AEW Collision – January 4, 2025: Now With Guest Stars. Being Kidnapped.

Date: January 4, 2025
Location: Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Matt Menard, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

It’s a new year and that means…well very little right now actually as this is pretty much just another Collision. We do at least have a title match with Daniel Garcia defending the TNT Title against Mark Briscoe as a result of the loss in the Continental Classic. Assuming Garcia survives there, we should be seeing him face Kyle Fletcher down the line. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Mark Briscoe, Daniel Garcia, the Learning Tree and Rated FTR are ready to fight.

Opening sequence.

TNT Title: Mark Briscoe vs. Daniel Garcia

Briscoe is challenging and they start slowly. Briscoe drives him into the corner to start as the fans are feeling a bit split. They trade slides out to the floor before going back inside to trade wrist cranking. Garcia ties up the legs and stomps them onto the mat but has to escape a Jay Driller attempt. Garcia’s dance just annoys Briscoe, who misses a charge out to the floor. Back in and Briscoe sends him flying off a suplex, only to get caught with some rolling neckbreakers for two. Briscoe is fine enough to knock him to the floor for a dropkick through the ropes as we take a break.

Back with a suplex sending both of them crashing over the top for a crash. They get back in where Briscoe hits a fisherman’s buster, followed by a sitout powerbomb for two. Briscoe slugs him into the corner but Garcia ducks a shot and rains down some right hands. A piledriver gives Garcia two and the Dragontamer goes on.

That’s broken up rather quickly as we have three minutes left in the time limit. Briscoe puts him down and hits the Froggy Bow for two. The Jay Driller connects but Garcia gets a foot on the rope. The Cutthroat Driver is loaded up but Garcia reverses into a rollup to retain at 18:15.

Rating: B. Briscoe’s pre-match promo was rather good and as usual he was showing that kind of fire that only he has. Garcia is starting to feel like someone who can hang at this level and giving him a clean win, even off a fluke rollup, is a good way to make that more realistic. Well done back and forth opener here and they both looked strong.

Respect is shown post match.

The Death Riders are unhappy with Jay White and Adam Copeland. Jon Moxley respects Copeland but Copeland shouldn’t go down this road.

We look at Jeff Jarrett saying he is coming for the World Title.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Aaron Solo

Solo jumps him to start but Jarrett is right back up with a pair of Strokes for the win at 1:30. That’s what it should have been.

We look at Ricochet going all violent on Dynamite.

Tag Team Titles: Private Party vs. Lio Rush/Action Andretti

Rush and Andretti are challenging. Kassidy ducks a shot from Rush to start and knocks Andretti off the apron as everything breaks down fast. Private Party clears the ring rather quickly but Quen gets suplexed onto the apron. We settle down to Andretti shouldering Kassidy in the corner and there’s a double suplex to drop him again.

We take a break and come back with Kassidy spinebustering his way out of the corner, allowing the diving tag off to Quen. Everything breaks down, with Quen being planted down on the floor. Kassidy is sat up top for Gin and Juice for two as Top Flight and Leila Grey appear in the front row to throw popcorn.

Quen is back in for a slugout and the quadruple clothesline leaves everyone down. The champs hit some dives and it’s a Twist Of Fate into a shooting star press for two on Rush with Andretti making the save. Back up and Andretti grabs a sunset flip with Rush holding on for more leverage, only for Dante Martin to break it up. Kassidy rolls Andretti up to retain at 13:44.

Rating: B-. Remember when the Tag Team Titles felt important? Private Party is far from a bad team, but they feel like they’re miles beneath the top of the division despite being champions for over two months. They need some bigger challengers, and while Top Flight might not be huge, they would be an upgrade over this.

We look at Darby Allin fighting against the Death Riders and it hasn’t been going well.

Cope doesn’t like Jon Moxley hiding the AEW World Title and saying no one wants to be champion. He wants to be champion and would wear the belt proudly. Chris Jericho comes in and Cope goes over their history together, with Jericho saying he doesn’t remember any of this. They’re in a six man tonight and with Cope gone, Jericho declares “Cope is a dope. Sick burn.” Cope talking about wanting to be champion is fine, but again, calling him Cope is just funny sounding.

Toni Storm vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Taya Valkyrie is here with Purrazzo and they fight over wrist control to start. They both bridge up but Storm is nice enough to shake hands upside down. Purrazzo is sent outside and Valkyrie offers a distraction, allowing Purrazzo to get in a baseball slide. We take a break and come back with Storm’s STF being broken. Taya’s distraction lets Purrazzo strike away but a DDT gives Storm two. Another distraction doesn’t work and Storm small packages Purrazzo for the pin at 9:21.

Rating: C. Storm’s rise continues, with commentary flat out asking if she has really lost her memory or if this is just an elaborate ruse. I’ll take that over what we have been getting around here, though as usual I’ll say that I like this Storm better than Timeless. The other one was great, but it has been around for a good while now. Let her have an actual run with this instead.

Hangman Page and Christopher Daniels get in a big argument over Daniels not helping Page. That has Page asking who Daniels has ever helped and what he’s done for wrestling. Daniels attacks him with a bunch of headbutts (drawing blood) and Page is beaten down.

The Acclaimed argued after their loss on Dynamite.

The Beast Mortos vs. Brian Cage vs. Komander vs. Dante Martin

Non-title but the winner gets $100,000. Everyone goes after Mortos to start before Cage is double teamed to the floor. Rather than fight each other, Martin and Komander hit stereo dives to take out the monsters on the floor. Back in and Komander snaps off a headscissors to send Mortos outside, setting up a heck of a dive.

Martin dives onto the other three but here are Lio Rush and Dante Martin to take both of them down. Cage comes back in to clean house and we take a break. Back with Mortos wrecking everyone before Cage has to cut Komander off again. Martin is taken out as well and Cage hits the apron superplex on Mortos (that was nice). Cage takes out Komander and gives Martin Weapon X for the pin at 9:39.

Rating: C+. I wouldn’t want to see this kind of a prize used on a regular basis, but I’ll take it over some vague notion of a title match possibly being in the cards for the winner. Cage thankfully didn’t pin Komander, who probably owes him a rematch for the title. For now though, nice enough use of about ten minutes.

The Rock N Roll Express is here with FTR but the Outrunners come in. The Express owes them gas money from Memphis in 1982 but only get an apology and handshakes instead. Ok points for a funny gag.

Rated FTR vs. The Learning Tree

Cope and Jericho start things off…and let’s go with Bill instead. Er, make that Keith, whose headlock doesn’t work as Cope dropkicks him instead. Cash comes in to work on the arm but it’s quickly back to Bill. The villains take over on Cash back inside and we take an early break.

Back with Cope coming in for the showdown with Jericho and they chop it out. Cope takes over but the Impaler is broken up, allowing Jericho to grab a rollup with feet on the ropes for two. Now the Impaler can connect but the spear is countered into a Codebreaker for two. Keith comes in to work on Cope in the corner, only for Cope to knock his way out of trouble. It’s back to Cash to hammer on Bill, with the PowerPlex into a top rope elbow giving Cope two.

Harwood brainbusters Jericho for two and grabs a Sharpshooter on Keith, only for Jericho to put Cash in the Walls. Schiavone: “What a Collision moment we’re seeing right here!” You uh, might want to get some more interesting standards there Tony. Bill is back in to clean house but Cope sends him outside for a dive. Back in and Harwood goes up, only for Keith to get in a belt shot to give Jericho two. The Shatter Machine into the spear finishes Jericho at 16:47.

Rating: B-. This was the longer former AEW six man tag and it worked well enough. What mattered here was Cope getting the pin, as he is seemingly now feuding with two champions at the same time. That might be a bit much or him but I’ll take it over what we’ve been seeing in the last few months.

Post match Cope grabs the mic and thanks the fans…but the Death Riders pop up on screen. They’ve bound and gagged the Rock N Roll Express and jump the Outrunners or trying to make a save. Rated FTR run to the back and get the Express loose, with the Express confirming that they weren’t hurt. So what was the point in tying them up then?

Overall Rating: C+. This was a two hour show that should have been one hour. You could easily cut out some of the stuff on here and have one heck of an hour long show, but instead it was all stretched out with more stuff being dded to fill in the run time. That really shouldn’t happen with a company as deep as AEW. Some of their stars are in Japan, but with the amount of people they have available, that shouldn’t be such an issue. Not a bad show, but dang it would have been better if it could have been cut in half.

Daniel Garcia b. Mark Briscoe – Rollup
Jeff Jarrett b. Aaron Solo – Stroke
Private Party b. Lio Rush/Action Andretti – Rollup to Andretti
Toni Storm b. Deonna Purrazzo – Small package
Brian Cage b. Dante Martin, Komander and The Beast Mortos – Weapon X to Martin
Rated FTR b. The Learning Tree – Spear to Jericho



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Dynamite – January 8, 2025: Something Positive

Date: January 8, 2025
Location: F&M Bank Arena, Clarksville, Tennessee
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Matt Menard, Excalibur

We’re slightly back to normal this week with the first regular show in a few weeks. The big story this week is the Casino Gauntlet, which will be used to set up Jon Moxley’s new challenger for next week. Other than that, we’re still building towards Revolution, Grand Slam and possibly even All In: Texas. Let’s get to it.

Buddy Murphy vs. Will Ospreay

Fallout from Ospreay beating Brody King in the Continental Classic. Feeling out process to start with Matthews powering him into the corner and hitting some chops in the corner. That’s broken up and Ospreay knocks him to the floor for the dive. Back in and Matthews knocks him back down for a knee and a near fall, meaning frustration starts to set in. Ospreay fights up with a kick to the head into the Phenomenal Forearm before sending him outside again.

They kick it out on the apron, where the Oscutter is broken up. Ospreay gets thrown face first onto the announcers’ table for a nasty crash but Matthews charges into a superkick. Back in and a springboard missile dropkick sets up the Oscutter for two. Matthews knees him in the head again and a stomp give him two of his own. Ospreay is back with the Styles Clash into the Hidden Blade for the pin at 12:12.

Rating: B. These guys beat the heck out of each other and it was the kind of a match that made me wonder where it was going. Ospreay wasn’t likely to lose here but dang they were having a good, hard hitting fight. Nice opener here and pretty much exactly what you would have expected.

Post match Ospreay asks for some love for Buddy “Murphy” before saying Matthews and Brody King don’t need a leader. Ospreay can see some success in their future and if Matthews ever needs a good man in his corner, let him know. That’s interesting.

Video on Wrestle Kingdom and Wrestle Dynasty.

Here is Private Party for a celebration but the Hurt Syndicate interrupts and walks past the velvet ropes. MVP proposes a toast: to the Syndicate winning the Tag Team Titles. My goodness Private Party could not feel less important.

Bobby Lashley vs. Mark Briscoe

MVP is on commentary. Lashley powers him into the corner to start bu Briscoe fights out with the Redneck Kung Fu. Briscoe goes up but dives into a suplex to send him outside. There’s a running shoulder to drop Briscoe again, setting up an overhead suplex. We take a break and come back with Briscoe striking away as the fight heads outside. A chair shot from underneath the ring hits Lashley (and sends MVP into hysterics), setting up a pair of flip dives. The Froggy Bow only gets one, and it’s a spear into a spinebuster into the Hurt Lock for the win at 10:09.

