Final Battle 2022: Top Guys In

Final Battle 2022
Date: December 10, 2022
Location: College Park Center, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s the third or so Ring Of Honor event of the year, assuming you don’t count a good chunk of the Rampages from earlier this year. The main event of the show is (probably) Chris Jericho defending the Ring Of Honor World Title against Claudio Castagnoli, with a bonus feature of FTR vs. the Briscoes in a dog collar match for FTR’s Tag Team Titles. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Mascara Dorada vs. Jeff Cobb

Dorada (better known as Gran Metalik) gets nowhere off a shoulder so a springboard flip is enough to put Cobb on the floor. The dive is pulled out of the air though and Cobb posts him hard to take over. Back in and Cobb stands on his back for a surfing pose, followed by a heck of a shot to the face for two. Cobb misses a charge into the corner though and Dorada sends him outside again, this time for the big flip dive.

Back in again and a rope walk senton gives Dorada two but Cobb knocks him out of the air. A standing moonsault gives Cobb two but Tour of the Islands is countered into a rollup for two on Cobb. Dorada puts him on top for a rope walk bulldog and a near fall of his own, only to get blasted in the back of the head. Tour of the Islands finishes Dorada at 7:04.

Rating: C+. Cobb is a total wrecking ball and he did wrecking ball style things here. They went with the power vs. speed formula and that is something that will work every single time. It’s a fine choice for an opener to get the fans going, though it doesn’t exactly mean much if Cobb isn’t going to be around more than once every few months.

Shinobi Shadow Squad vs. Jericho Appreciation Society

This would be Cheeseburger/Eli Isom vs. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker. Isom and Parker shake hands for a good while to start, trade armdrags, and then shake hands again. Cheeseburger comes in and gets to do the TOO SLOW thing when Parker offers the handshake. Parker insists but then gets his kick to the ribs cut off. It’s off to Menard for a backbreaker with Parker adding a running knee to the head for two as the villains take over.

Parker gets in a Garvin Stomp as the fans want Burger to go. A step up elbow to the back rocks Cheeseburger again but he avoids a charge and brings Isom in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Cheeseburger’s Shotei palm strike doesn’t get the chance to launch. With Cheeseburger outside, a double inverted DDT finishes Isom at 5:54.

Rating: C. Another perfectly watchable match which could have been on any given Rampage. Isom was starting to put something together before Ring Of Honor went on hiatus and it’s a bit sad to see him losing to a pair of comedy goofs. Still though, the Society is far bigger right now and it makes sense for them to get a win like this.

Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora

The fans like Nightingale as she takes Adora down, only to get reversed into a headscissors. That’s reversed into a headscissors from Nightingale, apparently the favorite of both commentators’ wives. Back up and Nightingale sends her into the corner for some running hip attacks, only to have Adora come back with a northern lights suplex.

Adora scores with an enziguri and they both slowly pull themselves up. Nightingale hits some hard chops and a middle rope dropkick gets two on Adora. A powerbomb is loaded up but Adora lifts her up and bends it into a failed submission attempt (that was cool). Back up and Nightingale hits a heck of a Pounce, setting up a Doctor Bomb to finish Adora at 6:15.

Rating: C. I know it’s said a lot but Nightingale is so bubbly and fun to watch every time that it is hard to ignore her anytime she is in the ring. That was the case here, against someone as talented as Adora. Nice enough, hard hitting match here and the fans are always going to be into someone with Nightingale’s charisma.

Zero Hour: The Kingdom vs. Top Flight

Maria Kanellis is here with the Kingdom. Dante sends Bennett into the corner to start and it’s off to Taven rather quickly. That doesn’t exactly go well as Dante gets sent outside, with Bennett hitting a bouncing clothesline to take over again. Back in and Dante drives Bennett into the corner, allowing Darius to hit a kick to the head.

Bennett is fine enough to suplex Darius for two as we slow right back down. A Kimura has Darius in even more trouble but he flips his way out for the escape. Darius slugs away to fire up the crowd, which is cut off with a poke to the eye. A quick Spanish Fly gets Darius out of trouble though and the hot tag brings in Dante to clean house.

Everything breaks down and Bennett Death Valley Drivers Dante, setting up Just The Tip for two. Darius hits a big dive onto Bennett but Taven Flight of the Conquerors both of them down. Dante…slips on his attempt at a dive so Maria yells a lot, earning herself an ejection. Back in and the Hail Mary is broken up, allowing Top Flight to hit a powerbomb/Nose Dive combination for the pin at 11:13.

Rating: B-. Best match of Zero Hour, with Taven’s dives continuing to look good, but not being quite as smooth as Top Flight. Yeah Dante slipped once in there but that’s a bit understandable when you are flying around like a crazy person like that. Good stuff here, and it’s nice to see Top Flight A, winning and B, healthy for once.

On to the show proper.

AR Fox/Blake Christian vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

That would be Rush/Dralistico (his debuting brother). Christian and Dralistico start things off with an exchange of flips before Dralistico punches him down for offering a handshake. Rush comes in to forearm Fox and everything breaks down fast. La Faccion takes it outside and sends them into the barricade over and over for some pain. Back in and La Faccion beats on Christian, even taking turns on him for a change.

Christian finally gets away from a charge and brings Fox in to pick up the pace. That means some running flip dives to take out La Faccion on the floor. Rush is fine enough to send Christian into the barricade, setting up Dralistico’s dive to take them both out. Back in and Lo Mein Pain sets up the middle rope flip DDT to Dralistico. Fox adds a 450 for the pin at 10:32, though everyone seems surprised at the ending.

Rating: C+. That ending didn’t do the match any favors but there is only so much that can be done here. La Faccion losing didn’t feel like the original plan and it doesn’t make the most sense, so maybe we can write some of this one off. It’s cool to see Fox on a show like this though, as he has certainly earned the spot.

Post match La Faccion wrecks Fox and Christian to blow off some steam.

Video on Mercedes Martinez defending the Women’s Title against Athena. Martinez returned from an injury to deal with the bully Athena, meaning it’s time for a title match.

Women’s Title: Mercedes Martinez vs. Athena

Martinez is defending and takes her into the corner for some early forearms to the head. Athena gets fired up and hammers Martinez down, including a backhand to the jaw. Back up and Martinez hits a spinebuster (the fans do not approve) to start the rather early comeback. That doesn’t last long as Athena shoves her off, setting up a basement superkick for two.

Martinez is right back up with some suplexes into a brainbuster for two more. A Prism Trap is broken up though and Athena plants her hard on the apron. They head outside with Athena missing some running knees into the barricade so Martinez can grab a hanging neckbreaker off the barricade. Back in and the Brass City Sleeper is broken up so Athena gets to pull the turnbuckle pad off. A shotgun dropkick sends Martinez into the exposed buckle and the O Face gives Athena the pin and the title at 12:55.

Rating: C. That was the only way to go, as Martinez has been away for a long time but while Athena is in the middle of a rather nice heel turn. Also, Athena had to win something outside of NXT at some point to make her feel more important and this is as good as anything else. Decent match, but the right call is much more important.

Shane Taylor isn’t happy with Keith Lee forgetting him so let’s have a tag team grudge match.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Swerve In Our Glory

That would be Shane Taylor/JD Griffey vs. Swerve Strickland/Keith Lee. Swerve and Griffey grapple into the corner to start with Griffey taking him down for a choke. With that broken up, Lee comes in, earning a serenade from the crowd. Lee shoves Griffey around and the fans want Shane. That is what they get, but Swerve tags himself right back in to cut the fans off again. The villains (I think?) take over on Swerve and Taylor hits a huge apron legdrop to crush him hard.

Swerve is fine enough to get over for the tag to Lee and NOW we get the showdown. They forearm it out with Taylor getting the better of things, only to have Lee pull him out of the air. Taylor is sent outside and Lee hits Griffey in the face, only to have him counter the powerbomb/Swerve Stomp combination. Griffey sends Lee outside but Lee pulls the dive out of the air. Swerve yells at Lee for not crushing him, leaving Taylor to catch Swerve in a hanging Stunner for two.

Back in and Griffey hits a brainbuster onto the knee, setting up a triangle choke. Lee looks at them but goes over to just Taylor instead of making the save. With that taken care of, Lee moonsaults onto Griffey for the save and it’s back to Lee vs. Taylor. Actually make that a double slugout, with Lee accidentally forearming the heck out of Swerve. Taylor muscles Lee up for Welcome To The Land. Lee glares up at Taylor…who Griffey accidentally kicks in the head. A quick Big Bang Catastrophe gives Lee the pin on Griffey at 13:35.

Rating: B-. This had a bigger match feel and the Lee vs. Taylor section came off like a showdown. It also had me wondering why we needed Griffey and Swerve in there, but that is more about this being an AEW story than an ROH story. We can get to that showdown later, but for now it was a good match with kind of a weird ending.

We recap the Six Man Tag Team Titles. Dalton Castle and Boys have the titles and the Embassy want them.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: The Embassy vs. Dalton Castle/The Boys

The Embassy (Brian Cage/Gates of Agony, with Prince Nana) is challenging. Castle and Kaun start things off but hold on as Castle needs to run around ringside for a bit. Back in and the Boys trip Cage up to take over. Toa comes in so Castle sends him outside, where the stereo dives are pulled out of the air.

We settle down to Brandon getting caught in the wrong corner so the villains can start taking turns on him. A big toss sends Brandon flying but he’s able to DDT his way to freedom. Castle comes in and starts cleaning house, including a variety of suplexes. It’s back to Brent, who gets pulled out of the air, allowing Toa to Samoan drop both Boys at once, because that’s a thing.

Brent slugs his way out of trouble though and Cage/Kaun clothesline each other by mistake. Everything breaks down and Cage Drill Claws Brent, only to have Castle make a save. Nana offers a distraction though and Toa drives Brent into Castle. Brent gets tossed into a sitout powerbomb from Cage for the pin and the titles at 10:06.

Rating: C+. This is exactly what it should have been as there is no need for Castle and the Boys to have the titles (which don’t exactly need to exist in the first place). Castle is ready to be a breakout singles star (as he has been for a long time now) and the Embassy needed to win something so they wouldn’t come off as even bigger losers. Good enough match with the absolute right result.

Video on Daniel Garcia defending the Pure Title against Wheeler Yuta. Garcia took the title from Yuta recently and it’s time for the rematch.

Top Flight is ready to go but the Jericho Appreciation Society interrupts, setting up a brawl. The four of them come into the arena with Dante hitting a big flip dive. With Top Flight cleared out, Angelo Parker asks why Ring Of Honor died if it was so great. There were too many flippy guys like Top Flight, so it’s going to take Chris Jericho to save it. Menard asks if we know what makes his nipples hard before pulling out Jake Hager’s hat. They promise a clean sweep but Wheeler Yuta cuts them off.

Pure Title: Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia

Garcia is defending under Pure Rules. Feeling out process to start before they slug it out with forearms. They’re on the floor fast with Garcia grabbing a suplex. Garcia sends him hard into the post, with commentary making comparisons to Randy Savage crushing Ricky Steamboat’s throat. With Trent Seven watching from the crowd, Yuta is thrown back inside, where he has to use his first (of three) rope break.

A surfboard in the ropes forces Yuta to use another break so Garcia grabs a cravate. Garcia ties up the legs for a curb stomp but Yuta is back up with an enziguri. That’s fine with Garcia, who pulls him into a dragon sleeper, sending Yuta to the ropes for the third time. This time Yuta is up with a top rope forearm to the head but Garcia is right back with the Dragonslayer.

Yuta grabs the head to slam it into the mat for the escape and counters another attempt into a small package for two. They slap it out from their knees until Yuta grabs a German suplex. Garcia is back with a piledriver and Yuta is in more trouble. The Dragonslayer goes on again so Yuta pulls himself into the ropes, which brings Garcia down enough for Yuta to pull him outside for a break. Garcia’s piledriver on the apron is blocked, leaving Yuta to hit his own piledriver for two. Yuta knocks him silly with elbows and the referee stops it to give Yuta the title back at 14:51.

Rating: B. These guys know how to do this stuff very well and that was the case again here. They have figured out the style and know how to work it, even with some slightly odd ref decisions on rope breaks. The title is pretty much just between these two, but if they can keep doing this, I think I can live with it. At the same time, it’s amazing how much more tolerable Garcia is without having him be focused on so often.

Post match Garcia hands the title to Yuta before leaving.

We recap FTR vs. the Briscoes. They’ve fought twice before with FTR winning, so let’s do it again in a dog collar match.

Tag Team Titles: FTR vs. Briscoes

FTR is defending in a double dog collar match. They collar up and we’re ready to go with Harwood and Jay fighting to the floor, leaving the other two to fight on the apron. We go split screen with Cash and Mark fighting on the stage as Harwood and Jay break things in the crowd. We’ve already got blood as Harwood and Jay get back inside, with Harwood snapping off some suplexes.

Mark gets choked on the post but is fine enough to go back inside to slug at Harwood (who might be missing a tooth). Jay wraps the chain around his fist to hammer on Harwood as Cash is down on the floor. The fans are split (like Harwood’s forehead) but Wheeler uses the chair to cut Mark off. Jay gets knocked outside so FTR gets to whip Mark for a bit. Back in and Jay gets caught in a Gory Stretch with the chain until Mark makes the save.

