Backlash 2023: What A Crowd

Backlash 2023
Date: May 6, 2023
Location: Coliseo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We are off the mainland with this show as WWE heads to Puerto Rico for its first major show in over eighteen years. The card is more than a little different this time as we have a double main event, featuring Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes and Bad Bunny vs. Damian Priest in a street fight. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the double main event, with Bad Bunny talking about how he is stepping out of his world but wanting to fight. The rest of the card gets some highlights as well.

We get the awesome drone shot, with the camera coming from outside and into the arena. That’s just sweet.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair vs. Iyo Sky

Sky, without Damage Ctrl, is challenging. Feeling out process to start with Belair getting a headscissors before dropkicking Sky down. Back up and Sky snaps the arm across the top rope before adding a top rope double stomp to the arm. Sky kicks the arm out again and works on an armbar, sending Belair crawling into the corner. Belair avoids a charge but what looked to be a Glam Slam is countered into a double stomp to the chest.

A headscissors is countered into a backbreaker but Belair bangs up the arm again. The delayed suplex drops Sky and Belair pounds away in the corner. The good arm is ok enough to hit a one armed gorilla press, though Belair drops Sky hard onto her face. Belair’s handspring moonsault gets two but Sky avoids a charge in the corner. The arm gets snapped over the top again and there’s the springboard missile dropkick to send Belair outside.

Belair shoves her off the top but the 450 hits raised knees. Sky crabs a Crossface but Belair powers up to her feet and muscles Sky up. The powerbomb is countered into an X Factor for a rather near fall. Belair tries another Glam Slam but has to counter another double stomp. The KOD is reversed as well with Sky sending her outside, setting up another kick to the arm. There’s the middle rope moonsault to drop Belair again and Sky drives shoulders into the ribs back inside.

Belair knocks her off the ropes to the apron but Sky is right back up. Her super hurricanrana is blocked and countered into a super sitout powerbomb….for two in a heck of a kickout. Cue Damage Ctrl for a distraction but Belair forearms Sky in the face. Dakota Kai gets knocked off the apron but Sky reverses the KOD into a rollup for a very close two. Bayley’s interference lets Sky send Belair into the ropes and Kai gets in a kick to the face. Bayley holds Belair’s hair as Over The Moonsault is loaded up. The referee cuts that off and the moonsault misses, allowing Belair to hit the KOD to retain at 17:57.

Rating: B+. Oh man they were ROCKING out there until the interference brought things down a bit. I know that’s going to be part of the Damage Ctrl split but these two were having one of the best matches of their careers. Awesome opener in front of a red hot crowd and you can’t ask for much more than that.

Rey Mysterio gives Bad Bunny a pep talk when Savio Vega of all people (that gets a heck of a reaction) to bring him a Puerto Rico themed kendo stick.

We look at the post Draft rosters.

We recap Seth Rollins vs. Omos, which isn’t much of a feud. Basically Rollins is on a roll, Omos is a monster, they’re having a match.

Omos vs. Seth Rollins

MVP is here with Omos, who breaks up Rollins conducting the fans before the bell. Rollins is ready to go and gets knocked down as the match officially starts. A chest first whip into the corner drops Rollins again and Omos mockingly conducts the crowd. They fight outside with Rollins managing to slip away and get in a posting. The second suicide dive is cut off though and Omos chokeslams him onto the apron.

Back in and Snake Eyes into the big boot drops Rollins again, with Omos not being able to hear the fans again. Rollins manages a superkick but the Pedigree attempt is easily blocked. Something like a bulldog onto the post rocks Omos again and a tornado DDT puts him down. The frog splash gets one, with the kickout sending Rollins flying. Rollins tries the Stomp but Omos just doesn’t go down, blocking it through straight power.

A chokeslam gives Omos two and the kickout leaves him stunned. Rollins flips up into a sleeper to slow Omos down but he shrugs things off. MVP tries to throw in the cane, allowing Rollins to hit a Stomp. The superkick knocks MVP off the apron and a second Stomp only gets two. That leaves Rollins stunned for a change so it’s a top rope Stomp (looked pretty good) to finish Omos at 10:31.

Rating: B. This match had me flashing back to HHH vs. Great Khali at Summerslam 2008 and that is a good thing. Omos doesn’t have the best reputation in the ring but he and Rollins had a pretty awesome match here. Rollins can hit the Stomp on anyone but he had to bust out the big one to survive here. Good stuff here as Rollins sold rather well and Omos is clearly getting better in the ring.

We look at Damian Priest and Bad Bunny getting into a fight at the press conference.

US Title: Bronson Reed vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Theory

Theory is defending. Lashley slugs away at both of them to start and sends Theory into Reed. A clothesline to Reed makes him DDT Theory, who has to save Reed from the Hurt Lock. Lashley is back up with the one armed delayed vertical suplex on Theory, who is smart enough to take Lashley’s leg out. Reed adds a splash to Lashley’s back and the basement rolling body block hits him again.

The double teaming doesn’t work for Reed, who runs Theory over instead. Lashley fights up and runs both of them over, setting up the spear to Theory. Reed breaks it up and superkicks Lashley on the floor. With that not working, Reed Vader Bombs down onto a standing Lashley on the outside (GEEZ that could have gone badly).

Back in and Theory breaks up the Tsunami but Lashley grabs the Hurt Lock on Theory. A climb up the ropes gets Theory out of it, allowing Reed to Tsunami Lashley, with Theory having to make the save. Theory hits a rolling Blockbuster on Reed but A Town Down is countered into a powerslam. Reed misses a moonsault and get speared down by Lashley, only to have Theory send Lashley outside and steal the pin to retain at 6:53.

Rating: B. It was a fast paced match with all action and Reed looked like a star, but the almost textbook ending didn’t help. I like Theory retaining the title here though, as he is rapidly improving in a lot of areas. Letting him steal a pin to retain the title fits in well and I want to see where he goes. Reed and Lashley will be fine going forward, and now I’m curious about what kind of role Lashley will play in the World Title tournament. Good stuff here again, as the show has been on a roll so far.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley vs. Zelina Vega

Vega, with Puerto Rico flag themed gear and tears in her eyes during the Big Match Intros, is challenging. The fans are entirely behind Vega as she starts fast but gets sent outside. Vega grabs a shoe, which apparently has some local significance, and throws it at Ripley. Back in and Ripley powerbombs her down hard to cut everything off.

A whip into the corner lets Ripley hit the Eddie Dance and the fans aren’t pleased. Ripley grabs a backbreaker into an over the shoulder backbreaker but Vega sends her shoulder first into the post. Some running clotheslines rock Ripley and Riptide is countered into a DDT. A 619 sets up a middle rope Meteora for two (as the Sasha Banks similarities build up) but Ripley kicks her in the face. Riptide retains the title at 7:14.

Rating: B-. This whole match was built around the idea of Vega only having a miracle chance at winning and that’s about all she had here. They tried and the comeback near the end was good, but it never hit that level that they were aiming for. To be fair, Vega was a fairly rushed challenger and this is probably the biggest match of her career, so it isn’t like she had anything to lose.

Post match Ripley leaves and Vega gets the crazy strong home island reception.

We recap Bad Bunny vs. Damian Priest. Bunny saved Rey Mysterio from Dominik’s cheating at Wrestlemania so Priest beat Bunny up on Raw. That isn’t cool with Bunny and it’s time for a street fight.

Damian Priest vs. Bad Bunny

Street fight and Bunny is the hometown boy to a major reaction. Bunny brings the kendo stick but whips out a shopping cart full of weapons. Priest powers him into the corner to start but gets slapped in the face, with Bunny hitting a Michinoku Driver for two. Bunny grabs the kendo sticks but Priest knocks him down and breaks one of them. Back up and Bunny hammers away in the corner, only to get taken down again.

South Of Heaven connects but Priest pulls him up at two. It’s time to bring in an ax handle (single this time) but instead Priest loads up the springboard dive…which is cut off by a chair being thrown into his face. Bunny hits a big dive and drops him with a bunch of trashcan lid shots, giving us a Flair Flop on the floor. Back in and another Michinoku Driver gives Bunny two more but it’s time to head back outside.

Priest gets the better of things this time and smashes the Puerto Rico kendo stick across Bunny’s back. They head into the crowd and over to the tech area, where a Falcon Arrow sends Bunny crashing HARD through some tables. Adam Pearce comes out to say this needs to stop but Priest carries Bunny back to ringside. Priest misses a kick to the post and can barely stand, so Bunny blasts said leg with a kendo stick.

Bunny hits something like a Stunner to the leg out of the corner and the leg is wrapped around the post. A chain is wrapped around the leg to send it into the post again (with Priest begging him not to do it). Priest begs off from a chair shot and gets in a kick of his own, only to get hit low for his efforts. Cue Judgment Day to go after Bunny, with Rey Mysterio making the save.

With Rey beaten down, Carlito makes the save to an explosion, including the Backstabber and apple spit. Judgment Day gets back up but here is Savio Vega, who brings out the LWO to keep up the fight. With everyone else gone, Priest’s leg gives out on a kick to the head attempt, allowing Bunny to grab a Figure Four. Priest gets out so it’s a Sliced Bread for two (with Bunny almost landing on his head). A Canadian Destroyer finishes Priest at 25:05.

Rating: A. Yeah this was a total blast and played to the live crowd as well as anything else was going to. Bunny is as over as free beer in a frat house around here and they brought in the legends/current stars to make it feel that much bigger. It was fun and Bunny put in an all time celebrity performance, but Priest deserves all kinds of credit for holding it all together. Great stuff here, but egads how is anything supposed to follow this?

We recap the Bloodline vs. Matt Riddle/Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens. The Bloodline is showing cracks, including the Usos losing the Tag Team Titles to Owens/Zayn at Wrestlemania. Now it is more or less a “win here or you’re in real trouble” for the Bloodline as the other three are out to end the team.

Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn/Matt Riddle vs. Bloodline

No Paul Heyman or this one. Jey takes Sami down to start but Sami is right back up with a shot to the face. Jimmy comes in and gets taken down into the corner, allowing Riddle to come in and hammer away. It’s off to Sikoa though and this time Sami gets beaten down, with Jimmy getting to do the same. Sikoa has to tag himself back in to hammer away before Jimmy grabs a chinlock. Sami manages a shot to the face though and sends the now legal Jey outside.

Jey pulls Owens off the apron and slams him HARD into the steps (YOWCH). Sami has to fight out of the corner but can’t get around the numbers game, meaning Sikoa can come back in. A tornado DDT plants Sikoa though and the hot tag brings in Riddle to clean house. Everything breaks down and Riddle hits the backsplash, only to have what looked to be a Buckshot Lariat cut off by a superkick.

Riddle gets in another shot though and hands it back to Owens, with the Swanton hitting Jimmy for two. Jimmy superkicks Jey by mistake though and it’s a pop up sitout powerbomb for two on Jey, leaving Owens stunned. Owens and Jey slug it out but the Stunner is broken up. They trade shots to the face until Owens hits a big clothesline for the double knockdown.

Sami comes back in with the Blue Thunder Bomb for two but he has to fight off both Usos on top. The double superkick knocks Sami out of the air for two more and Jey has to yell at him a bit. Sikoa tags himself in before Jey can launch the running Umaga attack, only to have Jey tag himself back in as well.

The Helluva Kick knocks Sikoa to the floor and another hits Jey, with Sikoa having to make a save. Riddle comes back in and Sikoa takes him down, followed by a Spike to Owens. Sikoa almost Spikes Jey but Sami is back in. The Superfly Splash hits raised knees to give Sami two so here is Riddle to clean house instead. Sikoa tags himself in though and the Spike finishes Riddle at 22:03.

Rating: B. It was a main event level six man tag and they go the time, but anything was going to feel like a letdown after the previous match. They were all working hard, which is always nice to see, but it feels like we’re retreading past stories with this one. Though that being said, there is something entertaining about Riddle’s continued destruction, which certainly feels like punishment.

We recap Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes. Cody lost in the biggest match of his life at Wrestlemania and tried to team with Lesnar the next night. Lesnar turned on him in a heck of a beatdown, setting up this fight.

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar

Cody dives onto Lesnar to start fast on the floor before the bell. Some steps and chair shots have Lesnar in more trouble and they head inside for the official start. Lesnar drives him hard into the corner to take over and it’s a German suplex to make it worse. There’s a fall away slam and now Lesnar is starting to look back to normal. More suplexes send Rhodes into the corner and Lesnar starts in on the leg. Lesnar fires off even more suplexes and a turnbuckle pad is ripped off.

