Monday Night Raw – November 25, 2019: Seems Like A One Night Special

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 25, 2019
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Jerry Lawler

It’s the final important show in Chicago and that means we should be in for the start of something new around here. We’ve been dealing with the NXT Invasion for so long now that I’m almost not sure where things are supposed to go from here. Raw came in dead last on Sunday though and that means it’s time to hold some people responsible. Oh and TLC is in less than three weeks because we’re not allowed to have a breather from major shows. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the upper deck and looking straight at the Titantron.

Opening sequence.

The locker room is around the ring and it’s Seth Rollins, billed as the locker room leader, running a town hall. We wait for the CM Punk chants to wrap up (Seth: “I tried to get him here. He wants to sit behind a desk in Los Angeles.”) before Rollins admits that NXT destroyed them last night. Rollins grew up a fan of Raw and watched people like Steve Austin and DX, but last night, everyone around this ring sucked. If anyone wants to say something, now would be the time.

With no one saying anything, Rollins calls out Orton for being the weak link on the team last night. Orton looks at him and walks out so Rollins calls out Charlotte for failing as a leader last night. Rollins: “And you call yourself a Flair.” Charlotte walks out too and Rollins wants to know where AOP were last night.

They leave when told they aren’t needed, so Rollins focuses on Rey Mysterio. Rollins says he beat Brock Lesnar twice this year but Rey couldn’t do it with a lead pipe and his stupid kid. Rey leaves and so does everyone else, save for Kevin Owens. Rollins rants about Owens being Mr. NXT and how he does nothing on Raw these days. He’ll never be Seth Rollins….and there’s a Stunner to leave Rollins laying. Turning Rollins from the guy who says stupid things on Twitter while still being a face on Raw into a delusional heel is a good idea and something they had to do after how loudly he was getting booed.

Post break Rollins challenges Owens to a match tonight.

Earlier today, Rusev was held out of the arena by a restraining order.

Bobby Lashley vs. Titus O’Neil

Lana is out with Lashley. Titus tries to start and chops away but walks into a spinebuster….as Rusev runs in through the crowd for the DQ at 1:05.

Post match the beatdown is on with Rusev hammering away and sending Lashley into the steps. They fight up the ramp with Rusev sending him into the set and then onto the announcers’ table. Rusev shouts that this isn’t about Lana but here are the cops to arrest Rusev and drag him out. Hang on though as Rusev breaks away and tackles Lashley off the stage and through a table. One of the big steel beams gets kicked onto Lashley for a bonus and a smiling Rusev is finally taken away. And yes, that does get the biggest reaction Rusev has had in months because he actually fought back for a change. It’s not hard people.

Lashley had to be taken out on a stretcher while Lana screamed a lot.

AOP vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

AOP wastes no time in hitting the Last Chapter on Hawkins and some knees put Hawkins down. Stereo Death Valley Drivers into the corner set up the Super Collider into the powerbomb/neckbreaker combination for the pin on Ryder at 1:22. Complete and utter squash.

Andrade vs. Akira Tozawa

Are they giving the big names the first hour off tonight? Andrade chops away to start and stomps a downed Tozawa for a bonus. The armbar is countered into a small package for two on Andrade as Tozawa picks up the pace. A release German suplex connects but Andrade sends him into the corner. The running knees in the corner and it’s the hammerlock DDT to finish Tozawa at 2:29.

Aleister Black didn’t like Buddy Murphy coming after him last week. Murphy’s mere presence in this arena tonight means that Murphy wants to pick a fight with him.

Matt Hardy vs. Buddy Murphy

Hardy hammers away to start and sends him into the buckle early on. Some more right hands connect in the corner but Murphy takes him to the floor for a whip into the barricade. Back in and the Side Effect gives Buddy a breather but the corner bulldog is blocked. A middle rope elbow to the back of the head connects, only to have Murphy knee the heck out of Matt. More knees to the face are enough for the pin on Hardy at 2:58.

Post match Murphy confirms that he is picking a fight with Aleister Black so here’s Black to strike away, with Murphy bailing in a hurry. How WWE managed to not get what to do with Black for six month astounds me.

Charlotte says she has never claimed to be a team player. Asuka was clearly bitter after losing to her twice so tonight Charlotte will prove how great she is.

We recap the opening segment. Owens vs. Rollins is set for later.

US Title: AJ Styles vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carrillo is challenging….or at least he would be if the OC didn’t jump him at ringside and lay him out.

Ricochet comes out to check on Carrillo, with AJ mocking the superhero for not making the save in time. With Carrillo down, Ricochet challenges him for the title tonight. That won’t be happening, so here’s Randy Orton to challenge as well. That’s shot down so Drew McIntyre and Rey Mysterio come out to do the same and get denied as well. Ricochet has an idea though: a four way with the winner getting a title shot later in the night. AJ calls it stupid but Gallows thinks it sounds kind of compelling. AJ: “THAT’S WHY I WAS TALKING TO KARL!” Anderson says it’s a hot crowd in Chicago so do it. That’s enough for AJ and it’s on.

Ricochet vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

The winner gets a title shot at AJ later in the night. Ricochet and Rey clear the ring to start but Orton comes back in before the mini dream match can start. That just earns him a dropkick and an enziguri rocks Rey. McIntyre pulls Ricochet to the floor for a slam though and Rey is thrown on top of him for the crash.

Ricochet gets thrown back inside with McIntyre tossing him around with ease. Orton charges into a boot to the face and the rolling dropkick puts McIntyre into the corner. It’s Rey coming back in with a springboard seated senton to Orton and a kick to Ricochet’s head. McIntyre’s superplex is broken up as he gets caught in the Tree of Woe, only to sit up and German superplex Orton, who superplexes Rey at the same time. Cue the OC as we take a break.

Back with Ricochet slugging away at both villains but getting caught in Orton’s hanging DDT. It’s time for the required showdown between Orton and McIntyre so they chop it out with Orton’s ears ringing after a hard one. Ricochet comes back in and reverses McIntyre’s reverse Alabama Slam into a victory roll for two. A heck of a Batista Bomb gives McIntyre the same on Ricochet but Orton cuts off the Claymore with an RKO. The OC pulls Orton to the floor though, leaving Rey to springboard back in for a moonsault press into a small package to pin Ricochet at 14:28.

Rating: B-. This took some time to get going but they got into a groove by the end and had an entertaining match. That’s all you can ask for out of something like this as there are a lot of people doing stuff at the same time. It also gives us AJ vs. Mysterio tonight and AJ vs. Orton later so nice job of setting up a few things at once.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

Rey is challenging and gets sent into various turnbuckles to start. A backbreaker keeps Rey in trouble for a bit and AJ ties him in the Tree of Woe for a baseball slide to make it worse. The catapult sends Rey’s throat into the rope as AJ isn’t seeming worried here. Rey gets in a few shots to the ribs but his knee gives out on a springboard attempt. He’s fine enough to send AJ shoulder first into the post though and they’re both down. It’s Rey up first but Anderson breaks up the 619, which is good for a double ejection.

We take a break and come back with Rey getting sent chest first into the buckle because he isn’t banged up enough already. The Tree of Woe is on again but the baseball slide earns AJ a crotching this time (Lawler: “Oh no! Oh no!”). The seated senton and the sitout bulldog combine for two but Rey is running out of steam.

AJ catches him on top and it’s the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Rey is right back with Code Red for two of his own and now the 619 connects….to bump the referee. Cue the OC but Orton runs out as well to cut them off. A 619 sends AJ into the RKO and the frog splash gives Rey the pin and the title at 15:08.

Rating: B. This was the big culmination of the whole story and the fans got completely behind Mysterio. That’s what Mysterio does as well as almost anyone ever and this was a very well done story. Mysterio overcame the odds again and won the title as a nice consolation prize after last night. And of course it was a good match given who was out there. Well done all around and the feel good moment they were shooting for.

Kevin Owens has known who he is since the beginning, unlike Rollins, who has been doing everything he can to become whatever someone else wants him to be. All Rollins is is insufferable so tonight, Owens is Stunning Rollins.

Charlotte vs. Asuka

Kairi Sane is here with Asuka. Charlotte points to her hair, which got misted so badly last night. Asuka gets hammered out to the floor and sent into the barricade as Charlotte gets to work off some frustration. Charlotte has to deal with Sane but Asuka’s kicks to the legs have no effect. Some elbows to the face stagger Asuka but the Figure Eight is kicked away in a hurry.

Asuka slugs away and hits the backfist, only to run into the big boot to give Charlotte two. With Asuka taking a breaker on the floor, Charlotte goes after Sane, who runs through the crowd (high fiving every fan on the way up, which isn’t shown on camera for obvious reasons). Back from a break with Asuka getting kicked off the apron but managing a kick to the face. The German suplex rocks Charlotte for the first time but Asuka can’t follow up.

The Asuka Lock is countered into a rollup for two and Charlotte throws her down with the fall away slam. A running flip splash gets two more but Charlotte runs into something like a Codebreaker for another near fall. Natural Selection is countered into a triangle choke, which is countered into a Boston crab. With that not working, Charlotte goes after the knee before spearing her down for two. Cue Sane again for the distraction, which earns herself a posting. Asuka uses the breather to hit the mist (with Charlotte clearly pulling her hair back before it hit) and cradle Charlotte for the pin at 17:23.

Rating: B-. The ending holds things back a lot here as Charlotte pulling her hair right before the mist looked stupid, but what makes it even worse is the refereeing. In the previous match, Anderson and Gallows get ejected for maybe tripping Mysterio but Charlotte looks like she just got off a Nickelodeon game show (and the mist is all over Asuka’s chin) and that’s not enough evidence? The saving grace is that it comes at the end of a rather good match, which is all you would expect from these two.

Erick Rowan vs. Kyle Roberts

Roberts goes outside to check on what is in Rowan’s crate and you just don’t do that. Total destruction into the Iron Claw for the pin at 1:24.

Buy stuff for Black Friday! R-Truth and the IIconics are a rather nifty sales team.

AJ Styles is so upset at losing his title that he can only manage to say Randy Orton.

We recap Rusev attacking Lashley.

Lana is crushed over Lashley being hurt but she’ll be fine during this trying time. And thank you for asking.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

Rollins sends him to the floor to start but the suicide dive hits an elbow to the face. A half crab has Owens down but he’s right back up with a superkick to the floor. That’s enough for Rollins to grab a chair, which isn’t going to be allowed as the refereeing seems to have been upgraded after the mist nonsense. Back with Owens in a reverse chinlock, followed by some chops in the corner.

A DDT gives Owens a breather and the Cannonball crushes Rollins again. Rollins rolls outside so it’s a backsplash to make it even worse, plus the frog splash for two. The Pop Up Powerbomb is countered though and Rollins hits the Blockbuster. The Stomp misses though and now the Pop Up Powerbomb gets two. They hit a superkick each and Owens grabs the Stunner but can’t cover. Instead….here’s the AOP to jump Owens for the DQ at 14:03.

Rating: C+. The ending is going to be what matters here and I’m not sure how well it’s going to go. Rollins as a top heel with some big lackeys behind him could work, especially if this sets up a rematch against Owens at TLC. The wrestling was fine enough but you could sense that they were tired after a long weekend, which is understandable.

The fans are NOT happy with this and call it BS, with some fans in my section shouting about how it makes no sense and is therefore bad. That suggests to me that they suggesting that they don’t quite get how wrestling works. Owens gets sent into the post but AOP walks away from Rollins. The Stomp to Owens ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. There was a lot of stuff going on here and the high quality wrestling was a big part of it. The wrestling was the best part of the whole thing but the angle advancement wasn’t quite as strong. Rollins as a heel sounds good but other than the Mysterio stuff, there wasn’t much to be seen in the way of good storytelling. It’s more good than bad, but I’m not sure how well this is going to work week to week.


Bobby Lashley b. Titus O’Neil via DQ when Rusev interfered

AOP b. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder – Powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Ryder

Andrade b. Akira Tozawa – Hammerlock DDT

Buddy Murphy b. Matt Hardy – Knee to the face

Rey Mysterio b. Ricochet, Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre – Small package to Ricochet

Rey Mysterio b. AJ Styles – Frog splash

Asuka b. Charlotte – Cradle

Erick Rowan b. Kyle Roberts – Iron Claw

Kevin Owens b. Seth Rollins via DQ when AOP interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Starrcade 2019: Thanks I Guess?

IMG Credit: WWE

Starrcade 2019
Date: December 1, 2019
Location: Infinite Energy Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

I mean, it has been a whole week since their last big event. This is another one of those house shows that is airing on the Network in a shortened form. It isn’t exactly something interesting though last year’s show was pretty good. The two matches announced aren’t exactly breaking new ground but they could be good. Let’s get to it.

The announcers talk about the history of Starrcade and run down the matches announced.

Here is Kevin Owens for the Kevin Owens Show. He doesn’t waste any time and brings out Ric Flair to make it feel like Starrcade. Flair talks about how he’s a fan of Owens and, after switching to a microphone that works, he talks about how proud he is of Charlotte. On Smackdown, Roman Reigns talked about family, and that’s what everyone in WWE is.

The first Starrcade was thirty six years ago and back then all Flair wanted to do was be the best wrestler in the world. That’s what everyone wants to do here tonight and it’s going to be a good one. Owens has heard a lot of WOOing so he wants to let Flair have one of his own. They count it down….and here are the Good Brothers to cut them off.

Anderson and Gallows aren’t happy with hearing about the past when we could be talking about their present. They are the best tag team in the world but Owens brings up their lack of hair. Anderson thinks we should see a bunch of OC highlights for the rest of the show. Gallows: “Maybe some Botched Club!” Owens: “You want to see highlights of your last match?” Cue the Street Profits as Flair goes out to the floor. I think you know where this is going.

Good Brothers vs. Street Profits

Anderson punches Ford into the corner as we hear about a tag match opening the first Starrcade. Ford flips away though and it’s off to Dawkins for a headlock. Dawkins talks a lot and brings him over to the corner so Ford can come back in with a dropkick (it looked like Ford had to lower his legs because he was going to get too high).

Gallows comes in and superkicks Ford to the floor to take over. The pummeling starts in the corner and there’s a big kick to Ford’s head for a bonus. The chinlock goes on again for a few seconds before a fall away slam sends Ford back into the corner. Gallows runs him over and elbows him into another chinlock.

Ford gets up and backflips out of a suplex, setting up the enziguri to put Gallows down. There’s the hot tag to Dawkins and it’s time to clean house. Everything breaks down and Anderson cuts off the hot streak with a spinebuster for two. The belly to back suplex/neckbreaker combination gets two but Dawkins hits his own spinebuster. Ford’s frog splash is good for the pin on Anderson at 8:46.

Rating: C-. Total and complete house show match here and that’s all it needed to be. This was just about giving the fans something to cheer for and they did it well enough. The Profits are a team who can get fans interested through pure charisma and it isn’t like the Good Brothers are going to be hurt by a loss.

Post match the Profits bring Flair into the ring and do the elbow/knee onto the invisible coat in tribute.

Bayley and Sasha Banks don’t like being around here and talk about winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles tonight.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Becky Lynch/Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. Sasha Banks/Bayley vs. Kabuki Warriors

The Warriors are defending and it’s one fall to a finish. Sane and Cross start things off but it’s Asuka and Charlotte coming in before anything happens. Charlotte shoulders her down but gets kicked in the ribs when trying to flip backwards. She’s fine enough to hit a fall away slam but Sasha tags herself in to frustrate Charlotte a bit. Sasha’s yelling at the crowd allows Cross to come in and bring Sasha into the corner.

Bliss hits her running slap and tags out for a bow. It’s quickly off to Bayley vs. Becky for a slugout until Bayley actually gets the better of it. Becky kicks her away though and brings in Bliss to clean house. Sane comes in to pull Bliss’ hair though and a dropkick to the back has Bliss in trouble. It’s back to Bayley but she gets small packaged for two, meaning Asuka tags herself back in.

That means a few kicks until Bliss punches her down, setting up the double tag to Lynch and Sane. Bexploders abound and it’s a double DDT to the Warriors. Sane is back up but Cross tags herself in for a high crossbody. The Purge gets two on Asuka with Banks making the save. The Insane Elbow hits Becky so Charlotte spears both Warriors down. Cross rolls Asuka up but gets pulled into the Asuka Lock for the tap at 13:26.

Rating: C+. This was the kind of fun insanity that these matches thrive on, though there is only so much you can do with so many people. It’s really just about keeping people moving the whole time and that is what we got here. There is a pretty firm limit on what they can do with something like this aside from a special occasion and this was as good as it was getting.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

Last Man Standing and Lana is with Lashley, who is fine after Monday’s beatdown. Before the match, Lana talks about her hot boyfriend but there is some bad news: no Last Man Standing match tonight because the restraining order is still in effect. They’ll take that forfeit though. The referee raises Lashley’s hand and rings the bell but hang on a second.

Cue Kevin Owens to say that’s not how this is ending. Owens: “NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE TWO OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID RELATIONSHIP!” Lana wants everyone to ignore Owens right now. Owens: “Like you’ve been ignoring that stupid Russian accent for the last five years?” Lashley lets Owens take Rusev’s place and the match is on.

Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens

Regular match instead of Last Man Standing. Owens hits two superkicks into the Cannonball but Lashley bails from the threat of a Stunner. Another Cannonball off the apron takes Lashley down again but he fights back to send Owens into the announcers’ table. They get back inside with Lashley’s shirt coming off to reveal the taped up ribs and shoulder. Lashley starts hammering away but Owens hits him in the ribs for a breather. A Downward Spiral gives Lashley two and he grabs a Crossface of all things.

That’s broken up with a quick grab of the rope so Lashley throws him outside. Back in and Lashley’s superplex is broken up, allowing Owens to Swanton onto the bad ribs. The frog splash gets two so Owens hits the Stunner, only to have Lana distract the referee. Lashley runs Owens over and grabs a chair, which draws in Rusev, in a Bob Ross shirt, through the crowd for the DQ at 9:29.

Rating: C. This was less of a match and more of a countdown to the obvious ending. That isn’t a bad thing but it wasn’t exactly a thrilling match. Owens could have been just about anyone here as we continue this Rusev vs. Lashley feud that has only started to pick up some steam over a month into the thing. It wasn’t a bad match but there wasn’t exactly a secret to where it was going.

