Dynamite – March 15, 2023: That’s A Lot In One Show

Date: March 15, 2023
Location: Canada Life Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re in Canada this week and that means it is time for…well it doesn’t really mean much but the All-Atlantic Title is now the International Title with Orange Cassidy defending against Jeff Jarrett. Other than that we have MJF’s Re-bar Mitzvah, which should be quite the spectacle. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is MJF, complete with four women (one of who he kisses) and a chyron that says “Jewish AF” for the Re-Bar Mitzvah. He already had one of these back when he was a kid and it was awesome. Now though, he has beaten Bryan Danielson so it is time to do it again on the big stage because HE IS IRON MAN. MJF says hit the music so here are a bunch of people with a chair, meaning it’s time to dance in a circle (which I believe is a religious tradition)…but here is Jungle Boy to interrupt.

Then it’s Sammy Guevara coming out as well. We’re only missing Darby Allin and as soon as Sammy says “oh Max”, here is Darby to complete the Four Pillars. MJF yells at them for ruining this and asks what they want. All three together: “I want a title match!” (that was clever). Jungle Boy talks about facing MJF at Double Or Nothing 2020, after which Jungle Boy was on Dark and Elevation and Rampage, where MJF never has been. It’s time to change things for MJF and that starts by taking the World Title.

MJF says the company revolves around him, because he is an actual star. Guevara cuts him off and says MJF bought his way into this company. Guevara was only going to be the bump guy for Jericho but he got over on his own. He’s going to be World Champion one day because he is the best ever and you know it. MJF says we appreciate Guevara taking his time out of getting into backstage brawls but Allin cuts him off (a theme is developing here) as well.

Back in 2013, Allin was in film school and turned in a film that the teacher said had to be changed because the school wouldn’t accept it. Allin dropped out of school instead and went to wrestling school, where he said he wasn’t changing a thing. Then he was in Tony Khan’s office and said there would never be a bidding war or him. AEW lets him be himself and there won’t be a bidding war of 2024 like MJF, who wants out of here.

MJF isn’t having this and says Guevara is going to be proposing to a new girl in seven months. Guevara: “Didn’t your fiance leave you?” MJF says he’s the only one who doesn’t have a legend helping him out and that is why he is the only one of the Pillars who can hold this place up. He is off to have his cake so thank you, screw you, bye (for the extra Cornette heat). Then MJF goes into the cake. This was long (too long really), but having these four in the ring, likely setting up a huge four way, is a great thing.

Chris Jericho received an honor from the Winnipeg government, with his home street being honorarily named as “Chris Jericho Way”. That’s pretty cool.

Hangman Page/Dark Order vs. Blackpool Combat Club

It’s Evil Uno/Canada’s Stu Grayson for the Order. Castagnoli takes Uno down and it’s Yuta coming in to take him down again. Grayson comes in to clean some house, including landing on Castagnoli’s face. Everything breaks down and Grayson is taken outside, with a triple spike piledriver dropping him hard as we take a break (because two World Champions spiking a goof on his head on the floor is a spot that sends us to a commercial).

Back with Moxley hitting another piledriver for two on Grayson (with no one making the save). Grayson manages a knockdown of his own and it’s the hot tag to Page to clean house. Everything breaks down and Uno hits a Swanton on Yuta. The parade of shots to the face sets up Grayson Cactus Clotheslining Castagnoli to the floor, leaving us with Page vs. Moxley.

Yuta grabs the ring bell to clock Page though, leaving the Order down 3-2. A chop block cuts Uno down but Grayson sends Castagnoli outside for a big running flip dive. Uno’s double underhook DDT sets up Grayson’s 450 for two on Moxley. The Fatality gets two on Moxley with Castagnoli making the save. Yuta pulls Uno off the apron though and Moxley chokes Grayson out at 13:21.

Rating: D+. This was about as ridiculous as you can get, with the TRIPLE SPIKE PILEDRIVER not doing much of anything to Grayson. Couple that with the Dark Order, down 3-2, giving the entire BCC a run for their money and this was just bizarre. I know the Order has fans, but this went beyond being realistic and was more eye roll inducing than anything else. The action was fine enough, but I didn’t buy most of anything I was watching.

Post match the beating stays on, but John Silver and Alex Reynolds make the save, with the Club running despite having the numbers advantage.

Juice Robinson wants Ricky Starks.

Here’s a look back at the opening segment.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Nicole Matthews

Cargill, with Leila Grey, is defending. The pump kick sets up Jaded to retain at 42 seconds.

Post match Jade asks if that’s it and even threatens Canadian Renee Paquette. Cue Taya Valkyrie to make the save and beat up Grey with the Road To Valhalla (Jaded). At least she’s a more realistic challenger.

Ricky Starks wants Juice Robinson face to face.

We get the debut of QTV (a QT Marshall TMZ parody) where they mock Wardlow, implying that Powerhouse Hobbs robbed him. They even have Wardlow’s passport so he can’t be here! Hobbs seems ready to fight Wardlow again. Putting the focus on Marshall isn’t seeming to be a brilliant idea. Remember when Hobbs was doing the Book thing and walking around Oakland and explaining his backstory? That’s out and the TMZ parody is in.

International Title: Jeff Jarrett vs. Orange Cassidy

Cassidy is defending and swaps out for the new title, officially leveling it up. Jarrett (with Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt) armdrags him down to start and hits that strut as the fans aren’t pleased. Cassidy loads up the hands in pockets but gets taken down by the legs. Back up and Cassidy bangs up his leg, allowing Jarrett to mock the Lazy Kicks. That’s broken up and Cassidy makes the comeback but gets sent outside as we take a break.

We come back with Jarrett grabbing the Sharpshooter to stay on the bad knee. That’s broken up as well but the referee gets bumped so Jarrett grabs the guitar. Cue another referee to take it away, but Cassidy takes it away as well. Satnam Singh grabs the guitar, so Cassidy tapes the referee on the shoulder and grabs his knee. Singh is ejected, leaving Cassidy to grab the tornado DDT. The referee checks on Jarrett and Jay Lethal gets in the Golden Globe shot for a close two. Cue Trent Baretta to take out Lethal and the Orange Punch retains the title at 13:38.

Rating: C+. This is a good example of a match that didn’t try to be anything more than goofy wrestling fun and it succeeded. Jarrett knows exactly how to do the over the top silly style while still having a match and they made it work here. If Cassidy stays around this level, he can hold onto that title for a LONG time, as this kind of thing is perfect for him.

We get an Acclaimed music video about how much they love the fans and their general awesomeness.

Here are the Outcasts for a chat. They talk about how there wouldn’t be a division without them and insult the fans in various ways. We hear bout how many women they have beaten down until Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter run in. The villains beat them down but Riho, Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale run in for the save. This Outcasts stuff still feels rather lame.

The Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with the Acclaimed and tell us to wait until Rampage.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, with Rey Fenix answering Powerhouse Hobbs’ Open Challenge for the TBS Title.

Trios Titles: House of Black vs. Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Elite

The House is defending and King chops Guevara into the corner to start. Jericho (big pop, including from his father in the crowd) comes in but Omega tags himself in and the place comes to their feet. Everything breaks down quickly though and the champs clear the ring as we take a break.

Back with Jericho backbreakering Black and the Society gets to strike their triple pose. The House fights back and beats down the now legal Nick. An enziguri gets Nick out of trouble and everything breaks down for a bit, with Omega hurricanranaing Matthews into the corner. Jericho comes in to face Omega again and the fans approve, especially as they help clear the ring. The Bucks are back in with the superkicks but King runs them over as we take a break.

Back with Jericho missing the springboard crossbody but Guevara hits a Swanton. King loads up a dive to the floor but gets caught on top, allowing Omega and Jericho to double superplex him down. The Codebreaker gets two on Omega and we cut to the back where the Dark Order is still brawling with the Blackpool Combat Club. Omega cuts off the Lionsault with raised knees but the Meltzer Driver is broken up.

Guevara shooting star presses Matt with King having to make the save. Jericho gets left alone with the House with Dante’s Inferno connecting but Omega makes the save. Jericho gets in a Floyd shot to King and Guevara dives onto a bunch of people but King kicks out anyway. The Judas Effect is cut off by Black Mass and Garcia gets Dante’s Infernoed for the pin at 21:44.

Rating: B. This is a good example of a match where you knew what they were going to do coming into it and that isn’t a bad thing. You knew this was going to have Omega and Jericho as the biggest stars ever, all of the non-tagging insanity and (less guaranteed) the House beating someone not from Winnipeg to retain. With that all known coming in, it was exactly the kind of fast paced, action packed match that it needed to be and it was quite good.

Post match Jake Hager comes out to go after the House but gets beaten down as well. Cue the BCC and the Dark Order to brawl to ringside, with Hangman Page following. Page faces off with the Club but the Elite comes up behind him. The Club drops to the floor and Page is left alone with the Elite. Please…..tell me we don’t have more “remember when we were all friends?” speeches coming. Excalibur: “PAGE IS STUCK IN THE MIDDLE! WHAT A MOMENT!” The staredown ends the show, with Page not noticing the Elite behind him. I know they have their audience but I could really go with never seeing the Elite soap opera again.

Overall Rating: B-. There were some problems here but it felt like they had more of a direction. That’s a step in the right direction and one that I will take, as at least thy seem to be coming together with an idea. Some of these feuds will come together before Double Or Nothing, but there is some potential here for some intriguing feuds going forward. I liked the show well enough and the hot crowd helped a lot.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Dark Order/Hangman Page – Choke to Grayson
Jaded b. Nicole Matthews – Jaded
Orange Cassidy b. Jeff Jarrett – Orange Punch
House Of Black b. Jericho Appreciation Society and Elite – Dante’s Inferno to Garcia



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Dynamite – March 1, 2023: They Need To Slow Down

Date: March 1, 2023
Location: Cow Palace, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the go home Dynamite for Revolution and that means we have a stacked show. This time around that includes the Face of the Revolution ladder match plus a Casino tag team battle royal to determine the fourth team in Sunday’s four way Tag Team Title match. That should be more than enough to carry the show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Big Bill

Bill, with Stokely Hathaway, is challenging. Cassidy gets backed to the floor to start and the chase is on, with Cassidy messing with Bill’s mind. With nothing else working, Cassidy even steals Stokely’s glasses before tumbling away from Bill. Back in and the tornado DDT is countered into a side slam to plant Cassidy for the first time.

A running big boot puts Cassidy on the floor and it’s time to set up the table (which they do move to the end of the ramp for once). Cassidy’s comeback is broken up and the chokeslam puts him through the table as we take a break. Back with Danhausen at ringside and Billy hitting a suplex. The full nelson has Cassidy in trouble but he falls down from the threat of a big boot.

