Ring Of Honor TV – June 10, 2020 (Best Of Brody King): They’re Running Out Of Names

IMG Credit: Ring Of Honor Wrestling

Ring of Honor
Date: June 10, 2020

We have an interesting subject this week with Brody King, who is more of a supporting character than a top star. King has been around the company for a little while now as part of Marty Scurll’s Villain Enterprises, but I’m wondering if he has enough to get a full show. Let’s get to it.

We open with a quick look at King, including his family life. King is teaching his son to spend more time outside and teaching himself how to smoke meat. He’s also a gamer, but gets annoyed at them in a hurry. After a look at King doing yoga, we see his debut as part of Villain Enterprises in December 2018.

We’re going to start with King’s first match back from a knee injury on ROH TV, January 29, 2020.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Villain Enterprises vs. Flamita/Bandido/Rey Horus

Marty, Flip and Brody King are defending. Brody and Flamita start things off with the masked one being launched into the corner. A shoulder drops Flamita again and his chop just annoys King. Back up and Flamita manages a running hurricanrana, only to get knocked down again. Marty and Bandido come in with Bandido hitting a running dropkick. A running hurricanrana is blocked and it’s a quick standoff, with the fans being behind the luchadors.

Horus and Flip come in to continue the very formalized series of tags. A running kick to the back of the head gives Horus an early two so Flip is back with a kick to the mask. Flip sends him outside so Marty can get in a running shot and we settle down a bit. King comes in to take over on Horus with a splash giving Marty two. Back from a break with Gordon clotheslining Marty by mistake, allowing the hot tag off to Bandido.

The top rope spinning crossbody takes King down again, followed by a moonsault to the floor from Bandido with the other two hitting running flip dives at the same time (awesome spot). Back in and Flip gets beaten down, including Bandido suplexing Flamita into a moonsault for two. Gordon is right back with a springboard spear and it’s King coming back in to start wrecking people. Everything breaks down again and the sunset flip into a German suplex gets two on Flamita.

King kicks Scurll off the apron by mistake though and Horus is back in with his springboard tornado DDT for two. Bandido’s crucifix bomb plants King again and a Spanish Fly does the same to Flip. Horus DDTs the heck out of King again and everyone is down to a VERY warm reception from the fans. Bandido and Scurll are up for the slugout with the X Knee hitting Scurll.

Back up and Scurll tries to fight off all three challengers at once, earning himself a superkick into a moonsault slam for two. Flip and King are back in for the exchange of chops, followed by the Motor City Machine Guns’ Made In Detroit for two on Bandido. Flip and King dive onto Horus and Flamita so a triple kick to the head can get two on Bandido. Marty takes way too long loading up the chickenwing though (some things never change) and it’s a victory roll to get Bandido the pin and the titles at 16:47.

Rating: B+. As usual, Ring of Honor is at its best when they let it all hang out and go nuts, which is what they did here. Villain Enterprises are awesome in matches like this one and you can’t go wrong with Bandido and company. This was a heck of an entertaining match with everyone getting to show off. It’s also good to keep the World Champion out of this as he shouldn’t be taking a loss, even if someone else gets pinned.

Next up is Cobb’s singles debut from Death Before Dishonor 2019.

Pre-Show: Jeff Cobb vs. Brody King

They trade the power shoves to start but Cobb can’t get his hand all the way up for a test of strength. Brody is nice enough to lower his hands and they roll around without breaking the grip. An exchange of shoulders goes nowhere so Cobb counters a charge with an overhead belly to belly.

King wins a strike off though and kicks Cobb down for a running backsplash before he just stomps away in the corner. Cobb pops back up for a clothesline though and it’s a double clothesline for a double knockdown. They slug it out from their knees and trade some running shots against the ropes. A Boss Man Slam gives King two but Cobb catches him on top with a dropkick.

That means a stalling superplex for one, followed by a standing moonsault for two. King’s hurricanrana puts Cobb on the floor for the suicide dive, setting up the piledriver for a VERY close two as the announcers aren’t sure about the kickout. They trade snap German suplexes but Cobb is right back with the Tour of the Islands for the pin at 12:59.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t a match that required a lot of thinking and that’s a good idea sometimes. The point of this was to have two monsters in there beating each other up and that is exactly what we got. Cobb is someone who could carry the World Title based on matches like this and King gets to show that he is more than just a tag guy. Good match, but it would have been even better on the main show in front of a warmed up crowd and without with more time. Still though, rather entertaining as Cobb tends to be.