Post match the beating is on with Rusev taking it into the crowd as Lana shouts about Rusev breaking the law. They head back into the ring with Lashley hitting him with some kendo stick shots. Rusev blocks the big shot though and grabs a chair to hammer away. The jumping superkick into the chair sends Lashley and Lana bailing. Rusev runs through the crowd to avoid being arrested to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Much like every single one of these things, this was a show that existed and little more. There is nothing on here that you need to see and nothing on here that is worth your time, though the women’s match was pretty good. You would be better off watching a host of other things though as it’s just a house show with a bigger set than usual. The Starrcade name is fine though and it’s better than just leaving the things dormant for AEW to pick off. Completely acceptable use of an hour, but nothing you’ll regret missing.


Street Profits b. Good Brothers – Frog splash to Anderson

Kabuki Warriors b. Nikki Cross/Alexa Bliss, Charlotte/Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks/Bayley – Asuka Lock to Cross

Bobby Lashley b. Kevin Owens via DQ when Rusev interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – November 22, 2019: Their Endgame Fight

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 22, 2019
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the go home show for both Survivor Series and Takeover: WarGames. Normally the second show wouldn’t matter around here but the NXT roster is going to be around to make things a little more interesting. That could play out in several ways and I’m curious to see how it goes. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena live for this show, sitting in the upper deck and looking straight at the Titantron. That being said, I couldn’t see a lot of the screen due to lighting equipment so there are parts of this that I didn’t see/hear live.

The Smackdown locker room is in the back in front of what looks like the door to the loading dock. King Corbin, Roman Reigns and others get up and say they know NXT and Monday Night Raw are here tonight. They literally open the door for them and say come on in. Sasha Banks gets up as well and, in that completely natural manner of speaking in WWE, says the women’s division is ready so let’s just do this right now.

Opening sequence.

Here are the Smackdown women to get things going, meaning we have to get the Snoop Dogg version of Sasha’s theme again. I get why they’re going with it but the other one is just much better to get a crowd going. Sasha says this is their ring and no one is going to jump them from behind. They jumped NXT last week so Team Raw can get out here for a fight right now.

Cue Team Raw so a single referee comes out to try and keep the peace. Charlotte thanks them for opening the door but Raw would have kicked it down anyway. If Sasha is interested, they can fight one on one for old times’ sake. Cue Team NXT through the crowd, with the lineup being revealed as Captain Rhea Ripley, Mia Yim, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae and Toni Storm, who has barely ever been in regular NXT.

Rhea wants to make it captain vs. captain vs. captain so NXT gets in the ring as well. As you might have guessed, the big brawl is on and we take a fast break. Back with things having settled down (after the brawl went all the way through the break and started again after being stopped once) and the bell ringing.

Charlotte vs. Rhea Ripley vs. Sasha Banks

Sasha slugs away at both giants but walks into a double big boot for her efforts. That means it’s time to talk some trash until Rhea rolls out of a waistlock. A superkick rocks Charlotte but she’s right back with a big boot of her own. The shoulders in the corner keep Ripley in trouble but the last one misses, allowing Banks to come in and hammer away at Ripley. That doesn’t last long either as she sends Banks outside, only to have Charlotte get back up and start the fight on the floor. With everyone else getting involved, Charlotte busts out the huge moonsault and takes out Banks and Ripley as we take a break.

Back with Charlotte on the floor and Ripley dropping Banks face first onto the top turnbuckle. Banks is right back with the Meteora but Charlotte runs in with Natural Selection to Banks for her own near fall. Natural Selection hits Ripley as well, sending her straight to the ropes before the cover. That leaves Banks to get caught in the Figure Eight but Ripley comes in and crucifixes the bridging Charlotte for the pin at 9:41.

Rating: C+. The commercial took something out of this as the chaotic nature was great and made it feel like these women wanted to destroy each other. I really liked the ending too with Ripley showing intelligence and catching Charlotte when she wasn’t paying attention. All three were fighting hard here and it was a very entertaining performance from everyone involved, including the people on the floor.

Post match Charlotte and Banks keep up the fight with everyone else getting involved as NXT watches from the stage.

King Corbin tells Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler that they are going to bail when NXT interrupts their six man tag tonight while Roman Reigns, Ali and Shorty G. get beaten up. Then the three of them can beat up Roman and company again! Sami Zayn comes in and seems to want to fight, while holding a bag. If they’re interested, come see him in the ring RIGHT NOW.

Bayley isn’t worried about Sunday and invites Shayna Baszler to come after her face to face tonight.

Here are Sami Zayn and Shinsuke Nakamura for a chat. Sami knows that Corbin isn’t coming out here because Corbin is scared of him. People have called Sami annoying, but he would go with something more like….stud. The only person studlier than him is Nakamura, which is why Sami has gotten him a present. That would be a new Intercontinental Title, which is rounder with a black strap and a round center plate. It’s going to take some time for me to get used to that but it’s not bad.

Sami takes the old title, saying this is the only way to get it off of Nakamura. They’re ready for Sunday against AJ Styles and….whoever the North whatever champion is from NXT. Nakamura: “I’m drawing a blank.” Cue the Undisputed Era with Sami instantly getting behind Nakamura, as you would expect him to do.

The two of them leave with Adam Cole introducing the team and promising to win on Saturday and Sunday. That is undisputed, but here is New Day to dispute something. Kofi accuses the Undisputed Era of running off last week without a proper goodbye. They’re all here right now, so how about an eight man tag with these guys joining in?

Undisputed Era vs. New Day/Heavy Machinery

Strong takes Big E. into the corner to start but that doesn’t last long due to some straight power. Suplexes abound to send Fish and Strong down, with the former winding up on the apron for Big E.’s splash. A suplex drops O’Reilly on the floor and it’s Kofi slugging it out with Cole inside. Strong sneaks in on off a blind tag for a half nelson backbreaker though and it’s Kofi in trouble with Fish getting two off a double suplex.

Something like a Gory Stretch has Kofi in more trouble but he slips out and grabs a rollup for two. That’s not enough for a tag though as Strong is right back with a front facelock to keep Kofi down. Kofi fights out and goes up but Strong dropkicks him to the floor, where he lands on Tucker. Otis goes over to check on things but Big E. isn’t happy with that, with a near brawl taking us to a break.

Back with Kofi hitting a dropkick on Fish and diving over for the hot tag to Otis. House is cleaned (Graves: “Like the Kool-Aid Man with a bad attitude.”) and O’Reilly’s kicks are shrugged off by the power of….jiggling? Some corner splashes look to set up the Caterpillar but a save is made.

Tucker and Strong come in with a splash crushing Strong in the corner. A side slam gets two and Tucker’s moonsault is good for the same as everything breaks down. Big E. throws Fish to the floor (Cole: “Now it’s New Day’s turn to have some fun!”) but the Era cuts Kofi off. Fun haters. The very spinning slam plants O’Reilly and there’s the Caterpillar but Strong is back in with the jumping knee to finish Tucker at 15:04.

Rating: C+. Nice one here as it was more of a fun match than anything else. Putting two teams together to face the Four Horsemen style team worked very well and the Era gets to show that they can hang with and defeat main roster talent. I don’t think anyone seriously questioned that, but it’s nice to see it take place.

Post match Strong and Nakamura have a staredown on the stage. Cue AJ Styles to jump both of them but Sami makes the save before the Era gets up to the stage as well.

Survivor Series rundown.

Post break Styles and the Good Brothers are still yelling about how much they don’t like Chicago. Styles says he could clean house with anyone from this city. Cue the CM Punk chants, with AJ saying he would do it to him too. He’ll win at Survivor Series.

Here’s Daniel Bryan to summon (Summon?) Bray Wyatt. Bryan shows us a clip from last week with Bryan challenging Bray for Survivor Series and getting a big (and kind of maniacal) YES from Bray. Back in the arena, Bryan says he isn’t here to say YES or play with puppets because he wants Bray out here right now.

They can talk about the past or just fight right now….and there go the lights. They come back up with no one in the ring but here’s Miz instead. Daniel: “If there is one thing worse than Bray coming out here, it you.” Miz rants about how Bryan is being insane and how he has always tried to slap some sense into him. Instead he just slaps Bryan and I think you know where this is going.

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

Joined in progress with Miz hitting some YES Kicks but getting thrown outside for the running knee from the apron. Back in and Miz kicks him in the face for a pair of twos and the headlock goes on. Bryan starts with the strikes but gets caught with the corner clothesline. Bryan’s own running clothesline slows Miz down and he headbutts Miz off the top. The missile dropkick into the nip up sets up the real YES Kicks (Graves: “Night night Miz.”) and it’s time for the corner dropkick but we’ve got a Fiend as the match is thrown out at we’ll say 5:40.

Rating: C-. These two are always worth a look but there is only so much that you can get out of a match that only had about five minutes before Wyatt interfered. That being said, was there any reason to not have Bryan get the win here before the Fiend showed up? Bryan isn’t exactly on a roll here so let him get a quick pin and then do the Fiend stuff. It’s not like Miz has anything going on at the moment.

Here’s Shayna Baszler for a chat. She wastes no time in calling out Bayley so the jacket comes off, but it’s Bayley running in from behind with a chop block. The fight is on and they head to the floor with Baszler getting in the Kirifuda Clutch. Bayley drives her into various things to escape….and that’s it. No Becky appearance and no extra fighting. That’s quite the odd ending.

Quick look at last week’s tag match which set up this week’s six man.

Roman Reigns/Ali/Shorty G. vs. King Corbin vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

Ali gets the huge hometown welcome, Corbin is brought out on the throne, and THANK GOODNESS Gable has lost the basketball jersey. It’s a small improvement but I’ll take everything I can get here. Reigns slugs away at Roode to start and the fight is outside in a hurry. Ziggler and Corbin get in a few cheap shots to take over on Reigns, who fights back inside without too much effort.

Gable comes in for some kicks and throws but Roode and Corbin slam him off the apron and onto the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with Ziggler DDTing Reigns for two but walking into a Superman punch. The hot tag brings in Ali to throw some right hands and the rolling X Factor plants Corbin. The dive sends Ziggler into the announcers’ table and there’s the springboard tornado DDT to drop Corbin again. Roode’s spinebuster on the floor plants Gable but Reigns is right back with the Superman punch off the steps. Back in and it’s the Deep Six to finish Ali at 8:53.

Rating: C. This wasn’t a long match in the first place and a lot of it took place during the break. What we got was good enough though, even if they need to let the fans have something to cheer for without putting the heat on Corbin every single week. It’s good to do that a lot of the time, but it’s ok to not snatch everything away from the fans.

Post match Corbin grabs his scepter and goes after Ali but Reigns makes the save. Cue Raw through the crowd with Rollins getting in the ring for the big staredown. The fight is on, with the CM Punk chants being drowned out in a hurry. Braun Strowman leads the Smackdown charge to start the huge brawl…..and it’s Road Dogg/Shawn Michaels/HHH driving a tank into the back with NXT coming inside to make it an even bigger fight.

This is one of the wildest brawls I’ve ever seen and it’s Keith Lee staring Strowman down inside as the show ends with the fighting continuing. This ended WAY earlier than it should have, as Ali hit a huge super Spanish Fly onto the pile to knock everyone down, which at least gave Ali something back after getting pinned, which was completely necessary.

After the show was over, everyone headed to the back and D-Generation X offered to put Corbin on the team. HHH said “for the millions watching at home….even though we’re off the air because this will be on like in about five minutes” and a huge beatdown of Corbin ended the night as DX celebrated.

Overall Rating: B-. This is a case where you need to look at the bigger picture rather than the individual things. The point of this show was making me want to see Survivor Series and that worked out quite well. The wrestling was forgettable at best most of the time but every major story was addressed and the huge brawl at the end was excellent. I want to see where things go on Sunday and that is entirely the point of something like this. Get better wrestling and this is great, but as it is we’ll call it job done well enough.


Rhea Ripley b. Charlotte and Sasha Banks – Crucifix to Charlotte

Undisputed Era b. Heavy Machinery/New Day – Jumping knee to Tucker

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz went to a no contest when the Fiend interfered

King Corbin/Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler b. Roman Reigns/Shorty G./Ali – Deep Six to Ali

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Survivor Series Count-Up – 2018 (2019 Redo): Fight Bryan Fight

IMG Credit: WWE

Survivor Series 2018
Date: November 18, 2018
Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
Attendance: 16,325
Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

It’s the second redo of the year and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. I remember this one a little bit better than some of the more recent shows for some reason and I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. It’s hard to say how well these things hold up but that’s kind of what I’m going for here. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Smackdown Tag Teams vs. Raw Tag Teams

Smackdown: Usos, New Day, Sanity, Anderson And Gallows, Colons

Raw: Bobby Roode/Chad Gable, Revival, B-Team, Lucha House Party, Ascension

A suplex gives Epico two as the apron looks ridiculous with so many people up there. Hold on though as Kalisto injures his knee so it’s off to Dorado for a quick splash. Kalisto comes back in almost immediately and gets suplexed down, allowing Primo to come in and hit a basement dropkick. Primo is sent into Epico and knocks him off the apron by mistake. Dawson makes a blind tag through and it’s a quick Shatter Machine to get rid of the Colons at 3:10.

It’s off to Dain vs. Gable after we nearly got Gable vs. Big E. in the match I didn’t know I needed to see. Dain hits a quick Divide for two so it’s Young coming in for two of his own off a neckbreaker. Roode makes the save and it’s a neckbreaker/moonsault combination to finish Young at 6:32. Konnor comes in to kick Big E. in the face but gets pulled into the spanking abdominal stretch. It’s off to Woods, who gets tossed with a fall away slam in short order. Viktor grabs a chinlock but Woods fights up for a discus forearm. Just to show off, Woods lifts Big E. onto his shoulders for a splash to finish Viktor at 8:48.

The Luchas try to go after Gallows and it goes as well as you would expect. Dorado has to slip out of the Magic Killer and it’s a Stunner to Gallows. Anderson gets hurricanranaed into the ropes and it’s the Luchas hitting stereo Asai moonsaults onto Anderson and Gallows. Back in and a rope walk Swanton gets rid of Anderson at 10:40 as the apron is finally clearing out a bit.

We’re down to the Usos/New Day vs. Roode/Gable/Revival/Lucha House Party so Jimmy comes in for the first time. Dorado chops him into a rollup for two and a Lionsault gets the same. Jey comes in off a blind tag and comes pretty close to catching Dorado in a Samoa drop for the pin at 11:57.

It’s Dawson coming in to grab Woods and a Wilder distraction lets him get in a cheap shot to really take over. Dawson misses a charge though and Woods hits a dropkick, allowing the double tag to Big E. and Wilder. Big E. clotheslines Dawson outside but gets rolled up for two, allowing Gable to come in for a suplex. Rolling Chaos Theory into a neckbreaker gets two on Big E. and everything breaks down with Wilder hitting a tornado DDT on Woods on the floor.

That means the dive from Big E., leaving Roode and Gable alone in the ring. Roode backdrops him onto everyone else but Jey superkicks Roode down. Jey does the GLORIOUS pose and dives onto the pile rather than, you know, covering the knocked silly Roode. Just to get nuts, Gable German superplexes Jimmy onto everyone else for the big crash. Back in and Woods hits Roode with the Honor Roll, leaving Big E. to catch Gable’s moonsault. That means UpUpDownDown to finish Gable at 18:33 but Dawson sends Big E. outside.

Woods goes up for the rope walk….undetermined move that is countered into the Shatter Machine to tie us up at 19:31. It’s the Usos vs. Revival and a slugout goes to the non-brothers. A reverse powerbomb/top rope clothesline (felt like a Steiner Bulldog with some miscommunication) gets two on Jey so Jimmy enziguris Dawson. Wilder is back up though and we go old school with a PowerPlex for two as Jey has to make a diving save. The Shatter Machine is broken up and it’s a bunch of superkicks to set up the Superfly Splash (with a Roman Reigns fist pump on the way down) for the pin at 23:15.

Rating: C. It was fun once they got down to the last bit but sweet goodness there was too much going on here. There is only so much you can do with enough people for a nice battle royal at first, plus seconds on the floor. It’s an idea that makes sense but when so many of these teams are looked at as jokes, they would have been better off cutting this in half and doing individual eliminations. Still though, perfectly watchable, especially once they got rid of the dead weight.

The opening video focuses entirely on the battle for Brand Supremacy because that’s all this show is about anymore. Even the huge champion vs. champion matches are just part of Raw vs. Smackdown.

Raw Women vs. Smackdown Women

Raw: Mickie James, Nia Jax, Tamina, Bayley, Sasha Banks

Smackdown: Carmella, Naomi, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose, Asuka

The injured Alexa Bliss and Naomi are the captains, which is Naomi comes out second for her team. This is fallout from the moment of the year with Becky Lynch and Smackdown invading Raw, setting up Nia Jax punching Becky in the face and putting her on the shelf, setting up the main event of Wrestlemania and changing their careers forever. It’s funny how that works somehow no?

Naomi and Tamina start things off as the fans want Becky. A dropkick sends Tamina into the ropes and everything breaks down in a hurry. Naomi’s Disaster Kick puts Nia on the floor but Tamina hits a superkick to get rid of Naomi at 1:21. Carmella is right back in to roll Tamina up and get us down to 4-4 at 1:32. The fall leaves Carmella alone in the ring so DANCE BREAK.

Nia comes in behind her and Carmella’s rollup has no effect, as expected. Therefore it’s off to Mandy, who gets taken down with a single knee. That means it’s Mickie coming in for two off a neckbreaker but Mandy is right back up with an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up in a hurry though and it’s off to a quickly escaped Muta Lock. Asuka comes in to face Mickie, which Cole says is a match everyone would want to see. Then watch it from Takeover: Toronto on the Network!

Asuka starts with the hip attack into the dance, setting up the Octopus Hold. Sonya comes in to charge into Mickie’s boot and a snapmare takes her down. Bayley tags herself in and Mickie is rather annoyed, even as Banks comes in for the double knees in the corner. Now it’s Mickie tagging herself back in for the super Thesz press but Sonya knees her in the face. That should finish but Mandy tags herself in and steals the elimination at 7:38.

Sonya doesn’t know what to think, even as Bayley runs in for two off a rollup. The Moon Walk DDT lets Carmella mock Banks but she walks into the Bayley to Belly for the elimination at 9:12. Mandy comes in and stomps away at Bayley as the announcers get into their usual bickering session that has nothing to do with the match. Bayley kicks her away and brings in Banks to take over in a hurry, including the Bank Statement for the tap at 10:49.

