Northeast Wrestling Brass City Brawl: They Put On Good Shows

Brass City Brawl
Date: October 1, 2010
Location: Crosby High School, Waterbury, Connecticut
Attendance: 850
Commentator: Jerry Strauss

This is from Northeast Wrestling and I think that’s the name of the show, though I’ve also seen this called the 15th Anniversary Tour. Northeast Wrestling has been around for a good while and I haven’t seen them do anything terrible yet. It would be nice to see them keep that streak up, but you never can tell with promotions like this. Let’s get to it.

The unnamed host runs down the card and we might be in for a good one here.

Jake Manning vs. Cedric Alexander

Manning is the Manscout (as in an adult Boy Scout), down to the uniform and reading from his manual. Commentary calls him creepy and…yeah I can go with that. The bell rings but hang on as Manning needs another look at his book. Manning shoulders him down to start and throws in a monkey flip for a bonus. Alexander reverses into an armdrag and it’s a standoff with a handshake.

Believe it or not, Manning suckers him in before avoiding a dropkick. With Alexander outside, Manning follows him to the floor, only to have Alexander run back inside for a flip dive. Commentary: “No hands for the rookie!” That’s one of the things I love about watching shows like this: seeing future names getting their start. Back in and Manning snaps off a neckbreaker, followed by a Big Boss Man slide under the ropes right hand.

Alexander can’t quite fight out of a chinlock so it’s a rather delayed vertical suplex for two. The basic offense continues with a second chinlock until Alexander fights up with a gordbuster of all things. A backsplash gives Alexander two but Manning’s backbreaker/Downward Spiral combination gets the same. Alexander kicks him in the head though and a split legged moonsault finishes Manning at 9:58.

Rating: C. Perfectly acceptable match to start things off here as you have the plucky rookie Alexander beating someone who seems more than a bit despicable. That’s a good way to open the show, as the fans get something to cheer about while seemingly not beating a huge star. You could see the potential in Alexander and it is no shock that he made it to WWE.

Here are Brian Anthony and Bull Dread for a chat before their tag match. Anthony isn’t happy with local police officer Mike Tripp arresting him last year so tonight it’s time for a beating. Sure Tripp has found a friend in Northeast Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Matt Taven, but the title is coming where it belongs. Cue the rather smiling/dancing Kurt Adonis, who has a bad history with Anthony. The villains don’t know why Adonis is here but they insist that it is NOT about him. We pause for a ONE MORE MATCH chant before Adonis teases a right hand to Anthony.

Instead they hug, with the fans not being pleased about the development. Adonis says the fans don’t deserve one more match and talks about how badly he has been treated for the last ten years. He doesn’t want Anthony to suffer the same fate so now they’re on the same side. The fans are all over Adonis as he promises to help make Anthony Northeast Champion. Nice heel turn here and the fans were livid.

Joey Bricco vs. Eddy Latham

Bricco seems to be the local favorite. Latham poses to start before getting dropkicked out to the floor. An attempted dive is cut off by a forearm to the face to give Latham two, earning some jeering from the fans. Some clotheslines give Latham two and a monkey flip sends Bricco flying. The charge in the corner misses though and Bricco scores with a slingshot DDT. Cue a big guy named Ron Zombie to jump Bricco for the DQ at 2:40.

Zombie beats up Latham as well and Bricco gets chokeslammed onto the chair. After the destruction, Zombie apologizes to everyone for not being around as much lately. Tonight, it is time to reintroduce himself against Tommy Dreamer. To prove how extreme he can be, he needs to take Dreamer out.

Vin The Chin/Ryan McBride vs. Caleb Konley/Chris Battle

Konley has bounced around the wrestling world for years. Vin and Battle start things off with Battle hitting some hard forearms. Vin is right back with a pair of atomic drops before handing it off to the rather slim McBride. Konley comes in and gets armdragged into a dropkick as the villains (I believe) are in trouble early. They prove their villainy with a cheap shot from Battle and Konley gets two off a neckbreaker. A butterfly suplex gives Battle two but Vin gets back over to McBride. House is quickly cleaned and a 450 finishes Konley at 4:47.

Rating: C. Well that was abrupt. It was an energetic match between four young guys but there isn’t much you can do in less than five minutes. McBride felt like someone the fans were into and….well there’s only so much you can do when your name is Vin The Chin. Not enough time to do much, but they didn’t do anything bad and got a bit of ring time, which is the point of a show like this.

Carlito vs. Robbie E.

Robbie E. is also know as Mr./Robert Stone from NXT and has Cookie with him. This is Carlito’s Northeast debut so he is treated as quite the big deal. Commentary: “He’s the coolest man in entertainment since the Fonz.” No, no he isn’t. Stop lying. Hold on though as Carlito has something to say. He thinks the fans appreciating him is cool and we’re ready to go.

Robbie takes him into the corner to start and pumps his fist, earning a shot to the floor. After yelling at some fans, Robbie gets back inside so Carlito can shoulder him right back to the floor. Back in again and we get the required hair messing, with Robbie bailing to the floor for a third time. Hold on though as Carlito needs to wash his hands after putting them in….whatever is in Robbie’s hair. Carlito throws him back inside for some rams into the buckles before grabbing the apple.

Cookie gets on the apron to protest and yeah the apple hits her in the face, as expected. That’s FINALLY enough for Robbie to get in a few shots and take over for the first time. A comeback attempt is cut off with Carlito’s head being slammed into the mat, followed by the chinlock (as the crowd noise goes way down all of a sudden. Carlito is back up with a springboard elbow to the face but Robbie neckbreakers him. That’s fine with Carlito, who is back with the backstabber for the pin at 8:28.