Lesnar grabs a bearhug to stay on the ribs but Cody manages to send him into the exposed buckle. A Cody Cutter and the Disaster kick rock the bleeding Lesnar, setting up a knee to the face. Another Cody Cutter connects and a pair of Cross Rhodes gives Rhodes two. Cody tries it again but gets reversed into the F5 for two. The Kimura goes on but Cody stacks him up for the pin at 9:40.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t getting into this one as well as some others, but Cody getting the big win absolutely had to happen. They can play up the idea that Lesnar got caught rather than defeated, but it isn’t like it matters all that much for him anyway. Cody needed this one a lot more than Lesnar and they went with the right direction rather than Lesnar smashing him until the ending. The Lesnar dominance in the middle was annoying, but they got the ending right and that is what matters.

Cody immediately leaves and Lesnar isn’t happy.

Overall Rating: A-. For a show with little in the way of expectations and even less in the way of meaning as the rosters reset the day after tomorrow, this was a heck of a show with the crowd elevating it by several notches. The Bunny match stole the night and was a smash hit, but the two matches after that were never going to be able to live up to that hype and it became clear very fast.

That all being said, this whole show was a blast with nothing bad and a bunch of matches elevated by the audience. I had a great time with the whole thing, starting with an awesome opener, Vega’s emotional loss, the great Bunny ordeal and Cody winning as he should have. Awesome show here and they hit on almost every possible cylinder.

Bianca Belair b. Iyo Sky – KOD
Seth Rollins b. Omos – Super Stomp
Austin Theory b. Bobby Lashley and Bronson Reed – Spear to Reed
Rhea Ripley b. Zelina Vega – Riptide
Bad Bunny b. Damian Priest – Canadian Destroyer
Bloodline b. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens/Matt Riddle – Samoan Spike to Riddle
Cody Rhodes b. Brock Lesnar – Rollup



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Backlash 2023 Preview

It’s time for the official Wrestlemania fallout event and this time the card is looking rather stacked. There are multiple matches set up, some of which are not things you might have expected to see. We have two matches which could be headlining the show but catering to the Puerto Rican crowd, one of those matches would be a much more logical choice. Let’s get to it.

Seth Rollins vs. Omos

We’ll start here, which feels like the “here’s how we get these people on the show” match. There is no reason for the two of them to be fighting, but they’re having a match on this show anyway. Omos’ size is still enough to make him the monster, though coming off the loss to Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania does not make him feel like quite the same level of threat.

I’ll go with Rollins to win here, as he is coming off a big win at Wrestlemania and very well be in line for the new World Title. If nothing else, giving him a victory over Omos would make him feel like that much more of a threat to win the title. Omos can absorb a few losses because you can just have him chokeslam people over and over until he is a monster again. Rollins should win here, as he could be in for a much bigger spot in the near future.

US Title: Austin Theory(c) vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

This is the kind of match that could go in a variety of ways and that makes things more interesting. Theory has come a long way in the last few months as he has gotten a good bit more serious. At the same time, Reed has turned into a monster and I could see him taking the title to make him seem that much more legitimate. Then there is Lashley, but odds are he is going to wind up in the World Title mix (as he should).

With those options, I’ll go with Theory retaining, as I don’t think WWE wants to have him lose here, only to put him into the World Title scene where he would lose again. Give him the win here and let his title reign keep going, as he has held the title for about six months. That is the kind of reign that could last for a long time, as Theory gets closer and closer to being a big thing in WWE.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair(c) vs. Iyo Sky

I’m not sure what to think about this match, as both of them are on the way to Smackdown so the title only means so much in the first place. Belair has run through every major star in the division and now she needs to find someone new, so points for trying Sky in there instead of the same people over and over. I don’t know how much of a chance Sky has, but at least she is a fresh challenger.

I don’t see much of a reason to believe that Belair is losing here so we’ll go with what should be the easy retain. Belair is a win away from the longest Women’s Title reign in the modern era and unless they want a big shakeup, the title isn’t changing hands here. The match should be good and Sky should get a lot out of it, though she isn’t going to get the title this time around.

Matt Riddle/Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn vs. Bloodline

The Bloodline continues to have issues and now the question is what happens here. They need a win to right the ship, but it makes more sense to not have the ship righted. The Usos losing the all while Solo Sikoa does his thing is going to open up some more options, as Roman Reigns is not going to be happy with the Usos losing another huge match. At the same time, Reigns has shown that he needs the Usos and that could go in a variety of ways. Or maybe the Bloodline wins and the problems go away.

Nah I can’t imagine the Bloodline losing here, as it doesn’t make sense to reverse course in that way. Owens or Zayn can pin one of them while Sikoa is incapacitated for some reason. Riddle needs a win of his own, even if it is just being on the winning team. The Bloodline doesn’t need to win here and it opens up more doors if they lose, so we’ll go with the logical choice of Riddle/Owens/Zayn winning.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Rhea Ripley(c) vs. Zelina Vega

This is an interesting way to set up the match, as commentary has more or less told us that Vega has no chance to win the title. Instead they are saying she more or less needs a miracle to have a chance against the monster Ripley. That is what they teased this week on Smackdown, and somehow it wound up working well. Vega is going to have a huge reaction from the fans, but that might not be enough to give her the title.

Of course it isn’t, as Ripley isn’t going to lose her first major title defense. Vega is going to have the fans in her corner, but at some point that isn’t going to be enough. That some point is likely going to be as soon as Ripley hits Riptide and gets the pin to retain. Ripley’s title reign has the potential to be huge, and it is going to start with a successful defense here against Vega.

Cody Rhodes vs. Brock Lesnar

There is a case to be made for this to headline the show and it very well may. That being said, this is an important match for Rhodes, who really needs a win after losing to Reigns at Wrestlemania. I don’t know if that is where WWE is going to go though, as someone other than Reigns beating Lesnar one on one is almost impossible to fathom. Rhodes is a big star, but I don’t know if he’s that big.

I can absolutely see Lesnar winning here, but I’ll take Rhodes as he is someone who will likely be in line for the new World Title. Lesnar isn’t going to wrestle on Monday Night Raw anytime soon so there is no reason to believe that he is going to be in the title picture. I’ll go with Rhodes winning here, as he needs the win and will be around a lot more frequently than Lesnar. Rhodes wins, with a grand total of no confidence in the pick.

Bad Bunny vs. Damian Priest

This is a street fight and it is the best choice for a main event on this show. Bunny is a legitimate major star and will be given the ultimate hero’s welcome in Puerto Rico. The fact that he has shown he can hang in the ring with the right circumstances makes this better and we should be in for a very fun match here. I would say there is some doubt about the winner but…come on.

Unless WWE wants Puerto Rico to burn the building to the ground, this is going to be Bunny winning and winning handily. There are going to be all kinds of interference and shenanigans, which is exactly what needs to be the case here. All that matters is Bunny gets the pin in the end, likely with a few kendo stick shots. Bunny wins here, as he has to do to blow the roof off instead of a good chunk of the building being wrecked.

Overall Thoughts

Backlash is not the most traditional looking WWE show but we should be in for a good card based on what we have set up. The build for Backlash has been done a bit differently but I’m wanting to see the show. What matters is everyone executing things well, with the main event being rather tricky. It’s kind of beneficial that everything resets two days later as it takes so much pressure off of this card. Now just make it work well.


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Elimination Chamber 2023: Wrestling Shakespeare

Elimination Chamber 2023
Date: February 18, 2023
Location: Bell Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the last major stop on the Road To Wrestlemania and this is all going to be about Sami Zayn vs. Roman Reigns. In spite of the show’s title, the Elimination Chamber matches are far, far down the ladder in importance from the main event, which should have one of the most electric atmospheres WWE has seen in years. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the Chamber matches, before shifting to the Zayn vs. Reigns main event and treating it like the bigger deal that it is.

Women’s Elimination Chamber

The winner moves on to face Bianca Belair for the Raw Women’s Title at Wrestlemania and there is no word on the length of intervals. Natalya is in first and Liv Morgan is in second to get things going. A shoulder runs Morgan over to start and they trade rollups for a standoff. They go outside with Natalya being sent into the Chamber wall a few times and Morgan kissing her on the cheek.

Back up and Natalya sends her face first into the pod wall over and over with the fans approving of the violence. Morgan’s head goes through one of the squares in the wall so Natalya can crank on her arms. After three minutes, Raquel Rodriguez is in third and gets to slam people around. The all away slam sends Morgan flying and there’s a big boot to Natalya. With Rodriguez holding both of them up, Natalya eventually manages a sunset bomb into the wall.

Back in and all three get knocked down until Cross is in fourth. Cross sends everyone out and pushes Rodriguez’s face up against the wall this time. With Carmella mocking her, Rodriguez gets sent face first into the pod, leaving Cross to climb on top for the very high crossbody onto all of them. Carmella is in fifth and gets two on Rodriguez before going to yell at Asuka. That earns her a chase back into the pod but Rodriguez drives Cross through said pod, with Carmella just escaping. Carmella then runs into another pod, with Rodriguez wisely getting rid of Cross at 11:43 for the first elimination.

One heck of a sunset bomb off the pod plants Rodriguez for two and it’s Asuka in sixth to complete the field. Asuka goes right after Carmella to wreck her for a bit before squaring off with Rodriguez. An Octopus has Rodriguez in trouble but she powers Asuka up to her shoulders. Asuka slips out and superkicks her down, only to walk into Morgan’s missile dropkick for two. Natalya can’t powerbomb Morgan, who hits her with a Code Red. The Oblivion is broken up by Carmella and the Sharpshooter, plus an arm crank from Asuka, knock Morgan out for the elimination at 16:34.

The Sharpshooter has Asuka in trouble but Carmella breaks it up and pins Natalya at 17:33. A quick double teaming gets rid of Rodriguez at 18:18 and we’re down to Carmella vs. Asuka. Carmella hits a superkick for a fast two but Asuka strikes her down. The armbar makes Carmella give up to send Asuka to Wrestlemania at 19:43.

Rating: C. You had two favorites to win and one of them did, after running through most of the field like a buzzsaw. Asuka winning isn’t exactly bringing in someone new, but it’s nice to see her get reheated. She absolutely has the talent, but Belair vs. Asuka feels more like a solid Money in the Bank title match rather than Wrestlemania.

We recap Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley in a rubber match. Lashley beat Lesnar (with interference from Roman Reigns) at last year’s Royal Rumble and Lesnar escaped with a win at last year’s Crown Jewel. Now the roles are a bit reversed as Lashley is a bit more evil this time around. Also, the winner has to deal with Bray Wyatt, who has said he is waiting on whoever comes out on top.

Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley

Lesnar wastes no time in taking him into the corner for the shoulders to the ribs. Lashley gets knocked outside but comes back in with a pair of spears. The Hurt Lock is countered into the F5 for two as we’re not even two minutes into this yet. Another F5 gets another two but Lashley is back up with the spear. The Hurt Lock goes on and Lesnar is in trouble….so he kicks Lashley low for the DQ at 4:33.

Rating: B-. It was fun while it lasted but these fast paced, finisher spamming matches are only so interesting. Lesnar came off like a total villain in the end but that isn’t how things are likely to be presented. You can pencil in the big, violent, no holds barred brawl of some sort for WrestleMania, though I wonder where that leaves Wyatt. Entertaining sprint, but it’s nothing new from Lesnar.

Post match Lesnar takes out the referee and F5’s Lashley through the announcers’ table, much to the fans’ delight. The referee gets F5’d onto the remains of the table.

The Wrestlemania movie parody trailers are back! We start with Seth Rollins as the Joker (makes sense), doing the dance down the stairs. Then Becky Lynch, as an unmasked Batman, grabs him to ask what that was. Rollins asks what’s up with her voice, then she puts on her glasses, declares herself the Man, and leaves. Rollins: “She is the Man.”

We recap Edge/Beth Phoenix vs. Rhea Ripley/Finn Balor. Edge vs. Judgment Day has been going on since last summer and Phoenix is stepping in to help deal with Ripley so Edge can go for his revenge again.

Edge/Beth Phoenix vs. Rhea Ripley/Finn Balor

Dominik Mysterio is here with Ripley and Balor. Edge runs Balor over to start and hits a big boot before handing it off to Beth (with her Bull Nakano inspired face paint. Ripley comes in as well for the yelling staredown They trade clotheslines until Beth hits a slightly weird looking running elbow to the face. We hit the test of strength as the fans are all over Dominik.

They fight outside with Ripley being sent into the steps but a Balor distraction lets Dominik crotch Beth on top. Dominik gets chased off but comes back, much to the fans’ annoyance. Beth knocks Balor down and DDTs Ripley but Balor slides under the ring and pulls Edge off the apron. Riptide and the Glam Slam are blocked, as is Rhea’s attempt at a super Glam Slam.

Instead Beth reverses into a top rope superplex for a heck of a double crash and they’re both down. Beth kicks Ripley into Balor and the hot tag brings in Edge to clean house. The Edgecator has Balor in trouble and Beth puts Rhea in the same. Dominik interferes and throws something in, with Beth letting go to chase him off. Ripley headbutts Beth down and hits Edge with what looks to be brass knuckles.