Rating: B-. This was a good way to make Lashley look like a monster while also keeping Briscoe looking strong enough. Lashley dominated but Briscoe kept fighting throughout, which made for a nice match. What matters here though is Lashley is getting the chance to look like a monster and he very well could be on his way to doing something big.

Post match the beatdown stays on until Private Party makes the save.

Casino Gauntlet Match

Unknown entrants, intervals that vary between entrants and the first fall gets a World Title shot next week. Jay White is in at #1 and Hangman Page is in at #2. They chop it out until Page runs him over with a shoulder for an early one. White sends him to the apron, where a Buckshot Lariat attempt is countered into a blocked Blade Runner attempt. A superplex brings Page down and it’s Wheeler Yuta in at #3.

Yuta immediately gets taken down with a Blade Runner for two but Page goes after White for two again. With the ring cleared, it’s….Ricochet in at #4, though he comes out to Swerve Strickland’s music to scare the heck out of Page. Ricochet cleans house and hits a dive to the floor as we take a break. Back with a tag match breaking out until Adam Cole is in at #5. Ricochet knocks him back but gets superkicked out of the air. A Panama Sunrise connects for two and it’s Daniel Garcia in at #6.

Garcia hammers away at a bunch of people in the corner at the same time before getting in a staredown with Yuta. Powerhouse Hobbs is in at #7 to send people flying (Menard: “Come on, we gotta be smarter than this guys!” and we take another break. Back again with Hobbs hitting Ricochet with a heck of a clothesline, followed by an easy slam to White. Hobbs’ knee is dropkicked out though and it’s Roderick Strong in at #8.

The Bladerunner connects for White but Yuta hits him low to break up the cover. Lance Archer is in at #9 to clean house before he and Hobbs throw Ricochet back and forth. They trade power moves until Kyle O’Reilly is in at #10. The big brawl is on and most of the people are down as Jeff Jarrett is in at #11….but Yuta jumps him from behind. They fight off to the back and it’s Hobbs planting O’Reilly with a spinebuster for the win at 25:51.

Rating: B-. This was a rather star heavy match for the most part and having Yuta in there to get beaten up was a nice touch. Hobbs winning is certainly a surprise and I’m curious to see where it’s going. It isn’t likely to lead to a title change, but at least it’s something rather new. The match wasn’t as good as some of the previous versions, but I do like having someone new getting a one off title match after a big win.

Post match Hobbs says we’re going to shoot and promises to make Jon Moxley his b**** next week (Renee Paquette is not pleased).

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring (he never actually got in) and doesn’t seem sure if he’s still got it…and here is MJF to interrupt. MJF introduces himself and explains why he wants the title back, but there are a bunch of people in the way. It’s a regular Dr. Seuss book of challengers but there is one person who can still go after the title. MJF lists off Jarrett’s resume, which he had to look up because it’s way too old for him. The reality is that Jarrett has signed a one year deal, which is all wrestling thinks he has left to give.

MJF thinks he can help Jarrett get the World Title and all he asks is the first title shot. The offer is made and Jarrett takes the mic. Jarrett says that people like MJF are called one hit wonders around here. The fans chant ONE HIT WONDER and Jarrett thinks that might be a nice t-shirt. Jarrett has a year left and knows that he is going to have to work, but he’ll be doing it alone. This went a good bit longer than it needed to, though I’ve heard worse ideas than Jarrett having one last run, possibly with a nice groundswell underneath him.

We look at Darby Allin being taken out (again) by the Death Riders (again).

Here is Cope for a chat. He talks about how Jon Moxley has attacked Darby Allin and how Moxley doesn’t think much of Cope himself. Cope talks about the injuries he has suffered in the ring, including winning a match with a broken (non-freakin) neck. So what can Moxley do to him that hasn’t been done before? Cue the Death Riders but FTR jump them from behind to even things up. Cue Marina Shafir with the briefcase though, allowing Pac to drop Cope. Moxley chokes Cope out and loads up the plastic bag, but Powerhouse Hobbs makes the save. The Death Riders looking strong you say?

Mariah May wants the women to fight to become the #1 contender. Harley Cameron storms in and asks for a match on Collision. They can even make it non title “hot girl graps”. Eventually the match is made, with Cameron threatening to make her feel the wrath. Hilarious again.

Toni Storm vs. Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

For the #1 spot in the Casino Gauntlet Match. Nightingale starts fast by knocking Statlander outside and giving Storm a spinebuster. Statlander is back in but Storm crossbodies them down. Nightingale catapults Storm head first into a low blow on Statlander and we take a break.

Back with Statlander and Nightingale having a slightly reluctant standoff. Storm breaks it up though and all three are down. Back up and a series of knockdowns sets up Nightingale German suplexing both of them at once. Nightingale is knocked outside though and Statlander hits Staturday Night Fever for the pin on Storm at 9:56.

Rating: C+. Storm taking a pin here wasn’t something I would have expected but what mattered the most was giving Statlander a win. At the same time, this doesn’t mean Storm won’t be in the match next week so this could just be a setback. The match wasn’t anything great, but I could go for any of these three being given a bigger push.

Post break, Toni Storm isn’t surprised she didn’t win because she’s not ready. It can’t be Toni Time all the time.

Here is Kenny Omega for his big return. After some applause, Omega talks about how he was diagnosed with diverticulitis a little over a year ago. They took two feet of his intestines out and if he hadn’t, he would be dead. Omega as immediately asking about when he would be able to get back in the ring. The doctor, who apparently called him Kenny Omega, wasn’t sure if he could ever even get back to a normal way of life.

That didn’t work for Omega, who came back to be this version of himself. Not worried about money or power but just being the best in the world. Cue Don Callis to interrupt but Omega isn’t having this and charges outside to beat Callis down. The Don Callis Family comes in to beat Omega down, including a shot to the abdomen. Will Ospreay makes the save and we get a very tense staredown to end the show. Omega and Ospreay as AEW’s version of the Mega Powers is good, but dealing with the Don Callis Family doesn’t help.

Overall Rating: B-. This wasn’t a bad show by any means and it did set up a few things going forward. The problem is that some of those things aren’t overly interesting. The Death Riders vs. Rated FTR isn’t doing much for me and anything involving the Don Callis Family has me wondering when it’s going to be over. I like Powerhouse Hobbs getting a title shot as his push is long overdue and Buddy Matthews might be on his way to a push of his own. For now, good enough show and I’m curious about where some of these things are going.

Will Ospreay b. Buddy Matthews – Hidden Blade
Bobby Lashley b. Mark Briscoe – Hurt Lock
Powerhouse Hobbs won the Casino Gauntlet Match – Spinebuster to O’Reilly
Kris Statlander b. Toni Storm and Willow Nightingale – Staturday Night Fever to Storm



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Dynamite – January 1, 2025: That’s How It Starts

Date: January 1, 2025
Location: Harrah’s Cherokee Center, Asheville, North Carolina
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re done with Worlds End but the bigger story here is the fact that the show is now simulcasting on Max, which should open things up to a far bigger audience. Therefore the show should be quite the big one, though we’re also on the way to Revolution in just over two months. Let’s get to it.

Here is Worlds End if you need a recap.

We have a new opening sequence, set to I’m So Excited by the Pointer Sisters, because when you think of cutting edge, you think of a song from 1982.

We run down the card.

Jon Moxley, with the Death Riders, talks about how he would rather have the World Title destroyed than letting it fall apart. He’s just different.

Adam Copeland and FTR are ready to fight the Death Riders.

Orange Cassidy vs. Hangman Page

Both of them miss their big shots to start so they trade shots to the face, with Page getting the better of things. Cassidy’s eyes are raked across the rope and a lariat sends him outside. Cassidy is sent hard into the barricade and taken back inside for a fall away slam into the corner. They go back outside for another fall away slam to Cassidy and we take a break.

Back with Cassidy rolling away from some Buckshot Lariat attempts, and sending him into some buckles. Back to back tornado DDTs get two but Page hits him in the face. The Buckshot Lariat is countered into the Beach Break for two, followed by a pair of Orange Punches. A third on the apron is shrugged off and Page hits the Buckshot Lariat for the pin at 12:35.

Rating: B-. That was a weird ending as Page just shrugged off three Orange Punches and beat Cassidy clean. I’m fine with the idea of pushing Page, but that’s not something you expect to see from Cassidy. Page getting back into a more serious mode is a good thing to see, though the fans are probably going to start cheering him sooner than later.

Post match Page hits a pair of Deadeyes before beating up Christopher Daniels for trying to make the save.

Jay White is ready to take out Wheeler Yuta next week and win the #1 spot in next week’s Casino Gauntlet this week.

Acclaimed vs. Hurt Syndicate

MVP is on commentary and we get an insert promo from the Acclaimed, who insist they don’t have any issues and need to get on the same page. Caster gets sent flying off a suplex to start and some shoulders to the ribs have him in even more trouble. Benjamin comes in and gets punched by Bowens, who doesn’t quite get along with Caster. Benjamin snaps off some German suplexes as Bowens walks away. The spear and a spinebuster into the Hurt Lock finishes Caster at 4:09.

Rating: C. This was much more about advancing a story rather than having the match, as the Acclaimed was wrecked here with Benjamin walking off. It wasn’t supposed to be anything more than that, with the Hurt Syndicate looking dominant. Now just split the Acclaimed up already rather than dragging it out for far too long.

Swerve Strickland is going to get back to the main event scene by winning the Casino Gauntlet tonight.

Jamie Hayter vs. Julia Hart

Hayter nips up out of an armbar to start and sens Hart into the corner for some running clotheslines. They head outside where Hayter pulls a dive out of the air, only to get dropped onto the steps as we take a break. Back with Hayter in trouble but avoiding a moonsault. Hart grabs Hartless but Hayter powers up into a fireman’s carry backbreaker. Hayter goes to the middle rope, where Hart sweeps the leg and Hayter crashes down hard. With nothing else working, Hart grabs an arrow, which is taken away (because it’s an actual weapon), allowing her to mist Hayter (despite the mist not really being visible) for the pin at 9:55.

Rating: C-. Not exactly a good return for Hart here, as the match was just kind of all over the place before she used the mist to win. Hayter wasn’t that much better, as she continues to feel like she is just kind of there since her return. Maybe it’s the new gear or something, but she really hasn’t clicked in the last few months. The match wasn’t much to see, as they just kind of did stuff until the finish.

Video on Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher.

We look at Kenny Omega returning at Worlds End.

Here is Mercedes Mone to brag about her success and wish herself a happy new year. She gives us a video about herself and says she’s coming for the Rev Pro Women’s Title against Mina Shirakawa at Wrestle Dynasty. Mone continues to feel flat and I don’t see giving her a potential third belt fixing that.

The Undisputed Kingdom is back and rather pleased.