A Froggy Bow with the chain gets two on Wheeler, leaving Mark to set up a table and a pile of chairs on the floor. That takes too long though, allowing Harwood to make a save. Back in and Harwood wraps a chain around his head for the middle rope headbutt to knock Jay silly. Harwood accidentally punches the referee though and even he is busted open this time.

With the new referee in, Mark fights off the table at ringside but the Doomsday Device takes too long. That leaves Wheeler to pull Mark off the top and onto the pile of chairs at ringside (GEEZ). Jay is back up with a Jay Driller onto the chain for a VERY close two to Harwood and we keep going. A hard chair shot to the back rocks Harwood again but he’s back up with a piledriver onto the chair for two of his own.

Harwood chops Jay on top but a super piledriver onto the chairs is broken up (thankfully preventing a nasty case of death). Jay superplexes Harwood down onto the chairs for a rather delayed two. With that not working, Jay wraps the chain around Harwood’s face and chokes him out for the titles at 22:20.

Rating: A. If that isn’t the Match of the Year, it’s pretty close. These teams have some of the best chemistry I’ve ever seen and it feels like they can do no wrong no matter what they’re doing. This was an absolute war and I was cringing at the violent spots, which is entirely the point of something like this one. Outstanding match and a different kind of fight from them, with the Briscoes finally leaving with the titles. Watch this if you’re a fan of violence.

Post match the Briscoes leave, allowing the Gunn Club to run in and beat down FTR. The Gunns promise to kill FTR’s legacies but the Briscoes run in for the save. With Harwood on the mat, he promises vengeance on the Gunns, who aren’t scared. Respect is shown, as it should be.

We recap Samoa Joe defending the TV Title against Juice Robinson. Joe has the title, Robinson popped up to say he wanted it, match made.

TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Juice Robinson

Joe is defending. Feeling out process to start with Joe working on the wrist but getting caught with the snap jabs to the face. They head outside for a chop off, with Joe peeling back the floor mat. Robinson gets caught in the Koquina Clutch, which is broken up with a hard ram into the barricade. Joe is back up with a ram into the barricade of his own and they head back inside, with Joe looking moderately annoyed.

We hit the neck crank for a bit until Robinson fights up, setting off the slugout. Joe kicks him in the chest but Robinson is back up with chops and punches in the corner. That doesn’t last long as Joe powerbombs him into the STF into the Crossface, sending Robinson into the rope. Robinson knocks him back down but gets crotched on top. The MuscleBuster retains the title at 13:01.

Rating: C+. This match was in a rough spot and they made it work anyway. What mattered here was giving the fans a breather after an epic battle and a lot of that was due to Joe’s popularity. Fans know they are getting something special with him and that kept the energy up. Robinson was pretty much a challenger of the week and even then he was quite fine in his spot. Good match here, but making it work after the previous match is more impressive.

We recap Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Jericho for the latter’s World Title. Jericho wants to destroy Ring Of Honor and Castagnoli is fighting for it. I think you can get the rest from here.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Jericho is defending and if he wins, Castagnoli has to join the Jericho Appreciation Society. Castagnoli starts fast and they head to the floor, where commentary is wiped out. Back in and the hammer and anvil elbows have Jericho in trouble but he’s right back up. The Judas Effect misses and the Neutralizer gives Castagnoli two as we’re not even two minutes in. They’re back on the floor with Jericho sending him into some hard objects to take over.

Back in and Jericho makes some rude gestures before suplexing Castagnoli down. Castagnoli goes for some elbows but his back is rather banged up. A whip into the corner and a clothesline have Castagnoli in more trouble before Jericho rains down some right hands. The super hurricanrana is blocked for some forearms to Jericho’s chest (Ocho of them in fact!”) but Jericho pulls him down anyway.

Castagnoli’s back is too banged up for the Swing so they head outside again with Castagnoli being whipped into the steps. Back in and the slug it out until a double clothesline puts both of them down. They slug it out again until another Swing is countered into the Walls. Castagnoli slips out and hits an uppercut but here is the Society for a distraction. Jericho gets in a bat shot for two and the Codebreaker cuts Castagnoli off again. Back up and Castagnoli grabs the Swing, with the fans chanting to OCHO again. The Swing keeps going….and Jericho taps while swinging at 16:53. Well that was clever.

Rating: B. There was only so much drama here as it was a little hard to imagine Jericho winning to end the show built around saving the company. Castagnoli winning kind of gets us right back where we were when the Jericho stuff started, but it was a good main event to wrap things up. Jericho can move on to whatever else and Castagnoli can face challengers in awesome matches, which is better for everyone involved.

Commentary praises Tony Khan for saving the company as Castagnoli gets the big celebration to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This was a show carried by a few matches but one of them carried it a VERY long way. The Ring of Honor TV material is hardly the most thrilling but as usual, it works a lot better when they are able to get in the ring and do everything else. Granted a lot of that is due to the Briscoes and FTR tearing the house down every time, though the rest of the show was certainly good enough. Not a masterpiece and there were some slow spots, but the top stuff was VERY good and that’s all you needed to make this work

Jeff Cobb b. Mascara Dorada – Tour of the Islands
Jericho Appreciation Society b. Shinobi Shadow Squad – Double inverted DDT to Isom
Willow Nightingale b. Trish Adora – Doctor Bomb
Top Flight b. Kingdom – Powerbomb/Nose Dive combination to Bennett
AR Fox/Blake Christian b. La Faccion Ingobernable – 450 to Dralistico
Athena b. Mercedes Martinez – O Face
Swerve In Our Glory b. Swerve In Our Glory – Big Bang Catastrophe to Griffey
The Embassy b. Dalton Castle/The Boys – Powerbomb to Brent
Wheeler Yuta b. Daniel Garcia via referee stoppage
Briscoes b. FTR – Chain choke to Harwood
Samoa Joe b. Juice Robinson – MuscleBuster
Claudio Castagnoli b. Chris Jericho – Giant Swing



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Ring Of Honor Final Battle 2022 Preview

It’s time to wrap up the Ring Of Honor year with its third event, as Final Battle closes us out. As you might expect, this is mainly going to be about AEW stars as Ring Of Honor is less a promotion than a really big and loosely connected angle on AEW TV at the moment. We have a double main event of FTR defending the Tag Team Titles against the Briscoes in a double dog collar match, plus Claudio Castagnoli challenging Chris Jericho for the Ring Of honor World Title. Yeah that should work. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Shinobi Shadow Squad

This is one of the several added matches to flesh out the card, or in this case the card that happens before the card. The Squad is one of those teams who pops up all the time in Ring Of Honor but rarely gets to do anything important. In other words, they are perfect to face a pair of goofs like Menard and Parker in a match with absolutely nothing at stake in a spot like this.

In what is probably going to be a trend, I’ll take the AEW guys to win here as the Society gets to do their catchphrases and such and win early. It’s a match that means nothing, but the Society feels like the bigger stars because they have been around more than once in the last few months. That is about all you can ask for here in another match that is added onto the card for the sake of content.

Zero Hour: Jeff Cobb vs. Mascara Dorada

Cobb is a much bigger deal in New Japan these days and Dorada is better known as Gran Metalik. This is another match with no story that has been thrown onto the show, but power vs. speed is the easiest wrestling formula in the world. It’s always fun to watch Cobb throw someone around and Dorada is good enough to put up quite the fight against him if they can have a little time.

As good as Dorada can be, there is no reason to have him go over someone like Cobb, so we’ll go with the logical choice of Cobb winning. Cobb is someone who could be a star in AEW if he was given the chance, but for some reason he only makes an odd appearance in either AEW or ROH. Maybe it is the Japan schedule, but he should be fine to win here in one of those appearances.

Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale vs. Trish Adora

This is an interesting one as you have two women who have a good bit of charisma each. They’re both fun to watch and catch your attention every time they are in the ring so we certainly shouldn’t be having a boring match. Adora is someone better known for her independent stuff, though she was part of ROH’s women’s division (whatever that might be worth).

In another case of “well, one of them works for AEW”, Nightingale gets the win here as she is around a lot more often than Adora. Nightingale is someone who feels like she is ready to break through to the other side and steal the show in a big match, but for now she can beat Adora and use that incredible charm to give the fans a good time. That is more than a lot of people can do and it should work fine here.

Zero Hour: The Kingdom vs. Top Flight

Now this one is interesting as I could see it going either way. The Kingdom showed up a few months ago and promptly disappeared again, because that’s how AEW works for a lot of people. Top Flight is a team that can put on one entertaining match after another, but they haven’t had the time to really establish anything because of injuries. I’m not sure where this one is going and that is a nice feeling.

Since they need the win more, I’ll go with the Kingdom, as they haven’t actually done anything in a long time. Top Flight is a team that already has some fan support and can absorb a loss a bit better, but the Kingdom could go pretty far in Ring Of Honor’s tag division. In other words, it should be a good match, but sweet goodness I’m lost over whose momentum means what where as the whole thing is so all over the place.

Swerve In Our Glory vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

This was set up on Dynamite as Shane Taylor made a surprise appearance to confront his old partner Keith Lee. Instead of setting up what should have been a pretty easy single match, we’re treated to this instead, as we tie it into the AEW story. That isn’t a bad idea, but it seems like Lee vs. Taylor would be a more logical way to go, as Taylor’s partner (JD Griffey) isn’t exactly a household name in either promotion.

This seems like a good way to introduce Shane Taylor Promotions rather quickly, even if that means Swerve In Our Glory brings the loss on themselves by not being able to get along. We should be in for a nice match either way as a power and speed team like Lee and Strickland can do well against anyone, even a mostly unknown entity like Griffey. Just get to Taylor vs. Lee eventually though and this should work out.

TV Title: Samoa Joe(c) vs. Juice Robinson

The build for this one is more or less non-existent as Joe has been feuding with Wardlow, even taking the TNT Title from him at Full Gear. Robinson on the other hand just showed up (via pretape) and said he was coming for the title, match made. It’s not the best story and while normally I would say it’s better than nothing, I’m not even sure if there is something to this or not.

Give me Joe to win here, as Robinson shouldn’t be beating someone who has gotten as much focus as Joe in recent weeks. Save for Wardlow interfering and costing Joe the title, this should be Joe beating the talented Robinson after a good match. Joe is building up a list of enemies, but he should at least be able to hold onto both of his titles for a little while longer.

Six Man Tag Team Titles: Dalton Castle/The Boys(c) vs. The Embassy

Yes Ring Of Honor has Six Man Tag Team Titles and yes the Embassy is still supposed to be a thing that matters despite them losing so often. Castle has come off like a star every time he has appeared on AEW TV and the Boys are the perfect compliment to him. It makes sense to put him on a show like this, but anyone against Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony is asking for trouble.

You know what? Change the titles here. The Embassy is the most worthless stable in AEW/ROH but at least they’re around on a somewhat regular basis. Castle and the Boys being champions is the most forgotten detail in the entire promotion right now so get the belts off of them and move on to Castle getting to be a solo act with the Boys as his backup. It makes more sense, even if these titles have all the value of an expired coupon for free soup.

Blake Christian/AR Fox vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

This is the match I’ll point to if the show runs long and it just so happens to interfere with NXT. There is no reason for this match to exist, let alone be on the main card, yet here we are as Christian and Fox face Rush and his brother Dralistico (making his debut in either ROH or AEW). Now we’re getting what should be a one sided match, but you never can tell with something like this.

I’ll take La Faccion to win here, as they’re facing Christian and Fox in a match that feels like it belongs on Rampage at best. Rush is someone that has been pushed over and over and maybe this is the spot where he finally starts to click. Other than that you have Fox, who has a lot of talent but needs to actually win something around here. That won’t be the case here, but maybe it can happen somewhere. La Faccion wins here.

Women’s Title: Mercedes Martinez(c) vs. Athena

This match has actually gotten a bit of build, as Athena has turned into quite the bully as of late. Martinez doesn’t seem to like that so now it’s time to fight. Martinez has not been around over the last few months but once she is actually in the ring, things get a lot better rather quickly. The question now is how well that will work with Athena so maybe they have something here.

I’ll go with Athena to win the title, as there is no need to keep the title on Martinez. She is very talented but already has a great reputation. Let Athena win something to establish herself a bit better and then build up a star to take the title from her. That’s the kind of thing that should work well, assuming Athena is actually allowed to win something outside of NXT for a change.

Pure Title: Daniel Garcia(c) vs. Wheeler Yuta

Man Garcia certainly seems to have cooled off a lot in recent weeks, as he was the focal point of multiple shows and now is just kind of there. That being said, if there is ever a way for him to shine, it is by being in a Pure Rules match against someone like Yuta, who can easily hang with him. This should be good if they are given some time, which tends to be the case in a Pure Rules match.

I have long since stopped trying to figure out the thinking behind either of these two so I’ll say Yuta wins, more or less on a coin flip. The Blackpool Combat Club needs a win after everything that happened with William Regal so maybe this is the place where they get something back. Garcia winning wouldn’t surprise me either, but I’ll go with a new champion here.

Tag Team Titles: FTR(c) vs. Briscoes

This is a double dog collar match, as it does seem like the Briscoes vs. FTR is thrown into every major ROH show to pick up the interest. That seems to be the case here and yeah, that’s not a bad idea whatsoever. These teams can do amazing things with each other and have done so throughout all of their matches so far. Now just let them get crazy violent for a change.

