Rampage – April 22, 2023: Get Back To The Point

Date: April 22, 2023
Location: Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

It’s a Saturday show due to the NHL playoffs and that means…well I have no idea what it means as the audiences for these shows can be all over the place. The big story advertised is Jeff Hardy talking about some stuff, which isn’t exactly an incredibly intriguing draw. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley vs. Christopher Daniels

They go technical to start with Daniels taking him to the mat for a facelock. Back up and Daniels chops away before backdropping Moxley outside. That means the dive, even as Excalibur and JR ignore the match to talk about what is coming tonight. Moxley sends him into the steps though and we take a break.

Back with Moxley putting him on top for a back rake, only to have Daniels shove him down. A high crossbody gives Daniels two but Moxley blasts him with the King Kong lariat. The piledriver into the choke has Daniels in more trouble but he slips out and grabs a backdrop. Angel’s Wings gets a delayed two, only to have Daniels break up the Best Moonsault Ever. Moxley chokes him out for the win at 9:00.

Rating: B-. Daniels is a good example of someone who will give you a good match against anyone and it still feels like it means something when someone beats him. That was the case again here and what we got worked well. Moxley is already dealing with the Elite and this was a nice boost to keep him going towards whatever the big match is going to be.

Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling are ready for Taya Valkyrie on Dynamite, where the Road To Valhalla is illegal for Taya.

Here are the Hardys, with Isiah Kassidy and Hook for a chat. Jeff says he is happy to be back after working so hard but the best thing he can do is retire….from screwing up. Stokely Hathaway pops up to ask about the details for the Firm Deletion match. Cue the Firm to jump the four of them and the good guys are laid out.

We look at the Outcasts beating down Britt Baker as Adam Cole had to watch.

Baker was in the medical room as Cole kept apologizing to her.

Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes are back next week.

Kiera Hogan vs. Julia Hart

Hogan starts fast by dropping her down but Julia goes for the throat to even things up. A snapmare sets up a kick to the back for two and counters Hartless into a rollup for two, only to have Hartless go on the second time to make Hogan tap at 3:07.

Rating: C-. Hogan hasn’t done anything since splitting from Jade Cargill and company but at least they’re doing something with Hart. The move to the House of Black has at least let her stand out some more, though she still isn’t exactly great in the ring. Just a quick match to give Hart something to do, which isn’t exactly a great sign.

Post match Anna Jay comes in for the brawl with Hart.

The Blackpool Combat Club interrupts a Christopher Daniels interview. Daniels is ready to fight but Jon Moxley comes in to cut them off. Then he lays out Daniels on his own.

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/FTR vs. Varsity Athletes/Slim J

Mark Sterling, Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt are here too. Slim J takes Harwood into the corner and hammers away but Harwood snaps off a suplex to take over. Wheeler comes in and gets caught with a headscissors so Lethal and Jarrett come in to take over instead. FTR and Lethal/Jarrett have a faceoff and we take a break.

Back with Woods chinlocking Wheeler to keep him down until a kneelift gets him out of trouble. Daivari gets caught with a suplex and it’s back to Harwood to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Jarrett doesn’t notice Nese rolling Harwood up for two. Harwood yells at Jarrett for not making the save so Nese charges in. That earns him a Stroke, with Jarrett letting Harwood get the pin at 8:16.

Rating: C. What were you expecting here? Lethal and Jarrett are find hands with almost nothing interesting about them and the Varsity Athletes are the Varsity Athletes. FTR are great but they can only carry a story this dull so far. It’s still very early in their new title reign, but I would hope that FTR has something better to do at Double Or Nothing.

Post match Mark Briscoe has to come out and play peacemaker.

Video on Orange Cassidy’s run as International Champion.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

The Butcher and the Blade are ready for Kenny Omega/Konosuke Takeshita on Dynamite.

AAA Mega Title: El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Dralistico

Vikingo is defending and gets dropped in the aisle by a flying Dralistico during his entrance. They get inside with Dralistico chopping away until a spinning kick to the head cuts him down. A poisonrana gives Vikingo a breather and a quick Canadian Destroyer sends us to a break. Back with Dralistico hitting a middle rope moonsault to the floor, followed by a springboard Codebreaker for two. They both go to the corner, where Vikingo hits another Canadian Destroyer onto the apron.

Cue La Faccion Ingobernable to jump Vikingo, who is fine enough to kick Dralistico down. A top rope double stomp gets two but Dralistico is back with a top rope hurricanrana to the floor. Back in and Dralistico grabs La Mistica until Vikingo slips out. The running knees in the corner set up the 630 to retain the title at 11:30.

Rating: B-. This was quite the step down for Vikingo, who only got to do a few of his usual big stuff. At the same time, there hasn’t been much of anything from him since the Omega match, as the same flips and dives are going to lose their impact the more you see him. As I saw Vikingo two days ago on Ring Of Honor, this didn’t do nearly as much and I can’t say that’s any kind of a surprise. Entertaining match, but either give Vikingo a feud or stop featuring him so often.

Post match La Faccion beats up Vikingo to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The show was good enough to get by but it has the traditional Rampage problem: nothing on here feels even remotely important and there is nothing to suggest that it is getting better. What even was the big story here? The Club takes out someone who was friends with the Young Bucks years ago? Hopefully they pick the pace up again next week, because this wasn’t much of a show. At least not one worth seeing.

Jon Moxley b. Christopher Daniels – Bulldog choke
Julia Hart b. Kiera Hogan – Hartless
FTR/Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett b. Varsity Athletes/Slim J – Stroke to Nese
El Hijo del Vikingo b. Dralistico – 630



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Rampage – March 3, 2023: The Balancing Act

Date: March 3, 2023
Location: Cow Palace, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross

It’s the final show before Revolution and that means this week is live. Normally I would say a pay per view card is set two days before the show but AEW has a tendency to throw in a bunch of stuff at the last minute. This week will also see Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee vs. Mogul Affiliates so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Aussie Open vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta vs. Top Flight vs. Dark Order

The Dark Order jumps Castagnoli/Yuta in the aisle to start but Top Flight dives onto all four of them. Aussie Open drives Top Flight together as JR talks about needing to win to get a pay per view pay day. Ross: “Am I right about that?” And he is completely ignored, as that doesn’t seem to be right.

We get inside for the bell with Top Flight dropkicking Aussie Open with Davis being knocked to the floor. Reynolds comes in and hits a running elbow on Fletcher as Jericho talks about the attractiveness of Tony Schiavone’s grandmother. It’s off to Silver to take Castagnoli down and hammer away. Silver hits a running flip dive to take Davis down on the floor, runs over more people, and then gets pulled out of the air by Castagnoli.

A backbreaker gets two on Silver as we see La Faccion Ingobernable watching backstage. Castagnoli and Yuta kick Reynolds down and we take a break. Back with Reynolds flipping out of a belly to back suplex as Maria and the Kingdom are watching at ringside. Yuta comes in but gets stomped down by Reynolds, allowing a double tag off to Dante vs. Fletcher.

Dante forearms him down and hits the big running flip dive to the floor. Back in and Silver has to make a save but the Aussies superkick Dante out of the air. An assisted flip powerslam gets two with Yuta making the save. Davis blasts Fletcher by mistake though and it’s the Dark Order coming in to clean house. The Stunner into the German suplex hits Darius but Yuta comes in with the Seatbelt for the pin at 9:35.

Rating: B. This was your “here are a bunch of people doing a bunch of stuff” match of the week and it was an entertaining one. While I do think these matches tend to run together quite a bit, they worked well here and the Blackpool Combat Club’s nefarious ways continue. The Aussies still feel like they should be a bigger deal around here but maybe their infrequent appearances are slowing them down. As for Top Flight, can they please get a few wins already?

Post match Dark Order jumps Castagnoli and Yuta until things are separated.

