Takeover: XXV – Can They Be Bad Just Once?

IMG Credit: WWE

Takeover: XXV
Date: June 1, 2019
Location: Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo

We’re at the latest big show, even without as much time as it seems that we usually get for these things. The big story here is Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole in a rematch for the NXT Title after Cole defeated him in the first fall of a 2/3 falls match. The card doesn’t feel as strong as others but that’s never stopped them from having a great show before. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the history of Takeover with some of the biggest moments the show has ever seen. There are certainly some great ones in there, plus a shot of all twenty five logos the show has ever had. We move into the regular video on the five matches tonight, including Cole vs. Gargano.

Roderick Strong vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle has been dealing with the entire Undisputed Era and it’s time to go after them one at a time. Strong can’t get anywhere on the mat to start and gets taken down with ease. The early Bromission attempt is broken up and it’s an early standoff. Some shoulders in the corner work better for Strong but Riddle is right back with some rolling gutwrench suplexes. Strong bails to the floor and gets forearmed off the steps for his efforts.

They forearm it out on the apron and Strong hits the first backbreaker to take over. A Rock Bottom backbreaker gets two and it’s time to go outside again with Riddle going ribs first into the post. Back in and some right hands give Strong two, followed by the Olympic Slam for the same. A very quick Bromission attempt is broken up so Riddle grabs a fisherman’s buster for a breather instead.

The rapid fire strikes give Riddle some more momentum and an exploder suplex makes it even better. The Broton into the running kick to the chest gets two and Riddle is spent. Some YES Kicks drop Strong again and a GTS into the German suplex gets two more. Strong enziguris him in the corner though and a top rope superplex gets a rather near fall. They slug it out again with Riddle’s back flaring up again, allowing Strong to tee off on him with a series of shots to the face.

The belly to back faceplant gets a VERY close two and Strong is stunned. The Stronghold is broken up and Riddle is back with a ripcord knee (the ripcord V Trigger according to Mauro) into a powerbomb. Riddle hits the Final Flash for two but Strong blocks a top rope twisting Broton with raised knees.

A tiger driver and a gutbuster get two and it’s straight into the Stronghold. That’s switched into a Liontamer but Riddle powers out of that as well, this time switching into the Bromission. The back gives out again though so Riddle elbows him in the face, setting up a reverse Neutralizer (the Bro Derrick, or at least that’s what it sounded like) to give Riddle the pin at 14:41.

Rating: A-. This was a match where you knew the end result but they managed to make me care about how we got there. Riddle survived a bunch in there and managed to win in the end, which was a good test for him. It’s clear that he’s (or Velveteen Dream) is going to get the rocket push soon enough and this was a great performance on the way there.

Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg are here.

We recap the Tag Team Titles, which were vacated by the Viking Raiders to head up to Raw (where they have been so well used). Therefore the titles are vacant and are hanging above the ring in a ladder match with four teams coming for them.

Tag Team Titles: Forgotten Sons vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Street Profits vs. Undisputed Era

Ladder match for the vacant titles and there are no seconds. It’s a brawl to start as you had to see coming with the Era taking over early on. Blake gets low bridged to the floor and it’s time for a showdown with Lorcan and Burch. Lorcan chops away but Burch gets knocked down and the Era takes over again. It’s time for the first ladder but Blake suicide dives down to take the Era out. A bunch of people wind up brawling in front of the ring so Dawkins can dive onto all of them.

The Profits climb a ladder at the same time, allowing the Era to come back in for the save. Blake knocks the Era down again with O’Reilly landing back first on the ladder. The Sons put the ladder around their heads to clean house until Burch and Lorcan hit stereo release German suplexes, sending the ladder flying in a spot that could have gone a lot worse. The Profits are back in to take down Lorcan and Burch, with Ford hitting a heck of a frog splash.

O’Reilly is back in with a missile dropkick to break up a climb attempt but he bangs up his back even worse. It’s the Era loading up the ladder with Fish going up, only to have Blake toss powerbomb O’Reilly into the ladder for the huge crash, with Fish thankfully landing on O’Reilly. The big ladder is brought in and Cutler goes up….but stops to stomp onto Fish as Cutler hits a reverse DDT. There was absolutely nothing stopping him from getting the belts there.

Now the Sons go up again but Burch and Dawkins make the save with a Doomsday elbow/Doomsday Blockbuster each. O’Reilly starts going up but here’s Jaxson Ryker to buckle bomb him into a ladder. Ryker shoves Dawkins down and crushes him with a ladder in the corner over and over. Lorcan charges at Ryker and gets backdropped onto the edge of the ladder for a scary spot. Fans to Ryker: “WE DON’T LIKE YOU!”

Everyone gets together to beat down Ryker, who I don’t think got over as well as NXT would have liked him to here. About eight ladder shots to the back crush him for good and it’s back to “regularly scheduled hostilities.” Ryker is getting back up as the Era loads up a ladder so they hit him in the face with it instead. Ford adds a big running flip dive and it’s time for Burch and Lorcan to beat everyone up with the ladders.

They throw the ladder at the Forgotten Sons and go up the big ladder with the Era making the save. The four of them wind up on a pair of ladders but the Sons shove all of them over. The Profits come back in though with Dawkins spearing Cutler down and Ford springboarding onto the ladder to knock Blake off. Ford pulls down the titles at 21:19.

Rating: B. Ryker getting this much attention hurt things a bit as he almost had his own section in the middle of the match. What matters here though is they pulled the trigger on someone new and paid off their chase over the last few months. They were the right choice and they have a bunch of matches waiting on them, which is a great future.

Candice LeRae says she has Io Shirai’s back.

We recap Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream. Breeze has gone up to the main roster without the greatest success while Dream has taken over NXT. Now Breeze is back and wanting to reclaim his spot, but Dream says there is only room for one spotlight and it belongs to him. Breeze hit him with his phone and the match was set.

North American Title: Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream

Dream is defending and has some fans (as in the kind you wave in your face) for his entrance, which isn’t quite as big as I was expecting. He even throws a glove at Breeze and the fans are split to start. They fight over arm control to start and Dream bails from an early Unprettier attempt, allowing Breeze to lay on the ropes and wave a foot at Dream. A modified Backstabber gives Breeze one and he sends Dream to the floor.

The suicide dive hits forearm and it’s Dream coming back in with a double ax handle. Breeze is right back and wraps the knee around the post to take over. Dream punches him out of the air on the floor for a breather but the Dream Valley Driver is broken up. The half crab has Dream in more trouble and Breeze dropkicks him out to the floor. Breeze follows and eats a superkick, followed by some face first rams into the announcers’ table.

With Breeze down, Dream grabs a phone and the title, demanding that Breeze say cheese for a selfie. The distraction lets Breeze get in the Supermodel Kick but Dream snaps off a Dream Valley Driver. It’s too early for the Purple Rainmaker though as Breeze gets in an enziguri but Breeze’s high crossbody is rolled through for two. The DreamDT is blocked as well and Breeze’s second Supermodel Kick gets two more.

Dream blocks the Unprettier again and plants him with the DreamDT for another near fall. It’s time to go up again and this time Dream gets crotched but he’s fine enough for a hard knee to the face. They fight over a Tombstone of all things until Dream hits his own Unprettier for two.

The Purple Rainmaker hits raised knees (still don’t get how that doesn’t hurt the knee even more) and it’s the Supermodel Kick into the Unprettier to give Breeze his own crazy near fall. The Beauty Shot out of nowhere sends Dream outside and you can see the frustration setting in for Breeze. That’s nearly enough for the countout but Dream has the title, which is thrown to the referee. Now it’s the Dream Valley Driver into the Purple Rainmaker to retain at 16:47.

Rating: B+. That was teasing a heel turn at the end there but Dream didn’t actually cheat so we can chalk it up to mind games. Turning Dream isn’t going to work anyway as the fans just are not going to boo the guy so I don’t see the point. It’s another very good match and that’s all you would have expected from these two on this stage.

Post match they do take the selfie together and everything seems cool.

Damian Priest (Punishment Martinez) is coming.

We recap Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler. Shirai is the best talent from Japan and wants to prove that she can do it here too. Baszler says no one has been able to beat her and everyone who has tried has been run out of NXT.

