Survivor Series Count-Up – 2012 (2013 Redo): The Future Is Now

Survivor Series 2012
Date: November 18, 2012
Location: Bankers Life Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Attendance: 8,500
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield

Pre-Show: 3MB vs. Zack Ryder/Santino Marella

Back to Slater for some shots in the corner but he gives up the hot tag to Santino for all his usual antics. Heath punches him down and brings Jinder in again for some knee drops off the ropes. Santino misses a double clothesline which gives Slater another near fall. The Band stays on Marella but he backdrops Mahal down, allowing for the lukewarm tag off to Ryder. The Broski Boot connects and everything breaks down. A Rough Ryder connects on Slater but the legal Mahal sneaks in with a full nelson slam for the pin on Zack.

Team Clay vs. Team Tensai

Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio

Tensai, Primo, Epico, Prime Time Players

The monsters are going at it back inside and Clay botches his high collar suplex, making it into more of a lifting downward spiral. Tensai avoids a charge in the corner and shoulders Brodus down, setting up a backsplash for the elimination. Gabriel comes in with some kicks to the side but gets taken down by a big shoulder block. Off to Titus for an abdominal stretch followed by a backbreaker. Back to Tensai for two off a backsplash but he misses a second one, allowing Gabriel to get a quick rollup for the elimination.

Divas Title: Katilyn vs. Eve Torres

Team Ziggler argues over who is the leader.

US Title: Antonio Cesaro vs. R-Truth

Cesaro is defending and asks why Americans are thankful. The only thing he can think of is how great of a champion he is. Truth gets a quick rollup, sunset flip and rolling cradle for two each before thrusting his hips a bit. Cesaro comes back with a headbutt and a clothesline before pounding away on Truth in the corner. Off to an armbar but a USA chant gets Truth to his feet. The champion shoulders him in the corner and puts on a body vice to keep Truth down again.

Promo for the Attitude Era DVD. Just writing that is so wrong.

Smackdown World Title: Sheamus vs. Big Show

Big Show is getting winded so Sheamus pounds away as much as he can, only to miss a charge and go shoulder first into the post. The Final Cut gets two and Show goes to the middle rope, only to be caught in an electric chair of all things for two. That was rather awesome indeed. They slug it out from their knees and Sheamus takes over, knocking Show down with a running ax handle.

The Brogue Kick and chokeslam are countered and Sheamus gets two off White Noise. Now the fans are getting into this again. Sheamus loads up the Brogue Kick again but takes out the referee by mistake. Four people immediately come out to check on the referee as the replay shows the champion pulling him in the way. Big Show knocks out Sheamus and one of the referees counts a pin to end the match out of nowhere.

Rating: C. The match was slow for the most part and the ending hurts it even worse. This took all the good stuff out of the HIAC match and turned it into a dull imitation. This needed to be two monsters firing bombs at each other until neither guy could get up but instead it was your usual Big Show match at about 4 miles per hour.

Team Ziggler vs. Team Foley

Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga, Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett

The Miz, Kofi Kingston, HELL NO, Randy Orton

The tag champions get in an argument for no apparent reason, allowing Ziggler to hit a quick Zig Zag on Kane for the pin. That makes the move look strong if nothing else. Orton and Miz get in a quick fight for some reason but Randy catches a sneaky Ziggler in the slingshot suplex for two. Off to Kofi for the matchup that will not die with Ziggler being launched face first into the buckle for two. Back to Bryan who gets poked in the eye, allowing Dolph to tag in Barrett.

Tout continues to annoy me a year after it stopped being a thing.

We recap the main event. Punk has been champion for a year almost to the day, Ryback got screwed over by Brad Maddox inside the Cell and Cena gave Ryback his spot in the Cell due to injury. The solution? TRIPLE THREAT OF COURSE!!!

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Ryback vs. CM Punk

Punk is back in now and scores with a snap suplex on Ryback, but the monster pops right back up and gorilla presses the champion into a fallaway slam. Cena comes back in with a belly to belly for two on Ryback before putting on a chinlock. Punk breaks it up with a top rope ax handle and Cena falls to the floor. Another ax handle attempt is caught in midair but Punk takes Ryback down with a neckbreaker. Cena sneaks in with a rollup for two but Punk DDTs him down for two more.

Ratings Comparison

3MB vs. Zack Ryder/Santino Marella


Redo: D+

Team Clay vs. Team Tensai

Original: B-

Redo: C

Eve Torres vs. Kaitlyn

Original: D-

Redo: D

R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

Original: D

Redo: D

Sheamus vs. Big Show

Original: C-

Redo: C

Team Foley vs. Team Ziggler

Original: C-

Redo: C-

Ryback vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk

Original: B-

Redo: C+

Overall Rating

Original: D+

Redo: D

About the same down the line. It sucked back then and it sucked now. I actually watched most of this show late and while still tired from a flight the first time around but apparently it had more problems than that.

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Monday Night Raw – November 14, 2022: It Had To Stop Somewhere

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 14, 2022
Location: KFC Yum Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves

We are less than two weeks away from Survivor Series and that means it is time to start building some things up for the show. While we have a few matches, the real focus is going to be on WarGames. It looks like Raw will only be supplying the women’s match and more of the lineup needs to be locked in. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Seth Rollins to get things going and we see a package on Austin Theory’s failed cash in last week. Last week, he put out an open challenge and now there are people coming out of the woodwork for a shot at the title. Rollins talks about the cash-in and the fans say THAT WAS STUPID. Rollins is ready to defend against Finn Balor tonight but here is Bobby Lashley to interrupt. Rollins isn’t worried and brings up the loss to Brock Lesnar, so here is Mustafa Ali to interrupt. Lashley tosses him out with ease so Ali jumps on him again, only to be thrown right back to the floor. That’s not enough for Lashley, who says ring the bell.

Mustafa Ali vs. Bobby Lashley

Ali charges at him to start and gets knocked outside. Lashley gives him the posting and the spinning Big Ending connects back inside. A pair of spinebusters drop Ali but he says bring it. Lashley jumps over a charge in the corner and grabs a tornado DDT for a breather. And then the spear turns Ali inside out, setting up the Hurt Lock to finish at 4:23.

Rating: C-. This was little more than a squash with Ali trying what he could but getting run over almost every time. I’m not sure why WWE feels the need to crush Ali over and over but that’s what he had to deal with again here. The match was a way to make Lashley look great, but I’m not sure why Ali needed to be the sacrifice.

The OC is happy to have Mia Yim, with AJ Styles challenging Finn Balor for Survivor Series. Tonight though, Mia Yim is returning to the ring.

Mia Yim vs. Tamina

Tamina jumps her to start and hammers away as Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio come out to watch. Yim fights up and grabs a quick Eat Defeat for the pin at 1:54.

Post match Ripley teases the big brawl but walks away instead.

Matt Riddle says Elias is off doing his rock star thing and getting them their gig. Chad Gable comes in for some SHUSHING and brags about Otis’ win last week. The SHUSH vs. the bongo deal was about as annoying as you could imagine.

Damage Ctrl comes up to Mia Yim in the back and teases violence, but the OC comes in with the beer for the celebration.

Matt Riddle vs. Chad Gable

Otis is here with Gable. They grapple to start until Gable dragon screw leg whips him out of the corner. Another one slows Riddle down again but he’s back up with a kick to the chest. Riddle goes up top but Otis messes with the steps for a distraction, allowing Gable to grab a release German superplex to drop them both.

We take a break and come back with Riddle striking away, including a jumping knee to the face. There’s an overhead belly to belly into the running backsplash sets up a powerbomb for two on Gable. A triangle choke is broken up so Riddle grabs a hanging DDT instead. Gable is back up with a backslide and puts his feet on the rope, with Otis holding on, for the pin at 9:49.

Rating: C+. This was mostly good stuff, though the ending was kind of weird to see. Riddle has fallen a pretty long way in the last few months, as the lack of Randy Orton is hurting him a lot. The Alpha Academy winning a match, even by cheating, feels weird and I’m not sure what the point is in having them beat Riddle. We’ll get a rematch I’m sure but dang that was out of nowhere.

JBL and Baron Corbin are winning at poker and don’t like being offered Kentucky bourbon. Akira Tozawa sits down to gamble, despite not knowing any of the rules. JBL: “Your money is good here!”

It’s time for MizTV, with Miz as the guest and Byron Saxton asking the questions. Miz has a statement about the Dexter Lumis situation: he regrets paying Lumis, but all he wanted was empathy. Miz has been in WWE for 18 years and he has worked so hard without ever getting so much as a cheer. All he wanted was for people to care about him, but here is Johnny Gargano to cut him off. Gargano says Miz wasn’t depressed because Maryse posted pictures of their vacation in Cabo over the weekend.

Miz says he was depressed in his hotel room but Gargano mocks Miz’s sweater (Miz: “IT’S A CARDIGAN!”) and calls him Mr. Rogers. Miz is ready to move on but Gargano wants Miz to pay Lumis what he is owed. It’s cool though because Gargano has an idea: in two weeks, it’s Miz vs. Lumis and if Lumis wins, he gets Miz’s money and a contract. Miz says beating Lumis will be AWESOME. Then a cameraman pops up and it’s Lumis, who steals Miz’s sweater as Miz runs to the back. This was rather bad, but Miz did make the cardigan work.

Earlier today, Dominik Mysterio mocked Shelton Benjamin, who threatened him with a beating. Damian Priest got in between them and we get Dominik vs. Benjamin later tonight.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Shelton Benjamin

Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley are here too. Dominik bails to the floor to start but a Judgment Day distraction lets him get in a few cheap shots. Benjamin punches him down without much effort and Dominik bails to the floor again. Back in and Dominik tries a 619 but gets caught in a powerslam. A t-bone suplex has Dominik on the floor for the third time so Benjamin finally goes after him. The ankle lock goes on back inside but Benjamin gets rolled into the corner. Dominik goes straight up and hits a frog splash for the pin at 4:59.

Rating: C. This wasn’t a great match, but Dominik as the pest is a much better use of him going forward. He isn’t going to get anywhere based on his own abilities so having him do something like this is the right way to go. Not a terrible match and I can go for more Shelton, even though he is out there as a jobber.

Austin Theory says he didn’t fail last week because now he feels more alive than he ever did. That briefcase was an anchor around him but he was trying to make the most of an opportunity. Cue Dolph Ziggler to say it was the worst cash in ever but Theory doesn’t want to hear it from him. This is Theory’s time, but Ziggler doesn’t seem to buy it.

Video on WarGames.

Dana Brooke vs. Iyo Sky

The rest of Damage Ctrl is here with Sky and we get an inset promo from Brooke, who promises to never give up. Sky wastes no time in kicking her down and hitting a springboard missile dropkick. Brooke fights up but gets dropped again, allowing Sky to pose near the ropes. Back up and Brooke grabs a DDT but the handspring elbow is countered into a release German suplex. Running knees in the corner sets up Over The Moonsault for the pin on Brooke at 3:13.

Rating: C. Commentary was getting to the point with Brooke here: she’s trying, but at some point you have to win something. That has haunted her throughout most of her career, as she doesn’t really do anything outside of stuff like the 24/7 Title. Sky wasn’t going to lose here and Brooke tried, but she was in over her head.

Post match Mia Yim comes out to join Team Belair in WarGames.

Tozawa has cleaned out JBL and Baron Corbin. The villains try to cheat but Tozawa doesn’t fall for it.

Austin Theory vs. Dolph Ziggler

Theory takes him down to start and chokes on the rope, allowing for some trash talk. Back up and Ziggler charges into an elbow for two but he slips over Theory in the corner. Theory blasts him with a clothesline and sends Ziggler shoulder first into the post though and we take a break.

We come back with Ziggler hitting the running DDT but getting caught in a torture rack powerbomb for two. A Town Down is reversed into a sleeper but Theory slips out as well. The Fameasser gives Ziggler two, only to have Theory send him shoulder first into the post. Ziggler reverses another whip though and hits the Zig Zag for a rather near fall.

Back up and Theory forearms him in the face before hitting A Town Down….for no cover. Instead he hits a second one and stomps away before taking Ziggler outside for a whip into the steps. Theory rams him into the announcers’ table enough times to draw a rather violent DQ at 14:33.

Rating: C+. This started rather slowly but then they got going near the end. That being said, it was more about the Theory angle than the match itself. Theory going all angry is a different direction, but having it be against Dolph Ziggler isn’t exactly helping him. Cut a few minutes out of the beginning and it’s better, but Ziggler has a firm ceiling these days and that was on display here.

Post match Theory destroys Ziggler and sends him over the barricade to keep up the beating until agents break it up.

Rhea Ripley joins Team Damage Ctrl.

Baron Corbin vs. Akira Tozawa

JBL is here with Corbin, who shoulders Tozawa down to start. A chokeslam is countered into a DDT and a missile dropkick gets one on Corbin. They head outside with Corbin sending him into the steps, only for Tozawa to come back with a top rope headbutt to a standing Corbin back inside. Tozawa tries it again but dives into End of Days for the pin at 3:31.

Rating: D+. I have no idea what they were going for with the angle and the match, as Tozawa beat Corbin in poker and then had him in trouble here. The action was ok, but then you realize that it’s Tozawa giving Corbin a run for his money. Of all the people on the roster for something like this, Tozawa? How long has it been since he meant anything anywhere? Really not seeing what they were trying to do here but it didn’t quite work.

We look back at Austin Theory snapping.

Team Belair is ready for a singles match next week against Team Damage Ctrl. Damage Ctrl is all about games but Team Belair is all about war.

The Alpha Academy comes in to brag about their win but Seth Rollins dances by while singing shush. Ok then.

Finn Balor accepts AJ Styles’ Survivor Series challenge. For tonight though, he’s winning the US Title.

US Title: Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor

Rollins is defending and gets taken down into an early chinlock. With that broken up, Rollins sends him outside for a heck of a dive as we take a break. Back with Balor knocking Rollins into the corner and mocking the conducting the fans motion. The abdominal stretch goes on but Rollins slips out and slugs away. Balor gets knocked outside for a suicide dive into the barricade but the Sling Blade is cut off back inside. Rollins kicks him down and hits a frog splash for two as we take another break.

We come back again with Rollins swinging Balor into the barricade but Balor hits a running dropkick to send him into the barricade as well. Back in and Rollins grabs a sitout powerbomb for two but Balor knocks him down again. Rollins catches him on top with a superplex but the Falcon Arrow is countered into 1916, leaving Balor rather frustrated. The Pedigree and Buckle Bomb are blocked and Rollins is right back with the Falcon Arrow for two.

The Stomp is loaded up but here is the Judgment Day for a distraction. Balor sweeps the legs and hits the jumping double stomp but here is the OC to take out Judgment Day. The shotgun dropkick sends Rollins into the corner, only to have AJ Styles break up the Coup de Grace. Rollins hits the Stomp to retain at 20:02.

Rating: B. This was the best part of the show as you had two guys who know how to work that kind of a match. At the same time, the ending with that much chaos and the referee being fine with the whole thing was a bit much to take. It does move us towards Styles vs. Balor at Survivor Series, but they went a few steps too far with the interference. Anyway, good match, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

Post match Austin Theory runs in to beat up Rollins. The beatdown is on with Theory hitting a belt shot to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. What was this show? This felt like they dipped into the Vince McMahon playbook for some reason, with a bunch of weird choices and only a handful of decent matches. They did advance Survivor Series a bit and the show wasn’t a disaster, but it was one of the least interesting shows since McMahon left. Hopefully this is just a misfire, as it felt like a major step backwards after weeks of much better stuff.

