ECW On Sci Fi – December 25, 2007 (Best Of 2007): Wrap It Up

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: December 25, 2007
Hosts: Joey Styles, Tazz

It’s Christmas night and even WWE isn’t crazy enough to try to run a third brand show under those circumstances. Therefore it is a Best Of show, which is all it should be. There have been some good enough moments to fill in such a show and I’m curious to see what is picked. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Joey Styles and Tazz are in the studio and welcome us to the show, which will be a bunch of clips. As usual, I’ll be posting the full versions of matches and segments instead of the clipped versions.

We get a long recap of Vince McMahon and pals vs. Bobby Lashley, which dominated a good chunk of the first half of the year around here. Vince with the title and the doorag is an all time look for him. The big blowoff came at One Night Stand, where Lashley got the title back from Vince (even if he was stripped of it soon after as he went to Raw in the Draft, but at least he won it back).

Kofi Kingston is having a good day in paradise, though he has to deal with a thief. Security is terrible around here.

Quick look at the ECW eight man tag at Wrestlemania.

From ECW On Sci Fi, April 3.

New Breed vs. ECW Originals

Extreme Rules, which was going to happen sooner or later. We’re joined in progress with Sabu dropping Striker to set up the one armed camel clutch and everything breaks down in a hurry. The weapons are brought in to clear out the New Breed, meaning it’s time for some dives. Dreamer whips Striker into a trashcan in the corner but Cor Von gets in a cheap shot so the New Breed can take over.

The rest of the Originals are held outside but Dreamer manages a DDT/neckbreaker combination to get a breather. Now the rest of the Originals can come back in to clean house with Sabu getting two on Striker. Burke knocks a swinging Sandman down without much effort but Dreamer hits the baseball slide into the chair into Striker’s face in the Tree of Woe. Sandman cleans house with the kendo stick but Cor Von is back up to suplex Dreamer onto an open chair.

There’s the Pounce to send Dreamer outside so Sabu comes back in to throw a chair at Cor Von’s head. Van Dam slips out of a Razor’s Edge through a table and rolls Thorn up for two. Ariel crotches Van Dam on top but Sabu makes another save. Van Dam and Sabu drive Thorn through the table at the same time but the Van Dam is sent outside. The Elijah Express sends Sabu through a table in the corner though and Burke gets the pin.

Rating: B. This was actually a heck of a sprint and that is what this should have been. Once they came back from the break, this was a pretty awesome match with all eight guys working hard and beating each other up. Odds are this sets up a tables match at Extreme Rules for the big blowoff, though the Punk factor is going to be interesting as well.

Video on Elijah Burke.

Video on John Morrison.

Taz and Joey look at the Best Of 2007 WWE Magazine (complete with a SHAMELESS PLUG graphic).

We take a very quick look at Morrison beating CM Punk to become the ECW World Champion at Vengeance.

Video on the Morrison vs. Punk rivalry, with Punk FINALLY winning the title.

Video on CM Punk.

From Survivor Series.

ECW World Title: Miz vs. John Morrison vs. CM Punk

Punk is defending and for the sake of sanity, I’ll only refer to him as champion. It’s a brawl to start with Punk getting double teamed down into the corner. Morrison catapults Punk into the corner but he comes out with a middle rope crossbody. Punk knocks Miz to the floor but the springboard clothesline is broken up to put Punk down again. Miz breaks up Punk’s springboard with a shot to the floor though and it’s a camel clutch to Punk.

That means Morrison comes in for the save, setting up a backbreaker into a neckbreaker to drop Punk again. A suplex from the apron gets two on Miz but he is right back with a running corner clothesline. Punk is back in with a hurricanrana to send Morrison into Miz for a powerbomb and a near fall. The running knee in the corner sets up the corner bulldog to give Punk two on Miz and a double underhook backbreaker onto the knee gets the same. Morrison is back up to go after Miz, only to be sent outside. That leaves Punk to GTS Miz and retain.

Rating: C+. Miz and Morrison’s rise continues as the two of them have become rather dependable on ECW, and now elsewhere. It makes sense to give them the Tag Team Titles and now we should be seeing even more of them. This was a good way to get the show going as Punk has to work to retain and Miz and Morrison have come far enough that they didn’t seem like cannon fodder.

Video on Big Daddy V.

Joey and Tazz talk about the Smackdown/ECW talent exchange.

Quick clip of Miz and Morrison winning the Smackdown Tag Team Titles.

Video on Kane.

Quick look at Big Daddy V/Mark Henry beating CM Punk and Kane at Armageddon.

From ECW On Sci Fi, December 18.

MVP vs. CM Punk

Non-title. Before the match, MVP brags about himself and wants MVP out here now. We’re joined in progress with Punk fighting out of a headlock but getting taken back down into an armbar. That’s reversed into a headscissors but they stay on the mat with MVP going back to the armbar. Punk grabs a headscissors before dropkicking him in the back of the head for two as things pick up a bit. MVP is right back with a running boot to the head and the armbar goes on.

We’ll make that a cravate, with MVP firing off some knees to the face for a nasty bonus. There’s a kick to the face to put Punk down again and we hit ANOTHER armbar. MVP switches to a reverse chinlock until Punk drops him down onto his back for a break. Punk hits a running knee lift and the springboard clothesline gets two. Back up and MVP avoids a charge in the corner, where Punk gets tied in the Tree of Woe. A bunch of stomps in the corner are enough to get MVP disqualified.

Rating: C-. Oh yeah this was about what I would have expected from a holiday week show, as they didn’t bother trying to do anything here. You don’t want either champion losing but this was a match designed to get by on name only. Neither was interested in trying here and then they have an ending to save face. Not much to this one, but it could work on a bigger stage.

Post match MVP hits the running boot in the corner and leaves. Cue Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a surprise return to brainbuster Punk. The frog splash crushes Punk to end the show. I’m not sure why they have a new villain in here, especially when Big Daddy V and possibly MVP are right there now, but why do that when you can have Chavo Guerrero?

Tazz apologizes for wrecking the Christmas tree last year and has a gift for Joey. Styles goes to pick it up…and gets kicked into the tree because he’s a schnook.

One more ECW video wraps us up.

Overall Rating: C+. You can only get so annoyed at a show like this as they moved through the year and didn’t exactly miss many of the big things. That shows you were ECW has been this year though, as it hasn’t been the most thrilling show. Things are moving in the right direction though as there are multiple stories going on, which was missing earlier in the year. Easy watch here, but that’s how Best Of shows are supposed to be.




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Wrestlemania Count-Up – XXIII (2021 Redo): Cut It Off

Wrestlemania XXIII
Date: April 1, 2007
Location: Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan
Attendance: 80,103
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz, John Bradshaw Layfield, Joey Styles

It’s the biggest night of the year and this time the show does indeed feel big. You can feel how things have been going strong on the way here and I want to see how it goes. That takes some work when I have already seen the show multiple times. It is a stacked card and the biggest is Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga in the Battle of the Billionaires, which is really Donald Trump vs. Vince McMahon. Let’s get to it.

Before we get to the show, let’s do the pre-show match for a bonus.

Pre-Show: Ric Flair/Carlito vs. Gregory Helms/Chavo Guerrero

This is a lumberjack match to get more people in front of the crowd. The entrance is a little weird here as there is a huge curtain in front of the set, which does make this feel like a bonus. Flair and Helms start things off with Helms taking him into the corner for a slap to the face. A hiptoss into some chops slow Helms down and it’s Carlito coming in to knee lift Chavo.

Carlito dropkicks Chavo off the apron to little avail but Helms kicks Carlito off the apron to take over. Back in and Chavo belly to back suplexes him into a chinlock but Carlito fights up in a hurry. The hot tag brings in Flair to clean house as everything breaks down. Helms breaks up the Figure Four but Chavo misses the frog splash. Guerrero is back up and tries the Three Amigos but Carlito escapes and hits the Backstabber for the pin.

Rating: C-. Nothing but a standard Raw match here (if you ignore the Smackdown wrestlers involved) and that is perfectly fine for the spot they were in. This was about warming the crowd up and having Flair out there is going to do that just fine. Sometimes you need someone to set the stage for later and these four did it just fine in a very simple tag match.