Beth makes the save and heads outside with Ripley. After Balor gets crotched on top, the women powerbomb the men down but Ripley misses a Conchairto on the steps. The Glam Slam plants Ripley on the floor and there’s an Edgecution to Balor. Edge dives onto Dominik but the spear is countered into the Coup de Grace. The shotgun dropkick is cut off with a spear though and a Shatter Machine finishes Balor at 13:48.

Rating: B. I’m a bit surprised by the result here but this did a good job of making Beth feel like a huge star. She was showing off with the power and all of her stuff looked good. At the same time, Edge pins Balor in what should be the big finale for the feud. Then again they seem destined for one more match at Wrestlemania so the result here is a little odd.

US Title: Men’s Elimination Chamber

Austin Theory is defending and Johnny Gargano is in first with Seth Rollins in second. They go with the grappling to start with neither being able to get very far. Gargano misses the rolling kick to the face and the slingshot spear is cut off. The Pedigree attempt is countered with a backdrop onto the outside and Gargano takes him down again for a double knockdown. Theory is in third (before we even reach three minutes this time) and goes right after Gargano.

It’s off to Theory vs. Rollins, with the former getting pingponged back and forth between the other two. Theory thinks that means it’s time to bring back The Way from NXT, but Gargano decks him instead. With that not working for the champ, he tries to hide in the pod but gets double teamed in there as well. Damian Priest is in fourth and gets to beat up both good guys.

A bulldog driver plants Rollins and a lifting Downward Spiral gets two on Gargano. Priest busts out a Killswitch of all things on Rollins before kicking Theory in the head. A running flip dive over the ropes crushes Theory again and Priest knocks down everyone else to stand tall. Priest goes up top but Rollins catches him with the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for two.

Bronson Reed is in fifth and the fans seem to approve. Reed Rock Bottoms Gargano onto Rollins (who was standing as well) and hits a running splash in the corner for the bonus. The double Samoan drop hits Rollins and Gargano at the same time, leaving Montez Ford looking a bit worried in the pod. Reed sends Priest into the Chamber and then splashes him against the pod as the dominance continues.

The top rope shoulder drops Theory as well until Ford is in, giving us an ultra rare all six entrance in the match at once. Ford gets to beat up Theory and loads up a People’s Elbow of all things, only to have Reed make the save. Reed puts Gargano in an electric chair and a springboard clothesline turns it into a poisonrana, with Gargano coming DANGEROUSLY close to landing on his head.

Ford climbs up the wall….and then winds up hanging upside down from the roof. A flip dive onto everyone else leaves everybody down and the fans are VERY happy. Reed is back up so a bunch of people hit him with superkicks, followed by One Final Beat, a Stomp before a frog splash gives Ford the pin to eliminate Reed at 17:55.

Everyone starts climbing the wall, with Gargano and Rollins sitting on top of a pod. The other three get knocked down so Rollins chops the heck of Gargano, triggering a fight. Rollins loads up the super powerbomb but Gargano reverses it into a hurricanrana onto the pile for the HUGE crash, leaving Gargano holding his face. Gargano is fine enough to superkick Priest and Ford, setting up One Final Beat to Theory on the outside. Priest breaks up one back inside though and the Razor’s Edge gets rid of Gargano at 22:54.

Priest chases Ford to the top but Rollins pulls Priest into a powerbomb, with Ford adding a top rope Blockbuster for the pin at 24:44. So we’re down to Rollins vs. Theory vs. Ford and everyone needs a breather. Ford wins a slugout with Rollins and starts busting out the flip dives on the outside. A Rock Bottom hits Theory inside but the frog splash hits knees. Rollins adds a Stomp onto the steel and Ford is out at 27:39.

Rollins wastes no time in superkicking him into a sitout powerbomb for tow, as Ford is still down in the ring. The referee needs some help for Ford (his limbs are moving) and medics have to help get him to his feet. Ford is helped outside but actually falls on the steps (he is on another planet right now). Rollins hits a Pedigree on Theory….and here is Logan Paul to hit Rollins with a Buckshot Lariat. Paul Stomps Rollins as well and A Town Down retains Theory’s title at 31:24.

Rating: A-. Some of those spots were insane and they had the place rocking more than once. Paul coming in to cost Rollins is a great way to set up their Wrestlemania match and Theory winds up getting a big win to keep his title reign going. Also, quite the star making performances here for Reed, Priest and Ford, who was knocked completely loopy there near the end. In theory (no pun intended) that could have been a way for Paul to get inside, but I would hope they wouldn’t tease what looked like a rather horrible injury when Paul could have snuck in when anyone was leaving.

We recap Roman Reigns vs. Sami Zayn for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title. Zayn tried to get into the Bloodline and eventually proved to be a valuable member of the team. Then Reigns slowly changed his mind on Zayn, accusing him of trying to steal the spotlight. Reigns gave him a chance to prove himself but Zayn cracked Reigns with a chair to one of the loudest reactions ever. Now Zayn wants to take the title from Reigns while Reigns just wants to destroy Zayn in Zayn’s hometown. This is one of the best built matches in years around here and the heat is going to be off the charts.

Undisputed WWE Universal Title: Roman Reigns vs. Sami Zayn

Reigns, with only Paul Heyman, is defending and WOW the reactions are off the chart, with Reigns being booed out of the building and Zayn getting an all time ovation (Worlds Apart always helps with that). The bell rings and we get a nearly four minute staredown with Reigns not leaving his corner. Reigns starts walking around the ring and the OLE chants seem to be getting on his nerves.

They finally lock up and Reigns runs him down with a shoulder. Sami’s headlock gets a huge reaction and they go back to circling as we’re nearly seven minutes into this. A low bridge sends Reigns outside and Sami nails the big flip dive. Back in and Zayn rains down some right hands in the corner as Reigns seems to be favoring his ear. A big right hand gets Reigns out of trouble and the apron dropkick has Zayn rocked.

Reigns laughs off some LET’S GO SAMI chants (Reigns: “That’s all you got? A couple of SAMI chants???”) before Reigns goes outside to yell at Zayn’s wife. Zayn gets put on the barricade in front of his wife as Reigns keeps yelling, followed by more shots to keep Zayn in trouble. Back in and a heck of a clothesline drops Reigns and the fans are back into it. A running clothesline sends Reigns outside and Zayn beats him up in front of his wife, who gets a quick kiss for a bonus.

A sunset bomb gives Zayn two but the Blue Thunder Bomb is countered into a release Rock Bottom for two more. The Superman Punch is loaded up but Zayn counters into the exploder into the corner. The Helluva Kick is cut off by the Superman Punch for two and they’re both down again. Reigns’ spear only hits corner though and Zayn exploders him into the corner again.

Zayn hits his own Superman Punch into the Helluva Kick for a VERY close two and Montreal has a city wide heart attack. The threat of another Helluva Kick sends Reigns bailing to the floor, where Zayn’s diving DDT is cut off by an uppercut. Zayn manages to send him through the barricade though and the Blue Thunder Bomb gets another white hot near fall back inside.

Another Blue Thunder Bomb is blocked and the referee gets bumped in the corner. Zayn hits another Helluva Kick but there’s no referee for the visual seven or so count. Cue Jimmy Uso (the waiver must have gone through) for three superkicks to Zayn and a Superfly Splash to give Reigns two from a second referee. They slug it out from their knees with Zayn getting the better of things and stomping Reigns out to the floor (after seemingly missing a ref bump).

Zayn takes Jimmy off the apron and the spear hits….for two. Now THAT brings the fans back into it and Reigns yells about how he was trying to help Zayn. A loud slap hits Reigns and a Superman Punch hits the referee (that seems to be what they were trying to do a few moments ago) so Heyman throws in a chair.

Cue Jey Uso to stand between Reigns and Zayn so Reigns holds the chair out to Jey (like he did to Zayn at the Royal Rumble). There’s no swing though as Jey drops the chair, earning a yelling from Reigns. Zayn spears Jey by mistake, so Reigns unloads on Zayn with the chair. The spear connects for Reigns and a referee comes back to life to count the pin at 32:19.

Rating: A-. This is a match where the emotions are going to play such a big role because that’s what the match was based on. What we got was great and felt epic, but man alive that was a punch to the gut to see Zayn come so close and gets speared down at the end. No matter how you look at it, Zayn was never likely to win as the featured spot at Wrestlemania is going to Cody Rhodes. For now though, this is the next step in the Bloodline Saga, as Reigns gets to move past Zayn, but the Usos might not be so lucky. Heck of a main event with some hot near falls, but the energy and reactions are what mattered.

Post match Jimmy goes after Zayn again but Kevin Owens comes out for the save (….uh…..) and beats Jimmy and Reigns down. Jimmy gets put through the announcers’ table and Owens grabs a chair, so Heyman gets in and pounds on Owens’ back. Zayn gets back up and hits the Helluva Kick on Reigns. Zayn looks at Owens as he leaves and then soaks in one last round of cheers to wrap it up. Owens and Zayn never touched or did anything but look at each other.

Overall Rating: A-. This show looked great coming in and then it delivered even more than that, as they had a pretty outstanding night. The opener is the closest thing to not good and even that was perfectly acceptable. The men’s Chamber and main event carried the show though and it was a pretty incredible show overall. Zayn vs. Reigns was a very good match boosted up to great by the crowd reactions, which can be a very powerful thing. Awesome show and if they can make it feel like this for Wrestlemania, we’re in for something very, very special.

Asuka won the Women’s Elimination Chamber match last eliminating Carmella
Bobby Lashley b. Brock Lesnar via DQ when Lesnar kicked Lashley low
Edge/Beth Phoenix b. Finn Balor/Rhea Ripley – Shatter Machine to Balor
Austin Theory won the Men’s Elimination Chamber last eliminating Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns b. Sami Zayn – Spear



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Elimination Chamber 2023 Preview

It’s the last big stop on the Road To Wrestlemania and for a five match card, four of them are big and the fifth includes some Hall of Famers. This show is pretty much stacked with either big matches or the awesome sounding main event. While the show is called Elimination Chamber, the whole thing is about Roman Reigns defending the World Title against hometown boy Sami Zayn. Let’s get to it.

Edge/Beth Phoenix vs. Finn Balor/Rhea Ripley

Somehow this is the least important match on the show as Edge’s war against the Judgment Day continues. In this case, he is bringing in the wife to go after Ripley, who is on her way to WrestleMania. This should be a good, long tag match as all four can do well in a spot like this one. That being said, it doesn’t help that this feels like it is only there to set up something at Wrestlemania.

I’ll take Judgment Day here, as Ripley pinning Phoenix would make her look like a bigger deal on what could be her path to the main event of the first night of Wrestlemania. That leaves Edge and Balor to have one more showdown, likely in a big match in Los Angels. The match should be a good way to give us a breather between the bigger matches. The fact that this is probably the smallest on the car is quite a positive sign.

US Title: Men’s Elimination Chamber

So here we have the first Chamber match with Austin Theory defending the US Title. This match hasn’t exactly had the best build but there is quite the varied set of challengers to come after Theory. While I’m not sure if Theory is going to lose the title, they are doing enough to make me think that the title could change hands so something is going right so far.

As for the winner….I’ll go with Theory retaining, but there is more than one option. First off, Gargano and Ford just aren’t going to win. As fun as it would be for Reed to win, he isn’t going to either. That leaves Rollins (always an option), Priest (who needs a win) and Theory, who is likely going to be in a pretty upscale match at Wrestlemania. Theory wins here, and gets the solid boost that it was designed to give him.

Women’s Elimination Chamber

Now this one is a bit more interesting as we have two viable winners and the bigger of the two isn’t anything close to a lock. With six total contenders for the Wrestlemania title shot though, we’ll knock out Liv Morgan, Natalya and Carmella without much thought. Nikki Cross is a dark horse candidate as well but I just don’t think they are going to go in that direction.

That leaves us with Asuka and Raquel Rodriguez and I think I’ll go with the latter. Asuka has been hyped up as the next challenger and while that would be a good match, it doesn’t feel all that interesting. WWE has seemed like they want to get invested in Rodriguez and I think they’ll actually pull the trigger here and give her the chance. Asuka is a very strong possibility and I won’t be surprised if she wins, but I’ll go with Rodriguez.

Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley

It’s the trilogy match and somehow the winner gets Bray Wyatt after a pretty surprising challenge on Smackdown. This is the first time that Lesnar is the clear face vs. heel Lashley and it offers a unique twist on the match this time around. Lashley is in his suits again and that works well for him, though happy go lucky Lesnar is one of the most weirdly intriguing things I’ve seen in years.

I’ll go with Lashley winning here, if nothing else as the idea of Lesnar vs. Wyatt is something I can’t get my mind around. We should be in for a good power brawl here though and that’s the way a fight like this should be. The two of them can do pretty much everything to each other and that should make for a fun one. I’m still not sure what happens with Lesnar at Wrestlemania, but I don’t think he’ll be dealing with Wyatt.

