Dynamite – October 16, 2024: They Need Work

Date: October 16, 2024
Location: SAP Center, San Jose, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re done with WrestleDream and the big story is Jon Moxley is the new World Champion, having kind of retired Bryan Danielson. It seems we are going to need some saviors to fight for the company and maybe we find that out tonight. Other than that, Adam Cole and MJF are both back and don’t like each other. Let’s get to it.

Here is WrestleDream if you need a recap.

The opening video features Jon Moxley and friends in the back of a truck with Moxley talking about how there are so many wrestlers on the roster who get paid and then do nothing. He hates what AEW has become because there is no need for all of the dancing and partying. He’ll burn down the forest and do what has to be done because they can see a better future.

If you want to come with them you can, but otherwise, run while you can. The new paradigm is you work for him now. Wheeler Yuta looks off into the darkness. This included shots of wrestlers being upset at what happened to Bryan Danielson, meaning we probably have some people ready to fight back. That being said, “Wah, they’re making too much money and are too soft but we’re all tough” isn’t exactly a thrilling story.

Here is Adam Cole for a chat. He loves his friends but he has to do this on his own. Cole wants to talk about the worst person in this company, MJF. After years of seeing him be this way, the only thing that Cole can say is that MJF is fake. Just look at his hair: it took two surgeries but that fake hair is on his head. MJF will act all tough and stoic on social media when fans insult him but then he’ll cry in his hotel room.

This place has the best talent roster in the world and there are a lot of hungry people who are ready to go around someone like MJF. He’ll act like he’s something special but the reality is everyone, including Cole, hates him. Cole hates everything about him, including his stupid face, so get out here for the fight they’re going to have right now.

MJF’s music plays but he pops up on screen to say he’s a multi millionaire at 28, but he knows what it’s like to be alone. Cole tried to be his friend but then MJF took it away, but now Cole is never going to get his revenge. MJF will always dangle the carrot of revenge and Cole can thank him for everything later. Cole swears vengeance anyway. This only worked to an extent, as the feud felt like it was over and Cole didn’t have much to say other than “I really hate you”.

Chris Jericho feels vindicated after his loss to Mark Briscoe because Briscoe cheated. Jericho wants a rematch to become the two time Ring Of Honor World Champion, just like Jay Briscoe.

Mark Briscoe doesn’t like Jericho bringing up his brother’s name again, so of course they can have a rematch. Next week. In a ladder war. Tonight though, FTR is going to take out Jericho’s Learning Tree. I appreciate the logic of Briscoe wanting to avenge his brother’s memory being tarnished, but if this is continuing, Briscoe shouldn’t have beaten Jericho clean on Saturday.

FTR vs. Learning Tree

Harwood takes over on Keith to start and hammers away before handing it off to Wheeler. Keith gets in a slam and a knee drop but Wheeler fights up. Bill comes in off a surprise though and it’s a Boss Man Slam to send us to a break. Back with Harwood hitting a clothesline on Keith but getting dropped by the same thing from Bill. The Shatter Machine is broken up and Wheeler takes Bill to the floor for a tornado DDT. Back in and Keith walks into the Shatter Machine for the pin at 8:20.

Rating: C+. As usual, there is only so much that can be done with a match that only gets eight minutes and includes a commercial break. Bill continues to look like a monster and it wouldn’t surprise me to see him do something better in the future. For now though, he’s part of a tag team where Keith is taking the fall, so at least Bill is being protected. At the same time, dang FTR feels like they’ve fallen a very, very long way in the last few months.

Post match the Outrunners come out to post with FTR.

Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are ready to head to the gym, with Billy going to get the car ready. They’re ready for more, but MVP and Shelton Benjamin come in. MVP offers a business card, with Bowens saying they don’t need anything from them. Caster slips the card into his pocket.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Queen Aminata

Mone, with Kamille, is defending. Mone tries to take her down but gets some swiveling hips to the face for her efforts. A victory roll gives Mone two but Aminata gives her a fall away slam to the floor. Kamille offers a quick distraction and Mone gets in a whip to the steps as we take a break. Back with Aminata hitting an Air Raid Crash for two and they both need a breather. A sunset flip gives Aminata one and a neckbreaker gets two, followed by a snap suplex to send Mone into the corner. Mone fights her way out of said corner and hits the Statement Maker for the pin at 8:41.

Rating: C+. Same problem with the match being cut off by the break as the previous one, which is quite the recurring issue in modern wrestling. Mone continues to be good in the ring but other than Britt Baker, she hasn’t had much in the way of competition. Aminata and Emi Sakura haven’t exactly done much in AEW but have gotten recent title shots. Find someone a bit more elevated to get the shot at her.

Private Party talks to the Young Bucks and wants another title shot. The Bucks admit that Private Party took them to the limit but that was their last shot. The Bucks are gone so Stokely Hathaway comes in to say the team has been here since the Obama administration and never gotten anywhere. If they lose next time, they should split up, because Kassidy is the singles star anyway. Not that that’s any of Hathaway’s business of course. I would certainly hope that’s it for the Bucks vs. Private Party, as it wasn’t exactly a big match in the first place.

The Elite talk about how important today is to the history of AEW. Today is Kenny Omega’s birthday and even though he’s had a bunch of his intestines taken out, they have a cake for him. Then they pour a bunch of fake intestines on it. Jack Perry: “Get well soon Kenny. Or die.” Kazuchika Okada throws in a b****. Teasing Omega’s return, even if it’s a bit off in the distance, is a good thing.

Elite vs. Conglomeration

Nick gets taken own by Cassidy to start and O’Reilly strikes away before they do the same to Matt. Romero comes in for a running hurricanrana to Okada and we take a break. Back with O’Reilly making Nick clothesline Matt but Okada comes back in for the save. The Rainmaker is broken up but Matt hits an elbow to give Okada two. Romero is back up with the Forever Clotheslines, only for Okada to break it up with the tombstone. The Bucks spend their time pumping up their shoes and Cassidy starts cleaning house….but Wheeler Yuta runs in to jump O’Reilly for the DQ at 9:21.

Rating: B-. Well at least they had a way to avoid either team losing here. The Conglomeration would be fine enough as the first people to stand up to the Club and some of that was already started at WrestleDream. There’s a good chance the Elite are the real ones to fight the villains of though and….egads that is going to take some incredible efforts. Or they’ll just make the Elite good again and forget everything about what has happened in the last six months with no major repercussions.

Post match the rest of Moxley’s friends, including Moxley, come in for the beatdown, with commentary calling Cassidy “the leader of AEW” which….no. Top Flight comes in for the failed save so the Dark Order runs in, passing by the Elite on the way and asking them to help. The Order is beaten down as well (including Pac beating people up with a briefcase, which may contain the World Title) and the violence continues as Moxley says this is just the cost of doing business. Excalibur: “There’s no rhyme or reason to what these people are doing here.”

Commentary is aghast.

The Elite, minus Okada, says that wasn’t their business but Daniel Garcia and Private Party come in. Perry and Garcia….kind of nuzzle a bit before the Elite leave.

We look at Swerve Strickland picking Prince Nana at WrestleDream.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Lio Rush

MVP and Leila Grey are here too. Rush dodges around to start and can’t get anywhere, so Benjamin drops him with a hard shot. Back up and Benjamin is sent outside, where he jumps up to the apron for a knee (MVP approves) and we take a break. We come back with Benjamin knocking him down again but Rush hits his springboard Stunner.

A cutter catches Benjamin again, followed by a rather spinning tornado DDT for two. Rush goes up top so Benjamin runs the corner for a belly to belly superplex. A release German suplex sends Rush flying and another one does it again. Benjamin superkicks the heck out of him and hits the exploder for the pin at 11:01.

Rating: C+. Benjamin looked great in his first feature match in a long time, but there was no reason or this to be eleven minutes. People know who Benjamin is and he has a long resume. There was no reason for Rush to get in this much offense, as Rush on his best day is nowhere near what Benjamin has done. This should have been WAY shorter, but that’s not how AEW works.

Post match MVP says he wants to keep this going with Swerve Strickland (MVP: “HOW CAN THIS BE SWERVE’s HOUSE WHEN SWERVE’S HOUSE WAS BURNED TO THE GROUND???”) because this is Strickland’s future.

Darby Allin isn’t here tonight, but we do see him talking about Tony Hawk….who isn’t with him. They are however selling signed photos of the two of them together for charity. Sure.

Swerve Strickland is ready for Shelton Benjamin and is ready for him anytime. Benjamin set a lot of records, which have been broken, but Strickland breaks bones.

Here is Don Callis, flanked by Lance Archer and Brian Cage, for a press conference. Since there is no press in wrestling though, he’ll answer the questions himself. First up, he wants the Tag Team Titles back, so these two are going to get them. With that out of the way, Callis brings out Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher.

Callis says Takeshita is defending the title all around the world, with Takeshita saying come take it. Fletcher is given the chance to explain why he turned on Will Ospreay….but he’s not going to say anything because the fans keep chanting for Ospreay. This could have been summed up as “Brian Cage is now on the team”.

Mariah May wants competition so here is Anna Jay to charge at her. Christopher Daniels tries to break it up and Jay hits him in the face. Nigel McGuinness is thrilled.

Ricochet is ready to show that he is the best in the world and doesn’t need the lackeys to do it for him like Konosuke Takeshita. The open challenge is on for Collision.

Jon Moxley and company are still beating up the Dark Order and Top Flight. The villains leave and Evil Uno rants about how Moxley and company are taking food off their plates. Darius Martin issues the challenge for Collision. If I’m supposed to care about the Dark Order and Top Flight as AEW’s saviors, AEW has a lot more work today.

Christian Cage vs. Jay White

A bunch of their friends are here too. They start slowly until White sends him into the corner a few times. White grabs something like an Indian deathlock as commentary does their inside jokes. Nick Wayne makes the referee believe the Bang Bang Gang used a chair so they’re ejected, but Wayne gets beaten up first. We take a break and come back with White fighting out of a chinlock.

White pulls the turtleneck over Cage’s face and hammering away in the corner, followed by the chops to the exposed chest (Nigel: “You sadist!”). Cage fights back and hits a reverse DDT onto the apron but cue Kip Sabian (because of course) for a distraction. White gets a rollup for two as Hangman Page is hiding on the floor (he might have shown up too early). Cage’s Killswitch gets two but Sabian offers another distraction, allowing Page to come in with the Buckshot Lariat so Cage can get the pin at 16:03.

Rating: B-. Oh someone botched the heck out of that interference, as Sabian and Page did the exact same thing twice about five minutes apart. That feels like it’s something the producer screwed up as the wrestlers were probably given the cue early. Other than that, it was a long main event with a bit of a story behind it (Cage put White out earlier this year) and it keeps White vs. Page going, which does fit after they had a quick one off match.

Overall Rating: C+. I’m not sure what to make of this show. While it wasn’t bad, it absolutely did not feel like something coming off of what was supposedly a huge ending to a pay per view. Moxley and company are still all violent and beating people up, but now they’re beating up some of the lowest of the low around here. After everyone was so devastated by Bryan Danielson being taken out, you would think there would be bigger names than Dante Marin and Evil Uno ready to fight back.

Other than that, there was a lot of stuff that seems like it will be continuing from WrestleDream, which only felt so important coming in. That’s the theme of this show: stuff happened, but it didn’t feel like it matters that much. The big story is what people will focus on though and that’s….well it’s going to be a bit before we get to the meat of the matter. Until then, we have Battle Of The Belts, which had its first (and so far only) match announced with ten seconds left on the show: a non-title match between Anna Jay and Mariah May. That show, much like a lot of other things around here, is going to need some work.

FTR b. Learning Tree – Shatter Machine to Keith
Mercedes Mone b. Queen Aminata – Statement Maker
Conglomeration b. Elite via DQ when the Blackpool Combat Club interfered
Shelton Benjamin b. Lio Rush – Exploder
Christian Cage b. Jay White – Buckshot Lariat



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Collision – October 5, 2024: Five Years Is A Long Time

Date: October 5, 2024
Location: Huntington Center, Toledo, Ohio
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re a week away from WrestleDream and this week’s show will determine the Tag Team Title match at the pay per view. In this case we have three teams vying for the show, with one of them being the team who has been feuding with the champions in recent weeks. Othe than that, you ever know what you might see here. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Darby Allin vs. Johnny TV

Feeling out process to start until they fight over arm control. Allin grabs a headlock takeover but TV ties him in the ropes and hits the sliding German suplex for two. A hard whip sends Allin into the corner but he’s right back with a top rope superplex for a breather. TV is fine enough to legsweep him on the apron but misses a splash.

