Worlds End 2023: They Got There

Worlds End 2023
Date: December 30, 2023
Location: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Long Island, New York
Commentators: Taz, Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness

It’s the last pay per view of the year and that means we could be in for a rather big show. The main events will see MJF defending the AEW World Title against Samoa Joe with the Devil’s reveal lurking. We also have the finals of the Continental Classic, which means the crowning of the first Triple Crown Champion. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale

Stokely Hathaway, the source of the issues between these two, is at ringside and both of the women are from Long Island. An exchange of shoulders doesn’t go anywhere as Hathaway blames Tony Schiavone for the issues between these two. Nightingale takes her to the mat and grabs a headscissors but Statlander easily slips out. A legsweep and some spinning knees give Statlander two but Nightingale runs her over with a crossbody.

Back up and Statlander strikes away, setting up the pretty impressive slam. We hit the bodyscissors and then a chinlock to keep Nightingale down, followed by a belly to back suplex for two. Back up and they collide for a double knockdown, followed by Nightingale crushing her in the corner. A spinebuster gets two for Nightingale, who gets planted down to give Statlander the same. Statlander hits an electric chair faceplant but Nightingale is right back up with the Pounce.

The Cannonball into a Death Valley Driver gives Nightingale two more, followed by Statlander’s ax kick for the same. Nightingale powerbombs her onto the apron though and a missile dropkick gets two more. Saturday Night Fever is broken up so Statlander settles for a discus lariat, only to miss the 450. The Babe With The Powerbomb doesn’t work as Statlander lands on Nightingale (with Nigel pointing out that it was more of a legdrop for Statlander), so Nightingale grabs a better version for the pin at 13:21.

Rating: B-. This was a hoss fight and thankfully they went home after the not so great powerbomb slip. It’s very nice to see Nightingale get a win after being known for coming up short so often. At the same time, what in the world has happened to Statlander? She went from on ire to losing clean in a Zero Hour match, which is hardly the best way to go for her. She needs to get back on track, though I’m not sure I see that happening anytime soon.

Zero Hour: Battle Royal

Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Alex Reynolds, John Silver, Danhausen, Bryan Keith, Matt Menard, Rocky Romero, Trent Beretta, Angelo Parker, Kip Sabian, Christopher Daniels, Lance Archer, Killswitch, Dalton Castle, Johnny TV, Butcher, Blade, Serpentico, Lee Johnson

For a future TNT Title shot. Castle (with two suspiciously large Boys) and TV get in a fight at ringside while everyone else jump Archer and Killswitch to bury the under tables at ringside. Everyone else gets inside and Serpentico is quickly eliminated. Sabian knocks Castle out (less than two minutes in) before a launched Danhausen gets rid of TV and Johnson follows him out.

The Dark Order beats up and eliminates Parker before Reynolds is out as well. Butcher tosses Silver as the ring is rapidly clearing out. Keith kicks Sabian out before going after Butcher and the Blade, who put him out. Archer is back up so Menard chops away at him, earning the quick elimination. Archer’s running knee gets rid of Daniels before Andretti (following his water bottle trick) and Martin manage to take Archer down.

Killswitch is back in and starts clearing the ring until it’s down to Killswitch, Archer, Danhausen and Trent. Danhausen gets saved from the Blackout and Trent and Danhausen manage to get rid of Archer. Then Trent turns on Danhausen to throw him out (the fans DO NOT approve) but has to slip out of Killswitch’s chokeslam. A low bridge puts Killswitch on the apron and a jumping knee puts him down on said apron. Not that it matters as a headbutt knocks Trent down to give Killswitch the win at 13:47.

Rating: C. One of the worst things you can do in a battle royal is having a field where one or two people is a likely winner. That was certainly the case here, and as soon as you remembered who the TNT Champion is, the drama goes even lower. It made for a bunch of waiting around for Archer and Killswitch to get back up and then it was just a matter of time.

Zero Hour: FTW Title: Wheeler Yuta vs. Hook

Hook is defending (Yuta’s Ring Of Honor Pure Rules Title isn’t on the line) in an FTW Rules match, meaning anything goes. We start fast with Hook jumping him and grabbing a throw, only for Yuta to get in a cheap shot. It’s time to grab some weapons but Yuta takes too long, allowing Yuta to grab a suplex on the ramp. One heck of a trashcan lid shot puts Hook down but Yuta makes the mistake of yelling at Taz.

That’s enough for Hook to come back with a clothesline and they get back inside. Yuta knocks him down again and a running backsplash gets two. Hook manages another suplex and they slug it out for a double knockdown. A t-bone suplex sends Yuta into a trashcan in the corner for two but Redrum is broken up. Yuta DDTs him for two and Hook bails to the floor for a breather. With Yuta grabbing a 2×4, Hook pulls out a stick (hockey or lacrosse) and nails Yuta hard. Redrum, with the broken stick, retains at 10:15.

Rating: C+. They were smart to go with the weapons stuff here as Hook probably isn’t capable of a regular match yet and the Pure Rules still aren’t interesting. Odds are they’ll do this again under Pure Rules and then have a regular match later on, but this one had to go this way to start. Hook has cooled off a lot but at least he got some momentum here.

The PPV proper opens with a look at the big matches and a talk about how this is the end of everything.

Brody King/Jay Lethal/Rush/Jay White vs. Blackpool Combat Club/Mark Briscoe/Daniel Garcia

Matt Menard is on commentary. Rush and Castagnoli trade the heavy strikes to start with Castagnoli getting the better of things. Rush sends him outside but Castagnoli is back in and they stare each other down. Briscoe and Lethal come in with Lethal not being able to get the Figure Four. A chop off goes to Briscoe so Danielson comes in with the LeBell Lock to White. That means a quick rope break as Nigel is in rare form of insulting Danielson.

A running corner dropkick hits White and a middle rope hurricanrana drops him again. King comes in and shrugs off Garcia’s right hands, setting up a swinging Boss Man Slam to plant Garcia. King takes him outside and yells at Menard, who isn’t exactly interested in coming after the monster.

Back in and Lethal stomps away on Garcia (who might have a broken nose) before White adds a seated chop. Garcia manages to fight out of the corner though and it’s Briscoe coming back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and the fight heads outside. Briscoe hits the running Blockbuster and Bang Bang Elbow from the apron, followed by a fisherman’s buster for two on White. Back in and Briscoe knocks Lethal off the top, only to have Lethal pop back up for a top rope superplex.

Everything breaks down again and Castagnoli unloads with uppercuts to King. Castagnoli muscles King up for an impressive suplex but Rush is back in for the save. Danielson cuts Rush off and dropkicks King to cut off Castagnoli’s Swing. Garcia and Lethal slug it out until Lethal grabs his namesake Combination. The Figure Four goes on but Briscoe makes the save with the froggy bow. We hit the parade of finishes until Garcia rolls Lethal up for the pin at 17:12.

Rating: B. This was the insanity that you were expecting as this wasn’t about the teams but rather getting eight people in the ring for a pay per view match following the Continental Classic. In other words, it was a great choice for an opener and Garcia’s likely face push continues, as he gets a nice win in a match where someone had to pick one up.

We recap Andrade El Idolo vs. Miro. CJ Perry, Miro’s wife, is managing El Idolo so Miro promised to not end him until after the Continental Classic. Since El Idolo is out, he’s fair game for Miro.

Miro vs. Andrade El Idolo

CJ Perry is here with El Idolo, who gets jumped to start as the beating is on. El Idolo gets in a shot of his own but dives into a suplex to cut that right off. Perry yells at Miro about her infected finger so Miro chokes him on the ropes in front of her. Miro throws El Idolo to the floor, where El Idolo gets in a shove over the announcers’ table.

Back in and El Idolo blocks a superplex attempt so they slug it out instead. El Idolo gets the better of things so Miro drops him with a clothesline. Miro gets knocked into the corner but it’s too early for the running knees. Instead Miro bails to the floor, leaving El Idolo to hit the middle rope moonsault.

Back in and the double moonsault gives El Idolo two so we hit the Figure Four. That’s turned into the Figure Eight…but Perry cuts it off. Miro, now much happier…or at least whatever passes for happy with him, kicks El Idolo in the face, setting up Game Over for the tap at 15:03.

Rating: C. This was a rough one as it just kept going. It’s a good example of a match that should have been cut down by at least five minutes so there wasn’t as much slow offense and standing around. The Perry turn was the right way to go as she and Miro work really well together. I’m not sure what took so long to set them up, but at least now things are as they should be.

We recap Toni Storm defending the Women’s Title against Riho. Basically Riho returned, wanted a title shot, earned one, and is getting it.

Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Riho

Riho is challenging. Storm takes over to start so Riho starts spinning around. A running knee into and a running bulldog out of the corner gives Riho two and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up and they head outside where Storm gets in a slam to take over. Storm slowly hammers away and gets in a slam, setting up the double bicep pose. The half grab goes on to stay on Riho’s back, followed by a toss out to the floor.

Back in and Storm declares “she’s toast now” before grabbing a Texas Cloverleaf. Luther adds some cheating but gets caught, meaning the hold is broken and Luther is out of here. Riho hits the 619 and a high crossbody, followed by another dive to the floor. Back in and Riho misses a charge in the corner, allowing Storm Zero to connect for two. Riho tries to spin over her but gets caught in a hard DDT to retain the title at 11:47.

Rating: C+. This could have been a lot worse, but they weren’t given the chance to set up much of a feud. It was more or less Riho coming back, saying she wanted the title, getting a title shot and then losing with little in between. Storm is still great at what she’s doing and has Mariah May waiting on her, so this shouldn’t have been the most stunning result.

Post match Mariah May brings out rose petals to celebrate.

Dante Martin is upset about not being a champion so Orange Cassidy comes in to say he knows where this is going. Martin issues the challenge and they’re on for Dynamite.

Swerve Strickland vs. Dustin Rhodes

Rhodes is replacing an injured Keith Lee. Swerve jumps him before the bell and beats him up on the floor, with the cinder block being loaded up. The Swerve Stomp onto the ankle onto the block leaves Rhodes laying. Medics come down to check on Rhodes…who wants to go anyway.

The bell rings, with Swerve taking him down immediately and hammering away before shouting that it could have been you (meaning Lee). Swerve dropkicks the leg out again and gets in some dancing so Rhodes gets in a shot of his own. Rhodes manages a high crossbody for two, followed by the Canadian Destroyer and snap powerslam for two.

Nana offers a distraction and gets dropped with a right hand, followed by a piledriver and Cross Rhodes for two on Swerve. Back up and Swerve hits a Downward Spiral, setting up a half crab. Rhodes makes the ropes and fires up again before flipping Swerve off. The House Call cuts Rhodes off though and a second knocks him silly. Swerve snaps the arm and hits the Swerve Stomp to win at 9:24.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t about the action, but rather the fact that this match didn’t need to happen. Swerve took Rhodes apart before the match and left him laying, but instead of letting that be it, they had to have a nine minute match anyway. Throw in Rhodes doing high risk moves so he can get his stuff in and this made Swerve look weaker than need be. He won in the end, but the match didn’t need to happen.

Don Callis Family/Big Bill/Ricky Starks vs. Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara/Sting/Darby Allin

Guevara gets knocked around by Takeshita to start so it’s quickly off to Jericho. The fans don’t seem to pleased with that, even as Hobbs comes in to run him over. Takeshita gets in a few shots until Jericho makes it over to Allin for the tag. That doesn’t last long as Allin is taken over for the tag to Hobbs so the beating can be on.

