NXT – September 28, 2021: More Like It

Date: September 28, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett

It’s time to focus on the women’s division as we have several women’s matches taking place this week. This includes a pair of title matches, plus a grudge match. That’s the easy part though. The fun part is finding out how many new people can be brought in with little to no explanation. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Hit Row to get things going. They run down tonight’s focus on the women’s matches and wonder why no one is coming after Isaiah Scott’s North American Title? B Fab is ready to take out Elektra Lopez, so here is Legado del Fantasma to make things serious.

B Fab vs. Elektra Lopez

No DQ and the brawl starts on the floor before the bell. B Fab kicks Lopez in the head and they’re outside in a hurry, with the guys getting in a big brawl of their own as we take a break. Back with a fight over a table, with Lopez driving it into B Fab’s ribs. They get back in with a bunch of weapons joining them. B Fab grabs some kendo sticks to swing away but Lopez crossbodies her through an open chair. Lopez drops her ribs first across the top of the open chair, setting up a Blue Thunder Bomb to put B Fab away at 10:05.

Rating: B-. They had a hard hitting match here and it worked well given how little experience both of them have around here. Again, I’m still not sure why the regular television shows are going more extreme than most of the Extreme Rules pay per view, but at least we are getting some better stuff this week.

We go to InDex’s honeymoon, with the two of them walking on the beach. Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae are watching from the balcony of a hotel room and LeRae suggests that more things are going to happen. Dexter seems to like how Indi looks coming out of the water and Gargano panics. Then a shark starts coming up from the water and…..yeah it’s Gargano with a shark fin on his head.

Here is Joe Gacy, to say that the ring is still a safe space and he has not been canceled. He has made a bigger impact than stars like Tommaso Ciampa and Bron Breakker, because he didn’t throw a punch. Gacy speaks for a generation while the rest of them lives in a dark world. Then last week he was shunned, but now he is here to usher the world into a new normal. Woke, as written by WWE.

Xyon Quin vs. Oney Lorcan

It’s a 205 Live rematch and Quin knocks Lorcan outside to start. Back in and Lorcan runs him over, setting up a quickly broken chinlock. Quin fights up with a Samoan drop and finishes with a running forearm at 2:58. They might have something with Quin, just based on his look.

Grayson Waller talks about being a thrill junkie who loves to take chances. Now he’s taking a chance by going after the Cruiserweight Title. Why are we getting these (good and useful) vignettes explaining people AFTER we’ve been confused by their debuts?

Here is MSK for a chat. They have been champions for awhile now and they are going to keep smoking the division. Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans, who say that they want their two on two title shot but here are Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes to interrupt. Hayes says they are going to be champions because he has the golden ticket. MSK is good with that but Zack Gibson wants to know why everyone is talking in riddles. Cue Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen, who want in on this too. The brawl is on among the challengers and MSK hold up the titles. MSK really need challengers so this was a messy but necessary segment.

Raquel Gonzalez is ready for Frankie Monet but Toxic Attraction comes in, with Mandy Rose saying the title will look better on her.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Toxic Attraction vs. Io Shirai/Zoey Stark

Shirai and Stark are defending and Mandy Rose is here with the challengers. Shirai flips away from Dolin to start, though she can’t quite get the nip up right. The second takedown sets up a more successful nip up and it’s off to Jayne, who gets taken down in the corner. Stark comes in for some rapid fire rollups as commentary talks about how the champs never defend their titles. That’s because they don’t have much need to exist, but that has never stopped WWE before.

Stark chops her down and hits a slingshot Swanton for two. Dolin comes in off a blind tag and kicks Stark down but the champs are back up with some springboard dropkicks. Some dives to the floor have Attraction in trouble and we take a break. Back with Jayne hitting a running knee to Shirai’s face. Shirai is back with a kick to the face though and the tag brings in Stark to hit people in the face.

Stark gets knocked into the corner though and it’s back to Shirai to clean house again. A 619 sets up a springboard missile dropkick for two on Dolin as Rose is panicking on the floor. Everything breaks down and it’s Stark hitting her GTS on Jayne…and tagging out instead of covering for no apparent reason. Stark dives onto Dolin but stops to glare at Rose. Shirai hits the Moon Over Moonsault to retain at 12:43.

Rating: C+. I would have bet on the title change here, but that would mean a regular team holding the titles instead of a wacky tag team with nothing in common and that’s not how WWE rolls. Toxic Attraction is a fine enough idea and they can work well in the ring, though it seems like they’re only around as lackeys for Rose more than anything else.

Video on Bron Breakker, who still feels like Scott Steiner and wants to be NXT Champion.

