Monday Night Raw – March 23, 2020: Change Of Scenery

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 23, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

We’re almost to Wrestlemania, assuming the whole city of Orlando isn’t shut down in the first place. We have a lot of the Wrestlemania card already set, including two bonus matches with the Street Profits defending against Andrade and Angel Garza, plus Aleister Black vs. Bobby Lashley. Yeah I don’t get it either. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Paul Heyman joins us to start, talking about how Brock Lesnar has run through everyone he has fought over the years. We see clips of Drew McIntyre’s rise since winning the Royal Rumble, with promises to become the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Champion.

Heyman and Lesnar are in the ring (with the camera now looking at the Titantron for a change), with Heyman talking about how McIntyre can train all he wants. He can get in great shape and spar with mixed martial artists, but he can’t beat Lesnar at Wrestlemania. McIntyre can pray all he wants but God is going to give him a busy signal on this one. Instead, Lesnar will answer his prayers to make it quick, but not painless. At Wrestlemania, McIntyre is another victim, just like everyone else.

We look back at last week’s Undertaker/AJ Styles contract signing.

From Royal Rumble 2015.

WWE World Title: John Cena vs. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar

Rating: A. Good grief what a battle. This was the night where Rollins became a star and people knew that he was going to be champion soon. Cena put in his normal amazing performance here as well, but good night Brock looked like a monster. This is the beast that WWE wanted to build up for someone to take down and it worked perfectly here. Just outstanding action here with all three looking like they had been through a war. This was the instant match of the year leader and it would take something special to knock it off.

We look at Undertaker vs. AJ Styles again.

Post break, we look at it for a third time. I think we get the concept now.

Here are AJ and the OC for a chat. The show has grown so much that it needs another night, just like Michelle McCool has gotten out of control. Last week, Undertaker came out here in those stretchy pants that you wear when you’re pregnant. It was like this Gothic version of the Tiger King (AJ: “That’s a sweet burn! Trust me on that one!”). AJ talks about Undertaker being on Twitter and shows us his PSA with Michelle McCool about saving tigers, with the two of them in a pool behind a tiger.

Styles wanted to take Undertaker’s soul but it looks like Michelle already did that. When they get to Wrestlemania, AJ wants the old Undertaker but he’s nowhere to be found. Old humble Styles is going to give the WWE what they want though because he’s bringing back the Dead Man. Let’s make it a Bone Yard match. After the match is over, AJ can bury Undertaker then and there, and it happens to be the same plot that Michelle already buried Undertaker in.

Zelina Vega, Andrade and Angel Garza make fun of Charly Caruso and promise to win the Raw Tag Team Titles. The three of them leave but Garza comes back to flirt with Charly, who seems to approve.

We look at Edge’s challenge to Randy Orton from last week.

Andrade/Angel Garza vs. Ricochet/Cedric Alexander

Andrade and Garza try to jump Ricochet before Cedric shows up but he fights them off long enough for Cedric to get out here. Andrade kicks Ricochet to start but Ricochet picks up the pace, only to get shoved off the top. Cue the Street Profits and we take a break. Back with the Profits on commentary and Andrade working on Ricochet’s arm. A toss into a kick to the ribs gives Garza two, allowing Garza to TAKE OFF HIS PANTS and kick Ricochet in the back.

Ricochet tries a rollup and gets dropkicked into the corner for his efforts. A hurricanrana out of the corner gives Ricochet a breather though and it’s off to Alexander, with the Profits going NUTS on commentary. The Downward Spiral gets two on Garza and everything breaks down. Ricochet’s running shooting star press gets two and stereo superkicks drop Andrade.

We take another break and come back with Andrade hitting running knees in the corner to Alexander. Garza adds a reverse slingshot suplex for two and a double powerbomb is good for the same. The Lionsault looks more like a headbutt but gives Garza two more anyway. Ricochet comes in for a big running flip dive onto Garza, leaving Andrade to take a heck of a Michinoku Driver for two. Andrade’s spinning elbow knocks Alexander silly for….well eventually a three as the referee stopped counting at two, seemingly waiting for Alexander to get up, before finishing the pin at 20:12. Something was botched BAD there.

Rating: C. Nice tag match here, even though it was being stretched out to fill in time. That ending didn’t help things either but it’s hard to imagine that the match was supposed to end much later than it did. It’s nice to have the #1 contenders get their first win as a team at least on the way to Wrestlemania, but it’s not like there is anything else for them to do at the moment. It’s certainly not like one of them is United States Champion or anything.

Post match trash is talked so the Profits come in and beat the challengers out of the ring.

Street Profits vs. Shane Thorn/Brendan Vink

Dawkins shoulders Thorn down to start but it’s off to Brendan (a pretty big guy) to stomp Ford in the corner. A rather loud chop has Ford in more trouble and Thorn hits a Cannonball in the corner for two. Ford gets over to Dawkins in a hurry though and it’s time for a bunch of corner splashes. The Cash Out finishes Thorn at 4:07.

Rating: C-. This was better than I would have bet on and the Profits gave the NXT guys a good bit. What matters here though is they set up a little something between the teams in the Wrestlemania match, even if that is as tacked on of a match as you can get. If nothing else though, it makes a lot of sense to bring in some NXT names. You have them under contract so use them for something like this. This wasn’t a squash but it did what it was supposed to do, especially since Ford can actually energize an empty room with his pure charisma.

We look at R-Truth winning the 24/7 Title from Riddick Moss in Moss’ neighborhood over the weekend.

Wrestlemania rundown, with Elias vs. King Corbin confirmed.

Here’s Shayna Baszler for a sitdown interview with Charly Caruso. Charly talks about Shayna’s dominance and asks her how she will conduct herself as champion. Shayna doesn’t say anything so Charly asks again, until Baszler says Charly looks nervous. Shayna: “Are you scared I’m going to…..bite?” Charly asks if Becky should expect that kind of brutality at Wrestlemania, but Shayna says Becky should expect to lose.

Shayna gets rather angry and asks why Charly loves to destroy and starts leaning closer to her. She takes over for Charly’s questions, asking herself why she wants to win the title so much. Shayna has showed everyone who she is from the day she debuted and that’s what they’ll get at Wrestlemania. Charly brings up Survivor Series….and Shayna gets whacked from behind with a chair. The lights come up and Becky Lynch hits her with the chair again to leave Shayna laying.

Aleister Black vs. Leon Ruff

Black sits down, gets up, and hits Black Mass for the pin at 1:01. This is interesting in a way as they had the same match on Main Event last week, and I mean the same movements, mannerisms and finish. It was so close that I pulled up the Main Event match and watched them at the same time to see if it was even a different match. How weird.

Here’s Kevin Owens to hear a response from Seth Rollins. Cue Rollins to say this place was nice. Both of them have succeeded because they had to, but Rollins has had to rebuild the system in NXT and now on Raw. Owens keeps getting in the way though and he just refuses to fall in line. Without Rollins, there is no Gargano, Ciampa, Undisputed Era, Takeover or Women’s Revolution. Most importantly though, with no Rollins, there is no Owens.

Rollins cuts Owens off and asks if he can finish as he goes up the ramp. He needs to know why Owens picked Wrestlemania of all places because Rollins has a track record at Wrestlemania. Owens’ Wrestlemania track record is failure after failure after failure, including failure.

Last year he wasn’t even good enough to get onto Wrestlemania. Owens can’t be Rollins on his worst day, but Wrestlemania is never his worst day. Owens should just give up now, because he can’t win. WWE history continues to evolve as apparently we’ve erased Owens winning the US Title at Wrestlemania and never losing a singles match at the show.

From Wrestlemania XXXIV.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Asuka

Charlotte is defending and gets the full Ric Flair theme song, complete with a HHH from Wrestlemania XXX inspired entrance, meaning soldiers to help her off a throne and take her robe. Asuka on the other hand gets the CGI masks with rainbow colored lines surrounding them, which look cool on screen but live….not so much. They lock up to start and take turns flipping out of wristlocks for an early standoff.

Charlotte loads up a monkey flip but instead trips the leg for a failed Figure Eight attempt. You can feel the intensity here and it’s working well so far. Some chops to the chest (and one to the face) have Asuka in trouble but she’s right back with a hip attack to knock Charlotte outside. Back in and it’s time to start in on the arm but Charlotte gets in a backbreaker into an STO. Charlotte uses a Backpack Stunner to get out of a sleeper and a knee to the back of the head keeps Asuka in trouble.

It’s enough trouble for Charlotte to go up top for the moonsault….which is countered into a triangle for a sweet escape. Charlotte reverses into a Boston crab until Asuka makes the rope. A sliding kick to the face knocks Charlotte backwards and it’s back to the arm as Asuka continues to follow her game plan. They head to the apron with Asuka suplexing her out to the floor in a good looking crash. Sometimes you need to just go with a big spot like that and it worked very well.

Back in and they stare each other down until Asuka just erupts with strikes to the face. A missile dropkick gets two and Asuka stomps on the back. Charlotte is fine enough for the chops to catch Asuka on top and it’s a super Spanish Fly for two with the fans getting much more into things in a hurry. Natural Selection is countered into something like an Octopus Hold from Asuka’s back for a cool change of pace.

Charlotte tries to flip out and into the Figure Eight but Asuka kicks her in the head for a block. Well that’s certainly to the point. The Asuka Lock is blocked and Charlotte hits a very good spear for two more as the fans are WAY into this. With nothing else working, Charlotte goes to the Figure Eight and bridges up with one arm….and Asuka taps at 13:05 in a shocker.

Rating: A-. I don’t get shocked by results very often but I was actually stunned to see how this went. I would have bet money on Asuka walking out as champion here but Charlotte winning was far from a ridiculous result. Now the problem is what this did to Asuka, as she only started to recover from the loss nearly a year later. Charlotte would lose the title to Carmella two days later, bringing some dark days to the belt. This however was anything but dark, with an outstanding match between two stars.

Post match Asuka gets the mic and says Charlotte was ready for her in the ultimate sign of respect.

Charlotte talks about all of her Wrestlemania success and is ready to do it again at Wrestlemania. Woo.

Here’s Randy Orton to answer Edge’s challenge. A few weeks ago he told Beth Phoenix that her husband is an adrenaline junkie. That’s all Edge is and that’s why he’s still here. About eighteen years ago, Orton debuted on the main roster and won the Intercontinental Title. Then he took the torch from Mick Foley at Backlash 2004. Was any of that handed to him? He has become the most dangerous name in wrestling and now Edge is questioning his grit.

Orton doesn’t think grit is sitting on your couch for nine years. Instead, grit is longevity and becoming the one constant in WWE for all those years. Orton has heard Edge’s challenge for a Last Man Standing match and at Wrestlemania, he is ending Edge’s story. He accepts to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. First and foremost, the change in visuals helped a lot here as not seeing the empty seats for most of the show was a big improvement. Other than that, featuring the two great matches from years past helped a lot too, though it offered further evidence that Raw doesn’t need to be three hours. What we got here was good enough, but my goodness Wrestlemania is going to be approaching twenty matches at this rate (if it isn’t there already). These shows are getting marginally better though and that’s a good sign for how long we might be seeing them.


Andrade/Angel Garza b. Ricochet/Cedric Alexander – Spinning elbow to Alexander

Street Profits b. Shane Thorn/Brendan Vink – Cash Out to Thorn

Aleister Black b. Leon Ruff – Black Mass

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – March 11, 2020: Change Of Scenery

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: March 11, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix

It’s a special episode this week as we’re in the Performance Center instead of at Full Sail due to an event at the university. We’re getting ready for Takeover, assuming the show stays on the schedule given the Coronavirus. Either way, we’re in for some good stuff on the way to the show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

The arena looks great and other than the PERFORMANCE CENTER sign, you wouldn’t know it wasn’t Full Sail.

North American Title: Keith Lee vs. Cameron Grimes

Grimes is challenging and tries for a leg pick to start. That’s blocked with straight power and Lee isn’t all that impressed. An Irish whip doesn’t work for Grimes either so he hits Lee in the face, only to get knocked hard out to the floor. Lee follows him out but Grimes escapes the powerbomb by grabbing the ropes and stomps him in the face for a unique counter.

The suicide dive is pulled out of the air though and Lee nods at him before trying the powerbomb again. Grimes grabs the rope again so Lee knocks his leg out this time instead. Back in and Grimes’ hat is knocked off the post but a superplex is broken up. Grimes nails a high crossbody but can’t cover off the impact.

Back from a break with Lee powering out of a waistlock and crushing Lee with a crossbody. The Spirit Bomb is escaped and Grimes hits the Superman forearm. A superkick rocks Lee and Grimes kicks him in the head again. There’s a rather impressive bridging German suplex to give Grimes two and he slips out of the Spirit Bomb again. Not that it matters as the Pounce sets up the Big Bang Catastrophe to retain the title at 11:57.

Rating: B-. Grimes got to show off here and Lee was on his usual ridiculous level. It was nice to see Lee switching things up a bit and fighting a smaller opponent rather than the usual monsters. What we had here was good, though I’m still curious about what we’ll be seeing at Takeover. Maybe it means another Lee vs. Dijakovic match, but you never can tell.

Post match here’s Damian Priest to jump Lee with a pipe. Dominick Dijakovic runs him off and helps Lee up but Lee powerbombs him instead. It isn’t clear if Lee saw that it was Priest who jumped him.

The #1 contenders ladder match at Takeover will be a six way. I don’t think the number had been confirmed until now.

#1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Dakota Kai vs. Mia Yim

Kai has Raquel Gonzalez in her corner. Yim kicks her down to start and grabs some early near falls but Kai is back up with a slap to the face. That earns her a running basement dropkick and Yim hammers away for two. Gonzalez trips Yim down though and drops her onto the apron as we take a break.

Back with Yim getting in a shot to the knee, plus a superkick to the jaw. A running neckbreaker gives Yim two but Kai sends her throat first into the middle rope. The Kairopractor gets two so Kai goes with the Kawada kicks, only to get rolled up for two more. Kai’s running boot in the corner misses so Yim powerbombs her out of the corner. Gonzalez breaks up the pin so the referee yells at her, meaning there’s no count off Kai’s rollup. Yim Codebreakers Kai for the pin at 9:42.

Rating: C. Yim winning here was a surprise as Kai has been a much bigger deal as of late. That being said, there are still four spots to be filled in and it wouldn’t surprise me to see Kai get one of them. Gonzalez is a good enforcer though I’m not sure what she is going to be able to do on her own. She’s fine at the moment though and doesn’t need to mix things up just yet.

Post match Gonzalez powerbombs Yim to leave her laying. Yim gets a big ovation as she gets up. Off a single powerbomb? Really?

Tommaso Ciampa arrives and doesn’t think much of doing things Johnny Gargano’s way tonight.

We get another creepy video of various signs of destruction, including the words “tick tock”.

Kushida vs. Raul Mendoza

They go straight to the forearm exchange to start until Mendoza dropkicks him into the corner. A springboard is knocked out of the air though and Kushida hits a springboard flip dive to the floor. Back in and Mendoza grabs a swinging suplex to put him down, setting up a Lionsault for two. Kushida scores with a Tajiri elbow but a rolling DDT is blocked. Instead Kushida hiptosses him down into a basement dropkick (ala Jay Lethal) before going up. Mendoza is right there to catch him so Kushida grabs the Hoverboard Lock up there. With that broken up, Kushida flips him down into a cross armbreaker for the win at 4:00.

Rating: C+. I’ve been a Kushida fan for a long time and while he’s nowhere near what he was in New Japan, at least he got to show up here and win a match for a change. Mendoza continues to be one of the best hands in the whole company as you can put him out there against anyone and get at least a watchable match. That’s a very valuable thing to have on your roster and why Mendoza appears on so many shows.

Tyler Breeze was at the Performance Center earlier today and talks about how the Performance Center built the wrestlers. Austin Theory comes in to say he used to watch Breeze on Breaking Ground when he was in high school. Breeze doesn’t seem impressed so he takes a picture of Theory. Breeze: “You look great, for a flash in the pan.”

Here’s Rhea Ripley for a chat. She isn’t going to be intimidated by Charlotte because she loves the idea of knocking the Queen down. Cue Charlotte (fans: “YOU DON’T GO HERE!”) to say that Rhea has guts….and there’s a GO BACK TO RAW chant. Charlotte doesn’t think the bright lights or 80,000 people in the stands are going to distract Ripley.

It’s going to be Charlotte that takes Ripley out of her game because she’s going to take Ripley into deep waters. Charlotte gets in the ring and the fight is on in a hurry, with Charlotte kicking her in the face (painful considering those heels are tall enough to ride the scrambler at the fair) and putting on the Hartbreaker around the post. That’s probably your story of the match.

Video on Walter vs. Finn Balor. Finn holds up a passport, suggesting that he’s coming to NXT UK.

Mia Yim is in the parking lot when a car drives up. Two masked men jump out and kidnap Raul Mendoza. Probably the same guys who kidnapped Samoa Joe in TNA about ten years ago.

#1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Tegan Nox vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Nox has a bad shoulder coming in so Purrazzo goes right after it. A takedown by the arm gets two but Nox sends her into the corner for the Cannonboar. Purrazzo is right back with a bicycle kick into the Fujiwara armbar but Nox reverses into a crucifix for two. The Shiniest Wizard finishes Purrazzo at 2:27.

