AEW Women’s Tag Team Tournament Episode 2: One Of The Worst Shows In Years

IMG Credit: AEW

Women’s Tag Team Tournament Episode 2
Date: August 10, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Veda Scott

We’re back with presumably the second half of the first round, meaning the tournament is probably going to go another three weeks at most. One of the two matches has been announced and there is a bit of a surprise entrant included. Last week’s show wasn’t quite a smash so hopefully they pick it up a bit this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick recap of last week’s first round matches.

Opening sequence.

Big Swole draws her name and gets….someone she knows, whose name isn’t important enough for her to say. Dasha names her Lil Swole. Sure why not.

Leva Bates and Rache Chanel are teaming together.

Quarterfinals: Leva Bates/Rache Chanel vs. Big Swole/Lil Swole

Bates, with Peter Avalon, brings Chanel a book about fashion, much to Chanel’s appreciation. As Veda talks about how great Lil Swole is (And mentions that she is a former Shimmer World Champion. Since I have to do research to find out who these well known wrestlers are, that’s enough to tell me that it’s Nicole Savoy.), she takes Chanel down by the arm to start. Back up and Lil is sent outside, where Big carries her around the ring for the save.

They get back in with Big taking over on Leva, with Lil grabbing the Rings of Saturn. Chanel makes the save by tapping her in the head with a brush and Lil is taken into the corner. Some prancing sets up a kick to Lil’s face but Lil powers out of the corner, allowing the hot tag to Big. Chanel is powerbombed down but Bates spears Big down. Lil loads up a powerbomb with Chanel making a save, though the referee doesn’t notice the count. Instead, Chanel is sent outside and it’s a short Downward Spiral/Natural Selection combination to finish Bates at 8:45.

Rating: D. This really didn’t work, and it wasn’t just that I was trying to figure out who Lil was for the first part of the match. I know that she’s a big deal on the women’s circuit, but there is a pretty big leap between the women’s circuit and here, so it might be a good idea to tell us a little something more. Maybe you can’t say the Savoy name (fair), but don’t act like she is some kind of household name that we should just know on sight. It’s not like Trish Stratus or Lita walked through that door. The match itself was quite the mess, with Chanel being a comedy wrestler and Bates not being a threat to anyone. Just a miss all around.

Ivelisse draws Diamante as her partner.

Madusa pops in and makes Dasha draw, because somehow she didn’t know she was in the tournament. Dasha gets…..Rachael Ellering. At least they say her first name this time around. So to recap, we’ve needed to bring in Cameron and the interviewer to fill out the field? Plus one of the Dark jobbers? All for the likely reason of giving Brandi and Allie a trophy?

Quarterfinals: Rachael Ellering/Dasha Gonzalez vs. Ivelisse/Diamante

Ivelisse elbows Dasha in the face but Dasha is back with an armdrag into a nipup. A front flip into a bad forearm sets up an equally bad dropkick to put Ivelisse into the corner. That means it’s off to Ellering vs. Diamante, with the former taking her down by the arm. There’s a running shoulder to put Diamante down, allowing Rachael to give a rather long pose.

A double suplex drops Diamante again and there’s a cartwheel moonsault from Dasha. Diamante blocks a suplex attempt and brings Ivelisse back in, meaning it’s a Lotus Lock (full nelson with the legs). Some running elbows in the corner set up a Downward Spiral for two on Dasha and Ivelisse hammers away. Ivelisse misses a spinning kick to the head though and the hot tag brings in Ellering to clean house.

Ellering hits the running backsplash for two on Ivelisse, who accidentally knocks Diamante off the apron. A middle rope legdrop gets two on Ivelisse, with Diamante making the save. Diamante pulls Ivelisse out of the way of a splash in the corner, followed by a wheelbarrow Stunner on Dasha. A rather snappy Code Red finishes Dasha at 10:15.

Rating: D-. I can’t believe it but they managed to make the first match look that much better. Dasha isn’t a wrestler so I don’t blame her for this. She has had at least one match on the NXT Florida circuit but even a long time there is nowhere near enough to make you ready for this spot. Diamante isn’t good and Ellering is just coming off of a torn ACL. What were you expecting this to be? Whatever it was, this was probably worse.

The Swoles talk about having chemistry for a long time and use the word swole for almost everything.

Dasha, who just lost, can’t stop smiling because that was something she had wanted to do. Dasha: “I had my first loss in AEW and hopefully it won’t be my last.”

Ivelisse and Diamante say they are a threat.

Overall Rating: F. This was terrible and I can’t think of many other ways to put it. To go with the blunt option, there are not enough women available to AEW to make a tournament like this (which isn’t even that big) work. The women are giving it their all but they are not ready for this spot in this kind of a structure. The company doesn’t have enough women to make this work and what we saw here was painful.

I don’t remember the last time I wanted a show to end more, and that includes the last year plus of Raw. This isn’t on the women for the most part, as they were put in over their heads. I feel sorry for them, but more than that I feel relieved that this thing is only going for two more weeks (in theory at least).

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Dynamite – August 5, 2020: Who Knew?

IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Date: August 5, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Taz, Jim Ross

It’s time for another big themed show with Super Wednesday, and in this case that means more Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho. This time around it’s in the form of a debate, with a special moderator. Other than that we have the World Title on the line as Jon Moxley defends against Darby Allin. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dark Order/Colt Cabana vs. Young Bucks/FTR/Kenny Omega/Hangman Page

They restart very fast with everyone already in the ring and Matt springboarding at Lee. 9 comes in and goes up top, only to be taken down by Nick again. FTR starts working on 9’s arm and it’s off to Omega to do the same as JR accuses Tony of staring at Anna Jay near commentary. The Kitaro Crusher hits 9 for two and Uno/Stu Grayson come in for the save and knock everyone off the apron. FTR come in for the save and it’s a triple suplex to put a lot of the Order down. We settle down to Uno kicking Omega in the face for two and it’s off to 5. Omega gets over to Harwood for the tag and 5 is beaten down in a hurry.

Wheeler comes in to nail a powerslam and it’s Harwood and Page coming in to try a triple Figure Four. That’s broken up and it’s Grayson coming back in, with Omega tossing him into a German suplex from Page. The Bucks double dropkick Grayson into a snapdragon from Omega and the quadruple teaming continues with a series of strikes to the chest into a wheelbarrow faceplant/cutter combination from the Bucks. The Demolition Decapitator hits 5 but Harwood comes up favoring his knee, which already has a big brace on it.

With everyone else checking on Harwood, Omega gets caught in the ring for the group beatdown until he hurricanranas his way out and brings in Matt. Lee’s big boot gets two as Harwood is taken out. Grayson tosses Matt to Uno for a sitout powerbomb as Page and Wheeler have left with Harwood. Cabana adds a splash for two and it’s already back to Uno, as Cabana doesn’t seem thrilled with working with the Dark Order. Omega gets knocked off the apron and it’s Matt getting beaten up in the corner even more.

Grayson misses a charge into the post and 5 charges into a boot in the corner. Matt is back up with a top rope flipping cutter but Uno pulls Nick off the apron and suplexes him on the floor. Since it’s Matt Jackson, he pops up and flip dives onto the ramp, then off the ramp onto two more masked guys, then hits a double clothesline on the other side of the ring. Page comes back out and gets the hot tag to start cleaning house all over the place. The Buckshot Lariat is broken up so Page drops 5 onto the apron.

A big moonsault takes out everyone but Lee, who stares down at Page instead. Back in and the slugout is on until Page gets low bridged to the floor. Lee hits his own big dive and the Order starts the fast tagging, setting up the Chicago Skyline from Cabana with Omega making the save. Omega gets taken down and Grayson hits a 450 on Page as Uno’s Cannonball hits Omega in the corner. The Bucks come back in for the series of superkicks and a double superkick into the snapdragon looks to set up the Buckshot lariat but the Order makes the save. Lee’s discus lariat finishes Page at 17:30.

Rating: B-. That was rather long and they packed in a lot, but they had a lot of the near falls that are required of every AEW match. There were a few times where a big move was hit and there was no reason to buy into it the cover because it wasn’t going to happen. The action was good though and Lee gets a win, which was rather needed after how far he has fallen in just a few months.

Earlier today, the Best Friends arrived in mom’s van.

Jon Moxley talks about dealing with a lot of things when he was younger. In the early part of his career, a lot of people told him not to do some things, like don’t fight that guy or don’t have that death match. In some cases that was good advice, but he did it anyway. He understands why Darby Allin challenged him for the title. The last time they wrestled, Moxley nearly broke his neck and he doesn’t want it on his resume that he ended Allin’s career. But when Allin signed that contract, he became like everyone else and he has to do what he has to do. So when it’s time to stay down, just stay down.

Santana/Ortiz vs. Best Friends

Chuck and Santana start things off and exchange some grapples until Chuck slips out of a hiptoss. Ortiz comes in and gets taken into the corner for the tag to Trent. A northern lights suplex gives Trent one and it’s already back to Chuck, who is knocked down before Trent even gets through the ropes. Chuck fights back in a hurry though and sends both of them to the floor, meaning it’s the Big Hug as we take a break.

Back with Trent in trouble and being sent outside for a ram into the apron. Chuck is sent over the barricade and Trent is whipped into another barricade to make it even worse. Trent is sent inside and his back is so banged up that he can barely stand. A double suplex gives Ortiz two but Trent slips out of another one and brings in Chuck to clean house.

The Samoan driver gets two on Santana and the Falcon Arrow gets the same on Ortiz. Trent comes back in and superplexes Ortiz but Santana pulls Chuck down and sends him into the barricade again. A rolling cutter plants Trent and a sitout powerbomb into a knee to the face gets two. The Street Sweeper is broken up but Chuck makes the save and Trent grabs a rollup to pin Ortiz at 13:39.

Rating: C+. I had to look at the ending a second time as Ortiz kicked out a split second after the three went down. The tag division continues to trade wins and while the matches can be entertaining, a lot of the teams don’t seem to be getting very far. Santana and Ortiz continue to be a heck of a team and as long as it’s more Trent than Chuck, the Best Friends are a lot easier to watch.