I’ll go with FTR winning here, even if the Briscoes need to beat these guys at some point. That being said, the idea of FTR losing one of their titles probably means a big drop off for them as their entire deal is holding all three titles. I’m thinking they’ll keep the titles for now, though a title change wouldn’t surprise me. Either way, this is probably going to be another classic, which isn’t even a surprise here.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho(c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

So here we go. After two and a half months of Jericho being treated as the greatest thing ever in Ring Of Honor and having him run through one former champion after another, this should be the time where he finally gets what is coming to him. Jericho needs someone to take the title from him and Castagnoli being that man is as good of an option not named Bryan Danielson that they have available.

In case it isn’t clear, Castagnoli wins here, putting things right back where they were before the Jericho reign began. The Ring Of Honor World Title still has some value to it and the Jericho story has been the best thing from the entire ROH universe in AEW. Now give us the big feel good moment to end the show (assuming the dog collar match doesn’t headline) and let everything be done.

Overall Thoughts

This show hasn’t been built well and some of the matches (especially Zero Hour) have been thrown together with little or no story. You kind of have to expect that when there is n TV show, but now they need to execute. Most of the matches, especially the two on top, should go very well, but it’s still a bit hard to get fired up over a bunch of stuff that has been put together either off camera or at the last minute. Either way, we should be in for at least a mostly good show, as tends to be the case with Ring Of Honor.


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Dynamite – December 7, 2022: There’s A Lot Going On

Date: December 7, 2022
Location: H-E-B Center, Cedar Park, Texas
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Taz, Excalibur

It’s the go home show for Final Battle and the Dynamite before next week’s Winter Is Coming so it is time to start hammering home the build for both shows. Believe it or not we have a battle royal this week for a shot at MJF’s….ring, rather than the World Title. That should get a lot of people on the show so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Battle Royal

Ricky Starks, Brian Cage, Jungle Boy, Orange Cassidy, Shawn Dean, Dustin Rhodes, Lee Moriarty, Ethan Page, Matt Hardy, Kip Sabian, Dalton Castle, Butcher, Blade

The winner gets to face MJF for the Dynamite Diamond whenever they decide. It’s a battle royal style brawl to start as I hope I have everyone included here. Sabian and Cassidy take turns ramming each other into the corner until the Butcher breaks it up. Cassidy is sent over the top so he tries to skin the cat, only to have Blade knock him out.

Rhodes (hometown boy) hits a Canadian Destroyer on Sabian and clotheslines him out. Butcher clotheslines Rhodes out and Cage sends Castle to the apron, but his Boys make the save. Then they make the save again but can’t do it a third time and Castle is out. Then Jungle Boy dropkicks Cage to the apron (kind of, as Cage has to try to go over twice) and dropkicks him out as we take a break.

Back with Jungle Boy knocking out Butcher but getting eliminated by W. Morrissey. Ethan Page makes Hardy raise his arm but Hardy does DELETE after, much to Page’s annoyance. Hardy Twist of Fates Dean and eliminates him under Page’s orders. We’re down to Starks, Page and Hardy and Starks sends Hardy out. Page kicks Starks in the head but gets sent out to give Starks the win at 13:05.

Rating: C. That’s an interesting choice for the winner but I do like the idea of having one person and one person only coming after MJF. Maybe Starks even combines the two matches into one, but it wouldn’t shock me to see him win the ring off a countout or something like that. The rest of the battle royal was pretty lame with the bigger names going out too soon, though at least it wasn’t Matt Hardy.

Post match MJF comes out to promise that he’ll beat Starks twice, even though the fans seem to like Starks. These fans treat Starks like a big deal and he is good, but here is the truth….after the SHUT THE F*** UP chants from the crowd that is. MJF says Starks is a rudy poo candy a** compared to him, because Starks is nothing but a dollar store Dwayne. That’s why MJF is going to start calling him the Pebble.

Next week, MJF is going to beat Starks and skip him across the water so he can land back in Billy Corgan’s NWA and wrestle on YouTube where he belongs. Starks dubs MJF Maxipad and calls him a Roddy Piper wannabe. He wants to know how much shtick MJF has to go with his cheap shoes and cheap heat. Starks talks about how MJF doesn’t have what it takes while Starks is the one who is out there every week.

MJF blows off meet and greets because no one likes him. Next week is a big deal because Starks is shutting him up for once and is ready to smack that mole off of MJF’s neck to take that title. Then MJF hits him low and loads up the ring, only to have Starks hit the spear. Starks showed some fire here and while it went on a bit too long, it was one of the best things he has done so far in AEW, with the spear being rather good.

Samoa Joe is ready for Darby Allin.

Jon Moxley is tired of all the talking and wants to beat someone up. Like the Jericho Appreciation Society, to make sure there is no sports entertainment.

TNT Title: Darby Allin vs. Samoa Joe

Joe is defending. Allin starts fast by dropkicking Joe to the floor but Joe walks away from the running flip dive. Joe peels back the mat on the floor and it’s a powerslam on the exposed concrete to further injure Allin as we take a break. Back with the doctor checking on Allin, who crawls inside anyway. Joe takes him back to the floor but gets sent into the steps, allowing Allin to hit a Coffin Drop to a standing Joe on the outside. Back in and Joe gets knocked down again, allowing Allin to go up for the Coffin Drop, only to land in the Koquina Clutch to retain the title at 10:24.

Rating: B. The action was very good, but my goodness I don’t need to see Allin doing so many insane stunts in a match. Going full on Jeff Hardy is not a good idea and I don’t need to see someone even smaller than Jeff doing it. With that out of the way, Allin throwing everything he had at Joe, only to come up short, was a very good story and I was digging pretty much everything they were doing here, save for the more dangerous stuff.

Post match Joe hits Allin with the skateboard and puts the Clutch on again. Wardlow runs in for the save.

Orange Cassidy offers Kip Sabian an All Atlantic Title shot but Sabian says he’s hurt. Instead, Cassidy offers to let Sabian find someone to face him. Sabian smiles and leaves. Cassidy: “Was that like a yes?”

Video on Chris Jericho vs. Claudio Castagnoli.

Daniel Garcia/Jake Hager vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta

Sammy Guevara and Jon Moxley are here too. Hager puts his hat on but Yuta hands it to Castagnoli, who punts it away. Yuta gets taken into the corner for the beating and now Garcia is willing to come in for the slugout. That’s fine with Yuta, who slams him into a backsplash for one and it’s back to Hager. Yuta knocks him down as well, but Guevara shoves Yuta off the top. The running Vader bomb gives Hager two and it’s back to Garcia for a top rope superplex.

We take a break and come back with Castagnoli coming in for the hot tag to clean house. The running uppercuts knock Hager silly but Garcia breaks up the Swing. That doesn’t last long as Garcia gets knocked off, leaving Castagnoli to get swung anyway. The running clothesline gives Castagnoli two and Moxley cuts Guevara off on the floor. Hager pulls Castagnoli out of the air and ankle locks him as Garcia gets the Dragon Slayer on Yuta. Castagnoli rolls his way out though and saves Yuta, followed by an uppercut to pin Hager at 12:36.

Rating: C+. Good enough match, but it feels like I’ve seen every combination of these two groups imaginable and I don’t need to see them fight ever again. The feud needs to end on Saturday and the lack of Jericho in the last two weeks hasn’t done it much good. The action here was good given who was involved, but it’s hard to get that invested in something I’ve watched for so many months.

Post match Tony Schiavone is in the ring and shows us a clip of himself talking to William Regal before MJF turned on him. They reminisce for a bit before Regal says that if you are seeing this, something bad has happened to him. Regal talks about how the team is there to help build up Yuta. The reason Regal turned on Moxley was to teach him one final lesson: always stay one step ahead because you don’t know what is coming. Regal is Blackpool Combat Club until he dies. Back in the ring, the Club isn’t sure what to think but Moxley promises to end the Jericho Appreciation Society.

So….hang on. Regal screwed Moxley over to teach him a lesson because he loves/cares about Moxley and the team that much? So he knew what MJF was likely to do and put himself in harm’s way to show that the evil one can strike at any time, even if the evil one is the one who was teaching them the lesson? And Tony, who wasn’t happy with Regal at Full Gear, felt no need to mention any of this for two weeks? That’s quite a bit to take, even if this was 100% a way to tie together loose threads with Regal heading back to WWE.

The House of Black is here to punish people for treason. This team seriously needs to stop talking so freaking much.

Jamie Hayter is ready to find out her next #1 contender.

Kiera Hogan/Madison Rayne/Skye Blue vs. Jade Cargill/Baddies

Velvet pulls Blue down by the hair to start as Jade approves from the apron. A running knee in the corner rocks Blue but she kicks Grey’s leg out. Velvet sends Blue into the apron and we take a break. Back with Blue kicking Velvet down and bringing in Hogan, who is planted by Jade. Rayne comes in and enziguris Cargill, only to get Jaded for the pin at 8:04.

Rating: C-. Remember how I said it’s hard to get invested in something I’ve seen for months? That is the case on a much larger scale with Cargill squashing people. She has had almost no serious competition for months and it is long past the point of being interesting. Cargill has the look and every bit of presence you could want, but please find SOMETHING new to do with her, because this is way beyond stale.

Saraya is in the back when Britt Baker interrupts. She has tickets for Saraya to come to the Kia Forum, but not for a rematch. Instead, Saraya can get a partner to face Baker and Jamie Hayter. Saraya tries to get Tony Schiavone, but Baker takes him away.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Tag Team Titles: FTR vs. Acclaimed

Acclaimed, with Billy Gunn, is defending. Caster and Harwood lock up to start and it’s Caster dropkicking him into an armdrag. The armbar doesn’t last long on Harwood so it’s off to Bowens as everything breaks down. The champs grab stereo Sharpshooters in the middle of the ring but both are broken up. With that out of the way, FTR takes them to the floor and sends Caster into the apron as we take a break.

Back with Wheeler putting Caster on top but getting knocked backwards for a high crossbody. As Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett and company watch from the back, Caster backdrops Harwood and brings in Bowens to clean house. A superkick gets two on Harwood, who is right back with some rolling German suplexes. Harwood rolls Bowens up with trunks for two and it’s back to Wheeler for the spike piledriver and a near fall.

Caster saves Bowens and comes in for a wheelbarrow cutter and a rather close two on Harwood. Bowens has to break up the Big Rig but gets sent outside, leaving Caster to be sent into the post. The Big Rig gives Harwood a VERY close two with Bowens making the save. Bowens hits the Arrival on Wheeler but Harwood breaks up the Mic Drop. Wheeler tries a jackknife cover but Caster rolls through into a cradle to retain at 16:48.

Rating: B+. This was a great match with FTR getting to play subtle heels throughout for a change. The Acclaimed getting to pin FTR is a big step in making them feel more legitimate as Tag Team Champions, though doing this at the pay per view and Acclaimed vs. Swerve/Lee on Dynamite would have fit much better. Awesome action here though and they had me biting on the Big Rig near fall.

Post match respectful scissoring ensues, which seems out of character for FTR. The Gunn Club pops up on screen with a Christmas card from the Briscoes (or Dem Boys as the card says)….and dog collars in the stockings. There’s your co-main event.

Overall Rating: B. The main event was more than enough to carry the show, with Joe vs. Allin being very good as well. Other than that, you had some good enough material, but Final battle continues to feel like something we have to get through rather than something worth watching. I’m sure the show will be good and the two main events will rock, but I could really go for getting away from Ring Of Honor for a long time. Solid enough show here, and certainly not boring in the slightest for a bonus positive.

Ricky Starks won a battle royal last eliminating Ethan Page
Samoa Joe b. Darby Allin – Koquina Clutch
Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Daniel Garcia/Jake Hager – Uppercut to Hager
Jade Cargill/Baddies b. Madison Rayne/Kiera Hogan/Skye Blue – Jaded to Rayne
Acclaimed b. FTR – Rollup to Wheeler



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Dynamite – October 26, 2022: They Want Me To Believe

Date: October 26, 2022
Location: Chartway Arena, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re well on our way to Full Gear and now it seems that we have a World Title main event. Last week saw MJF announce that he will be cashing in his chip at Full Gear, though the question is who he will be challenging. This week, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley will be defending against Penta El Cero Miedo. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Chris Jericho/Daniel Garcia vs. Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli

The rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society is here too. Castagnoli takes Jericho down to start before handing it off to Yuta to armbar Garcia. Everything breaks down for a bit and it’s Garcia being sent into the post on the floor. A Hager distraction lets Jericho get in a cheap shot to Castagnoli though and we take a break.

Back with Castagnoli fighting out of a chinlock but Jericho knocks Yuta off the apron. Castagnoli knocks Jericho away and brings in Yuta as everything breaks down. Jericho Codebreakers Castagnoli out of the air for two but Yuta sends Garcia outside for a big flip dive onto the villains. Back in and Jericho grabs the bat but gets powerbombed. Garcia tries to break up the Swing but Castagnoli puts him in an airplane spin as he swings Jericho at the same time. The Neutralizer finishes Jericho at 11:40.

Rating: B. This was more about getting Castagnoli back in the swing of things as he gets one of the bigger wins he could have. It was also nice to see Garcia vs. Yuta again as having another big match between them would make sense. For now though, Castagnoli gets the pin and we could be in for another Jericho showdown down the line.