The Undisputed Era comes out for a match but hold on though as here’s Velveteen Dream in the crow’s nest. Dream holds up the tights with Strong’s family on the, saying they’re just tights and Strong is just dumber than he looks. He wants a title shot at Takeover but Cole says he hasn’t earned anything. Didn’t Dream lose last week inside that cage? Next week, Cole is officially the longest reigning NXT Champion of all time so they can end this tonight. Dream snaps his fingers though and it’s time for a match.

Tag Team Titles: Broserweights vs. Undisputed Era

Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish are challenging for the Era and the rest of the team is at ringside. Riddle and Fish start things off and I try to keep the song out of my head. Fish gets slammed down in a hurry and Riddle does a bit of a dance. Everything breaks down in a hurry and the champs hit stereo gutwrench suplexes to send us to a break. Back with Riddle kicking at O’Reilly’s chest and forearming at his head, only to get sent to the apron.

A Fish distraction lets O’Reilly get in a kick to the face to knock Riddle outside. We settle down to Riddle in trouble and not being able to strike his way to freedom. Fish’s slingshot hilo gets two and it’s a double suplex to start on the back. Riddle shrugs off some kicks though and it’s off to Dunne to clean house. That includes taking out O’Reilly’s leg and X Plexing him into a failed Cross armbreaker attempt.

Instead it’s a triangle choke to send Fish straight into the ropes and outside, allowing Riddle to nail a big running flip dive onto the Era. Strong and Cole try to interfere again but get ejected, with Riddle miming all the cheating that they did. We take a break and come back with Dunne blocking another hilo and making the second hot tag to Riddle. More striking abounds, plus a pair of Brotons for two.

Everything breaks down and the champs flip out of stereo German suplexes so they can kick the Era in the heads. We settle down to Fish escaping the Bro to Sleep but walking into the Final Flash. A blind tag lets O’Reilly come in with a top rope knee to the ribs for two with Dunne making his own save. Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans as Riddle knees Fish again. The referee is with the Veterans though, meaning it’s a backdrop to send Fish onto the two of them. That leaves O’Reilly to get kneed in the head, setting up the Bro To Sleep/enziguri combination to retain the titles at 20:01.

Rating: B. Another good match between these four, which isn’t all that surprising. All four can do the striking and the champs have that weird chemistry that you just stumble upon from time to time. That’s the kind of thing you can’t build up and NXT is capitalizing on it as they should. Solid back and forth match here, with the Veterans waiting in the wings for the Broserweights.

Here’s Tommaso Ciampa, who wants to know why Johnny Gargano did everything he did. Gargano pops up on screen to talk about how horrible of a person Johnny is, but since Ciampa knows the building well, he storms to the back and the fight is on. They fight down the hallway with Ciampa hitting him with a framed poster. It heads into the medical area with both guys beating up other people to keep the fight going.

Gargano throws him through the window of the gym door and they fight into the exercise equipment, with Gargano throwing him over a big tire. Gargano grabs a weight but Ciampa kicks it away and grabs some smaller ones. He THROWS them at Gargano but destroys a mirror instead, sending Gargano down another hall. They finally make it into the arena and Ciampa hits a running chair shot to the side of the head.

Gargano is back up though and they go up to the crow’s nest with Ciampa following him. They slug it out up there with Gargano pulling him into the Gargano Escape. The referee gets knocked down and Gargano superkicks Ciampa, who pops right back up with the Air Raid Crash off the balcony and through the announcers’ table to end the show. This was a lot of fun as they used their environment, which isn’t something you get to see them do very often. I know the two of them have done this to death, but sweet goodness they can take it to another level at times.

Overall Rating: B. I liked this one rather well as, aside from the big main event angle, there was nothing that would suggest that this was anything more than a regular Full Sail show. It was another solid episode as the focus shifts towards Takeover, though right now everything seems up in the air. The good thing is they might just be able to do the show at the Performance Center or Full Sail if necessary, but dang things are all over the place at the moment. Anyway, rather awesome show this week as NXT gets going towards Tampa.


Keith Lee b. Cameron Grimes – Big Bang Catastrophe

Mia Yim b. Dakota Kai – Codebreaker

Kushida b. Raul Mendoza – Cross armbreaker

Tegan Nox b. Deonna Purrazzo – Shiniest Wizard

Broserweights b. Undisputed Era – Bro to Sleep/enziguri combination to O’Reilly

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – February 26, 2020: You Don’t Even Go Here

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 26, 2020
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for a show with a guest star as Charlotte is in the house to deal with Bianca Belair after jumping her at Takeover. We’re rapidly approaching Takeover: Tampa and I’m not sure what that is going to consist of this time. They need to set some things up in a hurry, though you can all but guarantee the final chapter between Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Charlotte arrives with William Regal there to greet her.

Cameron Grimes vs. Dominick Dijakovic

Dijakovic grabs a headlock to start but Grimes goes after his knee to get a breather. Grimes stays on the knee, only to get caught in a backbreaker. A spinning middle rope splash gives Dijakovic two but Grimes forearms him in the back. Dijakovic is fine enough to toss him over the top but Grimes sends him head first into the apron. A PK from the apron drops Dijakovic and sends us to a break.

Back with Grimes grabbing a chinlock but Dijakovic is right back up for the slugout. The suplex toss drops Grimes again as he can’t get around the power. A superkick and a hard clothesline give Dijakovic two but Grimes hits a German suplex for the same. Dijakovic sends him outside and hits a moonsault to the floor, only to tweak his knee in the process. Grimes is sent back inside but here’s Damian Priest to hit the knee with a metal pole. Dijakovic beats the count back in but it’s the Cave In to give Grimes the pin at 12:38.

Rating: B-. I liked this one well enough and it’s nice to see Grimes getting a push. It isn’t a clean pin or anything and that helps things out a good bit. They can use some fresh blood in the North American Title picture as there is so much talent around here and seeing Lee against any of them could be interesting.

Referees and medics check out Dijakovic’s knee.

William Regal announces a tournament (they love those around here) to crown a new #1 contender for the Women’s Title. The qualifying matches begin next week and the finals will be a ladder match at Takeover. Works for me.

Here’s Finn Balor for a chat. He isn’t an internet guy or a moves guy because he’s the guy who builds brands. We hear his accomplishments before Balor talks about how everyone is trying to reach their peak for Wrestlemania season. He’s been at his peak for twenty years so who’s next for the Prince? Cue Marcel Barthel/Fabian Aichner to send regards from Walter, who runs NXT UK. The fight is on in a hurry and Balor gets beaten down, including being rammed into the steps.

Video on Austin Theory.

Bianca Belair is ready to give Charlotte her best.

Xia Li vs. Mia Yim

Yim pulls her in off a handshake but has to back off from some spinning kicks. Some kicks to the ribs have Li in trouble and a basement dropkick gives Yim two. More boots to the face keep Li down but she avoids a Cannonball. Li’s running dropkick misses and there’s Eat Defeat, only to have Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez come out for a distraction. Li grabs a rollup for the pin at 2:44.

Post match Gonzalez comes in for the beatdown and Li’s save attempt fails.

Velveteen Dream, in a big hat and in front of a mirror, says he wants Roderick Strong next week. Since Dakota Kai and Tegan Nox are having a cage match, leave it up for the two of them.

Austin Theory vs. Tommaso Ciampa

They fight over a lockup to start until Ciampa sends him into the ropes. That earns him a shoulder and forearms to the back, only to have Theory run into a boot. A headlock has Theory down on the mat but they head outside in a hurry. Theory blocks a whip into the barricade and takes it back inside because he’s not up to Ciampa’s brawling standard. Ciampa throws him right back outside for a posting, meaning the pat on the back can take us to a break.

Back with Theory hitting a standing moonsault for two and having to fight out of a Fairy Tale Ending attempt. What looked like a rolling DDT attempt is countered with a knee to the face to give Ciampa two, plus some frustration on the kickout. Theory hits a quick buckle bomb into Ataxia (fisherman’s buster onto the knee) for two more and now it’s his turn to be frustrated.

A superkick to the back of Ciampa’s head sets up a flipping Downward Spiral for two more. It’s time to go outside with Theory sending him into the barricade to make up for last week, only to get caught with Willow’s Bell back inside. The Fairy Tale Ending gives Ciampa the pin at 12:40.

Rating: C+. Theory is someone with a bunch of cool looking moves which are actually more moves that have been done before but have a slight tweak to them. A lot of people do that but it doesn’t really make them much better. At least he had a story here though and looks the part of a star, though it’s far too early in his run to make much of a determination about him.

Post match Johnny Gargano runs in and Theory helps him beat down Ciampa. Gargano sits next to the downed Ciampa on the apron and applauds himself.

Roderick Strong is ready to take care of Dream in the cage next week. The Undisputed Era will get their gold back.

Bronson Reed vs. Killian Dain

They lock up to start and power each other around until Dain drapes him over the middle rope. That means a legdrop to the back and shoulders in the corner, followed by a hard whip for two. We hit the seated abdominal stretch but Reed is right back up for stereo crossbodies. Back up and Reed starts throwing Dain around, with the straps coming down. The running hip attack hits in the corner but Dain grabs a Samoan drop. Dain’s Vader Bomb hits knees so Reed goes up, only to get superplexed back down. Back to back to back backsplashes set up the Vader Bomb to give Dain the pin at 6:15.

Rating: C+. Nice hoss fight here and that’s all they were going for. Dain hasn’t exactly shown the ability to get very high on the card around here but he can be impressive when he has the chance. Reed is someone who got my attention during the Breakout Tournament but he hasn’t come back to that level since.

Video on the Broserweights.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Forgotten Sons

Gibson gets hiptossed and dropkicked by Blake to start and I guess the Sons are just faces now because AMERICA. Beth and Nigel get in a weird mini argument about what sounds like a British children’s show, capped off by Nigel saying she has spent too much time watching TV with her three year old. Beth: “That’s a bad thing?” Nigel: “I guess not.” Cutler stomps away on Gibson in the corner but it’s off to Drake to take over in a hurry.

The chinlock doesn’t last long and a powerslam puts Gibson on the floor. That means a staredown with Jaxson Ryker and it’s the Sons taking over on the Veterans back inside. Drake gets thrown over the top and onto Gibson as we take a break. Back with Blake sunset flipping Drake but a blind tag lets Gibson come in to stomp on him. The chinlock goes on again but this time Blake fights up with a jumping neckbreaker.

Drake gets backdropped and it’s off to Cutler to clean house (Nigel: “Full of fury. AMERICAN FURY!”). A butterfly backbreaker sets up a quickly broken Boston crab so it’s a buckle bomb to rock Drake instead. The fisherman’s driver gets two as Gibson makes the save, which sends Ryker out after him. Drake dives onto Ryker and the Veterans send him into the steps, only to have the Sons dive onto the two of them. Cutler gets knocked off the top for a nasty crash and it’s the Ticket To Mayhem to finish Blake at 13:05.

Rating: C+. I got a good smile out of the Sons losing as they are one of the least interesting teams in a long time. Now we’re supposed to like them because while they’re bad, they’re AMERICAN bad and that makes them worth something. Thankfully this felt like a one off so we can continue with the Veterans instead of the Sons, who are one of those misfires around here.

Tegan Nox is ready to hurt Dakota Kai in a cage and isn’t worried about Raquel Gonzalez.

We get a creepy video showing various horrible things and a lot of destruction. Seems pretty Killer Krossish.

Damian Priest says Dijakovic was in the way of something he wanted. Now Keith Lee knows what that is.

Charlotte vs. Bianca Belair

Fans: “YOU DON’T GO HERE!” Charlotte powers her down in the corner to start and draws a line on the mat. Belair charges across it, earning herself a headlock takeover. That’s broken up so Charlotte grabs a front facelock to keep her down. Belair powers out and hits a dropkick before squatting Charlotte to show off even more. Charlotte slips out and hits the chops, followed by a big boot as we take a break.

Back with Charlotte getting posted but grabbing a dragon sleeper to slow Belair down. It’s not enough though as Belair flips over her in the corner and grabs a hair faceplant. A double chickenwing faceplant gets two but Charlotte kicks her in the ribs to take over. An abdominal stretch stays on the ribs but Belair reverses into one of her own. That’s broken up as well and the Downward Spiral into the middle buckle rocks her again.

The moonsault almost hits raised boots but Charlotte lands on her feet and grabs a Boston crab. Belair makes the ropes so Charlotte hits a powerbomb for two. A missed big boot sends Charlotte to the floor for another posting but she avoids Belair coming off the top. Belair hits a spear but Charlotte pops up with one of her own, followed by Natural Selection for the pin at 12:07.

Rating: B-. I liked what they were going for here with the old athletic freak vs. the new one. The spear exchange at the end reinforced that a bit too with Belair hitting her own but Charlotte’s being that much better. Belair has gotten better in the last several months and the upgrades have helped her a lot, but she has a long way to go to get into Charlotte’s league.

Post match Charlotte grabs a chair and Pillmanizes the ankle as Rhea Ripley comes out to watch. There’s no save as Charlotte puts on the Figure Eight. Once that’s broken up, Ripley chases Charlotte off as we’re cut off before Ranallo can finish talking about their Takeover match.

Overall Rating: B-. It isn’t as bad as it was a few weeks ago but this show is still missing something. My best guess is having so much stuff that feels like it isn’t leading anywhere or that is going long for the sake of filling time, but the magic isn’t the same. This week didn’t feature some of the bigger names, which is kind of a questionable move with about four weeks left before Takeover. It’s still a completely watchable show, but the move to two hours is hurting the quality more every week.


Cameron Grimes b. Dominick Dijakovic – Cave In

Xia Li b. Mia Yim – Rollup

Tommaso Ciampa b. Austin Theory – Fairy Tale Ending

Killian Dain b. Bronson Reed – Vader Bomb

Grizzled Young Veterans b. Forgotten Sons – Ticket to Mayhem to Blake

Charlotte b. Bianca Belair – Natural Selection

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 17, 2020: Preach It

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 17, 2020
Location: Angel of the Winds Arena, Everett, Washington
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

We’re almost to Super ShowDown and that way we can get ready for the real Road To Wrestlemania. There are a lot of things left to cover before we get there though and that means we have to do some stuff tonight. I’m not sure what that is going to entail other than Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton in a street fight so we’re going in somewhat blind. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Randy Orton to get things going with a clip of his attack on Matt Hardy last week. He knows the Hardys like to go up and crash but here’s Matt, in street clothes and a neck brace, to ask what is wrong with Orton. Matt knows Orton didn’t like being asked about the Edge attack last week but he isn’t cleared to wrestle tonight. He and Edge have grit and Orton can’t hold them down. Matt isn’t sure what his future holds but Orton isn’t getting to determine the terms of his future.

Hardy gets in the ring as Orton says he could drop Matt with an RKO right now. Orton says he respects Edge and he’s truly sorry before leaving. He pauses and turns around though, sending Hardy outside to grab a chair. That just earns Matt a neck snap across the top rope and an RKO (with the fans wanting another), followed by a bunch of chair shots to the ribs and back.

Orton takes the brace off and loads up another Conchairto but pauses. Instead he takes Matt outside and does the Conchairto on the steps instead of in the ring to make it even worse. Orton goes to leave but then goes back and hits another Conchairto on the steps. Orton: “I’M SORRY!”

This was really good as Orton looks like the biggest villain ever, which is exactly the point. That’s where someone like Matt, who is beloved as a veteran, is most valuable and something like this was way more effective than a street fight where we were just waiting around for the RKO to finish Matt off.

Aleister Black vs. Erick Rowan

Black walks over Rowan case and Rowan isn’t happy as the fight starts in a hurry. They fight to the floor with Rowan hitting a running crossbody as we take a break. Back with Rowan beating Black up even more, including taking him outside to send Black legs first into the barricade for a different kind of crash.

A powerbomb into the post is countered with a hurricanrana into said post and Black knees him in the head back inside. Black Mass is blocked and Rowan kicks him in the head. A Jackknife gets two on Black but Black Mass connects to put Rowan against the ropes. He’s still awake though so Black hits another Black Mass for the pin at 7:47.

Rating: D+. Build a monster up, have someone slay him. The cage thing is still likely going to be a lame payoff (if we ever get one) but Black winning a match like this is a good sign for him. Rowan had been turned into someone with a little momentum and now Black has beaten him clean. That’s how you make Black a bigger deal, but don’t bog him down with a bunch of Rowan rematches. We’ve seen that he can beat Rowan and we don’t need to see it again.

Here’s Charlotte, in black and yellow, to address showing up at Takeover last night. After a clip of her accepting Rhea Ripley’s challenge, Charlotte talks about how she was impressed by what she saw last night in NXT. It made her think about training in a warehouse and how her NXT class formed the foundation of a third brand called NXT.

Now she’s bothered by the entitlement of people like Ripley, who didn’t scratch and claw to earn the respect that NXT has gained. Now Ripley has the audacity to hold up the title that Charlotte put on the map? Pride comes before the fall and Ripley is being humbled at Wrestlemania, because everyone is the next big thing….until they’re not. Charlotte is at her best when she’s talking down to people and that’s what she did here.