Asuka comes in and takes over on Banks, allowing Sonya to grab a bodyscissors and shout a lot. That doesn’t last long either as it’s Banks getting up and bringing in Bayley for the waving running knee in the corner. A spinebuster gives Sonya two with Jax making the save and earning some of the loudest booing of her career.

Jax goes shoulder first into the post and Asuka kicks her to the floor, only to get caught by the Meteora from Banks. Bayley and Sonya tackle each other to the floor and it’s a Bayley to Belly….but neither can beat the count at 15:18. That leaves us with Nia/Sasha vs. Asuka with Banks coming in for the team. Asuka knocks her down and shows off the Smackdown top before hitting a knee to the face. A heck of a German suplex puts Banks down and a hip attack knocks Jax off the apron.

Banks trips her up to send Asuka into the apron but she’s right back with a missile dropkick for two. The Asuka Lock is broken up and the running knees in the corner crush Asuka again. Banks goes up but Nia shoves her off the top for some reason, meaning it’s the Asuka Lock for the tap at 19:36. Nia comes in and drops a bunch of legs before finishing with the Samoan drop at 20:15.

Rating: C. You have to remember that Nia was public enemy #1 at this point and pushing her as the monster like this made sense. Normally I would complain about pushing someone who has a history of injuring people and who is hardly interesting in the first place, but WWE has shown their love for Jax for a long time and no amount of complaining is going to change a thing.

Raw – 1

Smackdown – 0

Stephanie McMahon, in that instantly irritating way of speaking, tells Acting General Manager Baron Corbin that he better win the rest of the matches if he wants to have the job permanently. Shane McMahon and General Manager Paige come in and suggest Raw will be feeling blue. More trash talk ensues with Shane looking forward to Corbin being fired. This kind of banter is just horrible and feels so forced, which is why it almost never goes away in WWE.

Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Raw (Intercontinental) vs. Smackdown (United States) champion vs. champion here. Yes Nakamura is wrestling in the blue shirt over his jumpsuit, because A BIG BLUE JUMPSUIT doesn’t tell you which brand he is on. Rollins goes after the arm to start but Nakamura slips out and invites Rollins to COME ON. The wristlocking is back on as they seem to have a lot of time here.

A way too early missed Kinshasa attempt lets Rollins do his own COME ON. The threat of a ripcord knee sends Nakamura to the apron and Rollins onto the top for some lounging. Nakamura sends him to the apron though and it’s the slingshot Fameasser over the ropes to put Nakamura on the floor. That means the suicide dive, but since that is the most obvious move ever, it gets cut off with a kick to the face instead.

Back in and Nakamura works on a double chickenwing, plus a front facelock to mix it up a bit. Rollins fights up and sends him into the corner, setting up the Sling Blade for a breather. Nakamura gets thrown outside for the back to back suicide dives but two is a nasty number in wrestling so there’s a third. The springboard clothesline gets two back inside and things slow down a bit. Rollins’ suplex is escaped and Nakamura kicks him in the face, followed by the running knee to the ribs in the corner.

A Backstabber….doesn’t do much for Nakamura as Rollins is right back up with a superkick for two. Rollins slugs away but his clothesline is countered into a triangle. Since it’s Rollins, the traditional powerbomb counter is swapped for a Buckle Bomb instead, which at least gives us some variety. The ripcord knee is broken up again and Nakamura’s Landslide gets two. In a bit of a rare move, Nakamura goes up top, earning himself the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for a nice near fall.

They slug it out with Nakamura daring him to swing harder so it’s a reverse exploder to drop Rollins. Kinshasa misses though and it’s the ripcord knee for a close two. The frog splash misses though and Nakamura’s running knee to the back of the head gives him his own two. Nakamura still can’t hit Kinshasa so Rollins superkicks him, only to miss the Stomp. Kinshasa misses again though and it’s the Stomp to give Rollins the pin at 21:27.

Rating: B. It was very good though I was left wanting and expecting more. These two can be great against each other, though it is another case of Nakamura never rising up to that next level. He is still very entertaining and someone worth watching almost every time, but his big matches always feel a bit disappointing. Still though, rather hard hitting back and forth match, which is exactly why these two were out there. It’s rather good, just not great.

Raw – 2

Smackdown – 0

Braun Strowman doesn’t like his partners on the Raw men’s team and he doesn’t even know who Bobby Lashley is. If they don’t help him win tonight, they’re getting these hands. Drew McIntyre says he’s in charge and violence is about to ensue so here’s Corbin to remind Strowman that he can’t touch him. Instead, Strowman throws Lio Rush at Corbin to let off some steam. Cue R-Truth for the pep talk, until he is reminded that he’s not on the team. Confused R-Truth may be one of my all time favorite gags.

The Bar vs. AOP

Smackdown vs. Raw in a battle of the Tag Team Champions with Big Show and Drake Maverick as the thirds. Rezar throws Sheamus into the corner to start as Byron accuses Drake of drinking….cuckoo juice? The Bar gets in some double teaming on Akam and, after the catchphrase, the Swing has to be broken up. Akam takes the Swing instead, only to have Rezar come back in for the backbreaker/middle rope stomp combination to take over.

The chinlock goes on before Akam just powers Cesaro down and hammers away. Rezar knees Cesaro in the face for two so Sheamus tries to come in, allowing Cesaro to grab a rollup for….well nothing actually as the referee is with Sheamus. Not the best plan there man. Cesaro’s uppercuts don’t do much good as Rezar takes him right back down and grabs a chinlock.

That’s broken up as well and it’s the springboard uppercut to allow the tag to Sheamus. House is cleaned in a hurry, including the Brogue Kick to Rezar with Maverick putting the foot on the rope. The chase is on until Cesaro knocks Maverick down, allowing Show to grab him. Maverick is so scared that he, ahem, relieves himself in fear. Back in and the powerbomb/neckbreaker combination finishes Sheamus at 9:04.

Rating: D+. This was a pretty boring power match with both teams only going in spurts until the big joke of an ending. There is only so far you can go with that as the big joke and you can imagine where things are going to go as a result. I mean, the fact that this show is now a year old makes it easier to figure out, but that doesn’t make it better.

Raw – 3

Smackdown – 0

The Miz has Shane McMahon fire up Team Smackdown. R-Truth is here as well to talk about getting on the Smackdown roster. He already is, which is a relief as Raw is a mess.

We recap Mustafa Ali vs. Buddy Murphy for the Cruiserweight Title. Ali won a match to become #1 contender and now we have the title match. The idea here is the champ vs. the never will be champ as Ali tries to grab the brass ring again. Sometimes it really can be that simple.

Cruiserweight Title: Buddy Murphy vs. Mustafa Ali

Ali is challenging. They start fast with Murphy’s power not exactly working as he drives Ali into the corner, only to have him flip over the champ. That means a dropkick to the floor into the big flip dive but Ali’s back is banged up. The second dive is blocked with a shove off the top into the barricade, followed by some rams into the apron. A heck of a backdrop sets up the chinlock with a knee in the back until Ali jawbreaks his way out of trouble.

The rolling X Factor is countered with a show to the floor though and Murphy hits his own running flip dive. Back in and Ali scores with a superkick into a tornado hanging DDT (awesome) for his own two. The 054 (I miss that) is broken up with a shove to the floor and this time it’s Ali’s face hitting the apron on the way down.

Murphy loads up the announcers’ table but Ali hits a Spanish Fly down to the floor again because he’s crazy and can do stuff like that. Back in and Murphy is fine enough to hit a superkick into a pair of powerbombs for two before kneeing him out of the air. Murphy’s Law retains the title at 12:20.

Rating: B-. It was entertaining, it was hard hitting, and almost no one cared because there is little reason to be interested in 205 Live. The wrestling can be very entertaining and some of the matches are great, but the show is as important as a bicycle to a fish. That has been a problem since the show debuted and it isn’t going to get better in the future.

When asked about his recent heel turn, Daniel Bryan….just smiles.

Raw Men vs. Smackdown Men

Raw: Finn Balor, Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler

Smackdown: Shane McMahon, The Miz, Rey Mysterio, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy

Corbin (at ringside but not on the team) and M are the captains. Strowman and McIntyre nearly get in a fight before the bell but Strowman gets to start….until McIntyre tags himself in after about three seconds. The Koquina Clutch has Drew in early trouble but he backflips out and Claymores Joe for the pin at 37 seconds. I’m going to assume Joe was hurt (again), or we need Shane to get more ring time.

After a quick meeting, Hardy comes in second with the fans going to the DELETE chants in a hurry. Jeff tries running around a bit, earning himself a hard clothesline so Ziggler can come in. Shane tags himself in for a rematch of Crown Jewel, because that nightmare needs to be touched on again. A dropkick rocks Shane, who is right back with some armdrags. The Fameasser gets two but Shane scores with a spinning elbow. The jumping elbow is countered into the Zig Zag but Miz makes his own save.

Strowman comes in but McIntyre tags himself in again, meaning it’s on in a hurry. For some reason Smackdown breaks it up so they can gang up on Strowman, who isn’t having it. Rey manages a 619 though and they head outside with Strowman getting knocked onto the announcers’ table. The big Shane elbow knocks them both out, because WE NEED TO GET THAT IN. Back in and Miz kicks Drew down for one as we see Paige and Stephanie watching backstage. As long as they don’t talk, I’m good.

McIntyre gets away to go over for the tag….but he won’t do it, even as Balor yells at him to make the tag. Instead McIntyre smacks Miz in the face, allowing Balor to tag himself in. Balor kicks McIntyre down before kicking Miz in the head, followed by the baseball slide. Back in and the Sling Blade rocks Rey and a dropkick puts him in the corner. The Coup de Grace misses though and it’s a 619 into the springboard splash to tie it up at 12:04.

McIntyre is right there to deck the eliminated Balor so Lashley tags himself in to throw Rey into the corner. The delayed vertical suplex is delayed too long though as Rey rolls out and hits an enziguri. It’s Ziggler’s turn to tag himself in so Rey faceplants him and brings in Hardy. Everything breaks down and Hardy tornado DDTs McIntyre on the floor, allowing Ziggler to grab the running DDT for two on Jeff. The rapid pace comeback is on for Jeff, but the Swanton hits raised knees.

For some reason this hurts the knees this time so Mysterio is able to bring Miz in. The beating is on in the corner and it’s Shane coming back in for Coast to Coast to eliminate Ziggler and cement Shane as Best in the World (remember he beat Ziggler in the finals) to make it 4-3 at 18:10.

Lashley is back in to suplex Shane right over to Miz, who gets beaten up this time around. Miz gets in a few shots of his own to set up the running clothesline. It’s back to Shane for ANOTHER Coast to Coast, though thankfully Strowman chops him out of the air. Strowman comes in and wastes no time with the powerslam to eliminate Hardy at 20:45. That leaves Strowman/McIntyre/Lashley vs. Mysterio/Miz/McMahon, and the powerslam takes Mysterio out at 21:26.

Miz starts to panic (Graves: “Does this mean there won’t be a Marine 7”) and it’s another powerslam for the pin at 22:27. Shane is alone against the monsters and you can feel the fans panicking from here. Shane pulls himself up to face Strowman and says bring it on, so Strowman dropkicks him into the corner (Graves: “A T-REX DROPKICK!”) and hits the third powerslam for the pin at 24:01.

Rating: D+. This doesn’t hold up as it’s another Shane showcase, with one big spot after another and Shane getting to go out there and look like the toughest man in the company. Raw winning was more confusing than anything else as it already guarantees them the night, but they did have me believing that they might have had Shane pull the miracle. Consider that great selling or really sad.

Raw – 4

Smackdown – 0

Post match Corbin jumps Strowman and poses with McIntyre and Lashley.

Here’s how to help victims of the California wildfires. Nothing wrong with that.

Seth Rollins has been focused on Dean Ambrose as of late but for tonight, he’s due for an ice bath and some cold ones. Charly tells him that he has to defend the Intercontinental Title against Ambrose at TLC. Rollins likes the idea because Ambrose will have nothing left to hide behind.

We recap Charlotte vs. Ronda Rousey. This was supposed to be Becky Lynch vs. Rousey but then destiny happened in the form of the mega brawl on Raw and Becky’s face being broken. Becky picked Charlotte to take her place, which was out of left field but they didn’t have another option.

Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte

Raw vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion so we get the Big Match Intros. Rousey (with the ridiculous eye makeup) starts swinging early so Charlotte grabs her by the ropes and throws her down. The armbar is blocked and Charlotte has to flip out of Piper’s Pit to get us to a standoff. Charlotte grabs a headlock and sends her face first into the bottom buckle to really take over for the first time. It’s time to start on the leg as Rousey is bleeding from the mouth.

She’s fine enough for an enziguri to get a breather and what looked like a triangle over the top has Charlotte in trouble for a change. Charlotte crotches her on top but Rousey is right back with a triangle. That’s reversed into a Boston crab but Natural Selection is blocked. The armbar is blocked again so Charlotte goes up, only to have the moonsault hit raised boots. Rousey spends too much time yelling though and gets speared in half for two.

The Figure Four goes on until Rousey turns it over, with Rousey managing to talk trash while screaming at the same time. They roll to the floor and Rousey is all fired up, meaning it’s time to start striking away. Some chops knock Rousey into the corner and Rousey looks shaken for the first time.

Another chop is blocked so Charlotte gets two off a big boot. Rousey is right back with a hurricanrana and Piper’s Pit but Charlotte gets away from the armbar again. It’s time for a breather on the floor and Charlotte is smart enough to break the count for an extra break. Rousey isn’t waiting so she goes out after her, only to walk into a kendo stick shot from Charlotte for the DQ at 14:10.

Rating: A-. This felt like the main event level match that they were hoping for, which is all the more impressive given Rousey’s complete lack of experience. She knows how to feel like a big deal and Charlotte having to use her natural abilities to counter all of the submissions was a great story. Charlotte snapping and admitting that she can’t beat Rousey worked perfectly too and I had a great time with this all around.

Raw – 5

Smackdown – 0

Post match the beating is on with the referee having to take the chair away from Charlotte. She isn’t done though and it’s Natural Selection onto the chair to knock Ronda silly. Charlotte beats up the referees trying to make the save and wraps the chair around Rousey’s neck. Pillmanizing ensues and Charlotte’s eyes are bugging out. Fans: “THANK YOU CHARLOTTE!” Rousey takes a long time to get up but does it on her own, because PILLMANIZING SOMEONE’S NECK IS A FIVE MINUTE ANNOYANCE!

We recap Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan, which is a rapid fire change as Bryan only turned heel and won the title five days before this show. Therefore, the entire video is about Bryan’s turn, setting up the match here. It was annoying, but since WWE didn’t want AJ losing to Brock, they had him lose to Bryan instead. That is the kind of logic only WWE can go with and no, it still doesn’t sound like an intelligent idea.

Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar

Battle of the World Champions with Brock trying to complete the Raw sweep. Bryan mocks Lesnar during his entrance and smiles a lot. A running dropkick to Lesnar’s knee starts things off as the mind games are on. Bryan heads outside for a run around the ring so Lesnar follows him, only to have Bryan run back inside and mocks Brock’s bounce. Brock comes back in and hits Bryan in the face as things change in a hurry.

The first German suplex has Bryan nearly done on the apron so Brock starts a SUPLEX CITY chant in a great heel move. The second German suplex has Heyman worried and the third has Bryan rocked again. An overhead belly to belly puts Bryan on the floor and Lesnar even gets to pose with the title. Brock throws him hard into the barricade and we hit the bearhug with Cole saying this isn’t about brand supremacy anymore. Then what the heck is it about now Cole? And what has the last hour and a half been about?

More suplexes ensue and the fans are not happy with the repetitive Lesnar offense. The second bearhug makes it even worse and Brock throws another overhead belly to belly. The F5 connects (Brock: “Goodnight everybody!”) but Brock pulls him up at two. Bryan kicks him in the face twice and, after a ref bump, gets in a low blow. The running knee connects for two (how Bryan won the title) so Bryan kicks away to put Brock down in the corner.

A bunch of stomps to the face have Brock stunned and Bryan low bridges him to the floor. The slingshot dive is pulled out of the air but Bryan slips out and posts him. Bryan tries the suicide dive though and gets posted hard to cut off the big rally. The steps are picked up but only hit the post, allowing Bryan to hit another knee. Back in and another running knee gives Bryan another two as Heyman is losing his mind.

Bryan switches gears by going after the knee with a chop block and a wrap around the post. Lesnar is sent into the corner for the running dropkicks (or a running knee and a running attack from Cole) but he pulls Bryan into the F5….as the knee gives out. The YES Lock goes on but Bryan makes the mistake of switching to a triangle, which is reversed into the F5 for the pin at 18:43.

Rating: B+. It’s nearly a copy of the same match that Brock had with AJ last year but it was still a heck of a fight with Bryan coming close to picking up the upset. That being said, it’s still the brand new WWE Champion losing clean five days after he won the title. I know WWE MUST DO THE BRAND SUPREMACY deal but was there really no better option for something like this? Like AJ vs. Brock II with a countout or something? Annoying, but at least it came after an awesome match.

Raw – 6

Smackdown – 0

Bryan smiles at Lesnar to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Well they threw the Brand Supremacy stuff out the window at about the halfway point, leaving the wrestling to carry the rest. As luck would have it, the last two matches were awesome and left me wanting more so well done all around there. Some of the matches aren’t that great with no particularly good Survivor Series matches, but what we got for the rest of the show was quite entertaining, even if the core concept was lost.

Ratings Comparison

Raw Tag Teams vs. Smackdown Tag Teams

Original: D+

2019 Redo: C

Smackdown Women vs. Raw Women

Original: C

2019 Redo: C

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Seth Rollins

Original: B

2019 Redo: B

AOP vs. The Bar

Original: C-

2019 Redo: D+

Mustafa Ali vs. Buddy Murphy

Original: B

2019 Redo: B

Raw Men vs. Smackdown Men

Original: C+

2019 Redo: D+

Charlotte vs. Ronda Rousey

Original: B

2019 Redo: A-

Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan

Original: A-

2019 Redo: B+

Overall Rating

Original: B+

2019 Redo: B

The two main events almost swapping is interesting but, other than the men’s Survivor Series match, this is all in the same ballpark or identical.

