Ring Of Honor – July 11, 2024: This Show Made Me Mad

Ring Of Honor
Date: July 11, 2024
Location: Landers Center, Southaven, Mississippi
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are less than a month away from Death Before Dishonor and last week saw the announcement of a bit of the card. There is of course a lot more that needs to be done but I’ll take something of a start over nothing. In theory we get more of that this week, but stranger things have happened. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Robyn Renegade vs. Taya Valkyrie vs. Marina Shafir

Johnny TV is here with Valkyrie. Renegade powers Shafir into the corner to start and hits a running dropkick to send her outside. That lets Valkyrie fire off some knees to Renegade but we stop for a kiss to TV. Back in and Renegade gets double chopped, only to have her kick her way to freedom. Renegade ties Shafir in the ropes for something like a springboard stomp before superkicking Valkyrie into the corner. Mother’s Milk goes on but Valkyrie makes the save and spears Shafir. Shania Pain finishes Renegade at 6:02.

Rating: C+. They packed a good bit of action into a little amount of time and Valkyrie continues her bit of momentum. In theory that would set her up for the next title shot after Death Before Dishonor, but that could be several weeks away. Other than that, Shafir and Renegade both get slowed down, which isn’t a great sign for either of them.

The Kingdom wants to have a night off at Death Before Dishonor. They have a bad history at that show so let’s just not do it this year.

TV Title: Serpentico vs. Atlantis Jr.

Atlantis Jr. is defending, having defeated Kyle Fletcher for the title a few weeks ago. Serpentico grabs a headlock at the bell and they head out to the floor where Atlantis gets knocked down. Back in and Atlantis is fine enough to grab a rolling cutter for two, only to get caught in a Downward Spiral for the same. A missed charge leaves Serpentico in the Tree of Woe for a running dropkick to give Atlantis two more. Serpentico is back with his own kick for two but Atlantis hits a powerslam into a frog splash to retain at 4:21.

Rating: C+. This is where a lot of the problems with these crossovers come from: what about this was supposed to stand out? Atlantis Jr. is talented, but it isn’t like there was anything here that made me really want to see more of him. We don’t know anything about him other than he beat Fletcher and has a famous dad. That doesn’t matter though, as we’re just supposed to go with Atlantis as a big deal because we’re told that he is without seeing it. That doesn’t work, but it’s all we get most of the time.

Skye Blue vs. Laynie Luck

Blue starts fast with a rollup and then takes Luck into the corner for some choking. Luck is right back with a Death Valley Driver for two, only to have Blue slug away to knock her back. A quick Code Blue gives Blue the pin at 3:40.

Rating: C. This was the latest attempt to get Blue in the ring as often as possible, albeit it in a rather cold match. Luck has shown that she can be better than a lot of the local jobbers but she didn’t have much of a chance to showcase herself here. It was kind of a random match and that rarely helps anyone.

The MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason) is coming. These guys look very fun, just due to how over the top they’re going.

Billie Starkz vs. Mackenzie Morgan

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Morgan wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Starkz (with Athena) works on the arm to start but stops to pose, allowing Morgan to grab an armdrag into an armbar. That’s reversed into a quickly broken chinlock but Morgan misses a dropkick. Athena, still on crutches, gets in a cheap shot before remembering that she’s injured. Back in and Starkz slips out of a fireman’s carry, setting up the fish hook chickenwing for the win at 5:22.

Rating: C+. Starkz is already set for a title match at the pay per view so the chances of her winning here didn’t seem that high. At the same time, Morgan got in some offense here, which is surprising given that Starkz probably needed a stronger showing. It wasn’t a bad match, but they put it together in an odd way.

Diamante vs. Nyxx

Diamante doesn’t waste time by hammering away to start, only to walk into a side slam for two. Back up and Diamante grabs her rolling cutter into the cross armbreaker (which she dedicates to Leyla Hirsch) for the win at 1:39.

Athena celebrates, only to remember that her ankle hurts.