The opening video looks at a history of the show, including some major moments. We also get a special look at Wrestlemania III, with the famous Vince McMahon introduction swinging into this year’s America the Beautiful, once again sung by Aretha Franklin.

We go to the regular opening video, featuring a bunch of wrestlers talking about how they have always dreamed of being here as children. Now they are all grown up and it is time to take the stage themselves. This campaign has grown on me a lot over the years and I like it a good bit more than I used to.

Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk vs. King Booker vs. Finlay vs. Randy Orton vs. Mr. Kennedy

Money in the Bank as they’re starting big this year. Everyone looks up at the briefcase to start and then it’s already time to head outside for the fight. It’s a brawl to start and Finlay dives off the top onto almost everyone else. Matt has to cut off Edge’s climb, leaving Orton and Finlay to climb the ladder to no avail. Booker goes to pull out another ladder but finds Hornswoggle’s stepladder instead, allowing Punk to knock him down.

Edge bridges a ladder between the apron and the barricade but Booker starts cleaning house. There’s the Spanarooni, only to have the Hardys run Booker over with ladders. For some reason Finlay saves Edge from the see saw ladder treatment and Edge suplexes Matt onto the ladder. Kennedy’s Kenton Bomb onto hits ladder (with Kennedy landing HARD on the back of his head) and it’s a Hardy slugout on top of the ladder.

Finlay breaks that up but gets speared down by Edge. More spears drop just about everyone else but Punk wraps the ladder around his head to knock out various people. Edge slides in the big ladder and climbs, at least until Orton shoves him over the top and out to the floor. Matt lays Edge over the bridged ladder and Jeff dives onto him, breaking the ladder to get rid of both of them. Both guys are taken out on stretchers and we’re down to a six way.

Now it’s time for the parade of RKOs and Orton climbs, despite not being underneath the briefcase. Punk breaks that up and climbs as well, only to get taken down with a super RKO for the huge spot. Booker grabs the Book End and goes up but Matt is there to catch him. Cue Queen Sharmell to grab Matt’s leg but Booker gets distracted by Matt and walks into the Twist of Fate.

Finlay gives Matt a Celtic Cross onto the ladder, busting himself open in the process. Now it’s Hornswoggle going up the ladder until Kennedy catches him for a super Regal Roll off the ladder. Punk dropkicks the ladder down to cut Finlay off and it’s Punk vs. Kennedy on top of the ladder. Kennedy gets knocked down but comes back up and kicks Punk down, allowing him to grab the briefcase for the win.

Rating: B. I never know how to rate these things but it was another blast with everyone flying around and having one crash after another. This was a lot of fun and one of the right people won, which is what matters the most in a match like Money in the Bank. Everyone got a chance to shine here, even in a complete car crash match like this one. Rather fun opener.

We look at the premiere of the Condemned. It wasn’t that good.

Mr. Kennedy congratulates himself and says any champion needs to have eyes in the back of his head because he’s coming with the briefcase.

Batista is All Grown Up.

Great Khali vs. Kane

Interpromotional battle of the monsters, though Kane doesn’t even have his big hook here. Khali shoves him down to start and adds a shoulder to drop Kane again. There’s a clothesline to set up a slam as it’s all Khali so far. The nerve hold doesn’t last long so Khali starts stomping away in the corner as JR gets in the bowling shoe line. Kane is back with some right hands and the top rope clothesline, which doesn’t knock Khali down.

Instead, Kane knocks him into the ropes for the tie up and NOW it’s time for the big hook. That takes too long though and the slugout is on with Khali getting the better of things. Khali rips the turnbuckle pad off but Kane gets in a low blow into the slam (for the Hogan/Andre callback). It’s just a slam though so Khali is back up with the double chokeslam for the pin.

Rating: D. What else were you expecting here? They had five minutes and the whole thing was about making Khali look like a monster. The hook never meant anything (as it would have killed Khali) but the slam was a cool moment. Sometimes you need a bit of a cool down match and that’s what you got here after the crazy opener.

The Divas are All Grown Up.

Cryme Tyme try to cheer Eugene up so here is Extreme Expose for the dancing. Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young come up in the same outfits to dance but Slick (get him in the Hall of Fame already) comes in to show them up. Dusty Rhodes, IRS, Jimmy Hart, Gerald Brisco (in a suit of course) and finally Ricky Steamboat come in. Say it with me: Ron Simmons comes in for the catchphrase.

US Title: MVP vs. Chris Benoit

MVP is challenging and has his own cheerleaders for some Wrestlemania flavor. Benoit drives him into the corner to start and grabs a headscissors on the mat. That’s reversed into a headlock as they’re going technical early on. MVP has to block the German suplex and the Crossface but Benoit sends him outside. Back in and MVP has to go to the rope to break up another Crossface attempt, which has Cole impressed. With the holds not working, Benoit chops him into the corner and loads MVP up on top, only to get knocked back down.

MVP starts in on the arm, including with some kicks and driving shoulders. The confidence gets a bit too high though as Benoit snaps off the rolling German suplex. It’s too early for the Swan Dive though and MVP catches him on top with a superplex. MVP stays on the shoulder by sending it into the post and a belly to back suplex onto the arm gets two. We hit the armbar for a bit but Benoit pops up and snaps on the Crossface. The bar arm gives out though and MVP plants him with a slam. Ballin gets two but the running boot misses in the corner. Benoit rolls more German suplexes and the Swan Dive retains the title clean.

Rating: C+. This was always a weird one for me as they set up MVP to win the title but then Benoit just retains clean. I’m still not sure what the point of this one was other than to give us a surprise. The match itself was like a good Smackdown match so it isn’t out of place, but this felt like a curve ball for the sake of a curve ball, as it isn’t like Benoit is some kind of amazing champion.

Donald Trump is in on the phone in his dressing room and complaining about things. Boogeyman comes in and Trump no sells it, asking for some food.

Undertaker is All Grown Up.

We look at the Hall of Fame induction ceremony from last night. William Shatner still seems to have almost no idea who Jerry Lawler is.

Official attendance: 80,103.

Howard Finkel introduces the Hall of Fame Class of 2007 (I still love that song):

Jim Ross (quite the reaction)
Curt Hennig (represented by family)
Jerry Lawler (also quite the reaction)
Nick Bockwinkel (Fans don’t seem to know him, but is this guy ever not impeccably dressed?)
Mr. Fuji (I would never have recognized him, though it’s Don Muraco of all people wheeling him out)
The Wild Samoans (Not much of a reaction but how were they not in already?)
The Original Sheik (represented by his wife)
Dusty Rhodes (your headliner)

We get a fan poll on Undertaker vs. Batista, with Undertaker winning 82%-18%. That’s a heck of a squash.

We recap Undertaker vs. Batista for the Smackdown World Title. Undertaker won the Royal Rumble to earn the shot and Batista is all BRING IT ON as we have the monster fight for the title. This feels like a Wrestlemania World Title match and that’s kind of a hard trick to pull off.

Smackdown World Title: Batista vs. Undertaker

Undertaker is challenging and Teddy Long handles the introductions for a bit of a weird moment. We get the full druid entrance for Undertaker, which will never stop being awesome. Batista spears him down at the bell and it’s time to trade right hands in the corner. It’s actually Batista getting the better of things and the fans are not too thrilled with that. Undertaker pulls him outside for a ram into the apron but Batista is right back for a hard whip into the steps.

Back in and Batista nails a top rope shoulder (dang) for two and a heck of a clothesline cuts Undertaker off again. Undertaker slugs back from his knees and punches Batista into the corner for the running clotheslines. Snake Eyes into the big boot sets up the legdrop for two as we’re back to mostly even. Old School looks to set up the chokeslam but Batista powers out and knocks Undertaker down.

Undertaker doesn’t seem to mind as he sends Batista to the apron for the legdrop. There’s the Taker Dive and they’re both down on the floor. Back up and Batista drives him HARD through the barricade and hammers away as things have cranked up in a hurry. The announcers’ table is loaded up and a running powerslam drives Undertaker through it for the big crash. That’s only good for two back inside so Batista punches away even more.