The Coffin Drop to the floor looks to set up the usual version back inside, only for TV to break it up. Starship Pain is blocked as well so TV hits a Razor’s Edge into a faceplant (that was cool) for two. Back up and Starship Pain misses again, allowing Allin to hit a Code Red for two. The Coffin Drop finishes TV at 7:40.

Rating: C+. This was what you would expect from TV these days, as he was out there to make someone else look good and did a nice enough job at that. Allin was out there throwing himself around and getting the fans to care or him, which is where he tends to shine. Nice, to the point match here.

Post match Allin brings up his WrestleDream open challenge, saying he wants an answer tonight. Anyone who wants to make their name off of him can step up right now, but no one comes out. Allin goes to leave…and gets jumped by Brody King. The beatdown is on and King powerbombs him onto the apron before saying “I ACCEPT”.

We get another 80s style video, with the Outrunners and FTR training together.

Outrunners vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Magnum and Drake start things off with the former snapping off an armdrag into a double bicep pose. Gibson comes in and gets chopped in the corner before it’s back to Drake. The Veterans are cleared out and the fans are rather pleased as well as we go to the a break. Back with Gibson working on Floyd’s knee before handing it off to Drake. Some diving tag attempts don’t work until Floyd rolls over for the tag to Magnum. A string of slams set up the double elbow as the fans are rather invested again. Drake makes a save and what looks like a Doomsday Device is loaded up but Magnum reverses into a victory roll for he pin at 9:58.

Rating: C+. Good, now do something with them. The Outrunners are a fun act and the ans are into them. They don’t seem like they are going to have an incredibly long shelf life so do something with them and capitalize on this. At the same time, the Veterans felt like they were going to be something and…no.

Video on Britt Baker, who wants the Women’s Title.

Willow Nightingale wants the title as well. The rest of the Conglomeration is ready to beat up the Premiere Athletes, because the word of the day is diversification, because they are a diverse team.

Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora

Mariah May is at ringside. Nightingale runs her over for two to start and they trade suplexes for two each. Adora’s double arm crank into a rollup gets two more but Nightingale fights up, leaving May looking….confused? We take a break and come back with Adora hitting something like an Air Raid Crash onto the knee for two. Nightingale pops back up with a middle rope dropkick for two of her own but Adora hits a running crossbody. One heck of a bridging German suplex gives Adora two, only for Nightingale to hit a quick Babe With The Powerbomb for the pin at 8:01.

Rating: C+. Adora was trying some different things and that is what usually makes her stand out most of the time. The bridging German suplex looked great and while there wasn’t a ton of drama over the winner, at least they kept it interesting. Nightingale seems to be getting into the title picture and that is always worth a look.

Post match Nightingale gets in a brawl with May.

Wheeler Yuta is interrupted by Pac and Claudio Castagnoli, who throw the interviewer out. Yuta rants about what he has done for Castagnoli and now he’s just supposed to trust him after everything? Castagnoli says he’ll always have Yuta’s back.

Mariah May is sick of everyone coming for the title. Christopher Daniels comes in to make Willow Nightingale vs. Britt Baker in a #1 contenders match for the WrestleDream title shot.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Beef

Anthony Henry is here with Beef. Yuta unloads on him in the corner but Beef is back with some right hands. A discus punch and something like an Angle Slam put Beef down and Yuta stomps away in the corner. The elbows to the face set up Cattle Mutilation to finish Beef at 2:15.

Hook calls out whomever attacked Taz for Dynamite.

Video on Ricochet vs. Will Ospreay, with Konosuke Takeshita interfering for the DQ. Triple threat title match at WrestleDream.

Conglomeration vs. Premiere Athletes

The Athletes, with Josh Woods and Mark Sterling, jump them to start but Cassidy snaps off a double hurricanrana. Back to back dives put the Conglomeration down on the floor though and Daivari stomps away as we take a break. We come back with Cassidy driving Daivari into the corner for the tag to O’Reilly, who cranks on a leglock.

Nese comes in for the save but Cassidy is back in with a high crossbody to Daivari. Nese’s pumphandle is countered into a DDT from Cassidy and Rocky Romero gets in a fight with Woods. Sterling helps Woods with the beatdown so here is Mark Briscoe to fight Woods to the back. Cassidy drops Sterling and hits the Beach Break on Nese for the win at 10:20.

Rating: B-. It feels like the Premiere Athletes have gotten beaten up by every team in AEW for months now and it’s kind of hard to get interested in seeing it happen again. The match was perfectly fine, but there was no question about how it was going to end, with Sterling getting taken out as he often does. Perfectly fine, but not exciting.

Lance Archer is beating up people in the back, as is his custom. Don Callis pops in to ask if Archer is still represented by Jake Roberts. Archer: “Yeah.”

Mercedes Mone does her usual bragging when Kris Statlander interrupts. Kamille isn’t having this and glaring ensues.

Hologram vs. Nick Wayne vs. Action Andretti vs. Komander

Hologram and Komander hit running hurricanranas to start before being sent outside. Andretti hits a dropkick on Wayne for two but gets sent to the apron. Komander runs the ropes and bounces onto another rope to…land on the apron. Hologram clears the ring but gets pulled out to the floor, leaving Andretti to hit a rolling flipping splash off the apron to Komander.

We take a break and come back with Hologram hitting a reverse suplex to Wayne and a DDT to Andretti at the same time, followed by a 450 for two on Wayne. Komander is back in with the very springboardy hurricanranas but charges into a Spanish Fly to give Andretti two. Something like a Canadian Destroyer plants Hologram though and everyone is down. Komander’s Cielito Lindo hits Hologram but he’s back up with a helicopter bomb to pin Andretti at 10:47.

Rating: B. You’ve probably seen a match like this many times before but that doesn’t make it any less fun. This was four guys going out there and doing a bunch of stuff until one of them got a pin. It was rather entertaining and the live fans were into it, as Hologram’s rise to…I’m sure it’ll go somewhere at some point, continues.

The Undisputed Kingdom asks The Beast Mortos where his allegiances lie so he grunts a lot.

Kris Statlander vs. Zoey Lynn

A gorilla press slam and Staturday Night Fever finishes Lynn at 40 seconds.

Post match Mercedes Mone and Kamille come out, with the former saying Statlander isn’t showing her up. Kamille gets in the ring for the brawl and lays Statlander out in short order. Well that didn’t last long.

Darby Allin is ready for Brody King at WrestleDream. He got King hired and King is going to have to fight to take everything from him.

Emi Sakura won a match in Japan and gets a TBS Title shot as a result. Of course she does. Hasn’t won a match in AEW since last April, but gets one win and has a title shot.

House Of Black vs. Private Party vs. Top Flight

For the Tag Team Title shot at WrestleDream. Dante and Quen trade near falls to start before Private Party sends Top Flight outside. Everything breaks down and the House catches some dives to take out Private Party without much trouble. We take a break and come back with Dante tagging himself back in to pick up the pace. A frog splash to Quen gets two and they’re both down again.

Darius comes back in but gets caught with a springboard Stunner and Silly String. That doesn’t work for the House, who comes in to wreck Top Flight without much trouble. Private Party is back in but can’t hit Gin & Juice on Matthews. Instead Matthews hits a Jackhammer into a top rope double stomp for two on Kassidy, with the kickout leaving Matthews stunned. Cue Action Andretti for a distraction though, with Dante hitting a dive to take out the House. Kassidy hits his own dive and Gin & Juice finishes Dante at 11:48.

Rating: B-. While Private Party seemed to be the likely choices for the title shot as they’ve been feuding with the Young Bucks in recent weeks, it’s almost hard to believe that this is the best option for the shot. Private Party is mainly riding on the result of a match from five years ago, followed by a long string of nothing, and then a few wins (minus the time the Blackpool Combat Club mauled them) to get this shot. That’s not exactly inspiring stuff for a pay per view title shot but the tag division is so decimated that we’re going there anyway.

Overall Rating: C+. Maybe it’s due to the show being up against WWE Bad Blood, but this did not feel important or really worthy of watching. There was good action and some stuff was set up for WrestleDream, but look at what was set up. Private Party gets a title shot? Darby Allin vs. Brody King? WrestleDream is looking like a rather weak card and this didn’t make things any better, which isn’t the most encouraging sign. The wrestling here was solid enough, but dang it doesn’t have me interested in anything coming up.

Darby Allin b. Johnny TV – Coffin Drop
Outrunners b. Grizzled Young Veterans – Victory roll to Gibson
Willow Nightingale b. Trish Adora – Babe With The Powerbomb
Wheeler Yuta b. Beef – Cattle Mutilation
Conglomeration b. Premiere Athletes – Beach Break to Nese
Hologram b. Kip Sabian, Action Andretti and Komander – Helicopter bomb to Andretti
Kris Statlander b. Zoey Lynn – Staturday Night Fever
Private Party b. House Of Black and Top Flight – Gin & Juice to Dante



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Collision – September 14, 2024: The Stretched Too Far Edition

Date: September 14, 2024
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re getting closer and closer to Grand Slam and this is another taped show after the kind of weird taping schedule following All In. Dynamite was not the strongest show in the world so hopefully they can bounce back a bit here. That could be easily done as Collision can have some strong shows when given the chance. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

TNT Title: Jack Perry vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniels is challenging and strikes away in the corner to start. A clothesline gives Perry a quick two and he does that cross pose in the corner. Perry gets two off a running clothesline and a neckbreaker, followed by a more basic kick to the head for one. A missile dropkick gives Perry two more, with Nigel saying Bryan Danielson stole that from Perry. Daniels manages a quick STO and the Death Valley Driver for two. The Angel’s Wings is countered and they trade rollups for two each. Perry puts him down again though and the running knee (with middle fingers, because Perry is tough like that) retains at 5:07.

Rating: C. If you must have Perry in the ring so often, this is the kind of win that is going to help boost him up. Daniels is still a name and even though he is miles past his prime, it’s still a nice win for Perry and didn’t take that long. Perry is going to need a bigger challenger coming up though, and I’m not sure who can deal with someone as interesting/tough/amazing as him.

Perry leaves, getting in the Scapegoatmobile, while saying the people who hate him can’t handle the truth.

We kind of look at what happened to Bryan Danielson.

Wheeler Yuta is very upset about what happened and hasn’t talked to the rest of the team. He has a match tonight but you can tell his mind is everywhere else. Yuta sold this rather well.

Conglomeration/Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos/Premiere Athletes

Mark Sterling is here with the Athletes and says he paid Mortos off to team with them tonight. O’Reilly works on Nese’s arm to start and it’s off to Briscoe to stay on the arm. Nese takes him into the corner and Daivari comes in, with Nigel talking about how rich Daivari certainly is. Briscoe isn’t having that and staggers Daivari so O’Reilly can come in with a boot to the face.

O’Reilly stays on Daivari’s arm (he likes that) so Mortos comes in and knocks Hologram out of the air. A rather springboardy armdrag takes Mortos down though and an armdrag gets two on Nese. Everything breaks down and, after a weird wide shot, Josh Woods offers a distraction so O’Reilly can be taken out. We take a break and come back with Briscoe coming in to clean house, including a suplex for two on Nese.

Mortos breaks up the Jay Driller but gets knocked out to the floor. Hologram takes Nese off the top for two with Daivari making the save. Nese dives onto O’Reilly but gets taken out by Hologram’s running flip dive. Mortos hits an even bigger dive, only for Sterling to cut off Briscoe’s dive. That doesn’t work for Briscoe, who hits his own big dive over Sterling to take a bunch of people out. Back in and Hologram hits a tornado DDT into a crucifix to pin Nese at 10:37.

Rating: B. Take Hologram To Your Match Day continues with the Conglomeration getting a turn. It’s not the worst idea and Hologram is getting to rub elbows with some big names, though I’m not sure I know anything about him yet other than he flips a lot. Either way, it was another fun match, with the stars getting to showcase themselves a good bit.

Post match Mortos spears Hologram down, with the Conglomeration making the save.

We look at Orange Cassidy winning at CMLL’s Anniversary show and taking out Chris Jericho to end the show.

The Learning Tree jump Orange Cassidy and put the backpack over his head so Chris Jericho can smash the picture from Dynamite over his head. Well over the bag over his head.

Someone who looks like Stokely Hathaway (we never saw his face) watches a DVD of the Briscoes vs. FTR III.

Mariah May isn’t having her championship celebration this week and still wants Mina Shirakawa back. She can’t have her celebration without her. Yuka Sakazaki comes in to say she wants a title shot. May says she can get in line so May can rip her head off. Sakazaki: “OK! BYE!”