They go outside with Cassidy grabbing Danhausen but Hathaway decks Danhausen with the cast instead. Cassidy takes Bill out with a suicide dive, setting up an Orange Punch to the knee. Back in and the Stundog Millionaire into the tornado DDT rock Bill, followed by back to back Orange Punches. A top rope Orange Punch finishes Bill at 12:26.

Rating: C. This was something resembling a power vs. speed match and while Cassidy winning is fine, it’s still a bit much to accept that someone his size doing a Superman Punch is beating a giant. That aside, Cassidy has absolutely found his niche as the low level champion and it is going to be a big deal when he loses. Bill was good enough as a monster for Cassidy to slay, but this took longer than it needed to in order to get to the point.

After last week’s Dynamite, a bloody Jon Moxley says it tastes like victory and life. Moxley shouts about how he has come back from dealing with Hangman Page, but Page was the one getting all the attention when he was hurt. With the blood falling on the floor, Moxley promises to protect what is his. The Texas Deathmatch is on.

Here is the Elite but the lights go out and the House of Black is here to jump them. The House poses with the Trios Titles. Why was the Elite coming out there? That’s not important right now.

Kommander vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. AR Fox vs. Action Andretti vs. Ortiz vs. Eddie Kingston vs. Sammy Guevara

Ladder match and the winner gets a shot at TNT Champion Samoa Joe (on commentary) next week. It’s a brawl to start with Kommander walking the rope to kick the ladder down, only to get run over by Hobbs. Back up and Guevara gets to clean house but Andretti sends him outside for the dive. Kommander runs the rope to dive onto everyone else at ringside and we take a break.

Back with Guevara going the latter but Andretti climbs up a two ladder structure from the floor to the top of the ladder, setting up a horrible Falcon Arrow onto the ladder to leave Andretti and Guevara hopefully not badly injured. Kommander 450s onto a ladder to Fox before going up, only to have Andretti springboard in for a save.

Cue Daniel Garcia to clean house and then bridge a ladder over some chairs. Guevara Swantons onto Andretti onto the ladder but gets shoved off the ladder. Takeshita goes up but Hobbs runs him over, breaking the ladder in the process. The referee comes in again to hold the ladder so Hobbs can win at 13:43.

Rating: C+. I have no idea what to say on this one but it was an absolute mess. Kingston and Ortiz fought off almost from the start and were gone for most of the match. Other than that, you still had too many people running around and way too many instances of people going for a big spot rather than trying to win. That stuff always drives me crazy in these things and this was even messier than most such matches. This didn’t work very well, though it did have the expected impressive dives. Just slow it down a bit next time.

Post match Hobbs goes after Joe but Wardlow returns to take Joe out. Hobbs stands back and watches, saying he has time.

The Best Friends are hurt and can’t be in the battle royal. Danhausen and the banged up Orange Cassidy are in instead.

Chris Jericho vs. Peter Avalon

Avalon jumps him to start and Jericho is sent outside, setting up the suicide dive. Back in and a pump kick gives Avalon two, followed by a springboard DDT for two. Then he walks into the Codebreaker to give Jericho the pin at 2:27.

Post match Jericho beats up Avalon until Ricky Starks makes the save. Jericho promises to win on Sunday and here is the Jericho Appreciation Society to beat Starks down. This whole thing absolutely could have been moved to Rampage.

Hangman Page is ready to take everything from Jon Moxley on Sunday.

Here is Christian Cage for a chat. He talks about how glad he’ll be to not be back in San Francisco again for another ten years. A few weeks ago he turned on Dynamite and heard Jungle Boy saying he was going to win a singles title this year. Cage: “Over my head body.” Christian promises to win a singles title this year before going into a rant about how people like Jungle Boy treat his business like a video game.

Christian treats this business like an ATM and promises to treat Jungle Boy like the nothing that he is. He wants Jungle Boy in a fight at Revolution but the lights go out. We get a video from Jungle Boy burying something, with clips of him attacking Christian included. I guess the match is on. This was GREAT stuff from Christian, who sold the entire match in about a minute and a half. Jungle Boy’s video was weird, but at least we have the match/fight set and Cage is still doing some of the best talking in AEW.

Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker are sick of Saraya and promise that Hayter will retain the Women’s Title.

FTW Title: Matt Hardy vs. Hook

Hardy, with Stokely Hathaway/Isiah Kassidy/Ethan Page, is challenging and starts fast by sending Hook outside. Page posts Hook to put him in trouble and Hardy follows with a neckbreaker. Hardy sends him into the buckle but Hook suplexes him out of the corner. A sliding lariat gives Hook two but Hardy is right back with a Side Effect. Ethan Page gets in a shot with Stokely’s cast for two. The Twist of Fate is broken up and Redrum makes Hardy tap immediately (seemed like he was trying to get out of the match to screw with Stokely).

Rating: C. Again, there was a lot going on here when doing less would have worked. Hook still needs ring time and having him in there for a 7-8 minute match with Hardy walking him through the whole thing would have been good all around. Instead, we got another chapter in the Hardy/Ethan Page/Stokely Hathaway story that feels like it has been going on forever. Hook getting a match on Dynamite is a good sign though, as his future looks bright.

The House of Black wants the Trios Titles.

Riho vs. Toni Storm

Saraya is here with Storm. They start fast with Riho picking up the pace to take over and put Storm down a few times. Saraya gets in a cheap shot though and Riho is down on the floor. Cue Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter as we take a break. Back with Riho hitting a big dive to the floor, followed by a high crossbody.

Another high crossbody is loaded up but Storm crotches her down to catch her on top. A super Storm Zero (yeah that would be a bad idea) is countered into a blocked sunset bomb so Storm runs her over. Baker offers a distraction though and Riho gets the (messy) rollup pin at 10:04.

Rating: C+. That ending didn’t do anyone any favors and Storm losing weakens someone in the biggest story in the women’s division right now. Again, there was a lot going on here as they cram in a bunch of stuff, especially when this was a match to set up a title match with none of the people involved included. Riho still feels enough like a star, but this was a weird place to have her come back and beat Storm.

Post match Baker and Storm brawl, with Ruby Soho coming out to slap Hayter in the face. Another brawl starts and referees break it up.

Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee are ready for Mogul Affiliates on Rampage.

Casino Tag Team Battle Royal

For the final spot in the four way Tag Team Title match on Sunday and it’s basically a tag team Royal Rumble with both members having to be eliminated. The Dark Order is in at #1 but the Blackpool Combat Club (the #2 team) jump them from being. The beating is on and we take a break before the bell.

We’re joined in progress with La Faccion Ingobernable coming in at #3. They get to clean house a bit until the Lucha Bros are in at #4. Everyone brawls with no one getting tossed as Aussie Open is in at #5 (with the intervals getting all wacky in a hurry). The Combat Club gets rid of the Dark Order and we take a break. Back with the Jericho Appreciation Society having come in at #6 and Top Flight coming in at #7.

Matt Menard is out as the Kingdom is in at #8. Cue Ari Daivari and company for a distraction and La Faccion is out. Top Flight gets tossed out and Danhausen/Orange Cassidy are in at #9 (probably three minutes after the previous entrance). Cassidy dumps Parker to get rid of the Jericho Appreciation Society and the Lucha Bros went out somewhere in there. Butcher and the Blade are in at #10 as the Kingdom accidentally superkick Maria (their manager) before being knocked out.

Cue the Dark Order to distract the Blackpool Combat Club, allowing Orange Cassidy and Danhausen to toss them out. We’re down to Butcher and Blade vs. Orange Cassidy/Danhausen with Cassidy being sent to the apron. The double teaming can’t get rid of them but Danhausen dumps Butcher and Blade at the same time to win at 18:56.

Rating: D. This was one of the biggest messes I’ve ever seen from AEW and it absolutely did not work. I lost track of who was in and out more than once, with the time intervals being so all over the place that I wasn’t sure if we were getting more teams. They could have done this match in half the time (and with about half of the teams) but instead they overloaded it again and while the end result is a surprise, it came after a terrible match.

Post match Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal run in for the beatdown with the Gunns watching. The Acclaimed run in for the save.

Long video on Bryan Danielson vs. MJF in the Iron Man match at Revolution.

Here is Bryan Danielson, with part of his entrance cut off (we have less than four minutes in the show) to talk about chasing your dreams. Cue MJF to interrupt but Danielson won’t let him get a word in. Danielson says MJF is jealous of his wife and family and says it makes sense for MJF’s fiance to leave him. MJF is ready to fight but Danielson goes on a rant about how he has had to fight his whole life (from poverty to the authority).

Before Danielson came here, he had a job that could have kept him well paid for the rest of his life but he came here to fight. He wants the World Title and he is willing to fight for it. MJF better be ready to fight on Sunday or he is going to get his censored head kicked in. MJF storms off without ever saying a word as we are out of time. Danielson was great here and having him keep MJF from talking for a change was an awesome switch from the norm.

Overall Rating: C. Wow. I’m not sure where to start here, but this didn’t work for the most part. The good talking segments bailed a lot of it out, but between having WAY too much stuff going on (include a ladder match AND a battle royal), not doing much to make me care about the pay per view and having most of the matches not be anything memorable, it didn’t work very well. Not a good show here, and that comes down to one major problem.

There were multiple instances tonight where a match or in-ring segment would end and we would jump right back to the next thing, have a minute long something else and then go to whatever is next in the ring. Nothing had time to breathe or set in and as a result, the show felt like it was racing to get through everything multiple times.

AEW really, really need to learn better pacing, which might include just cutting some stuff. They couldn’t shave three minutes off of the battle royal and/or ladder match to give something else some time later? It was plaguing the show all night and it dragged things way down more than once. Not a terrible show, but they need to avoid something like this again.

Orange Cassidy b. Big Bill – Super Orange Punch
Powerhouse Hobbs won the face Of The Revolution Ladder Match
Chris Jericho b. Peter Avalon – Codebreaker
Hook b. Matt Hardy – Redrum
Riho b. Toni Storm – Rollup
Danhausen/Orange Cassidy won the Casino Battle Royal last eliminating Butcher and the Blade



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Rampage – February 10, 2023: Finding Their Groove

Date: February 10, 2023
Location: County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We are still in Texas with less than a month to go before Revolution. That should make for a few interesting weeks but this week’s lineup doesn’t exactly offer much in the way of hope. The Blackpool Combat Club is here though and that is one of the better things Rampage could do. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian

Sabian drives Yuta into the corner to start but a sunset flip gets Yuta out of trouble. Yuta is sent outside and Castagnoli comes in, with Butcher getting to come in as well for the power staredown. They yell at each other and slug it out, with both of them staggering. Moxley and then Yuta come in to take turns on Butcher as Jericho talks about the Impractical Jokers cast stealing his baseball bat.

