Ring Of Honor – June 20, 2024: The Worst Thing In Ring Of Honor

Ring Of Honor
Date: June 20, 2024
Location: Mid-America Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

It’s time for a double title show this week as the Tag Team and TV Titles are on the line, with the latter in a 2/3 falls match. Other than that, we might want to start getting ready for the Death Before Dishonor card as the show is just over a month away. Then again it isn’t like the show is going to be announced until a week or two out so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Aaron Solo vs. Titan

They shake hands to start before Titan dropkicks him out to the floor. The threat of a dive brings Solo back in though and he strikes away. Titan is back up with a high crossbody to send Solo outside again, this time with a dive connecting. Back in and Solo slowly hammers away but Titan fights up for the chop off. A jumping kick to the head drops Solo but a top rope double stomp misses. Solo hits his own double stomp for two and nails a superkick, only to have Titan kick him in the face out of the corner. Now Titan’s top rope double stomp can finish at 6:20.

Rating: C+. This was just a step above a squash for Titan, as Solo isn’t exactly what I would consider a top star in any major promotion. It felt like another “hey here’s someone you might see at Forbidden Door” match and that works well enough as long as it isn’t overkill. Titan has done nicely in his few appearances and this continued that trend.

Anthony Henry/Griff Garrison/Cole Karter vs. Infantry/Sepentico

Maria and Trish Adora are here too. Henry gets caught in the wrong corner to start and the Infantry starts with the rapid fire double teaming. Karter comes in and takes Serpentico down with a clothesline, setting up and earl chinlock with Henry. A neck twist keep Serpentico down and Henry grabs another chinlock.

Serpentico fights up and grabs a hurricanrana out of the corner, allowing the tag off to Bravo. Everything breaks down and Garrison drops Dean, leaving Serpentico to hit a dive. Serpentico’s Swan Dive gets two and everyone is down. Back up and Serpentico knocks Henry down again, only to get chaired in the back by Garrison. A quick faceplant gives Henry the pin on Serpentico at 9:59.

Rating: C. I don’t know how to be subtle about this so I’ll just go with being blunt: the Garrison/Karter vs. Serpentico/Angelico feud is one of the lamest, least interesting things I have seen in wrestling in a very long time and for some reason IT JUST KEEPS GOING. There is little reason for them to be fighting anymore but here they are again because there is apparently nothing else for them to do but they must be on the show for some reason. This is one of the feuds that is making Ring Of Honor more and more annoying every time they’re on TV and for the life of me I do not get why.

Video on Kyle Fletcher vs. Lee Johnson tonight in a 2/3 falls match for the TV Title.

Here are Athena and Billie Starkz for an emergency meeting….and Athena is on crutches and in a walking boot. She’s looking at being out for 4-6 months due to some torn ligaments and she has decided that it is best or her to keep the title. Cue Queen Aminata and Red Velvet, with Aminata saying she’ll hurt Athena if the injury isn’t real in the first place. Maybe Athena is faking just like Starkz did to win her title. Starkz gets shoved down and lands on Athena, which is enough to clear everyone off. Things may change, but Athena not wrestling for months and retaining the title is not exactly a good idea.

Jacoby Watts vs. Brandon Cutler

Nick Comoroto is here with Watts, who does his usual speech, with Cutler cutting him off. Cutler isn’t sure where we are but knows the fans are stupid. Watts jumps him before the bell and the slugout is on, with Cutler grabbing a cutter. Cutler is back with a suplex but Watts grabs a swinging Downward Spiral. A Stunner finishes for Watts at 2:17. That was certainly a thing that happened.

Marina Shafir vs. Maggie Minerva

Shafir takes her down with a judo throw and cranks on the neck before choking in the corner. Minerva gets in a kick to the face but walks into a powerbomb. Mother’s Milk finishes Minerva at 2:06.

The Kingdom is tired of not being respected enough and is ready to beat 2.0.

Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson vs. Eric Eznite/Isaiah Harris/Jay Marston

Jameson starts with Eznite, who wants to pray to start the match. Jameson agrees and then decks him from behind. It’s off to Bronson, who sends him flying into the corner so Harris can come in. Harris slips off Boulder’s shoulders and hands it off to Marston, allowing Boulder to send multiple people flying. Marston is sent into Boulder’s chest and Bronson’s top rope splash finishes at 4:30.

Rating: D+. I cannot stand this team. I can’t stand their work, I can’t stand their talking, I can’t stand how they do THE EXACT SAME THING EVERY TIME THEY’RE OUT THERE and I can’t stand the fact that they have to be on this show or AEW so often. If “they’re muscular and strong but one guy has a hairy chest” is good comedy, then I would recommend taking up drama. Or just letting the three of them go because sitting through this nonsense over and over is infuriating.

Lance Archer vs. Deonn Rusman

Archer starts fast and knocks him to the floor, setting up a Black Hole Slam….for two. Rusman charges into a boot in the corner but manages a spear. Back up and Archer grabs a chokeslam, followed by the Blackout for the pin at 3:13.

Rating: C. It’s quite the choice to have your monster get speared down by someone the size of Rusman, though at least Archer came back and did his usual dominance for the win. Archer isn’t going to be a big star, but he’s a good choice for a midcard boss on the way to someone getting their chance at the bigger name. Keeping him strong is a fine way to go and that’s what they did here.

Atlantis Jr. wants a TV Title shot in Arena Mexico.

Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hirsch runs her over with a shoulder to start and then does it again, followed by a suplex. A running basement dropkick connects before Hirsch gets to hammer away in the corner. Diamanate’s gutbuster gets her out of trouble and she grabs an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and Hirsch hits a knee to the ribs into a German suplex. The ribs give out though and Diamante hits a spear for two of her own. Hirsch is back up with a small package for the pin at 6:24.

Rating: C+. This was a good enough way to go and the extra time made it a bit better, though forgive me for not believing that this is going to be the win that gets Hirsch off the hamster wheel and into title contention. That’s one of the biggest problems with the women’s division, as Athena has made everyone else look like a middle of the road star. The TV Title might help, though I’ll believe Hirsch getting a big shot when I see it.

Post match Diamante drops her again.

Tag Team Titles: Kingdom vs. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

The Kingdom is defending. Bennett headlocks Parker down to start and it’s quickly off to Menard, with his taped up ribs. Menard takes over on Taven’s arm and pulls him down, with Parker dropping a top rope elbow to the back. Parker gets sent outside so Menard goes after the champs outside. Back in and Taven kicks Menard in the face and grabs a suplex for two on Parker.

Just The Tip gets the same and Parker fights up, including a dropkick to put Bennett down. A neckbreaker cuts off the tag attempt but the Hail Mary is broken up. The hot tag brings in Menard to clean house, including a Boston crab to Bennett. Taven’s slaps can’t break it up so Bennett goes to the ropes instead. Double Snake Eyes into a double DDT get two on Bennett so Menard grabs the belt. The referee tries to take it away, allowing Bennett to roll him up and retain at 10:05.

Rating: C+. Well so much for that. They built up Parker trying to win the titles for the sake of his family as a feel good story and then he just loses his shot instead. I’m not saying the titles needed to change, but the Kingdom are little more than Roderick Strong’s lackeys anyway so the loss would hardly be some game changer. Not a bad match, but that finish was incredibly flat.

TV Title: Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher

Fletcher is defending and it’s 2/3 falls, with Johnson diving over the top onto the floor to take him down. A Blue Thunder Bomb gives Johnson two and Fletcher bails outside, with a big dive taking him out again. Back in and Fletcher manages a Stunner over the top rope to send Johnson to the floor for a breather. Johnson is sent into the barricade and the slow beating continues back inside.

A neckbreaker gives Johnson a quick two but Fletcher is right back with a hammerlock suplex. Johnson is back with a Death Valley Driver into a standing moonsault for two of his own. Fletcher knocks him hard to the floor but Johnson escapes a powerbomb and his a moonsault from the apron. They fight to the apron, with Fletcher hitting a brainbuster into a powerbomb back inside for two more. Back in and they fight over the Big Shot Drop until Fletcher hits another brainbuster for two another two, followed by a brainbuster for the first fall at 11:47.

Johnson says bring it so Fletcher kicks him in the chest. We pause for the doctor to check on Johnson but he’s good to go. The super brainbuster is broken up and Johnson grabs a rollup to even things up at 15:29 total. Back up and they slug it out, with Johnson getting two off a sunset flip. Johnson sends him to the floor for a sunset bomb (ok that was cool) for a nineteen count, with Fletcher diving back inside. Three straight frog splashes give Johnson two but the referee wants to check on Fletcher. The distraction lets Fletcher get in a low blow and another brainbuster to retain at 20:38 total.

Rating: B-. Best match on the show pretty handily, with Johnson continuing to look good against almost anyone. I’m assuming they’re saving the Fletcher loss for a bigger stage, but that impact might not be the same after watching him lose over and over again on AEW TV. This was a good, long match that probably could have been on Death Before Dishonor, but I get why you don’t want to run the same title match on back to back pay per views.

Overall Rating: C-. Now before people say “but the match ratings were good and that doesn’t add up”, (because someone will of course do that), this, again, wasn’t about the wrestling. This was a show that ran about 1:50:00 and A LOT of that could have been cut off for the sake of not dragging things out.

There were so many matches here that felt like they were being put on there to get an appearance out of wrestlers. That’s not a bad idea on paper, but Ring Of Honor has trotted out these same people for months on end with statements of “oh this person is building momentum and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a champion soon”. This is probably true, save for the fact that titles change hands around here either on one of three nights a year or on AEW TV.

The same people come out there, win matches, and then someone with no experience around here will get the title shots on pay per view because that’s how Ring Of Honor works. I can live with that in smaller doses, but sitting through almost two hours of this for one rather good match is nowhere near good enough. I couldn’t stand a good chunk of this show and for the love of all things good and holy, do not let this be what the show is going to be again going forward.

Titan b. Aaron Solo – Top rope double stomps
Anthony Henry/Griff Garrison/Cole Karter b. Infantry/Serpentico – Spinning faceplant to Serpentico
Jacoby Watts b. Brandon Cutler – Stunner
Marina Shafir b. Maggie Minerva – Mother’s Milk
Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson b. Eric Eznite/Isaiah Harris/Jay Marston – Top rope splash to Marston
Lance Archer b. Deonn Rusman – Blackout
Leyla Hirsch b. Diamante – Small package
Kingdom b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – Rollup to Menard
Kyle Fletcher b. Lee Johnson 2-1



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Ring Of Honor – June 13, 2024: Happy Birthday

Ring Of Honor
Date: June 13, 2024
Location: Acrisure Arena, Palm Desert, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Maybe it’s false hope but the Kyle Fletcher pinning World Champion Mark Briscoe this week on Dynamite has me wondering what they might be doing for the title going forward. Briscoe hasn’t defended the title in two months now so maybe he’ll have something to do. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Billie Starkz vs. Sandra Moone

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Moone wins or survives the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Moone gets in a quick shot to start but Starks knocks her down and scores with a kick to the ribs. Moone’s elbow out of the corner just annoys Starkz again and we hit the double arm crank. That’s broken up and Moone sends her outside for the dive. Starkz’s Swanton attempt is blocked but she knocks Moone off the top. The Swanton….isn’t launched as Starkz drops down again. A half nelson fish hook chickenwing makes Moone give up at 4:58.

Rating: C. That’s a Proving Ground match alright, though Moone did get in some offense to make it a bit better. Starkz seems to have her next challenger set up in Red Velvet though, making this little more than a warmup for her before that match, likely in a little over a month. Not much to the match, but that’s not the point of something like this.

Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

Moriarty strikes away at Comoroto but a gorilla press puts Moriarty down. Watts comes in but stops to tell the fans to praise him. It’s off to Taylor for the shove off with Comoroto, the latter of whom skins the cat. Taylor plants him with a release Rock Bottom into a splash for two. Comoroto fights up and powerslams Moriarty, with Watts tagging himself in for two. Moriarty sends Comoroto face first into the middle buckle though and Taylor hits the big right hand for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C-. Here’s the problem: we just saw Comoroto treated like a total jobber on Dynamite. That doesn’t make me want to see him do something here, especially something as lame as the story with Watts. Having ROH stars as jobbers in AEW doesn’t make them feel bigger. It just makes Ring Of Honor feel that much less important.

Taya Valkyrie and Johnny TV aren’t happy with recent loses. Valkyrie is ready to knock Queen Aminata off her throne.

Red Velvet vs. Viva Van

Velvet headlocks her down into a chinlock to start as commentary talks about Forbidden Door. Van is back up with a cravate and knees to the face but Velvet fights out of a cross armbreaker attempt. Velvet works on the arm for a change until Van runs the corner and bounces around for a wristdrag. Some running knees against the rope rock Van and the Mix finishes Van off at 5:12.

Rating: C. It’s pretty clear that Velvet is set for the TV Title shot and that isn’t a bad thing. She’s been built up well in recent weeks, though I still don’t think I can imagine her actually winning the title. For now though, she got a nice win against Van as she gets to keep the pace with Starkz, who did the same thing earlier.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Dark Order vs. Infantry/Dalton Castle

Andretti snapmares Reynolds down to start but misses a kick to the head. Top Flight and Andretti start in on Reynolds’ arm until he scores with an elbow to the face. Uno comes in to Russian legsweep Dante for two but Dante brings in Bravo to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down (I’m shocked it took that long) with Archer getting to wreck just about everyone.

Dean manages to duck a corner clothesline though and it’s Castle coming in for the parade of suplexes. Castle’s falling splash gets two on Dutch with a bunch of people making the save. Dante and Reynolds slug it out but stop to beat up Dutch and Archer. Silver comes back in for the Spin Doctor on Dante and Castle DDT’s Darius, who rolls to the floor rather quickly. Top Flight’s double swinging slam finishes Reynolds at 9:14.

Rating: B-. This was exactly the match you would expect from something like this one: all action, nothing that resembles a story throughout, and the winner likely gains nothing. That being said, I don’t think there is anything to suggest that it was supposed to be something other than that. I don’t need to see this every week, but once in awhile can make for a fun fast paced match.

Diamante/Marina Shafir/Alex Windsor vs. Lady Frost/Abadon/Leyla Hirsch

Marina and Leyla start things off with a grapple exchange going to a standoff. Leyla takes her down and Abadon comes in with a backsplash for two. A bite to the arm sends Marina over for the tag to Diamante, who gets chopped into the corner by Frost. Abadon is sent into the corner so Shafir can start cranking on the legs to take over. A save is made and everything breaks down with Windsor hitting an Angle Slam for two, with Abadon breaking it up. Windsor’s Shining Wizard sets up a spinning brainbuster for the big upset pin on Leyla at 7:21.

Rating: C+. Just like the previous match, it was hard to get much out of this with so many people running around. I can go with Windsor getting a win, but there is a good chance that this was the best way they had to make her feel like a bigger deal before her match against Toni Storm on Collision. In other words, it’s a nice moment which isn’t likely to get her very far.

Harley Cameron vs. Trish Adora

Cameron grabs a headlock to start but Adora snapmares her into a double arm crank. A rolling sunset flip gives Adora two but Cameron takes her down for a lick to the cheek. Adora is right back with her Air Raid Crash leg crank, only to have Cameron slip out and hit a sliding Downward Spiral. Cameron grabs a cross arm choke but Adora powers her into the corner for some hips to the face. Back up and they collide, with Cameron going to the throat. A running kick to the chest gives Cameron the pin at 5:56.

Rating: C. Cameron is the bigger star, but dang it always feels like Adora should be on her way to something bigger somewhere. At the same time, putting Cameron, who is still very inexperienced, in there with someone like Adora is a good idea, as she can help Cameron learn. Not much of a match, but Cameron has made some strides in the ring.

Kingdom vs. Che Cabrera/Bad Dude Tito

Another non-title Proving Ground match. Tito chops away at Taven to start, at least until a dropkick takes his leg out. Cabrera comes in for a double flapjack but Taven gets in a neck snap. Taven’s running splash in the corner misses but it’s back to Bennett to strike away. Tito gets in a hard clothesline though and it’s Cabrera coming back in to clean house. A Sky High gets two on Bennett but it’s the Death Valley Driver to cut Cabrera off. Just The Tip into Hail Mary finishes for Bennett at 6:15.

Rating: C+. Nice enough match here, but again it’s hard to get into the idea of a match with ten minutes at most and little reason to believe that the champs were going to lose. Cabrera and Tito looked good out there and commentary mentioned they had experience. It was easy to see that they have a history, though it’s hard to showcase that in a match that barely gets six minutes.

Overall Rating: C+. Another show that feels rather like the norm for Ring Of Honor, with all kinds of people running around doing their thing and little that actually stands out. There is also little that feels like it matters going forward, which is a bit of a stretch with about five weeks to go before Death Before Dishonor. I would say Ring Of Honor needs to work on that, but that has been the case for years now.

Billie Starkz b. Sandra Moone – Fishhook chickenwing
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Nick Comoroto/Jacoby Watts – Right hand to Comoroto
Red Velvet b. Viva Van – The Mix
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Dark Order, Dalton Castle/The Infantry and Lance Archer/Righteous – Double swinging slam to Reynolds
Diamante/Marina Shafir/Alex Windsor b. Lady Frost/Abadon/Leyla Hirsch – Spinning brainbuster to Hirsch
Harley Cameron b. Trish Adora – Running kick to the chest
Kingdom b. Che Cabrera/Bad Dude Tito – Hail Mary to Cabrera



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Ring Of Honor – May 9, 2024: Why This Show Is What It Is

Ring Of Honor
Date: May 9, 2024
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re back with another show in Daily’s Place and that should make for a fun atmosphere. Last week’s show looked great with the sunset over the ring but what made the show work so well was how short and focused it was for a change. It kept the show from being bogged down and it would be nice to see that happen again. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The Undisputed Kingdom isn’t pleased with Angelo Parker and Matt suggesting that they’re coming for the Tag Team Titles. They’re even referred to as Melvins, before Mike Bennett says he prays that Parker is a better dad than he is a wrestler.

We run down the card.

Taya Valkyrie/Mercedes Martinez/Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch/Lady Frost/Abadon

Valkyrie and Frost start things off with Frost snapping off a headscissors and handing it off to Abadon. It’s quickly off to Diamante, who gets elbowed in the face, meaning Martinez gets a chance instead. Martinez slugs away for a fast two but Abadon bites her way to freedom and hands it of to Hirsch as the fast tags continue.

A quick cheap shot from the apron lets the villains take over on Hirsch, setting up Taya’s running knees in the corner. Hirsch is sat on top but manages a quick spinning German suplex for freedom. The rolling tag brings in Frost to clean house as everything breaks down. Abadon hits a flip dive on the floor, leaving Frost to go up. That takes too long though and it’s a sunset bomb to give Diamante the pin at 8:22.

Rating: C+. I can always go for a good six person tag as it lets you have a bunch of options for combinations and keeps things fresh. That’s what we got here and it made for a nice match. The villains winning is a bit of a surprise, but Diamante getting a bit of momentum isn’t a bad idea at all.

Anthony Ogogo vs. Zicky Dice

Shane Taylor is here with Ogogo. Dice grabs a headlock to start and is knocked down just as fast. Ogogo kicks him in the head and hits a big right hand for the knockout at 1:43.

Post match Ogogo talks about how awesome he is and lists off his boxing accomplishments.

Rachael Ellering smells desperation in the air and thinks it could go somewhere. Maria Kanellis comes in to mock Ellering for her losses. Maria realizes women’s wrestling doesn’t sell tickets but Ellering doesn’t sell anything.

Kiera Hogan vs. Ashley D’Amboise

Hogan takes her down to start but runs into a powerslam for two. A suplex lets D’Amboise dance a bit but she misses a charge into the corner and gets rolled up for another near fall. Hogan hits a middle rope dropkick and a baseball slide in the corner gets two. Some kicks to the chest set up Face The Music to finish D’Amboise for the pin at 5:28.

Rating: C. Pretty basic match here with Hogan getting a win over someone who got in some offense. Hogan has managed to stay a bit above the middle of the pack but she’s still not up to the higher level. Granted that isn’t going to change if she keeps losing every big match she has, which is quite the big problem.

Nick Comoroto praises Jacoby Watts, who comes in to ask us to join him in his crusade.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. Nikki Eight/Parker Lee/Tommy Mars

The villains jump them before the introductions and Archer chases we’ll say Eight into a Boss Man Slam from Dutch on the floor. Orange Sunshine sets up the Blackout for the double pin at 1:12. Total dominance.

Billie Starkz vs. Dream Girl Ellie

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if if Ellie can win or last the ten minute time limit, she gets a future title shot. Ellie powers her into the corner to start and we get a clean break, followed by Starkz doing the same, minus the clean part. A big chop against the ropes sets up a kick to Ellie’s back but she knocks Starkz outside. That means a neck snap across the top and Starkz stomps away with some more aggression. Ellie is tied in the Tree of Woe for more stomping, followed by a fireman’s carry neckbreaker for the pin at 4:00.

Rating: C+. Ellie got in some more offense than I was expecting but the result was the norm for a Proving Ground match. It kind of makes me wonder why they don’t bother making it a title match or not rather than something in the middle but it doesn’t make a big difference either way. What matters is Starkz is feeling like more of a killer, which is what she needed to be here.

The Premiere Athletes want competition. And the Tag Team Titles.

Griff Garrison/Cole Karter vs. Spanish Announce Project

Maria Kanellis is here with Garrison/Karter. The brawl starts on the ramp with the Project taking over on Garrison to officially start. A suplex/neckbreaker combination gets two on Garrison and a swinging Downward Spiral drops him again. Maria offers a distraction though and Karter trips Serpentico from the floor to take over. Garrison’s sidewalk slam gets two and then mocks Angelico’s dance. Serpentico elbows his way out of trouble and kicks Garrison away, allowing the tag off to Angelico to clean house. A bunch of kicks to the head drop Garrison for two as everything breaks down. Angelico rolls Karter up at 6:27.

Rating: C+. The match was fine enough and all that but it’s really hard to care about Serpentico, who is one of the lowest of the low around here, getting his mask back. This feud has felt like absolutely nothing for a long time now and hopefully this wraps it up, because neither of the teams has gotten anything out of it.

Post match Maria throws Serpentico’s mask back…but Garrison and Karter jump the Project and send Serpentico into a chair. Maria takes the mask back to end the show. And that right there is one of the reasons Ring Of Honor is in the place it’s in. This story has been going on for the better part of six months and it STILL feels like we’re right where we’ve been for most of that. Because of course we are.

Overall Rating: C+. The shortened runtime helped here (again) and it felt like they were getting some focus on a few people. The problem is the main event, mainly because it felt so unimportant and then the result was erased anyway. This show being behind a paywall is still ridiculous as it is made for YouTube, but at least they kept it short here.

Taya Valkyrie/Mercedes Martinez/Diamante b. Leyla Hirsch/Lady Frost/Abadon – Sunset bomb to Frost
Anthony Ogogo b. Zicky Dice via knockout
Kiera Hogan b. Ashley D’Amboise – Face The Music
Billie Starkz b. Dream Girl Ellie – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker
Lance Archer/Righteous b. Nikki Eight/Parker Lee/Tommy Mars – Double pin
Spanish Announce Project b. Cole Karter/Griff Garrison – Rollup to Karter



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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Ring Of Honor – April 18, 2024: Oh Just No

Ring Of Honor
Date: April 18, 2024
Location: Truist Arena, Highland Heights, Kentucky
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

The show has been doing well enough in recent weeks and I could go for seeing more of what they have going on. What matters here is keeping things moving as the shows with all of the filler are by far the weakest. It also helps to have some star power around here and there is no way of knowing what you are going to be seeing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mark Briscoe isn’t scared of the House Of Black because he fears no man. Bring the violence.