From Road To Supercard of Honor Night 3, January 26, 2019.

Tag Wars Finals: Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises

It’s David Finlay/Juice Robinson vs. PCO/Brody King with the winners winning a tournament and a future Tag Team Title shot. King headlocks Finlay to start and then runs him over with a shoulder. Finlay gets in an uppercut though and Robinson comes in for a double suplex. Back from a break with PCO shouting at Robinson, whose running shoulders just hurt himself. The snap jabs get the same result but PCO kicks him in the chest to take over.

There’s a backsplash to crush Robinson again and a running dropkick to the back of the head puts him down. A belly to back suplex doesn’t quite work and it’s a double dropkick to put PCO down. There’s a double flapjack for the same but PCO sends them into each other. King comes back in to send PCO into Finlay in the corner, followed by the running backsplash.

We cut to a shot of commentary and come back with King chinlocking Finlay and driving an elbow into his face. PCO’s chokebreaker sets up a heck of a clothesline from King as Finlay is in trouble. King lays Finlay throat first across the middle rope and hits a cannonball but Finlay slips out of a powerbomb. The hot tag brings in Robinson to pick up the pace, including his own cannonball, which he insists is better.

Back from another break with PCO hitting a running clothesline in the corner into a DDT. The top rope splash misses though and Finlay gets the tag. The double teaming doesn’t work whatsoever though and PCO sends them both outside for a dive. Back in and a sitout powerbomb gets two on Finlay with Robinson making a save. Juice punches away at both monsters and drops King with a big left.

The same big left just makes PCO freak out and it’s a discus forearm to drop Robinson. PCO misses the Swanton to the apron though and Robinson sends PCO into the barricade. Back in and Finlay spears King down, setting up a clothesline to the back of the head for two. King isn’t having any of that though and gets in a shot to the face, setting up the Ganso Bomb to finish Finlay at 15:27.

Rating: C+. Pretty good stuff here with the Villains being some solid monsters against the young, plucky faces. Robinson’s left hand not working on PCO gave us a great visual and made him look like a monster all over again. The Villains winning made more sense here though, as just having them together with Marty Scurll makes them seem all the more important.

We finish up with some quick clips of Villain Enterprises winning the Tag Team Titles.

King wraps it up and promises that the company will be back.

Overall Rating: B-. This wasn’t so much a Best Of Brody King show but rather more a Best Of Villain Enterprises show with Cobb vs. King included as a bonus feature. That’s about what I was expecting though as there is only so much you can get out of a feature on someone who is primarily a tag guy. The action was good, but you can tell these shows getting a little weaker as time goes by.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Ring Of Honor TV – March 11, 2020: Maybe Sort Of?

IMG Credit: Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor
Date: March 11, 2020
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
Host: Quinn McKay

We’re still in Baltimore and that means we should be getting close to the main event sooner or later. The show was built around the NWA invasion, meaning NWA World Champion Nick Aldis should be around. That could make for something interesting and that’s what this company is needing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We look at the NWA invasion as we move towards Aldis vs. Marty Scurll for the World Title. This ties into Rush vs. PCO for the World Title.

Opening sequence.

Rey Horus vs. Brody King

Horus starts fast with the strikes but can’t get very far. Instead, King goes with the power to shove him down. They go outside and we take a rather early break. Back with Horus trying his own strikes, setting up a slingshot hurricanrana to the floor. King gets back in and blasts him with a clothesline, followed by the hard piledriver for two. Horus is right back up with a tornado DDT for two, but King blasts him with a clothesline. The Ganso Bomb finishes Horus at 8:51.

Rating: C. I can always go for a power vs. speed match and that’s exactly what we had here. King is a great big man and can beat people up with reckless abandon. We had a good enough match here as every member of the Mexisquad continues to look good no matter what they’re doing.

At this point we get the first of several ads for Past vs. Present, which wouldn’t be taking place due to the Coronavirus. Shame too as that looks like a decent show.

Brian Zane’s Top Five looks at the best oddball tag teams with Cheeseburger and Jushin Thunder Liger.

La Faccion Ingobernable is ready to work with Nick Aldis, even though he’s not even the most famous wrestler in his house. Rush is the best in the world anyway.