The Batista Bomb is broken up with a drive into the corner but Batista is right back….with right hands from the middle rope. I guess HHH didn’t teach him that one and it’s the Last Ride for two. The frustrated Undertaker gets caught in a spinebuster but pops back up with a chokeslam for two. Batista slips out of the chokeslam and hits the spear into the Batista Bomb for two as the fans are WAY into these near falls. Undertaker backdrops his way out of another Batista Bomb and sends Batista into the corner. The Tombstone is enough to give Undertaker the pin and the title.

Rating: A-. This felt like a Wrestlemania level title match between two monsters. These two beat the fire out of each other and didn’t bother with anything other than the big power moves. They were trading bombs throughout the whole match and it was a question of who would survive, which made the whole thing world. It helps when Undertaker was motivated by being put in the middle of the card and cranked it up a notch, as both guys felt like they were on another level here.

Bobby Lashley is All Grown Up.

Stephanie McMahon brings her daughter in to meet Vince McMahon and we get the baby carriage cam, with Vince talking trash about Donald Trump. Jokes about a smell, at Trump’s expense, ensue.

ECW Originals vs. New Breed

That would be Sandman/Rob Van Dam/Sabu/Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke/Marcus Cor Von/Kevin Thorn/Matt Striker, with Ariel in the New Breed’s corner. The Originals come through the crowd for a nice bit of flavor. Sabu starts fast with the springboard elbow and body block to drop Striker. Sandman comes in so Cor Von makes a fast save and stays to beat on Dreamer. A hard elbow drops Dreamer and it’s Burke coming in for the Elijah Express.

The mocking of Dreamer’s pose delays the near fall and it’s Thorn coming in for a chinlock. A spinebuster gives Thorn two with Sabu making a save of his own. Cor Von’s chinlock stays on Dreamer’s back but he lets go to knock Sandman off the apron. A neckbreaker gets Dreamer out of trouble and, after kicking Burke away, it’s a hot tag to bring in Van Dam. House is cleaned, including the monkey flip and Rolling Thunder to Striker. Everything breaks down and Dreamer DDTs Striker as Sandman runs over people on the floor. The Five Star gives Van Dam the pin.

Rating: C-. It wasn’t a good match or really anything close, but what matters here was giving ECW ANYTHING to do on the show. They didn’t need to do anything more than the basics here and Van Dam winning is a perfect way to go. You can all but guarantee that this feud isn’t over, especially with an Extreme Rules rematch out there.

Steve Austin is All Grown Up.

Wrestlemania XXIV is in Orlando.

We recap the Battle of the Billionaires, which is more about asking celebrities who they want to see bald. To keep it simple, Donald Trump and Vince McMahon got in a stupid argument over who is richer/invented YOU’RE FIRED/walks funnier so it’s time for a match between their handpicked representatives with the billionaires’ hair on the line. Throw in Steve Austin as referee and it’s the real Wrestlemania main event.

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

Non-title, Donald Trump and Vince McMahon are both here, with Steve Austin as guest referee and Armando Alejandro Estrada in Umaga’s corner. Everything, including the barber’s chair, gets its own entrance (JR: “All we need now is a barbershop quartet.”). They stare at each other before colliding, with Lashley driving him into the corner. Austin pulls Lashley away because Umaga is in the ropes so Lashley goes up for a middle rope clothesline.

Estrada puts Umaga’s foot on the rope so Lashley powerslams Estrada and sends him outside. A low bridge puts Umaga on the floor as well but Lashley misses a charge to send himself flying outside as well. Back in and Umaga gets two off a splash and it’s time to choke on the ropes. Austin doesn’t like that either and breaks it up, just to keep things even. The near explosion lets Lashley elbow Umaga in the face but Umaga runs him over again.

Some sitting down onto Lashley’s chest sets up a Samoan drop and Trump….looks about the same as he has all match. Lashley knocks Vince off the apron but Umaga is right back with a Downward Spiral. A trip up top takes too long as Lashley slams Umaga off the top for a double nine count, though Austin just won’t count the ten. Cue Shane McMahon to help Vince up as Umaga uppercuts Lashley down to cut him off again. Austin goes after Umaga’s eye to break up the choking so Shane offers a distraction, allowing Umaga to Samoan Spike Austin to the floor.

The double beating is on and Shane, after pointing at Trump (who points back), hits the Coast To Coast. Shane has a referee shirt (because of course he does) and Umaga’s top rope splash connects. Austin is back up to pull Shane to the floor and take him out (Trump, sounding calm: “What’s going on over here?”). Umaga drops Austin again but Trump clotheslines Vince (there’s your entertainment show highlight), leaving Austin to Stun Umaga. The spear gives Lashley the pin.

Rating: C. I don’t think anyone was expecting some kind of amazing match here and that’s not what you got. Instead, this was the crazy brawl surrounding the not very great power match. They kept this relatively short too, as there was no need to stretch this out any longer than needed. There was no way Trump was getting his head shaved so just get to the good stuff, which they did.

Post match Austin drags Vince inside for the shaving, but has to beat up Shane first. Vince tries to escape but Lashley chases him down without much trouble and drags him back to the ring. Back in and Vince bumps into Austin (as identified with a rub of the bald head), meaning it’s a Stunner to get Vince in the chair. The shaving is on (with Austin holding Vince for old times sake), even as Vince screams to not do this to him. JR: “It was Mr. McMahon’s real hair all along!”

They even whip out the shaving cream and razors to REALLY shave it off. JR: “Wrestlemania XXIII may be all grown up, but Mr. McMahon’s hair is all shaved off.” Vince looks eerily calm but then loses it all over again when Lashley holds up the mirror. As usual, Vince will do anything asked of him to make a moment like this. Beer is consumed and Austin Stuns Trump (the worst of all time, but he tried) to wrap it up.

John Cena is All Grown Up.

We look at the pre-show match as the ring is cleared out.

Commentary recaps the night so far.

Women’s Title: Melina vs. Ashley

Melina is defending and it’s a lumberjill match, with all of the lumberjills being named during the group entrance. Melina starts fast with the boot choke in the corner as JBL says the women look good enough to even impress Cole. Ashley gets knocked into a short giant swing and it’s off to a double arm crank with Melina’s boots in Ashley’s back. The comeback is on with Ashley whipping her into the corner and grabbing a monkey flip. Starstruck (middle rope elbow) misses though and Melina grabs a bridging cradle to retain.

Rating: D. Did you expect anything else? Ashley isn’t a wrestler and Melina isn’t good enough to carry her to anything great. They were very smart to keep this short as there was no way they could do anything long term here. Ashley did as much as she could, but this was nothing more than a way to promote her Playboy, as is the tradition for this spot.

Post match the big brawl is on and the good ones clean house in a hurry.

Shawn Michaels is All Grown Up.

John Cena beats Shawn Michaels in another fan poll 59%-41%.

We recap John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels for the Raw World Title. Michaels won a triple threat match to earn the spot and has since decided that he wanted to protect Cena until Wrestlemania. They wound up winning the Tag Team Titles but Shawn finally superkicked Cena, as is his nature, on the final Raw before Wrestlemania. Cena winning seems likely, but it’s Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, and that is always going to give him a shot.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels

Michaels is challenging and comes out to the DX theme, which still doesn’t feel quite right. You would think his already iconic theme song would work, though he’s pretty famous for this song too. Cena’s big Wrestlemania entrance this year involves driving a Ford Mustang into the arena, right through a glass wall. They happen to be Tag Team Champions as well but it doesn’t mean as much here.

Shawn sits on the top turnbuckle as we’re ready to go. After hopping down, Shawn tells Cena to bring it and finally slaps him in the face to pick up the pace in a hurry. Cena gets knocked down into the corner and that means a crotch chop from Shawn. A backflip gets Shawn out of a belly to back suplex and Cena is frustrated early on. Shawn headlock takeovers him down and then does it again for a bonus. Back up and Cena cuts him down with a clothesline as the fans are firmly behind Shawn here.

Shawn enziguris him to the floor, setting up the springboard moonsault onto Cena onto the announcers’ table for the really nasty crash. Back in and Shawn goes for the leg, including stomping it down and wrapping it around the post. More stomping has the referee asking if Cena can continue and Shawn bends the knee around the rope. Shawn chops away so Cena punches him in the face for a simple yet effective counter.