Video on Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley in Sunday’s Texas Death Match.

We look at the Jericho Appreciation Society beating up Ricky Stars on Dynamite.

Jungle Boy wants to end Christian Cage…and it seems like it’s going to be something like Buried Alive. That seems like quite the jump after one 30 second match, jokes about Jungle Boy’s dad or not.

Riho vs. Emi Sakura

Sakura, Riho’s mentor, kicks her in the ribs to start and pulls the crossbody out of the air. Riho is back with a snap suplex for two and a headscissors puts Sakura on the floor. Sakura is fine enough to catch a charging Riho in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Riho gets crushed against the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Riho forearming away and hitting a 619. A high crossbody gets two on Sakura but she’s back with a running crossbody in the corner for two of her own. La Majistral gives Sakura two more and her moonsault….well it hits Riho but it doesn’t seem like it was supposed to. Riho misses the top rope double stomp but spins around Sakura into a rollup for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: B-. Riho is back and seems to be getting a strong push, which could lead up to a big match, perhaps against say Jade Cargill. This win makes her 2-0 this week and that should be enough of a stepping stone to somewhere. Sakura is someone else who can wrestle a good match with anyone and she was just right for putting Riho over here.

Video on Ruby Soho vs. Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter for the Women’s Title.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Serpentico

Town Business finishes Serpentico at 41 seconds. As it should be.

Don Callis recruits Konosuke Takeshita, who seems intrigued.

Mark Briscoe talks about being sick of Mark Sterling. He was ready for a tag team battle royal but he couldn’t find his brother Jay, because Jay must have already been out there (well dang). But no, he’s up there with the Lord now so Mark Briscoe went after Mark Sterling on his own. Then he saw the Lucha Bros in there and here they are with their friend. The six man tag is set for Revolution.

Revolution rundown.

The four teams in the four way Tag Team Title match are all ready to fight.

Video on Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee vs. Mogul Affiliates.

Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee vs. Mogul Affiliates

It’s a brawl to start with Lee and Boudreaux slugging it out. Boudreaux’s shots to the face just wake Lee up and it’s Dustin coming in to rain down right hands in the corner. Those are shrugged off but Boudreaux won’t tag for no logical reason. We take a break and come back Strickland throwing Dustin out of the corner and dropkicking Lee off the apron. Dustin backdrops his way out of trouble but there’s no Lee, leaving Dustin to powerslam Strickland instead.

That’s enough for the tag to Lee, who Pounces Boudreaux for the big crash. Strickland comes in and realizes he has to face Lee, leading to panic. One heck of a high angle spinebuster plants Strickland as everything breaks down. Strickland moonsaults off of Lee’s chest to take Dustin out on the floor. That leaves Lee to get Swerve Stomped for two but Dustin is back in. Lee crossbodies Boudreaux and Dustin hits a Canadian Destroyer on Strickland. Dustin gets tossed onto Boudreaux and the Big Bang Catastrophe finishes Boudreaux off at 11:03.

Rating: B-. This was about how the match should have gone, as Lee looks like a monster who is going to get his hands on Swerve at some point. I’m a bit surprised that it isn’t at Revolution, but it should make for a nice Dynamite main event in a few weeks. You also have Dustin holding things together for the incredibly inexperienced Boudreaux and it made for a nice main event.

One more Revolution rundown….doesn’t finish the show as Ricky Starks jumps Chris Jericho and brawls with him to end the show. That was a nice surprise.

Overall Rating: B+. While a lot of the matches didn’t exactly feel important (JR thinking there was a prize for the winner was really bad), this was a very easy to watch show with good stuff up and down the card. It was a mixture of different stories and kinds of matches to keep things interesting and that made for a solid Rampage. Now just get Revolution right (which they probably will) and maybe AEW can get back on track.

Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Top Flight, Dark Order and Aussie Open – Seatbelt to Darius
Riho b. Emi Sakura – Rollup
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Serpentico – Town Business
Dustin Rhodes/Keith Lee b. Swerve Strickland/Parker Boudreaux – Big Bang Catastrophe to Boudreaux



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Rampage – February 24, 2023: How Can You Get Mad?

Date: February 24, 2023
Location: Footprint Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Jim Ross, Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re still in the desert and Rampage is still searching for a more viable formula. I’m not sure why AEW seems to punt on this show so often but it does produce some enjoyable results. If you can get by without the star power after the first match, you should be in for a fun one and hopefully that is true this week. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Aussie Open vs. Young Bucks

Kenny Omega is here with the Bucks. The Aussies deck the Bucks to start and isolate Matt for a kick to the chest and backsplash. Matt manages to backflip away from both of them and brings in Nick to walk the ropes into a wristdrag/headscissors combination. The Bucks clear the ring but the bigger Davis comes back in to slam them both at the same time. Nick’s pop up dropkick sends Davis to the floor though and Matt grabs a running flipping neckbreaker to send Fletcher into Nick’s knee. Everyone heads to the floor with the Aussies ramming the Bucks together as we take a break.

Back with Davis chopping the heck out of Nick, who kicks his way out of trouble. It’s back to Matt to clean house, including an assisted Sliced Bread to Fletcher. Matt dives onto Davis on the floor and hits a top rope elbow for two on Fletcher. The assisted 450 gets two on Fletcher with Davis having to make the save. Fletcher grabs a brainbuster to drop Nick on the floor, leaving Davis to clothesline Matt inside.

A running elbow in the corner hits Matt and Fletcher kicks Nick in the face. Fletcher loads up a middle rope DDT but Nick twists around into a cutter to pull him out of the air. Everything breaks down and the Bucks fire off their superkicks until stereo clotheslines give us a double knockdown.

Nick and Fletcher clothesline each other until Davis pulls Nick to the floor. Matt does the same to Fletcher and the Bucks get to hit their flip dives. The Meltzer Driver is loaded up but the lights go out. Back up and Fletcher Tombstones Matt, setting up the Coriolis for two. The Bucks are back up with superkicks and the BTE Trigger finishes Fletcher at 16:20.

Rating: B. You could probably guess what you were getting here and it wound up going as well as expected. The Bucks haven’t been doing the regular tag stuff as much lately and it is nice to see them getting back to their roots. Other than that, Aussie Open are always good for a solid performance so this worked, even with the Bucks’ style being on full display.

Post match the lights go out and the House of Black appears. Then they go out again and the team disappears.

The Best Friends are ready for the Casino Tag Team battle Royal but Big Bill, Lee Moriarty and the Gunns come in to beat them down with a pipe.

Post break, Orange Cassidy and Danhausen find the fallen Best Friends. Cassidy doesn’t seem happy.

Toni Storm vs. Willow Nightingale

Saraya is here with Storm. Nightingale runs Storm over to start and hits some clotheslines to put her down again. Storm’s chop has no effect as Nightingale runs her over with a shot to the chest. Back up and Storm goes to the eyes to take over, setting up a hip attack to knock Nightingale off the apron. Nightingale gets sent into the barricade a few times and we take a break.

Back with Nightingale missing a Cannonball in the corner and getting caught with the running hip attack. A DDT out of the corner gives Storm two but Nightingale knocks her back into the corner. The Cannonball into a Death Valley Driver gets two but Nightingale has to deal with Saraya. The distraction lets Storm Zero finish for Storm at 6:56.

Rating: C. Nightingale has hit a bit of a wall in recent weeks and that is a shame to see after she had so much momentum. Storm didn’t squash here here but there was almost no way Nightingale was going to get a win over someone in this big of a story. I’m still not sure where the story is going, but a big title match at Revolution seems likely.

Post match Storm and Saraya bust out the spray paint but Ruby Soho, followed by Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker, make the save. Soho still wants the title.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are ready for the Tag Team Title match but Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh jump them for the beatdown.

Jade Cargill wants to know who is left and welcomes all comers.