Nick Aldis/Rush vs. Marty Scurll/PCO

Rush jumps PCO from behind to start and hits a basement dropkick to the back. Marty comes in with a backbreaker to put Rush down and the fans are rather pleased to see him. It’s off to Aldis to work on Marty’s arm, only to get armdragged into an armbar. Aldis gets sent outside for a baseball slide but PCO misses the way too early Swanton to the apron. PCO sits up on the floor though and the brawl is on with Aldis, only to have Rush make the save.

Camera cord choking ensues until we settle down to Rush chopping PCO in the corner. Rush kicks him in the face and strikes the pose as we take a break. Back with Aldis dropping an elbow for two but a clothesline gets PCO out of trouble. Marty comes in and starts cleaning house but the CHICKEN WING is broken up with a shot to the head. A tornado DDT allows the tag back to PCO as everything freaks out.

PCO takes out Rush and Aldis with the big flip dive, but Aldis is right back with a Tombstone to Aldis back inside. PCO crotches him on top though and Scurll hits a big superplex. The Quebec Cannonball gets two with Rush having to break it up at two. Aldis drops a top rope elbow on PCO and now it’s time to stare it down with Rush. That’s enough for Rush though, as he walks up the ramp, leaving Aldis to get his fingers snapped. The PCOsault finishes Aldis at 15:35.

Rating: B. This was a solid main event style tag match and that’s what it should have been. The big deal here was setting things up for the future as you could have Scurll or PCO vs. Aldis, with Rush waiting in the wings for either of them. It’s the kind of thing that the company has been needing: a story that feels big instead of just going from one match to another.

We wrap it up with some rapid fire promos for the 18th Anniversary Show, which was scheduled for TWO DAYS after this show. Unless I missed it, this is the first mention of the show so far. Mark Haskins gives a very passionate speech about wanting to become the World Champion to give his family a better life after all these years of hard work.

Overall Rating: B-. The key to this show is very simple: it feels like something happened. Maybe it’s because it came from a big show or the boss was involved in the main event, but this was a big difference than what you usually get around here. I could go for Ring of Honor being a lot better, but I’m not sure how much I should believe that this is going to continue. I’ll take it for now though.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Major League Wrestling Christmas Special: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Violence

IMG Credit: Major League Wrestling

Fusion Christmas Day Special
Date: December 25, 2018
Location: Cicero Stadium, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Rich Bocchini

So this is exactly what the title says it is: a special show that aired as a surprise on Christmas Day. It’s not quite as long as the regular episode of Fusion but in this case that might be a good thing. For a special show like this, you don’t want to overstay your welcome and if you get a good show out of it, cool. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

PCO says he’s not human and Brody King can’t handle the electricity.

PCO vs. Brody King

No DQ and a rematch of a match that went insane. They slug it out to start with King being sent outside for a quick suicide dive. King’s chop hits the post and he hurts his hand trying to chop PCO again. Well what else was he expecting? A chair shot slows PCO down a bit and King sits him in said chair for a running cannonball. It takes a few seconds but the chair does indeed break underneath the two of them.

PCO is right back with a DDT on the floor (THUD) and let’s bring in a table just because. King is laid on top and there’s the big flip dive from the balcony, which of course doesn’t break the table. Of course he’s still walking and staggers to the ring as King puts a piece of the barricade inside. A suplex sends PCO through the barricade for two with Tony losing it on these kickouts.

PCO gets loaded up to the top but shoves King down, setting up a moonsault to the referee as King made a switch for some illogical reason. I mean, he could have just rolled away instead but I guess that’s not violent enough. Four chairs are set up in the middle and PCO shoves him into the corner, setting up a chokeslam onto the chairs for the pin at 9:24.

Rating: C+. You know, the tagline of PCO is not human is about as appropriate as you can get. The guy really does come off as a monster and for the life of me I still can’t believe that it’s the same guy that was in the Quebecers. That’s one of the all time great comebacks and I’m very happy for him to get an ROH deal out of this, as no one pulls off something like this.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman challenged Puma King to a flag match because he’s sick of these luchadors stealing jobs from American wrestlers. Tonight he’s going to literally skin the cat because he’s just better.

Ace Austin vs. Myron Reed

Austin is making his debut. They fight over a test of strength to start and it’s time for the flips without the grip being broken. Totally not choreographed at all. Reed gets two off a rollup and kicks Austin into the corner. Austin’s knee to the head gets the same and a kick to the head makes it even worse. A springboard Disaster Kick sends Reed outside and the Fosbury Flop moonsault connects back inside. Reed shoves him off the top for a BIG crash to the floor, followed by an even bigger running flip dive over the post for the huge spot of the night.

