NXT – April 9, 2024: The Sequel’s Almost As Good

Date: April 9, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with Stand & Deliver and it was certainly an eventful show. Trick Williams defeated Carmelo Hayes to win the main event and show that he’s ready to be one of the top stars around here. Roxanne Perez got the Women’s Title back by defeating Lyra Valkyria and Oba Femi continues to show that he is a dominant force in the making. Tonight we start getting ready for whatever is next so let’s get to it.

Here is Stand & Deliver if you need a recap.

We open with a long Stand & Deliver recap.

Here is Roxanne Perez to get things going. Perez can’t believe anyone is surprised because what happened on Saturday was justice being served. She saw Lyra Valkyria’s arm being banged up and took advantage of it. Valkyria said she was honorable but Perez found it stupid. No one can take the title from her because the next time she loses the title is when she gives it up to go to Raw or Smackdown.

Cue Valkyria, with her arm in a sling, saying she wants her rematch tonight. Perez rolls her eyes but Tatum Paxley pops up to say she’s ready. Then Paxley sends Valkyria into the steps and walks off. Perez says we won’t be seeing a title match tonight but here is Natalya (who told Perez she was going to see her tonight) to say she’ll face Perez tonight. That’s a no, but here is Ava to say yes. Natalya getting a title shot just because? I thought this was a new era.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are getting their last Tag Team Title shot tonight. If they don’t win here, they’re done as a team.

Andre Chase gives Kelani Jordan and Fallon Henley honorary degrees for their win at Stand & Deliver. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come in with Jayne revealing why Chase U was in debt in the first place: Chase had put a big bet on Thea Hail to win the Women’s Title at the Great American Bash (where Chase threw in the towel to save Hail) but cared more about her than the school. If Hail hadn’t been such a loser, the school wouldn’t have been in trouble. Chase says it’s true and Hail storms off.

Fallon Henley/Kelani Jordan vs. Kiana James/Izzi Dame

The villains jump them to start but Jordan grabs a headscissors out of the corner to drop James. Dame comes in and gets sleepered for her quick efforts. Everything breaks down and the villains are sent outside, with Jordan hitting a big slingshot dive. Back in and Dame takes over on Jordan, with James getting in some shots of her own.

Dame’s running elbow gets two and a flapjack gets the same. An abdominal stretch doesn’t last long and Jordan rolls over for the tag off to Henley. The pace picks way up and the spinning superplex puts James down. Henley has to save Jordan from a cheap shot but walks into the 401K to give James the pin at 6:59.

Rating: C+. Henley and Jordan work together fairly well and have gotten to showcase themselves over the last few shows. In this case, it makes sense to have the villains get a win to even things up a bit after losing on Saturday. The match was fairly high energy and it worked well enough here for not having much time in the ring.

Je’Von Evans is ready to go. This is the same video we saw at Stand & Deliver.

OTM is ready to deal with Evans.

The No Quarter Catch Crew (no Drew Gulak in sight) talk about Bloodsport (an independent event over Wrestlemania Weekend where some WWE stars got to compete) but the D’Angelo Family comes in. Insults are exchanged and a match is made.

Je’Von Evans vs. Scrypts

Evans is a 19 year old who has done rather well on NXT LVL Up and the rest of OTM is here with Scrypts. They flip around to start with Evans getting two off a rollup but missing some right hands. Scrypts trips him off the middle rope though and a standing shooting star press gets two. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Evans is back up with a springboard kick to the face. A Cody Cutter gives Evans two so Scrypts bails outside, where Evans hits a big dive. Back in and Evans kicks him down, setting up a springboard spinning splash for the pin at 4:32.

Rating: C+. Evans isn’t someone who is doing something new but he looked good doing what he was doing out there. NXT needs to bring in some fresh names at some point and that is what they are doing here. Yeah it’s just a win over Scrypts but it’s a place to start and that is more than some people get.

We look at Ridge Holland, on the broadcasting team, attacking Joe Gacy on the Stand & Deliver Kickoff Show.

Holland says he lost it but Gacy pops in to mock Holland for his career falling apart. The LWO comes in to say they don’t buy the apology tour. Holland walks by Joaquin Wilde and slams a door on his arm.

Women’s Title: Natalya vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez is defending and gets taken to the mat to start. They head outside with Natalya hitting a clothesline as we take an early break. Back with Natalya fighting out of an abdominal stretch and grabbing a surfboard. The fight heads outside again, this time with Natalya being sent into the steps.

A bodyscissors keeps Natalya in trouble but she’s right back out with a German suplex for two. The Sharpshooter is broken up and they trade rollups for two each. The crossface doesn’t work for Perez either and Natalya blocks Pop Rox, setting up the Sharpshooter. Perez makes it over to the rope and cue Lola Vice for a cheap shot, allowing Pop Rox to retain the title at 11:28.

Rating: C+. The ending likely sets up something for Natalya and Vice in the future, which should be fine enough. The more important thing here though is Perez getting a win to start off her new title reign. Perez is starting to to feel the heel stuff and if she can turn that into a more long term thing, she’ll be a star for a very long time.

The Wolfdogs still can’t agree if they’re a good team but they know it’s working.

Lola Vice says she’s tired of waiting for her chance so she made it herself. Natalya jumps her from behind and it’s broken up.

No Quarter Catch Crew vs. D’Angelo Family

Kemp takes Crusifino down without much trouble to start and hands it off to Borne. That means Stacks can come in to fire off some knees in the corner as everything breaks down. Charlie Dempsey pulls Borne out of the way of a charge though and Kemp comes back in with a suplex to take over. Stacks rolls away though and it’s back to Crusifino, who sends the Crew into each other. Dempsey is brought back inside for a distraction, meaning it’s a Shatter Machine to finish Kemp at 4:02.

Rating: C. This was a bit of a wild match which didn’t have much time to go anywhere. What matters is the Family getting a win back after Tony D’Angelo lost his big title shot at Stand & Deliver. I doubt this is going to lead anywhere bit for them but it’s better than losing again, with the interference making it a bit more impressive.

Here is Oba Femi to say that while Dijak and Josh Briggs are tough, his dominance was inevitable. Cue Ivar of all people who said he loved seeing those three monsters beating each other up for that title, which is exactly the type of fight that he is looking form. He wanted in the fight because he knows he can chop Femi down and take the title. Femi seems game and the fight is on with Ivar knocking him down and holding up the title.

Meta Four brags about their hosting prowess but Dijak interrupts to complain about their recent skit. This is their one warning.

Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece

The rest of OTM and Edris Enofe/Malik Blade are here too. Parker powers her into the corner to start and knocks Reece down as we take an early break. Back with Reece not being able to fight out of an armbar. Parker lets her go and hits a middle rope Blockbuster for two. The chinlock with a knee in the back keeps Reece in trouble but she comes back up with some shoulders. A running clothesline gets two on Parker, followed by a spinebuster for the same. Back up and Parker hits a running hip to the face out of nowhere for the fast pin at 7:53.

Rating: C. Parker continues to feel like someone who could be a star if given the chance and getting a win here should help her move forward. She has a long way to go but every step helps. At the same time you have Reece, who is doing well with being all positive, but she needs to actually beat someone.

Arianna Grace tells Sol Ruca that she’s almost ready to unveil Gigi Dolin but Lola vice comes in to rant. Ruca doesn’t think much of it and sneering ensues.

Tag Team Titles: Axiom/Nathan Frazer vs. Wolfdogs

The Wolfdogs are defending. Breakker works on Axiom’s arm to start but Axiom scores with a quick dropkick. Back up and Breakker hits a heck of a running shoulder so it’s off to Corbin for a choke throw to Frazer. Frazer fights up and the champs are cleared out, with Axiom hitting a big moonsault out to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Corbin hitting a powerslam for two on Axiom. Some kicks get Axiom out of trouble and it’s back to Frazer, who reverses Breakker’s gorilla press into a DDT for two. The springboard 450 gets two more but Breakker isn’t having this. The gorilla pres powerslam gets two on Axiom, who gets back over for the tag to Frazer. Everything breaks down and the Steiner Bulldog gets two on Frazer, with Axiom having to make the save.

Frazer’s dive to the floor is cut off and he gets sent hard into the steps, leaving Axiom to Golden Ratio Breakker. That doesn’t keep him down for very long but Breakker’s spear almost hits Corbin. Axiom kicks them together though, meaning it’s a Golden Ratio to Corbin, setting up the 450 to give Frazer the pin and the titles at 11:34.

Rating: B-. It wasn’t quite as good as the match at Stand & Deliver but it still felt like a big deal, especially with the title change. I’m not usually big on the idea of doing a rematch so soon after the pay per view but maybe this was a way to give Breakker a win on the big stage while avoiding the likelihood that he got a big post-Wrestlemania Raw appearance. What matters is Breakker is freed from the Wolfdogs and can go on to become an even bigger star on Smackdown, as he should be.

Post match the new champs celebrate….and the Final Testament is here to jump them.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Trick Williams after his win over Carmelo Hayes at Stand & Deliver. Williams is happy for his win but there is no Hayes here this week. He might not agree with Hayes, but Hayes is Him. That’s why he had to show Hayes who Williams really is, but now we need to know what is next for him. That would be winning the NXT Title by defeating Ilja Dragunov.

Cue Dragunov to praise Williams for his success and charisma. He’s exactly what NXT needs, but Williams says we need these two for the title one more time. That’s going to be a no, because Williams has already had his shot. Williams can go with that and asks who he has to beat next. Dragunov is willing to give him his title shot in two weeks, but if Williams loses, he leaves NXT.

Williams is in so Dragunov goes to leave, but here is Carmelo Hayes to jump Williams from behind, knocking him into Dragunov. Hayes stomps away and says it’s a cage match with Williams next week. He holds up the title to end the show. Williams almost has to win the title given those stipulations, but dang they are moving through that rather quickly.

Overall Rating: B-. It was a fast moving show and it went well, with a quick recap from Saturday and things being set up for the next few weeks. The title change felt like a big deal and there are enough things coming to keep things interesting. The wrestling worked well too and it made for a better show than I would have expected. It’s nice to have what feels like a regular show rather than another big recap with a little bit happening, though I’m not surprised as NXT made it work.

Kiana James/Izzi Dame b. Fallon Henley/Kelani Jordan – 401K to Henley
Je’Von Evans b. Scrypts – Springboard spinning splash
Roxanne Perez b. Natalya – Pop Rox
D’Angelo Family b. No Quarter Catch Crew – Shatter Machine to Kemp
Jaida Parker b. Brinley Reece – Running hip attack
Axiom/Nathan Frazer b. Wolfdogs – 450 to Corbin


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – April 2, 2024: Before They All Rise

Date: April 2, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

It’s the go home show for Stand & Deliver and the only thing left to do is figure out the Tag Team Title situation. The champs need their last challengers and we’ll figure that out this week. Other than that, Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are in the house before their Stand & Deliver main event. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contender Tournament Finals: Axiom/Nathan Frazier vs. LWO vs. OC

For the Stand & Deliver Tag Team Title shot. The OC gets jumped to start fast until Gallows hits Axiom in the mask to take over. Wilde takes Anderson down but Axiom grabs a standing Spanish Fly on Wilde to even things up. Wilde’s umping neckbreaker gets two on Frazier but the OC pulls Axiom and Frazier out of the corner. That leaves the LWO to hit stereo missile dropkicks on Gallows.

We take a break and come back with Wilde hitting a springboard DDT for two on Gallows with a bunch of people making a save. Frazier goes up and dives onto Gallows and Frazier on the floor but Axiom’s dive is shoved away by Anderson. Del Toro hits a dive onto the pile but a Magic Killer puts him own inside. The OC is taken out though and Frazier hits a 450 to pin Del Toro at 10:49.

Rating: B-. Well at least it wasn’t the OC. Axiom and Frazer have been built up as a team for a good while now and it is nice to see them getting a shot after a long time. I’m not sure if they’re going to win the titles, but at least they’re on the big show and in a prominent spot. It’s hard to imagine the Wolfdogs keep the titles much longer so Axiom and Frazier could be in a nice spot if the reign is already coming to an end.

Axiom and Frazier promise to win the Tag Team Titles.

Lexis King isn’t worried about Mr. Stone or Von Wagner because Wagner can’t do anything without Stone, who isn’t here this week.

Ilja Dragunov finds a boot on his car and has to accept a ride to dinner from some D’Angelo Family associates.

Fallon Henley vs. Jacy Jayne

Henley has Thea Hail and Kelani Jordan while Jayne has Izzy Dame, Kiana James and Izzi Dame. They go to the mat with a lockup to start and Booker goes into a ridiculous long rant about…something. Henley gets knocked outside and gets dropkicked in the face to make it worse. Back in and Henley is sent into the buckles a few times for two and we hit the chinlock. Henley fights up so James offers a distraction, meaning the brawl starts up outside. That’s enough to distract Henley so Jayne can knee her in the face for the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C. This still feels like the preview for a Kickoff Show six woman tag and that wouldn’t be a bad way to start. Henley was protected here as it took all of Jayne’s friends to distract her enough for the pin. Jayne is still firmly in the midcard, but putting her over a group of women is not the worst idea.

