Collision – March 23, 2025 (Slam Dunk Sunday): It’s Close Enough

Date: March 23, 2025
Location: Liberty First Credit Union Arena, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

It’s the second half of the two night Collision and hopefully it’s able to live up to the first night. The first half of the show was rather good, though as usual, it depends on what we have for an encore. We’re just a few weeks away from Dynasty so we might get something else added to the show here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Saturday night if you need a recap.

Trios Titles: AR Fox/Top Flight vs. Death Riders

The Death Riders are defending. You might be wondering why Fox and Top Flight are getting this shot when they haven’t actually teamed together in over two years (their one win as a trio came in January 2023). Well the idea seems to be they won a Trios Battle Royal in 2022, last eliminating the Blackpool Combat Club, which evolved into the Death Riders. Granted it wasn’t the same three members they’re facing here but what difference do two years and one member really make?

Darius and Yuta go to the mat to start as Nigel quotes Star Wars to mock Bryan Danielson and his teachings. Dante comes in but can’t sunset flip Castagnoli. A big forearm drops Dante again but he manages a middle rope hurricanrana to the floor. Yuta is sent to the floor for a running flip dive (with a stomp to Pac at the same time) but Pac hammers Yuta into the wrong corner. That’s broken up and it’s back to Darius to clean house. Yuta cuts that off with a rake to the face and an Angle Slam sends us to a break.

Back with Darius still in control with Pac getting to choke in the ropes. Darius gets in a pop up dropkick on Castagnoli and the diving tag brings in Dante to pick up the pace. Dante’s triple jump flip dive takes out the champs on the floor and Darius’ Swanton gets two on Yuta. Pac low blows Top Flight on the floor and Fox is surrounded. Fox tries to fight out but is quickly cut down, with a Tombstone into the Fastball Special retaining the titles at 12:11.

Rating: B-. This was good enough, despite the lack of any realistic reason for the challengers to get a shot. The Riders have held the titles almost as long as any team in history and there is no reason to believe they’ll be dropping the belts anytime soon. The issue continues to be that they barely do anything with the titles and I tend to forget they’re even champions. It doesn’t help that there are barely any teams to come after the titles in the first place, hence a team who hasn’t been together in over two years getting a shot.

Post match Cru comes in to jump Top Flight because this feud is still a thing.

We look at Daniel Garcia vs. Adam Cole going to a time limit draw last night.

Cole knows he had Garcia beaten and he knows he can do it again. The rest of the Undisputed Kingdom isn’t happy with FTR’s lack of respect.

Kazuchika Okada brags about his success this year, saying he put the b****** of the Hounds Of Hell to sleep.

Bandido vs. Johnny TV

Bandido tries to start fast but gets taken down for a kick to the face. Back up and Bandido hits some running forearms, setting up the gorilla press to take us to a break. We come back with Bandido cutting off a charge in the corner for a quick two. The X Knee into the 21 Plex finishes TV at 9:21.

Rating: C+. Thankfully we have a Supercard Of Honor coming up as that should be the end of the whole Jericho vs. Bandido stuff. In theory, Bandido takes the title there and gets to move on from everything else. There isn’t much of a reason to keep the story going, but at least Bandido is getting some wins like this one to help build him up.

Post match Bandido calls out Chris Jericho, who comes out with the Learning Tree. Jericho says Bandido should know that you can only take him for granted so long. You can ask Bandido’s family how dangerous Jericho can be and he’s sorry for making Bandido’s mother cry. That’s what you get for messing with Jericho, which is why he took Gravity’s mask. Jericho puts the mask on, triggering a brawl. Bandido is smart enough to get away from the team but steals the mask back from Jericho.

Video on Megan Bayne, who is chosen by the heavens.

Toni Storm isn’t impressed, because Hercules doesn’t have her thighs and she made love with her reflection until the sun came up. See you at Dynasty.

Harley Cameron vs. Aminah Belmont

Cameron knees her down to start and grabs a Russian legsweep. A belly to back suplex lets Cameron shout her catchphrase before Her Finishing Move finishes Belmont at 1:40.

Don Callis isn’t worried about Kyle Fletcher because they have plans for when he gets back. Fletcher comes in and says he’s going to be on Dynamite to show what is next for him. I’m thinking it’s the Owen Hart Cup so he can face Will Ospreay again?

Los Titantes del Aire vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

Harley Cameron is on commentary and has no idea who Harleygram could be. Nigel: “Right up there with Mr. JL.” Hologram rolls Mortos up to start but gets headbutted down without much trouble. Komander comes in to block Dralistico’s hurricanrana attempt and grabs a rather springboardy armdrag. Cameron gets up because she has to make a phone call as Mortos gets to clean house.

We take a break and come back with Dralistico hitting a running boot in the corner as Harleygram is here. Komander gets over to the corner for the tag to Hologram and the pace picks way up. A Canadian Destroyer plants Mortos and Hologram takes him down with a big dive to the floor. Cielito Lindo hits Mortos but Dralistico breaks up the cover. The double tag brings in Komander and Dralistico, with Komander hitting a super poisonrana.

A pop up poisonrana takes out Mortos and everyone is down. Dralistico is back with a springboard spinning poisonrana but Hologram sends him outside for a running dive. Mortos stops to look at Harleygram though, allowing Komander to do his rope walk flip dive. Back in and Hologram hits the spinning torture rack bomb on Dralistico, setting up Cielito Lindo to give Komander the pin at 12:19.

Rating: B. As usual, the match was the great collection of high spots with some drama added in. The Harleygram stuff is completely harmless fun and at least Mortos didn’t take the fall here. It’s nothing that we haven’t seen before, but at least they did their thing here and gave the fans something to like to wrap up the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Much like last night, this was basically Rampage with a few more storyline advancements than usual. It’s not a show you need to see but you won’t be annoyed if you did watch. Things should be back to normal next week and that’s a good thing to see, as there is a lot to cover before we get to the pay per view.

Death Riders b. Top Flight/AR Fox – Fastball Special to Fox
Bandido b. Johnny TV – 21 Plex
Harley Cameron b. Aminah Belmont – Her Finishing Move
Los Titantes del Aire b. La Faccion Ingobernable – Cielito Lindo to Dralistico



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Dynamite – March 19, 2025: Storm Proof

Date: March 19, 2025
Location: Liberty First Credit Union Arena, Omaha, Nebraska
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re closing in on Dynasty and that means the card needs to start coming together. Believe it or not we have a tournament going on around here, with the winner getting an International Title shot against Kenny Omega at the pay per view. As for tonight though, the World Title is on the line with Cope challenging Jon Moxley in a street fight. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

There was a really bad snowstorm in Omaha so the crowd and roster might be a bit limited.

Orange Cassidy vs. Mike Bailey vs. Ricochet vs. Mark Davis

For the International Title shot at Dynasty and Don Callis is on commentary. Cassidy rolls around to start before they hit fast forward to pick up the speed in a hurry. Davis is knocked outside and Ricochet does the same to Cassidy, leaving Bailey to kick away at Ricochet. Bailey and Cassidy tease a showdown but Ricochet breaks it up, earning himself a dive.

Davis pulls Bailey out of the air for a powerbomb onto the apron though and then chases Ricochet off. Back in and Bailey’s chops just annoy Davis, who chops him down with ease. Ricochet even jumps on commentary to call Schiavone stupid as the fans are all over Callis. Davis gets distracted by Bailey and Ricochet covers Cassidy for two. That doesn’t work for Davis, who tosses Davis without much trouble. Bailey is back up to kick away at Davis and the running shooting star press connects. Ricochet tosses Bailey outside before all four get back inside.

Some triple teaming has Davis in trouble but he fights all three of them off as we take a break. Back with Cassidy cleaning house and hitting a Stundog Millionaire on Ricochet (though Cassidy seems to be favoring his arm). Cassidy is fine enough to hurricanrana Bailey out of the corner for two but Bailey Falcon Arrows him down. The shooting star press connects but Davis pulls Bailey out at two.

Ricochet’s shooting star press gets two more on Cassidy and a Death Valley Driver gets the same on Bailey. Cassidy is back up with the Beach Break on Ricochet and the Orange Punch for two on Davis. Back up and Davis hits some running clotheslines before planting all three of the others. Davis pulls Cassidy into a piledriver for two with Bailey making the save. Bailey is back up to kick Davis in the face and grabs a backslide, with Ricochet grabbing a rollup on Davis (with feet on the ropes) for the double pin at 17:58.

Rating: B. It was a bunch of insanity with all four going nuts for most of the match. I’m not wild on setting up a triple threat title match, but it seems like a way to get Bailey into the title shot without having him lose. Davis looked like a monster here in perhaps his best showing yet, which hopefully is something for him. Otherwise, I’m not sure I see the point in keeping him around so prominently.

Post match the triple threat is indeed announced for Dynasty.

Video on the Hurt Syndicate.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Billie Starkz

Starkz is challenging and offers a left handed handshake to start (must be a fan of the Genius), earning a slap to the face. Mone kicks her into the corner and then pulls her out for two, only to get DDTed out of another corner for two. It’s too early for Starkz’s Swanton so Mone bails to the floor, where back to back dives take her out. Back in and the Swanton gets two on Mone, who is right back with a Backstabber as we take a break.

We come back with Mone hitting a gutbuster for two and stopping to stare around a bit. Mone hammers away in the corner and hits a superplex, only to get brainbustered onto the knee. A bridging German suplex gives Starkz two but gets sent face first into the middle buckle. They trade strikes for a double down before trading rollups for two each.

Starkz Alabama Slams her into the corner (OUCH) and then tries something like a One Winged Angel, nearly dropping Mone on her head, with Mone getting her foot on the ropes for two. Starkz misses a flip dive onto the apron and gets pulled into the Bank Statement for the tap at 12:53.

Rating: B-. Well other than Mone nearly dying a few times, this was about what you would expect, with Starkz getting in some offense before falling to Mone. I know I could go for Mone losing the title already, but this wasn’t the place as Starkz hasn’t done much in AEW. Mone is going to need a new challenger for Dynasty now, and that could be more than a few different people.

The Outrunners wish the University of Omaha’s basketball team luck in the NCAA Tournament and showed up at their practice. Nothing wrong with that.

We look back at MVP offering MJF a business card last week.

MJF talks about the various people who might be coming after the World Title and laughs them off. Maybe he needs some friends to help him deal with Jon Moxley’s crew, but he’ll have an answer for MVP next week.

