ECW House Show – June 24, 2006: This Was Sad
ECW House Show
Date: June 24, 2006
Location: ECW Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
So this is another hidden gem from the WWE Vault and in this case we have a house show from just after the brand was brought back. It’s not a complete show, but there should be something worth seeing on a show like this. If nothing else, it should be interesting to see what happened when WWE still cared about ECW. Let’s get to it.
We open with some fans in the parking lot being VERY happy that ECW is back.
Little Guido shows us where things started and says he has gone from Guido to Nunzio to Guido again. Seeing the fans wrapped around the building have brought back memories to him and now he hopes they can give the fans what they want.
Some fans and wrestlers talk about their favorite moments and wrestlers.
Paul Heyman barely recognizes the inside of the renovated arena.
Francine is excited.
Kelly Kelly isn’t sure what to expect.
Big Show has heard horror stories about this place but no, he isn’t scared.
FBI vs. Danny Doring/Roadkill
So there are no introductions and this is shot on a handheld camera so I’m going to assume clipping will be involved. Roadkill tosses Mamaluke down to start but gets caught with a headlock takeover. An armbar doesn’t work very well for Mamaluke but he avoids a sitdown splash, setting up the double basement dropkick. We’re clipped to Doring coming in to slap Mamaluke and a clothesline gets two.
We’re clipped (maybe) to Roadkill hitting a Vader Bomb for two before we’re clipped to Nunzio hitting a tornado DDT. The Sicilian Slice gets two but a Hart Attack takes Nunzio down. We’re clipped to Mamaluke hitting a dive to the floor, followed by Roadkill hitting one of his own (his is bigger). Back in and Mamaluke hits a top rope DDT to pin Roadkill (the camera is looking at the crowd for the pin) at 3:50 shown. I’ll pass on the rating due to the clipping but this was a smart way to open the show, with the fans clearly way into everything and having a good time.
CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards
From what I can tell, other than a one off dark match a few months earlier, this is Punk’s main roster debut. Punk grabs a headlock to start before running him over to set up another headlock. We’re clipped to Punk chopping away in the corner and tying him up in the ropes for some choking. We’re clipped again to Punk being sent to the apron and flipping into a knee to the back.
We’re clipped again to Punk fighting out of a chinlock and hitting the leg lariat into a butterfly backbreaker for two more. The Stevie Kick gets two but Punk strikes away and grabs the Anaconda Vice for the fast tap at 2:44 shown. There might have been more clipping in the middle, which is a bit surprising as these two should be capable of having a good match.
Post match the fans give them some nice applause and we get a handshake.
At this point, Francine won a bikini contest over Kelly Kelly and Trinity, which doesn’t air here for obvious reasons.
Mike Knox vs. Balls Mahoney
Joined in progress with Knox working on the arm. They go outside with Mahoney hammering away but getting stomped back inside. The fans decide they want New Jack and we’re clipped to Knox sending him face first into a chair in the corner. The fans don’t think Knox can wrestle but we’re clipped again to Mahoney hitting a superplex.
We’re clipped again to Mahoney hammering away and hitting the Nutcracker Sweet for two, with the camera again cutting away on the cover. We’re clipped again to Knox hitting a superplex and we’re clipped yet again to the referee telling Mahoney he can’t use a chair. Then Knox rolls him up for the pin at 2:23 shown of what looked to be a less than thrilling match. They were doing some moves but Knox was so dull at this point and that was on display here.
Sabu vs. CW Anderson
Sabu takes him down by the leg to start and goes for the camel clutch and we’re clipped to Sabu sending him outside for a chair to the head. A table is set up but Anderson gets in a chair shot to the arm. We’re cut to the chair being set up in the corner but Sabu knocks him down again. We’re clipped again to Sabu hitting the super Arabian press through the table for the pin at 2:23 shown. Well they had to get Sabu on there.
Sandman vs. Justin Credible
Dueling Singapore Canes. Sandman canes him down to start and we’re clipped to Credible hung over the top rope for a top rope Fameasser. We’re clipped to Credible getting in some cane shots but crotching himself against the post. Credible gets in a superkick but walks into a DDT. We’re clipped to Sandman shrugging off a cane shot and hitting the White Russian Legsweep for the pin at 1:01 shown. Apparently he match ran less than three minutes total….and they had to edit it on here?