Wheeler Yuta vs. Anthony Henry

Yuta is not into this and Henry has Beef with him. Henry headlocks him down to start and Yuta doesn’t seem to care. A takedown lets Henry kick him in the back but Yuta comes back with a slam, only to miss a backsplash. Henry sends him outside for a suplex into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Henry getting two off an Air Raid Crash but Yuta spins through the ropes and grabs a German suplex for two. Yuta is sent outside again and into the barricade, setting up a top rope double stomp for two. Henry dares to mention Danielson though and Yuta snaps, hammering away in the corner to knock Henry outside for a change. There’s the big suicide dive and Yuta kicks Beef in the face for a bonus. Back in and a missile dropkick into the elbows to the neck into Cattle Mutilation finish Henry at 9:01.

Rating: C+. This is an interesting one as it’s just ok as a match, but it told a story of Yuta, who is usually dull and rather lackluster when it comes to intensity, snapping over his mentor’s name. It’s certainly something, and while it wasn’t a great match, it made me more interested in seeing where this is going, which is a good sign. If nothing else, I’ll take this over Yuta’s Pure Rules stuff, which has turned into one of the dullest things around here.

Post match Yuta almost goes after the referee but calms himself down and leaves in peace.

Serena Deeb wants Queen Aminata to watch her match later, but she doesn’t think Aminata is ready. Aminata doesn’t have time for this, but Deeb will show her how it’s done.

Anna Jay is back from Japan and talks about how much she has grown in Japan. Now she wants a title. If she can actually maintain some momentum, it would mean more than anything she learned elsewhere.

Private Party/Komander vs. Ren Jones/Lord Crewe/Jon Cruz

I wonder if these are the same guys Private Party and Komander were going to face on Dynamite. Kassidy flips over Jones to start but has to throw Crewe over the top. Komander takes Crewe down with a flip dive and Cielito Lindo hits Cruz. Gin and Juice finishes Jones at 1:06. That worked.

Nigel McGuinness explains that while he doesn’t know if Bryan Danielson can go at Grand Slam, he’ll be ready just in case. Tony Khan booked the match almost as a stop gap, with Darby Allin putting his title shot on the line against Jon Moxley because Danielson might not be able to go.

That’s one heck of a way to go to get around a bait and switch and….yeah I’m not quite buying that Allin was told “Danielson is indisposed” and Tony Khan was TOTALLY FINE with changing a match that might still be able to happen (as well as GIVING THE MAN WHO TRIED TO KILL THE WORLD CHAMPION a #1 CONTENDERS MATCH) all in the span of about ten minutes.

McGuinness shows us a video on his history with Bryan Danielson and knows Danielson is still scared of him. If Danielson shows up, Nigel is going to end his career.

Serena Deeb vs. Yuka Sakazaki

The bell rings and Mariah May comes out to join commentary. Then the bell rings again and May tells Sakazaki, who is returning after a broken leg, to break a leg. Deeb ties Sakazaki up in the Paradise Lock as May says Sakazaki is a child so May can’t beat her up. Sakazaki fights up but gets neckbreakered over the rope as we take a break. Back with Sakazaki hitting a missile dropkick as May says she wants to put Sakazaki over her knee and spank her (with a certain look at Nigel).

Deeb hits a hammerlock lariat for two but Deebtox is countered into a sliding lariat for two. Back up and Deeb powerbombs her into a Brock Lock, with Sakazaki crawling over to the ropes. They trade standing clotheslines with Deeb getting the better of things, only for Sakazaki to hit a scoop brainbuster. The Magical Girl Splash finishes Deeb at 10:39.

Rating: C+. I guess it’s time for Sakazaki to be a thing again, as May apparently knows her from her time in Japan and isn’t a fan. Sakazaki is coming back from an injury that kept her out of action for a long time and…well apparently she’s just jumping right into the title picture, despite never being anything significant around here in the first place. That being said, May was an absolute star here, with a great mixture of anger, humor and flirting, plus some outstanding facial expressions. Do more of this everywhere else.

Post match May goes after Sakazaki, who kicks May in the face and picks up the Women’s Title.

Video on the Outrunners, and yes they are training in less than pristine quality video, because….well would you expect anything else?

Top Flight and company had a nice dinner but Action Andretti is ticked off at their losses this week. Why aren’t they winning bigger matches? Andretti says he wants the House Of Black and leaves.

Bang Bang Gang vs. Cage Of Agony

Toa powers Robinson into the corner, where Robinson gives him a quick spank as he slips out. Kaun comes in to chop away at Colten but it’s Austin coming in to trip Kaun down. It’s off to Cage to drop Austin though and we take a break. Back with Austin diving at his partners, who have been knocked to the floor, only for Colten to come back up for the tag a second later.

Colten snaps off some suplexes until Kaun Pounces the heck out of him. The toss sitout powerbomb gets two with Austin making the save. Toa misses a charge and it’s back to Robinson to pick up the pace. Cage blasts him with a discus lariat and powerbombs Austin but Robinson makes the save. The big left into the 3:10 To Yuma into the forward DDT finishes Cage at 10:30.

Rating: C+. The trios division continues to just not be very interesting. So often it feels like a team is either thrown together and wins the titles (like now) or comes out of nowhere to win them. At the same time, you can all but guarantee that the Cage Of Agony will be around, as they are just kind of there no matter what.

Queen Aminata mocks Serena Deeb’s loss.

Queen Aminata vs. Robyn Renegade

Aminata takes her down with a bodyscissors without much trouble and grabs an early crossface. That’s broken up so Renegade snaps her down again, only to get dropkicked into a DDT for two. Aminata is back with a swinging neckbreaker and the headbutt for the pin at 3:04.

Rating: C. It’s amazing how much easier it is to watch Aminata now that she isn’t being featured time after time. There was a stretch there where she was wrestling 2-3 times on TV every week and it was getting old fast. This was a dominant enough performance and she should have a match with Deeb coming. That might not be the most thrilling, but I do like having a feud over something other than a title for a change.

Post match Deeb runs in and takes Aminata out.

The House Of Black knows a bunch of people are coming for them so bring them on.

FTR vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Harwood and Gibson start things off but it’s a four way stand off in short order. Drake comes in and gets shouldered down before it’s off to a test of strength. Wheeler comes in to chop away but it’s back to Gibson to strike away on Harwood. The Veterans clear the ring but Harwood is back in for two off a sunset flip. A belly to back superplex drops Drake hard and we take a break.

Back with Drake cutting off a tag to Wheeler but getting clotheslined down. Harwood makes it over to Wheeler…but the referee doesn’t see it, only to see it a few seconds later. Some rollups give Wheeler two, at least until Gibson comes in to grab him so Drake can score with an enziguri. Wheeler drops Gibson with a clothesline but the spike piledriver is broken up. What looked like a Doomsday Device is broken up as well and Harwood Sharpshooters Drake for the tap at 11:05.

Rating: B. This was just getting going when it came to an end and…the Veterans just lose. One of the biggest problems with AEW’s tag division is how the same teams have been at the top for so long and the Veterans being some fresh blood could have helped. Instead, they lose their first big match in about eleven minutes to FTR, who have been around for the better part of ever. Such is life in the tag division.

Post match the Veterans jump FTR again but the Outrunners make the save to a big reaction. The big handshake and a lot of posing (Harwood is so impressed that he faints)

Overall Rating: C+. There was good stuff in here and it wasn’t a bad show by any means, but it is the textbook definition of a show that feels like it should have been an hour long but was stretched out to two. There was a fair amount of stuff that felt like it was added in to fill time, which is not the best way to go. That being said, it was a totally watchable show with nothing too bad. I can go with bored for a bit over getting annoyed for large segments, so call this a decent enough show.

Jack Perry b. Christopher Daniels – Running knee
Conglomeration/Hologram b. Premiere Athletes/The Beast Mortos – Crucifix to Nese
Wheeler Yuta b. Anthony Henry – Cattle Mutilation
Private Party/Komander b. Ren Jones/Lord Crewe/Jon Cruz – Gin and Juice to Jones
Yuka Sakazaki b. Serena Deeb – Magical Girl Splash
Bang Bang Gang b. Cage Of Agony – Forward DDT to Cage
Queen Aminata b. Robyn Renegade – Headbutt
FTR b. Grizzled Young Veterans – Sharpshooter to Drake



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Rampage – September 13, 2024: Twice As Decent

Date: September 13, 2024
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re taped as the fallout from All Out continues. Dynamite was in a weird place with everything they had to do as so many people are missing after the pay per view. That could spill over to Rampage as well, but the show certainly marches to the beat of its own drum. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Dark Order vs. Conglomeration

Briscoe chops away at Reynolds to start and it’s off to Cassidy, who gets kicked in the face. A double flipping faceplant sets up a triple kick to the face, allowing the Order to pose on Cassidy. Silver hits Reynolds by mistake though and then he does it again, which ahs the Order fighting among themselves. Everything breaks down and Silver is left alone for a running basement dropkick. The Stundog Millionaire rocks Silver again but Uno is back with Something Evil. Briscoe hits a hard clothesline though and we take a break.

Back with O’Reilly cleaning house and the double kicks having Reynolds in more trouble. Everything breaks down and a DDT sends O’Reilly outside. Cassidy comes back with a double hurricanrana and Briscoe uses the chair for a step up flip dive. The Jay Driller finishes Reynolds at 10:07.

Rating: B-. This was the kind of match you would expect from them and even though the Dark Order is only going to be so much of a threat to anyone, at least it was fun while it lasted. The Conglomeration continues to be one of the most entertaining things in AEW, as not only is Briscoe absolutely hilarious, but they work well together in the ring. It’s as good of an opening match as you’re going to get a lot of the time and it worked well here.

Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes argues with the Kingdom and a Fight Without Honor seems set. We’ll even make it a Bunkhouse Brawl, say it with me, on Collision rather than Ring Of Honor.

Kamille vs. Robyn Renegade

Kamille stomps away in the corner but Renegade slips behind her and hammers away. They head outside with Kamille carrying her around and working on the arm. Back in and Renegade hits something like a crossbody for two but gets caught in an Oklahoma Stampede. The sitout Dominator finishes Renegade at 3:16.

Rating: C. Total destruction here, which is what it should have been. Kamille is a powerhouse and mainly there to work for Mercedes Mone but at the same time she can wrestle a decent enough power match. There was only so much to be seen here, but at least she got to make this work in the short time she had.

Christopher Daniels accepts Jack Perry’s open challenge for a TNT Title shot on Collision.

Roderick Strong vs. Beef

Beef is the rather annoying cousin of Anthony Henry, who can’t stand him. Strong grabs a headlock to start but Beef takes him down in a surprise. Back up and Beef runs him over as we take an early break. We come back with Beef winning a slugout and the fans chanting BEEF on every punch. Beef gets the better of the slugout and hammers away in the corner, only for Strong to come back with a superplex for two. Back up and Beef knocks him into the ropes for a running crossbody to the back but the Kingdom offers a distraction. Beef gets back in and Strong knees him in the face for the pin at 7:53.

Rating: C+. The fans were into Beef but he didn’t get to talk, which makes him a lot more tolerable. I’m not sure I can imagine Beef becoming a big deal anywhere but if the fans can have some fun with him, fine enough. For now though, this was little more than a goofy match to fill in some time.

The Righteous say there is a light in the tag division and they’re all here because they’re not all there. Dutch calls out the House Of Black.

Outcasts vs. The Hex

Saraya and Belle start things off with Saraya stomping away in the corner. Kay gets drawn in and it’s off to Cameron to choke in the corner. Saraya’s cheap shot knees on the apron have Belle in more trouble as this is one sided so far. Back in and Belle finally kicks her away, allowing the tag off to Kay for the house cleaning. That lasts all of five seconds as Cameron kicks her down and the Nightcap finishes for Saraya at 3:47.

Rating: C. Pretty much a squash and that’s all it needed to be as the Outcasts are being built up so Jamie Hayter can destroy them in the near future. Saraya and Cameron are still pretty low on the totem pole but they’re a good way for Hayter to look like a monster on the way back in. It’s not a bad idea and if they keep things quick, it should work well.

Post match Jamie Hayter runs in to chase the villains off.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Action Andretti

Don Callis is here with Takeshita while Lio Rush is with Andretti. Takeshita takes him up against the ropes for a shove to the face but Andretti takes things outside. That just earns Andretti a face first drop onto the apron and Takeshita sends him into a few things. Back in and some hard chops have Andretti in trouble and a superplex makes it worse as we take a break.

Back with Andretti hammering away, including a running back elbow. Andretti sends him outside and hits a rolling splash off the apron, with commentary pointing out that it was kind of a weird move. Back in and Takeshita hits a hard clothesline for two but he has to avoid a standing shooting star press and moonsault. Andretti’s running dropkick is shrugged off but a super hurricanrana works a bit better. Takeshita isn’t having that and hits a running knee but pulls Andretti up at two. Raging Fire finishes for Takeshita at 11:54.

