Smackdown – October 11, 2019 (WWE Draft): Spoiler Alert! And It’s From WWE!

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 11, 2019
Location: T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

So since we’re starting things new around here, it’s time to reset the roster with the annual Draft. Now that could be interesting this time around as well, with a bunch of non-wrestling celebrities and a big question of who is going to be brought over from Raw. This is only going to be the first half though as things keep going on Raw. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence. Dang that thing looks cool.

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

Non-title and Smackdown vs. Raw with the winner’s brand getting the #1 pick. Feeling out process to start with Seth’s headlock being blocked so he goes with a headlock takeover instead. That’s broken up so they head outside with neither being able to hit a big running strike, meaning it’s time to get back inside for the staredown. They start the shoving with Reigns knocking him down and we take a break.

Back with Reigns blocking the Stomp (oh dang that could have been like 1/10th devastating) and hitting a sitout powerbomb for two. Rollins fights back up and sends Reigns outside for back to back suicide dives (the most common move in wrestling these days). The springboard knee to the head sets up the frog splash for two but the Stomp misses again.

Rollins hits the Buckle Bomb but Reigns bounces out of the corner with the Superman Punch. The spear is countered into a Pedigree (same sequence from Money in the Bank 2016) for two….and we’ve got a Fiend. He pulls Rollins down into a hole in the ring with the Mandible Claw but Seth crawls back out as the lights come back on. Fiend pokes his head out and the lights go out again, with Fiend appearing on the stage. I guess that’s a no contest at 14:43 as Reigns must have stepped out for a hot pretzel.

Rating: C. This was just a match but the important thing here is the Fiend. They’re actually keeping the thing going after Rollins beat the Fiend clean via stoppage? Why? There shouldn’t be any rematches in a match after a disaster like that, but picking it up again so soon is a little surprising.

So officially Rollins won via DQ, even though the bell never rang. They really need to work on that stuff.

Here’s Stephanie to announce the first picks from each show. After asking why no one is booing, we get the following picks:

Raw – Becky Lynch

Smackdown – Roman Reigns

Raw – OC

Smackdown – Bray Wyatt

Raw – Drew McIntyre

The expert panel (Samoa Joe, Renee Young, Booker T. and Beth Phoenix) don’t have much to say.

FOX’s Troy Aikman and Joe Buck talk about the importance of being a #1 draft pick, with Aikman saying his finisher would be a piledriver because it has served him sell over the years. Buck: “I’m Joe Buck, and like all of you, I’ve just learned a lot about Troy Aikman.”

King Corbin vs. Shorty Gable

The real sports show has a guy named Shorty. Before the match, Corbin talks about wanting to sit in his castle because the peasants disturb him. They go outside in a hurry with Corbin sending him into the barricade, only to have Gable start back in on the leg. It heads straight back to the floor with Corbin chokeslamming him onto the announcers’ table as we take a break.

Back with Deep Six being countered into a bulldog and the rolling Liger kick sending Corbin outside again. They head back in with Corbin avoiding the moonsault but getting German suplexes for two. Some rolling German suplexes set up the ankle lock to put Corbin in more trouble but he rolls out without much trouble. The End of Days is good for the pin at 9:17.

Rating: D+. I know it’s old news at this point but EGADS WHY ARE THEY CALLING AN OLYMPIAN SHORTY??? This is just infuriating at this point as you have someone who could be a solid midcard (if not more) talent and you give him a name that belongs in a 1930s gangster movie.

The panel from the NFL on FOX pre-game show talk about the importance of building through a draft. They talk about some of their old favorites, including Dusty Rhodes and Bruno Sammartino.

More picks:

Raw – Randy Orton

Smackdown – Sasha Banks

Raw – Ricochet

Smackdown – Braun Strowman

Raw – Bobby Lashley

Unless I missed it, there is no reason given for the male World Champions not being drafted yet.

The panel talks again.

We look at Braun Strowman and Tyson Fury’s issues. They fight at Crown Jewel.

Here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman for a chat. Heyman talks about how WWE is trying to make Brock Lesnar repeat October 23, 2010, when Cain Velasquez conquered Lesnar. Brock has never made an excuse for that because he has no excuse. That brings Heyman to last week, when Lesnar won the WWE Championship and then had to face the ghost of his past. Lesnar embraces his fears because he conquers them, which he will do at Crown Jewel on October 31.

You can roll this clip back in a few weeks and find out that this is a….moment that is being interrupted by Rey Mysterio and Velasquez. Rey shows us some stills of Velasquez massacring Lesnar in their UFC fight and busting him open, leaving a scar on Lesnar’s face. Cain promises to give him a matching scar on the other cheek at Crown Jewel.

New Day brings out two sisters, one of whom survived breast cancer. They get pink title belts for a nice moment.

New Day vs. OC

Gallows knocks Woods down to start and it’s a double teaming on the floor to make it even worse. We take a break fifteen seconds in and come back with Kofi coming in off the hot tag to clean house, including the Boom Drop to Styles. The high crossbody gives Kofi two and everything breaks down. Woods hits the big flip dive onto Anderson and Gallows and Kofi dropkicks AJ. The Calf Crusher is broken up but AJ rolls Kofi up for two. The fireman’s carry backbreaker is countered as well and it’s Trouble in Paradise to pin Styles at 6:20.

Rating: C-. That was barely enough to rate but egads man. The entire point of having Anderson and Gallows out there is to take a fall here and let Kofi get some momentum back. I could go for Kofi vs. AJ, but there is a real chance that isn’t going to be the case given the Draft.

More picks:

Raw – Alexa Bliss

Smackdown – Lacey Evans

Raw – Kevin Owens

Smackdown – Revival

Raw – Natalya

Raw – Viking Raiders

Smackdown – Lucha House Party

Raw – Nikki Cross

Smackdown – Heavy Machinery

Raw – Street Profits

The panel gets in one more chat.

NFL analyst Jay Glazer lets us know that trades are possible.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Charlotte

Charlotte is defending. Bayley has cut her hair and doesn’t have it in a ponytail anymore, plus has a new theme. She also doesn’t dance on the way to the ring….but she does pull out an ax and DESTROYS THE BAYLEY BUDDIES! Bayley starts fast and gets knocked right back down. They head outside instead with Charlotte being sent into the steps and we take an early break.

Back with Bayley grabbing a headlock to keep Charlotte in trouble. That’s broken up with Bayley being sent outside for a slingshot dive and it’s time to start in on the knee. Some kicks to the leg put Bayley on the floor and Charlotte hits a moonsault off the barricade. Back in and Bayley grabs a quick Bayley to Belly for two, followed by the top rope elbow for the same. Bayley freaks out and gets caught with Natural Selection, but the Figure Eight is countered into a small package to give Bayley the pin and the title at 11:25.

Rating: C-. The match was nothing but thank goodness they got Charlotte another title reign of five days so she can be a ten time champion. Bayley’s heel turn was a very hard one and that’s a good thing in her case. It didn’t make a ton of sense for her to be upset and then come dancing out there so making her a harder heel is the right move. Not as right as giving her the title back, but a right one nonetheless.

Post match, Bayley grabs the mic and says “B******. Screw all of you!” Well that’s a hard shift.

Overall Rating: C-. It didn’t have the energy that last week’s did but it also felt like they had a point, which is a good sign. It’s still not a very good show but you can tell that it’s a big deal and thankfully the FOX celebrities didn’t sound like buffoons who were miserable to be there. Things can settle down next week, though hopefully that makes the show more interesting as it just seems like a regular show on a bigger budget.

Oh and as a bonus: WWE managed to spoil the Draft order on their own website yesterday. Check this out:


Seth Rollins b. Roman Reigns via DQ when the Fiend interfered

King Corbin b. Shorty Gable – End of Days

New Day b. OC – Trouble in Paradise to Styles

Bayley b. Charlotte – Small package

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Monday Night Raw – October 7, 2019: Two In A Row!

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 7, 2019
Location: Rabobank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin, Jerry Lawler

I don’t think there’s any other way to put it: the ending to last night’s show was a nightmare, with no one coming out of Seth Rollins vs. the Fiend in the Cell looking good. Things need to be put back on track, so tonight we have a singles match to build towards Crown Jewel, a boxer talking to set up a likely match at Crown Jewel, and Lacey Evans vs. Natalya V: Last Viewer Awake loses. Let’s get to it.

Here are last night’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the end of last week’s show with Lana and Bobby Lashley, for lack of a better term, canoodling on the stage right in front of Rusev. This is interspersed with clips of Rusev and Lana’s wedding and marriage.

Opening sequence.

Rusev vs. Randy Orton

Hang on a second as we come straight out of the opening sequence to Orton and Baron Corbin stomping on Rusev. He fights back but Lashley pops up on screen in a robe. That would be Rusev’s robe, because Lashley is in Rusev’s house. Actually he’s in Rusev’s bedroom, which includes a rather comfortable bed.

There is only one thing missing, which would be Lana herself. She comes in and climbs in next to Lashley, while mentioning that everything they own is now in her name, plus they no longer have separate checking accounts. Lana removes some of the little clothing she still has on and the lights go out with more laughter.

We come back to the arena where Rusev is taking this as expected and Orton and Corbin laugh on the floor. Rusev snaps and beats both of them up, including various shots to Corbin with the steps. A jumping superkicks each knocks both of them into the crowd. No match of course.

Lacey Evans vs. Natalya

Last Woman Standing so Lacey brings out a garbage can with Natalya’s name on it. They have reached the end of the line so it’s time to take out the trash. Natalya starts the fight on the floor by driving Lacey back first into the barricade and knocking her around ringside. The Sharpshooter goes on inside but Lacey climbs the ropes for a break. Lacey slams her head first into the mat for a nine so they head outside, with a swing sending Natalya head first into the barricade.

That’s good for another nine so Lacey teases a table, only to whip Natalya into the steps instead. Back from a break with Natalya being whipped into the timekeeper’s area and being hit with a kendo stick for nine. Lacey gets annoyed so she gets creative by putting Natalya in the chair and strapping her in with the stick before turning the chair over.

That’s only good for nine as well and more stick shots get the same. A hard trashcan shot (which actually includes actual trash) and a moonsault off of the barricade get another nine. They head up the ramp with Natalya being sent into the set, followed by a suplex onto the announcers’ table. Natalya gets back up and hits a suplex on the stage, followed by a powerbomb off the stage and through a table for the win at 17:10.

Rating: D. Good grief this was bad with Natalya selling for almost the entire match, which was mainly Lacey doing something and Natalya laying around for a long time before Natalya hit two moves and won. On top of that, NATALYA gets the big blowoff win in the series? They can’t possibly be setting her up as the next challenger again right? They couldn’t possibly think that is a good idea.

Aleister Black is still in his dark room and talks about the calm and collective demeanor on Raw. That is not who he is though because he is as unforgiving as fire and as cold as death. He is forever restless so come knock on his door for a fight.

The Street Profits do their thing. After the regular recap, it’s time for a scouting report for the upcoming Draft. Apollo Crews is a blue chipper, Buddy Murphy is the best kept secret and Drake Maverick is WWE’s Steve Carrell: the forty year old virgin. With that out of the way though, it’s time to talk about Tyson Fury.

We see Braun Strowman and Fury squaring off on Smackdown and Fury accidentally getting knocked down, drawing him over the barricade for a near fight.

Fury says maybe he shouldn’t have jumped the barricade, but he’s not leaving until he gets an apology. If not, Strowman is going to get these hands.

Viking Raiders vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

Non-title. Ziggler gets beaten up by Erik to start and Ivar gets slammed onto him for a bonus. That sends Ziggler, clutching his chest and ribs, over for the tag so Ivar beats up Roode instead. The knee to Roode’s face has both champs on the floor and Roode gets knocked outside again as we take a break.

Back with Erik being knocked off the barricade and getting caught with Ziggler’s running DDT on the floor. The chinlock goes on to keep Erik in trouble so Ziggler grabs a neckbreaker for two. Roode comes back in for another chinlock but Erik fights up and shrugs off some double teaming. Ziggler misses a splash and the hot tag brings in Ivar to clean house.

The Fameasser cuts Ivar off for two but Erik is back in for the German suplex/springboard clothesline combination for two more. Ivar gets sent outside and it’s a spinebuster/Zig Zag combination for two on Erik. The Glorious DDT is blocked Erik comes back in for the Viking Experience and the pin on Ziggler at 14:50.

