NXT – May 30, 2023: Fallout And Guest Stars

Date: May 30, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with Battleground and that means it is time for NXT to head back home. There is a lot of fallout to deal with here, but we also have a weaponized steel cage match. That would be for those of you who just don’t get enough out of putting two wrestlers inside a big steel box. Let’s get to it.

Here is Battleground if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne, as the two of them were part of that famed two woman team known as Toxic Attraction. They were friends and now they’re not, so let’s put them in a cage full of weapons.

Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

In a weaponized cage, but Jayne jumps Dolin from behind during their entrances. Dolin is sent into the steps and the cage wall before Jayne throws her inside for the opening bell. Jayne whips her with a belt, only to be sent into the cage. Dolin gets in some not great belt shots of her own before putting a trashcan over Dolin’s head.

Some kicks rock Jayne and a running dropkick against the trashcan gets two. Dolin chokes with the belt some more and we take a break. Back with Dolin firing off knees and hitting an STO for two. Jayne plants her on some chairs for two and it’s time to load up a table. That’s a bit too long though and Dolin fights back on top, setting up a kind of chokeslam through the table for the pin at 12:31.

Rating: C+. It was a violent enough match (in the WWE sense that is) but I’m getting rather tired of having to put weapons in a cage. If that’s the option, why bother with the cage at all? Just do a street fight and have the weapons that way instead. Other than that, this still didn’t exactly feel like some big blood feud, but at least this should wrap it up for good.

Long recap of Battleground.

Wes Lee is happy with his win on Sunday but he’s a bit sore. The Dyad comes in to yell at him but Tyler Bate evens things up. A tag match seems likely.

Tony D’Angelo had his mugshot taken.

Gallus is happy with their win at Battleground when Stacks comes in. Stacks accuses them of turning D’Angelo in and gets beaten down as a result.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams to brag about retaining at Battleground. Before they can get too far, here are Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson to interrupt. Dar brags about retaining his title but Williams points out the cheating that it took to keep the Heritage Cup. Hayes says the Heritage Cup is on a level, but the title is on a bigger level. They argue about whether Hayes could beat Dar once, let alone in two falls, with Hayes being accused of practicing load management (meaning he doesn’t wrestle often). Hayes gives Dar a title shot tonight.

Cora Jade brags about how unfair she was treated in the tournament but Ivy Nile comes in to tell her to shut up. They get catty with each other and a match seems likely.

Reggie comes up to Axiom in the back and thanks Axiom for opening his eyes. That’s why he helped Axiom against Dabba-Kato last week. Reggie leaves and Axiom doesn’t seem to know what to make of that.

Dyad vs. Wes Lee/Tyler Bate

Bate takes Fowler down to start and gets two off a sunset flip. Lee comes in and kicks Fowler in the head, setting up a spinning crossbody for two more. The good guys clear the ring with dropkicks but the Dyad is back in for the staredown….and Mustafa Ali is here. We take a break and come back with Ali on commentary as Bate is in trouble.

Bate knees his way out of a double suplex attempt as Ali talks about being a free agent, meaning he can show up anywhere. The tag brings in Lee to clean house, including a kick to Reid’s back in the corner. A double Cardiac Kick drops the Dyad and stereo Spiral Taps knock them silly. The Tyler Driver 97 finish Reid at 9:27.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough, but the Ali stuff is what matters here. Ali is someone who definitely needs to come up with something new and going down to NXT, where he can do more of his own style without getting crushed, might be just the ticket. For now though, I’ll setting for Bate rising up the ranks a little bit more.

Post match Ivy Nile runs out to jump Ava, drawing in Joe Gacy to go after Lee. Mustafa Ali comes in to help clear the ring and poses with Lee and Bate.

We look back at Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey mocking Thea Hail at Chase U during Battleground.

Earlier today, Gulak was running a grappling class and Hail made sure to get involved. Hail gets in with Dempsey and we cut away before we see how it goes.

Here is Tiffany Stratton for her big celebration, complete with various pictures of her in the ring. She lists off various stars who have won the title before and talks about what it means to be a champion. Tiffany calls out all of the women in the locker room, who must feel star struck. She brags about how she might just retire for life and thinks that everyone should have a chance at the Tiffy Title. Next week, it’s a battle royal to crown the new #1 contender, but it doesn’t matter who wins. Balloons and confetti go off but a bunch of women get in the ring to knock her to the floor.

Noam Dar’s goons come up to Trick Williams and they bicker a bit.

Dani Palmer is in the ring to demand that the attacker show her face. We see some clips of the attacker’s attacks and here is the attacker to attack again. And it’s Blair Davenport.

Last week, Eddy Thorpe was consoled over his loss when Damon Kemp came in to mock him. They’ll fight next week (as in a week from this show airing, not a week from them arguing).

Joe Coffey vs. Stacks

The rest of Gallus is banned from the building. Stacks starts fast with a headlock but gets sent into the corner for his efforts. A knee and elbow to the ribs give Coffey two but Stacks is able to knock him outside. We take a break and come back with Coffey hitting a release suplex for two as Stacks stays in trouble. Stacks gets in an elbow but they take it outside where Stacks is sent into the steps. The running headbutt to the chest and All The Best For The Bells finishes Stacks at 10:00.

Rating: C. Well that was a bit long, which might have something to do with the roster still being a bit thin. Joe hasn’t been in the ring much lately but he can still wrestle a competent power match. Stacks seems to be up to something with the whole D’Angelo deal and I’m curious to see where that goes. Then again there is every chance that Stacks turned on D’Angelo, and I’m not sure how interesting that feud would be. For now though, they had a decent enough match here.

Mr. Stone isn’t happy with Von Wagner being mad and says it’s time he sees a therapist. Stone will even pay for it! Wagner promises to think about the offer.

We get a kind of mini documentary on Ilja Dragunov getting ready for his Last Man Standing Match, followed by a look at the match itself. This, and the match, were rather good.

Cora Jade vs. Ivy Nile

Nile starts fast but gets pulled down by the hair to cut her off for two. Jade ties her in the ropes for a chop, which hits Nile HARD in the face. A running dropkick gets two but Nile fights up. Cue Ava for a distraction though, allowing Jade to hit Jaded for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have much time to go anywhere and they had an angle in the middle to take away even more of what they had. I can see why Jade is getting the win as she is in a better place at the moment, but I still think there is something to be done with Nile. She’s a unique kind of star and if she can get better in the talking department, she has a bright future.

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker love chicken parm, honey badgers and buffalo sauce. Malik Blade and Edris Enofe come in to discuss sauces and everyone seems cool.

The Diamond Mine and Schism get in an argument backstage.

NXT Title: Noam Dar vs. Carmelo Hayes

Only Hayes is defending, this isn’t under Heritage Cup rules. Trick Williams, Jakara Jackson, Oro Mensah and Lash Legend are all here too. Dar takes over to start but Hayes picks up the pace to get a breather. A springboard spinning crossbody takes Dar to the floor and we take a break. Back with Hayes hitting the Fade Away for two and striking away as Dar can’t get much going.

A pump kick drops Dar again and Hayes plants him down for two. The seconds get in a fight on the floor, which is enough for Williams to be ejected. The distraction lets Dar elbow Hayes down for two and slap on the kneebar. With that broken up, Dar puts Hayes on top but here are Dragon Lee and Nathan Frazer to cut off Mensah’s interference. Hayes hits a dive onto the villains on the floor, setting up Nothing But Net to retain the title at 11:12.

Rating: B-. I’m not sure how much drama there was to this one but Dar isn’t going to be hurt by losing to the NXT Champion. Lee and Frazer still being mad over Battleground makes sense and I liked having them run in here. Hayes can put on a good match with anyone and having him rack up another win is a smart move. He just needs a next big challenger to come after him.

Post match Baron Corbin of all people runs out and jumps Hayes. Corbin holds up the NXT Title to end the show. I’ve heard far worse ideas.

Overall Rating: C+. It wasn’t a great show, but there was enough good action and stuff moving forward to come off of the pretty great Battleground. I like having the main roster guys come down, as they feel like a big deal and very well could pick up a title here or there. For now, we’re probably getting ready for the big TV special before setting up Great American Bash and that isn’t a bad way to go after one of the bigger (and best) shows of the year.

Gigi Dolin b. Jacy Jayne – Chokeslam through a table
Wes Lee/Tyler Bate b. Dyad – Tyler Driver 97 to Reid
Joe Coffey b. Stacks – All The Best For The Bells
Cora Jade b. Ivy Nile – Jaded
Carmelo Hayes b. Noam Dar – Nothing But Net



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NXT Battleground 2023: You Have To Get Out Of Florida

Battleground 2023
Date: May 28, 2023
Location: Tsongas Center, Lowell, Massachusetts
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

NXT is back on the road and that is usually a good thing. NXT doesn’t have these major shows very often, but they have been doing them a bit more frequently as of late. The main event is a roles reversed rematch from the Stand & Deliver main event as Carmelo Hayes is defending the NXT Title against Bron Breakker. At the same time, we need a new Women’s Champion so let’s get to it.

The opening video is the same video that ended NXT, as we look at WWE’s history in Lowell and how much stuff has happened here over the years. Now it is time for the new generation and tonight’s card gets a look.

North American Title: Wes Lee vs. Tyler Bate vs. Joe Gacy

Lee is defending and Ava is here with Gacy. They circle each other to start before Gacy has to duck a double chop. Gacy bails to the floor but everyone switches places, allowing Gacy to dive on the other two as the get in a fight. Back in and Gacy hits a scoop brainbuster for two on Bate before Lee gets the same off a German suplex. Lee snaps off a hurricanrana for two on Bate, who is right back with a jumping elbow.

Bate suplexes Gacy down and sends Lee flying with a t-bone suplex. In his showing off portion of the match, Bate airplane spins Gacy and swings Lee at the same time. That’s a Claudio Castagnoli spot, not an anyone else spot. Lee and Bate slug it out until Bate backdrops Lee into a Gacy powerbomb (which he didn’t seem to know was coming). Gacy is back up with a Rock Bottom to Lee and a layout reverse DDT to Bate.

The Rings of Saturn have Lee in trouble until Bate (after waiting a bit) slugs away to make the save. Bate misses another shooting star and gets caught in the Rings of Saturn again. Lee makes a save this time and avoids a double handspring/springboard clothesline from the two. A double Cardiac Kick gives Lee two each but he misses a charge into the corner.

Lee is fine enough to grab a sleeper on Gacy but Bate makes the save. Bate hits the Tyler Driver 97 on Gacy but Lee makes the save and cradles Bate, with Gacy making the save (way too fast after getting taken out). Back up and Lee hits a big running flip dive to take Bate down on the floor. Gacy hits a release Rock Bottom on Lee, who pops back up with a Cardiac Kick to retain the title at 11:59.

Rating: B-. Nice opener here as Lee continues his reign, meaning that Gacy isn’t getting the title, making this a solid match. Bate was just kind of there and it wouldn’t surprise me to see him getting a solo title shot against Lee in the future. Lee is almost ready to surpass Velveteen Dream as the longest reigning champion in history and it wouldn’t surprise me if that is NXT’s big goal at the moment. Part of the reason is because he can keep having matches like this, and it worked well here again.

We recap the Women’s Title being vacated, setting up the tournament, with the finals taking place tonight.

We recap the Heritage Cup Title match. Noam Dar brought the cup over from NXT UK, Dragon Lee, with Nathan Frazer (who doesn’t like Dar either) wants it.

Here are the rules:

Six three minute rounds, twenty second break between rounds.

First to win two falls win, with falls coming by pinfall, submission or countout. Knockout or DQ ends the match instantly. A fall automatically ends a round.

If no one has won two falls by the end of six rounds, the champion retains the title.

Heritage Cup: Noam Dar vs. Dragon Lee

Lee is challenging with Nathan Frazer in his corner. Round One begins with Dar (who has no corner man) grabbing a waistlock into an armbar and driving some knees into the arm. Lee reverses into an armbar of his own and they stick with the grappling on the mat. Lee can’t get a sunset flip or a superkick, leaving Dar to bail over to the ropes. Instead Lee punches him in the face and hits a dropkick to the floor as time expires.