Aaron Solo vs. Bryan Keith

Solo slaps him in the face to start so Keith sweeps the legs and pulls him down to hammer away. A rather delayed suplex puts Solo down so he rolls to the floor for a breather. Keith follows and gets sent into the steps as things slow down a bit. Some knees to the back keep Keith in trouble and Solo chokes away in the corner for a bit.

Keith shrugs it off and hits a running boot in the corner, setting up a t-bone suplex for two. A fireman’s carry backbreaker onto the knee gives Keith two but Solo is back with a t-bone of his own for two of his own. Back up and an enziguri staggers Keith, who knocks Solo out of the corner. Diamond Dust finishes for Keith at 7:14

Rating: C. Keith is someone who has been around AEW and ROH so much lately and a good chunk of his appearances have resulted in losses. Giving him a win here and there keeps him looking a bit stronger, even if it is over someone like Solo. I’m a sucker for Diamond Dust too so having Keith bust it out makes things that much better.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. Jon Cruz/Savion Truitt/Damian Chambers

Vincent powers Chambers into the corner to start and drops him with a running forearm for two. Truitt comes in and gets to face Archer, who looks rather enthusiastic to wreck a human. Archer easily takes him into the corner for a hard chop and Dutch adds a t-bone suplex. A Side Effect from Vincent sets up a legdrop from Dutch but Truitt crawls over to bring in Cruz. Autumn Sunshine plants Cruz in a hurry and Truitt it Blackouted onto Cruz to give Archer the pin at 4:15.

Rating: C. Total and complete destruction and that’s all it needed to be. Archer and the Righteous wrecking people can be fun and that was the case again here, with the villains being little more than cannon fodder. They kept it fast too and that is what it needed to be given what was going on here.

Mark Sterling hypes up Tony Nese.

Sterling, with the Premiere Athletes, brags about how awesome his team really can be. They won at Supercard Of Honor and Sterling promises gold by the end of the year.

JD Drake vs. Lee Johnson

Drake powers him away to start and Johnson slows things down a bit. A slam puts Johnson down again so he takes Johnson down to slow him up a bit. Drake isn’t having that and comes back with Snake Eyes, only to miss a sitdown splash. Back up and Johnson sends him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive. A high crossbody gives Johnson two and he avoids a Cannonball back inside. Johnson knocks him off the top and hits a frog splash for the pin at 9:24.

Rating: C+. Drake is a good example of a person who is talented and good at what he does but he’s been around so long around here that it’s hard to get interested in what he’s doing. You know what you’re going to get with him and watching Johnson take ten minutes to get there isn’t going to make for the most thrilling match. Technically fine, but not that thrilling.

Abadon vs. Allysin Kay

Abadon bites the arm to start but gets taken own with a clothesline. Kay hits a running splash in the corner but Abadon is back with a running faceplant. A high crossbody into the Black Dahlia finishes for Abadon at 2:17.

Taya Valkyrie says Johnny TV is off rehabbing his abs so stop asking her questions.

Iron Savages vs. Infantry

Jacked Jameson is here with the Savages. Boulder knocks Bravo into the corner to start but Bravo is back up with a dropkick. A double dropkick sends Boulder into the corner for the tag to Bronson, who is quickly knocked out to the floor. Jameson offers a distraction though and it’s Bronson taking over back inside. Boulder is sent into Bronson’s chest though and the hot tag brings Bravo back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Jameson’s Savage Sauce is sent flying. Boot Camp finishes 4:55.

Rating: C+. Nice match and nothing that we haven’t seen from these teams over and over. It might be against different opponents, but the Infantry getting a win and going nowhere as a results isn’t a surprise. They got their one title shot and now they’re back to where they were before. Nothing to see here, as the Savages still aren’t that interesting.

Post match the Premiere Athletes come in for the beatdown but Mark Briscoe, Bryan Keith, Lee Johnson and Dalton Castle of all people make the save.

Taya Valkyrie/Leila Grey/Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch/Kiera Hogan/Trish Adora

Taya powers Hogan into the corner to start but gets sent throat first into the middle rope. The running hip attack to the back gives Hogan two but Diamante comes in for a running dropkick in the corner. It’s off to Adora, who gets Russian legsweeped for two, allowing Taya to hit the running knees.

Adora’s kneeling German suplex allows the tag back to Hogan, who dropkicks Diamante. Grey gets dropkicked as well but Taya hits something like a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Everything breaks down and Grey’s running Sling Blade gets two on Adora. Lariat Tubman hits Diamante and Hogan grabs Face The Music to pin Grey at 7:53.

Rating: C+. They went with the regular wrestling for a bit until it was all chaos with Hogan getting the win. In theory this would set things up for a future title shot or something close to it, but odds are it’s just a match that comes and goes. The action was nice enough though and a parade of finishers is always worth at least a look.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter, with Maria Kanellis, have no interest in giving Serpentico’s mask back. This feud feels like it has been going on for months now, which is months too long.

Nick Comoroto vs. Beast Mortos

Mortos can’t shoulder him down to start so he goes after Comoroto’s arm to take over. Comoroto hits a hard clothesline and hammers away, setting up a splash for two. Mortos fights up and runs him over, setting up a corkscrew moonsault for the pin at 3:20.

Rating: C. Quick and to the point here as Mortos might be the next monster around Ring Of Honor. I’ve heard worse ideas, as getting some fresh blood is nice to see. That being said, this was just one match and he’s going to need something that makes him stand out or he’ll just be another name on a long list.

We look at Queen Aminata seemingly setting herself up as the next challenger to Athena.

Lady Frost vs. Marti Belle

Belle runs her over to start but Frost is back up with the rapid fire chops in the corner as commentary makes fire vs. ice comparisons. Belle gets in some boot choking but Frost elbows back up. A Cannonball in the corner hits Belle, who is back up with a hard forearm for two. Frost isn’t having that and kicks her in the head, setting up Frost Bite for the pin at 5:35.

Rating: C. I still think there is something to be done with Frost if she is given the chance and while this might not have been a big deal, it was better than a loss. If nothing else, Frost could be a nice first challenger for the Women’s TV Title, as Billie Starkz could use some fresh opponents. Belle is someone who has been around for a bit but this might be her high point around here.

Nick Comoroto is interrupted by Jacoby Watts, who offers to turn Comoroto’s career around.

Dark Order vs. Zak Patterson/Frank Milano

Milano headlocks Uno to start but is quickly pulled into an atomic drop. Silver comes in and poses before elbowing Patterson in the face. A charging Milano gets sent outside, allowing Patterson to come back with a dropkick. Patterson gutwrench suplexes Silver but charges into a boot in the corner. Silver’s suplex allows the tag back to Uno to clean house. The Stunner into the German suplex into Something Evil finishes Milano at 5:07.

Rating: C. Well at least it was short. Having Silver out there does take away a lot of the dullness that comes with Uno, as Silver is such a ball of energy. While I don’t think there is much of a use for the Dark Order in AEW, there are worse ways to go than having them pop the crowd in a match like this. Not much to see here, but Patterson and Milano weren’t completely destroyed.

Dynasty rundown.

Mark Briscoe vs. Griff Garrison

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Garrison (with Cole Karter and Maria Kanellis) wins or survives the ten minute time limit, he gets a future title shot. Garrison tries a sunset flip but gets headlocked on the mat for his effort. The threat of Redneck Kung Fu has Garrison in the corner but he comes out with some uppercuts.

Briscoe isn’t having that and knocks him to the floor for a flip dive. The Bang Bang Elbow connects but Karter offers a distraction, allowing Garrison to get in a cheap shot. A big boot give Garrison two and a torture rack powerbomb is good for the same. Briscoe is back up and sends him outside for the slingshot dive, followed by a hard clothesline. The Jay Driller finishes Garrison at 5:41.

Rating: C+. It was nice to have the World Champion around here as the star power alone helped a bit. That being said, Briscoe started the show talking about his match at Dynasty rather than anything he was doing here. When he’s already fighting half of a low level tag team who is in a story that should have ended forever ago, it didn’t make for the most thrilling match.

Overall Rating: D+. Oh just no. This was every lame thing about Ring Of Honor rolled into one. It was about an hour and a half of matches that didn’t feel like they were going anywhere and had no stakes while not being anything special. It makes for one heck of a dull show and I can’t imagine sitting through this, Collision and Battle Of The Belts in the same night. Ring Of Honor can be a fun show but this was a nightmare to get through as there was just nothing worth seeing. They were on a nice little roll for a few weeks and then hit the way hard here in a huge disappointment.

Bryan Keith b. Aaron Solo – Diamond Dust
Righteous/Lee Johnson b. Jon Cruz/Damian Chambers/Savion Truitt
Lee Johnson b. JD Drake – Frog splash
Abadon b. Allysin Kay – Black Dahlia
Infantry b. Iron Savages – Boot Camp to Bronson
Trish Adora/Leyla Hirsch/Kiera Hogan b. Leila Grey/Taya Valkyrie/Diamante – Face The Music to Grey
Beast Mortos b. Nick Comoroto – Corkscrew moonsault
Lady Frost b. Marti Belle – Frost Bite
Dark Order b. Zak Patterson/Frank Milano – Something Evil to Milano
Mark Briscoe b. Griff Garrison – Jay Driller



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Ring Of Honor – March 28, 2024: Still Waiting

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 28, 2024
Location: Canadian Tire Center, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are eight days away from Supercard Of Honor but you might not know that based on the card that has been put together so far. There are currently three matches set for the show and while there is still time to have those added, it would be nice to see them actually announced. The main event this week will see Kyle Fletcher defending the TV Title against Black Christian so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

Athena vs. Nikita

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Nikita survives the ten minute time limit or wins, she gets a future title shot. Nikita starts fast with a Sling Blade and an X Factor gets an early one. A figure four necklock over the rope has Athena in more trouble but she pulls Nikita to the floor and hits a big forearm. That’s enough for Athena to get her vest off and send her into the barricade before coming inside. Quite the spinning faceplant puts Nikita down as we get a MAPLE SYRUP chant. Something like an abdominal stretch choke makes Nikita tap at 2:57. Nikita started fast but then it was the usual.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Hikaru Shida runs in for the save.

Lee Johnson wants the TV Title shot at Supercard Of Honor.

Cole Karter/Griff Garrison vs. Kaz Jordan/Victor Castella

Maria is here with Karter and Garrison, the latter of whom shoulders Jordan down to start. It’s off to Karter for a spinebuster before the villains just wreck both of them. With Jordan knocked to the floor, a running boot/flapjack combination finishes Castella at 2:02. I’m sure this will be the start of Karter and Garrison’s rise to the top.

Dalton Castle vs. Nick Comoroto

Castle has the substitute Boys (their rhythm is off) and looks more than a bit off. Comoroto powers him into the corner to start and Castle shouts for him to GET OFF ME. That’s exactly what Comoroto does so Castle double legs him down without much effort. An attempt at a toss to the floor lets Comoroto skin the cat back in for a heck of a clothesline. Castle isn’t having that and German suplexes him into the Bang A Rang for the pin at 2:44. They’re not wasting time this week.

Post match Taya Valkyrie comes out to say that yeah she and Johnny TV lost the Boys, but it’s not a big deal because they were BAD BOYS. Castle deserves what he is getting, including this, which includes a sneak attack from TV. Standing tall ensues.

Mark Briscoe talks about the Briscoes’ history in Philadelphia but then it was all taken away when Jay Briscoe dies. Mark tried to come back in the Continental Classic but came up short. That’s what Eddie Kingston did against Kazuchika Okada so it’s time for Mark to show that he is the real deal. It’s eleven years to the day that Jay won his first World Title so it’s time to man up. The fact that neither of the participants in the World Title match are actually here in person is as telling as you can get.