Bobby Lashley b. Mustafa Ali – Hurt Lock
Mia Yim b. Tamina – Eat Defeat
Chad Gable b. Matt Riddle – Backslide with feet on the ropes
Dominik Mysterio b. Shelton Benjamin – Frog splash
Iyo Sky b. Dana Brooke – Over The Moonsault
Dolph Ziggler b. Austin Theory via DQ when Theory attacked Ziggler on the floor
Baron Corbin b. Akira Tozawa – End of Days
Seth Rollins b. Finn Balor – Stomp



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Monday Night Raw – October 17, 2022: We Need More Monsters

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 17, 2022
Location: Paycom Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Commentators: Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

We’re rapidly approaching Crown Jewel and WWE has the main event covered with Logan Paul challenging Roman Reigns. That leaves some spots open for the rest of the card, some of which needs to be filled in soon. Odds are we’ll get some of that soon and you can probably guess some of the matches from here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with Bobby Lashley in the ring mid-promo, where he calls out Brock Lesnar. Cue Lesnar as I’m impressed that they found a much more logical way to start the show for once. They get in a fight before Lesnar can even make it to the ring, with Lashley getting posted on the floor. Lashley slips out of another posting and sends Lesnar into it instead. A spear through the barricade draws out wrestlers and officials to break it up but Lashley gets away. This time it’s Lesnar going through the announcers’ table (on the second attempt) to leave him laying.

OC vs. Alpha Academy

AJ Styles is here with the OC. Anderson takes Gable into the corner to start and it’s off to Gallows vs. Otis. The shots in the corner stagger Otis so Anderson comes back in. A cheap shot from the apron lets Otis knock him to the floor and we take a break. Back with Gallows cleaning house until Anderson gets caught with a northern lights suplex for two. That doesn’t work so well as it’s the Magic Killer for the pin on Gable at 8:14.

Rating: C. This was your standard “welcome back” match as the OC shows that they can beat one of the established teams around here. That was never really in doubt as the Academy has fallen through the floor in recent months, but they do still serve a purpose. The Magic Killer can still look good and this was about as solid of a use as the Academy has at the moment.

Post match the Judgment Day comes out with Finn Balor saying he started this Club. The challenge is thrown out for Crown Jewel and the match is made rather quickly. Styles wants to fight right now though, but it’s Dominik Mysterio to say AJ would run away like Rey Mysterio did to Smackdown. AJ challenges Dominik for tonight and Rhea Ripley accepts for him. Dominik isn’t ready right now though so we’ll do it in like an hour or so. Styles tells him to drink some water though so he can beat the p*** out of him.

We look back at Seth Rollins winning the United States Title last week.

Here is a rather jazzed up Seth Rollins for a chat. Rollins brags about being the new champion and is ready to wipe the floor with Matt Riddle tonight. Cue Mustafa Ali of all people to interrupt, allowing him to congratulate Rollins as well. Ali is wondering when Rollins is going to congratulate Brock Lesnar for the help but we can move on from that.

See, Bobby Lashley promised Ali the next shot and Ali wants the shot, no matter who the champion is. Rollins laughs him off because Ali doesn’t belong in this ring. Ali TAKES ROLLINS’ GLASSES and says he is Rollins’ next freakin problem. Rollins calls him a good man and father and then punches him in the face. The champ goes to leave but Ali jumps him from behind. The fight is on and Ali takes a heck of a posting.

JBL’s limo arrives.

Damage Ctrl vs. Candice LeRae/Bianca Belair

Non-title and Bayley is on commentary. Candice takes Sky down to start and hands it off to Belair. Kai comes in and gets shouldered hard but everything breaks down. The villains are knocked to the floor, where Candice hits a springboard dive to send us to a break. Back with Sky rolling Belair up for two and Kai coming in to pull Belair by the braid. That doesn’t last long either as Belair gets over for the tag off to LeRae. A step up backsplash onto Kai’s back lets Candice go up top, only to get pulled back down.

Candice gets knocked down into the corner so Kai can hold her down with a boot to the face. That’s broken up as well and it’s back to Belair to clean house. LeRae comes back in off a blind tag and it’s Belair with a suplex into LeRae’s missile dropkick for two with Kai having to make a save. Belair gets sent outside so Bayley grabs a kendo stick, earning herself a tackle over the announcers’ table. That leaves Sky and Kai to hit a kind of double electric chair for the pin on LeRae at 12:11.

Rating: C+. These four worked well together and you can all but guarantee that we’re getting another Bayley vs. Belair match sooner than later. I’m not big on seeing LeRae take another fall but getting beaten by the champs 2-1 isn’t the worst situation. Energetic match here though, with Sky and Kai working well together.

Matt Riddle is ready to win the US Title. He sees Mustafa Ali and says when he wins, Ali can have a shot. Ali appreciates that but they hear Miz shouting about slipping and hurting his knee. Riddle talks about knowing a sanitation engineer, but Miz is sure he’s torn his ACL so GET HIM SOME HELP.

Judgment Day is getting Dominik Mysterio ready but NXT’s Cora Jade comes up to Rhea Ripley. Jade wants Rhea to come to NXT and hurt Roxanne Perez in their Pick Your Poison match tomorrow.  Ripley is in.

Here is JBL of all people for a special appearance. After insulting the Oklahoma Sooners football team for losing to a real team like the Texas Longhorns, JBL talks about Rey Mysterio leaving Monday Night Raw for Smackdown. It turns out that, thanks to a trade there is a new star here in the form of…..Baron Corbin! After Corbin gets his big entrance, JBL mocks modern stars such as Dolph Ziggler who are taking money and TV time that could go to people like Corbin. Cue Ziggler and it’s time for a match (which happens to be a rematch of Corbin’s first match on Raw back in 2016).

Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler

JBL is on commentary. Corbin kicks Ziggler in the face to start and chokes him on the apron. Ziggler fights up and knocks Corbin into the corner for an Arn Anderson eye rake across the rope. A reverse suplex gives Corbin two and a hard clothesline puts Ziggler on the floor. There’s a whip into the steps to keep Ziggler down and we take a break.

Back with Ziggler hammering away but getting caught with a fall away slam to cut that off in a hurry. The jumping DDT gives Ziggler two but Deep Six gives Corbin the same. Ziggler is back up with the Zig Zag for two more, only to have Corbin come back with End Of Days and the pin at 13:36.

Rating: C-. So Corbin is back and….yeah he’s still Baron Corbin. His in-ring work was its usual decent power work which didn’t exactly have me begging to see more. Then you have Ziggler, who is good at what he does but we’ve seen it so many times that it loses some luster. That is the case with both of them here and it was showing badly: it wasn’t bad, but how many times can you get excited about seeing these two?

Miz doesn’t want anyone to come near his knee but Byron Saxton comes in to suggest that Miz staged the whole thing. That’s too far for Miz, but his knee hurts so he can’t yell. A voice shouts IT’S DEXTER LUMIS so Miz pops up and is just fine. That would be Johnny Gargano, who was mistaken about Lumis but is impressed by Miz’s recovery. The match still seems to be on.

MVP and Omos don’t think much of Braun Strowman. Giants aren’t real, but monsters are.

Here is the still weird Bray Wyatt segment from Smackdown, albeit a bit condensed.

Cameron Grimes is here and asks if the OC want to be his partners tomorrow night against the Schism. They’re in, which Grimes declares to be TOO SWEET.

Crown Jewel rundown, with Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley added to the card.

AJ Styles vs. Dominik Mysterio

OC and Judgment Day are here too. Styles doesn’t waste time by kicking him outside but Dominik is back up with a cheap shot. Choking on the ropes ensues and Rhea Ripley is rather pleased with everything that is going on. A neck snap across the top sets up the Eddie Dance into the slingshot hilo for two on Styles. That earns Dominik a shot to the face and a toss to the floor as we take an early break.

Back with Dominik backing off but getting dropped again, only to have Rhea crotch Styles on top. Three Amigos drop Styles but he’s back up with a gutbuster. The threat of a 619 doesn’t work for Dominik as Styles pulls him into a Calf Crusher. With that broken up, Rhea offers a distraction so Dominik can grab a rollup to give Dominik the upset pin at 14:27.

Rating: C. I’ll give them this: WWE has done a masterful job of making the crowd boo Dominik out of the building every time he does anything. The ending was a good way to make Dominik look a little more dangerous and it’s not like he pinned Styles clean. Dominik is working in this role and if we can keep him away from Rey Mysterio, he could actually turn into a little something.

Miz is getting ready when Johnny Gargano comes up. Miz isn’t cool with what Gargano did and he’s coming for him next. Works for Gargano.

We look at Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar’s show opening fight again.

Dexter Lumis vs. The Miz

If Lumis wins he gets a contract, but if Miz wins, Lumis is gone from WWE. Hold on though as Miz jumps him from behind and hits a Skull Crushing Finale onto a chair. No match.

Damage Ctrl isn’t worried about anyone they’re facing because they have taken out Alexa Bliss and Asuka. Next week, Bayley wants Bianca Belair.

Miz runs into Johnny Gargano, who says that attacking Dexter Lumis was a bad move. Lumis isn’t going to stop until Miz gives him when he wants. Miz gets annoyed, so Gargano threatens him with….a whistle?

Here’s the returning Elias, who explains that his brother’s career was cut short. The show must still go on though and he has a special song ready. Cue Matt Riddle with his bongos to talk about how Zeked out he got over Ezekiel. Riddle: “You want to hit my bong?” Elias turns him down but promises they can play together one day. Riddle has a seat as Elias starts to play but here is Seth Rollins to interrupt.

US Title: Matt Riddle vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins is defending and Elias is at ringside. Riddle goes right for the triangle choke (how he won at Extreme Rules) and Rollins bails to the floor. Back in and a gutwrench suplex sends Rollins down again, only to have him come back with a shot to the throat. Riddle knocks him to the floor though and Elias gets taunted into hitting the jumping knee.

We take a break and come back with Riddle striking away, including a running forearm in the corner. The Floating Bro gets two and Riddle wins another slugout. Another Floating Bro is broken up, allowing Rollins to hit the reverse superplex, which he rolls into the reverse Falcon arrow for two. Rollins goes up for the frog splash but dives into the triangle choke, which isn’t broken up with a powerbomb.

A buckle bomb doesn’t break it either so Rollins gets a boot on the rope for the break. Rollins bails to the floor, where he can’t get Elias to interfere. Instead, Rollins drops Elias, only to get kicked down by Riddle. The snap powerslam and the hanging DDT look to set up the RKO but Elias comes in. Rollins shoves Riddle into him and the Stomp is enough to retain the title at 14:21.

Rating: B-. The question here wasn’t whether or not Elias would factor into the ending but rather how would he cost Riddle the match. In this case they went with the accidental version, meaning there isn’t much of a reason for Elias and Riddle to fight. Rollins escaping with the title is the way to go with him, as he fits the weaselly champion idea to perfection. If you ignore the fact that this renders the main event of Extreme Rules pretty worthless, there wasn’t much to complain about here.

Post match Rollins hits Elias with a Stomp of his own. Another Stomp to Riddle is loaded up but Mustafa Ali comes in to knock Rollins outside. The suicide dive connects and Ali sends Rollins running through the crowd to end the show. That’s how you make a title feel valuable: have people treat it like it’s important.

Overall Rating: C-. This show felt flat almost all night, as it started with a bang and then didn’t do much else to keep the interest. Lesnar vs. Lashley is going to be a hoss fight, but a six man tag between Judgment Day and OC and whatever they have for the US Title doesn’t quite interest me for Crown Jewel. Maybe they have something else up their sleeves, but for now, there isn’t much to get excited about from Raw, save for the monster fight.

OC b. Alpha Academy – Magic Killer to Gable
Damage Ctrl b. Candice LeRae/Bianca Belair – Double electric chair to LeRae
Baron Corbin b. Dolph Ziggler – End Of Days
Dominik Mysterio b. AJ Styles – Rollup
Seth Rollins b. Matt Riddle – Stomp



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No Mercy 2016 (2022 Redo): It’s Downhill From Here

No Mercy 2016
Date: October 9, 2016
Location: Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, California
Attendance: 14,324
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, John Bradshaw Layfield, David Otunga

So for some reason someone wanted me to redo this show, though it was a few years ago (because that’s how long it takes me to get from stuff other than weekly shows) so there is a good chance they aren’t even around anymore. This is a Smackdown exclusive show, as we’re fresh off the new Brand Split, with a main event of new Smackdown World Champion Dean Ambrose defending against John Cena and Dean Ambrose. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Hype Bros/American Alpha vs. Ascension/Vaudevillains

This show is less than six years old and seven of these eight wrestlers are gone from the active roster. Gable wrestles English down to start and hands it off to Jordan. The Vaudevillains are taken down without much trouble so it’s Viktor coming in to headlock Ryder (who the fans really like). That doesn’t last long either as it’s off to the very hyped Rawley, who takes Viktor down as well. Everything breaks down and the good guys clear the ring to send us to a break.

Back with Ryder in trouble as Ascension takes turns beating him down. English comes in to stomp away and put on a chinlock of his own. Ryder’s escape attempt is driven (hard) back into the corner and Konnor comes in to glare. Ryder does manage to escape but Ascension is smart enough to pull his partners down. That doesn’t last long either as the hot tag brings in Jordan to clean house. Everything breaks down and Gable hits a high crossbody, setting up Grand Amplitude to finish English at 9:09.

Rating: C. The high level of chinlockery hurt this a bit but they did the right thing by having the entertaining teams go in there and do their thing. American Alpha was so good at what they did and the Hype Bros were indeed good at getting the crowd going. That left the Vaudevillains as passable heels and the Ascension as…..boy were those Vaudevillains decent heels.

The opening video has a Biblical theme, focusing on the major matches and asking for mercy for every bad thing people have done.

Smackdown World Title: John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose vs. AJ Styles

Styles is defending after having beaten both of them in singles matches and Cena is hunting for World Title #16. That being said, you would think someone with those skills would get a better reception than a JOHN CENA SUCKS chant. After the entrances, we get a video of Styles beating Cena at Summerslam and then Ambrose at Backlash to win the title. Shane McMahon made the title match and here we go, with Cena wanting the title and Ambrose saying Cena can’t do it anymore.

With that out of the way, we ring the bell and it’s a three way staredown to start. None of them can hit an early finisher so it’s a triple clothesline to put everyone down. Ambrose is up first and knocks them outside, with Styles being sent into the announcers’ table. Cena catches a diving Ambrose and drives him back first into the post, leaving Styles to hit the slingshot forearm.

Back in and Ambrose snaps Styles’ throat across the rope but can’t suplex him to the floor. That’s fine with Cena, who German suplexes both of them at once. With Ambrose knocked outside, Cena plants Styles for a quick two and is already looking banged up. Styles is fine enough to flip out of the AA though and an enziguri drops Cena. Ambrose comes back in and is promptly sent over the top for a crash onto the steps. The Code Red gives Cena two on Styles but the super AA is countered into a torture rack powerbomb for Styles’ own near fall.

Back up and Cena and Styles trade sleepers until Ambrose comes back in for one of his own on Cena. That’s broken up and Cena initiates the finishing sequence on Ambrose, at least until Styles puts Cena down for two. Ambrose faceplants Styles for two but gets sent outside, allowing Cena to beat on Styles. Hold on though as Ambrose comes back in with the standing elbow drop for two and the Phenomenal Forearm sends Cena outside.

Styles snaps off a super hurricanrana to Ambrose, who rolls it through into a sunset flip for two. A double clothesline leaves them both down so here is Cena again. The Shuffle hits Styles but Ambrose breaks it up, only to get caught with an AA for two. The STF has Ambrose in trouble but Styles makes the save and knocks Cena off the apron. Styles’ springboard 450 gets two on Ambrose so Cena comes back in to STF Styles, with Ambrose preventing the tap (how he is preventing Styles from saying I QUIT isn’t clear).

The double AA is broken up though and Styles kicks Cena in the head for another triple knockdown. Cena is back up and powerbombs Ambrose out of the corner but gets pulled into the Calf Crusher. Ambrose breaks that up and Calf Crushes Styles for a change, with Cena adding the STF.

Styles taps at 19:26 but since it was a double submission, it means nothing and they all keep fighting. That didn’t make sense when I watched it live and it still doesn’t now. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Cena so Styles pulls the referee out, earning himself a suicide dive. Back in and Cena hits the super AA on Ambrose but Styles chairs Cena down and pins him to retain at 21:40.