Roderick Strong and Dalton Castle are having a #1 contenders match, with the winner getting the World Title shot at Death Before Dishonor. It’s taking place this weekend on Collision, because this is the most useless show in wrestling.

Lee Johnson/Infantry vs. Dark Order

Silver grabs a headlock on Bravo to start with Bravo ducking and dodging to set up a running elbow. It’s time to go after Silver’s arm as commentary talks about Broadway. Reynolds and Johnson come in as everything breaks down. The Order gets sent outside for a series of dives but manage to take over, with a suicide dive/suplex combination dropping Johnson.

Back in and the Order take turns beating on Johnson, with the other two holding him so Silver can get in a big boot. Johnson enziguris his way to freedom and it’s off to Dean to clean house. Everything breaks down again and Johnson gets triple teamed into a German suplex for two. They trade stereo shots to the face but Johnson escapes the triple flipping slam. Johnson’s frog splash finishes Uno at 10:06.

Rating: B-. Probably the best match on the show this week, but it’s another case where I don’t quite believe that any of this is going to matter. Beating the Order hasn’t meany anything in forever and the other three feel like the latest makeshift team. We have two shows left until Death Before Dishonor but they’re still burning off main event slots for pretty meaningless six man tags. That’s part of this show’s problem in a nutshell and I have no reason to believe it’s going to get better.

Overall Rating: C. This is a show where, as usual, the wrestling wasn’t the problem. The problem here is they have two weeks to go before one of their three pay per views and they did NOTHING for the show. What did we get here? Some people building momentum, a nothing TV Title match and a six man that has no bearing on anything. Where do we go to get the build to Death Before Dishonor? Collision, where Ring Of Honor’s World Title will be used as filler to take up part of that show’s two hours.

This show actually made me mad because it felt like Ring Of Honor saying “yeah this show doesn’t matter, but make sure you pay to watch the big show, which isn’t going to have much of a build because we can’t bother but TRADITION IS REALLY, TOTALLY IMPORTANT TO US!” The pay per view will be fine, but this show, which I remind you that you have to pay to watch monthly, is somehow getting more useless, which I didn’t think was possible.

Taya Valkyrie b. Marina Shafir and Robyn Renegade – Shania Pain to Renegade
Atlantis Jr. b. Serpentico – Frog splash
Skye Blue b. Laynie Luck – Code Blue
Billie Starkz b. Mackenzie Morgan – Fish hook chickenwing
Diamante b. Nyxx – Cross armbreaker
Lee Johnson/Infantry b. Dark Order – Frog splash to Uno



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Dynamite – February 28, 2024: Once More, With Repelling

Date: February 28, 2024
Location: Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the last Dynamite before Revolution and in this case that means we are seeing the final appearance of Sting on the show. Other than that, we will be getting more of the build towards the show, plus possibly something else being added to the pay per view card. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Hangman Page, on a crutch, to get things going. Page, looking rather disappointed, talks about how he said the title match at Revolution should be a singles match, but it’s going to be the wrong two people. Due to his injury, he is not going to be involved in the World Title match at Revolution.

Cue Swerve Strickland to say the two of them have been to war in the last six months, with both of them trying to kill the other. Swerve targeted him because of what Page has done in AEW but he didn’t want this to happen. You can’t escape fate though, which is why he is going to Revolution to win the World Title.

Cue Samoa Joe to mock the idea of them talking about destiny. After calling Page Hopalong, Joe promises to beat up one or two of them at Revolution. Joe goes to leave, but Swerve says he went from unemployed to headlining pay per views. He is the same man who broken into a wrestling school and left an 18 year old bleeding.

Swerve is the man who broke into a house and threatened a child and after he gets done with Joe, it might be time for Joe to go back to commentary wearing a poncho again. Then Page blasts Swerve with the crutch and says he’s winning the title, as his ankle is fine. That’s a lot of effort to get in a few crutch shots but at least the match isn’t changing. Also, Swerve was bringing the emotion here and he feels like a top star.