Women’s Title: Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler is defending. Shirai charges straight at her but gets taken down so Baszler can load up the arm stomp. That doesn’t quite work though and Shirai slaps her in the face. The champ gets sent outside and the baseball slide her has in trouble. Back in and the arm stomp works the second time around as Shirai is down for the first time.

Baszler starts in on the arm with stomps and pulling but Shirai gets in a German suplex for a breather. A 619 gives Shirai two more and she pulls Baszler down into a Crossface. That’s reversed into a side slam and they head up top with Shirai dropkicking him down to the floor. Shirai hits the big moonsault, followed by some running double knees back inside. Cue Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir but LeRae makes the save with the kendo stick.

The distraction lets Baszler get in a failed Kirifuda Clutch attempt as Shirai slips out in a hurry. Shirai’s moonsault misses but she backflips out of another Clutch for two. Shirai tries to bridge back into a cover but gets caught in the full Clutch. The hold stays on for a very long time until Shirai finally taps at 12:12.

Rating: B. Another rather good match here as Baszler cleans out a little more of the division. Candice is pretty much the only one left and that should be a rather good match. If nothing else the moment will work very well with the fans being rather pleased. Baszler staying in NXT as long as she can is the right call though as she is going to be buried horribly on the main roster.

Post match Shirai snaps and destroys Baszler with the kendo stick, plus hitting a moonsault while holding a chair. That almost has to be a heel turn after Shirai lost completely clean.

Stephanie McMahon is here.

We recap the main event. Cole beat Gargano in the first fall of a 2/3 falls match and has claimed that he deserves a rematch since. The Undisputed Era and Matt Riddle have been brought in since and this is the big rematch.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole

Cole is challenging and gets rapped to the ring. Gargano on the other hand has Captain Marvel inspired gear. Cole wastes no time in trying for the Last Shot but heads outside when Gargano glares at him. Back in and it’s time to fight over wrist control as the fans are split again. The Gargano Escape attempt earns Johnny a forearm to the face so he hurricanranas Cole to the floor.

The running flip dive from the apron has Cole down again and Gargano seems a bit stiff off the landing. Gargano starts in on the arm as the technical side continues. With the armbar broken up, Cole superkicks the leg to go after a limb of his own. Cole wraps the knee around the ropes and tries to bend it forward for a bit. Gargano comes back with a small package and a middle rope….something is countered into a powerbomb to give Gargano two.

There’s an overhead belly to belly and the rolling kick to Cole’s head makes it even worse. A middle rope Downward Spiral gets two and the slingshot spear gives Gargano the same. Gargano goes up and has to fight out of a sunset bomb, only to dive into a Backstabber for two more. The jumping enziguri rocks the champ and it’s a reverse fireman’s carry facebuster to bang up Johnny’s face again. Cole hits a superkick but dives into one from Gargano so they head to the floor for an exchange of superkicks and a double knockdown.

Cole gets back in first, allowing Gargano to hit the slingshot DDT for the very near fall. With Cole on the floor, Gargano wants the suicide dive but the leg is too hurt, allowing Cole to kick him in the head. The fireman’s carry backbreaker gets two more on Gargano and they’re both winded. Gargano throws him off the ropes so Cole lands on the bad arm, setting up the Gargano Escape. There is indeed an escape though and Cole gets in a Figure Four to go back to the leg.

Gargano gets smart by grabbing the arm to make Cole scream, setting up the turnover and the escape. That’s enough for Cole as he snaps and stomps away at the knee even more, setting up a JOHNNY DEFENSE chant. Johnny kicks away another Figure Four attempt and hits the slingshot DDT, which sends Cole to the floor again. The suicide dive is superkicked out of the air and a Canadian Destroyer off the apron knocks Gargano silly….for two. Cole tells Johnny that it’s over but the Last Shot misses.

Gargano can’t get the Gargano Escape as Cole reverses into one of his own, which is escaped as well. Now it’s Gargano hitting his own Last Shot for two, meaning we need a strike off. They trade even more superkicks until Gargano grabs a reverse hurricanrana. Cole pops up for the Last Shot and the very near fall so it’s time for a chair. Gargano doesn’t care and it’s a suicide dive….which hits the referee. With the referee down, Cole signals for someone from the back so Gargano grabs the chair, allowing Cole to hit a hanging piledriver for the next very near fall.

Gargano collapses to prevent the Last Shot from hitting again, which suckers Cole in for the Gargano Escape with Gargano crossing his legs to prevent Cole from hitting him. Cole rolls over and elbows the knee to get out though and some more kicks to the knee look to set up another Destroyer. Gargano sits down on it for two but Cole kicks him in the face again. Now the Destroyer into the Last Shot finishes Gargano at 31:47.

Rating: A-. I liked this one better than the previous match and the ending was the right call. Cole had to win the title at some point and beating Gargano clean here was the right way to go. Gargano is the kind of guy who can bounce back from a loss in a hurry and is better off as the guy who loses and has to fight back. This was rather great, though I was getting a little tired of the same moves over and over at the end.

The Undisputed Era comes in to celebrate (with Fish’s arm in a sling) to end the show.

Overall Rating: A. Just once, just once, I’d like to see NXT have a bad match (let alone a bad show) to see how the reaction went. The worst match they had here would have been one of the best matches on almost any other show, which just isn’t normal. It’s another great show with nothing even close to bad, though somehow it pales in comparison to how incredible New York was. Two title changes made it feel important though and Breeze being there tied it into the past. It’s worth seeing (of course) and now we can move on to Toronto with a proper build.

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NXT Takeover XXV Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

It might not feel like that much time has passed since the last Takeover special and really….it kind of hasn’t. We’re less than two months removed from Takeover: New York and therefore things are a bit rushed, mainly due to the Saudi Arabian show moving things up. The card looks rather good for the most part, but things aren’t feeling as exciting as they usually are. That’s never stopped them before though so hopefully everything goes well. Let’s get to it.

Matt Riddle vs. Roderick Strong

It’s pretty rare to have a Takeover match that is this obvious but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be boring. Riddle is one of the few people in wrestling that is close to an actual prodigy so it makes sense to feature him on these Takeover shows. Strong is no slouch though and it’s a good idea to have someone in there with this much experience to help make Riddle look great.

So yeah of course it’s going to be Riddle here, who is pretty clearly going to be challenging for the title at the next major Takeover. We’ll get to who he faces later, but this is going to be Riddle getting tested with a bunch of backbreakers and the Stronghold before making Strong tap while saying BRO a lot. That’s all it should be but they’ll give us a fun ride before we get to the obvious ending.

Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler(c) vs. Io Shirai

Aside from the main event, I try to go in order of how confident I am in order of the matches but with this show (as tends to be the case with Takeover) it’s just a random order because you could go with every option in almost any match. That’s the case here as Shirai seems ready to get the big win….but that would mean Baszler loses and that’s almost hard to imagine.

I’ll go with Shirai winning, though I’m scared of the idea of Baszler going up to the main roster. That’s been such a plague as of late (by that I mean years) and Baszler is someone they could screw up in a hurry. Shirai could be the face of the division, though I’m not sure I can imagine Baszler losing. She has to at some point though and I’ll go with Shirai taking the title.

Tag Team Titles: Undisputed Era vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Street Profits vs. Forgotten Sons

The titles are vacant coming in and this is a ladder match as the Viking Raiders vacated the belts to move up to the main roster. You know, because THAT has gone so well (hence my fear about Baszler) and they couldn’t be put in here and lose the titles before moving up. Anyway, this is really a battle between two teams, though you can never guarantee what is going on.

There are two main options here but I’ll go with them making the smart choice and going with the Street Profits. The fans want to see them getting the titles and they gave the Viking Raiders a run for their money, though NXT certainly likes the Forgotten Sons as well. Lorcan and Burch and the Era feel like they’re there to add in more bodies, even if the Era winning isn’t out of the question. I’ll take the Profits, though the Sons are a strong option as well.

North American Title: Velveteen Dream(c) vs. Tyler Breeze

The battle of the entrances alone is going to be amazing. This is a heck of a story between the only two people who could really pull it off, but what makes this work so well is that I’m not sure who is going to win. Breeze could be back in NXT full time and he has never won the big one, but Dream seems ready to be the biggest breakout star in forever and having him lose here wouldn’t be the best idea in the world.