Back in and Reed nips up for a cutter, followed by an Oscutter for a rather near fall. Austin is smart enough to roll outside before Reed can hit something else. Well in theory that’s smart as you don’t know about Reed. Back in and Austin gets in a shot to the face, setting up a top rope spinning Fameasser and another near fall. Another Oscutter is countered into a not great looking exchange of rollups, capped off by another cutter to Austin. Back up and Austin tries another rollup but Reed sits down on it for the pin at 7:08.

Rating: C. This had a little bit of the too pre-planned feeling to it but it was still entertaining enough. What matters the most here is both guys looking good and giving the fans something that they would want to see again. Reed’s huge dive looked awesome and was one of the better looking flips I’ve seen in a good while. Austin was rather good too and you can almost guarantee that both of them will be back.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Puma King

Non-title flag match, meaning you pull down your own flag to win with Aria Blake and Konnan are the seconds. Friedman’s America is AWESOME speech is cut off and, after some of Puma’s rather energetic antics, we’re ready to go. Friedman draws a line in the middle of the ring so Puma lays on the top rope. They go to some basic takedowns until King stops for the required Fortnite dancing.

A cheap shot from Konnan earns some cheering but Friedman knocks King outside for a Fosbury Flop of his own (giving us some continuity issues as Bocchini said the one in the previous match was the second of the night, whereas here he made it sound like the first). They head outside with Puma being whipped into the barricade as Tony can’t figure out why the fans are chanting for Friedman. The fight heads into the crowd but Friedman is smart enough to run back over the barricade as King has a chair loaded up.

A Blake distraction lets Friedman snap King’s throat across the ropes, leaving the announcers to wonder why Friedman isn’t going for the flag. The chinlock goes on instead until King kicks him in the head. King gets tied in the Tree of Woe but manages to pull himself up for a hurricanrana. A push into the rope crotches King but he’s right back with a superbomb. That, plus a kiss to Blake, is enough for King to pull the flag down for the win at 7:12.

Rating: D+. Puma is fun to watch and I’m a rather big fan of Friedman’s talking, but this didn’t do much for me. The wrestling wasn’t the point here so Puma got to shine, but is there really a need to have the champion lose like this? That happens to him too often and even though he’s on the shelf at the moment, it’s rather annoying to see it keep happening.

Overall Rating: C-. Considering this was a bonus show, there’s nothing too bad to see and that’s perfectly acceptable. This wasn’t even forty minutes long and they manages to keep things fast enough to prevent it from being boring. It wasn’t about storylines or anything like that and the action was watchable enough. It’s nothing you need to see, but it’s fine for a nice little surprise.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Major League Wrestling Fusion – November 2, 2018: Pair Of Kings

IMG Credit: WWE

Fusion #29
Date: November 2, 2018
Location: Melrose Ballroom, New York City, New York
Commentators: Matt Striker, Tony Schiavone

It’s time to get back to the regular shows this week after last week’s Halloween special. Things could be a little more interesting this time around as the Hart Foundation is back, which should make for a rather different kind of show. Fightland is coming up soon enough too so we should get some build towards the big show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look back at Shane Strickland vs. Tom Lawlor with Low Ki costing Shane the win. Lawlor said he would cash in his World Title shot in February, so Sami Callihan attacked him at a media event while Low Ki watched. As usual with MLW: simple story, but it makes sense and leads to matches I wouldn’t mind seeing.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Konnan for a chat. After sucking up to the crowd, Konnan says a witch named Salina de la Renta kept Pentagon and Rey Fenix from being here so here are Salina and Ricky Martinez to cut him off. Salina isn’t happy with Konnan for stealing her talent so she’s had them deported back to Mexico. Konnan refers to Martinez as Ricky Vega, which doesn’t sit well with him. That’s not cool with Martinez, who Konnan calls an Amish gnome Duck Dynasty reject. Anyway it’s time for a match with Konnan bringing in Martinez’s opponent.

Ricky Martinez vs. Puma King

I’ve heard of King before so this could be interesting. Puma runs him over a few times before rolling into the corner for an enziguri to the floor. That means the dive to take Martinez down again, followed by a high crossbody for two. The expected Salina interference lets Martinez kick the ropes for a low blow and there are the Madison Rayne crotch thrusts to drive Puma into the mat.

