Ring Of Honor – September 12, 2024: I Hated This

Ring Of Honor
Date: September 12, 2024
Location: Esports Stadium Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

The Texas residency finally comes to an end with the last of one heck of a marathon taping. That being said, there is almost no way of knowing what to expect here as the shows do not exactly build week to week. Odds are the action will be good, if not a bit overdone though. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Atlantis Jr. vs. Peter Avalon

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Avalon wins or survives the ten minute time limit, he gets a future title shot. Avalon goes after the arm to start before Atlantis does the same to take over. Back up and they shove each other until Atlantis gets an early two off a Falcon Arrow.

Avalon seems to bang up his knee on a leapfrog attempt but appears to be goldbricking and takes Avalon down. Atlantis is right back up and hits a high crossbody, followed by a clothesline out to the floor. The big dive gets two on Avalon back inside and Avalon’s top rope moonsault press gets the same. Atlantis shrugs that off and hits a frog splash for the pin at 6:20.

Rating: C. This was the same issue that always plagues Atlantis as there is nothing about him that stands out in the slightest. He’s a perfectly adequate star but is seemingly there to boost up the relationship with CMLL. That doesn’t make for much of a championship run, especially when he doesn’t have any kind of a feud or story going on.

Billie Starkz asks Athena what is going on but Athena praises Lexi Nair instead. Maybe Nair should be Minion #1! Starkz loses it because Nair is getting all of her credit but Athena threatens violence for that kind of jealousy.

Harley Cameron vs. Queen Aminata

Aminata takes her down with a headscissors to start and shakes a bit for a bonus. A running knee to the chest gives Aminata two and they head outside where Cameron strikes away. Back in and a Russian legsweep gives Cameron two but Aminata grabs a suplex. The running hip attack misses in the corner though and Cameron hits a clothesline for two of her own. Back up and Aminata hits a headbutt for the fast pin at 7:00.

Rating: C. As usual, Aminata is only so interesting and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. She had her big run at the title and now that seems to have stopped mattering. It doesn’t help that Cameron is little more than the division’s designated jobber, which is all she was here. Not a bad match, but not something that is going to inspire much interest. In other words, it’s Ring Of Honor.

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Vin Parker/Dante Leon/CD Bennett

Lexi Nair is here with the good guys and for the sake of simplicity, I’ll only refer to Dante Martin as Dante. Andretti and Parker start things off with the former grabbing a hammerlock. A running kick to the chest gives Darius two but he gets taken into the wrong corner. That’s broken up with a dropkick and it’s off to Dante for a slingshot armdrag. Dante gets knocked outside for a stomping but he’s fine enough for a double hurricanrana back inside. Andretti is back in to clean house and a running shooting star press gets two on Leon. Dante’s swinging half nelson slam finishes Leon at 5:47.

Rating: C+. This was the latest match where Top Flight and Andretti looked good as a three man team, but there is no reason to believe that they are going to get a serious run at either title. We’ve been here so many times before and it hasn’t gone anywhere. The team is talented, but it doesn’t matter if the team isn’t getting in any real run at the titles. I have no idea why they don’t, but here we are again.

Rachael Ellering interrupts an annoyed Harley Cameron and mocks her for losing.

Outrunners vs. Fly Def

Erica Leigh is here with the Outunners. Fly starts in on Floyd’s arm before handing it off to Def for more of the same. Floyd fights up and hands it off to Magnum for the Paisan elbow. The Outrunners clear the ring in a hurry and Total Recall finishes Def at 2:33.

Post match Jacked Jameson and the Iron Savages jump the Outrunners because fun isn’t allowed on this show. The Infantry saves the Outrunners and we get the big handshake.

Robyn Renegade vs. Angelica Risk

The much bigger Renegade drops to her knees to even things up a bit, which earns her a slap. Risk takes her into the corner but gets dropped by a running knee. A suplex sets up an early chinlock but Renegade misses a charge into the corner. Back up and Renegade’s powerslam gets two but Risk manages a quick 619. Renegade shrugs it off and grabs a pumphandle Downward Spiral for the pin at 3:44.

Rating: C. Yes the woman who is occasionally brought in to put others over needed a win on this show. This is a great example of the kind of match that absolutely did not need to be on the show and only makes a long show even longer. The match was perfectly fine, but it’s just adding content to the show, which is rarely a good idea.

Jacoby Watts doesn’t like EJ Nduka and tells him to come find either himself or Nick Comoroto.

Righteous vs. James Blackheart/JC Valentine

Vincent hugs Blackheart to start and then runs him over in a bit of a mixed message. Valentine comes in and gets crushed by Dutch, with Blackheart getting the same. Orange Sunshine finishes Valentine at 2:41.

Ariya Daivari vs. Sammy Guevara

Daivari, with Mark Sterling, is going to beat up Guevara rather than all of Texas. Commentary says Guevara is on “the winning streak of his life”, roughly 24 hours after he lost on Dynamite. Daivari’s running shoulder has limited success to start before they fight over wrist control. Guevara dropkicks him out to the floor but spins into the pose rather than dive.

They brawl on the floor with Daivari taking over and sending him into the buckle a few times back inside. Sterling even gets in some choking before Daivari grabs a sleeper. Guevara fights up on the second arm drop and they chop it out with Guevara getting the better of things this time. Some right hands in the corner set up a delayed brainbuster to give Guevara two but it’s too early for the GTH. Instead Guevara goes up for the 630 but the Premiere Athletes break it up. Daivari’s hammerlock lariat gets two but Guevara dives onto the Athletes. A springboard cutter into the GTH gives Guevara the win at 11:03.

Rating: B-. This was the first match on the show that felt somewhat important, but it also makes me wonder why Guevara needs to be a champion. He hasn’t teamed with Dustin Rhodes as a regular team very often and is already losing on AEW TV, but he’s a Ring Of Honor champion anyway. Oh right he’s from Texas, which is all that matters in recent weeks.

Lexi Nair does not like Red Velvet but Diamante comes in to unofficially challenge for the title.

Lady Frost vs. Promise Braxton

Frost grabs a headlock to start but Braxton hits her in the back and hits something like a reverse Meteora. The chinlock doesn’t keep Frost down for long and she comes back with a running clothesline. A hurricanrana out of the corner into a cannonball gives Frost two and Frostbite finishes Braxton at 3:16.

Rating: C. More of the main theme of the show here, as someone whose main function is to make someone else look good gets a win. Again, that’s fine once in awhile but it can be rather tedious to watch a show mainly comprised of that kind of match. Frost feels like someone who could be a player, but since that isn’t going to happen, it makes matches like this feel rather tedious.

Willie Mack vs. Exodus Prime

Mack flips over him to start and grabs an armdrag before hitting a splash for two. Some chops in the corner set up a double nipple twist, with the fans approving of Mack’s actions. Exodus gets in a shot of his own and drops a knee, setting up the slingshot legdrop for two. A suplex gets Mack out of trouble and the standing moonsault gives him two. Prime’s comeback has no effect and it’s the Six Star Frog Splash to give Mack the pin at 7:20.

Rating: C+. This show is rapidly losing me as there is zero reason for a someone who hasn’t been here since February to need seven minutes to beat someone whose name sounds like a knockoff Transformer. It’s another example of this show just going and going with no reason other than because the person running it feels like it should. You can also add Mack to the list of people who are not likely going to go anywhere but needed a win anyway.

Beef interrupts Anthony Henry, who still doesn’t like him. Henry warns Beef that JD Drake is going to come back and slap Beef in the face.

Preston Vance vs. KM

Vance actually gets an insert promo, talking about how he wants to show what Brodie Lee saw in him. Vance knocks him down to start and takes it to the apron, where KM gets in a Stunner over the top. That doesn’t bother Vance, who sends him into the barricade and steps to cut off the comeback. A suplex on the ramp sets up a spinebuster back inside, followed by the discus lariat to finish KM at 3:19.

Rating: C-. I’m sure this will be the start of the big run for Vance, who has wrestled four times this year and hadn’t won a singles match in about a year and a half. It’s another thing that was added onto the show with no additional value, which has been the case with almost everything on this show. I’m going to guess that Tony Khan saw Vance in catering and put him on the show because he suddenly remembered Vance worked here, because why else would he be put on this far too long show?

Fuego del Sol/Spanish Announce Project vs. Ace Of Space Academy/Joe Alonzo

Angelico and Alonzo fight over wrist control to start, with Angelico getting the better of things and taking him into the corner. The rather large Charles comes in and is quickly dropkicked out to the floor. Back in and Serpentico gets caught in the wrong corner with an enziguri into a splash giving Charles two.

Alonzo slams him down for…nothing as Serpentico’s shoulder isn’t down. A running Downward Spiral gives Serpentico a breather and Angelico comes in to kick LSG into a small package for two. Everything breaks down and Fuego tornado DDTs Charles to the floor. Angelico grabs a Sharpshooter with an arm trap to make LSG give up at 6:03.

Rating: C. Fuego is your We’re In Texas addition to the show and the Project has to be on almost every Ring Of Honor show ever so they check a pair of boxes. Other than that, it’s more of the same on this show, as people who have nothing going on are put in a match just to add onto the card. Alonzo has looked decent in his appearances, but it’s hard to stand out in a six man tag.

AR Fox/Komander vs. Ariel Dominguez/Brilliante RB

Komander knocks Dominguez into the corner to start and hits a standing moonsault for an early two. RB comes in to float over Fox in the corner and a moonsault over him increases the frustration. Fox’s sunset flip gets two so it’s already back to Dominguez. Fox snaps off a jumping cutter to RB and hits the big flip dive to take both of them out on the floor. Komander hits his own dive and Cielito Lindo finishes RB at 4:50.

Rating: C+. They’re kidding right? The show was already pushing two hours so let’s put in another thrown together pairing of people who are on the show occasionally but never do anything. I’m sure they’ll be in the thick of the Tag Team Title hunt though, because every team who wins a match gets the same reaction, whether they are brand new or established as a team.

Lio Rush vs. Rocky Romero

Student vs. teacher. Romero armdrags him down to start and this a running basement dropkick, setting up an Eddie Guerrero dance. A shot to the face staggers Rush in the corner but he’s back with his running dodges into a dropkick. Back up and Romero kicks the leg out to send Rush face first into the buckle. A spinning backbreaker has Rush’s back in trouble and the beating continues on the floor.

Back in and Romero stomps away to set up a suplex, followed by a surfboard as the back focus keeps going. Rush jawbreaks his way to freedom but Romero pulls him right back into a chinlock. Another comeback sees Rush hit a tornado DDT and he cuts off the Forever Lariats. Romero kicks him into the corner and scores with a knee to the ribs but has to block a springboard cutter. Rush is right back with the springboard Stunner though and the Final Hour finishes at 11:23.

Rating: B-. This was the main event of the show and got the most time of any match. Here’s the problem with that: last night on Dynamite, Rush was thrown into a random TNT Title match and lost in about eight minutes while Romero has never won anything of value in either AEW or Ring Of Honor. Yes Romero mentored Rush off camera, but why in the world would that make me want to see them have a match? They’re people who have been presented as next to nothing in either promotion and that takes away the interest their behind the scenes story might have.

Overall Rating: D. This show did the worst thing a wrestling show can do: it felt like I wasted my time. Up and down the card, you had people who have either been spinning their wheels for months or doing nothing (again: Preston Vance has wrestled THREE TIMES this year but got a match here) and I’m supposed to want to watch them have matches for two hours.

This was episode 81 of the new Ring Of Honor and they have a very clear method of operation. You know what you’re going to get and you know that the people regularly presented as not often going to be elevated into the title picture. It’s a bunch of people with nothing better to do being thrown on here because of this really annoying mentality of “everyone should be presented as often as possible”.

It comes off like Tony Khan does not care about the quality of the show but rather just expects you to sit through whatever he throws out there because he knows you’ll either put up with it or he doesn’t care because you’ve already paid (BECAUSE THIS SHOW IS BEHIND A FREAKING PAYWALL!).