The more I think about it though, the more I think it makes sense to keep the title on Dream. He has everything you could want in a star but I’m completely terrified of WWE trying to “fix” him. This has the show stealing potential as Breeze is going to want to use his opportunity to get noticed and Dream is Dream. I’m looking forward to this though and it should be awesome.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano(c) vs. Adam Cole

This is a rematch from April at Takeover: New York where Gargano won the title in a pretty polarizing 2/3 falls match. Cole won the first fall and got the rematch though, which makes quite a bit of sense. That’s also been his big sticking point in the promos leading up to it and that’s about all he can talk about it coming in as well. There’s going to be some screwiness in the match with all the people involved on the floor (Riddle is all but guaranteed to be involved) and this one depends on where things are going from here.

I’ll take Cole to win the title, though it’s another match where I have next to no confidence in the pick. Cole has been chasing the title for a long time now and at some point he needs to win the thing. Either way, I can’t imagine anyone but Riddle walking out of Toronto as champion so the winner is just keeping the title warm until then. I’m looking forward to the match, and it could be better than the previous version.

Overall Thoughts

This should be a blast for the most part, though coming off an all time show like Takeover: New York, there are only so many things they can do. The show feels like it’s being added into the calendar because it has to be, but I’ve long since had enough faith in NXT to make anything work. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome, and that’s still leaving it so much higher than anything else at the moment that it’s hard to truly be worried.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 29, 2019: I’m Not Sure About This One

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 29, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo

It’s the go home show for Takeover and that means we should be in for some nice final push segments towards the show. The card feels a little thrown together but that has never stopped NXT from making these things work before. If they do things right, we could be in for another classic. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bianca Belair vs. Mia Yim

Rematch from three weeks ago where Belair won. Mia dropkicks her to the floor early on and Bianca isn’t sure what to do. Back in and Bianca takes her down with a double leg but gets reversed so Mia can hammer away even more. A Cannonball in the corner keeps Bianca in trouble but she comes back with a kick to the face for two.

It’s off to a double chickenwing to keep Yim down, followed by a delayed vertical suplex (with squats) to show off Belair’s power. Mia is right back with a Tarantula and an SOS for two so an annoyed Belair dropkicks her in the face. The cocky cover gets one but what looks like a Glam Slam is countered into a rollup to give Mia two. Belair forearms the heck out of her for one and it’s back to the double chickenwing.

That’s broken up as well and a shot to the face gives us a double knockdown. Code Red (that’s becoming WAY too popular of a move these days) gives Mia two more and Eat Defeat sends Belair outside. They chop it out on the ramp and dive back in at nine with Belair taking over again. Yim pulls the hair to get out of a powerbomb though and Protect Yo Neck finishes Belair at 10:08.

Rating: C+. I’m not wild on either of them but the match was a good one with Belair thinking she was better than Yim due to being so much better of a pure athlete. Yim is the kind of person who is going to fight no matter what and that’s what she did here, which made for a good story being told. Belair continues to be really annoying, so at least she has the heel stuff down.

Long video on Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream, with Dream talking about how Breeze went to NXT and was overwhelmed so he’s back here to recapture his former glory. There is only room for one person to steal the spotlight here and that’s what Dream does. That’s a good story between two people who are rather similar at their cores.

We look back at Io Shirai saving Candice LeRae from the Horsewomen last week.

Shayna Baszler and the Horsewomen aren’t worried about Shirai because Shirai can’t bring weapons to Takeover. Baszler’s weapons, as in the Horsewomen, are right here.

Drew Gulak vs. Kushida

One fan tries to start a GULAK chant and thankfully gives up in short order. Gulak’s wristlock doesn’t last long as Kushida takes him down, only to get reversed into a hammerlock. Kushida rolls away from that as well and it’s a standoff. A grab of the leg sets up a half crab on Kushida, which is broken up in a hurry. Kushida switches to a triangle and Gulak slaps his leg, which looked a lot like a tap but doesn’t count here.

The hold is broken up again and it’s off to an also quickly broken Crossface. Kushida can’t keep an Octopus hold on either and neither can hit a hiptoss. Instead Kushida gets sent to the apron and snaps the arm over the top rope. Back in and Gulak’s arm is fine enough for a gutbuster, followed by something like an Octopus hold on the mat. That’s broken up as well and Kushida gets the hiptoss, this time into an armbreaker.

Since a hold can’t stay on for more than a few seconds, Gulak gets up and grabs an ankle lock. That’s reversed into another armbreaker which is reversed into another ankle lock. Kushida scores with an enziguri into the corner and the Hoverboard Lock goes on. Gulak rolls away but gets caught in a Downward Spiral. What looks to be a camel clutch is rolled into a rollup to pin Gulak at 8:15.

Rating: B. This was the human chess match which can be so fun to watch. These two were countering everything the other had and it was really entertaining to see where they were going from move to move. The ending felt like a clean version of Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania XVII with all those submission holds (they even had a Crossface and ankle locks) until someone got caught in a pin.

Post match Gulak yells but Kushida holds up three fingers.

Io Shirai isn’t worried about the Horsewomen but Candice LeRae comes up to say she has her back at Takeover.

Takeover rundown.

Video on Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole. Johnny has worked hard to get here but Cole thinks that he deserves the title because of how great he is. Oh and pinning Gargano in the first fall in New York.

Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Forgotten Sons

Burch armbars Blake to start but a blind tag lets Cutler come in for a double back elbow. A double backbreaker gives Blake two but it’s quickly off to Lorcan for the chops. Jaxson Ryker offers a distraction though, allowing Blake to hit a clothesline. Ryker gets ejected (Mauro: “IT’S ABOUT TIME!” We’re not even two minutes into the match.) and here are the Street Profits to jump him. The Profits come in for the double DQ at 2:11.

Post match, with the fans chanting THANK YOU PROFITS, the fight is on with the Sons bringing in chairs. Cue the full Undisputed Era to beat everyone down and hit the pose. Cole grabs a ladder and the Era drives it into Ryker’s face. The ladder is set up on the stage and Cole sits on top of it, promising Johnny Gargano and Matt Riddle that Takeover will be Undisputed to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I don’t know if it’s the fast turnaround or that we’re coming off the previous awesome Takeover, but this one isn’t feeling like the biggest show in the world. I’m sure it’s going to be very good, but that’s not exactly the kind of level that you expect from NXT. This was a strong enough go home show, though I’m not exactly sold on the entire card.


Mia Yim b. Bianca Belair – Protect Yo Neck

Kushida b. Drew Gulak – Rollup

Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Forgotten Sons went to a double DQ when the Street Profits interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 1, 2019: Nice To See You Japanese Favorite/The Velveteen Dreamiest

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 1, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness

Things are staying interesting around here and tonight we have the latest import in the form of Kushida, who makes his in-ring debut. As usual he gets to face Kassius Ohno, which should work out well for everyone involved. Throw in the Undisputed Era having some issues and we could be in for a good night. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick video on Kushida and how important he is.

Opening sequence.

Forgotten Sons vs. Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan/Humberto Carrillo

Fallout from last week’s brawl. Cutler and Lorcan strike it out to start until a running Blockbuster takes Cutler down. Blake comes in instead and gets uppercutted out to the floor. That means the big dive onto all three Sons and it’s off to Carrillo for a standing moonsault to the legs. The sky high springboard armdrag sends Cutler outside but it’s Ryker coming in off a blind tag to unload on Carrillo. The Sons take turns on Carrillo in the corner with various combinations of stomping.

Ryker’s cobra clutch doesn’t last long and a missed headbutt allows the tag off to Burch. Cutler gets pulled down into the Crossface with Ryker making a save. Everything breaks down and Carrillo’s suicide dive hits Lorcan by mistake. That leaves Burch on his own against all three Sons, which works as well as you would expect. A Polish Hammer drops Burch and Carrillo gets buckle bombed into Cutler’s raised knees. Ryder holds both Carrillo and Burch in a double reverse DDT for top rope knees to the chest (with Ryker dropping them instead of DDTing them) for the pin at 7:33.

Rating: C. Here’s where NXT is so many steps ahead of Raw and Smackdown: the Forgotten Sons weren’t working as they were, so NXT changed things up a bit and turned them into something that did work. They actually fixed the characters instead of throwing up their hands because their first half baked not completely developed idea wasn’t a runaway success. That’s how wrestling is supposed to work, but the biggest wrestling shows don’t get that.