Lance Archer vs. Bryce Saturn

This is Archer’s (with Jake Roberts) first match in AEW since November and he jumps Saturn in the aisle before the bell. The beating is swift and severe but Saturn blocks a chokeslam attempt. Archer crossbodies him down and hits a hard clothesline for the pin at 1:43. Good to have Archer back, but can we do something with him this time?

Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee (dressed like a deacon or something close to it) are ready for the Mogul Affiliates.

Mogul Affiliates aren’t scared, though Trench still seems to have vanished.

Action Andretti is ready to prove himself to Sammy Guevara with Daniel Garcia promising a beating from Garcia.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, including the Face of the Revolution ladder match AND a Casino battle royal on Dynamite!

Stokely Hathaway is ready to send Matt Hardy to destroy Hook on Dynamite. Oh and it can be No DQ.

Action Andretti vs. Sammy Guevara

Daniel Garcia is here with Guevara. They go straight to the floor to start with Guevara getting the better of things. Back in and Andretti counters a sunset flip into a falcon arrow for two, with even Jericho having to praise Andretti. Guevara gets dropped on the floor and Andretti hits a 450 from the apron as we take a break.

We come back with Andretti’s moonsault hitting raised kneed and Guevara planting him for two. Guevara’s shooting star takes too long though and Andretti hits a springboard kick to the face for another near fall. Some hard shots to the face rock Andretti again but he counters a crossbody into a flipping slam for two (ala Cameron Grimes). Andretti hits a springboard Swanton for two more and a heck of a shotgun dropkick sends Guevara into the corner. Garcia breaks up a springboard though and the GTH finishes for Guevara at 10:06.

Rating: B-. This was another Andretti match as he does the high fling well enough but he doesn’t exactly do much that makes him stand out over the rest of the crowd. It also doesn’t help that his big win over Chris Jericho was pretty much it for him winning anything, but I don’t think he was expected to be a breakout star. Guevara gets a win to keep himself warm, though I’m not sure what the Society is doing save for Jericho getting to face Ricky Starks again.

Overall Rating: B. Another fun show here with stuff happening and a few bigger names than usual to make this an entertaining hour. That’s where a lot of the positives come from with Rampage: you can only get so annoyed at what they’re doing as the show is over in a hurry. The opener was good enough and ate up about a third of the show counting the stuff before and after, so how bad can it be? Good stuff here, though I still wonder how many people are actually going to watch.

Young Bucks b. Aussie Open – BTE Trigger to Fletcher
Toni Storm b. Willow Nightingale – Storm Zero
Lance Archer b. Bryce Saturn – Clothesline
Sammy Guevara b. Action Andretti – GTH



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Rampage – February 17, 2023: Sign Of The Times(lot)

Date: February 17, 2023
Location: Saves Auto Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

It’s a special show this week with the show on at 7pm instead of the usual 10pm due to the NBA coverage. Therefore the show is call Slam Dunk as AEW stacks the card because it might be able to draw a good bit more fans this week. Hopefully that is the case as Rampage hasn’t felt important in a few weeks now. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. AR Fox/Top Flight

The Elite is defending and since this is Slam Dunk, there are a lot basketballs as props. Dante and Nick start things off by throwing a basketball at each other. Nick hits Matt in the face with the ball by mistake though and the champs are kicked out to the floor early on. Fox dives onto all of them in a pair of dives and then adds a third with a basketball. Back in and Omega grabs a headlock before running Fox over with a shoulder.

The basketball comes back in and the Elite tosses it around until Fox jumps for it, earning himself a double superkick. We take a break and come back with Fox kicking Nick into the corner. The hot tag brings in Dante to clean house, including a high crossbody for two on Omega. Everything breaks down (What took them so long?) and Fox dives off the top onto Nick and chucks the basketball at Omega in the corner.

A 450 gets two on Matt but Nick and Omega hang Top Flight over the ropes for Nick’s Swanton onto both. Fox makes the save and it’s time for the exchange of kicks to the save. The double cutter drops the Bucks but Matt is back up to shake the ropes. Fox’s middle rope moonsault is triple superkicked out of the air and Nick hits a big dive onto the floor. The One Winged Angel hits Fox to retain the titles at 10:22.

Rating: B-. The basketball stuff was goofy but harmless enough in a match where the Elite gets to beat another team. They need some challenges and that almost has to be the House of Black. I’m almost worried to see that match, but for now I’ll settle for another entertaining but pretty much drama free Elite match.

Post match the basketballs come back in but the lights go out. Cue the House of Black on the stage and we have a staredown.

The Gunns aren’t happy with the Elite bypassing the tag team battle royals but they’ll deal with them anyway.

Mark Henry is praising Orange Cassidy when Wheeler Yuta comes in. Yuta is glad he left the Best Friends because he has gotten so much more out of being in the Blackpool Combat Club. Now Cassidy doesn’t even think anything of Yuta being gone so Yuta is going to take the All-Atlantic Title from him. Cassidy says he wasn’t there to be a teacher but to be a best friend. If Yuta wants the title, come take it. That was a rather harsh heel spin from Yuta, who is pretty neutral most of the time.

Daniel Garcia vs. Ricky Starks

Starks punches him into the corner to start and hits the dancing Old School. A tornado DDT is broken up though and Garcia knocks him outside. We take a break and come back with Starks’ knee rather banged up as he walks into a Rock Bottom for two. The Sharpshooter goes on and here is Sammy Guevara to hold the rope away. Cue Action Andretti to go after Guevara and they brawl up the ramp. Starks gets up and hits the spear, setting up Roshambo (with a point at Jericho on commentary) for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C. The match was just shy of ten minutes and had a break plus interference. It also doesn’t help as we’re still on this idea of Starks running through the Jericho Appreciation Society on the way to a rematch of a match he won in the first place. This isn’t the most logical story, but at least Jericho has someone to yell about.

Post match Guevara says he wants Andretti next week.

Evil Uno really doesn’t like Jon Moxley.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Vertvixen

Jade is defending and retains with Jaded at 1:05. I’ll take this over being asked to think Red Velvet is a threat.

Swerve Strickland is ready to go to war and thinks Dustin Rhodes has something to do with Trench not being here. Rhodes gets rather annoyed (granted that seems to be his default mode) and is ready to fight.

Swerve Strickland vs. Dustin Rhodes

Parker Boudreaux is here with Swerve (no Trench), who sends him after Rhodes on the ramp. That doesn’t go well for Parker and Dustin knocks Swerve around to start. The beating heads back inside, where Swerve gets in a quick shot to the face but misses a running knee.

A release German suplex drops Swerve but he kicks Dustin in the face for a knockdown. Swerve adds a pump kick from the apron to drop Rhodes and there’s a hard dropkick into the barricade. Dustin is busted open and we take a break. Back with Swerve hitting a Downward Spiral but Dustin fights up and yells a lot. Swerve bites his forehead but charges into the scoop powerslam.

The Canadian Destroyer gives Dustin two and they head to the apron, where Swerve grabs a Death Valley Driver for two. A superplex and piledriver give Dustin two and Cross Rhodes gets the same. The Final Cut connects but Boudreaux pulls Dustin out at two and sends him into the steps….for the DQ at 12:24. You always hear about these things but you never think you’ll actually see one.

Rating: B-. Rhodes is still one of the most consistently solid wrestlers anywhere, as you might not see him get to a great match but you’ll see him have a good one almost every time. Granted having a nearly thirty five year career is going to have a lot to do with that, along with Strickland being in there to help. Good match, as Rhodes continues to defy Father Time.

Post match Boudreaux and Strickland load up the cinder block but Keith Lee (clean shaven and with white/gray hair) pops up behind them (with the camera being set up low instead of at face level so the rising up shot is lost). Boudreaux and Swerve are destroyed, with a discus forearm taking Boudreaux out. Of note: Jericho mentioned that Lee must have attacked Trench for a way to explain his absence.