Normally I would say “Ring Of Honor needs to do this and this and this” but it’s not going to change anyway, so why waste even more of my time in a week where AEW already had an extra five hours of pay per view time, following another two hours of Ring Of Honor last week? Horribly put together show here and another great example of why Ring Of Honor is the biggest waste of time vanity project in wrestling today.

Atlantis Jr. b. Peter Avalon – Frog splash
Queen Aminata b. Harley Cameron – Headbutt
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Vin Parker/Dante Leon/CD Bennett – Swinging half nelson slam to Leon
Outrunners b. Fly Def – Total Recall to Def
Robyn Renegade b. Angelica Risk – Pumphandle Downward Spiral
Righteous b. James Blackheart/JC Valentine – Orange Sunshine to Valentine
Sammy Guevara b. Ariya Daivari – GTH
Lady Frost b. Promise Braxton – Frostbite
Willie Mack b. Exodus Prime – Six Star Frog Splash
Preston Vance b. KM – Discus lariat
Spanish Announce Project/Fuego del Sol b. Ace Of Space Academy/Joe Alonzo – Arm trap Sharpshooter to LSG
AR Fox/Komander b. Brilliante RB/Ariel Dominguez – Cielito Lindo to RB
Lio Rush b. Rocky Romero – Final Hour



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Ring Of Honor – August 1, 2024: Better, But The Same

Ring Of Honor
Date: August 1, 2024
Location: Esports Stadium Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re done with Death Before Dishonor and the big story is we have a few new champions. In reality we have five new champions, but three of them were not actually crowned at the pay per view. We have about five months before the next pay per view so odds are we’ll be taking the foot off the gas a bit this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Death Before Dishonor if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of Death Before Dishonor, as narrated by new boss Paul Wight.

Opening sequence.

We look back at Dustin Rhodes and the Von Erichs winning the Six Man Tag Team Titles at Battle Of The Belts.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Von Erichs/Dustin Rhodes vs. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages

Jameson and the Savages are challenging. Marshall and Jameson start things off with Marshall snapping off some pushups. Some right hands in the corner have Jameson in trouble and it’s off to Ross vs. Boulder, with the latter taking over. Marshall can’t slam him but the Von Erichs can double dropkick him down. Marshall’s standing moonsault gets two but Boulder runs Ross over.

Some hard elbows give Bronson two, only to have Ross pop back up with the Sling Blade for the same. Rhodes comes in for the atomic drop into a bulldog but a cheap shot from the apron puts Rhodes down. Some cannonballs down onto the back have Rhodes in more trouble and Jameson shoves a bulldog attempt into the corner for two. Boulder’s running splash gets two more and Bronson grabs the chinlock.

Rhodes fights back up but charges into a spinebuster for two. Bronson decks the Von Erichs so even after Rhodes’ backdrop, there is no one to tag. Not that it matters as Marshall is up for the tag a few seconds later. Marshall dropkicks Boulder and gets in a slam for two. Rhodes hits the Canadian Destroyer to Jameson and the Von Erichs add a double Shattered Dreams. The Claw Slam retains the titles at 12:18.

Rating: C. If there has ever been a match that felt like it was designed to test my patience like no other, this was it. The Savages and Jameson are as useless of a team as I’ve ever seen and the whole “we’re from Texas so you should like us” isn’t working for Rhodes and the Von Erichs. Throw in the titles feeling like they were brought back for the sole purpose of giving these guys something to do and this was not an easy sit.

Mark Briscoe, with his newborn son Jay, brags about retaining his title.

Top Flight vs. Ace Of Space Academy

Top Flight debuts Leila Grey as their Attendant in a funny name. Dante works on LSG’s arm to start before it’s off to GMK, who helps LSG with Rocket By Baby (a double flipping faceplant). Darius suplexes his way out of trouble and hands it back to Dante to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Darius’ springboard Downward Spiral gets two, setting up the F5 DDT to finish GMK at 4:20.

Rating: C+. Fun match here as LSG is an old hand from Ring Of Honor who can work well in a match like this. I’m always glad to see Top Flight doing something as they have long since seemed like a team ready to move up the ladder. Maybe the addition of Grey is a good sign, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

The Infantry is tired of seeing Top Flight everywhere. Trish Adora says they have a new stewardess. Bravo: “Who?” Trish: “Leila Grey.” Bravo: “THEY GOT LEILA??? I’VE BEEN TRYING TO GET LEILA FOR YEARS!”

Leyla Hirsch dislocated her elbow beating Diamante at Death Before Dishonor.

Robyn Renegade vs. Maya World

Renegade elbows her down to start but World flips up on the kickout. A knee drops World again but she’s back up with a spear for two. Not that it matters as Renegade’s pumphandle into a Downward Spiral is enough for the pin at 1:53.

Anthony Henry is asked about JD Drake’s absence but his cousin Beef comes in and is really excited to be Henry’s partner. Yes, someone named Beef is getting a chance.

Beast Mortos vs. AR Fox

After a minor mistake from Riccaboni as he refers to Death Before Dishonor as “last night”, they trade rollups for two each to start. The offer of a handshake doesn’t work for Mortos, who runs him over with a clothesline. Fox manages to send him outside for a heck of a suicide dive, only to have his big charge cut off with a hard clothesline. Back in and Mortos hits a pop up Samoan drop for two and he starts hammering away at the back.

Fox manages a jumping hanging DDT though and a jumping enziguri sends Mortos into the corner. A cutter gives Fox two and Mortos is sent outside for the big dive. Back in and a 450 gives Fox two but Mortos grabs that weird torture rack backbreaker of his. A powerbomb backbreaker sets up a discus lariat for two on Fox. What looked to be a chokeslam is broken up is countered but Mortos flips him into a tombstone for the pin at 10:40.

Rating: B-. These guys got it going in the middle and had a fast paced match, with Mortos winning over the guy who was there to make him look good. I could go for more of Mortos as he’s a different kind of monster who could go somewhere in the right role. Fox on the other hand is in the right role, as someone who can have an entertaining match with just about anyone.

The MxM Collection is ready to face anyone, even with Mansoor’s breast still hurting from FTR’s chops.

Anthony Henry vs. Wheeler Yuta

Henry’s cousin Beef is in the crowd. They go technical to start with Yuta getting his armbar reversed into a headlock. A slam into a backsplash gets Yuta out of trouble and it’s time to tie up Henry’s legs. With that broken up, Yuta pulls the turnbuckle pad off and crushes Henry’s face against the steel. Henry slips out and starts working on the arm, setting up a cross arm choke.

Yuta flips out and grabs a belly to back suplex, setting up a top rope forearm and DDT for two each. Henry’s cross armbreaker is reversed into an ankle lock, with Yuta switching into a bridging German suplex for two. Back up and Henry’s straitjacket suplex gets two and it’s time for some YES Kicks. They slug it out before locking hands, with Yuta taking him down and stomping hard. The Seatbelt puts Henry away at 10:06.

Rating: B-. Fun match here as Yuta gets his momentum back after losing the title on Friday. I’m sure he’ll be back in the title picture soon enough, as he seems destined to be fighting for that title when he’s 83 years old. On the other hand you have Henry, who gets a new second debuting and then loses, which is a bit of a weird way to go.

Post match Beef and Henry yell at each other. Yuta on the other hand sees a fan holding a sign saying it’s his first show and asking for a high five, which he receives. That will always make me smile.

Lee Moriarty is happy with his title win because he didn’t give up. He’ll face anyone but warns them to protect their neck. Moriarty was showing some fire here.

Premiere Athletes vs. Superstarz

The Superstarz look like stereotypical 80s rockers (alas minus the Midnight). Nese runs #1 over to start and hands it off to Daivari to hammer away in the corner as commentary makes every 80s music reference they can find. Daivari misses a big elbow but Nese is right there to break up the tag attempt. Nese dives onto #2 and Daivari adds the hammerlock lariat into the Magic Carpet Splash for the pin on #1 at 2:42.

Anthony Henry is upset at the loss but Beef cheers him up. Henry really did not need three segments on one show.

Jacoby Watts vs. Fuego del Sol

Watts has Nick Comoroto with him. Before the bell, Watts says if del Sol had listened to him, he wouldn’t have had to leave in the first place. That just earns him a dropkick as we start fast. Watts isn’t happy and a bridging northern lights suplex for two makes it worse. A running clothesline gets Watts out of trouble but del Sol flips out of a belly to back suplex and grabs a jumping neckbreaker. Del Sol’s step up stomp to the back rocks Watts and a tornado DDT finishes Watts at 2:48.

Lexi Nair and Athena celebrated after Death Before Dishonor while Billie Starkz was a little less enthusiastic.

Brian Cage vs. Rocky Romero

Cage sticks his chin out to start so Romero kicks him in the ribs, only to have a headscissors shoved away. Romero avoids a charge to send him outside and there’s a running hurricanrana to take Cage down again. Back in and Cage cuts off a springboard, setting up the apron superplex. They trade chops in the corner with Cage getting the better of things, only to get rolled up for two. Cage plants him again though and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up and they fight to the apron, where Romero grabs a Sliced Bread.

A high crossbody gives Romero two back inside and a springboard tornado DDT gets the same. Another Sliced Bread is countered into an F5 for two and they go to the corner, where Romero grabs a super hurricanrana. The running Sliced Bread gives Romero two but Cage’s helicopter bomb gets the same. They go up again and a super Sliced Bread gives Romero another near fall. Cage catches him on top though and hits…..I think a fall away slam but it was really messy. Either way, it sets up the Drill Claw to finish Romero at 12:07.

Rating: B-. Less than clean ending aside, this was a fun match with Romero using the speed (and a lot of Sliced Breads) to try and stop the monster before eventually falling short. Cage is always good for an entertaining match, even if there is no reason to believe he is going to go anywhere. I’ll take some slightly bigger names for a main event though.

We look at the Kingdom retaining the Tag Team Titles at Death Before Dishonor.

The Kingdom brags about being Tag Team Champions for almost a year (that will be in December) but the Infantry interrupts. They want a title shot and bickering ensues. We’re really going back to the Infantry already? That’s how shallow the tag division is?

Here is Dustin Rhodes to talk about how great it feels to be a champion again. Rhodes has been giving everything he has for 36 years and he thanks the fans for being there, both for himself and everyone else in the back. He’s going to teach the Von Erichs everything he can and he was so happy the other night that he started to cry. Rhodes has talked about being on one last ride but he’s been doing that for five years. He’s feeling very confident right now but he wants more.

Cue Evil Uno to mock Rhodes because being a Six Man Tag Team Champion should be enough. It’s Evil Uno’s time and Rhodes wants more because of his stupid family name. Uno doesn’t care about the Rhodes family because Rhodes just popped up while Uno has been here every week. Cue the Dark Order to jump Rhodes but Sammy Guevara of all people runs in for the save. House is cleaned, as I guess the Von Erichs were off looking for a better leave in conditioner. Rhodes cautiously thanks Guevara to end the show. That’s certainly a big moment to end the show so points for trying to do something bigger.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was trying and had some rather solid action, but it fell back into the old pattern that has plagued Ring Of Honor since its return: it’s so long. This show clocked in at over an hour and forty five minutes and it could have easily been trimmed down by just cutting out some of the stuff. You don’t need to have this many people on a show every week, especially when some of them are around that often. I really could have gone without del Sol and the Premiere Athletes, but for some reason the show needed to be stretched out. There was good stuff here, but as usual, the show needed another edit.