Rating: C+. This is the kind of a big name vs. local star match you would want, though Robbie was becoming a bigger deal in TNA at the time. That being said, they understood what they had here with Carlito and it makes sense to present him as a big deal. Nice match here and it felt like something that would have been a lot of fun for the live fans getting to see a former WWE star.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Ron Zombie

Hardcore match but they respect each other. Hold on though as, believe it or not, Dreamer has something to say before we can get going. Dreamer talks about wrestling in this town at a Toyota dealership once a month when he was young. There was one fan who kept telling Dreamer he hated him and yes, it was Zombie. Then ECW came along and Zombie was a fan there too.

Dreamer finally convinced him to follow his dream and become a wrestler and he couldn’t be happier. We get going with Dreamer shouldering him down before Zombie does the same. After Dreamer seems to approve, they both miss punches and that’s a standoff. The fans want tables and since these two have no control over themselves, it’s time to throw in…well pretty much everything but tables. What a bunch of heels.

Zombie grabs a kendo stick but Dreamer chairs him down to take it outside. Dreamer grabs a drink from a fan and spits it into Zombie’s face before grabbing a bunch of cans of Pepsi. One spit goes into Zombie’s face and Dreamer gives the rest of the cans to some kids (fair enough). Dreamer puts the ring bell between Zombie’s legs and hits it with the timekeeper’s hammer before firing off some right hands in the corner.

Dreamer’s charge hits the post and Zombie uses the chair to take over on the arm. A fan’s title belt to the face drops Dreamer again and Zombie goes Raven with the drop toehold into the open chair. Back up and Dreamer catches him on top with a kendo stick, meaning it’s off to the Tree of Woe.

Dreamer’s running dropkick sends the chair into Zombie’s face and NOW it’s table time. Zombie kicks said table into Dreamer’s face and puts it up in the corner. That takes too long too though and it’s a Death Valley Driver to send Zombie through the table. The DDT onto a chair is loaded up but Zombie reverses into an STO (judo leg trip according to commentary) onto the chair finishes Dreamer at 11:13.

Rating: C. I’m not a big hardcore guy, but after having to sit through various death match nonsense, it’s nice to see this much more, for lack of a better term, family friendly style of hardcore. Hitting each other in the back with chairs, a table spot and spitting drinks isn’t some cringe inducing garbage and the fans liked it, so this could have been much worse. Dreamer not going over is even a bit more shocking, as he was nine days away from pinning AJ Styles at Bound For Glory, because that’s a thing that happened.

Post match Dreamer grabs the mic and talks about Zombie living around here for over thirty years. Dreamer says Zombie earned his respect and he leaves Zombie in the ring to pose.

Matt Taven/Mike Tripp vs. Brian Anthony/Bull Dread

Anthony and Dread have Kurt Adonis in their corner. Tripp is in his regular police uniform and comes out to the Cops theme because…well what else was it going to be? Hold on though as Taven has someone to even things out a bit: George The Animal Steele! Apparently Steele was at the meet and greet before the show, which does cover the question of why Steele would happen to be available to counter a heel turn from an hour ago.

After we pause for Taven to throw his shirt to the crowd, Taven and Dread start things off. A leg lariat staggers the large Dread and some dropkicks put him on the apron. Anthony comes in and says he wants the cop. Tripp comes in and grabs a headlock, which sends Anthony bailing into the corner. A shoulder drops Anthony and some hiptosses make it worse. Dread tries to come in and gets leg lariated by Taven as the good guys clear the ring.

Steele even gets in a chair shot to Dread, setting up Taven’s Flight of the Conqueror for the big knockdown. Back in and Adonis trips Taven, allowing Dread to run him over. Anthony comes in and pounds Taven to the floor before hammering away back inside. Taven tries to dive over to Tripp but it’s far too early for something like that.

A missed clothesline lets Taven grab a small package for two but Anthony busts up his spine. Anthony drops a top rope elbow for two but Taven wins a slugout and kicks him down. The hot tag brings in Tripp for the clothesline comeback as everything breaks down. Taven moonsaults onto Dread but takes out Steele as well, which can’t be good. Steele is fine enough to chair Adonis, leaving Tripp to spear Anthony for the pin at 14:22.

Rating: B-. The thing to keep in mind is that this was a glorified handicap match with Tripp’s best offense involving sticking his arm out so the other two could bounce off of him. That isn’t a bad thing as it was built around a local interest story, with Tripp getting the pin to wrap it up. Completely decent match here as they protected Tripp well, allowing Taven to do the majority of the work.

Mickie James vs. Mia Yim

Yim is still new around here but it is James’ debut for the promotion. A fan high fives Mickie on her way to the ring and seems to hold onto her for a good while, leaving Mickie looking a bit annoyed. They fight over a lockup to start with Yim cranking on a wristlock. A headlock takeover keeps Yim in rather early control but Mickie flips over into a Last Chancery.

Back up and Mickie works on a wristlock of her own before kicking Yim in the face. Yim sends her into the corner though and chokes away while looking rather cocky. Mickie doesn’t approve and hits a basement dropkick to send Yim outside. Back in and Mickie goes up but gets kicked in the head to put her right back down.