Here is the original review if you are interested:

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Survivor Series Count-Up – 2017 (2018 Redo): A Dream And A Nightmare

IMG Credit: WWE

Survivor Series 2017
Date: November 19, 2017
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Attendance: 14,478
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T., Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

I barely remember this show other than it was a bunch of Raw vs. Smackdown stuff, including AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar. As usual, the modern stuff has no impact on me because so much of it feels like it’s going to be similar to whatever we’re likely to get this year. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Matt Hardy vs. Elias

This is a bonus match, because a four hour show needs more content. Before the match, Elias asks if anyone wants to go for a walk. You can wear red or you can wear blue, but at the end of the day, what would Elias do? The song gets cut off by the booing but he gets it going to talk about how much he hates Houston. Hardy’s music cuts him off again and we’re ready to go. Since it’s a major pay per view and WWE has a really weird way of doing their pre-shows, the are far more empty seats than filled ones opposite the hard camera.

Hardy headlocks him down to start as the announcers start talking about other matches on the show. The Russian legsweep sets up the middle rope elbow to the back of Elias’s head as we take a break. Back with Matt dropping a fist for two but getting his throat snapped across the top rope. Elias switches over to the arm and cranks on an armbar for good measure. The arm goes into the post as Corey talks about getting to see matches we’ve never seen before, such as HHH vs. Shane McMahon. I’d recommend studying your WWE Network before.

The armbar goes on, followed by a double underhook shoulderbreaker for two. Matt gets sent to the apron and Elias follows for some reason, allowing Matt to hit a Side Effect and take over. Back in and Elias gets sent into all three buckles, followed by the bulldog for no cover. Another Side Effect gets two and the middle rope elbow is good for the same. Elias is smart enough to hit him in the arm though and sends it into the post. Drift Away puts Hardy away at 9:16.

Rating: D+. I can never get around the empty seats during these first matches. What in the world is the point of having a match when it’s something that means as little as this and isn’t even any good in the first place? The arm work was fine and it played into the finish, but it was nothing that wouldn’t bore you in the third hour of Raw.

Kickoff Show: Cruiserweight Title: Kalisto vs. Enzo Amore

Amore is defending and was sent into a cake on 205 Live to really make this personal. Before the match, Enzo goes into a rant about Kalisto sending him into a cake that Enzo paid for. Tonight, Enzo is going to make beef stew out of chicken. Enzo is extra aggressive to start but Kalisto kicks him away without much effort. The chase to the floor is on and Kalisto follows him back in with a slingshot Code Red for two. Kalisto goes to the ropes once too often though and gets his throat snapped as we take a break.

Back with Enzo getting two off a clothesline and pulling him out of the corner into a side slam for the same (cool move). The chinlock goes on for a bit until a running forearm in the corner gets two more. That means a second chinlock with a Stunner not quite breaking the hold. It’s too early for the Salida Del Sol so Enzo puts him in the Tree of Woe, only to miss a charge and hit the buckle.

Kalisto hits a top rope moonsault but his ribs won’t let him get a cover. He’s fine enough to hit the hurricanrana driver but the Salida is broken up again. They slug it out on the apron and Enzo pulls him head first into the rob that connects the buckle to the post. The Jordunzo finishes Kalisto at 8:13.

Rating: D+. That’s one of the better matches I remember from Enzo, which probably had a lot to do with Kalisto being in there to do most of the hard work for him. There was little chance that Enzo was dropping the title here so at least they kept it short, even with a commercial included. Not a good match, but it could have been worse.

Kickoff Show: Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens vs. Breezango

Sami is freshly heel here and doesn’t like being stuck having to face losers like Breezango. They should be on Team Smackdown tonight but Shane McMahon is holding them back. It’s all part of the McMahon sibling rivalry but here’s Breezango to cut them off. They got a tip of some fashion violators and all that ungroomed facial hair proves they’re right. That’s bad enough for some violations so Fandango dropkicks Owens down. Owens and Zayn are sent outside where they have fashioned tickets rained down on them as we take a break.

Back with Sami getting sent outside again but Owens gets in a cheap shot this time to put Breeze in trouble. Owens comes in for his usual pummeling but it’s already back to Sami for the chinlock. A kick to the face isn’t enough to get Breeze out of trouble as Owens comes back in for a chinlock of his own. That’s not good enough, so we hit the fourth chinlock in about two minutes.

Owens mixes it up with a backsplash but hits knees, suggesting that he should have stuck with the chinlocks. The hot tag brings in Fandango for the snap jabs and a middle rope dropkick. A tornado DDT gets two with Owens making the save but Fandango misses the Last Dance. The Pop Up Powerbomb finishes Fandango at 8:32.

Rating: D+. Well this concludes the worst Kickoff Show I can remember in a long time. It didn’t seem like Owens and Zayn cared at all here and really, can you blame them? The previous month they were headlining a pay per view and now they’re on the Kickoff Show? That’s the best you can have for these guys? Fair point as that’s the idea of the story. Other than that, I still feel bad for what happened to Breezango as they got themselves over and then were just dropped for….whoever the Smackdown Tag Team Champions were at this point. Does it really matter if they’re that forgettable?

The opening video focuses on the war between Raw and Smackdown, featuring the UNDER SIEGE deal, which was mainly all about Stephanie vs. Shane. I still don’t get how they didn’t have the Usos with the Uso Penitentiary deal leading that charge. The rest of the Raw vs. Smackdown matches get a quick look of their own.

We have a FIVE MAN commentary booth. As usual, quantity equals quality in WWE’s eyes.

New Day vs. Shield

This didn’t get the attention that it deserved because it’s a genuine dream match. Before the match, Woods says that while this is great fuel for the fan fiction writers, it’s also time for them to show that they’re the most dominant trio in WWE history. Kofi brings up the Raw roster invading three weeks after Smackdown did and not even doing it as well. They’re about to go Bob Barker on the Hounds of Justice (How did no one get that line in before?) and when Wrestlemania time comes up, the Shield will bite each other (true actually, at least before Dean got hurt).

They’re the true brotherhood around here and it’s time to prove it. And now, before the match, here’s another video of Smackdown invading Raw and vice versa, in case you didn’t get the point six minutes ago. The only new material here is New Day costing the Shield the Tag Team Titles. Big pop for Shield, as you had to expect. Seth and Dean have the half Raw half Shield shirts but Reigns is too cool to go that route.

Ambrose and Kofi start things off as the fans are split here, apparently not able to pick which wristlock they like best. Booker’s preview for the night: “There’s not gonna be a whole lot of entertainment.” This man gets paid to do this people. Rollins and Woods come in with Woods quickly realizing that he’s in way over his head. As the announcers discuss titles, Big E. comes in to face Rollins. Now you NXT fans should get where commentary should be going, but of course nothing is mentioned.

It’s off to Reigns instead and this isn’t quite the showdown that WWE thinks it is. Big E. breaks up a waistlock attempt and runs Reigns over with a shoulder, only to have an elbow do the same to him. A good looking Samoan drop gives Reigns two….and the fans are there with the SWEET because we’re that lucky. Everything breaks down and a triple clothesline takes Big E. and Kofi to the floor, leaving Woods to get stomped down in the corner. Rollins comes off the top with a right hands to the ribs as the Shield starts their rhythm.

Ambrose gives up the tag to Kofi though and things pick up in a hurry. The Boom Drop hits Ambrose but he kicks Kofi out of the air. It’s too early for Dirty Deeds though and the Unicorn Stampede is on. New Day does it again for good measure and the fans aren’t thrilled this time around. That’s enough for Rollins and Reigns and everything breaks down. Big E. spears Ambrose through the ropes, thankfully not coming that close to death. That’s only good for two and things settle down again with Ambrose’s shirt being ripped off. It’s an improvement, as Ambrose looks more normal in all black.

The chinlock goes on for a few moments before Dean breaks up a superplex attempt. Big E. can’t get one either and Dean missile dropkicks him down instead. The hot tag brings in Rollins, albeit with an unnecessary jump from Dean. Seth springboards in with the clothesline and starts in with his usual fast paced offense. The announcers are already getting really annoying with this Raw vs. Smackdown stuff and Graves being in the middle is all that’s holding it together.

Reigns comes in for a jumping clothesline to Woods and the Superman Punch knocks him even sillier. Big E. breaks up the spear but Rollins saves Dean from the Midnight Hour. The jumping knee into Dirty Deeds gets two on Kofi with Woods making a save of his own. A fired up Woods comes in so Rollins kicks him in the face to calm things down. Now it’s Big E.’s turn to break up the TripleBomb and there’s Trouble in Paradise to Rollins. Reigns is laid out on the floor so Woods puts Big E. on his shoulders so Kofi can jump over them for a splash onto Dean.

Woods drops Big E. onto him as well but there’s no cover. Instead Big E. picks up Ambrose and Rollins for a double Midnight Hour, leaving Reigns to spear Big E. onto the covers for a save. Both teams pull each other up for a cool visual and the fight is on again. Dirty Deeds plants Big E. on the floor and the spear cuts Kofi in half. Shield isn’t done though and it’s a super TripleBomb to completely finish Kofi at 21:32.

Rating: B+. This took some time to get going but once they turned it into the big fight feel, it became what it should have been. These teams are both great in different ways and while New Day has had more success as a trio, it’s hard to argue with them beating three former World Champions. Shield winning is the right choice, but at the same time it means that we have to hear about Raw being up 1-0 on Smackdown for far too long now.

Cole: “Raw is up 1-0!”

In the back, Stephanie McMahon: “Raw is up 1-0!” She gives the Raw women’s team a pep talk and it’s about as over the top as you would guess.

There’s a scoreboard to show Raw is in fact up 1-0.

Raw Women’s Team vs. Smackdown Women’s Team

Raw: Sasha Banks, Bayley, Alicia Fox, Asuka, Nia Jax

Smackdown: Carmella, Natalya, Becky Lynch, Naomi, Tamina

Lana is in Smackdown’s corner and Fox and Lynch are the captains. During the entrances (which are going to take their sweet time), Phillips reminds us that Raw is in fact up 1-0. Does WWE really think we have the attention spans of drunken squirrels? We also get to see the Raw women invading the Smackdown locker room so we can hear about UNDER SIEGE for the fifteenth time in the show’s first forty five minutes.

Fox and Lynch start things off with Fox actually getting the better of it off some forearms. Becky gets in a neck snap across the top though and drops a top rope legdrop for two. The threat of the Disarm-Her sends Fox to the ropes so Bayley tags herself in and grabs a rollup to get rid of Lynch at 2:02.

Natalya comes in next to stomp Bayley in the corner as Booker can’t figure out who is on which show. Tamina misses a splash in the corner and gets forearmed in the head before it’s off to Asuka to a big reaction. That’s just a preview though as a few kicks to the legs are enough before Asuka hands it back to Fox. Since it’s Fox and she’s not very good, it’s already back to Bayley, who gets beaten up in the corner. Carmella hits a superkick and Tamina’s Superfly Splash gets rid of Bayley at 5:27.

That’s what you get for cheering her when you’re not supposed to people. Nia comes in to face Tamina, and it’s not interesting a year earlier either. A shot knocks Naomi off the apron and Tamina does the same to Asuka before neither can hurt the other. Nia’s headbutt hurts both of them but Nia splashing her in the corner only hates Tamina. Lana gets on the apron for some reason so Nia knocks her off, allowing Tamina to superkick her to the floor. A dive from Naomi and another superkick set up the crossbody off the apron to get Nia counted out at 9:01.

Asuka comes in to unload with kicks to Carmella and the hip attack gets two. Carmella pulls her down by the hair and hits a quick Bronco Buster before pausing to mock Sasha’s dance. For reasons of general stupidity, Carmella slaps Asuka in the face and it’s a knee to the head, followed by a heck of a kick to get rid of Carmella at 12:59. Banks and Natalya come in and hit each other a few times until Natalya gets the better of it for two. Sasha gets sent face first into the middle buckle and the Sharpshooter makes her tap at 15:22, leaving Asuka vs. Natalya and Tamina in the Ultimate Warrior at Survivor Series 1988 mold.

Natalya gets in a few kicks and hands it off to Tamina for a slam. The Superfly Splash that wouldn’t have hit even if Asuka hadn’t moved misses when Asuka moves and it’s a cross armbreaker to get rid of Tamina at 17:32. Natalya can’t get the Sharpshooter as Asuka pulls her into a kneebar, followed by a kick to the face. The Asuka Lock finishes Natalya at 18:27.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t great to start but the ending was exactly the right call with Asuka getting the star treatment at the end. The rest of the match wasn’t all that great as the focus was on Tamina (who still isn’t interesting, mainly because Nia is better at every single thing Tamina is around to do) or Alicia being wacky, making it an exercise in waiting around on Asuka. To their credit though, they got that part right and that’s what mattered most.

Here’s what coming on WWE Network. Don’t worry though, because they’ll air almost nothing but NXT, 205 Live and whatever tournament they have going on at the moment.

Stephanie (erg) brags to Daniel Bryan about Raw being up 2-0. She accuses Bryan of getting John Cena on the Smackdown men’s team by practically being family. Bryan: “Didn’t you put your husband on the Raw team?” It turns into a discussion of Wrestlemania XXX as this goes on way too long as we AGAIN recap the invasions. Sweet goodness WE WATCH THE TV SHOWS AND DON’T NEED TO HEAR THIS STUFF OVER AND OVER AGAIN! I haven’t watched the TV shows since last year and I can tell you what happens week by week just because of all these recaps.

Baron Corbin vs. The Miz

Smackdown vs. Raw and US Champion vs. Intercontinental Champion, though it’s non-title, like every match tonight. Miz has Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel with him and Corbin has been talking trash about Maryse and Miz’s unborn child. The threat of an early clothesline sends Miz bailing to the floor and it’s time for some consultation. A Dallas distraction lets Miz hit a baseball slide, followed by a clothesline to put Corbin right back on the floor. Corbin kicks him off the apron though as they’re going back and forth pretty fast so far.

The fans try to start some dueling chants but the LET’S GO MIZ chants are pretty clearly louder. Corbin misses a running crotch attack to the back but easily avoids a baseball slide. With Miz in trouble, Dallas hits Corbin in the knee to give Miz his first actual advantage. The Figure Four is easily blocked but a chop block cuts Corbin down again. Now the Figure Four goes on but that’s broken up in short order, allowing Corbin to hit Deep Six on one leg.

Dallas is right there again with a shot to the knee though and Miz adds a big boot. Corbin’s knee is fine enough to slide underneath the ropes and beat up the Miztourage but the End of Days is countered into a DDT for two. Some rather weak looking YES Kicks don’t have much effect so Miz hits the running corner dropkicks. Corbin shrugs them off though and End of Days is good for the pin at 9:26.

Rating: D+. Commentary really hurt this one as the put on Raw vs. Smackdown stuff continues. The leg work was fine but when Corbin is fine enough to do all of his usual stuff and then hit his finisher to win, it doesn’t mean that much. You had to give Smackdown something in this whole thing and given how bad the midcard titles are presented in the first place, this was the least painful loss for a champion.

Post match Corbin says he just shut everyone’s mouth.

Paul Heyman says everything about tonight is phenomenal, including AJ Styles. Then the bell will ring and the conqueror is going to rip AJ Styles apart.

Usos vs. Cesaro/Sheamus

Before the match, the Usos mock the Bar’s catchphrase and says they’ll be bartenders tonight. Or maybe they’re pole vaulters. Sheamus drives Jimmy into the corner to start and Jimmy isn’t sure what to do here. Instead it’s off to Jey who does the same to Sheamus, though he’s smart enough to stomp away and take over. As the announcers discuss Corey’s lack of success (as Booker hadn’t heard about it), Cesaro comes in and gets hiptossed down.

A quick double team puts Jimmy down though and it’s off to a headlock, because a chinlock isn’t sophisticated enough. Jimmy knocks Sheamus to the floor but a dive gets cut off by a Cesaro uppercut. Back in and Cesaro puts on a Crossface without the arm trap as Booker wants the Bar to be called the A-Team. Graves: “Why would you do that? They’re called the Bar Booker.” Sheamus drops a knee and puts on a chinlock with Cesaro running in to kick Jey off the apron.

The pop up uppercut gets two but Sheamus takes too long setting up the ten forearms to the chest. Booker: “Think about the brand!” Jimmy gets in a Whisper in the Wind and that’s enough for the hot tag to pick up the pace. He also picks up Cesaro with a backdrop into the corner for two, leaving Sheamus to argue with the referee. Jey gets in a superkick but Sheamus adds a forearm to the back, allowing Cesaro to Swing Jimmy into the Sharpshooter. The longest crawl to a rope I can remember gets Jey out of trouble, assuming you bought the Sharpshooter as a potential finish either (you shouldn’t have).

The spike White Noise is broken up and Sheamus is sent into the post. He’s fine enough to hold Jey up for White Noise with Cesaro adding a springboard spike. Jimmy makes a great looking last second save so Cesaro throws him out and loads up Jey in a powerbomb. Sheamus goes up top but gets punched in the face, allowing Jimmy to Samoan drop him down with Cesaro adding the powerbomb. Cesaro dives in the way of a double superkick, leaving Sheamus to take the same thing. Jimmy does the eternally cool tag while diving over the top to take out Cesaro. The Superfly Splash finishes Sheamus at 15:56.

Rating: B-. Yeah of course this was good with two very talented teams. Granted a year later the Usos haven’t had a meaningful match in forever and the Bar are now the Smackdown Tag Team Champions, but at least this was entertaining. If nothing else though, this is a great showcase of what happens when you just let people go and have a fun match, which is always going to help things out.

Jason Jordan, who was recently (and thankfully) replaced on the Raw team by HHH, wants to see HHH get eliminated before Team Raw wins.

We recap Charlotte winning the Smackdown Women’s Title on Tuesday to take Natalya’s spot tonight. If nothing else it was awesome to see Ric Flair come out after his health scares.

Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss

Non-….you get the idea. Charlotte knocks her outside early on and is polite enough to hold the ropes open to invite Bliss back in. Booker of course talks about baseball. Back in and Bliss hides in the ropes before slapping her in the face. That earns Bliss a hard right hand so they head to the apron with Bliss snapping the arm to the floor. A dropkick into the steps has Charlotte in more trouble and it’s off to an abdominal stretch, though Charlotte has to kneel because Bliss isn’t that tall.

Some kicks to the ribs keep Charlotte in trouble and she gets sent face first into the middle buckle to make things even worse. Bliss tries to go aerial but a tornado DDT is countered into a t-bone suplex into the corner (with Bliss bouncing around as only she can). Charlotte gets crotched on top but rolls away before Twisted Bliss. That’s even worse for her though as she gets caught with middle rope double knees to the back (I still don’t get how that doesn’t cause a severe injury.).