Roderick Strong vs. Swerve Strickland vs. Jay White

Swerve starts fast and knocks Strong to the floor for the big flip dive. Back in and Swerve drops White for a shot to the back and some dancing, only for White to grab a double DDT. Swerve is sent outside, leaving White to get caught with a backbreaker. White is tossed onto Swerve and we take a break.

Back with Swerve powerbombing Strong into White in the corner and powerbombing White for two. Swerve stomps strong but has to get out of the Blade Runner. They all head outside, where Swerve kicks White in the face, only to have Ricochet come up and hit Swerve in the head with some golden scissors. Back in and the Blade Runner gives White the pin on Strong at 10:30.

Rating: C+. There was a lot going on here, with Ricochet STABBING Swerve being the biggest thing. They might have been better off doing White vs. Strong as a singles match and then done the angle elsewhere. Other than that, I do like White getting the win, as he’s still close enough to the title to be worth an attempt.

Post match Swerve is busted open so Ricochet goes after the cut, with the blood getting on his white shirt. Swerve is sat in a chair in the ring for the Spirit Gun. The Undisputed Kingdom finally comes in to chase Ricochet off.

Jeff Jarrett has a big announcement and his friends say they have his back no matter what. Karen Jarrett comes in to say she needed a minute. She talks about how the business has almost torn them apart, but she’s with him. Jeff holds up his boots and teases retirement.

Mariah May brags about how awesome she is.

Here is Jeff Jarrett to put his boots in the ring. He talks about how he has been around for a long time and that means it is time to start thinking about wrapping things up. Jeff talks about his family’s history in wrestling and how much the Jarretts have meant. Then in 2002 he started his own promotion by betting on himself and is proud of what it became.

That brings him to now though….and no he isn’t done! He’s signed his last talent contract and now his new year’s resolution is to become the World Champion, so put him in the Casino Gauntlet. I’m not sure I’d bet on that, but I’ll take Jarrett having a nice promo over QT Marshall interrupting him.

We look at Christian Cage hurting Hook’s hand.

Hook swears revenge and the match is made for January 15.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jon Cruz/Rob Killjoy

Powerslams and spinebusters abound with Hobbs getting a double pin at 1:15. That worked.

The Learning Tree makes it clear that Chris Jericho isn’t here tonight. Then they trade insults with Rated FTR and a six man seems to be set. Jericho and Copeland interacting is not the most thrilling idea.

At Worlds End, MJF laughs at the idea of Adam Cole taking that may people to beat him up. That’s it for him and Cole though and now he wants the World Title back. He doesn’t care what Moxley does with the company because all he wants is his belt. The Devil gets his due in 2025. I like that they’re setting up people wanting to go after the title, though MJF vs. Moxley could make my head spin.

Death Riders vs. Rated FTR

Adam Copeland’s name is now officially “Cope”, which is so weird it’s oddly hilarious. Cash and Yuta start things off but it’s quickly off to Castagnoli to trade shoulders with Cope. They head to the floor where Shafir posts Cope and we take a break. Back with ope fighting out of trouble and handing it back to Cash to clean house. Everything breaks down and Harwood hits a belly to back superplex for a delayed two on Yuta. Castagnoli hits a Jackhammer into Yuta’s frog splash for two on Harwood and we take a break.

Back with Cope coming in to slug it out with Moxley, setting up the Impaler. They fight into the crowd before coming back, where Cope is crotched against the post to break up the spear. Cue Jay White to Blade Runner Yuta as Cope backdrops Moxley onto the announcers’ table. Cope knocks Moxley through the barricade and it’s the Shatter Machine into the spear to pin Yuta at 18:40.

Rating: B-. The match was good enough but my goodness the man’s name is now “Cope”. That’s all I could focus on for most of the match as it’s just such a dumb sounding name. Adam Copeland isn’t a great wrestling name but “Cope” is just…something. The match itself did what it needed to do and Cope(land) is probably going to get a shot sooner than later and for now they did a nice job of setting it up.

Overall Rating: B-. I did like the show overall, though there is still a lot going on with any given show. It feels like there are all kinds of things taking place on the show at any given time and some of them feel like they could be cut off, or at least slowed down, without missing much. They did a good job of setting up the Casino Gauntlet match and had a lot of energy coming off of the pay per view, but stuff like Cope and I’m So Excited just feel like they’re trying to be too cute. Overall, a good enough show, but not exactly a game changer.

Hangman Page b. Orange Cassidy – Buckshot Lariat
Hurt Syndicate b. Acclaimed – Hurt Lock to Caster
Julia Hart b. Jamie Hayter – Mist to the face
Jay White b. Swerve Strickland and Roderick Strong – Blade Runner to Strong
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Rob Killjoy/Jon Cruz – Double pin
Rated FTR b. Death Riders – Spear to Yuta



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Rampage – December 27, 2024 (Series Finale): And That’s A Wrap

Date: December 27, 2024
Location: Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City, New York
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Matt Menard, Tony Schiavone

It seems to be the last episode of the show and that means…well pretty much nothing, as there is nothing out of the ordinary announced for the show. It’s also the last show before tomorrow’s Worlds End event and that means we should be getting one big final push towards the pay per view. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Chris Jericho vs. Anthony Bowens

Non-title and Big Bill and Max Caster are here too. Jericho mocks the scissoring to start and Bowens elbows away but Caster gets on the apron to pose, with Bowens shoving him away. A belly to back suplex lets Jericho chop away in the corner but the bulldog is shoved off. Bowens wins a chop off and hits a spinning hanging DDT for two. A quick Liontamer has Bowens in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Bowens finally making the rope and hitting a Fameasser for two. Jericho gets thrown outside so Bowens can dive onto both villains at once. Cue Bryan Keith for a failed distraction, allowing Caster to come in for Scissor Me Timbers. A superkick gives Bowens two but Caster and Keith come in with the ROH title. That means a tug of war with Caster accidentally hitting Bowens in the face with the belt to give Jericho the pin at 10:10.

Rating: C+. This was Bowens’ first big singles match and while he held his own, it was also about the issue with Caster at the end rather than the match itself. The Acclaimed seems to be on the way to a split and that might be best for everyone involved. The team seems to be out of steam and Bowens has shown potential before. He did it again here as he was fine enough on his own, with the fans seemingly rather invested in him.

Video on Private Party going through the streets of New York on their way to the arena.

Private Party vs. Alec Price/Leo Sparrow

Non-title. Gin and Juice finishes Price at 1:01. Just a quick squash for the hometown champs.

Post match Lio Rush/Action Andretti run in for the brawl, with Top Flight joining in.

Powerhouse Hobbs is ready to take the International Title from Konosuke Takeshita.

Thunder Rosa vs. Leila Grey

They go with the grappling to start until Grey takes her down. That’s reversed into a chinlock before a basement clothesline gives Rosa two. Grey fights up and strikes away, with a basement dropkick connecting for two of her own. We take a break and come back with Rosa hitting a running shot in the corner, setting up a slingshot dropkick. A Side Effect gives Grey two more but Rosa stomps her in the back, shouts YOU CAN’T KILL ME, and grabs a seated cobra clutch for the tap at 7:49.

Rating: C+. This was a way to get Rosa warmed up for her title shot on Saturday against someone who is a bit better than the usual cannon fodder. Rosa turned on the jets at the end here and it made for a nice showcase. I’m not sure if Rosa is going to win the title but at least she’s getting a strong build on the way there.

Worlds End rundown.

Hook vs. Nick Wayne

The Patriarchy is here with Wayne, who jumps Hook in the corner to start. That doesn’t work for Hook, who sends him into the same corner and hammers away. A snapmare into a quick legdrop gives Wayne two but Hook backdrops him out to the floor. Wayne sends him into the steps, where the Patriarchy can smash Hook’s bad hand. The referee tosses the rest of the villains though and we take a break.

Back with the cast having been removed from Hook’s hand so Wayne can stomp on the bare hand. Hook snaps off a suplex but Wayne goes to the hand to block another one. They go to the apron where Wayne goes after the hand again, only to get German suplexed down. Since it’s just a German suplex onto the apron, Wayne pops up and knocks him down, setting up a frog splash for two. Wayne mocks Taz’s pose and is promptly dropped with a clothesline. The Patriarchy comes back out but Hacksaw Shibata chases them off with a 2×4. Wayne’s World is loaded up but Hook pulls him into Redrum for the tap at 12:29.

Rating: B-. This made Hook look good as he continues his way towards Christian Cage. That’s all you need for a match like this, as he got to smash through another of Cage’s minions. Wayne losing isn’t going to hurt his status as this is all about Cage, and that match can be set up later on.

The Death Riders have attacked Darby Allin. They Pillmanize his neck and kick him down some stairs, which eels like a normal Friday night for him.

Here are the Death Riders with a chair for an in-ring chat. Jon Moxley thinks the fans booing him really hate themselves and there are a lot of people who don’t like the things that he does. If anyone has a problem with what he and the Death Riders do, come out here and tell him to his face. Cue Komander, who is promptly beaten down. Top Flight gets the same treatment so here are Willow Nightingale and Orange Cassidy. Jay White and Hangman Page run in for the big brawl.

The locker room clears out and we have an even bigger brawl. The Death Riders escape and destroy the tech equipment, leaving the arena mostly dark. Riccaboni: “This is a preview of what we will see at Worlds End.” You might not want to say that the pay per view is “pretty much nothing” Ian. We go to the tech truck where Moxley officially ends the show. So yes, the Death Riders have killed off an AEW program.

Overall Rating: B-. It was certainly a unique way to wrap up a show and it came after a pretty decent Rampage. The action was good enough and while it had a VERY New York heavy theme, it was an hour of wrestling that went by quickly and gave us a big closing segment to wrap things up before the pay per view. Nothing worth going out of your way to see here, but it could have been worse.

So that’s it for Rampage and…yeah it was time to go. At the end of the day, the show regularly had good action, but it was rarely anything that needed to be seen. If nothing else, I’m glad that we’re getting a night off from Tony Khan produced wrestling. Having it on four straight nights a week was getting to be too much so having a bit of time off might help. It wasn’t a bad show at all, but it didn’t feel important a lot of the time and that made for some long Friday nights.

Chris Jericho b. Anthony Bowens – Belt shot from Max Caster
Private Party b. Alec Price/Leo Sparrow – Gin and Juice to Price
Thunder Rosa b. Leila Grey – Seated cobra clutch
Hook b. Nick Wayne – Redrum



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Dynamite – December 18, 2024: The Seven Days Of Christmas

Date: December 18, 2024
Location: Entertainment & Sports Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re coming up on the end of the Continental Classic and that means it is time to get in some more matches this week. In this case it’s the Holiday Bash special, which may or may not actually have all that much in the way of being special. Other than that, we are coming up on Worlds End and that means the show needs to be set up. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Jay White isn’t sure about relying on Hangman Page tonight and here is Page to shove aside White and Orange Cassidy to say Jon Moxley belongs to him tonight.

Darby Allin says it’s showtime.

Will Ospreay says we’re in for a dream match with Allin.