We go to MJF campaign headquarters where posters and buttons are being made. MJF, who skips over to a desk, freaks out over a poster not being level, even though a worker named Lee does not seem interested. Right now MJF is up in the polls over Jon Moxley by 100% to -88% because we deserve better. He already has the World Title match for All Out and he’s fine with facing Allin or Moxley. This is the best thing going in wrestling right now by a long shot.

Here’s Matt Hardy for a chat. He talks about coming to AEW and having all of his personas, but now the fans want to see him be himself. Matt wants to help people around here, like Private Party, but he also wanted to help Sammy Guevara. That didn’t work for him though as Sammy didn’t want his help, so Matt is ready to fight. Cue Sammy and the brawl is on, with Sammy being thrown into the chairs. Matt grabs a table but Sammy throws a chair at his head and sends him into the post (with a ding). Sammy puts the bloody Hardy on the table and hits a dive to drive him through it. Matt is covered in blood.

Santana and Ortiz bust up the van, which has a camera inside. They throw in some spray paint of Trent’s mom’s name and cross it out to complete a good destruction.

Dark Order vs. Matt Cardona/Cody

Arn Anderson is here with Cody and Matt. Cody hits a very delayed vertical suplex on Silver to start and it’s off to Cardona for a running forearm. Silver kicks him in the face though and hands it off to Reynolds, who is taken down with a neckbreaker for two. It’s back to Cody, who is dropped down onto the apron to put him in trouble for a change. The Order unloads on him in the corner and some shots to the ribs keep Cody in more trouble.

We take a break and come back with Cody still in trouble as Silver puts on a waistlock to stay on the ribs. Cody gets up and snaps off the powerslam, allowing the hot tag to Matt. Everything breaks down and Matt gets kneed in the face, setting up a forearm into a German suplex into a jackknife rollup for two more. Cody comes back in and suplexes Silver out to the floor for a big crash. Back in and the Rough Ryder finishes Reynolds at 12:10.

Rating: C+. This was a match that existed and Cardona didn’t exactly look like anything more than he usually did in WWE. Beating the Dark Order doesn’t mean that much, but at least they got Cody and Cardona in there. I’m not sure if they are heading for a match against each other, but how interesting would that be in the first place?

Post match Cody goes to leave but runs into Scorpio Sky, who wants a TNT Title shot. Works for me.

Best Friends aren’t happy with what happened and say to leave Trent’s mom out of this. If they wanted a rematch all they had to do was ask, so they’ll gladly beat up Santana and Ortiz again. Then they will apologize to Trent’s mom, over speakerphone.

It’s time for the Jericho vs. Cassidy debate, with Eric Bischoff as the surprise moderator. Cassidy rolls into the ring and Jake Hager brings out the orange juiced jacket. There will be five questions and we’ll start with why they hate each other. Jericho yells about Cassidy not dressing up so Cassidy pulls out a clip on tie (ok that was funny). No one respects Cassidy and he plays pocket pool on a regular basis. Cassidy’s response: no comment.

Next question: who is the bigger star? Jericho: “Easy E, with all due respect, don’t be an idiot. I’m Chris Jericho!” Jericho lists off his resume and says the only accolade Cassidy has won is being the biggest slacker in high school. If Jericho went to the same high school, he would take Cassidy’s lunch money and steal his girlfriend. Jericho is in a $10,000 suit and looking like a million bucks while Cassidy is in an old jacket that smells like salami and batteries.

Cassidy still doesn’t talk so we move on to the third question: thoughts on rising global sea levels? Jericho says keep going but Cassidy gives a long, detailed explanation of how international cities and coastal cities are in danger if we do not reverse course immediately. Jericho’s stunned look is hilarious and we move on to question #4: why is Orange Cassidy so popular?

Jericho calls him a pimple on the wrestling business and next week he is being popped. After next week, Jericho is going to get his $7000 and send Cassidy back to being Jim the Jamba Juice boy at the mall, where Jericho is going to order a blueberry juice with pumpkin seeds and not leave Cassidy a tip. Final question: why does the rematch mean so much to both of them. Jericho starts but Cassidy tells him to shut up.

It was smart to try and embarrass Cassidy because he doesn’t care. He cares about next week though because it’s the biggest match of his life. It’s the biggest match of Jericho’s life too because he’s Chris Jericho man. He’s done all those things that people can Google later, but what if Jericho loses to the guy who puts his hands in his pockets. Cassidy wants him to look into the eyes of the man who is going to embarrass him and the man who is going to beat him. Cassidy: “That’s my answer.”

Bischoff names Cassidy the winner over the global warning answer. Jericho: “Bischoff, I haven’t liked you for twenty two years!” Bischoff: “It’s been twenty four and I know exactly how you feel.” Jericho sicks Hager on Cassidy and the beatdown is on. Hager puts Cassidy’s hands in his pockets and throws him into the Judas Effect.

Now THIS was better as Cassidy has been setting things up and now they paid it off in a big way. They made me want to see the match a lot more than I did coming in so well done on doing what they set up for so long. I had a very good time with this and Jericho’s face after the global warming question was great. Cassidy’s promo was very good too as it made perfect sense and was well delivered. Nice job all around.

Britt Baker picks Big Swole’s opponent for the night.

Reba vs. Big Swole

Reba starts fast and throws Swole down as we hear about Reba having an in-ring career but being a little rusty. Reba goes up, gets a little shaky, and comes back down to the middle rope for a missed moonsault. Dirty Dancing finishes Reba at 1:39. As it should have been.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

AEW World Title: Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin

Allin is challenging and has a Moxley cutoff mask with an eye cut out. Moxley gets in his face and gets slapped back, causing the beating to begin. Allin’s mouth is bleeding early on and there’s a hard slam into an elbow drop for two. They head up the ramp as Taz continues his hatred of Moxley. That’s cut off as Moxley throws him off the stage and face first into the post (DING!). The referee dives over to check out Allin and we take a break.

Back with Allin caught in an STF but flipping Moxley off anyway. Allin fights up and sends Moxley outside for the suicide dive and a bunch of right hands. Back up and Allin steps on Moxley’s hand on the post, setting up the big flip dive from the top of the post to the floor. A Code Red gives Allin two back inside but Moxley is back with a release German suplex to send Allin flying.

Cue Wardlow for a distraction though and MJF lays Moxley out with a title shot to the head. Wardlow finally leaves and the Coffin Drop gets two on the bloody Moxley. Allin dropkicks him into the corner and hits the flipping Stunner. Another Coffin Drop is countered into a rear naked choke though but Allin fights up again. That earns him a Gotch style piledriver for two, because AEW loves kickouts. Moxley is very frustrated and hits the Paradigm Shift to finally retain the title at 14:29.

Rating: B-. The storytelling was here throughout and while there wasn’t a ton of drama, what we got still worked out rather well. Moxley didn’t want to beat Allin up that badly but had to do it because they are that much alike. There wasn’t much doubt about Moxley vs. MJF coming up next though and that’s perfectly fine.

Moxley checks on Allin to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Better show than last week with that Cassidy bit being the highlight. The show was heavy with tag matches and that hurt things a bit to start, but the action was good and they set some things up for the future. It was a little step up over last week’s off show though, and that’s a great sign for AEW. They weren’t as sharp last week but there was no reason to think it was anything more than an off night. Not many places can say that and it’s nice to see here.


Dark Order/Colt Cabana b. Kenny Omega/Hangman Page/Young Bucks/FTR – Discus lariat to Page

Best Friends b. Santana/Ortiz – Victory roll to Ortiz

Cody/Matt Cardona b. Dark Order – Rough Ryder to Reynolds

Big Swole b. Reba – Dirty Dancing

Jon Moxley b. Darby Allin – Paradigm Shift



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Dark – July 7, 2020: The Stupid Idea

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: July 7, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

It’s the go home show for the second half of Fyter Fest and I’m not sure if that is going to matter. This show continues to be all over the place and I’m not sure what to expect from it week to week. One of the biggest draws here is the in-ring debut of Brian Pillman Jr., who could be a star in a few years. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Taz and Excalibur give us a quick hello.

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Shawn Spears

Tully Blanchard is here with Spears. Feeling out process to start with Pillman flipping out of a wristlock and kicking Spears into the corner. Some chops put Pillman in the corner but he’s right back with a dropkick. That means a chat with Blanchard on the floor, which seems to work as Spears dropkicks him off the ropes back inside. Pillman gets sent head first into the steps on the way to the ring but he’s right back with a running forearm to the face. The springboard spinning crossbody misses though and it’s the C4 to give Spears the pin at 5:14.

Rating: C-. Well that was a little surprising. Pillman isn’t the biggest star in the world and while he isn’t a bigger star than Spears (for now), you might have expected a little something more than a five minute clean loss. It wasn’t terrible, but I was hoping for Pillman to be treated as a little bit of a bigger deal in his debut.

Rache Chanel vs. Big Swole

Chanel is into fashion if that wasn’t obvious. Swole powers her around to start and strikes the bicep pose, followed by a headlock. The takeover takes Chanel over but the threat of Dirty Dancing sends her bailing to the floor. Back in and Swole hits a kick to the head on the apron but Chanel grabs a swinging neckbreaker for two. We hit the seated armbar and then a reverse chinlock as Britt Baker rolls out to watch. Swole fights back with some clotheslines but stops to glare at Baker. A spinning powerbomb sets up Dirty Dancing and a kick to the face finishes Chanel at 7:23.

Rating: C-. Chanel didn’t look all that great here but Swole is starting to figure things out. She has a good energy to her and that is the kind of thing that can make her into a star. There is a solid charisma and seeing her face Baker when she is finally healthy should be a fun match.