Post match Jayne and company go to the back with Jayne yelling about how she was never Thea Hail’s friend but now she’s back to where she should be. Ava, at the production desk, gets rid of them but hail and company come in. The six woman tag is set for Stand & Deliver. Ah there it is.

Video on Josh Briggs.

Lexis King vs. Von Wagner

Wagner charges in and starts fast with King being sent outside for a whip into the barricade. Back in and Briggs misses a charge into the corner, allowing King to drop some elbows for two. King’s right hands annoy Wagner but King pulls him down into a chinlock. Wagner fights up and hits a powerslam, followed by a big boot as the comeback is on. They go outside with Wagner setting up the announcers’ table but King reverses a powerbomb into a DDT. Back in and the Coronation finishes for King at 5:53.

Rating: C. This was nothing special as it was more about King getting a win over someone with some status. Granted Wagner’s status isn’t all that high but it means more than beating Mr. Stone. Wagner continues to be in a weird spot as it feels like he is ready for a big push and then something like this happens. Maybe it happens down the road but it’s not working yet.

Ava tells Carmelo Hayes that his match with Trick Williams will have slightly relaxed rules. Works for Hayes.

Natalya coaches up Karmen Petrovic before she faces Lola Vice. Roxanne Perez comes in to say there was a time when she would have listened to Natalya too.

Arianna Grace is ready to make Gigi Dolin over but Wren Sinclair says that might not be a good idea. Grace wants a match as a result.

Karmen Petrovic vs. Lola Vice

Natalya is here with Petrovic. Some kicks miss for Petrovic but she takes over on the mat instead. Back up and Vice takes her down by the leg but can’t get an ankle lock. Vice kicks her down again and we hit the chinlock. Petrovic fights up and fires off more kicks, including a spinning kick to the back for two. Back up and Vice strikes away again, setting up a Sharpshooter (with a glare at Natalya) for the tap at 3:48.

Rating: C. It’s kind of amazing how much the addition of Natalya brings down the interest in a match. That was the case here, as we seem to be coming up on a Natalya vs. Vice match and while that should help Vice, it’s not the most interesting thing in the world. Petrovic has some pieces that could work out well, but it’s not quite coming together just yet.

Ilja Dragunov arrives at a rather scary looking warehouse for dinner. Tony D’Angelo and the D’Angelo Family arrive, with Tony sitting down but no one says anything.

It’s time for Supernova Sessions with Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez as the guests. Perez doesn’t like Valkyria, who says Perez isn’t Women’s Champion because Indi Hartwell can climb a ladder faster than her. Then Lola Vice cost her the title at Vengeance Day by cashing in her briefcase. It’s NEVER Perez’s fault but Perez promises to watch Valkyria fall off her high horse and take the title.

Perez has that in her now and no she isn’t broken. Losing the title only made her more dangerous but Valkyria is already ready for the excuses. Valkyria says Perez will have a lot to b**** about after Stand & Deliver but Perez promises to have a year’s worth of rage ready to go. Then Valkyria puts her through the table and holds up the title.

Video on Dijak.

Oba Femi is ready to crush Josh Briggs and Dijak.

Oba Femi vs. Joe Gacy

Non-title. Hold on though as Shawn Spears jumps Gacy from behind with a chair and tells him to laugh. Gacy wants to fight anyway so the bell rings, with Femi slugging him down and stomping away. Some elbows give Femi two and there’s a running elbow to send Gacy outside. With Gacy up on the apron, Femi hits a clothesline from the floor but Gacy manages a suplex back inside. Femi shrugs it off and hits Snake Eyes before throwing Gacy down with ease…and the referee stops the match at 3:47.

Rating: C. I could go for a monster like Femi who gets one win after another by just wrecking people. It worked well here and doing it again and again could develop quite the reputation. Femi already feels like a monster and beating up Gacy is something that will push him even higher up the ladder.

Tatum Paxley asks Lyra Valkyria what that was about, with Valkyria saying she’ll do anything to keep the title, even if it means not being herself.

Wren Sinclair vs. Arianna Grace

Sinclair rolls out of a wristlock to start and hits a sliding faceplant for two. Grace fights out of the corner but Sinclair goes old school with an atomic drop of all things. Back up and Grace knocks her into the corner, setting up a Boston crab to keep Sinclair in trouble. With that broken up, another Boston crab attempt is blocked, allowing Sinclair to hit a running clothesline. Sinclair misses a charge though and Grace rolls her up, with a grab of the ropes, for the pin at 3:55.

Rating: C. Another short and to the point match here with Grace cheating to win like a good villain should. Grace’s heel push is starting to come together and it’s going to go a lot better when the Gigi Dolin stuff is added. For now, not much of a match, which is the norm for Sinclair, who loses every time she’s out there but does well in defeat.

We run through the Wrestlemania Week schedule.

Stand & Deliver rundown.

We go back to the dinner, where Tony D’Angelo says he fixed Ilja Dragunov’s parking situation. Dragunov thinks D’Angelo will go a long way to make things happen and D’Angelo promises to make this look like nothing at Stand & Deliver. Dragunov says D’Angelo is the Don but he is Ilja Dragunov, the NXT Champion (that was a hero line if I’ve ever heard one). D’Angelo grabs Dragunov’s injured hand and leaves him alone. Enjoy the last supper.

Sol Ruca vs. Blair Davenport

Davenport jumps her to start but Ruca fights back with a rather devastating….uh, armbar. That’s the hold of revenge you see. Davenport fights up but gets caught in a fireman’s carry drop for her efforts. A clothesline puts Davenport on the floor, where she sends Ruca knee first into the steps.

We take a break and come back with Ruca hitting a dropkick but favoring her bad knee. Davenport goes after the knee, only to get suplexed over the top for a double crash out to the floor. Back in and a one legged springboard splash gets two on Davenport, followed by a top rope cartwheel DDT for two. Davenport is back up with the Falcon Arrow and tries the big knee, only to get rolled up to give Ruca the pin at 9:16.

Rating: C+. It was nice to see a match get some time for a change on this show as there is only so much you can get out of another short one. Ruca gets her revenge on Davenport for putting her out of action for so long, though I was expecting something more than just a rollup pin. It should do for now though as Ruca can get away from Davenport and move on to something else.

Dijak and Josh Briggs argue over who will be North American Champion. Oba Femi comes in to say he’ll still be champion after Stand & Deliver.

Ava is proud of the Stand & Deliver card when Joe Gacy, barely able to move, pops up to say he’s fine. She gives him Shawn Spears at Stand & Deliver.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams, surrounded by a bunch of security, for a chat. They are the first two black men to main event a Wrestlemania Weekend show ever but Williams doesn’t like that he is going to war with his brother. Hayes says they have come a long way from their Smackdown dark match in Virginia. They argue over whose fault their split was, with Hayes going into an analogy comparing the titles to their girlfriends. Williams lost his title and went after Hayes’ title instead.

Hayes thinks Williams believed the hype and tried to take Hayes’ spot. Williams says his days of taking a backseat are over but Hayes says Williams has been around for six months. Hayes has been around for three years and the people are going to turn on Williams fast. At Stand & Deliver, Hayes will show Williams how it works around here. The fight is on with security being cleared out, leaving the brawl to continue. The locker room breaks it up to end the show. This was pretty by the book as a way to wrap up a go home show but it’s a hot enough feud to overcome most of its problems.

Overall Rating: C+. This show was in a tough spot as Stand & Deliver, or at least the important parts, have been set for weeks. The six woman tag and Spears vs. Gacy are hardly major stories but we got a nice focus on the Women’s Title and the main event. Those matches alone should be enough to carry the show, and now we have the Tag Team Title match set as well. The action tonight was mainly filler and that is going to happen on a show like this. At the same time, they didn’t do anything too bad and enough was advanced so we’ll call this an acceptable show before the big day this weekend.

Axiom/Nathan Frazier b. OC and LWO – 450 to Del Toro
Jacy Jayne b. Fallon Henley – Running knee
Lexis King b. Von Wagner – Coronation
Lola Vice b. Karmen Petrovic – Sharpshooter
Oba Femi b. Joe Gacy via referee stoppage
Arianna Grace b. Wren Sinclair – Rollup while holding the ropes
Sol Ruca b. Blair Davenport – Rollup



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – March 26, 2024: Prime Target

Date: March 26, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re getting pretty close to Stand & Deliver and the card seems mostly ready to go. The two glaring spots left are the Tag Team Title and North American Title shots, which we should hear about rather soon. Other than that we are likely going to have more build towards the two main events. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Dijak vs. Shawn Spears

Dijak starts fast and they fight to the floor, only to have Spears come back with a slingshot splash. Spears sends him back inside but Dijak is right back with a running flip dive to the floor. They get back inside with Dijak unloading in the corner but Spears grabs a swinging neckbreaker. A headbutt cuts off the comeback so Dijak goes up, only to get caught with a release German superplex. They head outside again…where Joe Gacy slips out from underneath the ring to grab Spears’ chair (neither of them saw him).

We take a break and come back with the two of them holding arms and slugging it out until Dijak gets the better of things. The toss suplex drops Spears as the fans are WAY behind Dijak here. The cyclone boot gives Dijak two but he misses a springboard elbow. Spears can’t find his chair so he goes up, only to dive into High Justice for two more. Spears blocks a kick but can’t block the second, setting up Feast Your Eyes to give Dijak the pin at 13:22.

Rating: C+. I’m a little surprised that Spears lost so soon into his comeback but at the same time Dijak is a bigger star and seems on his way to a title shot. The idea of a Gacy vs. Spears feud is…something, and at least it is something for both of them to do. Gacy is already more tolerable since he isn’t talking, though a feud with Spears could be a tall task to pull off.

Roxanne Perez looks at old footage of herself in NXT and is disgusted by what she used to be. Now she’s all about herself and is ready to take the Women’s Title from Lyra Valkyria at Stand & Deliver. She doesn’t dislike Valkyria, but it’s all about the title.

Various tag teams are trying to host Stand & Deliver. We really need hosts for that show?

Thea Hail vs. Jazmyn Nyx

Chase U and Jacy Jayne are here too. Hail jumps her fast to start and grabs a t-bone suplex. Jayne offers a quick distraction and sweeps the leg to take over, setting up an elbow for two. We hit the chinlock and Jayne tries to throw in the towel, with Riley Osborne keeping it from hitting the mat. Apparently that means it doesn’t count but Chase U is ejected anyway. Hail fights up so Jayne slaps her, allowing Nyx to grab a rollup for two. Before they can get back up, Hail grabs the Kimura for the tap at 3:39.

Rating: C. We should be in for a big showdown between Jayne and Hail (sounds like a good Kickoff Show match) and that could make for Hail’s big win now that she’s back as part of Chase U. Hail is still a ball of energy and someone who can do more than enough in the ring to get by, but she needs to win something at some point. We might be seeing that soon.

Hail snaps the arm so Jayne comes in for the brawl. Kiana James and Izzi Dame come in for the beatdown but Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan make the save. Ah, that’s probably the Stand & Deliver match.

We get a long history package on Trick Williams vs. Carmelo Hayes. They came in together as best friends but Trick Williams started to become a star and Hayes couldn’t handle it. Hayes says he brought Trick to the water and let him drink, but Williams thought too much of himself. Williams was nothing but a hype man and his fifteen minutes are up. Even Randy Orton and CM Punk comment on this to make it that much bigger. More on this later.

Alpha Academy is ready to get into the Stand & Deliver Tag Team Title match tonight.

Lola Vice vs. ???

Open challenge and it’s answered by….Natalya. Well of course it is. Naturally she has to talk, saying she sees something in Vice but wants to give her a beating. They start fast with Natalya hammering away in the corner and Vice trying to bail to the floor. That goes nowhere as Natalya throws her back inside, allowing commentary to talk about Natalya’s world records. Back in and Vice kicks her down as we take a break.

We come back with Natalya fighting out of an abdominal stretch and getting two off the basement dropkick. The Sharpshooter attempt is broken up and Vice gets the ankle lock, sending Natalya over to the rope. Back up and Vice hits a spinning backfist for two as Karmen Petrovic comes down to watch. Natalya hits her discus lariat but the Sharpshooter is blocked again. The Sharpshooter is blocked so Natalya settles for a rollup and the pin at 8:35.

Rating: C+. The technical stuff was fine and Natalya can have a fine match with anyone. As usual, the problem is that there is only so much interest to be found in her and hearing that music play was a bit of a downer. Vice losing mostly clean isn’t exactly helpful either, though she should be getting ready for her match with Petrovic sooner than later.

Shawn Spears is leaving and isn’t happy with Joe Gacy, who throws the chair off the roof. Oba Femi steps on the chair and Gacy shouts down at him too.