Code Red gives Bliss two and she hammers away with even more fire than she usually shows. A guillotine choke has Charlotte in trouble (it worked for Bayley against Nia Jax) but a sitout powerbomb (looked great) breaks that up. The fans are split (as they should be) and Bliss breaks up the Figure Eight with a right hand that has the referee checking on Charlotte.

Natural Selection gets two but the moonsault misses (as always). Bliss grabs her DDT for two of her own so she chokes and screams a lot. Amazingly enough, Charlotte can pretty easily overpower Bliss and hits a spear to cut her in half. Back up and more kicks to the ribs have Charlotte in trouble but Twisted Bliss hits raised knees. A big boot sets up the Figure Eight to make Bliss tap at 15:46 and put Smackdown up 3-2.

Rating: B. Heck of a match here with Bliss looking like she could more than hang with someone on Charlotte’s level. You don’t see someone go move for move with Charlotte like this and it’s a great sign for Bliss’ future. The ribs story was perfectly fine, even if it meant that another champion had to lose. You know, because of bragging rights.

Post match, Charlotte nods in approval.

We recap AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar in another champion vs. champion match. Lesnar is the monster and AJ is the new underdog champion (sounds oxymoronish), thankfully saving us from Lesnar vs. Jinder Mahal.

Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles

Heyman handles Lesnar’s introductions, saying he’s fighting (Heyman: “Fighting. You hear that Mr. Performer?”) and the fans are split to start. Brock goes straight to the shoulders in the corner and throws AJ across the ring a few times. Forearms to the back keep AJ in trouble as the dominance is on early. One heck of an overhead belly to belly has Styles in more trouble and there’s the first German suplex. Lesnar sends him outside for a toss into the barricade as Cole is almost giddy.

Back in and another German suplex has AJ rocked but he tries to get up anyway. With Heyman cradling the Universal Title like a newborn, Brock hits a running knee in the corner. Lesnar wants him to fight and then clotheslines AJ right back down. Some right hands have little effect for Styles as Brock puts him down again. The F5 doesn’t work and Lesnar’s second running knee hits the buckle.

A DDT actually puts Lesnar down and it’s time to cheer for AJ as he kicks at the leg. Lesnar throws him off a tornado DDT attempt and they’re both down. AJ tries a springboard but gets caught in a German suplex that flips him over his head. Well of course it does. This time AJ ducks the big right hand and Lesnar falls to the floor, setting up the slingshot forearm. Brock goes knee first into the steps and there’s another forearm off said steps.

Rating: A-. Oh yeah this worked. I was getting into these near falls all over again as they were nailing the Rocky story. Lesnar knows how to play the monster but AJ is even better at being the fighting from underneath high flier. This was great stuff and I’d love to see it again, even if a year later they’re somehow right where they were here. Anyway, great performance from both guys as Lesnar shows he can still do it.

We recap the Raw vs. Smackdown men’s match. Allow me:




Stephanie is really, really annoying

Roster changes because they knew the original lineups were awful


Got all that?

Raw Men’s Team vs. Smackdown Men’s Team

Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, HHH

Shane McMahon, Randy Orton, Bobby Roode, Shinsuke Nakamura, John Cena

What are the odds that the whole competition comes down to this? Shane jumps at Strowman to start because Shane is the most awesome person ever. That’s shrugged off so we’ll try Joe vs. Orton instead. Joe headlocks him into the corner without much effort so let’s go with Nakamura vs. Balor instead. That certainly gets the fans into it, though Cole ruins it a bit by calling him Shin. The feeling out process begins as the NXT chants start up.

Nakamura takes him to the ropes for the swinging arms, only to be reversed into a TOO SWEET to the head. HHH comes in for a kind of weird showdown and takes Nakamura into the corner for the right hands. Nakamura gets in the first kick to the chest but the facebuster sends him into the corner for the tag to Roode. This one isn’t so much weird as much as it is….nothing. Since Roode’s pose takes forever, HHH punches him in the face. Fair enough actually.

The spinebuster takes Roode down again but Roode counters the Pedigree and hits a spinebuster of his own. That means we get the GLORIOUS pose but the Glorious DDT is broken up. Instead HHH drives him into the corner for the tag off to Angle for the rolling German suplexes.

A double clothesline puts them both down so the Raw guys switch places on the apron. It’s off to Nakamura for the running knees so Joe comes in to make the save. Everything breaks down and Nakamura hits Kinshasa on HHH, only to run into the now legal Strowman. The middle rope knee staggers the monster but the running powerslam gets rid of Nakamura at 11:31.

Roode comes in and kicks at Strowman’s legs, followed by the Blockbuster. That’s not even good for one so Roode tries it again, earning himself another running powerslam for the pin at 12:22. For some reason Joe and Strowman get in an argument, as do HHH and Angle. Smackdown is smart enough to let them fight until Orton and Shane come in like idiots. Orton powerslams Joe and Cena is all fired up, only to have Strowman come in for a heck of a 2-1 showdown. The AA and RKO are both broken up and Strowman knocks them both to the floor.

Orton and Cena get together and the rest of Team Smackdown (including the eliminated members) get together to suplex Strowman through a table. Naturally Shane gets to talk the trash but Joe breaks up an elbow to the floor with a belly to belly superplex. Cena comes in to hammer on Joe but gets booted in the face. The Rock Bottom out of the corner looks to set up the Coup de Grace, only to have Joe and Balor get in an argument. An AA to Joe, an AA to Balor and another to Joe is good for an elimination at 18:05.

Angle comes in for the showdown with some history behind it and Cena gets taken down without much effort. Back up and Cena elbows him in the face, followed by initiating the finishing sequence. The Shuffle is reversed into the ankle lock but Cena slips out without much damage. The Angle Slam does a little more damage, to the point where Shane has to make a save. Balor drops the Coup de Grace and another Slam gets rid of Cena at 21:45.

We’re down to Orton/Shane vs. Balor/HHH/Angle/Strowman so Orton comes in, only to get forearmed by Balor. A trip to the floor lets Balor shotgun dropkick Shane into the barricade. Back in and the Coup de Grace misses again, setting up an RKO to get rid of Balor at 23:46. HHH is right there to jump Orton from behind but the backbreaker gets him out of trouble.

Cue Sami and Owens to beat Shane up but he fights them off with a chair, because OF COURSE HE CAN DO THAT. An RKO drops Owens….and Strowman is back up to come in again. The running powerslam is good for the elimination at 26:32 and Shane is worried, mainly because he’s alone against HHH, Strowman and Angle. Shane stands around forever before going in to face Strowman until HHH tags himself in. Angle tags himself in as well and gets taken down by a Russian legsweep.

Rating: D+. Yeah this still didn’t work a year later either. The first third is spent on showdowns that don’t mean anything and the rest is getting rid of the people who don’t matter so we can get down to the big stuff with Shane, HHH and Angle. You know, the older guys. The wrestling wasn’t the worst but it was long, didn’t feel important and came off more as a way to get to the ending instead of something worth seeing along the way.

Post match HHH is all smiley as Strowman stares him down. Strowman grabs him by the throat and says never do this again so HHH tries a Pedigree but gets powerslammed twice to end the show. This of course lead nowhere.

Overall Rating: B-. Much like last year, the show just felt long and brought down the good things they had going on. Now that being said, the good matches on the show were more than good enough to make up for the bad and the show is definitely worth seeing. AJ vs. Brock is more than good and the opener isn’t far behind. In other words, this Survivor Series is great if you take out the Survivor Series matches.

If nothing else, they’ve made me dislike Survivor Series, which used to be my favorite pay per view. This Raw vs. Smackdown story was pure annoyance with the announcers all suddenly being cheerleaders about a story that would disappear in a few days. It feels so manufactured and, because it’s WWE, they beat you over the head with it so hard that you’re waiting on the whole thing to finally end so you don’t have to hear about it anymore. Thanks for sucking the fun out of one of my favorite shows guys. It only took thirty years.

Ratings Comparison

Elias vs. Matt Hardy

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Kalisto vs. Enzo Amore

Original: D

Redo: D+

Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn vs. Breezango

Original: D+

Redo: D+

New Day vs. Shield

Original: B

Redo: B+

Team Raw Women vs. Team Smackdown Women

Original: D

Redo: C-

The Miz vs. Baron Corbin

Original: C+

Redo: D+

Usos vs. Cesaro/Sheamus

Original: B

Redo: B-

Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss

Original: B+

Redo: B

AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar

Original: B+

Redo: A-

Team Raw Men vs. Team Smackdown Men

Original: D

Redo: D+

Overall Rating

Original: B-

Redo: B

Here’s the original review if you’re interested:

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Survivor Series Count-Up – 2017 (Original): Old Guys Rule

IMG Credit: WWE

Survivor Series 2017
Date: November 19, 2017
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Booker T., Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

I could go for more of this idea of shows turning from kind of uninteresting into stacked. This is a double main event with Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown, plus AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar in a non-title match. That might not sound like much but when you have John Cena, HHH, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton in a match, there has to be something right. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Elias vs. Matt Hardy

Bonus match. Feeling out process to start with Matt working on a headlock before grabbing a Russian legsweep. Back from a break with Elias pull Matt’s throat into the top rope and then sending the shoulder into the apron. Elias stays on the arm with an armbar and right hands to the shoulder. We hit the armbar as this isn’t exactly setting the world on fire yet.

A double underhook shoulder breaker (basically a Pedigree lifted into a shoulder breaker) keeps Matt in trouble until he grabs a Side Effect on the apron. The rams into the buckle and a bulldog set up a regular Side Effect for two. The Twist of Fate doesn’t work though and Elias posts the bad arm. Drift Away gives Elias the pin at 9:10.

Rating: D+. The arm work was fine and I’m rather glad Elias won after not having much to do as of late, but what was the point in adding this? It’s a nothing match in front of a mostly empty arena that adds nothing to the show. The guys are trying to have a good match and they might as well be in a flea market for all the people they have watching. Just do the match on Raw where it belongs.

Kickoff Show: Cruiserweight Title: Kalisto vs. Enzo Amore

Amore is defending after they’ve traded the title. Before the match, Enzo talks about Kalisto sending him into the cake on Tuesday. Then he woke up and looked in the mirror, where he wished upon a star. Tonight, he wants to give Kalisto a beating and fry him up like a chicken so Enzo can be the only Chick-Fil-A open o a Sunday.

Enzo starts fast with some shoulders in the corner but Kalisto grabs a sunset bomb for two as we take an early break. Back with Enzo pulling him out of the corner into a side slam for a near fall of his own. A running forearm in the corner gets two and we’re off to the chinlock. Kalisto fights up with a headscissors though, followed by a Death Valley Bomb. The Salida Del Sol is blocked but so is a Jordunzo on the apron. Back in and Enzo sends him face first into an exposed buckle, setting up the Jordunzo to retain the title at 8:54.

Rating: D. For those of you keeping track, that would be back to back matches where the heel sends his opponent into something metal in the corner to set up their finisher. That’s bad agenting and I’d expect more out of WWE. I also expected nothing more than Enzo retaining here as Kalisto looked like a pretty lame duck challenger for the most part. Now we can get someone else to scare Enzo a bit before he cheats to retain the title. We’re just lucky that way I guess.

Kickoff Show: Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens vs. Breezango

Fandango dropkicks Owens outside to start and it’s time for some fashion tickets. It’s also time for a break less than forty seconds in. Back with Fandango chopping Sami but Breeze gets caught in the wrong corner. The chinlock doesn’t last very long so Owens comes in and grabs one of his own. Naturally it’s a long one because no one breaks his chinlock. Breeze fights up with a DDT and the hot tag brings in Fandango. Everything breaks down and Fandango misses the Last Dance, allowing Owens to hit the Pop Up Powerbomb for the pin at 8:28.

Rating: D+. I can’t imagine we won’t be seeing Owens and Zayn again later, which is exactly what the story calls for in this case. They’re major thorns in Shane McMahon’s side and it would be the right call. This match gives them a logical reason to be in the building and unfortunately it comes at Breezango’s expense. The Fashion Files haven’t been on in a few weeks and I’m not sure where Breezango can go without them. They’re good in the ring but those segments made them into much bigger stars. Just let them wrestle a win a bit though.

The opening video looks at all of the show vs. show matches, which is really the only way to open up a show like this.

New Day vs. Shield

Now that’s an opener. Before the match, New Day accuses Shield of ripping off their invasion idea. Shield might be the big dogs but New Day is about to go Bob Barker on them. The dogs are going to bite themselves as we get closer to Wrestlemania season. New Day would never do that because New Day rocks. Before we get going, here’s another video on the Sieges for reasons of WWE needing to make sure to play it as many times as possible.

Dean and Kofi get things going with Ambrose getting the better of it and handing it off to Rollins. Big E. comes in as well but since Rollins isn’t over losing the NXT Title to him a few years back, he brings Reigns in instead. A shoulder puts Reigns down but he’s right back up with a leapfrog into a Samoan drop.

Ambrose tags himself in though and everything breaks down with Shield getting the better of it. New Day gets clotheslined out to the floor until Woods is dragged back in for a Unicorn Stampede. The hot tag brings in Kofi for some chops and the Boom Drop on Ambrose. The real Unicorn Stampede has Ambrose in trouble and Woods’ dropkick in the corner makes things even worse.

Everything breaks down again with Cole saying a brawl would go to New Day. Big E. spears Ambrose through the ropes as Rollins and Reigns just kind of stand around. Back in and Ambrose breaks up a belly to belly superplex, allowing the hot tag to Rollins. A quick Blockbuster takes Kingston down and a Sling Blade gets two. Reigns comes in for a running clothesline, followed by a Superman Punch to Woods.

Dean makes a blind tag and it’s the wind-up knee into Dirty Deeds for two on Kofi with Big E. making a save. Everything breaks down again and Big E. breaks up the TripleBomb. Reigns gets sent into the steps and Trouble in Paradise drops Rollins. Back in and Big E. gets on Woods’ shoulders so Kofi can jump over them for a splash. Big E. is dropped into a second splash but they have to cut Rollins off instead of covering.

In a scary power display, Big E. scoops up Ambrose and Rollins for a double Midnight Hour, only to have Reigns spear Big E. into his partners for the save. Both teams go to a corner and come out swinging, leaving Ambrose to hit Dirty Deeds on Big E. on the floor. The spear cuts Kofi in half…..and Roman goes up? A SUPER TRIPLEBOMB ends Kofi at 21:33.

Rating: B. Oh yeah it worked. Shield winning is far from shocking but New Day got in some serious offense. It makes sense to have Shield get the win here as they don’t actually have the big win since reforming. They were beating the heck out of each other here and that’s how this show needed to start. Good stuff.

Stephanie (of course) gives the Raw Women’s Team a pep talk. Basically she wants every member to be awesome.

Raw Women’s Team vs. Smackdown Women’s Team

Raw: Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Asuka

Smackdown: Becky Lynch, Carmella, Tamina, Natalya, Naomi

Asuka gets an especially big entrance, which is exactly what she deserves. Becky and Alicia start things up with Fox being sent into the corner and dropped face first onto the buckle. Bayley makes a blind tag though and comes in to grab a rollup on Lynch for the pin at 2:34. Tamina comes in and drives Bayley into the corner, only to have Asuka come in and fire off some kicks.

Alicia tags herself back in and the beatdown commences. A hard shot finally knocks Bayley into the corner but she knocks her way free without too much trouble. Carmella gets in a superkick to drop Bayley though and Tamina’s top rope splash is good for the pin at 5:22. Nia comes in to face Tamina in the hoss (What’s female for hoss?) battle, including the big headbutt exchange.

Tamina gets powered into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs, only to have Nia rip her Raw shirt off. A big charge runs Tamina over for two but a Lana distraction lets Tamina hit back to back superkicks. Naomi dives onto Nia and a third superkick keeps her on the floor. Tamina adds a crossbody from the steps and beats the count to get rid of Nia at 8:55. It’s off to Naomi to slug away on Fox but she misses the split legged moonsault. Instead it’s a sunset flip for two, which the referee counts as three anyway, for the pin at 10:30. Banks comes in for the Bank Statement to get rid of Naomi at 10:55.

So it’s Banks/Asuka vs. Natalya/Carmella/Tamina, which better wind up as an Asuka showcase. Asuka comes in with a series of strikes and the hip attack for two on Carmella. A quick Bronco Buster stuns Asuka but Carmella makes the mistake of slapping her in the face. One heck of a kick to the head gets rid of Carmella at 12:51. Banks comes back in and grabs a Bank Statement on Natalya with Tamina making a save. The Sharpshooter gets rid of Banks at 15:07 and it’s Asuka vs. Natalya/Tamina.

The double teaming begins in a hurry but Tamina misses the top rope splash. Asuka slaps on a cross armbreaker to make Tamina tap at 17:28 and the Sharpshooter is quickly reversed into a kneebar. That’s broken up with some kicks to the ribs but Asuka kicks her in the head. The Asuka Lock is good for the final submission at 18:18.

Rating: D. And that’s being generous. This was a complete mess with the first six or so eliminations (out of nine remember) being there for the sake of being there. Asuka should have eliminated four or even all five members but instead let’s have Tamina look awesome (for some reason) and people like Becky and Bayley treated as afterthoughts (again). Terribly booked match here and unfortunately, I’m not all that surprised given how this division tends to go.

Stephanie and Daniel Bryan bicker, drawing up memories of Wrestlemania XXX with Stephanie talking in that way that ONLY SHE EVER TALKS. This goes on way too long (after a way too long WWE Network ad) as it’s almost like they’re filling time on a four hour show.

Baron Corbin vs. The Miz

Non-title but this is US Champion vs. Intercontinental Champion. Miz’s wife Maryse is in the front row and Corbin looks down at her, sending Miz into a frenzy. They fight outside with Miz sending him into the barricade, only to have Corbin do the same. Of course the announcers completely ignore this to talk about the wrestlers trying to fire up their brands backstage.

Corbin gets in a right hand but Bo Dallas clips his knee and Miz takes over again. The Figure Four is broken up in a hurry and a one legged Deep Six gives Corbin a near fall. Corbin pulls Curtis Axel inside but has to kick out of a rollup. The short DDT gets two more and it’s time for the YES Kicks. Miz hits the running corner dropkick but charges into End of Days for the pin at 9:21.