Colt Cabana/Brandon Cutler vs. Rex Lawless/Bryce Donovan

Lawless is jacked and should get a chance somewhere based on his look alone. Cutler chops at the rather large Lawless and hurts his own hand in the process. Lawless takes Cabana down with a test of strength but it’s off to Donovan instead. Cutler and Cabana do a dance into an elbow/splash sequence but Lawless is right back up.

Cutler is planted to set up a jumping elbow from Donovan, only to have Cutler dive over Donovan and bring Cabana back in. The double Bionic Elbow puts Lawless and Donovan down but Cutler tags himself in for an airplane spin. Lawless is sent outside and it’s a pumphandle slam/clothesline combination to finish Donovan at 5:08.

Rating: C. Of all the matches that get a bit of extended time so far on this show, it’s a comedy team who haven’t done anything in months. Cutler and Cabana are just there because they’re still employed by AEW and need something to do, which was fairly obvious in this case. Lawless was pretty well protected here and felt like a monster while Donovan was the guy who happened to be introduced with him.

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. KPK

Andretti takes Abu down to start and gets two off a quick rollup. Darius comes in with an armdrag into an armbar before it’s off to Dante with a springboard stomp to the arm. Ahmed gets in a cheap shot from the apron to cut Andretti off though and the villains take over for the first time. It’s Abu coming back in with a slingshot hilo for two but Andretti slips out and dives over for the tag. Darius cleans house with a tornado DDT as everything breaks down. Darius and Andretti hit stereo dives, setting up Andretti’s split legged moonsault to pin Abu at 5:48.

Rating: C+. Well, that was certainly an established team against three guys who had very little to make them stand out. It’s the kind of match that should be on AEW’s version of Main Event but instead here it is instead on one of the last shows before a pay per view, which Andretti and Top Flight will be featured on I’m sure. And somehow, this was the best match of the show so far.

We look at how Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz made the finals of the Women’s TV Title tournament.

Diamante vs. Kiera Hogan

Diamante grabs a headlock to start and runs her over for a bonus. Back up and Hogan does the same to even things up a bit. They fight over wrist control for a change until Hogan gets her down with a hammerlock. That’s reversed into an armbar from Diamante but Hogan breaks out, with commentary saying it’s time to crank it up. Cranking ensues with…a wristlock, followed by a pop up legdrop for two on Diamante.

Hogan spends too long teasing the running hip attack so Diamante cuts it off and hits a running corner dropkick instead. Something like a seated abdominal stretch has Hogan in more trouble until she breaks out again. A missile dropkick puts Diamante down again and Hogan hits a sliding boot to the face for two. Diamante goes to the knee to no avail so Hogan scores with a superkick, followed by Face The Music for the pin at 8:34.

Rating: C+. They were teasing something interesting last week with the two of them being in a relationship but fighting anyway and then that was completely dropped here. It got some time and they were suggesting that the winner would be getting a Women’s TV Title shot, but it still feels like two women who were eliminated from the tournament having a match to fill time. That last part is the case with a bunch of things around here though so I shouldn’t be overly surprised.

Evil Uno vs. JD Drake

Yep. They spend the first minute plus in a pose off, with the Canadian Uno being rather popular. That includes a SEXY UNO chant so Drake grabs a wristlock and swivels his hips a bit. They trade running shoulders until Uno snaps off a running hurricanrana to the floor. Uno follows and they trade chops until Uno hits him in the face for a rather wise counter. A less than wise move sees Uno accidentally chopping the post, allowing Drake to get in a hard shot to the f..uh, mask.

Back in and Drake knees him down, setting up a Shining Wizard for two. Uno Hulks Up so Drake quickly forearms him to the floor. This time it’s Drake chopping the post by mistake to even things up a bit, leaving Uno to hit a dive. Back in and Uno hammers away in the corner until a DDT gets two. Uno swivels his hips a lot and takes off his vest, only to have Drake run him over. Drake misses a Vader Bomb and gets kicked in the face but still manages to avoid Uno’s Swanton. There’s a Cannonball to Uno, who is fine enough to avoid a moonsault and roll Drake up for the pin at 10:16.

Rating: C. This show is about 80 minutes long and ten minutes of it were used for a partial comedy match between two members of low level tag teams. We have a week to go before the pay per view and this was the best they could offer? For the life of me I do not get the thinking around here, as there was nothing the popular Uno could have done in the way of a two minute squash?

Supercard Of Honor rundown, with a six woman Stardom tag being added. This would be your annual “here are some people from Japan to fill in the card” match.

Hikaru Shida is ready for Athena.

TV Title: Blake Christian vs. Kyle Fletcher

Christian, with his one singles win (in a four way back on January 6) around here this year, is challenging. This puts him slightly behind Fletcher, whose last win in Ring Of Honor was on January 10. Fletcher easily takes him down to start and does it again with a shoulder. Back up and Christian knocks him into the corner and gets in a bit of taunting, followed by a rollup for two. Christian sends him outside and flips into a Nightmare on Helm Street to plant Fletcher again.

Back in and Fletcher hits him in the face to take over, meaning it’s time to walk around and taunt the crowd a bit. Christian’s chops in the corner are cut off with a running elbow but he’s fine enough to hit a spear on the apron. A top rope elbow gives Christian two but Fletcher sends him hard into the corner. Fletcher’s brainbuster gets two and a bit of frustration is setting in. Christian drapes him over the top and hits a top rope splash to the back for two. That’s enough for Fletcher, who grabs the piledriver to retain at 8:00.

Rating: C+. This right here is pretty much the perfect illustration of what I can’t stand about Tony Khan’s booking style. There was zero reason for this match to take place as there has been no interaction between the two of them and neither has won a match in Ring Of Honor in months. But none of that matters because one of the most worthless titles around is thrown onto it and that instantly is supposed to make it interesting.

They had a decent match, but it was built up as this important main event and it felt like any kind of story or interest was ignored for the sake of “title match”. That is the case FAR too often in AEW and/or ROH and it drives me nuts every time it happens. At least Lee Johnson, whose title match (assuming it happens), will be probably announced with less than a week before the pay per view, has won something to earn the shot.

Overall Rating: D+. Ever since it was announced, Supercard Of Honor has felt more like a chore than a show that Ring Of Honor wants to present. Between a total of four matches (one of which has nothing to do with Ring Of Honor) announced so far, absolutely nothing in regards to the Tag Team or Pure (yes I know the champ is hurt but maybe do something about the title if he can’t wrestle for two and a half months) Titles, the World Champion and #1 contender not even being able to make an in-arena appearance despite being at the tapings when these things are filmed and the big match announced so far being a tournament final for the Women’s midcard title, this show feels so unimportant.

Then, with two shows to go before Supercard, we get this mostly useless show which did next to nothing to build towards the pay per view. The longest match on the show was Evil Uno vs. JD Drake for the sake of popping the crowd a bit, which might not happen if they had done ANYTHING interesting here.

The wrestling was fine enough, but it was reaching a new level of “none of this matters” before asking for our money and even more time next week. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again here: if this is all of the effort that Tony Khan is going to put into Ring Of Honor, just drop the stupid thing already because it’s clear that he does not care about this place whatsoever.

Athena b. Nikita – Abdominal stretch choke
Cole Karter/Griff Garrison b. Kaz Jordan/Victor Castella – Running boot/Flapjack combination to Jordan
Dalton Castle b. Nick Comoroto – Bang A Rang
Colt Cabana/Brandon Cutler b. Rex Lawless/Bryce Donovan – Pumphandle slam/clothesline combination to Donovan
Action Andretti/Top Flight b. KPK – Split legged moonsault to Abu
Kiera Hogan b. Diamante – Face The Music
Evil Uno b. JD Drake – Rollup
Kyle Fletcher b. Blake Christian – Piledriver



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Ring Of Honor – March 21, 2024: The Show Is In There

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 21, 2024
Location: Canadian Tire Center, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We have a little over two weeks to go before Supercard Of Honor and the card needs to start coming together. We already have a few matches set, but there are some which could go in a variety of ways. Ring Of Honor has a tendency to wait until the last minute to announce a lot of the show and that might be what they are doing again. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Card rundown.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Semifinals: Mercedes Martinez vs. Billie Starkz

Diamante is here with Martinez, who takes her down by the arm and grabs a front facelock. An exchange of suplexes goes to Martinez, who manages a very delayed vertical suplex for two. They go to the corner with Martinez hitting a hard stomp for two but Starkz comes back with a German suplex. Martinez is sent outside for a dive but Diamante pulls her away from the second dive, leaving Starkz to crash onto the floor (ouch).

That’s almost enough for a countout but Martinez settles for a top rope superplex instead. Starkz is able to reverse a suplex into a backbreaker for two but Martinez is back with a bunch of shots to the face. Starkz sends her to the floor instead and hits a quick dive, followed by a Swanton for two back inside. A Gory Special plants Martinez but Diamante offers a distraction, allowing Martinez to hit a Razor’s Edge Dominator for two of her own. They trade rollups until Starkz gets a cradle for the pin at 11:33.

Rating: B-. Starkz was pretty clearly a heavy favorite to make the finals from the beginning but they gave her a serious opponent in Martinez to get there. That’s a good way to go and what matters is that she has a chance to pick up her own gold. Martinez is someone who can lose a big match like this and not be hurt so it was a good choice all around.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Semifinals: Queen Aminata vs. Red Velvet

Aminata takes her to the mat to start but Velvet flips up and we get a hip shake off. The grappling exchange continues with a fight over arm control until Velvet snaps off a hurricanrana. Aminata is right back with a fall away slam and a snap suplex gets two. Back up and Velvet grabs a bulldog for two of her own, followed by a double stomp for the same. Aminata is right back with a snap German suplex and they head to the apron, where Velvet hits a spear. They head inside again for a strike off until Velvet hits a superkick, only to have Aminata hit a headbutt for the pin at 9:24.

Rating: C+. Not a bad match and it’s nice to see someone fresh in the title picture, though Aminata is still only so interesting. She’s just kind of there for the most part, but she has been figuring things out a bit in the ring as of late. Good stuff here and Aminata makes for a better choice in the finals than Velvet.

Kiera Hogan wants to fight Diamante again. If she doesn’t see her in the ring, she’ll see her at home (a rare reference to their real life relationship).

Lee Johnson vs. London Lightning

Lightning is the local favorite and rather popular. They go with the grappling to start and Lightning actually takes him down, only to be run over by Johnson. Back up and Lightning suplexes him a few times for two but Johnson strikes away at his head. A neckbreaker drops Lightning and some superkicks set up the Big Shot Drop to give Johnson the pin at 3:54.

Rating: C. This was the latest Johnson win and while he is still getting one victory after another, it should be time to get him to something more important. The TV Title is still out there as an option and that could be something we get sooner than later. Other than that, it was nice to see a crowd favorite getting some time and he did well in his shot here.

Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie are teaching the Boys to do some new things but Dalton Castle comes in to find the Boys. TV: “We lost them! There was a bear!” Castle: “BEARS EAT BOYS!” The panicking Castle is told he still has Boys, but they’re just single use Boys. Lexi tells him to stop interrupting her interviews and leaves.

Rachael Ellering vs. Hikaru Shida

Hold on here as here is Athena to watch. Ellering powers her up against the ropes to start as Athena is looking nervous at ringside. A hard shoulder puts Shida down and Ellering lifts her up with a gutwrench suplex. Shida is back up and sends her into the corner for some right hands to the head, meaning it’s time to head outside. That lets Shida get creative by teasing sending Ellering into Athena, only to stop at the last second, causing Athena to fall backwards anyway.