AEW World Title: Cope vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending in a street fight and gets jumped outside by Cope. They fight into an equipment truck (there have to be some Easter eggs in there) and then come into the arena, where Moxley gets in a briefcase shot to the head. The brawl goes into the arena with Cope hitting him in the face with a microphone. A suplex on the floor drops Moxley but he’s back with a neck crank.

Moxley hits him in the back with a kendo stick and then chokes with the same stick before the brawl goes back into the crowd. Moxley spends a lot of time yelling at the crowd and gets hit in the face as we go back to ringside. The Paradigm Shift onto the announcers’ table rocks Cope again and we take a break.

Back with Moxley chairing him down and choking with the chair, meaning we get a middle finger to the crowd. Cope breaks up a Pillmanizing and hits a top rope superplex for a double down. They slug it out until Cope hits a string of clotheslines. It’s time for the spiked 2×4 but Moxley grabs a jumping cutter. Naturally, with the big spiked board and a chair available, Moxley pulls out a table instead. Cope gets in some shots with the spiked board, plus a suplexes onto the board, which gets stuck in Moxley’s back.

Cue Wheeler Yuta to drop Cope but he can’t pull the board out of Moxley. Cope puts Yuta through a table and here are Claudio Castagnoli and Pac to put Cope down. FTR run in for the save and Cope spears Moxley through the table in the corner. Cue Marina Shafir for the save so Willow Nightingale takes her out. Now it’s Nick Wayne running in to take Cope out, allowing Moxley to grab the bulldog choke to take out Cope and retain at 21:22.

Rating: B-. WAY better than the pay per view title match here but it was another Moxley Stands Tall result, which isn’t the best thing to see. They got more interesting with the violence, even though some of the stuff with the spiked board was more silly than anything else. This should be absolutely it for Cope though, as it’s time for Swerve Strickland to get his chance.

Post match the villains leave and Dax Harwood storms off, seemingly angry at Cope. Cash Wheeler seems cool with Cope but goes after Harwood. Cope gets the big moment and leaves with the board.

We look back at Chris Jericho taking Gravity’s mask.

Bandido talks about being used to the danger of wrestling but Jericho made things personal. Johnny TV comes in and challenges Bandido for Collision and the match is on.

Will Ospreay vs. AR Fox

They fight over wrist control to start and Ospreay blocks a cutter with a handstand. Fox sends him to the apron for a running flipping stomp. Ospreay, favoring his hip, is right back up with a Stundog Millionaire before sending Fox outside for a dive. We take a break and come back with Fox kicking him in the corner, setting up Lo Mein Pain for two. Fox misses the 450 though and the Hidden Blade finishes him off at 7:40.

Rating: B-. They got in some flips and dives here, which is where Ospreay tends to shine. It was nice to see him get a relatively easier win as he’s likely on his way to something bigger. That being said, it might not have been the best idea to have Fox lose here the day before he’s in a #1 contenders match on Ring Of Honor, though that would imply anyone paying attention to/caring about Ring Of Honor, which has not seemed to be the case.

Video on Swerve Strickland vs. Jon Moxley at Dynasty.

Hangman Page wants the World Title back and is entering the Owen Hart Tournament.

Video on Julia Hart vs. Queen Aminata.

Mercedes Mone was impressed by Billie Starkz but she needed a better trainer to get after the title.

Kris Statlander vs. Megan Bayne

Toni Storm is on commentary and Penelope Ford is here with Bayne. Statlander fires off forearms to start but gets clotheslined out to the floor. Back up and Statlander hits a moonsault off the apron before hammering away back inside. A middle rope back elbow drops Bayne again as Storm thinks Bayne is the goddess of silence. Bayne hits a quick suplex into the corner as Storm thinks the two of them have thighs made for squashing watermelons. Bayne belly to back suplexes her from the apron and back inside as we take a break.

We take a break and come back with Bayne hitting a powerbomb but not being able to get Fate’s Descent. They sit down and slap it out until Statlander kicks her in the head. Ford tries to get in a cheap shot and is ejected as a result. Statlander plants her for two and grabs some German suplexes, only to be sent outside. Bayne hits a dive to the floor, followed by a Falcon Arrow for two back inside. Back up and Statlander sends her outside for a dive off the apron, only to be sent into Storm at ringside. Fate’s Descent drops Statlander on the floor and another one inside gives Bayne the pin at 12:47.

Rating: B. This is the kind of win that Bayne needed as she’s not just a monster but she’s someone who can fly around and hang with someone who has a resume of her own. They aren’t hiding that Bayne is going to be challenging Storm for the title soon, likely at Dynasty, so this win was needed. As usual, Storm was rather funny here, thankfully with a new target.

Post match Storm tapes up her hand and goes inside for the brawl with Bayne. A clothesline puts Bayne on the floor and Storm issues the challenge for Dynasty.

Overall Rating: B+. For a show that seemed to be heavily impacted by the storm, you wouldn’t have known it from what we got here. They set up some things for Dynasty and covered quite a few stories, including some that needed to be wrapped up. It’s a rather good show and back to the recent norm for AEW. Hopefully they can keep it going at Dynasty, which is quite the fast turnaround for them compared to their regular stuff.

Ricochet and Mike Bailey b. Mark Davis and Orange Cassidy – Double pin
Mercedes Mone b. Billie Starkz – Bank Statement
Jon Moxley b. Cope – Bulldog choke
Will Ospreay b. AR Fox – Hidden Blade
Megan Bayne b. Kris Statlander – Fate’s Descent



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Ring Of Honor – March 6, 2025: They’re Taking Over

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 6, 2025
Location: Frontwave Arena, Oceanside, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Last week’s show featured a bunch of guest stars from CMLL and it made things a good bit more interesting than we’ve seen around here lately. That isn’t something that should be happening every week, but it was nice for a once off. Now we get to see what else ROH has, which is likely going to be something pretty familiar. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We start with a clip from backstage at Dynamite, with Chris Jericho getting on the Learning Tree for their recent issues. Jericho isn’t sure what he can do to get through to them because they might not get too many more chances.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Women’s Title: Athena vs. La Catalina

Athena is defending. They take turns striking a pose to start until Catalina hits a dropkick into the corner. Another dropkick puts Athena on the floor, where she cuts off a dive with a kick to the head. Catalina gets knocked to the floor but comes back in, where Athena gets to stand on her face. A superkick into the Death Valley Driver sets up a knee to the face for two on Catalina and Athena hits the bow and arrow.

That’s broken up and Catalina hits a quick running knee, followed by a missile dropkick (she likes those) for two. A leglock sends Athena over to the ropes and she’s back with a quick sitout powerbomb for two of her own. Athena’s crossface is broken up and Catalina is back with a spear into a Pedigree for another near fall. A quick hurricanrana takes Catalina down and the O Face retains the title at 9:08.

Rating: B-. This was the same thing we have seen for a long stretch of Athena’s title reign, as someone was built up out of nowhere and then loses to the champ. That’s a good way to go for a bit but Athena has cleaned out the division for such a long time that there is no one available to come after her at the moment. Hopefully it isn’t Billie Starkz again next, but who else is it supposed to be right now?

Post match Athena teases respect before knocking her down.

The MxM Collection mocks the Sons Of Texas for having one of the Tag Team Title belts. Their loss in Australia doesn’t matter because that isn’t a real country. Therefore, tonight, they’ll crash the Sons’ title match. It’s a bad sign when just talking about the champions is so deflating.

Jay Lethal/Satnam Singh vs. McCallion/Slade

Lethal headlocks McCallion to start and hiptosses him into a basement dropkick. Slade comes in off a blind tag but a double belly to back suplex doesn’t work. Instead it’s off to Singh so house is quickly cleaned. Slade is chokeslammed over and over (with Singh on one knee to make it less painful), followed by a double chokeslam for a double pin at 3:37.

Rating: C. I mean, why not? Lethal is a Ring Of Honor legend and Singh is an attraction and I’ll take that over the same people week in and week out around here. The match was a total squash and that’s all it needed to be, but at least it was something different. That’s what ROH has been needing and while this isn’t the big solution, it’s better than nothing.

Billie Starkz vs. Mylo

Starkz backs her into the corner to start and hits a kick to the face. Mylo tries to fight back but gets sent outside in a heap. A whip into the barricade has Mylo in more trouble, setting up the Swanton to give Starkz the pin at 3:15.

Rating: C-. Pretty much total destruction here with Starkz running through Mylo without much trouble. That’s all it needed to be, though it continues to make me wonder if Starkz is going to get a third shot at Athena and the Women’s Title. That isn’t a thrilling way to go, though again I’m not sure who else it is supposed to be.

Jon Cruz/Olumide vs. Sons Of Texas

Non-title and this is Olumide’s (who is rather tall) debut. Guevara and Olumide start things off with Guevara flipping over him and hitting a dropkick. Rhodes comes in for a few shots of his own but Cruz slips out of Guevara’s suplex attempt. The double teaming doesn’t get very far on Guevara as he flips away and brings in Guevara to clean house. The Swanton gives Guevara the pin on Olumide at 3:50.

Rating: C. This has been the latest Sons Of Texas match and it’s still about the same that the previous ones have been. There is nothing about them that stands out and for some reason we are coming up on seven months as champions. That reason is likely All In, as we need the champions to be on the Kickoff Show. It’s not like they’re bad, but they’re dull, which is often worse.

Post match the MxM Collection come in for a beatdown but the Sons fight them off and get their belt back. So that’s it? I mean it isn’t like the Von Erichs, who came back two weeks ago and haven’t even been seen with Rhodes, their championship partner despite not defending the titles since AUGUST, were going to do anything here so I guess the champions beating up the challengers they have already beaten was the way to go.

The Beast Mortos vs. Sonico

Sonico strikes away to start and hits a superkick before Mortos runs him over without much trouble. A snap powerslam gives Mortos two and we hit the chinlock. Thankfully that doesn’t last long as Mortos hits a pop up Samoan drop into the spinning piledriver for the pin at 2:26.

Thunder Rosa vs. Brittnie Brooks

They trade rollups to start before Brooks grabs an armdrag. Rosa is right back up with a clothesline but Brooks counters a suplex attempt. Brooks scores with some kicks but Rosa blocks a bulldog. The running dropkick puts Brooks down and Rosa hits the running dropkick against the ropes. Brooks comes back with some forearms and a running bulldog gets two. That’s not working for Rosa, who is right back with the Tijuana Bomb for the pin at 5:09.