24/7 Title: R-Truth vs. Mojo Rawley vs. Riddick Moss

Moss is defending and the usual rules are suspended during the match. Rawley is sent outside early on and Moss screams a lot while covering Truth for two. That’s broken up by Rawley, who sends Moss into the barricade. Back in and Truth hits the ProtoBomb into the Shuffle but Rawley slips out of the AA. The fireman’s carry faceplant connects but Moss is back in with a cradle to retain the title at 1:49.

Post match Moss bails and Truth lays out Rawley.

McIntyre says Heyman can say Lesnar’s name over and over, from when they’re having lunch to when they’re having manicures to when Lesnar is crying because McIntyre took his WWE Championship. Heyman respects McIntyre’s talents but he knows someone who doesn’t, which is this man right here. Cue MVP to say he has an issue with Drew, who was invited to the VIP Lounge and then kicked MVP in the face. MVP isn’t getting cheapshotted this week so he hits Drew with the mic and kicks him in the face before the bell.

MVP vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew kicks him in the face and hammers away in the corner. The Futureshock and Claymore (with the camera showing the Wrestlemania sign) finish MVP at 1:12.

We look at Shayna Baszler attacking Becky Lynch last week.

Here’s Becky, carrying a paper bag, for a chat. She came to this country to seek her fame and fortune but she has no need for fame. However, she has a use for the fortune and pulls a bunch of money from the bag (including a bunch of $100 bills). Consider this a down payment for what she is going to do to Baszler because only animals go for the neck and they do it before going for the kill.

Becky is the longest reigning Raw Women’s Champion in history and that doesn’t make her prey. We hear about some former champions she’s defeated but here’s Baszler on screen to say Becky isn’t going to get to do that. She’s in the Elimination Chamber, which is in a cage for a cage fighter. Becky promises to be watching at the Elimination Chamber because she’ll be rooting for Shayna.

Lana, Bobby Lashley, Angel Garza and Zelina Vega are ready for a tag match (not against each other) but don’t seem happy about anything. It was Lana’s idea and it’s like a double date, but Vega makes it clear that she and Garza aren’t a couple. They’re all about money, but Garza is ready to show that no one can measure up to him.

Rusev/Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza/Bobby Lashley

Lashley starts against Carrillo as Garza isn’t all that interested. Neither can get very far against the other so it’s off to Garza for the high angle spinning crossbody. A wristdrag sends Garza down and Rusev jumps Lashley (as the feud is apparently still going). Garza uses the distraction to hit a dropkick and GARZA TAKES OFF HIS PANTS. That lets him give a fan a quick kiss but Carrillo dropkicks him into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Carrillo flipping out of Lashley’s spinning Big Ending and bringing in Rusev to unload on Lashley. The distraction lets Garza grab a rollup for two, followed by a superkick for the same. Lashley spears Carrillo on the floor but Rusev runs him over and hits a middle rope headbutt for two on Garza. That brings Lashley back up for a distraction though and Garza grabs a rollup, with trunks, for the pin at 9:54.

Rating: D+. This is one of those matches that just happened and neither feud is particularly interesting. Lashley vs. Rusev has been boring for a long time now and there is a real chance that we could be going into a seventh month of the feud should it make it to March. Garza’s future isn’t really clear at the moment either as Andrade’s suspension is up next week. That could be interesting, but just keep Carrillo a little more out of it.

Natalya vs. Kairi Sane

Fallout from Asuka kicking Natalya in the face two weeks back. The Warriors ask if Natalya is ok and then dance around singing that they don’t care. Sane forearms her into the corner to start but misses a dive, setting up something like the Thriller Dance. Natalya misses the discus lariat but slaps Sane in the face. The threat of a Sharpshooter sends Sane to the ropes and she comes back with a spinning backfist.

The chinlock into a sleeper doesn’t do much for Sane so she sends Natalya into the corner. Walking The Plank is countered with a discus forearm (though the camera cuts as they might have missed badly) but Asuka’s distraction breaks up the Sharpshooter attempt. Sane knocks Natalya to the floor and Asuka kicks her in the head for the countout at 4:47.

Rating: C-. I can give them points for trying to build up some side stories in the Elimination Chamber because there’s no hiding that it’s Shayna going on to Wrestlemania. This is better than nothing and while they would probably be better off doing Asuka vs. Natalya on Raw, I’ll take what I can get in the Chamber, even if it would be more interesting to run Asuka vs. Shayna in a singles match for the #1 contendership than having the two of them and four others in the Chamber. Anyway, nothing to this one but I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of it next week.

Here are Murphy and the AOP to introduce Seth Rollins for a sermon. He even has a pulpit to make it look a little more official. Rollins didn’t come up with the name sermon because that was bestowed on them by the powers that be, but it seems appropriate as what he has to say is divine. We are here to celebrate progress and movement into the future in Rollins’ vision. Last week was the end of phase one because the four of them showed that through the power of faith you can believe whatever you set your mind to.

Now the real work begins though because Rollins takes being the Monday Night Messiah very seriously. Now it is time to find the flaws in the system and rehabilitate them the best they can, or eradicate them if they must. This is the gospel and if you stand in their way….and here are the Viking Raiders. Rollins bails as they beat up Murphy and the AOP but here’s Kevin Owens to Stun Rollins on the stage.

Post break Rollins says that tonight it’s a six man tag.

Here’s the OC for a chat. AJ Styles is glad to be back because Wrestlemania season would be nothing without him. Karl Anderson declares AJ to be the new Mr. Wrestlemania and AJ accepts that honor. He’s the greatest superstar on any roster and of any era but believe it or not, he’s got critics. When he wins his gauntlet match at Super ShowDown, the only one who can say anything is him. Then he’ll say Who’s Next and maybe he’ll go win the WWE Championship again.

It could be anyone from Ricochet to Brock Lesnar to Undertaker to Shawn Michaels to Razor Ramon to Hulk Hogan to the whole NWO. Cue Ricochet, with AJ saying hold on Ricky. That’s fine with Ricochet, who understands AJ doesn’t think he’s earned a title shot. Ricochet has earned it though and he’ll do the impossible at Super ShowDown. The OC cracks up at the idea of Ricochet being WWE Champion so he challenges AJ to a match right now. Karl Anderson says not so fast because he isn’t letting AJ face this non Good Brother.

Ricochet vs. Karl Anderson

Ricochet starts fast and sends him outside for the big running flip dive. Back from the early break with AJ and Gallows having been ejected and Anderson grabbing a chinlock. That doesn’t last long as Ricochet fights up and hits a rolling dropkick. The springboard high crossbody into a running shooting star press gives Ricochet two but Ricochet has to roll through the 630. Anderson gets two off a spinebuster but walks into the Benadryller for the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C. Not a bad little match here as Ricochet continues his roll towards Super ShowDown and Brock Lesnar. I’m not sure if there is any reason to believe Ricochet has a prayer at winning the title, but it’s nice to see him get built up a little bit. Maybe something could come of it, like a big Wrestlemania match. Either way, more Ricochet is a good thing and WWE seems to know that.

We recap the Orton/Hardy situation.

Liv Morgan doesn’t understand why Ruby Riott is trying to break her but that isn’t going to work anymore. She isn’t the puppy that Riott remembers, because she’s going to the Elimination Chamber to eliminate Riott and go on to Wrestlemania. No, you’re not.

Viking Raiders/Kevin Owens vs. Murphy/AOP

Owens dropkicks Murphy at the bell and hands it off to Ivar for a knee to the face. Owens keeps Murphy in the corner and the Vikings take turns beating Murphy up. Ivar slams Erik onto Murphy for two but allows the tag to Akam so we can have a fight. That means Erik can slug away but Akam grabs a powerslam to take over.

A toss into the knee from Rezar gets two and it’s Erik getting choked in the corner. Murphy grabs the chinlock but Erik fights up and knees Rezar in the face. The hot tag brings in Owens to clean house as we take a break. Back with Owens fighting up and scoring with a superkick to Murphy, only to get driven back into the corner.

Owens wins a slugout with Murphy and makes the tag to Ivar to fight the AOP at the same time. The low crossbody crushes Akam and there’s the spinning kick to Murphy’s face. Everything breaks down and Erik knees Rezar into the corner. Ivar drives Erik into Rezar for a bonus and Owen’s Swanton gets two. The Vikings and AOP fight to the floor, leaving Murphy to get Stunned. Cue Rollins for the DQ at 15:24.

Rating: C+. It’s an interesting change here as Rollins’ team loses, which hasn’t been the case so far. The resistance against Rollins and company is interesting as we might be getting closer to one of the big showdown matches. I do like the idea of bringing in new people to fight on one side or another and that’s what we’ve been getting here. Also: where was Samoa Joe?

Post match Rollins says Owens has crucified him since day one so now it is time to crucify him. Cue the Street Profits for the save but Rollins gets away. The Profits and the Vikings wreck Murphy and the AOP, with Ivar and Ford hitting top rope splashes (Ford’s is so impressive) to end the show. Rollins and company are going to need some new people to at least even the sides so that could go somewhere.

Overall Rating: C. I know the wrestling wasn’t great here but what mattered here was how it felt like they were doing a bunch of things. The big story here was how it offered a lot of variety and covered all kinds of stories and angles. You can tell that things are picking up for Wrestlemania season and in a few weeks we can get rid of Super ShowDown and the Elimination Chamber to get to the final push. It’s not a good show, but it’s a well put together show and that’s important as well.


Aleister Black b. Erick Rowan – Black Mass

Riddick Moss b. Mojo Rawley and R-Truth – Cradle to Rawley

Drew McIntyre b. MVP – Claymore

Angel Garza/Bobby Lashley b. Rusev/Humberto Carrillo – Rollup with trunks to Rusev

Kairi Sane b. Natalya via countout

Ricochet b. Karl Anderson – Benadryller

Kevin Owens/Viking Raiders b. Murphy/AOP via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – February 6, 2020: That Time Of The Year

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: February 6, 2020
Location: Vivint Smart Home Arena, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

We’re coming up on Super ShowDown because we’re just that lucky. Things are starting to take shape as we now have a WWE Championship match, meaning it is time to recap everything that got us here. I’m not sure how much there was to recap but that has never stopped this show before. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

OC vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

Gallows shrugs off a headlock attempt to start and shows Hawkins how it’s done. That means a big shove to put Hawkins down but he’s smart enough to kick away rather than go for a test of strength. Ryder comes in for a slingshot dropkick through the ropes to take both of them down but Gallows kicks him in the face.

Back in and Gallows unloads on Ryder in the corner, followed by a chinlock from Anderson. Gallows’ snap suplex sets up some elbows to the chest and another chinlock. Ryder fights up and makes it over to Hawkins for the hot tag so the pace can pick up. A Michinoku Driver gets two on Anderson but Ryder misses a dive and get sent into the barricade. The Magic Killer finishes Hawkins at 5:11.

Rating: C. This was a snappy little tag match and that’s better than you would expect from this show. That’s one of the things I like about Main Event: sometimes you get a surprisingly good match from people who have little reason to try. The reason they do have though is pride, and it’s nice to see people working hard just to make the fans happy in a match that means nothing in the slightest.

From Smackdown.

Usos/Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin/Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

The losers must eat DOG FOOD, which Cole has repeated about 37 times tonight. Corbin punches Jey down for an early two and a low bridge puts Jey on the floor. Roode, now in long tights, hits a spinebuster on the floor as Cole puts over how bad the dog food smells. We take a break and come back with Roode cranking on Jey’s arms. Jey slips out so Ziggler comes in, only to miss a Stinger Splash in the corner.

Corbin gets the tag and breaks up the hot tag though, allowing him to make Jey look at the dog food. That’s enough to make Jey get over for the hot tag to Reigns as everything breaks down. A big boot connects for Reigns but Corbin is back with a chokeslam for two. Ziggler adds a superkick and it’s the Deep Six for two more on Reigns. Jimmy is back in and sends Roode over the announcers’ table, setting up another dive to Ziggler. Reigns misses the spear but rolls Corbin up for the pin at 9:56.

Rating: C-. Yeah it’s another watchable match but it’s everything else that is making it bad. Between Cole shouting about the dog food over and over and over again and the fact that we’ve seen these people fight for months now and how this was nothing new as far as a six man formula goes, this wasn’t exactly thrilling. It’s fine for a house show stipulation where the kids can laugh, but when you have to hear about it all night long, it’s way too much.

Post match Corbin tries to leave but he gets speared down and handcuffed, meaning he gets chained up like he did to Reigns months ago. The buckets of dog food are poured over him so Reigns and the Usos can pose to end the show. It’s a poetic way to go about things with Corbin, but the feud has gone on for so long now that the impact is really, really weakened. Also it’s not exactly brilliant, cutting edge stuff in the first place.

From Raw.

Here’s Charlotte to announce her Wrestlemania decision. She has held the Raw and Women’s Titles more than once and….there’s a Rhea chant. Charlotte says she’s done that too and yes NXT has love for it’s queen but….here’s Rhea herself. Rhea says Charlotte has beaten Bayley and Becky, but Rhea has beaten her. She holds up the NXT Women’s Title and Charlotte smiles at her, only to walk around and leave. Charlotte throws in one more WOO for good measure. I’m not sure where they’re going with this and I like that.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Cedric Alexander

Shelton suplexes him down to start and a backdrop cuts off Cedric’s early comeback attempt. The anklescissors is blocked as well with Shelton kicking him in the ribs for two instead. The chinlock goes on and of course brings Cedric back to his feet, only to get hit in the face again. Cedric is sent to the apron and tries a springboard but gets kneed out to the floor.

Rating: C+. Another nice match here with both guys working. Cedric continues to be the guy who can do anything you ask from him in the ring and if he ever has the slightest bit of charisma to back it up, he’d be a star in the blink of an eye. I could go for a lot more of him, but I can also see why WWE is a bit hesitant to push him.

We look at Randy Orton attacking Edge last week.

From Raw.

Here’s Orton to explain himself. Orton takes his time before posing on the roles and the fans are not thrilled to see him. He thinks he owes an explanation but the fans are booing him out of the building in a hurry. That turns into an Edge chant and Orton still can’t bring himself to say anything. He finally says he can’t do this, puts the mic down, and walks away.

From Raw again.

Seth Rollins vs. Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley is sent outside early and Rollins is right there with a Sling Blade to Ricochet. Another shot knocks Lashley off the apron so Rollins can get a quick two. Lashley is back in though and hits a DDT to Rollins and a neckbreaker on Ricochet at the same time. A clothesline puts Rollins on the floor but Ricochet gets in a kick to Lashley’s head. The rolling dropkick puts Lashley outside again and there’s the big flip dive.

The running shooting star press gets two with Lashley having to make a save. Another spinebuster hits Ricochet and a lifting Downward Spiral gets two on Rollins. A Blockbuster gives Rollins his own two on Lashley with Ricochet making a save this time around. The Buckle Bomb hits Ricochet but he’s back up with an enziguri to catch Rollins on top. There’s the Tower of Doom, though Lashley lets go of the two of them so it was more like Ricochet superplexing Rollins as Lashley just fell. The 630 hits Lashley for the sudden pin at 13:33.

Rating: B. Ricochet makes sense as the big winner as we’ve seen Rollins and Lashley vs. Lesnar isn’t exactly thrilling to anyone but Lashley. Ricochet may not have a chance to win but there’s a great Jeff Hardy factor him where there might be a .01% chance that he could win, but it’s very fun to think about. The match was good and it had the right winner so I can’t really complain.

Post match Lesnar runs in for a quick F5 to end the show. Lesnar might have been on screen for fifteen seconds and got a full payday for it. That’s why he’s smarter than we are.

Overall Rating: C+. Oh yeah you can tell it’s Wrestlemania season as they’re trying a little harder with both the wrestling and the story. It’s a show where you can tell the effort is a little harder and that’s the kind of thing you can’t fake. I’m looking forward to Wrestlemania and if they keep this up for the next few weeks, we’re in for a big night in Tampa.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 3, 2020: Worthy Of A Celebration

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 3, 2020
Location: Vivint Smart Home Arena, Salt Lake City, Utah
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler

We’re about two months away from Wrestlemania and tonight is going to be very interesting. Not so much because we need to do anything special, but because there is a horrible snow storm in Salt Lake City. The show is going on as planned, but we could be in for a very sparse crowd. Like, even more so than usual. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We open with a recap of what happened to Edge last week at the hands of Randy Orton, including being taken away in an ambulance after the show.

Here’s Orton to explain himself. Orton takes his time before posing on the roles and the fans are not thrilled to see him. He thinks he owes an explanation but the fans are booing him out of the building in a hurry. That turns into an Edge chant and Orton still can’t bring himself to say anything. He finally says he can’t do this, puts the mic down, and walks away.

Video on the Royal Rumble, focusing on Drew McIntyre and Brock Lesnar.

Lana vs. Liv Morgan

Lana fakes a wrist injury to start and gets two off a kick to the head instead. We hit the chinlock before Lana sends her head first into the mat. Posing ensues and Liv is back up with the springboard Downward Spiral for the pin at 1:24.