Dustin Rhodes/Von Erichs b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson – Claw Slam to Jameson
Top Flight b. Ace Of Space Academy – Fireman’s carry DDT to GMK
Robyn Renegade b. Maya World – Pumphandle Downward Spiral
Beast Mortos b. AR Fox – Spinning tombstone
Wheeler Yuta b. Anthony Henry – Seatbelt
Premiere Athletes – Magic Carpet Splash to #1
Fuego del Sol b. Jacoby Watts – Tornado DDT
Brian Cage b. Rocky Romero – Drill Claw



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Rampage – July 12, 2024: The Show Where It’s Good But Nothing Happens So It Doesn’t Feel Important

Date: July 12, 2024
Location: Landers Center, Southaven, Mississippi
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re on the way to All In and coming off the huge turn on Dynamite as Mariah May destroyed Toni Storm. That almost has to be addressed this week but you never know what you’re going to see around here. I do like the kind of random feeling to the show as you get some fresh matches, which should be the case again this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Premiere Athletes vs. Kings Of The Black Throne

Black and Daivari start things off with the threat of a kick sending Daivari bailing into the corner. Nese comes in and gets elbowed down, allowing King to come in and glare a lot. For some reason Nese goes to the beard and is quickly chopped down as the beating picks up. King’s backsplash gets two but Josh Woods low bridges him to the floor, allowing a big flip dive to put King down.

We take a break and come back with King fighting out of the corner and slamming Nese down for a needed breather. Black comes back in to strike away, setting up a springboard moonsault for two on Nese. Woods tries to interfere again but gets taken down, only for the distraction to let Nese break Mark Sterling’s clipboard over Black’s head. The 450 hits Black (meaning the knees crush his ribs), leaving King to crossbody Sterling. Black brainbusters Nese, who catches him on top, only for the 450 to hit raised knees. The End finishes Nese at 9:56.

Rating: C. It picked up a bit at the end but it’s quite the stretch to suggest that the Kings took almost ten minutes to beat the Premiere Athletes. The team has been little more then the whipping boys around here but for some reason the Kings have trouble beating them? It wasn’t exactly a great match either, with some spots missing and the whole thing being kind of a mess.

Roderick Strong vs. Ben Bishop

The Conglomeration is on commentary and the Kingdom is here with Strong. The rather tall Bishop shoves him outside to start, where the Kingdom gives him a pep talk. That talk seems to include suggesting a running knee to put Bishop down back inside. The jumping knee finishes for Strong at 1:17.

Deonna Purrazzo is ready to burn everything down and create the age of the virtuosa.

Rey Fenix vs. Angelico vs. Komander vs. AR Fox

Komander and Fenix work on the arms to start and Angelico is sent outside rather quickly. Fox sends Fenix outside for a running dropkick through the ropes but Angelico is back in for the save. Angelico’s spinning kick to the head gets two and it’s back to Fenix vs. Komander for the slugout. Fenix connects with the rope walk kick and we take a break.

Back with Angelico pulling Fenix out of the air and tying up his leg and arm for some cranking. Komander breaks that up with the rope walk moonsault but Fenix dives in for his own save. Everybody but Angelico goes up on the same corner, with Komander moonsaulting down onto Angelico. That leaves Fenix to knock Fox down and frog splash him for two, setting up a double armbar for the win at 10:29.

Rating: B-. It was a fun match but it’s nothing that we haven’t seen a dozen times. You know what you’re going to get from this kind of a match and the question becomes just how many big spots they can fit in. Fenix is by far the biggest star of the match and it’s fine to see him get the win, but it would be nice if it felt like it actually meant something.

We look at Chris Jericho injuring Samoa Joe with a forklift.

Jericho says this is what happens if you don’t listen to the Learning Tree.

Thunder Rosa vs. Rachael Ellering

Ellering throws her around to start but Rosa is right back with a running dropkick. Rosa ties up the arm and elbows away before hitting a running dropkick against the ropes. Ellering gets two off a rollup but Rosa ties her up in a seated cobra clutch for the win at 3:28.

Rating: C. Pretty much a squash for Rosa here, even against a bigger name like Ellering. That’s a bit strange to see, but it isn’t like Ellering has meant much around here in a long time. Hopefully Rosa is done with Deonna Purrazzo and needs someone new to face, but we’ll have to see who that is.

Post match Deonna Purrazzo runs in the cheap shot on Rosa. Why does this feud need to continue?

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Moriarty full nelsons Darius to start but gets reversed into a headlock as they start fast. A dropkick puts Moriarty down so it’s off to Ogogo vs. Dante. Some arm cranking has Ogogo in trouble and Andretti comes in to stay on the arm. Ogogo powers him into the corner for the tag to Taylor, who is hurricanranaed out to the floor. The dive is broken up though and we take a break.

Back with Dante fighting out of the corner and managing a middle rope DDT to put Taylor down. Darius comes in to pick up the pace and it’s Andretti adding a dropkick into Darius’ German suplex for two on Moriarty. Taylor comes back in with a hard clothesline and Moriarty adds his suplex Downward Spiral. Andretti manages to fireman’s carry Taylor, which is broken up, allowing Taylor to hit a running knee for the pin at 11:23.

Rating: B-. Another good, fast paced match here with the villains winning to wrap up the show. Much like the four way though, it’s really hard to believe that this is going to lead to anything for the Promotions. It should finish up the mini feud with Top Flight/Andretti so it’s better than nothing, but it doesn’t exactly feel like the most important match.

Overall Rating: C+. This was the kind of frustrating show that you get a bit too often, as the wrestling was completely fine, but it could not have felt less important. What was the big story here? Rosa vs. Purrazzo continuing? One low level trio beats another? I need a lot more than that from an hour of national television, but that’s what you get far too often around here. Not a bad show by any means and you wouldn’t waste your time watching it, but there was nothing important here in the slightest.

Kings Of The Black Throne b. Premiere Athletes – The End to Nese
Roderick Strong b. Ben Bishop – Jumping knee
Rey Fenix b. AR Fox, Komander and Angelico – Double armbar to Fox
Thunder Rosa b. Rachael Ellering – Seated cobra clutch
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Top Flight/Action Andretti – Running knee to Andretti



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AEW Rampage – June 28, 2024: The Sandwich Of Odd Choices

Date: June 28, 2024
Location: PPL Center, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni

We are two days away from Forbidden Door and that means the card is mostly set up. While there is a chance that we could see something else for the pay per view, there is a good chance that we are going to be seeing a few minor pushes towards Sunday and little more. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Orange Cassidy vs. Outrunners

Cassidy works on Magnum’s arm to start and then mocks the double bicep pose. Floyd comes in and manages a running shoulder to drop Cassidy, meaning we get the REAL double bicep. Back up and Cassidy knocks both of them down, setting up the double dropkick. The referee almost gets hit but gets hugged instead, with the distraction causing Cassidy to get caught in a double belly to back suplex. A double slam gives the Outrunners two but Cassidy rams them into each other. Floyd is sent outside for a dive and the high crossbody hits Magnum. The Orange Punch gives Cassidy the pin on Magnum at 6:05.

Rating: C. That’s quite the odd choice to give Cassidy a win on his way into a showdown with a technical master like Zack Sabre Jr. The Outrunners are little more than a couple of comedy goofs and it isn’t a bit deal to see Cassidy beat them. Nothing much to see here and I’m not sure I get the thinking behind this one.

The Learning Tree has a new partner for the six man tag at Forbidden Door and we’ll find out who it is on Collision.

Gabe Kidd/Roderick Strong vs. Infantry

The Kingdom and Trish Adora are here too. Kidd runs Bravo over with a shoulder to start and it’s Strong coming in for some hard chops in the corner. Strong gets caught in the wrong corner but cuts Dean off with a backbreaker as we take a break. Back with Dean caught in the wrong corner but a missed double clothesline allows the diving tag to Bravo. A slingshot cutter gets two on Kidd and there’s an ax kick to put him down again. Strong breaks up Boot Camp though and Kidd hits a quick piledriver to pin Bravo at 6:27. Not enough shown to rate but it was a competitive enough match.

There is going to be a Brodie Lee commemorative shoe.

TNT Title Qualifying Match: El Phantasmo vs. AR Fox

They run the ropes to start until Phantasmo snaps off a headscissors into a dropkick. A very springboardy hurricanrana takes Fox down but he avoids a dive and knocks Phantasmo outside. The big dive connects but Phantasmo is back up with a running forearm. An atomic drop into a Russian legsweep has Fox down as Nigel notices the Bret Hart homage. Phantasmo’s Lionsault gets two but Fox enziguris him into a twisting brainbuster. Fox puts him up top but takes too long, allowing Phantasmo to come back with a middle rope Canadian Destroyer. A faceplant finishes for Phantasmo at 5:24.

Rating: B-. Nice, fast paced match here, though it’s kind of hard to get behind the idea that Fox is going to win anything of value. Phantasmo is the New Japan representative in the title match, though it’s hard to imagine that he is going to win. For now though, I’ll take a pretty good match on TV with two talented stars.

Deonna Purrazzo is ready for the Owen Hart Tournament and her first round match against Hikaru Shida.

Dalton Castle vs. Shingo Takagi

They fight over a lockup to start until Takagi runs him over and we take an early break. Back with Takagi hitting a backsplash and driving in some elbows to the head. Castle is back up with a suplex and a spinning elbow to the head, followed by a reverse Sling Blade for two. Takagi grabs a Gory Bomb into a DDT, setting up Made In Japan to finish Castle at 7:49.

Rating: C+. The more I see Castle out there doing his awesome stuff, if nothing else his entrance, the more amazed I am that he is little more than a jobber to the stars. I know his back is messed up, but how do you look at someone with his unique set of talents and have nothing better for him? It’s one of the bigger shames in AEW and while I’d love to believe that it’s going to get better, it’s hard to believe that is a realistic option.

Saraya isn’t worried about Mariah May.

Skye Blue vs. Queen Aminata

They start fast with Blue missing a big boot and getting German suplexed for an early two. An exchange of rollups doesn’t go anywhere so Aminata grabs a pair of vertical suplexes. Back up and Blue hits some running knees to put Aminata outside, setting up the dive to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Aminata hitting a PK for two, followed by a heck of a running boot against the rope. Another suplex on the apron rocks Blue but the running hip attack only hits the steps. Blue suplexes her off the steps for a change of pace and a near fall back inside. Skyfall is broken up and Aminata headbutts her for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C+. What an odd choice for a main event. There is almost nothing going on with these two, at least in AEW, and yet they get the main event slot and longest match on the show. Aminata seems likely to be in line for a Women’s Title match in Ring Of Honor, but I’m not sure why she is getting this kind of a spot on a pay per view weekend.

Aminata tries to show respect post match but gets superkicked for her efforts. Red Velvet runs in for the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. In theory this was a preview for Forbidden Door with some other stuff thrown in, though Kidd isn’t on the pay per view card at the moment and Phantasmo is going to be one of a bunch of people in a ladder match. In other words, this was the usual somewhat random assortment of matches that tends to fill out Rampage. It’s not a bad show at all, but there were a few times where I was wondering why something was taking place.

Orange Cassidy b. Outrunners – Orange Punch to Magnum
Gabe Kidd/Roderick Strong b. Infantry – Piledriver to Bravo
El Phantasmo b. AR Fox – Faceplant
Shingo Takagi b. Dalton Castle – Made In Japan
Queen Aminata b. Skye Blue – Headbutt



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Rampage – June 21, 2024: How They Should Rampage

Date: June 21, 2024
Location: EagleBank Arena, Fairfax, Virginia
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

The road to Forbidden Door continues and we have another qualifying match for the TNT Title ladder match. That at least adds some drama to this show, but a good chunk of the rest of it seems to be the usual Rampage fare. In other words, it should be some solid action. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Private Party vs. Metalik/Komander

Zay headlocks Komander to start but gets taken into the wrong corner so Metalik can come in for a chinlock. That’s broken up and the Silly String gives Zay two and it’s off to Quen. Metalik elbows his way out of trouble and everything breaks down, with Komander and Metalik hitting a big running flip dive to the floor each.