Round Two begins with Lee hitting some running elbows and a running hurricanrana. A slingshot kick to the chest has Dar in trouble in the corner but he tells Lee to bring it on anyway. Back up and Dar hits a spinning elbow to the head for the pin and the first fall at 1:31 of the round and 5:02.

Round Three begins with Oro Mensah now as Dar’s corner man and Dar cranking on the arm to no avail. Lee kicks him in the head for the break but Dar elbows him down again. A rollup gets two on Dar and Lee kicks him in the head again. With Dar on the apron, Lee hits a heck of a running hurricanrana to the floor, followed by a heck of a suicide dive. Back in and Lee kicks away but time runs out with Dar in trouble. Hold on though as Dar gets in a cheap shot after the bell, leaving Lee down during the break.

Round Four begins with Dar hitting a running forearm for two but Lee small packages him for the same. Dar slaps on a cross armbreaker but Lee stacks him up to escape. A Texas Cloverleaf goes on Dar, with Mensah pushing the rope towards him for the break. Mensah sends Frazer into the steps, leaving Lee to hit a spinning crossbody for the pin at 2:06 of the round (11:25 overall) to tie it up. Frazer and Mensah get in a fight, with Frazer knocking him outside for a heck of a suicide dive.

Round Five begins with Lee striking away but Dar counters a kick into a quickly broken ankle lock. Another running hurricanrana is countered into a nasty powerbomb to the floor, followed by the spinning elbow to the face for two on Lee. Back up and Dar strikes away, only to get caught with a snap German suplex. Lee hits an awesome sitout powerbomb for two….and here is Jakara Jackson. The distraction lets Lash Legend come in and hit Lee with the bucket. The Nova Roller (running kick to the head) finishes Lee to retain the title at 2:18 of the round and 14:22 overall.

Rating: B. This is one of those match styles that takes some time to get used to as it’s rather different than just about anything else you’ll see. They wound up having a good, back and forth match, though the idea of Legend getting more TV time makes my head hurt. Other than that, I could go for something like this being an on again/off again feature, as it works well for a technical style wrestler. Nice introduction to the concept here, Legend interference aside.

We recap Dijak vs. Ilja Dragunov. They hate each other and want to torture one another, which included Dragunov allowing Dijak to torture him. Now it’s a Last Man Standing match, which could be brutal.

Dijak vs. Ilja Dragunov

Last Man Standing. They slug it out to start with neither being able to get very far with the grappling. Dijak knocks him outside and throws the steps back in, only to have Dragunov fight back to take over. Dragunov dives into a raised boot though and gets planted onto the steps for about seven. That lets Dijak get out a table but Dragunov knocks him into the barricade to cut that off fast.

Back in and Dijak’s chokeslam onto the steps is countered into a DDT onto them instead, leaving both of them down. Dragunov crushes Dijak with the steps in the corner, setting up a heck of a Van Terminator to knock Dijak silly. Somehow Dijak gets to his feet so Dragunov unloads on him with forearms and chops.

Back up and Dijak flips out of a German suplex, setting up a hard chokeslam over the top and onto the apron. A quick Feast Your Eyes knocks Dragunov silly, though nowhere near enough for the ten. That means it’s time for some kendo stick shots in the corner, though Dragunov is sitting on the turnbuckle, with his legs shaking. With Dragunov not going down, Dijak gets in his face to yell and swings the stick some more.

The stick is broken over Dijak’s knee so he goes to get a chair. The delay lets Dragunov hit the Torpedo but Dijak is up again. Instead Dragunov climbs onto the steps and hits a big flying forearm to send Dijak face first into the chair for the win (barely beating the count himself) at 15:56.

Rating: B+. Oh yeah this worked as they just beat the fire out of each other for about fifteen minutes. Dragunov knows how to sell a beating like few others and you can feel the pain when he is out there taking a beating. I could easily see Dragunov becoming one of the biggest stars in NXT rather quickly and this is his biggest win stateside so far. Heck of a fight here and it was all kinds of physical.

We go to Chase U, where Duke Hudson is happy with his students, except for Ricky (Duke: “RICKY YOU SUCK!”). Anyway, Hudson has a lot on his plate so he has brought in Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak to help teach catch as catch can wrestling. They use Thea Hail’s lack of grappling skills as proof that she has no future. Hail storms off but Hudson isn’t happy with how things are going. Hudson wants them to have a better lesson plan for next week and sends them off. As everyone leaves, Hudson does not seem pleased with the clip of Hail in the ring.

Noam Dar and company are VERY happy with what they did out there, as the Heritage Cup has come to America.

The Great American Bash is coming to Cedar Park, Texas on July 30.

Tag Team Titles: Gallus vs. Creed Brothers

The Creeds (with Ivy Nile, who cancels out Gallus’ Joe Coffey) are challenging. Julius cranks on Mark’s arm to start and it’s already a four way showdown. Gallus tries to charge at them but it’s Brutus working on Mark’s arm to keep him in trouble. Julius offers a distraction so Brutus can get in an ax handle to the arm but Wolfgang comes in off a blind tag.

That means a hot shot can drop Brutus, allowing the champs to take over for the first time. Brutus fights up from a chinlock but Mark is right there with a middle rope shoulder and a near fall. Mark’s chinlock is broken up but Wolfgang is right there to grab a front facelock. That’s broken up as well and it’s Julius coming in to clean house, including the suplexes.

As in about six straight, followed by a series of nipups. A standing shooting star into Brutus’ moonsault press gets two on Mark as Julius gets a needed breather. Everything breaks down and the Brutus Ball drops Wolfgang fast. They all get up for the double slugout with Julius clearing the ring again. Cue Ava to go after Nile, with the distraction letting Gallus hitting their running knee/spinning flapjack combination to retain at 9:33.

Rating: B-. This wasn’t exactly a hot story coming in but it wound up being a good showdown. As you might have expected, this included yet another Julius showcase, as he is one of the most athletically gifted people that I’ve seen in NXT for a very long time now. He isn’t ready to split off entirely on his own just yet, but once he does, the potential is right there for someone who can do that kind of insanely athletic stuff. If he has the charisma and mic skills to back it up, he is an absolute star in the making.

The masked attacker will reveal themselves on NXT.

Video on Lyra Valkyria, who is ready to win the Women’s Title.

Women’s Title: Lyra Valkyria vs. Tiffany Stratton

For the vacant title. Feeling out process to start with Lyra grabbing a headlock takeover to little avail, other than frustrating Stratton. The feeling out process continues until Lyra seems to tweak her leg on a leapfrog. Lyra is right back up and backflips away from a test of strength, followed by an armdrag to send Stratton outside. Stratton pulls her outside and starts in on the knee, including ramming it into the post.

The knee gets crushed back inside and Stratton snaps it back a few times. The Muta Lock goes on to keep the leg in trouble but Lyra manages to get out. Back up and they slap it out, even as Stratton holds her by the leg. We hit the Stretch Muffler for a bit but Lyra is back up with a sunset flip for two. Lyra kicks her into the corner and gets two more off a rollup. Back up and something like an enziguri sends Stratton outside, followed by the big dive to the floor.

They head back inside with Stratton rolling through a high crossbody, setting up a Samoan drop, which is reversed into a crucifix for two. Stratton knocks her down and hits a bottom rope…I think elbow for two more and they’re both a bit winded. Stratton’s running basement dropkick gets two before rolling her over by the leg.

Back up and Lyra pulls her out of the air for a German suplex but the leg gives out on the spinwheel kick. Stratton hits a fireman’s carry slam, only to miss the Prettiest Moonsault Ever. The spinwheel kick connects but Stratton’s foot is on the rope. Lyra can’t follow up though and it’s the fireman’s carry slam into the Prettiest Moonsault Ever to give Stratton the pin and the title at 15:59.

Rating: B. It was pretty easily Stratton’s best match ever and they didn’t exactly hide how this was going to go. Stratton has been presented as a major star in the division for the last few months and has seemingly just been waiting for the big moment. There was no better option for the title here and Lyra has been a glorified afterthought coming into this. Good match with the leg playing a part almost entirely throughout and it made for a special moment, with the title change making it that much better.

We recap Bron Breakker vs. Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Title. Hayes took the title from Breakker at Stand & Deliver and then turned heel, attacking Hayes and Trick Williams multiple times. Now it is time for Hayes to defend the title again in his backyard in a huge rematch.

NXT Title: Bron Breakker vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes, with Trick Williams, is defending. Williams handles Hayes’ entrance, comparing Hayes’ title win to other Boston sports win (eh…..yeah ok nice idea). Hayes goes right after the leg to start but Breakker is fine enough to run him over with a shoulder. They head outside with Hayes hammering away but Breakker comes back with the spinebuster powerslam back inside.

Breakker sends him flying with a hiptoss, only to have Hayes score with a Fade Away. It’s back to the leg, followed by a top rope armdrag to keep the speed up. Breakker isn’t having that and blasts him with a clothesline, followed by the overhead belly to belly. A nice spinning belly to belly into some pushups, setting up another belly to belly to keep Hayes down. Breakker sends him flying with a German suplex and even mocks the LET’S GO MELO chant.

The Recliner doesn’t work though as Hayes manages a quick DDT out of a suplex for a breather. A pump kick and springboard clothesline drops Breakker again but he tells Hayes to hit him in the face. That means a knee to said face sets up a suplex cutter for two as Breakker is a bit rocked.

Breakker’s gorilla press is countered into a Codebreaker but it’s too early for Nothing But Net. Instead Breakker cuts him out of their with the spear (geez) for two. The straps come down but the gorilla press is countered into a small package to give Hayes two. Some superkicks into a springboard DDT plants Breakker and Nothing But Net retains the title at 14:15.

Rating: B. This got better as it kept going and it was a good main event as Hayes gets another crowning moment. What matters is having Hayes clear Breakker out, as there is no reason for Breakker to come after the title anytime soon. Breakker showed what a monster he can be but now the crown has moved on, meaning Hayes needs to find a new challenger after this one. Good main event, though if this wasn’t Hayes’ hometown, Stratton should have headlined.

Hayes and Williams celebrate to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. It wasn’t quite a Takeover, but it certainly followed the Takeover formula. That is what it needed to be and the good thing is there was nothing close to bad on the whole show. They got some of the bigger stories out of the way at the moment and now things seem ready to move forward starting on the road to the Great American Bash. I had a good time with this one and for a show that only ran about two hours and fifteen minutes, you couldn’t ask for much more.

Wes Lee b. Joe Gacy and Tyler Bate – Cardiac Kick to Gacy
Noam Dar b. Dragon Lee 2-1
Ilja Dragunov b. Dijak when Dijak could not answer the ten count
Gallus b. Creed Brothers – Running knee/spinning flapjack to Julius
Tiffany Stratton b. Lyra Valkyria – Prettiest Moonsault Ever
Carmelo Hayes b. Bron Breakker – Nothing But Net



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



Remember to check out Wrestlingrumors.net for all of your wrestling headline needs.


NXT Battleground 2023 Preview

It’s time to go back on the road as NXT is on its way to (just outside of) Boston for Battleground. NXT is in a weird place as the roster was gutted by the Draft with all kinds of wrestlers being called up. The good thing is that there are still quite a few talented stars around here and now we should be getting to see a solid match this time around. NXT tends to rise to the occasion and hopefully they can do it outside of Orlando as well. Let’s get to it.

Tag Team Titles: Gallus(c) vs. Creed Brothers

We’ll start here with a match that was made earlier this week. Gallus is turning into a good bar fighting team who can brawl with anyone and that is what they need to do most of the time. On the other hand, the Creeds continue to look ready to move up to the next level. Well at least Julius, who has the potential to be an absolute star given all of his natural gifts. Brutus is good, but Julius is the star no matter what.