Sol Ruca talks about starting fast but then Blair Davenport took her out like a crashing wave. She’s back and mad, so next week she’s getting her revenge on Davenport.

Blair Davenport compares Sol Ruca to sand: annoying and she can’t get rid of it. Next week, the torn ACL will sound like a nice memory.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Stacks

Non-title and Riz is here with Stacks. Dragunov takes him down to start but gets dropkicked down for his efforts. They strike it out until Stacks hits a running elbow but Dragunov tosses him out of the corner. The H Bomb is cut off though and Stacks steps on the finger. A tornado DDT gets two on Dragunov as the rest of the D’Angelo Family is watching in the back. Cement Shoes hits the bad hand but Dragunov is fine enough to hit a snap dragon suplex. A powerbomb sets up Torpedo Moscow to finish Stacks at 6:04.

Rating: C. They didn’t waste time here and did everything they needed to in a short amount of time. Stacks did some work on Dragunov’s hand, which could cause him some trouble at Stand & Deliver. There was no need for Dragunov to run through Stacks but he beat him soundly enough to not go too far.

The D’Angelo Family is going to invite Ilja Dragunov to the restaurant for a special moment.

We get part two of the Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams video, with Williams talking about living in Philadelphia. His family will be at Stand & Deliver, meaning his real family and not Hayes, who he thought was family. We see Williams training harder than ever because this is the biggest match of his career. He’s coming for Hayes.

The Wolfdogs argue over tanning beds when the OC comes in to say they want a regular Tag Team Title match at Stand & Deliver. They’ll both work hard to make that happen.

Here is Ridge Holland who has to make an announcement. He thanks everyone who helped him get here and says he can’t risk hurting himself or someone else again. Holland knows what people have been saying about him and he is tired of taking his work home from him. He refuses to let this job take away from being the best dad and husband he can do.

In the last few days, he’s had some difficult conversations and he has come to a decision: he is stepping away from in-ring competition indefinitely. Being in this company is a privilege and he’s sorry that his one last shot at redemption hasn’t worked out. The fans give him a THANK YOU RIDGE chant and he walks off. That’s an emotional way to write him off for now, but him coming back for some reason could make for a nice moment.

Lyra Valkyria talks about how great rivalries come together. She worked hard to get here but now she has to deal with Roxanne Perez, who can’t handle her emotions. The title deserves better than Perez and in another life, they could have been friends. Perez let the title break her and Valkyria will do anything to keep Perez away from getting it back. Making Perez feel like the threat to take the title is a good thing and it makes Valkyria sound like the hero trying to defend the title from evil.

Duke Hudson vs. Josh Briggs

Dijak is on commentary. Briggs powers him into the corner to start but charges into a release Rock Bottom. A running hurricanrana puts Briggs down and a side slam gets two. Hudson sends him outside but gets driven hard into the steps as we take a break. Back with Briggs hitting a splash for two but Hudson fights up for a boot to the face.

The snap jabs set up a backsplash for two on Briggs and a Boss Man Slam gets the same. Briggs hits a belly to back suplex and goes up but gets powerbombed back down. Back up and Briggs hits a hard clothesline to put Hudson down again, followed by a lariat for the pin at 10:30.

Rating: C+. Something about big meaty men doing meaty things. That’s pretty much exactly what they billed this as and then it’s what they delivered. Briggs has been pushing towards the NXT Title shot and it wouldn’t shock me to see he and Dijak either fighting for the title match or getting it at the same time. Chase U losing again is hardly a surprise, but it would be nice for something else to happen more often.

Post match Oba Femi pops up to announce the triple threat title match with Dijak and Josh Briggs getting the shots at Stand & Deliver. Well at least they didn’t waste time.

We get the final part of the Trick Williams vs. Carmelo Hayes video, with Williams coming back for revenge on Hayes for taking him out. Cody Rhodes picks Trick for the win to really add some star power to the hype. Hayes hears what Williams is saying but what does Williams know about carrying a brand for two years? Williams believes he can be the best and it’s time to go to war.

As usual, these things are WWE’s strong suit as they know how to turn a feud into the most epic story possible. Williams and Hayes have been around for a long time now and having the get together for a showdown, likely in the main event of Stand & Deliver, is going to be a big moment. WWE made this feel important and that is a tricky thing to pull off, though they tend to do it every time.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Meta Four has taken over the production truck because they are officially hosting Stand & Deliver.

Arianna Grace has found the perfect dress for Gigi Dolin.

The injured Ilja Dragunov is invited to a pre-Stand & Deliver dinner, but it won’t be at the restaurant. Luca Crusifino gives him an envelope, presumably with the location, and Dragunov seems confused.

Wolfdogs vs. Alpha Academy

Non-title and if the Academy, with Maxxine Dupri, wins, they’re in the Tag Team Title match at Stand & Deliver. Corbin throws Tozawa into the corner to start but Tozawa hurricanranas his way out of trouble. Otis comes in for the headlock on Breakker but it’s right back to Tozawa to hurricanrana Corbin again. The Academy clears the ring as we take an early break.

Back with Breakker running Tozawa over and handing it off to Corbin for a pop up World’s Strongest Slam. Tozawa kicks his way out of trouble and it’s Otis coming back in to clean house. A double backdrop puts the champs down and there’s the Caterpillar for two on Corbin. Everything breaks down and the Academy loads up a Doomsday Device, only to have Breakker powerslam Tozawa out of the air (geez). A double powerbomb off the apron sends Otis through the announcers’ table, leaving Tozawa to get powerbombed into the spear for the pin at 10:10.

Rating: C+. It might not have been a great match and it didn’t exactly change anything, but it did give the champs a win over a main roster team. Tozawa was working hard here but Breakker’s stuff was more than enough to make it feel like he was on another level. Pretty entertaining match here, with the Wolfdogs getting better together every time.

Post match the LWO, the OC and Axiom/Nathan Frazer come in for the big brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. With less than two weeks before Stand & Deliver, NXT needed to have the big hard sell show to get things ready. While there is still next week, this show has me wanting to see the show a lot more than I did coming into this week. The Hayes vs. Williams stuff was the highlight of the show and made the show that much better. Good stuff here, and it served an important purpose, which is all the better.

Dijak b. Shawn Spears – Feast Your Eyes
Thea Hail b. Jazmyn Nyx – Kimura
Natalya b. Lola Vice – Rollup
Ilja Dragunov b. Stacks – Torpedo Moscow
Josh Briggs b. Duke Hudson – Lariat
Wolfdogs b. Alpha Academy – Spear to Tozawa



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NXT – March 19, 2024: Anniversary Worthy

Date: March 19, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We are just over two weeks away from Stand & Deliver and most of the card is already set. There is always the chance that we could be seeing something new on the show but for now we are waiting to see what happens in Philadelphia. This week will see the return to the ring for Trick Williams so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Roxanne Perez vs. Tatum Paxley

They start fast with Perez choking on the ropes early on. A Downward Spiral plants Paxley and a Russian legsweep gives Perez two. Perez cranks back on the arm for two more but Paxley is back up with a dropkick. Some kind of flipping slam puts Perez down but she sends Paxley shoulder first into the corner. The crossface finishes for Perez at 4:03.

Rating: C. They were moving out there and this was the newly villainish Perez (complete with blue in her hair), which worked well. She’s been needing an edge of this kind for awhile now and it’s helping already. Paxley is the closest thing Lyra Valkyria has to a friend so Perez taking Paxley apart works well to set up their title match.

Post match Perez tells Ava to come out here and give her the title she never lost. Instead here is Lyra Valkyria, with her arm in a sling, to brawl with Perez. That earns her a crossface on the bad arm so Perez can hold up the title.

The Meta Four ask Lash Legend about the kiss from Trick Williams. The Alpha Academy of all people come in to ask the same, with Legend walking away.

Ava comes in to see Lyra Valkyria in the training room, with Valkyria demanding the title match against Roxanne Perez at Stand & Deliver. The match is on.

Oba Femi is scheduled to come out here for an announcement but Josh Briggs says come out here and try putting him through the ring. Cue Femi to say his results speak volumes but Briggs says he is just a little bit tougher. The fight seems imminent, only to have Dijak interrupt. Dijak says he’s got next but Briggs says cool it Shaft. Dijak: “Like Samuel L. Jackson Shaft? I don’t know if you can see this or not, but I’m white.” Femi isn’t impressed and it’s a three way brawl into a standoff.

Shawn Spears is watching and talks about the downfall of a man and his ego. Spears gets up to leave and Joe Gacy is watching him.

We look back at Trick Williams challenging Carmelo Hayes for Stand & Deliver. The match has been officially made.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Axiom/Nathan Frazer vs. No Quarter Catch Crew

It’s Charlie Dempsey/Miles Borne for the Crew with Axiom and Dempsey fighting over arm control to start. Frazer comes in to grab a headlock but everything breaks down in a hurry. The Crew is sent outside for a pair of dives, only for Dempsey to wheelbarrow suplex Axiom back inside.

We take a break and come back with Axiom’s middle rope crossbody being countered into a tabletop suplex for two. Axiom wins a slap off though and brings in Frazer to clean house. A running shooting star press gives Frazer two but Borne is back up with a spinning powerslam. Everyone gets knocked down until Axiom takes Borne up top for a super Spanish Fly. Frazer adds the Phoenix splash for the pin at 9:49.

Rating: B-. It shouldn’t be a shock that this worked well as you had two talented teams out there with some time to get things going. Axiom and Frazer work well together and the Crew more than hung in there the whole time. Good match here with the right team going forward, and perhaps even further than that.

We look back at Lexis King beating Mr. Stone and Von Wagner having to make the save.

Stone yelled at Wagner for carrying him out like a baby. A split seems possible.

The Wolfdogs argue over who paid for dinner last night. The Alpha Academy come in to wonder why they aren’t in on the Tag Team Title shots so they get a match with the champs next week. If the Academy wins, they’re in the Tag Team Title match at Stand & Deliver.

Sol Ruca vs. Brinley Reece

Reece has Malik Blade and Edris Enofe with her. They trade takedowns to start until Reece is back with a headlock. An X Factor gives Reece two but Ruca is back up with a superkick. That earns her a flipping clothesline but Ruca Iconoclasms her off the top. Ruca sends her into the post and it’s the Sol Snatcher for the pin at 3:20.

Rating: C. As tends to be the case with Ruca, the big finish was the highlight here and it worked rather well here. Ruca is someone who could be moved up the ladder rather quickly and this was a good way to bring her back (since LVL Up doesn’t really count). That Sol Snatcher will take her a long way and she has the charisma to back it up.

Post match Blair Davenport runs in to knee Ruca in the face.

Wren Sinclair and Gigi Dolin aren’t happy with Dolin’s loss last week. Cue Arianna Grace to say it’s time to bring out the real lady in Dolin. To begin with, she gets a sash dubbing her Ms. NXT In Training.

Ridge Holland says he is going to do what everyone wants him to do.

Here is the D’Angelo Family for a chat. Tony D’Angelo talks about the power of the D’Angelo Family and introduces the new counsel: Luca Crusifino. We get a quick pledge of loyalty before Tony promises to break Ilja Dragunov at Stand & Deliver. Dragunov pops up on screen to say he’s ready but D’Angelo cuts him off, saying next week it’s Dragunov vs. Stacks. D’Angelo makes some threats to wrap it up.

The Women’s Title match is set for Stand & Deliver.

Thea Hail asks Riley Osborne if they can still be friends. That’s fine, though Osborne has to get to the ring for his match.

Lola Vice is ready to fight Karmen Petrovic.

Heritage Cup: Riley Osborne vs. Drew Gulak

Gulak is defending on behalf of the No Quarter Catch Crew and the rest of the team, plus Chase U, are here. Round one begins with a technical off until Osborne gets in an armbar. That’s broken up and they fight over arm control, with Osborne striking away in the corner. Osborne knees him out of the corner and hits a shooting star press for the first fall at 2:37.

Round two begins with with Gulak bailing to the floor and getting taken down with a big dive. Back in and Osborne kicks her in the face for two before they trade rollups for two each. They run the ropes until Gulak grabs a sunset flip for the pin to tie it up at 1:26 of the round and 4:40 overall.

Gulak decks him after the bell and we take a break. Back with Gulak choking away until Osborne escapes for an enziguri. As Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx are here to mock Chase U, Gulak is fine enough to grab the Gulock but the round ends. Round four begins with another Gulock attempt being reversed and they trade rollups for two each. Osborne small packages him for two and hits a heck of a chop. They go to the corner with Osborne loading up a superplex, only to have Thea Hail chase Jayne inside. The distraction lets Nyx trip Osborne, allowing Gulak to get the pin to retain at 2:14 of the round and 10:52 overall.

Rating: B-. They were keeping up the pace here and it was nice to see someone other than Noam Dar in there for a change. Osborne is someone who doesn’t do anything new but what he does looks nice. The Catch Clause keeps things fresh as well, and it’s nice to have that much variety after so long of the same stuff around this title for the better part of ever.