Sabian is able to grab a flipping Stunner on Yuta for a breather and Blade gets to stomp away. That doesn’t last long and it’s Moxley coming back in to bite Sabian in the head. Moxley goes for the Kimura and elbows at the head, only to get kneed in the face. Sabian sends him outside and we take a break.

Back with Moxley fighting out of trouble and handing it off to Castagnoli for the running uppercuts in the corner. A running dropkick puts Blade down and Sabian has to save him from the Swing. That means the Swing has Sabian in trouble and the Blade gets caught in the Sharpshooter. Butcher makes the save but gets cuttered and we hit the parade of big shots to the face. Castagnoli plants Blade for two with Sabian making the save. Moxley cutters a springboarding Sabian out of the air and Castagnoli finishes with the uppercut at 13:27.

Rating: B. This was similar to last week’s Elite match, as there was no reason to believe there was an upset coming, but it was a lot of fun to watch. That’s the kind of no pressure match that could do a lot of good around here as you get star power, entertaining action and nothing that really matters. Very fun stuff here and it’s not like Sabian and company are hurt by the loss.

Darby Allin promises to not go after the TNT Title again as long as Samoa Joe is champion. He and Sting have something planned though.

We get a short sneak preview of a sitdown interview with Adam Cole. He’s interested in facing some people on the roster.

Ricky Starks wants Chris Jericho again and he’ll beat up Daniel Garcia to take his first step there.

Here are the Impractical Jokers with Chris Jericho’s bat. It’s a lot smaller than they were expecting but here is the Jericho Appreciation Society to beat them down. One is put on a table, with Hager powerbombing the other through him.

Dustin Rhodes says Swerve Strickland crossed the line by mentioning his family. Rhodes has been doing this longer than Strickland has been alive. Rhodes: “What are those three triangles on your chest? They look like Doritos, and I like Doritos!” He’s coming for Strickland’s blood and soul so here are Parker Boudreaux and Trench to beat him down. Strickland comes in to say the match is on for next week.

Ruby Soho vs. Marina Shafir

Vickie Guerrero is here with Shafir. They go to the mat to start with an exchange of arm cranking. Back up and Soho hits a running forearm as we take a break. Back with Soho hitting a kind of reverse fisherman’s suplex but missing a top rope something. No Future is countered so Soho hits some headbutts. Destination Unknown finishes Shafir at 6:40.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do anything here, especially with half of the match in the commercial. Soho continues to be the What If in the originals vs. newcomers feud and odds are we’ll get to see something develop there soon. Shafir is fine in this role and Soho beating her feels like a bit of an accomplishment. Granted Soho beating anyone at this point is a bit of a surprise.

Post match Saraya and Toni Storm come out to talk to Soho but Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter run in for the big brawl as Soho looks on.

Mark Briscoe is feeling real good about wrestling again on Dynamite next week. Mark Sterling comes in to offer his services but Briscoe “will be flying solo on this excursion.” The brawl is teased but Josh Woods comes in for the staredown, saying this isn’t Sandy Fork.

Jungle Boy vs. Ryan Nemeth

Jungle Boy knocks him outside for a suicide dive in less than ten seconds. Back in and Nemeth rolls through a high crossbody for two, setting up a DDT. Nemeth gyrates a bit so Jungle Boy hits a sliding forearm to the back of the head for the pin at 1:24. Well that was efficient.

Post match Brian Cage comes out for the staredown.

Ortiz isn’t going to let Eddie Kingston become a follower of the House Of Black.

Stokely Hathaway and Danhausen are ready for Lee Moriarty vs. Orange Cassidy.

Hangman Page is livid over losing to Jon Moxley again and says it’s not over yet. Kip Sabian comes in with Penelope Ford to mock Page, who lunges at him before walking away.

All Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Lee Moriarty

Cassidy is defending with Danhausen and Stokely Hathaway here too. Moriarty grabs a hammerlock to start and even steals Cassidy’s glasses. As Cassidy slips out, JR sends best wishes to Jerry Lawler, with Jericho immediately talking about how much he loves Lawler. Cassidy uses the hands in the pockets to escape but gets shouldered down. That means some lazy kicks from the mat (Jericho: “Like Inoki against Ali!”) before Cassidy is sent to the apron.

Some rams into the buckle rock Moriarty but Cassidy misses a top rope clothesline. A European Clutch gives Moriarty two and he slams the arm onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Cassidy hitting the top rope clothesline, allowing Excalibur to rapid fire off the preview for next week’s shows. The Stundog Millionaire rocks Moriarty but he blocks the tornado DDT. Cassidy grabs a sleeper but Moriarty drops backwards for the break.

The Border City Stretch is blocked so Moriarty elbows away at the shoulder instead. With Cassidy on the floor, Danhausen goes for his low blow on Hathaway, who blocks it with the cast on his left arm. Cassidy hits his dive onto Moriarty and grabs the top rope DDT back inside. The Orange Punch is countered into a hard lariat but Cassidy Beach Breaks him for two. Now the Orange Punch can connect but the arm is too banged up. Moriarty gets the Border City Stretch, only to have Cassidy roll him up to retain at 11:27.

Rating: C+. Rampage as something like the Orange Cassidy Show isn’t the worst idea, as the fans love him and he holds the most worthless of the AEW titles. It really only has value to Cassidy and having him beat one midcard challenger after another is a fine way to go. That was on full display here and the formula still works.

Post match Satnam Singh comes in for the staredown but Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal run in from behind. Lethal hits Cassidy and Danhausen with the Golden Globe. The Best Friends try to come in but get beaten down as well. Jarrett loads up the guitar….but the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn run in with chairs to end the show. What an odd choice for the save.

Overall Rating: B-. Good show here, though the ending was more than a little head scratching. What matters is that Rampage is starting to find itself again. AEW has made it pretty clear that they have no long term interest in making Rampage important so just do something like this every week: a few big names, feature the people who aren’t on Dynamite that often, and just have a good time. If that’s all Rampage is going to be, I can think o worse uses for the hour.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade – Uppercut to Sabian
Ruby Soho b. Marina Shafir – Destination Unknown
Jungle Boy b. Ryan Nemeth – Sliding forearm
Orange Cassidy b. Lee Moriarty – Rollup



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Dynamite – February 1, 2023: The New Month Suits Them

Date: February 1, 2023
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are about a month away from Revolution and that means it is time to start hammering down the card. You can probably guess a good bit of it from here and that is a strong sign for the show. This week will feature a pair of title matches, including Jade Cargill’s latest conquest and Samoa Joe getting his rematch for the TNT Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page

Moxley comes through the crowd with Wheeler Yuta and….his own father. That’s a new one. Moxley starts the fight in the crowd and takes it into the audience as we are waiting on the opening bell. Page gets in a whip into a barricade and they keep brawling back to ringside. Moxley wraps the chair around Page’s leg but Page throws said chair at Moxley to take over.

They finally get in the ring and slug it out, with Moxley’s eye busted open. Moxley is fine enough to grab an armbar but Page is back up with a German suplex. They fight to the apron and slug it out again with Page tossing him into the post as we take a break. Back with Page hitting a super Death Valley Driver for two. Moxley knocks him into the corner though and starts the stomps to the head. The Death Rider is blocked so Moxley switches into a cross armbreaker.

With that broken up, Page sends him outside but misses the moonsault. Moxley blasts him with a clothesline but can’t put Page through the ringside table. Page can put him through it though and gets two back inside. Page misses a jumping kick to the face and gets caught with the King Kong Lariat. They forearm it out again until Page hits a small package driver for two more. A Tombstone into the Buckshot Lariat gives Page two so he immediately goes into the bulldog choke. Moxley fights up and cradles Page for the win at 16:31.

Rating: B. These guys beat the heck out of each other and it worked as a trilogy match. I’m a bit surprised that Moxley won, though it was one of those matches that could have gone either way. The ending coming out of nowhere with a wrestling move after all of the intense brawling worked well too, so this was a fine way to go and felt like a showdown.

Post match the Blackpool Combat Club comes in to separate them, with Moxley flipping Page off and getting in a pretty clear F bomb. They have to be separated again and odds are we’re getting a rematch at Revolution.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Darby Allin.

The Bunny challenges Jamie Hayter for the Women’s Title. We cut to the back (well, elsewhere in the back) where Saraya and Toni Storm are attacking Britt Baker.

Acclaimed vs. Turbo Floyd/Truth Magnum

Non-title. The jobbers (whose tights look like toothpaste) want some scissoring but get Scissor Me Timbers instead. Even Billy comes in for the scissoring before the Arrival into the Mic Drop gives Caster the pin at 50 seconds.

Post match the Gunns come out and say they want the title match. That earns them a bunch of the Acclaimed’s accolades but Billy says he’s sick of this and walks away. Austin says Billy is doing what he always does by turning his back on them. Colton: “Why don’t you do what you used to do and bury your sorrows in the bottom of a pill bottle?” Billy gets back in the ring and makes the title match for next week. Acclaimed doesn’t seem pleased.

Jungle Boy appreciated his time teaming with Hook but he wants a singles title.

Brian Cage vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Prince Nana is here with Cage, who gets clotheslined out side to start. Takeshita hits a big slingshot dive to take cage out again and they slug it out inside. A Blue Thunder Bomb plants Cage for two but he kicks Takeshita outside. The apron superplex lets Cage stop to pose as we take a break.

Back with Takeshita hitting a hurricanrana into a middle rope kick to the face. A German suplex gives Takeshita two but the running knee is blocked. Cage’s F5 is countered into a sitout powerbomb for two more. Cage discus lariats him for two more and the F5 connects as well. Takeshita hits him in the face though and the running knee finishes Cage at 10:06.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to see Takeshita get a win that feels like it matters a bit so well done on moving into the right direction. It isn’t like Cage has much to lose anyway but he still has enough of a look and athleticism to him feel like a threat. They needed to have Takeshita get a win at some point and this was as good of a way as it could have gone.

The Jericho Appreciation Society doesn’t like the idea of being accused of cheating last week. Now though, they have an idea: the Garcia/Guevara Gauntlet, which is Ricky Starks running a gauntlet to get another match with Chris Jericho. I was thinking just having Starks pin Jericho for a big rub was a good way to go but apparently not. Also, don’t we kind of already have a gauntlet with MJF trying to avoid Bryan Danielson?