Rating: C+. Brooks got in a lot of offense here and it was a more competitive match than I was expecting. At the same time, this felt like Rosa’s win to get her momentum back after taking the fall on Dynamite. That’s something AEW and ROH really like to do and it’s not the worst idea, but this is only going to get Rosa so far.

Bandido/Gravity vs. The Infantry

Gravity and Dean get things going with Gravity armdragging him down to create some early frustration. Gravity does his moon walk so Bandido can come in to run Bravo over. It’s already back to Gravity, who gets taken down into the corner so his leg can be wrapped around the post.

Back in and Dean starts working on that leg, including a rather logical half crab. That’s broken up and a rolling tag brings in Bandido to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Infantry is sent outside for stereo dives. A double faceplant drops Bravo back inside but Dean is back in for a middle rope clothesline to Bandido. That doesn’t get them very far though as it’s the X Knee to Bravo, followed by Gravity hitting a 21 Plex to pin Dean at 8:43.

Rating: B-. Probably the best match of the show here, as we needed the latest match where the Infantry loses against anyone with some status. Bandido and Gravity are fine as a team if Bandido isn’t going to be in the World Title scene anymore, though I’m not sure how far they’re going to go. Another perfectly fine match here, and somehow perhaps the most interesting part of the show.

Post match the Learning Tree runs in and lays out Bandido and Gravity.

Diamante interrupts Athena and…says she’s the new #1 minion.

TMDK vs. Gates Of Agony

TMDK jumps the Gates before the bell and get in some chair shots, which of course is fine with the referee, who calls for the bell. Kaun gets run over with a shoulder for two and a double faceplant puts him down again. Cabrera charges into Kaun’s boot in the corner but slams him down without much effort. Tito’s suplex gets two and a double chokeslam gets the same but Kaun escapes a Doomsday Device. A top rope superplex drops Tito as Toa is finally back on the apron. Toa gets the tag to clean house, including a string of clotheslines in the corner. Everything breaks down and Open The Gates finishes Cabrera at 6:46.

Rating: C+. This was a nice come from behind win for the Gates and unfortunately that’s about the extent of the positives. Much like the Infantry, the Gates feel like they have been in about the same spot for the better part of ever. There is no reason to believe that anything is going to change for them anytime soon and it isn’t like their matches are anything overly interesting.

Blue Panther/Blue Panther Jr./Dark Panther vs. Valiente/Gran Guerrero/Euforia

Dark and Blue Jr. are the sons of Blue. Valiente and Jr. start things off and they go to the mat for an early standoff. Back up and they chop it out to no avail as Gran comes in to trade takedowns with Dark. Euforia misses a charge into the post and it’s off to Blue for a double running headbutt. The Panthers clean house as everything breaks down, with commentary pointing out the “relaxed rules”.

Jr. is sent hard out to the floor off a baseball slide and it’s Blue getting caught in the wrong corner. Dark comes back in and is sent into the corner for a series of running shots before Blue gets beaten up again. Jr. finally comes in again as everything breaks down, with the Panthers cleaning house. Blue gets in a spinning crossbody out of the corner and a hurricanrana, followed by another one from the apron. Jr. hits a big dive over the top, leaving Dark to powerbomb Valiente for two. Dark hits a suicide dive and stops to point at Komander (in the crowd), leaving Blue to roll Euforia up for the pin at 9:47.

Rating: B-. Ring Of Honor is rapidly turning into the CMLL Hour Featuring The Ring Of Honor Players. That’s similar to what they did with New Japan back in the day and it’s not the best idea. Yeah the matches are fun, but as has been the case with any promotion guest starring over and over: if I wanted to watch them, I’d watch their own show. The match itself was the usual CMLL fun, but it’s becoming a regular part of the show rather than a special attraction and that isn’t a great move.

Overall Rating: C+. Yeah it was fine. That’s about the extent of interest I can bring myself to have in Ring Of Honor anymore as it is the definition of a show that is just kind of there. So many people have matches that don’t feel like they lead anywhere and the show keeps going without showing much forward progress. In short, I’d like to feel like some of these matches mean something, because they aren’t good enough on their own to matter all that much.

Athena b. La Catalina – O Face
Jay Lethal/Satnam Singh b. McCallion/Slade – Double pin
Billie Starkz b. Mylo – Swanton
Sons Of Texas b. Jon Cruz/Olumide – Swanton to Olumide
The Beast Mortos b. Sonico – Spinning piledriver
Thunder Rosa b. Brittnie Brooks – Tijuana Bomb
Bandido/Gravity b. The Infantry – 21 Plex to Dean
Gates Of Agony b. TMDK – Open The Gates to Cabrera
Blue Panther/Blue Panther Jr./Dark Panther b. Valiente/Gran Guerrero/Euforia – Rollup to Euforia



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Collision – March 1, 2025: Nice And Balanced

Date: March 1, 2025
Location: Oakland Arena, Oakland, California
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

We’re a little over a week away from Revolution and the show could use some more matches. There is a good chance we will get some more of those this week, but first we have a TNT Title match as Adam Cole challenges Daniel Garcia. That should be good enough and odds are there will be some more solid wrestling to go with it. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Daniel Garcia, FTR, the Undisputed Kingdom, Julia Hart, Brody King, Kazuchika Okada, Bandido and Powerhouse Hobbs are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

FTR vs. Undisputed Kingdom

Wheeler and Strong go technical to start and that’s good for a standoff. Back up and Strong gets in a hiptoss so it’s off to O’Reilly. Harwood comes in to work on the arm again and they trade shots for back to back knockdowns. Everything breaks down and they wind up on the floor until Wheeler gets beaten up in the corner. Harwood comes back in for some suplexes and a quick piledriver gets the pin at 5:04…but O’Reilly’s foot is on the rope.

The match keeps going so Harwood sends O’Reilly into the post. Wheeler comes back in and strikes away as we take a break. Back with Wheeler missing a charge into the corner, allowing O’Reilly to dive through the legs for a tag. The Angle Slams take FTR down and stereo strikes to the head get two on Harwood. The ankle lock makes Wheeler tap but he’s not legal, so Harwood makes the save.

That earns Harwood a ram into Wheeler before the ankle lock goes on again. That’s broken up and Wheeler gets in a cheap shot, allowing Harwood to roll O’Reilly up with trunks for two. Neither of them can hit a spike piledriver so Wheeler is in with a top rope clothesline for two. Everyone is down for a bit before FTR is up with the PowerPlex for two more on O’Reilly. The Shatter Machine is broken up and a quick High/Low finishes Wheeler at 16:49.

Rating: B. This got rolling by the end and that made for a good match, even with FTR losing again. At this point they might be getting ready for a heel turn, as there isn’t much else that they can do with all of these losses. I don’t mind pushing the Kingdom as they’re good, but they’re just kind of floating around at the moment as it is.

Post match respect is not shown.

Willow Nightingale is happy with getting to take out Marina Shafir on Dynamite.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Willie Mack

Yuta shoulders him in the corner to start and hits a quick backsplash. The half crab sends Mack over to the ropes so Yuta chokes away instead. A release German suplex drops Mack again but he avoids a dive off the top. The Cannonball connects for Mack, only for Yuta to hit a running knee to finish Mack at 4:42.

Rating: C. It wasn’t a squash but Yuta as a featured star just isn’t much to see. He is only so good in the first place and having him as part of the Death Riders isn’t helping things. Mack is another someone who feels like he could have been something if given the chance but it never came. He’s pretty much useless now, which isn’t his fault in the slightest.

Post match here is Jon Moxley, who has to carry his own briefcase, which goes upside Mack’s head. Moxley says this is none of Oakland’s business before giving Yuta the briefcase and telling him to finish the job. Another briefcase shot leaves Mack laying.

We look at Momo Watanabe taking the TBS Title from Mercedes Mone.

Billie Starkz gives Mone the title back and throws tea on her.

Toni Storm is in a bed with a neck brace and says that she will face Mariah May in a Hollywood Ending match at Revolution. The match will be no countout, no DQ, no rope breaks and falls count anywhere.

Swerve Strickland vs. Clark Connors

Connors is from New Japan and hasn’t been around AEW in a few years. Strickland sends him into the corner and hits the middle rope elbow to the back. Connors gets in his own shot and kicks the rope into Strickland’s throat before unloading in the corner. Strickland’s backbreaker lets him snap Connors’ arm and we take a break.

Back with Connors snapping off a powerslam but Strickland kicks him in the head. A belly to back superplex plants Connors for two and the rolling Downward Spiral sets up a missed Swerve Stomp. Connors hits a spear and tries a DDT but Strickland reverses into the House Call for the win at 10:05.

Rating: B-. Connors didn’t get much of a reaction and that shouldn’t be a surprise. He’s a bigger star in New Japan, but he has basically no history here, at least not recently, which isn’t going to help get him a reaction. While he looked good in defeat here, it’s not the best start to his new AEW run. Let him have a few wins and then feed him to Strickland, who will benefit more as well.

On Dynamite, the Outrunners earned a Tag Team Title match and the Hurt Syndicate will give them said shot at Revolution.

Harley Cameron is on commentary and names her new finishing move My Finishing Move.

Johnny TV bumps into the Costco Guys and doesn’t like how they treated the MxM Collection. TV challenges Big Boom AJ to find two partners for a six man at Revolution.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Nick Ruiz/Vinnie Massaro/Dave Dutra

Dutra gets backed into the corner to start and hit in the face. A running double stomp sets up Moriarty’s suplex DDT for the pin at 1:19. I guess it’s time to act like AEW cares about Taylor and company again for a few weeks.

TNT Title: Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia

Cole is challenging and walks through the Promotions on the way to the ring. The early grappling goes nowhere and they trade rollups for two each. They shake hands until Garcia grabs a neckbreaker for two but Cole is back with a Backstabber. Cole’s own neckbreaker gets two and a snap suplex sets up the chinlock.

Back up and Garcia twists the leg around the rope and hits a running dropkick against the barricade as we take a break. We come back with Cole hitting a brainbuster onto his leg, which is a bit banged up. Another brainbuster onto the leg gets two but the Panama Sunrise is blocked. Garcia superplexes him into a piledriver for two but Cole is back with a Panama Sunrise for two of his own.