Rating: B-. This was a good showcase for Takeshita, who seems to be on his way to a Continental Title shot against Kazuchika Okada, which could be where he finally gets his big win. Ok so it isn’t likely, but at least Takeshita would be getting some serious competition. For now though, he got to have a nice match against Andretti, who is always good for one of those.

Overall Rating: C+. As usual, not a bad show at all but nothing that you need to go out of your way to see. Rampage has found its footing again and while you don’t gain much from seeing it, the show is perfectly watchable and the very light and breezy show that makes for easy viewing. That’s what we got here and the show flew by, which is always nice to see.

Conglomeration b. Dark Order – Jay Driller to Reynolds
Kamille b. Robyn Renegade – Sitout Dominator
Roderick Strong b. Beef – Jumping knee
Outcasts b. The Hex – Nightcap to Kay
Konosuke Takeshita b. Action Andretti – Raging Fire



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Dynamite – September 11, 2024: Oh…No

Date: September 11, 2024
Location: Rupp Arena, Lexington, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are rapidly approaching Grand Slam in New York but it is also the All out fallout show. The big stories were the attempted murders of Bryan Danielson and Swerve Strickland at the hands of Jon Moxley and Hangman Page respectively. Neither of them should be here this week but strange things have happened. Let’s get to it.

I was in attendance for this show, sitting in the upper deck with the video screen slightly to my right. The attendance was very bad, with probably around 2,500 people, though the arena holds over 20,000. Seeing the amount of seats tarped off and empty made me say “wow” when I first walked in.

We open with a clip from All Out, with Jon Moxley explaining that he does not like Bryan Danielson’s ego and attacked him because it is Moxley’s nature. That’s a good enough explanation.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and brings out the Patriarchy for a chat. Christian Cage has been told that he has “infinite aura” and now that he has the contract for a World Title match, he knows it is undeniable. When he saw Killswitch grab him by the throat, he knew that he had the perfect monster under his control. The fans chant LUCHASAURUS as Cage talks about how he’s coming for Bryan Danielson. The beating he’ll give Danielson will make his wife Brie wish she was the one with CTE. Cage makes it clear that he is the UNDISPUTED next World Champion.

Don Callis cashes in his favor with Will Ospreay to team with Kyle Fletcher for tonight’s Casino Tag Team Gauntlet Match. Fletcher talks Ospreay into doing it, saying there is no one he would rather team with t do this. As Mark Davis continues to become less and less important.

TNT Title: Jack Perry vs. Lio Rush

Perry is defending and comes to the ring in his Scapegoatmobile while Rush just has Action Andretti. Perry jumps him to start and the beatdown is on in the corner but Rush fights up with a dropkick to the floor. Rush tries a moonsault to the floor but gets dropped onto the apron for the crash as we take a break.

Back with Rush fighting out of a chinlock but getting dropped, which is enough for Andretti to come after him. That’s enough for an ejection but Rush fights up and hits a running Spanish Fly for two. Perry lawn darts him into the buckle though and a snapdragon puts Rush down again. Rush is right back with a poisonrana for a breather but Perry breaks up the springboard Stunner. The running knee finishes for Perry at 8:39.

Rating: C+. This was the way to give Perry some momentum back after his loss on Saturday and could have been a lot worse. Perry is far more tolerable when he stays around this level, which unfortunately does not happen very often. I’m not sure why Rush got this show but there were worse options to come after the title.

Perry goes to leave, saying people like him are crucified in this life so they can be glorified in the next.

We look at Hangman Page beating Swerve Strickland at a rather horrible level at All Out.

Page talks about how he has gone this far to beat Strickland and he would have spent an eternity in pain for a chance to hurt Strickland. Now if anyone stood in the way of him and his revenge, he is coming for them too. Page walks over and glares at Top Flight/Action Andretti before seeing the Dark Order, who don’t know him anymore. Then he runs into Jeff Jarrett, who says Page went too far when he put his hands on Jeff’s wife. The fight is on and has to be broken up.

Private Party and Komander come out for a match….and get jumped by the Blackpool Combat Club. Pac talks about how this company is broken and diplomacy has failed.

The Learning Tree arrives in a Bentley with a HI GUYS license plate. They’re going to show what they found in Orange Cassidy’s backpack tonight.

Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara

They trade strikes to start until Ricochet sends him outside for the big running flip dive. The fight heads to the stage with Ricochet being sent into part of the set, allowing Guevara t moonsault off the tunnel as we take a break (note that they have been on the floor for 1:13 before the break and the ten count has not even started).

Back with Ricochet being sent to the floor (Fan: “Sorry.”) and into the barricade. Ricochet fights up and hits a jumping flip dive off the barricade) that was great) for two back inside. The Benydriller is countered into a Canadian Destroyer and Guevara hits a top rope cutter for two more. Guevara’s GTH misses and Ricochet kicks him in the head, setting up an ax kick stomp (egads) into Vertigo for the pin at 10:54.

Rating: B. This was definitely a better showing from Ricochet, who got to do his usual stuff and beat someone with some stature. It’s good to have Guevara back, but he has definitely lost a lot of his status in his hiatus. The flips were good and that ax kick stomp was awesome, making this a good match with Ricochet looking like a star.

Post match the Beast Mortos runs in to spar Ricochet, with Guevara making the save.

We look back at Kris Statlander beating Willow Nightingale in the Chicago street fight.

Kazuchika Okada mocks his title defense on Saturday when Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis come in and want the Continental Title shot. Okada seems interested, complete with the b****.

Here is Darby Allin (to the reaction of the night, with people rising to their feet) for a chat. He gets right to the point and calls out Jon Moxley, who comes to the ring with Marina Shafir. Moxley talks about how nothing has changed between them but Allin cuts him off. Allin talks about how he was a homeless dishwasher and everything he owned fit in the trunk of his car. That’s why he wrestles the way he does and he loved what he saw in Moxley, who wouldn’t change for anyone.

They first wrestled in a high school gym and Allin was so nervous. Then he saw what Allin did to Bryan Danielson, which Allin could never do to someone like Sting. So what does Moxley want? It turns out Moxley wants Allin’s World Title shot at Grand Slam, because Danielson is going to be out of commission. Allin: “What are you stupid? You get dropped on your head? You been drinking again?”

After that gasp from the crowd, the fans hear Allin say Moxley has to earn it, with Moxley offering to earn it in New York. Allin accepts the challenge for Grand Slam, presumably with the title shot on the line. That’s quite the bait and switch for Grand Slam, which sold tickets based off the idea of the title match.

Nigel McGuinness interrupts Christopher Daniels and wants to talk to Tony Khan.

Commentary talks about September 11, which is a nice touch that would be nicer if it was going to a break instead of crammed between matches.

Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata

Non-title. They both miss some kicks to start and trade rollups for two each. An exchange of strikes to the face goes to Aminata but May ties her in the ropes and hammers away. We take a break and come back with May hitting a missile dropkick into the corner. Aminata kicks her away again and snaps off some suplexes. The running boot against the ropes gives Aminata two but May is back with a hanging DDT for two of her own. May’s running knee into Storm Zero finishes at 8:26.

Rating: C+. Not bad here with May getting a win, but she’s still missing a little something since she won the title. She’s still a good heel and is good at talking down to people but it’s not quite clicking. At the same time, Aminata seemed a bit shaky here and it wouldn’t surprise me if she was banged up somewhere in there.

Post match May lays on the mat with the belt and says she needs to have her championship celebration, but she wants Mina Shirakawa back too.

The Young Bucks mock the fans who say they want a new team to come after them. That’s why they have booked the tag team gauntlet match for tonight.

Learning Tree vs. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages

Boulder knocks Jericho into the corner to start so it’s off to Bill for the big forearms. Everything breaks down and Jameson is booted in the face. Keith adds Diamond Dust and Jericho’s arrogant cover gets the pin at 2:27.

Post match Jericho goes on a rant about how he wants his $7000 back from Orange Cassidy, which is why he took the backpack. Inside the backpack is a picture of Cassidy and the former Best Friends. Cassidy pops up on screen and says he has the money. Cue Mark Briscoe driving a big machine full of coins, which he pours into Jericho’s fancy car. Cassidy adds some cash and that should be it. Fans: “KEEP THE CHANGE!” Pouring a bunch of coins into a car seems more mildly inconvenient than anything else.

Here is Nigel McGuinness for a chat. There is not going to be a World Title match at Grand Slam, which must be a breath of air for Bryan Danielson. Like when he let go of choking Justin Roberts with his tie. The World Champion should be in action at Grand Slam, which brings him to the contract he has in his hand. The success that he has should be his and Tony Khan has made the match. At Grand Slam, it’s Danielson vs. McGuinness. So if he can have that match, why can’t he have the Allin match?

Hook wants Roderick Strong for the FTW Title.

Here are the Young Bucks, in AEW office chairs, to watch the main event.

Tag Team Casino Gauntlet

First fall wins and there is no guarantee that all of the teams get in. FTR is in at #1 and Kyle Fletcher/Will Ospreay are in at #2. Ospreay snaps off a hurricanrana to Wheeler to start but a sitout powerbomb gives Harwood two. Fletcher is knocked outside and the PowerPlex gets two. The Righteous are in at #3 and a Boss Man Slam into a Swanton gets two on Wheeler. Fletcher is back in to clean some of the house until the Kingdom is in at #4.

Fletcher gets knocked down to start and a running knee gets two on Ospreay as we take a break. Back with the Acclaimed coming in at #5 (the fans approve) and cleaning house. An AA gets two on Dutch and a pair of Fameassers put Harwood down. The MxM Collection is in at #6 to a big reaction of their own. Everyone brawls until the good guys manage a triple suplex. We take another break and come back with everyone brawling on the floor again with Top Flight coming in at #7.

This time they get to clear the ring until Ospreay kicks Dante in the head. The Shatter Machine hits Bowens but everyone makes the save. The Outrunners are in at #8 and the fans are way into them as well. This time they clean house as well, including the Paisan elbow to Vincent. The Grizzled Young Veterans are in at #8 as Floyd superplexes Mansoor onto the pile at ringside. We hit the parade of secondary finishers inside until Dante’s top rope splash hits raised knees. Ospreay hits the Hidden Blade on Dante to give Fletcher the pin at 22:14.

Rating: C+. This was the weakest of these matches so far as the strength of the matches comes from the surprises and we didn’t have any here. The Outrunners and the Collection got big reactions but it was the makeshift tam winning to continue the “Ospreay is really good at these things” deal. It wasn’t a bad match, but it felt long and was just a bunch of people doing stuff at times.

Overall Rating: C. This was not great by any means and was one of the weaker Dynamites in a good while. There was nothing worth going out of your way to see and the whole Danielson/Nigel/Allin/Moxley stuff is feeling very much like a bait and switch. This show did not feel like fallout from All Out, which was going to be hard to do with so many people missing. It wasn’t a terrible show, but you didn’t need to see it and that’s not a good way to go in this spot.

Jack Perry b. Lio Rush – Running knee
Ricochet b. Sammy Guevara – Vertigo
Mariah May b. Queen Aminata – Storm Zero
Learning Tree b. Jacked Jameson/Iron Savages – Diamond Dust to Jameson
Will Ospreay/Kyle Fletcher won the Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match



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Dynamite – September 4, 2024: Whose House?

Date: September 4, 2024
Location: UW Panthers Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the last Dynamite before All Out and the pay per view is starting to come together. The biggest story continues to be Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page in a cage match with Bryan Danielson defending the World Title against Jack Perry as a secondary main event. Odds are we’ll get some more added this week so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Here is Daniel Garcia to get things going. Patience is a virtue but he isn’t feeling very virtuous so MJF needs to get out here so Garcia can break his neck. MJF pops up in the crowd saying he doesn’t want to spoil breaking Garcia’s neck on Saturday so he’s staying up here. He doesn’t jump people from behind and he certainly doesn’t do it while looking like “an emaciated skinhead hooked on Ozempic.”

Garcia says everything MJF just said is fake, just like everything about him, down to his fake hair transplants. The thing that bugs Garcia the most is the fake love that MJF has for AEW. It doesn’t matter how many fake tattoos MJF has, because none of it is real. MJF gets cut off and Garcia says that if MJF can find someone who loves him for longer than a year, he should marry her and have a kid. Then the kid can look up at him one day and ask if MJF used to be a wrestler, which he will be until Garcia ends his career.

MJF calls out the fans for turning on him and says the higher Garcia rises, the more the fans want to see him fall. We wrap it up with a reference to Garcia’s mother being, uh, familiar with a variety of men, which has Garcia running into the crowd…where MJF bashes a bottle over his head. MJF sits next to the bloody and unconscious Garcia, promising to send him to paradise on Saturday. A kiss on the head wraps it up. Garcia was certainly trying here but I’m still not buying him on MJF’s level. This was one of the better things he has ever done in AEW, but he’s still out of his league talking with MJF.