Rating: C. When all else fails, go with the booking that is the easiest and least interesting way to get the Raiders to a title match. Why they needed anything more than “the Raiders are unstoppable and deserve a shot” is beyond me but why not beat your not great champions to get there?

Here are the Singh Brothers, who seem to have been left to Raw in the 205 Live will. They call out Aleister Black so they can prove themselves for the Draft.

Aleister Black vs. Singh Brothers

Kick to the head, kick to the chest, jumping knee, Black Mass and something like a dragon sleeper give Black the win at 1:05.

Video on the Smackdown premiere.

It is now 9:15pm and we have not had a single mention of last night’s show, or at least nothing major. Unless I missed some quick reference in passing, it has not been mentioned once.

Strowman says he was having fun with Fury on Friday but if he wants to get serious, tonight Fury can get these hands. We get a quick clip of Strowman knocking AJ Styles out with one punch last night, which is as big of a reference as we have gotten so far.

We look at Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Title from Kofi Kingston and the ensuing beatdown by the debuting Cain Velasquez.

Rey Mysterio is upset about what happened to Dominick but the physical scars will fade. He let himself and his family down though but he was sitting in the hospital when Cain Velasquez, Dominick’s godfather, came in. Cain can brag about beating Lesnar and he’s coming for revenge.

AOP talks about fighting to keep food in front of their families and promise violence.

OC vs. Lucha House Party

Kalisto starts in on Anderson’s arm before handing it off to Dorado for the same. Metalik comes in with the splash off of Dorado’s shoulders for two but it’s off to Gallows to take over. Everything breaks down in a hurry and the House Party hits a triple moonsault (off the same corner) for the big knockdown as we take a break.

Back with Dorado fighting out of a chinlock and hitting a high crossbody for the breather. A roll into the diving tag brings in Kalisto with a slingshot hurricanrana and the rolling kick to the face. The hurricanrana driver gets two on AJ with Anderson making the save. The Pele into the Phenomenal Forearm ends Kalisto at 9:30.

Rating: C. Perfectly watchable six man here with the OC getting back on track after last night’s dumb result. The House Party is perfectly fine for a spot like this as they work well together and have exciting matches, meaning it’s not like a loss is going to hurt them. The OC will be fine, assuming they stay together. They could be fine on their own but they seem to work better together.

Post match the House Party takes another beating, including the super Styles Clash to Dorado.

We recap Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks from last night.

It’s time for MizTV with Miz talking about how awesome Smackdown was with all of the big names coming out. With that out of the way, here are his guests for the week with Becky Lynch and Charlotte taking seats. Miz talks about all of Becky’s accomplishments in the last year, including being on Golden Crisp cereal. Becky is proud of everything she has done but what matters right now is beating Sasha Banks. As for Charlotte, it’s good to be the queen because she is champion again.

They get into an argument over whose reign means more with Charlotte saying she made Becky famous. Becky says her reigns mean more but Charlotte says ten times is ten times. Cue the Kabuki Warriors with Asuka shouting in Japanese. The previously announced fight is on and we get a referee, but it’s a double baseball slide to drop the Warriors as we take a break.

Kabuki Warriors vs. Charlotte/Becky Lynch

Non-title. Becky and Asuka start things off with a cheap shot from the apron allowing Asuka to send her outside. Becky fights up and brings Charlotte in to take over on Asuka, including Natural Selection to send Asuka outside. Sane gets sent outside as well and Charlotte busts out the moonsault to the floor to put them both down again. A Figure Eight attempt is broken up and Asuka kicks a diving Charlotte out of the air as we take a break.

Back with Charlotte taking Sane down and bringing Lynch back in to clean house. Asuka gets in a distraction though and Sane hits Becky in the face to take over again. Becky fights back but Charlotte is down and holding her knee. The Disarm-Her has Sane in trouble but Asuka hits the mist, allowing Sane to roll Lynch up for the pin at 11:25.

Rating: C. I’ll give them some rather nice points here for getting out of what could have been a messy ending without screwing things up. None of the new champions took the fall and Becky was protected in the loss. Given that they had other champs lose clean earlier tonight, it’s at least a step in the right direction.

Post match the beatdown is on until Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross make the save.

Roman Reigns talks about the impact children with cancer had on him.

We look back at Lana and Lashley from earlier.

Apollo Crews is ready for Ricochet tonight and is ready to showcase himself.

The Viking Raiders get a Tag Team Title shot next week.

Ricochet is ready for what could be his last night on Raw. This is a showcase, not a swan song.

Ricochet vs. Apollo Crews

Ricochet flips out of a German suplex attempt to start but Crews cartwheels his way out of a hurricanrana as well. They both miss moonsaults to the floor before heading back in for a dropkick from Crews. Ricochet rolls away again and heads to the apron for the kick to the face in the corner. The springboard clothesline sets up a running shooting star press for two. It’s too early for the 450 though and Crews hits an enziguri into the standing moonsault for his own near fall. Not that it matters as Ricochet is right back with the Recoil for the pin at 4:02.

Rating: C+. They packed a lot into a four minute match and that’s exactly what you would want from these two. Don’t leave them out there long enough to let them overstay their welcome and leave you wanting more from them. Crews is his usual self and Ricochet looks more and more like a star every time he’s out there.

We actually look at Rollins vs. Wyatt in the Cell and Rollins not being able to end him. The DQ is included, as I still see no referee stoppage. There is no announcement or conclusion, as they just air clips and move on.

Jerry Lawler brings Fury to the ring for a chat. He didn’t like Strowman making him look like a fool last week and he is here to demand an apology. Cue Strowman to say he was just giving Fury a present last week and then he told security to let Fury go. If Fury wants to get in Strowman’s ring, he’ll eat him for lunch.

Fury says he would have knocked Strowman out but Strowman says he would do the same. How man titles has Strowman won? They go into the corner and here’s security to break it up in a hurry. That doesn’t last long though and the fight is on again but here is the locker room for the save. They keep breaking it up and the fight starts up over and over again.

In the back, Strowman says Fury is tough but there will be no apology. Strowman comes charging back out and the brawl ends the show.

Overall Rating: D+. I came into this show hoping that WWE could find something to start a new path towards fixing last night. What I got was WWE taking the night off after a horrible pay per view and basically saying none of what you’re seeing here matters. It was nowhere near as bad as last night and there were some interesting moments here, but this show felt like they just weren’t interested in trying until the Draft, as everything changes again. That’s not a good sign two nights in a row, no matter how much effort you put in last week.


Natalya b. Lacey Evans – Powerbomb off of the stage

Viking Raiders b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler – Viking Experience to Ziggler

Aleister Black b. Singh Brothers – Dragon sleeper to Sunil

OC b. Lucha House Party – Phenomenal Forearm to Kalisto

Kabuki Warriors b. Charlotte/Becky Lynch – Rollup to Lynch

Ricochet b. Apollo Crews – Recoil

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Hell In A Cell 2019: WWE Thinks You’re Stupid

IMG Credit: WWE

Hell In A Cell 2019
Date: October 6, 2019
Location: Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin, Jerry Lawler

So what happens if WWE holds a show but forgets to put it together? Until late Friday night, this was a three match card, though they added four more on Sunday afternoon so the show wouldn’t be an hour and fifteen minutes long. The big question tonight is can the Fiend take the Universal Title from Seth Rollins so let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Lacey Evans vs. Natalya

So yes, of all things they could add, they picked THIS for the warmup match. Lacey wristlocks her to start so Natalya uses something pretty close to Owen Hart’s spinning escape to take Lacey down instead. A hammerlock keeps Natalya down as Lawler goes into his HILARIOUS material about Lacey’s time in Afghanistan. Lacey takes her down for some choking but has to fight out of a Sharpshooter attempt.

Natalya gets sent outside and we take a break. Back with Lacey’s slingshot elbow getting two and the chinlock going on. Some shots to the face let Lacey start stomping on the knee but the Sharpshooter attempt is kicked away. Back in and Lacey takes her down again but misses the double jump moonsault. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter and Lacey taps at 9:17.

Rating: D. Sure why not. This feud has been one of those nightmares that just won’t end with a fight that no one cares about and matches that aren’t any good either. I don’t know why we needed to see, what was this, the fourth match between the two, but it felt like a warmed over leftover match on a house show.

Post match Natalya punches Lacey out for some revenge.

The opening video talks about how evil the Cell is and how it changes lives, even though it has barely done that in years. The big matches get their usual attention as well.

Raw Women’s Title: Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

Lynch is defending inside the (RED) Cell. Sasha jumps her before the bell though, meaning the Cell isn’t even on the ground yet. That means a beating on the floor as the Cell completely lowers so Sasha goes inside as Becky pulls herself up outside. Becky rams the door into her face before taking it inside for the opening bell. Hang on again though as Becky grabs the chain and hits Sasha with it before raking her face across the Cell.

With Banks down, Becky chains the Cell shut, only to have Banks send her face first into the wall. They bust out a table, a ladder and a chair as it’s already time to tease the December rematch. Banks gets sent face first into a chair back inside but manages to dropkick it into Becky’s face for two. The Bexploder sends Banks outside and a baseball slide sends her into the wall. It works so well that Becky does it twice more but Sasha Meteoras her into the ladder for the big knockdown.

With the shots to the head no longer being enough, Banks puts the arm out of the Cell and slams the door onto it for two back inside. The arm gets sent into the chair and Banks unloads with forearms to the face. Another Meteora puts Becky through the chair for two more and Becky is looking shaken. A quick rollup gets Becky out of trouble and she kicks the chair into Banks’ ribs.

Becky dropkicks her into the Cell again and the Bexploder into the Cell makes it even worse. Back in and a bulldog onto the bottom of an open chair gives Lynch two and she can’t believe the kickout. A missile dropkick sends the chair into Banks’ face for another two and it’s time to bail to the floor. It’s time to get creative with Becky wedging some kendo sticks in the Cell wall and putting a chair on top, with Sasha going on top of that. Becky dropkicks her into the corner to complete the cool yet long to set up crash.

Back in and Becky gets two off the top rope legdrop but it takes too long to set up the table. That means a Backstabber to Becky and the top rope Meteora through the table gives Banks two. The Bank Statement with the kendo stick sends Becky crawling underneath the ropes. Becky gets the stick away and beats the heck out of Banks with it, only to whipped into a chair hanging in the Cell wall. Banks throws in about a dozen chairs and uses one on Becky’s arm. It takes her too long to go up though and a super Bexploder onto the chairs sets up the Disarm-Her for the tap at 21:26.

Rating: B. I liked the spots and they felt like they were hurting each other enough, though I’m scratching my head at Lynch retaining. This almost has to mean the return of Rousey right? If not, who in the world is supposed to take the title from Lynch? She has cleaned out the entire division (or at least all of the realistic challengers), so it’s either Rousey or the long awaited Horsewomen four way right? Or we could just do the same thing because the Cell is no longer a blowoff match.

We recap Erick Rowan/Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan/Roman Reigns. Rowan was revealed to be an evil genius who wants to destroy Reigns. He doesn’t like Bryan for thinking they were mental equals and Harper is here for the extra muscle.

Daniel Bryan/Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan/Luke Harper

Tornado Tag so it’s a brawl to start with Reigns and Rowan heading out to the floor, meaning Bryan hits the suicide dive. There’s a Superman Punch to Rowan as Harper is favoring the knee. Ever the nice guy, Bryan starts kicking at the knee, leaving Reigns to Samoan drop Rowan for two inside. Harper’s knee is fine enough to block the spear with a superkick for two.

Bryan comes back in but gets double teamed, as does Reigns in the same corner. A steps shot to the face keeps Roman in trouble on the floor, meaning Bryan gets beaten down again. Reigns pulls Harper to the floor though and Bryan rolls Rowan up for two. That leaves Rowan to yell at Bryan for embarrassing him but Bryan gets the LeBell Lock.

Harper makes a save of his own, allowing Rowan to Jackhammer Bryan for two more. Reigns and Rowan head to the floor, with Roman having to dive back in for a save after Harper’s Michinoku Driver. Another drop to the floor leaves Bryan to kick away at Harper’s arm and then chest in the corner, followed by a dropkick to the knee. Harper is back up to knock Bryan to the floor, setting up the suicide dive to Reigns.

It’s time to load up the announcers’ table so the German announcers jump over the barricade. Instead though, Reigns gets knocked down so Rowan can slam Harper onto him. To mix it up a bit, Rowan starts ripping up the barricade and then moves back to the table. Bryan escapes a double powerbomb by hurricanranaing Harper off the table, leaving Reigns to spear Rowan off said table.