The leg gives out on a superkick attempt and Garcia gets the ankle lock. That sends Cole crawling over to the ropes for the break so Garcia piledrives him onto the apron. Naturally Cole is on his feet in about thirty seconds and they slug it out. We get the five minute call…and the Infantry runs in for the double DQ at 15:13.

Rating: B-. Yeah of course they did. The Promotions are a great example of an act that has been run into the ground so many times by AEW that they have lost whatever impact they could have. They’ve been treated as losers and cannon fodder for so long and that adds up in fans’ minds. That was what I was thinking as soon as they ran in, as there is almost no reason to believe that this is going to be their big step in the right direction. The match was a good back and forth match with Cole looking better than he has recently, but dang that ending took the lift out of things.

Post match the beatdown is on and Matt Menard tries to make the save, only to be dropped by Shane Taylor. The villains beat up Cole and Garcia to leave them laying.

Video on the Opps.

The Costco Guys have found Orange Cassidy and Mark Briscoe for the match at Revolution. And the word of the day is BOOM. That’s what they brought these two back for?

Julia Hart vs. Queen Aminata

During Aminata’s entrance, Serena Deeb talks about wanting to face Aminata in a Pure Rules match and has a playbook on Hart. Aminata grinds away on a headlock to start but Hart sends her into the corner for a running elbow. The chinlock is broken up and Aminata knocks her down as we take a break. Back with Hart fighting out of a figure four with the legs and hitting a standing moonsault for two. Hart cranks on both arms but misses the moonsault. A big headbutt sends Hart into the ropes for a running boot to give Aminata the clean pin at 9:05.

Rating: C+. Well ok then. Hart is someone who has been getting presented as a bigger deal in recent weeks and then she loses clean here. Aminata has lost more than a few times but she still seems to have a lot of potential. At some point she has to win something to follow up on that potential, though this is certainly a surprising choice for one of those wins.

Post match Brody King comes out to check on Hart but gets decked by Kazuchika Okada (who he bumped into as Okada arrived at the start of the show).

Kenny Omega talks about losing to Konosuke Takeshita twice in one week. The title that Takeshita holds represents being the best and if he can beat Omega a third time, maybe it’s time for Omega to admit he can’t do it anymore. He no longer has the baggage of being an EVP and all he cares about is the gold. Serious promo from Omega here and it worked.

Learning Tree vs. Powerhouse Hobbs/Bandido

Bill and Hobbs start things off but of course we’ll go with Keith instead. Hobbs isn’t about to be whipped into the ropes so he shoulders Keith down. Hobbs picks Keith up and hands him to Bandido in an impressive power display so it’s off to Bill, who can’t quite hit a chokeslam. The ten paces spot is loaded up but Bill’s cheap shot misses.

We take a break and come back with Bill not being able to hit a powerbomb and missing a splash in the corner. The tag brings in Hobbs to clean house with the clotheslines and a middle rope spinning powerslam gets two, with Bill making the save. Bandido comes back in to strike it out with Keith before they hit stereo dropkicks for a double down. Bill and Hobbs strike it out until Bill’s missed charge sends him outside. Bandido moonsaults onto Bill, leaving Hobbs to bust Keith’s spine for the pin at 11:25.

Rating: B-. This was all about giving Hobbs a nice win in his hometown and it went perfectly well. Hobbs continues to be someone who could be a big deal if given the chance and hopefully he takes the Ring Of Honor World Title from Chris Jericho as soon as possible. Bandido would have been a fine choice to do the same but alas here we are instead. Not a great match here, but it did what it needed to.

Overall Rating: B. It’s kind of a shame that this show was going up against WWE’s Elimination Chamber as it means a lot of people probably aren’t going to see a good show. As has been the case in recent months, the less the Death Riders are around, the better the show went and that was the situation here. They moved some stories forward here and Revolution is looking good, even with the Costco Guys back again. Another solid episode here, which has been the case for a few weeks now.

Undisputed Kingdom b. FTR – High/Low to Wheeler
Wheeler Yuta b. Willie Mack – Running knee
Swerve Strickland b. Clark Connors – House Call
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Nick Ruiz/Vinnie Massaro/Dave Dutra – Suplex DDT to Dutra
Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia went to a double DQ when the Infantry interfered
Queen Aminata b. Julia Hart – Running boot in the ropes
Powerhouse Hobbs/Bandido b. Learning Tree – Spinebuster to Keith



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Collision – February 22, 2025: Please Stick The Landing

Date: February 22, 2025
Location: Arizona Financial Theatre, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Jim Ross

We’re about two weeks away from Revolution and things picked up a bit last week at Grand Slam. We now have a few matches set for the show, with the big story still being Cope coming after Jon Moxley and the World Title. Cope seems interested in taking out the Death Riders one by one and we’ll probably see something like that here. Other than that, Chris Jericho is defending the Ring Of Honor World Title against Bandido so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Mariah May jumps Toni Storm in the back and brings her to the stage for a Storm Zero on the ramp. May demands a spotlight and, cradling Storm, says Storm never knew how to write an ending. This is their spotlight and moment so they can be stars together. They’ll have a Hollywood ending at Revolution. That should be the big ending and Storm winning there does make sense.

We look at Kazuchika Okada retaining the Continental Title over Buddy Matthews last week.

Okada says that is what you do to a b**** and he’ll do it to any other who comes after him.

Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos

Mortos wastes no time in running him over with a shoulder but misses a charge in the corner. Hologram dances around and flips off of Mortos’ chest, setting up a headscissors. Mortos is sent outside for a rope walk hurricanrana, only to grab an armdrag back inside. The Pounce sends Hologram outside for the corkscrew dive and we take a break. Back with Hologram taking him up top, where Mortos super gorilla press slams him back down.

Another hurricanrana sends Mortos outside and the big dive takes him down again. A kick to the head staggers Mortos but he grabs a crucifix driver on the ramp. Hologram grabs a Code Red on the ramp and they head back inside for a rope walk high crossbody for two on Mortos. The pop up Samoan drop gets two on Hologram but he’s back with a Spanish Fly. Another super gorilla press is countered into an anklescissors though and Hologram is back with a sunset flip for the pin at 13:51.

Rating: B. It was another good match between them but I’m only getting so much out of Hologram. He’s just kind of there to do his random matches and that’s only getting him so far. I could go for him doing something and his matches are quite entertaining, but him having a story would go a long way for him. And hopefully soon.

Post match Mortos jumps Hologram and goes for the mask but Komander makes the save.

Speedball Mike Bailey is coming. Yay.

Here is Harley Cameron for a chat. Cameron talks about a little girl who loved singing and puppets but above all else, she loved wrestling. One day she told her grandmother that she would go to America and become a wrestler. That little girl was…her next door neighbor Suzette Dickinson. Cameron doesn’t know what happened to her but she’s ready to make everyone feel her wrath. The awesomeness continues.

Gabe Kidd vs. The Butcher

Kidd strikes away in the corner to start but Butcher sends him outside. That’s shrugged off and Kidd hits a heck of a clothesline (which JR describes as “toxic”). Back in and Butcher kicks him in the face, only to get dropped by another clothesline. A piledriver finishes Butcher at 3:40.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t quite a squash but Butcher was out there for the beating and nothing more. Kidd is one of the bigger names outside of the two main promotions at the moment and it’s a nice deal to have him show up here. Kidd has some great charisma and gets your attention and I could see him being a big deal elsewhere if given the shot.

Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher are ready for Will Ospreay at Revolution in a cage. They’re going to use the cage like a Veg-O-Matic. Can we get a Double Goozle instead?

Julia Hart vs. Queen Aminata

Aminata grabs an armbar to start and wiggles her hips a bit because that’s what fun wrestlers do. A snapmare takes Hart down for a kick to the back and a double chop in the corner makes it worse. Hart knocks her down for two and we take an early break. Back with Aminata hitting a backbreaker and snapping off some suplexes for…no cover, which even commentary realizes is a bad idea. A running boot in the corner gives Aminata two but Hart kicks her down. The moonsault hits Aminata’s raised boots though and Aminata releases some German suplexes. Hart is right back up with an Octopus for the tap at 9:48.

Rating: C. Aminata is a good example of someone who can do all of the things in the ring but she’s still fairly dull. There’s nothing about her that makes her stand out and that isn’t going to leave her much to do. Hart beating her is good and it wasn’t a stretch for it to go this long, but it’s rather difficult to get invested in an Aminata match most of the time.

Murder Machines vs. ???/???

The Murder Machines beat them up on the ramp and throw them inside so destruction can ensue. The powerbomb/chokeslam combination finishes at 1:15.

Post match the Murder Machines want the Hurt Syndicate and the Tag Team Titles. Cue the Syndicate, with MVP not being impressed. MVP says if the Machines beat a REAL team next week, we’ll consider a title shot.

Action Andretti and Lio Rush are now Cru. Does every team need a name? Well in this case, yeah they really kind of did.

Thunder Rosa and Kris Statlander are ready for Megan Bayne and Penelope Ford.

Trios Titles: Daniel Garcia/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard vs. Death Riders

The Riders are defending. Parker dropkicks Yuta down to start but it’s quickly off to Castagnoli. Swiss Death puts Parker down and Garcia has to make a save. Garcia, in red and yellow, comes in to clean house but doesn’t bother to tag, meaning Parker gets beaten down even more. Parker finally gets away and brings in Menard to…get kicked in the face by Castagnoli.

Everything breaks down and Yuta and Pac get suplexed down. We take a break and come back with Yuta kicking Menard down so Pac can kick him while he’s down. Castagnoli powers Menard around and it’s back to Pac for a headlock. Pac teases a springboard dropkick but head fakes Menard, who misses a dropkick out of the air. Menard slams his way out of trouble though and it’s Garcia coming in to clean house.

Garcia rolls Yuta into the Sharpshooter and Parker takes Pac out. Castagnoli makes the save with a Jackhammer, leaving Garcia to strike it out with Yuta. Garcia gets Swung into the dropkick from Pac fort two but Menard breaks up the Black Arrow. Parker superplexes Pac for two and everyone is down. Pac is back up with the Brutalizer to make Parker tap at 16:55.

Rating: B-. This was more of a formality than anything else, with the Death Riders not being in trouble against a team including Menard and Parker. Garcia can hang with the champs long enough but that wasn’t going to be enough here. It wasn’t exactly a top level set of challengers, but I’ll take a title defense over the belts sitting cold for months on end.