Post match Ruby Riott makes her surprise return….and knocks Liv down with a chokeshove. Riott beats her down even more and leaves, allowing Lana to lay out Liv again.

We take a quick look at the horrible blizzard.

We look back at Drew McIntyre challenging Brock Lesnar last week and getting beaten down as a result.

Drew McIntyre vs. Mojo Rawley

Non-title but first, Drew promises to Claymore Mojo’s head off three seconds after he puts the mic down. After thanking the fans for braving the weather, Drew talks about that clip of Drew getting attacked, pointing out that Brock had to take him down from behind. That’s all well and good, because Drew, has a secret weapon with the Claymore and he’s kicking Brock’s head off to become champion. Drew: “Geez Mojo I forgot you were there for a second. Claymore in six seconds and Drew didn’t even take his coat off. The “Mojo’s Only Fan” sign in the crowd is a nice touch.

Buddy Murphy and the AOP are ready for Kevin Owens and the Viking Raiders. Seth Rollins comes in to tell them to go get ready because he’s got this. Rollins is ready for a triple threat match tonight where he can become #1 contender at Super ShowDown. He’s beaten Brock Lesnar for the title twice (thanks for finally mentioning that) and Drew needs to get ready for a new Wrestlemania opponent.

Viking Raiders/Kevin Owens vs. AOP/Buddy Murphy

Elimination rules and Rollins is here with his cronies. The Vikings start fast with Ivar slamming Erik onto Murphy and we take a fast break. Back with Murphy hitting a jawbreaker on Erik so Rezar can come in for the slugout with Ivar. Akam comes in though and knees Erik down, setting up some hard right hands to keep him in trouble. Murphy strikes away as well but Erik knees him in the face, allowing the hot tag off to Ivar for a basement crossbody.

A seated senton out of the corner crushes Akam and a clothesline turns Murphy inside out. The springboard clothesline/German suplex combination gets one on Murphy with the AOP making a save. Everything breaks down and the Raiders hit some dives to take AOP down. Ivar misses a charge into the LED board though (knocking it offline in the process), allowing Rollins to Stomp Erik on the floor. That’s enough for Murphy to get the elimination at 8:06 as Ivar’s shoulder is out. Ivar goes to the back at about 9:00 so Owens is all alone against the three of them.

We take another break and come back with Owens hitting a suplex but Murphy pulls him down into a chinlock. Murphy takes it to the floor but gets caught with a fall away slam into the corner. Back in and Murphy kicks him in the face for two as frustration is starting to set in. Owens enziguris Rezar but walks into the side slam/middle rope stomp combination for two.

The chinlock goes on and Murphy cuts off another comeback attempt. A DDT plants Murphy but Akam is right back in to forearm Owens down. That doesn’t last long either though as Owens goes to the apron for a Cannonball to Rezar, followed by a whip to send Akam into the steps. The Swanton hits Murphy’s raised kneed but a Pop Up Powerbomb gets rid of Murphy at 19:21.

The Stunner eliminates Akam at 20:04 and Rollins is panicking. Rezar charges into the post and gets superkicked into the corner, setting up the Cannonball. Now the Swanton can connect for two so Owens gets a fireman’s carry, only to have Rollins offer a distraction. Rezar hits a heck of a clothesline and a spinebuster plants Owens again. A second spinebuster finishes Owens at 23:15.

Rating: C+. It was longer than it needed to be but that’s how you stretch out a match when there might not be a full load of talent due to the weather. I was surprised by the ending here as I never would have bet on Rezar winning once they got down to one on one. Fair enough given that Owens was spent though and enough to make everyone look good.

Post match Owens get the big standing ovation.

Ricochet is ready to earn a title shot because he wants to prove people wrong.

Aleister Black vs. Eric Young

Black starts with the striking and sweeps the legs out, setting up a knee to the face. Black Mass finishes Young at 1:18.

Post match Black talks about being told that he could be anything you want to be. Now he knows that isn’t true and that drives him. He will be knocking down the Raw locker room door because he was told he could be anything he wanted.

We look back at Andrade hammerlock DDTing Humberto Carrillo into the concrete last December, plus Humberto coming back to do the same thing to Andrade last week. Andrade is out indefinitely, though there is no word on the title being stripped or vacated.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza

That would be Humberto’s cousin, who is accompanied by Zelina Vega. She puts Garza over as a former champion and a hot prospect, while also mentioning the family connection. Garza says that he is the leader of their family so Humberto answers to him. Humberto is a disgrace to the family, so he takes the mic away and rants in Spanish at both of them. Zelina slaps him in the face and Garza jumps him, including the Wing Clipper to knock Humberto silly. They go outside with Garza peeling back the mats but Rey Mysterio runs in for the save. Sounds like we have a replacement match. Garza looked like a star here. Again.

Rey Mysterio vs. Angel Garza

Garza stalls on the floor to start before Rey makes him bail into the ropes for another breather. Rey grabs a headlock before headscissoring him into the corner. That’s enough to send Garza to a knee with an offer of a handshake but Rey shakes a finger no. Garza TAKES OFF HIS PANTS and throws them at Rey but misses a charge into the corner. A kick to the face staggers Rey again though and Garza puts him on the corner so the mask can be teased.

With that not working, Rey gets tied in the Tree of Woe for a running knee to the ribs. Rey is right back but misses the 619, allowing Garza to pull the ring skirt out to send him to the floor. Back from a break with Mysterio still in trouble as Lawler mentions that he and Honky Tonk Man are cousins (that’s something you don’t hear too often in WWE). Garza misses a moonsault though and they’re both down.

Rey gets two off a tornado DDT but Garza knees him in the head for the same. The Wing Clipper is broken up and Rey hits a running Canadian Destroyer. Vega breaks up the 619 so Rey springboards to the floor to drop Garza again. Rey yells at Vega so Garza gets in a superkick and whips him into the barricade. The hammerlock DDT onto the exposed concrete draws the DQ at 13:10.

Rating: B-. If you want to make someone look like a star, put them in there against Mysterio. Garza took a bit to grow on me but sweet goodness he has all the star power you could want. The ending tied into everything that the story was built upon and the match was good as a bonus. Nice stuff here and I’m hoping Garza gets even more of a push in the future.

Here’s Charlotte to announce her Wrestlemania decision. She has held the Raw and Women’s Titles more than once and….there’s a Rhea chant. Charlotte says she’s done that too and yes NXT has love for it’s queen but….here’s Rhea herself. Rhea says Charlotte has beaten Bayley and Becky, but Rhea has beaten her. She holds up the NXT Women’s Title and Charlotte smiles at her, only to walk around and leave. Charlotte throws in one more WOO for good measure. I’m not sure where they’re going with this and I like that.

Bobby Lashley isn’t distracted by Lana losing because that was her match. He’ll become #1 contender tonight because he deserves to face Brock Lesnar. Then he’ll go to Wrestlemania and beat up Drew McIntyre to retain the title. Posing ensues.

Asuka vs. Natalya

Asuka’s early headscissors doesn’t get her very far so she does it again and switches into a bodyscissors. A grab of the leg has Natalya in trouble so she kicks Asuka in the back for the break. Natalya knocks her into the corner and hits a sitout powerbomb for two, with Asuka bailing to the floor. Back from a break with Asuka kicking away at Natalya’s chest but missing the big one and getting rolled up for two.

A kick to the face sets up the Octopus Hold, followed by a Shining Wizard to give Asuka two more. The armbar keeps Natalya in trouble and Asuka switches to a guillotine to make it even worse. Natalya powers her up into a suplex for the break though and they’re both down. It’s Natalya up first with the discus lariat into the Sharpshooter but a rope is grabbed before too long. A quick Kairi Sane distraction lets Asuka grab the Asuka Lock for the tap at 12:01.

Rating: C+. It’s always nice to see Asuka in old school form of breaking people in half and that’s what we got here. Natalya is fine when you don’t let her talk and just go out for her stable and efficient match. The ending was a little flat as Sane just cheated to give Asuka the win but they had a good match coming up on the finish.

Post match Asuka rants about wanting a rematch with Becky Lynch for the Raw Women’s Title. Cue Becky (with checkered flag sunglasses) to say Asuka ducked her for a year and now wants to face her again. Of course she wants to drink from that fountain again but why put the title on the line again so close to Wrestlemania? Well, that’s because beating Asuka again would be better than doing it once so the match is on. Sane tries to jump Becky but gets thrown to the floor. Becky is even ready for the mist because she has superpowers, like eyes in the back of her head. No date on the match.

Charlotte will be on NXT this week to answer Rhea Ripley’s challenge.

Here’s Seth Rollins for the main event but first he needs to talk about it being his time. He’ll go to Super ShowDown and win the WWE Title, though the fans aren’t as happy with the announcement this week. Last year he won the title from Lesnar twice and then defended it around the world but the fans crucified him. He doesn’t hate the people for it though and actually he’s here to say thank you. Rollins is fighting right now and it’s for something that is going to be remembered in ten years. McIntyre is going to Wrestlemania but he’ll be facing the Monday Night Messiah.

Seth Rollins vs. Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley is sent outside early and Rollins is right there with a Sling Blade to Ricochet. Another shot knocks Lashley off the apron so Rollins can get a quick two. Lashley is back in though and hits a DDT to Rollins and a neckbreaker on Ricochet at the same time. A clothesline puts Rollins on the floor but Ricochet gets in a kick to Lashley’s head. The rolling dropkick puts Lashley outside again and there’s the big flip dive.

The running shooting star press gets two with Lashley having to make a save. Another spinebuster hits Ricochet and a lifting Downward Spiral gets two on Rollins. A Blockbuster gives Rollins his own two on Lashley with Ricochet making a save this time around. The Buckle Bomb hits Ricochet but he’s back up with an enziguri to catch Rollins on top. There’s the Tower of Doom, though Lashley lets go of the two of them so it was more like Ricochet superplexing Rollins as Lashley just fell. The 630 hits Lashley for the sudden pin at 13:33.

Rating: B. Ricochet makes sense as the big winner as we’ve seen Rollins and Lashley vs. Lesnar isn’t exactly thrilling to anyone but Lashley. Ricochet may not have a chance to win but there’s a great Jeff Hardy factor him where there might be a. .01% chance that he could win, but it’s very fun to think about. The match was good and it had the right winner so I can’t really complain.

Post match Lesnar runs in for a quick F5 to end the show. Lesnar might have been on screen for fifteen seconds and got a full payday for it. That’s why he’s smarter than we are.

Overall Rating: B. You can tell they’re in Wrestlemania Mode as the show flew by with nothing bad and some stories being advanced. It’s acceptable to focus on Super ShowDown as there is so much time left before Wrestlemania, but I really hope that it doesn’t turn into the usual mess where all of the focus is on the less important show and the big one suffers in the process. This show gives me hope though, because it was the best one in a long time.


Liv Morgan b. Lana – Springboard Downward Spiral

Drew McIntyre b. Mojo Rawley – Claymore

Buddy Murphy/AOP b. Kevin Owens/Viking Raiders – Spinebuster to Rezar

Aleister Black b. Eric Young – Black Mass

Rey Mysterio b. Angel Garza via DQ when Garza DDTed Mysterio on the exposed concrete

Asuka b. Natalya – Asuka Lock

Ricochet b. Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley – 630 to Lashley

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – January 30, 2020: The New Generation

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: January 30, 2020
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

We’re past the Royal Rumble and that means things can pick up in a big way. The problem is that they might not do that, which is always a possibility around here. This show can give you a good look at how things going but that is not always the case. In other words, I have no idea what to expect here so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Sarah Logan

It was good last week so maybe they can repeat it this time. Feeling out process to start with Logan reversing a waistlock but getting elbowed in the face for her efforts. Deonna gets sent outside and kneed against the barricade so Logan can shout a lot. Back in and Purrazzo hits another elbow to the face but she takes Logan outside again to send her arm first into the apron.

The nasty armbar follows inside, followed by Logan’s arm being wrapped around the bottom rope. Logan is fine enough to send her shoulder first into the post and a running dropkick has Purrazzo in even more trouble. A bridging belly to back suplex gives Logan two more but Purrazzo flips over into the Fujiwara armbar. That means a rope grab and likely the end of Purrazzo’s chances. Back up and Logan knees her in the face for the pin at 5:14.

Rating: C-. Yeah not exactly last week’s rather surprising performance but they could have done a lot worse. Logan is someone who might wind up being a midcarder on one of the major shows but that isn’t happening until she gets somewhere first. Maybe she can do that in time and some wins on Main Event are better than nothing.

Video on the men’s Royal Rumble.

From Raw.

Here’s Drew McIntyre to open the show. Drew loves the sound of being introduced as the Royal Rumble winner, so let’s get this out of the way: he challenges Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania. Last night he saw the fear in Brock’s eyes and knows that he can beat Lesnar. He wants a Claymore party tonight though and that means it’s open challenge time. Cue the OC to say they’ll both fight him right now. That’s fine with Drew, so ring the bell.

Drew McIntyre vs. OC

Drew starts fast by chopping Anderson and beats up Gallows as a bonus. A top rope ax handle hits Anderson and there’s the Futureshock to Gallows. The Claymore hits them both and it’s a double pin at 2:21. Total squash and that’s how you make a star.

Post match here’s Lesnar to F5 McIntyre.

Video on the women’s Royal Rumble.

From Raw.

Here’s Charlotte to brag about winning last night but that’s what she does, because she’s Charlotte. We see some highlights from last night and Charlotte announces that she will be challenging….for a championship because she hasn’t made up her mind yet.

Cedric Alexander vs. Riddick Moss

This cameo makes some more sense after Raw. Moss works on a wristlock to start but Cedric reverses into a headlock. A rather hard shoulder puts Alexander in the corner and we take an early break. Back with Moss forearming away in the corner and shouting a lot. The chinlock goes on but Cedric is right back up with a running dropkick to the knee. The springboard Downward Spiral is broken up and Moss hits a heck of a Rock Bottom for the pin at 7:27.

Rating: D+. The key phrase here would be “they tried”. At some point you need to give us someone new and maybe Moss can go somewhere. I haven’t seen much from him to suggest that he can, but eventually you need to put someone out there and give them some wins to see what they can do. With all of the talent they have in this company, it’s worth seeing what you have.

Video on Edge returning at the Royal Rumble.

From Raw.

Here’s Edge for his big return speech. He soaks in some cheers and can’t believe that he’s here, because being back means so much to him. The reactions are why they do this so thank you. Edge gets to the big point: how can he be here? Nine years ago he was told he could never do this again but he doesn’t like living in a world of what if’s. A few years went by and he started to feel pretty good.

Then he started thinking about what if he came home. He had a second neck surgery and got in the best shape of his life because he wanted to do this one more time and go out on his own terms. Last night he was in the Royal Rumble and saw some names that he had seen before, plus some new ones. He hopes to see them again down the road, but he’s not sure how long this is going to last.

Edge wants us to join us on the ride, earning himself his first YES chant. Edge: “I’ve got to thank Daniel Bryan for that because that’s pretty cool.” Yeah he’s older now but he has one thing that you can’t fake: grit. This brings out Randy Orton, who hugs Edge and calls him a brother. Last night, Orton felt the energy and the chemistry that only they have. Edge was talking about what if’s, so what if Rated-RKO got back together one more time?

Before we get an answer, the RKO drops Edge. Orton grabs a chair and cracks Edge over the back for good measure. The chair is wrapped around Edge’s head (as his hand is shaking) and Orton goes to the middle rope. Orton gets back down and takes the chair off of his head….so he can get two chairs. The One Man Conchairto ends the show, with Orton whispering something to Edge. Good angle here, and Edge can bring the fire at Wrestlemania.

Overall Rating: C. The original stuff wasn’t great, but it did tie in together with the overall theme of this time of year: trying something different. There are only so many things that you can do before you bring in someone new and WWE is finally doing something in that area. They have a long way to go before it means anything, but at least they’re trying.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – January 27, 2020: On The Road Again

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 27, 2020
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Jerry Lawler

It’s officially a new era as we are on the Road to Wrestlemania, featuring new #1 contender Drew McIntyre. I’ve waited a long time to say that but now it’s true, with McIntyre eliminating Brock Lesnar from the Royal Rumble and then winning the whole match, meaning he’s off to Wrestlemania. Tonight we might get to see what all is coming up for Wrestlemania. Let’s get to it.

Here are last night’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look back at last night’s Royal Rumble.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Drew McIntyre to open the show. Drew loves the sound of being introduced as the Royal Rumble winner, so let’s get this out of the way: he challenges Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania. Last night he saw the fear in Brock’s eyes and knows that he can beat Lesnar. He wants a Claymore party tonight though and that means it’s open challenge time. Cue the OC to say they’ll both fight him right now. That’s fine with Drew, so ring the bell.

Drew McIntyre vs. OC

Drew starts fast by chopping Anderson and beats up Gallows as a bonus. A top rope ax handle hits Anderson and there’s the Futureshock to Gallows. The Claymore hits them both and it’s a double pin at 2:21. Total squash and that’s how you make a star.

Post match here’s Lesnar to F5 McIntyre.

Classic Edge Moment: TLC II.