Reigns is holding his knee though, leaving Bryan to hit the running dropkicks on Harper in the corner. The super hurricanrana is countered into a superbomb for two on Bryan and they’re both down. Harper is back up with a suplex but Bryan slips out, allowing Reigns to come back in for the Superman Punch. The running knee into the spear finishes Harper at 16:46.

Rating: B. Back to back good matches to start the show with these guys beating the heck out of each other throughout. This felt like they were hitting the brakes on Harper and Rowan, though I’m not sure if they’ll hit them as hard on Rowan as they do on Harper. At least they had a good match though and that’s something that helps a lot.

Post match Bryan pulls himself up and wants a hug. That’s exactly what he gets too and the fans are rather pleased.

Seth Rollins is ready for the challenge from the Fiend and promises to retain the title.

Randy Orton vs. Ali

Bonus match and Orton points at the Cell during his entrance. Orton works on the armbar to start before taking it outside for a drop onto the announcers’ table. Back in and Orton stomps away back inside before sending Ali hard into the post, leaving a NASTY bruise on the ribs. Something close to an abdominal stretch stays on the ribs back inside, followed by the required chinlock. That’s broken up and they head outside with Ali hitting a dropkick and diving over the announcers’ table onto Orton.

Ali’s rolling X Factor and Orton’s powerslam get two each but Ali is right back with a spinwheel kick. The tornado DDT sets up a missed 450 and Orton hits the handing DDT. The RKO is countered with a handstand into a crucifix for two as Orton is surprised. Another rolling X Factor is loaded up but Orton catches him with the RKO for the pin at 12:13.

Rating: C+. Yeah I don’t think anyone really expected Ali to win here and that’s the problem for him most of the time, just like so many others. It’s pretty clear that WWE isn’t interested in giving him any serious kind of push and that makes his matches a bit harder to watch. He’s trying hard, but it doesn’t seem to be getting him any higher up the card. At least he’s appearing on the show though, which is more than he’s been doing.

Tomorrow night: Lacey Evans vs. Natalya, Last Woman Standing. I’d love to know their rejected ideas.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. Kabuki Warriors

The Warriors are challenging with Asuka hitting a sliding knee to Cross’ face for two. It’s off to Bliss for the running slap in the corner and Cross comes back in for a jawbreaker. Sane comes in and beats up Bliss a bit before handing it back to Asuka for a choke. Bliss blocks what looked to be an ankle lock attempt but gets knocked right back into the corner. Sane pokes Cross in the eye to knock her off the apron but it means the referee doesn’t count off the sliding lariat in the corner.

Bliss escapes another ankle lock and brings Cross in off the hot tag. Everything breaks down and Sane has to break up a quick cover. The Insane Elbow hits raised knees so it’s back to Asuka for the kicks to Cross’ face. Cross blocks a big kick, so Asuka busts out the green mist of all things to blind her rather well. The big kick finishes Cross for the pin and the titles at 10:27.

Rating: D. I was fighting to stay awake during this one as the match just was not interesting no matter what they were doing. Going full on evil Japanese monster with Asuka is kind of interesting, though it’s about a year too late. It could have been worse, but it did a very bad job of keeping me interested and that’s not a good sign with about two hours left.

Here’s a video on Smackdown.

OC vs. Viking Raiders/???

The Raiders need a mystery partner so here’s Braun Strowman to complete their team. Anderson headlocks Ivar to start so Ivar quickly reverses into the Whoopee Cushion out of the corner. Gallows comes in to hammer on Ivar, who goes up top to dive over Gallows and roll over for the tag to Erik. House is cleaned with Gallows being sent to the floor but Styles tags himself in to get in a few shots to the head.

The Pele connects for two but Erik fights out of the corner, only to walk into the spinebuster from Anderson. A backdrop is finally enough to bring Strowman in for the destruction, including the running shoulders on the floor. Back in and Strowman’s shoulder goes into the post, allowing AJ to chop his block. Erik breaks up the Calf Crushes and Ivar clotheslines Gallows. The running powerslam is broken up with another chop block and it’s a triple teaming on Braun for the DQ at 8:15.

Rating: D+. Total TV match, complete with a TV main event because we need to protect Anderson and Gallows from the Strowman and the Raiders. This was a watchable match that didn’t belong on pay per view, which has been the case with more than one match on this show. Strowman isn’t likely to be bothered by the loss as he’s doing something with Tyson Fury soon, but for now, this wasn’t much to see.

Post match the beatdown keeps going until the Vikings send Gallows and Anderson to the floor. Double suicide dives connect and Strowman is back up with a knockout right hand to drop Styles. Anderson and Gallows pick Styles up and have to tell him what day it is after that right hand.

The Street Profits do their thing. Tamina pops in and pins Carmella for the 24/7 Title. Tyler Breeze comes up and gets knocked out, leaving R-Truth and Carmella to split up to look for Tamina. More on this, meaning Carmella or R-Truth will get the title back, later.

We recap Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable, which started with Corbin beating him for the King of the Ring, so Gable broke his throne.

Chad Gable vs. King Corbin

Hold on though as Corbin has to make some short jokes. Corbin even dubs him Shorty Gable. That’s too far for Gable, who goes straight at him with crossfaces to the jaw and a quickly broken sleeper. Corbin sends him shoulder first into the post and chest first into the buckle for two. The chinlock is broken up so Corbin clotheslines the heck out of him for two more. Gable fights up and gets in a missile dropkick, followed by another kick to the head.

Corbin is down on his knees so Graves can praises Gable for finally being taller than someone. Gable shouts a lot and forearms away, followed by a German suplex for two. The rolling Liger kick in the corner is countered into a powerbomb to give Corbin two more but Gable is right back with a cross armbreaker over the ropes. Gable walks into Deep Six for another near fall but End of Days is countered into a running flip neckbreaker.

The moonsault gets two and sets up the ankle lock but Corbin makes the rope. They head outside with Corbin hitting a chokeslam onto the apron before going to grab the scepter. That’s taken away and Gable rolls him up for the pin at 12:18. Ring announcer: “Here is your winner: SHORTY GABLE”!

Rating: C. I like this company. I really and truly do. I’ve watched it for over thirty years and I care about WWE more than any other wrestling company. Then they do nonsense like this, all for the sake of Vince thinks it’s HILARIOUS to call a guy short over and over again. You get a talented guy, who can talk, has charisma and is an Olympic wrestler. What do you do with him? Name him Shorty, soon to be changed to Shorty G. I love WWE, but they don’t make this easy.

We look at Charlotte making Bayley tap on Smackdown.

We do the international announcers’ row and Tamina runs in to use Funaki as a human shield. She throws him at R-Truth to cut him off but walks into Carmella’s superkick….so Truth can get the pin and the title back, at Carmella’s insistence.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Bayley

Bayley is defending and misses some early chops, allowing Charlotte to show her how it’s done. A crossbody misses and Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, sending Bayley rolling outside. Bayley pokes her in the eye but Charlotte chops away again. This time Bayley gets smart by taking out the leg and sending her outside for a crash. Charlotte’s leg gets sent into the LED ring skirt and then gets wrapped around the rope/post.

The half crab goes on but Charlotte slips out, meaning it’s time for Bayley to try the Figure Eight. That isn’t going to work either as Charlotte wraps the leg around the post for a change. Natural Selection gives Charlotte two and the knee is fine enough for the moonsault to hit Bayley’s raised knees. A rollup with feet on the ropes gives Bayley two but the referee catches her. The big boot into the Figure Eight gives Charlotte the tenth title at 10:12.

Rating: C-. You had to know this was coming sooner rather than later as it had been more than a month since Charlotte held a title so WWE had the bad itch again. Charlotte winning is fine enough as I’m numb to it after this many times, but hopefully this moves us closer to a Horsewoman four way as it’s not like they have many more interesting/fresh ways to go.

For your eye roll line of the match, Cole: “We may have to start considering Charlotte as one of the all time best.” Bayley sits on the floor and asks why it’s always her.

In the back, Gable accepts the Shorty moniker because all he cares about is winning. Corbin called him a loser but tonight, Gable was the bigger man. Corbin jumps him from behind because this feud must continue.

We recap Seth Rollins vs. the Fiend. Bray Wyatt has come back and become a monster under his new persona, earning himself the shot here. Rollins is terrified of the Fiend but is ready to fight and survive, as he always does.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins vs. The Fiend

Inside the Cell with the Fiend challenging. The creepy entrance with the human head lantern are back too. We get the old Kane red lights as Fiend goes right after him to start. Seth hammers away and gets knocked to the floor for his efforts. Back in and Fiend knocks him down again as they head outside for the second time. A whip sends Rollins into the Cell wall as the slow beating continues.

Fiend goes looking for plunder but Seth gets in a shot with the steps for a breather. A table is sent in but Seth scores with a pair of suicide dives and a whip into the steps. Another suicide dive is countered into Sister Abigail into the Cell and the table is set up inside. Some kicks put Fiend on the table and the frog splash puts Wyatt down again. Seth hits the Stomp and Fiend is right back up with another Sister Abigail for two.

With Seth down on the floor, Fiend busts out the big mallet. Seth knocks him away and hits another Stomp onto the mallet but Fiend is back on his feet inside. A springboard knee to the face and a superkick won’t put Fiend down so it’s a third Stomp into a fourth Stomp. The fans are openly booing Seth as he hits a fifth Stomp but Fiend is still getting up. The Pedigree sets up a sixth Stomp….for one. Stomps #7, #8, #9 and #10 all connect but he’s still getting up.

We get #11 to put Fiend down for a bit but Seth gets a chair instead of covering. A huge chair shot to the head only gets one so let’s bring in a ladder. The chair is placed on the Fiend’s head and crushed with the ladder for two. Fiend stays down as Seth finds a toolbox. The chair and ladder are put on Fiend’s head and Seth crushes it over and over with the toolbox, which he then puts on top of the pile. That’s not enough for a cover as the booing is getting even louder now. Seth pulls out the sledgehammer but the referee won’t let him use it. Seth stops but then crushes Fiend with it…..




A DQ!!!!!


AT 17:22!!!

Rating: F. They killed the Cell. I’d think that’s enough for a failure, wouldn’t you?

The Cell is raised and medics come out but Fiend pops up and puts on the Claw. Sister Abigail connects on the floor as we get a RESTART THE MATCH chant. Another Sister Abigail on the exposed concrete knocks Rollins cold and it’s the Claw again. The lights go out and laughter ends the show.

Overall Rating: D-. Once this show ended, I actually sat at my computer for a bit and just stared. I’ve spent a lot of time watching this company and I’ll defend almost anything they do. Tonight, I felt like they wasted my time and laughed at me for watching their show. It was bad enough that WWE showed how much they cared by announcing over half of the card on the day of the event, but then we get to the two main points.

Then we got to what might have been the most annoyed I’ve gotten at WWE in years: Shorty Gable. That nickname, which seems to be sticking around, is a fine example of WWE ignoring every bit of talent that a wrestler has and going with a stupid joke name designed to do nothing more than amuse their writing staff, or probably Vince himself. There are probably a dozen interesting ways to push Gable (he should have been Angle’s son, he’s a wrestling machine, he’s ticked off at the short jokes and hurts people, you could have made him King of the Ring and the list goes on.

But no. Instead, we get him being called Shorty like he’s in some 1930s gangster movie, because that’s the kind of amusement that we need around here. It’s a one note gimmick that is going to allow Graves to make as many short jokes as he can think of and then Gable will be forgotten because he’s the guy who has a stupid name designed to make people laugh. That’s the kind of thing you expect out of Vince Russo and we’re getting it here in 2019.

Then there’s the… this hurts to even say again. My all time favorite wrestler is Mick Foley, who is best known for the insanity he went through in the Cell. That’s what they always bring up every time one of these matches takes place (at the same time of course, because that’s what the match has become: a spot on the calendar instead of the be all end all gimmick match) and now…’s a match where you can have a DQ.

WWE decided that they had booked themselves into a corner and instead of coming up with a smart finish or anything good, they decided to just cut through the rules and go against the entire concept of a match that has been a big deal around here for over twenty years. It’s stupid, it’s shortsighted, it’s lazy, it’s kicking the fans between the legs and telling them to keep paying their money next year when they probably run this show again with the same premise.