Martinez is bleeding from the nose and Puma superkicking him makes things even worse. It doesn’t seem to matter that much though as Martinez hits a Backstabber as Striker explains that a broken nose can mess with your vision. Now isn’t that better than him making insider references and talking about how much people hate him?

The Alberto top rope double stomp (I’m looking forward to that going away) is countered with a superplex and a top rope seated dropkick (that’s a new one) gives Puma two. Martinez is right back up with a super Codebreaker (the Plasma Crunch, an awesome name) for two of his own. They head up again but Martinez’s superplex is countered into a superbomb, followed by la majistral for the pin at 5:09.

Rating: C. I liked this one more than I was expecting with both guys looking good and King getting in a very nice debut. Martinez is little more than a bodyguard but he did well here too with some nice power stuff. Every now and then it’s a lot of fun to have a surprisingly good match and that’s what we got here.

Tommy Dreamer, now in a Randy Savage shirt, says he’s ready to show that he’s still the king of extreme, no matter what Brody King thinks. King has no idea what it takes to really be hardcore but Dreamer has seen the fans through the blood in his eyes, making him get up.

Stokely Hathaway is back at Fightland.

Jason Cade doesn’t think it’s fair that he and Jimmy Yuta are both getting the Middleweight Title shot when he already beat Yuta. Fair point.

Yuta is ready to win the title.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman isn’t happy with the lack of respect around here. He’s cool with letting Yuta and Cade beat each other up and then pin both of them.

Brody King vs. Tommy Dreamer

The much bigger King shoulders him down to start as we hear about Dreamer’s litany of injuries. Dreamer’s right hands don’t have much effect so they head outside (What took them so long?) with Dreamer being thrown into the barricade. Back in and they chop it out with Brody getting the better of it, including a Vader Bomb for two. The front facelock doesn’t last long and King misses the middle rope moonsault to make things even worse.

Back up and they forearm each other a lot until Dreamer snaps off a cutter for two. A swinging Rock Bottom gives King two and Dreamer’s DDT gets the same, albeit with a foot on the ropes for the save this time. With the wrestling not working, Dreamer grabs the cheese grater. The referee picks now to wipe his eyes so it’s a low blow to slow Dreamer down, setting up a piledriver to give King the pin at 7:42.

Rating: D. I’ve made my thoughts on Dreamer clear over the years but at least this wasn’t Dreamer getting a big win or a big push and only consisted of hearing about his injuries again. I can more than live with him in this role, though it was still nothing all that worthwhile. King is good for a role, but I’m not sure how much he can do in matches like this.

We look at the media day attack again.

Lawlor says he’s been beaten down but not beaten. Salina must be scared if she’s sending Callihan after him and all he wants is to get his hands on Low Ki. The gold is the goal, but Low Ki can be the first treasure on the way there.

Fightland rundown, including Callihan vs. Lawlor in a street fight. The show now features about ten matches, most of which we’ll see on TV later.

Callihan thinks Lawlor is stupid for wanting a fight. Anyone else Callihan has set his sights on has gone away and Lawlor will be no different. Lawlor may be an MMA fighter but Callihan can run him over with a car.

Hart Foundation vs. ACH/Marko Stunt/Rich Swann

Stunt is a small guy who is probably shorter than Rey Mysterio. Pillman and ACH start things off as Striker talks about Pillman’s pretty solid training so far. A neckbreaker and spinning shot to the neck have ACH in trouble so he snaps off a dropkick to send Pillman away. Hart comes in (complete with the awesome face) and starts flipping around with Swann. A dropkick puts Hart down for a second but he picks up the pace and snaps off a good looking powerslam.

Stunt comes in and uses Swann as a launchpad for a Codebreaker to Hart, only to dance into the massive (by comparison) Smith. For some reason Stunt tries a slam, earning himself a torture rack. In an impressive power display, Smith launches Stunt at Swann and ACH (I know Stunt is small, but that’s still impressive) and dropkicks him in the back to put all three down. The nip up back to his feet is just a bonus. Hart isn’t cool with this waiting around and moonsaults down onto everyone in a crazy good looking dive.

Back in and Smith slams Stunt down like a toy and puts a boot on the chest for two. An assisted Canadian Destroyer plants Stunt and a top rope moonsault (from the middle of the rope instead of the corner) from Hart crushes him again. Hart makes it even worse with a snapdragon that flips Stunt over in a nasty crash.