Back in and Ellering can’t manage a suplex so Shida gives her one instead. A missile dropkick gives Shida two as Athena is looking rather nervous. Back up and Shida wins a strike off with a claw STO putting Ellering down. Ellering is right back up with a TKO as Athena is turning into a coach. Not that it works as Shida is back up with a brainbuster into the Katana for the pin at 7:29.

Rating: B-. It was nice to have Shida actually wrestle a match in Ring Of Honor before moving on to the title match at Supercard Of Honor. Shida is a very talented star but it isn’t like she has done anything in the last few months. It’s something fresh, but I’m not sure I can imagine her being the one to take the title from Athena.

Diamante accepts Kiera Hogan’s challenge.

Matt Sydal vs. TJ Crawford

Sydal starts fast and snaps off a hurricanrana before taking Crawford into the corner. That’s fine with Crawford, who sends him into the rope and kicks it into Sydal’s face to take over. A suplex slam gets two and we hit the chinlock to keep Sydal down. Sydal fights up and kicks him in the head, setting up a jumping knee. The top rope Meteora finishes Crawford at 5:15.

Rating: C. This was more or less an easy win for Sydal and I’m not sure why we needed to see that. Sydal doesn’t have anything going on at the moment and instead is just here getting a quick win. It wasn’t a bad match but Crawford didn’t exactly do anything great. Either way, an acceptable enough use of time but rather random.

Eddie Kingston is upset by his loss but his mentor Homicide called him up. Homicide wants to know where the old Kingston is, because that Kingston wouldn’t have lost. Kingston is going to bring his old self to beat Mark Briscoe because he can’t feel that pain again. I’m still not sure if Briscoe is going to acknowledge this match, as he is kind of busy trying to burn down the House Of Black.

Lexi Nair is happy for Billie Starkz but Athena is rather serious about having to face Hikaru Shida. Athena goes on a rant about how Shida beat her years ago and it will NOT happen again.

Anna Jay vs. Mina Shirakawa

The debuting Mina is from Stardom and likes to dance a lot. Jay ducks her to start and takes a quick bow so Mina shows her up to even the score. Mina takes her down for a kick to the back but Anna grabs a running Blockbuster. Back up and Mina starts in on the knee, followed by a dropkick for two.

Anna fights up and hits a Gory Bomb for two, meaning it’s time to slug it up from their knees. Mina goes back to the leg (Coleman: “That she has invested so much in!” We’re less than five minutes into the match and she didn’t work on it for a good while.), setting up a missile dropkick for two. A facebuster is loaded up but Anna escapes, only to get caught in a rollup to give Mina the pin at 5:56.

Rating: C+. Well that was random. This was a quick match between two people who don’t regularly wrestle here. I’m not sure why this was the main event for a show about two weeks before one of the biggest events of the year. For now, Shirakawa showed off some great charisma and I could go for having her around again, though it was only so good of a debut match.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Another short show here with a focus on the women’s division. You had the two tournament matches and the Shida/Athena stuff, followed by the Eddie Kingston promo. Other than that, it was a trio of rather random matches, with only Johnson’s seeming like it fit. The show was just over an hour and they didn’t waste time, though I’m not sure how much good it did for Supercard Of Honor.

Billie Starkz b. Mercedes Martinez – Rollup
Queen Aminata b. Red Velvet – Headbutt
Lee Johnson b. London Lightning – Big Shot Drop
Hikaru Shida b. Rachael Ellering – Katana
Matt Sydal b. TJ Crawford – Top rope Meteora
Mina Shirakawa b. Anna Jay – Rollup



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Ring Of Honor – March 14, 2024: Back To That Show

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 14, 2024
Location: Gas South Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We are less than a month away from Supercard Of Honor and it should be time to announce some matches. That could make things all the more complicated as there isn’t much time left to build up the card. Then again ROH has a tendency to just throw things together and that will probably be the case again here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down the card.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Diamante vs. Billie Starkz

They trade rollups to start until Diamante knocks her into the corner for a running dropkick. The beating heads outside with Starkz being knocked into the barricade. Starkz is right back with a hurricanrana off the steps to take over. Diamante drives some shoulders in the corner and we hit the neck crank. Starkz fights up but gets splashed for two, only to kick her back to the floor.

There’s the suicide dive, followed by two more to make it worse. Back in and a suplex onto the knee gives Starkz another near fall, followed by a faceplant to plant Diamante on her face. Diamante is back with a rolling Chaos Theory out of the corner for two, only to have Starkz blast her with a clothesline. They forearm it out (of course) until Diamante grabs a quick Stunner. A standing Sliced Bread #2 gives Diamante two but Starkz kicks her in the face. The Swanton gets two so Starkz goes for a half nelson crossface for the tap at 11:38.

Rating: B-. This got rolling near the end and I was digging what they were doing. The tournament matches have been made a good bit more exciting s there is SOMETHING for these people to fight over. The fact that there was a pretty obvious winner in Starkz but they had me wondering on some of those near falls is proof that they were doing something right. Good stuff here and one of Starkz’ better matches to date.

Lee Johnson vs. Aaron Solo

They trade arm control to start until Johnson grabs a headlock takeover. That’s broken up and Solo gives him a sarcastic handshake. Solo is sent outside and shakes the fans’ hands but runs into a dropkick back inside. Back up and Solo sends him hard into the ropes with Johnson seemingly hitting his throat on the top rope to cut him down fast. A suplex gives Solo two and we hit the chinlock.

Johnson fights up and sends him throat first into the ropes to even things up with a double knockdown. The Blue Thunder Bomb gives Johnson two but the Big Shot Drop is broken up. Solo kicks him down for two and a top rope double stomp gets the same. A butterfly powerbomb is countered into a hurricanrana from Johnson, who lawn darts Solo into the buckle. The Big Shot Drop finishes Solo at 10:22.

Rating: C+. Lee Johnson is being pushed, with six straight wins coming into this match. This was near his hometown of Atlanta. It took him ten minutes to beat a perennial jobber in Solo. There was little reason for this to be anywhere near as competitive if Johnson is supposed to be something important. In theory he is on the way to a title shot, but why should I believe he can beat someone important if it is this hard to beat Solo?

Robyn Renegade vs. Lady Frost vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Leyla Hirsch

Renegade gets triple teamed down to start, leaving the other three to fight in the ring. Frost sends Hirsch into the corner but gets legdropped by Hogan for two. Robyn comes back in but gets choked by Hirsch, only to have Hogan break it up with some kicks to the head. They all slug it out until Frost sends them into the corner for a pair of flipping Cannonballs. Hogan is back up with a running hip attack against the ropes to Renegade, followed by Face The Music for the pin at 5:26.

Rating: C. Hey look: another four way match where the winner is no further ahead than she was before the match. It also didn’t get a ton of time so they didn’t have the time to shine or get anything going. The action was fine enough, but these things coming and going every week have taken away almost all of their interest.

Griff Garrison and Cole Karter are ready for their big match but Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes in to blame their lack of Collision appearances on Garrison’s loss to Adam Copeland. Don’t disappoint her.

Athena vs. Aisha

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning Aisha gets a title shot if she survives the ten minute time limit or wins. Athena starts fast with a toss suplex but Aisha kicks her into the corner. They head outside with Athena sending her into the barricade a few times. Aisha comes back with a spinebuster for two inside but Athena grabs the Codebreaker. Something like an abdominal stretch makes Aisha tap at 4:29.

Rating: C. This is what you get from an Athena Proving Ground match and there isn’t much to be gained from them. The good thing is they got through the match rather quickly and Aisha didn’t put up much of a fight. Athena needs a new challenger and we’ll probably get that sooner than later, but for now there isn’t much for her to do.

Post match Athena keeps up the beating and runs down the city of Atlanta. Cue Hikaru Shida to interrupt and we seem to have a challenger for Supercard of Honor. That would be another person from outside ROH getting the title shot because the division has been wrecked so badly by this Athena title reign that could have ended months ago without her losing a thing. But then again it’s not like this show matters in the slightest so why should I expect it to be well put together?

Top Flight/Action Andretti vs. Iron Savages

Before the match, we get a drink off between the Savage Sauce and Andretti’s water. Andretti wins and we’re ready to go, with Top Flight/Andretti hitting dives out to the floor. Back in and Dante kicks away at Bronson and everything breaks down again. Dante avoids going into a hairy chest and brings Darius back in to clean house.

Darius gets knocked down in the corner but Bronson spends too much time on pelvic thrusting and misses the moonsault. A kick to the face out of the corner allows the tag to Dante, meaning things pick up again. Everything breaks down and Jameson gets caught with a shooting star press followed by a frog splash to give Dante the pin at 6:01.

Rating: C+. Nice six man here with Top Flight and Andretti continuing to work well together. That being said, it’s another case where a team is floating around from win to win without getting much of a chance to go anywhere. Granted it might help if the Six Man Tag Team Titles had been defended here but that hasn’t happened on this show since September.

Lee Johnson is just getting started.

Workhorsemen vs. Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto

The Workhorsemen jump them from behind to start and Comoroto is knocked into the wrong corner. Comoroto slugs his way out of corner but Henry kicks him down for two. Everything breaks down and Drake suplexes Comoroto, setting up Henry’s top rope double stomp for the pin at 3:41.

Rating: C. This is a good example of a match that was fine but since it didn’t really add anything, it probably didn’t need to be on a show that is running over two hours. The Workhorsemen have been around here for months and don’t seem to be going anywhere, which again might have something to do with the champions almost never being around here (with their one title defense since winning the titles in December).

Post match Watts holds the ropes for Comoroto and they take their time leaving together.

Lance Archer vs. Darian Bengston

Jake Roberts bothers to show up for once. Archer misses a charge into the corner but pulls Bengston out of the air without much trouble. Another missed charge lets Bengston strike away but Archer plants him with a chokeslam. The Blackout finishes for Archer at 2:17.

We look at Dalton Castle losing the Boys to Johnny TV/Taya Valkyrie two weeks ago.

Taya Valkyrie is thinking about buying the Boys matching outfits but Dalton Castle comes in to say he can smell them. They shout at each other over the boys diets (sushi vs. tater tots) until security drags Castle away. This was amusing.

Women’s TV Title Tournament Quarterfinals: Mercedes Martinez vs. Abadon

Abadon slugs away to start and hits some running knees in the corner. Martinez is knocked outside and taken down again, only to come back with a big boot. Back in and some rolling butterfly suplexes have Abadon in trouble and a clothesline gives Martinez two. Abadon fights up and hits a running Codebreaker for two, only for Martinez to come back with a hard suplex.

The half crab has Abadon crawling over to the ropes for the break, followed by a quick cutter to send Martinez outside. Martinez is back up with a hard knee on the apron, setting up a hanging neckbreaker to the floor. Back in and Abadon grabs a quick DDT for two…but someone pops out from under the ring to deck Abadon. The fisherwoman’s buster gives Martinez the pin at 9:46.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t as good as the opener but it was still a nice showdown between two talented stars. Martinez going forward is a good choice as she is at least a minor threat to win the title but also someone who can be beaten to give someone a rub. I’m curious about the interference, as it’s at least a fresh ending for one of the tournament matches.

And it’s Diamante as the interfering scoundrel.

The final four:

Billie Starkz
Mercedes Martinez

Red Velvet
Queen Aminata

Slim J vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox vs. Komander

Oh this is ROH in 2024 all right. J isn’t interested in a handshake and instead flips everyone off before heading to the floor for the bell. Fox takes him out with a dive, as he won’t stand for that kind of disrespect. That leaves Komander to miss a charge in the corner so Cartwheel hits a flipping elbow for two. J is back in to hit Fox low and another one cuts off Cartwheel, setting up a running cutter for two more. Fox flips J off the top and steps through into a cutter of his own for two of his own.

Komander has to make a save before kicking J down in the corner. Komander’s backbreaker puts Fox down before going to the top with Cartwheel. A middle rope Codebreaker on the apron rocks Cartwheel but J is there with a suicide dive to drop Komander. Back in and a top rope reverse DDT gives J two on Fox before Cartwheel and Komander go flipping up (and down) the ramp. Komander gets the better of things, setting up Cielito Lindo to finish J at 8:20.