Shanyna Baszler and company don’t like being asked about Io Shirai pinning Baszler so the microphone is slapped away.

Earlier this week, Bianca Belair and Mia Yim yelled at each other at the Performance Center. They’ll fight next week.

Mansoor vs. Dominik Dijakovic

Mansoor is smart enough to duck the cyclone boot and hurricanranas Dijakovic into the corner. A high crossbody is countered into the standing backbreaker and Mansoor is tossed outside, thankfully not breaking his leg as it awkwardly crashes into the barricade. Dijakovic gets two off a splash but Mansoor is right back with a sleeper. That doesn’t work very well so Mansoor goes with a kick to the head. With Dijakovic kneeling, Mansoor jumps onto the leg and uses it as a springboard for another kick. Dijakovic has had it and knocks Mansoor silly, setting up Feast Your Eyes for the pin at 5:12.

Rating: C+. This was a lot better than I was expecting and Mansoor looked good here with a lot of offense. Much like the Sons though, Dijakovic has gotten far better as he’s now just an athletic monster who has said what he wants. You don’t need to go into some huge development. Just feature them and give them impressive wins so people think something of him. It worked with Dijakovic and it would work with pretty much anyone else.

Post match here’s Velveteen Dream on a purple couch, accompanied by some good looking women. He’s heard that Dijakovic had words for him, so Dream has his own….in the form of a personalized version of the Star Spangled Banner, promising to steal the show like he does with his big elbow. Of all the Velveteen Dream things, this was the Velveteen Dreamiest.

We look back at the end of last week’s show with Matt Riddle helping Johnny Gargano against the Undisputed Era.

The Undisputed Era promise to take care of Riddle but bring up Strong’s loss last week. Strong walks away and Bobby Fish follows him, saying Cole’s timing was terrible.

Kassius Ohno vs. Kushida

Kushida gets the big debut entrance and looks just like he did in New Japan, which is a good move as the Back to the Future look is a signature for him. Ohno kicks away a handshake offer and throws the much smaller Kushida into the corner. Kushida’s wristlock is countered into a quickly broken chinlock as the fans are firmly on Kushida’s side. A takedown goes to Kushida, who rides Ohno’s back to mess with him a little bit.

The cartwheel into a basement dropkick rocks Ohno again but he’s right back with the cravate. That’s reversed as well and we have a standoff. The wrestling isn’t working so Ohno kicks him in the face but Kushida is fine enough to come back with a springboard missile dropkick. Ohno’s sitout facebuster gets two and Kushida’s nose is busted open.

The bloody nose doesn’t stop Kushida from coming right back up with a springboard hurricanrana for two. The handspring elbow is cut off with a hard forearm to the back of the head to give Ohno two more. There’s the pump kick to Kushida, who is right back with a running shot to the face. With Ohno rocked, Kushida grabs the Hoverboard Lock (not named) for the tap at 8:07.

Rating: B. Given that Kushida was my favorite New Japan name, I was kind of expecting to like this one and then it lived up to the hype. It was a very good, hard hitting match with Kushida taking everything Ohno could throw at him at and winning in the end. He’s going to be just fine around here and he looked great in his first performance.

Overall Rating: B-. A strong debut, stuff set for next week, no bad matches and angle advancement make the show the usual awesome evening. After watching two mostly bad major TV’s this week, NXT continues to be the big saving grace that fixes so many of my problems in about forty five minutes. Another good show here, and I would expect nothing less.


Forgotten Sons b. Humberto Carrillo/Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan – Top rope knee to Burch

Dominik Dijakovic b. Mansoor – Feast Your Eyes

Kushida b. Kassius Ohno – Hoverboard Lock

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – April 10, 2019: I Think We All Needed A Break

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: April 10, 2019
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for the fallout show from Friday with a show taped prior to the show we’re recapping. Tonight we’re looking at a bunch of clips from Takeover: new York plus a trio of matches that took place before the show went on the air. These shows are usually very light and there’s no reason to believe that this should be any different. Let’s get to it.

Here are Friday’s results if you need a recap.

A long recap package of Takeover opens things up.

Opening sequence, now with a new theme song.

Aliyah vs. Candice LeRae

Vanessa Borne is in Aliyah’s corner. Aliyah takes her to the mat and gets in some forearms to the back but Candice is right back up with an armdrag. A knee in the corner slows Candice down and Aliyah demands that New York cheers for her. Vanessa offers a distraction and Aliyah gets in a kick to the face to take over. The chinlock doesn’t work for Aliyah as Candice takes her down and hits a step up backsplash. A neckbreaker into a Lionsault (with Candice possibly tweaking her knee) finishes Aliyah at 4:12.

Rating: D+. Standard Welcome To The Show match to kick off the evening and that’s fine. It was just an exchange of moves with Candice overcoming the odds and winning without breaking much of a sweat. That’s fine for this match though as Candice is such a likable person and character that it’s easy to see why she’s in a spot like this.

We look at Velveteen Dream vs. Matt Riddle with Dream retaining the title in a bit of an upset.

Dream talks about his win as Buddy Murphy walks by. Dream says that’s someone who couldn’t handle the spotlight at Wrestlemania. Murphy doesn’t like that so Dream asks where his title is.

Video on the War Raiders retaining the Tag Team Titles against Ricochet and Aleister Black in what was likely Ricochet and Black’s NXT farewell.

We look at Kushida signing with NXT.

Jaxson Ryker vs. Danny Burch

Steve Cutler, Wesley Blake and Oney Lorcan are at ringside. Burch takes him straight down for two and hammers away in the corner with right hands and clotheslines. Ryker pulls him off the middle rope and blasts Burch in the face with an elbow. A middle rope headbutt gets two but Burch is right back with a forearm. The other Sons offer a distraction so Lorcan takes care of them, leaving Burch to walk into the Widowmaker to give Ryker the pin at 3:10.

Rating: C-. They packed quite a bit in there and Ryker’s intensity is really starting to shine through. Having the Sons as a trio of wrestlers instead of a team with Ryker as a manager has some potential and with Ryker working as the monster, they could go somewhere. Lorcan and Burch are going to be fine no matter what they do because they’re good enough in the ring.

We look at the four way Women’s Title match at Takeover with Shayna Baszler retaining.

Baszler says she’s running out of competition and she’s keeping the title forever.

We look at Pete Dunne FINALLY losing the United Kingdom Title to Walter.

Pete says there will be a rematch.

We look back at Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole in a 2/3 falls match with Johnny overcoming the odds and becoming the NXT Champion after chasing the title for over a year. It’s still a very good match but they went just too far to make it perfect. Tommaso Ciampa coming out to endorse the win made up for a lot of it….I think.

The Undisputed Era isn’t happy with the loss with Roderick Strong and Adam Cole getting in an argument. Cole orders the camera shut off.

Street Profits vs. Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel

Aichner knocks Dawkins off the apron to start and drives Ford into the wrong corner. Ford is fine enough to dropkick both of them down at once but Barthel kicks him in the face. Barthel has to pull Ford back from a tag and it’s a spinebuster from Aichner to keep him in early trouble.

As you might have guessed, Ford crawls over for the tag a few seconds later and it’s Dawkins cleaning house. A spinning splash in the corner connects but a Doomsday Device is broken up. One heck of a moonsault gives Aichner two on Ford but Dawkins spears Aichner down to break up a powerbomb. The Doomsday Blockbuster finishes Barthel at 6:02.

Rating: C-. Much like the previous two, this wasn’t the kind of match that you need to see but for the live crowd, it was a nice way to warm things up a little bit more before they got to the important stuff. The Profits are entertaining and have a ton of charisma so having them go over the rather dull European team was the easy choice.

Overall Rating: D+. Completely skippable show as usual, but after everything we’ve gotten to see in recent days, it’s fine for them to take a little break like this. The wrestling wasn’t the point this time around as everything was about taking a breather and catching fans up in case they didn’t see Takeover (Though why wouldn’t you have?). We’ll get back to the important stuff next week and everything will be fine.


Candice LeRae b. Aliyah – Lionsault

Jaxson Ryker b. Danny Burch – Widowmaker

Street Profits b. Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel – Doomsday Blockbuster to Barthel

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – March 6, 2019: It’s A Takeover On TV

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: March 6, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson

Believe it or not it’s tournament time on a WWE show with the first round of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic starting tonight. The interesting team involved is the reformed DIY, who are probably the favorites in the whole thing despite having the consistency of something with very low consistency. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the Dusty Classic, with each team getting to say that they’ll be winning.