Yim chokes a bit and stops for a jumping jack celebration (as you do) before grabbing a dragon sleeper. That’s broken up as well and they slug it out from their knees, with Mickie getting the better of things. A hurricanrana out of the corner drops Yim and the top rope Thesz press gets two. Yim is fine enough to snap off a spinning kick to the head for two but Mickie has had it with her. The MickieDT finishes Yim off at 12:04.

Rating: C+. Yim wasn’t a star yet but you could absolutely see the ability waiting to break out. She had that certain it factor to her and the talent was there to back it up. Then you have James, who was already established as one of the best of all time. This was a good part of the show and James being around felt like a special bonus for the fans.

As Mickie leaves, she seems to sidestep the weird fan from her entrance. It’s a shame that something like that had to happen.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan’s WWE US Title isn’t on the line. Bryan had already returned to WWE but was fulfilling his independent commitments. Feeling out process to start with Benjamin working on a headlock and then running Bryan over. A running dropkick sends Benjamin into the corner and the fans are right there with a BEST IN THE WORLD chant. Benjamin is back with a headlock on the mat until Bryan slips out for an armbar.

The threat of some kicks send Benjamin bailing to the floor as a fan has some advice for how Bryan should deal with Benjamin: “PRETEND HE’S MICHAEL COLE”. Ok that was clever. Back in and Benjamin takes him down with a test of strength but can’t break Bryan’s bridge. Benjamin is right back up as well and Bryan applauds him during the standoff. What might have been a cheap shot staggers Bryan and Benjamin whips him hard into the corner to take over. We hit the chinlock but Bryan fights up and heads to the top.

That takes too long though, allowing Benjamin to run the corner and kick him in the face for a great visual. Back in and Benjamin grabs a suplex, only to get kicked down hard to get us back to even. Bryan is back with the kicks in the corner before a crucifix gets two. Benjamin isn’t having that and BLASTS him with the Dragon Whip (an always cool move) for two of his own. Some more kicks stagger Benjamin though and Bryan’s missile dropkick gets another near fall. The LeBell Lock is blocked so Benjamin rolls some German suplexes, only to get rolled up to give Bryan the pin at 15:13.

Rating: B. This is a situation where you can look at the card, see “Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin for fifteen minutes” and know that things are going to go well. That was exactly what happened here, as you had two very skilled professionals getting to have a main event style match. Bryan was already a made man in this kind of promotion and Benjamin had more than enough of a reputation. Very solid main event here in a match you don’t see very often.

Respect is shown post match and Bryan high fives some fans to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This is the third Northeast Wrestling event that I’ve seen and all of them have been good so far. They had a nice balance of up and comers, regular stars and legends/big names to offer a mixture. Having names like Carlito, James, Bryan and Benjamin made the show feel pretty big, while it was cool to see newcomers like Alexander and Yim. Nothing on here was bad, as it felt like a show where they put in the effort to make it work. Check out some stuff from this promotion, as they put on a good one most of the time.



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Northeast Wrestling WrestleFest XV: They Know What They’re Doing

WrestleFest XV
Date: January 15, 2011
Location: Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, New York
Attendance: 1,700
Commentator: Jerry Strauss
Hosts: Jerry Strauss, Reby Sky

This is from Northeast Wrestling and is the latest in the long line of shows I picked up from the big Highspots sale. I’ve looked at Northeast Wrestling before and they have been around for a very long time now, so it could be interesting to see what they had a pretty long time ago. Let’s get to it.

Keep in mind that I am coming into this blind so I apologize in advance for not knowing anything about characters or plot points coming in.

Our hosts welcome us to the show and run down the card before throwing us backstage for an interview.

Romeo Roselli (formerly of the Heartthrobs/breakers) and Max Bauer interrupt an interview and promise to take out Sgt. Slaughter, Private Jeff Star and….a local DJ named Boris?

We’re still in the pre-show so we go to the fan meet and greet for some promos from various people on the card.

Brian Anthony is ready to find Hurricane Helms’ Kryptonite and prove that he is the only lime green superhero the northeast needs.

Roxxi (better known as Roxxi Levoux in TNA) is ready for Mia Yim and can’t wait to show what she can do. Since talking doesn’t seem to be Roxxi’s strong suit, here is Yim to mock her a bit. This was really not good.

Hurricane Helms vs. Brian Anthony

Thankfully Hurricane doesn’t have that weird Hurribelt with him. The fans are behind Hurricane and Anthony isn’t sure about that. Hurricane grabs an armdrag but gets punched in the face coming out of the corner. A shoulder drops Hurricane but he’s right back up with the superhero pose for quite the reaction. The threat of a chokeslam sends Anthony bailing to the floor, only to have him come back in for Hurricane’s leg lariat.

Anthony is sent outside for the slingshot dive but he knocks Hurricane out of the air back inside. Hurricane gets sent hard into the corner and we’re off to the chinlock. With that broken up, Anthony hits a running knee for two and they’re back to the floor. This time it’s Hurricane chopping away against the ropes, only to have Anthony come back with a hard clothesline inside.

The nerve hold doesn’t last long as Hurricane starts the comeback, including something like a reverse Unprettier for two. Hurricane’s Shining Wizard is countered into a spinebuster for two more. The moonsault misses for Anthony though and it’s a chokeslam to give Hurricane the pin at 9:27.

Rating: C+. That’s a good choice for an opener as Hurricane has enough star power to feel like a big deal but he can also wrestle a completely fine match. Anthony is someone I’ve seen before and he continues to show talent, even much earlier in his career. This worked just fine as a way to start the show and it wound up being a rather nice mix for the situation.