Undisputed WWE World Title: Roman Reigns(c) vs. Sami Zayn

We had to get here and dang it I don’t want to. Not that the match won’t be great and the reaction to Zayn alone even better, but I don’t want Zayn’s incredible run with Reigns to come to an end. I don’t think there is much of a secret as to who walks out with the title, but the (somewhat) more interesting question is how WWE goes about having the match end.

Yeah of course Reigns retains here, though I could go with the idea of Zayn winning by DQ, just for the sake of him saving some face. Zayn getting speared down would be a hard thing to see but Reigns losing via DQ or countout wouldn’t do him any damage. Granted it would hurt Cody Rhodes though, and that’s not worth it. Word on the street is that the Usos might be able to be around and them costing Zayn the title could set up what seems to be a likely Wrestlemania Tag Team Title shot for Zayn and Kevin Owens. So Reigns retains and probably wins, but hopefully there are enough shenanigans for a screwy finish.

Overall Thoughts

This show has me rather interested as there isn’t a bad or uninteresting match on the entire card. WWE is cooking at the moment and if they can hold onto that for another six weeks, we could be in for a great Wrestlemania. For now, we could be in for a great Elimination Chamber on the Road To Wrestlemania though and I’ll certainly take that. Just make this stuff work and don’t do anything nutty and it should be an awesome night.


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Monday Night Raw – February 6, 2023: Ok I’m In

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 6, 2023
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are less than two weeks away from Elimination Chamber and that means it is time to start getting more qualifying matches out of the way. In addition to that though, we have a cage match between Bayley and Becky Lynch which should be a heck of a showdown. That should be enough but Cody Rhodes will be somewhere as well. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here are Edge and Beth Phoenix for a chat, but first we see a clip of Edge quitting at Extreme Rules to save Beth from a Conchairto, which happened anyway. Then they returned at Elimination Chamber, where they took out Judgment Day again. In the arena, Edge talks about how he wanted Judgment Day to be about finding new talent. We hear about the members of the team but then everything fell apart. The team attacked Edge so here is their golf clap. Fans: “YOU STILL GOT IT!” Edge: “I never lost it!”

Beth wants to get the fight on but here is Judgment Day, minus Rhea Ripley, to interrupt. Dominik threatens prison violence, just like he used on Rey Mysterio, and Damian Priest talks about qualifying for the Money….er, Elimination Chamber, to get his US Title back. Edge doesn’t want to hear this and suggests that Dominik isn’t that tough. Beth wants to get her hands on Rhea, so the mixed tag challenge is thrown out for Elimination Chamber. Game on, and so is the fight, with the Street Profits running in. The Glam Slam drops Dominik.

Elimination Chamber: Angelo Dawkins vs. Damian Priest

Everyone is gone from ringside and we’re joined in progress. They head outside with Priest being thrown over the announcers’ table. Back in and Priest hits the toss suplex for two but Dawkins fires off the right hands. Priest slams him on the floor again and we take a break. Back with Dawkins hitting an exploder suplex for two and going up top.

Priest pulls him down into a Downward Spiral for two but the Silencer drops Priest again. A top rope Swanton gives Dawkins two but Priest is back up to kick Dawkins in the head. South Of Heaven is plants Dawkins down rather hard and sends Priest on to the Chamber title shot at 11:00.

Rating: C+. This was a match where there wasn’t much doubt but Dawkins was putting in the efforts to make the most of it. The Profits are already starting to get their singles pushes and they are slowly getting better in both areas. Dawkins getting a singles run of his own would have been a bit much over a former champion, but he certainly did better than I would have expected.

Adam Pearce welcomes the Maximum Male Models to Raw but gets interrupted by Chelsea Green. She isn’t happy with the BELGIAN chocolates she got last week when she wanted Swiss. Therefore, Pearce either needs to get it right or she’ll get him fired with one phone call. Green: “K thanks bye.”

We look at Sami Zayn jumping Roman Reigns on Smackdown but getting beaten down again. Their match at Elimination Chamber is set.

Baron Corbin vs. Dexter Lumis

Johnny Gargano is here with Lumis and JBL is here with Corbin, who takes Lumis down with a chinlock to start. Some elbows to the back of the head set up another chinlock. Lumis fights up with a belly to back suplex but he can’t Silence Corbin. A missed charge lets Lumis hit the Silence for the pin at 3:16.

Rating: C-. Yeah this still didn’t work and I’m not particularly surprised. Corbin has lost all kinds of steam and Lumis is much better before and after the bell than in between them. The match was rather dull and it wouldn’t surprise me to see Corbin taking a bigger backseat in the future, as this stuff with JBL just isn’t working.

We look back at Becky Lynch being attacked in the cage two weeks ago, then attacking Damage Ctrl to even things up a bit.

Lynch is ready to face Bayley inside the cage here in Orlando, where it all began. Bayley made this personal when she brought in Becky’s family so tonight, it is time to play her last card.

We look at the Braveheart trailer from Wrestlemania XXI.

Here is Brock Lesnar (high fiving fans, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do before) for a chat. Lesnar is glad to be here and asks if anyone saw the Royal Rumble. He didn’t like it because Bobby Lashley tossed him out. Lesnar wasn’t here last week because he had to get his mind right. Last week he couldn’t go hunting or ice fishing but all he could think about was Bobby Lashley. To make it even worse, Lashley ruined his steak dinner and his, ahem, time with his wife. Well, maybe after four or five hours after his time with his wife started that is.

Lesnar pulls out a contract for a match with Lashley at Elimination Chamber so he wants Lashley out here for a signing. Cue Lashley to recap their feud and he thinks they need to do a third match on his terms. His team is going to look at the contract and thinks Lesnar should understand. F5ing ensues. You knew the match was happening either at Elimination Chamber or at Wrestlemania so this opens some doors for Wrestlemania.

Dexter Lumis has drawn a picture of the Gargano Family, including Nikki Cross looking on. Cross is behind them and runs off.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Carmella vs. Candice LeRae vs. Mia Yim vs. Piper Niven

One fall to a finish and Carmella bails to the floor to start. Back in and Niven uses the power to take over, including crushing all three at once for some near falls. Niven throws Carmella outside and poses as we take a break. We come back with Yim and LeRae double teaming Niven down.

Niven is back up with a headbutt to Yim but LeRae hits a missile dropkick into a middle rope moonsault for two. Carmella comes back in and stomps away on LeRae in the corner, setting up a Cannonball From Niven. Carmella kicks Niven to the floor and rolls LeRae up for the pin at 9:43.

Rating: C. So LeRae needs the win, whatever Yim is being called this week needs a win, Niven is back as the force who needs a win, but the right answer is Carmella, who is the same thing she was before she left for months. Carmella is going to be cannon fodder in the Chamber, which is the case for more than one person in there. Maybe they should get someone a little more interesting, but why do that when you can have Carmella?

JBL quits on Baron Corbin for being such a screwup. Corbin promises he can do better but JBL walks away anyway. Well points for pulling the plug on a bad idea, but odds are we are going to be seeing more Corbin because of course we are. Sidenote: MVP can be seen talking to Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander in the back.

Piper Niven goes after Candice LeRae in the back but Mia Yim makes the save.

Cedric Alexander/Shelton Benjamin vs. Alpha Academy

MVP is here with Cedric and Shelton. Cedric and Gable go to a wrestle off to start with Gable taking him down without much trouble. Otis and Shelton come in with Otis sending him hard into the corner. Shelton gets away and brings in Cedric to clean house in a hurry. The Neuralizer sends Gable outside, where he catches a charging Cedric in an exploder suplex. Back in and Gable hits a top rope headbutt for two as everything breaks down. Gable misses a moonsault though and it’s a Lumbar Check for the pin at 4:54.

Rating: C+. Sure why not. The Hurt Business worked well in its day and it’s not like Benjamin and Alexander have anything else going on. Put them back together and let them see if the magic is still there. I’ll take it over some lame comedy team and MVP can make almost anything work.

We look back at the returning Rick Boogs beating Miz in an impromptu match last week.

Miz swears revenge on Boogs, who comes out of Adam Pearce’s office. Pearce pokes his head out to hear Miz run his mouth, setting up a rematch for next week. With that gone, Chelsea Green pops in and demands an opponent right now or she’ll call Pearce’s manager.

Chelsea Green vs. Asuka

The rest of the women in the Elimination Chamber are here as Green jumps Asuka to start. The lifting Downward Spiral plants Asuka but Green stops to yell at everyone else on the floor. The distraction lets Asuka come back with a bunch of strikes, setting up a double arm crank for the tap at 2:23.

Post match we get the big staredown but here is Bianca Belair to ask who is going to win the Chamber. She knows what it means and wishes them all luck, because she’ll be waiting at Wrestlemania.

Here is Cody Rhodes for a chat. Rhodes talks about how we are on the Road To Wrestlemania, but first of all, we have a special night for Sami Zayn in his hometown. Cody wishes him luck, but here is Paul Heyman to interrupt. Heyman is here on behalf of Roman Reigns to congratulate Cody on winning the men’s Royal Rumble. We get a polite handshake and Cody calls him Mr. Heyman before wanting to pull the curtain back.

Cody wants to talk about a moment in 2000, when Dusty Rhodes got a call to work for ECW. Heyman wanted Dusty in ECW to face Steve Corino with promised of great pay, which he received. That run gave Dusty his confidence back and Cody thanks him. Then when Cody was here before, Heyman showed Cody the way so thank you again. Heyman is a bit emotional and talks about how far of a road this has been for Cody. Now though, Cody is trying to take away from Roman Reigns, which makes Heyman wonder how Cody will handle the pressure.

Right down the road from here is the WWE Performance Center, where Dusty Rhodes trained and prepared the top stars of this generation, including Reigns himself. What Cody didn’t do is prep Cody. As a father, Heyman might have wanted Cody to make it on his own (Cody seems to be fine with that) and make it as Cody Rhodes, not Dusty’s son.

Heyman talks about how much he loved Dusty, and in their last conversation, Dusty said Cody was his favorite son…..but Roman Reigns was the son he always wanted. Cody gets in Heyman’s face and says he was just trying to win a title. Now Reigns is going to pay for Heyman making it personal when Cody takes the titles….personally.

Oh yeah this was awesome and they managed to make me more interested in seeing Cody vs. Reigns than they were before. As Cody said, he was just in this to win a title, and now he has something personal to fight about. That has been lacking in the feud, while Sami vs. Reigns has been entirely personal. I don’t know if this makes it more interesting than Sami vs. Reigns, but it cut the gap down fast.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Elias vs. Montez Ford

Austin Theory is on commentary. Elias shoulders him down to start and grabs a chinlock but Ford is right back up with a dropkick. Theory doesn’t like us talking about anything but him as Elias sends Ford outside. We take a break and come back with Elias pulling him off the top and countering a hurricanrana into a sitout powerbomb. Ford fights up and hits a high crossbody, setting up the clotheslines to keep Elias in trouble. Elias gets sent outside for a heck of a flip dive, followed by the frog splash for the pin and the spot at 10:14.

Rating: C. The Ford singles push has seemed to be on the horizon for months now and maybe this is the first step on the way there. Ford can absolutely hang in a singles match and now he has a US Title shot on pay per view. He does need to (and won’t) win but just being in the match is something noteworthy. That athleticism can’t be ignored and this should be a great boost for his career.

Post match Seth Rollins pops up to take out Theory, including the Stomp on the floor.

Becky Lynch vs. Bayley

In a cage with the rest of Damage Ctrl at ringside. Lynch goes after her to start but gets sent into the cage to cut her off. Bayley starts going up but a dropkick to the cage brings her back down. They go up top with Bayley knocking her down, setting up the top rope elbow for two.

We take a break and come back with both of them going up again and kicking away. Lynch knocks her down for a crash and a near fall but Bayley gets in a whip to the cage. Bayley grabs a kneebar so Becky crawls for the door before sending Bayley face first into the corner. They go up top at the same time again and slug it out until a super Bayley to Belly plants Becky for two.

Instead of going for the door, Bayley tries to climb out, allowing Becky to get up there and catch her. Becky throws Bayley down but Iyo Sky is right up there to cut her off too. Dakota Kai throws in a crutch…..and Lita of all people is here. She takes out Sky with a Twist of Fate on the floor, slams the door on Bayley’s head and sets up Becky’s Manhandle Slam for the win at 15:07.

Rating: B. The Lita stuff was a surprise, but what mattered here was having two top stars having what felt like a main event match. It was the kind of a match that was the main event of the show rather than the last match on the card and they made it work well. I was into this and now I’m wondering where the Lita connection is going. One more match on the big stage, say against Bayley, would be great to see and that might be where we’re going.