Rating: C+. Better match than I was expecting here and I’m rather glad given the effort they actually put into the build. There wasn’t much of a story here but they did what they could to put one together. Corbin needed the win more than Miz did, even though I’m never a fan of a champion losing clean like this. Good match too.

Corbin says he just shut Miz up.

Paul Heyman isn’t worried about AJ Styles being phenomenal. AJ may be the most phenomenal wrestler of this generation but he’s up against a conqueror.

The Bar vs. Usos

Same deal as Miz vs. Corbin but with tag teams. Before the match, the Usos say if Sheamus and Cesaro are the Bar, they’re pole vaulters. Sheamus, now with white tips on his mohawk, drives Jimmy into the corner to start but the twins take him down without much effort. As Graves and Booker argue over Booker winning Tag Team Titles (as usual, I have no idea why this is going on), Cesaro comes in with an uppercut.

Jimmy knocks both of them off the apron but gets caught in a Regal Roll on the floor. Cesaro slaps on a chinlock as Cole compares Sheamus’ hair to the Red Rooster. Oh come on man that’s low. Sheamus gets two off the Irish Curse and Cesaro kicks Jey off the apron to prevent a hot tag attempt. The hot tag works a few seconds later though and Jey comes in to clean house.

A running Umaga Attack gets two on Cesaro but Sheamus cuts Jimmy off. That means a jumping uppercut to Jey and we hit the Cesaro Swing into the Sharpshooter. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Jimmy down so Jey has to crawl over to the ropes for the break. That just means a super White Noise for two as Jimmy dives in for the save. Cesaro loads up a powerbomb and Sheamus goes up, only to have Jey grab him for a Samoan drop as Cesaro plants him.

That’s good for two on Sheamus as I’m still trying to figure out why Cesaro would do that. An enziguri finally allows the hot tag to Jimmy, who cleans house in a hurry. He dives over the top onto Cesaro but tags out on the way, leaving Jey to hit the Superfly Splash for the pin on Sheamus at 15:55.

Rating: B. This was good (albeit maybe a bit less than you would have expected) but SWEET GOODNESS stop acting like Raw vs. Smackdown is life and death. No one cares about this save for one month out of the year and it’s just obnoxious to hear for the whole show, especially with the announcers acting like their lives are on the line with every near fall.

Jason Jordan isn’t happy with not being on Team Raw but hopes they win. After HHH is eliminated that is.

We look back at Charlotte winning the Smackdown Women’s Title on Tuesday.

Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss

Champion vs. champion again. Bliss bails to the floor to start and then hides in the ropes to avoid a right hand. Charlotte gets her arm snapped down off the apron and Bliss takes over for the first time. Back in and we hit the armbar with a stomach claw but Charlotte reverses into a rollup. The kickout sends her hard into the corner, only to have Charlotte hit something like a fall away slam into the corner.

Bliss sends her into the corner again though, setting up a top rope double knee drop to the back for a scary landing. Code Red gives Bliss two but she can’t grab the DDT. Instead it’s a guillotine choke with Bliss nearly crying as she tries to make Charlotte tap. Charlotte powers up into a Batista Bomb for two more, followed by Natural Selection for the same.

The moonsault misses though and Bliss’ DDT gets another near fall with Charlotte getting her foot on the ropes. A bad looking spear drops Bliss for no cover so Alexa comes back with a dropkick to the ribs. Twisted Bliss hits knees though and the Figure Eight makes Bliss tap at 15:40.

Rating: B+. I know Bliss is considered one of the weaker workers but sweet goodness she’s gotten a lot better in the ring as of late. Bliss looked like she belonged in there with a proven star like Charlotte and that’s a lot more than anyone would have believed was possible a year or so ago. Really good match here and a big surprise.

We recap Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles in the final champion vs. champion match. Styles won the title less than two weeks ago while Lesnar has held his since Wrestlemania. There isn’t much of a story here but the question is can AJ overcome the monster.

AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar

Non-title in an idea you should get by now. Heyman handles Brock’s Big Match Intro as only he can do. The fans are split here as AJ is smart enough to not rush in. That’s fine with Brock who scores with the shoulders in the corner. Styles gets knocked down in the corner again so Lesnar drags him across the ring by the hair. One heck of a suplex has Styles rocked again and the German suplex makes things even worse.

AJ gets dumped over the top in a heap and Lesnar throws him into the announcers’ table. Back in and Brock hits another release German suplex as this is completely one sided. A running knee in the corner keeps AJ rocked and a shot to the face drops him again. Brock: “FIGHT ME!” AJ slugs away to no avail as a knee cuts him down. The F5 is escaped though and Brock misses a knee in the corner. AJ scores with a DDT and gets a much needed breather.

They botch a tornado DDT with AJ being shoved off and both guys are down again. The Pele puts Lesnar down again but Brock is right back up with another German suplex. AJ sends him outside though and the slingshot forearm has Lesnar in more trouble. They’re doing really well with the hope spots here. Brock gets sent knee first into the steps and there’s another running forearm.

Back in and AJ hits a Lionsault of all things, followed by the springboard 450 for a close two. Another F5 is countered into the Calf Crusher but Lesnar rams Styles’ head into the match for the break. Well that works. The F5 is escaped for the third time and the Phenomenal Forearm is good for two. AJ goes outside one too many times though and it’s the F5 for the pin at 15:16.

Rating: B+. In a way I was hoping Jinder would interfere and cost AJ the match as I’m still not a fan of the champs getting pinned clean. At least it was to Lesnar and in a great match though. Lesnar was trying out there and that’s probably more than you would have expected had Jinder been the opponent. This was the match I was hoping for though so we’ll call this a solid win.

Long recap of the main event. Smackdown invaded Raw, then they invaded again, then Raw invaded Smackdown. Let’s have an all-star elimination match.

Raw Men’s Team vs. Smackdown Men’s Team

Raw: Kurt Angle, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, HHH, Braun Strowman

Smackdown: Shane McMahon, Bobby Roode, John Cena, Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura

Shane charges at Strowman (so much for Angle promising to start the match) and gets LAUNCHED across the ring, freaking Shane out. It’s off to Orton vs. Joe with a shoulder dropping Orton like he’s nothing. Neither finisher can hit and it’s time for a standoff. Balor comes in to face Nakamura in what could be classified as a dream match. The fans chant NXT and then what sounds like USA until Nakamura takes him against the ropes for the head on the chest.

Nakamura misses a kick and has to avoid a double stomp, giving us a standoff. HHH comes in to face Nakamura, who tells him to COME ON. A kick to the face drops HHH as Cole keeps referring to Nakamura as Shin. The facebuster is somewhat botched as HHH winds up on his back, meaning it’s off to Roode. The slugout goes to Roode until he walks into a spinebuster. Roode grabs one of his own but can’t hit the Glorious DDT.

Instead it’s Angle (complete with stars and stripes gloves) coming in to roll some German suplexes. Nakamura comes in, gets in a cheap shot on Strowman, and strikes away at Kurt without much effort. Joe and Balor get dropped as well before HHH’s Pedigree attempt is countered into another kick to the head. Strowman gets in but Nakamura scores with a middle rope knee. Not that it matters as the running powerslam eliminates Nakamura at 11:22.

Roode comes in next with the Blockbuster for no count as Braun kicks him away before one. A second attempt misses though and the second running powerslam makes it 5-3 at 12:22. Joe tags himself in and it’s time for an argument. Smackdown is smart enough to let HHH and Angle nearly come to blows until Orton breaks it up. Shane gets to slug it out with Joe but Orton powerslams Joe down. Everyone clears out until it’s Orton/Cena vs. Strowman for a heck of a showdown. Strowman gets knocked outside but Cena gets dropped with a single right hand.

It’s time to load up the announcers’ table but Shane comes over to help (along with Nakamura, who is still here for some reason) with a triple suplex to drive Strowman through. Joe (who, along with Strowman’s partners, didn’t fall into a hole somewhere) breaks up Shane’s elbow, only to have Cena come in for a running clothesline. A big boot puts Cena in the corner and the Rock Bottom out of the corner looks to finish him…..until Balor and Joe get in an argument. The AA plants both guys and a second gets rid of Joe at 18:04.

Angle comes in to face Cena with Kurt taking him down rather easily. The slugout draws the BOO/YAY chants and Cena scores with a ProtoBomb. Angle picks the ankle though and it’s an Angle Slam for two. The Coup de Grace sets up another Angle Slam and Cena is gone at 21:55. So it’s Orton/Shane vs. Strowman/Balor/HHH/Angle. Balor kicks away at Orton but makes sure to dropkick Shane into the barricade. Another shotgun dropkick looks to set up the Coup de Grace but Orton rolls away, setting up the RKO to get rid of Balor at 23:35.

HHH comes in and gets shoved into the ropes to crotch Angle on top. Cue Owens and Sami to go after Shane (as you knew was coming) but the boss fights them off with a chair. Strowman comes in to go after Orton and the running powerslam makes it 3-1 at 26:35. Shane is all alone now and stays on the floor with no counting from the referee. Strowman is waiting on Shane until HHH tags himself in instead. Cole thinks brother vs. brother-in-law is the MOST AMAZING THING HE’S SEEN IN THE LAST FIVE MINUTES but Angle tags himself in instead.

A Russian legsweep gets two on Angle and the jumping back elbow gets the same. There’s the Angle Slam into the ankle lock with Shane looking at the ropes and then crawling back into the middle of the ring. And then HHH breaks it up and Pedigrees Angle to give Shane the pin at 32:02. Strowman stares HHH down as Shane is holding his ankle. That’s about it though as HHH Pedigrees Shane for the pin at 34:18.

Rating: D. Well that was awful. Much like in the women’s match, most of the people were just there to fill in spots while the stars (read as the old people) were all that mattered. They had me believing that Shane might be the sole survivor out there and somehow, that wasn’t the most impossible thing in the world. This was terrible for the most part, outside of the opening ten minutes or so where they were just doing crazy combinations. After that though, this was ALL about Raw and the McMahons looking awesome, which was the last thing this show needed to do. Really bad booking to what should have been awesome.

Post match HHH celebrates as Strowman looks confused. Strowman grabs him by the throat and chokes him in the corner, telling HHH to never try to play him again. A Pedigree attempt is swatted away and back to back running powerslams end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. So to recap, the elimination matches were awful and everything else ranged from very good to awesome. It’s like they know the one big idea they want to go with (Asuka looking awesome, which worked, and whatever the ending to that main event was, which didn’t work) but have no idea how to get there. The booking was all over the place tonight and that made for a very trying evening at times.

However, the good stuff, which thankfully was a lot more common than the bad, was quite good with the champion vs. champion matches all delivering, plus a very solid Shield vs. New Day match. It made for a good theme to the show, despite the rather annoying build that it took to get there. That word annoying brings us to the real problem with this show.

The commentary tonight might have been the most annoying I’ve ever heard it be, including the days of heel Michael Cole. All night long it was this stupid “my show is better than your show” nonsense which adds nothing to the show and feels like they’re just running their mouths for the sake of an idea. It came off like forcing a concept into the show and that got old in about five minutes. Saxton was annoying, Booker sounded stupid, and Cole put on his old cheerleading uniform. It was a major problem, though thankfully not enough to knock a good show off course.


Shield b. New Day – Super TripleBomb to Kingston

Raw Women’s Team b. Smackdown Women’s Team – Asuka Lock to Natalya

Baron Corbin b. The Miz – End of Days

Usos b. The Bar – Superfly Splash to Sheamus

Charlotte b. Alexa Bliss – Figure Eight

Brock Lesnar b. AJ Styles – F5

Raw Men’s Team b. Smackdown Men’s Team – Pedigree to McMahon


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – November 11, 2019: As Cold As Iced Tea

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 11, 2019
Location: Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Vic Joseph

It’s time for a taped show, which tends to have some weaker results than usual. It isn’t going to help to have this taped after Friday’s Smackdown, meaning the fans are going to be spent. We’re still in the build to Survivor Series, and in particular we find out the Raw men’s team for the five vs. five vs. five elimination match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Becky Lynch to open things up. The Man is in Manchester where she was training when she was a teenager. Things are getting more intense and the challengers are getting harder, so Becky says bring them on. She’s never going to stop pushing because the only thing she fears in life is not being the best. So how about she becomes Becky Two Belts again right now?

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Charlotte/Becky Lynch vs. Kabuki Warriors

Natalya and Charlotte beat the Warriors last week but “family issues” kept Natalya from being here, meaning Becky is in her place. Asuka kicks away at Becky to start and the shots to the head just get on her nerves. Sane comes in and gets armdragged down, allowing Becky to strike a quick pose.

Becky gets one off a suplex and it’s off to Charlotte for the first time. That means a lot of chops and some strutting but Asuka kicks away. Cue Shayna Baszler to watch as we take a break. Back with Asuka taking over and kicking at Charlotte’s face in the corner. We hit the chinlock from Sane before Asuka comes back in for some strikes.

The Asuka Lock goes on for a few seconds but she switches to an armbreaker. That’s reversed with a lifting powerbomb but Sane is back in with a kick to Charlotte’s face. Charlotte finally avoids a charge in the corner and makes the hot tag off to Becky to stomp away in the corner. Sane gets sent into Asuka and there’s the Bexploder. Baszler jumps onto the apron but here’s Bayley to take her down, allowing Asuka to roll Becky up for the pin at 17:49.

Rating: C. This ate up a lot of time and that’s probably a good idea on a show where everyone is going to be tired in the first place. The ending was annoying but at least Becky vs. Asuka sounds good. I’m glad they addressed the lack of Natalya, though I doubt it was anything more than wanting Becky in the spot and not thinking it through from last week.

Post match Bayley sends Becky into the barricade.

Ricochet and Randy Orton are talking in the back when the OC shows up to mock Humberto Carrillo. Six man for later.

Drew McIntyre vs. Sin Cara

Cara starts fast with a dive to the floor but McIntyre pounds him right back down and hits a heck of a clothesline. Some kicks to the leg slow McIntyre down and a headscissors puts him on the floor. The slingshot hurricanrana is countered into a jackknife on the floor though and the Claymore finishes Cara at 3:59.

Rating: C-. It’s nice to see McIntyre squashing people again and that clothesline looked awesome. At the same time though, it’s easy to see why Cara wants to leave. This is about as good as it’s going to get for him and if he can do something else in Mexico or elsewhere, I can get why he would want out. I can’t imagine WWE letting him go, but I get Cara’s mindset.

Erick Rowan is looking through a screen and seems to be talking to a baby.

24/7 Title: R-Truth vs. Singh Brothers

Truth is challenging in a handicap match. Truth beats both of them up without much trouble with the Lie Detector looking to finish, only to have the Brothers bail to the floor. The chase is on and they run to the back with the fans booing it out of the building. The Brothers get to a room but run into Rowan, who hits them with a couch. Truth comes in and decides the three of them need privacy before turning out the lights and leaving. This wasn’t a match but the couch deal was funny.

Here’s Seth Rollins to talk about Survivor Series and we recap the invasion so far. Rollins likes the energy and talks about how he didn’t know what was next after losing the Universal Title. Last week HHH told him that he should go back to his roots but Raw is his home. Rollins lost his title but that doesn’t mean he is no longer the best in the world. Therefore, anyone in the back can come face him right now. Cue Imperium, with Walter introducing himself and saying Rollins is defiling sacred ground. Just because he’s in the UK doesn’t mean he can avoid an NXT invasion so let’s do this right now.

Seth Rollins vs. Walter

Non-title. Walter throws him around to start so Rollins tries some chops, only to get caught in the release German suplex. We hit the chinlock and then a half crab as Rollins can’t do much against the size and power. Rollins fights back up and even gets to tease the Stomp, which draws in the rest of Imperium for the DQ at 4:49.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but dang it’s cool to see Walter on the main show. I know his look may not be traditional but sweet goodness the guy commands respect in the ring. He can do a little bit of everything and that power is impossible to ignore. More of him please, as long as he doesn’t become a regular.

Post match the beatdown is on so it’s the Street Profits and Kevin Owens running in for the save.

Imperium vs. Kevin Owens/Street Profits/Seth Rollins

Rollins gets sent outside early on and we get the big staredown with Imperium. Walter drops Rollins back first onto the apron and the beating begins. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Wolfe gets two off a bridging German suplex. Aichner drives Rollins into the corner and it’s Walter coming in for some forearms to the chest. A dropkick into a powerbomb plants Rollins and everything breaks down for a bit as Owens makes the save.

Owens and the Profits get kicked to the floor so Walter goes up, only to get superplexed right back down. The hot tag brings in Owens to take over and a Swanton gets two on Aichner. Everything breaks down again and Ford hits a huge flip dive, which lands on the announcers’ table for a scary landing. Back in and Rollins Stomps Wolfe for the pin at 6:40.

Rating: C+. Imperium is an idea that isn’t very complicated but the four of them execute things so well that it’s hard not to be impressed. They’re just good at what they do and you want to see them beat people up. Walter is the star of the team, but the other three have come up very nicely and the whole thing has turned into one of the best things about NXT UK.

Cedric Alexander vs. Andrade

Andrade sends him into the corner to start but a dropkick cuts him off in a hurry. One heck of a clothesline drops Cedric and we hit the armbar. That doesn’t last long as Cedric sends him outside for the suicide dive. Zelina Vega offers a distraction though and it’s the discus elbow into the hammerlock lariat for the pin at 3:26.

Rating: C. Another match that didn’t have time to go anywhere though I rather approve of Andrade getting another win. The guy is that good and it is a good sign to have him getting a push. The action wasn’t that bad either, though I’m already over the distraction finishes tonight. Why is that almost all we can get?

Aleister Black talks about someone having a secret and wants a certain someone who has one to pick a fight with him.

Various wrestlers say happy Veterans Day.

Veterans Day video.

Here is Lana for a chat. She’s here to confess her sins, even though Lashley, her boyfriend and the love of her life, didn’t want her to. The truth is that she treated on Rusev, but don’t boo her. Rusev cheated on her first so it’s not her being petty. Seven weeks ago, she and Lashley had sex together for the first time. How does she know it was seven weeks ago? It’s because it’s their sexaversary. Lana: “I’m telling you wow, wow WOW.”

She believe in monogamy and now she is dealing with all of these people complaining about her because she fell in front of the world. Last week she got taken out and everything is fine (Lana: “My legs are VERY fine.”)….though she is nine weeks pregnant. Lawler starts doing the math but Lana gets to the point: her sex addicted soon to be ex-husband put a little machka brat inside her. Lana: “THAT BULGARIAN SON OF A B****!” She could feel herself getting fat and bloated but here’s Rusev to interrupt.