A suplex from Hobbs lets Bill come in for a huge toss across the ring. Allin manages to get over for the tag to Sting and house is quickly cleaned. Everything breaks down and Bill gets in a cheap shot, followed by a Boss Man Slam. Jericho comes back in with a Codebreaker and is soundly booed out of the building.

Allin manages to knock Jericho into Hobbs for a breather and a Scorpion Death Drop takes Hobbs down. Takeshita drops Allin HARD though and then does it to both Guevara and Allin with a single German suplex. Sting is back in and grabs the Scorpion on Takeshita, with Callis making the save. The Scorpion goes on but gets broken up again, allowing Guevara to come in and go all flippy. The shooting star press finishes Starks at 15:43.

Rating: C+. The match was the usual fun wild brawl, but this was ALL about Jericho. I’m not sure what AEW needs to do about him at the moment, but they are going to have to do something about it soon. Jericho can’t come out there and be this kind of a distraction so he needs to either go away until his name is cleared or AEW is going to need to come up with some kind of a long term solution. The match was kind of a mess because of him and that can’t happen again.

We recap Julia Hart vs. Abadon for the TBS Title. They’re both weird and want to be champion.

TBS Title: Julia Hart vs. Abadon

Abadon is challenging and under house rules, biting is allowed. The fans declare THIS IS SPOOKY and Abadon grabs a quick cutter to take over fast. Hart isn’t quite sure what to do here so they grab each other by the throat until Hart can leg sweep Abadon down. Choking on the ropes has Abadon in more trouble until a running knee hits Hart in the corner.

A Codebreaker gets two but Hart manages to grab Hartless. The ropes don’t help so Abadon has to crawl out and knock Hart away. Cue Skye Blue for a cheap shot before she dives underneath the ring, leaving Abadon to go after her. The distraction lets Hart drop Abadon, setting up the moonsault (which seemed to be more Hart’s knees slamming into Abadon) to retain at 11:13.

Rating: C-. I’m not sure if it was the spooky vs. spooky stuff here, but they lost me and lost me hard during this one. They just kind of kept doing things until Blue showed up at the end and it couldn’t have been much less interesting. Maybe I just couldn’t get into it for some reason but this wasn’t working and felt a lot longer than it lasted.

We recap Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage. Copeland came back and wanted to reform the team, but Cage said no. The Waynes were brought into this, with Copeland attacking Nick and Shayna costing him the title as a result. Now it’s about violence, revenge and the title, with the latter being a good bit less important than the others.

TNT Title: Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage

Cage, with the Waynes, is defending and this is No DQ so Copeland jumps him on the floor to start. They brawl around ringside, with Nigel McGuinness insulting Copeland. That earns him a SHUT UP NIGEL, with Nigel obliging before waiting for Copeland to be out of earshot to call him a coward. Cage’s right hands don’t do much as he has to avoid his hand being stomped onto the steps.

Cage bails into the crowd with Copeland following, setting up a big dive to take Cage down again. They go back to ringside where Copeland drops him again, earning a YOU STILL GOT IT chant. Back in and Copeland’s spear hits post, followed by a drop onto the steps for two. With Copeland bleeding around the eye, Cage grabs some kendo sticks and chokes away before punching at the cut.

Cage grabs a chair and puts it over Copeland’s back for a Boston crab in a creative, and mostly painful, looking hold. With that broken up, Copeland gets in a stick shot of his own, followed by some more to the ribs. As usual, Copeland gets the bar from the chair for the Crossface but that’s not good enough. We get the obvious ladder brought in, with Cage being catapulted face first into it in the corner.

A low blow cuts Copeland off so Cage goes up, where a superplex is countered into a sunset bomb to leave them both down. It’s time for a table, with the distraction letting Copeland grab an Impaler onto the chair. The Conchairto is loaded up but cue Nick Wayne with a low blow for the save. Cage loads up a spear through the table but naturally gets speared through it himself. Shayna Wayne breaks up the cover and Nick hits Copeland with the title. Wayne’s World to the floor (next to the table rather than through it) drops Copeland again and Cage gets two.

That leaves the Waynes to cover the table with lighter fluid and set it on fire but Copeland spears Cage back inside. The fire goes out so Copeland puts on more fluid and it’s on fire again. Nick gets sent onto (not through) the table and goes writhing onto the floor. Cage’s belt shot is cut off and Copeland hits a Killswitch for the pin and the title at 24:40.

Rating: B. Now this felt like a fight and that is a good thing to see. It also helps that these two have a history, along with Cage being one of the best things in all of wrestling today. The ending isn’t great, but I guess Copeland needed his “you still got it” moment. They could have done without some of the weapons, but the point here was they wanted to hurt each other and then tried to do it. That made or a better match and I liked what we got here.

Post match Killswitch jumps Copeland and chokeslams him through a chair….and since the contract from earlier is for a title match anywhere any time….but hold on as Cage wants it instead. Killswitch hands it over and let’s do this.

TNT Title: Christian Cage vs. Adam Copeland

Cage is challenging and wins the title with a spear in ten seconds. That was A, great and B, even better because it gets rid of the Money In The Bank thing (with Edge getting some payback after being so well known for using the briefcase before).

Copeland gets looked at after the match.

We recap the Continental Classic, which has been going on for over a month now. Kingston wants to win to prove he belongs while Moxley wants to win because he likes winning.

Continental Classic Finals: Triple Crown Title: Eddie Kingston vs. Jon Moxley

For the vacant title and Bryan Danielson is on commentary. They go technical to start with Moxley taking it to the ground for some grappling. Moxley gets the better of things until a rope gives Kingston a breather. Back up and they go to the test of strength with neither getting the better of things. They stare each other down a bit more as Danielson is in full analysis mode, talking about each of them having strengths.

Kingston manages a jumping enziguri to put him on the floor but the dive goes over Moxley for a nasty crash. Back in and Moxley hits a quick suplex, followed by a Paradigm Shift on the floor. They get back in with Kingston’s chop hitting a raised forearm, leaving Kingston in a lot of pain. A piledriver gives Moxley two so we pause for some yelling at the referee (possibly due to Kingston’s bell being rung).

Kingston is back up and drops Moxley to his knees off a single chop. They chop it out and even Danielson is thinking this is a bad move. Kingston grabs a suplex so Moxley pops up, only to grab his banged up knee. The spinning backfist drops Moxley for no cover as Danielson is livid. The machine gun chops have Moxley in trouble in a variety of corners, setting up a DDT to plant Moxley again.

Moxley is back up with a cutter so Kingston hits the spinning backfist, only to get dropped with a hard lariat. The northern lights bomb gives Kingston two but Moxley is back with the bulldog choke. That’s broken up and another northern lights bomb gives Kingston another two. One heck of a lariat drops Kingston for two, sending commentary into stories of injuries from clotheslines. They headbutt it out from their knees until another spinning backfist gives Kingston the pin and the titles at 17:05.

Rating: B+. Much like the previous match, this felt like a fight but for a very different reason. While Copeland vs. Cage felt like a fight between two people who hated each other, this felt like two people wanting to survive to claim a prize. That worked very well and I dug what we got here. Danielson in particular made a feel more like a sporting contest and it made things that much better.

Post match Eddie is presented with the title. Respect is shown and Moxley lets Kingston have the ring.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

We recap Samoa Joe vs. MJF for the World Title. While Joe is challenging, the real story is MJF being chased by the Devil, who very well could be revealed here.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Samoa Joe

MJF is defending and we get a video of people talking about how he’s THEIR scumbag, including a video from his ex-girlfriend giving a VERY censored story about a night in the back of a car. Before the match, cue Adam Cole to support MJF, whose shoulder is completely wrapped up. Joe backs him into the corner but MJF goes to the eye in a smart move.

A shot to the arm cuts MJF down fast and Joe drops a leg on said arm to make it worse. It’s too early for the Muscle Buster though and Joe gets low bridged to the floor. Back in and a low superkick staggers Joe and the Kangaroo Kick connects. MJF is knocked outside for a heck of a suicide dive, followed by a suplex to rock the shoulder again.

They go to the apron where Joe drops him hard with a MuscleBuster for two. MJF manages a shot to the back of the head and rams Joe into the buckle over and over. Joe shrugs off some right hands in the corner and MJF collapses when trying a fireman’s carry. He’s fine enough to catch Joe with a Heatseeker for two before grabbing the Salt Of The Earth.

Joe reverses into an armbar of his own but MJF makes the rope. Back up and the ref gets bumped so MJF gets all smiley. A low blow cuts Joe off on the middle rope and an F5 of all things leaves both of them down. MJF’s cover gets a very delayed two and Joe pulls him into the Koquina Clutch….for the knockout and the title at 17:47.

Rating: B. This was interesting as Joe won (more or less) clean and that makes sense. MJF isn’t John Cena, meaning at some point the odds are so strongly against him that he has to lose. That’s what took place here, as Joe had been built up as this unstoppable force and MJF was coming in very banged up. While MJF fought, he ultimately couldn’t last against someone like Joe. It told a good story, as the hero goes out on his shield and loses in the end.

Post match Joe leaves and Cole tells MJF to listen to the fans cheering for him. Cue the Henchmen to take both of them down, with Cole saying hit him instead. MJF says hit him instead of Cole. Then the lights go out and the Henchmen have let Cole go. The Henchmen are Wardlow, the Kingdom and Roderick Strong, with MJF being in tears. The big beatdown is on with Cole dropping the Devil mask on MJF to end the show.

Now this is probably the biggest story of the show as it is the big reveal after a months long story. While we’ll have to wait and see what the actual story is, in theory it’s all of MJF’s past sins coming back to haunt him. MJF may be a changed man, but he’s hurt a lot of people on his way to the top. That seems to be what came back to bite him here, as Cole and company wanted to take down the villain who had hurt them all on his way to the top. Cole in particular should feel upset, as he turned into some kind of goof and then lost to MJF at All In because he wasn’t being himself. The real explanation will help, but the potential is there.

Overall Rating: B. This show might not have been great, but the last three matches did a lot to help boost it up. I know I say it a lot about Tony Khan produced shows, but there was too much here at first. The matches that came before the big stuff needed to be trimmed down, as only one non-cash-in match was less than ten minutes long. It’s ok to have something go 5-6 minutes instead of stretching it out way longer than it needs to go and it would have helped a lot.

Now on the good side, the matches that had the biggest builds did rather well, with Copeland vs. Cage, the tournament final and the World Title match all being big hits. It continues to show what AEW can do with some nice storytelling to back up the good action. There are still some corrections to be made and overall this is on the weaker end of the AEW pay per view offerings, but this started off weak and finished very strong and that is a great thing to see.