Brooks Jensen storms out of the arena when Fallon Henley comes up to ask how he is. Jensen says he’s tired of things going wrong and leaves. Kelani Jordan comes in to rant about Kiana James and Izzi Dame and a tag match seems likely.

Thea Hail storms into Ava’s office and gets a match with Jazmyn Nyx. Duke Hudson is there too and is told he’s in a match next week. If he wins, he might be in the North American Title picture at Stand & Deliver. Works for him.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: OC vs. Tank Ledger/Hank Walker

We’re joined in progress with the OC being cleared out of the ring and taken down on the floor. We settle down to Anderson being sent into the corner and crushed with stereo standing splashes. Ledger kicks Anderson a few times but it’s Gallows coming in to knock Walker off the top. Back in and Walker gets big booted, allowing Anderson to send him into the corner. The chinlock goes on until Ledger fights out and hits an enziguri, allowing the tag back to Ledger. A toss belly to back suplex gets two on Anderson but Gallows makes a save. The spinebuster into the Magic Killer finishes Ledger at 7:53.

Rating: C. Ledger and Walker were trying but there was only so much they could do against an experienced team like the OC. The OC might not be what they were at their peak but they’re still bigger than most of the teams in NXT. It’s a good idea to have them in the triple threat match next week, but that might be it for them in NXT.

Trick Williams is ready for Noam Dar tonight and tells Carmelo Hayes to stay out of it.

Kiana James and Izzi Dame approve of Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx’s recent efforts. With Jayne and Nyx gone, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan run in for the brawl.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Trick Williams vs. Noam Dar

The rest of the Meta Four is here with Dar. Williams slams him down a few times to start but has to roll out of an ankle lock. A guillotine works a bit better for Dar but it’s broken up and Williams hammers away. Dar kicks him down again for a breather and we go split screen, with a security guard telling Carmelo Hayes “it’s time”. Williams is back up and knocks Dar outside as we take a break.

Back with Williams putting him on top for a slugout until Dar grabs a triangle choke. That’s broken up as Williams powerbombs his way to freedom, followed by a jumping clothesline. Dar is able to grab the ankle lock again, complete with the grapevine, but Williams makes the rope. Williams grabs a quick Rock Bottom into a flapjack but Lash Legend gets on the apron. Her slap attempt lets Dar grab a German suplex for two but the Trickshot gives Williams the pin at 11:12.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of win that Williams needs, as he’s getting ready for the biggest match of his career. He beat someone who had been a champion for a very long time and that is the kind of win that gives him some credibility. Williams has that aura that can take him a long way, but he needs to do something like this to make him more well rounded. It’s working so far, but he doesn’t have much time before Wrestlemania.

Post match Williams calls out Carmelo Hayes so here is…someone dressed like Hayes, with the real version disguised as a member of his own security. Hayes jumps Williams and takes him out to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show had a better mixture of wrestling and story advancement, which is what you need on the way to the biggest show of the year. NXT knows how to do weekly television and thankfully they are keeping it going on the way to Stand & Deliver. Rather good show here, with Hayes vs. Williams getting bigger and bigger each week.

Roxanne Perez b. Tatum Paxley – Crossface
Axiom/Nathan Frazer b. No Quarter Catch Crew – Phoenix splash to Borne
Sol Ruca b. Brinley Reece – Sol Snatcher
Drew Gulak b. Riley Osborne 2-1
OC b. Hank Walker/Tank Ledger – Magic Killer to Ledger
Trick Williams b. Noam Dar – Trick Shot



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NXT – March 12, 2024: That Didn’t Help

Date: March 12, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We are less than a month away from Stand & Deliver and things are getting more interesting. Last week’s Roadblock saw Tony D’Angelo crowned as the new #1 contender, with Trick Williams coming back to deal with Carmelo Hayes. That should set up a heck of a one two punch for the big show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Roadblock recap.

Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: OTM vs. LWO

This is the first of three first round matches with the winners going on to a triple threat match for the title shot at Stand & Deliver. OTM jumps them from behind in the aisle and it’s Price taking over on del Toro inside. The LWO fights back and knock the villains outside for stereo dives. Back in and Wilde takes over on Nima, only to get caught on top. One heck of a one armed superplex gives Nima two as Baron Corbin/Bron Breakker are watching from the balcony.

We take a break and come back with del Toro coming in to strike away as commentary talks about the qualifying matches for the main roster Tag Team Titles. Del Toro sends Price into the corner with a bit of a sloppy headscissors, followed by a top rope missile dropkick for two. Everything breaks down and del Toro enziguris Price to the floor. That leaves Wilde to jump onto Nima’s back and WAY into the air for a crash onto Price, who has to run up to catch him. Back in and a springboard 450 gives Wilde the pin on Nima at 10:40.

Rating: B-. As usual, a power vs. speed match works rather well and that was the case here, with the LWO bringing a bit of main roster star power. Watching the high spots and big dives will always be entertaining and Price/Nima were there to throw the LWO around as well. Nice opener here as they didn’t break any new ground but played the formula rather spiffily.

Earlier today, Oba Femi arrived and almost got in a fight with Brooks Jensen (his challenger tonight). A bunch of people break it up, including Josh Briggs, with Jensen not being happy about it.

Thea Hail, with Chase U, is jealous about Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx hanging out without her but she has other friends. Cue Kelani Jordan, who will team with Hail tonight.

Here is Roxanne Perez to explain her actions last week. The sweet, innocent Perez is gone and her attacking Lyra Valkyria last week was the culmination of a year of frustration. She defeated Meiko Satomura last year and then collapsed, mainly because she carried this brand for a year. That came after carrying the weight of the women’s division in all kinds of matches but people would rather talk about Tiffany Stratton or Becky Lynch. Not that it matters as she is the most decorated woman in NXT history at 22 years old. Then she helped Lyra Valkyria but never got the rematch that she deserved.

Now everyone wants to cheer her, but where were the people when Indi Hartwell was holding her title? The NXT fans remind her of little innocent Roxanne Perez. What a difference a year makes: now it’s Valkyria riding away in an ambulance and now it’s time to vacate the title so Perez can be champion again. Cue Ava to say not so fast but here is Tatum Paxley to charge at Perez, only to be quickly broken up. That was a good, angry explanation from Perez, though her small stature and voice make the heel style a bit more difficult.

The D’Angelo Family welcomes Luca Crusifino, who has taken care of some things. Stacks played Trick Williams’ music last week and now Tony D’Angelo is off to Stand & Deliver. Ilja Dragunov comes in and everyone but Tony leaves. Dragunov says Tony has everything but the title and that isn’t changing at Stand & Deliver. D’Angelo says no matter what happens, he likes Dragunov, who is then put in a car and driven away by Stacks and Crusifino.

Lexis King vs. Mr. Stone

Stone slugs away to start and is quickly beaten down, with King working on the ribs. A knee to the ribs and a rake to the back set up an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Stone knocks him off the top, only to get hit in the face. The Coronation finishes Stone at 3:31.

Rating: C. This was more angle advancement than a match and that’s not a bad thing. King messing with Stone and Von Wagner is a way to go for him as he continues to be something of an agent of chaos. At the same time, anyone can get the idea of a villain messing with someone’s family, though it’s likely going to be Wagner doing the beating instead.

Post match the beatdown is on but Von Wagner runs in for the save.

Logan Paul announced Summerslam will be in Cleveland.

Oba Femi is ready to slaughter Brooks Jensen. Dijak comes in to say he’ll be here after Femi is done playing around.

Ridge Holland is training but stops to call his family.

North American Title: Brooks Jensen vs. Oba Femi

Femi is defending. They fight over a lockup to start and Femi shoves him outside, followed by a headlock back inside. Femi beats on him up against the ropes but gets caught with a clothesline as we take a break. Back with Jensen dropkicking him to the floor and hitting an elbow off the apron.

They get back in, where Femi hits a pair of Irish Curses for two as Josh Briggs comes out to watch. Jensen fights up and hits a quick superkick into a powerslam for two. Femi shrugs that off and hits a backdrop, followed by a rather powerful toss. He does it again and Jensen is barely still in this. The pop up powerbomb plants Jensen but Femi looks at Briggs, setting up another powerbomb to retain the title at 11:42.

Rating: C+. This was more about Briggs and Jensen’s odd relationship and that could go in a few different directions. It would seem like they are destined to get back together and it wouldn’t stun me to see them in the title picture around Stand & Deliver. On the other hand you have Femi, who seems to be in for a match against Dijak sooner or later.

Briggs checks on Jensen post match.

The D’Angelo Family lets Ilja Dragunov out of the trunk on a bridge. Dragunov goes up to Tony D’Angelo, who says this wasn’t out of disrespect. The thing is Dragunov can’t just walk into D’Angelo’s restaurant uninvited. D’Angelo talks about bringing people to this bridge and leaving alone, but this isn’t one of those times. He can end everything with a snap of his fingers, so Dragunov tells him to show what he can do. D’Angelo says have a nice walk back and goes to leave, but Dragunov says he always finds a way. The Family leaves and Dragunov looks at the title.

Muhammad Ali is going into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

Arianna Grace vs. Gigi Dolin

If Grace wins, Dolin has to be more like her. Grace works on a headlock to start but gets sent outside without much trouble. Back in and Dolin hits a dropkick as Booker wonders why they can’t get along. Grace sends her into the corner and stomps away before dropping an elbow for two. The chinlock goes on until Dolin fights up and hits an STO for two of her own. Grace grabs the tiara for a cheap shot but Dolin hits her low…for the DQ at 4:28 (Grace’s face is rather amusing).

Rating: C-. Slightly odd ending aside, that wasn’t the best match as Dolin’s star has fallen a long way. She’s barely done anything since Toxic Attraction broke up and now she is going to be stuck with Grace for a bit. Grace is slowly growing on me as a heel, but that might be due to her not talking here.

Karmen Petrovic is happy to have Sol Ruca back and Ruca wants Blair Davenport. Lola Vice comes in and gets in an argument with Petrovic. Brinley Reece comes in and is rather pleased with Ruca for breaking that up. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade come in to get Reece away. There was a lot in this one and good acting wasn’t part of it.

Kiana James/Izzy Dame vs. Thea Hail/Kelani Jordan

Hold on though as Kelani Jordan has been attacked so Hail is on her own. Cue Fallon Henley to be Hail’s partner (that’s who I thought she meant by having a friend earlier) and house is quickly cleaned. Henley takes James down and hits a springboard armdrag on Dame. Back up and Dame chokes her on the ropes before grabbing the neck crank.

Cue Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx, which has Hail rather annoyed on the apron. Henley fights up and brings Hail in to clean house as everything breaks down. Hail’s Kimura to James is broken up and Jayne pulls Henley out of the way of a cheap shot but Hail gets hit in the face instead. That leaves Jayne to Bankrupt Hail for the pin at 4:34.

Rating: C. I still don’t get the appeal of James and Dame as a team but at least they’re an established unit. They weren’t the focus here as this was about Jayne messing with Hail, which has to be coming to a head sooner or later. For now, it wasn’t a great match, but Henley was kept strong and that gives me hope for her future.

Post match Hail asks what Jayne is doing because this isn’t who Jayne used to be. Hail thought Jayne was cool and her best friend but Jayne doesn’t seem impressed. Hail ignored the bad things from Jayne and idolized her like a sister. She is done though because this is Jayne, who Hail doesn’t want to be. The old Thea Hail is back and she runs around the ring to the Chase U fight song. Oh this should be fun.

Riley Osborne is rather pleased in the back when the No Quarter Catch Crew interrupts. The Crew isn’t impressed and threaten the Catch Clause. Nathan Frazer and Axiom come in to talk about their success, with Axiom saying he’s close to the first champion (“What ever happened to that guy?”) and vague threats are made.

The Good Brothers are ready to win the Tag Team Titles because they don’t think much of Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger know no one is taking them seriously so they’re ready to go on to Stand & Deliver against the Wolf Dogs. Corbin and Breakker come in and give them something of a pep talk.

Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears

Holland powers him into the corner to start and knocks Spears down a few more times. A missed charge lets Spears chop and punch away in the corner before he sends Holland outside. Holland picks him up for a ram into the post and Spears tells him to do it, which has Holland second guessing himself. Instead Spears posts him and then gives him a lecture as we take a break.

Back with Holland fighting up but Spears ties him in the ropes. Spears yells about how Holland has let everyone, including his wife, down. Holland fights up and hammers away but seems scared of a DQ. Instead he sends Spears outside for a ram into the barricade before loading up the steps. A chokeslam through the announcers’ table leaves Spears laying, which isn’t a DQ. They go inside with Holland grabbing a chair but the referee takes it away and puts it in the corner for no logical reason. The C4 onto the chair gives Spears the pin at 9:41.