Rey Mysterio vs. MVP

I’m glad MVP brought back the intro to his theme song. Feeling out process to start and we go to an early standoff with MVP smiling. Rey gets knocked down with a big boot for two but he sends MVP outside with a headscissors as we take a break. Back with Rey picking up the pace with some elbows but he walks into a World’s Strongest Slam. Ballin connects but Rey is right back with….well it was supposed to be a 619 but MVP stood up so the feet just grazed him in the back. The springboard splash hits MVP in the back for the pin at 8:59.

Rating: C-. They were in different books there at the end but it’s nice to have MVP’s music back if nothing else. I only started to get into him near the end of his run so it’s nice to have him back. I’m not sure how much I need to see him on a regular basis, but it’s fine for a veteran presence in the short term.

We look back at the opening segment, including Lesnar taking out McIntyre. The title match is official for Wrestlemania.

Aleister Black vs. Kenneth Johnson

Johnson was in the Cruiserweight Classic and it’s Black Mass for the pin at 35 seconds.

Post match Black isn’t happy with losing the Royal Rumble last night. He owns that loss, but there is something that needs to change. Over the last few months, he has made the mistake of waiting for people to come after him. From now on, he is bringing the fight to them.

We look back at last week’s Tag Team Title change.

Here are Buddy Murphy and Seth Rollins for a chat before their title defense. Rollins talks about how winning the Royal Rumble wasn’t in the cards last night, but the positive was that neither Kevin Owens nor Samoa Joe are going to Wrestlemania either. The other good thing is that Rollins now has Buddy Murphy by his side. As for tonight, Owens and Joe want a title shot so get out here.

Cue Owens and Joe, with Owens saying Rollins still talks too much. Rollins wants a fight right now and Joe wants to know why Rollins is willing to fight tonight. Owens thinks the TOP might be ready to jump them but Rollins has told them to stay in the back and even has a live camera feed ready to prove that they’re not coming. Joe thinks that might be fake and yes, he is calling Rollins a liar. After seeing more of the camera feed, Owens confirms that they are in Rollins’ dressing room. Therefore, the Viking Raiders jump the AOP and let’s have this title match.

Classic Edge Moment: Cashing in Money in the Bank for the first time.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Buddy Murphy/Seth Rollins vs. Samoa Joe/Kevin Owens

Joe and Owens are challenging. Joe knocks Rollins to the floor to start so it’s Murphy coming in and getting dropped as well. Murphy’s comeback is cut off with a shoulder so Owens comes in to pound away in the corner. A Vader Bomb elbow gives Owens two and Joe drops an elbow for the same. The Russian legsweep gets two on Murphy and it’s Owens coming back in to keep up the beating.

Rollins manages a blind tag and comes in to stomp away on Joe as Lawler can’t get why Rollins is being booed. Murphy is back in rather quickly as Rollins is backdropped to the floor, leaving Murphy to miss his dive as Joe steps to the side (that never gets old). A suicide dive crushes Murphy on the floor and we take a break. Back with Joe having been sent to the back due to how he landed off the dive.

Murphy drives some knees to the back and grabs the chinlock for a bit. Owens fights up and sends Rollins into the corner, with the frog splash getting two. A jumping knee to the face gives Murphy two but Owens’ pop up sitout powerbomb gets the same. Murphy gets shoved off the top for a Swanton so Rollins has to make a save this time. Owens is back up with a flip dive to Rollins but Murphy knees him into the ropes. Rollins misses the stomp and takes a Stunner, only to have Murphy grab a rollup with tights for the pin at 15:50.

Rating: C. The Joe absence took something away from it and that’s a little annoying. I’ll take that over the title change though as there isn’t much of a reason to switch them again, especially when Rollins is still establishing the army against everyone else. Owens looks good, but I really hope they don’t do the same thing with the roles reversed next week.

Classic Edge Moment: Returning to win the 2010 Royal Rumble.

Becky Lynch calls last night a big victory. After she won, she looked at the title and it hit her: she really is in a whole different league than the rest of those dopes because she’s beaten everyone. She’d be down with facing Charlotte, and shows off a GOAT jacket.

US Title: Andrade vs. Humberto Carrillo

Andrade is defending in a rematch from last night. Humberto dropkicks him at the bell and takes it to the floor for a bit with Andrade taking over. Back in and Andrade stomps away in the corner with some choking thrown in for a bonus. Humberto sends him over the top though and it’s the big flip dive to follow as we take a break.

Back with Andrade stomping away even more but missing the running knees in the corner. A spinebuster puts Humberto down but he’s right back with a headscissors. The springboard spinning crossbody gets two and the rolling moonsault is good for the same. Andrade breaks up a springboard to send Carrillo crashing onto the back of his head. Humberto is right back with some kicks of his own and the moonsault connects, only to have Zelina Vega come in for the DQ at 10:43.

Rating: C. I’m still not feeling it from Humberto and the match wasn’t anything great. If nothing else, there wasn’t much of a reason to do the match again, but that has never stopped WWE before. Humberto needs something to make people care about him and beating Andrade via DQ isn’t enough.

Post match Humberto is livid and beats up Andrade before peeling back the floor mats. The hammerlock DDT plants Andrade into the concrete for a change.

Classic Edge Moment: His retirement in 2011.

Here’s Charlotte to brag about winning last night but that’s what she does, because she’s Charlotte. We see some highlights from last night and Charlotte announces that she will be challenging….for a championship because she hasn’t made up her mind yet. Cue the Kabuki Warriors with Asuka shouting in Japanese. Charlotte thinks that’s a challenge and the beatdown is on.

Charlotte vs. Asuka

They lock up in a hurry to start and it’s Asuka taking over with the kicks. A running kick to the face gives Asuka two and Charlotte is looking shaken early on. More kicks to the back have Charlotte in more trouble but the running hip attack misses. Charlotte is back with a clothesline and blocks a bulldog, allowing her to start in on the leg. Asuka kicks her into the corner though and hits a release German suplex.

The missile dropkick gives Asuka two and the Octopus makes it even worse for Charlotte. That’s broken up as well and Charlotte hits a basement dropkick. Charlotte takes her up for a super Spanish Fly but a Sane distraction lets Asuka shove her down as we take a break. Back with Asuka hitting a German suplex and forearming away. Another missile dropkick misses though and Charlotte hits a big boot for two.

Charlotte’s moonsault misses though and Asuka grabs something like an upside down Koji Clutch on the mat. That’s broken up so Asuka goes with a triangle choke, with Charlotte reversing with a hard sitout powerbomb. Back up and Asuka hits a running Codebreaker for two but the Asuka Lock doesn’t work. Charlotte’s spear gets two and the Figure Eight goes on, drawing in Sane with the Insane Elbow for the DQ at 14:08.

Rating: C+. It was going somewhere but that’s the second match in a row with someone coming in for the DQ. These two are always worth seeing though as they have some rather good chemistry. That being said, I’m almost scared to see where Charlotte goes with the title match because neither of the champions offers an interesting match for her.

The Street Profits are excited that Edge is back. Kelly Kelly comes in and Dawkins hits on her, though Kelly seems confused. Dancing ensues.

Here’s 24/7 Champion Mojo Rawley for a title defense but he has Riddick Moss of all people with him, billed as Rawley’s offensive lineman. Before the match, Rawley says he’ll fight anywhere and introduces Moss before telling anyone can come get the title.

24/7 Title: Mojo Rawley vs. No Way Jose

Rawley is defending as Main Event comes to Raw. Running fist in the corner and the fireman’s carry faceplant retains the title at 25 seconds.

Post match, R-Truth runs in in a cheeseburger costume and wins the title. A Moss distraction and the fireman’s carry faceplant gives Rawley the title right back.

We recap Liv Morgan interrupting the wedding and the relationship part is included. Commentary doesn’t mention it, but that’s better than nothing.

Lana vs. Liv Morgan

Liv power walks to the ring and the fight is on but Lana knocks her to the floor in a crash. Back in and Lana gets two off a kick to the head, meaning it’s off to the chinlock. Liv breaks that up and hits an enziguri, followed by a springboard Downward Spiral to put Lana away at 2:38. That was different and not a disaster.

Erick Rowan vs. Branden Vice

Rowan dropkicks him to the floor for a crossbody, hits a Jackhammer back inside and finishes with the Iron Claw at 1:13.

Classic Edge Moment: Returning last night.

Here’s Edge for his big return speech. He soaks in some cheers and can’t believe that he’s here, because being back means so much to him. The reactions are why they do this so thank you. Edge gets to the big point: how can he be here? Nine years ago he was told he could never do this again but he doesn’t like living in a world of what if’s. A few years went by and he started to feel pretty good.

Then he started thinking about what if he came home. He had a second neck surgery and got in the best shape of his life because he wanted to do this one more time and go out on his own terms. Last night he was in the Royal Rumble and saw some names that he had seen before, plus some new ones. He hopes to see them again down the road, but he’s not sure how long this is going to last.

Edge wants us to join us on the ride, earning himself his first YES chant. Edge: “I’ve got to thank Daniel Bryan for that because that’s pretty cool.” Yeah he’s older now but he has one thing that you can’t fake: grit. This brings out Randy Orton, who hugs Edge and calls him a brother. Last night, Orton felt the energy and the chemistry that only they have. Edge was talking about what if’s, so what if Rated-RKO got back together one more time?

Before we get an answer, the RKO drops Edge. Orton grabs a chair and cracks Edge over the back for good measure. The chair is wrapped around Edge’s head (as his hand is shaking) and Orton goes to the middle rope. Orton gets back down and takes the chair off of his head….so he can get two chairs. The One Man Conchairto ends the show, with Orton whispering something to Edge. Good angle here, and Edge can bring the fire at Wrestlemania.

Overall Rating: C+. Tonight worked well enough and you can tell that they have something of a focus to set up Wrestlemania. That’s a really good sign and having McIntyre vs. Lesnar already announced is a good idea. Edge vs. Orton sounds solid as well and you can probably piece together some more of the card as we move forward. It’s not a great show with some of the stuff feeling like filler, but the important stuff worked well and that’s what matters.


Drew McIntyre b. OC – Claymore to Anderson

Rey Mysterio b. MVP – Springboard splash

Aleister Black b. Kenneth Johnson – Black Mass

Seth Rollins/Buddy Murphy b. Samoa Joe/Kevin Owens – Rollup with tights to Owens

Humberto Carrillo b. Andrade via DQ when Zelina Vega interfered

Charlotte b. Asuka via DQ when Kairi Sane interfered

Mojo Rawley b. No Way Jose – Fireman’s carry faceplant

Liv Morgan b. Lana – Springboard Downward Spiral

Erick Rowan b. Branden Vice – Iron Claw

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2019 (Original): Somewhere, This Show Is Still Going

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2019
Date: January 27, 2019
Location: Chase Field, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

It’s the first of the Big Four pay per views and that means it’s time to really get going with the busiest season of the year. In this case that means a pair of Royal Rumble matches, which may or may not have the highest levels of drama. I’m not sure who we’ll be seeing tonight, but it could be interesting. Let’s get to it.

The stadium looks huge, though it doesn’t look full.

Kickoff Show: Bobby Roode/Chad Gable vs. Rezar/Scott Dawson

THIS NEEDED TO BE ADDED TO THE SHOW??? If Rezar and Dawson win, both of their teams get future title shots. Akam is injured at the moment in case this is even more confusing than it seems. As a bonus, the cameraman falls over while trying to get a closeup of Roode during his entrance. Roode and Dawson start things off with Scott getting caught in a wristlock. It’s back to Gable but Rezar comes in to hammer away with the heavy forearms.

With Gable properly beaten, Dawson comes in for a suplex, followed by a chinlock. That’s rather old school of him. Back up and they slug it out until a shove into the ropes sends Gable head first into Dawson, meaning a double knockdown. Rezar comes in but gets caught in the armbreaker over the ropes. Everything breaks down and Dawson runs into Rezar by mistake, setting up the moonsault/neckbreaker combination to finish Dawson at 6:55.

Rating: D+. Well that was a distinct waste of time. The match was added to the card as a bonus and the not exactly interesting champions defeated their makeshift challengers, as in the team they should beat, without much effort. So much for having the Revival get somewhere out of all their recent drama, at least for one night. You couldn’t possibly have Rezar lose here you see. He doesn’t have a partner at the moment, but it makes more sense to beat half of the Revival. Again.

Kickoff Show: US Title: Rusev vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Rusev is defending and goes straight with the corner shoulders to the ribs. A running clothesline puts Nakamura on the floor but he gets in a shot against the barricade to take over. Back in and some Bad Vibrations set up the running knee to the ribs as they’re doing just about the same match (at least the same pace) as before. The knees to the head don’t do too much damage to Rusev as he’s right back with the spinwheel kick for two.

Nakamura bails to the floor so Rusev loads up a suicide dive (!), which is cut off by a kick to the head. Well thank goodness for that. Nakamura fires off more kicks to the head for a near fall but Rusev ax handles him down. You don’t see that one very often, but you do see the Machka Kick, which makes it even worse.

Rusev gets caught in a triangle choke until a suplex finally gets him out of trouble. Nakamura kicks him down again so the referee checks on Rusev, allowing Nakamura to go after the turnbuckle pad. It’s Lana offering a distraction but she gets knocked off the apron and hurts her ankle. Rusev is distracted again, and this time a running knee to the back of the head gives Nakamura the title back at 10:15.

Rating: C. I’m so glad they gave Rusev the title so they could give it back to Nakamura to restart his nothing reign. That title is the kiss of death at the moment with no one getting anything out of it. It’s not like either of them being champion means anything more than the other, but this is kind of a confusing choice.

Kickoff Show: Cruiserweight Title: Buddy Murphy vs. Akira Tozawa vs. Kalisto vs. Hideo Itami

Murphy is defending and it’s one fall to a finish. Everyone goes for rollups to start but can’t get anywhere so Tozawa puts Murphy in a Black Widow. Kalisto makes a save and snaps off a hurricanrana to send Murphy outside. Itami starts cleaning house and wins a strike off with Murphy, followed by knocking Kalisto outside.

Tozawa’s dive takes Murphy out but Kalisto gets back in to clean house, including monkey flipping Tozawa off the apron onto Murphy. This time it’s Tozawa heading back inside to take over, capped off by the suicide headbutt on Itami. Buddy is back up with the running flip dive to the floor onto all three. Kalisto is up first with a hurricanrana driver for two on Murphy as the all over the place offense continues.

Murphy powerbombs Kalisto out of the corner for the same with Tozawa having to make a save. The Salida Del Sol gets a VERY close two on Itami but Murphy takes over again. It’s Itami hitting an enziguri on Murphy so Tozawa and Kalisto break it up with stereo superkicks. Murphy is right back up and countering whatever Itami’s finisher is supposed to be, setting up Murphy’s Law to retain at 12:07.

Rating: C+. This was exactly what it was supposed to be with a bunch of spots and all kinds of entertainment going on. It didn’t need to be anything more than a fast paced spotfest and that’s what they did here. Murphy retaining is fine and I liked the match well enough. It also didn’t overstay its welcome, which is often a problem with a match like this. Good stuff here.

The opening video looks at what the Rumble means, both as a show and as a match itself. This includes some history of the match, meaning some comedy, which doesn’t really fit with the serious nature of the video.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Becky Lynch

Asuka is defending after taking the title from Becky in a triple threat match last month. Becky gets shoved down as there’s a rather loud high pitched noise. Back up and Asuka kicks the leg out but gets hip attacked out to the floor. Asuka misses the running kick off the apron and gets her own leg kicked out to put Becky in control for the first time. Back in and Becky sends her face first into the corner before stomping away for good measure. It’s too early for the arm but Asuka misses the running hip attack and gets caught in the ropes.

That’s fine though as it’s the Asuka Lock from the ropes for a few seconds. The missing continues though as Asuka goes shoulder first into the post, setting up a Disarm-Her in the ropes. Becky dives into a knee to the face though and the hip attack connects for two. The missile dropkick misses and Becky gets her own two off a bell to belly. Asuka is right back with most of an Asuka Lock, allowing Becky to roll to the ropes.

They fight to the apron and it’s a fisherman’s neckbreaker (I think) Asuka onto the floor for a huge (and scary looking) crash. They’re both alive and get back in for the slugout with Becky getting the better of it. Asuka gets caught in a super Bexploder for a very close two as the fans are getting way into these near falls.

Becky misses the middle rope legdrop though and gets pulled into the Disarm-Her, which is reversed into an Asuka Lock (on Asuka) for a pretty sweet sequence that you don’t see from the women. Asuka flips back for two and there’s the big kick to the head. Becky pulls her down into the Disarm-Her but this time it’s Asuka escaping. The full Asuka Lock goes on and Asuka flips forward into something close to Cattle Mutilation for the clean tap at 16:37.