Overall Rating: B. This was the best, or at least biggest feeling, Rampage in a long time. Granted that is almost guaranteed to be due to the different time slot but I’ll take whatever I can get. There was nothing bad on here and the Lee return felt important, along with having the House of Black finally going after the Trios Titles. Good show here, and it’s nice to see one that feels like it matters.

Elite b. AR Fox/Top Flight – One Winged Angel to Fox
Ricky Starks b. Daniel Garcia – Roshambo
Jade Cargill b. Vertvixen – Jaded
Dustin Rhodes b. Swerve Strickland via DQ when Parker Boudreaux interfered



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Rampage – February 10, 2023: Finding Their Groove

Date: February 10, 2023
Location: County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We are still in Texas with less than a month to go before Revolution. That should make for a few interesting weeks but this week’s lineup doesn’t exactly offer much in the way of hope. The Blackpool Combat Club is here though and that is one of the better things Rampage could do. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian

Sabian drives Yuta into the corner to start but a sunset flip gets Yuta out of trouble. Yuta is sent outside and Castagnoli comes in, with Butcher getting to come in as well for the power staredown. They yell at each other and slug it out, with both of them staggering. Moxley and then Yuta come in to take turns on Butcher as Jericho talks about the Impractical Jokers cast stealing his baseball bat.

Sabian is able to grab a flipping Stunner on Yuta for a breather and Blade gets to stomp away. That doesn’t last long and it’s Moxley coming back in to bite Sabian in the head. Moxley goes for the Kimura and elbows at the head, only to get kneed in the face. Sabian sends him outside and we take a break.

Back with Moxley fighting out of trouble and handing it off to Castagnoli for the running uppercuts in the corner. A running dropkick puts Blade down and Sabian has to save him from the Swing. That means the Swing has Sabian in trouble and the Blade gets caught in the Sharpshooter. Butcher makes the save but gets cuttered and we hit the parade of big shots to the face. Castagnoli plants Blade for two with Sabian making the save. Moxley cutters a springboarding Sabian out of the air and Castagnoli finishes with the uppercut at 13:27.

Rating: B. This was similar to last week’s Elite match, as there was no reason to believe there was an upset coming, but it was a lot of fun to watch. That’s the kind of no pressure match that could do a lot of good around here as you get star power, entertaining action and nothing that really matters. Very fun stuff here and it’s not like Sabian and company are hurt by the loss.

Darby Allin promises to not go after the TNT Title again as long as Samoa Joe is champion. He and Sting have something planned though.

We get a short sneak preview of a sitdown interview with Adam Cole. He’s interested in facing some people on the roster.

Ricky Starks wants Chris Jericho again and he’ll beat up Daniel Garcia to take his first step there.

Here are the Impractical Jokers with Chris Jericho’s bat. It’s a lot smaller than they were expecting but here is the Jericho Appreciation Society to beat them down. One is put on a table, with Hager powerbombing the other through him.

Dustin Rhodes says Swerve Strickland crossed the line by mentioning his family. Rhodes has been doing this longer than Strickland has been alive. Rhodes: “What are those three triangles on your chest? They look like Doritos, and I like Doritos!” He’s coming for Strickland’s blood and soul so here are Parker Boudreaux and Trench to beat him down. Strickland comes in to say the match is on for next week.

Ruby Soho vs. Marina Shafir

Vickie Guerrero is here with Shafir. They go to the mat to start with an exchange of arm cranking. Back up and Soho hits a running forearm as we take a break. Back with Soho hitting a kind of reverse fisherman’s suplex but missing a top rope something. No Future is countered so Soho hits some headbutts. Destination Unknown finishes Shafir at 6:40.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to do anything here, especially with half of the match in the commercial. Soho continues to be the What If in the originals vs. newcomers feud and odds are we’ll get to see something develop there soon. Shafir is fine in this role and Soho beating her feels like a bit of an accomplishment. Granted Soho beating anyone at this point is a bit of a surprise.

Post match Saraya and Toni Storm come out to talk to Soho but Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter run in for the big brawl as Soho looks on.

Mark Briscoe is feeling real good about wrestling again on Dynamite next week. Mark Sterling comes in to offer his services but Briscoe “will be flying solo on this excursion.” The brawl is teased but Josh Woods comes in for the staredown, saying this isn’t Sandy Fork.

Jungle Boy vs. Ryan Nemeth

Jungle Boy knocks him outside for a suicide dive in less than ten seconds. Back in and Nemeth rolls through a high crossbody for two, setting up a DDT. Nemeth gyrates a bit so Jungle Boy hits a sliding forearm to the back of the head for the pin at 1:24. Well that was efficient.

Post match Brian Cage comes out for the staredown.

Ortiz isn’t going to let Eddie Kingston become a follower of the House Of Black.

Stokely Hathaway and Danhausen are ready for Lee Moriarty vs. Orange Cassidy.

Hangman Page is livid over losing to Jon Moxley again and says it’s not over yet. Kip Sabian comes in with Penelope Ford to mock Page, who lunges at him before walking away.

All Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Lee Moriarty

Cassidy is defending with Danhausen and Stokely Hathaway here too. Moriarty grabs a hammerlock to start and even steals Cassidy’s glasses. As Cassidy slips out, JR sends best wishes to Jerry Lawler, with Jericho immediately talking about how much he loves Lawler. Cassidy uses the hands in the pockets to escape but gets shouldered down. That means some lazy kicks from the mat (Jericho: “Like Inoki against Ali!”) before Cassidy is sent to the apron.

Some rams into the buckle rock Moriarty but Cassidy misses a top rope clothesline. A European Clutch gives Moriarty two and he slams the arm onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Cassidy hitting the top rope clothesline, allowing Excalibur to rapid fire off the preview for next week’s shows. The Stundog Millionaire rocks Moriarty but he blocks the tornado DDT. Cassidy grabs a sleeper but Moriarty drops backwards for the break.

The Border City Stretch is blocked so Moriarty elbows away at the shoulder instead. With Cassidy on the floor, Danhausen goes for his low blow on Hathaway, who blocks it with the cast on his left arm. Cassidy hits his dive onto Moriarty and grabs the top rope DDT back inside. The Orange Punch is countered into a hard lariat but Cassidy Beach Breaks him for two. Now the Orange Punch can connect but the arm is too banged up. Moriarty gets the Border City Stretch, only to have Cassidy roll him up to retain at 11:27.

Rating: C+. Rampage as something like the Orange Cassidy Show isn’t the worst idea, as the fans love him and he holds the most worthless of the AEW titles. It really only has value to Cassidy and having him beat one midcard challenger after another is a fine way to go. That was on full display here and the formula still works.

Post match Satnam Singh comes in for the staredown but Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal run in from behind. Lethal hits Cassidy and Danhausen with the Golden Globe. The Best Friends try to come in but get beaten down as well. Jarrett loads up the guitar….but the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn run in with chairs to end the show. What an odd choice for the save.

Overall Rating: B-. Good show here, though the ending was more than a little head scratching. What matters is that Rampage is starting to find itself again. AEW has made it pretty clear that they have no long term interest in making Rampage important so just do something like this every week: a few big names, feature the people who aren’t on Dynamite that often, and just have a good time. If that’s all Rampage is going to be, I can think o worse uses for the hour.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade – Uppercut to Sabian
Ruby Soho b. Marina Shafir – Destination Unknown
Jungle Boy b. Ryan Nemeth – Sliding forearm
Orange Cassidy b. Lee Moriarty – Rollup



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Rampage – February 3, 2023: They’ve Lost It Again

Date: February 3, 2023
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Chris Jericho, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

Rampage continues to be a bit all over the place as you know most of the card/lineup in advance but it still feels like a show that could go in a bunch of different directions. That could be the case again this week as there is some star power with the Elite around to defend the Trios Titles. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. Isiah Kassidy/Matt Hardy/Ethan Page

The Elite is defending and for the sake of simplicity, Matt Hardy will be referred to as Hardy and Matt Jackson will be referred to as Matt. Nick Jackson and Kassidy trade some flips and takedowns to start before Matt comes in to take over. Kassidy gets over to Hardy for the tag, so Omega gets the overly dramatic tag (Omega is a big deal, but spare me with the Hardy stuff at this point).