We take a break and come back with Zay hitting a spinebuster and diving over for the tag to Quen. A superplex hits Metalik and Quen drops a 450 for two. Metalik is back up with a reverse Sling Blade with Zay having to make a save. With Zay and Metalik both down, Komander and Quen both miss shooting star presses, leaving Metalik to charge into Gin and Juice for the pin at 9:42.

Rating: B-. While this was little more than a way to build up Private Party for their match against the Learning Tree tomorrow, it wound up being an entertaining match. Komander and Metalik were more or less the designated luchadors but since they have such little status, a loss doesn’t hurt them. Nice amount of action here and it will serve something of a purpose tomorrow.

Post match here is the Learning Tree for the brawl, with the outnumbered Private Party getting beaten down.

Video on Ultimo Guerrero, who is facing Kazuchika Okada on Collision.

Rey Fenix vs. Turbo Floyd

Floyd hits a shoulder and poses, setting up an elbow drop for one. Fenix avoids a charge in the corner though and hits a springboard spinning crossbody. The frog splash finishes for Fenix at 1:29.

TNT Title Qualifying Match: Lio Rush vs. Action Andretti

They go to the grappling to start with Rush dodging a bunch to send Andretti outside. An exchange of flips gives us a standoff so they collide to give us a double knockdown. We take a break and come back with Andretti firing off some forearms. Rush gets kicked to the floor and an Arabian moonsault takes him down again. Back in and a Falcon Arrow gives Andretti two, followed by the Cameron Grimes flipping powerslam for two more. Rush strikes away though and hits the springboard Stunner, setting up the Final Hour for the pin at 8:21.

Rating: C+. You knew what you were going to get with these two and it went about as expected. There is nothing wrong with that as Andretti is a god high flier and Rush can do some things that almost no one else can do. There’s nothing wrong with sending two high fliers out there and letting them do their thing, which they made work here.

Post match Top Flight comes in and Rush shows respect to Andretti.

Shingo Takagi vs. AR Fox

Fox jumps him to start and takes it to the floor, setting up a middle rope moonsault. Back in and Takagi drops him with a clothesline, followed by a neckbreaker. Fox dodges a basement lariat and jumps to the top for a 450 and a near fall. Lo Mein Pain is broken up but Fox rolls him up anyway. A Death Valley Driver sets up a hard lariat, followed by Last Of The Dragon to finish Fox at 4:46.

Rating: C+. Takagi is one of the people who was randomly thrown onto one of the previous Forbidden Door cards with no in-ring exposure around here. This wasn’t exactly a glowing showcase, but getting him in the ring at all is the right way to go. Let us know what he can do and show that he could be a threat to take someone out, just for the sake of adding a bit of interest. Nicely done.

Post match Bryan Danielson comes out to shake Takagi’s (his opponent in the Owen Hart Cup) hand but Takagi isn’t interested.

Women’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Serena Deeb vs. Willow Nightingale

We get a handshake to start and Deeb grabs the wrist for some spinning. A running shoulder doesn’t work on Nightingale, who runs Deeb over with one of her own. The basement crossbody gets two but Deeb snaps the knee over the ropes for a breather. A neckbreaker on the floor has Nightingale in trouble as we take a break.

Back with Nightingale striking away and superkicking Deeb for two. Deeb’s Black Widow is broken up so she grabs a half crab on the leg she went after earlier. With that broken up, Deeb hits a DDT for two as frustration sets in. Deeb goes up but gets superplexed back down, leaving them both on the mat. Back up and Deebtox gets two on Nightingale, who is right back with the Pounce. The Babe With The Powerbomb finishes Deeb at 11:32.

Rating: B-. They telegraphed the result with all of the talk about the winner facing Kris Statlander but that’s not the worst way to go. Nightingale continues to feel like a star in the making and a win over someone as dangerous as Deeb will only make her feel stronger. Other than that, it was a good match with Nightingale surviving the knee and winning in the end.

Overall Rating: B-. Now this is more what I want from Rampage: a bunch of matches that either set something up for a future show or take care of some of the smaller stories that Dynamite doesn’t have time to cover. The Fenix match, which wasn’t even two minutes long, was the only part that felt like filler and it included one of the Outrunners to make up for it. Good use of TV time here, which has been a problem for Rampage for a long time.

Private Party b. Metalik/Komander – Gin and Juice to Metalik
Rey Fenix b. Turbo Floyd – Frog splash
Lio Rush b. Action Andretti – Final Hour
Shingo Takagi b. AR Fox – Last Of The Dragon
Willow Nightingale b. Serena Deeb – Babe With The Powerbomb



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Ring Of Honor – April 25, 2024: They’re Doing It Again

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 25, 2024
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Things have been getting longer around here again and that has not often been the best thing for Ring Of Honor. It often results in matches that are just there to make the show longer and I’m still not sure how that makes for better weekly events. Odds are we’ll get more on Queen Aminata coming after the Women’s Title this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Isiah Kassidy vs. Komander

Kassidy takes him down to start and fires off some dancing as commentary talks about Shaquille O’Neal. Komander grabs an armbar into a rollup but gets dropped throat first onto the top. Stomping in the corner keeps Komander in trouble until he comes out with a kick to the face. Kassidy cutters him across the top to send Komander outside but he comes back in with a running hurricanrana.

An Asai moonsault takes out Kassidy on the floor and a springboard Swanton connects for two. A poisonrana plants Kassidy again but he’s right back with a Spanish Fly for two of his own. Back up and Komander grabs a waistlock, only to have Kassidy kick him low. A reverse Twist of Fate finishes for Kassidy at 7:42.

Rating: C+. This was in fact a high flying match between a perennial jobber and one half of a tag team. They both have athletic abilities and I certainly wasn’t bored with what I was seeing. At the same time though, it’s a little hard to get invested in seeing something between people that AEW has made feel so unimportant. That’s a big problem with ROH and I don’t see it being cured anytime soon.

We look at Bullet Club Gold unifying the two sets of Six Man Tag Team titles.

The Club brags about their win but they don’t have room for all of the gold.

Dark Order vs. Top Flight/Action Andretti

Silver and Darius start things off with Darius slipping out of a wristlock and grabbing a cravate. Andretti comes in to work on the arm before everything breaks down, meaning a triple superkick to send the Order outside. Back in and the Order takes over on Dante, who flips over to hand it right back to Andretti.

Everything breaks down again and an assisted tornado DDT puts Reynolds down. Andretti’s running shooting star gets two with the Order having to make the save. The Order isolates Darius and strike away at him until Dante makes a save of his own. Darius and Andretti grab a double spinebuster to finish Reynolds at 6:58.

Rating: C+. This was the match designed to warm up Andretti and Top Flight before their shot at Bullet Club Gold this weekend. Andretti and Top Flight work well enough together but it feels like they are up and down all the time around here. Giving them a win is nice, but it doesn’t feel like anything more than getting them ready for their latest loss against better competition. It makes sense, but it’s not the most engaging stuff.

Anna Jay vs. Allysin Kay

Kay powers her into the corner to start but Jay knocks her into the corner to cut that off. A spinning kick is countered into a suplex, only to have Jay stomp her down in the corner without much trouble. Kay grabs a hotshot into a chokebomb for two but Jay is right back with a middle rope Blockbuster for the same. The Queenslayer finishes for Jay at 3:44.

Rating: C. Believe it or not, Jay goes from losing on Dynamite to winning on Ring Of Honor. That’s the story of her career, as she is so all over the place with her wins and losses that it is not wonder she can never get any kind of traction. Yes she’s on a winning streak around here, but it only means so much when she loses any big match she has.

We recap Queen Aminata seemingly coming after Athena for the Women’s Title.

Athena has an emergency Minions meeting and offers a beating to Aminata and Red Velvet.

Johnny TV vs. Will Austin

Taya Valkyrie is here with Johnny, who takes Austin down without much effort. A springboard hurricanrana into a dropkick works well for Austin, with Ian saying “Make your name Austin!” I’m thinking that might not be the best idea as it’s already taken. Taya offers a distraction so Johnny can get in a shot from behind and work on the arm. A spinning knee to the face sets up the Flying Chuck into Starship Pain for the pin at 3:16 (….hey).

Rating: C. As usual, there’s only so much you can get out of what was just a step ahead of a squash. TV is back after his loss at Supercard Of Honor and now he can find something else to do. I’m not sure what that is, but it’s better than having him sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Mogul Embassy vs. 1 Called Manders/Beef/Calvin Tankman

No Prince Nana with the Embassy as they’re getting it right. Beef gets taken into the corner to start the beating in a hurry, with Toa hammering away. Kaun backbreakers him onto the turnbuckle and Cage hits the apron superplex for two. Beef finally gets in a shot of his own and hands it off to Tankman, who gets to clean some house. The numbers catch up with him though and it’s a triplebomb to give Cage the pin at 4:06.

Rating: C+. This was more than I was expecting with Tankman getting to show what he could do if given the chance. The guy can be a wrecking ball when he is in there and that worked for a little while. At the same time, not having Nana out there with the Embassy is a good sign, as the face turn continues.

Video on the Premiere Athletes, focusing on Ariya Daivari.

Mark Sterling is impressed with how many people it took to stand up to the Premiere Athletes.

Leila Grey vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Sakazaki takes her over with a headlock to start before hitting a spinning kick to the chest. A running dropkick misses though and Grey drops a backsplash for two. Grey gets two off a bulldog and there’s a Hennig necksnap to drop Sakazaki again. They go up top, where Grey grabs a sunset bomb for two more before it’s time to trade forearms. We go to a random replay of the sunset bomb, which has me wondering if they needed to edit something out. Sakazaki grabs a spinning hammerlock slam and hits the Magical Girl Splash for the pin at 4:44.

Rating: C-. This was a weird one with that replay/seemingly an edit feeling really out of nowhere. I’m not sure what was going on here but the ending felt like they were told to go home in a hurry. Grey has done well enough in some limited roles and was working here, but the chemistry was pretty far off with this one.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter are upset at their recent losses. Maria Kanellis comes in to say she is disappointed too but says it’ll work in the end. This team’s existence continues to confuse me.

Kingdom vs. Outrunners

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if the Outrunners win or last the ten minute time limit, they get a future title shot. Floyd works on Bennett’s arm to start but it’s quickly off to Taven for a cheap shot to take over. Back up and Magnum fights back and manages to clear the ring but Bennett drops him again. Taven chokes away and Bennett gets two off a suplex.

The chinlock keeps Magnum down but he atomic drops his way to freedom and hands it back to Floyd to pick up the pace. A spinning suplex drops Taven and Magnum hits a top rope forearm. Boot Camp is loaded up but Bennett reverses into a rollup with tights for the pin at 7:18.

Rating: C+. The extra time helped this one, along with the fact that we saw the champs go to a time limit in a Proving Ground match a few weeks back. It adds just enough drama to make this work better than that is great to see. It wasn’t a great match, but the Outrunners are always fun and the champs get a win, meaning they are at least here for a change.

Queen Aminata and Red Velvet are ready for Billie Starkz and Athena.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Laynie Luck

Taya goes with the power to start and chokes away on the ropes but Luck strikes away. That earns her the running knees in the corner, followed a double underhook drop for two. The STF makes Luck tap at 3:26.

Rating: C. Pretty much a squash for Taya, though Luck got in a few shots of her own. That isn’t the biggest surprise as Luck is something of an indy mainstay around this area and is a step above some of the jobbers you’ll see. Taya is still someone who could be used in a bigger spot but she seems pretty stuck in the midcard gatekeeper heel spot at the moment.

The Infantry wants more but the Outrunners interrupt and brag about their own success. The challenge is on for next week, with the Outrunners repeating what the Infantry says.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. GPA/Ren Jones/Jon Cruz

Vincent punches GPA down to start as Ian talks to students. Dutch comes in for some clotheslines before running Jones over for a bonus. It’s off to Archer, who gets annoyed at Jones’ dropkick. A full nelson slam plants Jones, who kicks Vincent away and hands it off to Cruz. It’s back to Jones all of ten seconds later but the villains are tired of this and wreck everyone. The Blackout sends GPA onto Jones to give Dutch the double pin at 3:43.