The Elite is in a basketball gym and tells Top Flight and AR Fox to show up and shoot their shot next week. Matt Hardy/Isiah Kassidy/Ethan Page come in with Stokely Hathaway to challenge them for Rampage. Don Callis worries about the team selling NFT’s but the match is on.

Bryan Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher

This is Thatcher’s AEW debut. Feeling out process to start with Thatcher taking Danielson (with his injured shoulder) into the corner. Thatcher can’t get anywhere with Danielson against the ropes so Danielson takes him down by the leg. A grab of the bad arm gets Thatcher out of trouble and he takes Danielson down by the arm. Thatcher’s Kimura sends Danielson to the rope and we take a break.

Back with Danielson headbutting his way out of trouble but being sat on the top. Danielson headbutts that off too and fires off the kicks but his O’Connor roll is blocked. Thatcher goes for the Fujiwara armbar but gets kicked in the head for two instead. Danielson grabs a choke, which is driven into the corner for the break but the referee gets bumped as well. Cue MJF but Konosuke Takeshita cuts him off, leaving Thatcher to Fujiwara armbar Danielson again. The rope is reached so Danielson ducks a clothesline and hits the running knee for the pin at 13:38.

Rating: B+. Oh of course this was good and there was no way it was going to be anything else. AEW brought Thatcher in for this kind of a match and it delivered very well. What matters here is Thatcher getting to torment Danielson, who survived anyway and won in the end with the thing he did better than Thatcher. Heck of a match here and I’m not slightly surprised.

In the back, MJF and Takeshita have to be separated. Renee Paquette pops in to make MJF vs. Takeshita for next week.

Mogul Affiliates is ready to hurt Dustin Rhodes because the generation is changing. For now though, they’ll settle for Brian Pillman Jr. on Rampage.

MJF pays Rush off to take out Bryan Danielson next week. Rush is in.

TBS Title: Red Velvet vs. Jade Cargill

Cargill, with Leila Grey, is defending. They seems to miscommunicate a bit on a slugout but Cargill gets sent outside for a dropkick through the ropes. Back in and Cargill hits a wheelbarrow suplex for two and we take a break. We come back with Velvet kicking away until the pump kick gives Cargill two. Cue Kiera Hogan to send Grey into the steps and the distraction lets Cargill kick out of the Final Slice. Cargill muscles her up into Jaded to retain at 7:06 for her 50th win.

Rating: D+. STOP DOING THIS SAME MATCH! The Velvet vs. Cargill feud felt like the latest in a long, long string of people who didn’t make Cargill break a sweat and gave us no reason to believe she was going to lose. Just pick someone and have them beat her already so she can move on and do something else. Doing the same stuff over and over isn’t interesting and until she has to learn something new, her career is going to stall.

Post match Cargill picks up her daughter and walks off.

Ruby Soho comes in to see the injured Britt Baker. Soho denies being involved in the attack but Baker says she’s good anyway.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

TNT Title: Darby Allin vs. Samoa Joe

Anything goes and Allin is defending (Joe’s ROH TV Title isn’t on the line), so he comes to the ring in a hoodie covered in thumbtacks. Allin charges at him to start and hits a few tack filled shots, only to have Joe use the towel to clothesline him down. Joe stomps away in the corner and it’s already time for a table. That takes too long though as Allin dives into the table as Joe picks it up, meaning Joe is busted open.

Joe sends him into the steps and over the barricade so the fight can go into the crowd. A Rock Bottom onto the hand rail leaves Allin laying as we take a break. Back with Allin fighting out of a neck crank but charging into the Rock Bottom out of the corner. Allin jawbreaks his way out of trouble and chops away but gets tossed over the top for a nasty crash.

The chairs are loaded up and Joe drops him back first onto them but Allin is fine enough to throw some powder in the eyes and hit a Code Red for two. Allin grabs the tack hoodie and hits the Coffin Drop….for two. With nothing else working, Allin whips out a boxcutter and cuts up the mat (taking his sweet time to do so). Joe uses the time to send Allin through a table and them wrap the tack hoodie around Allin’s face. Allin goes for the eyes to break it up but the Coffin Drop is blocked. The Muscle Buster onto the exposed boards knocks Allin silly to give Joe the title back at 15:25.

Rating: B. Well it was nice for Allin to be the TNT Champion and this workhorse for a full month, but now he gets beaten down in another match. It was an entertaining one (depending on how much pain you can handle Allin taking) and it felt like a main event, with the title change being a big deal. Allin’s body continues to be turned into something no longer resembling a human but that ship has long sailed.

Post match Wardlow is back and goes after Joe, who bails before the powerbomb. Wardlow beats up security instead and loads up a powerbomb….which we don’t see as the show goes off the air. So if Wardlow gets the title back, we’re right back where we were in November for everyone involved.

Overall Rating: A-. This was a pretty awesome show with one very good match after another and only the latest Jade match hurting it in the slightest. Other than that, this moved some stuff forward and has me wondering where some of the stories are going. Now just start finalizing the Revolution card and the shows can be off to the races. Back to the winning formula here and it worked very well.

Jon Moxley b. Hangman Page – Rollup
Acclaimed b. Turbo Floyd/Truth Magnum – Mic Drop to Magnum
Bryan Danielson b. Timothy Thatcher – Running knee
Jade Cargill b. Red Velvet – Jaded
Samoa Joe b. Darby Allin – Muscle Buster onto exposed boards



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Rampage – January 6, 2023: I Had Fun

Date: January 6, 2023
Location: Portland Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We are in for the first of two hours of AEW TV this week. That could mean quite a few things, but we do have a TNT Title match as new champion Darby Allin defends against Matt Taven. It’s a little weird to have a title match on the show right before a title made of nothing but title matches, but it should be good. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Top Flight vs. Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson

The Club gets jumped from behind to start and it’s Darius dropkicking Moxley for a quick one. A standing moonsault gives Dante two but it’s off to Danielson to fire off the kicks in the corner. Moxley comes back in to hammer away before it’s a four way standoff. The double fights go to the floor, with Moxley and Danielson hitting running kicks against the barricade.

Back in and Danielson puts Dante in a surfboard, allowing him to rip at the face a bit. Moxley’s superplex into a cross armbreaker keeps Dante down as we take a break. Back with the Club kicking away at Dante but he manages to send them into each other. The hot tag brings in Darius to start cleaning house, including blocking Danielson’s kick to the chest. Danielson backflips over Darius but gets caught in the Spanish Fly for another double knockdown.

It’s back to Dante with a springboard flip dive for two more but Moxley pulls Dante into a keylock. Well at least the attempt of one as Dante slips out, earning himself some elbows to the face. A victory roll gives Dante two so Moxley King Kong lariats him for two of his own. Danielson comes back in with the running knee to Darius for two, followed by a discus forearm. The big kick to the head drops Darius again and Moxley dives off the top with an ax handle on Dante. Danielson stomps Darius in the head and the Regal Stretch finishes at 13:32.

Rating: B. That was a heck of a match and while I didn’t quite buy Top Flight as having a real chance, they hung in there through so many big shots that my eyes were popping open each time. They pulled me into this one really well and I had a great time with it. Top Flight needs to win something soon though because having a bunch of really good performances in losses only gets you so far.

Hangman Page is ready to hut Jon Moxley so badly that he’ll burn a copy of the fight onto a VHS so Moxley can watch it again. In his hand is a paper: his medical clearance to face Moxley next week. You knew that was coming.

Jamie Hayter/Britt Baker vs. Renegades

Baker and Hayter (with Rebel in their corner) jump the Renegades from behind to start and the beating is on fast. We settle down to Robyn dropkicking Hayter for two and handing it off to Charlotte. That’s fine with Hayter, who suplexes them both down and brings in Baker (the fans approve). Robyn gets forearmed against the ropes and Baker drops her again as we take a break.

Back with Robyn down in the corner but she enziguris her way to freedom. Charlotte comes in and gets taken down by Baker, meaning Robyn has to make a diving save. That earns Robyn a Hatebreaker and Charlotte gets n AA onto the knee. The sliding lariat into the Stomp from Baker is good for the pin at 8:48.

Rating: B-. The Renegades were trying here and it was a more entertaining match than I would have expected. Baker and Hayter got a nice boost going into their big match next week on Dynamite, though I’m still not sold on the idea of Saraya and Toni Storm teaming together. For now though, the Renegades tried hard here and came out of it a lot stronger than they went in.

The House Of Black talks about dealing with a man who never played by the rules. Now that man is asking why Malakai Black never played by the rules. The man is Eddie Kingston, and this isn’t the one that Black used to know. They’re here to help him. That’s the most coherent thing they’ve ever said.

Sonico vs. Preston Vance

Full nelson and a discus lariat finishes Sonico at 40 seconds.

Post match Vance rips off Sonico’s mask.

After Darby Allin won the TNT Title on Dynamite, Mike Bennett and the Kingdom came up to him with Bennett ranting about his own greatness. The challenge was issued for Rampage and the match is on.

Darby Allin and Mike Bennett are ready for the TNT Title match.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

TNT Title: Mike Bennett vs. Darby Allin

Bennett, with the rest of the Kingdom, is challenging. Allin sits in the corner to start before Bennett cranks on his arm. They head outside with Bennett sending him into the barricade but missing a charge, allowing Allin to run him over. We take a break and come back with Bennett hitting a Death Valley Driver for two and going for a Kimura. Allin can’t flip out of it but he can get a boot on the rope for the break instead.

They head outside with Allin taking over and putting him in a chair, setting up a top rope missile dropkick to knock him right back out. Back in and Maria gets on Bennett to protect him from the Coffin Drop. The distraction lets Matt Taven get in a kick to the head, meaning Bennett can hit a piledriver for two. A super piledriver is broken up and Allin hits a super Code Red, setting up the Coffin Drop to retain the title at 12:05.

Rating: B-. The crowd helped carry this one a lot further than it should have gone otherwise, as the Pacific northwest was going nuts for Allin. The good thing about someone like Bennett is that you can have him take a loss without losing any status. This was all about having Allin get a win after some adversity and it went very well.

Overall Rating: B+. Rather good show here, with a pair of solid matches, a squash, and a strong opener. I had a good time with this and while it might not have been exactly important, it was a show that gave you entertaining wrestling in front of a hot crowd. Sometimes just having fun is important and they made it work well here. Very solid effort this week.

Bryan Danielson/Jon Moxley b. Top Flight – Regal Stretch to Darius
Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter b. Renegades – Stomp to Charlotte
Preston Vance b. Sonico – Discus lariat
Darby Allin b. Mike Bennett – Coffin Drop



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Rampage – December 30, 2022: Addressing Some Issues

Date: December 30, 2022
Location: 1st Bank Center, Broomfield, Colorado
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Paul Wight

We’ll close out the AEW year with this and as is often the case around here, Orange Cassidy is defending the All-Atlantic Title. This time though, it’s against his friend Trent Beretta. That could go in a few directions and on top of that, we’ll be hearing from Jon Moxley about something. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Don West.