Rating: B. They started big on this show and the three of them had a heck of a match in this spot. The match had a cool structure to it as Styles was doing the high flying, Ambrose was the wild brawler and Cena was there with the power. It made for a very good match, save for the dumb double pin thing. I’m not sure how much sense that makes, but Styles getting a pin in this spot is a great thing for his title reign.

We recap Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton. Bray targeted Orton and took him out at Backlash and it’s time for the two to fight.

Becky Lynch has a medical issue and can’t defend the Smackdown Women’s Title against Alexa Bliss but Bliss will still have a match.

Nikki Bella vs. Carmella

Nikki came back from injury earlier this year but got jumped by Carmella twice in the same night. Carmella jumps her again but gets thrown around by the hair as Nikki is doing her powerhouse thing. A baseball slide sends Carmella to the floor, where Carmella drops her throat first across the barricade. Nikki’s back is bent around the post as Carmella gets a bit more cocky (shocking I know).

We hit the chinlock with some screaming, though there isn’t much noise for it to cover. Nikki fights out and hits a kind of spear, setting up the Bella Buster (what a witty and clever name) for two. A small package gives Nikki the same so she smashes Carmella with the forearm. Carmella is fine enough to grab the Code Of Silence to send a screaming Nikki (I think?) to the ropes. The frustrated Carmella pounds away but gets caught in the Rack Attack 2.0 to give Nikki the pin at 8:05.

Rating: C. It’s kind of fascinating to look back at Nikki, as she really wasn’t that bad in the ring. The fans certainly liked her and she could do a good enough powerhouse match. The problem is that she got so much attention over the years and did had a limit to her skills, but knowing what else you could get in the division from the Women’s Revolution didn’t help things in the slightest. For now though, fighting through an injury to beat Carmella was a nice way to go and the match was hardly bad.

Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan (Smackdown bosses) are happy with how the show is going so far. Miz and Maryse come in with the former promising to retire Dolph Ziggler, which he blames on Bryan. No matter how many times you watch Rocky IV, Apollo Creed always dies. After he wins tonight, Miz wants to renegotiate his contract because some of that Ziggler money will be available.

Tag Team Titles: Heath Slater/Rhyno vs. Usos

Slater and Rhyno, the inaugural Smackdown Tag Team Champions, are defending after having won the titles at Backlash. This was part of a pretty entertaining story that saw Slater desperately trying to get a job anyway he could and winding up winning the titles with Rhyno as a result. Rhyno punches Jimmy into the corner to start and hands it off to Heath, who gets taken into the wrong corner so the twins can start up the beating.

The chinlock goes on for all of five seconds before Heath fights up and brings Rhyno back in. The Gore is broken up by a Jey distraction and the running Umaga Attack in the corner takes over. It’s time to start in on Rhyno’s knee, with Jimmy holding a kneebar so Jey can hit a basement dropkick. Rhyno fights up again and spinebusters his way to freedom, allowing the hot tag to Heath.

Everything breaks down and Jey hits a pop up Samoan drop for two on Heath. The double superkick is broken up but Rhyno gets dropkicked through the ropes. Jimmy goes up but gets powerslammed down (cool) for two. Back up and Jimmy hits the dropkick to the knee (an Usos standard) has Heath in trouble, only to have Rhyno come back with the Gore. The tag to Rhyno sets up another Gore to retain the titles at 10:18.

Rating: C+. This felt like a rather good TV match and given how new the titles still were, this was about as good as it was going to be. Slater and Rhyno were the feel good champions and aren’t likely to hold the titles very long, but at least they had a nice pay per view title defense on the way there. I’m thinking the Usos will be fine too.

Bray Wyatt is in his rocking chair and seems to be speaking in tongues. He shifts over to an English version of He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands and laughs a bit. More on this later I’m assuming.

We recap Jack Swagger beating Baron Corbin on Smackdown when Corbin might not have actually tapped.

Baron Corbin vs. Jack Swagger

Corbin starts fast by trying/missing the slide under the ropes clothesline, earning himself a clothesline out to the floor. Swagger goes out too but gets sent into the steps, which Corbin kicks onto his hand to put him in real trouble. The whip into the corner drops Swagger again and it’s back to the hand. Swagger powers up and hits a suplex, setting up the Vader Bomb for two.

Corbin knocks him down a few more times though and stands there, making it clear that Corbin’s original look wasn’t a great way to go for such posing. A quick ankle lock gets Swagger out of trouble but the hand gives out again. That and a shot to the eye set up End of Days to finish Swatter at 7:27.

Rating: D+. This is what you get from a Brand Split show, as you’re left with a still not very good Corbin getting match against Swagger that felt a lot longer than it was. Swagger was so done at this point but WWE kept putting him out there to come up shorter and shorter every time. Corbin would have a future, but there was A LOT of tweaking to do on the way there.

We recap Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title. Ziggler has been on a losing streak and isn’t sure if he can do this anymore. At the same time, Miz is on an absolute roll as Intercontinental Champion and has held the title since the night after Wrestlemania. Therefore, it was time for the latest Ziggler reheat, where he does one or two things rather well and gets us to this match. Somehow this was built around the idea of Ziggler never living up to his potential while showing the pretty lengthy amount of titles and accomplishments he has earned. Therefore, it’s title vs. career after a pretty nice package.

Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz

Miz, with Maryse, is defending and this is title vs. career. An early clothesline misses for Miz and Ziggler hits a dropkick for two. Another clothesline sets up a Cactus Clothesline and they’re both on the floor. A kick to the ropes slows Ziggler down on the way back in though and Miz sends him hard into the corner. The fans are suddenly all over Miz as he grabs a double underhook crank, followed by another clothesline.

Since he hasn’t done it in a bit, Miz channels Daniel Bryan with the surfboard leg stop, setting up another double arm crank. A neckbreaker sets up the running corner dropkicks but Ziggler hits his own dropkick to put them both down. Back up and Ziggler hits his own neckbreaker into the jumping elbow for two, meaning frustration can set in. They trade rollups for two, though Miz putting his feet on the ropes kind of takes away the balance.

Ziggler’s running DDT is countered but Miz’s standing version isn’t, leaving both of them down again. Miz starts in on the knee and, after having his slingshot powerbomb countered, grabs the Figure Four in the relative area of the center of the ring. The rope is eventually grabbed and Ziggler is able to hit the jumping DDT for two. With nothing else working, Miz takes a turnbuckle pad off and sends Ziggler into the steel, setting up the slingshot sitout powerbomb (maybe the fourth time he has tried it) for two more.

The YES Kicks rock Ziggler but he ducks the big one and hits the Zig Zag for two, with the fans WAY into this. The superkick is countered into a Skull Crushing Finale attempt, which is countered into a rollup to give Ziggler another near fall. Ziggler grabs the sleeper and this time it’s Miz grabbing the rope. With the referee checking on Miz, Maryse blinds Ziggler with the hairspray and the Skull Crushing Finale connects for….two, as Ziggler gets his foot on the rope.

That’s a BIG reaction from the crowd so the frustrated Miz goes right back to the leg. Ziggler loses his boot though and it’s a socked superkick for…no cover, as Maryse calls out the Spirit Squad. Ziggler takes one of them out but gets Skull Crushing Finaled for a VERY near fall. The Squad is ejected and it’s a superkick to give Ziggler the pin and the title at 19:47.

Rating: B. The action was good but the drama is what carried this one the entire way. The fans were WAY into this one and wanted to see Ziggler pull this off in the end. That is what happens when you build up a good story and make the fans want to see the payoff so well done on all counts. As usual, Miz continues to be able to have an awesome match when he has the right kind of setup and that is what they pulled off here. Not a classic, but a heck of a story.

Randy Orton looks at himself in a mirror and the reflection gets distorted.

The Kickoff Show panel chats about the show.

Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi

Naomi is a replacement for the injured Becky Lynch and comes out after Alexa goes on a long rant about Lynch. Bliss runs her over to start but gets kicked into the corner, setting up the split legged moonsault for an early two. Back up and Bliss hits a knee to take over again before starting in on the arm. The fans want Becky as Bliss cranks on the arm and shouts NO YOU DON’T.

We hit the seated armbar before some stomping sets up…uh…another seated armbar. Bliss: “You’re not on my level Naomi! They don’t even like you!” Naomi fights up and hits the Rear View (or at least close to it, as it looked like she didn’t make much contact) for two. Bliss goes for the arm but Naomi stacks her up for the pin at 5:24.

Rating: D+. Yeah this didn’t exactly work, with the big move from Naomi missing and the ending coming off as lame and out of nowhere. I’m sure they’re trying to set up some kind of triple threat or something close to it, but there is only so much interesting in whatever they’re doing. Bad match, though it was there in the death spot anyway.

Hell In A Cell rundown.

We recap bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton. Wyatt attacked him at Backlash and then did his usual mind games, only to have Orton do the same thing. In other words, more Bray Wyatt stuff to set up a feud and it’s the main event.

Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton

Dang the Fireflies are still an awesome look. Orton shoves him outside off a lockup to start and it’s time for some breathing. Back in and Orton pulls him down by the hair and then hammers away in the corner. Sister Abigail is broken up but so is the hanging DDT, with Wyatt pulling him outside this time. An RKO attempt is countered with a shove over the announcers’ table and Wyatt shoves him into the barricade to make it worse.

Back in and Orton fights out of the chinlock so Wyatt slams him down without much effort. Wyatt takes WAY too long to set up a middle rope backsplash and crashes down hard. Orton starts slugging away and hits a clothesline out of the corner but has to get out of Sister Abigail.

The powerslam gives Orton two but Wyatt hits a running crossbody for two of his own. Another RKO and Sister Abigail are countered but Wyatt hits the release Rock Bottom for two. They head outside again but this time Orton avoids the backsplash onto the steps. Back in and the hanging DDT connects for two….but then the lights go out and Luke Harper is here. The distraction sets up the Sister Abigail to give Wyatt the pin at 15:41.

Rating: C+. In other words, Wyatt does his usual match and then has some kind of screwy finish to get him on to whatever is next. In this case that would be Orton joining the Wyatt Family and then destroying it from within. Somehow this was worthy of a Wrestlemania World Title match, despite it only being a pretty good match in the first place.

Post match Wyatt and Harper hug to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The opener and Ziggler vs. Miz are enough to carry this but there is only so much that you can get out of a show with such weak stuff in the middle. There were some good matches on here, but the bad stuff drags it down that much better. Unfortunately with the Brand Split, there are only going to be so many ways to keep the interest up and it doesn’t seem likely to get much better than this. Good enough show here, but there are some obvious problems.

Here is the original review if you need a recap.



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Monday Night Raw – August 29, 2022: The Legacy Continues

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 29, 2022
Location: PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Jimmy Smith

It’s the go home show for Clash At The Castle but there is a lot to cover tonight as well. This week will see the finals of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles as Iyo Sky/Dakota Kai face Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah, plus a special appearance by hometown boy Kurt Angle. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

AJ Styles/Dolph Ziggler vs. Judgment Day

Rhea Ripley is here with Judgment Day, who Graves says “no one has had an answer for”. As I try to remember when they last won a big match over someone not named Mysterio, Priest stomps Styles into the corner to start and knocks Ziggler off the apron. Styles is back up with a dropkick and a clothesline to the floor, setting up the slingshot forearm as we take an early break.

Back with Ziggler in trouble but managing to counter Balor’s Styles Clash into a Fameasser. That’s enough for the (not exactly necessary) jump into the tag to Styles so the pace can be picked up. Priest knocks Styles into Balor to knock him off the apron but Styles is back with the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Balor breaks up the Calf Crusher and Styles is sent outside, setting up the South of Heaven chokeslam to give Priest the pin at 8:30.

Rating: C+. I’m not sure what Graves was talking about with saying no one can stop Judgment Day but they did need a win to put them back on track. The match was good enough for a short opener and that is all it needed to be. Odds are Edge is going to be back for Balor sooner than later and this gives them some momentum towards that match.

Judgment Day goes to leave but we see Edge arriving. That makes the team head back to the ring to wait on him as we take a break. Post break, Judgment Day calls Edge to the ring because we aren’t in Toronto and Beth Phoenix isn’t here to save him. Cue Edge to say we’re not in Toronto but rather Pittsburgh and Beth isn’t here tonight. Edge is confident enough in his masculinity to say he and Beth both wear the pants in his family. That’s because he isn’t a caveman who couldn’t get tickets to the My Chemical Romance tour. Edge is indeed back, but he didn’t come alone.

Cue the Mysterios with kendo sticks (because chairs aren’t a thing in wrestling anymore) but Dominik can’t bring himself to hit Rhea Ripley. Instead he hands her the stick and lets the team leave after a staredown. Dominik continues to look like a moron in this whole story. And he still needs a haircut.

Miz and Ciampa don’t want to talk about Dexter Lumis.

Aliyah and Raquel Rodriguez promise to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Asuka/Alexa Bliss/Bianca Belair vs. Danny Mo/Kay Sparks/Katie Arquette

Belair faceplants Sparks to start so it’s off to Katie, who gets flipped over in the corner. Belair tells the other two to come in and suplexes Katie down. Bliss comes in with a splash before Asuka misses a charge in the corner. Some spinning strikes drop Mo for two and everything breaks down, with Belair hitting the KOD to Sparks. Asuka grabs something like an Octopus on the mat to make Mo tap at 3:17.

Rating: C-. Quick match here with the stars getting a chance to be built up on the way to their showdown at Clash At The Castle. You don’t see that happen very often on Raw and it’s nice to have around for a change. The jobbers got in some offense to keep it from being total destruction but the match accomplished its goal.

Miz doesn’t want to talk about what Dexter Lumis did and since he didn’t press charges, Lumis has been released from custody. He still won’t talk about it.

Here is Kurt Angle for the big homecoming. He hypes up Clash At The Castle but here is the Alpha Academy to interrupt. Post break, Chad Gable talks about how Kurt won a gold medal in the Olympics. Angle: “And I won it with a broken freaking neck.” Gable was ready to continue the open challenge here in Pittsburgh but there is no talent in this town. The fans don’t approve but Gable says there is an Olympic hero in this ring, AND KURT ANGLE, so show some respect.

As a special one night only offer, Angle can join the Alpha Academy with no strings attached. Angle throws the jacket back though, with Gable saying “Exqueeze me?” Angle loads up the It’s True but gets SHHHHsed, setting up a SHUSH off. That’s too far for Gable, but the Street Profits run in before Otis violence can ensue. The Profits set up the match and we’re ready to go. Hang on though: Gable throws in a stipulation that if the Academy wins, Angle joins the Academy. Sure why not.

Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Ford chops at Otis to start but gets caught with a gorilla press World’s Strongest Slam. Gable comes in but Ford gets over to Dawkins to pick up the pace. Gable and Otis are sent outside for the running flip dive from Dawkins for a big crash. Back in and Gable dragon screw legwhips Dawkins out of the corner and Otis stands on Dawkins to make it worse.

Dawkins is back up without much trouble though and hands it off to Ford to clean house. A suplex into a standing moonsault gets two on Gable but the frog splash is broken up as we take a break. Back with Dawkins coming in but getting planted by Otis. Ford low bridges Otis to the floor so Dawkins can hit the Silencer for two.

Gable is right back with a bridging northern lights suplex for two and everyone is knocked down. Back up and Gable grabs the ankle lock on Ford, who reverses into one of his own. Otis makes the save with a splash but goes outside to go after Angle. That lets Dawkins knock Otis over the announcers’ table, leaving Gable to get slammed down. The frog splash finishes for Ford at 16:01.

Rating: C+. This was more than a bit longer than it needed to be but the Profits getting a win is a good thing. The problem though is they have nowhere to go as the Usos have the titles tied up seemingly forever and that feud has been done to death. They need something to do to keep the team going, and while this worked for a week, it isn’t going to work long term.

Post match the Profits give Angle a red cup but he spits it out. Angle is ready though and busts out the milk for the feel good throwback.

Riddle and Seth Rollins got in a fight in the parking lot earlier today.