This was WWE laughing at its fans and saying “yeah whatever, we know you’re going to keep coming back.” The Cell is built around the idea that anything goes and it is the ultimate battle ground. Well now it’s any given match because you can go too far and the match can be stopped. The one thing about the Cell that is supposed to make it special is now gone, because WWE, with its army of writers and creative people, couldn’t think of something else.

I can’t call the show a failure because the first two matches were really good, but then it became a mix of house show rematches, literally turning a wrestler into a joke and then pulling the plug on the company’s top violent match that this show was named for. WWE took your money/time and laughed at you for watching their show tonight, and I’m sure tomorrow everything will be fine because that’s how WWE works. This bothered me, as it’s one of the first times in a long time that I felt like I did something stupid by watching a show. That shouldn’t happen, but it did tonight.


Becky Lynch b. Sasha Banks – Disarm-Her

Roman Reigns/Daniel Bryan b. Luke Harper/Erick Rowan – Spear to Rowan

Randy Orton b. Ali – RKO

Kabuki Warriors b. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross – Kick to Cross’ head

Braun Strowman/Viking Raiders b. OC via DQ when the OC triple teamed Strowman

Chad Gable b. Baron Corbin – Rollup

Charlotte b. Bayley – Figure Eight

The Fiend b. Seth Rollins via DQ when WWE lost its mind

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Hell In A Cell 2019 Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

No this isn’t incomplete. This is the big finale to the busiest and most important weeks in wrestling history. After all the time that has been spent on the major television premieres and everything else that is going on this week, it is time for a regular pay per view. I don’t know how many people in WWE remember this because, as of pretty late Saturday night, there are a total of four matches announced for this thing. There are enough stories going on to set up a few more, but for some reason that just has not happened yet. It’s as good as I can get here so bear with a pretty short preview. Let’s get to it.

SmackDown Women’s Title: Bayley(c) vs. Charlotte

This was added after this week’s SmackDown, where Charlotte made Bayley tap in a tag match on the first match on the new network. That’s how you treat champions in WWE, so I can’t say I’m surprised that this happened. The first match took place last month at Clash of Champions where Bayley cheated to retain, meaning you should know what is coming this time around.

I’m going with a new champion here as Charlotte is the kind of person that WWE would love to push on FOX for a variety of reasons. If nothing else, just couple it with the fact that she’s Ric Flair’s daughter and I think they’ll be fine. Bayley has held the title for a few months now and there isn’t much else for her to do at the moment, though it’s hard to say what is going to happen after next week’s Draft.

Daniel Bryan/Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan/Luke Harper

This one is just more confusing than anything else. I know how we got here but at the same time I have no idea where we are supposed to go from here. It seems that we need a big reveal/swerve as the real mastermind as I just can’t imagine Rowan being the big bad in the whole thing. He’s gotten a lot out of it, but Rowan and Harper are such perfect fits as monster lackeys that it doesn’t fit to imagine them as the boss.

Since I think we’re having the mastermind revealed eventually, I’ll take Rowan and Harper to win here, as it wouldn’t make sense to cut them down so soon. Maybe it’s Bryan himself as the mastermind, but I just do not think Rowan and Harper lose here. I mean, it didn’t make a ton of sense to have Rowan lose on Friday but that didn’t stop WWE either. Rowan and Harper win here, though it’s not the end of the story just yet.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch(c) vs. Sasha Banks

Here we have your annual “hey their fighting can’t be contained and it happens to be September so we better have a Cell match” match. These two got in a wild fight last month at Clash of Champions until Lynch got disqualified so it’s time to put them in the Cell to settle things. This has been a good enough feud, though it seems that at least Lynch is destined for SmackDown.

I’ll say we have a new champion here as Lynch has held the title for a long time now and doesn’t need to do much more with it. Just let her go over to SmackDown after fighting her heart out here. You could find a way to get Bayley to cheat to help switch the title as it’s not like there isn’t interference in half of the Cell matches. The match should be a good fight, though nothing that hasn’t been done before. Banks wins though.

Raw World Title: Seth Rollins(c) vs. The Fiend

At least we have one match where I really don’t know what to pick. This is one of those matches where you could see it going either way, but you can almost bet on the fact that they are going to do something stupid at some point. The Fiend is the new unstoppable monster and putting him in a match like this would seem to be the place where he should be guaranteed to win.

I’ll go with what should be the obvious answer and say that the Fiend gets the title, which should be the case. However, knowing WWE, would something completely stupid surprise you? There has been a no contest inside the Cell so they could manage to find a way to do something else again. Rollins has not done very well as champion so putting the title on the Fiend would at least be something fresh. Just go with what makes sense for once, please.

Overall Thoughts

I’m not even sure what to say about this. It comes at the end of a week with more material than anyone knew what to do with and that didn’t leave much time for this show. There will probably be some form of interference to set up future feuds as well as a Raw Tag Team Title match being added (and probably a midcard title match or two) to flesh out the card, but I’m really not sure about having possibly more than half of the card being added on the day of the show. Yeah there were special circumstances for this one, but come on man.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – October 4, 2019: Try It Again

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 4, 2019
Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

Well here we go. It’s time for the biggest opportunity WWE has had in a generation, if not ever, as they debut their weekly television series on a major broadcast network. They aren’t scaling back on anything either, with every major name you could ask for and a slate of huge matches to boot. Tonight is all going to be about the presentation and that could go various ways. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Vince and Stephanie McMahon come through the rather cool looking new set (it looked like a tunnel of parentheses for lack of a better term) and welcome us to the show.

Opening sequence, which looks awesome as it makes the wrestlers look larger than life.

Here’s Becky Lynch to open things up. She talks about changing the game and how she wants to beat someone up right now. Cue King Corbin of all people to say Becky is no longer the man. A threat is made and here’s the Rock to interrupt. After some soaking in of the cheers, Rock calls Corbin a crackhead looking Burger King knockoff. That sets up FINALLY, but Corbin tells them both to know their roles and shut their mouths. Rock: “Beck do you mind if I take this one?”

Lita, Trish Stratus and Maria Menunos are in the front row.

Becky Lynch/Charlotte vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks

Banks sends Charlotte hard into the corner to start so Charlotte chops right back. Charlotte gets knocked off the apron though and we take an early break. Back with Becky coming in off the hot tag to kick Bayley in the corner. The Bexploder into the middle rope legdrop gets two and it’s back to Charlotte for Natural Selection for two more.

Banks makes the save and it’s the big showdown with Becky as they slug it out. That’s broken up by Bayley and everything breaks down in a double brawl. A missile dropkick puts Banks down and Charlotte moonsaults onto both of them. Back in and the Figure Eight makes Bayley tap at 8:18.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t as good as their previous match but they didn’t have the time to make it that big. What mattered here was getting Becky on the big stage in a match this important before the showdown with Sasha on Sunday. It was energetic while it lasted and no one botched anything horrible so….well done?

FOX Sports reporter Erin Andrews interviews the New Day, including asking Kofi Kingston about challenging for the WWE Championship (the title that she is literally one foot away from as it hangs over Kofi’s shoulder). Kofi talks about climbing mountains, but Xavier and Big E. aren’t going to be there because Kofi has requested to do it himself.

World boxing champion Tyson Fury is here.

So are Mick Foley and Kurt Angle.

Seth Rollins comes out for his match but it’s Firefly Fun House time. Bray Wyatt shouts a welcome to the Fun House and introduces his friends. Ramblin Rabbit is in a Seth Rollins shirt and has a Rollins beard painted on. He wants to be just like Seth when he grows up so DO NOT GET IN THE CELL WITH THE FIEND. Bray interrupts and starts speaking in an accent, because setting up his own Cell match between Ramblin Rabbit and Mercy the Buzzard. Biting ensues and stuffing flies as Rabbit’s head comes off. Bray says history will repeat itself. See you in h***!

Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Non-title. We come back from a break to see Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Rock’s mom in the crowd as the bell rings. That was a rather quick cameo and Nakamura takes the attention off of them even more as he tries an early cross armbreaker. That’s broken up and Rollins kicks him down….and there go the lights for a no contest at we’ll say 1:30. Rollins runs to the stage and there’s the Fiend for the Claw, because no one in this company knows how to look over their shoulder. The Fiend throws him off the stage.

Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon

Ladder match and loser leaves WWE. Owens cuts him off in the aisle and sends him face first into a ladder to start. The ladder is bridged between the ring and the barricade but Shane is fine enough to cut off an early climb attempt. Owens throws the ladder at him but it goes flying over the top, allowing Owens to hit a clothesline. The ladder is dropkicked into Owens’ face and Shane loads up the announcers’ table. That means the top rope elbow actually connects and we take a break.

Back with Owens frog splashing Shane through the bridged ladder as they missed quite a transition during the commercial. The crowd seems to be muted for a second for what may have been a HOLY S*** chant. Owens climbs the ladder but Shane chairs him down and hits Coast to Coast into the ladder. Shane goes up but Owens powerbombs him onto another bridged ladder. That’s enough to pull down the briefcase and get rid of Shane at 11:58.

Rating: C. That’s one of the weakest ladder matches that I can remember in a long time as it was just one spot after another with almost no selling and no emotion to the whole thing. They didn’t do a good job of making me want to see Shane gone and it felt like a story where we missed most of what led up to it. The spots were good but there was no building to them, especially with just a commercial between the elbow and the frog splash. I’m assuming it was Shane’s limitations, but this was rather lifeless and led to an obvious ending which didn’t have any emotional impact.

Post match Owens gets to tell Shane that he is fired.

We get a montage of Smackdown highlights over the years.

Paul Heyman shows us a clip of Brock Lesnar destroying Rey Mysterio and Mysterio’s son Dominick. Heyman says Mysterio was in Lesnar’s way, just like Kofi Kingston is tonight. Here’s a spoiler: tonight, Lesnar is WWE Champion again.

Braun Strowman/Heavy Machinery/Miz vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler/AJ Styles/Randy Orton

Ziggler hits a quick Zig Zag on Miz to start but takes too long posing, allowing Miz to grab the DDT. It’s off to Strowman to clean house but the RKO hits Miz. Otis runs Orton over but walks into the Phenomenal Forearm. Tucker Cactus Clotheslines AJ to the floor and it’s time for Strowman’s shoulder block train. Strowman stops to pose with Tyson Fury, but Ziggler jumps on Braun, meaning it’s time to get knocked into Fury. Back in and the powerslam ends Ziggler at 3:10.

Rating: D. What the heck was that??? It was like a drive by eight man tag with a celebrity angle in the middle. It came, it went, it might as well have been an in-ring interview gone awry. At least there was a thing with Fury, though I can’t imagine that actually gets to go anywhere for a long time. This felt very random, but at least it came and went quickly while getting some people on the show.

Post match Fury jumps the barricade but security holds him back from Strowman.

In honor of the new movie Gemini Man, we get a look at some WWE youth vs. experience matches (such as Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. HHH and young Mark Henry vs. old Mark Henry).

We look at Fury jumping the barricade again.

Earlier today, R-Truth and Carmella were in the back with a DJ named Marshmello winning the 24/7 Title from Carmella. She would win it back later in the night.

Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan

Lumberjack match with Daniel Bryan on commentary. It’s a fight to start with Roman being sent outside, only to get tossed back in. Rowan gets the same treatment, though Rowan beats them up to stay on the floor. Roman goes out after him and it’s back inside for a big boot from Rowan as we take a break. Back with Roman fighting out of Rowan’s fist vice around the head.

The Superman Punch connects and everyone is down but here’s Luke Harper. Bryan gets up as Harper beats up the lumberjacks but Bryan is on him as the big brawl breaks out. Roman hits the big dive over the top to drop everyone, leaving Rowan to throw Ali at Roman to take him down. Back in and Rowan hits a crossbody for two but the Iron Claw is broken up. Reigns Superman Punches Rowan but Harper comes in to drop Reigns. Bryan knees Harper and the spear finishes Rowan at 8:54.

Rating: C+. It was an entertaining brawl and I want to see the tag match on Sunday, though I have almost no idea where the story is going after that match. Bryan seems to be a face again and unless there is a heck of a twist coming, I’m not sure how many more directions they can take with the whole thing.

We look at the Rock and Becky beating up Corbin.

Smackdown World Title: Brock Lesnar vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi is defending. The F5 makes Brock champion in six seconds.

Post match here are Rey Mysterio and CAIN VELASQUEZ as Brock looks like he’s seen a ghost. Cain takes him down with a double leg and the scared Brock bails in a hurry. Brock teases coming back to the ring but backs off and walks away as we’re off the air at 9:58.