A missed charge sends Shawn hard into the post and he’s busted open (thanks to one of those lightning quick blade jobs). Cena starts the comeback, including the ProtoBomb and Shuffle, but Shawn slips out of the FU. A quick Sweet Chin Music hits the referee by mistake (it seems early for that) and the FU is countered into a DDT to put them both down. With no referee, Shawn takes Cena outside for a piledriver onto the steps. Cena is busted as well as Shawn pulls him back inside, where a second referee comes in for the near fall.

The forearm sets up the top rope elbow but Sweet Chin Music is cut off with a hard clothesline. They’re both down again (as you might have guessed) for a bit before it’s time for the big slugout. The FU is countered into a sunset flip to give Shawn two but the next attempt connects. Cena can’t cover at first so it’s a very delayed near fall. Shawn breaks up the super FU and tries the superkick but has to counter the STFU (over and over) before getting two off a small package.

Cena is back with the STFU but Shawn realizes he is about a foot away from the rope and they’re out again. Back up and Shawn hits a quick Sweet Chin Music for a delayed near fall of his own. They pull themselves up and Cena snaps him right back into the STFU to make Shawn tap and retain the title.

Rating: A-. This felt like a Wrestlemania main event and that shouldn’t surprise anyone. They went with the epic match here and by the end, it felt like either of them could pull this off. It made everything feel that much better and it felt like an incredible main event. Again, I’m not sure how much drama there was over who was going to win here, but they still had an outstanding match with Shawn making Cena look like a killer and Cena hanging with Shawn well enough to feel like the biggest star in the company when he retained the title.

Shawn walks away post match, but Cena offer the salute.

The Ladies And Gentlemen highlight package wraps us up.

Overall Rating: B. The big matches delivered and the bad stuff was mostly short. While it isn’t quite a classic, this is firmly in the higher tier of Wrestlemanias. What mattered here was the feeling, as you had a pair of great World Title matches, Money in the Bank delivering, and the big song and dance match with the Battle of the Billionaires. The rest of the show was watchable at worst and as a result, it felt like a Wrestlemania. That’s more than you could say about last year’s edition so they are trending in the right direction.



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ECW On Sci Fi – April 24, 2007: Sorry!

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: April 24, 2007
Location: Earl’s Court, London, England
Attendance: 11,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

ECW goes British for one night as we have the go home show for Backlash, which will have a pretty big title match. Other than that we have a pretty big match between the ECW Originals and the New Breed, despite CM Punk’s issues with his new team. That feud has gotten a bit better in recent weeks and maybe that can continue on the international version. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the New Breed’s recent issues with CM Punk. This do not seem to be going well with the new partnership.

CM Punk apologizes to the New Breed, but he doesn’t want to apologize for the things he has said. He wants to apologize for messing up and costing Elijah Burke his match last week. That’s all in the past though and now it’s time for an elimination tag against the ECW Originals. Everyone will talk about the New Breed after tonight and Punk shakes hands with everyone….except for Burke. Then he comes back to shake Burke’s hand because he’s just messing with him.

Opening sequence.

Umaga vs. Bobby Lashley

Non-title and Armando Alejandro Estrada is here with Umaga. Vince McMahon (dig that hat) is watching in the back as Lashley hammers away to start but Estrada offers a quick distraction. Umaga knocks Lashley off the apron and sends him into the steps as the champ is in early trouble. A ram into the apron makes it worse but Lashley comes back in with a top rope shot to Umaga’s head. You don’t hit a Samoan in the head though and he knocks Lashley down again. The middle rope headbutt misses though and Lashley slugs away for the comeback. A clothesline puts Umaga on the floor but Estrada comes in for the DQ.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t much but what are you expecting in a match that doesn’t even last four minutes? It was only going to be so good and that’s what we got here, as they didn’t have time to do anything. At the same time, that’s kind of the point as this match was supposed to be a warmup for Sunday’s handicap match, and that’s all well and good.

Post match Vince McMahon comes out as Lashley beats up Estrada, including the spear. Lashley tosses Estrada outside (with no one catching him) and stands tall.

Remember the Condemned? It’s still a thing.

Elijah Burke talks to the New Breed, minus CM Punk. He thinks they might have made a mistake with bringing Punk onboard but Marcus Cor Von says there is no we. It was all Burke’s idea to bring him onto the team and the rest of the team doesn’t seem to want to hear this. Punk comes back in and things quiet down in a hurry.

Snitsky vs. Balls Mahoney

Snitsky wastes no time in running Mahoney over and drives him into the corner to make it worse. Mahoney fights back but gets kicked in the face for the pin.

CM Punk gives the New Breed, minus Elijah Burke, a pep talk. Burke comes in and doesn’t like this happening without him.

Backlash rundown.

ECW Originals vs. New Breed

ECW Originals: Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam
New Breed: Matt Striker, Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, CM Punk

This is elimination rules and Punk is ready to start for the team, but Burke says he’s sitting this one out. Dreamer and Burke start things off with Burke running him over but charging into a slam. Sabu comes in and Dreamer slams him onto Burke for two, setting up Sandman’s top rope knee to the back. The Rolling Rock misses though and Burke rolls Sandman up, with jeans, for the first elimination.

It’s off to Sabu and Striker, with the former hitting a springboard tornado DDT. That’s enough from Sabu so it’s off to Van Dam for the monkey flip. Cor Von’s distraction doesn’t work though and it’s a sunset bomb into a split legged moonsault to get rid of Striker. Cor Von comes in for a snap suplex but Van Dam kicks him in the head. A springboard kick to the face puts Cor Von down again and it’s back to Sabu for the camel clutch. The referee has to get rid of Van Dam though and Burke comes in with a cheap shot.

Cor Von’s swinging neckbreaker gets two on Sabu, who manages a springboard leg lariat for a breather. That’s about it for the comeback though as the Pounce ends Sabu in a hurry. Dreamer comes in and we take a break. Back with Thorn stomping on Dreamer before Cor Von comes back in for a belly to belly. Dreamer gets taken outside and crotched on the barricade….which is a DQ to get rid of Cor Von. So we’re down to Thorn/Burke vs. Dreamer/Van Dam and it’s Thorn coming in to work on Dreamer’s banged up back.

The sitout spinebuster gets two and it’s back to Burke as Punk isn’t looking pleased with all of this. Dreamer grabs a DDT out of nowhere to get rid of Thorn but the Elijah Express finishes Dreamer to get us down to one on one. Burke takes Van Dam down in a hurry and cranks on the arm but Van Dam manages a backdrop. A spinwheel kick knocks Burke off the apron….and Punk kicks him in the back. Van Dam, who didn’t seem to see Punk, throws Burke back inside for the Five Star and the pin.

Rating: C. It got some time, but this felt like it should have been a special house show main event. What mattered here was Punk vs. Burke, meaning the 19 or so minutes to get there weren’t exactly interesting. They got the important part though and the rest wasn’t terrible, so this worked out fine for the stage they were on.

Post match Van Dam leaves, so Punk helps Burke up, gives him the GTS, and says he’s sorry one more time to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The matches weren’t great but this felt like a special edition of the show. I’m not sure how much interest there is going to be in this show once the McMahons move on, but it is certainly nice while it lasts. Punk turning on Burke still feels like a course correction, which works just fine because it’s what needs to be done.




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ECW On Sci Fi – April 17, 2007: You Take That Back

ECW On Sci Fi
Date: April 17, 2007
Location: Datchforum, Milan, Italy
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

Things changed in a big way last week as CM Punk officially joined the New Breed. That is the biggest moment in the faction warfare story so far and it makes things even more tilted in the favor of the villains. I’m not sure what exactly the ECW Originals can do but ECW does have a history of thinking on the fly. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of CM Punk joining the New Breed in a bit of a shocker.

Opening sequence.

Here’s the New Breed, minus CM Punk, in the ring to get things going. Elijah Burke talks about how we have been seeing a man with a decision to make, but last week that decision was made. This brings out Punk, with Matt Striker holding the ropes open for him. The fans are rather happy to see Punk, with Tazz calling it a mixed reaction. Burke asks Punk why he joined the New Breed but Punk would rather keep those reasons to himself. All that matters is that he is part of the New Breed, which works for Burke.