Rating: B-. Remember the women’s version of this match earlier, where it was more or less the same kind of match that they’ve had for months and it is mainly just flashy yet meaningless? Same thing here, but with the men instead. It was entertaining enough, but when you’ve seen it over and over again for weeks, it’s hard to get interested again.

Eddie Kingston says Mark Briscoe was supposed to get a World Title shot last year. He can have it this year at Supercard Of Honor instead. There is no mention of anything but the ROH World Title on the line. Naturally this had to be a pre-tape because the champ isn’t going to be on the regular show.

Cole Karter/Griff Garrison vs. Trent Beretta/Orange Cassidy

Maria Kanellis Bennett is here with Karter and Garrison so Chuck Taylor is here to cancel her out. Karter misses an armdrag attempt to start so Cassidy puts his hands in the pockets to take over. Beretta comes in to hiptoss Garrison, setting up a quick double suplex for two. Cassidy sends Garrison face first into the buckle over and over but Karter is back in with a snap suplex.

Cassidy manages to kick his way to freedom though and there’s the hot tag to Beretta. A dive to the floor takes out Garrison but some double teaming puts Beretta in trouble for a change. Karter misses a 450 though and Beretta suplexes Garrison, allowing the real tag off to Cassidy. A bunch of kicks put the villains down and Garrison gets high crossbodied. The tornado DDT gets two on Karter but Maria offers a distraction, meaning it’s time for an exchange of kicks to the head. Maria gets up for another distraction and offers a hug, but Beretta would rather hug Chuck. The Orange Punch finishes Karter at 10:58.

Rating: B-. Nice match here, even if it is near impossible to care about Karter and Garrison no matter what they do. They have been up and down for months and still seem to be going nowhere as I still wonder why Maria is stuck with them. Cassidy and Beretta were the big guest stars and it makes perfect sense to close with them, even if they needed better opponents.

Post match the Spanish Announce Project comes in to get Serpentico’s mask back but manage to get beaten down. Cassidy and Beretta make the save and pose with the Project to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. And we’re back to the old format with two hours of stuff, much of which could have easily been dropped with absolutely nothing being lost. The four ways feel like little more than ways to get people on the show and when they feature a lot of the same people week in and week out, it’s rather hard to care. Other than that you had a bunch of the usual stuff, with the tournament matches at least feeling important. So yeah, it’s back to what makes ROH annoying after weeks of having it be what it should have been.

Billie Starkz b. Diamante – Half nelson crossface
Lee Johnson b. Aaron Solo – Big Shot Drop
Kiera Hogan b. Robyn Renegade, Lady Frost and Leyla Hirsch – Face The Music to Renegade
Athena b. Aisha – Abdominal stretch
Top Flight/Action Andretti b. Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson – Frog splash to James
Workhorsemen b. Jacoby Watts/Nick Comoroto – Top rope double stomp to Comoroto
Lance Archer b. Darian Bengston – Blackout
Mercedes Martinez b. Abadon – Fisherwoman’s buster
Komander b. AR Fox, Slim J and Jack Cartwheel – Cielito Lindo to J
Orange Cassidy/Trent Beretta b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter – Orange Punch to Karter



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Ring Of Honor – February 15, 2024: My Goodness They Did It

Ring Of Honor
Date: February 15, 2024
Location: Dollar Loan Center, Henderson, Nevada
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

In theory the slow march towards Supercard Of Honor continues, though we still have no announcement that the show is taking place. Assuming it is going to be held the Friday of Wrestlemania Weekend, we would be looking at fifty days from this broadcast. That is starting to run rather low for an announcement but maybe they can cover it here. In more current news, the Women’s TV Title Tournament starts tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Women’s TV Title Tournament First Round: Queen Aminata vs. J Rod

Aminata chops her down to start and snaps off a suplex as commentary previews the rest of the first round matches tonight and clarifies that there are sixteen participants overall. Rod fights up and kicks her into the corner, setting up a hard whip into the buckle. A suplex gives Rod one but she misses a frog splash. Aminata makes the clothesline comeback, setting up a pair of hip attacks in the corner. Rod avoids a charge in the corner and strikes away, only to get caught with a German suplex. A headbutt finishes for Aminata at 6:06.

Rating: C. They kept this pretty quick and to the point but Rod did get in some offense rather than being squashed. Aminata has been getting a lot of attention (with commentary pointing out how frequently she is featured) and I’m not stunned to see her getting a win here. She’s won in ROH before so this is far from some stretch, though I’m not expecting her to go that far in the whole thing.

Infantry vs. Midnight Heat

Dean shoulders Pearl down to start and it’s a backbreaker/middle rope legdrop for two. Bravo hits a slingshot cutter for two but Gibson comes in to drop Bravo with a DDT. The chinlock doesn’t last long so it’s an over the shoulder backbreaker/top rope elbow for two more. Bravo gets over to Dean for the tag so house can be quickly cleaned. Everything breaks down and a backslide/middle rope legdrop combination for two on Dan. Back up and Boot Camp finishes Pearl at 6:46.

Rating: C. This was an example of a match that felt like it went long for the sake of going long. Midnight Heat might be a team who has done well on the independent circuit (as commentary mentioned) but the Infantry has been presented as a team who could be title contenders around here. Why is it taking them almost seven minutes to beat a pretty generic team making their debut? Again: it’s ok to let a match be a squash, especially if the winners are regulars.

Queen Aminata says she didn’t come all the way to Africa to be average. She looks good in gold but she’ll take the silver in the Women’s TV Title.

Women’s TV Title Tournament First Round: Rachael Ellering vs. Leyla Hirsch

They hug to start and trade takedowns into covers and a standoff. Hirsch’s big knee is blocked and Ellering grabs a gutwrench suplex to take over. Hirsch is right back with her own suplex before grabbing something like an abdominal stretch on her back. With that broken up, they bump fists and slug it out until Hirsch snaps off a German suplex. Back up and Ellering fires off some chops into an STO, followed by a running back elbow for two.

Hirsch goes after the arm and hold on as the medic needs to check on Ellering’s shoulder/elbow. Said medic pops the arm back in and let’s keep going. Hirsch doesn’t want to do this now but Ellering pushes her in the face, earning a Saito suplex for two. Some stomping has Ellering in trouble but she says bring it, meaning Hirsch knees her in the face. Ellering reverses the cover into a cradle for two, which earns herself another running knee to give Hirsch the pin at 10:49.

Rating: C+. The story of the match is the elbow/arm and that’s not a bad way to go. You have the chance of Ellering blaming the arm for the loss and Hirsch not wanting to hurt her friend, which means there are different ways to go. What matters here is they had more going on than just the title and that made it much more interesting.

Post match Hirsch checks on Ellering with the bad arm.

We look at Athena and Nyla Rose putting each other through tables.

Rose is waiting for Athena, who jumps her from behind with a piece of the table. Rose fights back and hits her in the head with the table to leave Athena laying.

Outrunners vs. Lights Camera Faction

Magnum headlocks (Ice) Williams to start and hands it off to Floyd for a shot to the head. Some elbows, including a jumping version, setting up a running shot in the corner to (Jeaux) Braxton. That’s broken up and an elbow to the face lets Williams come back in. Everything breaks down and it’s a powerslam/running neckbreaker combination each to both Williams and Braxton. For some reason Floyd pulls Williams up at two, setting up the Infantry’s Boot Camp to finish him off at 3:52.

Rating: C+. The ending seems to be setting something up between the Outrunners and the Infantry and sure why not. It’s not like either of them have anything of note going on at the moment and odds are they’re not going to get a major title shot. Not a bad match, with Lights Camera Faction being a rather snazzy team name.

Commentary points out that it was indeed Boot Camp.

The Infantry is happy with the win but Lee Moriarty comes in to say the Outrunners just used Boot Camp. The Infantry is no longer happy.

Bryan Keith vs. Slice Boogie

Keith strikes away against the ropes to start and boots Boogie down. A t-bone suplex into Diamond Dust finishes Boogie at 1:53. And that’s how you do a squash.

Women’s TV Title Tournament: Trish Adora vs. Mercedes Martinez

They go with the grappling to start, with Martinez stomping on the foot to escape a headlock. Adora cranks on the arm and rolls her up for two as this is certainly starting slowly. Martinez takes her down for a double arm crank but Adora headscissors her down and does some pushups.

That doesn’t sit well with Martinez, who takes her to the floor and starts in on the back again. A knee in said back with a chinlock has Adora in more trouble but Adora is back up to escape the third Amigo. Adora hits a Thesz press and slugs away, setting up a backsplash for two more. The torture rack is loaded up but Adora’s back gives out, allowing Martinez to grab the Brass City Sleeper for the win at 9:45.

Rating: C. They were going for a technical exchange here and while that part worked well enough, it wasn’t very engaging as they were just kind of doing moves to each other. I liked the back work from Martinez and it played into the finish, but I was bred for most of the match, which isn’t saying much when they didn’t even have ten minutes. Martinez can still go with anyone and she did fine here, but not much in the energy department here.

Rachael Ellering is upset about the loss and Leyla Hirsch comes in to say she didn’t want it that way. Ellering knows it wasn’t intentional and they’re cool.

Lance Archer/Righteous vs. Jon Cruz/JC Valentine/James Blackheart

Dutch knees Valentine in the ribs to start but Valentine is back with a dropkick. For some reason Valentine tries a monkey flip and is promptly planted. Archer comes in to chop Blackheart in the corner, setting up Dutch’s powerbomb into a middle rope headbutt. Blackheart finally ducks a right hand and dives over to Cruz for the tag. Everything breaks down and Orange Sunshine hits Cruz, with Archer Black Outing Blackheart onto Cruz for the pin at 5:16.

Rating: C-. It’s a shame this couldn’t have been yesterday or it very well could have been Valentine’s day. Total squash here, but again it didn’t need to go that long when you could have the monsters crush them even faster. Then again, Archer and the Righteous aren’t exactly doing anything so it’s not like they’ll be hurt by the longer match.

Infantry yells at the Outrunners over stealing Boot Camp and threaten to knock them back to the 70s.

Kenny King vs. Dalton Castle

The Boys are here with Castle, who is still more than a bit off (even by his standards). King pulls him into a headlock and sends Castle to the floor, where it’s time for some fanning. Back in and Castle misses a charge to the outside again, this time with King following to get in another shot. A cartwheel kick to the head rocks Castle…who grabs the Bang A Rang for the pin (it’s as sudden as it sounds) at 4:54.

Rating: C. They got in and out of here rather quickly with Castle hitting all of one move for the win. That makes sense for Castle, who has nothing left to lose at the moment and is as basic as you can get. All that matters is having him get the big match against Johnny TV and that has to be coming sooner rather than later.

Post match Castle says he has nothing left but wants Johnny TV. Cue TV (with Taya Valkyrie) who says Castle still isn’t TV ready. Castle is willing to give up anything, so TV agrees to a match….in exchange for the Boys. Castle is perplexed as TV and Taya walk away.

Athena is sitting on the floor and isn’t sure what she is going to do next. She is the minion overlord and the protector of the women’s division, so next week she wants Nyla Rose in a tables match.

Women’s TV Title Tournament First Round: Diamante vs. Kiera Hogan

Diamante misses some big swings to start before ducking a clothesline and getting in a spank. Back up and Diamante pulls her off the ropes and hammers away on the mat. Some choking on the ropes sets up a chinlock but Hogan is back up with a suplex. Hogan misses the running hip attack but grabs a Side Effect for two instead. Now the hip attack can connect and the running corner dropkick makes it worse. A hangman’s neckbreaker gives Hogan two more but Diamante Stunners her over the ropes. Hogan hits a superkick but walks into the rolling cutter to give Diamante the pin at 6:31.