Overall Rating: D+. And really, that’s being pretty generous. This show felt like a mess as everything was being crammed together to try and get everything they could in. The opening segment was the longest part of the night and it went on way longer than it needed to. The show should settle down a bit next week and the big angle at the end worked really well, but egads this show was crammed full of stuff and a lot of it really didn’t work. It wasn’t a terrible show but this needed a third hour or to be spread over two weeks. Hopefully next week is better because they stumbled coming out of the gate.


Becky Lynch/Charlotte b. Bayley/Sasha Banks – Figure Eight to Bayley

Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura went to a no contest when the Fiend interfered

Kevin Owens b. Shane McMahon – Owens pulled down the briefcase

Braun Strowman/Heavy Machinery/Miz b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler/AJ Styles/Randy Orton – Powerslam to Ziggler

Roman Reigns b. Erick Rowan – Spear

Brock Lesnar b. Kofi Kingston – F5

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – September 24, 2019: Quack Quack

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 24, 2019
Location: Chase Center, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

Now this could be interesting, and by interesting I mean a show that is going to be nothing more than a commercial for next Friday. Therefore, I’m not sure how many angles you would want to set up as next week is going to be the big introduction. In other words, this could see some culminations, but it could also see a bunch of standing around while we wait for the show that matters next week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Erick Rowan turning on Daniel Bryan for suggesting that they were equals. Last week, Luke Harper and Rowan beat down Bryan and Roman Reigns.

Here is Rowan for an opening chat. Rowan calls that recap a thing of brilliance before explaining that the crowd sees him as less than human. Now though, might makes right so Reigns and Bryan know that he’s right. That’s why everyone is afraid, so here’s Bryan to quite the positive crowd reaction. Bryan wastes no time and demands a fight right now. Here’s a referee and we’re on.

Daniel Bryan vs. Erick Rowan

Bryan goes right for him to start but gets knocked outside for a crossbody. Back in and Rowan hits a spinning kick to the face and we take an early break. We come back with Bryan getting powerbombed into the post and having to dive back inside to beat the count. A dropkick to the leg takes Rowan down though and Bryan wraps the knee around the post a few times.

Another dropkick sends the knee into the post but Rowan is fine enough to catch him in something close to a Jackhammer for two. The bearhug works on Bryan’s back and a jackknife gets two more. We take another break and come back again with Bryan reversing a powerbomb attempt into a sunset flip for two and sending Bryan outside. The suicide dive is blocked so Bryan posts him instead, setting up the missile dropkick to the back.

It’s full on face mode Bryan as he kicks away to the shoulder and the big one actually connects to the head for once….and one. The Iron Claw is countered into a guillotine choke and then the LeBell Lock draws in Luke Harper for the distraction. Bryan dives onto him as well but Harper pops up, allowing Rowan to pull Bryan over the top with the Iron Claw, but Bryan’s foot gets tied in the rope for one of those accidents you can only get in wrestling. Everyone gets together to get Bryan out of the ropes so another Iron Claw can give Rowan the pin at 17:58.

Rating: C+. Rowan is getting a rather strong push at the moment and that’s something you don’t see very often. Sometimes you just need to do something new and pushing the Bludgeon Brothers as main event monsters is an idea that could go somewhere. I like what we’ve seen so far and the tag match should be pretty good.

Post match Harper and Rowan load up the table but it’s Roman Reigns coming out for the save. The brawl continues with Bryan getting back into it and hitting the running knee on Harper. Reigns spears Rowan down and the good guys stand tall. Bryan seems to have hurt his leg on the running knee (could be due to the rope thing) but slaps Reigns’ hand away as he tries to offer some help. Bryan grabs a mic and issues the challenge for the tag match, presumably for next week. The fans give that quite the YES.

Video on Brock Lesnar.

We get another sitdown interview with Michael Cole talking to Kofi Kingston. After explaining how to put your hips into his name, Kofi talks about how you can’t really train for Lesnar. He’s beaten a bunch of the best in WWE already though and he can beat Lesnar too. Kofi is glad to be at the forefront of the move to FOX and is ready to defeat Lesnar and retain the title.

Here’s Chad Gable for a chat. Yeah he lost in the King of the Ring finals, but he’s not done fighting. Cue Mike Kanellis, who isn’t here to cut him short. He’s here to prove to his wife that size does matter.

Mike Kanellis vs. Chad Gable

Gable suplexes him to start and hits Rolling Chaos Theory to set up the ankle lock for the tap at 23 seconds.

Post match here’s Elias on screen to say hey shorty. Gable has inspired him to write a song about Gable being an underdog, who happens to be short. It’s because Gable is short. IT’S FUNNY!

We recap Carmella stealing the 24/7 Title from R-Truth.

Charlotte runs into R-Truth and asks about Carmella, who is teaming with her tonight. Truth: “I don’t know anyone named Carmella, and I especially don’t know anyone named Carmella.” Carmella comes out and ensures Charlotte that she is focused.

The announcers thank USA for having them.

Charlotte/Carmella vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks

Banks works on Carmella’s arm to little effect to start and Graves gets distracted by Carmella dancing. Carmella gets sent to the floor and goes ribs first into the barricade so Bayley can yell at her about how she hasn’t changed. Back in and Carmella dives over for the tag to Charlotte so house can be cleaned. The Figure Four goes on but Banks makes the save with the Meteora. That’s fine with Charlotte, who hits an over the shoulder Stunner. The Figure Four is broken up again and Carmella tags herself back in for some superkicks. A headscissors is countered into a Bank Statement to make Carmella tap at 5:18.

Rating: C-. Totally standard tag match here with Carmella taking the fall as she should have. There wasn’t much to be seen here as Charlotte gave Bayley a lot of trouble and we should be getting a rematch next Sunday. Banks was kept strong as well and it’s not like Carmella losing means anything as her comedy stuff will keep her going for a long time.

Post match Truth has to carry Carmella to safety from the invading women’s locker room. Banks and Bayley keep up the beatdown but Becky Lynch makes the save.

Ali vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Non-title. Ali starts fast by dropkicking Nakamura to the floor for a SCARY suicide dive, with Ali landing on top of his head. Thankfully he’s right back up and hits a high crossbody for two but Nakamura sends him head first into the post and we take a break. Back with Ali hitting a few kicks to the head, setting up the rolling X Factor. Ali dropkicks him down for two more but Nakamura is right back with the sliding German suplex.

Kinshasa is superkicked down for two and the reverse exploder is countered into a rollup for the same. The tornado DDT puts Nakamura down but Sami Zayn pulls him away from the 450. That’s fine with Ali, who dives over the referee to take Nakamura down. Ali makes the mistake of going after Sami though and runs into Kinshasa for the pin at 7:02.

Rating: C. Ali is going to kill someone with those dives one day but he makes the matches fun to watch with the heart he puts into them. I’m glad they didn’t go with the champ getting pinned, though I’m not sure who is going to challenge Nakamura for the title next week. It’s not like they’re going to win the title anyway.

We recap Kevin Owens getting fired and suing Shane McMahon as a result.

Big E./Xavier Woods vs. B Team

Axel dances at Woods to start and gets dropkicked in the face for his efforts. Some stomping in the corner works a bit better for Axel and we hit the chinlock. Dallas gets two off a DDT but it’s time for the B Train, with Big E. joining in. The distraction lets Big E. get the tag and the Midnight Hour is good for the pin at 2:30.

Post match Big E. goes over to celebrate with some San Francisco 49ers.

Mandy Rose is proud of being on the cover of Maxim Australia and hands out some magazines. Sonya Deville tells her to focus on their match. They run into Otis, who takes a selfie with Mandy and takes a magazine. Tucker comes up to ask what he’s doing but seems to approve of the magazine instead.

Oh hey the Warriors still exist. Mandy gives Graves an autographed copy of Maxim and he won’t let Saxton see it. Asuka kicks Sonya down but Sana comes in and gets knocked outside. That lets Mandy hold up the magazine, with Kairi kicking it away. Back in and Sane snaps off a headscissors to put Mandy in the corner but Sonya gets in a cheap shot. Sane is fine enough to get over for the hot tag to Asuka and house is cleaned in a hurry. The kick to the face gets two on Mandy as everything breaks down. Asuka drops Mandy with another kick and the Insane Elbow is good for the pin at 4:18.

Rating: D+. Totally run of the mill match here and it’s nice to have the Warriors back. That being said, it’s another case of throwing various matches out there and setting up title matches, though it’s not like I have any reason to believe that WWE is seriously going to push the Warriors.

Here are Shane McMahon and a bunch of lawyers to deal with Kevin Owens’ lawsuit. Now, Shane can fight this in court and use his resources to ruin Owens’ life. Or Owens can drop the lawsuit and be reinstated, with Shane getting rid of the $100,000 fine as well. Shane offers him a handshake but Owens calls him an idiot.

The idea of the lawsuit makes him sick because Owens wants Shane out of the locker room period. That’s what everyone has wanted for so long: seeing Shane get fired. Owens wants one final match: career vs. career and let’s make it a ladder match. For some reason Shane’s mic is cut off but he says you’re on. No date is given.

We cut to the back for a very last second Becky interview, where she says she’s ready for Sasha in the Cell. Sasha comes up from behind and sends Becky face first into a conveniently placed piece of cage, which she then rams into Becky’s ribs to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. There was some energy to this one but as expected it was more about setting the table for later than anything major on this show. That being said, by this time next week, no one is going to remember this show at all because it’s a whole new world next Friday. At least they set some things up for next week and next Sunday and the show wasn’t that bad. Just mostly skippable, which is a status I can accept.


Erick Rowan b. Daniel Bryan – Iron Claw

Chad Gable b. Mike Kanellis – Ankle lock

Bayley/Sasha Banks b. Charlotte/Carmella – Bank Statement to Carmella

Shinsuke Nakamura b. Ali – Kinshasa

New Day b. B Team – Midnight Hour to Dallas

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – September 16, 2019: The Changing Shows

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 16, 2019
Location: Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville, Tennessee
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

It’s the night after Clash of Champions and thankfully that show is out of the way. Last night offered a grand total of nothing important as it was just a show that had to be done before we could get on to the Cell next month. The Fiend is already haunting Seth Rollins and the Universal Championship so expect the big push to begin tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last night’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the middle section of seats and looking directly at the Titantron. The lower area of the hard camera side and all of the upper deck on the hard camera side were tarped off but the rest of the arena was mostly full.

Here’s Seth Rollins to get things going. There is a lot to unpack last night because he and Braun Strowman lost the Raw Tag Team Titles. It doesn’t matter whose fault it was though because the two of them faced off for the Universal Title later that night. Strowman is large and strong and last night he gave Rollins a heck of a fight. Four Stomps and a Pedigree later though, Rollins is still Universal Champion.

Then things got even worse because the Fiend knocked him out but ran away before Seth could do anything about it. Don’t worry though because Seth is getting his shot at the Fiend inside the Cell. Seth: “Yowie wowie indeed.” That sounds like summoning Bray though and it’s time for the Firefly Fun House. Bray says Seth is his future best friend but he has to cut off the pesky Ramblin Rabbit from telling us the truth. Anyway, Seth has done some bad things and the Fiend never forgets. Maybe he’ll even have something else to say to Seth tonight. Bray goes silent for a bit before laughing and saying he’ll see him in h***.

The graphics for what is coming later tonight are now upside down. Cole and Graves start talking but Renee asks if they have been upside down the entire time, bringing the whole thing to a grinding halt. I’d assume that was a Bray thing as the song is still playing, but either way it was quite the noticeable deal.

Braun Strowman says whoever is in the ring is going to get these hands.

Here are Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode, followed by the Revival, for a Tag Team Champion Summit. Roode brags about how awesome they are but here is Strowman to run them over to a pretty big reaction, though he misses Dawson and Roode runs before Strowman can hit him. So we have four new champions who are being run over by a well known choker so the choker can be rebuilt again to set up future choking. There was no one else who could have gotten beaten up here? Or this couldn’t have happened later?

Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross brag about their win last night and are ready for Sasha Banks and Bayley tonight. It was interesting how Banks talked about how the titles didn’t matter after she lost them and Bayley is just pathetic. Words to toast to.

