking out as Intercontinental Champion.

We see a clip from the Backlash main event, with Roman Reigns beating Cesaro to retain, followed by Seth Rollins attacking Cesaro again.

Here are Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Paul Heyman for a chat. Reigns considers himself humble and teaches his kids about it every chance he can. Since he is humble though, he needs Paul Heyman to brag about him instead. Heyman goes over Reigns’ time as Universal Champion, including sending Daniel Bryan into Bella retirement. He asks if he can do anything for Reigns, who wants his cousin out here. Heyman: “JIMMY USO! JIMMY USO! PLAY JIMMY USO’S MUSIC!”

Instead he gets Cesaro, who talks about the annoying yapping that he has been hearing. Cesaro says he can fight with one arm (because it’s just a flesh wound) and wants to fight Reigns at Hell in a Cell. Cue Seth Rollins to jump Cesaro from behind and send the arm into the steps. Rollins is sent to the back but comes back to beat on Cesaro again. Referees get him away again but this time Rollins jumps over the barricade and hits a Stomp. Cue the stretcher to get Cesaro out of here.

Post break, Rollins jumps Cesaro on the stretch. They’re hammering this one home.

We look at the Mysterios winning the Tag Team Titles at Backlash.

Here are the Mysterios but Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode cut them off in a hurry. Roode says tonight, bring your son to work day is over.

Robert Roode vs. Dominik Mysterio

Roode suplexes him down to start and then takes him down again without much effort. Dominik fights his way out of a superplex attempt and shoves Roode down again, setting up a high crossbody for two. Dominik’s sunset flip gets two more and Roode it sent post first into the shoulder (as Cole put it). The frog splash finishes Roode at 2:41.

Jimmy Uso comes up to Jey Uso in the back and is excited about next week’s tag match. Jey isn’t happy so Jimmy talks about their success without Reigns. That’s not enough to convince Jey, who walks off.

Post break, Jey Uso comes in to see Roman Reigns and apologizes for the tag match next week. Reigns tells him to take care of it and gives him a hug.

The Street Profits are ready for next week, because they aren’t paranoia. They want the smoke.

Sami Zayn accuses Kayla Braxton of messing with his mind by calling him a former Intercontinental Champion. Zayn isn’t having that and promises to show his documentary soon. Tonight though, he’s getting the title back.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens vs. Big E. vs. Apollo Crews

Crews, with Commander Azeez, is defending and this is one fall to a finish. Owens charges at Sami to start and they fight out to the floor in a hurry. That leaves Crews to punch and forearm Big E. in various places but Big E. gets in his own elbow. Big E. comes back in but gets enziguried, allowing Sami to get back in and stomp on Owens. Sami is sent outside so Big E. can hammer away, setting up the apron splash onto Sami and Crews at the same time.

Owens hits the big flip dive onto Big E. though and we take a break. Back with Crews hitting a big standing dropkick to send Big E. outside. Crews moonsaults off the apron onto Big E. but Sami hits a dive off the barricade. That means some Sami gloating but here is Big E. to drop Owens again. Owens gets two off the Swanton back inside with Big E. having to make a save.

Back in and Big E. hits three German suplexes for two on Big E. Sami’s exploder suplex sends Owens into the corner and a Michinoku Driver gets two. Everything breaks down for a series of knockdowns, including Big E. spearing Crews through the ropes to the floor as we take a break.

Back again with Big E. suplexing everyone else until Sami kicks him in the face to break up the Warrior splash. Owens hits his fisherman’s brainbuster onto the knee but Crews catches him on top. Big E. suplexes Crews as he suplexes Sami, leaving Owens to hit the frog splash on Big E. for the near falls. Owens starts rolling the Cannonballs but walks into the Blue Thunder Bomb from Sami.

Some superkicks put everyone else down and Owens hits the Pop Up Powerbomb for two on Crews. Owens sends Sami into the timekeeper’s area but Sami is right back with a half and half suplex on the floor. Back in and the Big Ending hits Crews but Commander Azeez breaks up the pin. Big E. posts Azeez….and the lights go very bright. Cue Aleister Black for Black Mass on Big E., giving Crews the pin (seemingly as a side effect rather than Black intentionally helping him) to retain at 21:52.

Rating: B. They went with the all action formula here and that worked out rather well. The match certainly didn’t feel like it was nearly twenty two minutes and it was something that kept my attention. Crews retaining works and it also wraps up Big E. vs. Crews as Black can be the new villain. Good main event here, but more importantly it felt big, which is a lot more important.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event carried this show, but the rest of it was mostly positive as well. Above all else, it felt like things happened to move stories forward here, including having some people debut and give us at least one new story. Smackdown knows how to keep you wanting to come back next week, which is a trick Raw really needs to learn. Back on track this week, as last week’s mess feels like a small slip.


Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler/Bayley b. Tamina/Natalya/Bianca Belair – Kirifuda Clutch to Natalya

Shinsuke Nakamura b. King Corbin – Small package

Dominik Mysterio b. Robert Roode – Frog splash

Apollo Crews b. Big E., Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn – Black Mass to Big E.



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Smackdown – May 14, 2021: It Couldn’t Last Forever

Date: May 14, 2021
Location: Yuengling Center, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

It’s the go home show for Wrestlemania Backlash and the show is mostly set. It seems like we could be in for another of the shorter edition pay per views, meaning there might not be anything else added. That could work out in the end, as some of the matches need a little more seasoning. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Jey Uso, who wants an explanation from Jimmy Uso for last week’s disrespect. For now though, Jey brings out Roman Reigns, but first we get a long recap of Jimmy’s return and worries about whose side he was on. Reigns talks about how he respects Cesaro, just like a lot of the boys in the back do. Cesaro is one of the best wrestlers in the world, but Reigns is so much more than a wrestler. Does WWE want Cesaro in his role? Does FOX want that?

We hear about how many World Title matches Reigns has had….and here is Jimmy Uso, in a shirt saying “Nobody’s B****”, to interrupt. Jimmy says Jey is out here acting like Reigns’ b**** but he has a shirt waiting for him in the back whenever Jey gets his head on straight. Yeah Reigns is the head of the table, but he isn’t the whole family. Reigns asks if Jimmy thinks he (as in Reigns) can beat Cesaro, but Jimmy doesn’t think so.

Jimmy says he and Jey could be the head of the table if they won the Tag Team Titles and Reigns lost the Universal Title. That sends Reigns into a mixture of anger and laughter before asking if Jimmy can beat Cesaro. Jimmy calls Cesaro out as Reigns chuckles behind him. As Jimmy asks Reigns if that was good, here is Cesaro to interrupt. Cesaro keeps it simple by saying he accepts the challenge and promises to take the title on Sunday. Reigns was great here, as his little mannerisms and attitude are great.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler vs. Tamina/Natalya

Jax and Baszler are defending and have Reginald in their corner. Jax hammers on Tamina to start so it’s off to Baszler, who gets headbutted across the ring. A catapult into the Samoan drop plants Tamina but Reginald’s distraction means no count. That’s enough for the ejection, allowing Nia to Samoan drop Tamina into the barricade. Back from a break with Tamina down and Jax ramming Natalya head first into the mat.

The running hip attack in the corner crushes Natalya again but she avoids a charge, allowing the hot tag to Tamina. House is cleaned in a hurry until Shayna twists Tamina’s ankle around. Tamina shoves Jax off the ropes and Natalya takes Baszler outside for a German suplex into the barricade. Back in and Jax hits Natalya with the Samoan drop….and then just lays there so Tamina can hit the Superfly Splash for the pin and the titles at 9:28.

Rating: C-. That ending was rather awful and Nia could not have made it look much worse. The rest of the match worked about as well as expected as they have built up Tamina winning her first title. I’m not sure the reign is going to last long, but at least the champions are a fresh pairing for once.

Post match Natalya and Tamina talk about fighting for their dreams and never giving up. Pyro goes off as I’m not sure if this is as big of a deal as WWE thinks it is.

Here is Apollo Crews to present a medal of honor to Commander Azeez, who is standing on some steps in the ring. Crews praises Azeez but here is Big E. on the screen to interrupt. He wants the Intercontinental Title, but here is Sami Zayn, to say he wants the Intercontinental Title. Cue Kevin Owens to go after Zayn and the big brawl is on, with Big E. being left standing tall as Crews and Azeez run.

Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dominick and Robert Roode are here too. Feeling out process to start with Mysterio picking up the pace. Ziggler shoulders him down and starts the trash talk, including saying Rey doesn’t have it anymore. Mysterio manages to send him outside though and there is the big dive to take us to a break.

Back with Rey missing a springboard crossbody so Ziggler can take over again. There’s a reverse powerslam for two on Rey and we hit the chinlock with the arm cranked back. The bow and arrow stays on the back but Rey fights up and knocks him away. Rey gets caught on top but manages to knock Ziggler down again, only to miss the 619. Ziggler is back with the Fameasser for two and tries a slam, which is reversed into a small package to give Rey the pin at 13:20.