We get a split screen interview between Riddle and Rollins. Riddle wants to fight but Rollins says he isn’t on his level. They’re both ready for the fight, with Rollins not exactly taking things seriously. Riddle promises to prove that there is only one man in their marriage though, and that is Becky Lynch. Rollins gets WAY more serious as we’re out of time.

Miz is paranoid about security as he comes to the ring.

We get some extra footage from after the cameras stopped rolling on the interviews. Rollins wasn’t happy with Riddle talking about his family so let’s talk about Riddle’s family. Oh wait he doesn’t have one because Riddle’s wife left him and took the kids. Riddle wants to know where the f*** Rollins is because he wants to f*** him up. That’s the kind of segment you didn’t get for a long time around here and that’s a nice change of pace.

Miz vs. Bobby Lashley

Non-title and Ciampa is here with the still traumatized Miz. Lashley knocks Miz into the corner to start and then outside, where Ciampa gives him a pep talk. That earns both of them a knockdown as we take a break. Back with Lashley still in control until Miz manages to send him into the steps. Lashley shrugs off some choking and loads up the powerslam before settling for a spinebuster. Ciampa gets in a cheap shot though and a DDT gives Miz two. The Skull Crushing Finale is loaded up but Dexter Lumis is in the crowd. The distraction is enough for Lashley to grab the Hurt Lock for the win at 10:45.

Rating: C-. This was more about Miz being all messed up by Lumis than anything else. Lashley isn’t going to lose to Miz in a cold match on Raw so this was a matter of time rather than anything else. I’m curious about where the Lumis/Miz deal is going, but they are doing a good job of making you wonder what happened to Miz to freak him out this much.

Edge comes in to see Kurt Angle and recreates the messages written on the back of big pictures, talking about the various horrible things Edge did to Angle over the years. The Mysterios find it funny and Angle loses it because Edge did it again. Kurt: “Cripes all Friday!” With Angle gone, Dominik isn’t happy that it’s Edge and Rey vs. Judgment Day at Clash At The Castle but he’ll be there too. That’s the kind of call back that still works because it hasn’t been beaten into the ground.

Video on Connor’s Cure, which started in Pittsburgh.

Here are the Usos and Sami Zayn for a chat. The Usos are excited about Roman Reigns celebrating two years as Universal Champion on Friday but Sami cuts them off. He has been named the master of ceremonies for Reigns’ celebration, which doesn’t sit well with the team. The Usos brag about their success….and here is Kevin Owens to cut them off.

Owens mocks the Usos and Jey is ready to explode. Sami explains the situation to Owens, who doesn’t seem interested in listening. Owens didn’t think Sami could look worse than he did by growing that ridiculous hair out but here he is. Zayn doesn’t get what a joke he is despite being one of the best wrestlers in the world.

Zayn insists that the Usos like him…or at least Jimmy does and they’re working on Jey. Threats are made but Owens gets in the ring anyway, telling the Usos that they can keep sucking up to Reigns, just like when they cost Owens the Universal Title. Zayn says Jey is about to take Owens out, which works for Owens so let’s get a referee out here.

Kevin Owens vs. Jey Uso

Jey Uso and Sami Zayn are here too. Owens starts fast and knocks him into the corner for the right hands to the head. Jey misses a charge and gets Cannonballed as Sami is looking confused at ringside. A distraction brings Owens outside, where Jey hits a superkick and a Samoan drop onto the steps as we take a break.

Back with Owens knocking Jey off the top and hitting the Swanton for two. Jey hits his own superkick and adds a Superfly Splash for two more. Another Superfly Splash hits raised knees though and Owens drops the bullfrog splash for another near fall. Jey gets in another shot and chokes on the ropes as Jimmy offers a distraction….but Sami can’t hit Owens with a chair. Jimmy yells at Zayn, who claims the referee would have seen it, leaving Owens to Stun Jey for the pin at 12:27.

Rating: B-. This is the Owens that I have been wanting to see back for a long time and you can see the long road they are taking with his eventual reunion with Sami. Those two have been joined at the hip for so long but somehow have never won the Tag Team Titles. It would be great to see this story take what seems to be an obvious course, just for the emotional moment at the end.

Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Shirai promise to be taking over.

Miz leaves the arena, despite Ciampa (who is covered in glitter for some reason) asking what happened. Dexter Lumis is in the back of Miz’s car as he pulls away.

We look back at Johnny Gargano’s return last week.

Gargano was in an empty arena and talked about how happy he is to be back in wrestling. Theory didn’t ruin anything because Gargano sees him as family, even though Theory didn’t call when the baby was born. Cue Theory, who asks why Gargano didn’t call when Theory won anything, with Gargano saying they had a baby. Theory thinks that’s an excuse and Gargano must be a bit jealous.

We run down the Clash At The Castle rundown, with Riddle having gotten his Matt back.

Recap of the Women’s Tag Team Title tournament.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Aliyah/Raquel Rodriguez vs. Iyo Sky/Dakota Kai

For the vacant titles and Bayley is here too. Aliyah and Sky trade rollups to start before it’s off to Kai for a change. Kai misses a charge over a splitting Aliyah, who misses a baseball slide to the floor. That means Aliyah gets sent into the steps while Rodriguez gets knocked down as well as we take a break.

Back with Rodriguez getting kicked down for a running dropkick to the back for two. Rodriguez fights up and takes Sky down in the corner for the spinning Vader Bomb elbow. Kai is back up with a kick to Rodriguez to set up the Over the Moonsault for two. Bayley gets on the apron so Bianca Belair, Asuka and Alexa Bliss run in to chase her off. Rodriguez makes a tag off to Aliyah, who immediately drops to the floor to hide. The villains go after Rodriguez, leaving Aliyah to grab a rollup for the pin and the titles at 11:20.

Rating: C. That ending wasn’t the best as the camera almost missed the pin, though it was a clever enough idea. The problem here is simple though: it’s still the Women’s Tag Team Titles, which mattered for approximately 18 minutes after they were established. Aliyah and Rodriguez are the latest thrown together team to win the belts and that isn’t likely to get a big reaction. I’m sure Banks and Naomi, the previous thrown together team to win the belts after about four matches, returning will be a boost, but then why exactly should I believe that things will be different this time?

Pyro goes off and we hear about some big Clash At The Castle matches to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this show as much but it was still more than a few miles better than the shows from earlier this year. What matters still is that there is an energy to the shows that wasn’t around for so long and that is a notable difference. This was a go home show for a card that was mostly already set and that doesn’t often leave much for the final episode. If nothing else, we can get Clash At The Castle out of the way this weekend and move on to the build for something else, but for now this was hopefully just a one off misstep.

Judgment Day b. AJ Styles/Dolph Ziggler – South Of Heaven to Ziggler
Asuka/Alexa Bliss/Bianca Belair b. Dani Mo/Kay Sparks/Katie Arquette – Octopus to Mo
Street Profits b. Alpha Academy – Frog splash to Gable
Bobby Lashley b. The Miz – Hurt Lock
Kevin Owens b. Jey Uso – Stunner
Aliyah/Raquel Rodriguez b. Iyo Sky/Dakota Kai – Rollup to Sky



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Monday Night Raw – August 22, 2022: Bizarroworld, Raw Edition

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 22, 2022
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re still north of the border and this time there is a special treat for the hometown crowd. Edge is going to be facing Damian Priest for the big homecoming match and that should be a heck of a fight. Other than that, we should be seeing the continuing adventures of Dexter Lumis, plus any other possible returns. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open in the back with Riddle and Seth Rollins brawling in the Gorilla Position. They are separated by security but brawl into the arena to keep it going. More brawling leads to more separations until they’re finally held apart on the ramp, much to the fans’ annoyance.

Here is hometown legend Trish Stratus for a chat. The fans seem rather happy to see her and Trish seems overwhelmed by the reception. The ONE MORE MATCH chant starts up and Trish has been thinking….but here are Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky to interrupt. We take a break and come back with Bayley talking about how awesome it is to have Trish back, but why is she here?

Through translation, we hear about Sky being a huge fan but Bayley still wants to know why Trish has been after them over the last few days. Cue Bianca Belair to say Bayley isn’t in the same stratosphere. Bayley still isn’t convinced so Trish takes off her jacket. Asuka and Alexa Bliss come out to uneven the odds so Bayley and company are ready to leave but it’s time for a match. Trish vs. Bayley down the line could be a heck of a showcase for the latter and Trish looks like she could still go.

Women’s Tag Team Title Tournament: Asuka/Alexa Bliss vs. Dakota Kai/Iyo Sky

Asuka knocks Kai outside and then off the apron for a bonus as we take an early break. Back with Bliss getting out of trouble and handing it back to Asuka to face Sky. They circle each other and trade kicks to the face, with Asuka getting the better of things. Bliss comes back in to knock the villains outside, setting up a big dive to the floor. A cheap shot cuts her off though and we take a second break.

We come back again with Asuka striking away at Sky for two as Aliyah, Doudrop and Nikki Ash are watching in the back. Sky gets over to the apron for a springboard missile dropkick, allowing Kai to come back in with a scorpion kick. Bliss makes the save and hits a double DDT but Kai breaks up some kind of stretch from Asuka.

Bliss makes the save and tries Twisted Bliss but only hits raised knees. Asuka tags herself in though and hits some spinning backfists to Kai. A blind tag brings Sky back in but Asuka doesn’t realize it, meaning Kai tapping to the Asuka Lock doesn’t matter. Instead, Sky comes in for the rollup pin at 18:34.

Rating: C+. There were some sloppy points here but the ending was a nice way to make Kai and Sky look rather smart. Asuka got distracted and was pinned clean, which works perfectly well to send the villains to the finals. It would be hard to fathom them not winning the belts, but stranger things have happened. Long match too, and that isn’t something you see from women’s tags very often.

Dolph Ziggler is ready to bounce back after his loss to Theory but Judgment Day interrupts. Finn Balor doesn’t think much of Ziggler attaching himself to another up and comer to stay relevant. Ziggler slaps him down and heads to the ring.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Finn Balor

Rhea Ripley is here with Balor. An early superkick attempt is blocked and Ziggler is sent into the corner, allowing Balor to talk trash. Ziggler gets whipped hard into the corner and we take an early break. Back with Ziggler getting an elbow up in the corner and hammering away with some right hands.

The Fameasser is countered into a sitout powerbomb for two but Ziggler is back with his DDT for the same. The second Fameasser attempt connects for two and they’re both down for a bit. It’s Balor up first with the shotgun dropkick but the Coup de Grace misses. The Zig Zag gets a very near fall and it’s time to slug it out. Ziggler’s headbutt knocks Balor silly but Ripley gets in a cheap shot. 1916 sets up the Coup de Grace to finish Ziggler at 12:57.

Rating: B-. Those near falls were good and the fans were WAY into this so they were doing a lot right. Ziggler is still a solid choice to have a match like this and put someone over, though I can’t help but roll my eyes when I see him set something up. Balor winning is nice to see though, even if I have no reason to believe the momentum is lasting.

Aliyah brags about being the bougie bada** but Bayley and company come in and mock her for showing up alone. Trish Stratus comes in to ask when Bayley is getting back in the ring. Bayley vs. Aliyah is set for tonight. Bayley and company leave, with Adam Pearce and some security looking at some photos and walking the other way.

Here is Alpha Academy to accept new students. The search is starting here in Toronto but all Chad Gable can find is a bunch of toothless hockey players at Tim Hortons. The Toronto Mapleleafs lost a hockey game to a team from Tampa Bay and they don’t even have hockey! So send me your best Toronto….and here we go.

Kevin Owens vs. Chad Gable

Gable gets knocked outside to start as the fans are WAY behind Owens. Back in and Gable’s headlock is broken up, allowing Owens to hit a hard clothesline. It’s too early for the Cannonball so Gable rolls outside. A t-bone suplex drops Owens again and two more drop him on the apron as we take a break.

Back with Owens hitting a Cannonball and dropping Gable onto his knee. Owens goes up, while favoring his own knee, and hits a frog splash for two. The Pop Up powerbomb and Stunner are both countered, with the latter being reversed into a bridging German suplex to give Gable two. Gable hits a top rope headbutt for two of his own so he takes Owens up top. That means the swinging superplex can give Owens a delayed two but the Swanton hits knees. Back up and a superkick sets up the Pop Up powerbomb to finish Gable at 11:07.

Rating: B. It’s really, really nice to see Owens back and thankfully he is the older, more hard hitting version. I liked this one a good bit, though I could have seen it end after that frog splash. They gave Gable a lot here and it should save him some credibility in the future, as beating him will mean a bit more if he can hang with Owens for this long.

Post match Otis jumps Owens and gets Stunned for his efforts. Then Owens powerbombs Gable onto Otis for a bonus.

Judgment Day mocks the Mysterios, with Finn Balor saying Dominik might be enjoying getting beaten up by Rhea and declaring Rey “6 1 Mine”. Damian Priest promises to send Edge back into retirement.

Bayley vs. Aliyah

Aliyah rolls her up for to and the Matrish sets up a hiptoss. A running crossbody in the corner hits Bayley and a hurricanrana brings her back out for one. Bayley grabs her by the ear and pulls her into a chinlock, only to be armdragged down. Aliyah gets sent into the corner for some shots to the head and the chinlock goes on again.

Back up and Bayley mocks Trish’s pose but what looks to be a Stratusfaction attempt is broken up. Aliyah slides to the floor and hits a sitout bulldog, which is about as she is getting to being Trish. Back in and the half crab keeps Bayley in trouble but she’s right back up. The Rose Plant finishes Aliyah at 6:32.

Rating: C. It’s great to have Bayley back, but Aliyah continues to drag down just about everything she does. There comes a point where it just isn’t working and I think we passed that point with her several years ago. The problem comes down to the fact that she just isn’t very good and shouldn’t be on Raw or Smackdown. Bayley being back is a good thing though and she is already the top heel in the Raw women’s division, where she should be for a long time to come.

Miz/Ciampa vs. AJ Styles/Bobby Lashley

Styles dropkicks the heck out of Ciampa to start and hands it off to Lashley. A double suplex is loaded up but Styles steps to the side, allowing Lashley to hit his own delayed vertical. Miz comes in and Lashley gets to wreck things again, including tossing both villains to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Styles in trouble and Ciampa putting on a chinlock. Styles fights out of trouble and hands it back to Lashley, meaning house can be properly cleaned. A DDT/Downward Spiral combination plants the villains but Ciampa rolls outside before the spear. Lashley posts Ciampa and clotheslines Miz, but the distraction lets Ciampa hit Willow’s Bell for two.

Lashley is back up with the spear so Miz has to make a save. Styles is knocked outside where security pulls someone (definitely NOT Dexter Lumis) away. Then on the other side of the ring, Lumis appears and pulls Miz over the barricade and through the crowd for the DQ at 13:52.

Rating: C+. The ending was an interesting way to go as I wasn’t sure how they were going to tie the Lumis stuff into the rest of the show. Lumis finally having an official target and getting point in a direction is a big step forward and if nothing else, Ciampa didn’t take another loss. He still needs to win something, but at least they have something actually happening with the story.

Post match Ciampa gets beaten up, including a Phenomenal Forearm and spear. Replays show Miz being taken away, including several closeups of Lumis and commentary mentioning him by name.

Video on Edge.

And now, here’s Johnny Gargano, complete with the still awesome REBEL HEART theme. The fans get in their JOHNNY WRESTLING chant and Gargano seems rather happy with his reception. Gargano gives us a brief history of his NXT success but he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to do this again over the last nine months. He has been a father to Baby Wrestling (Gargano: “He’ll appreciate that when he gets older.”) and now he remembers what he has always wanted to do. Gargano wants to win every championship and go to Wrestlemania and now it is time to continue with his dreams.

Cue Theory (who was kind of Gargano’s idiot son in NXT), with Gargano being pleased to see him. Fans: “WHO’S YOUR DADDY!” Theory asks what Gargano has been doing for the last nine months, which Gargano says includes changing a lot of diapers. Now though, Theory has the briefcase and has done everything Gargano wanted to do. He couldn’t do what he did without Gargano (who appreciates that) but now it’s like Theory is the veteran and Gargano is the rookie.