Sabu vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Vik Dalishus vs. Ryan McBride vs. Hale Collins

Ladder match (of course) for a title shot later tonight. The fans want tables before anyone even comes out so you might know what you’re in for here. Everyone but Sabu goes outside to start so Sabu hits a baseball slide to start the fighting on the floor. Sabu punches Ciampa as Collins and McBride fight inside. Dalishus and Collins, collectively known as the Now, take out McBride with a Smoking Gunns Sidewinder but Ciampa makes the save.

Ciampa hits the running knee to Collins as we hear about Sabu’s ECW days. Everyone gets back inside and Collins’ Air Sabu only hits ladder instead of McBride. Sabu gets back up to beat on Dalishus with a chair as McBride drops Collins HARD onto the ladder. Another ladder is brought in and Collins drops an elbow onto the ladder onto McBride. It’s Sabu coming in for the save but getting powerbombed off the ladder.

This time McBride comes up for a safe of his own but Ciampa pulls him off the ladder into the yet to be named Project Ciampa. Dalishus hits a big springboard moonsault to the floor to take out McBride as the greedy fans want tables. The Now gets together to throw things at Ciampa but Sabu one ups them by pelting some chairs. An Arabian Facebuster through a table knocks Dalishus silly but Collins cuts off a climbing Ciampa.

The Now loads up the ladder but Ciampa comes back with a rope to hang Dalishus. A big ladder is set up on the floor and Collins uses it to elbow McBride through a table. Ciampa moonsaults off the top onto Sabu and Dalishus to put everyone down. Collins and Ciampa go up but Dalishus pulls Ciampa down, allowing Collins to win at 13:50.

Rating: B-. You had five people, they did a bunch of flips and dives, then one of them won the match. There is only so much that you are going to be able to get out of a match like this and we hit it pretty firmly. Collins didn’t really get to show off or anything, but he can do that later on tonight in his title match. Sabu was the star power here and was just kind of here being Sabu without going too far in any way. So yeah: indy ladder match with one then famous name.

Post match NEW Champion Matt Taven comes out to hold up the belt for the showdown.

Here is MVP, in the show’s main event, for a chat. MVP hits the catchphrases and says this is his first post-WWE show. He asked for his release from WWE and that gets a PG SUCKS chant. MVP says PG does suck but what matters is that there are some talented professional wrestlers in that locker room. Tonight he is here to face Matt Hardy, so how many people remember their feud from Smackdown?

Love him or hate him, Matt is talented and won quite a few titles. One of them was the WWE Tag Team Titles with MVP, who carried him to the gold. They have fought all over the world and tonight it is about respect, but there is no WWE telling them what to do. Instead, they’ll be doing it themselves as they do best, and MVP will be balling. MVP felt like a star here and that is what he should be on this show.

Roxxi vs. Mia Yim

Yim comes out swinging but gets dropkicked down for a quick two. A crossbody (which looked like a botched cartwheel) misses for Roxxi though and Yim slows it down with the clubbing forearms. The front facelock and a pull of the hair put Roxxi down and a kick to the back gives Yim two. Back up and Roxxi gets a boot up in the corner, setting up the exchange of forearms. A fall away slam gives Roxxi her own two but Yim kicks her in the face (simple yet effective) for two. Roxxi gets in another shot of her own though and the Voodoo Drop (arm trap suplex drop, which wasn’t a great finisher) puts Yim away at 4:17.

Rating: D+. This was a strange time for women’s wrestling as there was a level far ahead of the Divas, but this one came off like “hey we have a women’s match”. Yim and Roxxi are talented, but they only got to do so much here. It was a short match and mainly trading strikes, which left it pretty low on the scale.

Sgt. Slaughter/Private Starr vs. Romeo Roselli/Max Bauer

Kurt Adonis is here with Roselli and Bauer and is ready to deal with local DJ Boris, who is nowhere to be seen. Before the match, Roselli mocks the crowd and brags about his abs. They certainly aren’t worried about the Cobra Clutch either, as Adonis has given the Clutch evading lessons. The fans do seem to like Slaughter so the star power is still strong. Slaughter brags about Starr’s “gun rack” and we’re ready to go. Starr (whose first name is Jeff, not Private) is after after a rather long time away due to an injury so the fans are rather happy to see him.

Roselli and Starr, apparently old rivals start, with the fans chanting USA, presumably for Starr. Roselli: “I’M FROM THE USA TOO!!!” I never got that logic from the fans so it’s nice for Roselli have the same line of thinking. Feeling out process to start until Roselli elbows him in the face. Back up and Starr hits a dropkick before handing it off to Slaughter to work on the arm. By that I mean a few arm cranks before it’s back to Starr less than fifteen seconds later.

A slugout goes to Roselli but Slaughter is back with a left arm clothesline. It’s too early for the Cobra Clutch though and Bauer comes in to choke Slaughter in the corner. Adonis gets in a cheap shot like a good evil manager should and we hit the chinlock. Bauer comes back in and elbows Slaughter, who is so out of it that he goes to the wrong corner for a tag.

It’s back to Roselli, who gets punched out of the air so Slaughter can bring Starr back in to clean house. A superkick drops Roselli but Bauer is back in to toss Starr outside. Cue Boris to go after Adonis as Roselli knocks Bauer down by mistake. The Cobra Clutch holds Roselli back as Starr Cannonballs Bauer for the pin at 7:42.