Hardy sends Omega outside and goes up but Page tags himself in to take over instead. Omega snaps off a hurricanrana and it’s the Bucks coming back in for a pop up hurricanrana. Everything breaks down and Nick hits a big flip dive to the floor. Back in and Matt rolls the northern lights suplexes on Hardy but Page makes the save as we take a break.

Back with Nick in trouble and Hardy going up, only to have Page tag himself back in. The delay lets Omega come back in to take over, including You Can’t Escape to Page. Everything breaks down and Kassidy tries to play Jeff Hardy in Poetry In Motion, only to get superkicked out of the air. Omega and Hardy hit stereo clotheslines, leaving Kassidy to hit a super swinging Downward Spiral on Matt.

Kassidy and Nick slug it out but the triple superkick is broken up. A Canadian Destroyer sends Nick into the corner and the Twist of Fate gives Kassidy two on Nick. Kassidy’s cutter gets two more on Nick but Omega is back in with a heck of a V Trigger sets up the One Winged Angel. The BTE Trigger retains the titles at 15:44.

Rating: B-. Good enough action here, but the lack of drama was impossible to ignore. No one was buying half of a tag team, plus a pair of guys who can’t get along, as a threat to the Trios Titles. I know Hardy is a legend but so much of the special feeling is gone whenever he does anything. That leaves Page, who is talented but not enough to overcome these odds. Not a bad match at all, ubt it was a bunch of waiting around for the Elite to retain.

Ricky Starks is ready to run the gauntlet to get to Chris Jericho because he’ll always find a way.

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh brag about stealing the Golden Globe and using it to beat the Best Friends and Danhausen.

The Best Friends and Danhausen kind of swear revenge but Danhausen seems a bit confused.

Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

Parker Boudreaux and Trench (yeah Trench) are here with Swerve. They fight over arm control to start and then lock up until Pillman sends him into the corner. A running dropkick sends Swerve outside and Pillman takes a victory lap as we take a break. Back with the traditional exchange of forearms with Strickland getting the better of things.

A kick to the face gives Pillman two but Swerve hits his step up kick to the back of the head for two of his own. Pillman manages a neck snap across the top rope but the goons’ interference lets Swerve hit the Death Valley Driver on the apron. The Swerve Stomp finishes for Strickland at 8:18.

Rating: C-. Pillman Jr. is trying and looks so much like his dad that it’s scary, but he’s another case where it just isn’t working. The fire isn’t there and you can see it more and more every time he is in the ring. I know he is proud of his name, but being the Jr. version of his famous dad seems to be destroying his career. Granted it also would have helped if he hadn’t been thrown onto national TV before he was ready, but that’s a bigger AEW problem.

Post match the beatdown is on but Dustin Rhodes makes the save.

Malakai Black talks about poisoning Eddie Kingston. They don’t want him in the House of Black but they are glad he has gone to the dark side.

Toni Storm/Saraya vs. Renegade Twins

Storm and Robin start things off with a rather aggressive lockup until Storm hits a Thesz press. Saraya gets in some knees from the apron and the hip attack sends Robin crashing to the floor. There’s a whip into the barricade and it’s Saraya coming in for a running knee in the corner. A running knee to the face gets two on Robin and Storm grabs the chinlock. Back up and Robin is able to nail an enziguri, allowing the hot tag off to Charlotte. Everything breaks down and a quick Storm Zero gives Storm the pin at 5:08.

Rating: C. I know they’re jobbers and a lot of what they do is because of being twins, but there is something about the Renegades that makes me interested. They feel like they are giving it everything they have every time and that makes for a fun time whenever they’re out there. Saraya is starting to shake the ring rust off too, as while she wasn’t in there long, she looked smoother than she has recently. Maybe things are looking up for her.

Post match Saraya and Storm spray paint L’s on the Twins. Because they’re losers you see.

Adam Cole is ready to get back in the ring.

Video on Rush vs. Christopher Daniels.

Here’s what is coming on Dynamite.

Rush vs. Christopher Daniels

Jose the Assistant and Preston Vance are here too. They go with the grappling to start as Tony lists off Daniels’ ROH resume. Daniels knocks him to the floor and hits the required suicide dive. We take a break and come back with Rush kicking away at the ribs and Jose/Preston throwing money on Danielson’s back.

Some chops out of the corner give Danielson a break and a Blue Thunder Bomb gets two. The Koji Clutch keeps Rush in trouble but Vance puts the foot on the rope for the save. The Best Moonsault Ever hits raised knees though and Rush suplexes him into the corner. Rush hits the Bull’s Horns for the pin at 9:50.

Rating: C. As has been the case with a few Rampage matches in recent weeks, this was an “oh, ok then” match. Was anyone thinking that they needed to see this match before it was announced? They made Rush look more like a killer before the Danielson match next week, but that was about all you could get from this one. Again, not a bad match, but it had no spark or interest and that hurts things badly.

Overall Rating: C. I think it’s safe to say that Tony Khan’s attempts to make Rampage feel special are gone. Having the Elite in there for a pretty nothing title defense was nice, but you need more than fifteen minutes of important to make the show matter. It’s another week that felt like they just picked people who were backstage to be on the show and fill time, which shouldn’t be how a TV show feels. Completely watchable, but again, nothing you need to see and that hurts.

Elite b. Isiah Kassidy/Matt Hardy/Ethan Page – BTE Trigger to Kassidy
Swerve Strickland b. Brian Pillman Jr. – Swerve Stomp
Saraya/Toni Storm b. Renegade Twins – Storm Zero to Charlotte
Rush b. Christopher Daniels – Bull’s Horns



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Rampage – December 16, 2022: More Of The Similar

Date: December 16, 2022
Location: Curtis Culwell Center, Garland, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re almost done with the year and the interesting point here came from Tony Khan, who promised to put in some more effort on this show. I’m not sure what that is going to mean, but the card certainly does look to be a bit bigger than usual. That might not last beyond a week or two, but I’ll take what I can get. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara

Tay Melo is here too. Guevara knees him in the face to start and bites away in the corner. That earns Guevara a clothesline to the floor as we see Daniel Garcia, now under Guevara’s tutelage, watching in the back. Moxley is happy with fighting outside and loads up a chair, only to be sent back inside. That’s fine with Moxley, who grabs a jumping cutter into a superplex for two.

Guevara manages to backflip over him though and hits a dropkick out to the floor. A hard stomp on the apron puts Moxley on the floor and we take a break. Back with Moxley bleeding from the ear (EESH) thanks to Guevara ripping out his earring (e pluribus gads). Melo gets to rub the blood around a bit but the pause for a kiss lets Moxley dive onto Guevara.

Moxley hammers away in the corner but Guevara is right back with his own Walls of Jericho. With that broken up, Guevara fires off forearms to the bloody ears but Moxley channels his inner Seth Rollins with a Stomp for two of his own. They head outside again with Guevara nailing a superkick, setting up the Swanton through a table.

Back in and Moxley rolls through a high crossbody, allowing him to stomp away. The piledriver gets two and Moxley bulldog chokes Guevara, who rolls his way out. Moxley’s huge clothesline doesn’t do much to Guevara, who hits his own Death Rider. Another Swanton (no table this time) gives Guevara two more and he hits a super Spanish Fly. Without wasting half a second, Moxley reverses into the bulldog choke for the win at 15:33.