OC vs. Cedric Alexander/Viking Raiders

Cedric slugs away at AJ to start and kicks him in the face but the Michinoku Driver is escaped. Styles falls into the wrong corner though and it’s Erik coming in to scream in AJ’s face. Anderson comes in as well, so Erik slams Ivar onto him for two as it’s one sided so far. It’s off to Gallows instead so Erik hits him in the face, only to miss the running knees in the corner.

Erik gets sent to the floor and into the barricade, setting up a big boot to send us to a break. Back with Erik fighting out of a chinlock and handing it right back to Ivar to clean house. Everything breaks down and it’s a Neuralizer to Anderson but AJ tags himself in and hits the Phenomenal Forearm to finish Cedric at 8:25.

Rating: C-. That has to be it for Cedric going after Styles right? He’s lost twice in a row with one of them being a clean pin in a title match. I was thinking they might go somewhere with him but it seems that the legs have already been cut off. That’s quite the shame as Cedric has been great lately, but it’s not surprising to see a push cut off so soon.

Post match the beatdown is still on but Ivar hits a big flip dive to the floor to take a bunch of people down. Back in and Cedric crotches AJ on top and hammers away, only to have his super hurricanrana countered into a super Styles Clash to really hammer in the point.

R-Truth and Carmella were at the Women’s College Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville earlier today with R-Truth being confused by the big basketball on the roof. Cue Mayor Glenn Jacobs (named as such here) with Truth trying to figure out how tall the University of Tennessee women’s basketball players are. Truth thinks the Mayor is Magic Johnson or Larry Bird, but gets an offer of a tour of historic Knoxville. Now Truth thinks he’s talking to the President as Carmella just looks confused. I could go for more of this.

King of the Ring Finals: Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable

We get the Big Match Intros and a quick mention of Don Muraco being the first king, which isn’t something referenced very often. Gable goes for the ankle to start but gets elbowed in the head for his efforts. A dropkick works a bit better for Gable as Corbin is knocked outside but he’s fine enough to backdrop a charging Gable into the timekeeper’s area.

Back from a break with Gable diving back in to beat the count (which he did two more times during the break). Corbin elbows him in the face a few times and we hit the required chinlock. That’s broken up so Corbin slides under the ropes for the big clothesline instead. A big boot drops Gable again as he can’t do much with the size and power. We hit the chinlock again as the announcers make every reference they can to various kings and royal courts to really hammer the point home.

Gable fights out and gets the ankle so Corbin hits him in the head to escape. Corbin’s charge hits the post (becoming WAY too popular of a spot) and the fans are getting into Gable here. The missile dropkick sets up some rolling Liger kicks in the corner but Corbin is right back with a pop up World’s Strongest Slam to put them both down. They head outside with Corbin sending him into the barricade over and over but a charge hits steps.

Gable wraps the leg around the post a few times and hammers away back inside. The leg is fine enough to hit a heck of a Deep Six for two, only to have Gable grab the rolling Chaos Theory for the same. End of Days is escaped and Gable gets the ankle lock again. The grapevine goes on but Corbin makes it over to the ropes and you can hear the energy getting sucked out of the arena. Gable goes back to the ankle but Corbin makes the rope and spins him into End of Days for the win at 19:42.

Rating: B. It’s amazing how much easier it is to put up with Corbin when he’s not appearing in ten segments a show. Corbin winning is far from shocking and maybe the King thing can go somewhere for him, though he is still walking a thin line. Just don’t overpush him like WWE always wants to do and he could be downright tolerable.

Corbin poses in front of the throne and limps off.

And now, a gender reveal party for Maria Kanellis’ unborn child, with various wrestlers holding up Team Boy and Team Girl signs. So it’s a boy, and the father happens to be Ricochet. Mike freaks out as Ricochet says it’s a lie and that he wouldn’t….ok not that he wouldn’t…..and Mike slaps him in the face. He’ll wait for Ricochet in the ring. Titus O’Neil tells Ricochet to go handle this and the Street Profits suggest a baby on a pole match. Dawkins: “How about a Maria on a pole match?” Ford: “Maria on the pole is how they got in this mess in the first place.”

Mike Kanellis vs. Ricochet

Kanellis is in street clothes and Ricochet doesn’t want to do this. Ricochet begs off and says this isn’t happening so Mike hits him in the face. Some weak stomping has Ricochet in trouble but he comes back with a shot of his own. A kick to the head in the corner sets up a springboard clothesline and the Recoil finishes Kanellis at 1:06.

We get another Firefly Fun House, with Bray adding names to his Wall Of Friendship, which includes painted over faces of Kurt Angle, Finn Balor, Mick Foley and others. He’s off to find a new friend.

Post break Mike is sitting on the apron as Maria comes out to yell at him some more. Obviously Ricochet isn’t the father but she’ll introduce him to the real father right now.

Mike Kanellis vs. Rusev

Nice to see Rusev again, mainly because of the chiseled physique and incredible mustache. Mike begs off and says he’s had a bad day and he’s just ok with all of this. Congratulations to the two of them, but Rusev isn’t letting him leave and beats the heck out of him before the bell. As Graves calls Mike a beta cuck, a jumping superkick and the Accolade end Mike at 34 seconds. Lana being salty over Rusev apparently cheating on her should be interesting.

R-Truth and Kane go to Neyland Stadium, home of the Tennessee Volunteers football team (BIG pop for that). Truth thinks the team is made up of volunteer Santas but we get a nice speech about all the people who make the city work. Actually a new officer has been sworn in is here, though Truth thinks he’s Robocop. Actually hang on though, as he wasn’t quite sworn in as a police officer. Instead, he’s a referee, so Truth tries to run and crashes into the goal post, meaning we have a new champion. Remember when Kane took the WWF Title from Steve Austin in 1998? Now he’s doing this.

Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro

Before the match, Cesaro says that if Rey’s son Dominick doesn’t leave WWE, he’ll beat Dominick up like he’s about to beat up Rey. The fight is on in the aisle before the bell, followed by a bell and the uppercut from Cesaro. There’s an elbow for two as Cesaro is in red street shoes and what appears to be a lack of socks. A powerbomb out of the corner is broken up with a hurricanrana into the post but the suicide dive is countered with Cesaro’s uppercut. Rey is fine enough to hit a 619 to the back and we take a break.

Back with Cesaro grabbing a chinlock, followed by a slingshot hilo for two. The chinlock goes on again but Rey fights up with a crucifix bomb for the breather. A tornado DDT gives Rey two so Cesaro pulls him down into the Crossface. With that not working, the Radicalz treatment continues with Three Amigos. That’s fine with Rey, who hits a 619 and the Code Red for the pin at 11:48.

Rating: B-. This is where Cesaro shines, though unfortunately it is so often in defeat. At some point he needs to win something to keep his stock up a bit, though WWE doesn’t seem to agree. Mysterio’s retirement tour is worth seeing of course, as he is a true legend and can do whatever he wants on the way out. I’m not sure what they’re going to do with Dominick, but Mysterio has earned the right to do something special like that.

We get a short form Firefly Fun House with Bray adding Seth’s picture to the wall and not saying anything.

The Draft is coming on October 11/14.

Video on the AOP, who talk about how they came to WWE so they could fight. Instead they’ve been sat on the sidelines because no one is willing to fight them. Now, you might be wondering how this is significantly different than Aleister Black sitting in a room, asking for someone to fight him. The answer: there are two of them here.

Sasha Banks/Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross

Non-title and Cole is so disgusted with Sasha that he doesn’t even do the catchphrase anymore. Bayley and Bliss start things off with Bayley taking over to start, only to get hit in the face instead. Bliss gets up a boot in the corner and a sunset flip gets two. A flip dive off the apron takes both villains down but Bliss may have hurt her knee. Cross comes in and gets double Banks’ double knees in the corner.

More knees are blocked with a shot to the face but Bayley pulls Bliss off the apron. The knee is banged up again and here are some trainers to check on her. To be fair, it has been at least a month since Bliss had a knee injury. We take a break and come back with Bliss gone and Cross fighting out of a chinlock. Nikki shrugs off some double teaming in the corner and hammers away, including tying Banks in the ring skirt. Back in and Cross hits a tornado DDT on Bayley, setting up the hanging Purge for two as Banks makes the save. The Bank Statement makes Nikki tap at 12:14.

Rating: C+. This worked well in a way to make Cross look good, which is something that needed to happen. Bayley and Banks not losing is the right call as well, as both of them are still getting themselves established in their new roles. Good effort from everyone here and some smart booking to get them out of a sticky situation.

Post match the beatdown is still on until Becky Lynch comes out with a chair for the save. Banks and Bayley get their own chairs so it’s Charlotte making the save to take care of Bayley. The beatdown on Banks sends the villains leaving.

Post break, Banks wants a rematch with Becky at Hell in a Cell.

The limo arrives at the arena with R-Truth on top. That means a rollup to give him the title back, because that joke is still going. They come to a truce because they both work hard 24/7 to do their jobs.

Becky doesn’t just want to face Banks at Hell in a Cell, because it should be IN the Cell.

Lacey Evans vs. Dana Brooke

Well at least it isn’t Natalya again. Lacey isn’t wasting time and kicks her into the corner but gets driven into the corner. Dana hammers away and gets one off a suplex so Lacey sweeps the leg to take her down. A nasty slingshot dropkick to the face rocks Dana and it’s time for the armbar. Dana fights up for the comeback but walks into the Woman’s Right. She’s out cold but Lacey slaps on the Sharpshooter for the win at 3:12.

Rating: D. Dana was trying and looked good at times, but GOOD GRIEF why is Lacey vs. Natalya continuing? They’ve already split some matches and now we need to have them play mind games? The ending made me roll my eyes because I never need to see the two of them fight again and now we’re likely heading to some big showdown that no one but the two of them care about.

Seth Rollins vs. Robert Roode

Non-title and Dolph Ziggler is here with Roode. Feeling out process to start with Roode armdragging him into an armbar. That lasts as long as any average armbar and Roode hits him in the ribs to take over. Roode knocks him off the barricade so Ziggler can get in a cheap shot and we take a break.

Back with Roode still on the ribs before sending Seth outside. This time Ziggler’s interference is cut off with a superkick and the comeback is on. The springboard knee misses but so does Roode’s spinebuster. That means Rollins can hit a Falcon Arrow for two, followed by the Buckle Bomb. The Stomp looks to finish but Ziggler comes in for the DQ at 10:25.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here as Ziggler just won’t go away and kept popping in here, despite not being the most intriguing presence in the world. I can appreciate not having a new champion lose though, even if it’s to the World Champion. Just don’t let Ziggler and Roode (or at least Ziggler) around Rollins much longer and things should be fine.

Post break the OC comes in for the 5-1 beatdown but Kane (in full gear and mask) of all people makes the save to a huge pop. Chokeslams abound as I try to imagine masked Kane without hair. There is something amusing about the costume coming complete with a huge wig….and there go the lights. The Fiend is here and it’s a Mandible Claw to Kane. Fiend crawls over to Rollins and a minute long Firefly Fun House logo, with the colors changing, the graphic going upside down and the voice sounding rather evil, ends the show. Good ending, with the mind games and evil continuing.

Overall Rating: C-. I wasn’t sure about this one as it had a lot of things going on, though very few of them felt all that important. Rollins vs. Fiend should be interesting, but you can tell the attention is shifting more towards Smackdown as Raw is starting to feel a lot smaller. That should be the way things go once they get to FOX, but I would hope for some extra attention on Raw in the way of storylines, as a lot of the things on this show felt like they were just thrown out there to fill in the three hours. Not a terrible show, but it wasn’t exactly a show to get invested in.


OC b. Cedric Alexander/Viking Raiders – Phenomenal Forearm to Alexander

Baron Corbin b. Chad Gable – End of Days

Ricochet b. Mike Kanellis – Recoil

Rusev b. Mike Kanellis – Accolade

Rey Mysterio b. Cesaro – Code Red

Sasha Banks/Bayley b. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross – Bank Statement to Cross

Lacey Evans b. Dana Brooke – Sharpshooter

Seth Rollins b. Robert Roode via DQ when Dolph Ziggler interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – September 17, 2019: The Clock Is Ticking

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 17, 2019
Location: State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

Things could get interesting around here again as we have the fallout from Clash of Champions, as well as what happened last night. That means a lot of Baron Corbin as he is officially crowned as King of the Ring, though I’m not sure where that could be going. Other than that, we’re less than three weeks away from the next pay per view and need a new challenger. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The announcers preview the show.