The Young Bucks arrived and want to conduct an interview with Sting. They just happen to be carrying baseball bats. Note that as they arrived, there was a picture of Ruby Soho on the back of a truck, making it look like a giant Soho was leaning around the Bucks’ car to look at them.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. FTR/Eddie Kingston

Kingston wants Danielson to start but settles for a shoulder to drop Castagnoli instead. Harwood comes in to take Danielson down, only to have Danielson grab a headscissors. That’s broken up as well so Moxley comes in to unload on Wheeler in the corner. Everything breaks down and it’s a big fight n the floor as we take a break.

Back with Wheeler fighting out of trouble and jawbreakering Castagnoli. A shot to Moxley is enough for the hot tag to Harwood but Danielson take shim down and taunts Kingston. Moxley sends Harwood shoulder first into the post and Danielson sends Kingston into the barricade. A running basement dropkick hits Kingston on the floor as Harwood is beaten down back inside.

We take another break and come back again with Harwood fighting out of a chinlock. Not that it matters as Harwood gets taken down for a top rope shot to the back. Everything breaks down and Kingston exploders Castagnoli but Danielson cuts him off. The Swing into the dropkick sets up the piledriver from Moxley for two, with Harwood making the save.

FTR comes back in and hit a Steiner Bulldog to give Kingston two on Danielson but the other two make the save. The Club get everyone down for chokes/elbows but they’re all broken up for the triple rapid fire chops in the corner. A Shatter Machine hits Castagnoli and we hit the parade of finishers. Danielson’s running knee hits Kingston and stomps on his head, setting up the triangle choke to knock Kingston out at 21:53.

Rating: B. It was rather good, but this felt like it should have been the pay per view match. They had all kinds of time here and the action was good, with everything feeling like it mattered. Danielson vs. Kingston should be pretty awesome, but seeing the Club against FTR in a regular match doesn’t feel as important after seeing them go to a draw and then going this long here.

We look at Chris Jericho wrestling Atlantis 30 years ago in CMLL. Tonight, he’s facing Atlantis Jr.

Jericho promises violence.

Here is Tony Schiavone in the ring to bring out Will Ospreay for a chat. Ospreay talks about how he had to get through with some contractual obligations in New Japan, but now he’s here full time. We hear about his time in AEW so far, which includes being part of the Don Callis Family…and here they are. Callis talks about the talent in the Family and is ready for Ospreay vs. Konosuke Takeshita at Revolution. Ospreay and Takeshita shake hands but neither will let go, with Callis approving. Ospreay came off as an absolute star here and I’d be stunned if he’s still in the Family within two weeks.

The Young Bucks interrupt Eddie Kingston in the back and don’t like what he’s been saying about them. Oh and Kingston needs to dress better, so a dress code might be in order. They’re off to look for Sting.

International Title: Nick Wayne vs. Orange Cassidy

Wayne, with the Patriarchy, is challenging. Cassidy takes him to the mat with a headlock but Wayne reverses into a headscissors. That’s broken up but Wayne reverses the Beach Break, only to miss Wayne’s World. They go outside with Cassidy being taken down again but he rolls away back inside. Wayne takes him up top but gets shoved down, only for Christian Cage to crotch Cassidy. The referee ejects the Patriarchy and we take a break with Cassidy down.

Back with Cassidy being sent into the corner but sending Wayne into the buckle. The tornado DDT gives Cassidy two and Wayne’s fisherman’s suplex gets the same. Cassidy penalty kicks him but gets German suplexed. Not that it matters as Cassidy hits the Beach Break for two…and here is the Kingdom for a distraction. Cue Rocky Romero and Trent Beretta to take care of the Kingdom, allowing Daniel Garcia to come down for a distraction. Cassidy hits the Orange Punch to retain at 10:58.

Rating: C+. That was quite a bit, as you had a stable being ejected, plus five people interfering in a match featuring Orange Cassidy vs. Nick Wayne. Cassidy shouldn’t have needed more than about six minutes to put Wayne away but it went WAY more complicated than that. It felt like this was designed to fill in time and the interference was more than it needed to be.