Rating: C. This was a perfectly fine tag match with Slaughter adding the star (not Starr, but star) power to make it feel important. Starr looked good and felt like someone who could be a big deal in the promotion. Bauer felt like a heavy and while it’s weird seeing Roselli as what felt like a singles guy with a monster, he worked well as a heel. They didn’t reinvent the wheel here but what they did worked out just fine.

Jerry Lawler vs. Tommy Dreamer

In a cage (which is maybe six and a half feet above the apron) and this is hyped up as old school/WWE vs. ECW. Thankfully commentary mentions that they had another fight last year at WrestleFest XIV, so this isn’t something entirely based on something from the original ECW.

Before the match, Lawler talks about how he has been asked for years if all of the wrestlers are really friends behind the scenes. It’s true that a lot of the wrestlers are friends, at least to an extent. That being said, it’s like any job: there are people you like and people you don’t like, but then there are people you just despise.

Above all of them is Terry Funk, who is the toughest guy Lawler has ever faced, but Lawler couldn’t warm up to him if they were cremated together. He doesn’t like the Miz and Michael Cole isn’t too far behind him, as Cole cost him the WWE Title. Then there is one guy who he can’t stand, and their problems started back when ECW invaded WWE.

Lawler was never an ECW fan and Dreamer was the one who caused the most of his problems. Tonight is the final battle between the two of them, and no it isn’t the last one until he gets a bigger payday. With that rather lengthy speech out of the way, we’re ready to go. If nothing else, hearing Man In The Box is always worth a smile.

Feeling out process to start with Lawler driving him into the corner for a quick standoff. They trade kicks to the ribs and stare at each other before locking up. Neither can send the other into the cage so they stare at each other again. Lawler takes over with rights and lefts before hitting a Stunner of all things.

Back up and Dreamer blocks a ram into the cage, meaning Lawler can go face first into it a few times instead. Dreamer opens the door and….shoves Lawler out, with the fight heading to the floor. A crutch shot to the back staggers Lawler but he comes back with a chair to drop Dreamer. They fight around the cage with Lawler being sent into the timekeeper’s table, only to come back up with a chair shot. The table is set up against the cage and Dreamer is sent face first but he does the same to Lawler to even it up.

They head back inside with Dreamer putting something between Lawler’s legs and smashing it with a kendo stick. Dreamer misses a dive though and Lawler chokes with the ring bell before having his fist drop hit a chair. A piledriver plants Lawler (apparently a callback to their previous match) but Lawler gets a foot on the rope.

As I shake my head at that working in a cage match, Lawler manages a few shots of his own and ties Dreamer to the cage with some cable. Some kendo shots knock Dreamer free so he grabs the stick and beats the heck out of Lawler. Dreamer picks up a chair but walks into a fireball for the pin at 16:00.

Rating: C+. They did a good job of building up the hatred and anger between the two of them, but I wasn’t wild on the trip outside or the weapons inside. One would think a cage match would be extreme and violent enough, but it felt more like they were trying to have an ECW match and a cage match at the same time. That only kind of worked, but these two have probably done something similar a hundred times (or probably ten times that in Lawler’s case) so they could likely do this in their sleep. And yes, they would wrestle again in this promotion the following year.

Medics check on Dreamer as Lawler celebrates.

Northeast Wrestling Title: Hale Collins vs. Matt Taven

Taven is defending and apparently the two of them are friends. We get the Big Match Intros and Collins is the hometown boy to make this even more interesting. Taven poses to start and the fans don’t seem thrilled with him. Collins poses as well and gets dropkicked, allowing Taven to start in on the heavily bandaged arm.

A DDT onto the arm has Collins in more trouble, with an arm snap across the rope making it worse. We hit the armbar but Collins grabs a rollup, only to get dropkicked right back down. Collins fights up and forearms with the good arm before managing to roll some suplexes. Taven is right back with a cross armbreaker and Collins is in trouble all over again.

The armbar goes on again but Collins fights up and hits a quick Fameasser. Collins’ superkick hits the referee so the second one that hits Taven gets no count. Taven gets up and kicks Collins low, setting up a flipping neckbreaker and a frog splash for….two from a second referee. They get back up and it’s Collins grabbing a small package for the pin and the title out of nowhere at 11:50.

Rating: C-. This is a good example of a match that makes sense on paper but isn’t that good in execution. Instead you have Taven working on the arm in various ways for most of the match before the shenanigansy ending. Collins winning the title in the end is a good way to go and a cool moment that makes the show feel special, even if it came after a pretty lame match.

And never mind as the original referee calls it a DQ and Taven retains. Well that was fun for about ten seconds. Taven leaves so Vik Dalishus and Collins beat up the referee. Collins even gets a pin counted by the first referee.

Matt Hardy vs. MVP

Hardy is looking a bit more muscular than usual. MVP grabs a headlock to start but Matt slips out and they fight over a lockup. A headlock takeover brings Matt down and they trade counters until Matt gets up. MVP grabs an armdrag but has to block a Side Effect. The Twist of Fate is countered as well and we’re at a standoff. They go to a lockup and roll outside without letting it go.

That doesn’t really go anywhere so it’s back inside for what looks to be a bit of miscommunication on a Side Effect attempt. Matt hits the middle rope elbow to the back of the head and we hit the chinlock. MVP powers up and grabs a fireman’s carry drop before kicking Hardy outside. After an exchange of ramming each other into things, MVP takes him back inside for the running boot in the corner and a near fall.