Overall Rating: B-. This is another show that was good on its own but would have been great at two hours. If you could cut out a little bit here and there and get it trimmed down, there is almost nothing bad to be found. They advanced the Elimination Chamber card, they had a surprise at the end and they had an instant classic exchange between Cody and Heyman. WWE is in a very good place right now and if they can keep it up through Wrestlemania, we could be in for a classic.

Damian Priest b. Angelo Dawkins – South Of Heaven
Dexter Lumis b. Baron Corbin – Silence
Carmella b. Piper Niven, Mia Yim and Candice LeRae – Cannonball to LeRae
Shelton Benjamin/Cedric Alexander b. Alpha Academy – Lumbar Check to Gable
Asuka b. Chelsea Green – Double armbar
Montez Ford b. Elias – Frog splash
Becky Lynch b. Bayley – Manhandle Slam

WWE, 2023, Monday Night Raw, Edge, Beth Phoenix, Judgment Day, Maximum Male Models, Chelsea Green, Angelo Dawkins, Damian Priest, JBL, Baron Corbin, Johnny Gargano, Becky Lynch, Dexter Lumis, Candice LeRae, Carmella, Michin, Piper Niven, Nikki Cross, Cedric Alexander, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Alpha Academy, Miz, Rick Boogs, Asuka, Bianca Belair, Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Montez Ford, Elias, Seth Rollins, Austin Theory, Becky Lynch, Bayley, Damage Ctrl


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Monday Night Raw – September 5, 2022: Feel The Rhythm, Feel The Raw

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 5, 2022
Location: T-Mobile Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re done with Clash At The Castle and that means we have about a month to go before Extreme Rules. Odds are we’ll be seeing a bunch of Clash rematches at the show, some of which might be set up tonight. In addition to that, the extreme starts tonight as we have a steel cage match with US Champion Bobby Lashley defending against the Miz. Let’s get to it.

Here is Clash At The Castle if you need a recap.

Here is Edge to get things going. Edge wants to talk about Dominik Mysterio, who he has watched grow up. He sees Dominik like family and is here to help the Mysterios against Judgment Day. Is it because of that one accidental spear? If so Edge is sorry, but what is going on with Dom? Rey raised him better than that but Edge is a different beast entirely. If Dom thinks he’s a man, then he needs to come out here and pay a man’s price.

Cue Rey, but Edge says that isn’t the Mysterio he wanted. He calls out Dominik again, only to get Rhea Ripley instead. She talks about Edge and Rey thinking Dominik as just a little boy, but she saw the potential in him and turned him into a man. Cue Dominik with his hair slicked back and in all black, so Rey says snap out of it and make things right. Rhea says Dominik isn’t listening to Rey anymore and Edge can’t stop his judgment day. Rey says he can’t be part of this and walks away, but stops to talk to Dominik in the aisle.

Dominik won’t even look at him, though he might be listening to the EDDIE SUCKS chants. Rey walks off and looks back (great shot) as Edge tells Dominik to get in the ring. Cue Finn Balor and Damian Priest from behind to jump Edge and the beatdown is on. Rey comes back and gets taken out as well. A Coup de Grace onto a chair onto Edge’s knee likely writes him off TV for the time being, with Rey coming in to clear things out. Priest puts his arm around Dominik, who seems to have joined the team.

Earlier today, Miz and Ciampa arrived, with the former not wanting to talk about Dexter Lumis being in the back of his car as he left last week. Then eh asks why he is never asked how he is doing. Interviewer: “How are you?” Miz: “None of your business.” They walk over and see a car turned upside down. Uh oh.

New Day vs. Alpha Academy vs. Los Lotharios vs. Street Profits

The winners get a Tag Team Title shot and whoever gets pinned gets to explain why the Viking Raiders aren’t included. Woods and Garza start things off but we pause so Garza can TAKE OFF HIS PANTS. Then Garza tags in Kofi so New Day has to face off. They get smart by going New Age Outlaws with Woods laying down so Kofi can steal the pin, which draws in everyone for the save.

New Day is left alone in the ring and for some reason they don’t do the same thing again, instead hitting stereo running flip dives onto everyone else as we take a break. Back with Ford kicking his way out of trouble and handing it off to Dawkins to clean house. Dawkins hits his own running flip dive, leaving the once again legal Ford to have to flip out of the American Automatic.

Back in and everyone but Alpha Academy go up top, with Ford and Woods being slammed out of different corners. Humberto’s moonsault hits raised boots and Otis plants Ford for two with Kofi making the save as we take a break. Back with Ford throwing Otis down but getting caught on top by Los Lotharios. With the two of them taken out, Ford dives onto Otis but gets ankle locked by Gable….and never mind as Braun Strowman is back. Strowman wrecks everyone and we’ll call it a no contest at about 14:30.

Rating: C+. The match was fun while it lasted but this was all about the big surprise in the end. The other good thing is that none of the teams are actually getting a title shot at the moment, because there is no reason to have any of them get a chance. New Day and Profits vs. Usos have both been run into the ground so let’s move on and do something fresh, hopefully with the Vikings, who should be the #1 contenders anyway.

Post match Strowman wrecks everyone, including powerslamming Dawkins through the announcers’ table.

Aliyah/Raquel Rodriguez vs. Nikki Ash/Doudrop

Non-title. Aliyah tries to take Doudrop down to start and gets hit in the face for her efforts. A running hurricanrana goes badly as well and Doudrop swings her into the buckles a few times. We see Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky watching in the back and they are officially dubbed Damage Control.

Nikki takes Aliyah down out of the corner for two, with Rodriguez having to make a save. The tag brings in Rodriguez a few seconds later and house is cleaned. Rodriguez can’t powerbomb Doudrop though and a backsplash gives Doudrop two. Everything breaks down and Aliyah pulls Ash off the apron, leaving Rodriguez to manage a Tejana Bomb out of the corner to pin Doudrop at 3:31.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but it was a good enough way to get the new champs on the show. I don’t know how long they are going to hold the titles but at least they got to win a match and hold up the titles for a week. Odds are those titles are Damage Control’s to win, though the question is when they get there.

Rey Mysterio says he needs to talk to Dominik but he will never put his hands on his son, no matter what Judgment Day does to him. For tonight though, he wants any member of the team one on one.

We look at Sheamus getting a standing ovation at Clash At The Castle.

Here is Austin Theory for a chat. Things went well on Saturday and Crown Jewel (Theory: “Just kidding, Clash At The Castle!”) was a success. He’s still the youngest Mr. Money In The Bank ever, but unlike everyone else, he keeps getting up after being knocked down by a World Champion boxer. Theory is glad that Roman Reigns is still champion because they have history together. His jaw still hurts and here is Kevin Owens to interrupt.

Owens wonders what’s wrong with Theory’s jaw and then remembered that he got KO’D! Oh and he found his first name again! Owens can’t stand delusional people and no one is more delusional than Theory. What Tyson Fury did to him on Saturday was a good thing, because if Theory had cashed in, Drew McIntyre or Roman Reigns would have put him down.

Theory brings up how long it has been since Owens won a title. Owens talks about how he had McIntyre and Reigns beaten and the only reason Theory has the briefcase is because Owens wasn’t in the ladder match. As Owens gets into a frenzy, he thinks a referee is about to come down here and one of them is going to say let’s fight (Owens: “That’s me!”) so let’s go.

Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory

Theory bails to the floor to start and gets run over, setting up a corner clothesline back inside. There’s the Cannonball to send Theory back outside, where the apron frog splash crushes him to take us to a break. Back with Owens fighting out of a chinlock and sending Theory face first into the announcers’ table. A backsplash hits Theory for two back inside but he manages the rolling dropkick for two. The chinlock goes on and we go to a split screen to see Fury knocking Theory out again on Saturday.

Owens fights up and forearms away, setting up a series of clotheslines to the floor. A Swanton to the floor only hits raised knees though and we take another break. Back again with Owens hitting the middle rope Swanton but getting knocked down again. A Town Down is blocked and Owens nails a superkick, only to be sent outside. Theory sends him HARD into the steps for a close nine count and takes Owens back up top. That earns Theory the swinging superplex and the Pop Up Powerbomb sets up the Stunner to give Owens the pin at 16:52.

Rating: B-. They got some time here, minus the pair of commercials, so this was a rather nice showcase for Owens. I’m still not big on seeing Theory lose over and over again, but at least he is back on TV and has his first name back. The problem with Money In The Bank right now is having to deal with such a dominant champion, so we could be waiting around for a good while. That isn’t likely to go well for Theory either, as things have already been going badly for him and could get even worse.

Miz still doesn’t want to talk about Dexter Lumis, but he is cool with the United States Title match tonight, because he is better than Bobby Lashley one on one.

Long recap of Clash At The Castle.

Video on a soldier who earned the Medal Of Honor.

Here is Damage Control for a chat. Bayley brags about their win at Clash At The Castle and says imagine what they can do to the rest of the women’s division. Sky promises to take the Tag Team Titles next week because Kai wasn’t legal last week. Bayley wants Bianca Belair too, so here is Belair to say let’s do it right now. That’s a no from Bayley because she isn’t working on Labor Day, but for now all we’re doing is celebrating that she beat Belair, YEAH.

Belair remembers it took three women to beat her and she still has the title, so Bayley is in control of nothing. The trio heads to the floor, with Bayley saying she has nothing to prove to Belair. She’ll take the title when she wants it and promises to get it one way or another, which seems to be a threat from Sky and Kai.

We take a long look at Drew McIntyre’s entrance at Clash At The Castle.

Johnny Gargano is glad to be back here but Austin Theory comes in to say Gargano has been Johnny Talking since he got back. Gargano says that’s true, but he’s back in the ring next week.

Rey Mysterio vs. Damian Priest

Rey goes right at him to start but has to escape the South of Heaven chokeslam. A big boot drops Rey fast and a running shoulder to the ribs makes it even worse. Another charge only hits post though and Rey hammers away as hard as he can. A springboard spinning crossbody lets Rey fire off more right hands to the face but Priest gets in a few shots to take over again. Rey dropkicks him to the floor but gets dropped again as the rest of Judgment Day comes out.

We take a break and come back with Rey fighting out of a chinlock and sending Priest outside for more kicks. Back in and Rey hits a Lionsault, followed by a spinning DDT for a breather. The 619 is countered though and Priest kicks him in the face again. Back up and Rey tries another 619, only to get cut off by Dominik. That’s enough for the South of Heaven to finish Rey at 13:28.

Rating: C+. Rey knows how to deal with a monster like this and Priest looked good in victory. Dominik costing Rey the match makes it even better and odds are we’re coming up on the Mysterio showdown, whenever they actually get there. Rey isn’t going to be hurt by the loss and now the question becomes how well Dominik can be presented on his way to the match with his dad. Priest was just the heavy here but he knows how to make it work so this went well.

Post match Rhea Ripley says that Dominik is ready to get rid of Edge next week.

We look back at Braun Strowman attacking everyone again.

Strowman says he’s back and no one is safe. See you on Smackdown.

We look back at Seth Rollins vs. Matt Riddle on Saturday.

Riddle says he let his emotions get the better of him.

Rollins is proud of his win and moving on to bigger and better things.

United States Title: The Miz vs. Bobby Lashley

Miz, with Tommaso (yes Tommaso) Ciampa is challenging inside a cage. We get the Big Match Intros and Miz jumps him with the title before the bell. They go to the floor (not an escape as the match hasn’t started yet) with Lashley being double teamed for some double applause. Lashley’s arm is crushed with the steps and we take a break before the match actually starts.

We take a break and come back with the match joined in progress as Miz covers him for two. Miz stomps away and the YES Kicks get two more. Lashley gets fired up and hits a swinging neckbreaker before sending Miz into the cage a few times. The threat of a spear sends Miz bailing for the door but even Ciampa’s assist can’t get him outside. Lashley sends Miz into the cage a few more times but Miz goes for the bad arm to block the Hurt Lock. That’s enough to send Lashley up the cage, only to have Ciampa swat him down with a chair. Miz is back up with a running knee for two and we take another break.

Back with Lashley fighting out of a Crossface and taking Miz up for a top rope superplex and two. Miz avoids a spear to send Lashley into the cage, setting up the Skull Crushing Finale for two. Back up and Lashley goes for the door but has to knock Ciampa down, allowing Miz to slam the door on Lashley’s head over and over. Miz goes to escape…and Dexter Lumis has crawled out from underneath the ring. That makes Miz climb back in and the spear retains the title at 13:58.

Rating: C+. See how easy it is to make a title feel important again? Over the last few weeks, Lashley has been defending the title because people have been trying to take it from him. That puts Lashley on a winning streak, which is what you need to make a champion feel that much more important. It is such a simple idea and it worked well here. Miz did his thing and the Lumis deal at the end was the logical way to go, making this a good main event on both fronts.