Bryan Danielson talks about being frustrated by everything that has been going on as of late, including Wheeler Yuta talking back to him last week. Yuta and Castagnoli come in, with the former saying it’s about time that Danielson got fired up. Yuta isn’t Danielson’s kid and doesn’t like being talked down to, earning himself a shove. Castagnoli and William Regal have to break it up.

We get a video on the Elite, showing them being erased from some of their moments in history. I can only assume this means the team is coming back, meaning I have some head shaking to do.

Chris Jericho isn’t happy with what happened and issues an open challenge for any former Ring Of Honor champion (seemingly any title is eligible) to come face him. I believe at least, as the audio was messed up.

Swerve In Our Glory vs. FTR

For a future Tag Team Title shot so the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out to watch while the Gunn Club is at ringside. Harwood and Swerve start things off with Swerve being wrestled down. Wheeler comes in for a headlock before handing it back to Harwood. A shot to the ribs slows him down so Lee can come in and block the Big Rig. Lee runs both of them over and we take a break.

Back with Wheeler kicking Lee in the face and handing it back to Harwood. Swerve seems to slip off the ropes and Harwood counters a middle rope high crossbody. A dragon suplex gives Wheeler two on Swerve but it’s back to Lee to crush Wheeler for two more. Harwood slingshot powerbombs swerve and Lee headbutts Wheeler for another near fall.

Back up and Harwood somehow manages to superplex Lee, with Wheeler turning it into a PowerPlex for two of his own. A rollup out of the corner gives Harwood two but Swerve hits Harwood low. The Gunn Club cuts off Wheeler and it’s the Big Bang Catastrophe to finish Harwood at 15:00.

Rating: B-. Another solid one here but it’s hard to get my head around the idea of FTR getting to fight the Gunn Club rather than for the titles. Acclaimed vs. Swerve/Lee is a feud that is set up but I don’t know if Swerve/Lee need to go over FTR (albeit with some interference) to get there. FTR is starting to not feel as special after mostly spinning their wheels for months, and if that continues, that is quite the shame.

Saraya is in the back when Britt Baker interrupts. Renee Paquette isn’t letting them fight because if they want to talk, they can do it as they are supposed to.

Here is MJF for a chat with Jon Moxley’s wife Renee Paquette. She asks what happens if MJF faces Moxley at Full Gear, sending MJF into a rather funny Moxley impression, complete with aggressive walk and discussion of breaking bones. MJF talks about how Moxley is mid, with all due respect. Renee: “Max you can’t just say “with all due respect” and then say something mean.” Max: “Renee with all due respect, shut your mouth.”

MJF is going to wrestle the main event of Full Gear….mostly clean. MJF: “I am MJF after all.” He will however promise not to use the Dynamite Diamond ring at Full Gear. At Full Gear, he isn’t fighting Regal but rather everyone who says he couldn’t do it. Cue Stokely Hathaway, but MJF slaps the microphone away from him. MJF doesn’t want the Firm’s help at Full Gear, so stay away or get fired. He’s MJF (and he has a lot of catchphrases). The slow push towards MJF’s face turn continues but I’m not sure I can imagine them pulling the trigger so easily.

The Kingdom is ready for Samoa Joe and Wardlow, with Matt Taven wanting the TNT Title. Works for Wardlow.

Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson

Tay Melo is here with Guevara. Danielson goes right after him to start but gets dropped with a shot to the face. The springboard cutter lets Guevara set up an early failed GTH attempt. Danielson ties up the legs for the surfboard before firing off the kicks to the chest in the corner. Some ripping at the hand set up a butterfly suplex into a cross armbreaker.

Guevara slips outside to avoid the stomps and manages to knee a diving Danielson out of the air. We take a break and come back with Danielson kicking the heck out of Guevara. Danielson sends him to the floor, then takes it back inside for a missile dropkick. Guevara is able to flip out of a belly to back superplex but a standing moonsault is pulled into the LeBell Lock.

Guevara makes the rope so Danielson goes up top, only to get pulled down with a super Spanish Fly. Danielson is back with a shot of his own and the running knee, but Danielson would rather stomp away than cover. The hammer and elbows and a triangle choke finish Guevara at 14:47.

Rating: B-. This was all about getting Danielson back on track after having some bad results. That is the right idea, as Danielson can instantly be reheated by having one of his good matches while making it look easy. If nothing else, this should cool down some of the heat in the Blackpool Combat Club, even though it is starting to get interesting.

Rey Fenix is ready for Penta El Cero Miedo to become the new World Champion. If that’s the case, Fenix should become the next All-Atlantic Champion. Christian Cage and Luchasaurus come in with the latter deserving the next title shot. Orange Cassidy comes in and says let’s do this next week.

Jamie Hayter vs. Riho

Britt Baker and Rebel are here with Hayter. Riho gets powered down to start but manages to send her outside for a heck of a dive. Back in and Hayter grabs a quick suplex and we take a break. We come back with Riho getting to the top for a high crossbody but Hayter rolls through into a suplex for two more.

Riho snaps off a middle rope hurricanrana for another near fall and a Code Red gets the same. A snapdragon suplex gives Riho two more but Hayter is back up with a boot to the face to take over again. Back up and the ripcord lariat knocks Riho silly for the pin at 10:52.

Rating: C+. The more I see of Hayter, the more I’m hoping that AEW does something with her. The women’s division could use someone moving up the ladder and Hayter would be a nice choice to move up. I could see that working well and it would be nice to see them do something with the Baker/Hayter tension already.

Post match Toni Storm comes out for a staredown with the villains.

Eddie Kingston, very sincerely, says he’s great and having a blast with controlling his temper. He has Pentagon in tonight’s main event.

Here’s what’s coming on various upcoming shows.

Darby Allin says Sting hasn’t been here for a bit because Allin said he hasn’t been happy in a bit. He wants to prove himself by himself.

Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt tell Darby Allin to be careful what he wishes for because he might just get it.

AEW World Title: Penta El Cero Miedo vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending and Alex Abrahantes is here with Pentagon. They stare each other down to start and then slug it out. Penta busts out CERO MIEDO and gets a double middle finger in exchange. Moxley is sent outside and taken down again as we take an early break. Back with Penta hitting a Sling Blade but getting caught with a jumping cutter.

Moxley’s piledriver gets two but a Crossface sends Moxley over to the rope. Moxley stomps on the head but gets reversed into the arm snap. They head outside where Moxley’s arm is fine enough to plant Pentagon with a DDT onto the steps. Back in and Moxley hits a pair of Death Riders to retain the title at 12:15.

Rating: B. Penta is one of the most unique stars in all of AEW as he feels like he could be a top star but for some reason it never seems to come close to happening. He has the charisma and star power to him and the idea of him getting a title shot against Moxley had me curious. Instead, he was just another victim for Moxley after getting in his usual stuff. Good match, but not exactly a classic.

Post match the Firm comes in to beat Moxley down with an angry Stokely Hathaway coming out as well. Security runs in and is easily dispatched as we see the Blackpool Combat Club locker room chained shut (nice job of closing a logic hole). MJF finally comes to the stage and looks conflicted over making the save or not. He comes to the ring and shoves the Firm away (doesn’t hit them though) and fires the team.

That earns him a shot to the face from Ethan Page and MJF gets beaten down. The beating heads to the floor, where W. Morrissey chokeslams MJF through a table to end the show. They’re doing everything right to make MJF look like a good guy but I don’t know if I can imagine the trigger actually being pulled on a full fledged face turn.

Overall Rating: B+. I had more fun with this show as it felt like things moved forward a bit more. Full Gear is starting to come together and the show should be a pretty solid event if they keep moving things forward. Throw in two hours of good to rather good matches and this was a strong show. AEW seems to have settled back into their old style and that is a great thing to see. Now please just don’t have the Elite come back in and mess things up.

Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Chris Jericho/Daniel Garcia – Neutralizer to Jericho
Swerve In Our Glory b. FTR – Big Bang Catastrophe to Harwood
Bryan Danielson b. Sammy Guevara – Triangle choke
Jamie Hayter b. Riho – Ripcord lariat
Jon Moxley b. Penta El Cero Miedo – Death Rider



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Dynamite – October 18, 2022: It’s Better On TV

Date: October 18, 2022
Location: Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re here for a big show as there are several titles on the line. The main event will see Jon Moxley defending the World Title against Hangman Page, with MJF hanging over their heads. The Trios Titles and the Interim Women’s Title are on the line too as the card is rather stacked. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the endzone, slightly to the left of the ring.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Death Triangle vs. Best Friends/Orange Cassidy

Death Triangle is defending. Trent shoulders Pac down to start and they trade some jumps until Trent hits a clothesline. Everything breaks down (What took them so long?) and Fenix hits a heck of a Swanton for two on Chuck, who is back up to toss Fenix into something like a spear. The Friends’ triple splash is broken up and Death Triangle hit the stereo running flip dives to the floor.

We settle down to Pac kicking Cassidy in the back of the head and Fenix taking him into the corner as we take a break. Back (after missing a Tower of Doom in the break, because of course that was in the break) with Trent fighting back and hitting a tornado DDT out of the corner on Fenix. The champs take the Friends down though and an assisted Codebreaker into a bridging German suplex gets two.

Chuck hits a stuff piledriver on Penta and Trent follows with a more regular version, setting up the big hug. The assisted splash gets two with Pac making another save. Pac grabs the hammer but Fenix takes it away, allowing Cassidy to grab a rollup for two. The Orange Punch connects and it’s back to Trent, who counters Penta’s Canadian Destroyer attempt into Strong Zero for two. Fenix comes back in for the spinning kick to Trent’s face and the Black Fire Driver retains the titles at 11:45.

Rating: B. You know what you’re getting with a match like this (as we saw it when the champs won the titles in the first place) and they delivered just that, with all kinds of flips, dives and hard shots. That being said, who is supposed to be a serious threat to Death Triangle and will actually be in contention for the belts? There are a lot of trios in AEW, but I don’t know how many could be seen as major challengers. For now though, this was a perfect choice to start the show as they kept the energy high the whole time.

Post match, the Lucha Bros remind Pac that he doesn’t need the hammer.

Video on Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page for the AEW World Title later tonight. Moxley is glad to be back home and Page knows he can beat Moxley to win the title again.

Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter, with Rebel, promise to win the AEW Women’s Title by the end of the year (with Baker making sure to drop the interim moniker). Hayter doesn’t do the DMD taunt though.

Interim Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Toni Storm

Storm is defending. Feeling out process to start with Shida taking her down and going to the apron, only to get hip attacked out to the floor. We take a break and come back with Shida hitting a jumping knee and raining down right hands in the corner. A missile dropkick gives Shida two and an enziguri drops Storm again.

Storm is fine enough to catch Shida on top but a headbutt gets her out of trouble. Shida’s top rope Meteora gets two but Storm grabs a German suplex. The running hip attack in the corner connects, only to have Shida come back with a kind of suplex into a powerslam for two more. Storm blocks the Katana and grabs a bridging German suplex for two of her own. A springboard tornado DDT sets up Storm Zero to retain the title at 8:44.

Rating: C+. Storm continues to do her part in these matches but it still feels like she is the fourth or so biggest star in the division while holding a temporary title. Her value feels like it has plummeted and there is little chance of it bouncing back anytime soon. This was a strong win for her, but until she is treated like a bigger deal, it isn’t going to change much.

Post match Jamie Hayter and Rebel come in to jump Storm from behind, with Britt Baker, in a Pittsburgh Steelers (huge Cincinnati Bengals rivals) jersey, joining in. Cue Saraya to jump Baker and the fight is on in the aisle. They fight into the crowd and Riho makes her return to save Storm. How many women are being treated as a bigger deal than Storm now? Five? Six?

We look at the Kingdom returning on Rampage, with Samoa Joe and Wardlow not being pleased. Joe and Wardlow are ready to fight them in any fashion, so pick a title and come get it.

FTR talks about all the titles they have won but they want the AEW Tag Team Titles. They’re coming for them, but Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee come in to interrupt. Swerve thinks that just because FTR has been #1 contenders for six months, they aren’t getting the title shot right now. Lee agrees for once so we’ll have a #1 contenders match next week. Lee: “Indubitably.” Swerve: “What? WHAT?”

Jay Lethal wants a rematch with Darby Allin because Allin beating him two weeks ago was a fluke. Allin says sure to the rematch and trash is talked until the fight is on. They fight towards a garage door, which is lowered onto Allin’s ribs. Lethal goes around to the other side of the door and puts the Figure Four on Allin’s dangling legs for a visual that was way funnier than it should have been.

William Regal is in the ring with Tony Schiavone but MJF interrupts before they can get anywhere (for the non-Moxley pop of the night so far). Regal loads up the brass knuckles but MJF says he’s here to tell a story instead of fight. MJF talks about being 19 years old and training at the Create A Pro wrestling school under Brian Myers and Pat Buck (who MJF calls good guys).

Then one day, he was told that he got WWE extra work, which was the best thing he ever could have hoped for. He went to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, where he was put under the care of Regal. The extras were told to have tryout matches in front of Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Adam Pearce and Regal himself. MJF was up second and he knew he was fighting for his life, because wrestling is his lief. After winning the match, Regal said follow him.