Opening sequence.

Of course we’re greeted by Common Man Boogie, because it couldn’t really be anything else.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Aleister Black/Ricochet vs. Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel

Aichner and Black start things off with Aichner’s shoulder not even getting a one count. Barthel comes in and gets struck down in short order with Black armdragging him into an armbar. It’s already back to Aichner to stomp Black down in the corner as the villains take over for the first time. Barthel knees Black in the face and knocks Ricochet off the apron so he can get two.

Black kicks away from a reverse chinlock though and it’s off to Ricochet to speed things up. Kicks abound (Black must be rubbing off on him) and Ricochet sends Barthel into Aichner, who DDTs his partner by mistake. Thankfully Ricochet cuts off my rant about how stupid that is with a springboard European uppercut and the standing shooting star for two. Back up and Barthel throws Ricochet into a suplex from Aichner (Still cool, though not as cool as the powerslam that they used on NXT UK earlier today. Maybe having them on TV twice in one day is a bad idea.), followed by a double springboard moonsault for two.

Ricochet is back up but a kick to the back cuts off his dive, allowing Aichner to hit a springboard tornado DDT for two. Aichner gets low bridged to the floor and Ricochet rolls over to bring in Black, who was fine watching his partner get double teamed. The Europeans catch Black in the Tree of Woe for a double dropkick but Ricochet is in with a springboard hurricanrana to Barthel. A heck of a suicide dive takes Barthel down again but Aichner counters Black’s dive into a rollup for two. Back up and Black Mass finishes Aichner at 8:20.

Rating: A-. This was GREAT with everything but the first minute or two being all action with both teams looking awesome. I haven’t been a fan of Aichner and Barthel so far but they’ve figured it out in their last few matches and looked better and better every time. I was buying that Ricochet and Black were in jeopardy more than once here and that takes a lot when you can be pretty sure who is winning as soon as the teams come out. Incredibly fun match with all four looking awesome.

Moustache Mountain stares down the War Raiders.

We look back at Dominik Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee from last week with the double countout likely setting up a rematch.

Earlier this week, Dijakovic tried to get at Lee at the Performance Center but some wrestlers (including Eric Bugenhagen) held him back. The rematch is in two weeks.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Forgotten Sons

Steve Cutler/Wesley Blake for the Sons with Jaxson Ryker on the floor. Burch takes Cutler down by the arm to start and it’s already off to Lorcan for a headlock. The Sons get him over into the corner to take over though and it’s a backbreaker into a double chokebreaker for two. Another double backbreaker gets one and we hit the reverse chinlock with a knee in Lorcan’s back. They’re certainly making sense so far. Lorcan fights up (of course) and brings in Burch to take over, including a release German suplex to both Sons.

The middle rope dropkick into the nipup brings Lorcan back in with Blake hitting a quick backbreaker for two. The Boston crab stays on Lorcan’s back until Burch headbutts the heck out of Blake for the save. Burch slips out of a powerbomb and it’s Lorcan firing off chops to both Sons. Everything breaks down and the spike DDT gives Burch two. Cutler blocks what looked to be a German suplex attempt and it’s Lorcan getting toss powerbombed into Cutler’s knees in the corner. A reverse DDT/middle rope double stomp combination finishes Lorcan at 8:21.

Rating: B. It says a lot when a rather good match isn’t stealing the show this week but that’s how good things have been so far. I’m surprised that the Sons won but beating Lorcan and Burch still has a lot of value to it. Lorcan and Burch are over as a team and the Sons definitely needed the win more. They’re not going to win the tournament, but at least a win is better than nothing.

Here’s Velveteen Dream to remind us that he’s North American Champion (his words) but it’s Matt Riddle interrupting. This could be interesting and, as expected, Riddle says that he likes the look of the title and wonders what it would look like around his waist. Dream says the spotlight is on him….and that becomes literal. I think we have the show stealer in New York.

Io Shirai and Kairi Sane both want the Women’s Title but have to worry about Bianca Belair. Shirai says it’s her destiny to be champion and switches to Japanese as she seems to say she’s the best.

Next week: Belair vs. Shirai in a #1 contenders match.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Street Profits vs. Moustache Mountain

Bate and Ford hit the mat to start with an exchange of headlocks. Dawkins tags himself in to run Bate over for two and it’s back to the mat with a waistlock. Bate gets up with an enziguri and it’s off to Seven, who stands in place so Bate can hit his bounce off the shoulders senton for two. The Profits take over on Seven for a change and it’s a kick to the ribs to set up a cravate. The fans get behind Seven, who fights up with a hard DDT for the double knockdown. It’s back to Bate for the top rope back elbow to the Dawkins. The standing shooting star gets two and Seven sends Ford outside.

The Dragon suplex/clothesline combination is broken up and Dawkins spears Seven for two. Ford is back up for a heck of a dive onto Seven as Bate hits Bop and Bang on Dawkins. With Seven down, it’s the Sky High into the crazy frog splash for two on Bate. Seven is back up for a dragon suplex to Ford on the apron and Bate German suplexes Dawkins. The torture rack (with Seven nearly dropping him) to Dawkins into the top rope knee from Bate is good for the pin at 7:22.

Rating: B. Another very good match here with the Profits getting a rub in defeat. You almost have to have the Brits win here due to their status as major stars and that’s acceptable. The Profits aren’t ready to beat a team like them, though I’m not sure if they ever will be. At least they had a very good match here.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Undisputed Era vs. DIY

Bobby Fish/Kyle O’Reilly for the Era here. Gargano and Ciampa come out to their own music but then switch to the DIY song on the ramp. Fish goes after Gargano’s leg to start as the DIY chants are clearly louder than the UNDISPUTED ones. With Fish not being able to do much, O’Reilly comes in and gets armdragged down. It’s also off to Ciampa for a wristlock so Fish tries his luck again.

Everything breaks down for a bit with Gargano diving onto Fish, leaving Ciampa to get a neckbreaker on O’Reilly for two. Fish is back up with a legsweep to take Gargano down on the apron though and the Era takes over. It’s a kneebar to keep Gargano in trouble and some right hands keep him down. Gargano kicks O’Reilly away but it sends him right over to Ciampa for a knock off the apron in a smart move.

Fish’s wheelbarrow suplex gets two on Gargano and it’s already time for the chinlock, complete with an appropriate fishhook. Gargano fights up and hits the tornado DDT/enziguri combination for the much needed breather but Fish is right there to pull Ciampa from the apron. As tends to be the case, the hot tag brings in Ciampa a second later and it’s time for the house cleaning as Ciampa is still great in this role. A knee in the corner sets up a Tower of London for two on O’Reilly and it’s time to roll some German suplexes.

It’s back to Gargano who gets caught in O’Reilly’s guillotine until Ciampa runs in with a knee to the head for the break. Gargano and O’Reilly strike it out with O’Reilly hitting a Dean Ambrose rebound lariat for a double knockdown and an NXT chant. Double tags bring in Ciampa and Fish with Ciampa teasing the German suplex off the apron. Instead it’s Gargano getting knocked to the floor, leaving Ciampa to take a super Falcon Arrow for a VERY close two.

The cross armbreaker is blocked so Fish adds a top rope headbutt to get the whole thing on. Gargano dives back in and shoves Fish onto the two of them for the break and they all head outside. O’Reilly hits a great looking running knee from the apron on Ciampa, who is right back up with a hanging DDT. Gargano’s slingshot DDT gets two on O’Reilly and it’s a dropkick to Fish, setting up Meet in the Middle to finish O’Reilly at 14:04.

Rating: A. I didn’t think anything would top the opener but of course DIY managed to pull it off. Were you expecting anything else? DIY really hasn’t lost a step at all and that’s not the biggest surprise given how well they know each other. What we got here was incredible stuff and while I’m surprised the Era lost so early on, at least we got an instant classic to wrap things up.

The War Raiders come out for the staredown to end the show.

Here are the updated brackets:

Aleister Black/Ricochet


Moustache Mountain

Forgotten Sons

Overall Rating: A+. What else is there to say? This was practically a short form Takeover with four very good to outstanding matches, all with a purpose and the big story being advanced. They even set up a non-tournament match in the middle of the show. While it may not have the same variety as some episodes, this is one of the best things NXT has ever done and it’s going to be hard to top. You know, because that’s always been the case for NXT.