Rating: C. Archer and the Righteous are doing well with these squashes but it’s hard to believe that they’re going to get a title shot. I base this on the idea that we have seen them do something similar to this for a good while now and they have never been near the titles. That’s how Ring Of Honor works with a lot of this stuff and it can be rather frustrating.

Abadon vs. Nova

Nova takes things into the corner to start for a running shoulder to the ribs but Abadon is right back with some clotheslines. The Meteora in the corner sets up a running knee and Black Dahlia finishes Nova at 1:35.

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie (the latter of whom got a shower and changed in record time) are happy about their reality series when Aaron Solo interrupts. Taya isn’t impressed and Johnny mocks his win/loss record so Solo promises to win next week. Now we’re getting an Aaron Solo story?

Blake Christian vs. AR Fox vs. Beast Mortos

Mortos runs them both over to start but gets sent to the corner as commentary talks about the things Christian has been doing with Missy Hyatt in GCW. Mortos is back inside and takes out Christian before powerslamming Fox for two. A shinbreaker puts Fox down again and we hit a leglock. Christian comes in off the top for the save and Sling Blades Mortos, who is back with a Samoan drop for two.

The pace picks up and Christian takes Mortos down for a quick splash. Fox is back in to double team Mortos to limited avail but they manage to knock Mortos down into the corner. With the other two up top, Mortos pulls them back down for a big crash but Fox kicks him out to the apron. Christian’s spear puts Mortos on the floor and a springboard 450 into a Swanton connects back inside. Christian goes after Fox but Mortos is back up with a spinning piledriver to finish Fox at 6:52.

Rating: B-. Best match of the show as it was more competitive but it’s not like this was anything great. There were no stakes to this and Mortos already beat Christian at Supercard Of Honor. That didn’t leave much in the way of drama here, though it was nice to see a match that had a bit more time and all three were putting in some energy.

Overall Rating: C. That was Ring Of Honor all right, with a bunch of people doing a bunch of stuff and very little of it standing out. The last few weeks have gotten away from the focused version and have been back to being little more than getting as much content out there as possible. As usual, that’s great for the wrestlers who get more work, but it doesn’t make for an entertaining show. It’s almost impossible to have this much content while also having the wins and losses matter for the sake of title shots, especially when those shots are few and far between. Ring Of Honor is proving that and it’s not working well.

Isiah Kassidy b. Komander – Reverse Twist of Fate
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Dark Order – Double spinebuster to Reynolds
Anna Jay b. Allysin Kay – Queenslayer
Johnny TV b. Will Austin – Starship Pain
Mogul Embassy b. 1 Called Manders/Beef/Calvin Tankman – Triplebomb to Tankman
Yuka Sakazaki b. Leila Grey – Magical Girl Splash
Kingdom b. Outrunners – Rollup with tights to Floyd
Taya Valkyrie b. Laynie Luck – STF
Lance Archer/Righteous b. GPA/Ren Jones/Jon Cruz – Double pin
Abadon b. Nova – Black Dahlia
Beast Mortos b. Blake Christian and AR Fox – Spinning piledriver to Fox



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Ring Of Honor – March 14, 2024: Back To That Show

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 14, 2024
Location: Gas South Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are less than a month away from Supercard Of Honor and it should be time to announce some matches. That could make things all the more complicated as there isn’t much time left to build up the card. Then again ROH has a tendency to just throw things together and that will probably be the case again here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Diamante vs. Billie Starkz

They trade rollups to start until Diamante knocks her into the corner for a running dropkick. The beating heads outside with Starkz being knocked into the barricade. Starkz is right back with a hurricanrana off the steps to take over. Diamante drives some shoulders in the corner and we hit the neck crank. Starkz fights up but gets splashed for two, only to kick her back to the floor.

There’s the suicide dive, followed by two more to make it worse. Back in and a suplex onto the knee gives Starkz another near fall, followed by a faceplant to plant Diamante on her face. Diamante is back with a rolling Chaos Theory out of the corner for two, only to have Starkz blast her with a clothesline. They forearm it out (of course) until Diamante grabs a quick Stunner. A standing Sliced Bread #2 gives Diamante two but Starkz kicks her in the face. The Swanton gets two so Starkz goes for a half nelson crossface for the tap at 11:38.

Rating: B-. This got rolling near the end and I was digging what they were doing. The tournament matches have been made a good bit more exciting s there is SOMETHING for these people to fight over. The fact that there was a pretty obvious winner in Starkz but they had me wondering on some of those near falls is proof that they were doing something right. Good stuff here and one of Starkz’ better matches to date.

Lee Johnson vs. Aaron Solo

They trade arm control to start until Johnson grabs a headlock takeover. That’s broken up and Solo gives him a sarcastic handshake. Solo is sent outside and shakes the fans’ hands but runs into a dropkick back inside. Back up and Solo sends him hard into the ropes with Johnson seemingly hitting his throat on the top rope to cut him down fast. A suplex gives Solo two and we hit the chinlock.

Johnson fights up and sends him throat first into the ropes to even things up with a double knockdown. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Johnson two but the Big Shot Drop is broken up. Solo kicks him down for two and a top rope double stomp gets the same. A butterfly powerbomb is countered into a hurricanrana from Johnson, who lawn darts Solo into the buckle. The Big Shot Drop finishes Solo at 10:22.

Rating: C+. Lee Johnson is being pushed, with six straight wins coming into this match. This was near his hometown of Atlanta. It took him ten minutes to beat a perennial jobber in Solo. There was little reason for this to be anywhere near as competitive if Johnson is supposed to be something important. In theory he is on the way to a title shot, but why should I believe he can beat someone important if it is this hard to beat Solo?

Robyn Renegade vs. Lady Frost vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Leyla Hirsch

Renegade gets triple teamed down to start, leaving the other three to fight in the ring. Frost sends Hirsch into the corner but gets legdropped by Hogan for two. Robyn comes back in but gets choked by Hirsch, only to have Hogan break it up with some kicks to the head. They all slug it out until Frost sends them into the corner for a pair of flipping Cannonballs. Hogan is back up with a running hip attack against the ropes to Renegade, followed by Face The Music for the pin at 5:26.

Rating: C. Hey look: another four way match where the winner is no further ahead than she was before the match. It also didn’t get a ton of time so they didn’t have the time to shine or get anything going. The action was fine enough, but these things coming and going every week have taken away almost all of their interest.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter are ready for their big match but Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes in to blame their lack of Collision appearances on Garrison’s loss to Adam Copeland. Don’t disappoint her.

Athena vs. Aisha

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning Aisha gets a title shot if she survives the ten minute time limit or wins. Athena starts fast with a toss suplex but Aisha kicks her into the corner. They head outside with Athena sending her into the barricade a few times. Aisha comes back with a spinebuster for two inside but Athena grabs the Codebreaker. Something like an abdominal stretch makes Aisha tap at 4:29.

Rating: C. This is what you get from an Athena Proving Ground match and there isn’t much to be gained from them. The good thing is they got through the match rather quickly and Aisha didn’t put up much of a fight. Athena needs a new challenger and we’ll probably get that sooner than later, but for now there isn’t much for her to do.

Post match Athena keeps up the beating and runs down the city of Atlanta. Cue Hikaru Shida to interrupt and we seem to have a challenger for Supercard of Honor. That would be another person from outside ROH getting the title shot because the division has been wrecked so badly by this Athena title reign that could have ended months ago without her losing a thing. But then again it’s not like this show matters in the slightest so why should I expect it to be well put together?

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Iron Savages

Before the match, we get a drink off between the Savage Sauce and Andretti’s water. Andretti wins and we’re ready to go, with Top Flight/Andretti hitting dives out to the floor. Back in and Dante kicks away at Bronson and everything breaks down again. Dante avoids going into a hairy chest and brings Darius back in to clean house.

Darius gets knocked down in the corner but Bronson spends too much time on pelvic thrusting and misses the moonsault. A kick to the face out of the corner allows the tag to Dante, meaning things pick up again. Everything breaks down and Jameson gets caught with a shooting star press followed by a frog splash to give Dante the pin at 6:01.

Rating: C+. Nice six man here with Top Flight and Andretti continuing to work well together. That being said, it’s another case where a team is floating around from win to win without getting much of a chance to go anywhere. Granted it might help if the Six Man Tag Team Titles had been defended here but that hasn’t happened on this show since September.

Lee Johnson is just getting started.

Workhorsemen vs. Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto

The Workhorsemen jump them from behind to start and Comoroto is knocked into the wrong corner. Comoroto slugs his way out of corner but Henry kicks him down for two. Everything breaks down and Drake suplexes Comoroto, setting up Henry’s top rope double stomp for the pin at 3:41.

Rating: C. This is a good example of a match that was fine but since it didn’t really add anything, it probably didn’t need to be on a show that is running over two hours. The Workhorsemen have been around here for months and don’t seem to be going anywhere, which again might have something to do with the champions almost never being around here (with their one title defense since winning the titles in December).

Post match Watts holds the ropes for Comoroto and they take their time leaving together.

Lance Archer vs. Darian Bengston

Jake Roberts bothers to show up for once. Archer misses a charge into the corner but pulls Bengston out of the air without much trouble. Another missed charge lets Bengston strike away but Archer plants him with a chokeslam. The Blackout finishes for Archer at 2:17.

We look at Dalton Castle losing the Boys to Johnny TV/Taya Valkyrie two weeks ago.

Taya Valkyrie is thinking about buying the Boys matching outfits but Dalton Castle comes in to say he can smell them. They shout at each other over the boys diets (sushi vs. tater tots) until security drags Castle away. This was amusing.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Mercedes Martinez vs. Abadon

Abadon slugs away to start and hits some running knees in the corner. Martinez is knocked outside and taken down again, only to come back with a big boot. Back in and some rolling butterfly suplexes have Abadon in trouble and a clothesline gives Martinez two. Abadon fights up and hits a running Codebreaker for two, only for Martinez to come back with a hard suplex.

The half crab has Abadon crawling over to the ropes for the break, followed by a quick cutter to send Martinez outside. Martinez is back up with a hard knee on the apron, setting up a hanging neckbreaker to the floor. Back in and Abadon grabs a quick DDT for two…but someone pops out from under the ring to deck Abadon. The fisherwoman’s buster gives Martinez the pin at 9:46.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t as good as the opener but it was still a nice showdown between two talented stars. Martinez going forward is a good choice as she is at least a minor threat to win the title but also someone who can be beaten to give someone a rub. I’m curious about the interference, as it’s at least a fresh ending for one of the tournament matches.

And it’s Diamante as the interfering scoundrel.

The final four:

Billie Starkz
Mercedes Martinez

Red Velvet
Queen Aminata

Slim J vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox vs. Komander

Oh this is ROH in 2024 all right. J isn’t interested in a handshake and instead flips everyone off before heading to the floor for the bell. Fox takes him out with a dive, as he won’t stand for that kind of disrespect. That leaves Komander to miss a charge in the corner so Cartwheel hits a flipping elbow for two. J is back in to hit Fox low and another one cuts off Cartwheel, setting up a running cutter for two more. Fox flips J off the top and steps through into a cutter of his own for two of his own.

Komander has to make a save before kicking J down in the corner. Komander’s backbreaker puts Fox down before going to the top with Cartwheel. A middle rope Codebreaker on the apron rocks Cartwheel but J is there with a suicide dive to drop Komander. Back in and a top rope reverse DDT gives J two on Fox before Cartwheel and Komander go flipping up (and down) the ramp. Komander gets the better of things, setting up Cielito Lindo to finish J at 8:20.