They went to another room and Regal said MJF had three minutes to sell himself. MJF finished talking and Regal’s jaw was on the floor, with Regal saying he was getting him a job that day. It was then that MJF knew he had made it and he wasn’t going to be a “five foot nothing, ADD riddled little Jew boy”. Then Regal asked him how old he was and MJF said 19, which Regal said was way too young. Fans: “YOU F***** UP!”

Regal then made things better, by saying that when he put his name on people, they got jobs in WWE. The names he had put his names on were Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. Regal told him to send him a match and promo every month. MJF did that for two months, but then in the third month, Regal sent him an email that MJF has saved to his phone to this very day. MJF: “Smirk all you want you son of a b****.”

He pulls out his phone and reads an email from Regal talking about how MJF didn’t have the abilities yet and to stop contacting him because WWE only hired the best in the world. “When you’re one of them, then maybe send me your stuff.” It had MJF ready to kill himself but he knew that would have proven every right. Now the tables have turned and Regal is a sad, withered old man who got FIRED.

Regal has snuck into MJF’s company and MJF is a 26 year old kid who is a generational talent. MJF is ready to make more money in the Bidding War Of 2024 and he reads that email when he needs a good laugh. He’s ready to win the AEW World Title because he is better than Regal and Regal knows it.

Regal grabs the mic and asks if MJF is done. MJF mentioned being nineteen, but when Regal was sixteen, he left home and was fighting grown men to make a living in this business. He likes what he sees in MJF because he knew MJF was going to be a big star. Regal wanted to light a fire under him, but he remembers crawling into bed every night with blood coming out of every part of his body. It was not going to make him quit though because Regal was going to make a living as a professional wrestler.

If an email has kept MJF angry for seven years, MJF has had it easy. Regal has told him to practice enough to make people notice him and yes he can see the talent in Regal. Before MJF was born, Regal was insulting Tony Schiavone but he never put a hand on Schiavone. Regal is an Ordinary Decent Villain, because he would only put his hands on people who stepped through these ropes to face him as fair game. For now though, MJF hasn’t proven a thing.

Just making money doesn’t prove anything because MJF hired people to do things for him. MJF wears a rung to knock people out, whereas Regal used the brass knuckles because he liked hitting people with them. If MJF wants to be the devil, make a name for yourself and do it right, but keep your hands off the wrong people. Regal turns his back to MJF and tells him to be the devil instead of taking his own way out. MJF loads up the ring and Regal opens his arm to give him a free shot, but MJF can’t do it. Regal turns back around and shakes his head, saying MJF still has a lot to prove. MJF isn’t sure what to do as Regal leaves.

I believe the term here is “whoa”, as this was one of the best exchanges I’ve seen in a very long time. What mattered here was that it felt real, as MJF made me feel everything that he went through with a gutwrenching story. Now MJF believes that he has gotten where he wants to be, but Regal cut him right back down by saying he is still just pretending to be great rather than having actually accomplished anything. MJF wants to be great and now he has to do it, which could provoke quite the change in him. This was incredible storytelling with some amazing emotions and it is absolutely worth your time to see.

Video on Dalton Castle vs. Chris Jericho for the Ring Of Honor World Title.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn doesn’t think much of Mark Sterling trying to take away the idea of scissoring. They’re ready for the Varsity Athletes on Friday though, titles vs. trademark. The audio of this kept cutting out in the arena so no one had any idea what they were saying.

Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta sit down with Renee Paquette, with Danielson talking about how disappointed he is about losing his Ring Of Honor Title shot against Chris Jericho last week. He is also disappointed in Daniel Garcia, who has potential to be even better than Danielson. Yuta doesn’t seem impressed by what Danielson says about Garcia. Yuta asks how Danielson doesn’t see what Garcia is doing when everyone else does. The blood they have spilled means something to the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club, but maybe not to Danielson. Oh dear.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Dalton Castle vs. Chris Jericho

Castle is challenging and comes to the ring after rising off a throne and with an army of Boys. Ian Riccaboni is on commentary to make this feel more Ring Of Honorish. Jericho brings Jake Hager with him, which is noteworthy because of Hager’s snazzy purple hat. Castle teases pulling something out of his trunks but goes with a middle finger instead. Jericho knocks him outside though and Castle needs a lap around the ring, with the Boys of course.

Back in and Castle sends Jericho flying with some suplexes before throwing the Boys out onto Hager, eventually knocking him down. We take a break and come back with Jericho chopping away in the corner but Castle reverses for some strikes of his own. Castle sends him onto the turnbuckle and hits a running knee to knock Jericho outside. There’s the suicide dive and a hurricanrana takes Jericho down again.

Hold on though as the Boys give Hager quite the weak beatdown as Jericho and Castle hit stereo crossbodies. The Boys take Hager’s hat, causing Hager to yell I LOVE THAT HAT. He destroys said Boys and gets his hat back, which is enough of a distraction for Jericho to try the Walls. That’s countered into the Julie Newmar (because Castle’s choke is called the Julie Newmar), which is countered into the Walls.

The long crawl makes the rope to get Castle out of trouble, meaning Jericho needs to pose. They slug it out from their knees until Castle counters the Lionsault into a German suplex for a close two. The Codebreaker is countered into the Bang A Rang for two more and that’s about it for Castle’s chances for the upset. Back up and they slug it out again until Jericho hits the Judas Effect to retain at 12:27.

Rating: B. There was good and bad here, as Castle is so incredibly entertaining, though Jericho kicked out of his finisher and then pinned him clean to retain. Jericho going over Ring Of Honor doesn’t do much for me, but I can always go for more Castle. Throw in the Boys being rather hilarious and Hager’s very funny reaction to the hat and this was good, Jericho’s latest mega push aside.

Post match the Jericho Appreciation Society comes out to celebrate his win, with Jericho talking about how he wanted to destroy everything from Ring Of Honor. This includes commentators, so the Society goes to get Ian Riccaboni. Hold on though as Jerry Lynn (former Ring Of Honor World Champion) comes out for the save, earning himself a beatdown. Jericho Tombstones (very safely) Lynn onto the title.

Video on Luchasaurus/Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy. Christian thinks quite a bit of Luchasaurus.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

The Baddies have yet to get the TNT Title back for Jade Cargill. Cue Jade, in a Reds jersey, to say she better get it back on Rampage or she’s holding the show hostage for an hour. You hear that Tony Khan?

AEW World Title: Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending and gets the superstar pop you knew he would get as MJF, with poker chip, is watching from a box. Page jumps Moxley during his entrance underneath the crowd (and underneath me) with the fight starting away from the ring. A suplex on the floor drops Moxley and page heads up into the crowd and moonsaults down onto Moxley, without even taking off his vest.

We take a break and come back with the fight at ringside, the bell seemingly having rung and, say it with me, Moxley busted open. Page grabs another suplex and kicks Moxley in the head, only to get pulled into a quick Figure Four. Page goes for the eyes for the break as he is in full on heel mode here. Moxley hammers away in the corner but Page is right back with the fall away slam into the nip up but Moxley is right back with a jumping cutter.

The right hands in the corner keep Page in trouble and there’s the back rake on the middle rope. Moxley superplexes him back down before stomping away at the head. The threat of a cross armbreaker sends Page bailing to the rope….and MJF has left his box. They fight to the apron, where Moxley’s piledriver is countered into the Dead Eye as we take a break. Back with Page hitting a super fall away slam for two and a heck of a discus lariat. Page gets a running start and Moxley BLASTS him with a clothesline….and Page isn’t getting up. The doctor comes in to check on Page and the match is stopped at 12:44.

Rating: B. First and foremost: AEW has announced that Page suffered a concussion and was released from the hospital a few hours after the show. That could have been so much worse so now we can get on with the match. I’m never sure how to rate a match that ends out of nowhere with what seems to be a rather legitimate injury like that one. They were having the main event style match here though and it was starting to cook at the end before everything got cut off. The big thing that I took out of this one was that I could go for a Page heel run, as he was pretty awesome playing one here.

The referee and doctor check on Page, whose arm and legs are moving. William Regal comes to the ring and the cameras look at anything other than Page. We talk about what is coming on Rampage and next week’s Dynamite as a stretcher is brought out. The bottom rope had to be loosened to get Page out. Moxley also got on the mic and said some rather un-PG things off camera.

The camera goes back on him, with Moxley saying he hopes Page is safe and 100% so he can come back and do it again for these fans. Moxley still has some energy in him and he wants MJF out here right now. Cue MJF and he’s got his own referee with him. MJF takes his shirt off (looking by far the best he’s looked in AEW) but he’ll wait on the cash-in for Full Gear because he wants to do it the right way. Moxley promises to put various parts of himself and his gear into and onto MJF at Full Gear to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. This was MUCH better on TV than it was live, which is a weird flip of the norm but I’ll definitely take a series of pretty awesome matches and a likely all time promo for two hours. MJF seems to be gearing up for the major run of his career (so far) and there were multiple good matches throughout to back it up. Very strong show here, even if didn’t come across that way in the arena.

Death Triangle b. Best Friends/Orange Cassidy – Black Fire Driver to Trent
Toni Storm b. Hikaru Shida – Storm Zero
Chris Jericho b. Dalton Castle – Judas Effect
Jon Moxley b. Hangman Page via referee stoppage


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Rampage – October 14, 2022: They’re Still Doing It

Date: October 14, 2022
Location: Coca-Cola Coliseum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re still north of the border and that should make for a rather energized show. AEW has never gone international (at least on land) before and the crowds are often enough to carry the night. Hopefully they like Ring Of Honor stuff though, because that’s the main event this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Butcher and the Blade

Bunny is here with Butcher and the Blade. It’s a brawl to start with the fight starting at the bell. They’re quickly on the floor with Blade being sent over a table and then chopped up against the barricade. We settle down to Moxley chopping Blade into the corner before it’s off to Castagnoli as we see Hangman Page watching in the back. A poke to the eye gets Blade out of trouble, meaning Butcher can come in to fight over a suplex with Castagnoli. Butcher gets muscled over and the running uppercuts make it even worse.

Bunny finally rolls inside to cut off the uppercut to Blade, meaning Butcher can get in a cheap shot. We take a break and come back with Castagnoli fighting out of a chinlock but Moxley has been knocked to the floor, meaning there is no one to tag. The second attempt at the tag works just fine though and Moxley comes in to clean house.

A back rake on the top sets up a piledriver for two on Blade and frustration seems to be setting in. Butcher breaks up a series of stomps to the head (JR: “Crossbody from a big tattooed hairy man.”) but Castagnoli breaks up a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination. The big showdown is on with Moxley and Castagnoli dropping them with stereo clotheslines. Blade gets Death Ridered and the Riccola Bomb finishes Butcher at 8:38.

Rating: B-. Butcher and Blade are a rather decent power team and it felt like Moxley and Castagnoli had to break a sweat to win here. This was a match where the ending wasn’t exactly in doubt but it was a hard hitting fight to get there. I could go for more of Castagnoli on his own but teaming with Moxley works too.

Post match Moxley says it doesn’t matter who they face, because it’s time to take out Hangman Page next week.

Swerve Strickland laughs about beating Billy Gunn but what’s even better is Acclaimed losing the scissoring stuff. Keith Lee doesn’t like Swerve’s attitude, or his cheating to beat Gunn on Dynamite. Maybe Swerve is swerving into the wrong lane. Swerve needs to think about that.

The Dark Order is disappointed with their loss but Jose the Assistant interrupts. 10 gets recruited again but he’s tired of this. Next week on Rampage, 10 will face Rush and when 10 wins, LEAVE HIM ALONE. That gets rid of Jose and here is the returning Stu Grayson to join in on the team huddle. Jubilation occurs.

Here is the Jericho Appreciation Society for a chat. Matt Menard: “DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT MAKES DADDY MAGIC’S NIPPLES HARD?” Tony: “NO!” The team is rather pleased with Daniel Garcia making his loyalties known and Anna Jay gives him an official welcome. Garcia thanks Chris Jericho for helping him see the way and even though Bryan Danielson is his hero, he will never be a pro wrestler.

Jericho taught him how to win by hitting him in the head with a title belt, and that is how he learned sports entertainers win every time. Garcia is a sports entertainer and Jericho promises to beat every former Ring Of Honor World Champion. Cue Dalton Castle to say that as a former World Champion, he is sick to see that title around Jericho’s waist.

Castle broke his back for that title and now he’ll break Jericho’s to give the fans what they deserve. You can feel the Peacock Power in this building and his heart beating keeps the lights on. So give him a title shot next week on Dynamite! Jericho says it’s on and promises to pluck Castle’s feathers. All Honor The Ocho. Castle was a nice surprise and keeps the Jericho vs. Honor run going for another week.

Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida are ready to fight for Storm’s Interim Women’s Title on Dynamite.

Nyla Rose vs. Anna Jay

The rest of the Vicious Vixens are here with Rose, who has the TBS Title but isn’t the champion. Rose takes her down to start before grabbing some rather easy looking slams. A legdrop gets two on Jay but she avoids the Cannonball in the corner. We take a break and come back with Nyla missing a top rope knee to the back of the head and getting her throat snapped across the top. Anna grabs a chinlock but Rose fights up and hits the Beast Bomb for the pin at 6:28.

Rating: C. Pretty to the point match here as Rose beat her up, didn’t exactly stay in trouble for any significant amount of time, and then won clean with the Beast Bomb. Rose seems to have shifted face, or at least close to it, and with the sense of humor she has, that has some serious potential. Just don’t have her lose clean to Jade Cargill and preserve the bit of momentum she has here.