Willow Nightingale b. Kris Statlander – Babe With The Powerbomb
Killswitch won a battle royal last eliminating Trent Beretta
Hook b. Wheeler Yuta – Redrum
Blackpool Combat Club/Daniel Garcia/Mark Briscoe b. Jay White/Rush/Brody King/Jay Lethal – Rollup to Lethal
Miro b. Andrade El Idolo – Game Over
Toni Storm b. Riho – DDT
Swerve Strickland b. Dustin Rhodes – Swerve Stomp
Sting/Darby Allin/Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara b. Big Bill/Ricky Starks/Don Callis Family – Shooting stark press to Starks
Julia Hart b. Abadon – Moonsault
Adam Copeland b. Christian Cage – Killswitch
Christian Cage b. Adam Copeland – Spear
Eddie Kingston b. Jon Moxley – Spinning backfist
Samoa Joe b. Maxwell Jacob Friedman via referee stoppage



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Collision – November 4, 2023: The Interesting Version

Date: November 4, 2023
Location: InTrust Bank Arena, Wichita, Kansas
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

We are two weeks away from Full Gear and a good chunk of the card is already set. This show is going to be in a big of a rough patch in the coming weeks though, as Bryan Danielson is going to be out of action. Someone is going to have to step up and I’m not sure who that will be. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

FTR, Big Bill, Ricky Starks Lance Archer and Darby Allin are ready to fight. Swerve Strickland is as well but AR Fox jumps him to start their match fast.

Opening sequence.

AR Fox vs. Swerve Strickland

They fight to the ring with Swerve in trouble and bailing to the floor, meaning Fox can be right there for the big running flip dive. Back in and a rolling cutter gives Fox two but Swerve sends him outside to take over. Cue the Gates of Agony (Prince Nana dances) as Swerve pulls Fox off the top as we take a break.

We come back with Swerve fighting back and hitting a hanging DDT. The 450 gives Fox two and Lo Mein Pain is good for the same. Swerve is back with the House Call for two of his own, followed by a knee first hard toss into the buckle. A powerbomb flipped into a powerslam (that was cool) sets up the Swerve Stomp to give Swerve the pin at 10:07.

Rating: B-. I don’t think there’s any surprise that these two had a good match as they’re both talented stars who have shown chemistry in the past. They made this work well and that flipping powerslam looked very good. Swerve is on the rise though and it should be interesting to see what he gets to do next.

Post match the Gates of Agony are ready to go after Fox but FTR runs in for the save. Ricky Starks and Big Bill run in to help the Gates with the beatdown but LFI makes the real save. FTR and LFI don’t seem to get along.

The House Of Black is watching.

Video on Daniel Garcia vs. MJF for the World Title at Dynamite. Geez what did we do to deserve that?

MJF rants about Jay White needing all of the Bullet Club Gold to catch him off guard and pin him. White has been in wrestling twice as long as MJF and White is twice as stupid!

Bullet Club Gold sings about beating MJF and say they’re taking a break from Collision. They’ll be back on Dynamite with another World Title eliminator though.

Kip Sabian is mad at Mark Briscoe for last week and brings in the Workhorsemen. Briscoe needs two partners tonight.

Kingdom vs. Brixton Nash/James McGregor

Roderick Strong interrupts Dasha’s entrance and complains about the lack of being neck strong. The Kingdom jumps them before the match and a spike piledriver finishes McGregor at 1:17.

Post match the beatdown is on, with Strong running in for a shot of his own.

We look at Christian Cage recruiting Nick Wayne.

Mark Briscoe is happy to be back when FTR comes in to offer to work twice tonight to team with him. Mark appreciates that but he has two people in mind, which is cool with FTR. When asked who his partners are, Mark shouts that he “CANNOT DIVULGE THAT INFORMATION!”

Darby Allin vs. Lance Archer

Jake Roberts is here with Archer. Allin strikes away a bit to start but is promptly Pounced out to the floor. Back in and Archer’s Old School is countered and they fight to the floor. That’s fine with Archer, who LAUNCHES Allin with a release suplex onto the ramp. Archer tosses him again as we take a break.

Back with Allin raking the eyes but getting caught with a running knee to the face in the corner. Allin slips out of the Black Out but gets chokeslammed over the top and onto the apron. Roberts loads up a skateboard shot, only to be ejected before he can swing. That leaves Archer to go up top but Allin catches him with a super sunset bomb for the pin at 9:51.

Rating: B-. Much like the opener, these two work well together and have every time I’ve seen them square off. It’s a natural idea to have Allin vs. the monster and these two work that style very well. Archer continues to feel like someone who could be in a bigger role but that is only going to last so long when he loses matches like this one.

Post match Roberts says that’s not how it’s going to be and introduces his new friends….the Righteous. Allin is distracted and gets chokeslammed by Archer. Again: only feels so impressive when Archer just got pinned.

Kris Statlander again attempts to calm things down with Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale. Blue says she helped Willow for Willow and wishes her luck tonight. Statlander does the same.

Alex Abrahantes is happy with Penta El Zero Miedo’s win on Rampage. Swerve Strickland comes in and gets a match with Penta on Dynamite. He even threatens to take Penta’s mask.

Here are the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn to celebrate 69 day (as in days as Trios Champions). Gunn loves all of the fans’ signs and we launch the confetti. Caster gets a special present: a video from MJF talking about how he respects Caster and says Caster is starting to grow on him. MJF: “Like a fungus, but it’s starting.” He wishes us a happy 69 day and says “uh, yay scissoring.”

Caster’s amazed face is great but he’s even happier because they have a trophy! They make a bunch of jokes about the holiday (Gunn seems to be having a blast) but as they’re about to wrap it up, here are Dalton Castle and the Boys to interrupt. The Boys grab the trophy (Kelly: “These two are idiots.”) and hand it to Castle, who throws it out to the floor. The brawl is on and let’s have a match.

Trios Titles: Acclaimed/Billy Gunn vs. Dalton Castle/The Boys

Castle and the Boys are challenging. The Boys hit a double dropkick to tart but a pinata is brought in. The Acclaimed take it away and beat the other three up with it, revealing….Acclaimed stuff inside! We take a break and come back with Castle knocking Gunn off the apron as apparently this is the result of an open contract which was only discovered during the break. The champs fight back and it’s Scissor Me Timbers into a Fameasser into the Arrival into the Mic Drop to retain at 6:24. Not enough shown to rate but maybe they could have waited to set this match up instead of doing it immediately?

Andrade El Idolo will have his answer for CJ Perry next week.

Kip Sabian/Workhorsemen vs. Mark Briscoe/???/???

Briscoe’s partners are Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee. Sabian jumps Briscoe to start and it’s off to Henry, even as Briscoe fights up. Drake cuts him off as we hear about Drake being a professional bowler, which has the rest of commentary interested. The beating continues until Mark manages a suplex. Lee comes in and powerbombs Sabian onto Henry, allowing Briscoe to come back in with the Froggy Bow for the pin on Sabian at 4:28.

Rating: C. It’s very nice to have Briscoe back in the ring after such a long absence. He has so much charisma and it is a blast to watch him out there doing just about anything. At the same time, it should be interesting to see where things go for him, as I can’t imagine the Lee/Rhodes pairing is anything more than a one off.

Post break, Briscoe says he has been watching while he was injured and now he sees an impostor. Jay White is running around with a title that isn’t his, so he challenges White to put the title shot on the line next week on Dynamite.

Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura

They run at each other to start until Nightingale slams her down. The fight heads outside with Nightingale being sent into the steps. A crossbody against said steps crushes her hard and Sakura drops her again inside. We take a break and come back with Nightingale hitting a Death Valley Driver on the floor. The Doctor Bomb is countered though and Sakura hits a reverse swinging neckbreaker. Nightingale fights up and hits a spinebuster, followed by the Doctor Bomb for the pin at 9:57.

Rating: B. That was a heck of a match as these two beat the fire out of each other. You don’t get to see that kin of a fight very often and it worked well here. Nightingale is still someone who feels like she should be a much bigger deal but for some reason this tends to be the highest level of win she is going to get. For now though, they had a rather good match and I’ll take what I can get for Nightingale.

Samoa Joe says he has beaten everyone….but Keith Lee pops in to say not EVERYONE. They’ll fight on Dynamite.

FTR/La Faccion Ingobernable vs. Big Bill/Ricky Starks/Gates of Agony

Vance strikes away at Bill in the corner and moves around to do it again. Kaun comes in and gets taken down by FTR. Toa slams Harwood and drops a headbutt for two. It’s off to Starks, but Rush takes him outside for some whips into various barricades. We take a break and come back with Harwood in the wrong corner, allowing Starks to walk the rope for an elbow to the head.

Harwood fights over to the corner and hands it back to Rush to clean house. The cocky kick to the face hits Starks in the corner and he charges into a powerslam for two. It’s back to Vance, who avoids a charge to send Toa into the post. Bill chokeslams Vance as everything breaks down. Harwood comes in o slug away at Kaun until Rush plays Wheeler in a Big Rig. Wheeler dives onto Toa and the Bull’s Horn finishes Kaun at 14:52.

Rating: B-. It was smart to not take this one to the near thirty minute lengths that some Collision main events get but or now I’ll settle for another solid enough match. LFI looked good in their return and they should be in for some kind of strong push in the future. FTR almost has to get another title shot at some point, though the House Of Black might be looming before they get there.

Post match LFI leaves without shaking FTR’s hands. The House Of Black pops up to threaten FTR….and then they’re in the ring to make good on the threats. Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli run in for the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Good show here, with solid wrestling up and down the card. The best thing to say about this show was nothing got boring, as it felt like there was at least someone interesting or an important match out there the whole night. That isn’t always the case with AEW and it is nice to see them fixing things up a bit. Dynamite is looking stacked and it would be nice to see AEW follow up this show with another good one.

Swerve Strickland b. AR Fox – Swerve Stomp
The Kingdom b. Brixton Nash/James McGregor – Spike piledriver to McGregor
Darby Allin b. Lance Archer – Super sunset bomb
Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Dalton Castle/The Boys – Mic Drop to Brent
Mark Briscoe/Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee b. Kip Sabian/Workhorsemen – Froggy Bow to Henry
Willow Nightingale b. Emi Sakura – Doctor Bomb
FTR/La Faccion Ingobernable b. Gates Of Agony/Big Bill/Ricky Starks – Bull’s Horns to Kaun



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Dynamite – October 19, 2023: Talk Show

Date: October 18, 2023
Location: Fort Bend Epicenter, Rosenberg, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re back to the normal time slot this week after last week’s stacked show. In this case, we have a pretty deep show tonight, though a good bit of it appears to be focused on talking. That’s something that could do a lot of good though as we are a month away from Full Gear and the show needs some build. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Jay White

Alex Abrahantes and the rest of Bullet Club Gold are here too. Penta flip dives onto the Club at ringside and adds a top rope double stomp back inside. White hits a DDT out of the corner to take over but Penta scores with a superkick. A missed charge puts Penta in the corner though and White chops him out to the floor.

Back in and White ties Penta’s mask to the rope and stomps away for two. We take a break and come back with Penta hitting a Sling Blade to send White outside, setting up the big running flip dive. They chop it out (with Penta getting to do the full glove removal) with Penta even taking his shirt off so the chops can be harder.

Penta plants him for two but the Fear Factor is countered into a swinging Rock Bottom for two. White grabs the chinlock but Penta is right back up with Made In Japan for two. The Fear Factor is loaded up again so the Club offers the distraction. Juice Robinson gets in the left hand and White hits the Blade Runner for the pin at 13:12.

Rating: B-. This was another match in White’s quest to get higher up the card before his World Title shot at Full Gear. Penta is someone who has enough star status to give White something and the fans are way into him. Having the Club interfere is fine as that’s White’s thing, so this worked out on pretty much all points.