The Conglomeration is ready to team with Will Ospreay, with Mark Briscoe recounting a phone call with Kyle O’Reilly about setting up the match. The word of the day is STUPENDOUS because this is a stupendous combination.

International Title: Kyle Fletcher vs. Kazuchika Okada

Okada is defending. They start rather slowly with Okada grabbing a headlock but having to slip out of a slam attempt. The Rainmaker misses and Fletcher knocks him to the floor for the suicide elbow as we take a break. Back with Fletcher hitting a clothesline but Okada hits a fireman’s carry backbreaker for a breather.

Fletcher gets in a shot of his own to knock Okada outside and they fight to the apron, where Fletcher hits a brainbuster for the big knockout. We take another break and come back again with Fletcher getting fired up but getting dropkicked to the floor with five minutes to go in the twenty minute time limit.

Fletcher hits a big dive in the crowd and they head back inside with Fletcher adding a clothesline to the back. Okada hits him with some clotheslines of his own but Fletcher is back with a piledriver for two. We have a minute left as Okada pulls the referee in the way so Fletcher can’t come off the top. The distraction lets Okada hit a low blow and the Rainmaker for the pin at 19:23.

Rating: B-. This was an attempt to make Fletcher look like he was this close to winning the title but it’s hard to imagine him on Okada’s level. Granted it didn’t help that Okada wasn’t exactly kicking it into high gear here. The match was good, but it wasn’t quite the epic showdown that it felt like they were shooting for with this one.

Swerve Strickland shows us his childhood home…which he has bought back with the money from his new contract. There is no way this can end well.

Jamie Hayter vs. Robyn Renegade

Renegade jumps her to start but Hayter knocks her out to the apron. A few shots rock Renegade and the Haterade finishes her off at 2:07. Just a step above a squash.

Roderick Strong complains to Christopher Daniels about his foot being under the ropes during last week’s eight man tag. Hook comes in to offer him an FTW Title shot but Strong will take it in a better city.

Marina Shafir and Jon Moxley arrive to beat up some security. They run into the Young Bucks and Jack Perry, with Moxley saying he doesn’t care what they say; Perry is a sweet kid.

Here are Moxley and Shafir for a chat. Moxley talks about giving Darby Allin a beating and how Allin does things the right way. Moxley is not an impatient man but the clock is ticking. All Moxley wants to do is talk. Short and to the point here.

Chris Jericho and the Learning Tree want revenge on Orange Cassidy for ruining his jacket years ago. Cassidy pops in to say that if Bryan Keith can beat him, he’ll give Jericho the $7,000 for the jacket. Has Jericho just run out of people to latch onto and is starting to circle back around?

Women’s Title: Nyla Rose vs. Mariah May

May is defending and avoids an early charge in the corner, where she slaps Rose to limited success. A crossbody hits May and some slams into a legdrop get two. May’s missile dropkick gets the same and we take a break. Back with May hitting a running dropkick for two before a double headbutt puts both of them down. Rose is back up with a clothesline for two before a World’s Strongest Slam sends May to the floor. The referee checks on May, who sweeps the leg in an attempt to get the countout. Back in and Storm Zero retains the title at 10:30.

Rating: C+. Is Rose just required to lose to every new champion in their first defense? She’s still a monster but there is definitely a pattern to how all of this works. For now though, it helps May look more like a champion, though they are already teasing more between her and Toni Storm. There is a reason for a big rematch, though I can’t imagine it going much better for Storm this time.

Video on Deonna Purrazzo, who needs to reset things after her setback in the bullrope match.

Here are Mercedes Mone and Kamille, with the former bragging about retaining her NJPW Strong Women’s Title last week. She’s ready for Hikaru Shida, who pops up on screen to say she isn’t worried about the two of them. Christopher Daniels appears and bans Kamille from ringside for the title match.

Jack Perry talks about how he needed to change everything about himself and wanted to get better. Bryan Danielson didn’t help him when he could, so now he needs to take the World Title from him.

Blackpool Combat Club/Pac vs. Orange Cassidy/Will Ospreay/Kyle O’Reilly

Bryan Danielson is on commentary. Yuta and O’Reilly go to the mat to start and they fight over armbars with neither being able to get very far. Pac comes in to knock Cassidy into the corner and yes Ospreay is willing to join him. Neither can get anything to connect so it’s a standoff instead as we take an early break.

Back with Yuta German suplexing Cassidy for two and Pac comes in for the Brutalizer. That’s broken up but Cassidy’s partners get knocked off the apron, allowing the Club to triple team Cassidy in the corner. Cassidy manages to throw Castagnoli outside and kicks Yuta away, allowing the tag to Ospreay to clean house.

We take another break and come back with everything breaking down, including Ospreay hitting a dive to the floor to drop Pac. Ospreay dives off the stage to take Pac out again, leaving Cassidy to Stundog Millionaire Castagnoli for two. O’Reilly and Cassidy alternate kicks to Castagnoli and the former grabs a guillotine. That’s eventually broken up and Castagnoli knocks him down. The Swing has O’Reilly in more trouble, with Yuta’s dropkick being enough for the pin at 19:06.

Rating: B+. This was the kind of incredibly fun match that AEW knows how to do and makes them work. It helped set up a few things at once, including what should be a great match between Pac and Ospreay. It got some time (minus the breaks) and there was all kinds of good action throughout. Well done here for a big time main event.

Post match Danielson gets in the ring to celebrate but the Elite jump them from behind. The Club fights up and cleans house, with Castagnoli saying that was a big mistake. Castagnoli thinks those Tag Team Titles would look great on himself and Yuta so the title challenge is officially on. Danielson promises to kick Perry’s head in.

We cut to the back where Pac brainbusters Will Ospreay (who he calls “William”) onto an anvil case.

It’s time for the contract signing between Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page. Swerve and Prince Nana come out first….and there is no Page. We cut to Page going into the childhood home that Swerve was shown buying earlier in the day. Page talks about how horrible of a person Swerve is and how horrible his family life must have been growing up here. Swerve throws the table in the ring as Page pours gasoline on various things.

He sits in a chair with his back to the house and talks about how he wanted to burn everything down. Swerve will be begging for his mercy at All Out, where he will say goodbye to his healthy, his joy and his happiness. Then Page burns the house while the fans chant THIS IS ARSON to end the show.

Well I’d say that’s going to get people talking. The more I think about it, the more I think I like it, but they better embrace going totally over the top with this thing. After the way Page was looking at the camera, he might as well grow handlebars on the mustache so he can twirl it a bit. That’s not a bad way to go, but the rest of the story needs to match it.

Overall Rating: B. This show had a really hard task to pull off with making fans interested in another pay per view so soon after All In. While it’s still way too soon to have All Out, they did about as well as could be expected here. The main event was rather good and the big closing angle was absolutely memorable. All Out is going to be a show that is built around one or two matches at most, but dang they’ve done a nice job of making me want to see what happens.

Kazuchika Okada b. Kyle Fletcher – Rainmaker
Jamie Hayter b. Robyn Renegade – Haterade
Mariah May b. Nyla Rose – Storm Zero
Blackpool Combat Club/Pac b. Orange Cassidy/Will Ospreay/Kyle O’Reilly – Giant swing into a dropkick to O’Reilly



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NWA TNA Weekly PPV #4 (2024 Redo): Feel The Fingerprints

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #4
Date: July 10, 2002
Location: Nashville Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Ed Ferrara, Don West

The promotion is still getting started and still in search of a top story. We have Brian Christopher turning on Scott Hall so Jeff Jarrett could b a bigger villain, Ken Shamrock doing whatever he has going on and AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn being partners who can’t stand each other. That makes for a bit of a mixed bag around here, but odds are we’ll be seeing a bunch of dumb ideas to go with those. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We recap how AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn won the Tag Team Titles in their first match as a team (minus Low Ki that is).

Tag Team Titles: AJ Styles/Jerry Lynn vs. Disciples Of The New Church

The Disciples (Slash/Tempest, with James Mitchell) are challenging. Slash shoulders Lynn down to start but a powerslam is escaped. Lynn runs the corner for a bulldog and Styles comes in for a running flipping splash to the back. Tempest (better known as Crowbar) comes in and gets his arm cranked, followed by a kick to the face for a bonus. Back up and Tempest runs him over, only to be sent outside. That doesn’t last long as Tempest is back in to take over, including an anklescissors out of the corner.

Styles gets backdropped to the apron but comes back in with a springboard missile dropkick, allowing the tag back to Lynn. Everything breaks down and the Disciples pull a diving Styles out of the air. Lynn makes a quick save and Styles adds a Lionsault for two on Tempest. Back up and Tempest’s Death Valley Driver gets two on Styles so Slash can come back in for some rams into the buckle.

What would become James Storm’s Eye of the Storm sends Styles flying but he’s fine enough to catapult Slash into the corner. Lynn comes back in to start the comeback, including a sitout bulldog for two on Tempest. Another Death Valley Driver is broken up and Lynn hits the cradle piledriver, only for Slash to kick him in the face. Styles tags himself back in and (kind of) hits the Spiral Tap to retain at 10:37.

Rating: C+. This was a way to show that the champions who don’t quite get along can get along well enough to retain the titles, even if they were still having issues. It’s still probably the top story in the promotion at the moment, or at least the most interesting, though I’m not sure how much ground that is covering. The New Church is already looking like a bunch of losers and odds are that is going to continue without much to make it better.

Post match a bunch of pyro goes off, which seems like quite the celebration for a title defense. Lynn isn’t pleased with Styles’ celebration and walks out.

Commentary shows us the end of last week’s show, with Brian Christopher turning on Scott Hall, leading to a big Jeff Jarrett beatdown. Hall calls in and swears vengeance, with the audio from the replay drowning out his interview, because this promotion doesn’t know what it’s doing.

Here is Christopher to say it’s time for his to transition from a child to a man. For his entire life, he has been known as Jerry Lawler’s son and now, screw Jerry. His dad was a terrible father and last week, Christopher took Hall out. He tells Jerry to go to h*** and goes on a rant about how Jerry was never there so now it’s time to be his own man. From now on, it’s all about Brian LAWLER. So Jerry shows up soon for a fight right? Otherwise, that would be a pretty big waste of a promo.

Brian Lawler vs. Norman Smiley

Lawler jumps him to start but Smiley gets in a shot of his own and stops to dance. The Big Wiggle ensues so Lawler plants him down to cut that off. A running shoulder in the corner has Smiley in more trouble but he avoids another one, with Lawler going shoulder first into the post. Smiley hammers away in the corner, only for Lawler to get in a low blow. The Hip Hop Drop (he does at least take off the goggles) finishes Smiley at 4:48.

Rating: C. It’s a heel turn, but unfortunately it’s a heel turn for Brian Lawler. You’re just only going to get so much out of that and I’m thinking we’ve already seen the peak of the whole thing. The Jerry promo was just weird and the match itself was just ok.

Post match Lawler calls out Scott Hall, who is next on his list.

Jeff Jarrett is told that he doesn’t have a World Title shot. He shoves Bill Behrens (How many authority figures does this show need?) and gets suspended before storming off. As this goes on, we can hear James Mitchell yelling at the New Church but the door is shut before we see anything.

K-Krush vs. Hermie Sadler

Before the match, Krush threatens the fans for liking NASCAR too much. They yell at each other to start before Krush hammers away, only to be sent outside. Sadler gets in a few shots and then rains down some right hands inside for two but Krush is back with the ax kick for an arrogant near fall of his own. A suplex gives Krush two more and a powerslam gets the same (with one finger). The Figure Four goes on but Sadler turns it over for the break, because he knows how to do that. Krush dives into a sitout powerbomb but Krush rolls him up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 5:06.

Rating: D+. What is there to say about this? It’s been one of the worst parts of the company for the first four weeks and it was bad again here. Sadler isn’t a wrestler and isn’t interesting but he’s the closest thing to a celebrity that they have who can get in the ring. The match was pretty bad even by celebrity standards and the Krush just cheated to beat him. Nothing to this one and hopefully it’s over.

Then Krush hits Sadler after the match and the decision is reversed. Victory?

Takao Omori, the #1 contender to the World Title, pays Alicia off.

Hot Shots vs. Briscoes

That would be Cassidy O’Reilly/Chase Stevens vs. those Briscoes, the latter of whom don’t get entrances. Jay headscissors Stevens down to start and it’s off to Mark, who gets spinebustered down. Mark comes back in with a springboard missile dropkick to the back but gets backdropped hard to the floor. The Hot Shots hit stereo dives….and cue Malice of the New Church to jump Stevens for the DQ at 2:10. This was rather fast paced but just a bunch of moves until the quick ending.