New Day vs. Revival/Randy Orton

Big E. immediately throws Dash with a belly to belly and follows it up with the apron splash for two. Dawson comes in and gets elbowed in the face by Woods to stagger him rather well. It’s off to Orton, who gets knocked down by everyone in a row, including the Warrior Splash from Big E.

The threat of Trouble in Paradise sends Orton outside and we take a break. Back with Dawson working on Woods’ knee and Orton coming in to stay on it. Woods chops away at Orton until a poke to the eye cuts him off. Dawson puts on a leglock before throwing Woods outside, where Orton drops him onto the announcers’ table.

We take another break and come back with Kofi hitting SOS on Orton but Dawson makes the save. Wilder hits a tornado DDT to plant Woods on the floor, leaving Orton to hit the hanging DDT on Kofi. The super RKO is broken up though and Kofi DDTs both Dawson and Wilder. Woods’ rope walk elbow hits Dawson to send him outside, followed by Trouble in Paradise to finish Dawson at 17:30.

Rating: C. Not too bad here and hopefully we’re done with Orton as a challenger at the moment. Kingston beat him clean on Sunday and there is no point in continuing with their feud. Now though the question becomes where we go from here and I have a bad feeling I know where it is going.

Post match here are Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar with Heyman doing his intro and Lesnar making him get in the ring to say it. Lesnar is here to stand in the way of Kofi’s title reign because it’s a bad day for the New Day, yes it is. The challenge is made for October 4 on the first Smackdown on FOX. Kofi accepts because he’s not that bright at times. The ensuing F5 seems to back that up. Yeah Lesnar is winning the title and as annoying as it is, I get why they’re going that way.

Sasha Banks accepts Becky Lynch’s challenge for a match inside the Cell because she has been inside one before. Tonight, she’s beating Charlotte.

We look back at Luke Harper returning at Clash of Champions to help Erick Rowan beat Roman Reigns.

Michael Cole sits down with Rowan, who doesn’t want to talk about Harper. Cole calls what Rowan tried with Reigns attempted manslaughter, so Rowan tells him to tone down his voice. Rowan is tired of being overlooked and doesn’t like Daniel Bryan saying they were intellectual equals. He is far superior to Bryan and everyone will learn to never disrespect him again. Pretty standard heel reasoning, but the camera work helped a lot here with Rowan’s size difference on full display for a really good visual.

Ali vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Non-title and Sami Zayn handles Nakamura’s introduction. Before the match, Zayn talks about Ali beating Nakamura a few weeks back, but that was before Nakamura and Zayn joined forces. Ali will never be a champion, so the fight is nearly on. Zayn’s distraction lets Nakamura knee Ali in the head, setting up Kinshasa. No match.

Kevin Owens arrives and sits in the crowd. Shane McMahon is on his way to the ring to deal with this but gets served with papers. Shane isn’t happy with them and goes to the ring without saying anything.

Post break here’s Shane, with the papers, in the arena. He calls out some security but tells Owens to come into the ring. Security is ready but Shane tells Owens to come in and has security leave (Then why have them in the first place?). The papers are the largest wrongful termination lawsuit in history, saying that if he is fired, he will receive $25 million.

They argue over the merits of the case, with Owens saying that Shawn fined him for attacking Elias when Elias was serving as a referee. Then Shane did the same thing to him last week, after Owens swallowed his pride and tried to get rid of the initial fine. Owens knows that he needs to hit Shane in the wallet, which is what he is going to do. With this case, he’ll be able to tell Shane that he is fired for a change. You know what might make Smackdown better? Not arguing over money and lawsuits all the time.

We get the same AOP vignette from last night.

Charlotte is in the back and Ric Flair is with her.

Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks

Multi-platinum recording artist Offset, wearing a Ric robe, introduces Charlotte. Bayley is here with Banks, who is sent into the buckle a few times to start. An early attempt to pull the turnbuckle pad off earns Bayley a glare so Banks posts Charlotte to take over as we go to a break.

Back with Charlotte hitting a fall away slam before grabbing a Boston crab. Banks makes it over to the ropes before her back is snapped, only to have Charlotte boot her to the floor. The moonsault takes out both Banks and Bayley and it’s time for the Figure Eight. Banks is screaming a lot but Bayley comes in for the DQ at 7:50.

Rating: C+. These two always work well together though having Charlotte as a face (or at least the one in this match) is always a bit weird. The size difference is so jarring between the two of them that it makes Charlotte look more like a bully to be going after Banks. There aren’t many women of Charlotte’s size though and it’s going to be the case a lot of the time.

Post match the double beatdown is on but Carmella runs in for the save with superkicks. Bayley looks confused before getting kicked in the face as well.

Here’s Baron Corbin for his coronation as King of the Ring. He knows most people wanted ANYONE but him, but he thinks he can be a fair and firm king. If he has to, he will rule with an iron fist, but first he wants to honor Chad Gable. Cue Gable, with Corbin making short jokes during his entrance. People have been overlooking Gable for his entire career and last night, Gable came up short. Gable isn’t wasting time and tackles him through the throne, which is destroyed on impact. A shot with the scepter breaks that up and the destruction is on as Corbin bails. The robe is ripped up and the crown is stomped on for a bonus.

The announcers talk about NXT’s USA debut.

Heavy Machinery vs. B-Team

Otis now has regular trunks to show off the physique a bit more. Tucker gets taken into the wrong corner to start and it’s Dallas celebrating early. An easier than it should be roll over gets Tucker out of trouble and the hot tag brings Otis in. Some kicks to the stomach make Otis start dancing and it’s a corner splash to set up the Caterpillar. The Compactor finishes Dallas at 3:25.

Rating: D+. What were you expecting here? These teams have probably done almost the exact some match a few dozen times to open TV tapings or house shows and they could probably do it in their sleep. Heavy Machinery knows how to entertain the fans and they did that very well here.

We recap the Lesnar vs. Kofi segment.

Here’s Daniel Bryan for a chat. He hears the DANIEL BRYAN chants but points out that a lot of those same people were accusing him of being behind the attacks on Reigns. Bryan may be a lot of things, but he is not a liar. Rowan is still his friend, and here he is in person. Rowan doesn’t like what Daniel is saying, because it was always about Bryan. It makes Rowan feel disrespected so Bryan tells him to do something about it.

Cue Luke Harper to jump Bryan from behind and the beatdown is on. Roman Reigns comes out for the save but gets beaten down as well, including a powerbomb against the post. Security gets taken out and the announcers’ table is loaded up. A double spinebuster through the table destroys Bryan to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a show that felt like the first step towards the debut on FOX. There is a big star return and what should be a setup for a major tag match. The rest of the show was good enough, even as a mainly talking/story advancing shows. I liked what we got here, but next week isn’t the most important show in the world. I’ll take watchable over nothing though and we got the former this week.


New Day b. Revival/Randy Orton – Trouble in Paradise to Dawson

Charlotte b. Sasha Banks via DQ when Bayley interfered

Heavy Machinery b. B-Team – Compactor to Dallas

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – September 12, 2019: They Can Do It!

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: September 12, 2019
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Commentators: Renee Young, Byron Saxton, Dio Maddin

We’re in a special place this week and I’m not sure what that is going to mean for this show. Raw was rather great and Smackdown was terrible so I’m not sure what to expect. You know it’s going to include Dana Brooke and Sarah Logan though, because they have become the soul of Main Event. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dana Brooke/Sarah Logan vs. IIconics

I….sure why not. The IIconics say it makes sense to have them here in the world’s most iconic arena. Billie rolls over Logan to start and strikes the pose as we take a very early break. Back with Peyton coming in for the bulldog onto Billie’s knee but Sarah kicks her away. A missed elbow allows for the diving tag to Dana as everything breaks down. The handspring elbow hits Logan though and it’s the knee to Dana’s head for the pin at 5:58. Not enough shown to rate but they’re trying to make a story out of Logan and Brooke so….yeah I don’t believe it either.

Video on Bayley turning heel last week and joining Sasha Banks.

From Raw.

Bayley/Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte/Becky Lynch

Charlotte and Becky are ticked about having to team with each other so they charge to the floor to start the fight in a hurry. Charlotte gets sent into the barricade and it’s Becky getting double teamed before the bell. Charlotte clears the ring with a chair and we take a break before the match starts. Back with the bell ringing (thank you) with Banks bailing instead of having to face Becky. That’s fine with Becky, who sends Bayley into the barricade and hands it off to Charlotte to keep up the beating.

Charlotte fights out of the corner in a hurry and hands it back to Becky for a jumping kick to the face. Banks comes back in and grabs a suplex for two on Becky. They don’t waste time on the hot tag though as Charlotte comes in and kicks Bayley off the apron. The neckbreaker gets two on Banks and the Figure Eight goes on. Becky tries the Disarm-Her on Bayley, who sends Becky into Charlotte for the save. The Meteora off the apron hits Charlotte and we take a break.

Back with Charlotte getting knocked into the corner but getting up a knee to stop a charging Bayley. The hot tag (the sequel) brings in Becky to clean house with the Bexploder to Sasha. Bayley can’t get the Bayley to Belly so Sasha hits the Backstabber instead. Charlotte big boots Sasha and Becky adds a double missile dropkick. The moonsault actually hits Bayley (though Charlotte almost landed in a pushup) but Banks breaks up the cover at two.

Becky gets the Disarm-Her on Banks on the floor with Bayley making the save. That means a baseball slide from Charlotte….but there is no one there so it was just an over enthusiastic dive to the floor. Bayley suplexes Becky into the barricade and German suplexes Charlotte on the floor before taking it back inside. The top rope elbow hits raised knees and Natural Selection pins Bayley at 17:27.

Rating: B. This was an energetic match and the crowd was hot for it throughout. You could tell they were fired up to have the Horsewomen in the same match and we had a good one here. It’s a tag match so the champ getting pinned isn’t the worst thing, though I’m hoping it means Bayley retains on Sunday as there is no need to put the title on Charlotte again just yet.

From Raw again.

We’re not wasting time this week as here’s Austin to open the show for some beer consuming. Before Austin gets to the point, we take a trip down memory lane and hear about some of his great moments in MSG, including Survivor Series vs. Bret Hart, the first Stunner to Vince and Summerslam vs. Undertaker, complete with Austin being knocked silly. With that out of the way, it’s time to get down to the contract signing between Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins.

Strowman comes out first and stares Austin down, drawing a heck of an AUSTIN chant. Strowman offers a handshake but Austin introduces Rollins instead, with some extra bass in his voice. Rollins wants to sign but first has to talk about how awesome it is to be in the Garden with Austin. See, Strowman thinks there is something going on here and Austin might have it in for him. Rollins isn’t sure if that’s the case or not but gets in on the WHATs for a bonus.

Austin says we need to sign the contract so Rollins says he’ll win on Sunday and then signs. Strowman says he respects Austin but a rattlesnake is still a rattlesnake. He won’t turn his back on Rollins because he loves being Tag Team Champions. He’ll love being Universal Champion more though and promises to give Rollins these hands. Strowman signs….and here’s the OC to interrupt.

Styles mocks a bunch of Austin catchphrases and threatens Steve a bit, with Styles not exactly buying it. AJ rips on New York a bit so Austin tells him to put some bass in his voice. The OC gets in the ring with AJ asking how Strowman got a title match so easily and calls Austin old. Austin moves the table and it’s Strowman and Rollins fighting the OC as Austin looks on. AJ dodges the Stomp and sends Rollins outside, only to turn into the Stunner to blow the roof off the place.

From Smackdown.

Here’s Rowan for a chat. What the people don’t understand is that no one controls him, but here’s Reigns to interrupt. The fight is on in a hurry with Reigns knocking him into the crowd. Rowan fights back though and grabs a fan, who he powerbombs over the barricade onto waiting security. They fight over the barricade and back to ringside, where Rowan swings a camera at Reigns to knock him down again before leaving. Good brawl, though I’m not exactly buying Rowan as a major threat to Reigns.

And now….an exclusive Main Event SEGMENT. Charly Caruso brings out former New York Knick Enes Kanter, who is NOT popular around here. Before he can say anything though, here’s R-Truth and I think you know where this is going. They hug and Truth puts Kanter over….so Kanter clotheslines him to win the 24/7 Title. Kanter opens his jacket to reveal a Boston Celtics jersey but gets rolled up to give Truth the title back. The mob chases Truth off.

From Smackdown.