We get a quick card rundown.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Anna Jay

Mone is defending and slaps Jay in the face to start, meaning it’s time to bail up against the ropes. Back up and Jay slaps her in the face, only to get caught in Three Amigos. The frog splash misses though and Jay gets two but Mone is back with a running Meteora for two. Mone chokes away a bit and we take a break.

Back with Jay hitting a Blockbuster for two and a running spinwheel kick in the corner sets up an Iconoclasm for the same. The Queenslayer is broken up with a bite to Jay’s arm and Mone gets the Statement Maker. That’s broken up and Money hits a sunset bomb into the corner. Another Meteora sets up the Mone Maker to retain the title at 10:07.

Rating: C+. Yeah Anna Jay lost a big match. I’m as shocked as you are. This is what happens with Jay, in that she gets a bit of momentum (she went to Japan you know) and then loses the match that matters. I’m sure she’ll start the same cycle again and we’ll do this one more time because it never changes, much like it being hard to get invested in the idea that she’s actually going to win something.

FTR has no issues with the Death Riders (despite the beating and kidnapping) but they’re out for the rest of the year. They’ll be back on January 1 to fight the Death Riders and they’re not coming alone. Perhaps with Adam Copeland in his new hometown of Asheville?

Here is MJF for a chat. He complains about the fans’ opinions and mocks the Washington Wizards basketball team (which the fans agree with) before promoting Hanukkah over Christmas. Fans: “SANTA!” MJF says Hanukkah is all about giving so he has started a charity. We see a fake Adam Cole photo and a QR code to order Worlds End. If you get the show, a portion of your purchase will go towards MJF taking care of this tiny little yellow bay-bay. You can thank him later for that but here is Cole on the screen.

Cole had a meeting with Tony Khan and if MJF wants his Dynamite Diamond Ring back, he has to deal with the Undisputed Kingdom. Then Cole pops up in the ring to superkick MJF, who bails before the Panama Sunrise. Remember when the doctored photos were a staple of badly written Vince McMahon WWE TV? It’s still bad here.

Jamie Hayter wants Julia Hart at Fight For The Fallen.

Video on Kenny Omega, who will be back soon.

Patriarchy vs. Katsuyori Shibata/Hook

Wayne goes after Hook’s bad arm to start but it’s quickly off to Shibata vs. Cage. Some chops have Cage in trouble so Hook comes in to backdrop him over the top and onto Wayne. Back in and Hook tries the Redrum but Cage snaps his bad arm over the top for a quick save.

We take a break and come back with Wayne kicking Hook in the face but Hook manages a suplex. Shibata comes back in to clean house, including back to back STO’s. Wayne dives into the sleeper but Mother Wayne offers a distraction. The Killswitch drops Shibata and Nick gets the pin at 11:45.

Rating: C. Not much to this one as Hook feels like such a side story for Christian as we (continue to) wait on him to cash in his title shot. I’m not sure if he’s going to win the title or not but it feels like he’s had that stupid contract forever. Shibata losing to Wayne likely sets up a singles match between the two of them and that isn’t exactly exciting either.

Chris Jericho goes to New York and claims to be the king of the city. And yes, this really is the best thing they have for a World Title match at the biggest ROH show of the year.

Bandido video, minus the old west motif.

Mariah May isn’t sure why Thunder Rosa is a wrestler but sure they can have a Tijuana street fight.

Here is Ricochet for a chat but before he can get very far, here is the Hurt Syndicate to interrupt. Ricochet praises their fashion sense and hopes that the team has noticed his success lately. Bobby Lashley grabs him by the throat and MVP says no one likes a kiss a**.

Continental Classic Blue League: Shelton Benjamin (6 points) vs. The Beast Mortos (0 points)

MVP is on commentary. Benjamin slams him down to start but Mortos snaps off a running headscissors. Mortos pulls him down and twists the leg but a rope walk is broken up with a knee to the floor. We take a break and come back with Mortos planting him for two as MVP talks about Benjamin having a recent knee procedure. A corkscrew Swanton gives Mortos two but Benjamin is right back with a running powerslam. Benjamin superkicks him down and starts throwing the suplexes. Some running knees in the corner set up the exploder to give Benjamin the pin at 8:49

Rating: C+. I wasn’t feeling this one and the ending felt flat, with Benjamin just hitting Mortos over and over to win. Benjamin has looked great since coming to AEW and I could go for seeing him make the pay per view part of the tournament. As for Mortos…egads it would be nice to see him actually win something.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 7 points (1 match remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 6 points (1 match remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 4 points (2 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (1 match remaining)

Post match the Hurt Syndicate beats up Mortos and MVP threatens Daniel Garcia. Cue Garcia, with Mark Briscoe following, for the brawl. The Hurt Syndicate beats them all down and Benjamin poses with the TNT Title.

We recap the weekend in the Continental Classic.

Ricochet is ready for Will Ospreay this weekend but Swerve Strickland interrupts. Swerve is ready for the same old Trevor to pop up but Ricochet promises to win the Continental Classic.

Toni Storm sits down with RJ City and still can’t believe she’s here. And no she doesn’t remember anything she’s done in AEW. She does however remember Saraya, who hadn’t debuted when she first got here.

Continental Classic Gold League: Will Ospreay (6 points) vs. Darby Allin (3 points)

Ospreay misses a chop up against the ropes to start and has to flip out of the high angle springboard armdrag. Allin gets the feet up in the corner but an elbow to the face knocks him outside. Back up and Allin drops him again, only to miss the Coffin Drop to the apron. We take a break and come back with Allin hitting a flipping Stunner but his back is banged up. Ospreay is back with a Cheeky Nandos and a Hidden Blade but Stormbreaker is countered into a Code Red to give Allin two.

They strike it out with Ospreay getting the better of things but the Oscutter is countered. A springboard Coffin Drop gives Allin two and they’re both down again. They go to the apron and Ospreay hits a Styles Clash to the floor but bangs up his knee on the landing. Naturally Allin beats the count back in but the Oscutter connects for two. Allin flips away again and hits a Scorpion Death Drop, setting up a pair of Coffin Drops for the pin at 14:40.

Rating: B. It was a hard hitting fight with Allin fighting from beneath and getting the fans behind him, but dang Ospreay losing again feels disappointing. It feels like that’s been the case far too often lately and that’s not a good thing to see. At least Allin isn’t losing again so soon after going after the Death Riders at Full Gear, but he hasn’t done much about it since then. Anyway, fun match, but Ospreay being a superhero again would be nice.

Gold League Standings

Darby Allin – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Will Ospreay – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Death Riders vs. Jay White/Hangman Page/Orange Cassidy

Cassidy and Yuta slug it out to start with Cassidy sending him to the floor for a springboard corkscrew dive. Back in and Moxley’s piledriver attempt is countered into a backdrop and it’s off to Page, who wants Moxley. Instead White tags himself in but can’t give Moxley a Blade Runner. A piledriver drops White and we take an early break.

Back with Page having walked out and Cassidy down on the floor, leaving White alone for the moment. Pac grabs a slingshot cutter but White is back with a suplex. Cassidy gets up for a top rope DDT to Moxley and fires off some kicks. A spinning DDT plants Moxley but Yuta and White come back in to trade suplexes. Cassidy’s Orange Punch is countered into a cutter from Moxley but Page is back. Cassidy cuts off the Buckshot Lariat and gets sent into Page before grabbing a Stundog Millionaire to Yuta. The Buckshot Lariat hits Yuta and White gives Pac the Blade Runner. Then Moxley rolls Cassidy up for the pin at 11:59.

Rating: B-. And of course the Death Riders outsmart our heroes again, showing that they are not only tougher, but smarter. The theme continues to be “the Death Riders, and especially Moxley, are just better” and that doesn’t make me want to see the heroes win. I get the idea of the good guys can’t get along to stop Moxley, but shouldn’t the idea be more that one of them CAN beat him? I haven’t seen much evidence to suggest that.

Post match the bickering is on so the Death Riders try to jump the good guys, only to be chased off to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I wasn’t feeling a lot of this show but it did get better as it went on. The Death Riders still aren’t interesting and the Continental Classic is starting to wear out its welcome. The show wasn’t bad by any means but I’m only somewhat interested in Words End. As has been the case for far too long in AEW, nothing is really jumping off the page at me and that’s becoming an issue. It needs something to spice it up a bit and Jon Moxley being brilliant and tough isn’t it so far.

Mercedes Mone b. Anna Jay – Mone Maker
Patriarchy b. Katsuyori Shibata/Hook – Killswitch to Shibata
Shelton Benjamin b. The Beast Mortos – Exploder
Darby Allin b. Will Ospreay – Coffin Drop
Death Riders b. Jay White/Hangman Page/Orange Cassidy – Rollup to Cassidy



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Collision – December 14, 2024: This Was Collision

Date: December 14, 2024
Location: Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

The road to Worlds End continues and that means we are going to be seeing more of the Continental Classic. Odds are that means some good action and if the trend continues, it will be more than enough to carry the show. The rest of the pay per view could use some attention as well so hopefully this show finds a good balance. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Claudio Castagnoli attacking Will Ospreay on Dynamite with Darby Allin making the save.

Allin asks Ospreay to help him fight the Death Riders but Ospreay is more focused on the Continental Classic. After it’s over, we’ll see.

The people involved in tonight’s Continental Classic matches are ready.

International Women’s Cup Qualifying Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Jamie Hayter

They go technical to start with neither getting very far. Hayter’s running shoulder doesn’t get her very far so Nightingale runs her over with a shoulder. Neither of them can get a backslide so they chop/slug it out instead to fire things up a bit. They go to the apron where Hayter gets in a DDT but Nightingale is right back up with a cannonball off said apron.

We take a break and come back with Hayter grabbing a superplex, followed by a basement lariat for two. Back up and they trade clotheslines for no impact so they trade big boots for a double knockdown. Nightingale’s torture rack backbreaker sets up a Lionsault (and a good one at that) for two. Hayter is back up with an Irish Curse for two but Nightingale muscles her up with the Babe With The Powerbomb for the pin at 12:08.

Rating: B. These two were beating the fire out of each other and that’s what you want from a hoss fight like this one. It’s nice to see Nightingale get a win, but at the same time I’m not sure if I would have had Hayter lose here. It’s a case where Nightingale could have beaten just about anyone to get this spot but Hayter takes the loss. Anyway, rather good match with two hard hitters.

Respect is shown post match. Nightingale leaves and here is Julia Hart to take Hayter out.

Video on the Continental Classic.

Continental Classic Blue League: Kazuchika Okada (4 points) vs. The Beast Mortos (0 points)

Non-title. Okada takes him up against the ropes to start and slaps him on the chest before Mortos hits a hard running shoulder. The snap powerslam out of the plants Okada and Mortos sends him outside, setting up the big flip dive. Mortos misses a charge into the steps though and we take a break.