Cue Rob Van Dam to tell Burke to shut up because he wants to talk to Punk. Van Dam offered Punk a spot in the ECW Originals last week and here he is with the New Breed. Punk is going to regret it, which Burke says isn’t going to happen. Burke thinks Van Dam is angry, so Van Dam throws out the challenge for tonight. Punk says if Van Dam wants to challenge a leader, Van Dam should challenge him, but Burke has this tonight. This was a rather clunky exchange and none of them exactly sounded good on the mic. It didn’t help that they were fighting over “no he’s on MY team”.

Snitsky vs. Nunzio

For some reason Nunzio thinks a waistlock is a good idea and is casually tossed away with ease. A headlock goes about as well for Nunzio, who gets taken down by a hard shoulder. Nunzio manages a kick to the face and a middle rope dropkick for one, with the kickout hurting Nunzio for a rare sight. A gutbuster and a ribs first drop across the top set up the big boot (to the arm) to give Snitsky the fast pin.

Elijah Burke makes it clear to CM Punk that he isn’t scared of Rob Van Dam. If Punk wants to be on this team, he needs to fall in line. This doesn’t sit well with Punk as he walks away.

Tommy Dreamer/Sandman vs. Kevin Thorn/Marcus Cor Von

Ariel is here with Cor Von and Thorn. Dreamer has an Italian flag because he can suck up to any crowd in the world. Cor Von hammers on Dreamer to start but Sandman comes in for a double suplex. Sandman’s super hurricanrana is shoved away without much effort and Thorn grabs a chinlock. That doesn’t last long so it’s back to Cor Von to suplex Sandman for two. Sandman avoids a charge though and the hot tag brings in Dreamer to clean house. Dreamer grabs a sunset flip and puts his hand on the rope (which should have made a kickout easier) for the pin (and ignore Thorn’s shoulder being up).

Rating: D. The ending was awful, but the bigger problem is how worthless these people look. Save for Cor Von, the addition of Punk to the top of this feud has made the lower level people look that much less valuable. If I can watch Van Dam, Punk and maybe Cor Von and Burke, why would I care about Dreamer, Sandman, Striker and Thorn? This feud has lost some of its depth and that was on display here.

CM Punk tells Matt Striker that the New Breed needs some better thinkers.

Here is Bobby Lashley for a chat. He can’t wait for Backlash, but he stopped at Raw last night. We see a clip of Lashley helping the debuting Santino Marella beat Umaga to win the Intercontinental Title in a huge upset. Lashley brings out Santino, who thanks the fans and Lashley in English and Italian. And that’s that.

CM Punk gives Marcus Cor Von and Kevin Thorn a pep talk, telling them to get back up. Elijah Burke pops up and doesn’t like Punk taking charge like this. Punk makes it clear he isn’t coming for the leadership of the team.

Backlash rundown.

Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke

They talk some trash to start until Van Dam kicks him in the head. After that rather simple but effective start, Burke sends him into the corner and kicks Van Dam down. Some more kicks to the shoulder don’t do much as Van Dam is back up with another kick to the face. The shoulders in the corner only hit post though and Burke grabs a logical armbar. A knee into the shoulder has Van Dam in even more trouble and you know Burke is going to be right there with the posing.

The shoulder goes into the post again and the armbar goes back on. Van Dam fights up with the good arm clotheslines into the rolling monkey flip. The referee gets bumped in the corner though (Joey: “We’ve got a zebra down in the corner!”), meaning there is no point in Van Dam loading up the Five Star. Instead it’s Rolling Thunder onto raised knees but here is CM Punk with a chair. Van Dam intercepts said chair though and knocks Burke silly, setting up the Five Star for the pin.

Rating: C+. Not a classic or anything but it did what it was supposed to do. This was about Punk continuing to cause issues with the New Breed and I would be a bit surprised if he was with the team that much longer. That almost has to be the case sooner than later, as Van Dam is all the ECW Originals have at the moment.

Punk checks on Burke but doesn’t look too upset to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show was about one thing and one thing only and they focused on rather extensively. I’m not sure if this was the plan all along or if they are rapidly backtracking on Punk joining the New Breed, but it is hard to imagine he is still with the team by the end of the month. That’s the right call too as Punk is probably the most popular name on the show and it doesn’t make sense to have him as a heel. Not a great show, but it featured more than a few steps forward in the biggest story around here. Now just get to the important stuff already.


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ECW On Sci Fi – April 10, 2007: Decisions, Decisions

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: April 10, 2007
Location: Dunkin’ Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island
Attendance: 8,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

Things have picked up again around here as the New Breed beat the ECW Originals in a heck of an Extreme Rules match last week to even the series. I’m sure a third match is coming and CM Punk is lurking around the story as well. On the higher end, Bobby Lashley is going to have to defend the ECW World Title against Vince and Shane McMahon and Umaga in what I’m sure will be a technical masterpiece. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Vince McMahon, again in a snappy hat, to open things up. Vince talks about how humiliating Wrestlemania was for him and we get a quick recap of his newfound bald. Now it is time for revenge and since Steve Austin and Donald Trump are gone, Bobby Lashley is all that is left. Vince wants revenge, so Lashley is suspended from the arena tonight. Granted it wouldn’t have mattered, as Lashley suffered a severe concussion last night.

We see how said concussion took place, with the McMahons and Umaga destroying Lashley on Raw. Vince promises to take the ECW World Title at Backlash because he could make a rather nice champion himself. Before we get there though, Vince is going to ruin Lashley’s life, but he is going to do the same thing to the fans for laughing at him. Details coming later.

CM Punk is warming up when Rob Van Dam comes in to say that Punk should be an ECW Original. As I wonder if Van Dam knows what “original” means, Elijah Burke comes in to say Punk is joining the New Breed next week. Punk is sick of this and he’s making his decision tonight.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Kevin Thorn

Ariel is here with Thorn. Dreamer hammers away to start but gets knocked down, only to avoid a legdrop. They head outside with Dreamer sending him into the steps but getting pulled down off the apron. Back in and Thorn grabs his sitout spinebuster for two but Dreamer grabs a neckbreaker, which Tazz thinks could hurt Thorn’s neck. Dreamer’s spinebuster gets two but an Ariel distraction lets Thorn crotch him on top. The Dark Kiss finishes Dreamer in a hurry.

Rating: D+. Short match here with Dreamer getting in his usual assortment of right hands with a few moves thrown in as well. The New Breed continues to win more often than not and Dreamer is the kind of person to make them look better. Dreamer doesn’t need to ever win another match and he is going to stay over so let him keep doing his thing like this.

Snitsky interrupts Extreme Expose getting ready. The women run.

The Condemned is still a thing.

Hardcore Holly needs surgery after Snitsky wrecked his arm last week.

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Rematch from last week where Punk beat him up pretty badly. Matt Striker comes out to watch for a bonus, so here is Sandman to even things out. We’re joined in progress with Punk hitting a butterfly backbreaker for two as Sandman and Striker both seem pleased. Punk misses a springboard crossbody though and Richards knees him in the ribs for two. That doesn’t last long as Punk kicks him in the face and hits the running knee in the corner. The ensuing bulldog gets two but Sandman’s Singapore cane shot hits Striker by mistake. Richards’ rollup gets two but Punk reverses into one of his own for the fast pin.

Post match Sandman tries to make peace but Punk doesn’t seem impressed. Punk? Holding a grudge?

Extreme Expose, but Snitsky interrupts again. This time Layla can’t run away and cowers against the ropes. Balls Mahoney tries to make the save and it goes as you would expect.

We recap CM Punk saying he would make his decision tonight. This comes after commentary said Punk would be making his decision tonight, turning this into one of the most pointless videos you’ll see in WWE in recent memory.

Rob Van Dam vs. Marcus Cor Von

Sabu, in a neck brace, is here with Van Dam and Elijah Burke (no neck brace) is here with Cor Von. Feeling out process to start with Van Dam trying to figure out how to deal with Cor Von’s power. Cor Von hammers him down in the corner and hits some knees to the ribs. We hit something like a seated abdominal stretch, setting up a Regal Cutter for two on Van Dam. A belly to back suplex drops Van Dam again as this is one sided so far.