Post match Jay White mocks the idea of MJF not being able to find some partners to face the Club. Juice Robinson promises to win the battle royal and then the ring next week. He wants to pawn it to get another gold tooth you see.

MJF says he could have run in there and gone after all of those villains but he’s not that stupid. He promises to keep the ring next week and hopes that it’s against Robinson. He’s asked about Adam Cole but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed come in to ask about being his partners. Max Caster asks about scissoring and putting a ring on it, which has MJF storming off. Billy Gunn: “That guy is such a scumbag.” Caster: “Yeah, but he’s my scumbag.”

Video on Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida.

Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura

Non-title. Sakura jumps her to start and we ring the bell as Shida gets back up. They roll around into an exchange of cradles until Sakura hits a running crossbody in the corner. We take a break and come back with Shida getting choked in the ropes, followed by an exchange of rollups. Sakura tiger drivers her for two but Shida….kind of hits the Katana as Sakura might have blocked it. A Fujiwara armbar doesn’t work for Shida so she hits a Falcon Arrow into the Katana for the pin at 8:50.

Rating: C+. It was good enough while it lasted but as usual, there’s only to much that can be done when the match isn’t even nine minutes long and includes a commercial. There is a history between them though and that helped set things up better here. Just maybe give them more of a chance to do something.

We get a sitdown interview with Renee Paquette and Adam Copeland to talk about his issues with Christian Cage. Copeland’s idea was to come to AEW and finish his career with Cage but Cage wasn’t down with that. We hear about the two of them being friends for over thirty years and Copeland tried to get Cage into the industry and pushed as much as possible.

Over the years, Copeland has been pushed as the bigger star but he never wanted that. They’ve known each other for such a long time and they’re the godfather to each other’s children. Why do they keep doing this? Copeland doesn’t want the TNT Title and he will not fight Cage so he doesn’t know what he wants. Eventually Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus are going to leave Cage and Copeland will be there to pick him up. Good stuff here, as a lot of it is established history but that makes it easier to tie into their current story.

Wardlow vs. Ryan Nemeth

Powerbomb, referee stoppage, 21 seconds.

Post match Tony Schiavone comes in to ask Wardlow what he wants, with Wardlow holding up wrist tape showing MJF. Wardlow pushes past him and leaves.

Kenny Omega knows his year hasn’t been great but he’s ready for Kyle Fletcher. MJF comes in to shake his hand, then whispers “thirteen days b****.” Assuming he means thirteen days from today, that means Halloween, but it’s also thirteen days from MJF becoming the longest reigning World Champion in AEW history (nice catch Art).

The Kingdom (including a bongo solo for a song called Neckstrong) and Roderick Strong convince Adam Cole to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Apparently it’s his specialty, but STRONG DID NOT WANT CRUST. Cole leaves and Strong says he’ll have to talk to the Scum Bag.

Here is the Don Callis Family, with Powerhouse Hobbs talking about trying to get to meet Chris Jericho as a kid but it didn’t go well. That’s why he wanted to hurt Jericho and that’s exactly what he did last week. Callis hypes up Hobbs but then blames Kyle Fletcher for the team’s only loss in four months. Cue Fletcher, who says he did that match as a favor to Will Ospreay. Tonight though, Fletcher gets Kenny Omega, and Callis implies a spot on the team if Fletcher wins.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega

Don Callis is on commentary. Omega chops away against the ropes to start but Fletcher takes him down and fires off some right hands. Back up and Omega sends him outside for the dive but Fletcher gets in a whip over the barricade. Omega misses a charge into the barricade and we take a break.

We come back with Omega missing a middle rope moonsault but hitting the same thing out to the floor. Back in and Fletcher hits a running kick to the face, setting up a brainbuster for two. Fletcher tosses him face first into the middle buckle and then plants him down for two more. A running kick to the back of the head sets up….something Omega escapes. A poisonrana into a powerbomb into the V Trigger gets two. The One Winged Angel is loaded up but Fletcher reverses into a dragon sleeper. Omega flips out, hits a running knee and finishes with the One Winged Angel at 13:55.

Rating: B. I’m still not sure what it is that’s missing about Fletcher, but it’s not what he can do in the ring. He can work well with almost anyone and if he can figure out a way to be more interesting, things will get even better for him. As for Omega, he might not be what he was before, but he can still do something like this more than well enough.

Danhausen is coming back.

Lance Archer vs. Barrett Brown

Archer is introduced as “kicking his opponent Barrett Brown to the ring” and then chokeslams him onto the apron. Archer crushes him into the corner and hits the Black Out for the pin at 58 seconds.

Prince Nana is really excited about Swerve Strickland’s new music video being released. Swerve isn’t happy though because he isn’t the TNT Champion. That’s because of Hangman Page, with Swerve threatening retribution. Just maybe not against Page himself.

Here is Sting for a chat. He talks about how he went up and down the road for years with people like Lex Luger, the Steiner Brothers and Buff Bagwell (kind of a weird fourth choice). They looked at the people who shaped his career like Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan (the ans don’t like him) but he wants to really thank Ric Flair. It was Flair who put him on the map and he can’t thank him enough. So why do people keep coming back year after year?

It’s the smell of the arena and the roar of the crowd that makes him want to come to the ring and do all this crazy stuff. Now though, we need to get to the big word: retirement. His first match in AEW was at Revolution 2021, and his last match will be at Revolution 2024. And that’s for sure. That’s good for Sting, as he can still work well enough in the ring and you absolutely do not want to stay too long.

We get Toni Storm’s latest silent movie, Gone With The Storm, in picture in picture.

We get a sitdown interview with Nick Wayne and his mom, with his mom talking about how he doesn’t understand what her son is doing. Wayne says he was always in Darby Allin’s shadow and Christian Cage is a better father than his dad ever was. Cage pops in to egg Wayne on so his mom slaps her son. Wayne says she is dead to him and leaves, where Darby Allin jumps them both. Allin beats Wayne into the ring and Wayne has lost a tooth. Luchasaurus and Cage get Wayne out. It got better when Allin came in but the interview stuff was….not good.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Kris Statlander wants to defend the TBS Title against Willow Nightingale at Battle of the Belts. Orange Cassidy didn’t realize what he had until he lost the International Title, which he will defend against the winner of a Rampage triple threat.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal

Dustin Rhodes, Juice Robinson, Johnny TV, Jake Hager, Max Caster, Matt Menard, Trent Beretta, Komander, Matt Sydal, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Daniel Garcia

The winner gets a shot at MJF’s, on commentary, diamond ring next week. TV is sent to the apron to start but spins his way back in, setting up a break dance routine. Garcia loads up his own dance but Menard isn’t having that. Instead Jeff does his own dance and Dustin joins Matt Hardy in some DELETING. TV is tossed out and Hager dumps Matt Hardy. MJF heads to the ring and offers Rhodes cash to…go after Robinson.

Rhodes is perfectly happy to do so and Shattered Dreams connects. We take a break and come back with Menard and Garcia tossing Komander. Dustin hits the Canadian Destroyer on Garcia. Dustin and Trent have the big hug but Hager breaks it up. Trent knocks Hager out but gets knocked to the apron where Menard eliminates him. We’re down to Menard, Garcia, Jeff Hardy, Rhodes, Robinson and Caster.

Garcia knocks Hardy out (that’s an upset) but Menard breaks up the dancing AGAIN. Garcia hits Menard by mistake, allowing Rhodes to toss Menard, but Garcia tosses Rhodes as well. NOW Garcia gets to dance but Caster tosses him out. That leaves us with Caster and Robinson with Caster knocking him to the apron.

Robinson pulls him out as well and goes up for some reason, only to get taken back down. Hold on though as we cut to Jay White going after MJF at the announcers’ table. MJF gets the belt back but White hits him low and steals it again. We get back to the actual match and Robinson uses his own ring to knock Caster out for the win at 13:55.

Rating: C+. There’s only so much you can get out of a battle royal with about two potential winners and that was the case here. Robinson might as well have had a big sign around his neck counting down until he won, though in this case that isn’t a bad thing. They set him up well and it wouldn’t shock me to see him win the ring next week. For now though, it was just an ok battle royal featuring a bunch of people doing their various things.

Overall Rating: B-. There was a lot of talking on this show and it was good enough, though I could have gone for a bigger focus on the actual wrestling. That being said, they are setting up some things for the future and we could be in for some big stuff in the upcoming weeks. Above all else is probably the Sting announcement, and now he should be in for a nice victory lap. Overall, not a terrible show, but maybe a step down from the norm for Dynamite.

Jay White b. Penta El Zero Miedo – Blade Runner
Hikaru Shida b. Emi Sakura – Katana
Wardlow b. Ryan Nemeth via referee stoppage
Kenny Omega b. Kyle Fletcher – One Winged Angel
Lance Archer b. Barrett Brown – Black Out
Juice Robinson won the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal last eliminating Max Caster



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Rampage – July 14, 2023: What Else Is On?

Date: July 14, 2023
Location: SaskTel Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone

We have to be about done with this Canadian tour as the thing just keeps going. This week we’ll get to find out the other finalist in the Women’s Owen Hart Foundation tournament, plus whatever else Excalibur went through oh so quickly earlier this week on Dynamite. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Keith Lee/Dustin Rhodes vs. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

Lee slams both of them around to start and then slams Dustin onto them for a bonus. Dustin grabs an armbar on Menard before hitting the drop down uppercut. Menard manages to send him outside for a ram into the corner as the villains manage to take over. A clothesline gives Menard two as we take a break.

Back with Dustin hitting a backdrop but Lee has been knocked to the floor so there’s no tag. The snap powerslam allows that tag a few seconds later though and it’s Lee coming in to clean house. Lee throws Rhodes at the two of them but gets caught with a double DDT for two. Dustin is back in to clean house and the Supernova finishes Parker at 9:50.

Rating: C. This went on for a bit but Lee has been looking a lot more like his old self in recent weeks. If nothing else, shaving the beard is that much of an improvement. Dustin is right there to look good at just about everything as well and they got to beat up a couple of goons. Nice opener here, even if it’s hard to imagine Lee and Rhodes going anywhere.

It’s QTV time, with Harley Cameron being proud of the success of her rap video. We cut to Johnny TV, who challenges the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn to a six man tag.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Izzy McQueen

Taya spears her down to start and hits a curb stomp for the pin at 24 seconds. The first eight seconds were slow and the last eight seconds were a bit better, but the middle eight seconds were as good as you were ever going to get. Right up there with Thesz vs. O’Connor.

Post match here are the Outcasts, with Toni Storm calling Taya a loser. And it’s because she’s a Canadian! Storm says she’s beaten everyone, but Taya says they’ve never fought. The challenge is on for Battle of the Belts, with Storm eventually being pushed into accepting.

Hook is having lunch and accepts Jungle Boy’s challenge for a title match next week. He’s tired of chasing Jungle Boy around.

Trent Beretta vs. Lance Archer

Chuck Taylor and Jake Roberts are here too. Archer chokes on the rope to start but Trent knocks him to the floor for a dive. Back up and Archer nails a clothesline as we take a break. We come back with Trent hitting a running knee and a piledriver for two. Archer crossbodies him down but the chokeslam is countered into a rollup for two. Beretta hits another running knee but Archer knees him on top. The Blackout and a hard lariat finish Beretta at 8:55.