Ballin sets up the Play Of The Day for two and MVP is stunned at the kickout. Hardy fights back up and gets planted with a jumping Downward Spiral for two more. MVP rolls some German suplexes before going up, only to get slammed off the top for two. The Twist of Fate gets two more, meaning it’s frustration/shock time. Hardy tries another Twist but gets reversed into a backslide to give MVP the pin at 14:06.

Rating: B. Believe it or not, two talented, veteran wrestlers who have fought each other a hundred times can have a good match. This felt more polished than anything else on the show and it came off like a big time main event. Hardy and MVP might be a bit past their primes here but they’re names fans will know and they can still work very well with each other. This is exactly what I was expecting and in this case that isn’t a bad thing.

Post match Hardy congratulates MVP and says they’ll meet again down the road. For now though, they can get a beer and celebrate a great match.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a rather fun show and I’ll absolutely take that from an independent event. They had a nice mixture here with star power in the forms of the main event, the cage match and Slaughter, plus young up and comers with local stars mixed in. There were a few weak points throughout but even the worst wasn’t all that awful.

What mattered here was how organized and planned things felt. There was never a point where I was wondering what they were doing or why they were doing it and that is nice for a change. NEW is a company I’ve seen good things from over the years and that was true here too, so you might try the place out, as they seem to know what they are doing.



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NWA Tri-State – March 24, 2002: Well, I’m Annoyed

NWA Tri-State
Date: March 24, 2002
Location: Old High School, Harrisville, West Virginia
Commentators: Matt Fessenbecker, Litch Fit

The indy run continues as we dig up the NWA one more time. This is a show from a very weird time in wrestling history as WCW and ECW had been gone for about a year each and places like NWA TNA and Ring Of Honor weren’t factors yet. That means this is going to be a bit of the wild west (Virginia), but there are certainly some stars on the show. Let’s get to it.

I know nothing about this place coming in so ignore me being lost on stories or characters.

The ring announcer introduces the referee as this is already feeling a bit low on the totem pole. He also introduces the first match, saying that these people might make it to the bigger shows one day.

Fire Kid vs. Pyro vs. Valik

This is billed as a training match, though commentary doesn’t seem to know which is which. They do however know to take shots at the WCW Power Plant. Valik confirms that this is in fact 2002 by coming out to I Stand Alone by Godsmack. The much taller Valik gets double teamed to start and a double clothesline puts him down fast. With Valik on the floor, Fire grabs a rollup for two on Pyro.

Valik comes back in with a missile dropkick into a chokeslam but more double stomping puts him down. Some eye rakes get Valik out of trouble as commentary suggests he stab someone. Kid hits a pretty terrible dropkick to drop Valik, who is selling quite a bit for a monster. Back up and Valik drops both of them with right hands as the arena is eerily silent. A middle rope headbutt between the legs has Pyro down but Fire superkicks him down.

An X Factor into a spinning top rope splash puts Valik in more trouble but Pyro breaks up the cover. Even commentary admits that they were destined to get in a fight, at least until Valik breaks that up. Valik jackknifes Fire for two before going after Pyro, allowing Fire to come back with a clothesline. Believe it or not, Valik fights back again, this time with a double noggin knocker. Apparently tired of this, Valik reverses a double suplex into a double suplex of his own, setting up a double pin at 8:19.

Rating: C-. Oh yeah this was a training match but it wasn’t a very good one. They had very little sense of timing and having a monster in there against trainees isn’t the smartest idea. At the same time, it was made even worse by having Valik not know how to be a big man. He wrestled like any given wrestler and I had no reason to care about him. Really weak way to start, as this should have been FAR shorter.

Post match, Valik chokeslams both of them for a bonus.

Fabulous Frederick vs. Punchy McGee

Frederick has Just N Kace in his corner as I try to get my mind around what I’m watching. To give you an idea of what Frederick is, he comes out to I Touch Myself. On the other hand, McGee has a Ric Flair knockoff robe and large pink trunks. As a result of both of them, commentary and the fans can be heard making using various homosexual slurs. Before the match, Kace requests no hair pulling or punches to the face.

McGee agrees, but insists that “rear attacks are allowed”. A lockup goes badly for Frederick as commentary continues their barrage of comedy. Frederick gets his hair fixed and we get an exchange of hair pulling accusations. A headlock keeps McGee in trouble but he shoves Frederick off to set up a crisscross. McGee stops though, leaving Frederick to run the ropes all on his own. With Frederick out of breath, McGee gets in a spanking, meaning Kace needs to adjust the tights.

Back in and we get some standing switches, because of course there are. McGee sends him into the turnbuckle thirty times in a row, setting up the required atomic drops. Frederick comes back with some chops, setting up the sleeper to take him down. A shaky knee fist drop gives Frederick two but he gets slammed off the top. Kace gets on the apron so McGee kisses him down, only to have Frederick get in a right hand with brass knuckles. An elbow drop gives Frederick the pin at 9:55.

Rating: D-. This wasn’t funny now and it wouldn’t have been funny back then either. They went with every dumb idea and joke you could have expected here and it wasn’t exactly good in any way either. The jokes were writing themselves throughout and that is not a good thing for something this lame.

Post match hugging and dancing ensues.

Nova vs. Julio Dinero

This seems to be a surprise match. Before the match, Julio stumbles through a promo about….I think a toothbrush, which has commentary mocking him for the ineptitude. Then one of the commentators goes on a big rant over the amount of praise the other gives Nova. Dinero tries to flip in over the top but lands flat on his face for the always funny shot. The bell rings with Dinero on the floor so he goes back inside, only to come back to the floor for an argument with a fan.