Post match Malice wrecks everyone as James Mitchell and the New Church approve. Mitchell says they aren’t leaving until Ken Shamrock’s blood is on Malice’s hands. There is no Shamrock, so Mitchell has the Disciples beat up the timekeeper. Now Shamrock runs in but gets beaten down, with Takao Omori running in for the save before their title match later.

The Dupps are rather disgusting but are ready to beat up the Flying Elvises. If the shoe fits, it’s probably the right size.

We’re ready for a tag match but adult film star Jasmin St. Clair interrupts instead. She knows what the letters TNA really stand for so who wants to see the real thing tonight? A chair is thrown in and ring announcer Jeremy Borash (described as her “little sex toy”) is sat down for a dance (with his eyes bugging out in a hilarious visual. Bill Behrens comes in with a towel and Ed Ferrara runs in to spear him down (ok points for a funny bit). St. Clair is taken out with the towel anyway to end an unintentionally funny but stupid segment.

Flying Elvises vs. Dupps

Fluff is here with the Dupps. It’s a brawl to start and Siaki is put down with a spinebuster as Mortimer Plumtree comes out, because something has to happen in every single match. Estrada gets sent into the corner as Plumtree says the Johnsons needed discipline after last week. Stan’s Alabama Slam out of the corner doesn’t even get one due to a foot on the rope but Siaki fakes a tag and takes over on Bo. The split legged moonsault gives Siaki two but Bo plants him back down. Stan comes in as everything breaks down, with Estrada hitting a springboard spinning Swanton for the pin on Stan at 5:03.

Rating: C. I’m not sure if you could have Vince Russo’s fingerprints on a match more than this one. Not only do you have a lowest common denominator gimmick like the Dupps, but you have another goofy thing in the Elvises, plus someone walking out without having much to do with the match, which is not exactly great in the first place. It’s a case of too much going on and the stuff that is going on not being very good anyway. Much like a lot of this show.

Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles are brawling throughout the back, with Lynn sending him into the barricade and hitting a cradle piledriver onto an anvil case.

NWA World Title: Takao Omori vs. Ken Shamrock

Shamrock is defending and fires off some knees to the ribs to start. A figure four headscissors has Omori in more trouble as Harley Race is watching at ringside. That’s broken up and the bigger Omori fights out of the corner and hits a running spinwheel kick. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Omori whips him into the corner, where the spinwheel kick misses.

Shamrock chokes on the rope but Omori grabs a running neckbreaker (though he seemed to come in from the wrong direction for a weird visual). Omori shrugs off some kicks to the bad leg (as injured by the missed kick) and hits a clothesline for two. A kneebar has Omori in more trouble so he makes the rope, meaning the ankle lock goes on…and here is Jeff Jarrett to chair Shamrock for the DQ at 7:53.

Rating: C. Of course that’s how it ends. This was another good example of what’s going wrong with a lot of this show: who is Omori, why should I care about him, and is this going to lead anywhere for him? Omori was named (not shown) last week and suddenly gets a World Title shot based on his reputation in Japan. You could have had him do a squash match or something last week to show us even a glimpse, but instead he’s debuted and loses his focus in less than eight minutes. That doesn’t make me want to see more, but rather wondering why I’m supposed to be interested.

Post match Jarrett beats up both of them, plus security.

Jerry Lynn won’t talk about what he did to AJ Styles. James Mitchell and the Disciples of the New Church come in, looking for Jeff Jarrett and the sin he just committed. Did he try the ring? As in where Jarrett just was? Anyway, we cut over to Bill Behrens, having been bound and gagged with FU written on his stomach, just like Jim Miller last week.

Low Ki vs. Elix Skipper vs. Kid Romeo vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Tony Mamaluke

This is an elimination match to establish the X-Division rankings (the first wrestler eliminated is #6, the next is #5 and so on) and thank goodness there are tags. Romeo and Daniels start things off with Romeo working on the arm before switching to a headlock. A dropkick puts Daniels down again so it’s off to Skipper to kick him in the face. Mamaluke comes in to help double team Skipper down as commentary goes over some WCW history.

Skipper gets his leg dropkicked out to cut him off again but he hands it off to Lynn for a monkey flip. Ki comes in and kicks Mamaluke’s head off for two (that should have been an elimination) but Mamaluke is back with a suplex. It’s back to Romeo to chop away at Daniels until Lynn comes back in and sunset flips Romeo for two. A middle rope tornado DDT gives Lynn two more but Daniels monkey flips Lynn outside.

The Arabian moonsault drops Lynn again, setting up a big dive from Romeo. Ki and Skipper hit stereo flip dives of their own and everyone is down. Back in and Lynn hits his slingshot Fameasser over the ropes to Daniels, only to get crotched on top. Actually that’s it for Lynn, who is eliminated via….countout at about 10:15? That’s quite the stretch after EVERYONE WAS ON THE FLOOR JUST A FEW SECONDS AGO.

Anyway, Mamaluke gordbusters Daniels and grabs a Koji Clutch but Skipper comes back in with a running clothesline. The Play Of The Day gets rid of Mamaluke at 11:29 and we’re down to four. Ki comes in and stomps away on Skipper before sending him hard out to the floor. Back in and a Ki Crusher into the corner knocks Skipper silly for two, as these kickouts on Ki are a bit ridiculous. Skipper is back up with a backbreaker and a missile dropkick but it’s back to Daniels to slug away. Matt Hardy’s Ricochet drops Daniels and the Last Rites (something like Cross Rhodes) gets rid of Skipper at 14:54.

Romeo faceplants Daniels for two and dropkicks Ki off the apron, leaving Ki holding his arm. Daniels takes Romeo up top, only to get pulled into a super Air Raid Crash (that looked good) for the…not pin as Daniels’ foot was on the rope. Ki comes back in with the dragon sleeper to make Romeo tap at 17:03 and now we’re down to Ki vs. Daniels.

They trade chops in the corner until Daniels grabs a Downward Spiral for the double knockdown. The Best Moonsault Ever gives Daniels a delayed near fall and they trade cradles for two each. The dragon sleeper has Daniels in trouble again but he flips out in time. Daniels grabs an Iconoclasm (Fall From Grace) out of the corner for two more but a quick Ki Crusher gives Ki the win at 21:41.

Rating: B. Shockingly enough, this was the most entertaining match of the night, which probably comes from it getting more time and allowing the people involved to do their thing for a good while. I like the idea of having rankings in the division, but that isn’t going to matter if they don’t stick. It would not shock me at all to see Ki getting a shot and then Lynn jumping into a title match because of personal reasons, making most of the concept pointless, but at least they had a very fast paced match on the way there.

Post match the Flying Elvises run in to clean house because they wanted in the match (fair point). Tony Mamaluke and Kid Romeo run in for the save.

Commentary previews next week’s show….and here is Jeff Jarrett, who was suspended earlier tonight and it means nothing. He wants the World Title shot next week and yells at fans until going after some Tennessee Titans, who jump the barricade for the brawl. Cue the Disciples of the New Church, with Malice brawling with Jarrett into the crowd to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Believe it or not, the X-Division is carrying this show, but at the end of the day, there is only so much that you can get out of them when the rest of the show is pretty horrible. As has been the case, it doesn’t feel like there is much in the way of focus around here and the show feels all over the place as a result. There are stories going on, but they’re not exactly things that I want to keep watching. The Lawler stuff feels like it could get stupid in a hurry and Jarrett whining about wanting a title shot has already lost its appeal. There’s good stuff in there, but there is a lot of bad to sit through to find it.



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AEW Collision – August 17, 2024: With Things Happening

Date: August 17, 2024
Location: Esports Arena Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

We are just over a week away from All In and there is a good chance that we are going to see something new added to the show this week. One of the featured matches will see FTR vs. the Acclaimed for a Tag Team Title shot against the Young Bucks, which could have quite the fireworks. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Britt Baker vs. Harley Cameron

Cameron works on the wristlock to start but Baker takes her down without much trouble. Back up and Cameron sends her to the apron and starts in on the leg, including a 619 to the knee for something a bit more unique. A Russian legsweep gets two on Baker, whose comeback is quickly cut off. Cameron’s enziguri staggers Baker but she comes back with a superkick and a Sling Blade, setting up a curb stomp for the fast pin at 5:25.

Rating: C+. This was a fine way to go as the match didn’t take up too much time and didn’t need to. Baker gets a win as she is eight days away from one of the biggest matches of her career and beats the friend of someone who is facing her opponent at All In next week. It was simple and to the point, which is just fine in this case.

Post match here are Mercedes Mone and Kamille for the staredown so Baker whips out the kendo stick. Kamille takes it away without much trouble and breaks it in half. Baker is laid out with a sitout Dominator and Mone poses over her.

All In is coming to Arlington next year.

We look at Dustin Rhodes winning the Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles with the Von Erichs, but now he wants the Tag Team Titles with Sammy Guevara, because they’re all from Texas.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Sammy Guevara/Dustin Rhodes vs. Kingdom

The Kingdom is defending. Rhodes and Bennett start things off with Rhodes chopping away in the corner. A superkick cuts that off in a hurry but Guevara comes in with a high crossbody to drop the villains. The dive takes them out on the floor again and we get a double tranquilo pose back inside. Bennett takes Guevara down on the floor for some choking though and we take a break.

Back with Guevara still in trouble but Rhodes offers a distraction, allowing Guevara to grab a much needed super Spanish Fly. Rhodes gets the tag and cleans house, including the snap powerslams. Shattered Dreams hits Taven in the corner and Cross Rhodes gets two with Bennett making the save. Bennett busts Guevara’s spine and here is Beast Mortos for a distraction, allowing Rodrick Strong to come in with a Sick Kick to Rhodes.

The Von Erichs run in for the save but here is the Cage of Agony, followed by the Conglomeration, to brawl everyone to the back. Taven rolls Rhodes up for two so it’s time for Hail Mary, which Guevara breaks up with a super cutter to Taven. The Final Reckoning into a Swanton finishes Bennett for the titles at 10:37.

Rating: B-. This was more about all of the insanity going on and the big moment but it wound up being a pretty decent match. The fans seemed to like it, though seeing Rhodes get his big nostalgia title win just a few weeks ago takes away a bit of the impact. The Texas love fest hasn’t exactly had me thrilled, but I’m not the audience that it seems to be focused on anyway.

A bunch of people offer their picks for Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland. Having Nigel McGuinness cost Danielson his career could be incredible.

Chris Jericho says hi and s ready to face Tommy Billington in Cardiff, Wales next week on Dynamite. Billington didn’t have the training in the Hart Dungeon, so he’s going to be Dynamite done.

Hologram vs. Angelico

Serpentico is here with Angelico. Hologram starts working on the wrist to start and anklescissors his way out of trouble. A standoff lets Angelico dance a bit so Hologram sends him outside for a heck of a dive as we take a break. Back with Hologram diving between the ropes to avoid some charges, setting up a springboard hurricanrana to send Angelico flying. Hologram has to bail out of a 450 though, allowing Angelico to get two off la majistral. A hurricanrana gives Hologram two and they trade rollups for two each, followed by Hologram’s cradle for the pin at 8:05.

Rating: B. More fun from Hologram here, who is turning into a showcase. It also helps that he wasn’t on a team with a bigger name or coming after another high flier on the same show. It’s still working for him, but it is probably time to move him into either a feud or at least some bigger competition. Rather entertaining stuff here though, which is the entire point.

Video on the tiger driver 91 and of course Excalibur is right there to tell us about how devastating it is. I get what they’re going for with it, but maybe it would be more devastating if it, like, put someone out?

Jack Perry vs. Danny Orion

Non-title. The bell rings and Perry takes off his jacket before unloading in the corner. A rebound lariat and a running knee finishes Orion at 1:15.

Post match Perry whips out a body bag and spray paints Orion’s face white, ala Darby Allin. Orion is put in the bag…with the TNT Title. Perry pulls out a new version of the TNT Title, which is all black. Well it’s Perry so it must be interesting.

We look at the Patriarchy attacking the House Of Black and the Bang Bang Gang.

The House Of Black and the Bang Bang Gang both want the Trios Titles back.

Christopher Daniels makes a four way titles match (Patriarchy, House Of Black, Bang Bang Gang and a wild card team), say it with me, in a ladder match, for All In.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lio Rush

Rush rolls away from him to start but eventually gets pulled into a gutwrench suplex. That’s broken up as well and Rush grabs a jumping Stunner, which seems to annoy Castagnoli more than anything else. Castagnoli uppercuts him out of the air and bends Rush’s back over his knee, setting up a chinlock as we take a break.