Post match Lumis climbs into the cage and Lashley shuts the door. Lumis chokes Miz out and…strokes his head to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The positive about this show is really simple: they had stories going on throughout the match and added in wrestling to fill things out. They didn’t waste much time (fair enough on the video packages as a lot of the roster was in Wales two days ago) and the feuds were advanced. Throw in a big return from Strowman and this was an efficient and even well done Raw. Good show here as the show is starting to get into more of a much needed rhythm.

New Day vs. Alpha Academy vs. Los Lotharios vs. Street Profits went to a no contest when Braun Strowman interfered
Raquel Rodriguez/Aliyah b. Nikki Ash/Doudrop – Tejana Bomb to Doudrop
Kevin Owens b. Austin Theory – Stunner
Damian Priest b. Rey Mysterio – South of Heaven
Bobby Lashley b. The Miz – Spear




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Monday Night Raw – August 22, 2022: Bizarroworld, Raw Edition

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 22, 2022
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re still north of the border and this time there is a special treat for the hometown crowd. Edge is going to be facing Damian Priest for the big homecoming match and that should be a heck of a fight. Other than that, we should be seeing the continuing adventures of Dexter Lumis, plus any other possible returns. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open in the back with Riddle and Seth Rollins brawling in the Gorilla Position. They are separated by security but brawl into the arena to keep it going. More brawling leads to more separations until they’re finally held apart on the ramp, much to the fans’ annoyance.

Here is hometown legend Trish Stratus for a chat. The fans seem rather happy to see her and Trish seems overwhelmed by the reception. The ONE MORE MATCH chant starts up and Trish has been thinking….but here are Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky to interrupt. We take a break and come back with Bayley talking about how awesome it is to have Trish back, but why is she here?

Through translation, we hear about Sky being a huge fan but Bayley still wants to know why Trish has been after them over the last few days. Cue Bianca Belair to say Bayley isn’t in the same stratosphere. Bayley still isn’t convinced so Trish takes off her jacket. Asuka and Alexa Bliss come out to uneven the odds so Bayley and company are ready to leave but it’s time for a match. Trish vs. Bayley down the line could be a heck of a showcase for the latter and Trish looks like she could still go.

Women’s Tag Team Title Tournament: Asuka/Alexa Bliss vs. Dakota Kai/Iyo Sky

Asuka knocks Kai outside and then off the apron for a bonus as we take an early break. Back with Bliss getting out of trouble and handing it back to Asuka to face Sky. They circle each other and trade kicks to the face, with Asuka getting the better of things. Bliss comes back in to knock the villains outside, setting up a big dive to the floor. A cheap shot cuts her off though and we take a second break.

We come back again with Asuka striking away at Sky for two as Aliyah, Doudrop and Nikki Ash are watching in the back. Sky gets over to the apron for a springboard missile dropkick, allowing Kai to come back in with a scorpion kick. Bliss makes the save and hits a double DDT but Kai breaks up some kind of stretch from Asuka.

Bliss makes the save and tries Twisted Bliss but only hits raised knees. Asuka tags herself in though and hits some spinning backfists to Kai. A blind tag brings Sky back in but Asuka doesn’t realize it, meaning Kai tapping to the Asuka Lock doesn’t matter. Instead, Sky comes in for the rollup pin at 18:34.

Rating: C+. There were some sloppy points here but the ending was a nice way to make Kai and Sky look rather smart. Asuka got distracted and was pinned clean, which works perfectly well to send the villains to the finals. It would be hard to fathom them not winning the belts, but stranger things have happened. Long match too, and that isn’t something you see from women’s tags very often.

Dolph Ziggler is ready to bounce back after his loss to Theory but Judgment Day interrupts. Finn Balor doesn’t think much of Ziggler attaching himself to another up and comer to stay relevant. Ziggler slaps him down and heads to the ring.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Finn Balor

Rhea Ripley is here with Balor. An early superkick attempt is blocked and Ziggler is sent into the corner, allowing Balor to talk trash. Ziggler gets whipped hard into the corner and we take an early break. Back with Ziggler getting an elbow up in the corner and hammering away with some right hands.

The Fameasser is countered into a sitout powerbomb for two but Ziggler is back with his DDT for the same. The second Fameasser attempt connects for two and they’re both down for a bit. It’s Balor up first with the shotgun dropkick but the Coup de Grace misses. The Zig Zag gets a very near fall and it’s time to slug it out. Ziggler’s headbutt knocks Balor silly but Ripley gets in a cheap shot. 1916 sets up the Coup de Grace to finish Ziggler at 12:57.

Rating: B-. Those near falls were good and the fans were WAY into this so they were doing a lot right. Ziggler is still a solid choice to have a match like this and put someone over, though I can’t help but roll my eyes when I see him set something up. Balor winning is nice to see though, even if I have no reason to believe the momentum is lasting.

Aliyah brags about being the bougie bada** but Bayley and company come in and mock her for showing up alone. Trish Stratus comes in to ask when Bayley is getting back in the ring. Bayley vs. Aliyah is set for tonight. Bayley and company leave, with Adam Pearce and some security looking at some photos and walking the other way.

Here is Alpha Academy to accept new students. The search is starting here in Toronto but all Chad Gable can find is a bunch of toothless hockey players at Tim Hortons. The Toronto Mapleleafs lost a hockey game to a team from Tampa Bay and they don’t even have hockey! So send me your best Toronto….and here we go.

Kevin Owens vs. Chad Gable

Gable gets knocked outside to start as the fans are WAY behind Owens. Back in and Gable’s headlock is broken up, allowing Owens to hit a hard clothesline. It’s too early for the Cannonball so Gable rolls outside. A t-bone suplex drops Owens again and two more drop him on the apron as we take a break.

Back with Owens hitting a Cannonball and dropping Gable onto his knee. Owens goes up, while favoring his own knee, and hits a frog splash for two. The Pop Up powerbomb and Stunner are both countered, with the latter being reversed into a bridging German suplex to give Gable two. Gable hits a top rope headbutt for two of his own so he takes Owens up top. That means the swinging superplex can give Owens a delayed two but the Swanton hits knees. Back up and a superkick sets up the Pop Up powerbomb to finish Gable at 11:07.

Rating: B. It’s really, really nice to see Owens back and thankfully he is the older, more hard hitting version. I liked this one a good bit, though I could have seen it end after that frog splash. They gave Gable a lot here and it should save him some credibility in the future, as beating him will mean a bit more if he can hang with Owens for this long.

Post match Otis jumps Owens and gets Stunned for his efforts. Then Owens powerbombs Gable onto Otis for a bonus.

Judgment Day mocks the Mysterios, with Finn Balor saying Dominik might be enjoying getting beaten up by Rhea and declaring Rey “6 1 Mine”. Damian Priest promises to send Edge back into retirement.

Bayley vs. Aliyah

Aliyah rolls her up for to and the Matrish sets up a hiptoss. A running crossbody in the corner hits Bayley and a hurricanrana brings her back out for one. Bayley grabs her by the ear and pulls her into a chinlock, only to be armdragged down. Aliyah gets sent into the corner for some shots to the head and the chinlock goes on again.

Back up and Bayley mocks Trish’s pose but what looks to be a Stratusfaction attempt is broken up. Aliyah slides to the floor and hits a sitout bulldog, which is about as she is getting to being Trish. Back in and the half crab keeps Bayley in trouble but she’s right back up. The Rose Plant finishes Aliyah at 6:32.

Rating: C. It’s great to have Bayley back, but Aliyah continues to drag down just about everything she does. There comes a point where it just isn’t working and I think we passed that point with her several years ago. The problem comes down to the fact that she just isn’t very good and shouldn’t be on Raw or Smackdown. Bayley being back is a good thing though and she is already the top heel in the Raw women’s division, where she should be for a long time to come.

Miz/Ciampa vs. AJ Styles/Bobby Lashley

Styles dropkicks the heck out of Ciampa to start and hands it off to Lashley. A double suplex is loaded up but Styles steps to the side, allowing Lashley to hit his own delayed vertical. Miz comes in and Lashley gets to wreck things again, including tossing both villains to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Styles in trouble and Ciampa putting on a chinlock. Styles fights out of trouble and hands it back to Lashley, meaning house can be properly cleaned. A DDT/Downward Spiral combination plants the villains but Ciampa rolls outside before the spear. Lashley posts Ciampa and clotheslines Miz, but the distraction lets Ciampa hit Willow’s Bell for two.

Lashley is back up with the spear so Miz has to make a save. Styles is knocked outside where security pulls someone (definitely NOT Dexter Lumis) away. Then on the other side of the ring, Lumis appears and pulls Miz over the barricade and through the crowd for the DQ at 13:52.

Rating: C+. The ending was an interesting way to go as I wasn’t sure how they were going to tie the Lumis stuff into the rest of the show. Lumis finally having an official target and getting point in a direction is a big step forward and if nothing else, Ciampa didn’t take another loss. He still needs to win something, but at least they have something actually happening with the story.

Post match Ciampa gets beaten up, including a Phenomenal Forearm and spear. Replays show Miz being taken away, including several closeups of Lumis and commentary mentioning him by name.

Video on Edge.

And now, here’s Johnny Gargano, complete with the still awesome REBEL HEART theme. The fans get in their JOHNNY WRESTLING chant and Gargano seems rather happy with his reception. Gargano gives us a brief history of his NXT success but he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to do this again over the last nine months. He has been a father to Baby Wrestling (Gargano: “He’ll appreciate that when he gets older.”) and now he remembers what he has always wanted to do. Gargano wants to win every championship and go to Wrestlemania and now it is time to continue with his dreams.

Cue Theory (who was kind of Gargano’s idiot son in NXT), with Gargano being pleased to see him. Fans: “WHO’S YOUR DADDY!” Theory asks what Gargano has been doing for the last nine months, which Gargano says includes changing a lot of diapers. Now though, Theory has the briefcase and has done everything Gargano wanted to do. He couldn’t do what he did without Gargano (who appreciates that) but now it’s like Theory is the veteran and Gargano is the rookie.

Theory thinks Gargano can even carry his bags. Or maybe just the briefcase. Theory: “Maybe I can show you The Way!” With that reference to their NXT group out of the way, Theory wants to do their old high five and tells Gargano to hit him with it. That earns Theory a superkick and Gargano does a self high five before leaving. Gargano got a major reaction and it seems like he is actually going to have a chance, which puts him way ahead of his nothing original run on the show.

The Women’s Tag Team Title match is next week, as is Kurt Angle.

Edge vs. Damian Priest

Edge is the hometown boy and in very Canadian tights to hammer the point home. Throw in his wife, Beth Phoenix, sitting in the front row and I think you get the idea. Priest powers him into the corner to start but Edge sends him outside. That means it’s time to slow things down and Edge gets in a few shots, only to be taken outside again. A powerbomb onto the barricade knocks Priest silly and we take a break.

Back with Priest missing something off the top and being sent outside again for a huge top rope dive. Priest is fine enough to Razor’s Edge Edge through the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Edge hitting a super hurricanrana (about three and a half minutes after Edge took the same move that put him out for a month earlier this year) but the spear is countered with a kick to the head.

An Unprettier gives Priest two (and allows Graves to make a bit of a veiled reference to Christian) and he’s annoyed at the kickout. Priest loads up a spear but charges into a South of Heaven chokeslam to give Edge two, with commentary saying they know each other so well from their time together in Judgment Day. As you remember that was about a month long, Edge gets kicked into the referee and Priest hits his own chokeslam.

It’s time for a chair, which Edge takes away and breaks off to set up the Crossface with the bar in Priest’s mouth. Since that means nothing, Edge loads up a spear, which is cut off with a bar to the head for two. Another Razor’s Edge is countered into a Canadian Destroyer (because of course) and Edge hits the spear for the pin at 19:34.

Rating: B+. It felt like a pay per view style match and the live crowd ate it up so this couldn’t have gone much better. I’m not completely sure if Edge should have won, but I’ll take it over the hometown star losing again, as was the WWE trademark for so long. Priest got something out of the loss just because he hung in there with Edge, though it could have been really interesting to see him get probably the biggest win of his career.

Post match Edge loads up a Conchairto but Rhea Ripley comes in with a low blow. Finn Balor adds the Coup de Grace and the chair is loaded up but Beth Phoenix takes it from Ripley. Phoenix holds the three off with the chair to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. I know I’ve said this a few times now, but what makes this show that much better is having a lack of anything awful while also keeping the shows energized. It feels more like there is a plan to some of these stories and that they are building to a goal instead of putting whatever out there and hoping it makes sense by the pay per view. I’m digging these shows and you are getting some awesome matches to go with the stories, so nicely done. This show has become a bit of a joy to watch in recent weeks and while I don’t know if that is going to last, it has been a great relief after so many years of drek.

