Thoughts on the 2016 Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards

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Category A Awards

Wrestler of the Year – AJ Styles

MMA Most Valuable – Conor McGregor

Most Outstanding Wrestler – AJ Styles

Most Outstanding Fighter – Conor McGregor

Enough MMA in the wrestling awards.

Best Box Office Draw – Conor McGregor

Feud of the Year – Conor McGregor vs. Nate Diaz.

Erg here we go again. The top wrestling feud was AJ Styles vs. John Cena, which was nearly quadrupled in points.

Tag Team of the Year – Young Bucks

Most Improved – Matt Riddle

Best on Interviews – Conor McGregor

Most Charismatic – Conor McGregor

Nakamura was second.

Bryan Danielson Award (Best Technical Wrestler) – Zack Sabre Jr

Hard to argue that one, especially with some of the stuff he did in the Cruiserweight Classic.

Bruiser Brody Memorial Award (Best Brawler) – Tomohiro Ishii

Best Flying Wrestler – Will Ospreay

Most Overrated – Roman Reigns

Most Underrated – Cesaro

Promotion of the Year – New Japan

Best Weekly TV Show – New Japan

Match of the Year – Tanahashi vs. Okada (January 4)

MMA Match of the Year – Robbie Lawler vs. Carlos Condit – January 2

Rookie of the Year – Matt Riddle

Best Non-Wrestler – Dario Cueto

Best TV Announcer – Mauro Ranallo

Was this ever in doubt? Corey Graves was a close second.

Worst TV Announcer – David Otunga

Why does he have a job? Aside from being married to Jennifer Hudson that is.

Best Major Wrestling Show – Wrestle Kingdom

Category B Awards

Worst Major Wrestling Show – Wrestlemania XXXII

I was there and I got bored.

Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic – Bellator Kimbo Slice vs. Dada 500 Fight

Worst TV Show – Raw

Am I really the only person who still watches Impact?

Worst Match of the Year – Shelley Martinez vs. Rebel – TNA One Night Only

Makes sense. It also makes my head hurt.

Worst Promotion of the Year – TNA

Best Booker – Gedo

Of course. He scored 851 points, or nearly ten times second place.

Promoter of the Year – Dana White

Real promotion/sport. Fake promotion/sport. Totally the same thing.

Best Gimmick – Broken Matt Hardy

If this was ANYTHING else, they were kidding themselves.

Worst Gimmick – Bone Soldier

Best Pro Wrestling Book – Ali vs. Inoki

Best Pro Wrestling DVD – Seth Rollins: Redesign, Rebuild, Reclaim

People still watch DVDs in the Network Era?

2015 Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards

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Wrestler of the Year – AJ Styles

Most Outstanding Wrestler – AJ Styles

Feud of the Year – Conor McGregor vs. Jose Aldo

Tag Team of the Year – Young Bucks

Of course. Next.

Most Improved – Bayley

Best on Interviews – Conor McGregor

Most Charismatic – Shinsuke Nakamura

Yep. No argument on that actually. The dude is a machine.

Best Technical Wrestler – Zack Sabre Jr.

Best Brawler – Tomohiro Ishii

Best Flyer – Riccochet

Most Overrated – Kane

Who rates Kane highly in the first place? Reigns is second. This should of course be the Young Bucks.

Most Underrated – Cesaro

Promotion of the Year – New Japan

Best Weekly TV Show – NXT

Yep, with Lucha Underground second. Dang it Meltzer give me something to get mad at you over!

Match of the Year – Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kota Ibushi

You knew it would be something from New Japan, though to be fair I gave this an A. Bayley vs. Sasha from Brooklyn was third.

Rookie of the Year – Chad Gable

Best Non-Wrestler – Dario Cueto

Best Announcer – Mauro Ranallo

Again, no surprise here.

Worst Announcer – John Layfield

Best Major Wrestling Show – Wrestle Kingdom IX

Worst Major Wrestling Show – TripleMania XXIII

Best Wrestling Maneuver – Styles Clash

Worst Match of the Year – Psycho Clowns vs. Villanos

Worst Feud of the Year – Team PCB vs. Team Bella vs. Team BAD

Worst Promotion of the Year – TNA

Can we just rename this the TNA Award? You would think after a nine year run it might be time.

Best Booker – Paul Levesque/Ryan Ward

Promoter of the Year – Dana White

The first wrestling promoter is Takaaki Kidani of New Japan.

Worst Gimmick – Stardust

2013 Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards Announced

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Wrestler of the Year – Hiroshi Tanahashi (John Cena/Daniel Bryan)

Most Valuable MMA Fighter – Georges St. Pierre

Most Outstanding Wrestler – Hiroshi Tanahashi

Best Box Office Draw – Georges St. Pierre


Feud of the Year – Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada (Rhodes Family vs. Authority)

Tag Team of the Year – Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns (Shield)

I lump tag teams and groups together so no arguments here.

Most Improved – Roman Reigns (Bo Dallas)

Reigns was a popular pick but he was more along the lines of “guy who gets more focus”. I get the pick though.

Best Interviews – Paul Heyman

Most Charismatic – Hiroshi Tanahashi

Just name the awards after him already.

Best Technical Wrestler – Daniel Bryan

Even though he mainly uses strikes now?

Best Brawler – Katsuyori Shibata

Yeah whatever.

Best Flying Wrestler – Kota Ibushi

I was impressed by what I saw of him so why not.

Most Underrated – Antonio Cesaro

Promotion of the Year – New Japan

Best Weekly TV Show – NXT


Most Outstanding Fighter – Cain Velasquez

No argument there I suppose.

Match of the Year – Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada, April 7 (CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar)

Again, bow down to Japan.

Fight of the Year – Gilbert Melendez vs. Diego Sanchez

I heard good things so sure.

Rookie of the Year – Yohei Komatsu (Big E. Langston)

Non-Wrestler of the Year – Paul Heyman (Paul Heyman)


TV Announcer of the Year – William Regal

Fine again.

Major Wrestling Show of the Year – New Japan G-1 Day 4

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Best Booker – Jedo/Gedo, New Japan


Promoter of the Year – Dana White, UFC

Be careful. New Japan might not want to spoon after.

Gimmick of the Year – Wyatt Family

For the sheep mask alone.

Best Book – Mad Dogs, Midgets and Screwjobs – Pat LaParade and Bertrand Herbert

Never heard of it but it sounds interesting.

Best DVD – Jim Crocket Promotions: The Good Old Days

Heard of it, looks interesting.

Most Overrated – Randy Orton

Worst TV Announcer – Taz

Worst Major Show – Battleground (Battleground)

Two in a row.

Worst TV Show – Impact

Worst match of the Year – 10 Diva tag, November 24 (Same)

No argument there.

Worst Feud – Big Show vs. Authority

No arguments there unless you want to go with the Divas, which I think I would have.

Worst Promotion – TNA

Again no arguments.

They were a gimmick still?

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