Back in and….never mind again as Dinero needs to roll outside for the third time. We hit two minutes and a half minutes of stalling before they finally lock up, with Dinero armdragging him down. They lock up again with Dinero accusing Nova of a hair pull but pulling him down by the hair anyway.

Back up and Dinero wants a test of strength and, after stalling a bit more, they lock up, with Nova getting the better of things, setting up an exchange of wristlocks. Nova sends him outside and yep, it’s more stalling. This time he heads back inside for a superkick to actually take over on Nova before an STO gets two. Dinero starts in on the legs and drops two legs on Nova’s legs for two more.

The leg cranking continues with a flipping twist, followed by the required Figure Four. With that broken up, Nova gets the good leg up to kick Nova out of the air and the comeback is on. An atomic drop sets up a running forearm to put Nova on the floor. Back in and thirty right hands in the corner give Nova two but Dinero slugs away. That just earns him Novocaine (Downward Spiral) for the pin at 14:38.

Rating: C. You could tell that these two were on a much higher level than the other people on the show so far and it made all the difference in the world. The other two matches were a mess in different forms, while this felt like a match between people who had a much better idea of what they were doing. That being said, it still wasn’t exactly a great match as they spent a lot of time stalling and then it wasn’t that interesting once they got to the meat of things, but I’ll rather gladly take this upgrade.

Brian Anthony vs. Brock Singleton

I’ve seen Anthony a few times before and Singleton has a woman named Sasha with him. They fight over wrist control to start and neither guy can get anywhere, despite how muscular they both are. Singleton’s armbar works a bit better and it’s time for a standoff. Another lockup lets Singleton take him into the corner, setting up a snapmare into a chinlock.

Anthony gets sent outside for some cheap shots from Sasha, giving Singleton two back inside. Trash is talked before Singleton throws him outside, where Sasha stomps away again. Back in and Singleton bites away as this is one sided so far. The Boston crab goes on but Anthony is too close to the ropes.

Sasha chokes away on the same rope but Anthony gets back up to avoid a charge in the corner. A dropkick gives Anthony two but Singleton pulls him into an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Anthony grabs a sunset flip for two but Sasha gets on the apron. The distraction lets Singleton hit a low blow and grab a rollup (with tights) for the pin at 12:16.

Rating: D+. This was a near squash other than Anthony getting in a few shots here and there. That leaves it as a long match which got rather repetitive in a hurry. I’m not sure what the point was in having it go this long, but Singleton did look to be someone they wanted to push. Cut this down by more than a few minutes and it’s that much better, but this was way too long to make it work.

Rocky Reynolds vs. Magnum

Reynolds is short but muscular, meaning I don’t buy the 135lbs he is billed as whatsoever. They fight over a lockup to start with Reynolds working on a wristlock as commentary keeps calling him the Rockin Rebel (who was a completely different wrestler from a different generation). Magnum takes him to the mat but Reynolds is right back with a cradle for two. Some leapfrogs have Reynolds frustrated, at least until he shoulders Magnum down.

A headbutt between the legs keeps Magnum down for an arrogant cover and it’s time to crank on the leg. Reynolds hammers away in the corner but gets pulled down with a heck of a sitout powerbomb for two. Magnum’s tornado DDT gets two and a hanging DDT out of the corner connects for the same. They go up top, with Reynolds snapping off a super hurricanrana for two more. The chinlock doesn’t last long for Reynolds so he goes with an Arabian press of all things.

Back up and Magnum gets crotched on top but he’s fine enough to slap on a Tarantula. They crash out to the floor with Magnum getting planted, setting up a big flip dive to crush him again. A Swanton gives Reynolds…a chance to walk around and yell at the fans. Magnum grabs a Russian legsweep off the middle rope (not a reverse chokeslam commentary) for two, followed by Diamond Dust (love that move) for….again no cover, as Magnum hits Coast To Coast instead for the pin at 12:15.

Rating: C. This was kind of a weird one as the much smaller Reynolds was the villain and beat Magnum up for the most part, at least until about halfway through. Then they started having a much different match and it worked a bit better. Neither was all that impressive though and it isn’t surprising to see that neither of them ever went anywhere.

NWA Tri-State Title: Matt Vandal vs. Mason Hunter vs. Daron Smythe

Vandal, with Just N Kace, is defending and commentary suggests that only Smythe isn’t a champion coming in. Before the match, Hunter says he is taking the title that belongs to him. Smythe, who was still wrestling in February 2022, looks to be about 15 years old here. Before the match, Kace and Vandal both say something that audio isn’t picking up. Vandal gets double teamed during his entrance but Smythe stops to pose on the ropes for no logical reason.

Some shoulders in the corner rock Vandal and Smythe adds a clothesline. Back to back superkicks set up a double dropkick and Vandal needs a breather on the floor. Hunter follows and hammers away but Smythe dives off the top onto the two of them for a double knockdown. Back in and Vandal gets double chopped in the corner, only to have Hunter break up Smythe’s cover. Smythe and Hunter slug it out so Vandal blasts both of them with a double clothesline.

Vandal snaps off an overhead belly to belly for two but Smythe is up to cut Vandal down. A middle rope legdrop doesn’t even get one as Hunter breaks it up with a dropkick. The stump puller goes on to keep Smythe in trouble but he’s right back up with rolling neckbreakers to Hunter. Vandal is back in (after leaving for whatever reason) and kicks Hunter low before tossing him outside.