Rating: C+. This was a bit more of an intense, back and forth match with either feeling like they could pull it off. That made for a better match and Diamante has been on a bit of a roll in recent months. Good way to wrap up the show here with a little more time making things even better.

Nyla Rose accepts for the Women’s Title match next week and we’ll make it 2/3 tables.

Overall Rating: B-. WHERE IN THE WORLD HAS THIS BEEN? This was by far the easiest ROH show I’ve watched in a long time and it’s really easy to see why: most of the stuff felt like it mattered. It really is as simple of that. Don’t make me feel like I’m wasting my time and have something that matters in most of the matches and the show goes way up in quality. The wrestling wasn’t anything special but my goodness this was a massive step in the right direction and if this is where it’s going, I’m rather pleased.

Queen Aminata b. J Rod – Headbutt
Infantry b. Midnight Heat – Boot Camp to Pearl
Leyla Hirsch b. Rachael Ellering – Running knee
Outrunners b. Lights Camera Faction – Boot Camp to Williams
Bryan Keith b. Slice Boogie – Diamond Dust
Mercedes Martinez b. Trish Adora – Brass City Sleeper
Lance Archer/Righteous b. Jon Cruz/JC Valentine/James Blackheart – Blackout to Blackheart
Dalton Castle b. Kenny King – Bang A Rang
Diamante b. Kiera Hogan – Rolling cutter



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Ring Of Honor – February 8, 2024: Running In Circles

Ring Of Honor
Date: February 8, 2024
Location: Bert Ogden Arena, Edinburg, Texas
Commentators: Caprice Coleman, Ian Riccaboni

We’re slowly making our way towards the yet to be announced Supercard of Honor. That should make for a big show, but given ROH’s tendencies, most of the card won’t be announced until shortly before the show. Maybe we’ll get the Women’s TV Title tournament finals there, assuming they ever actually start the tournament. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We run down some of the card.

Workhorsemen vs. Sayrus GT/Brilliante RB

Henry and Brilliante start things off with Henry blocking an early armdrag attempt. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker puts Brilliante down again but he dives over to bring in Sayrus to clean house. Drake isn’t having any of this diving stuff though and bounces Sayrus off the ropes for a hard forearm to the face. Back in and a DDT plants Sayrus but he slips out of what looks like a powerbomb and brings Brilliante in again. Not that it matters as Drake suplexes him into the corner for the running knees from Henry. A Downward Spiral/running kick to the head combination finishes Brilliante at 4:07.

Rating: C. This was short and to the point here with the luchadors not getting much time to showcase themselves. It’s nice to see someone new brought in, but it’s even nicer to have an established team win a match without too much trouble. I still don’t buy the Workhorsemen as title threats but at least they got a nice win here.

Dalton Castle won’t let anyone, including Jerry Lynn, Taya Valkyrie or Johnny TV see his friend.

Ethan Page vs. Aaron Solo

Solo isn’t interested in the Code Of Honor to start so Page stomps him down in the corner. Page drives him into another corner and rains down some right hands but it’s too early for Ego’s Edge. Solo pulls him off the middle for a crash into the corner, allowing Solo to hit a spinning kick to the head for two. Page fights out of the chinlock and hits him in the face before pulling him into a powerslam for another near fall. The Ego’s Edge is blocked again and a release northern lights suplex gives Solo two. Solo gets caught cheating on a rollup so Page kicks him in the face, setting up the Ego’s Edge for the pin at 7:29.

Rating: C+. It’s good for Page to pick up another win and he’s getting the momentum going, but assuming he gets the TV Title match at the next big show, we’re going to be waiting a good while. That’s one of the problems with Ring Of Honor: they take so long to have their big matches because such matches don’t take place on the regular show. That leaves some long gaps and Page is stuck in the middle of one.

Penta El Zero Miedo/El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Jon Cruz/KM

Penta and Cruz start things off so we pause for the two of them to shout their names. An exchange of shoves is the only contact for the first minute and forty five seconds until Penta grabs a headlock. Penta kicks him in the ribs but KM gets in a cheap shot from the apron for a breather.

Vikingo comes in and gets suplexed for two, followed by KM grabbing a reverse chinlock. A full nelson slam gives Vikingo two but he fights up and brings in Penta to clean house. A Backstabber into a rope walk double stomp to the ribs gets two on Cruz with KM making the save. Something like What’s Up gets two more and the package piledriver plants him (with Vikingo taking out KM) for the pin at 7:12.

Rating: C+. This was a bit more competitive than I was expecting, but spending almost two minutes waiting for them to start was a bit annoying. Penta and Vikingo seemed to be treated like something of a dream team and while they kind of are, it’s not quite as effective as the Lucha Bros. It was just another match with the flashy luchadors flipping around a lot and we’ve kind of covered that to death around here.

Billie Starkz and Lexi Nair are in the back with the latter handing Starkz a message. Starkz says if Nyla Rose is looking for her, come find her after her match.

Johnny TV vs. ???

TV has Taya Valkyrie with him and his opponent, Dalton Castle’s friend is….Hombre de Pavo Real de Montana. That would be Mountain Peacock Man, which is pretty clearly Castle with a beard and a hat. Taya questions Montana’s Spanish abilities but he’s only using a Spanish name to make himself learn Spanish. He even has an app! Montana admits that he is indeed Castle and says it was a ruse to get TV to fight him. TV finally agrees and will tell Castle what it takes….next week.

Shane Taylor issues a proclamation: If you are feeling left out, come join up or fight against them.

Maria Kanellis-Bennett shows Lexi Nair Cole Karter and Griff Garrison attacking someone who appears to be Serpentico. Angelico makes the save but it’s not really Serpentico, meaning the beatdown is on again. The real Serpentico makes the save.

Billie Starkz vs. Araya Thorn

They fight over arm control to start until Starkz takes it to the mat to work on the leg. Starks strikes away and rolls her up for two, followed by a German suplex to send her outside. There’s the suicide dive but here is Nyla Rose with a table for a distraction. Back in and something like a crossface chickenwing finishes Thorn at 3:52.

Rating: C. This was more about the Rose interruption than anything else. In theory we’re waiting on Rose beating Starkz before she gets a Women’s Title shot, but that might take a little while to set up at this point. For now, Starkz stays strong and they didn’t waste time with a longer match when it didn’t need to be.

Post match Rose seems to challenge Starkz but here is the returning Athena to knock Rose off the apron and through the table. Again: I have no idea why Rose is supposed to be the heel here but that seems to be where they’re going.

Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hogan and Diamante clear the ring, with Hogan hitting a dropkick to put her down for an early two. Hirsch and Adora are back in for an amateur off until Adora is sent outside again. Back in and Adora runs them all over with shoulders until Diamante suplexes Adora onto the other two. A triple dropkick puts Diamante down but Hirsch sends the other two outside again. Diamante grabs a chair but Rachael Ellering cuts it off, only to have Diamante roll Hirsch up with her feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:50.

Rating: C. Yeah whatever. These four way matches and momentum building matches towards the tournament have been going on for weeks now and they stopped being interesting a good while ago. Either start the tournament already or stop talking about it because these matches are coming and going with no impact whatsoever. Maybe they shouldn’t have announces the tournament all the way before Christmas if it wasn’t going to start until February (at the earliest). Just a thought.

Griff Garrison/Cole Karter/Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Iron Savages/Infantry

Dean cranks on Garrison’s arm to start and hands it off to Bravo for something like a Demolition Decapitator for two. Bronson comes in for a heck of a backdrop before handing it off to Boulder to load up his chest spot. Hold on though as Maria gets on the apron to open her jacket for a distraction. That doesn’t work so well as Garrison and Karter are sent into Boulder’s chest instead as the villains can’t get anything going.

The Infantry clears the ring and Dean hits a dive but Garrison cuts him off with a clothesline. Back in and Dean has to fight out of the wrong corner, setting up the tag to Bravo (who sipped the Savage Sauce). That means it’s Bravo coming in to clean house as everything breaks down. Boulder suplexes Garrison and Karter, leaving Taylor to come in for a slugout. Taylor this a release Rock Bottom but Bravo knocks him into the corner. Moriarty is back in with a quick suplex into a Downward Spiral to finish Bravo at 9:16.

Rating: C+. This is the part where commentary talks about how the teams are building momentum and might be in line for a Tag Team Title shot. I see little reason for that to be taken seriously as the Kingdom has defended the titles once in their month and a half reign. Maybe they can start interacting with the tag division more frequently but until then, this feels like the same treadmill that the teams have been running on for months. On a side note: can we please give the Savages a week off? They’ve been on the show week after week for months and they’re doing the same stuff over and over. It’s ok to give us a break.

Post match Maria holds up Serpentico’s mask so here he is to get it back. Karter and Garrison take him out, leaving Coleman to say “this feud here is never ending. Every time we think it’s over there’s more to it.” Preach it man.

Rachael Ellering and Leyla Hirsch confirm that everything is ok.

Gravity vs. Lee Johnson

Johnson cranks on a headlock to start before running Gravity over with a shoulder. Gravity is back up and we get a standoff as things reset a bit. Gravity’s dropkick takes out the leg and Johnson gets knocked outside. The dive is cut off so Gravity comes back in for a springboard armdrag. Johnson is sent outside again and this time the dive takes him out. Gravity manages a powerbomb to leave them both down for a double breather. Johnson is back up with his reverse inverted DDT for the pin at 6:04.

Rating: C. This was kind of a weird match as it was back and forth until Johnson just hit his finisher for the pin. Johnson is getting a few wins and if that means a TV Title shot or something like that, cool. The problem is he needs to actually get something out of this and it’s hard to believe that will be the case.

Dalton Castle thinks Johnny TV might want his worm farm or his perfect blood. Then he grabs his chest and gets inside a washing machine.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Killa Kate

Johnny TV is here with Valkyrie, who kicks Kate into the corner to start. A bunch of kicks and a clothesline get two each before a spear cuts Kate off. Shania Pain finishes for Valkyrie at 2:52.

The Women’s TV Title Tournament starts next week. Thank goodness.

Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox vs. Komander vs. Willie Mack

They shake hands before everyone goes at it to start. Fox clears the ring but gets sent into the corner by Cartwheel, who cartwheels away. The flipping elbow drop gets two on Fox but Mack is back in to run everyone over. An exploder suplex drops Cartwheel but Komander sends Mack outside for a springboard moonsault. Fox is back up but his 450 hits Mack’s raised knees.

Mack powerbombs Fox for two before Cartwheel comes in to slug it out with Fox. Komander comes in but gets taken down by Cartwheel, whose backbreaker connects for two. Mack dives onto Komander and Fox, setting up Cartwheel’s dive onto everyone. Komander is back in with a springboard 450 to Cartwheel, setting up Cielito Lindo for the pin at 10:26.

Rating: B-. This was the same match they’ve had for the last month plus with different people involved. They did their dives and flips with everyone getting in something until one person won. I’m sure this will launch Komander into the title picture, because he has never been put into a random title match and come up short.

Athena sends the minions to get things ready for a celebration before calling Nyla Rose nothing. Then Rose comes in to put her through a table to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Usual caveat: the wrestling was good to rather good with nothing that was close to bad. That being said, this continues to be one of the worst week to week shows that I have ever seen. There is so much stuff that feels like it is there to extend the run time or feels like it is building to nothing because stories take FOREVER to get to a resolution. Caprice Coleman even said something similar about the Serpentico stuff as it feels like it’s ending and then it just keeps going.

There is nothing wrong with having a good match on a show, but at some point it needs to mean SOMETHING. Ring Of Honor has had these four ways for what feels like months and where have they led? Maybe a one off TV Title match here or there but it’s not like there is any consistency. Instead it’s just a bunch of people having matches and every so often, one of them will get a random title match. Nothing on here feels any bigger than the rest and there is so much on the show that feels like a way to get people in the ring. I wonder how much these tapings affect the AEW shows’ attendance, as I wouldn’t want to sit through almost two hours of this stuff. Again: not a bad show, but a totally unnecessarily long one.