Rating: B+. Very good match here with some crazy counters, though having Becky tap clean feels like a bad idea. I fully expect her to come back in and win the Rumble for the title shot, but this was a great example of WWE booking themselves into a corner. This could have been Charlotte losing instead and giving Asuka her win back from Wrestlemania, but instead they take something away from Becky before she’s likely winning later in the night, or at Elimination Chamber. Just seems unnecessary.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Shane McMahon/The Miz vs. The Bar

Shane and Miz are challenging in matching baseball jerseys. Shane takes Sheamus down at the bell because that’s what you do to a four time World Champion. We officially start with Cesaro vs. Miz as Miz can’t get a Skull Crushing Finale. The double teaming begins in the corner so it’s Shane running over for a quick save. Shane gets knocked off the apron (I think that’s enough to make Sheamus a five time World Champion) but he’s right back to save Miz from a powerbomb through the announcers’ table.

The big elbow is broken up so Shane hits a top rope clothesline on Sheamus instead. Cesaro uppercuts him in the face though and the double backbreaker gets two on Miz. Sheamus hits a middle rope knee to the chest for the same and it’s off to the ten forearms to the chest for a bonus. Miz fights out of a chinlock as this is somehow still going. The hot tag brings in Shane for the umping elbow to Sheamus and the horrible spinning DDT on Cesaro. Coast to Coast is broken up by Cesaro so Shane knocks him into the corner as well.

Since Shane can beat up one of the most successful tag teams of the modern era on his own. Thankfully Cesaro counters into the Swing, and it’s a LONG one with the fans giving him a quick standing ovation. Shane is fine of course and grabs what was supposed to be a triangle choke until Sheamus makes the save. Miz gets dropped on the floor and the spike White Noise, which pinned Seth Rollins last year, gets two. Miz breaks up the Brogue Kick so it takes out Cesaro instead, setting up Shane’s shooting star press for the pin and the titles at 13:23.

Rating: D. Not only was the match boring, but Shane McMahon just won a title in 2019. This is also the second stupid title loss for the Bar in less than a year after they lost to a ten year old at Wrestlemania. I’m sure they’ll get the titles back, but my goodness what is the point in this? To set up Shane vs. Miz at Wrestlemania? Is that what anyone wants to see?

We recap Ronda Rousey vs. Sasha Banks. Rousey tried to be nice to Banks but Sasha got serious and promised to make Rousey tap. That was enough to set Rousey off and we have a fired up champ.

Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Sasha Banks

Rousey is defending. It’s way too early for the submissions so Rousey throws her into the corner and stops for some taunting. Rousey goes for Three Amigos but has to slip out of a Bank Statement attempt. Back up and Banks slaps her in the face, earning herself a kick to the ribs. They fight outside with Rousey punching the post, allowing Banks to hit a heck of a suicide dive. Things finally slow down a bit with Rousey grabbing a chinlock until Banks shoves her into the corner for some running knees.

An elbow to the face puts Banks down but she comes back up with some loud slaps to the back. The Rope walk sets up a Codebreaker to the bad arm and a running knee gets two. More running knees miss in the corner so Rousey tries Piper’s Pit, only to be reversed into a heck of an armbar on the bad arm. Rousey starts to roll out but gets pulled into the Bank Statement. It’s too close to the ropes though and now Piper’s Pit connects.

For some reason Rousey goes up top, earning herself a superplex for two. The armbar goes on again as you can’t say Banks isn’t focused. Rousey is all fired up and hits three straight judo throws by the arm. Banks sends her outside again though and Rousey’s arm is just hanging there. Another suicide dive is countered into the Beast Mode armbar on the floor to make Sasha tap, which didn’t make a ton of sense but looked awesome as you got the Death Stare.

Back in and Rousey unloads with right hands and a running knee of her own for two. Banks sends her arm first into the corner again though and it’s a double stomp onto the arm. The Backstabber is countered into an armbar attempt but another Piper’s Pit is countered into a crossbody for two. The Bank Statement can’t quite go on so it’s a Fujiwara armbar in the middle of the ring. Rousey rolls out of that as well and it’s a gutwrench suplex into Piper’s Pit for the pin at 13:48, though it looked like Rousey’s shoulders were down as well.

Rating: B+. I liked this even more than I was expecting to and it was a heck of a match. The arm stuff made sense and I’m glad they went with that instead of the back/ribs stuff that we’ve done a few times now. Banks looked more motivated than she has in years here and that’s not exactly surprising. As a bonus, Rousey was really showing off the athleticism here and made herself look even more talented than usual. Very good match and worth seeing.

Post match Rousey tries to show respect and gives her the Four Horsewomen sign but Banks isn’t having it and storms off.

Kickoff Show recap.

Women’s Royal Rumble

90 second intervals. Beth Phoenix is out for commentary and it’s Lacey Evans in at #1 and gives a rather condescending promo about wanting to clean up the division. Natalya is in at #2, which is quite the letdown after that kind of a setup. Lacey flips away from Natalya to start but they both miss dropkicks at the same time. The nipup doesn’t quite work for Lacey and it’s a wristlock to keep her in trouble. A hurricanrana takes Natalya down though and it’s Mandy Rose in at #3.

Natalya is right back up and does the still ridiculous looking double Sharpshooter until Liv Morgan is in at #4….and is eliminated in about two seconds off a Natalya backdrop. Lacey turns on Mandy but stops to pull a napkin from her trunks and wipe down a bit before throwing it at the other two (make your own Priscilla Kelly jokes). Mickie James is in at #5 and kicks Natalya in the head. No one goes for an elimination until Ember Moon is in at #6 to a big reaction (complete with a CGI moon, making me want to play Major’s Mask). Moon gets in all the usual until Mandy catches her in the corner.

Billie Kay is in at #7 but says she’s staying outside until Peyton Royce is here. Smart move actually and perfectly legal. Nikki Cross is in at #8 and sprints to ringside where she beats up Kay. House is cleaned but Lacey manages to avoid getting thrown out. Kay is inside now as the ring is starting to get too full. Peyton Royce is in at #9 and helps Billie up to go after Nikki. Some double teaming keeps her in trouble but there’s no elimination as Tamina is in at #10.

We currently have Evans, Natalya, Rose, James, Moon, Kay, Cross, Royce and Tamina. Kay goes after Tamina and nearly gets thrown out, but instead Tamina goes after Cross and this the top rope splash. A superkick puts James out and it’s Xia Li (of the Mae Young Classic) in at #11. Some kicks to the head drop Tamina and even more put everyone else down. Xia stands tall as Sara Logan is in at #12. The IIconics get together and dumb Cross in a rather quick elimination.

Charlotte is in at #13 and you can tell things are getting serious. Li gets sent to the apron and booted out as the ring is suddenly a lot less full. Tamina scores with a superkick and it’s Kairi Sane in at #14. The IIconics seem to have been eliminated as Sane is having way too much fun with her telescope. Charlotte gets Tamina out and there’s the top rope forearm from Sane to Moon. Charlotte welcomes the chops from Sane, who moves on to knocking Logan down.

The Insane Elbow connects and Natalya knocks Logan out. Maria Kanellis is in at #15 to get us to halftime and hopefully write off some of the rumors about her leaving. A double bulldog has Charlotte and Moon down but for some reason Maria stops for a dance, allowing Charlotte to nail her with a spear. Naomi is in at #16 and hits a sitout jawbreaker on Rose, as you had to expect.

A suplex to the apron sets up a kick to the head and Mandy is out. Naomi takes her time on the apron though and gets powerbombed against the barricade, only to kick Mandy in the head and crawl up onto the barricade. The tightrope walk lets Naomi get around for a Kofi Kingston-esque dive to the steps (that was VERY impressive) but Mandy pulls her to the floor anyway. Charlotte kicks Evans out and it’s Candice LeRae in at #17 for another NXT surprise. A Black Widow has Ember in trouble but she comes back with a gutbuster to put Candice down.

Some headscissors let Kacy put some people down with one putting Fox onto the apron. Zelina Vega (as someone from Street Fighter) is in at #20, giving us Natalya, Moon, Charlotte, Sane, LeRae, Fox, Catanzaro and Vega. LeRae and Vega go at it as a followup from NXT and it’s Ruby Riott, flanked by Morgan and Logan, in at #21. The Squad pull people underneath the ropes to cause some chaos but do managed to eliminate Fox and LeRae as Vega is hiding underneath the ring.

Dana Brooke is in at #22 and hits a heck of a sitout powerbomb on Catanzaro. The Squad keeps pulling people outside without eliminating most of them as Io Shirai is in at #23. She beats up the Squad in short order and hits the moonsault to the floor (she was never in so it’s not an elimination).

Riott and Shirai fight to the apron and it’s Rhea Ripley in at #24. She throws Catanzaro to the floor but Catanzaro lands on her back, allowing her to backflip onto the barricade and then hand walk to the post, where she flips up and climbs back in. Ripley throws her out without much of a problem, but WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT AND WHY CAN SHE DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT???

Sonya Deville is in at #25 and Brooke is eliminated as Vega keeps watching…..and Hornswoggle pops out from underneath the ring skirt next to her. The chase is on and Vega goes inside where she’s eliminated in short order. Alexa Bliss makes her return at #26 and moonsaults into double knees to Moon’s chest. A sunset bomb plants Charlotte and it’s Sonya unloading on Bliss in the corner. Bliss gets rid of Sonya and it’s Bayley (to a pop) at #27.

That means the pace can pick up and it’s Riott and Ripley being tossed out. Lana is in at #28 and selling the ankle from earlier in the night. The fans are begging for Becky to come out and take her place as Lana has taken over a minute to get about a third of the way to the ring. Nia Jax is in at #29 and jumps Lana on the way to the ring so I think you know where this is going. Shirai moonsault onto Jax but gets thrown outside, landing hard onto her ankle. Jax throws Natalya out as well and it’s Carmella in at #30, giving us a final field of Charlotte, Bayley, Jax, Sane, Moon, Bliss and maybe Lana, who never got in the ring.

With Carmella taking Jax down, here’s Becky to appeal to Fit Finlay (I call international collusion!) to let her take Lana’s spot. Finlay agrees and we have the final field. We get straight to the Becky vs. Jax showdown and Becky unloads on her to a freaking roar. Bliss pulls Moon to the apron and it’s a leg trip to get rid of Moon after 53 minutes. Bayley gives Bliss a buckle bomb and that’s enough for the elimination.

That leaves us with Bayley, Nia, Carmella, Charlotte and Becky. Jax gets knocked through the ropes and Charlotte reverses a running headscissors from Carmella but cant’ get rid of her. A running big boot knocks Carmella out and Bayley sends Charlotte to the apron. Nia throws Bayley out (with Bayley clutching her knee on the landing) to get us down to three. Becky rolls to the floor and Charlotte fireman’s carries Nia….nowhere actually.

Nia goes over the top and Becky pulls her out, leaving us with Charlotte vs. Becky, much to the fans’ approval. Nia pulls Becky off the apron though and we’ve got a knee injury. Becky charges inside anyway and gets her leg taken out rather quickly. Charlotte cranks on the leg but Becky pops up and sends her to the apron. A running shot is enough to get rid of Charlotte to give Becky the win at 1:11:23.

Rating: B. I think I liked this one more than last year’s. The winner was the predictable (not a bad thing) and right call, but the bigger deal here was the lack of legends. It’s a good sign that the divisions have grown enough that they can have one of these without having so many people added to the match from years past. The NXT women were a nice touch and the match never felt like it was dragging.

I wouldn’t mind for it to be a little less messy though, as there were too many people on the floor at various times and a few too many spots of people saving themselves. That being said, Catanzaro is not human and that save was incredible, likely more impressive than most of Kofi’s. The Hornswoggle spot was hilarious too and I’m very relieved that he was used for that instead of a Rumble entry. Good match here, as the division looks a lot deeper this year.

We recap the Smackdown World Title match. Daniel Bryan turned heel back in November and won the title from Styles via a low blow. AJ Styles has turned it up a few notches though and is now the REAL AJ Styles again. This should be a heck of a match if given time, but it’s almost 10:00 and we have two World Title matches and a Royal Rumble to go.

Smackdown World Title: AJ Styles vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan is defending. AJ starts fast and slugs away but gets sent hard into the post for a trip to the floor. The shoulder is sent into the post again and it’s off to a hammerlock. Bryan seems very pleased with AJ possibly having a bloody nose and hammers away on the mat some more.

AJ gets back up with a suplex and right hands of his own, only to get suplexed onto the back of his head. Bryan gets sent outside for some kicks to the face as this is severely dragging. Back in and they trade submission finishers with AJ CRANKING on the leg in a painful looking visual. The rope is grabbed and Bryan kicks him down again. They head up top with AJ flipping out of a belly to back superplex before grabbing the Calf Crusher.

That’s broken up again but AJ gets kicked out of the air on a springboard attempt. Bryan takes the Pele though and they’re both down. Cue Erick Rowan of all people as they get back up, only to have Bryan enziguri the referee by mistake. The Styles Clash hits Bryan, drawing in Rowan to chokeslam Styles. The referee revives to count the pin as Bryan retains at 24:18.

Rating: C-. This is a good example of a match that wasn’t exactly great and didn’t need to take place at this point. It’s nearly 10:30 and we’re going to be lucky to finish this show by midnight. They’re already doing a rematch from Bryan pinning him clean and it was just to set up Rowan as Bryan’s enforcer. This wasn’t the right place and it came at the wrong time. It’s not bad, but it didn’t need to go this way.

We look at the big brawl after last night’s Takeover, which set up a six man tag during halftime of the Super Bowl.

We recap Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar. It’s literally billed as David vs. Goliath, with the much smaller Balor earning the shot when Braun Strowman lost his shot after destroying Vince McMahon’s limo. Balor seems to be in over his head but wants to fight, as is his custom.

Universal Title: Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor

Balor is defending and charges straight at Lesnar at the bell. A few more shots have him in trouble but he catches a charge with a belly to belly. Balor wisely rolls outside with Brock following, only to get sent ribs first into the announcers’ table. Back in and it’s more belly to bellies to put Balor in more trouble.

A clothesline turns Balor inside out but Lesnar’s ribs are still banged up. Lesnar goes to finish with the F5, which is reversed into a hard DDT. Balor stomps away at the ribs and gets in a jumping double stomp. They head outside with Balor nailing the running flip dive as Lesnar is in trouble. Back in and the Coup de Grace connects for two, but Brock slaps on the Kimura for the tap at 8:37.

Rating: C+. This was good while it lasted but it was way too short and there was no way it was going to be much more without the extra time. Balor was game and trying with Lesnar doing his usual very good selling, but with less time than a Raw main event, there wasn’t much they could do.

Post match Balor hits some more German suplexes and an F5.

Jerry Lawler and JBL come out for commentary.

Men’s Royal Rumble

Elias is in at #1 and let’s have a song. Before he can sing though, it’s Jeff Jarrett in at #2 for the big music off. Jeff does his catchphrases and they agree to a duet but Elias punches him in the face and a guitar shot is enough to get rid of Jarrett. Shinsuke Nakamura is in at #3 and goes straight at Elias in the corner. Elias pops up with a rope walk as Kurt Angle is in at #4. Suplexed abound and it’s Big E. in at #5. The Big Ending to Big E. doesn’t work and it’s a bunch of knees, including one in the corner to get rid of Angle. Johnny Gargano is in at #6 and it’s a running hurricanrana on Elias.

A not great looking tornado DDT drops Big E., followed by the slingshot spear to Elias (Johnny must not like him). Jinder Mahal is in at #7 and after a few knees, is eliminated by Gargano. The Singh Brothers aren’t done though as they get dragged in for a beatdown from Elias and Big E. Samoa Joe is in at #8 and gets a rather strong reaction. The sidestep avoids Gargano’s middle rope kick to the face and a rake to the eyes is enough to get rid of Big E.

Curt Hawkins is in at #9, hits a forearm to Joe’s back, and then bails to the floor. For some reason he comes back in, only to walk into the Koquina Clutch. Elias makes a save so Hawkins can bail to the floor for some hiding underneath the ring. It’s Seth Rollins in at #10, giving us Elias, Nakamura, Gargano, Joe, Hawkins (underneath the ring) and Rollins. Seth gets rid of Elias in a hurry and it’s Titus O’Neil in at #11, complete with stopping to make sure he doesn’t slide underneath the ring.

Instead he sees Hawkins and goes after him underneath the ring, only to charge after him and get tossed in a hurry. Joe dumps Hawkins though and it’s Kofi Kingston in at #12. Rollins runs Nakamura over with an elbow and the clock seems to be getting a little faster as Mustafa Ali is in at #13. That means a rolling X Factor to Joe and a COME ON to Nakamura. Shinsuke charges and that’s enough for an elimination.

Ali hits a tornado DDT on Gargano but he runs into the overhead belly to belly from Joe into the corner. Dean Ambrose is in at #14 and it’s time for the showdown with Rollins. Dean knocks Kofi to the floor but Kofi puts his feet on the apron and rolls over until he gets to the steps. Kofi comes back in with a top rope DDT to Ambrose but Dean is right back up with Dirty Deeds to Gargano. Johnny is out but Kofi hits Dean with Trouble in Paradise. No Way Jose is in at #15 and is out so fast that he might have broken Santino Marella’s record.