I think I’ll take Gallus to retain here, as the Creeds have already held the belts and don’t need to take them from Gallus. While Gallus is already established, they could use another win over former champions like the Creeds. Either way, it seems like Stacks and…well assuming he isn’t in jail, Tony D’Angelo waiting on them. Gallus wins here, and hopefully Julius gets to do some more on his own sooner than later because the potential is right there.

Heritage Cup: Noam Dar(c) vs. Dragon Lee

This is one of the few things that has been brought over directly from NXT UK and….I’m really not sure why. The title was almost exclusively there to tie back into the British Rounds system and that isn’t exactly something that ties into Florida. Maybe we can get something interesting out of it here, but I don’t know if it is going to do a ton of good to have another midcard title.

I’ll go with Dar to retain here, as he has only been around for a bit in NXT, though having Lee lose again is quite the stretch. Unless NXT wants to bring the cup in and have it change hands almost immediately, it is one of those things that just doesn’t really need to be there. For now though, Dar retaining makes a bit more sense, though giving Lee a win is something that would make a lot of sense as well. Dar wins here though.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Dijak

Here we have something very different from the British Rounds stuff as this is all about two guys beating the fire out of each other. These two have had a feud built around violence, but it has been with permission, as Dijak was allowed to try to break Dragunov in a weird segment. Now they get to have a Last Man Standing match, which should work well for the two of them.

As much as I like Dragunov, there is no real reason for Dijak to be able to beat him. At the end of the day, Dijak is a monster who can beat Dragunov up for a good while before falling. Dragunov is someone who could become the next big thing in NXT at the drop of a hat and there is no reason to have him lose to Dijak here. Either way, this is going to be a huge fight and the violent portion of the show, with Dragunov winning in the end.

North American Title: Wes Lee(c) vs. Tyler Bate vs. Joe Gacy

Lee is on the verge of becoming the longest reigning North American Champion in history and his title matches have turned into a rather nice showcase. That being said, someone has to beat him eventually and it would not be a surprise to see that happen here. Unfortunately that gives you a 50/50 chance of seeing a good result of a new champion, which is where this gets rough.

Unfortunately, I think we’ll get Gacy winning the title, as he has to win something at some point since NXT MUST HAVE GACY THERE ALL THE TIME FOR SOME REASON. Bate is like Dragunov as he could be a star at the drop of a hat if necessary, but NXT would rather present Gacy with his lame cult stuff. Lee could retain, but I think they’ll give it to Gacy here, which will certainly make the show oh so much more entertaining.

Women’s Title: Lyra Valkyria vs. Tiffany Stratton

Now we have something interesting here, as the title is vacant coming in due to Indi Hartwell being called up to the main roster. Stratton feels like the obvious winner here as she is still new but feels almost perfect as the heel champion that can brag forever about her win. At the same time, Valkyria is someone who could be put out there as the next breakout star in the blink of an eye.

For now though, Stratton feels like the better option, as she is more established as a name around NXT. Go with the one who is ready to go and doesn’t need to take a high profile loss here. While Valkyria feels like someone who is ready to move up a step, Stratton is already a more complete presentation and could be the next big heel thing in NXT if she is given the chance. This is said chance, as she wins the title here.

NXT Title: Carmelo Hayes(c) vs. Bron Breakker

This is a rematch from Stand & Deliver where Hayes won the title but now the roles are reversed. The problem for Hayes is that Breakker has since turned heel and has been running through people. That makes for a good cocky face champion looking at the monster he beat before the monster changed, but the idea of seeing Breakker lose again would be quite the hard idea to swallow.

At the end of the day, the only person who has been NXT Champion longer than Breakker is Finn Balor, and therefore I don’t see the need to give it back to him. Breakker is less than two months removed from a year long reign so making him a three time champion feels like a stretch. If Breakker loses again then he needs to go away for awhile, but for now the right move is to have Hayes get the big win and beat Breakker twice and for all.

Overall Thoughts

On paper, this has the potential to be a big show, but the theme that I kept coming back to was “this person could be a star”. That is what NXT needs right now, as their roster has been completely wrecked due to the Draft. This is a show where you could build some people up to a new level, especially with some champions being crowned. I’d like to see how the show goes, but as usual, the execution is what matters most. If NXT can stick the landing as they tend to do, we should be in for a heck of a night.


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NXT – May 23, 2023: They’ve Got Me

Date: May 23, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the go home show for Battleground and that means we need to finalize the Women’s Title match. The tournament semifinals will take care of that tonight and there are a few combinations. Other than that, we’ll probably get one more hard push towards Carmelo Hayes vs. Bron Breakker. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Lyra Valkyria, Cora Jade, Tiffany Stratton and Roxanne Perez all promise to win the title.

Women’s Title Tournament Semifinals: Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade

Valkyria starts fast with a small package for two and a suplex is good for the same. Jade manages to tie her in the ropes or some chops, followed by a kick to the back of the head for two. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Valkyria is up with a bunch of strikes, only to get caught in a guillotine choke of all things. Back up and Valkyria hits a quick spinning kick to the head for the pin at 3:49.

Rating: C. It was nice while it lasted but it didn’t last very long. Valkyria winning is a little surprising but I can go with the idea of pushing someone new to go after the title. The ending really was as out of nowhere as it seemed, with commentary saying they barely even saw Valkyria land the kick in the first place. Not bad, but almost shockingly short.

Post match Jade hits her in the knee before adding in a kendo stick shot for a bonus.

Ilja Dragunov jumps Dijak in the back and tries to crush him with a garage door. Referees intervene but Dijak is banged up.

Axiom vs. Dabba-Kato

Axiom goes for the knee to start before scoring with an enziguri. A chokeslam is broken up and Axiom goes for the leg again. Kato powers him around but a dragon screw legwhip over the rope slows it down again. Back up and a heck of a clothesline cuts Axiom off though and a sitout chokebomb gives Kato the pin at 1:57.

Post match Kato stays on Axiom but Reggie comes in to low bridge him to the floor. Axiom isn’t sure about this.

Tony D’Angelo is being interrogated and wants to get straight to the point. The officer wants to know why D’Angelo’s name keeps coming up in various investigations. They even have a video from an informant (which we can’t see) but D’Angelo denies it’s him. Another officer comes in and says they have more information. More on this later, though D’Angelo goes to listen at the door.

Video on Bron Breakker vs. Carmelo Hayes, with Hayes taking the NXT Title at Stand & Deliver. Breakker then went full evil and has attacked Hayes/Hayes’ friend Trick Williams on the way to their rematch at Battleground. This feels like an epic showdown and that’s what it needs to be on this stage and at this level.

Here is Gallus for a chat. They aren’t happy about the other teams, such as Tony D’Angelo/Stacks and the Creed Brothers coming after the titles but here are the Creeds to interrupt. The Creeds waste no time in issuing the challenge but the match isn’t official. Instead the brawl is on, with Joe Coffey getting involved too. Stacks runs in to even things up and Gallus is cleared out.

Wes Lee isn’t sure what is going on around here and it feels like everyone is coming for the title. Maybe he should just stop letting people get close to him. Cue Tyler Bate to say they’re still friends but he has to worry about Eddy Thorpe tonight. Lee isn’t convinced.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Tyler Bate

Wes Lee is on commentary. Bate works on the wrist to start but Thorpe is back up with a headlock of his own. The technical off continues as Bate sweeps the leg for one and slides between the legs for an early standoff. A small package gives Bate two but a kick to the back cuts him off. Thorpe grabs a seated abdominal stretch but Bate powers up for the middle rope elbow to the face. The standing shooting star press gets two and Bate runs him over again, setting up the Tyler Driver 97 for the pin at 4:58.

Rating: C+. That’s a weird way to have Thorpe lose his first match as he had been getting a nice start to his NXT career. There is no shame in losing to Bate, but I wasn’t expecting Thorpe’s first loss to be so….basic I guess you would call it. The action was good though and that’s about all you needed to have here in such a short match.

Post match Joe Gacy comes in and takes out Bate and Lee, who can’t quite make a save.

Lyra Valkyria’s knee is bruised and swollen but she’s ready or Battleground. She wants Roxanne Perez in the finals because Perez is the best in NXT.

Noam Dar vs. Nathan Frazer

Non-title. Dar works on the wrist to start and is quickly reversed into a headlock. Back up and Frazer starts dodging anything Dar throws at him to increase the frustration. Frazer kicks him out to the floor, with Dar needing to be near the Heritage Cup, as we take a break. We come back with Dar breaking up a springboard to take over and stomp down on the arm.

Frazer is able to strike away, setting up an AJ Styles springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT. Dar tries to break up the springboard but Frazer head fakes him and hits a springboard ax handle. A swinging suplex gets two but a Phoenix splash misses. Dar’s ankle lock is broken up so he settles for kicking Frazer in the head. A cross armbreaker has Frazer in trouble until he stacks Dar up for two and the break.

Frazer gets two off a superkick and they chop it out. Dar hits a heck of a spinning elbow to the face for two as Dragon Lee comes out to admire the cup. The distraction sends Dar outside to check on said cup, allowing Frazer to hit a suicide dive. Back in and the Phoenix splash finishes for Frazer at 12:55.

Rating: B. Good back and forth stuff here with Dar being much more tolerable when he isn’t talking for days on end. Frazer is someone who can wrestle an exciting style and is always close enough to a win that it isn’t a stretch to see him get a pin. Now just give him something to do already.

Frazer and Lee admire the cup as Dar freaks out.

Ilja Dragunov is ready to hurt Dijak at Battleground. Cue Dijak and the fight is on, with the locker room having to split them up.

Carmelo Hayes returned to Boston and got to do a media tour for Battleground. It’s always cool to see a wrestler getting this kind of treatment.

Hank Walker vs. Tank Ledger

They’re partners/friends/opponents so they even come out together for a unique change. They go straight with the brawling to start with Ledger sending him into the corner. Something like a cartwheel splash gets two but Walker hits him in the face. Walker hits a splash in the corner and stereo crossbodies gives Walker the pin at 2:44.

Post match Bron Breakker runs in to spear them both down.

The Creeds thank Stacks for the help earlier. He offers to help them out at Battleground, but the Creeds have this. No offense taken, and Stacks/Tony D’Angelo can even have the first shot at the Creeds. Stacks seems pleased.

Here is Gigi Dolin for a chat. Dolin talks about coming from a broken home where there was a lot of addiction. She has trouble letting people in but she did it with Jacy Jayne, who turned on her. Jayne pops up to say she can’t stand any more of this emo talk. Jayne talks about how she carried Toxic Attraction but Dolin knows she is in Jayne’s head. That doesn’t work for Jayne, who brings up Dolin’s little brother. Dolin just points out the fact that they’re 1-1 but Jayne accuses her of pandering to her social media fan base. They can end this, but let’s do it inside a weaponized cage. The match, and more catty insults, are on.

Luca Crusifino promises legal recourse against Von Wagner tonight. That’s a bold threat.

Video on the Heritage Cup rules and Dragon Lee challenging Noam Dar.

Dar tries to get Oro Mensah’s help against Lee but that’s a no. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come in to laugh at Dar.

Luca Crusifino vs. Von Wagner

Mr. Stone is here with Wagner, who wastes no time in sending Luca outside. Back in and Luca avoids a charge in the corner and stomps away. A hiptoss neckbreaker gives Luca two and he sends Wagner outside. That lets Luca go after Stone, who has the picture of the baby in his pocket. That’s WAY too far for Wagner, who runs Luca over and hammers away in the ropes until it’s a DQ at 2:38.

Post match Wagner powerbombs Luca onto the announcers’ table, as Stone freaks out.

Tony D’Angelo is still being interrogated and this time, he gets arrested.

Women’s Title Tournament Semifinals: Tiffany Stratton vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez has to jump up to get a test of strength to start but Stratton spins around and gymnastics herself to a standoff. A sunset flip gives Perez two and she starts cranking on the arm. Stratton reverses into a wristlock of her own but gets anklescissored to the floor. Back in and Stratton pulls her off the top for a crash and we take a break.