Post match Roderick Strong runs in for the beatdown on Cassidy.

The Bang Bang Scissor Gang comes up with a new wacky lineup.

Kris Statlander vs. Skye Blue

Willow Nightingale, Stokely Hathaway and Julia Hart are all here too. Blue charges at her to start but gets taken into the corner for some hard chops. Blue’s headscissors is countered with a whip into the corner but she sends Statlander to the apron. A knee to the face puts Statlander on the floor but she catches Blue and throws her over the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Statlander getting a knockdown. They forearm it out until Statlander sends her into the corner for a running knee. A powerslam gives Statlander two and she suplexes Blue on the apron. Hart and Nightingale almost get into it on the floor, allowing Blue to get in a cheap shot of her own. Back in and a Canadian Destroyer but Statlander is back with a Michinoku Driver. Hathaway offers the use of a chain but the distraction lets Hart get in a belt shot. Code Blue finishes for Blue at 9:38.

Rating: C+. Another match with a lot of people involved, including Hart with a rather terrible looking belt shot. Other than that, Statlander having issues with Hathaway should be interesting, as should Blue actually beating someone of note. Granted it isn’t going to matter if AEW doesn’t follow up on it, but it’s a start.

The Young Bucks go into Sting’s locker room and find a bunch of baseball bats hanging from the ceiling. And a mirror.

Chris Jericho vs. Atlantis Jr.

Atlantis Sr. is here too. Jericho goes right after him to start but Atlantis is back with some monkey flips. The Walls have Atlantis in trouble but he makes the ropes, leaving Jericho to go after the mask. They go outside with Atlantis catapulting him into the post and loading up the steps. Jericho drops him onto the steps though and we take a break.

Back with Jericho knocking him down for two but not being able to get the Walls. Instead Atlantis is back with a wheelbarrow German suplex for two and Jericho is banged up. Atlantis snaps off a powerslam for two and sends Jericho outside for the dive. Back in and Jericho knocks him off the top but misses the Judas Effect. Something close to a spinning torture rack is reversed into the Walls so Atlantis Sr. throws in the towel at 12:15.

Rating: C. This match is a great example of one of AEW’s underlying problems: I’m sure it was something Jericho wanted to do and I’m sure he had a good time with it, but that doesn’t mean the masses are going to want to see it. AEW has a bad tendency to think that what certain wrestlers, and presumably Tony Khan, want to see is what everyone wants to see and that doesn’t always seem to be accurate. The video package on Jericho in CMLL helped, but why is that supposed to make it interesting? It’s just Jericho vs. a guy in pretty generic looking gear having a pretty standard match.

Respect is shown post match.

Revolution rundown.

Here are the Young Bucks to look for Sting. They find a bunch of guys in Sting masks, one of whom is Darby Allin. The fight is on but the numbers game puts Allin down. Back in and the baseball bats have Allin trouble….and Ric Flair comes out with a big smile. Flair takes one of the bats and turns on the bucks, only to get taken down with a low blow.

The beating stays on until Sting makes the save….by repelling from the ceiling one last time. Allin is back up with a Coffin Drop and the Scorpion Death Drop lays out Nick to end the show. As has been the case, the Flair stuff was bad but Sting saved it, with him repelling in one last time being an awesome flashback.

Overall Rating: C+. There were good parts here, but this show felt like it had a lot of filler. Between the rather long opener, Cassidy’s latest title defense and the Jericho match, this show felt like it was designed to just get through the two hours and move on to Revolution. The Sting deal at the end was cool, but I could go for something big involving someone who will be here next week. The good parts save it, but this didn’t feel like a show you really needed to see.

Blackpool Combat Club b. FTR/Eddie Kingston – Triangle choke to Kingston
Orange Cassidy b. Nick Wayne – Orange Punch
Skye Blue b. Kris Statlander – Code Blue
Chris Jericho b. Atlantis Jr. – Walls of Jericho



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