Rating: B-. It was a hard hitting brawl, but it’s a lot to take with Moxley popping up from a Swanton through a table, plus the super Spanish Fly, with almost no damage. That’s some pretty ridiculous no selling as they kept trying to pump in more and more spots. The match was entertaining, but there were multiple times where I was wondering when they were going to bother slowing down.

Post match Moxley calls out Hangman Page for the fight so here he is. The brawl is on with security breaking it up, only to have Page accidentally Buckshot lariat a guard. That’s enough for them to be split up.

Saraya is looking forward to Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida but is more looking forward to having a mystery tag partner in Los Angeles.

Here is a banged up FTR in the ring for a chat. Final Battle was rough after the beating that they took but it felt like they let the fans down. Harwood talks about how they tried to make people feel a certain way at Final Battle…but then the Gunn Club ruined that. That’s why on Dynamite, it’s time for FTR to give them the beating that their daddy should have.

Jade Cargill isn’t pleased with the Baddies, but she’s even madder at Bow Wow, because THAT story is still going.

Britt Baker vs. Skye Blue

Baker has Rebel and Jamie Hayter with her. They go to the mat to start but Blue is up with an armdrag. Blue’s rollup into a low superkick has Baker in more trouble as we take a break. Back with Baker hitting a Sling Blade into a double underhook spun into a slam for two of her own. Code Blue misses though and a Stomp gives Baker the pin at 6:14. Not enough shown to rate, but the criticisms of the women’s matches being missed because of a break continue to have some validity.

Post match the beating continues but Hikaru Shida runs in for the save. Shida and Hayter have a staredown.

We get a sitdown interview between Preston Vance and Jim Ross. Vance talks about how it was ridiculous to beholden to a kid. Yeah Negative One went through something horrible, but now he has turned into a brat.

Wardlow vs. Exodus Prime

Prime tries a headbutt and gets a glare as a result. The wind up clothesline sets up a four movement Powerbomb Symphony for the pin at 2:03. This was a Wardlow match.

Post match Wardlow calls out Samoa Joe, who pops up on screen to say he won’t be facing Wardlow in Texas. Instead, he’ll do it on December 28 in Colorado.

Trent Seven, Kip Sabian, Butcher and the Blade are ready for Dustin Rhodes, Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends. Violence is promised but the good guys mock Blade for his phone number joke.

Best Friends/Orange Cassidy/Dustin Rhodes vs. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian/Trent Seven

Danhausen is here with the good guys. Beretta and Sabian start things off but Seven wants to come in instead. The Trents strike it out until everything breaks down, with Bunny and Penelope Ford showing up to block Cassidy’s dive. Back in and Beretta gets thrown into a boot from Blade as we take a break.

We come back with Dustin getting the hot tag and cleaning house with a series of powerslams. Seven splashes Sabian by mistake and Dustin gets to fire off so many shots to the face that Seven is beaten into a six. Beretta gets to clean house but we pause for a hug with Trent. Now the stereo flip dives can take out most of the villains, but Sabian’s springboard Arabian moonsault connects.

There’s Rhodes’ running apron flip dive so the women get in, with Danhausen and Cassidy dropping down and claiming low blows, which is enough for a double ejection. Sabian hits Danhausen low for real and Seven hits a super spinning slam for two on Beretta. Dustin comes back in with a Canadian Destroyer on Sabian, allowing Cassidy to lazy Unnatural Kick Sabian. The distracted referee misses the real thing and it’s an Orange Punch into the bulldog to finish Seven at 10:47.

Rating: C. This could have been on any given house show and it would have worked out fine. The Danhausen/Cassidy faking it spot was funny (the two of them shaking hands behind the referee’s back was great) and Dustin gets to send the fans how happy. It was a perfectly entertaining eight man tag and sometimes that’s all you need a match to be.

Overall Rating: C+. As has been the case with Rampage for a pretty long time now, the first fifteen minutes were rather good, but then the importance falls through the floor. Rampage still doesn’t feel like it matters for the most part and while putting people like Moxley on the she helps for fifteen minutes, there are some big holes that need to be filled in around here sooner than later. The wrestling was entertaining, but it doesn’t feel like any of this matters and that’s where the problem begins.

Jon Moxley b. Sammy Guevara – Bulldog choke
Britt Baker b. Skye Blue – Stomp
Wardlow b. Exodus Prime – Powerbomb Symphony
Dustin Rhodes/Orange Cassidy/Best Friends b. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian/Trent Seven – Bulldog to Seven



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Rampage – December 9, 2022: Maybe They Got Spooked

Date: December 9, 2022
Location: H-E-B Center, Cedar Park, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We are a day away from Ring Of Honor Final Battle and odds are we are going to be seeing some of the very last build to the show. Other than that we have what should be a heck of a match between Konosuke Takeshita vs. Jon Moxley and Orange Cassidy defending the All-Atlantic Title against a mystery challenger. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Moxley takes him down by the arm to start before it’s time to stand and trade chops. With that not working, Moxley bites Takeshita’s head in the corner and then chops some more. With Don Callis watching, Takeshita sends him outside and over the barricade as we take a break. Back with Moxley (bleeding, believe it or not) getting two off a piledriver but getting caught with a heck of a clothesline.

Takeshita sends him to the apron, setting up a slingshot DDT for two back inside. What looked like a Blue Thunder Bomb is countered into Moxley’s failed Kimura attempt. Instead they slug it out again with the Paradigm Shift being reversed into a knee to the head. Takeshita’s brainbuster gets a rather close two and gives a woman in the crowd an amazing stunned face.

Moxley is able to shove him off the top but now the Blue Thunder Bomb can connect for two. A bridging German suplex gets the same but Takeshita’s frog splash hits raised knees. The hammer and anvil elbows rock Takeshita and the Death Rider gives Moxley….one. The stunned Moxley steals the jumping knee for two of his own but gets his head stomped in. Somehow Moxley manages to kick Takeshita from the mat and hammers him down into the bulldog choke for the tap at 14:01.

Rating: B. These two beat on each other for a good while and it was a blast throughout. They didn’t bother trying for anything here other than a physical fight and it worked very well. Moxley’s bleeding is a running joke at this point, but it made him feel more like a fighter here and that was a great thing to see.

Post match here is Hangman Page to say he’s feeling nuts here and the fight is on. They go to the floor until security breaks it up.

Powerhouse Hobbs walks the streets of Oakland at night and talks about bleeding on the ground. He is going to take everything you hold dear.

We look at Hook debuting a year ago.

Stokely Hathaway shows us the Keisha Zapruder Film, which shows Hook’s foot NOT being underneath the bottom rope. With that out of the way, Stokely asks Keisha to Waffle House because he still has some MJF money. Hathaway is still hilarious.

Regina Di Wave Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Bunny

Shida is defending a Japanese title and Penelope Ford is with Bunny. For a bonus, Jamie Hayter says the winner gets an AEW Women’s Title match. They lock up as Tony explains that tomorrow’s college football schedule is lame so we should watch wrestling instead. Shida forearms away to start and slams Bunny down but misses a springboard knee. Bunny grabs the choke over the ropes and we take a break.

Back with Shida hitting her own Down The Rabbit Hole but Ford throws in a kendo stick to distract the referee. Shida goes to yell but then hits the jumping knee to Bunny. A Meteora off the apron sets up a Michinoku Driver for two on Bunny back inside. Not that it matters as Shida hits the Katana for the pin at 7:28.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what this being for a title added as fighting for a title shot should be enough. Other than that, there was no reason to believe that Bunny was a threat to beat Shida, even with Ford around. Shida is a star and someone who runs through a lot of people, which is all she should have done here. There was barely a sweat broken and there was no reason for that to happen.

Post match Jamie Hayter comes out for the staredown.

Video on Athena vs. Mercedes Martinez, who have history dating back to Shimmer.