We come back with Perez dropkicking her to the floor. Perez nails the suicide dive, followed by the suicide dive for a bonus. Back in and Stratton rolls through a high crossbody, only to miss the triple jump moonsault. Perez hammers away with right hands but Stratton hits a Sky High for two of her own. They go up top with Perez snapping off a super hurricanrana, followed by a Russian legsweep for two. We seem to pause for Stratton to adjust her top, allowing her to hit the Regal Roll. The Prettiest Moonsault Ever sends Stratton to Battleground at 9:41.

Rating: B-. This was the good match you would expect from two of the more talented women in NXT. Perez is probably the most decorated woman in the tournament so beating her is quite the prize in its own right for Stratton. Valkyria vs. Stratton might not be the most hyped up match, but it could go either way and that’s always a good feeling to have.

Battleground rundown.

Lyra Valkyria and Tiffany Stratton talk trash to each other….and the masked woman runs in to jump Roxanne Perez. The masked woman runs off before Valkyria can get to her.

Here is Dijak to sign the hold harmless papers for his match with Ilja Dragunov, only to be jumped by Dragunov. Dijak fights back and sends him into the barricade before signing. Dragunov fights back up and signs as well before kicking the stairs carrying Dijak down. Dragunov jumps onto him and poses on the steps to end the show.

Actually hang on as we get one more video on Battleground, complete with clips of various WWF/E shows in Lowell, Massachusetts over the years for a rather cool touch. They’re making it feel important so well done with putting together an awesome video.

Overall Rating: B. They brought the hard push towards Battleground here and that is what matters most. I’m a lot more interested in what happens at the show now than I was coming in so they have certainly done something right. There was also enough good wrestling here to make the two hours go by quickly, so now we should be in for a solid night on Sunday as NXT gets to hit the road again.

Lyra Valkyria b. Cora Jade – Spinning kick to the head
Dabba-Kato b. Axiom – Sitout chokebomb
Tyler Bate b. Eddy Thorpe – Tyler Driver 97
Nathan Frazer b. Noam Dar – Phoenix splash
Hank Walker b. Tank Ledger – Crossbody
Luca Crusifino b. Von Wagner via DQ when Wagner attacked in the ropes
Tiffany Stratton b. Roxanne Perez – Prettiest Moonsault Ever



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NXT – May 16, 2023: Please Don’t Be Normal

Date: May 16, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

Tournament time continues around here as we have more from the Women’s Title tournament, likely including the rest of the first round. Other than that, we are less than two weeks away from Battleground and there are a few more matches that need to be set. Throw in some more build towards Bron Breakker vs. Carmelo Hayes II and we should be in for a big night. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Cora Jade vs. Fallon Henley

Henley takes her down to start and slides to the floor for a right hand. Back in and Jade starts in on the leg, including crushing it on the ropes for one. Jade hits a running dropkick in the ropes as we see the locker room watching (with Duke Hudson grading papers on the side). Henley fights up but her knee is too banged up, allowing Jade to roll outside. Back in and a shot to the knee takes Henley down, allowing Jade to hit the double arm DDT for the pin at 5:07.

Rating: C. There wasn’t much time for this one but they managed to get in a quick story with the knee injury. I like Henley but there was no way she should have gone over here, as Jade has been treated as a much bigger deal for a long time now. What we got here worked well enough, but there just wasn’t enough time to really develop it.

Thea Hail and Kiana James argue a lot and a match is ready for later. Duke Hudson has to approve Hail for the match, and gives his ok without looking up.

The Dyad jumps Wes Lee and Tyler Bate. Joe Gacy says their relationship is based on lies and will fall apart. Can Gacy fall apart instead?

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams arrive in a very nice car and we follow them from the parking lot to the arena. Hayes said Williams defended his honor last week but after the match, Bron Breakker wanted to deliver a message. The tape on his ribs says message received, but Breakker needs to realize that this isn’t the same Hayes. They’re in his yard at Battleground and in his yard, they bite instead of bark.

They want him out here to fight right now, but get Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey (who they passed on the way into the arena) instead. They don’t like being disrespected and the WILLY WONKA chants don’t help things. The challenge is on and we seem to have a main event for later.

Ilja Dragunov interrupts Dijak and they promise to hurt each other.

Dani Palmer was attack at a live event by a masked woman (presumably the same woman who has been attacking various women for months).

Creed Brothers vs. Dyad

Julius and Fowler start things off with Julius powering him over. It’s off to Brutus with a top rope ax handle before both Dyads get passed around in a delayed vertical suplex. Fowler even gets passed back to Julius before finally being dropped for two. Reid comes back in and manages a Koji Clutch, with Fowler stomping away for a bonus. Julius finally spinebusters him down and we take a break.

Back with Julius fighting out of trouble again and diving over to Brutus (even as Fowler has Julius’ leg). Brutus knocks Fowler over hard for two before suplexing him/rolling up Reid at the same time for two each. A double clothesline leaves Fowler and Brutus down so Julius and Reid hit stereo 450s. The two of them slug it out until Reid reverses a powerbomb into a DDT. Ava goes after Ivy Nile on the floor and gets choked out, setting up the sliding forearm to finish Reid at 14:11.

Rating: B. It’s rather fascinating how much Joe Gacy’s presence makes my soul feel like it’s dying while Dyad can be a heck of a team when they can just get in the ring and do their thing. Other than that, Julius continues to feel like a stud and someone who could be a breakout star on his own at any time. This was a heck of an athletic display here and it made for a very enjoyable match, which I wasn’t quite expecting.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks were at dinner when Stacks had to go make a phone call. While he was gone, some cops arrived to take D’Angelo in for questioning about various criminal acts. Stacks comes back in, is told what happened, and makes another call as he leaves.

The Creeds want Gallus for the Tag Team Titles at Battleground.

Here is Noam Dar for a live Supernova Sessions. Dar says that his guest will not take the Heritage Cup from him and brings out Dragon Lee. Dar talks about training, but Lee says he has been trained since he was 14, including to be trained to respect his opponent. Lee wants the Heritage Cup but Dar mocks the idea of Lee even understanding the rules. Nathan Frazer comes out to say everyone wants to see Lee win the cup, so Lee issues the challenge for Battleground. Frazer says if Dar loses, maybe Alicia Fox will be interested. Oh and he can fight Dar next week in a regular match.

Dijak appears to have kidnapped and tortured Ilja Dragunov, who says he hasn’t had close to enough.

Jacy Jayne is annoyed about not getting to face Gigi Dolin in the tournament. She’ll have to beat up Roxanne Perez to blow off some steam instead.

Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes vs. Charlie Dempsey/Drew Gulak

Williams takes Dempsey down to start and it’s quickly off to Hayes for some armdrags to Gulak. A keylock has Hayes in trouble and it’s off to Dempsey to get taken down by the arm. Dempsey goes for a Boston crab but gets flipped away without much effort. Williams it back in with a jumping clothesline but gets taken down by the leg to put him in trouble. Dempsey can’t get a half crab as Williams kicks him in the head. There’s the tag off to Hayes to clean house as everything breaks down. A spinning kick to the face sets up Nothing But Net to give Hayes the pin on Dempsey at 6:33.

Rating: C+. Just a quick one here with Williams and Hayes showing that they are still fine after getting wrecked by Bron Breakker. I’m still a bit surprised by having Dempsey take the fall rather than Gulak, as Dempsey would seem to have quite the future ahead of him. Either way, this was about getting Williams and Hayes back up and it worked well enough.

Post match Hayes and Williams call out Bron Breakker again. Cue Breakker on the screen, and he’s at the barber shop.

Duke Hudson doesn’t remember giving Thea Hail permission to have a match but let’s go anyway.

Noam Dar runs into Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend. The latter talks about all of the talk shows around here and brings up Lashing Out. Please, I beg of you, ANYTHING but bringing that thing back.

Thea Hail vs. Kiana James

Duke Hudson, still grading papers, is here too. Hail rolls her up for two to start but gets elbowed in the face for her efforts. James is sent outside though and a dive finally gets Hudson’s attention. Back in and the waistlock goes on but Hail fights up and makes the comeback. Some suplexes set up a headbutt to James’ ribs, followed by a high crossbody for two. James shrugs it off and hits the 401K for the pin at 4:48.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have time to do anything and was mainly just there for James to get a win. Hail continues to be stuck in one place and little more than a piece in whatever is going on with Duke Hudson and Andre Chase. I could have gone with Hail getting in more offense here or even winning, but that doesn’t seem to be her thing most of the time.

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker run into Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen. Last week’s match made them closer, so Ledger wants to fight Walker next week. Walker eventually agrees.

Tyler Bate is hurt after the Schism attack, so Wes Lee is ready to go address this in the ring.

Video on Dabba-Kato, who isn’t happy with not being Drafted. Now he wants a title match.

Edris Enofe, Axiom, Malik Blade and Eddy Thorpe have varying degrees of worry about Kato.

Here is a ticked off Wes Lee for a chat. He’s sick of Joe Gacy and Schism, so if Gacy wants his title shot, come get it. Gacy, with Ava (still holding her neck) pops up on the platform to say he wants the North American Title. Ava says Tyler Bate is just using Lee so here is Bate in person. Bate says he wants a receipt on Gacy….and the title. Gacy mocks the idea and is told to shut up. Lee says let’s just make it a triple threat.

Roxanne Perez is ready to get the Women’s Title back and looks at pictures of everything that she has done so far. She still wants to get up to the main roster, but we’ll see how she gets there.

Von Wagner gets made at Javier Bernal for annoying Mr. Stone, who can’t believe Wagner stood up for him. Stone knows there is a superstar inside him….but is he ready to talk about the baby picture. Wagner: “Nice try.” WHY DOES STONE CARE ABOUT THE PICTURE SO MUCH???

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Jacy Jayne vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez goes for the arm to start and grabs a sunset flip for two. The armbarring continues but Jayne knocks her off the apron and we take a break. Back with Jayne grabbing a chinlock with a knee in the back to keep Perez in trouble. Perez fights up and hits a dropkick to the floor, setting up the suicide dive. A pump kick into a Russian legsweep gives Perez two but Jayne superkicks her into a discus forearm. Back up and Perez kicks her in the ribs, setting up Pop Rox for the pin at 9:06.

Rating: C+. As tends to be the case with tournaments, this one didn’t have a ton of drama given that the winner would face Tiffany Stratton. Perez is still incredibly smooth in the ring given her limited experience and it is quite impressive to see. Jayne is going to have to deal with Gigi Dolin at some point anyway, so Perez moving on to bigger things is the way to go.

Post match Tiffany Stratton comes out to stare at Perez. Cue Gigi Dolin to jump Jayne until they have to be held apart.

Dijak is still torturing Ilja Dragunov and insists that he will break him. Dragunov is still standing. Dijak seems to take this as a challenge.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams to call out Bron Breakker again. Cue Breakker, flanked by security, to mock both of them for the beatings he has given them. Hayes is ready to fight but Breakker says this is more about humiliating Hayes in his hometown at Battleground. Breakker insults Boston sports teams so Hayes flips onto the security. Williams brawls with security as Hayes and Breakker get inside, where Hayes his him low and gets in a belt shot (with the camera angle showing the belt not coming close) to end the show. Hayes had to get in something on Breakker after so many weeks of beatdowns.

Overall Rating: C. This was a weird show, as the action did have its moments (the Dyad vs. Creeds was rather good) and some stuff was set up for Battleground, but that doesn’t mean it worked altogether. The focus on people like Gacy and Noam Dar doesn’t exactly bode well around here and it made me want the show to end a lot faster than I usually do. The roster is still being shifted around after the Draft, but hopefully these weaker shows aren’t the new norm. NXT is better than this and while the show wasn’t bad, it had some really, really rough spots this week.

Cora Jade b. Fallon Henley – Double arm DDT
Creed Brothers b. Dyad – Sliding forearm to Reid
Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes b. Charlie Dempsey/Drew Gulak – Nothing But Net to Dempsey
Kiana James b. Thea Hail – 401K
Roxanne Perez b. Jacy Jayne – Pop Rox



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NXT – May 9, 2023: What Do We Do Now?