We get a sitdown interview with Allie and Brandi Rhodes, who argue about who is responsible for their success. Dustin Rhodes comes in to say he knows Allie is going to turn on QT Marshall and wants her to stay away from his family. The women want to be a team.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Luther

Excalibur thinks Kazarian’s 19-10 record is 19-1, which Taz doesn’t notice and calls a “good observation”. Luther powers him into the corner to start so Kazarian snaps off some armdrags and cranks on the arm. Back up and Luther hits a spinwheel kick of all things, allowing him to rake the face in the corner. A hard clothesline gives Luther one but Kazarian fights back with some shots to the head. The slingshot Oklahoma roll gets two and a victory roll gives Kazarian the pin at 6:45.

Rating: C. Luther has been surprisingly acceptable and that’s all I could have asked of him. There was no reason to believe that he was ever going to be anything special and seems to be there as nothing more than a favor to Jericho. There are worse ways to get a job and he has done better with it than I ever would have guessed.

Butcher and Blade/Lucha Bros vs. Faboo Andre/Brady Pierce/Joe Alonzo/Tony Donati

Pentagon tells Tony that there is CERO MIEDO so it’s a big chop to the chest. Fenix comes in so the Bros can tie Donati up. A kick to the chest and an assisted chop allow the tag to Alonzo, who is knocked down in a hurry. Everything breaks down and it’s a superkick/brainbuster combination to Pierce. Butcher suplexes Alonzo into a powerbomb onto Blade’s knees, with Fenix adding a springboard missile dropkick for the pin at 3:15.

Rating: D+. That’s how this should have gone with the team in a big match wrecking people instead of doing anything resembling selling. These were four goons going against two bigger teams and there was no reason for it to be anything more than a squash. I can go for some complete dominance and that is what we got here, as we should have.

Will Hobbs vs. Orange Cassidy

A missed charge lets Cassidy hit a Superman Punch for the pin at 12 seconds.

Michael Nakazawa vs. Shawn Dean

Dean grabs a hammerlock into a waistlock so it’s the oil squeezing for the escape. Nakazawa hits a running shoulder so Dean is back with a dropkick. A clothesline gives Dean two but Aubrey Edwards has to take away Nakazawa’s baby oil. Nakazawa goes with a tackle and then a top rope shoulder gets two. With nothing else working, Nakazawa pulls out his own underwear but gets caught in a TKO Stunner. A Backstabber gives Dean two but Nakazawa puts the underwear on Dean’s face like a claw for the win at 5:45.

Rating: F. See, Luther being around for the sake of being Jericho’s friend has been a good thing. Nakazawa being around for the sake of being Kenny Omega’s friend is HORRIBLE as he is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a long time. It’s the same joke over and over and feels like something that belongs in comedy written by a five year old. Moving on to ANYTHING else.

Serpentico vs. Scorpio Sky

Sky takes him down to start but gets reversed into a quickly broken headlock. A Russian legsweep gives Sky two and a backbreaker lets him bend Serpentico over the knee. Serpentico sends him outside though and it’s a ram into the barricade. A legdrop on the apron keeps Sky in trouble and there’s a stomp to the face for a delayed two. As Taz discussed bird watching, Serpentico gets two off a one footed dropkick.

The armbar doesn’t last long but Sky blocks a suplex attempt. Instead Sky snaps off a brainbuster and gets two off a neckbreaker. Serpentico is sent to the apron and comes back in with a kick to the head, followed by a slingshot double stomp. A short DDT gives Serpentico two more but Sky is back with a good looking dropkick for the double knockdown. The TKO is countered and Serpentico hits a knee to the face. The followup takes too long though and now the TKO gives Sky the pin at 9:58.

Rating: C+. Sky is the definition of smooth as he can look good against anyone. He wrestles a very universal style but makes it look good every time he’s in the ring. This was a nice showing for Serpentico as well though and hopefully they both get another chance to showcase themselves in the future.

Dark Order vs. Brandon Cutler/Peter Avalon

For a couple of losers, Cutler and Avalon (with Leva Bates of course) get to main event a lot of shows. A lot of the Dark Order is here with Stu Grayson and Evil Uno. Taz talks about how Avalon and Cutler suck as individual wrestlers. Excalibur: “Taz, I will have you know, they sucked as a team too.” Ok point for a funny line. Avalon offers to lay down for Uno but manages to grab a small package for two.

Grayson comes in and gets kicked in the head by Cutler, who comes in off a quick tag. Cutler gets slammed down by Grayson though and a running shoulder in the corner keeps him in trouble. A backbreaker sends Cutler to the apron and a running knee gives Uno two. The brainbuster gets the same but Cutler pulls himself to the top for a high crossbody and immediately rolls over for the hot tag to Avalon.

House is cleaned and an Arabian moonsault gives Avalon two. Grayson goes after Bates so Avalon makes a diving save, followed by a big springboard dive from Cutler. Grayson kicks both of them in the head and gets two off a sitout powerbomb to Avalon. The Knightfall finishes Avalon at 7:26, as Uno seems to be favoring his wrist and shoulder.

Rating: C. I never would have bet on having Avalon and Cutler work as faces but they did here….kind of. It was a fun match and they were getting somewhere with the Avalon comeback. They might have something with those two FINALLY winning a match of some sort, but I’m not sure when were’ going to get there, or if it’s going to matter in the end.

A Fyter Fest rundown ends the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This was a rougher one to sit through, mainly because of the Nakazawa match being as welcome as a stapler to the face. They didn’t have the star power going this week and it made for a tougher sit than usual. It wasn’t the worst show but there were a lot of times where I was wondering how much longer it could go. Not their best effort this week.


Shawn Spears b. Brian Pillman Jr. – C4

Big Swole b. Rache Chanel – Dirty Dancing

Frankie Kazarian b. Luther – Victory roll

Orange Cassidy b. Will Hobbs – Superman Punch

Michael Nakazawa b. Shawn Dean – Claw

Butcher and Blade/Lucha Bros b. Tony Donati/Joe Alonzo/Faboo Andre/Brady Pierce – Springboard missile dropkick to Alonzo

Scorpio Sky b. Serpentico – TKO

Dark Order b. Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler – Knightfall to Avalon



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dynamite – June 3, 2020: Title Time

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: June 3, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

It’s time for the title show as both the TNT Title and the Tag Team Titles are on the line. That is quite the stacked card for any show and hopefully the execution lives up to the hype. You never can tell for sure with something like this but AEW has a history of being able to pull off a big show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a Black Lives Matter graphic.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

The announcers run down the card.

Tag Team Titles: Kenny Omega/Hangman Page vs. Kip Sabian/Jimmy Havoc

Havoc and Sabian, with Penelope Ford, are challenging. Ford grabs Omega’s leg to start and Havoc takes him down. It’s off to Sabian to keep Omega in the corner and it’s back to Havoc to work on the hand. With FTR watching from an empty part of the crowd, Omega fights his way to freedom and brings in Page to run over Havoc. The champs throw Sabian down and Page easily blocks Ford’s top rope hurricanrana. Since the referee say the whole thing and she didn’t turn him over, Ford is ejected.

In the distraction, Havoc hits both champs in the back with a wrench for two. Sabian dropkicks Page to the floor and Havoc pokes at the eyes but Page fights over to Omega for the tag. Omega starts cleaning house and plants Sabian for two before quickly bringing Page back in. The Kitaro Crusher from Omega gives Page two and Page takes out Sabian and Havoc back to back.

A big running clothesline gets two on Sabian with Havoc making the save. Havoc Death Valley Drivers Omega into Page in the corner and Sing the Sorrow gets two on Omega with Page making the save this time. The reverse hurricanrana drops Sabian on his head and there’s the snapdragon to Havoc. Omega hits a V Trigger on Sabian and it’s back to Page for the Last Call to finish Havoc at 13:38.

Rating: B-. It’s kind of amazing how much more entertaining Page is than Omega. He comes off like a more complete character and feels more explosive in the ring as well. I know Omega is going to get the praise and will likely be the top star in the company one day, but I like watching Page a good bit more. The match wasn’t exactly dramatic but it was nice to see the titles defended for a change.

Tully Blanchard yelled at Shawn Spears earlier today and asked what Spears wants his legacy to be. Later, Blanchard thought he had the missing piece for Spears: a single black glove.

We look at Mike Tyson vs. Chris Jericho from last week.

We look back at Brian Cage squashing a human last week.

Brian Cage vs. Shawn Dean

A bunch of suplexes set up the Drill Claw to end whatever is left of Dean at 1:38.

Post match Taz warns Jon Moxley to get serious before Cage kills him at Fyter Fest. Cue Moxley, who is still smiling to annoy Taz. Moxley is in this business for something like this and knows that Cage is impressive. Maybe Cage is a machine but Moxley is a human who can be beaten. It’s going to take Cage all night long though because taking the title from him is a different prospect entirely. The next time you want to bring his name up, remember who you’re talking about.

Lance Archer is beating up someone at what looks like a construction site as Jake Roberts looks on. Archer talks about how one loss isn’t changing him after twenty years in the business and he’ll take everything in AEW. Roberts looks impressed.

We look back at Matt Hardy helping Marc Quen out after an injury last week.

Hardy comes in to see Private Party, where Quen’s knee is fine. They remind him of the bond he and his brother had, which is quite the thrill for the team. If they ever need anything, let him know. Hardy leaves and runs into Sammy Guevara, who he respects, before leaving. Sammy is confused.

We recap Cody winning the TNT Title, the open challenge, and Jungle Boy becoming the #1 contender last week.

Colt Cabana vs. Chris Jericho

Fallout from Cabana arguing with Jericho after last week’s brawl with Tyson. Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara are here with Jericho and Sammy sings Judas for a bonus. Cabana starts fast and knocks Jericho to the floor, setting up an Asai moonsault to take out both Jericho and Hager. Jericho knocks Cabana out of the air back inside though and we take a break.

Back with Jericho elbowing him in the face for two but Cabana slugs away. The Bionic Elbow sets up the Flying Apple into the middle rope splash for two. Cabana rolls up the Superman Pin but Jericho reverses into the Walls of Jericho. The rope is grabbed for the save and Cabana hits a corner clotheslines. A super hurricanrana gives Cabana two but he slips coming out of the corner and walks into the Judas Effect to give Jericho the pin at 9:50.