Lana rants about everywhere Rusev wanted to have sex with her (including on the tank at Wrestlemania) but Rusev doesn’t seem to buy the pregnancy. Lana: “ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???” She slaps him several times so here’s Lashley to cut things off. Lana even jumps on Rusev’s back so Lashley can beat Rusev down as Lana is rather pleased. Lashley and Lana walk away together with Lana saying she faked the whole pregnancy. This is amazing on a horrible level as they are tripling down on the whole thing and giving it even more time.

Erick Rowan vs. Soner Durson

Rowan comes to the ring carrying something under a covering. Durson is sent outside and crushed with a running crossbody. The Iron Claw is good for the pin at 1:09.

Post match Rowan checks on whatever he brought to ringside and makes sure that no one touched it. He leaves without showing what it was.

Flash Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews vs. Viking Raiders

Non-title. Webster tries to start fast but his dive to the floor is pulled out of the air. Andrews hits a suicide dive though and it’s a pair of stereo flip dives onto the Raiders. Back in and Stundog Millionaire sets up Webster’s Swanton for two on Erik. That goes nowhere as Erik is fine enough to hit a double high collar suplex (that’s scary), setting up Ivar’s dive to take both of them out. Erik drives Ivar into the corner to crush Webster and the Viking Experience finishes Andrews at 3:05.

Rating: C. This was a rather fun match with Webster and Andrews giving it all in their big chance. They have gone from what seemed to be a short form team to one of the best things about NXT UK. I was even starting to think they might have tried something here with a surprise upset and that means they did this exactly as they should have.

Ricochet worried about teaming with Orton, who says let him get in the OC’s heads.

Video on Rey Mysterio vs. Brock Lesnar.

OC vs. Humberto Carrillo/Ricochet/Randy Orton

Ricochet grabs Anderson by the arm to start and it’s off to Orton to take over. Orton tags out to Carrillo by slapping him in the chest, so Carrillo twists AJ’s arm around as well. A multiple springboard sets up a very high angle wristdrag into an armbar as Carrillo gets to show off a bit.

Ricochet hits a springboard spinning crossbody but Orton isn’t happy with being knocked off the apron as we take a break. Back with Carrillo’s springboard armdrag being countered into a faceplant to put him in trouble. Carrillo fights out in a hurry and it’s off to Ricochet, who gets beaten up in the corner instead.

Gallows drops an elbow and the big leg before he stops to knock Orton off the face. AJ comes in but gets kicked in the face, allowing Ricochet a breather. The hot tag brings in Carrillo to clean house but he misses the moonsault. That’s enough for the tag to Orton, who starts hitting his usual on AJ. Orton teases the RKO to Ricochet but takes AJ out instead, setting up the moonsault to give Carrillo the pin at 15:40.

Rating: C. Completely standard tag match formula outside of the ending angle. Orton could go for a face turn a long heel stretch but you can’t just jump straight in with someone like him. That’s all well and good, though the turn on Ricochet isn’t out of the question. I like the idea of giving Carrillo the pin, but I don’t think it’s something that is going to change much after his multiple losses to Styles.

Post match Orton and Ricochet stare at each other, with Orton saying he can take Ricochet out whenever and wherever he wants.

Overall Rating: C-. Yeah this was a very England show with the wrestling being as average as you can get with nothing standing out. The Lashley/Lana/Rusev stuff was pretty terrible but I’ll take what I can get in the vein of having Imperium show up. They need to get back to the States for the go home shows, but they also need to have a rest at some point as you can see how tired a lot of these people are. That isn’t good with a major show coming up, but there is always a major show coming up and it’s taking its toll.


Kabuki Warriors b. Charlotte/Becky Lynch – Rollup to Lynch

Drew McIntyre b. Sin Cara – Claymore

R-Truth vs. Singh Brothers went to a no contest

Seth Rollins b. Walter via DQ when Imperium interfered

Seth Rollins/Street Profits/Kevin Owens b. Imperium – Stomp to Wolfe

Erick Rowan b. Soner Durson – Iron Claw

Viking Raiders b. Flash Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews – Viking Experience to Andrews

Randy Orton/Humberto Carrillo/Ricochet b. OC – Moonsault to Styles

Remember to check out my website at and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – November 4, 2019: The Red Is Scared

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 4, 2019
Location: Nassau Coliseum, New York City, New York
Commentators: Dio Maddin, Jerry Lawler, Vic Joseph

It’s going to be a big night around here we have the fallout from the Saudi Arabian show, the fallout from the NXT invasion on Smackdown, and Brock Lesnar is hunting Mysterios. I’m not sure what expect from this show, save for some praise for the great hosts in Saudi Arabia and a rushed build towards Survivor Series. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

A trio of black SUVs pulls up in the back. HHH gets out of one and says something to someone in the back of another.

Opening sequence.

Here are an annoyed looking Lesnar and Heyman to open the ring. Heyman explains Lesnar quitting and THEY’RE ACTUALLY EXPLAINING THE WAY OUT. The week of the Draft, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were sent to Smackdown for future considerations and here’s Lesnar as those future considerations. Heyman makes it clear that Lesnar is better than everyone here and wants to know where Mysterio is so either get out here or Brock will go slap everyone in this audience. Tonight, someone is going to say where Mysterio is so Lesnar can destroy him. Heyman gives Rey’s career the last rites and they’re out.

In the back, Brock looks for Rey and beats up a backstage worker for not answering fast enough. Post break another backstage guy says Rey is in that car over there so Brock breaks into a car to find….not Rey. Brock breaks the door to vent some frustration.

Video on Lacey Evans vs. Natalya in Saudi Arabia and how amazing WWE is for making it happen.

Kabuki Warriors vs. Charlotte/Natalya

Non-title. Natalya gives Sane a spinning slam for one to start and it’s off to Charlotte and Asuka. The champs are sent outside and we take a break. Back with Natalya getting posted and chinlocked as we look at Asuka misting Paige last week. Sane kicks her down for two but Natalya kicks her way to freedom and brings in Charlotte to clean house. There’s a fall away slam and the never good sign of shouting COME ON to the fans.

Natural Selection hits Sane but Asuka puts the foot on the rope at two. The Warriors are laid next to each other inside and Charlotte moonsaults onto both of them for two with Asuka rolling in to kick the referee for….the save instead of the DQ as I think Asuka missed. Back from another break with Natalya and Charlotte inches apart for about ten seconds but not being able to get the tag…..because Sane isn’t in place to break it off.

That looked HORRIBLE, to the point where I thought Natalya was turning on her by not making the tag. Then, just because of course this is what they were going for, Charlotte stops a charge in the corner by raising a boot and the tag goes through thirty seconds later. Good grief. Anyway Natalya gets caught in the cross armbreaker but reverses into the Sharpshooter until Sane makes the save with a Codebreaker. Charlotte spears Sane down so the Sharpshooter can make Asuka tap at 18:07.

Rating: D+. Ignoring the champions losing clean in a tag match to set up a title match, ignoring ANOTHER attempt to push Natalya and ignoring Asuka tapping, that tag spot was one of the stupidest things I can remember seeing WWE do in years. Was that one spot, of Sane running into a boot in the corner, THAT important that they had to throw out any semblance of taking this match seriously and making it look realistic? All four of these women should know better and it looked like something that would get a developmental match stopped so the trainers could yell at them. Completely unacceptable on all levels.

Immediately after the match, Lesnar and Heyman come out to demand Mysterio’s whereabouts from commentary. Heyman says Lawler knows everything going around here so either say where Mysterio is or Lesnar will kill him and there will be no bringing him back to life this time. Maddin gets up and stares Lesnar down, earning himself an F5 through the table. Cue Mysterio with a pipe to whack Lesnar in the knees over and over. A running belt shot leaves Brock laying.

During the break, Lesnar couldn’t stand and nearly crawled to the back.

Rey says he’s fighting fire with fire and coming for the WWE Championship. The challenge is on for Survivor Series.

Buddy Murphy vs. Cedric Alexander

Neither gets an entrance. Alexander anklescissors him down to start so Murphy knocks him down and grabs the armbar. The hold stays on for a good while until Cedric fights up and knocks him outside for the suicide dive. The big flip dive makes it worse and the springboard Downward Spiral gets two. Murphy’s Law is countered into a victory roll for two, followed by the Michinoku Driver for the same. Alexander’s handspring elbow is cut off with a jumping knee to the back and Murphy’s Law is good for the pin at 5:33.

Rating: C. Well it didn’t have anything that made me want to scream at the TV and the champs didn’t lose so we’ll call this an upgrade. This was the Cliff Notes version of what these two are capable of due to the sake of time but at least Murphy won a match for the first time in what feels like forever.

We look at the NXT invasion on Smackdown.

Here’s Seth Rollins for a chat. He lost to the Fiend at Crown Jewel but that doesn’t concern him. What concerns him is that the Fiend took the title to Smackdown and now Brock Lesnar is back. That means no one is going to get a shot for a long time but Rollins isn’t sure if he can start from scratch again. For the first time in a long time, he isn’t sure what he’s doing.

Cue HHH and the NXT chants are on. HHH finds it interesting that whenever Rollins doesn’t know what’s next, their paths cross. Maybe Rollins’ past is his future. HHH talks about their history together, including Rollins being the first NXT Champion. Rollins asks if all of that success was for HHH or himself, so HHH points out that Rollins always came out as champion. HHH talks about what NXT did on Friday, including Adam Cole pinning Daniel Bryan in the middle of the ring.

Survivor Series is coming up and NXT is going to be involved. Rollins can either be with HHH or against him. The fans see someone coming in from the crowd and we’ve got the Undisputed Era. They stay on the apron as HHH asks which side Rollins is on. Cue the OC so the Era bails but Damian Priest and Dominick Dijakovic come in to help them with the beatdown. Erick Rowan, R-Truth, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder make the save as Rollins isn’t sure what to do. If he’s still confused about having Ryder and Hawkins make the save, he’s in over his head.

Post break, Rollins comes up to HHH and says if HHH wants him on Wednesdays, he’s coming in on the top guy. Tonight, he wants Adam Cole for the NXT Title. The match is made.

Zelina Vega/Andrade vs. Carolina/Sin Cara

Before the match, Vega says Carolina has to hide behind a mask while Cara pretends he could ever beat Andrade. Commentary says Catalina but the name graphic says Carolina. That doesn’t bode well for her future. Andrade charges at him to start but gets sent outside, only to have Vega grab the leg to block the dive. Caro/Catalina hits a dive off the apron to take Andrade down and we take a break.

Back with Andrade putting him on top but getting sunset bombed right back down. Carolina comes in and crossbodies Vega’s knees (How can you go low on someone barely five feet tall?), followed by a faceplant fro two. Vega breaks up Cara’s dive so Carolina hits a Gory Bomb, allowing Cara to hit the dive. That leaves Vega to send her face first into the buckle, setting up a hurricanrana driver for the pin at 7:26.

Rating: C-. Could have been worse but that is likely it for Carolina for the time being. I’m not sure how bright of a future she had in the first place but her stuff didn’t look great here and she got pinned clean by a manager. They did keep it short though and Andrade’s team won so well done on giving him a boost. Now it’s time to move on to something else and that has always been an issue for Andrade so far.

We recap Lana/Rusev/Bobby Lashley.

Here’s Rusev for a chat. He’s ready to put an end to all of this drama so tonight he’s here for Bob Lashley. If Lashley wants Lana, she’s all his, but Lashley is all his. Cue Lashley on crutches to say that he has a torn groin due to some….things….with Lana. Since Lashley can’t do anything at the moment, Lana has someone else to fight in Lashley’s place.

Rusev vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre headbutts him in a hurry and it’s an early headbutt to put Rusev down. Rusev fights out of the corner and stomps away, eventually throwing McIntyre outside as we take a break. Back with Rusev fighting out of an armbar and hitting some running shoulders in the corner. Stereo crossbodies give us a double knockdown and they fight to the floor. Rusev sends him back first into the steps, only to have Lashley run down and hit Rusev in the back with the crutch for the DQ at 9:40.

Rating: D+. I was surprised by how uninteresting this was, though it didn’t help that they telegraphed the ending with Lashley staying on the ramp. Lashley faking an injury is fine, but the match itself felt very slow. I don’t think McIntyre is going to be involved in this long term and that’s probably best for everyone involved.

Post match McIntyre leaves and Rusev fights back on Lashley. Rusev picks up the crutch….and gets the RKO from Randy Orton. The beatdown is on but Ricochet runs in for the save, including knocking Lashley off the apron and into Lana, who has to be carried out.

Becky Lynch gets a sitdown interview to talk about her upcoming triple threat match at Survivor Series against Bayley and Shayna Baszler. She talks about how important Survivor Series can be but here’s Shayna to interfere. Shayna has been wanting to meet her face to face for a long time now and she isn’t taking her eyes off of Becky at Survivor Series.

All Becky has to think about until Survivor Series is which limb is going to Baszler. Becky hasn’t figured out if she should respect Shayna or take her head off. At Survivor Series, she’ll have her eyes on Bayley and Baszler at the same time. They stare each other down and say it was nice to meet. Good segment, though you can almost pencil Bayley in for the win from here.

OC vs. Street Profits/Humberto Carrillo

The trophy the OC won at Crown Jewel is at ringside and AJ goes on a rant about being awesome. The next time he sees one of those NXT punks, he’s knocking their head off. Hang on though as the Profits bring up that the OC have the trophy, but the Street Profits beat them two weeks ago. AJ: “Shut your mouth!” Tonight, it’s time to swipe left on the OC because the Profits are coming.

Joined in progress with Dawkins coming in to stay on AJ’s arm. Anderson comes in and gets slammed down, allowing Ford to grab an armbar with a flick of the tongue. Ford goes after Gallows though and gets knocked outside by Anderson. AJ gets in a few shots of his own until Ford dropkicks his way to freedom.

It’s too early for the tag though as Gallows boots him down and the beating continues. The chinlock goes on and we take a break. Back with Ford hitting a Blockbuster and making the tag off to Carrillo for a Disaster Kick on AJ. Everything breaks down and Ford hits the big running flip dive. Carrillo goes after AJ and breaks up the Phenomenal Forearm, only to have Styles roll him up for the pin with feet on the ropes at 11:35.

Rating: C. So remember last month when we did something similar with the War Raiders and Cedric Alexander? They’re doing a good job of keeping AJ strong over the lower level challengers, which will help him even more when he gets a bigger challenger. That’s how you make a title mean something and I’ll absolutely take this over just having him stand around holding the title without doing anything.

We recap Lesnar’s path of rage and pope to the knees tonight.

Mysterio vs. Lesnar for the title is set for Survivor Series.

Viking Raiders vs. East Hampton Polo Boys

Ivar’s frog splash for the pin at 1:00.

Post match the Raiders talk about losing to the OC and warn them that revenge is coming.

NXT Title: Adam Cole vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins is defending and Cole is out with HHH. Cole gets driven into the corner and knocked to the floor to start, allowing Rollins to hit the slingshot dive. A few rams into the barricade take us to a break and we come back with Cole kicking him in the face. An enziguri staggers Rollins but he’s right back with the low superkick for two. Rollins goes up top but dives into a heck of a superkick for two more.

Rating: B. You could feel the interference here but that’s the logical way to go here as you have stable mates for just such a situation. The match was as entertaining as you would have expected from these two and it makes sense to not have Rollins take the title here. If nothing else, Cole hung with Rollins for a match that got a little time, which is how you make someone look good in an invasion like this.

Post match the NXT and Raw locker rooms come out for the huge brawl with NXT getting the better of it due to the numbers advantage. Ricochet hits the big springboard shooting star onto the pile and everyone is down. Keith Lee one ups Ricochet with the huge flip dive to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I wasn’t feeling some of the wrestling in the middle but they did some stuff to set up Survivor Series (including the amazingly logical explanation for Lesnar moving to Raw), which now has a large card. You can imagine a triple threat Survivor Series elimination match as well, which could go on very long but be interesting at the same time. Now just keep up the momentum you have going into the rest of the week and then on the way to Chicago.


Natalya/Charlotte b. Kabuki Warriors – Sharpshooter to Asuka

Buddy Murphy b. Cedric Alexander – Murphy’s Law

Andrade/Zelina Vega b. Sin Cara/Carolina – Hurricanrana driver to Carolina

Rusev b. Drew McIntyre via DQ when Bobby Lashley interfered

OC b. Humberto Carrillo/Street Profits – Rollup with feet on the ropes to Carrillo

Viking Raiders b. East Hampton Polo Boys – Frog splash to #1

Seth Rollins b. Adam Cole via DQ when the Undisputed Era interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – October 17, 2019: The Delay Didn’t Help

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: October 17, 2019
Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado
Commentators: Mickie James, Byron Saxton, Dio Maddin

Since everything has been so hectic in the last week, this is coming out a bit later, which can make for an interesting watch. A big part of the problem with this show is that it just reminds you how bad the previous week’s show was but now that we have moved on a bit, maybe it won’t be as bad. I mean, it probably will be but you have to have some hope. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mojo Rawley vs. Zack Ryder

It never ends. Rawley shoves him around to start but charges into a boot in the corner. A quick Pounce gives Rawley two and the beatdown is on. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Rawley elbows him down again and stops to fling sweat at the crowd. The distraction lets Ryder get in a running clothesline and a middle rope dropkick, setting up the Broski Boot for two. A Downward Spiral gets two more but Mojo sends him into the corner for the running right hand. The Alabama Slam finishes Ryder at 5:10.

Rating: D. This is another instance where I just don’t get it. I know neither of these two are going anywhere so why keep Rawley as the big deal around here? Ryder isn’t anything of note but he’s a bigger deal than Rawley. If you’re not going to do anything with Rawley, and it’s clear that they won’t, why not let Ryder get a boost before he does something (as minor as it will be) on Raw?

We look at the Raw and Smackdown rosters.

From Smackdown.

Here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman for a chat. Heyman talks about how WWE is trying to make Brock Lesnar repeat October 23, 2010, when Cain Velasquez conquered Lesnar. Brock has never made an excuse for that because he has no excuse. That brings Heyman to last week, when Lesnar won the WWE Championship and then had to face the ghost of his past. Lesnar embraces his fears because he conquers them, which he will do at Crown Jewel on October 31.