Tommaso Ciampa joins us via Facetime to say that Breakker is talented but let’s hold off on the Hall of Fame induction for now. Breakker is a stud but it took Ciampa over 900 days to get back the title that he never lost. They’ll face each other one day and Breakker will drown in an ocean of inexperience.

Andre Chase vs. Boa

Chase doesn’t think much of Tian Sha and grabs an armbar to start. A suplex sends Boa flying and it’s time to stomp away. Chase puts on a chinlock and shouts that Boa has a lot to learn, but Boa is back up with some kicks to send Chase outside. Chase shouts a lot and then goes over to Mei Ying, who mists him in the face. Boa’s layout reverse DDT finishes at 3:09.

Rating: D+. Boa still isn’t great in the ring but at least they are pushing someone new. That’s the point of something like this, though you can expect Chase to keep getting the TV time despite him losing over and over. Chase’s gimmick isn’t the worst thing, but egads it’s another one where they beat you over the head with everything and that can get tiring.

Back to the honeymoon, with Johnny Gargano worrying about what could happen when InDex goes to their room. Gargano lies his way into the hotel room (Gargano: “Security around here sucks.”) and finds a bunch of condoms in Lumis’ bag. InDex comes back and Gargano hides in the closet as a pillow fight breaks out, complete with various statements that sound like….I think you get the idea. InDex takes a nap and Gargano leaves, with Lumis holding up the condoms and giving him a thumbs up.

Cruiserweight Title: Grayson Waller vs. Roderick Strong

Waller is challenging and comes through the crowd to jump Strong before the bell. A heck of a suicide dive takes Strong down and we take a break. We come back joined in progress with Waller hammering away until Strong dumps him outside for a breather. The abdominal stretch goes on to keep Waller in trouble but he fights out into pinfall reversal sequence.

Strong goes with his basics by hitting a backbreaker and the camel clutch goes on. With that broken up, Waller gets suplexed for two but manages to block a superplex attempt. Waller hits a top rope missile dropkick and sends him outside for a big flip dive. Back in and Waller grabs a Stunner for two of his own, only to walk into a jumping knee to the face to retain Strong’s title at 6:19.

Rating: C+. This was a good showing from both of them, even though I’m not sure what the point was in having Waller go from a heel on 205 Live to a face here. That being said, at least he’s doing something and I’ll take what I can get. It’s nice to have the title being defended a little more regularly and Strong is going to be good at anything he does.

LA Knight doesn’t like Odyssey Jones coming in here and talking about the uncrowned NXT Champion. Cue Jones to scare Knight and say that Knight has never seen anything like him. Andre Chase walks by to complain about the lack of a DQ, allowing Knight to jump Jones.

Dante Chen is from Singapore. This is the extent of his character.

Cora Jade and Trey Baxter are excited for her match next week. She’s only twenty years old and is ready for the future. They seem rather happy together.

Moving on from happy to unhappy, we have the debut of Lashing Out With Lash Legend, who is on a stage with an audience. She goes over various topics in NXT, such as the Draft (allowing her to talk about her WNBA career), Trey Baxter/Cora Jade and her Lash Out of the Week, which is Andre Chase. We’re done in a hurry, which is probably a good thing. I’m assuming this is a parody of a daytime talk show and it was every bit as bad.

Ridge Holland vs. Kyle O’Reilly

O’Reilly jumps Holland before the bell and we take a break (again). We’re joined in progress with Holland working on the ribs and hitting a backbreaker to keep O’Reilly in trouble. The bearhug goes on but O’Reilly fights out in a hurry and starts striking away. Holland plants him face first though and grabs a powerbomb for two. O’Reilly knocks him down again and goes up but Pete Dunne offers a distraction. Not that it matters as O’Reilly grabs a rollup for the pin at 5:27.

Rating: C. What we got was pretty good, but the same match setup as the Cruiserweight Title match isn’t exactly a positive sign. O’Reilly as someone who fights from underneath and survives against a monster is smart, though not so much with Holland losing twice in a row. Then again, he’s kind of perfect for the main roster so a promotion wouldn’t shock me.

Post match the beatdown is on but Von Wagner makes the save.

Tony D’Angelo is still on the docks, is still in the mob and is still talking about his family. The difference this time: he debuts next week.

Women’s Title: Raquel Gonzalez vs. Frankie Monet

Monet, with the rest of the Robert Stone Brand, is challenging. Gonzalez gets headlocked down to start and then powers her off without much trouble. Another hard toss has Monet in trouble so it’s out to the floor, where Gonzalez gets pulled off the steps for a crash. Back in and some running knees to the back have Gonzalez in more trouble and a suplex gives Monet two.