Post match Vickie Guerrero holds up a 1-0 sign. Cue Jade Cargill with the Baddies, with Jade clearing out security without much effort. The distraction lets the Vixens run off with the title.

Ariya Daivari is sick of Hook turning down the $50,000 offer for the FTW World Title. Next week, he’ll take it himself.

Isaiah Kassidy vs. Ethan Page

Matt Hardy and Marq Quen are here with Kassidy, who gets suplexed to start. A kick to the face lets Page do the Jeff Hardy dance but Kassidy is back with a tornado DDT. Page bails to the floor so there’s the running spinning dive. Stokely Hathaway offers a distraction though, meaning Kassidy misses the Swanton. A Twist of Fate and the Ego’s Edge gives Page the pin at 2:15.

The Best Friends want the Trios Titles.

FTR and Shawn Spears are ready for the Embassy, whose feelings are mutual.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

FTR/Shawn Spears vs. Embassy

Prince Nana is here with the Embassy and it’s almost weird to see Spears doing the 10 thing again. Spears and Kaun grapple away to start with Spears grabbing something like an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Spears is taken to the floor, where the Gates put him down as we take a break.

Back with Cage hitting the apron superplex for two on Spears but the F5 is countered into a DDT. Kaun breaks up a tag attempt but of course the diving tag goes through a few seconds later. It’s Harwood coming in to clean house and the fans are behind FTR again. There’s the spinebuster to Kaun but Cage is back up to drop FTR. A top rope elbow gets two on Harwood and there’s the F5 to Spears. FTR is back up though and stereo Sharpshooters go on, with Spears grabbing one on Nana for a bonus. Loa breaks that up but gets cleared out. The hart Attack hits Kaun and the C4 finishes for Spears at 10:31.

Rating: B-. The Embassy continue to be little more than warm bodies for other people to beat up but they’re Ring Of Honor so they have a place on this show. Other than that, FTR was FTR and Spears got to do his stuff as Tye Dillinger rather than himself. While Spears doesn’t feel like a top star, he is better this way than as the chair swinging villain so it was a nice comeback.

Post match the Kingdom (Maria Kanellis and Mike Bennett/Matt Taven) debut to interrupt and ask how FTR can be the Top Guys without ever facing them. That’s enough of a distraction for the Embassy to jump FTR and Spears, with the Kingdom joining in. Samoa Joe and Wardlow make the save to end the show. I like the Kingdom, but AEW bringing in more people right now is almost hard to fathom.

Overall Rating: B-. As has been the case for a good while now with AEW, the wrestling and in-ring work bail out some pretty weak stories. This was another show with a heavy focus on Ring Of Honor and it’s still hard to find a way to care. There are only a handful of interesting stories and Chris Jericho and company trying to make Ring Of Honor into a sports entertainment company isn’t exactly great stuff. The wrestling here was good, as it almost always is, but they need to find something to draw in some interesting on the story side. Otherwise, they’ll be more like Ring Of Honor than they probably planned.

Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli b. Butcher and the Blade – Riccola Bomb to Butcher
Nyla Rose b. Anna Jay – Beat Bomb
Ethan Page b. Isaiah Kassidy – Ego’s Edge
FTR/Shawn Spears b. Embassy – C4 to Kaun



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Dynamite – October 12, 2022: Happily Familiar

Date: October 12, 2022
Location: Coca-Cola Coliseum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re up north this week and out of the United States (at least on land) for the first time. The main events feature a grand total of one American as we have Bryan Danielson challenging Chris Jericho for the Ring Of Honor World Title and Pac defending the All-Atlantic Title against Orange Cassidy. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We start hings off with the debut of the newest member of the broadcast team: Renee Paquette (Young). That’s a good addition to the team, as long as she stays out of the broadcast booth. She brings out Christian Cage, who insults Toronto and then brings in Luchasaurus.

Jungle Boy vs. Luchasaurus

Christian Cage is on commentary. Jungle Boy goes after him to start but gets powered into the corner. The uppercut off the top sends Luchasaurus to the floor and it’s already time for a table. Jungle Boy is in big trouble as the table is set up outside and we take a break. Back with Luchasaurus missing a charge and going into the post, meaning he staggers up to the apron. The running sunset bomb sends Luchasaurus through the table, which is enough for Christian to come down to the ring.

Jungle Boy works on the arm some more, including wrapping it around the ropes. That’s fine with Luchasaurus, who hits a left handed chokeslam for two. Some shots to the head get Jungle Boy out of trouble and a crucifix bomb gets two more. A Killswitch gives Jungle Boy another near fall but the Snare Trap is broken up. Jungle Boy goes to the top but a Christian distraction lets Luchasaurus get slammed off the top. The Cutthroat Driver finishes Jungle Boy at 14:04.

Rating: C+. It was a hard hitting fight and Jungle Boy losing is questionable, but there is one thing that caught my attention here. What was the point of the table spot? It was in the middle of the match, Luchasaurus barely sold it and it changed almost nothing. If that’s all you’re going to do with it, why even include it? If you need a table spot to pop the crowd, work out a better match.

The Firm and Matt hardy/Private Party get into it in the back. The Hardy vs. Ethan Page match is set for Rampage, with Private Party’s freedom on the line. If Matt wins they’re gone, but if Matt loses, Private Party and Matt are in the Firm. Why would you want Matt Hardy on your team?

Samoa Joe/Wardlow vs. The Factory

It’s a brawl to start until we settle down to Joe walking away from Solo’s dive. Wardlow slams Comoroto down and it’s a Swanton to make it worse. Joe chokes Comoroto out at 2:24.

Post match QT Marshall gets a Powerbomb Symphony but here is the Embassy to surround the ring. Brian Cage mocks FTR for not being here but here is FTR to interrupt. They would like a six man tag on Rampage and bring out Toronto’s own Shawn Spears as their partner.

The Jericho Appreciation Society is ready for Bryan Danielson for what he made them do to Daniel Garcia.

Billy Gunn vs. Swerve Strickland

The Acclaimed is here with Gunn and Castor’s rap makes a variety of Canadian references. Billy takes him down to start and teases the old lowering of the trunks, only to get kicked down to the floor. We take a break and come back with Billy making a comeback but Swerve takes him down and goes up top, where he mocks the scissoring. The Swerve Stomp gets two before Swerve grabs a rollup (with ropes) for the pin at 8:47.

Rating: C. It was a decent match with Swerve getting the win like he should have. Gunn is part of a popular act but even AEW is smart enough to not have him get a win over someone like Swerve at this point. The match was short enough due to the break, but they got the ending right (save for maybe Swerve getting two off them Stomp, which probably should have been the pin).

Post match Mark Sterling comes out to announce that he has trademarked the SCISSOR ME catchphrase so anytime they use it, he gets the money. Oh and he’ll sue if they do the gesture too.

MJF is asked about almost shaking hands with Wheeler Yuta last week but gets interrupted by Stokely Hathaway. That’s not cool with MJF, who calls it strike two. With Stokely gone, MJF says he isn’t sure if he was going to shake Yuta’s hand or not because he learned a long time ago that the nice guys finish last.

No one knows what it is like to be him because he is expected to be the bad guy. He has broken his hand several times punching his reflection but make no mistake about it: he will be World Champion because he is a generational talent, a man with the chip and the man with a plan. This was a money promo, almost as always from MJF.

Here is Jon Moxley for a chat. He has been World Champion for a big chunk of AEW’s history and that means a lot is expect of him. Some people become World Champion and crumble under the pressure, some faster than others (that sounded like a shot at Punk). That brings him to Hangman Page, so here he is for a chat. They get in each other’s face and Moxley doesn’t think Page has it anymore. It’s not the same Page that shoved him off a 20 foot ladder last year.

Page says he’s right because a lot of things has changed, including his old friends disappearing (cut to MJF in the sky box saying “serves them right”. He has been beaten down and he has been choked blue and beaten while he is unconscious. He is also a former World Champion and doesn’t care who is there next week, but Page is going to come for the title. Next week, he’s proving that he’s a man. The fact that Page punched himself to the point of bleeding made that a bit better. Heck of a promo here from Page, even if there is little chance that he’s winning next week.

Video on Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson

Jericho is defending and it’s Lionheart again this week, so Judas is cut off. They strike it off to start and the fans sing Judas anyway. Danielson chops away but Jericho is right back with a hurricanrana, meaning the posing can take us to a break. Back with Jericho dropkicking him to the floor and hitting a slingshot dive to drop Danielson again.

Jericho shrugs that off and comes back with the LeBell Lock. That’s broken up so Jericho tries the Walls, only to get broken up without much trouble. Danielson gets his own Walls but Jericho reverses into a small package for two. With that broken up, Danielson fires off hammer and anvil elbows but Jericho is back up with an AA of all things for two.

Back up and they miss shots to the head but the referee gets bumped. A double clothesline puts them both down and it’s Daniel Garcia coming down. Danielson hits the running knee but Garcia belts him down (to a rather strong positive reaction) to give Jericho the retain pin at 14:31.

Rating: B. The ending was rather WWE and of course it’s more As The Garcia Turns drama but Danielson vs. Jericho in a nearly fifteen minute match is going to be rather good no matter what. Danielson losing another big match is a bit much to take, but he has shown time and time again that he can bounce back like no others. Good match, which shouldn’t be any kind of a surprise.

Jericho and Garcia leave in peace.

The Vicious Vixens are happy with Nyla Rose having stolen the TNT Title. Anna Jay comes in and gets a match with Rose on Rampage.

Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida/Toni Storm

Rebel is here with the villains. Toni kicks Hayter down to start but gets taken into the wrong corner. The arm is sent into the post and we take a break. Back with Shida hitting a top rope Meteora for two on Baker as everything breaks down. Storm hits a tornado DDT and Storm Zero drops Baker. Hayter drives Storm into the cover for the save so Shida suplexes Baker and rolls her up for the pin at 8:15.

Rating: C+. This was another fast paced women’s tag match and Shida seems to be getting at least something of a renewed push. I don’t know how far that is going to take her but at least she is getting to do something. I’m not sure what that means for Storm who is still just kind of there, but at least the match was pretty good.

Butcher and the Blade are ready for Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley on Rampage.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Pac

Pac is defending and kicks Cassidy down to start. Then Pac mocks the lazy kick, earning him a hard dropkick from Cassidy. That’s enough to send Pac outside, where he counters the suicide dive into a brainbuster on the floor. We take a break and come back with Cassidy diving back under the ropes after a Tombstone on the ramp during the break. Back in the Brutalizer goes on, sending Cassidy’s feet into the ropes.

Cassidy hits a running DDT and the Orange Punch gets two. Pac grabs a quick suplex though and the Brutalizer goes on again. This time Cassidy rolls over and makes the rope again so Pac goes outside to grab the title belt. Cue Danhausen to stop him though, meaning IT’S TIME FOR A CURSE! Pac drops him with a right hand and grabs the ring hammer bell. Cassidy knocks it out of his hand and hits the Orange Punch, followed by a second for the pin and the title at 11:08.

Rating: B. This was a good fight, but above all else, it was a well built moment. The All-Atlantic Title doesn’t mean much of anything and is mainly there to represent AEW outside of the United States. That doesn’t make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, but it means a lot for Cassidy to win it. This was his big moment and in that sense, it was a heck of a success.

Overall Rating: B+. Good action, they hyped up next week’s title match, gave us a big moment in the end and had nothing bad all night. This was a rather strong Dynamite and it absolutely flew by, with Renee being a great bonus to kick things off. I’m looking forward to where a lot of this is is going and it felt like a return to the formula that made AEW work in the first place. Nice job and I’d like to see more of this.

Luchasaurus b. Jungle Boy – Cutthroat Driver
Samoa Joe/Wardlow b. The Factory – Koquina Clutch to Comorato
Swerve Strickland b. Billy Gunn – Rollup while grabbing the rope
Chris Jericho b. Bryan Danielson – Belt shot from Daniel Garcia
Hikaru Shida/Toni Storm b. Britt Baker/Jamie Hatyer – Rollup to Baker
Orange Cassidy b. Pac – Orange Punch


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Dynamite – October 5, 2022: In Search Of A Story

Date: October 5, 2022
Location: Entertainment And Sports Center, Washington DC
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s the third anniversary of Dynamite and you know that means we are going to be seeing something special. In this case we have a big tag match main event as Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are facing Bryan Danielson and Daniel Garcia. As a bonus, the show is an extra fifteen minutes long tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

William Regal is on commentary and doesn’t think much of MJF, even if the fans seem to like him. Wheeler sends him into the corner to start and we hit the Fargo Strut for some old school flare. A dropkick just annoys MJF so he takes Yuta down and grabs a chinlock. Back up and MJF grabs a tilt-a-whirl faceplant as we take a break.

Back with Yuta whipping him hard into the corner and grabbing a small package for two. Yuta grabs some rolling German suplex for two but his hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb onto a knee. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence for several near falls each and then do it again for a bonus.

Back up and a double clothesline puts them down, which is good for a standing ovation. MJF takes him up top for a super Tombstone but gets countered into a super hurricanrana. Yuta goes up for a splash but MJF rolls away and flips him off. That’s fine with Yuta, who hits a heck of a dive into the splash for two anyway. Yuta tries the Seatbelt but gets pulled into the Salt Of The Earth for the tap at 15:00.