The chinlock with a knee in the back makes things worse for Van Dam and there’s a release German suplex for two. We hit the regular chinlock until Van Dam fights up but Cor Von cuts off the kicks. The chinlock goes on again but this time the comeback works a lot better. A kick to the face puts Cor Von down and a running….double leg takedown (Huh?) sets up the spinning legdrop. The top rope kick to the face drops Cor Von but Burke goes after Sabu. That’s enough of a distraction for Cor Von to Pounce Van Dam for the pin.

Rating: C-. Pretty dull match here as it was mainly Cor Von grinding Van Dam down but the ending was what mattered here. Cor Von continues to look like a beast and having him beat Van Dam is a good sign for his future. The New Breed has all of the momentum right now and ultimately that is going to be the right move. The Originals were a way to hook in fans at the beginning, but why would fans want to see most of them now?

Post match here is CM Punk… join the New Breed. The big celebration ends the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This week mostly focused on the ECW Originals vs. the New Breed and that wasn’t the most thrilling story. The bad guys are way ahead at this point and while that is going to change, it isn’t the most exciting part. I can’t imagine Punk sticks around with Striker and Thorn, but at least they gave us some drama on the way to what should be a twist. The rest of the show was pretty much nothing though and that didn’t make for the best show.


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ECW On Sci Fi – March 6, 2007: Did They Forget About This One?

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: March 6, 2007
Location: Tuscon Convention Center, Tuscon, Arizona
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

Now this is going to be different as we have a very special guest star in the form of Steve Austin. For once, it is someone who has an actual connection to the original ECW, which really doesn’t mean much but is kind of nice for a change. He’ll be talking about a Raw story, but that is the case with every show at the moment. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick recap of Vince McMahon vs. Donald Trump and Bobby Lashley drawing the boss’ ire.

Opening sequence.

Here is Vince McMahon to get things going in a surprise. Vince recaps Steve Austin being named guest referee for the Battle of the Billionaires and tells us to watch the contract signing on Raw. After getting a little rattled by the WHAT chants, Vince gets them back by saying “Tuscon sucks.” See how easy it is when the fans care about you? Vince promises a Billionaire B**** Slap to Donald Trump at Wrestlemania, but first we see a montage of Bobby Lashley receiving the same kind of slap.

Lashley tried to apologize to Vince earlier today but Vince isn’t accepting that unless it’s in public. Vince calls Lashley out for the apology so here is a rather happy looking Lashley. It’s true that Lashley wants to apologize, but to everyone here and at home as well as Vince (Vince: “Did you just call me Vince?”).

Lashley shakes, and squeezes, Vince’s hand and apologizes for not hitting him in the face for the slap last week. If Vince ever does that again, Lashley will break him in half. Vince goes down from the handshake and Lashley walks off. There wasn’t much said here, but Lashley felt intense and seemed like he belonged on this stage.

Ashley is in Playboy.

Hardcore Holly vs. Balls Mahoney

Holly wastes no time in jumping Mahoney and hammers him down in the corner. The stomping in the corner seems to wake Mahoney up though and he fires off the snap jabs. The guillotine legdrop misses though and Holly hits the Alabama Slam for the fast pin.

Post match, Snitsky comes in and kicks Holly in the face.

CM Punk talks about Money in the Bank but here is Elijah Burke to interrupt. Punk doesn’t seem happy but Burke offers him a spot in the New Breed. Rob Van Dam comes in to say Burke doesn’t know what ECW is all about (Burke probably can’t even spell ECW!) but he’ll learn tonight. Punk looks intrigued.

Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke

The ECW Originals and New Breed are all here. Van Dam kicks him down to start and grabs a headscissors. Burke misses a right hand and gets armdragged down, allowing Rob to kick him in the face. A running crossbody sends Burke outside and they crash to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Rob fighting out of a chinlock but getting caught in some rolling suplexes for two. The double arm crank doesn’t last long on Rob but he misses a charge into the post. A double arm crank is broken up in a hurry so Burke takes him into the corner for some running knees to the back. They clothesline each other for a double breather until Rob makes the clothesline comeback. Some kicks to the face set up the split legged moonsault for two on Burke. The Five Star gives Rob the pin.

Rating: C. Not too bad here as Van Dam can still have a good match when he has the right opponent, which Burke can certainly be. This is the kind of match that helps the feud along too, as the New Breed can beat up the rest of the Originals but Van Dam gives them a fighting chance. Losing to Van Dam doesn’t hurt Burke and it makes the Originals look better so this was as effective as you could get.

Post match, Tommy Dreamer challenges the New Breed to an eight man tag at Wrestlemania. Answer coming later.

Nick Bockwinkel is going into the Hall of Fame. That feels wrong on ECW.

Extreme Expose.

We recap the opening segment.

Here is Steve Austin for the big close. He’s glad to be back home in Tuscon, which is home because WWE is here tonight. The dry heat bugs him though and he needs some beer. Austin recaps the Battle of the Billionaires, albeit in the to the point way that you might expect. Either way, he is calling the match right down the line.

While he has been walking through the airport, people have been asking him who he thinks is winning at Wrestlemania. Austin doesn’t know, so he goes outside and polls some fans, who want McMahon to get his head shaved. He’ll be at Raw for the contract signing because things could get interesting. You’ll see a bald headed billionaire at Wrestlemania….and that’s it. Beer is consumed to end the show, following this rather inconsequential cameo.

Overall Rating: C-. Austin being there felt big just because of who he is, but it wasn’t like he did anything important. This show was more or less an excuse for an Austin cameo to go along with setting up the eight man tag at Wrestlemania. In other words, it was basically a supplement to Raw’s main story with little in the way of importance on its own. The whole thing felt more like a bunch of commercials than a show, which meant it flew by without being all that interesting. Totally skippable show this week.


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ECW on Sci Fi – February 20, 2007: Back On The Scoreboard

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: February 20, 2007
Location: ipayOne Center, San Diego, California
Attendance: 7,50
Commentators: Joey Styles, John Bradshaw Layfield

We’re done with No Way Out and ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley is still ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley despite getting disqualified against Mr. Kennedy. That means we are likely in for a rematch and that could be enough to keep Lashley busy until we get close to Wrestlemania. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.In Memory of Mike Awesome.

Mr. Kennedy is getting a rematch with Bobby Lashley tonight, with Hardcore Holly thrown in.

Opening sequence.

Here is the New Breed for a chat. They brag about their success last week, which is proof that any one of them can beat any one of the ECW Originals. Matt Striker picks Kevin Thorn for the team so here are the Originals with their pick.

Rob Van Dam vs. Kevin Thorn

Everyone else is at ringside. Thorn kicks him in the ribs to break up the early thumb pointing but gets kicked outside for his efforts. The thumb pointing is broken up again and Thorn pounds away in the corner until Rob knocks him outside. That means a big dive over the top, meaning the big brawl on the floor is on.

Everything is finally broken up and we take a fast break. Back with everyone else gone and Rob hitting a spinwheel kick for a breather. Rob kicks him down again and Rolling Thunder is good for a delayed two. There’s the top rope kick to the face for two and a low high crossbody gets two more. The stepover kick to the face into the Five Star finishes Thorn.

Rating: C-. This felt like little more than a way to get the Originals a win and it isn’t like Van Dam beating Thorn is some big upset. The big brawl at ringside is what mattered here and you know that things are going to keep going for a long time to come. What matters here though is making things feel more even and Van Dam winning clean does that well. Not a particularly good match, but it did what needed to be done.

Video on Snitsky.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: CM Punk vs. Johnny Nitro

Melina is here with Nitro. Punk headlock takeovers him to start and grabs a hammerlock. That doesn’t last long as Nitro is back up with a headlock of his own. That earns him a leg lariat but Nitro knocks him down again and hammers at Punk’s face. The breakdancing legdrop gets two and Nitro grabs the cravate. Punk fights up again and hits a kick to the head, setting up some knees to the face. Melina breaks up the springboard clothesline though, allowing Nitro to hit a spinning kick to the chest for two of his own. The corkscrew moonsault misses Punk though and the GTS sends Punk to Wrestlemania.

Rating: C. Simple but efficient match here with a bit of a surprise winner. Punk is a big deal in ECW but Nitro has been a pretty established name on both Raw and Smackdown. This was a good win for Punk and while he isn’t going to win Money in the Bank, it means something for him just to be put in the spot in the first place.