Workhorsemen b. Sayrus GT/Brilliante RB – Downward Spiral/running kick to the head combination to Brilliante
Ethan Page b. Aaron Solo – Ego’s Edge
Penta El Zero Miedo/El Hijo del Vikingo b. Jon Cruz/KM – Package piledriver to Cruz
Billie Starkz b. Araya Thorn – Crossface chickenwing
Diamante b. Leyla Hirsch, Trish Adora and Kiera Hogan – Rollup with feet on the ropes to Hirsch
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Griff Garrison/Cole Karter b. Iron Savages/Infantry – Suplex Downward Spiral to Bravo
Lee Johnson b. Gravity – Reverse inverted DDT
Taya Valkyrie b. Killa Kate – Shania Pain
Komander b. Willie Mack, Jack Cartwheel and AR Fox – Cielito Lindo to Cartwheel



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Ring Of Honor – February 1, 2024: Still Waiting

Ring Of Honor
Date: February 1, 2024
Location: Brookshire Grocery Arena, Bossier City, Louisiana
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re back on the slow road towards what will likely be Supercard Of Honor and I have no idea when we might get started on a build to the show. In this case, we have the Kingdom in a bunch of non-title matches and Kyle Fletcher losing to someone not even in ROH. In other words, everything is as normal. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Dalton Castle tries to throw garbage on Johnny TV and Taya Valkyrie. Jerry Lynn comes in to break it up and tells Castle that his friend has a match next week on ROH TV. Johnny doesn’t buy it and offers to fight the friend himself, whomever it may be. Castle still isn’t happy.

Opening sequence.

Spanish Announce Project vs. Russells

Angelico takes Kameron down to start and it’s off to Serpentico for a top rope stomp to the arm. Allen makes the save but Serpentico drops a knee for two more on Kameron. A double hiptoss puts Serpentico down for the same, which is about it for the Russells’ offense. Serpentico fights up and gets over to Angelico without much trouble, with an ankle lock putting Kameron in trouble. Allen makes the save but it’s something like a Tequila Sunrise to give Angelico the tap at 5:34.

Rating: C. This is a good example of a match that should have been little more than the Project coming in and beating these guys in about a minute and a half. It’s the kind of match that makes the show go long without getting much benefit out of it. The Russells looked fine, but the Project needed a win after the unmasking deal.

Post match Maria Kanellis-Bennett, Cole Karter and Griff Garrison come out to taunt the Project with Serpentico’s mask.

Nyla Rose vs. Emmy Camacho

Camacho fights out of an early Beast Bomb attempt so Rose settles for a side slam instead. A torture rack flipped over into a cutter finishes for Rose at 1:34. Total dominance, as it should have been.

Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson vs. KM/Braxton Hunter/Jon Cruz

Jameson pumphandle slams Hunter to start and it’s off to Bronson to launch him with a gorilla press. Boulder comes in and gets to clean house before it’s off to Jameson for the Savage Sauce. The Sauce Toss (toss powerslam) finishes Hunter at 2:20. I could go for not having the Savages around every week but at least they made it quick here.

Ethan Page thinks he’s on the road to the TV Title and it’s being pushed by his daughter. This includes wearing the colors his daughter picked out and now he’s ready to continue his road to gold.

Dalton Castle vs. Aaron Solo

The Boys are here with Castle, who has to be wheeled to the stage. Castle’s gear is even missing his wings and his boots aren’t laced. Castle charges into some shots to the face to start as Solo knocks him outside. Some forearms to the back have Castle even more annoyed and Solo ax handles him down. A spinning kick to the head wakes Castle up and the Bang A Rang quickly finishes at 3:19.

Rating: C. They’re doing something with Castle and that is nice to see after having him do almost nothing for so long. I’m looking forward to the showdown with Johnny TV, as those two are set up for a collision course. The important thing here is that Castle is getting a chance to show what he can do, which has been on hold for far too long now.

Nyla Rose asks Lexi Nair about Billie Starkz, who is off getting ready for her match. Ah ok so Rose leaves….and then comes back to scream about how she has something to say to Starkz. Next week though, they’re going to be in Athena’s hometown so it’s time to deal with her in person.

Kingdom vs. Tom Lawlor/Fred Rosser

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Lawlor and Rosser win or survive the ten minute time limit, they get a future Tag Team Title shot. Rosser and Lawlor continue their arguments (from NJPW Strong) so the Kingdom jumps them to start. Rosser gets elbowed down for an early two but he comes back with a backdrop. It’s off to Lawlor to forearm it out with Bennett, followed by a spinebuster for two.

Taven trips Lawlor up so Bennett can get in a spinebuster of his own, followed by a superkick. Lawlor’s shot to the face allows the tag off to Rosser as everything breaks down. Lawler and Rosser get stereo holds but Bennett drives Lawlor into the other two for the save. Taven is back with Just The Tip into the powerbomb/Zig Zag combination to finish Rosser at 7:29.

Rating: C+. They were starting to play into the time limit deal at the end but again it’s exactly the same as it always is: the champs might break a bit of a sweat but ultimately they win/don’t go to the draw. Just doing that one time would open up a bunch of options or drama for these things but instead, it’s the same thing over and over and over.

Ethan Page vs. Slim J

J headscissors him down to start but Page is back up with a running shoulder. A delayed vertical suplex plants J again and the belly to back fisherman’s suplex makes it worse. Back up and J hits a running Sliced Bread, setting up a sleeper to keep Page in trouble. Page fights up and hits a backdrop, followed by a big boot into a powerslam for two. Ego’s Edge is countered into a hurricanrana and a Downward Spiral gives J two of his own. The springboard cutter drops J and the Ego’s Edge is good for the pin at 6:08.

Rating: C+. It wasn’t bad and Page’s road to the title continues, assuming he doesn’t get sidetracked by someone like Tony Nese again. J is someone who can do some nice flips and has been presented as someone decent, so the win was at least worth a little something for Page. Now just get him to someone more prominent already.

Billie Starkz vs. Killa Kate

Kate works on a wristlock to start but has to fight out of a headlock. Starkz sends her outside but the suicide dive is cut off. Back in and Starkz counters what seems to be a victory roll into a kind of driver for the pin at 2:41.

Rachael Ellering says the TV Title tournament brackets are about to be released. Leyla Hirsch is ready for anything.

Infantry vs. Righteous

Bravo works on Vincent’s arm to start and hands it off to Dean for a shot to the face. Dutch comes in and shrugs off some right hands before firing Bravo into the corner. We hit the neck crank followed by the bearhug but Bravo elbows his way to freedom. Dutch misses a middle rope legdrop and now the tag brings in Dean. Vincent breaks up Boot Camp and Orange Sunshine finishes Dean at 6:36.

Rating: C+. This is the kind of match that should have gotten a bit more time as they’re both established teams. You could have gone with either team winning here, but now the Righteous need to be talked about more in the title picture. If they keep winning, there is no reason to not move them towards the belts. That being said, it doesn’t matter if the Kingdom is only facing makeshift teams rather than the actual teams in the division.

Red Velvet is ready for the TV Title tournament.

Queen Aminata vs. Reiza Clark

The larger Clark easily powers out of a waistlock but Aminata escapes a slam. Aminata drops her with a forearm and wins another strike off. A dropkick to the leg cuts off a charging Clark and the running hip attack connects in the corner. Aminata hits a top rope double stomp for the pin at 3:39.

Rating: C. Commentary pointed out that Aminata has wrestled more matches in AEW/ROH since Final Battle and I still don’t think I could tell you anything about her. Other than her being some kind of African royalty (which is also true of Bishop Kaun), she doesn’t do anything that makes her stand out in any significant way. It’s the same kind of match that you see from a bunch of women in the division and that doesn’t help her in the slightest.

Gringo Loco vs. Bad Dude Tito

Tito snaps off a hurricanrana to start and then powers him down without much effort. Loco runs him over for a fast two but Tito yells at him for the ensuing chops. An electric chair bomb gives Loco two and a moonsault to the floor hits Tito again. Tito pops back up for a suicide dive but this time it’s Loco coming back with a super Spanish Fly. Tito’s Blue Thunder Bomb gets two more and an F5 finishes Loco at 7:08.

Rating: B-. It wasn’t a great match but it stood out more than anything else on the show so far. Loco is another case where you can have him out there with almost anyone and get a nice performance, which was the case here. Tito is a powerhouse who can fly fairly well and that should get him a long way, even if he isn’t someone who is likely to be around here often.

Dalton Castle apologizes for snapping earlier but won’t say who his friend is. Then he falls in a laundry cart.

Trish Adora vs. Kiera Hogan vs. Diamante vs. Red Velvet

Velvet and Hogan are clotheslined down to start, leaving Adora and Diamante to slug it out. Hogan is back up for some armdrags until Adora German suplexes Hogan for two. Diamante legsweeps Adora for two and it’s Hogan getting to stomp away. Adora pulls a diving Velvet out of the air and powerslams her down. The Lariat Tubman sends Diamante outside, leaving Velvet to hit the Mix and pin Adora at 4:05.

Rating: C. So in this match with four women running around and doing moves to each other, Velvet got the win. Why this is supposed to matter in a tournament of singles matches that will certainly be happening at some point in the future isn’t clear but we’ve spent so much time building the tournament up that it’s hard to get interested. They really would have been better suited to not announce the tournament so soon, as we’re approaching two months since it was announced before anything actually happens.

Lee Johnson vs. Blake Christian vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Alex Zayne

Cartwheel is rather enthusiastic to start and snaps off his namesake. He tries another one but Christian dropkicks him out to the floor in a smart move. Back in and Cartwheel flips away from Christian and knocks him outside for a change, only to have Johnson grab a neckbreaker for two.

A suplex drops Christian onto Cartwheel but Johnson runs in with a Canadian Destroyer. Johnson’s Blue Thunder bomb gets two and Christian gets Zayne in a Texas Cloverleaf in the corner. Christian splashes Cartwheel and then takes Zayne down. Cartwheel hits a big flip dive to the floor but misses a cartwheel splash back inside. Johnson’s reverse inverted DDT finishes Cartwheel at 7:34.

Rating: C+. It was slightly longer than the previous one but that doesn’t make it much better. They flew threw all of their spots until Johnson won, which gains him….pretty much nothing. That’s the issue with so much around here and it was on full display with this match. The guys all flew around and did some entertaining stuff, but it’s just four more people doing moves until one of them got a pin.

Overall Rating: C+. This show is divided into two parts: the stuff that matters (and it does exist) and the stuff that is there to fill in the time. There is so much on here that is little more than “that might get this person in line for a title shot” which never seems to come, making me wonder why they even bother with it. The wrestling is good enough most of the time but it’s not like any of this is blowing away everything else. As usual, cut this in half and it’s a lot better, but that’s not the Ring Of Honor way.

Spanish Announce Project b. Russells – Tequila Sunrise to Angelico
Nyla Rose b. Emmy Camacho – Torture rack cutter
Iron Savages/Jacked Jameson b. KM/Braxton Hunter/Jon Cruz – Sauce Toss to Hunter
Dalton Castle b. Aaron Solo – Bang A Rang
Kingdom b. Tom Lawlor/Fred Rosser – Powerbomb/Zig Zag combination to Rosser
Ethan Page b. Slim J – Ego’s Edge
Billie Starkz b. Killa Kate – Electric chair driver
Righteous b. Infantry – Orange Sunshine to Dean
Queen Aminata b. Reiza Clark – Top rope double stomp
Bad Dude Tito b. Gringo Loco – F5
Red Velvet b. Trish Adora, Kiera Hogan and Diamante – The Mix to Adora
Lee Johnson b. Blake Christian, Jack Cartwheel and Alex Zayne – Reverse inverted DDT to Cartwheel




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