Back with Castagnoli missing a charge into the corner and getting sent out to the apron for a flipping kick to the head. Rush’s suicide dive is pulled out of the air but Rush is fine enough to grab a quick hurricanrana. Back up and Castagnoli LAUNCHES HIM over the barricade for a crash, followed by a running uppercut for two back inside. Rush strikes away and hits the spinning kick to the head, only to charge into Swiss Death for the pin at 8:49.

Rating: B-. Oh dang this was looking fun and could have been a lot more if they had more time. They only got about five minutes on the full screen and that isn’t enough from these two, at least based on what we got. Power vs. speed works every time and it felt like they were on the verge of doing some good stuff before they had to wrap it up so quickly.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander know that Tomohiro Ishii is tough and crazy, but so is Statlander. The winning team gets to pick the stipulation for Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale at All Out. Hathaway knowing pain is coming is great.

Eddie Kingston, still recovering from his knee injury, says he isn’t seeing the Bryan Danielson that he knows so well. This Danielson is going to lose, because he doesn’t have the fire. Bryan needs to figure that out, because going in to lose isn’t a good way to go out.

Mariah May vs. Londyn Dior

Storm Zero finishes in 37 seconds.

Post match Toni Storm pops up with a video called My Final Gift. She talks about how a sad clown should come to see her and promises that the River Thames will run red with May’s blood at All In. May looks shaken up but hits Dior in the head with the shoe to blow off some steam.

Max Caster does a musicless rap about how the Acclaimed is going to beat FTR.

FTR vs. Acclaimed

For the Tag Team Title shot at All In and Billy Gunn is here with the Acclaimed. Bowens takes Harwood into the corner to start and it’s an early clean break. Back up and a running shoulder sends Bowens into the corner, followed by a small package to give Harwood two. Wheeler comes in to headlock Caster, who is right back with one of his own to even things up a bit.

That’s broken up and it’s back to Bowens, who rolls Caster up for two. Everything breaks down and the Acclaimed backdrop FTR outside for some needed head shaking. Back in and Caster has to fight out of the corner before being sent back outside for a clothesline as we take a break. We come back with Harwood missing a charge into the corner, allowing Bowens to come back in and pick up the case.

The jumping Fameasser is blocked and Wheeler comes back in, only to get rolled up for two. Wheeler knocks Bowens to the floor but there’s no Harwood (wrong corner anyway) so Caster knocks him down, only to look a bit confused as well (weird segment there). Things settle back down to a suplex/high crossbody combination for two on Wheeler. A sunset flip gets two on Caster and Wheeler powerslams Bowens for a roll out to the floor. The Steiner Bulldog gets two on Caster as we take another break.

Back again with Bowens belly to back suplexing Harwood for a double knockdown. Wheeler comes back in to clean house, including a running European uppercut to Caster. The fans chant FIGHT FOREVER, which makes me remember that the video game was a thing. Wheeler’s rollup gets two on Caster and it’s back to Harwood, who gets beaten up by Bowens. Caster and Harwood drop each other again and it’s Bowens going after Harwood’s knee to take over.

The Sharpshooter goes on Bowens and then another goes on Caster, with Bowens making a save for two. Harwood puts Bowens on top as we get the five minute call. Bowens gets crotched and it’s the PowerPlex (more like a PowerDDT) for a delayed two. Harwood and Bowens slug it out from their knees but the Shatter Machine is broken up.

Instead the Acclaimed hit the Shatter Machine on Harwood for two with Wheeler…well possibly making a save. Everyone is down again and the fans are WAY into this. The double slugout from their knees and Caster is sent outside, leaving Bowens to get caught in the Shatter Machine. Caster makes the save from the apron as we have a minute left. Harwood and Caster slug it out and collide with Harwood falling on top for two as time expires at 30:00.

Rating: B. This took its time to get going and while the draw felt like a fairly obvious outcome (one way or another), that’s not a bad thing. The story they’ve been telling was setting up a three way title match and that’s what we’re likely getting, with some rather good action on the way there. Solid match here, thankfully without the Young Bucks interfering and dragging things down.

The brawl stays on after the match and Tony Schiavone announces that it’s a three way title match at All In. Well, yeah.

Overall Rating: B+. The action was rather good throughout, they set up some things for the two upcoming pay per views and had a title change. This was one of the better done editions of Collision in a good while and shows how much better it is when the show is given some extra attention. Moving some of the bigger stuff from Dynamite over to here would be a smart move and this was something of a version of that, making it a pretty good week.

Britt Baker b. Harley Cameron – Curb stomp
Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara b. Kingdom – Swanton to Bennett
Hologram b. Angelico – Cradle
Jack Perry b. Danny Orion – Running knee
Claudio Castagnoli b. Lio Rush – Swiss Death
Mariah May b. Londyn Dior – Storm Zero
FTR vs. The Acclaimed went to a time limit draw



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Dynamite – July 24, 2024 (Blood & Guts): Well That’s How It Goes

Date: July 24, 2024
Location: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s time for a special show with Blood & Guts as the Elite faces Team AEW in what is likely going to be a rather long fight. We also have Minoru Suzuki challenging Chris Jericho for the FTW Title in what could be quite the train wreck. We are about a month away from All In and the show could use some more stuff, some of which might be announced this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Will Ospreay is trying to drive to the arena but someone has punctured his tire. He makes Alex Marvez give him the keys to Marvez’s car and speeds off, mentioning that he hasn’t driven in America.

Here is MJF, with cheerleaders, to brag about how easy it was to beat Ospreay last week. Some people would say Ospreay needs to go wait for a title shot, but since his grandmother just died, so he should dig a grave next t her. Just make it a long way off because the woman was large. We’ll move on to the International Title, which is supposed to be the Workhorse Title. The fans like it because international stars fought for it and ans of those wrestlers should be deported.

MJF calls the title garbage and throws it in a trashcan. He unveils a new title, dubbed the America’s Title, and brags about Long Island. Streamers fly and an MJF flag is unrolled, but here is Will Ospreay to chase him off. Ospreay talks about how MJF had to cheat to win rather than admit that Ospreay could beat him. He’s spoke to Tony Khan and the rematch is officially on For All In. MJF isn’t pleased.

The Elite has attacked Christopher Daniels and then does the coin toss for tonight’s advantage, with the Elite winning. They aren’t worried about Hangman Page but also reveal it was a two sided coin. Now, I know Tony Khan isn’t going to do anything about this and I have no idea why.

FTW Title: Minoru Suzuki vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho is defending and the fans are behind Suzuki. They chop it out…and keep chopping…and continue chopping….before chopping some more in between the rings. Jericho’s chest is bleeding as we are almost five minutes in and they have literally not done a move other than a chop. Jericho finally falls down and we take a break, coming back with even more chopping (and more blood on Jericho’s chest).

Jericho finally kicks him in the chest (the fans disapprove) and puts him on the apron, where the triangle dropkick has to be pulled up short as Suzuki isn’t ready to knock him out of the air. They fight outside with Suzuki hitting him with a chair and then Pillmanizing the hand. The hand is bent backwards both on the floor and back inside but Jericho hits a quick Codebreaker for one. Some forearms have Suzuki staggered but he blocks the Walls and grabs a sleeper. That’s broken up with a low blow and the Judas Effect retains the title at 13:57.

Rating: C. I get that the chop thing was supposed to be some test of wills or whatever but it was going on for about seven minutes with nothing else but chops. At the same time, Suzuki may be a legend but his matches are getting harder and harder to watch as he isn’t exactly doing anything great. I wasn’t feeling this at all and they easily could have cut five minutes out.

Post match Suzuki chokes Jericho and hits the Gotch Style Piledriver but the Learning Tree runs in to beat him down. Katsuyori Shibata runs in for the save.

Willow Nightingale is the new CMLL Women’s champion but gets jumped by Kris Statlander. Stokely Hathaway pops in to suggest an eliminator match for next week. Not a title match mind you, but at eliminator match.

Earlier today, Bryan Danielson was talking to Renee Paquette, where he said that he had a bad neck but his doctors have said it’s fixable. They just need to make sure it stays that way. Jeff Jarrett comes in to say Danielson was the right man to win the Owen Hart Tournament, but Jarrett thinks Danielson needs to heal up mentally. He doesn’t want Danielson to have an excuse, because if he’s going to go all in, he needs to go all in. Jarrett is at the top of a list of people who believe in him. Danielson seems touched and says he has a lot of work to do. Jarrett was rally good here and you could feel the emotion.

Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida

Feeling out process to start and Baker gets a rollup for an early two. Lockjaw is blocked and they trade rollup for two each. They fight outside with Shida hammering away against the barricade. We take a break and come back with Baker grabbing a neckbreaker into a Sling Blade for the knockdown.

The Lockjaw glove is loaded up but Shida pulls her into a triangle choke. That’s broken up so they trade rollups for two more but Shida teases going for the kendo stick. That takes too long though and Baker grabs a fisherman’s neckbreaker for two. Shida hits the Falcon Arrow but the Katana is countered, setting up the Lockjaw to give Baker the win at 10:18.

Rating: C+. This was Baker’s first match in nearly a year and you could definitely see some ring rust out there. Some of her timing was off and there were parts where it felt like they weren’t on the same page. That being said, baker’s attitude and personality have always been what matter more than her in-ring work and if it is passable enough, which it was here, she’ll be fine.

Post match Mercedes Mone comes out to say she knows Baker wants a TBS Title shot but that isn’t happening. Cue the debuting Kamille (a rather tall monster) to jump Baker from behind. A torture rack leaves Baker laying.

The Patriarchy brags about winning the Trios Titles and Christian Cage promises that Nick Wayne is going to win the Royal Rampage on Rampage….but he gets distracted by Kip Sabian. Wayne says he’ll beat him in the Royal Rampage and no one cares that Sabian’s dad is dead.

Pac vs. Boulder

Pac kicks him into the corner to start but gets knocked down. A moonsault misses for Boulder though and Pac chokes away in the corner. Pac manages a brainbuster for the win at 1:50.

Team AEW is ready for Blood & Guts, even if they’re never going to get along. Mark Briscoe calms things down and rallies the troops.

Mariah May vs. Kaitlyn Alexis

May knocks her into the corner at the bell and hammers away, setting up May Day for…no cover. Instead it’s a running hip attack into Storm Zero for the pin at 1:36.

Post match Toni Storm’s music plays but she doesn’t come out, leaving May pleased. Then Storm pops up in disguise for the fight, with security breaking it up. Storm shouts that May better be prepared to die because she already is.

We get a long video on Blood & Guts, as narrated by Dean Malenko, noted cage match specialist.

The rules:

• Two men start for five minutes.
• After five minutes, the Elite will get a one man advantage for a “regularly scheduled interval” (usually 2-3 minutes).
• After that time, Team AEW will add another man to tie it up. The teams will alternate until all ten are in.
• When everyone is in, first submission wins.

Blood & Guts

Team AEW: Darby Allin, Swerve Strickland, Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, Mark Briscoe
Elite: Jack Perry, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, Hangman Page, Kazuchika Okada

Perry is in at #1 for the Elite with Allin coming in at #1 for Team AEW, only for Perry to jump him before he can get inside. The beating starts on the floor, with Allin being sent into the cage and steps. They fight into the crowd and brawl around the arena before coming back to ringside. Allin is sent inside and goes face first into a trashcan in the corner, allowing Perry to pose.

Nick Jackson is in at #2 and brings a chair and a case of some kind. A guillotine legdrop hits Allin and he gets sent into the cage as we take a break. Back with Mark Briscoe coming in at #2 to even things up and slug away. A running step up dive hits Perry and there’s a suplex to put Nick down as well. Briscoe brings in a ladder to beat on Nick and then crushes it onto Nick in the corner. A trashcan to the head has Nick in more trouble but it’s Matt Jackson in at #3 to put the Elite back up.

The case to the head busts Briscoe open and Allin gets DDTed onto said case as well. Allin gets catapulted into a case to the head and a Dominator/top rope double stomp combination puts him down again. Anthony Bowens is in at #3 to even things up and cleans some house. Allin gets clotheslined down but comes back with a Scorpion Death Drop. Back up and Allin hits a top rope double stomp with the skateboard to Nick’s back as Bowens whips out the scissors or some stabbing.

Kazuchika Okada is in at #4 with a street sign to knock the good guys back down. A Tombstone onto the sign sets up a dropkick into a chair into Briscoe’s face as we take another break. Back again with Max Caster coming in at #4 to even things up. Caster whips out a barbed wire board but a suplex to Okada onto sad board is broken up. Instead Bowens is sent onto the board and another such board is placed on top of him, with Nick adding a Swanton to crush Bowens between them. We get the bag of tacks, some of which are put into Caster’s mouth for a superkick.