Rating: B-. Remember the women’s version of this match earlier, where it was more or less the same kind of match that they’ve had for months and it is mainly just flashy yet meaningless? Same thing here, but with the men instead. It was entertaining enough, but when you’ve seen it over and over again for weeks, it’s hard to get interested again.

Eddie Kingston says Mark Briscoe was supposed to get a World Title shot last year. He can have it this year at Supercard Of Honor instead. There is no mention of anything but the ROH World Title on the line. Naturally this had to be a pre-tape because the champ isn’t going to be on the regular show.

Cole Karter/Griff Garrison vs. Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy

Maria Kanellis Bennett is here with Karter and Garrison so Chuck Taylor is here to cancel her out. Karter misses an armdrag attempt to start so Cassidy puts his hands in the pockets to take over. Beretta comes in to hiptoss Garrison, setting up a quick double suplex for two. Cassidy sends Garrison face first into the buckle over and over but Karter is back in with a snap suplex.

Cassidy manages to kick his way to freedom though and there’s the hot tag to Beretta. A dive to the floor takes out Garrison but some double teaming puts Beretta in trouble for a change. Karter misses a 450 though and Beretta suplexes Garrison, allowing the real tag off to Cassidy. A bunch of kicks put the villains down and Garrison gets high crossbodied. The tornado DDT gets two on Karter but Maria offers a distraction, meaning it’s time for an exchange of kicks to the head. Maria gets up for another distraction and offers a hug, but Beretta would rather hug Chuck. The Orange Punch finishes Karter at 10:58.

Rating: B-. Nice match here, even if it is near impossible to care about Karter and Garrison no matter what they do. They have been up and down for months and still seem to be going nowhere as I still wonder why Maria is stuck with them. Cassidy and Beretta were the big guest stars and it makes perfect sense to close with them, even if they needed better opponents.

Post match the Spanish Announce Project comes in to get Serpentico’s mask back but manage to get beaten down. Cassidy and Beretta make the save and pose with the Project to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. And we’re back to the old format with two hours of stuff, much of which could have easily been dropped with absolutely nothing being lost. The four ways feel like little more than ways to get people on the show and when they feature a lot of the same people week in and week out, it’s rather hard to care. Other than that you had a bunch of the usual stuff, with the tournament matches at least feeling important. So yeah, it’s back to what makes ROH annoying after weeks of having it be what it should have been.

Billie Starkz b. Diamante – Half nelson crossface
Lee Johnson b. Aaron Solo – Big Shot Drop
Kiera Hogan b. Robyn Renegade, Lady Frost and Leyla Hirsch – Face The Music to Renegade
Athena b. Aisha – Abdominal stretch
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson – Frog splash to James
Workhorsemen b. Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto – Top rope double stomp to Comoroto
Lance Archer b. Darian Bengston – Blackout
Mercedes Martinez b. Abadon – Fisherwoman’s buster
Komander b. AR Fox, Slim J and Jack Cartwheel – Cielito Lindo to J
Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter – Orange Punch to Karter



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Ring Of Honor – February 22, 2024: It Lasted A Week

Ring Of Honor
Date: February 22, 2024
Location: Dollar Loan Center, Henderson, Nevada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We FINALLY have a pay per view announced as Supercard Of Honor is about six weeks away. Since they actually got around to saying something about it, now we can get ready for the show, which probably has more than a few matches all but set. As for tonight, Athena is defending the Women’s Title against Nyla Rose in a 2/3 falls tables match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s what’s coming on the show.

Women’s TV Title Tournament First Round: Taya Valkyrie vs. Sussy Love

Johnny TV is here with Taya, who easily takes her into the corner to start and hits a hard chop. Love’s Black Widow is quickly broken up but Taya misses a charge and falls out to the floor. That’s fine with Taya, who powerbombs her onto the apron and then chokes on the ropes back inside. The running knees in the corner give Taya two and we hit the chinlock. Love fights up and hits a crossbody into an enziguri before draping Taya over the middle rope. Some moonsault knees to the ribs give Sussy two but Taya spears her down. Shania Pain finishes for Taya at 7:18.

Rating: C. Another match that could have been trimmed as Taya shouldn’t be going back and forth with someone in their company debut. Taya goes forward and should be a threat to make a deep run in the tournament, especially with the stomp being an effective finisher. She’s also experienced and a name, so while I can’t imagine her winning, she should be in at least the final four or so.

We look back at last week’s first round tournament matches.

Lee Johnson vs. Sonico

Sonico kicks away a handshake to start and gets dropkicked into the corner. A headbutt to the ribs gives Sonico two and he chokes in the corner to keep Johnson down. That doesn’t last long as Johnson is back with some clotheslines and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sonico gets in a shot of his own but walks into the reverse inverted DDT to give Johnson the pin at 5:08.

Rating: C. Johnson is another guy who has talent but needs something to do other than being stuck in the eternal chase for a title shot. It seemed to be another such match here, with Johnson beating another competent opponent. At some point Johnson needs to do something though and that doesn’t seem likely anytime soon.

Women’s TV Title Tournament First Round: Red Velvet vs. Sandra Moone

They fight over a lockup to start until Velvet takes her down with a headlock. Moone is back with a headlock takeover of her own before a belly to back suplex gets two. Velvet comes up and chokes away in the corner but Moone missile dropkicks her back down. A legsweep sets up a standing moonsault to give Velvet two and it’s time to start on the arm.

Back up and a Rey Mysterio sitout bulldog is countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb to give Moone two. Moone strikes away rather hard for two more but Velvet kicks her in the face. The Final Mix misses though and Moone fisherman’s busters her for two more. Moone goes up top but gets super victory rolled down, setting up the Final Mix to give Velvet the pin at 9:01.

Rating: B-. This worked for a pair of reasons, with the bigger one being that Velvet is a weak enough star that you could see her getting taken out as the first round upset. At the same time, Moone was giving her a heck of a fight here and it was something close to a breakout performance. Good stuff here and by far the best thing on the show so far.

Taya Valkyrie, with Johnny TV, is ready to win the title.

Brandon Cutler vs. Danhausen

Cutler has Colt Cabana with him and elbows Danhausen down to start. That earns him the threaten of a CURSE so Cabana and Cutler load up the cold spray. For some reason it only sprays themselves so Danhausen gets in a slam for two. They stumble around and bump into each other and the slugout is on. Danhausen hits a running forearm in the corner int a slingshot German suplex to drop Cutler again. Cabana’s distraction doesn’t work and Danhausen pours the teeth into Cutler’s mouth, setting up the pump kick for the pin at 4:52.

Rating: C+. It was fun, it was goofy, and they were done in less than five minutes. Danhausen is going to get a reaction just due to how ridiculous he is and they were leaning into that here. They didn’t overstay their welcome here and it was nice to have something this different for a change.

Video on Athena vs. Nyla Rose.

Women’s TV Title Tournament First Round: Abadon vs. Viva Van

Abadon wastes no time in sending her into the corner for some running knees. Choking (with screaming) on the ropes has Van in more trouble but she’s back with a running spinwheel kick for two. Van grabs a Tarantula into a bow and arrow before she runs Abadon over for two more. Abadon fights back and bites the arm, setting up a running knee and Black Dahlia for the pin at 5:49.

Rating: C. They kept this shorter and that helped a bit, as it’s another case where there is little doubt about the winner. Abadon was treated like a big deal upon showing up in Ring Of Honor and that seems to still be the case. You have to add some star power from the main roster and Abadon can do that well enough in a spot like this.

Anthony Henry vs. Ethan Page

JD Drake is here with Henry, who takes Page down to start and mocks him a bit. Back up and Page armdrags him down a few times before grabbing a quickly broken headlock. Page punches his way out of the corner but Henry is right back onto the arm to slow Page back down. That’s shrugged off again and Page hits some clotheslines into a powerslam for two, but the arm is banged up. Henry grabs a tornado DDT and cranks on the arm some more. They head to the apron, where Page clotheslines him back inside. The springboard cutter gives Henry the pin at 5:23.

Rating: C+. This should be the latest step towards Page getting a TV Title match, which has been in the making for a good while now. Then again at some pint he needs to actually win the title, which very well could happen at Supercard Of Honor. Henry is a good choice for an opponent here, as he’s established enough to be something of a threat, but also someone who can make Page look strong in defeat.

Queen Aminata is ready for her second round match against Taya Valkyrie, who is nowhere near what she used to be.

Women’s TV Title Tournament: Robyn Renegade vs. Billie Starkz

They fight over wrist control to start and neither get anywhere so it’s a staredown instead. Starkz kicks her in the head but gets small packaged for two for her efforts. Back up and Robyn hits a hard chop in the corner but misses another, allowing Starkz to strike away for a change. A fisherman’s suplex gives Robyn two and a Backstabber gets the same. The chinlock keeps Starkz down for a bit until she fights up and runs Robyn over.

Starkz’s comeback is cut off by an enziguri but she knocks Robyn outside. That means a heck of a suicide dive, followed by a second, but the third is pulled out of the air. Back in and Robyn grabs a diving sunset bomb out to the floor, leaving Starkz to dive back in and beat the count. Back in and Starkz grabs a quick half and half suplex before putting on a choke with a knee in the back to make Robyn tap at 9:48.

Rating: C+. Nice enough here as we wrap up the first round, though it’s still weird to see one of the Renegades on their own. Robyn is capable of doing quite a bit on her own but when you’re half of a tag team, it doesn’t exactly make her seem likely to pull it off here. It also doesn’t help that Starks has been a featured part of the division for a long time now and she wasn’t likely to lose in the first round.

Ethan Page wants the TV Title and says there is something in the air.

AR Fox vs. Matt Sydal vs. Komander vs. Exodus Prime

Fox gets pounded down in the corner to start until Komander and Sydal clear the ring. An exchange of rollups gives us a standoff but Fox is back in to take over on both of them. Fox hits a springboard moonsault on Komander before beating up Prime for a bonus. Sydal is back up to take over on Komander and Fox, including a standing corkscrew dive onto the latter.

Now it’s Prime getting up with a top rope elbow to Fox, who comes back with a twisting suplex for two on Prime. Everyone grabs a different hold on Prime until it’s broken up so Komander can take Sydal to the apron. Komander puts on a surfboard, but Fox dives over them to take Prime down. Sydal and Fox team up on Prime in the corner until Komander is back in to go up top.

Prime cuts that off and hits a reverse slam for two on Komander. Fox is back in with a split legged superplex to Prime, setting up a split legged moonsault. Sydal and Komander make the save because this needs to keep going. Prime rolls Komander up for two but he’s back with a tornado DDT to put Prime down. Cielito Lindo gives Komander the pin at 12:01.

Rating: B-. Yeah cool, can we move on to something that matters now? This was an extended version of the same four way stuff we regularly see around here: a bunch of flips and dives with one person managing to get a pin in the end. It isn’t likely to go anywhere and Komander is likely to be in another one of these things next time, because they keep happening for reasons of getting people on the show.

Billie Starkz promises to win the TV Title.

Women’s Title: Athena vs. Nyla Rose

Athena is defending in a 2/3 falls tables match. Rose runs her over to start and hits a Samoan drop to plant Athena early. The first table is set up on the floor and Rose apron bombs Athena, followed by a powerbomb through said table for the first fall at 1:17. Athena is back up and kicks Rose down before sliding another table inside. Rose is back up to with a chokeslam onto the apron and Athena is in big trouble.

Back in and a cannonball crushes Athena and the table is set up in the corner. Athena blocks a hiptoss so Rose his a crossbody to crush her again. They head outside again and Athena pulls out another table. Now it’s back to the apron for a slugout, followed by the O Face to send Rose through the ringside table to tie it up at 10:09 overall. Back in and Athena tries to powerbomb Rose through a table but her knee gives out instead. They fight up to the top in front of a table before Athena gets down and puts Rose in an electric chair. A big toss through the ringside table retains the title at 13:57.