Theory thinks Gargano can even carry his bags. Or maybe just the briefcase. Theory: “Maybe I can show you The Way!” With that reference to their NXT group out of the way, Theory wants to do their old high five and tells Gargano to hit him with it. That earns Theory a superkick and Gargano does a self high five before leaving. Gargano got a major reaction and it seems like he is actually going to have a chance, which puts him way ahead of his nothing original run on the show.

The Women’s Tag Team Title match is next week, as is Kurt Angle.

Edge vs. Damian Priest

Edge is the hometown boy and in very Canadian tights to hammer the point home. Throw in his wife, Beth Phoenix, sitting in the front row and I think you get the idea. Priest powers him into the corner to start but Edge sends him outside. That means it’s time to slow things down and Edge gets in a few shots, only to be taken outside again. A powerbomb onto the barricade knocks Priest silly and we take a break.

Back with Priest missing something off the top and being sent outside again for a huge top rope dive. Priest is fine enough to Razor’s Edge Edge through the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Edge hitting a super hurricanrana (about three and a half minutes after Edge took the same move that put him out for a month earlier this year) but the spear is countered with a kick to the head.

An Unprettier gives Priest two (and allows Graves to make a bit of a veiled reference to Christian) and he’s annoyed at the kickout. Priest loads up a spear but charges into a South of Heaven chokeslam to give Edge two, with commentary saying they know each other so well from their time together in Judgment Day. As you remember that was about a month long, Edge gets kicked into the referee and Priest hits his own chokeslam.

It’s time for a chair, which Edge takes away and breaks off to set up the Crossface with the bar in Priest’s mouth. Since that means nothing, Edge loads up a spear, which is cut off with a bar to the head for two. Another Razor’s Edge is countered into a Canadian Destroyer (because of course) and Edge hits the spear for the pin at 19:34.

Rating: B+. It felt like a pay per view style match and the live crowd ate it up so this couldn’t have gone much better. I’m not completely sure if Edge should have won, but I’ll take it over the hometown star losing again, as was the WWE trademark for so long. Priest got something out of the loss just because he hung in there with Edge, though it could have been really interesting to see him get probably the biggest win of his career.

Post match Edge loads up a Conchairto but Rhea Ripley comes in with a low blow. Finn Balor adds the Coup de Grace and the chair is loaded up but Beth Phoenix takes it from Ripley. Phoenix holds the three off with the chair to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. I know I’ve said this a few times now, but what makes this show that much better is having a lack of anything awful while also keeping the shows energized. It feels more like there is a plan to some of these stories and that they are building to a goal instead of putting whatever out there and hoping it makes sense by the pay per view. I’m digging these shows and you are getting some awesome matches to go with the stories, so nicely done. This show has become a bit of a joy to watch in recent weeks and while I don’t know if that is going to last, it has been a great relief after so many years of drek.

Iyo Sky/Dakota Kai b. Asuka/Alexa Bliss – Rollup to Asuka
Finn Balor b. Dolph Ziggler – Coup de Grace
Kevin Owens b. Chad Gable – Pop Up powerbomb
Bayley b. Aliyah – Rose Plant
Miz/Ciampa b. AJ Styles/Bobby Lashley via DQ when Dexter Lumis interfered
Edge b. Damian Priest – Spear




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Monday Night Raw – August 15, 2022: The New Peak

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 15, 2022
Location: Capital One Arena Washington DC
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

The resurgence of the United States Title continues as we have Bobby Lashley defending against AJ Styles in a match that somehow has not happened before. Other than that, we might be getting more from the odd adventures of Dexter Lumis, who returned last week, seemingly unannounced, and was arrested to end the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Judgment Day to get things going. Rhea Ripley is rather pleased by taking out Dominik Mysterio last week and Finn Balor says the Mysterios will not be here tonight. That’s enough about this week and last week though, because Damian Priest is ready to destroy Edge next week. As for tonight though, does anyone want to see Edge confront this team right now? Well too bad because he isn’t here.

Priest is ready to send Edge back into retirement and that means no more movies or TV shows, but rather more of him being wheeled around. Cue Rey Mysterio to jump the team, but he can’t bring himself to hit Rhea Ripley. Instead Rey goes after Finn Balor with a chair, only to have Riple get in the way. The numbers get the better of Rey and Rhea DDTs him onto a chair. The Coup de Grace onto a chair onto Rey leaves him laying. Anytime this feud wants to be over, I’d be glad to assist in any way I can.

Women’s Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Asuka/Alexa Bliss vs. Doudrop/Nikki Ash

Bianca Belair comes out to offer some support to Asuka and Bliss. The villains are knocked outside early on and we take a break just over thirty seconds in. Back with Bliss getting away from Doudrop and handing it off to Asuka to clean house. Some strikes to Ash set up a bridging German suplex for two but Doudrop is back up to run Bliss over to put everyone down. Ash is sent outside and Doudrop’s Michinoku Driver gets two on Asuka. Bliss comes back in to break that up and it’s the cross armbreaker to make Doudrop tap at 8:48.

Rating: C. The doubt was lacking but Bliss and Asuka work well enough together to make a match passable. Doudrop and Ash are just sad at this point though, as the team continues to lose while Ash looks ridiculous as a villain with a name involving being (ALMOST) a superhero). Let her be herself again and it should be fine, but that could take some time given how long this has been going.

Post match Belair, Asuka and Ash go to leave but run into Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky. Yelling ensues.

Theory is ready to cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase and become the World Heavyweight Champion. Cue Dolph Ziggler to mock Theory for losing over and over, but Theory calls him a has been. The brawl is on and we take a break.

The brawl continued during the break.

We recap last week’s rather awesome Bobby Lashley vs. Ciampa’s United States Title match.

Ciampa says he worked hard last week but we don’t have participation trophies around here. Next time, he’ll be champion. Miz blames AJ Styles for interfering last week and smells collusion about Styles getting a title shot this week. As for Ciampa, Miz gives him a necklace with a picture of the two of them inside (Miz has a matching one because).

Miz/Ciampa vs. Cedric Alexander/Mustafa Ali

Ciampa drives Alexander up against the ropes but gets taken down into a hammerlock. Back up and Alexander hits a dropkick before handing it off to Ali for a slingshot hilo, followed by Alexander hitting a slingshot hilo for two. Ciampa runs Alexander over though and applauds with Miz as we take a break.

Back with Alexander fighting out of a chinlock and bringing Ali in to chop Miz. Ali hits a running boot to Ciampa in the corner, setting up the rolling…well kind of Sling Blade as Miz wasn’t facing the right way for the neckbreaker. Alexander comes back in with a Michinoku Driver for two on Miz, with Ciampa putting the foot on the rope. Ali hits a heck of a dive to take Ciampa out and dropkicks Miz into a sunset flip to give Alexander two. Back up and Ali kicks Miz in the face but Ciampa knees/kicks a 450 out of the air (pretty sweet). The Fairy Tale Ending finishes Ali at 9:49.

Rating: C+. This is the kind of match that can happen in almost any given week as there is so much talent around that all they need is a chance. Ali and Alexander are capable of having a good match at any time and they did it here against Miz and Ciampa. If nothing else though, it is nice to see Ciampa actually getting another pin, which hasn’t happened enough around here.

We look back at Kevin Owens taking out Ezekiel.

Ezekiel’s family (including Elias and others, likely including Elrod) is standing around his bedside, with his father, Ernie Jr., saying his son will be back. That’s quite the visual.

Drew McIntyre is on his way to the ring and passes someone putting out a fire in a trashcan, with Adam Pearce and others standing by.

Video on the Wrestlemania on sale launch party.

Here is Drew McIntyre for a chat. Drew is tired of hearing about the Island of Relevancy and is ready to win the titles and defend them everywhere they should be. Now there have been reports that he is suffering from a bit of a back injury. That’s true, mainly because he has been carrying the load of twenty men for three years in and out of the ring. This isn’t a job for him because he is living a dream. He’s here to scout future opponents, so what do you think of him vs. Ciampa? Or AJ Styles? Seth Rollins? Maybe Karrion Kross?

Cue Kevin Owens to interrupt and Drew likes that idea too. Owens doesn’t like his name being left out and thinks Drew believes he is in Medieval Times. If Drew thinks he has been carrying anyone around here, he is a real dumb***. Owens knows who he is though because he is Kevin Owens and he is as real as it gets in this business. For the last few years, he has been having a good time coming to work, but then something dawned on him earlier today as he got to the arena.

This is the same arena where he and Sami Zayn had the fight of their lives and left it all in that ring six years ago. There is a side of him that is missing and he misses the old Kevin Owens. It might be time to bring back the prizefighter and now he wants a title again. Every champion is a target and he doesn’t care if it’s McIntyre or Roman Reigns because he is coming for the biggest prize of them all.

McIntyre is tired of people making stuff up to get a cheap reaction and goes on a rant about how he has done everything around here. They called him to come back after he was the Chosen One fifteen years ago. Now he’s a two time World Champion and he’s ready to go. Drew: “We’re wrestlers in a freaking wrestling ring so let’s wrestle!” For the first time in years, that probably won’t get him fined so Owens is in.

Drew McIntyre vs. Kevin Owens

Feeling out process to start with Owens’ shoulder not having much of an effect. Owens grabs a headlock and sends him into the corner for the Cannonball into a backsplash. A middle rope moonsault gets two but McIntyre is up with a toss, sending Owens outside. Back in and Owens sends McIntyre outside, setting up….nothing as McIntyre cuts him off with a forearm. Owens posts him and hits a frog splash off the apron as we take a break.

Back with McIntyre fighting out of a chinlock but the Futureshock is countered into a DDT from Owens. The Swanton only hits knees though and McIntyre gets a breather. Owens catches him on top but McIntyre does the situp….with Owens blocking the choke throw. Another Cannonball in the Tree of Woe sets up the bullfrog splash for two, followed by a Swanton for two more.

McIntyre catches him on top with the super White Noise for two before hitting a Glasgow Kiss. Owens is back with a superkick but McIntyre clotheslines him down for another double breather. Back up and the slugout goes to McIntyre, who hits the Futureshock. The Claymore is loaded up but the Usos come in to jump McIntyre for the DQ at 14:52.

Rating: B. That was a rare occasion where the DQ ending was the right call, as you don’t want either of these two taking a fall right now. McIntyre is going on to the World Title match at one of the biggest shows of the year and this was Owens’ return to form. The good thing is that Owens looked like his own self out there and it made for a hard hitting fight between two guys who could bring it. Pretty awesome match here and I could go for a rematch.

Post match McIntyre fights the Usos off and backdrops Jey onto Jimmy on the floor (OUCH) but walks into a Stunner from Owens. The 1D is broken up though and McIntyre drops the Usos again. If this is what the Usos are doing, get the titles off of them already.

Here is Seth Rollins to watch a special interview with Riddle. Rollins mocks Riddle for needing to retire from his mother’s basement but maybe he can go finish seventh grade or start a farm (that’s very lucrative). Riddle pops up on screen to say he’s medically cleared and it’s on. Rollins mocks every other time it has been on and promises to wreck Riddle again. He wishes Riddle was here right now so he could stomp the final brain cells out of his head.

That’s cool with Riddle, who is in fact here right now, meaning he’s coming to the ring RIGHT NOW. Riddle storms the ring and head fakes Rollins to avoid the Stomp. Rollins drops him onto the apron anyway and they go over the announcers’ table with Rollins unloading on him. The Stomp through the table misses though and Riddle knees him over the barricade. The chase is on through the crowd.

Video on Bobby Lashley vs. AJ Styles later tonight for Lashley’s US Title.

Riddle wants to fight Seth Rollins and issues the challenge for Clash At The Castle.

Veer Mahaan vs. Beaux Keller

Keller bails to the floor and Veer isn’t happy with having to get in a chase. Back in and Keller hits a dropkick, earning himself a big toss out to the floor. Mahaan hits something like a Thesz press minus the press, setting up the Million Dollar Arm. The Cervical Clutch puts out Keller’s torch at 1:46.

Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky are ready to win the Tag Team Titles, plus the six woman tag at Clash At The Castle. They go over to see Dana Brooke, who is ready 24/7. Kai tells her to be scared.

United States Title: Bobby Lashley vs. AJ Styles

Lashley is defending and powers him down to start but Styles is back up with the drop down into the dropkick. They head outside with Lashley blocking a posting but getting caught with a Phenomenal Forearm off the apron. We take a break and come back with Styles being sent hard into the barricade. Styles is back with a few shots of his own but gets whipped hard into the corner.

Cue Miz and Ciampa to watch as Styles is dropped onto the top rope. Miz goes outside to go after Styles….and someone (Dexter Lumis) dives out of the crowd and onto Corey Graves. Security breaks it up and we take an abrupt break. Back with commentary confirming that it was in fact Lumis and Lashley missing a spear to the floor. Styles hits a slingshot forearm to take Lashley down again but Lashley is back with a running powerslam.

They go up top with Styles slipping out of a superplex and hitting a spinning torture rack bomb for two. Lashley is fine enough to hit the spinning Big Ending for two and takes him outside for the posting. Back in and Styles grabs the Calf Crusher but Lashley powers out again. A forearm sets up a missed Phenomenal Forearm, allowing Lashley to hit the spear for the retaining pin at 21:40.

Rating: B. Another awesome match here as you had two guys beating the figure out of each other. The Miz/Ciampa stuff was appropriate and tied into the things that they had been doing before so there was even some logic there. On top of that, you have the Lumis stuff, which continues to be intriguing as we wait for an explanation. Great stuff here, with the US Title growing every week right before our eyes.

Dakota Kai vs. Dana Brooke

Non-title. Kai starts fast and knocks her down, setting up some rather cocky kicks to the head. Brooke fights up but gets knocked into the corner without much trouble. The running boot to the face gives Kai the pin at 2:19.

Video on Edge vs. Judgment Day.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Theory

Ziggler takes him down to start but Theory is back with a heck of a forearm. Ziggler’s arm is sent into the post twice in a row, allowing Theory to talk some trash. Ziggler is fine enough to catch him on top with a super Fameasser. We take a break and come back with Theory hitting his rolling dropkick, setting up another ram into the post.

Ziggler fights up and hits some right hands in the corner, setting up the jumping elbow for two. Theory catches him on the middle rope but another slingshot dropkick is countered with a Fameasser to give Ziggler two of his own. They slug it out from their knees until the Zig Zag is blocked.

Theory hits a running shot to the face and loads up A Town Down, which is countered into a sunset flip for two more. The Zig Zag gives Ziggler another near fall so Theory rolls him up for two, despite his feet being on the ropes. Ziggler is back up and walks into A Town Down for the clean pin at 16:07.

Rating: B-. Theory winning clean is weird to see but it is the kind of win that he needed to make a comeback after his not so great last few weeks. What matters here is that they had another good wrestling match without many shenanigans. That is the kind of thing that audience needs to be reeducated towards and if it helps build Theory up in the process, so be it.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a heck of a show with three rather good matches, some storyline advancement and reason to believe that Kevin Owens might be going somewhere sooner than later. The wrestling carried this show and, again, there was nothing terrible to drag the show down. Heck of a show and one of the best Raw’s in longer than I can remember. Maybe it is due to so many years of awful, but the last few weeks have been great and this is the best one of the new run by a fairly wide margin.

Asuka/Alexa Bliss b. Doudrop/Nikki Ash – Cross armbreaker to Doudrop
The Miz/Ciampa b. Mustafa Ali/Cedric Alexander – Fairy Tale Ending to Ali
Drew McIntyre b. Kevin Owens via DQ when the Usos interfered
Veer Mahaan b. Beaux Keller – Cervical Clutch
Bobby Lashley b. AJ Styles – Spear
Dakota Kai b. Dana Brooke – running boot in the corner
Theory b. Dolph Ziggler – A Town Down



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – August 8, 2022: The Cops Are Off And Running

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 8, 2022
Location: Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, Cleveland, Ohio
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

This could be a very interesting show, as we are coming off last week’s pretty awesome episode, but now the question is how they follow it up. They certainly don’t need to have some big moment or debut/return, but keep up the energy and put on a good show and they should be fine. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Bayley/Iyo Shirai/Dakota Kai coming together at Summerslam and running some roughshod last week.