Post match the hold stays on but the Undisputed Kingdom makes the save. Pac gets taken out and here is Cope to give him a pair of Conchairtos.

The Vendetta isn’t impressed with Harley Cameron.

Here is Max Caster for another open challenge.

Max Caster vs. Brody King

Caster gets his requested handshake and the pain begins in a hurry. Caster’s headlock is countered into a headscissors as the fans know that pain is coming. King sends him into the corner and finishes with the Cannonball at 1:40.

The Outrunners agree to face the Murder Machines next week. The Hurt Syndicate says the good news is if they win, they get a title shot. But the bad news is if they win, the get a title shot.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Bandido

Jericho is defending and is here on his own for a change. The fans are behind Bandido to start so Jericho goes to the eyes to take over. Bandido isn’t having that and sends him to the floor for a dive. Back in and a quick Codebreaker gives Jericho two, setting up a super hurricanrana.

We take a break and come back with the two of them striking it out with Bandido going down. Bandido is back up with a belly to back faceplant for two and they trade kicks to the face. They do their ten paces deal but Jericho reverses the knee to the face into the Walls. Bandido breaks out and grabs the one handed gorilla press into a frog splash for two.

The triangle dropkick is countered into a powerbomb for two more but Jericho bulldogs him down into the Lionsault. A flying headscissors (with a wave, called the High Spot) gets two on Bandido and they go up top for Bandido’s tabletop superplex. The 21 Plex is loaded up but Jericho reverses into a cradle to retain at 17:20.

Rating: B-. Well of course Jericho beat him. Bandido was built up for a few weeks here and then loses clean to Jericho, who counters the big finisher for the win. Jericho has already held the title for about four months and it’s only so interesting. Bandido is someone who could have gotten a big moment out of the win here but I have a feeling we’ll be waiting for Eddie Kingston to come back and beat Jericho as a real New Yorker. That’s not exactly a thrilling way to go but Jericho going over someone with that kind of potential isn’t a surprise anymore.

Overall Rating: B. Sigh inducing result of the main event aside, this was a rather good show with a bunch of solid matches. As has been the case recently, there has been a nice mixture of long and short matches to make things move that much faster. Good show here, and if they can stick the landing with a bunch of this stuff at Revolution, we could be in for one of AEW’s best runs in a long time.

Hologram b. The Beast Mortos – Sunset flip
Gabe Kidd b. The Butcher – Piledriver
Julia Hart b. Queen Aminata – Octopus
Murder Machines b. ???/??? – Powerbomb/chokeslam combination
Death Riders b. Daniel Garcia/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard – Brutalizer to Parker
Brody King b. Max Caster – Cannonball
Chris Jericho b. Bandido – Rollup



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Ring Of Honor Global Wars 2025: What They Have Been Missing

Global Wars 2025
Date: February 17, 2025
Location: Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Since AEW is in Australia, Ring Of Honor has to dust off one of its traditions. In this case, we have a bunch of Ring Of Honor stars against wrestlers from Australia, plus one or two other things to fill in the time on this special. It would be nice if we have a big Ring Of Honor only show coming up but that seems to be too much to ask. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the card, which does make the show feel more important than usual.

Learning Tree vs. Bandido/Los Outrunners

Jericho waves at Bandido to start rather than shake his hand and we get the opening bell. Then Jericho flips him off and it’s off to Keith, which has Bandido rather pleased. They run the ropes and Bandido knocks him into the corner before Jericho comes back in. Jericho takes him down but Bandido switches places and steps on his back for some annoyance.

El Turbo comes in, loses his mask, and then puts it back on to take over on Jericho. A double Japanese armdrag puts Jericho down and it’s off to Bill, who gets quite the positive reaction. It’s back to El Turbo, who goes Old School and walks around all four ropes, as Bill is powerless to do anything about this whatsoever. After taking about a minute plus, El Turbo armdrags him down but Keith offers a distraction, allowing Bill to get in a big boot. The neck crank doesn’t work long on El Turbo and he avoids the Lionsault.

The falling tag brings in Bandido to clean house, including tossing Jericho at Keith. El Turbo kind of slams Bill and a Mega Powers Elbow hits him as well. Jericho pulls Bandido into the Walls but Jericho slips out, leaving Keith to hit a splash on Bandido. Jericho tries a belt shot but gets caught by Los Outrunners, meaning it’s the 21 Plex to give Bandido the pin at 14:11.

Rating: B-. What matters the most here is that they did something that actually mattered. This should set Bandido up for a title shot in the near future, though I’m not sure if I can imagine that being the big title change. If nothing else, it’s nice to see Jericho in action on the show as it’s more than a lot of recent World Champions have been able to say. Nice opener, with Los Outrunners being a funny gag.

Post match the beatdown is on but Powerhouse Hobbs makes the save. Big Bill walks away from the fight.

Athena is ready to beat up Alex Windsor.

Pure Rules Title: Lee Moriarty vs. Robbie Eagles

Moriarty is defending. They fight over wrist control to start and Moriarty has to use his first rope break less than a minute in. Back up and Moriarty backs the referee into the ropes so he can throw a fist. Eagles comes up with a right hand but gets caught for the official warning. Some posing takes up too much time though, allowing Moriarty to snap the arm over the top. Moriarty grabs a Border City Stretch, sending Eagles over to his first rope break.

They fight over a double arm crank until Eagles has to use his second break. Eagles pulls him into a leglock and the second rope break is burned as well, leaving them with one each. Back up and Eagles knees him into the corner for the running Meteora but Sliced Bread is blocked. Another Border City Stretch makes Eagles use his third rope break but he’s up with a springboard missile dropkick to the leg.

Another leglock makes Moriarty use his last rope break but he’s right back with the Fang. They trade kicks to the head until Eagles knees him down, setting up a 450 onto the leg. Eagles goes for another leglock but Moriarty rolls him up and grabs the ropes for the pin at 10:28.

Rating: B-. The action was impressive but it’s the same stuff you see every time in these title matches. The rope breaks deal gets annoying fast because it’s just about burning them off until they can do the finish. It’s fine for a rare one off thing, but there is still no reason for this to be a regular title.

Mark Davis vs. Tommy Knight

Davis kicks at the rather large Knight to start and hits a few chops, setting up a double stomp for two. Knight is up with some chops but gets sent into the corner without much effort. The chinlock goes on but Knight is back up with a big boot. Davis’ forearm is cut off by a forearm and Knight hits a Death Valley Driver for one. A pendulum piledriver gives Davis the pin at 5:22.

Rating: C+. It was more of a hoss fight and Knight can move well despite being a rather big guy. It’s weird seeing Davis getting such a positive reaction as he’s normally a heel stateside, but this isn’t something that is going to be taking place most of the time. Just a quick match here, but Knight did well enough in his chance on the bigger stage.

Alex Windsor is ready to face a bigger star than Athena.

Tag Team Titles: Sons Of Texas vs. MxM Collection

The Sons are defending but the Collection has stolen Sammy Guevara’s title. Rhodes and Mansoor start things off with Mansoor sending him into the corner for some early posing. An armdrag drops Mansoor, who wants a nip up challenge. Rhodes wants Guevara to do it for him but it’s back to Rhodes, who goes to the mat but is ready when Mansoor tries an elbow.

Guevara comes back in and snaps off the nip up before Madden comes in. The Collection teases a dive but stop to pose instead, only for Rhodes to do the same. Guevara hits his own flip dive, setting up a Shining Wizard from Rhodes. Madden comes in off a blind tag and hits a running boot to the face before dropping an elbow to the back. Some hips to the head set up Mansoor’s missed elbow drop but he’s smart enough to knock Guevara off the apron.

The running Blockbuster gives Mansoor a breather but he misses a splash, allowing the tag off to Guevara. Everything breaks down and Mansoor counters the GTH. The Centerfold is broken up though and Rhodes hits Shattered Dreams on Mansoor. GTH hits Madden and the Final Reckoning into a Swanton finishes Mansoor at 12:53.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to have even something of a story over the titles so this could have been a lot worse. The Collection are at least a team who can give the champions a run for their money, but it is seeming like we are really going to see the champs hold the titles until All In: Texas because we need a nine or so month to set up a likely pre-show match. Not bad here, though the Sons are still such a weird team for a long term title reign.

Post match, Madden steals the title again because this story isn’t over.

Women’s Title: Athena vs. Alex Windsor

Athena is defending and bails to the floor early on. Back in and Windsor takes her down, setting up an early basement dropkick. Athena sends her outside though and a baseball slide takes her out. Back in and the neck crank goes on for a bit before Athena hammers away. Windsor fights up and grabs a neckbreaker out of the corner for two.

A Blue Thunder Bomb gets two more and Windsor grabs a Sharpshooter. Back up and they strike it out until Athena hits a superkick and a spinning facebuster. The running right hand gets two and Athena is stunned. Windsor headbutts her way out of trouble, setting up something like a swinging fisherman’s superplex for two. Athena dropkicks her into the corner though and hits the O Face to retain at 11:49.

Rating: B-. Windsor felt like a polished star out there and someone who gave Athena a good match. Athena has become one of the bigger stars in the history of Ring Of Honor and certainly an established champion. I’m not sure who is going to take the title from her, but I would hope that it’s not Billie Starkz after everything we’ve seen so far. For now though, good match and it felt like a big enough showdown.

Post match Athena has a staredown with Momo Watanabe.

Overall Rating: B-. For a random special, I’ve seen far worse. They had a bunch of title matches and the World Champion in the opener. This felt a lot more important than a regular show, which is part of the problem with most of Ring Of Honor: it rarely feels like they’re building to something, so when you get something nicer like this, it stands out that much more. It was a good show, but it doesn’t exactly make me think that Ring Of Honor has turned a corner.

Bandido/Los Outrunners b. Learning Tree – 21 Plex to Jericho
Lee Moriarty b. Robbie Eagles – Rollup while holding the rope
Mark Davis b. Tommy Knight – Pendulum piledriver
Sons Of Texas b. MxM Collection – Swanton to Mansoor
Athena b. Alex Windsor – O Face



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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AEW Collision – February 8, 2025: Short And Sweet

Date: February 8, 2025
Location: Fort Bend Epicenter, Rosenberg, Texas
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re closing in on Grand Slam and the show is mostly set up. The question now becomes what happens with everything already on the card but there is still the chance that something else is added tonight. Odds are we’ll get some good action as that tends to be the norm around here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Mark Briscoe and Kyle Fletcher are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

Here are the Death Riders to jump security and get in the ring. Jon Moxley isn’t about to give Cope (or Adam Copeland) a title shot. Instead a tag match is set up for Grand Slam.