Iyo Sky/Dakota Kai b. Asuka/Alexa Bliss – Rollup to Asuka
Finn Balor b. Dolph Ziggler – Coup de Grace
Kevin Owens b. Chad Gable – Pop Up powerbomb
Bayley b. Aliyah – Rose Plant
Miz/Ciampa b. AJ Styles/Bobby Lashley via DQ when Dexter Lumis interfered
Edge b. Damian Priest – Spear




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – July 11, 2022: The Anniversary Slowdown

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 11, 2022
Location: AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re well on the way to Summerslam and that means the card is mostly set. I’m curious to see what that means we are going to be seeing added to the show, as that can often be more interesting than seeing things built up even more. If nothing else, Brock Lesnar is here tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap from Smackdown with Roman Reigns saying things pick up when the Big Dog comes around.

Here is Brock Lesnar to get things going. Brock says God bless Texas and even takes his hat off to show some manners. Reigns talks about how Roman Reigns has been living high on the hog and at Summerslam, the hog is being slaughtered, like Lesnar does on his ranch. Violence is promised, but here is Paul Heyman to interrupt. Lesnar: “Speak of the hog.” Heyman talks about how Lesnar is a monster, but the fans say Heyman sucks. Lesnar asks if Heyman is going to say anything worthwhile, sending Heyman into a rant about how this match plays into Lesnar’s hands.

We hear about how Lesnar is a killer and someone who will destroy everything. Reigns is approaching 700 days as Universal Champion and that is a streak Lesnar won’t break. Heyman will have Reigns ready, even if that means reaching up Lesnar’s a** and ripping out his heart. Lesnar isn’t sure what to make of that but here is Theory to interrupt. Theory promises to win the title at Summerslam, but Lesnar tells him to come down here and let’s do it right now.

We see a clip of Lesnar beating Theory up in the Elimination Chamber, which Theory says is what could happen to Reigns. It could happen to Lesnar too, and here is the Alpha Academy for a distraction. Chad Gable’s chop block just annoys him and the ring is cleared out with no trouble. Lesnar F5’s Otis through the announcers’ table for a bonus. And that’s how Brock Lesnar is used this week.

Rey Mysterio vs. Finn Balor

Damian Priest and Rey Mysterio are here too and before the match, Priest says that the Mysterios being attacked last week was one for the old guys. Now Rey has nothing to offer Dominik but an ugly mask and some old, tired tricks that aren’t even his. The offer is tossed out to join the Judgment Day again but Dominik turns them down. Balor points out what happens to people they don’t like and we see the beatdown on Edge from a few weeks ago. Balor calls Rey a bad father and the villains are cleared out without much trouble.

As for the actual match, we’re joined in progress after a break with Balor choking on the ropes until Rey is back with a kick to the floor. The big dive connects but Balor is back up with a backbreaker to take over again. Rey fights back but gets caught on top with a shot to the knee.

Said knee is fine enough to send Balor outside for a sliding sunset bomb into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Rey hitting a super hurricanrana for two, despite having one good leg. The 619 connects but Balor avoids the frog splash. Rey crucifixes him for two but Balor is back with something close to 1916. The Coup de Grace gives Balor the pin at 10:12.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t a great match but Balor vs. Rey is going to work just because of the two people involved. There is so much talent involved that it will be fine enough, which is about what we got here. What matters is continuing the story, which could mean the end of Dominik and that is a very promising world.

Post match Dominik checks on Rey as Judgment Day looks down at both of them.

Here is Becky Lynch before the Raw Women’s Title match. She gets on the announcers’ table and rants about how she should have gotten her rematch but didn’t have a shortcut like Liv Morgan or a title shot like Carmella is getting tonight. Lynch gets where she goes because she is that good and works that hard, so tonight she is DEMANDING the title shot at Summerslam.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair vs. Carmella

Belair is defending and drives Carmella into the corner without much trouble to start. They go outside with Belair sending her into the corner, only to stop to yell at Lynch as we take a break. Back with Carmella grabbing a figure four necklock across the ropes. Carmella goes up, only to get pulled out of the air and caught with a delayed vertical suplex for two. The trade rollups for two each and Belair hits a double chickenwing facebuster.

Raised knees block the handspring moonsault though and Carmella rolls her up for two more. The low superkick is countered into a faceplant on the turnbuckle but the KOD is countered into an X Factor (nice) for another near fall. Belair is back with a clothesline, only to get caught with a spinebuster. Carmella low bridges her to the floor, where Carmella rakes her eyes. That earns her a posting and Belair throws her back inside. Cue Becky for the distraction so Belair gets counted out at 11:47.

Rating: C. Of course they did. Of course they did. Of course they have to keep Carmella in this spot, meaning she is probably going to get a title match at Summerslam out of all this stuff. I’m sure Becky vs. Bianca is coming, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see Carmella added somehow. Pretty good match here, but the result is pretty awful.

Post match Carmella holds up the title until Belair finally punches her in the chest. The KOD plants Carmella, because THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE SINCE A CLEAN WIN MEANS NOTHING!

Here’s the same creepy vignette from the last few weeks.

We look back at Miz and Ciampa joining forces to beat down AJ Styles.

Here are Miz and Ciampa for MizTV. Ciampa wants to open eyes around here and Miz can help him do that better than anyone else. This sends Miz into a rant about Logan Paul, who has posted a video saying that he is still coming for Miz. That doesn’t work for Miz, who offers Paul one more chance to be his partner, or he’ll just team with Ciampa to win the titles.

Cue AJ Styles to say Miz has found someone to do his dirty work, which sounds like the actions of someone with…..Miz: “DON’T YOU DARE!” AJ calls him a coward….with tiny, tiny testicles. Styles clears the ring and here is Ezekiel to interrupt. His brother Elias talks about how Styles really is phenomenal. He was almost as insistent about that as he was about Miz having tiny testicles. Ezekiel has been talking to Adam Pearce and the scheduled handicap match is now going to be a tag match.

Ezekiel/AJ Styles vs. Ciampa/Miz

Joined in progress with Ciampa working on Ezekiel, who comes back with some shots to the face. Miz comes in and gets knocked down as well, meaning it’s back to Ciampa, who gets suplexed for his efforts. A cheap shot from the apron puts Ezekiel in trouble though and Ciampa sends him into the barricade, setting up the pat on the back.

We take a break and come back with Ezekiel fighting out of Ciampa’s chinlock and slugging his way out of trouble. The hot tag brings in Styles to clean house, including a gutbuster for two on Miz. The short DDT plants AJ but the fireman’s carry neckbreaker gives Styles two, with Ciampa making the save. AJ puts on the calf Crusher until Ciampa makes another save, this time hammering on Styles until it’s a DQ at 11:32.

Rating: C-. Well I guess it’s better than Ciampa taking another pin. I’m not sure how much better it is to have Ciampa in this team than in anything else but at least he has something to do. Still though, actually having him get a win that matters would be better, though I’m not sure if that is something that is actually going to happen. So call it an upgrade? Maybe?

Post match AJ hits Ciampa with the slingshot forearm to the floor as Miz bails.

Riddle talks to Bobby Lashley about their tag match with Seth Rollins and Theory later tonight. Before that, maybe they can watch Stranger Things together so Riddle doesn’t get scared! Lashley is going to go warm up instead.

Alexa Bliss/Asuka vs. Doudrop/Nikki Ash

Asuka knocks Ash down without much trouble to start and it’s off to Bliss for some rollups. Doudrop comes in off a blind tag though and runs Bliss over. Some forearms allow Ash to come back in for a quickly broken chinlock. Bliss avoids a charge in the corner, allowing Asuka to come back in and strike away at Doudrop. Asuka knees Ash out of the air and adds the sliding kick for two. Back in and Bliss hits her DDT to pin Ash at 4:12.

Rating: C-. The good thing here is that they didn’t have this go on too long, as there was little doubt about who was winning. Bliss has been on a roll since being back and Asuka is Asuka, meaning there isn’t much for Doudrop and Ash to do. This was one of those “get them on the show” matches and that’s fine for a short one.

We look back at the Street Profits getting a shoulder up against the Usos at Money In The Bank but losing anyway.

Jimmy Uso vs. Angelo Dawkins

Jey Uso and Montez Ford are here too. Before the match, the Usos brag about how great they are. This brings out the Street Profits to be rather serious and say that they’re going to win at Summerslam because they want the smoke. And now here’s R-Truth, to say he needs to serve as counselor here. That isn’t going to work for the Usos, unless R-Truth can be the referee for the Summerslam rematch.

Well……actually he is a certified WWE referee so he demonstrates refereeing abilities. Jimmy calls R-Truth a clown, so R-Truth is ready to fight. A handicap match is set up, but now it’s Omos and MVP interrupting. MVP thinks Omos should be the referee, but R-Truth doesn’t think Omos can count to ten. MVP: “Neither can you Truth.” The Profits are in and R-Truth is in, complete with a REMEMBER THE ALAMO (which Riddle said tonight too), so Omos and the Usos knock everyone down without much trouble.

Usos/Omos vs. R-Truth/Street Profits

R-Truth gets caught in the corner to start with all three villains getting in a forearm or two. Some shots out of the corner get R-Truth out of trouble and he flips out of a belly to back suplex. The Profits come in without a tag and hit stereo dropkicks, sending the Usos to the floor. Some dives hit the Usos (though Dawkins mostly crashes in a NASTY landing) but Omos pulls R-Truth out of the air and drops him on the apron to take over.

We take a break and come back with Omos still working on R-Truth as a power giant should. Jey comes in and gets knocked down, allowing the hot tag off to Ford. House is cleaned, including an enziguri to put Omos on the floor. Omos gets posted and a Doomsday Device (back elbow instead of a clothesline) gets two on Jimmy with Jey making a save. Dawkins hits the spinebuster but Omos tags himself in for the chokebomb and the pin at 11:30.

Rating: C+. It was a bit random, but I will absolutely take this over another singles match between one of the Profits and an Uso. There is no need to keep doing that same thing so mixing it up with some fresh faces is a good idea. I’m not sure if Dawkins needed to take the fall when R-Truth was right there but Omos getting the pin at all is good enough.

Seth Rollins is ready for tonight’s tag match but he doesn’t think much of Riddle attacking him last week. Riddle is just a bro that Randy Orton felt sorry for and now there is no Randy to hide behind. Rollins moves on to talking about Cody Rhodes but here is Theory to ask for Money In The Bank cash-in advice. That works for Rollins and they go off for a chat.

Creepy vignette again.

We look at Miz calling out Logan Paul again earlier tonight.

Paul has responded and wants Miz one on one at Summerslam. He’ll be here next week and (with eyes bugging out) it’ll be AWESOME!

Bobby Lashley/Riddle vs. Seth Rollins/Theory

Rollins knocks Riddle down and drops a knee to start before handing it off to Theory. Some rapid fire kicks in the corner drop Theory and it’s Lashley coming in for a change. A DDT to Rollins and a Downward Spiral to Theory at the same time gets two so Riddle comes back in. Everything breaks down and Rollins is sent outside for a ram into the post….and we have Dolph Ziggler?

We take a break and come back with Rollins hitting a reverse superplex on Riddle for a near fall. Theory comes in but charges into a choke from Riddle. That’s enough for the tag back to Lashley so house can be cleaned. A forearm to the back of the head cuts him off though and Rollins adds a frog splash for two. It’s back to Riddle for the Randy Orton comeback on Theory as Lashley spears Rollins through the barricade. Theory blocks the RKO and rolls Riddle up with feet on the ropes, only to have Ziggler (Remember him?) shove them off. The RKO gives Riddle the pin on Theory at 13:40.

Rating: C+. I kind of like the ending as Theory doesn’t have anything specific going on other than teasing a cash in, so give him some kind of a match at Summerslam instead. It isn’t like Ziggler has been around in the better part of ever anyway so bring him back in for something like this. Good enough match too, with the twist helping a bit.

Post match Ziggler superkicks Theory to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This was the kind of show that felt long and then went even longer than that. There was some good action here and there, but for the most part it felt like a show where they were trying to fill in as much time as they could. Summerslam got a bit of a build, but the show was rather uninteresting and there wasn’t much worth getting excited about here.

Finn Balor b. Rey Mysterio – Coup de Grace
Carmella b. Bianca Belair via countout
Ezekiel/AJ Styles b. Miz/Ciampa via DQ when Ciampa wouldn’t stop attacking Styles
Alexa Bliss/Asuka b. Doudrop/Nikki Ash – DDT to Ash
Omos/Usos b. R-Truth/Street Profits – Chokebomb to Dawkins
Riddle/Bobby Lashley b. Theory/Seth Rollins – RKO to Theory




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New Column: That’s Good Judgment

I’m rather pleased with a recent move.