Rating: C+. I know Cabana is mainly a comedy wrestler but this is the kind of match where he can turn it off and wrestle straight when he has to. That makes Cabana a lot easier to watch and it was the case here. Jericho getting a clean win is good for him at this point, even if it’s over a midcarder. Not too bad here and Cabana was trying.

Videos on the matches announced for Fyter Fest.

Video on Britt Baker’s Road to Recovery with Tony Schiavone and the doctor looking on. She’s a little uh, over the top with things, though calling her wheelchair Role’s Royce is a great touch.

Nyla Rose vs. Big Swole

Swole headlocks her down to start but Rose fights up without much trouble. A shoulder doesn’t work on Rose so Swole sends her outside. That just lets Rose trip her up, sending Swole face first into the apron. Back from a break with Swole hitting a kick to the head and a headbutt, followed by a springboard cutter for two. Swole starts going after the knee but Rose spears her down. The Beast Bomb is countered into a sunset flip for two but Dirty Dancing is countered into a spinebuster/powerbomb to finish Swole at 9:48.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here as Swole isn’t all that interesting and Rose was getting back on the winning path. Part of the problem with any monster like Rose is that once she loses, the luster is gone in a hurry. I’m not sure where she can go next, but one off squashes could be best for her for the time being.

Post match Swole talks about having the fans behind her but Britt Baker rolls over, only to have Swole chase her off with a chair.

Darby Allin is injured but promises revenge on Brian Cage and Taz.

We get a sitdown interview with FTR, who say their name stands for anything they want it to. They’re ready for a bunch of teams, including the Young Bucks, who Dave Meltzer has praised as the next Midnight Express. They know they’re better than the Young Bucks and they don’t want any excuses for when they beat the Bucks in their first match. Tony thanks them for the interview but here are Butcher and Blade to interrupt. Other wrestlers and security break it up and a match is set for next week.

We run down next week’s show, including Marc Quen challenging for the TNT Title.

Colt Cabana is annoyed at his losses so here’s Brodie Lee to say it’s about how you respond to the losing. Lee can help him, so think about it.

TNT Title: Cody vs. Jungle Boy

Cody, with Arn Anderson, is defending and Jungle Boy is on his own here. They start with the rollups early on before Cody wins a slugout in the corner. The Figure Four goes on in a hurry but Boy is out in a hurry. A slingshot DDT gets two on Cody and he bails outside. Cody sends Boy over the barricade and we take a break. Back with Cody headbutting a wall by mistake but Boy stops to yell at MJF.

Cody is busted open so Boy hammers on the cut, only to get knocked down in a hurry. Boy heads up top and gets caught with a dropkick, setting up a delayed superplex. The Figure Four is broken up so Cody goes up top, right above a well placed table. Boy follows him up and they both fall through the table in a big crash. Back in and Boy counters a sunset flip into a rollup for two but Cody snaps off Cross Rhodes to retain at 12:48.

Rating: B. They had my attention here and Boy looked good in a losing effort. It’s a case where he’s a star of the future and that’s a good sign for where this company could be going. I’m curious to see how things are going to go for him and Cody could help a lot of people in matches like this. Good stuff, even if it started to feel like one of those patented forced Cody epics.

Post match all of Cody’s friends come in for the celebration as he shows respect to Boy to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I had a good time with this one and it was a rather good show, without reaching the next level. What mattered here was having nothing bad and almost everything looking good up and down the card. They’re on the way to Fyter Fest and you can see a lot of the matches from here. Nice stuff here, with a solid show to keep up some momentum.


Kenny Omega/Hangman Page b. Kip Sabian/Jimmy Havoc – Last Call to Havoc

Brian Cage b. Shawn Dean – Drill Claw

Chris Jericho b. Colt Cabana – Judas Effect

Nyla Rose b. Big Swole – Powerbomb

Cody b. Jungle Boy – Cross Rhodes

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dynamite – March 4, 2020: If This Is Their Downgrade, They’ll Be Fine

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: March 4, 2020
Location: 1st Bank Center, Broomfield, Colorado
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

We’re in a new stretch for AEW as Revolution has come and gone, meaning we have a new World Champion. Jon Moxley defeated Chris Jericho to win the title on Saturday, marking the first time that the title has changed hands. It should be interesting to see where we’re going next, but WarGames is looming in three weeks. Let’s get to it.

Here’s Revolution if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of Revolution.

Here’s Moxley for his first chat as champion but he has to wait for the YOU DESERVE IT chants to die down. Moxley says AEW represents professional wrestling and this belt never belonged to Chris Jericho. It doesn’t belong to him either, because the belt belongs to the people. Every fan out there who said they wanted something different helped bring pro wrestling back. He will defend this title with his life and there isn’t a man in this industry who has what it takes to pry it away from his cold dead hands.

Moxley knows the Inner Circle is still coming for him and seeing the title on his shoulder is like acid in Jericho’s mouth. Moxley dares them to come after him so here comes Jericho, flanked by the rest of the team. The fans keep singing the song after the music stops for….I think it was a cool moment but I’m not sure. Jericho says he doesn’t need a belt to be Le Champion and yells at the fans for not chanting in unison. The fans may like the Moxley Era but Jericho thinks it sucks. Moxley’s title reign was based on a lie and the fact that Moxley can see out of both eyes is not worthy of a champion.

Therefore, Moxley is a liar and so are all of these fans. Now the Inner Circle is a hit squad and they’re coming after the entire roster. They’re going to hurt some people, starting with Moxley. After tonight’s main event (there’s a hug for Sammy), Moxley isn’t walking out of this dump on his own. Jericho is so sure of it, that if Moxley walks out on his own tonight, he’ll take a sixty day hiatus from AEW. Moxley knows he isn’t that smart but he’s so sick of hearing Jericho talk, that he’s going to beat him again tonight in Broomfield, Colorado.

Here’s a preview for the rest of the show.

SCU/Colt Cabana vs. Dark Order

Cabana and Grayson start things off with Cabana shrugging off some chops. The Order comes in to take over on Cabana and knock SCU off the apron at the same time. SCU gets back in and takes over on Silver, including a running series of elbows in the corner. Daniels gets sent outside though and Uno posts him to take over. The beatdown has Daniels down in the corner and we take a break.

Back with Daniels still in trouble but getting away from Silver and making the hot tag to Kazarian. House is cleaned and the assisted middle rope stomp puts Grayson down. A slingshot cutter gives Kazarian two and it’s off to Cabana to deal with multiple parts of the Order at the same time time. The fans are into Cabana but are also happy for Sky’s big flip dive over the top. Cabana hits the Chicago Skyline on Silver, followed by the Superman Pin at 10:27.

Rating: C+. Well at least the important members didn’t get pinned. The match was a good way to give Cabana his first win and continue the build towards the Exalted One. I’m still curious to see who it is and that’s a good feeling to have, as long as the reveal is even somewhat good.

Post match, Uno threatens SCU with the arrival of the Exalted One, because he will not be pleased.

Highlights of the Revolution Tag Team match, featuring quotes from Alvarez, Keller and Meltzer. Now granted they don’t say who those people are so anyone who aren’t hardcore fans won’t know who they are, but they did say that Justin Barrasso writes for Sports Illustrated.

Big Swole vs. Leva Bates

Britt Baker, with coffee for Tony, is on commentary. Swole shoves Bates down to start but a Peter Avalon distraction lets Bates hit her with a book. A Backstabber rocks Swole but she’s right back with Dirty Dancing for the pin at 1:28. Well that was emphatic.

Video on MJF stealing a pin over Cody.

Here’s Cody for a chat. He doesn’t know if he wants to talk about what it means to lose to MJF because it means a lot to get on a pay per view, let alone win. Cody has gone through a lot and now he wants MJF to come out here right now, look him in the eye and say he won fair and square. Instead, here’s Jake Roberts for your random cameo of the week. Jake: “I got tired of hearing you cry and b****.”

Roberts says he’s here because the Dark Side is coming to AEW and it will be like a phoenix rising from the ashes. It’s been twenty years to get clean and now he has earned it. If you think he’s going to be a nice boy who plays nice, you have another thing coming. For years, he brought a snake to the ring to get in people’s heads and now he’s still getting in heads.

His client is coming and he’ll be on the floor getting in Cody’s head again. Cody can even bring Arn Anderson if he wants because Jake is just here to take Cody’s piece of the pie. Jake says never turn your back on someone you respect or are afraid of before turning his back on Cody and walking away. They got the point across, but it took a few seconds for Jake to start making sense.

Clips of Pac vs. Orange Cassidy.

Chuck Taylor vs. Pac

Orange Cassidy and Trent are at ringside. They run the ropes to start with neither being able to make much contact. A hurricanrana puts Taylor on the floor but Pac rolls outside to stare at Cassidy. Taylor jumps over him in the corner and chops away but Pac takes it outside. That means a hard whip into the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Pac working on the arm until Taylor fights up with a dropkick to the floor. That means a dive over the top, but he still has time to hug Trent. Back in and Pac gets caught with an Awful Waffle in the corner for a rather close two. The moonsault misses though and the Brutalizer makes Chuck tap at 10:05.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t the extended squash that it should have been, which is annoying at least Pac continues to make the fans hate him. I’m sure the feud will continue, even though Pac has dominated the entire thing and apparently has the Lucha Bros with him. Chuck wasn’t bad as usual, but the entire team feels like it’s playing over its head.

Post match Trent gets in Pac’s face but Cassidy takes his place. Cue the Lucha Bros for the beatdown, with Pac naming the trio the Death Triangle. Is there some rule that EVERYONE around here has to be in some kind of a faction??? Cassidy takes the spike Fear Factor and Pentagon bites his ear.

Tully Blanchard wants your suggestions for Shawn Spears’ partner.