Rating: C+. They were hitting each other rather hard here, but what I liked about this match was Archer was up against some bigger competition for a change. You can only beat so many jobbers before it stops mattering so switching him up to someone like Trent, who is at least a name, is a good idea.

Post match Archer beats up Taylor as well but here is Orange Cassidy comes out for the save. Well, kind of save as Archer chokes him down, with Roberts taking the backpack with the International Title. Cassidy can come get it (in the already announced title match) at Battle Of The Belts.

Video on Jeff Jarrett and company, plus Matt Hardy and Ethan Page, who will be in the Royal Rampage.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mentallo

Don Callis is here too and gets in the ring to introduce Mentallo as the childhood friend of Kenny Omega. Callis tells Takeshita to kill him (in Japanese of course) and the beating is on. A running shot in the corner rocks Mentallo but he strikes away at the chest. Takeshita isn’t having that and hammers away but a running knee is countered into a dragon screw legwhip. A suplex drops Mentallo, though Takeshita’s knee is screwed up. It’s fine enough for a leg trap Tombstone and a top rope backsplash finishes Mentallo at 4:06.

Rating: C. It was a little strange to see Mentallo get in that much offense but at least Takeshita ran him over in the end. There was a nice little story added in with the whole Omega’s training partner thing and it boosted it above a regular squash. Takeshita vs. Omega in London wouldn’t stun me, and they’re taking some steps to get there.

The Dark Order is still mad at Hangman Page for abandoning them. Last week was their resurrection and the question is if you are Dark Order or not.

Video on Athena vs. Willow Nightingale.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Women’s Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals: Athena vs. Willow Nightingale

Athena’s Ring Of Honor Women’s Title isn’t on the line. Willow powers her down without much trouble to start, followed by a running forearm in the corner. Back up and Athena catches her in the ropes and DDTs the leg to take over. The beating continues until we take a break, but come back with Willow hitting a Pounce.

The spinebuster gets two but the Babe With The Powerbomb is broken up. Athena hits a gordbuster and an elbow is good for two. A backsplash misses for Willow and Athena his a standing moonsault for two more. Willow snaps off a Death Valley Driver for two more, only to get her knee taken out. Athena misses the spinning knee to the face and gets rolled up for the upset pin at 10:39.

Rating: B-. So that’s Athena’s big loss after the winning streak and likely sets up the rubber match at Death Before Dishonor. If that’s the case, why not have the tournament be for a title shot and take Athena out? Either way, having Nightingale be the big winner or a change is cool to see, though I really could have gone without Athena losing here, as it feels like something of a waste.

Overall Rating: B-. This wasn’t a show you needed to watch as the action was good enough, but it was more about setting things up for later. We got the traditional last minute build towards Battle of the Belts and a surprise result in the main event, but it’s not like anything was must see. Good enough show, but there are better options for your wrestling viewing.

Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – Supernova to Parker
Taya Valkyrie b. Izzy Mcqueen – Curb stomp
Lance Archer b. Trent Beretta – Lariat
Konosuke Takeshita b. Mentallo – Top rope backsplash
Willow Nightingale b. Athena – Rollup



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Collision – July 1, 2023: They Tried Something Else

Date: July 1, 2023
Location: First Ontario Center, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

We’re taped this week and the focus is going to be on tournament matches. We have three Owen Hart Foundation Tournament matches and that should be enough to carry the show. Other than that, we have the Collision debut of MJF and some Forbidden Door fallout to cover. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

The Owen Hart Foundation Tournament participants are ready to win.

Opening sequence.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Kip Morst

Non-title, Morst is a hometown boy, and MJF is in USA flag colors on Canada Day. MJF jumps him to start and the Heatseeker gets two, with MJF pulling him up. A LeBell Lock makes Morst tap at 40 seconds.

Post match MJF wants a local star to come out here so here is a rather large man, only to have Ethan Page come out instead. Page talks about his father coming here as a laborer and being told he would never be anything more. Then he wound up being the president of several companies, which makes Page better than MJF, who is a bare minimum b****.

AEW calls Page when they need something done and his wife wants to know when he’ll get paid back for all the extra he does. Page told her in due time, and now it’s time. The challenge is on and let’s have a title match. This was straight fire from Page and the best thing he has ever done.

AEW World Title: Ethan Page vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

MJF is defending and gets stomped down in the corner to start. The Ego’s Edge is escaped though and MJF starts in on the leg. Page tries a handstand in the corner but gets caught in an Alabama Slam. The half crab (ala Lance Storm) goes on until Page finally makes the rope. We take a break and come back with Page hammering away and hitting a Twist of Fate.

The Swanton takes too long though due to the leg, allowing MJF to crotch him on top. MJF goes up as well and it’s a super powerslam to plant MJF down again. The very delayed cover gets two and MJF sends him to the apron. A dragon screw legwhip on the apron sets up the Heatseeker to retain the title at 10:58.

Rating: B-. I get that Page couldn’t win the title here and that this was a one off moment, but dang that was a great promo to set him up really well. Page has never quite broken out around here so it was nice to see him getting to do something special. Good enough match too, as MJF did have to work to retain here.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament First Round: Dustin Rhodes vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

The QTV crew is here with Hobbs. Rhodes grabs a headlock to start and hammers away before going up, only to have Hobbs load up a gorilla press. That’s escaped but QT Marshall trips Rhodes up, allowing Hobbs to knock him down. A posting cuts Rhodes open and we take a break.

Back with Rhodes hitting a jumping clothesline into Cross Rhodes. A piledriver gets two on Hobbs and a Panama Sunrise gets the same. Rhodes has to deck Marshall off the apron though and Hobbs hits the spinebuster….for one? Back up and Rhodes’ powerslam gets two but Marshall gets in another cheap shot. The spinebuster finishes Rhodes at 11:07.

Rating: C+. Rhodes put up a nice fight here and it was a lot better than having Hobbs run through him. Hobbs is someone who has all kinds of potential, but it wasn’t a great sign when he was looking a good bit tired less than ten minutes into a match. If he can get that figured out, he should be in a great place for a long time to come.

Video on Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe.

Miro vs. Anthony Henry

Miro suplexes him down to start and then suplexes him a few more times for good measure. Henry gets a boot up in the corner and goes up top, only to get kicked in the head. The camel clutch finishes for Miro at 3:08.

Rating: C. What else is there to say here? Miro ran through him and finished with his hold in short order. Doing that again and again is going to make Miro into a star again as he does everything else needed to make it work for him. It’s a shame he has to start over, but he’s awesome enough that it shouldn’t take long.

Here is Bullet Club Gold, complete with official new members the Gunns. Jay White is happy with the team being at full strength and promises Juice Robinson is advancing in the tournament tonight. The Gunns brag about their success and everything that they have done. Tony Schiavone tells them that the Club is barred from ringside, which causes quite the freak out.

With that out of the way, White says he wanted what CM Punk brought back with him in that bag two weeks ago. Oh and they’ll take the Tag Team Titles too. CM Punk/FTR/Ricky Starks pop up on screen, with Punk saying he isn’t worried about White. Punk says he has friends instead of bodyguards and FTR could go for a piece of them too. Starks is ready for Robinson tonight. This version of White felt like a star and you can see why some people are so gung ho about him.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament First Round; Ricky Starks vs. Juice Robinson

They fight over arm control to start until Starks grabs a headlock takeover. Back up and Robinson takes out the knee, sending Starks face first into the rope. Robinson works on the leg for a bit until Starks fights up with some shots to the face. The leg is kicked out again though and we a break. Back with Robinson hitting a cannonball but Starks tells him to bring in.

A few shots to the face set up a DDT and Starks nips up, damaging his knee again in the process. Starks grabs a tornado DDT but a hanging DDT is countered into a hot shot. Robinson grabs the Texas Cloverleaf, with Starks finally making it to the rope. Robinson rolls him up for two but something like a spinebuster gives Starks two of his own. A super hurricanrana is blocked but Robinson hits his own spear for two. Starks hits a spear for two but a rollup gives Starks the pin at 15:44.

Rating: B-. What matters the most here is having Starks get the win, as that is something that hasn’t happened often enough. With this out of the way, there is a good chance that Starks can move on from Bullet Club Gold, who have taken his attention for months now. Starks seems to be coming up the ladder a bit in recent weeks and that is great or his future, assuming Hobbs doesn’t crush him in the next round.

Post match the Bullet Club runs in but CM Punk/FTR make the save.

Christian Cage is feeling nice on Canada Day but here is Shawn Spears to say he wants to talk to the champ. Cage gets in between them and says talk, only to say that Spears isn’t dangerous. Spears says he’ll see the champ soon.

TBS Title: Lady Frost vs. Kris Statlander

Frost is challenging and gets powered down to start. Statlander blocks a headlock takeover attempt and they trade missed flips. A backbreaker works a bit better for Statlander and we take a break. Back with Statlander planting her again but Frost grabs a German suplex. A tornado DDT plants Statlander for two but she flips out of a piledriver and hits a discus lariat. Saturday Night Fever retains at 7:56.

Rating: C. This match suffered from the same problem that so many women’s matches in AEW have to deal with: a break cutting out nearly half of the match. I know there’s picture in picture and all that jazz, but going to a break and hearing about where I can get a cheap pizza or what is coming up on TNT is a pretty easy way to take me out of the match. Statlander’s roll continues though and she is feeling like a star. If those knees can hold up, she could be going a long, long way around here.

Andrade El Idolo is annoyed at the House Of Black, who pop up on a monitor behind him. El Idolo turns over a camera.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, including a video on Wheeler Yuta vs. Kenny Omega on Dynamite.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament First Round: Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe

CM Punk is on commentary. Feeling out process to start until Strong gets in a few strikes. Joe sends him outside but it’s too early for the dive, allowing Strong to switch places. Strong’s dive can connect just fine and they head back inside for the chinlock. Joe fights up and hits the release Rock Bottom out of the corner for two as we take a break.

Back with Strong hitting a running knee but Joe knocks him right back down. A knee drop sets up a neck crank but Strong fights up and hits another dropkick. Strong manages a backbreaker and the Sick Kick gets two. A middle rope dropkick gets two and a jumping knee rocks Joe again. End of Heartache is broken up and Strong gets pulled into the Koquina Clutch for the win at 13:27.

Rating: B-. These two know how to beat each other up very well and it can be very fun to hear those strikes landing. Eventually though, it’s hard to get away from Joe when he tries to choke you out and that is what happened to Strong here. It made for a good main event, though Joe vs. Punk is going to be the real attraction here.

Post match Punk and Joe have to be held apart, which lets Joe Emerald Flosion Strong onto a chair. Strong has to be taken out on a stretch with Adam Cole coming out to check on him too. Punk looks rather serious to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Maybe it was the emphasis on tournaments, but this didn’t feel anywhere near as big or important as the first two shows. The stuff they’re building towards should be good, but this wasn’t keeping my interest as well. I’m not the biggest tournament fan in the world and having so much of the show focus on them didn’t help. Not a bad show, but the weakest of the three episodes so far.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Kip Morst – LeBell Lock
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Ethan Page – Heatseeker
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Dustin Rhodes – Spinebuster
Miro b. Anthony Henry – Camel clutch
Ricky Starks b. Juice Robinson – Rollup
Kris Statlander b. Lady Frost – Saturday Night Fever
Samoa Joe b. Roderick Strong – Koquina Clutch



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Dynamite – June 14, 2023: The Forbidden Sandwich

Date: June 14, 2023
Location: Capitol One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re back at the location of the first ever Dynamite and that means we should be in for a big match. In this case, we are about a week and a half away from Forbidden Door and some more matches need to be announced. The top matches have been confirmed, but that still leaves a good bit of work to do. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Adam Cole

Non-title but if Cole wins, he gets a future title shot. They go toe to toe to start and then lock up with MJF getting in the first knockdown. That means some strutting but MJF has to bail away from the threat of a superkick. Hold on though as MJF goes into the crowd to knock a fan’s hat off. Back in and MJF knocks him into the corner but gets sent into the corner to even things out.

