Tagged: Cena

WWE.Com’s History Of The WWE Title 4

WWE.Com’s History Of The WWE Title

http://www.wwe.com/classics/history-wwe-championship-26092271 This was posted after the new title was unveiled.  There’s some cool history stuff in there.  Unfortunately it’s a slide show rather than a full on history of the championship.  It would be...

Wrestlemania Sequels 8

Wrestlemania Sequels

As we approach Wrestlemania, it’s pretty clear that the show is going to have at least two major matches that we’ve seen in the last year: Rock vs. Cena II and Lesnar vs. HHH...

Smackdown Main Event Scene 8

Smackdown Main Event Scene

This occurred to me earlier today when I was talking about Ziggler in the Rumble.  think about the Smackdown title picture right now.  It’s STACKED.