QT Marshall vs. Jake Hager

Brandi Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, Santana and Ortiz are here. Hager takes him down with straight power to start and Marshall gets dropped with a knee to the ribs. The running Vader Bomb hits raised boots and Marshall’s corkscrew Swanton gets two. Hager is right back with a heck of a clothesline, setting up the standing arm triangle choke for the win at 3:23.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here and that’s fine enough. Hager is someone who needs to pick up wins like this to show that he can be more than a heavy and they did what they should have done. This feels like they’re setting up something for the future with a six man tag, though I’m not sure how much fuel something between these people are going to have.

Post match Hager won’t let go so Dustin comes in. That draws out Cody to clean house until Santana and Ortiz take him down with a chair shot. Cue Matt Jackson for the attempted save but the numbers are too big for him. Now it’s Hangman Page, who puts the beer on the post and starts wrecking people, including the Buckshot Lariat to Hager. Matt gets in Page’s face so Page flips him off and leaves.

MJF says he’s all about pinning shoulders to mats and banging rats (MJF: “AKA women.”). He’s gone from prospect to prodigy and now it’s time for him to become #1 contender. MJF will face Jungle Jabroni or Marko Stunted growth and doesn’t care who he is. It’s hot in here though so he needs to take his jacket off, revealing an I Pinned Cody shirt. That shirt is obnoxious, regrettable and very distracting. MJF: “Kind of like a neck tattoo, don’t you think?” We’re not worthy of MJF because this was glorious.

Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara vs. Jon Moxley/Darby Allin

Hold on though as three masked men jump Moxley during his entrance. They take him into the concourse and remove the masks to reveal Santana, Ortiz and Hager as the beatdown is on. Moxley gets covered with trash and choked out as commentary says Allin was jumped in the ring, which is why he isn’t coming out for the save. Ignore being able to see Allin standing up and watching the beatdown on the monitor.

Anyway, Allin agrees to wrestle on his own so Sammy knees him down for an early two. Jericho comes in and chokes in the corner, with Hager and company out to choke as well. A sunset flip out of the corner gives Allin two but Jericho is right back with the Walls. Allin makes the save so Jericho baseball slides him to the floor as we take a break. Back with Jericho hitting a suplex and bringing Sammy back in for a double elbow. The fans chant something censored before switching to STUPID IDIOT.

Allin fights up and knocks Jericho outside for a suicide flip dive but the numbers take him down again. Sammy kicks him in the back for two but the Lionsault hits knees. Allin tags himself in and gets all fired up, meaning the comeback is on. Jericho and Sammy are sent outside for the top rope Coffin Drop onto the entire Inner Circle. Back in and the Coffin Drop gets two on Sammy with Jericho making the save. Darby sends Jericho outside but the suicide dive gets Judas Effected out of the air. Allin is done and Sammy gets the pin at 14:08.

Rating: B. This was another show stealing performance from Allin, who needs to actually win something big at some point. It was a match where I got into Allin again and that’s something that happens almost every time he’s out there. Good stuff here and the action helped boost up a solid story.

Post match here’s Moxley to throw a chair at Hager but the numbers game gets the better of him as well. The Inner Circle takes him to the stage and powerbombs him down through some tables to end the show.

Lance Archer didn’t appear and wasn’t mentioned.

Overall Rating: B. It wasn’t quite as good as some of their previous efforts but that’s a pretty high standard to reach. There were some very good parts here along with some that were a bit odd/weak, such as Roberts’ random cameo and ANOTHER group named after death/darkness/evil. Still a good show and they’ve got a lot to look forward to, which is a great sign coming out of a pay per view.


SCU/Colt Cabana b. Dark Order – Superman Pin to Silver

Big Swole b. Leva Bates – Dirty Dancing

Pac b. Chuck Taylor – Brutalizer

Jake Hager b. QT Marshall – Standing arm triangle choke

Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara b. Darby Allin – Judas Effect

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dynamite – February 26, 2020: Start The Revolution With Me

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: February 26, 2020
Location: Silverstein Eye Centers Arena, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, Excalibur

It’s another big week as we have the go home show for Revolution, but at the same time we also have an Iron Man match between Kenny Omega and Pac. This show has been on a roll lately with one good week after another so hopefully they can keep it going on the way to the pay per view. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The announcers preview the show.

Kenny Omega vs. Pac

Thirty minute Iron Man match. The Young Bucks are here with Omega but Hangman Page is nowhere to be seen. Feeling out process to start as it’s Omega grabbing a wristlock a minute in. Pac flips out of a wristdrag attempt and that means a standoff, with Omega’s look saying “so that’s how it’s going to be”. They chop it out until Omega kicks the leg out, only to charge into a hard superkick.

The early One Winged Angel attempt is countered into a Brutalizer but Omega falls into the corner for the break. Pac heads outside and that means a big flip dive, much to the fans’ delight. The running jumping bulldog (it was nowhere near a Fameasser this time) plants Pac for two and Omega strikes away against the ropes. There’s the Snapdragon as we’re five minutes in with both of them down.

They head outside with Pac managing a quick tornado DDT to plant Omega and give them another chance to breathe. Back in and Omega headbutts him off the top, only to have Pac run the ropes for the super brainbuster. Pac scores with a missile dropkick for two and we hit the chinlock. A hard faceplant gives Pac two as we hit ten minutes. The fans call Pac a b****** as he kicks Omega in the back of the head to keep him down.

Back up and they go into the slow motion slugout with Pac hitting a pump kick to the face. Omega doesn’t go down though so it’s a snap German suplex to drop him instead. That doesn’t seem to matter very much as Omega hits some knees to the head, followed by a Tiger Driver 98 for two.

After JR makes fun of the Tiger Driver 98 name, Pac breaks out of the One Winged Angle, only to get German suplexed HARD for two. Omega hits running knees to the back in the corner before loading up….a super One Winged Angel? That’s reversed into a sunset bomb as we hit the halfway point. Pac’s super hurricanrana is countered as well and there’s a Snapdragon into a V Trigger for two more. Pac staggers to the floor and BLASTS Omega in the head for the DQ with 14:06 to go.

Omega – 1

Pac – 0

We take a thirty second rest period but Pac gets in another shot to the head to keep Omega in trouble. A running kick to the head sets up the Black Arrow to tie it up with 13:21 to go.

Omega – 1

Pac – 1

Back from a break with 10:46 to go and the slugout on the apron going to Pac. A Falcon Arrow off the apron drops Omega again and the audio is muted for the sake of swearing fans. They’re both down again and we have less than ten minutes to go. Pac knocks him off the apron and the ref is bumped.

With no one seeing it, Pac pulls out a table and hits a shooting star off the top to send Omega through the table (which pretty much explodes). They both beat the count (I’m not sure on Omega but they give it to him anyway) and Pac can’t believe it. Another Black Arrow hits raised knees with five minutes left and Omega has an opener. A heck of a V Trigger sets up a spinning Rock Bottom for two on Pac, followed by another V Trigger.

Pac is back up with a tornado DDT and the Brutalizer (on the mat this time) has Omega in real trouble. We have two minutes left as Omega finally gets his foot on the rope. Pac is smart enough to go right back to the hold as we hit a minute left. The hold stays on with Omega looking at the clock as time expires at 30:00. Pac blasts the referee but hang on as we’re getting sudden death. Omega hits another V Trigger and then another knee to the head for two. The One Winged Angel finishes Pac at 33:14, counting the breaks between falls.

Omega – 2

Pac – 1

Rating: B+. They beat the heck out of each other here and while they could do another match, this felt like the definitive end of the feud. Omega gets a big singles win for the first time in a good while and Pac hardly looks bad in defeat. What does look bad is the Brutalizer, which was on for the better part of three minutes but then Omega just popped up and dominated overtime to win. I didn’t like it when Shawn Michaels survived that long in the Sharpshooter and I don’t like this either. That being said, heck of a fight and that’s what it needed to be.

Post break Pac doesn’t want to hear about getting what he deserves so here’s Orange Cassidy for a chat. Cassidy takes his glasses off so Pac drops him with a single forearm. Good for him.

Jake Hager isn’t allowing any interviews with Chris Jericho before tonight’s weigh-in.

Inner Circle vs. Jurassic Express

It’s Santana/Ortiz/Sammy Guevara this time around. The Express starts fast with Boy knocking Guevara off the apron and Stunt dropkicking Santana and Ortiz to the floor. Boy hits some suicide dives but Stunt gets pulled out of the air and thrown into Boy, driving him into the barricade. Back in and Luchasaurus gets taken down with a double flapjack, followed by a big toss to Stunt.

We take a break and come back with Santana hitting a big Poetry In Cannonball to crush Stunt in the corner. Stunt is fine enough to escape a German suplex attempt and bring in Luchasaurus to clean house. A chokeslam into a standing moonsault have Ortiz down but Sammy hits Luchasaurus in the back for reasons of overconfidence. Triple kicks in the corner rock Sammy and it’s a kick to the chest/Vertebreaker combination for two with Santana making the save.

A double enziguri puts Boy down and Sammy’s running shooting star press gets two with Stunt making the save. Luchasaurus moonsaults onto Stunt, Santana and Ortiz but Sammy grabs the loaded sock. Cue Darby Allin to steal it away though and Boy hurricanranas Sammy for the pin at 9:43.

Rating: B-. It was action packed and aside from my general issues with Stunt, there wasn’t much to complain about here, save for one thing. If you’re going to bust out a big move like a Vertebreaker in a match like this, it should be the finish. I know they had more to do, but if that’s the case, don’t do the move. Save a move that big for a more important spot instead of another near fall in a six man that isn’t going to mean much in the long run.

Video on Cody vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman. They’ve done an awesome job of making me want to see Cody destroy him.

Best Friends vs. Butcher And Blade

Cassidy and Bunny are at ringside. Butcher runs Trent over to start and Blade walks around the ring a lot. Trent gets dropped ribs first across the top rope but he manages a running knee to set up the hot tag to Chuck. House is cleaned and we take a break. Back with Trent’s dive over the top being sent into the barricade but he’s fine enough to spear Blade down.

Hold on though, as it’s time for ORANGE CASSIDY TO DO THE SAME THING HE DOES EVERY WEEK, BUT THIS TIME IT’S SOMEONE DIFFERENT SO HE’S AWESOME! This time Bunny steals his sunglasses so he steals her bunny ears and then dives onto Blade. Strong Zero finishes Butcher at 8:06.