The Firm vs. Clayton Bloodstone/Izzy James

That would be Lee Moriarty/Big Bill (which might be a better name than W. Morrissey) handling the destruction here. Moriarty ties up Bloodstone’s leg and James’ arm at the same time but gets kicked into the corner. Bill comes in to wreck people and Bloodstone is sent to the floor. Moriarty dives onto Bloodstone and Bill chokeslams James for the pin at 2:03. Standard squash.

After Dynamite, FTR was asked about the Briscoes’ challenge for Final Battle and yeah, they’re in.

Ortiz and Eddie Kingston want the House Of Black.

Kip Sabian has a friend to take out Orange Cassidy. Danhausen tries to steal Mark Henry’s catchphrase but thinks Henry is the thief.

Here’s what’s coming on upcoming shows, including four matches added to the Zero Hour show.

Shane Taylor and JD Griffey are ready for Swerve In Our Glory.

All-Atlantic Title: Orange Cassidy vs. ???

Cassidy is defending against…Trent Seven, who has Kip Sabian and the Bunny to counter Danhausen/Best Friends. Seven chops away to start and then slams him down when Cassidy offers a thumbs up. Cassidy is sent outside and goes after Sabian, allowing Seven to chop him again. A hard shot drops Seven for a change and a glare sends Ford to the back. Seven gives Cassidy a DDT as Ford comes back with Bunny, Butcher and Blade as we now have eight extra people involved in this match. A bunch of them brawl to the back and we take a break.

Back with Seven hitting a suplex for two and backhanding him out to the floor. Seven accidentally takes out Sabian so Cassidy drops Seven for a bonus. Back in and Seven suplexes him again but gets caught with the Stundog Millionaire. The tornado DDT is blocked (as usual at first) so Seven grabs Emerald Flosion for two.

The Seven Star Lariat is blocked, leaving Seven to steal Tyler Bate’s Bop and Bang. A hard lariat gives Seven two but Beach Break doesn’t work for Cassidy. The tornado DDT connects this time around though so Seven has to punch him out of the air. Seven’s spinning piledriver gets another near fall but Cassidy counters the Birminghammer into a rollup. The Orange Punch and Beach Break retain the title at 12:53.

Rating: B-. This got better once they got rid of so many of the extra people on the floor and let the two guys get in there and have a back and forth match. It was what Cassidy does best, in that he got to do his usual stuff as the fans were thrilled. Seven was a nice surprise as he has enough name value to mean something, but I don’t know if he would be able to become a major star around here.

Post match the beating is on with Sabian being just fine, only to have Dustin Rhodes make the save. Posing ensues to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Maybe last week’s show spooked AEW a bit but this did feel like a slightly bigger show. What mattered here was having a pair of matches but also keeping the energy up. The Austin crowd was on fire here and it was a great way to boost up the show. Moxley vs. Takeshita and the main event were both very good and nothing in the middle dragged it down, so we’ll call this a rather solid show.

Jon Moxley b. Konosuke Takeshita – Bulldog choke
Hikaru Shida b. Bunny – Katana
The Firm b. Clayton Bloodstone/Izzy James – Chokeslam to James
Orange Cassidy b. Trent Seven – Beach Break



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Rampage – August 26, 2022: I Won’t Be Looking Forward To It

Date: August 26, 2022
Location: Wolstein Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone

We’re coming off quite the major moment on Dynamite as Jon Moxley squashed CM Punk to unify the World Titles. That leaves some questions open for All Out and AEW does not have much time left to set it up. I could go for finding out what is going to headline the show, but odds are we will find that out next week on Dynamite. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles Tournament First Round: House Of Black vs. Dark Order

Brody King drives 10 into the corner to start but has to power out of a headlock. King knocks him into the corner so it’s off to John Silver, who elbows Buddy Murphy in the face. Everyone comes in and the brawl breaks out as we take a break. Back with Alex Reynolds caught in the wrong corner, allowing Malakai Black to shoulder him down. Reynolds manages to slip over to the corner though and it’s back to 10 for the comeback.

The full nelson has Black in trouble until Murphy makes the save. The Order starts striking away at Murphy but King is back in to…get clotheslined outside by 10. Black is back in and tears off 10’s knee brace, setting up a kneebar. But look out, here comes Miro for a distraction, including a faceplant to Murphy and a right hand to King. That’s enough to let Reynolds roll Black up for the pin at 9:02.

Rating: C. There’s your WWE finish and upset of the week, as the Order gets into the semifinals in quite the surprise. Odds are this sets up Miro vs. the House Of Black at All Out, likely with Sting and Darby Allin joining in. The match was perfectly watchable, but they might as well hand the Elite the titles at this point.

Post match the House jumps Miro until Sting and Darby Allin make the save.

Hook doesn’t care what Matt Menard and Angelo Parker said about him. With Hook gone, Menard and Parker come in to say they want to take the weight of the title off of his shoulders.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Ryan Nemeth

Nemeth is challenging and, as the hometown boy, says the best thing about Cleveland is LEAVING. Fellow hometown boy Wardlow cuts him off, with the walk from backstage entrance, and we’re ready to go. Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh come out, but Nemeth wants them gone. Nemeth talks more trash until he gets headbutted donw. A big right hand knocks Nemeth silly, setting up a four movement Powerbomb Symphony to retain the title at 1:28.

The Andrade Family Office isn’t happy with their losses last week. Private Party and Andrade El Idolo almost come to blows, with El Idolo threatening consequences.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ashton Day

Clothesline, mock Ricky Starks pose, spinebuster, Day is done at 1:03.

We cut to the back, where the Factory beats up Ricky Starks, much to Hobbs’ approval. I have no idea why the Factory needs to be included in this story.

Jade Cargill isn’t worried about Athena but has to stop to yell at Leila Grey. As for Athena, she’s challenges for All Out, so here is Athena to jump Cade from behind….and get punched in the face anyway. This feud is death.

Tay Melo/Sammy Guevara vs. Ortiz/Ruby Soho

Melo and Soho fight over arm control to start with Melo taking her down to crank on the wrist. Back up and Soho drives shoulders into the corner as Excalibur runs down the All Out card. Melo gets knocked into the corner so it’s off to Ortiz to run Sammy over. After a ninja pose, Ortiz gets sent into the corner, allowing Sammy to hit a running knee. A kiss from Melo sends us to a break and we come back with Soho kicking Melo in the corner.

Sammy offers a distraction so Ruby poisonranas him, allowing Melo to score with a high crossbody for two. Everything breaks down and Ortiz DDTs Sammy but has to block Melo’s tornado DDT. No Future drops Melp but Sammy makes the save. Angelo Parker pops up for a distraction, allowing Anna Jay to run in and send Soho into the steps. That’s enough for Sammy to hit a springboard cutter for the pin at 9:41.

Rating: C+. Yes believe it or not, Soho loses again in a match that was a big deal for her. Even if she didn’t get pinned here, it was yet another case of her having a chance to get a moment and it’s another loss instead. Ortiz and Soho not beating Melo and Guevara is fine, but can we get Soho a win of some kind already? Anywhere?

We look back at Jon Moxley beating CM Punk in short fashion to unify the World Titles.

We get some exclusive post match footage of Punk hearing about his foot being really messed up.

Dustin Rhodes is ready to finally win the World Title and Claudio Castagnoli respects him.

Ring Of Honor World Title: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Dustin Rhodes

Castagnoli, with Wheeler Yuta, is defending, Caprice Coleman and William Regal (replacing Jericho) join commentary, and Arn/Brock Anderson are here with Dustin. Feeling out process to start with Dustin grabbing an armdrag for two, which has him holding up two fingers at Castagnoli. A headlock doesn’t work for Castagnoli so he powers Dustin outside for consultation with Arn. Back in and Castagnoli sends Dustin arm first into the corner before ducking a charge, sending Dustin outside as we take a break.