Rating: C-. I’m not sure what I just watched. It was like some weird psychological experiment with a match going on in the background. The idea of Spears wanting Holland to embrace his inner violence makes sense, but this was an odd way to go about it. It’s different enough to overcome Spears’ limitations in the ring, but I’m not sure how long that is going to be the case.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Trick Williams for a chat. He’s having trouble putting this into words but he wants to know why Carmelo Hayes did all this. Williams went to Shawn Michaels’ office because he wanted to be at Hayes’ level. He had no idea it was going to go like this but Trick Willy was born. Then someone attacked him and Hayes lied to his face about it. Hayes has been lying for a long time and now they are going to have a match at Stand & Deliver.

Cue the Meta Four, with Noam Dar finding this interesting. Williams tells him to stay out of this but Dar talks about how they have both lost something. Dar says he is here to steal Williams’ heat, with Williams saying Lash Legend seems to know Williams has heat too. The match is made for next week and the brawl is on, with Williams stopping to kiss Legend (who does not seem to mind one bit). Williams stands tall to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I really wasn’t feeling this show as the opener was the only good match, followed by a bunch of stuff that kind of came and went. The NXT Title match at Stand & Deliver got some build and we’re one step closer to Williams vs. Hayes, but a lot of the rest didn’t feel important. A sizable chunk of this show felt like it could have come at any time rather than less than a month away from Stand & Deliver and that’s off for NXT.

LWO b. OTM – Springboard 450 to Nima
Lexis King b. Mr. Stone – Coronation
Oba Femi b. Brooks Jensen – Pop up powerbomb
Arianna Grace b. Gigi Dolin via DQ when Dolin hit her low
Kiana James/Izzy Dame b. Thea Hail/Fallon Henley – Bankrupt to Hail
Shawn Spears b. Ridge Holland – C4 onto a chair



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NXT – March 5, 2024 (Roadblock): Unblocking The Road

Date: March 5, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are about a month away from Stand & Deliver and this is a special edition of the show with Roadblock. The main event will determine the new #1 contender for the NXT Title and we are probably going to get some more of the Stand & Deliver card set up. That should make for a big night so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video, featuring Lexis King, looks at how this is the last big stop on the Road to Stand & Deliver (doesn’t have the same ring to it).

Dijak vs. Joe Gacy

Asylum match, meaning in a cage with weapons and pinfall/submission only. Gacy’s fire extinguisher and Dijak’s chair both miss as Joseph talks about the Casey Jones cricket bat hanging from the cage (Tell me they didn’t pay money for that. And yes I know it’s not a Jose Canseco bat but I’ll take what I can get.). Dijak sends him into the cage and kicks away before going towards a box labeled DO NOT OPEN.

Gacy gets in a shot of his own and closes said box completely but Dijak opens it up…with a boxing glove springing out to hit him low. Gacy’s Death Valley Driver gets two and we take a break. Back with Dijak hitting a moonsault off the top of the cage for two and the fans are impressed. Gacy, mostly in a straitjacket, suplexes Dijak down and loads up a table with a smiley face painted on.

That takes too long but Gacy knocks him off the ropes and through said table. A Swanton gets two and Gacy gets out of the straitjacket. With nothing else working, Dijak runs him over and wraps some duct tape around Gacy’s eyes. The blinded Gacy is fine enough to hit a swinging Rock Bottom but Dijak kendo sticks him down. Feast Your Eyes gives Dijak the pin at 12:46.

Rating: B-. These guys beat the heck out of each other and the fans are starting to get behind Gacy’s schtick. As long as he isn’t allowed to talk or assemble followers, we could be in for something with his wacky antics and that’s not a bad thing. Other than that, this was a hard hitting fight and they didn’t go too nuts with weapons, with the boxing glove being good for a laugh.

The rest of the Family hypes up Tony D’Angelo when Luca Crusifino comes in. D’Angelo wants him to be the consigliere (lawyer/advisor) and Crusifino is in.

Fallon Henley talks to Riley Osborne about his date with Thea Hail. Osborne was worried that things didn’t go well but Henley says Hail got some bad advice. Blair Davenport comes in to mock Henley and a match seems likely.

Tatum Paxley comes up to Lyra Valkyria to say they’ll be more than friends after tonight. They’ll be champions! Paxley says she’ll do anything to win the titles tonight and is ready to take out someone’s soul. Valkyria: “For me or for the titles?” Paxley: “Does it matter?”

Tag Team Titles: Chase U vs. Bron Breakker/Baron Corbin

Breakker and Corbin are defending and the rest of Chase U is here with, uh, Chase U. Chase and Corbin start things off with Corbin hitting a quick right hand. Hudson is knocked to the floor as well and a spinning faceplant puts Chase down again. Breakker comes in and runs Chase over with Hudson making the save and sending the champions outside. Chase hits a flip dive off the apron to take them both down and we take a break.

Back with Chase being drive into the corner, setting up Breakker’s belly to back cutter for two. Chase is right back up to get over to Hudson for the house cleaning tag. Hudson hits a swinging Boss Man Slam for two on Corbin and it’s back to Chase with the Fratliner getting two. Corbin hiptosses a charging Chase into the corner and Breakker dives off the apron to clothesline Hudson over the announcers’ table. That leaves Chase to hit a high crossbody for two on Corbin but it’s Breakker coming back in with the spear to retain at 11:16.

Rating: C+. Chase U was trying here but it was hard to fathom that they were going to get the titles off these monsters. Breakker is an absolute beast in there no matter what he is doing and Corbin’s career has been completely revitalized by this team. Giving the champs a win over former titleholders is a good thing and there isn’t much shame in losing here.

Post match Thea Hail consoles Chase U and then freaks out and runs away.

Carmelo Hayes is not impressed with Tony D’Angelo and is ready to get his NXT Title back at Stand & Deliver. He is him.

Shawn Spears vs. Uriah Connors

Spears takes him into the corner to start and whispers something in Connors’ ear. Connors slugs away but is caught in the C4 (Death Valley Driver) for the pin at 1:16. Spears looked good here, albeit in a small dose.

Post match Spears talks about how it is hypocrisy to be forced to be what you are instead of what you truly want to be. That must hit home to Ridge Holland, who is lying when he says he fights for his family. The difference is Spears isn’t ashamed of what he is, but here is Holland to hit him in the face. Spears slides him a chair but referees won’t let Holland swing it.

Josh Briggs tries to talk Brooks Jensen out of facing Oba Femi next week but Jensen is ready. Jensen leaves and Dijak comes in, saying Briggs called Jensen his brother but lied right to his face. Briggs must know Jensen is a dead man walking against Femi.

Ilja Dragunov is ready for either Tony D’Angelo and Carmelo Hayes. Stacks and Luca Crusifino comes in to say D’Angelo will be seeing Dragunov at Stand & Deliver.

Women’s Tag Tam Titles: Lyra Valkyria/Tatum Paxley vs. Kabuki Warriors

The Warriors are defending and we get the Big Match Intros. Asuka and Valkyria start things off and neither can get very far. Sane comes in and hammers on Paxley, who crawls over towards her. They slug it out until Sane snaps off a headscissors, only to have Asuka get in a cheap shot from the apron. Asuka’s bulldog into Sane’s kick to the chest gets two as we cut to the back, where Thea Hail and Kiana James/Izzi Dame have to be held apart.

Back to the ring and Paxley sends Sane into the corner to stomp away as Booker says we’ll hear about the Hail brawl on the internet. Joseph mocks internet reporting as the champs are sent to the floor and we take a break. Back with everything breaking down and Valkyria DDTing Asuka. A fisherman’s buster gets two on Sane and everything breaks down, with an enziguri putting Asuka down. Paxley comes in backbreaker/top rope legdrop combination but Sane makes the save. Sane clears out Valkyria and it’s the Insane elbow/reverse DDT combination to finish Paxley at 13:15.

Rating: B-. There wasn’t exactly much drama here as an odd NXT pairing isn’t likely to take the titles so close to Wrestlemania when the Warriors already have new challengers waiting for them on Raw. That being said, it was a fast paced match and good stuff with Valkyria vs. Asuka feeling a lot more competitive than I expected. I’d call this a nice surprise and that’s always fun to see.

Post match Roxanne Perez runs in and attacks Valkyria, including snapping her arm over the turnbuckle.

Post break Valkyria is taken away in an ambulance with Shawn Michaels even making a cameo as she is loaded in.

Fallon Henley vs. Blair Davenport

Henley starts fast and sends her to the apron, where Davenport snaps her arm over the top. Back in and Davenport works on an armbar but Henley is back up with a running faceplant. They go outside where Henley is sent into the steps, setting up a running knee, which only hits steps instead of Henley. Cue Sol Ruca to take out Davenport from behind though, allowing Henley to hit the Shining Wizard for the pin at 3:30.

Rating: C. This was about the return for Ruca and that is not a bad thing as she and Davenport have a history together. Other than that, it is still nice to see Henley getting a win, though she needs to be around a bit more if she is going to get any momentum going. For now though, it’s a nice step, especially with a win over a more established star.

Jacy Jayne, with Jazmyn Nyx, yells at Chase U for the loss when Thea Hail comes in to talk about the brawl. A tag match is teased for next week, but Jayne is busy.

Gigi Dolin is in Ava’s office when Arianna Grace comes in. She still won’t fight Dolin but eventually agrees, only if she can bring out Dolin’s inner beauty once she wins. Deal.

Shawn Spears is counting on a match with Ridge Holland next week. He’ll teach Holland to embrace his rage.

Here is the No Quarter Catch Crew for a chat. Drew Gulak brags about Charlie Dempsey’s Heritage Cup win last week, with Dempsey saying this is what wrestling is all about. Damon Kemp says the Catch Clause means anyone can defend the cup. They’re also in the Tag Team Tournament, which is apparently a thing….and here is William Regal to interrupt. Fans: “THAT’S YOUR FATHER!” Regal puts over the Heritage Cup and says it represents all of the British and European wrestlers who came before him. Dempsey: “I’ll defend this cup better than you ever could.” Regal says he’ll be watching.

Noam Dar is catatonic and Meta Four….easily wakes him up, with Dar saying it’s off to bigger and better things.

Mr. Stone is not happy with what Lexis King is saying about his kids and wants Von Wagner to step aside so Stone can fight for his family. Wagner agrees.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Carmelo Hayes

For the Stand & Deliver title shot. Hayes (with masked personal security) wastes no time by kicking him in the head but D’Angelo rolls forward into a backdrop. A gutwrench suplex sends Hayes flying and a single underhook suplex does it again. Hayes gets knocked off the apron but the security catches him and we take an early break.

Back with Hayes working on the arm as we keep looking at that security. D’Angelo fights up and they slug it out, with D’Angelo grabbing a belly to belly into a spinebuster. Hayes is back with his suplex into a cutter for two and we’re back to the Fujiwara armbar. That’s broken up so Hayes grabs the First 48 for two and goes up…but Trick Williams’ music plays. Hayes is distracted enough that D’Angelo can grab Forget About It to go to Stand & Deliver at 13:30.

Rating: C+. The break hurt this a lot but the bigger deal here was having D’Angelo jump into the title picture. I like the idea of a fresh challenger and while I’m not sure I can imagine him winning the title, it’s certainly a differend way to go. The Williams teases should set up what very well could be the Stand & Deliver main event, but for now I’ll settle for what should be the show’s double main event.

Post match D’Angelo says he has something for us and here is Trick Williams to beat the fire out of Hayes to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The ending was the best part of the show and featured a nice return that should set up some big matches for themost important event of the year. Other than that, we got some stuff set up for next week and some more likely Stand & Deliver matches were likely set up. This was the usual efficent show and if they had some better action here, it would have been that much stronger.

Dijak b. Joe Gacy – Feast Your Eyes
Baron Corbin/Bron Breakker b. Chase U – Spear to Chase
Shawn Spears b. Uriah Connors – C4
Kabuki Warriors b. Tatum Paxley/Lyra Valkyria – Insane Elbow/reverse DDT combination to Paxley
Fallon Henley b. Blair Davenport – Shining Wizard
Tony D’Angelo b. Carmelo Hayes – Forget About It



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NXT – February 20, 2024: They’re Nailing The Little Things

Date: February 20, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Vic Joseph

We’re taped this week and there is a guest star in the main event, with Smackdown’s Shotzi challenging Lyra Valkyria for the Women’s Title. Other than that, we have new Tag Team Champions in Baron Corbin and Smackdown’s Bron Breakker and they are going to need some challengers. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Lexis King

Femi is defending and we’re starting fast with both of them in the ring without entrances. King avoids a charge in the corner and hits an elbow to the face, followed by some kicks to the chest. That just earns him a choke shove to the floor, where Femi misses a charge into the post. Back in and King cranks away on the arm as we see Mr. Stone leaving Von Wagner because he wants to watch in person. King stays on the arm until Stone comes to ringside, earning himself a hard shove. The distraction lets Femi get in a heck of a backdrop, setting up the pop up powerbomb to retain at 3:59.

Rating: C. They kept this short and to the point, which is what you should be doing with someone as inexperienced as Femi. He has pretty much no experience at this point so letting him do his basics and stay down while King works on his arm is a good move. The ending keeps King vs. Wagner/Stone going while giving Femi another win, which isn’t bad for a match that didn’t even last four minutes.