We get the brackets for the Women’s Tag Team Title tournament:

Tamina/Dana Brooke
Iyo Sky/Dakota Kai

Alexa Bliss/Asuka
Nikki Ash/Doudrop

Raquel Rodriguez/Aliyah
Xia Li/Shotzi

Nikkita Lyons/Zoey Stark
Natalya/Sonya Deville

That’s a heck of a lot better than I would have bet on.

Here are Bayley, Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai for a chat. Bayley: “DING DONG!” Bayley can’t believe that she’s getting this kind of a reception when the fans need her. They are here to save this women’s division and the role model needed to do something. Bayley says they are here to bring back the hunger and get rid of Becky Lynch and Bianca Belair. She mentions Iyo Sky and Dakota Sky (Bayley: “YEAH I KNOW I SAID IT WRONG!”) and talks about how bad things have gotten, but here are Alexa Bliss and Asuka to interrupt.

Bianca Belair joins them, with Asuka dancing to Belair’s music (and ducking a pony tail whip). Bliss threatens Sky and Kai because she and Asuka will be waiting on them in the next round. On top of that, Belair isn’t worried about Bayley, and they can have that six woman tag right now. Bayley laughs that off and the match is on for Clash At The Castle instead. That’s good for Belair and the fight is on right now. Everyone brawls into the crowd and Bliss gets in a dive off the barricade to take everyone down. Energetic opening segment if nothing else.

Angelo Dawkins vs. Seth Rollins

Montez Ford is here too. Rollins knows him into the corner to start but Dawkins jumps over him and hits a nice dropkick. Back up and Dawkins scores with the jumping back elbow, which sends Rollins outside (where Ford….I’m not sure what he does, but he shakes a lot and yells at Rollins). There’s a Pounce to send Rollins over the announcers’ table and we take a break.

Back with Rollins drawing Ford into the ring with a chair, which is enough to earn Ford an ejection. Dawkins uses the distraction to jump Rollins and send him outside for the big running flip dive. Back inside and the Silencer drops Rollins for two but he’s right back up with a forearm to the back of the neck. The Stomp misses though and Dawkins hits a Sky High for a close two. Another Sky High is loaded up but Dawkins reversed into a Pedigree for the pin at 8:34.

Rating: B-. This was the kind of match that suits people like Dawkins and Rollins well. They’re both athletic and can work a fast paced match, making this one of the better ways they could have gone. The Profits losing to Rollins is hardly some horrible fate but it seems that there might be bigger things afoot for at least one of them in the future.

Post match Rollins goes after Dawkins again but Ford runs in for the save. I could see this setting up a Ford vs. Rollins rematch on the bigger stage.

Recap of Edge returning last week and promising to take out Judgment Day, followed by the team going after the Mysterios. Rhea Ripley accidentally caused Dominik Mysterio to get speared by Edge to add in some conflict.

Edge comes up to the Mysterios and says he has their backs against Judgment Day tonight. Rey can go with that, but Dominik doesn’t buy it. Rey says he’s known Edge for 20 years and he’s family, but Dominik says he’s known Rey for 25 and walks off.

Ciampa is asked about his United States Title match but Miz cuts him off and doesn’t like the word phenomenal being used. Miz rants about AJ Styles for a bit before Ciampa says believe in him, just like Harley Race, his trainer, did. Race passed away about three years ago almost to this day and he is dedicating his win to Race, whose Starrcade 1983 robe is behind him. Tonight Bobby Lashley will feel his sacrifice and he has already lost.

Ezekiel vs. Kevin Owens

Owens rushes him to the floor to start and hits the apron powerbomb. The referee calls for medics and we’ll call this a no contest at about 1:00 (the ending bell never rang).

Ezekiel is taken out on a stretcher.

Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio

Only Damian Priest is at ringside. Before the match, Finn Balor declares himself to be danger and promises to show that to Rey tonight. Priest isn’t worried about Edge and says he’ll take care of him in two weeks in Edge’s hometown of Toronto. We cut to the back, where Rey tells Edge that Dominik will come around.

After a break, we actually start the match and Rey takes over early on by taking Balor down with straight speed. The top rope seated senton sets up the hurricanrana into the corner. A crossbody misses for Mysterio though and Balor kicks him in the ribs for two. Balor mocks Eddie Guerrero’s Three Amigos as I try to remember the last Mysterio match without an Eddie reference. Rey reverses the third suplex into one of his own, followed by the sitout bulldog for two. The 619 hits Priest by mistake though and Balor posts Rey as we take a break.

Back with Rey going after Priest and getting dropped as a result. Cue Edge to take out Priest, leaving Rey to grab a Code Red for two. The 619 is blocked with a clothesline and it’s the shotgun dropkick but the Coup de Grace misses. Rey loads up the 619 again but here is Rhea Ripley carrying a destroyed Dominik Mysterio. The distraction lets Balor hit 1916 into the Coup de Grace for the pin at 13:52.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to see Balor win a match but I’m still trying to figure out why I’m supposed to care about Dominik. He has never done anything significant without his dad being involved and he isn’t exactly likable in the first place. Seeing Ripley beat him up is a funny moment and I don’t see myself feeling sympathetic for him anytime soon. That being said, it was nice to see Balor actually get a win for a change, as it feels like it has been awhile.

Dana Brooke/Tamina are ready for the first round of the Women’s Tag Team Title tournament. Bayley and company come up to laugh at them, while promising not to take the 24/7 Title. Tamina gets in Bayley’s face and…no.

Women’s Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Dakota Kai/Iyo Sky vs. Dana Brooke/Tamina

Bayley is here too. Kai and Brooke start things off but Tamina comes in rather quickly to clean house. Sky and Shirai are sent outside for a big dive from Brooke as we take an early break. Back with Kai cranking on Brooke’s arms before Sky and Kai hit back to back kicks for two.

Brooke fights out of a chinlock and dives over for the tag off to Tamina to start the house cleaning. Sky and Tamina slug it out until Tamina hits a superkick into the Samoan drop for two. Bayley has to pull Sky out of Kai’s way of Brooke’s dive against the barricade, leaving Tamina to load up the Superfly Splash. Sky gets her knees up but Tamina puts the brakes on, only to get kicked in the face by Kai. The moonsault gives Sky the pin at 10:01.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough and Sky’s moonsault is always impressive, but it’s a little much to buy Kai and Sky needing ten minutes to beat Tamina and Brooke. No they haven’t been above NXT, but the top of NXT is a heck of a lot better than….whatever level Brooke and Tamina are on. It never got too ridiculous, but this should have been more of a dominant win.

Kevin Owens is leaving and doesn’t like being asked for a comment. Unlike Ezekiel, he knows who he is, and since there are a lot of eyes on this show, he is here to remind people who he is. This is still the Kevin Owens Show. During the segment, there were a bunch of people (including Doudrop and Nikki Ash) looking at a car that had crashed in the background. Neither the people nor the car were ever referenced.

Video on the United States Title, I believe the same one from last week.

United States Title: Ciampa vs. Bobby Lashley

Ciampa, with Miz, and wearing the Harley Race robe, is challenging. After the Big Match Intros, Lashley runs him over to start and hits the delayed vertical suplex. A spinning back elbow to the face looks to set up the spear but Ciampa bails outside. Miz’s distraction fails as Lashley knocks Ciampa off the apron and then rams him into Miz as we take a break.

Back with Ciampa holding a chinlock until Lashley fights up and hits the spinning Big Ending for two. The spear connects but Miz puts Ciampa’s foot on the ropes. Cue AJ Styles to chase Miz out of the arena and Ciampa gets two off a small package. Lashley loads up the Hurt Lock but Styles and Miz run back in for a distraction.

Ciampa uses said distraction to send Lashley into an exposed buckle and the post for a VERY close two (I bought that one). The Hurt Lock is loaded up but reversed into the Gargano Escape (Graves: “Sometimes you gotta do it yourself!”). That’s reversed into what looked to be a powerslam, only to have Ciampa send him outside. Back in and Willow’s Bell connects for two more but another running knee is countered into the spinebuster. The Hurt Lock retains the title at 12:52.

Rating: B. Dang I was buying those near falls and they pulled me way into this. Lashley retaining the title is a fine way to go and it was nice to see something like the old Ciampa here instead of the same loser we have seen for so long. Great match here and one of the better WWE TV matches in a good while.

Miz and Styles brawled backstage during the break and had to be separated. They’ll face off later tonight, No DQ.

Omos vs. Andrea Guercio/Spencer Slade

General destruction sets up the chokebomb to finish Guercio at 1:39. The best part here was Graves talking about how the jobbers were going to be destroyed from the opening bell and throughout the match.

Seth Rollins isn’t worried about Riddle being back for an interview next week. He mocks Riddle’s catchphrases and dubs himself the gatekeeper of this industry. If you want to know what is so bad about him, just ask Dana White. He’s still Seth Freaking Rollins.

Chad Gable vs. Dolph Ziggler

Otis is here with Gable. They go technical to start with neither being able to get very far. Ziggler can’t quite get a backslide and gets caught with the American Automatic. A dragon screw legwhip takes Ziggler down and Gable start going after the leg. The moonsault misses though and Ziggler is back with the DDT for a delayed two. Gable grabs the ankle lock and Ziggler can’t roll out of it, instead having to kick Gable in the face. The superkick doesn’t work as the leg gives out though and Gable powerbombs him back into the ankle lock. Ziggler breaks it up this time and manages to hit the superkick for the pin at 6:34.

Rating: C+. It might not have been the most well received match but this was logical and fairly well done. Ziggler tried to wrestle with him but was in over his head against a former Olympian. That left Ziggler to have to escape and wait for an opening, which he used to pull off the come from behind victory. I liked this, and it worked out well.

Nikki Ash and Doudrop are ready for Asuka and Alexa Bliss next week.

Asuka and Alexa Bliss are ready for Nikki Ash and Doudrop next week. Bayley and company come up to mock them as the wrecked car from earlier is loaded up on a truck. Then some cops come running from the car and by the women.

Miz vs. AJ Styles

No DQ. Styles starts fast and knocks him outside to take over. A kendo stick and a chair don’t work for him though, so it’s time to grab a table. Miz hits a dropkick through the ropes (with the camera oddly cutting away before contact) and puts the table back under the ring. The kendo stick works for Miz and he hammers on AJ, who manages to fight back and take it outside. Styles loads up something on the announcers’ table but gets backdropped onto the floor for a crash as we take a break.

Back with Styles pulling out the table but taking too long and getting kendo sticked down. Styles manages to take it away and unloads on Miz, including a low blow. Miz gets in another shot and loads up the Skull Crushing Finale but Styles slips out and hits the Phenomenal Forearm….for two as Ciampa comes in for the save.

That doesn’t go well for Ciampa, who gets knocked off the apron and through the table at ringside. That’s enough of a distraction for Miz to get two but Styles hits him in the face. Another Phenomenal Forearm is loaded up but Miz throws the chair at Styles’ head. The Skull Crushing Finale gets two so Styles hits him with the chair, setting up the Styles Clash for the pin at 12:34.

Rating: B-. They were starting to cook near the end here and I was liking a lot of what was going on. What mattered here was having Styles overcome the odds and get a win instead of losing over and over. Styles is someone who could be a big enough deal around here and a lot of that comes from winning a few matches every so often.

As Styles is celebrating, cops are seen arresting someone in the front row. Styles looks over at them….and that appeared to be Dexter Lumis they were arresting. Commentary says Lumis’ name as Styles celebrates to end the show. When is the last time when Raw ended without things being all wrapped up?

Overall Rating: B. It might not have been as good as last week’s show, but the main thing here was the energy. There was nothing really close to bad and that Lumis deal at the end has me interested. That Lumis/car story has me intrigued and that is a nice feeling. It’s the kind of a story that has me wondering where things are going and I haven’t felt that on Raw in a long, long time. Pretty awesome show here and that’s two in a row, which hasn’t happened since I don’t know when. Good stuff.

Seth Rollins b. Angelo Dawkins – Pedigree
Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel went to a no contest when Ezekiel couldn’t continue
Finn Balor b. Rey Mysterio – Coup de Grace
Dakota Kai/Iyo Sky b. Tamina/Dana Brooke – Moonsault to Tamina
Bobby Lashley b. Ciampa – Hurt Lock
Omos b. Andrea Guercio/Spencer Slade – Chokebomb to Guercio
Dolph Ziggler b. Chad Gable – Superkick
AJ Styles b. The Miz – Styles Clash




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Monday Night Raw – August 1, 2022: What In The World Was That?

Monday Night Raw
Date: August 1, 2022
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re done with Summerslam and things feel like they have been reset around here. We get to see what is going on with the first Raw of the new regime and there is a good chance that there are going to be some changes. That should make for a fun night and that is what the show needs. Let’s get to it.

Here is Summerslam if you need a recap.

Here is Becky Lynch, in far more normal clothes and her arm in a sling, to get things going. After a look back at Bianca Belair beating Lynch at Summerslam and the return/debuts of Bayley/Dakota Kai/Iyo Sky (Io Shirai), Becky talks about knowing that she has remembered who she is. Lynch may have separated her shoulder but she knows she gave it her all at Summerslam and knows that no man defines her. She defines the man and now we start a new era, but first she wants Belair out here.

Belair obliges and says that Lynch is the man and respect is shown. Lynch leaves and Belair talks about how much she respect her because she knows what Lynch can do. They shook hands at Summerslam because there is mutual respect and that means something. We cut to the back where Bayley/Kai/Sky have attacked Lynch with a chair, sending Belair running off to check on her.

We get a history on the United States Title, as narrated by JBL, including a bunch of clips of champions over the years, going all the way back to the original days of the title and the modern version. That’s a nice thing to see.

AJ Styles vs. Mustafa Ali vs. The Miz

This is the first of two triple threats tonight, with the winners facing off for a future US Title shot. Miz has his ribs taped up and, after we see a clip of Logan Paul beating him at Summerslam, Paul talks about how much he loved Summerslam and promises to be back in a big way. Miz bails to the floor to start but comes back in to send Ali into the middle buckle.

Styles is sent into the corner as well and there’s the running clothesline to drop him again. Ali gets knocked to the floor, leaving Styles to get belly to back suplexed. The short DDT plants Ali back inside and Miz YES kicks away at Styles’ chest as the dominance (I’m surprised too) continues. Back in and Ali sends Miz to the floor but gets kicked to the apron by Styles.

Ali is back in with a rolling neckbreaker to Styles, who reverse DDTs Miz at the same time. Miz is sent outside again, allowing him to break up the Phenomenal Forearm. Styles sends Miz into the announcers’ table but it’s Ali with a top rope tornado DDT to spike Styles on the floor as well. Back in and Miz gives Ali the Skull Crushing Finale but the ribs mean it’s a very delayed two. Ali gets in a kick to the face and heads up top for the 450….with Styles grabbing him with the Styles Clash onto Miz after the landing for the pin at 8:41.

Rating: C+. That ending was rather cool and a nice twist on the usual “hit a finisher and have someone steal the pin” and I can absolutely go for that. One thing WWE needs to do is offer something fresh and that is what we saw here. Throw in Styles getting a fresh push, or at least a win, and this was encouraging.

We look back at the attack on Becky Lynch.

Lynch is in the trainer’s room and says she just needs some ice, but it seems a bit more serious than that.

Bayley and company says it’s about them and you’ll see more about that in the future. The Usos come in (with Jey seeming to approve of what he sees) and promises to keep the Tag Team Titles later tonight.

Here is Seth Rollins for a chat, albeit after a recap of his recent issues with Riddle. Rollins is rather jovial and says tonight is a celebration because we don’t have to hear from Riddle. It took guts for Riddle to try and attack him at Summerslam but Riddle has crossed the line from crazy to stupid. The silver lining is that Riddle can join his friend Randy with a career threatening injury, leaving Rollins to focus on Roman Reigns.