Date: May 9, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

Things are going to be different around here as the Draft took away so many big name NXT stars. That means some spots are going to have to be filled, but in addition we have Battleground coming up in less than three weeks. We’re going to be in for a heck of a balancing act, including the Women’s Title tournament. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with Indi Hartwell vacating the Women’s Title due to her main roster promotion last week. A tournament was announced and chaos ensued.

The eight participants in the tournament are in the aisle and we’re starting fast.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Tiffany Stratton vs. Gigi Dolin

Stratton gets a promo before the match, complaining about being in the tournament and saying she needs this like she needs a pair of fat jeans. A clothesline doesn’t work for Dolin as Stratton Matrixes away, only to have her arm kicked out. Dolin hits a Bronco Buster in the corner but misses a second, allowing Stratton to start in on Dolin’s bad shoulder.

Stratton takes her down by the arm for two but Dolin manages a whip into the corner for two. Stratton’s snapmare out of the corner sets up a missed…I’m not sure, but she’s fine enough to block the abdominal stretch bomb. A Regal Roll sets up the Prettiest Moonsault Ever to finish Dolin at 4:30.

Rating: C. Stratton has to be a favorite to win the title, or at least be in the final, so it makes sense to have her win here. Dolin isn’t about to win here, though I was a bit relieved that Jacy Jayne didn’t interfere here. Let Stratton get her win to start the tournament right, as she very well could be the next champion.

We have brackets for the tournament:

Tiffany Stratton
Jacy Jayne/Roxanne Perez

Lyra Valkyria
Kiana James

Fallon Henley
Cora Jade

The Dyad is ready for their Tag Team Title shot but Joe Gacy is following Ava’s advice: he won’t be at ringside.

Earlier today at the barber shop, Trick Williams says he’s ready for Bron Breakker, with Carmelo Hayes thanking him for standing up to Breakker last week. Williams is ready for tonight alone, which is cool with Hayes.

Tag Team Titles: Gallus vs. Dyad

Dyad, with Ava, is defending, so Joe Coffey is here with the champs to even it out. Gallus takes over on Reid’s arm to start but Fowler comes in for a clothesline to take over. It’s back to Mark, who gets kicked in the face, setting up an enziguri into a Downward Spiral for two.

We take a break and come back with Mark fighting up on Reid and bringing Wolfgang in to clean house. A double Rock Bottom gives Gallus two but Ava offers a distraction, allowing Reid to get in a DDT. Cue Ivy Mile to go after Ava, allowing Gallus to hit the big boot/flapjack combination to finish Fowler at 11:00.

Rating: C+. Fine enough match, but what matters is that the Dyad didn’t win the titles. maybe they tie this into Gacy not being there and we get a rematch later, but anything with less Schism is a good thing. The tag division isn’t exactly deep right now, but Tony D’Angelo and Stacks would be fine. As for this match, it was fine enough for a title defense, though not quite some instant classic.

Gallus is off to drink.

Thea Hail wished she was drafted but Javier Bernal comes in to mock her. Duke Hudson comes in to say that Hail did well on her exam. Bernal thinks Hudson has a big plan, but Hudson says not so fast. He almost calls it Duke University again before a match is made for later.

A hooded figure is watching the various women who have been attacked in recent months. No word on who it is, but having that turn into something would be a good idea.

Javier Bernal vs. Duke Hudson

Thea Hail is here with Hudson, who shoves Bernal out to the floor to start. Hudson gets in a slam back inside but Bernal knocks him down for a breather. The chinlock doesn’t work and some right hands to the head trigger Hudson Dukes Up, including a side slam. A Razor’s Edge finishes Bernal at 3:54.

Rating: C. Hudson has come a long way in just a few months and I’m curious to see where this whole thing goes. You could have a story of him trying to take down Chase U or he could be telling the truth. That makes things all the more interesting, and that’s more than I would have bet on with him.

Mr. Stone and Von Wagner talk about their favorite foods until Stone whips out the picture of a baby who appears to have undergone brain surgery from last week. Wagner doesn’t want to talk about it and beats up Luca Crusifino for asking about it.

The Creeds want the next Tag Team Title shot and Gallus seems ready to fight.

Damon Kemp vs. Eddy Thorpe

Kemp takes him down to start but Thorpe is back with a headlock takeover. Back up and Kemp runs him over, only to get elbowed in the face. Thorpe’s half crab sends Kemp over to the rope so it’s a German suplex to drop Kemp again. A jumping elbow drop finishes Kemp at 4:59.

Rating: C-. I wasn’t feeling this one as they weren’t exactly hitting on all cylinders out there. Thorpe winning is no surprise as he seems to be getting a strong start, though something other than a jumping elbow drop to finish people off might be advisable. Other than that, I’d still like to see more of Kemp, but this seems to be his ceiling for the time being.

Kiana James is ready for the hardest first round match in the Women’s Title tournament. She accomplishes her goals though and will do it again.

Bron Breakker says he hasn’t changed his attitude, but rather he just stopped caring. He carried the NXT flag for over a year and what did it get him? Tonight, he’s going to hurt Trick Williams and put him in the same hospital he put Carmelo Hayes in.

Dijak vs. Ilja Dragunov

Dragunov chops away to start so Dijak tells him to do it again. That’s not a good idea, as Dragunov chops him into the corner, setting up a middle rope knee drop. Dijak is fine enough to toss him off the top and out to the floor for the crash. Back in and Dragunov fights back up and slugs away, only to get caught with the Cyclone Boot for two. It’s time to grab a chair and after, after throwing the referee down, Dijak gets disqualified for using said chair on Dragunov at 4:23.

Rating: C+. I think you know one of the matches we’ll be seeing at Battleground now and I could certainly go for these two beating the fire out of each other in some kind of a stipulation match. Dijak is slowly starting to find himself again after such a long run of nothing and Dragunov works well with anyone. This is going to give us the ticked off Dragunov though, and that is just going to end in more violence.

Post match Dijak crushes Dragunov with the steps and stands on them for some choking.

Tyler Bate is meditating when Wes Lee comes in to thank him for the save last week. Lee says Bate is up next….and Bate wakes up from his meditation with no idea Lee was there. Everything is fine and he’s ready for his match.

Dani Palmer met Tank Ledger/Hank Walker and Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs. The teams agreed to a respectful match.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Tyler Bate

Drew Gulak and Wes Lee are here too. Bate slips out of a hold to start and snaps off a suplex, only to have to flip out of a Boston crab attempt. Back up and they hit heads, giving us a double knockdown. Bate is up first with an airplane spin, but here is Joe Gacy for an argument with Lee. A big dive drops Gacy and Gulak, with the diving Bate going back in to hit Bop and Bang on Dempsey. Not that it matters as Gacy gets in a cheap shot on Bate to knock him silly. Dempsey grabs a dragon suplex for the pin at 3:27.

Rating: C+. There are a few places to go with this one and I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends with Bate winning the title in a four way at Battleground. Bate has needed something more to do and while the meditation stuff is fine for him, some success would be even better. Dempsey as the evil wrestling machine works as well, and you can see a lot of the Villain in him.

Carmelo Hayes is on his way to help Trick Williams.

Noam Dar interrupts a Dragon Lee interview to invite him to be a guest on Supernova Sessions.

Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs vs. Hank Walker/Tank Ledger

Walker and Jensen brawl on the floor to start before some double teaming takes over on Briggs inside. Jensen comes in and gets shouldered down hard but it’s back to Briggs for a big boot. We pause for Ledger to spit out a tooth (he puts it in his singlet), followed by a Hart Attack to finish him off at 2:41.

Respect is shown post match.

Video on Lyra Valkyria.

Nathan Frazer talks about how international NXT has become but focuses on Noam Dar.

Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Kiana James vs. Lyra Valkyria

They trade rollups to start with neither getting very far. Another rollup gives Valkyria two but she gets sent hard into the corner. We take a break and come back with James crushing the ribs but Valkyria knocks her away. A middle rope dropkick puts James down and Valkyria sends her outside for a dive. Back in and a suplex gives Valkyria two but James’ powerbomb gets the same. Valkyria shrugs it off and hits a spinning kick to the face for the pin at 8:50.

Rating: C+. They were working hard enough here and I’m a bit surprised by the result. James has been more prominently featured than Valkyria, who has yet to really find herself in NXT. Going with her into the next round is a way to go and she’s more polished in the ring than James, but it was still somewhat surprising.

Gallus is drinking at the bar when Tony D’Angelo and Stacks interrupt, saying they want a title shot. Joe Coffey isn’t having that but threats are made. Gallus’ friends get up and D’Angelo/Stacks are smart enough to leave.

Bron Breakker vs. Trick Williams

They fight to the floor in a hurry, with Breakker having to suplex him onto the announcers’ table to stop an early flurry. Back in and Breakker puts on a seated abdominal stretch but Williams fights up with a dropkick. A jumping clothesline drops Breakker again and a Rock Bottom gives Williams two. Breakker has had it with this and spears him down, setting up the Recliner for the win at 6:15.

Rating: C+. What else were you expecting here? Breakker is a machine about to get a title shot against Williams’ best friend so of course he’s going to crush Williams here. There wasn’t much else that could have been done, though Williams gave it all he had. He deserves more credit than he gets, as he has turned a basic hype man spot into something pretty good.

Post match Breakker goes for him again but Carmelo Hayes comes in. Breakker spears him out of the air (that looked GREAT) and grabs the title to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Much like Raw, this show felt like a chance for the bosses to go “ok, what do we have now?” while running the tournament matches to fill in a lot of the space. What we got was good enough, but it felt like they were trying to fill it in as well as they could, which isn’t exactly easy given that they lost almost 20 names. Still though, good enough show, but they need to come up with something better to fill up the show.

Tiffany Stratton b. Gigi Dolin – Prettiest Moonsault Ever
Gallus b. Dyad – Flapjack/big boot combination to Fowler
Duke Hudson b. Javier Bernal – Razor’s Edge
Eddy Thorpe b. Damon Kemp – Jumping elbow drop
Ilja Dragunov b. Dijak via DQ when Dijak used a chair
Charlie Dempsey b. Tyler Bate – Dragon suplex
Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs b. Tank Ledger/Hank Walker – Hart Attack to Ledger
Lyra Valkyria b. Kiana James – Spinning kick to the face
Bron Breakker b. Trick Williams – Recliner



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NXT – April 25, 2023: There’s A Ball Pit!

Date: April 25, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s time for another special show with Spring Breakin, which features a pair of title matches. This time around we’ll see Indi Hartwell defend the Women’s Title against Roxanne Perez and Tiffany Stratton, plus Carmelo Hayes’ first NXT Title defense against Grayson Waller. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at the Spring Breakin picnic and yes, everyone is talking about tonight’s card instead of anything else. A good chunk of the roster is here doing picnicky things, including Javier Bernal acting like quite the moron.

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Pretty Deadly

Trunk match, meaning a casket match but with a car trunk, hence the name you see. The brawl starts on the floor with Pretty Deadly going for the weapons, as they probably should. They get inside where some knees to the face have Pretty Deadly in trouble, even going right back to the floor. The weapons don’t suit Pretty Deadly, who take the table to the back to get rid of it. The breather lets Stacks send them into a ball pit (because there’s a ball pit) as we take a break.

Back with the balls from said pit all over the floor and a football being kicked between Stacks’ legs. They get back inside with a roll of coins dropping Stacks and a chair hits D’Angelo in the back. Stacks gets dropped with Spilled Milk on the floor and taken to the back. With Stacks in the trunk, the other two go after D’Angelo, allowing Stacks to find a fire extinguisher for the big saving spray. A double slam through a table is enough for D’Angelo and Stacks to get the win at 12:40.

Rating: C+. Nice enough weapons match here and thankfully Pretty Deadly didn’t take another pin. That being said, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was it for them in NXT as they have nothing left to accomplish and the main roster could use a new team. Oh and the match had a ball pit, making it even better.