Rating: C+. It was a good fight and I would hope that the ending leaves open for a rematch at the pay per view. Otherwise I have no idea who is next for Athena as there is no one ready to come after the title at the moment. The tables stipulation was unique enough and it keeps Rose somewhat save, though beating a challenger at her own stipulation doesn’t give the story the brightest future.

Overall Rating: C+. Well, the good run lasted a week, as this was the same overly long show with a bunch of matches that were just ok. It helps to have the tournament aspect, but having three of those matches featuring stars vs. enhancement talent and another being a star against a tag wrestler made me wonder why they didn’t just start with an eight person field. It wasn’t a bad show, but it was another that was hard to get through as there was very little to get excited about on the whole card.

Taya Valkyrie b. Sussy Love – Shania Pain
Lee Johnson b. Sonico – Reverse inverted DDT
Red Velvet b. Sandra Moone – Final Mix
Danhausen b. Brandon Cutler – Pump kick
Abadon b. Viva Van – Black Dahlia
Ethan Page b. Anthony Henry – Springboard cutter
Billie Starkz b. Robyn Renegade – Half and half choke
Komander b. AR Fox, Exodus Prime and Matt Sydal – Cielito Lindo to Prime
Athena b. Nyla Rose 2-1



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Ring Of Honor – February 8, 2024: Running In Circles

Ring Of Honor
Date: February 8, 2024
Location: Bert Ogden Arena, Edinburg, Texas
Commentators: Caprice Coleman, Ian Riccaboni

We’re slowly making our way towards the yet to be announced Supercard of Honor. That should make for a big show, but given ROH’s tendencies, most of the card won’t be announced until shortly before the show. Maybe we’ll get the Women’s TV Title tournament finals there, assuming they ever actually start the tournament. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down some of the card.

Workhorsemen vs. Sayrus GT/Brilliante RB

Henry and Brilliante start things off with Henry blocking an early armdrag attempt. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker puts Brilliante down again but he dives over to bring in Sayrus to clean house. Drake isn’t having any of this diving stuff though and bounces Sayrus off the ropes for a hard forearm to the face. Back in and a DDT plants Sayrus but he slips out of what looks like a powerbomb and brings Brilliante in again. Not that it matters as Drake suplexes him into the corner for the running knees from Henry. A Downward Spiral/running kick to the head combination finishes Brilliante at 4:07.

Rating: C. This was short and to the point here with the luchadors not getting much time to showcase themselves. It’s nice to see someone new brought in, but it’s even nicer to have an established team win a match without too much trouble. I still don’t buy the Workhorsemen as title threats but at least they got a nice win here.

Dalton Castle won’t let anyone, including Jerry Lynn, Taya Valkyrie or Johnny TV see his friend.

Ethan Page vs. Aaron Solo

Solo isn’t interested in the Code Of Honor to start so Page stomps him down in the corner. Page drives him into another corner and rains down some right hands but it’s too early for Ego’s Edge. Solo pulls him off the middle for a crash into the corner, allowing Solo to hit a spinning kick to the head for two. Page fights out of the chinlock and hits him in the face before pulling him into a powerslam for another near fall. The Ego’s Edge is blocked again and a release northern lights suplex gives Solo two. Solo gets caught cheating on a rollup so Page kicks him in the face, setting up the Ego’s Edge for the pin at 7:29.

Rating: C+. It’s good for Page to pick up another win and he’s getting the momentum going, but assuming he gets the TV Title match at the next big show, we’re going to be waiting a good while. That’s one of the problems with Ring Of Honor: they take so long to have their big matches because such matches don’t take place on the regular show. That leaves some long gaps and Page is stuck in the middle of one.

Penta El Zero Miedo/El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Jon Cruz/KM

Penta and Cruz start things off so we pause for the two of them to shout their names. An exchange of shoves is the only contact for the first minute and forty five seconds until Penta grabs a headlock. Penta kicks him in the ribs but KM gets in a cheap shot from the apron for a breather.

Vikingo comes in and gets suplexed for two, followed by KM grabbing a reverse chinlock. A full nelson slam gives Vikingo two but he fights up and brings in Penta to clean house. A Backstabber into a rope walk double stomp to the ribs gets two on Cruz with KM making the save. Something like What’s Up gets two more and the package piledriver plants him (with Vikingo taking out KM) for the pin at 7:12.

Rating: C+. This was a bit more competitive than I was expecting, but spending almost two minutes waiting for them to start was a bit annoying. Penta and Vikingo seemed to be treated like something of a dream team and while they kind of are, it’s not quite as effective as the Lucha Bros. It was just another match with the flashy luchadors flipping around a lot and we’ve kind of covered that to death around here.

Billie Starkz and Lexi Nair are in the back with the latter handing Starkz a message. Starkz says if Nyla Rose is looking for her, come find her after her match.

Johnny TV vs. ???

TV has Taya Valkyrie with him and his opponent, Dalton Castle’s friend is….Hombre de Pavo Real de Montana. That would be Mountain Peacock Man, which is pretty clearly Castle with a beard and a hat. Taya questions Montana’s Spanish abilities but he’s only using a Spanish name to make himself learn Spanish. He even has an app! Montana admits that he is indeed Castle and says it was a ruse to get TV to fight him. TV finally agrees and will tell Castle what it takes….next week.

Shane Taylor issues a proclamation: If you are feeling left out, come join up or fight against them.

Maria Kanellis-Bennett shows Lexi Nair Cole Karter and Griff Garrison attacking someone who appears to be Serpentico. Angelico makes the save but it’s not really Serpentico, meaning the beatdown is on again. The real Serpentico makes the save.

Billie Starkz vs. Araya Thorn

They fight over arm control to start until Starkz takes it to the mat to work on the leg. Starks strikes away and rolls her up for two, followed by a German suplex to send her outside. There’s the suicide dive but here is Nyla Rose with a table for a distraction. Back in and something like a crossface chickenwing finishes Thorn at 3:52.

Rating: C. This was more about the Rose interruption than anything else. In theory we’re waiting on Rose beating Starkz before she gets a Women’s Title shot, but that might take a little while to set up at this point. For now, Starkz stays strong and they didn’t waste time with a longer match when it didn’t need to be.

Post match Rose seems to challenge Starkz but here is the returning Athena to knock Rose off the apron and through the table. Again: I have no idea why Rose is supposed to be the heel here but that seems to be where they’re going.

Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hogan and Diamante clear the ring, with Hogan hitting a dropkick to put her down for an early two. Hirsch and Adora are back in for an amateur off until Adora is sent outside again. Back in and Adora runs them all over with shoulders until Diamante suplexes Adora onto the other two. A triple dropkick puts Diamante down but Hirsch sends the other two outside again. Diamante grabs a chair but Rachael Ellering cuts it off, only to have Diamante roll Hirsch up with her feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:50.

Rating: C. Yeah whatever. These four way matches and momentum building matches towards the tournament have been going on for weeks now and they stopped being interesting a good while ago. Either start the tournament already or stop talking about it because these matches are coming and going with no impact whatsoever. Maybe they shouldn’t have announces the tournament all the way before Christmas if it wasn’t going to start until February (at the earliest). Just a thought.

Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Iron Savages/Infantry

Dean cranks on Garrison’s arm to start and hands it off to Bravo for something like a Demolition Decapitator for two. Bronson comes in for a heck of a backdrop before handing it off to Boulder to load up his chest spot. Hold on though as Maria gets on the apron to open her jacket for a distraction. That doesn’t work so well as Garrison and Karter are sent into Boulder’s chest instead as the villains can’t get anything going.

The Infantry clears the ring and Dean hits a dive but Garrison cuts him off with a clothesline. Back in and Dean has to fight out of the wrong corner, setting up the tag to Bravo (who sipped the Savage Sauce). That means it’s Bravo coming in to clean house as everything breaks down. Boulder suplexes Garrison and Karter, leaving Taylor to come in for a slugout. Taylor this a release Rock Bottom but Bravo knocks him into the corner. Moriarty is back in with a quick suplex into a Downward Spiral to finish Bravo at 9:16.

Rating: C+. This is the part where commentary talks about how the teams are building momentum and might be in line for a Tag Team Title shot. I see little reason for that to be taken seriously as the Kingdom has defended the titles once in their month and a half reign. Maybe they can start interacting with the tag division more frequently but until then, this feels like the same treadmill that the teams have been running on for months. On a side note: can we please give the Savages a week off? They’ve been on the show week after week for months and they’re doing the same stuff over and over. It’s ok to give us a break.

Post match Maria holds up Serpentico’s mask so here he is to get it back. Karter and Garrison take him out, leaving Coleman to say “this feud here is never ending. Every time we think it’s over there’s more to it.” Preach it man.

Rachael Ellering and Leyla Hirsch confirm that everything is ok.

Gravity vs. Lee Johnson

Johnson cranks on a headlock to start before running Gravity over with a shoulder. Gravity is back up and we get a standoff as things reset a bit. Gravity’s dropkick takes out the leg and Johnson gets knocked outside. The dive is cut off so Gravity comes back in for a springboard armdrag. Johnson is sent outside again and this time the dive takes him out. Gravity manages a powerbomb to leave them both down for a double breather. Johnson is back up with his reverse inverted DDT for the pin at 6:04.

Rating: C. This was kind of a weird match as it was back and forth until Johnson just hit his finisher for the pin. Johnson is getting a few wins and if that means a TV Title shot or something like that, cool. The problem is he needs to actually get something out of this and it’s hard to believe that will be the case.

Dalton Castle thinks Johnny TV might want his worm farm or his perfect blood. Then he grabs his chest and gets inside a washing machine.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Killa Kate

Johnny TV is here with Valkyrie, who kicks Kate into the corner to start. A bunch of kicks and a clothesline get two each before a spear cuts Kate off. Shania Pain finishes for Valkyrie at 2:52.

The Women’s TV Title Tournament starts next week. Thank goodness.

Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox vs. Komander vs. Willie Mack

They shake hands before everyone goes at it to start. Fox clears the ring but gets sent into the corner by Cartwheel, who cartwheels away. The flipping elbow drop gets two on Fox but Mack is back in to run everyone over. An exploder suplex drops Cartwheel but Komander sends Mack outside for a springboard moonsault. Fox is back up but his 450 hits Mack’s raised knees.

Mack powerbombs Fox for two before Cartwheel comes in to slug it out with Fox. Komander comes in but gets taken down by Cartwheel, whose backbreaker connects for two. Mack dives onto Komander and Fox, setting up Cartwheel’s dive onto everyone. Komander is back in with a springboard 450 to Cartwheel, setting up Cielito Lindo for the pin at 10:26.

Rating: B-. This was the same match they’ve had for the last month plus with different people involved. They did their dives and flips with everyone getting in something until one person won. I’m sure this will launch Komander into the title picture, because he has never been put into a random title match and come up short.

Athena sends the minions to get things ready for a celebration before calling Nyla Rose nothing. Then Rose comes in to put her through a table to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Usual caveat: the wrestling was good to rather good with nothing that was close to bad. That being said, this continues to be one of the worst week to week shows that I have ever seen. There is so much stuff that feels like it is there to extend the run time or feels like it is building to nothing because stories take FOREVER to get to a resolution. Caprice Coleman even said something similar about the Serpentico stuff as it feels like it’s ending and then it just keeps going.

There is nothing wrong with having a good match on a show, but at some point it needs to mean SOMETHING. Ring Of Honor has had these four ways for what feels like months and where have they led? Maybe a one off TV Title match here or there but it’s not like there is any consistency. Instead it’s just a bunch of people having matches and every so often, one of them will get a random title match. Nothing on here feels any bigger than the rest and there is so much on the show that feels like a way to get people in the ring. I wonder how much these tapings affect the AEW shows’ attendance, as I wouldn’t want to sit through almost two hours of this stuff. Again: not a bad show, but a totally unnecessarily long one.