Back with Mortos hitting the reverse Sling Blade as the fans certainly seem to approve. A trio of backbreakers give Mortos two but Okada is right back with a flapjack. They strike it out until Mortos hits a headbutt for the double knockdown. Okada is back up with a slam into the top rope elbow but the Rainmaker is countered into a discus lariat. Mortos’ Samoan drop gets two but he misses a twisting Swanton. Back up and Okada hits the dropkick and the Rainmaker finishes Mortos at 12:42.

Rating: B-. At this point, I’m just hoping Mortos gets a win for the sake of not squandering the reactions he’s receiving. I get that you can’t have him beat Okada (certainly after Okada just lost) but Mortos needs to do more than squash a jobber on Rampage. The match was pretty good with Okada being able to have a passable match in his sleep, but it felt more like a countdown to the Rainmaker more than anything else.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (2 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 7 points (1 match remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 4 points (2 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

We look at Toni Storm returning on Dynamite, now without being Timeless.

Toni Storm vs. Shazza McKenzie

Storm shoulders her down to start and grabs a backbreaker but McKenzie gets two off a backslide. A German suplex drops McKenzie though and a running hip attack in the corner sets up Storm Zero for the quick pin.

Post match Storm officially declares herself All Elite. They wouldn’t do like, an amnesia deal….right?

Mariah May is ready to do whatever she has to do to keep the title, including to Thunder Rosa.

Thunder Rosa is ready for Mariah May anytime, but Toni Storm comes in to introduce herself. And she’s excited to meet Tony Schiavone. With that out of the way, Rosa issues the challenge for Worlds End in a street fight. More importantly though, yes they really do seem to be going with “she has amnesia.

Video on Darby Allin vs. Will Ospreay next week on Dynamite.

Top Flight vs. Action Andretti/Lio Rush

For a Tag Team Title shot and Leila Grey is here with Top Flight. Dante and Rush start things off with Dante grabbing an early rollup for two. Darius and Andretti come in for an exchange of rollups before Darius sends Rush into the corner. Everything breaks down and Top Flight are kicked out to the floor and we take a break.

Back with a rather choreographed sequence of flips and counters until Darius DDTs Rush for two. A double suplex gets two on Darius and Rush’s dodging sets up a clothesline to Dante. Some dives to the floor take Grey out and everyone is worried. Back in and the Final Hour into the springboard 450 pins Darius at 10:45.

Rating: B-. It was a fun match, though you might not care for the sequences that felt like they were carefully planned out backstage. At the same time, it’s hard to fathom that Rush and Andretti are getting a title shot when AEW has this may other teams who haven’t gotten a shot on a major stage. Like Top Flight.

Kris Statlander vs. Tootie Lynn

They trade kicks to start until Statlander grabs a rather delayed suplex for two. A hurricanrana out of the corner puts Statlander down but a clothesline into Staturday Night Fever finishes Lynn at 1:50.

Dustin Rhodes is ready to beat up the Righteous at Final Battle. He doesn’t mention his partner.

Outrunners/Orange Cassidy/Daniel Garcia/Komander vs. Premiere Athletes/MxM Collection

Woods takes Garcia up to the apron to start and mocks his dancing, which can’t be a good idea. Garcia takes him down for the cradle, setting up the real dancing. Cassidy comes in to stomp on Nese, who blocks the Stundog Millionaire. The Collection comes in to take Komander down and strike a pose as we take a break. Back with Komander getting powerbombed as everything breaks down. Garcia gets in a shot on the floor and Komander hits the rope run flip dive. The Orange Punch finishes Woods at 8:49.

Rating: C+. Well that happened. It had ten people involved with a good chunk of the match spent during the break. You can only get so far on a match like that, especially with that many people involved. I’m not sure why Cassidy was involved here but the fans liked him so this could have been worse.

Don Callis wants revenge on Mark Davis and Powerhouse Hobbs. That’s why it’s Hobbs vs. Konosuke Takeshita at Worlds End.

Continental Classic Blue League: Mark Briscoe (3 points) vs. Kyle Fletcher (9 points)

They take their time to start and Fletcher goes outside for an early breather. Back in and Fletcher takes him down into a headlock before a hard stomp wakes Briscoe up. Briscoe fights to his feet and knocks him to the floor for some running flip dives. Fletcher is back in to kick Briscoe outside but Briscoe is right back up for the apron Blockbuster.

A backdrop on the floor gets Fletcher out of trouble and he hits a running dive over the barricade to drop Briscoe again. Briscoe drops him right back though and we take a break. Back with Briscoe hammering away and grabbing a high collar suplex, followed by a fisherman’s buster for two. A clothesline into a basement clothesline has Fletcher down but he avoids the Froggy Bow.

Fletcher gets two off a Michinoku driver but Briscoe slips out of a powerbomb and they strike it out. The Cutthroat Driver is blocked, only for Fletcher to get caught using the ropes on a rollup. Back up and Briscoe catches him in the corner for the Cutthroat Driver, setting up a Froggy Bow to a standing Fletcher on the floor. The regular Froggy Bow gets two back inside and after blocking a low blow, the Jay Driller finishes Fletcher at 19:44.

Rating: B. They were teasing the time limit running out near the end and it made for some nice drama. Briscoe winning is a surprise, especially over Fletcher, who has been on the biggest roll so far in the tournament. For now though, it gives Briscoe some much needed life and that could make things a bit more interesting for the last week.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (1 match remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 7 points (1 match remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 6 points (1 match remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 4 points (2 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

The Death Riders jump and kidnap FTR.

Overall Rating: B-. As usual, it’s a perfectly good show which would have been that much better if they cut it down to an hour or just past an hour. Throw in Storm seemingly having amnesia and the kind of weird choice for new #1 contenders to the Tag Team Titles and there were a few odd choices here. In other words, it was all about the Continental Classic and that helped things out more than anything else.

Willow Nightingale b. Jamie Hayter – Babe With The Powerbomb
Kazuchika Okada b. The Beast Mortos – Rainmaker
Toni Storm b. Shazza McKenzie – Storm Zero
Action Andretti/Lio Rush b. Top Flight – Springboard 450 to Darius
Outrunners/Orange Cassidy/Daniel Garcia/Komander b. Premiere Athletes/MxM Collection – Orange Punch to Woods
Mark Briscoe b. Kyle Fletcher – Jay Driller



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Collision – December 7, 2024: Just One

Date: December 7, 2024
Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

As has been the case for the last few shows, we’re in for a big focus on the Continental Classic. That should be enough to carry a lot of the show, but we are also three weeks away from Worlds End and that show is going to need some build of its own. Odds are we get some of that here so let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the Continental Classic.

Continental Classic Gold League: Darby Allin (0 points) vs. Komander (0 points)

Komander armdrags him out of the corner to start but gets reversed into a headlock. A rollup gives Allin two and he slows things down with a chinlock. Komander gets up and walks the ropes before springboarding off of them, only for his armdrag to be blocked. Allin gets sent to the floor though and a big dive takes him down. Back in and a phoenix splash gives Komander two, setting up a nice superkick to the floor. Allin fights back and puts him in a chair, only for the running flip dive to only hit said chair.

We take a break and come back with Allin hitting a Code Red for two and they’re both down. Allin goes up but gets super Spanish Flied back down. With the high flying not working, Allin goes with a more violent back rake instead, setting up a Coffin Drop with Komander draped over the top. Komander is right back with a poisonrana on the apron but Cielito Lindo takes too long. That’s enough for Allin to tie up the legs for a rollup and the pin at 13:11.

Rating: B-. Well, they ha to get Allin on the board and who better than Komander to take the loss? At the end of the day, Komander is mainly there to make others look good and he is doing a nice job of doing so. Allin needs to make a run in this thing, as once it’s over, there is a good chance he is getting into the World Title picture again.

Gold League Standings

Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Will Ospreay – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita are interrupted by Powerhouse Hobbs. He gets straight to the point by saying he wants an International Title match. Callis says Hobbs deserves a shot but he’ll get back to him later.

International Women’s Cup Qualifier Tournament Semifinals: Willow Nightingale vs. Serena Deeb

Deeb goes after the arm to start and takes her down, only to get run over with a shoulder. They trade rollups for two each until Nightingale gets a fisherman’s suplex for two. Deeb sends her outside in a heap though and we take a break. Back with Nightingale hitting some clotheslines but the Babe With The Powerbomb is blocked. A hammerlock lariat gives Deeb two but the Deebtox is blocked as well. Nightingale misses a Cannonball and the Deebtox connects to give two. That just earns Deeb the Pounce and the Babe With The Powerbomb finishes for Nightingale at 10:04.

Rating: C+. I still have no idea why this needs to be a tournament but at least they’re getting to the point fairly quickly. Nightingale getting a win here could help send her on to Japan but Jamie Hayter is a tough out in the finals. For now though, nice match, as Deeb can make anyone look good out there and it’s not like Nightingale needs that much help.

Thunder Rosa wants the next Women’s Title match and reads some insults about Mariah May off a piece of paper.

We look at Jay White, Orange Cassidy and Hangman Page beating up Jon Moxley with Christian Cage hovering around.

Here are the Death Riders for a chat. Jon Moxley talks about how no one in this building wants to be AEW World Champion. Some people might think they do, but the responsibilities would crush them. People like Jay White wants to be champion but doesn’t get what it takes. Hangman Page will crush himself before he gets close to another title reign.

Then we have Orange Cassidy, who has already come up short. Cue Cassidy to say he can live without ever being champion but he can’t live with Moxley being champion. The only way Moxley can stop him is to kill him and Cassidy takes his jacket off. The beatdown is quickly on and Cassidy is carried to the back as we take a break. Well at least they only beat up one person this week.

FTR talks about how they’re going to fight for hurricane relief in Asheville, North Carolina…but we cut over to the Death Riders attempting to spray some kind of cleaning fluid in Orange Cassidy’s mouth. FTR makes the save but things don’t get violent. FTR getting involved in this is at least something fresh so I can go for this.

Continental Classic Blue League: Kyle Fletcher (6 points) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4 points)

Non-title. Fletcher works on the arm to start and snapmares him into a chinlock. The fans aren’t pleased, as we are somehow seeing Okada as the crowd favorite. Fletcher grinds away on a headlock, with McGuinness saying he’s won a bunch of matches with a headlock. McGuinness: “One guy gave up during the instructions.” Eh funnier when Bobby Heenan said it thirty five years ago.

Okada fights up and they head to the floor for a DDT to Fletcher. Back in and Fletcher hits a hanging DDT (as the Randy Orton comparisons continue) to send us to a break. We come back with Okada fighting out of a chinlock but Fletcher knees him down. Okada is back with a kick to the head and a quickly broken cobra clutch. Instead Okada settles for a flapjack and the air raid crash onto the knee.

The top rope elbow and the dropkick sends Fletcher to the floor. The Tombstone on the floor is countered into a half and half suplex, followed by a sitout powerbomb for two on Okada back inside. A non-wind up Rainmaker connects but the regular version is cut off by a superkick. The referee almost gets bumped in the corner and it’s a low blow into the brainbuster to give Fletcher the win at 16:58.