Mr. Kennedy doesn’t know why tonight’s title match is a triple threat. Hardcore Holly comes in to say life isn’t fair. ECW is Holly’s world and Kennedy isn’t winning the title.

La Resistance vs. Los Luchas

A spinebuster into Au Revoir gives La Resistance the win in about thirty seconds.

Post match here is Snitsky to lay out La Resistance to give this a point.

We get another video on Bobby Lashley, this time talking about growing up in a military family. Then his parents got divorced and it was time to move into sports to give him a focus. He won a National Championship but there was no one there to celebrate with him. That’s pretty rough.

Extreme Expose.

Mr. Perfect Hall of Fame video.

ECW World Title: Hardcore Holly vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley is defending. Holly gets knocked down to start so Kennedy takes Lashley into the corner. Lashley fights back on both of them without much trouble, including some shoulders to Kennedy in the corner. Kennedy sends Lashley into the corner and suplexes Holly for two. We settle down a bit and it’s Kennedy hitting a running knee to Lashley in the corner, only to get full nelson slammed by Holly. Lashley is back up to send Kennedy to the floor and backdrop Holly down again.

That earns Kennedy a hard whip into the steps but Holly is back up with a baseball slide to Lashley. Back in and Holly grabs a chinlock on Lashley, who powers up to get Holly on his back without much trouble. With Holly still holding on, Lashley punches Kennedy in the face a few times. Holly jumps Lashley again and grabs a chair, setting up the Alabama Slam… not onto the chair for some reason. Kennedy breaks up the cover and chairs Holly by mistake, allowing Lashley to hit the running powerslam to retain.

Rating: C. This was a good illustration of how Lashley needs new opponents. He was in a glorified handicap match here and still ran through both guys in less than seven minutes. There is no one on ECW to challenge Lashley at the moment and that means he is going to need someone big to come in sooner rather than later. For now though, this worked as another fine demonstration of the dominance.

Overall Rating: C-. It wasn’t a great show, but it was a show that felt a lot more structured. It felt like ECW is finally starting to get things going and find their way, which is long overdue. Now they need some fresh talent to go with that structure, though I’m not sure how much of a priority the show is going to be until a good while after ECW.

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ECW on Sci Fi – February 6, 2007: The Big Bad

ECW on Sci Fi
Date: February 6, 2007
Location: Qwest Center, Omaha, Nebraska
Attendance: 7,000
Commentators: Joey Styles, Tazz

There is a new big bad around here and it happens to be Vince McMahon himself. That could be a rather scary proposition for ECW, which seems ready for a battle between the old and new. It is hardly a brand new idea in wrestling but at least it has some natural legs around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Vince McMahon arriving next week and not liking anything around here, save for Elijah Burke. That resulted in Burke getting beaten down by the ECW Originals, which you had to know was coming.

The ECW Originals (Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Sabu and Rob Van Dam) are in the ring and here is Vince McMahon to join them. Vince asks what a cornhusker is, thinking it sounds like something that belongs in adult films. As he looks around the ring, he sees a bunch of has beens. Actually make that a bunch of NEVER HAS beens, as most of these people have criminal records so they had to go to ECW.

As Vince said last week, anything bout the original ECW sucks so these men suck too. He’s standing in the middle of Jurassic Park with these dinosaurs, but worry not because tonight, they are going extinct. Sandman loads up the Singapore cane but Vince reminds him who signs their checks. These guys are going to be in action tonight….or at least most of them as Vince can’t stomach all of them in one show. They better not break any rules or touch any officials though, or they’re fired.

Snitsky is coming.

Kevin Thorn vs. Tommy Dreamer

Hold on a second though as we need Matt Striker as guest referee. Thorn has Ariel in his corner and jumps Dreamer to start. Dreamer gets sent into the buckle and choked on the ropes, followed by an elbow to the face. The chinlock goes on until Dreamer hits a Stunner for the escape. A Sky High plants Thorn but Striker claims a knee injury to prevent a count. Thorn is back up with a clothesline to knock Dreamer over Striker, who can count the pin.

Hardcore Holly is ready to prove himself to Bobby Lashley.

Video on Bobby Lashley growing up and succeeding in amateur wrestling. Now he goes to schools where kids hold his title, including one who seems a bit too comfortable with it.

Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly

Non-title. Lashley powers him into the corner to start and the delayed vertical suplex connects early. A quick hot shot gets Holly out of trouble though and the shoulder gets posted. Said shoulder is sent into the steps and it’s time to head back inside for the reverse chinlock. Make that a waistlock as the memories of hurting Lashley’s shoulder are already fading away.

Holly ties up the legs for I guess you would say the Sharpshooter’s fourth half cousin twice removed by marriage. That is switched into an STF and then back to the waistlock as Holly shows his versatility. Lashley powers up with an overhead belly to belly, followed by a backdrop. The gorilla press powerslam finishes Holly out of nowhere.

Rating: D+. Lashley’s matches continue to not go so well and this time a lot of that was due to Holly. Why would you do two big moves to the arm and then ignore it for a bunch of ribs stuff? That was the majority of the match and that is hardly a way to keep the attention going. Another Lashley match that leaves you shaking your head, which is getting tiresome.

Post match here is Snitsky to jump Lashley with a big boot, setting up Holly’s Alabama Slam to leave Lashley laying.

Balls Mahoney vs. Marquis Cor Von

Mahoney has a neck brace thanks to Umaga on Raw and Matt Striker is timekeeper. Cor Von is smart enough to go straight to the neck, including forearms and a clothesline. There goes the neck brace but Mahoney avoids a charge in the corner and jabs away. That just earns him the Pounce into a cobra clutch and Mahoney is out in a hurry.

Extreme Expose, this time with a schoolgirl theme. Matt Striker interrupts though because he is guest ring announcer for the main event.

Elijah Burke vs. Rob Van Dam

Marquis Cor Von is guest commentator (Tazz and Styles didn’t notice) and Kevin Thorn is guest ring announcer. Also, anyone who interferes in any way is fired. Joined in progress with Van Dam hitting a suplex for two but Burke sends him out to the apron. A jawbreaker sends Van Dam into the barricade and Vince McMahon is very pleased in the back.

Burke grabs a double arm crank back inside, setting up the double knees to the chest. Van Dam kicks him in the head and grabs the monkey flip out of the corner. There’s the Five Star…but the bell rings while Van Dam is still in the air. It turns out to be a mistake (made by Thorn) and Burke is right there with a low blow to pin Van Dam.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have much time to do anything and it was much more about the angle than anything else. There is nothing wrong with that on an angle heavy show like this one and thankfully they kept it short. Burke seems to be getting a push and that is not a bad thing, as the lack of Sylvester Terkay may have been the trick for him.

Post match the beatdown is loaded up but the Originals run in for the save to clear the ring.

Overall Rating: C-. The wrestling was not the point here, as we now have a major story going on throughout the show. That is what ECW has been needing, as too much of the show’s history has been a bunch of short term stuff. Paul Heyman leaving was a big hit to where things are going, but now they seem to have found a new direction. Make things better from the ground up and we could be on to something around here. This wasn’t a great show, but it was an important step.



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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XXIII (2015 Redo): It’s Cena’s World

Wrestlemania XXIII
Date: April 1, 2007
Location: Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan
Attendance: 80,103
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz, John Bradshaw Layfield, Joey Styles

Pre-Show: Carlito/Ric Flair vs. Gregory Helms/Chavo Guerrero

Helms slowly pounds Carlito down until a botched hurricanrana allows for the tag to Flair. The lumberjacks keep slapping the mat and it sounds like bubble wrap popping. Chops and backdrops abound but Helms saves Chavo from the Figure Four. Everything breaks down and Chavo misses the frog splash, allowing the tag to Carlito for a quick Backstabber to pin Chavo at 6:37.

Jeff Hardy vs. King Booker vs. Finlay vs. CM Punk vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge

Batista is All Grown Up. These videos will be on all night long with different people starting as kids and then becoming what they are today and narrating about what it means to them.

Great Khali vs. Kane

Khali chokes him with the chain post match.

The Divas are All Grown Up.