Monet cranks on part of a surfboard and then kicks her down for…well no count actually as Gonzalez’s shoulders aren’t down. Back up and Gonzalez drops Monet for a change, setting up the spinning Vader Bomb for two. Gonzalez’s back gives out though and Monet double stomps her for two of her own. Not that it matters as Gonzalez is back up with the Chingona Bomb for the retaining pin at 7:52.

Rating: C+. I would have bet on the title change here but the segment with Toxic Attraction earlier was kind of a giveaway. Monet losing like this is a little weird, but it would not surprise me at all to see her going straight to the main roster. She’s one of the stars who absolutely does not need NXT so it isn’t the worst idea.

Post match Monet and company go to leave but here is Toxic Attraction to jump them from behind. With Monet dispatched, Toxic surrounds Gonzalez and beats her down, allowing Mandy to hold up the title to end the show. Assuming you ignore them losing earlier this show, this was an effective segment.

Overall Rating: C+. I liked this a good bit better than last week’s show, if nothing else because they slowed WAY down with the whole thing. There weren’t a bunch of people being tossed out there and it felt like we were seeing wrestlers who had debuted being put into place. The Gargano/InDex stuff is going to be hit or miss, though I’m sure there are people who find it funny. Overall, the show felt much more structured this week and while it is still a bunch of newer people who aren’t quite ready for these spots, it felt WAY more like NXT than whatever the last two weeks have been.

Elektra Lopez b. B Fab – Blue Thunder Bomb
Xyon Quin b. Oney Lorcan – Running forearm
Io Shirai/Zoey Stark b. Toxic Attraction – Moon Over Moonsault to Jayne
Boa b. Andre Chase – Reverse layout DDT
Roderick Strong b. Grayson Waller – Jumping knee to the face
Kyle O’Reilly b. Ridge Holland – Rollup
Raquel Gonzalez b. Frankie Monet – Chingona Bomb




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NXT – September 14, 2021: New And….That’s All I’ve Got

Date: September 14, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

We have arrived as it is time for the all new NXT, featuring a lot of the same people and whatever angles need to be wrapped up. I’m almost terrified of what this is going to include as the usual suspects from Raw are in charge. We have a wedding and a vacant World Title to fill though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick recap of Samoa Joe vacating the NXT Title and the setup of the four way for the vacant championship.

Tommaso Ciampa doesn’t care which NXT it is because he’ll be champion.

Pete Dunne thinks it is time for a Bruiserweight Champion.

Kyle O’Reilly is ready to achieve a goal sixteen years in the making.

LA Knight knows Samoa Joe was scared of him and now three men are stuck in the same spot. Someone named Bron Breaker (better known as Bronson Rechsteiner) comes up to Knight and says he wants a chance to prove himself. Knight tells him to go out there and take a beating in a few minutes.

The arena and set are far brighter and the setup makes it look FAR bigger. The seats wrap around the ring for a unique look. It’s actually quite the improvement.

LA Knight vs. Bron Breaker

Breaker shoulders and clotheslines Knight down and some suplexes have Knight in the corner. Commentary says Breaker has a Dog Faced Gremlin mentality for the first Steiner reference. Knight is back with a clothesline and the jumping neckbreaker out of the corner puts Breaker in more trouble. Some running shoulders have Knight back in trouble as we hear about Breaker’s resume. Not his family history or anything, but he did play football. Knight gets gorilla pressed into a powerslam for the clean pin at 3:42.

Rating: C-. So I guess they’re starting with the rapid fire changes, as Breaker is suddenly thrown right into the spotlight. I’m still stunned that they didn’t directly say he’s a Steiner, but I guess that might be too much pressure? Either way, quite the surprise for the first match, but it doesn’t do Knight much good.

Post break, Breaker gets congratulated by a bunch of unnamed wrestlers.

Imperium vs. Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs

Jensen powerslams Aichner to start so it’s off to Barthel, who grabs an armbar on Briggs. That’s fine with Briggs, who powers his way out in a hurry. Barthel strikes away but can’t get in a suplex. Instead he hits a running kick to the chest but Briggs tosses him away without much effort. It’s back to Jensen to clean house but Briggs gets knocked outside. The Imperial Bomb finishes Jensen at 3:18.

Rating: C. I can go for some new names being showcased, but I could go for less of Imperium. They have every bit of the in-ring acumen but egads they are incredibly dry. I know that’s kind of the point, though it doesn’t make things much better. Briggs continues to have something there, but it hasn’t quite broken out yet.