Rating: B. The ending might seem a bit lame but you don’t want Okada to lose a clean fall. At the same time, like him or not, they are trying with Fletcher and that is a good thing. AEW needs some fresh stars and if they think Fletcher can be the guy, points for trying to push him as such. The best way to make that happen is with a string of wins and he’s certainly putting those together.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (2 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 4 points (3 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 4 points (2 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (3 matches remaining)

There will be a special on-sale event for All In Texas this Monday.

Winter Is Coming is coming.

The Beast Mortos vs. Aaron Solo

Mortos jumps him, shrugs off a kick to the head, hits a powerbomb backbreaker and finishes with a discus lariat at 58 seconds.

Top Flight, with Leila Grey, isn’t happy with Lio Rush and Action Andretti in the tag team battle royal. Rush says it’s time for he and Andretti to go after the Tag Team Titles because Top Flight keeps losing. It’s time to settle this in the ring.

Mina Shirakawa vs. Emi Sakura

Sakura jumps her to start and hits some chops against the ropes. Shirakawa fights up and takes her down for some kicks but has to slip away. That means a bit of dancing, which only annoys Sakura. A bite to the hand has Shirakawa down and we take an early break. Back with Shirakawa fighting out of a chinlock and hitting a springboard kick to the face for two.

The Glamorous Driver is broken up so Sakura is back up with a rather delayed butterfly backbreaker as Thunder Rosa is watching from ringside. Sakura is back with a middle rope sling blade for two before diving over the referee to hit a splash. A top rope Sling Blade finishes Sakura at 9:51.

Rating: B-. That’s all it should have been as Shirakawa is coming up on the Women’s Title shot and needs a win to make her feel more important. That’s exactly what she got here and it was a good enough match all around. I’m not sure if she wins the title, but Toni Storm is likely going to be back soon and that is going to be a problem for Mariah May, which could cost her said title.

Video on Mariah May vs. Mina Shirakawa, complete with a history of their time in Japan and the triangle involving Toni Storm.

Mark Briscoe says he’s ready to beat Daniel Garcia “tomorrow” on Collision. Garcia wants Briscoe to bring it “tomorrow”.

Continental Classic Blue League: Mark Briscoe (0 points) vs. Daniel Garcia (4 points)

Non-title. Feeling out process to start with Garcia mocking red neck kung fu and grabbing a rollup for an early two. Garcia powers him into the corner and a rub to the face doesn’t sit well with Briscoe. A dropkick to the floor sets up a big flip dive through the ropes to take Garcia down for a change.

Back up and Garcia’s choke over the ropes sends Briscoe back to the floor, where Briscoe kicks him up against the barricade. Garcia hammers away as well and, after a dance, hits a running dropkick as we take a break. Back with Briscoe hammering away but not being able to superplex him out to the floor. They forearm it out and seem to be rather pleased, just like the crowd.

Briscoe gets the better of things and sends him to the floor for the Bang Bang Elbow. A fisherman’s buster gives Briscoe two but the Froggy Bow is reversed into a top rope superplex into a piledriver. Briscoe breaks up another superplex though and hits the Froggy Bow for two of his own. With nothing else working, Briscoe busts out the Cutthroat Driver (close to a Burning Hammer) for the pin at 17:04.

Rating: B. this is the problem with having a fellow champion in a tournament like this, as he just lost clean to Briscoe. In theory that should set Briscoe up as the #1 contender, but it might take a few weeks before we can get to that match. At the same time, Garcia probably shouldn’t be losing so soon after he won the title in the first place and hopefully this doesn’t damage him too much.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 9 points (2 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 4 points (2 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 4 points (2 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (3 matches remaining)

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Another good week of Classic action, slightly annoying result in the main event aside. I like what they’ve been doing with the tournament, but at some point it’s going to end and AEW needs to have something good to take up the slack. The rest of the show was ok enough, with the Death Riders stuff thankfully being limited to just one segment. As usual, AEW is at its best when the wrestling carries things and that was the case again here.

Darby Allin b. Komander – Rollup
Willow Nightingale b. Serena Deeb – The Babe With The Powerbomb
Kyle Fletcher b. Kazuchika Okada – Brainbuster
The Beast Mortos b. Aaron Solo – Discus lariat
Mina Shirakawa b. Emi Sakura – Top rope Sling Blade
Mark Briscoe b. Daniel Garcia – Cutthroat Driver



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Dynamite – December 11, 2024: It Had To Slow Down

Date: December 11, 2024
Location: T-Mobile Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness

It’s Winter Is Coming and that means we should be in for a bigger than usual show. This show has had some moments over the years and if they keep the tradition going, this should make for a nice addition to the series. It’s also another week in the Continental Classic so we should have some good action. Let’s get to it.Death Riders vs. Jay White/Orange Cassidy

White and Cassidy jump them before the bell and the fight goes outside, with Cassidy giving a young fan a fist bump (I love that kind of thing as it makes fans for life). Cassidy gets sent into the announcers’ table though and they head inside for the opening bell. The brawl heads back outside as the Patriarchy is shown watching in a sky box. Cassidy fights up and kicks Moxley in the chest, allowing the tag off to White. A pair of DDTs sends the Riders out to the floor and we take an early break.

Back with Moxley holding White in a chinlock as Christian Cage sends the Patriarchy to do something. White gets out of a chinlock but Pac kicks him in the chest to keep him in trouble. A quick knockdown gives White a breather though and it’s Cassidy coming back in to slug away. Cassidy drops Moxley but gets pulled into a rear naked choke. That’s broken up and Cassidy hits a spinning DDT on Moxley. White suplexes Pac and the Beach Break to Moxley gets two more. Wheeler Yuta’s distraction doesn’t work so Cassidy loads up the Orange Punch….but Hangman Page runs in to jump Moxley for the DQ at 13:34.

Rating: B-. Nice match to start the show here, though the ending feels like it’s designed to set up a four way match or a triple threat #1 contenders match. In theory they didn’t want Cassidy or White to get an upper hand on their way to World’s End, but that’s still quite the disappointing ending. You can’t have Yuta in there to take a fall instead of Pac?

Post match Page hammers on Moxley but Cassidy pulls him off. The two of them start fighting with White accidentally taking a shot and getting caught in the brawl. The Death Riders beat all of them down and leave.

We get another old west style vignette for the returning Bandido, this time with him riding in on a horse, with a posse waiting on him. Bandido beats all of them up without much trouble. These things have been rather cool.

Jon Moxley talks about being a marked man and that means living with a knife to your throat. He wouldn’t have it any other way and now there are a bunch of people saying they want the title shot. The challenge is on for the four way title shot at Worlds End. That doesn’t exactly make me want to boo him.

Christian Cage, still in the sky box, doesn’t like this four way because he doesn’t like anyone involved. He promises to jump anyone, including Jon Moxley, who he will send back to rehab. As Cage goes to leave, Hook breaks into the box and chokes Cage out. Age fights out of being thrown out of a balcony. The fight is on and some glass is broken (make your own jokes) until the Patriarchy makes the save.

Continental Classic Gold League: Claudio Castagnoli (6 points) vs. Will Ospreay (3 points)

Ospreay hits him in the face for two ten seconds in and Castagnoli is sent outside for a big running flip dive. A Phenomenal Forearm looks to set up the Oscutter but Castagnoli uppercuts him out of the air. Ospreay kicks him in the face and they’re both down. They go outside with Ospreay dropkicking the steps into Castagnoli’s legs. Castagnoli pulls him out of the air though and swings Ospreay into the steps for a big crash. Ospreay’s arm is stomped in the steps and we take a break.

Back with Ospreay grabbing a springboard hurricanrana and kicking Castagnoli in the face for a double down. Castagnoli goes to the arm to block a suplex attempt but Ospreay gets him up anyway. The standing sky twister press gets two but the Hidden Blade is blocked. The Riccola Bomb is countered into Ospreay’s octopus hold, only for Castagnoli to go back to the arm.

Castagnoli gutwrench suplexes him down and catches Ospreay up top but gets knocked back down. A regular sky twister press misses so Castagnoli kicks him in the face. The slugout sets up the Oscutter but Ospreay’s arm is banged up. A pop up uppercut and a big clothesline give Castagnoli two…but Ospreay rolls him up for the fluke pin at 13:28.

Rating: B. This was a lot of Ospreay fighting from underneath and that is where he often shines. Castagnoli overpowered him for most of the match but got caught in the end. It’s weird to see the Death Riders lose, but how else are we going to get Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher II? That has to happen of course because Ospreay is eternally tied to the Don Callis Family and therefore it has to happen again. Good match here, which shouldn’t surprise you.

Gold League Standings

Will Ospreay – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 3 points (3 matches remaining
Brody King – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Post match Castagnoli jumps Ospreay again but Darby Allin makes the save.

Ricochet says he’s here for matches like the one he has tonight against Brody King. Even though King is a monster, he’s not Ricochet. He pulls out MVP’s business card and says he’s holding all of the cards.

MJF is back.

Matt Cardona is ready to face Chris Jericho at Final Battle but he’ll face Bryan Keith at Rampage.

Kyle O’Reilly is ready to face Adam Cole but the Kingdom comes in to say they’re still family. O’Reilly says they should have remembered that before one of them got hurt.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Adam Cole

For the shot at MJF at World’s End. Feeling out process to start with Cole trying an early rollup for two. The threat of a kick to the face sends him to the floor, where O’Reilly strikes away again to take over. We take a break and come back with O’Reilly striking away but missing a top rope knee drop.

Cole knees him in the face and they’re both down. O’Reilly grabs a brainbuster into an ankle lock, sending Cole over to the ropes. Cole is back up with the Panama Sunrise but he takes too long to follow up and gets his ankle locked. That’s broken up and Cole drops O’Reilly on the floor. Cue MJF for a distraction but Cole superkicks him down and small packages O’Reilly for the pin at 11:04.

Rating: C+. The story continues and that pre-match promo makes me wonder if the Kingdom won’t be joining MJF at World’s End to screw over Cole. This feud hasn’t done much for me and I’m not sure how many people have been interested in it either. It’s gone on too long and there is a good chance that it is going to continue into the new year. The match wasn’t exactly great either, which isn’t making the bigger problem any better.

Post match the Kingdom comes out but O’Reilly leaves without shaking hands with Cole.

FTR is ready to help rebuild Asheville, North Carolina with Fight For The Fallen on January 1. They want to be in a big match and they’ve had some issues with the Death Riders, so come talk to them.

Chris Jericho has a New York Minute and accepts the challenge for Matt Cardona vs. Bryan Keith on Rampage. Tomorrow on Ring Of Honor, there will be a contract signing for Jericho vs. Cardona at Final Battle.

We recap the Continental Classic matches from Rampage and Collision.

Earlier today, Darby Allin talked about how he waned to stop the Death Riders after they attacked Bryan Danielson. He is fighting for people who are here because they are getting a chance in AEW. Allin hits himself in the mouth to draw some blood and talks about how he has to win the Continental Classic to prove himself, even if there will be collateral damage along the way.