We run down the card.

Undisputed Kingdom vs. Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker

Strong and Taylor start things off, with Strong managing to kick him into the corner to start the beating. O’Reilly comes in but gets caught in the corner so the Infantry can start firing off the running forearms. Parker and Menard take over on Dean though, only for Menard to jump on commentary and brag about his team. Garcia comes in and hammers on Dean in the corner but it’s back to Taylor for a headbutt. The Promotions get to pose a lot and we take a break.

Back with Garcia suplexing his way to freedom and the Kingdom coming in to beat on the Infantry. Everything breaks down and the posing Cole gets rolled up for two, followed by a double clothesline to leave everyone down. Back up and the nine way brawl is on, with Garcia getting double stomped down hard. Taylor gets jumped on the floor, leaving Dean to get caught with the Boom to give Cole the pin at 13:15.

Rating: C+. There were a lot of people involved here and that made things a bit tricky to follow. You can only get so much out of this much, but maybe it leads to the Kingdom getting to do something more. Other than that, the Promotions get to lose again, which is probably the only reason they were there in the first place.

Post match the Death Riders run in to beat down the Kingdom. The beatdown is on, but Cole issues the challenge for the Trios Titles on Dynamite.

Video on FTR.

Max Cater says his open challenge is still set for Dynamite.

Bandido vs. Bryan Keith

The slugout is on with Keith knocking Bandido’s hat off, which isn’t the best way to bring him back to action. Back up and Bandido knocks him down but gets knocked out of the air as we take a break. We come back with Bandido hitting a spinning high crossbody into a one armed gorilla press for two.

Keith catches him on top with a high collar superplex and they’re both down again. They trade kicks to the head, then go back to back, nod at each other, march away, and hit running strikes for a double knockdown. Back up and Bandido flips him into a knee to the head, setting up the 21 Plex for the pin at 10:05.

Rating: B-. The showdown spot was funny enough and that’s all it needed to be. You had a logical match here and it worked out well, with Bandido getting a win on the way back. There is a good chance that Bandido gets the next title shot against Chris Jericho and having him win over Jericho’s good makes sense.

Powerhouse Hobbs challenges Big Bill for Dynamite.

La Faccion Ingobernable vs. Ares Alexander/Jay Alexander/Brick Savage

Ares gets planted with a pop up Samoan drop and the Bull’s Horns finishes at 1:24.

Post match the beatdown is on but Komander makes the save. Komander gets beaten down as well, with Hologram returning to make the save. Rush beats up some referees because he has to look strong. Komander getting beaten up is almost a free spot on the AEW Bingo card these days.

Thunder Rosa and Megan Bayne have a bit of a staredown before Rosa talks about being ready for Penelope Ford.

And now here is Harley Cameron for a concert, complete with the Mercedes Mone puppet. First up, she sings a song called The Money Train, which consists of saying the title over and over. Cue Mercedes Mone to interrupt, saying everyone is here to see her. The second song is about how Mone is scared to feel the wrath but Mone cuts her off, saying Cameron is a loser.

Cameron goes on a rant about how she’s worked hard to get here and has had her hand up Mone’s puppet’s a**. A mic shot puts Mone down and she agrees to the title match at Grand Slam. I could have gone for more of Cameron, but that would mean less Mone and that is just not ok.

We get a sitdown interview with Buddy Matthews and…an empty chair which is supposed to contain Kazuchika Okada. Eventually Okada strolls in, with Mathews talking about how it’s Australia’s best vs. Japan’s best. They go nose to nose and Okada calls him a b****, only for Matthews to make him flinch off the threat of violence.

Dustin Rhodes vs. Izzy James

Cross Rhodes and the Final Reckoning finish James at 25 seconds.

Post match Rhodes talks about how MJF calls himself the Devil but Rhodes has already beaten the Devil up. He has been doing this in five decades and put in the effort and MJF can’t do the same thing. Rhodes issues the challenge for next week on Dynamite.

The Death Riders are ready to beat the Undisputed Kingdom next week.

Thunder Rosa vs. Penelope Ford

A local sports mascot comes out with Rosa, who fights over a lockup with Ford to start. Rosa goes up top but gets forearmed outside as we take an early break. Back with Ford getting two off a gutbuster but missing a charge into the post. Rosa’s running dropkick connects against the ropes and a northern lights suplex gets two. Ford is back up with a handspring elbow in the corner and a lick to Rosa’s face (yep) sets up a missed moonsault. Back up and Ford hits a quick dropkick only to get caught in a Tijuana Bomb to give Rosa the pin at 10:04.

Rating: C+. Yes Ford loses a fairly big match. I’m not sure why this should be even slightly surprising, as that is just what she does every time she’s out there. The match was fine, though I kept waiting for the mascot to do something. It’s a good enough match, ubt Rosa seems to be set up for a big match with Megan Bayne instead.

Post match Megan Bayne comes out for the staredown, with Ford jumping Rosa from behind. Bayne drops Rosa with an F5.

We look at Ricochet cheating to beat Swerve Strickland and stealing Prince Nana’s robe. Then over the weekend, Strickland attacked Ricochet at an independent show but couldn’t get the robe back.

Someone named Bun B is here but Ricochet interrupts and mocks him for being Strickland’s friend. Ricochet tries a burger that Bun seems to have provided and spits it out. Ricochet beats up the food worker as Bun isn’t happy.

Mariah May vs. Shay KarMichael

Non-title and a running knee sets up May Day to finish KarMichael at 24 seconds.

Post match May attacks KarMichael with lipstick but here is Luther (Toni Storm’s butler) for a distraction. Cue Storm to jump May, sending her running.

The Don Callis Family beats up various people backstage, with Mark Davis joining in.

Mark Briscoe vs. Kyle Fletcher

Fletcher strikes away in the corner to start but Briscoe is back up in a hurry. Briscoe knocks him to the floor and loads up a table, only to get launched head first into the post. An apron bomb rocks Briscoe and we take a break, coming back with Briscoe, head being rather busted open.

A double clothesline leaves both of them down before Briscoe grabs a suplex for two. Fletcher is back with a flipping butterfly powerbomb for two but Briscoe catches him with a fisherman’s buster. The Froggy Bow is broken up but so is the counter, only for Fletcher to come back with a brainbuster for two.

Briscoe knocks him off the top and out to the floor, where a Froggy Bow sends a standing Fletcher through the table. Back in and a super Jay Driller is broken up, allowing Fletcher to catch him on top instead. Fletcher hits a brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle to knock Briscoe silly for the pin at 14:55.

Rating: B. These two beat each other up pretty well and that’s all it needed to be. Fletcher was doing his usual thing, while Briscoe was doing the same, which means looking good in defeat. This is a way to tie things together with the Continental Classic, but at the same time it would be nice to see Briscoe get another win here or there.

Post match Fletcher promises to win at Grand Slam.

Overall Rating: B-. Nice show here and I liked having some of those matches go short. There was no reason for those to go long and thankfully they got to the point, which made things that much better. It makes you wonder how long a match will go while still being effective. That’s something AEW has been missing and it helped things here. Good enough show here, with some stuff being advanced for the upcoming bigger events.

Undisputed Kingdom b. Shane Taylor Promotions and Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – Boom to Dean
Bandido b. Bryan Keith – 21 Plex
La Faccion Ingobernable b. Ares Alexander/Jay Alexander/Brick Savage – Bull’s Horns to Ares
Dustin Rhodes b. Izzy James – Final Reckoning
Thunder Rosa b. Penelope Ford – Tijuana Bomb
Mariah May b. Shay KarMichael – May Day
Kyle Fletcher b. Mark Briscoe – Brainbuster onto the turnbuckle



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Dynamite – December 11, 2024: It Had To Slow Down

Date: December 11, 2024
Location: T-Mobile Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness

It’s Winter Is Coming and that means we should be in for a bigger than usual show. This show has had some moments over the years and if they keep the tradition going, this should make for a nice addition to the series. It’s also another week in the Continental Classic so we should have some good action. Let’s get to it.Death Riders vs. Jay White/Orange Cassidy

White and Cassidy jump them before the bell and the fight goes outside, with Cassidy giving a young fan a fist bump (I love that kind of thing as it makes fans for life). Cassidy gets sent into the announcers’ table though and they head inside for the opening bell. The brawl heads back outside as the Patriarchy is shown watching in a sky box. Cassidy fights up and kicks Moxley in the chest, allowing the tag off to White. A pair of DDTs sends the Riders out to the floor and we take an early break.

Back with Moxley holding White in a chinlock as Christian Cage sends the Patriarchy to do something. White gets out of a chinlock but Pac kicks him in the chest to keep him in trouble. A quick knockdown gives White a breather though and it’s Cassidy coming back in to slug away. Cassidy drops Moxley but gets pulled into a rear naked choke. That’s broken up and Cassidy hits a spinning DDT on Moxley. White suplexes Pac and the Beach Break to Moxley gets two more. Wheeler Yuta’s distraction doesn’t work so Cassidy loads up the Orange Punch….but Hangman Page runs in to jump Moxley for the DQ at 13:34.

Rating: B-. Nice match to start the show here, though the ending feels like it’s designed to set up a four way match or a triple threat #1 contenders match. In theory they didn’t want Cassidy or White to get an upper hand on their way to World’s End, but that’s still quite the disappointing ending. You can’t have Yuta in there to take a fall instead of Pac?

Post match Page hammers on Moxley but Cassidy pulls him off. The two of them start fighting with White accidentally taking a shot and getting caught in the brawl. The Death Riders beat all of them down and leave.

We get another old west style vignette for the returning Bandido, this time with him riding in on a horse, with a posse waiting on him. Bandido beats all of them up without much trouble. These things have been rather cool.

Jon Moxley talks about being a marked man and that means living with a knife to your throat. He wouldn’t have it any other way and now there are a bunch of people saying they want the title shot. The challenge is on for the four way title shot at Worlds End. That doesn’t exactly make me want to boo him.