You can roll this clip back in a few weeks and find out that this is a….moment that is being interrupted by Rey Mysterio and Velasquez. Rey shows us some stills of Velasquez massacring Lesnar in their UFC fight and busting him open, leaving a scar on Lesnar’s face. Cain promises to give him a matching scar on the other cheek at Crown Jewel.

From Smackdown again.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Charlotte

Charlotte is defending. Bayley has cut her hair and doesn’t have it in a ponytail anymore, plus has a new theme. She also doesn’t dance on the way to the ring….but she does pull out an ax and DESTROYS THE BAYLEY BUDDIES! Bayley starts fast and gets knocked right back down. They head outside instead with Charlotte being sent into the steps and we take an early break.

Back with Bayley grabbing a headlock to keep Charlotte in trouble. That’s broken up with Bayley being sent outside for a slingshot dive and it’s time to start in on the knee. Some kicks to the leg put Bayley on the floor and Charlotte hits a moonsault off the barricade. Back in and Bayley grabs a quick Bayley to Belly for two, followed by the top rope elbow for the same. Bayley freaks out and gets caught with Natural Selection, but the Figure Eight is countered into a small package to give Bayley the pin and the title at 11:25.

Rating: C-. The match was nothing but thank goodness they got Charlotte another title reign of five days so she can be a ten time champion. Bayley’s heel turn was a very hard one and that’s a good thing in her case. It didn’t make a ton of sense for her to be upset and then come dancing out there so making her a harder heel is the right move. Not as right as giving her the title back, but a right one nonetheless.

Post match, Bayley grabs the mic and says “B******. Screw all of you!” Well that’s a hard shift.

Dana Brooke vs. Sarah Logan

FOR THE LAST TIME EVER!!! Brooke flips around and dropkicks her down to start, followed by a headscissors into the corner. The chinlock goes on as Mickie is sounding more comfortable with the analysis. Logan powers out and we take a quick break, coming back to Logan putting Brooke on top and hammering away. Brooke shoves her down and hits a suplex, followed by an enziguri. The cartwheel splash gets two but Logan dropkicks her to the floor. Back in and Logan pulls her off the top, setting up the standing Cloverleaf for the tap at 8:33.

Rating: D+. And that’s it for the feud because they’ve just run out of things to do. Unfortunately that was the case a month ago but no one seemed to notice. I still feel really sorry for Brooke, but this is the kind of thing she needs to do: get in the ring and learn how to work a match. The problem is she spent years wrestling above her head and all she is learning is how to wrestle Logan. At least it’s something though.

From Raw.

It’s time for the contract signing between Braun Strowman and Tyson Fury. Jerry Lawler recaps everything and brings the two of them out for the big staredown. Strowman talks about how big of an ego that Fury has and that’s why he was at the premiere of Smackdown. He isn’t letting Fury use him to advance his career so he’ll beat him at Crown Jewel.

Fury says he isn’t out of his element in any ring and Strowman will be looking up at him after Fury knocks him out. They stand up and Fury snaps the pen before leaving. Fury is a good promo but Strowman is still one of those forced promos where the writers have to get in their lines that they think sound good because they don’t know how humans communicate with each other.

Video on Seth Rollins vs. the Fiend inside the Cell.

From Raw.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House to end the show. Bray thinks Rollins is smart but the Fiend never forgets. Ramblin Rabbit says Rollins is on his way but Wyatt doesn’t think much of it. Rollins comes in and jumps Wyatt from behind so the beatdown is on (with the friends freaking out in a nice little touch). Seth breaks the pictures but Bray gets up and asks why Seth is doing this.

They go through a wall off camera and Rollins gets an evil look on his face. He says burn it down….and then lights Bray’s table on fire. The wall catches fire and the pictures burn as the Fiend starts to laugh to end the show. I mean, the character was in trouble anyway so they might as well get rid of the thing. Then again, odds are he’ll find a way back before losing to Rollins (again) in Saudi Arabia.

Overall Rating: D. Yeah this didn’t help anything and made me wonder how bad Crown Jewel is going to be. The show just is not looking good and having this show focused on the Draft shows without looking at the Draft itself shows you how worthless those shows really was. It was a bad show, but that’s because it was recapping bad stories and there isn’t anything Main Event can do to fix that.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – October 14, 2019 (2019 Draft Night Two): The Go Home Show With Nothing To Go Home To

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 14, 2019
Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Dio Maddin, Vic Joseph

It’s time for another big episode here, because we just can’t have a regular show these days. This time around it’s the second night of the Draft and that means maybe we can find out how WWE can manage to screw it up again. They’ve gotten really good at that in recent weeks and there is no reason to believe they won’t do it again. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Fiend vs. Seth Rollins, including everything that happened at Hell In A Cell. Normally I would say “they’re really just moving on like that wasn’t a big deal” but of course they are, because WWE knows that they can get away with it, which they of course will, even running another Cell show next year and talking it up as the ultimate evil which it hasn’t been in the better part of twenty years. Nothing ever changes, which is the biggest problem around here.

Opening sequence.

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat. She’s proud to be the #1 overall draft pick but it turns out that Sasha Banks isn’t here because of the beating Becky gave her in the Cell. We have a replacement on hand though and it’s a woman Becky just can’t get away from. She’s ready to rip an arm off though so let’s do this.

Charlotte comes out and says maybe she can be drafted to Raw so they can fight forever. She doesn’t want the people to think she’s selfish though because she doesn’t even want to fight Becky. Instead, she would rather the two of them be friends again. Then she hits Becky in the face again and the fight is on in the corner. Referees break it up and we take a break before the opening bell.

Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte

Non-title, the winner’s show gets the first pick. They slug it out to start with Becky’s forearms beating Charlotte’s chops, only to have Charlotte pull her down by the hair. We hit the figure four necklock, complete with some faceplants to send Becky into the mat. Back up and Charlotte forearms her in the back of the head, only to get dropkicked down. Becky sends her to the apron and then kicks her to the floor but gets posted as we take a break.

We come back with Becky hitting some clotheslines, plus a missile dropkick for two. Charlotte shrugs it off and grabs a Boston crab before switching to a failed Figure Four attempt. Becky’s middle rope forearm misses though and Charlotte hits Natural Selection for two more. A big boot gets another two so it’s time to go for the leg. Becky kicks her into the buckle for two off a rollup and the middle rope legdrop gets the same. Charlotte gets in a spear but Becky crucifixes her ala Wrestlemania, meaning Charlotte’s shoulder is up as the referee counts the pin at 14:43.

Rating: B-. I’m thinking Becky needs to drop the crucifix as she can’t keep shoulders down no matter what she does. The match itself was the usual good back and forth stuff between these two, though Charlotte is absolutely right about these two fighting each other so many times that it stops having any impact.

We explain the Draft rules.

Seth Rollins is happy that it’s Draft night and he’s ready to keep things going with Bray Wyatt. He isn’t happy with what he did in the Cell but he isn’t ashamed of it either. Tonight, he’ll find Wyatt and end this by burning it down. That would imply there is something positive that can be burned and that is not the case here.

Jim Cramer of Mad Money (a stock show) goes over draft picks.

We see the War Rooms again and…..yeah the overacting is still strong.

Here’s Stephanie McMahon for the first round picks:

Raw – Seth Rollins

Smackdown – Brock Lesnar

Raw – Charlotte

Smackdown – New Day

Raw – Andrade/Zelina Vega

The expert panel (Samoa Joe, Renee Young, Booker T., Beth Phoenix) talks about the picks.

Andrade vs. Ali

On the way to the ring, Zelina Vega talks about how everyone on Raw will learn to suffer a loss to Andrade. Joined in progress with Ali hitting a dropkick but getting crushed in the corner. Andrade shoves him off the top and out to the floor in a heap so the posing can begin. Ali gets sent shoulder first into the post and then the arm gets bent around the rope for a bonus.

As the armbar goes on, we get breaking news: THERE WILL BE A NEW FIREFLY FUN HOUSE TONIGHT. That’s uh, quite the huge story there commentators. The arm gets bent over the top rope this time but Andrade misses a charge and falls out to the floor. Vega offers a distraction so Ali jumps over her for the big flip dive. The referee distraction lets Zelina hurricanrana Ali from the apron, setting up the hammerlock DDT to finish Ali at 5:48.

Rating: C. This was an extended squash as Ali continues to go nowhere in WWE after a big debut. I get that it happens to a lot of people but it can be a little saddening when someone shows that much heart in their matches. On the other hand, Andrade is someone who has seemed ready to move up to the next level for a long time now and maybe this is his chance after a long time waiting around.

More picks:

Raw – Kabuki Warriors

Smackdown – Daniel Bryan

Raw – Rusev

Smackdown – Bayley

Raw – Aleister Black

It is made clear that the Women’s Tag Team Titles will still be defended on both shows. So they’re already having loopholes in the thing.

The Saturday Night Live guys from the Wrestlemania battle royal talk about how awesome this is. I refuse to believe that these things have any kind of a significant impact on the show’s audience as I would hope that people aren’t that dense.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode vs. Viking Raiders

The Raiders are challenging and start fast with a running dropkick into the corner. Roode gets sent to the floor for a dive and a top rope splash gets two on Ziggler with Roode making a save. Ziggler gets back up with a chop block to Erik and a posting makes it even worse. Something that was supposed to be a Zig Zag sends Erik into the timekeeper’s area and we take a break.

Back with Erik fighting out of a chinlock but a pull of his beard breaks up the hot tag attempt. Roode dropkicks the knee out and Ziggler adds the elbow drop. A few shoves are enough to annoy Erik, who forearms the heck out of Ziggler for the double knockdown. It’s off to Ivar for the house cleaning as everything breaks down.

The Zig Zag/spinebuster combination gets two on Erik and a Fameasser gets the same. Ziggler avoids a charge to send Erik into the post and it’s a superkick into the Glorious DDT for two with Ivar making a save. Ivar hits a double handspring elbow to both champs and it’s the Viking Experience to Ziggler for the pin and the titles at 12:06.

Rating: C-. Well that was about….forever overdue. The Raiders have been one of the most dominant teams in years and it made little sense to leave them on the sidelines or toiling against nothing teams while a makeshift team like Roode and Ziggler held the titles. The match was a little boring at times, but the right team won and that’s what matters most.

NHL analysts talk about wrestlers making good hockey players.

The War Raiders are ready to defend their titles. They list off the titles they have won before, including the IWGP and Ring of Honor titles. The raid is here.

More picks:

Raw – Cedric Alexander

Smackdown – Shinsuke Nakamura with Sami Zayn

Raw – Humberto Carrillo

Smackdown – Ali

Raw – Erick Rowan

Aleister Black vs. Eric Young

Young goes straight at him to start but has to bail to the floor to avoid Black Mass. Back in and some kicks to the chest set up the dragon sleeper (the Dark Ritual) to finish Young at 1:36.

More picks:

Raw – Buddy Murphy

Smackdown – Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

Raw – Jinder Mahal

Smackdown – Carmella

Raw – R-Truth

The Street Profits are glad to be on Raw when the OC comes up. They could be better hosts of Raw and the beatdown is on with the Profits being left laying.

Ricochet vs. Shelton Benjamin

Ricochet hits the dropkick to start so Shelton snaps off the belly to back suplex to send him outside. Back in and a big boot takes Ricochet down and we hit the chinlock with a bodyscissors. Ricochet fights back up with a kick to the face and a springboard clothesline. The 450 is broken up but Ricochet flips over him from the top and this the Recoil for the pin at 4:45.

Rating: D+. Ricochet has as much potential as anyone in WWE at the moment and it would be nice to see him get a big push on Raw. That being said, I’m not sure how you put him on Raw when he belongs on a bigger stage like Smackdown. Maybe he’ll have a better chance to shine on Raw though and that’s what matters in the end.

Video on Tyson Fury.

Lana is getting a massage at a spa. She likes the deeper rubs, so here’s Lashley to handle the rest. Rusev was never as good as he is so the towel is removed and she flips over so Lashley can get the other side.

It’s time for the contract signing between Braun Strowman and Tyson Fury. Jerry Lawler recaps everything and brings the two of them out for the big staredown. Strowman talks about how big of an ego that Fury has and that’s why he was at the premiere of Smackdown. He isn’t letting Fury use him to advance his career so he’ll beat him at Crown Jewel.

Fury says he isn’t out of his element in any ring and Strowman will be looking up at him after Fury knocks him out. They stand up and Fury snaps the pen before leaving. Fury is a good promo but Strowman is still one of those forced promos where the writers have to get in their lines that they think sound good because they don’t know how humans communicate with each other.

Al Roker talks about changes in the company like it’s a weather report.

More picks:

Raw – Samoa Joe

Smackdown – The Miz (the FOX war room lets off confetti)

Raw – Akira Tozawa

Smackdown – King Corbin

Raw – Shelton Benjamin

So to clarify, the pecking order in WWE goes Humberto Carrillo, Samoa Joe, the Miz, Akira Tozawa, King Corbin.

Buddy Murphy vs. Cedric Alexander

Well it worked on 205 Live. Cedric spins out of a wristlock to start so Murphy does the same as neither can get anywhere. Murphy is smart enough to pull him down by the hair so they take turns sweeping the legs until we get a staredown. An elbow to Cedric’s head sets up a whip into the middle buckle, followed by a drop onto the top turnbuckle for a fall to the floor.

Back from a break with Murphy kneeing him in the face to block the springboard Downward Spiral. Murphy hits the big flip dive and the top rope Meteora gets two. Cedric is right back with a shot to the face and the suicide dive to the floor. Back in and the springboard Downward Spiral connects this time around but Murphy catches him with a kick in the corner. The Powerbomb out of the corner sets up Murphy’s Law for the pin at 9:06.

Rating: C+. Yeah this was entertaining like their previous matches were, though it still isn’t enough to make me believe that WWE is going to push either of them with anything that sticks. Cedric came close but then was put in his place by AJ and the OC while Murphy just vanished after a few weeks of what looked like a huge push. Hopefully it’s different this time around, but I can’t bring myself to believe it.

Crown Jewel rundown, including Seth Rollins defending against the Fiend in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

The Street Profits are ready for the OC and want the smoke.

Hosts of the NBC Premiere League show compare chants from both sets of fans.

The final picks:

Raw – Rey Mysterio

Smackdown – Shorty Gable

Raw – Titus O’Neil

Smackdown – Elias

Raw – Liv Morgan

The expert panel talks again.

Kabuki Warriors vs. Natalya/???

Non-title. Natalya has been asked to pick a partner so she has picked someone who has taken her to the limit. Say it with me: Lacey Evans. I actually laughed because this match might miss the point more than anything since….well since the end of Rollins vs. Wyatt really, though that doesn’t make this any better.

Joined in progress with Lacey in trouble and being knocked outside for a spinning backfist from Kairi. Back in and Kairi hits her in the face again, allowing Asuka to come in for some Kawada kicks. Lacey fights up and makes the ice cold tag to Natalya, who snaps off a release German suplex to Asuka. A kneebar has Natalya in trouble but she rolls through, only to get rolled up by Asuka for two each.

The Sharpshooter has Asuka in trouble until Sane makes the save with a bulldog. Asuka’s hip attack sends Natalya to the floor and we take a break. Back with Natalya fighting out of Asuka’s Octopus Hold and scoring with a basement dropkick. Asuka breaks up the hot tag attempt and ties up the leg while pulling the arm back (kind of the first half of a surfboard crossed with half of a camel clutch).

That’s broken up so Asuka grabs a regular armbar as the fans are eerily silent. Sane comes back in for a double suplex for two and we hit the chinlock. These women were sent out there to die and they are achieving it to near perfection. Natalya muscles her up for a suplex and makes the hot tag to Lacey to clean house.

The slingshot Bronco Buster into the slingshot dropkick rocks Sane for two but Lacey gets caught in the corner. Sane hits an Alberto top rope double stomp for no count as Natalya makes the fast save. The sliding forearm hits Lacey in the corner and Asuka tags herself in. The Woman’s Right knocks Sane out on her feet but Asuka rolls Lacey up for the pin at 15:26.

Rating: D-. What in the world was THAT? They set up Lacey as some big partner for Natalya and then they have a match that went on far too long (I was very surprised when they went to a break) where Lacey just gets pinned? No angle, no title hunt, nothing of the sort. It’s like they were experimenting with something and didn’t realize that it was taking place on Raw. On top of that, the match was incredibly boring with one hold after another as we waited on Lacey Evans, who we’re now supposed to cheer for, to get the hot tag. This feels like they tried something and forgot the ending, leaving it as a total mess.

It’s time for the Firefly Fun House to end the show. Bray thinks Rollins is smart but the Fiend never forgets. Ramblin Rabbit says Rollins is on his way but Wyatt doesn’t think much of it. Rollins comes in and jumps Wyatt from behind so the beatdown is on (with the friends freaking out in a nice little touch). Seth breaks the pictures but Bray gets up and asks why Seth is doing this.

They go through a wall off camera and Rollins gets an evil look on his face. He says burn it down….and then lights Bray’s table on fire. The wall catches fire and the pictures burn as the Fiend starts to laugh to end the show. I mean, the character was in trouble anyway so they might as well get rid of the thing. Then again, odds are he’ll find a way back before losing to Rollins (again) in Saudi Arabia.

Overall Rating: D. Maybe it was the extra hour but this had most of the same problems that Smackdown had yet felt even longer. The picks make next to no sense in places (Carrillo over Mysterio, Corbin, Samoa Joe and Miz?), the War Room stuff was still stupid and the wrestling was just something they threw out there to stretch out the shows.

In a way this felt like a go home show, as it isn’t this week that matters, but what you’re seeing set up this week. The fans were completely done with this show after about an hour and can you blame them? It was a bunch of nothing matches, a token title change to make the show seem important, and Stephanie trying to make Akira Tozawa and Liv Morgan sound like important picks. WWE has been doing things like this a lot recently and they need to get back to normal so we can have something enjoyable for a change. This was really bad and I don’t see single branded shows being their big way out.


Becky Lynch b. Charlotte – Crucifix

Andrade b. Ali – Hammerlock DDT

Viking Raiders b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler – Viking Experience to Ziggler

Aleister Black b. Eric Young – Dark Ritual

Ricochet b. Shelton Benjamin – Recoil

Buddy Murphy b. Cedric Alexander – Murphy’s Law

Kabuki Warriors b. Lacey Evans/Natalya – Rollup to Evans

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