Continental Classic Gold League: Ricochet (3 points) vs. Brody King (3 points)

Ricochet begs off a bit to start and gets powered out to the floor without much trouble. A spring off the barricade lets Ricochet kick him in the face but King hits a powerbomb onto the apron. Ricochet misses a crossbody into the barricade and we take a break. Back with King winning a strike off but getting knocked out to the floor.

Ricochet hits a springboard 450 for a short one count but King blasts him with a clothesline for two. The Ganso Bomb is broken up and Ricochet knees him in the face a few times. King knocks him into the corner for a Cannonball but Ricochet turns a superplex attempt into a sunset bomb (with the turnbuckle pad being ripped off in the process).

The shooting star press connects…and King grabs him by the throat before the cover. Ricochet has to climb out of a choke and is promptly chopped down onto the apron. Back up and Ricochet manages a DDT onto the exposed buckle and Ricochet kicks him down onto the steel again. The Spirit Gun finishes for Ricochet at 12:51.

Rating: B-. Now this has me curious because Ricochet was definitely acting more heelish for a change. He’s someone who could use a change of pace because he hasn’t evolved much at all in the last several years. Maybe this is the chance that he needs, but at least it seems that they are trying something new with him. Seeing King lose is annoying, but Ricochet could get a nice boost out of a fresh style.

Gold League Standings

Will Ospreay – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (2 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 6 points (2 matches remaining
Darby Allin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Lio Rush and Action Andretti interrupt Private Party. Rush an Andretti want a title shot but Top Flight come in to ask how many matches Rush and Andretti have won. Private Party suggests a #1 contenders match and it seems to be on.

Mercedes Mone and Anna Jay have a staredown but we need to talk about Mone defending her New Japan Strong Women’s Title this weekend. Mone shifts over to Jay, who is 26 years old and just getting started. That makes Mone chuckle because when she was 26, she was already a five time champion. Jay cuts her off from leaving and says that all she needs is one mistake from Mone to become champion. Yeah I’m not quite buying her chances.

We recap Mariah May defending the Women’s Title against Mina Shirakawa. They were friends and partners in Japan bu May has attacked her for the sake of bringing out Shirakawa’s best side. Shirakawa wants things to be back to normal and now we have the title match.

Women’s Title: Mariah May vs. Mina Shirakawa

Shirakawa is challenging. They slug it out to start with Shirakawa slapping her in the face to take over and kick away at the leg. A figure four sends May rolling over to the ropes but they roll outside with the hold still on. Thunder Rosa pops up in the crowd with a sign shouting about how May is NOT HER CHAMPION as May sends Shirakawa into the barricade. Shirakawa is back on the leg though and grabs a Figure Four around the post as we take a break.

Back with Shirakawa fighting out of a chinlock and starting an exchange of forearms. A hanging neckbreaker gives Shirakawa two but May kicks her in the face. May Day gets an arrogant cover for two but another May Day is broken up. The Glamorous Driver gives Shirakawa two, only for a quick Storm Zero to retain the title at 11:49

Rating: C+. The match was ok, but it showcases the bigger issue with May’s title reign: the whole thing is built around waiting for Toni Storm to return. She ties into this feud and May is still using Storm’s finisher. You can only get so far with that kind of specter hanging over them and that was the issue here. Not a terrible match, but it felt like something else that had to be done before we get to the big match.

Post match Toni Storm (no longer Timeless) is back. May is stunned (Rosa has a “WTF!” sign) and Storm stares her down to end the show. Well there’s the answer to the big question about May’s reign and it should make for a solid rematch, thankfully with enough of a twist to keep it interesting.

Overall Rating: B-. I wasn’t feeling this one as much as some previous Continental Classic shows. There was more of a focus on getting things ready for World’s End and while that helped, it wasn’t as engaging as some of the tournament focused events. You can see a lot of what is coming at the pay per view and it’s only so interesting, but they still have time to boost that up well enough.

Death Riders b. Orange Cassidy/Jay White via DQ when Hangman Page interfered
Will Ospreay b. Claudio Castagnoli – Rollup
Adam Cole b. Kyle O’Reilly – Small package
Ricochet b. Brody King – Spirit Gun
Mariah May b. Mina Shirakawa – Storm Zero



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Dynamite – December 4, 2024: It Still Helps

Date: December 4, 2024
Location: Fishers Events Center, Fishers, Indiana
Commentators: Excalibur, Matt Menard, Tony Schiavone

We’re on the road to Worlds End and that means we’ll be having another show focused on the Continental Classic. Other than that, we’re going to need to start putting together the pay per view card. That is likely going to have a big focus on the Death Riders, which is still the big focus of the show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of week one of the Continental Classic.

Continental Classic Blue League: Shelton Benjamin (3 points) vs. Kyle Fletcher (3 points)

Don Callis is on commentary. Benjamin takes him into the corner to start as Excalibur rapid fires off their history in round robin tournaments. Fletcher is drive into the corner and then bails out to the floor as they’re still waiting to really get going here. They take turns lounging on the ropes before Benjamin gets in a slap to the back. A Cactus Clothesline takes them both to the floor and we take a break.

Back with an exchange of forearms until they head outside, with Fletcher being sent into the steps. Fletcher is right back with a running clothesline and a Michinoku Driver for two. Benjamin hits the Dragon Whip into a powerbomb and something like an STF sends Fletcher to the ropes. Back up and Fletcher drops him again, setting up a top rope elbow for two. Some German suplex rock Fletcher and have the fans rather excited but he grabs a rollup, and the rope, for the pin at 15:47.

Rating: B. This was starting to rock near the end and the fans were way into it by the time they were wrapping it up. The ending felt a bit disappointing but I’ll take what we got over Benjamin doing a clean job. Heck of a show here, with the two of them both working hard and doing the kind of match that feels like it belongs in a tournament like this.

Blue League Standings

Kyle Fletcher – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Shelton Benjamin – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 1 point (4 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 1 point (4 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

Juice Robinson is out of the tournament due to injury and will be replaced by Komander. Because of course it’s Komander.

Here is Hook for a chat. He’s heard Nick Wayne’s challenge for a few weeks but he wants to fight Christian Cage in the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York instead. Cue the Patriarchy and the beatdown is on, with a Conchairto crushing Hook’s hand/wrist.

Mercedes Mone doesn’t care about Mercedes Mone, but she’ll be paying attention to Anna Jay’s match.

MVP is disappointed in Shelton Benjamin, who beats up a production worker to blow off some steam.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal

Adam Cole, Mark Davis, Rocky Romero, Kyle O’Reilly, Dante Martin, Darius Martin, Lance Archer, Evil Uno, Lio Rush, The Butcher, Action Andretti, Brian Cage

The final two will face off next week and the winner of that faces MJF for the Dynamite Diamond Ring at Worlds End. Uno does Cole’s pose to start and is kicked out by Davis for the first elimination. A bunch of people go after Archer before Rush and Andretti take out Top Flight (on purpose) to clear out part of the ring.

Cage and Archer get rid of Davis and we take a break. Back with Andretti being kicked out with Rush being knocked out as well. Romero is sent out as well and Cole eliminates Butcher, leaving us with Cole, O’Reilly, Cage and Archer. The monsters are sent to the apron and then kicked out to give Cole and O’Reilly the win at 10:09.

Rating: C. They kept this relatively short and that is the right idea, as there was no reason for anyone but Cole and O’Reilly to move forward here. We’ll either see Cole or both of them face MJF at Worlds End, which should hopefully wrap up everything for good. The story is ready to wrap up and has been for a long time, but here we have the next step ready to set up the next step.

Post match O’Reilly leaves, shoving Cole a bit in the process.

Julia Hart is still hunting Jamie Hayter.

Billy Gunn and Anthony Bowens tell Max Cole to prove how good he is.

Swerve Strickland vs. Max Caster

Strickland cuts off the rap and sends him into the barricade a few times to start fast. They get inside and the bell rings with Swerve snapping off a German suplex. Caster’s dropkick is shrugged off and it’s the House Call to put him down. Another House Call finishes at 2:15. Total destruction.

Post match Swerve adds a Swerve Stomp.

MJF says all of this is Adam Cole’s fault, including Roderick Strong having a broken arm. He knows Cole can’t beat Kyle O’Reilly and we’ll see that next week.

Video on Pac vs. Jay White.

Pac vs. Jay White

Wheeler Yuta is here with Pac. An early distraction attempt doesn’t work as Pac is knocked to the floor, where he yells at Yuta in frustration. Back in and White hits a backdrop for two and another seconds Pac outside again. Yuta gets in a cheap shot though and Pac sends White into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with White suplexing him into the corner and grabbing a DDT for two. A double knockdown gives us a breather before Pac kicks him down again. The Black Arrow misses but the Blade Runner is blocked as well. White’s half and half suplex looks to set up the Blade Runner but Pac reverses into a standing Brutalizer. The rope is grabbed so Yuta gets in a running knee, which the referee somehow doesn’t see. Not that it matters as White is right back with the Blade Runner out of nowhere for the pin at 13:26.

Rating: B-. This was starting to pick up near the end but it’s nice to see White getting another win. AEW needs something fresh so why not let White show what he can do? It wouldn’t stun me to see him getting the title shot against Jon Moxley at Worlds End, which isn’t a bad idea. It’s different, and that is nice to see around here.

Post match Yuta goes after White but gets taken out with the Blade Runner. Cue the rest of the Death Riders to take White out but Hangman Page shows up….and Orange Cassidy jumps Moxley from behind. All three of them get together to lay Moxley out, with Christian Cage popping up with the contract.

Jamie Hayter doesn’t know what Julia Hart has against her but she’s ready to win the International Women’s Cup. For now, she’s willing to come find Hart though.

Chris Jericho is ready to defend the Ring Of Honor World Title at Final Battle. We’ll find out more about his challenger tomorrow night on Ring Of Honor.

We get an old west themed video, talking about how someone is coming back but the sheriff is scared. The wanted poster shows that Bandido is on his way back. Cool.

Video on Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford.

Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford

They shove each other to start until Jay hits a running forearm. Ford is back with a knock out to the floor, with some knees keeping Jay in trouble. We take a break and come back with Ford hitting a handspring elbow in the corner but Jay crotches her on top. A basement Blockbuster gives Jay two but the Queenslayer is countered into a Stunner for two. The Muta Lock sends Jay over to the ropes and she’s right back up with the Gory Bomb for the pin at 8:54.

Rating: C+. Jay wins again and seems to be coming up on a feud with Mercedes Mone, but it isn’t going to matter if Jay loses yet another high profile math. As for this, Ford was her usual decent self, so the match could have been far worse. They did something by showing their history here, but thankfully it wasn’t presented as anything overly important.

Post match Mercedes Mone comes out to laugh off the idea of Anna Jay being a threat to the title. Jay can come back when she has done something in wrestling, so Jay slaps her, sending Mone scrambling.

We get a sitdown interview with Mariah May, who doesn’t think much of Renee Paquette. May wants Mina Shirakawa to do something other than shake her chest, so here is Mina to hand her the champagne bottle. Mina says do it to her face, which has May a bit shaken.