Pillman gets two off a Michinoku Driver but Stunt slips out of a suplex and brings in ACH. See, that’s the kind of escape that makes sense because the Harts weren’t really looking to finish him (either not covering or arrogant covers) and Stunt finally tagged almost by accident. That makes the Harts looks careless and doesn’t go too far beyond being realistic. Much better than you get in situations like this a lot of the time.

ACH makes the mistake of going after the illegal Hart and gets dropkicked off the apron. The ensuing double teaming doesn’t last long as ACH rolls over for the tag to Swann for a double Lethal Injection. Swann and ACH hit stereo dives but Stunt’s Asai moonsault is caught in midair and Smith drives him back first into the post. You don’t do that to Swann’s partner so he superkicks the heck out of Smith, followed by a very high frog splash for two on Pillman.

Hart hits a top rope DDT on ACH, leaving Smith to put Stunt on his shoulders for a DOOMSDAY CANADIAN DESTROYER (that actually made my jaw drop). Open Hart Surgery (Spinal Tap) crushes what used to be Stunt….for two as Swann makes the save. Swann kicks Swann and Smith down, followed by the middle rope 450 with Pillman making a save of his own. There are too many Harts though and it’s a powerbomb/Blockbuster combo to finish Swann at 12:14.

Rating: B-. Oh they messed up that ending. The Doomsday Destroyer was one of the coolest moves I’ve seen in a very long time and there was zero reason for the save from Swann. You have Stunt there to take a beating and almost nothing more, so why in the world would you have Swann take the pin here? On the positive side, the Harts continue to be outstanding and one of my favorite things about the roster. It’s a good match with an incredible spot (that looked clean too) but dang they should have gone home a minute earlier.

Overall Rating: C. This is the same kind of show they had a few weeks ago and it worked here too. They weren’t focusing on the main event stories here but they treated what we saw as important. How often do you see shows like this treated as nothing, therefore making everything look bad by comparison? It’s an easy show to watch and I had a good time watching it, especially the main event.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Major League Wrestling Fusion – September 21, 2018: That Human Is Not Human

IMG Credit: Major League Wrestling

Fusion #23
Date: September 21, 2018
Location: War Memorial Auditorium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, Tony Schiavone

We’re still down in Florida and that’s not the worst thing in the world. The arena looked rather good last week for WarGames and had a very close knit vibe to it, making the show feel more intimate than most. Well as intimate as two teams inside a double cage is going to get. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here are Konnan with Fenix and Pentagon Jr. for an opening chat. Konnan is fired up to be back home and the CERO MIEDO chants start up. He wants to talk about Salina de la Renta and while he doesn’t have a problem with ambition, he has an issue with her methods. Those contracts for Pentagon and Fenix were so one sided and a good example of why wrestling contracts get bad names.

Cue Salina with Ricky Martinez, the latter of whom is carrying a contract. Salina makes it clear that Pentagon and Fenix were granted early release and didn’t walk away. She offers them new contracts, which were negotiated with “Hunter”, who is offering them English classes and a little rebranding. Ricky holds out a pen and the fans are already starting the NO chants. If they sign, they can get out of having to face LA Park and Low Ki. That’s a big no though, as Spanish is shouted and the contracts are ripped up. MLW has these two signed up for a long time and teasing the WWE signing is an interesting idea.

Opening sequence.

Stud Stable vs. Hart Foundation

Dirty Blonds/Parrow for the Stable here and this is under hurricane (tornado) rules. Pillman wearing a smoking jacket to the ring is a perfect touch and he’s looking more like his dad every day. Smith starts the beating early as Pillman slips to the floor to trip Parrow. The Foundation cleans house but Pillman charges into a boot in the corner. That’s not cool with Smith, who fires off kicks to Parrow’s chest.

Hart hits the big moonsault to the floor and the fans are way into him all over again. Back in and Smith suplexes Brien, leaving Hart to hit a slow motion sunset bomb out of the corner. Pillman takes forever coming off the top with a high crossbody but Parrow is right there to throw him into the corner. The Blonds are back up and beat Hart down, much to the fans’ annoyance. Not that it matters as Pillman knocks Brien to the floor, leaving Parrow to take the running powerslam for the pin at 4:26.