Cue the Street Profits of all people but Rollins cuts them off and brings up all of the losses they have had lately. Angelo Dawkins brings up them taking the Tag Team Titles from Rollins (which he doesn’t remember) and Montez Ford remembers Cody Rhodes beating Rollins with one “boobie”.

Rollins would love to come up there and stomp both of them but he doesn’t have a partner. That’s cool with Dawkins, because one of them can come down there and beat him. We get a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, complete with a referee…who is grabbed by Ford and carried to the ring to start the match without any rocking, papering or scissoring.

Montez Ford vs. Seth Rollins

They start fast and head outside with Rollins getting in a shot to the ribs, only to get superkicked for two back inside. Rollins bails outside but gets backdropped when trying a Pedigree. Ford gets posted for two and Rollins chokes him on the ropes for a bit. A gutbuster gets two more and Ford gets caught in a waistlock.

With that broken up, Ford manages to get to the top for a high crossbody and starts slugging away. A standing moonsault gives Ford two and a running Blockbuster is good for the same. Rollins is back with a superkick and a rolling elbow but Ford is back up with a tornado DDT. The delayed cover gets two so Rollins is back with a buckle bomb into a Falcon Arrow for two. Rollins misses a frog splash but Ford misses one of his own, allowing Rollins to hit the Stomp for the pin at 10:41.

Rating: B. It felt like they were going to pull the trigger on Ford with the big win here but not quite yet. The fact that Ford got to hang in there with Rollins for about ten minutes is a nice consolation prize though and it seems that we might be on the way towards the singles push. If not then we’re just stuck with more good Profits matches, though Ford seems primed for that singles run, whenever it starts.

Post match Dawkins saves Ford from another beating.

Long video on Roman Reigns surviving against Brock Lesnar at Summerslam.

Alexa Bliss vs. Asuka

Bliss grabs a quick rollup for two and drops into a pose, meaning she gets shouldered down. An STO drops Asuka and sets up Insult but no Injury as Asuka kicks her in the face. Asuka goes up….but here are Bayley, Kai and Sky for the double DQ at 2:31.

The big beatdown is on but Bianca Belair runs in for the save. Belair wants one of them tonight and Sky seems to accept.

Ciampa vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Chad Gable

The winner gets AJ Styles for the future US Title shot tonight. On his way to the ring, Gable brags about his Olympic career and superior intellect which will help him become US Champion. Ciampa takes over to start and Ziggler gets double teamed. Gable and Ciampa take turns on the leg and a catapult sends Ziggler into the corner. Ciampa elbows his way out of Gable’s fireman’s carry so it’s a double chickenwing faceplant to put him down instead. Ziggler is back up with the Fameasser for two on Gable as we take a break.

Back with Ciampa grabbing a Crossface on Ziggler and hitting a middle rope White Noise. Gable comes in off the middle rope with a headbutt for the break and all three are down. Ciampa’s running knee is countered into Chaos Theory, with Ziggler grabbing a Zig Zag at the same time for two on Gable. Ziggler gets knocked outside though and it’s the Fairy Tale Ending to give Ciampa the pin on Gable at 10:30.

Rating: C+. This felt a lot more like NXT Ciampa and that is a great thing to see. Above all else, he won the match and moves on to something a little bigger. The easiest way in the world to rebuild someone is to have them win matches and that is exactly what we got here. Not a classic or even memorable, but Ciampa winning his first match on Raw in almost three months is a good sign.

We look back at Edge being thrown out of Judgment Day but returning at Summerslam to cost them a match against the Usos.

Here is Edge, again as the Rated R Superstar (complete with the Tony Chimmel impression on the intro), for a chat. Edge apologizes to the fans for how he has treated them as of late and talks about his intentions with Judgment Day. He wanted to help some underutilized wrestlers but then he got put on the shelf. Now he is back and he promises to end Judgment Day, end of speech.

The Mysterios are ready to win the Tag Team Titles.

Bayley and company are ready to be in full control.

Iyo Sky vs. Bianca Belair

Non-title. Belair jumps over her out of the corner to start and hits a quick dropkick. Sky is back up to send Belair outside though and the Asai moonsault sends us to a break. Back with Belair planting Sky but getting dropped again just as fast. Sky pulls her into something close to a crossface and a Russian legsweep cuts off a comeback attempt.

Belair pulls her out of the air though and hits the release Glam Slam. There’s the handspring moonsault for two and Belair goes up, only to have Kai and Bayley show up for a distraction. Sky snaps off a super hurricanrana but gets planted again. The KOD is broken up and they fight to the apron. Make that the floor, with Belair swinging her hard into the barricade. Bayley and Sky offer another distraction so here are Alexa Bliss and Asuka to even things up as we take a break.

Back with Belair slamming her off the top and hitting a standing moonsault for two. Sky gets her knees up to block another handspring moonsault but a referee distraction lets Kai grab Belair’s leg. That’s enough for everyone else to come in for the brawl and the no contest at 17:19.

Rating: B-. I like the ending as I would much rather have some screwy finish rather than either the champ or the newcomer losing. It’s better to protect the two of them than give one of them a meaningless pin after a bunch of interference. Sky hung in there with Belair the entire time in a good match and that’s a great start to her main roster run.

Post match the brawl is on until referees and officials have to break it up (with the fans approving).

Miz is firing up Ciampa but stops to talk about Logan Paul. Ciampa is ready to crush AJ Styles for the title shot and for helping Paul at Summerslam.

Ciampa vs. AJ Styles

For a future US Title shot, Miz is in Ciampa’s corner and Booker T. is on commentary. Feeling out process to start with Styles getting the better of things. Ciampa sends him into the post though and Miz is right there for the trash talking. Styles snaps off a Lethal Combination to send Ciampa outside, where Miz has to look at his eye. Back in and the drop down into the dropkick sends Ciampa outside for the slingshot forearm and we take a break.

Back with Styles hitting a sliding forearm but having the Styles Clash broke up. Ciampa’s running knee is countered into a broken up Styles Clash attempt so Styles suplexes him into the corner instead. The Phenomenal Forearm is kneed out of the air (that looked great) for two and Project Ciampa is good for the same.

Ciampa up the super White Noise but gets reversed into the Styles Clash. The cover takes some time though, allowing Mi to put Ciampa’s boot on the ropes. Styles gives chase on the floor and has to beat the count back in, allowing Ciampa to hit a running knee. The Fairy Tale Ending gives Ciampa the pin and the title shot next week at 13:41.

Rating: B-. Just like earlier: if you want to rebuild Ciampa, just have him win matches like this one. Ciampa looked like he was hanging with a former World Champion and then he won in the end (with Miz’s help but still). The two wins he got tonight are more than he has done since being called up and that gives me some hope for him. The fact that he is making me interested while still Miz’s lackey makes it all the more impressive, though not exactly surprising.

Bobby Lashley is ready to defend against Ciampa and he’ll do it every week if he has to.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Mysterios

The Mysterios are challenging. Rey wastes no time in sending Jey outside and Dominik adds the big dive as we take a very early break. Back with Rey in trouble and being whipped hard into the corner. A backbreaker gives Jey two so it’s back to Jimmy, who gets sent face first into the post.

The tag brings in Dominik to clean house, including a high crossbody to Jey. Everything breaks down and Jimmy bails to the floor to avoid a 619. The dive is pulled out of the air and Dominik gets posted as we take another break. Back again with Dominik hitting a tornado DDT to set up the tag to Rey.

Something off the top is superkicked out of the air but the 1D is broken up. The 619 into the frog splash gives Dominik two with Jey making the save. Rey and Jey are both taken down, leaving Jimmy to catch Dominik on top. Dominik takes him down and loads up the 610 but Jey is back in with the 1D to retain the titles at 15:34.

Rating: B-. They had me wondering at the end here and that is a nice feeling to have. The Mysterios are still a good enough team to be a threat to the Usos so there was enough drama here to make it interesting. I’m not sure who takes the titles from the Usos, but it’s hard to imagine it doesn’t happen relatively soon.

Post match the Usos leave but the Judgment Day runs in to jump the Mysterios. Edge runs in for the save but Rhea Ripley shoves Dominik in the way of the spear. Dominik gets checked on to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. And that’s the best Raw in ages. This show worked for a variety of reasons, but the biggest is that there was nothing bad. They didn’t waste time with Dana Brooke and R-Truth running around or have some dumb comedy segment that is only there to fill in time. There is nothing wrong with a joke or two here or there, but when you’re basically stopping the show for a gag, it gets old really fast.

As for the rest of the show, it felt more like an Attitude Era show but in a good way. While it certainly didn’t have the chaos and insanity of an Attitude Era show (thank goodness), you had stories woven through the night and people doing things logically and going after the people they were mad at rather than waiting until their scheduled segment next week. In other words, the wrestlers here were acting like people instead of characters written into a story.

Overall, this show felt energetic and lively rather than the dry, dull and at times soulless stuff that we’ve been getting. I have no idea how long it will last or how many people will watch it, but for one week, it was a show that didn’t feel like it was on for three hours and I was having a good time instead of looking at the clock and dreading what I was going to see. For this week at least, I was happy with Raw, and I can’t remember the last time I said that.

AJ Styles b. Mustafa Ali and The Miz – Styles Clash to Ali
Seth Rollins b. Montez Ford – Stomp
Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss went to a double disqualification when Bayley, Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky interfered
Ciampa b. Dolph Ziggler and Chad Gable – Fairy Tale Ending to Gable
Iyo Sky vs. Bianca Belair went to a no contest when Bayley, Dakota Kai, Alexa Bliss and Asuka interfered
Ciampa b. AJ Styles – Fairy Tale Ending
Usos b. Mysterios – 1D to Dominik



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Summerslam Count-Up – 2019 (2020 Redo): One Of Those Forgotten Good Shows

Summerslam 2019
Date: August 11, 2019
Location: Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 16,904
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

I know I say something like this every year but it never ceases to amaze me how little I can remember about a show from the previous year. I can remember midcard matches from thirty years ago but the main event of this show? It took me a little while to come up with it and that’s not good. How can these things be that unmemorable? Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Cruiserweight Title: Oney Lorcan vs. Drew Gulak

Gulak is defending and thank goodness there are fans in the building for the Kickoff Show. Drew hits a shotgun dropkick to start but Lorcan shoves him away. We hit the lockup and then go to the mat with Gulak gaining mat control. Back up and Gulak slams him hard into the corner and we take a break. We come back with Gulak riding him into a chinlock until Lorcan fights up again. Some uppercuts set up the running Blockbuster for two on Gulak.

They head outside with Gulak being sent into various things, only to come back with the Gulock back inside. Lorcan makes the rope so it’s a double clothesline to put them both down again. Back up and Gulak actually wins a slugout, setting up the Gulock. That’s flipped over into a cradle for two but the half and half is broken up. Lorcan does the Ultimate Warrior pose and pulls Gulak back in, which brings the ring skirt in with him. The distraction lets Gulak hit him in the throat, setting up the Cyclone Crash to retain the title at 8:49.

Rating: C. They beat the heck out of each other in some short bursts here and that is one of the better ways to open things up. Lorcan is always good for a spot like this and I dug Gulak’s singles run. It wasn’t an epic showdown or anything but it got the show off on a nice enough foot, which is the point of this division.

Kickoff Show: Buddy Murphy vs. Apollo Crews

This is during the time when Murphy could barely get on television and was still the Best Kept Secret. A quick knee gets two on Crews and Murphy stomps away in the corner. The chinlock doesn’t last long and they get up for an exchange of crossbodies. It’s Crews up first with a kick to the head and a jumping clothesline. The Angle Slam is escaped but Crews hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for two.

Crews gets caught in the corner though and a running powerbomb gives Murphy his own two. Murphy hits another knee but Crews reverses Murphy’s Law into a cradle for another near fall. A backdrop sends Murphy to the floor, where he sends Crews into the steps. The big no hands flip dive drops Crews again….and here’s Erick Rowan to jump Murphy for the DQ (part of the Who Attacked Roman Reigns story) at 4:39.

Rating: C. It was an action packed match but they didn’t have much time before they got to the storyline ending. This is another case where it’s amazing how fast this stuff goes in one side of my head and out the other as I barely remember any of this aside from Murphy being taken out of the story so fast. I could have gone with more from these two, but it wasn’t going to matter with the big story going on.

Post match Rowan destroys Murphy even more, including a powerbomb against the post.

Here’s Elias for a song about Toronto. They think they are the center of the universe but they can’t win the Stanley Cup and no one goes to the Blue Jays game. Oh and the Toronto Raptors’ best player left town….and here’s Edge to interrupt. Edge gets the big hometown pop and then hits a very surprising spear, marking Edge’s first physical contact in over eight years. Then he never did anything physical again ever. Apparently he was medically cleared here but WWE was waiting on the big moment at the Rumble. Fair enough.

Kickoff Show: Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. IIconics

Bliss and Cross are defending after winning the titles earlier in the week on Raw. Bliss has the Buzz Lightyear gear on and that’s a rather good choice. Kay on the other hand is Maleficent, sending Graves into a rant about how this isn’t Disney. Graves talks about the IIconics being locked in a hotel and laying in bed together for 24 hours to meld their energies but since Jerry Lawler isn’t on commentary, no one bites. Kay and Bliss trade headlocks to start until Bliss threatens her with the laser on her arm. That sends Graves through the roof again, to the point where he threatens to turn in his Bliss fan card.

It’s off to Cross as the Toy Story references come in fast. Peyton rolls Cross up for two but a blind tag lets Kay come back in to get in a cheap shot. A double kick to the back keeps Cross down and we hit the chinlock. Kay gets two off a gutwrench suplex but Cross faceplants Peyton and the hot tag brings in Bliss to clean house. Corey: “I was expecting Moana to come save the day.” Everything breaks down and Peyton hits something like a Widow’s Peak for two on Bliss. The kickout sends her into hysterics so Bliss punches Peyton down and nails Twisted Bliss to retain at 6:11.

Rating: D+. These titles continue to mean a grand total of nothing and are little more than a way to get the IIconics out there to annoy the fans while Bliss works on her cosplay skills. There isn’t enough of a division to hold them up at the moment and it becomes more and more obvious every time they’re defended. As in probably every month and a half or so.

The opening video talks about how we have arrived. You don’t get chances like these very often, so when you do, seize the moment. Tonight, we are Summerslam.

We recap Becky Lynch vs. Natalya in a submission match for the Raw Women’s Title. Natalya won a four way to get the title shot in her home country, because WWE still thinks that Natalya makes for an interesting challenger.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Natalya

Natalya is challenging in a submission match. The fans certainly seem to like both of them, though that might be due to Natalya coming out carrying a Canadian flag. They stare each other down and trade slaps to start so Becky drives her into the corner. That earns her a discus lariat but Becky is right back up to slug away again. The Bexploder sends Natalya down but the cross armbreaker is blocked. Becky grabs a triangle instead so Natalya tries a powerbomb.

That doesn’t break it up so Natalya lifts her up, only to get hurricanranaed down. Becky cranks on the legs near the apron and they fall to the floor with Natalya sending her into the barricade. Back in and Natalya suplexes her into the ropes to bang up the knee. The fans are behind Becky as she fires off knees but Natalya wraps the knee across the rope. The Sharpshooter goes on in the corner, which doesn’t seem like it would be as effective since there is almost no torque on Becky’s back and therefore the knees.

That’s broken up in a hurry and they fall outside with Natalya being sent into the announcers’ table. Now it’s a LET’S GO BECKY/NATTIE SUCKS chant as Natalya hits a superplex back inside for a double knockdown. It’s Natalya up first but the basement dropkick is countered into Becky’s version of the Sharpshooter. Natalya crawls over to the corner and rolls Becky into it for the escape and they’re both down.

Becky misses a kick out of the corner though and Natalya grabs the Disarm-Her for a change. That’s reverses and Becky tries the Sharpshooter but Natalya reverses into one of her own in the middle of the ring. Becky crawls to the rope for the break and this time pulls Natalya into the Disarm-Her to retain at 12:24.