Rating: C-. It was the usual match with the usual Cassidy spot and that isn’t enough to overcome my lack of caring about either team. Butcher and Blade don’t win matches and don’t really hurt anyone so I’m not sure why they’re continuing their roles as enforcers/bounty hunters/whatever they’re called at the moment. It wasn’t a bad match, but after the first two matches, this wasn’t up to the same level.

Post match Tony Schiavone is in the ring with Best Friends and Cassidy to announce Cassidy vs. Pac for Revolution. Chuck: “Pac, the joke’s on you buddy, because this time he’s going to TRY!”

Big Swole vs. Shanna vs. Yuka Sakazaki vs. Hikaru Shida

Everyone gets in a shot or two to start with Shanna hurricanranaing Swole and Shida at the same time. Sakazaki stands on the apron while the other three do a triple test of strength. She comes back in to break it up but Swole kicks her down, setting up the parade of rollups for two each. Back with Shida cleaning house and suplexing Shanna into Sakazaki in the corner.

Swole is back in to clean house and kicks Shanna on the head, setting up a springboard cutter for two. Now it’s Sakazaki getting back up, only to get taken down with a lifting Pedigree to give Shanna two of her own. Dirty Dancing drops Shanna but Shida gives Swole a backbreaker. Sakazaki hits a springboard splash for two but Shida makes the save. A running knee hits Swole to give Shida the pin at 9:12.

Rating: C-. This was just another four way with the wrestlers doing their spots until one of them won. I’m rarely a fan of matches like this one as there is next to no story or psychology to the whole thing and it’s just moves after moves. It feels like there’s a multi person match every week or two and I don’t need to see another one for a good while.

The Dark Order says the Exalted One is coming and they’re beating up SCU at Revolution.

Jim Ross moderates a sitdown interview between the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega/Hangman Page (with a drink in hand). The Bucks couldn’t believe this being the case a year ago because Omega and Page were singles wrestlers. Omega says the Bucks are the best but he and Page were in the right place at the right time. Page looks rather anxious and the Bucks call him out for needing a drink.

They’re worried about him because they’re friends in and out of the ring. Page says he tried to leave the Elite, with the Bucks saying he’s walking away from everything they did for him. He was a jobber in ROH and they made him a star on Being The Elite. Page walks out, despite the Bucks saying they have a match to promote. Not titles to win mind you, but a match to promote.

Revolution rundown.

Lance Archer debuts next week.

It’s time for the official weigh-in between Jon Moxley and Chris Jericho, with Gary Michael Cappetta of all people as master of ceremonies. After hyping up the pay per view, Cappetta brings out the two of them but Jericho calls him a weird little man instead of getting on the scale. Jericho: “It’s no wonder WCW went out of business.” Moxley goes first and weighs 234lbs.

Jericho takes his time getting on the scale because he needs to insult the fans and Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes. He goes after Moxley, who headbutts Jericho down to bust him open. The Inner Circle is on Moxley in a hurry but here’s Dustin Rhodes to go after Jake Hager. They fight to the back (JR: “For the love of God stay away from the Dippin’ Dots!!!”) and yes, Dustin is sent into the Dippin’ Dots cart.

Back in the arena, Darby Allin runs in (as in he doesn’t wait around on the stage for thirty seconds this week) for the save but Sammy takes the skateboard away and breaks it over Darby’s head. Moxley fights up and it’s time for the big slugout with Jericho. Guevara breaks up the Paradigm Shift with a low blow and the Judas Effect hits Moxley. Jericho gives him a Paradigm Shift onto the scale. That was a hot ending and covered three matches at once so well done all around.

Overall Rating: B. The opening hour was rather good and while things slowed down a lot from there, it was still a heck of a show with the ending picking up a lot of the slack. The last two weeks were better but this got me ready for Revolution and they’re still in a groove at the right time. Rather good show this week and if they can fix some of their issues, they’re as good as anything going at the moment, if not a fair bit better.


Kenny Omega b. Pac two falls to one

Jurassic Express b. Inner Circle – Hurricanrana to Sammy Guevara

Best Friends b. Butcher and Blade – Strong Zero to Butcher

Hikaru Shida b. Big Swole, Yuka Sakazaki and Shanna – Running knee to Swole

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dark – February 18, 2020: I Can Dig It

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: February 18, 2020
Location: HEB Center, Austin, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz
Host: Tony Schiavone

This show is what I want when I watch WWE’s Main Event: they rarely mess around and include some recaps when necessary, but above all else the show offers some talent a chance to get on TV. You don’t get repeat matches and it’s not a bunch of lifeless drek. That makes things so much better and Dark can be an entertaining show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tony welcomes us to the show. Dasha isn’t coming back is she?

Diamante vs. Kris Stadtlander

Stadtlander does her poke to the referee’s nose but Diamante isn’t as interested. A shot to the face sends Diamante into the corner and Stadtlander crawls after her. There’s the double arm pull before she sticks Diamante’s fingers into her (as in Diamante’s own) ears. A running knee in the corner puts Diamante on the floor so Stadtlander gorilla presses her onto the apron. Back in and a Code Red gives Diamante two but a wheelbarrow suplex (egads) drops Diamante on her head. The Big Bang Theory finishes Diamante at 4:26.

Rating: C-. This was just a squash and I still really like Stadtlander. She doesn’t need the alien deal as she’s unique enough looking on her own but it’s certainly something unique. Diamante hasn’t impressed me during most of the time I’ve seen her but there are far worse choices they could throw out there.

Hybrid 2 vs. Best Friends

And yes Orange Cassidy is here too. Chuck and Evans start things off with the former taking Evans down in a hurry. That’s reversed into a headscissors and it’s up to a standoff. Evans flips out of a northern lights suplex but the second work just fine. Chuck comes in for a double elbow drop as the fans are behind the Best Friends again. Apparently bored on the apron, Angelico drops to the floor and decks Cassidy, only to get knocked down by Chuck.

The Hybrids use the distraction to take over and Angelico Gory Specials Trent onto Chuck in a cool spot. Evans adds a moonsault to both of them and Angelico’s top rope double stomp into a belly to back suplex gets two. Trent’s tornado DDT gets him out of trouble and a helicopter bomb gets two on Evans.

A reverse Razor’s Edge into a cutter gets two more on Evans with Angelico making a save. The assisted 450 hits Trent for two but Cassidy gets on the apron to distract Evans on top. The big shot to the leg is loaded up but Cassidy steps to the side to avoid Angelico, who hits the ropes to crotch Jack. That’s one of the only times Cassidy has felt like he contributed something substantial to a match. Strong Zero finishes Evans at 8:31.

Rating: C. They worked more of a formula here and that’s a nice treat for the Hybrid 2. I still can’t bring myself to get into them and the Best Friends continue to be hit or miss. Cassidy using his shtick to outsmart some villains is a surprise as well and a lot better than having him stare down what is supposed to be some big heel stable in the Dark Order.

Post match, the winners and Cassidy have the extra big hug.

Here’s where Dynamite is coming.

Christi James vs. Big Swole

They fight over a lockup to start, with Taz talking about what you can learn from your opponent by locking up with them. I know he can be a catchphrase machine at times but Taz can throw out some insightful stuff every now and then. Swole’s headlock is reversed into one from James and we get an early standoff. A hard clothesline puts James into the corner but she puts Swole on the ropes and hits an enziguri. James pulls her by the hair so Swole strikes away, including a headbutt to the ribs. A pump kick into Dirty Dancing finishes James at 4:48.

Rating: D+. James is someone who has a catchy look with a lot of Brazilian flags but I need more than that to think much of her. Granted you’re not getting much out of a five minute match but this could have been a lot worse. Swole is someone who seemed to be little more than a person on the card but she has come around a good bit in recent weeks and that’s a good thing for the division.

Young Bucks vs. QT Marshall/Peter Avalon

Before the match, we get a lot of shushing from Avalon, with Marshall even asking the fans to let him get this out of the way so we can wrestle. Nick wristlocks Marshall to start and it’s time to flip around a bit without making much contact. A handspring into the Ricochet pose has Nick perplexed but Avalon asks what is this flippy doo stuff. Avalon: “THIS ISN’T WRESTLING!” Matt grabs the mic and asks if he and Nick should do a bad a** tag team move. Matt: “Let’s do a double hiptoss!” He doesn’t mention the double basement dropkick but does start a YOUNG BUCKS chant.

The camera can’t keep up with the Bucks but it settles down for Avalon running from a Matt superkick. Marshall gets in a few shots to Matt and Leva Bates reads to him a bit. Granted she also hits him with a book but at least it comes after some education. Nick gets knocked off the apron so there’s no one for Matt to tag, leaving him to roll some northern lights suplexes.

This time it’s eight in a row, with Taz saying he’s jealous that he never thought of it. The hot tag brings in Nick to clean house with kicks in the corner and a double bulldog out of the same. A moonsault/slingshot splash combination gets two on Avalon with Marshall making the save. Marshall won’t let Avalon use the book so it’s a right hand to take him down. The superkicks into the Meltzer Driver put Avalon away at 10:30.

Rating: C. I chuckled at the in-match commentary bits but that’s an old favorite of mine. This is the kind of match that works well for a main event on this show: a top act beating a team that isn’t going to get them any real danger but can get a few nice moments out of them. It worked well enough for a Dark main event and they weren’t trying for more than that (which is fine too).

Overall Rating: C. When this show gets it right, they have a nice little groove going. That’s what we had here with four matches over forty eight minutes and nothing going longer than it should have. That makes things so much easier while also making you understand how this show, without a lot of major stars, blows away stuff like 205 Live, which has talented wrestlers but not energy whatsoever. This was fun and an easy watch, which is always nice to have.