No worries though as he and the conga line dance straight to the back. JBL: “Does he realize that he was just eliminated from the Royal Rumble?” Drew McIntyre is in at #16 and headbutts Jose before wrecking some of the conga line. It’s a series of Claymore kicks, including a great one to Joe, to put everyone down. Kofi gets knocked over the top as Xavier Woods is in at #17. As Kofi is getting shoved to the floor, he sunset flips Woods with only one foot touching, allowing Woods to stand up and piggyback Kofi to the steps. Once inside, Drew clotheslines them both out in a funny bit.

Pete Dunne is in at #18 and goes straight after Ali. Joe can’t suplex him and it’s time to go after a bunch of fingers. Dunne suplexes Ali onto Joe and Andrade is in at #19. A spinning DDT plants Dunne as there is some crazy talent in there. Apollo Crews is in at #20, giving us Joe, Rollins, Ali, Ambrose, McIntyre, Dunne, Andrade and Crews. Things slow down and it’s Aleister Black in at #21. A huge kick drops Ali and another one eliminates Ambrose. Shelton Benjamin is in at #22 with Paydirt to Benjamin, followed by Ali dumping Joe.

Shelton is out as well and it’s Dolph Ziggler in at #28. Hardy is knocked out and Ziggler gets rid of McIntyre as a bonus. Randy Orton is in at #29 and gets to stare down Strowman but the RKO is easily blocked. The powerslam connects and Strowman puts Andrade in an electric chair, while Andrade superplexes Ali. Rey adds something close to a high crossbody for the big crash, followed by Strowman going shoulder first into the post, as is his custom. R-Truth is in at #30….and Nia Jax jumps him from behind?

Nia takes his place, giving us Mysterio, Andrade, Ziggler, Orton, Strowman (on the floor), Ali, Rollins (on the floor) and Jax. Nia dumps Ali out and gets to star Orton down. The RKO is blocked so Ziggler superkicks Nia into the 619 (JBL: “Rey don’t do that!”). An RKO takes Jax down and it’s Rey baseball sliding her out. There’s an RKO to get rid of Rey but Andrade throws Orton out. We’re down to Ziggler, Strowman, Rollins and Andrade with Ziggler and Andrade striking it out.

Strowman comes back in to run them both over as Rollins is getting back up. That means the running shoulder on the floor and Strowman throws him inside, where the triple teaming begins on the monster. Strowman pops back up to get rid of Andrade and knocks Ziggler out as well. Rollins puts Strowman on the apron but charge into a chokeslam. Not over the top, but a chokeslam nonetheless. They get back in and Rollins pulls him to the apron by the head ala Chris Benoit and Big Show. It’s not enough for an elimination so Rollins sends him into the post and adds a Stomp for the win at 57:34.

Rating: D. It’s really hard to hate a match that had that kind of stretch in the teens but my goodness they missed on the final batch. Nia Jax as #30 wasn’t interesting and isn’t exactly an upgrade over someone who can at least do some funny stuff. The rest of the match wasn’t much better, as a lot of spots were wasted on nothing entries like Hawkins, O’Neil and Mahal. Throw in a comedy legend here or there to spice things up a bit and this is a lot better.

There were some good points here, as they went with the logical and obvious winner (not a bad thing) in Rollins and showcased a lot of young guys. Other than Black I can’t imagine any of them sticking around on the main roster but it’s nice to see them get a chance against the big names. Just….be more interesting.

Overall Rating: D+. There were parts here that worked but my goodness the length crippled this show. You could have EASILY shed an hour and a half off of this thing by dropping the Smackdown Tag Team Title match, the Smackdown Women’s Title match, and the Smackdown World Title match. Make Asuka vs. Becky (which was awesome) a big TV match and put Styles vs. Bryan on in a similar spot. Just because you can put something on the card doesn’t mean you should and that’s the big lesson here. This was almost an hour longer than last year’s way too long show because WWE refuses to hit the brakes.

There are good parts to the show but it’s the overall presentation that is severely lacking. It’s the length, it’s the lack of any surprises in the Rumbles (again: not a bad idea, but certainly not a thrilling one), it’s the lack of interesting names in the Rumble and it’s spending way too much time on stuff that doesn’t need to be on the show. I was begging for this show to be over at the halfway point and it just kept dragging along. There is no excuse for any show, including Wrestlemania, to be starting at 5 and ending at nearly midnight. That’s the big problem here and there’s very little that the wrestlers can do about it.


Asuka b. Becky Lynch – Asuka Lock

Shane McMahon/The Miz b. The Bar – Shooting star press to Cesaro

Ronda Rousey b. Sasha Banks – Piper’s Pit

Becky Lynch won the Women’s Royal Rumble last eliminating Charlotte

Daniel Bryan b. AJ Styles – Pin after a chokeslam from Erick Rowan

Brock Lesnar b. Finn Balor – Kimura

Seth Rollins won the Men’s Royal Rumble last eliminating Braun Strowman

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Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2017 (2018 Redo): Happy Anniversary

IMG Credit: WWE

Royal Rumble 2017
Date: January 29, 2017
Location: Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas
Attendance: 52,020
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Mauro Ranallo, John Bradshaw Layfield, David Otunga, Tom Phillips

The aisle is crazy long and would require a cart to bring some of the wrestlers to the ring during the Rumble. There’s something cool about that, on both fronts actually.

Kickoff Show: Naomi/Nikki Bella/Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss/Mickie James/Natalya

Nikki and Natalya start things off with Natalya doing You Can’t See Me. That means a slap to the face and there are so few people being so quiet that you can hear what the women are saying. Bliss comes in and gets caught with a facebuster for two. It’s off to Naomi for half of a double dropkick with Nikki’s part not even coming close. Nikki and company hit a triple suplex to send them outside, followed by a dive from Naomi as we take a break.

Back with Becky clotheslining Natalya and hitting a running forearm in the corner. They head outside with Mickie getting in a cheap shot to drop Becky, allowing Natalya to snap a suplex to really take over. Back in and Becky gets driven into the corner again, allowing Bliss to choke a bit. Mickie adds a hard kick to the face as the announcers argue over whether or not cheating is smart.

A Michinoku Driver plants Becky but Natalya can’t get Suplex City (Her words. Well Lesnar’s words, though JR said it about thirteen years earlier.). Instead it’s a double clothesline so Naomi can come in and clean house. The still dumb looking dancing kicks drop Bliss as everything breaks down. A kick to the head sets up the split legged moonsault to give Naomi the pin on Bliss at 9:39.

Rating: C-. The lack of a crowd either in their seats or really interested in this one hurt it a lot but the work wasn’t terrible. The women’s division had gotten so much better by this point that you could trust them to go out and have a match like this, though the stories need to be stronger. I’m really having an issue caring about Nikki never getting to marry her dream husband and complete her fairy tale story but I’m not exactly the target audience.*

Kickoff Show: Raw Tag Team Titles: Sheamus/Cesaro vs. Anderson and Gallows

Sheamus and Cesaro are defending and there are two referees due to some screwy finishes as of late. The crowd is MUCH better now, making the place look like there’s an actual audience for the show. Cesaro dropkicks Anderson at the bell for two and a gutwrench suplex gets the same less than thirty seconds in.

Gallows loads up a cheap shot from the apron but the second referee catches him, making the gimmick actually work. Sheamus grabs a Regal Roll into Cesaro’s jumping double stomp for two more but Anderson is back up with a kick to the face to take over. It’s off to Gallows, who is quickly kicked down so the champs can take him into the corner. This has been mostly one sided so far but Gallows gets in a backdrop for a breather. Not that the fans seem to care for the most part though.

A big boot knocks Sheamus off the apron and we take a break. Back (after the commercial has been cut from the Network) with Cesaro suplexing Gallows and rolling over to bring Sheamus back in. The ten forearms to the chest have Gallows in trouble and a top rope clothesline gets two. Super White Noise gets the same but Gallows shoves Sheamus away and makes the hot tag to Anderson.

The second referee won’t allow some cheating so Swiss Death gives Cesaro two. A 619 and a high crossbody give him the same but Anderson kicks him down again. Sheamus breaks up the Magic Killer and a referee eats a Brogue Kick. The second referee comes in to see Cesaro put Anderson in the Sharpshooter, only to have Gallows break it up with a kick to the face. Everything breaks down again and it’s a Magic Killer for Sheamus, followed by a rollup with tights to pin Cesaro at 10:28.

Rating: C+. Nice power fight here with both teams hitting each other rather hard. That’s all this needed to be, though I could go for adding a different style in there. Power vs. power isn’t going to work all that well in the long term but at least they had a good match here. These title changes didn’t really matter though as it was all going to change when the Hardys came back. No one knew that yet though and at least we had something good here.

Kickoff Show: Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks

Nia injured her a month or so ago and tonight is about revenge. Sasha doesn’t have her knee brace on as Nia drives her into the ropes and easily shoves off a headlock. A rope walk springboard goes just as badly as Banks can’t get anything going early on. Jax runs her over and we take an early break.

Back with Sasha trying a standing Bank Statement and having it broken up with ease. Jax grabs a Brock Lock and swings Banks around until a rope can be grabbed. Sasha finally avoids a charge to send Jax into the post, followed by the top rope double knees for two. Sasha comes up holding her knee though and the pop up Samoan drop puts her away at 5:13.

Rating: D+. This was just a step above a squash and really only served to keep Nia around. Banks is going to be fine after a loss like this while Nia still doesn’t have the big defining win (which would still be the case a year later). There was no need for this to be on pay per view though and it could have easily been done on Raw. That’s never a good sign.

And now, a nearly four hour show. I know I say this a lot but I’m almost gassed just watching that Kickoff Show. There’s really no need to do it this way, especially when you have the horrible empty stadium for the first match.

Completely standard opening video, though they do play in the cool “Remember the Rumble” tagline to show off a lot of the famous clips. If there’s one thing WWE does well, it’s look back at their own history. The rest of the matches get some time as well with each one having something to remember as well.

Raw Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Charlotte

Charlotte is defending and still has never lost a singles match on pay per view. Bayley gets wrestled down to start as Charlotte grabs a front facelock. The fans seem split here despite giving Bayley a heck of a reaction on her entrance. Charlotte heads outside for no apparent reason, allowing Bayley to grab her by the hair and snap her over the middle rope (basically a Stunner) to take over. A headscissors gets two and it’s already time to hit the stalling.

Bayley makes the mistake of going outside and gets kicked into the steps as she doesn’t have much of an answer for Charlotte’s power game. Back in and Charlotte slams Bayley’s face into the mat a few times but makes sure to throw in a quick pose (that’s the Flair in her). We hit the chinlock with Charlotte’s hair falling over Bayley’s face, giving us a rather odd visual of Bayley as a blonde. A knee drop gets two on Bayley and Charlotte is getting annoyed at Bayley sticking around.

Yet another kickout off a neckbreaker makes the frustration even worse so Charlotte does her figure four necklock into the face plants on the mat. The flips to send Bayley back first into the mat make it even worse as Charlotte is completely dominant so far. Charlotte stops to mock Bayley though and a heck of a slap cuts the champ off. A battle of the chops goes to Charlotte (well duh) but Bayley bounces out of the corner with an armdrag. A springboard crossbody (with a few too many bounces) drops Charlotte again and a jumping spinning Downward Spiral (not bad) does it again.

The top rope elbow (which looked awesome on impact) gets a very close two and you can feel the crowd breathe on the kickout. Charlotte (who might be bleeding from the mouth) kicks the knee out though and the Figure Four goes on. The referee catches her grabbing the ropes though and both women are down. Charlotte is up first but her moonsault only grazes knees to give Bayley two. Bayley goes up but gets shoved off to the floor in a heap. As she gets back in, Natural Selection onto the apron retains the title at 13:01.

Rating: B-. Bayley was fighting here but came up short, which is exactly how her character needs to go. For some reason WWE didn’t quite get this and instead put the title on her two weeks later in a nothing Raw match, ignoring the idea of building her up as an underdog. Charlotte was her usual awesome self here and that makes for a fun match, though the future didn’t go the way it should have. At least the first match was solid though.

The shark cage is lowered. This might require an explanation.

We recap the Raw World Title match. Roman Reigns had come close to taking the title from Kevin Owens but Chris Jericho interfered to cost Reigns the match. Therefore it’s time for a rematch with Jericho in a one man cage (the shark cage) above the ring. Jericho is of course scared of heights so this should be fun. It would be a better idea if they hadn’t done it in NXT not too long before this.

Raw World Title: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

Owens is defending and this is No DQ. Jericho takes his sweet time getting into the cage (as he should) and is still not in even when Reigns comes out. The Canadians try some double teaming and knock Reigns into the cage all, only to have Reigns fight them off (and the fans are really, REALLY not pleased) and send Jericho into the cage to get us going. The cage is raised like a sexy pinata (Jericho’s very accurate term for himself) and Owens jumps Reigns from behind.

They waste no time in fighting out to the floor and then into the crowd with Reigns hitting him in the ribs with a metal stand. Back to ringside with Owens being bounced off the German announcers’ table but coming back with a whip into the steps. Owens pulls six chairs from underneath the ring and sets up four at ringside, two by two. A monitor shot to the ribs sets up the Cannonball against the barricade and Owens continues to be over like free beer in a frat house.

With Reigns down, Owens sets up two more chairs on top of the four he already had. One more is placed on top but of course the powerbomb and suplex attempts don’t work to prevent a broken back. Back in and Reigns sends him shoulder first into the post before loading up a table. That’s enough to make the fans cheer Reigns (I’m as shocked as you are) but a Backstabber gives Owens two.

Another Cannonball, with Owens mocking Reigns’ spear pose, is countered into a powerbomb. The apron dropkick rocks the champ again as this has been better than I was expecting so far. They’re beating each other up quite well and it’s pretty entertaining, despite Jericho being a non-factor so far. They head outside with Reigns getting superkicked onto a table, setting up a frog splash from the top to the floor in a big crash.

That’s only good for two (well duh) so Owens dedicates a chair shot to Jericho and gets another near fall. A chair is wedged into the corner because wrestlers never learn a thing. Owens scores with a superkick and manages to send Reigns into the chair as I’m not sure what to think. It’s not like that’s never worked before but it’s about as rare as Jericho eating crab cakes and goat’s milk.

With that not working, Jericho tosses Owens some brass knuckles but Reigns blocks the Superman Punch. Roman’s Superman Punch gets two and a Samoan drop through the chair is good for the same. You would think being driven THROUGH A CHAIR would be a big time match but since this is modern wrestling, something that big is now just a regular move. It’s the price you pay for all the big spots and violence.

Roman puts another table in the corner before another Superman Punch gets two. A spear is countered into a Stunner of all things but Reigns kicks out again. We continue the Austin homage with a mudhole stomping and a Cannonball (not so much Austin) as Owens is getting frustrated. That makes him do something dumb, like trying a superplex through that pile of chairs.

Reigns breaks that up and Superman Punches Owens through the pile instead for a very loud crash. A powerbomb puts Reigns through the announcers’ table but here’s Braun Strowman to beat the heck out of Reigns. Roman is sent into the post, followed by the running powerslam through the table in the corner to retain Owens’ title at 23:27.

Rating: B+. This was better than I was expecting and while it feels like a similar ending to Randy Orton vs. John Cena from Royal Rumble 2015, it’s still a good way to keep the title on Owens for the time being. They had a very good power brawl and Owens retaining is the right move, especially with the feud with Strowman getting a big boost. Jericho was barely a factor and that’s a good thing given that they were about to split in the near future.

To really fill in time, we’re doing a countdown of the thirty greatest moments in Rumble history, starting with 30-16 (or 30-15 as Cole puts it). Well kind of as the list is actually 30 facts, which is kind of Rumble By The Numbers.

30. Bret Hart was the first entrant

29. 870 people have entered

28. 3 women have entered and each has eliminated at least one man

27. 23 people have won, meaning 98% of the entrants are losers

26. 4 Rumbles have been in Texas

25. California and Florida have held 5 Rumbles each

24. 507,102 fans have seen the Rumble

23. Rey Mysterio lasted longer than anyone ever at 1:02:12

22. Edge won the Rumble in 7:37

21. Santino Marella was eliminated in 1 second

20. The longest time in a single Rumble without winning is Bob Backlund with 1:01:10

19. HHH has spent the most time in the Rumble with 4:06:08.

18. 46 Hall of Famers have competed

17. 9 Hall of Famers have won

16. Mick Foley entered the Rumble 3 times in 1998

Raw boss Stephanie McMahon mocks Raw underling Mick for Strowman interfering when Smackdown bosses Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan come in. They roll the tumbler so Sami Zayn can come in and pick his number, which of course takes some time. Before Sami can open his ball, Dean Ambrose comes in searching for churros. He gets a number but is off to take a nap until he’s due in the Rumble. After going to a crowd shot of watching this in the arena (erg), Sami gets #8.

Austin Aries joins commentary for the Cruiserweight Title match.

We recap Rich Swann vs. Neville. Swann is the Cruiserweight Champion but Neville has declared himself the King of the Cruiserweights. That’s completely accurate and it’s time for Swann to take a heck of a beating and give up a title that doesn’t belong to him. This is about as obvious of an ending as you’re going to get. They throw in some history between the two with Neville mentoring Swann both in Japan and here in America. That’s better than nothing and more than I would expect from a match like this, even if Neville winning is pretty much guaranteed.