Rating: B. They got time, they had a good story and it worked well as a result. MJF might not be the flashiest star in the ring but he knows how to put together a solid match. There was no way that Yuta was going to win here but the fact that he was wrestling instead of talking was a smart way to go.

Post match Yuta offers MJF the handshake and MJF considers it, only to have Lee Moriarty jump Yuta from behind. Cue Stokely Hathaway with the Dynamite Diamond, which MJF reluctantly puts on. That’s enough for William Regal, who gets up from commentary and LOADS UP THE BRASS KNUCKLES. MJF and company leave, albeit with MJF glaring at Regal. The knuckles got quite the reaction.

Video on Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia.

The Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with Garcia and punishment is promised.

Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal

Feeling out process to start with Lethal sending Allin out to the floor. Allin is right back in for the springboard high angle armdrag into a standoff. Lethal gets smart by going after the knee but gets caught in a Scorpion Death Drop for a double knockdown. We take a break and come back with Lethal staying on the knee, including a super dragon screw legwhip.

Lethal slaps on the Figure Four as you might have expected, but Allin makes the rope, as you might have expected. The leg is fine enough for two off a Code Red so here are Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh. Lethal wants them to go back, setting off a pinfall reversal sequence until Allin grabs the Last Supper for the pin at 10:15.

Rating: B-. Another good one here as Lethal continues to be able to have a nice match with anyone. That is why he is put in these spots over and over, with Allin getting a win over a name who still matters. This was the kind of television match that is always going to work and that was the case again here.

Post match Lethal shakes Allin’s hand, much to Singh and Dutt’s annoyance.

Video on Brian Cage and the Embassy.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Brian Cage

Cage, with Prince Nana, is challenging. They fight into the corner to start with Cage hitting a running clothesline but not being able to drop him. A hurricanrana sends Wardlow into the ropes but he catches a 619. Wardlow plants him with a World’s Strongest Slam but the Powerbomb Symphony is countered as we take a break.

Back with Wardlow fighting out of the corner and hitting a Whisper in the Wind of all things. A series of suplexes rock Cage but he catches Wardlow on top with a kick to the head. The apron superplex gets two on Wardlow, who is fine enough to come back with a spinebuster. Not to be outdone, Cage hits an F5 but tries his own powerbomb. Wardlow headbutts him a few times and hits the four movement Powerbomb Symphony to retain the title at 10:03.

Rating: B-. Sometimes you need two big strong men hitting each other for a good while until one of them can’t stand up any longer. That is exactly what we got here and Wardlow felt like his old self for a change. I’m still not sure why we need the Wardlow/Samoa Joe thing when this is the kind of stuff that he can do on his own. As for Cage….well he had potential but it’s pretty clearly over for him no matter what.

Post match the Gates of Agony come in for the beatdown on Wardlow but Samoa Joe runs in for the save. Cage is back up but FTR comes in for the real save.

Britt Baker says Saraya isn’t cleared to wrestle so this is still her house.

Toni Storm/Athena/Willow Nightingale vs. Penelope Ford/Serena Deeb/Jamie Hayter

Saraya is here to cancel out Rebel and Britt Baker. Willow and Hayter start things off but it’s off to Athena vs. Ford instead. Athena hits a basement dropkick but Ford is back up with a handspring elbow back in the corner. Deeb comes in and gets dropped by a springboard spinning crossbody. It’s off to Storm to run Deeb down down and pound away with the forearms to the back. Deeb gets sent into the corner for some running charges, including Storm’s running hip attack. Deeb is right back up and takes out Storm’s leg as we take a break.

We come back with Storm fighting out of a chinlock and forearming away at Deeb. Everything breaks down and Deeb leglocks Storm as she suplexes Athena, with Hayter doing the same thing to Nightingale. Back up and Storm gets over for the tag off to Nightingale for a spinebuster on Hayter. Rebel loads up a crutch shot but Saraya makes the save. We hit the parade of secondary finishers until Ford gets a quick two on Nightingale. Ford’s handspring elbow is broken up and a doctor bomb gives Nightingale the pin on Ford at 9:29.

Rating: C+. There were two good parts here, as we had the women getting some more time, plus Nightingale actually getting a win. They didn’t get too insane here either and that made for another nice TV match. Nightingale could be on her way to something in the future if they give her a chance, and based on this maybe they are doing so.

Post match we get the big staredown, with Saraya getting in a fight with Baker. A low superkick from Saraya drops Rebel. So I guess she can wrestle again.

Rush and Jose the Assistant aren’t pleased with Private Party.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, because it’s National Scissoring Day. The champs talk about their success and say AEW now stands for ACCLAIMED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Bowens talks about how scissoring is something that makes you friends and partners. The fans want a real team rather than two people thrown together like Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland (dubbed Sneaky Swerve).

Billy talks about how this is a special day and he has a present from city hall: some GIANT GOLD SCISSORS! Billy: “No running with scissors please.” Bowens wants to see some scissoring before Caster talks about his dad winning a Super Bowl for the local NFL team. That Super Bowl ring is his prized possession and now he is proud of his son becoming a champion too. For now though, we are in a city that represents the divide in America. However, everyone loves the Acclaimed and scissoring goes beyond left and right and red and blow.

We load up the three way scissoring to unite America but Swerve Strickland cuts them off. Swerve wants the titles back and doesn’t like Billy Gunn, even pulling out a rock, which beats scissors. The challenge is on for Billy vs. Swerve next week….and here is Mark Sterling of all people. He wants in on the scissoring and gets beaten down in a bit of a bizarre cameo. Billy accepts Swerve’s challenge for next week and three way scissoring ensues. This was long, ridiculous, over the top, and an absolute blast.

Dark Order is ready to win the Trios Titles on Rampage.

Madison Rayne praises Skye Blue when Tay Melo and Anna Jay to come in and mock them. A sports entertainers vs. wrestlers challenge is on.

Hangman Page vs. Rush

Jose the Assistant is here with Rush. Page gets shoved around to start but Rush has to bail from the threat of a Buckshot Lariat. They head outside with Rush whipping away with a camera cord and sending Page into the barricade. We take a break and come back with Page hitting a slingshot dive onto Rush before they get back inside. Rush stands on Page’s shoulders in the corner but gets taken down for two. Page has had it with him and gets in a hard clothesline. The Buckshot Lariat finishes Rush at 9:05.

Rating: C+. Well Page wasn’t going to lose less than two weeks away from his World Title shot so Rush putting him over was the right way to go. They had a hard hitting match here until Page knocked him silly, which is how this should have gone. Page needs to get back to the serious and they started it well here, though I don’t know if they have time to do enough before Cincinnati.

Post match Private Party comes out but Jon Moxley comes through the crowd to say he has been waiting for this for three years. Moxley is ready for his match in his hometown at the arena he used to smoke and drink in. After he walks from his house to the arena, he is ready to beat Page and prove that he is the man around here. Moxley goes to leave but Page is ready to do this right now. Moxley calls him a sweet kid and says Page says stuff that gets him in trouble. He has thirteen days, so watch your d*** mouth.

Willow Nightingale wants to be TBS Champion so Jade Cargill and the Baddies come in. Nightingale can be #39, but she thinks she can be the 1 in 38-1.

Luchasaurus vs. Fuego del Sol

A chokeslam and something like a reverse AA finishes Fuego at 23 seconds.

Post match Jungle Boy comes in with a chair to knock Luchasaurus outside. He and Luchasaurus were best friends but Luchasaurus chose Christian instead. Now Jungle Boy is going to break him piece by piece. Luchasaurus can pick the time and the place so Christian picks next week in Toronto.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Pac is ready for Trent Beretta.

Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia vs. Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara

Jericho and Garcia start things off to start, with Jericho armdragging him down. Garcia gets him to the mat and has a seat on Jericho’s back but a cheap shot from Guevara lets the villains take over. It’s off to Danielson to clean house and send Jericho outside for the suicide dive as we take a break.

Back with Guevara hitting a super Spanish Fly for two on Danielson and then posing with Jericho. Stereo crossbodies put Jericho and Danielson down though and it’s a double tag to Garcia and Jericho. Guevara gets dropped hard so we get the staredown into the hockey fight right hands. Garcia gets the better of things and kicks Jericho in the chest, setting up the Dragontamer.

Guevara makes the save but the Lionsault hits Garcia’s raised knees. Guevara tries to come in off the top but dives into a Crossface. Danielson grabs one on Jericho at the same time before they switch to stereo hammer and anvil elbows. Guevara comes back in and cleans house but Garcia counters the GTH into a piledriver. Jericho breaks it up so Danielson knees him from the apron.

A clothesline drops Guevara and Jericho drops Danielson onto a table. With that not being enough to break it, Jericho suplexes him through the table. Guevara’s shooting star hits raised knees though and now the Dragontamer….is broken up with a Jericho belt shot. That’s enough for Guevara to steal the pin at 14:23.

Rating: B. It was a good match with a bit of a screwy finish so it was didn’t exactly come off well. This didn’t feel like the major main event of the AEW anniversary show, at least somewhat due to it mainly being about Ring Of Honor. Garcia vs. Jericho continues to be built up, though I’m still not sure how interesting that is really going to be.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a stacked show with a bunch of very good matches, though nothing broke through to that top level. What matters here that they are setting up a major title match in Cincinnati before we can move on to the Full Gear build. The problem is that it might not be that interesting, despite being put together well enough. Solid action and storytelling, but they need a big story around here and that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Wheeler Yuta – Salt Of The Earth
Jay Lethal b. Darby Allin – Last Supper
Wardlow b. Brian Cage – Powerbomb Symphony
Willow Nightingale/Athena/Toni Storm b. Jamie Hayter/Penelope Ford/Serena Deeb – Doctor bomb to Ford
Hangman Page b. Rush – Buckshot lariat
Luchasaurus b. Fuego del Sol – Reverse flipping fireman’s carry slam
Sammy Guevara/Chris Jericho b. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Garcia – Belt shot to Garcia



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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New Japan Lonestar Shootout: Half Is Better Than Nothing

Lonestar Shootout
Date: April 1, 2022
Location: Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas
Attendance: 582
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Matthew Rehwoldt

So this is an interesting one as it is part of the NJPW Strong promotion, but there were two shows taped here. First up was the Lonestar Shootout special, followed by a regular TV show. That wasn’t mentioned during the night so this will be split in two rather than the one night that I watched it live. Let’s get to it.

I don’t follow New Japan Strong so I apologize in advance for missing any storylines or character details.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting across from the entrance.

Ren Narita vs. Rocky Romero

Student vs. teacher. They fight over arm control to start with Romero taking him down but Narita is back up with a chop. Narita’s spinwheel kick is countered into a half crab, sending him straight to the ropes. Some more kicks rock Romero but he’s right back with a qick tornado DDT.

Narita gets annoyed at some forearms so Romero forearms him even harder and hits a double stomp for two. Back up and a leg lariat drops Romero but a suplex attempt is blocked. The running Sliced Bread gets two on Narita so Romero blasts him with a running clothesline. Romero charges at him again but gets caught in a bridging belly to belly for the pin at 7:42.

Rating: C+. Nice hard hitting opener here with a surprise finish as Narita winning came out of nowhere. Romero putting someone over is not a surprise whatsoever but I wouldn’t have expected a Young Lion to win here. Good way to start the show as the fans are brought into things, which is exactly the point of something like this.

Clark Connors/Karl Fredericks/Mascara Dorada/Yuya Uemura vs. FinJuice/Daniel Garcia/Kevin Knight

Dorada takes Knight up against the ropes to start so Knight grabs a headlock. A run up the ropes sets up a high angle wristdrag to drop Dorada before they trade armdrags and nip up for a standoff. Connors comes in to chop away at Garcia before it’s quickly off to the eager Uemura. A dropkick drops Garcia as commentary talks about the importance of excursions. Knight comes in and knees Uemura in the ribs, setting up a sliding clothesline for two.

Uemura gets caught in the wrong corner so Robinson can come in and headbutt him down. There’s the Cannonball from Robinson into a belly to back from Finlay for two as the….I have no idea if they’re good or bad….team takes turns beating on Uemura. A belly to back suplex gets Uemura out of trouble and it’s the hot tag to Connors to clean house.

Everything breaks down and the double knockdown sets up the double tag to Fredericks and Knight. The slugout is on until Knight hits a heck of a dropkick. Uemura starts snapping off suplexes until Robinson cuts him off with a spinebuster. Dorada hits a big flip dive to the floor, leaving Fredericks to hit Manifest Destiny (implant DDT) to finish Knight at 10:45.

Rating: B-. They kept the pace fast here and that is what you need to do when you have that many people in there at once. Fredericks had a good DDT and the other younger stars got to showcase themselves well here. Uemura continues to seem ready to be a breakout star and Knight looked good too. Nice way to show off a bunch of stars at once and it flew by for a bonus.

Killer Kross vs. Minoru Suzuki

I think you get the idea here, with commentary more or less saying a match like this doesn’t need any kind of a build. Suzuki goes after the arm to start before grinding away on a headlock. Kross fights up and knocks him to the apron, where trash talk can ensue. You don’t do that to Suzuki, who grabs an armbreaker over the ropes to take over again.