Workhorsemen b. Sayrus GT/Brilliante RB – Downward Spiral/running kick to the head combination to Brilliante
Ethan Page b. Aaron Solo – Ego’s Edge
Penta El Zero Miedo/El Hijo del Vikingo b. Jon Cruz/KM – Package piledriver to Cruz
Billie Starkz b. Araya Thorn – Crossface chickenwing
Diamante b. Leyla Hirsch, Trish Adora and Kiera Hogan – Rollup with feet on the ropes to Hirsch
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter b. Iron Savages/Infantry – Suplex Downward Spiral to Bravo
Lee Johnson b. Gravity – Reverse inverted DDT
Taya Valkyrie b. Killa Kate – Shania Pain
Komander b. Willie Mack, Jack Cartwheel and AR Fox – Cielito Lindo to Cartwheel



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Dynamite – November 22, 2023: The Continental Breakfast

Date: November 22, 2023
Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re done with Full Gear and that means it is time to start the Continental Classic. This is a round robin tournament that will run until the end of the year with a new title (plus seemingly two more though it’s a little unclear how it works) going to the winner. Samoa Joe is also coming for MJF and the World Title so let’s get to it.

Here is Full Gear if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

The graphics on the sides of the entrances are now Ric Flair WOO Energy with a cartoon Flair. The drinks are also at the announcers’ desk.

Here are the rules for the Continental Classic:

20 minute time limit
3 points for a win
1 point for a draw
Everyone is banned from ringside

Continental Classic Gold League: Swerve Strickland vs. Jay Lethal

Lethal shoulders him down to start but an anklescissors sends Lethal to the floor. They strike it out on the apron, with Lethal going after Swerve’s banged up arm. Swerve is knocked to the floor for a suicide but Swerve is right back on the leg back inside. They strike it out with shots to the leg and arm until Lethal gets in a shoulder breaker as we take a break.

Back with Swerve catching him on top and hitting a Downward Spiral for two. Lethal puts him right back down and drops a top rope elbow for two. The basement dropkick is countered into a stretch muffler to send Lethal bailing to the ropes. That’s fine with Swerve, who hits the House Call into the Swerve Stomp for the pin at 13:51.

Rating: B-. The action was good enough and the working on the leg/arm worked well enough for a story. Swerve pretty much had to win coming off the momentum he had in the Full Gear match against Hangman Page, though it’s a bit much to take to have him be this fine so soon after that kind of a fight. I’m not sure why Swerve had to wrestle here, but they did the right thing in their current situation.

Gold League Standings
Swerve Strickland – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Jon Moxley – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Rush – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Jay White – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Jay Lethal – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

Orange Cassidy, Hook and Katsuyori SShibata are cut off from making an announcement as Wheeler Yuta interrupts. Yuta is sick of Shibata and wants the Pure Title back. Cassidy doesn’t get to make his announcement.

Here are MJF (on a cane) and Adam Cole (on crutches) for a chat. Cole has a seat in a chair as MJF talks about how the Devil is here and no one is on his level. He brags about his win over Jay White but sometimes he can be a bit too humble. None of what he has done without his brochacho though so it’s time for Storytime with Adam Cole. Uh, bay-bay.

Cole say she’s a long way off from being able to get back in the ring but he wants to be here with MJF. He understands, and threatens the person in the Devil mask. Cue said person on the screen….and here is Samoa Joe. After mocking Cole, he wants MJF to honor his deal of a title shot. MJF has thought about this and says something that gets muted. Cole insists that MJF is a man of his word and praises Joe.

Cole tells MJF to be a man of his word so MJF says Joe wouldn’t be the first Ring of Honor legend he has beaten in Chicago. Twice. The challenge is thrown out for right now but Joe says nah. He knows better than to face MJF when he can complain about his injury. Instead, we’ll do it at World’s End in MJF’s hometown of Long Island.

The match is on, though MJF has to calm the crowd down after praising Long Island a bit too much. Joe says MJF doesn’t have to worry about the Devil anymore because MJF is now his property. He wants the best MJF, so for now, he has MJF’s back. That’s a nice little twist on a match we knew was coming.

Hook/Orange Cassidy/Katsuyori Shibata vs. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard/Jake Hager

Before the match, Cassidy gets to make him announcement: Danhausen is back! Menard uses the distraction to jump Hook from behind and gets thrown down for his efforts. Everything breaks down and a backbreaker/running knee to the head combination puts Hook down. Hager yells at the referee and we take an early break.

Back with Hook suplexing his way out of trouble and handing it off to Cassidy to pick up the pace. The Stundog Millionaire cuts off Hager and Shibata comes in to forearm away. Shibata chops Hager down in the corner and nails the running dropkick….and Danhausen has Hager’s hat. Everything breaks down and Shibata/Hook grab a stereo sleeper/Redrum for the double submission at 8:08.

Rating: C. This was only so competitive as the match was more about getting Danhausen back in the fold. The fans are going to be happy with just about anything he does and it was a smart move to bring him back. At the same time, the double submission worked well as one of the Ring Of Honor champions is back. And later this week, he’ll be back on Ring Of Honor!

Adam Cole is glad to be back when Roderick Strong and the Kingdom interrupt. Strong asks where Cole was on Friday, which sends Cole into a rant about how they’re not best friends anymore.

Here is Christian Cage, with Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne, for a chat. Cage says things did not go their way at Full Gear but Luchasaurus lost that match. They have both benefited from their relationship with cage and it is time to rechristen them. Luchasaurus takes the knee and is renamed….Killswitch. Wayne takes the knee even faster but Cage tells him to get up because he is special. Since Cage sees himself in Wayne, he is now the Prodigy Nick Wayne.

Cue Wayne’s mom (Cage: “You are a terrible mother.”) but Cage cuts her off and berates her. It’s a good thing Wayne’s father is already dead because he could never be as good of a wrestler as Cage. He tells her to go get to her shift at Denny’s….but Luchasaurus gets between them. Cage tells him to get back on his knees. That doesn’t happen so Cage slaps him….and shoves him into Wayne’s mom. Cage orders Wayne to grab a chair but wants Luchasaurus to hit the Conchairto. Hesitation ensues but here is Adam Copeland for the save. Wayne is left alone for the spear and an Impaler, setting up a Conchairto.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society is annoyed at their loss but Anna Jay tells them to shut up. Angelo Parker says he’s got her back tonight…but is getting a call from Ruby Soho.

Continental Classic Gold League: Rush vs. Jay White

Rush easily powers him into the corner to start and then does it again for a bonus. A takedown lets Rush stomp away and there’s a basement dropkick to the back of the head. They head outside where Rush drops him with a hard chop, followed by some hard whips into the barricade.

Back in and they trade chops in the corner with Rush getting the better of things (as he tends to do). White gets stomped down in the corner, setting up the cocky kick to the face. We take a break and come back with White suplexing him into the corner for two. That’s too much selling for Rush though as he’s back with rolling suplexes into a brainbuster for two.

White manages a brainbuster of his own for two more before mocking the matador’s cape. They slug it out again until a swinging Rock Bottom plants Rush for two more. Rush snaps off a German suplex and suplexes him into the corner, only to have the Bull’s Horns cut off. The Blade Runner is blocked as well but the referee gets distracted. That lets White hit a low blow into the Blade Runner for the pin at 13:56.

Rating: B. This is becoming more of Rush’s traditional match, as he beats the fire out of someone for a good while before getting to whatever they have for a finish. White was mostly squashed here until managing to get in some offense of his own. That being said, White did get the win (cheating aside), which he needed after losing at Full Gear.

Gold League Standings
Swerve Strickland – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Jay White – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Jon Moxley – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (5 matches remaining)
Rush – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Jay Lethal – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

We look at Ricky Starks and Big Bill retaining the Tag Team Titles, plus Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega earning a title shot, both at Full Gear. The teams got into it at the media scrum and the champs jumped Jericho afterwards, damaging his arm in the process.

Here is Toni Storm for her Women’s Title acceptance speech, though first we get an Oscar winner announcement style introduction. She didn’t have anything prepared but does pull out a list of people to thank. That includes Anthony Khan, all of those at Warner Discovery (including founder Jack Warner, who died in 1978) and all of the little Toni Storms out there.

Skye Blue vs. Anna Jay vs. Ruby Soho

Angelo Parker, Matt Menard and Saraya are here too. They trade rollups to start until Soho and Parker stop to stare at each other a bit. Soho is sent outside, leaving Jay to kick Blue in the face. Back in and Soho suplexes Blue, allowing Parker to trip Blue up. Jay bends Blue around the post and we take a break.

We come back with Jay planting them both with a Tower Of Doom before they all head outside. Soho gets the better of things but stops to look at Parker, allowing Blue to dive onto Soho and Jay back inside. Jay gets sent outside where Menard offers a distraction. Saraya breaks that up, leaving Blue to kick Soho right into Parker’s arms (Soho doesn’t seem to mind). That’s broken up as well and the distraction lets Blue hit a TKO to pin Jay at 9:52.

Rating: C+. The action was good enough but this was all about Parker and Soho and nothing more. They’re having that forbidden romance deal and in a way that’s kind of interesting. I could go or it being someone other than Parker, but Soho needs something to get her somewhere and maybe this is it. Jay losing is a bit frustrating, though if AEW has to start pushing Blue again, doing it in her hometown makes sense.

Wardlow is interrupted by AR Fox and drops him as a result.

Continental Classic Gold League: Mark Briscoe vs. Jon Moxley

They go to the slugout to start with Moxley taking him into the corner for some chops. Briscoe manages to send him outside for a running Blockbuster from the apron. Back in and the Froggy Bow misses, allowing Moxley to knock him into the corner again. We take a break and come back with Moxley working on an STF on the bloody Briscoe (commentary does in fact make fun of the fact that Moxley isn’t bleeding for once).

The comeback is on with Briscoe striking him down, setting up a running shot in the corner for two. Moxley’s armbar sends Briscoe to the ropes so Moxley grabs the Paradigm Shift. Briscoe pops back up and hits a dropkick before collapsing for the double breather. The Death Valley Driver into the Froggy Bow gives Briscoe two but Moxley is back with the Death Rider for the same. Moxley wins a slugout and hits a Stomp into another Death Rider for the pin at 11:23.

Rating: B. It’s against bigger names, but Briscoe continues to lose now that he’s back in AEW. I’m not sure how wise that is as he’s one of the most charismatic people they have but at least it was to one of the company’s top stars. Moxley is going to be a favorite to win the tournament, though I could go for an explanation for why he’s getting the chance to win three titles after losing to Orange Cassidy on Saturday when Cassidy isn’t in the tournament.

Gold League Standings
Swerve Strickland – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Jay White – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Jon Moxley – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Rush – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Jay Lethal – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

Respect is shown to end the show.

Of note: the Ring Of Honor Instagram account has announced that Ronda Rousey will be wrestling on this week’s Ring Of Honor. Unless it was mentioned in a quick throw away line, I did not hear her name or any reference to her on this show. Katsuyori Shibata’s Pure Title match on the same Ring Of Honor was mentioned and Wheeler Yuta said he wanted the title. That was mentioned, but not Rousey, who has been announced by the official Ring Of Honor social media. That’s a very interesting choice.

Overall Rating: B+. Well the focus was on the tournament here and that stuff went very well. I’m not surprised by that part as it is still fresh and new with some very talented wrestlers involved, but it should be interesting to see how that goes a few weeks from now when the new shine has worn off. The rest of the show was rather good, with the six man tag being the weakest point and even that was completely fine. This was a wrestling based show and as usual, AEW knows how to make that work.

Swerve Strickland b. Jay Lethal – Swerve Stomp
Hook/Orange Cassidy/Katsuyori Shibata b. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard/Jake Hager – Double submissions
Jay White b. Rush – Blade Runner
Skye Blue b. Anna Jay and Ruby Soho – TKO to Jay
Jon Moxley b. Mark Briscoe – Death Rider



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