Aleister Black/Ricochet b. Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel – Black Mass to Aichner

Forgotten Sons b. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch – Reverse DDT/middle rope double stomp combination to Lorcan

Moustache Mountain b. Street Profits – Burning Hammer/Top rope knee to the face combination to Dawkins

DIY b. Undisputed Era – Meet in the Middle to O’Reilly

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


NXT UK – February 27, 2019: British Wrestling

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 27, 2019
Location: Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

We’re still in Phoenix and this time around we have a heck of a card, including a Tag Team Title match as the Grizzled Young Veterans defend the titles for the first time. The arguably bigger draw though is Walter, who will be facing Kassius Ohno for his biggest challenge to date. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tyler Bate vs. Jack Gallagher

Feeling out process to start with Gallagher kicking him away and going for the leg but Bate is in the rope. Now it’s Bate taking him to the mat for a hammerlock but Gallagher walks on his hands for an anklescissors to take Bate down. Bate’s handstand counter doesn’t really work so he bounces around a bit until he’s able to flip out of the hold in another sweet counter sequence.

Gallagher switches to the ankle by allowing Bate to grab a foot, knowing that he can counter into a better hold for some rather scientific style. That’s escaped as well and Bate traps one arm to pull on the other. Gallagher is up again for a stomp to the knee and a rather nasty Indian deathlock. Bate slips out again but still can’t maintain a hold of his own.

Instead Gallagher pulls him into Eddie Guerrero’s Lasso From El Paso but lets go as Bate is getting too close to the rope, switching over to an arm pull. With the submission attempts not working, Gallagher tries a sunset flip but Bate rolls over into a cradle, sending them around the ring for a series of one counts that lasts a good twenty seconds. That’s broken up and Bate grabs a quick rollup for the pin at 9:47.

Rating: B-. This was very, very different than your usual match but also highly entertaining. Some of the psychology and scientific counters were outstanding here, though the ending was so out of nowhere that it didn’t quite work. It made sense with Bate realizing that he couldn’t outwrestle Gallagher and powered him down for the pin instead, but it felt out of place after what they had been doing for the first nine and a half minutes.

Jordan Devlin jumped Travis Banks at the UK Performance Center with wrestlers and trainers breaking it up.

Video on Walter.

Video on Nina Samuels.

Eddie Dennis talks about rupturing his pectoral muscle just over a year ago. Then he signed with WWE that May because adversity motivated him. Now he’s back and more vindictive than ever, so he’s taking down the roster one by one.

Kassius Ohno vs. Walter

It’s weird seeing these two with people equal to their size. A test of strength goes to Walter, even as Ohno tries to take the knee out. Walter wristlocks him into an armbar and Ohno makes the mistake of chopping him. One heck of a big boot sends Ohno outside as Nigel compares Walter to the early years of Andre the Giant: stand there and don’t be aggressive, but attack when someone comes near you.

Ohno gets in a backsplash to the arm as Walter gets back in and pounds away with forearms in the corner. The cravate is broken up with a hard shove and they go to the strike off with Walter chopping him in the back. A big German suplex drops Ohno and a running seated senton gets two. Ohno knees him down but misses a moonsault, allowing Walter to dropkick him into the corner. The powerbomb finishes Ohno at 8:37.

Rating: B. I liked this one in a different way from the opener, partially because they went with a change of style, which is one of the best things they could have done. Ohno clearly wasn’t winning, but that doesn’t mean he can’t put up a good match on the way. This was all about two big guys hitting each other really hard and it gave Walter a bit of a sweat for the first time. That’s a good step for him and the match took both of them in the direction they should be going.

Ligero is willing to beat up Joseph Conners again if he has to.

Next week: Ligero vs. Conners and Banks vs. Devlin in a falls count anywhere match.

Tag Team Titles: Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan

James Drake and Zack Gibson are defending. Drake grabs Burch’s arm to start as it’s the early setup for Gibson’s Shankley Gates. That’s reversed into a regular armbar and then a hammerlock as Burch takes over on the mat. Gibson comes in and punches Burch in the face, giving us a nice mixture of the first two matches. It’s already back to Drake, who gets slapped in the chest so Burch can bring Lorcan in. As usual, Drake isn’t quite as skilled as Gibson but that’s how teams work. Drake pokes Lorcan in the eye and sends him into the post as the champs take over for real.

Back in and the chinlock goes on, followed by a nerve hold to really mix things up. Gibson gets two off a belly to back and it’s right back to the chinlock. Somehow, Lorcan is able to fight off a variety of chinlocks and bring in Burch for the suplexes. A middle rope dropkick sends Drake into his own corner so Burch forearms Gibson off the apron. Everything breaks down with Lorcan getting knocked outside, setting up the Ticket to Ride for two on Burch. A pair of headbutts get Burch out of trouble though and Lorcan comes in with a double Blockbuster.

It’s already back to Burch (that was fast) with a Doomsday Device getting two as Gibson backdrops Lorcan onto the cover for the break. All four come in and Lorcan (legal) grabs the half crab on Drake as Gibson (also legal) puts Burch in Shankley Gates. The slap off breaks the holds and it’s Lorcan hitting a running dive to take out both champs. Back in and the elevated hanging DDT gets two on Drake so Burch punches him in the face. Lorcan gets knocked to the floor though and the Ticket to Mayhem finishes Burch at 13:08.

Rating: B. Another very good showing here with the two teams working well enough together to give you the hope of a title change. They also seem to be planting the seeds of Gibson being the focal point of the team (as he should be) which could be leading to a split. Throughout the match the announcers talked about Gibson having a God complex, which very well could cause some tension between the two of them. It’s WAY too early to split them though as they could hold the titles for several months to come.

Overall Rating: A-. Now that was a fun show with three high quality matches. As tends to be the case around here, the storytelling isn’t the strongest and having the focus be on the wrestling instead of the stories is a good way to go. You can’t do that every week, but when they get it right, it works very well. I had a great time with this and it flew by while leaving me wanting to see more, which is one of the best things that can be said.


Tyler Bate b. Jack Gallagher – Rollup

Walter b. Kassius Ohno – Powerbomb

Grizzled Young Veterans b. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch – Ticket to Mayhem to Burch

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


NXT UK – February 20, 2019: Like Their American Cousin

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 20, 2019
Location: Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

It’s the second week in Phoenix and last week got things off to a good start. The different venue and crowd offer a nice change of pace and that can help freshen things up a little bit. We’re still on the way towards Walter vs. Pete Dunne for the UK Title and with the right build, it could be a classic. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Toni Storm beating Rhea Ripley to become Women’s Champion last month and Ripley not handling the loss well. The rematch is tonight.

Opening sequence.

Mark Andrews/Flash Morgan Webster vs. Coffey Brothers

For the sake of sanity, I’ll only refer to Mark Coffey as Mark and Mark Andrews as Andrews. Mark literally throws Flash around to start and it’s off to Joe for some stomps to the ribs. A quick dropkick gets Flash out of trouble and it’s off to Andrews as the pace picks up in a hurry. That’s a good thing for Andrews, though a blind tag lets the Brothers hit a pop up uppercut to take over again. You can’t beat the brotherly thinking. A double chop keeps Andrews in trouble and they take turns on full nelsons.

Joe switches to a double underhook but a buckle bomb attempt is countered and the hot tag brings in Flash. The standing Lionsault sets up a hurricanrana from the apron to the floor to keep Mark down. A jumping knee to the face into an assisted moonsault gets two on Joe. We settle back down with Joe slugging away at Andrews until Flash tags himself in to help on a tornado DDT. Stereo flip dives to the floor drop the Brothers and there’s a Stundog Millionaire to Joe. Mark suplexes Andrews onto the apron though and All The Best For The Bells finishes Flash at 8:29.

Rating: B-. This was a good sign on multiple fronts, starting with the fact that it was a rather nice match. As usual, power vs. speed is something that is always going to work and that was the case here. Other than that, it makes the Coffey Brothers they should have been all along. Joe vs. Pete Dunne was good, but when you have your brother right there, why is he teaming with another guy like Wolfgang? It never made sense, though Joe vs. Dunne was a better idea than Dunne vs. Wolfgang any day.