Thea Hail hasn’t heard from Riley Osborne since their Valentine’s Day date but Arianna Grace comes in to mock her for not letting Osborne do everything for her. Jacy Jayne doesn’t want to hear this and tells Grace to stay out of this.

Lyra Valkyria checks on Tatum Paxley, who offers to thank her for last week. She’ll even attack Shotzi with a baseball bat! Valkyria wants her to just stay here instead, with Paxley saying she can do that.

Here are Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker for their big celebration. Breakker can’t believe how far they’ve come since No Mercy, with Corbin bringing up beating Breakker back then. They seem to like the team name of Spear Of Days but here is Chase U (complete with Andre Chase having gotten a haircut) to interrupt. They want the titles back because this is a TEACHABLE MOMENT.

Chase U were promised a title shot from the previous champs but here are Nathan Frazer and Axiom to interrupt. Frazer says the previous agreement is gone but Duke Hudson doesn’t want to hear it. Corbin and Breakker tell the two teams to figure this out, which brings out Ava to make the #1 contenders match for later tonight. They kept this short and that is the right way to go.

Roxanne Perez is ready to beat up Wren Sinclair, who shouldn’t just be happy to be here. Perez continues to lean towards the evil side.

We get another weird vignette talking about how the person will be a mirror to truth.

Roxanne Perez vs. Wren Sinclair

Perez takes her up against the ropes to start and they fall out to the floor with Perez hammering away. Back in and Sinclair grabs a spinning belly to back suplex for two, only to get knocked outside again. Perez starts in on the arm and wrenches away back inside. The chinlock goes on until Sinclair rolls her way out and makes the clothesline comeback. Another arm crank cuts her off though and Pop Rox sets up a crossface to make Sinclair tap at 4:19.

Rating: C. Sinclair has been dropped into NXT and is already fitting in rather well. She is doing well enough in the ring and already seems to be involved in some stories. That is better than most newcomers do this quickly so she is off to a nice start. On the other hand you have Perez leaning towards being a heel and that is already doing well, which is kind of surprising given her smaller stature.

Meta Four is ready for tonight when the No Quarter Catch Crew interrupts. Noam Dar is willing to give them a title shot but wants to know who it is. That isn’t happening though because the Catch Clause says the challenger is announced in the ring next week.

Josh Briggs vs. Brooks Jensen

They trade shoulders to start until Briggs sends him into the corner to take over. Jensen is right back with clotheslines and chops in the corner but Briggs sends him outside. That’s fine with Jensen, who slugs away and takes it back inside for a running faceplant. They go back to the floor with Jensen sending him into the barricade and stomping away with quite the aggression.

We take a break and come back with Briggs hammering him down in the corner Briggs says he’s doing this for Jensen, who hits him in the face for a breather. Jensen scores with a superkick and a missile dropkick gets two. Back up and Briggs kicks him in the face, setting up a chokeslam for two of his own. They slug it out from their knees until Jensen hits a spinning heel kick to the face. Briggs has had it with this and hits a pair of hard running clotheslines for the pin at 11:01.

Rating: B. This is a good example of a match that worked well because of the story behind it. They were having a hard hitting match, but the important factor is there is a reason to care about them fighting. You don’t get that very often and it made things that much more interesting. Nice fight here and Briggs gets a hard fought win.

Post match Briggs says he did this for Jensen and he loves him.

Dijak comes to see Joe Gacy, who is in a straitjacket. Gacy says Dijak can’t stop him so Dijak offers some threats. Luca Crusifino comes in to say this is illegal but Dijak doesn’t care.

Carmelo Hayes goes to the barber shop and talks about how this is where it all started with Trick Williams. He didn’t get too big for his own boots and he wanted Williams to experience everything he could. But then Williams tried to become the #1 guy in NXT. Williams could have been #3, #5 or even #2 behind Hayes but then he went too far. Hayes knew it was coming so he attacked him first. So wherever Williams is, he should stay there, because he has nothing to talk about when it comes to the NXT Title. This heel turn continues to be as logical of a story as there is in wrestling right now.

Arianna Grace vs. Jacy Jayne

Jayne has Jazmyn Nyx and Thea Hail with her. They fight over arm control to start until Grace runs her over with a shoulder. Grace gets knocked to the floor for her efforts and Jayne hits a hard clothesline back inside. A backsplash gives Jayne two but Grace is back with a slam and elbow for two. The armbar goes on but Jayne is right back up to send Grace outside again. Nyx gets in a cheap shot and Jayne hits the big forearm for the pin at 3:19.

Rating: C. This was about getting Nyx involved as Jayne is still evil compared to Hail, who is still rather wholesome. That could lead to an interesting predicament for Hail, which very well could lead to her going back to the full Chase U style. Grace continues to be a pest, but at least she isn’t winning a bunch of matches.

Tony D’Angelo says the Family is going in a new direction and it’s time for him to really be the Don. That means the Tag Team Titles aren’t the focus right now.

We get a sitdown interview with Ridge Holland, who isn’t done with Gallus. Next week, he’ll be apologizing for what he did with a chair last week. Holland walks off.

Chase U vs. Axiom/Nathan Frazer

For the #1 contendership and the women of Chase U run into the men on the way in. Jacy Jayne doesn’t seem happy with Andre Chase and Riley Osborne gives Thea Hail a bit of a weird look. Chase and Axiom fight over arm control to start before grappling down to the mat. Stereo dropkick attempts give us a stalemate so it’s off to Hudson to work on Frazer’s arm. A hard shoulder drops Frazer again and it’s back to Axiom vs. Chase. Everything breaks down and Chase U is sent outside for the big dives as we take a break.

Back with Chase still in trouble until he catches Frazer with a Side Effect. Hudson comes in to clean house but his Razor’s Edge is broken up. Frazer hits a missile dropkick and Axiom’s top rope Spanish Fly gets two. Hudson is back up to clean house and Chase comes back in to get a rollup pin on Frazer at 11:27.

Rating: B-. I could go for Chase U being treated as something more serious and hopefully we are getting away from the rather insane gambling ordeal. I’m not sure I can imagine them getting the Tag Team Titles back but getting a clean win is a nice way to start. Axiom and Frazer are still capable of working well with just about anyone and that is a great thing to have.

Post match the OC of all people come in to wreck both teams. Well it’s better than yelling at AJ Styles about the old days. I think.

Ilja Dragunov is willing to give Carmelo Hayes an NXT Title shot at Roadblock, as long as Hayes will meet him face to face next week. Dragunov is coming for Hayes’ soul.

Thea Hail and Fallon Henley talk about how bad everything is going for them lately. Hail’s Valentine’s Day was awful and Henley talks about how bad hers was last year. They’re off for a chat.

Lash Legend vs. Kelani Jordan

Jakara Jackson is here too. Legend powers her up to start but gets cradled for a fast two. A kick to the chest knocks Jordan out of the air and a backbreaker makes things even worse. Something like a torture rack over the back has Jordan in more trouble but she gets the knees up to block a splash. Jordan flips out of a powerbomb attempt and there’s a dropkick to put Legend into the corner. Jackson offers a distraction though and Legend gets in a chokeslam for the pin at 4:24.

Rating: C. Legend has come a long, long way in recent months and a lot of that is due to the change in gear. She didn’t exactly have the best reputation for a long time so in addition to changing her style, she has a new look, which shakes away a lot of the bad memories. It’s one of those minor changes that makes a big difference, and Legend has gotten a lot better.

Post match Kiana James and Izzi Dame come out for the beatdown but Jordan escapes.

The OC are here to show that they’re different than anyone else. They’ll take the NXT Tag Team Titles too.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

NXT Women’s Title: Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi

Shotzi is challenging and we get the Big Match Intros. Valkyria fights out of a front facelock to start and takes Shotzi down with a headlock. An exchange of rollups gets two each before Shotzi drops her with a shoulder. A rope walk wristdrag has Valkyria in more trouble and Shotzi DDTs her onto the apron. We comes back and….the match has been stopped as Shotzi has blown out her knee. Cue Ava to announce that we have an open challenger for a title shot against Valkyria. I won’t rate the match we got as it was barely long enough to rate and then ended with the injury but it was going well enough.

NXT Women’s Title: Lyra Valkyria vs. Lash Legend

Valykria is defending and gets dropped with an early right hand. Legend’s chinlock doesn’t last long so she grabs a swinging backbreaker for two instead. A whip into the corner gives Valkyria two and we hit an over the shoulder backbreaker. Valkyria fights out as we see Roxanne Perez being furious over not getting the title shot. Legend’s chokeslam gets two and Valkyria’s high crossbody connects for the same. A pump kick gives Legend two more but Valkyria knocks her off the top and hits a splash to retain at 5:49.

Rating: C+. This is on a very lightened up scale as the match was barely anything but Legend was literally sent out there with no notice to have an impromptu title match. it might not have been great, but they did what they could under the circumstances. Good enough match here and nice touch by having Perez be made about not getting out there, but was she just not paying attention to a match for the title she wants more than anything?

Overall Rating: B-. This was absolutely feeling like a taped show to get us to the big shows down the line, but what matters is NXT continues to treat these things like they matter. Even if these were the lower level stories, they were treated as important and that is a very hard trick most of the time. It wasn’t the biggest NXT show, but it moved things forward and set some things up for later with completely good enough action. The big stuff can come later, but for now they’re doing well with the small stuff and that’s important as well.

Oba Femi b. Lexis King – Pop up powerbomb
Roxanne Perez b. Wren Sinclair – Crossface
Josh Briggs b. Brooks Jensen – Clothesline
Jacy Jayne b. Arianna Grace – Forearm
Chase U b. Nathan Frazer/Axiom – Rollup to Frazer
Lash Legend b. Kelani Jordan – Chokeslam
Lyra Valkyria vs. Shotzi went to a no contest when Shotzi was injured
Lyra Valkyria b. Lash Legend – Top rope splash



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – January 30, 2024: What A Save!

Date: January 30, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the go home show for Vengeance Day and that means a lot of talking for the matches that are already set. One of them has a bit of a twist though, with #1 contender Trick Williams also set to team with Carmelo Hayes in the semifinals of the Dusty Classic. That could make for a busy Sunday so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals: Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams vs. LWO

Hayes armdrags Wilde down to start and snaps off a dropkick. Williams comes in for a dropkick of his own so it’s off to del Toro for a double back elbow. A comeback is cut off with some shots to the knee but Williams gets over to Hayes anyway. The LWO sends them right back to the floor though and stereo dives connect as we take a break.

Back with Hayes fighting out of a chinlock and hitting his half of a double clothesline. Williams comes back in for a double release Rock Bottom and it’s back to Hayes, who gets caught in the Tree of Woe. The LWO take him down again with stereo missile dropkicks and everyone is down. Hayes and del Toro kick it out until del Toro misses a phoenix splash. Williams comes back in and hits the jumping knee for the pin on Wilde at 12:33.

Rating: B-. So there’s your setup for the main event at Vengeance Day, as there’s a very good chance that Williams can’t win because of something that happens in the tournament final. As in the tournament final that he was in because of Hayes, meaning Hayes costs him the title. Or maybe he wins everything and Hayes is jealous. Either way, it makes things more interesting and we should be in for something good.

Post match Oba Femi runs in to jump the LWO and takes out Dragon Lee for trying to make a save.

Ava tells Ridge Holland that he can’t fight Gallus himself. Lexis King comes in with a gift basket for Ava, who didn’t realize they have a meeting. Ava makes King vs. Holland for tonight. Works for Holland.

Tatum Paxley talks to a picture of Lyra Valkyria, saying she’ll always be there for her. Valkyria comes to say she got all of Paxley’s messages but doesn’t get why Paxley attacked Roxanne Perez last week. Paxley says she’ll always be there for Valkyria.

Tatum Paxley vs. Roxanne Perez

Lyra Valkyria is on commentary and we’re joined in progress with Paxley firing off an assortment of kicks. A hanging butterfly suplex gives Paxley two and she sends Perez outside, with Valkyria not being sure why Paxley is doing any of this. Back in and Pop Rox finishes Paxley at 2:20 shown.

Arianna Grace is with Wren Sinclair and says she is a role model around here. Fallon Henley comes in to say she doesn’t buy this and wants a match with Grace later.

Elektra Lopez vs. Lola Vice

Lopez spars her down and the fight is on to start with the two of them heading outside. Back in and Vice fires off some kicks to send her into the corner. More kicks to the back give Vice two but Lopez powerbombs her out of the corner. An annoyed Lopez strikes away and hits a swinging Rock Bottom for two. A spinebuster is broken up though and Vice kicks her in the head for the pin at 3:32.

Rating: C+. This was quick and to the point with Vice getting a pretty strong win by knocking Lopez silly with that kick. Lopez is on her way to Smackdown and Vice is probably going to get into the title match sooner than later so they needed to cover both of these things. Not a great match, but it was intense while it lasted.