Hangman Page is….supposed to be in at #5 but he’s not here. The good guys use the delay to fight back, with Bowens tying barbed wire around his leg for Scissor Me Timbers to Nick. Swerve Strickland is in at #5 and NOW Page comes running down with a chair to jump Swerve from behind before he can get in. Swerve gets handcuffed to the cage on the outside as Briscoe is dropkicked into the barbed wire board in the corner.

A hard belt shot to the head has Swerve mostly out of it but Page keeps hitting him/yelling about it. The Bucks grab the mic and ask what Page is doing before threatening to fire him if he doesn’t get in. Page gets in and the cage is locked, with the match officially beginning, meaning first submission wins. The Bucks and Page keep arguing, allowing the rest of the good guys to fight back as we take another break.

Back again with Jeff Jarrett coming out to do something but Brandon Cutler cuts him off. Billy Gunn cuts off Cutler and Jarrett gives him a guitar shot, leaving Jarrett to set Swerve free. Prince Nana cuts the cage open so Swerve can get in to wreck most of the Elite, leaving Page as the last man standing. They slug it out between the rings until the Buckshot Lariat is blocked. Page ties to hit him with a barbed wire board but Allin makes the save. Okada takes Allin down but Swerve is back up with a staple gun.

Nick breaks that up with a low blow and we finally see what is in the case from earlier: a bunch of staple guns! Well that was anticlimactic. Swerve gets stapled by four people at once but shrugs it off to beat up everyone, including stapling Okada’s finger. The Buckshot Lariat hits Okada by mistake and we take another break. Back again with four tables set up on the floor and Matt and Bowens climbing up the cage.

Swerve and Page have apparently crashed off the stage to get rid of both of them, with Bowens crashing off the cage and through the four tables to likely join them. Briscoe hits a bunch of Jay Drillers and some of the Elite are put through tables. Allin climbs the cage and drops off the top to put Perry through a table for a huge crash. Perry gets cuffed to the cage so Briscoe can kendo stick him in the ribs.

Allin goes underneath the ring and pulls out a metal spike as Briscoe uses a SCAPEGOAT chair to smash Perry in the head (unprotected). Allin isn’t done and finds some gasoline to douse Perry. He threatens to light Perry on fire but Mat says Allin can have the TNT Title match at All In if he doesn’t do it. Allin says deal and Matt quits to save Perry at 48:55.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t a bad match, but it was every Blood & Guts you’ve seen before: long, more about the weapons and big spots than the hatred (save for Page vs. Swerve). In addition, the ending wasn’t so much about the Elite getting defeated, meaning this is going to keep going for a long time. The match definitely felt important and that is what matters most, but as usual, it felt like about twenty minutes could have been chopped off without missing much. There was enough good stuff here to keep it entertaining, but there was too much going on overall and it felt like we were having the match because it’s July.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event felt big and the Kamille debut was nice, but there was a lot of stuff here that I couldn’t get into at all. Between Jericho and Suzuki doing their thing and the really long main event, this felt like a mostly two match show, with Storm and May boosting things up a bit. They were focused on one match for the most part here and it was good enough to get by. Now we can get on towards All In though, which is the show that really matters, so the real work starts next week.

Chris Jericho b. Minoru Suzuki – Judas Effect
Britt Baker b. Hikaru Shida – Lockjaw
Pac b. Boulder – Brainbuster
Mariah May b. Kaitlyn Alexis – Storm Zero
Team AEW b. Elite when Matt Jackson quit



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Collisio – July 13, 2024: Now With Less Filler

Date: July 13, 2024
Location: Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re still in Canada after a pretty awesome Dynamite, meaning this show is going to have some work to do. The good thing is there is always the chance that they could pull it off, as the lineup looks strong enough. If nothing else, we should be able to move a bit closer to the All In card so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Tommy Billington

Don Callis is on commentary and the fans are behind Billington to start. Takeshita isn’t having anything of Billington’s running shoulders to start but Billington manages to knock him outside for a breather. Back in and Takeshita powers him into the corner before avoiding a running dropkick.

Billington hits a running crossbody and they go outside, with Billington sending him face first into the apron a few times. Back in and Takeshita hits a nice top rope superplex for two and we hit the chinlock. The double arm crank keeps Billington down and Takeshita sends him into the post as we take a break.

We come back with Billington hitting a top rope dive to the floor, followed by a missile dropkick back inside. There’s the snap suplex as Billington sounds impressed. Takeshita slams him off the top but Billington is right back with a Tombstone to leave them both down. The Swan Dive misses though and Takeshita hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Takeshita’s running knee finishes at 13:30.

Rating: B. Billington has done rather well in his two matches so far and it wouldn’t surprise me to see him getting a spot if he shows up more regularly. Throw in the family connection and it’s even better. His aggression makes up for some of his size issues and that could go a long way. Good, impressive stuff here.

Post match Callis offers Billington a spot in the Don Callis Family, but Billington says kiss my a**. Billington goes after Callis but gets jumped by Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher. FTR makes the save.

We look at Mariah May winning the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament and then destroying Toni Storm.

Bang Bang Gang vs. Michael Allen Richard Clark/Shaun Moore/London Lightning

Non-title. Robinson and Moore start things off, with Robinson allowing him a headlock. That goes rather badly for him as it’s the Gunns coming in for some running splashes. Lightning comes in and gets punched in the face for his efforts, setting up 3:10 To Yuma for the pin at 2:05.

Post match Austin says that since Jay White was injured at the hands of Christian Cage, Juice Robinson is officially a champion in his place. Cue Christopher Daniels to say not so fast, because an injured champion means the titles are officially vacated. Cue the Patriarchy to say they can just be the champions, but Daniels instead makes the Patriarchy vs. the Bang Bang Gang for the titles. Christian Cage passes on doing it now though. This seems to be quite the overly complicated solution, but I’ll certainly take it over an interim champion.

We look at Jake Perry beating Marko Stunt last week.

The House Of Black is ready to start building towards All In.

We get a nice look at Jeff Jarrett talking to Owen Hart’s family.

Roderick Strong vs. Dalton Castle

The winner gets a Ring Of Honor World Title shot at Death Before Dishonor and this match is taking place here because the regular Ring Of Honor show is useless. The Kingdom and the Outrunners are here too. Strong works on the arm to start and messes with Castle’s hair, which is really not that nice. Castle wrestles him down and they go to the ropes, with Strong needing a breather on the floor.

Back in and Castle sends him outside for a change, where the Outrunners give him enough of a pep….uh muscle flexing to fire him back up. Castle gets in a shot of his own to take over and a hurricanrana off the apron has Strong down. A Kingdom distraction lets Strong get in a cheap shot though and we take a break.

Back with Castle hitting a belly to back suplex and some hard strikes in the corner. Strong manages to knock him outside though, meaning the Kingdom can get in some good mocking. Strong suplexes him onto the apron and, after escaping the Bang A Rang, hits the jumping knee for the pin at 10:53.

Rating: B-. Not much to see here and there wasn’t exactly much drama about the winner in the first place. Strong is a bigger deal than Castle, who has fallen firmly into the jobber to the stars spot. At the same time, the Ring Of Honor World Title feels less and less important every day, with the #1 contender being decided here rather than, you know, in Ring Of Honor.

Ring Of Honor World Champion Mark Briscoe is at home in Delaware and training in his ring. He’s ready for blood and guts because that’s what he does, blood, guts and chicken s***. After that though, it’s going to be his title match against Roderick Strong. Works for him.

Someone who seems to be named Hologram appears to be coming next week.

Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway don’t think much of Willow Nightingale, whose favorite color is three. This will never end for Nightingale.

Nyla Rose vs. Ava Lawless

Chokeslam, superkick and Beast Bomb finish for Rose at 1:54.

We look at Bryan Danielson winning the Men’s Owen Hart Tournament by beating Hangman Page, setting up his World Title match against Swerve Strickland at All In.

Top Flight vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

In case the six man version on Rampage didn’t do enough for you, with Action Andretti and Shane Taylor at ringside. Dante rolls Moriarty up a few times to start and armdrags him into an armbar. Darius comes in but gets taken into the corner for a forearm from Ogogo. Back up and Darius sens him into the other corner so Dante can hit a running clothesline. A cheap shot from Moriarty lets Ogogo take over though and we take a break.

Back with Moriarty working on an armbar but Darius fights out, allowing the tag back to Dante. House is quickly cleaned, including a springboard high crossbody for two on Ogogo. It’s back to Darius but Ogogo knocks Dante outside to take over. Moriarty hits a clothesline for two and Taylor trips Darius down. Andretti dives onto Taylor, leaving Darius to hit something like an F5 to pin Moriarty at 11:49.

Rating: B-. This was getting good but never quite got to that next level. I can go for seeing these groups fighting each other, but it would be nice to see it have something on the line. Even if that means the next shot at the Trios Titles, it would be better than just having them keep fighting for weeks on end.

Post match Taylor comes in and the good guys are beaten down.

Deonna Purrazzo isn’t done with Thunder Rosa but is ready to burn everything down to remake it in her image. Rosa comes in and says they have a lumberjack match next week.

Nyla Rose is accepting the open challenge to face Mercedes Mone on Dynamite. She’s never driven a Mercedes but she’s going to wreck one next week. As usual, Rose is one of the most entertaining talkers around.

Skye Blue vs. Harley Cameron

Blue has a new cowgirl look while Cameron has Saraya (also in a cowboy hat) in her corner. Cameron grabs a rollup for an early two before choking away in the corner. A kick to the head and a clothesline put Blue down again but she ties Cameron in the corner for the Cheeky Nandos Kick.

Saraya offers a distraction so Cameron can ram Blue’s head onto the floor and we take a break. Back with Blue planting her for two more but Cameron slips out of a fireman’s carry. A running knee gives Cameron two but Blue hits a superkick. Blue’s TKO into something like a dragon sleeper finishes Cameron at 8:04.

Rating: C+. This was a good sign for Blue, as she has been needing something to move her up to the next level. While not losing as much would be a good start, the new hold could be another nice boost for her. Code Blue is fine enough, but it doesn’t feel like something that would be a big time finisher. Cameron has gotten better and could go somewhere, though it’s going to take more time.

We look at Chris Jericho taking out Samoa Joe on Dynamite, plus part of Jericho’s mocking response on Rampage.

Skye Blue challenges Hikaru Shida for next week.

Orange Cassidy/Kyle O’Reilly vs. Kingdom

Non-title and Roderick Strong is on commentary. The Kingdom bails to the floor to start so Cassidy takes them out with a dive. Back in and Cassidy trades armdrags with Bennett before backdropping Taven. O’Reilly comes in to strike away until Taven rakes his eyes. Everything breaks down and O’Reilly ankle locks Bennett, which is broken up by Taven.

Cassidy and Bennett fight to the floor before Bennett comes back in for the backpack Stunner/running boot combination to O’Reilly. Back up and O’Reilly hits a double clothesline as we take a break. We come back with a pop up right hand dropping Cassidy for two but he avoid a splash in the corner. Bennett gets kicked away and the tag brings in O’Reilly for the house cleaning. Some dragon screw legwhips have the Kingdom in trouble but it’s a springboard spinning kick to the face to put O’Reilly back down.

Bennett is catapulted into the corner to knock Taven down and it’s back to Cassidy. The Beach Break gets two and it’s time for Strong to come down to the ring. Cue Tomohiro Ishii to brawl with Strong but the distraction lets Trent Beretta run in and take out Cassidy. The distraction lets the Hail Mary finish O’Reilly at 13:40.

Rating: B. The ending picked up a good bit and it was nice to see the champions actually win a match for a change. If nothing else, this avoids the champions taking another loss before defending against a random team at Death Before Dishonor. Cassidy’s issues continue as well and there is a good chance that it lets to yet another match with Beretta. Just in case you hadn’t gotten the point already.

Post match Trent jumps Cassidy and then goes to yell at the Kingdom, allowing Cassidy to grab a wrench and deck Trent from behind. Ishii comes back in to pose with Cassidy and O’Reilly.

A video on MJF vs. Will Ospreay ends the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show was a bit more entertaining than last week’s as it didn’t feel like it had quite so much filler. That is often the worst thing about Collision so any week where the pace picks up a bit is nice to see. The main event was a hot enough match and the titles being stripped, while a bit more complicated than needed, is a big moment. Throw in a good opener and this was a pretty easy watch, which is always nice.

Konosuke Takeshita b. Tommy Billington – Running knee
Bang Bang Gang b. Michael Allen Richard Clark/Shaun Moore/London Lightning – 3:10 To Yuma to Lightning
Roderick Strong b. Dalton Castle – Jumping knee
Nyla Rose b. Ava Lawless – Beast Bomb
Top Flight b. Shane Taylor Promotions – Fireman’s carry faceplant to Moriarty
Skye Blue b. Harley Cameron – Modified dragon sleeper



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