Opening sequence.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

Cassidy is defending, Chuck Taylor/Danhausen are on commentary and Kip Sabian is on commentary. They shake hands for a good bit to start until Trent misses an armdrag. Back up and they run the ropes until Cassidy is hiptossed outside. Cassidy gets back in and sends him outside as well. Then they switch places again, with Cassidy being sent outside for the second time.

Trent’s dive hits Chuck by mistake but it’s turned into a well timed Big Hug. Cassidy dives onto Trent to take over, setting up a high crossbody back inside. Trent knocks him to the floor again (you might be noticing a pattern emerging here) but this time Cassidy gets whipped into the barricade. A hard charge hits barricade only though and Cassidy dropkicks him into it again as we take a break.

Back with Cassidy hitting the lazy chops, capped off by a regular one. They forearm it out until a Michinoku Driver gives Cassidy two. He can’t bring himself to try the Orange Punch though and instead tries the Beach Break. That’s reversed into a failed piledriver attempt so Trent settles for a running elbow in the corner. A tornado DDT plants Trent again and the top rope DDT gives Cassidy two more.

Trent’s Crunchie attempt is countered but he can hit the tombstone for his own near fall. A piledriver out of the corner gives Trent two and here is Penelope Ford to interrupt. Ford gets up on the apron to distract Trent, allowing Cassidy to hit a quick Beach Break for two. The Orange Punch retains the title at 11:23.

Rating: C+. The action was good enough and they told a nice story of the two friends not wanting to fight each other but having to in the end. The Ford addition seemed to be there to move us towards Cassidy vs. Kip Sabian again, because that is a thing we need to do one more time. Good match here, as Cassidy gets in his traditional Rampage win.

Post match Trent walks away and Cassidy passes Sabian, who is on the way to the ring for his match.

After Dynamite, Tony Schiavone asked Darby Allin about his upcoming TNT Title shot. Allin is glad to get his title shot in his hometown of Seattle. Everyone laughed at him when he was 115lbs at the end of high school and he proved all of them wrong. Then he became TNT Champion but he lost it all. Now he isn’t sure if anyone, including Sting, believes in him. Sting asks what if he says no before saying he knows Joe is going to kill him. We get the big firing up speech and Sting wants Allin to forget what everyone else is saying. Go get your title back! Nice stuff here as they went with what made sense.

Kip Sabian vs. Atifa

I have no idea if that is Sabian’s opponent’s name but it’s the closest I can get. Sabian mocks Orange Cassidy, hits a Cannonball in the corner, and finishes with his own version of the Orange Punch at 1:18.

La Faccion Ingobernable is in the back with Preston Vance mocking the idea of the Dark Order. Vance isn’t happy that he doesn’t know next week’s opponent, but he doesn’t mind mocking Negative One on national TV.

Here is Jon Moxley in the ring for a chat (no entrance this time). He isn’t happy with Hangman Page and knew that there was going to be a showdown coming. There can only be one true ace and last man standing after what happened between them in Cincinnati. Page woke up in the hospital that night but he slept like a baby. The Blackpool Combat Club works harder than anyone else and deserve their praise. Wrestling is a tough business and if Page can make it to January 11, he’ll be ready to show Page how rough things can be. Keep your hands up b****.

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal are ready to win the Tag Team Titles on Dynamite. Lethal is rather over the top while Jarrett is serious and to the point about wanting to hurt Max Caster.

TBS Title: Kiera Hogan vs. Jade Cargill

Cargill, with the rest of the Baddies, is defending. Hogan small packages her for a fast two and ducks the pump kick. A chokeslam plants Hogan and we take a break. Back with Hogan slipping away but getting caught with the pump kick for two. They head outside where Leila Grey holds Hogan for a slap….which Red Velvet blocks. Back in and Hogan slips out of another chokeslam, setting up a running hip attack on the ropes to rock Cargill. A high crossbody gives Hogan two more bud it’s Jaded to retain the title at 7:33.

Rating: C. And that is the latest Jade Cargill match with no drama about her losing as she absorbs everything and then wins with Jaded in the end. Hogan was going hard here but there was no chance she was going to lose for the first time to Hogan on Rampage. As has been the case for a long, long time now, Cargill desperately needs something new and this wasn’t it.

Post match Red Velvet leaves on her own.

Jamie Hayter is ready for whomever Saraya has for a partner on January 11.

Mark Sterling is tired of Bryan Danielson messing with MJF so next week, Danielson gets to face Tony Nese.

Wheeler Yuta (and company) is ready for Swerve Strickland (and company).

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Swerve Strickland vs. Wheeler Yuta

Non-title and the rest of the Affiliates are here. They go with the grappling to start before trying to run the ropes. Swerve can’t get a leglock so Yuta slams him down to set up a backsplash for less than one. A bow and arrow keeps Swerve in trouble but he slips out, only to get dropkicked down. The Affiliates offer a distraction so Swerve can get in a shot from behind as we take a break.

Back with Yuta knocking him away and going up top for a forearm. A bridging German suplex gives Yuta two but Swerve’s brainbuster gets the same. Yuta is right back with something like an Angle Slam for another near fall but his knee gives out. Swerve unloads in the corner and hits a running dropkick to said knee. The Swerve Stomp is broken up though and Yuta hits a heck of a top rope superplex. Swerve hits the jumping kick to the head but again can’t hit the JML Driver. The referee gets bumped so it’s a low blow and NOW the JML Driver can finish Yuta at 12:40.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t sure on the winner here and it made for an entertaining match. The good thing is that Strickland is off to a nice start on his own, even if the Affiliates are kind of lame as henchmen. Strickland winning on his own here (even with cheating) is a good sign and beating Yuta means something. Yuta will be fine as he’ll get a win whenever Ring Of Honor is back so this was a solid enough main event.

Overall Rating: B-. This show felt a bit more important as some of the developments felt like they were leading towards something else. The action was good enough and you can only get so bored with an hour long show, which is one of the best things about Rampage. Not a must see show, but it does seem like they are addressing some issues.

Orange Cassidy b. Trent Beretta – Orange Punch
Kip Sabian b. Atifa – Orange Punch
Jade Cargill b. Kiera Hogan – Jaded
Swerve Strickland b. Wheeler Yuta – JML Driver



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Rampage – December 23, 2022: I Love Garfield’s Pet Force

Date: December 23, 2022
Location: Freeman Coliseum, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We’re still in front of one of those crazy Texas crowds and in this case there is a rather unique match. This time around we are having a Casino Trios Battle Royal, with the winning team splitting $300,000. That should be enough to make things interesting, and seems to be the big focal point this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Three Kings Christmas Casino Battle Royal

So this is a nine team Casino Battle Royal (basically the Royal Rumble) for $300,000 and all three members of the team have to be eliminated. We start with the Best Friends/Orange Cassidy, La Faccion Ingobernable (Rush/Preston Vance/Kalistico) and Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian. Triple brawls break out in various corners until the Best Friends and Cassidy are kicked into the middle of the ring for the Big Hug.

Cassidy is sent outside but not eliminated, allowing Rush (also not eliminated) to deck him from behind. Rush chokes Cassidy on the floor as Preston Vance spinebusters Taylor inside. That’s enough to get rid of Taylor as the Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta) are in as well. The brawling is on as the ring is already too full. With nothing going on for two minutes, the Dark Order (John Silver/Alex Reynolds/Evil Uno) are in as well to fill up the ring even more.

A bunch of people go to the floor (again without being eliminated, because battle royals think that’s a good idea), leaving the Dark Order to triple team Vance. Moxley is sent to the apron but gets back inside, followed by Cassidy getting beaten down for a change. We take a break and come back with Cassidy, Blade and Sabian being tossed in a row. The Spanish Announce Project (Angelico/Luther/Serpentico, because OF COURSE those three are a team) jumps off the Spanish announce team and get inside to keep up the brawling.

Angelico is out fast and Silver gets rid of Kalistico. Rush tosses Silver and Moxley gets rid of Uno. Castagnoli tosses Luther as they’re certainly getting rid of people faster. Ari Daivari/the Varsity Athletes (Tony Nese/Josh Woods) are in, with Mark Sterling insulting the fans on the way to the ring. Trent gets sent outside (again, not eliminated) for a triple teaming and Reynolds is eliminated, meaning the Dark Order is completely out.

Rush hits Yuta with the Bull’s Horns in the corner and throws him out. Vance gets rid of Serpentico, meaning the SAP are out as well. Top Flight (Dante/Darius Martin) and AR Fox are in to complete the field as Castagnoli eliminates Daivari. There goes Vance, with Woods and Nese out as well to get rid of another team.

Trent piledrives Butcher on the apron to get rid of him but gets dropkicked out by Rush. Castagnoli and Rush have a showdown ad wind up on the apron for a chop off. A hard series of forearms and the uppercut get rid of Rush, leaving us with the Club (Moxley/Castagnoli) vs. Fox/Top Flight (AR Fox/Top Flight). Moxley gets rid of Fox almost immediately and it’s 2-2.

Cue Hangman Page to run in and go after Moxley as a brawl breaks out. Security comes in, allowing Top Flight to eliminate Moxley. That’s fine with Moxley, who dives on Page to keep up the fight. Back in and Castagnoli picks up both Martin at once but they fight back in from the apron. Castagnoli fights off a double slam out but gets DDTed and double clotheslined to the apron. A running hurricanrana gets rid of Castagnoli to give Fox/Top Flight the money at 21:59.

Rating: C-. This is a great example of “your mileage may vary” but this was a long match where only the last few minutes felt important. There were far too many stretches with too many people in the ring at once, but granted when you can just go to the floor at any point, it doesn’t matter as much. It’s a fun concept for a match and Fox/Top Flight winning is smart, but I can only get so much out of another battle royal with a bunch of rather low level teams.

Here are Eddie Kingston and Ortiz for a chat. They want to fight the House of Black but can’t get the contract signed, so here is Julia Hart to….point at the screen, where the House is waiting for a chat. Malakai Black suggests that Ortiz is really Kingston’s enemy, but Ortiz and Kingston are both a bit confused. I’m still confused as to why the House Of Black talks so much.

Daniel Garcia doesn’t like much about Sammy Guevara but if Chris Jericho tells them to be together, so be it. Sammy gets in Garcia’s face….and hugs him. They’ll be fine.