Here’s Kofi Kingston, who is very happy to be in the Garden. It was ten years ago in this very building where he crushed Randy Orton through a table and was ready to become one of the biggest stars in WWE. We see a clip of the Boom Drop through the table in 2009 but here’s Orton in the crowd to call Kofi stupid. We hear about Orton’s accomplishments in the last ten years but none of that matters. All that matters is Orton winning the title on Sunday when he proves that Kofi is something he isn’t.

That’s what Kofi has done for years now, from the Jamaican accent to the dreadlocks to that Power of Positivity bull****. Kofi goes into the crowd after him but Orton is waiting on him with a chair. Kofi gets it away though and fights back, meaning it’s time to set up a table. Orton knocks him down though and puts Kofi onto the table. The chair is grabbed but Kofi kicks away from the table, which breaks anyway. Another table is loaded up and Kofi hits another Boom Drop before posing on the barricade. Cool moment, though I’m not sure what happens Sunday.

And from Raw.

Cedric Alexander/Braun Strowman/Seth Rollins/Viking Raiders vs. OC/Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

Rollins and Ziggler start things off because we can never see these two fight enough. A hiptoss into an armbar has Ziggler in trouble and Erik slams Ivar onto him. Everything breaks down for a wild fight and Strowman chokeslams the heck out of Ziggler. We take an early break and come back with Cedric in trouble in the corner. Cedric gets in a faceplant but AJ takes him down by the bad arm and brings Gallows in. The New York fans, getting AJ, the OC and more in the main event, respond with the Wave.

Roode comes back in to work on an armbar and slams the arm into the mat for two. Cedric fights up and knocks Roode down, allowing the hot tag off to Rollins. House is cleaned, including the springboard knee to Anderson for two. The parade of strikes to the face begins with Rollins superkicking Styles to the floor to clear the ring. It’s off to Strowman for the running shoulders around the ring. The running powerslam gets two on Anderson with Roode and Ziggler shoving Seth into the cover for the save.

Strowman isn’t happy with Rollins and we take a break. Back with Anderson spinebustering Rollins for two but Rollins grabs a Blockbuster for a breather. The buckle bomb to Ziggler allows the tag to Strowman and house is cleaned again. Strowman goes shoulder first into the post (it’s a tradition) and Erik comes in to beat people up and shout a lot. Ivar goes up top and hits the big flip dive onto the pile. That leaves Cedric to Lumbar Check Styles for the pin at 19:35.

Rating: C+. The ending makes sense and is a lot more acceptable than having the champ get pinned in a singles match. It was the big spectacle match to end the show with everyone in there at once so it’s hard to complain about what they went with for a main event. Sometimes it’s better to go with the big match instead of some singles match that we’ve seen before and that’s what they did here.

Post match here’s Austin again and a lot of beer is consumed to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Now that’s more like it. This show flew by, with a short and meaningless match and an actually unique segment for a change. I don’t get why they have to have two matches instead of doing something like this instead. Why not throw a segment with some brawling or comedy out there? You have so many feuds going on so why not have someone do a short segment and mix it up a bit? They can clearly do it so why not more often? Anyway, good show this week, at least somewhat because it was fresh for a change, complete lack of King of the Ring aside.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – August 13, 2019: Maybe The Worst Is Over

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: August 13, 2019
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s the final night in Toronto and we’re already starting on the path towards Clash of Champions. As for tonight though, we have the first round of fallout from last week’s revelation that Rowan tried to take out Roman Reigns. Since Buddy Murphy was the one to tell Reigns the news, that means Murphy faces Reigns tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are Sunday’s results if you need a recap.

Here’s Kevin Owens to open us up and the fans are rather happy to see him. The cheers go on long enough that Owens has to pause before saying anything. Yesterday was five years to the day since he signed with WWE. Over those five years he has created and experienced things he will never forget. He’s been in the ring with people he’s looked up to for years and on Sunday he was in the ring with someone who calls themselves the Best in the World.

As inaccurate as that was, it was special because Owens’ family was ringside to see him in the ring. That Stunner will be with him for the rest of his life, but now it’s time to set his sights on the King of the Ring tournament. He has been a fan his whole life and he loved watching the tournament growing up. Winning the tournament would mean much as anything he has won so far in WWE. We get the usual list of great names to have won, including Owen Hart.

Cue Shane McMahon and Owens actually falls down onto his knees as the music hits. Owens: “Why? Why?” Shane isn’t happy with the loss but shows us a shot of Owens kicking him low on Sunday. Is that what it means to be a man? Owens isn’t going to be lectured about being a man by someone who was part of the Mean Street Posse.

Being a man is doing whatever it takes to keep your job, but Shane says Owens is nothing but a cheater. Owens will be wrestling later tonight but first, we need to see a clip of Owens attacking Elias with a chair. That’s going to cost Owens $100,000 and that does not sit well with him. He demands Shane reconsider, but Shane says nope and leaves.

Post break Owens goes into Shane’s office where he threatens him with a lawsuit if Owens hits him. Owens says we’ll make it 105 and throws a stool into a TV.

Charlotte vs. Ember Moon

Neither gets an entrance. Charlotte pulls her down by the hair to start and works on a headlock. An elbow to the face drops Moon again but she’s back up with a headscissors to try and change things up a bit. Charlotte gets knocked outside but Ember takes her down with a kick through the ropes.

The springboard dive connects with Charlotte, who sends Moon straight into the apron as we take a break. Back after what seemed like a longer than usual break with Ember holding her knee on the floor. That means it’s time for some knees to the leg but it’s too early for the Figure Eight. Instead Charlotte goes with a Liontamer for a JERICHO chant. Charlotte switches back to the knee with some cannonballs down onto it as she channels her dad.

Moon moves away from the last one and starts throwing knees. A kick to the chest gets two, followed by a bottom rope Codebreaker for the same. The Eclipse misses but so does the spear into the corner, allowing Moon to hit a superkick for two more. Charlotte is back up with the big boot though and it’s the Figure Eight to make Ember tap at 11:43.

Rating: B-. Moon is getting more entertaining in the ring but she still hasn’t had that big win. What worries me is that we seem almost destined for another Charlotte title feud, which she is likely to win because nine title reigns in four years just isn’t enough. Even if Bayley beats her, how long before Charlotte gets it back from someone else? It’s how things work with her and since there is little else for her to do, this is what we get.

Video on the Roman Reigns attacks and Buddy Murphy blaming Rowan.

Here are Rowan and Daniel Bryan for a chat. It’s clear that someone is out to get Reigns but neither of them had anything to do with the attacks. All that matters is Murphy is a liar but Bryan doesn’t blame him for what he said. Any one of you would cave if Reigns held you against a wall and Murphy had to give a name. The problem is Murphy gave the wrong name. The fans say Bryan did it and Bryan says that’s what’s wrong with society. A lie is spread all over social media and then it becomes the truth. They had nothing to do with it and tonight they’ll prove it.

Samoa Joe comes in to Shane’s office because he’s going to be facing Owens tonight. That could be interesting.

Aleister Black talks about the due sin around him, but he will soon find a way out for everyone in the locker room. All they have to do is knock.

Buddy Murphy vs. Roman Reigns

Roman doesn’t like being shoved in the face to start so he hits an uppercut. Murphy is right back with a jumping knee to the face for an early two and the stomping is on in the corner. They head outside with Reigns being sent into the barricade a few times so he throws Murphy hard over the announcers’ table. Murphy sends him into the steps though and comes back with knees off the apron as we take a break.

Back with Reigns fighting out of a chinlock and hitting a powerbomb out of the corner. Reigns hits the clotheslines in the corner and a big boot puts Murphy down. The spear goes into the post though and Murphy gets two off a rollup. Reigns is sent outside for the big running flip dive (which looked great) and the top rope Meteora gets two back inside. A Superman Punch out of nowhere gives Reigns two but Murphy hits a series of knees to the face. The brainbuster gives Murphy two and he goes up top, with a Superman Punch knocking him back down. Reigns hits a spear for the pin at 13:40.

Rating: B. This felt similar to last night’s Cedric Alexander vs. Drew McIntyre match as a young star gets a chance on the show against a hard hitting big man. Ok so it sounds very similar but that’s a good idea when it makes for a strong match on both nights. Murphy looked like a star here, though I’m not sure why it took four months for his first match.

Revival is here to face New Day because they want to prove that things can be serious.

Xavier Woods is upset that he isn’t in the King of the Ring tournament but they don’t like the Revival saying they have ruined the tag team division. They’ve ruined their dinners, Christmas and that adult circumcision but never the tag division. Kofi isn’t worried about what he did to Randy Orton after their match on Sunday because he was protecting their family. As for tonight, he’ll be out there supporting his brothers.

Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Owens

Hold on though as Elias is the outside enforcer referee (with the 24/7 Title rules suspended for the match). Owens starts fast with a dropkick and a clothesline but Joe bails to the floor before the Cannonball. Elias won’t let Owens dive off the apron so Joe takes Owens down by the leg as we go to an early break.

Back with Joe charging into an elbow in the corner and getting dropped with a middle rope dropkick. The backsplash gives Owens two and the Swanton is good for the same. The Stunner is countered into a Koquina Clutch but Owens slips out. Now it’s the Pop Up Powerbomb connecting but Elias pulls the referee out at two. Elias gets in for the staredown so Joe can grab a rollup for the fastest three ever at 5:42.

Rating: C. The action was good while it lasted but my goodness I’m sick of the corrupt authority figure stacking the deck motif. I know the criticism is that we’ve seen it for years and that’s pretty accurate. This was the same thing that we’ve seen dozens of times with nothing really changing other than the people involved. The sooner we can move on from this stuff the better, because the horse has been dead so long it’s already compost.

Bryan and Rowan go into the locker room and tell everyone but Murphy to get out. Bryan gets right in his face and demands that Murphy admit that he lied. Rowan hits Murphy in the face and pins him against the wall, with Bryan wanting Murphy to admit that he lied. Murphy admits it and Rowan lets him go, but Bryan says he hates liars. That earns Murphy a trip into the garbage.

Video on King of the Ring.

New Day vs. Revival

Woods and Big E. for New Day here but before we’re ready to go, here’s Orton to talk about Summerslam. Kofi couldn’t beat him ten years ago and he couldn’t do it on Sunday so he snapped in front of his family. One day Kofi’s sons are going to grow up and Kofi is going to have to tell them that he couldn’t beat Orton. Kofi can have one more chance though: make this a six man tag. It seems to be on.

Randy Orton/Revival vs. New Day

Kofi and Orton start with Orton tagging out to Dawson before anything happens. A monkey flip and dropkick have Dawson in trouble and it’s off to Woods, with Big E. wheelbarrowing him into a splash for two. Wilder comes in and gets headscissored down for two but Dawson makes the blind tag. That’s fine with Woods, who rolls him up as well, only to have Wilder take Woods down by the arm. The armbar goes on before Wilder comes back in for one of his own.

Woods fights up and hits a discus forearm but gets taken into the corner again. Orton drops him onto the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Woods’ arm still in trouble and Dawson doing the rather tired taunt of mocking the clap. Another armbar is more his speed but Woods gets up and brings in Big E. for the house cleaning. The Warrior Splash hits Wilder for two as everything breaks down. Kofi dives onto Orton, leaving Woods to take the Shatter Machine for the pin at 11:53.

Rating: C-. The armbars got a bit repetitive after awhile and that made the match feel longer than it would have otherwise. You can see where they’re going with all six of them for Clash of Champions and that makes sense, as New Day doesn’t have any challengers on Smackdown at the moment. Maybe Kofi vs. Orton can be better the next time around too.

Post match Orton gives New Day an RKO each.

Roman comes in to see Bryan and Rowan, who have been conducting their own investigation. Next week, they’ll bring the one who did it to Reigns.

Overall Rating: B-. It wasn’t as good as Raw but they moved things forwards on most accounts. That might not be the most thrilling in every case but at least they have a direction and aren’t as boring as they were before. Couple that with some rather good action (a trend as of late for both shows) and this was one of the better Smackdowns in a while. The shows aren’t perfect yet but you would have a hard time believing they were as bad as they were about six weeks ago. I’ll certainly take that change as the old ones were almost unwatchable. There’s more to do but the hard part seems to be over.


Charlotte b. Ember Moon – Figure Eight

Roman Reigns b. Buddy Murphy – Spear

Samoa Joe b. Kevin Owens – Rollup

Revival/Randy Orton b. New Day – Shatter Machine to Kingston

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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