Christian Cage, still in the sky box, doesn’t like this four way because he doesn’t like anyone involved. He promises to jump anyone, including Jon Moxley, who he will send back to rehab. As Cage goes to leave, Hook breaks into the box and chokes Cage out. Age fights out of being thrown out of a balcony. The fight is on and some glass is broken (make your own jokes) until the Patriarchy makes the save.

Continental Classic Gold League: Claudio Castagnoli (6 points) vs. Will Ospreay (3 points)

Ospreay hits him in the face for two ten seconds in and Castagnoli is sent outside for a big running flip dive. A Phenomenal Forearm looks to set up the Oscutter but Castagnoli uppercuts him out of the air. Ospreay kicks him in the face and they’re both down. They go outside with Ospreay dropkicking the steps into Castagnoli’s legs. Castagnoli pulls him out of the air though and swings Ospreay into the steps for a big crash. Ospreay’s arm is stomped in the steps and we take a break.

Back with Ospreay grabbing a springboard hurricanrana and kicking Castagnoli in the face for a double down. Castagnoli goes to the arm to block a suplex attempt but Ospreay gets him up anyway. The standing sky twister press gets two but the Hidden Blade is blocked. The Riccola Bomb is countered into Ospreay’s octopus hold, only for Castagnoli to go back to the arm.

Castagnoli gutwrench suplexes him down and catches Ospreay up top but gets knocked back down. A regular sky twister press misses so Castagnoli kicks him in the face. The slugout sets up the Oscutter but Ospreay’s arm is banged up. A pop up uppercut and a big clothesline give Castagnoli two…but Ospreay rolls him up for the fluke pin at 13:28.

Rating: B. This was a lot of Ospreay fighting from underneath and that is where he often shines. Castagnoli overpowered him for most of the match but got caught in the end. It’s weird to see the Death Riders lose, but how else are we going to get Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher II? That has to happen of course because Ospreay is eternally tied to the Don Callis Family and therefore it has to happen again. Good match here, which shouldn’t surprise you.

Gold League Standings

Will Ospreay – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 3 points (3 matches remaining
Brody King – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Post match Castagnoli jumps Ospreay again but Darby Allin makes the save.

Ricochet says he’s here for matches like the one he has tonight against Brody King. Even though King is a monster, he’s not Ricochet. He pulls out MVP’s business card and says he’s holding all of the cards.

MJF is back.

Matt Cardona is ready to face Chris Jericho at Final Battle but he’ll face Bryan Keith at Rampage.

Kyle O’Reilly is ready to face Adam Cole but the Kingdom comes in to say they’re still family. O’Reilly says they should have remembered that before one of them got hurt.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Adam Cole

For the shot at MJF at World’s End. Feeling out process to start with Cole trying an early rollup for two. The threat of a kick to the face sends him to the floor, where O’Reilly strikes away again to take over. We take a break and come back with O’Reilly striking away but missing a top rope knee drop.

Cole knees him in the face and they’re both down. O’Reilly grabs a brainbuster into an ankle lock, sending Cole over to the ropes. Cole is back up with the Panama Sunrise but he takes too long to follow up and gets his ankle locked. That’s broken up and Cole drops O’Reilly on the floor. Cue MJF for a distraction but Cole superkicks him down and small packages O’Reilly for the pin at 11:04.

Rating: C+. The story continues and that pre-match promo makes me wonder if the Kingdom won’t be joining MJF at World’s End to screw over Cole. This feud hasn’t done much for me and I’m not sure how many people have been interested in it either. It’s gone on too long and there is a good chance that it is going to continue into the new year. The match wasn’t exactly great either, which isn’t making the bigger problem any better.

Post match the Kingdom comes out but O’Reilly leaves without shaking hands with Cole.

FTR is ready to help rebuild Asheville, North Carolina with Fight For The Fallen on January 1. They want to be in a big match and they’ve had some issues with the Death Riders, so come talk to them.

Chris Jericho has a New York Minute and accepts the challenge for Matt Cardona vs. Bryan Keith on Rampage. Tomorrow on Ring Of Honor, there will be a contract signing for Jericho vs. Cardona at Final Battle.

We recap the Continental Classic matches from Rampage and Collision.

Earlier today, Darby Allin talked about how he waned to stop the Death Riders after they attacked Bryan Danielson. He is fighting for people who are here because they are getting a chance in AEW. Allin hits himself in the mouth to draw some blood and talks about how he has to win the Continental Classic to prove himself, even if there will be collateral damage along the way.

Continental Classic Gold League: Ricochet (3 points) vs. Brody King (3 points)

Ricochet begs off a bit to start and gets powered out to the floor without much trouble. A spring off the barricade lets Ricochet kick him in the face but King hits a powerbomb onto the apron. Ricochet misses a crossbody into the barricade and we take a break. Back with King winning a strike off but getting knocked out to the floor.

Ricochet hits a springboard 450 for a short one count but King blasts him with a clothesline for two. The Ganso Bomb is broken up and Ricochet knees him in the face a few times. King knocks him into the corner for a Cannonball but Ricochet turns a superplex attempt into a sunset bomb (with the turnbuckle pad being ripped off in the process).

The shooting star press connects…and King grabs him by the throat before the cover. Ricochet has to climb out of a choke and is promptly chopped down onto the apron. Back up and Ricochet manages a DDT onto the exposed buckle and Ricochet kicks him down onto the steel again. The Spirit Gun finishes for Ricochet at 12:51.

Rating: B-. Now this has me curious because Ricochet was definitely acting more heelish for a change. He’s someone who could use a change of pace because he hasn’t evolved much at all in the last several years. Maybe this is the chance that he needs, but at least it seems that they are trying something new with him. Seeing King lose is annoying, but Ricochet could get a nice boost out of a fresh style.

Gold League Standings

Will Ospreay – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 6 points (2 matches remaining
Darby Allin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Lio Rush and Action Andretti interrupt Private Party. Rush an Andretti want a title shot but Top Flight come in to ask how many matches Rush and Andretti have won. Private Party suggests a #1 contenders match and it seems to be on.

Mercedes Mone and Anna Jay have a staredown but we need to talk about Mone defending her New Japan Strong Women’s Title this weekend. Mone shifts over to Jay, who is 26 years old and just getting started. That makes Mone chuckle because when she was 26, she was already a five time champion. Jay cuts her off from leaving and says that all she needs is one mistake from Mone to become champion. Yeah I’m not quite buying her chances.

We recap Mariah May defending the Women’s Title against Mina Shirakawa. They were friends and partners in Japan bu May has attacked her for the sake of bringing out Shirakawa’s best side. Shirakawa wants things to be back to normal and now we have the title match.

Women’s Title: Mariah May vs. Mina Shirakawa

Shirakawa is challenging. They slug it out to start with Shirakawa slapping her in the face to take over and kick away at the leg. A figure four sends May rolling over to the ropes but they roll outside with the hold still on. Thunder Rosa pops up in the crowd with a sign shouting about how May is NOT HER CHAMPION as May sends Shirakawa into the barricade. Shirakawa is back on the leg though and grabs a Figure Four around the post as we take a break.

Back with Shirakawa fighting out of a chinlock and starting an exchange of forearms. A hanging neckbreaker gives Shirakawa two but May kicks her in the face. May Day gets an arrogant cover for two but another May Day is broken up. The Glamorous Driver gives Shirakawa two, only for a quick Storm Zero to retain the title at 11:49

Rating: C+. The match was ok, but it showcases the bigger issue with May’s title reign: the whole thing is built around waiting for Toni Storm to return. She ties into this feud and May is still using Storm’s finisher. You can only get so far with that kind of specter hanging over them and that was the issue here. Not a terrible match, but it felt like something else that had to be done before we get to the big match.

Post match Toni Storm (no longer Timeless) is back. May is stunned (Rosa has a “WTF!” sign) and Storm stares her down to end the show. Well there’s the answer to the big question about May’s reign and it should make for a solid rematch, thankfully with enough of a twist to keep it interesting.

Overall Rating: B-. I wasn’t feeling this one as much as some previous Continental Classic shows. There was more of a focus on getting things ready for World’s End and while that helped, it wasn’t as engaging as some of the tournament focused events. You can see a lot of what is coming at the pay per view and it’s only so interesting, but they still have time to boost that up well enough.

Death Riders b. Orange Cassidy/Jay White via DQ when Hangman Page interfered
Will Ospreay b. Claudio Castagnoli – Rollup
Adam Cole b. Kyle O’Reilly – Small package
Ricochet b. Brody King – Spirit Gun
Mariah May b. Mina Shirakawa – Storm Zero



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Rampage – June 16, 2023: That’s A Great Rampage Match

Date: June 16, 2023
Location: Capitol One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Chris Jericho

Rampage has gotten rather interesting in the last few weeks as it feels like there is more effort being put into it. I’m not sure how long that is going to last with Collision coming in less than twenty four hours but I’ll take what I can get at the moment. The card looks rather stacked this week so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

United Empire vs. Chaos

This is the Will Ospreay (with Jeff Cobb/Kyle Fletcher vs. Rocky Romero/Best Friends) match that was advertised on Dynamite. Fletcher runs Trent over to start but Trent is back up with some chops. Ospreay comes in for a showdown with Romero, who grabs a pop up hurricanrana. Everything breaks down and Romero hits a big dive onto Ospreay, followed by Chuck hitting a big flip dive onto the other two. Trent hits a moonsault onto the two of them as well and rips at Ospreay’s face back inside. Cobb comes in and fires off the shoulders in the corner as we take a break.

Back with Chuck hitting Soul Food to get out of trouble, allowing Chuck to come in or some rolling German suplexes on Trent. Fletcher is draped over the top for a top rope stomp to the back but Cobb makes a save. Cobb drags Fletcher to the corner (because he’s smart) and comes in, only to get triple teamed down.

Soul Food into the half and half suplex drops Cobb but he breaks up the triple hug with a double suplex. An overhead belly to belly sends Romero flying and it’s Ospreay coming back in for something like a top rope Phenomenal Forearm. A series of strikes to the face put people down until Romero drops Ospreay with a running clothesline. Sliced Bread is broken up though and it’s Fletcher’s spinning Tombstone into the Hidden Blade to finish Romero at 12:32.