Fans: “THIS SHOW SUCKS!” Wow that actually made the release?
Here is Paul Heyman for a chat and the fans are happy again. Heyman hugs Hat Guy and the fans want a shoot but then stop for another THIS SHOW SUCKS chant. It’s hard to understand what he’s saying to start but then he says some of the music sucks. Heyman says this is their first house show in this sacred hall and now it’s a THANK YOU PAUL chant. He gives a quick tribute to Ted Petty and talks about some people who can’t be here (Heyman: “Yes, AND NEW JACK TOO!”).
After yelling at a fan for talking too much (and for being a John Cena fan), Heyman talks about how there is someone here who gave everything for ECW. The fans chant for Tommy Dreamer and Heyman introduces him for a chat of his own. Dreamer talks about how one of his daughters got hurt earlier today and had to be taken to the hospital. Dreamer: “She was no selling it because she’s hardcore too.”
Once he found out his daughter was ok, Dreamer’s wife sent him to the show because he needed to be here. These people are a family and Dreamer says it is great to be home. He may never have wrestled at Wrestlemania but he has main evented in the ECW Arena. With that, he calls out the Big Show for a fight and that isn’t a good idea.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Big Show
Dreamer hammers away to start and is shoved down just as fast. We’re clipped to Dreamer getting crotched on the barricade and then again to Dreamer ramming him into the wall. Another clip (How long is this match?) takes us to Dreamer hitting him with a bunch of weapons and grabbing a DDT for two. We’re clipped again to Show chokeslamming him through a table for the win at 2:58. The whole match was about ten minutes and they couldn’t even show half of it?
ECW World Title: Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam
Van Dam (with two belts) is defending and Dean Malenko is the guest referee. Angle powers him into the corner to start but Van Dam shrugs it off. We’re clipped to Van Dam getting two off a rollup and we’re clipped again to them fighting on the floor (They made sure to show us a rollup?). Van Dam whips him into thee barricade and hits the spinwheel kick off the apron.
Angle is right back up with an overhead belly to belly and we’re clipped to him hitting another inside. A bunch of clips take us through Angle choking and Van Dam fighting up and making a comeback, including the split legged moonsault for two. We’re clipped to Van Dam hitting the top rope kick to the face and we’re clipped again to Angle grabbing a German suplex.
We’re clipped again to Van Dam countering an Angle Slam into a DDT and we’re clipped again to Van Dam doing various things to a chair (with EVEN MORE clipping). A gordbuster onto the chair sets up the Angle Slam for two and we’re clipped to Van Dam hitting Rolling Thunder.
The Five Star is countered with Angle running the corner for the belly to belly superplex for two and we’re clipped to the ankle lock keeping Van Dam in trouble. A chair to the head gets Van Dam out of trouble and we’re clipped to Angle’s chair shot hitting the rope and bouncing into his own head. The Van Daminator sets up the Five Star to retain the title at 7:03 (out of almost seventeen minutes the match apparently ran).
Rating: B-. It’s hard to say how good this was when we didn’t even see half of it but you can imagine that these two had a rather impressive match if given the chance. Angle was the biggest WWE name to be part of the new ECW so he almost had to be Van Dam’s first opponent, but that wasn’t going to last very long. For now though, pretty good main event but the show was a disaster anyway and this wasn’t going to save it. Malenko was a completely non-factor here.
Van Dam gets his belts and celebrates with the fans, who want a speech. He’s really happy to be champion and that ECW is back. We hit the catchphrase to wrap it up.
Some fans are very happy after the show to wrap it up.
Overall Rating: C-. I get why this was aired, but my goodness it’s a sad thing to see. I was never a big ECW fan and even I thought this was a pathetic version of what ECW was supposed to be. I’m sure the fans were glad to see some of these people and you could feel the emotion, but there are seven matches on the card and only two of them break ten minutes. There was barely any hardcore stuff going on until the last few matches and nothing stood out as interesting.
In other words, it felt like the WWE version of ECW and that is not something that was overly interesting. ECW worked because it wasn’t WWE and trying to tie the two things together isn’t a great idea. This show wasn’t so much bad as much as it was embarrassing and sad, which are worse for something that is going to be built around nostalgia and emotion. It’s a VERY cool thing to get to see, but it’s also a great illustration of why the whole thing fell apart so fast.
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