Reverend Slick comes in to join the party (now with a disco ball) but Dusty Rhodes takes over instead. This brings in Sgt. Slaughter, Jimmy Hart, IRS, Gerald Brisco and finally Ricky Steamboat in karate gear. Ron Simmons comes in for his one word catchphrase (a bad word beginning with D) to cap the whole thing off, as was his custom. Funny stuff here as usual and always entertaining.

US Title: MVP vs. Chris Benoit

Undertaker is All Grown Up.

Hall of Fame recap from last night. The speeches about Mr. Perfect were rough to sit through. Actor William Shatner inducted Jerry Lawler, even though Lawler specifically asked for longtime Memphis announcer Lance Russell to do it. WWE said no because Shatner had more star power. True, but how many people watched the ceremony because William Shatner was making a speech?

Attendance record announcement.

Time for the Hall of Fame presentation (why do the attendance in the middle?): Jim Ross, Mr. Perfect (represented by his father, which is always sad), Jerry Lawler (he had to go in with JR), Nick Bockwinkel (classy as always), Mr. Fuji (who looks about 90), the Wild Samoans, the Original Sheik (represented by his wife) and Dusty Rhodes. No one really got a bigger reaction than anyone else but the acoustics are weird in a place this big.

Smackdown World Title: Undertaker vs. Batista

Batista is defending and Smackdown GM Teddy Long is announcing for some reason. Both guys are faces coming in so this could be interesting. Of course we have the druids and torches which never get old. Batista spears him down at the bell and the fans instantly boo. Right hands put Batista into the corner but Undertaker stops to glare at the referee, allowing Batista to come back with a big clothesline.

Now, say it with me: Batista pounds away in the corner and gets caught in the Last Ride. Man he deserves that crash landing for being so stupid. Batista comes back with a spinebuster but walks into a chokeslam for two. The Tombstone is countered and another spear sets up the Batista Bomb for a VERY close two and a roar from the crowd. Back up and Batista tries a Tombstone (moron!) but Undertaker slips out and hits the real thing to win the title at 15:48.

Bobby Lashley is All Grown Up.

ECW Originals vs. New Breed

Originals: Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu

New Breed: Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn

Steve Austin is All Grown Up. A kid who looks like Austin slams milk together to drink it like Austin does beer. Were he and Kurt Angle switched at birth?

Wrestlemania XXIV is in Orlando, somehow the first time the show took place in Florida.

Video on celebrities saying they want to see Trump get his head shaved. Only Rock wants Vince to get shaved.

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

They slug it out to start as this is power vs. power. Lashley takes over to start and drops Estrada with a right hand, followed by low bridging a charging Umaga to the floor. Back in and Lashley misses a charge of his own, setting up a splash from Umaga for two. Trump is WAY into this on the floor, which is all you would expect from him here.

Post match Austin Stuns Shane as Vince runs. Lashley chases him down (“TIME TO GET BALD!”) and feeds him to Austin for a Stunner, followed by the big shaving. Lashley and Trump do the honors while Austin holds Vince in place be he had to be involved somehow. This would lead to a long feud between Vince and Lashley with Vince becoming ECW Champion to kill the belt once and for all.

John Cena is All Grown Up.

Clips of the dark match to give them time to clean the ring.

The good lumberjills clean house post match.

Shawn Michaels is All Grown Up.

Cena is favored to retain the title 59% to 41%.

We recap Cena vs. Michaels. Shawn came in second in the 2007 Royal Rumble and then won a triple threat to earn the title match. Cena and Michaels then became partners, but Cena was reminded that Michaels would turn on every partner he had no matter what. They wound up winning the Raw Tag Team Titles and hold them coming into this match with Shawn still promising to turn on Cena soon.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels

Back in and Shawn punches Cena in the knee for a target and wraps it around the post. Cena has to hop around the ring on one leg so Shawn bends the bad one around the ropes and chop blocks the champ down. It works so well that Shawn wraps it around the ropes again but Cena punches his way out of trouble. When all else fails, hit the other guy in the face. Shawn misses a charge and goes head first into the post to draw some blood. Oh yeah now we should get going.

Cena cries after the match and the highlights end the show.

Ratings Comparison

CM Punk vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Finlay vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Booker T vs. Edge

Original: B+

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: B-

Great Khali vs. Kane

Original: D

2013 Redo: D-

2015 Redo: D

Chris Benoit vs. MVP

Original: B

2013 Redo: C

2015 Redo: C-

Undertaker vs. Batista

Original: B+

2013 Redo: A

2015 Redo: A-

ECW Originals vs. New Breed

Original: D+

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

Original: C-

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: C-

Melina vs. Ashley

Original: F

2013 Redo: M (for Mickie James)

2015 Redo: F

John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels

Original: A

2013 Redo: A-

2015 Redo: A

Overall Rating

Original: B

2013 Redo: B+

2015 Redo: B+

This one is famous for one match and I’m leaving it at that.

And the 2013 Redo:

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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XXIII (2013 Redo): You Have Angered The Undertaker

Wrestlemania XXIII
Date: April 1, 2007
Location: Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan
Attendance: 80,103
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz, John Bradshaw Layfield, Joey Styles

The opening video is a montage of Wrestlemania logos which turns into your usual highlight reel.

Mr. Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. King Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Edge

With this match, we start the tradition of having too many people in a single MITB match and overcrowding the thing. Everyone looks up at the case until Kennedy goes to get a ladder. Orton heads to the floor to stop him as the big brawl begins. Finlay DIVES on everyone not named Edge, allowing the Canadian to make a climb, only to be stopped by Matt. They head to the floor, allowing Orton and Finlay to head up top for a brawl on the ladder.

Video on the premiere of The Condemned so we can clear the ring out.

Batista is All Grown Up.

Great Khali vs. Kane

This is when Khali is still a decent monster who could move a little bit. Kane is easily shoved down to start and then shoved to the floor for good measure. Back in and Kane slugs Khali, only to be chopped right back down. Off to the nerve hold before Khali slugs away in the corner. Kane comes back with punches of his own but is easily shoved down and across the ring.

Rating: D-. The slam was cool and the rest was completely horrible. Khali was nothing good and somehow he would get even worse. Kane was in that weird period for him where he was just kind of there and doing nothing of note. By period, I mean about a five year stretch of course. Terrible match but the slam was good.

Post match Khali chokes him out with the chain and no one makes the save.

Some Detroit Tigers are here.

US Title: MVP vs. Chris Benoit

The attendance is over 80,000, which is of course a new record.

82% of the fans think Undertaker will win the title.

Smackdown World Title: Batista vs. Undertaker

Teddy Long does the intros here for some reason. We lso get the druids and the torches, which look AWESOME in the huge stadiums like this. The bell rings and Batista spears Taker down before pounding away in the corner. Undertaker fires off right hands of his own but Batista throws him right back into the corner. The fans are totally behind Undertaker here. They head to the floor with Undertaker being sent knees first into the steps as is his custom.

Lashley is All Grown Up.

Joey tries to talk about the ECW Originals vs. the New Breed but we need to get this along.

New Breed vs. ECW Originals

Austin is All Grown Up.

Wrestlemania 24 is in Orlando.

Trump picked the ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley. Steve Austin was brought in to referee because this is Wrestlemania. The best part of the build was Lashley in a cage with Umaga on the floor. To escape, Lashley shoulder blocked the cage wall, knocking it down to the floor and nearly crushing Umaga in the process.

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

John Cena is All Grown Up.

For no apparent reason other than we have nothing else to talk about, we look at the dark match with Flair/Carlito vs. Gregory Helms/Chavo Guerrero in a lumberjack match.

Womens Title: Melina vs. Ashley

Shawn Michaels is All Grown Up.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels

A highlight package ends the show.

Ratings Comparison

CM Punk vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Finlay vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Booker T vs. Edge

Original: B+

Redo: B

Great Khali vs. Kane

Original: D

Redo: D-

Chris Benoit vs. MVP

Original: B

Redo: C

Undertaker vs. Batista

Original: B+

Redo: A

ECW Originals vs. New Breed

Original: D+

Redo: D

Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga

Original: C-

Redo: D

Melina vs. Ashley

Original: F

Redo: M (for Mickie James)

John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels

Original: A

Redo: A-

Overall Rating

Original: B

Redo: B+

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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