Jade Cargill vs. Vertvixen

Non-title and the Baddies are here with Jade. Cargill powers her down to start and hits a slam as we take a break forty seconds in. Back with Vertvixen getting kicked in the ribs and back of the head, setting up the pump kick for the pin at 5:01. Again: there is no reason for a five minute match to need a break. We saw about a minute and twenty seconds of the match. Why is there a commercial? The only positive: Vertvixen’s name sounds like the villain from Garfield’s Pet Force: Vetvix. I love Garfield’s Pet Force.

Ruby Soho is sick of Anna Jay helping Tay Melo so she’s getting Willow Nightingale to help her.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Wardlow doesn’t believe Samoa Joe is some unstoppable king and is ready to get his title back.

Powerhouse Hobbs has grabbed a man outside and says he’s taking everything. Hobbs lunges at the camera and that’s it.

Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett and company are ready to beat up Billy Gunn and Anthony Bowens. Anthony wants Jarrett to LISTEN and hear that everyone loves the Acclaimed.

Billy Gunn/Anthony Bowens vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal

Max Caster, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt are here. Max Caster handles the pre-match rap, promising to send them back to the Impact Zone with the Not So Great Khali. Bowens and Lethal lock up to start with Bowens having to chop his way out of the corner. A quick Figure Four attempt is blocked so Bowens chops away some more and hits a jumping bulldog for two.

Gunn comes in to face Jarrett, with the latter sending him into the ropes for the running crotch attack to the back. It’s back to Lethal, who gets punched out of the air, allowing Bowens to slam him. A double scissoring elbow (just go with it) gets two on Lethal but Bowens is sent outside for a clothesline from Jarrett. We take a break and come back with Lethal holding a chinlock.

Bowens fights up and slugs it out with Jarrett, capped off by a superkick to put them both down. The double tag brings in Gunn to clean house, including a clothesline to cut off Singh. The One And Only gets two on Lethal but a Dutt distraction lets Jeff hit the Stroke on Bowens. Caster accidentally distracts the referee though and it’s a low blow from Dutt, followed by the Lethal Injection to give Lethal the pin at 9:13.

Rating: C. The match was ok, but Caster’s line at the beginning tells you everything you need to know: Lethal and Jarrett feel like Team TNA and that is not something you want to see. I don’t think they’re going to win the titles, but I have no idea why this team exists and even less of an idea why they are getting a push. Gunn losing doesn’t diminish the Acclaimed, though putting them against Lethal and Jarrett isn’t helping them.

Overall Rating: D+. The most important thing about this show is the date. This show is taking place at 10pm the night before Christmas Eve. AEW knew that no one was going to be watching and almost completely punted as a result. The battle royal was little more than a gimmick attraction, Cargill did the same thing she has done about forty times and the main event featured Jeff Jarrett and Billy Gunn. This show was the definition of skippable, and there is a good chance that a lot of people did just that.

Top Flight/AR Fox won the Three Kings Christmas Casino Battle Royal last eliminating the Blackpool Combat Club
Jade Cargill b. Vertvixen – Pump kick
Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal b. Anthony Bowens/Billy Gunn – Lethal Injection to Gunn



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Dynamite – November 30, 2022: They Got Me

Date: November 30, 2022
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’ll wrap up the month here as MJF should be here for the first time as World Champion. That alone should be a heck of a moment, but we also need to get more of the build towards Final Battle out of the way. There isn’t much set for the show but that should change this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Jon Moxley to get things going. He talks about working to get here and what a wild ride it has been. There are three constants in life: death, taxes and Jon Moxley. No one can out work him, out fight him, out wrestle him or anything else. There is not one man who has the guts to come out here and tell him any different….and here is the returning Hangman Page. Moxley asks if Page wants to do this after what happened, if he can remember it. Page comes up swinging and the fight is on, with referees and security needing multiple attempts to break it up. Nice return here as it felt like a bit deal.

Bryan Danielson vs. Dax Harwood

They go technical to start as the fans are way into this from the opening bell. It’s too early for either to get very far with a leglock so Danielson bails to the floor to start. Back in and Danielson tries the moonsault over into the running clothesline but Harwood is ready for him instead. Danielson sends him over the top to set up the suicide dive to send Harwood into the crowd. They slug it out from different sides of the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Harwood rolling some German suplexes before teasing a right hand to set up the piledriver for two. Harwood’s headbutt misses though and Danielson grabs la majistral for two. They head outside again and Danielson’s apron knee to the face knocks Harwood silly. Back in and Danielson can’t hit a superplex so he tries a belly to back version instead.

That’s fine with Harwood, who turns it into a high crossbody for two, leaving both of them down again. The slugout is on again until Harwood pulls him into a half crab. Without that broken up they hit the pinfall reversal sequence until Danielson gets the LeBell Lock for the tap at 14:42.

Rating: B. This is in the “well what were you expecting” category as they had two talented wrestlers have a good wrestling match. That is going to work every time and Harwood looked game in there against one of the best ever. It went very well and Danielson gets a win to continue looking great after the recent win over Sammy Guevara.

Ricky Starks is ready to win the World Title.

Hangman Page and Jon Moxley are still fighting in the parking lot.

We get a sitdown interview between the Jericho Appreciation Society (minus Chris Jericho) and the Blackpool Combat Club. The Society mocks Wheeler Yuta but Castagnoli is asked about the Final Battle main event. Jake Hager things Castagnoli would be a great sports entertainer and throws him a hat. That doesn’t go well for Castagnoli who snaps and yell about how he’s sick of this. Castagnoli leaves, so the Society issues the challenge for a tag match. Yuta accepts on Castagnoli’s behalf but he’ll take a Pure Title shot at Final Battle too.

TNT Title: AR Fox vs. Samoa Joe

Joe is defending and hammers Fox down in the corner to start. Fox comes back up with some shots to the face, only to have his legs swept out so Joe can drop a backsplash. We take a break and come back with Fox breaking up the Musclebuster. A diving tornado DDT rocks Joe and Fox kicks him in the face. Fox hits a 450 for two but Joe walks away from a Swanton attempt. The Musclebuster retains the title at 6:39.

Rating: C+. This was another match that didn’t have time to go very far, mainly because of the break in the middle. The match didn’t even last seven minutes and had three minutes of that spent on a commercial break. It’s nice to see Fox getting to showcase himself, but Joe was going to roll over his first challenger and that is more or less what happened here.

Post match Joe declares himself the king of television but Wardlow pops up on screen to say enjoy it while it lasts, because this is Wardlow’s World. Joe looks a bit concerned.

We go back to Oakland, California where Powerhouse Hobbs walks past some gambling and goes inside some kind of store. That was short.

Taz breaks down how Hook beat Lee Moriarty. I love this kind of stuff and Taz is perfect for the role.

Here is William Regal, with something under a sheet, to introduce MJF for his first comments as World Champion. MJF talks about how Regal sent him an email not too long ago, saying that MJF had become weak after he had been beaten down by the Firm. Regal thought MJF could become the best villain of all time, but Regal wanted to see MJF grab the brass ring. They met behind closed doors multiple times after that and MJF admits that Regal is a genius. Regal wanted MJF to use the brass knuckles at Full Gear so they would leave an emotional scar on Jon Moxley.

As for the Firm…..eh. He would have done the same thing, but chasing them down takes effort and that is for poor people like these fans. Speaking of things beneath him, we have this title, which makes him sick (and not just because he is in Indiana). The people who have held it before aren’t o his level, which is why the title is garbage. MJF throws it down and Regal unveils the new belt, which has the Burberry strap design.

No one deserves the title except for him, including the people these fans cheer for. MJF means people like Eddie Kingston, Ricky Starks or Bryan Danielson. Sure Danielson can wrestle his way out of a paper bag but that doesn’t mean he deserves to be a World Champion. MJF praises his boys up north, Jolly Old Saint Nick and Trips. So what happens on January 1, 2024? Maybe Hollywood wins instead of either promotion.

Anyway, the fans are going to get sick of him as champion but they’ll keep tuning in to see who can take the title off of him. During his title reign, the championship will be defended very rarely because he is a special attraction. Nine times out of ten, you’ll have to buy a pay per view to see him wrestle because his title reign is going to make Hulk Hogan, JBL and Jeff Jarrett’s seem short.

As for William Regal…..MJF knocks him silly from behind with the brass knuckles. Schiavone: “STEVE REGAL….WILLIAM!” MJF says Regal thought he had a lot to learn, but Regal is the one who made a deal with the devil. As Regal said a few years ago, when you’re a world class talent, send him your stuff. Danielson and medics run out to check on Regal, who is put in a neck brace and taken out on a stretcher. That one actually got me so very well done on not taking the expected path. The rest of the promo was a bit rambling but that ending surprise was exceptional.

Ricky Starks vs. Ari Daivari

Before the match, Ethan Page and Stokely Hathaway come out, only to have Matt Hardy interrupt. Hathaway tells Hardy to get to the back as Starks tells Hardy to help him win the Dynamite Diamond Ring battle royal next week. Then Page is cashing in the match he gets on MJF after Starks’ title shot at Winter Is Coming. Daivari jumps Starks but gets speared and Roshamboed for the pin at 22 seconds.

Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker and Rebel tell Tony Schiavone that they will be having their own sitdown interview next week on Dynamite, just like Saraya this week on Rampage.

Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale

Tay Melo is here with Jay. Nightingale takes her down for an early two and hits a backsplash in the corner. After some dancing, Nightingale hits another backsplash, only to miss a clothesline. Jay hits a running spin kick in the corner and we take a break. Back with Nightingale making the comeback, including a spinebuster for two. Jay grabs a quick Gory Bomb for two but Nightingale blocks what looked to be a Rock Bottom. A rollup gives Jay two instead but Nightingale plants her with a doctor bomb for the pin at 7:32.

Rating: C. Another short match that was cut off by unnecessary break. Nightingale getting a pin over a fairly established star like Jay is a good sign for her future as she has been needing the wins that help set her apart. Nightingale has a lot of the tools she needs to be a star but the wins are going to do more good for her than anything else.

Post match Ruby Soho makes her return and goes after Anna and Tay.

We look back at the return of the House of Black.

QT Marshall wants an All Atlantic Title shot and Orange Cassidy gives him whatever he wants with no discussion. We’ll even make it a lumberjack match. Marshall is almost annoyed at how easy that was.

Here are Jade Cargill and the Baddies for a celebration of her retaining the TBS Title. Jade talks about getting rid of the trash last week (when Kiera Hogan was fired) but wonders why the Baddies were spending time with Hogan this week. Either get in line or leave, because they eat off of her. Jade brags about how awesome she is and how she makes careers. Speaking of careers, Bow Wow is a joke…and Bow Wow pops up on screen. He’s done with his tour so he’ll be around soon. That title she has does something to him, which seems to have Jade a bit shaken. I’m no music guy, but is this supposed to be a big deal?