Kris Stadtlander b. Diamante – Big Bang Theory

Best Friends b. Hybrid 2 – Strong Zero to Evans

Big Swole b. Christi James – Dirty Dancing

Young Bucks b. Peter Avalon/QT Marshall – Meltzer Driver to Avalon

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dynamite – January 29, 2020: Minus The Boom

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: January 29, 2020
Location: Wolstein Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, Excalibur

We’re back on dry land after last week’s show on a boat. We are also a month away from the Revolution pay per view and that means it’s time to hammer home some of the card. A few matches have already been set, with the World Title match between champion Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley being set up last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here’s Moxley to get things going and the fans are very happy to see him. He’s known it was coming for a long time but as soon as Jericho stabbed him in the eye, it was clear that the fun and games were over. Now he has his title match and the top of the mountain is in sight. It’s not just the title match though because it’s everything that comes with Jericho. It’s the Inner Circle and everything Jericho will do to keep the title.

Jericho has attacked Cody, stolen Rey’s mask and punched a woman in the face. Moxley isn’t perfect but the title doesn’t matter if you don’t live by a code. Part of that code is that he doesn’t like bullies and he’s ready to deal with one. Moxley is looking down the barrel of a gun at Revolution but he’s taking the title anyway. It’s not the kind of man that you are because it’s about Jericho being the kind of man he isn’t. Moxley knows he’s going to have to look everywhere before he gets to Revolution so let’s just do it tonight.

Cue Jericho, who doesn’t think much of the fans singing him to the ring. The only thing Moxley earned was a spike to the eye because all he had to do was accept the offer to join the Inner Circle. Now he looks like a jacked up Captain Jack Sparrow. Jericho: “Yo ho ho and a bottle of dumb.” Jericho saw Moxley’s mother backstage today and she was looking rather fetching. She must be worried because Moxley is in over his head and it all started with that champagne bottle.

Moxley can’t take the title from him because he can’t even blink with both eyes. The fans want to see the fight tonight but Jericho tells them where they can go. Jericho calls out the Inner Circle so Moxley counts the five of them. He’s not that crazy and stupid because he was born in Ohio. After some cheap pops, Moxley says it’s him and the rest of the arena against the Inner Circle. Moxley is ready to fight but Jericho has even more backup from the south Bronx.

That would be….just a bunch of guys to make it ten on one. It’s time to fight so Ortiz comes at Moxley with an ax handle. That earns him a headbutt and Paradigm Shift on the floor so Moxley can go after everyone else (ignoring the ax handle for some reason). Agents and security come out to break it up so Moxley takes one of them out before walking away through the crowd. I kept waiting for someone to join Moxley but it makes more sense that he did this alone.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman and Wardlow go into a butcher shop where the Bunny is waiting on them with a knife. MJF hands her an envelope with YOUNG BUCKS written on it.

Butcher and Blade vs. Young Bucks

The Bunny is at ringside and MJF is on commentary, ranting about how unsafe last week was because he can’t swim. Blade runs Matt over to start but a rolling tag brings Nick in as MJF confirms that there was money in the envelope. Matt slingshots in with a legdrop to Blade’s back but Blade runs Matt over, allowing MJF to rant about how the Bucks are backyard wrestlers.

Matt runs around and makes the tag off to Nick, who misses a spinning kick to the head. A Bunny distraction lets Butcher run Nick over on the floor, followed by Blade hitting his own flip dive to the floor. Back from a break with Nick in trouble, including a gutwrench powerbomb from Butcher. Nick is fine enough to roll over for the hot tag to Matt and it’s time to clean house. The flip dives and a standing Sliced Bread #2 set up the Meltzer Driver to finish Butcher at 8:38.

Rating: C. Pretty standard formula match here and that’s about all you can ask for. The Butcher and Blade continue to fall, even though they never were all that high up in the first place. I can get the idea of them being the hired guns but at some point they need to, you know, do something.

Post match the beatdown is on again but Kenny Omega runs in for the save. Hangman Page follows (drink in hand) and literally has Matt hold his beer so he can hit a Buckshot lariat.

Nyla Rose vs. Big Swole

Swole slugs away to start and takes her down for a low Downward Spiral for two. A dropkick puts Rose on the floor but she blocks a kick from the apron and sends Swole into the barricade. Swole gets posted and we take a break. Back with Swole grabbing a guillotine and kicking away at Rose even more. A springboard cutter gives Swole two and another Downward Spiral drops Rose again. Swole loads up Dirty Dancing but Rose cuts her down with a spear. The Beast Bomb gives Rose the pin at 8:53.

Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one as it was mainly Swole dominating her until the one big move at the end. Rose still isn’t clicking and I’m not exactly thrilled at seeing her face Riho again. That seems to be where we’re heading for Revolution though and maybe we can see something fresh for a change.


Cody vs. Kip Sabian

Arn Anderson and Penelope Ford are at ringside. Sabian hits a running dropkick in the corner to start and goes to yell at Anderson so we slow down a bit. Cody gets in a dropkick of his own and they go to the floor, where Ford gets knocked down by a stray Cody elbow. Cody picks her up so Sabian can get in a cheap shot as Ford is, of course, fine. We pause for kissing and take a break.

Back with Cody taking off the weightlifting belt but Ford takes it away and throws in her shoe. Anderson freaks out and gets in the ring, where he bumps the referee for an ejection. Cody tells him it’s ok but Ford uses the distraction to take him down. Sabian adds a big flip dive so he goes to kiss Ford, only to have Joey Janela pop up between them.

Rating: C+. There was too much going on in this one and while the action was good, the distractions got annoying here. Sabian is a good midcard heel and that’s a fine place to put him. What isn’t a fine place to put him is in this feud with Janela, which has been dead on arrival since the start. It’s getting really old in a hurry and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere at all. Just end it already and let them move on to anything else.

We look back at Britt Baker humiliating Tony Schiavone last week.

Here’s Baker for a chat with Tony on the stage. She thinks they’re a dream team, but she isn’t happy with Jim Ross for treating her badly last week. Baker rips on him for constantly bringing up her being a dentist and taking a big paycheck while always getting the wrestlers’ names wrong. She’ll be here every week to show off her smile, unlike Riho. As for Tony, it’s pretty clear that he has gingivitis so pick up a toothbrush. Congratulations Cleveland, because you finally have a Baker you can trust in. I’m not sure how good of a heel tactic it is to point out that your commentary is bad at his job.

Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks are in the back to talk about getting back on the winning track. Page comes in and says he’s glad they got their name plates on the title today. They don’t say Buck though. Page leaves and Kenny says it’s ok because next week it’s the four of them against Butcher and Blade and another tag team of their choice. The Bucks seem happy with that one.

SCU vs. Hybrid 2

SCU (Kazarian and Sky here with Daniels at ringside) are all in Kobe Bryant jerseys. Kazarian starts with some headlock takeovers to Angelico, who can’t do much about them. A snap suplex and release German suplex give Kazarian two and it’s Sky coming in for a headbutt to the back.

Evans comes in and kicks Sky down to take over and we take a break. Back with Kazarian cleaning house, including cuttering Angelico for two with Evans having to springboard in for the save. Evans misses a Sasuke Special to the floor and gets kicked in the face. SCU Later finishes Angelico at 10:12.

Rating: C. There’s something about the Hybrid 2 that keeps me from getting into them. Maybe it’s being heel high fliers. SCU continues to be their usual awesome selves though, which is all they need to be to stick around. They rarely hit the higher gears of athleticism that other teams do but they do everything so crisp and smoothly that it’s hard to not like them. Nice enough match and the right team won.

Post match the Dark Order says the Exalted One is sending them after Christopher Daniels’ friends.

Pac is mad at losing and says he’s coming for Moxley after Revolution. He hasn’t forgotten about Kenny Omega either and next week, he’s coming for Kenny’s blood.

Next week: Cody takes ten lashes, Elite vs. Lucha Bros/Butcher and Blade.

Darby Allin/Private Party vs. Chris Jericho/Santana/Ortiz

The rest of the Inner Circle is here and the fans are way into Allin to start. Jericho, with the Puerto Rican bandanna around his neck, starts with Allin, who picks up the pace early on. A very high angle springboard armdrag sends Jericho crawling over to Santana and Ortiz in a bit that will always work. Kassidy and Ortiz come in with the former hitting a kick to the head.

Quen follows and it’s some fast paced double teaming, including the camel clutch/double stomp to the back of the head, connecting on Ortiz. A dropkick puts Quen down as the announcers make jokes about plugging the movie coming up next on TNT. Quen hits a hurricanrana on Ortiz to send him into Santana for a rather weak looking spear. Kassidy comes back in for a spinning rollup, followed by a victory roll for the same. Jericho dropkicks Kassidy down though and we take a break.

Back with Kassidy still in trouble, this time thanks to a Lionsault and Ortiz’s falling splash for two. A hurricanrana gets Kassidy out of trouble though and it’s the hot tag to Allin. House is cleaned, including the flipping Stunner and a Code Red for two on Santana. Everything breaks down and Kassidy hits a slingshot crucifix bomb on Ortiz.

Santana grabs a rolling cutter to drop Kassidy but the legal Allin is right there to forearm him. A springboard moonsault gets two on Jericho and there’s the Coffin Drop to the floor onto Hager. Quen hits a flip dive of his own and the Swanton gets a close two on Jericho. Not that it matters as the Judas Effect knocks Kassidy silly for the pin at 12:20.

Rating: C+. Nice six man tag here with the Inner Circle not getting involved all that much. Private Party getting pinned by Jericho is hardly a downgrade and the match worked out well enough for what they were going for. Allin continues to look like a star in the making and that’s the kind of good sign that he needs for the future.

Post match the Inner Circle leaves but comes back to beat the three of them down again, including some whips with the title. Sammy even uses the skateboard to crush Allin’s throat. Moxley finally jogs out with a baseball bat for the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I really wasn’t feeling this one tonight, even though it was a completely watchable show. They did a good job of setting up Moxley vs. Jericho but there wasn’t anything else of note that I wanted to see going forward. Some of the wrestling was fine enough, but there is nothing you really needed to see this week.