Cole’s baseball slide is countered as MJF ties him up in the ring skirt. Cole’s hand is crushed against the steps and it’s time for the armbar back inside. The arm gets twisted down again and a pumphandle driver gives MJF two. MJF does the Shawn Michaels pose and tunes up the band but Cole beats him to the superkick. Cole drops him again but the Panama Sunrise is countered.

The Heatseeker is countered as well and Cole hits a shoulder breaker for two. The fireman’s carry backbreaker hits MJF but Cole bangs up his own knee in the process. With both of them down, they roll over to the apron, where MJF hits a Tombstone to put them both down. We take a break and come back with MJF hitting a hard clothesline but getting pulled into the Crossface. MJF reverses into a Fujiwara armbar, which is reversed into an ankle lock.

That’s escaped as well and now the Heatseeker gives MJF two. A top rope elbow sends Cole through the timekeeper’s table and they’re both down. Cole dives back in to beat the count and MJF is looking terrified. A German suplex drops MJF on the apron but MJF falls down before the Panama Sunrise. MJF gets in a quick stomp on the arm but Cole’s rollup is kicked into the referee to knock him down.

Back up and MJF grabs the title and falls down….only to have the referee fall down as well. A belt shot and the Boom give Cole two for a shocked near fall look. MJF grabs the referee to kick Cole low, meaning it’s time for the diamond ring. The referee catches the big swing though and it’s a superkick into the Panama Sunrise into the Boom for….two as the time limit expires at 29:54 (close enough).

Rating: B. That certainly was an Adam Cole match, as it had a bunch of totally ridiculous kickouts and near falls but there was enough good action to go with it. They were kind of telegraphing the time limit by the end but it does set up a rematch at some point down the road. For a free TV match, this was rather good, though cut out the nonsense with the near falls and dropping them on their heads on the apron.

Post match Cole says “five more minutes” but MJF walks out.

Video on CM Punk, who is back at Collision and says he has scores to settle and things to get off his chest.

Here is Sammy Guevara for the first time since Double Or Nothing. He talks about being excited to be a father and how he’s looking forward to holding his daughter in one arm and the World Title in the other. Cue Darby Allin to interrupt and he immediately congratulates him on the daughter. That brings him to the important question though: is Sammy always going to walk in Chris Jericho’s shadow?

Allin and Sting are equals, so why aren’t Sammy and Jericho? Cue Jericho (in what appear to be sparkly high heels), who wants to know why Sammy didn’t ask for help to win the World Title. Sammy says if Jericho had called for help, he wouldn’t have lost to Adam Cole twice. Jericho isn’t happy but suggests a tag match, so here is Sting to even things up. They compare bats and Jericho backs off.

IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Sanada issues an open challenge for Forbidden Door.

Keith Lee/Sting/Darby Allin/Orange Cassidy vs. Mogul Embassy

Dustin Rhodes is here with Sting and company. Allin and Cassidy’s dives are cut off but Allin is fine enough to come back in for running charges to Swerve in the corner. Sting adds his own but Cage (in Sting cosplay) pulls Sting outside. We take a break and come back with Swerve working on Allin’s arm.

Cassidy tries to make a save but gets sent outside, leaving Allin to get caught in a chinlock. Allin fights up and brings in Lee to clean house. A huge Tower of Doom plants Lee out of the corner for two as everything breaks down. Sting gets knocked hard into the corner but Lee makes the save. A clothesline drops Cage but he gets Sting up into a fireman’s carry. The Orange Punch into the Scorpion Death Drop finishes Cage at 8:46.

Rating: C+. There was a lot going on here but it was nice to have Sting back in the ring for another one off match. AEW has done a good job with making that feel special, though having him pin cage when the Gates of Agony are right there is a bit of a weird choice. Otherwise, fun enough match, even with the break cutting out a lot of it.

The Gunns want to face the Hardys next week.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Jake Hager

Wardlow is defending and gets jumped from behind during their entrances as we start fast. The beating doesn’t last long as Wardlow powers up and knocks him outside, with a clothesline dropping Hager as we take a break. Back with Wardlow escaping an ankle lock but here is the Jericho Appreciation Society. Arn teases pulling out his gun but Brock Anderson comes out for the save instead. With the gun tease done, Hager powerslams Wardlow for two but the Vader Bomb hits raised boots. The Swanton connects and the Powerbomb Symphony retains the title at 7:14.

Rating: C. It was another short match with Wardlow getting to wreck someone else before he gets to his next big title defense. The Anderson stuff still doesn’t feel like the most logical pairing for Wardlow, but at least he’s back to powerbombing people. Not much to this one, but Hager is fine enough for a one off challenger.

Post match Christian Cage and Luchasaurus pop up to challenge Wardlow for Collision. They’ve attacked Arn Anderson and busted him open, with Wardlow running to the back.

Hiroshi Tanahashi challenges MJF for Forbidden Door.

MJF says he’s not down for giving some random guy from a rinky dink promotion in Japan a title shot so nah.

Orange Cassidy is ready for Forbidden Door when Zack Sabre Jr. comes in. A title match is teased when Daniel Garcia comes in to ask about Katsuyori Shibata. Cassidy says Shibata will be here next week, so the tag match is on.

Women’s Title: Skye Blue vs. Toni Storm

Storm, with Ruby Soho, is defending. Blue starts fast and hits a high crossbody for an early two. With Storm outside, she and Soho spray paint in the face of Blue’s mom, setting up the double suicide dive as we take a break. Back with Blue in trouble but she cuts off the spray paint with a spray can of her own. A superkick drops Storm and Code Blue connects but Soho has the referee. There’s a superkick to Soho but Blue charges into Storm Zero for two (in a nice false finish). The Texas Cloverleaf retains the title a few moments later at 6:58.

Rating: C. They packed a lot into this and while it was only so good, Blue didn’t feel like a total pushover. The Outcasts don’t really have a big story at the moment so having Storm beat someone in a TV title defense is a smart way to go. It’s going to take some combination to take the Outcasts down, and Blue being part of it would be an acceptable idea.

Post match the beatdown is on but Willow Nightingale makes the save.

Jungle Boy accepts Sanada’s title for the IWGP Title shot at Forbidden Door. He also wants Hook, his best friend, to be in his corner. A fist bump makes it official.

Forbidden Door video.

Forbidden Door rundown.

Bullet Club Gold is ready for CM Punk and FTR.

Collision rundown, including Miro and Andrade El Idolo’s returns to the ring.

Hangman Page/Young Bucks vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Bryan Danielson is on commentary. It’s a slugout to start (with Matt Jackson hanging in a fist fight with Claudio Castagnoli) before the Elite takes over with the power of flips and dives. Nick high crossbodies Moxley but Claudio pulls a moonsault out of the air for the pop up uppercut. Back in and Moxley’s piledriver gets two and we take a break.

We come back with Nick dropkicking his way out of trouble and bringing Page in to clean house. A suicide dive connects on the floor and a high crossbody gets two on Yuta. Everything breaks down and Yuta’s German suplex gets two on Matt. It’s back to Moxley for a Doomsday Device and a near fall, followed by the choke to Matt. Nick Swantons in for the save and the Club’s Rocket Launcher only hits raised knees. The BTE Trigger hits Yuta and the Buckshot Lariat connects for the pin at 11:53.

Rating: B. At some point the Club had to show some vulnerability and that’s what we got here. The Elite taking them down isn’t a stretch and it was a former World Champion pinning the weakest member of the Club. Everything went well here and it was a fast paced match, which made for a pretty awesome main event.

Post match the beatdown stays on but Eddie Kingston runs in for the save. Kingston goes after Claudio but pulls the Bucks off of Moxley. Kingston and Moxley go face to face but here is Konosuke Takeshita to jump Kingston and the Elite. Kenny Omega runs to the ring for the brawl with Takeshita and house is cleaned. Omega loads up the dive but Will Ospreay comes in to take Omega down. A pair of Hidden Blades drops Omega to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a pretty great show, with the opener and main event both being very good, but also with the Forbidden Door build being sprinkled throughout. This year’s build has blown away last years as it has been one piece at a time rather than a bunch of stuff being thrown out there all at once. There was nothing really close to bad here and even with the middle being just ok, the two hours flew by and it made for a quality as well as useful show.

Adam Cole vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman went to a time limit draw
Keith Lee/Sting/Darby Allin/Orange Cassidy b. Mogul Embassy – Scorpion Death Drop to Cage
Wardlow b. Jake Hager – Powerbomb Symphony
Toni Storm b. Skye Blue – Texas Cloverleaf
Hangman Page/Young Bucks b. Blackpool Combat Club – Buckshot Lariat to Yuta



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Rampage – May 26, 2023: It’s Nice While It Lasts

Date: May 26, 2023
Location: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Chris Jericho

It’s the go home show for Double Or Nothing and thankfully this show is back at its normal time instead of midnight on Saturday night as an NHL series wrapped up early. In theory most of Double Or Nothing is set up in advance, but there is always the chance that something new will be added here (including to the pre-show) so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Acclaimed/Billy Gunn vs. La Faccion Ingobernable

Caster’s rap insults the opponents and says they’re here to win mas rapido. Dralistico isn’t interested in scissoring with Bowens so they trade chops in the corner instead. A running hurricanrana doesn’t do much to Bowens, who is right back with the jumping Fameasser. Vance and Caster come in with a fall away slam sending Caster flying. Gunn wants to try his luck and tells Vance to suck it.

Scissor Me Timbers is loaded up but Rush makes the save and everything breaks down. La Faccion takes over on the floor and it’s Caster alone in the ring. We take a break and come back with Bowens having been thrown over the barricade, where Dralistico keeps hammering away. Back in and Caster gets beaten down inside but manages a clothesline for a breather.

That’s enough for the tag to Gunn, who takes forever to load up the Fameasser but connects on Vance anyway. Jose the Assistant puts the foot on the rope though, earning himself Scissor Me Timbers. Three way scissoring is broken up and Vance discus lariats Gunn down for two. Dralistico adds a springboard Codebreaker to Bowens, who is right back with the Arrival (that was some pretty egregious no selling). The Mic Drop gives Caster the pin at 9:37.

Rating: C+. The match wasn’t exactly a classic but the important thing is Acclaimed/Billy Gunn are being built up as contenders for the Trios Titles. Right now the champions don’t have many serious contenders so go with the popular team for a big time title match. It’s also nice to see them beating a team with a bit of value in La Faccion, who have at least been around for more than a bit.

Post match Bowens grabs the mic and makes a reference to the House Of Black and I think we have something coming. As luck would have it, we hear about an open challenge for the Trios Titles at Double Or Nothing.