A DDT gives Smythe one on Vandal as Hunter makes a save this time. Hunter’s Samoan driver gets two on Smythe with Vandal making a (very, very late) save. Smythe grabs a rollup but Kace throws some powder into his face, allowing Vandal to grab a rollup with tights for the elimination (because it’s elimination) at 9:11. Hunter gets sent into the post on the floor but misses a chair shot, only to have Hunter blast him with the chair instead. A baseball slide sends the chair into Vandal’s head and it’s a Cloverleaf Tamer back inside.

That requires a Kace distraction for the save so it’s a Death Valley Driver to give Hunter two instead. Hunter’s own foot is under the rope though and Kace offers another distraction. Vandal hits him in the back and grabs a suplex slam for two, meaning it’s time for more arguing. Smythe comes in and takes out Kace, which distracts the referee enough that Smythe can take out Vandal as well. That’s enough for Hunter to grab a rollup for the pin and the title at 13:42.

Rating: C. This didn’t do much for me either and that shouldn’t be the biggest surprise. The match was two bigger guys beating up Smythe, who was eliminated first and might have only been here so he had a reason to interfere in the end. As usual, this was another case of wrestlers who didn’t have much to make them stand out and it wasn’t a great match as a result.

Post match Kace and Vandal take Hunter out, including a chair shot to the head. Then the referee stands up for Hunter, who drives Vandal into the corner for some of the lamest shoulders I’ve seen in a long time.

With the guys still in the ring, let’s have an impromptu battle royal!

Battle Royal

Vandal and Kace chill on the floor as Hunter beats on Reynolds until Valik comes in at #4 to help double team Hunter. A Texas Cloverleaf/reverse chinlock combination goes on but Vandal makes the save for some reason. Fabulous Frederick is in at #5 as this seems to be Royal Rumble style. Valik gets double low blowed in the corner and it’s Magnum coming in at #6.

Everyone pairs off until Fire Kid is in at #7. Valik throws Hunter out without much trouble and then hits Fire low….which he doesn’t seem to sell for some reason. Pyro came in there somewhere at #8 and Punchy McGee is in at #9 as this is messy even by battle royal standards. A woman named….something not important enough to mention is in at #10 and tosses out Reynolds.

Valik tosses the woman and there goes Frederick as we’re down to Magnum, Valik and Vandal (as commentary doesn’t feel the need to call all of the eliminations). Valik is thrown out in a hurry as the promoter and Kace get in a fight on the floor. Magnum throws out Vandal for the win at 8:35.

Rating: F. It’s hard to screw up a match so badly that I have no idea who is involved or doing anything in the match but that was the case throughout this one. At one point there were people coming in with no introduction and being thrown out with the same amount of attention. Then you had “an unnamed woman”, as commentary called her, coming in, throwing some better punches than most of the men, and then getting eliminated. This was awful and I really could go for this show to be over now.

Post match Magnum beats up Kace before throwing him out…which is the official win. Ok then. Then Kace is thrown back in so the promoter can beat him up and pin him (after not seeming to remember that you need to keep your foot on him for it to count).

Chris Hamrick vs. Mike Preston

Hamrick was around in the dying days of ECW. Preston has some size to him for a decent look. Hamrick works on the arm to start but gets sent into the corner, only to come out with a big boot. A surfboard has Preston in trouble, though he is still able to spit. With that broken up, Preston hits an elbow to the face and chokes away on the ropes, only to have Hamrick get in some right hands.

Preston runs him over again and drops an elbow for two, leaving Hamrick to talk to the referee before getting chinlocked. That doesn’t last long either as Hamrick fights up and then gets kneed in the ribs. Hamrick pops up and grabs a suplex into a Stunner for the pin at 8:26.

Rating: D+. Another pretty lame match here and that isn’t much of a surprise. It was two guys without much emotion in their match and it wasn’t good in the first place. Hamrick never did much for me in ECW and he didn’t do much here either. Preston didn’t do anything special here either and it felt like a match that was there to fill in time rather than anything else.

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Jerry Lynn

This is unmasked Rey, who would be in WWE in a few months, thankfully masked again. They trade armdrags to start and it’s a staredown. Rey sends him into the corner, setting up Bronco Buster to put Lynn in trouble. A sunset flip out of the corner gives Lynn two and he counters the wheelbarrow bulldog into a faceplant. Lynn grabs a half crab but Rey slips out and heads outside for a breather. Back in and now the sitout bulldog gets two but Lynn is right back with the half crab. Just like before, Rey fights out and starts the comeback, including the yet to be named 619. The top rope headbutt finishes for Rey at 6:57.

Rating: C-. Are you kidding? I sat through two hours of this low rent drek for the hope of seeing an interesting main event (only time they’ve ever fought that I know of) and then it’s the shortest match of the night? This was a heck of a disappointment as these two seem like they could have a rather nice match. What we got wasn’t even that good, making this one last punch in the gut for the night.

Rey thanks the fans for coming out to end the show.

Overall Rating: D. Yeah this show was pretty bad, as it felt low rent throughout the night with only a few portions that came off as anything close to good. I get that it’s a small promotion but there was almost no way to call this a good effort. It’s a bunch of not very good matches, lame comedy and the show being thrown together with people being put into matches to fill in spots. Pretty horrible show here, even by lowered standards.



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