Cruiserweight Title: Neville vs. Rich Swann

Neville is challenging and stops himself from doing his usual entrance because the fans don’t deserve it. That’s a nice touch and makes him feel different instead of the same guy who just happens to be a villain now. Feeling out process to start until Swann flips over Neville and misses a dropkick.

Neville gets sent outside for a dive but is fine enough to drive Swann right into the corner. A missile dropkick sets up a jackknife cover for two and Neville stands on Swann’s head. Neville wants to know if this is it and gets crucifixed for two. Back up and Neville forearms the heck out of Swann for two more and we’re off to the chinlock. The comeback is enough to have Neville take him outside for some whips into the barricade.

Back in and Neville comes up the top, diving straight into a superkick to the jaw. That one looked awesome and both guys are down. Another kick to the jaw and a super hurricanrana sets up a Phoenix flip dive to the floor to put Neville in trouble. They head back inside with Swann hammering away before getting two off something like a Warrior splash.

Neville isn’t down enough that he can’t crotch Swann on top. He also can’t hit the superplex but settles for a hard superkick to stagger the champ. Rich’s spinning kick to the head gets two as Neville gets his foot on the ropes. Swann again takes too long to get up top, allowing Neville to superplex him into the Rings of Saturn for the tap to make Neville champion at 13:29.

Rating: B-. They were beating the heck out of each other in a better than average match. Instead of having Neville squash him in relatively short order, Swann got in some offense, only to eventually not be good enough to overcome the King of the Cruiserweights. This was entertaining, but Neville is going to need some better challengers.

We recap AJ Styles vs. John Cena. Styles defeated Cena twice in a row last year, including with one clean pinfall. Then Cena said he wanted to challenge the champion at the Rumble and since he’s John Cena and one title shy of tying Ric Flair’s record, the match was made.

Smackdown World Title: AJ Styles vs. John Cena

Cena is challenging and has the black shorts on here so you know it’s a big night. AJ scores with a kick to the leg so Cena clotheslines him to the apron. Cena gets in a few right hands but charges into a boot in the corner to let AJ take over. Back to back knee drops have Cena in trouble but AJ stops to yell at the crowd. A third knee, this time with a You Can’t See Me, misses and Cena is right back with a backdrop.

AJ sticks the landing on an AA though and there’s an enziguri to put Cena down again. There’s a hurricanrana and Cena doesn’t seem to know what to do with Styles. The running seated forearm gives AJ two more but Cena punches him in the face. The Shuffle is broken up though and AJ grabs a wheelbarrow facebuster to put Cena down again. AJ hits the Phenomenal Blitz, only to have Cena hit that hard running clothesline for a breather that he uses when he needs a breather.

Now the Shuffle connects but it’s way too early for the AA. AJ grabs a torture rack into a spinning powerbomb for two more and we get a bit of a pause. They’re doing a good job here of going with the slower pace to build things up here, which is exactly what they should be doing.

The Phenomenal Forearm misses and it’s an AA for two. Another hard running clothesline gives Cena two more but he charges into a Pele to the shoulder. Now the Forearm connects for two more as they’re even in the near falls off the finishers. AJ starts firing off the hard kicks to the chest and Cena doesn’t seem like he’s breathing very well. One too many kicks earns him an electric chair into a faceplant though and Cena is right back into it.

They slug it out with JBL describing AJ as blocking every punch with his face. Apparently that’s fine enough to reverse a right hand into the Calf Crusher but of course Cena reverses into the STF to a nice round of applause. At least they respect some wrestling abilities. Somehow AJ reverses that into an STF of his own but Cena powers to his feet. Instead of an AA though, it’s off to a Figure Four on the champ (because we must praise Flair, though it’s appropriate here).

AJ pulls himself up though and tries a cross armbreaker, which of course is countered into a powerbomb for two. Cena goes up top for the Fameasser but gets powerbombed out of the air. Now the Styles Clash is good for two as the fans are feeling the near falls (as they should with the match picking WAY up in a hurry). Code Red gives Cena two more, followed by AJ’s fireman’s carry backbreaker for the same.

Something like a swinging Big Ending (called a cutter by Mauro) gives Cena two more so it’s time for the big guns. Cena busts out the super AA…….for two. You can see the look of disbelief on Cena’s face and now the fans aren’t sure what to think. The Styles Clash gives AJ his own near fall but Cena counters the Phenomenal Forearm into back to back AA’s for the pin and the title at 24:01.

Rating: A. This took its time to build up and it’s one of the best matches of 2017. Cena using raw power to start but eventually learning what AJ was going to throw at him and adapting made for a great story. He couldn’t win with the mega power move either, eventually having to counter AJ to beat him. That builds on their previous matches and it’s a classic match as a result.

Cena celebrates. JBL: “Man that was good!” Yeah pretty much. Cena heads into the crowd and hands the title to a Make-A-Wish kid because he’s that awesome.

We look at Seth Rollins invading Takeover: San Antonio to call out HHH, who cost him his spot in the Rumble. HHH said Rollins needs to be careful what he wished for. Worry not though as STEPHANIE will be on Raw tomorrow night to deal with Rollins. I’d be terrified too.

Jerry Lawler comes out for commentary on the Rumble.

Back to the Rumble by the Numbers.

15. Only 16 of the 30 possible numbers have won

14. 7 winners are from 1-10

13. 4 have been from 11-20

12. 19 have been from 21-40

11. 27 is the lucky number

10. 1 and 2 have produced 4 winners

9. 1 and 2 have been the final two entrants twice (1995 and 1999)

8. Only one person has won from the same number twice (Batista at #28)

7. Kane has entered the most Royal Rumbles

6. Kane has the most career eliminations

5. Roman Reigns has the most eliminations in one match

4. The World Title has been on the line twice

3. Three men have been runner up twice (Cena, Big Show, HHH)

2. Five men have won twice (Cena, HHH, Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Batista)

1. Only Steve Austin has won three Rumbles

Royal Rumble

Two minutes intervals and it’s Big Cass in at #1, meaning Enzo Amore gets to do the full entrance. We’re just that lucky I guess but the fans are still eating it up at this point. Since everything is bigger in Texas, it would make sense for Big Cass to win here tonight. We hear about some of the bigger names but Cass is going to toss all of them out because Cass is like HBK in 1995. Chris Jericho is in at #2 as his bad luck in the Rumble draws continue (this is his third time as #2).

Cass tosses him down with a fall away slam but an early Empire Elbow misses. The Walls are broken up and it’s Kalisto in at #3 after only ninety seconds. A springboard dropkick staggers Cass and a regular one drops Jericho. Cass can’t powerslam Kalisto and it’s some kicks to cut Cass down again. Mojo Rawley is in at #4 as we’re not even three minutes and fifteen seconds in yet. Corey: “Smackdown Live’s resident blithering idiot.” Lawler: “That’s an insult to blithering idiots”.

Cass takes Rawley into the corner while the other two are down on the apron. Jericho breaks four hours in the Rumble to give him the all time record as Jack Gallagher is in at #5. The length of the aisle really becomes an issue here as Jack takes forever to get to the ring. Once there though he cleans house with the umbrella, including a low blow to a posing Jericho. One heck of a toss sends Kalisto to the mat and it’s Mark Henry in at #6.

Everyone is down when his music hits but Gallagher has enough time to get up and stomp on Jericho by the time he gets there. Gallagher’s headbutt just annoys Mark so he tosses Jack through the ropes (not an elimination). Jack does his Mary Poppins dive with the umbrella and is promptly eliminated. Braun Strowman is in at #7, taking twenty five seconds from the start of his music to get to the ring. Jericho hides on the floor (Jericho: “HE’S HUGE!”) as Strowman gets rid of Mojo, Cass, Kalisto and Henry, the latter after a battle of the giants.

Sami Zayn is in at #8 and is stupid enough to charge into the ring and slug away as fast as he can. Sami stops a charge with a boot but tries a suplex for some reason. Strowman misses a charge into the post but comes right back with a running splash in the corner as Big Show is #9 (to a VERY strong reaction, oddly enough).

We get the big, long walk to the ring where Sami is down in the corner and Jericho is still on the floor. Strowman clotheslines Show down without much effort but a chokeslam cuts him down. Jericho picks now to come back in and is promptly punched down, leaving the giants to lift each other up for failed slam attempts. Strowman manages to muscle Show out though and is the only one standing. The debuting Tye Dillinger is #10 (in the perfect (ten) entrance), giving us Jericho, Strowman, Zayn and Dillinger. Tye goes straight at Strowman with forearms and left hands as Sami gets up to help him slug away at the giant.

They get suplexed down without much effort though and it’s James Ellsworth in at #11. He and Carmella run to the ring (in a relationship that was never explained) but don’t get in, allowing Tye and Sami to pull Strowman to the apron. Dean Ambrose is in at #12 and tricks Ellsworth into charging in on his own where Strowman eliminates him in all of ten seconds. That’s better than I was expecting. Dean gets in but can’t do much with Strowman (well duh) but Tye and Sami get back up to help Dean out. That earns them all running clotheslines in the corner and it’s Baron Corbin in at #13.

That means four on one on Strowman, who shrugs them all away. Strowman dumps Tye but Sami grabs him by the beard for a breather. A Helluva Kick rocks Strowman and Corbin gets rid of the monster after a star making performance. Dean hits a quick Dirty Deeds on Corbin but doesn’t try to eliminate him. Dean never was the smartest guy in the world.

Kofi Kingston is in at #14 and the countdown is on to the cool save. Kofi gets knocked into the ropes and Corbin does his slide underneath the ropes into a clothesline on Dean. The Miz is in at #15 (thankfully with Maryse), giving us Jericho (STILL on the floor), Sami, Ambrose, Corbin and Miz at the moment.

A Skull Crushing Finale drops Dean but Miz doesn’t go for the elimination. Deep Six cuts Miz off as the crowd oddly dies for a bit. For no logical reason, Kofi climbs to the top of the post but gets knocked down onto his chest. He still manages to hang on though and scores with Trouble in Paradise on Corbin. Sheamus is in at #16 and it’s time for some powerslams. Miz backs away from Sheamus but gets caught in the ten forearms to the chest. Jericho gets back up and is promptly Brogue Kicked down.

Big E. is in at #17 and it’s a quick abdominal stretch on Miz, allowing for some spanking. If that’s what he’s into I guess. The ring is getting too full and Rusev (with a broken nose) makes it even worse at #18. Right hands have Dean in trouble but no one is seriously close to being eliminated.

Sheamus gets in a hard knee on Miz and it’s Cesaro in at #19. It’s an early Swing to Miz and a second to Sami. Jerry: “Use him as a weapon!” Ambrose and Kofi are swung as well, followed by Big E. and Corbin but Rusev saves Sheamus from the same fate for some reason. You might notice a lot of names being swung and that’s because there are WAY too many people in the ring.

Xavier Woods is in at #20, giving us Jericho, Zayn, Ambrose, Corbin, Kingston, Miz, Sheamus, Big E. Rusev, Cesaro and Woods. We’re two thirds of the way into the match and over half of the people are still in. New Day beats Sheamus up and Woods has to save Kofi from an elimination at Miz’s hands. A pair of boots rock Miz but he’s not going anywhere yet. Bray Wyatt, with the lights going out, is in at #21 and the Fireflies coming out during the match is a cool visual.

Miz gets the release Rock Bottom and house is cleaned until Woods stares Wyatt down in a call back to Woods being terrified of Bray. Woods is sent to the apron and Kofi is put there next to him. Big E. saves his buddies from Cesaro and Sheamus as Apollo Crews is in at #22. Crews’ standing moonsault hits Miz as this is looking like a regular battle royal rather than the Rumble. Big E. pulls Woods and Kofi back inside but Sheamus and Cesaro get rid of all three of them at once to let the ring breathe a bit. Sheamus tries to dump Cesaro but Jericho runs in to get rid of both of them. Well the ring is certainly emptier in a hurry.

Randy Orton (of the Wyatt Family because reasons) is in at #23 with a quick RKO to Corbin and Rusev. Sami goes up top for some reason and dives right into another RKO. Dolph Ziggler is in at #24 and superkicks abound. The fans are begging for Goldberg to come in and get rid of some of these people but have to settle for Luke Harper at #25. We have five spots left and Goldberg, Undertaker and Brock Lesnar still to go. Harper gets rid of Crews but stops for a staredown with Orton. Wyatt has to play peacekeeper until Harper clotheslines Bray down. Orton breaks up Sister Abigail on Bray with an RKO as the ring is too full again.

Brock Lesnar is in at #26 and now we can get rid of some people. Ziggler and Ambrose are tossed with ease and it’s Suplex/F5 City. Everyone is down and the fans want Goldberg at #27. Instead it’s Enzo Amore in at #27 and I’ll let you figure out what happens. Graves: “THIS MAY BE THE GREATEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!!” Brock throws some suplexes until Goldberg is in at #28 for the big showdown. A spear and a clothesline get rid of Lesnar in all of fifteen seconds, stunning both the crowd and commentary at once. Sami eats a Jackhammer and Orton/Wyatt take a double spear.

Goldberg is the only man standing and it’s Undertaker in at #29 to a ROAR. Thankfully he appears in the ring instead of doing the ridiculously long walk down the ramp. Cole: “THIS IS A MOMENT!” Well those are what matter more than anything else. Corbin and Rusev break up the showdown and are promptly eliminated. A spear takes Undertaker down but Goldberg turns his attention to eliminate Harper, allowing Undertaker to dump him. Undertaker chokeslams a few people and it’s Roman Reigns at #30 (imagine the booing) to give us Jericho, Sami, Miz, Wyatt, Orton, Undertaker and Reigns.

That means another staredown and Reigns wins the slugout. The fans are LIVID and call this BS until Undertaker stops the Superman Punch with a chokeslam. Undertaker dumps Miz and Zayn like they’re nothing but takes too long calling for a Tombstone, allowing Reigns to dump him. That earns Reigns a glare to set up the Wrestlemania main event.

Jericho is dead so Reigns tosses him without much effort, giving Jericho the most meaningless hour run in Rumble history. Reigns is left alone with Orton and Wyatt with the double teaming starting in short order. The hanging DDT plants Reigns but Superman Punches get Roman out of trouble. Wyatt is eliminated but it’s an RKO and a clothesline to send Orton to Wrestlemania at 1:02:08.

Rating: D. And that’s being pretty generous. There are tons of problems here, but we’ll start with all the midcarders who were around forever and did nothing. Here are some of the people who weren’t going to win but were in the match for at least twenty minutes each:

Sami Zayn (47:12)

Dean Ambrose (26:55)

Baron Corbin (32:39)

Miz (32:44)

Rusev (22:31)

Those five names combined for one elimination. That’s a crazy amount of time to basically do nothing. If they’re not going to be factors (and none of them were as they were almost all glorified cannon fodder), don’t leave them out there go clog up the ring. It doesn’t do Sami any good to be out there for forty five minutes and do nothing, just like it doesn’t help Miz to be there for half an hour so people can beat on him. Jericho was a potential winner and stayed in there over an hour (spending a lot of it on the floor) but what good is an hour stay if he’s tossed out like he’s nothing after a mere two eliminations?

That brings us to the second problem: the three big names. This match was built around Goldberg, Brock Lesnar and Undertaker (the three of them and Cena are dead center on the post) and they combined to get rid of TEN people (over a third of the eliminations) despite being in the match for less time combined than any of the five names mentioned above. None of them made the final four but they cleared the way for the grouping. That’s some really bad planning and a lack of drama, especially when it makes everyone left look life afterthoughts. Let one of them be there as a dragon for the winner to slay at the very least.

Throw in a lack of meaningful surprises (Reigns was the only name of value not announced in advance) and no nostalgia to be seen (but we needed Apollo Crews and Dolph Ziggler to combine for ten minutes in the ring and not get rid of anyone) and there was very little to care about for the biggest part of the Rumble. Strowman stuff was fun, but after him there was a FIFTEEN MINUTE stretch with no eliminations. This was a terribly planned out Rumble and managed to turn one of the most entertaining matches of the year into something incredibly boring.

Overall Rating: C+. It says a lot when the Royal Rumble is the only bad thing on the show. Other than that, the worst match is…..I guess the women’s match? This show was rather awesome but the Rumble itself was such a mess that it brings the rest of the show way down. This was a good show that cold have been great and I have no idea how they thought that was the right idea with the Rumble. That should usually be the most important thing on the show but it felt like something they threw together here, which really misses the point. Fix the Rumble and it’s a classic. As it is, it’s just good.

Ratings Comparison

Naomi/Nikki Bella/Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss/Mickie James/Natalya

Original: C

Redo: C-

Sheamus and Cesaro vs. Anderson and Gallows

Original: D+

Redo: C+

Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks

Original: C-

Redo: D+

Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair

Original: C+

Redo: B-

Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns

Original: B

Redo: B+

Rich Swann vs. Neville

Original: C+

Redo: B-

John Cena vs. AJ Styles

Original: A-

Redo: A

Royal Rumble

Original: C+

Redo: D

Overall Rating

Original: B+

Redo: C+

That Rumble rating is ridiculous. Most of the rest of the matches are in the same ballpark though and that’s a good thing.

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