Ethan Page/The Gunns vs. FrescoMatic/Jeaux Braxton/Watson

Colton elbows Fresco down to start and hands it off to Austin for some stomping in the corner. A running knee lift and running clothesline puts Fresco down again. Page takes too long posing and gets caught with a shot to the face, allowing Braxton to come in and pick up the pace a bit. Everything breaks down and an Iconoclasm sets up a flapjack into a Downward Spiral for the pin at 2:50.

Post match Page promises to take out the Hardys because Isiah Kassidy is out of action. Cue the Hardys to say they have a third man: Hook. The villains run off.

Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee are ready to beat up Brian Cage and Swerve Strickland in the Blackjack Battle Royal (which Dustin says is for a SHOT at the International Title, which I’d assume was a mistake).

Britt Baker/Hikaru Shida vs. Marina Shafir/Nyla Rose

Rose powers Shida into the corner to start and it’s off to Shafir. Shida fights up and knocks Rose into the corner before suplexing Shafir into her. Baker comes in to forearm away at Shafir, setting up the Sling Blade for two. It’s off to Rose to choke Baker down though and we take a break.

Back with Baker being send into the corner but Rose misses a splash. Shida comes in and gets to hammer away at Shafir in the corner, followed by a missile dropkick for two. Everything breaks down and Baker is draped over the top, only to have Rose miss the knee. Shida Meteoras Rose off the apron and comes back in for the Katana on Shafir. The Lockjaw finishes Shafir at 8:59.

Rating: C+. There was enough talent in here to make the match work and it was nice to not have the Outcasts for a bit. If nothing else, having Rose out there almost felt weird as she hasn’t been around much lately. Thankfully Shafir took the fall here, as there was no need to have it go any other way. Nice match here and that is always a good thing.

Post match we see the Outcasts on screen and Jamie Hayter down at their feet. That sounds violent.

Video on Big Bill/Lee Moriarty vs. the Best Friends.

Mark Henry hits the main event.

Double Or Nothing rundown.

Big Bill/Lee Moriarty vs. Best Friends

Almost everyone in the Blackjack Battle Royal is in the crowd. Moriarty sends Trent down to start and Trent isn’t sure what to do. Kicking Moriarty in the ribs doesn’t work as Moriarty rakes the eyes, only to have Taylor get in a cheap shot from the apron. Taylor comes in for a double suplex, complete with bicep posing. Bill doesn’t care for this and cleans house as we take a break.

Back with Trent rolling suplexes on Moriarty but Bill chokeslams him onto the apron. They get back in for the Soul Food/half and half suplex combination. Bill is back up with a Boss Man Slam to Trent though and a suplex/full nelson slam combination gets two, with Chuck having to make the save. The Best Friends manage to superplex Bill but Moriarty makes the save. Bill has had it with this and chokeslams Taylor for the pin at 10:48.

Rating: C+. The best thing about this match was Bill acting like a monster. He has been doing it more and more lately and that is a great thing to see. Bill’s best asset is his size and it is cool to see him getting to use it more often. The Best Friends are going to be fine after a loss so this was a nice change of pace and it did some good things for Bill and Moriarty.

Post match the Battle Royal participants get in a fight and Orange Cassidy joins them. Cue Brian Cage, Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee to join the fracas. Swerve Strickland comes out to watch but Lee stalks him to the back to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was more like it as they gave the battle royal some focus and set up the likely Trios Titles match. That’s enough for this show, which has been showing some nice signs of life in recent weeks. Granted it’s hard to imagine it lasting once Collision shows up, but I’ll take it while it lasts.

Billy Gunn/The Acclaimed b. La Faccion Ingobernable – Mic Drop to Dralistico
The Gunns/Ethan Page b. FrescoMatic/Jeaux Braxton/Watson – Flapjack into a Downward Spiral to Braxton
Britt Baker/Hikaru Shida b. Marina Shafir/Nyla Rose – Lockjaw to Shafir
Big Bill/Lee Moriarty b. Best Friends – Chokeslam to Taylor



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Rampage – May 19, 2023: Oh That’s Better

Date: May 19, 2023
Location: Moody Center, Austin, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

The tossed around schedule continues as we are on three and a half hours earlier this week. What matters here is having some higher star power this week, as Rampage has been all over the place with who actually appears on the show. Odds are the Hardys will be back again and once again dealing with Ethan Page so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Best Friends/Bandido vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Yeah I’d call this a bigger match. Moxley takes Bandido into the corner to start but Bandido flips out and hits a dropkick. It’s quickly off to Yuta vs. Chuck with Yuta taking over, allowing Castagnoli to add a suplex. Back up and the Best Friends clear the ring, setting up the stereo dives, with Bandido adding an Asai moonsault. Trent tries a high crossbody on Moxley back inside but Castagnoli uppercuts him out of the air for a bit knockdown.

We take a break and come back with Chuck hitting a tornado DDT on Moxley for a needed breather. Bandido gets the hot tag and comes in with the corkscrew high crossbody. A suplex into the Soul Food/dragon suplex drops Yuta and Chuck adds his piledriver for two. Everything breaks down and the Club clears the ring. The Death Rider into an assisted top rope splash gives Yuta the pin on Chuck at 9:43.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of thing I wouldn’t mind being featured a lot more on Rampage: some bigger names getting some time to showcase themselves in a match you might not see otherwise. The Club are involved in one of the two biggest angles going today and the fans are always going to respond to the Best friends. It was a good match as a bonus, but this already felt like one of the more interesting things on Rampage in a bit.

Video on Kyle Fletcher vs. Orange Cassidy.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Danni Bee

Cargill, with Mark Sterling, is defending and retains with the pump kick at 37 seconds.

Post match Mark Sterling says get another challenger out here.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Jennasis

Jade is defending and retains with a pump kick into Jaded at 30 seconds.

Sterling says that’s 59-0 so let’s make it 60. Another challenger comes out but here is Taya Valkyrie to take her out. Taya gets in the ring and hits Jade with the Road To Valhalla. The challenge is on for Double Or Nothing.

Acclaimed/Billy Gunn vs. Varsity Athletes

Caster takes Woods down into an armbar to start before Gunn comes in to knock him into the corner. It’s off to Daivari, who has to avoid the Fameasser attempt. That means Nese comes in to pose a bit, with Gunn taking his shirt off to match things up. Gunn plants Nese and we take an early break. Back with Caster and Woods knocking each other down, allowing Bowens to come in and clean house. Nese kicks him down but Bowens is right back with the Arrival. The Mic Drop gives Caster the pin at 7:26.

Rating: C. They kept this one quick as Acclaimed and Gunn seem likely to be on their way towards a Trios Title shot. The fans don’t quite care about them as much as they did but they are still warm enough to be reheated to that level rather easily. Now just keep the Varsity Athletes off television/Ring Of Honor for a good while and I’m much happier.

QTV is in the Blackjack Battle Royal for the International Title. Other than that, they’re happy for Powerhouse Hobbs to be on Collision, where the real story begins.

Here are the Hardys and Brother Zay for a chat. They are happy with their recent success but want the Tag Team Titles. Cue Ethan Page to say this match for his contract isn’t happening because he’s done with all of this. Page talks about how he and Zay were close and gets a rather forceful hug, only to have the Gunns come in and jump the Hardys with chairs. Zay’s neck gets Pillmanized for a bonus and the match is set for Double Or Nothing.

We look at Adam Cole costing Chris Jericho his match against Roderick Strong on Dynamite.

Jericho calls Cole a coward and swears vengeance. Cole pops up on split screen and says he’s going to make Jericho’s life a nightmare. Jericho isn’t having this and rips up the agreement saying Cole can’t be in the same arena. He’ll even face Cole in an unsanctioned match at Double Or Nothing! Cole comes inside and after a break, comes into the arena for the brawl. Security can’t quite keep them apart until Jericho is taken to the back.

Dustin Rhodes vs. Bishop Kaun

Prince Nana is here with Kaun, who jumps Rhodes at the bell. Dustin fights back and knocks him to the floor to take over. They trade chops against the barricade with Kaun dropping him hard as we take a break. Back with a rather busted open Rhodes getting planted, which seems to fire him up. Dustin hammers away and hits a Code Red for two. A piledriver gets the same and it’s a bulldog to drop Kaun again. The Final Reckoning finishes Kaun at 8:58.

Rating: C+. This was the kind of violent match that you would expect in Texas and it was nice to see Rhodes win here. If nothing else, it was a lot better without having commentary letting us know how this was his hometown over and over. In theory this keeps us on the road to Swerve Strickland vs. Keith Lee, though it would be nice to actually get there someday.

Post match Brian Cage comes in and beats up Rhodes, with Swerve Strickland joining in to watch. Cue Keith Lee the save but Cage and Kaun breaks up the staredown with Strickland. Cage hits an F5 and puts Lee in a chair for Swerve’s Stomp. The Mogul Embassy stands tall to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Perfectly nice show here, but more importantly it felt like some things actually mattered in the grand scheme of AEW. Maybe last week was just a misfire, but this felt like one of the more interesting/important editions of Rampage in a good while. Granted none of that matters as Collision is going to leave this show obsolete, but I’ll take a week of things being a good bit better.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Best Friends/Bandido – Assisted top rope splash to Taylor
Jade Cargill b. Danni Bee – Pump kick
Jade Cargill b. Jennasis – Jaded
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Varsity Athletes – Mic Drop to Nese
Dustin Rhodes b. Bishop Kaun – Final Reckoning



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Rampage – May 13, 2023: I’m Getting Really Tired Of This

Date: May 13, 2023
Location: Little Caesar’s Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

The shuffled up schedule continues as we are on at 10pm Saturday this week, again thanks to various playoffs. That has led to some less than thrilling cards in recent weeks but AEW has the ability to pull off a great one if given the chance. Hopefully they do that here so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Acclaimed/Billy Gunn vs. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian

After a rap about how Butcher has the “worst mustache since Vince McMahon”, we start fast with Blade getting caught in the wrong corner and backdropped out of it for a crash. Scissor Me Timbers makes it even worse as this is one sided so far. Butcher comes in to send Bowens hard into the corner as the fans want Gunn. We take a break and come back with Bowens kicking his way out of trouble and handing it back to Gunn. House is cleaned, including a powerslam on Blade. Everything breaks down and the Arrival into the Mic Drop finishes Blade at 8:13.

Rating: C. The Acclaimed continue to be perfectly fine choices to open the show, as the fans are still going to respond to anything they do. You could easily heat them up for a Trios Title match and that is probably where things are going. Other than that, Butcher and Blade are still a solid midcard team and Sabian continues to be a thing for reasons I don’t quite get.

QTV talks about AEW going to England and we cut to Powerhouse Hobbs, once again with his namesake book. He seems confident that he’ll be back.

Toni Storm vs. Allysin Kay

The rest of the Outcasts are with Storm, who gets kicked down to start. Saraya grabs Kay’s boot for a distraction though and Storm takes over. They head outside with Kay being sent into various things to keep her in trouble. Back in and Kay makes the comeback, including a hard clothesline for two. A sunset driver plants Storm but the Outcasts offer a distraction, allowing Storm to get two off a small package. Kay is sent into the corner for the hip attack, followed by Storm Zero for the pin at 4:58.