Rating: C-. I don’t disagree with the idea of the Harts winning here, as they are almost destined to be a major force around here. However, the Stable hasn’t won anything of note in what feels like months and you can’t do that much longer without the wins not meaning anything anymore. Pillman was clearly being protected in one of his first matches back from injury and there’s nothing wrong with that. Good win for the Harts.

Post match the Harts leave as Colonel Parker yells at Parrow. The Blonds beat Parrow down to kick him out of the Stable.

Video on WarGames, including Sami Callihan blaming Jimmy Havoc for the loss.

Havoc isn’t pleased with what Sami did and thinks the anger is misdirected. One of Sami’s kids tapped out but that’s not the point. They’re going to fight and Havoc likes that Sami is angry.

Aria Blake and Maxwell Jacob Friedman are in the back with MJF not getting the women’s wrestling thing. Or women’s voting for that matter, but that’s a different story. Blake wants to snatch Taya Valkyrie bald but Friedman would rather talk about his abs.

Aria Blake/Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Taya Valkyrie/Joey Ryan

This is Taya’s debut. Hang on though as Ryan needs a lollipop and some oil. The bell rings and Friedman WILL NOT touch Ryan’s….yeah. Ryan: “If you’re not going to touch it, maybe SHE’LL touch it!” Bocchini on what we’re seeing: “I don’t know how to explain this on national television. Google it.” That’s as good as you can do in that situation. Blake rips at Ryan’s chest hair instead and actually gets a near fall as it’s back to MJF for a failed atomic drop attempt.

Taya comes in for a drop toehold onto Joey’s crotch, which MJF sells like death for two. Back up and MJF refuses to hit a woman so Taya slaps him instead. A shake of the chest and a shot to the face gets two before it’s back to Ryan. Blake offers a cheap shot from the apron and it’s MJF taking over by ripping at Ryan’s face. With Ryan in trouble, Blake comes back in for some spanks and a spinning neckbreaker for two.

It’s back to MJF for a chinlock until Ryan suplexes his way to freedom. That’s enough for a double tag to the women with Taya easily getting the better of it, including some running knees in the corner. A surfboard stomp gives Taya two and she seems….mildly annoyed at best. Aria gets in a kick to the head though and it’s back to the men. Ryan slugs away and puts the lollipop in MJF’s mouth, freaking him out as you might have expected. The superkick hits Taya by mistake though, allowing Aria to hit Ryan low. As she tends to her likely broken arm, MJF gets a rollup with trunks to pin Ryan at 8:37.

Rating: D+. That really needs to be it for this feud as MJF has beaten Ryan every time. There’s enough of a roster around to allow Friedman to have multiple opponents and it’s time to switch things up a bit. Ryan wasn’t as over the top here outside of signature stuff and mostly wrestled the match straight, which is the right call in something like this.

Post match Aria has her elbow out of socket ala Alexa Bliss for a great touch. MJF brags about getting rid of Ryan and Joey Janela, so here’s Janela to jump him from behind. A low blow gets MJF out of trouble.

Fury Road Control Center. Announced for the show: Tom Lawlor vs. Shane Strickland. I’m good with that.

Callihan accepts Havoc’s challenge and blames the WarGames loss on his former friend.

Brody King vs. PCO

King wastes no time in stomping PCO down in the corner and dropping a backsplash for an early two. PCO is fine enough to knock King to the floor and hit a suicide dive, which is rather impressive given how huge he is. They slug it out with PCO’s shouting adding a lot to the impacts.

A pop up powerbomb drops King back inside and PCO gets annoyed at the referee for not counting fast enough. King gets two of his own off a running clothesline and a suplex is good for the same. PCO is right back with a DDT but King backdrops him into the corner for a scary looking crash. We get the required slugout until they go for each others eyes. The referee gets shoved down and it’s a double DQ at 5:19.

Rating: C. There is something so much fun about having two big guys hit each other really hard for a few minutes. The ending here is fine as they can have a street fight or something to really get violent and that’s where the story needs to go anyway. PCO has grown a lot on me in a short while and I’m getting into the idea of the character.

Post match King piledrives PCO and hammers away at his unconscious body. Referees get Brody out and PCO MOONSAULTS ONTO EVERYONE (Freaking sweet!) to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This is a show where the matches don’t add up to the overall total. They’re packing in a lot of good stuff onto the show and I’m liking the characters and motivations more every week. Above all else though, they’re giving you a reason to tune in next week and that’s not something that even WWE knows how to do a lot of the time. It’s a good sign for the future and something a lot of companies take years to understand.

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