Tiffany Stratton is ready to win the Women’s Title.

Duke Hudson fires up Andre Chase to face Bron Breakker.

Andre Chase vs. Bron Breakker

Duke Hudson is here with Chase, who has to slip out of the gorilla press to start. That’s fine with Breakker, who sends him into the corner for the shoulders to the ribs. Breakker misses a charge into the post though and Chase gets in a few spelling stomps. The clothesline cuts Chase off rather quickly and the Recliner makes him tap at 2:18. Less of a squash than I was expecting but it did what it needed to do.

Video on Carmelo Hayes.

Dijak beats up Ilja Dragunov in the back, including crushing his ribs with a garage door.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade

Valkyria takes her into the corner to start and we take a break less than a minute in. Back with Jade cranking on both arms but Valkyria fights up with some kicks to the face. A suplex drops Jade and Valkyria kicks her out to the floor. Jade snaps her throat across the top and grabs the stick. The referee takes that away, only to have Jade get in a cheap shot. The DDT finishes Valkyria at 8:20.

Rating: C. This was the weekly “a lot of the match was in the break” match and it’s still very annoying. They had about four and a half minutes and a screwy finish, meaning their backs were quite against the wall to start. The action was good enough and Jade feels like she could be one of the next big things in the division, but she needs a better showcase than this.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks drive Pretty Deadly….somewhere.

NXT Title: Grayson Waller vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes, with Trick Williams, is defending. They trade rollups to start, with Hayes’ Crossface attempt sending Waller over to the rope. An early Fade Away attempt misses so Hayes tries another crossface, sending Waller to the ropes again. Waller gets in a chair shot to Williams on the floor though, with the distraction allowing him to drop Hayes.

We take a break and come back with Williams gone and Hayes having to escape a half crab. With that broken up, Hayes is able to hit the Fade Away but Waller knocks him down again. A double knockdown gives Waller two but Hayes is right back on Waller’s knee for a change. The springboard DDT gives Hayes two, though Waller bails to the corner to avoid Nothing But Net.

Back up and Waller blocks the Codebreaker, setting up a fireman’s carry sitout powerbomb for two. Waller Stuns him out of the air but Hayes rolls away before the cover. Instead, Waller takes him outside and puts him on the announcers’ table for a big drop through it and a near fall back inside. Back in and Hayes manages a quick Codebreaker, with Waller favoring his knee. A low superkick and Nothing But Net retains the title at 11:53.

Rating: B-. This was about what should have been expected, as Waller gave Hayes some trouble but Hayes picks up his first successful title defense. Waller is someone who has long since established himself as being able to bounce back from a loss without much trouble so he’ll be fine. Hayes has to be getting ready for the Breakker rematch though and this will boost him up for another match against the new big bad.

Post match Hayes grabs the mic and issues the challenge for the rematch with Bron Breakker at Battleground. Cue Breakker from behind to spear Hayes down. The returning Williams gets Reclined for a bonus. Another spear sends Hayes through part of the set, meaning a stretcher is needed.

Roxanne Perez has wanted to be a wrestler since she was a child so tonight, she wants the Women’s Title back. She’s doing this for every little girl who wants to feel safe.

We recap Brooks Jensen/Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley/Josh Briggs in the soap opera feud. This got a lot of time and was the majority of the feud.

Schism comes up to Joe Coffey to get the Dyad a Tag Team Title match. Joe Gacy will fight Coffey next week, with the title shot on the line.

Josh Briggs/Fallon Henley vs. Brooks Jensen/Kiana James,

Jensen doesn’t like Briggs powering him around to start and gets sent to the apron for his efforts. The fans want Fallon and that is who they get as James tags herself in. Henley hits a running clothesline but has to take out an interfering Jensen. James has to be saved by Jensen, who gets dropped by Briggs as we take a break.

Back with the guys forearming it out as Booker talks about pheromones. The women come back in with James running Henley over. It’s right back to Jensen, who can’t hit Henley, allowing Briggs to make a save. Briggs beats up Jensen until a spinwheel kick gets him out of trouble. A hard lariat to the back of Briggs’ head sets up a brainbuster for two so it’s time for the loaded bag. Jensen doesn’t want to use it and accidentally knocks James down, allowing Briggs to hit a lariat for the pin at 11:41.

Rating: C. I really could go for this being the end of the story as it doesn’t seem likely to have some big game changing ending. At the same time, the idea of Briggs vs. Jensen isn’t exactly thrilling so hopefully they just make up already. Henley falling for one of them wouldn’t be the biggest shock either, but for now they need to get on to something else.

Post match James walks out on Jensen, who puts his head on Briggs’ chest for quite the development.

Dragon Lee wants Noam Dar’s Heritage Cup.

Scrypts is ready to go after Axiom next week.

Oba Femi can throw things.

Video on Indi Hartwell, who is ready to show that she isn’t just a fluke.

Sol Ruca has been attacked by an unidentified assailant.

Oba Femi vs. Oro Mensah

Femi powers him into the corner to start and then throws him right back out. A right hand knocks Mensah off the top but he strikes away back inside. The springboard kick to the chest drops Femi for two and he blasts Mensah with a clothesline. A pop up powerbomb finishes Mensah at 3:37.

Rating: C. Rather effective debut here from Femi, who is going to be all about the power and it was on display. Femi is a big monster who can throw people around with relative each so putting him in there with a smaller guy like Mensah was the right way to go. I had fun with this and Femi could be treated as a force rather quickly if that’s what they want to try.

Gigi Dolin pops in on commentary and demands a match with Jacy Jayne. They can start it up again next week.

Drew Gulak is impressed with Wes Lee but is ready to take the North American Title from him next week.

Post break Tyler Bate offers to be in Wes Lee’s corner next week. Meditation is promised.

Women’s Title: Tiffany Stratton vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Indi Hartwell

Hartwell is defending. Stratton gets forearmed back and forth to start and we take a break about thirty seconds in (and yes, it’s still annoying). Back with Perez working on Stratton’s arm but having to kick Hartwell outside. Stratton escapes a headscissors without much trouble but gets slammed by Hartwell. Perez tries a springboard double wristdrag and….oh it goes badly, as Hartwell seems to forget to fall and Stratton kind of rolls over (it was like the other two forgot what they were doing, which should have just been a simple tumble).

They’re sent outside with Perez taking them down again, setting up a high crossbody for two on Hartwell back inside. Hartwell clotheslines Perez a few times but Stratton comes back in for the near fall. Stratton knocks them both outside for a Swanton onto the pair. We pause for Hartwell’s ankle to get checked so Stratton sends Perez into the corner. Stratton rolls through Perez’s high crossbody for two but Perez grabs a super hurricanrana for two of her own.

They slug it out until Perez grabs a Russian legsweep, only to have Hartwell come back in to drop both of them for two each. A spinebuster hits Stratton with Perez having to make the save. Stratton sends Hartwell outside and moonsaults Perez for two, with Hartwell making the save. Hartwell goes back in to hit the sliding forearm for the pin to retain at 15:18.

Rating: C. They were trying here but this was rough in spots, with Stratton and Perez having to work out something with Hartwell down and some not so smooth spots. Hartwell needed the win if she is going to be a longer term champion and pinning Perez is something that she had to do. Stratton and Perez will likely get the title back (assuming they don’t go to the main roster first) so boosting Hartwell now is fine enough.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks…seem to murder Pretty Deadly by throwing them in a river. They want the Tag Team Titles to end the show. Well that’s depressing. The murder, not the title desires.

Overall Rating: C+. This was pretty all over the place but you can see a pretty firm divide between the levels of talent. People like Hayes, Breakker and Pretty Deadly (maybe one or two others) just felt more polished than the rest of the wrestlers here and there isn’t much of a way around that. The title match was good and the trunk match worked well enough, though the rest of the card was a bit weak. Nice enough show, but nothing you need to see.

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Pretty Deadly – Pretty Deadly was thrown into the car trunk
Bron Breakker b. Andre Chase – Recliner
Carmelo Hayes b. Grayson Waller – Nothing But Net
Josh Briggs/Fallon Henley b. Brooks Jensen/Kiana James – Lariat to Jensen
Oba Femi b. Oro Mensah – Pop up powerbomb
Indi Hartwell b. Tiffany Stratton and Roxanne Perez – Sliding forearm to Perez



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NXT – April 18, 2023: Get Ready For Breakin

Date: April 18, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

Things got a little more interesting last week as Grayson Waller became the new #1 contender to the NXT Title and Bron Breakker seemed to target Chase U. Those are both new directions and I’m curious to see where they go from here. Other than that, the Women’s Title situation could get more complicated so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap….is broken up by a three way brawl between the Dyad, the Creeds and Gallus, who are scheduled to face off for the Tag Team Titles. That’s a new one and I got a bit confused by what they were doing (in a good way).

Tag Team Titles: Gallus vs. Dyad vs. Creed Brothers

Gallus is defending, the rest of the groups are here too and it’s a brawl to start with the Dyad taking over. That doesn’t last long as Gallus is right back, only to have Julius snap off some suplex. Julius moonsaults onto Reid and manages a heck of a powerbomb but a string of shots to the face gives Reid two. Mark sends Julius flying for two and we take a break.

Back with a three way knockdown and a triple tag bringing in Brutus, Fowler and Wolfgang, with Brutus getting to clean house. The Dyad breaks up a double team from Gallus and we get a Dyad vs. Creed showdown. Something like Aussie Open’s Coriolis hits Brutus but Ava offers a distraction. Reid is knocked off the top into Ivy Nile as the Brutus Bomb hits Fowler. With that broken up, Gallus’ running boot/flapjack combination retains the titles at 13:09.

Rating: B-. It was a hot start to the show and that is the right way to go. I liked the whole interrupting the normal video to start, just to add in some rarely used flavor. Other than that, the match was pretty much nonstop action and that is how you get a show going. Gallus is running through the division though and I’m not sure who is supposed to take the belts from them at the moment.

Dijak is mad about Ilja Dragunov and runs into Apollo Crews, setting up a match tonight.

Nathan Frazer has a new talk show segment called Hard Hitting Home Truths, where he talks about how talented the roster is around here. Frazer talks about how he is going to keep going fast to keep from getting down because unhappiness can’t catch you. This was an odd choice but sure why not.

Myles Borne vs. Noam Dar

Dar’s Heritage Cup isn’t on the line. Dar kicks the leg out to start but Borne drives him into the corner to hammer away. Borne gets hung over the ropes and kicked in the face but he fights up with some dropkicks. Dar hits a spinning elbow to the face though and the Nova Roller (running kick to the face) finishes Borne at 2:45.

Roxanne Perez is ready to go through Zoey Stark tonight on her way back to the Women’s Title.

Kiana James isn’t willing to help Josh Briggs after everything that has happened. Briggs still wants help talking to Brooks Jensen, who comes in, looking like he’s auditioning for Pretty Deadly. He doesn’t want to talk to Briggs because Jensen is a man instead of a boy. Jensen tells him to leave.

Odyssey Jones comes out for a match but gets jumped by Bron Breakker. After getting rid of Jones, Breakker talks about how he had to take out Chase U last week but here is Duke Hudson to say not so fast. Breakker isn’t going to badmouth Chase U and get away with it so they can fight at Spring Breakin. Hudson cuts him off to say Breakker is going to face the beating heart of Chase U. Breakker promises to wreck all of Chase U.

Cora Jade gets cut off by Gigi Dolin, who thinks Jade is channeling her anger. A match is made for later.

Pretty Deadly is happy with attacking Tony D’Angelo and Stacks and an anything goes match seems likely for next week.

Roxanne Perez vs. Zoey Stark

Stark works on the arm to start but Perez slips out and we have a standoff. Perez takes her into an armbar and cranks away, setting up a headlock for a change of pace. A headlock takeover out of the corner has Stark even more annoyed but she slips out and kicks Perez in the ribs. Back up and Perez is sent outside, where she cuts off a dive and drops Perez on the apron.