Joe Gacy comes to see Dijak and sits down without permission. Gacy says Dijak can’t get rid of him and plays a recording suggesting that he has been here before. Dijak wrecks him again.

Ridge Holland vs. Lexis King

Holland elbows him in the face to start and we take a very early break. Back with King going after the knee but getting hit in the face for his efforts. King cheap shots him in the corner though and chokes away before we hit the chinlock. A running clothesline to the back of the head gives King two but Holland fights up again. The Coronation is blocked and Holland hits him in the back of the head for two but cue Gallus for a distraction. That’s enough for a hanging Coronation to finish Holland at 9:38.

Rating: C. King is still not great in the ring but at least he’s getting the character stuff down. You also need to give him some wins like this to build him up and it’s not like Holland is going to lose much in defeat. Holland already has to deal with Gallus while King gets to move on to something of his own so this was a nice way forward for both of them.

Post match Gallus comes in to beat down Holland.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes are still unsure about Ilja Dragunov but Hayes gives him a pep talk. Hayes promises to show that he’s had Williams’ back since the beginning.

Here is Chase University, minus their sweaters (and Jacy Jayne/Thea Hail), for their final goodbyes. Chases knows he’s a hothead and he has no one to blame but himself, but he thanks everyone for letting him live his dream. Duke Hudson talks about what he has learned from the school and wants everyone to remember how it was. This means a tribute video, which may have been made by threatening students, and yes it is set to Tell Me A Lie.

Chase thanks everyone, but here are Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail to interrupt. Jayne says if you want something done right, ask a woman. Chase: “We’re out here saying our final goodbyes.” Jayne: “Are you?” She talks about how she came into this place a bit toxic but she needed friends. Maybe she could actually change, and maybe she could help fix the problem. She looked inside her comfort zone and the school is NOT closing.

We see the Ladies Of Chase U Calendar…..which will have Chase U out of debt and moving into the future. Chase jumps up and down in happiness and Jayne hugs him. There is something hilarious about how simple of a solution that is and hopefully they get back to doing what worked with Chase U.

The D’Angelo Family is ready for OTM at Vengeance Day.

Brooks Jensen comes up to Fallon Henley to talk about old times but she leaves to go have her match, leaving Jensen a bit disappointed.

Chase U celebrates a lot but Lexis King interrupts. A match between King and Riley Osborne is teased but Joe Gacy and Dijak brawl in to break it up.

Fallon Henley vs. Arianna Grace

Wren Sinclair is here with Henley. Grace offers her a hand to start and gets caught in a wristlock for her efforts. Some armdrags put Grace down again and a big right hand rocks her again as we take a break. Back with Henley fighting out of a chinlock and getting two off a rollup. Henley sends her outside and gets in a shot of her own, only to have Jakara Jackson come in to distract the referee. Cue Lash Legend to kick Henley in the face to give Grace the pin at 8:41.

Rating: C. Henley is definitely moving up the ladder a bit around here and it seems that she has a feud coming up with Meta Four. I could go for her winning something else but at least she has something going on here. Grace on the other hand continues to be more annoying than anything else but at least she didn’t get a dominant win.

OTM is ready for the D’Angelo Family at Vengeance Day.

Dijak and Joe Gacy are fighting way above a dumpster, with Dijak knocking him down into it for a nasty thud.

Baron Corbin praises Bron Breakker for his Royal Rumble performance and seems to be warming up to the Wolf Dogs name.

Heritage Cup: Von Wagner vs. Noam Dar

Dar, with Meta Four, is defending and Mr. Stone is here with Wagner. Round One begins with Dar’s kicks being shrugged off and Wagner snaps off a nice armdrag. Wagner powers him into the corner and slowly walks around as Stone plays cheerleader. The tape comes off of Wagner’s hand and he hammers away until the round ends.

Round Two begins with Wagner going after Oro Mensah, allowing Dar to hit the Nova Roller for the pin at 22 seconds of the round and 3:57 overall. We take a break and come back with Wagner hitting a rather delayed vertical suplex. Mensah offers a distraction but here are Fallon Henley and Wren Sinclair to brawl with Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson. The women leave as Dar’s kneebar can’t get the tap before Round Three ends.

Round Four begins with Wagner punching him in the face for two but Dar is back with some elbows. Wagner fights out again but the Death Valley Driver is broken up. Instead Wagner scores with a jumping knee to the face but misses a charge into the post. That’s enough for Dar to roll him up and retain at 1:53 of the round and 10:10 overall.

Rating: C. The seemingly never ending reign continues for Dar and the matches are getting less interesting. Wagner didn’t seem like one of the strongest challengers but Dar has held the title for the better part of ever. Either find something else for him to do or get rid of the title altogether, because this stopped working a long time ago.

Post match Dar mocks Stone’s kids in the front row so Wagner puts Mensah through the announcers’ table.

Ava yells at Dijak for putting Joe Gacy in a dumpster and wants a No DQ match with Gacy….who pops out of the dumpster to say he’s in. The match is on.

Vengeance Day rundown.

Here is Trick Williams for a face to face showdown with NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov. Cue the champ, who says he’s ready to whoop that Trick, but Williams thinks Dragunov has been playing him the entire time. Williams thinks Dragunov faked his injuries to avoid the match but Dragunov says there’s no way because he’s ready to hurt himself to retain the title.

Dragunov says Williams might want to be more worried about Carmelo Hayes but Williams says he’ll win twice on Sunday. Williams wants Hayes left out of this so Dragunov threatens him with destruction. They shake hands and have a staredown but cue Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker to jump them. Carmelo Hayes runs in for the save so Dragunov and Williams can stare each other down again to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. There wasn’t a must see match on the show, but they did a good enough job of making me want to see Vengeance Day. The action worked well and they set up some more things for the pay per view and it was a fairly solid go home show. The ending segment was probably the best part of the show as they’ve done a nice job of setting up a story that could go in a few different directions. Solid show here, even if there was only so much more that could be done with the title match.

Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams b. LWO – Jumping knee to Wilde
Roxanne Perez b. Tatum Paxley – Pop Rox
Lola Vice b. Elektra Lopez – Spinning kick to the head
Lexis King b. Ridge Holland – Hanging Coronation
Arianna Grace b. Fallon Henley – Big boot from Lash Legend
Noam Dar b. Von Wagner 2-0



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NXT – January 23, 2024: Mr. Feeny Did It Better

Date: January 23, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the last NXT before the Royal Rumble and that might actually make a difference around here. Around here that might make a difference as there very likely will be some NXT representation in the Royal Rumble matches. I’m curious to see who that might be, but we also have some more work to do towards Vengeance Day. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Roxanne Perez becoming the new #1 contender to the Women’s Title last week.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals: Baron Corbin/Bron Breakker vs. Nathan Frazer/Axiom

The fight starts before the bell with Frazer and Axiom sending them outside for stereo suicide dives. Some dropkicks against the barricade have Corbin and Breakker in trouble as the bell rings. Corbin gets caught with a missile dropkick for two back inside, followed by Frazer armbarring Corbin. That doesn’t last long as Corbin is up with a boot to the face so Axiom comes in. With Corbin knocked outside, Axiom tries a hurricanrana but gets powerbombed onto the announcers’ table. Breakker hammers on Frazer inside as we take a break.

Back with Corbin coming in for a belly to back suplex on Axiom. Breakker comes in for a belly to back suplex…but he tosses Axiom over his shoulder and pulls him into a cutter (that’s a new one). Axiom gets up and brings in Frazer to clean house, including sending the villains to the floor for a huge dive. Back in and some frog splashes get two on Breakker but he powerbombs Axiom onto Frazer to get a breather.

Corbin comes back in for Deep Six to Frazer and a brainbuster for two on Axiom. A toss powerbomb gets the same on Axiom but Frazer makes the save. Axiom manages a super Spanish Fly into Frazer’s phoenix splash for two on Breakker as Corbin makes the save this time. Back up and the spear gives Breakker the pin on Frazer at 12:02.

Rating: B. They went wild with this one and it wound up being pretty great, with Breakker and Corbin not being able to keep up at first but then cutting them down with raw power. That’s a classic formula and as usual, it was awesome to see the power guys having enough of the speed and tearing them apart. Axiom continues to be a gem when he gets on a roll and that was the case here from bell to bell.

Josh Briggs interrupts Ilja Dragunov, who isn’t pleased. Briggs is trying to prove himself and Dragunov asks if this is what Briggs really wants. Trick Williams comes in to break it up but Briggs says he wants to talk to the man who will be NXT Champion after Vengeance Day. That’s not cool with Trick and a match seems likely.

Wren Sinclair is very nervous about her debut match but Fallon Henley comes in to calm her down.

Ava walks out of Shawn Michaels’ office….and so does William Regal! Ava is rather excited and Regal congratulates her on becoming the youngest GM in WWE. He’s always around for advice. She’s more or less been the GM for weeks now so they might as well make it official and save Regal/Shawn for special moments.

Wren Sinclair vs. Lash Legend

The rest of Meta our is here with Legend, who powers her into the corner to start. Some early armdrag attempts are blocked by Legend and she takes Wren to the mat for some rams into the mat. Legend grabs a not great torture rack but Wren reverses into a failed sunset flip attempt. Wren gets sent into the corner but tries another sunset flip, this time with Jakara Jackson’s interference not working. Jackson tries to cheat again, with Wren again managing a rollup for two. Legend finally chokebombs her for the pin at 2:59. Wren was trying here but it was more a showcase for Legend.

Post match Meta Four goes after Wren but Fallon Henley makes the save.

Earlier today, OTM invaded the D’Angelo Family’s restaurant, with Jaida Parker attacking Riz.

We look at Joe Gacy and Dijak brawling last week.

Elektra Lopez is looking for Lola Vice.

Dijak vs. Joe Gacy

Gacy jumps him from behind to start and the brawl is on before the bell. Dijak grabs a chair but gets knocked down, only for Gacy to miss a chair shot. A spinning boot drives Gacy through a wall and a chokeslam puts him through the announcers’ table. Gacy gets back up and chokes Dijak until they’re separated. No match.

Arianna Grace gives another inspirational speech to…no one. Elektra Lopez comes in and still can’t find Lola Vice, though Grace finds the invasion rude.

Lexis King says the main event is coming soon.

Mr. Stone and Von Wagner went to the University of Central Florida football stadium (where Wagner played college football) for training for the Heritage Cup shot. Stone’s kids are there to help.

Lexis King vs. Trey Bearhill

Bearhill knocks him into the corner to start but misses an elbow. King kicks away and fires off a superkick to the ribs to cut off a comeback attempt. A running forearm to the back of the head sets up the Coronation to finish Bearhill at 2:22. This was a nice quick win to give King some momentum.

Carmelo Hayes tells Trick Williams to keep his eyes on the prize and asks why he’s fighting Ilja Dragunov’s battles. Williams says he knows what he’s doing.

Noam Dar and Oro Mensah are in the ring for Supernova Sessions and, after their usual jokes, bring out Lola Vice as their guest. Vice talks about how her friendship with Elektra Lopez has expired because Lopez is a leach. Cue Lopez to say she wants to know the real Vice. Lopez says she’s real while Vice got here because of how she looked dancing on Instagram. A match is made for next week.

The D’Angelo Family swears revenge on OTM.

Chase U is having various things repossessed, which makes Riley Osborne leave. Duke Hudson loses his trophy and Andre Chase loses his podium. Next week, they officially say their goodbyes. Chase: “Class dismissed.” Mr. Feeny did it better but I’ll be sad to see the team go.

Dragon Lee vs. Scrypts

The rest of OTM is here too. Lee takes him down with a headlock to start as Oba Femi comes out to the platform. Scrypts gets sent to the floor for the big running flip dive, followed by a slingshot dropkick back inside. That’s enough for Scrypts to head outside, where Lee flips out to follow. Back in and Scrypts hits a high crossbody for two but Lee fights up with a running forearm. A German suplex and powerbomb don’t work for Lee so he knees Scrypts in the face. The running flipping clothesline hits Scrypts but here is the D’Angelo Family to brawl with OTM. Lee grabs a quick Operation Dragon for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: C+. This was a lot of flipping around and that’s what it was supposed to be. Lee gets a win to boost his chances of a North American Title shot and Scrypts can hang with him with some acrobatics of his own. OTM vs. the D’Angelo Family should be fine for a Vengeance Day title match so they probably set up two such matches in one here.

Post match Femi says he’ll give Lee the title shot at Vengeance Day.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade are disappointed in their loss in the Dusty Classic but Brinley Reece comes in to offer a rather motivational speech. She wants them to come up with five things they liked and didn’t like about last week’s match so they can go over them next week. Sure why not.

Lyra Valkyria is watching something when Tatum Paxley comes in to say she’s so excited to be Valkyria’s partner. Valkyria says she doesn’t have time to do this but Paxley says they’re on the same page. The latter sounds a bit…unnerving.