Monday Night Raw – May 30, 2022: In A Word, Frustrating

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 30, 2022
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Corey Graves, Jimmy Smith

It’s the go home show for Hell In A Cell and there are four matches announced for the card. I’m not sure what they are waiting for with adding on more matches, but you have to think that something takes place this week. However, it is also Memorial Day, meaning there is a good chance that very little is going to happen here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Becky Lynch to get things going. She hasn’t been out here to start things off in a bit and she knows the people here are glad she has lost everything. Lynch doesn’t care what these people think, because she collects enemies. We flash back to Money in the Bank 2020, with Asuka winning the briefcase. Then Lynch handed her the Raw Women’s Title because she had to go become a mother.

That made Asuka a selfish monster….and here is Asuka to interrupt. She mocks Becky for being a baby and promises to win the title on Sunday. Cue Bianca Belair, who isn’t happy with Asuka kicking her last week and isn’t too fond of Becky either. She is sure the title isn’t going anywhere though and the fight is on, with Asuka hip attacking Becky to the floor, leaving the other two in the ring.

Asuka vs. Bianca Belair

Non-title and Becky Lynch is on commentary. They flip and jump over each other to start until Asuka kicks her in the ribs. Back up and Belair gets to the middle rope where she, as always, tells Asuka what she can kiss. After the backflip over Asuka, Belair gets pulled down for a kneebar, followed by a guillotine choke. That’s reversed into a suplex for two but another suplex sends both of them crashing to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Asuka hitting a German suplex into the running hip attack for two. Belair catches her on top though, only to moonsault backwards, allowing Asuka to hit a middle rope dropkick for two. A missed charge in the corner lets Belair try the KOD, but Asuka flips out and lands on her feet. Asuka comes up holding her knee though (Becky is VERY pleased) and needs a breather on the floor. Back in and a quick knee gives Asuka two but the Asuka Lock is countered. Asuka tries a rollup, which is quickly stacked up to give Belair the pin at 13:05.

Rating: C+. This match and the last segment let me figure out what I don’t care for with Belair. Her matches are usually good (this one was) and she can do things no one else can do, but none of her matches feel natural. Every time she does something it feels like it’s “ok, time to do this” or “this is where I do thing #3”. Between the kiss it deal or the moonsault off the ropes or the dance or whatever, it feels like she is walking step by step through a script that was planned in advance. It feels robotic and very rarely does she shake that off.

Post match Becky comes in and lays them both out.

Mysterios/Ezekiel vs. Kevin Owens/Alpha Academy

Gable headlocks Rey to start but can’t hold onto him, allowing Dominik to come in instead. Dominik takes Gable to the corner and runs the ropes for a wristdrag. Everything breaks down and a triple dropkick sends Otis outside. Gable knocks Dominik off the ropes though and a whip sends him into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Rey dropkicking Owens to break up a Sharpshooter, allowing the tag to Ezekiel. Everything breaks down and Ezekiel cleans house with some Stinger Splashes. A spinning powerbomb gets two on Gable and a hurricanrana sets up a missed 610 on Owens. That leaves Owens to superkick Gable by mistake and it’s a double 619 to rock Gable again. Ezekiel’s spinning suplex finishes Gable at 8:32.

Rating: C+. Pretty nice action here and that shouldn’t be a surprise. Owens losing it more and more over Ezekiel is some nice stuff, even if it makes me want to watch Bobby Heenan trying to find out who Giant Machine really is. I’m still not caring about the Mysterios all that much, but at least it’s better than watching them deal with Veer Mahaan.

Post match Owens is ticked and wrecks the announcers’ table as the Academy isn’t pleased.

We recap Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins.

Here is Cody for a chat. Cody talks about having the potential to do great things and how his father knew how to see that potential in others. His father told him about the potential in Seth Rollins and then one day Cody was facing Rollins at Wrestlemania. That made Cody nervous, because he couldn’t come back with a loss. Cody didn’t lose there and he didn’t lose at Wrestlemania Backlash.

Now they’re going to the Cell and Cody is going to be able to lose all of his self control because Rollins will be locked inside with a man who wants to hurt him. Cue Rollins to interrupt through the crowd to say he just doesn’t like Cody. All Rollins hears in his sleep is CODY CODY CODY and he can’t stand it any longer.

Six years ago, Cody left WWE and found some friends who wanted to tear down everything Rollins built. Now Cody is back, but he doesn’t get to tear down Rollins’ kingdom. You don’t get to take a sledgehammer to Rollins’ throne and then try to take it from him. On Sunday, Rollins is going to end him and we can wake up from this American nightmare. Cody asks what is stopping him from coming after Seth right now.

Rollins seems to have reality set in on him and Cody takes the jacket off. Rollins comes to the barricade but turns away, only to have Cody come a charging. They fight back to ringside with Cody driving him through the barricade. Referees break it up but they keep fighting, then referees break it up but they keep fighting. They’re finally split apart and kept apart as the fans approve. As they should, as this was the kind of personal brawl that they needed. Rollins now has given a reason to hate Cody and that opens things up a lot more. Good stuff.

Doudrop vs. Alexa Bliss

Nikki Ash is here with Doudrop. Bliss gets powered into the corner and taken down for an early two. Back up and Bliss headscissors her into the corner, setting up a some basement dropkicks. Doudrop runs her over again but misses a Vader Bomb, allowing Bliss to go up, take out Ash, and hit Twisted Bliss for the pin at 3:17.

Rating: D+. I can’t get over how ridiculous the Nikki visuals are, as you have Bliss in the standard (or close enough) gear, Doudrop as the monster, and Ash still in the superhero gear. The match itself was your usual big vs. little match, which only kind of works most of the time. I don’t quite buy Bliss pinning Doudrop after a splash but it isn’t like Doudrop has meant anything in months.

Last week, MVP beat Bobby Lashley and made the Lashley vs. Omos match on Sunday into a handicap match.

It’s time for MizTV, because it feels like we have one of these every week. Miz plugs the season premiere of MizTV next week but here are the Street Profits to interrupt. They talk about Hell in a Cell on Sunday and hype up the card but realize they need to ask Miz about the show. Miz is ready to answer but IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT HE THINKS. Miz puts his hand up and they mock him asking what that means.

Then the 24/7 goons come running in and the Profits get involved as well. It turns into a multi person brawl until Tamina hits a Samoan drop on Dana Brooke to win the title. Tamina picks Akira Tozawa up and kisses him, only to get taken down in a backslide to give Tozawa the pin and the title. So what in the world was the original point of this segment again?

We recap Mustafa Ali’s issues since he came back to WWE as he tries to win the US Title.

Mustafa Ali vs. Ciampa

Theory is on commentary and if Ali wins, he gets a US Title shot. Ali sends him into the corner to start but Ciampa is right back with a knee to the face for two. Ciampa elbows him down and grabs a chinlock before stomping on Ali’s head. The second chinlock doesn’t last as long as Ali is back up with a kick to the face to send Ciampa outside. There’s a suicide dive, with Ali almost going head first into the announcers’ table. Ali goes up but Theory pulls him off the ropes for the DQ at 3:24.

Rating: C-. Well at least Ciampa didn’t get pinned again. I know it’s false hope but my goodness I was hoping he could do SOMETHING on the show. Instead, he might as well be in the corner to my left, because he is little more than a background guy while the real stars are out there. Nothing match, but at least Ali and Theory are getting to do something.

Post match, Theory lays out Ali and says we’ll do the title match right now. Oh and Ciampa disappeared because he means nothing.

US Title: Theory vs. Mustafa Ali

Theory is defending and Ali pulls himself up, only to get thrown back down. A whip into the corner rocks Ali again but he manages a superkick. Ali goes up but gets crotched, setting up the A Town Down to retain the title at 1:43.

Hold on though as here is Adam Pearce to say let’s run it back on Sunday.

Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura dub themselves the Bronin and Ronin and promise to take the Tag Team Titles.

Usos vs. Shinsuke Nakamura/Riddle

Non-title but a CHAMPIONS CONTENDERS match. Jey gets taken into the wrong corner to start and it’s time for alternating kicks to put him in trouble. That’s broken up and it’s off to Jimmy for a Samoan drop. Jey comes back in to whip Riddle hard into the corner but another kick gets Riddle out of trouble. Nakamura comes back in with Good Vibrations to Jimmy. There’s the sliding German suplex but Jey comes back in to cut Nakamura off. The Superfly Splash gives Jey two and we take a break.

Back with Nakamura getting over to Riddle for the hot tag but the hanging DDT is broken up. Nakamura tags himself back in as Riddle is being suplexed to the floor and it’s Kinshasa to Jey. Jimmy makes a save to leave everyone down but it’s Riddle back in with the snap powerslams. Now the hanging DDT can plant Jey, only to have Jimmy hit Riddle with the scooter for the DQ at 11:35.

Rating: C+. Thirty minutes or so? Is that how long it was since they did THE EXACT SAME ENDING? You have a match for a title shot and someone gets disqualified to earn said title shot and they do it TWICE IN THREE MATCHES??? That is another level of lame booking and I can’t even be shocked that they did it. The match itself was good as you probably expected, but that ending was so dumb that it took away any interest I had in what they were doing.

Post match Nakamura breaks up the double Superfly Splash and Riddle hits the super RKO on Jimmy.

Mustafa Ali is ready for his title match on Sunday. He keeps getting knocked down but he is going keep getting back up and win the US Title in his hometown. Then Theory jumps him again and takes a selfie with the title over Ali. Normally this would set up a big title win for Ali, but I’d hope you aren’t that gullible.

Hell In A Cell rundown, including Judgment Day vs. AJ Styles/Finn Balor/Liv Morgan.

Video on Memorial Day.

Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley

Morgan has been standing in the ring for about ten minutes now, following Ali’s promo, the pay per view rundown, a commercial and the Memorial Day video. Ripley had it better, having only stood there for the commercial and Memorial Day video. Morgan gets knocked into the corner to start but comes back with a choke. Some rams into the corner can’t break it up so Ripley drops backwards onto her for the real break. Ripley takes it to the floor and puts Liv on the apron, only to get caught in a hurricanrana. That isn’t working for Morgan either though as she gets dropped on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Morgan in trouble as Damian Priest and AJ Styles are at ringside. Ripley yells about how Liv dragged her down to her level as I would like to again point out YOU WERE A TEAM FOR A MONTH AND A HALF! STOP ACTING LIKE IT WAS SOMETHING! Morgan fights up and sends her outside for a high crossbody but Priest trips Morgan up. Styles cuts that off and Morgan reverses Riptide into a Backstabber for the pin at 10:08.

Rating: C-. Sure why not. You have Ripley, who is FINALLY getting pushed as the monster that she should be and she loses to perennial loser Liv Morgan to set up a six person tag on Sunday. Morgan even overcomes the interference to win to make it even worse. I’m sure Ripley will be fine, but my goodness stop giving people losses like this and the acting like they mean nothing.

Post match Priest takes out Styles. Cue Finn Balor to take him out, allowing Morgan to dropkick Ripley so our plucky band of heroes can stand tall.

We look at the Cody/Seth brawl again.

And now, a contract signing because yes, this is how we’re ending the show. Bobby Lashley, Omos and MVP all come to the ring with Adam Pearce in charge. MVP promises to destroy Lashley in the Cell and says there is no Almighty Era without him. This Sunday, it ends once and for all. MVP signs and he hands it to Omos to do the same. Lashley says he never needed MVP but MVP says he’s talking too much so sign the contract.

The contract is signed and Pearce goes to wrap it up but MVP says we’re not waiting for Sunday. Security comes in and are cleared out just as fast…and here is Cedric Alexander to help take Lashley down. That’s fine with Lashley, who drops Alexander but gets kicked in the face by Omos. A table is set up in the corner and Omos loads up the powerslam, only to have Lashley slip out and spear him through it to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This is a great example of a show where the wrestling itself worked but everything else dragged it down. Having two matches end in DQ to set up title matches, with a title match squeezed in between, is hardly thought out planning and they kept the dumb rolling by having Morgan beat Ripley. If you want to do something with Morgan, send out ANYONE other than Ripley for her to beat. Were Sonya Deville and Carmella busy?

That being said, there were good parts of the show, including the Cody vs. Seth brawl and a fair few of the matches. The problem, as usual, was most of that last hour, as it is clear that they are front loading the show and ending it with the lamer stuff. That makes for a very long time to wrap things up and that was the case again here. While there was good wrestling, it was surrounded by stuff that was either annoying or just bad, and that makes for a pretty frustrating show.

Bianca Belair b. Asuka – Rollup
Mysterios/Ezekiel b. Kevin Owens/Alpha Academy – Twisting suplex to Gable
Alexa Bliss b. Doudrop – Twisted Bliss
Mustafa Ali b. Ciampa via DQ when Theory interfered
Theory b. Mustafa Ali – A Town Down
Riddle/Shinsuke Nakamura b. Usos via DQ when Jimmy used the scooter
Liv Morgan b. Rhea Ripley – Backstabber



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