Rating: C-. Maybe it’s that these two have been around for the better part of ever but I could not bring myself to get interested in this. You know what you’re getting from both of them and they didn’t stray from that whatsoever here. It was a technically fine match, but not something I could get into, much like the upcoming title match.

Cesaro talks about knowing he could be World Champion for so long now and has been telling himself that he knows he can. He isn’t bred for this business like Reigns, but he knows he can beat Reigns.

Rey and Dominick Mysterio promise to win the Tag Team Titles. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode come in to call Dominick a baby, but Dominick says they’ll be calling him baby champ. No they won’t because no one outside of the WWE writers’ room would ever actually say that.

Here is Bianca Belair to talk about how everyone has doubted her for her entire life but she doesn’t listen to them. We see her brawls with Bayley, who pops up on the screen to laugh at Belair. Bayley isn’t here in the building because of Belair attacking her last week, but she’ll take the title on Sunday. Belair promises to be the EST and Bayley laughs a lot so Belair brings up the Bellas throwing Bayley down the ramp at Wrestlemania. You know, the night where Belair was in the main event and winning the title. Bayley promises to take the title and glaring ensues.

King Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura promises to be the only king who survives. Corbin says he can beat Nakamura in a suit and watch, so imagine what he can do now. Nakamura takes him into the corner to start but gets choked on the ropes for the effort. The rapid fire kicks, including one to the head, put Corbin down. Back up and End of Days is countered, allowing Nakamura to grab the triangle choke. Corbin can’t powerbomb his way to freedom but he can stack Nakamura up for the pin at 3:04.

Rating: D+. Another mostly nothing match as the uninspired stretch of the show continues. I have long since given up on the possibility of Nakamura being a long term top star around here so this was hardly some career killer. Instead it was Corbin getting another win, as WWE continues to reheat him over and over due to reasons that I do not quite understand.

Post match Corbin puts the crown on but gets taken down by Kinshasa. Nakamura steals the crown, despite losing clean a few seconds ago.

Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez come in to interrupt Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville. He isn’t happy with the interruptions earlier but Sonya says be nice or Pearce might make him face everyone at once. Pearce says we’ll do that next week, with Crews defending against Big E., Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens.

Aleister Black talks about how his father taught him about the cruelties of life, which takes us to Chapter Three: The Lesson. His father taught Black that he is a cruel man but he needed to fight through it. Black could teach us that, but we are spectators instead of participants.

Jimmy Uso thinks the Usos are the hottest tag team ever, or at least they can be if Roman Reigns will stay out of it. Now he’s going to get it against Cesaro.

Backlash rundown.

Jimmy Uso vs. Cesaro

Jimmy goes for the arm to start and gets dropkicked down (Cesaro: “WELCOME BACK UCE!”). Back up and Jimmy teases a knee injury, allowing him to kick Cesaro in the ribs and take over. We hit the chinlock for a bit, with Cesaro powering up and hitting a suplex. Cesaro’s charge goes shoulder first into the post though and Jimmy clotheslines him to the floor. There’s the suicide dive but Jimmy grabs his knee as we take a break.

Back with Jimmy superkicking Cesaro out of the air for two. Jimmy goes up top but Cesaro catches him with an uppercut, setting up the top rope superplex. That’s enough for Cesaro to go out to the floor, with Cesaro following with a running flip dive. Cesaro throws him back in but here is Roman Reigns to jump Cesaro for the DQ at 9:33.

Rating: C. Jimmy needed to get his feet wet again and Cesaro can do that with almost anyone. The ending was the right way to go as you don’t want Jimmy taking a fall, yet you also want Reigns to see worried about Cesaro. They couldn’t keep Jimmy out there that long either so this was about as good as it was going to get.

Post match Jimmy yells at Reigns for making it all about himself. Jimmy walks away from Reigns and Jey Uso but Reigns follows him, saying no one cares about this. It’s all about the big money matches, but Cesaro jumps Jey in the ring. Reigns goes in and the Usos have to make the save, leaving Cesaro to Neutralize Jey twice in a row to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This was the first major miss from Smackdown in a long time as the show completely hit a wall at about the halfway mark. Maybe it is just how long some of these people have been around, but I had no interest in the Mysterio and Corbin matches. They felt like matches being put out there to fill in the space on the card and that isn’t a good way to go. It was far from a terrible show, but it was very dull and in a lot of ways, that is worse.


Tamina/Natalya b. Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler – Superfly Splash to Jax

Rey Mysterio b. Dolph Ziggler – Small package

King Corbin b. Shinsuke Nakamura – Rollup

Cesaro b. Jimmy Uso via DQ when Roman Reigns interfered



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