Back with Dustin fighting out of a Crossface into a side slam. A clothesline sends Castagnoli outside for a change and there’s the flip dive off the apron. Back in and a middle rope hurricanrana sets up a Code Red for two on Castagnoli. One heck of a clothesline gives Castagnoli two more and there’s the giant swing for another near fall.

The Crossface goes on again but Dustin escapes again and hits a powerslam. A piledriver….doesn’t quite work as he kind of drops Castagnoli to the side, making it more like a powerbomb, for two. Castagnoli is back up and tries a leapfrog, with Dustin’s head hitting him low (ala Konnan vs. Eddie Guerrero at Uncensored 1996). That doesn’t keep Castagnoli down long and he hits the pop up uppercut to retain at 12:28.

Rating: B-. The build for this was good, but it didn’t exactly hit that level that you might have expected. Castagnoli is being presented as a major star in AEW and that means he isn’t going to lose the title in a quickly booked defense in the main event of Rampage. Dustin continues to be as likable as you can get, but he wasn’t going to win here and that wasn’t surprising.

Overall Rating: C+. As has been the case in recent weeks, the show was a watchable hour of wrestling where almost nothing felt like it was going to matter in the slightest. This has become more of the showcase show for AEW and that’s a fine way to go, but that isn’t exactly going to have me counting down the days until the next episode.

Dark Order b. House Of Black – Rollup to Black
Wardlow b. Ryan Nemeth – Powerbomb Symphony
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Ashton Day – Spinebuster
Tay Melo/Sammy Guevara b. Ortiz/Ruby Soho – Springboard cutter to Ortiz
Claudio Castagnoli b. Dustin Rhodes – Pop up uppercut



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Rampage – August 19, 2022: Here They Are!

Date: August 19, 2022
Location: North Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, West Virginia
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Chris Jericho

Things have gotten all the more interesting around here in the last few days as we are now getting ready for one of the biggest matches in Dynamite history. Forget that for now though, because we have something far more important this week. That could only be one thing and say it with me: the Trustbusters are here! Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Claudio Castagnoli, with Wheeler Yuta, to get things going. After praising Ricky Steamboat (in the front row), Claudio gets to the point: an open challenge for a future Ring Of Honor World Title shot. Cue Dustin Rhodes to say he has wanted to hold the World Title for thirty four years and until recently, they both had people saying they should be World Champion. Castagnoli knows the feeling Dustin has and sees the fire in his eyes. The challenge is accepted for next week, with Castagnoli wanting the best Dustin has. Respect is shown. I could go for this.

Ruby Soho and Ortiz want to fight Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti next week.

Tag Team Titles: Keith Lee/Swerve Strickland vs. Private Party

Private Party is challenging. Kassidy punches away at Lee to start and it’s off to Swerve, who can’t hit a suplex. He can however duck a Quen springboard crossbody but gets hurricanranaed to the floor by Kassidy. A corkscrew dive takes Swerve down and we take a break. Back with Kassidy posing at Lee, with the delay allowing Swerve to hit a middle rope stomp on Quen. That’s enough for the hot tag to Lee so house can be cleaned. Kassidy gets Pounced into the ropes and Swerve adds the running kick to the back of the head for two. Swerve doesn’t like that kickout so it’s the JML Driver to retain the titles at 7:58.

Rating: C+. Lee and Swerve didn’t exactly feel like they were in a ton of danger here and that really is how things should have gone. Private Party had that one big win over the Young Bucks and then have done almost nothing of note since them. That isn’t enough to make them threats to the titles here, but their athleticism is still worth at least a glance.

Powerhouse Hobbs interrupts the Factory’s card/dominoes game, asking why they didn’t take care of Ricky Starks. QT Marshall promises they’ll get it done.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Zack Clayton

Clayton (formerly of some Jersey Shore spinoff) is challenging and brags about his star power and promises to take it back to a state people actually like in New Jersey. Redrum retains the title in 12 seconds.

Angelo Parker and Matt Menard don’t like Hook having the FTW Title and think it should be around the waist of a sports entertainer.

Billy Gunn isn’t happy with the Gunn Club and is bringing the Acclaimed to deal with them next week.

We look at La Faccion Ingobernable turning on Dragon Lee and kicking him out of the team.

Buddy Matthews vs. Serpentico

This is billed as a standby match because Hook’s match was so fast in a nice touch. Julia Hart is here with Murphy, who knocks him to the corner to start. A buckle bomb sets up what used to be known as Murphy’s Law for the pin on Serpentico at 1:10.

Post match Miro comes out, holding Malakai Black’s mask. Miro brawls with Matthews and beats him down.

Britt Baker (in a KISS shirt), Rebel and Jamie Hayter aren’t happy that they’re not in the title match at All Out. They do want to see Toni Storm and Thunder Rosa implode though. It’s not like either of them can win anyway.

Penelope Ford vs. Athena

Athena armdrags her into an armbar to start but gets driven into the corner. A jumping knee cuts Ford off but she rolls Athena throat first into the middle rope as we see the guy with a box in his head. Commentary confirms that it’s Kip Sabian as Ford hits a slingshot elbow and we take a break. Back with Ford being sent into the barricade, setting up the O Face to finish Ford at 5:20. Not enough shown to rate but it’s nice to have Ford back.

Post match the Baddies run in to beat down Athena. Jade Cargill and Stokely Hathaway come out and destroy Athena’s wings with a sledgehammer. Cargill sledgehammers Athena down too. Can we GET TO THE MATCH ALREADY? This has been going on for months already.

We recap Jon Moxley and CM Punk on Dynamite.

Video on Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks. Hobbs was hired to keep the FTW Title on Starks but Starks couldn’t keep up his end. More from Starks on Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

The Best Friends and Orange Cassidy are ready for the main event.

Trios Titles Tournament First Round: Trustbusters vs. Best Friends/Orange Cassidy

Sonny Kiss is with the Trustbusters. Slim J drives Trent into the corner with Jericho comparing Slim J to a ferret. Chuck makes the save and tosses him into a sitout powerbomb from Trent. Some house is cleaned but Boudreaux comes in to wreck people without much effort. Everything breaks down and we take a break with the Best Friends in trouble.

Back with Trent getting in a forearm but Daivari brings in Slim J, who knocks Chuck off the apron. Cassidy’s staredown distracts Slim J though and Trent gets in a suplex. That’s enough for the tag to Cassidy so the pace picks up, including a high crossbody to Slim Jr and the satellite DDT to Daivari. Now Cassidy wants Boudreaux (and seems to talk some trash). Boudreaux wrecks the good guys, at least until he gets knocked into the corner for a triple dropkick.

Slim J takes the Best Friends down with a top rope corkscrew dive, followed by something like a Whisper in the Wind to Cassidy. Daivari’s frog splash gets two as everything breaks down again. A series of shots send Boudreaux over the barricade but Kiss crotches Cassidy. Slim J’s top rope elbow gets two on Cassidy but here is Danhausen to curse him. That’s enough for the Best Friends to hit a double chokeslam, setting up an assisted splash (with the Best Friends holding Slim J up and Cassidy diving off of their shoulders at the same time) to give Cassidy the pin at 10:32.

Rating: C+. The finish was rather cool and they had the right team win, but it’s still trying to make me interested in the Trustbusters. Good luck with that, as I’ve yet to see something from either Daivari or Boudreaux that will draw my interest. They are getting it much more right with Cassidy though, as he is filling hie role as the guy who is better than the lower card and a possible spoiler for bigger spots perfectly.

Danhausen poses with the winners to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Better than last week’s as it felt like some interesting things took place here, but still not a must see show. Rampage has been around for just over a year now and the show hasn’t felt important in a long time. You might get one somewhat important thing a week and the rest of the show feels like they are just filling in their hour. Not a bad show whatsoever, but nothing you would need to watch, as has been the case with most recent editions.




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