Rating: B-. It was a good back and forth match but more importantly, now we can stop acting like Natalya is anything more than a good hand who gets the occasional title shot. Even her home country fans weren’t caring about her because they see what she is: talented in the ring but boring everywhere else. She’s been around forever and seeing her in these spots over and over again just makes me groan most of the time. I can’t believe I’m alone in that sentiment either. Also, like Becky was losing to anyone just four months after Wrestlemania. Well except to Charlotte of course.

Trish Stratus is ready to show Charlotte that legends are better than modern wrestlers because Charlotte couldn’t walk a mile in her boots.

We recap Goldberg vs. Dolph Ziggler. Dolph had been set up for a match against Miz but insulted Shawn Michaels and Goldberg on the way there. This set up a match against a legend instead, with Ziggler expecting Michaels but getting Goldberg. Just keep it short.

Goldberg vs. Dolph Ziggler

Before the match, Ziggler says he’s the best thing that could happen to this show because he gets rid of legends. Goldberg might not even be here tonight….and there’s the music. We get the full entrance and the pyro is rather strong as usual. The bell rings and they stare each other down, with Ziggler hitting a superkick for an early one. Another superkick gets another one but Goldberg hits a heck of a spear. The Jackhammer finishes Ziggler at 1:46. That’s how it should have been and Ziggler sold that spear as well as anyone in a good while.

We recap AJ Styles vs. Ricochet for the US Title. Ricochet didn’t think much of AJ treating him like an afterthought and then beat AJ to retain the title. Then Styles beat him up and took the title in their second title match with some help from Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Now it’s the trilogy match.

US Title: AJ Styles vs. Ricochet

Styles is defending and has Gallows and Anderson in his corner. Ricochet is in the full body suit here, which is always a weird visual. AJ goes right for him to start but gets knocked outside, with Ricochet using Anderson and Gallows as stepping stones to grab a hurricanrana on Styles. Back in and AJ stomps him down in the corner before switching to the leg in a smart move. Some elbows to the knee have Ricochet down and the knee is bent around the middle rope.

Ricochet manages to get in a kick to the face and another one to the head out of the corner. A one legged springboard clothesline (nice touch) gets two on AJ and a jumping neckbreaker into the running shooting star is good for the same. AJ is smart enough to kick the knee out again and Ricochet is sent outside. The fans are split but the dueling chants are cut off by AJ hitting a baseball slide.

Back in and AJ’s fireman’s carry backbreaker gets two more but Ricochet hits another kick to the head for another two. They’re both down with Ricochet slapping the leg, which would seem to hurt it even more but it’s wrestling logic. Since AJ knows his logic as well, we hit the Calf Crusher but Ricochet slams AJ’s head into the mat and slaps on an Anaconda Vice of all things.

With that broken up, Ricochet muscles him up with a suplex for two more and can’t believe AJ kicks out. How deadly does he think his suplex is? Ricochet takes out a distracting Gallows but the delay lets AJ crotch him on top. AJ gets knocked back though and Ricochet tries something like a Whisper in the Wind, only to have AJ pull him out of the air and into the Styles Clash to retain at 12:54. That looked awesome.

Rating: B. These two work well together and that’s all you need in this situation. Let them go out there and do their thing, with Ricochet looking great and AJ getting to show why he’s as great as everyone thinks he is. This was pretty much it for Ricochet as a singles challenger though, which has been the case ever since. I’m not sure what more you could want from Ricochet (just don’t let him talk) but hey, it’s not like WWE needs new stars with insane athletic ability, experience and charisma right?

Post match Anderson and Gallows give Ricochet the Magic Killer.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Ember Moon

Moon is challenging and it’s almost weird to see old school Bayley these days. Bayley armdrags her down to start so an annoyed Moon sweeps the leg. A headlock doesn’t work for Bayley as Ember sends her into the corner for the front flip clothesline. Moon splashes her for two and it’s off to a bow and arrow. Back up and Moon misses a crossbody, allowing Bayley to hit the sliding lariat.

Bayley hangs her over the top and grabs a suplex for two more, setting up the stomping in the corner. The fans sing to Bayley, who pulls her shoulder first into the rope. Moon gets tied in the Tree of Woe for the springboard elbow and we hit the inverted Boston crab. That’s broken up and Moon nips up for a headscissors (nice) to send Bayley outside.

Back in and a super hurricanrana sets up a twisting Dominator into some knees to the face (nice as well) for the next near fall. Bayley gets in a kick to the face and goes up, but Moon pulls her into a spinning powerbomb (Moon has a lot of nice stuff). Moon goes up top but Bayley is right there to pull her down with a super Bayley to Belly for the pin at 10:03.

Rating: B-. This is a weird one as Moon had some sweet stuff in there but just got pinned almost out of nowhere in the end. I know a lot of people don’t like the new Bayley and I get that, but watching her back, you can see how much she has grown with the heel turn and the new character. At this point, she was just kind of a person with a reputation and not much else. Good enough match, but Moon wouldn’t be around much longer due to her ankle injury and Bayley would turn heel in less than a month so none of this meant anything long term.

We recap Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens. Shane went on a power/ego trip that the Attitude Era would think was a bit much and Owens was sick of him. This somehow meant EVEN MORE SHANE, who probably should have been #1 contender to the Smackdown World Title at this point. Anyway, Owens is gone if Shane wins and that is a rather popular idea.

Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens

The fans chant for Owens, but hang on though as Shane heads outside and says he has a guest outside referee: his personal goon Elias. Shane drops to the floor to start and Owens yells at Elias, with Shane sliding back in to try for the countout. That doesn’t work so the chase is on until Elias trips Owens. Back in and Owens hammers away in the corner, setting up the Cannonball.

A clothesline sends Shane outside for the third time but another Elias distraction lets Shane send Owens into the barricade. Back in and the Russian legsweep gets two on Owens and we hit the YOU CAN’T WRESTLE chants. A DDT gets two more and let’s hit that Hart reference with the Sharpshooter attempt. That’s broken up and Owens hit the Pop Up sitout powerbomb but Elias grabs the referee.

Owens picks up a chair and Shane offers a free shot but Owens goes with a superkick instead. There’s the Swanton into a frog splash for two, with Elias pulling the referee out again. The Owens cannonball hits both referees and that means he can grab the chair. Elias breaks that up so Owens chairs him over and over, leaving Owens to go after Shane again. The referee gets up and takes the chair away, so it’s a low blow into the Stunner to finish Shane at 9:19.

Rating: D+. Yeah what else were you expecting here? That being said, it was probably an easier sit this time around without having to watch all of the build to get to this match. Shane was a nightmare around this time and thankfully would be gone on the first Smackdown on Fox. At least Owens won here as someone had to finally beat Shane, who was completely ridiculous for the better part of a year at this point.

We recap Roman Reigns being attacked by a mystery man. Samoa Joe was accused of being the attacker but Buddy Murphy said it was Erick Rowan. Therefore, we flash back to the Kickoff Show with Rowan attacking Murphy.

Charlotte vs. Trish Stratus

Charlotte is the best of today and Trish may be the best ever, dream match ensues. They stare each other down (or up in Trish’s case) before going to the lockup against the ropes. The fans sing O Canada as it’s a standoff until Trish hits a quick Thesz non-press. Charlotte is right back with a Figure Four attempt but Trish flips her away with the headscissors. That lets Trish pose and soak in the YOU STILL GOT IT chants, followed by more circling.

This time it’s Charlotte being sent outside and Trish hits a Thesz press into the right hands off the apron. The posing is on but Charlotte isn’t ready to head back inside just yet. Instead she sends Trish hard into the barricade as they’re setting things up well so far. Back in and Trish is slammed face first into the mat a few times, setting up the double arm crank with a knee between the shoulders.

Charlotte nips up and mocks Trish’s point before bending the neck around the middle rope. Trish reverses a belly to back suplex into a crossbody for two, earning herself a knee to the neck. Some trash talk in the corner bring Trish back up so she double legs Charlotte for some right hands. That just earns her a big boot to the floor as Trish can’t get anything going here. Back in and Charlotte stomps her down but, say it with me, the moonsault misses.

Trish gets in a slap and starts the chops, including a WOO for a bonus. The Stratusphere is blocked but Trish pulls herself up and starts slapping away, setting up a super hurricanrana for two with the fans getting right back into things. The Chick Kick misses as well and Charlotte boots her in the face for her own two. It’s back to the leg but the Figure Four is countered into a small package to give Trish two more.

Trish gets her own Figure Four into the Figure Eight (Corey: “THIS IS NOT FAIR TO FLAIR!” You knew he was getting that in somewhere) but Charlotte escapes again. Charlotte’s spear only hits buckle and the Stratusfaction connects for two more. They go head to head from their knees and slug it out until the Chick Kick gives Trish the next near fall. Another Chick Kick is countered with the big boot and the Figure Eight makes Trish tap at 16:37.

Rating: B+. Match of the night by a long stretch and the storytelling was working hard here. Charlotte being overconfident made sense as she never believes anyone is in her league and it’s not like Trish surviving here and getting back into things is a stretch. I had more fun with this the second time around and it’s a heck of a match with Trish showing she could easily hang at this level. Her generation gets a lot of (often deserved) flack but she was that good and deserves all kinds of praise for being an actual trailblazer.

Post match Charlotte leaves and Trish gets the big hero’s moment with the posing.

Bret Hart wishes Seth Rollins luck.

We recap Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton. They brought up the infamous Madison Square Garden moment, which Orton claims for driving Kofi to where he is now. However, that wasn’t enough to make him better than Orton and now Orton wants the title. He even takes credit for the Wrestlemania moment and now Kofi is ready to prove that he got himself here.

Smackdown World Title: Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

Kofi is defending on his own and his kids are in the front row (cue your Scooby Roo ruh roh sound effect). Orton taunts him with a pancake to start so a fired up Kofi drives him into the corner to start. That gives us dueling KOFI’S STUPID/RANDY SUCKS chants and Kofi runs the corner for a spinning shot to the head to….oddly quiet the fans down. Weird Canadians. Kofi hammers away in the corner until a poke to the eye cuts him off again. A big shove sends Kofi off the top and down into the barricade for your first big crash.

Orton drops him onto the announcers’ table and the dueling chants are back. Back in and Orton bends Kofi’s back around the middle rope, followed by an uppercut to the floor. Kofi jumps over the steps though and hits a shot to the head. The crossbody off the apron misses though and Orton drops him onto the announcers’ table again. Back in again and Orton seems to approve of the dueling chants. The superplex is broken up though and Kofi hits a top rope DDT for two.

The chops have Orton rocked but he comes back with the backbreaker for two more. Kofi backdrops his way out of the hanging DDT though and mostly nails the Trust Fall. Back in and Orton catches him on the apron with the hanging DDT. The RKO is countered though and Kofi goes up, only to dive right into the RKO. For some reason Orton doesn’t cover though and Kofi rolls outside. Orton follows and yells at Kofi’s kids, which sends Kofi into a frenzy for….I guess a very fast double countout at 16:28.

Rating: C+. They were working well together and Kofi was starting to make Orton sweat at the end, but then they did the ending that was designed to do nothing more than set up a rematch at Clash Of Champions. That’s such a big problem with WWE today. Outside of Wrestlemania, everything is built around the idea of setting up a match at whatever show, leaving this show to feel unimportant. You’re already at Summerslam. How much of a bigger stage can you have for the rematch?

Post match the fans call BULLS*** and don’t seem interested as Kofi unloads with a kendo stick. Trouble In Paradise gets even less of a reaction.

We recap the Fiend vs. Finn Balor. Bray Wyatt had returned just after Wrestlemania with the Firefly Fun House, where he eventually started hinting at some kind of monster called the Fiend. Finn Balor became his first target and Balor said bring it on. The Fiend has attacked a few times before but this is his in-ring debut.

Finn Balor vs. The Fiend

Balor is all in white for the hero’s entrance but Fiend blows him away, with the debut of the severed head lantern and the upgraded theme music. Balor looks rightfully terrified and we’re ready to go. They even have the full lights on instead of going red for a nice relief. Fiend headbutts him down to start and wildly stomps away as the YOWIE WOWIE chants start up.

Balor manages a whip into the corner but Fiend leans back to scare him off. A clothesline to the back of the head sets up a release Rock Bottom and Fiend glares at him a lot. Sister Abigail is countered and Balor hits a Sling Blade into the jumping double stomp to the chest. The shotgun dropkick sets up the Coup de Grace but Fiend moves and grabs the mandible claw for the pin at 3:30.

Rating: C-. This is a hard one to grade as the match itself was far from the point. They were going with the idea of introducing the Fiend and making him out to be the new scary monster. That was accomplished in spades as Balor was completely destroyed and wound up heading back to NXT. Good stuff here, even if the match was barely anything to see.

Post match the lights go out again and Fiend appears on the stage. Balor’s eyes bug out as he isn’t sure what happened to him.

We recap Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar. Seth beat him for the Universal Title at Wrestlemania but Brock cashed in Money in the Bank at Extreme Rules. Therefore, a now injured Seth, has to do it all over again. So yes, that’s really their best idea for the main event of Summerslam: just do Wrestlemania again.

Raw World Title: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins is challenging and has injured ribs. After the Big Match Intros, Brock hits him in the ribs and drives shoulders in the corner. More shoulders have Paul Heyman rather pleased but Rollins flips out of a German suplex and hits a quick Stomp for two. The fans are properly woken up now and Brock bails to the floor, with Rollins hitting a running knee off the apron.

Back in and a pair of superkicks look to set up the Stomp but Rollins counters into the F5. Lesnar can’t follow up so he throws Rollins around by the rib tape. It’s time for the German suplexes to send Rollins outside, with Lesnar adding another suplex on the floor. Rollins slips out of an F5 though and posts Lesnar a few times, setting up the springboard knee to the head.

Lesnar is right back up with another German suplex though and they’re both down again. The dueling chants start again and Brock takes off the gloves. We hit the waistlock to stay on the ribs for a bit until Brock’s charge hits the post. Seth hits two suicide dives but the third one is countered with a hard ram into the post for another double knockdown.

The announcers’ table is loaded up but Seth superkicks Brock onto it instead, setting up the super frog splash from the top of the post. Another frog splash connects back inside and the Stomp gets two. The next Stomp is countered into a failed F5 attempt so Rollins superkicks him into another Stomp for the pin and the title at 13:21.

Rating: B. And then Lesnar went away forever, never to go after the World Title again. Or he won it again in about two and a half months because that’s what always happens. Anyway, this was another solid match between the two of them and it was a lot more engaging because it actually got some time. Lesnar’s spamming finishers matches get old in a hurry because he does them so often. Mix it up a bit with something like this between some talented people and it makes that big of a difference. It doesn’t have the impact because we saw it four months earlier, but at least it was good.

The celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: B. This is a pretty strong show with nothing terribly bad (Shane’s match is the weakest and even that involves seeing him get beaten up) and some solid performances in the big matches. It’s also a pretty short show with the main card clocking in at less than three and a half hours. They didn’t stretch this out further than they needed to and it felt like a big show. Good stuff here and worth a look if you have the time.

Ratings Comparison

Drew Gulak vs. Oney Lorcan

Original: C+

Redo: C

Apollo Crews vs. Buddy Murphy

Original: C-

Redo: C

IIconics vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Becky Lynch vs. Natalya

Original: B

Redo: B-

Goldberg vs. Dolph Ziggler

Original: N/A

Redo: N/A

AJ Styles vs. Ricochet

Original: B

Redo: B

Ember Moon vs. Bayley

Original: D+

Redo: B-

Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Trish Stratus vs. Charlotte

Original: B

Redo: B+

Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston

Original: B-

Redo: C+

The Fiend vs. Finn Balor

Original: C+

Redo: C-

Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar

Original: B-

Redo: B

Overall Rating

Original: C-

Redo: B

Oh come on it was better than that.

Here is the original review if you’re interested:

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