Young Bucks b. Butcher and Blade – Meltzer Driver to Butcher

Nyla Rose b. Big Swole – Beast Bomb

Cody b. Kip Sabian – Cross Rhodes

SCU b. Hybrid 2 – SCU Later to Angelico

Inner Circle b. Darby Allin/Private Party – Judas Effect to Kassidy

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dark – January 21, 2020: Short And Steady

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 21, 2020
Location: Watsco Center, Miami, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz
Hosts: Tony Schiavone, Dasha Gonzalez

It’s another show from the Bash At The Beach special, though I’m not sure if this one counts or not. Dark has gotten a lot shorter in recent weeks and that’s a good thing. Keeping things short lets the show pack a bit more of a punch without wearing out its welcome. Now hopefully they keep it that way. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

The hosts welcome run down the card.

Big Swole vs. Diamante

Swole grabs the wristlock to start and rolls her up for a fast one. An exchange of rollups is good for an exchange of one counts and sets up an exchange of headlocks. Swole wins an exchange of shoulders and kicks Diamante in the face for the first real knockdown. Diamante knees her right back and chokes a bit, but can only hit two Amigos.

A lot of taunting the crowd doesn’t get Diamante very far so she German suplexes Swole into the corner for two instead. Frustration sets in so Diamante grabs….a pair of sandals? One of them is taken away but the second connects for a few shots, only to have Swole take it away. That means an abdominal stretch for some spanking with the sandal, much to the fans’ delight. Now even more annoyed, Diamante misses a bunch of kicks before getting headbutted away. Dirty Dancing finishes for Swole at 7:22.

Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one very well, but Swole is the kind of person that AEW needs. She isn’t well known but has an interesting story that people could get behind. Push her and see what she can do as she can back it up well enough in the ring. I don’t know if she’s going to be the next big thing, but they need a big thing for the future at some point so see what she might have.

Here’s where Dynamite is coming.

Strong Hearts vs. Jurassic Express

Jungle Boy headlocks T-Hawk to start but loses a battle of the shoulder blocks. The pace picks up a bit with Boy flipping him into a pair of kicks to the face. A chop knocks Boy back though, meaning it’s Stunt tagging himself in to face Lindaman. Stunt pumps himself up to try some shoulders, which go as well as you would expect. A slingshot sunset flip gets two on Lindaman but he avoids a leg lariat for a standoff.

It’s off to Cima for a running dropkick on Luchasaurus, which doesn’t have much effect. Luchasaurus cleans house and throws Boy at Cima for a Downward Spiral. Back to back springboard armdrags put T-Hawk and Cima on the floor and that means back to back suicide dives. Luchasaurus throws Stunt onto the two of them for a bonus and we settle down to Stunt pounding on Cima, only to get caught with a triple basement dropkick.

Something like an STF has Stunt in more trouble until a rope grab is good for the save. Stunt forearms away but runs into a sitout spinebuster for two, setting up an assisted double flip powerslam (Chikara fans would know it better as Ragnarok). Jungle Boy makes the save as everything breaks down.

The hot tag brings in Luchasaurus to start wrecking people, including slamming T-Hawk onto Cima. A standing moonsault gets two on Lindaman and it’s Boy’s lifted Downward Spiral for two. Luchasaurus gets to kick more people in the face and then tosses Lindaman into a sitout spinebuster (similar to the North’s finisher) to give Boy the pin at 10:51.

Rating: C+. I’m still not big on Stunt but this was a fun six man with Luchasaurus getting to show off and Boy continuing his good roll over the last few months. The Jurassic Express got off to a pretty slow start so it’s nice to see them getting back on their feet in the new year. Hopefully that continues, as Luchasaurus could go somewhere with or without the other two.

Tony and Dasha wrap it up.

Overall Rating: C. Well that was quick. This one didn’t even clock in at half an hour, which makes it more like the kind of show I was expecting when the show was announced. You don’t need all of the recaps and story building things around here (though the latter are nice bonuses on occasion) and going with a straight wrestling show is a good idea. Not a bad show here, but the length was the most surprising part, as the show has been cut by nearly forty five minutes in just a few weeks.


Big Swole b. Diamante – Dirty Dancing

Jurassic Express b. Strong Hearts – Assisted sitout spinebuster to Lindaman

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Dark – November 26, 2019: The Big Is Back

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: November 26, 2019
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Shawn Spears, Excalibur
Host: Tony Schiavone

It’s a big week this time around with the AAA Mega Champion Kenny Omega defending against Jack Evans. Jack was a big deal down in AAA so it makes sense to give him a shot here. You never can tell what you might get around here and in this case, that is a better case than most. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tony, without Dasha this week, welcomes us to the show and runs down the card.

Trent vs. Pentagon Jr.

Orange Cassidy is here with Trent. Pentagon starts with some CERO MIEDOS but gets chopped for his efforts. You don’t chop with Pentagon so he slugs away, only to get caught in a bridging northern lights suplex for two. They head to the apron with Trent knocking him down and hitting a sliding knee to the floor. The slingshot dive misses though and Pentagon hits a quick superkick to set up some more chops.

Back in and they slug it out until Trent clotheslines the heck out of him. The big flip dive takes Pentagon down and it’s a running knee for two back inside. Pentagon is right back with the Sling Blade but can’t get the Fear Factor. Trent is right back with a tornado DDT but he gets knocked off the top, setting up the double stomp for two.

A Backstabber into a springboard Canadian Destroyer (egads) gives Pentagon two more, only to have Trent blast him with a running knee. Pentagon is right back on the apron and hits the Package Piledriver to knock Trent silly. Back in and Pentagon snaps the arm but the Fear Factor is countered into the belly to back kneeling piledriver for the clean pin at 12:00.

Rating: C+. The ending rather surprised me as I wouldn’t have bet on Trent getting a fall over someone like Pentagon Jr. If nothing else, Trent hasn’t won much in AEW so far and it was quite out of nowhere to see him beat a former World Champion. What we got here was fine and rather action packed, but Trent winning was a real shock. We’ll figure out if that is good or bad later.

Video on Shanna, a Portuguese wrestler by way of Portugal. She has always wanted to wrestle and tried to get here, including several tryouts from WWE. Impact told her that she was too fat for television and she was considering leaving the business. Then AEW came around and here she is to this day. She is fighting for everything she has.

Big Swole liked Shanna’s story but everyone has own. Tonight, she is going to show everyone what a Swole attitude is all about.

Big Swole vs. Shanna

Feeling out process to start with neither being able to get anywhere off an attempt at arm control. Swole grabs the wristlock and takes her down for a second but Shanna is right back up. Some armdrags take Swole down and it’s time to start each other down again. Shanna hits a running flip neckbreaker but Swole is right back with a big boot for two. Swole chokes away in the corner and we’re off to the neck crank.

A running clothesline gives Swole two more but Shanna fights out of a choke on the ropes. They slug it out from their knees until Shanna gets the better of it off a running charge to tie her up. Swole’s tornado DDT is countered as she gets tied up in the ropes, meaning it’s a top rope double stomp to the back for a change. A Deep Six gives Swole two more but Shanna is right back with the dragon suplex for the fast pin at 11:12.

Rating: C-. Swole continues to not do anything for me and it is getting to be a problem. She is here every week and it isn’t like they have anything worse to use in her place. Shanna is someone who could be turned into something that matters sooner rather than later and that vignette helped her a good bit. Not a great match but it was fine enough.

We look at SCU tricking Chris Jericho into giving Scorpio Sky a World Title match.

We see the end of last week’s battle royal.

We get a By The Numbers video, including:

88 days since Kenny Omega lost at All Out

0 losses for Chris Jericho until he was pinned in the six man

8 stitches Cody needed after his most recent match

Come to our shows!

Leva Bates vs. Awesome Kong

Before the match, Peter Avalon insults the Indianapolis Motor Speedway but Kong’s entrance cuts him off. Brandi is out with Kong and Bates tries to show the monster some reading after the bell. The Implant Buster finishes Bates at 1:05.

Post match Kong cuts some more hair due to reasons.

AAA Mega Title: Kenny Omega vs. Jack Evans

Omega is defending. Evans plays to the crowd a bit before get get to some quality circling. Omega can’t get far off an armdrag so instead he does the Omega BANG pop. That gets him a right hand to the face and get some some of the fast paced flips. Evans shrugs off the running Fameasser by blocking most of it before dropkicking a springboarding Omega out of the air.

A hard whip into the corner has Omega in control again, setting up a backbreaker for two. Omega goes for a Gory Stretch to stay on the ribs, with Evans being bent hard over the shoulder. With that broken up, Omega hits a heck of a right hand, only to have his powerbomb reversed into a faceplant.

Omega shrugs that off and hits an over the shoulder kneeling backbreaker for two. Evans manages to kick him to the floor though and that means the big springboard moonsault. A slingshot 450 gets two back inside and a standing corkscrew moonsault is good for the same near fall.

Omega kicks him straight into the corner though and there’s the snap dragon suplex to put Evans down. A second sends him to the apron and it’s a running knee to send Evans to the floor. Back in and the V Trigger is cut off with a dropkick but Omega cuts off a charge. Omega gets two off a Tiger Driver 98 and it’s the One Winged Angel to retain Omega’s title at 15:49.

Rating: C+. Omega never felt close to being in trouble here but I think that was the point. It is going to take someone special to take the title from him and Evans isn’t that kind of a wrestler. The stuff with Omega wearing down the back worked fine and they did well enough, though it could have been trimmed down a bit.

Quick wrap up from Tony.

Overall Rating: C+. The show still needs to be a bit shorter (an hour and fifteen minutes for three regular matches and a squash is FAR too long) but it was nice to have something that felt big for a change. Even if Omega wasn’t in any danger of losing and Trent winning is kind of shocking, you could have done them in shorter matches. Shanna got a nice rub out of this week though and Omega gets back on the winning track. Just don’t have it go so long.


Trent b. Pentagon Jr. – Belly to back kneeling piledriver

Shanna b. Big Swole – Dragon suplex

Awesome Kong b. Leva Bates – Implant Buster

Kenny Omega b. Jack Evans – One Winged Angel

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