Rating: B-. This was less of the goofy Chaos stuff and that made it a lot easier to get through. Ospreay is in for a main event level match next week at Forbidden Door so he was the logical choice to get the pin after looking like a killer. It’s nice to have Cobb around again too, but he only got to show off some of the power game that made him famous. Good opener though, as the Empire is a rather awesome collection of talent.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora

Taya goes with the power to start and sends Adora into the corner for the running knees. Some kicks in the corner set up the sliding German suplex but Adora slugs away with the forearms. A big forearm knocks Taya down but she cuts off a charge with a boot in the corner. Taya cuts her down with a spear and hits the curb stomp for the pin at 3:25.

Rating: C. Taya got a bit of momentum back with the win here and it’s nice to see that she is sticking around. She has an impressive power offense and that is something that can carry for a long way. Adora is someone who feels like she could be something, but as she is doing nothing but jobbing on Ring of Honor and around here, she has a long way to go.

The Hardys are ready for the Gunns on Dynamite because they’ve been doing this in four decades. Ethan Page falling asleep in the background was funny. Also, dig Jeff’s Shad Gaspard shirt.

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Karen Jarrett vs. Mark Briscoe/Papa Briscoe/Aubrey Edwards

Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh are here too. Mark headlocks Lethal to start and then shoulders him down for a bonus. Jeff comes in for a right hand and the strut but a kiss to Karen allows Mark to come back. The women get the tag and Karen brings Lethal back in before anything can happen. This time the Briscoes hit a double three point shoulder for two but Mark gets sent outside.

We take a break and come back with Mark hitting a double clothesline, allowing the hot tag to Papa. Jeff goes after him and gets dropped with some clotheslines before Lethal is choked in the corner. Dutt gets dropped as well and a clothesline puts Jeff down. Jericho: “PAPA BRISCOE IS MY FAVORITE WRESTLER!” Now we get the catfight between Karen and Aubrey, with the latter grabbing some hair mares. Karen rakes the eyes and grabs the guitar but Aubrey takes it away. Lethal breaks up the big swing so Singh offers a distraction, allowing Aubrey to guitar Lethal. A Figure Four makes Karen tap at 9:40.

Rating: C+. The match was entertaining enough as Papa Briscoe continues to steal the show anytime he’s around. As for Aubrey vs. Karen….I’m still not sure why I’m supposed to be excited about a referee beating up a manager who has been around for all of a month but at least it was a short segment. Now hopefully everyone can move on, as the story should be done.

Taya Valkyrie is happy with her win and is tired of hearing about Kris Statlander. Cue Statlander, who will put out a TBS Title challenge for next week. Taya says she’ll be shaking in her furry boots.

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita interrupt Mark Henry, with Callis promising to take out Bandido tonight and hyping up Takeshita in Spanish.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Bandido

Don Callis is on commentary as Takeshita misses the running knee. The 21 Plex is blocked and Takeshita sends him outside for a slingshot dive. Back in and Bandido loads up the delayed suplex but Takeshita is a bit too tall, meaning it’s just a regular suplex instead. Bandido sends him hard to the floor, which is enough for Callis to come down to ringside. The distraction lets Takeshita take over and we go to a break.

Back with Bandido slugging away at Takeshita and hitting the corkscrew high crossbody. A tornado DDT plants Takeshita again and a big moonsault to the floor makes it worse. Takeshita is right back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two but Bandido hits the one armed gorilla press. A frog splash gives Bandido two and they both go up top.

Takeshita blasts him with a lariat off the top (as in they were both standing on the top) for two but the running knee is blocked again. The 21 Plex is countered with a backflip though (that was impressive) but Bandido backflips out of a German suplex as well. Takeshita misses another running knee and a Code Red gives Bandido two. Back up and Takeshita hits the running knee, followed by another to the side of the head for the pin at 15:13.

Rating: B+. There are certain matches where you know they’re going to work as soon as they’re announced and that was the case here. How was Bandido vs. Takeshita, especially with a lot of time, not going to be awesome? They cranked it up even harder during the last few minutes and wound up having one of the better matches I’ve seen on Rampage. Takeshita gets a win over a proven star as he is on his way to a showdown with Kenny Omega, making this a match that was good on its own and served a longer term purpose.

Overall Rating: B. Again, where was this Rampage for months? They aren’t so much going with the important storylines but rather putting on good matches up and down the card. The worst match was a completely fine Taya vs. Adora match so things were certainly looking up here. Just do stuff that lets the audience have fun without making it feel like the most important thing in the world at the moment and it’s a very easy and entertaining hour long show.

United Empire b. Chaos – Hidden Blade to Romero
Taya Valkyrie b. Trish Adora – Curb stomp
Mark Briscoe/Papa Briscoe/Aubrey Edwards b. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Aubrey Edwards – Figure Four to Karen
Konosuke Takeshita b. Bandido – Running knee



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Rampage – June 9, 2023: Enjoy It While It Lasts

Date: June 9, 2023
Location: Broadmoor World Arena, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We’re back to normal this week after last week’s rather interesting turn towards a bunch of other stuff. Forbidden Door has started to take shape and there is a good chance that we’ll hear more about it this week. In addition, we have a four way for a shot next week at the AEW Women’s Title. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Lucha Bros/Bandido vs. Big Bill/Ethan Page/Lee Moriarty

Fenix hurricanranas Page to start but Page is right back with one of his own. With that standoff, Bandido and Moriarty, the latter dancing, come in for a change. Bandido picks up the pace and snaps off a top rope corkscrew crossbody, followed by a hurricanrana of his own. Penta and Bill come in to complete the trilogy of showdowns. Bill isn’t impressed by CERO MIEDO so he pulls Penta out of the air.

Everything breaks down and Penta clears the ring but Bill breaks up the dive. The fight continues on the floor with Moriarty taking over on Bandido, followed by Bill choking Penta inside. We take a break and come back with Penta striking away, allowing the hot tag off to Bandido. That doesn’t exactly last long as Bill kicks him in the face and Page adds a powerslam for two. Bandido enziguris his way out of trouble and brings Fenix in to really clean house.

A superkick drops Fenix and the Bros kick Bill down. Bandido hits the big dive to the floor and the Bros kick away a lot more. Moriarty is back in with a discus forearm to Bandido but Fenix drops him with a rolling cutter. The spike Fear Factor plants Moriarty on the apron but Bandido’s moonsault hits raised boots. The Ego’s Edge is loaded up, only to have the Hardys come out to say they’re disappointed in him. He’s told to extend his Hardy sleeves, but the distraction lets Bandido hit the 21 Plex for the pin at 10:28.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of opening match that has worked forever and it did so again here. The fans are going to react to the flying and the flipping not matter what and you had three very good ones here. The former Firm are good enough for low level goons and if they stay around that area, everything should be fine.

QTV wants to be edgier on the way to Collision. Solo: “What if we buy the fans ice cream?” Or they could make an announcement that they have an announcement. Instead, they decide to give us a Collision preview.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Caleb Crush

Hobbs drops him ribs first onto the top rope to start and tosses him around a bit. The spinebuster finishes Crush at 1:09.

Arn Anderson says his son Brock will be ok but Christian Cage and Luchasaurus made a mistake. Wardlow agrees, but he’s ready for his match with Jake Hager on Dynamite.

Spanish Announce Project vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

Caster’s rap is about the Denver Nuggets, Pride Month and Lauren Boebert (he’s not a fan of one of the three). Angelico tries to scissor with Bowens but misses three times in a row. A knee works a bit better but Bowens is right back up with a dropkick to send him into the corner. Serpentico comes in and is sent outside, with Luther quickly joining him.

Scissor Me Timbers his Angelico but Serpentico breaks up scissoring. Luther does as well and we take a break. In THIS match? Back with Gunn coming in to clean house but Angelico enziguris him down so Luther can get two. The Acclaimed come in for a kind of torture rack faceplant/enziguri combination to Luther. The Arrival and Mic Drop finish him off at 8:25.

Rating: C. Bit longer than it needed to be for Gunn and the Acclaimed to beat these goofs but at least they got to the right ending. I’m still not sure what is next for them but after losing the Trios Title shot, there isn’t much at the moment. The fans still seem interested in them so maybe they can find something new, but for now, this is about all they can be doing.

Dynamite recap.

Renee Young brings out Jeff Jarrett and company (Serpentico’s team can get a name but these guys just have one name after another) for a chat. Karen Jarrett cuts things off though and wants Aubrey Edwards out here right now. Cue Aubrey and Mark Briscoe, with Aubrey threatening violence. Briscoe says simmer down, but he has some bad news. AEW won’t sanction a Karen vs. Aubrey match, but he can get a mixed trios match, which has Dutt planning things out. We’ll have the Jarretts and Lethal vs. Aubrey/Briscoe and…..PAPA BRISCOE? That’s going to be bonkers and at least they’re not in the title picture anymore.

Video on the women’s four way.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Skye Blue vs. Britt Baker vs. Nyle Rose

For a Women’s Title match next week on Dynamite. It’s a brawl to start as Marina Shafir (Rose’s manager) comes in to choke Martinez. Hikaru Shida runs in to chase her off with the kendo stick as we take a break. Back with Baker shoving Rose off the top for a big crash to the apron and then the floor.

A Sling Blade gives Baker one on Martinez but Lockjaw is broken up by Rose. Baker and Sky superkick away at Rose before Baker kicks Skye down. Rose is back up with a chokeslam to Baker, with Martinez making the save this time. Baker’s Stomp hits Rose but Martinez kicks her to the floor. With Baker and Martinez on the floor, Blue grabs Code Blue for the pin and the title shot at 8:54. Baker’s “Huh, well what do you know about that?” look is rather good.

Rating: C+. Good enough here and it sets Blue up as the next victim for the Outcasts. The other positive thing about one of these matches is that you can have Blue get a win without hurting two of the other women in the match, with Baker being a prime example. Martinez being back is a nice boost as well, as having a veteran who can make anyone look better is always a plus. Fine enough main event and it sets up a Dynamite title match, which is all you can ask for here.

Overall Rating: C+. This was back to normal for Rampage, with a lot of stuff that was entertaining but felt like things that weren’t interesting or important enough for Dynamite. With Collision coming up, I’m almost scared to see how far Rampage falls, as the likely star power around here very well could plummet. For now though, nice effort, even if it is probably one of the last times Rampage might matter.

Lucha Bros/Bandido b. Lee Moriarty/Big Bill/Ethan Page – 21 Plex to Page
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Caleb Crush – Spinebuster
Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Spanish Announce Project – Mic Drop to Luther
Skye Blue b. Nyla Rose, Britt Baker and Mercedes Martinez – Code Blue to Rose



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