Rating: C. It was nice to have Kay around as she is someone who can work with anyone you put her in the ring with at any given time. Other than that, it is nice to see Storm getting a win as she hasn’t had a showcase match in a bit. The Outcasts still aren’t great, but Storm is the most successful member around here so featuring her makes sense.

The Gunns aren’t happy about losing their titles or with shoddy refereeing but Ethan Page comes in. Page wants some help with something and the Gunns are in.

Action Andretti vs. Kyle Fletcher

Feeling out process to start with the bigger Fletcher powering Andretti around. Andretti comes back with a dropkick into a spinning moonsault for two. One heck of a running boot to the face sends Andretti outside though and we take a break. Back with Fletcher kicking him in the face for a rather arrogant two. Andretti grabs a super hurricanrana for two but Fletcher kicks him in the back of the head, setting up a spinning Tombstone for the pin at 9:19.

Rating: C. Well, it was much more impressive than Fletcher’s match on Ring Of Honor two days ago, but it’s still hard to buy into the idea of Fletcher being a serious threat to Orange Cassidy and the International Title. I’m still not sure why half of an outside tag team is getting a singles title shot but at least the match should be good. Andretti is about where I was expecting him to be, though he could use another win to give him another boost.

Here are the Hardys and Brother Zay (Isiah Kassidy) to brag about getting rid of the Firm. Now they want the Tag Team Titles but here are the Gunns to interrupt. They bring up Ethan Page, but Matt wants nothing to do with Page. He does have an idea though: a tag match between the teams, and when the Hardys win, Matt owns Page’s contract. Deal, though I can’t imagine that’s what Page had in mind.

The Mogul Embassy and the Dark Order are ready for the main event.

Mogul Embassy vs. Dark Order

Swerve Strickland/Brian Cage vs. John Silver/Alex Reynolds, with Prince Nana and Evil Uno at ringside. Strickland sends Reynolds into the corner to start and snaps off the anklescissors but it’s way too early for the Swerve Stomp. Silver comes in for a pose off with Cage before actually managing to give Cage a World’s Strongest Slam. Swerve isn’t having that though and low bridges Silver to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Silver reversing Cage’s suplex into one of his own, allowing the double tag to Reynolds and Swerve. Reynolds gets to clean house, including a tiger driver into a piledriver for two on Strickland. The Stomp misses again and the Order hits their sequence into the rollup for two, with Cage making the save.

Cage pulls Silver’s dive out of the air and drives him into various things, allowing Swerve to get in a kick to the back of the head. Back in and Cage powerbombs Reynolds, setting up an F5/cutter combination…..for two. Why? On what planet is it acceptable for Alex Reynolds to kick out of a sequence like that? Silver comes in for an enziguri to Cage and Reynolds is back up to kick Swerve in the face. Cage isn’t having that though and it’s the JML Driver/Drill Claw for the stereo pins at 10:29.

Rating: C+. The match was good enough, but they lost me with Reynolds kicking out of what could be an awesome double team finisher. If they were just going to have the pin take place about a minute later, why even bother doing the big spot? Other than that, it was the Dark Order making a bigger team sweat a bit before falling short, which is more or less their last year plus.

Post match the Gates of Agony come in to beat up Evil Uno. Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes come out with various metal objects to chase off the villains to end the show. Lee and Strickland starting having issues in November and were officially done in December. Why have they not had a singles match yet?

Overall Rating: C. The spring of punting continues, as AEW somehow manages to make Rampage feel even less important week after week. There were things happening here and the wrestling was completely fine, but there is a grand total of nothing that you need to see on this show, either in the ring or from a storytelling position. It’s ok to have something happen in a big story around here, because all of the lower level stories that get time around here are at a lower level for a reason. These shows get old fast, and that has been the case with Rampage for too long now.

Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian – Mic Drop to Blade
Toni Storm b. Allysin Kay – Storm Zero
Kyle Fletcher b. Action Andretti – Spinning Tombstone
Mogul Embassy b. Dark Order – Double pin



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Rampage – May 5, 2023: It’s Not For Everyone

Date: May 5, 2023
Location: CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

It’s a special show this week, as we have both an earlier airtime and the Firm Deletion match from the Hardy Compound. Other than that, we have the push towards Double Or Nothing, which may or may not be addressed this week. I’m almost scared to see what they have planned for the Firm Deletion match so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

QT Marshall/Aaron Solo/Powerhouse Hobbs vs. El Hijo del Vikingo/Lucha Bros

Vikingo flips around to avoid Marshall to start, allowing Marshall to try his own flip and fall on his face. A springboard missile dropkick sends Marshall into the corner, setting up the inverted flip into the hurricanrana out of said corner. The middle rope Phoenix splash gets two on Marshall so it’s off to Fenix vs. Solo. Fenix walks the ropes in the corner for a wristdrag, followed by a roll into a failed kneebar.

Penta comes in with a high crossbody to Hobbs, followed by a superkick. Hobbs runs him over with a clothesline and forearms Fenix out of the air. There’s a shot for Vikingo as well before Hobbs gets to plant Penta again. Marshall posts Penta and we take a break. Back with Penta kicking his way out of trouble and handing it back to Fenix. Vikingo comes back in with a springboard hurricanrana, setting up the triple dives to the floor. Back in and the wheelbarrow splash gets two on Solo, who flips Fenix face first down.

Marshall suplexes Vikingo into a powerbomb but Penta is back with a running Canadian Destroyer off of Vikingo’s back. Everyone is down so commentary talks about the Double Or Nothing main event. The villains are up first but Fenix knees his way out of Solo’s suplex. Vikingo tags himself back in but gets caught n top by Marshall. That’s fine with Vikingo, who hits a super Canadian Destroyer. The big lip dive through the table is broken up by Harley Cameron, leaving Solo to get caught with the spike Fear Factor for the pin at 12:24.

Rating: B. Take six people and let them go nuts. Marshall was doing his thing well and Hobbs still looks like a monster and Solo was fine enough in what she did. For now it was nice to see the Bros and Vikingo wreck some people, especially after rumors of Fenix needing some time away due to injuries.

We see a clip from after Dynamite with MJF losing it backstage after the Double Or Nothing main event became a four way.

Chris Jericho is worried about Adam Cole attacking him, hence him not doing commentary tonight. He is working on various assurances to keep himself safe and we’ll hear more about that on Dynamite.

Jade Cargill vs. Gia Scott

Non-title. Jaded finishes the screaming Scott at 33 seconds.

Mark Briscoe….doesn’t get to talk as Jeff Jarrett and company. The team wants Briscoe to get FTR to give them a Tag Team Titles shot but he has a match. Jay Lethal thinks Briscoe will do the right thing.

Mark Briscoe vs. Preston Vance

Briscoe knocks him to the floor to start and scores with the running Blockbuster off the apron. A posting drops Vance again and Briscoe sits him in a chair, only to miss a middle rope flip dive, sending him into said open chair (OUCH). Vance whips him into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Briscoe having to climb the corner to escape a full nelson. A German suplex drops Briscoe but he pops back up and kicks Vance in the face.

They forearm it out, including a running version each, until Briscoe drops him with a running clothesline. Vance is right back with a shot of his own and goes for a chair, but settles for a slingshot spear. The chair is brought in again but it gets kicked out, allowing Vance to hit him low for two (JR: “He’s got testicles of steel!” Excalibur: “Well he has eight kids.” Schiavone: “That was terrible.”). Briscoe knocks him outside and uses the chair as a springboard to drop Vance again. Back in and the Jay Driller finishes Vance at 11:54.

Rating: B-. Vance might not ever be a star but he is good for a hoss fight like this, as the two of them beat each other up rather well for what they had the chance to do. Briscoe’s weird charisma is able to carry him a long way, but the stuff with Jarrett and company is only working so well. Then again, if that is what he wants to do right now, good for him.

Post match Briscoe’s family get in the ring to celebrate with him.

Dustin Rhodes is looking forward to AEW coming to his hometown of Austin, Texas on May 17. Brian Cage jumps him though and Swerve Strickland comes in for trash talk. Keith Lee makes the save.

Video on Anna Jay vs. Julia Hart, who are fighting on Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on Dynamite.

Video on Daniel Garcia vs. Orange Cassidy.

Hardys/Isiah Kassidy/Hook vs. The Firm

This is the Firm Deletion match, meaning cinematic, at the Hardy Compound with Hardy/Kassidy’s freedom from the Firm on the line. The Firm (Big Bill/Lee Moriarty/Ethan Page/Stokely Hathaway) break the mailbox before going through the gates, where they are met by Vanguard1 (the drone). Matt Hardy’s face is projected to say they are going through the space time continuum. Then it’s night and the Hardys and company are shoot fireworks at them.

We actually have commentary as a bunch of referees pop up to try and keep track of things. Kassidy gets chokeslammed against a tree as Matt beats up Page. The Twist of Fate is broken up and Page drops Matt for two. Jeff breaks a tree limb over Bill’s back and chokes him with another one. Hathaway is left alone and we see clips of his walk of shame from a few weeks ago. Then two of Matt’s kids almost run him down with a miniature car. Bill hits Jeff in the head with a limb as Matt and Ethan fight into a well lit barn, complete with a ring, as we take a break.

Back with Matt kicking out and Page yelling about the count. The Twist of Fate drops Page for two as we cut to Hathaway in a lounge, watching the match on a couch. Matt’s family pops in, with Senior Benjamin (the odd gardener) tazing him. We cut back to the Firm covering the Hardys in gasoline. Bill pulls out a lighter but Brother Zay (Kassidy, in different gear), dives onto them (Matt: “Brother Zay, I KNEW YOU’D COME!”).

Back in the barn, Reby Hardy (Matt’s wife) sends Stokely into the ring for a Twist of Fate and Matt’s son Maxel adds a Swanton, but Reby sends him to bed. Zay legdrops Bill off a ladder through a table and we cut back to the barn, where everyone beats up Page. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Page at we’ll say 14:00 (there was no opening bell).

Rating: B-. I have no idea what to say about something like this as it’s kind of in its own little universe. While they did go nuts with a lot of the stuff, they didn’t go completely over the top like the previous versions. It was more a match in the woods/the barn with a few Deletion match elements thrown in, making it a lot less insane.

On the negative side though, this is still about Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Page, which has been going on since October and never got all that interesting in the first place. It’s kind of hard to buy the Firm, who has never been treated as anything serious, as a threat to the Hardys and an undefeated Hook, though granted it was never quite presented as an even standoff. I didn’t dislike it, but this is still the definition of “not for me”, though there is certainly an audience for the Hardys’ totally out there antics.

Jeff leaves and goes outside to light a huge Hardys symbol on fire in the yard. Jeff thanks God and we’re done.

Overall Rating: B. While your mileage may vary on the main event, this was the most entertaining Rampage in a good bit. The biggest thing here is the fact that while insane and not the biggest story, the main event actually felt special. So often Rampage will start with its biggest thing and then meander around for the next 45 minutes. They went in the opposite direction here and it made for a good show, though that main event may be a complete and total miss for a lot of people.

El Hijo del Vikingo/Lucha Bros b. QT Marshall/Aaron Solo/Powerhouse Hobbs – Spike Fear Factor to Solo
Jade Cargill b. Gia Scott – Jaded
Mark Briscoe b. Preston Vance – Jay Driller
Hardys/Hook/Isiah Kassidy b. The Firm – Swanton to Page


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