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows.

The Acclaimed are drilled by Billy Gunn about why they don’t have a match this week. Therefore they will give a Tag Team Title shot to the best team in AEW on Rampage. Gunn wants to know how that is possible when they’re already the best. Ok then we’ll make it the second best team. Scissoring ensues.

Death Triangle vs. Elite

Match #3 in the best of seven series, with Death Triangle up 2-0. The Elite jumps them in the aisle and the big brawl is on, only to have Pac superkick Omega out of the air as we take a break before the opening bell. Back with the fight still on the floor and the opening bell ringing. Penta cleans house and the referee gets taken out, leaving Penta to whip out the hammer.

Fenix won’t let that happen and Omega V Triggers him down, only to have the Elite come back with superkicks. The snapdragon drops Fenix but Death Triangle hit superkicks of their own. Death Triangle go up top for moonsaults to the Bucks and a double stomp to Omega. The Fear Factor gets two on Omega but Nick saves him from the Black Arrow. Matt suplexes the Bros down, leaving Pac to get up for the staredown with Omega. One heck of a super Falcon Arrow gives Pac two and we take a break.

Back with Pac snap German suplexing Omega, who blasts him with a clothesline. Fenix comes back in and has to escape the Meltzer Driver. A 450 gets two on Fenix instead with Penta making the save. Everything breaks down and Matt gets planted, leaving Penta to dive onto Omega and Nick as Penta gets two. Pac’s brainbuster gets two on Matt so it’s time to go up again. Pac loads up the Black Arrow but lands on Matt’s knees (to the banged up face) to give Matt the pin at 12:15.

Rating: B. It was another wildly insane match that was a lot of fun and that won’t stand out from their previous two matches. That was always going to be the case for the entire series and it is already happening here. The matches are total crash courses and wrestling junk food, but they are certainly fun and total action from the start to the finish. This was no exception and I’ll take the Elite winning one of the earlier matches rather than winning four in a row.

Post match Omega says there wasn’t going to be a sweep with the Cleaner around.

Overall Rating: B+. The show was book ended by a pair of good matches and the MJF surprise was right in the middle. There still isn’t much announced for Final Battle but Ring Of Honor shows have a tendency to be thrown together at the last minute anyway. This show worked because of a few very good parts, but some of the stuff in the middle was just kind of there.

Bryan Danielson b. Dax Harwood – LeBell Lock
Samoa Joe b. AR Fox – Musclebuster
Ricky Starks b. Ari Daivari – Roshambo
Willow Nightingale b. Anna Jay – Doctor bomb
Elite b. Death Triangle – Knees to Pac’s face



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Rampage – November 4, 2022: Wrestlemania Weekend In November

Date: November 4, 2022
Location: Jim Whalen Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Mike Tyson, Tony Schiavone

You might notice an interesting guest star here as Iron Mike Tyson is making another appearance for the company. I’m not sure how well that is going to go, but Tyson is likely going to bring some energy. The big match this week is a special appearance by Katsuyori Shibata as he challenges Orange Cassidy for the All-Atlantic Title. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mike Tyson gets a special entrance.

Video on Katsuyori Shibata, who hits people very hard and is back after what appeared to be a career ending injury.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Cassidy is defending. They stare each other down so Shibata grabs a headlock takeover. A headscissors gets Cassidy out of trouble before cranking on the ankle. Shibata misses the big kick to the head and gets forearmed off the apron, setting up the suicide dive. Back up and Shibata sends him into the barricade a few times, allowing the sitdown pose back inside. Cassidy shrugs it off and sends him into the barricade as well but they both have to dive back inside to beat the count.

We take a break and come back with Cassidy hitting a running corner dropkick and the lazy kicks for the mind games. The lazy superkick is blocked though and now Cassidy is willing to pick up the pace. Shibata cuts him off with an STO (as called by Tyson) and hits his own lazy kicks. That makes Cassidy sit down as well, with Shibata sitting right in front of him. Cassidy gently slaps him so Shibata BLASTS HIM with a forearm before unloading in the corner.

Back up and they knock each other down, allowing us to look at Tyson watching the match. It’s Cassidy up first with a running penalty kick so Shibata tells him to do it again. That’s what Cassidy does before more kicks have no effect. A big running kick manages to knock Cassidy do but Shibata is back up with something like an Orange Punch to knock Cassidy silly. The octopus goes on and they fall to the mat, where Cassidy gets his foot on the rope.

The Stundog Millionaire gets Cassidy out of trouble and he fires off some lazy Kawada kicks. Shibata is right back with a Death Valley Driver but Cassidy counters another one into a Stunner. The Beach Break gives Cassidy two and the Orange Punch….doesn’t actually knock Shibata down. Instead Shibata is up with the choke before suplexing Cassidy back down. The Penalty kick is loaded up but Cassidy pops to his feet for the Orange Punch to retain at 11:10.

Rating: B-. This is going to be an example of “your mileage may vary” and I’m not overly surprised. The match felt like something you see at a Wrestlemania weekend independent show with the question of “wouldn’t it be cool if these two faced each other?”. It was a completely fine way to go and I’m sure Shibata’s fans are happy to see him. Cassidy is one of the most oddball people around but he did well here and it was a bit of a treat, even if not what you would expect Shibata to do.

Respect is shown post match and Cassidy gives Shibata his sunglasses, while also cracking a smile.

That’s it for Tyson, making it a rather forgettable cameo, though he did sound happy to be there.

Toni Storm thinks Britt Baker is manipulating Jamie Hayter but she’ll be ready at Full Gear.

The Blackpool Combat Club isn’t happy with Chris Jericho going too far against Ring Of Honor. Why is he going after non-wrestlers like Ian Riccaboni? If Jericho wants to go after the Ring Of Honor World Champions, come after Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson. William Regal tells Jericho to make his choice.

Jamie Hayter/Britt Baker vs. Skye Blue/Madison Rayne

Rebel is here with the villains. Rayne takes Hayter into the corner to start and Blue cuts Hayter off with a raised boot. A high crossbody gives Blue two but Hayter cuts her off with a hot shot as we take a break. Back with Hayter and Blue knocking each other down, allowing Blue to kick Baker in the head as well for the tag off to Rayne.

House is cleaned and a neckbreaker gets two on Baker, followed by a cutter for a bonus. Hayter is back in with what looked like a chokebreaker to Rayne but Blue gives her a Backstabber. Baker kicks Blue down and hits the fisherman’s neckbreaker for two on Rayne. The villains hit stereo superkicks and Hayter adds the ripcord lariat for the pin at 7:18.

Rating: C. They kept this moving and the match wound up being a nice showcase for Hayter on the way to her title match. Hayter has impressed a lot in recent weeks and that very well could continue through Full Gear. Blue and Madison are good target practice who can still do fairly well in the ring, making this a completely acceptable match.

Post match Baker mocks Toni Storm and promises Hayter is winning the title at Full Gear. Cue Storm, who drops Rebel with one hand, beats up Baker and Thesz presses Hayter to start the brawl. As you would in any fight, Storm grabs a Texas Cloverleaf but Baker comes in with a belt shot to knock her silly. Hayter gets to hold up the title.

We look at Chris Jericho calling out Lamar Jackson on Dynamite, plus the Baltimore Ravens (Jackson’s team) tweeting a response to Jericho. That’s the kind of publicity AEW can/should brag about.

Tony Schiavone talks to Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho about the Blackpool Combat Club’s challenge. Jericho is thinking about saying both, because the Club doesn’t like each other. So how about the three of them and Sammy in a four way for the title. Jericho suggest that Sammy would “do the right thing”, which doesn’t seem to sit well with him.

Here is Ricky Starks for a chat. Starks asks if you can hear the crowd reaction because he knows people are asking to see him get on TV. He has never had to ask the fans to have his back because they know he can deliver. The people like to see him do the pose and he likes them too.

There is a question that people want to know and that is about the eliminator tournament. Starks is one of those six answers, because he is officially entering. Things are crumbling around here (probably shouldn’t say that) but he is going to hold it up on his bare back. He’s ready to face Jon Moxley or MJF because he is Ricky Freaking Starks. Good stuff here, as I can always go for more of Starks, especially when he is fired up.

Sammy Guevara is ready to keep the Ring Of Honor World Title in the Jericho Appreciation Society, but for now he wants to talk about Bryan Danielson. He wants a rematch and he wants it next week on Dynamite, 2/3 falls.

Samoa Joe/Wardlow and the Gates of Agony are ready for each other. Oh and Wardlow wants Powerhouse Hobbs to come get him.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

We get the brackets for the Full Gear tournament:

Eddie Kingston
Ethan Page


Lance Archer
Ricky Starks

Brian Cage
Dante Martin

Samoa Joe/Wardlow vs. Gates of Agony

Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Wardlow misses a clothesline to Kaun to start but is fine enough to drive him into the corner. A clothesline drops Kaun again before Wardlow opts to just hammer away at the head. Joe comes in and slugs at Loa before hitting the corner enziguri. Kaun gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and Loa runs Joe over for two.

We take a break and come back with Joe fighting out of a dropkick and Rock Bottoming him out of the corner. Wardlow comes back in for a bunch of German suplexes as everything breaks down. The wind up punch drops Kaun and Wardlow shrugs off a knee to the face. The four movement Powerbomb Symphony finishes Kaun at 9:11.

Rating: C. What am I supposed to say about this? The Gates of Agony have been around for seven months, they haven’t won a two on two tag match since July (when the other team split up mid match) and there was no reason to believe they were going to win here. This was a good example of a match where it felt like Ring Of Honor was shoehorned in and it did not help things in the slightest.

Post match Powerhouse Hobbs comes out to stare down Wardlow to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This is more or less the standard Rampage: fun opener, nothing middle match, and something Ring of Honor related in the main event. While it might be a pretty good show, other than an announcement about an upcoming Ring of Honor Title match, absolutely none of this stuff felt important. Shibata vs. Cassidy was little more than a fun curiosity match, Hayter is set for the title match and the Gates of Agony have never felt important around here. Rampage has very little excitement most of the time and I can’t imagine wanting to go to one of these shows, special commentator (for one match) or not.