Video on Nina Samuels, who seems to like the spotlight.

Jordan Devlin is back in Ireland and promises to be the best, as always.

Video on Kay Lee Ray, who is awesomely Scottish and coming to the women’s division.

Trent Seven vs. Shane Thorne

Shane is making the rounds as of late and this makes as much sense as anything else for him. Feeling out process to start with Seven’s wristlock giving Thorne some early problems. Thorne’s shoulder doesn’t get him very far so he snaps Seven’s arm across the top rope. The shoulder gets wrapped around the post and it’s off to an armbar. Seven is right back up with a suplex into a slam for two and it’s off to a rather quick Figure Four.

The hold is turned over and they fall to the floor with both guys banging up their knees. Back in and Thorne gets slammed off the top but manages to block the Figure Four. A hard belly to back suplex puts Seven down for two and a kind of chickenwing hold is right back on the arm. Not that it matters as Seven shoves him away and hits the Seven Star Lariat for the pin at 8:59.

Rating: C. I know the Mighty wasn’t the most popular team in the world but Thorne is carving out a very nice place for himself as someone who can have a watchable match with just about anyone. That’s going to keep him around for a long time and we had a nice match here. Seven sells limb injuries well and this was no exception.

Jack Gallagher wants to wrestle in NXT UK and will talk to Johnny Saint about it over a cup of tea.

Here are the Grizzled Young Veterans for a chat. The heat isn’t as strong on Zack Gibson here as he talks about how hard the two of them have worked to get here. He doesn’t like being here instead of back home in Liverpool having a cup of tea, but he’s here to explain why British wrestling is the best in the world. They can’t have the best competition because they are the best competition.

The challengers can be from 205 Live, NXT or NXT UK because it won’t matter. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch can come for their shot whenever. Here are Burch and Lorcan in person with Burch telling Gibson to shut up. Burch is proud to be British but he’s more proud to represent these fans. The match is next week but Burch and Lorcan chase them off now.

Next week: Gallagher vs. Tyler Bate.

Also next week: Walter vs. Kassius Ohno. That’s a stacked show.

Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Rhea Ripley

Storm is defending and the fight starts before the bell with Ripley throwing her into the corner. The bell rings and Ripley stomps away before forearming the champ against the ropes. Ripley starts in on the back with a backbreaker getting two as the pace slows a bit. The bodyscissors goes on for a bit until Storm is up with some right hands.

Those just earn her a dropkick for two, which is quite the visual from the rather big Ripley. The standing Cloverleaf has Storm in even more trouble but she rolls Ripley outside. That means a suicide dive to start the real comeback and a running hip attack in the corner makes things worse for Ripley. The back is too banged up for Storm Zero so it’s a Backstabber instead, which works well enough.

Storm takes some time following up though and it’s a slugout from their knees. The champ gets the better of it but gets caught on top, allowing Ripley to grab a superplex for two. Ripley misses a charge into the post though and a quick Storm Zero retains the title at 11:00. That was a very fast finish and it felt like they had another minute or two in there.

Rating: B-. It wasn’t anything great but it was high enough quality to work just fine. Storm retaining wasn’t exactly a surprise and that’s ok for a pretty big TV main event. Both of them looked polished and the women’s division is getting some depth, meaning that it doesn’t have to be these two over and over. Ripley can go rebuild for a bit and she’s going to be fine in the long run.

Overall Rating: B-. This show worked well as it felt more like a regular NXT show: one feature match and enough other stuff to keep the whole thing entertaining. They moved around enough from one story to another and all of those things feel fresh. Also, and again just like NXT, they don’t have the same people on every week and it keeps the shows from being repetitive. They’re getting the formula right and that’s a very positive sign.


Coffey Brothers b. Flash Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews – All The Best For The Bells to Webster

Trent Seven b. Shane Thorne – Seven Star Lariat

Toni Storm b. Rhea Ripley – Storm Zero

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – January 23, 2019: I’ll Take All Of This

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 23, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

It’s the go home show for Takeover: Phoenix and that means it’s time for the big final push. That’s one of the places where NXT excels and that should be the case tonight. The card is all but set and we get to see the last touches they put on the matches. I’m sure there will be some good wrestling to go with that so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Velveteen Dream for a chat. He has a sparkle in his eye tonight and that sparkle is championship gold. It’s the North American Title but here are Bobby Fish and Adam Cole to cut him off. Since Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly are defending the Tag Team Titles, it’s time for the two of them to get some singles gold because this is Undisputed Era’s year. Fish says something similar but Dream says he’ll dispute that, if it’s ok with Adam. The Era rushes the ring but Dream slips out in a hurry.

Video on Shayna Baszler vs. Bianca Belair. Both of them do the confident thing really well.

We look back at Kassius Ohno cheating to beat Keith Lee last week.

Kassius Ohno vs. Matt Riddle is set for Takeover.

Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan vs. Marcel Barthel/Fabian Aichner

Oh yay. Barthel. Lorcan and Barthel start things off with an exchange of hard shots to the face. Aichner comes in so Lorcan punches them both down and brings Danny in to clean house. A middle rope dropkick puts Aichner down as the pace stays fast. Barthel takes Burch down and Aichner clotheslines Lorcan inside out (Nigel: “Achtung baby! That’s German but he’s Italian.”) and Barthel dives onto Danny, leaving Aichner to hit the double springboard moonsault for two on Lorcan.

Oney pops up with a rolling half crab but Aichner makes the save with an enziguri. They stop to breathe (and soak in some applause) for half a second until Lorcan starts slugging away and dives onto Burch and Barthel. Aichner dives onto all three but Lorcan rolls him up for the sudden pin at 4:50.

Rating: B. Sweet goodness they didn’t stop in that span. That was one of the most action packed matches I can remember seeing in a long time and it was awesome to see so much energy. Burch and Lorcan are great in these sprint style matches and it’s always nice to see Barthel lose. This was a lot of fun and worth seeing as it’s not even five minutes long.

Video on Tommaso Ciampa vs. Aleister Black. Back in July, Ciampa had said that the title made Black instead of vice versa. Since then Ciampa has made the title and he’s going to prove that Black never was that good. Johnny Gargano has been dragged into it as well but all that matters is day 184 coming and going as Aleister fades to black. Another awesome video here, as you knew was coming.

Io Shirai/Kairi Sane vs. Tanea Brooks/Amber Nova

Nova was a semi regular in Impact Wrestling for a few months. Shirai cartwheels and backflips away from Nova before dropkicking her into the corner. Sane comes in for a running Blockbuster and the sliding elbow in the corner makes it even worse. Brooks gets in a cheap shot from the apron and comes in, only to be speared down. A 619 from Shirai sets up a springboard dropkick to both villains. With Nova on the floor, Brooks takes a pop up Insane Elbow into an assisted moonsault for the pin at 2:50. That was a heck of a performance and the finishing sequence looked awesome.

Post break Sane and Shirai promise to take care of business. Marina Shafir (who towers over both of them) and Jessamyn Duke come in and make threats.

Velveteen Dream vs. Bobby Fish

Fish hits a hard shoulder to start and has to slip out of the Dream Valley Bomb. A clothesline sends Fish rolling outside and they come back inside for an exchange of forearms. Fish starts in on the leg though and a dragon screw legwhip sends Dream outside. Back in and a slingshot hilo to the knee gives Fish one and it’s off to a half crab.

Dream gets out and uses the good knee for some shots to the head. A spinebuster sets up the Purple Rainmaker but Fish grabs a kneebar after the landing bangs up the knee again. Dream rolls out and manages a fireman’s carry until the knee gives out. The second attempt works just fine and now the Purple Rainmaker is good for the pin at 8:35.

Rating: C+. This was a nice win for Dream as he came from behind and won in the end while Fish even had Cole there as a bonus. Fish is a perfect choice to lose over and over again for the Era as he looks impressive just by association. He can more than hold his own in the ring too and that makes him a rather valuable asset.

We look back at the Forgotten Sons laying out the Street Profits last week. They meet next week.

Duke/Shafir vs. Sane/Shirai next week as well.

Here’s Ricochet for a chat. He knows Johnny Gargano and has seen everything that Gargano has done lately. At Takeover, Ricochet will show him the meaning of One and Only. Gargano comes in and the fight is on but Ciampa comes in and decks Ricochet (the pop in New York if Ricochet beats Ciampa for the title would be insane), allowing Gargano to hammer away.