We take a break and come back with Perez being catapulted into the corner, setting up the cravate. Another catapult is countered into a middle rope Thesz press but Stark rolls through a high crossbody for two. Pop Rox is blocked and a half and half suplex drops Perez for two more. The Z360 is countered though and Pop Rox out of the corner gives Perez the pin at 11:08.

Rating: C+. This is where Perez shines, as she fought from behind and came back to win in a nice match. Perez is small enough to be the plucky underdog and she pulled it off well here. On the other hand you have Stark, who is great as a villain to be slayed and it worked out for both of them as a result. Good match here, with Perez getting closer to her title rematch.

Post match here is Indi Hartwell to say she’s a fighting champion so next week, Perez can have her title shot. Perez is of course game but here is Tiffany Stratton to be all annoyed. Stratton says another beatable opponent is getting a title shot but Perez brings up beating her in the Breakout Tournament. Hartwell is up for a triple threat.

Grayson Waller says he’s here because the Johnny Gargano match was unsanctioned and didn’t count. Now for the NXT Title!

Von Wagner convinces Mr. Stone to stick around because he’s the son of a Beverly Brother and ready to go. Why does WWE insist on trying over and over with Wagner? Am I missing something?

Dani Palmer will be here soon.

Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolin

Cora works on a wristlock to start but gets kicked in the arm to cut her off. A running hip attack drops Dolin for two but she knees Jade in the face. Jade’s running knee is cut off but here is Jacy Jayne for a distraction. Dolin isn’t having that and sends Jayne into the steps, as well as Booker T., with the distraction letting Jade hit a DDT for the pin at 3:49.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere and was more about Jayne vs. Dolin than anything else. The feud is likely continuing and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a rematch in the next week or two. Dolin feels like someone who NXT wants to push but won’t pull the trigger on, though that might have been more due to Jayne’s injury.

Post match Lyra Valkyria comes out to say she’s facing Jade next week.

Eddy Thorpe is ready to succeed and overcome the Native American stereotypes. Damon Kemp comes in and doesn’t seem impressed.

Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs aren’t cool with Kiana James and Brooks Jensen, who come in to interrupt. Briggs wants to make amends but the challenge for a mixed tag is thrown out. Henley is absolutely in.

Dijak vs. Apollo Crews

Dijak grabs a headlock to start as Booker says time is running out on Crews’ chances. Crews’ headlock goes on before he picks up the pace, setting up a nice dropkick. Dijak manages to send him to the apron though and a hard shot knocks Crews into the announcers’ table as we take a break. Back with Crews hitting a top rope shot to the head but the discus boot gives Dijak two. Crews kicks him down but the standing moonsault is countered into Hard Justice for….two in a nice finish. Feast Your Eyes finishes Crews at 9:52.

Rating: B-. It’s nice to see Dijak getting a nice win as he is starting to feel a bit more like his old self. Dijak felt like someone who should have been a bigger deal in the new NXT but hasn’t quite hit that same level, or really even approached it. Maybe this is a nice step forward, but the lack of consistency gives me pause.

Post match Dijak goes after Crews again but Ilja Dragunov makes the save. The two have to be held apart.

Jacy Jayne can’t stand Gigi Dolin and talks about how Dolin left her seven year old brother to deal with their abusive mother.

North American Title: Charlie Dempsey vs. Wes Lee

Dempsey, with Drew Gulak, is defending and Gulak gets in a cheap shot before the bell. Dempsey gets in a fast two and rolls Lee up for two more. Lee is fine enough to send him outside for the big flip dive and we take a break. Back with Dempsey working on an armbar but Lee gets up for the slugout.

A dropkick to the back of the head sends Dempsey into the corner but he comes out with a dragon screw legwhip. Dempsey’s bridging German suplex gets two, only to have Lee kick his way out of trouble. After kicking Gulak off the apron, Lee hits the Cardiac Kick to retain at 8:35.

Rating: C+. The break didn’t do this any favors but I can go with more of Dempsey getting to torture someone. That is something that works no matter what era of wrestling you’re in and that was true again here. At the same time you have Lee, who is on the roll of a career at this point and we could be in for even more awesome title defenses going forward.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks are ready for Pretty Deadly and they’ll make it a trunk match.

Oba Femi is coming and can throw stuff, like furniture.

Here’s what’s coming next week, including Bron Breakker vs. Andre Chase instead of Duke Hudson.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect with Waller promising to win the NXT Title next week. That brings him to his guests: NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams. Waller talks about what a star he has been without a title, so imagine what he’ll be with one. We get a viewer question asking what the “him” thing means for Hayes. Williams doesn’t like it but Hayes says they keep chanting his name, so what does that tell you?

Waller suggests that Hayes is nothing without Williams but Hayes isn’t going to fall for it. They insult each other for how horrible they would be on the main roster until Waller promises to win the title. The staredown ends the show. This wasn’t great, but it isn’t meant to be some kind of major title showdown. Instead, it’s about Hayes getting his first title defense out of the way and Waller is just dangerous enough to feel like a threat.

Overall Rating: B-. Another solid show from NXT and the best thing is that they have been building up towards the important show next week. Granted a lot of the card was built up in the span of one night, but at least they did get it together. Spring Breakin is not going to be the biggest card ever, but it is going to feel bigger than a regular show. For now though, they’re coming in to the show on something of a roll so there is a lot of potential next week.

Gallus b. Dyad and Creed Brothers – Running boot/flapjack combination to Brutus
Noam Dar b. Myles Borne – Nova Roller
Roxanne Perez b. Zoey Stark – Pop Rox
Cora Jade b. Gigi Dolin – DDT
Wes Lee b. Charlie Dempsey – Cardiac Kick



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NXT – April 11, 2023: He’ll Do Nicely

Date: April 11, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

With no major special events in sight, it is time to start getting ready for the next big TV show. That would be two weeks away with Spring Breakin, which is going to need a main event. This week will see a four way match for the #1 contendership, with participants to be announced. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams to get things going. Hayes wants to talk about Bron Breakker turning on him last week. There was no passing of the torch because Hayes took it. Hayes and Breakker are going to be facing off for a long time and Stand & Deliver was just a chapter in a long story. Tonight, Hayes is flexing his championship muscle and inviting Breakker into the four way #1 contenders match. That means he’s telling, not asking.

Cue Dragon Lee to interrupt, saying that Hayes is talented but he’s coming for the title. Hayes welcomes him to NXT and says never interrupt the champ. Lee gets a pass because he’s new around here, but here is JD McDonagh to interrupt. McDonagh promises to win the match and the title, but Hayes makes a leprechaun joke. Now it’s Grayson Waller, who says there are some stupid people here. Hayes says there are a lot of them’s but one him. This was your “hi, I want a title match” opening segment.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley argue again. Brooks Jensen is nowhere to be found.

Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer were making a TikTok video in the parking lot when Tiffany Stratton interrupted. Tiffany was NOT happy about them being in her space but left in a huff.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn vs. Fallon Henley/Kiana James

Henley/James, with Josh Briggs, are challenging. James jumps Dawn to start and the fight is on fast. It’s off to Henley, who gets tripped down and forearmed by Fyre. We see Brooks Jensen arriving as Henley jawbreaks her way to freedom and brings James back in. The champs are cleared out and we take a break.

Back with James in trouble but managing a belly to back suplex to Fyre. Henley gets the tag and trades kicks with Dawn for a double knockdown. Cue Jensen to try to bring in the loaded purse but the referee ejects him as Henley tells him to get out. Jensen shoves Briggs down and carries James off, leaving Dawn to get Backstabbered and Swantoned to retained the titles at 10:05

Rating: C. Henley and James have been bickering for months now and they are still doing just that. There is only so much that you can get out of that idea and we might be reaching that point. At the same time, Dawn and Fyre are looking like fairly good champions, even if there isn’t much to compare them to. Just get on with the Henley/James stuff already so everyone can move on to something else.

Video on Noam Dar and the Heritage Cup.

It’s time to present the Chase University MVP Award to Duke Hudson. After a speech from Andre Chase about Hudson saving the day, Hudson seems mostly grateful and does his own spelling chant. Cue Bron Breakker to interrupt, saying everyone wants to hear from him. Breakker doesn’t care that he is being rude, but he has realized that the title is a curse.

He doesn’t need the approval of these scumbags any longer, but for tonight, Hudson should be in the #1 contenders match. Breakker goes to leave, only to turn around and spear Chase in half. The Chase U flag is ripped in half. This didn’t feel like the start of a feud and it shouldn’t be.

Gigi Dolin is at her childhood home, which looks less than inviting. She talks about how she wanted to be loved and escape from this place. Jacy Jayne knew that and then attacked her anyway, but she will never break Dolin’s spirit.

Earlier this week, as shown by NXT Anonymous, Tony D’Angelo and Stacks attacked Pretty Deadly.

Javier Bernal vs. Eddy Thorpe

They go to the mat to start with Thorpe getting the better of things and hitting a crossbody. Cue Damon Kemp to watch as Bernal sends Thorpe outside. Back in and a suplex sets up a Boston crab on Thorpe, who slips out rather quickly. Thorpe’s double underhook swinging suplex finishes Bernal at 3:36.

Rating: C. This was little more than a way to get Thorpe some more exposure as he continues his start. Beating up a goon like Bernal is a fine way to go as the fans will react to it enough and Thorpe can get something out of it. Thorpe has potential, but he has to get some wins before that potential can start to be realized. These matches might not be great, but they’ll be helpful for him on the way up.

Gallus interrupted Tank Ledger’s photo shoot but as interrupted by Schism. The Dyad want a Tag Team Title shot.

Scrypts is ready to expose Axiom.

Sol Ruca vs. Tiffany Stratton

Stratton takes her down by the wrist to start before they take turns flipping over each other. Ruca actually falls for a handshake and is quickly taken down for a standing moonsault. The armbar keeps Ruca down but she fights up with some running shoulders. A flipping corner clothesline and a powerslam give Ruca two, with Stratton bailing to the floor. Ruca’s dive is cut off with a kick to the arm, setting up a Regal Roll. The moonsault gives Stratton the pin at 5:30.

Rating: C+. The athleticism was on display here but Ruca didn’t get to show nearly what she can do. That’s the right play in a match like this though, as this was about making Stratton look like a star. The flips looked great with that moonsault to finish being a thing of beauty. Stratton very well could be the next breakout star in the division so there is no reason to have her lose here.

Duke Hudson is fired up about bringing gold to Chase U.

The Creed Brothers want Gallus for the Tag Team Titles next week. With them gone, Tiffany Stratton comes in to say Indi Hartwell is scared.

Here is Cora Jade for a chat. Jade talks about how it is time to start humbling some people. Zoey Stark can do a lot of impressive things in the ring, but she’ll never be champion. Roxanne Perez is only famous for Jade turning on her and how long is she using what happened to her as a crutch? Gigi Dolin was close to winning the title but that title says Cora Jade.

Then there’s Tiffany Stratton, who has the tools but Jade runs this place. Lyra Valkyria is fearless but she should fear Jade. Finally there is Indi Hartwell, who isn’t in a fairy tale but rather Jade’s NXT. Cue Valkyria to interrupt and accuse Jade of being jealous. The fight is on and Jade bails fast. This was a weird mixture of compliments and insults but Jade seems to have a next opponent lined up.

Wes Lee is interrupted by Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak, who wonder how he would handle being tied up on the mat. Lee more or less says bring it and leaves.

Von Wagner vs. Ilja Dragunov

If Wagner loses, Mr. Stone (ringside) is done with him. Wagner jumps him to start as Booker compares Wagner to Shaquille O’Neal. Dragunov is back up with the Constantine Special and a suplex to drop Wagner again. Wagner gets in a slam off the top but Dragunov kicks him in the head to take over again. The Torpedo finishes for Dragunov at 3:23.

Rating: C+. That’s exactly what it needed to be, as there was no reason to believe that Wagner was going to be a threat to Dragunov. After months of Wagner losing every big match he had, he wasn’t going to beat a star like Dragunov for the sake of keeping his manager. This was more a matter of necessity to split up Wagner and Stone and if I get to watch Dragunov wreck someone, so be it.