Hit Row talks about how fabulous B Fab really is. She has trained with the best and now she is ready for her win.

B Fab vs. Katrina Cortez

Fab kicks her away and shrugs off Cortez’s comeback. A big kick to the face in the corner rocks Cortez and it’s a neckbreaker for the pin at 1:14. They weren’t out there very long and didn’t look great while they were.

B Fab doesn’t think much of Elektra Lopez getting involved in their business so here is Legado del Fantasma to interrupt. Lopez and B Fab insult each other with various threats…and we’re just done with that.

Odyssey Jones and Cameron Grimes are trying to cheer up Johnny Gargano when Austin Theory returns. He even has a surprise: you can’t have a wedding without a priest, so here is DAMIAN Priest to say the bar must be open. Grimes has the drinks covered and Theory and Gargano hug. The matching Dexter Lumis costumes help a lot.

Here is Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams (whoever that is) for a chat. After a break, Hayes talks about winning the Breakout Tournament three weeks ago. You aren’t going to catch him off guard again so he called Williams, who insisted he was bout it bout it. Now Williams is going to be everywhere Hayes goes because he has the gift of the gab and the gift of the jab. Hayes is great, but Williams has a bone to pick with him. Williams describes being bout it bout it and Hayes says it is hard to be good and humble. When he shoots he doesn’t miss, but if he chooses to pass, Williams will see it.

Duke Hudson comes out for his match and says Hayes got lucky in the Breakout Tournament. Williams comes in and hits a cyclone boot to Hudson’s face. The beating is on and Hayes joins in. Some double teaming leaves Hudson laying. I have no idea what they said or what this was supposed to be.

Gigi Dolin and Jayce Jane compliment the NEW Mandy Rose, whose face we don’t see.

Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro vs. Gigi Dolin/Jayce Jane

It’s a brawl to start with Catanzaro dropkicking Jane to the floor so Carter can run Dolin over. A double arm crank has Dolin in trouble as we go split screen to see Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland taking out Kyle O’Reilly. Dolin gets armdragged into the corner for the tag to Jane. That’s fine with Carter, who hits her in the face from the apron. The 450/neckbreaker combination is loaded up but Mandy Rose, in a hoodie, comes in for the DQ at 1:57.

Post match the beatdown is on and Mandy is….a brunette. Sarray comes in for the save and clears the ring in a hurry.

Sarray/Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro vs. Gigi Dolin/Jayce Jane/Mandy Rose

We’re joined in progress with Sarray hitting a missile dropkick on Dolin and a fisherman’s suplex gets two. It’s off to Carter for a dropkick into a backsplash and Catanzaro comes in, only to fall for a distractions o she gets caught in the wrong corner. Mandy forearms her in the back and hits a slam for two.

A bodyscissors sets up a suplex for two and it’s back to Jane to keep Kacy in trouble. Not that it matters as Kacy slips through some legs and brings in Carter to clean house. The basement superkicks drops Jane and everything breaks down. That means the Rose vs. Sarray showdown until Carter superkicks Mandy for two. Rose is back up with a jumping knee to Carter’s face for the pin at 6:12.

Rating: C-. So that happened, as Blonde Bombshell Mandy Rose is now Evil Brunette Bombshell Mandy Rose. I don’t know how much of a difference that makes but I’m kind of digging the heel trio. There is something there, though it might need a bit more of an explanation of what it actually is.

The bridal party is getting ready.

William Regal announces that O’Reilly is out of the way and…..Von Wagoner will take his place. You’re not supposed to know who that is.

Ridge Holland vs. Drake Maverick

Holland throws him around to start and runs him over with ease. Some forearms across the face keep Maverick down and more forearms keep up the pain. Northern Grit finishes Maverick at 1:48. Total squash.

Tommaso Ciampa talks about how everyone is coming for the title and that is why we are here. It has been 908 days since he held Goldie and tonight he gets his redemption.

Tony Dangerfield is a former All American Greco Roman wrestler and he’s coming to nXT.

Creed Brothers vs. ???//???

Brutus starts fast and shoves one of them over the top and out to the floor. Back in and Brutus drives them into the corner and Julius comes in sans tag. After the double teaming, Brutus plants the first one again before a slap brings Julius back in for a suplex. Julius makes one opponent tag the other and a dropkick just fires Julius up. A spinebuster plants the first one and a basement clothesline is good for the pin at 2:50. Total dominance and they have something with the Creed Brothers.