That allows Black to run in and kick away at Ciampa but Gargano comes in to help him. Gargano gives Ricochet the slingshot DDT and Ciampa hits the Fairy Tale Ending on Black as the fans chant for DIY. Gargano and Ciampa go up to the stage and Ciampa extends his hand but Candice LeRae comes out and says this isn’t happening. Gargano leaves with her to end the show. If I have to watch a dream tag match between these four with Candice being all nervous, I guess I can force myself through it.

Overall Rating: A-. Some snappy matches and all the angle advancement you could need is more than enough to make this a great show. I want to see where the main event scene is going as you know this isn’t wrapping up in Phoenix. The rest of the show covered everything about Takeover and the card looks great, as you knew it would. Just deliver the whole thing and be another incredible Takeover.


Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch b. Marcel Barthel/Fabian Aichner – Rollup to Aichner

Kairi Sane/Io Shirai b. Tanea Brooks/Amber Nova – Assisted moonsault to Nova

Velveteen Dream b. Bobby Fish – Purple Rainmaker

NXT – December 12, 2018: Homecoming

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: December 12, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

Last week’s show saw the main event scene get a shot in the arm as Johnny Gargano and Aleister Black agreed to keep things going inside a steel cage, much to Tommaso Ciampa’s delight. Ciampa continues to be a great devil on the shoulder and someone who could be on top of the company for a long time to come. As for tonight though, Ricochet is in action against a mystery opponent, which could mean a lot of things. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a preview of tonight’s show, including EC3 vs. Bobby Fish.

Opening sequence.

EC3 vs. Bobby Fish

Fallout from the Undisputed Era damaging EC3’s knee a few weeks back. The rest of the Undisputed Era is out here with Fish. Before the match, Adam Cole talks about how EC3 should have been a top star around here but that was stopped with the help of a steel chair. 2018 wasn’t just a career year for the team, because it was also the start of a decade of dominance. Next year they will all be covered in gold, and that is undisputed.

Fish bails to the floor to start and leaves Kyle O’Reilly hanging on a fist bump. Back in and Fish dives at EC3’s legs but gets powerbombed in half instead. A shaken up Fish needs a breather on the floor so EC3 throws him back inside for a nerve hold of all things. The Era offers a quick distraction so Fish can take out the knee and it’s time to start the stomping.

Fish takes him down with a dragon screw legwhip before putting on a simple leglock. That’s kicked away and EC3 gets in a suplex. An EC3 elbow (his People’s Elbow) connects but he stops to go after the Era, allowing Fish to take out the knee again. Not that it matters though as EC3 gets a quick small package for the pin at 5:30.

Rating: C. The leg work made sense, but Fish wasn’t showing the same explosiveness that he had before the injury (understandable). EC3 and friends vs. the Era could be interesting and it’s not like he has anything else going on. If nothing else it might help bring him up the ladder quite a bit, which is necessary at this point.

Post match the beatdown is on until Heavy Machinery makes the save. Strong takes the big beating with everyone else bailing on their buddy.

Dakota Kai and Io Shirai want to take out Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke in a tag match next week.

Clip of the Mighty attacking Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch after losing to them a few weeks back.

The Mighty vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch

It’s a brawl to start with Lorcan hitting a running flip dive to the floor to take them both out. Back in and Thorn and Lorcan trade running uppercuts until Lorcan takes him down into the half crab. That’s broken up and Thorn hits a belly to back suplex as we’re now done with the opening minute. Burch comes in and hits a Thesz press on Miller, (Burch: “YOU AND YOUR MUM!”) followed by some kicks to Thorn in and out of the corner.

Thorn slips out of a Doomsday Device attempt and a superplex/sitout powerbomb (with Miller powerbombing Thorn) gets two on Lorcan as Danny shoves Thorn onto the cover for the break. Danny saves Lorcan from Thunder Valley so Miller hits a step up Cannonball to crush him in the corner. Lorcan scores with a double DDT and the assisted spike DDT finishes Thorn at 5:03.

Rating: B-. Good night they packed a lot of stuff in there. These four did not stop throughout the entire match and that made for some entertaining action. Burch and Lorcan are likely to get another shot at the titles at some point, which they’ve certainly earned after some of their performances over the last few months.

We look back at the end of last week’s show, featuring Aleister Black announcing his rematch against Tommaso Ciampa for Takeover: Phoenix and being set up for a cage match against Johnny Gargano in the near future. Ciampa’s puppet master manipulation here is outstanding.

The cage match is next week.

Gargano is outside again and talks about Black thinking that he absolved Johnny of his sins. The end goal of this is Ciampa losing the NXT Title and Black was just in the wrong place in the wrong time. That’s the same thing here, as Black is getting the title that that Gargano should have had and Gargano will do anything to stop him. Gargano stands behind some metal bars and promises to close the book on Black next week.

Dijakovic is here next week.

Shayna Baszler, Shafir and Duke aren’t worried about the four way #1 contenders match because she’ll take home the title and the challenger will take home a hospital bill. Duke and Shafir laugh at the challenge and Shayna accepts for them.

Lacey Evans is officially in the four way #1 contenders match, joining Bianca Belair.

NXT Women’s Title Qualifying Match: Mia Yim vs. Reina Gonzalez

Gonzalez has a bullrope and cowbell with her. Yim has a guillotine choke on in the early going but Reina throws her off. That’s fine with Yim, who slaps the same thing on again. This time Gonzalez lifts Mia up and drops her ribs first across the top rope for the break. Reina slams her down for two and shouts in Spanish. An over the shoulder backbreaker has Yim in more trouble until she slips out and armdrags Reina throat first into the ropes. Some knees to the face set up Eat Defeat for the pin at 3:26.

Rating: D+. Gonzalez was looking fine as a monster here and it’s very cool to have the other women from the Mae Young Classic in there for roles like this. They’re talented workers and it makes sense to have them come in and work a match or two. It keeps things fresh and offers some entertaining work that you wouldn’t get otherwise. Smart booking, as tends to be the case.

Black doesn’t feel anything about his match with Gargano. He just has to do this to Gargano though, because Gargano is beyond absolution. Instead, he has to be eradicated inside the cage, and there will be no escape. Inside the cage, Gargano will fade to black.

North American Title: Ricochet vs. ???

Ricochet is defending against….Tyler Breeze, making his first televised NXT appearance in years. The fans certainly seem to appreciate having him back, including the full entrance. The chants are split but the TYLER’S GORGEOUS ones are much louder. Breeze gets an early breather on the top rope so Ricochet starts in with the flips, capped off by the headscissors into the dropkick. Back up and Breeze slaps on a half crab (must be a Canadian thing) but Ricochet makes the rope.

They head outside with Breeze dropkicking an apron dive out of the air as the fans deem the entire match gorgeous. That’s quite the upgrade for Ricochet. Breeze stomps away in the corner and you can see him soaking in a lot of the cheers because he matters for the first time in way too long. Some elbows to the face have Breeze in trouble (NOT IN THE FACE!) and a standing shooting star press gets two.

The Phoenix Splash misses and Breeze’s hair is down to make things serious. Stereo crossbodies put them both down and the fans continue to appreciate this. They trade forearms to the back but neither can hit a suplex. Ricochet moonsaults over him but walks into the Supermodel Kick. A reverse hurricanrana gives Breeze a VERY close two and Ricochet says this is his house (Paige has really changed her look since retiring). The Beauty Shot is countered into a Cradle Shock at 9:52.

Rating: B. I love it when they do something like this. There’s little reason to not send the former NXT stars down there for a one off appearance (if not more) if they have nothing going on up on the main roster. Breeze is going 50/50 on Main Event so having him show up on NXT is as good of a use for him as anything else. He’s a legend down here and can have a great match, so let him have a nice moment for a change instead of facing Mojo Rawley in a glorified dark match.

Ricochet shakes his hand to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Good wrestling, a nice surprise at the end a bunch of stuff being set up for next week. I liked this one a lot, even though next week is the important show. They had an entertaining night this week though and considering how little this show should have meant, that’s really impressive.


EC3 b. Bobby Fish – Small package

Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch b. The Mighty – Assisted spike DDT to Thorn

Mia Yim b. Reina Gonzalez – Eat Defeat

Ricochet b. Tyler Breeze – Cradle Shock

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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