Stone walks away from Wagner. Cue Dijak to stare Dragunov down and threaten violence.

Hank Walker gives Tank Ledger a pep talk.

Tank Ledger vs. Joe Coffey

The rest of Gallus is here too. Ledger shoves him down to start but Coffey is right back in with an armbar. That’s broken up and Ledger hits a splash but what looks to be an Alabama Slam is broken up. They head outside with Coffey sending him into the steps, followed by All The Best For The Bells back inside. A second one finishes Ledger off at 4:25.

Rating: C. Much like Dragunov vs. Wagner, this wasn’t about drama as Ledger wasn’t going to win here, save for a very surprising upset. Coffey hasn’t been around for a good while and needed a win, but this wasn’t entirely dominant. Ledger got in a few shots here and showed some potential, but it isn’t close to his time yet.

Post match the Creed Brothers and Schism comes in to fight.

Roxanne Perez comes up to Tony D’Angelo and Stacks to say they’ll all win titles. Then Zoey Stark comes in to mock Perez, resulting in a match for next week. With Perez gone, Pretty Deadly jumps D’Angelo and Stacks.

Grayson Waller vs. Duke Hudson vs. JD McDonagh vs. Dragon Lee

The winner gets a title shot in two weeks. Hudson gets knocked to the floor to start, leaving Waller to take over inside. Back in and Hudson suplexes McDonagh and Waller at the same time but Lee low bridges him to the floor. The big flip dive drops Hudson again and McDonagh Asai moonsaults onto Lee. Waller’s rolling Stunner hits Hudson but he gets dropped as well. Everyone is down as we take a break.

Back with Lee hitting a bunch of dropkicks in the corner but Waller cuts him off. Hudson is back up to clean house, including a bionic elbow on Waller. A slingshot German suplex gets two on Lee but McDonagh hits Hudson with a poisonrana. Lee makes the save with a top rope double stomp, followed by another to bring McDonagh out of the corner. There’s the suicide dive onto Hudson and a running shot to McDonagh’s face for two. Lee powerbombs Hudson but Waller hits the rolling Stunner to steal the pin and the title shot at 12:45.

Rating: B. This was the all action match that you would expect here with a bit of a surprise result. Waller winning is an interesting way to go as he is the most established of the four stars but he just lost a huge match at Stand & Deliver. He’ll do for a first challenger for Hayes though and it came after a pretty great match. The four of them kept moving almost entirely throughout and Waller stealing the win suits him perfectly. Very good main event and the best thing on the show.

Waller drinks from a shoe and gets stared down by Carmelo Hayes to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Solid show here with matches that kept stories moving and got some people into new spots. What matters here is setting up a bigger show with Spring Breakin and they got the main event ready here. The rest of the card can be set up next week, but for now we had some stuff going on and a good main event. That’s a nice use of two hours, as tends to be the case for NXT.

Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn b. Fallon Henley/Kiana James – Swanton to Henley
Eddy Thorpe b. Javier Bernal – Swinging double underhook suplex
Tiffany Stratton b. Sol Ruca – Moonsault
Ilja Dragunov b. Von Wagner – Torpedo
Joe Coffey b. Tank Ledger – All The Best For The Bells
Grayson Waller b. Dragon Lee, Duke Hudson and JD McDonagh – Powerbomb to Hudson



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NXT – April 4, 2023: The Saving Grace

Date: April 4, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with Stand & Deliver and quite a few things have changed. We had a pair of title changes, with the biggest being Carmelo Hayes taking the NXT Title from Bron Breakker. That should make for some interesting futures for multiple people around here so let’s get to it.

Here is Stand & Deliver if you need a recap.

We open with a long Stand & Deliver recap.

Here is new NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell to get things going. She can’t believe she’s finally champion and thanks the fans for having her back. Hartwell talks about going from nothing to something and then falling right back down but the fans never gave up on her. She wants Roxanne Perez to have the first title shot but here is Zoey Stark to interrupt. Stark hasn’t heard anything from Perez so Hartwell should give Stark the title shot instead. Hartwell says it’s on.

Yesterday at the airport, Axiom interrupted Wes Lee and again asks for a one on one title match. Sure.

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Pretty Deadly

Stacks rolls Wilson up to start and hits a springboard forearm to take him down. D’Angelo comes in with a knee lift and a yell to Wilson as everything breaks down. Stacks gets sent into Wilson in the corner but a non-tag allows Wilson to come back in and take over on Stacks in the corner.

Prince comes in off a tag and sends Stacks into the corner again for two but it’s right back to D’Angelo. House is cleaned but Pretty Deadly changes places under the ring skirt. The distraction is enough for D’Angelo to be sent into an exposed buckle to give Prince the cheating pin at 7:08.

Rating: C+. That’s all it needed to be as Pretty Deadly gets to keep their roll going and D’Angelo and Stacks get to save some face due to the cheating. Pretty Deadly is one of those teams who work very well with everything they’re doing and have figured out exactly how to do everything they’re doing. That’s a hard trick to pull off and they’ve made it work so well.

Jacy Jayne laughs at the idea of Gigi Dolin winning the Women’s Title.

Odyssey Jones vs. Dijak

Dijak gets crushed in the corner to start as Jones uses the size advantage. With that not working, Jones heads up top but gets kicked in the head, allowing Dijak to hit a Death Valley Driver for two. The top rope moonsault finishes Jones at 2:47. The moonsault looked good.

Post match Dijak says he’s mad.

Video on Dragon Lee.

Gallus says this is their kingdom.

Nathan Frazer vs. Dragon Lee

Before the match, here is the returning Noam Dar with the NXT UK Heritage Cup. Dar talks about how he is back after months away and brags about how awesome the Cup is. Feeling out process to start with Frazer’s headlock not working so well. They flip to an early standoff and we take a break.

Back with Frazer being sent into the corner. Frazer fights out but gets caught again, with Lee hitting the top rope double stomp. Back up and Frazer kicks him down, setting up a Phoenix splash for two. Lee catches a charging Frazer in a sitout powerbomb for two more, followed by a running knee to finish Frazer at 10:10.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of match that lets both of them shine as they have the talent to go in a slightly longer than usual sprint. These two were trading their big spots and moves until Lee won to establish himself a little bit around here. Frazer might never be a star in NXT, but he is going to have a job for a long time by making people look good in competitive matches.

Chase U is pleased with the win at Stand & Deliver, with Andre Chase thanking Tyler Bate. Duke Hudson asks about his credit when Chase reminds Hudson that he doesn’t like awards. Hudson gets up and talks about everything he did, so Chase says next week, Hudson is getting the MVP trophy!

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are ready to defend their Tag Team Titles against all comers. Drinking ensues.

Wes Lee is proud of what happened on Saturday and calls it the proudest match of his life. He knew he picked the right guys, but there is still Axiom to deal with tonight.

Women’s Title: Zoey Stark vs. Indi Hartwell

Hartwell is defending and slips away to start. Stark hits a running kick for two and gives us a stunned kickout look face. Hartwell gets sent into the corner but comes out with a hard right hand for two. Another hard shot puts Hartwell down though and we take a break. Back with Hartwell fighting out of the cravate but getting taken down with a clothesline for two. Hartwell makes a quick comeback and hits a top rope elbow for two. The spinebuster gets the same but Stark is back with the flipping knee to the face, which sends Hartwell outside. Back in and Stark covers for two but Hartwell rolls her into a cradle for the pin at 10:38.

Rating: C. I’m still not wild on Hartwell winning the title after being so miserable for so long, but at least she picked up the pace a bit here. Giving her a win over someone like Stark does at least help reestablish her without going too far over a big time challenger. Not a bad match, but like most of Hartwell and Starks’ stuff, it was just kind of there.

Post match Tiffany Stratton comes out to stare at Hartwell but Cora Jade comes in to jump Hartwell and say the title is hers. Stratton isn’t impressed.

Brooks Jensen begs Kiana James for forgiveness when Fallon Henley comes in to say James is cheating on her. James says she was dating around and playing the field. Then they had their first kiss and it was special. James leaves and Henley/Josh Briggs say James is trying to make him the bad guy. Jensen yells at them to stay out of his relationship.

Commentary acknowledges the passing of Bushwhacker Butch.

Cora Jade is leaving when Lyra Valkyria pops in to threaten her about trying to run away from fate.

Tatum Paxley vs. Ivy Nile

Nile goes right after her to start but Paxley knocks her into a headlock on the mat. Back up and Nile unloads in the corner, setting up something like a spinning Big Ending. A spinebuster lets Nile hammer away some more, followed by the Diamond Chain Lock to make Paxley tap at 4:24.

Rating: C-. This is what it needed to be, as Nile, the much more polished star, gets to run over Paxley to end their feud (at least in theory) and move on to something else. There was no reason to believe that Paxley was a threat to Nile and they didn’t bother trying to make her one. The match was little more than a squash and it went as it should have.

Ilja Dragunov is disappointed in losing at Stand & Deliver but promises to come back. Von Wagner comes in to challenge him but Mr. Stone pops up. Stone will get him the match for next week, but if Wagner loses, they’re done. Thank goodness, as this story has been on repeat for weeks.

North American Title: Wes Lee vs. Axiom

Lee is defending. They go with the grappling to start and Axiom gets a rollup for two. A test of strength goes to the mat with Axiom getting the better of things, setting up a springboard armdrag. Lee is sent outside and gets dropped by a dive, only to pop back up with a knockdown of his own as we take a break.

Back with the two of them slugging it out until Lee takes him down for a basement dropkick. A rolling double stomp gives Lee two but he has to fight out of Axiom’s choke. Axiom grabs a small package for two and knocks Lee back. The Golden Ratio misses though and Lee hits the Cardiac Kick for the pin at 10:38.

Rating: B-. Much like the Frazer vs. Lee match, this was something that was going to work well just due to the people involved. Let them go out there and have an entertaining match because they’re both skilled and work well together. Other than that, it should put an end to Axiom coming for the title, which could open the door for someone interesting to come after Lee.

Post match Lee shows respect and leaves. Cue Scrypts to jump Axiom but he gets dropped with a quick kick. Axiom says he’s going to expose Scrypts.

Nathan Frazer is upset by a tough loss but seems to have an epiphany about what he needs to change.

Coming to NXT: Tank Ledger, Dani Palmer and Oba Femi. They’re all regulars on NXT LVL Up.

Here are Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes for the big championship celebration. Hayes brags about his accomplishments and Williams declares it the HIM Era. Hayes says he’s a great champion but he has to give Bron Breakker his credit too. If Breakker is back there, Hayes would like him to come to the ring, so here he is. Things are fine here and Hayes thanks Breakker for the show of respect after the title change. On behalf of Hayes and everyone in NXT, thank you.

Breakker says every champion loses to the new guy and it was his job to pass the torch to the new man. That’s why he did what he did, just like Tommaso Ciampa did to him. Breakker tells the crowd to show respect for the new champion and goes to leave but Hayes stops him for a handshake….and then Breakker turns on both of them and lays them out. The fans chant ONE MORE TIME to end the show. If Breakker is staying in NXT, he had to do this.

Overall Rating: B-. Unlike Raw, this felt like a show that was coming off a big event and actually did something. You had promises of debuts, a big turn in the end, and some nice action throughout. This came off like a show that was planned in advance and I’ll take that over things being made up on the fly. Pretty solid effort this week, and as usual, they set things up for the future, which is so important yet not done nearly often enough elsewhere. As usual, NXT is dependable and that’s great to see.

Pretty Deadly b. Tony D’Angelo/Stacks – Ram into exposed turnbuckle
Dijak b. Odyssey Jones – Moonsault
Dragon Lee b. Nathan Frazer – Running knee
Indi Hartwell b. Zoey Stark – Rollup
Ivy Nile b. Tatum Paxley – Diamond Chain Lock
Wes Lee b. Axiom – Cardiac Kick



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