Blair Davenport vs. Karmen Petrovic

Davenport runs from the kicks to start and manages a quick middle rope double stomp to the back. Petrovic fights out of a chinlock and fires off some forearms, followed by a spinning kick to the face for two. Davenport is right back with a dropkick into the corner though and a knee to the face finishes Petrovic at 3:13.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do anything here and that’s one of the worst things to happen to any match. Davenport getting the win is the logical way to go here as Petrovic isn’t on her level, but Petrovic’s kicks did look sharp. I’m not sure what is next for Davenport but this should get Petrovic out of her way.

Ridge Holland got beaten up by Gallus last week because he doesn’t have any friends. Therefore, he’ll fight Gallus on his own.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Josh Briggs vs. Trick Williams

Ilja Dragunov is on commentary. Briggs elbows him in the face to start and then does it over and over again in the corner. Williams is back with a rather high dropkick but a chokeslam gives Briggs two. Dragunov tells Williams to do something as we take a break. Back with Briggs still in control, at least until Williams slugs away. Some kicks to the face and a flapjack plant Briggs but he’s back with a backbreaker. They fight to the floor…where Briggs accidentally kicks Dragunov in the face. Back in and Dragunov tries to go after Williams but Carmelo Hayes cuts him off. Williams grabs a quick victory roll for the pin at 7:38.

Rating: C+. As has been the case on this show, the important part is who got the win, as Williams continues his road towards the title shot against Dragunov at Vengeance Day. Briggs is still finding himself in the new role and it’s not like losing to Williams is a crushing defeat. There is something to Briggs, but he needs to get a few wins sooner rather than later.

Post match Briggs clotheslines Williams and Dragunov has to be held back. Hayes comes in to hold Williams back as well.

Thea Hail is crushed over Chase U closing, but Jacy Jayne says it’s not over yet. Lexis King comes up to offer a shoulder to cry on. Riley Osborne comes in to chase King off (Hail approves) and asks Hail for a private chat later. Hail is cool with that…and then loses it when Osborne leaves. Jayne tells her to chill.

Video on the No Quarter Catch Crew.

Carmelo Hayes tells Trick Williams to realize that llja Dragunov is coming for him.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Here is Ava to emcee the contract signing between Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez. Roxanne says they respect each other and this is a Stand & Deliver main event months early. Everyone has seen the rise of Valkyria while Perez has had to chase a title she never lost. When she wins at Vengeance Day, she’ll make Valkyria walk down the same road Perez had to. Valkyria has been watching Perez, who had a great run, but she has been replaced. Perez thinks Valkyria is overconfident and wonders what happens when Valkyria gets booed because the people turn on her.

They both stand up and sign before an aggressive handshake and staredown…well don’t end the show, as Tatum Paxley sneaks up on Perez and puts her through the table. Valkyria shouts at Paxley, saying to stay away from her to end the show. There’s only so much they can do here with two women who have no reason to hate each other, so the Paxley twist at least opens something up.

Overall Rating: B-. If there was a quintessential NXT show, this would be in the running. They covered all kinds of stuff, set up future matches/shows and had a good opener to kick it off. They didn’t miss much of anything around here and it was the kind of show that flew by with few complaints. It might not have been great, but it did everything it needed to do in just over two hours.

Baron Corbin/Nathan Frazer b. Axiom/Nathan Frazer – Spear to Frazer
Lash Legend b. Wren Sinclair – Chokebomb
Lexis King b. Trey Bearhill – Coronation
Dragon Lee b. Scrypts – Operation Dragon
Blair Davenport b. Karmen Petrovic – Knee to the face
Trick Williams b. Josh Briggs – Victory roll



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NXT – January 16, 2024: Getting Ready To Get Ready

Date: January 16, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are on the way to Vengeance Day and that means we have some things to cover. There will be more than a few of those this week, as we have more of the Dusty Classic, a battle royal to determine a new #1 contender to the Women’s Title, and probably something involving the NXT Title. Then again we might have to see something change if Carmelo Hayes is too banged up from his Smackdown appearance. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams vs. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe

There’s your answer about Hayes. Blade and Hayes start things off, with an exchange of dropkicks going nowhere. Williams comes in and dropkicks Enofe so it’s back to Blade, who is dropkicked right down. We settle down to Enofe being sent into the ropes and managing a low 619. Everything breaks down and Blade and Enofe hit running flip dives to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Hayes in trouble as Enofe hammers away, only to have Hayes flip out of a belly to back suplex. It’s off to Williams, who Rock Bottoms Blade for two. Everything breaks down and Blade drops a top rope elbow for two on Williams. Enofe is punched out of the air, meaning it’s a Codebreaker into the Flash Knee to finish Blade at 12:09.

Rating: C+. This was another step in what should be a bigger story down the line. Hayes and Williams are likely on a collision course for a heck of a showdown, perhaps at Stand & Deliver, and this could be a good way to help get them there. Other than that, I still think Blade and Enofe have a bunch of potential yet here they are, losing in the first round of the tournament. Kind of a shame, but maybe they could get another chance down the line.

Fallon Henley is ready to win the battle royal because it’s Stand & Deliver season.

We look at Dragon Lee winning and losing the North American Title, with Oba Femi cashing in his title shot to take the title last week.

Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice are ready to win the battle royal. Tatum Paxley pops up to say she’ll win so the two of them can’t.

Here is Oba Femi for a chat. He told you all he would be a champion and now here he is. He was tested as a Nigerian prince and an NCAA athlete, and now he has already made his mark here to win a championship. Femi says he will face everyone but here is Dragon Lee to interrupt. Lee says the title represents opportunity and he wants his shot tonight. That’s going to be a NO, because the open challengers are now closed. Lee asks about Vengeance Day, which Femi will consider.

Eddy Thorpe was happy with his win over Dijak when Tre Bearhill came in to talk about their culture. Dijak came in and seemingly got a match with Bearhill for later.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes are ready to win the tournament but Ilja Dragunov comes in to say he is now clear. Dragunov is ready to defend the title against Williams at Vengeance Day, but Hayes says that’s the finals of the Dusty Cup. Uh oh.

Tatum Paxley/Lyra Valkyria vs. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopes

Paxley is dressed like Valkyria because she is a bit odd. Valkyria jumps over Lopez in the corner and grabs a rollup for two before the villains are sent outside. Back in and Vice kicks Paxley down for two as the beating begins. Paxley slips out of the corner and hands it off to Valkyria to clean house as everything breaks down. Paxley tags herself back in so Lopez kicks her down….and right onto Vice for the pin at 4:03.

Rating: C. This is a weird story and I’m not sure where it’s going. Or now though, There is something to having Vice hanging around with the contract. At the same time, the battle royal is coming up in the near future, though that potential cashing in is quite the distraction and it’s going to be happening sooner than later, no matter how out there Paxley may be.

A bunch of women want to be #1 contender but Arianna Grace’s speech scares them off.

Ridge Holland vs. Joe Coffey

The rest of Gallus is here with Coffey. Holland shoves Coffey around to start and drives Coffey into the corner. Coffey is right back into a knockdown and an elbow drop for two. Holland hits a heck of a clothesline into Northern Grit for the pin at 2:25.

Post match the beatdown is on and no one makes the save, despite the camera looking at the entrance.

NXT Anonymous show the women of Chase U having done something to help save the school. Jacy Jayne approves and asks of one (Jasmine) of them wants to have some drinks.

Kelani Jordan is ready to win the battle royal. Brinley Reece loves her energy.

Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker aren’t on the same page about who won their previous match. Breakker has apparently spent four weeks thinking of Woof Dogs for their team name. On top of that, Breakker was thinking about the team in the shower….and Corbin is cutting him off right there. Maybe they can be called the Wild Boars?

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: LWO vs. Chase U

Zelina Vega and Andre Chase are here too. Osborne and Wilde trade armdrags to start so del Toro comes in to take Osborne into the corner. That doesn’t last long as it’s off to Hudson for a side slam. Hudson clotheslines them out to the floor and Osborne hits a big dive as we take a break.

Back with Osborne hitting a flip dive onto both of them for a breather. The tag brings in Hudson to clean house, at least until del Toro snaps off a poisonrana. A blind tag brings in Wilde, who hits a missile dropkick on Hudson. Wilde grabs a suicide tornado DDT to plant Hudson on the floor, setting up a phoenix splash for the pin at 9:43.

Rating: C+. This was a fast paced match here, with Chase U continuing its downward spiral. I’m not sure how much further it could go but Chase almost has to either lose the school or put the whole thing on the line at some point. That’s the real story here, as the LWO mainly feels like a team just looking for something to do here.

Riz is worried about having her first match in the battle royal but the D’Angelo Family reminds her of some previous battles.

Joe Gacy joins commentary.

Last week, Mr. Stone and Von Wagner talked about New Year’s resolutions, when Noam Dar and Oro Mensah came in. Wagner wants a shot at the Heritage Cup and math ensues, with the match not quite being made yet.

Dijak vs. Tre Bearhill

They run the ropes to start until Bearhill snaps off a backdrop. Dijak is back with a suplex and the suplex toss to really take over. Some elbows in the corner rock Bearhill, but he suplexes Dijak into the corner. Dijak fights back but goes outside to yell at Gacy, who gives him a headbutt. The distraction lets Bearhill jump him, only to have Dijak come back with the cyclone boot for the pin at 4:38.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what Bearhill’s appeal is supposed to be but somehow it seems like Dijak vs. Eddy Thorpe may be continuing, with Bearhill as the next proxy. Dijak gets to beat someone else up for a change, meaning he is probably on the way to a big loss. Just hopefully not to Gacy.

Post match Gacy goes after Dijak and they brawl up the aisle, while Lexis King comes in to go after Bearhill.

Josh Briggs runs into JBL, who picked him for the Iron Survival Challenge qualifying match. JBL wants Briggs to show who he really is.

Video on the No Quarter Catch Crew.

Trick Williams apologizes to Carmelo Hayes but says he’ll work both matches at Vengeance Day. That seems to appease Williams.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

We look at Cora Jade suffering a torn ACL, which will put her out of action for nearly a year.

Battle Royal

Kiana James, Izzi James, Brinley Reece, Kelani Jordan, Roxanne Perez, Arianna Grace, Karmen Petrovic, Lola Vice, Elektra Lopez, Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend, Wren Sinclair, Riz, Fallon Henley, Thea Hail, Blair Davenport, Gigi Dolin, Jaida Parker, Stevie Turner, Tatum Paxley

The final four have a four way for a future Women’s Title match. Riz and Parker fight to the floor to start, leaving Dolin to eliminate Jackson. Back in and Legend knocks out Riz and Parker as the ring is clearing out quickly. Jordan has to save herself from an elimination but is knocked onto the announcers’ table (not eliminated) as we take a break. Back with clips of Jordan doing a Kofi Kingston impression to make it back into the ring.

Turner is out and Reece follows her, only Vice dump Lopez. Then Paxley tosses out Vice, who is rather displeased. Lopez and Vice brawl to the back and Davenport low bridges Dolin out. Hail kicks Davenport out so Davenport pulls Petrovic outside and drops her. Back in and Legend eliminates Paxley, leaving Grace to pose a bit. Grace tosses the still out cold Petrovic but spends too much time posing and is tossed by Hail.

We take a break and come back with Hail cleaning house, only to be cut off and eliminated by Dame. Legend and Dame collide for a double knockdown, with Dame being tossed shortly thereafter. Sinclair manages to get rid of Legend but James throws her out, meaning we’re down to James, Perez, Jordan and Henley, with the match turning into a regular four way.

Henley and James take over but Perez knocks Henley outside for a suicide dive. Jordan and Perez trade rollup for two each but Henley is back in with a middle rope neckbreaker. James spinebusters Henley for two of her own and everyone is down. James hits the 401K to send Jordan outside, leaving Perez to jump James from behind. Perez snaps off a super hurricanrana on James but Jordan hits a frog splash fort two. A quick Pop Rox gives Perez the pin on Jordan at 22:39.

Rating: C+. This was a bit of a weird one, but what matters here is that the women’s division’s depth was on display. It’s interesting to see what happens when you have this many women put together in one match with some slightly different rules and that was the case here. Perez is mainly a safe pick but safe might be just what they need at the moment.

Overall Rating: C+. I liked the show well enough, as they were doing a nice job of getting things better for Vengeance Day. They have some things cooking and hopefully they can all be paid off when Vengeance Day arrives. This show helped set some of those things up and now we have to wait and see where they go. The good thing is that NXT has reached a point where you believe they cam make that happen, which is a heck of a lot better than they were doing before.

Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams b. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe – Flash knee to Blade
Tatum Paxley/Lyra Valkyria b. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopez – Paxley fell onto Vice
Ridge Holland b. Joe Coffey – Northern Grit
LWO b. Chase U – Phoenix splash to Hudson
Joe Gacy b. Tre Bearhill – Cyclone boot
Roxanne Perez won a battle royal last eliminating Kelani Jordan


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