Orange Cassidy b. Katsuyori Shibata – Orange Punch
Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter b. Skye Blue/Madison Rayne – Ripcord lariat to Rayne
Samoa Joe/Wardlow b. Gates of Agony – Powerbomb Symphony to Kaun


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Dynamite – November 2, 2022: They Had A Moment

Date: November 2, 2022
Location: Chesapeake Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are less than three weeks away from Full Gear and just over a month away from Ring Of Honor Final Battle so we are going to be in for some pretty important moments over the next few weeks. The big story coming into this week continues to be MJF, who seems to be teasing one heck of a face turn. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal

They start fast on the floor with Allin mounting him and hammering away despite his taped up ribs. The bell rings and they get inside, with Allin hitting a running crossbody out to the floor. Cue Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh with the latter deterring Allin from a dive, allowing Lethal to monkey flip Allin ribs first into the steps. Lethal puts him under the barricade and puts on the Figure Four before kicking at the leg on the apron. A German suplex on the apron rocks Allin and we take a break.

Back with Lethal grabbing a reverse fisherman’s suplex and flipping him face first onto the mat (that’s a new one). Hail To The King is countered into a crucifix to give Allin two before he pulls the Lethal Injection into a choke. That’s broken up and Lethal rolls outside, where Allin hits a dive onto Singh, which bounces off. The goons are ejected but here is a guy in a Sting coat to baseball bat Allin. The Lethal Injection gives Lethal the pin at 9:05.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t wild on the fake Sting ending but you are almost guaranteed to get at least one Nitro reference a month on here. Other than that, this was a fast paced back and forth match between two people who know how to work that style. Allin is going to need some backup so Sting should be around soon, but maybe someone younger will be available.

Post match Sting reveals himself as…..Cole Carter. Sting’s music plays so the villains go to the floor to wait for him. Cue….hokey smoke Jeff Jarrett to guitar Allin down. Jarrett talks about how Allin worships Sting and now Sting has become Allin’s greatest weakness. The Jarretts have been in wrestling for over 75 years and wherever he goes, greatness follows. His family’s fingerprints are all over AEW but when he is done, there will be full body bags.

Quick look at the Firm turning on MJF and beating him down.

Jon Moxley is ready to have a normal night but for Lee Moriarty, it is the biggest night of his career. The Blackpool Combat Club likes Moriarty but tonight he is backing Moriarty into a corner to see what kind of a man he is. If you have any unrequited anger, it would be a good time to bring it out because he’s going to need the help.

We see a clip of the Elite winning the inaugural Trios Titles but being erased and replaced with Death Triangle.

Lee Moriarty vs. Jon Moxley

Non-title with Stokely Hathaway and William Regal at ringside and Ethan Page on commentary. Feeling out process to start with Moriarty managing to send him into the corner for some running uppercuts. Moriarty takes him down by the arm and we take a break. Back with Moriarty grabbing a bridging single underhook DDT for two before stomping away.

Moxley fights up and strikes away, setting up the King Kong Lariat, setting up a suplex for two on Moriarty. They slug it out until Moxley grabs an armbar, only to get reversed into a Border City Stretch. That’s broken up as well so Moxley elbows away, setting up a cross armbreaker to make Moriarty tap at 10:09.

Rating: B-. Moriarty is a technical star so it is a little weird to see Moxley out technical him and make him tap. The good thing is that Moxley’s submission/grappling stuff looked passable enough that it wasn’t ridiculous. I could still go for a more serious Moriarty, but the weird colored hair isn’t going to get him very far.

Post match Ethan Page runs down and drops Moxley because he wants the World Title.

We are supposed to have a sitdown interview with Saraya and Britt Baker but there is no Baker. Saraya says Baker doesn’t have the guts to do what she does but there is something special about AEW. She wants to give more to it but won’t say where she is medically, as she’ll save that for next week and one more doctor consultation.

William Regal says MJF has all the potential in the world but it isn’t going to be enough to have him beat a real demon like Jon Moxley.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, with the rap mainly being about it being Billy’s birthday. They’re annoyed that Swerve Strickland hurt Billy’s hands because HE CAN’T SCISSOR and scissoring is taking over the world. Billy has it covered though with the big foam scissoring fingers. Excalibur: “ShopAEW.com.”

Caster asks who has some gifts for Billy before going outside to get some big paper scissors from a kid (who gets scissored) as the official gift in a nice moment. We’re not done yet though as we hear about some of Billy’s accomplishments and Bowens gives him…..a World’s Greatest Dad trophy! Bowens suggests that there were going to be some guests from DX here but they were made that he didn’t go to their reunion so it fell through.

We get a nice moment of the Acclaimed talking about Billy being such a great mentor to them. Therefore, we have one more gift: an official adoption certificate! Billy is ready to sign and complete the deal but the Gunn Club interrupts. They think their invitation must have gotten lost in the mail but they have a gift anyway. Cue W. Morrissey to beat Billy and the Acclaimed down with the Gunns helping. FTR makes the save and has a bit of a staredown with the Acclaimed.

Britt Baker isn’t going to jump because Saraya and Renee Paquette told her to. She and Jamie Hayter just want to wrestle so get them some opponents for Rampage.

Here is Chris Jericho to recap the open challenge for the Ring Of Honor World Title.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. ???

Jericho, with the Jericho Appreciation Society, is defending and the opponent is…..Colt Cabana. In a related story, Chicago was last seen being launched somewhere over Lake Michigan. They go face to face to start until Cabana shoulders him down and hammers away. Cabana rolls him up out of the corner for two but can’t clothesline Jericho outside. Instead he takes Jericho up top for the Chicago Skyline but they both fall out to the floor in a big crash.

We take a break and come back with Cabana striking away, setting up the middle rope falling splash for two. The Flip Flop and Fly is broken up but Cabana reverses the Judas Effect into the Billy Goat’s Curse. The Superman Pin gets two as Jake Hager makes the save, earning the Society an Asai moonsault. Back in and Jericho Codebreakers him to retain at 8:14.

Rating: C+. I’m not even going to try to figure out what kind of a message this was supposed to be to CM Punk but what matters here is that Jericho beats another Ring Of Honor name. The rampage through the company, or at least its former stars, continues and I don’t know how long this is going to last. I also don’t know who cuts him off, but it could be interesting.

Post match Jericho and company go up the ramp to go after Ian Riccaboni. The belt shot is loaded up and it’s the Blackpool Combat Club making the save for the pull apart brawl.

Rey Fenix is ready to win the All-Atlantic Title so Pac tells him to be smart and use the ring bell hammer.

All-Atlantic Title: Rey Fenix vs. Luchasaurus vs. Orange Cassidy

Cassidy is defending and Christian Cage and Alex Abrahantes are here too. Fenix and Cassidy go after Luchasaurus to start and a double dropkick puts them on the floor. That leaves Fenix to miss a kick to the face, earning himself a VERY spinning DDT for two. Luchasaurus is back in to wreck the other two, including a release suplex to Cassidy. A double clothesline leaves Luchasaurus as the only person standing so we take a break.

Back with Cassidy hitting the Stundog Millionaire on Luchasaurus and knocking him outside. Luchasaurus shrugs off a double dive though and chokeslams Fenix through the ringside table. Cassidy gets knocked up the ramp but here is Jungle Boy to chair Luchasaurus down. A big running crossbody drives Luchasaurus off the stage and through a table, leaving the other two to head back to ringside. Pac shows up with an offer of the hammer but Fenix doesn’t was it. Instead they trade rollups until Cassidy Orange Punches Fenix to retain at 9:57.

Rating: B-. This was a big brawl for the most part with Luchasaurus being the monster to slay until we got to the ending. Cassidy getting another pin is a good way to make him feel like a better deal and they are doing it well enough. Fenix can still hang in there with anyone and now we are heading towards more Luchasaurus vs. Jungle Boy.

Post match Pac comes inf or the beatdown, but here is Katsuyori Shibata (well ok) with Rocky Romero and the Best Friends for the save. Shibata points at the title and Cassidy whips out the contract for Rampage (where he gets to pick his challenger, as announced in advance). The match is made and yeah that was a pretty awesome moment.

Swerve Strickland is here with Rick Ross with the latter putting Strickland over. Keith Lee comes in and wants to know what was up with the whole breaking Billy Gunn’s fingers. And who was holding the camera??? Swerve makes a peace offering of an eight man tag next week, which Lee reluctantly accepts. I do like Lee asking the camera question as that’s a detail that is rarely brought up.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Marina Shafir

Shafir is challenging. They stare each other down but here are Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose to do live commentary on the match from the stage. Jade knocks Shafir outside as Nyla starts eating chips. The distraction almost gets Jade kicked out but she comes back in, kicks Shafir in the face, and hits Jaded to retain at 2:17. Total squash.

Post match Kiera Hogan tries to steal the TBS Title back from Nyla Rose but gets dropped.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Brian Cage, setting up tonight’s ROH TV Title match.

The House of Black, complete with Malakai Black, vignette, with the theme of a funeral and suggesting that something new is coming. Well that takes care of Black’s status.

Video on Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm for the Women’s Title at Full Gear. They are old friends and even lived together in England during the pandemic. Now though? Things have changed a bit.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Brian Cage

Joe is defending and Prince Nana is here with Cage. Joe’s shoulder doesn’t work to start but the second attempt works a bit better. Some more shots put Cage down until a Nana distraction lets Cage take over in the corner. Cage hits a heck of a suplex and we take a quick break.

Back with Cage posing enough that Joe can strike away, setting up a running boot to the face. The backsplash gets two and Joe needs a bit of a breather. Joe’s scoop powerslam gets two but cage is right back with a 619 and top rope elbow for two. Cage faceplants him, only to get pulled into the Koquina Clutch to retain the title at 11:15.

Rating: C+. They didn’t do anything out of the box here and Joe wasn’t going to lose the title to Cage here no matter what. Joe is going to need a big challenger to take the title from him and Cage hasn’t meant anything in a long time. With Final Battle coming up, we should know some more about his next challenger soon enough, but I’m not sure who it should be.

Post match the Gates of Agony run in for the beatdown on Joe abut Wardlow makes the save. Cue Powerhouse Hobbs to spinebuster Wardlow before he picks up the TNT Title (after having to make sure he got the right one, which tells you a lot about how many titles AEW has) to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Not a classic show and there was no great match, but it flew by and there were enough moments that made me wonder where stories were going. We had some good action here and nothing was bad, which is enough to make a good use of two hours. The lack of MJF is a smart way to go too, as that is the kind of angle worth waiting on. Good show here, as AEW continues to get back in its groove.

Jay Lethal b. Darby Allin – Lethal Injection
Jon Moxley b. Lee Moriarty – Cross armbreaker
Chris Jericho b. Colt Cabana – Codebreaker
Orange Cassidy b. Rey Fenix and Luchasaurus – Orange Punch to Fenix
Jade Cargill b. Marina Shafir – Jaded
Samoa Joe b. Brian Cage – Koquina Clutch



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