Continental Classic Gold League: Brody King vs. Claudio Castagnoli

They strike it out to start with King getting the better of things but Castagnoli goes after the arm. Castagnoli sends him into the corner and wraps the arm around around the post as we take a break. Back with Castagnoli going after the arm again to cut off a comeback bid. Swiss Death and the Death Valley Driver get two each but King is back with a hard clothesline.

A running splash in the corner drops Castagnoli again for two and King plants him with a top rope superplex. The piledriver gives King two and Castagnoli bails out to the floor. King follows by gets sent over the barricade and has to beat the count. Back in and King hits a lariat but can’t get the Ganso Bomb. Instead Castagnoli kicks him low and the Neutralizer finishes King at 14:18.

Rating: B. This was two big, strong guys beating the fire out of each other until one of them couldn’t get up any more. That’s a good way to go and it worked well here, with King getting in his big shots before falling in the end. It was a good match and it’s nice to see Castagnoli getting a win in a featured spot.

Gold League Standings

Claudio Castagnoli – 6 points (3 matches remaining)
Will Ospreay – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Ricochet – 3 points (4 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 points (3 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Komander – 0 points (4 matches remaining)

Overall Rating: B. As usual, the tournament makes the show a good bit easier to watch as you’re guaranteed a nice bit of content focusing on the in-ring side. Other than that, it looks like we might be coming up on a four way match for the World Title at Worlds End. Some of the pay per view card started coming together here and that’s a good sign with just a few weeks to go. Nice stuff here, as the tournament is helping the company a lot.

Kyle Fletcher b. Shelton Benjamin – Rollup while holding the rope
Adam Cage and Kyle O’Reilly won the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal last eliminating Brian Cage and Lance Archer,
Swerve Strickland b. Max Caster – House Call
Jay White b. Pac – Blade Runner
Anna Jay b. Penelope Ford – Gory Bomb
Claudio Castagnoli b. Brody King – Neutralizer



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Dynamite – November 27, 2024: And Now For Something Completely Different

Date: November 27, 2024
Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re done with Full Gear and it is time to start the Continental Classic. The tournament was one of the bigger hits of last year and there is a good chance that they can continue it this year. Other than that, Darby Allin seems to be next in line for the World Title shot, which is certainly an interesting choice after how Allin has done lately. Let’s get to it.

Here is Full Gear if you need a recap.

Long Full Gear recap.

We get a quick Continental Classic preview, with some entrants saying they’ll win. Quick look at the rules:

• 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss

• Round Robin format, meaning it’s not single elimination.

• 20 minute time limits, no one allowed at ringside.

• The winner of the Blue League will face the runner up of the Gold League and vice versa at Worlds End, with winners of those matches facing off the same night to crown a winner.

Here is the Hurt Syndicate for a chat. MVP compares Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin to Michael Jordan and Walter Payton, but anyone who turns down the Hurt Syndicate isn’t all that bright. Like Swerve Strickland, and we see a clip of Lashley taking Strickland out at Full Gear.

Continental Classic Blue League: Mark Briscoe vs. Shelton Benjamin

Briscoe starts fast and knees him out to the floor but Benjamin is back up with some whips into various things. Back up and Briscoe hits a running flip dive, only for Benjamin to run the corner for a superplex. We take a break and come back with Benjamin forearming away in the corner.

That just fires Briscoe up and he knocks Benjamin down for the Froggy Bow, which hurts himself in the process. Another Froggy Bow only hits raised knees though and Benjamin snaps off some release German suplexes. A Jay Driller attempt is countered and the Dragon Whip into a superkick gives Benjamin two. The exploder finishes Briscoe clean at 11:11.

Rating: B-. Good, back and forth match here, though I’m a bit surprised that Briscoe just lost clean. You don’t see that happen very often and it’s a nice win for Benjamin, who is still new around here. Briscoe is probably going to be getting back into the Ring Of Honor World Title picture though and this didn’t really help him.

Blue League Standings

Shelton Benjamin – 3 Points (4 matches remaining)
Kazuchika Okada – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Kyle Fletcher – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Daniel Garcia – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
The Beast Mortos – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Mark Briscoe – 0 Points (4 matches remaining)

Here are Mercedes Mone and Kamille for a chat. Tony Schiavone praises Mone’s match with Kris Statlander, with Mone calling it money. She also suggests that Kamille isn’t that bright, which is enough for Kamille to quit. That’s certainly sudden, but I’d rather they just do it than drag things out.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Chris Jericho vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Jericho is defending and Big Bill is on commentary. They start with the exchange of chops (get used to it) and after nearly three minutes of them, it heads out to the apron. Jericho gets in a DDT onto said apron to take over and they head back inside. An exchange of slaps to the face has Ishii taking over for a change and we take a break.

Back with Jericho hitting a superplex but Ishii pops up and slugs away. A German suplex drops Ishii but he blocks the Judas Effect with a clothesline to the back of the head. Jericho is back up with a Judas Effect into a Codebreaker for one but Ishii can’t stand. He can however counter the Walls attempt and grab a Codebreaker of his own, followed by an enziguri. Jericho catches him with another Judas Effect though and the Lionsault retains at 13:15.

Rating: B-. Ishii never felt like a threat to win the title and while the kickout of the Judas Effect and Codebreaker was good, it wasn’t enough to make me believe that he was going to win. Jericho gets to hold onto the title even longer and now we’re going to see who is next. A rematch with Mark Briscoe at Final Battle wouldn’t shock me, but dang that’s not the most appealing thing in the world.

Swerve Strickland talks about how hard Bobby Lashley hit him but Max Caster interrupts. Caster brings up Strickland’s losses and the fight is on.

Here is Hangman Page for a chat about everything he did at Full Gear. He isn’t happy with Christian Cage screwing up his chance to cash in his World Title contract because Page would win the title and go home to eat some stuffing. Cue Jay White to bring up beating Page twice in a row, so he wants the World Title. Cue the Death Riders to take both of them out, with Jon Moxley choking White out.

Continental Classic Gold League: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Ricochet

Castagnoli knocks him down to start but Ricochet is back up with a hurricanrana to the floor. Ricochet’s moonsault to the floor is cut off though and Castagnoli drops him onto the barricade. Ricochet is back up with a suicide dive but a springboard is cut off back inside. We take a break and come back with Castagnoli being sent to the floor but coming back in with a big boot for two.

A rather spinning anklescissors sends Castagnoli to the floor and a middle rope moonsault gives Ricochet two back inside. Another springboard is elbowed out of the air for two and Castagnoli gets the Sharpshooter. With that broken up, Castagnoli’s Riccola Bomb is countered into a hurricanrana for two. They go outside again with Ricochet getting crotched on the barricade for a near countout. Back in and Castagnoli hits a hard lariat for the pin at 13:03.

Rating: B. This was a match where you probably knew what you were going to get coming in and it still worked out pretty well. Castagnoli got to show off his power stuff and Ricochet flew around as well as ever. At the same time though, Castagnoli doesn’t feel like he’s in some big monster heel group during his matches. This felt like any Castagnoli match from any point in his career, which makes anything he does with the team outside of the ring feel like it’s from another place.

Gold League Standings

Claudio Castagnoli – 3 Points (4 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Will Ospreay – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Brody King – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Juice Robinson – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Ricochet– 0 Points (4 matches remaining)

Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher brag about Fletcher beating Will Ospreay. That was proof that Fletcher is better and the Continental Classic will prove it again.

Here are Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom, with the former calling out MJF. Instead he gets Kyle O’Reilly, who offers to fight MJF. Cole wants to do it but MJF pops up on screen to say he’s too focused on next week’s Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal. O’Reilly and Cole enter as well, for a chance to get a shot at MJF. I really, really, really could go for dropping the whole “MJF has to defend the diamond ring” deal. Not everything has to be some annual tradition.

Since two tournaments at once aren’t enough, we’re also getting a qualifying tournament for the AEW spot in the Wrestle Dynasty International Women’s Cup, with the first semifinal starting tonight. Here are the brackets:

Jamie Hayter
Queen Aminata

Serena Deeb
Willow Nightingale

International Women’s Cup Qualifying Tournament Semifinals: Jamie Hayter vs. Queen Aminata

Hayter powers her into the corner to start and grabs a front facelock. That’s broken up with a hiptoss and they go into the corner for an exchange of chops. Hayter snaps off a suplex and we take an early break. Back with Hayter slugging away but missing the lariat. Aminata gets in a suplex of her own, setting up a running knee to the face for two. Aminata’s top rope double stomp misses though and Hayter hits an Irish Curse for two of her own. They trade rollups for two each until Hayter kicks her in the face, setting up Hayterade for the pin at 9:17.

Rating: C+. The match was fine and thankfully this mini tournament only has four people. I know AEW loves itself some tournaments but a tournament to qualify for a four way match for bragging rights against stars from other companies feels like a bit of overkill. Just say Hayter or Nightingale is going to Wrestle Dynasty and move on.

Post match the lights dim and a spotlight comes on…but no one is there.

We get a sitdown interview with Mina Shirakawa, who knew Mariah May could turn on her. She was ready for what was coming and showed the real Mina…and then May hits her in the back of the head with a bottle. May says she wants the real Mina.

Continental Classic Gold League: Brody King vs. Darby Allin

Allin is all taped up and gets shoved down to start. A slap to the face just annoys King, who runs Allin over for two. King sends him flying with a beal and a nasty chop knocks Allin outside as we take a break. Back with Allin getting crotched on top and no commentary for some reason. King knocks him off the top for two but a super Code Red gives Allin two. King gets knocked outside for a Coffin Drop, followed by a second one to leave King laying. Back in and another Coffin Drop is countered into a choke but Allin slips out. That just earns him a Ganso Bomb to give King the win at 9:36.

Rating: B-. These two work well together but that’s an interesting way to go with Allin, who seemed like he was getting ready for a World Title chase. Maybe that’s where they’re going anyway, but he’s on quite the losing streak on the way there. King got to be more of a monster here and that suits him well because…well look at him.

Gold League Standings

Claudio Castagnoli – 3 Points (4 matches remaining)
Brody King – 3 Points (4 matches remaining)
Will Ospreay – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Juice Robinson – 0 Points (5 matches remaining)
Darby Allin – 0 points (4 matches remaining)
Ricochet– 0 Points (4 matches remaining)

Post match here is Claudio Castagnoli with a chair but Brody King cuts him off. Castagnoli and King stare each other down to end the show, setting up their tournament match next week.

Overall Rating: B. The best thing about these Continental Classic shows is they focus on what AEW does best, which is the in-ring side of things. You get a bunch of clean finishes and good matches rather than trying to cram in as many things as they can. It made for a much easier to watch show, even though it’s the first step in a long process. Good show here, and a welcome change of pace from what Dynamite has been doing.

Shelton Benjamin b. Mark Briscoe – Exploder
Chris Jericho b. Tomohiro Ishii – Lionsault
Claudio Castagnoli b. Ricochet – Lariat
Jamie Hayter b. Queen Aminata – Hayterade
Brody King b. Darby Allin – Ganso Bomb



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