They fight outside with Suzuki striking away but Kross gets right in his face. Kross gets beaten up around the announcers’ table before they head back in, with Suzuki looking eerily….happy. The armbar goes on, with Suzuki getting to bend the fingers back to make it even worse. Kross is able to block the penalty kick though and grabs a throw for two. That doesn’t work for Suzuki, who grabs a Fujiwara armbar. Kross makes the rope so Suzuki tells him to “COME ON F****** YOUNG BOY!”

They chop it out with Suzuki making Kross take a step back, only to have him call Suzuki young boy. That doesn’t seem like a good idea so Suzuki goes for the choke, only to get pulled into the Krossjacket. Suzuki breaks that up, calls him a young boy again, and hits the Gotch Style piledriver for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: B-. They were right when they said that this was going to be little more than a fight of two people hitting each other really hard and that is what they delivered. Suzuki is past his prime but he is in full on legendary status, where just seeing him in the ring is something special. Taking someone like Kross apart like that made it even better and this was fun while being exactly what you expected.

And now, here is an unadvertised Jon Moxley for a chat. Moxley says he wasn’t going to leave Dallas without setting foot in a New Japan ring. This ring brings out the fighting spirit and the best in him, which is what fostered his love of wrestling. He is so happy with how many people are here and it doesn’t matter what show they watch because it’s all about wrestling. On a more personal note though, he is tired of Will Ospreay hiding behind a Twitter handle. Moxley wants the scary version of Ospreay on April 16 and it is time to make an example out of him.

Jay White vs. Mike Bailey

This is part of White’s US Of Jay Open Challenge series. They both tease kicks to the….something in the corner before White headlock takeovers him down. That doesn’t last long as Bailey is right back up with the bouncing kicks to send White to the floor. Naturally that means a running flip dive but White is back up with a TKO across the top. The chinlock goes on but Bailey is right back to his feet with the chops.

Some kicks set up the running corkscrew shooting star press for two and Bailey avoids a charge in the corner for a bonus. It’s too early for the Ultimate Weapon so White sends him to the apron, where Bailey avoids a charge and hits a perfectly times Asai moonsault. They fight back up to the apron with Bailey missing the moonsault knees, allowing White to grab a swinging Rock Bottom for two. White wisely grabs a leglock but Bailey (eventually) gets to the rope.

Back up and Bailey fires off kicks to the chest (here we go) but he has to flip out of a sleeper suplex. The Bladerunner is blocked and Bailey kicks him down, setting up the moonsault knees. Bailey limps a bit (this is progress for him) before hitting the spinning kick in the corner. The Ultimate Weapon misses though and White drops him with a sleeper suplex. Now the Bladerunner can finish White at 14:10.

Rating: C+. Bailey’s horrible selling brings this WAY down again as otherwise they had a heck of a match. The problem is you can only do so much with that when Bailey will barely sell anything. I know he’s supposed to be all about speed, but if he can’t be slowed down with a bunch of work on the knee, he’s Superman rather than the Flash and that doesn’t work at all.

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Chris Dickinson

Dickinson takes him down by the arm and works on an armbar as commentary explains that there will be a Strong taping after this match wraps up the show. Back up and they trade shoulders to no avail until Dickinson gets in a hard shot to take him down. The chop off goes to Ishii but Dickinson drops him with an elbow to the face.

They fight to the floor with Ishii sending him hard into the barricade before going back inside. Dickinson tries another chop which just fires Ishii up. The forearms seem to make Ishii come at Dickinson harder and a German suplex sends Dickinson flying. Another suplex wakes Dickinson up and he hits a brainbuster, only to have Ishii pop up for the double knockdown.

They both get fired up for the forearm off until Ishii headbutts the yelling Dickinson down. A heck of a clothesline gives Ishii two but Dickinson is back up with an enziguri. Dickinson’s brainbuster gets two but Ishii slips out of a Razor’s Edge. The sliding lariat sets up the brainbuster to give Ishii the pin at 16:11.

Rating: B-. Much like Suzuki vs. Kross, this was a pair of big, strong guys hitting each other really hard until one of them couldn’t get up again. Also much like Suzuki, Ishii isn’t quite what he used to be but is still more than capable of getting in there and making something feel special. That is what he did here and Dickinson, while game, wasn’t going to get a win in a spot this big.

Post match, Minoru Suzuki comes out for a staredown with Ishii to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. It’s still weird cutting the event in half but what we got here was quite good. Granted it was short at less than an hour and forty minutes, but I’ll take what I can get. New Japan stars are not here very often and it still feels special to have them around, even for something like this. There are some very hard hitting matches here and the show flew by so we’ll definitely call this one a success.




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Dynamite – September 28, 2022: With More Of The Brutal

Date: September 28, 2022
Location: Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We continue the road to Full Gear and that means we need to start laying the groundwork. Before we get there though, World Champion Jon Moxley has a title match coming up in about three weeks against Hangman Page. That should make for some good weeks of build so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the Jericho Appreciation Society (all in purple), plus Luigi Primo, who has made some NEW YORK PIZZA for….well no one here because this place is full of losers. Anna Jay says no one gets pizza and it’s all about Jericho. She threatens to choke everyone out but seems to get a bit shaken by the WE WANT PIZZA chants. Jericho gets the mic and says he is now the most watched and viewed Ring Of Honor World Champion of all time.

Tonight he is ready to take out Bandido, who no one saw as Ring Of Honor Champion because no one knows what Ring Of Honor is. Jericho even has a present for Daniel Garcia, in the form of a purple Gilligan hat. That’s too far for Garcia, who drops Primo and says this is all too much. Garcia thinks it is time for….and Jericho covers the mic, saying Garcia needs to think about this.

Cue Bryan Danielson to say that it’s time for Garcia to make up his mind, with Jericho saying Garcia is with him. Garcia gets in Jericho’s face and says he can make up his own mind. He asks about thing that would entertain Jericho, like making pizza….or teaming with Danielson against Jericho and Sammy Guevara. Matt Menard has had it and says he wants to fight Garcia or maybe punch Danielson. That’s cool with Danielson, who is ready to do the match right now. This was a rough segment, as it was a bit too over the top, even by Jericho standards. Also, Garcia continues to be pretty weak on the mic.

Here’s what’s coming on the rest of the show.

Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Menard

William Regal is on commentary and continues flirting with Excalibur (calling him a Rice Krispie Treat who can snap, crackle and pop him anytime). Danielson kicks him into the corner to start but Menard gets in a cheap shot and knocks him outside as we take a break. Back with Danielson getting caught by a distraction from Angelo Parker, allowing Menard to grab a German suplex. Cue Claudio Castagnoli to pick up Parker and carry him to the back like a bag of light groceries. The running knee sets up the LeBell Lock to make Menard tap at 8:44.

Rating: C. This was exactly what you would expect from Jericho vs. Menard and that isn’t a bad way to go. Sometimes you need to let Danielson get in there with someone he can mow down without much effort. At the same time you have Castagnoli doing some ridiculous power display for some fun and this worked just fine.

Video on Juice Robinson beating Jon Moxley in New Japan.

Video on MJF.

Here is Wheeler Yuta instead of the scheduled MJF. He didn’t like MJF hitting Tony Schiavone, who has done more for AEW than MJF could ever do. Yuta calls MJF out right now but says MJF is going to hide behind people instead. After mocking MJF’s cheap heat, Yuta calls him out again and this time MJF comes out, in a New York Mets jersey.

MJF rips on Schiavone and Philadelphia before saying Yuta is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. Then Yuta made the mistake of trying to talk with him last week and Daddy had to put him in timeout. Yuta has as much charisma as Joe Frazier AND HE’S DEAD. MJF mocks the Phillies and says he doesn’t care because he makes more money than anyone in this bum town.

Yuta comes up the ramp but the Gunn Club comes out to stand guard. MJF says he’ll fight Yuta next week in Washington DC and no, Philadelphia doesn’t deserve to hear his catchphrase. The Gunns do it instead. This really didn’t work as Yuta isn’t great on the mic and MJF is starting to get a bit repetitive instead of hitting the great lines. Then again, what is he supposed to insult about someone like Yuta? He’s a talented guy, but Yuta is pretty dull and that doesn’t give MJF much to riff on.

Video on Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal next week.

Jon Moxley vs. Juice Robinson

Non-title and Robinson jumps Moxley on the floor to send him into the barricade before the bell. Moxley fights back and sends Robinson into the barricade as MJF is watching from a sky box (where he is not pleased). Back in and they slug it out some more until Moxley gets backdropped to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Moxley running him over and grabbing the ankle lock. That’s broken up with a grab of the rope so Moxley hammers away in the corner. Robinson sends him into a buckle though and Pulp Friction (jumping Unprettier) gets two. Moxley is back up with a Regal knee and a bunch of stomps. The cross armbreaker makes Robinson tap at 10:32.

Rating: C+. They didn’t go that far here and they didn’t really need to. This wasn’t supposed to be some major match or showdown for Moxley but they did bring in someone he has some history with and that works fine. Also, they let us know what that story was without trying to make it seem like some huge deal. Good use of Moxley here and Robinson has some name value.

Post match Hangman Page comes out for a staredown with (the bleeding) Moxley. MJF interrupts them from the sky box though and suggests that he’ll cash in his chip after their October 18 title match. Then Wheeler Yuta pops up behind him and the beating is on.

Video on Bandido, who faces Chris Jericho tonight.

Video on Saraya debuting last week.

Here is Saraya for a chat. She says she is the revolution and this is her house but she’s ignoring the time cues because she’s not leaving until she’s ready. Saraya wants the women’s division out here so we get Toni Storm and a few others, only to have Britt Baker and company cut them off. Britt makes fun of how to pronounce Saraya’s name but Saraya says Baker’s name rhymes with s***.

Britt brings up Storm being ready to lose to Serena Deeb so let’s get her out here for the (scheduled) title match right now. Saraya says hang on a second (egads) because she now has a boss that listens to her (I think that might have been a shot at WWE) so this is a lumberjack match. This was ROUGH as Saraya seemed lost at times and the whole thing felt off. Maybe she’s just rusty, but this wasn’t exactly working.

Interim Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb

Storm is defending and Saraya is on commentary. Deeb works on the arm to start but Storm is right back with some shots to the head. Storm is sent outside in a heap though and it’s a big shouting match with the lumberjacks as we take an early break. Back with Storm getting two off a high crossbody but Deeb pulls her into a leglock.

With that broken up, Hayter trips her to the mat. Hayter gets chased to the back by Willow Nightingale, leaving Deeb to grab the Serenity Lock. With that broken up, Storm backdrops her and hits another high crossbody, only to have Deeb roll through into a half crab. Storm gets out again and hits Storm Zero for two in a surprising near fall. Deeb goes up top where Storm catches her with a super piledriver for the pin at 11:17.

Rating: C. Deeb is still someone who can put on a good match with just about anyone and Storm can do something solid when she has the right situation. This time though there was a bit too much going on and there was no reason for this to be a lumberjack match. It’s ok to not add in something else to everything and that was the case here.

The Acclaimed have an open challenge for a title match on Rampage. Keith Lee comes in to get in Billy Gunn’s face and a challenge seems to be issued.

Private Party yell at Butcher and Blade. Jose the assistant tells Private Party to get it together or get fired. Matt Hardy comes in to tell Private Party to quit and get out of their deal, because he’ll be waiting for them.

Ricky Starks vs. Eli Isom

Spear and Roshambo finish Isom at 48 seconds.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on Luchasaurus/Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Bandido

Bandido is challenging. They shake hands and Bandido flips him off, earning a shot to the face. Bandido sends him outside and hits the big flip dive, albeit possibly banging up his leg. We take a break and come back with Bandido hitting a VERY long delayed vertical suplex but needing some time to get up as well.

A frog splash (with Eddie dance) gets two but Jericho is back with a Codebreaker. Back up and they fight to the apron with Bandido hitting a hurricanrana to the floor. We take a break and come back with Bandido hitting a springboard sunset bomb for two, followed by a crucifix bomb for the same.

The X Knee is loaded up but Jericho reverses into the Walls. That’s broken up with a rope grab and Bandido catches him with a kick to the head on top. The X Knee and 21 Plex get two so Jericho messes with the mask. That’s enough to set up the Liontamer for the tap at 18:21 to retain the title.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going and they got going by the end. Aside from the mask twisting setting up the finish being almost a requirement around here, it did feel like a big main event. I would assume that the only reason Bandido isn’t signed to AEW or WWE is that he doesn’t want to be, as the guy is pretty awesome just about every time he’s in the ring. Good start for Jericho’s title reign against an exciting opponent.

Post match Jericho says he’s coming for every former Ring Of Honor Champion and he’ll start with Bryan Danielson on October 12. Then he kicks ring announcer Bobby Cruise low and gives him the Judas Effect to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This wasn’t their best effort, though there is a very good chance that Hurricane Ian had something to do with the show’s setup. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of the stars were down in Florida taking care of things and if that is the case, it is a more than acceptable excuse. The main event is just about the only really good thing on here and some of the talking segments were closer to the brutal. It wasn’t an awful show, but it’s one of their weaker in a good while.

Bryan Danielson b. Matt Menard – LeBell Lock
Jon Moxley b. Juice Robinson – Cross armbreaker
Toni Storm b. Serena Deeb – Super piledriver
Ricky Starks b. Eli Isom – Roshambo
Chris Jericho b. Bandido – Liontamer



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