Post match Malcolm Bivens brags about the Diamond Mine’s success and introduces the newest member of the team: Ivy Nile. She’s in great shape and hasn’t had a carb in sixteen years. Cue Kushida to say he is ready for Roderick Strong and the Cruiserweight Title match is set for next week.

NXT Title: Von Wagoner vs. Pete Dunne vs. LA Knight vs. Tommaso Ciampa

One fall for the vacant title. It’s a big brawl to star with Wagoner clearing most of the ring until Knight gets to clean house. Dunne is back in to work on Wagoner’s arm and it’s time for the showdown with Ciampa. That means an armbar into a stomp to Ciampa’s arm until Knight breaks that up. A clothesline sends Knight outside though and the brawl is on again. Wagoner comes in and cleans house as we take a break.

Back with the brawling continuing with Ciampa hitting the running strikes in the corner. The double clothesline takes down Dunne and Knight but Wagoner blocks the Fairy Tale Ending. Knight scores with Blunt Force Trauma for two. Another one sends Dunne outside but Ciampa scores with Willow’s Bell for two, as Dunne makes another save. Ciampa hits the running corkscrew dive onto everyone else and is the only one left standing. Back in and Dunne snaps Ciampa’s fingers, setting up the Bitter End. Knight tries to steal the pin but Wagoner cuts him off with an Angle Slam for a very close two.

Dunne and Ciampa take Wagoner and Knight out and the big slugout is on. A German suplex sends Ciampa outside and Dunne goes up top, only to have Knight grab a top rope superplex to bring him back down. Wagoner hits a double underhook slam for two on Knight with Ciampa making the save. The Fairy Tale Ending to Knight gives Ciampa the title back at 10:36.

Rating: B. This was all action and that’s what you need for the title match. It didn’t feel like an epic title win, but Ciampa is about as solid of a choice for the title as you can have. I was convinced that Wagoner was actually going to get the title, but at least they went with something that made sense. There are all kinds of ways to go for the first title feud too so this is a safe and smart choice.

Ciampa is rather happy to have won the title.

Video on Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis’ road to the altar.

It’s time for the wedding, with wrestlers in the wedding party. Indi Hartwell comes to the ring and Johnny Gargano gives her away, though only after he lists off his resume. Gargano asks if Austin Theory has the rings, with Theory saying they’re in a ring. Ikemen Jiro has rings, inside his jacket of course. We get up to “speak now” and Dexter threatens anyone who says something with an ax.

Indi reads her vows to Dexter, whose middle name is Gaylord. She says he is misunderstood and is glad that he’s a freak. Lumis has to cut her off from a story about sneaking into her bed one night, with Gargano and Candice LeRae freaking out. Indi: “Dexter, you never lose a staring contest.” Lumis’ vow is a thumbs up, with the minister being confused about what is going on. That earns the minister a Silencer so there is no one to finish this.

The fans want William Regal….but Beth Phoenix jumps in the ring because she knew this would happen. That’s why she became an ordained minister last night so she can handle things. Beth wants to cut to the chase, which draws up Andre Chase….who is taken out by Odyssey Jones. With that out of the way, Beth says her thing, making sure to say that any death doing them parting is hopefully not ax related. Indi says she does and Dexter….actually says I DO (Candice’s shocked face is great). After the kiss, they pose together and no major shenanigans ensue.

Tommaso Ciampa is watching in the back when Bron Breaker comes up to say congratulations. A tense staredown ends the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I have no idea what to think of this show and I don’t think NXT knows what they were thinking with it either. We’ll start with the good: the new look makes it feel like a much better show as they leave behind the cramped atmosphere. There were also fresh faces, which makes things seem like it is a brand new production. The wrestling wasn’t bad either, with the title match being well put together.

The problem comes in two parts: who are these people and why are they here? There was no explanation from William Regal, no storyline explanation and really nothing at all about WHY this was the new NXT. We know that it is because they kept talking about it, but we were never told why it was happening. There are all of these new faces running around too, making for a rather confusing show at times. It isn’t bad and it was the start, but dang I do not have any confidence in this show at the moment.

Bron Breaker b. LA Knight – Gorilla press powerslam
Imperium b. Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs – Imperium Bomb to Jensen
B Fab b. Katrina Cortez – Neckbreaker
Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter b. Jayce Jane/Gigi Dolin via DQ when Mandy Rose interfered
Mandy Rose/Gigi Dolin/Jayce Jane b. Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter/Sarray – Running knee to Carter
Ridge Holland b. Drake Maverick – Northern Grit
Creed Brothers b. ???/??? – Basement clothesline to ???
Tommaso Ciampa b. LA Knight, Pete Dunne and Von Wagoner – Fairy Tale Ending to Knight



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